VOL. 88 NO. 243
Really LOUD poetry Barb Davis exhibits award winning form during her rendition of .. Piddlin' Peten during a Poetry Yelling Contest Friday at the North Idaho College Popcorn Forum. See story and photos, Page A5.
MAITHELM Coeur d'AI ne Press
4--/- 9.S-
Enunciate. Jerry Gee, dean of instruction at North Idaho College, didn't need a microphone to be heard at Friday's poetry yelling contest but some of his listeners could have used ear plugs during his booming rendition of "When Tillie Ate the Chili," a poem by Shel Silverstein.
MATT HELM/Coeur d'Alene Press
Dean of Instruction Jerry Gee won third place with a bellowed version of "When TIiiie Ate the Chili. n
hared an origina1 meditation on taxes. And NIC President Bob Bennett even gave it a shot, reciting omething caJJed "The Dignity of Labor." But it wa math in tructor Barbara Davi who won. Adding a new level of la to the whole affair, she recited the traditional Scotti h poem, ''Piddlin'
Pete." The baJJad tell lh tale of a pup who, well, piddles wherever he pleases. The event wa inspired by cowboy poet John Jay Kulm a forum gu t who performed earUer in the week and who i known for hi high-energy, highvolume poetry presentation .
The Popcorn Forum wrap up on unday with more refined fare, a concerl of ragtime music condu ted by Gunther Schuller with mu ician from the pokane yrnphony. The how tarts at 2 p.m. at the Bo well Hall Auditorium. Ticket are $10.
Spokane. Wash. / Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Schuller's ragged side Conductor sh(JWs anotherfacet ofhis considerable talent with ragtime concert
Concert review
$ pla1I Sympllany Sunday, April 2, at North Idaho College
By Travi Rivers Corre pondenl
he guy is just amazing. ¡ That was the phrase I heard again and again Sunday. It came from profe ional musicians, tudents and ju t plain audience members during the intertni sion and following the '¡Afternoon Concert of Ragtime at North Idaho College. The concert, the finale of a weeklong forum in Coeur d Alene was one of tho e rare occa ion of bli fully happy ma ic-makiog. The guy people were talking about wa Gunther Schuller. And the group that helped him elicit the amazement should have been labeled the Spokane Symphony
Ragtime En emble (it wa n't, thougb)-16 symphony players who looked and ounded a though the were having the time of their live . SchuUer and hi group erved up a generou helping of 15 rags and ragderived early jazz and novelty numbers. Mention SchuUer' name in Spokane and vicinity, and people think of the vitality and fre hness h bring to symphonic classics in concert at the Opera Hou e and at The Fe tival at Sandpoint or to the music of Bach at the Northwest Bach Fe tival. unday's ragtime howed another ide of the amazing Mr. Schuller. SchuUer' aptitude to amaze tern from hi capacities a a scholar, composer and performer. He combines the scholar curi sity about music-any ma ic-with the compo er s kill at getting in idea piece of mu ic and the performer' ability to bring out what he find there. Ragtime began a piano mu ic the
player making 'ragged time'' of the marche and lraight-laced dance mu ic. A lot of the effect depend on the cri pness of the sound of the piano. Schuller managed to achieve that authentic ragtimey bounce and zip with an ensemble of strings and wind plu a piano and drum set. Appropriate to a college setting Schuller illu trated the evolution of march to rag to Dixieland jazz with Scott Joplin and Scott Hayden 'Sun Flower SI w Drag.' First he had it played traight as a march then with syncopated hift a a rag then h wled and growled as early jazz- a painle , but in tructive, lesson in mu icbi tory. Le l anyone think all rags are the ame Schuller and hi group played Jame Scott's sweet, mooth " Birdbrain Rag" (who know where the e name came from) alongside Jo eph Lamb's peppy' Hilarity.' There were some rolJicking, raucou Jelly Roll Morton piece which Schuller transcribed from Morton' l 26 recordings with the Red Hot
Peppers. And there were modem rags by Rob Carriker, Stefan Kozin ki and by Schuller himself. Schuller deft way with ragtime should have come as no urprise. Many people myself included, fir t got to know Schuller through ''The Red-Baek Book " an album of Scott Joplin rags he recorded in the early 70s with Lh New England Ragtime Ensemble. Th~ album helped pu h along a world-wide ragtime revival. That album, stiU a delightful as it was then has been re-released on Angel-EMI {CDC 47193). Even better, though is the more recent ''The Art of the Rag" on the GM label (GM 3018CD), an album on which SchuUer lead the Ne England Ragtime En emble in 17 rags including mo t of the music heard at Sunday' North Idaho College concert. If you missed the once rt get the album . Uyou heard I'll bet y u can t wait to have them.
