Forum, workshop on 'S~x in Society' Information on human sexuality and family life will be presented by Mary Lee Neil Tatum in a Popcorn Forum and all-day seminar next week al North Idaho College. Tatum - a proressional educawr. lecturer and consultant - will discuss ''Sex in Society : Contrasts in Human Behavior·· 10 a.m. Friday, Nov. 11, in the Bonner Room of the student union building. At the rree Popcorn Forum, open to the public, Tatum will define many perceptions and needs of people with sexua·lity and the place of sexuali ty in human life and loving. The 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday INov. 12) workshop in the Bonner Room will be on "Sexual Learning in Adolescence: Skills for Understanding and lnterven-
tion.·• Geared toward assisting parents, teachers, counselors and pulic health officials, the workshop fee is $5. For information phone 007-7422, Ext. 213. Tatum has taught family life and sex education classes the past 14 years in high schools and colleges, including the University of Virginia . George Washington University and Syracuse University. She has been a guest on several TV shows, including "Sixty Minutes." ''Good Morning America" and "The Today Show." She has degrees from the University of Washington and George Washington University and has published nine major articles on this subject.
,. The Coeur d'Alene Press Wed., Nov. 9, 1913
.American sex: a 'layer of dirt?' 81 BRIEN LAUTMAN
Pree, Staff Writer
American sexuality wears a layer of dirt, thanks to off-color jokes, skin magazines a nd phony media portrayals of romance, said a nationally known sex educator today at North Idaho College (NIC). Mary Lee Neil Tatum, a lecturer and consultant on human sexuality, spoke to a large gathering of NIC students and faculty during the college's Popcorn Forum. "We (Americans) refuse to take sex seriously," Tatum said. "We tend to treat it as a joke." Tatum, a teacher of family life and hufnan sexuality for the past 14 years at George Mason High School in Falls Church, Va., said Americans and their sexual attitudes are products of the Old and New Testaments, and the Victorian Age. In particular, she said, the Victorian Age "undid us," by dumping sex Into the category of unsavory activity. America is now in a " Neo-Victorian" era, Tatum said, where people have thrown away much of the prior prudish behavior and replaced it with filthy jokes and pornographic magazines.
Mary Lee Ne il Tat um
Tatum said she is not an active crusader against erotic material, "but if our children are learning loving through those things, we're in trouble." Sexuality is something to rejoice in, Tatum said, not to fear or heap into the gutter. She said people must learn to appreciate themselves "as sexual beings. When we're healthy, loving people, we can then give that to
people around us." Educating children about sex ls also a responsibility for society, Tatum said, but stressed that "most of sex education is human relations. Let's face it, how long can you talk about fallopian tubes?" The educator, who has appeared on CBS-TV's "60 Minutes" and several network talk shows, urged the NIC group to educate their children about sexuality throughout their lives. She said sexuality is a lifelong companion, never leaving during the infant, grade-school, adolescent and adult years. " In the U.S., we believe we are successful in educating our children about sex if we get the kids out of high school and out of the house without them getting someone pregnant or getting pregnant. We have this wonderful thing, that when someone is in their ~ s - ZAP they know everything. " Tatum added that infatuation - a dirty word for many - Is a normal, healthy sexual response as long as inappropriate behavior is kept in check. " Behavior is a very different thing," she explained. " We can celebrate infatuation and still ~ in charge of ourselves."
Spokane, Wash., Thurs., Dec. 8, 1983. THE SPokEsMAN-REVIEW
Craig: More cash won't help By MADONNA KING Staflwnter
COEUR d' ALENE - Idahoans can't bank on Congress funding much more than specifically targeted public education programs, Congressman Larry Craig said Wednesday night, because broad-based education support is traditionally a state and local responsiblity. "More federal dollars are no panacea," Craig told a crowd of nearly 200 at North Idaho College's Popcorn Forum on "The Role of Federal and State Governments in Funding Public Education.'' The Idaho Republican said that when a shift in funding has occurred in the past, such as from local to state dollars, the old source begins to rely too much on the new. If more federal funding of education is seen as the answer, he said, state and local funds will drop. "Congress will support targeted programs that are lean," he said. "But we're concerned about getting involved in the broader base funding of elementary and secondary schools in a way that we never have before." The 1984 U.S. Department or Education budget is $15.3 billion, but total federal funds from all departments that have money tar geted for some kind of public or private education program is $65 billion, Craig said. "The federa l government is involved in education in a big way already," he said. "Just remember that with every additional federal dollar you request and receive, you'll also receive a federal restraint or directive on how that can be spent." That, Craig emphasized, is why state and local support - and control - is important to maintain. The problem Idaho is facing in education funding, he said, comes from major changes in the past 10 to 15 years. With parental roles changing,. as more mothers join the work force,
new responsibilities are placed on school systems, he explained. "You're asked to do more," he told the audience, which consisted mostly of educators. "It's not just an absence of dollars." Lakeland School District Superintendent Robert Jones, one of eight panel members at the forum for which Craig was keynote speaker, agreed that the role of schools has changed. "But perhaps the federal government should consider changing their role (in public education funding) as society is changing," Jones said. State Rep. Dean Haagenson, R-Coeur d'Alene, said be "heartily" endorses Craig's concept of steering clear of more federal funding. But he noted that the state already spends 73 percent of its general-fund budget on education, and it has never been higher in actual dollars. "With loss of local support, through the 1 percent (property tax annual increase lid) initiative," Haagenson said, "we're looking more and more to the state for funding." He said the state is requiring more and more from school districts, but not appropriating funds to help meet those demands. For example, he said, the new requirement for high school students to be in six classes a day translates to a need for more teachers and more
classrooms. "It's going to be difficult to find those dollars to m eet t hose needs in the state (Legislature) this coming year." Haagenson said. Barry Schuler, NIC president, said the "biggest dilemma faci ng us as administrators ... is that it seems each (level of government) is pointing the finger at each other as to who should pay for education." A federal, state and local mix of funding works best, said Terry Haggardt, president of the Idaho Education Association. "No community can be expected to foot the entire cost of education alone," Haggardt said. "But then we could reorder our priorities and decide that not all Americans need a good, quality education." Before the forum concluded, Craig asked how many in the audience were parents, not teachers or administrators. When only a handful responded, he suggested "we've been exchanging ideas among the choir members." "So while we have a well-informed choir on the problems of education funding," Craig said, "the people who are ultimately responsible for voting those school bond levies . . . and making those decisions are not being communicated with."
