N-war: NICforum to explore possibiliti.es
Nuclear war lllld iu dllllgers ,nu be the 1opic or a symposium hosted April 25-29 b,• the NIC Popcorn Forum and u,nv~tioos depanments. NIC political science Instructor Tony Stewari. coo rdinator of th e sympo· sium. sa id 1ha1 1he dangers and rcali1ics or nuclear war to the human race was chosen as a topic because or iu present importance. "IJ bu been a grassroots movement for some time now," S1ewart said.
him 10 cboose nuclear "ar :is a 1op1c-. On Monday. April 25. an ovef'\•1cw of nu clear war and i1s dcs1ru c1hc potential will be prcsenied. Topics for 1he follo\\ing four days will be: the present nuclear policy or the United States. al1cmatives 10 the present policy as exemplified by 1he nuclear ftteze movement. the ps>·cbo, logical e ffec1 or li,•ing wi1 h th e constant threat or nuclear war. and the social and economic consequences or nuclear war prcp:ir:ition. Stewan said that he has not yet determined who 1he guest speakers will be. :ilthough he bas many promis· mg lc:ids. "The personnel is VCI)' much in 1he planning." Stewan said. "But they're 3.11 good people."
"h is so important," be added. " It
is the most relevant topic I c:in think of."
Stewart said lhat the future of the United States symposium held at NIC las t )Car brough1 about much discusSIOD about nuclear war, and ii inspired
aRb1nal R€Vl€W Cot:111 d Ale'>e ldoho
Volume 37, Number 8
Frida), Feb. 18, 1983
Presidential election set b) 'hrt. \\'heeler
A 25-ycu-oid pre,la" student " 111 race .1 , ocational senator m Thursday'~ l'lcctton for AS\ IC president. R4ndia LaGr.acc a pre-la,. ~,udent intl'rested in student government. and lee Cole . .a drafting ~)Or •h11 ,, abo president of the ,·ocation:il council. "111 battle to see who ..,11 take the pin1den11:1I oath March 2. ''I'm :in action person, ""d I behl'\ e I can bes t serve c, eT)·one 1f I' m president." Cole said. ''I'm rcall~ mtcrc-s:cd m go,emmcn1." L.tGrace said, "and I think I ha,c something to offl"r ~1udents.'' Both cindu!.ttes sa.id that !?Citing the 'IIC Libmy Science building funded i\ their major pnon11 • but ne11her h;id 30} specific plans as of yet on ho" to do that. Cole .al!.O "2111\ 10 1mpro,e student ;icti,ities He said that as a member or 1he 'I/IC Student ,\cuon Comrnmec. he h.1s imnated fresh ideas for actwities in the post ~od y,tlJ contwuc to do so if elected president. L.tGn.cc wd that if elected. she ,.iJI de,ise more 111:m,ties geared 10":ird.s NIC's older \tudenh. Cole said Wt one other thmg he " ould try 10 accomplish is to break down the bamer bct,,;cen ,~rioc!l and :iademic students. He s:iid that he pl:ins on doing that b} scheduling arti~ities that "-OUld require unity of rhe two dh•isions. L.tGrac-e \~d tlu.i al1bough she ha:s not been m~oh ed in student govemmen1 \IDCC high scbool m 19~.S. she h2S been gomg through thl' m1nu1es of the bo:ird and 1m est11?1t1na;i ,S JC's current issues. Cole aid that III example of his dedica.OOll is tlut jus t fast yc:ir he receh·ed a troph, for being the hardest v.ork10g mecibcr of his saddle club in Pinehurst. A, the bo.JUecper for lhc Century 21 o ~ ill Sandpomt. LaGr.icc snid that she i> u~ to bcinst 1n a ~mon ot ~pons1b1h1 Running unoppol,cd for ,ice- pres1den1 ts Barbara Knmuller Tht t"-O prcsidc:atW nndkUtd .;JI speu 1n the: SliB etther next Tuesday or WednesdJ y, uwrdtng to polnical ~cc: lnstruC'\c r Tonv Stt"-art. Because or a 'ad. of c;i,nd1diltc\ . no pnmary elttuon "' · hc:Jd tr> ye,ar
[.. .___ _ in_s_id _ e _t_h_e_c_r_ __J Bbll Fnuu photo
Columnist SA) s lib!'al) "ortb a gamble ... . ......... . . . ... ... . ... page 2 Squbh) nea.kers ue sig;ns ofspring ........... . . ... . ...... .. ... page3
W~ldlng 11uden1 Sui, e Melct. uses a culling torc:h "hlle maJJn.g one of bis proj«-1Sc.
usn! Columnist finds redeeming ,aloe
.... .. ..... .. .. . .. . .. . . . page 8
Feb. 1 , 19&3 Ca.rdi:mJ Re, lew-2-
The mask of religion cannot hide born-again ignorance Once again those crown princes of stupidi~ tho<e self-ronscc:rated whiter-than-thou clowns who hide bchmd :he banner of rehg1on a.s the KKK hides behmd their sheets ha,·e exh1b11ed thu the, are not even close tCI being half the human beings that the ones they cfac:unm11ing sgain:.t are.
Ca\e in point: Prac11cmg under the guise of I splt.nter group of the might) Aryan n:111on. a local apo~tle of• h11e sopremac:,. Cine of those "good--01-Amt"n· ca n\," con11nuousl) ih~ed his laci. of 11.11. :ute. upbnngin~ and courage 111 Wednesdav's poprom forum guest spu..c:r Anna ~ac:key. a black woman. ConstantI~ Atrun11ng rucut rema:ts. thts pnest of pn.-1ud1tc <.h~ed ht<. a mazing penchant for fooHn-mocth stuffi., .;.,r .,., ,1 .... ke · talk. h1, i.
paul baier
appropn:nch enough
\\ llS
tulcd " Blol"l nn<I Co pmjt."
\',,"hen i.omeone. t11 ing to lj<;tc n and brondcn hil, in ...ght into humnn t made th,~ known to this "Chns11on , · · he on~wc red (with all the gent ten~>' 5 ot a true bche\ erl !>Omet hing hkc " W ann11 ste p OUl'>ide" " ~ Thc,e word~ of ~h at ion .1nd forgi,mg \\ Cnt ignored unltl ~omrone o little more thrc.itcning tan , IC,, l't'\ tler) tNII. up the chollcngc nnd lc1 him know that h1, hr.ind ,if rclil,!1on " .i, n·t 3pprccmtcd o.round NIC. And in C3.\C the poml \ l .:I'> not drwt'n hl,mc, th" 1, u lcurmng mstllullnn "hC'l't' all 1dC',1', th,,u~ht~. r:i,e'-. crcc,h and hk~" lc~ Will , 111 lc'-'q, he h,tcnt'd 1,,.. \\Jthout m\('rfcre nn•
If that can'1 b,• upprt.'\.1atl•d, lhc.'n nlil~bl.' il Cl'noln " ~c ntlc rnnn'\" 11mc would be better olT ,pcm tJltung mto th,· " ind" h1lc 11 <Irk, h1\ ~hect~
( opznzon page J
Go for broke, NIC Come on NI C. let's shoot lhe worts. Why keep pla)1ng Idaho's bluff when "'e lno"" that the I..cgis h11ure is n't dealing .,,;th a full deck! Sure. they said :i libral") ~cienre ~"'Omple:i. • a,; 1n the card!. for NIC. The) c~cn an1cd In our opening stal.e. but 11.hen the lime came 10 denl. the booltmal..ers from Bo:~e lo,1 our card ID the big shum e. Any true gambler know) that tht~ I$ ;he ume to play " M:l\'en cl." :ind pull out 3ny ace, h<' ha, up hb sl~\e. Wh} not let Wa~hmgton state gi:-1 m on the lctLOn? Enough stale<, ha11.· adopted lottcrie~ as leg1t1nute re\enucmakcrs by now that 11 would be perfi:-ctl~ :ipropo~ for :,ilC 10 tempt lady luck "ith a fistful of dollar bills. Ho" mu('h different rould ll be bu~ mg lone~ nckets and talting our chanc:-cs tn a blind draw th.io it alre3dy 1s n)·mg to deal -.-.ith people who ~II pokerfaced and tell us we 3ren't beiog de3.lt in? But ho" , )OU ma.\ ask, do ""e get our ticket·buyiog money? Well. first or all. we won't have to seod an) admim~trauon or student go,cmment leaders to Boise so "'e cao stan raiding the respective lr:I\ cl funds. We could take a dollar out of Mudent fees if the appropriate box is ched ed (son of like taking your chances when \OU check the presidential cootribuoon box on )'Our 1040\ Maybe the college cadet corps could take a course in "'al.king a beat; the gas mone~ 53\ed could go into a Spokane shunle for ticket buvers. Toe rollege rould :idd an assocfate dean or kismet and karma to supen •ise the "hole operation and use student \Olu.nteers as boarder-runners to procure tlie tickets. When they call for \·olunteers. I koow of a great liule ticket-selling sandwich shop in Spokane that also sen.es an occasional bre"". where 1 rould sit on m~ days off as a scr,ice to fu rore NlC scholars. We wouldn't necessarily have to limit oursehes to just the lon e!")·: another new position. assistant dean of pari-mutuel possibilities could be :idded and staciooed at Pla~-fair raceu-ack in Spokane. B) my estimatloos, the winnings would far outweigh the risks, and 3fter ::i..11. haven't we been betting on a \ongsbot v.itb the southem-rontrolled Legislature anyw3y! I know wh:it some of you are thinking. Let's keep Ldaho money in Idaho. \Veil, rm just as loyal :is the nen guy. so if you really want to help the NIC cause. I kno"" of a hot little bingo game on 4th Street.