25th Anniversary of the Popcorn Forum
photo by Erin S,.,,,.,. Shout/ (Above) Instructor Barbara Davis yells out her poem while (Right) Judges give their opinion of the performance. See story on Page 10.
5ev1 f,,ief ~-13
PopcOrn Forum: KPBX referred to it as Coeur d'Alene 's version of City Arts San Fransisco I
Page 10
The NIC Sentinel
Thursday, April 13, 1995
Humour and culture crossed palmin the SUB CNI
when ASNIC held the peotry
y contest
by John Hay Spons Editor 1 Yelling in public, long thought of as rude, was acceplable at noon in the Southwest Dining Room in the SUB on March 31. ; , , The 25th annual Popcorn forum 1presented Poetry Yelling ro ~ students and staff of NIC. The contest consisted of members of tudents ancJ fatuity perfoming a piece o f ~ at the top of their lungs. George Ives, an English instructor, ~led the show. Ives started tile show with a brief explanation of the contest and some jokes about the faculty ,tnd !ldministraton. "This is the cultural highlight of the i>opcom Forum," Ives joked to tbe audience of about 250 spectatOrs. He explained that the contestants would be stored on a level of one to 10 on technical merit and artistic presentation. English department secretary Linda Erickson led off the show with a poem about cowboy poetry that got a few laughs from audience and low scores. Vice Pre ident of ASNIC Kri Stein dazzeled the crt,wd with bis dramatic readiq of Lewis Carrol' "Jabberwocky ." Stein, dressed in a suit and top hat complete with cane. drew a vivid picture of the ~m for the audience with his action and intensity. The crowd gave him a huge round applause. and be scored high on bod1 marks to take an early lead. The admini tration of NIC followed Stein, and the judges bad some trouble being unbiased. Dean of Instruction Jerry Gee made the crowd laugh with his poem entitled 'Tilly at the Chili." Gee was awarded high scores by the judges, but Stein kepi the lead. President Bob Dennen gave it a shot with a poem about labor and leisure. Bennett didn't yell. but the judges (who seemed to fear for their jobs) gave him a high score. Bennett could't stop Stein, but one contestant was left. Math instructor Barb Davis was the last person IO step IO the sra,e. She finished lbe show with a bang by reciting a poem about a dog that loved ro piddle. Davis bad the crowd roaring with her bii.ious poem and comic delivery. By the end of her performance there was no doubt who the winner would be.
Above: Gerard Mathes explains how computers can ba usad to halp write music at the campus-wide open house last Friday. Photo by Aaron Nevills Right: Rebecca Wells reads from her book VU/tie Altars Everywhere. Photo by Erin Siemers ff
Kalle Mans and Ride Sclutz W8ffll8Jm Shub darnma,11111 ap,,lp,n flfJ Madl618 Tscli1ology PfOf1llltl .....
Dnanmusic from the ~em .Wamington University
PerctfiSion fnsemble
by Michele Bear Senmel Reponer Mystic African drum music filled North Idaho Collge's boswelJ Auditorium when the Eastern Washington University Percussion Ensemble's "Drums of Winter'' took the stage as part of the college's 25th annual Popcorn Forum. Marimbas, bongo drums. typanies, xylophones and maracas were just a few of the instruments that were used by this group of very talented students. They, performed nine pieces in all, including a I0-minute solo by bob Rees on the marimba called "Rimbasly." Bob Rees and Brett Paschal make up the "B&B Percussion Duo,' who performed the "Maple Leaf Rag" and "Blue Rondo a la Turk."
