Popcorn Forum Scrapbook 1997-1999

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Spokane, Wash./ Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

Constibdion signing kicks off NIC forum North Idaho College will kick off its 1997 Popcorn Forum season with a commemorative signing of the U.S. Constitution. Local residents will portray historical characters for an in-depth discussion of the Constitution with area 8th- and 11th-grade students from 9:30 -10:30 a.m. and 1- 2 p.m. on Tuesday in the BoswelJ Hall auditorium. ¡ Coeur d'AJe'oe attorney Scott Reed will portray fourth U.S. President James Madison, while NIC anthropology instructor AJan Lamb will portray Benjamin Franklin. The two will discuss the formation of the Constitution with special emphasis on the 13th, 14th, 15th and 19th amendments, which deal with slavery, due process, women's rights and the right to vote. Eleanor Roosevelt, portrayed by Judy Whatley, and Rosa Parks,

pla~ed by Pat Johnson, will speak on the importance of the civil rights amendments. The one-hour presentations will end by allowing students in the audience to discuss future amendments they thinkshould be adopted. NI C's Popcorn Forum is in its 28th yea~ and is intended to provide the community with a free expression of divergent viewpoints regarding a broad range of questions, issues and problems. The next forum - a tribute to veterans - is scheduled for November ll.

WednesdaJ, September 24, 1997

Visit from the past

The Spokesman-Review Spokane. WashJCoeur d'Alene, Idaho

N A6 THE COEUR d' ALENE PRESS Wednesday, Sept. 24, 1997

BONNIE HUDLET/Coeur d'Alene Press

Rocio Zavala, 13, from Canfield Middle School, left, joins a reenactment of the signing of the Constitution during the Popcorn Forum at North Idaho College Tuesday morning. Standing behind Zavala is Tony Stewart, a political science teacher and director of the Popcorn Forum. NIC anthropology teacher Alan Lamb is dressed as Benjamin Franklin while a Coeur d'Alene attorney Scott Reed plays the role of James Madison.


Students join in celebration of 210th year of Constitution Popcorn Forum season kicks off By JOE BUTLER

Staff writer COEUR d'ALENE - It was 210 years ago. America's Founding Fathers had spent six month s in secrecy discussing issues vital to the survival of lhe coun try. The result was the Constitution, a document which still lives today. The signing was celebrated Tuesday at North Idaho College, where more than 1,500 students across the county watched a special program and shared their thoughts on possible future amendments. While commerce, currency, lawmaking powers and voting rights were vital to the Constitution's architects, issues like marijuana legalization, skateboarder's rights and giving children the right to vote came up during Tuesday morning's presentation. Thirty-nine eighth-grade students were selected to reenact the signing of the Constitution. Local 11th graders watched the performance later that day but didn't perform the signing. All students were treated to

historical interpretations of three key American figures. Coeur d'Alene attorney Scott Reed took on the guise of James Madison, America's fourth president and one of the proponents of the Constitution. "We had won a revolution and obtained liberty," Reed said. 'The Continental Congress went through a war together, but as peace came, most of it began to come apart" Reed described the turmoil of the country under the Articles of Confederation, and how Madison advocated greater centralized control. Alan Lamb, a NIC anthropology instructor, took on the persona of Benjamin Franklin, an inventor, writer and statesman, and the oldest delegate at the convention. "We didn't agree on all things, and when you have a diverse group of people, you have to watch what happens," he said. ''While I disagreed with some of the things brought up, the product was good." Lamb said Franklin protested giving a salary to elected officials. This drew applause from some of the students. The third panelist was Judy Whatley, who portrayed First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt While the two other panelists

described creating the framework for the Constitution, Whatley talked about how "We the People" gradually expanded to include more races and sexes. "Less than 40 percent of the people in this country were included in the original rights," she said. Though slaves have always been counted among total populations, they weren't given the right to vote until the 13th Amendment, 78 years after ratification. The 14th Amendment said states and the fede ral government alike can't deprive someone of their life, liberty or property without due process. The 15th Amendment guaranteed the right to vote to all males. Finally, in 1920, 133 years after the Constitution was signed, the 19th Amendment was approved, granting the right to vote to all women. "With the economic opportunity and political power, the voices of women wouldn't be heard," she said. "Wi thout that, I wouldn't have been able to make a difference." Tuesday's forum was the first event for NIC's 28th annual Popcorn Forum. It was also sponsored by Kids Voting Idaho.


A8 THE COEUR d'ALENE PRESS Friday, Sept. 26, 1997


hydroelec1ric power ....--A6 next week COEUR d•ALENE - North Idaho College will host a state hearing on hydroelectric power Monday. Representatives from local utilities plan to make presentations in front of the Consumer and Public Purposes Committee, a subcommittee of the Governor's Council on Hydroelectric and River Resources. The meeting is at 6:30 p.m. in Winton Hall, Room 11. It is also part of NIC's Popcorn Forum series, a program which. for the past 28 years, has brought speakers and current issues to campus. This is one of three hydroelectric utility restructuring hearings scheduled throughout the state. The committee is trying to determine if deregulation would allow more suppliers to sell electricity, much like what happened with telephone deregulation. Congress has been discussing deregulation, which will have an impact on many of the Western states, which currently are paying the lowest costs for power. Committee members are also curious whether small businesses and individual users would have the same benefits under deregulation as major bulk purchasers. Some of the speakers will be Bruce Folsom from Wa..c;hington Water Power, Bob Crump from Kootenai Electric Cooperative and Tom Eckman of the Northwest Power Planning Council. Lori Barnes, Hayden, is the only North Idaho representative appointed to the subcommittee.


Deregulation may deliver power bill surge NW rates would rise 25 percent, study shows By Scott Sonner Associated Press

WASHINGTON - Northwest electric rates would rise 25 percent or more - about S200 per hou~ehold .:_ bu1 still would hover JUSt below Lhe current national average if the industry is deregulated, a government study said Thursday. The biggest beneficiaries of deregulation would be Ea~t Coast states. especial!y New York, where current retail rates are more than double those in the hydropower-rich Pacific Northwest, according to the U.S. Energy Department's Environmental Information Adminislration. California also would enjoy as much as a ~ percent reduction, partly as a result of contracts soaking power from the Columbia River system through 2015, the report aid. In fact, the head of one utility in Seattle says out-ofstate exports, combined with the high cost of natural gas to replace the electricity. could be the leading cause of sharp rate hikes in Oregon and Washington under several deregulation scenarios bouncing around Congress.. "Every comprehensive analysis we've seen on the tSsue 1

Continued: Power/A22

Power: Rates nationally could drop 13 percent Continued from A1

shows higher prices for the region as a consequence.. of deregulation. Seattle City Light Superintendent Gary Zarker said. Zarker raised his concerns in a letter this month to state Sen. Bill Finkbeinder, chairman of the Washington Senate's Energy and Utiliti_es Committee. He noted the "special relationship" built over the last 60 years between the region's public and private utilities and the federally generated power on the Columbia River. "If we do not protect these rela-

tionships in restructuring, the region will lose -economically, socially and environmentally," Zarkerwrote. Overall, rates nationally would drop an average of 6 percent to 13 percent within two years after deregulation, the Energy Department report said. But the price changes would vary from region to region. The Pacific Northwest and the Upper Midwest are the only regions projected co suffer increases. The Northwest region includes aU of Washington, Oregon, ldaho and Utah, as well as pans of Nevada, Montana and Wyoming. By the year 2000, retail rates. paid at the meter in the region would be expected to rise about 28 percent over the 1995 regulated rates. from 4.9 cents per kilowatt hour to 6.3 cents per kwh, the report said. Current average U.S. price for electricity is about 7.1 cents per kilowatt hour.

Public forum set on deregulation A public forum sponsored by a governor's committee studying hydroelectric deregulation will meet at 6:30 p.m. Monday in Room 11 of Winton Hall on the North Idaho ColJege campus. The committee will examine how small business and individual users have the same benefits under dereg-

ulation as major bulk purchasers and solicit information from the public. Gov. Phil Batt formed the committee to recommend principles to govern power deregulation and to establish guidelines and goals for deregulation of the electrical industry. For more inform"tion on Mon, day's meetmg, contact Tony Stewart at (208) 769-3325.

Scholar gives tips to Popcorn speakers Jenld• • passa • oral lklls at MC lorum By JOE BUTLER Staff w riter (X)

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COE U R d ' A L ENE - Clay Jenkinson, who has wowed local audiences for years with his portrayals of Thomas Jefferson and other historical characters. gave tips to future Popcorn Forum performers at North Idaho College Tuesday. Jenkinson is one of the founders of the Chautauqua movement, a group of scholars fro m across the country who try lo bring historical figures to life through interpretation and research. He spent most of Tuesday speaking with the 40 or so community members planning to participate in the 1998 Popcorn For um. The annual free symposium runs March 23-27. This is the first workshop ever held for forwn participants and was partially fund ed by the Idaho Humanities Council. Historical presentation is part academic presentation and part drama. Jenkinson explained that a presentation should be memorized but not scripted. shou ld be wellresearched and give a glimpse into a person's life and thoughts.

BONNIE HUOLET/Coeur d'Alene Press

North Idaho College librarian Denise Clark, in her role as M other Jones, gives a sample of a Popcorn Forum present ation during a workshop Tuesday afternoon.

"Everyone agrees that a script is a crutch - it's a bad crutch," he said. "When you use a script, you lessen yourself as a scholar." Presenters are asked to take the role of the character and summarize their lives. Following this, they interpret the character through the eyes of someone living in 1998. They also must be prepared for questions from the audience, everything from thoughts on today's current events to thoughts and philosophies of the character's time period. One of the largest challenge of a Chautauqua performer is dealing with subject matter that might come across as offensive to mod-

em listeners. seeds" of their darker moments to For example, Jenkinson, when por- hopefully provoke questions, or traying Jefferson, is regularly grilled explain afterward. Another good trick as to Jefferson's tolerance for slavery. is to discuss their secrets through Merriwether Lewis will talk about his what their critics said of them. explorations, but less about his own Another challenge speakers may mental turmoil and depression. Gen. run into is not knowing the answer George Custer will talk about his mili- to a question. Jenkinson said it's bettary exploits but wouldn't admit to ter to say you don't know than try to make something up. being racist and bloodthirsty. "A character isn't going to admit "If you master a character, you their darkest things," he said. "If I stay know more than you think," he mcharacter throughout, I'd never tell. said . But my duty as a scholar is greater The Chautauqua movement than my duty to theater and drama" began more than a decade ago when An effective speaker should "plant a group of scholars from the

University of North Dakota decided that audiences would better enjoy and retain information when presented in the first-person. "Audiences usually don't know a whole lot about history, but will u~ ten well," Jenkinson said. Tony Stewart, forum organirer, said the complete Popcorn Forum schedule will be released later this month. The speakers range from ancient Greeks to modenHlay Chinese. Stewart would eventually like to create a Northwest chapter, which will travel to small towns during the summer.

POST FALLS - Cynthia Hammond of Post Falls has been elected tQ the Idaho Humanities Council Board of Directors. Hammond, the founding president of the Post Falls Arts Council, will serve a four-year term on the IHC board The IHC recently awarded $83,045 in grants to various foundations and programs in Idaho to develop public humanities projects and programs, as well as to support scholarly research. North Idaho College received a $6,150 grant to bring four professional chautauquans to Coeur ¡ d'Alene for a March 1998 chautauqua series. ¡ The historic portrayals will include Thomas Jefferson, Mark Twain, Dorothy Parker and Will Rogers.

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Feb.4, 1998

Bomb threat inte11upts NIC

diversity play Racism link investigated By KEITH ER ICKSON

Staff writer


continued from A 1


bomb threat at North Idaho College Tuesday night cleared a crowded auditorium minutes before a play advocating cultural diversity was to start. Several members of the Hayden Lake-based white supremacist De Leon Aryan Nationsincluding leader Richard Butler - stood outside Boswell Hall as authorities evacuated more than 300 people from the building. Police declined to speculate whether the bomb threat was racially motivated. 'Tve dedicated my whole shift to this thing," said Coeur d'Alene Police Lt. Greg Surplus. "I'll keep officers here throughout the play.'' A 911 supervisor said a man called the dispatch center at 6:53 p.m. and said a bomb would go off in 10 minutes. The play was to start al 7 p.m. The caller was calm and the call lasted less than 10 seconds, the dispatcher said. College officials and police searched the auditorium and allowed people back in shortly after 7:15 p.m. THREAT continued on A10

Butler, the aging founder of the racist Aryan clan, was among the audience watching "Faces of America," dubbed by NIC as a compelling drama about cultural diversity. Throughout the play, which featured Los Angeles actress Fran de Leon, officers monitored members of the Aryan group who remained on cam-

pus grounds. Police reported no confrontations. but patrolled the campus looking for potential problems. Interim NIC president Ron Bell called the situation unfortunate. Before the play, NIC professor and outspoken human rights advocate Tony Stewart applauded the community's support of cultural diversity. "We believe in equality of all people," Stewart told the audience. "Idahoans are good people and will reject hate."

