Popcorn Forum Scrapbook 1987-1990

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THE SPOKESMAN-Rf\llEW Thurs., Feb. 18, 1988, Spokane, Wash.

Trouble blamed on big government By' Cynthia Taggart

Staff writer

COEUR d'ALENE - If the government stayed out of the lives and business of farmers, agriculture wouldn't be in suc.h trouble, a member of the John Birch Society told North Idaho College students Wednesday. "Get the government off our backs and out of our pockets and we'd be all right," said John Vanarsdall, a corn, aHaUa and hog farmer from Nebraska. "It's the same in other industries. Through government intervention, our jobs are being exported to foreign countries." Vanarsdall came to NIC for the 229th Popcorn Forum, a lecture series sponsored by the NIC political science department and the Associated Students. The 75 people gathered for Vanarsdall's talk listened quietly as the farmer told them he believes the U.S. government is helping lead the world toward one-world gove~ent through its foreign policies. "Our government spends $300 billion in taxes for defense," be said. "They're putting that money to use protecting oil tanke.r s in the Persian Gulf." Vanarsdall said the oil is export-

Vanarsdall complained that under the guise of protection of the farmer, the U.S. government controls commodities prices and the amount of production. But, be added, the low prices the government sets for such commodities as corn aren't enough to pay the costs of production. Eventually such a disparity will cause wages to drop and destroy the nation's standard of living, he said. The solution to farm bankruptcies isn't more government "protection," he said. Instead, the government should leave farmers to succeed or fail on their own, be said. If farmers can't cut it in today's marketplace, they'll have to find new jobs, Vanarsdall said. But as it stands, when farmers can't make it, they lose their jobs, homes and, often, heritage, be said. To beef up agriculture, the government needs to charge tariffs on imports or let American farmers Staff photo by ANNE c . WILLIAMS fill all t he nation's agricultural John Birch Society member John Vanarsdall addresses a group needs, Vanarsdall said. Now, to meet import agreements with other at NIC. countries, the U.S. government reproduction of some comed to Japan for cars that the Japa- States, putting the U.S. auto indus- stricts modities and buys what's needed nese are producing at a lower cost try in danger of ruin. from foreign markets, he said. than they can be produced in the "It's all intended to bring about a "We don't have a surplus probUnited States. Then, he said, those one-world government system," be lem in this country," he said. "We cars are imported by the United said. have an imbalance of production."





Staff photo by ANNE C. WILLIAMS

Sweet serenader&,

the Harrison Hot Shots Kitchen Band, entertain students Wednesday at NIC. The 16-member group, including Marjorie Anderson, on the tam-

borine, Vivian Saari, on the kazoo feather duster and Zela Herrett on the kazoo cup, was formed in 1981 and performs about 30 times a year for free.



Former newsman to speak at NIC COEUR d' ALENE - Jack Reynolds, former NBC News correspondent, will be the featured speaker Wednesday at the Popcorn Forum at North Idaho College. Reynolds will speak on the last 25 years in the People's Republic of China, beginning at 9 a.m. in the Communication-Arts auditorium. Popcorn Forums are free and open to the public. Reynolds was based in the Far

East for 16 years. He reported from 20 eastern countries, including Vietnam and Cambodia. He became an NBC News Pentagon correspondent in 1983. He also has reported on the fighting in Grenada as well as given an indepth look at how Libya has been supplying weapons to Nicaragua. Reynolds is considered one of the most knowledgeable western newsmen on the subject of China.

THE COEUR D'ALENE PRESS Wednesday, April 27, 1988

China: Into the 20th century Newsman relates Asian experience By KATHIE BERTIN Press staff writer

Life in post-revolution China is improving, a former NBC news correspondent today told a crowd at North Idaho College. Jack Reynolds, considered one of the foremost journalistic authorities on China and Asia, told some 150 people at the Popcorn Forum at NIC this morning that over the past decade, China's economy has improved, fashion has become acceptable, authors have begun to take chances and the press criticizes the government. Where once hotel rooms were shabby, unclean and rat-infested, luxury hotels now are available, he said. Chinese consumers also have begun to demand quality in merchandise, rather than accepting anything government factories produce, he said. ''The breakthrough pace is enormously rapid," Reynolds said. "But you must remember that it is still a Communist dictatorship." If things get too free, the government does not hesitate to clamp down, he said. However, quality of Jack Reynolds life still is vastly improved from the days of Mao Tse-tung. linquency and pollution - probThe Cultural Revolution, led by lems that were minimal under Mao, was a crisis in China, Rey- Mao. nolds said. "The Chinese now do have a lot "Mao Tse-tung taught the Chi- of the ills ... that the Maoist nese people to stand up," he said, philosophy kept them away from," quoting an old Chinese man with Reynolds said. "If your factories whom he once spoke. "He also per- aren't producing and you don't petrated some of the worst things have cars on the street, you don't that ever happened to the Chi- have pollution." nese." Reynolds also gave an overview Ancient traditions were of the political and economic trampled and monuments de- climates of countries around Asia. stroyed during the revolution. Even within Asian cultures there is Families - the essential social a great deal of variety, he said. unit in China - were pitted against Those differences make undereach other. standing Asia difficult for AmeriNow Maoist doctrine is rejected, cans. Asians' approach to business and other aspects of life is "genuhe said. However, with the new China inely different,'' he said. comes drug problems, juvenile deFor example, a_ Vietnamese

friend of Reynolds' once approached a farmer to buy some rare statues standing in his rice paddy. The farmers said he would not sell the statues because he did not want to offend the gods by moving them. Rather than increasing the price, the friend offered to buy the rice paddy from the farmer. The farmer gladly complied - for the same price he was offered for the statues. "I don't think any foreigner could have thought that way," be said. Americans must learn to understand their foreign counterparts, and vice versa, if they wish to have success in foreign markets, be said.




News111an sees ¡ good and bad in modern China By Catherine Trevlson

Staff writer

COEUR d' ALENE - When Jack Reynolds looks out over the city of Canton in the People's Republic of China, he sees smog, pickpockets, juvenile delinquency . . . and progress. Reynolds, 54, was an NBC news correspondent in the Far East for 16 years. He has made about 50 trips to China since 1971, he said, and the change in the country still astonishes him - even the little things, like a hotel bar. "I was sitting in the bar and listening to the piano tinkling and drinks were being served, and I thought back 18 years ago to the Ping Pong tour (Nixon's diplomatic sojourn to China)," be said. At that time, foreigners bad to fight the cockroaches in the hotels, Reynolds said. Now, "The shops are full of consumer goods and people walk right up to you," to start a discussion, be said. "They're so full of curiosity about this thing called democracy." One night, he and his wife were going out to eat and a local restaurateur actually cajoled them into his establishment with promises of good food , Reynolds said. "That's free marketing!" Reynolds said. The Chinese are even making and marketing things as diverse as televisions and wine, he said. "Ther,"re not great. In fact, you might say they're nasty little wines," be said. "... I think they need a Chinese Ralph Nader." But Reynolds cautioned his audience, a group of about 70 people at the North Idaho Collefe Popcorn Forum on Wednesday, against thinking tha China bad ac.hieved complete openness. "The phones are still tapped. Students can still ,et in trouble for talking (to Westerners)," he said. 'You have to keep a balanced picture. Sometimes I think our government doesn't do that." And the crime and pollution that accompany Western cities have dogged China's modernization as well be said. . ' "Now theÂŁ have a lot of the ills that the Maoist philosophy kep them away from ," he said. Reynolds now produces series and documentaries for both commercial television and businesses from bis Washington D.C.-based company, JRC. Occasionally be is asked to use bis experience in Far East countries, including Japa n, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong, to help train trade negotiators. He often tells them a story of a Vietnamese cameraman turned antique dealer, he said. The dealer wanted a pair of stone statues that had been erected in the rice paddy of a farmer. The farmer did not want to sell them because that would have disturbed the gods' resting place, he said. (See Reynolds on page 3)





(Continued from page 1)

"As an American, my reaction to that would have been to up the price," Reynolds said. But the antique dealer did not. He came back the next day and told the farmer that be understood, and was no longer interested in the statues. He was, however, interested in the rice paddy, which the farmer promptly sold him for the price of two statues, Reynolds said.

The antique dealer bad no plans to use the rice paddy, and the farmer knew it, Reynolds said. But by buying the paddy, the dealer took the responsibility for moving the statues upon himself. " When I talk to negotiators, I try to find out bow deeply they're able to . get into the other culture," be said.



May 6, 1988 Dear Tony, You are a heck of a host ! Many thanks for a s timulating and enjoyable visit to a great part of the country . I learned at least as much from you (on efforts to stamp out discrimination) and from your alert students than anyone in Coeur d ' Alene did from my various meanderings. It was a pleasure ... thank you. Cheers,

'.W311 ~1 Street, N.\V. • Suite -lOO Washington. D.C 20o:36

Phone: (202) :J;31-98GO

Fax: ( ,u:3) 75!)-0378

Popcorn Forum features U.S. News editor COEUR d'ALENE - North Idaho College will feature U.S. News and World Report editor Mel Elfin as the speaker at a Popcorn · Forum at 10 a.m. today in the Bonner Room of the student union building. Elfin, a 28-year veteran of Newsweek magazine, edits U.S. News and World Report's national news section. He will stop in Coeur d'Alene on bis way to cover the final presidential debate in Los &_n..aoloa

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Guest: Mel Elfin, Editor, Special Reports at U.S. News and World Report. Topic: "The United States Presidency":ALook at the 1988 Presidential Race." October 13, 1988.


Guest: Susan G. Stiger, Manager of Geotechnology Prog~ams for ~G&G Idaho (Idaho Falls, ID) with responsibility for geothermal and fossil energy research programs. Topic: "The Story of the New Production Reactor Capacity (Idaho Falls)." November 4, 1988.


Guest: Mary Malins, Author and Communications/~anagement Consultant. Topic: "Women and Men in the Workplace: What You Don 't Say Can Hurt You." November 14, 1988.


Guest: Ron Therriault, Director of the Native American Program at Salish Kootenai College, Pablo, Montana. Topic: "The Kalispel Indian Culture: Avoiding Stereotypes in Teaching History in the Classroom." November 18, 1988.


