1975-76 Academic Year 1. 2.
3. 4.
5. 6.
7. 8.
c. Geral.dson, Pacific Northwest l!.'xpert on UFO's - Topic: ''UFO' e are Real) (9-2-75) Dr.Rolando E. Bonachea, Boise State University Professor of International Rela.tions - Topic: :rvlhat is Happening in Cuba 11 (9-10-75) Ma. Jackie Kuntzelmen, Spokesperson for Women's Rights in Oregon - Topic: "The Effect of Women's Liberation on Middle Aged Women" (10-10-75) Gregory Cac\Y, Pacific Northwest Hyponotist - Topic: 11Hypnotism" (10-16-75) ¡ State Senator Mary Helm, State Senator from Oklahoma and..,Lecturer for the John Birch Society - Topic: "The Equal Rights' Ametidment: Another Federal Power Grab 11 (11-10-75) Honorable Tom McCall , Former Governor of Oregon - Topic: "Alternative Energy Sources 11 (11-14-75) Leona Hassen and Tony Stewart, NIC Faculty - Topic: "NIC Summer Classes in U.S. S.R. and Finland'¡ ( 1-16-76) Representatives of Idaho Forest Council - Topic: 11Reforestization 11 (1-21-76) Ms . Lenore
9. Ms. Echo Innes - Jl1ember National Board for National. Organization for Women, NOW - Topic: "The Feminist J.1ovement 11 (2-6-76) 10. Ken Lustig - Topic: 11.
The Housing Ban on the Rathdrum Prarie" (2-23-76)
Dr. Duane T. Gish - Associate Director Institute for Creation Research, San Diego - Topic:
"Creation vs. Evolution and the Scientific Evidence" (3-1-76)
Loretta Dunnigan, Marvin Jones, and Colonel John McFarland - Topic: "History of the Pacific Northwest and Federal Fort Coeur d'Alene" (3-16-76)
Norma Woodbury - Topic:
Jerome Eden - Author of books on UF0 1 s - Topic: Assault on the Earth 11 (4-5-76)
Dr. Woodruff Sullivan - University of Washington Astromony Professor - Topic:
''Graphology" (3-29-76)
''Extraterrestrial Communication" (4-28-76) 1970-71 thru 1975-76 - Total of
85 Popcorn Forums
The Planet in Trouble:
The Cardinal Review Staff
1- (' ... .:.
Lecture on UFO's featured at Forum "UFO's, Fact or Phantom," a lecture by Fred and Lenore Geraldson, drew mixed reactions from students and guests at the Sept. 2 Popcorn Forum in the NIC student union building. The Geraldson's presentation in· eluded supporting evidence such as photographs of the ships and a copy of recorded sighting investigations com· piled by the Air Force in 1966. " American people would suffer from mass hysteria," Mrs. Geraldson quoted a top Air Force official as saying was the reason given her for con· cealing the "Blue Book" information on the subject of UFO's. Mrs. Geraldson said that over 28 years have gone into the study and in· vestigation of UFO's. Government officials and National Aeronautics and Space Administration representatives know much about
the 'extra-terrestial" crafts. She warned, "People must open up their minds to the truth. " Fred Geraldson narrated a film strip which showed various shaped craft ranging from inverted saucer to bell shaped objects. Two photos showed a figure the shape of a spaceman with a life sustaining unit on his back, standing beside one of the saucer ships. One student questioned the speakers on the credibility of the pictures and other material collected as being fac· tual evidence. Lenore Geraldson replied, "I don't know what constitutes fact in your mind." Mr. and Mrs. Geraldson requested that the funds normally paid to guest lecturers by NIC, and available to them, be donated to the school's scholarship fund.
/0 - '" - 7 ~-
II ypno't isf't{)':. perfOrm Hypnotism is the feature topic when veteran stage and night club performer Gregory Cady, "the Man With The Hypnotic Eyes," gives a performance at North Idaho College's Popcorn Forum at 1 p.m. Thursday. Cady, who bas been a return engagement performer at many Northwest campuses, has appeared for on-stage hypnosis of cooperating audience members in bis pel'90naJ appearances ~ "!~:! r::.:cring Oregon S~te Unhcr:tlty s!:e !Jas
•:! cctlvc In st1.:!ent pc!. tic. and th~ fom!nlst \~. .:.!
from Palm Springs, California's Inter· national Hotel to Fairbanks, Alub's Steak Pit Lounge. Students under age 18 who agree to hypnosis on stage will be required to present written parental approval at the C84y performance sponsors noted. Cady also will be interviewed on the North Idaho College Public Forum at 6 p.m. Nov. 9 over television station KSPS out of Spokane.
C Oli
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10-IS- 7.S-
Gregory Cady puts ASB president John Priscella under his hypnotic power a t the Popcorn Forum Oct. 16 in the SUB. Cady took 14 subjects on a hypnotic tour a nd then told a crowd of 300 a bout self-hypnosis.
Hypnotist captivates capacity audience By Suzie Caron
An entertaining and educational show on hypnosis was put on at the Popcorn Forum, Oct. 16 by Gregory Cady. The "Man with the Hypnotic Eyes" put 14 audience participants through a very captivating show after a short talk on the misconceptions surrounding hynotism. According to Cady, a person under hypnosis is more mentally alert than he probably ever has beE!n.
Cady pointed out that the body is "a big dummy" and once the brain takes over, it's hard to say what could happen. He demonstrated this for two hours on 14 audience volunteers.
Even ASB president John Priscella gave a rocking Elvis Presley demonstration while under Cady's power. Cady took the 14 people in a "round the world" trip, and demonstrated his power of suggestion over them. After creating an illusion of a hot, dry desert, Cady took the 14 into an icy world, causing them to instantly change their reaction. Shivering from cold and stomping
their feet, the volunteers warmed up with a "champagne party," bringing the demonstration to an end with a capacity audience of more than 300 people howling with laughter.
