Plans for M.L~King
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Bill Wassinuth, head of the human relations task force. People with ties to the Aryan Nations neo-Nazi group have been linked to two bombing episodes in Coeur d'Alene and the organization also sponsored a national congress near Hayden Lake and cross burnings in Jerome County. "People want a meaningful Martin Luther King Day celebration," Givens said, ."not just an excuse to take an extra day off or to have sales. '' King's birthday is a federal holi· day and is officially observed in 39 states, said popcorn forum chairman Tony Stewart. Some 1,000 residents from Kootenai County attended last year's event, making it one of the largest King Day celebrations in the Northwest, Wassmuth said. It was a "loud statement" that the majority of residents support minority rights, despite KO(?tenai
Kootenai County residents will
See KING, Page I
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By TRUDY WELSH Press staff writer
again acclaim ethn.ic diversity on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and some plan a push to have all stat~ workers invited to future birthday celebrations. Bell ringing, balloons, speech making, ethnic foods and music will be part of Coeur d' Alene's Jan. 19 event co-sponsored by the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations and North Idaho College's Popcorn Forum. The governor's Martin Luther King Observance Day Committee has drafted legislation making the Monday closest to King's Jan. 15 birthday an official state holiday, with state workers allowed t-0 take a vacation day then or at some time during the year, said Rep. Jeannie Givens, D-Coeur d'Alene. The legislation will probably get more attention this year because of the new governor and with the increased visibility in 1986 of white supremacy groups, said the Rev.
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ts------(Continued from page ti----------
Stone, task force leader Bill Beach in Queens district on Dec. 19. Wassmuth and Undersheriff Larry One of the black men, Michael GrifBroadbent prior to Wednesday's fith, 23, was struck and killed by a presentation of the first Wallenberg passing vehicle while trying to escivic award. The award ceremony cape the mob. She said the ceremony will unwill be at 11 a.m. (EST) Wednesday in the office of Andrew Stei.n, New derscore that "racism, anti-Semitism and neo-Nazism are still alive York Council president. Stone said he and wife, Betty, and well in the United States," 'but will be hosts for Haspel's visit. Ho- equally important, "Wallenberg's tel owner Duane Hagadone has spirit lives on." "The most beautiful fact" about agreed to donate accommodations the Coeur d'Alene men who will at The Coeur d'Alene resort. She will be flown to Coeur receive the award, Frank said, "is the fact that these are non-Jewish d1Alene at city expense. Also Monday, Stone announced leaders who are afainst a group the city will receive $5,000 in cash that is anti-Semitic.' The ceremony will take place on along with the award. He has asked council President Dixie Reid to poll the 42nd anniversary of the disapother council members on how to pearance of Wallenberg at the hands of the advancing Russians. best use the money. The Swedish diplomat is credited Stone wants to see the money used to provide material for the with saving more than 100,000 Coeur d'Alene Library dealin, with Jews living in Hungary during the Holocaust and racial preJudice World Warn. Haspel, others on her committee "so we can avoid doing those things to other humans." He would like and the Swedish government beleftover funds to be channeled into lieve the diplomat is still alive in recreation equipment and the Soviet prison fulag. The committee s two goals are: Wassmuth's task force. • To free Wallenberg and allow The Wallenberg committee plans to donate material to Coeur d'Alene him to return to his home and famion its World War II hero, according ly in Sweden. He is 74 if still alive. • To make "his extraordinary to Haspel. Authors of some of the material, Wallenberg's relatives deeds in Hungary known, so that and Jewish people saved by his her- the name Raoul Wallenberg will oism will be among those who meet become synonymous with heroism with the three Coeur d'Alene men and humanitarianism throughout the world." the next two days. Haspel, a computer industry According to Stein's assistant Julie 1-'rank, guests at the Wednes- writer / researcher, said she became day's ceremony will include: antiNazi journalist Charles Allen; Brooklyn Congressman Major Owen; Manhattan borough President David Dikins; civil rights leader Bayard Rustin; Hyman Bookminder of the U.S. Holocaust Commission; and Hans Anderson, Swedish deputy counsel general. Stein will be master of ceremonies at the approximate 45-minute event. Frank said the event is timely for New York in wake of a well-publi· cized attack on three blacks, whose car had broken down at Howard
interested in Wallenberg through a Swedish friend . "When I first heard Raoul Wallenberg's story, I was staggered by the enormity of his deeds," she told a Senate subcommittee on Oct. 5, 1983, the second anniversary of Wallenberg being granted honorary U.S. citizenship. Winston Churchill is the only other foreigner so honored.
She said Monday that Wallenberg provides a scarce real-life hero for today's youth, far better than the rock stars whose pictures she got tired of seeing on her children's walls.
"Our children have few heroes not created by script writers," she said. "If they are going to survive, they must all know that they and
others carry within themselves the same possibility for kindness, selflessness, and courage that Raoul Wallenberg showed." Haspel said her committee first learned of Coeur d' Alene's ongoing battle with racism and prejudice through an article by Wa yne King in the June 28, 1986, edit ion of the New York Times, " Neo-Nazis Dream of a racist state in the Northwest refuses to die." Haspel, who was just re-elected to a three-year term as committee president, said her human rights group attempted to " pull something together significant" to honor Coeur d'Alene last Oct. 5, on the fifth anniversary of Wallenberg's honorary American citizenship.
SUN., JAN. 11, 1987
Cd'A to mark King Day, remember his vision By TRUDY WELSH Coeur d' Alene Press For North Idaho News Network
COEUR D'ALENE-The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.'~ dream of universal human rights will live on in Kootenai County's second annual celebration of his birthday. Organizers are hoping atten· dance for the Jan. 19 event - the only King Day celebration announced so far in North Idaho will surpass last year's mark of more than 1,000. The large turnout last year sent "a loud message" that, despite the national attention given to North Idaho's neo-Nazi group, the vast majority here supports human rights , said the Rev . Bill Wassmuth, head of the Kootenai
County Task Force on Human Reis. Kootenai County's 1986 event was the largest King Day celebration in Idaho, and possibly in the Northwest, he said. "The key to human rights and equalitJ is education," said Tony Stewart, chairman of North Idaho College's Popcorn Forum. "People have to be taught from early on what they are and how wrong it is to be prejudiced." Kootenai County's salute to the famed civil rights leader is being co-sponsored by the task force and the popcorn forum. All events except an international foods luncheon will be held in NIC's Communication Arts Auditorium. All events are free, but those planning to attend the luncheon at the Bon· ner Room in the Student Union
Building are asked to bring a hot or cold dish representative of their ethnic background. The day kicks off at 10 a.m. with the showing of a film entitled "Trumpet of Conscience," and is followed at 11 a.m. by the formal program, which will be broadcast live over Coeur d ' Alene Cablevision's Channel 13. During the program of music and speeches, Coeur d'Alene Mayor Ray Stone will present the Raoul Wallenberg Civic Award, which will be given to the city at a New York ceremony on Wednes· day. The featured speaker will be the Rev. Melvin G. Talbert, bishop of the Pacific Northwest Con· ference of the United Methodist Church. ·'As a member of the black community, he is well aware of what
needs to be done in the area of human rights," Stewart said. At 7 p.m. the Sixth Street Melodrama from Wallace will perform "The Diary of Anne Frank," the story of a young Jewish girl and her family's attempts to evade the Nazis during World War II. Area church bells and NIC's cariUon will be audible reminders of the national holiday, and some 500 balloons, bearing King's picture and an attached personal message, will be released, he said. To illustrate a lesson in how it feels to be "set aside," about 200 NIC students will be issued black armbands to distinguish them as people who must sit in the back of the class and who will be prohibi ted from entering certain areas, according to Stewart, an NIC professor.
Coeur d'Alene gathers praise, I award in N.Y. By D.F. Oliveria Staff writer
NEW YORK - The city of Coeur d'Alene was toasted Tuesday night at a fashionable New York restaurant as truly "a city with a heart." "Coeur means heart doesn't it?" asked Swedish diplomat Hans Anderson at a dinner for 18, honoring three Kootenai County men. "It's very approrriate for your city." Guests o honor were Father Bill Wassmuth, leader of the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations; Coeur d'Alene Malor Ray Stone, and Undersherif Larry Broadbent. The group, Swedish and Jewish leaders of the Raoul Wallenberg Committee of the United States, will bestow the first Wallenberg community award on the city of Coeur d'Alene later this morning during ceremonies at City Hall. The award is in honor of the city's strong stand against the neoNazi threat represented by the Aryan Nations compound near Hayden Lake. Wallenberg, a Swedish diplomat assigned to the Budapest, Hungary; foreign mission in 1944, is credited with saving more than 100,000 Jews before his arrest by advancing Russians in January 1945. He has never been seen as a free man since. Anderson said he first learned of Coeur d' Alene and its activities to counter neo-Nazism a week ago. Since then, he said, he has read numerous newspaper clippings about the North Idaho town. Wallenberg and Coeur d'Alene's human relations task force have much in common, said the diplomat.