Guests: Dr. Tom Kar ier . Associate Professor of Economics at The Eastern Washington University; Paul Dix, Professional Award-Winning Freelance Photogr apher ; and Mike Bundy, Engl ish Instructor at North Idaho College. Topic: "The Political and Social Issues of Nicaragua and Central America." December S, 1988.

237 .• Guest: Ida Leggett, Idaho Attorney; and several other program guests (The Fourth Annual Or. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day). Topic: "The Dream." January 16, 1988. 238.

Guest: Stan Smith, Instructor at Moscow, Idaho, High School and a Participant in the 1987 American-Soviet Peace Walk, Leningrad to Moscow. Topic: "The 1987 Great Peace March." January 30, 1989 .


Guest: Dr. Louise Mccants, Educator and Author. Topic: "Retire to Fun and Freedom: How to Keep Your Future From Getting Behind You." February 27, 1939.


Guest: Or. Alan H. Batten,Senior Fellow at the Dominion Ast r ophysi cal Observatory, Canada. Topic: "Astronomy and Astrology." March 22, 1989.


Guests: Idaho Governor Cecil Andrus; Former Idaho Lt. Governor Phil Batt; Marilyn Shuler, Executive Director, Idaho Human Rights Commission; Jesus Berain, Former President of Idaho IMAGE; and Rev. Happy Watkins, Spokane NAACP. Topic: "The Celebration of the 20TH Birthday of the Idaho Human Rights Commission." April 17, 1989.


Guest: Yaron Svoray, Detective Sergeant in Israel's Central Police Unit. Topic: "Identifying International Terrorist's Groups and Identifying Ways to Combat Terrorism." April 28, 1989.

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Mel Elfin. an editor of U.S. Newsand World Report, opened the 1988 Popcorn Forum series at NIC.


If Michael Dukakis is elected president, a little more money will be spent on education and a little less will be spent on defense - but little else will change, an editor of U.S. News and World Report said today. " I don't think it makes all that much difference who's president at the present time," Mel Elfin said at North Idaho College's first Popcorn Forum of the school year. To bolster bis argument, Elfin said that Ronald Reagan - the most conservative man to ever serve in the White House did not alter the country's course during his eight-year tenure. Roosevelt' s New Deal , Truman' s Fair Deal and Johnson's Great Society are still largely in place, Elfin said. " The Reagan Revolution bas become the Reagan Conformation," Elfin said in an intervie,r before his speech. " I'm sure Ronald Reagan wanted to accomplish much more than be did, but the public didn't want that." Americans have dedded they want federal aid for education,

clean water, clean air, a strong defense and national health insurance, be said. " They want things that only the federal aovernment can provide," Elfin said. "We are now arguig1 . •~ot over principles, but detaiJ.s." What is left are problems, Elfin said, and presidential

"lrsthemost Insipid and boring election we've ever had, and an almost useless election."

-...amn power isn't very effective in dealing with real problems. Neither George Bush nor DukakiJ will effectively combat drugs, AIDS or the plight of the underclass, Elfin said. The size of the underclass is largely a measure of the country's success, he said, adding that many of the impoverished moved into the middle class. "The best and the brightest got out," be said. " But what's left is a problem that I haven't seen a Republican or ~

cratic solution to. "Something bas to be done. This is a cancer in the society, and we can't be a democracy until we deal with the American underclass," he said. Further, be said, America's economic future is dependent on corporate leaders rather than the president. "The country is in pretty good shape," be said, adding that most citizens feel good about things and are only watching the presidential campaign "out of the corner of bis or eye." " It's the most insipid and boring election we've ever bad, and an almost useless election," Elfin said. He predicted that tonight's presidential debate will be equally boring. " I suggest you have two or three cups of strong coffee," be said. " But I doubt there's enough caffeine in all of Brazil to keep us awake. "The goal is not to impart wisdom, the goal is not to score points - The goal is to avoid malting mistakes."

See ELFIN, back page•

ELFIN CONTINUED from Page 1 Elfin, a 28-year veteran of Newsweek magazine and editor of U.S. News and World Report's national news section, stopped in Coeur d' Alene on his way to cover tonight's final presidential debate in Los Angeles. During his »year tenure as Newsweek's bureau chief, Elfin covered most of the major news events. He bad personal interviews with the last five presidents and was one of a handful of journalists who accompanied Ricl:iard Nixon to China in 1972 and later to the first summit meeting in Moscow. Elfin began bis journalism career at the Long Island Daily Press where he served as an assistant city editor. While at the Press, he won a 1957 George Polk award for a news series that led to a legislative crack.down on a racket in second mortgages.

By The Associated Press

George Bush and Michael Dukakis tended to last-minute preparations for the second and final round of their presidential campaign debates as polls suggested that the Democratic nominee must deliver a solid punch tonight to overcome bis Republican rival. The two White House contenders, in a day filled with sports metaphors - and even a sporting event - hinted Wednesday at their strategy for their face-to-face confrontation. "Fastball, curve, slider - maybe a knuckler, '' Dukakis said when asked what he planned to toss at Bush tonight. The vice president said he hoped to show the American people "what my heartbeat is, what I really care about." Neither Bush nor Dukakis planned any campaign appearances today. The two candidates were conducting walk¡ throughs of the debate area before their 9 p.m. EDT clash at Pauley Pavilion, better known as the home of the University of California at Los Angeles basketball team. ReP,ublican vice presidential candidate Dan Quayle was campaigning in Montana, Oklahoma and Arkansas while his counte~rt. Lloyd Bentsen, was on Capitol Hill, urging Democrats in Congress to wrap up their session quickly and hit the campaign trail for the Democratic ticket. Polls released Wednesday showed the GOP nominee leading solidly in the state-by-state race for Electoral College votes, although nationwide surveys suggest a close race. An ABC News-Washington Post 50-state poll found Bush leading firmly in 21 states with 220 electoral votes - 50 shy of the total needed to win the presidency. Dukakis led in three states and the District of Columbia for 30 electoral votes. The poll of 9,778 likely voters was conducted from Sept. 21 through Monday. Margins of error ranged from five to 10 percentage points in each state where 100 to 500 voters were interviewed. States in Bush's column included Texas and its electoral prize of 29 votes, and New Jersey, with 16 electoral votes. California, with the biggest electoral prize of 47 votes, was leaning toward Bush as was New York and its 36 electoral votes, according to the ABC-Post POil.

Dukakis gets first question LOS ANGELES (AP) - Here

at a glance are facts on tonight's second and final presidential debate: WHO - Republican George Bush and Democrat Michael Dukakis.

WHEN - 9 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. EDT. WHERE - UCLA's Pauley Pavilion, Los Angeles. FORMAT - Dukakis has two minutes to answer first question, Bush has one minute to rebut; then they reverse for next question and so on until final statements. QUESTIONERS - Moderator: Bernard Shaw of Cable News Network. Panelists: Ann Compton of ABC , Andrea Mitchell of NBC and Margaret Warner of Newsweek. COVERAGE - CBS, NBC, ABC and Cable News Network will broadcast the debate. However, a survey released today by The Buffalo News found Dukakis holding a 9 percent lead

over Bush - 49 percent to 40 percent - in New York state, In· eluding a commanding 62 ~ t to 28 percent lead in tile New York City area. Political-Media Research Inc. of Washington, D.C., conducted the survey of 850 registered voters Monday and Tuesday. The poll bad a margin of error of plus or minus four percentage points. The ABC-Post poll also conducted a standard national survey of 1,187 likely voters and found Bush leading Dukakis 51 percent to 45 percent. The surv:lcfaconducted Oct. 5 through Tu y, bad a margin of error of four percentage points.

A CBS News-New York Times poll had nearly the ·same result: 47-42 for Bush. That survey of 1,009 probable voters was done Oct. 8 through Monday and also bad a

See DEBATE, back page•

DEBATE CONTINUED from Page 1 four-point margin of error. Horserace polls indicate popular strength nationwide, but the Electoral College decides the winner. Bush called the state-by-state survey "interesting and encouraging," but said he would stick to bis strategy. Duk.akis adviser Ron Brown disputed GOP claims that Bush has the backing of the South, West and Rocky Mountain states, and said the Electoral College race is still close. "I think you see a scenario, a very reasonable, rational

scenario, that indcates this thing is nowhere near over," Brown ~ . Aides to Dukakis believe a solid

showing by the Democratic nominee in the 90-minute, prime-time encounter with Bush will help propel their candidate to the lead in the close race. Unlike the first presidential debate on Sept. 25, when candidates and aides tried to set low expectations, Dukakis was predicting a win.

added, " He'll do very well." Bentsen said Dukakis should "bang loose."

The vice president said he would cite fewer statistics in the debate and talk more about "bow I would like to lead this country, where I'd like to see us be in the 'IOI if I'm elected president." Bush then beaded off to Dodger Stadium where be watched the Los Angeles Dodgers defeat the New York Mets &-0 to capture the National League pennant and win a spot in baseball's World Series.

"We're ahead 2--0 and we're going to make it a clean sweep," Dukakis said, referring to bis debate with Bush and Bentsen's confrontation with Quayle. Bush also expressed confidence " Great nJgbt. I'll tell you, once beading into the debate, ~ reporters on Wednesday: "We do in awhile you luck into something seem to be lookinl a little stron,er really fun , .. Bush told reporter, politically these days." who accompanied him to the Quayle, campaigning in Mon- game. "Can't say that, once in tana, advised bis running mate to awhile, we don't get a break in " bit it over centerfield," and life."

FRIDAY, OCT. 14, 1988




Editor says campaign most boring ever Because of television, American public expects too much from president By Kelly McBride Staff writer

COEUR d'ALENE - An editor of U.S. News and World Report magazine told college students Thursday tha t this year's presidential race is the "most boring and insipid election the United States has

ever seen."

