Volume 35, Number S
Instructors , students favor different calendar options By 1.au.ru Hubbard
Or1' i,i-
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Actrcu J oanne A.nglln dO<!s her Lhlni: In 1hc NIC prod uctlon. ''The hado" Bo.i." The pll) Opt'n~ tonl11b1 In Lhc Communlra1lot, ,Art" Building and runi. 'o, . I S, 10, 1 1 and 12. Adnd sslon Is Cr<?c for IC s 1ud11n1 ~ and Maff.
Students and inst ructors h:I\ e been known 10 ~vc their dlS3grcement~ m the past. and 1he recently u ken sul'\c~ on sLarting dam, for the future :-11C calendar made thi\ evident Both student, and Ca.:ull\ \\NC offered chCli~, beiv.ttn 11.n e3rh \llrt, beg,nmng before L2bor Da~ .1nJ lcrtin~ ou1 m mid, \la\ und 3 late ,1 rt. begmmng m la:e September and lcllmR out In earh June The fac11ln "'!Is al~ offered :another ,,p11on, "1th ,chool st:aruni: t-eforc lab<1r 03\ hu1 :al~ ha'1ng 11n eisrh scme\lcr breal. rnthcr tlun :a '>pnni.; brc•aL \\ 1th h;:,1h the c:i.rh :a.id Labor Dav ,tans :he semc~c; ~t'Uld end before Chnsrnu., brnl 1>htlc \\"1th the bte s1nrt, the cmfficr •'OU!d end m l:ue J:inu:i:-.. While the student, polled \Oted o,er,.helmuich f,r :he earl~ \tarl. faru\l\ membc~ suppcrted the Ltbor Oa\ unrt eq1ul!J u OM-,1dedlv .\C"rord1ng to S IC Prc~ideot Bu=" Schuler out c,f 3 students polled. J011 ,oted tor the earh >ta · t . .5.5 ,upportcd the Labor Da) \tut. 14 ,.anted the late :ind Q e1,hcr 0M1ded :inother p• on or d1dn 't care Accord,ng to , ic ln~tructo r Bob K:ibler. 35 (a('Ulr, member.. ,otcd for the u bor Da, ,tan. 14 ••ntcd the lue
start. lS supponed an earl\ s tan and 10 , 01cd for the c3rh· St3n \\ ith a mid-~emcstcr break . • K~ ble r s31d 1hc re ason for 1hc differe nce m opm1on bet\\ ccn students .ind facuh, m the poll "'as 1h11 the re.i.:hcr\ had e, p41n en,:cd mnm• d,f. fercnt ,llcndar ~13rt'> • .i nd \\C re more '-111,licd " 1th J l .1bC1r Day \ tan \\ hik \ IC ln\truct11r Tom Ste,\ an. "ho \\,h m chJrgc or thc ,tudcru poll. ,ard he fdt the , un c, " J'> l3kcn carlv en, ugh in the ,cJ r . Kabler ,.11d he rci1 more student~ "ould h.1, c \ orcd for o L:ih,lr Q3~ , tJn h.id th,· poll bccn j!i,cn earlier . .\c.:ording to the Nauon.11 \ ~,oc1t1· tion of Colleee Store,. SJ pc rc·ent uf :. ~,._, rcpomng college, ..ntl un l\cr"· r.c, around the <'l.1Unt l'\· Jrc gomg 10 the l'lrh , tan '"te rn &th S.:hulcr and StC\\Jn ~aid 1h01 :he, :ell a ,u fi1cien1 numb e r of \tudenl\ ,.,r e polled 10 o btain on aC"C"cr.ate poll. e , pec 1Jlt}· si nce the :c,ulh "'ere ~o O\C r\\ he lmingly rn f:nor of one c:alendar. ti: ablcr s11d the f.lc uh1 "ill be ~CC'Omme:id1ng the' L:ibor Da, start 10 Schuler and the board of trustee~. He also s;ud the .icadcmic and voca uonnl d \l\10ns .. 111 no1 ntcess:iri1~· have to " h\ •he um, e;a!t:ndar.
Cadets say 'no more'; instri,ctor threats c ited s, J ea..ocuc tlllllllhoo Ch:1rges of in~1ruc 1o r r et.il1.,11on h11\ c rhulted 1n ' IC',. lo~ing "tudeot c nfo~mcnt of .:nmpu , p:irl.mR rcgulnuon~. Member~ of the mminal ju~ticc pracucum ch~s m fonncd la" cnforn"mto\ Director Ned S1ua.rt m 30 Oct. 29 memo of their dec1>1on not to perform these task~ • bccnu,.e of pre:,sure from foeulh · membe rs "ho ha, e been ticl.ered. !he memo. ~,h,ch nl~ \\t'nt 10 t he Cnrdmal Rc\le" . rends in part as follows: A ' Cl)• serious prob!em hu dc, clnP:'d which causes us 10 q ucsuon the entire codct-focuhy rclntmnsh,p. In the 111~1 nme \\ CCU. N o of o ur mcmbcl") h.i,'l! had fo~~ll) member, mform them 10 ne,er enroll m 1he1r cl1sscs. On~ of the fac11Jt) c, cn ~lated he wo uld ·get c\ cn ' " i 1b all la" cnfon:emcnt for 1hc acuons of o ne tn ii,suing him a piul,;ing 1icl.et." A~ rding to the ~•udcnts " ho signed the leuer, Anthony Driscoll, Moll} Arnzen. Ed~1c Todd, Cothcnnc Morlting, Enrique Snnchci. Kc ,·in Fitzpatrick and Sh:annon l<cuh. cadets ~hould not havt' 10 be ,•ulncrablc to ··reu1lratron b, pen ) inst:rUCtors" who tend lo " lo"e sight " about wh, the st ude nts .ire here · ".We arc students enrolled in a coll cgc lo obr:i.in a ' higher cduc:moo' &11d a.re pa)'tng for the service, " lhc: memo nid. None: of the law .enforce ment instructors were cager 10 co mment o n the problem. S1Uart sll.ld h1 wdl ho nor the cndet' s resignodoo from the du!) but did not " 15h to comment any ,unhcr o n 1he memo. The mass rcsign!tion ...; n not me:in a heydlly for p:irking violators bet'3use Bob Th11rp. other >CCunty officers and Wally Yo ung. la" ' cnforc:cment insuuctor. v, ill take o,·cr the bulk of the ,a~k. At'COn:hng to Youn.g. the time he spends patrolling for illegull)· pa rkt'd cars m3y
cau!>C pnonr. problem> v. 1th his other dUIIC!. " h's ta!r.uig up .a lot of nmc th.at >hould be '>pent U1 the lab, " he \iltd W hale T h up s l id the c;adet '> perform ed a " great ~e n ice" for 1he law enforcement depart ment m the pa'>I 11 yeilrs. be aho ~lid officials v.111 not try 10 n,gona1c tenn\ for tht' return of cadet eniorccmcnt. The memo ~.lid wt performing pukmg dutiC!, ofiers no re,.. :1rd\ and hnle or no l tllDtng
One of tho:.c "'bo 5,,igned the lener. but ,. ho 3\kcd not to be mdent ified tndJ,;du3lly. explained "h) he Stdt'd "llh the other >rodents. . " We 3~ bus, no.. . " he S41d. " Wh\· sho uld ,,,e do something that docsn I do us 30) good!" . . He s:11d that the problem has been prcsent for )CMS and th3 t he ll'3S warned 1bou1 cenam mSTructors "hen he c:ime here. He also s111d he be lieves he mn) have :sl read, been given lov.'l!r grades thon he descl'\ es because he hBS cited cem11n farull'\ mem bers. Cit;tions .irc s1gnt'd b) rhe 1ssumg officer . and 1he cadc1 said this practice has c:iused 3 !01 oft.he problem. "This 1s b3d bc-c:uue t he te3cher kno"':. " ho issued the ticket." he said. He said many "get earned 3"3)' and tr) 10 get even" ,. ith the s1udcnts m the classroom. He :issen cd tha1 the problem could be soJ\'ed 1f Pre)iden1 Schu ler alloncd cncb facuhy member ti parking space. Bur he said that he thinks the coun esy SC!'\•1ce by t 3dcts will ne \Cr be reimtf ated.
'io,. l.S. 1<180 uud1naJ Re,lo -2·
(__-===o=p=in=i=o=n=p=a=g=e====J Sagebrush Rebellion needs intense look bef ore vote \\' I '1 ,. ~ lw_ , ~ , r •r mall\ ;,n.-.\\crcd. ,otcr\ sh uld ull be C\lna:rned 'II.1th some of the ron1ro,-cr.-.1c, included b, the cand1da1es a.-. ,.,~uc.-.. On f the maJ r ppo\tng \ 1e'II. pomt of the ,cn:11 n:il campa1cn u a, the \.1J! bru'>h R b I n 1 h S:igcbr h R bell n 1 3 pa eta c th;u "1 I be pre rntcd to the Idaho I cgbl111urc ncu car and btl :c an, deas1on~ 11re m3dC. ld:iho t'llm'n, ,huuld be ful inf rm d the subJe, lhcB •eau f d\: ercc t BL\1 ~ "" 1-5n11hona re,mll of the Mate~ and I::? m n f the c acres &re m lea ho \ cm RaH:n~aoft. prc,1dcm ol the S gebru h Rebel, n Int' I SRI). ,;aid 1he bill \\OU Id 1cntall\c:I~ 1urn the c nt I f these lands O\Cf 1 1he ~:ate. Oppvnent\ f the b •e ed abou the fo:ure 'the\C I nd'> R;i, cn~croft s:ird the amcndo::cn :i med at state not pn\ tc nc~h1p Bur could Idaho afford t p:i\ the dnm mcrc.isc tn tne5 1h1s -.h,ft "'II bnng1 SRI 3S<.urt, ld3hoan th:it the rebc b -: "A11l not cl sc 1hc fore'.>t~ to ~pon,mcn an i rccrc:iuom • • :ind Ra,en,cr ft said tho\C' "ho c:impatgned on 1h1~ pl3tlvrm are ctthcr ' tot:tlh umr.t rmcd or Just pl:un m,~reprc ~cntin~ th 1: fae1 ,:· But the ld3ho ,-on-.utution c:ilh I r the ",:ale or rental" of ~uuc-ou ncd prnpcn\ ··10 ,u,h :t manner :i, u1 I ccure the ma11mum po tblc: amount 1hercll"1rc. ·· Thi, ,l·nion 01 the con,muuon ro,er) not onl) the statC' l:ind 1n IQ 0. but an) l.1nd ··,, h11·h m:I\ hcrc:itter be •r.1nted b, th,· i:cncr.il (lcdcrall g,,H·rnmcn1 :· 11 the ,1:i1e 1'3 :1001 m 1n1;i1n tbC' forc .. t high" 3) ,. accc,, road~. ,Jmp~round, Jnd tr;111, , no: the oppo,1tt c ;u,ufied ID tts •rnv, The land would prob:ibh h31e 10 t>e ,old 10 p3) the tuc:. on 1 \n, ol the ,1)(1n,11r\ ,,t thl bill "vuld bc happ\ 10 take th1 land off the , 11 , hand\. Or pcrh3p, lhl' ,:i~ucl~ dc,cnbed i:r ups mtere<;ted ID ga-.. 011 and I!<"< hnmal e,pl,1r311,,n m:i, Ix- :iblc 10 g,11n a. e~ 1 tht~ tnnton that h:i~ her:n ,,11 hm1h 111 1hr:m 111 the p.1,1 \IJ1bc tlw lcd,·r.il l!,,1crnml'nt d,'IC:, h \C :i hand m too maO\ ··maJor IJcc:t, ol hlc: \i:n, ulture. cncr~\. hcithm . he: th and ~,elf.ire." a\ backC'r~ 11! the bill cl;11m. but ldlho ,h(luld do~c:I\ ,rnmmzc am mo,c th3t rould uh1mJtl'l\ r,·,uh 111 the "'" vi 11, land •
NIC student gives 'praise' prompted by Spokane ads 0 ·.u S(l('lJnc. T',, 11'l,1un, men1 of \\>Ur :id, en"'"i! cJmpJtRn ,,n r:id 111 ~nd I I · • " e c11'1un :i1mc:1I .11 pronhitmi: toun,m 111 \l"lUr Cll\ \\ .1, Ill ~re:11 1nterc,t to me \, I und<."r,1and h,•pe th1-. c.1mpaign "111 l,!Cncr,11e enough lntl'n•,t 1 '>p,.•1.:inc .a, n l\1un, 1 ,m n that the mct1ml' ol v,,ur bu,m~v L. ·-~~ .-,,·,,c 3 \!re:i .... "' I mu,t th.tnl. \IIU S('<,l.,,n<'. form, · home of ,, h Idaho , Ill benefit fn,m th" """'· rt I "''ndcr. h,l\e \l)U thl"lU!ilhl t1f the mam other benefit, th!\ could brin , h ll " · the :11r qua ht, ,,t 1,,ur do11 nhm n area 11111' m31.c, 1·1111 ., l'llntcnd~~ for ,ixit ,,n the na11,,n·, 1... , ,,1th•· Ill mo,1 P<'IIUll'd c1ue,. J11,11h,nl. \\llh 3 ~ mllu \ of h•ur1'h \llll mu:ht Ii•· .,bk Ill 1"mpctc \\ 11b I ,,, \ngeli·, or ' c,1 ) 1,rl.. I h.11 ,,,,uld r\",1lh r:1,,•. \,1ur prc-.11~•·. 1\11uldn t 11' ) u ,'l,uld 1·1cn end 1lw di,,,,111,·nt ,,11;r tlw h11ur, ,,1 ,·,,ur 1lo"nhmn pllr~tnl! lian nnJ chn11n:itc th,•'<' p,·,I., ,·ar, .1lt,•i:1·thcr :l.h mJin hop,·. th,1111:h "that ,,,me ,,I the 1<1un,t-. n111:,h1 dc.1dc 10 , 1,1, in this :tr1•:i. \lier all. pcupll' 1h• 1101 c,,1111· to , 11rth1 rn ld.1hu Jnd I- ·"tcrn \\ a,h111g1on Ill he lwrmu,. do lhc\ ' I h1•rc 1, 1·11t1rdv t\)11 mm·h 11prn l,1nil 1n rh,s :irc:i ,ind "l' ne1•d tt• lill II up \l i1h mil,·, ,,1hnu"n!-! 1raw,. 1,1i1<1r1c, p;irlmg lot, nnd frn•,q1, , . lhen m ul,I hJH' rlw bc.1u11l11I pa1111ram.l\ lh,11 w mud, ,,t ~1,uthcrn C 11tr,,rn1.1 .111J 1he <."a,11•rn ,1.11,·, h,111• \ho, our nH·r, .,r,· hl\l ck,111 We Ml' b1•,omlnJ: i11f,1m1111, ·" one of thr nrca~ rn the C\1 untn 1h.11 h,I\ lllll hn·n hn,1nc1.1ll, wcH'"lnl cnuugh 10 pollute ,,ur m ,•ri. .,nd l.11.<·,, I l11p1 lulh , ,1ur :111\1 rt "111g ,·,11np.111<11 will bnnr In rhc pc,,pk 11<'\'l'"Jf\ h• J!lel ch,• 111h don,·. \lore pcopk• 111 lhl· .ir,·,1 nlll ld .,i..n hdp 11, get ml of Jll llw,c wild 11111mal\ th:it ron1 am111atc 1he connlr\\llk \hn all. 111' l,111cl hcl11n.:, to m.in alunc nght" ~Jtnralll th1-. "11! all 1,1kl um,·, 1'u1 ,11 k.1,1 th e 1-tu'>mc"nwn who .arr 1h, lrcam of our ,och:11 \\ 111 'l'C ,111 1mnwclt111t ri"' 111 tlu:1r mrnmt, '1"111, "nnh fair, tor II "as lhl'\ "ho h,11.I thl I\ "d11m and lnrl"'>tght In dnnurc ,1 l.ir11e share of the mnnl') nne".1n to Jl.l\ flu the l",llllJ>.111(11 SJ1(>buc, I 11111,1 .il,o lUlll(ratul.11t v,1u on vnu r d ec1,111n 10 h.1111. .1 t ,,.. i\ngde., adwn1,1nJ.: Jgt nq i:rc.1te .rnd pmdul'c 1ht· ad,. I vcryonc k11t111 , that there arc nl"l qualified aclvcr1iw1g agcnde, 111 Spok,llll' , e:.. th,., could me:in ),(Teat thmg, for 1he fu111rc of th e Inland r:mp1rc We oould C\en !<k,k lun, ;ml tn a lime" hl'll <."nou~h people: h;1vt hrought cnuui:h money 11110 rhc arc3 1h.i1 Northern Idaho ,ind hl\tcrn Wn,lungwn could ~eccdc from 1hc1r parent ,1J1c, and lnrm .i \l:tll' uf 1hc1r own. I C311 C\CO sugj,(1. \t J namc for 1h,., Oe\\ \IJIC Wuh life hl·rc bJ\Cd t)ll the Iott) 1Jeal of pur,uinl( th e bclo\ed bud,. 11 \\c,uld univ bl right 10 rJll 11 " :\e" Oollaria .'' i\nd. "hen \IC .ir1. lurm.111> .idm111cd 10 1hc un mn, \\e could requc,1 that Conf!r<.''>'> :iuthnr11c addin1,1 a dollor ,1sin 111 thl nJI? mste:id ol JU~I 3nuthcr ,1:ir. Spuit3nc. I JUSI C3nnv1 c.~prcs-. the fullnc~., ul nn apprcCIJllon for ,our brilliant idea. fhank\ agJin and keep up the gnud work.