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho Thursday, December 8, 1983
Craig eyes education Federal dollars are scarce, he says Br BRIEN LAUTMAN Pre11 Staff Writer
Federal funding of state education is a step in the wrong direction, U.S. Rep. Larry Craig said Wednesday night on the North Idaho College campus. ''I am very fearful that if we say it has to be the federal government (that provides education funding), then state governments will begin to lessen their involvement on a progressive basis," the First District Republican said in his keynote address at NIC's Popcorn Forum. "Congress ls going to be very guarded about getting involved in broad-based funding of primary and secondary education. " Terry Haggardt, Idaho Education Association president and one of eight panel members mcluded in the forwn, called Craig's comments "disturbing" because of a national education report that states the country's schools are in a ''crisis" situation. " If it is indeed a national crisis, it should be responded to by the federal government, and the federal government is not doing that," Haggardt said. " I find it very disturbin,r." Craig, however. said the U.S. Department of F.ducation'.s 1984 budget
Rep. Larry Craig
totals $15.3 billion, and another $65 billion will materialize from various federal departments and be targeted for public and private education programs. But despite those dollar figure.s, Craig said, Congress will continue to support " targeted and lean'' programs. The Congressman downplayed protests that education is underfunded, saying federal dollars "are no panacea" for the nation's education ills. Instead, Craig said, one of the
major problems Idaho educators face comes from a social change that occurred during the last 10 to 15 years. With more women working and an increased number of single-parent households, he said, educators are being asked to bear more responsibility. State Sen. Norma Dobler CD-Moscow) agreed with Craig that federal money is not a cure-all for Idaho schools, but said the government could "establish a national attitude favorable to education." She said "a lack of teacher prestige has an effect on the quality of education." Robert Jones, Superintendent of Lakeland School District, said "it's almost insulting at times" to offer a starting teaching salary of $13,650 when a high school graduate can make $20,000 annu.dly by driving a forklift. " The only way to draw and retain top-notch people is to pay them what they' re worth," Jones said. "li business wants to attract top-notch people, they generally know it will take top-notch pay to do it." Craig said he supports the concept of merit pay and an evaluation program for teachers. Continued on pare 2
Continued from page 1 . ,..
State Rep. l>ean H.aagenson (R-Coeur d'Alene) said proper funds for Idaho education during ~e next year will be ''very difficult to find." . · In particular, Haagenson said, the state's upgrading of education requirements for the coming year will mean added costs. for school districts. 1- , · ' • .;.. ! As an example, he said, the state's requirement that high school students be in class six periods per day means an already overcrowded Coeur d' ffigh School will have to add more teachers and classrooms. NIC President Barry Schuler said the junior college ~. . faces a similar dilemma because the student popu· ,. . lation, up 60 percent from 1976, is puttjng a strain on · the school's·stafI and ': Schuler said consistent federal funding is needed; particularly in vocational areas such as ~mputers and electronics. NIC, Schuler said, is a victim of bad timing. In the 1970s " there was lots of money," he said, but during the last few years "the federal faucet has been turned off." . ~ . Craig, who bas been targeted for election defeat in 1984 by the National Education Association, this morning accused the NEA of being unconcerned with quality education and misrepresenting Idaho educators. _ "While I'm in Boise lobbying the state legislature for more educational funds, the NEA sends their officials to my Washington office lobbying for a nuclear freeze," Craig said. "The freeze the NEA . should be concerned with is a freeze on the rising tide.· , of educational mediocrity." Craig accused the NEA of being proccupied with . political·power:--,.u•• .. ·- .. ' t · · - ;.... " ' ...·"· ••;.,. ..... "I do not believe the Idaho Educatiorr Associatiorr ~ stands for or-erldctses• the concepts embraced by the, ' national organization," he said. "There is a clear•. difference between the two and I think Idaho teachers } should know _what their national is advocatinjt."
Sen. Symms aide will speak at NIC The chief aide of Sen. Steve Symms, who says he had a secret jungle meeting with Nicaraguan rebel leaders, will speak Thursday at North Idaho College. Sam Routson will talk about the military and political situation in Central America at the MC Popcorn Forum from 12 noon to 1: 15 p.m. The forum is in the Bonner Room of the Student Union Building. Routson told the New York Times Sunday that he had met with Eden Pastora Gomez last month on a secret trip into the Nicaraguan jungle. Pastora is the leader of one of two main rebel factions seeking the overthrow of the Nicaraguan government.
Routson said the two discussed training, personnel and funding. He said bis trip was privately funded. The administrative aide, 34, is a native of Weiser, Idaho, and earned a degree from the University of Idaho in 1972. He served in Southeast Asia in the Marine Corps and was also a White House aide to President Ford. He is now a major in the Marine Corps Reserve. After leaving active duty in 1976, Routson earned degrees in political science and law from Brigham Young University. He is married to the former Karol Teuscher of Geneva, and the two have three sons and a daughter.
The Coitur d'Alene Preu Fri., Jan. 27, 1984
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Aide says Nicaragua
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Routson thinks U.S. should assist the rebels By BRIEN LAUTMAN Pre11 Staff Writer
United States Senate aide Sam Routson says the decision in Central America is obvious: Either the U.S. supports Nicaraguan rebel troops in their struggle to overthrow the ~rxist Sandinista government, or all of the region falls under Communist influence. " What happens in Nicaragua will determine what happens in Central America," Rouston, administrative assistant to Sen. Steve Symms, R-Idaho, said Thursday while speaking at North Idaho College's Popcorn Forum. Rouston also appeared Thursday on KSPS-TV's "NIC Public Forum," a taped interview program that airs Sundays at noon. The Senate aide, who met with rebel troops last month in Nicaragua, said he would "like to see a commitment of resources ( to the rebels) that would allow for decisive action," but not necessarily ln the form of weapons. "No decision has been made to supply arms," he said, but added that Nicaraguan rebels are willing
to fight for their freedom •'and we should support them in any way we can." Routson met with Eden Pastora, one of two key Nicaraguan rebel leaders, to gather information for Symms and keep lines of communication open with the rebels. He said the Nicaraguan trip was funded partly by a conservative political group, which he refused to name, and partly out of the aide's own pocket. Routson warned that the Central America situation is far more serious than the Cuban Missile Crisis of the early 19fJOs, and said the Sandinista government's plan to boost its troop numbers to 250,000 could lead the U.S. into a military confrontation sometime in the future. Routson, who said 9,000 Cubans and 1,000 Soviet bloc advtsers are now working ln Nicaragua, stressed that a communist takeover of Central America would also sever U.S. metals and petroleum trade in the Gulf of Mexico as well as export of goods and military supplies. In addition, Routson said, the continued struggle in Central America could send 15 million refugees fleeing to the U.S., creating a strain on the nation's economy.