"Whether the name of the next American president is Bush or Dukakis, I don't think it matters," said Mel Elfin, who made a lecture stop at North Idaho College en route to Los Angeles to cover Tbunday's presidential debate. "It makes all of us in Washington (D.C.} alreadl miss Ronald Reagan. Even though Reagan doesn t know mucb about government, at least be can laugh

at blmself." Elfin bas covered the White House for the last 20 yean and bas bad pr ivate interviews with the last five presidents. He is presently editor of the magazine's national news section. The candidates bave ~ted each other into cor-

ners, Elfin said. Vice President Geor ge Bush bas nailed Governor Michael Dukakis on the Massa chusetts prison furlough program which released convict Willie Hor ton, who was later charged with raping and killing a woman while out on a weekend pass. Dukakis ftas a ttacked Bush on his selection of a running mate. "Who do you fear the most, Dan Quayle or Willie Horton?" Elfin asked the a udience a t the NIC forum. H e went on to say that because of television, the American public expects too m uch from the president. The presidential image, as portrayed on television makes the president a combination of Rambo, Robert Redford and Mother Ter esa, Elfin said. "The single most important tbinJ I've learned in my quarter century in Washington,' be said, " is that the president is buma~. He has bad days, just like everybody else. Plus it's a lot har der to be president, these days." As expectations have risen, the president's power bas shrunk, Elfin said. Each president is banded his predecessor's lega cy to build upon.

"No one starts wtlb an empty screen. The office of the president is a continuity. ENeryone starts with a full plate and builds on it." Elfin added that the president's personal freedom is stifled more than it wu in the past because of the increasing cbatlce of assassina tion. " Do you realize assassinations have become so routine that we have a standard operation procedure at the office for covering one?" Elfin asked. '1 wu in shock when I discovered that." Elfin has edited sever al books including "Oliver North" and "A Guide to America's Best Colleges." Before working for U.S. News and World Report, E lfin spent 28 years with Newsweek. While worKlng for a Long Island newspaper be won the George Polk Award for a series on a r acket in second mortgages that led to tougher laws in New York. He graduated magna cum laude from Syracuse University in 1951 with his bachelor 's degree. He bas a master's in American history from Harvard University and a doctorate from the New School of New York.

Oct. 13, 1988/NIC Sentlnel-2-

Let's chat--Foruf'T) moderat9rTony Stewart (lefO, Dean of College Relations Steve

photo by Shannon Hayward

Schenk, attorney Janell Burke and Japanese Consul Hiroyuki Ariyosh i discuss U.S.-Japenese relations.

Japan¡ Consul otters advice by Forrest Hale America must educate itself about the world and eradicate its substance abuse to regain its place as a leading nation, Senior Consul Hiroyuki Ariyoshi told a political science class led by Tony Stewart. From the Consulate-General of Japan in Seattle, he was here to explain the politics and economy of Japan. Businesses in the United States suffer from their lack of knowledge about the needs of other countries, Ariyoshi said. The United States must become aware of its interdependence with other countries, Ariyoshi said. U.S. businessmen must learn the metric system and the cultures and languages of other countries. In addition, "there has been a loss of values here (in the U.S.). The U.S. must regain strength and weed out the feeble" to be as powerful as it once was, he said. The U.S. and Japan are the top two economies in the world, and problems between the two must be solved through negotiation and compromise-not unilateral action by either side. The defense relationship between the two is the cornerstone of foreign policy, he said, and Japan is helping support U.S. military bases on Japanese soil. In addition, Japanese com-

panies are cooperating with U.S. companies on military research. Japan is also cooperating with the U.S. in foreign aid. His country has assumed aid to Latin America, freeing the U.S. from some of its financial aid burden, he said. Japanes cities also share sister-city ties with American cities, further strengthening the relationship between the two countries. With U.S. assistance after World War II, the Japanese worked long hours to rebuild their torn country, Ariyoshi said. The citizens continue to work long hours, and place importance on saving for their children's education, he said. Although the younger generation is learning to relax slightly, and a few companies are only requiring a 40-hour work week, he worries that many could not adjust to the increased amount of relaxation time. Raised in a society that values group effort, "we do not know how to relax and enjoy the fruits of our labors," he said. "You have to understand, we are not working just for money... it's the work ethic. Sometimes working is a sort of dedication" to make high-quality products. he said.

THE COEUR D'ALENE PRESS Wednesday, Nov. 9, 1988


Communication is forum topic Communication patterns can create pitfalls on the job. Mary Malins will discuss the innumerable nuances of non-verbal communication during a North Idaho College Popcorn Forum Monday at 11 a.m. " Men and Women in the Workplace: What You Don't Say Can Hurt You•¡ will be held in the Bonner Room of the Student Union Building. The session is free and

open to the public. Malins is a consultant, instructor and author from Seattle. She holds a master's of education in psychological counseling and a bachelor's degree in speech communication. Malins recently published "Cancel the Negative, " a confidence and communication handbook for women. She has also published several business management articles and has taught at several colleges and universities. A question-and-answer session will follow Malins' speech.


THE COEUR D'ALENE PRESS Tuesdav. Nov. 15.1988

Sex roles changing



ognize their ineffective communication techniques, then make a commitment to change. Females can glimpse their own behavior by studying feminine role models featured in the media, Malins said. For example, magazines always picture men standing with both feet firmly planted on the ground, looking squarely into the camera, she said. But women are pictured standing with their weight on one foot, while demurely extending a perfectly pointed toe for balance and their eyes peeking up from under a tilted or downcast bead. Men and women emulate these powerful messages, Malins said. "I'm not fond of the media," Malins said. "They continue to perpetrate these role models." A tilted bead or lowered eyes communicate more about a person's attitude than spoken words, Malins said, explaining that communication is about 80 percent body language or gestures, 15 percent voice inflection or tone and only 5 percent words. Women should adopt a straightforward stance, use a low pitch rather than a high pitch and abandon flowery phrases, Malins said. And since a handshake makes a firmer statement than any other form of non-verbal communication, women should extend their hand and engage men in a "nice, firm palm-to-palm handshake." And if men try to get by with one of those limp, finger shakes, Malins suggests that women ask the man to try that again. Malins recently published "Cancel the Negative," a confidence and communication hand¡ book fot women. She holds a master's degree in education in psychological counseling, and a bachelor's degree in speech communication.

The centuries-old dominant male and submissive female traits are not a relic of the past - they have been nurtured by the media and continue to thrive in the '80s, a communications expert said Monday. "The bad news is, this is still out there," Mary Malins said. "The good news is, this is starting to change whether you like it or you don't like it." Many young women are planning for lifelong careers, Matins said, while their older sisters are firmly committed to the workforce. But men and women continue to view each other and themselves through traditional-colored glasses, she said.

" Roles are shifting," she said. " But even those who want change are resistant to it." To prove her point, Malins asked about 100 people who attended a

"Roles are

shifting. But even those who want change are resistant to it." North Idaho College Popcorn Forum Monday to compile a list of traditional male and female traits. Men were described as providers and protectors - aggressive, independent, decisive and strong. On the other band, the audience perceived women as homemakers and nurturers - passive, dependent, unsure and weak. Those traditional masculine and feminine traits are apparent in men's and women's communication styles, said Malins, a consultant, instructor and author from Seattle. Matins cited several studies that indicate men assume the dominant role whenever the sexes talk to each other - whether it's in the boardroom, office, factory or over cocktails. First, men interrupt women far more often than women interrupt men, she said. "Men interrupt 98 percent of the time," Malins said. And when men and women begin speaking at the same time, women give up the floor 100 percent of the time, Malins said. Men also talk more than women do, and they manage to change the subject when women are talking, she said. "This is about power, folks ," Malins said. Women. she said, must first rec-


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Native American forum offered at NIC COEUR d'ALENE - North Idaho COllege will offer a free forum Friday featuring Ron Therriault, director of Native American Studies at Salish Kootenai COllege on Montana's Flathead Indian Reservation. Therriault, former chairman of the 6,400-member Kalispel tribe, will speak on Native American stereotypes in education. The forum will begin at 1 p.m. in the Kootenai Room of NIC's Student Union building. •


to-center on stereotypes

An expert on stereotypes that plague Native Americans will be featured at a North Idaho College Popcorn Forum Friday at 1 p.m. Ron Therriault's address on avoiding stereotypes in teaching is free and open to the public. The forum will be held in the Kootenai Room of the Edminster Student Union Building. Therriault is the director of Native American Studies at Salish Kootenai College on the Flathead Indian Reservation in Pablo, Mont. He has given lectures on Indian ' stereotypes at Harvard, Yale, Berkeley and other leading universities during his eight-year tenure as director at Salish Kootenai Col· lege. He also served one year as chairman of the 6,400-member Kalispel tribe. Therriault holds a bachelor's degree in comparative psychology from Antioch University in Yellow Srings, Ohio.








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SATURDAY, NOV. 19, 1988 "



Staff photo by ANNE C. WILLIAMS

Ron Therriault, a member of the Flathead Indian tribe of Montana, speaks at an NIC forum Friday. " r•

Indian stereotypes criticized By Cynthia Taggart

sponsible for history," be said. "But if you allow the educational system to stay the way it is, then you're· COEUR d' ALENE - The "noble savafes" of the guilty." 19th century are gone but textbooks won t let them People in power in the nation today learned from , die, a college director of Native American Studies said their high school texts that the white man is stronger Friday. " People don't think we _e xist because they're uncom- a nd smarter than the Indian, Therriault said. "Someone should have told that to George Arm- ' fortable with bow we exist now," Salish Kootenai Col• lege's Ron Therriault told students and teachers at strong Cwiter," he said. North Idaho College's Popcorn Forum. As an e.Jlample of how much of the nation's older · "We stay locked in time in the noble sava~e image generation perceives Indians, Therriault told about because that's bow people are comfortable thinking of two East Coast women who called him while planning Indians.". their vacation. Therriault, a member of Montana's Kalispel tribe, They asked , where they could stay and were said when people picture an Indian they see a warrior, surprised to beai:· the Kalispels had hotels, be said. . bunter and bra ve or "a drunk, welfare bum and junk "They also said they were single and would theX cars." be. . . safe, I finishe-<1 for them," Therriault said. ' I · The positive image comes from textbook accounts sajd, 'You mean raping a nd pillaging? We haven't done of 19th century America and is preferable to the sec- that in weeks.'" ond image of 20th century Indians. People feel guilty As a teacher at Salish I\ootenai College, Therriault about the second image. Therriault said. has made it bis mission to destroy stereotypes. That For 50 years, children have drawn Indians as men could be done in part by gividg teachers the academic wearing war bonnets or at least feathers in their hair, freedom to do more than invite Indians to their classTherriault said. Those images persist because that is rooms at Thanksgiving, he said. how textbooks portray lndiaps, be said. Textbooks "Education has been used as a wea.oon against Indidon't include modern Indians, be said. ans," he said. " Now we have to make ·e ducation work "You have no reason to feel guilty. We are not re- for us." Staff writer