Several other members the EWU Percussion Ensemble performed that recieved tremendous applause were "In the Hall of the Mountaiu King," the African traditional "Bana" and a rousing rendition of various excerpts of "Cartoon Music." lo the last selection. "'Grand Ambulation of the B-tlat Zombi~s.'' a cello and a grand piano accompanied the ensemble as they finished their concen. there was ..__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _... no need for any other instruments in this ensemble as they recieved endless applause. the EWU Percussion Ensemble has won several state titles and appeared in televised national parades.
filed Bos)vel
by Fekadu .KlrosExecutive Editor It was an awkward moment as the doors cloed, lhe lights iayed lit and the audience wai1ed in ilence for lhe lights to dim or for somelhing ,o happen. The lighlS tayed on and after about rwo minutes the voices f ix ldiers coming from the righ1 entrance of the auditorium replaced the iJence as about 500 heads truned 1oward the door. Theo soldiers iarted ingi ng "buffalo Soldiers" as they opened lhe first ac1 of "Camp Logan," performed in Bo well Hall, 8 p.m. Friday as pan of the P pcom Forum. "Camp Logan," wriuen by C leste Bedford Walker, i a powerful play about I.he 24th U.S. InfanlJ)'. one f the four all blaclc regimen . that mutinied in Hou 100 in 1917 in one of the mot iolen1 racial ,.onflic1 in th U.. mi itary lti tory. The play i. centered on 1he prejudice Lhat thi infancry face while trying to build a camp on the JUI kiJ1 f lO Y. O. Th· rules or the game wer obviou and tl1c Blacks we • \Up seJ I l nov. th ir I ce o icl •. a1:c rd11, to Capt. Zuit: k nJ lhi.: t n people. II ve~ r, tl men relu:;cd to ·r,nform to th se rule ine, 1cmptt.-d t Ii ht ,nh ir ri ht o treated 11,jth fl!!' I n d1gm1 Th ~cvcn-mcmhcr touring ·a.,1 put on gn:at pertormanc •• TI1e set 1. de.;1gncd 10 re •mbl 1ypi tl iJl1llY quarter.; hared by fhe 1!d1t>n. The a,1 f ial nt d a t n. with diffen.101 views and ba kground . bu1 ich th e ccpti n f the aptian, they're lied logether b 1h nd5 of problem. they fa e, by the xp rien e. f racial inj u tic • by the , lution they are crying to reate and by their desire to light in ran e to prove they're as good as the white ldiers. Capt. Zeulke (Eogban Ryan) play hi gutle , wa hy-wishy character very well. A the white caplian of the ''boys," he tells them he respects them. However, he doe nothing to protect their rights and doesn't tand up for the ''boy "when dealing with his uperiors. To him the ' boys' are "colored first, soldiers next." Sgt. McKinnely (Denni Lebby), a 22-year veteran, displayed fine acting. He makes the anguish his character was going through evident. The character development is done superbly as Sgt McKinnely goes from a bumble follower to a frustrated leader. The soldiers bring a sense of energy to the paly. Their wit combined with the few runes and attempted dance steps lighten the paly without making it lose its strong lheme. Gweely (Lee Stransberry). the .fresh army recruit. brings a level of intellect; Franciscus (Andre Minkins) and ~ oses (Byron Jacquet) as frustrated soldiers address the issue of \njustice 1constantly; Bugaloo~• I (Wayne Deheart) and Hardin (Wemt!r Richmond) add some humor. , The cast members deserve an extra credit for their ability to handle their lines. They had several lines and most of lhem were one on top of p,cb other. All the actors handled this responsibility very wll. . Toe mood swings are incredible. the soldiers are happy faced one minute because they just met a lady they fancied. They are sad the next minute because lhe townspeople and the white soldiers are complaining ~al the Black soldiers drank water out of "the whites only" barrel. These mood swings add to the play's theme by showing bow prejudiced the townspeople are and the hardships that lhcir racism brings to the lives of others. 1 It was not easy for the 3rd Battalion to be stuck in a small town, to be faced with bigots and to be treated like second-<:lass citiz.cns in their own country. Their inability to deal with it all comes to a conclusion when they learn their fate and Ibey go on a rampage lhal results in a rather sad ending. Toe solution to avoid this from happening is education, acccnling to eloquently written speech read in the epilogue by Hardin. ·Education is the equalizer. The more we know the more we understand other cultures," said Jacquet as be shook. bands with people after the play. "The message of the play, acccnling to Jacquet, is to stop being aftaid...
