Popcorn Forum Scrapbook 1978-1980

Page 1

State. Police head notes image change By Bill


Preu Police Reporter

Idaho State Police officers are being asked to put on "vests of goodness and honesty" as part of an effort to improve their image and make ISP the most professiona l law enforcement agency in the Northwest, ISP Superintendent Thomas Proctor told a North Idaho State College audience Monday. Proctor, who served as an instructor for the L.A. Police Academy and the FBI Academy before taking over as ISP Superintendent a year ago, told how the ISP is working to become more proT p fessional and to change Us om roctor image. He then talked briefly of his experience as a fonner member of the Los Angeles SpecJal Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Team. As a first step in becoming more professional, police officers must be "morally correct," Proctor said before a crowded classroom as featured speaker for the North Idaho College Popcorn Forum. He said 90me people In law enforcement are "not completely

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moral. " By being moral, people g.iin strength from having a " clear conscience," he said. " If we were to wear the vests of goodness and honesty, we'd be successful," be said. "Police officers are called the garbage men of the world. The police officer sees all the garbage and without goodness he becomes cynical, and appears to be sullen. Police have a tough job." Idaho does not have a "totally professional law enforcement agency" because it hasn't demanded lt, he said. " You' re poisoning your own well," he said. "You don't pay police more money because they have a college degree; that's a crime. Generally, you get what you pay for. But we have some professional, active officers working for peanuts ln this state." Proctor said be felt the ISP "needed a change of image" when he be took over as Superintendent a year ago. Since then, the ISP has replaced the Idaho patches on Its uniforms with a new design, ordered new flat-brimmed 'smokey' hats, new button.,, and new "high quality, embroidered stripes" on the uniform trousers. Officer's also are getting new speed loaders and new break-front holsters that will enable them to load their guns faster and make It tougher for a criminal to take their guns away. Proct.or said fn percent of ISP's guns, many of them over 20 years old, were in need of repair when be came to the aepartment. He made arrangements with a

California company to trade the old guns for new model 65 stainless steel .357 handguns. Because some of the ISP guns were so old they had gained value as collector's items, the state police actually made $8 on the trade. Proctor said. All of the changes made so far in the ISP's uniforms and guns has cost the state $48, Proctor said. The agency Is also looking for ways to save money in getting new cars, he said. He said it is taking the engines from ISP cars that have been totaled In rearend collisions and putting them In good car bodies for a total cost of $875. In another effort to upgrade its professionalism, Proctor said the ISP is teaching its men bow to cope with stress. "Police work has one of the highest propensities towards suicide of any profession," he said. When you go to the scene of an accident where a woman and three children are dead, where you see "a four-year-old boy with his hands out, dead, and a mother with her hand over the chest of her little child and both are dead-that's stress," Proctor said. He then talked about his "stressful" experience as a fonner member of a Los Angeles SWAT team, which often involved shootouts with militant groups such as the Black Panthers. Proctor left the SWAT team after he was hurt in a shootout with the Symbionese Liberation Army, the group that kidnapped Patty Hearst.

Tempers fry at forum over U.S. freedom issue Red horrors to be told John Marias former Hungarian refugee, will speak 1 p.m. next Mo~ay at North Idaho College's Popcorn Forum. Titled " My Experiences While Living Under Communism.'" Marias' presentation will tell the story of his family 's exodus from Hungary 22 years ago and extolls the merits of the capitalistic system. Marias had a civil engineering degree in Hungary and worked in the building and banking business in Budapest. His family was prominent before the Communist takeover. The speech is sponsored by the Associa.ted St~d~nts of NIC and will be held in the student uruon building. Admission is free.

Popcorn w-a sn't the only thing popping at the March 12 NIC Popcorn Forum which featured John Marias, who said the lack of freedom under communism in Hungary was his reason for leaving that country. Freedom became the issue that lit the fireworks as three Iranian students in the audience repeatedly questioned whether or not Marias enjoys freedom in the United States. "Yes, definitely (I enjoy complete freedom) ," Marias responded. Finally, Mari as was asked by the same students if he had told the audie~ce what he had really felt; and if he were not dictated to as to what to say. . Forum moderator Tony Stewart interrupted the answer to emphatically explain that "at a NIC Popcorn Forum, the speaker can say anything he or she wishes." Later, after the forma l session closed, the smoldering tempers burst into flame as questions and accusations flew back and forth, mainly between Iranians and members of the audience, although not all the Iranians became angry. Throughout the heated discussion, Marias quietly maintained that the United States truly has freedom of speech and freedom of action (to do something about that with which one disagreed).