NORTH IDAHO NEWS NETWORK Sunday, Nov. 20, 1988


Expert: Stereotypes haunl Indians By RITA HOLLINGSWORTH Staff writer

COEUR d' AL.ENE - Indians are breathing artifacts - living relics from the 1800s - effectively preserved by stereotypes, an expert on Native American stereotypes in education said Friday. " It's like life is fixed in time it's a photograph," Ron Therriault said. "We stay locked in time in that noble-savage image.'' Therriault is director of Native American studies at Salish Kootenai College in Pablo, Mont. He has lectured on stereotypes in teaching at Harvard, Yale and other other leading universities. He told about 100 people who attended a North Idaho College Popcorn Forum that until the stereotypical Indian is permitted to die, the unique gifts of 400 Indian cultures will remain buried. "We can only offer it to you if we

exist," Therriault said. " And we cannot offer it to you unless you let us come forward." Indians aren't warriors anymore. They aren't good scouts. And they aren't all brave. " We're no braver than anyone else," Therriault said. "We were just determine,J and had a cause." Nevertheless, when people think Indian they think war paint, tomahawks and feathers, Therriault said. The widely held images of Indians have been perpetuated by textbooks, cowboy-and-Indian movies and even the pictures of Indians that ch ildren color every Thanksgiving, Therriault said. Those stereotypes do more than create images for non-Indians, they teach Native American children to believe they ought to look like the Indians in the pictures, which leads to an identity problem, Therriault said.



Ron Therriault

" We don't fit the description of that warrior, so we slink around," Therriault said. Perhaps even more damaging, Therriault said he cheered for the cowboys when he went to Saturday matinees with his white friends. " I was taught young not to like Indians," Therriault said. "I'll give you one guess which Indian I didn't like first - me." After years of rejecting his ancestry and trying to be what he wasn't, Therriault said he became an antagonistic drunk, a problem that was intensified by a society that responded, "Well, whatdoyou expect? Indians are savages." As he grew older, Therriault listened to the wisdom of the tribe elders who taught him to accept himself and his heritage. Since be bas earned a bachelor's degree in comparative psychology from Antioch University in Yellow Springs, Ohio, he has used bis education to try and destroy stereotypes. " Education was a weapon that was used against us," Therriault said. "We must now make education a weapon that we use for us." The stereotypes were born in guilt, and letting go of the guilt is the first step in ending their life cycle, he said. " Non-Indians are guilty as bell for what they did to the Indian," Therriault said, adding that Indians take advantage of that guilt. "We use it - we find a weak spot, we'll dig it and get what we can out of it," he said. But, he said, people living today must learn they are not responsible for what happened in the past. " You're not responsible for what happened to my ancestors nor I for your ancestors," he said. "We can take that 9-pound rock we've been dragging around our neck and throw it away."




THE COEUR D'ALENE PRESS Wednesday, Nov. 30, 1988

N1c ~panel _to focus on Nicaragua ,.

An internationally known ~ tographer who spent three years on assignment in Nicaragua will participate in a panel discussion of the forces at wort in that nation Dec. 5 at 10 a.m. in the North Idaho College Communication-Arts Auditorium. Paul Dix will be joined on the NIC Popcorn Forum panel by two other Nicaragua observers- Mite Bundy, a North Idaho College English instructor, and Tom Karier, associate professÂŤ of economics at Eastern Washington University. The panel members will discuss the U.S. role in Nicaragua, the impact a new U.S. administration and Congress may play, the Contras and the Nicaraguan people.

Dix recently completed three 10month stints in Nicaragua, where be photographed a project for Witness for Peace, a Washington, D.C.-based organization committed to changing U.S. policy toward Nicaragua through nonviolent action. Primarily an editorial and documentary photographer, Dix bas bad more than 2,400 photographs published. His credits include photographs for The New York Times, Time magazine, Atlantic Magazine, Time-Life Books, McGraw Hill textbooks, and numerous free-lance assignments for other books, magazines, trade publications and newspapers. Bundy traveled to Nicaragua with a study group this past sum-

mer and visited Managua and two rural communites during his three-week stay. Karier bas traveled to Central America several times and was in Nicaragua this past summer. He frequently leads student tours abroad. NIC Popcorn Forums are a 17year-old tradition at the college. The forums on topical subjects are free and open to the public.




THE COEUR D'ALENE PRESS Tuesday, Jan. 31 , 1989

Man takes step for peace •







4., -¥ _

with walk a~~O!;~ U~ ~-~~R.-J presentation given by Coeur d'Alene resident Opal Brooten after she returned from the 1988 peace walk across the Soviet


Friendships between American and Soviet citizens can become diplomatic roadways that lead toward world peace, a man who walked for peace through the Soviet Union said Monday. "We need to get to know each other as people," Stan Smith said following a slide show of photographs be took during a month-long peace trek from Moscow to Leningrad he took in June 1987 with 250 Soviets and 250 Americans. Smith, who is enrolled in the University of Idaho's doctoral program in peace and conflict resolution, made his presentation Monday during a North Idaho College Popcorn Forum attended by about 20 people. His slides pictured thousands of Soviet men, women and children who turned out to greet the 500


Stan Smith

peace walkers. Their brightly colored costumes and smiling faces belied a widely held perception of a dark and dreary people who struggle under the weight of an oppressive totalitarian regime. Smith's slides echoed a similar

Smith emphasized the importance of tearing down 40-yearold stereotypes by saying the 300 million Soviet citizens long for peace. In the Soviet Union, every child begins each new school year with programs devoted to the study of world peace, Smith said. Beginning to understand that Soviets are people much like Americans is an important first step in the search for avenues other than military might as a means to avoid conflict, Smith said. On the other hand, Soviets must begin to see Americans as a people who also strive for peace, Smith said. The Soviets not only believe Americans are obsessed with

materialism and drugs, they are convinced American leaders will start the third world war, be said. Their widely held opinion that Americans will start a nuclear war was difficult to counter because Soviets always cited Hiroshima and Nagasaki whenever the threat of nuclear war was discussed. Although former President Harry Truman could make a case for using the first bomb to save 1 million lives, it is doubtful dropping the second bomb three days later can be defended, Smith said. On the other band, Smith said, since he was a guest in the Soviet Union, he did not discuss the merits of totalitarianism or Marxism with Soviet people. "I never criticized," Smith said. " But they spent a lot of time criticizing their own (economic) system." People who stand in lines to buy toilet paper don't have to be told their economic system doesn't work, Smith said. Displaying a photograph of a pitifully small grocery store that was stocked with little more than a few jars of jams and jellies, Smith

said Soviet citizens must find it difficult to buy any number of staple items. " If you want to eat well in the Soviet Union and you live in the country, you better have a large garden" Smith said. Smith said be does not know to what degree Mikhail Gorbacbev's highly touted perestroika (economic restructuring) and glasnost (openess) will loosen the totalitarian regime's control of Soviet society. ' 'If I were a Solomon, I could sort all of (that) out," Smith said. "But I can't." But, Smith said, the Communist Party is becoming less ideological and more pragmatic as it is forced to reject things that don't work in favor of those that do. He cited the emergence of taxi drivers, restaurant owners and collective farmers who are permitted to share in profits as examples of a Marxist system that is beginning to lean toward capitalism. Smith, who has a master's degree in anthropology, said be focused on the Soviet people rather

than the political or economic system during his tour. However, Smith said, former President Ronald Reagan was wise when he said Americans will judge perestroika and glasnost on actions rather than words. "The real issue is to make sure the deeds match the words," Smith said. Smith attended the second Soviet-American peace walk in 1987, a diplomacy effort that began with the 1986 Great Peace March across America to protest the arms race. Smith will repeat his slide presentation, " The Many Faces of Russia," Thursday at 7 p.m. at St. Thomas Center, 10th Street and Indiana Avenue, and on Friday at 7 p.m. at St. Pius X Hall, 625 Haycraft Ave. Smith, who took a one-year leaye of absence from his position as a social studies teacher at Moscow High School, is touring the state for the UI-based Martin Peace Institute. He addressed 1,500 students in Sandpoint last week and 1 will travel to Boise next week. His statewide tour for the peace in- • stitute concludes in May. .


THE COEUR D' ALENE PRESS Tuesday, Feb. 28, 1989

County_____________ Author says new econo~y

means careers ·for seniors By RITA HOLLINGSWORTH Staff writer

Happiness awaits people over 50 who plan for a retirement that in· eludes a new career rather than a rocking chair, an author said Mon· day.

"The happiest people are using their major talents," Louise McCants said. "They're not setting back on the sidelines." McCants, author of "Retire to Fun and Freedom," said exciting jobs that demand talented workers await older Americans in the emerging economy. "There's a revolution going on in this country," McCants said. " It began 25 years ago, and it's going to be over in 10 years." The dying industrial age that was fueled with youth and strength will be replaced by an informationbased economy that demands knowledge, creativity and entrepreneurial skills, McCants said. Unlike strength, people don't lose " talent, creativity or in· telligence" as they age, McCants said. " You have the option to do anything you want to do," she said. McCants said technology, international trade and an aging society will combine to create career opportunities that offer older workers freedom, fun and happiness. As an example, McCants said a

Louise Mccants

woman who retired from a cook's job in a junior high school cafeteria completed a computer course, went to work for a travel agency and now is conducting worldwide tours for senior citizens. "I have met more people over 60 who are having a marvelous time because they are doing exactly what they want to do," McCants said. But, McCants said, many 50year~lds have worked all of their lives without discovering what they would enjoy doing for the next 30 years because they have given very little thought to what makes people happy. "We choose to be happy when we choose to use our major talents," she said. Therefore, the first step to happiness hinges on discovering that special talent and making a com· mitment to use it, Mccants said.

