Powderhorn project includes golf course
Galileo, Mark Twain, Plato coming to Lake City -See Page A1O
- See Page D1
VOL. 89 NO. 237
SUNDAY, MARCH 24, 1996
101Coeur d 'Alene
Popcorn Forum fe~tures historic. figures
By JOHN FIREHAMMER Staff writer COEU R d'ALENE - H.G. Wells only imagined it, but next week al North Idaho College you will be able to travel back through time. Imagine posing questions to the likes of Galileo, Mark Twain, Plato or Mozart. Or Thomas Jefferson. What would he make of our country today? What wou ld he make of Bill Clinton and Bob Dole? Or Pat Buchanan?
fascinating idea, and one the Popcorn Forum will put into action. This year's forum, the Strobel 26th in the p u bl i c affairs series, will use visiting and resident experts to portray an array of historical figures. NlC political science instructor Tony Stewart, the forum's founder, said the week is all a b o u t ideas. The sheer variety of philosophies and opinions represent· ed, many of them conflicting, is mind bog· Woods gling. That's the idea. To get people th inking and question ing, Stewart said. 'This puts us in the mode of being thinkers and doers. I want to encourage that,'' he said. There will be philosophers, both Greek and Oriental. There will be composers and writers, scientists and politicians. NIC sought out the best his· lorical stand-ins available. Dr. Clay Jenkinson, for example, is a nationally-renowned interpreter of Thomas Jefferson . He is a founder of the modern Chautauqua movement and
Courtesy photo
Dr. Clay Jenkinson will portray Thomas Jefferson. He is a nationally-renowned interpreter of the president.
has performed before presi· d ents George Bush and Bill Clinton. The Popcorn committee worked through two national speakers bureaus and used the Internet to track down people specializing in historical portrayals. The committee initially sent out questionnaires asking people to name which person from history they would most Like to meet. They ended up with a list of more than 350 figures. Only one presentation breaks
from the "stand-in" formula: former Gr een Bay Packer Jerry Kramer will appear as himself. He will talk about his years play· ing under legendary
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Lombardi. Not all the participants are from outo f-tow n, either. NIC Richards
instructor Todd Snyder will give a dual performance as Beethoven and Mozart and English Professor Virginia TinsleyJohnson will appear as feminist author Mary Wollstonecraft. Attorneys Harvey Richman and Scott Reed will appear as Alexander Hamilton and James Madison.respectively. There has been a rush on Colonial-style, powder whlte wigs. The NIC Theater Department prop room has been seeing a lot of action, as have cost u m e s shops and secondhand stores from here to Spokane. Other personalities repreReed s e n t e d include Lewis and Clark Expedition guide Sacajawea; former slave and abolitionist leader Sojourner Truth; "Total Quality Management" founder W. Edwards Deming; Galileo, and Susan B. Anthony. University of Southwestern Louisiana professor Carl J. Richard will appear as Plato, Aristotle and Socrates. All the sessions are open to the public and classes from area hlgh schools have been invited to attend. All the sessions are free. The presentations will be videotaped for the NIC Librar y archives. Several programs also will be taped for broadcast on public television, Stewart said. In its 26th year, the Popcorn Forum is funded by the Associated Students of North ldaho College. This year it received nearly $10,000 in additional funding from the Citizens Council for the Arts, Idaho Humanities Council and the NlC Foundation. The event's total budget is about $20,000. Visitor's parking permits will not be required <luting the forum.
Popcorn Forum events kick off Monday at¡ NIC Popcorn Forum events in NIC Schuler Auditorium include:
Monday 9 a.m. - Dr. Clay Jenkinson as Thomas Jefferson. 7 p.m. - Response panel with Harvey Richman as Alexander Hamilton; Jeff Jeske as Jo hn Marshall; Scott Reed as James Madison, and Kris Stein as John Adams. 11 a.m. - Frederick A. Krebs as Galileo. 1:30 p.m. - Response panel w ith Bob Brown as Clarence S. Darrow; Curt Nelson as Sir Isaac Newton; Dale Marcy as British physicist Ernest Rutherford, and Judith Brower as mathematician George Polya. 12:30 p.m. - Keynote address by former Green Bay Packer Jerry Kramer. See EVENTS, Page A11
Continued from Page A 10
2 p .m . Response pane l in the NIC Library Todd Lecture Hall with Shannon Harwood as Olympic medalist Wilma Rudolph; David Lindsay as mountaineer Maurice Herzog, and Donna Runge as University of Tennessee basketball coach Pat Summit.
Tuesday 9 a.m . Melissa St r obel as Susan B. Anthony. 1 p.m. - Response panel with Judy Whatley as Eleanor Rooseve lt; Linda Payne as religious and scientific leader Sister Hi l degaard von Bi ngen; Sandy Patano as Idaho suffragette May Arkwright Hutton, Lori Barnes as a pioneer woman. 10:30 a.m. - Dr. Car l Ric hard as the Roman / Greek Philosophers. 1 p .m. - Response panel with Alan Lamb as Benjamin Frank l in; Don Sprague as psycho logist Burrhus Frederic Skinner; NIC President Bob Bennett as University of Chicago President Dr. Robert Hutchins; Joan Brogan as Fl orence Nighti ngale, Judith Ha lversen as American Red Cross founder Clara Barton. 2:30 and 7 p .m. Performances of "Show the Rifle," a one-man show about Chief Joseph and the Nez Perce War starring V. Spencer Page of Moscow.
Wednesday 9 a.m. Louis F. Schultz, who is a protege of W. Edwards Deming, the founder of "Total Qua lity Management." 1 p .m . Response panel with Kay Ne lson as si licon chip researcher Ted Hoff; Rolland Boucha rd as leadership t heorist Douglas McGregor; Robert Ketchum as assembly line innovato r Frede r ick W. Taylor; Dr. Ba rbara Bennett as management wr iter Peter Drucker. 11 a.m. Kathryn Woods as abolition leader Sojourner Truth. 1 p.m. - Response pane l with Pat Martin as educator Prudence Crandall; Ron Coulter as Abraham Lincoln; Pat Johnson as Gen. Co l in Powell.
Thursday 9 a.m. - Todd Snyder as Beethoven and Mozart. 1 p.m. - Terry Jones as Leo nard Bernstein; Tim Rarick as directo r Elia Kazan; Laura Umthun as artist Georgia O'Keefe; Lisa Lynes as artist Kathe Kollwitz, Allie Vogt as artist Wassily Kandinsky. 10:30 a.m . - Dr. Virginia Johnson as writer Mary Wollstonecraft. 1 p.m. Response pane l with Gene LeRoy as Jean-Jacques Roussea u; Len Mattei as suffragist Elizabeth Cady Stanton; Mic helle Ho lt as Virginia Woolf, and Chad Klinger as Henry David Thoreau. NoonL Jeanne Eder as Lewis and Clark Exhibition member Sacajawea. 1 :30 p .m. Linda Erickson as Sacajawea's friend Earth Woman; Jeanne Givens as Spokane Tribe leader Nellie Garry; Dr. Rodney Frey as Indian leader Smchu ich, and Felix McGown as Black Elk.
Friday 9 a.m. - D r. George Frein as Mark Twain. 7 p.m. - Response panel with George Ives as Ernest Hemingway; Denise Clark as Edith Wharton; Dan Erlacher as Wi ll i am Faulkner, and Lisa Kilczewski as Emi ly E. Dickinson. 10 a.m. - Dr. Aloysi us Chang as Confucious. 1 p.m . - Tom Flint as Tao ph i losophers Lao-Zi and Chaung-Zi; Jim Mink ler as Confucian philosopher Mencius, and Patr ick Li ppert as Saint Thomas Aquinas.
History's best come to life
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By Cynthia Taggart Staff ,ni1cr
COEUR d'ALENE - Teachers and performers are pulJing out wigs and frilled blouses, fake mustaches and foreign accents for North Idaho College's convocation series next week. The free weel<long symposium will offer the publjc a chance to "meet" some of the world's greatest men and women. Time is no obstacle. The speakers range from Confucius to Susan B. Anthony, Greek and Roman philosophers to Mark Twain. "What makes this particular year nice is no matter what discipline you're in, there's a program you can go to," said Tony Stewart, coordinator of the series. Stewart wants people to chat with the figures and ask questions. The fun begins at 9 a.m. Monday in Schuler Auditorium with Clay Jenkmson as Thomas Jefferson. An instructor at the University of Nevada, Jenkinson has portrayed Jefferson more than 1,000 times. Frederick Krebs will take the stage as Galileo at 11 a.m. Krebs is a professor of Western and Eastern civilizations at a Kansas community college. Former Green Bay Packers guard and Super Bowl champion Jerry Kramer will speak as himself at 12:30 p.m. Panels of "characters" will put the solo performances into historical perspective later in the day. On Tuesday. actrcs!. Melinda Strobel will portray suffragist Susan B. Anthony at 9 a.m. in Schuler Auditorium. mstory professor Carl Richard will take on the roles of Plato, Socrate'-, Arbtotle, Cicero and other Greek and Roman philosophers at 10:30 a.m. Richard wrote "The Founders and the Classics: Greece, Rome and the American Enlightenment." The afternoon panels that follow will feature such figures as Florence Nightingale, Ben Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt.
Wednesday's speaker:, will begin at 9 a.m. with Louis Schultz portraying industrialist W. Edwards Deming. Deming coined the Total Quality Man~gement 1:heory. Schultz is a business executive and
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author. Actress Kath~:n Woods will fill the role of !>lav·e and abolitionist Sojourner Truth at II a.m. Woods has taken her Truth portrayal around the world and sprinkles her presentation with spiritual mu~ic. Response panels will follO\\ at I p.m. for the Deming and Truth presentation., and include such characters as Peter Drucker, Abraham Lincoln and Gen. Colin Powell. Thursday's performances will start at 9 a.m. with NIC S)mphon} and chorale director Todd Snyder portraying 13eethoven and Mozart. At II a.m., NIC English professor and author Virginia Tinsley Johnson will play 18th century woman\ rigbti. activist Mary Wollstonecraft. At noon, historian Jeanne Eder will portra} Sacajawea. The afternoon response panels for Thursday's presentations will include such historical notable!) as Virginia Woolf. Hem, David Thoreau, Georgia O'Kcefc and Nellie Garry of the Spokane Tribe. On Friday. George Frein will fill the role of author Mark Twain at 9 a.rn., and Aloy,ius Chang will play Confucius at 10 a.m. Frein is a historian und theologian who ha., specialized in historical characterizationi. for 10 year;. Chang i!. a linguist at Washingwn State Univer:,it'r. Response panels later in t.he da) Friday will feature Ernest J lcmingway, William Faulkner. Emil) Dickinson and St. Thomas Aquinas. On Tuesday, V. Spencer Page of Moscow will present his original play. "Show the Rifle," at 2:30 and 7 p.m. in Schuler Auditorium. The solo performance tells the story of the Nez Perce War of 1877.
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SundaJ, March 24, 1996 The Spokesman-Review Spokane, Wash/Coeur d Afene, Idaho
The week's ac11v111es also wii include an opportunity for the public to role-play. On Wednesday at 3 p.m., anyone playing any historical character may gather in NIC's student union to chat with 01hc1 historical charactcl'!..
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A 14 THE COEUR d'ALENE PRESS Monday, March 25, 1996
lt4I Entertainment
NIC's Popcorn Forum begins with Jefferson The North Idaho College Popcorn Forum will present a five-day symPosium titled: "Journey Through Time: Conversations with the World's Great Women and Men." The symPosium will feature a series of first-person historical characterizations. The main presentations will be in Boswell HallSchuler Auditorium. A response panel will be held for each presentation at a different time and place. The first historical characterization will feature Dr. Clay Jenkinson as Thomas Jefferson today at 9 am. The resPonse panel will be at 7 p.m. in the Bonner Room. Frederick A Krebs will portray Galileo at 11 a.m. with a resPonse panel at 1 p.m. Jerry Kramer, a former linebacker with the Green Bay Packers, will present the keynote address for the symPosium at 12:30 p.m. A resPonse to his speech will be presented at 2 p.m. in the Todd Lecture Hall. On Tuesday at 9 a.m., Melinda Strobel will Portray Susan B. Anthony, followed by a response panel at 1 p.m. in Todd Hall. Dr. Carl Richard will portray such classical thinkers as Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates at 10:30 a.m. A panel will follow at 1 p.m. in the Bonner Room. W. Edwards Deming, founder of the wi'otal Quality Management Theory" will be played by Louis Schultz on Wednesday at 9 am. The resPonse panel will be at 1 p.m. in the Bonner Room. At 11 a.m., actress Kathryn Woods will play Sojourner Truth. The response panel will at 1 p.m. in the Todd Lecture Hall.
Thursday's programs will feature Todd Snyder as Beethoven and Mozart at 9 am., followed by a panel at 1 p.m. NIC instructor Virginia Johnson will portray Mary Woolstonecraft at 10:30. The follow-up panel will be in the Bonner Room at 1 p.m. Also on Thursday, Jeanne Elder will portray Sacajawea. The response panel will take place at 1:30 in the Kootenai Room/Student Union. The Symposium will conclude on Friday with a characterization of Mark Twain by Dr. George Frein at 9 a.m. and Dr. Aloysius Chang as Confucius at 10 a.m. A response panel for Dr. Frein's presentation will take place at 7 PIO¡ in the Bonner Room. A panel for Dr. Chang's performance will be at 1 p.m. in the Bonner Room. All events are free and open to the public. For information call . the NIC College Relations Office at 769-3316.
Tuesday, March 26, 1996 The Spokesman Review Spokane Wash/ Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
â&#x20AC;˘ Great minds. Galileo, portrayed by Professor Fred Krebs, left. chats with Thomas Jefferson as played by Or Clay Jenkinson and NIC Instructor Bob Murray between performances Monday at the weeklong Popcorn Forum at NIC.
Speaker touts relevance ol classics philosophy, strenuously training themselves to read those works in the original language. Jefferson once wrote that he vastly preferred ' COEUR d'ALENE - Multiculturalism may be reading Homer to the newspaper. And his fascinathe latest hot topic, but academics have been argu- tion with the Greeks and Romans led to the neoclasing for decades whether we focus too much class- sical look of the U.S. Capitol and his own Monticello. Not to mention our form of government. room attention on the classics. While some educators argue that we should Tisdale made a strong case for the relevance of make room in our canon for myths and stories from the classics in his day, and Richard believes they other cultures, others steadfastly stand by Homer, are still very relevant He doesn't. however, insist that you be able to Plato, Socrates and their ilk. In fact, academics were arguing on behalf of the read them in the original, since English translations are so readily available. And he doesn't believe the classics way back in the 1800s. Visiting speaker-Dr. Carl Richard stepped into Western works should be taught to the exclusion of the role of Nathan Tisdale, a famed schoolmaster of writings from other parts of the world. that time, during North Idaho College's Popcorn Richard is an associate professor of history at Forum on Tuesday. Reading from an original speech the University of Southwestern Louisiana and the by Tisdale, he pointed out the important role the author of "The Founders and the Classics: Greece. classics had on the formation of the United States. Rome and the American Enlightenment" The Popcorn Forum continues through Friday John Adams and Thomas Jefferson both prided themselves on their knowledge of Greek myths and with other portrayals of historical figures.