Police seeking infon11ation on NIC bomb threat COEUR d'ALENE - One question still remains in Tuesday's bomb threat at North Idaho College. Who made it? Without a shred of physical evidence, authorities are unable to determine who is responsible for the bomb threat that cleared out Bos\yell Hall for about 15 minutes. "Faces of America," a play advocating cultural divensity, was scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. when the threat was made. According to the Coeur d'Alene police report, the 911 dispatcher said a male who sounded in his 20s to early 30s called at 6:53 p.m. and said, 'There is a bomb in the NIC auditorium and it is going to go off in 10 minutes:· Police immediately arrived and coordinated with NIC personnel to evacuate the auditorium. A sweep was conducted but no suspicious devices were found, Capt. Carl Bergh said. A GTE trace on Lhe 911 call showed a pay phone at 610 Hubbard Ave. was used for the threat. Police said it appeared the phone had been wiped clean of any fingerprints. Several members of the Hayden Lake-based whit<: supn ·macist Aryan ;,. ; ations including leader Richard Butler - were outside the auditoriu m when the evacuation took place. Police questioned the group. TI1ey denied having anything to do with tht' threat. "We have been here a quarter of a century and we have never done anything Like that," Butler said from his compound Thursday. Authorities encourage anyone with information regarding the bomb threat to contact the Coeur d'Alene Police Department at 769-2320.

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Virginia Johnson portrays Mary Wollstonecraft, an 18th-century feminist author. Denise Clark, playing Antigone, is in the background.

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Timeless lessons NICf orum to engage great minds ofhistory By Andrea Vogt Sta ff writer


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COEUR d'ALENE-Can Lhe moral dilemmas faced by the great historical thinkers shed light on decision-making in Idaho today? Organizers of North Idaho College's 28th annual Popcorn Forum and Convocation Series think so. It's one of the reasons they've chosen to introduce historical debates to this year's "Journey Through Time: Visits to

Five Historical Cities;· scheduled for March 23-27. "We really do believe that those who come can experience the past and learn from the past to make decision-making more informed for the present," said forum founder Tony Stewart, a political science professor at N£C. The annual series features guest scholars from around the nation performing in character each day. Continued: Popcorn Forum/BS

Page 18

Thursday, February 5, 1998

The Region

Popcorn Forum: Plato, Buddha will be there Continued from B1 "Learning is increased and esca-

lates through the role playing," Stewart said. " It also offe:rs a platform for free expression of divergent viewpoints." Performe rs will give speeches in the morning, and then debate local residents in character from a similar historical period in the afternoon, which wiJI be followed by a panel discussion. On March 23, Confucius will debate Buddha during "A Visit to Peking or Beijing." The rwo will debate the concept of individualism vs. the state and whether what is good for society as a whole is more important than individual rights. On March 24, "A Visit to Athens" will feature Greek tragedy character Antigone debating Greek philoso-

pher Plato about the merits of democracy vs. aristocracy. On March 25, in "Alexandria, Egypt," the Jewish sage who wrote "Wisdom" will debate free speech vs. censorship with modern day Supreme Court Justice William 0. Douglas. AJso on March 25, Clay Jenkinson, one of the nation's leading authorities on the modern Chautauqua movement. will give a keynote speech titled "The Legacy of the Ancient World - The Rise of Law." On March 26, in "Paris," Jenkinson as Thomas Jefferson, will debate pacifism vs. revolution with Mary Wollstonecraft, an 18th-century feminist author. On March 27. the final moral dilemma will be a discussion of which is better: the humorous life or the serious life. During this episode, Mark Twain and Will Rogers will debate American satirist and sharptongued poet Dorothy Parker. Each day's presentation will include time-period appropriate mood music and city sets produced by NIC's Drama Department. ''We are going to be very theater this year," Stewart said. "The visual

power in these presentations will be great." Stewart founded the forum 28 years ago with just $40 in popcorn money from the Associated Students of North Jdaho College. This year's program is also being supported by a grant from the Idaho Humanities Council and donations from the NIC Foundation. "The foundation has a philosophy of providing that margin of excellence," Foundation President Brad Dougdale said Wednesday. "This is exactly the type of program the foundation wants to support so we can give back to the community." The series at NIC is drawing attention because of its local participation in the Chautauqua role playing. Residents often rehearse their roles for four to five months. Stewart said the number of local residents with an interest in historical role playing has grown enough to support a Chautauqua Society. He predicts a group that tours the Northwest will form soon in Coeur d' AJene. The forums, held in Boswell HallSchuler Auditorium, are free and open to the public.


THIE COEUR d'ALENE PRESS Thursday, Feb. 5, 1998 A5

North Idaho

Popcorn Forum plans visits to five cities By JOE BUTLER Staff writer

March 23-27 at NlC. will help set the mood. With him were four members of the college communi"We're going to be very theater," Stewart said. "You ty who will step into specific roles during the weeklong will feel you are in these places." COEUR d ' ALENE - The past two Pop,corn series which is open to the public. First stop will be Beijing sometime between 600 B.C. Forums brought figures from the past to North Idaho ¡¡we believe those who can examine the past can learn and 450 B.C. The highlight will be a debate over the ColJege to explain their lives and accomplishments. from it and make decisions based on those made in the rights of an individual vs. what is good for a state. This year. the audience will be taken back through past," Stewart said. Representing the view of the state will be Confucius, time to prominent cities in the world's history, to learn Each day, a different historical period, figures from portrayed by Aloysius Chang, a professor of Chinese and from the figures in their own settings. that time and a selected city will deal with a certain moral Japanese at Washington State University. Tony Stewart, who has organized the last 27 forums, dilemma. Decorated sets, pictures in the background, outlined plans for the 1998 event Wednesday, which runs students acting like extras and appropriate period music POPCORN FORUM continued on A16

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1nu, soay, Feb. 5, 1998


Continued From ••• Tony Stewart, second from left, organizer of the Popcorn Forum at North Idaho College sits with Curt Nelson, portraying Ptolemy I, King of Egypt; Denise Clark, playing Antigone; and Dr. Virginia linsley Johnson, playing Mary Wollstonecraft. The 28th annual Popcorn Forum and Convocation Series Symposiums begin March 23. ANDRE NEY/Coeur d'Alene Press

POPCORN FORUM continued from A 15

Representing the individual vi ew is Siddhartha Gotama,

founder of Buddhism. He will be portrayed by Michael Myers. an associate professor of philosophy at WSU. Later in the day, will be a response panel composed of other Asian figures. includi ng Genghis Khan. reformer Sun Yatsen, Empress dowager Tsu-Hsi and Jian g Qing, wife of Communist revolutionar y Mao Tse-Tung. Tuesday's journey goes to Athens. Greece, so metime between 450 and 350 BC. The main speaker will be Antigone, mythical daughter of Oedipus, who risked death to bury her brother's body. She will be portrayed by Denise Clark, NIC public service librarian. She portrayed Mother Jones Last year and Edith Wharton in 1996. Antigone will debate the issue of democracy vs. aristocracy with Plato, portrayed by student Josh Buehner. Panelists include other historic and mythical figures, including Theseus. Soc rates. and Perictione, Plato's mother and writer of "Wisdom and Harmony of Women." The next day will cover the issue of free expression vs. censorship, and take place in Alexandria, Egypt, of 100 B.C. to 1 B.C.

Clay Jenkinson will give an overview of the rise of law in the Ancient World . Jenkin son is a longtime s upport er of the Popcorn forums, and one of the founders of the modern Chautauqua movement, which is a touring scholarly presentation involving role-playing and historical interpretation. The two debaters will be Patrick Lippert, NIC philosophy instructor, representing the writer of the "Book of Wisdom" and the pro-censorship view. Opposing him will be Coeur d'Alene attorney Scott Reed, portraying WiJliam O. Douglas. a former justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. Panelists will be Ptolemy, who was an Egyptian ruler and mathematician. Hypatia, the fir st Egyptian stateswoman and and writer, Cleopatra. Mark Antony and Julius Caesar. Thursday's theme is pacifism vs. revolution, and the action is centered around Paris between 1750 and 1800. Keynote speakers will be Jenkinson. portraying Thomas Jefferson, and N!C English in stru ctor Virginia Johnson, portraying Mary Wollsto necraft, one of the first American writers trying to improve women's status. She co ndemned revolution. while Jefferson felt it was a useful tool. Pan elists include Jean-Pau l Marat. an architect of the French Revolution; Louis XV1 of France; Marie Antoinette; Marie Curie, a

pioneer scientist; and Napoleon Bonaparte. The Popcorn Forum end s Friday in New York City between 1830 and 1998. The debate will be a humorous life vs. a cheerless life. The main speakers wi ll be writer Mark Twain, portrayed by George Frien, a former professor at the University of North Dakota and another Chautauqua founder; humorist Will Rogers. portrayed by Douglas Watson. a professor at Oklahoma Baptist University; and Dorothy Parker, an American poet and critic. She will be portrayed by Suzan Jarvis King, an assistant professor of English at Tulsa, Okla., Community College. The debate will be between the pro-humor side, portrayed by Twain and Rogers. and the antihumor side by Parker. Panelists will be Fanny Brice, an early American comedienne and singer; Mary Todd Lincoln; W.C. Fields; Mae West; and John Broadus Watson, an American psychologist. Stewart said this was the first year that there was a pre-forum workshop, where Jenki nson coached the presenters on how lo adequately convey their character and times lo an audience. The program was paid for by a grant from the Idaho Humanities Council. support Crom the NIC Foundation and the Associated Students of NIC. "Learning escalates through role-playing," Stewart said.

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North Idaho College


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Play celebrating cultural diversity to be staged at NIC COEUR d' ALENE - A compelling drama about cultural diversity will be performed Tuesday at North Idaho College. "Faces of America," created by Fran De Leon and Colin Cox, has received rave reviews at colleges and cities throughout the country. lt will start at 7 p.m. and is open to the public. The play, which features De Leon, was selected in 1996 to commemorate the 51st annual United Nations Day. It was performed before foreign dignitaries and political activists in a sold-out venue.

"Ou r students wiU be blessed with a cultural diversity experience through drama," said Josh Buehner, president of the NIC Equality Club, also a co-sponsor. "Faces" premiered at the Los Angeles Theatre Center in March 1995. De Leon and Cox interviewed over 60 people to formulate the nine characters depicted in the drama. "Members of the audience will experience an emotional roller coaster between laughter and tears a~ they watch this performance," said Tony Stewart, chair of the NIC Popcorn Forum Committee, also a co-sponsor. De Leon has an extensive theater background and has performed with several noted theater companies including East West Players, the Pacific Resident T heatre Ensemb le, The Educational Theatre Company and Will & Company. Cox, writer and director, is founder and artistic director of Will & Co,, a Los Angeles-based touring company. He has directed, performed, produced

Courtesy photo

Fran De Leon, creator and performer in ufaces of America."

and taught the entire canon of Will ia m Shakespeare. The event is also co-sponsored by the Associated Students of NIC and the NIC Cultural Diversity Office. Families are encouraged to attend, but the play contains strong language in a few instances. Information: 769-3316

Popcorn Forum's journey in time will feature new angle I'/ -I- c

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Tllrlday, March 12, 1888

Spaclal 181 wll 118 111111 by lheat8r depal•b11811 By Brandi Reasor

Sentinel Reporter


he 28th annual Popcorn Forum and Convocation Series Symposium will take on a new theatrical dimension this year. Although the series will continue its journey through lime by visiting five historical cities, Popcorn Forum Chair Tony Stewart said this year's event will be extremely different. Staff and st udent s, under the direction of drama instructor Tim Rarick, will build a set designed as a restaurant which will be changed twice dai ly. Students wi ll be sitting al the restaurant tables during the performances. The series will be March 23-27 in Schuler Auditorium. The purpose of the Popcorn Forum is to observe and participate in the week's theme. The week's theme for '98 is, "How can we use great stories of moral di lemmas which faced the

thinkers and doers from five historical cities to confront today's moral dilemmas?" Stewart said the drama department has: co llected photograph s. videos and s lides of the differe nt p laces and time peri ods and will project lhem on stage. " I think il will be very exc iting both from th e qua l ity of the presenters and lhis dramatic theater production by Tim Rarick and his Slaff," Stewart said. The main character speakers wi ll begin each day, proceeded by a 15mi nule musical interlude. Debates, which are new lo the program this year, are al I p.m. The re s ponse panels follow al 2:30 p.m. on March 23-25, but are al 7 p.m. on lhe final two days. Schedules of the events are available on campus.