"Wallenberg gave hope to a lot of people in Budapest; the task force bas done the same for a lot of ~ pie in your surroundings," he said. Anderson promised his country will make contact with Coeur d'Alene officials, acknowledging the award in the name of the Swedish World War II hero. Others among the sophisticated but friendly New Yorkers also picked up on the Coeur d'Alene chamber's "city with a heart" theme. Betty Throne-Holst proudly pinned one of the inexpensive buttons on her elegant red evening gown. Gunilla Nisser, married to a cousin of Wallenberg's, nodded at the button worn by her friend: "That's what it's all about," she said. "U you use your heart, you're not going to get mvolved in things like that (Aryan Nations activity)." M . ayor Stone pinned the button on committee President Raebel Haspel as she met him deplaning at LaGuardia Airport following a sixhour flight here earlier in the afternoon. "That's the first time I've been pinned in quite awhile," she said at the time. Stone presented a button to Throne-Holst at the dinner. Throne-Holst said it was important for the committee to make the award to "refresh and rejuvenate the idea that either an individual or community in Coeur d' Alene's case can change or control the structure of society." Like Wallenberg, she said that one person or a community "doing the right things at the right times (See Awa.rd on page 5)
Award can affect the lives of thousands." Added Throne-Holst, "You're a role model. Your town took the risk of being hit physically and economically," but didn't turn away from the challenge. She said Coeur d'Alene captured the imagination of the New Yorkbased committee, because the two cities are much alike despite the enormous size difference. "This is an island of survivors," she said. "We recognize gallantry and courage. That's what a New Yorker is - as well as a person with a sense of humor and great heart." The trio and a reporter from The Spokesman-Review were interspersed around a long table in the middle of the busy restaurant so the curious New Yorkers could have access to them. They asked questions of everyone but Wassmuth, who noted with humor that he was being given a hero's treatment. The New Yorkers appreciated the telling and re-telling of bow Coeur d'Alene achieved its Frenchsounding name. They were pleased particularly
Continued from page 1 ) , - - - - - - when Wassmuth explained the name meant "heart of an awl" and had been bestowed on the Coeur d'Alene Indians by French trappers for their shrewd business practices. "They weren't tricked by the trinkets offered them," Wassmuth said. The island of Manhattan was purchased from Indians by white settlers for trinkets. They also were intrigued when they discovered Stone played drumsâ&#x20AC;˘in his own combo. "I just cao,.t iffiilgine that," said Robin Reif, editor of the Wallenberg newsletter. She couldn't pie-
ture New York Mayor Ed Koch playing drums. Council President Andrew Stein will serve as master of ceremonies for today's event instead of Koch. Several of those present at the dinner felt Koch had missed a golden opportunity to negate some of the bad publicity that has resulted since mid-December when white youths in the Howard Beach area of Queens attacked three blacks. One black was killed. "Ed Koch is his own man," said one committee member, "and makes his own bad mistakes."
Coeur d'Alene takes a bow Mayor accepts Wallenberg award for all By JENNIFER PRESTON Special to the Press
Al pholo
New York City Council president Andrew Stein, right, reads a proclalmatlon at New York's City Hall today during the presentation of the Raoul Wollenberg cMc award to the city of
Coeur d'Alene. Coeur d'Alene representatives, from left, are Mayor Ray Stone, Father Wllllam Wasmuth and Undersherlff Larry Broadbent.
NEW YORK - Coeur d'Alene Mayor Ray Stone accepted the Raoul Wallenberg Award this morning at New York City Hall on behalf of the Lake City's struggle against racial and religious bigotry. Stone said the award would give impetus to the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations to "continue to give guidance and strength to the citizens who believe in the philosophy of the task force." "You have, by your award, caused us in the city Coeur d'Alene, to renew our commitment to those ideals of justice and fairness that the task force has given us as a guideline for action in dealing with all folks who come to our community in a spirit of goodwill and friendliness of purpose," he said. After receiving the award from Rachel Oestreicher Haspel, president of the Raoul WalJenberg Committee, New York City officials and others in the ornate blue-andgold Committee of the Whole Room gave Stone, Father Bill Wassmuth and Kootenai County Undersheriff Larry Broadbent a standing ovation. Haspel said the city was chosen to receive the committee's firstever civic award because its citizens "have stood against religious hatred and racial prejudice with a united voice.
the coeur d 'alene
VOL 80, N0.138 "The Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations has helped to lead the community to affmn its dedication to equality and to stand against hatred and prejudice inspite of acts of violence which have been perpetrated against the city and its leaders," she said. Alan C. Greenburg, chairman of the committee, presented a $5,000 check to Coeur d'Alene and said, "spend it wisely." Stone indicated last week that the money probably will be spent on the city's library and parks. Greenburg said he hopes that Coeur d' Alene's actions would be "emulated in many, many cities throughout the United States." New York City Council President Andrew Stein then presented Stone, Wassmuth and Broadbent with a proclamation, saying they had made it clear that "hate mongers are not welcome in Coeur d'Alene." Referring to the Dec. 20 racial attack in Howard Beach, Queens, which ended in the death of a 23·
SM AWARD, Page 10
year-old black man, Stein said that New Yorkers must try to follow the example of the citizens of Coeur d'Alene. Wassmuth said it was a great honor to accept the award in the name of the task force. "We know that the eyes of Ute nation have been on our area, seeing there the presence of a few misguided people who promote hatred, division, violence and racism," he said. "Your award ac· knowledges that the real convictions of the people of North Idaho and our work for human rights have been noticed as well." Broadbent said "our cornmuni-
25 CENTS ty, Coeur d'Alene, will long remember Utis day as an historical occasion. Today marks our tomorrows and the hopes of peace and friendship for all together with equality and justice for everyone." Also attending the ceremony was Bethine Church, wife of the late Sen. Frank Church of Idaho. Church, who flew up from Washington D.C., brushed a tear away during the ceremony. Stone, Wassmuth and Broadbent arrived in New York City late afternoon Tuesday. They had dinner last niJht at a restaurant on Man· batten s upper east side, which Stone describe as a "yuppie place." " The hospitality has been great," Stone said. He also said
that the placque would hang in Coeur d'Alene City Hall's gallery of mayors. WassmuUt said that he has visited New York City in the past, but "it is always exciting to be in New York." " I would be very reluctant to tell New York what to do," he said when asked to give advice on race relations. But he said that it is im· portant that people "continue to work together." Broadbent said that before the group leaves this afternoon he hopes to see the Statue of Liberty. " I really wanted to see it," he said. "There are so many sights to see. For me, the Statue of Liberty is symbolic of freedom and Uber· ty.''
Rachel Oestreicher Haspel, right, presents Raoul Wallenberg award to Ray Stone, mayor of Coeur d'Alene. The Rev. William Wassmuth, chairman of Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations is seated at the left.
Lake City opposition to prejudice receives speakers' high praise By D.F. Oliveria Sttff writer
NEW YORK - The city of Coeur d'Alene Wednesday was held up to racially diversified New Yorkers as a model to follow in overcoming their own problems with prejudice. "I pray New York can follow your enmp~e," council P~ident Arui[eW- Stem told . three Coeur d'Alene men who traveled cross country this week to receive the first - and possibly last - Raoul Wallenberg Civic Award. The award, in honor of the Swedish diplomat credited with saving more than 100,000 Jews at the close of World War II, was given to Coeur d'Alene in recognition of its battle against neo-Nazism. Stein emceed the 75-minute presentation ceremony in which each of the six speakers from New York praised Coeur d'Alene, some drawmg parallels with the heroism of Martin Luther King and Wallenberg. The local men - Mayor Raf
Stone, the _Rev. Bill Wassmuth and Undersherlff Larry Broadbent received three standing ovations. New Yorkers are trying to recover from what Stein termed "one of the ugliest events in recent memory" - the death of a black man Dec. 19 at the bands of a mob of white youth. Stein challenged fellow New Yorkers before a crowd of about 100 including Bethine Church wife of ' the late Idaho Se.n. Frank Church to follow Coeur d' Alene's "profil~ in courage" in resolving the racial incident. Noting that Coeur d'Alene is an al.I-white city in an all-white state Stein told Stone Wassmuth and Broadbent that "it's ironic we are looking to you for leadership in our time of trouble." Stein said the Aryan Nations presence in Idaho is proof "that bigotry can erupt anywhere." However, he said, the reside.nts of Coeur d'Alene have made it clear "the hate-mongers aren't welcome." Aryans, said Stein, have been given this message: "You are entitled to your views, but dammit, we're not going to stand by impassively." Church dabbed at tears throughout the ceremony. Although timing of the event was inconvenient, she
ol<es- M-'f\ f,. ev,eu.J
See Doug Clark's column - page A6 flew from Washington, D.C., to take part in it. "Idaho makes its mark every now and then," she said proudly during an interview before the ceremony. . , "All over the United States the.r e are seeds of this same group," she added. "They (Aryan Nations members ) thought they could hide in our hills, but they discovered there was a fairlv formidable group i.n their midst/' Church and her late husband belonged to the advisory board of the Raoul Wallenberg Committee of the United States. Frank Church was instrumental in getting an honorary American citizenship, one of only two, bestowed on Wallenberg. The other was presented to Winston Churchill During the ceremony, civil rights leader Bayard Rustin of the A. Philip Randolph Educational Fund said one should focus on "the tragedy that would have occurred" if there hadn't been a Martin Luther King, Raoul Walle.nberg or comm unity like Coeur d'Alene.