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McCall speaks Former Oregon Gov. Tom McHall is the keynote speaker at an Energy Symposium today at North Idaho College. The day-long symposium, sponsored by the Idaho Condervation League, is examining energy problems and policies in the state.
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The Coeur d'Alene Pres,
Wed., Nov. 12, 1975
McCall to address forum, workshop
Tom McCall, fonner governor of the state of Oregon and national environmentalist and conservationist, will be the featured speaker Friday in North Idaho College's sixth Popcorn Forum of the year in the colJege gymnasium. McCall served two terms as governor and led a state-wide drive to maintain the quality of life in the Beaver State through strong environmental legislation. Environmental' programs instituted
during McCalJ's administ_ration include the banning of pull-tab cans and non-returnable bottles, development of bicycle lanes and foot paths with portions of state highway funds and the creation of the office of energy research and planning, designed to study possible solutions to power shortages that might arise in the state.
The recipient of numerous local, state and national awards, McCall most recenUy received the Conservationist of the Year award from the
National Wildlife Federation and the Audubon Society medal. Both of these awards are national in scope and recognize McCall's leadership and devotion to protecting and preserving the environment. Tony Stewart, chainnan of the Popcorn Forum lecture series, said, "McCall's presentation Friday will be both forthright and dynamic and it will deal with issues that are critical to the existence of life as we know it today.
''We are extremely fortunate to travagance will discuss the various have former Gov. McCaJI as a Pop- costs of energy consumption, beginncorn Forum speaker, and l'm sure his ing at 9:30 a.m. in the gymnasium. presentation will be something that Following McCall's forum lecture, Pveryone will enjoy." Stewart said. a no-host luncheon will be in the colThe forum , scheduled to begin at 11 lege ·s Student Union Building. A a.m. in the college gymnasium, will series of subgroup discussion groups be in conjunction with a day-long then will explore various alternatives energy workshop on "The Price of to energy extravagance throughout Energy Extravagance" being spon- the afternoon. sored by the Idaho Conservation Both the panel presentations and League. Conner Gov. McCall's presentation Preceding McCall's presentation, a will be open to the public with no adpanel on the costs of energy ex- mission fee.
~~ 7k UJwt. tllfb,,.,
Vol. 70, No. 94
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, Saturday, November 15, 1975
McCall decries energy policy By Robert Jones Press City Editor Related story on page 12
The country doesn't have even a rudimentary energy policy - except for the belief that energy production is paramount, former Oregon Gov. Tom McCall said Friday. McCall was the keynote speaker at a day-long energy symposium sponsored by the Idaho Conservation League at North Idaho College. The government's "so-called policy that energy production is paramount" results in the government appearing willing to ,allow the environment to take a beating, McCall said. "I'm not an anti-growth person, but I shudder when I hear talk about ~ nuclear plants 10 the West and 800 across the nalion ... when there are no national decisions on how much energy we truly have to have." McCall said. The country s so-called policy pays only lip service to conservation, McCall said. "I sympathize with the frustration of
some over the lack of any bill for strip m1010g reclamation, just as I feel anxiety and frustration myself over President Ford's lack of a national land use planning btll," McCall said. McCall called for a national energy policy beginning from the local and state levels that would include all facets of the private and public sector. " We need a national energy policy. We need to strengthen our environmental policies and wrap them all up 10 a comprehensive bundle of national goals, " McCall said. Calling for total involvement, McCall said everyone has a responsibility to make sure there is a national energy poltcy ··If ,•nough people get into the act, we then may have a bluepr10t for an energy polic y of the people , not the bureacracy," he said. Expre,;s,ni, a lark of C'onfidPnc-e in Congress and President Ford, McCall said. ··we must try to do a better job on the state level to compensate for what the federal government isn't doing."
Former Gov. McCall criticizes energy policy He says policy pays only lip service to conservation
' Friday, November 21, 1975
McCall sparks energy forum
Tom McCall, former Oregon governor and recipient of numerous conservation and environmental awards, was welcomed with a standing ovation at a Popcorn Forum Nov. 14 in the NIC gymnasium. McCall spoke to a crowd of about 300 on the importance of joint efforts by state, local and federal governments in facing the growing problem of depleting resources in this country. "Wt: need to strengthen state and local environmental policies into a comprehensive bundle of efficient national policies," McCall said. "We must consolidate efforts between the states." Everyone is responsible for making a workable policy, according to the former governor. . " If enough Americans work together and establish an energy policy it would be a masterpiece of the people, not of the bureaucracy," McCall said. McCall said he does not agree with
the ERT A plan proposed by the federal government. He said that it seems our government is primarily concerned with energy production rather than energy conservation. It appears that our government is willing to let the environment take a beating, according to McCall. He said that the planning of energy use is not on the list of priorities in the ERTA plan. " We need less technological development and more practical use 9f the technologies we already have and understand," he said. McCall said that too many people are being put out of work by increased tecllnology. He stressed that everyone should share the consequences of increased energy needs, not just the coal states. McCall concluded, "Consider what the human animal is doing to himself. We have had sufficient warning and now it is time to understand and take
UFO theory forum topic Jerone Eden not only believes the human race is being endangered by alien beings who travel through space on what we call (!FOs but would like to try to prove it to you. Eden an author and free-lance editor ~ho has studied UFO'.s and their impact on the earth,. will use more than 100 pieces of evidence to try and prove this danger when he speaks to the North Idaho College
Popcorn Forum at 10 a.m. Monday. The talk is called. " Planet in Trouble: UFO Assault on Earth." Eden. who has written three books, " Orgone Energy - The Answer to Atomic Suicide"; " Planet in Trouble-UFO Assault on Earth," and " Animal Magnetism and the Life Energy,'' actively studied the works of Dr. Wilhelm Reich. Reich theorized that UFO's use
Orgone as a propellant and that they emit a highly toxic radioactive substance which is causing widespread chaos. tornadoes, hurricanes and the depletion of planetary life energy. Eden has conducted weather modification operations based on Reich's work. The forum. scheduled for the Student Union Building on campus, is open to the public.