(. . .___c_ar_d_i_ na_l_ re_v_ie_w___J The Cardllll R~le" Is publl\bed \eml, monthl> by I.be PubllcatJont Worullop class 111 lliorth Idaho CoUeiJt. Member" or the CR §llllf wrtl srrhe 10 prNHI lbt ne"~ falrf), accurate!) and without prejodtee. Opinions e.rpr"'ICd on the edllodal page do DOI D ~ ) ttOCCI lbe ,le"s of the ASNIC or tbe NIC admlnklnllolt. ~ CR is entered as lhlrd-d.ass material at C.oeur d' AJe-oe, Idaho 8J8J.I. American ColleglaJe Press All-Amcrlam Newspaper m&nJ1glDg editor .............. ... ...... .............. . , .. Jeanelle Hamllt.oo DC" s editor.. , , . • • ......• , .............. ........•......•.•.... Rniee llcid
I.SSOCia.t.e editor.
. . . • • • . .. .. . . . . . . • .. .. • . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . • . ..• .KbD
Tom ~ pbotognpb) editor ...................••......... , .......... Christ} Stdldc, eop} ed.i tor .................•... . ..... , . , •.•..... , ....... , .. Curle Sptlal" fni.att and ad editor ................... ...................... Keodn SalG spons ec:Utor. .
• ......•.. , , .. . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . . . . . . •
:;::i;;,·.:: .. .'.. :·.:·.:. :·.::: ·.::: :·.::.:.: ·.::::::.:::::::::: -~
staJJ members.... ........ ............... ... ... . ............. Marti Plcrff,
Greg Du.Puls, Maria Farber, 8111 Bcadshaw, Laan Hubbard, GlCllda Y-,, IC&m1 J ohansen, Sean cnmo~ . Mike J ones, KarJiy Dunbar, MAI) Limo, Kathi B erbkersman, Sharlyn Dittman, Tom Golden, Grq L,'1Je, T r a d ~
No,. 14, 1980/ Cardlnal Re-view .3.
more opm1ons
Paradox B y Kendra Smith
Bored board on the wall .. Hey man. I'm bored. Let's find somerhing to do. mind ex panding but not illeagal. somcrhing stimulating but not pornographic. He). 1 knov.. let"s go watch rhe reader board in the SUB. Whac a crip! .. The reader board, for'those uninformed ones. is that delightful piece of entertainment disguised as a TV set in the SUB. Admin istration . Communicacion-Arts. and Hedlund Vocational Buildings. A rare artifact, that reader board. Installation should be considered in the bathrooms. For a minimal cos! (nothing) one can go to any of these easily access3ble loc:11ions and sit for hours watching this fascinating display of human ingenuity. The content will hold the average college student's attention for hours. Examine carefully the fa scinating reader board. The content is consistenr to soy the least. F..:ich day a group of notices is programmed onto Channel 13. These notice\ arc repeated over and over and over and over and over throughout the day. The nnnuunccmcnt& ore similar to those instructors kindly post for their cla!>ses. The adminh,tration is possibly s:uurating the media. This engrossing miracle of modern science (yes. the reader boardl is detrimental to the !>tudious habits of the determined S1udents of 'IC. Because of it s nbc;orbing conten t. it distract\ ~1uden 1s frnm 1heir othcrw15e dbmnl life of l>ook5. When ~tudcnts ~hould be in lhe library hilling the bl}()h. they arc huddled in large groups around one of the ~carce render buard1, 101nlly mes me ri1ed. Greot honrd, of studcnt5 ore skipping classes to s11 in the SUB and the holl of the Administration Building 10 w:uch the reader boards. Th1$ causes great human traffic jam,. Which impede those few weirdos who do not get off on render board,. This epidemic hos reached phenomenal proportions. The only :,olutioo to the issue thnt hns 5tricken the campus 1s to change the channel to :.omething uninteresting on the tclevi5ion once an a \\hile. The weaning procebs would hove to be grndunl. Possiblr an occasional ~oop oper:a. n game ~ho" or an aft ernoon mo,·ie. Thi.:. m1gh1 cut do" non the crowdb mossed around the TV~. Of courbe. some student:, might complain about the energ~ wasted v.hile dull. ordinary progrnm, nre being nired. 1 hey might say. " Wh, bothrr to even hove the teh.:vi\1011 on if we <'nnnot \\'Otch the render boarJ"" The l'ncrgy wnMc " ould be offst·t by thc dc3rlng cffcct the ordinar: bhows would hove on 1hc crowd in the SUB. Mo~t 01hcr cnmpu~c~ have renliLed the hypnotic clTcct reader board:. h:1ve on :,tudcnt:. and hove telc,·1~ion~ with changeable channels 10 prc,ent 1h1:, problem. Student:. may rompla10 about m1~sing the render board:. and ~om<' small riots niny re\Ult, but it h imperauvc that :.omethmg be done 3bout the render board~ bcforr nil :.tudcnti. :.top going to all classes altogether.
Yippee--election 's over Thank Gawd it's finall\' o,·er ! The election r:impaign.that is. For the laSt :.e,eral months "ea:. .:itizcl'n of this beautiful country haw been literally inundated with tons of politic3J promises. inurndos. and grneral bullroar. E,env.here we tu rned. no matter \\here ,,e were. o,cr-lriend l, . o,er-t•n~husia5tic. craiy politicians greeted us for our 1mponant ,01c. · Although it's probabl} like this eve~· election year. it seems that the pressure inten\ified :i million umes this year. On television. rad10. in personal ~pceches. ne\, spapers :ind c, ery" here was camp:ugn cr:ipola Oo\dng like molasses on a \\urm dav. '1/euspapers looked like the~ "ere soleh romposed of c:imp:ngn ads. We had 10 look prc11~ close 10 find the nc" s through the m3SS of political propaganda. And on 1ele, isaon. evcrnime we looked the other "ay th«:!rc was some poliucfan telling u:. ho" he·" as the best thing for the countr~ :.ince zipper:,. rm surprisrd that the, didn't create some son of media de,•icc 10 solicit ,01es - perhaps a satellite signal that would beam message right into our bedroom. We could \\Jkc up to the tune of our favorite politician telling u~ v.hy ,1e should ,ote for him all during the umc we :ire brushmg our teeth and grabbing a cup of coffee. And "h' didn·1 th<!', use other not !>O popular methods to conve,· their message\? WhJ "ercn't banners and colorful bumper Mickers placed on the :inamal~: after all. 11 i~ hunting ~cason Imaginr :, niC'C four-pomt 11 h11e1a1I buck bounding out of the woods garbed in a colorful. .. \'ote for S~ mms" banner. Or consider a duck n~mg o, er the rcfu~c \\i th a colorful ··Reagan for President .. llag unfurling us glon over all the hunter... And ho,\ about trained peh that opt for their favorite political c:indidate? How about Ro,er bnnging in the paper as he " ore an .. I Love Carter.. bu11on~ Or ma)be a dedic:ited Republican rode nt soliciting ,·..itcs for Re3gan• And ho11 about the underhanded tactics that some of our fine upstanding public servants are using 10 get rc-rlected. In some nee 1here hos been more mud slinging than there 31 the Black Dog! And "h) shouldn·1 the) tr) to fool the public? They are after one or the easiest jobs in the v.·orld toda). Instead of polnicians. some of them could be labeled l:ickodaisical. aoimahstic. un,. yel1011. . slo". le1hargic. unin1elligen1. gibbering saps lo 01her words. LAZY SLLGS! E,cn after poliucuns .ire elected the~ continue the barrage of political bull But 1 guess that's good: at least the~ re doing something "ith our hard-cJmed mone,. And what about the smear campaigns that some used 10 elect their dl~,~~n one" Like the ABC ~-omminee. The An)bod) But Church group who~ national parent organ12a11on bl.i:antl: satd they could elec1 f'.lit·kc~ Mou~ 1r the~ lobbied h.ard enou~h. Don I lool. 0011. bat then: might soon be a ne11 member of the United Seate, Sen..,e from ld.. ho v.eann2 a pair of mou ..e ear'>' T.E.
Library losses under national average; thieves still hurt NIC need~ 10 pat ibclf on the bock n~ well~ put mcon iderate magume and book thieves in their pl:icc. ·nie 11n11on:1I nvcrngc for book thefts in an open library is 3 percent of all the books collected by the Iibrot') . 1c·~ o,erage b .3 10 ., pen:-em. CongratunHions NIC• Although the lo:,:, pet\'<'ntnge i less than the national a,eragc ~nd praclically insig1111icant. the fact thot there 3«' those "ho ~tenl boo~ md magnLines still remain. Those who ~,cal from the libr.in. ,1 hether it be "Runner's World ... " Reader's Guide 10 Periodical Liierature .. or an encyclopedia. nre not only :.tealing from the hbrnn but :tlso from their fellow students as well. The copy machines nt NIC have been kept 111 a lo" cost so that students could .1fford to malcc copies of the m:uerfal needed instead of forcing the stud,.,m to m:1ke off with the original copy. If the libf!lf) "tinted to put in a
~curit~ de\lce 11 \\OU d COM about s-.ooo. mone} 1h:u could be U!>Cd to cnnch the re)Our~s of 1hr libr.:m. Another ra~,or 10 consider "hen pondering the prospect of stealing from tht> libran 1s that those frustrJted librarian!> "ho du11full} ca1aJog 3.0d record :iii the nr" boo!.'> "ill tal.e .ill thieve) 10 the dean for prose..-uuon \\'hen the thought of ,1caling the book or magazine comes. s1uden1s )hould Lr) to remember that other srudents will suffer from this selfish act. If th:11 d~ not dei~ the desire. then \\Ould-be thie,es ~hould think of the consequences. Those of the considerate and polile "a~ of life should do their ~cs1 10 apprehend .1ad detain all thie\C:S they see stealing books from the hbrnr~. The AS 'IC should do its best 10 eliminate all thefts so that all sources \\ 111 be available to all students a1 all times.