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COEUR d'ALENE Forum events in North Idaho College Schuler Auditorium include: Today 9 a. m. - Louis F. Schultz, who is a protege of W. Edwards Deming, the founder of "Total Quality Management." 1 p . m . - Response panel with Kay Nelson as silicon chip
with Pat Martin as educator Prudence Crandall; Ron Coulter as Abraham Lincoln; Pat Johnson as Gen. Colin Powell. 3 p.m. - The public is invited to portray their own favorite historical figures at an " open mic· forum in the NIC Student Union Bonner Room. Costumes are encouraged.
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resea rche r Ted Hoff; Rolland Bouctiard as leadership theorist Douglas McGrego r; Robert Ketchum as assembly line innovator Frederick W. Taylor; Dr. Barbara Bennett as management writer Peter Drucker. 11 a.m. - Kathryn Woods as abolition leader Sojourner Truth. 1 p . m. - Response panel
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Forum features founding fathers C OE UR d ' ALE NE For ''Journey through Time" brings in about 200 people, a debate people who portray historical characbetw een five of ters, everyone from America's founding Confucius to fathers Monday Sacajawea. night was definitely The only snag in an more interesting otherwise successful than watching Babe fLrst day was the nothe talking pig and show of keynote other Oscar hoopla. speaker Jerry The panel with Kramer. James Madison. - .. Popcorn Forum Alexander Hamilton. organizer Tony John Quincy Adams. Stewart said about Th omas Jefferson 1,000 people came to and John Marshall see .Thomas Jefferson wrapped up the first Monday morning. Jefferson was day of the 26th annu¡ Jenkinson al Popcorn Forum. a portrayed by Dr. Clay cultural and public . Jenkinson, a nationalaffairs se ri es at Norlh Idaho ly-renowned interpreter. College. ¡'Jefferson had them spel1bound,"
Stewart said. About 600 people went to see Frederic k Kreb 's portrayal of Galileo. Jefferson returned for a panel discussion with the other state smen Monday evening. After explaining the person's biography and their influence on American history, they answered questions from the audience. Many asked what th e statesmen would think about curre nt American political issues, s uch as term limits and the Constitution. Hamilton, as portrayed by Coeur d'Alene attorney Harvey Richman,
said he proposed that George Washington would be president for life. Jefferson favored term limits for all positions, including Supreme ~ourt justices.
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Step up to the mike at NIC Wednesday COEUR d' ALENE - Everybody has a hero from history or popular culture; someoc1e we would like to be. Now is the chance to do it. As part of the Popcorn Forum, North Idaho College is inviting members of the
public to portray their favorite historical figures in an "open mic" setting. Whether it's Elvis, JFK or Marilyn Monroe, everyone is invited. Costumes are encou raged but not required. Participants will talk about ''the mselves'' and take questions from the audience. The session is at 3 p.m. in the Bonner Room of the Edminster Student Union Building.
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Popcorn speaker ano-show COEUR
Thomas Jefferson came. So did Galileo. But Jerry Kramer, the only person portraying himself at the 26th annual Popcorn Forum at North Idaho College, didn't attend Monday. Kramer was the scheduled keynote speaker Monday afternoon, but never made it to the aitport
Forum coordinator Tony Stewart said Kramer left a message saying that there was too much ice on the road Monday morning, and he wasn't able to make a flight from Boise. Stewart said Kramer is on a tight schedule and will be leaving the country for South America in the next few days. The forum is not obligated to pay him, he said. Kramer played offensive line with the Green Bay Packers in the 1960s under legendar y coach Vince Lombardi. He was expected to talk about his days on th e team and the lessons Lombardi taught. He is a Sandpoint native and also played football at the University of Idaho.
_ _ _P_opcorn Forum Schedule COEUR d'ALENE - The North Idaho College Popcorn Forum this year features a roster of speakers portraying historical figures. It runs through Friday at NIC Schuler Auditorium. Events today and Wednesday include:
Judith Halversen as American Red Cross founder Clara Barton. 2:30 and 7 p.m. - Performances of "Show the Rifle," a one-man show about Chief Joseph and the Nez Perce War starring V. Spencer Page of Moscow.
9 a.m. - Louis F. Schultz, who is a protege of W. Edwards Deming, the founder of " Total Quality Management. " 1 p.m. - Response panel with Kay Nelson as silicon chip researcher Ted Hoff; Rolland Bouchard as leadership theorist Douglas McGregor; Robert Ketchum as assembly line innovator Frederick W. Taylor; Dr. Barbara Bennett as management writer Peter Drucker. 11 a.m. - Kathryn Woods as abolition leader Sojourner Truth. 1 p.m. - Response panel with Pat Martin as educator Prudence Crandall; Ron Coulter as Abraham Lincoln; Pat Johnson as Gen. Colin Powell.
9 a.m. - Melissa Strobel as Susan B. Anthony. 1 p.m. - Response panel with Judy Whatley as Eleanor Roosevelt; Linda Payne as religious and scientific leader Sister Hildegaard von Bingen; Sandy Patano as Idaho suffragette May Arkwright Hutton, Lori Barnes as a pioneer woman. 10:30 a.m. - Dr. Carl Richard as the Roman/Greek Philosophers. 1 p.m. - Response panel with Alan Lamb as Benjamin Franklin; Don Sprague as psychologist Burrhus Frederic Skinner; NIC President Bob Bennett as University of Chicago President Dr. Robert Hutchi ns; Joan Brogan as Florence Nightingale,
VOL. 89 NO. 241
â&#x20AC;˘ Robert Hock, in the cowboy hat, listens to Kathryn Woods at Wednesday's Popcorn Forum at North Idaho College. The week of free entertainment, based on the theme "Journey Through Time," continues through Friday. Coming performances will be about Beethoven. Mark Twain. Sacajawea and Confucius.
Actress points to 'truth' By JOHN FIREHAMMER
Staff.....,riter COEUR d'ALENE - Lit with a spotlight and singing "Amazing Grace," Kathryn Woods strode
through the darkened Schuler
Theater Wednesday, bringing her audience along on her trip back through time. Wearing a gray, 1800s-style work dress and a white handkerchief on her head, Woods gave a dramatic presentation in the guise of Sojourner Truth See ACTRESS, Page AS Boston-based actor Kathryn Woods uses historical dress, language and song to portray Sojourner Truth Wednesday at the Popcorn Festival. MATI HELM/ Coeur d'Alene Press
_ _ _ _P_opcorn Forum Schedule COEUR d' ALENE Popcorn Forum events in North Idaho College Schuler Auditorium include: Today 9 a.m. - Todd Snyder as Beethoven and Mozart. 1 p.m. - Terry Jones as - -· Leonard Bernstein; Tim Rarick as director Elia Kazan; Laura Umthun as artist Georgia O'Keefe; Lisa Lynes as artist
ACTRESS Continued from Page A1 - slave, abolitioni~t and early campaigner for women's rights. The North Idaho College Popcorn Forum event retraced Truth's difficult path toward freedom, using words from her own writings. Woods, a Boston actress, has played the role in performances around the country, as well as in Scotland and Russia. Separated from her mother at age 10, when she was sold to ano~er slave owner, Truth spent
Kathe Kollwitz, Allie Vogt as artist Wassily Kandinsky.
10:30 a.m. - Dr. Virginia Johnson as writer Mary Wollstonecraft. 1 p.m. - Response panel with Gene LeRoy as Jean Jacques Rousseau; Len Mattei as suffragist Elizabeth Cady Stanton ; Michelle Holt as Virginia Woolf, and Chad Klinger as Henry David
Noon - Jeanne Eder as Lewis and Clark Exhibition· member Sacajawea. 1 :30 p.m. Linda Erickson as Sacajawea's friend Earth Woman; Jeanne Givens as Spokane Tribe leader Nellie Garry; Dr. Rodney Frey as Indian leader Smchuich, and Felix McGown as Black Elk.
29 years in slavery before the practice was outlawed in New York State in 1827. Her husband and her own children were sold away from her. Taken in by abolitionist Quakers who "saw me as a child of God, not something less than a beast," she underwent a religious transformation and dedicated herself to helping blacks. She renamed herself from Isabella Baumfree and traveled throughout the North "declaring the truth.'' She urged blacks to for· give those who oppressed them. "I am against slavery because I want to keep white slaveholders
from going to hell," she said. Truth struck up alliances with abolitionists Frederick Douglass and William Uoyd Garrison. She was invited to the White House to meet Abraham Lincoln in 1864. After the abolition of slavery, she continued to campaign for black rights, and also became active in the women's movement. She ignored those who criticized her for trying to do too much too soon. "I want to keep stirring that pot," she said. "Otherwise it will be too late." The Popcorn Forum continues today and Friday with more portrayals of historical figures.
THE COEUR d'ALENE PRESS Friday, March 29, 1996 A&
North . Idaho 5 .
Wolfgang and his wig came to life Thursday as North Idaho College music instructor Todd Snyder portrays Mozart in his one-man show as part of the Popcorn Forum. See story, Page
AS. BOBABBOIT/ Coeur d'Alene Press
Mozart portrayal rocksthe house By JOHN FIREHAMMER Staff writer
We tend to lump our classical composers into one big, white-powder-wigged pile. but these musicians were people. All of them with the ir own personalities, quirks, opinions and flaws. The humanity behind th e music was the focus of North Idaho College music instructor Todd Snyder's Popcorn Forum presentation Thursday. Keeping with the forum's theme of presen ting dramatic impersonations of historical figures, he chose two composers who couldn't be more different. Entering Schuler Auditorium chasing after a giggling, screaming Vienna flirt, Syder started off as Mozart. His take on the master was similar to the one presented in the popular fi lm, "Amadeus." WoUgang was presented as the rock star of his day. He had all the dandyish fashion sense of Prince and saw more groupie action than Led Zeppelin. And he could play. At one point, Snyder illustrated Mozart's show-off tendencies by lying back down on the piano bench and playing the keyboard upside down. Shades of Jimi Hendrix playing his Fender Stratocaster behind his back, or with his teeth. COEUR d' ALENE -
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"I worked as much as I partied and I partied as much as I worked," Snyder said, describing Mozart's composing habits. The composer wrote music 18 hours a day and went out drinking and womanizing every night. The habits likely led to his early death at 35. Th e lig hts then went out as j· th e fir st ba rs of Beet hov e n's " Fifth Symphony" b lasted through the theater's loud speakers. Snyder reappeared. His white Wolfgang wig was re placed by a tousle d , out-of-contro l
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mop and his fa ncy wardrobe had been substituted by dull g rays and brown s. His Beethoven was more austere, more Ger man t h an th e Sa lzb u rg-born Mozart. He shouted and complai n e d . Music didn't come easily for Ludwig like it did for Mozar t. It was tortuous. Going deaf at 30 didn't make it any easier. The director of the North Idaho Symphony, Snyder was one of several Coeur d'Alene residents participating in the forum. The series concludes today.
BOB ABBOTT/Coeur d'A lene Press
North Idaho College music instructor Todd Snyder portrayed both Mozart and Beethoven in his one-man show as part of the Popcorn Forum Thursday.
Friday, March 8, 1996
Close to Home
The Spokesman-Review Spokane, WashJCoeur d'Alene, Idaho
To play these roles, he must lmow the score By Cynthia Taggart Staff writer
hey're plum roles. The lump in Todd Snyder's throat swells when he just thinks of portraying Beethoven and Mozart. "To represent in some small way these two individuals who had such a large understanding of life ... "Todd pauses a moment to regain his composure. "This obviously is important to me." On March 28, Todd will assume the personalities of Beethoven and Mozart for Nortb Idaho College's "Conversations with the World's Greatest Women and Men." Todd conducts NIC's symphony orchestra and choir and teaches music history, literature and appreciation. He's inadvertently prepared Snyder most of his life for these roles. Each time he conducts a Beethoven sonata or a Mozart opera, Todd discovers more about the two 18th-century composers. Mozart's joie de vivre. Beethoven's rage. , "Beethoven had a specific understanding of l1e11," Todd says. "I feel really sad for him, but some people don't have nice Lives." For 15 years, Todd has played Mozart and Beethoven for his students. They ask the dead composers questions. Todd answers. How did Beethoven compose after he lost his hearing? How did Mozart really die?
"It could've been a jealous husband or jealous girlfriends,'' Todd says, raising his eyebrows in speculation. As Mozart on March 28, he'll reveal the truth - at least as much as anyone living knows, he says. He's conducted for 25 years, but hasn't touched Beethoven's later works. Todd wants to feel spiritually in tune with a composer before he'll attempt his or her music. He says he's not ~eady for Beethoven's Ninth Symphony. "I love it, know it," he says, closing bis eyes. "But there's more there - an exceedingly large sense of humanitarianism, of German philosophical pondering." And passion, which Todd shares. The NIC conductor weeps as easily as he laughs, hears sonatas in the wind and finds the answers to some of the world's lingering questions in the scores be conducts. What better person to fill such important roles? NIC's convocation series will run March 25-29 and feature portrayals ofsuch historical figures as Thomas Jefferson, Susan B. Anthony and Confucius. All programs are free and include audience participation. Call 769-3415 for details.
corn Pu out A special Sentinel section on the Popcorn Forum - - - - - The NIC Sentinel
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Sojourner Truth: by Stephanie Rowe Sentinel Reporter ojourner Truth entered Schuler Auditorium on March 27. singing "Amazing Grace" with an honest, hard-working voice. Making her way down the aisle, she stopped to shake a few bands and greet the audience wi~t it looking contrived. Still singing, Truth, a woman who has been dead for over I00 years, took the stage with the agility of a much younger person. As she settled herself in, she started to talk about her mother and how she remembers her crying. From there she gradually spun out the story of her life-the highs and the many lows, doing so in a way that caught and held her audience. Unlike some of the other forums. the audience seemed very willing to listen to Truth tell her tale.The only movement was that of the photographers quietly trying to get a picture of this
historical figure back from the dead. Born Isabella Baumfree and a slave in 1797, she was sold away from her mother at age IO. Later, her own children were gradually sold. After waiting years with her owners' promise to free her, she tried to make a bargain with God. He told her to set out early the next morning. After she set out she realized that she had nowhere to go. A vision of a house came to her and she set out again. After walking for what seemed like forever, Truth came to the
A woman's struggle against slavery and oppression
house and found sanctuary with a family of Quakers that took her in. She stayed with them for a few years and gradually forgot about God and her promise. One day God came to her and filled her with love and tolerance for all people and things around her. This experience led to her new name. No longer would she be Isabella. Now she would be known as Sojourner Truth, which means to travel around giving the truth to people. She more than lived up to her new name, becoming a powerful speaker against slavery and for women's rights. She also started a quest to get her \ son back from
Alabama. The case was sent to the Grand Jury. where she successfully retrieved her son. Some points of interest in her life were that she was friends with Fredrick Douglas, ~,.: 10 meet President Lincoln and wrote 50 petitions to Congress to give blacks their own land. To make money she sold her shadow (picture) on postcards and wrote her autobiography. When her performance was over, Truth was thanked with thunderous applause and a standing ovation-- after which Truth disappeared to reveal Kathryn Woods, an actress from Boston. She has performed in Russia and Scotland. As soon as she had concluded her show. the stage was swamped with children and adults alike wanting to thank her personally. Some were even willing 10 wait in line for a smile, handshake. a fe w words and an autograph. When I asked Kathryn what auracted her to the character of Sojourner Truth. she replicd.''She was very much of the earth. but also of the spirit. She was balanced."