The resolutions for the new debates were prepared by speech instructors Tim Christie and Mona Klinger. The debates w ill address lhe moral dile mma of the day and will provide a s peaker from both sides of the issue. The mora l dilemma for March 23 is t he individual vs. the state. It will be hosted by Jim Minkler, division cha ir of soc ial and behavioral sciences. As a journey through time, it will lake the audience on a visit to Peking or Beijing ; Confucius. Siddharlha Gotama and Buddha wi ll be the main characters. On March 24. in a visit to Athens, interim President Ron Bell will fil l in as hosl fo r former Idaho State Sen. Mary Lou Reed. The moral dil e mma of democracy vs. aristocracy will be addressed as the c h a racter Antigone takes t he

audience back in time to 441 B.C. The host for March 25 will be Tom Flinl of NIC's philosophy department, as lhe journey through time takes us to Alexandri a, Egypt. The performance will begin with the Keynote Address given by Dr. Clay Jenkinson. This is lhe on ly performance not in character. Stewart said Jenkinson will sel the s tage fo r the wh o le forum by discussing moral dilemmas faced by society at different times and the laws that have derived from them. Jenkinson holds degrees in English from the University of Minnesota and was selected to be a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University, where he received a degree in renai ssa nce English literature and theology. Stewart said five students will actually be directly involved this year. This is in addition to the many drama students who are participating. He said faculty, staff and community members work hard and do an excellent job at these events.

POPCORN continued on Page 11

POPCORN: Symposium will feature new stage design Continued from Page 1

photo by Noppado1 Pao1hong

Or. Clay Jenkinson plays the role of a onearmed man during the 1997 Popcorn Forum. Clay will give the keynote address at this year's symposium.

··And we're so proud of them," S1ewar1 said ... It', very, very popular." Stewart said Jenkinson. who has participated in many events of this type, told him he hasn't been anywhere where the local people arc so good. following the keynote address 1he moral di lemma of free expression vs. censorship will be touched upon as the forum examines 1he character of the Jewish Sage who v. rote 1he book "Wisdom." Scou Reed wi II be replaced in 1he pro-free expression debate by Gon1.aga law professor George Critchlow. · Pac11ism vs. revoluuon will be the moral dilemma for March 26 in a vis11 10 Paris. Hos1ed by speech instructor Mona Klinger, the characters will be Mary Wollstonecrafl and Thomas Jefferson, which will be portrayed by Jenkinson. Jenkinson is famous for his

portrayals of Jefferson. Stewa11 will host the las1 day of the forum. March 27, as the forum visits New York C11y. Main characters Mark Twain, Will Rogers and Dorothy Parker will give comical insights into the moral dilemma of a humorous vs. a cheerless life. "It'll bring the house down with laughter," Stewart said. Stewart said the Popcorn Porum could not happen without 1he help of many people. He would like to thank the committee for 1he forum. granl wri1er Janet Benoit and his secretary Derinda Moerer who he describes as his right and left arms. S1ewart said he 1s gra1eful to ASNJC, as they have funded the popcorn forum for 28 years. " I always describe it as I'm just 1he director of the band." Stewart said. All events arc open and free to the public. For information call the College Relations Office at 769-3316.

.1 THE PRESS Friday, M arch 20, 1998




Popcorn Priii"LEY,.....


Lindy Turner, director of North Idaho College's public TV program, adjusts the microphone on Donna Runge in Boswell Hall Thursday on the set of the show hosted by Tony Stewart, chairman of NIC's Popcorn Forum. Runge was portraying Tsu-Hsi, the last Empress of China, known as the " Dragon Lady." Other guests on the program Thursday portraying historical characters were Karen Streeter as Jian Oing, the wife of Chinese leader Mao Tse-Tung, and Dale Marcy as Gehghis Khan, the famous Mongolian conqueror. The 28th annual Popcorn Forum, • Journey Through lime: Visits to Five Historical Cities" begins Monday at NIC and continues through the week.



D Friday, March 20, 1998 The Spokesman-Review Spokane, Wash./Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

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runs Monday through Friday. All events are free, public and in Schuler Auditorium. For information, call 7693316. Here's the schedule:









600-450 B.C.

450-350 B. C.

100-1 B.C.



9 a.m. Speakers: Confucius and Siddhartha Gotama, the Buddha 1 p.m. Debate: The Individual vs. The State. 2:18 p.11. Response panel: Genghis Khan, political revolutionary Jiang Qing, Empress Dowager Tsu-Hsi art! Sun Vat-sen.

9 a.m. Speaker: Antigone. 1 p.11. Debate: Democracy vs. Aristocracy. 2:30 p.m. Response panel: Theseus. Socrates and Perictione, Plato's mother.

9 1.11. Speakers: Clay Jenkinson and the unnamed Jewish sage. 1 p.m. Debate: Free Expression vs. Censorship. 2:30 p.a. Response panel: Egyptian King Ptolemy I, Egyptian writer Hypatia, Cleopatra. Mark Antony and Julius caesar.

10:151.11. Speakers: Thomas Jefferson and Mary Wollstonecraft. 1 p.a. Debate: Pacifism vs. Revolution. 7 p.11. Response panel: Jean Paul Marat, Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, Madame Marie Curie and Napoleon Bonaparte.

10 a.na. Speakers: Mark Twain, Will Rogers and Dorothy Parker. 1 p.m. Debate: Humorous vs. Cheerless Life. 7 p.m. Response panel: Fanny Brice, Mary Todd Lincoln, W.C. Fields, Mae West and John Broadus Watson.



Jesse Tinsley/The Spokesman-Review

Virginia Tinsley Johnson of North Idaho College will portray 18th-century English feminist Mary Wollstonecraft during the school's "Journey Through Time" chautauqua , a lecture series where scholars portray historical figures.

By Cynthia Taggart 5tafl \\ ritcr

P 01ces fromthe


North Idaho College } chautaU£jlUI bringr Buddha, Cleopatra, J efferson and Twain to life

ut your credit card away. It might cover the cost of airfare ro Paris or Athens, but it'll never drop you in the nudst of the French R<!volution or introduce you to Socrntcs. But North Idaho College will. And it won't charge you a cent. Next week. NIC will ''!raver from ancient Greece. Egypt and China to revolutionary France and recent New York to pick the brains of history's greatest minds. The guest hst include Confucius and Antigone, Julius Caesar and Thoma Jefferson, Mae West and Marie Antoinette. If you don't believe it, borrow an imagination. It'll make the trip even better. '·Journey Through Time: Visits to Five I listorical Cities·· is the third in a series of chautauquas that began at Nl C in 1996. In the chautauqua tradition, which dates back to late 19th century New York, scholars spread the humanities by

portraying historical characters in tent shows throughout ruraJ America. NlC whip the chautauqua concept into a fu ll-blown historical production, complete with dramatic sets, musk. mtclJectual debates and a cast of dozens. It does all that with only $12,000 from student government and state grants. WiJdly successful, NICs week long series attracted 11,000 spectators in it first two yea!", and earned NIC the loyaJI)' of the nallon·s top chautauquans. "North Idaho ColJege is the most enthusiastic, most excellent of any of the places I go." says Clay Jenkinson, one the fou nders of the modem chautauqua movement. The Nevadan's ponrayal of Thomas Jefferson is so convincing that he was invited to perform for President Clinton in 1994. "Frankly, I go places where rm paid much more, but as long as NIC and Coeur d'Alene want me, rn make it a part of my spring travel." Continued Chautauqua/DB

presence from the women's rigbt's movement, preferably before the 20th century," he says. "I saw Professor Johnson work and I really admire her quality. It came to me that she would be terrific." of Life, and to achieve freedom, For NI C's "Journey through Continued from 01 justice, equality and economic Time," Johnson as Wollstonecraft NIC political science professor Tony security. will perform with Jenkinson as Before the week was over, Stewart Thomas Jefferson. Both were in Stewart's energy fuels the annual had hatched the plan for this year's lecture series. Twenty-eight years Paris after the revolution. time travel to the world's greatest ago, he began inviting the best and "I'm just in awe of Jeruwison," cities. With t~t; guidance of brightest to his small college on the Johnson says. She's a confident students. he chose ancient Peking, banks of Lake Coeur d'Alene. woman with a PhD behind her Athens and Alexandria, 18th century name, but she admits that sharing Perhaps swayed by bis native Paris and 19th and 20th century New the stage with the chautauqua southern charm, they came. York City. He also invited teachers and movement's biggest name Remarkable people were community people to discuss each intimidates her. speaker's message at a public forum. associated with each city and "I'm really flattered and honored, represented a variety of timeless but A few years ago, a friend moral dilemmas- the individual vs. do."it means I have a lot of work to mentioned to Stewart that she the state, democracy vs. aristocracy, wished she could visit with people In past chautauquas, Stewart left free expression vs. censorship, from history. Stewart jumped on the pacifism vs. revolution, humor vs. much to the audience's imagination. idea. This time, he's enlisted the help of cheerlessness. NI C's drama department. He invited a few pros from the Stewart tweaked his format a bit Midwest's scholarly chautauqua Set designer Jack Green and to include a debate and a response movement to portray historical theater director Tim Rarick panel after each speaker. characters. Response panels, be designed changeable restaurant A $6,150 Idaho Humanities figured, also should feature scenes on the Schuler Auditorium Council grant enabled him to hire historical characters. stage. Athens' stone benches will four professional chautauquansswitch to cafe tables and chairs for Those roles went to NIC teachers Jenkinson as Thomas Jefferson, Paris. and a few willing people in the George Frein as Mark Twain, community. The roles required Rarick will project images behind Douglas Watson as Will Rogers, intense research, costumes and deft and Suzan Jarvis King as Dorothy the restaurant and on the minds. Audiences weren't shy about Parker. auditorium walls of the city of the questioning the characters. The grant also brought Jenkinson day, including artwork, people and architecture from the chosen time The "performers" rose to the to NIC in January to train potential challenge and audiences rewarded chautauquans- all staff at NIC. He period. them with rave reviews. Leners and To set the mood each morning, was impressed with the quality of his performers will sing Chinese music phone calls assured Stewart that the students and invited one, Virginia NIC version of a chautauqua was a or dance as the Greeks and Johnson , to perform with him next Egyptians did. For Thursday's visit hit. summer at a tent chautauqua in to Paris, NI C's orchestra conductor Last year, Stewart decided to Reno, Nev. study the human quest for the good Johnson heads NlC's English, fine Todd Snyder will play excerpts from "Les Miserables" on the piano. Life through history's biggest names. arts, foreign language and " I've never done anything quite humanities division. She portrays People portraying John Wesley like this and I'm eager to see what 18th century English feminist Mary Powell, Thomas Jefferson, Henry it's Like," Jenkinson says. "lf you Wollstonecraft, who wrote books Brooks Adams, Socrates, Henry have someone as open-minded as David Thoreau and dozens of other and essays on the rights of women. Tony (Stewart), anything is Wollstonecraft fits the theme of notables gathered in Coeur d'Alene. possible.'' Jenkinson's summer event. They discussed man ¡s need to Even time travel. "I wanted to have a major understand nature and the meaning

Chautauqua: Jefferson, Twain,

Socrates, Confucius and Caesar





at Popcorn Forum '98 28th incarnation begins Monday By JOE BUTLER Staff writer


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COEUR d' ALENE - In only five days, the Popcorn Forum at North Idaho College will pack in more than 3,000 years worth of knowledge. The 28th annual convocation series and symposium begins Monday and will offer an overlook of thoughts, individuals and cultu res from anc ient Egypt a nd China to present-day America. This yc::ar's forum repeats the popular "Journey Through Time" series but adds a few twists. Each day is set around a particular historical theme and also set in a particular city from that time period. Each program is free to . the public and the key events are in Schuler Auditorium. NIC's theater department has been hard at work to create sets to resemble the specific city and time · for that day. T here will be appropriate music 15 minutes before each morning's s peech, and NIC drama students will ser ve as extras. There will also be slides or videos of that city's landscape . For instance. the 18th century Paris set for Thursday is made up to look like an outdoor cafe. While a few main characters will be in : the foreground , the students will sip coffee or quietly talk at their tables in front of photos of the Eiffel Tower. And instead of one key figure illuminating the thoughts of that . particular time, organizers decided to hold debates over the opposing moral vi ews brought u p between two to three characters from that particular epoch.