Feminists seek identity in discriminatory era By Kay Prosser Press Family Editor
"The feminist movement is ¡ a revolution spreading all over the world in which women are seeking their individual identity," the Idaho coordinator for the National Organization for Women (NOW) said at a Popcorn Forum at North [daho College. Echo Innes. Pocatello wife and mother , said NOW is a social refuge, a group for women in transition and a group where women who have gripes will be listened to and where action is bei ng taken. "The power structure today isn 't natural," Mrs. Innes said. "At one time the female dominated society until the patriarchical system took over and women were given the work that men didn't want to do. " She said sex and race discrimination parallel each other with women relegated to the lower class just as blacks were classed as legal chattels. ¡' Men h ave used mythology to convince women and blacks they are the helpless sex with smaller brains and happy chHdlike natures. " Mrs. Innes said. "They have judged women by their lunar cycle and blacks by a musical cvcle. " We aren't trying to make women superior to men but to lift them out of the stereotypes that have crippled them for so long," she said. " Feminism is humanism for everybody. It is justifiable anger not hatred at the way we are treated.'' Mrs. Innes said women
don't have to lie about their to settle for :,vanting these age anymore when they things for the husband or reach tbe menopause. children and turning into a " We don't lose our ¡iden- nag. " But it's not the same as tity with the loss of good looks. " she said. 'After all having these same hopes men also go through a and dreams for yourself." she said. menopausal period. "With children's libera''Fo r some reaso n women have been oriented tion we can get off the kid's to think they are nothing back and see they have without a man starting equal access to thei r even in high school and col- parents and be with their lege." she said. "What own peer group." Mrs. Inmen don't realize that a nes said. "That's why it is necessary Saturday night so important to have daydate can be ~ith just any care centers which is a maman it doesn't matter jor program for NOW. she said. which one." Echo Innes " We must change educaFeminism is for children tion and develop our own Feminism is humanism too. Mrs. Innes said. The overdominati ng logic. " she said. "Question control over ourselves and mothers who happen to be 'why' men make certain start discovering our true ambitious with a lot of decisions with which we identity as individuals." hope and dreams have had don't agree. We must have
Creation as school subject? speaker says support growing Creation would be taught in school textbooks if a man visiting Coeur d'Alene has his way. Duane Gish , associate director of the San Diego-based Institute for Creation Research, said Monday that his group has succeeded partially in persuading the California State Board of Education to include creation in the state's school textbooks. He said that creation as an explanation of the origin of the universe must now be included in social science textbooks in that state but a 5-5 tie vote has prevented it from being included in science textbooks.
" We aren't trying to introduce the book of Genesis or the Bible into
school curriculum," Gish said. " We believe that on a strictly objective exa mination of the scientific evidence, that creation is a more credible theory than evolution." He said several historical and scientific facts support his conclusion. " The fossil record shows a systematic order of transition to
support evolution," Gish said, "but it cannot explain the sudden appearance of new forms of life that previously were not shown to exist. " "All of our scientific laws we have operating including the second law of thermodynamics, say that everything goes from complex to simple. Without creation, it's not possible for that to heppen," Gish stated. Gish said it is impossible for either the creation or evolution theories of the origin of the world to be proved conclusively now. " There were no human observers at the beginning, and it takes several thousand years of study to prove conclusively either of these theories," Gish said. Gish , who received a PhD in chemistry from the University of California. said the institute currently employs a staff of 20. and expects to add a fourth scientist to the group shortly. Gish said he also works for the Creation Research Society, a group of 500 persons with advanced scientific degrees.
Duane Gish Creation teaching In schools
1976-77 1.
Academic Year:
Dr. Donald Freed, UCLA Professor and Author - Topic c "Wbo Killed the Xenne~s?"
Congressman Steve Symm.s - Topic:
1976" (10-5-76)
3. Dr. Nathaniel N. Wagner, University of Waebi:agton Director of Center for Psychological Services and Rese8.1'Ch - Topic 1 An Historical Perspective" (10-8-76)
"Oolltenv;>oi,a.r.r lbm,an s«oaaJ 11-f;
Mr. Ken Pursley, Democratic Candidate for Idaho• s First Congressional District - Topic: "Campaign 197611 (10-11-76)
Mr. Larry Bengston - Topic:
6. Mr. Ross Woodward, News Di.rector for KEZE Radio, Spokane - Topic: "The United Nations' Conference on Habitat"
7. Mr. Alan Stang, Spokesperson for American Opinion - Topic:
the John Birch Society and Reporter for
''How Politicians Rob You"
8. Dr. Willis B. Merriam, Professor Emeritus of Geography, Wasb.ington State University - Topic:
"Traveling Through Greece"
Mr. Bjorn Iverson - Topic:
"The New World Calendar"
Mr. David Grant, Minority Specialist for the State of Washington - Topic: "Indian Is" (3-21-77)
11 •
Mrs. Noma Woodbury - Topic:
Mr. J. Herbert Heger, Specialist on United Statea National. Parks - 'l'opio: "The Great Smokies" (4-27-77)
The Coeur d'Alene Pre11
Wed., Sept. 8, 1976
• • assass1na t1ons Forum on
The North Idaho College Popcorn Forum will open its seventh year with the forum, ·'Who Killed the Kennedys : From Dallas to Los Angeles.'' Donald Freed, university professor and author, will lecture on the evidence surrounding the assignations of President John Kennedy and Sen. Robert Kennedy. Freed will show a version of the famous Zapruder Film dealing with John Kennedy's death and play rare voice tapes of Lee Harvey Oswald and Sirhan Sirhan. Freed has taught anthropology and
philosophy at UCLA and the California State College system. He coorinated the Erik Erikson-Huey P. Newton Yale University project, " In Search of Common Ground." Freed is the author of eight books and four plays. His best known works include " The Killing of RFK," " Executive Action " and "Big Brother and the Holding Company." Freed's prize winning play on the Rosenberg-Sobell Case, " Inquest," played on Broadway in 1970. His latest book, " A Let-Burn Situation," is the story of Patricia Hearst.