NIC to host high school jou nalism workshop II) 0) 0)
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COEUR d'ALENE - Pulitzer Prize winner Eric Nald r will b among featur d prenter al a high chool journali m workshop Monday at North Idaho College. The work hop ar fre and open to lhe public. El ven ion will b off< red throughout the day a part of '"Iluill and kills," a work hop for journati m tudent sponored by th Idaho Pre lub and the North Idaho ollege Pop orn F' rum. About 300 student from throughout lhe lnland Northwe tare exp cted to attend. ald r a chief inve tigative reporter for the eattle Tim . will peak al 9 a.m. in th Boswell Halt Auditorium. H has rec ived numerou award for his writing includin a 1990 Pulitz r rize for National Reporting on th Exxon Vald z oil pill. He wa al o a 1993 Pulitz r Prize finali t for a Lory about exual hara ' ment all gations again t U. . n. Brock Adam . Nalder ha been with the eattle Time since 1983 and ha a ornmunication degre from the Univer ity of Wa hingtoo. The day-long work hop will al o feature Marc Abram of PorUaod, a not d attorney in th area of Fir. t Am ndm nt right o( tud nl journali t . Abram ha author d
the Spoke man R view in the Boswell Hall Auditorium. The thr e workshop offered at 11 a.m. are uEditorials and Columns" with David Oliveria of the poke man-Review and David Bond of the Co ur d'Alene Pre in the Bo well Hall Auditorium; Interviewing" with R becca Nappi of the Spoke man-Review, Ron e ldon of the Mi soulian and Pete Fretwell of KXLY W. Radio in Boswell Hall 113; and Other e ions include a 2:40 p.m. work- "Newspaper De jgn â&#x20AC;˘ with Mike aunders hop titled, "Truth orTra b,' with paneli ts of the Coeur d'Alene Pre s and Vince Randy Shaw of KHQ TV; Mike Grippi of the poke man-Review in the Fitz immons of KXLY Talk Radio¡ Paul Bonner Room. Em rson of the Lewi ton Tribune: David Th afternoon incJude 1:40 p.m. e Bond of the Coeur d'Alene Pre and teve ion witb Abram and Kir ten John on of Becker, a former TV r porter. Bozeman High chool on " tudent Pre tudent and the public may choo e Law; a se sion on " ports Journali m" from three workshop scheduled imulta- with Howie Stalwick of th Coeur d'Alene n ously at 10 a.m. They are "News Writing" Pres and Paul Emerson of the Lewi ton with Anne Windishar of th Spokesman- Tribune in Lee Hall Annex 1; and a e ion Review and Patricia Sullivirn of the on "Photojournalism'' with phot graph rs Missoulian in the Bonner Room; Jesse Tin ley of th Spokesman-Review "Broadcast News" with Tobb Hatley of and Matt Helm of the Co ur d'Alene Pres KHQ TV and Doug Nadvornik of National in the Bonner Room. Public Radio in Boswell Hall 113; and Further information: NI journalism "Editorial Cartooning" with Milt Prigee of in tructor Nil Ro dahl at 769-3228. two upreme Court briefs concerning tud nt right . In the rnid-80s he co-wrote a book on tudent pre law and ha appeared on th Phil Donahue how. He i th form r executive director of The tudent. Pr Law C nter, a Washington, D.C., ba ed organization devoted to the First Amendment right of tudent journali t . Abram will peak at 1:40 in the Bo w 11 Hall Auditorium on "Student Press La ..