dent's Commission on the Holocaust linked Coeur d'Alene with the struggle for freedom. "Holocaust, slavery, 1-have-adream, Selma, Raoul Wallenberg, Howard Beach, freedom to worship at the Western Wall, apartheid, the right to emigrate, Coeur d'Alene all of these, and much more, all are part of the story of humanity's struggle for freedom," he said. During bis turn to speak, Wassmutb, leader of the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations, said Coeur d'Alene is no more than a Johnny-come-lately in the civil rights movement. "It's a real honor to be identified as an example by you," Wassmuth told a packed chamber of WaUenberg committee members and family, Jewish and black leaders, and a contingency of national media. Wassmuth, whose home was the target of a mid-September bombing, said the award "acknowledges that the real convictions of the people of North Idaho and our work for human rights have been noticed." Mayor Stone, representing the city of Coeur d'Alene, received two standing ovations - when he was presented the award and after com(See Award on page 12)
{ - 11--?7
Legislators m ove toward commendation for Coeur d'Alene BOISE - Sparked by the Raoul Wallenberf Civic Award presented to Coeur d Alene Wednesday, Idaho legislators are considering a proclamation commending the city's residents for their stand against racism. Sen. Mary Lou Reed, D-Coeur d'Alene, introduced the measure Wednesday. It won unanimous approval from the Senate State Affaln Committee, and today or Fri-
day will be put to a vote of the entire Senate. "We would appreciate any help you could give us that would show that the state does not welcome this kind of racist activity," Reed told fellow committee members as she explained the proclamation's purpose. Sbe said the proclamation ls one of a series of anti-racist measures,
including a "Terrorism Prevention Act," that will be submitted to legislators this year in an effort to discourage white supremacists. The proclamation reads, in part, that "the city of Coeur d'Alene and the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations have taken a stand against religious hatred and racial prejudice." In contmues to say that the city received the Raoul Wallenberg Civ-
ic Award "for its response to 'invasive forces' in Kootenai County, reflective of the courage and humanitarian work Raoul Wallenberg did in Hungary when he also stood up to the Nazi forces." The proclamation commends the city of Coeur d'Alene and urges everyone to "join in the commitment to a state free from relifious and racial hatred and bigotry.'
(Continue d from page 1)-
pleting a brief speech. Stone said the award is timely. The task force bas received some criticism for its outspoken advocacy on human rights, he said, failing to elaborate. " It will give to those citizens, who are somewhat critical, an added motivation for a fuller participation in the tasks ahead," he said m a prepared statement. Broadbent introduced his short statement by saying he was speaking from the heart. "We in Coeur d'Alene and throughout the state of Idaho recognize tliat the forces of organized hatred, racism, bigotry and religious violence must be combatted," he said. Rachel Haspel, president of the Wallenberg committee, told the gathering the civic award may nevf>r be awarded again. It will be giv-
en again, she said, "only if a city meets the requirements in the Wallenberg tradition." No other city was considered this year. The award comes with a $5,000 stipend, which Stone now says he would like to see devoted totally to the purchase of books for the Coeur d'Alene Library dealing with Wallenber~, the Holocaust, and racial prejudice. At one time, he was considering dividing the money among the library books, playground equipment, and the task force. Haspel presented Mayor Stone with five books on the life of Wallenberg to start the collection. She plans to attend the second Human Rights Celebration, sponsored by the Kootenai County task force, in July as a guest of the city of Coeur d'Alene.
the c oeur d'alene
VOL 80, N0. 139
Stone to NY: Cd'A stood tall Mayor relates tale of city's 1 battle against intolerance By JENNI FER PRESTON Special to the Press
NEW YORK - Coeur d'Alene Mayor Ray Stone declined to give advice to New York City officials yesterday about how to fight racism, but he did cite an example of how the people of Coeur d' Alene were waging their battle against prejudice and hatred. "The diverse groups gathered together and said, 'Yes, we are going to do something about this,' " Stone said in an interview after accepting the Raoul Wallenberg Award at New York City Hall on behalf of Coeur d' Alene for its struggle aginst neo-Nazi groups. "We said we were not going to tolerate prejudice." Stone would not comment on the Dec. 20 racial attack in the Howard Beach area of Queens that ended in the death of 23-year-old Michael Griffith. Griffith was struck by a car after being chased by three white youths. Stone said he would not presume to advise Mayor Edward I. Koch or any other officials about how to respond to such an incident because he does not know the situation thoroughly. Also, he said,
there are "different dynamics" in his city of 22,000 and Koch's city of 7 million. What has helped Stone and his city in their fight against white supremacists however, is the support from the community - the agreement that racism is wrong. " It was kind of a profound thing because people stood up and said we believe in peace," Stone said, recalling a meeting last fall following the bombing of the Rev. Bill Wassmuth's home. "We believe in human rights for people, no matter what their beliefs may be, or their color. " In accepting the first civic award from the Raoul Wallenberg Committee of the United States yesterday, Stone said the award would help Coeur d'Alene further its aim "to deal firmly with those who would infringe on any of our citizens' basic freedoms or rights." Rachel Oestreicher Haspel , president of the committee, said the city was chosen to receive the award because, true to the spirit of Raoul Wallenberg, its citizens "have stood against religious ha-
See STONE, Page 15
STONE CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 tred and racial prejudice with a united voice." Wallenberg saved more than 100,000 Jews from Nazi atrocities during World War II. City Council President Andrew Stein, who welcomed Stone, the Rev. Bill Wassmuth and Undersheriff Larry Broadbent and presented each of them with proclamations, said perhaps New Yorkers could learn from their example. "There are lessons we must carry with us as we struggle with the issues raised by Howard Beach," Stein said."What happened in Howard Beach was one of the ugliest events to occur here in living memory, and while a racial attack is an unspeakable horror whenever it occurs in America, it's
all the more painful when it happens here." Mayor Koch was invited to the event, but was unable to attend due to a scheduling conflict, staff members said.
Schools, federal offices close for King FrjdO¥
16 1087
Day·observance COEUR D'ALENE - Several area agencies will be closed Monday to allow their employees to participate in Kootenai County's Martin Luther King Day celebration. The second annual event, celebrating the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. 's dream of universal human rights, will kick off at North Idaho College's Communication Arts Auditorium with a television film at 10 a.m. The formal program will follow at 11 a.m. Coeur d'Alene schools and federal offices will be closed Monday, and there will be no mail delivery. North Idaho College students will be released from their regular classes at 11 a.m. to take part in the celebration. All state, city and county offices, and local banks will remain open for business on Monday. Kootenai County's second annual celebration of
King's birthday is co-sponsored by the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations and NIC's Popcorn Forum. Organizers are hoping attendance for the Jan. 19 event - the only King Day celebration announced so far in North Idaho - will surpass last year's mark of more than 1,000. All events are free and will be held in NIC's Com·munication Arts Auditorium except the international luncheon scheduled for 12:30 p.m. Those planning to attend the luncheon at the Bonner Room in the Student Union Building are asked to bring as their admission a hot or cold dish representative of their ethnic background. The day kicks off at 10 a.m. with the showing of a film entitled "Trumpet of Conscience," and is fol~ow~ at 11 ~..m. by the formal proiram, ~hich will be
broadcast live over Coeur d'Alene cablevision's Channel 13. During the program of music and speeches Coeur d'Alene Mayor Ray Stone will present the' Raoul Wallenberg Civic Award, which will be given to the city at a New York ceremony on Wednesday. The f~tured speaker will be the Rev. Melvin G. Talbert, bishop of the Pacific Northwest Conference on the United Methodist Church. "As a member of the black community he is well aware of what needs to be done in the ar~ of human rights,' ' said Tony Stewart chairman of the popcorn forum. At 7 p.m. the Sixth Street Melodrama from Wallace will perform '_'The ~iary of Anne Frank," the story of a young Jewish girl and her family's attempts to evade the Nazis during W~!d War _II. Area church bells and NlC's carillon will be audible reminders of the national holiday and some 500 balloons, bearing King's picture and with ~n attached personal message, will be released, he said. About 200 NIC students will be issued black armbands to distinguish them as the people who must sit in the back of the class and are prohibited from entering certain areas. . . . "They will get a personal experience m how 1t feels to be set aside," said Stewart, an NIC professor. King Day celebrations are also planned for Jan. 19 in Pocatello, Idaho Falls, Moscow, Twin Falls and on Jan. 18 in Boise, said Wassmuth, who has been asked to participate in the Boise event. Idaho is one of only 11 states that have not made Martin Luther King Jr. Day and official state holiday, Stewart said.