Freed's prizes include the gold medal award for "The Glasshouse Tapes" and the 1969 International Gandhi Centennial Award for his play "Bapu." He drew the largest crowd in the history of Temple University Last year for his lecture, "From Dallas to Watergate. " The Freed Popcorn Forum will be at 7:30 p.m. Monday in the North · Idaho College gym. A question period will follow his address and the Zapruder movie. The public is invited with no admission charge.
New JFK assassination probe predicted By Russ Hill
Stewart, chairman of the Popcorn Forum since its beginning seven years ago, who said it was the 86th A prediction that the U. S. program in the series. Congress will within a week vote for "Our Bicentennial will be mere a new investigation into the assasrhetoric if we don't find out who kilsination of President John F. Kenled our President in 1963," Freed nedy was made Monday night by the said. Popcorn Forum speaker at North He said that one day after the slayIdaho College. "The Warren Commission finding ing of the President, 52 per cent of is no longer credible," Donald the public rejected that the death Freed, university professor, lecturer came from the aberration of one and author said. "The people never man, Lee Harvey Oswald, and that believed the official version of the today more than 90 per cent of the people disbelieve it. committee." Freed was introduced by Tony "Cuba will be the centerpiece of Press Staff Writer
new events," said Freed who is a member of The Citizens Commission of Inquiry (CCI), a private, nonprofit corporation ba sed in Washington, D.C. He told of a theory that if a full investigation had been made at the time of the murder, it would have brought down the Kennedy family , whom he said were involved in Murder, Inc., todo away with Cuba's Castro. "You will be hearing much, much more of the argument that Castro was responsible," Freed said. He said President Johnson did
The Coeur d'Alene " Tu"., Sept. 14, 1976
this day
everything he could to stop the conspiracy idea because he thought if the people believed it it could bring about an atomic war. He forced Justice Warren to take over the investigation for protective reasons. Freed said the takeover of Cuba by Castro cost organized crime billions of dollars and, while it may seem unbelievable, American agents were working with that organized crime in " Holy Wars against Communists." He also challenged the single fanatic roles of James Earl Ray in the murder of Martin Luther King
and Sirhan Sirhan in the slaying of Sen. Robert Kennedy. " If they were fanatics , why wouldn't they be proud of it and say so?" Freed asked. "Why would they do it for a cause and then deny it?" Freed said officials at the Dallas Hospital where President Kennedy was taken said all the notes on the case had been burned. He said President Kennedy's body was illegally taken to Bethesda Hospital near Washington. " There is no record of any autopsy, which we would have for a derelict killed in an alley," Freed said.
He said there was a massive coverup in Los Angeles in the killing of Sen. Kennedy. "There was 14 bullet holes found in the pantry where he was killed, but Sirhan had a gun loaded with only eight bullets," Freed said. "Sirhan couldn't answer any question. He was programed and didn't know what happened." He said just prior to the shooting of Rev. King, a Secret Service man had told a private body guard he could go borne. "Security stripping was obvious," Freed said.
Syrnrns wants U.S. t o quit oil control There is ample proof that the nation needs to get government out of the business of regulating the domestic oil and gas industry. Rep. Steve Symms, R-Idaho, said today. day. Symms told North Idaho College students that despite the fanfare about energy independence. the government and the Congress continue to discourage energy production. Symms also met voters and fellow candidates Monday night at a "Meet the Candidates" cruise on Lake Coeur d'Alene. He also was to participate in the dedication ofthe new MC tennis courts at 10. " Figures show that despite all the talk about energy independence, domestic oil and gas production continues to decline and oil imports continue to rise. " he said. Symms told the students the
resources were available and the United States was capable of becoming an energy independent nation, but "the government must not impede the utilization and development of technology. " " We must expedite development and utilization of nuclear energy. including accelerating research and development of controlled nuclear fusion ," he said. "The private sector must become involved to a greater extent in nuclear and other advanced energy concepts. " Earlier. Symms said in Sandpoint a one-cent per pound increase in the tariff on imported live cattle may go into effect shortly. " Hopefully. this will help our Idaho beef producers who have been adversely affected by a glut of Canadian cattle coming into the country, " Symms said.
Rep. Steve Symms Energy independence? t
Psychology professor to discuss sexuality The third North Idaho College Popcorn Forum of 1976-77 will feature Professor Nathaniel (Ned) Wagner. world-famous psychological expert in the field of human sexuality. Dr. Wagner will address the NIC Popcorn Forum on the topic "Contemporary Human Sexuality: An Historical Perspective." A question period will follow. The forum will be held at 1:00 p.m. Friday in the student union. Dr. Wagner is professor of psychology at the University of Washington in Seattle. He also serves as director oC clinicaJ psychology - obstetrics - gynecology at the University of Washington. Professor Wagner has served as consultant in sex education with the Family Planning Association of London , England. and as visiting Fulbright professor and acting head of the Department of Psychological Medicine at the University of Malaya in Kuala Lampur, Malaysia. Professor Wagner's visit will continue with an all-day workshop at 9 a. m. Saturday in the Student Union Building. The workshop topic will be " Love and Marri age. " Workshop tickets may be purchased from the Student Union Director's office. Forum Chairman Tony Stewart said,
Dr. Ned Wagner To discuss sexual nature
" We are extremely fortunate to prese11t one of the world's top experts in human sexuality and a man of dynamic speaking accomplishments.' ' Wagner holds consultantships with the Veterans Administration , Planned Parenthood of SeatUe. Seattle-King County Health Department and the Cardiac Rehabilitation Clinic of Seattle.
