THINKING HARD Sen. Howard Baker, ranking Republican on the Senate Special Watergate Committee, listens Intently to a question during his address at the North Idaho College gymnasium Monday night. More than 1,000 persons
listened to the committee's vice-chairman discuss Watergate and how It has affected the American people. -Press Photo
pap four
' Cerdinal Review
February 20, 1974
Watergate's lmpact -J)ramatized
Senator Baker walked in ju,t before 8:00 p. m. •••
,r· .I! I
,at patiently through the introductory ,peeche,•.•
"It is disquieting and embatassing that after all that has happened (in the Watergate Scandal) I cannot honestly tell you that I know what has happened or why,'' remarked Senator Howard H. Baker, Jr. (R-Tenn) last Monday night to a ¡ receptive audience of about 2000 people in the NIC gym. During his brief twenty minute speech Senator Baker alluded to the 'good ol' days', but questioned whether or not they were better in 1973. " There were the good old days, but we were fighting for our survival," he said about our nation's first few years of history. He continued by reminding the audience that it was not until the 1960's and 70's that civil liberties, guaranteed to everyone more than one hundred years ago, were finally being realized. But in 1973 " America did something no other country would have had the nerve to do," stated Baker, by opening up the Watergate affair and bringing it all into the public's view. He stated that there were upwards of seventy million viewers daily . watching the proceediegs, and that the hearings were ''the most participatory event in the history of our nation." According to the Senator it was because of this national participation and concern that none need fear our country's demise. He added that any country that has the ability to survive a scandal like Watergate has the ability to survive anything. He concluded that we can all realize a "vibrant future" for our country", and there is " no doubt that the function of government will continue and its structure endure."
February 20, 1974
Cardinal Review
page five
¡Photo work and de,ign
by A utio, Paulua
.. .'then charmed a receptive audience for ahout an hour
"IT IS DISQUIETING AND embarrassing that after all that has happened I cannot honestly tell you that I know what has happened or why."
" I HEARD OVER eight mllllon worlds of testimony during the hearlng,s and suffered despair, frustration, and even dfsllluslonment wondering what effect the Watergate Scandal was having on the American people."
'' THE UNITED STATES will be energy independent. This nation took a deep breath and said, 'NO country will ever blackmail us again,''
and the Senator from Tennessee was a hit at NIC •••
3 - 'f--
Radio Newsman Popcorn Speaker Ross Woodward, news director of KJRB Radio, Spokane, will be the speaker at the eighth public Popcorn Forum of the year, 10 a.m. Wednesday in the North Idaho College Student Union Building. Woodward will speak on the topic "Encounter with Finitude. " Woodward has ~" ""w~ rlirertor at KJRB since 1959. He joined Kaye-Smith Radio in Portland in 1957 after an eight-year career in Boise. Born and reared in Alberta, he began his college work at Queen's University at Kingston, Ont.. and
completed his undergraduate efforts at Washington State University in 1949 as a communications major. He won the best announcer award in his senior year at WSU. In the early 1960s he returned to WSU for course work in philosophy. Recognition has included a number of awards and citations: in 1965 a Brotherhood Award, first place, for a documentary report of a racial incident in Spokane, from the National Council of Christians and Jews; a number or local and s.tate awards for spot and ~ries reporting; in 1972 he won fi rst place for his,documen-
tary report on the Stockholm Conference on the human environment in the State of Washington Sigma Delta Chi competitions; and his major effort in 1V13 was a documentary study of the energy crisis - long-range considerations. Woodward traveled in Europe in 1971, filing reports from 10 capitals, covered the Stockholm Conference in 1972, and returned for followup work at the United Nations in Geneva in 1973. He will report the World Population Confere.nce in Bucharest in August of 1974.
The Coeur d'AJene, Idaho, Presa Mon., April 15, 1174
Brazil 11th ~opcorn ,Topic John Lenk, a world traveler, will be the 11th Popcorn speaker of the year, at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday ln the Student Union Building at North Idaho College. Popcorn Forum Chairman Tony Stewart said Lenk will talk on " Brazil: The Full Length of the Amazon River," in a public speech and semi-travelogue. Lenk is a former businessman, airline executive, broadcast executive, newspaper editor and publisher. news commentator. inverviewer. college instructor linguist, composer. musician and photographerexplorer; listed in the 1972 edition of "Men and Women of Hawaii;" listed in "Dictionary of Intl. Biography" and "Men of Achievement " JOH:"i LE"'-K
Lenk has lectured to audiences in many countries, more than 60 colleges and universities in the United States and at Rotary and Lions Clubs around lhe world. He came to USA when the Commumsts took over his native Czechoslovakia. During World War 11. he was a political prisoner in several Nazi concentration camps He is now a naturalized U S citizen Lenk holds diplomas from several institutions of higher learning both in Europe, U.S.A., and Mexico. He has traveled widely since his childhood but his current talks and photography pertam to his two re-
cent trips around the world that lasted a total of 2~ years. ·'He explored many areas seldom seen by the average tourist and can offer a penetrating insight into the situation in \larious countries," Stewart said. "He is using an interdisciplinary approach in his talks and lectures, showing that everything around us Is closely connected together That it is well to know and understand a country's geography in order to com· prehend its history and politics and economy. That unless we do, we cannot correctly interpret current world events,'' Stewart said.