"I guarantee you that each of us is smarter and has more talent than the stereotypical view of us in this country," she said. The next step is realizing that everyone must accept responsibility for his or her own decisons, McCants said. "Don't say 'he won't let me do it' or 'she won't let me do it,' " she said. And, she said, the last step is understanding that Americans' ability to compete in the world market in the year 2000 will hinge on a highly skilled workforce, many of whom will have to be the one-fourth of the population that is now over 50 years of age. "Your country needs you and needs you very badly." McCants said. Not only will the knowledge, creativity and skills of older Americans be needed in the future, but supporting a 25 percent retired population will be too burdensome for younger workers, she said. " We don't have that many younger people," McCants said. McCants earned a bachelor's degree in mathematics from Oklahoma State University of Stillwater, Okla., and a doctorate in adult education from Ohio State University. She is a nationally recognized author, lecturer and seminar leader on women's issues, education and the changing job market.

THE COEUR D'ALENE PRESS Thursday, Apr. 27, 1989


Briefly Forum features terrorism expert An expert on combating world terrorism will speak at a free "Popcom Forum" l p.m. Friday at North Idaho College. Speaking at the Communication Arts Forutn, Detective set. Varon Svoray of Israel's 'Ceatral Police Command UDit¡wDI address aspects of terrb11im;lnduding assessing ita dangers and bow ' valnerable people are, and identifyint.terrorists, tbeir metbads and ways to deal with them. Svoray is the author of "Incidental Glory," a bo9t about the United States' battle against international terrorism. Be bu been in the United States since 1985, writing the boot and studying political science and communications in Flushing, N.Y. He bas been a sergeant major in the Israeli Defense Forces, a veteran of the Yom Klppur War and the war in Lebanon and wu a member of a special forces unit.

Israeli. descr,ibes . terrorists '


By THOMAS P. SKEEN Staff writer

Terrorists are not like the seemingly intelligent, well-spoken fantatics who appear on television and movie screens. And the sooner the world realizes it, said an Israeli expert on terrorism, the sooner the growing threat can be dealt with more firmly and effectively. Varon Svoray, a member of Israel's Central Police Unit and a first-band witness to terrorist acts in his native country and elsewhere, spoke Friday afternoon at a "Popcorn Forum" in the North Idaho College Communication Arts Auditorium. He does not forget an incident in Israel in which a terrorist OC· cupied a school in 1974 and, when surrounded by Israeli Defense Forces, started shooting children in the head and dropping their bodies out a window. Svoray, then a young IDF soldier who had never seen a terrorist, said he and another soldier were ordered to storm the building. He said be expected to see a giant man wearing dark clothes with a beard and bloodshot eyes. What he saw when he entered the

uy o· fight terrorism,


there has to be a will. But there Is no will In the world to fight terrorism." - Ymqn llfalar room full of children was a skinny teen-ager wearing denims, aCocaCola T-shirt, and struggling with a jammed AK-47 submachine IUJI. He said there was no question about what be had to do. " You shoot him or he'll shoot all of the other children in the room and tum around and start shooting you," Svoray said. It doesn't surprise Svoray that front-line terrorists seem so willing to give their lives. He said terrorists are reenlted in much the same way a drua traf• ticking organil.ation recruits poorly educated, impoverished .people of inner cities, said Svoray. . Heads of terrorist orpnila· tions, be said, typically recruit. young men between tlae ap1 of 17 and 19 and promise them, pows, glory, money, women - all ID "" change for their commitment to becoming " freedom flgb_..... "They're not freedom (ilbten," he said, " they're murderers." He said men of that age lfOIIP are recruited for the same psychological reason mWtariel around the world recruit ,oanc men: their minds are more euUy molded and they gmerally daD't have property or families ti t11eir own to worry about. " At that age they baye tlae highest level of physical power and the lowest level of intemceace," he said. See ISflAal,.Page ..

ISRAELI ~INUEO FROM Page 1 Svoray explained his statement by'~uoting a statement made by World War·ll hero and later actor Audie Murphy, who was med if be was ever afraid of dying in battle: "I was too young and too stupictto


never afraid of it.'' "Most of the terrorists are lite these young expendable tidi wbo could be delivering your milt dur· ing the week," Svoray said. And once they taste the moneypower-glory-sex·. bait offered by terrorist leaders, be said, tbe mindset to follow the cause ls not far behind. "When you join any orpnization, lt gives you right away a feel·

ing of an enlarged family, a good f eellng," said Svoray. He said tliere at least 217

with the terrorists to overthrow the government. Or so the standard terrorist terrorist orgaailations in the theory goes, said Svoray, who world today, with most new move- authored the book "Incidental ments begun since 1987. Glory," about America's dealings Svoray said the late 1-. wu an with international terrorism. ''That bas never happened ln any idealistic era in which young ~ pie joined movements, feeling country anywhere," be said. "1be .they could control their own and people see right through it." the world's destiny. But when ct.· But people soon forget, or illusionment toot its place; become desensitized to terrorism splinter groups got together and in other countries when they are became "hardcore" in their tac- bombarded with accounts of murder and mayhem through the tics. He said the typical strategy media, said Svoray, a veteran of among terrorists groups is to com- the famous 1976 Israeli army raid mit terrorist acts against people of to free skyjacked hostages held at their own county. 1be idea, be ex- the airport in Entebbe, Uganda. plained, is to force police and the He said, for example, that military to become more Americans don't become outraged repressive against the citizenry, when an airliner loaded with more who will eventually join forces than 400 passengers from India ls


blown up because "they weren't our own people.'' ~ why ·be concerned about more than 400 Indians when hundreds of thousands of people from Bangladesh die ln periodic typhoons and floods, be said rhetorically. Closer to home, be pointed to the deaths of 241 U.S. Marines who were killed when a terrorist drove an explosive-laden car into the soldiers' barracks in Beirut, Lebanon. No one bas ever been brought to justice for it, Svoray said, and the immediate outrage among Americans subsided to one in which the Marines were viewed as "expendable" soldiers. "To fight terrorism, there baS'to be a will," be said. " But there is no will in the world to fight terrorism."


NORTH IDAHO NEWS NETWORK Tuesday, Nov. 7, 1989

Legion, NIC to honor veterans at forum 1be American Legion and North Idaho College will both observe

Veterans' Day in Coeur d'Alene.


NIC will honor a panel of veterans at the first Popcorn Forum of the academic year Nov. 10 at 11 a.m. in the Bonner Room. Five North Idaho veterans will be on the panel. John Smith served in the Vietnam War and is commander of Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 889. Jerry Engleberct ls a 20-year veteran and bas been active in prisoner~f-war and missing-in-ac-

tion issues since 1971. " It is especially crucial," Linda Powers served in the U.S. Stewart said, "that we remind Air Force from 1974-77 and will young Americans of the atrocities speak about disabled veterans. of the holocaust during World War The Rev. Clifford Musgrove, II at a time when some revisionists World War II decorated veteran of history deny the holocaust.'' and former POW, helped to open Members of the American the furnaces at concentration Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars camps in Germany. and Disabled American Veterans Al Harflinger, disabled Vietnam will gather Nov. 11 at 11 a.m. at veteran, will speak out on the use Veteran's Point just off 1bird of Agent Orange and the problem Street. American Legion Post 14 of post-traumatic stress disorder. will furnish the color guard and Coordinator Tony Stewart urged American Legion Post 43 will procitizens to turn out to honor vide the firing squad. veterans. Musgrove, a World War 11

Spokane, Wash., Tues., Nov. 7, 1989.



Veterans will be featured at forum COEUR d'ALENE - North Idaho College will feature five North [daho military veterans Friday in its first Popcorn Forum of the sct.ool year. The free forum, scheduled in honor of Nov. I I Veterans' Day observances, will begin at 11 a.m. in the Bonner Room of NIC's student unio~. The veterans will discuss their war experiences and answer questions. .Panelist John Smith served on. a U.S. Navy warship during the Vietnam War; Jerry Engleberct 1s a 20-year veteran of the armed s~rvices and works for.Prisoner of War and Missing in Action causes; Linda Powers served in the U.S. Air Force fro111 1974- 77 and is a past commander of Disabled American Veterans of Fort Sherman Chapter 9; Dr. Clifford Musgrove is a World War II veteran¡ Ai Harflinger is a disabled Vietnam veteran. ' Musgrove will discuss his experiences as a prisoner of war in Germany. Harflinger will discuss the use of Agent Orange and the problem of post-traumatic stress disorder.

chaplin, will also speak at the gathering.

Veterans from Post Falls, Hayden Lake and Coeur d'Alene are expected, and the public is invited.




.............................. CITY


Cd'AAnimal ContJOI 667.9533


9534 Koottnal H1111ane Socitty 772--4019 P<>1I Falls Animal CffllOI . m3517


POPCORN FORUMS FOR 1989-1990 ACADEMIC YEAR 243. Guest Speakers: John Smith , Jerry Engleberct, Linda Powers, Dr. Clifford Musgrove and Al Harflinger. Topic: " Honoring America ' s Veterans. " November 10, 1989 . 244. Guest Speaker: Jeanne Givens, former I daho State Represent ative; and several other p rogram guests (the Fifth Annual Dr . Martin Luther King, Jr. Day) Topic: " Unmet Challenges, Unfinished Business. " January 1 5, 1990 . 245 to 249

Special Symposium : " Conflict: Hostility or Harmony" Day 1 Guest Speaker: Dr . Ronald Markman, lawyer, M. D. and Psychiatrist . Topic : " Crime and Society: Violence and Order ." April 16, 1 990 . Day 2 Guest Speaker: Dr . John M. Haynes, Mediation Expert . Topic : " Family and Society : Fragmented or Functional. " Apri l 17, 1990. Day 3 Guest Speaker : Ms. Cherry A. McGee Banks, President of Educational Materials and Services Center . Topic : " Education and Society: Coercion or Partnership. " April 18, 1990. Day 4 Guest Speaker : Dr . John K. Roth, Professor of Religion and Philosophy at Claremont McKenna College (Clairmont, California) . Topic: " Religion and Society: Dogmatic or Tolerant ." April 19, 1990. Day 5 Town Meeting . Topic : Century." April 20, 1990.


" Choices for Idaho ' s


Guest Speakers: Harry Magnuson, Chairman of the Idaho Centennial Commission; and Marty Peterson, Executive Director of the Idaho Centennial Commission . Topic: "The Plans and Evens for the Idaho Centennial. " April 30, 1990.









