Popcorn Forum Scrapbook 1984-1986

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Tues., March 26, 1985, Spokane, Wash.

Westmoreland was 'clearly a patriot' By JEFF KRAMER Staff corruponda1t

COEUR d' ALENE - Although he misrepresented enemy troop strength in Vietnam, Gen. William Westmoreland was "clearly a patriot," the producer of a critical CBS documentary said Monday. George Crile, a C<Hlefendant in the $120 million libel case brought against CBS by Westmoreland, said the documentary he produced linking the general to distorted troop figures was accurate. But he added that the story failed to explain why Westmoreland acted as be did. "You have to JO beyond getting the story right,' said Crile, produce r of the documentary, "The Uncounted Enemy: A Vietnam DeceP.t ion." 'You must explain why he withheld information on troop estimates," he said. Crile said Westmoreland believed providing doctored figures would help the war effort and keep the country from " panicking and pulling the plug" on its commitment to Vietnam. He called the general "a man who was clearly a patriot." By not explaining Westmoreland's motivation, the documentary left doubts in the public's mind about the story's validity, Crile said. At the same time, he stressed that information from CIA informants disproved claims that Westmoreland's tactics boosted the national cause. "I think the overwhelming evidence by these men was that it was disastrous and didn't help the country," he said. Westmoreland recently dropped his suit against the network. Crile, who spent 11 days on the witness stand during the 18-week trial, admitted the ordeal altered his feelings about the media. "Both of us had to endure the slings and arrows of the press,

which is not a pleasant experience," he said, adding that Journalists need to use compassion m their work. Calling on them to employ "the kindness factor," Crile said "They (reporters) just don't know bow powerful their medium is." During his hour-long presentation before a large audience at North Idaho College, Crile said the press didn't come out ahead in the dispute despite the outcome of the trial. "All you've got ultimately is the right to go back to work again,'' he said. The trial in U.S. District Court in Manhattan is believed to have cost CBS and Westmoreland $7 milllon to $9 million. Crile, 39, was a C<Hlefendant with Mike Wallace of "60 Minutes." Their report, which aired Jan. 23, 1982, indicated the military undercounted irregular e nemy forces by as much as 200,000 men. Crile did much of the interviewing and editing, and was criticized for leaving out key portions of interviews. However, be maintained the s~ory was the most important of his career, addinJ that investigative journalism 1s a "reporter's highest calling." He also said that in retrospect, be would take on the story again. The story would have been "a national scandle the likes of which you wouldn't believe" bad it broken during the war, be said. "The impulse that led me to do this is something I hope will stay alive in me." The producer maintained that the libel suit probably was withdrawn because attorneys for the general knew the case was lost and had no closing argument. Crile appeared as part of an NIC Popcorn Forum Symposium titled "Public Officials Libel Suit and the Media on Trial."


CBS PRODUCER GEORGE CRILE Reporters should employ "the lclndaess factor."

CBS unfair to Westmoreland, writer says By COLLEEN KEEFFE Press Staff Writer

Because they are human, journalists can never be completely objective in reporting, but as "public surrogates" they have an obligation to be fair and present a balance of information, international journalist Stephen Klaidman said today in Coeur d'Alene. In that regard, CBS was unfair to Gen. William Westmoreland because the network presented a television documentary to support its preconceived "premise" that enemy troop strength in Vietnam was purposely underestimated, Klaidman said. "The editing was simply unfair," be said, and the documentary did not fairly present both sides of the issue. In fact , film outtakes from "The Uncounted Enemy : A Vietnam Deception," could have been edited to show the exact opposite point other than what was shown, Klaidman said. Klaidman, a senior research fellow at Georgetown University who bas worked for the New York Times, Washington Post and the International Herald Tribune, spoke this morning at North Idaho College's Popcorn Forum. He is the second of three guests in as many days to address the topic, " Public Officials, Libel Suits and the Media on Trial : CBS vs. General Westmoreland." American journalists are granted certain privileges and protections by the First Amendment of the Constitution, Klaidman said. But those privileges contain an inherent obligation to inform the public because the press often bas access to places and people that the public does not, be said. "That is so the p'ress can act on behalf of the public as sort of a surrogate of the public," he said. Information provided by the media is useless unless it's presented in a genuinely truthful manner, Klaid·

between the need for fairness and the need to protect the public's access to public officials. But, he said, "there are no really, really good standards" on negligence and moral error. "Journalists, I think, should be as sensitive as members of other professions are to the negligence standard." A good journalist will present a story with lnforma· tion that is accurate, objective, complete and fair, Klaidman said. Fairness, however, is the most impor· tant element because it combines all of tbe elements, he said. " You have to do some weighing and judging on what's reasonable." The CBS documentary - the target of a $120 million libel suit by Westmoreland, which be eventually dropped - "proceeded from a false premise," Klald· man said. The producers bad a particular Idea that a "con· spiracy" bad occurred in that a number of people in high positions bad banded together to defraud the public and to deceive Congress and President Lyndon Johnson on the size of enemy troops to convince the public that the United States was winning the war, be said. - Press Photo By GORDON KING

Stephen Klaidman

man said. "There is a need to set some sort of standard on the amount of information that is required for a reason· ably intelligent citizen to evaluate the issues on which newspapers, televisions and magazines are report· ing." Klaidman agrees that the ''Sullivan standard" (New York Times vs. Sullivan, 1966), by which most media libel cases are judged, strikes a balance

Coeur d'Alene. Idaho Tuesday, March 26, 198~

Klaidman said he didn't think Johnson could have been so easily deceived, and that Westmoreland bad no real reason to underestimate enemy troop strength. During the program, Westmoreland bad only 5 minutes and 38 seconds of air time although be bad been interviewed for a much longer period. The interviews were cut in such a way to support CBS' Initial premise, Klaidman said. " What you got was a very lawyerly presentation," he said. Klaidman said he doesn't oppose documen· taries, but said many are made on a premise. Documentaries, like any journalism. may be made dramatic, but they should be presented fairly, he said.

Journalist: CBS made 'unfair' telecast By JEFF KRAMER Staff correspondent

COEUR d' ALENE - Producers of a CBS documentary that led to a $120 million libel trial proceeded under a false premise and made a program that was "simply unfair," an international journalist said Tuesday. "There is something patently absurd" about the television show's claim that President Lyndon Johnson was deceived about troop strength in Vietnam, said Stephen Klaidman. Klaidman, whose experience includes lengthy stints on the New York Times, Washington Post and International Herald Tribune, spoke at the second day of a North Idaho College symposium on public officials and free press. He said the documentary, "The Uncounted Enemy: A Vietnam Deception," could have been re-edited to present a completely different viewpoint - one that favored Gen. William



Westmoreland. The retired general recently drop~ his libel suit against CBS after 18 weeks of trial. The network's false premise, Klaidman said, was "the notion that a number of people in (Westmoreland's) position ... banded together, not only to defraud the American public, but to deceive Congress and the president." The media had publicized information on troop strength, and a conspiracy would have had to include every adviser to Johnson, he said. However, Klaidman said, the legal standard for proving libel against a public figure - such as Westmoreland - is one that preserves media effectiveness. "In the area of public affairs, it is critically important - critically important - that individuals get the information," he said. The threat of libel suits that are easily won would have a chilling effect on the media,

Klaidman said. The Westmoreland trial and other recent libel actions may have served a valuable purpose, be said. "A lot of peofle learned about the news process . . . so they re better equifped to evaluate what's being reported to them,' he said. "I. think there has to be some runnin, room between what the law permits and what lS morally acceptable journafistic behavior,'' he said. "The public and tbe press are in charge of accountability. It's not perfect, by a long shot." The goal of total journalistic objectivity is unattainable, he said, but it is possible to simply "give them information .i . in the most straightforward manner possible." The goal should¡ be to provide enough information that the reader or viewer can draw his own conclusions and determine the impact of what has happened, Klaidman said.

Wed., March 27, 1985, Spokane, Wash.

Ir==== ================

The Coeur d'Alene Press Wed .• March 2 7. 1985

Attorney: Public forum better than libel suit By TRUDY W ELSH Press Staff Writer

Gen. William Westmoreland may have succeeded in getting his version of Vietnam enemy tallying documented in court records. but one of his attorneys believes a libel suit is not the best ,way for a public figure t-0 get redress. Anthony Murry, one of five attorneys who represented Westmoreland during the recent libel case against the producers of "60 Minutes," was to speak this morning at North Idaho College's Popcorn Forum. "I am basically of a mind that with public figure cases, the best forum is not the courts," Murry said during an in· terview prior to his speech. "The public figure basically wants to clear his name. Westmoreland was not interested in monetary gain." Murry said he thought Westmoreland and CBS, which produced the documentary, "The Uncounted Enemy : The Un· known Deception," both would have preferred to lay out the case before a forum of informed peers rather than a jury. Jurors in the libel case had to undergo a quick indoctrination on procedures used by both the press and the military. The 32-year-old lawyer suggested that

the forum include journalista, scholars, historians and political scientists. Murry said the forum approach would help to set the record straight without having both parties Incur tremendous litigation expenses. Dan Burt, president of Capitol Legal Foundation, has indicated that the organization spent about $3.25 million on the Westmoreland case. "The panel of people would serve two purposes," Murry said. "One to assess the propriety of the journalist, actions, and two, to make a well-grounded assessment of the factual claims the defamed person is making." Murry concentrated a good share of his time with the case gathering factual data on bow enemy trrop strength was estimated between 1966 and 1968. He said he ran across at least two different approaches used during that time to gauge the resistance. Central Intelligence Agency officials tended to say that the United States would have to win over or eliminate any part of the population of South Vietnam that had some sympathy for the com· munlst cause, Murry said. The military view, shared by Westmoreland, was that about 250,000 "wellarmed, hard-core insurgents" had to be dealt with.

- Preu Photo By GORDON KING

Anthony Murry The two methods of estimating enemy troop strength could very well have created different reactions ln the politl· cal arena back in the United States. Murry said it is Important for anyone judging the merits of a case such as Westmoreland's to understand the gray area of gauging the resistance and the implications of how the information

would be used. This is why he favors the forum Idea. Murry faults CBS in its editing, not in the balance of the people interviewed. He said the documentary producer, George Crile, collected enough Information to know there were two sides to the story, but only showed one to the public. The Washington lawyer said he does not think the well-publicized libel cases of Westmoreland or Israeli military leader, Ariel Sharon, will encourage a sudden Increase in libel suits. Instead, he says the blame for any increase rests on the shoulden of the press. ''The main thi ng causing a groundswell of criticism, especially of the electronic media, ls their tendency to give less than a full picture to make a livelier story," he said. "Public figures get outraged by what they see as a onesided story. " If they were willing more often to sacrifice the sensational headline for the sake of presenting a balanced picture, they would find much less controversy about libel." Murry also said some injured parties might be appeased if they were offered a chance to tell their side of the story following the original publication or broadcast.


Letters to the Editor

Rostow on Westmoreland In a Feb. 20 editorial Ule Journal as· serted that "the very worst sin" of the CBS documentary "The Uncounted Enemy: A Vietnam Deception" was its failure to in· elude any of Dr. W.W. Rostow·s filmed in· terview on the order-of-battle cont roversy. Your editors apparently believe that Dr. Rostow gave CBS information that would have upended the broadcast's thesis: This is not true. Dr. Rostow's unedited transcript and correspondence are part of the court record and stands as the best guide to what he did and did not say. One example of the information that the Journal suggests we suppressed is Dr. Ros· tow·s statement that Gen. Westmoreland had predicted a major offensive at Tet. On the contrary. "The Uncounted Enemy" went to considerable lengths to state that the offensive had been predicted months in advance. The documentary's point was that the surprise lay not in the attack it· self, but in its size and scope. which re· vealed an enemy far more numerous than acknowledged in the military's doctored in· telligence reports. The Journal also suggests that we kept out a statement by Dr. Rostow that the President knew about the intelligence dispute. But the broadcast did not state or even imply that anyone responsible for na· tional security in 1967 was unaware of the conflict between the military and the CIA over enemy strength estimates. Indeed we reported that this battle took place at the CIA with representatives from all agencies involved in nationaJ security present. The documentary's point was that although CIA officers suspected it. no one then knew that Gen. Westmoreland's officers had ar· bitrarily reduced their best inte!Ugence es· limates and were arguing at a National In· telllgence Estimate meeting for a dishon· est posit ion. The Journal did not complain about our decision not to include other portions of Dr. Rostow's interview, such as his admission to Mike Wallace that he had directed what amounted to a·"propaganda campaign" in the months before Tet to sell the American people on the notion that we were winning the war. Nor did it criticize us for failing to include the interview statement Oater re· pealed in sworn testimony) of a senior CIA official who said that Dr. Rostow had pres· sured the agency to produce falsely opti· mlstlc reports on pacification. In retro· spect, we probably should have carried some or this information for it might have better explained the fierce pressures on Gen. Westmoreland to report good news from the front. The idea, however. that Walt Rostow's other interview statements in any way ex· plain away the testimony of the numerous military and CIA officers is absurd. Five