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Graphologist _L ast The Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, Pr... Thurs., April 2S, 1174 13 ·..:.;.;.;.:.:-:-:.:.;.;.:. ..: :.:.:-:-:•:•:•:•:.; n:•u:•:•:•:•!•!•,: :•:-: U ::,:•:•:•-: •:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:• C:U:•:U , :•:•:•:•:•:•"•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•.•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:• ·•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•!• <!•!•!•! <- • » •!• .:
Popcorn. Forum Guest .
Charles Cole of Campbell, Calif., will talk on " Know Yoursell Through Graphology" at the 12th and final Popcorn Forum of the year, at 11 a.m. Friday in the Student Union Building at North Idaho COilege. The format of the forum will include a 30minute address by Cole on what graphology is. Following this talk, the speaker will receive samples of handwriting from the audience and do an analysis of these samples using numbers as identification to protect the privacy of the individuals Jnvolved. Charles Cole
-""~..- ....... ~
of Oswald's handwriting. "From my examination, J still feel Oswald did this as a loner," Cole reminsced. "He was mad at society and especially authority. So, he picked the highest authority he could reach.'' Cole was introduced to graphology in 1941 by a German refugee who was a professional graphologist in Germany and an editor of a small town German newspaper that oooosed When discussing the science of graphology, Cole said: "The personality of a person can
.......................•.•.• •,•..•..•.•...•-.. ..•..•.• . .... ........................................ ..............•..•. •.•.•..•.•.••••···· . _
be analyzed with a 90 to 95 per cent of ac- level. Many firms will not hire anyone for an curacy.·• important position without one of his Cole has analyzed the handwriting of many analyses. Many of these clients have had well known people. For example, on the day more than 200 analyses; one of them has had Lee Harvey Oswald was shot, a San Fran- more than 1,000. His clients have included cisco Examiner reporter gave Cole a sample such famous personalities as the well known Hitler's rise to fame. After being tutored by San Franc.isco attorney, Melvin Belli. the German graphologist, Cole took a correspondence course in graphology and Cole has conducted workshops in New York became an avid reader of graphology books. City; Washington, D.C.; Baltimore, Md.; His personnel evaluation service has been Minneapolis. Minn.: Denver and Boulder, proven 90 per cent accurate at management Colo.: Chicago and St. Charles, Ill.; Salt Lake
City, San Diego ; and many in norther California. He is founder of the American Handwriting Analysis Foundation, one of the best known national and international organizations devoted to graphology. Cole will conduct a workshop on the NIC campus (Administration Building, Room 23) at 9 a.m. Saturday. There will be a $10 charge for aJI those attending the day's workshop. The Popcorn Forum will be open to the public at no charge.
Pop corn Foru m
Violence in Politics Heads McClure Speech By C. '1 icha.-l An11tint'
Idaho Republican Senator James McClure spoke to a Popcorn Forum audience last Tuesday on " The Role of Violence in Politics" as a prelude to the North Idaho Convocation Committee's " Week of Violence" scheduled for March 18-22. Keynoting the address was McClure's statement on the impact of violence on a society as a whole. " If we had a choice between anarchy and an authoritarian government," he said, "I believe we would choose the authoritarian because it is less destructive of our individual freedom and liberties.'' Ch o ict> 8t'h•een Two
"But, I don't want to have to make that choice. Yet our political system 1s gradually forcing us into a decision between the two," McClure noted. "Violence is a poar way of deciding an argument," he remarked, "but it has become very important in determining the outcome of many of today's political decisions because of it's past success." According to McClure the same expression of violence on the college campus in the 60's has been carried over into today.
l>i,11,t'nl From " 'ithin " When organized law fails , " However," he said, "Let's there are a few who take the law not confuse the right of dissent into their own hands. Th_is is with the right of revolution. Dis- very dangerous. It is a symptom sent works from within the of a severe problem within our system while revolution seeks to .society. The answer 1s also destroy governmental within our society. not outside framework ." 1l, or the law." Concluding his remarks, , ot in Re<1I lnlt>rE'8t!I McClure said, " Violence, in my FinalJy, McClure remarked judgment, has no part in the that he believed the current U.S. political process unless people foreign policy concerning Israel are revolutionaries who are and the Arab nations was not in recognized and treated as such. the best interests of the U.S. Violence is used by people whohave no chance to change He said, ''Whenever a country accepted standards except (the Arabs) has the means through the use of force ." within their country to influence another country (via oil) then It Hrt>arl $33.00 a Bu11he l is not blackmail. I believe we McClure mentioned during should re-examine our comthe question and answer session mitments and determine a following his lecture that wheat policy that is right for the U.S" costs would have to rise to $33.00 a bushel for a loaf of bread to " However," he noted. "f want cost $1.00. to make it emphaticaUy clear to In reference to the newly the Arab countries that the U.S. forming "vigilante·· groups and has no intention of abandoning committees in the area , he said, Israel. "
T rucker's Impatient
He said, "The trucker's strike is a good example. The trucker's became impatient with the governmental process and took matters into their own hands resulting in a loss of life and property." " In our society the best way to solve a problem is by a dialogue and discussion and then a vote. We then accept the decision of the majority. lf we don't, we get back to Violence which is always an expression of the minority," said McClure.
SENATOR JAMES McCLURE (R-IDAHO) speaks to a Popcorn Forum audience. He talked of violence In politics and violence In our society and Its effects on all of us.
NORTII IDAHO COIJ..,EGE POPCORN FORUM LECTURE SERIES 1974- 75 Academic Year 1. . Idaho Republican Candidates Wayne Kidwell ., Jack I1urphy., Bob Smith., and Congressman Steve Symms - Topic: "Campaign 197411 ( 9-20 - 74) 2.