Confucius' ideas influence culture by Ryan MacClanat;han Sentinel Reporter philosophical and religious ideas of Cllina's most profound and influential teacher were portrayed during the Popcorn Forum's presentation of Confucius. Aloysius Chang explained the b$ic principles and concepts of Confucianism to the audience. Confucianism has been the primary religion in China for over 2,000 years. Otang said that Confucianism is hard to define when compared to other world religions. lt is not a religion in the traditional sense. nor is it strictly a philosophy. Ir is a combination of the two. "The answer to whether Confucianism is a religion is
clearly yes and no," satd Clang. "It is not a religion in a Sbict sense... According to Clang. some of the characteristics of Confucianism include: It combines politics with ethics. n:stores a sense of social order wi1hin Otina, advocates humanism, reame., one how to behave and stresses personal cultivation along with world order. The response panel to the Confucius presentation featured Tom Flint as Lao-Zi and Zhuang-Zi, Daoistopponents of Confucius theory; Jim Minkler as Mencius, a Chinese philosopher and exponent of Confucianism; Patrick Lippert as Saint Thomas Aquinas, an Italian Theologian: and Dr. Jerry Gee moderating. Each of 1he
panelists discussed how the character he was representing viewed Confucianism. The audience was then allowed to pose questions for the panelists to answer. The panelists answered the questions clearly in wording that made such a complex subject easy to understand. Confucius never personally recorded any of his teachings ~ philosophies. His students took the responsibility upon themselves to relay his teachings throughout China. There are many different interpretations of Confucius' teachings. The most widely accepted interpretation is the "Analect," which was a book compiled by his students. In order for the audience to understand Confucianism, Chang explained some aspects of the Chinese vocabulary and language.. Chang explained the concept of "Li," which means convention or ritual. In Confucianism human nature and social interaction is dctennined by convention and ritual. "Confucianism is rooted in the individual, family. community, society and universe," said Chang.
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· The NIC Sentln,I
Thu,-y, April 25, 1996
Jefferson: Led noteworthy, diverse life by Ryan MacClanathan Sentinel Reporter he Popcorn Forum's presentation of Thomas Jefferson. perfonned by Dr. Clay Jenkinson. provided a chance 10 see into the hean and mind of one of 1he United States· mos! influential presidents. The commitment and dedi£_ation needed 10 accurately ponray such a complex and vaned leader was displayed by Jenkinson. He has perfonned the role over 1,000 times across the country. A bright red wool jacket complemented with knickers and buckled shoes were worn by Jenkinson. He wore his hair in a pony rail, which was the fashion of the times. It was easy to imagine 1ha1 it was actually Jefferson speaking 10 the audience. Jenkinson 's·ponrait of Jefferson revealed some of the less known facts about him. He was not an accomplished speaker: he was shy and suffered from a speech impediment. Jefferson did not make any of the required Slate of the Union Reports in person during his presidency. According to Jenkinson. the repon was written in plain English. Jefferson viewed the reports reading as an
"inefficienl waste of his time." Jenkinson said that recent presidents would benefit from Jefferson's example. This brought oul a ripple of laughter from 1he audience. Jefferson led a very noteworthy and diverse life. His rather long list of credentials includes: governor of Virginia, secretary of stale under George Washington, vice president for John Adams, author of the Declaration of Independence, founding father of the University of Virginia and U.S. minister to France. Along with his long list of political achievements, Jefferson was an author, archi1ec1, inventor, linguist. lawyer. naturalist and philosopher. In his free time he enjoyed writing letters to his friends. drinking wine and gardening. The response panel 10 1he Jefferson presentation featured Mike Bundy as Alexander Hamilton, Jeff Jeske as John Marshall. Scott Reed as James Madison, Chris Stein as John Adams and Steve Schenk moderating. A few of the panelists dressed to character by donning robes and wigs. The panel brought out some lively debate between Jefferson and his fonner political adversaries Hamilton, Adams and Marshall. Jefferson disliked Hamilton and Marshall extremely. but
al times he shared a friendship wi1h Adams. Jefferson said tha1 Adams was, "more good in life 1han bad." Questions were fielded by the audience and were answered. 10 the extent of 1heir knowledge, by 1he panel panicipan1s. A few questions eluded some of 1he panelists, but Jenkinson 's mastering of Jefferson's persona helped 10 clarify some of the replies. The main political opponent 10 Jefferson was the Federalist Pany. Jefferson's belief in a small decentralized govemmenl brough1 him resis1ance from the Federalis1s, who believed in a sarong central government. Jefferson indica1ed thal he preferred anarchy to government, but he believed thal the nation's population was too large to survive wi1hout some fonn of governance. To help him detennine whal size of government was needed, Jefferson
often asked the ques1ion, "How small can you make our government and still hold the fabric of society 1ogether?
Sojourner Truth and Prudence Crandall entertain questions during a response panel.
photos by Kibbee Walton
/ Page 2
Thursday, April 25, 1996
Women's rights activist Susan B. Anthony's performance includes roleplaying by the audience.
Organizer Tony Stewart and Frederick A. Krebs review last-minute details before Krebs takes the stage as Galileo.
Galileo's risks prdve theories by Barry D. Whitney Sentinel Reporter alileo lived in a time when men were burned at the stake for what they believed. Inquisitions were common and the genius of his own . discoveries were censored. It was also a 1jme of great art and the discovery of new worlds. The time we know of as the Renajssance era. It is a tribute to his passion for the truth and determination to persevere under these circumstances that hls works survive today. His inquisitive nature seemed to reflect something that his father, a noted musician said to him after debating music theory with music theoreticians. "You must constantly examine theories by applying them to their performance in practice." Galileo was born when in Pisa, Italy, 1564, the same year Leonardo da Vinci died and, in England, William Shakespeare was born. Galileo found himself growing up almost in the heart of the Renaissance, considered to be Florence, where he would return, a censored prisoner of the church in his waning years. It seems that there was never a time when Galileo was not in some conflict with either his peers or the church. His belief that the world must be observed with our senses to be understood, that faith in words alone would not lead to the truth of nature, was considered heresy by the church. Galileo seemed troubled that there were those who would question his faith. He was very much concerned with the salvation of his soul. He believed that the church spent far to
much time arguing over the physical laws of nature, ignoring the larger issue for the church, the saving of souls. The scientific world and the church, at the time. believed in Aristotle's theories; the sun revolved around the earth, the heavens beyond the moon were static and objects fell at different rates. Galileo's attempts to prove these theories wrong was the center of his conflict with the church. Galileo believed that Copernicus' theory that the earth revolved around the sun was valid. With his invention of the spyglass, Galileo was able to observe the heavens with greater clarity. He discovered Jupiter first on Jan. 9, 1610 and discovered 4 more planets later. Through his observations he determined that, indeed, the earth circled the sun. Observations in a book he published in July of 1632 led to his arrest. Galileo disproved Aristotle's theory that objects fall at a different rate. He also reported that the moon did not have a smooth surface. Galileo maintained that he was not forbidden to teach Copernicus' theories, and called a document to the contrary false. In spite of the fact he recanted all he had said and written, he was convicted and sentenced to life in prison. Because he was 75, had ill health and petitiorung Pope Paul V, he was allowed to return to Florence, where Thomas Hobbs and John Milton brought him news that his books were being published in England. Galileo continued to write, but would be heavily censored by the church till his death at 78.
Twain: Grew up with desire to become river boat captain by Stephanie Rowe Se111i11ef Reporter
own throughout the world. as Mark Twain...Samuel Clemens 1ade a brief trip back from the dead to be a part of the NIC opcorn Forum. Clemens made his appearance in a tropical white suit. sporting his characteristic head full of snowy white hair and glasses perched on his nose. He embodied the essence of the perfect Southern gentlemen. Born in 1835 by the great Mississippi River, Clemens grew up with the deep-seated desire to be a river boar captain. This fascination with the river lasted his entire life. and his experiences on the river colored both his writing and his life until his death. The time on the river influenced his writings (for which he became best known) by making them both honest, exciting and true to life in that time period. His appearance on stage was greeted with an expectant hush. the audience waiting and hopping to be enthralled with some Twainesque style storytelling. The audience was not disappointed. He started right in with wonderful anecdotes about his life and those close to him. Unlike some of the other performers, most people havi; some idea who Mark Twain was. This can lead to misconceptions of his life and his art. To state it simply Mark Twain was a storyteller. One of the best. Dr. George Frein portrayed that aspect wonderfully. He kept me enthralled even when I had 10 strain to see him.
S!)Okane. Wash Coeur d'Alene. Idaho
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NIC event a celebration of peace, unity COEUR d' ALENE - North Idaho College has scheduled a special peace and unity event representing the fo ur races of humanity. "Celebration of Life" begins at 7 p.m. Thursday in the NIC Student Union Bonner Room. The event is part of this year's Popcorn Forum series. The celebration is based on Indian legend that says the Creator divided the human race into four colors and sent them in four directions. Each race was endowed with a sacred element to study. The Creator gave the understanding of the fire to the white race, the understanding of water to the black race, the understanding of air to the yellow race and the understanding of the earth to the red race. The performance will include a special four-sided peace pole which has inscriptions in four languages. all containing messages of peace. Refreshments will be served. T he event is free to the public. "Come shar e in the spirit, the songs, the energy, the heart and the prayers of many cultures," said River Reasoner, who will represent the Cherokee Tribe at the ceremony.
CompilcJ from "-Ire \Cl'\,1,c,
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BRIEFLY · Holocaust survivor will speak at forum· Holocaust i,urvivor and author · Alicia Appleman-Jurman will speak at 9 a.m. Tuesday at North Idaho College. Born in Poland in 1930, ApplemanJurman survived small-town ghettos and escaped death on many occasions by fleeing into forests and fields. Her book. "Alicia: My Stoiy," recounts the loss of her family member.; and her efforts to hide other Jewish people fleeing the German troop<,. After World War 11, she led Jews through an underground route from Poland to Pale:,tine. She later lived in Tel Aviv after spending time in a British concentration camp on Cyprus. Her book won a Christopher Award in 1989. The award recognizes artistic excellence in films, books and television that affirm the highest \'alue of the human spirit. It also won the Bernard Lecache Award given by the International League against Racism and Anti-Semitism. Tuesday's program is part of the NIC Popcorn Forum series, intended as a platform for expressing divergent viewpoints. It is free and open to the public. More than 500 school children will attend.
THE COEUR d' ALENE PRESS MO(lday, May 13, 1996 A3
Post Falls/Region
Holocaust survivor brings message to NIC Popcorn Forum. COEUR d'ALENE - A Polish woman who experienced the horrors of the Holocaust will visit Coeur d'Alene this week. Alicia Appleman-Juran, author of "Alicia-My Story," plans to speak about growing up in Poland during World War II on Tuesday and Wednesday. Jurman's message will be part of a Popcorn Forum at North Idaho College, which begins at 9 a.m. Tuesday. She will speak at the Coeur d'Alene Public Library at 12:45 p.rn. Wednesday. The Nazis invaded her hometown of Buczacz when she was a child, and she spent most of the war find ing ways to survive and rescue other Jews. She eventually escaped to Cyprus, and later to Israel, and has Jived in America since 1975. She promised family members she would continue to spread the word about the horrors of war, and has spoken across the country in synagogues, schools and churches. Her book detailing her struggles has won two awards. Copies of her book are available at the library.
The NIC Sentinel
Page 19
Thursday, May 9, 1996
Popcorn farum celebrates diversity by Stephanie Rowe
Hooey, living life 10 its fullest. getting in touch with NIC's latest addition to the the natuml world around you. Popcorn Forum family was the The yellow race was ·'Celebration of Life" on April represented by Holan, 25. The premise of this forum Chagdud Gonpa-Padma was the Native American belief Ling. who gave a brief talk that when Creator divided the on how we relate 10 the human race into four colors universe in both size and and sent them to the four imponance. directions, Creator bestowed A member of the each race with a scared element Nisqually Tribe. Joe Kalama 10 study and learn about. Al a talked about the importance later ume the fou r races are of sweat lodge<;. being there supposed 10 come together and for people and accepting life. share their knowledge for the Varied fonm of benefit ofhumanny. The entertainment wa,; between different elementl, were given speakers with Misa Hopl...ins out as follows: the red race/ 'iinging ··color.. of the eanh. white race/ fire. yellow Wind"' and ··Great race/ air and the black race/ Mystery:· Bagpipes were water. played by John Hull. who A Celtic Storyteller. Kevin al'iO explained the Hooey walks ~tily but canie\ l>ignificance of 1he outfit\ a big , 11ck. His interpretation of bagpipers wear. Drumming. the significance of fire in our singing and jingle dancing lives i, that we must live every were perfonncd extremely photo by Stephanie Rowe moment to its fulle!.t potential. John Hull plays bagpipe in celebration. well by the Antelope Spirit ~ueczing all the pa'>sion and Singers. fire we can take into every day. The night was clo\ed with a prayer given by Cliff Phil Wilson represented the black race-keepers of SiJohn. concluding another successful addition 10 the the water. He talked about the same kind of theme as NIC Popcorn Forum.
Se111i11el Reporrer
VOL. 89 NO. 289
'A link in a broken chain' Holocaust survivor says prejudice can make history repeat By JANET FE ILER Staff writer
COEUR d'ALENE - Victims of the Holocaust came back to life Monday morning through survivor Alicia Appleman-J urman. She recounted the atrocities that erased her family and her childhood. "I'm a link in a broken chain," Appleman-Jurman told an overflow crowd of high school students assembled in the North Idaho College audi-
torium. "We were children just like you ... We wanted to live," she said, warning her audience to not let history repeat itself. "Whenever we mistreat one minority, God forbid, a holocaust can hai>pen," she said. "Eleven million people died. The world knew what was happening, the government knew, but they were silenL they were indifferent," she said. A spellbound audience honored her
with two standing ovations after hearing her powerful account of personal suffering. Many had previously read her award-winning book, "Alicia ¡ My Story." Appleman-Jurman said her upbringing gave her a strong Jewish identity and self-worth which sustained her through the loss of her parents, four brothers and numerous friends, and her own brush with death. See LINK, Page A6
MATI HELM/Coeur d'Alene Press
Polish-born Alicia Appleman.Jurman recounts her tale as a survivor of the Holocaust to a crowd of almost 1,200 Tuesday in Boswell Hall at North Idaho College.
~frfres,10'd/l. Re v;ew
/- J:,-..q'f Annual event teaches chiklren to embrace differences By Julie Titone Staff writer
Achoir from Dalton Elementary sings "Waiting for the Light to Shine" Thursday during the Martin Luther King Day program.
OEURd'ALENEGrownups set the stage for Thursday's Human Rights Celebration, but kids stole the show. Students sang, recited and giggled their way through the morning program. They reminded each other that there's more to Monday's Martin Luther King, Jr., holiday than getting out of school. "We should not fight or be mean," said Parker Riley of Prairie View Elementary, one of the children who stepped up to the microphone. "Respect other kids for who they are."