To hear them tell IL, Lhey were just e,ten while trying to protect the rights doing what comes naturally. of the neo-Nazis. Local offic-ials have "JusL doing what any decent folks fended orr those who would run the would do," said Ray Stone, Mayor or group ouL or town or worse, and have Coeur d'Alene, a Lown in northern lried to reason with the few who did Idaho, who was flown to New Yor k to not mind the group's idea of estabreceive a human rights award at City lishing a white Anglo-Saxon ProtesHall this morning amid much hoopla. tant "nation." " We're a little taken aback," he The Raoul Wallenberg Committee By WILLIAM E. GEI ST said about being feted and paraded of the United States will present its before the press. " J never got too exCivic A ward today to the city of just did what we felt was right, what cited about what we did." Coeur d'Alene, population 22,000, ac- was American." Father Wassmuth explained that What this virtually white town in a companied by a flurry or speeches devirtually white state has done is to "Bigotry is not something peculiar among other things, an ad hoc Kootenouncing bigotry and discrimination to KooLenai Counly," Mayor SLOne nai County Human Rights Task stand i n strong opposition Lo a neoNazi group named Aryan Nations, delivered by Andrew J. Slein, the City said. " It's everywhere I guess, even Force was formed to assist some black children complaining of harCouncil President ; Major Owens, the in New York City." which preaches ra cial and religious Brookly n Congressman; David Dinprejudice, in the face of threats and He was assured that is true, and r assment by Aryan Nations. kins, the Manhattan Borough Presi- was asked if he was aware of the rebombings. The task force went on to lobby sucdent, and religious leaders and ex- cent Howard Beach incident. He said cessfully for a slate law making raAccompanying Mayor Stone are perts who have sludied discrimina- he had seen something about It on cial and r eligious harassment a felotion. the Rev. William Wassmuth, whose television. " I hope we aren't asked ny, to establish an annual Marrin Lu"We were just tending Lo a problem any quesuons about that." he said. home was bombed, and Undersheriff ther King birthday celebration and a in our own backyard," said Mr. Larry Broadbent, who wa s the target Mr. SLOne said he had been asked to vast "counter congress" celebration Broadbent, adding he hoped these say a few words, but to keep it shor t, each year on the same day that of an assassination plot for which a Eastern intellecwals did nol expect about two minutes, because there Aryan Nations holds its nationwide member or Aryan Nations was contoo much of them. He said he wasn't would be a lot of longer speeches by r-ongress of like-minded groups. victed. They have resisted the neo-Nazis r eally " up on" the subject of eradi- New Yorkers. "Fine," he said, "we're "We will make a good thing out of cating global discrimination. " We not much for speeches." something bad," he said, "and when
About New York
Honors for an Idaho Community of 'Decent F olks' 0
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il's all over we will be a better community because or all this. Our message is to say 'yes' to the righls and dignity or all people. ThaL's au, noth· Ing profound." " I couldn't believe it," Mayor Stone said of the media attention. " Time magazine, BBC, London Times. Eastern reporters would say: 'So, what's it like out there in Iowa.· All the same to them I guess." "We had a press conference at home," he said. "Someone asked if we weren't just a bunch of liberals making a racket," he said, laughing. "There are only a few of us liberals in those parts. An Idaho liberal is about l ike a Southern Democrat." Mr. Broadbent said he is asked to conduct seminars on racist groups. "Sometimes," he said, ·•you wi sh all the attention would go away. But some or it's nice. The local V.F.W. voted me officer of the year."
"Many people," Mr. Stone explained, "said if the do-gooders would
ignore these people everything would be fine. They thought speaking out on the problem was giving the city a bad name." The officials prevailed upon some residents for support with the economic argument that storm troopers on the streets could discourage tourism. The men will return home today. Mr. Stone said he already saw the Statue or Liberty and other sights when he retruned home to Idaho from World War JI. He plays in a swing band and he's booked for a dance tonight. " I was in the 82d Airborne," he said, "and was one of the first ones In to liberate a Jewish concentration camp in Wobbelln, Germany, where half the people had died of starvaUon. " It made an impact on me," he said, "something I took back to Idaho and told to thousands or students in 35 years of teaching. " That sounds idealistic as hell," said the 63-year old Mayor, " but when you're a kid, you are Idealistic. "You shouldn't give that up."
Award means high standard for Kootenai Bs, D.F. Oliveria
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COEUR d'ALENE - Kootenai County now has a reputation to live upto. Last Wednesday, a committee With a tiny office 2,500 miles away finally got a message to the world - a message North Idahoans had felt they were shouting in vain: White supremacists may be here but they aren't wanted. ' You should have been there. For 75 minutes, New York City re!:e:us and civic leaders lavished pr on Coeur d'Alene while network cameras rolled. The occasion was the presentation of the first Raoul Wallenberg Civic Award. Jews, blacks, the nation's press and the Raoul Wallenberg Committee of the United States all jammed the ornate Whole Room in historic New York City Hall to view the curious sight. (See Award OD page 11 )
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Three native-born white Idahoans from what New York Times columnist William E . Geist termed "a virtually white town in a virtually white state" were to receive a human rights award. The six New York speakers cast the civil rights accomplishments of Coeur d'Alene in the same light as those of Martin Luther King Jr. and Raoul Wallenberg. They told their 9 million residents to emulate Coeur d'Alene in their stand for human rights. Black civil rights leader Bayard Rustin saluted Coeur d'Alene for coming to the aid of .those in trou-
ANALYSIS ble and for its example to the youth I of America. " When we weren't there, you did 1 it for us," he told Mayor Ray Stone, 1 Undersheriff Larry Broadbent and the Rev. Bill Wassmuth, who represented the Coeur d'Alene area at the ceremonies. After the ceremony, Wassmuth dismissed the hyperbole as " New York flamboyance." Still, it was heady stuff for what New York Cit¥ Council President Andrew Stein madvertently called "Coeur !!'~~en~ Co~ty,_low_a ."
The Wallenberg trophy <1oes two things. First, it authenticates the claim by the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations and the Coeur d'Alene Chamber of Commerce that this is a community that bas fought back a gainst the Rev. Richard Butler's hate-mongers. Before, none of the national media seemed to listen. Until now, Butler's rhetoric and anachronistic storm troopers have won the lion's share of coverage. But the world isn't likely to ignore the poster-size Wallenberg plaque hanging opposite the information desk at City Hall. Undersheriff Broadbent predicted that the award will be the first of many honors the Coeur d'Alene area will receive for its human rights fight. And Wassmuth declared the award, like Monday's Martin Luther' King Jr. celebration, will provide the task force and the community with renewed energy to combat racial and religious prejudice. "Our guard can't come down, and it won't either," he said. On the other hand, the Wallenberg award establishes a standard the city will be expected to maintain. During his impassioned acceptance speech in New York, Mayor Stone hinted that maintaining the standard may be difficult. "This award is of particular importance to us," Stone said, "because it comes at a time when the task force is receiving some criticism for its outspoken advocacy on human rights." Was he talking about a group of the city's bigwigs who met secretly last month to discuss whether the task force needed toning down? Stone wouldn't say. The ringleaders at the clandestine meeting - whose names could be obtained only in off-the-record conversations questioned whether the task force had created more bad publicity than good with its outspoken stand against the neoNazis. At that point, sources say, Marshall Mend, a task force member and real estate agent, stopped such talk by directing a question to Broadbent, .who also had been invited to the meeting. How ma ny neo-Nazis would be in Kootenai County if it weren't for the task force? Mend asked. Instead of 35, Broadbent replied, there would be 3,500. The response quieted the group. After all, 3,500 white supremacists wearing swastikas wouldn't be good for tourism unless they could be marketed as an attraction.
At tn1s pomt, tne group plans to content itself by hiring a public relations firm to tell the world that Coeur d'Alene is a great place to visit. Stone said the Wallenberg award might encourage such "fencesitters" to link arms with the task force. He likened the award to a slam dunk on the basketball court. Like ~ jam by Chicago Bulls guard Michael Jordan, the mayor said, the a ward " picks up the crowd." The anti-Nazi effort needs to maintain a strong cheering section. New York's praise felt good even from 2,500 miles away - but the war with Butler's minions and our own prejudice is far from over.