The Amazing Jim Richardson - Topic:
( 9- 23-74)
Dr . Willis B. Merriam - Professor Emeritus of Geography., WSU - Topic: "Alaska : Panhandle., South Central and Artie" (10-11 - 74)
Idaho Democratic Candidates Senator Frank Church., Governor Cecil Andrus, Attorney General Tony Park., and J . Ray Cox - Topic: Campaien 197411 (10 - 18 - 74)
Dr. Grover Krantz - WSU Professor of Anthropology - Topic :
(10- 24-74)
Kootenai County Republican and Democratic Candidates for the State Legislature (11 - 4 - 74)
Mr. Les Purce - Pocatello City Councilman - Topic: the Idahoans" (11-14- 74)
Dr. Thatcher Hubbard - Spokane 1'ID - Topic:
Mr . J erome Eden - Topic:
"Values and customs of
(1 - 17- 75)
(1 - 27- 75)
10 . Dr. Judy Kunofsky - Population Coordinator for the Sierra Club - Topic : "Zero Population Growth" ( 2-3- 75)
Dr. Willis Reese - University of Idaho Psychology Professor - Topic : "Human Sexuality" (4- 11- 75) Mr . John Roskelley - World Famous Mountain Climber - Topic : Mounta ineering in the Himalayas" (S- 1 - 75)
Sefl ·
Unofficial GOP Day Keeps Politicos Busy By Jim Macknlckl Press Staff Writer Though not proclaimed officially , Friday was Republican day in Coeur d'Alene with candidates and voters turning out en masse to a variety of functions throughout the day. Wayne Kidwell, GOP candidate for attorney general, started off the day's activities with a 7:30 breakfast meeting at the Iron Horse Restaurant while other candidates and elected officials spoke at other morning events. Even the wives of the candidates were busy, staging a lunch-time style show at the Sourdough Restaurant east of the city. There was standing room only at the North Idaho College Popcorn Forum lecture series which featured the Idaho Republican candidates for state and federal offices in the November election. Students and non-students alike crowded int-0 the NIC Edminster Student Union building to hear Kidwell ; 1st District Congressman Steve Symms, who is seeking re-election ; Lt. Gov. Jack Murphy, GOP candidate for governor ; and Bob Smith, candidate for the U. S. Senate. _Speaking first at the Popcorn Forum, Kidwell said the United States is almost becoming a nation run by regulations and if he were elected he would work to reverse the trend to insure the state's individuality. Murphy, too, said be was concerned about federal encroachment in the State of Idaho and charged that the national government Is attempting to gain control of the Middle Snake River. "Idaho's contribution to the scenic river area is almost half that of the nation's total," Murphy said. He added that if proponents of the proposed recreation area on the Middle Snake have their way, Idaho's contribution to the nation's scenic river areas will be 90 per cent of the national total. "This is nothing more than an attempt to make a scenic river out of a working river," Murphy said. U. S. Senate hopeful Bob Smith said
regardless of a person's political philosophy all individuals want a nation where men are free, where they can live in a clean environment and where it is possible for a person to work bis way out of a ghetto. "The problem comes," Smith said, "when you ask the question how do you accomplish that goal." Smith said early in the country's history a form of socialism was tried but people did not have enough to eat or enough warm clothes to wear and it was only when free enterprise took over that people were well clothed and fed. "Which is the most humanitarian approach," Smith asked. "The one that sounds good and doesn't work or the one that works?" Smith said the country was founded on the rights of the individual and because of that freedom the United States was able to advance. Smith said if current government regulations existed years ago men like the Wright brothers would have been investigated by a senate committee. " If we destroy our freedoms we will go back to the middle ages and believe me we are on our way," Smith said. Congressman Steve Symms, speaking last, told the audience that money today is less valuable because of the irresponsible spenders in Washington. " It now takes '55,000 a minute to service the interest on the national debt and 45 cents out of every dollar you earn is paid
back to the government in taxes," Symms said. Symms said while Congress promises the nation great programs it does not have the guts to raise taxes to pay for them with the result being inflation. In a question-and-answer period, which was cut short by TV interviews of the candidates, Murphy said be was not sure he could live with the results of a referendum on the Snake River. With an already busy day behind them, the candidates met once more at Little John Priscell's Friday evening for a Republican spaghetti feed, which was open to the public. An estimated 150 people attended the event, shaking the candidates' hands and asking questions. While the mood for the event was optimistic, a number of candidates addressed the problem of voter apathy, noting the poor Republican turnout in the primary election. "We have a problem with apathy and we must get the Republicans out to vote, and if we can accomplish that we will win in November," Symms said. In an interview following the spaghetti feed , Symms said he bas agreed to debate Ray Cox, his Democratic opponent, in Coeur d'Alene and Caldwell but dates for the debates has not been set. Symms said that all too often officials get elected in just a popularity contest and by debating, candidates can bring the issues to the voters.