Organizer l'ony Stewart has been able to recruit students, fac- 1 ulty, commun ity members and nationally recognized thinkers for the roles in morn ing and the , response panels in the afternoon. A grant from the Idaho Humanities Council also allowed a • training workshop earlier this year in the proper Chautauqua method of historical interpretation. • T h e week's li neu p beg ins Monday with a vi sit to Beijing, China, between 600 and 450 BC. The day's theme is individual vs. state, and the two thinkers are Confucius and Siddhartha Gotama, founder of Buddhism. POPCORN continued on A6


the issue of democracy vs. aristocracy with Plato, portrayed by cont inued from A4 student Josh Buehner. Panelists at 2:30 p.m. include A musical prelude begins at other historic and mythical fig8:45 a.m., and at 9 a.m., Aloysius ures, including the hero Theseus Chang, a professor of Chinese por trayed by Rodney Frey, and Japanese languages at Socrates portrayed by George Washington State University will Ives, and Perictione, Plato's step into the character of mother and writer of ''Wisdom Confucius. and Harmony of Women," porFollowing this, Michael trayed by Amelia Phillips. Myers, an associate professor of The next day will cover the philosophy at WSU, will talk issue of free expression vs. cenabout Gotama. sorship, taking place in At 1 p.m. both will return to Alexandria, Egypt of 100 BC to 1 the auditorium to debate the BC. day's topic, with Confucius talkAt 9 a.m., Clay Jenkinson will ing about the good of society. give the week's keynote address Buddha will take the opposing - "The Legacy of the Ancient view of individual rights. World: The Rise of Law." At 2:30 p.m. there will be a Jenkinson is a longtime supresponse panel on the topic com- porter of the Popcorn forums, posed of other Asian figures, and one of the founders of the including Dale Marcy Genghis modern Chautauqua movement, Khan, Ken Johnson as Sun Yat- a touring scholarly presentation sen, Donna Runge as Empress involving roleplays and historical dowaRer Tsu-Hsi and Karen interpretation. Streeter as Jiang Qing, wife of An hour later, NIC philosophy leader Mao Tse-Tung. instructor Patrick Lippert will Tuesday's journey- goes to discuss the character of an • -At-hefflt,- 6Teeee, ~~'lmknown :Jewi'sfr teacher-whO" between 450 and 350 BC. · wrote the Book of Wisdom. The main speaker at 9 a.m. Lippert's pro-censorship sage will be Antigone, mythical daugh- will square off at 1 p.m. against ter of Oedipus, who risked death George Critchlow's portrayal of to bury her brother's body. She William 0. Douglas, a will be portrayed by Denise Northwest-bred Supreme Court Clark. NIC public service Jibrari- Justice. an. Panelists at 2:30 p.m. will be At 1 p.m., Antigone will debate Curt Nelson as Ptolemy, an Egyptian ruler and mathematician, Linda Erickson as Hypatia, the first Egyptian stateswoman and and writer, Dawn AtwaterHaight as Cleopatra, Nils Rosdahl as Mark Antony and B.J. Johnson as Julius Caesar. Thursday's theme is pacifism vs. revolution, and the action is centered around Paris between 1750 and 1800 AD. Keynote speakers at 10:15 a.m. will be

Jenkinson portraying Thomas , Jefferson, and NIC Englis h • instructor Virginia Johnson, portraying Mary Wollstonecraft, one of the first American writers try- · ing to improve women's status. The 1 p.m. debate pits Jenkinson against Harvey Richman, representing Mohandas Gandhi. Panelists at 7 p~m. include Gene LeRoy as Jean-Paul Marat, one of the architects of the French Revolution, Bob Mur ray as King Louis XVI of France, Holly Herrick as Marie Antoinette, Barbara Chamberlain as scientist Marie Curie and Jesse Llewellyn as Napoleon Bonaparte. The Popcorn Forum ends Friday in New York City between 1830 and 1998. The debate will be a humorous life vs. a cheerless life. The main speakers at 10 a.m. will be writer Mark Twain, portrayed by George Frien, a former professor at the University of North Dakota and another Chautauqua founder, humorist Will Rogers, portrayed ' by Douglas--Watson, a professor ' at Oklahoma Baptist University, and Dorothy Parker, an American : poet and critic. · Parker will be portrayed by ; Suzan Jarvis King, an assistant : professor of English at Tulsa, ; Okla., Community College. : The 1 p.m. debate will be : between the pro-humor side, por- : trayed by Twain and Rogers, and : the anti-humor side by Parker. Panelists at 7 p.m. will be Derinda Moerer as Fanny Brice, : an early American comedienne and singer, Saprina Hammons as : Mary Todd Lincoln, David · Lindsay as W.C. Fields, Annie , McKinlay as Mae West and Victor Duarte as John Broadus Watson, an American psychologist.

A4 THE PRESS Tuesday, March 24, 1998



Popcorn visitors travel to China Budllla, Confucius tackle Ideas In MC IONII By JOE BUTLER Staff writer

M any of today's truthseekers have looked beyond Western established religion in search of answers. On Monday at North Idah o College. more than 700 people were able to hear about two occasionally opposing Chinese thoughts from the people who actually came up with the ideas. Confucius, who produced hundreds of writings about proper social rituals and interaction, sat down with Siddharta Gotama. who developed Buddhism, a religion based on escapi ng society and finding one's own path. Though the two were contempora ries in ancient China, scholars doubt they ever met over tea at a Beijing coffee house. like they did as

vidual rights vs. duty to the state. Moderator Jim Minkler. chair of NIC's division of social and behavioral sciences, asked both men to explain their views and also give Dr. Aloysius thoughts on situations in modernChang, playing day China. the role of For instance, Buddha and Confucius, Confucius differed in some ways in explains his phitheir response to the 1989 Tianemen Square massacre. losophy on stage "I couldn't tell (the soldiers) to in the auditorium stop or throw down their weapons," at Boswell Hall Buddha said. "I would counsel them during Monday's in nonviolent philosophy." Popcorn Forum '1bey already know that the studebate with dents are their peers, and I would Siddhartha Gotama played by ask them to ask themselves if they Dr. Michael Myers. were performing righteous duties." • On this point even Confucius had Bill BULEY/Press photo to agree somewhat, saying that order and duty must be compatible. part of the first day of NIC's Popcorn trayed Confucius. Opposing him was The students were disrupting their' Forum and Convocation Series Michael Myers, an associate profes- society's order, and didn't obey their sor of philosophy at WSU. Symposium. duties to go through normal chanBoth men tackled questions nels of protest. Aloysius Chang, a professor of Japanese and Chinese languages at about their lives and thinking, and Washington State University. por- also indulged in a debate over ind iPOPCORN continued on AB

Page B4

Tuesday, March 24, 1998

Bringing history tolife continued from A4

Myers expla ined t h at Confuci anis m isn't a religion. but is very religious due to its complex rules and regulations for any situation . There is protocol for the relations hip between teachers and students, father and children. and employer and employee. "I try to bring people closer to the truth," he said. "l bring them power to cultivate themselves." Buddhis m can be difficult at times. fo r it req uires people to e mpty th e ir mind s and the n rebuild them. Confucius said it's difficult to distinguish actions for individuals vs. actions fo r the good of the

state. For ins tance. cleaning your door way can be do ne fo r your own benefit. but can also be beneficial to your neighbors. The weeklong series continues at 9 a .m. tod ay in Sch ule r Auditorium with a visit to ancient Greece. The highlight speaker is Antigone, th~ fictitious daughter of Oedipus. Portrayed by Denise C lark . NIC's publi c s ervices librarian . Antigone will describe her time and the issues causing torment in her life. At 1 p.m. today, Antigone will debate democracy vs. aristocracy with Plato, portrayed by NIC student Josh Buehner. And at 2:30 p.m., th ere will be a response panel consisting of Greek hero Theseus, thinker Socrates and Pe rictio ne, write r of "Wisdom and Harmony of Women." ••


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Liz K1sn11001o/The Spokesman-Review

• Words of wisdom. Dr. Michael Myers, portraying Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, visits after the Monday morning session of the 28th annual Popcorn Forum and Convocation Series Symposium at North Idaho College. Myers is an associate professor at Washington State University.

Batt signs reform measure aimed at slowing prison population growth/84 SE CTIO N


Wednesday, March 25, 1998

The Spokesman-Review Spokane. Wash./Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

To contact the North Idaho office, dial (208) 765-7100. toll-free 800-344-6718; Fax: (208) 765-7149

Close to Home

She dresses others for success By Cynthia Taggart Staff writer


hen Judy McGiveney left Los Angeles for Coeur d'Alene in 1995, she deserted Murphy Brown, Frank Fontana, Corky Sheiwood and Jim

Jesse nnsley/The Spokesman-Review

Costumer Judy McGiveney adjusts the costume of NIC student Shannon Lavada, a backgrotf!Jd player in the Popcorn Forum.

Dial. " Murphy Brown" was scheduled to end that year and Judy was ready. Seven years of14-hour days as the show's costumer had taken its toll.

She outfitted everyone and had to watch the taping of every scene to note the status of everyone's apparel. When taping resumed after breaks, Judy had to know whose sleeves were ro!Jed up before the break and whose coat was buttoned. It was enough to cross even patient Judy's eyes. She needed rest. But she hasn't gotten it in Coeur d'Alene. "I had a fishing license last year that 1 didn't get o use," she says. But she doesn't seem to mind. When I left L.A., I dumped panems, eve.rytbing.


, 1 thought I'd never get back into this." H talents are in demand in her new home. It s no s~rise considering her background._Judy, who's 50 o~tfitted ice skater Peggy ~ .emmg on tour for~ year, then a series o_f televis!on ~~. "a lot of hemming and ironing ). awafid shows ( . Sh dressed the Solid Gold dancers for SIX years as a:istant to the d~~)igneJ·~t~ ~=~~:~~eir ("wo~~erful pe~~ ~:ter Sam'' and "The telev1s1on shows ( Kiny . ") before joining Scarecrow and Mrs. g ,, "Murphy Brown. . h's


admit~d her into most ~f LA.'s professional circles, with one exception. did," "I always wanted to do movies, but I never she sa}~- Until she reached Idaho. ,, ·ved 1· ust before "Dante's Peak. She J udy am · · Coeur lanned to open a crafts boutique m , rt it ~.Alene but decided the area couldn t suppo . When she heard about the movie in Wallace, she Continued: Cltll to HOIII/II

Close to Home: She moves seamlessly in CdA Continued from 81

submitted her resume. She was hired as a costumer, made Linda Hamilton's movie dre and went on to work on Michael Douglas· recent movie, "The Game." Between movie . she designs and sews costumes for 1he Lake Cit) Playhouse community theater, Eastern Washington Uni,ersity and North Idaho College. where she runs the co turning department. She' also designing the wardrobe for the Coeur d'Alene Summer Theatre production of· 'Mame." "This is what I like to do." she say , holding up a gold brocade. ruffled gown she designed for this week's Chautauqua, a role-playing history event at NIC. Marie Antoinette will wear Judy' work. So will Plato, Mark Antony and more.

··People thought I'd be so bored here.'' Jud) S3):. as her long fingers adjust pleats in Plato's toga. " I don't mi~ LA even a little bit. I'm having fun.''

Whiz kid, the sequel Remember Ed Mihelich, Immaculate Hear1 of Mary cl~ of 1968? Last

week. I told vou the Coeur d'Alene scholar\ 16-year-old son, Chris, was a finalist in the prestigious Westinghouse Science Talent Search. Chris won. He coUected a $40,000 scholarship and likely will go on to win a Nobel prize someday. If only Ed hadn't moved his family to Indiana age!> ago ...

Signs of spring Even before the mercury edged up to 60 degrees. I knew spring was

here by the big-eared bunny cup atop Jammln' Java. The little espresso hut just off Ramsey Road on Kathleen Avenue in Coeur d'Alene redecorates its enormous steaming cup for every holiday. Nice touch. Other spring signs: blooming crocuses, more traffic, people cleaning winter from their yards, cyclists, runners training for the Spring Dash, open garages, clean cars and mangoes for $2 each instead of $3 each at the supermarket.