The Cardinal Review Is published semi-monthly b) lbe Puhllcallons Workshop cla&s at North Idaho College. Me mbers of the CR staff will s trlve IA> present the news Calrly, acco.nuely and without prejudice. Opinion, expressed on the ed.lto-ru.J pages and In va:rfoas news analyses do not necessarl.l) reOect the vlews of the NJC adminlstratlon or the ASNIC. The CR Is entered as th.Ird-class postal materf_a.1 at Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814. A.ssocla.ted CoUegtat.e Press Five-Star All-American Newspaper ed.lwr ... • . . ..... . .. . .•.• .•. .. . ........... . ......... , .•. . PauJ Baier oe-ws ed.lwr . .. ••.• ... . .. . ................•.. .. •.•.. MuceU. Sancbei as.socla.te editor .. .. . ........................ . ............. Stan Hall arts and entertal.n.ment edlto r .. • ........•. . . . ......... .... Jackie Appel sports ed.lwr .. • ....•................ , .............••.. Bruce Malleo photography editor . .. . .. . . . ............................ . , . Stan ElaJJ aave.rusing man.ager . . ......... .. ....................... Jackfe Appel canoonist .......... . .... .. ....... . .................. Cheryl L&Mlt.er aa, Iser ... . .. . ............ . ............................ Tim Pilgrim reporters and pbotograpben ................. . .......... Rooale A.niOD, BUTY Baker. Pam Cwutlngham, Curt Du.Pu.is, Basil Franz, WID1am Ganl, Cn1g Johnson, RJc Kast, Gregory Moreland, Dawn Mu.rphy, Mari.IP Platt, Wanda Stephens, Will) Weech and Mark Wheeler.
----------4(__m_o_r_e_o~p_in_io_n__J Locked gym door could be hazardous to health Trying to enter rhc NJC gymnasium can be a little frustr3ting. as many students well It.now. but crying to get oot could end m tragedy someday. I have watched people (and have been involved in this aggravating process myself) crying 10 enter the gym. First, the front doors or the side doors arc tes1ed becau'ie chose arc closest LO the student park.mg areas. Theo if you are lucky you will attract the attention or someone inside to let you ,n . There is often the frustration of racing for a door through which wmeooe h:is ju,;1 exited only to h3ve it slam shut just as your fingers reach the handle. Of course. if all el,;c foils. one ea n walk a round lhc building to the far back door and ge1,..m Although r do not understand why all crcept for one set or gym door,; h3ve to be locked. I do nol chinl: tha t I will die if the situation docs not change. I do ha ve some doub1s. however. about how many would have gonen out ahvc if a fire had scaned m the 1nm Monday night. Jan. 31. during the mtrumural ba~ketball games. That nigh1 the gym wa<; occupied bv about 80 people plus a class m the mnc room and possibly a few s tudents m the weight room. If a lire had s1ar1ed in th e gym and the people had run to the door\ to get tJUt, th ey would ha ve found o nly one set or doors unchained: the door exiling out in10 tile facu lty p~rking lot. Por chc !.lude nt ~ in th e mac room, that could have been a few smoky steps too fnr. What is the use of having rhe wo rds "Fire Exit Only" sprayed 111 red oo a few doors if they cannot be ope ned ? At chc end or the gym where I was sitting, 20 people nearby could have pnnickcd arid run o few feet into the front lobby to try to exit there, only 10 find thernhelvcs po\sibly trapped with all the lobby doors chalJlcd and pndlockcd. Since these games drew o relatively i.moll crowd, all of the doors were not required by the city fire code to be ope n or even unchain ed. But 1he number
of people in the~ m did require at least n-o sets of doors 10 be unchained and able 10 open on oppos11e ends of ,he gym.
So. along "'ith the set of doors that were unchained. :inother se1 should have been left open. preferably one of the lobb) doors at the other end of the ~'lll "'·here :i concentration of people were. What 15 the use of wriling fire codes for the s:afcty of the public if chey arc not upheld? The person responsible for the chaining of the doors is also responsible for the safety of the people inside and their safe c, acuation of the gym in case of a fire. The imponance of this responsibilit} should not be extinguished.
Academic vote needed AS:"ilC presidential elections On the surface. this sounds like a fairly prestigious event. In rcalicy it was only prestigious enough to dra,, a meager 310 student voters l:bt year. This year it is saning off C\'en more dreadfully with only t"o candid:11es daring to vie for the position. m:iking a primary election unn ecessary. A lot of complaints arc heard throughout the year from che studencs about the student g<J'-cmment or lad~ of the snme. Well NIC. Tbursda, Feb 24 is your chance to have a say in nex t year's student leadership. lo the past, vocational ,occrs htivc o,•erwhelmed their academic countcrpan.s. Maybe this tS the vear 10 reverse the trend.
These cold, soggy feet will keep on truckin' OK Muther Nncurc, make up you r rnmd. I ,.1m 1111 nv1d Jogger. I hove pu,hcd m~,clf through rain and ,now oil \dnt er ·MOrllln!l rould , rop me. Or so I though1 . Just fC<'CIIIIJ I ha,c inCfl'il'>Cd the dl\ltlllCC 1h01 I h:i,c been runn111g . rhc do yl, hn vc.- bc<.'n \ll b<.'ou11ful. The ghmmcnng ,u11,h1nc light\ up cv<.'ry1h1ng \\ 1th 11, 1rid<.',ttn1 glo\lo and JU\l mat..ci. ever) thing i.ecm :.o chCl.'r\ :ind plcai.ont And mu~I c;l1,1h111g ,10~, .1lrcnd) have chcir line o f !.ummcr s,lim\,..:ar dbplowd tor buvcr\(numely me) t'ajt'r for i.ummer 10 .irnve This il, furthc1 c11courngcmcn1 tor me 10 get 1n shape for wmmer--,11 I run fonhcr. Wtth thii. bcn1111lul \\ ca1hrr ;ind ;ill 1>f thr '" 1m,u1b hanging nbout, I ,crlau,I) began 10 thml 1hot summer \\al> on 11:. me~
woy. But lo m) ~urprh,c, I h:I\ C di~cu,cred II gra,e error m m~ cnkul1111011', I awoke o ne M onda) morning around., a. m 10 1,rdcr rn prepare for my 1hrcc,11mei.-:1-,,eel. Jog 10 ~chool I groggil) lhre" on my :.\\cots and 1cnm-runners nnd then began a fc"' stretching CAcrmcs before coking off on m) gruelmg one·h:tlf hour d:i~ to mnke it 10 class on umc. Bui what to my \\andering eyes did :ippear when I opened the door. but ankle-deep sno,, that was qu1dd · melting into slush' No way wu I going to run in 1ha1 muck! And ~I m) 1en01es wet? Hn! Docs Bo Derck \loCllr :1 one-piece swimsuit 10 the beach!
marcella sanchez h took me the r~1 or t.lu1 «u: to com,nce ffl)Self that ge11ing m~ feet v.ct -.ould be 11oor:b the exerCtSC I "'-ould get if I Jogged. So I ended op pl:aylllg lD the puddlei anJ"'3j. Look ll.h.11 rhis crazy "'Clther hu done 10 me' OK . Mother Nature, •hat's II g01:ig to be? My body i\ m a turmoil. One d.t~ 11 ,~ sun~Junwg beaaufully. the nexc it'\ a INTC DI tJ.1 dov.-o pour "bat Is )ODr dedsloo, ~h . 11.eaiher-p1cker~ Wine e r or )Umm«· \\ di. I ~ure hope she picks summe-r. I JU St It.no"' tha1 1( 1hc ~no" keeps up, I'm going 10 tu,e to pull out m} rubber ovenhoe~ Crom thctr bideav.3\ Lil the back "f the closet 3.Dd use them over my runners to l.~p my 1ootS1es dry. The last few d.tys ha,·e btto nice though. Maybe old M~ther 'ature ha.s decided that it is time to sa) bye-bye to Mr. Winte r. I hope so. My sneakcr-s are getting moldy.