'f-11' 7 ,, ..,. 11
GOP Candidates Due ,.iit Forum Coll p Forum leeThe N.orth ~daho . e~e opcorn. with an lure series will open iltsd fh1fthRyearbFr1·1daaynd1·dates appearance by the a o epu ic c r state and federal offices in the November or . general election. t 1 p m in the Edminster StuThe program a . . . . dent Union will feature 1st District who is seeking reSteve Symms • Congressman . I ti n Lt Gov Jack Murphy, who is seekmg ~h~\iv~rno~ship; Bob Smith, candidate for the
us Senate· and Boise attorney Wayne Kidwell,
wh~ is running for the attorney general's post. Friday's program will be the first of two j r forums featuring the candidates for ma or ~11£ices in Idaho. A following lecture program w1 be for the Democratic candidates for the same . oCflces. . In announcing the program, Tony Stewart, . · co~mittee, said, chairman of the Iecture series " We are delighted to be able to brmg the major
candidates of both parties to North Idaho College so the voters can listen~ them a~ q~ them about issues in the upcoming election.
The candidates, talks will be limited to ten minutes each. Afterwards the program will be opened up to the audience for questions. . The public is welcome to attend. There 1s no admission fee, and as the name of the series im· plies, popcorn is dispensed free for the taking.
Saturday, Sept. 21, 1974, Spokane, Wash.
Idahoans Attack Federal Controls By ROBERT HARPER Sll0llefflla11-11evitw Staff Writer
COEUR d'ALENE, Idaho, Further il'ederal control over Idaho land and water drew fire Friday from two state GOP candidates at a North Idaho College Popcorn Forum. Rep. Steve Symms, R·Tdaho, and Robert Smith. Caldwell. GOP U.S. Senate candidate, also spoke at the forum which was attended b~· about 150 persons. . Lt. Gov. Jack l\lurphy, Republican gubernatorial candidate, attacked what he ter med the permissiveness or the state's Democratic admini:st ralion toward "allowing the federal domination of Idaho land and water." He patikularly criticized propcsals for a Wild and Scenic River designation for the i\riddle Snake River. " When you start locking up the Middle Snake, you invite a gradual Cederal takeover of that working river," said Mur· phy, who was lieutenant governor for eight years. He contended that the feelerthe entire Snake River wal· f'rshed if the Middle Snake were made into a wild river recreational area. F'ederal edict then could transfer water !rom the basin lo other areas regardless oC tfle impact on Idaho water users and hydroelectric 1·e· quiremenls, he sald. Wayne Kidwell, a Boise allorney and GOP candidate for attorney genernl, said he would brin.i: action In federal -court as aLtorney general lo determine lhe U.S. Al-my Corps of Engineers ~laim for authority over Lake Coew· d'Alene sh01-eline de v e I o p· ment. .\ 5imllar problem oC federal authority has developed in the case of the U.S. Forest Se\'\'· ic<> condemnation oC private lrnd for U,e Swatooth Recreation Area, Ile said. Smith, who was Symrns' t·ongressional assistant for 10 months. said I.he way lo a s.:reat future in America wa · to allow persons to own lhei1· o,\n property and to manaRc their own businesses \\'ilhoul government interference. Asked about atomic energy d1n•elopmcnt, Smith said the main problem was that government rci,1ulations had hampered atomic energy plant l'Onstruction.
New energy sources must be developed because lbe cost oC importing oil now has reached $80 million a day, he said. Smith sa id U1e oil producing nations also were gaining the ability to invest their earninl{s i'l many segments oI the . ,\merican economy. This PO· :,cs " a very serious hazard" for the nation, be said. " Even though there may be some ,pJ·oblems with atomic energy," he said. ''l think we should get on with it" and conslruct atomic power plants as soon and as fast as possible. Symms. who was elected lo the 1st District .congt·essional seat in 1972, said he had worked in Congress Lo keep his campaign pledge lo reduce the size a11d expense of government. "Our system rewards irresponsibility" in Congress, he .,aid. Symms claimed Con~Tcss operated "a big con game" by promising Pl'?· g,-a ms cannot be f•· nanced with existing tax revenue. Because Congress will 11ol raise taxes lo !und the new progt·ams, he saici, "we pay !or it with inflation" arising from inCJ.·eased government borrowing. This has produced an in!latcd money supply and a nation. a I debt which is eosting lhe country $55,000 a minute. he sc1d. In nddltion, l:,ymms main· lained l.hal such government agencies as tJ1c Environmen ta l Protection .\gency and lhr Occu1)alional S a I et y and Health Ad m i n i .s t 1· a l i on • t runched down'' on lhe eclor or lhe economy Asked about proposals to protect the privacy of cilizen$, Kidwell said he would seek lo allow private citizens lo block the state from selling copies of their drivers' licenses and motor vehicle registratiot1s to mail order houses.
Jim RichardSOI\ 111 cf>/.1 / I e r~
Mentalist To Appear At College The second NIC Popcorn Forum of this academic year will feature Jim Richardson from Washington, D.C., at 11 a.m. Monday. Richardson is known as _a mentalist who mystifies his audience in performance after performance throughout the United states. He has a degree in psycholo~y f~om The American Umvers1ty and a masters degree from George Washington University. He ~s also done postgraduate work m experimental psrcho~ogy at The American Umvers1ty_. Performing for hours "'.1thout repeating a test or experiment, Richardson works equally well with both large and sma_ll groups. He refuses to en~age m longwinded lectures but ,~stead provides one audience demonstration after another for more than an hour. The Amazing Richa~dson tells members of the audience what they had for breakfast, their unspoken thoughts, nam~s of their relatives and even the_ir d r eams. In one of h ~s experiments, while h~ is prevented from se~1ng, members of the aud1enre collect and mix rings, keys, photographs. and oth~r personal items. Upon feeling . the article Richardson d.escri~es the owner and returns it lo him without asking a single ques· lion. He also does .such demonstrations as runmng a needle through his hand. The Popcorn Forum lecture series is presented al lhe ~dminsler Student Union Bu1ldmg on· the North Idah? _College campus. The public is mv1led.