former CIA officials stated under oath that CBS properly characterized the events it chronicled as a "conspiracy" ; both Gen. Westmoreland's intelligence chief and his order-of-battle chief offered devastating testimony, and some 20 military intelli· gence officers admitted under oath to their participation or acquiescence in suppress· ing or altering intelligence. Significantly, Dr. Rostow made clear in his interview that there is no reason to be· lieve that the President was aware of any of the acts of deception that we reported and which the court record has now docu· mented as having taken place. Thus the Journal's reliance on Dr. Rostow to con· elude that the President somehow knew about the "cooking of the books" seems more than ill advised. I do not write in blind defense of "The Uncounted Enemy." Any reporter who has gone through an extended libel action would be inhuman not to have learned cer· ta.in lessons. Specifically it seems with hindsight that it would have been helpful to provide more context (perhaps even at the expense of some fresh material) and par· ticularly to have focused more on the role of President Johnson and Dr. Rostow in pressuring the military to come up with good news on the war. It wouJd have been usefuJ to provide the explanation offered by some thoughtful observers that Gen. Westmoreland may have suppressed the higher estimates in order to buy time for a war that he genuinely thought was wi.nna· ble. Ironically these second thoughts are very much in keeping with the spirit and substance of your first editorial on "The Uncounted Enemy" written two years ago just before Gen. Westmoreland filed his suit. Then you criticized us for "covering the story as a two bit cover-up when it was a Greek tragedy," but nonetheless "com· mended" CBS for its initial impuJse in rec· ognizing that " there is a story of surpass· ing significance in the pre·Tet intelli· gence. ·· The editorial went on to conclude that CBS had "al least opened the door that leads to the most important lesson of Vietnam.'' So you can understand my puzzlement upon reading your editorial written just af· ter Gen. Westmoreland withdrew his suit. It declared that the "program never be· longed on the air." This turnabout is hard to understand given the unique testimony that stands as the one positive and enduring legacy of Westmoreland vs. CBS. GEORGE CRJU:

CBS News New York (An editorial on this subject appears today. - Ed.J


RJEVHJEW & OUTlLOOJK CBS's Problems In today's letters column we carry a letter from George Crile, a CBS News producer who until recently was spending most of his time in a federal courtroom trying to refute Gen. Wil· liam Westmoreland's assertion that he had been libeled by a Crile-produced documentary, "The Uncounted Enemy: A Vietnam Deception. " We' re glad to have the Crile letter because it gives us an opportunity to reflect on the concern that Jesse Helms and Reed Irvine's Accuracy in Media are tJying to take over CBS Inc. be· ca,use its news division is institutionally hostile to American conservatism. As we see it, CBS's problems be· gan with Tet. Commenting on "The Uncounteci Enemy" in two editorials ("The Story CBS Almost Had," July 20, 1982, and " Bad Show, Wrong Court,'' Feb. 20, 1985) we made identical points: that the Tet offensive was a decisive turning point in the war , that this proba· bly would not have been the case if the American public had been adequately prepared, that thfa lack of preparation had Little to do with a " conspiracy" to suppress intelligence estimates, that it had everything to do with decisions by President Johnson reflecting his general conduct of the war. Surely there is a difference in tone between the two editorials; during the ensuing lawsuit we learned that it was not a matter of CBS "almost" having the story; it had it exactly right on tape from W.W. Rostow, but chose to broadcast something else. ' Mr. Crile may of course persist if he wishes in arguing that his program was about little more than the measurement and evaluation of enemy troop strength. But among the com· munity of people who still analyze and argue over Vietnam, thfa contention is laughably irrelevant to the main question any of us would be looking for when a major news organization de· cides to resurrect Tet 14 years after the event: Was Tet a victory or a loss for the U.S.?

That the argument over Tet has endured all these years has to do in no smalJ part with the reporting of the event at that time, and in particular with the " reporting" of Walter Cronkite. Returning from a quick trip to Vietnam after the Tet offensive, Mr. Cronkite broadcast: " But it is in· creasingly clear to this reporter that the only rational way out then wiJJ be to negotiate, not as victors, but as an honorable people who lived up to their pledge to defend democracy, and did the best they could." Because President Johnson had not prepared the public for the offensive, others beside Mr. Cronkite came to simjJar conclusions in the wake of the surprise. Frank McGee of NBC said the war was being lost. and similar worries were expressed even in these columns. But by now a large body of evidence exists refuting the conclusion back then that Tet was a net plus for the communists. It wasn 't. About the battlefield outcome the press had it wrong and Gen. Westmoreland had it right. CBS gets singled out from the pack because of ~r. Cronkite's prominence, but also because he more than anyone else can take credit for a style of TV news reporting that persists to this day-a hybrid of straight facts, analysis and editorializtng done simul· taneously by the same reporter. His remarks on Tet, after all, were a strong editorial opinion. And this has become CBS's style-a forthright commitment to aggressively using this reporting-opinion hybrid, offering its own explanations of the news. We would be the last to argue that there's anything wrong with editorial opinion. But when CBS's Washington staff poses its own interpretive opinions as something viewers are obviously expected to take as the real truth of the matter, the network shouldn't be surprised when conservatives start ·cha!· lenging CBS. Public policy is a highstakes game. 1f CBS wants to drive policy with its reporter's opinions, it should be prepared to take some very heavy heat from the rest of the game's players.

Having said that, we'd like to add that we don't think for a minute that Jesse Helms or Reed Irvine would have the vaguest idea of how to manage a major news operation. Any edi· tor knows that "managing" reporters is a little like commanding the shapes of clouds. CBS News surely has "lib· erals" in no greater or lesser number than any other major news outlet. The flaw in CBS's national reporting, like in too much national reporting, is that it makes very few discernible inde· pendent editorial judgments. ln that small political village called official Washington, wi th almost everyone us· ing the same local sources, most analysis ends up flowing in the same direction. You rarely find TV reporters risking the derision of their peers by doing counter-trend stories. So all of the networ ks and a lot of the print media end up with the same old analysis-say that the Reagan budget cuts will hurt the poor or the Reagan policy in Nicaragua is bringing another Vietnam (another Tet?). But this looks worse on CBS because of its particularly aggressive edHorial style. The networks are beginning to see the problem; NBC recently made the pathetic gesture of inviting a conservative on " The Today Show" to offer his own version of a story done by one of its reporters. But these are only palliatives. The networks would fend off assaults on their editorial independence a lot better if they could find a way to get their reporters and producers to challenge the consensus and give viewers the feeling that whether or no~ they agree, someone had done his own thinking about the substance of what is being broadcast.

Moral matters overlap boundaries, bishop says By SUSAN TOFT Press Staff W ri!.-.r

Although the Catholic Church beUeves in the separation of church and state, its religious leaders are obUgated to speak out when matters of morality overlap the boundaries, the Most Rev. Sylvester Treinen, bishop of Boise, said Wednesday. Treinen spoke at the 195th North Idaho College Popcorn Forum on controversial stands taken by the nation's 350 bishops in two recently published Pastoral Letters. " U any government says killing all the people in the world (through nuclear annihilation) is not a matter of morality, we must disagree," Treinen said. - Press Photo By GORDON KING The 67·ytar-<>ld bishop said the topics of war and peace and nuclear arms are Bishop Sylvester Treinen "subjects of morality, and morality deals with what is good and what is bad, The 1983 letter, titled "God's Promise what is right and what is wrong." and Man's Response" dealt with war an.d Religious leaders, he said, are "teach- peace, Including nuclear armament. ers of morality. Their task Is to teach " It said peace ls possible," Treinen what ls right and what is not right. 11 said, adding that the first draft of the "We feel very simply that when the document, published in May 1983, was whole world is in danger of going out of both praised and criticized during a existence, we feel definitely that is a year-long review. matter of morality1 a matter of right and The letter was written after a com· wroni. 11 he said. mittee of bishops heard testimony from

a number of representatives from various fields, including members of the Reagan administration and military as well as s<;ientists, doctors, educators, and "people off the street," Treinen said. After lengthy interviews with the participants, the bishops released the first of four drafts of the letter. Following the year-long public discussion, the letter was revised and published in its final form. " It was not a hit-or-miss proposition," Treinen said. The letter took a sharp stand against nuclear war, the bishop said. · "Nuclear war threatens the existence of the human race as we know it," he said. But nations have a right to reasonably arm themselves for defensive actions, Treinen noted. " Nations have a right and a responsibility to build forces enough to repel an unjust aggressor," be said. "The Catholic Church does not teach that the city of Coeur d'Alene should not have a police force ." The principle of deterrance through massive arms buildup, however, has never accomplished what it intended to, Treinen said, notlng that since the Unit·

ed States detonated the first atomic bombs at the end of World War ll, the world bas experienced at least 100 wars. Increasingly higher spending by nations involved in the military arms race is "stealing from the poor of the world," be said. The letter also addresses the prln· ciples of discrimination of targets and of proportionality - both coMected with the use of nuclear weapons, Treinen said. The principle of discrimination of targets declares that " It is immoral to just shoot and hope it hits your military enemy," be said, while the principle of proportionality states "you have to have big hopes of achieving more good than the damage you inflict trying to achieve that good." The second Pastoral Letter, the first draft of which was issued in November, addresses the topics of social justice and the economy. The final draft Is expected in November 1986. The letter contains views on five separate topics, Including unemployment, poverty, food and agriculture, profit sharing and the interdependency of world nation."

Treinen-eoathlaec1 Pa1e 1 from

The Coeur d'Alene PreN Thurs., Apr. 26, 198 6

Unemployment, Treinen said, la "one of the greatest blows to the human dignity" but added the church is not attempting to direct the government's economic poll· cies.

"The bishops are not telling the government bow to do this, but are saying the situation is so terrible it's a disgrace to our country," be said. "Our task as religious leaders and moral leaders is to tell the government that something must be done, that some solution must be found to this blemish on our coun· try."

Nuke war 'matter of morality' By JEFF KRAMER S101f correspondent

COEUR d'ALENE - Religious leaders have a right to comment on nuclear war and global starvation because those issues are moral in nature, a Catholic Bishop said here Wednesday. "It's our task as religious leaders to say, 'something has to be done,' " said Sylvester Treinen, bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Boise. In an hour-long appearance at North Idaho College, Treinen discussed resolutions recently passed by U.S. Catholic Bishops involving nuclear war and social justice. The bishop tied the two elements of his talk to~ether by noting that money used for weapons is 'stealing from the poor of the world." "We feel very strongly that when the world is in danger of destruction ... that is a matter of morality," Treinen said of nuclear war. Before a lunchtime audience of about 50 people, Treinen, 67, outlined the key points of the bishops' 1983 "Peace and War" letter. The document - which drew criticism from those opposed to intervention by the Catholic Church in national defense matters - con-

demned nuclear war because it threatens the existence of the human race. In addition, the letter stated that although bishops now tolerate the theory of military deterrence, such a policy ultimately is unworkable. But Treinen was quick to deny an accusation from an audience member that the Catholic Church is "lulling peo{>le into t hinkin'1 we don't need military superiority over Russia. • Treinen stressed that the bishops' lettE:r condemns communism and totalitarianism while calling for multilateral disarmament. Also, weapons to "repel aggressors" are permitted, he said, conceding "We need some kind of peacekeeping power on the local level and on the national level." Treinen emphasized that recently passed resolutions from the Catholic Church have been carefully considered. For more than a year, bishops interviewed countless experts in military science, medicine, education and government before drafting and releasing their "Peace and War" letter, he said, noting additional drafts were written after a vast amount of public comment was digested. In his discussion of a letter from U.S. bishops

entitled "Principles of Social Justice and the Economy of Our Country," Treinen dealt with employment. The letter's first draft - published in November - states that most unemployed people are not lazy, Treinen said. Many unemployed people have the talent and education to work, but simply cannot find jobs, he said, adding, "That's a great blow to their personal pride." The bishops originally had planned to finish the final draft of the social justice letter in November 1985. But because there is so much information to sift through, the document won't be ready until the following year, Treinen said. The plight of farmers and the agriculture industry will be addressed in the second draft, he added. During the speech, Treinen remarked on the irony of living in a world where knowledge is immense yet "terrible conditions" are allowed to exist. Ethiopia is just one of many hungry, desperate locations in the world, be said. Treinen, who ap~ared at NIC as part of a "Popcorn Forum,' was appointed Bishop of Boise in 1962. The Boise diocese encompasses all of Idaho. o:,


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THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1985 THE SPOKESMAN- .g ------'----......:----==-:,-=--:=-e=-=-~::-=:=,.,..,......,.....--------=-=------------<<CJ>:








{.Popcorn Forums 196-201)




Guest: The Honorable Julian Bond, Georgia State Senator and National Black Leader. Topic: "The View of Racism : Prejudices and Progress from the Black Perspective." September 23, 1985.