• What signs of spring have I missed? Plant some on Cynthia Taggart, " Close to Home," 608 Northwest Blvd., Suite 200, Coeur d'Alene, 10, 83814; FAX to 765-7149; call 765-7128; ore-mail to cynthiat@spokesman.com.

A4 THE PRESS Wednesday, March 25, 1998


lcla The 28th annual Popcorn Forum at North Idaho College continued Tuesday with a debate on democracy vs. aristocracy. Following a response panel session. Elizabeth Catte, left, spoke with guest panelists outside Boswell Hall. From left are Denise Clark as Antigone, Rodney Frey as Theseus, Amelia Phillips as Perictione and George Ives as Socrates. BILL BULEY/ Press photo

Greek thinkers square off over democracy MC Forum mova to Egypt today By JOE BUTLER

Staff writer

The very nature of democracy was given a once-over Tuesday at North Idaho College as two classical thinkers squared off. The fictitious setting of the ancient Greek world was made more real by a large background of a stark landscape and scraggly olive trees. Occasionally, pictures of statues or columns were flashed on the walls of Schuler Auditorium. ¡ Unlike past Popcorn Forums, this year's symposium includes five debates over certain moral dilemmas conducted by persons from that time. Antigone, the fictitious daughter of Oedipus, spent the morning explaining the classical Greek world and the conflict she discovered when she tried to bury her brother's body against the wishes of her city-state. Her character was brought to life by Denise Clark, NIC's public services librarian.'She explained

how the Athenian world tried to preserve everyone's opinion, and how the Greek and today's American government differ from true democracies. "What democracy gives is everyone the opportunity to form their own coalitions," she said. "It also gives you the opportunity that when you are dissatisfied to say something." Antigone's idealism about democracy was countered by student Josh Buehner, who portrayed the philosopher Plato. Many in Plato's time felt that those possessing wisdom should take the responsibility to rule over those with less wisdom. The philosopher-king concept had the rulers teach the people of a republic important things. But still the decisions were made by a minority of governing intellectuals. The only flaw in this system, Buehner said, is that an opposing minority voice would never be heard. Clark said that those holding the minority view can still work to have their opinions heard. In ancient Athens, Clark said governing was a duty and a responsibility. 'They were very committed to the process of

ruling, the political process and the democratie 1

dialogue," she said. The weeklong series continues at 9 a.m. today with a keynote presentation by Clay Jenkinson about the rise of law and the legacy of the ancient world. Jenkinson is a scholar from South Dakota and one of the founders of the mod e rn-day Chautauqua method of historical interpretation, He will present Thomas Jefferson Thursday. ! Today's setting is Alexandria, Egypt, and th(! main speaker at 10 a.m. will be the unknown writer of the Bible's Book of Wisdom. He will be interpreted by Patrick Lippert, NIC philosophy lecturer. At 1 p.m. Lippert's character will take a procensorship view against George Critchlow's interpretation of William 0. Douglas, a U.S. Supreme Court Justice. Critchlow teaches at the Gonzaga University School of Law. Following this will be a response panel con, s isting of Curt Nelson as Ptolemy I, Linda Erickson as Hypatia, Dawn Atwater-Haight as Cleopatra, Nils Rosdahl as Mark Antony and B.J. Johnson as Julius Caesar.

A4 THE PRESS Thursday, March 26, 1998

Nor aho Popcorn Forum continues. ..

Story idea? Call 664-8176

Speakers take on Aryans; Net By JOE BUTLER Staff writer COEUR d'ALENE - Audiences al the lhird day of North Idaho College's Popcorn Forum wilnessed a clash of culture when an ancient Jewish sage sat down next to a Supreme Court Justice. What made Wednesday's conversation even more surreal was that the sage and William 0. Douglas were sipping tea in Alexandria, Egypt while di scussing a proposed Aryan parade in

Coeur d'Alene. Douglas. was a Northwest-bred justice. known for his liberal attitudes and preservations of minority viewpoints. He was por trayed by George Crichtlow. an instructor at Gonzaga University School of Law. His opponent. lhe Jewish sage and writer of the Bible's Book of Wisdom was por trayed by NIC's Patrick Lippert. At a debate over censorship Wednesday, both men explaim•d the various laws of their time and from what basis laws should be crrated. They also covered modern issues. including

freedom of speech on the Internet and freedom of assembly on Sherman Avenue. Cricht low said a framework of laws must be secular, so everyone's rights will be included.· regardless of religious beliefs. · Lippert. on the other hand, said the framework: can be secular. but it should be influenced by reli-: gion. especially positive guidelines. • "It would be wrong to force people to believe,: but any framework I would insist include have: negative and positive rights," he said. POPCORN continued on A 11


continued from A4


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He said grou ps like the Aryans should probably not be allowed to march, especially when they spread a message which has been condemned worldwide and contributed to unlawful acts against Jews and other minority groups. On the other hand, Douglas said these groups should be entitled to free expression, unless there is some imminent danger from them. "Allowing them to march through Coeur d'Alene isn't imminently dangerous," he said. "It would be different if they wanted to march with guns and shoot people in the crowd." He cautioned those who push for government oppression of the Aryan freedom to march may find their own freedoms connected. "We can't be examining the worth of the content of people's opinions," he said. "We have to tolerate them." The same goes fo r the Internet, which Douglas would say is just another form of communication and sharing of information and opinion. Lippert said the Internet will settle down. "I think regulation will catch up to it," he said. The week-long symposium co ntinues today at 10:30 a.m. with the repeat performance of Thomas Jefferson by Clay Jenkinson, one of the founders of the modern Chautauqua movement of historical and scholastic interpretation. The day's setting is Paris between 1750 and 1800, and the moral issue is whether change should be effected through violent revolution or civil disobedience.


He will be followed by a pre: sentation of Mary Wollstonecraft by Virginia Tinsley Johnson, chair of NIC's division of foreign : language, fine arts, humanities ~ and communications. ; Wollstonecraft was an early : champion of women's rights and : place in society. : At 1 p.m., Jenkinson and : Johnson will take a pro-revolu: tion stance against the pro-nonvi~ olence view of Mohandas : Gandhi, portrayed by Coeur : d'Alene attorney Harvey ; Richman. At 7 p.m., there will be a response panel which includes ~ Gene LeRoy portraying Jean-Paul : Marat, Bob Murray as King : Louis XVI, Holly Hetri ck as : Marie Antoinette, Barbara : Chamberlain as Marie Curie and : Jesse Llewellyn as Napoleon ~ Bonaparte.


Thursday March 26, 1998

Mostly cloudy Isolated showers/ A2 Vol. 91 No. 238

3 sections

Those were the days ...

ALAN STEINER/Pross photo

Egyptian King Ptolemy I, played by Curt Nelson, describes Alexandria, Egypt, as he knew it. Ptolemy, who died in 283 B.C., was part of a guest panel at North Idaho College's Popcorn Forum Wednesday. The event included characterizations of various leaders from that time period. Story/A4

Talk show

Jesse Tinsley/fhe Spokesman-Review

• Thomas Jefferson (Clay Jenkinson) debates feminist author Mary Wollstonecraft (Virginia Johnson) Thursday at NIC's Popcorn Forum. Story, 81.

To contact the North Idaho office. dial (208) 765-7100. loll-free 800-344-6718; Fax (208) 765-7149


Friday, March 27, 1998

The Spokesman-Review Spokane, Wash /Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

Jesse Tinsley/The Spo~esman-Rev1ew

Clay Jenkinson, lelt, portraying Thomas Jetter.son, explains his views to ~~derator Mona Klinger and Virginia Johnson, portraying author and early fem1msJ ~ary Wollstonecraft. The panel entertained a crowd in Boswell Hall auditorium Thursday for North Idaho College's Popcorn Forum.

Third president, feminist have their say At NIC, historical characters debate womens role By Heather Lalley Staffwri1er

COEUR d'ALENE-Clay Jenkinson admits he doesn't agree with many of the things he says. But be doesn't have to. As long as Thomas Jefferson would agree, he's OK.

Jenkinson, dressed in a Jong red coat and beige knickers, squared off with noted reminist Mary Wollstonecraft on Thursday in a packed auditorium at North Idaho College·s Boswell Hall.

The meeting of the minds was part ofNIC's 28th-annual Popcorn Forum, a lecture series that brings the humanities to life. Jn the second-to-last instaJJment of the weeklong series, Wollstonecraft, played by NI C English teacher Virginia Johnson, meets Jefferson in a Parisian cafe during the fate 1700s to discuss pacifism vs. revolution. But their tension-filled chat often drifts to other subjects. Wollstonecraft, known for her feminist writings such as "A

Vindication of the Rights of Woman," tries to convince Jefferson that women are good for something other than "gentleness, docility and a spaniellike affection." But he disagrees, lo the laughter and applause of the audience. "Nature made men public creatures and women domestic creatures.'' Jefferson said. ''The tender breasts of ladies are not made for political convulsions.·· Jenkinson, a University of Nevada instructor who bas portrayed Jefferson more than 1.000 times, is one of the founders of the modern chautauqua movement, a tradition

dating to the 19th century in which scholars teach the humanities by portraying historical characters. Although Jefferson and Wollstonecraft never met, the debate allowed the actor to discuss politics, equality and democracy. ·'Jt was very informative." audience member Sue J urgeos aid. "You get a different perspective on the way life was then between the men and the way the women saw it." • The last installment of the Popcorn Forum will begin at 10 a.m. today in NIC's Boswell Hall. Mark Twain, WIii Rogers and Dorothy Parker will meet to debate a humorous vs. a cheerless life.




A4 THE PRESS Friday, March 27, 1998


JeffersOn put on hot seat By JOE BUTLER

Staff writer COEUR d'ALENE - It's not often one gets the chance to throw the tough questions to one of America's Founding Fathers. On Thursday at North Idaho College, 20th century college students and community members were able to grill Thomas Jefferson, the architect of the U.S. Constitution and a U.S. president. "Why didn't you let your slaves go?" "Why didn't you educate your slaves?" "Did you ever shed blood in the name of liberty?" Jefferson, portrayed by scholar Clay

Jenkinson, was one of eight historical characters brought to life Thursday as part of NI C's Popcorn Forum. More than 1,000 people packed into Schuler Auditorium. The day's background was a slide of Monticello, Jefferson's Virginia home. And yes, he had slaves. "I stand convicted and I owned 200 humans, and freed eight of them," he said."I wouldn't have freed them even if it was economically feasible. "I believed things were better on Monticello than the outside world, and that was a terrible contradiction."

.The issue of slavery occasionally overshadowed a debate over whether societal change works better through violence or nonviolence. POPCORN continued on A16

continued from A4

Jefferson and Mary Wollstonecraft, an 18th century champion of women's rights, advocated revolution. Wollstonecraft was portrayed by Virginia Johnson, NIC's chair of English, foreign languages, fine arts, humanities and communications. Opposing their opinion was Mohandas Gandhi, who struggled at nonviolence to rid India from British rule. He was portrayed by Coeur d'Alene attorney Harvey Richman. Jefferson said one way to get a message heard is to take violent action once all other avenues are exhausted. He used the example of a group shooting a senator after their message has been repeatedly ignored through rallies or letter campaigns. Gandhi, on the other hand said this group should instead stop paying taxes or buying American products. Both men clashed on the issue of freedom. Jefferson said he offered his slaves freedom, but said most of them preferred to live in the security of his home. Gandhi disagreed. "Were I a slave, I would rather starve free than live eating your bread," he said.

And Jefferson said he was proud of not raising a hand against the slaves, against Great Britain or against either side in the French Revolution. "I believe economic embargoes are preferable to war, and that my language and writing was infinitely more important than a brick." All three of the speakers paused at the end of the presentation to examine the characters through their own 20th century eyes. "Mary was ambiguous about violence and had no real notion of bloodshed," Johnson said. "In the abstract she liked it, but when she saw blood, she turned away and thought the government should do something to prevent it." The 28th annual Popcorn Forum wraps up today with a debate over a humorous or stoic life. At 10 a.m., there will be presentations by scholar George Frein portraying "Tom Sawyer" writer Mark Twain, scholar Douglas Watson portraying Western humorist WiJI Rogers and scholar Suzan Jarvis King portraying critic Dorothy Parker. All three will debate a serious vs. humorous viewpoint at 1 p.m. A response panel on that topic at 7 p.m. will include Derinda Moerer as Fanny Brice, Saprina Hammons as Mary Todd Lincoln, David Lindsay as W.C. Fields, Annie McKinlay as Mae West and Victor Duarte as John Broadus Watson.