The Druids, an order of priests in ancient Gaul and Britain, believed that on Halloween , ghosts, spirits, fairies, witches and elves came out to harm people . From these Druidic beliefs comes the present use of witches, ghosts and cats at Halloween . T·hese beliefs are reputed for their connection with the occult and witchcraft or black magic. These factors have nothing to do with psychic phenomena and ESP ( extra sensory perception). We recently had a Popcorn Forum at which guest Jim Richardson spoke on by Dee Anne M c Carley the subject of psychic experiences . • Jim was born and r aised in Washington D. C . , where he had access to the Library of Congress, and therefore had the opportunity to read quite a few old and rare books on magic and witc hcraft. His first field of was visual perception; he was interested in illusions, "Illusions can tell you a lot about how we perceive". He later became interested in mental magi cians, ma gicians and the oc c ult , "and it all just fit together". The event which got him started in psychic research was the appearance of an apparition when he was 1 6 years o l d. "People think that you are crazy when you say that yo u have seen
A Tak
with Jim Richardson
something o u t of the ordinary". His tricks: "Mostly showmanship". He can tell about someone through an object by "perception thru appearance" . It is the same principle as tarot cards , dice or astrology the items give the person something to focus on . I asked Jim if he really does have an unusual men tal ability. To this he replied, "The only time I do it (mental telepathy) is when we are getting together for this purpose. I don 1 t do traditional meditation • •• once the show is over, that's it, I just turn it right off. I mean, you can't turn it on and off like a lightbulb though". He does have to mentally prepare himself for each performanc e. As for reading people's minds he feels it is an invasion of privacy, not unlike reading someone's mail. He doesn 1 t even wish to know his own future, much less someone else's. In conclus i on, he said that there are some people who can actually read minds anytime they want to, but if they u se this " power" for personal gain they will never be able to use it again. You see •• • there is something that prevents them from doing this .
lo - tK - 7'f
Democrats applaud p arty's progress Democratic candidates for both National and state officers today applauded the progress made by themselves and the party in recent years. The candidates, Gov. Cecil Andrus, U.S. Sen. Frank Church, Atty. Gen. Tony Park and Coeur d'Alene attorney J. Ray Cox appeared together at North Idaho College for the fourth Popcorn Forum Prgram this year. Inrlation was the key issue discussed by the candidates with Sen. Church saying that the present national administration's policy of high interest rates is not working. Church spoke for the Democratic party by saying, " Democrats have and are opposed to high interest rates" which ultimately arrect such things as the housing market
Gov. Cecil D. Andrus
and the woods of Idaho. The candidates all refered to the party's support for the Sunshine Initiative with Park ¡saying that he feels the initiative is the "watershed issue for ldhao'' this year. Park, in answering a question on the issue, said the party is united behind the intiative and that the people are going to have to get out and support the issue as it takes a majority of the aggrigate voles cast for the governor for the Initiative to pass. Sen. Church lauded the leadership in ldhao. saying. " I wish that we could have enjoyed the quality of leadership on the national level that we have had in ldhao," and urged Idaho voters to continue with the strong leadership provided by the Democratic party both in Idaho and on the national level.
Shoot Bigfoot if you see it By Diana Huber Press Staff Writer Is it legal to shoot a sasquatch7
Dr. Grover Krantz, associate professor of anthropology at Washington State Unive~lty, not only assured his audience Thursday that It was, but encouraged anyone to shoot one to verily their existence. "Right now, shooting a sasquatch, or Bigfoot, Is as legal as shooting a unicorn, since the existence of the creature bas never been documented, Dr. Krantz said. "Just be sure you don't shoot a guy in a fur suit." Krantz, who Is rapidly becoming one of the world's foremost experts on "Bigfoot" spoke yesterday at a popcorn forum at Nor th Idaho College before a capacity audience, telling the students what ls known to date about the existence of the Bigfoot and urging them ¡to contact him with any information they might have on the creature. Krantz said that he was quite skeptical about the existence of Bigfoot until be studied footprints and plaster casts of footprints purportedly made by the creatures. "The front part of the foot ls relatively short when compared to a human foot, Indicating that the ankle Is farther forward, right where It would have to be to sQpport a creature some eight feet tall and weighing about 800 pounds," Krantz said. He said anyone faking the foot¡ prints would have to be both an expert on anatomy and an exceptional engineer and would have bad to travel hundreds of miles laying thousands of footprints since they are always in remote places. " And for every set found, hundreds must go undiscovered," he said. Another reason Krantz feels It would have been difficult for anyone to have faked all of the prints is that the earliest documented ones date back to the 1930s and it would be hard for any one person to remaln that active that long. Other theories Krantz said be has discounted include one In which a rge group of pranksters sworn to crecy willi the expert anatomiatengineer as their leader use a Imp machine someone bad invented to make the tracks.