North Idaho sex abuse problem 'staggering' By LES TIDBALL Preu Staff Writer Her mother wasn' t a prostitute, but was no stranger to sexual activity. She had been born out of wedlock and had never met her father . When she was six years old, her mother's boyfriends started noticing her. her mother became jealous of her and put her up for adoption when she was almost 10. Five months after being adopted by a Kootenai County couple, her new father started sexually abusing her. For the next three years, the abuse continued. Now she is 13. and finally she is getting help. The Kootenai County Prosecutor
has filed charges against her father , one of five sex abuse cases filed In the past six weeks against local men. Peter Erbland, Kootenai County's chief deputy prosecuting attorney, told a North Idaho College Popcorn Forum audience Monday that the " secret crime of child sex abuse" is the biggest crime problem in Kootenai County. ''It is a staggering problem," he said. Erbland spoke alongside Carol Hanson, Melanie Traver and Sharon Naylor, members of PROTECT, a support group for victjms of sex abuse. " I never knew (the abuse) was so rampant." Erb land said. " The typical offender is Caucasian, employed,
(b ll
bas a family and appears to have a nonnal life. A common denominator is secrecy." The offender, said Erbland, "is not doing it because he's drunk, psychotic or has a mental illness. It's deliberate, planned out." Erbland said statistics show that one in every four women under the age 18 will have molested in some way. In Kootenai County In the past three years, Erbland said his office has dealt with more thao 100 sex abuse cases, where half the victims have been little boys, half little girls. When an offender admits to the sex abuse crime, the deputy prosecutor said, he wants the young victim to hear him say it . " When he says 'I am guHty' I have
the chHd there to hear it," Erbland said. " Then the healing begins. I want the chHd to think she was a victim, that she wasn't wrong, but that the offender was wrong." The healing is difficult, Erbland said. " The guilt that the child has is tremendous," he sajd. " In junior high and high school the chHd is first beginning to realize that his or her peers have not been abused. And they are beginning to be attracted to the opposite sex." At this point, E rbland said, if the abuse is contining, the offender (usually the father or stepfather) "starts acting just ljke a jealous lover." Continued on Pa1e 5
-7-i' r;
Child sexual abuse big crime problem and the nation, "'but it's now liter- Erbland said. The typical offender, ally coming out of the woodwork." he said, is not a " dirty old man" but Erbland was joined in the forum professional or gainfully emCOEUR d' ALENE - Child sexu- on child sexual abuse by Carol Han- aployed family man " who appears to al abuse is the biggest crime prob- son, Melanie Traver and Sharon have a normal life." lem in Kootenai County, Peter E.r b- Naylor, founders of PROTECT, a He said studies show that offendland, chief deputy prosecuting local support and self-help group attorney, said Monday at a North for victims of child sexual abuse ers will not change without legal pressures. Idaho College Popcorn Forum. and their families. Erbland comBut there are some complications "When I first came to Kootenai mended the ~roup for its efforts. Countr, three years ago," Erbland Hanson saui people should inform with laws such as Idaho's that can said, ' I had no idea how widespread themselves of what legally consti- conflict with a counselor's or therathe problem is." tutes sexual abuse - and press for pist's confidentiality privilege with He said he has handled about 100 better laws, such as day-care li- clients. Erbland said there is some disacases in three years - with five censing, as well as for more inforfiled in just past 13 days. greement about penalties in the mation through the schools. " And those are just the ones we Erbland and PROTECT mem- Idaho law on child abuse. find out about," Erbland said. bers urged that child abuse cases of Willful mfliction of any kind of "Secrecy is the most common de- any kind be reported to state Health abuse on a child means one to 10 nominator of this kind of crime." and Welfare Department social ser- years in prison, he sajd. Solicitation He said the situation here is no vices personnel. of a child to commit a sexual act differ_s;nt from the rest of the state "This has to do with sick people," just the act of asking, he empha-l-7-~ s-rofr-,oJ vY!.:>ofl f( PVt F-W
Staff writer
sized - brings five years. Commercial exploitation of minors, or child pornography, also is a five-year offe.n se. And "lewd and lascivious conduct" with a cnild under 16 has a maximum penalty of life. Erbland said he agrees with the basic philosophy that iU people shouldn't be charged with a crime and locked away. They need help, he said. "But rarely are there first-time offenders in these cases," he said. "Most have bee.n doing it for years . .. they have a fixation on children." Erbland said he wonders what kind of guarantees anyone can make about such an offender not " breaking more little hearts and
psyches" after being set free. He said of the 100 cases be has dealt with, only six to 10 resulted in prison terms. Most end up in plea bargaining, he said, since non-offending parents want to protect very young children, who often can't understand or articulate what happened to them, from the trauma of a courtroom. Child victims almost always are threatened not to tell anyone, Erbland said. He said studies show that one of four females will have been molested by the time she reaches 18. Hanson and Traver operate a 24bour call-in service for PROTECT at their homes. Their numbe.r s are 664-4854 and 687-1362, respectively. The group meets weekly.
t• 4...
Writer urges humor in editorials By MADONNA KING Sraff wrller
COEUR D'ALENE - Too few neWSJlapers use one of the strongest editorial writing tools around, Bill Hall told a crowd at North Idaho College's "American Political Humor' ' Popcorn Forum Wednesday. "I marvel at how little humor is on editorial pages today," said the 17-year veteran of the Lewiston Morning Tribune, whose satirical columns are widely syndicated in Idaho. "You would think that editorial writers are dry, humorless people," he said, " but that's '!lot true." Jokes about public figures are fixt ures in nearly every newsroom, Hall said, but not on editorial pages. "There's a myth in the American newspaper business that an editorial is n't serious if it's humorous," he said. "Quips are not dignified, they make an editor too human when they're supposed to be gods. And gods aren' t supposed to guffaw - it's a misdemeanor in Idaho." Because humor is one of the most effective
ways of making a point, Hall called dry editorial writing "a way of keeping your head down." Humorless editorials don't offend humorless advertisers, he explained. And that's why if a newspaper ever does poke fun at someone or something, it's rarely a local personality or issue. "I am never more serious than when I'm joking in my writing," Hall told the audience of more than 200."Teasing can be the most effective tool of all ... U you can make politicans giggle at themselves, you've made your point." Hall said that he uses humor when he's addressing something he cares deeply about. "It's far more effective than sermonizing ... To quote the great British philosopher Mary Poppins, 'A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.' " The forum continues today, with Washington state humorist Carl Gr ant talking about " Political Comedy in America" at noon. Los Angeles Times cartoonist Paul Conrad will speak at noon Friday.
Seattle·comedian entertains at NIC Br SHERI GRAF Preu Correapondent
Seattle comedian Carl Grant 1'hursday gave students some witty Insights into the lilltter side of polilics at the second of North Idaho 'College's three-day symposium on political humor. Grant is a fonner English teacher, boxer, philosoper and baseball coach. Of his boxing he says that he occasionally rose to mediocrity, and be said he tried to get a job after graduating with his master's degree in philosophy and couldn't, but at least be knew why. Grant aimed much of his political sarcasm at a common target - the president and those associated with him. The comedian has appeared on
clubs in Lake Tahoe and on tour in Europe. He said that it takes about five years for a comic to reach top form. "I'm making good money doing this, and I enjoy it so I think I'll stay in it awhile," he said Aside from the political humor, Grant bas a light outlook on life In general. He has been compared to Will Rogers and Herb Shriner for his versatility and style of humor. During his one-hour act, Grant blended his comedy with off-beat magic tricks and sang songs with verses altered to suit his purpose. "I enjoy playing college campuses; it reminds me of when I went Carl Grant to the University of Washington," cable TV's Showtime and has In his Grant said. He later attended three year career done shows at the Western Washington University in Comedy Store in Los Angeles, at Bellingham, Wash.