Guest: Joel C. Handelman, General Counsel for the United States Civil Rights Commission . Topic: "The View of Racism: Prejudices and Progress from the Public Policy Perspective." September 24, 1985.


Guest: The Honorable Julian Nava, Former U.S. Ambassador to Mexico and President of the Greater Los Angeles Board of Education . Topic : "The View of Racism: Prejudices and Progress from the Hispanic Perspective." September 25, 1985.


Guest: Ada Deer, author, lecturer and nationally recognized speaker on behalf of American Native issues. Topic: "The View of Racism: Prejudices and Progress from the Native American Perspective." September 26, 1985.


Guest: The Honorabl~ John v. Evans, Governor of Idaho . Topic: "Idaho Human Rights and the State Human Rights Commission." September 27, 1985 . 路


Guest: David A. Lehrer, Counsel to the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith . Topic: "The View of Racism: Prejudices and Progress from the Jewish Perspective." September 27, 1985.



03 .

Guest: Father Ken Burtner, a nationally recognized expert on the ways cults affect individuals. Topic : "Coping with Cults : How They Work in America." November 1, 1985.


Guest: :-trs . Kazan Hoshina, a recognized Japanese landscape artist, and member of the royal family of Japan. Topic: "Japanese India Ink painting." January 13, 1986 .


Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr . Day路 co-sponsored by the NIC Popcorn Forum and the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations. Guest: Father Bill Wassmuth, President of the Task Force. January 20, 1986.

Seattle Mime Theater.



October 18, 1985.


Guests: Bob Holstein and Miller Belmont, nationally ranked NIC debate team and 路 a championship team from Japan. Topic: "Resolved: That the United States and Japan Should Jointly Eliminate all the Barriers to Mutual Trade . " March 7, 1986.

207. Guests: Augustine Liu, Director of the West Coast commercial Office of the Coordination Council for North American Affairs; Lt. Col . Gordon Cucullu, military advisor to the Assistant Secretary of State for Far East and Pacific Affairs; John Thoreson, executive director of the Inland Northwest Tourism Alliance; or. Terrell Manyak, LewisClark 路 State ~llege Business Division chairperson, and Dr. Stewart Johnson of the LCSC Science Department. Topic: "Industrialization in East Asia: America's Relations with Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Korea." March 18, 1986. 208.

Guests: Racism."

Jeff Burnside, KREM-TV Reporter . May 12, 1986 .

Topic :

"Hate Groups and

Symposium on racism scheduled at N IC By SUSAN TOFT Press Staff Writer

Georgia state senator and black activist Julian Bond beads the list of an impressive group of speakers slated to appear at a symposium on racism to be held at North Idaho College Sept. 23-27. Bond is set to speak at 10 a.m. Sept. 23 in the Communication Arts Auditorium at the start of the 16th year of the NIC Popcorn Forum. Gov. John Evans ls scheduled to speak at 9 a.m. Sept. 27 in the audltoriwn. The symposium is co-sponsored by the Kootenai County Task Force on Hwnan Relations. Task force president Father Bill Wassmuth this morning said the event will provide " an opportunity to deal with prejudice, an opportunity to deal with racism, to rule out any vestige of prejudice among us and in our hearts." "We can end up more open to others, no matter what race, creed or color and more open to pursue justice for all," Wassmuth said. Symposium coordinator Tony Stewart said the focus of the week-long event will be on four ethnic groups, which he said, have " suffered the lon,;cest" -

Julian Bond blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans and Jews. " Very seldom do we choose a topic that has the magnitude of this one," Stewart said. SN SYMPOSIUM. Page 5


Symposium Bond bu been in the forefront of the civil rilbtl battle for more than 20 yean. He wa1 elected to the Georp State Houae in 1966, February 11186 and November 11186, but each time was denied his seat until tbe U.S. Supreme Court ruled that be sbouJd be allow to aerve. He flnt was elected to the state Senate in 1974. Bond la active in the National Association for the Advancement of

Colored People, the AUanta Black¡ Jewiab Coalition, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and writes a nationally syndicated column for Newspaper Enterpriae Auociatioo. Other speakers include Julian Nava, former U.S. ambusador to Mexico and president of the Greater Los An,elea Board of Education; author Ada Deer, nationally recognized speaker oa behalf of Native Americans; and David Lehrer,

coumel to the Anti-Defamation Lea,ue of B'nai B'rith. Eacb speaker wiU be followed in the afternoon by a panel discussion on various topics related to the luues of racism and prejudice. Colt connected with the symposium total f7,500-t8,000, Stewart sald. 1be NIC ltudent body will fund '5,000, the task force ,1,500, and the remainder will be from community donations, be said.


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NIC foru01 • on rac1s01 scheduled By Robin Fleming Staff c«respondent

Racism will be debated, discussed and deliberated ne:rt week at North Idaho College's Popcorn Forum Series. The 16th annual event ls expected to attract thousands of N"ortbwest residents who will travel to bear keynote speakers such as Georgia state Sen. Julian Bond, and other civil rights activists. The student body at NIC is sponsoring the weeltlong symposium in conjunction with the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations. Symposium speakers include: • Bond, who is scheduled to dis· cuss prejudices and progress from the black penpective Monday at 10 a.m . in the Communication Arts Building at NIC. The longtime politician serves as a member of the Committees on Buman Resources and Government Reorganization, and is chairman of the Consumer Affairs Committee. Bond is president of the Atlanta chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, a founding member of the National Committee to Free Soviet Jewry and is a vocal advoca te of Klan Watch, an organization that is directed out of the Southern Poverty Law Center, of which Bond is president. • Joel C. Mandelman, chief counsel to the U.S. Civil Rights Commission, who will address views on racism from the public policy penpective Tuesday at 10 a.m . in the Communication Arts BuildiDR.

The civil rights division is res~nsible for enforcing federal civil rlgbts laws that prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, national origin, religion or sex. a Julian Nava, former U.S. ambassador to Mexico and president of the Greater Los Angeles Board of Education, who will speak at the symposium Wednesday at 11 a.m. in the Communication Arts Building. Nava, who served as ambassador to Mexico in 1980-81, will address racism from the Hispanic perspective by drawing on bis diplomatic experience and extensive background in education. • Ada Deer, former Chief of the r Menominee Indian Tribe, ia ached- v:i uled to speak Tbunday at 9 a.m. in bo the Communication Arts Auditori- I um. o As a 19-year-old political activ- "'1 ist, Deer won legislative approval to protect her tribe's lands. She bas trslnce become a soc1al worker and fighter for human rights. • Idaho Gov. John Evans, who will talk about Idaho human rights ~ and the state Buman Rights Com- - ~ mission ne:rt Friday at 9 a.m . in the ~ Communication Arts Auditorium. ~ • David A. Lehrer, counsel to the "'Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, will speak on prejudice from ~ the Jewish penpective at noon Fri- { day in the Communication Arts Au- ~ ditorium. Lehrer directs the ~ league's civil rights activities in 13 ~ Western states. o Response panels will be held fol- ~ lowing all speeches at 1 r ,m . in the V) Student Union Building s Bonner Room.

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Julian Bond: Minority progress depends on putting "our hearts and minds and bodies toge ,er.' '

S0cial progress th~eatened By Robin Fleming Staff corrnpondent

Black America's social progress may be in jeopardy as a result of dormant public consciousness and the Reagan Administration, Georgia state Sen. Julian Bond said Monday. Restoration of minority progress is dependent on putting "our hearts and minds and bodies together" to again reach the heights of the 1960s civil rigbts movement, Bond told an audience of more than 1,200 at North Idaho College's fopcom Forum. Progress made two decades ago is being lost as a result of Reagan Administration policies, which have "twisted, perverted, abused, discarded and ignored civil rights records," and which are intended "to erase the laws and programs written in blood and sweat," said Bond. Dignity afforded blacks through passage of civil rights laws bas become meaningless in ligh~ of !,ncreasing black poverty, unemployment, lowenng ltfe expectancy and higher infant mortality rates and "perpetual half-citizenship," said Bond. Another setback for minorities is an apathetic public, be said. Lack of progress has resulted " not because S- ( o/(esM~tl. ~ev;tv.i

Americans aren't aware, but because so many are aware and simply do not care. "We are told that the effort has been successful, and therefore should be ended," said Bond "Going forward any faster may be hazardous to my health," be added. Bond doesn't credit racist organizations such as the Ku Klui: Klan and Aryan Nations with impeding black progress. Instead, be said those groups' major effect is to embarrass communities. Bond said there is " nothing you can do" to dispell some racist activities. But, "Business and educational communities can make it known that they don't tolerate such groups and work actively through the legal system" to downplay racists' efforts, he said. Bond added that motivating all-white communities to work for minority ,oals may be a difficult task. However, be said, working toward progress and ~uality has benefits for every segment of the population. "The advantaged class is being threatened with loss of its privilege. Sharing is viewed as discrimination," he said. The right course of action fo~ Americans, ~e added, is to share with each other and fight for equality. "Doing right, after all, is what this life is all about."

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Vol. 79 No. 45

Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

Monday, September 23, 1985

Bond urges social action By SUSAN TOFT Press Staff Writer

'ltlae Cigbt for civil rights goes on, and it's to everyone's best interest - black and white, male and female to throw themselves wholeheartedly . into the fray, Georgia Sen. and black activist Julian Bond said this morning. Bond, speaking to a standing-room-only crowd at North Idaho College, said that "rebuilding that coalition of conscience" must be the first priority of the current generation. " •There are a host of organizations and causes dedicated to making Dr. (Hartin Luther) King's dream come true," Bond aaid. "There is a world waiting to be won." To inspire young people to the level of passionate involvement such as that in the 1960s at the height of the civil rights battle, will take an appeal to their own self-interest, Bond said. "We must appeal to their better instincts," he noted. "Show them it's in the interest to all to have society work f or reform.• Bond, 45, adm itted he i s at a loss to explain the new rise of racism, embodied in groups such as the Aryan Nation s. "It i~ something ugly and deep i n the hidden spirit," he said. To comba t that unknown, people will turn on whoever or

wbatever 1s different or foreign to them, he explained. In order to fight back against the rise of racism, people must "let it be known they won 1 t tolerate that act ivity," he said, adding that effort must be made to create a differe nt image for the com11uni ty. Bond joked that he was not aw are Nor th Idaho had probl ems with racist p:r oups. "I didn I t think t he people up here were real crazy - that•s why all theae policemen are around," he laughed, pointing t o numerous sheriff's deput ies stationed throu ghout the Communicati on Arts auditor ium. Bond blasted th e Reagan admini stration for what he called its "cruel and callous castration• of hard-fought civil rights gains. Ronald Reaga n , Bond said, has "oppo sed every piece of ci vil r ights le gisl ation " in the last half of the 20th century. The 1980 election of Reagan "re- installed the evil empire,". he said and called the preside nt "an amiable incompetent." The current administration has erased the laws and progress "wri tten in the . blood and sweat" of Julian Bond civ 11 r ights protestors.


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Hispanics demand attention By SUSAN TOFT Press Staff Writer

Racism and civil rights affronts against Hispanics have largely been a matter of "omission rather than commission,'' but because the number of Latin American immigrants is on the rise, changes will have to be made, former ambassador to Mexico Julian Nava said this mornlng. Nava spoke on the third day of North Idaho College' s symposium on racism, which is set to run through the end of the week . Nava, past president of the Greater Los Angeles School Board, said Hispanics have been largely ignored in the past. However, due to increasing immigration and fewer children in white American families, Hispanics will be a force to reckon with by the end of the century, be said. There are twice as many Hispanics as blacks in California, Nava said, and the numbers are increasing through both legal and illegal immigration. Of the total number of mloority students in the California school system, 43 percent are Hispanic, be noted. " By 1990 an absolute majority of California students will be Hispanic," Nava said. And because the average size of wbite America's families is dwindling - now down to 1.25 children compared to 3.5 children for Hispanic families ''whites are not maintaining their numbers," Nava said. By 1999, he predicted, 45 percent of the total population of California will be Hispanic and

Former ambassador Julian Nava an "absolute majority" of workers also wlll be Hispanic. "Taxes will be from Hispanic shoulders... and they will be the largest number of consumers," he said. " How they do in school, how they view themselves and what they aspire to can hardly be called minority affairs." Racism toward Hispanics bas for the most part meant ignoring their race, Nava said. "By ignoring, by not talking about, by not taking into account (Hispanics)," white America has manag' -to avoid dealing with the question of their increasing numbers, he noted. That bias stems largely from the ¡¡conqueror's attitude" white

- Press Photo By PAULA DAVIS

Americans bold toward Hispanics, be explained. A large portion of the U.S. was wrested away from Mexico, he said, and Americans now view Hispanics with dispain that stems from guilt feelings . " Mexican-Americans have been assigneft the role as inferior race," Nava sa1d, adding that whites maintain a certain guilt because of those events. The symposium is co-sponsored by the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations . Dr. Ada Deer, noted author and lecturer on behalf of NaUve Americans, ls scheduled to speak at 9 a.m. Thursday in the Commwucation Arts Auditorium.