Concert loss over 53,200 Sru• cnt .., .•J memb..r - tndc " ,., ~n.tl S" ~ , ., , • "le- i: Supph concc:1 10 S 10 100 11 the , :,, 10 rnectu:.:: tlut the c • ::u.rcd ) l.200 le-.,
nn be kg2ll~ hand:ed bJ the bo:i:d Ourm11 ((ln1rac1 m:i:ouauon, Y.llb -\11 Supph, :he b.'l;lrd ,et the mlm t(I P""•cnl <nu,pcnding The 101al e1pend11urc 1<as amended :i, a for:naht, to ablt' D1rec:or ,f \uulan Ser.sec, Wes Hat h • p.n the ,CmJl =.! b Hat ch• d •he board rha· the cnt1 surn 1, n -ccmdt'd o:i the 0.-iooer bud"'t't. bur SIO.OJI lud alrcad, been ,pe"t ··1 could ha,e not p21d th~ bilh bcf •c cc:.,ultw, tht' ~ . i •• he ~ d ... but thn ,trc lq;1t1m;i1c and 1411 be ~ d an,,.a, aod I rbnt •he problem .. a,n t c,tcrn:il. but internal • Pr..-,rd, nt J.:cn Kc,!, r ,ud ht' ft"lr tM paid 100 ::10,h f • rhe conttn and ,houtd haH· compared I e pn e ~ r S rP q •ed th m "lib pnccs quoted to llChcr ll:t'I ~0001\ " In d1,appomred tha •e arm ·1 [.!OOd hut arc a cp1a t! •e arn fr m them · Kohh loiild he v.a~ pk:i,ed 11.11,'i the "I the nccr. 11o-rn1 but said he th nl ',I(' "JS tJLen 11d,an•ai:e af er her ~hool<; at :he ' Student leaderunp Confer Th.: board \lent l"I n I e ~ n t dete e the :eetp Clll of the S61 w,,,nd ,cmntcr scholar hip C -::i ··cc cb:r;,cnon B· I Bam~ announced :ha· J3ni~~ \ldcrman will recc1,c the .P.rd O\er )Ot::e 30 :ionl ant,
Tuition may be Student, \\h .ire- p r, ._ " runhcnn!l their ht~hcr edu(,11 vn one of lh<' um1 cr~111c, rn ld3ho ,b.)uld be a11arc that tum<'r r-·::"t l-<' :idded to the c,>\I ol roilc;:e\c,-ordmi: to 1,~, :ad,1,cr IO th.: \ludcnt b(':srd° the prc,ent Idaho St.lt<' Code pr,•h1b11\ k>ur•JNr 1n,11u, tions fr,,m char11m12 tu11ton , and 1c:1 the cock rcqum:, the 1uni"r roll~e~ to charl!t 1u1t on If the , 'iani:c " m,mutcd. II ,hot:ld nt>I .IIIC,I ')( be<JII\C the 1\JIJc,:c
:ia, hanec coo d student, udcnt Bo.ird hn )et to r.:iie :let n ,. hcther 001 10 JOII the AS) 11ted 1udcDI\ of Idaho :11 :l:ev.art ~ d The \!)I ha, b,~n formed b, \luden1' ,. ho "ant 10 )('d le1=::I IHhUD e an antcrprellng tht )late code De
\n 11-dcpth \ n ,. fo(1o. tn the 5 ,s~ue 11\c Card.:nal Rt'\le"'.
CrcJt OuPut, pholo
( 11ppin l,!
ounini:: \ ta1knt S hd l, 11,hcr rceche, her cap from prll('tlcal nunlng Jn , 1111ctor / e ll• J )C In ccre monlc!> held No, . J.
J,;J,,,.,io11 tr,•11tl.~ ,11w/,:.,•d
'Wait and ee" attitude answer to con ervative sweep B~ Bill 8. 8111d~lut" 'lo" that .1n,11her prc'1Jcn11.1t ct~·tt,,n h,l\ become hMon th<' 11mc ha\ come 10 '1t ba,l .ind rcile('t ul)<'n "h.11 thc t'l',ult, re:ill, :nc:i.n Or rour,c. no one ha,) t'l'h1bk m ,ul b.111 bu: there :are ctruJD 1nd1ca1ors thit ,3n 1cll 1he natton \\h3t tt ,·;in expe., fr.,m lh leader> dunn the neit four ,ear) and there Jrc .ih,, 1nd1~Jtors 1ha1 cln tell the nc ... h-<ll'<.,ed le:idcn "'hat the, can e,pcn fn1m indl\ 1duat ,01rr,. ,penal mtere,1 group, and foreign coumne:,.' For r,.implc thct'l' hh been mu.:h ,pc-culation that thc nation... ide Repubhc;io !Jnd,hdc, tnd1'3te th.11 th.: rountl" h2, become much more ronscl'\'311\ c. Ht>"c,cr.11 1, 3 uell-k.n<J11,n fact ·1h.11, h11,h pen:en1.1i:e of th~ "ho 11ocn1101he !>'Ills ,,,1ed 31!.ltnst. r.11her th.in tor lD) p.1rttet:lar nnd1da1e People "'ere ,our.g rc,cn1men1 Jnd ont3!!0m,m and "ert' 1htnl..tn~ 1ha1 almost an~ chlnge ,.ould be 11!.'komc Th" chan11e m3,. in fa.:1 be lor the belier. For ;i qu:i.rtcr of a c-rntu"" the Democr.iuc P.irt} h3.> rontr" led Congre,,. and 11., le1dcrsh1p hn become lcss a:id le,, ctft'cm cm rettm Jc..ir.. , "' that the Rept:bltc.sn, arc in rontrol of thc Scna:c. the, "111 be under pres..ure t !!I\C the rountr:, wmc ~,h :ia,"crs to old problem,. tor the~ mu,t rcJhze th3t the~ on be '"CPI from po,,er 1n the samc manner m "h1ch the, "on it. C.imp.ii'cn promi,e, tor ;i :oug?:ler loreu.;n po!iC) and a stronger militai: h:11 e .1 rc~d, bet:un :o l::11c dk,l. Thc,e :irca~ "'ill prob:ibl~ be "'here •he mc,t nvll,c.able ctsance-s b, the ne-11. :idmmts'"'.':'!r3 will be felt World rca,·uon~ to· \Ir. Rcai:ar.·, .,.i n ha,e ,.incd from Western Ei.r~·~ cn1hu:.i11,m 10 dlloappo1n1m~n1 in thc Sn\!et l;nion. confu~ion 1n Iran. fc;,r of "2unbcat dtplom:4, .. 1n CubJ .1 deduo111on of 1.11 br.ich ,,,ton b, the PLO and a , ciled 1hre•t lrom Chin.1 Y.3mtnit Rc.1..:an not to Jeop:irdize cu; eoi Su:io- ~m..-nCJn rcl:111,,n,h1p,. The future \Ille of the cet>nom~ 1!> anyone·~ -;:uc.,,, Be:ng the oC"o> kid\ <ln •ne blod. the Rcpubhc.n'i "111 undoubted!, male some a •1ccablc :i.uempts to UDptl)\C 111hroughdc.-,i,'e)suchb the Kemp-Roth 1u cut pl:ui ,.h1ch calls for a IOpercnit ,earl~ tu reduction tor the ne,.t three ,ea". Re.11:;in·, prombc:. to cut the l.1t out oi i:o,cm!Ilfflt 'lnd to turn •e!farc ;ind~ prognm,. :ilone "llh 1hc1r , ourees of income. b:u:k to the ~wl,C 11;0 ,ernment\ v.ill ccn:unh h.tH' ;i profound cllect n nmed ou:. If the M:11e, can man3ee these program, mon: efficicnth th3n the Cedc.:il go, erumcnt hn. th~ "ould be grcatlJ 1mpro1ed o,cr the. mammoth burcaucrac) the) b,ne bc,.-,;,me m Wuh1n2ton The e:ipected build-up of the milit~ !>hould also be a boo<.t 10 the econom~. Like II or not "'lr production is good for the financi:tl he:ilth of the r:ountn . Thc prc ..,dcnt,clect h3\ t3ken a om<.>me ~t.md on ecoloin. He 1s c:n the record
~\ ,1a1mg lh,11 protecting the environment , hould nu1 rnmc :tt the cxpcn,c of e,'Onom1.: pro\pentJ Hopefully. he will come u, ,ee that the econum11; and ccolog1C3l hnhh of the nJtion are equal!\ tmportan1 and thar one doc\ nrir ha,c to CJ.ISi :It tht' CIJl('n\e of the other Reagan's \l.tnd on nuclear po1,1,er I\ encou raging. If he t \ able 10 fulfill h1, intent nf bu1fdtng the nuclear encruy mdu'itry wnh guideline\ that arc str1c1 enough 10 mJkc II safe . thl'n he "'tll ha,c a great nccomph~hment 10 h1\ record Con,idcnn11 Real(an'\ plan\ for an 011cr:ill cutback on go, crnmcnt ,pcndtng. colll'g~ Jnd unt,cl'\t11c, ma> h.i,c ~me unccn am ume, ahcJd Pr~1dcnl B31T) Schuler ,aid that he wa, not too , urc JUSt "'hat the o,crill Republic.in ,,.c,·p Y.ould mean 10 the college. but he dtd e 1prc,, wme concern o,cr ~me loc::il "'1nnet"\ . President Caner·~ plans arc a\ yet uncertain. Afte r h1, term e nd, in January. his mother. ~fas Lilltan, \.atd that ~he ,.ould hkf'.' him to "come bacL to Platn\, cur the gras\ and ck-:in up the yard:· Thcrc h&\c al bct:n \uggc~1ion) that he mrght like to c ntc r Baptist m1\\11JD•'1
\\Ork. Pre!>ident Carter. ho,.ever, w1ll 1us1 have 10 do like th e rc,t of u\ 1,1,hen II come~ ro the future. \• Pre~ident Schuler ~aid ... About all v.c can do I\ \\all and hope for the
• • • • • • omcr • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •)
I I.
eur J' A
Nov. I~, 1980/ Canllnal ~
few .5.
NIC on top of college pile, state enrollment stats say
Ou 1doo r a n St ud e n ts K> Warbbolz a nd Knrlna Ward use one or the remaining warm da}s to do some outdoor dni-.log.
The ,,.o sm3Ilest colleges m the state recrived the largest inrre3Scs in enrollment this ~ car. 'IC. the second smallest college gained an addition:il I~~ full-11mc ~tudcnts this ult. 10 lmng an llll-rease of 11.q perceDl from 13st }Clr :iccord1ng to rhe Stlte Board of Educatioo. Le" 1s-Cl:irk Sme College faced the largest 1ncrelse. adding l 4 !>tudents for an incre3>e of 23 percent
Though Boise State Unher~it\ ~aned the most s1uderu., . .ir. 11 onh produccd a o.S percen1 increase from bs1 ,ear·, enrollment The li1111ersll\ of l<hho bad the ,mallest mere~. "'ilh ool~ a 0.31 percent add1uon m student!> m·cr last )'e:ir, ~ hile Idaho Sme Jo<.1 159 student\.
The other junior college. College ,,r Southern Idaho. 3ddcd -.3 student\ to t>nng Jbout J 5.4 pen:ent increase.' 111 enrollment from 13,t , car. 'II(" hJs ~ccn the l3r1?e,1 incrt"aw in enrollment. "i1h J J" :! percent 111· creJse. 1n the p:ist four yclrs. le11 isCl:10. w:i, ncn. "ith 3 24.J percent rncrca,e in full,11mt' enrollment. In fan. the onh m,111ution "ho\e enrollment h;i- d·ccre.ucd O\'e r the past four ~ cars 1, Idaho S1J1e. whose num~r of ,tudcnb hh !?One from 4.-m- 1n l'rb to 4. rl in 1QS0. Enrollment m the junior colleges has 111cre3scd .5 p,m:ent this ~ car and 25 percent 1n the past four ,c:ars. ,1 hilecnrollmcnt in the fouMear ms11tu11ons has mo-cased onlv 2.5 percent th1~ }CM. Jnd 4 3 pcrt'ent ,incl' l<l'b.
Parking regulation changes to cos t violators big money
J, Iranian captured by locked door ~Om<' would lerm 11 n dra1n1ng c,pcncncc Other,. n11ght lOII it royally nu,hcd lroruon !iluMnt Maltlk Ftminan RQd didn't think h" ~ituotiun 11n, \0 funn} I\ ht•n he recently found him~df tn n hu1111,ruu, rcHt\01 ol the lw,1a11c crl\1~ l· t1111no11 ltud inadvertent!\ 1ochd hlm,cl! 111 a ln, kcr roori1 l111thr1l<!111 111 thc NI<. fl\ m nnd l.1t1•r ,n,d 1hn1 ht• f)OUntkd nn 1hc d,1or nnd ralkd fur hdp
11H1 untdcntrlic:d \mcru.·an ,1uden11, heeded hi\ cric, but jok111gl~ told ham thn>UEfh the locked door that he "'ould bl' rclcu,cd nnh "'htn the Amcncan hU\IOEfc:) "'\"rt' '><'I free Wh,h.: the pair "'ert' ,ean-h1ns for a H'rt\\dt111·r tn pn th, door open . I tn11nan Rad c.",,·apcd hi\ prro1c.1mcnt h1 dtmhlnK 1111\>ui:h a brc>kcn "lndo,. 1,, ln·,•d,,m.