Crowd applauds U.S. war veterans By RITA HOUINGSWORTH Staff writer

From the trenches of World War I to the jungles of Vietnam, America's wan and tbe men IDll women who fought them toot center stage Friday at Northldabo College as nearly 150 people turned out to commemorate Veterans Day. In an outpouring of appreclatioa for the protectors of democracy, the audience several Umes roee to honor veterans with standing Oft¡ tions. The first round of applame erupted for World War I veteran Leon LaFootaine, 90, of Coeur d'Alene. 1be second was for a man bl the audience who stood and identifJed himself as a U.S. seaman who survived '5 months in a Japane,e prison camp. The third was for a member of the audience who identified himself only as a Vietnam vet whose homecoming bad been marred by citir.em who greeted him with disrespect. " It pleases me to see a celebratioo of this kind,'' he said. In tum, a panel of five veterans openly discussed the wars they fought. The horrors of tbe Holocaust were related by Clifford Mu. grove, a chaplain who wu amoog the first Americans to open the furnaces at Daucbau. "While the furnaces were atlll warm, we dredged out ashes of hundreds and hundreds of people,"

be said. 1be citiJens of Daucbau had ccmvinced tbemlelves reports of the atroclUes bad been not.bing more than U.S. propaganda unW the bodies of the camp's victims were transported tbroogh town, Mu,. grove said. "The people in the city did not mow what was going on," be sul. Jadglng froDl the comments of panel members wbo llefflJd in Vietnam, it was apparent not only Germana who felt they have been misled by their aovermnait ctmtnc wartime. Responding to a quesUon from the audience, Al Harfllnger IDll Paul Kama, both of Coeur d'Alene, said America erred when it waged war in Vietnam. HarfUnger described bimlelf u a youth reared on John Wayne movies who was told be wu betnc sent to Vietnam to protect hil country from communism. ''After my first month, I found out there was no Communilts," HarfUnger said. "There were jut ... people who didn't like me at all. " 1be Vietnamese people fou,bt just as hard as Americans would fight if their country were being invaded, Harfllnger said. "I didn't come out of that war feeling proud," be said. "I came out of that war feeling uhamed of myself and my country." Although Karna agreed, be expresaed pride in having served hil ~try.

See VETERANS, Page ~





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-photo by DAN HYDE

Dlsabled Vietnam veteran Al Harfllnger speaks at Friday's forum.

VETERANS CONTINUED from Page 1 "I hope in the future the yoq people will stand up and question their government - whether it's a right war - and not go in and lnterfere in someone else's politics, .. be said. Addressing the unfinished buai¡ ness of Vietnam , Jerry Englebrecht, a .year veteran of the U.S. armed services, Ul'led the American public to pressure Congress into bringing home the remains of thole missing in action.

And Vietnam veteran John Smith, commander of Veterans of Foreign War Post 819, called on young men and women to flgbt the conditions that lead to war. "Maybe you can do IOlllething to keep it from happening again," be said.


Vietnam veteran Al Harflinger gestures while talking with North Idaho College students Friday morning. Har-

Staff photo by Chris Anderson

flinger was one of seven veterans who appeared at the Coeur d'Alene school's latest Popcorn Forum.

The NIC Sentinel

t'J ov. I f; !'1?1


Presentation honors veterans

Veterans at forum say, "War is Hell" by Corrina Sawyer P icture this. Men so gauntly underweight that their skin literally falls from their bones. Saving a small village only to burn it the following day. Trains rushing into town carrying load after load o f dead bodies to be burned. War is hell, according to seven war veterans at the North Idaho College P opcorn Forum held on Nov. 10. Veterans in attendance were: Linda Powers a past commander of the American Veterans Post, Fort Sherman Chapter 9, a member of the American Legion and she served in the Air Force from 1974-77; Al Harflinger, a Vietnam veteran; Paul Karns, a Vietnam veteran; Dr. Clifford Musgrove, a WWII captive in Germany who also has a bronze battlestar and a purple heart; Jerry Engleberct, a 20-year veteran from the Air Force; John Smith, a member of the Idaho Army National Guard of Combat Engineers and an 18-year veteran of Army and Navy service, and Leon Lafontaine, a 90-year-old WWI veteran. According to Tony Stewart, political science instructor, the special veterans' presentation was in honor of both Veterans' Day and the Popcorn Forum's 20th birthday. The speakers and some members of the audience represented veterans from WWI.

WWII, Korea and Vietnam. As the program began, Stewart invited the audience to honor those veterans who helped to secure the most sacred of human rights-freedom . Next , Sen. Mary Lou Reed read a statement from Gov. Cecil Andrus: "I ask that all Idahoans honor our veterans with appropriate ceremonies that acknowledge the men and women who have served this co untry so willingly to preserve the principles of justice, freed om, and democracy.' ' Veteran after veteran voiced their war experiences to an awed crowd. T hey wanted to tell their stories- the real stories- those that they believe have been clouded by the media. "What am l supposed to do? Tell you Rambo is alive and Arnold Schwartzeneger isn't really a good combat veteran? Those are movie's, not reality. They sell tickets; they don't sell what freedom is really about," Harflinger said. "I pray every day that you young people won't have to go and fight a war. It's not what is on T.V.-that is Hollywood hype to make money. That's not what war is really about. lf a guy gets shot, he doesn't get up next week to make another movie," said Smith. Reality is that feelings and emotions were evident on both the veterans' and the

civilians' faces as tears brimmed their eyes. Applause ended each story with the audience standing to sh ow their pride in the veterans sitting before them .

"It is my plea~ure a nd my privilege to

" ... when I got home I was tomatoed and called a baby-killer. " - A l Har/linger serve this wonderful United States of ours. My life has been filled with service " Musgrove said. "I desire to make o~r country a better country. Of the countries of the world that we've been privileged to travel, nothing compares with the freedoms, the privileges and the joys we have being a real red-blooded American. We live in the best country in the whole world," Musgrove said. The veterans encouraged the young peo~le t~ make use of their freedoms by quesuorung the government before going to war.

" To all you young people out there, before you even pick up a gun and fight, make sure there is a threat. Don't just follow because there's a herd going to the left-ask questions. l s is worth my freedom, my life? Because Vietnam was a joke," Harflinger said. " At the beginning, I thought that Vietnam was a legitimate war to end communism. But after my first month there, I found out that there were no communists there, only slant-eyed people who didn 't like me at all. Our only form of communication was with lead," said Harflinger. Then the men who fought with pride and dignity for their country were shunned by people back home who didn't understand, Harflinger said. "The Vietnam war was a mess. It wasn't like WWII. I couldn' t come out of there feeling proud. I came out feeling ashamed, ashamed of myself and my country. I thought of myself as patriotic, but when I go(home, I was tomatoed and called a baby-killer," Har flinger said. In a statement read by Sandy Patano, Congressman Larry Craig said to- the veterans, "Your sacrifices and dedication and those of other Idahoans and Americans should not and shall never be forgotten."

NORTH IOAHO NEWS NETWORK Saturday, Jan. 13, 1990


'Promises to keep' at NIC to hon()r Martin Luther King " Promises to Keep" is the theme of the North Idaho College annual celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day from 10 a.m to 9p.m. Monday at the NIC Commun i ca tio ns-F ine Arts Auditorium. The Associated Students of NIC will help "keep promises" of continuing educaton through the establishment of the Todd Crum Memorial Scholarship. Elaine Wilches-Pena, ASNIC president, will formally introduce the scholarship during the celebration. Todd Crum is an NIC student who died in a tragic car accident late last year. . The celebration will begin with at 10 a.m. with a special program for children. Over 1,200 children from Coeur d'Alene and Post Falls school districts will join in, singing songs about human

equality and sharing their thoughts and drawing on the subject. At 11 a . m ., musical performances are planned by choirs from Coeur d'Alene and Lakeland high schools and the North Idaho Concert Choir. Jeanne Givens, former Idaho state representative and a Coeur d'Alene Indian tribe member, will deliver the keynote address, " Unmet Challenges, Unfinished Business.'' At 6 p.m. a free international dessert and coffee reception will be held in the Student Union. At 7 p.m. a musical program will be presented in the Communications -Fine Arts Auditorium. NIC student Sherry Siewert will perform " Freedom," the theme song for

NIC's Human Equality Club. Tom and Padma Rutley, formerly of SanFrancisco who have played with Ella Fitzgerald, Ike and Tina Turner, Santana and Ray Charles, will team up with Bob Simmons to perform "Music of the People." "Montage on Freeman" will conclude the program, highlighting words of past and contemporary leaders in their struggles for freedom. The children's program was organized by the NIC Human Equality Club. The formal program, reception and musical celebration are co-sponsored by the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations and the NIC Popcorn Forum. The public is invited. There is no admission. For details, call 769-3325.