Vol. 79 No. 46

Official defends civil rights policy

-Preq Photo By PAULA DAVIS

Joel Mandelman 1peaka at North Idaho College

lndlvlduala are penalized becauae of

By SUSAN TOFT Press Staff Writer

race or national origiD.

A repre,eatatlve of the clvU ripta divlalon of the U.S. Juatlce Oeputmeat

verted form of consUtutJonally-man· dated color bllndnesa" where people receive preferential treatment baaed on

thla mornin1 defended the Reapn ad· miDlltratlon'a cMI ripts record, ar,utn1 that reverse dlacrlmlnatJon and racial quot11 are " lrreconcllably hostile" to American belleft in the free market ayatem and opportunlty throup ability. Joel Mandelman, cbJef coumel at the clvll rights dlvlalon, aaid the current admlnlatratlon, rather than erodlq clvll rights plna of the tut zo yean u charpd 1n a speech Monday by Georgla State Sen. Julian Bond, bu acted on its "unwaverin, belief" that people should be hired solely on their abtUty to do a Job. "It la irrelevant and lmpennluable to decide hlrinl" on the baa1a of race, au or relltloua preference, Mandelman aald. Attempts by liberal actJvllta to ensure collective civil rights would result la an "alien nation of group righta and ll'OUP demands," he aald. Mandelman likened that altutaUon to beUefa of the Ku Klux Klan, la which

He labeled such group righta a "per·

race. Mandelman bwted raclal quotu 1n and school enrollment aa

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"lmpoeln1 liability where there la no fault. " Studenta wbo are denled admiulon to acboola ln order for the lnatltuUon to reach minority enrollment 1oal.a are innocent vlctima of reverse dlacrlm1na· tJon, Mandelman aaid. " Do not convict the lnnocent to pun· lab the ,ullty," be aaid, adding that school admlaalou are beln1 tranted on "not what you dld but wbo you are." He defended the adminlstraUon'a stand aplnat comparable worth, which would mandate that employee, doln, Jobi of comparable worth be paid com· parable aalarles. The U.S. Appeal.a Court recently struck down Wublngton state's com· parable worth law.


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Civil rig~tsComparable worth, which he forced busi ng to ach.teve .integracalied a " radlcal belief" erodes the tion. free market system, Mandelman 'd " We believe in equality of opsa!'Thi · · p<>rtunity over our opponent's be.lief stroy ~:l:tr:titon wiltI not de- tn government-mandated equality r e sys em econo- of result, " he said. . my under the dlsguise of civil rigq~1)'.J1e~!~. · ·: .... .:1_ ', • • ; r .• Mandell'}lan applauded the JusHe sal~ _the Reagan -admini;~:· hce ·Department's ··" swift · action· .. tration also oppose.s changing stan~' against psychotic hate--groups" such d~rdized testing ~e benefit of · as the Order, a violent organization llllJlorities who are unable to pass created by former members of the current tests. · North Idaho-based Aryan Nations A " I. can't imagine a greater per- number of Order members curre~tverston of higher education or ly are on trial in Seattle on academic freedom than the adop- racketeering charges. ti~n of.,5uch (lower) standards," he " We've struck crippling blows ~~~·aut~: t:::rogw)~ytot~ provide ag_ainst'. pathological racketeers 1s ave com- wfio... wrap themselves in a false petent teachers of all races. 11 cloak of ideology " M d There will be "no . . , an e1man of quality in bli co,ro~sm! said. " The Justice Department is Mandelman sail.u c e ucatton, committed t~ hunting them down "S and prosecutmg them to the full tu~ents shoul~ rece~ve the best extent of the law. education possible 10 their neighbor" The f'ght . 't 1 hood school II he 8 •d 1 . tsn over yet, but we administra'tion 's atsta:~ggmg. thet are.winning it. .w e won't stop til we agains achieve total Victory."



Indian activist: • • racism, sexism 'alive and well' By Robin Fleming Steff correspondent

COEUR d' ALENE - Ada Deer is angry. She's angry about what she views as the second-class status of women and minorities in the U.S., angry about worldwide injustice toward the poor and the oppressed, and just plain mad about the current conservative political climate that she says impedes social progress. Deer, 50, will voice her opinions on progress and prejudices from the Indian perspective at North Idaho College's racism symposium today at 9 a.m. in the Communication Arts Auditorium. Although her speech will focus on Native American problems, her personal and political history encomfasses a struggle for the rights of al oppressed peoples. The social worker and activist is credited with saving the land of her tribe - the Menominees - when the federal government threatened to confiscate it in the late 1960s. She was later elected chairwoman of the tribe. Education is imperative in the struggle for human rights, said Deer. "An extensive public educa-

tion campai~ is needed," she said, adding that 'with knowledge comes understanding," and understanding paves the path for tolerance, acceptance and equalit7. Although Deer said she believes progress for women and Native Americans has been made, "racism and sexism are alive and well." With progress and increased public awareness comes hope, said Deer. But she added that it takes individuals to donate their time and money to worthy organizations that pursue civil rights gains. Having been born and raised in a one-room cabin on Wisconsin's Menominee reservation, Deer's ex~rience has been her motivation. 'I'm very angry at all the injustices I see around me." That anger was the motivating factor in her dedication to human causes, and Deer said everyone can be equally effective in promoting world justice. "Silence is viewed as approval, " said Deer. "Mobilize your resources. Launch a statewide educational effort. Denounce racism. Become personally involved. We all have a stake in our society and we should accept a personal responsibility to justice."

Spokane, Wash., Thurs., Sept. 26, 1985. THE ~ R . m f w

U.S'. must. ·speak=out on racism' By SUSAN TOFT Press Staff Writer

Racism Is "alive anrl well" in American society, anrl to defeat it members of aU races must recognize anrl speak out against it, Native American lecturer and author Ada Deer sairl this morning. Speaking at North Idaho College's symposium on racism, Deer urged peo· pie to "speak up and speak out" against racial and social injustice. "When injustices occur, we must recognize it and do something about it," Deer said. " Freedom is never free ." For young Indian people to make their mark in the white world, the most important thing is to c.bannel anger stemming from past injustices into positive action, Deer said. ·· 1 challenge you in your own life to make a difference in all areas," she said. '·The world is moved by highly motivated individuals. Don't wait for someone to ask." In particular, she urged young people to seek an education, saying It was her way out of a life of economic hardship on the reservation. " I decided early in life I wasn't going to be poor," Deer said. " The only anawer was to go to school and get an education." Deer, who once served as the lone congressional lobbyist for her natl ve Menominee tribe of Wisconsin, pushed

Ada Deer

two other avenues of relief for Native Americans - poHllcal action and " tak· ing on the system." "I believe in working within the system," she said. Deer decried what she called the "detrimental " and "harsh" economic

policies of the Reagan administration. ·· American Indians , being the poorest of the poor, have suffered the most from budget cutbacks, " she said Deer pointed out recent statistics that report 15 percent of the nation's population - or 35 million people - fall below the poverty line. " We are the richest nation in the world," she said. There is no reason this many people have to be poor." The historical "bipartisan nature" or Indian affairs makes it a situation all Americans should be concerned about, she said. "Everyone Is to blame, so everyone should be involved in the solutions," Deer sait1. " We need to get past Indian anger and white guilt. We need to understand history and culture, but then we need to move on. " Deer said Native Americans are simply asking for rights affortierl other of the nation's citizens. "We're not asking for anything un· fair, just equal justice under the law," she said. About 200 people listened to Deer's speech in the Communication Arts Auditorium - a situation which Coeur d'Alene l.ndian Tribe administrator Clif· ford Si.John criticized during the ques· lion-and-answer period. "What is the commumty saying to you," SiJohn said.


Racism ··Where are all the people here who Listened to the black man," he said, referring to the' standing· room-only crowd who attended a speech on Monday by Georgia state Sen. Julian Bond. ··These seats that are empty telJ us something nobody wants to listen.·•

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Ignorance of Indians aids racism By Cynthia Taggart

Slaff correspondent

COEUR d'ALENE Widespread ignorance of Native American issues perpetuates racism, a panel of three Indian leaders and one teacher said Thursday. State Rep. Jeanne Givens, DCoeur d'Alene, told the 75 audience members at the North Idaho racism symposium that "with five tribes and 10,000 Indians in the state, one paragraph of Indian history in textbooks is not enough." Givens urged a udience members to write to local newspapers and demand coverage "of all of North Idaho, not just Coeur d'Alene. Let them know r,ou're interested in Indian affairs, ' she said. Darlene Peters, education consultant, blamed ignorance for keepinJ people apart. The state, she satd, needs to distribute descriptive materials to the public "so every time I give a lecture, some little child doesn't run to the corner afraid I'll scalp him." Peters added that local tribes produce educational materials available to schools, if districts p~ vide the necessary funds. Indians not only have been excluded from the history books but from the classrooms as well, said one audience member, who, as a certified teacher and Nez Perce tribal member, urged the state to hire " people of color" to teach. For panelist Clifford SiJobn, administrator of the Coeur d'Alene Tribe, education means more than a chapter in the history books. Addressing an audience member who earlier suggested tha t the tribe lower its 68 percent unemployment rate by making furniture from the wood on the reservation, SiJobn said non-Indians must learn that Indians see things differently.

FRIDAY, SEPT. 27, 1985

"We've beard that solution to our unemployment countless numbers of times, but we look at tbe trees and animals as our brotben and sisters, not marketable product.a," be said. "For us It ls bard to take the life of something tbe Creator made." Indians also view hlstorica1 accounts of Indian/ governmeat entanglements differently, S1Jobn said. While studenta la public -=booll learn that 19th century aoldlen were heroes for their exploits with " hostile" Indiana Indiail chlldrea are taught that the IOldlen tilled children and toolt old people prisoner. Although SiJobn bepn and ended bis part ol the panel discusaion with comical stories, be became increasingly somber while fielding tbe public's questions. An audience remark on health care for Indians prompted SiJobn to admit bis own family "bas suffered many times" from tbe high suicide rate among young Indiana. "You never bear about kids dying at 16 from alcoholism or suicide t,e:. cause they're Indians," be said, again focusing on the education problem. He blamed the suicide problem OD the changes forced OD Indians over the past 75 years. "We've bad our culture turned laside out," be said. "It's like tbe world is a great big ballroom and we're dressed in a brown suit - we don't fit it." Although SiJobn quietly pressed for better understanding between Indians and non-Indians, be said that didn't mean Indians want to be saved. " We need to be able to set our own parameters, define our lands, our culture, our religion," be said. The negative publicity the Aryan Nations brought to North Idaho "only exposed the racism and prejudice that bas long existed here." As bis educational contribution, SiJobn closed by saying, " From our eyes, when we look at your culture and bow you do things, we want to tell you you may need to look at the mountains or each other as we do."


Evans counters budget charges

Gov. John Evana apeaka

- Press Photo Bv PAULA DAVIS

THE COEUR D' ALENE PRESS Friday, September 27 . 1985

By SUSAN TOFT Press Staff Writer

be imposed on an equitable, sliding

Gov. John Evans this morning labeled as "hogwash" critics' charges that be cost the state millions of dollars by waiting to impose the 2.5 percent state budget boldback. Evans, in Coeur d'Alene to speak at North Idaho College's racism symposium, defended his decision to postpone the holdback until early this month despite a call from opponents that he impose the measure in June. A briefing for state agency heads was held in June, during which they were forewarned that a boldback most likely would be imposed, Evans said. " Each agency set aside money in reserve accounts," he said. "They were prepared for it. " Evans said he is optimistic the state will finish out the 1985-86 budget year with no more than the 2.5 percent shortfall. The holdback is scheduled to be rescinded on Jan. 31, in time for the Legislature to address the shortfall during the 1986 session, he said. "The Legislature will have the responsibility to balance the budget," Evans said. Idaho's economy is suffering from a combination of factors , including trade deficits, the multibillion dollar deficit and the "overvalued" dollar, he said. He suggested the Legislature investigate closing tax loopholes and requiring quarterly tax collection to accelerate available revenue. To spur funds for economic development, Evans proposes a busi-

scale. Commenting on Sens. Steve Symms and Jim McClure's announcement of their co-sponsorship of the balanced budget amendment, Evans said " It's about time they did something." He called the amendment "Wi.ndow dressing,'' and said "there's nothing to limit the Senate from pulling together to cut back programs." However, he added, the amendment will be effective in forcing Congress to adhere to its guidelines. Evans successfully avoided declaring bis expected candidacy for the Senate seat now held by Republican Symms. "We're putting plans together and it looks firmer all the time," Evans said. "We see few roadblocks to prevent" a run for the Senate. He said a final decision would be made sometime in November. Evans said be hopes the delayed official announcement of bis candidacy will keep campaign costs down. The governor was sharply critical of Symms' recent fund-raising cruise on the Potomac River, saying the $10,000 donations asked of participants was •·something Idahoans can't relate to." . "It wasn't very good strategy," Evans said. " It gives the wrong perception of what Maho's all about. " Symms refusal to disclose the names of contributors is a •·very, very severe error on his part," Evans said, adding that "the people of Idaho have a right to know."