The Iranians disagreed, saying that one could not effect change unless one had power which comes from money. One Iranian suggested that if one took action again~t that or those with whom he disagreed, one might wind up dead. Others loudly disagreed. As the young Iranians became more frustrated , some of them became less interested in listening and more insistent with accusations against the U.S. government. Others reacted with increased volume. Fingers were pointed , voices were raised and there was some shoving. When one of the Iranians wouldn't listen, even at his countrymen ' s urging, Stewart firmly reminded him that it was " fair" to take tu.ms talking and listening. Eventually, discussion was quieted with some smiling, and some apologies were made. During the lecture itself, besides Marias' stand on freedom, he said that the state "vi.rtually controls" the daily life of an individual under communism. He talked of "brainwashing," discrimination and persecution. Marias maintained that there is " no hope under communism," but that in the United States "ifwe work bard, we can get somewhere."

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Refugee raps human rights double standard By TIM HANSON Preu Staff Writer

John Marias Critical of foreign policy

what they want. the U.S. will be cast aside and this country's loan to China will remain unpaid. " We're giving everyone a deal," Marias said, "but nobody is giving us a rteal." Drawing from personal knowlege about his native country, Marias said children in Hungary are taught that capitalists - mainly American capital路 ists - are the enemy of the people in communist countries. " In 1950 they told us how the West will be destroyed," Marias said. "They (the communists) said : we will infiltrate their schools by placing communist teachers and professors in key positions. We will disrupt their education by blowing up and burning down schools and we will blow up factories and power sources and stir up minor-

John Marias's message to a gathering of North Idaho College students Monday afternoon was clear and to the point - the United States employs a double standard in its foreign policy that seems to favor communist countries. Born and raised in Hungary, Marias lived under communist rule for 12 years before escaping shortly after the Hungarian revolt in 1956. Now, 22 years later. Marias is a home builder in Coeur d'Alene and a harsh critic of communist governments and of the United States's relationship with those countries. Marias made his comments at NIC as part of the college's Popcorn Forum Series sponsored by the ities." N.I. C. Associated Students. " How can we have the right to interfere in Manas predicted the "next move in the political Rhodesian politics and not in Russian politics?" chess game" might be that the U.S. will be asked by Marias said. 路路we do not purchase chrome from the free European nations to withdraw all their Rhodesia because of their violation of human , forces from Europe under threat that Russia will rights. but we are buying it from the Soviet Union not allow oil imports into those countries from the for a much higher price. Their violation of human oil-producing nations under her control. rights does not seem to matter." " I assume our political leaders will then still make every effort to keep the SALT talks going," Commenting on one of the most recent developMarias ' said. "Our statesmen fail to realize that ments in U.S. foreign pQlicy, Manas said the United States' new relationship with the People's Republlc during the past 34 years none of the agreements made with the Soviets were kept by them - except 路 of China will benefit only China. The United States will give long term credit to China so the Chinese the part which was to their benefit." Marias urged Americans to get involved together will be able to develop oil reserves and other industries, Marias said. Once the Chinese have - to vote - and "put a check on what is going on."

- --Pick a card_..;.___ _

-Press Photo By Tim Hanson

Master magician shows his stuff Magician Dick Frost (above), who has been entertaining people with Illusions tor 25 years, performed at North Idaho College's Student Union Building Monday, sponsored by the college's "Popcorn Forum Series." Frost travels throughout the United States and Canada year-round and performs at night clubs,

co11eges and state fairs. People of all ages and backgrounds love to be tricked and entertained, Frost said, adding that "magicians will always be popular." During the school year, Frost does his magic act alone. But during summer, Frost's four children Join him In his perform$nces.