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Aday filled with events- a film, special program, music, luncheon, balloon release and dramatic play - is planned for the North Idaho College campus in recognition of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Jan. 19. The second annual Dr. King Day, sponsored locally by the NIC Popcorn Forum and the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations, will begin at 10 a.m. with the film "Trumpet of Conscience" aboutthe lifeofDr. King. The film, special program and dramatic play will be in the CommunicaitonArts auditorium on the NIC campus. Featured speaker at the 11 a.m. program, for which all NIC classes are excused, will be the Rev. Melvin G. Talbert, bishop of the Pacific Northwest Conference of the United Methodist Church. His topic will be"Living the Dream of Dr. King." Other program highlights will include the city and task force sharing the National Raoul Wallenberg Civic Award with the community ; music by choral groups from NIC and Coeur d'Alene High School; readings of excerpts from Dr. King's speeches and from a winning student essay on human rights; and introductions by Dr. Robert Bennett, president of NIC; Tony Stewart, Popcorn Forum chairman ; and the Rev. Bill Wassmuth, president of the Task Force. Following the program will be an outdoor balloon release celebrating the uplifting of human rights, and a free international
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Senate heralds North Idaho's 1stand on rights
BOISE (AP) - The Idaho Senate, pressing the state's stand against white surpremacists and their intensifying activities in the Northwest, unanimously approved on Friday a proclamation recognizing the anti-racism acts of officials in the Panhandle. The Senate honored the city of Coeur d'Alene and the Kootenai County Human Relations Task Force for "taking a stand against ¡religious hatred and racial prejudice" by staging a counter rally during last June's Aryan World Congress near Coeur d'Alene. On Wednesday, the mayor of the Coeur d'Alene, the county's undersheriff who is an expert in white supremacist g_roups and the chair-
man of the task force, whose home was bombed last fall, received the Raoul Wallenberg civic award in New York for the community's actions Wallenberg was the Swedish citizen credited with saving 100,000 Hungarian Jews from Hitler's death camps before disappearing in 1944. The proclamation, sponsored by Sen. Mary Lou Reed, D-Coeur d'Alene, said the state joined "in the commitment to a state free of religious hatred and racial bi~otry." 'This will send a signal to the world that Idaho is not and will not be a haven for white supremacists," Mrs. Reed said, echoing
the comments of Gov. Cecil Andrus during hls State of the State address on Monday. The increasing concern of the state over its image peaked last fall when a series of white-supremacist-linked bombings rocked the Coeur d'Alene area. The white-supremacist Church of Jesus Christ Christian-Aryan Nations is headquartered in the Kootenai County community of Hayden Lak~. just north of Coeur d'Alene. White supremacist leaders have said they want to establish a white-only republic in the five-state region of Washington, Oregon Idaho, Montana and Wyoming.
Coeur d'Alene _steJ>,~, into King ,, spotlight ..
By Cynthia Taggart Staff eorrapondent
COEUR d'ALENE - They toasted Coeur d'Alene and feasted on Assyrian Dolma, English wine gelatme and Irish soda bread. With balloons, speeches and music, it was a celebration in every sense of the word. But the guest of honor - 1960s black civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. almost played second fiddle. Many of the 1,200 celebrants gathered at North Idaho College
Monday to commemorate King's birthday came to pat themselves on the backs and honor their city's efforts to quash the spread of racism and religious persecution. "This is the greatest place to be in the United States today," said organizer Tony Stewart, after announcing that a proclamation commending the work of the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations and the city of Coeur d'Alene had passed the Legislature Monday morning.
After showing off the city's Raoul Walleoberg Civic Award, Coeur d'Alene Council President Dixie Reid said: "This bas never been given to a city before and we were told it probably never will be agaln. This brings us national and international recognition of the feelings we have toward one another. We have big hearts." The Rev. Bill Wassmuth, of St. Pius X Catholic Church concluded: "A lot bas happened since last year and it all feels good. There's an en-
. . .. â&#x20AC;˘
ergy in our community that's being focused on the task ahead. We have a long way to go until all can live without harassment. But we're on the way." An audience packed with school children, NIC students and local residents gave the impassioned speakers si.x standing ovations throughout the two-hour program. After a pitch to bis captive audience to pass an upcoming Coeur d'Alene School District building bond levy, district Superintendent
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Warren Bakes refocused the celebration on King by announcing Catherine Brown, a Coeur d'Alene High senior, as this year's essay winner. As she read the winning essay on King and his work, Brown said, "I'm reminded that we haven't come as far as we'd like to think." NIC sophomore Ron Jacobson, an audience member, agreed. ''We've been studying the Civil War in my history class and it seems to me that it' s taken our
country a long time to get where we are," be said. "Really, we haven't come very far." The day's key speaker - Bishop Melvin G. Talbert of the Pacific Northwest Conference of the United Methodist Church - offered Jacobson a partial reason for the nation's languid approach to bigotry. "Racism continues to manifest itself in many ways, in a president who will not open bis mouth whe.n (See Coeur d'Alene on page 5)
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Coeur d'Alene things happen like what happened here in Coeur d'Alene," he said, apparently in reference to last October's bombings. "The president represents the moral attitudes of the nation." As the program entered its second hour, many students attending under orders from instructors beaded for the doors. But NIC freshman George Trail chose to stay. "I didn't have to be here," he said. "I felt I need to learn about what Martin Luther King stood for. This makes me realize the conflict of views in the nation during his time. Seems like that's what's happening ln Coeur d'Alene now."
Idaho cells
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To feel the "conflict of views," some students opted to wear red arm bands, signifying they belonged to a racial or religious minority - at least for one day. "I grew up in California and was aware of racial problems," said Michelle Aurora, NIC freshman wearing an armband. "Moving up here, you lose that awareness. I feel like I want to exJM!rience what bigotry feels like, but I'm afraid of what to expect." . Aurora and nearly 200 other students in armbands were restricted to the back rows of the auditorium and classrooms, not allowed in the student union and could sit only in areas marked "For Arm Band Students Only" in the library.
Armband students, however, were allowed with the rest of the crowd to attend a free luncheon in the student union following the program. More than 300 people dined on a variety of ethnic dishes donated by senior citizens, task force members and NIC faculty. "I'm so happy we had enough food for everyone," said Stewart. "We bad only two casseroles left over. This has been very successful." With this year's King celebration over, Stewart said his next project is the second annual five-state Human Rights Rally in Coeur d'Alene City Park. The event is scheduled for July 18.
Continued from page 1 \ - -..........- -
· ......... -~""· ~. · - ~,.;· ,.-· ..,,...~ --~· ~ Balloons fly as emcee Tony Stewart and students take part in Martin Luther King Jr. Day outside NIC Communications Auditorium.
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King's civil rights message rings in Cd'A By TRUDY WELSH Press staff writer
The peaks of North Idaho were not mentioned in Martin Luther King Jr. 's 1963 " I Have a Dream" speech, but his message rang from those snow-capped mountains Monday. Nearly 1,200 North Idaho residents gathered at North Idaho College to reaffirm King's vision and to congratulate<ithemselves for their reaction when two September bombing incidents, allegedly the work of white supremacists, rocked the Lake City. Many in the audience sang or hummed along with music associated with the 1960s civil rights struggle,
See KING, Page 2
such as " We Shall Overcome" and "Ali My Trials." Hundreds of participants later gathered to release 500 balloons bearing King's picture, and to feast on foods from such nations as Assyria, Japan, China, Ireland and Germany. "Challenging" events such as the bombings and last July's Aryan Nations Congress have helped the community unite and take a stronger stand against the injustice of racism, said the Rev. Bill Wassmuth, head of the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations. "(The King holiday) is also a celebration of the journey we're on as a community and the progr~ss that has been made on that journey," said the priest, who received a standing ovation from the crowd. "There is an energy in our community that's becoming more and more focused in a positive way. " However, North Idaho still has a long way to go in making sure that all individuals are treated "with the dignity and respect that is theirs as a human being," Wassmuth cautioned. "We're going to stand straight, and we're going to stand tall against those who preach, teach or advocate the superiority of one group over another," said Coeur d'Alene City Council President Dixie Reid, after unveiling the Raoul Wallenberg Civic Award given to the city last week. The New York-based Raoul Wallenberg Committee ~r.esented the first-ever award to Coeur d'Alene for its stand against the " invasive forces" of the neoNazi group, Aryan Nations.
The wfnner ¡of Kootenai County's second annual King Day essay contest warned a,ainst becoming apathetic to the struggles of minorities. "Some of the ignorance of the 1950s and '60s has not been cleansed in the open air, but forced deeper and deeper," said Catherine Brown, a Coeur d'Alene High School senior, "and now that Dr. King has been dead for almost 23 years, an apathy has crept into America that breeds acceptance of this more subtle racism." Monday's keynote speaker, United Methodist Bishop Melvin G. Talbert, said King's dream is being threatened by a "resurgence of racial prejudice" that is "spreading like wildfire. " He said President Ronald Reagan, who opposed the creation of the King Day holiday, is fostering the spread of such sentiments. Because he sets the "moral tenor and climate of the nation," he should have issued a strong anti-racism statement when Coeur d'Alene was bombed, said Talbert, bishop of the Pacific Northwest Conference of the United Methodist Church. Talbert discussed King's non-violent stategies for attaining civil rights when they spent three days together in a jail cell. The Kootenai County celebration went off without any negative incidents, though a King march Saturday in the civil rights activist's home state of Georgia turned violent when Ku Klux Klan members attacked. Attending his second Kootenai County King Day celebration was no less stirring than the first, said Coeur d'Alene School Superintendent Warren Bakes, whose district took the day off. "It was an exciting energy, and I wouldn't have missed it for the world," he said.
NICKEL'S WORTH Week of Feb. 27, 1987... .51
Popcorn Forum On AIDS - March 5th " AIDS: The Medical Facts of the Disease and Sexual Practices for Safer Sex" will be the topic of an NIC Popcorn Forum at noon Thursday, March 5, the Bonner Room of t he Student Union Building at Nort h Idaho College. The forum is free and open to the public. The forum wi ll be comprised of Dr. Stuart Denny, a private practitioner and emergency room physician at the General M edical Clinic; Jo Marinovich, nurse at NIC, and Jo Anna Fouche, health educator for Panhandle Health District. Discussion will center on the three stages of the disease. care and treatment of AIDS patients, recommended methods for safer sexual practices, and how l<nown facts about the disease contrast with misinformation. This Popcorn Forum is the 221 st in a series since the program began a few years ago. It follows No. 220 by a day as on MArch 4 a panel will discuss " United States Trade With Pacific Rim Nations" at 7 pm in the Bonner Room. The public is welcome without charge.