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JOY NEWCOMB/Press photo

Hindu nationalist leader Mohandas Gandhi, played by Harvey Richman, addresses the topic of "Pacifism vs. Revolution" at the NIC Popcorn Forum Thursday afternoon.

A6 THE PRESS Saturday, March 28, 1998

Kootenai County/Eastern Washington

Popcorn Forum ends ¡on positive note By JOE BUTLER

Staff writer COEU R d ' ALENE - More tha11 4,500 people attended a week of symposiums discussing truth, justice, compassion and laughter. Tony Stewart. the key organizer of North Idaho College's Popcorn Forum and Convocation Series Convocation. said the week of journeys and moral dilemmas was a success. The forum ended Friday evening with a panel discussion about humor vs. seriousness. "It was a very enjoyable week," he said. "We had a number of people who came up to me and used terms like ¡great enjoyment' and 'fascinating.'" Students. faculty, staff and interested members of the community attended the various events. 111e day's schedule began with a first-person examination of one to three historical characters. followed by a debate about the day's topic. A response panel of other characters continued the discussion later that day. Stewart said part of the week's success was the participation from lhe audience, many of who came to each session. The presenters were also of high quality, especially this year. Many of them attended a pre-Forum training workshop this winter in proper dramatic interpretation of historical characters. "You saw it in their work - they were all at a higher level," Stewart said. The dedicated perfonners also drew praise from

JOY NEWCOMB/Press photo

Satirical w rit er Dorothy Parker, played by Suzan Jarvis King, speaks Friday against humor as a means for dealing with serious issues in society during t he final day of the NIC Popcorn Forum.

some of the national scholars who do this for a Jiving. "It's remarkab le for the number of faculty involved in this," said Douglas Watson, a professor of Englis h at Oklahoma Baptis t University in

Shawnee, Okla .. who por trayed humori st Will Rogers Friday. "We couldn't run a whole week." Suzan Jarvi s King, an assistant professor of English at Tulsa Communi ty College in Tulsa,

Okla.. came to NIC to portray critic and satirical poet Dorothy Parker. She has mastered five other characters. including Eleanor Roosevelt. "We think it's remarkable what they're doing here," King said. 'They are very ambitious." The third sc~olar Friday, George Frein, portrayed Mark Twam. He and Watson took on King in the debate over a humorous or humorless life. Though Twain and Roge rs agreed on most points, the writer of "Tom Sawyer" entered Parker's camp in some areas. "If this is a debate about optimism or pessimism I'll move over," he said. ' Parker said she is always disappointed with life. "I do expect the worst to happen, and I'm very seldom proved wrong," she said. "I expect to be disappointed." Rogers, on the other hand, had a more positive outlook. "I think a fellow can change the world around him ," he said . "That doesn't mean we have to embrace sorrow. but it means to take advantage of adventure around us." This topic was only the starting point. The conversation meandered to truth, criticisms death liquor and even a few ribald jokes. ' ' "I don't think there's much point of getting up in the morning," Parker said. "But you do have to get up to go to the liquor store." For those who missed any of the day's events, Stewart said every session was videotaped and is available in the college's library.

Idaho Roundtable Spokane, Wash./ Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

Thanks for Popcorn Forum We are visitors to your lovely city, and were delighted to be here while the North Idaho College Popcorn Forum was held. What a wonderfully exciting event. We thank you for covering the event so we_ll-we would never_ ha~e known about it without your articles. It seem education is alive and well in North Idaho. Eula and Floyd Weber Nelson, British Columbia

-A4 THE PRESS Saturday, April 4, 1998

Roundup Fonan focuses on studenls, jobs COEUR d'ALENE - A forum next week to discuss issues facing schools in preparing students for jobs is expected to be attended by local educators, employers. students and business leaders. The forum. MHow Are Schools and Colleges Faring in the Workplace Today?" will be 7 p.m. Thursday in the North Idaho College Boswell Hall Schuler Auditorium. The free event is cosponsored by the NIC Popcorn Forum Committee and the NIC Philosophy Department Information: 76~3316




Children of the Dream


Kerrin Tenneson leads a small group discussion on racism Thursday morning at North Idaho College. About 650 high school students from North Idaho attended a seminar on racism . The schedule included the history of the U.S. civil rights movement, a freedom speech, a slide show on the rise of hate groups in the Northwest and Larry Nicholas of the Anti-Defamation League in Seattle, and members of the " Children of the Dream" program talked about tolerance, diversity and combating stereotypes. Also pictured, from left, are Coeur d'Alene High School students Dan Taylor, Ty Seeley, Jim Hail and Brad Gary.

Officials not happy with dismal turnout for primary/84 &fCTION


Friday, May 29, 1998

The Spokesman-Review Spokane, Wash/ Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

To contact the North Idaho office, dial (208) 765-7100, toll-free 800-344-6718; Fax: (208) 765-7149

Fighting racism About 700 high school students discuss how to respond to Aryans Nations, other racists

By Heather Lalley Staff writer


OEURd'ALENE-Ayoung African American man recalls watching as his great-grandfather nearly was beaten to death by police

officers. A Jewish teenager remembers being called "little Jew boy" by fellow Boy Scouts. Those stories, told by two members of the Seattle-based Children of the Dream Foundation, were among many shared Thursday at North Idaho College. About 700 high school students gathered to discuss racism and ways of combating the region's racist

"We 're the potato state and we 're the racist state, anywhere

yougo." Melissa Kresge, Sandpoint High School

image. "We're the potato state and we're the racist state, anywhere you go," said 18-year-old Melissa Kresge of Sandpoint. With the Aryan Nations scheduled to march

through downtown Coeur d'Alene in July, the students grappled with the best way to address the actions of the white supremacist group. "It's better if nobody shows up to the Aryan Nations parade," said Eric Dawson, 17, of Plummer, Idaho. But Jack Caughran, 16, of Post Falls, worried how the media would portray that action. "They'll think silence is acceptance on our part," Caughran said. "We can't just sit by and let it happen." George Critchlow, a professor at Gonzaga University, said the community is responding Continued: Racism/BB


Page Bl

Friday, May 29, 1998 • I

.Racism: 'Move beyond tolerance' Continued from B1 appropriately to the march by speaking against it. '¡History teaches us that free speech is a very, very important value," Critchlow said. " Even though speech may be very offensive, a free society ought to accommodate such speech. That speech ought to be met by other speech by us. That's the answer. You tolerate the bad speech and respond to it with good speech." Before breaking into small groups, students listened to speakers discuss the history of civil rights and the First

Amendment. They saw slides of newspaper photos showing the inside of the Aryan Nations compound. They also saw photos of the bombing of a priest's home and a Planned Parenthood office. Larry Nicholas of t he AntiDefamation League in Seattle urged students to "move beyond tolerance." " lf you're different from me and I simply tolerate you, what kind of world are we creating?" Nicholas asked. Students said racism and human rights are rarely discussed in class because there is little racial and

The Rt religious diversity in their schools. But many said racist jokes and racial slurs are not uncommon. "This will be helpful for a lot of people," Dawson said of the seminar. " It will make people think a lot more about what goes on in their schools." Tony Stewart, a member of the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations, said he is encouraged by the high school students' discussions. " I'm very excited about today," Stewart said. " l came away with hope for the future." The racism seminar was cosponsored by T he SpokesmanReview and the Popcorn Forum, an NIC lecture :series.

Confronting regions racist image

Cra,g Bock/The Spo~11-Rev w

MeHssa Kresge, right, from Sandpoint High School, talks about racism In Idaho during a seminar Thursday at North Idaho College. Chad Mccorkle, of Wallace High School, and Donna Dearman, from Sandpoint High, listen to the discussion.

A4 THE PRESS Friday, Sept. 25, 1998

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At one point Stevens-Commers lit a cigarette. "Oh, I forgot," she said. "Some things are not socially acceptable anymore." Born in Eagle Point, m.. in or about 1870, Lockhart began her writing career and adventurous life as a journalist on the staff of the Boston Post. She later moved on to work for a paper now known as the Philadelphia Inquirer. She fit into the more fastpaced East, but curios ity led Lockha rt out West and for a

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long time s h e called Cody, Wyo., home. It is in Cody that she began writing novels about the West, including "The Dude Wrangle r," "Me-Smith ," and "The Lady Doc." She was so well-regarded that the New York Tribune said at the time she was "at her best, better than those of Zane Grey." Lockhart was a lso at one ti me the owner of the Cody Enterprise, the local weekly newspaper. But as well known as she was a capable, creative writer of prose, Lockhart also built a reputation for being popular, as Stevens-Commers' char-


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acter said, "with one-half of the population." "Several young gentleman of leisure took interest in me," Stevens-Commers said. Spirited and outwardly selfassured in a time when women often were not socially accepted for exhibiting such characteristics, Lockhart was not afraid to tell men of her day, even if they were mayor, what she believed. "I knew since the first time I penned a story that I was destined to become a writer," Stevens-Commers' character said. "I was always in search of a good story."




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Population expert to speak at NIC COEUR d' ALENE - One of the world's authorities in poJr ulation co ntr ol will give a speech at North Idaho.College later this month. Werner Fornos, president of the Population Institute, will

give a free presentation at 10 a.m. Sept. 25 in Schu ler Auditorium. Fornos, a former Maryland state legislator, bas -:been involved in efforts to balance the world's population with the

world's resources, including environment and education. There are now membe r s from 160 cou ntries in the Washington, D\C.-based ins titute, which l.a found e d in 1969. Some if its missions include working toward shaping public policy, recruiting volunteers from communities, offering s ix-mon th tenures at the institute and organizing World Population Aware ness Week each October. Fornos has received accolades from th e Unite d States and the United Nations for his work in the last few decades. He

has also worked as a management consultant for family planning programs in several countries and spoke at several development co9ferences around the world. His message usually encourages developing countries to balance popul ations with resources, ancl also urges industrialized nations to help poorer countries achieve their population objectives. At hi s talk he re later th is month, Fornos is expected to discuss what the tre nd toward an increasing population will mean for life in the 21st century.

A4 THE PRESS Saturday, Sept. 26, 1998

Population Problems Says growth must be stabilized By KEITH ERICKSON

Staff writer

COEUR d'ALENE - Within months, the world's population will hit 6 billion as a silent global population explosion in Third World countries spirals out of control, a world growth expert said. Ninety-eight percent of the growth occurs in the poorest parts of the world where governments are struggling to accommodate their rapidly expanding populations, said Werner Fornos, president of the Population Institute. Fornos addressed students Friday morning at the North Idaho ColJege Popcorn Forum. "Continuing to ignore global population growth may see us committing the ultimate global blunder fro m which there is no recovery," Fornos said.

Efforts from around the globe must be focused on stabilizing the world's population, he added. The key to the world's demographic future, Fornos said, wiU be the reproductive behavior of the 3 biUion young people - equivalent to the world population in 1960 - who will enter their childbearing years within the next generation. ''Women must have fu ll employment opportunities," he said. "There are alternatives to being barefoot and pregnant" Eradicating illiteracy for women in Third-World countries will also help stabilize the growth rate. Fornos said woman with at least an eighth-grade education have half as many pregnancies. Despite the population boom, Fornos said there is good news. The world 's population last year increased by 80 million people instead of more than 90 million that had been expected. 'This was a result of faster than anticipated acceptance of family planning, delays in mar-

riage and an increase in death rates," he said. To put into perspective just how explosive growth is in poor countries, Fornos noted that Idaho covers 85,000 square miles and has a population of 1.2 million. Bangladesh, in southern Asia, has 50,000 square miles of land with a population of 130 million. While populations have leveled off and are even subsiding in some industrialized countries, growth is expected to continue to skyrocket in poorer parts of the world. Over the next 30 years, Fornos said, the population in 74 Third World countries will double. Worldwide, the population is expected to double to 12 billion in the next 40 years. T he Population Institute is a Washington , D.C.,-based nonprofit organization with members in 160 countries. It seeks a more equitable balance between the world's population, environment and resources.