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the coeur d 1alene

Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

Saturday, September 28, 1985

25 Cents

·Hate groups' not welcome her~, say Evan.a, Lehrer By SUSAN TOFT Press Staff Writer

Idaho's strength lies ln its diversity, and any attempt to subvert that diversity must be swiftly and strenuously rebuffed. Such was the message on the last day of North Idaho College's symPOsium on racism, with featured speakers Gov. John Evans and David Lehrer, counsel to the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rlth. " Diversity la viewed as a threat rather than an asset," by groups such as the North Idaho-based Aryan Nations, who hold a "perverted notion of what America is all about," Evans said. The task confronting Idaho's citizens is to form a "unity of purpose and firmness of will" to combat hate groups, he said. "It must not be left up to civil rights leaders," Evans said. "Idaho must promote respect for diversity in all aspects." The state's strength, he added, arises from a tolerance of that diversity. People must be aware of the tendency to fall into the "passive bigotry" of accepting racism by not responding or objecting when confronted by it, Evans said. "To be tolerant of prejudice is to be a part of it," he said. By having the courage to "speak out against the un-democratic and un-

• With continued publlc exposure, even more sophisticated bigots are rejected as "Americana smell the gar-

David Lehrer American bigots," Evans ~id, perhaps Idaho can send a message to hate groups residing In the state to "leave for parts unknown." Lehrer stated that residents may take heart in the fact that "99.99 percent of the people completely reject (the hate groups') message." "Groups who pervade bigotry are small and almost always speak to themselves or to a small constituency," Lehrer said. "They are rejected by a majority of Americana." Other signs also point positively to the isolation of such groups, he noted : • Hate groups are seen as extremists and so are viewed outside the main· stream political process.

bage at the heart of their message." • Americans are becoming too sophisticated to buy the "candy-coated message" of extremists, he said. "They try to package hate in respectablllty.. . so the stench of bigotry won't come through." Bigoted groups on both the far left and far right of the political spectrum must be watched, Lehrer said. During the 1960s, left-leaning radl· cals were involved In actlvlties similar to groups such as the right-wing Order, now on trial in Seattle for racketeering charges. Radicals in the 1960s robbed Brinks trucks, manufactured false identl· ficatlon papers and recruited members in prisons - just the type of activities attributed to Order members, Lehrer said. He predicted the far right extremists will suffer a fate similar to that of the far left, when law enforcement author· ities begin.to see success in breaking up the organizations. Lehrer urged Idaho residents to maintain a vigilance against hate groups and to speak out when con· fronted. " It isn't the bigots who gain a majori· ty, but a majority who tolerate the bigots," he said. "There ls no silence when. hatred r~rs its ugly head."

What Was the Issue Raised



by the Visit of Louis Farra Popular 'Economic M~ge' n tJus 1 ate By DAVID A. LEHRER Louis Farrakhan has left Los Angeles, yet 'visive words in the reactions statements unity leaders to his message1:11HW11te.. _ _and __ _ __ of On all too many occasions during the past 10 days, black leaders have acknowledged Farrakhan's indisputable record of antiAmerican, anti-Jewish and anti-white demagoguery, yet have proceeded to endorse his "economic message." Whether it was Bishop H. H. Brookins or Councilman Robert Farrell, the clear message was that hate was a distinct and severable element from the balance of Farrakhan's "spiel." Los Angeles has not been the only city in which this pernicious message has floated in the minister's wake. Recently Atlanta's Mayor Andrew Young, who certainly ought to know better, said that he agreed with 90% of Farrakhan's message. Presumably the anti-Jewish, anti-white 10% is what Young found unacceptable. It is ironic, if not tragic, that former leaders in the civil-rights movements are working to erode one of the basic tenets of our soc!ety, one . that allows minority groups-religious, ethnic and racial-to exist in a relatively secure and hospitable environmenl For decades human-rights, educational and liberal organizations have labored to indelibly imprint on the psyche of every young American the lesson that hate-no matter how neatly packaged, no matter the appeal of its purveyor-is outside the acceptable political lexicon of our society. We have, time and again, ostracized the bater and his message. Gerald L. K. Smith, the leader of the Christian National Crusade who ran for President on a platform of racial segregation and curtailment of immigration of Jews and non-whites was the premi_er hater of the 1940s and '508. Smith may have' had some populist economic theories laced into his "sermons," but Americans rejected him out of hand for the anti-black and anti-Semitic hate that was so basic to his rhetoric. His facile economic and nativist message was simply not worth listening to. He had betrayed the underlying themes of division and rancor.




Similarly today, leaders of the Posse Comitatus and other elements of the "Christian Identity" movement have sought to appeal to the economically beleaguered farmers of the Midwest with self-help palliatives on how to avoid paying off loans and "beating the system." Despite the tantalizing offerings of the Posse, the vast majority of farmers and farm leaders have unqualifiedly said no to the Posse because anti-Semitism and scapegoating, albeit somewhat hidden, lie at the heart of its message. Do Bishop Brookins, Councilman Farrell and Mayor Young really want us to parse the message from the messenger? Should a Klan Grand Dragon's musings on poverty among the whites of Appalachia be considered separately from their source? ls Farrakhan's denunciation of Jews to be ignored 80 that his "self-help" theories can be elevated and endorsed independent of their author? Does American society or minority groups benefit from this undoing of decades of work? The insidiousness of this thinking must be manifest, even to the leaders who callously indulged themselves for the expediency of the Farrakhan visit. One must then ask why so many of those leaders, who bad to know what they were doing, invok~d the rationalizations and dissembling usually utilized by the sophisticated bigots of the radical right?

• If one disregards ignorance and agreement with Farrakhan's bate as possible explanations, political expediency becomes the most logical rationale. Many of the leaders who sidestepped speaking out against Farrakhan must have felt that doing 80 would have exacted an unacceptably high price among their constituents. "Political suicide" was the description that one politico used to predict the inevitable consequence of his doing what would have been right-speaking out. If the assessment of these leaders is accurate-that many in the black community accept Farrakhan, notwithstanding his hate, and close ranks with him against any who question the man and his message~ both they and we have much work to do.


Poster designer draws 'inspi Skip Cook's art work seemed to be in store windows everywhere these past two weeks as the community prepared for North Idaho College's symposium on racism. The Hayden Lake woman designed the poster for the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations. You know the poster - the one that features faces of a Caucasian couple and children from five countries surrounded by the statement: "North Idaho Is for Everyone." But did you know three of the faces represent people who live or D.F. have lived in the area? OUYEIIIA The litUe South American boy Staff writer with the big eyes is Carlos Resende, a Brazilian who attended Lakeland IDgb in 1982-83. The handsome Japanese teen with glasses is Masakazu " Maki" Tada, now 21, who attended Coeur d'Alene IDgb five years ago and currently specializes in Russian at the University of Tokyo. Cook met the exchange students through her volunteer work with Youth for Un~tanding. Many of you should recognize the face of the Indian woman in the center of Cook's ethnic collage. It's state legislator Jeanne Givens.

"Our big hope for peace is for people-to-people understanding of each other," comments Skip. • County Prosecutor Glen Walker said be was ln " bog heaven" during last week's symposium on raclam. He and wife, Pat, served as a host family for Julian Nava, former ambassador to Mexico and a key speaker . The host family program was instituted by the Coeur d'Alene Chamber of Commerce to give symposium speakers a chance to relax wfth local peor,le away lrom the hotels and limelight. " enjoyed the Mexican ambassador more than anyone I've come across ln a blue moon," Walker said. Love of foreign affairs transcended political differences. Nava is a Democr at; Walker, a Rer.ubllcan. • He's e:rtremely knowledgeable in foreign affairs," Wa lker said. " He was tailor-made for me." Bob and Anne Brown served as hosts for Julian Bond, and Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Mend were hosts for David A. Lehrer.


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By ROBERT PEAR Sp!c1al to The Hew York Tlmts


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WASHINGTON, Oct. 6-The Reagan Administration, In Intensifying its legal attack on aUirmatlve action programs that give preferenoe to blacks, has alte red the Government's definition of rac.ial discrimination. Some of the discrimination remedies denounced by Administration officials a s illegal and unconstitutional were vigorously defended by Nixon Administration officials before the Supreme Court ln the 1970's. The Reagan Administration's fervent campaign aga.l nst racial preferences has touched off a national debate of the shape and direction of the Government's civil rights agenda. Basic Law Held 'COiorblind' Attorney General Edwin Meese 3d says the Constitution ls "colorblind," that "public policy must be raciaUy neutral," that "race-conscious" remedies are IIJegal and that "counting by race Is a form of rac.ism." He says numerical goals for hiring or promoting blacks violate the 14th Amendment's guarantee of "equal protection or the laws" for all people. But some legal scholars and civil rights lawyers dispute the contention that the Constitution forbids all racial preferences designed to overcome the effects of discrimination. President Reagan's appointees acknowledge that the.I r disagreement Is as much with the Nixon Administration as with current leaders of civil rights organizations. ln three separate cases. Nixon appointees defended the use or numerical hiring goals for blacks. Position of Nixon Aides "This kind of color-consciousness, designed to prevent or remedy a pattern of racial dlscrlminatlon, does not violate the •equal protection' clause of the l<tth Am endment," the Nixon Admlnlstratlon told the Supreme Court In 1970. "Race must often be taken Into acCOWlt as part of the remedial process," It told the Court in a job d iscrimination case ln 1971. In a third case, It said Federal law "does not bar numerical and percentage goals to correct the effect of past discriminatory practices." WIiiiam French Smith, the Attorney General ln Mr. Reagan' s first term, outlined the policy against racial hi ring quotas ln a s peech In Phlladelphla in May 1981. Since last Febru·a.ry, when Mr. Meese became Attorney General, the oratory against quotas has become harsher and the arguments have become bolder and the

William Brad£ord Reynolds says ,,.. Administration's aim is 'to achieve a colorblind, gender-neutral . • ' I· _ society. .. [, . .• . ,·. /. . ,., ':





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Prof. Laurence H. Tribe says it has .'long been recognized that tlie Constitution is not colorblind.' ,~ •



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' if 1 • New Contractors• Rule Sought targets more numerous. norlty groups with "an equal opporThe clearest example Is a White Mr. Meese recently Ukened the sup. tunlty to compete. purely on merit House plan to rewrite a 20-year-old porters of quotas to those who argued for job openings." ' executive order prohibiting dlscriml. ln the past that "slavery was good not William Bradford Reynolds, the nation by Federal contractors. Rules only for the slaves but for society." Assistant Attorney General for civil Issued under the order require many Administration officials said their rights, said supporters of racial quo- contractors to set numerical hiring ' concern about racial quotas overrode tas were trying to establish the princi- and promotion goals. their usual qualms about any action pie of "separate but proportional" In h1s first term, Mr. Reagan proInfringing on the prerogatives of state hiring of blac.ks and women. He said posed changing the rules to reduce and local gove.m ment. The Justice this was no less repugnant than the the number or companies covered. Department has told mo.re than 50 doctrine of "separate but equal"' ,.. Now the Administration has drafted local jurisdictions they must stop education, struck down by the High an executive order that would pre11slng numerical goals and quotas for Court In 1954. vent the Labor Department from rehiring people who are female, black M r . Reynolds said that when blacks quiring any companies to set numerior Hispanic. won jobs or promotions because of cal goals. It would also forbid use or The department ls pressing lhls ef- race, "there ls little self-esteem to be . statistical evidence to measure com1 fort even though many local official.s derived from being selected solely to pliance with laws against dlscrim.lnasay they want to contin ue using goals , or quotas to alleviate the continuing satisfy a numerical goal." Many , tion. blacks disagree. , This, too, represents a departure • 1 effects of prior dlsc.r imlnallon. Mr. Reynolds asserted, "A ma- 1 Crom20yea.rsofclvilrightspolicy. In Mr. Reagan's first term, Justice Jority of the black community dlsfa"Since the passage of. the Civil Department officials said the.I r only vor quotas or preferential treatRJghts Act or 1964, the courts have major disagreement with the "civl.l ment." frequently relied upon statistical evirights establishment" was over However, a New York Times/ CBS dence to prove a violation," the remedies for dlscrimlnallon In em- News Poll last spring showed that 7'4 United States Court of Appeals for the ployment and schooling. This year percent of blacks answered yes when Ninth Circuit, In Califomla, said ln they have gone further, challenging upholding the Nixon Administration's the use of statistics to prove such disuse of such evidence. " In many cases, crimination. the only available avenue of proof is the use of racial statistics to uncover clandestine and covert discrimination by the employer or union Involved." 1 The Reagan Administration says It backs certaln kJnds of affirmative action that do not Involve quotas. These Include back pay and other relief for Individual victims of proved discrimination as well as "recruitment, outreach and training programs" to provide women and members of ml-

must often take race exi>licltly into account, both Ln assessing constltui tlonal violations and in formulatir)g_ adequate remedies." ~ 1 • ' ' 1 Eric Schnapper, a lawyer with the NAACP Legal Defense mid EducaL tional Fund Inc., said the ~ame Congress that approved the 14th Amend• ment, in 1866, also estalllished "a series of social welfare ~rograms • whose · benefits • were · expressly · limited to blacks." He said this suggested that the amendmen·t·s authors SCOTT W. REED, A ttorney at Low/ did not Intend.to ban "race-<:onsclous remedies." \ ! v. , ' ' ' ·... • \ · · \ ·' Benefits for 'Actual VlctJms• 'll!. .. But Charles Fried, the ~cting ~ Ucitor General, said the benefits, for newly freed slaves, were permissible ,. because they provided "cqnipensa• lion for actual, Identified v)cttms of discrimination." .l " In a Supreme Court case upholding r the reserving of certain public works , funds , for members of I minority Professor Tony Stewart groups, Chief Justia/ Warren E . North Idaho College Burger rejected the contention that . :'Congress must act In ,a wholly 1000 Garden Avenue , , ,. •·. 1 ' 'colorblind' fashion" when It seeks to Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 cure the effects of past discrlminar • · '


I · Nixo~ appoi~tee~.:: 1.