Krantz feels that if it were a group of pranksters, someone would have let the secret out by now. A machine would leave uniform tracks and the tracks that have been found are far from unUonn, be said. Krantz went into detail about the most recent sighting of Bigfoottracks in the southwest corner of Washington, saying that be bad been called into the area and estimated the number of tracks at 200. He said be had studied 40 to 50 of the tracks which were intact and that they appeared to be authentic. "The tracks bad about three times the surface area of a human footprint, meaning that they should leave an impression about one-third as deep as a man's print if made by a man." I walked beside these prints and in places they were deeper than mine, indicating that the creature that made them was about three times my weight, or some 800 to 800 pounds," Krantz said. The distance between the tracks, according to Krantz, was Uve feet rrom heel to heel even on a down bill slope, indicating that the creature was about eight feet tall. During bis discussion at the college, Krantz showed plaster casts of two different Bigfoot prints and a plaster cast of a hand, which he said oolonged to a Bigfoot. In explaining why no skeletal remains of a Bigfoot bad ever been found, Krantz said be had talked to many big-game bunters and bunting guides and asked if they had ever seen a skeleton from a cougar or bear that had died a natural death. None ever had. Krantz concluded that since bean and poaibly even cougars are more numerous than the Bigfoot, chances of flncting a skeleton were extremely poor. In estimating the population of sasquatches, Krantz noted that there had to be at least 200 individuals, male, female, and immature to malntaln a breeding population. On sightings, be said that there were some 600 which bad reached the newspapers, meaning that several thousand must have gone unreported or unbelieved. If this estimate of sightings waa anywhere near correct, it means that more persons have seen Sasquatcbes than have actually seen grizzly bean.
Concrete proof? Popcorn Forum 11ctur1r Grover Krantz (lttt) 1hoW1 a plaster cast of a "Bigfoot" print to moderator Tony Stewart. "It Is this kind of deformity showing up In some of the footprints that
causes me to believe that If they are faked, It Is by a brllllant anatomist, because It Is the kind of deformity that would occur In
a very large, heavy creature," Krantz said. - Press Photo
Candidates¡, Popcorn mix at NIC Land-use planning, state-supported kindergartens and the welfare system occupied the lion's share of the time at Monday's Popcorn Forum, which featured Republican and Democratic candidates seeking posts in Legislative Districts Two and Three. The candidates vying for the six legislative seats answered questions posed by members of the audience for the sixth North Idaho College Popcorn Forum of the year. On the program were Ivan Hanson, Republican. and Art Manley, Democrat, running for the senate seat in District 2; Democrats Dr. Frances Heard and Roy Bodine and Republicans Gary Ingram and C. W. Neider. seeking the two house seats from District 2. District 3 ca.ndidates are Cy Chase. Democrat, running unopposed for the Senate seat, and Emery Hedlund and John Cooper. Democrats, and Dolly Hartman, Republican, who are vying for the two House seats. Bud Lewis. also seeking a House seat in District 3, was unable to attend. The questions poseg by the audience centered around three major issues : land-use planning, state-supported kindergartens and the welfare system.
Senate incumbent Hanson suggested that land-use planning should remain in the bands of the local government and maintained that public education should be upgraded before supporting kindergarten. On the issue of welfare. Hanson said cutting stale spending was the means or reducing taxes and thus helping the lower-income groups. Manley suggested that state land-use planning is needed to insure all counties in the state will have it. but he claimed "community controi'was important" in dealing with the problem. On kindergartens, Manley supported the program on the same level that the state supports public schools. Manley explained the welfare problems as being primarily centered in the federal program and said that state assistance is needed to help solve the problems of Idaho's program. Mrs. Heard strongly supported state fur.ding of kindergarten and gave unequivocal support for state land-use planning," so we can keep Idaho unspoiled. " On the issue of welfare she claimed tha t the Idaho legislature "can't provide state solutions to a federal problem" and that the problem is centered in the agency itself. Bodine favored welfare aid to people who need help and the control of spending to help
on the tax burden for the poor. With regard to education, he said kindergarten funding is the most critical problem and that vocational 'education was of primary importance. Re also claimed that local control with state assistance was necessary for effective landuse planning. Ingram .felt that the inadequacies in funding of public schools needed to be rectified before supporting a kindergarten program. His position on welfare was that government interference through such things as high interest rates are hurting the people and that the free enterprise system would help if the government' would give il a chance. He also maintained that land-use planning required local control to be at all effective. Neider responded to the kindergarten issue by saying that under the Idaho Constitution, public support of kindergartens would be unconstitutional because it limits state aid to education to the age groups of 6 to 18. On land-use planning, Neider felt the local constituency should handle their own planning because of the differ e nces in t he geographical and industrial makeup of the state. Welfare, Neider said, was to help the disabled and others needing it and not those
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<1ble to work. Chase said welfare was to help those who need it and maintained support for the state kindergartens. Land-use planning, Chase said, was important on the local level with state aid when necessary. Hedlund agreed that state-supported kindergartens were needed and that the welfare system should be taking care of those who need the program. Hedlund, who has been a member of the land-use committee, maintained that the state needs to "start thinking of the future'' to protect the millions of acres that are being destroyed each year. Land-use planning is one means of protecting that land, he said. Cooper supported land-use planning and voiced support for kindergarten with the stipulation of available funding. He also maintained that the welfare system in Idaho is a good one and benefits could be increased as long as the state stays within the budget. Mrs. Hartman was opposed to public support for kindergarten at the present time and advocated total local control over local land. With regard to welfare, Mrs. Hartman said tax cuts are needed and stimulation of business is needed to put the people to work and get them off welfare.