Conrad's cartoons 'provide a voice' 8:, SHERI GRAF
Pren Correspondent Paul Conrad, chief editorial cartoonist of the Los Angeles Times, capped off the threeday NIC Popcorn Fprum on political bwnor Friday with typically barbed wit. Conrad bas been with the L.A. Times since 1964 and bas since received the Pulitzer Prize twice, once in 1964 and again in 1971. He began bis career when a friend asked him to take over the cartocning for the "Daily Iowan" at the University of Iowa. He said he became booked after doing Just one cartoon. Conrad opened bis NIC presentation with a prayer, "God help the First Amendment." Short, but simple. Tbe First Amendment is " the only thing that separates us from the rest of the world,'' be said. Freedom of the press "is virtually non-existent internationally. It is an island that is RI"OwinK ever mialler."
Conrad later Wt!nt
<ii to forecast that if rad said.
Reagan is re-elected, he could appoint four
new U.S. Supreme Court justices and then "he'll kill that sucker (the First Amendment) dead." Political cartoons, he explained, have a purpose: to provide a voice for those who don't have one.
" The deficit is Reagan's most vulnerable spot," he said. If left alone, the deficit will "absolutely bankrupt the country" by 1988 or 1989, Conrad said.
. ¡¡~~oons have no soul," he said, saying bis inspiration comes from readlng. Too many cartoonists are drawing cartoons " For the last three years there has been no t!18~ don't take stands, be said, and "they're opposition politically, except the press," Con- fitting right lnto many editorial pages that are rad said. " No one elected us," but it is the job doing the same thing with words." of the press not to ignore what's happening in Conrad said be hopes his cartoons are more the country, he said. than tw~mensional - "I try for a third President Reagan used to call Otis dimension ; bringing the reader in." He said be Chandler, the publisher of the Times, every tries to make bis readers think. When they time Conrad drew a cartoon showing the look at a cartoon they should say, "Who said president in a negative light. Finally, accord- that? Who does this look like?" ing to Conrad, Chandler got tired of taking the Conrad urged his audience to exercise their calls and refused to answer them. brains by reading. "Jogging," he said, "is not "That's when Nancy started calling," Con- enough. "
Los Angeles Times cartoonist Paul Conrad spoke to an NIC forum on olitical humor Friday. " I try to bring the reader into the issue. I use
satire and ridicule, but to make a point. And that's just good journaJism," he said.
Cartoonist urges taking stand on issues By MADONNA KING Staff wnter
COEUR d'ALENE - Too many editorial cartoons are simple illustrations that take no stand on issues, a Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonis t told a crowd at North Idaho College in Friday's concluding session of the "American Political Humor" symposium. Paul Conrad, the widely syndicated cartoonist for the Los Angeles Times for the past 20 years, said that, "like editors and writers, too many newspaper cartoonists don't say anything." "I can't imagine reading the news every day without some comment," Conrad said. "How can editorial car-
toonists sit idly by and draw simple illustrations while .. . people like Reagan are robbing from the poor and giving to the rich?" Conrad showed the crowd of about 150 many of bis irreverent cartoons, including some from his "Reagan Hood" series that began during President Reagan's California governorship. He also showed reader responses. both negative and positive, in the form of clipped and altered or scrawled across cartoons. Those reactions, Conrad indicated, are what editorial cartooning is all about - stirring people to think. "I try to bring the reader into the issue," he said. " I use satire and ridicule, but to a point. And that's just good journalism."
saturday, march 10, 1984
Conrad said he gets his inspiration for cartoons "from reading, more reading and reading again." He said he decides what cartoon ideas will run in the Times, acknowledging that he has "gone too fM" on occasion. Conrad didn't believe he had gone too fa r, however, with a recent cartoon playing on Reagan's hearing impairment, and he refused to apologize for it when asked at the sym posium. The cartoon showed a marine in Lebanon trying to get Reagan's attention, saying "Tell him to turn up his hearing aid.'' Conrad said he wasn't being unkind about Reagan's affliction, but was only using it to make a point.
NIC crowd hears Carole King sing, boost .G ary¡Hart By MADONNA KING
and SHERRY DEVLIN Stall corr~pondents
A crowd of nearly 400 packed North Idaho College's Bonner Room Monday to hear Carole King sing and stump for Democratic presidential candidate Gary Hart. She later spoke before another crowd at the University of Idaho in Moscow. King, best known as an international recording artist of popular music in the late '60s and an Idaho resident since 1977, told both gatherings "you can make a difference." " In the midst of nuclear madness . . . I think we have been made to
who is a pale imitation of the Republican party." Before King hit the keyboard to sing her new creation and unofficial campaign theme song, "One Small Voice," she asked that voters "check out" Hart and the other candidates. "Whovever you vote for, don't make a shallow decision," she said. "Check it out . . . it's your future, and your vote can make a difference." The difference between Hart and frontrunner Mondale, King said in Moscow, is one of character and inte'-rity. 'If you look at their records, Gary Hart is the candidate wh(? shines with integrity," she said. "He is the first presidential candidate ever to refuse contributions from
feel hell)less," King said, "dependent on big corporations and government for survival ... but you can influence the course of your lives." King urged individuals to stand up and fight for rights and beliefs, to become "can do" people such as Colorado Sen. Gary Hart, who is fighting former vice yresident Walter Mondale and civi rights leader Jesse Jackson for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination. "Gary Hart is different," King said. "He has the integrity and honor. that public officials are supposed to be all about." She noted that Hart is the first presidential candidate to refuse contributions from political action committees and other special interest groups. "Gary Hart wants to go to the White House with no str"1gs at-
political action committees." But King admitted that Hart has bad his problems in challenging the Democratic establishment. He is, in fact, running far behind Mondale in total delegate numbers. Mondale has about 1,170 of the 1,967 delegates needed for nomination on the first ballot at this summer's Democratic National Convention in San Francisco. Hart has 620; Jackson, 181. "Gary Hart has trouble getting his message across because he doesn't offer a glib or an easy answer to complex problems," King told reporters before her appearance at Ul "Back East," she added, "be bas to win over people who tend to go with the old guard no matter how bad it is. He has to go against big
Spokane, Wash., Tues., May 1, 1984.
tached," King said. "He wants to be responsive to the people, not to the highest bidder." King said one of Hart's main priorities is education, and the dollars needed to fund improvements in that area could come from those now spent on MX missiles and B-1 bombers. When a round of applause followed that comment, King smiled broadly and said "kindred spirits!" At a press conference earlier, King said Hart "will reverse the dangerous policies of this administration." She also said Hart could galvanize those who have dropped out of the political process. "There is a potential electorate in Idaho tbat hasn't been tapped by the Democratic party," King said. "They will not vote for someone
labor and big money - Mondale's people." But Hart is good for the country - and good for the West - because he has new ideas and is part of a new generation of politicians, according to King. As for Hart's lagging delegate count, King predicted a good showing in Idaho, despite the fact that the state's Democratic leaders are backing Mondale in the May 22 primary and May 24 caucuses. "Don't think that Idaho's 22 convention delegates are.n't important," she said. "Every single delegate to that convention is important. lt:s important that our state be heard."