Assassinations panel staller says we'll never know


Pren Staff Writer

The American people will probably never know the whole truth surrounding the deaths of President John F. Kennedy and civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, but hopefully this country has learned something about the methods used to investigate those deaths in case an assassination investigating body is ever needed again. Those are the sentiments of Florida lawyer Kenneth Brooten, Jr., staff lawyer and "acting staff director" for the House Assassinations Committee. Brooten spoke to students at North Idaho College this morning as the 14th speaker for the college's Popcorn Forum Series. Brooten said he thinks a federal grand

jury should have investigated the death of John Kennedy rather than a "blue ribbon presidential commission." Brooten said he does not question the individual members of the Warren Commission, but rather the panel's ''.methodology." "I have much more faith in 24 people on a grand jury than I do in 24 politicians," Brooten said. "The grand jury is apolitical and not a group of people that are always concerned about running for election. A grand jury does not have anything to lose." Brooten cited the effectiveness of the grand jury during the Watergate investigation. When the jury requested presidential tape recordings and was refused by the White House, Judge John Sirica ordered that the jury's request be honored. They got the tapes.

During the investigation of Kennedy's death, Brooten said that vital evidence was withheld and even destroyed by government agencies that may have changed the conclusions of the Warren Commission if the commission had access to that information. A hand-written message from Lee Harvey Oswald to an FBI agent, for example, was torn up and disposed of. A doctor's notes were burned in a fireplace following a post-mortem of Kennedy's body. Also, during 12 hours of questioning Oswald in Dallas following Kennedy's death, nobody bothered to have a tape recorder present. Brooten said this and other information withheld from the commission by the FBI and the CIA needed to be looked into but never was. "They have left us to speculate why the

omissions were made," Brooten said. Brooten said the abuses of power by federal agencies such as the FBI and the CIA were a result of failure by Congress to exercise "oversight jurisdiction" of those agencies. Were the Warren Commjssion and subsequent investigations into the deaths of Kennedy and King a waste of money? According to Brooten, there will have been no waste if we learn from this experience and appoint a federal grand jury to investigate should there be a next time which he believes there will be. Brooten said he does not believe future assassinations can be prevented, adding that the odds indicate it will happen again. He cited attempts on the life of President Ford a few years ago as an example.

Assassinations Probe

Doubts Linger f or Ex -Counsel COEUR D'ALENE - The former c.hief counsel on the U.S. House of Representatives' Assassinations Committee said yesterday there are lingering doubts about what occurred in the autopsy suite where a post mortem examination took place on the body of President John F. Kennedy. Kenneth E. Brooten Jr., appointed to the Committee in 1976, spoke at North Idaho College's Final Popcorn Forum. He alluded to the "professorial" not "forensic pathologists with broad experience in traumatic death" who performed the examination of the former president after the assassination in November 1973. "It seems that on three occasions during the examination, enlisted men from the Naval Medical Center, who were assigned to assist, were ordered out of the room for a halfhour period," be said. For two years, the House Assassl· nation Committee has been reviewing the evidence on the shooting of Kennedy, searc.hing for the truth on whether Lee Harvey Oswalt, acting alone, fired three shots as was the conclusion of the Earl Warren Com· mission. The question now is whether there was a fourth shot. If so, there was somebody else there doing the shooting, according to a recent news report. Brooten demonstrated passage of a low-velocity bullet through the president's body "yet found in a pristine state" and compared it to a bullet that blew his head away. "Experts say this was a highvelocity bullet," he added. He questioned other inconsistencies of physical evidence, and the fact that there was no taped or stenographic record of 12 hours of interrogation of Oswald, according to the captain of the Dallas Police "Force.