Feb. J • 1983 Cardinal Re,iew-1-
lnsufficknt remedial skills giue problems to students b} Craig Johnson
The brud1h of lhc cumculum rn secondary schoolJ is in pan rcspo11J1· ble for the poor performance or students on English proficicn() CJ· ams. the associate dean of 1nstruc11on and director of pla.nmn11 11 ~IC sa:id Feb. 8. Spealtt ng at a pre~s conference tn the Cardinal Rl"' IC"I', nc,&-Sroom. 0..C'll Cargo! u1d lhat one or t~ rea'°r,s student~ do w poorly or. tl-.e esuj exom required to pan English 101 IS t.hat remedial ~l:tlli. ~h n rud1ng and wnung ha,e btcvmc diluted m the comprehensl\-e COU1"5e offcnng1 ~udents are allo.... ed 10 take ID junior high and high school. Another reason studenti. ha\c OOI
mas1ered basic ac:1demic slulh IS that they have gro"' n up in a cultun ID which television is the sole sourtt of
communialloll fo.r nw.•n people C:ar· gol ~d "In a po$1·mdusm.al SOC1ct} II IS not neces.sar} :o t.o.,.... alitebra. for exam· pie, beausc fo: ~ c,C us 11 Ju.£ II<' applied nlue:· Cugol wd . On the OtMT hand. Carit0' wd. the d13Clphnc lcamcd From a \Ub~ MICh ll algebn IS IICCCMM} for otbc: applicauon<. It is posi.iblc 10 ()li.\ Endllb JOI Gd fail thc exn exam 111 • lricb ~,c thr s •adc11t .,.ould haH: to repn1 the courJ,C. C.argol \ltd It docs set'm c;rq:ntablc. ~ added. but heh rDCITT' aiocerncd •'llh uie 1Mrruct0r's gnd· u:.: r.ystcm lha.n •1th the student"\ perform.a.ace Cll the rc~t U a 11uden1 puscd tbc coane bat failed the cum, u •-ould to incl ica:e Ul.al I.hat pan,cal:u tn)tnKtDf •as too !~lCllt &:1 lus ~din& srm:m , Ca.gol 511d.
O" co Cargo! .\hhouRh he
\\OUld DOI d1'11:U\~
ptthnunu y findm~,. Cargo! ,aid that the dar::i he has rollcctcd ,u~sc~ts thot \Omc 1n~1ruc1or, 8•"<' n dhpropor uonatC' :,im(IUOI o f h1ah or(,>\\ grodC( l\l toor ~udcnt\
On other issue, C11rgol said: ··students who trl\n~fer from NI(' 10 a fouqenr <'Ollcj,le u,ually Clpen cncc l\ Jrop m their GPA. ho.... c, cr. this " consi~1ent "ith t"'o-vcl\r ins11tu1tons throughout the notion ··that h<' " ould not comment on "hcthcr ,,r 11\11 Nl("s ~truj,lglc tu cnfolt'c emi nent dom11in (\II l;ugcmu Bradbu ry·~ propc rt)' has give n 1hc C"11llc11e II bod PR imo.gr ·In light <>f the c ~pnn,1~c budgc1 cuh. the facull) ,1nd ,to.ff " ork load ls 1hC' mo\t difficult pl\)hlcm ,., oddt C\~. He u11.I lhat PTI:slOcnl Schuler wlll ,-.1n\1dcr 1111 po~iuun~ 11 fon:t'd 10 make .:uh m 1hc )toff. that II campu, ,c,un\ hora~,mcnt policy t, being dc"l~cd nnd will be prcwn1rd hi Prc,tdc111 Schuler for hi, ctm\ldcr.illon
Raffle tops ASNIC actions Plan\ f,,r J utnc d1•1111n1111·0 tht action a1 the ht> •l and 2.., ,111d•·n1 bo.ard mccung,. lhe raffic. "hl<h ,.,JI k.1turc J ,1de of bed a~ lir!it pn,c. \\Ill be run hy the ~tudcnt bo:ard --.11h 5eho,•I club, Jblc to compete for :a SSO pruc fnr \ClhnK the mo,1 uctcl! ,\ pruc 11! SJ5 will oho 110 10 1he md1\1du.:il ~h1• \C'II\ the mo~,
,turl ,1 "hnlur,h1p in honor uf rt·, ~OI i) dc,, .1wd NI( ,111<kn1 K.11 r11111 C,und· l.1d1. On the !'Yl'r rn111rnv1r\lal direr 11•.itkr fundm11 1,,uc. lht b11Jrd dt'· 1·1d1·,t In 1urn 1he 1\\111' over 111 lkbhlc I!cud\' s,, that 11 could he d1·1rrm1nrd whut nmt1111111hc o:hct<rlc,1d1•r, "'ho tl11I nul c11 mph-11 1h1·1r ,11n1 ,hould be
Second pn.tl! 111 the rarnc "111 be a pair of ttdtcl\ 10 the April 21 lie.id Ent conccn .and four 1h1rd pr1,e "mncrs will "''" a c..,c of pop c.1ch Ticlteu ... ,11 eon SI , and Goy dubs interested in ~elling 11ckcl\ ~hould cool.let lri~ Lilly in the AS~IC office, m lhe bucmcn1 of lhc SUB The board lllso pu1 Mike McK.tbb1n 1n charge of a wmmmcc 10 po~sibly
Another problem 1l rn1 cun l ronlt'd the bu.ire! wa, the need 10 du wmetl11n11 .ibout 1he currcn1 ID r,1td now u\cd by NIC Muclenl\ According to Ocon Bcnneu, 1hc 10 cord mochmc now in U\C: 1\ obM,lt'lc: ond part , (Jn no longl!r be obtomccJ The lx,;lr(I vo1ccJ to pul Seo. 01.i nc White 1n charge uf a c(lm m1llct ID look into the mo11er
Lasagna dinner set for tonight The Idaho Numng S1udcnt As50C1auon will be spon.soring a lasagna dinner tonight from 5.7 p .m. m lhc Kootenai Room o f the NIC SUB.
According 10 nursmg student K ay Ol1oOn-Fleming, the menu will consist of lasagna. salad. french bread. juice and dessert. The charge for ;ulults will be SJ.SO and S2.SO for !hose 12 and under.
REFLECTIONS lnwn Murphy photo
J us t nipping Tom Chesro"-.i receh-n bis first bil of "edding cake Crom "wife"' Sasie MilveD In Da,id Cohen's Mm.age and famll)· class 1..-0 "'eeks ago.
Day-care center to be considered ASNlC President Jim Brewer bas scheduled a meeting to determine the fcllSl"bility of II day-ore center on campus. Brc....·cr bas set the meeting to de:tcnnine the needs and scope of a possible facility for Thursday. Feb. 24 :it noon in the Shoshone Room of the SUB. He urged all interested studcru:s 11nd staff to :mend.
NIC Student DISCOUNT w / ASB Card Shampoo, Cut, Style & Perm WALK-INS WELCOME
844 3rd St., CdA Bonk Cards Accepted Evening Appointments
664-6600 Sun., 12-5
Mon-Sat .• 9 a.m. until ?
Feb. 18, 1983/ Ca:rdim.l Re,i ew-5-
Doc Severinsen concert planned for March 4 Doc Se,·erinsen and Xebron "'ill perform .it '(IC \iarch 4 and luil will open wuh Head E:ist April 21. ~ g to Debbie Head,. :lirector of srudcnt acti,11ics. HeJd: said that Rail atteptcd her offer of SJ .000 but tb3t the contnct needs the AS;-(IC School Board's approul. "Rad look.s ddimte. · Hendy said. "unles~ .,.e ha, e terrible financial problems ,.,th Se1,erinsen:· Advance uckeu for the Scvennscn concert be sold to ~udents in the C·A Auditonum and Lhe St:B for Sc m ID cud. The general public "111 be able 10 bu, ttdets 3t the door for S&.50 • "Ii'< to the <tudents' ad,-:intage 10 get out and bu, Lhcir 1:clce1s." Head, ~a,d. "benusc there "'ill be assigned
'>C3UOI? ••
READY TO GODoc Sevcrioscn wlll bring his blallng trwnpel 10 campUll March 4 for an l'' cnlng of fun. Ad,1U1ce tickets for NIC s tudents wlll M a, allable in the Sub" A) for S6.
Miller employed to develop NIC audio-visual resources b) SUUJ Hall
Ahl r ,pcndl nl( n wor nnd a hnll un the l\lond ul Grannda 111 thl' C:ar1hbr~n •c1tlrtij up un audio ,·1~11:il prudultmn c.-t nt rr for u nnt in n~I l11rrnn ,·nm pn i11n , Nie', nc.-w ln\llU ('lll>nnl re: w 111cc\ dm·c1or le-cl, 1h3 1 Cl\cur d "Alene.- is o vc~ plcownt plot(' to be
Mlrhacl J . MIiier has rcn:nrh b('en hired 111 nn th<' nc" ,~ uc.,rcd Jlll~111011 of m\ lrun111nftl 1cchn1,t1111v and pron111, 1k1n11l , pl'llBlt \l fur 1hl• dt'H·lpm1· nt
and c1p11n~1on nr 1ud10 ,1su;al rt'• "4lurc, \ al NIC Mtlit'r. "ho graduatl"t! fr<>m 'llorth• .,.c,1crn Um,cr)JI\· In Clnc;,gu ""h a. ma,tcr~ dc11rct' tn fine art,, ,.as dtl'\CII I<> fill th<' """ J<•b u part o(. fcdrrall) lundrd Tttlr Ill ",pcc1&1 nt"c1h" gr~r 10 1·,pand and ,mpro,e 1h1 ,-.,liege·, audto-H,ual produ.::uon rr"4•urfC) Jnd m,trulllOnal pr,,gram· ffitll,!: fo,tltlt<'S One ob1ccu,r the ,.,.,nrgt' h,h for tilt' nc" dqnrtmcnt h Jt"Hl<1pmen1 of pn'l\lu,11on l,a.-1hut, l'lm ... ,11 pronde J ran,:r ot audt0-\1\Ual ,cf\ ,ce, 1,, the fornh1 ;ind s1afl 1or ,n.,,:hool u,t' .\n,11h~r <1bJt:', ti\ t· 1\ to de, t'fop t>n,;iJ,J,t an,t cat>lr·hnl.C'd tn~truC· trnnnl proqumming 1,,r Nl·<'ampu~ d1,1nt-uu,,n. ,u,·h ;i, tc lc\1-..:d '"Urse• t,•1 ,1""dtl, "'"<'rag~ ,,f '(I{ 'P"rt> 2nd cuhur.al r1.-nh and c,mm11101t, inter· <",I fc:uun·,. M1lkr ~td lh3\ th<· fiN ,Jblt•,"1h1 roU"t' "111 ~ 11tfc~ ln lhl" I 11 of I%J \\tth J pun:h:1,,cd program ,'OUl")C, ..,n lh<' ,pring of IQS-1 .,.c ..111 be producing our O\\ n COU111<."w11rc,.. hr ~;ud
l\1Jchul J . Miller
Mtllcr •• current!, ,.orkmg on an !':IC "fnend-ra1s1Ds'' publit' rewions campaijp! des1gnrd to ;lSSISI m the de,elopment of nN wur«"o. of donors.