A4 THE PRESS Tuesday, Nov. 10, 1998

NIC club to celebrate divarslty T he North Idaho College Human Equality Club will sponsor its second annual rally this Thursday to celebrate diversity. The rally, "Awareness is the Foundation of our Humanity," will be 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Boswell Hall Schuler Auditorium. NIC President Michael L Burke will give the opening address followed by a panel discussion on a variety of topics related to cultural diversity and awareness The event will also include an opportunity to sign a card for Matthew Shepard's family. Shepard was the college student who was murdered earlier this fall in Wyoming. The program also includes the reading of a resolution from the Northwest Coalition on Malicious Harassment in support of human rights. The event is free and open to the public. Information: 769-3316


THE PRESS Tuesday, Dec. 1, 1998 A7

Norlh Idaho

NIC to host human rights meeting COEUR d ' A LENE Members of the community will join leaders around the world next week in affirming human rights. North Idaho College will host one of 50 town meetings taking place across the country Dec.10. The free meeting, which will include speeches by area human rights leaders, is designed to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is open to the public. "These meetings will offer people in every state an opportunity to participate in a dialogue on h uman rights and

show their support for the principles of the declaration," said Tony Stewart, chair of NIC's Popcorn Forum and a political science instructor. The 1 p.m. meeting in Todd Hall will be titled "In Your Hands: A Global Campaign for Freedom and Equality for All," and include a keynote address by Bill Wassmuth, a former Coeur d'Alene priest and current executive director of the Northwest Coalition Against Malicious Harassment Other speakers include Kootenai County Prosecutor Bill Douglas, Jeanne Givens, from the Coeur d'Alene Tribe, Marshall Mend, from the

Kootenai County Task Force On Human Relations, Gretchen Albrecht-Hellar, president of the Bonner County Task Force on Human Relations and Roger Olson, a member of the Bahai community. People attending the meeting will be able to sign the declaration, watch a PBS film about human rights and add their names to a letter to President Bill Clinton asking hlm to convene a White House Summit on Human Rights in 1999. Stewart said the town meeting is also a prelude to an upcoming symposium on global human rights issues, planned some time next year.

Panelists reaffirm universal declaration wassmuth warns of possible threats to human rights

A4 THE PRESS Friday, Dec. 11, 1998

By JOE BUTLER Staff w riter COEUR d' ALENE - Human rights have come a long way in 50 years, but still have a long way to go, a panel of speakers said Thursday at the golden anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. On Dec. 10, 1948, every member of the United Nation's General Assembly signed the document, whic h affirme d 30 righ ts that every citizen of the world possesses, regardless of race. religion, sex and political views. Fifty year s later, re presentatives from North Idaho College and three area human rig hts groups affirmed the document and offered a standing-room audience reasons to preserve it for at least another 50 years. NJC was one of 30 cities across the country invited to hold presentations and town hall meetings to mark the document's anniversary. "The docu ment has become one of the most quoted and also the most ignored documents in the world ," said Bill Wassmuth, a fo r mer Coeur d'Ale ne priest and current executive director of the Northwest Coalition Against Malicious Harassment. In his keynote speech. Wassmuth explained the history of documents which blend positive laws and rights with human rights, which are usually fairer and apply to everyone. The 1948 document was the latest one of these. "Human rig hts don't stem from any parlicu lar law, bu t are given to everyone just because they are human beings," Wassmuth said. 'There is something intrinsic in human nature that entitles them to respect."


He said America does a good job of focusing on certain aspects of the 1948 document, such as advocating political and civil liberties, but sometimes neglects other areas such as the right to freedom and leisure, the right to a standard of living, the rig ht to social services and the rig ht to form labor unions. HUMAN RIGHTS continued on A7

JOY NEWCOMB/Press photo

Kootenai County Prosecutor Bill Douglas speaks with students and the public in Todd Hall at North Idaho College Thursday afternoon about human rights.

HUMAN RIGHTS continued from A4

"We can be a bit myopic, and I suggest we clarify and understand this document better, and work to make it complete and inclusive - work for political rights as well as economic and social," Wassmuth said. His speech included a warning that as the political right gains more and more power, human rights may be pushed out of the picture. "I don't mean that someone : who is on the right is automati- ~ly against human rights, but it has been shown that neglect of rights happens as things go _ farther to the right," Wassmuth : said. "Some people who are in : the center now used to be on - the extreme end." Likewise, he said some - notions that were heard on the : fringes of politics years ago - public schools are harmful, the : poor deserves their status, chil- dren should be removed from - troubled parents, homosexuals : are a threat - now have been : "sanitized' into public policy. : "Th rough time and repeti: tion, ideas like this have become : more accepted and integrated," : Wassmuth said. "Many support: ers of these ideas aren't white : separatists anymore, but people : from the political mainstream." Human rights can progress further when people realize that : documents like the declaration : are for everyone's good. America : should take the lead in improv: ing the document's framework for every country, and not fear : the UN-approved document as a : threat to its sovereignty. • "Our ultimate goal should be the formation of informed citi: zens who respect the rights of : everyone," Wassmuth said. " Thursday's speech included short speeches by Marshall Mend, Jeanne Givens, Bill Douglas, Gretchen Albrecht• Heller and Roger Olson.

"I challenge you all to work for substance, not symbolism," said Givens, a member of the Coeur d'Alene Tribe and a former mern: ber of NIC's board of trustees. : "You can work to make the corn• munity a warm, inviting place." Mend, a local real estate • agent and founding member of : the Kootenai County Task Force • For Human Relations, said pe~ pie need to work on changing themselves and their own biases before trying to change their community and world. "Article 1 of the document is as far as you have to go - all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights," he .said. "'That tells the whole story." "' Albrecht-Heller, president of the Bonner County Task Force for Human Relations, said groups exit to ensure that every• one can stand proud and no one has cower in fear or shame. "When people are made afraid, it is our responsibility to • stand beside them and say 'not : in our community," she said. \ • "Y{.e won't try to stop the people causing the fear, but work to say that everyone is one and no one has to be afraid anymore."

Elderly woman sues Spokane over police dog attack/84 SECTION

Friday, December 11, 1998

The Spokesman-Review Spokane. Wash./Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

To contact the North Idaho office. dial (208) 765-7100, toll-free (800) 344-6718; Fax: (208) 765-7149

On the rig By Laura Shireman Staff writer

U.N. declaration has been a

COEUR d'ALENE - Fifty measuring stick years ago, the Unjted Nations for SO years declared that all people are entitled to cenain human rights. Today, the United States still hasn't Jived up to that declaration, a speaker told about 65 people packed into Todd Lecture Hall at North Idaho College Thursday afternoon. "There's something intrinsic in human nature that entitles people to a certain level of respect," said Bill Wassmuth, executive director of lhe Northwest Coalition Against Malicious Harassment. " Human rights are universal."

path Thursday marked the 50th anniversary of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. anti the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations marked it with a panel djscussion at NIC. Across the nation, 30 cities held similar events to commemorate the declaration's anniversary. The document, among other things, proclaims that all people .are born free and equal in dignity and rights, everyone has the right to equal pay for equal work, and all people have the right to education. While the United States does well protecting political rights, such as those outlined in the Bill of Rights, ·•we as a country do not do as well on some of the other article!.." Wassmuth said. "Social injustices in America are human rights vjolations as well." Continued: Rights rally/82

"Theres something intrinsic in human nature that entitles people to a certain level of respect. Human rights are universal. " BIii Wassmuth, speaking at NIC Jesse Tinsley/The Spokesman-Review

Standing-room-only crowd applauds at human rights rally at NIC Thursday.

pights rally: ~an Nations leader Butler :attends forum Continued from 81

He argued that human rights also include thing\ like the freedom to have adequate shelter and food - an idea found in the declaration. "We see violations of human rights as being political pnsoners in China. pot the person next door to m, who <loes not have access to food and housing," he said. And the more a country\ politics i.v.ing to the right. Wa\smuth inSisted, the more human right\ tend to $Uffcr. "The drift to the right i!. a serious !!Hack on human rights and the rights of man} in our country." he said. Panelist Jeanne Givens of the Coeur d'Alene Tribe agreed. ... "I've been seeing the move to the

When Butler attempted to ask a question, Stewart said the event was

finished. right and the punishing of the poor," she said. ¡Tvc become cynical and I've wondered: Does anybody care?" She believes people do care. she said, and called on NIC students to support human rights. "Let everybody know where you stand on human rights," she urged. Other panelh,ts made similar calls for action. Marshall Mend of the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations reminded people that changing the world starts with each person changing him- or herself. Wassmuth recommended that people evaluate politicians on their human rights records and that they examine political decisions partly on whether they comply with the Declaration of Human Rights. And Tony Stewart, the moderator

and a member of the Kootenai County Task Force, said people who want to support human rights should get involved with human rights organizations and talk about the issue with other... Many of the audience members signed a letter to the White House supporting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Aryan Nations leader Richard Butler attended the discussion. just a day after Moscow residents protested in front of the white supremacist group's Hayden Lake compound. One of the protesters, Lori Graves, had a cross burned in her front yard and a Molotov cocktail tossed at her front porch last week. She and others have said they suspect the Aryan Nations was responsible, because Graves had protested the Aryan parade in downtown Coeur d'Alene last summer. When Butler attea<pted to ask a question Thursday, Stewart said the event was finished and there would be no more questions. " I had already said we're going to close the discussion," Stewart explained later. "This is a day to celebrate, not a day to argue."

" 7 ~ We ea,a ~ a WO!ZU o/, V ~ ,,

14th Annual Human Rights Celebration Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Program January 14, 1999 9:30 a.m. North Idaho College

Presented by: Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations Coeur d'Alene School District Post Falls School District North Idaho College Popcorn Forum North Idaho College Human Equality Club


Friday, January 15, 1999

The Spokesman-Review Spokane Wash/Coeur d'Alene. Idaho

To contact the North Idaho office dial (208) 765-7100. toll-free (800) 344-6718; Fax (208) 765-7149

Close to Home

History to spring alive at NIC with 'Journeys Through Time'

By Cynthia Taggan

Renowned humanities scholar Clay Jenkinson expects students at NIC to not only learn history but live and breathe It by portraying historical figures. Jenkinson, for example, has played Thomas Jefferson, left, and one-armed explorer John Wesley Powell.

Staff writer


un Nelson need hi generalissimo uniform. Without it, his portrayal of South American liberator Simon Bolivar is a bit droll. a little underplayed, critics say. Cun. an easygoing physics and astronomy instructor at Nonh Idaho College. isn't offended. He's a student today. Before be performs Bolivar for hundreds of people in April, be wants to improve. sharpen, polish. "That's why l'ro here," he says, tipping his head at the NYC lecture hall where renowned humanities scholar Clay Jenkin on stands at the podium. Clay's students are preparing for North Idaho College' upcoming ·'Journeys Through Time" series. Tbe popular springiime lecture series i performed Chautauqua-style in which scholars portray famous and/or historical characters. This year's series will examine the past 1,000 years through 40 historical movers and shakers. including

Ale/The Spo•esman-Rev1ew


Henry Ford, Isaac Newton, Scott Joplin and Thomas II Jefferson. A Chautauqua portrayal is scholarly acting. Performers research their characters so thoroughly that they feel the! understand their motivations, fears and emotions. That • intimate knowledge helps them present characters audiences can chat with and pepper with questions. ., NIC art teacher Allie Vogt couldn't pass up the opportunity to dig a little deeper into one of her favorite artists, Georgia O'Keeffe. She'll portray O'Keeffe at the · April 5-9 series this year in her first attempt at Chautauqua. Allie's collection of books and periodicals on the artist is a foot high. "I expect to reach a new level of understanding of her," she says. "But I'm a little apprehensive of the performance." Clay, who performed Thomas Jefferson for President Clinton, warns his students that a character done properlJ can attract animosity. Audiences sometimes forget that Chautauquans aren't the people they portray. When he appeared as Jefferson before an audience in Nebraska once, a black woman familiar with the third president's racist philosophies unleashed a lifetime of rage on him, he tells his students. They're momentarily speechless, and Clay smilei;



Close to Home/82

Close to Home: Artists on display Continued from 81

almost paternalJy. He wants to ease, no1 enlarge, their worries by preparing them for everything. ..Yo.u read, write, wear a cheesy costume and you're done," he says cheerily. "The audience here is very generous. No scholar has ever been embarrassed." Whew.

Clinic. A note on the name change was included in last Sunday's column, but a stubborn glob of ink hitched the R and Nin Dime (dir-knee) into an M. Without founde r and supporter Lidwina Dime, this model clinic for the working poor might not exist. So stop by at illl Ironwood Dr. Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5:30-8:30 p.m., or Wednesdays, 8:30 a.m. to noon, and thank Lidwina. She deserves it.