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Singer King campaigns for Hart 81 LES TIDBALL Preu Staff Writer
The children of college students who danced to the soft rock of Carole King in the 1960s are the targets of the entertainer's campaign efforts for presidential candidate Sen. Gary Hart. King visited North Idaho College today, speaking at the Popcorn Forum in support of Hart. At a preforum press conference, she said Hart's integrity, consistency and "old-fashioned values" have drawn
her to the campaign trail. People have been turned off by the negative campaigning of former Vice President Walter Mondale, she said, while Hart's values are turning people on. King said the methods of the Democratic Party m the past were valid for those times, but today's environmental and nuclear issues demand new approaches. "There is a real conflict between the old and new, between the past and future ," she said paraphrasing Hart. " Nuclear concerns call for
doing things in a new way.'' King said she has made at least 10 campaign stops for Hart, speaking on college campuses or performing to raise money for the Colorado Senator. King said other entertainers including Mary Tyler Moore, Robert Redford, Dan Fogelberg and Marlo Thomas - have also joined the Hart team. She acknowledged "surprise" that today's students are receptive to her music and "my message." " I'm bringing Hart's message
more clearly to the students," she said. Most don't know that Hart bas written a book, "The New Democracy," explalning his view of America's future, she said. Her goal on college campuses is to tap the "potential Hart energy and focus it." Students need to study the issues and candidates and vote intelligently, she said. King said because Hart is a part of a "younger generation" of presidential candidates, he has a committment to women that ls natural. Continued on Pa1e 4
King campaigns,---Continued from Page 1
"His acceptance of women as equal partners is natural," she said. Hart still bas a good chance of wiMing the Democratic nomination, said King. "All delegates come to the convention with a clean slate. On the first ballot, they can vote for anyone." King, who is a year-round CUster County resident, also spoke out about the Idaho Wilderness Bill and the state Democratic Party. Sen. James McClure, author of the Idaho Wilderness Bill, has "painted himself Into a corner," she said. His bill is a " blatant" attempt to satisfy special interests, King said, while ignoring the interest, of Idaho citizens. "The bill will never pass the House of Representatives, and I doubt it will pass the Senate," King said. Idaho's Democratic Party has missed tapping a reservoir of voters who "have not had a real and clear alternative to the Republican leadership in this state," said King. " Many have dropped out since 1972 and they're ready to vote. But they won't vote for a pale imitation of Republicans. " King said her troubles with the U.S. Forest Service continue. She owns a ranch in Custer County and has tried to close off a road through the ranch she considers private. King says she was assaulted by a Forest Service employee when she tried to get documentation of her property. The fight over the ranch road continues, she said.
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'-'--~..;._ ;..... Hart supporter Carole King at NIC
-PrffS Photo By BOB HOOVER
Walker, Butler debate racism By BRIEN LAUTMAN
Preaa Staff Writer
Whlle white supremacist Richard Butler quoted author George Orwell and slammed President Ronald Reagan's foreign policy during a North Idaho College debate today, Kootenai County Prosecutor Glen Walker took his stand on the Bible. " The com:nand, ladies and gentlemen, is to love thy neighbor as thy self," Walker told a crowd of about 500 students and community members who crowded into a meeting room at NIC's Edminster Student Union Building. "They (Butler and his Aryan Nations church) ignore the true Christian theme - love.'' Butler and Walker debated their views on racism at NIC's popular " Popcorn Forum." Coordinator Tony Stewart, an NIC political science instructor, called the debate "a great test for free speech and democracy when our forum permits a speaker like Mr. Butler, who op¡ poses all the principles for which we stand." Butler, the leader of the Hayden Lake-based Aryan Nations white supremacist group, received a polite though cool reception from the large audience during his 20-minute period for opening remarks, while Walker's speech was repeatedly interrupted by applause. Butler sale the American media is slanted against while supremacist groups, pouring blame on the group when others are really at fault. He cited an incident In the Eastern U.S. where someone had painted
Prosecutor Glen Walker
Richa rd Bu tler
swastikas and other words on a Jewish synagogue. When the culprit was caught, he was identified as the synagogue's rabbi, but the press ignored Uiat fact, Butler explained. "Certain things are printed by the press and certain things are not," he said. Butler said his Aryan Nations group is following a " God-ordained" order by associating and promoting a single, white race of people. "It's fundamental law and order," he said. " You can see it in the forests, streams and seas. Kind follows kind. It was laid out by Moses (in Genesis) ... We say, let us follow that natural order." Focusing on American colleges and universites, Butler panned the academic community for giving false infor1ru2tion to students and not
teaching them to think for themsElves. Although he is a World War II veteran, Butler said he didn't support that war, nor does he support any foreign wars entered into by the U.S. Walker, however, said he wasn't concerned about Butler's views on foreign policy. Instead, he addressed the Aryan Nations group directly, saying it relies on fear and intimidation of others for its strength. White supremacist groups, Walker said, are not part of Christianity or the American way of life, but they must be watched. When a group like the Aryan Nations are scrutinized, Walker said, they are rendered useless, but ignoring them allows for growth of the Continued on pa1e 5
The Coeur d'Alene Press Thun., May 3, 19M
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hate organiUlUon. " Do nothing and success can never be achieved," Walker said. "Do nothing and fear takes hold nothing and racism becomes institu-
tionalized, do nothing and the horrors of the Holocaust return." Walker added that Idaho's malicious harassment law, passed last year by the Legislature, shows that
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state residents and law enforcement officials believe in protecting all people from harassment and injury because of their race or beliefs.
Kootenai prosecutor, white supre01acist argue race equality By MADONNA KING Staff correspondent
COEUR D'ALENE White supremacist Richard Butler and Kootenai County Prosecuting Attorney Glen Walker confronted each other Thursday in a debate that drew a standing-room only crowd to the Bonner Room at North Idaho College. Butler, head of the Hayden Lakebased Aryan Nations group that has been involved in what Walker called "violence and harassment" in the community, bad requested an opportunity to address students on his views. Butler, who received light applause alter his prepared remarks, said he appreciated the l)pportunity to speak because "most of you probably only know of us through media exposure and hearsay." He said the Aryan Nations follows "the law of natural order that
God himself ordained" in which "kind begets kind" and miscegenation - interracial sex - "destroys both races" and is punishable by death. Butler said there bas been a loss of academic freedom and a growth of "academic fraud" in the count ry because "freedom of thought is reserved for one side but not the other." He said students used to be taught bow to think, not what to think. Now, he said, they are learning a history that, in the words of Napoleon, "is made up of the lies the victors agreed upon." Butler said those efforts "to confuse and obliterate understanding of the truth ... about who you are and where you came from" are the same as the "doublespeak" bureaucratese be said is eroding language.