Hypnotist to appear ~ before NIC students"!:.,~ Benston, muter sta1e and night club hypnotist, will be the pest speaker in the fifth North Idaho Col· 1ege Popcorn Forum of the year at 1 p.m. 'lbursday in the College Student Union Bulldinl, A clinical hypnotist as well as a popular entert a in er . Be ns t on is delcribed by bls mentor. Dr. Denton Johnson. one of America's outstanding trainen of hypnotists. as , •-one of my pr ize proteges." "On stage, hypnosis of volunteer subjects with a fall two-hour ~~~ ofhumor,actloa, audience participation is wrappea up in the Bengston show." said Ton y Stewa rt , chairman of the Popcorn Forums. Like all forums, this one ls open to the public as well as NJC students. There will
be no admission fee.
Bengston also will participate as a guest on the North Idaho College Public Forum television series, telecast every Saturday from 6-7 p.m. over CbaMel 7 KSPS-TV , Spokane , Washington. Stewart said the Bengston program will be aired Nov. 13.
To apeak Monday
Pursley to speak at forum
[ 8 rJi ,n,/
Friday, October· ls, 1976
Dr. Wagner recommends 'realistic' sexual approach By Cheryl NlcollOII Young women who p erform sexual self-satisfaction te nd to attain greater fulfillment when they get ma rried, Dr. Nathaniel Wagner told 500 people at a Popcorn Forum Oct. 8 in the SUB. Wagner. professor of psychology at the University of Wa!,hington in Seattle. emphasized that masturbation for woman is a good way to learn about herself sexually. He called masturbation a taboo that is "out-dated" in that it was established thousands of years ago whe n sex was necessary to increase population. Labeled one of the world· s top experts in human sexuality. Wagner said that even though society has experienced a major change. most people are still uncomfort· able when talking openly about sex. "We live in a society of social hypocricy and some of this is religion-based." he said. "Too many priests. ministers and rabbis speak with forked tongues. saying one thing at the pulpit and another when counseling people individually." "Although I have great empathy for people living in the tradition of a religion." Wagner said. " I don't think they have the
tools to deal with sexuality realistically." This society has a lot of struggles ahead in dealing with human sexuality and equality. according to Wagner. He added that churches. parents. doctors and psychologists have failed to present sexuality properly. He said, however. that he feels optimistic that the increasing concern on the part of these people will he lp deal with the problems ahead. Dr. Wagner concluded, "We must put sex in its appropriate place in society. not in the rip-off situation it is in." Wagner serves as director of clinical psychology, obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Washington. He has been a consultant in sex education with the Family Planning Association of London and was visiting Fulbright professor and acting head of the Department of Psychological Medicine at the University of Malaya in Kuala Lampur. Malaysia. Dr. Wagner also conducted a workshop Oct. 9 in the SUB on the topic "Love and Marriage."
Ken Pursley, Democratic candidate for the congressional sea t presently held by Steve Symms. wi ll the the featured guest in the fourth North Idaho College Popcorn Forum of the year.. . A na t ive Ida hoia ri';"° Pursley is a Boise lawyer who has based his campaign largely on reorganizing and eliminating waste in
the federal government through support of the proposed National Sunset law. This law. if passed, would require that federal government programs. on a regular basis, justify their existence or be terminated. The one-hour program will be at 10 a.m. Monday in the NIC Student Union Building. A question and answer period will follow Pursley's presentation. Democratic candidates for local offices will be introduced at the beginning of the Forum. Anyone unable to attend the Popcorn Forum may' watch an interview with Pursley on the North Idaho College Public Forum Oct. 30 from fH p.m. on KSPS Television. Channel 7.
â&#x20AC;˘ Symms, Pursley campaign at NIC Popcorn Forums By Alison Beck NIC' s second and fourth Popcorn Forums of the year featured speeches by opposing candidates for election to the U.S. House of Representatives, incumbent Steve Symms and challenger Ken Pursley. Symms,R-Idaho, is running for his third term in. Congress. He told an NIC audience Oct. 6 that the key to more jobs for Americans is less government involvement in business. varies from pavement lo grass or dirt Symms says be thinks that reliance should be on the private sector and free enterprise for the most effective solution to the country's economic and energy problems. He said that Congress over-legislates and has gotten into a legislative "slump" making too many laws. When this happens, Symms said, spending increases and the deficit at which the government runs increases. When Congress spends more money, he said, the funds have to come from one of three sources: inflation of the currency, hidden taxes or borrowing. Symms went on to say that Congress does not have to run at an economic deficit. When asked about certain environmental issues that he voted against, Svmms said he feels that some beliefs must
be sacrificed in order to cut down on government control and spending. He said that he would like to see a "housecleaning in the House of Representatives,'' with some bills turned down for the purpose of balancing the budget. Symms also said he would like to see less government involvement in the area of energy. Favoring strip mining. he added that it should be up to the states to create their own reclamation laws. Symms said he is opposed to formation of a congressional agency for research in the development of nuclear energy. The oil companies are already taking care of that, he said, and another government agency would be wasteful. He said that multiple use of land would be most beneficial. Good management could result in land being used for the good of everyone. Concerning the 1976 presidential campaign, Symms said he was displeased with the "smear tactics" being used with no accent on the "real issues." " I think my own chances of being reelected are good." Symms said. His actual campaigning within the state has been limited to 30 days.