Spokane, Wash., Tues., April 10, 1990. T H E ~

Five-day forum to focus on conflict COEUR d'ALENE - North Idaho College's Popcorn Forum will feature five days of speakers and public discussions next week on connict. The series will begin Monday with a speech on homicide by Dr. Ronald Markman al 11 a.m. in the Boswell Communication Arts Auditorium. Markman. a lawyer, physician, psychiatrist, forensic psychiatrist and neurologist, has testified in the Hillside Strangler and Marvin Gaye homicide cases. Al 1:30 p.m. Monday in NIC's Bonner Room, a panel of local experts will respond to Markman's speech. The panel will comprise defense attorney Tom Mitchell; Latah County Prosecutor Craig Mosman; Carol Peterson, director of the Kootenai County Juvenile Diversion program; Joan Denoo, an activist against domestic violence; Nancy White, prejudice reduction trainer for law enforcement agencies; Ernie Packenbush. Eastern Washington Pre-Release Center superintendent; and Markman. The series wiU continue at 10 a.m., April 17, in the Boswell Auditorium with mediation expert John Haynes speaking on conflict management for families. At I:30 p.m. the same day in the Bonner Room, a panel of six local residents will respond to Haynes' speech. The panel will include Opal Brooten,

who participated in a peace walk in the Soviet Union; Madeline Kardong, Spokane Dispute Resolution Center director; Jack Oakwright, psychologist specializing in battery-victim counseling; Karolyne Rogers, psychologist; and attorney Anne Solomon. On April 18 at IO a.m. in the Boswell Auditorium, the forum will feature Cherry McGee Banks, president of Educational Materials and Services Center, a curriculum research and information center. Banks will speak on the conflicts between education and society. At I:30 p.m. the same day, a panel of local educators will discuss Banks' speech. Panel members will be teacher Raina Bohanek; Post Falls School District Superintendent Kathy Canfiel9-Davis; Rodney Frey, director of Lewis-Clark State College's Coeur d'Alene center; and Gretchen Hellar,

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former University of Idaho instructor~ April 19, the speaker series wilt feature John K. Roth, a religion and philosophy professor at Claremont McKenna College in California, speaking at 11 a.m. in the Boswell Auditorium on the connicts between religion and society. At 1:30 p.m. in the Bonner Room. the Rev. Dick He~tad of Trinity Lutheran Church; the Rev. Marilyn Muehlbach of Unity Church of North Idaho; Maureen O'Sullivan, Spokane Becoming Program director; and William Williams, religion and philosophy instructor at Eastern Washington University, will respond to Roth's speech. The series will conclude April 20 with a town meeting from 9-11 :30 a.m. and a training session in conflief resolution from I:30-3 p.m. Both activities will be in the Bonner Room.


NORTH IDAHO NEWS NETWORK Friday, Apr. 13, 1990

Conflict-resolution class is last NIC 'Popcorn Forum' Apublic seminar on peaceful ways to resolve conflict will be held Monday through Friday next week at North Idaho College as the final "Popcorn Forum" for this year. The forum, titled " Conflict: Hostility or Harmony," has been structured to focus each day on a different aspect of conflict in American society crime, family, education and religion. Dr. Ronald Markman, a national expert on crime, will lead off at 11 a.m. Monday, when he speaks on "Homicide: A Unique Crime." Dr. Markman is a lawyer, medical doctor, board-certified psychiatrist, forensic psychiatrist and neurologist. He has testified in more than 20,000 homicide cases including such celebrated cases as the Hillside Strangler murders and the slaying of musician Marvin Gaye. Markman is best known for his book, "Alone with the Devil : Famous Cases of a Courtroom Psychiatrist," where he explores the innermost workings of the minds of murderers. At 1:30 p.m. in the Student Union Bonner Room, a

panel of local community members will respond to Markman's topic. The panelists include Tom Mitchell, one of Idaho's leading defense attorneys; Craig Mosman, Latah County prosecutor ; Carol Peterson, director of the K09tenai County Juvenile Diversion Program; Joan Denoo. social activist for combating domestic violence; Nancy White, trainer for law enforcement agencies on predjudice reduction ; Ernie Packenbush, superinte.ndent of the Eastern Washington Pre-Release Center; and Markman. Tuesday's featured speaker, Dr. John M. Haynes, is one of the nation's leading mediation experts. In the last five years, he has trained more than 4,000 professionals in mediation conflict management and negotiations in the United States, Canada, England, Ireland, Australia arid New Zealand. Over the last ten years, he has mediated 2,000 divorces and other interpersonal disputes. As the president of Haynes Mediation Associates and the Mediation Training Institute, he has developed a national mediation training program for attorneys and mental health professionals. He also is the founder of the Academy of Family Mediators, a national organization of practicing mediators. Haynes will speak at lOa.m. on the topic, " Family and Society: Fragmented or Functional."

At 1:30 p.m. in the Student Union Bonner Room, a panel of local community members will respond to Haynes' topic. The panelists include Opal Brooten, political activist and participant in international peace walks; Madeline Kardong, co-director of the Spokane Dispute Resolution Center ; Dr. Jack Oakwright, psychologist specializing in counseling victims of battery ; Dr. Karolyne S. Rogers, psychologist ; Anne Solomon, Idaho attorney specializing in family law; and Haynes. "Education and Society: Coercion or Partnership will be the topic for Wednesday's 10 a.m. keynote speaker, Cherry A. McGee Banks. Banks is the president of the Educational Materials and Services Center, a research and information center for educational curriculum. She also is an educational specialist with the Seattle Public Schools and a staff associate with the Citizens Education Center Northwest project ACCESS. Banks conducts numerous lectures and workshops addressing such issues as increased academic achievement of minority students, education in plural societies and children's literature. A 1: 30 panel discussion will follow her presentation as well. Dr. John K. Roth will highlight Thursday's 11 a.m. forum, as he addresses the topic "Religion and Society : Dogmatic or Tolerant." Roth is a professor in the Departments of Religion and Philosophy at Claremont Mc Kenna College in Claremont, Calif. In 1988, he was named "Professor of the Year" in Canada and the U.S. by the Carnegie Endowment for the Advancement of Teaching and the Council for Advancement and Support of Education. Roth has published more than 150 articles and 16 books. His most recent books include "Approaches to Auschwitz: The Holocaust and its Legacy,'' and ''The Questions of Philosophy.•• With Roth's expertise in American studies and Holocaust studies, as well as in philosophy and religion, he will attempt to expore the history of conflict and religion, while discussing better mechanisms to peacefully resolve disputes. A panel of local community members will respond to Roth's topic at 1:30 p.m. in the Student Union Building. The symposium will wrap up Friday with a Town Meeting, headed by Idaho State Sen. Mary Lou Reed. The meeting will begin at 9 a.m. in the Student Union Bonner Room and participants will be invited to "sound off" about topics heard throughout the week.

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Crime expert says killers are 'like you and me' neurologist, has testified in more than 20,000 homicide cases including such celebrated cases as the If you clean up a convicted Hillside Strangler murders and the rapist, robber or burglar, shave slaying of musician Marvin Gaye. him, dress him in nice clothes and And, with that kind of experience, drop him off at the Academy Markman says with confidence Awards ceremony, he would still that most murderers are not wildeyed sociopaths but are everyday look out of place. But do the same with a convicted people who act out of complete and murderer and he'd fit right in, said utter humiliation. " People who kill are like you and Dr. Ronald Markman, a national expert on crime who spoke at the me - we're all capable of doing opening assembly for North Idaho it," Markman said. College's Popcorn Forum on "ConMarkman used an example that hit especially close to home for ruct: Hostility or Harmony." Markman, a lawyer, physician, him ; the previous owner of his -Photo by STEVE DEGENHARDT board-certified psychiatrist, forensic psychiatrist and See KILLERS, Page 4• Dr. Ronald Markman speaks at North Idaho College about homicide.


Panel disputes causes of crime By RITA HOLLINGSWORTH Staff writer

Dr. Ronald Markman's comments on the crime of murder, its causes and its prevention were disputed Monday by a panel of local experts. A nationally renowned expert on crime, Markman is a neurologist, psychiatrist and lawyer. Speaking • at North Idaho College Monday on the opening day of a week-long forum on conflict resolution,

See PANEL, Page 4•


NORTH IDAHO NEWS NETWORK Tuesday, Apr. 17. 1990

KILLERS CONTINUED from Page 1 home in an upper class area of Los Angeles was convicted of firstdegree murder for putting a hit out on his business partner. " He bad never even gotten a traffic ticket, yet he contracted to kill his partner. He needed the money, bis business was going down the tubes ... He wasn't a sociopath. The real basis for bis action was the emotion of humiliation," Markman said. An element of humiliation can easily be found as the motive or contributing factor in just about any murder, Markman said. In the Biblical story of Cain and Abel generally cited as the first murder in documented history - Cain murdered Abel because be was humiliated that God seemed to like

his brother's sacrifice better than his. Pricilla Ford, the woman who drove down Virginia Avenue in Reno, Nev., on Thanksgiving Day in 1981 killing several people, was humiliated because the Department of Social Services in that state bad taken custody of her only daughter. It was Thanksgiving Day, she was alone eating dinner at McDonalds and was totally humiliated, Markman said. " Humiliation is a major force ... They don't kill because they're angry and they don't kill because they're crazy or psychotic," he said. ''The majority of people who are crazy aren't dangerous and the majority of people who kill aren't crazy. They kill because the humiliation is so great and killing allows them to restructure their own being."

Everybody feels humiliated from time to time and no one knows what makes some people cross the line and kill, but what research has shown is that the number of violent crimes is rising with the number of kids raised in S!ngle parent or otherwise dysfunctional families, Markman said. Kids who grow up without parental support often lack conscience and concern for other individuals in society and commit crimes to get what they want, when they want it. And, once a pattern of crime is established, rehabilitation is virtually impossible. " You don't teach him what's right and what's wrong, because be does not have that internalized concept within him," Markman said. The only way criminals, especially repeat offenders, will

be deterred is to teach them the risk of being caught is too great and the punishment is too terrible, Markman said. The problem now is that realistically, the risks aren't too great. Out of every 100 people who are convicted of felony crimes, only two ever go to jail, Markman said. And the threat of the death penalty is almost meaningless. Between 1977 and 1986, there were 200,000 homicides and only 68 executions. " Ninety-five percent of the people who kill are ultimately released back into the community," he said. Markman also said the escalation of drug use also will translate into an increase in unacceptable aggressive behavior. Th e Popcorn Forum will continue today in the Communica-

tion Arts Auditorium with a 10 - ----------------

a. m . p resentation by Dr. John M . Haynes, one of the nation's leading mediation experts. In the last five years, he has trai ned more than 4,000 prof essionals in mediation conflict management and negotiations in the U.S., Canada, England, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand. Over the last 10 years, he has mediated 2,000 divorces and other interpersonal dis¡ putes. A t I : 30 p.m., in the Student Union Bonner Room, a panel of Local community members will respond to Haynes' topic. The panelists include Opal B rooten, political activist and participant in international peace walks; Madeline K ardong, co-director of the Spokane Dispute Resolution Center; Dr. Jack Oakwright, psychologist specializing i n counseling victims of battery ; Dr. Karo l yne S. Roger s, psychologist; Anne Solomon I daho attorney specializing i ~ family Law; and Haynes.