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The Coeur d'Alene Pre11 TuH., Nov.5, 1974
C. W. Neider
Art Manley
Roy Bodine
Emery Hedlund
J-2-S--7,r M frers
UFO author forum speal{er Lights flash, winds blow, an object flies by and you stand there rubbing your eyes and wondering if you have just lost half of your marbles. You have just seen an unidentified flying object, more commonly known .as a tJFO. ~me people believe in such things; others th1~ !1Jal they are a figment of one's Im· agmabon. Many people take a "I'll believe It when I see it attitude." U you are a believer or a skeptic of UFO's, North Idaho College will be hosting a popcorn Forum which should be of some interest. The Corum will begin at 10 a.m., Monday, in the Edminster Student Union Building. The public is invited. The 9th forum of the year will host Jerome Eden, an author and freelance editor who bas studied UFO's and their impact on the earth. Eden bas written three books related to UFOs, "Orgone Energy. - The Answer to Atomic Suicide," "Planet in Trouble, - the UFO Assault on Earth," and ··Animal Hll
Magnetism and the Life Energy." Eden actively studied the works of Or. Wilhelm Reich who theorized that USOs use Organees a propulsive power and thty also emit a highly toxic, radioactive substance which is causing widespread chaos, tor· nadoes, hurricanes, and the depletion of planetary life energy. Tony Stewart, chairman of the Popcorn Forum Committee, said "l am happy we have found someone to bring to the Popcorn Forum to speak on a subject that is so interesting, controversial, and one that bas much information to yet be uncovered. "Since the inception of the Popcorn Forum five years ago, I have 1>een looking for a speaker to deal with this topic. "Eden will be an 1n1.eresting lecturer in that he not only deals with a controversial s~bj~ct but further creates controversy ~1thin the UFO organizations about his par· bcular position.•• Lift
Sexualit y topic of for~m Human sexuality will be the topic of North Idaho College's 11th Popcorn Forum of the year, at 1 p.m. Friday, in the Edminister Student Union Building. Or. Willis w. Rees, assistant professor of psycholo~y at the University of Idaho will be the featured speaker. "He will deal with all aspects of
d'Alene, Idaho
and provocative, said St~wart. " His lecture should be one of mlense interest for both students and general public alike." · . Rees has authored numerous arll· cles on human sexuality in professional journals and is pres~ntly completing a book on the sub}~ct. In keeping with the traclition_or tpe lecture series. popcorn will be "The subject matter on which Or. Rees speaks is both contemporary served to those attending.
human sexuality including marriage, pre and extra-mari~l sexual relationships, sexual deviance a_nd he will explore these subjects w!th the insights provided through s!~d1~s such as Masters and Johnson, said Tony Stewart, chairman of the lecture committee.
Ap r il 25, 1975
Volume 29 No. 6
Rees censures sex laws " You can be imprisoned in Idaho if you perform sex using any other method than the ' missionary position'," stated Dr. Willis Rees at a recent NIC •Popcorn Forum. Rees elaborated, " Laws like this one must have been thought up by old men and spinsters from 90 or something.'' The Ass ista nt Professor of Psychology from The University of Idaho spoke on the topic of " Human Sexuality" to a full house at the forum and received rounds of applause from the receptive audience for his comments. Dr. Rees based his theory upon eight values (bricks) which be feels are most important to a full, rewarding sexual relationship. These values are: liberal sex education; love and compassion; honestv :
·freedom, jus tice and fair play ; responsibility; confidentiality; communication and patience ; and tenderness. Each value was reinforced by Rees, who commented, " reproduction is essential to the perpetuation of life ; love and compassion, coupled with natural sex, is the most rewarding experience in life.'' Dr. Rees also indicated that much sentimentality is involved on the subject of sex education in public schools. As he stated, " I spoke on the subject in Lewiston awhile back and some people got up a petition to bar me from the city."
Dr. Willis Rees
NIC Popcorn Forum
Mountaineer featured speaker John Roskelley will speak on " ExUne ot the persons who has succespedition Mountaineering in the sfully climbed Mount Ohauligiri, the sixth highest mountain in the world, Himalayas," in conjunction with a will be the featured speaker in North slide show on bis 1973 conquest of the Idaho College's 12th Popcorn Forum 26 ,800 foot mountain . Mount Obauligiri is the highest mountain of the yt'ar.
ever c.limbed without the use of oxygen, in the world. The Forum will be at noon Thursday in Room 103 of the Seiter Hall of Science. Following Roskelley·s presentation. a question and answer
period will be held. Roskelley , a graudale of Washington State University in geology , is a member of the American Alpine Club and has climbed for 10 years. '
EIGHT OF THE twelve candidates for city government appeared In the Cardlnal Room for a 'Meet the Candidate' night, Oct. 29. Pictured above are, from left to right, Don Johnston, Stan Eischen, Ron Edinger, Ray Koep, Al Hassel, moderator Tony Stewart, Tom Kane, John Cooper, and Lisle Harwood. Not present
were Reed Condie, Mike Shrock, Marvin Erickson, and Dick Dogherra. Each of the candidates presented a brief speech, stating his opinion and position on matters concerning the city of Coeur d'Alene. Foilowlng the speeches the candidates enjoined In a lengthy questionanswer period, during which time individuals
from the audience of about 150 people asked questions or requested clarlflcatlon of points not fully understood. Below, the Cardinal Review has compiled a brief resume containing general Information and pertinent quotes presented by the candidates. (Photo by Autio)
City Candidates Speak S""t;orj
Registration tor NQv. 6 Electio~ Being Held at North Idaho Today
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(~ lcaub1nal uev1ew· Volume 28, Number 5 Friday, November 2, 1973
Coeu, d"AIM•, Idaho
Ron Edinger, 37, a Community Action Committee candidate for the office of mayor says " I would consider appointing a woman to fill ·my vacancy on the city council." Edinger's platform includes a fire stalion for the north end of the city, continued improvement of city streets, continued expansion of city sewage system, continued wage improvement, recreation facilities in the northwest end of the city and an indepth study of and more rigid regulations in R-1 zoning. Edinger also stated " We should maintain our land and waterfront and put it to good use for the people of the community.•· REED CONDI E
Reed Condie, 51, an independent candidate for the position of mayor is running because " I decided it was time to get involved. I feel qualified to be mayor because of the length of time I have lived here and because I'm familiar with Coeur d'Alene and the things that have transpired here." Condie, a building contractor in the Coeur d'Alene area for 22 years, says " I haven't always agreed with what's transpired i.n city government here, but in • general it's been good government." RI CHARD S. DOCHERRA Richard S. " Dick" Dogherra, 39, an independent candidate for the office of city councilman feels " For too long we, the American people, have let the professional and slick politicians run the country when we ourselves should be taking a greater and more involved part in our political process." Dogherra. owner and operator of Performance Wheel .Jind Brake since December claims "rhave decided to get involved and declare my candidacy." Dogherra lives at 417 Military Drive with his wife Lottie and their four children.