A nc" parklnl.' polu:,. for ~IC"' 111 go into cffec1 ,,n '-o, . JO, ,nd la" enforcement offia;il~ hope It ,, ill bnng an end to the- troubled parl 1ntt \IIUlll<>h ,
Aci:ordmg ID \\ sJJ) 'toong. director of ,e..-unl) , ''thc collei:e I\ ha\lng 3. ,elfhh ptr,on problem · '-o one "ant\ 1,, "ah. 3. Jon;:•~• t< ,:ct tn their ell~~. he ,aid The ::e,. puk111g policy "111 lct C\ en-one k:no,. eunh "'b.11 the rule, art I Rt'fcr to hld pa·~ of th,,
1,,uc.l The n..,. poh,, ,. ti( :tdd a SI f~ 10 c,cn pJrl.1n1; 110fa11on tint 1k• d.t, if thr !inc :, no: p:tJd ,.,•h111 lu ~hoot din~
\ ouni: ~,d 1ha1 this 1sn'1 the first ,car 'Iii( h.n had problem, ,.llh ,tudcnt, bruit) 10d adr:nn1s1nt1on
parl.11111. The s11ua11on hn, just grown "uh the enrollment. " ~I( i, the Qnh cnmpu\ in the MO.IC lhJI doesn't ,hargc lur porl.1ng." \ ounp ,lid He said 1h01 C\l?none ha, been ~poilcd and 1hat thC) w3.n1 tht' bc~1 but the, don't want tn pa, for 11. \ lone "uh 1hc nc" p.1rl.1ng pohc,·. pcr)(ln> 11 uh complnu11, or citations mu,1 e,i 10 the Campus Pol1c:c Offi,c lo.:.11ed in 1he Winton Build1n1i. Thc bu,me:,, offk<' "ill 1101 longer h.1,c: to deal ,11th thc,e ~ituations. \' uni? :.aid The poli<'} is going into effect thi) ~emc,rer Young said . becau,c rhe atrnude "ill be beuer IO\\ ord it ne,1 <,~ffle\tl!r,
Scrooge a liue and kicking but only on e ho lida)~ off U) Bru ce Padi;tet ll1ank,gl\ mg!? l lumbug! Thh lime ,11 \car 1,c·rc all hllcl that 1, e ~h,1uld .-,1un1 our hlc~,in~, ,md he 1cn thJnkful. Well. lool :it th1) venr·.., ollic,al blc,.-.mg count. and then dc..,dc whether M not to" a,tc llur i:r11111udc Fir..t. ,1·ccan b,• thanlful 1h01 \\C 1100'1 o,ercat at the annual turlr1-:tnd·dre~ng porl do" n momh bccau\l' "c c.in ·1 allord 11,. Sc,vnd. ,,c ..-an be thanlful tor at k3,t 'l•mc of U'> can) for ,,ur nud1crm gr.iJc,. CUut "'-' \till h:i,c hJlf .1 -,cmt·~1cr 10 go I TI11rd. "t c3.n he 1h11nt.fu1 that " <' ha,c fl<lnc llnother ,c;u- \\lthout the \OCUI fohnc ,,r our nauon dcicncr1111nl! into to1al 11narch, 1Gi,e 11 an1>ther ,cJT.) four1h "'e <:'an he thanUul 1h111 "c ha,e 11onc anuthN 1..-u ..,,thout N1ng dnftcd Or !'lehcd tn a thcm1Muckar m,~s,Je to.~, 1Stt II 3 300\ c l Fifth. we c.in be th3nlful 1,1r thl' 11,·toric, or RcJgln :inJ ,mm,. "'h1cti b lile bc1.!1g thonlfu1 for a \Oh deck 1·ha1r ,,n the 1,tamc Suth, ,1ccan be th1u1Uul forCTe.11i,c h,,u,e\\l\C, tor h,•u,ehu~bancb ,n hber.ued humtsl "ho can fmd onc.-•milllon•antl-one u~c<, for lefto, er turk, !Please nnte that there" 3 \Ide dfec1 · After 1\\0 stmght "c.:l.~·of lefto,cr 1urli.t'\ J pcr\on run n great ri,l of ~-amm!! :i "erc,tu~c, , "'hich me311S turning 11110 :i turkcv CH'I)' full moon. I In cun, lu,ion. to w,bte :1 pcrf«th good da, 10 g1,e thanks for the last ,cu \\Ould be n m1\tJkc • 3 (?ne lin l note~ If there "ere a hohd:1,· "'hcrc f:'en· .\mmc-.1.11 hc,u\ehold felt 0 bhgntcd to bu) -0·30 pound\ or c-rude 011. "e would -..1, it"'~ n monopoh. but "'t' lei the turkey furmers get >l\\ :l} \11th 11. It i> obnous thJt Thwsg11ing ~ nothang
morc tlan J ,-om1111e 1url.c, :.zrmcr plot to t,1ke tr.tr Jhe e,onom}. Thi, •nter·~ l"e\."Ot:imi:ncf.litJC)n' Fcrttt the !utiC\ and the rc.',t. and monc-} ,n a....\~t the- loc:il bu uwciauon fand l d n I mean la,..,cnl.
No, . 14, 1980/ Cardlnal Rev~"' -6-
Persistent parking problem pummels procrastinators By Tom Emond
t ~= l
;, ,,
Fall t-tro ll A lone NIC ~1udcn1 eajOJS the late fall "ea1her as he"~ In the ell) plltk bcath near campui,.
Racial groups strike again Cold "eather not only sends the beus into h1bernauon but it also bnngs the racial mo,cmen1s ou1 of hiding. NIC "3.~ again the target for recent racial anacks. Ca.rs parked along the di!.e road rece1,ed pamphle1s Oct. 29 from the Aryllll Dltions group centered in Hayden Lnke. an orgamz:a1ion "htch claims that the while race is durunislung. Although none or ,he cars parked on c:impus receh·ed these pamphlets. Wally Young. campus securiry officer. uid he suspe-cts tha1 the person responsible for putting the pamphlets on C'3tS "ished to rem:iin unknoY,11. Howe,er. he also added that young people. perhaps students. passed I.hem out because young people go unnoticed. Acrording to Young. lhe defamatory posters -.hich WCTC glued on power poles and buildings earlier this year were also put up by an NIC srud~t. The latest pamphlet degraded integration of races by stating that the death of the white race was not in lhe distant future and that the 11.·hite man ... as earth's most endangered species. "'History shows what ·tender mercy· the f~ rem=ng wbues can expect from the colored hordes in the 11151 days of our ra.ce ... the pamphlet said. It also clllimed that the Jewish people ha,·c sworn to destro\· the white race and that thet no-.. own a.U the major 1V networks, movie companies and publishing comp:imes. This pamphle_t is not 11 new release and lists a Havden Lake Post Office BoL Young said 13.Sl year the same paper w115 passed out ·by young individuals at the doors and entryv,.ays of the campus bnildings.
With .ill the problems tn the world today. it's onl\' appropriate that NIC h · ;h:m: also. 3\ c •t.s Alone "llh other as,oned pestilence~ such as famine~. cnnhquo\.e, flood he1t \\3\C!> :ind disease. , JC ha" the particularly diqurblng problem of 'parl iog~· It ,eems that IC 15 <hon of plrl.ing space, m the ~nmc wa,· thot cvcrvl>od 1 !>hiln 01 mone,·. · ) ' I~ this problem unique? It'< ab..,ut a.s unique as athlete', foot .and bod Richard :--_non 1m11:mons E,en colkgc 10 the h\\\Cr ~ 5tate< hn\ ,on1c 'll>rt or parkm dllemm1 g Parling ~pace- c:in be 1,.hghtly hard to find. espc:dnlh lf one ntr1\l'\ on e:1.mpus !he mtnute$ pril.lr to cla.<,.,; time. Thl' on!) 11 .ay to get II pnrl.mg 'ipot al lht\ pomt ts 10 dme :i.n ambulant'C or a bulldozer. ha, co good supply of hilnd grenade~. bring lots of monC) or be ht!!hly slallcd m mmd over m.iner. m II hich c:i<l' the ~ludent cnn ju~t coniure up a parkmg spot. Not onl,- 1~ th1, problem hurtin~ 'iludent~. 1t hn<; alw \truck a m" nrrvc wuh the facuh~ ln\lructor.. an: probabh bclly-nrhlng more th:in JR) bod) . l'hb may not be 'iO bad. g1, int1 them .1 1,1\U.' ~,f the C(1mmon II orld for a change One m'itruct('r c,cn blasted the admm1strM1on, "hich i~ k.tnd of like blo" mg pipe ,mol:.r m C:i<tro· .. fnC'I!, or mo.king cheap P111ish Jokes In fron, of 1hc pope. In other -.ord:. 11 just doc,n't go <•,er that "ell. I ~ue,, 11 m1't qu11c th111 bad. But ii I~ bnd when the, writer of these bliorre ROtni,l~·on re('('tvc, .1 fn<'ndl\' greeting from the luw-cnfon:cmcnt. It 11.as tile th1,. M) olnrm dod \\liS on lhe fnu (thro"1"A it n11.i.ln\t tht' wnll ln n , 1olen1 manner ma, hnve had ~omcth1ni:: to do with ii). When I left my lrallcr, I was alrc.ad~ !Jtc for a ven 1mp<1rtnn1 h1b. Am,·mg .u NIC l,,tc and hoping Ill Ond n space within .i qunne>r•milc or one\ cl.:i" 1, hke hoping C'hen I ltcg\ "111 come by on a loneIv evening Su I pnr~cd m a bun,h ,,r ,ellc," hnc, and went to my eln,s. hut I wn, obhv1ou, ol' the cnmc I hod w d.1nngl) (('mmittcd ,\ltt"r cndunng .i p.:1r11cularl) ,trc:nuuu, t\\O·hour lab, n p~rkmg tkkcl was just 11.hat I needed land \\hAt I got) Oh wrc, 1! wmo:b\\(Jv ,, pitrkcd tn front ol u fire hvdrnnt or 111 the gvm. I could \Cc n But g1\tnll wheel locks to people whu were JU\I o little lnte? l'in'l rhnt lWi\ti njl lhc
knift J bu, fhc la" ent11ncmo:nt people tnke cntlcl\m 11,nQUC•in·chcclt. They ,.,~ 1hcrc 1s nu p.1r1.ing problem hu1 .i la,,• s1udcnt problem \re JJI ,tudcnt, nt NI( thrce-lOed ,loths. mc.ipuble of I\Jddhn1.1 n few feet Ill cla"? I \urcly hnpc not! !low \\ollUld lhat ,i,und - the NIC '1.lnth\. in,tc:nd 11£ Cardinal\. Tlic: la-. enforcement dcpanmenl. however. took .1 l111lc medicine lll their own. Ac a mock tnal, 1111, ,h nllcged 1h01 one of the cudct, perJurcd h1m,cll . What ~n uproar he cau\cd. Wha, ,r ~omc u1hcr cadet goto p:1rking ,1ckc1 ? Ile "'ould probably call m the national gu3rd But 1~ the prohlcm rc311y b.:sd1 Probably everyone has heard tho:.e ,hillmg <,lone\ ofho-. Cirandpa used to trudge seven miles II) ~chool in three feet of ~now (and 1hal "'3\ m the summer). I\ walking Q couple of hundred yud, too clos~ oll lhn, bad? I mean 11·~ not like running a marathon or anything. Jus1 take 1e$SOn\ from O.J., who crashes through a1rpons ~ d1plomatically. (And, no-.. he nies .) The la11. enforcemen t members, although they arc victims of mttny puns and jol:cs. need tu be ~ho-. n they are actually human once 1n o while. Ju\! think wh111 i1 would be like withoul them. The campus would probably look like W:111s in the 60' $. (although lhcse improvements would we years). And, or cou~e. when one breaks the law, he must p11y the fine. And ignorance of the la11. is no excuse. (They ~ay ignorance i~ bhss. Would this meon that when one gtm a parking ucket he would be blissed?) An)<wa>, even if the parkmg problem seem~ lO be overwhelming at times. re_member. it isn't going to go away. With the tight budget and the culbacks NIC is currently having. repainting the cx.isung parking lines may be all the college c.in afford. much less building a oew parking lot.
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Basketball team facing year with loaded bench B.> Tom f mond For once m Rolly William's long career. he's in trouble. And 11 ,~n·t an caw problem 1blt Wilham\ and. As~mant Coach Jack~ Bloxom have 10 figure out expcc111llr with the team opening tlS seawn S111urday a1 p m m tht' fir~r-e, er alumni match Their trouble 1} not n lack of talenr; instead. it 1s the problem of LOO much t31ent and 1rv1ng lo figure out who 11, ill be on the ~tartmg five. Problems have never been w good Arter 3 fint' ,·car of rccnJlling. Williams nnd the team ma} lool. forward to a very good SC.1\00, and thl\ is [IOI Sa.yang that last year's team Wli just another run -Of• thc:-mill tenm that took eighth 1n the country. But ,f 1here wa.~ one thing that l:1s1 year'~ team lacked it w'" depth. h seems the Cardinal, hav(' cornered the mukct on deep benchei this year. Returning to th1\ year''> team arc Rene Ta1-lor. Denni\ Whue. Rich Rollins. Bill ~hull. center Greg Wiltjer and Marcus Warren , 11.ho red-shirted la.st year. Blnxnm I\ fa1rl~ ronfident about the team but. 3\ al,.,v.,. s1res,es 1ha111 ma} be JU',I a lutle IQ(• c~rly to 1cll cxanh how good the \(juad will be. ··rhcy're slnrtmg 10 come along a liule bn. They're picl:ing up a f~ things quiclcr now," Bloxom said. "Anv11mc you h:ivc n large group of fre\hmcn. the people who get the pla1 m~ 11mc m·us1 learn what "'c art: 1rymg 10 do a'> a teJm. •· he '>llld. And lenrnlng lhe coaching philowphy of Williams I\ JU St Iiihat the freshmen h.1\e hccn gnmg over nnd over and over. And ,r lht'rc 1\ one thing thi\ club h wcnli: al. 111~ m 1hc experience depanrncn1
Om one of tbe returning pla,ers ha, an} legi11ma1e pl:1,ing umc . .:ind 1hat 1s \\ iltjer "'ho \t.1rted 31 center la.st >ear. "Greg is pb~ing prer.,· \lell " Bloxom ,:iid. ··There :ire rhing, 1h:1 h, h.s.s IV 11.or, on. but thJt is 1rue of Jn, 31hlctc ·· Bui srin the big problem rtm;uns a.s to" ho ,.;11 be lJkmg the court Jt 1he ,tan of 1he game. Accordmg to Blorom. there Jre se, en or eight fre, hmen ,, ho Jrc d1>ing J good job i1 this point. The mlm thing the coaches are conC'Cmed 1, uh 3re ho" 1hc fr •'>h ..;11 p,d up the complirn1ed offenses :ind defens,:s th3t 1hc Cards emplo). Bloxom u1d 1h:11 Charles Meri,. ethcr is loolmg prem good JI this point J mazmg e-CT)one v.nh his t:inw.11, leaping abilit,. Also lh<' iv.ins. Aaron and Daron Thompson arc lool.ing good Jt this poml. Warren Shepherd. Gordie Dixion and Wo.~ne Offtnhc1mer were 31~ prlbtd b, 1hc assistant coach Pete Adams. l t>-foot- - for11.ard from Anchor-le•·· Almn I!> currcntl} hJ, ing \Ome knee problems and t\ que<.uonablc right at the m.-,ment. Bl,,xom S.lid he is stamng to run and do \Ome hmued training. bu1 he h:i,n ·1been s.:rrmmag,ng ,.;,h the tc;im And Blo~om noted that if there i!> J "eJkncss the tenm h.:i\. u ,, JI the strong for11.Jrd po~iuon. John Bell plnyed 1h:11 slot 13-,t ,e.ir. but current!, the roaching "aff is ha, mg 1he1r problems filling Btll's ,ncakcr.. Rc1umine center W1hjcr ech<>Cd th3t comment ... We need a strong IOl'\\Jrd like Bell. but there .ire a 101 ot lorv.ard, that Jrc 1oueh · A, far :I\ guard~ arc concerned.' Wilt1er ,:ud. ··"e·rc prem "ell equal c "nh l.:1,1 ,ear·\ te:1m1:· He '>.lid 1h21 Mert11.<'thcr and Cahm Kane "ho "a, la,1 ~car", 1hml guard Jt Lamar l!ni,ersm. :i te.1m 1ha1 "cnt to the regional\ ol 1he 'i(\ \ 1oumamenr. ,are both lool1ng good Frc,hmen JOm1n:: 1h1s ll'3r, :,Jm lrc .\aron .md D.1ron Thompwn. lJord1c Dixon. Fr:inl Kclkr Brui.'t" Blackwood. S1c1C' BIJlch. Charle, \lcm,ctht•r. \\'lrrcn Shepherd \ltlc Tobm. W:I\ ne Orpcnhcmwr. Pete Ad.am, Jnd fim WeH·r, (31\ln Kone ll trDn fe fn,m L:imJr, "~ '"Phom.ire
370-pound heavyweight pocks punch
Mountainous wrestler proves size makes difference BJ Kathy Johansen h b 1101 h1u d to rcrog1111c Onrryl Pc1cr)nn. Al (1 10111 S nnd J70 pound, (gh r or lukc u fc" J. h( "'" ,11 "\lilnd, out' 111 11 (rO"d 111,ome ht- mu1 ,1nnd uu l lor rtu,on, other 1hun 111, ,,,.c~nme ph1'\lcal ,1.1111n•. JI Onrryl hXll~ r.11111liar. II 1110\' be 1h01 yuu'vc ,ccn him working llUI o, nn NIC \\tC\tl<'r. I'll rnu1•bc rnu\c ,ct•n lhc 11111,ic "T11l.cd;1wn:' in ,du ~h Pct,•r,on hnd n 11, rt·,1 hnR t\llC' Al.'l'nrd1nQ tll Dnrryl. " I nkcdu\\11 .. 11 "( 111derell,1 '' Mori· ahuul II h1gh ,dwnl 1ha1 lo\! c, Cr\ )l>Ofl 11111 t'H'III Ill a rwnl 'l'htllll 1 hl' ,, n•,t lini; urn m dt'Cldcd thc1 \\IIUld brNlr. thr IO\IOJI \Irr al. and pr.iH· , ic1or111u, ,n M l,•),1 Ont' \J>llll 1ht·ndor,: "1l,1bob11d1 (Dnrr, 11. or .. 13"h11ch," ,.., he 1, 1.ntl\\n o, lhr.,u11h· uu1 1he 0111\lr, pm,e, 111 he the tc.im', in,pirJ11on sn 11, qur,1 l11r, 1~h>n Bo1h "r,·,tllng and .1~11ng c.itt'I'" bl'jjUn sn hi\ homt· IO\\ 11 Plcn,0111 Gr11ve. Utah, \ llramJ 11•;1ch1•r 1n 1un111r h111h whoo! nruuwd and cnc,1un,gc:d 0.irl)r, arnn11 ~b11i1ies. H,, partk1pa1ion ,n 1u111or and ,cniot h1i:h ,chool dr.im3 t'Uln11nnlt'd hi, !\lie in "r,1\.ctlu" n •· h wo, o ca,c ot helng m the right pl3t'c :11 the ngh1 lime "Tnlcd,"'".. "11, on loe1111t1n tn Plc:n,nnt Gr,H c "h,•n he ,a,d he heard of the uudihon, " I 1u,1 lucl.t'd out. I 1tUC)~. •• Dan-vi ,aid, rcferTing to hi!. being selected to the pan. ~i.s ";NIStling ro~.-r al.o began m Junior high. He placed , ccond in s1a1c
111 111,qh \Cht>ol. hut lhl\ career \\:t\ ,hurt h,rd 11.hen 1hc clu1nce 10 act 1n1crrup1cd When D.iml learned of h1, \l.'lecunn u, a mJJUr r har:11:1cr in 1hc mo11e. he fo(cd a '"ugh dl."c..,iun. II v.-a\ a chn1C1." bcl"'-'<'n 111, "1"1.'\lhn)l c-.ir,·cr or mnlr.· IOI,!