As,uined <eattn;t and -«Unt, arc occcs,a" to 1:1\or; th;i.t there arc: n1> drug or alcohol roMUmpttoo :md to keep rhc aud1cnre under .:on1rol. Head, H~adf also S-3td t~t tl:cre hJ\ be.:n no dectsmn at this polllt a, :o ho" mu,h 11 lets for the Rail Head E3SI OOll\"Crt II lll ~ Doc ~c,cnnscn and :Xcbron will open at p.m in the C-a\ Audncnum Bc,1 ~n<111n :I\ the director ot
,he '(BC T \'. program "Tonight Sho"' ·• .i post he ha1> held smce 1%· . SC\ennsen his no" cre:ued rhe five. piece j3Z.Z fusion band. Xebron. :is something nc" in hi< life. Se..erinsen pin) s the trumpet and Ougelhom and has been \'Olcd Top Bl115S JnslJUmCnt3ltSt for 10 conseC:U· n,e )l!Jrs in rhe prestigious Playboy Mu~ic Poll. Gutta.rut Tom Rizzo has performed "•th l\.1a1nard Ferguson and Chuck \.\angtone and o"ns the T. Riuo \1uslt' studio 10 Roche~tcr, N.Y. B1ff Hannon. on tht' ke,·board. has loured \\1th Budd~ Rt,h a~d M:irnard Ferguson. ha~ produced three records and rompo,~'d film ~cores. Jtff o-..\ngtlo. <'n the bass guirar. ha~ pla)ed "1th Chuck Mangion,: 3nd tn w, er.ii Ne" York nt!!htdubs The drummer of rhc band is Ron OJ\I\, 1, ho ha, aho performed wtth Chud Mangione \\ ood) Htrmann. Benn, Goodman the Manhnllan Tran,fcr Jnd Sarah Vaughn. Head Ea\t .. mperform nr 8 p.m. in the c. .\ Audttonum "1th founder )On~1n1er Roger &,·d at rhc key· b.,ard, drummer s,,nj!wnter Steven Husi<'n lead <tn1ier Dan Odum. JlUtl~n\l Ton, Gru,, ;ind ba\\ player \.1arl. Bollman
Area e ntertainm ent diverse Th \lvnl..ltu Reper.or: Thc.1ter "ul prcscni the pl;i,. "On Golden Pond" Feb.
~ ill 1he \artli fdJ.ho College Commun1catton· .\ns Audironurn.
The \fonu..o.. R~CJr'\ The:1.ter 1s a profe\i,1onll 1he31er bnsed in Mis•ouln. For ucL.e: mfonnarioa call oc,·.6JJ1 . The Spob~ lnterpl;iyi:n Ensemble 11;111 be prestntmg rhe play " Mornings at Se\ en " a Paul Chhon! corned~. The pla, ope1:1cd OIi Ft-b. 11 · lnd ""Ill ronunue Lhrough March 5. S:udcau .· tio present UKlT ID "'ill recci,c SJ off an) S".SO sent unsold 10 minutes before cunam tune. The lnttrpla)cn. Theater is located oo Hov..ud Jnd second tn do.,.·ntown Spolcrute. Pcrtoc-mances ~ be s.hcr,.n Tacwy thrnu'lh Saturda; "llh curtain time 1118 p.m. Oil Fnda) and SiltuMb~. aod at · .JO dcn1i:o the •eek cu~~for addu.ioaal tnfDnllatmn call ~SS PLAY 0c Suoiu,. Feb. 2·. K.eDDv Rcgers be puf rm1ng at the Spokane Coliseum al - JO p r:i Tl, I.rt pn,'n l'llllgt: trom Sl:!.501011S And r:i~ be purcha.cd at thr Colisrum 8oJ. O!fitt ~ Open Hou~ the &n sad PM Jaco ·s.
---H~waciAitii H1 1,,,a~ 95, 3 m es Nol 1-90 ~eur d' Alene
Feb. 18. 19
Cardinal Re\ lcw,6-
Ro manCe, comedy, dancing slated in upcoming play Rehear<.al, ha,e begun for the upcomtn" pin ··Gu)~ :and Doll~... a mu,K'&I "'h1ch ..,11 be performed by the 'IC Drama Dq,,.rtmt-01 ln Mu~b. · GU'os :and Dolls"' ha\ rccc1\ed a TonJ ,\,urd uid the Dra.na (ntJC'!,' Circle \•"L"11 for Bc,1 ~U\101 The mi11n 1hcme of the pla) I\ ccntc:cd aroucd ~ 1050s and rocusn nn CT\lp flame~ . ptt.\C•nal bets, r nunce and comcdv Par11c1pa11ng In the plav '"II be lance Babb111 . Dea:i \Ille Suh Schntidcr,CJn1h11 ~set• Bra:i Leng. Glen Cant Dou Wa , Jeffre-. L Rich:ird Finn. Mar, B~an Stc,.e B•a, Sbnla kens A:m1e \cc:bL..onp. Kldard ,\dam~. Dean Knapp L'ld I a•ci Moc Hot Box Dan«:rs for 1bc pin •1 I 1ndude Arn Sped Tam.'I!\ Wru~1dc Carole BinLlcy. /I.an~, Mar11ne1. Carol c. P111oter. Sh.aron Hendr ic ks. Jud\ Mile,, Stephanie Dviihcrra. Erin Aodttv.-i \ • nll Mnquez a.,d Ludmilla Casey The NIC Orchestra •111 perform u iM tn1$U® band The pla~ "'ill be directed b, Rober. •.tac •uh umw:.1 dtrtttor Ron Junscn Technical director and dc,;1g~r is Did Adu::s Choreographer for the play 1s Carol 8U1l1C) ,.ical director Is R1c"k Frost. orchcl>trJ director 1i. Holladay Wor.h and r.n chuge cl rostumn v.i!J be ,ancJ Manioc?. The pla~ ,.;11 run \iarch 11. I~. I!) :and Jll 11 " p ci. u lhc Com.munK':IUon•Ans Audi1orium.
Twice do il,·
TV room f eaturina t· ideo mu ic The Sub"'4) TV room is no-. runmng Rod.-.orld mlco mu\1,. much like M·TV, e,eryday from Q,10 :i.m. :ind J.4 p.m. Rici. Spnngficld. Hall and Oa1es. Oian:i Ro~ and Jcffcr-.on S1&nlup b:.t\'C alrcad) been re:itured O\\ bemg re:11ured arc ~uch cclebnne~ a\ Billy Jod-' 5bc', Right on Time": RFO Speed"' agon .. " Kerp 1hc Fire Burnm~" and ••saret T1mc··: Men a1 Work·-"'Do" n Under"', Yiu--· Dl.ln't G,i'. J:ick Mad and the Hc:an Anaclt-.. Hoora) for the Cit~"; George Thorogood--"Bad 10 the 8.)nc··, KUD C~--··vo)eur": Peter CiabneJ .. "Shod the \tonke\ ", and Bill) Jocl-"'Prnsurc" and "'Allen· to"'n .. Schedules of et:ict performers can be found m the SL B Ci.i.meroom.
Art student grab po ter a ward Three NIC an ~iudents ha\e earned top places m the Idaho Staie H:indt· capped Pos1er Contest. ,.h,ch 10 the past h3.S bcc:n domin:11ed by Boise S1111e Univers,t} . Charlene c:lson c:ipturcd firs1 place and Margaret Woomer and Erin Andre"' s placed 1hird and founh res pccti \ el} . Joe Jon3.S, a.rt dep3l'tment dittctor. s:ud 1ha1 he was p1C3Sed "'1th the contest results because there h:as ne, er been an IC srudcn1 "'ho h:is pl3C'Cd in the statc,iide con1cs1.