According to Faucher, AIDS has advanced from an "act of God" to something that is "killing some of our most productive young people. "Education can alliviate some of our fear about AIDS," she said. "Hopefully education will enlighten people to the fact that we are treating a disease, not a group of people." She said in Idaho there are more than 4,000 carriers of the AIDS virus, and there have been eight deaths attributed to the disease in the state. "AIDS is a disease people can prevent," Faucher said. " It doesn't just happen to you; your
behavioral. patterns are what gives you the dis-
Marinovich said gonorrhea was the sexual disease of the 60s and it could be cured with a dose of penicillin. In the 70s, herpes "was the sexual disease of choice," she said. "But in the 80s, all of the sudden you are playing with your life," she said. She said abstaining from sex, being selective in the choice of partners and being faithful would slow the epidemic proportions of AIDS. She said there may be even something positive about AIDS. She said the disease may allow people to get to know each other better before having sex and it may also curb prostitution.
-Pren Photo By DAVID KEYES
Dr. Stuart Denny dlagramed the stages the AIDS virus takes as It breaks down the body's
Immune system during his speech at North Idaho College Thursrday.
AIDS now affects all segments of society, practitioners say By DAVID KEYES Press staff writer
AIDS has taken medicine back to before the "magic bullet" era of medicine, baffling scientists and killing everybody who contracts the disease, a Coeur d'Alene doctor said Thursday. Dr. Stuart Denny, a private practioneer and emergency room physician, explained to an audience of 50 people at North Idaho College the absolute devastation that has been wrought by a disease nobody had even heard of seven years ago. Denny, Panhandle Health District employee Joanna Faucher and North Idaho College nurse Jo Marinovich told the audience, which consisted mostly of students, that AIDS can be avoided, but ¡that it also can strike close to home. According to faucher, there is a person living in Kootenai County who has the AIDS virus. But because of the confidentiality PHD offers AJ)S patients, she wouldn't devulge the person's age or sex. She also wouldn't say how many people in the county have tested positive for AIDS but haven't contracted. the disease. "AIDS has crossed all sexual, social pnd economic barriers now," Denny said. " It las a 75per.cent,mortality rate within two years ofcontrac-
tion and there are 30,000 cases right now in the United States with 16,500 deaths. It is enough to alarm anybody." Denny said AIDS enters into a body only through the exchange of fluids. After a person is exposed to ¡ the virus, the symptoms begin almost immediately, but it may take from three to nine weeks for tests to show a person was exposed to AIDS. Aperson wh.o has contracted AIDS will develop flu-like symptoms in three to 14 days. After that the disease may lie dormant for days or mon~ without showing any symptoms. But once the lethal phase of the disease begins, every major organ in the patient's body is affected; exposure to even the flu or a common cold can be fatal for a person with AIDS. In t~e, the patient's immune system collapses and blmdness, paralysis, urinary tract infections and seizures provide a fatal combination. But scientists are busy looking for a cure, Denny said, and the cheiqical AZT has come the closest to retarding the AIDS .symptoms. According to Denny, AZT hasn't saved any lives but is one examp\e of the research that is being done to combat AIDS.
f ofc(/ I'/l Pr_v;tA /f f 1 - ??'
Guest: Congressman Richard Stallings , (D), from Idaho ' s Second Congressional District. Topic: " National and International Issues Before Congress." October 9, 1987.
Guest : Dr. Donald P. Irish, Ph.b . , Professor Emeritus of Sociology, Hamline University, Saint Paul, Minnesota and former Chair of the Department of Sociology at Hamline University . Topic: "The Politics of Central America Today : U.S . or Them . " (U .S. Foreign Policy pertaining to Central America) October 19, 1987.
Guest: Topic: 1987.
Reverend Hosea Williams , Pastor of the Martin Luther King, Jr . Peoples Church of Love, and civil rights activist. Topic: " The State of Prejudice in America Today. " October 23, 1987.
226 .
Guest: Lawrence W. Reed, former Director of the Center for the Study of Market Alternatives. Topic: "The War in Nicaragua: A Case for U. S. Support of the Contras." December 8 , 1987 .
228 .
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Celebration co- sponsored by NIC Popcorn Forum and the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations. Guest : Dr. Mamie Oliver , member and immediate past chairperson of the Martin Luther King , Jr. Federal Holiday Governor's Task Force. Topic : "The Meaning of Dr . King's Dream." January 18./ 1988 .
229 .
John Vanarsdall, John Birch Society Speaker. February 17, 1988 .
The Harrison Hotshots, an 18 member Kitchen Band, ranging in age from 14 to 86. March 9, 1988.
231 .
Guest : years .
Dr . Martin Plax, Director, Ohio and Kentucky American Jewish Committee. "Managing Conflict in a Community: Reduction of Prejudice." October 23,
Harvey Goldstein, CPA.
Topic :
"Up Your Cash Flow."
Topic :
October 30, 1987.
"Farmers, Food and Our Future . "
Jack Reynolds , NBC Reporter for NBC Nightly News and the Today Show for 31 Topic : " The Last 25 Years in China". April 27, 1988.
A8 The Spokesman-Review Sp~kane Chronic1e
Stallings looks ~
at results of cutting loans By Cynthia Taggart Staff wrirer
COEUR d'ALENE The Reagan administration's success in cutting federal grants and loans to college students will make higher education a commodity for the elite, Idaho Congressman Richard Stallings said in Coeur d'Alene Fri-
'I think as we get down the road, the next generation will have to choose which kids go to school," said Stallings. "That's a tragedy and would violate the American dream." Stallings was in Coeur d'Alene to speak at North Idaho College's Popcorn Forum, an annual series of free lectures. Rather than speak on one topic for an hour, the Democrat chose to take questions from his small audience. · In response to a question on education, he called the cut in funding for student loans stupid, saying Congress needs to re-evaluate the student loan program. · "It doesn't matter how sophisticated your (military) tanks are, if you don't have anyone literate enough to operate them, what good are they?" he said. On Nicaragua, Stallings said he voted' for $19 million in Contra aid dQring his first year in Congress in 1964. Since then, however, he has ruJkt!d for some accounting of how thE mo:rJu!s being spent. At one ,oidt, S · gs said, he sent part of bis. staff to Nicaragua to research ~ situation.
Spokane, Wash., Sat., Oct. 10, 1987
"A revolution will work if it has broad public support," he said. "That's not the case with the Contras. Their support is marginal" Americans also show marginal suppor t for what the Contras are trying to achieve, Stallings said. When his indecision on a second bill to help the Contras was publicized, Stallings said he received 1,800 calls from residents in his district telling him not to support the bill. He voted no. "I don't think we as a nation have the right to go into other countries and t!!ll them what kind of governmen.t to have," he said. "That.:s just not in the realm of our responsibilities.'' On the competition for the U.S. Department of Energy's Superconducting Supercollider, Stallings said Idaho has made a good case for itself. ·~w e can build it arid run it cheaper than anywhere,'' he said. "That's ~ compelling argument but there are others." But what troubles him, Stallings said, is the schedule for selecting a site , in August 1988, close to the presidential election. That leaves ~e· selection open to political 1mes, he said. . F.inances also could keep the su·1 .,ercollider out of Idaho, Stallings said. When a state is chosen for the $4.5 billion to $6 billion P.roject, other states immediately will withdr;lw their support for the project and could endanger its funding, he said. "The question frankly will be funding. U it's there, Idaho bas a good shot at the project," Stallings said.
THE SPolCEsMAN-REVIEW Fri., Oct. 9, 1987, Spokane, Wash.
From staff and wire reports
Stallings will speak at NIC Popcorn Forum COEUR d' ALENE - North Idaho College will feature Democratic Rep. Richard Stallings, congressman from the Idaho's second congressional district, as the speaker at its first Popcorn Forum of the year. At 1 p.m. today in NIC's Bonner Room, Stallings will discuss the national and international issues currently before Congress. Stallings, 47, was elected to Congress in 1984 and re-elected -in 1986. He serves on House committees on agriculture, science and technology, and aging. He also is a member of the Democratic Congressional Travel and Tourism Caucus, Environmental and Energy Study Conference and the Congressional Coalition on Adoption. NIC's Popcorn Forum was begun 18 years ago by political science professor Tony Stewart. The forum IS open to the public.
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Wednesday. October 21, 1987
Human rights subject of forum Two human rights advocates will address the public at separate sessions of North Idaho College's Popcorn Forum Friday. Both men are in Coeur d'Alene for the Northwes t Coalition Against Ma licious Harassment's convention, and will be speaking in the Bonner Room at NIC. The Popcorn Forum presentations are free of charge and open to the public. At 9 a .m. Martin Plax, the director of the American Jewish Committee for the Ohio-Kentucky area, will deliver an address on " Managing Community Conflict: Racial and Religious Justice."