" We just don't know yet why that occurred," be said. However, be maintained tha~ had there been 24 citizens on a grand jury investigation rather than 24 politicians it is possible that the truth would have come out. "I have not at this time concluded that there is a cover-up," Brooten said, adding: " I only have determined that there was failure on the part of the Warren Commission to properly investigate the matter." Brooten said there are three types of truth in the assassination of President Kennedy. There is the historical truth that was written by the Warren Commission ; the factual truth, which unfortunately has not been subjected to empirical verification ; and the political truth, " which in the case of the House Select Committee on Assassinations bas been plucked from the bubbling cauldron of Congressional politics," he said. "I doubt if we ever will know all of the factual truth," he added. Nevertheless, he said, "There are those people who, for whatever reason, and whether rightfully or wrongfully, have denied to the American people their knowledge of the facts of what did occur in Dallas in 1963 when our President was killed." Brooten charged the greatest infidelity of a government to its people is the willful or intentional withholding or misrepresentation of the basic truth. Repeatedly, be said the Warren Commission, born from the conflict at that time, bad integrity, but questioned its methods. Brooten said discoveries that initiated the re-opening of the investigation was a letter written by Oswald to an agent of the Dallas Federal Bureau of Investigation office. "We do know that material information was withheld from the War•

Kenneth Brooten ren t:ommission by the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), " be added. Specifically, the attempt made to assassinate Fidel Castro under operations known as AMLAS and MOONGOOSE. However, Broote.n distinguished between the abuses of the investigative governmental agencies, saying this type of an organization is necessary for the safety of the country. Brooten commended Sen. Frank Church, D-Idabo, for his Senate Committee to study Governmental Operations in exposing the fact that evidence had been withheld from the Warren Commission. It was on this context that the House AssasliiJ!ations Committee was formed. Brooten said he left his post on the House Assassinations Committee because " what could have been one of the greatest legislative investigations in this history of the Congress turned into the worst political carnage I have ever seen." ,.i

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1979-80 Academic Year 123. Dr. Gordon Allen - Topic: "Overlords of the UFO 's" (9-13-7 9) 124. Dave Dolan - Topic: "Biblical Prophecy and t he Xiddle East" (9-18-79) 125. Paul Edwards, Special Assistant to the United States Committee 126. 12 7. 12 8 . 129. 130. 131.

132. 13 3.


for UNICEF - Topic: "International Year of the Child: Your Children and Ours" (10-1-79) Dr. Jane Raible, Director of NW Institute of Ethics and Life Sciences - Topic: "Death and Dying: Ethics, Awareness and Di gnity" ( 10-19-79) !"1ike Donnelly and Michael P. Farris (Attorney s) - Topic: "The ERA Debate" ( 10-2 9-79) James and Carol Crowe - Topic: "Travel Through the People's Re public of China" (11-14-79) Dr. Willis Merriam, Professor Emeritus, Geography, Washington State University - Topic: "Northern Spain " (2-6-80) Norma Woodbury - Topic: "Graphology" (2 -12- 80) Honorable James McClure, U.S . Senator - To pic " "Energy and the ~iddle East" (2-13-80) Richard Snyder, I nstructor of Anthropology, ~o rth Idaho Col l ege - Topic : "Who Discovered America?" (3 -6- 80) Bill McRae, National Professional Wildlife Photographer - Topic: ''Wildlife Photography" ( 3-10-80) Dr. Dexter Amend, Psychology Pr ofesso r of SFCC - Topic: "Super Natural Experiences" (3 - 2 1-8 0)

135. Idaho State Senator Larry Craig - Topic: "My Candidacy for the U.S . House of Representatives" (4-10-80) 136. Wayne Kidwell, Former Idaho Attorney General - Topic: "My Candidacy for the U.S. House of Representatives" (4-18-80) 137. Linda Bond, Field Representative of the Washington State

Energy Office - Topic: "The Energy Crisis in t he State of Washington" (4-21-80) 138. Larry LaRocco, Senator Frank Church's Office; Rich Bakes, Representative Washington Water Power; and Ray Givens, Coeur d'Alene Attorney - Topic : "The Energy Crisis in the United s ta te s " ( 4 - 2 2 - 8O) 139. Tug Wilson, Spokesman for Independent Petroleum Association of America - Topic: "Energy Crisis: The Views of the Independent Petroleum Producers of America" (4-23-80) Note: Forums 137-139 were an Energy Symposium 14 0. Joe Donato, Former member of t he t1afia - Topic: "The Evils of the !1afia " (5-5-80)




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Typical photo of an unidentified flying object

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UFO allegedly terminates its space voyage from home planet UMMO