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October 7, 1985

~.ti~~tr~~;~;·o;ficl~s t uo:e· Hu,bert H. Humphrey and other former members of Congress to ~how that 1 • .• '1 : they did not intend courts tq order raI 1 Cia) QUOtas as a remedy for Violations. • of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. '• ' 1 , 1 1 Or ,· I ,°v ., . , 'j "" The Court, citing the same debates,' .,, •• ,1, has ruled that colleges {eceivi\lg - - - - - - - -·-- · - -~--- ·: Federal aid could legally take race . ... , - , .. -.! • 1 < , 1 ••1 r into account when deciding do student . · admissions. But it said racial classlasked If they believed that where . ' fications were inherently suspect and there was job discrimination a~ainst I~ required the l'most exacting )udi.F,lal blacks In the past, preference. m hlr-•. scrutiny."., ,, , , , , :i, :1 f'" "f.!f.•", 1• • · ing or promotion should be given to : · ~ blacks today. Among whites, -s, pe.r-.i ,'~'<- -~· ·1984 Memphis Case ,C~ed -I f'I cent said yes. For the population as a :~< In opposing quotas, the Justice Dewhole, 42 percent said yes and 46 per- I' partment has repeatediy cited a High cent said no. · . · · . , . Court decision In 1984 that judges In the poll, 1,509 adults, of whom could not Interfere with a h!gttlmate were blacks, were interviewed by . seniority system in.ordec lb protect telephone from May 29 through June I blacks from being laid off by the 2. The margin of sampling errorJor , ·, .Memphis Fire Department. Mr. the entire sample was plus or minus J· Reynolds said the broad language of three percentage points. For blacks, that decision "precludes persons who It was plus or minus eight points. · are not actual victims of discrimlnaThe Administration has touched off I ~ tlon from receiving preferential a national debate with Its contention treatment as a part of any ,-emedlal that the Constitution Is colorblind and .vi:neasures." · 't 1 .i·,· • that any program giving a preference Appellate courts · have generally to blacks because of their race Is a I•, said the precedent applies only to lay. form of discrimination. • '· offs, not to hiring and promqtioo quo1 In a new book, "Constitutional , , tas. . "· j' i I 1 Choices "Prof. Laurence H. Tribe, of , Mr. Reynolds acknowledged that Harvard Law School, responded to the appellate courts had givEi'a a "narthls argument, saying: "It has long , row Interpretation" to the 'Memphis been recognized that the Constitution ., ruling. But be said, "We remain unls not 'colorblind.' lndeed, to ellml- persuaded by their analysis and undenate the persistent effects of racial, terred in our resolve to athieve. a prejudice and oppression, courts colorblind, gender-neutral IOcletyt :


d ef end ed USe Of . ,.. · numencal goals 11 · f blacks.' .;, i


Dear Tony: Once again the true thanks really run the other direction. The symposium on racism was again exciting and eye opening. The speech by Julian Bond had to be one of the finest, if not the finest, that I have ever heard. It was a real pleasure to be able to meet with all of these people thanks to your including Lou and letting me tag along. Over the· years you have contributed immeasurably to expand the available vistas of knowledge and experience for those of us who live in what otherwise might be an iso d community.



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Quotas, preferential frea tmeht · ·per'(ert civil-:righ ts goals Joel C. Mandelman is deputu a~eral counsel ,. for the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. The f oUowinc, is an excerpt from a spee<;h he . delivered Sept. 26 to a forum on r~cism and prejudice at North Idaho CoUege in Coeur d'Alene.

By Joel C. Mandelman Contrary to what is being reported in some elements of the press, the Reagan administration is not "undoing" the civil-rights gains of the past 20 years. In fact we are trying to preserve them. We trying to prevent self-styled liberals from returning to the time when a person's rights were granted or denied because of race or color, ~x or religious heritage. We believe each citizen has civil rights that must be protected. · . But our opponents believe in the all~n n~~~n of group rights and therefore, in group disabilities. And that is no different from the Ku Klux Klan's attitude - you were to be penalized because of your race or your national origin. During the past 20 years, the civil-righta goala of this nation have been perverted from a constitµUonally mandated belief in a colorblind society to a demand for an impermissible and unconstitutional policy of preferential treatment based upon race. . . . To that on-American idea, this adrrun1Stration ls opposed.


It is a bitter irony that in the 30 years since the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Brown vs. Board of Education, we have come from the point where civil-rights groups insisted that i~ was wrong to exclude James Meredith from the University of M.ississippl because he was black to a point where those groups now insist itu permissible - indeed, necessary - to exclude Alan Bakke from the University of California because he was white.

To call that policy of racial exclusJop "pro-civilrigh . ta" is a perversion of the English language worthy of George Orwell. . It la impossible to implement a rational civllrighta policy if that program is premised _o n substituting one group of victims of dlacrimination for another. . That is not civil righta - it is constitutional wrongs. , ' That there is no liability unless there is fault la a cherished and fundamental concept of the American legal system; our criminal justice system is . premlaed on the concept that we do not convict the innocent in order to punish the guilty; and in civil lawsuits a defendant is not required to pay damages unless the defendant caused the victim's injury. But reverse discrimination and quotas are irreconcilably hostile to those principles; they impose llablllty not because of what someone did but because of who someone is. Civilized nations do not foist the sins of the father on their children, and they surely do not foist the sins of o~ person's great-grandfather on someone else's great-grandchildren. The U.S. Constitution expressly forbids laws that work a corrupUon of blood. . Quotas and! : erse discrimination are at war with these' che ed constitutional and moral . values which cornerstones of any free society. Moreover racially preferential treatment flies in the face of the 1fth Amendment's explicit command that no person shall be denied equal protection of the laws; quotas are a fundamental denial of that constitutional command. Besides the implementation of many so-called civil-rights remedies often leads to absurd results. For uxample before graduating from college, all students in the ;tate college system in Georgia were . required to pas.9 a standardized achievement test to demonstrate that they could read, W!ite and solve math problems on a 10th-grade - high-school level. Because a disproportionate number of black

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- ~ bu there been - any relaUtl_OD in thoee . . ,. bavla1 completed four years of collqe, zealota In efforts.. · . · the U.S. l>epartment of Education and within the What lbould not be tacitly condoned, let alone · clvll-ripts"l".atablllbment aoupt to ban the UN of actlvely aupPOl'ted,.are attempt.a at reqlllriDC tbOle tests becauae of their allec6d dilparate impact nctally or elhnicauy proportfo~l rep~tatlon In .,. on minorities. · . · leplatlve bodies - that 1a, a requirement that If, •~ A p-eater perversion of academic freedom and of for example, 20 percent of an area's population la blper education la aeoeral cannot be lma&ined, blackt 20 percent of its state legislative delqatlon "lVbeo stat.ea began to require competency teattna must De black. · . for public achoolteacben, clvll-riabta. groups In Various civll-riabts groups are pressin& tbla numerous stat.ea, lncludin& Florida and Arianau, arpmeut before lhe U.S: Supreme Court DOW', In a objected on the grounds that disproportionate · cue lavolvta, reapportioning of the North caroUna numben of teachen la mlnorlty groupe would be Le.llalature. . unable to pus the exams. · · · fu.ccell on their part would spell dlsaater for our How a poorly prepared teacher la suppoeed to . form of aovemment. produce literate students defies lope; nevertheless, U we are aolnt to require that a specified .<. tbla arpment waa - · and still.is - being made by percentaae of blacks .- not Democraqs or clvll-riabts advocates. Republlcana, but specified racial groups - are · Tbe fleaaan admlnlstration supports the concept entlUed to representation u racial groupe, then we of effective remedial education for those whole wW wind up like Lebanon, where every position In critical learnlni lkll1a are weak. but It categorically the aovernment la allocated by racial and rellgioua rejects any effort to tamper with academic quotas and •here a primary cause of the 11-year standards. clvll •ar la that tortured country bu been the It la inberently WJOD1 to lower •cademlc · demand for rea}Jocatlon of that quota amoq the ., ' standards because of the specious argument that a warrinl factions. · dlaproportlonate number of minority students la Ballou la the United Stat.ea do not - and must unable to meet them. · never - read "black" candidate for CoJlerea or ,. Our opponents want to lower UM, standards; we "white" candidate for Consrea. · want to educate the students. Tbe ballota read "Republican," "Democrat" or Adoption of lower academic standards la an "Independent" candidate. · latellectually dlahoneat "remedy" that not only Ancl whether we change the ballot or ril tbe weakens the case for civil rlpts but also ,uarantees dlatqct llnes to attain racially or etbnlcal1y that those w=ose . tentlal requires the most proportional results. the dama,e to the democratic latenalve e ture of resources, la order to l>riDI procea would be the same. their pot.en al abWtles to fruition, wW be the leut Tbe •dmlnlatratloo's policies will lead to the likely to have their potential realized. realization of the•American dream - u Martin The Reagan admlnlatratlon also la equally Luther K.lq Jr. told us 2S years ago - that one day, committed to protectln& the riots of all Amerlcana bis cblldrea would be Judged by the content of their to re,later, to vote, to have thefr vote honestly character and not by the color of their akin. counted and to leek public office free from But out opponents' policies will turn that dream latlmidatlon. into a nlabtmare. Protection of thole riabts la t h e ~ of . And ttiat nl&btmare will cause~ to cry our protecting all other civil ripta; there lbould not be beloved ~try. ltudeota WU unable to put tboee uama·despite •

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Expert warns of cult influence Coeur d'Alene target city for 'Moonies' By TRUDY WELSH Press Staff Writer

The Rev. Sun Myuna Moon's latest ploy involves inviting influential clergymen and politicians to Unification Church-sponsored anti-communism seminars, said the Rev. Kent Burtner, a national cult specialist who spoke at North Idaho College Friday. The technique is already being used in Idaho, and the potential for harm is frightening, added Barb Strakal , spokesperson for Coeur d' Alene's Cult Awareness Center. The Associated Press reported this week that 26 of southern Idaho's Republican legislators had attended one or more all-expense-paid seminars put on by a Moon-affiliated group, calling itself CAUSA. The group' s director reportedly named Coeur d' Alene, Lewiston, Caldwell, Nampa, Pocatello, Boise and Twin Falls as target cities for expanding the church's anti-communism campaign.

- Press Photo By PAULA DAVIS

Rev. Kent Burtner

An article from the Washington P ost reported that an aide to Sen. Steve Symms, R-Idaho, also attended a Central American seminar in May paid for by one of the church's political groups. The Anchorage, Alaska priest said Moon is merely using the seminars to ga in acceptance for his church among important leaders, so he can continue

his controversial recruitment and fund-raising activities. Moon plans to spend $30 million in the next year on seminars and similar image-altering projects because he " wants us to view them as the church next door ," Burtner said at NIC's Popcorn Forum . Before his trial on income tax fraud , Moon managed to rally support from Jerry Falwe ll and leaders of fun· damentalist religions by " waving the Firs t Ame ndme nt Flag ," said Burtner, whose writings on cults have been published by " Family Week" and " Pa rade" magazines and World Book E ncyclopedia. Moon, who recently finished an 18month prison term , sets himself up as a victim of religious persecution, Burtner said. He convinces other clergymen to support him in his efforts to gua rantee that the right to freedom of religion is upheld, he said. Strackal said she could easi.ly picture " a conservative group of folks rallying behind Falwell and Rev. Moon. " I'm not a paranoid person, but when you think about Falwell's close ties to President Reagan, I get concerned," she said after the forum . She does not believe that Idaho's lawmakers could legitimately excuse their seminar attendance by saying they were una ware of the event's spon·

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" Anyone elected to office should have the foresight to make at least one call or read the fine print," she said. "I can't believe they would be so naive as to just go tra ipsing off without doing some checking. " Any legislator who knowingly attends one of these lecture weekends is " utterly in contempt of the public trust, " Burtner said. Cults employ sophisticated methods of psychological persuasion, and anyone can be coerced into supporting or belonging to groups such as the Moo n ies , Sci entolog ists , Hari Khrisnas and Rajneeshees, Burtner "d

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The only hope is to make ourselves . and our c h1·1dren " street-wise" a bout the various methods and steps in a cult's operation, he said, outlining severa l for the audience. Burtner said large numbers of peopie a re getting caught up in cults today because they are seeking the personal communication and intimate relationships that are becoming difficult to find in today·s fast-paced, tecbnological world. Sen. Mary Lou Reed, D-Coeur d ' Alene, filmed a question and answer session with Burtner earlier in the afternoon and Rep. J eanne Givens, I). Coeur d'Alene, was one of those attending his talk Friday night.