" I thmk 11 's rcalh neat." Jonas \aid 'BolSC S1a1e bu been a,nning the tuc for the past eight or mne )tars We got the take." 1'elson ,.iJI ha,e her poster ~• on 10 Washington. D.C. to compete in the natiol13.I conte>t. \ie:&ll"'bile, the four sute Wlllncn ...111 rctthe an all-espeosc paid trip to Boise to meet the governor. Local ....nners or the contest v. ere Charlene :-.elson. Jim fa"3llS and Erui Andttws
Contest seeks (s)he -men The NIC Act1\ilics Commmee IS sponsonng the fim C\Cr · "1s. Toome" contest Feb. 25 m the Bonner Room or the SUB :11 7 p.m. The "'inner of the contest ...;11 be the NIC m:m "'ho an mos1 convincingly took like 3 fc!1131e All m3Je NIC students :llld £acuity members ~ cligil>le to enter. The contest wilt be dhided mto rwo ategorics: b3.thing suit compecruoo and talent compcution. The men will be judged by a panel of rcuwe judges. The "'inner or the rompctinon ...;n receive a dinner for ;it a local rcsuurut. A SI admission ...;11 be chuged 10 wa1ch the contest and all proceeds "'ill go to the Muscul:ir Distrophy Associanon. There ,.;11 be no cnm rec for the contestants.
PR,\ CTICE, PRACTICE-Onan Long and Mm Bryan go o•C'r their llnn durlna 1tbea.rsal for lhe pla) "G u)i and DolJj," whk h lhe NIC Dnma Departmffll wlll be
prnentlng \1arch II, 12, 18 and 19.
Feb. 18, 1983/ Cardinal Re,·iew-7-
[___c_r p_o_r_ts___J --=.s
Patterson, Kluver lead grapplers into regional by Barry Baker The NIC wrestling 1eiim defeated Ccn1r31 W35hing1cm Univers11y Feb. JI to "rap up its third straight undefeated se;ison and run ns consecutive dual rruuch win streak to 55. Just as impressive as thst strcu , and more 1mponant, 1s a stnng of J0 con,ct'u live Region 18 team championship,. Jn Coos B~ y. Ore .. tod3y and Saturd3y, the Cardinals will have the help of lour defending regional eham· pions in their quest for number 11. George Patterson, who used this 1ournamcn1 as a stepping stone 10 a third -place finish at nauo noh las1 year. has compiled n 35-J record this sca~n. Pottcrwn has n nagging shoulder injury which kept him out of the final iwo matchc~. but is looking forward to 1hc challenge of defending his crown. Uc lc.oows the otlH!r wrestler:. con,sdcr him n marked man. but "if they didn't. ii wouldn'I be any fun for me; 1hey keep me going stronger." Potterson said. Tom Hams, who won 1he outmindlng wrc\tler awurd at regional\ last Febru3ry by up,elling Mt. Hood'~ Roger Sayle, (the t'VCnlual notional champ) nt 177. will toke in o seo\OD mark of 211,5. At 190, Nafhan Carroll (10 ,J) will ,eek another chnmp,onship to go w1ih th!' one he corned at 167 pound, Ins, )co,on. Jumie Webber (30-2 2) will go nf1cr n rn>wn m thc hcavywclgh1 dh 1\IOn. II wou ld be his ~crond title. llut hi, fi~1
for NIC La.st year he "'On weanng the colo rs o! Gra;~ Harbor Community College. Ano1hcr Grays H:1rbor tr.tnsfer. Tony D:igue. has ran up a 25-6 record m season action and has a good cha.nee to make a return trip to nationals. He placed eighth at nationals for Grays Harbor last year. The sophomore AD-American has gotten some 1ough competition in the practice room. however. where freshman Mark McKe.nna has been challenging for :i suning po'iition. (ResultS of a challenge match were nos known at press time). "Our first two weight d~scs have been turning rou nd and round." Coach John Owen \aid. Jim Kloet.Ler 119-5) and Bill Bradlev (24-9) have 3lso bceo banling each c11 hcr all season for a staning bcnh at 126. but Owen poinh out the advan1a11e of such a situation. " I think wc' ,c got :a prcth compc1111vc practice room," (),Aen ~aid. " If ;ou d11n'1 ha,e :in opponent at your level. you're not going to get vour best workout." Sieve Klu,cr ho\ not had to "'om• much over losmg h1\ s1artmg spo1 at I SO. In fa ct. the fre\hman from Sandpoint ha ) not thou11h1 about losing 11i all: hi." is 33-0-J tht\ ~e.ison. TI,c 01her m1ddlc•,,.ctgh1 classes are al~o well-manned. Randy Tah, t) .30-8 ni 142. Alph1m\n Phillip\. "ho ha\ been hamfl('rcd b1 11 lnce U1Jllr). 1\ 27·2 2 al 1Sli ond Tum Phdon 1\ Jl-11 tn lhc 167-pound ..101
B01T0l\1S OPSie,c Mede.I. uC's 13-$-pouad wttstler, ha.s bis hands full "'llb bls opponent Cro.m Big lknd Commanll) College dwillg the Ja.n. 29 meet where \1C "on c.bc e,r:111 30-26. Tbe ...-restfing team Is rurrend) In Coos BnJ·, Ore., for a regional ~ g tournament held Feb. 18 a.nd 19.
Golden Eagles in town for key league match up 111c NI(' bn~ketbnll team ha) been hn.•ing to d111
11,clf out or hnl.-~ lntcly. and nothing would mal e them hn11p1cr than 10 rcvcr..l' that ton1sh1 ond hur,· the Collc11c ot Southern kl11l111 In ~ crudal lc:aguc C'Ontc,1. The eagles ,bit Christ111o~n Gymnb1um 10111gh1 JI L lO, tnllo"111Jl n 11 omcn', Allme hl'l"een 1he II\<\ " hool) "h1d1 11p, Mr at !\. 15. CSI Is currently lending the h:agul' \<1th n 2·1 rct'\)rd, hut ,r the 2-2 C'11rJ111oh 1, on 1on,gh t. u 11111 neatc II threc,"a)' tic w11h onl\· one leogue gamt rcma1111ng lor NIC. !lend Conch Roll) Wilham, \nid that hi\ tc:1m h:i~ hod to u, cru1mc large lir..1 half dcficth m fi1 e ot the 10,1 10 game, hl--c,1u,c "the) 're 1u,1 a slm, ,torung lcom " The Canis bcue-r 001 " 11)tC tl)O much time piddhng around "llh CSL The ln\l tome the t\\ O team~ mes the Golden Eagle) manhandled NIC b, a I-I-point mllfgin. · "l..l)t llmc their guard:. bllcd u,., " William\ -.;ml
from thrm thh time. \\ e Lno" their guilrds &1'l' tough. and 11.e a.a't gi,e lhffl! ~lod. 1n sh:it 11rci . • :--le gu.ird\ Greg G,auldmg :i.nd M.irl Sullr.l:i ha,e Ml bet'n domR 100 b3d 1he111>Cl1es E, er s 11tt lhe t'"' rontml -,f the gu.trd J>O>tlklns lut moot.Ii. \\ 1ll1.lm\ ~id he h.u ..«n ste:ld) 1mpt1)\ement. "Our frons line Is our maJ<.V streni;th... \'(tJlia= :.:i1d. "hut the guard$ ba, c; 1tall) baJa.nced thirl\:• out IJ.tt"h •• The front hne Williams mennoned. coasntmg or Kc, m Corb, T,m A~ood :ind center Joho Rand:l , " ,II. ho"t";Cf. be IC':. nujor thre.u agamst the Golden E..iglc defense Will1J.m~ -.ould not rckue J.n~ sptt1.il stnt~ th.it he m1.gh1 enfoitt against est. but s;ud th;ol hi, te:un rouldn ·, illord :in, crrws " ln a g&.111<1 Ul.e this )~U JU:.t on't illord 10 m:il:e mi~t:1.kes." Willi:ims said "Espcciall) agamst a quahl) team like est. .. • W I." Lno" llhat I<• c , ~
The Canh, dnpue them usuiil slo" ,1:in. did nol looi. :..oo ~ L'l\t ..-eek 'l\hen the, nppcd league foe Tre:1.sure hi~ 90-;q and W,all;i Walla 8.3..59_ H• ;.1,gh"ng 1he TI'CC game "llS a J..t-pom t pe:1 ""=-c )) C rlr, ll tM Cards bnl CSl r "n1gh1 . 11 should m1cns1 ry an ~ rr.d t, tter n J r,, be,,,. ccn :,, IC and Ricks College oe~t v.et'k The \.'wng), ranked IO!h 1n the naunn un11l the C;inb upset them la\l month, .... ,11 ho t NIC Fch 2b in a game thJt "'lll l!IO',t hJ.clJ dr:tcrminc 1hr: lcJguc ch1mpion:.h1p 1f NIC geu PJ" CSI Desp,te ,1cs ,~cton of the \',king, lo)t ume, Wt!ltams 1s still "an. "The) 're a toa.gb tttm 10 bc,11·-cspccially down theR," W't!J1anu sard If the Cards finish first or second in the fin3l Jc3guc sW1d1ngs. the) "'II enter the Region 18 1oumame111 M:irch 4-5, "hich will decJde which two teams ...ill 1d\'llllCC to o:irionols.