As a leader in civil rights, Plax bas coordinated coalitions to achieve human rights goals through public education and civic activities . He has been director of the American Jewish Committee s ince 1976 and has worked on issues involving civil liberty, criminal justice, foreign policy, housing and public education. Plax is an associate professor of political science at Cleveland State University and specializes in public policy implementation, urban politics and psychology. He is currently vice president of the National Child Safety Council in
Cleveland and president of the Cleveland chapter of the National J ewish Coalition. At 7:30 p.m . Friday, The Rev. Hosea Williams, a career civil rights activist and colleague of· Mart in Luther King Jr., will speak on " Civil Rights in AmericaToday: What is the State of Prejudice?" Williams, who is a member of the Atlanta City Council, bas been jailed 108 times and holds the record for civil rights arrests in the United States. He has been a leader in the civil rights movement since the early 1960s when be was appointed by King to bead the SJleCial projects task force of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC).
It - z"'
Don Irish emphasizes a point as he speaks Monday at NIC's Popcorn Forum on Central America.
Showdown on Central America Professor, crowd clash at North Idaho College Popcorn Forum the lecture, leaving an older generation to argue "Left-wing organizations aren't noted for for another 40 minutes. "Popcorn Forums are so far left usually," their accuracy," said Dolores Lawless, staring Lawless said. "There are 150 people sitting here hard. "Amnesty International won the Nobel Prize being brainwashed." Irish, a specialist in Central and Latin Amerifor peace," Irish insisted. "The Nobel Peace Prize is a political tool," ca, believes Americans are being brainwashed - by their government. replied Lawless. W~never the president or the secretary of The North Idaho College Popcorn Forum was at an impasse. About 80 people came on Mon- defense gives the administration's side of day to listen to lrish's speech on what be feels is events, his words are carried by every newspathe betrayal of American principles by govern- per and news broadcast in the country, he said. ment aid to the Nicaraguan Contras. Nearly all (See Showdown on page 8) of the younger students filed out directly after
al," he replied.
By Catherine Trevison Staff writer
COEUR d'ALENE - The professor stood with his back to the wall, his face slightly red, his hands slightly shaking, as five gray-haired people stood around him in a semi-circle, red and shaking as well. "The human rights record of Nicaragua is much better than that of Honduras or El Salvador," said professor Don Irish, but their faces remained stony. "Where are you getting your information?" asked one. "America's Watch, and Amnesty Internation-
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Business expert to speak at NIC forum COEUR d'ALENE - North Idaho College will feature Harvey Goldstein in its 226th Popcorn Forum at 11 a.m. today in the Bonner Room. Goldstein is the aut hor of the business management book, "Up Your Cash Flow." He will share bis knowledge of the business world, give business tips and answer questions at today's forum. Goldstein, a certified public a~co_u~nt"4-ece~ was ap-Q.Ointed t2_President Rea~¡s_Naiional Produ_ctivuy Advisory Committee and the Caluorrua Small Business ""'Development Board. H'e was named Small BUSIDess ~ccountant Advocate of the Year by the Small Bu.fil_~ Administration. - The Popcorn For um, sponsored by the NIC political science department and the associated student body, is open to the public.
Forum will air A pro-Contra view will be aired at next week's Popcorn Forum at North Idaho College. Lawrence Reed, an economist , author, columnist and executive director of the Caldwell Center for the Study of Market Alternatives, will share his insights about the Contras after a recent trip to
Nicaragua on Dec. 8, 10 a.m. in the Bonner Room at NIC. The Popcorn Forum recently featured an anti-Contra speaker, Dr. Donald Irish, who also visited Central America this year. Reed writes a column for ''The Idaho Statesman" and " The Idaho Press-Tribune.'' He specializes in economic and political investigations and has visited 20 countries since 1985, including China, Japan, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Haiti, Honduras and the Soviet Union.
¡ 82 THE SPOkESMAN-REVIEW Wed., Dec. 9, 1987, Spokane, Wash.
Contr~s said to ¡h ave popular support Sandinista -atrocities more numerous, economist tells NIC audience By Cynthia Taggart Staff writer
COEUR d'ALENE - Nicaraguan rebels are the victims of "an incredible disinformation campaign," economist Lawrence Reed told a North Idaho College audience Tuesday. Charges that freedom fighters are primarily former Nicaraguan President Anastasio Somoza's national guardsmen, are ineffective and/or don't have broad-based support are misleadinJ, Reed said m his address at NIC s last Popcorn Forum of this year. . "The numbers don't add up," Reed said. ''There were 10,000 in Somoza's national guard. There are 17,000 men in the Contra army today. The average age of the Contras is 19 to 21. When Somoza was overthrown in 1979, these men would have been 11, 12 and 13." Even if many of the Contras are
fortner Somoza guardsmen, it doesn't necessarily follow that they are wanton and brutal, he said. Although many of the guardsmen committed brutalities, many didn't, he said. "So you can't condemn all Contras for being former Somoza guardsmen," Reed said. "It's not all so black and white.'1 Reed argued that the Contras' successful infiltration early this year of. most Nicaraguan provinces proves their effectiveness. Without ~road-based support, the Contras couldn't have made such advances, he said. Atrocities allegedly committed by the Contras also are exaggerated, he said. "No one denies there have been atrocities committed by the Contras," Reed said. "The very nature of the type of war going on brings out atrocities. But in 1986, there were 23 documented Contra atroci-
ties compared to 1,500 Sandinista atrocities." Reed is a freelance writer and the executive director of the Center for the Study of Market Alternatives in Caldwell. He tias made several visits to Nicaragua, most recently last month, be said. Although be told his audience be hadn't made up his mind about many things happening in Nicaragua, Reed condemned the Sandinista regime's brutality, suppression of the press and Marxist/ Leninist doctrine. He urged bis listeners to visit the country and its neighboring countries, talk to Nicaraguan refugees, mothers anC, journalists outside the Sandinista government. "Ask them, 'Why have you left the country?' " he said. "They'll tell you that if they were fleeing the Contras, they would go to Managua (the capital of Nicaragua). There's
a story crying out to be heard from the refugee camps.'' Spreading the st.ory and defeating what Reed called misinformation is the best help Americans can give to the rebels, be said. Reed predicted Sandinista President Daniel Ortega won't comply with the Guatemala Peace Accord that calls for democratization of the country. "He's taken the minimal steps to complr, with the peace accords," he said. ' And he hasn't done anything that can't easily be undone.'' By January, Reed predicted, it will be clear to the world that Ortega and the Sandinistas never intended to bring democracy to Nicaragua. The Popcorn Forum recently featured an anti-Contra speaker, Dr. Donald Irish of St. Paul, Minn., who also visited Central America this year.
the coeur d 'alene
VOL 81, N0. 139
Share the dream of M.L. King Two decades ago, a bJact man from Alabama had a dream that all people, regard. less of color or creed, could live together in peace and harmony. Kootenai County residents will have a chance to share the dream of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. at the King Day celebration at North Idaho College Monday. At the festival, poems and drawingsabouthumanrightsby children in Kootenai County public schools will be shown from 10:30-11 a.m. That will be followed by a formal program of music and speeches honoring King. The program will be broadcast live on Cablevision from 10:30 a.m. to noon. King, a civil rights leader and Nobel Peace Prize winner was d~icated to improvingTa~ relations and securing civil liberties in the United States. He was assassinated in 1968.
' PINN ... DRIAM, page I
Thurs., Jan. 14, 1988, Spokane, Wash.
NIC forum will honor King's dream COEUR d' ALENE - Mamie Oliver, former bead of the governor's task force to organize Idaho's celebration of the new Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, will speak here Monday at an observance honoring the late civil rights leader. Oliver will deliver the keynote address, "The Meaning of Dr. King's Dream," at the third annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebration at North Idaho College. The event will be broadcast live from 10:30 a .m. to noon on Ca blevision's Channel 13. Oliver works with the Center for Public Affairs at Boise State University. A presentation of children's poems and drawings on the theme of human rights will begin the 90-minute event, followed by
a formal program of music and speeches in King's honor. The celebration also will feature a presentation of the U.S. color guard by Fairchild Air Force Base personnel, music from the NIC and Coeur d'Alene High School choirs, introduction of the Coeur d'Alene High essay winner, and commentary by the lfev. Bill Wasamutb, chairman of the Kootenai Count~k Force on Human Relations, and NIC ident Bob Bennett. The task force and NIC PoS?COm Forum are co-sponsoring the celebration. The city of Coeur d'Alene, Kootenai County and the state of Idaho have issued proclamations either in booor of King's birthday or noting the local battle for human rights spearheaded by the task force.
Honoring Martin Luther King
The Cd'A High School choir sang "America the Beautiful" at King Day celebrations.