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King's b:irth·d ay to be observed will combine to present speeches, music and films honoring the slain civil rights leader. COEUR d'ALENE - Though The Rev. Bill Wassmuth, task Idaho bas not officially adopted the force president, will be t he keynote federal holiday, city employees and speaker. North Idaho College students will Other & resentations are schedhave some time off Jan. 20 to honor uled by oeur d'Alene Mayor Ray the late Martin Luther King J r . Members of the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations Speeches, music and consider the first official observance of King's birthday particufilms honoring King larly important in the wake of recent publicity of North Idaho's will be presented. white supremacist groups. Students in the Coeur d 'Alene School District will have the day Stone, county Commission Chairoff in observance of King's birth- man Glenn Jackson, NIC President day. City Hall will be closed from Barry Schuler and school district 11 a .m . to 2 p.m., and NIC will be Superintendent Warren Bakes. closed from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Rev. Richard Rermstad, pasDuring those hours, the commu- tor of Trinity Lutheran Church, will nity college and the Kootenai Coun- give a presentation on King's life. ty Task Force on Human Relations Also scheduled are readings from

By Kristin Richardson

Slaff wrller

King's speeches. The midday activities will take place in the NIC communicationarts auditorium. From 2-4 p.m. in NIC's Bonner Room, task force and college representatives will present a "teach-in" on freedom, justice, equa lity and peace. At the task force's meeting Tuesday, a Department of J ustice r epresentative praised King as one who sacrificed "to reconcile reality with the Declaration of Independence (and) the Constitution of the United States." "Some of us learned from Dr. King that a thing should be done because it is right, not because it is expedient," said Robert Lamb, regional director of the Justice Department's community relations service.

A~bert Lamm talks of Martin Luther King

Special day set aside to honor slain activist By SUSAN TOFT Press Staff Writer

The late civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. will be honored at a special two-hour program Jan. 20, sponsored by the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations and North Idaho College. Although Martin Luther King Day has yet to be declared a state holiday in Idaho, city and school officials in Kootenai County plan to participate in the special event. The commemoration of King's birthday was kicked off Tuesday night with an appearance by Ro~ ert Lamb, regional director of the Community Relations Service, an arm of the Justice Department. Lamb, speaking at a meeting of the human relations task force, said the impact of King's life went beyond race relations. "He belonged to each of us, he was universal," Lamb said. "He demanded the rebirth of freedorn." , The Coeur d'Alene School District has provided its students with a special packet of information on the life and work of King.

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Coeur d'Alene City Hall will be closed from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. to allow employees to participate in the program and North Idaho College will release students from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. for the special activities. The program, which will get under way at 11 a.m. at the NIC Co m m u n i c a t i o n ¡ Ar t s auditorium , will feature messages from Gvv. John Evans, Kootenai County Commission Chairman Glenn Jackson and Coeur d'Alene Mayor Ray Stone in honor of Kin~ Day. The Rev. Richard Hermstad from Trinity Lutheran Church will present a talk on the life of King and Father Bill Wassmuth from the human relations task force will give the keynote address, "Living the Dream Today." The Coeur d'Alene High School choir and the Ebenezer Baptist Church choir of Atlanta will give musical presentations. A " teach-in for freedom, equality, justice and peace" is scheduled at the NIC student union building from 2-4 p.m. Jan. 20. Participants will include members of the task force, NIC faculty and students and community leaders.

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NICKEL'S WORTH Week of Jan. 10, 1986.

THE COEUR D'ALENE PRESS Thursday. January 9. 1986


Noted Japanese Artist Will Be Japanese dignitary, Guest Of North Idaho College artist guest at forum North Idaho Co llege's 204th ' Popcorn Forum ,' in cooperation with the Japan Fund of the Japanese Foreign Ministry, will present Mrs. Kazan Hoshina, a recognized Japanese landscape artist. and member of the royal family of Japan

characterist ics of the Japanese ink paintings of Kazan Hoshina lie in their elegant freshness.'

Several events are scheduled around Hoshina's visit. At 10 a.m., Monday, January 13, she will lecture and perform a demonstration of her art, ' Suiboku,' (Japanese India ink pai nting) in the Comm unication Arts Auditorium at NIC. At 7:30 a.m ., Tuesday, January 14, Hoshina will be the featured guest at the Coeur d'Alene Chamber of Commerce ' Up-Beat Breakfast' at the Athletic Round Tabl e. Later on Tuesday from 1:30-4:00 p .m., she will conduct an art workshop in Room 217 of the CA building at NIC. Additional ly, Hoshina's works of art will be on display Monday through Wednesday, January 13-15, with a discussion of her work to be held from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m., January 15, in the Art Callery of t he N IC Student Union Building. Hoshina's father is Prince Tokugawa, former ambassador from Japan to Canada and Turkey, president of Japan's House of Peers, and president of the Japanese Red Cross. According to Uemura Takach iyo, a noted Japanese art critic, 'The charm and special

. All e':'ents are open to the public. and more in!ormat1on a~out Hoshina's visit may be obtained by calling NIC Information Services at 769-3316

Kazan Hoshina, a Japanese landscape artist and member of the royal family of Japan, will be the featured speaker at North Idaho College's Jan. 13 popcorn forum. Hoshina's appearance is in cooperation with the Japan Fund of the Japanese Foreign Ministry. At a presentation scheduled for 10 a.m., she will lecture and perform a demonstration of her art, "Suiboku," (Japanese India ink painting) in the CommunicationArts auditorium. At 7:30 a.m. Jan. 14, Hosbina will be the featured guest at the Coeur d'Alene Chamber of Commerce Up-Beat Breakfast at the Athletic Round Table. From 1: 30-4 p.m., she will conduct an art workshop in room 217 of the C-A building at NIC. Hoshina' s works of art also will be on display Jan. 13-15, with a discussion of her work scheduled from 1-2 p.m. Jan. 15, in the Art Gallery of the NIC Student Union Building. Hoshina's father is Prince

Kazan Hoshina

Tokugawa, former ambassador from Japan to Canada and Turkey, president of Japan's House of Peers and president of the Japanese Red Cross. All events are open to the public and more information about Hoshina's visit may be obtained by calling NIC Information Services at 769-3316.


Cd'A picked for piece on racism I


By MIKE GREEN Press Staff Writer


A CBS News crew plans to be in Coeur d'Alene next week to film preparations for the city's celebration of Martin Luther King Day (Jan. 20). Lori Giessen, a researcher for the CBS News Seattle office, said the film will be edited to about two minutes and aired on the CBS Evening News with Dan Rather on Jan. 20. The segment will focus on the area's attempts to change its racist image resulting from recent publicity of the white supremacist Aryan Nations Church near Hayden Lake. Giesseh said nothing is definite on what or who will be featured , but the film will concentrate on preparations for the celebration. She said Coeur d'Alene is one of the few areas in the state actively celebrating Martin Luther King Day. The CBS team will consist of producer Bill Kennedy, correspondent Richard Wagner and a two-man film crew. " We'll be out there a good part of next week," Giessen said. The Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations and the North Idaho Popcorn Forum at North Idaho College are sponsoring a two-hour program at the colle~e Jan. 20. The program will See RACISM, Page 5 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

Racism consist of proclamations, speeches, choir-performed music and readings from King's speeches. The keynote address will be delivered by Father Bill Wassmuth, task force president. Tony Stewart, chairman of the Popcorn Forum, said he first contacted CBS in September to suggest a news story on how a community copes with a racist group like the Aryans and the negative imaÂŁe it creates to outsiders. He

said- Coeur d'Alene is a model the task force, six weeks ago to community on dealing with ra- request more information about cism problems. the situation here regarding the " This community has shown Aryans and task force efforts. great integrity in dealing with the Stewart received confirmation of issue of racism," said Stewart, the filming here from CBS Thurswho is division chairman of so- day. cial sciences at NIC. An interview with Stewart and He hopes the news piece will show how a community can work Wassmuth about the planned King celebration will be aired at together to combat prejudice. CBS News contacted Kootenai 8:40 a.m. Jan. 17 on KVNI radio County Undersheriff Larry during the radio's Community Broadbent. an active member of Focus program.

THE COEUR D'ALENE PRESS Friday, January 10. 1986


Lake City's bid to erase racist tag is CBS topic By Robin Fleming Stoll correspondent

A younger point of view A CBS television crew films Coeur d'Alene High School students Wednesday for a feature on Coeur d'Alene's attempt to erase Its racist reputation. Cameraman Greg Amadon and soundman Carey Weatherford spent time Wednesday In Andrea Partlngton's class filming students, Including Susan Dun. The segment, which may Include Interviews with school officials and members of the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations, will air sometime on the evening news between tonight and Sunday. - P r - Photo By GORDON KING

COEUR d'ALENE - The Seattle Times has done it. So has the Chicago Tribune, the Denver Post and the Washington Times. Now CBS is jumping on the media ba~dwagon as its staff prepares a story on Coeur d' Alene's attempt to erase a racist reputation inspired by the Hayden Lake headquarters of the Aryan Nations. A CBS television crew has been . taping in the Lake City since ~onday, interviewing school officials and students, members of the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations and Chamber of Commerce executive president Sandy Emerson. And, of course, they paid a visit to Richard Butler, founder of the Church of Jesus Christ Christian, from which a splinter group, The Order, was formed . ¡ Ten Order members were convicted recently on charges ranging from racketeering to murder as part of a scheme to overthrow the

U.S. government. After three days of interviews, reporter Bill Kennedy will relay to the nation two minutes' worth of his impressions of Coeur d' Alene's efforts to fight back. The story will be aired on the CBS Evening News any time _between tonight and Sunday evening, Kennedy said. "I'm quite impressed at the effort that's being put forth by the community," especially in , a ~tate where Martin Luther King s btrthday is not officially recognized as a holiday, Kennedy said. Kennedy added that he didn't feel the media coverage has been overdone. "I don't think 'any effort is overdoing it," sa~d the br~d?35ter, .~.dding that havtng a racISt 11Dage 1s a bad rap, and they're (residents) not going to let it stick." . With television cameras rolling, Coeur d'Alene high school students aired their concerns for the need for equality and acceptance for all Americans, as well as the need to eliminate racism.

'''---,'~¡~ Celebrations planned around state, nation on King holiday ~~

Other presentations in the same spirit will take place this week and next in the Spokane area. "It's a day for all Americans," said Angela Harvey, president of the Eastern Washington University Black Student Union. "It's not just for black Americans or minorities, but all Americans." Local observances include: a TODAY - A Martin Luther King teach-in at Whitworth College begins at 1 p.m. in Room 1 of Lindaman Seminar Center. It includes a video presentation on King's life. a FRIDAY - The Black Education Program and the president's office at EWU are sponsoring a symposium on King's legacy, titled "Fulfilling the Dream: Past, Present and Future." . a SUNDAY - The Martin Lu: ther King Holiday Commission bas asked churches to pay tribute to King during Sunday services. a MONDAY: A large-scale birth-

By Erik P. Smit h S1afl writer

No tradition dictates the way the nation's first Martin Luther King Jr. Day will be celebrated, but a few might be established by the time the week is out. Hundreds of celebrations and observances are planned to remind the nation of the civil rights leader's legacy and to make the holiday something more than a day off or an excuse for a waterbed sale. Last fall Gov. Booth Gardner appointed a commission to coordinate statewide holiday events in hopes the day wouldn' t become "a holiday to be celebrated this year with a lot of hoopla and forgotten next year," said his assistant, Carol Gregory. It's too early to tell about 1987, but there's plenty of hoopla this time. On the national level, the Martin Luther King Federal Holiday Commission is trying to get the holiday off to a slam-bang start with a twohour TV special, a national parade, rallies, teach-ins, services and ceremonies in Atlanta and Washington, D.C. Expectations had to be scaled back a bit. The commission expected $2 million in contributions, but rund-raisers brought in only $300,000.

day observance, "Aspects of an American Dream," will take place in the Whitworth College Music Building auditorium at 7 p.m. The presentation includes readings of King's words and gospel music from the Christ Holy Sanctified Church choir. At North Idaho t;ollege, a memorial ceremony begins at 11 a.m. in the communication-arts auditorium: Keynote speaker is the Rev. Bill Wassmuth, president of the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations. Other speakers are Coeur d'Alene Mayor Ray Stone, County Commissioner Glenn Jackson, NIC President Barry Schuler, the Rev. Richard Hermstad and school district Superintendent Warren Bakes. A two-hour teach-in on freedom, justice, equality and peace will follow at 2 p.m. in NIC's Bonner Room.