The North Idaho College auditorium was packed with fifthgraders from the Coeur d'Alene, Post FaJJs and Plummer/Worley school districts. It was the 12th annuaJ event sponsored by the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations, a group formed in response to neo-Nazi racism in mostly white North Idaho. "Of all the things we do, the most important is in education," said Tony Stewart, task force member. He helped organize Thursday's program, along with Fernan Elementary Principal Pam Pratt. Pratt reminded the audience about Vernon Baker of St. Maries, who this Continued: Celebration/B2
Jesse Tinsley/The Spokesman-Review
First-grader Jennifer Kamps, left, pats Seltice Elementary classmate Curtis Homuth on the head as the two act out the virtue of forgiving mistakes during the 12th annual Human " . ~"â&#x20AC;˘" Cehlbration at North Idaho College.
'~ \
Celebration: Color quard popular Continued from 81 '
week received the Medal ·of Honor for his bravery during World War U. She explained that the ·black soldier was wrongly denied the honor 52 years ago. "In 1945, the color of a person's skin counted more than the heroism . of his actions," Pratt said. "I feel proud that this man lives in North Idaho." Among other program highlights: • The Fairchild ·Air Force Base Color Guard, always a favorite of the young audience, opened the program along with singer Natalie Hammons. The Coeur d'Alene fifth-grader belted out "The Star-Spangled Banner," winning a big round of applause. ' "Natalie sang that song better than anyone I ever heard," said emcee Josh Buehner, president of the NIC Humaµ Equality Club. • Exchange student Elene Sanchez of Spain explained how former
dicta,tor Francisco Franco jailed Basque people for speaking their native language, which her own generation is committ~d to learn. Sanchez attends Lake City High School this year.
Savo Bakrac of Y1.tgoslavia, who att~ Lak . .eland High, spoke of the .-i paiJlful transition from comm~ to domocracy in his homeland. ''The ' 1 drcaln ,for ~ country is to have freed'om of the press," be said. . 1
:Keynote speaker Norm Gmel of the Human Relations Task Force · reviewed the struggle for equality in the Uqited States, ranging from the emancipation of blacks to the fight for handicapped access. Gissel told the children their gen~ eratioll would face its own battles in the never-ending fight for civil rights. "You will do the right thing," he told them, "because you'll remember that people can come together to make a difference."
Kids follow the dream 1-17-- 99-
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Human Rights Celebration held at NIC c~~!~e\~~~~~D~~;m Gissel, president of the Kootenai By MIKE M.£~EAN Staff writer¡ COEUR d'ALENE -As adults, we have a resPonsibility to teach our children well. But some of the most imPortant lessons, they teach us. While we deal with the ramifications of racism and discrimination in our daily lives, it is the children who seem to know what is fair, decent and right To a child, the idea that one person is better than another is absurd, and the war and violence intolerance leads to is unthinkable. That was evident at the 12th annual Human Rights Celebration held Thursday for students in the Coeur d'Alene and Post Falls school districts. About 1,100 students filled the NJC auditorium to near capacity. Altogether, 150 students participated in human rights presentations, skits and songs under the them "Together ... We
County Task Force on Human Relations, said the United States has come a Jong way in the area of civil rights. He cited the Declaration of Independence, the abolition of slavery and recognition of women's right to vote as landmarks in the history of American civil rights. Gissel told how, in his own generation, Martin Luther King Jr. led the movement to abolish laws which discriminated against people of color. "Martin Luther King knew better than anybody that we could come together and get rid of those laws," Gissel said. But there is more work to be done and it is up to the next generation to keep King's dream alive. "Every generation is challenged in some way," he said. "I don't know what your role is, but I know that you'll be challenged to participate in civil rights activities." Many youths showed they are willing to embrace that challenge. DREAM continued on A3
Imagine there's no color ...
MATI HELM/Coeur d'Alene Press
Post Falls School Superintendent Dick Harris helps Breanna Crawford, left, with her lines from ., A Child's Prayer for Peace" as Adam Kramer watches classmates from a first-grade Seltice Elementary class scoot onstage with props during Thursday's 12th annual Human Rights Celebration at NIC.
continued from A 1
Seltice Elementary firstgraders performed "A Child's Prayer for Peace," which produced several spontaneous moments that delighted the crowd. A Lake City High School student read entries from the "Diary of Anne Frank," aboltt, the German-Dutch Jewish girl whose writings became the symbol of Jewish resistance to Nazi oppression. While hiding in Holland, Frank wrote that the horrors of the Holocaust were twice as hard for young people saying, "In difficult times like these, our ideals and hopes are crushed by grim reality." Her writings, which showed signs of hope, stopped when her family was arrested by Nazi sympathizers. She died at the infamous Auschwitz concentration camp barely a month before it was liberated. Another LCHS student read from a diary of a 12-year-old girl in Sarajevo.
"Grown-ups are negotiating ... and we are dying," the girl wrote. She blamed the politics of war for splitting her family aparL "Serbs, Croats, and Muslims are all people. We all look the same, but now there is something that wants to make them different," the girl wrote. "Young people would do better. They would not chose war." Elene Sanchez told of the oppression of the Basque people of northern Spain. Sanchez, a forejgn exchange student from Victoria, Spain, is attending Lakeland High School. Under the Franco regime, it was illegal for Basques to speak their own language. "We decided to raise our voices. We wanted to speak our Ian-
,! '
A9 THE COEUR d'ALENE PRESS Tuesday, Jan. 28, 1997
Popcorn Forum to be unveiled COEUR d'ALENE - North Idaho College will announce Wednesday its schedule of events and reception of grants for the 1997 Popcorn Forum and Convocation Series. This year's five-day symposium is scheduled for the second week of April, and is titled "Journey Through Time: The Historical Quest for the Good ' :, " L,IJe. The format will include individuals who represent historical figures and their viewpoints. Representatives from several area school districts will speak Wednesday about how the program will be used by local secondary students. The event will begin 10 a.m. at the Sherman Administration Conference Room at NIC.
Pappi,ng into past
â&#x20AC;˘ Rosie the Riveter, portrayed by Dennda Moerer, helps announce the spring schedule for the 27th annual Popcorn Forum at North Idaho College. The annual event brings
together students and famous historical figures, played by other students, for a series of panel discussions. This year's event is scheduled for April 11-17 See story on 82.
BOB ABBOTT/Coeur d'Alene Press
Mona Klinger will play the role of Josephine Butler, who crusaded for the rights of prostitutes in Victorian England in this year's Popcorn Forum at North Idaho College. She gave the media a little taste of her character Wednesday at a press conference at the college.
The Spokesman-Revfew
Idaho Chronlcle/The Region
Fresh forums keep audience growing really excited about it." But Stewart is more than willing to move the events from NIC's l,300-seat auditorium to the By Julie Titone 3,000-seat gymnasium, should the Staff writer need arise. That may have to be the case. In addition to college students COEUR d'ALENE- Like a lot of and community members, high good ideas, tl'fe-Popcorn Forum at school juniors and seniors from six North Idaho College sprang from a school districts will be attending this dinner table conversation. year. "You know what we ought to The program theme will be "Jourhave?" Judy Whatley said to her ney Through Time: The Historical friend Tony Stewart nearly three decades ago. "We ought to have a Human Quest for the Good Life." For the first forum, Stewart went program at which students can have to ~the Associated Students of North conversations with famous people." Stewart, an NIC political science Idaho College and asked for $40 to instructor, ran with the idea. He's still buy popcorn. This year, ASNIC will contribute running - to keep up with its . tremendous populanty. Last year's $6,500. Other support includes forum drew 7,300 people over five $5,000 from the school's Convocation Series, $3,150 from the Idaho Hudays. On Wednesday, Stewart recalled manities Council; and $2,000 from Whatley's idea as he announced the the NIC Foundation. There will be morning perfor27th annual Popcorn Forum. It will mances and lectures, followed by be held April U-17. "I'm assuming we'll have to tum panel discussions in the afternoon people away this year," said NIC and evening. Each panel will include students President Robert Bennett. " I'm
With high school classes attending, site mayshift
Page 12
.. Topics and speakers
1986, Is aleader In the anti-bigotry movement.
• a,,11 18 . "Economic Security":
• a,,11 7, "Understandingand lnteracllng with Nature": Clay Jenkinson, an educator and one of the country's best-known historical character actors, will appear as American geolOgist and explorer John Wesley Powell. I , "Fnledom and Justice": .Clay Jenkinson will portray President Thomas Jefferson. . April I , "Equality": Speaker will be BIUWassmuth, director of the Northwest Coalltlon Against Malicious Harassment. Wassmuth, whose Coeur d'Alene home was bombed by members of the Aryan Nations in
and residents portraying famous people. Three actors were present at Wednesday's announcement. They were Denise Clark as labor activist Mother Jones; Derinda Moerer as the World War ll archetype Rosie the Riveter; and Mona Klinger as
Thursday, January 30, 1997
Hensley (Ted) Wllflams wlU speak. He Is an attorney and expert In labor and fwmanrelations. • ""18 "Devalopment and Survival of Family":The speakerwNI be Diane Medved, a cllnlcal psychologist and author. Her latest book, written with fonner Vice President Dan Quayle, Is "The American Family: Discovering the Values that Make Us Strong." • Aid 11 , "Splriluallly &Rallglous/ Philosophical Meaning to Life": Author and philosopher George Frain will appear as American hlstof1an Henry Brooks Adams. I
Josephine Butler, who championed the cause of women who could find , no work but prostitution in ·19thcentury London. Fo{ the first time this year, eacl\ morning program will open with 15 minutes of live, mood-setting music. As always, the events will be free.
Popcorn Forum promises a glimpse into human spirit By JOE BUTLER Staff writer COEUR d'A LENE - Don't strain your brain to come up with whafMother Teresa, Bill Gates and Karl Marx all have in common. The answer linking these historical figures can be found easily enough al North Idaho College April 7-11 during the 27th annual Popcorn Forum and Convocation Series. This year's theme is "Journey Through Time: The Historical Human Quest for the Good Life." Organizer Tony Stewart promises speakers wiU give insights into different areas, along with providing historical perspectives. The events are free to the public. "This year, there are six areas in which we believe humans have sought a better life," Stewart said. "My favorite week of the year is this week." The forum continues an approach which started last year with people from the community roleplaying historical figures and delivering an educational lecture from that person's point of view.
Along with Marx, Gates and Mother Teresa, dressed in coveralls and wearing a scarf around her some of the more than 50 characters slated to head. "We want to keep working when the war is appear include Socrates and Jane Goodall. over, and we think we'll make a difference." Another highlight of the program includes Stewart said he had requests from hundreds of appearances by national scholars or experts in people to participate, and finally had to settle for their field. This year, the main scholars include T. five main speakers and more than 50 ot11ers for Hensley Williams, Bill Wassmuth, George Frein, panels each day. Diane Medved and Clay Jenkinson, who portrayed There are some improvements over last year's Thomas Jefferson at last year's forum. forum, he sai~. There wilJ only be one panel at each On Wednesday, three people .from the college time. compared to several at the same time last year. gave a preview of their characters at a kickoff for Additionally, each panel and speaker will be prethe forum Wednesday. ceded by 15 minutes of inspirational music related Mona Klinger played the role of Josephine to th~ d::iy's themes, such as a choir, a small quarButler, an Englishwoman who championed the tet or spirituals. cause of women prostitutes and also pushed for President Bob Bennett is excited about lhe reforms in the Victorian social structure. event. which he said will be good for the communiDenise Clark played the role of Mother Jones, ty and for NIC's students. who was active in the Labor Movement in the late"Role-playing may be one of the most effective 1800s and early 20th century. ways to teach," Bennett added. Derinda Moerer took on the role of Rosie lhe The forum is funcled by a combination of Riveter, the personification of women in lhe work sources: The Associated Students of North Idaho force during World War II. College, the NIC Foundation, and grants Crom th~ Each of the three dressed as their character Idaho Council for Arts and Humanities. would appear and spoke strongly of their charac''This is truly to the heart o( what humanities ter's philosophies. stands for," said council member Rodney Frey. ¡ ''When Johnny comes marching back home again, A complete schedule for the Popcorn Forum he might find a different woman," said Moerer, and Convocation Series is available at NIC.
A6 THE COEUR d'ALENE PRESS Thursday, Jan. 30, 1997
"They could kill me but tJ1ey could never destroy my pride ... they could not touch my sou~" she said. Born in Poland in 1930, she had an idyllic early childhood. attending Catholic school in the mornings and talcing three hours of Hebrew instruction each afternoon. When Poland was divided in 1939, her town came under Russian occupation. Jewish children were no longer allowed to attend school. Hungry for education. she climbed a tree to observe her former teacher and classmates
pledge. "I swore on his grave if I lived I should be his silenced voice." She keeps those promises by taking her story to school students across the U.S. Appleman-J urman witnessed cold-blooded killings of babies and young children. Her entire family killed, Appleman-Jurman was imprisoned, beaten and left for dead, her body racked with typhoid fever. Fellow Jews pretended to bury her, but instead smuggled her to safety. "This was their way of fighting - saving one sick girl out of the grave, literally," she said. Only 5 of her town's 6,000 children survived the Holocaust, only to face post-war internment
through a window. But. eager to
in a British concentration camp.
UNK Continued from Page A 1
participate, she involuntarily After eight months there, she raised her h'and to a math queswas free and went on to live in tion and fell from the tree. The Tel Aviv. She later married an teacher told her she had to leave. American and came to the U.S. in She promised herself, "One day, 1950. In 1982, while living in if I live through the war, 1am Holland, she decided to write her going to school forever." life's story. When the Germans invaded For three years. she delved Poland, the men in her town into her past, averaging 13 hours were required to register. They six days a week to compile 26 never returned. Six hundred chapters. She received five pubmen, her father among them, lishing offers, but chose one who were massacred. The Germans - ¡¡ would reprint it in paperback so it took the fammes' possessions was affordable to students. and moved them into a ghetto. "Many people your age fought Children risked their lives to get very valiantly, to their death," she food and to fight. told Bonner and Kootenai County "Nowhere in human history students. 'To keep this country were there such brave children safe, we have to pledge ourselves as in our ghetto," she said. to freedom for everyone." Later, as she watched her brothHer visit here was sponsored by the NIC Popcorn Forum er hanged by ttie Gestapo, Appleman-Jurfnan made a second series.
D Tuesday, April 1, 1997 The Spokesman-Review Spokane, Wash./Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Lecture series gi,ves audiences the chance to question historical figures and get responses
Jesse Tinsrey/The Spokesman-Review
North Idaho College English Department secretary Linda Erickson, in costume as ancient warrior queen Boadicea, will portray the historical figure as part of a lecture series at the college.