St aff phot o by BART RAYNIAJ<
Kootenai County Prosecutor Glen Walker, left and white supremacist Richard Butler debated Walker, who received several Thursday before a standing-room only crowd at North Idaho ColJege. (Coatlnaed oa page 9)
Butler and Walker debate Aryan Nations leader Pastor Richard Butler and Kootenai County Prosecuting Attorney Glen Walker will debate each other at 10 a.m. Thursday at North Idaho College. Part of NIC's continuing Popcorn Forum1 the debate will be held at the Bonner Room of the Edminster Student Union. Forum coordinator Tony Stewart announced the debate saying " It is a great test for free speech and democracy when our forum permits a speaker like Mr. Butler, who opposes all the principles for which we stand." Stewart said he bad great confidence "that the correctness of racial equality under the Constitution will emerge from the debate." Each of the debaters will speak for 20 minutes followed by questions from the audience. '
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Equality<co.11â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘ec1 fro â&#x20AC;˘ page 1) rounds of applause and a standing ovation, followed Butler with the comment: "Talk about doublespeak - I don't know what he said!" Walker said that although he believes in "a pluralistic society where different people and different ideas can compete ... I also believe in speaking out against racism and violence." Walker said that with the racist "acts of violence and harassment" in Kootenai County in the past, "It became apparent that even in the face of a small demagogue, it was necessary in Idaho to draw the line between freedom of speech and conduct which causes harm and real1ear of harm." That, Walker said, is why be supported new laws banning malicious harassment and making it a felony to threaten personal injury or deface property because of race, color, religion, or national origin. Those laws, Walker acknowledged, haven't and won't solve the problem entirely. "There will always exist a tension between freedom of speech on the one band and the advocacy of unlawful acts on the other," he said. "But never will Americans' freedom of speech be infringed upon." Walker noted that Kootenai County's Christian community has spoken out against groups like Butler's, whose views are "heretical" and "a departure from Christianity itself." The white supremacist view ignores the true Christian theme of love and equality of all persons, he said. Walker urged the crowd to "eliminate com,r.lacency" about such ideas and speak vigorouslr, for both democracy and diversity.' Lack of condemnation of extreme views, he said, "onlr. gain them credence with the gulhbl~."
When asked in a question-answer session bow be could justify the death of Jews in Nazi German with bis one-race stand, Butler responded that be was concerned about the 32 million white Christians who died in World War II. Asked what race God is, Butler said the Book of Genesis says Adam was made in the image of God, and that "Adam" in Hebrew means "capable of blusbinf or "the show of blood in the face. ' Butler defended that translation when later challenged by a student of Hebrew. When charged with blatant racism in using the word "nigger" in Aryan Nations mailings and press releases, Butler denied any such derogatory references. A representative of NIC's Associated Student Body reminded Butler that he was only able to speak on the campus because of the tolerance freedom of speech saferards. Butler did not respond directly. Walker said he couldn't have put it better. "When you receive a speaking request from a movement or organization that opposes the great principles to which you are most dedicated, that being equality of all persons," said Tony Stewart, NIC political science teacher and Po1;. corn Forum series coordinator, ' it is the most difficult task you ever face to consent to that request." Stewart said he arranged the forum, asking Walker to balance the presentation, because he has "a deep faith that in a public debate the truth of equality for all persons always shines forth and the great wrongs of racism become clear."
Staff photo by BART AAYNIAK
Singer Carole King smiles as she receives applause Monday from about 400 North Idaho College students. She visited the campus during a campaign swing for presidential candidate Gary Hart.
Singer urges Idaho students to 'make a difference' By MADONNA KING and SHERRY DEVLIN Staff correspondents
Nearly 400 packed North Idaho College's Bonner Room Monday to bear Carole King sing and stump for Democratic presidential candidate Gary Hart. She later spoke before another crowd at the University of Idaho in Moscow. King, best known as an international recording artist of popular music in the late '60s and an Idaho resident since 1977, told both gatherings "you can make a difference." "In the midst of nuclear madness ... I t hink we have been made to feel helpless," King said, "dependent on big corpora-
tions and government for survival .. . but you can influence the course of your lives." King urged individuals to stand up and fight for rights and beliefs; to become "can do" people such as Colorado Sen. Hart, who is fighting former Vice President Walter Mondale and civil rights leader the Rev. Jesse Jackson for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination. "Gary Hart is different," King said. "He has the integrity and honor that public officials are supposed to be all about." She said Hart 1s the first presidential candidate to refusecontributions from political action committees and other special-interest groups. "Gary Hart wants to go to the White House with no strings
attached," King said. "He wants to be responsive to the people, not to the highest bidder." King said one of Hart's main priorities is education, and the dollars needed to fund improvements in that area could come from those now spent on MX missiles and B-1 bombers. When a round of applause followed that comment, King smiled broadly and said "kindred spirits!" At an earlier press conference, King said Hart "will reverse the dangerous policies of this administration." She also said Hart could galvanize those who have dropped out of the political process.
See KING on page 5
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Butler wants rematch.debate with prosecutor morality? That's the issue we ought term, because they were not arguing a specific question. Instead, to talk about." He said he plans to issue his chal- each made a speech and then anCOEUR d' ALENE - Aryan Na• lenge to Walker within the next few swered questions from the audilions leader Richard Butler says he days. e.nce. wants a rematch debate with The forum was called at the reOn Tuesday, Walker said flatly, Kootenai County Prosecutor Glen quest of Butler's followers, accordWalker, but Walker isn't interested. ing to moderator Tony Stewart, an Butler said Tuesday he was Butler said Tuesday NIC professor. Stewart said he "sandbagged" when he and Walker agreed to the request only when the appeared May 3 at a standing- he was "sandbagged.,, Aryan Nations representatives room-only forum at North Idaho agreed to allow an opposing speakCollege. er to appear with Butler. Walker, judging by audience re- "I have no intention of debating Walker agreed to speak at that action, was the victor. Richard Butler. forum, he said Tuesday, because, This time around, Butler said, he "He probably would be better off "My purpose was to 'expose the evil wants to debate, "Our view of debating with a minister." nature of what the Aryan Nations Christianity and the word of God." "I don't know that he's worth de- is. Butler, pastor of the white-supre- bating in such an area," Walker "They do not stand for Christianimacist Church of Jesus Christ continued. " He's going to say what ty. They are not Christians." Christian, explained Tuesday, "It's he wants. He does not give anWalker, said it is "blasphemy" a theopolitical question." swers." for Butler and his followers to use "The soul of a nation is the faith The earlier meeting was not a the name of Jesus Christ to adof a nation," Butler said. "What is debate in the strict sense of the vance their views.