Expert on UFO's to -speak Strange lights in the sky ... humming celestial motors ... little green men. All these images come to mind when people banter about the topic of the existence of Unidentified Flying Objects. The subject of U.F.O. 'S may come into sharper focus on the campus of North Idaho College when Dr. Gordon Allen speaks Thursday in Popcorn Forum No. 123 on the topic "Overlords of the UFO." The presentation, scheduled for 1 p.m. in the Student Union Building, will be followed by a 93 minute color film which is said to be the first factual UFO motion picture ever issued. Dr. Allen, an aerospace engineering de-

sign specialist, plans to discuss not theories, but facts that he believes prove the existance of extraterrestial beings. " This UFO film is the most extensive work yet done within the UFO area," said Popcorn Forum Chairman Tony Stewart. This unusual Popcorn Forum is sponsored by the Associated Students of North Idaho College and is free and open to the public. Persons unable to attend the film and speech will be able to watch Dr. Allen on the weekly North Idaho College-TV Public Forum scheduled to be broadcast over KSPS-TV Channel 7, Oct. 28 and Nov. 4 at 2:30 p.m.

By Jane Raible

Death, dying topic of forum NIC's Oct. 19 Popcorn Forum featured Jane Raible, executive director of the Northwest Institute of Ethics and Life Sciences, who spoke on death and dying. Raible holds degrees from Tufts University, the Unitarian Universalist and the San Francisco Theological Seminary and has presented more than 60 such conferences on theological bio-ethics during the past 10 years. Raible gave several examples of people who were kept alive, against their wishes, by modern science ' s technologies. She asked, " When do we intervene?" , Raible feels that the patient , if competent, should decide for himself whether to " pull the plug." Next in line to make the decision should be the family and then the hospital staff. If

t he latter two can't agree on a decision, then society, represented by the courts, should decide. A case in point was the familiar Karen Ann Quinlan issue. Raible m.ade her point explaining how this " right to die" case had to finally be decided by a court of law. A more in-depth discussion on the medical, legal and ethical aspects of the right to die was held in a workshop the follow ing day in which Raible discussed t he physical and mental anguish of t he dying patient, the effects on the family, and how to help the patient and family cope. She also talked about changes in health care th at affect dying and ordinary as opposed to extraordinary life-saving methods.

Debate over ERA wrangled at NIC constitutional sources he consulted "disagree with the extension even though they might support the ERA." He said Can the U.S. Congress extend the time the extension time was a "political alotted for ratification of the proposed move" designed to give the proponents Equal Rights Amendment? Does a state more time to win over the remaining have the right to withdraw its ratifi- states needed. cation if the elected representatives of " If we want the ERA so bad, let's that state so choose? What will be the start it (the political process for conimpact to American society if the ERA stitutional amendments) all ovex: again," is ultimately ratified? Farris said. "Then if we can get 38 states Those questions and others were dis- to ratify the amendment, then we will cussed Monday at North Idaho College ¡ have it." when two attorneys squared off for an Regarding a state's right to withdraw informal debate on one of the most its ratification, Donnelly said any atcontroversial issues of the day. tempt by a state to do so would be Bojse attorney Michael E. Donnelly "improper and ineffective.'' Under Artispo1ce in support of the ERA with cle 5 of th~ U.S. Constitution, Donnelly Spokane attorney Michael P .. Farris said a state has only one right - the standing four-square ~gainst. right to vote for the amendment or not. ln order for the Equal Rights Amend- The topic has been debated for years, ment to become law, 38 states must Donnelly said, with Congress tradiratify the amendment. So far, 35 states tionally rejecting any proposed amendhave decided to ratify the controversial meats to Article 5. amendment although some have decided Farris, however, said a state has to recirid that decision - creating "every right" to recind its ratification if further furor. it so chooses. The current deadline for ratification Finally, the two attorneys addressed has been extended until January, 1982. the merits of the Equal Rights AmendIn answer to the first question raised, ment itself - Farris insisting the 14th Donnelly said that Congress "clearly has Amendment is sufficient insurance for the right" to extend the ratification the civil liberties of all people and time. He said the " majority of legal Donnelly countering that the "difference scholars," Congress and the U.S. Su- in analysis by the Supreme Court" does preme Court back up that opinion. not give the 14th Amendment the Farris, on the other hand, said the " viability" that is claimed. By TIM HANSON Press Staff Writer