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Icontinued f:rom page 1) Ken Pursley. Democratic challenger for Symms¡ congressional seat. said Monday that he believes the public has a right to hear debates between himself and Symms. Pursley ~poke at a Popcorn Forum in the SUB at 10 a.m. "I have asked for--insisted upon a debate with Symms. " he said. but Symms had declined all his requests. It's not a matter of incumbency or any other special advantage on the part of a candidate, he said, but an issue of the public's right to be informed on the positions of the candidates Pursley said that if he is elected, he would like to see the SI tax return contributions to party campaigns go coward debates berween candidates. This would be used for buying time with radio and television networks. He 5aid that he agrees with Symms on a number of issues. including gun control. land u5c management and the idea that government is too big. He added. that he disagrees with Symms' ideas of voting against certain issues because of the cost involved with
them. Citing some instances including a bill concerning senior citizens that Symms had voted against. Pursley said. "I can't buy it that the money isn't available for those programs." Pursley stressed his support of the Sunset Law. which would require federal govern men t programs 10 justify their existence or be terminated. Pursley said if he is elected he would like to see p¡eople involved with government other than just at election time. He said he would establ1sh a mobile office in Idaho to keep communication going between the people and his office. He also discussed Idaho environmental issue~. citing Idaho as the fourth fastest growing state in the nation. He said he thinks the state ca n grow at such a rate withou t hurting the environment if a balance is maintained among agriculture. lumber and mining. In favor of strip mining. Pursley said he thmks more consideration should be given 10 present lando\\'ners.
Cardinal Review -4 -
A mazing says hypnosi.s beneficial to students¡ By Lonie Amos You a::e getting sleepeeeee.... Hypnosis is a particular state of mind brought about through deep concentration, Amazing Bengston explained Oct. 14 to a crowd of about 400 in the SUB. There were 14 volunteers for t he Popcorn Forum hypnotic demonstration. " I want every one of you to get up and go to the bathroom now, because you will be so relaxed that I don't want any bladder disorders, " Bengston said. "Look at my face. Concentrate heavily on my face. Follow all my instructions completely. You are very relaxed, every muscle in your body is completely limp," Amazing said to the 14. He directed his "subjects" through breathing exercises, causing them to become more deeply relaxed. But, three of the 14 could not "go under" hypnosis. ¡ When Amazing suggested something that was funny, he began to laugh louder and louder; so did the volunteers. Three more failed to see the humor and did not "go under.' ' Only eight volunteers were left to continue the hypnotic demonstration. "Will they all drop out?" the audience wondered. Amazing took hts remaining subjects on a jet plane flight. They laughed and cried at a movie; all but one got drunk. What a fun time. Some members of the audience were hypnotized during Amazing's performance and had to be awakened. Amazing then picked one of the volunteers to participate as a make-believe race car driver. He suggested that the volunteer could drive a Fiat that would do 200 m.p.h. down and back a JO-mile track. The volunteer got into the make-belleve
car, revved up the engine and then drove down the track, making all the sounds of the car shifting gears. The audience laughed. Amazing also suggested that the volunteers were being pinched, that their navels were missing, that they would be itchy at the mention of the word lollipop and that they had a puppy that later wet on them. The audience laughed. Next, Amazing suggested to the vol unteers that everyone fn the audience was naked, and, Amazing said, the volunteers themselves were naked. They tried to cover up. Two brought themselves out of hypnosis at this point. And then there were six because no one can be made to do something against his will while under hypnosis, Amazing said. Before bringing the final voluntee~ out of the hypnosis, Amazing suggested they would have the ability to become happier with themselves and other human beings. He told them they would have better study habits and longer retention. He directed them to feel as one with their body, mind and soul. Bengston then proceeded to awaken the volunteers by counting to five. And. the audience left. When asked if the volunteers would remember any of the demonstration, Bengston said that they generally will but because of the suggestion of becoming a happier person, the volunteers should not have any bad feelings about what was said or done. "Hypnosis is not a cure-all," Bengston said, ''but in its proper place handled b.v a qualified hypnotist, it can be beneficial to some people."
Newscaster delineates environillental trouble By Lorrie Amoe The purpose of the United Nations Conference on Habitat was to make information available to underdeveloped countries. according to a Spokane newscaster. Ross Woodward. KEZE-FM stereo newscaster, said developed countries like the United States and Canada are able to afford the best technicians. The underd~ve loped countries cannot, he said. There are many things in the environment that could be improved. Woodward told about 250 people at a Dec. 1 Popcorn Forum. Woodward aired a.JO-minute tape of the UN Habitat Conference. which met May 31 to June 11. 1976 in Vancouver, British Columbia. The representatives at the conference discussed problems of pollution, overpopulation and energy sources. The thrust of the meeting was to direct the countries
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of the world to work toward adequate living facilities for all people. This is considered a basic human right, Woodward said. Woodward said control of the world's popuJation is necessary for the existence of the world. The world has a fixed quantity of natural resources which cannot be constantly infringed upon. A reduction in population is necessary for a life-supporting planet. Responding to a question concerning the· development of th ird-world countries, Woodward said the problem is trying to convince these underdeveloped countries to be content with adequacy instead of a high material standard of living. Concerning the outcome of the UN conferences, Woodward said, "There is no utopia on the horizon but you ~n't g_et anywhere by giving up. Countries will continue to work toward solving some of the environmental problems."
Popcorn Forum guest labehl Carter 'flunky' By Slllle Epperle
President Jimmy Carter is a "Rockefeller establishment flunky,'· a member of the John Birch Society said Jan. 26 at the seventh NJC Popcorn Forum. Writer Alan Stang told an audience of about 125 persons in the SUB that President Carter was only elected because be is "totally a tool of the Rockefeller establishment." Carter is a member of the Trilateral Commission. created by David Rockefeller. chairman of the Chase-Manhattan Bank in New York, Stang said. The Trilateral Commission's purpose. Stang said, is to merge Japan. Western Europe and America into one nation and ''take over the world.·• "Just about every individual Carter has appointed to bis cabinet is a Rockefeller flunky." said Stang. who writes for "American Opinion" and ''The Review of the News" magazines. The first tangible acts Carter did were to appoint as his secretaries of state and treasury the chairman of the board of the Rockefeller Foundation and an executive committee member of the foundation. respectively, Stang said. Stang said he believes that the heads of the FBI and the CIA, the President and his cabinet. corporate executives and many others are all part of a conspiracy to enslave the people.