SI .000 :t
Oarn I 1r1cd to mJmtJm l•oth ,arcc~ \lmultancou,h . hl' " orl.cd 12 hou~ a dov ,,n 1hc mo, 1c wl :1nd de,01cll h" rt·mJinmg umc 10 h" " ri:,1hn1,: tc-am , t·dk" 1<1 ~a,. 11 "~, nc:uh an 1mp,1"iblc 1a,l and he dropped" r,,, . hnJt niter 1h.: mo, 1c 11, 3\ t,1mplc:tcd lr11n1calh. Darn! .11<.u fotlt-J 1.. ,1 l11gh ,,hot•I ,lrJnt.1 dJ\,e, "'htle 1113~111~ lh~ nl11\ld Marri.il!t· .ind a tamth l,,110,. rd Darrvl') acuni: Jl'hut. \<.' h,, 1hea1nc.1I. "re,thng :ind tdu,·:111,,n .:oah 'H'rt' lc:mpt•r.mh ,heh cd \ t"'n,1rucu,,n 1,,t, filled t:it i.ip unttl h, rnh:cJ h.. "''uldn't be happ, duml! 1h.11 1hc rc:.t ot hi, hfe. He \\:l\ J\\ .m· ot thC' rok ,:Ju,:111"" "'ould pla, m h1, future. " \\ 11h the rc,pon,1b1h11r~ of :1 famth . I rt'.llucd I m:cdcd .1n educat1on. ·. D.iml ,.11d lhc mm ,1cp "J:. NIC Looi.mg for" .ird "' .1 wcce~,tul "'rc,tlini: ,;ireer here. he " .1.bo hop,ni; tu gr1 '"'"hcd m tht' drama department. "The b:1,,c-. "f th<'11nc<- i, tht·n.'. I JUM ".1n1 10 enh311~ 11. •• Dam·I !>Jtd of hi\ :tCltnR 1:1lcnt. • Upon complc1ion of bis Nllege dc,rcc. ht~ e, cntual goa.l 1:. 10 settle tn L.» Angcl~ ..ta esubl.t.sh ,111 nctlng career.
.\ccon:hnl! to O,arr.1. 1bc opponuni· ttc, for a,t,ni: art- mudi '.:r,·a:c: rhere, c,pe-,,11lh for bu: people• .\ ,1creo1: peabound\ .1bou1 b1i; p<'Ople 1n the m,:,qc, the Ix'<!) ,::u.a.rd the :ou;:l: t!"I~. lhC' :ithktc. :ill \\1th i:wre br,11<n th.in brasn" HI\ ~lll 1\ 10 help chan,:,· that image. .. ,.,, a 101 <'I h11:: people are "'tTiin~ hJ do :an\lhwr,: 81g (l('l.'l'le m: lo..,1.cd on :i, not be1ni: ,en 101ellt,.cr.1."· 0,1ml,a1J · ConfiJ.-nr ol h~ :imn:: :ihihnc,. he d:um, th.11 the: mo11c people had
I\Cl~hl mnrc in nund ra1hi:r thJn h1, "r.-1hn1? ,l.111, "hen he \\Js c h lN.'n f.ir the mo\le n,lc. The wnp1 ""' ,mpnJII) ,-r111cn tor .1 200-pound "re,tlt'r bu,"·" rc\l,cd ro fi1 Darn I. Becau..c of hi~ lo,c lor .1c1ing. D:iml 1, "illlni: 10 tale 14hatel'er role 1h~1 come, up. ;,hcthcr it be a serious r.3 (' or ,-omrd,. He like, fomc and the h3rd \lurk m,i;.hed "uh ach1c, ing th:11
· I liked tht' no1C,ric1, h's hard "or-.. People dun'1 thin k :iclmR 1s h:ird.'" he \Jtd. -
TOP FORM- -Darr:-1 Peicrson " oru out "lth hell'f" elgbt Sb2"11 Allen.
No"· 14, 1980/ Canllnal Re,1ew .g.
STARTl!liG OUT-Cross coun· tn runn ers Crom 20 colleges begin their mre for the ~JCAA cro-.n.
Woods earns All-American • 1n cross country nationals B) Gttg L) tie The scene nt the A,oncWe-on-Ha,dcn golf course 8 'l<IS 001 the usual of die-hard golfers enduring the 40-degrtt v.ttther but :nstc.id v. as of about 500 mJle and female runners b3ttling the elements io tile "•lli'oal Juntor College Cros\ Countrv Chnmpion~hips. Freshman standout Non~ Woods v.oo her b3nle b) p!acmg sixth in the "'omen's race ns she led the NIC women and qualified herself for a spot Qn the All- -\menon 1eam. . • The women's tc:im plac-ed 9th of 13 teams v.hile the ~IC men had their bc!>I national competition evt"r b~ placing 13th of 20 ttlllls. Another freshman. Jesse Gore. led the NIC men b) pla.:uig -U>th and £ell only three places shon of NIC's record nanonal finish of 45th set b) Chris Moeller 1~1 vcnr. · Taking the tndhidual men's honors ,,as Adnan Ro)le from the College of Sou1hcm ldoho. Royle sped over the S-milc coursc 1n about 24.5 n:11nu1es. 11 gunner-mile nnd more than a full minute ahead of the nearest compe11t1on. The 1op womllll 10 finish the 5.000-meter cou.~ v.-:u Sandy Dickerson from Oregon's Lane Community College. D1clu:rwn cro~ed the- finish hne at 18:22, iust JO seconds aheod or Woods ,, ho finished in 18:52. ·· Usually tveryone p:isscs mc in thc end.·• Woods ~.ud. · 'but 001 this time. It v. os really nea1 10 rross the finish hne (after) ha, mg just passed someone." Gore said or his race. " l did much better th110 l thought l v.ould I wish I would h3,·e kno" n what place I was m during the race I "ame1 IO bc3l Mueller's -lS1h place last year." Other NlC harriers runnmg in the national mcct "ere \f'lke Friess. who placed 58th and" ho bnnled "ith Gore :ill season for the number one position: Don Manin. aho a freshman. who finished 103rd: freshman Marty Ross. 1rth: and returning sophomore Dan Brooks. the las1 scoring team mmiber v.ith a 160th. Brooh. "ho "11.S dislppoin1ed with his perfonnance at nationals. said that he "ughtened up" m1dw t1~ through the race bec:iuse of the cold weather and that he \\3S "overwhelmed" b, the numbl'r of runners. "h \\'GS the biggest !3C'e l e\'Cr ran Ill. • be satd. "l had lO SIBM throwing e)bo',.s just 10 ge1 by.·· Filling out the ~,,..en-man team for 'IC v.erc S1e,e PieT'C'C and Chuck Killin. placing 162nd and 182nd respective)) . The national team titles "ere captured by Arizona·s Pima Junior College for lhe men and Oregon's Lane Community College for the wom~n. Pima had four runners nil placing m 1hc top 15 and qunhfied :ill but one member of their sconng team for the All-American squad. Lane had all five team scorers in the top 25 but only f\\ o qualified f.or the All-American team as 1he women must be 10 the top 15 to qualify. The other four IC women entered in the national meet who compromise lhe entire 1'1C v.omen's team "ere Donna Plrsell. 59th: Kristi Koehnen. 1051h: Patti DillC'I'. 118th: and Mary Luuo. finishing 120th. · Competitors in the national meet"' CTe gener.tlly pleased v.ilh the course. and the onl) problem v. as the abundance of mud on a few of 1he downhill comers. Spikes on shoes did not seem to help one runner"' ho had the misfonune 10 {all direffly m the path of oncoming runners. Luckily. t1 pile-up v. as a,·oided when a bystander reacted quickly and helped the runner back 10 his feet. With this incident being the nearest thing 10 a mishap. the first national cross counll")' race e,er held in ldnho wem smoothly. considering the lack of experience by NIC as the sponsor. One of lhe three returning sophomores running [or NlC chis scasoo, Lance S1uet1le. who was unable co compete in lhe national meet beause of a stress fracture . s11id .. , think our best race as a ream "as probably in La Grande. Ore .. when we won our only 1.cam title. OvernU. we ran "CTY ~ell considering the injuries we had through the season...
FRIENDLY CRIP- -Ao unldcntlOed runner glve5 NIC's Paily OIUey race-" elJ.done hake.
G£TT I.NG IT BACK- -Runner Mary Lazzo re· coven lollowlng the na1Joml m>M eowllry run.
Nov. 14, 1980/ Cud.lnal Review .9.
Christy Steinley photos
GOOD AOVICE--Coach MJke Ound) gl, c1, runner Nanl') Wood> ~ me prt-r11tt tips Sa1urda, ·~ race. Wood~ placed sluh and bcnme NI C'& Orsc All •Amcrlcan burier.
EA ) STRrDl:::-Cardlnal partlclp 11n1 Cl'\ e Piere.- corns a rorner on the O, r-mile COUJ"Se,
Donna PuseU tat.es one of the
hills on the rough A,oocWe coarse.