By Cynthia Taggart Staff wri1er
OEUR d'ALENE - George F~ein isn't who he says he is. That's why he's in such demand. As a scholar, Frein shines. But as Herman Melville, Mark Twain, Father Pierre Jean I DeSmet or Henry Brooks Adams, Frein ':_ is brilliant. "It's the closest thing to talking with the dead," says North Idaho College's Tony Stewart. Stewart invited Frein to play Henry Brooks Adams next week at NIC's second weeklong lecture tour through history. The program will give the public the opportunity to chat with dozens of people from the past If history does repeat itself, audiences will forget that the historical characters are really row-playing scholars. ln addition to Adams, the week's "guests" will include Thomas Jefferson speaking on freedom and justice and John Wesley Powell speaking on the human quest to understand nature. Fifty teachers playing roles from Socrates to Betty Friedan will analyze each guest's message. There are few things Frein enjoys more than scholarly role-playing. "Put on a white suit and play Mark Twain and everyone comes," says the University of North Dakota professor of philosophy and religion. "There's no fear of asking Mark Twain questions, unlike a lecturer. And no one's ever asked me if this is going to be on the examination." Scholarly role-playing is a popular pastime in the Midwest and growing in popularity in the Northwest, thanks to Stewart and NIC. Its century-old roots stretch to Lake Chautauqua, N.Y., where Methodist ministers decided in 1874 to make Sunday school more entertaining by inviting traveling teachers to conduct Bible studies. By the tum of the century, "chautauquas'· bad evolved into traveling tent shows that featured political debates and orators, such as William Jennings Bryant. Attendance at traveling shows dipped in the 1920s after cars and movies hit the scene. Chatauquas struggled to lure audiences with jugglers, sword swallo~ers and yodelers, but the Depression finally killed the traveling shows. The National Endowment for the Humanities resurrected them in the 1970s when it encouraged colleges to reach out to the public. College professors took their lectures on the road, but teachers in North Dakota balked at driving during snowy winters. They agreed to travel in the summers, but found audiences didn't want to sit inside during the warm weather. Outdoor canopies solved the problem. Still, lecturers attracted sleepy crowds until one professor decided to portray the character about whom he was lecturing. "People got into the act, played along," Frein says. "We found out if the characters come to town, the tents fill."
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History: Lecture series adds life to the past Continued from 01 be there." NIC's Stewart, who has organized
lecture series for the college for 27 years, decided last year to venture into chautauqua territory. A friend had told him she"d love a chance to speak with people in history. Stewart was intrigued. "It so sparked me," he says. He surveyed students and staff to find out which people in history they wanted most to meet. Of the 400 names the survey generated, the most votes went to Jesus Christ, John F. Kennedy, Adolph Hitler, Martin Luther King Jr., Abraham Lincoln, Marilyn Monroe and Benjamin Franklin. Stewart organized a weekJong program with ll role-playing scholars, including Jenkinson and Frein, and 12 response panels. Each panel contained five or six teachers, each of whom agreed to take on the
role of a historical character. The research required to play those roles was exhausting but addictive. NJC librarian Denise Clark played author Edith Wharton last year. "I had to reread her work, her novels. her autobiography and read some works by her I've never looked at before," she says. " I had so much fun with it.'' The format brought the wit and wisdom of six dozen historical figures to Coeur d'Alene and drew 7,300 people to NI C's lecture series. Those people talked to Sojourner Truth, Ernest Hemingway and Beethoven. among others, and they wanted more. "We're accomplishing what we're trying to do-getting people deeply into a theme," Stewart says. "But we're not finished." This year, Stewart decided to explore age-old themes - freedom and justice, equality, economic security, survival of the family, spirituality and interacting with nature. In addition to Jenkinson and Frein, the speakers will include three current experts in their fields: Bill Wassmuth, the executive director of the Northwest Coalition Against Malicious Harassment; T.
Hensley Williams, a labor relations professional; and Diane Medved. a clinical psychologist and author. Panels that will discuss each speaker's message will include such historical figures as John Muir, Mohandas Ghandi, Rosa Lee Parks, Mother Teresa and Martin Luther. NIC English Department secretary Linda Erickson will play Boadicea, a British queen who died in60A.D. Romans flogged Boadicea and raped her daughters after her husband died. She retaliated by rallying 800,000 Celtic warriors and burning London to the ground. She will respond to Thomas Jefferson's speech on freedom and justice. "She tried to be reasonable and that didn't work. Something in that appeals to me,"' Erickson says. " I have a stack of 30-some books I've studied to get to know her.'' Frein says he hasn't seen any program quite like Stewart's. "This is unique in that it gets a goodly number of faculty members to the point in their scholarship that they can do this," he says. "To be one of these characters effectively, a scholar has to be on his toes- and that's the most run.'' NIC's programs are free and open to the public. ·
Schedule for one hlstorlcal weak NIC's programs are free and open to the public. For Information, call 769-3315. Allrll 7: The series starts at 9 a.m. In NIC's Schuler Auditorium with Clay Jenkinson as geologist and ethnologist John Wesley Powell. Response panels will follow at 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. • 1: Convocations Week will continue at 10:30 a.m. with Clay Jenkinson as Thomas Jefferson. Response panels will follow at 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. Allrfl 1: BIii Wassmuth will speak on the quest for •,
equality at 10 a.m. followed by a response panel at 1 p.m. Allrll 11: T. Hensley WIiiiams will speak on economic security at 9 a.m. followed by a response panel at 2:30 p.m. Diane Medved will speak on the survival of the family at 10:30 a.m. followed by a response panel at 1 p.m. Allrtl 11: Frein, as historian Henry Brooks Adams, wlll end the week's events at 11 a.m. He'll speak on the human quest to understand the meaning of life. A response panel will follow at 7 p.m.
1997 North Idaho College Popcorn Forum
Historical figures to describe -
Schedule • 9 a.m. - Keynote address by John ere is the schedule for the 27th annual Wesley Powell, portrayed by Clay Jenkinson. Popcorn For um at North Idaho College • 1 p.m. - Panel discussion by Powell, as next week. portrayed by Jenkinson, John Muir, portrayed Each day begins with 15 minutes of music before the keynote presentation, followed by Tim Christie, Thor Heyerdahl, portrayed by David Lindsay, Edward Abbey, portrayed by by panel discussions later that day:The entire Dale Marcy, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, porevent is free and open to the. public. trayed by Chad Klinger, David Douglas, porThe morning keynote addresses and music will be in Boswell Hall-Schuler Auditorium. The trayed by Bob Murray and Jane Goodall, porafternoon and evening panels will be in Bonner trayed by Anne Solomon. • 7 p.m. - Panel discussion by Powell, Room of the Edminster Student Union Building. portrayed by Jenkinson, Henry David Thoreau, portrayed by Alan Lamb, Edwin Hubble, as portrayed by Curt Nelson, Theodore Roosevelt, as portrayed by Jason Luker, Michael Faraday, as portrayed by Ken Wright, Rachel Carson. The Historical Human Quest for
Understanding and Interacting with Nature • 8 :45 a.m. - Musical prelude
SCHEDULE continued on A7
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as portrayed by Lori OlsonHorwill and Andrea Carter, and Harvey Manning, as portrayed by Scott Peterson.
luesday The Historical Human Quest for Freedom and Justice • 10:15 a.m. - Musical prelude • 10:30 a.m. -Keynote address by Clay Jenkinson, portraying Thomas Jefferson • 1 p.m. - Panel discussion by Jenkinson's portrayal of Jefferson, Norm Gissell's portrayal of William Wilburforce, Nils Rosdahl's portrayal of Joseph Pulitzer, Robert Bennett's portrayal of Sir Thomas More, Mona Klinger's portrayal of Josephine Butler, Felix McGowan's portrayal of Martin Luther King Jr., and Jeanne Batson's portrayal of Christabel .Pankhurst.
• 7 p.m. - Panel discussion by Jenkinson's portrayal of Jefferson, Linda Erickson's portrayal of Boadicea, Pat Martin's portrayal of Jane Addams, Dawn Atwater-Haight's portrayal of Marian Wright Edelman, Harvey Richman's portrayal of Mohandas Gandhi, Glen Walker's portrayal of Hugo Black, Scott Reed's portrayal of Girolamo Savonarola, and Linda Payne as Olympe de Gouges.
The Historical Human Quest for Equality 9:45 a.m. - Musical prelude 10 a.m. - Keynote address by Bill Wassmuth 1 p.m. - Panel discussion by Wassmuth, Mother Jones, as portrayed by Denise Clark, Jeannette Rankin as portrayed by Karen Streeter, Abigail Duniway, as portrayed by Judy Whatley, Rosa Lee Parks, as portrayed by Pat Johnson, William Lloyd Garrison, as portrayed by Mike Bundy, and Nellie Garry, as portrayed by Jeanne Givens.
Friday The Historical Human Quest for Spirituality and Religious/Philosophical Meaning to Ufe • 10 a.m. -10th Anniversary Celebration for the Northwest Coalition Against Malicious Harassment • 10:45 a.m. - Musical prelude • 11 a.m. - Keynote address by George Frein, as Henry Brooks Adams • 7 p.m. - Panel discussion by Frein, Judith Brower as St. Benedict of Nursia, Jeff Jeske as Jonathon Edwards, Jim Minkler as Reinhold Niebuhr, John Jensen as Joseph Campbell, Tom F1int as Socrates, Pat Lippert as St. Ignatius of Loyola, Rev. Dick Hermstad of Martin Luther.
The Historical Human Quest for Economic Security/ The Historical Human Quest for the Development and Survival of the Family • 8:45 a.m. - Musical prelude • 9 a.m. - Keynote address on economic security by T. Hensley Williams • 10:15 a.m. -Musical prelude • l 0:30 a.m. - Keynote address on family development by Dr. Diane Medved • 1 p.m. - Panel discussion on family, with panelists Medved, Donna Runge as F1orence Scovel Shinn, Derinda Moerer as "Rosie the Riveter," David Cohen as Karl Marx, Carol Lindsay as Marian Wright Edelman, Lori Barnes as Mother Teresa and Victor Duarte representing Latin perspectives offamily. . • 2:30 p.m. - Panel dis,ussion on economic security, with panelists Williams, Dan Erlacher as Adam Smith, Nina Bartlett as Alice Rivlin, Judy Parker Joan Robinson, Kay Nelson as Bill Gates, JoAnn Nelson as Jane Jacobs, and Carol Haught as Betty Friedan.
Information: 769-3316
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• "Nature exists for human use," says John Wesley Powell at NIC's annual Popcorn Forum, which uses rofej playing to bring lectures to life. The 19th-century explorer was portrayed by historian Clay Jenkinson See e1J -'
NIC's Popcorn Forum pits outspoken historicalfigures
By Juhe Titone Stafl writer
Tuesday, April 8, 1997 The Spokesman-Review Spokane. Wash./Coeur d'Alene. Idaho
Squaring off on the good life
OEURd'ALENE -EdwardAbbey hated seeing lhe Colorado River's most beautiful canyon drowned by a reservoir. His writing inspired "monkey wrenchers" who'd ju!>t as soon blow up dam\ as look at them. You'd think that John Wesley Powell, who became an American hero for exploring the raging Colorado, would smile on a guy like that. ¡ But.no. Powell. in the form of hi!.torian Clay Jenkinson, took Abbey to task Monday at North Idaho College. ''Nature exhh tor human use. I floated the Colorado and I also chose dam sites for it," the resurrected scientist said to the late author. ''And terrorism. sir, is the worst possible solution to a social state, no matter how dbeased."' The spirited d1M:w,sion took place as the college kicked 9ff it\ annual Popcorn Forum. The weeklong series of lectures and discussions uses role-playing to bring to life its theme, ''Journey Through Time: The Historical Quest for the Good Life." Each day has a different focus. Monday's was the Quest for Understanding.and Connecting wilh Nature. Jenkinson, a nationally known actor, began with a lecture in which he appeared as Powell. The explorer wore a wild-looking beard. He had no right arm, having lost it on a Civil War battlefield. The "sl)lall handicap" did not keep him from climbing cliffs above the Colorado, or scaling the government scien'Ce burec\ucracy to become the fin,l head of the U.S. Bureau of Ethnology and later director of the U.S. Geological Survey. Powell was a social scientist, studying Native American culture and learning 12 Indian languages in the process. He also was a landscape !,cientist. He argued that the West should be di,ided into watersheds, not states, and that no watershed should be allowed to raid another's rivers. I le predicted "a legacy of conflict and litigation over water." Continued: Popcorn Forum/82
Bob Murray, dressed as Northwest pioneer David Douglas, listens as Dale Mercy portrays essayist Edward Abbey
Popcorn Forum: Goodall, Muir, Melville- and today, Jefferson Continued from B1
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While he wanted to be remembered as a scientist, most people think of him as an adventurer. Perhaps that's because he captivated audiences in the 19th century with stories of his explorations, as he did Monday ln Boswell Hall.
There was Abbey, played by chemistry teacher Dale Marcy. The author of the "Monkey Wrench Gang" spent 17 years of his life in .Western solitude while finding time to enjoy the pleasures of civilization: notably whiskey and women.
When Powell derided his environmentai philosophy, Abbey re. sponded that "it is to my credit to be In 1869 he and his companions a preservationist." faced "scurvy, near starvation, deep, Primate researcher Jane Goodall, deep fear and d<?ubt" as• they headed down a rivet everyone said played by attorney Anne Solomon, told of being a London secretary could not be floated. whose love of animals took her to " You cannot know what it's like Africa. Her role model as a mother to go backwards in a wooden dory was a chimpanzee named.Flo. down the Colorado River," he said. Naturalist and climber John Muir, "We hadn't the slightest idea what aka Tim Christie, decried " the vice was around the next bend." of overindustry and the apathy of The exploring spirit was abundant luxury." He 'insisted that he didn't want to "lock up" the land, but at the afternoon panel discussion.
Publlc Invited The Popcorn Forum ls free~ . open to the public. More . · information is available from · 769-3316: rather preserve it for human enjoyment. Botanist David Douglas, who gave the Douglas fir its name, talked excitedly of sending ornamental trees to England to decorate the estates of gentry. He was played by Bob Murray, NIC's math and science chairman. And English teacher Chad KJinger was Herman Melville. The author of "Moby Dick" spoke of the search for spiritual values in the physical world. Jenkinson will reprise his bestknown role today as Thomas Jefferson. His 10:30 a.m. lecture at Boswell Auditorium will start the day's discussions of the Quest for Freedom & Justice. ·
North Idaho
Courage, tenacity can lead to discoveries Popcorn Forum gets under way at MC By JOE BUTLER Staff writer COEUR
Sometimes a scieJrtUic theory on paper isn't enough. In some cases, a person must leave their desk and home and venture into the world around them, putting their reputation, and sometimes their very lives, at stake. Monday was the first day of the 27th annual Popcorn Forum at North Idaho College where more than 200 people were introduced to a dozen historical figures. "I think the scientist/adventurer is still alive," said Clay Jenkinson, a scholar performing an interpretation of John Wesley Powell, a 19th century American geologist and ethnologisL Jenkinson, as Powell, delivered Photos by BOB ABBOTT/Coeur d'Alene Press an opening address Monday morn- The 27th Annual Popcorn Forum kicked off this year's symposium, "Journey Through Time: The ing, and then sat on two panels Historical Human Quest for the Good Life" Monday with a series of presentations. As part of the through the day filled with various afternoon panel discussion, Bob Murray portrayed David Douglas, Northwest explorer and botanist. characters with their own views.