OpinionPickin n' Grinnin

A lunny thing happened on my way to Zebulon By DOUG CLARK Press Managing Editor

IT WAS WOODY Allen who summed up my feelings on extraterrestrial visitations when he said: ''Is there anyone out there - and why must they be so noisy?" It's not that I don't recognize the possibility of life on other planets, but, somehow, the idea of Earth being some sJrt of convention center for cosmic Shriners seems rather ludicrous. Why would they come here? Why so many different shapes and sizes of unidentified flying objects sighted? Why no reputable photographic evidence or scientific documentation? Why? Why? Why? The subject of alien intelligence, like the Bermuda Triangle and Sasquatch, makes for good conjecture and debate. But beware the true believer - those hardcore fanatics who profess "inside" information about alleged spacemen and their motives. ¡ The 'lunatic fringe' of UFO research was well represented recently during a North Idaho College Popcorn Forum. This close encounter with fanatacism was highlighted by a low budget movie called "Overlords of the UFO" and a brief lecture by the film's producer, W. Gordon Allen. After the lecture I got to grill Allen on a televised panel discussion to be aired Oct. 28, 7:30 p.m. on KSPS TV, channel 7. Angry from having two hours of my time wasted by clap-trap and hoku~, I went at Allen like a starved Doberman. His cheap, sensational treatment of a usually entertaining and interesting subject made my blood boil.

ALLEN'S FILM INCLUDED such noteworthy sources as the National Enquirer and National Star - sensational tabloid rags by any sensible standards. '

The film purported itself as a "news documentary," but ended, after two hours of shoddy, mindless drivel with the announcer stating straight-faced that what we had been watching included the "best speculation" available. Pure garbage, if you ask me. But to Allen, the revelation that aliens are swarming to Terra Firma - not from some outer fringe of the cosmos, but from a different dimension - is undisputed truth. It seems these way-out visitors have nothing better to do than zap people into their saucers for a few days of scrutiny and then zap them back to not always the original location. What boring lives they must lead. Likewise comes the shocker that all those alleged cattle mutilations we hear so much about are caused by "invisible space critters" - a fact confirmed, says Allen and his film, by the University of Wyoming student newspaper. One's skepticism pales in the aura of such pristeen documentation. Another contention of Allen's is that Mormon prophet Joseph Smith did not see an angel, but an alien, and that the entire state of Utah seems to be some sort of a landing base for UFO's. I wonder what the L.D.S. Church hierarchy thinks of such information? I HA VE ALWAYS been amazed at the amount of utter nonsense so many people are willing to believe. The insanity doesn't even need disguising in order to attract a good bunch of wide-eyed zealous loonies. ' I remember once covering a faith healer who was an obvious sham. His trickery wasn't even the slightest bit convincing. Yet, the people came and came - and paid and paid - for this vile form of tomfoolery. So it goes with UFO's, poltergeists and any other sort of nether phenomenon filling the majority of space on the paperback book racks in supermarkets. A favorite tactic by Allen and other delvers into the strange and supernatural is to charge their antagonists with "conspiracy." Allen's movie claims the United States government and its scientists are involved in a "Watergate type of cover-up" concerning UFO's and that the military is unequipped and ill prepared to handle the situation. What exactly the situation is is rather confusing. ' Whether these aliens are good humored or nasty remains to be seen. One thing W. Gordon Allen is sure of is that they are real and mere bullets or conventional warfare will be as effective against them as hurling niblets at the Jolly Green Giant. Even so, before the attack comes, there are bucks to be made and Allen, looking more like Truman Capote than P.T. Barnum, is busily cashing in. As for me, I'll remain a critic until I see one for myself. Till then, as far as I'm concerned, Mr. Allen is full of "shazbott" (sorry Mork).