Stang said since the "people at the top" can't tell the American people that they want to take over. they "have to use subterfuge" by sending out agents who say they are fighting the "people at the top.·• College students, who feel the pressure of the "people at the top." join these movements to fight the establishment, Stang said. and then "suddenly, the establishment has more power than before." Stang said Ralph Nader. consumer advocate. is a "typical demagogic flunky. a campus hero who is fighting the establishment'' yet being financed by the Carnegie Corp. of New York. who are the "people at the very top." Stang said the Carnegie Corp. is "not stupid.·· they are financing Nader to attack them and push for a new government bureau which will create "more bureauera ts'· for the people who run the government. Stang. who's syndicated daily radio commentary. "The Alan Stang Report," is broadcast over 100 stations in the nation, said that "aspiring totalitarians at the lop" use agents such as Nader to "keep people in the dark until they can seize so much power that when the public finally wakes up, it will be too late."
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WSU professor forum speaker Dr Willis Merriam , prof~ssor emerlturs of geography at \\'.asbmgtoo State University, will be the eighth Popcorn Forum speaker of the year. The program will involve a lecture and presentation of 200 slides of_ Ori : ~ riam's recent trip to the Grecian s and Athens1 Greece. The Forum will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday in Room 51. of ~e ~C Library building. A question period will
follow the lecture. The forum is open to the general public. . Professor Merriam and his wife have traveled to all parts of the world to study the cultures and produce slide-lecture programs. The lectures are ~~ upon actual living experiences within the homes and villages of the native ~les. "Dr. Willis Merriam has the ability to give one the feeling of actually being In that part of the world," said Popcorn Forum Chairman Ton Stewart.
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Indian educator f oru1D speal{er David Grant. a Sioux-Chippewa Cree educator, will speak on the subject " Indian Is" Monday at the loth North Idaho College Popcorn Forum of 1976-77. The forum will be in the NIC Student Union Building at l p.m. The public is invited. Grant is known throughout the western states as an expert on American native values and how these values relate to the public. Grant's lectures deal with methods to escape the mental prison of "I can'ts" and " they won't let me·· attitudes. "When I talk about these things I can feel something racing up and down me." says Grant. Grant has worked as minority specialist for the State of Washington and coordinated an lndian Counselor Aid Program providing Indian staff support for adult offender programs state-wide. " David Grant is an exciting speaker who pauses to reflect. shouts excitedly. and is spell binding," said NIC Popcorn Forum chairman Tony Stewart. ''Grant's self rehabilitaiton and reform while serving a prison term can be felt by his audience," Stewart continued.
Indian lectures
'I want to' motivation urged By Lome Amos An individual has room to grow in every aspect in life, a "professional lecturer" said March 21 at the tenth Popcorn Forum. Dave Grant. an American Indian. told approximately 150 people in the SUB that the individual must cope with the challenges of the world and yet do as he wishes. not allowing other people to run hi m. Grant, who spent 28 years in various correctional institutions, said that his prison experiences and relations with people caused bim to realize that ¡ 'freedom is extending your realm of belief. " Individuals, he said, should striv~ to do what is possible for them to do evuy day, to boiJd on themselves, which will enable
them to grow. and to live in balance and harmony with life. Grant said an individual should think llbout "winning" and do thines because be wants to. Individuals should be self-reliant and accountable for their own tasks. It is ''a do it and live method,'' he said. " It is not whether things are possible; it's whether you are willing to work for it." He said college students can apply this same philosophy to their study habits. A student s hould study because he is motivated to receive the reward when it is all over. " If you are for life . t hen creation . supports you," he said. " Everything starts with visions in your mind."
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L--area briefs] Forum on writing North Idaho College's 11th Popcorn Forum of the year will feature handwriting expert Norma Woodbury. . Mrs. Woodbury will speak on "Graphology" beginnmg at 10 ~.m. Wednesday, in the Edminister Student Union 'Building. In th~ !irst portio~ of the program she will explain handwnbng analysis. The remaining time will be devoted to analyzing the handwriting of audience members. A member of the American Graphology Society, Mrs. Woodbury has served as a handwriting expert for numerous law enforcement agencies and courts of law. She has taught courses at North Idaho College on the subject. Following the forum, she will be interviewed on the North Idaho College Pu!>lic Forum. The show will be aired May 28, from 6-7 p.m. on KSPS Television, Channel 7. Wednesday's is free and is open to the public.
Forum to host travelog North Idaho College's final Popcorn Forum of the year Wednesday will feature a travelog on the Great Smokey Mountains by Herbert Heger, noted lecturer on America's national parks. The hour-long program of slides, narrated by Heger, will explore the Great Smo~ey Mountains Park, famous for its ~ ystique and beauty. A period for question and answers will be included in the program. Heger. a graduate of the University of l~ho. taught biology in the Cincinnati, Ohio school system for a number of years. During fhe summer, he traveled
throughout all of the parks in the United States, where he took thousands of feet of film on each of the park's uniqueness and beauty. His work has been used by the National Park Service, National Geographic, and Warner Brothers. He has presented several television programs on natural history and has lectured throughout the East and Midwest. The forum will begin at 11 a.m. and will be held in Room 51, on the second floor of the Kildow Memorial Library. As with all of the college popcorn forums , admission is free . The public is encouraged to attend.
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NIC series headlined by sports personalities By WALTER PARKER 5POileSffl-R•v- ateff writer
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meeting will be devoted to Ms. Hunter's speech, " Women in Sports and the Medta." A list of events during the meetings follows. Tuesday - Movie: "The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner," 7 p.m., Student Union Building.