Sports chatter with Tom Emond
Wilti e r 's m ove def ended Nor1h Idaho Collete Cowid I ~ t.o ~ high on the med11 \t'nsat1on.1I h1r b~t th 1, summer a\ the indc or. of Greg W11t1cr arid :be controHr~ul recru111n2 techniques c,f the Lnl\el'\U\ of\.\ nh·nct n 2rabbcll t p headline, WihJcr. all t,,foot•I I mch~ of h m s«r:1ed ·o bc rc2d, 10 grsdu21e m the ranl-\ of b~ske1ball. n3mch heading for I.; W 10 pJ3, m the hi2hh too red ranl~ ol rhe Pac,10. Granred. Wiltjer I~ a bor pro5pttt, e,p«UJ., : r 3 te:im that is l:arkin:;: badh II the ccnrer po,mon. 1<h1ct, 1hc Hu~\1es 3n: So. JU St like rr:nng to gr;ib ~me i.1d ou• o! h11?h ~ool the Hud:, coaching ,-raff "cnr after Wiltjer "1th a pa~s1on. Firulh. \.\ 1lt1er ~mine!) .cau: into tht· pcrs1\1ant reC'ruuers. "ho at :ime~. looled like huni;:n dog, tra11:ng :i •tlundcd fo, He signed a letter of intent. That doe\n't mc:an he ... a, s12mng s conrr.m or anything that he had 10 lt,e up to. Bui ob,iou,h, \IC Coach Roll\ \\ 1lham, mJ, hn\'c hod the thought, ot d1~:ip~annc ,enters Do:nm:: th:ouch h1, r.und So Greg \\en1 10 \\':i~h1ng1u11 10 chc,k •hinf:, out ThL, 1, llhtrc th~ ;ood p~n come, m. He ~,~,cd 01 A,~1,tJnt C,,a(h Denn, Hu~ttm', hou'4: for a couple d:i~~ nnd "orked out 01 one ol MJn HJr.;hmans b3sketb:ill din«:<, No" enter. <tagc l<'fl. lh<' Coeur d'Al<'ne P~s "h.:i ~· J ,. h:H of \l)mc ,hghtl) roucn fi\h. and u \\.l~n·1 from Dcnmarl So the Pre,,., ,ta.ned m,-c,ui;atmg the incident. TI1c.1 called up the NC\,\ 3nd found out that uthe'>C ch2r , u en: true. lh3t tht) 1<crc 1nd,•ed rccru11mg \IOlltlC>n~. Then th~, proc-ecded :o run rroni p3CC ,tone~ and st·, era I (It her in·dl.'pth stonc, on tht' m.11ter But what has t"ome or the matter, °'iot " d.lm 1h111g The NCAA oe,cr irwesdg.ited Harshman, and WihJcr h bad home 1<herc he >hould be. at least as far ii\ NIC co:iehe, :md ardent Cardinal fan., arc con,emed But still. the mauer 1~ not <'t'mplereh o, er Sure. \\ tltJer u b,i. at NIC 10 pl:iy out h1, remaming ,ear ol elii;1b1h1~. But "h:it :ibou1 ).fan ,n Husk.ieland 1<ho is ,1ondmg h1~h and di} "ahout 3 lcg11ima1e ('enter
Soccer team thirst for win m ay never see quenching Wm, ha, e been hard ro come b,. m Lt. t none",tcnt. ior NIC'<. <:Qeeer team ·\t pre:.) nrue the \<'(\-tr team rerord "a' 0-l ~. n,,1 "°"untmg ,,ne forfcn 111 the l'nl\c~ll\· ,,f Ml•ntan.i bccnuw of tnJune< C.•'l3l'h R1ch.ird "Duke" nnkr ~.ml he pn•blcm 1, 11 tOt3l l3cl. <>f ,,ffcn,,· ) ou c3.n t "m q11me, 1r \VU don ·1 ..._,,re 1:,•.11,." hc ,.ud T, C(lmph,.1tc th,: Card', .1lread1 ,:nm \ttu.111,•n c-cntcr ~tr1!.er OJ,1d '-cba,11.10 mJUtcd hi, 1,·ii m .in O,t It> .: .. me .11 \\ hm, orth . .1nd Sh,1hot, ',,1 fp<>ur rece1,ed h1< ,ccond ond I nJI red ,ard of th,• <C,1\011 from
fhc :>.IC ,i1tl \ H•ll,·1bJJI tc.im made "a, into the Reg111n l!I rc:i,tn•n,tl, foJlo,.mg rn,, tvusth m,llchc, Nm . I •\,nnding to <. ,,:u:h 1,•n \1w1!11(1, l!01n,: into 1hc m.11chc,. ,, lllch were hct .. cen Rid., ln·,1\ufl· VJllc1 ilnd 'IC. Rl(h h.id 1,.., ,.in, 11ml ni1 l11~c,, Tn~,ur \ allc) I I. ,tnd NIC. 0 2 At o.>tl ,.,d th,,1 rn lhc fi1'l m.11d1 Rid.\ bc.1t MC in JJI thr,:c gumc:, l\.J:,, !!-15 11 IS. The ,ccond match 1'tl\\CCn Rick, and Trco,urc VJll c)· 1<cn1 ro Rid,. J\Sunng them of one of the rwo )p..>t\ 111 the rcg,,,n.il final~. A11<ood said th1\ put NIC an o ronte~t ccith 1 rea.<;ure Valley for the ~crond ~po, NIC \\On the fir-;1 game 11,
15 5. nntl the \l'\'t111d t!\,J.l In the finnl gJml'' or 1hc m.11 rh. Trco,url.' Vnllcy du,, net! NI(" 10- 1S, 15,S. eu u,mg n 11c hn·.1kcr 8umc NI( ,qm:ukc:d 111 10111th I\ C( 10 clinch lhc ,t·,ond 'Jllil di reg1unnl\ J<,.J, IS 12, 15 10 " II 11mil<l he grcnl tu makl• it to 1hc n.1uon,1l tn11rm1nl\•111 tn M1.iml. but ,w·rc pre ll y hoppy lo go to rcg1on.il,," ·'""mcl ,aid ·1he C. urd ,nah ""o had motche, rm·,day nnd fhur<1doy !lf l,1•,1 week llguin,1 Spokane l·,111, i\twood \liid lh cy will then have a full wed to prepare for regional\ , wh1d1 arc being held 1n Oregon
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Volleyba ll league hos 15 teams skilled and more competim e because of the popularil) of lhc sport." Ov.en $:lid. Oo. en said he lus tennti,·eh schcd· uled a rnquetb3ll 1oumameni m No1 embe-r. bo\\ling for December. and the ,,er -popular basketball next scme-ster
\nolh< r l.1rd pl.i)cr ,,a, b:irrcd Irum pl,11 In!! ,1rgnn1'cd WC\.'Cr 111 the 1 l 1111cd Srntc, for the re,1 t1f ht\ lik afrcr he ,,unchcd reforc,• Ocming. M.11 ,: k Ft11ninnn· Rad,. o, CJl'tll'd from ., g.,mc ,l!(GiMI CWl' Soturdnv l(lr tripping ;in op1l\l•m1t !)la,n. · \ ,wrdmii h• Ivar Klj111111 . prc\ldCnt of th,· l'.,nhantlk \oct·cr \"11,·ia1i11n, F111111n,1n R,1tl pundtl'd Ucming 4f11.•r rhc !(,1111~ '-111 1kr ~.1 td h,: 1h1•ught lh,tt lht trip \\,1, ,in 11n1dcn t ,11111 th,,t D,•m,ng 111.1111 ,I hJ1I c.111
Sp i k ers res t for regionals
In a column In the Seattle Post-Lntclllgenl"er. 11 rittr John O,,.en rc,1t."'ed rhc ,, hole- thing from a ,·en e~ nical point of, IC\\ He mststcd that pegging recruiting ,1ola11,1n\ on ~131'\ Harshman 1~ hl.e pinning ii burglar rap on the u,rd! W,;,11. if M~n i, ,o samtl,. "hat about anCllher big man m Hu~h h1sto~·. Petur Gudmunds~on. 1\1:in found the hulking gianr in )('eland ubile Gudmundsson u·:u sull in high school. So Man gor Pctur to come to Scottie 10 finish his high ~hool da,, and rhcn come 10 the L'W. No"· doesn't thnt sound :i bit fish~? And rfM.:in is so saint!~. wh;. were lhere 3.Jl} indications of 3 recruiting ,1ola11on in the first place. unl~s lhe Coeur d'Alene Press "as building , 101.ltions out of large centers. ·\nd then (h,en Jnd other \\riters also had the gall to condemn WihJer for be-mg :in indeci,i, e recruit. As Ch, en pu1 u m his ,-olumn. "He II probabl;. Join the foreign legion pro, ided they can find a tall camel · \l aybc Mr. Ch,en should be doing 3 $Ulnd·up corned~ rouune rn \ egas. As far as I'm ccncemt"d. WiltJer h:id eve~ right to be indecishc. A decision li~e this is not likt- dttldlng u hcther to buy Bisquict or Bell) Croc~er Panc:3ke m1~ for 1hos,: Du~ pancakes. So "hat if Wi111cr lCICd like he w:is interested m plnying for tbe Huskt~; after 311. he·~ not a sla,·e. My romphmcnt~ 10 the mln. Let e,e~·body say what the~ \I.ant to. but lt le.ll.t let a gu_y make hb o"n decision "itbout m:iking him up to be an indccisi,c nut. ~13) bc H3rshman lltll haH! Wittier oeTI _year. although WiltJCT maintms that be 1s kind ot leaning to"ards Oregon Srate.
With the inCTCase in student enroll· mcnt. CO·rce l'Olle;.ball h3s exploded. Co·rec ad,·iscr John Ouen s:iid the turnout for ,olle;.·ball was ,cry good Wit h such an increase of students about 15 teams and two le:igues were ncce,s3n to a~mod3te the amateur spikers. "Eve!')· year lhe students are better
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No, . 14, 1980/ Cardla.al Re, tew .JJ.
Hackysack sport provides mental alternatives ByCrrgLy~
If !>Omeone were walking do"n the st reet. kicking a little round ball. 1ry1ng to keep it up in the arr. a puserby might wonder if t.his ~rson wtre playing with a full deck (or an this case a full sack). He might also wonder. as I would. if this person 1s on drugs. "Excuse me. I W4S wondering why vou are kicking that little ball. and ;.,hat l and of drugs are •you on:· I would au: Annoyed a1 the inte rruption. he would probably re ply. "I'm not on drug~ . stupid. I'm playi ng hackyuck ."
Hacl:. y~:ick? That'\ right. hacky· nck. which aho happens ro be what the leather ball is called. Why play hackysack? AnJbody\ gucs~ is good. but ac co rding to Ken Gilchrist. an enthusu1.st of thl\ unusual and unheard of ,port. "once people try it. they're hooked."' Galchrisl. a mu sic mOJOr at NIC. e,plaincd some of th e mechanics 1nvol, cd an playing hack)'\3Clc as he cawully kKked the 2-imh leather ball 10 and from each foot. " The ohJcct of haclty~ock is to keep the ball m the oar o~ long n~ possible and 1n count each time you kick the boll,'' lhc fo·e ba,tc kick, u\cd in 1he :.port arc 1he 111\i<h.' katk. u~11111 the an~idc of the foot. th<· 01m1dc kilk. d!\nc h) n1p(lin,i the foot 1n the ouhidc. the ,1rc1d1 kicl, for ~hoh hchand the bat k. 1hc toe k11\., for 111" ,ht11\, ,ind tht· knl't· kk~. for \hvl\ cluw In the bod\ . llnrh,a,k can be pla\'ed h\ on,
number of people. and ma brge group of h3ckySl1ck players. total disorient3· tion ,rnd mass hy\teri:i is !he rule. The record number of kicks for one peri.on 1s close 10 1.200. "'hich means about ,.,.o hours of constant kicking. Y.hich tends to get a bu urewme. Gilchrht al50 explained that hack)·· sack oragin.:11ed in Orego n. "hen college football pla>ers "'o uld kick somcthin.2 around. such as 3 rag taed ,n knots. 10 keep Y.:arm and mcrea.se their coordmatron. Othen maintain 1ha1 the spon is dcriYcd from an old Indian game. Sine< then. a couple of rules \\ ere e!>tablished 10 ~I°"' for 3 continuit\ of records set. Firn, the player is · not allowed to let the ball touch any p:in of his arm!>, head or back. The chest is u,ed only 10 !>top badly pl11ccd shots. wnh hltle or no arch. Second. if not playing alone. the ball must be served to another player by throwing the ball so if it i!> not kicked. ii will land abc,ut sax inche\ from the receiving pliryer·s foot. Hackysack can also be phl, ed over a ne t. \ uch a\ in volleyball or tennis. !'our-man learn~ arc most common. und the rules and ,;coring S} ,rem of vollc}·ball are applied. rhc texture of the ball can be , aried an·ordmg to the md1,i du1I pla, er a, pr,:fcr the ir had;.>·, 3cl.~ hard :ind ra 111d for g n•a tc r da\ tll ncc Galch r" r Jd~•1C11rc, the: w ft. pliable b:ill. and he ha, an an1c:rc\11njl md h1>d of achic, mg lht tn turc he " un" . " I r:an n !the hock\ ud, I over "llh n,~ ,•an to m3kc it \11hi:r ;ind le\, a tl\c lnr ~r~at.r .,,n, 1111 ... he \aid
~EW KICK-:.1C student Ken Gilcbris1 h1creases bis skill iu hncl,)sac~. a spon t.har L\ being IJd:ed op around the area.
(;reg DuPu.ls p 010
He added th at ph;ab I 1, a- c-.;>~311, 1mponan1 when do1n(: tn,I." ,h,lh . wch .I\ the l&O "hcl't' 1hc ball 1, l ac ked. the pfa,u turn) ,:mp ~:ch around 3nd l Kh the l,3 a,:a b.:t re it hu, the ~round Thi, ma ncu-.r r .iuarc\ ~ t onh
c \Cdknt ball ,~mrn,J but JI\O sup11rb llJIJn«· .1n,I coord1na111.1n HJ, ~\\Jd,, JrC :i, a1lablc m 14Xal \)'\lrJtn,: l!<'C'\I, ,1orc\ for about Sb. "ht, h G1khri,1 ,.11d ,, J rc;l\on ablt pn, to pa, for ., , .ad. ,,r lun
ln;uries fa i l t o d aunt w r es tling coac h 's confid ence Bl Carrll! Sprln1tcr Coach J,1hn Owen mc,y , 1111 bl! confident ab.1ur thl\ yc11r , \\rc,tltn~ )el'><IO , but wnh n back i111ur) IP .luck Nkhol\on. he ha~ 10 mom10111 nn uurlo1.1k thot lj, I~\ thin brll(ht. Nichol,on·, ,·011tribu1lon of Ill~ ,-rc,tling c1pcn1,c for th~· )Chon appear.. to be bleak ,incc he i, the nnlv returning national plorcr In fact. Im \\re ,tllng d3n. 11 ICO\I for 1hi, )'Cllf. ffiA} ht' flOIICXl)tt"nt IIU\\Cvcr. all i\ not lo\t. Rcturmng lcllcrman Rond, Klun·r ,qi! fill the ISO-pound ~Pill left open by Nichohon. "To have an J\11.J\mcnc:m out elf the line hun~. " ,nad O"cn Bui ,-c h3\C J &ood rcplnccmcn t with Kluvl"r . .. lt1Jurie~ 1101 only plague Nk holwn. hut hn,e srru cL. Jeff Maller llnd M>phomott Kelly Hom n, well. A, for no" . the I 0() po,lti\ln 1, q11e)tton1ble \m,-c Ham 1\ Injured nnd Den Ccana(lhou\c l"<•nlninl\ the pu~sabiltl\ of tt·aniunng himself Po)sihly. nc<:(1rdlng to O"cn. mo\l or the upper "eight da,,e, pre:.cnt question,. "Wl" need more mih1gc an the upper \\ e1gh1,." he ~:11d. "" herc3!. the li>" Cr weight ) ore providing good rom1>e1111011." Although the tcn m 11111) be hunm~ 1"1m miurac) 11nd lading high ~-orint1 ~•n11~1ic~. the mntmera proved to be proficient at tho: Q\ 8 ,\lumna match Aflt'r h,s ~quad .:ndcd the m~tch with eight " ins. nine lo~:.cs nnd four ues. °" en s.11d he "b satisfied ,1 hh tht' u1er-all performance of the tel\m. " We have a pretty rompctiravc group. Wr made II lot of ml\take~. but the} are COITCCtllbk." he ~aid. Nor ?nly is the te.im strong at competaltM k,el. bul members ~ ;llso compctalwc 11.mong 1hcm,clvt!>, Acx."Ording to °"en 1be final decision on who will
Flyers schedule 2 for 1 n ights The Spok.:ane Flyers Junior hnd.cy team will have a series of "College Night~" ) tarr ing next Wcdne,day against the Winnipeg Warriors. All a.rea college Students showing a vllld LO will be able to purt'hase two
tfol.ei.s ror 1he pncc of one "The collegc-ag(' person is tr:aditionaU) on a right budget. This is one Wll)' \\e might be able (O help OUI v.ith their enterta.mment," a Fl}cr official said.
mal r the liOJI hnc-·up ,,.i1J be ;i d1fficuh choa,~. ,,pec1Jlly J monr; the lo" c r "dght da,~e,. Bcc.:au\C oi th" cornpctatll)tl , the fir.t \Iring 1qJI nN be dctcrnuned until nc,1 \CffiC\tc:r. The annu:al t:aledown toomarnent. "hach "111 be held 31 MC S:uurd:i, . wall :igoin pr"' adc a, ad fan, and the tc.:am " 1th ,trooi: rompetmon The 1oum.1m.:n1 i~ more or ··open·• to ind" adu:a.l "'restle~ from area colleges 3nd eight Montana. Oregon. ldah and W: htnitt l'n c,-,lll.'!f~ u, 11) pi~aap:ite.