Feb. 18. 1983, CanilnaJ Re, lew.a.
Sole possession of second a battle between the birds b) G~g Mort'land The '\IC' ,.,c,mcn·, ba,ke1ball tum The le.ituc leader 1~ lhch . whh put\ 11, 4-: !~:ague record o1nd flO\I· onh· ,,nc lo" . "hith (l('(Urrcd in Coeur •e.ason hc,pe, ,,n 1he hne ;11 home d' \ lcnc- 1.H1 Jan 22 \\h en Brc-nda tonight :ss the, fa~ the C'ollc11e of Has k111, ,anl a bR~chnc Jumper with Sou1hem Idaho G<llden Eaitc, threr <crontl\ Ith 11, &" c IC :i o4-ti2 ,\ "'an for the C'anllnJh ,, 111 n:1il ,•ic11,n ·. ~-n .1 t-cnh ti' the Reit1nn 18 Toum;i NIC '"II h:I\ I.' their h1>nd, lull \\ hen mcnt m \lb.in,. Ore. \ I.arch •I :-. tn the\· tr~,·cl to Rc:"tburg for II rematch "h1ch 1hc tt>p I\\O cc:im< fl\,nt thC' llllh 1hc Viking~ Feb. l b. 11 nd C'rlmp F..a<tcm Di,1<1on d.t<h \\Ith I\\O l'C'prc \Jtd that the,• ll ill ha,c to do wme "cnuu, es trom the B11t q Con£crrncc ,1dju,1lng. c:·~pcc111lly on Rid,· 11u11rd 1n 0rc't(ln for a cnp 11, 1he n,lllonnl Vick, llarvey. \\ho \l-Ol't'd IIJ 1n the IO (I toum.tmen1 m t-h"'''"Pr1 n,c.-un~. The Cardinal, hope 10 .ivrngc the lo,~ the, ,u£1cred m T"m !-'.ill, the ''We'll h.1tH' lo make ,onu.- dclcn• f.iglc, on J,rn 2<l. ,1vc:• ud1u,tmcnt, . WC' hovl.' 10 put more ''The, 're ..i b1Rger tc.lm. Jnd a hlllc prc\,11 rl.' <111 their l(Un rd,." Crimp sl°"'cr 1han u,: •Ho: 1u,11hdn '1 pl,w well ,,,i~I. " They , hould be , kv h111h fur a~3tn\t them ... He.id Co!leh (i rcg u, Cnmp <J1d. •·we·n: dtflnnclv rnpabh: Cr101p I\ C\J1C't1nlly plc-11,cd with the of b.:.1110~ chem:· plov ur lc,,tll n~ s~-.ircr K,11hy l:ucingcr. Cnmp ,aid 1ha1 m wdcr 1<1 beat C'SI. \\ ho ,~or~·d 27 11go1n, 1 rs1 und 2.1 his 1cam "'Ill ha"c: to pin, beuer ·'IP""t R1 th Crimp uh o prJ1,cd the dc:fcn,c:. uc,utc: better and ,h,J> b,0 n,10r lcadrr-.h1 p of Mind> Bowman Md 11uord M1ue \'.1cndcnvcl(I, .. ho ,cored thl 11nprovcmcnt m\tdc nf Kay ll off 1-1 agamsl 1he C.ird~ in fv. tn Fall, and Knrr n Robcri\on CSI. Treasure: Valley. and NIC' :ill Th o g11mc tonigh t ogoinM CS I 8<'1\ have 1"'0 IMS<:\ m the: lc:a11uc race and unde~ 11y 01 5: IS p.m. nt tht' Perry Fl~the.1d \'11lle} " .. mlc~~ m three Chm tian\on C,ymnos1um. tn~.
7 6 Sixe rs top cage action
I GIY E UPSophomore Ka) Hocr relinquishes the blllJ lO a team.male during a game " llh Big ~nd Commu.nll) College Jan. U. The \'lki.og~ surreode~ lO the Cardlmus In the end 63-42.
lntramunl ba\Lc1b:ill enter,; 111 fifth "eek uf at11on Mond11y night \\ llh eight learn~ ...:hcdulcd to be.> on hand for gumc, be11t n111ng ol 7 p.m The "b Size!"> wtll ~erk 10 keep their unbeaten rerord alive when th ey 1.ur.c on the Slammer, 11ohtle the Nad\ lake on 1he Three-in-On<: Oiler\ Jl 7 p. m. \t 6:JO p.m . ch~ 21\I !ii. Bomber\ \\Ill play 1hc: B.F.E., while 1he Pub rro11er, :i.nd the Dorm1h battle tn escape the league: cellar. On Feb. 23 the Slammers bau le the Pu b Trotters on Court I while the Nnds 11nd the B.F.E.s go ,u II on Coun 2 GI 7 p. m. In the late games.. 21st St. play~ the Three·m·One Oilers and the S1uds tackle the Dormies. The standing\ a, or Feb. IS had the: 76 SiJ:cr\ ou1 ,n rron1 with :i J -0 record followed by the Nads at 2-0. The B F E.~ and the Three-in-One Oiler\ wc rt ued 111 2·1 and the: 2h1 St. fombc:rs and the Slammer\ followed at J-1. The Pub Troller) and lhc Oormies filled ou t the ~l anding~ "'uh identic:11().J records.
Will new kid make it in the neighborhood? I \\'115 trymg 10 dec,de whether or 001 11 would be wonb m~ time to tune ID and .,. a1ch the new United Stales Foo1b:tll League games !his spring "hen I ran into 1he neighborhood sports e_rpen. Marv Alley. " \Vhot do you m3.ke of the ne" league. Mar0.·· "Arc you kidding?·· he asked. "V.'h}. 1 wouldn't think of missing a game: .. "You really think it's going to produce some good action? 1 knov. they ha,e some good players and a couple of 1op coaches. but will the le,el of compc1iuon be th:tt good? .. ··compc1irion? AC1ion? Hell. I doo·t kno11o. I'm utllring about unemploymeni. We ov.e 11 10 the economy 10 "',uch the g:imcs to keep all !hose workers out of the UN -0 lines... -- 1didn 't realize you had so much compassion for the Jthlctes. !lfal'\. But do ,-ou re:ilh lhink we should foot the bill for 3 bunch of players.who ucn'1 good enough 10 pl:ty m the ~FL?·· "Players. schmaycr~. There you go again. Are you
br uce m ul len so nahe as to lhink lha1 all I am c:on~med about 1s
"he1her or not some gro\\ o man ,s able to ge1 paid for playmg a child's game?" ··or course not. M an buddy. But v.hac. I me.ui. -.i.ho are ~ou concerned abou1 llten~" Re.u.lly Mullen. don't you know anything abou t the game: of footbnll? I' m 1.1.lking chips and flip tops. big businesses.'' .. Right Uh. "'hat about them?" "I ""car, I ha,c to ~-pell e-·erything ou1 ror }OU 0
don '1 J? Pota to c:h1ps and bee r. Th111 is what Amcncan sports have evolved into. Each sponing eveni is just another opponunity for the overage fan to sit back :i.nd sip a few brC"ol s and munch a bag or chips.'' .. I t'an sec your 1dc.1 now MilfV. I have to admit, I did go lhrough quite a re.... beers during !he Super Bow1.·· ··or course you did. And wha1 about the play-<iffs? Or the Virgiru3-North Carolina baskc1ball ga me? And v.ha1 a bou1 the las, NIC wrestling m.a tc:h and 1hc: Ricks basketball game?" Wc:11 rm coovinc:cd. So when I.he Chicago Blitz line up against the Washington Federals March 6 to kid off the USFL sea.son I'll be rigltt neJ:t to m~ tclension se1 wi1h a s1J:•p:ick in one hand and a bag or chips in Lhe olltcr supponing Amen ca"s factl)I'} \\Orkers. Oh, ond the Blitz too . .. What's tha1 Marv? Sure. I'll grab a e1se for 1he game tonight.''