COEUR D'ALENE, Idaho - North Idaho College has signed up a glittering array of "name" personalities to anchor its Fall 1977 Convocation series entitled, "The Future of Sports." College officials Tuesday Wednesday Speaker: announced that leadlng Calvin Jones, "Behind the -- speakers during free threeday public forum Oct. 5-7 will Scenes in the NFL," 10 a.m., gymnasium. Panel discusinclude former pro basketball star and coach Bill Russell; sion, speeches: " Violence in Calvin J ones; Denver Broncos defensive Sports," back Calvin J ones, a 1972 Uni- " Problems Confronting Athversity of Washington All- letics," Dr. Sam Adams, American; and Barbara Washington State University; Hunter, NBC-TV sports re- "GovernmentaJ ReguJation of Sports," State Rep. Larry porter and commentator. This is the eighth year the Jackson, Boise, 1:30-3 p.m., convocation series has been SUB. Movie: " Visions of sponsored by NIC. Starting Eight, " 7 p.m., SUB. with last year topics were to Thursday - Speaker: Bill be developed on a rotating Russell, "Professional basis by academic divisions Sports,,, 11 discussion, a.m., of the school, convocation gymnasium. Panel speeches: committee chairm an Tony " The Real Meaning of Sports Stewart said. Competition," Marv HarThe Athletic Division, shman, University of Wash'Selected this year, recom- ington basketball coach; mended the "Future of "Sports and the Inner Self," Sports" theme. Last year the Dr. Ross Cutter, Whitworth Life Sciences Division r ecom- College tennis coach; "The mended that the programs Little League Competitive be devoted to endangered Syndrome," Larry Koentopp, species. athletic director, Gonzaga As Stewart explained 1t the University, 1-2:30 p.m., SUB. convocation meetings will be Movie: "Pumping Iron, " 7 divided into three portions in p.m ., SUB. the mornings, afternoons and evenings. Friday - Speaker: Dr. Mornings will be devoted to Jac k Leighton, chairman of major speakers, who are ex- M en's Physical Education, pected to give 45-minute spe- Eastern Washington Univereches and then answer ques- sity " Recent In11ovatlons in Phy'sical Fitness," 10 a.m., tions, Stewart said. gymnasium. Panel DiscusPanel discussions on the sion speeches : " Women In morning talks will be held in Sports," Carol Gordon, chairthe afternoons by assorted man, Women's Physical Eduarea sports figures, who will cation WSU ; " Reform of Naalso give 15-minute speeches tional ' and International and answer audience ques- Sports RuJes," J erry Kraus, EWU basketball coach; "Eftions. fect of Modern Media on And for the first three eve- Sports," Ed Sharman, spor~s nings of the meeting, which director, Q6 "Women m will be kicked off Tuesday Sports and the Media," Barnight, free sports movies will bara Hunter, NBC-TV, 7 be shown. The final evening's p.m. , gym.
Shining sports stars • series light up NIC The world of athletic competition and organized sports on all levels is the target of three days of intensive discussion and analysis this week as part of North Idaho College's Convocations program series on " The Future of Sports" Wednesday through Friday. Open to NIC students and the general public at no cost, the informational-oriented programs will feature sports world personalities Bill Russell. Calvin Jones and Barbara Hunter as major speakers, in addition to several panel discussions and three movies. Area coaches, a television sports director, athletic directors, physical educations professors and a state legislator will be panel discussion participants. In its eighth year, the college's convocations program is organized to provide an intensive look at subtopics within a specific subject area. For a number of years the format was based on contemporary themes including " Future Shock" and "Violence in America." In 1976-77 the format responsibility to organize the program around their discipline. Last years' program "The Endangered Species" was organized by the college's Life Science Division. This year's program is the responsibility of the NIC athletic department. The first event will be the movie "The Lonellneu of a Long Distance Runner." Beginning at 7 p.m. in the college student union building the movie depicts the internal and personal struggles an 18-year-old slum bred !ntft!sh boy endured in his development u a com-
The Oepa...t:menl oF Alhlelics Nol"l:h Idaho College col'dially inviles you lo a
8,.,eakfasi honol'in9
Bill Russell, 8osion Celtics and
Calvin Jones, Oenve1" 8,.,oncos on Thul'sday, 0dobel' 6, 1977
from 8:00 A.M
lo Q:00
al Cloud 9 Renaul'anl
R.S.V.P. Tony Stewart 667-7422
$4.50 per Person includes meal, lox, lip and entertainment
~ ---sports
rav flnefrock, sports editor
Jones then will address the subject, "Violence in Sports," in a panel discussion beginning at 1:30 p.m. with Dr. Sam Adam, professor of physical education at Washington State University speaking on "Problems confronting Athletics," and Larry Jackson, former major league baseball pitcher, dealing with the subject ''Governmental Regulation of Sports.'' A movie, entitled " Visions of Eight" will conclude the program activities for Wednesday at 7 p.m. Bill Russell, former center for the world champion Boston Celtics and recently coach of the Seattle Supersonics, will present the major address Thursday. His speech entitled " Professional Sports" will begin at 11 a.m. in the college gymnasium. A panel discussion featuring University of Washington basketball coach Marv Harshman talking on "The Real Meaning of Sports Competition," Dr. Ross Hunter, Whitworth College tennis coach on "Sports and the Iriner Self" and Larry Koentopp, Gonzaga University athletic director dealing with "The Litile League Competetive Syndrome" will follow Russell's speech at 1 p.m. in the NIC student union building. The final event Thursday is a 7 p.m. movie, "Pumping Iron." · Two major speakers are scheduled for Friday, the final day of the p_rogram series. The first, Dr. Jae~ R. Leighton, cbalrman of the men's physical education department at EWU, Is al· aied to speak on " Recent Innovations in Physical Fitness," beginning at 10 a.m. in the college umnasium. At 1:30 p.m. Carol Gordon, chairman of the Washington State University physical education department ; Jerry Kraus, EWU buketball coach, and Ed Sharman, KHQ-TV sports director, will make panel discussion presentations on the subjects, "Women in Sports," "Reform of National and lnternatklllal Sports Rules" and the " Effects of Modem Media on Sports," respectively. Barbara Hunter. speaking on "Women in Sports and the Media," is the final speaker in the program series. Her presentation begins at 7 p.m. in the college gym.