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Nov. 14. 1980/ Cardlrw Review .12.
Debaters in Powell tourney Northwest Community College in Powell. W 1•0.• is the site of n debnte tournamen1 NIC is attending this weekend. The squad of eight students present· Iv is a ttendi ng the 1ourn cy. which s·ta. rted Thu rsday and will continu e until Sa.turda.v. According· to Coach lim Christie. each tenm will discuss two topics. n policy topic and a Cedo topic. The first. which was an nounced in August ond will be debo1ed all year, involves the fedcrnl gove rnm e nt" s possible increase or foreign military commitments and "hethcr or not this "'ould be desirable. The second topic. announced Oct. 18. has to do with the protection of the cn,·ironment versus the satisfaction of energ) needs. Accordi ng 10 Christie the squad has done- " c-11 ~o for. In a 28-collcgc tourn:imcn1 held n1 the Unh·ersity of Oregon on Oct . .30. 31
nnd Nov. I. th e NIC tenm placed S1.'COnd. Individu ally. sophomore Ja. mie Deily w.1~ named second top speaker and freshman Dave Mudd w:is named third top ~pcalccr. As n squad. they placed third overall in the com munity college sweepstakes an~ mi_sscd se?>nd pince by only two points in 1hc nine•team competition. In an 18-collegc tournament. held Oct. 24 and 25 at Gonuga University 1n Spokane. Wash.. the squad won the community college swcepst:ike5, Fres h mon Bru ce Padget placed \Ccond in the originol oratory ~ tegory, while freshman Rick Kuck cap1u rcd thi rd in Cedo deba te ond freshman Leslie Moon plnccd fourth in oral interpretation or li1ern1urc. · 'The sqund hn~ done really well this ycor." Christie sn1d. "cspetioJly since our sqund is mos tly freshmen and (si nC'C) " c co mpe1c wi th four- yea r colleges and universities."
Council g ives scholarship to NIC On
t a r ge t
NlC Rifle Club member Steve Dailey squeezes off 11 couple or rounds. The club " on hs last match ngains1 se, eml four.year schools No, . I. Daile) hll 532 oul or 600 while teammate Brillll Ward scored 555.
The lntermoun rnm Fire Co un cil Oct. 28 presented NIC with n S.300 schol:irship. which will be awarded to a forestry teC'h s1udent. This scholarship was th e fi rst 10 be presented to NIC by the lntermoun toin Fire Council. and wab nwarded by
the chief of A,·iation and Fire Management for Region I. Ed Heilman. Along wit h presenting rhc scholar• 5hip. th e Council representatives also C'O nve ned for a conrercnce on th e campus.
Peabody's Party 75 cd rinks. 50" beer
Fri. Sat.
- freebies 8
- 9 p.m.
Live Music Monday thru Saturday
/n late Nocember
Musical events scheduled The North ld3ho Symphonic Band and JtUZ Ensemble 3nd. the Orth _Idaho Philharmon1r Orchcs1ra ..~11 be presented in the Communtcauon-Arts Building udi1orium during 1he Ins! week of No,ember. . a Rober! Singlcu1ry "ill direct both of the presentnuons. On No,. 24 at p.m.. l~e s •m honic Band and J:11.1 Ensemble will perform. The ~and ha~ between 60 and 0 ) P._A_ ""lh one-1hird coJlcoc students and the remaining arc residents from the ., . r • ·11 b mem=•~, • surrounding area. Singletary said. A selection of march and ,eMI\ e tunes "" e played. . . JI · II On Nov. JO at ~ p.m.: the ph1lhnrmon_1c ?1"<'.~estra. _an n •• stn~g group "1 rform. Bcverlv B1gg~ will be special solo1s1 m Harps1cord. Dav1d Dutton "111 r.ve a solo on ihc oboe. This performnncc 1s co-sponsored b) the North ld:iho Musical Arts Socie1y. • . . Singlcll>ry S3id thnt the eos-1 for both pre~cntnt10?$ ""II be~ for adults and S2 for senior citilens and non -students. NIC students will be admitted free of charge.
Coping with boring classes includes many alternatives By Kendna Smith Boring cl:isses are nol the rule at NIC. but neither are they the excep1ion. Boring classc~ ore 1101 anything new for many college student, who just graduated from high schools 1eaching Boring I nnd II. What 10 do in boring classes b al so nothing new for the college s1uden1. Most daydream. or beuer 1han 1h:u. ~leep. though sleeping in class has been known to cause sterility and enncer. When asked "hn1 they do tn class. most s1udents ~3Y they dnydream. sleep doodle. or 1alk wnh rricnds. Others progrnm cnlculntors. chew fingernails, write letters and no1es. or s1are 31 cu1e guys or girls in 1he clnss. The l:111cr will hopefully be restricted 10 member; or • the opposi1c ~ex only. The re" imaginative s1uden1s conlemplote various w:iy~ and menns or doing nwoy "ilh the instructor. This is. although not too nice. o healthy release of pent-up aggres~1on. ns long ns ii remains o fantasy. Variou~ stra nge and excning method, can be created in one short hour. All in nll. the mo51 common ~alvotion in a boring dos~ is 10 daydream. Many difTerenl 1opi~ avail them~clvcs 10 daydreaming. Fantasi1jng abou1 th e person one would mosl like to go out wi1h on Friday night is inicre,1ing. a~ is thinking nbout what could happen on 1hi$ dote. If 1he prospective dote happen~ 10 be in 1he snme cla~s. try ESP to deliver the message. Ano1her topic to doydrenm nbou1 is home. Wistfully dreoming of Mother's Thonksgh-ing prcpnrntion) will tnke nnyone's mind off of a not 100 stimulating clnss. Tired of dnydrenms? Letter writing, nit hough no1 th e most fun thing in 1he world. cnn occupy some time. Wme o letter 10 Grondmn nnd Grandpa. one 10 Aun1 Mory. Uncle Charle~ and Cou~in Bob. Afler n fe\\ days of this. however. even the daughter of Grandpa's third rou~in twice removed will be cough1 up on wha t b happening in the hopping lown of Coeur d' Alene. When obscene lcltcr~ ston to appc:ir. it is time to qu11 for a fc" weeks. Once lcner.. f:ul. ond n~ n l:i~t rcson before falling asleep. consider 1rying to take notes ond 1rying to listen to the lccl ure in order 10 ~,ny aw:ikc. Thh b a seldom tried and none too succcs,ful method, no1 10 mention boring. When ,lccp i\ no longer n,·01dnble 3nd the eyelids Mart 10 droop. pray 1he 1c:1cher will no1 cntch you nnd then. Bucnoi. nochc~.
You're , o
Llfo'i. pr~ious Ouid no .. ~ freel) Crom n partlclpnnt 01 lhe No,. 11 blood drhe. The event was held In the Sl.13. and donol"!, gn,e I 18 pints i.n the eUort.
Mor ies~ pla.r scheduled fo r area Entcrt:11nmcn1 tn the Coeur d'Alene Jrea "ill include not onll mo,ics but nt,o IC".s pl:1,·. "The Shado" Bo,:· The pin) is scheduled No, 1-l. 15, 21 and 22 :n p.m. in the Communic:mon-Ans Bu1ldtn~ At the Showoo:11 Ill Tri-Cinema ...Joni."" .. Prh•:ue Benjnmin"' and .. Hopscotch" Jre pln,mg. Call --1-St>9S for furtht>r informa11on .. Hallo"ecn:· ..The Stuntman .. lnd .. F3dl' 10 Bl:ick .. arc featured a1 1hc Coeur d'Alene Tri-Cinema. CJI! t!0-·.3559 tor more de1.11ls Pla)ing nt 1hc \\'ilm:1 Thl'nter arc ··All Th.it fau .. and ..The Rose: · Call ob-1-5092 for more dc1J1h,. On Sundl), ~o, 30. Chuck \bngtone and 1he Chuck .\ langtone Qu:inc1 "ill perform at the Opera House m Spo~anc. The concert s1:1n, at -:JO p.m. Tickets :ire S8.50 and S9.
-. .............
FORT GROUND TA VERN t First Beer on Frid ays
•• N ow servin . g b urgers , ;,~R
. f. h . h fnes. ,s w,c es
I • t
& hotdogs
/ .
' ;--\ ; --
1r , .... ~ ; . !>-' ~ ~
~ - . . /"'. ___
- ·
t,-1 - I ,I
S 1.50 Pitchers During Monday Night Football
I Home of the Famous Fort Ground Ro und f
t• .
l ID ' s required Recently remodeledt t ...............................................................................................................................
Nov. 14, 1980/ Cardinal Review . J4.
Fall dn\\ n The 1r:1nqul111J or Tubbs HIii i, captured b~ a CR pho1ognipber.
Christy Stelnley photo
College receives $200,000 recommendation for track BJ Renee Reid
NIC rcccn1h rccci"ed a 5200.000 rccommendauon for 3 track playfield from the Idaho Permanent Building Fund Council. At an earlier Idaho Srn1e Board or E.'lammers meeting m Pocatello. NIC requested three i1rms. First. a SJ '.000 alumini2cd roof for thC' Commumcalion-Aru Building was requested. The roof would help control the 1empera1ure inside the building. Second on the list "'os the sum ofSJ00.012 for a track. playfield. which would be located beside the tennis rouns. Third. a SS00.000 library admimstrauon building was listed. Out of the three requests. NIC was granted a recommendation ofS200.000 for 1he mck playfield. ""This is cenainly a good step forward."" NIC President Barry Schuler said. According 10 Schuler. nothing can begin 10 get under way umil Morch because it won·1 be until then that NIC will know if it has been awarded the monev bv the Idaho Lcg1slaturc. • • After legislath·e nppro"al it will be necessary 10 find funding for the SL00.000 left out of thl' recommendation. Schuler suggested that one w:i~ to save money would
be 10 get the Army Reserve or the Army Na1ion11J Guard 10 donate their time to do some or the work during 1rnining sessions. If the S200.000 is approved. then an architect would be hired to design ond wri1e specifications for the project and discuss bids. Schuler indic:ited lhat NIC would have ··good priority"' on the st:11e·s list of projects if there is a list. He said that the stn1e has S6 million 10 spend on these types of projects. and if a school gets recommended to receive funding. then it is au tomatically within 1ha1 S6 million total. According to Schuler. if all goes well in March, lhe track/ployfield could be S1aned as early as May or June and would u1ke no more than one month to complete. Also. if the Lcsisla1ure docs poss this proposal. it would permit the college to stan Phase I on the mall project. The project will be completed in thirds. and the first phase would be to stan landscaping between the Sherman School and lhe Communication-Ans Building. Schuler said the aluminized roofing project is ··still up in the :iir." He indicated 1ha1 the college may try to seek separate appropriations for 1hn1 project. 0
No, . 1-1, 1980/ CanUnal Rc,icw .15.
Drop yuur ~uard for a mmutc:. l:vcn though you're in n two-year college n~ht now, tlicrc arc manr :l!>pC'Ct!> of the Arm> you might find ,•er, attrarnvc /1'\ayhc even irr~i~uhlc. &c for yourself.
ROTC SCHOlAASHIPS If you're thmkm1t or cvcmuall\
going to a four-year ~ullcgc. 11\ Allt 100 eorl} 10 ~tori 1h111km~ ahout an ROTC \Cholar.,h1p. Therc: arc 2-vc:ir and e\•cn 1-, ·ear ROTC ,cholar~hip\ ovailahk. · 1 he~ covc1 tu111on, honk,.•inJ loh fc~. Plu:. Slt)ll n month ll\·111i:: ollowancc. Naturall). 1hcy'rc ,·er~ compc11tl\'C. fk.'Cau~\.' beside, helpinJ! ) ou toward:. yl1ur hud1cl1ir \ dt-grw an ROTC S1:hl1la1<.h1p heir, \'\>u toward~ the itold bar!. of an \m1, Officer It\ ,,wth ll.k.1kmi: 1nt1>.
WlliS & ACHOPPER With two year, of rnllcgc unJcr your belt, you can get prdcrcnt1al consideration for Warrant O!!icer Fhght Trommg. If ~llU pm,!> all the le~,., and quahf~·. you'll go through 10 ,,·1."1:k~ ol ngoroui. and valuahlc tr:unmg. You'll cam the J1~tmc11vc har, l1f o warrant officer and the silver wmit~ of an Army aviator. You'll hn,·e at least li5 hour:. of flight 1rn.trucuun, 10 hour:. w11h a flight :.1muhltur. I weeks night quahhcauon, and enough cla~room wMk m acn~h. nam1c:., meteorology nnd acnal navigation to laM a lileumc. The re~uh 1i. a re,, ardmg, r~pon~1hle and prci.1ig1uu~ poi.1t1,1n as an Army hch1."l>ptcr p1lu1.