Feb. 18, 1983/ Cardinal Re,iew-9-
Co lle ge forced to play waiting game for funds byRJcKuc Non h Idaho College will have to put ano1her hole in its belt if Gov. John
Evans approves the omnibus bill approved by the State Congress. The omnibu~ bill is a multi-purpose bill that is supposed to bail Idaho out of iu S69.2 million shorrfall for the current flSCal year. The bill contain~ a l -cen1 sales tax to generate Sl2 million before I.he end or this fiscal year on June 30, an S8. J million in accelerated income and sales tax payments by large corporations and more than SI 7 million in addilional llgency budget cuts and transfer of state dcdiated funds. lf pu,ed, 1h15 bill wiJI CUI S49,000 from NIC"s current budget. Evan has 1hrea1ened 10 line-veto S6S7 million in budget cuts for education. but that veto could be over-ridden by the State Conl(re,s. If Evans does l1nc-ve10 budget
cuts, an autonutic pTOpen) tu tn· crease will be triggered. With a little over four months remaining io fiscal year 1983, this legislation will be colling money alrca.dy spent, according to NIC president Barry Schuler. ·•we might ha,c to cur a vocation class earl) ." Schuler said. ··and evoke a freeze on maintenance and operaLions I.his year. ··we are in the major league of college\ in growth, but in rhe minor league whe n ir co mes to receiving allocations." he s:iid. The president said that if cuts come. other avenues of creating new revenue will have to happen before next year. If not, NIC could see more cuts in all dcpanments. In a leg,slnuve report ea rly this month from Schuler's office to the
faculty and staff at IC, the pn:sident said that if funding is 001 pro,·ided at least at the current level appropriued fo r 1982-83. academic cou rses will ha\e IO be cut or reduced. Schuler SJid that lb1S will ruso force some pan-time and full-rime positions 10 be dropped. He said that the le.-el of state :iid for 3C3demic programs has gone down from 45. 2 percent in fiscal year 1979 to 36. - percent during 1982-SJ. • The state seems bent on cu11ing appropriations for higher education and the fwe northern counries of Idaho always bear the burden. Schuler SJid. ULSt year. GO\'. John Evans recommended SIS0.000 for the pbnning ruid d"ign phase of I.he nev. libr.il') computer scicntt building. This year. he pulled his recommenlbtion 10 allocate S!00.000 for this .-cry purpose. Eans told Schuler earlie r this
month th111 NIC w115 jus1 not l priorirv in the sme·s budget. · l'llC has the snullcst libnm facilitv and IO\\CSI number of holding ofall th~ colleges o.nd uni,ersiries in the st3te "'hile at the snmc time it has the fastest enrollmenl growth. Schuler said that the librnn· eomputer scienee building is csse"nti:il if :-llC is to conti nue to offer quality higher edut'lltion. ··we need 10 convmre Go,. Evans 1ha1 the ne" libr31") computer sticnee building is ,ital to IC's gro\\1h." Schuler said. A petition "'as clmtlatcd and hand carried to the go\l:rnor's office by ASNIC student bo:ird members last ,,.eek for that purpose. Schuler nlso sem a letter 10 Ev:ins dct3iling the immment need for NIC to hove the library computer science bu1ldtng.
AftPr I 5 ye<Jrs
Ratcliff to leave NIC After 15 year\ of ~ervicc, NIC auto meehan,~ instructor Worren Rat cliff plans to rc1ire from teaching but not rrorn life. For 1he 64 year-old instrue1or. reurerncnt h nol on idle vocation. but an opponuntty to engage in hi\ favorite hobb1 h: riOcr). wildlife photogrophy. hunting. ca mping ond raising livc\lOCL, IHI)' nnd groin on his form in lloyclcn l..iLc Be~idc~ hi.\ duties a~ on lnstrucltlr. Ratcliff 1\ ,n charge of the college rine club and the Coeur d'Alene Junior Rine Club. lie bl·licve~ 1hn1 the ~kills needed 10 b<'conie o aoo<l mork\mon carry over into other G)pccb uf life. "Rincry tcnche\ people lo r('ln~ ruid l'Onccnt(3lc at 1hc.> some rime.·· ft31cliff ~aid "Affcr nil. you llr<' only l'Umpct· Ing with yours('lr. ·· he added. "Conrentrnu1>n i\ 1mp1,rt.1111 ,, hen you nrc wo, king In the cro,, ded condhiun\ we ho\'C hcrc in the ,h1ip," Ro1difr \ll1d. "Ahhough " c hol'c hnd :i fo" n11n1lr acddcnt~·-<'Ul~. brubcs nnd n11n1lr eve 1rmu1iu11~··\\C ho, e bl·cn for1una te enough lo a,o,d an~ n111jor m"haps."" he ~o,d 0
He lc3rned the meaning of ~fet) ond concentration ~enl years ago when II car he wa, v.orking on 111 home rc11 on his chest. The pr~un: was so grcnt that the blood ,euels in his C)e~ ruptured " You alv.•ay\ think you hne enough time to gel out from under 11. but vou don 't," Ro1<'11fT sud. ··1t happens ~o fast that there is no ume 10 think or react • Ratcliff stresses safety in h\S course, but areidents can hJippcn " We did ha,e one girl "ho "'a~-wcll endowed. When she v. •~ leamng over the , oh·c compre,~r her ehes1 go1 cought ,n the machine. ' he u.1d. '" When a pc~on IS m trouble"" ~, they gut lhror.•..caught m .1 nnger." Rot cliO ~n,d " Well m her case II v.a~ 1he v:ilvr ~-omprrswr " R:uchff ho, enJU)Cd h1\ carttr in auto me<"hllnt~. ~pcdally teachmg .11 IC lhl.' t>c,t Job l\e r,er had." be said. '"The lime " enr ,u fht th:st 15 icar. ~ccms onl> til.e a couple.·· Rard,ft
Stan Hall photo
WHAT'S THE ~ROBI..D1- Dcnisc Clark and Auto Mechanics Instructor Warren Ratcliff exchange lckas C'OIX'Cmlng the ana.lJsis of a test on a.n eng.lne. This will be Ralclllrs last J ~ iu. an lmcnictor a.t NJC.
~,d . \:,~ IS
NIC enrollme nt inc reases n,e 00ici11I enrollment figures for ~pnng semester 19SJ sho" a slight incn:ase over fall MlmCMer. The total head count enrollment, mcludin.R ,"Oeluonal 11nd academic students. as of Feb. 7 was 2.570, 1J1 incrtase of 4 percent, a~ing to ltsuko ' ishio, flC registrar. The number of full-time academic srudents fell 4 pcrcent: dunt1g the 1983 WI semester there were 1.JJo s,udentl. and this semester. 1.283. . But the put-time S1udents have increased since fall from SJ2 to 1.025. an Increase of ~ percent. The most significant i n ~ in enrollment is I.he 3J perccnt more part-nmc students than last spring. The total enrollment has increased 15 percent over last spring, v.ilh sn odditioo:tl 334 student:, enrolled at NIC.
flc l llle
lufXJn ,our ~and"~ .edd1t1.5s
Feb. 18, 1983/ Cardlnal Revle'". J().
Resignation heads VSNIC action b~ Pam Corutlogbam
The resignation of Secretary Gail Thomas was announced at the Feb. 3 meeting of the VocauollJII Students of :,.lonh Idaho College. New $ecretary Tracy Castle v.as nomuatcd and , otcd m aftct she ,-olunteercd. After some debate. the council ,oted to clean up and use the dining room in the basement of the c,ur\e~mg lllld drafting building. According to Vocauonal Director Ouence Haught. the room nttded to be either cleaned up or used 3S a storage area Another member conunued ,.,th the sutcment Wt a.t one rime the room contained pool 111blcc, and foe>\ball ublcs v.h1cll "ere lucrall~ desm,yed. Auto mccharuc.. ~Lu dent xott :,."eoon said wi the room •"'-5 alreadv destro, cd before the be111nn1ng ol this ,car. · · ASNIC Prc\1dcnt Jam Brc •ct tated that almost even pomt about keeping the room i~ ncgau,c \loca1ion11l Pre'1dent Lee C le en1e1U1~ a ~ugge~tion I.hat a commmee be appointed 10 ,n,c,ugatc ..ctk.rn d nauon of a COUC'h. because the proJcct is not wonh spending a lot of monc) . v. bl!h would be bener u~d for field tnp<, thts spnng. The auto mechanic-. c.~, ,oluntcercd !.> be the commmee 10 find ,he couch and to put up signs on the ".tll~ mform:.:,g other ~rodent, to we o.rt c.f the room In other action the council· ·-accepted rccommcndauon from the bud~t aimm:tttc th.it the sun c,-ing cta.,s rccch•c S300 10 :mend a "orkshop-~l!llnar intended to help elumnate m•s1ale1 --heard Cole gi,e :1 short speech askl.ai: for suppcm 10 h!.5 bid foe the .\S.SIC presidency.
Former NIC coed dies in a ccident Former NJC sophomore K11LnD:1 L. Gundlach. 21, •as killed tn a three-,eb1de collision near Worley. ldnho. Feb. 5. Gundlnch wns born in Mosco". graduated from Coeur d"Alene High School ii.lid was a foreign language mnjor nt NIC She spoke Ouent French. Sp3nish and lalian. o.nd hved ID France for one year under the Youth For Undemanding program. She is survived by her parents. John and Carol~11 Gundlach, brother Enc and other relatives.
Cu,1 Ou Pul!i photo
Tim e for o brenk Coeur d'Alene ) OUn&,SICr Wally Nlburg read..• che Canllnal Review In the Subway while walling for h1s fathe r.
Looking for the solution? CASIO.
HP· 33C S73.9S
YoUll find it at the Bookstore.