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Two North Idaho College faculty members will show slides from and discuss their three-and-a-halfmonth journey to South Asia during three presentstions in the Student Union Building Bonner Room. The first presentation is at noon today. English instructor Jim McLeod and history instructor Judy Sylte, husband and wife, are avid travelers and have been all over the world. Their most recent adventure took them to Thailand, India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Singapore and Hong Kong. Today's presentation and those on Nov. 7 and 14 are sponsored as Popcorn Forum events. Each presentation w ill last about one hour and will open with a 10-12 minute slide show, followed by stories and points of interest by McLeod and Sylte. This week, they will talk about Thailand, northwestern and central India, the Western Desert and Bombay. The Nov. 7 show will be on South India and the island of Sri Lanka. The Nov. 14 session will be on Nepal, Singapore and Hong Kong. The free presents tions are open to the public. Information : 769 -3325
HISTORIC FIGURES COEUR dâ&#x20AC;˘ALENE- The annual North Idaho College Popcorn Forum will feature a little time travel in 1996. "Journey Through lime: Conversations with the World's Great Women and MenH is the theme for the forum scheduled March 2529.
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The week will feature NIC faculty and guests depicting some of the most influential people in history. The program will open with Clay Jenkinson as Thomas Jefferson and continue on March 26 with Melinda Stroebel as Susan B. Anthony. March 27 will feature Louis E. Schultz, CEO of Process Management International and protege of Edward Demming, and Jerry Kramer, a former defensive player for Vince Lombardi and the Green Bay Packers. Later in the week Todd Snyder will depict Beethoven and Mozart, and Virginia linsley Johnson will serve as Mary Wollstonecraft, author of " 1792: A Vindication of the Right of Women." Jeanne Eder will be Sacajawea. George Frein will serve as Marie Twain and Aloysius Chang will depict Confucius.
l -/2 - 7r; State wants to shift more of burden for indigent care tocounties /84
To contact the North Idaho ottice. dial (208) 765-7100, toll-free 800-344--6718; Fax: (208) 765-7149
Her life a lesson inliving tudent with one leg shares her dreams at Mll( ceremony By u an Drumheller taffwriter
OEURd'ALENE-Jim Holme was depre ed. Hi. normal! upbeat attitude ' took a no -dive ' two month after having his leg amputated due to a diabet -related infection. "l was ju t thi clo e to tear ,' Holme aid holding up hi thumb and forefinger clo e together. Then, on a trip to theK otenai County Fair, he appeared.. Maybe you lfGod couJd u e one of the e." 10- earwanted Id Jackie Molen everybody to .aid a. he p daled up in a
be the same we 'd atl have one leg. Heidi Carson, Jackie'¡ mom
!'he young girl's matter-of-fact approach to mi ing a leg immediately cheered up Holme_ . He lefL the fafr "feeling bad for {eelmg bad, ' be aid. M len, who ne leg lack a thigh bone ha that effect on many people, ven tho e with a fu ll set of leg . That' why her chool principal Pam Pratt, asked her to peak at the Martin Luther King Jr. Day cele ration Thursday at North Idaho ollege. Holme w aring a bright red T- hirt with the emblem ' Old Five Toe ," came to watch. Molen waited patiently in her new purple wheelchair while fellow fifthgrader Natalie Hammon belted out the National Anthem and another fifth -grader. Jamie anders, read a horl e a on di criminatioo. All of the fifth-grade cla e from Po t Falls and Coeur d Alene li tened from the NlC gymnasium bleache . Toe Uth annual celebration al o featur d peeche by thr e foreign exchange tudent , mu ic dancing j
Continued: Dreams/83
hand-pr peUed tricycle for Jegle p ople. "I alway look f r people with ju. t one leg " he told Holme h erfully. "There aren't v ry ma11y of u .
Jesse Tinsley/The Spokesman-Review
A llttle embarrassed bJ the attention, Jackie Molen, speaks at the Martin Luther King Dar celebration Thursday at NIC.
Dreams: Go-for-it attitude comes partly from her mother Continued from B1 and a brief biography of King's life delivered by Pat Johnson a black woman and the ldaho Education Association's regional director. 'Make part of Dr. King' dream your own dream " Johnson told the children. "You, too have the power to live your dream ." Molen, who' more at home in a pair of jeans than the plaid jumper be wore for Thursday's event, has some mode t dreams. She seems more at home in reality. She delivered her straight-forward speech with Little emotion and some humor, after untangling the microphone cord from a front wheel. 'I can do some tuff that other people can't, like walking on my hands and running through doggy doors," be said. At home before the event, she launched herself off the couch and galloped across the Living room on
her hands and one leg to retrieve her book bag. She rifled through her book bag, but didn't tum up the speech. Molen rolled her eye and recited from memory her "Never Give Up on Your Dream " peech in a lone reserved for things that are nol a big deal to a fifth-grader with better things to do, such as playing Donkey Kong.