Monday's theme was "The Historical Quest fo r Understanding and Interacting with Nature," one aspect of the week dedicated to examining humankind's struggle for the good life. With his words, gestures and authentic clothing, Jenkinson brought Powell's exploits to life for the audience: the raging Colorado River, the solitude of southwestern deserts, the curious Indian tribes he encountered and the incompetence and greed of Eastern businessmen and government who didn't heed his warnings. Powell served as the country's first director for the Bureau of Ethnology, and was later director of the U.S. Geological Survey from 1881 to 1892. In the process, he studied the water systems and mapped rivers and possible dam locations. Part Dr. Clay Jenkinson gave the first program of this year's Popcorn of his expeditions included studyForum with his portrayal of John Wesley Powell, the American ing the cultures and learning the scientist and explorer that was the first to classify American languages of the various tribes he Indian languages and the first to run the length of the Colorado encountered. River through the Grand Canyon. "I don't think you can be any
kind of ethnologist just through translation," he said. "Plus I was curious - we shouldn't say to the Indians, 'Come and be like us.' But we should study them." POPCORN continued on AS
POPCORN ---. . .·
theories. David Lindsay, NIC's dean of continued from A7 students, portrayed Norwegian explorer and zoologist Thor Powell bitterly described how Heyerdahl he made recommendations for While vacationing in the water use, but was ignored by South Seas, he theorized that the the government and greedy area wasn't settled by Asians, but developers. rather by South Americans. Though he felt waters must be When his colleagues scoffed kept pure, he also maintained at this, Heyerdahl gathered some water should be used for the bet- friends in 1947, built a balsaterment of the ·country. Powell wood raft, and set off from recommended water basin val- Ecuador. He repeated this feat in leys be made available to those 1969, 1970 and 1977. around them,· but said they "I had to prove my theory," shouldn' t be "stolen" by other Lindsay said. groups of people. He said this Edward Abbey, who wrote fichappened during the settling of tion and nonfiction about Los Angeles, where the city America's national parks, was "robbed" water from the interpreted by Dale Marcy. Colorado River and from a nearThough Abbey supported the by basin valley. national parks, be felt th ey Some of the other speakers could be better managed. His during two panels echoed works, including suggestions on Powell's spirit to prove scientific sabotaging natural resou rce
extracti ng equipment, were embraced by the environmental movement. "There's only one thing better than solitude, and that's society - and vice versa," he said. The Popcorn Forum continues at 10:30 a.m. today in Boswell Auditorium with an interpretation of Thomas J efferson by Jenkinson, who has previously interpreted Jefferson for President Bill Clinton. The day's theme is "The Historical Human Quest for Freedom and Justice," and includes two panel discussions in the Bonner Room, one at 1 p.m. and one at 7 p.m. Panelists include Norm Gissel as abolitionist William Wilburforce, Robert Bennett as Sir T ho mas Moore, Nils Rosdahl as Joseph Pulitzer and Harvey Richman as Mohandas Gandhi.
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MATT HELM/Coeur d'Alene Press
Dr. Clay Jenkinson plays Thomas Jefferson at NIC's Tuesday edition of the Popcorn Forum, "The Historical Human Quest for Freedom & Justice." Other speakers played personalities ranging from the American journalist Joseph Pulitzer to 19th Century British feminist and social reformer Josephine Butler.
PopCorn Forum: Jefferson shares thoughts on freedom By JOE BUTLER Staff w riter COEUR d'ALENE - Thomas Jefferson championed freedom fo r all, but he kept slaves. The man who drafted the Declaration of lndependence, which asserted America's freedom from Great Britain, proposect~'that all American lndian tribes move west. The contradictions in Jefferson's personality and political beliefs were brought forward Tuesday during the second day of the North Idaho College's Popcorn Forum. More than 1,100 people crowded into Schuler Auditorium to watch scholar Clay Jenkinson step in to Jefferson's personae as easily as he dons the buckled shoes, vest and bow tie worn for the presentation. Jenkinson called a "presidential news conference" to answer questions through Jefferson from his time period or from the contemporary era. The first question drew the most la ughter, but demonstrated Jefferson's desire for equality and the differences between himself and his peers.
A student posed the question, "If this is a Popcorn Forum, why is there no popcorn?" "If Alexander Hammon were here. he'd have you jailed for sedition," Jefferson said, going on to say the crowd had the right to rush organizer Tony Stewart and demand popcorn then and there, or wait until later and politely request the snack. When a student asked him the difference between today's Constitution and the original, he was surprised the document is still being used. "I think it should be torn up at least eve~y 19 years and rewritten," he said. "You've made it into a living document, and it's not an Ark of the CovenanL'' Along the same vein, America's Founding Fathers shouldn't be glorified. . "There was no Golden Age of Virtue, and we were men like other men," Jenkinson said. "It was more an Age of Human Beings. "By aggrandizing us, you disable your own society."
One out of every five people, given enough time and exposure to philosophy, could draft an equal o~ better Constitution than James Madison, he said. Questions ranged from his thoughts on hemp (he grew it but would never smoke it) to President Bill Clinton ("any man who publicly admits he has wanted to be president since 16 should be denied that office.") In keeping with the week's theme of "The Quest for the Good Life," Jenkinson rattled off Jefferson's own tips for ways to build discipline: re~d, play music. learn languages, exercise and avoid intoxicants. "You can change your world
through knowledge because knowledge is power," he said. "Every one of us can rise to the top of the cultural elite.¡â&#x20AC;˘ Thirteen other figures from history shared their thoughts on seeking freedom and justice in their own lives and the world around them. Along with commonly-known figures such as Martin Luther King and Mohandas Gandhi, Josephine Butler, played by Mona Klinger, took the stage as an upper-class Englishwoman who shocked Victorian society by championing the conditions of women prostitutes. In the process, she pushed for reforms io her country's social structure. Linda Erickso n por trayed Boadicea, an Irish warrior who was involved in keeping the Romans out of Ireland. 111e Popcorn Forum continues at 10 a.m. today with a keynote address by Bill Wassmuth, a fo rmer Coeur d'Alene priest who founde d the Northwest Coalition Agai nst Malicious Harassment after his home was bombed. Wassmuth and six other panelists will discuss "The Historical Human Quest for Equality." Wassmuth's morning address is in Schuler Auditorium. At 1 p.m. in the Student Union Building, there will be a panel presentation which includes Pat Johnson as Rosa Parks, Denise Clark as Mother Jones an d Mike Bundy as William Lloyd Garrison.
Thursday, April 10, 1997
The Spokesman-Review
Spokane. Wash/Coeur d'Alene. Idaho
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As millennium nears, fear likely to increase
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COEUR d'ALENE- Threats to human rights are likely to increase as the millennium approaches. a Northwest civil rights leader told an audience of about 200 on Wednesdav. Bill Wassmuth, executive director of the Northwest Coalition Against Malicious Harassment, said the coming of the year 2000 sparks panic, fear and confusion in some people. Combining that with the everwidening gap between the rich and the poor can create a potentially explosive cocktail. "It's the basis of revolution. the basis for societal unrest." Wassmuth said. Wm,smuth, a guest speaker at Nonh Idaho College's annual Pop-
The former North Idaho resi-
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com Forum, told the crowd that extremist groups have seized on similar fears and dissatisfaction with government to spawn the Christian Patriot and militia movements. Groups like the MiJitia of Montana and Hayden Lake's Aryan Nations have gained strength in recent years by cloaking hate in more palatable anti-government rhetoric. "They manage to continue their racism without saying they bate anybody,·· Wassmuth. The best way to fight back, Wassmuth sai~ is to combat fear and prejudice' by ''building bridges. building coalitions and expanding outside our own comfort zones."
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Expect more human rights abuses, Bill Wassmuth predicts By Craig Welch
Staff writer
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April 10, 1997
Human rights groups face uphill battle waasmuth speaks at annual MC 1or1111 By LINN PARISH
Staff writer COEUR d' ALENE - Millennium hysteria stands to cause an uphill battle for human rights advocates as the year 2000 nears, according to activist and former Coeur d'Alene priest Bill Wassmuth. Apocalyptic views of the turn of the millennium by
extremist groups will cause more events like the mass suicide in California and hamper advancement of equality movements, Wassmuth said during the third day of the North Idaho College Popcorn Forum. "Worldwide and locally, we11 have a tough time for a couple of years," he said. "It becomes easy to sacrifice principles and h uman rights ii we
have a short time anyway." As the millennium approaches, people wiU hopefully see the year 2000 as the beginning of a new era instead of some sor t of end, he added. For now, human rights effor ts have taken great strides but are far from achieving the end goal. "Today, it's more than a dream but less than reality," Wassmuth said.
POPCORN continued on A3
continued from A1
Much of the work on the human rights front needs to be conducted domestically. While racist groups are not as strong as in the past, the more s ubtly racist Christian Patriot groups have grown stronger in recent years. He said much of the racism in these groups is cloaked by rhetoric about constitutional rights. . · '1bey've managed"'te·t ontinue their racism without standing up and saying, 'I'm against people of color,' for example," Wassm~th said. These groups now appeal to a broader group of people because of widespread discontent with the federal government
Human rights activists have their own criticisms of the federal government. saying more needs to be done on the national front According to Wassmuth, the .United States ranks 19th internationally in human rights development - trailing many European countries, Canada and Costa Rica. One of the largest black marks internationally against the United States is the law allowing capital punishment "I don't know how you can teach people respect for life when you a re killing people ," Wassmuth said. Another black mark is the federal government's reluctance to sign on with the United Nation's Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which provides international laws that were approved by the U .N.
General Assembly in 1948. '1be U.S. never wants to sign anything that gives the impression that anything bigger than us has authority over us," Wassmuth said . While the government has room to improve in the human rights realm, strides toward equality need to start at the individual level. "Justice will not come until those who are not hurt are just as indignant as those who are hurt," Wassmuth said. Wassmuth is the executive director of the Nor thwest Coalition Against Malicious Harassment. He oversees the coalition's work against bigotry in six western states. He entered the public spotlight in 1986 when he became the target of a bomb attack in Coeur
d'Alene because of his leadership in human rights groups. The coalition, in conjunction with the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations, is sponsoring a regional leadership
gathering. The program will be 7-9:30 p.m. Saturday at the Coeur d'Alene Inn Conference Center. In the meantime, the Popcorn Forum gears up again at 9 a.m.
this morning with keynote speakers Dr. T. Hensley Williams J D and Dr. Diane Medved Ph speaking on The Hi~to ric~i Ques t for Econom ic
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Popcorn Forum ends today with meaning of life COEUR d' ALENE - Today's final session of North Idaho College's Popcorn Forum is less tangible than earlier topics like economic security or family developmenL The theme for today focuses on spiritual matters and the search for meaning in life. The keynote message, at 11 a.m. in Schuler Auditorium, will be a dramatic interpretation of Henry Brooks Adams, performed by George Frein, a scholar with degrees in philosophy, history and divinity. Adams was an American historian who published several works, including a nine-volume history of the U.S. Following his wife's suicide, his writings turned more spiritual in nature. Frein will interpret Adams at a 7 p.m. panel in the Edminster Student Union Building. The panel will include NIC staff and community members presenting information about other historical figures who searched for a higher meaning to life Rev. Dick Hermstad will interpret Martin Luther, the Protestant reform leader, and Pat Lippert will appear as St. Ignatius of Loyola. Other panelist include Judith Brower as SL Benedict of Nursia, and John Jensen as Josep~ Campbell.
Linda Erickson plays the part of Boadicea, an ancient British Queen, during the Popcorn Forum panel discussion Tuesday night in the Bonner Room at North Idaho College.
Rights ti-confab fslated llllldreds expected for Leadership Gathering By JEFF SELLE
Staff writer
COEUR d' ALENE Hundreds of human rights advocates are expected to attended the "Leader ship Gathering" at the Coeur d'Alene Inn a nd Conference
Coalition celebrates 10th anniversary/A7 Center Saturday night. Some Aryan activi sts are expected to show as well. The "message of the week" on a local Aryan hot lin e is e ncouraging all activists to show up and make their voices heard. "I believe that's probably a lot of hot air," said Bill Wassmuth, director of the Northwes t Coalition Against Malicious Harassment. "Every time we hold a public meeti ng, they make similar noise and inost of the time nobody shows up." Neverth e less, Wassmu th said police were made aware of the meeting, and he assures the confer e nce will be safe for those who attend. ~ The Leadership Gathering, sponsored by the Northwest Coalition and th e Kootenai ' County Task Force on Human Relations, is the first of it's kind. It is the next step to a new ~level of human rights awareness in our com munities, Wassmuth explained Thursday. ~ "It is more than a feel-good ~conference on human rights," he said. "This meeting will be an action-oriented way for people to get involved."
THE COEUR d' ALENE PRESS Friday, April 11, 1997 A 7
RIGHTS continued from A1 Community leaders from all over the Pacific Nor thwest, and especially North Idaho, wilt present and update the newest movements and programs dealing with human rights awareness in our communities, Wassmuth said. "'We will be providing the informat ion people need to take·a· stand," he added. North Idaho's nationaJ image problem has been the ,focu s of recent discussion among local business communities. And while many local business leaders are involved with this gathering, Wassmuth said it was not solely designed to combat the negative image. '1'hat certainly was a factor," he said. ·But we are not doing this in
response to the image problem." He said the coalition and the locaJ task force were planning a public gathering to correspond with the coalition's 10th anniversary celebration before the issue even arose. "We hope this gathering will reenergize and reconnect pevple to human rights in our communities." The gathering begins with a social hour on Saturday at 6 p.m. in the Coeur d'Alene Inn and Conference Center on Appleway. Starting at 7:30 p.m. speakers will address ·What's the problem?" After that. a panel of local leaders will outline ·What's being done; what more can be done; and a discussion wil1 focus on "Possible directions for action" at 9:15 p.m. The public is encouraged to attend the free gathering. "We have made accommodations for 250 people," Wassmuth said. "We hope we are overcrowded. We do have the ability to expand for that"
Coalition celebrates lOyears FlghUng racism, bigotry COEUR d' ALENE - Ten years ago, a group of people fed up with racial intolerance and violence in the area joined together to make a difference. Since 1987, the Northwest Coalition Against Malicious Harassment has continued a struggle against racism, bigotry and general human rights violations. The organization Wassmuth celebrates 10 years today at a special assembly at North Idaho College, just a block away from City Park, where the original charter was signed. Coalition director Bill Wassmuth said the celebration is at 10 a.m. in NIC's Schuler Auditorium. It will contain a recognition of past and present board members, plus offer a preview of upcoming projects to increase public awareness. Wassmuth said today's celebration isn't as important to human rights as an "image summit" Saturday at the Coeur d'Alene Inn. The coalition and the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations will meet with Jobs Plus, Concerned Business of North Idaho and other community leaders.
North Idaho
THE COEUR d'ALENE PRESS Saturday, April 12, 1997 A3
Forum leaves questions unanswered NIC's 27th annual event comes to end By JOE BUTLER Staff writer
MATI HELM/Coeur d'Alene Press
Jeannette Pai-Espinosa, president of the Northwest Coalition Against Malicious Harassment, cuts a piece of cake as, from left, school superintendent Doug Cresswell, NIC trustee Jeanne Givens and Coalition Director Bill Wassmuth wait for their turn during a tenth birthday party Friday for the Coalition at NIC.