SlllPES FROM TIE S1lAT Wha1 you·vc lcamcJ 1111."l.11l1..•"c h~ already cam1.:J ,-.,u a prumo~11n m the ,\rnn
It\ true. II )OU 10m the .\rm) ,,nh tw,1 year:. of c,1lh:gc. you l'lln ~,an two p:i) gradl-S htgha ln~tcad or hcmg ..10 1:-l wuh an cmpl\ ,lccw. rnu can ,\1mc 111 a~ E- l ,, uh '-ln!X"'· It mean., a~,ut Soll rnnrc a m,,nth in \ uur f!J) ch1.-ck \ nJ a k1t m~•rc ,,pl'<,•rtun11~ in th~ k1nl! run. Sm..:c \,,u·n ~ hrcralh \\cJrme \'liur ~u1.Jt11m ,111 wur ,b:\'C. ~,iur r:1lcnt~ \\,m·r !!ll wm,111ccJ h\ ,,,ur ~upcn.,r, \ nJ ,tarung out right (.10 rc..111\ help ,ou make the m,•\t (1l 1ht: .\ rm,
ABONUS FOR PAAT-TNE WORK You 1.an l!Ct a Sl 'i1li.l ti.mu'> 1u,1 l11r cnh~ting m wmc .\.nm R1.~n c unu:.. Or up 111 S2,tUJ in cJucJt11mal hcnd11~. You Jl:.o get paid f0r \ our Re'>Cnc Jut;. It a,mcs out 10 ahl>ut Sl,lU.l a ,~-ar for lo hour~ a month and 1w1> ,,1.-ck~ annual tramm~. \nJ there·~ a <.pcC1al pnvam that kh rou ht ,our \ rm\ R~n·ca1.t1ve dut\ arvund \ our ~h,,,J :.chcdulc. h ~ ~mcthmg to ~n~1dcr &'\.au!>e c:vcn 11 wu went tv a 1,,._1-, c.1r ~-c.,llC!,!c k.'l.'3UM: 11 \\':li: l~ C\pc:nSl\'C lhm a fl.)ur-n.'Ur (Olk,gc. vou krww h, n,J\\ that 11 ..111l n,n·1 cheap.
It ,,,u'rc thn.kmg \l>U
m11.{ht ..:,·en i.:1• lunhcr ,,uh
y,1ur l.'\1llc)!e 1.-Jucat11•n. the
\ rm~ 1.an help 1hcr1.-. t11o.1.
:\few,carsinthc Army can.help you get not only the moncv for tuition, hut also the marurnr to use it wisely. The Arm) has a program in which money you sa,·e for college 1s matched two-for-one h\' the l!O\'emmcru. Then, If you qualify, generous honu~!, are added to that. So 2 ,·cars of scn·icc can get ~ou up to Si.-10' for college. 3 years up tl1 Sl].l(X), and~ years up to SI l.ll\) In addition. bonuses up to SH\l(.l arc J\'ailahk for cenom -l\1..Jr cnh~tmcnt:. in selected skills. \ dd m all the experience and matunr, you can get. and you can -,.:c ho,, the .\mw can send vou back to collegc: a ncher person IO more ,,a,-.; than one \\ c hope tht!Se Army oppor1um11c~ ha\'C 1ntrnroed vou as well J~ ~urpnscd ~ ou · & ...au~ there 1s mdei:d a lot the .\rn'l\ c:m 01icr a bnght pm,un hkc,ou For morc: 1ruormat1lm, 54:nd the ~ouron t>clffl,.
No'- l-1 , 1980/ Cardlnal Review -16-
(__ n_ic_no_tz_·c_e_s_) Motor Vehicle Regulations . Motor ,·ehkle regulations oo the Nonh Idaho College campu.s ha,e been aatborued by the Bo.an! of Tnl5ttts. It Is the responslblllt) of each lodh lduaJ 10 know the regu.lallons. Scudents are ~u.lred to register any motor ,chlde[sj lhal wlll be opuated wlthln che boundaries of North Idaho College. FaJJu:re to register the motor ,ehlcle )OU operate wlll resull lo an addl1Jonal rce of S2.00 to be atta.ehed to the S3.00 ball on an) dcatloo lnucd to the uruegl\lered ,ehlcle Cor ID) parldng ,tolaclon by Campus Polltt. Full and patl•tlme stAIJ members ace required to re gi s te r IJI) moLor , e . h1clc[sl th111 .. be operated wltbln the boundaries of North Idaho College. S taff membe rs "ill b e Issued pe r , maocnt numbered ,chide registnlloo slickers "hkh shall be plllccd on the front wlndo" , lo,.er lcfc slde. StafI st icker s ma, be obta ined from the Campus SecW'il} Office, located In I.be Winlon Building. Fallure lo obwn and properi) dl\plll) the reglstntlon slick· er. "IU rcsu.lt In an SlddltioDAI Ctt o( S2.00 to be annchcd to the S3.00 ball on nn\ citation Issued to che on· registered \ chicle for ID) parking , lolnlion b) r11rupus securil}.
Ph)slcnll) handicapped ~rudents and slllff mil) appb at the Campul Pollcc ofncc In the Winton Bolldlog !or reglstrallon Stit'licrs which ...-111 allo" them to pork lo rcicn cd :ueas. Ph) slroll) handkappcd lodl, !duals who hll\ c lo~t one or more legs, or who arc In "heel chain, IUD) apply Cor a numbered parking permit " 'bkh "ill ass ure them II numbered reser\'ed space In the Physically Handlcappcd Arca. Medical , crifka1ion of dlsabWil and expected foturc dumtion of dlsabllit) may be required. General Instructions
I. Responslbllll) for locstlog a legal parking space rests with the operalor of the motor vehicle. Lack of rca.dll) Campus Rttrntion wlll be spon· soring a ping-pong tournament Dtt. 8 Students ma) start slgnlog up !or men's s ingles, wom en·s slDgles or miJed doubl~ Dec. l In the recreations office In lbc basement of the SUB. Srudcnts may begin bringing lo any outdoor equlpmcnl tbal the., ~·an1 lo swap to the outdoor recreations office In the basemen t of the SUB Dec. l-10. The $"AP ...mbe held Dec. 11 llJld 12 in the Boundry Room In the SUB. The North Idaho Pbllbarmook Or ehesln with Robert Singletary cooducllog, wW perform on No", 30 at 8 p.m. tn the Communication-Arts Bulldlng audltorium. NJC students will be admitted frff. The performance Is belog co-sponsored by the North Idaho Musical Arts Sodel).
a,·a.ilable space ~ not an excu..q- for , iolation of parking regulations. There a.re o, er one lboasand one bu.ndred (J ,JOOj paddng spaces. 2. Head-In parking Is requested OD p&rklng lots. 3. No vehicle shall be parked on lbe campas except In those areas deslg· nated as paridng spaces. 4. ALL lNDMDUALS WILL STR.JCT· LY OBSERVE THE 20 Ml1.E.5 PE"R HOUR BASIC SPEED RULE. S. Persons having a molor veblcle BREAKDOWN OD or about the campus sbou.ld conlad the Campus PoUce Officu Cor ass151antt. Maldna m,Jor
mttbaolcal repalT lO molOc vchlcles 111 lfonh Idaho CoUcge part.log areas ~ problblted.
6. ABANDONED OR JUNKD> VE· HICLES remaining OD College p ro· pertJ ue remo~ed at tht' o,. Der's expense alter se>cnt}-t.. o (i2) boun. 7. The operatloo or MOTOR(:) CL£S O R :'\10TORSCOOTERS on paths, trails. plaJOclds. planted uus, sidewalls, or In pedesirlan ueas Is prohibited. 8. :"iortb Idaho College does 001 assume responslbllit) for motor Hthlcle. or its conleol • parked on College proper!).
Paridng Vlol.81lons
All Ones If paid wlthln JO school days A. Rcgislt'red S3.00 B. tnreglstcred .-eblde 5.00 AU uncleared Ones of JO school days wUJ ba,e an additional (ee of Sl.00 per da), lmpropu Part.ing A. PIJ'l.ed In any posted RESERVE
area B. Parlicd in a posted Ore lane
C. Parlied lo space posted Cor campus •isltors D. Plllked next co YELLOW CURB OR :ieross :i Y'El.LOW LINE E. Parke d on a s idewalk lo a pe· desiriAn area f. Pu1lall) or completely blocki ng another , ehlcle. street [road or driveway I
G. Pa.rt.eel In • manner as 10 take lbc space o( ri.o •ehlcles H. BlocklDg a bulldlng entrance J. Parked on any landseapcd and/or lmpro, ed areas J. Parked In any pc>'lcd " i\uthodud Vehicles Onty•• aru En.forttmcn I
1. Citations are placed oo wlndshlc.lds
3. Unpaid citations not cleared within 10 school da)S are Increased by $1.00 per day and scnl to the BuslnC'IS Office (or bllling. 4 . S tudents holding one or more uopald ci tations will ha, c their 11ndes • lthheld until th e clta tlon (sl Is clc11red, 11nd thei r n11mes will be s ubmllled to 1he Dean of Students, To" ing Policy \\ ht>n II vehicle I~ plll'ked and left unalll'ndcd In a loe111ton that Impede~ tramc OT fulfllls one or chc followlng conditions, lhc ,ehlcle "Ill be towed 10 an oIT campus storage facillt). I. Restricts handicapped pcdc~trl11n and wheel cbalr routes. 2. Unauthorized ose of 11 ramp or lulndk:nppcd parl<lng spnce. 3. Blocks or plll'lhlll) blocks a sen-Ice drhe. 4. Blocks or panlally blocks a flre lllDo. 5. Blocks or plllt.lall) blocks a roadway. 6. A , c hicle Is s ubject to be lm mobUhed , but because of one o( the Collo,.lng co nditions the whcclloek ca.n nol be insl.alled. A. The slz.e 111d design of the vehicle prohibits the appllmtlon or the whccllock. B. The whcelJock bas been a pplied bul hai. been re moved by perso n/ pcri,ons other than a Campus Pol.Ice Officer before the citations have been cleared. Appeal Crom Security Office fi.ndlngs or Declsions
The NlC Business Office aonoures th111 all hourly emplo)ees of the college mus1 Include their social sccurll v DUmbers DI the t op of lbeir lime sheets.
Work•Sllldv lime sheets for November "Ill be due before l100D No,,. 17. Srudcnts will rec:eh-e their ched.s No,•.
Dr. & Mrs. Willis Merriam - WSU " Trip Through Caribbean"
Spokane KSPS-TV Channel 7
3,3:30 p.m.
11-23 Alan Stang - Radlo Commentator for The John Birch Sodel)'
All those interested In Jolnlng the Dungeons and Dragoas Player As&od· ation should call 667 -3686 for Lnlonnation and the date of lbe Ont meeting. Students interested in touring fln· land or Scotland tbl.s summer sbonld coot.act Leona Bas.se11 or the con,oca· tion progn.m in room 31 or phone uten:slon 29~.
11-30 Jose Tomas -
Spain ; Clanlcal
Gultariscs The gymnasium will be open Crom 4
lO 7 p.m. No,. 16. The last day 10 w!tbdnw Crom NlC II Frida), No,. 21.
An) person aggrfe,cd by any ftadJq order or delcrmlnacJon of Che Cam~ Police OHlce may appeal to che DI.rector of Security. An) person -agrie\'ecl b, any llncllna order or delermlnallon by the D I ~ of Securit) may appeal to the Dan of Stuclenl8; If a slaff member or Naalll· dent, to the Dean of Colleae. Any person aggrlc\'ecl by the Bndlna, Older or de te rm lnallon of the De an of Scudcnl5 may appeal to tho ColJeae Presldenl. Such appeal shall be taken within 10 da)s C.rom the d.a te or entry or maldoa of such Ondlng order or clelennlnallon 11nd In lhc mann e r provided for appeals In the North Idaho Colleae, HA NDBOOK Of' INSTRUCTIONS. lnslructlon for Clearing Cltatlom Within 10 school day~. cllallon, m111t be cleared In the Campus Police Offlco loc111cd In the Winton Building, North Idaho Co llege Ca mpus, 1000 W. Cu rdcn A,enue, Coeur d 'Alene, I· doho.
I. MD.ii or take the citation lo the Campu~ Pollre with a cheek or monc, ()mer In the amount of tht baD lnd lcnlcd on lh c cltallon. The dlalJon 11nd bnll must reach the Cam pus Police Office before IO school da) \ ha,e passed. Those who wl>Jh lo explain lhclr c111,1lon may send an cirplaoatloo with the cllaclon and ball. The Camp111 Police Director or his appointed 111col, wl ll consider chc up lan atlon and decide II the hall mus t be forfeited or whechcr all or part or II should be returned on the basis or your eiplana· don.
2. Sign lhc pica of gulley and Kncl the, citation lo the Buslnes11 Office c.oaetber wi th e hec k or money order In the amount or ball lndlc11ed OD lbe citation. The d tallon ud ball m111I ruch lhe BulnHS Office before 10 school days have pused. The Coeur d'Alene Comma ally Theatre will praml " Bor11 Yeteer· day'' by Canon Kanln beglaoJaa Nov. 28 a l 8 p.m . Dlrecled by Bob Browa, che play wUJ alto be presenltld NOY. l9, Dtt. S and 6, at 8 p.m. A madDee Is scheduled Sunday, Nov. 30at l p.m. The theatre la loca!ed al 14th ud Garden Avenue. To oblaln retemi· tlona, call 667-1323. A reminder bu been laued ' -
lbe secu.rlty depuunem dial 1111 car pa r ked In 1now -removal areu of CoDege Drtve or Gardea Avamt dill winier will be cowed a-y. Mouot.alo Vlsloa w1D be preeeatllla a mulll-medla preteatatloa Nov. 18 la the Boa.an ~ ol the SlJB at 8 p.a. The t..t IHH el Ille Cardlaal Review for 1h11 ....-&er wfll _. be pabUsbcd 11Dlll Dec. S.