Sen. McClure tells of serious challenge ¡facing US By DIANE COBB Preas News Editor

The United States is facing its most serious challenge since it became an independent nation more than 200 years ago, according to Sen. James McClure. McClure, speaking at North Idaho College's Popcorn Forum Wednesday afternoon, said the conjunction of three crises - energy, economics and military preparedness - have created a climate of chaos in the U.S. The chaos, he charged, is the fault of the Democrat-controlled Congress and is something Congress hasn't the leadership to solve. It is because of Congress's impotence, be said, that the U.S. is now being held hostage by the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and must face the distinct possibility of war with the Soviet Union in Southwest Asia. " We know that in 1981, the Soviet Union will become a net importer of its energy for the first time," McClure told the group of about 40 persons. ''How many of you are ready to read the newspaper headline 'Russia Invades Iran, Carter asks Congress to Declare War'? " It's entirely possible, you know," he added, "and we' re not militarily capable of fighting a conventional war against the Russians there. The lack of military preparedness here is the fault of the Congress. " McClure said he's not certain the U.S. and Russia will go to war, but "it's still a

- The national debt has risen from $400 to mor~ than $800 bil)jon in the last four years. - Inflation has risen from 4.3 percent to 13.2 percent in the past three years. -- Real income has dropped from $92 to $89 in the same time period. - Inflation will likely double and real income will be cut in haU over the next five years unless government curtails its own spending and institutes a new taxing system.

- Should the hostages in Iran be released, the U.S. should maintain a "very cool, very restr~.ined and distant'' relationship with Iran. - The U.S. should recycle nuclear waste through a breeder reactor program. - The ¡ draft should not be remstituted, unless the U.S. goes to war, but Congress should make the volunteer army work by giving it the necessary money.


possibility... Oil, he said, is the "equation that keeps countries moving today.'' However, if the U.S. increases its military defense capabilities and exhibits a strong stance toward the Russians, the possibility of war will be lessened. ''Every bit of talent we have should be focused on making war less likely," McClure said. McClure talked briefly about other issues :


Expert says

Handwriting can reveal character By TIM HANSON Press Staff Writer

A sample of an individual's handwriting will not indicate sex, age or the band that person uses to write, but it will reveal just about everything else. At least that's what Spokane Graphologist Norma Woodbury told a gathering of North Idaho College students Tuesday afternoon. Far from being the mindless parlor trick it is thought to be by many, Woodbury said graphology - or handwriting analysis as it is more commonly referred to - is a sophisticated art used to determine individual character traits. Graphology, for instance, is used to counsel young people who are considering marriage. Woodbury said she is amazed that young couples will spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on an engagement ring but will not spend a fraction of that amount to have their personalities analyzed to determine whether they

Graphologist Norma Woodbury

are wasting their. " When I counsel people who are thinking about getting married," Woodbury said, " I like to see a good score for communication. It is also good if they have equal scores in the area of intellect. It is as hard and frustrating for the person with the high I.Q. as it is tough for the one with the lower I.Q."

Woodbury also said ''.sexual conformity" and " leadership" are important factors in determining the compatibility of two people. Woodbury claims the service is valuable to others, as well. " It is as valuable to people who have been married for 10 or 20 years as it is to others," she said. "These people may be having problems with their marriage and don't know what the solutions are. Otherwise, they would have taken care of it." So reliable is graphology, said Woodbury, that many insurance companies use the skill in the hiring of their employees. " One major company hires all their employees that way," she said. Graphology is used by other institions as well, she claims, including law enforcement agencies and the courts - last on her list of things she enjoys. " I just don't like analyzing the writing of murderers and rapists," she said. ''Things I see in their writing just is not pleasant."

Acclaimed wildlife photographer The Coeur d'Alene Pre11

Tuet., March 11, 1910

calls his work an art By TIM HANSON Press Stall Wrl tar

Take a look at the March cover photographs_ of Field and Stream, Peterson's Hunting and Sports Afield,. and you will see examples of wha~ Outdoor Writer· Photographer Bill McRae loves doing best. One of the most widely-published outdoor photographers in the United States, McRae was on ~ d at North Idaho College Monday afternoon to give students some insight into his craft. Heals~ broug~t a_long a healthy supply of slides and a selection of hrmted· edition framed photographs. McRae. a resident of Fairfield, Mont.. said he · l962 and started selling bought his first camera ~n later Since that h to o tdoor L1fe a year · photograp s _utently sold articles and photographs . e he has cons1s . t,m . . outdoor magazme markets. to all of the maJor His secret? s a Heeling - a love · ··First o~ all,} person nr~is a~ience. " You have for his sub,ecl, McRa~ to ls You've got to love and to be fascinated by and1ma . have got to enjoy the appreciate them. An you outdoors:". R .d a person must be, of course, In additwn, Mc ae 531 · e e for art." a "competent photographer wt~e/you see it," he " lt is necessary to know a