COEUR d ' ALENE - A week of searching for solutions to life's mysteries ended in more puzzles. The 27th annual Popcorn Forum at North Idaho College ended Friday with d iscussions of the areas where mankind has searched for answers. FORUM continued on A6
life" was one of the themes of the weeklong symposium, which had dramatic interpretations of more than 50 historical figures. continued from A3 Perennial organizer Tony Stewart said more "Our human quest is driven by questions, not than 4,000 people attended the six keynote speech: answers " said George Frein, a historian, philoso- es and eight panels. '1be response was very positive," Stewart said. pher and theologian who stepped briefly into the "It was most pleasing to hear people from on- and role of Henry Brooks Adams, an American historian who began a spiritual journey after his wife's sui- off-campus say they learned something." Though the crowds were smaller than last year's • cide in 1885. record 7,300, there were extra panels last year. He Collectively. Frein and Adams took about 400 was especially encouraged to see more than 600 people on a journey through time to vie_w h~"". dif. ferent civilizations have expressed their spmtual high school students attend various s~hes. The Popcorn committee members will meet m nature or searched for answers. "Questions produced by nature produced the about two weeks to evaluate this year's event and Babylonian, Greek and-eerly Hebrew views ~nd begin planning the 1998 forum. Stewart said the more than 25 people on the texts and questions about love, guilt and salvation Popcj>rn committee were responsible for a smooth, prod~ced the European cathedrals," Frein said. Asking questions and searching for "the good well-coordinated event.
"We have a wonderful team, year after year," he said. An addition this year was the 15-minute musical ·
interlude before each keynote speaker. Another extra was the use of visual aids by some speakers to supplement their presentations. Anne Solomon's interpretation of Jane Goodall was accompanied by Goodall's trademark straw hat and someone dressed in a chimp suit. Linda Erickson's interpretation of Irish queen Boadicea included a large spear. Frein used slides of French Gothic cathedrals to accompany Adams' narrations. Adams described how medieval builders erected more than 80 cathedrals and 400 churches in 100 years, mainly to show their love of God, Mary and s;uvation. For instance, stained glass windows in the cathedral of Our lady of Chartres, in Chartres, France, were built ·'not to p!t:ase us, but to please Mary." The cathedrals were not designed to be gloomy,
dreary places, but to be full of light and color, and reach to the heavens. Adams' journals, however, end on sobering notes as he observed his world in relation to the optimism of the early Middle Ages. "We left the Virgin looking down upon a dry, empty church ," he said. "What purpose had she existed if the world is a more bloody place?" Frein presented a view of growing evil contrasted by an equal affirmation of belief during the Holocaust "Evil in the 20th century is not merely the absence of good, but an actual presence," he said. Frein said mankind has asked new questions since the Middle Ages and tried to view things with human logic instead of searching for a divine purpose - a quest that still continues. "It remains to be seen what will be our response to the questions we ask," he said.
Weather/ A2 Vol. 90 No.255 ...
4 sections
By JOE BUTI.ER Staff writer COl!UR trN.,, _ 1be Northwest Coalition Against MaUdoua Haraament began its aecond decade Fridlr by recoph>, iDg i t s ~ t h e 1aatl0)'elft,
Founder and aÂŤc11dY.e director Bill Wlltl8lllllth used' the lOlb amliwnar1 cele! bration at North Idaho CoBeae 1D lay out the coalitioo'a plamfortbeilture. WlllalllUth
Highs: 60s Lows: 20s 50 cents
continued from A 1
There will be a social hour at 6 p.m., fo llowed by a "What's the problem?" panel at 7:30 p.m., and another panel on "What's being done/what can be done?" The summit will wrap up with a "Possible directions for action" panel at 9:15 p.m. The summit is free. At Friday morning's celebration, Wassmuth and Jeanette Pai-Espinosa, president of the coalition's board of directors, recognized how the coalition is continuing to grow and slowly expanding east into the Rocky Mountain area. Coalition members from Wyoming and Colorado attended the event, which included speeches, cake and punch. " It feels like home here," Wassmuth said . He was the priest at St. Pius X Catholic church in Coeur d'Alene when his home was bombed. The coalition's charter was drawn up in City Park in 1987. He announced this year's . activities for the coalition , including its annual conference in Colorado Springs, Colo., plus a Youth Leadership Training program in Wyoming. It is working with Gonzaga University to set up a National Hate Crimes Institute in Spokane. The most significant upcoming coalition effort is "Let's Fight the Fear Together," a public awareness program expected to debut in May. . Wassmuth finalize~ his short address by saying ra~ally-based hate crimes have dropped for the second year in a row. Members of the Kootenai
County Task Force on Human Relations were recognized for their support of human rights activities, s uch as an annual Martin Luther King Day assembly. Current task force president Doug Cresswell was one of the dignitaries selected to cut the 10th anniversary cake. Severa.I of the coalition's 17 founding members attended Friday's anniversary celebration, some traveling from other states. One was Rosalyn Borg, who was the area director for the American Jewish Committee in Portland, Ore., in 1987 when John Hughes asked her if she would like to help set up a coalition to prevent harassment Borg now holds the same position in St Louis. She said 10 interested people from the Northwest first met in the lounge of the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. They identified the five ethnic groups which have been most discriminated against and decided to fight for tolerance of those groups. Seven more people joined before the official papers were drawn up a few months later. "It is hard to explain how it affected our lives," Borg said. It was -exciting, but scary, but we knew we were doing the right thing." She credits Wassmuth for sup plying the energy to bond everyone together, and commends him for continuing to give his spirit to the organization. "lt would be nice if we would be able to say 'we're done,' but we can't," Borg said. "If it hadn't been for the coalition, things would have been a lot worse."
Aryans protest
CdAsummit1 . against racism \
Richard Butler arrested, cited for trespassing By Craig Welch Staff writer
Even as North Idaho's most prominent citizens gathered Saturday night to combat racism, the region's most prominent racist was being arrested. Business and community leaders had hoped their leadership forum would help throw the region's antiracism movement back into the spotlight. The event, attended by more than 350 people, was a celebration of North Idaho's civil rights record, and a rallying cry to reinvigorate the fight against hate. Outside the convention rooms of the Coeur cl.Alene Inn was a reminder of just how much work remains. Richard Butler, pastor of the Aryan Nations church in Hayden Lake, and eight other protesters tried to hand out white-separatist literature to people arriving at the hotel. One woman. who asked the Aryans for a flier, explained as she walked away, " I just wanted to c;ee what kind of garbage it was." The Aryans left the hotel parking lot. which is pr1va1e property,¡ after a contingent of seven Coeur d'Alene police officers told them they weren't welcome. They returned minutes later to the public sidewalk. "I don't think (Duane) Hagadone owns the sidewalk and we're going to stay here as Jong as we can," Butler said. When Butler stepped off the sidewalk into the parking lot to hand out a brochure, he was handcuffed and taken to Kootenai County Jail and cited for trespassing. Butler later posted $150 bail and was released. All week, callers to an Aryan phone hotline heard a strident attack of the gathering and its organizers. One of the targets of the attack was tourism magnate Sf d frpf lt,\ '?i-1, Continued: Summit/B1 2
'f - t.1- 9
Page B12
Sunday. April 13, 1997
Potter hoped the gathering would ··jump start" a faltering campaign that 10 years ago led Coeur d'Alene to win a national award for race relations. "When you look at our history, there was a massive effort here," Potter said. " I think we need to get that going again." /\ spokesman for Gov. Phil Batt told the audience that the U.S. Militia Association drew media attention from across the country to southern Idaho. But when its leader, Sam Sherwood, disbanded the group, few took noLice. "S;lmuel Sherwood couldn't make a ~ent living in Idaho preaching nd bigotry," spokesman Frank . ood said. '"Bigots and extremis ~ · will not find a welcome mat in
Summit: Bigots not welcome Continued from B1
Hagadone, who had called for an "image summit" to address the perception that North ldaho is a haven for racists. Saturday's gathering included tes~ials from minority speakers, ~ess leaders, politicians and citi~~tivists. ,~nsored by the Northwest Coaliticlit Against Malicious Harassment and the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations, it was designed to raise awareness of the problems
posed by groups that promote bigotry._-. But it also was a call to action. "I hope it gets individuals energized to move in a lot of directions, to get ~w support and new participatMi"i for human rights," said Bill v7<_lssmuth, executive director of the coalition. .&lb Potter, director of the county's business recruitment program Jobs Plus. told the audience about his <;talled negotiations with a Japanese company interested in locating a 60-employee manufacturing plant here. The owners said they feared for the safety of their Japanese employ. ees. " It bothers me that I might not even get the chance to counter that perception,·· Potter said. Potter said that while he knows of no minority employees of the 50 businesses he's helped bring here who've had bad experit;nces, North Idaho can't "sweep its problem under the rug."' · "That strategy won't work," he said, earning applause.
l.ockwood said the governor urged the region to make Medal of Honor winher Vernon Baker and Olympic deCMblon champion Dan O'Brien "synonymous with North Idaho." Specifically, the business community is considering a media awareness campaign of the region's civil rights record and of on-going efforts to fight extremist groups. Spokane ' Mayor Jack Geraghty spoke about a community-wide congress to focus on race relations, now scheduled for May 20. He also urged people to form neighborhood groups to talk about race·relations. ·'We've got some really great things, some really positive things, here in North 1daho and Spokane," said Potter. "To think that a few people can muck that up ... that's really tragic."
by Shannon Harwood Sentinel Reporter It is not often that the campus has the opportunity to welcome such renowned individuals as Joseph Campbell, Martin Luther King Jr. and Reinhold Niebuhr, especiaJJy in the fonn of faculty members. During this year's Popcorn Forum, these and many other famous men and women can be found in place of community members, staff and visiting scholars. The theme for the 27th·annual symposium is "Journey Through Time: The Historical Human Quest for the Good Life." The main presenters are D ~ ~ . returning as Thomas Jefferson and as John Wesley Powell, Dr. George Frein as American historian Henry Brooks Adams. Also appearing are author and clinical physiologist Dr. Diane Medved, Ph.D. the executive director of the Northwest Coalition Against Malicious Harassment, Bill Wassmuth and Dr. T. Hensley Williams, J.D., employee and labor relations professional. This cast also includes John Jensen, residence hall adviser, Felix McGowan, student services, and Jim Minkler, instructor. Jensen is pon.raying American mythologist Joseph Campbell in the 7 p.m. panel discussion on Friday, April 11 in the Bonner Room of the SUB or Boswell Hall Auditorium. Jensen said that he chose to portray Campbell because he has always been interested in Campbell's theories on religion and myths. Jensen said he felt be has been preparing for this part for 10 years. His study of Campbell began in high school and he pursued this interest throughout college. Jensen fun.hered his research by reading a biography on Campbell and a few of the books he wrote on his studies. Jensen also viewed a series of videos interviewing Campbell. "My conversations with Jim Headley (athletic director) were a big help also. He is somewhat of a Campbell aficionado," Jensen said. Campbell is most well-known for his
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Forum fantastic- Clay Jenkinson, Ph.D., receives rave reviews at last year's Popcorn Forum with his portrayal of Thomas Jefferson. Jenkinson adds John Wesley Powell to this year's repertoire. work in mythology, but Jensen referred to him as an Renaissance man. He excelled as a track star at Columbia Univer:.1ty and played lhe saxophone and banjo. Campbell also learned 10 read in several different languages because he became bored wilh English. His srudy of mythology began after seeing a Billy theOCid Cowboy Show. He became fascinated with Indian folklore and expanded his research to include hundreds of cultures across the world.
Jensen said he feels that portraying Campbell may be more difficult than someone who died 100 years ago because more is wrinen of Campbell 's personal life than someone who lived centuries ago. Civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr. will be played by McGowan. He said he was asked to choose a person that was fovolved with the historical human quest for freedom and justice. "I chose King because I have an interest in anyone who turns society," McGowan said.
During his research, McGowan found that the internet was helpful. Reading a biography and viewing TV programs aided his study. but he concentrated mostJy on King's writing~. "It's who he was and what he was all about," McGowan said. McGowan's panel will also feature Thomas Jefferson. Norm Gissel as William Wilburforce, Nils Rosdahl as Joseph Putlizer. C. Robert Bennett as Sir Thomas More, Mona Klinger as Josephine ButJer and Jeanne Batson as Christabel Pankhurst. It is Tuesday, April 8, at I p.m. in the Bonner Room of the SUB or Boswell Hall Auditorium. Minkler will portray American theologian and religious leader Reinhold Niebuhr. "Niebuhr was lauded as being the greatest theologian of the 20th century," Minkler said, "but he was also a contemporary ethicist and political activist.'' He had his first congregation at 23 years old in a Detroit Protestant church, attended Yale Divinity School and taught at the Union Theological Seminary. Niebuhr also served under many presidents as an ambassador abroad. Minkler said Niebuhr criticized Christians who were pacifists. He claimed they needed to be activists and if that involved picking up arms and going to war, then that is what they should do. Niebuhr was a big supporter of the United States during WWJ°and
wwn. Minkler chose Niebuhr because of his views. "His open mindedness has made him a favorite of mine for many years," Minkler said, "I wanted to share my joy and experience learning about him with others." Minkler's panel will perfonn Friday, April 11, at 7 p.m. in either the Bonner Room of the SUB or Boswell Hall Auditorium. The Popcorn Forum runs April 7-1 1.
Speakers Frein conveys ancient, modern religions on tape, TV by Sue Jurgens Arts and Entertainmelll Editor The 27th annual Popcorn Forum was anended by more than 4,000 people. If you happened to miss any of the six keynote speakers or eight response panels, do not despair. The video department taped all speeches and panels, and.â&#x20AC;˘they -..,.. are now available at the NIC library for two hour check-outs. Ask at the desk for this year's selection. This s ummer they will join previous year's selections on the shelves of the video section. Tony Stewart, symposium organizer, also taped eight shows for the NIC Public Forum, which airs Saturdays on KUID, Moscow, and Sundays on KSPS, Spokane. For the Public Forum , Stewart interviewed the six keynote speakers and two sets of three response-panel members. Look for these shows Saturdays, July 5Aug. 23, and Sundays June 29-Aug. 17. A big thanks to Stewart and all the teachers, staff, students and community members who made the Forum enjoyable and entertaining.
by Rosie Vogel Sentinel Editor Standing in front of a blue translucent backdrop, Dr. George Frein crunched 5,000 years of Western religious history into a one-hour presentation. Portraying Henry Brook Adams, Frein spoke to eager listeners in Boswe ll Auditorium on April 11. Adams ( 1838J918) was a descendant of presidents John Adams and John Quincy Adams, but he relinqui shed politi cs and became an American historian. He taught at Harvard and edited the North American Review. Frein divided the last 5,000 years into three major eras of religious experience, starting th~ day's Historical Human Quest for Spiritua,lity and Religious/ Philosophical Meaning of Life. The ancient world, Frein said, was a world of society, business and, especially, religion. ln the time of myths, nature played a significant role; the Greek and Roman gods were gods of thunder, love, war and seas. "Religion does not rise out of some alien source," Frein said. " Religion is a part of nature."