She knows her situation i unusual, but he doesn't consider herself that different from anyone else. "lf God wanted everybody to be the same we'd all have one leg," her mother, Heidi Carson tells her.
when classmate block her path. When rece come if he finished her homework, he II pull on liners and rubber glove and push herself out 10 the pJayground. The glove squeak as he brake the wheelchair that ailing down the idewalk. The glove also protect her calloused hand when he walks on them outside. She pend some recesses playing soccer with friend or watching from the sideline . "I got kicked once. I don't want to get kicked again," said Molen, who earned a gre n belt in 1ae kwon do. Molen been seen climbing light poles in parking lots, and leaping out of her wheelchair at lhe Fourth of July parade to gather up candy. At home, one of her favorite activitie is driving around in her Ody sey dune buggy a ingle-seater
Molen rides the regular school bus
buggy with four big tire , hand con-
to Fernan Elementary, where she easily clambers off the bu into her wheelchair. In ide the bus, she sometime swings in the aisle between the seats from her unusually trong arms. ln her class, Molen expertly maneuvers her chair between tables, mumbling ' excuse me, excuse me"
trol and roll bars. Those who know Molen attribute her go-for-it altitude in part to her mother. She believes in letting kid fall down a few times and learn from the experience. "That's part of growing up,' Carson said.
VOL. 89 NO. 165
MATI HELM/Coeur d'Alene Prus
, Seltice Elementary School first graders present a message of tolerance at the denouement of .. Land of Many Colors," a play about human folly, during the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday program.
Cd'A kids teach lesson in tolerance --~---____..,---I
By JANET FEILER Staff writer
COEUR d'ALENE - Student who hav over ome obstacle or inju tice hared their dream Thursday a they celebrated the birthday of a man known for hi vision of equality. The 11th annual Human Rights Celebration for area fifth-grader focu ed on the hope and dream of children, a well a the life and work of Martin Luther King Jr. Jacki Molen, Fernan fifth-grader who wa born with one leg, told how he a 1way wanted to Bryan Elemenhave both tary School legs but chorus director f OU 11 d Julie Powell olution leads the assemto do bly in .,Free at Last.H l hi n g
and nowboard .â&#x20AC;˘ he even di covered a t w advantages he said like "walking on my hands and going through doggi door." Her big dr am, he aid, is to
train tunt dogs for the movie and become famous for it. Hayd n Lake fifth-grader Jamie Sanders said she experienced discrimination becau e she wear glasses. She
recounted King' wi h that hi four children would be judged by their chara ter and not the color of their skin. Three foreign exchange tudents told their vi ions for
their homeland . "My dream," said Murad Khalli v of Turkmenistan, "is to have a freedom of speech and be able to say whatever is in our hearts" and freedom of
the pre "to report t~e ~11 truth of what' happenmg m our country" and th world .. "My dream for my people 1s to create a real democracy for everyone," said the teen from
the former Soviet state: Maxime Wattel a~d Belgium ba three official languages and politicians try to See KING, Page A7
Continued from Page A 1
rein force diff rence of the region , rather than irnilaritie . Hi dream, h aid, wa for hi country to be a united a when it watche it occer team, the Rd Devils. Bojan Torbica told how people in hi homeland , Yugo lavia, thought the war would n ver stop, but now have hop b cau U.N. for e are there. "It' going to take a lot of time for p ople to liv normally without hate,'' he said. He commended Am rican for the courage to send troop there, and aid he hopes in a
year the soldiers can return to their home and their familie , alive. Other tudent u ed ki and ong to deliver the me age of peace and quality. Pat John on, regional dire tor of the Idaho Education Association, recounted King' nonviol nt approach to problem olving. "You have the power to live your dream ," John on told lhe 1,200 tudeol who had gathered in the North Idaho College gym. 'Who would have thought that a humble outhern black mini ter could mak o many change in th live of o many people," he aid. A Fair hild Air Force Base olor guard presented the flag .