said. "Without it, a person simply cannot make it in photograpahy. There are a lot of people taking pictures of animals. So something extra is needed - and that is art. McRae termed art "an emotional experience." " If you feel something special when you take a picture and are able to convey that feeling to a person who eventually sees that photo, then you have produced art," he said. McRae said he spends about 30 days each year photographing wildlife, mostly in wildlife refuges or national parks where animals are abundant and relatively accessible. " Most magazine editors are more concerned with the quality of the picture than with where It was taken," he said. McRae uses Nikons for hls work - two camera bodies equipped with motor-drive units (that enable him to snap off up to three frames per second) and an arsenal of nikkor lenses ranging from a 35mm wideangle to a 400mm telephoto. Most of the time, McRae works without a tripod, preferring to mount one camera on a handmade gunstock-type mount and another strung around his neck. He doesn'tuse filters much, either, except a polarizer now and then. And about 95 percent of the time, his cameras are loaded with Kodachrome ASA 64. In spite of his elaborate selection of cameras and accessories, McRae prefers to "de-emphasize" the importance of equipment. " The camera is just a tool," McRae said. "There are no magic cameras. Anywhere I go, the first thlng people want to know is what kind of a camera I use. Well, that is a little bit insulting. It is like asking an artist what kind of brush be uses. "

Outdoor photographer BIii McRae


Photographer coming One of the most published wildlife photographers' and outdoor writers in America, Bill McRae will be featured March 10 as the next speaker in North Idaho College's Popcorn Forum Series. Examples of his work can be found on the covers of the February 1980 issue of Field and Stream and the Mar<"h

issues of Sports Afield and Petersons Hunting magazines. The lecture, "The Art of WIidiife Photography," will be presented 1 p.m. in the Bonner Room oc the College Student Union B'uilding. He is a four-time winner of photography competition at the Outdoor Writers

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Kidwell blasts regulations Wayne Kidwell, Republican candidate for U.S. Representative in the First District, today said one of the

major problems with the federal government is the large number of regulatory agencies now plaguing American ciilzens and businesses. Kidwell was feature speaker this moming at North Idaho College's Poocom Forum.


He said that laws pulled Congress1iave allowed rqulatory agencies to expand in size and number unW they are virtually a "fourth branch of government, which now costs taxpayers in excess of P>O billion in tues." " I realize we do need some regu-

latory agencies, but 1 think we've gone overboard. These agencies are no longer respmsible to the electorate, they are nameless and fac~ less and are virtually perpetual in existence." He said Congress needs to review these agencies and the laws governing them. In some cues, he said, they need to be cut back "with a

meat ue." Kidwell also touched on national energy problems and cited the ~ partment of Energy as one of the main reasons for our current situation. The DOE, be said, bu set up so many limiting rules and replations that they are getting in the way of production and exploration.

Energy symposium set at North Idaho College "The Energy Crisis" will be the topic of a three-day energy symposium April 21-23 on the campus of North Idaho College. The symposium meets in the SUB Bonner Room and will involve three Popcorn Forums sponsored by the Associated Students of North Idaho College and free and open to the public. Monday's forum begins at 11 a.m. and will feature Linda Bond, Eastern Washington field representative for the state energy office, discussing problems of energy in Washington state, allocation of fuels, use of gasohol, and identification of groups bit hardest by the energy crisis. The Tuesday forum begins at 11 a.m. and will be a panel featuring a representative of Washington Water Power Company, Congressional Aide Larry LaRocco, and Coeur d'Alene attorney Raymond Given. Wednesday' s forum begins at 10 a.m. and features a very unusual oil producer. Tug Wilson, national spokesman for the Independent Petroleum Association of America (Wildcatters), will give the wildcatter's views on the energy crisis.

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