Staff writer
Spokane, Wash., Wed., May 16, 1984.
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Travelers recount trip to gloomy Russia By BRIEN LAUTMAN Preaa Staff Writer
About 140 people filed into the Bonner Room at North Idaho College Wednesday night to hear and see what the Soviet Union is really all about. NIC's Popcorn Forum, co-sponsored by the Kootenai County League of Women Voters, featured a panel of six local residents who visited the communist country in July as part of a 62-member tour from Idaho sponsored by the Atlanta-based Friendship Force organization. "You were being watched most of the time, " explained Pat Walker, who made the trip with her husband, Kootenai County Prosecutor Glen Walker. "And in a lot of rooms there were (electronic) bugs." Coeur d'Alene Mayor Jim Fronun, his mother Fran, Buell Hollister and Lee Ray, were also part of the Friendship Force cadre. The group answered questions from the forum audience Wednesday after presenting a slide show. For the most part, the six Kootenai County residents said the somewhat cushy treatment they received from Soviet officials during their two-week tour contrasted dramatically with the poor economic condition of the country's citizens. Mayor Fromm said the tour participants were well-fed, but one look at the shelves of Soviet grocery stores gave a quick indication of what the Russian people really eat - cucumbers, cabbage, canned fish, vodka and beer.
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American merchandise is coveted by young Russians, who wait outside hotels and barter for clothing and other goods, group members said. The trip, however, had its joyful moments, too, Hollister said. He commented that the Russian people cherish their children, who also seem to get along extremely well with one another.
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He added that "no children fail in school, and there is no corporal punishment in the schools. I think we could learn a lot from them." Ray, a seasoned world traveler, said It is also wrong of Americans to believe that all Russian citizens are communists. A small percentage of citizens actually belong to the Communist Party, she said.
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Glen Walker, who said Russia could be proud that drug use, pornography and violent crime are nearly non-existent, remained firm in his Soviet assessment : " Let' s be honest, it's a very gloomy country. " The highlight of the trip for Fromm and Walker was visiting in Leningrad with a 23-year-old Soviet dissident named Sasha. Walker said he met Sasha outside his hotel and later smuggled him inside.
Coeur d 'Alene Mayor Jim Fromm and other tour members discuss Soviet trip
The man was amazed at the luxury of the hotel, Walker said, and he
was later smuggled into a touristonly store, where members of the group bought him some books. They also spent about four evenings at Sasha's apartment and visited with some of his friends.
The Coeur d'Alene Press Thurs., Sept. 20, 1984
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NIC Popcorn Forum is on vvorld hunger World hunger ls the topic of the Science Division and the ASNIC, 190th presentaUon In North Idaho Associated Student of North Idaho College's popular "Popcorn Fo- College, student government. Al¡ rum" series. though there will be no fund raising Paul Edwards, former director of effort during Edwards' presentainformaUon for the United Nations tion, ASNIC wlll use hia appearance International Cblldren's Emer- at NIC to kick off a fund raiser to gency Fund, UNICEF, wlll speak on help those starving In Ethiopia. " Hunger and Death in the Third The presentaUon Is open to the World : A Cast Study of Ethiopia" at public without charge. As is custom11 a.m., Wednesday, Dec. 12, in the ary in " Popcorn Forum" presentaBonner Room of the NIC Student tions, a question and answer session Union building. will follow the talk. His appearance at North Idaho For further information, phone College 11 lpOlllOred by the Social 667-7422. ext. 213.
Ex-UNICEF official's talk kicks off NIC fund drive By GRETCHEN BERNING Scaff corr"pondent
COEUR d'ALENE - He's seen "abject poverty, the likes you can't imagine." He's seen women and children trampled to death in the race to get to food trucks. Paul Edwards of Hayden Lake, former director of information for UNICEF, addressed North Idaho College students Wednesday to kick off a student government fund drive. Edwards, who has traveled extensively in Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Pakistan a nd other Third World countries , told students at a Popcorn Forum that money can help fight hunger. He also suggested students a nd others concerned about hunger in the world give to organizations that can do the most with the money. Edwards said six lar ge organizations - including UNICEF, CARE,
Catholic Relief Services and Lutheran World Relief have formed a consortium and communicate weekly on the distribution of food and money to Third World countries. Those agencies will get the job done with the least amount of money, he said. But be added, that "your conscience should be your guide" in choosing a relief agency. Edwards, 73, who spent 25 years with UNICEF, related his experiences in the field.
"When you first arrive, you're struck dumb," he said. "You l)ave to develop a set of psychological blinders." Hunger is a common denominator of 40 percent of the world's population. To treat it, the western world has to address the problems that accompany famine. Edwards said world relief agencies have a transportation problem: "There are far more ship bottoms for oil than for food ." Also, famine occurs in inconvenient places where governments are uncooperative. Famine can be traced, in some cases, to overuse and abuse of the land, be said. Overgrazing in Ethiopia has occurred over thousands of years, he said, and - in the long run - even the U.S. could face famine. " We're doing with industrial plants and automobiles what Ethiopia did to the land with sheep and goats," he said. Tony Stewart, moderator of the Popcorn Forum and chairman of th.e NIC Social Science Department, said the student board will begin a fund drive on campus that will expand to include the county. An account has been established and students will vote later on what agency will distribute the money collected. Donations can be made to the As¡ sociated Students of North Idaho College (ASNIC) Ethiopia Fund.
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Thurs., Dec. 13, 1984, Spokane, Wash.
The Coeur d'Alene Press "'"ues.• M erch 19, 198 6
Westmoreland suit topic of NIC Popcorn Forums
The much-publicized libel suit between ~n. Wllllam Westmoreland and the CBS news show 1180 Minutes" will be brought to North Idoho College not week In a series of three "Popcorn Forums" entitled ''Free Press and Public Officials.'' George Crile, a co-defendant in the case and producer of "80 Minutes," will speak at 9 a.m. Monday In the Bonner Room of NIC's student union building. Westmoreland withdrew bis ,120 million libel suit against CBS, Crile and reporter Mike Wallace In exchange for a statement from CBS officials. Crile spent 11 days on the witness stand and was quoted as saying, "I've tended to choose stories where there are difficult choices, when no matter what you do people are going to be upset. " The CBS-Westmoreland trial
, Tues., March 19, 1985.
lasted 18 weeks in Federal Dtttrict Court in Manhattan, N.Y. Westmoreland sued CBS for libel concerning the network's documentary, "The Uncounted Enemy: A Vietnam Deception." The program charged that Westmoreland deceived the president about enemy troup strength in Vltenam. Scheduled to speak at 9 a.m. on Tuesday In the NIC CommunlcaUonArts Auditorium Is Stephen Klaldman, a specialist on foreign poUcy and military luues who bu worked for the New York Times, Washington Post and International Herald Tribune.
Anthony Murry, the attorney who handled all factual material for Westmoreland during the trial, wlll speak at 11 a.m. Wednesday in the Communication-Arts Auditorium. Panel discussions wlll follow each speech.