North Idaho College Eookstore
e,•ac w
~ - CJ LJ
l!:J IE! 6 LJ IZl c::J C.. s • CJ c
Feb. 18, 1983/ Canllnal Review-11·
Equipment theft reported following Festivention '83 Aboul S<l,000 worth of video equipment was reported stolen during Fcstivcntion '83 from rhe Communication-Arts Building. according to Kathy Mans. secretary of that building. During the chaos of the convoauions wecl: at NIC. someone apparent!} stoic a black and white portable video camera and a half,inch. color video-cassette recorder deck from Room J 13, where it was being used for workshops during the convention, Mans said. The equipment was discovered missing Jan. 29 and is thought to ha~e been s,olen sometime between late Friday evening and Saturday afternoon, she said. Mans said that there had been no forced entry into the room. so it is suspected tha1 either rhe lock had been picked. the door had been lefl open and someone found the opponu nit)' 10 1akc it or ~meone v.1tb a key had taken the equipment. Officer Don Phillips said that there are about 20 people "'ho have a key to the room 11nd after the elimination of those not pos,ibly involved, there are a handful thal ,.,iJI be a~ked to tale a polygraph-analysis test. The 1cs1will determine if rhe door had been locked in the first place and will also determine if any of those te~red know anything about the robbery. Phillips said. "If anyone refu~s to tJJke the tesr. then their key will be taken a11·ny," Phillips said.
Playing the game Jad) Rarllo,. sJ.i cnjo}s hooting pool bctwl!co classes in lhe
Sabwa} game room.
McHugh may get face lift Plans ore being made to renovate rhe Ml'Hugh House on College Drive near the NI C dormitory. according ro Engli~h lnwuctor Jim McLeod. McLeod uid that a balloark figu re of SS0.000 has been estimated u the needed finances 10 renovate the building, which is iotended to be u~ed as a geneologiCIII resco reh library. A request that will take four to ~•x weeks to process v.ill be pur before t.hc Board of Tru Stees io obtain rhc required funding. Phorogrnph5 of the house hove been suhmutcd to a foundation for a grant Both privo1c and stole funding hnve been cnhned to poy for building ren~·auons. Allhough o new roof wa~ recently pur on the structure, McLeod said that no work will be ,tnrtcd until U1c monic, have been definitely obtained. Curt Dlli'uls photo
MD dance slated Feb. 26 Supcrd oncc, the 12,hou r dance mnroth oo for the Muscular Dystrophy A&sodotlon. will be held in Perry 01ri~tianson Gymnasium from noon to midnight on S01urdoy. Peb. 2(). P3n1cipants mu,t hove n pledge sheet with o minimum of S50 o.nd plcdg~. They ore also expected tu hove J partner "'ith a pledge ~hee1. ~nod 11nd drinks hove been donated lor the dance"· 'Inc mu~ic will be IM' and at rhe end of the dance pritC\ will be awurdl'd to rhc highe~I mone) rn,~cr,,. A S200 ~dl(llll1'hip or ~ovlnijS bond" 111 be pre~enrcd to the ,mgle dan,cr ca.ming the most mone) lor rhc cnu,e. Everyone who earn, SIO ur more 11ct~ a Supcrcbnce T-~h1n Debbie llcndy, ASNIC \ludcnt nctlv1tic, d1rceror. )Bid rhot a.Jrhough thctt v.a\ \\!me difficully finding nvoifoblc bonds. ,he hod t'lmfim1cd Dout>le Ae11on. 11h1ch i~ mnde up of primnrllv NIC ,iudcnr~. S10dcnt) tnn pick up a pkdge bhcet and informatmn p3c:lcr from C1rohn Pfhtcr, Lee Cole, Rick llucl hnm ur Im I illy Panic1ponl\ l>hould ptrk up their pkdgc )hecr~ soon to .illo" ltme lor g~thcnng ca,h dona1lo1i,. nnd pledge\ from fril'nd, ~nd neighoor..
With This Ad
XEBRON.~ COM ING MARCH 4 TONIC NIC Students Moy Purchase Advance Tickets For $6 In The
M ust Be Presented At The Time Of Purchase.
by Charles
NIC students will
hove to pay S8.50
Charles and Co. 105 N. 5th 664-8322 Expires
at the door.
Feb. 18,
1983, Cardinal Re, icw- 12-
(__n_ic_n_o_t_ic_e_s__) In lb c last CR 1be SIOr) called ' 'English Cha!r Pleads Case" quoted English Dh'lsloo Chair Vlrglo.111 Johnson as ,a, Ing lbJu NIC had onl) 1hrcc mlc:rocompu ters. h sbonld ba•e rHd lbal Nl C had onJ) three Apple mlrn>compulcrs. The article also sia_ted r.ba.1 a1aum ball or the s tudcnu at 1'1C Wled io pass lbc bask essa) prolldency ~SL lo C11c1, only IS percen1 of 'IC smdents Called lo pass lhat iest. T he Amerfcau Assodatlon of Cnl,·crsltv Women wW bold its annual used-book sale from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Feb. 24 and Crom 9 a.111 . to I p.m. Feb. 25 In the Wasbington Wuer Po" er Audilorlum, 5th and Lakeside. Anyone wishi ng lo donat e bool.is mny leave them In the office or lb, Academic Rcson:rcc Center.
P~ s from the sale
,.,rn pro, ide
two tulllon scholarships 10 NlC Stu· dt'nl s nnd a co n1 lnulng edut'ailon scholarship 10 a communlt) member. For lnlormndon nbout the schola.rs hlps, conlllct studcnl scr-·kcs or caJJ Sondrn Dnoghcl'I). AAUW Schows hip ChalrmM , 765-1017.
Oabs and organizations wishing to ba\e oo~ printed on the d«tronlc rnder boa,,! In lh, Sl"B must IGO 001 a DOU stating tbc aoti~ and bow long It Is lO nm. The notltt should then be taken lO Dean Benael do ..-nstalrs In the <ub"')·
An)ont' interested In sharing thelr •oiling fpoet,), ~Ori torics., es.5S)S and pla)S "ilh otbcr uft~ shoald s« Fa) \\ right In Room 27 of lbc Admlo.lsuadon Balldlng a.booL jo{nlng 1be w-rltla g dab. Or ud. Or ead. tbe NIC cr calhe wrltlnJI dab, ls sponsoring a cash priu or Sl5 (or the besl co, er uslgn submlnrd io ILS spring pabUcatloo. ''Tresl.le Crttk
Re-le".'' Tbe deadlloe Cor submissions I March I. aod eotrlts sboald be brought to faJ \\rfgbt's office, A-27.
The Mootana R~rtnr) Tbattt ...-w present "Oo Goldco Pond" Feb. n at 8 p .111. lo the C •A Auditorium. Admissloa wm be S-1 Cur adultS and S2 for seolor dlhms and chUdren. 1'1C bruit,. \Uf( aad uodcots "Ill be admlued frtt •hh an lD card.
Mooe~ or book.~ not picked up Crom the Pub Club Book S..-ap In MA-2 bJ ~lJltrh 18 ,.rllJ become the propcl'I) of the Pub Club.
WorlMtudv llmc sh.-elS arc doc lo thtfinancial aid offit'C b,, Feb. 18. Sheets muse ba,e the wori<~·r·s social C:C\lrfl) number and be signed b) the emplo) ee and lbe upcn•lsor, or DO cheek ...-rn be w ucd Feb. l8. All other tlme ~hee111 arc due Feb.
23. lso, " Tres tle Cree k Re, l e " 's" deJadllne subrol.-~lon i, Mffl'.'h I . Mall 1111 manuscr ipts to "T rc~t hi Cr ee k RC'\le1o ," 1'1C, t'/ o Fa.1 Wright , Coeur d ' Alene. ld .1138 1-1. In clude• ~elfaddreliSed, s tamped cn-ci lopc. JoHe Pe t erson "'Ill nee d help l o d~lpbc r a ~ma.11 amouol or Norwegian. II anJonc can help, please t'all
bu Ill 773-5008. Tbc regl6"1r1U''~ office remlod.s ID· dent& that Feb. 23 Is the lut da) to ttmOH lncomplctcs Crom fa.JI semes-
Nl C pro, Ides the s:cn Ice..~ or a doctor and a nurse 10 all studenL1. The doctor 11 ln wec~da_1s (rom 7:30 lo 8:30 a. m. and the n\1.1'8es hours arc, Crom 7,30 a.m. to 3130 p.m. An.)one willblng to see the doctor mll§I ani,l' before 8: IS. NIC ~tudents with 10 crcdl1.s or more also enJo.1 mcdlul Insur ance. S t'e nurse Jo Marlnovkh for further lnfor, 11111Lion or for l'lalms. The Sobwa) G111t1c Room 1tcrt0 and telc, lslon lounge• arc now open all day for a ny one who wanllt l o 11,ica lo mus ic or watrh TV,
The Cardinal Review Jc loolclng £or a fres hman with canoonlng skWi who can do some ar1phles li ter thb1 sprlna a nd a ll cartooning n ex t year. ln t cre,t e d Hludc nt• shoul d 1co Tim PIigrim In MA-2 for more details. Showboat '83, a nrlcty s how pre· scnted by lhc NlC Mai le Ocp1trunen1, Is scheduled io appear Feb. 20 at 8 p.m. In the C-A Auditorium. Ticket prices arc S2 for adults and SI for youth 1111d &<mlor cltlzcns. NIC faculty, slJlff and slude nlS wlll be admllled rrcc wllh llD ID card.
February 18 & 19
February 21 - 26
February 28 - March 5
Wednesday Night Is PEABODY'S Porty ! Ladies Drink Free 7p .m. until 9 p .m .
9 till closing oil drinks .75 Beer .50