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J. K .\ '<t-:
Thomas J . Kane, 37, a candidate for city Ray Koep, 56, a Community Action councilman feels " Coeur d'Alene has not Committee candidate for a city counhad the sincere. aggressive leadership it cilman position says " I feel my needs, especially in the water issue. I feel hackground, both in and out of business, that when you sit back on you laurels, you gives me the ability to exercise sound are going backward, not forward." Judgement in the application of the aims Kane. a partner of Derby/ Kane Realty of the people of the community." Co. says " Too many things are ramroded Koep, Coeur d'Alene resident since 1927 through by the present city council. This and owner/ manager of Acme Personnel, makes it diflicult to get the details for any reels " The city government must be question citizens might have. No wonder shrewd in its dealings because it is easy to nobody ever goes to the city council hurt the people you are tr, ing to serve." meetings : they wonder what the heck good ··1 feel as a property owner we must will it do?" evaluate the many assets we have while adapting them to the many people and opLJSU: HARWOOD Lisle Harwood, 72, a Concerned Citizens portunities that will be preS'!nted to Coeur For A Better Coeur d'Alene candidate for if i\lene as it grows." l l ARVI N R. ERI CKSON city councilman feels " The job of the city Marvin R. Erickson, 31, an independent council is to listen to the problems of the candidate for the position of city counpeople." Harwood, retired from Kaiser cilrnan states " I feel an obligation to do Aluminum in 1967, believes in "good, whatever I can." A six year resident of the Coeur d'Alene honest government for all with special privileges for none, with the best police area . Eric.kson is an independent reforestation contractor . and fire protection possible. " He resides at 1010 21st Ave. with his wife He says, " I believe in good, common sense and taking a careful look at Sharon and their four children. .\. J. " AL" HASSEL questions. I feel I have the ability to listen A. J . " Al" Hassel, 29, an independe'"lt to both sides of a question and come to a candidate for city councilman, in fair decision on any matter." · reference to an Oct. 29 candidate-public OON JOHNSTON meeting said, " A great deal of informaDon Johnston, 45, incumbent candidate tion not previously known is coming out at for the position of city councilman feels this meeting tonight, and I believe this "City government is, or should be, the emphasizes our whole problem, the lack of most responsive and most important part communication between local government of our country and always has been. " and citizens." Johnston, a Coeur d'Alene native, says ·•1 filed early and I talked to several " It is not a matter of trying to please hundred people all over town. I feel going somebody, but to stay in touch with the. out into the community is really the only community." way to get the true feelings of the people." On the water issue (Idaho Water Co.) he Hassel, a three year resident and said, " We are proceeding forward careful- manager of Pacific Finance and Loans, ly on the issue of buying the water com- claims " I like to look ahead at what a decipany so it will not be tossed out on a sion now would mean to the future, looking technh::ality as it was 20 years ago." beyond short-term gains.'' -
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Stan Eischen, 43, a Community Action Committee candidate for city councilman says " I like to compare local government to a business. For both to be run efficiently it takes mature, responsible leadership." Eischen, manager of Montgomer; Wards and a five year resident, feels " basically, it has been my conviction that, in order to make democracy work, we all have to take a part. This part, I feel, I'm best suited for at this time and it is my way of serving my community. " ''I will work for an orderly growth of our community so we can be proud of it as it ~rows." JO HN W. COOPER
John W. Cooper, 65, a six year resident vieing for a city councilman position says " The present city council represents business, not the homeowner, the one who foots the bill for government by tax dollars.'' " The homeowner is presently facing an increase in property taxes despite Federal assistance. Now I call that utter mismanagement on the part of our present administration." ~per, a reti~ed Chemist, says " I believe our shorelines ·md beaches must be protected and we should have more playgrounds." ROBERT M. SHROCK
Robert M. " Mike" Shrock, 29, an independent candidate for a city council position feels " Coeur d'Alene is going to grow and grow fast and I want to help it grow in the right way.'' Shrock, a four year resident and owner of Mike's Appliance Repair says " since I plan to raise my children here, I don't want the mess here we've had in other cities. I don't want Coeur d' Alene to turn into another Los Angeles suburb." Shrock resides at 1910 N. 9th with bis wife Joyce and their two children.
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