Markman blamed the increasing number of 'senseless' violent crimes on the rising divorce rate, the increase in two-income families, drugs and alcohol abuse and America's lack of a national ethic. But, Markman said, the motivation behind every murder is a feeling of humiliation, Markman said. Coeur d'Alene attorney Norman Gissel, disagreed. " I don't think humiliation has caused many wars," be said. Instead, a unique and complex set of problems lies behind each of the thousands of murders that are

committed each year, Gissel said. Although stopping short of offering a universal motivation for murder, Gissel said the freedoms Americans enjoy lead to criminal behavior. "There are always costs of freedom," be said. "And one of those costs is a high crime rate."

On the other hand, Latah County

Prosecutor Craig Mosman said selfishness is the root cause of all crimes. Criminals are those who grow up "learning that you can get what you want when you want it and learning actions don't have consequences. '' Mosman said. By contrast, 'good and healthy citizens' are those who are taught accountability and responsibility, lessons that can be learned in a single-parent home as easily as a two-parent one, Mosman said. But refusing to accept that simple rationale, experts have always studied criminals in an effort to understand why they commit crimes, Mosman said. Early on, experts blamed physical deformities - the size of a person's head or the presence of a brain lesion; more recently they cited psychological problems, he said. " Today another reason was given - the breakup of the family," Mossman said. Carol Peterson, director of the Kootenai County Juvenile Diversion Program, also ques-

tioned Markman's assertion that two parents are better than one. In Kootenai County, half of the juveniles who commit crimes reside with both biological parents, Peterson said. Those kids say they steal and rob because they can't afford the things they want, Peterson said. "They see something they don't have and they can't afford, ' Peterson said. But Markman insisted even a bad two-parent family is preferable to a good single-parent home, espcecially for boys who need one male with which they can identify. Without a man in the house, boys fail to develop a conscious, or super ego, the absence of which

results in a psychopathic personality. Markman said. While an uncle or grandfather would be helpful substitute for a father, a number of men living in the house is more damaging than no man at all, Markman said. Turning to the critical first four

years of a child's development, Markman said the increasing number of infants and toddlers who grow up in day-care centers will result in rising numbers of violent crimes. "Kids at the age of 1~ need a mother and need a father, " Markman said. "Kids aren't ready for social situations until age 4." That comment drew objections from Coeur d'Alene attorney Tom Mitchell, who said he has a happy, normal 1~-year-old granddaughter who goes to a day-care center everyday. But Markman the 1-8 or 1-9 ratio of adults to babies in day-care centers and the high turnover in caregivers combine to create an "impossible situation for child development." Even so, Markman said children adapt very well and a large majority of those who attend day-care centers or grow up in single-parent homes will become responsible adults, accountable for their actions. "The f,ct of the matter is, most kids are going to turn out all right," be said. But even a slight increase in the violent population - from 3 percent to 6 percent - will 'overwhelm' society, Markman said.

NORTH IDAHO NEWS NETWORK Thursday, Apr. 19, 1990


Teaching must reflect ethnic changes By AMY CABE Staff writer

Schools must alter curriculums to accommodate culturallydiverse student groups, an educational specialist said Wednesday. Since the nation's population iB becoming more ethnically mixed, studies must reflect that change, Cherry McGee Banks said. "We must educate the hearts as well as the minds of our children," making them open to new ideas. Banks is president of F.ducational Materials and Services Center, a Seattle information center for educational curriculum. Her speech, "F.ducation and Society: Coercion of Partnership," was part of North Idaho College's Popcorn Forum. History and humanities lessons should include sections on women and minorities, she said, noting by 2020 only about one-half of schoolaged children will be white. Schools should therefore emphasize foreign languages and strive to broaden students' horizons about the worth of other

cultures, Banks said. Society must raise its expectations for both poor and ethnic students, she said. " If we expect them to achieve, they will." 'Most people are not finding much meaning in their lives," therefore schools must instill children with a " caring attitude," she said. "We need to seriously reflect on the meaning and vision of our lives. Our nation is threatened by a lack of vision." That trend can change by exposing children to varying ideas and prompting them to think about their own aspirations, she said. The United States is "rapidly becoming two nations - one rich and one poor," the specialist said. By giving children a clear pie~ of issues such as poverty - which is not limited to ethnic minorities - educators are stepping in the right direction, she added. " Education is a vehicle to break the cycle of poverty." - Photo by STEVE DEGENHARDT While more ethnic students are Cherry McGee Banks speaks during the popcorn forum at North Idaho College going to college, society must help them stay in school, Banks said. Wednesday.

NORTH IOAHO NEWS NETWORK Friday, Apr. 20, 1990


Self-esteem should be religion's goal. By NANCY BATEMAN Staff writer

Religions would do the world a better service if instead of claiming to do things in the name of love, they did things in the name of fostering self-esteem, Dr. John K. Roth said at Thursday's North Idaho College Popcorn Seminar on "Conflict: Hostility or Harmony." Roth, a professor in the Depart¡ ments of Religion and Philosophy at Claremont McKenna College in Claremont, Calif., and an expert on the Holocaust, said there is a danger anytime a religion or group of people claim to be chosen of God. Once one group says they are chosen, that inherently implies they think other people are somehow less and can be pushed

around or even eliminated. The wording in some New Testament scriptures was used in early Christian history to prove the Jews, because of their rejection of Jesus, were really allied with Satan, Roth said. That notion carried through history and was again used during World Warn to justify killing millions of them. "At best, religion can be an indispensible source of encouragement to people. At worst, it can give birth to twins: exclusivity and intolerence," Roth said. The remedy to the societal conflicts religion poses is not to do away with religion, Roth said. Religion is needed and will always be. But people who want to become involved in fostering healthy religion need to approach it with the

Dr. John K. Roth

idea that all humans are made in the image of God and therefore are , all worthy of the same level of respect. People with differing views are of value because "one who is different than me has something different to add," Roth said. Religious life should foster an emphasis on self-criticism and esteem to others and should attempt to interpret others' positions in their best light and not in their worst, he added. The NIC symposium will wrap up today with a town meeting, beaded by Idaho state Sen. Mary Lou Reed. The meeting will begin 1f at 9 a.m. in the Student Union Bonner R09m and participants will be invited to " sound off" about topics '>.eard throughout the week.


NORTH IDAHO NEWS NETWORK Saturday, Apr. 28. 1990

.Magnuson to talk at NIC's 250th Popcorn forum North Idaho College will host a landmark 250th Popcorn Forum, Monday, at noon in the Bonner Room of the Student Union Build¡ ing.

Harry Magnuson, Idaho entrepreneur and chairman of the Idaho Centennial Commission, and Marty Peterson, executive director of the Idaho Centennial Commission, will speak on the events and plans for the Idaho Centennial. Magnuson and Peterson will discuss some of the major events planned for the year's Centennial Celebration, including Idaho's statehood birthday, July 3. Tony Stewart, Popcorn Forum coordinator, said they will discuss such projects and events as the ethnic heritage display that will be in Coeur d'Alene the last two weeks of July, the All-ldaho Indian Exposition to be held in Boise, the First Security Games of Idaho to be held in Pocatello, and the Coeur d'Alene District Centennial Min¡ ing Competition to be held in Osburn; as well as many other Centennial events. "A great way to enjoy our state's Centennial, is to get involved," Magnuson says. "Athletic events, art exhibits, festivals, and fairs; there's something for everyone." Magnuson was appointed last year by Gov. Cecil Andrus to serve as chairman of the 22-member Centennial Commission. Peterson is the former Idaho State Budget Director, serving under Gov.s John Evans and Andrus. The Idaho Centennial Commission plans and implements all Centennial-related events and pro, jects for the state. The commission will operate until June 30,1991.1beNICPopcornForumis open to the public at no charge.

Centennial strengthening pride of all Idaho residents By RITA HOLLINGSWORTH Staff writer





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Years after the balloons have burst and the parades have ended, Idahoans will continue to reap the benefits of their yearlong Centennial celebration, said Centennial Commission Chairman Harry Magnuson of Wallace. "Working together is probably one of our best-lasting legacies," Magnuson said. "The state has gotten closer together. We have built up relationships. We've embarked on new events that I think will continue." A mining executive and entrepreneur, Magnuson has been the driving force behind organizing Idaho's Centennial since 1985, when he was appointed commission chairman by former

Gov. John Evans. "1990 looked so far away then and here we are," Magnuson said during a speech Monday at a North Idaho College's Popcorn Forum. Looking back, Magnuson rated his stint as Centennial chairman "one of the great privileges and pleasures of my lifetime." Following a suggestion from Evans that the commission encourage all Idahoans to take part in the Centennial, Magnson said he and the 20-member commission set about finding ways to form a committee of 1 million volunteers. "We want to have a people's Centennial," Magnuson said. "The governor wanted a committee of all Idahoans." The commission's goal was ac-


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Harry Magnuson, chairman of the state Centennial Committee, speaks to a group of people at North Idaho College during the Monday's

Poocom Forum.

complished by encouraging the formation of Centennial committtees in each of the state's 44 counties, enlisting the aid of business and corporations across the state and getting citizens involved, Magnuson said. Early on , commissionen sponsored a contest to come up with a logo that would quickly be recognized and accepted as a symbol of the Centennial , Magnuson said. Magnuson said since he had envisoned a logo graced with a sun, trees, streams and bears, he was disappointed when he first saw the simple "Celebrate Idaho" that eventually was selected. Although it looked "a little bare" at first, Magnuson said the more he contemplated the logo's message, the more he appreciated its beauty. " It says it all," he said. "It's a very classy logo." Another highlight of the commission's planning was selecting the design of the Idaho Centennial license plates. During that meeting the commission nearly decided not to use red, white and blue because other states used those colors in their designs, Magnuson said. But after four hours of discu ss ion, t he commission changed its mind and adopted the popular red, white and blue plate that has raised $5 million to help fund projects, publish books, create traveling art and history exhibits and stage parades and other activities. " We just lucked out. It has been something the people have taken to and they have liked," Magnuson said. "Not only do we have 150,000 people advertising the state, but when you spend $25 bucks for a plate you get the spirit." In appraising the more than 1,500 events and projects undertaken statewide, Magnuson said perhaps their greatest lasting value will be the renewed spirit and pride they kindle in Idahoans. " We have tried to stregtben the people - the cultural and moral fiber," Magnuson said. " We have tried to strengthen the pride of all Idahoans."

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