The people of the ancient world "built as a house for Mary-as a girl builds a portrayed their beliefs through rituals and doll house." ceremonials. Frein then moved to the modem world, " Rituals are representations of c haracterized by struggle s of doubt. re ligious expe rience,'' Frein People doubted their beliefs. said. surrounded by a world marked The next era, the with multiplicity, confusion and medieval wo rld, was chaos. It was in this era that marked by the .- -:===r=i==;=,-,-::;:=:::;:::::;::=;:.Martin Luther broke from the magnificent cathedrals Catholic Church, starting the of the wor ld, Frein Lutheran religion. said. It was for this It was in this era that part of the mode rn wars broke out, presentation that and Hitler descended upon Frein donned the Germany with the character of Adams, Holocaust. But, Frein said, telling the stories of - -- - - - - - times of persecution and Mont Saint Michel ==.::=misunderstanding God and Chartres should bring people closer cathedrals with a slide to their beliefs. show. "To love God," Frein said, Mont Saint Michel, an "is to accept that you do not 11th century church, was understand him." built as a Benedictine He said it is through monastery in France. The soft, questioning that people c ome to towering arches of Chartres, Adams realize their beliefs. said, were constructed with a delicate and Frein said, "The human quest for the feminine charm for the mother of Jesus, spirit is driven by questions, not answers."
ent1ne Thurs~a_y._ April 24.,. 1997
The Student Newspaper of North Idaho Colle.9e
Shaping the past- Historian Clay Jenkins delivers a detailed presentation on the morals, ideals and political philosophies of Thomas Jefferson and other notorious political figures of the 1700s at the Popcorn Forum. Jenkins allowed for audience questions and responded to past and present-day concerns. See Popcorn Forum, Page 13
Popcorn Forum appreciated inding enlightenment about the human race is not a clear and easy task. lt takes experience, time, exposure to the world and aU its truths and much more to grasp who we are; this understanding can often be ¡ -. â&#x20AC;˘. reached through the tribulations and understandings that humanity has experienced. Many individuals seek to reach this enlightenment by travel, reading and through attending school and pursuing a higher education. However, experiencing moments from cbe pasr by artending the Popcorn Forum may be an event that will surface inspiration. Organized by politic~! science instructor Tony Stewan, the production works to highlight some of history's most inspirational figures who have truly made an outstanding and lasting effect on the world. Thomas Jefferson, John Wesley Powell, Sojourner Truth and Confucius have all been figures in this collection. Students, staff and professionals step into the lives of their characters with costume and theater, delivering a rich essence of what that person believed in. The Popcorn Forum is a reminder that valued aspects about NIC's learning environment need to be commended. The Popcorn Forum is a strong example of students and staff collaborating for a highly intensive and unique
learning experience for aU spectators and participants. To celebrate the intellectual triumphs and revolutions of the human soul should always be remembered. It reiterates our own possibilities and visions. (And with some characters it shows us how easy we have it nowadays.) These historical philosophers, political leaders, activists and inspirational men and women can remind people today of the bright illumination that resides in the human spirit. It is exciting to see this celeb1ation of history being so well-received by many instructors. English, history, humanities and other classes have incorporated the Popcorn Forum into the course itinerary, thus allowing an organized time for attendance by students who might otherwise miss the forum. By the instructors acknowledging this production as pan of class,¡it shows their support for this valuable historical presentation and acknowledges the hard work involved. Participants and collaborators of the Popcorn Forum should be commended for bringing such a spiritually and intellectually vibrant production to the campus. The opportunity to see students and faculty bring their memorable characters to present day will be a glimpse back into time and a glimpse into the stirring possibilities of individuals today.
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Far left: George Frein, Ph.D., as Henry Brook Adams, takes audience on pictorial tour of French cathedrals.
~_timeless Hfqhlfqhts
Top right: Linda Erickson portrays the ancient British Queen Boadicea. Thursday, April 24, 1997
Left: Bob Murray portrays David Douglas. Scotish botanist who cataloged plants from the Northwest, with his dog, Billy.
Bottom Right: Scott Reed as activist Girolamo Savonarola exchanges ideas with Marian Wright Edelman (Dawn Atwater-Haight) and Mohandas Gandhi (Harvey Richman).
Photos by Noppadol Paothong
Conservationist explores canyons, rivers, dam sites by Summer Lindenberg
Sentinel Reporter History splashed into the future with the portrayal of John Wesley Powell, American explorer, by Clay Jenkmson. Ph.D. The Popcorn Forum op_ened April 7 with vivid descriptionsof Powell's wild explorations of the Colorado River Canyon. Despite losing one ann in the Civil War, the Colorado Ri ver Canyon was but one of Powell 's great adventures. He took on many other natural barriers, such as the Green River and the Rocky Mountains. In this presentation. 1hough. Powell focused on his 1rials and rribula1ions in the Colorado River Canyon. which included death, hunger and
extreme danger. Powell, accompanied by 11 other men , was financed by the Smithsonian Institution to explore the Colorado River Canyon in
1869. He and his men set out o n the ri ver in wooden boats carrying food, a jug o f whiskey-which was hidden on a boat--and scientific tool s to measure the
canyon depth and for navigation. Halfway through the trip, one of their scouts had overlooked some oncoming rapids, which were too large for the small wooden boats. The lead boat went crashing down the roaring rapids with no warning and crumbled like crackers against the steep canyon wall. The three passengers bailed out just in time and somehow stayed above water until they could be pulled into the surviving boats. Some of the men went to salvage material from the wreckage, but they came back after findmg only the jug of whiskey. Whiskey had been forbidden on the trip, but Powell let the men drink into a drunken stupor, hoping that they would relax after their harrowing experience. Powell and his men reached the end of the Colorado River Canyon and went on to
explore the Green River. Later in his life, Powell became a water activist, lecturing about the amount of water that could actually be used in the world. Powell strongly believed that if society mjsused the Earth's water, they soon would dry up all water sources. If all water was gone, lands would become barren, and people would die because of their own greed. According to Powell, this explains why Egypt went from a country with lush vegetation to a desert. Many people disagreed with Powell and kept overusing water sources. According to Powell, someday water will run out Jenkinson did an unbelievable job of po~aying Powell at the Popcorn Forum. I hope people will listen to Powell and honor our country's water supplies; maybe he made some sense.
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by Rosie Vogel I J. Sports Editor Societ y's a1temp1 10 au ain eq uality has been stirring for centuries. This year's Popcorn Forum featured a panel of zealots for equality, eager 10 share !heir views in lhe Bonner Room of lhe SUB, April 9. In the " Hi stori ca l Ques t fo r Equal ity," the audience was visited by two active advocates of women's suffrage: Abigail Duniway ( 1835- 1915) and Jeannette Rankin (1 880- f915). Ponrayed by Judy Whatley, Duniway established herself as an apostle of women's issues in Oregon and publicized her opinions on suffrage. She used her newspaper, the New Northwes t, as a fo rum to advocate women's suffrage and spoke in Idaho, Oregon and Washington for 25 years. Although attacked for her views. Duniway lived 10 see the Married Women 's Property Act passed, recognizing women as landowners and granting them the right 10 vo1e on schools. Then in 1896, Idaho approved women's suffrage. Duni way became the first registered woman voter in Oregon. Born in Montana Territory. Rankin, ponrayed by Registrar Karen Streeter, was concerned with the poverty of children and women: she became a social worker and advocated women's voting rights. She was elected 10 Congress before women had lhe right to vote. Rank in served 1wo term s in the Hou se of Representatives where she conti nued fi ghting for women's rights and he lped draft the women's suffrage amendment. Librarian Denise Clark spoke as Mary "Mother" Jones ( 1843- 1930) to audience members as if they were a group of coal miners ready 10 strike. Her performance left the audience speechless. Jones told the miners she knew how they starved, how they lived in unsani tary shacks. how they thanked God each time they emerged from the mines alive. She told them how the Rockefe llers 1rea1ed their lapdogs be11er than they treated their miners, how she
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his accomplishments as an educator. Chief Garry knew the languages of the Nonhwest Indians and traders and treated them all as equals. He desired equality and honor among the peoples and nature. "We from the Spirit World,'' Garry said in closing, "ask you to respect each other and the land." A notable figure of civil rights in America, Rosa Parks, was portrayed by Pat Johnson. Born in 1913, Parks was active in her community and a member of the NAACP. She is most famous for an incidenl during the time of segregation when she was jailed for refusing to give her bus seat to a white man. Parks said she was surprised at her role in the civil rights movement, but still questioned equality in America. 'Tm considered the mother of the modem civiJ rights movement, but T'm not sure it's true," she said. ''But I'm wondering... why it is we still have unequal opportunities in this country?" The onJy male to speak on the panel, William LJoyd Garrison (1805-1879), was portrayed by Mike Bundy. history instructor. Garrison started the Liberator. a leading anti-slavery newspaper in the 1820s. He had few friends and demanded freedom and equality for slaves. But he did not only speak out for slaves, he spoke out for women. He criticized Abraham Lincoln's view on slavery as too moderate, and in 1854 he publicly burned a photo by Ed Francis copy of the Constitution. He termed it "an agreement Robber Barons beware- Mother Jones, portrayed by librarian with hell" for endorsing slavery. Denise Clark, speaks to miners about standing together against Bill Wassmuth, d iiector of the Northwest their exploitation by mine owners. Coalition Agains t Mal icious Harassment, could see their stomachs touching their backbones. Jones commented on the panel's performance. "These people were thrust into being heroes and they urged them to join the worker's union. "We'll only go to glory together if we stand together," took the challenge," he said. "We have a long way to go she said. "Pray for the dead, boys, but fight like hell for and we still need heroes; we can all be heroes." Though each panel member had an individual flare and the living." Nellie Garry ( 1800s), daughter of Chief Spokane Garry, presentation style, they shared one ideal: equality. The was acted by her actual ancestor, Jeanne Givens, a board struggle for equality did not start with them, nor did it end of trustees member. Garry spoke mostly of her father and with them; the endeavor still continues.
Optomism, religions meet philosophy, pessimism that day. He could have escaped. but dido 't because by Ken Harrison he accepted the laws of Athens. Sentinel Reporter "The Historical Human Quest for Spirituality Philosophy instructor Pat Lippert portrayed and Religious, Philosophical Meaning to Life" Thomas Menon, painter turned monk. Menon stated was the response panel April I I. one of his great reliefs in Life was ro discover that he could discover God by not talking. He said he started Sister Judith Brower, NIC math instruclOr, portrayed St. Benedict of Nursia (CA480-547 life as a Christian and "'.as baptized. but ignored it. CA), an Italian monk. Benedictines based their Merton said the good life for him was lives on rules written by St. Benedict. He said the contemplation. He declared contemplation is the only source of this information can be found in his perfection of our nature. It is beyond baptism and our book "The Rule of St. Benedict." He said he faith. He maintained faith is best oriented in wondered for years before learning about value fulfillment. The perfection we desire is given only 10 and virtue. Benedict's rules w~.1,piritual and us by God and comes from us knowing we have personal. God. lt is a gift. he said, and if you love anything for Jeff Jeske, NTC graduate and current law its own sake you don't love God. Menon suffered an student , recreated Jonathan Edwards ( I 703accidental death when he stepped out of bed and into l 758AD). He started out as a man speaking a puddle of water in which the cord from an electrical normally, but then lOOk on the tone of a man lay. consumed with or by God and instantly consumed The Rev . Mike Grabenstein portrayed Martin photo by Kibbee Walton his audience. Luther, a German Protestant reformation leader and Hallelujah- Jeff Jeske, NIC graduate, gives a spell-binding performance Edwards was vay well educated and graduated in the character of Johathan Edwards, an 18th century pastor. fou1_1der of the Lutheran church ( I483- I546AD). He from Yale. He became a pastor and entered the said he wouldn't ask us to srand. but he would accept ministry to assist his grandfather, Solomon contributions before he left. He said his struggle to Stoddard. After his grandfather died, Edwards became the sole ways of man. He said there should be no separation between find a spiritual center was a life-long process he had to search pastor at bis church and remained there until he could no church and state and power and wealth created social injustice. deep for. He declared scriptures as the word of God must have longer see eye to eye with his congregation. He worked as a Niebuhr was the author of the serenity prayer which reads: the first and final word in the church and in our lives. Why? missionary with American Indians and later wrote several "God, give us the grace to accept with serenity what cannot be Because it is the holy spirit book, he said. At the same time we books. Jeske's portrayal of Edwards literally put the fear of changed, give us the courage to change what should be are saint and sinner in the eyes of God. God into the audience. "Lord we beseech thee...Hallelujah!" changed and give us the wisdom to distinguish one from the George Frein, Ph.D., responded to the panel with Henry he proclaimed. other." Brooks Adams' opinions and interpretations of religion. He Reinhold Niebuhr ( 1892-197 1AD) was portrayed by Jim Socrates (470-399BC), was portrayed by philosophy said from Socrates he learned ignorance. One gazes mute Minkler, philosophy instructor. Western civilizations have instructor Tom Hint. Socrates stated that the god Apollo gave before the ocean of darkest ignorance that engulfs American studied and cultivated many forms of Niebuhr's philosophies him the good sense to know he didn't know what he didn't society. Adams said he is a pessimist of the authentic kind. regarding politics, society and history. He was influenced by know. Socrates said he was arrested, convicted and executed "I always expect the worst," he said, "and it 's always worse Marxism and the doctrine of the selfishness and sinfulness for preaching against the Gods and corrupting the youth of than I expected."
The North Idaho College Popcorn Forum and Convocation Series cordially invites you to the 27th Annual Symposium April 7-11, 1997 "[kurney Gflirough [lime: ghe <3fistorical <3fuman ~uesl ir the bood ÂŁi~ emission efialemenl:
The North Idaho College Popcorn Forum presents an annual symposium for the purpose of examining a broad range of questions, issues and problems. The Popcorn Forum provides both the college campus and the wider community a platform for the free expression of divergent viewpoints. The Forum also seeks to awaken in each of us our full potential as thinkers and doers.
The purpose of the North Idaho College 1997 Popcorn Forum and Convocation Series is to present in-depth insights into the human race's journey and quest for the good life. The week's symposium will feature six keynote speakers and 50 panel members portraying historical characters who have been instrumental in chartering this human quest for the good life. ¡ ¡¡"'fhe 1997 symposium features guest scholars/presenters and panelists projecting themselves into the minds and souls of historical characters and movements that have sought the good life for humanity through such goals as living in harmony with nature; securing freedom, justice and equality; obtaining economic security; promoting the family; and developing a spiritual, religious, and philosophical meaning to life. The audience should experience an exciting journey through time with the opportunity to engage in dramatic, lively and provocative conversations with great women and men in history. We hope the encounter with these historical characters and movements leaves you better equipped to understand and participate in this long journey of humankind for the good life. Join us, have fun and learn about this great journey.
Speech Time
Panel Time(s)
April 7
Dr. Clay Jenkinson
John Wesley Powell
9:00 a.m.
1 p.m. & 7 p.m.
April 8
Dr. Clay Jenkinson
Thomas Jefferson
10:30 a.m.
1 p.m. & 7 p.m.
April 9
Bill Wassmuth
10:00 a.m.
April1-0' April 10
Dr. T. Hensley Williams, JD. Dr. Diane Medved, Ph.D.
Himself Herself
9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m.
2:30 p.m. 1 p.m.
April 11
Dr. George Frein
Henry Brooks Adams
11:00 a.m.
Special thanks for major appropriations and grants from: ,. 110
The Associated Students of North Idaho College The North Idaho College Foundation, and The Idaho Humanities Council (National Endowment for the Humanities)