Libel suit principals symposium guests COEUR d' ALENE - Two princi· pals in Gen. William Westmoreland's recent libel suit against CBS will appear next week with a media analyst at a three-day North Idaho College symposium. "Free Press and Public Offi· cials'' will be the topic of George Crile, Stephen Klaidman and An· thony Murry. Panel discussions by area journalists, lawyers and educators will follow each speech. Crile, producer of the CBS "60 Minutes" documentary "The Uncounted Enemy: A Vietnam Deception," will speak Monday at 9 a .m. in the NIC student union building's Bonner Room. After the documentary aired with claims that Westmoreland deceived the president about enemy troop strength in Vietnam, the retired general filed a , 120 million libel suit against Crile, CBS and
Mike Wallace. After 18 weeks of trial, Westmoreland dropped bis suit in exchange for a statement from CBS. Klaidman, who has worked for the New York Times, Washington Post and International Herald Tri· bune, is a s~ialist on foreign policy and military issues. He will speak Tuesday at 9 a.m. in the NIC communications arts auditorium. Murry, the attorney who supervised the gathering and research of factual information for Westmoreland's defense, will speak Wednesday at 11 a .m. in the communications arts auditorium. The panel responses are scheduled each afternoon at 1 in the Bonner Room. "We're thrilled to have people of this cal_lber coming to NIC,' said symposium coordinator Tony Stewart.
CBS libel trial proves power of media By SUSAN TOFT Press Staff Writer
The producer of a CBS News documentary that led to the $120 million libel suit by General William Westmoreland believes the "sobering" experience of being a primary witness in the case made him acutely aware of the power of the media. George Crile spent 11 days on the stand in a federal courtroom in Manhattan, testifying to his part in the making of "The Uncounted Enemy : A Vietnam Deception." The documentary, whic.h aired on Jan. 23, 1982, charged there had been a "conspiracy at the highest levels of American military intelligence" to underreport enemy troop strength in Vietnam in o:-der to deceive President Lyndon Johnson and the American people into believing the U.S. was winning the war. Crlle did the majority of the field reporting for the documentary, interviewing more than 80 witnesses and boiling down dozens of hours of videotape and volumes of information into a 70-minute program. He was sharply criticized by some for excluding portions of interviews - sections of videotape that eventually ended up on the cutting room floor. Critics charged that explanations by Westmoreland and his supporters concerning the accusations never were shown to the public and that CBS treated the general and his staff unfairly. In an interview on Sunday, Crile adamantly de· fended his actions in putting the documentary togeth-
- Press Pho10 By GORDON KING
Producer George Cri le er. but in part agreed with his critics. In retrospect, he said. he would have Liked to have put more of those witnesses who challenged the CBS position on camera. " I would have liked to have put more on so there would be no question about the validity of the message." Crile said. Crile was at North Idaho College to tape a future segment for " North Idaho College Public Forum" and to appear at a Popcorn Forum at the college this morning.
He called the documentary " an unprecedented broadcast" in that it was "terribly unusual to have a government official acknowledge he did something wrong. " The witnesses, he said, were not antiwar figures , but rather " pro-war voices." "They were Westmoreland's own staff," he said. "They were the voices of the military. The accusers were those at the heart of military intelligence in 1967 who were allowed to speak many years later." The 18 days of pre-trial depositions were particularly brutal, Crile said. "You have to defend every single thought, every single judgment, everything you did and didn't do," he said. "As a witness, you're accused of being a liar. It becomes a process of character assasination." The entire experience provided a lesson on methods to improve his craft, Crile said, noting that he has changed his way of approaching a story. "When you're taking on someone's life, you have to do something beyond merely getting the story," he said. " A generosity - I call it the kindness factor. You have to build in the whys someone would have done something." A phenomenon resulting from being "constantly challenged.'' Crlle said, "is you come to understand that you could be a better reporter, more fair and should have done more." Although the criticism is beneficial to reporters, he
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Povver /of media said, libel lawsuits are not the best forum for injured parties to seek redress for alleged wrongs. Instead, the debate should be opened in the public forum , with television networks providing immediate opportunities for rebuttal. Reporting, he said, should become a process and a party that believes it bas been Injured should "continue to debate if you think you have a case. "There is room always to criticize reporting," he noted. Westmoreland's unsuccessful lawsuit will not necessarily discourage other public figures from pursuing their case in court, Crile said.
Continued from Page l " It is not inconceivable to see a continuation of certain attempts to punish the press for reporting the kind of stories that are unpalatable to certain special interest groups,·• he noted. If the case had been lost by CBS, Crile said, the personal effect on him would have been "disastrous." " It is a life challenge," he said. "It's an all-out battle to continue doing what you want to report." The professional tragedy, he noted, would have been that public officials would be discouraged from coming forward . "The highest calling for reporters is to bring something forward that would never have seen the light of day," he said.
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Guests: Six Idaho Citizens' Re port on their vis it to the USSR (Coeur d'Alene Mayor Jim Fromm, Kootenai County Prosecutor Glen Walker, Coeur d'Alene CPA Pat Walker , Ms. Lee Ray, Ms. Fran Fromm and Businessman Buell Hollister). Topi c : "The Political , Economic, Social and Psychological Characteristics of the USSR . 11 September 19, 1984.
188 .
Guest: The Honorable Larry Craig (R} , U.S . Representative from the First Congressional District of Idaho. Topic: "My 1984 Congressional Campaign . October 18, 1984. 11
189 .
Guest: Bil l Hellar , The Democratic Candidate for the Fi rst Congressional District of Idaho . Topic: "My 1984 Congressional Campaign." October 19 , 1984 .
190 .
Guest: Paul Edwards, Former Director of lnformat"ion for the United Nations Inter national Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF). Topic: "Hunger and Death in the Third World: A r ase Study of Ethiopia . " December 12, 1984.
191 .
Rev . David Lundean , Representative from the Diocesan Council of th e Episcopal Diocese of Spokane . Topic: The Last Stand of the Lubicon Lake Indian Tribe of Alberta, Canada." Marc h 15, 1985. 11
Guest: George Crile, CBS Prod...icer of the documentary The Uncounted Enemy: A Vietnam Deception." Topi c: The Case for CBS in Westmoreland 'i... CBS." March 25, 1985.
193 .
Guest: Stephen Klaidman, Senior Research Fellow of Georgetown University and Former j our nalis t at The New York Times, The Washington Post and The International Herald Tr i bune. Top ic: "The Case of Westmoreland 'i... CBS.'' March 26, 1985.
Guest: Anthony Murry, Westmoreland Attorney in charge of Fact Finding. Topic. "The Case for General ~-Jil 1iam Westmoreland in Westmoreland 'i... CBS. March 27, 1985.
Guest: The Mast Rev Sylvester W. Treinen, Bi shop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Boise . Topic: "The United States Catholic Bishops: Resolutions • ...
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