In Washington, the state Martin Luther King Holiday Commission is making do with $40,000 in private and corporate donations. With the help of colleges and civic organizations, it has organized more than 50 events, culminating Monday with a ceremony in the Capitol Rotunda. Thousands are expected to travel to Olympia on buses, cars and Am¡ trak's King Holiday Express to march with military honor guards and brass bands from Deschutes Parkway to the Capitol. U.S. Rep. Ronald Dellums, D-Calif., will speak. King, born Jan. 15, 1929, was assassinated April 4, 1968, in Memphis by James Earl Ray. The holiday will be celebrated every third Monday in January, making it a three-day weekend. State and federal offices will be closed, and no mail will be delivered, but city offices will be open, as will Spokane County offices except those related to the courts. Public schools throughout the state will be closed. Eastern Washington University and Spokane's two community colleges also will close, but classes will be held at Gonzaga University and Whitworth College. , In Idaho, where the state has not adopted the holiday, Coeur d'Alene city employees and North Idaho College students will have a few


hours- off to attend a memorial presentation at the school. Co-sponsored by the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations, the 11 a.m. program will celebrate King's dream through speeches, music and films.

-Press Photo By GORDON KING

Cheryl BamN adjusts portrait of Martin Luther King before today's program at North Idaho College

King; Hope tor the future By SUSAN TOFT Press Staff Writer If a celebration such as that in honor of civil rights leader Martin Luther King had been held in the past, it may have helped stem the tide of the white supremacist movement in North Idaho, local leaders said today. Members of the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations hope the commemoration sched· uled today at North Idaho Collge will be the first step in preventing racism from ever again gaining a foothold in the area. The two-hour presentation at the Communication Arts Auditorium featured films of King' s life and



civil rights activities, as well as readings, songs and a "Teach-In for Freedom, Equality, Justice and Peace." Coeur d' Alene School District gave its students the day off to attend the program, and NIC students and Coeur d'Alene City Hall employees were to be released between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. for the presentation. Post Falls students were to have special lessons today related to King's activities and the civil rights movement. Kootenai County Undersberiff Larry Broadbent this morning said he believes a similar celebration in the mid-1970s could have prevented the growth of the white SU·

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premacist movement here. " The community certainly bas spoken out recently," he said. " If we'd had this kind of thing in the mid-70s, (the white supremacist movement) probably wouldn' t have grown so much. We wouldn't have bad the kind of entanglem ents we've bad." Continued diligence will be necessary to prevent the reoccurance of the racist movement, Broadbent said. Participants in a planned Aryan Congress this summer will be more closely scrutinized than in the past, he said. See KING, Page 2


lHE COEUR D'f)..LENE PRESS Monday, _Janua~ 20. 1986


King " We' ll have to take a closer look at those activities ," Broadbent said. " The kind of people attracted in the past have all landed in jail." Task force head the Rev. Bill Wassmuth this morning said the commemorative program was planned not only to honor King's work for a peaceful end to racism in the country, but also to encourage an awareness of equality and justice for all people. " Our primary motivation in celebrating the birthday is to remind us we must always pursue justice and equality," Wassmuth said. Wassmuth said the second rea-


son for planning the special presentation - one of only a few in the entire state - was to counteract the negative image North Idaho has gained as a result of the activities of the Aryan Nations. " We are willing to recognize we need additional effort," he said. " We must do it with increased effort when there are people in our midst promoting hatred and division." Because of the presence of the Aryan Nations north of Hayden, Wassmuth said, residents must be more aggressive in "opening the hearts of those who are open to change." Except for the recent news presentation on CBS, national in-

terest in the Aryan Nations has dropped off considerably in recent months, Coeur d 'Alene Chamber of Commerce manager Sandy Emerson said this morning. The conviction in Seattle last month of 10 members of the Or- _ der has given the nation the impression that (the white supremacist movement) " is being dealt with," Emerson said. Inquiries about the Aryan Nations from businesses or people interested in moving to the area has dropped off almost entirely, he said. " It' s not a major concern anymore," Emerson said.


tu.s. recalls man with a dream By The Associated Press

Veterans of civil rights struggles in the United States and South Africa joined to remember Martin Luther King Jr. and his ideals today as the nation observed the first federal holiday honoring a black leader. Vice President George Bush watched as King's son Dexter placed a wreath on bis father's grave today in an Atlanta ceremony followed by an ecumenical service at Ebenezer Baptist Church, where King was pastor. " In the name of Martin, we ain't going back," the Rev. Joseph Lowery, who heads the Southern Christian Leadership Conference founded by King, said at the service. " We've come too far, we've worked too strenuously, we've marched too long, we've prayed too hard, we've wept too bitterly, we've bled too profusely and we've died too young .... " Attending the service in addition

to Bush were Sens. Robert Dole, RKan., Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., Bill Bradley, 0-N.J., Sam Nunn, D-Ga., and Mack Mattingly, RGa. ; Atlanta Mayor Andrew Young; Georgia Gov. Joe Frank Harris ; and members of King's family. Kennedy called King " the found-

ing father of the second American revolution, the revolution of civil rights." " He disturbed our peace by appealing to our conscience," said Dole, who called the service "one of the proudest moments in my public life." South African Bishop Desmond Tutu, who received the 1984 Nobel Peace Prize for bis opposition to his nation's racial segregation policies, was to be awarded the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Peace Prize at the Atlanta service. Following that presentation, hundreds of former King colleages and friends planned to march through the city. Marches and rallies,were scheduled today in several state capitals, including Boston, Indianapolis, Nashville, Tenn., Columbia, S.C. , and Olympia, Wash., as well as Cincinnati, Ohio. About 5,000 people attended a citywide ecumenical service in Philadelphia.

Statt photo by CHRIS ANDERSON

Tony Stewart, chairman of the North Idaho College Popcorn Forum and one of the organizers of the special program celebrating Martin Luther King Jr.

TUESDAY, JAN. 21, 1986




Day, gestures during a discussion of King and his life. Stewart spoke on the problem of racism and how to combat it. -...;iiiiiiiiiii...- -....iiiiii1H~E1111.S~POiiiiiiiiiiiiKESMANiiiiiiiiiiiii_REvmwiiiii ,iiiiiiiiiiii.....iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiii...........


King memorial sends message of equality By Cynthia Taggart and Kristin Richardson S1alf writers

COEUR d'ALENE - A crowd of nearly 1,000 sent the North Idaho-based Aryan Nations white-su~remacist group a loud message Monday: 'We shall ove.rcome." The chorus of voices came from the North Idaho College Communication Arts Auditorium at the end of the state's first and largest organized observance of Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday. "This gathering shows the overwhelming desire i.n this area for equality," said a beaming Marshall Mend, Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations member,

as students and local residents streamed through the auditorium doors. But, Mend added ruefully, "We do have a reputation to overcome - one earned by just a few people. I guess this ceremony is, in part, our way of combating that reputation." Task force member and NIC political science teacher Tony Stewart organized the 90-minute program, which included such speakers as Coeur d'Alene Mayor Ray Stone, Kootenai County Commissioner Glenn Jackson and NIC President Barry G. Schuler. The audience, however, gave its most alt preciative response to Coeur d'Alene s youth: hildl school essay winner Susan Dunn

and NIC sophomore Paul Bryant. Bryant read excerpts from King's "I have a dream" and "I've been to the mountaintop" speeches, and received a standing ovation. Following the ceremony, a local black attorney told a group of task force members, students and teachers gathered for an informal discussion of King's ~hilosophies that "the revolution is not over. Ida Leggett, a recent transplant to Coeur d'Alene from Seattle, said that the first day she took her son to school here, every educator on the premises made it a point to meet her. When she met with a counselor to arrange her son's schedule, she said, the counselor

told her son he would enjoy the school because " we don't have any Negroes here" meaning he would be the first. She said her son replied: "There have never been any Negroes any place we've lived.'' That the boy's statement was lost on the counselor especially distressed her, Leggett said.

"When you've been called nigger, when you've been called oigra, when you've been called Ne-gro, you don't like it ...." she told the gathering. ''There are people in this town who still call me colored. That's why I say the revolution is still going on." Stewart said the King birthday observance will be an annual event.

I - 2..1- r:r;

Community leaders participate in King Day program

-Press Photo By PAULA DAVIS

Dr. King honored Assassination ki lls man but not dream By LES TIDBALL Press Staff Writer

The simplest messages were the most eloquent. North Idaho College political science instructor Tony Stewart read those messages from leaders throughout the country Monday as Coeur d' Alene residents celebrated the life and dreams of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. " Our country is better because he lived," President Reagan said. Martin Luther King sought equality and justice, freedom and peace, said his widow, Coretta Scott King. "We are living that dream. " The first American federal holiday honoring a black person, and the first to honor a Nobel Peace Prize winner, was celebrated by more than 1,000 North Idahoans at the college's CommunicationArts Auditorium. Though the state bas not recognized Dr. King's birthday as a state holiday, Gov. John V. Evans proclaimed Monday as Martin Luther King Day in Idaho. The city of Coeur d'Alene, said Mayor Ray Stone, also was honored to participate in the

-Presa Photo By PAULA DAVI

Father Bill Wassmuth

celebration, as was Kootenai County. Glenn Jackson, chairman of the county commission, said that in 1952 he stepped off a bus in Montgomery (Alabama's state capital) reporting for duty at a nearby Air Force base, and "stepped into a time warp." "I stepped off the bus and there were two drinking fountains, one marked for 'whites only,' the other marked for 'colored only.' I got on a bus with my black Air Force friend and there, very distinct, was a sign that said the last four rows were for blacks only," Jackson said. Within a few months, Dr. King started his ministry "in a brick church in Montgomery. He suffered great mental abuse, and physical abuse. The reality of assassination ended that man, but not the dream."

See KING, Page 2



ing Jackson had a warning for anyone in this area espousing the doctrine of white supremacy. "(The Rev. Richard) Butler's bigots," Jackson declared, have sprouted hate in the community, and that bigotry will be fought non-violently. The life of the man born Michael Luther King .Jr. was related by Trinity Lutheran pastor the Rev. Richard Ilermslad. At the age of 6, King's father changed their first names to Marlin in honor of Martin Luther. At age 15, King graduated from high school, and at age 18, be was ordained into the ministry. He continued his education in Pennsylvania and Boston where he earned a doctorate degree. He then returned to the South lo lead his people on a non-violent march toward freedom. Battling for civil riE,hts, King ls hoc:t remembered for his "I have

a dream" speech on Aug. il:, 1963 in Washii1gton D.C. before a qua r ter -in illion blacks and whites in front of the Lincol I Memorial. P resident Keunedy watched t he speech on television in the White House. In 1965, King won the i'1obel Peace Prize, and on April ? , 1968, he told a gathering in Mc.nphis that " like any m:m, I Wrtnt to live." But he had no fear of ,lealb, because the Lord had led l1irn to the mountain top, and "mine eyes have seen the glory of the cvmi;ig of the Lord. " The next day, King was murdered. "Apathy," said Fath«r Bill Wassmulh, "is the fcrtil.• field from wh ich new prt:Judice springs." Wassmuth, the keynote speaker, asked that each pers,.'l "examine ycur own conscience." He



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agreed with a statement Gov. Evans made in Coeur d'Alene several months ago. "To be tolerant of prejudice." the governor said, "is to be a part of it." The celebratic'l of Dr. King's life, sponsored by lhe NIC Popcorn Forum and the I~ootenai County Task Force on Human Relations, included songs from the Coeur d'Alene High School and North Idaho College choirs. High school student Susan Dunn was honored by Superintendent Warren Bakes for her essay on King. She read from it, calling King "a prophet and a priest" who served God through sacrifice . She remembered King's own words, "freedom is never given freely by the oppressor. Freedom must be demanded by the oppressed." Barry SchulE'r, president of NIC, spoke of the rich contributions that community colleges

throughout the nation had made to minorities to enrich education. He promised that NIC would not fall short. A message from state Sen. Mary Lou Reed and Rep. Jeanne Givens, both Democrats from Coeur d'Alene, was also read to the audience. Those women joined other state lawmakers at the Capitol Rotunda honoring King. ''The dream isn't dead, :md the dream won't die," said Boisean Jessica J enkins, who came to celebrate U1e national holiday Monday. She said she thought it was unfortunate that Idaho had not recognized King's birthday as a slate holiday. The Rev. H. Lincoln Oliver, who is on the governor's Martin Luther King Jr. task force, emphasized that King's works benefitted people of all races.

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