Fernan fourth-grader Natalie Hammon ang the national anthem. The program concluded with all studen inging "Free at Last'
THE COEUR d'ALENE PRESS Thursday, Feb. 22, 1996 A5
North Idaho/Region [I]
BOB ABBOTI/Coeur d'Alene Press
North Idaho College announced the program for the 26th annual Popcorn Forum Wednesday. Pictured, from left are Jim Headley of the convocations committee, Sue Pistorius from the Citizens Council on the Arts, Dexter Vates, president of the NIC Foundation, NIC President Bob Bennett, Popcorn Forum founder Tony Stewart, Post Falls School Superintendent Richard Harris and Coeur d'Alene School Superintendent Doug Cresswell.
Popcorn Iorum NIC series will feature cast of historic figures By JOHN FI REHAMMER-.
Staff writer COEUR d'ALENE - Talk about a lar- tudd d lin
ident BiU B nnett
id th 1 ture
Officials in Palouse consider moving their flood-soaked town to higher ground/83
Thursday, February 22, 1996 The Spokesman-Review Spokane, Wash/ Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
To contacl the North Idaho office, dfal (208) 765-7100, toll-free 800-344-6718: Fax: (208) 765-7149
Popcorn: Series will be held from March 25-29
Popcorn·series to relive history By Susan DrumheUer taff writer
I Forum to bring legendsto life
North fdaho College j p · who con ider hj torv ro nbeepandng1Jto pbr~ve wrong an one ·; a u u 1ec1. Next month a dozen · hi tory will brfug tho e hi er!· rt I farnou . people in dre and peech. ica gure to life through The weeklong forum . to ic . '·J Conver ations with the wofJd I G ournWey Through Time: reat omen and M , Thoma Jeffer on, GaliJ ea. rates, Confucius, Saca1·aweae~~d u an BJ. Anh tho~y Socevern ot er WIil share
Continued: Popcorn/83
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Continued from 81 their lives and phiJo ophies- with a little help from some contemporary cholar. "Everyone would like to go back in hi tory and talk to omeone they ve admired '' said Tony Stewart an NI faculty member and director of NIC' Popcorn Forum series. Stewart and other Popcorn Forum organizers are hoping the erie will help how how rele ant hi tory i in the pre ent and future. ·'Jfyou get grounded in history, if a tie to the pa t and the future at the rune time " Stewart aid. After each pre enter perform a oliloquy a the person they are pre entrng the audience will be able to ask que tion of lhe character. ometime people ask them to apply thejr philo ophy to present day problem , Stewart aid. "It an attempt to bridge from that 1im" to now;' he aid.
Many of the pre enter are exp rt at role-playing the part of hi torical figure . The cholar playing Thoma Jefferson Clay Jenkinson, i one of the founders of the Chautauqua movement, wbi b u es historical roleplaying to teach bumanitie . Jenkinon began fir t-person hi torical characterization in 1976. He ha portrayed the role of Jeffer on more than 1000 time , including a performance before Pre ident Clinton. NlC found some of the pre enter: through organization on the Internet. Frederick Kreb , who will play Galileo, was d. covered through an Internet earch. A chautauqua preenter, Kreb i adept at playing Ben Franklin, John C. Fremont, Thomas Paine WiUiam All n White and Ralph Waldo Erner on. Some of th pre enr r: re actre e , ucb a Kathryn Wood a Boston woman who will pla the courageou lave Sojourner Truth. Followinp their individual perfor-
mances, the pr enter wiU j in a respon e panel made up of community member playing other role from that Lime. George [ve , an NlC in tructor will play Erne t Hemingway, for in tance. Allomey coll Reed i tudying to perform th role of Jame Madi on. ursing instructor Joan Brogan i playing Flor nee ightingale. The amateur actor have been tudying their character for month Stewart aid. The general public has a month to tudy their favorite bi torical figure for a gam on March 27 when everyone can try th ir part in roleplayiog. The forum rie will be held from March 25-29 on campu . The c liege wa able to bring in a dozen expen peaker and presente becau e of donation · from th ociat d Student of NIC the NIC Foundation Th Idaho Humanitie Council and Lhe Citizens Council for the Ar .