Oliver: Wake up to King's dream By KATHIE BERTIN Press staff writer
Father BIii Wassmuth holds back a small tear during Dr. Mamie Oliver's presentation Monday at NIC's Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Martin Luther King, Jr:, may have had a dream, but it's up to the rest of the world to wake up and make that dream come true, Dr. Mamie Oliver said at Coeur d' Alene's Martin Luther King Day celebration Monday. Oliver, past chairwoman of the Governor' s King Day Task Force, challenged an audience of more than 500 people at North Idaho College to " move out" and take a stand for human rights. " Dreaming is kind of nice, but most folk that I've met who dream sleep," she said. " If you really have deep commitment to human rights and human concerns, you cannot afford to be asleep. "It's time to act out the life and works and the dreams and ideas of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr." King was a Baptist minister who spearheaded the battle for civil rights in the south in the 1960s. His struggle was not just
for black people, Oliver said King' s demands for human dignity touched the whole human race. "Some folk only remember Dr. King for his pigment," she said. " I want you to get over that hangup. Like Dr. King said, 'Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.' " Human rights should be more than just a once-a-year celebration, she added - it should be a way of life. " I get so tired of a human rights day, a black history week, a Hispanic week," she said. " We need people who have a deep belief in justice every day of their lives.'' The only way to achieve true liberty for all is to take a stand and make a difference in this world, she said. Idaho has take some important steps, but has not gone far enough, Oliver said. The Rev. Bill Wassmuth, ¡ president of the Kootenai Coun-
Please ... KING, page 9
Youngsters carry on ideals of rights l~ader " There's a land that I see where the children are free, and I know it's not far to this land from where we are.'' About 15 first-graders from Seltice Elementary school sang earnestly about civil rights at Monday's Martin Luther King Day celebration. The children were fresh off a tw<rweek emphasis course about King, their teacher, Jennifer Lamb, said. The students learned what
said. She broke the class into " purple" and "orange" groups. They also listened to a tape of King's voice. He told stories of growing up in Georgia, and how he had to sit at the back of the . bus because he was black. That particular story seemed to strike a chord with the class, Lamb said, since many of them ride buses every day. The students drew pictures of "a land where children are
free ." After singing, the students displayed drawings of " this land" and explained them to the crowd. " In this land, the children are free and dads and moms never fight ." " In this land, the bus driver lets the people sit anywhere they want." " In this land, people are kind to other people on the inside and on the outside.''
Being kind to others inside and out is what civil rights and Lamb's classroom - is all about, she said. Although teaching about King is mandated by the state, Lamb finds his philosophy works well in her classroom. "Non-violence fits beautifully into the classroom, the community and the world," she said.
THE COEUR D'ALENE PRESS Tuesdav. Januarv 19. 1988
KING CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 ty Task Force on Human Relations, noted some of the civil rights strides Idaho and Kootenai County this year has taken. The accomplishments Wassmuth listed included: • A terrorist control bill passed by the Idaho legislature banning all paramilitary training.
• Proclamationtion of a statewide celebration of King's birthday. • The installation of a human rights section in the Kootenai County library, made possible by money from the Raoul Wallenberg Foundation. However, these achievements do not mean residents of Kootenai County can sit back on their laurels, Wassmuth said. Be expressed sli~t dismay that the crowd at the human rights celebration Monday was
smaller than last year's gathering. The crowd at Monday's celebration was only half what it was the two previous years. " Now is not the time at all to return to apathy," he said. "The dreams of Martin Luther King have not ,, been completely realized .
In another part of the program, Lori Schwandt, daughter of John and Donna Schwandt, was named winner of the Coeur d'Alene High School Student Essay Contest.
Staff photo by STEVE THOMPSON
The Rev. Bill Wassmuth and Dr. Mamie Oliver stand during the national anthem Monday at Martin Luther King ceremonies at NIC.
Speaker urges work toward King's goal
ADream Remembered!
the Third Annual
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day January 18, 1988
By D.F. Oliveria
..... '
Presented by the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations and the North Idaho College Popcorn Forum
Staff writer
COEUR d'ALENE - Unless people are willing to devote their fives to social justice, Martin Luther King Jr.'s goal of equal rights and respect for all will not be realized, a black activist from Boise State University said Monday. Mamie Oliver, keynote speaker for the third annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day at North Idaho College, challenged a smaller-than-expected crowd of 500 to take the slain civil rights leader's life and teachings personally. "Are you willing to be part of the dream of this eloquent man?" asked Oliver from behind a podium decorated with a poster ol King. "Then go back where you came from and get busy." Oliver received two standing ovations as the audience warmed to her message. In introducing Oliver, the Rev. Bill Wassmuth voiced concern that the audience was the smallest in the three years the holiday celebration has been held. 'Tm hoping that is not a sign that apathr has settled in again in this area,' be said. "Now is not the time to return to apathy."
The speeches were reinforced by posters drawn by schoolchildren banging on the NIC Communication Arts Auditorium walls. They displayed a variety of human rights themes. For example, one by Carol Stevenson's Borah School first-graders showed a bus with cutouts of children of all five of the world's colors in it. Observing this, a Borah third¡ grader explained, "That means you shouldn't dislike a person just because of the color of his s.kin." During her presentation, Oliver, an associate professor in BSU's_Sociology Department, said she would like to be a fly at the dinner table to see how members of the audience truly felt about human rights. "What do you talk about?" she asked. "Where do you go? What kinds of jokes do you laugh at?" She urged them to take a personal inventory of their lives, to ask themselves whether they oppose every form of oppression, from apartheid in South Africa to racial bias and economic oppression of all races here. "We must move beyond these walls," she said. "You must ask yourself what you're going to do personally."
Some 1,000 people attended each She added, " If you really want to of the first two observances. remember Martin Luther King Jr., get up, check out your values, Wassmuth also said Idaho must priorities and concerns, and make a erase the stigma of being one of difference In the world." only seven states in which Martin Luther King Day hasn't been deIn another part of the program, clared an official holiday. Coeur d'Alene High School freshUnknown to many in the audi- man Lori Schwandt, daughter of ence, Wassmutb had announced to John and Donna Schwandt, was his congregation over the weekend named winner of the third annual his resignation as pastor of St. Pius Coeur d'Alene High School Student Essay Contest. X Catholic Church.
Keynote speaker Oliver recalls King Jr. 's dream by Walter Ross An eloquent voice for equaljty was heard by an audience of about 1000 in the C-A Auditorium when Dr. Mamie Ofjver spoke in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King on Jan. 18. Oliver challenged people to work individually and collectively for equal rights and to remember the meaning of King's dream. "Some people only remember Dr. King for his pigment, l need you to get over that," Oliver, keynote speaker for the third annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, told the crowd. "I challenge you to remember the full meaning of the dream-liberty and equality for all." King considered himself a "drum major for justice" and was concerned about oppression everywhere in the world, according to Oliver. " He didn't do it Gust) for black folks," she said. Oliver characterized King's dream as "a celebration of commitment and action" and said more needed to be done 10 insure that the movement for equal rights continued. "We need a coalition, and we need to get together,'' Oliver said, and cautioned the crowd, "If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything." Father Bill Wassmuth, past president of the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations, noted in his introduction of Oliver that the crowd was smaller than last year and expressed hope that it wasn't an indication of a "return to apathy" on the part of civil right's supporters . "Now is not the time for apathy," Wassmuth said. "Our goals have not
been completely realized." Oliver echoed that sentiment, saying "Martin Luther King did what he could do; we need to do more." She urged the crowd to become more involved in fighting prejudice. "Wake up," she demanded, "become an activist for justice. "If you really want to remember Martin Luther King, check out your values, your priorities, your concerns," she said. "Get a heart check folks. Do you have social heart trouble?" Oliver expressed concern that people only remember the civil rights struggle during holidays, like Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and tend to forget that equality needs to be practiced daily, beginning at home. "I'd like to be a fly at your dinner table and find out how you really feel" about equality, she said. "What kind of jokes do you laugh at?" Oliver, an associate professor of social work at Boise State University, mesmerized the audience that ranged in age from 5 to 75 years old with her delivery that vacillated between a quiet, confidential tone to that of a firey preacher. She was rewarded with a standing ovation for her effort. In a surprise conclusion to her speech Oiver sang a song entitled "God Cares," providing her own accompaniment at the piano, and elicited spontaneous applause when she changed the words from "God cares, he cares" to "God cares, she cares." When she concluded, the stunned crowd, many with tears in their eyes, hesitated before erupting into another standing ovation.
Slade Zumhofe photo
King remembered-- Keynote speaker Dr. Mamie Oliver challenges the audience to follow Dr. King's dream for equality, at the Third Annual Dr Martin Lut her King Jr. Day, held Jan. 18, in the C-A Auditorium. Oliver was past chairperson for the Martin Luther King Jr. Federal Holiday Governor's Task Force. She is recognized as a distinguished citizen by the Idaho Statesman and has been honored as one of ten Outstanding Women in Idaho by the Boise March of Dimes. Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. 's birthday, Jan. 15, was designated a national holiday in 1983. The city of Coeur d'Alene and the state of Idaho issued proclamations in honor of King's birthday. Idaho is one of seven states that do
not recognize King's birthday as an official holiday. . King was a Baptist minister recognized as the leading figure of the civil rights movement in the United States and employed the nonviolent tactics espoused by Mahatma Gandhi in his struggle to end segregation and discrimination against American blacks. In 1964 he was named Time Magazine's Man of the Year and became the youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. He was assassinated April 4, 1968, in Memphis, Tenn., at the age of 39.