Ink spots .A_hem. Coeur d' Alene's nearly-free clinic has not renamed itself after the 10-cent piece. Lake City Health Care i~ now the Dime Community Health

Watchable art Coeur d'Alene's Steve Gibbs knows people watch people, so he's wisely promoting local artists by

putting them, not just their works, on display. A dozen of the area's talented artists will draw, paint and sculpt from two live models in Coeur d'Alene's Plaza Shops, 1-4 p:m., Saturday. · Go see Terry Lee's wonderfully big paintings ~f wildlife or former soap opera star Steven Shortridge applying the oils to canvas. Take the kids and tickle their creative side. It's free. Steve will repeat the event Feb. 6. • What's your art story? Tell Cynthia Taggart, "Close to Home," 608 Northwest Blvd., Suite 200, Coeur d'Alene, ID, 83814; fax to 765-7149; call 765-7128; or e-mail to cynthiat@spokesman.com.






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Task force ,gets boost for rights Nonprofit.corporation formed to back scholarships, host of diversity projects


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By Heather Lalley Staff writer

COEU R d'ALENE- North Idaho's largest human rights organization now will be IF YOU GO able to raise more money and provide Formore more educatio nal ilfoonation 00 lhe programs. PQJY,'001 Forum, call Calling it "a major • the NIC College day in the evolution RelaUons office at of th e Koote nai • (205) 76&-3316. County Task Force on Hum an Relations," task force memher TonyStewart announced Thursday the formation of a nonprofit corporation, the Humau Rights Education Foundation Inc. The new fou ndation will be led by former state Seil. Mary Lou Rec:J. · · "Tht m should be a wr.J for corporations to give m.:ire easily," Reec. said. "We know we can't dictate tolerance.... The way to do this is through education." The fou ndation, which hopes to raise $10,000 in its first year, will support scholarships, diversity workshops and camps and research programi,. To keep its nonprpfit status, the foundation must steer clear of political activities undertakrn by the Kootenai County Task Force Continued: Foundatlon/85

Foundation: Education one way to combat hate Continued from 81 on Human Relations, such as supporting legislation. That won't prevent the foundation from focusing on education, Stewart said. · "ff we're ever going to eradicate prejudice and bigotry, it's in education," he said. "The younger you start, the better." In addition to the new foundation, Stewart also unveiled the schedule for the 29th annual Popcorn Forum. The forum, which runs April 5-9 at North ldalio College, will focus on the history of ·the Western world during the past 1.000 years. Scholars will portray historical figures of the era to discuss advances in science, economics, religion, philosophy, art and civil rights. More than 40 outside experts, NIC faculty members and students will serve on panels


during the forum, whjch works to bring the humanities to life. "It's really important the students support it," said NIC stude1)t government President Ben Toews, whose group supplies much of the funding for the forum. "Too often when we come to college, students think about money. . . . It's a time for developing a philooophy and answering some questions. By looltj.ng .at history, we can always better ourselves in the

future." 'l1le aecond annual human rights banquet will be held in connection with the forum and will raise .money for the new education foundation. It will be at 7 p.m. April 8 at the Coeur d'Alene Inn and will featu.re presentations from scholars portraying Thomas Jefferson, Eleanor Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln. All of the Popcorn Forum events are free and open to the public, except the human. rights banquet. Tickets are available for . the banquet by calling (208) 769-3325. • Heather Lalley can be reached at (208) 765-7132 or by e-mail at heather1@spokesman.com•


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NIC announces schedule t for annual Popcorn Foru~ I


COEUR d ' ALENE - The 29th Annual Popcorn Forum ~~ Convocation Series Symposittni'. ' scheduled for April 5-9 at North Idali¢ College. 1 This year's forum will be a "Journer Through Time: What Happened in tl{~ Western World in the Seconq. Millennium 1001-2000 AD.?" ~ The purpose of the event is (9 observe and discuss "the great even~ and historical characters .affecting life iq the Western world over the last 1,00Q years," organizer Tony Stewart said Thursday. The symposium will feature guest ,scholars and panelists portraying lu,storical characters who had a major impact on the sciences, economics, religions, philosophies, arts and civil rights. The keynote speaker on April 9 will be Rhodes Scholar Clay Jenkinson. His speech, "Where are we now in science, economics, philosophy, religion and political/social development?" will try to integrate the subjects covered in the forum's first four days. Jenkinson "is a master of trying to integrate and bring things together," Stewart said. Ben. Toews, president of the Associated Students of NIC, said the Popcorn Forum helps round out a student's education. "I think another important aspect of college is a time for developing a philosop hy answering some questions that every person h·as to ask in their lives," he said Thursday. POPCORN continued on .A& .


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A& THE PRESS Friday, April 2, 1999

Kootenai County/Continued Froni •••

Film crew coming to NIC .

By BILL BULEY Staff writer


California film crew is scheduled to be at North Idaho College next week to tape a character in the Popcorn Forum. Clay Jenkinson, renowned for playing Thomas Jeffe rson, will be the subject of two days of recording, said Popcorn Forum organizer Tony Stewart. Jenkinson, ~ Rhodes Scholar from Reno, Nev., ~as played the, role of Jefferson more than 1,000 times. He has performed before President Clinton, President George Bush, the United Nations and members of Congress. Most recently, he was on C-SPAN debating Alexander Hamilton and John Adams. Next week, he11 reprise the role during The 29th Annual Popcorn Forum and Convocation Series Symposium at North Idaho College. This year's forum will be a ·Journey Through Time: What Happened in the Western World in the Second Millennium 1001-2000 AD.?"

Jenkinson will also be the keynote speaker on April 9. His speech, "Where are we now in science, economics, philosophy, religion and political/social development?" will try to integrate the subjects covered in the first four days of the forum. On Thursday, he'll join Eleanor Roosevelt played by Suzan Jarvis King and Abraham Lincoln played by Dr. Harry Fritz for a discussion on "Tite World of Democracy: The Emancipation of the Disenfranchised Stewart said all people playing historic characters at the forum are very good. Jenkinson, he said, "is just outstanding." The California film crew is making a film on Thomas Jefferson and heard about Jenkinson's talents. They will be here Wednesday and Thursday, recording Jenkinson during panel discussions and speeches. "They11 be all over the place filming,~ he said. Stewart said he is delighted to have the film crew coming to NIC. "It's interesting to have a film about Thomas Jefferson, and it's wonderful publicity for our community, the college and the Popcorn Forum," he said. "It11 be exciting for the whole program."

A4 THE PRESS Tuesday, April 6, 1999

tenai C Building on History Popcorn Forum begins By BILL BULEY

Staff writer COEUR d' ALENE - A great discoverer has certain qualities, like curiosity, tenacity, dedication and discipline. Oh, and two more things: They have to like popcorn and enjoy speaking in front of crowds. The 29th Popcorn Forum got off to a strong start Monday at North Idaho College. Around 550 people showed up at Schuler Auditorium to hear and see Frederick Krebs portray Galileo and share the ideas of the ItaJi an who pioneered modern physics. In the afternoon, another 150 turned out at the student union building to hear a panel of speakers on 'The World of Science and Technology: Discoveries for Others to Build On."

Bob Bohac as Sir Issac Newton talks about his life during a panel discussion on the first day of the Popcorn Forum on Monday at North Idaho College. BILL BULEY/ Press photo

The key to making a discovery, it was said, is the acceptance of failure as well as success, and a willingness to work hard. French chemist Madame Marie Curie, who lived from 1867 to 1934, was played by Rhena Cooper She said she loved the hours she spent conducting experiments. 'The laboratory is not dead. It is alive. It is full of excitement. It's there where you actually get to see it You don't get it hearsay. You don't get rumor. You don't get it word of mouth. It's yours. You get to see it, you get to understand it." ¡Ben Franklin was played by Alan Lamb.

He said he started the first public library, developed bifocals, helped establish the postal service and even helped draft the Declaration of Independence. He joked about his famous electricity experiment with. a key tied to the end of a kite string. "1 didn't know how lucky I was that day not to be electrocuted and probably killed, because if a bolt of lightning had ever struck that kite, I would probably have been fried on the spot," he said. But Franklin said key to his success were "the powers of observation. I believe we can make the world a better place." Sir Isaac Newton, played by Bob Bohac, sai~ his "great purpose in life was really discovery of the truth, of how the All Mighty made

this world that we live in," he said. Thomas Edison, played by Ken Pel, said inventing electricity was nothing magical or miraculous. "I didn't create anything. h was always out there. I just used it differently and gave it a different form." It took 3,000 different experiments to find the fight filament that led to electricity, he said. "Think how we improved the lives of everyone," he said. Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, was played by Dan St.John. He said the phone was first ridiculed. "'Ihe world saw no value in it Western Union, after I invented it in 1876, laughed at it Fortunately, it was very worthwhile. Thirty-

years later, we bought Western Union," he said. "My company is still around today, you may have heard of it: American Telephone and Telegraph, AT&T, Ma Bell." Galileo said each of the inventors had to overcome adversity and failure to reach their goals. He said that the "most valuable traits of a scientist are repetition and persistence, without which, I do not think anything can be accomplished in science." The Popcorn Forum continues today, 9 a.m., at Schuler Auditorium with Scottish engineer Dale Marcy and inventor James Watt discussing "The World of Economics: The Rise of Economic Power in the Western World." Panel discussion at 1 p.m. will be in the student union building.


Giving Life to History Popcorn Forum wraps up today By BILL BULEY Staff writer

COEUR d' ALENE - T he chance to hear two presidents and a president's wife discuss their role in democracy proved popular at Nor th Idaho College. So much so, in fact, that nearly 1,300 people packed into Schuler Auditorium for 90 minutes to hear from some famous folks. "I wish everyone in town could have been here today," said one

woman as she left after hearing the final speaker. The 29th annual Popcorn Forum and Convocation Series Symposium continued Thursday and attracted its biggest crowd yeL And for good reason. The cast and the people they were portraying was impressive. Playing Thomas Jefferson was Dr. Clay Jenkinson, a Rhodes Scholar and University of Nevada professor. Portraying Eleanor Roosevelt was Suzan Jarvis King, an assistant professor of English at Tulsa Community College.

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POPCOIII continued from M Performing as Abraham Uncoln was Dr. Harry William Fritz, professor and chair with the Department of History at the Uoiverlity of Montana. The three told tales of their times and spoke of t h e ~ they~ as they guided the United States to greatness.

Lincoln talked of his cabinet and how he tried to run his office with pleo'1 of debate on aD illuea.

Rooaevelt said ahe worked bard for they were talking about. And they even and historical characters ~ life aocial juatice and civil rights, including looked just right for their parts.• in the western world over the last the righta of women. Another audience member; Marian 1,000 years." And when Jefferson was asked Baxter, said she loves the way the about being the author of the Popcorn Forum brings history to life. Declaration of fndependence, and also '1 don't like to study history, but I ~ a slave owner, he said his posi- lite heaiq from the characters that made history happen... she said. "They tion WIS "indefeoaib1e." JenkiDBOO. ~ and Friuwon acco- certainly broqght history t.o life today. 1bis year's forum is a fjJourney lade& from the audience for their performinee. Through 'Ilme: What Happened in the "'It was reall)! faeciNting to listen t.o Western World in the Second them,• said Ron Muon. '"'Ibey muat Millennium 1001-2000 AD.?" have really studied their role$ because The purpose of the event is to they seemed to know euctlJ what obeerve and diecuN '"the great events

1be ew,it wnps up today with the

keynote addreH ftom Dr. Clay Jenkineon at 10 a.m. at Schuler Auditorium. Hie talk is titled, --rile World of Today: Where are we now in adence, economics, philosophy, religion and polltical/aodatdevelopment. At. 1 p.m. and apin at 7 in Schuler Auditorium, 1here will be a roundtable discussions featurlq bfamrical charaoters porb ayecl by panellsta from the &st fout "-9 ofthe ayltlpoilium.

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BILL BULEY/f'ress photo

Dr. Clay Jenkinson speaks to the audience about slavery as he portrays Thomas Jefferson during the Popcorn Forum at North Idaho College on Thursday. Story/A4


Community reaction to NIC Popcorn Forum 'heartwamting' By BILL BULEY Staff writer he 29th Annual Popcorn Forum is history. The five-day event that took audience members on a "Journey Through Time" wrapped up Friday with final presentations at Schuler Auditorium at North Idaho College. About 4,000 people saw guest speakers portraying historical characters as they discussed happenings in the Western world over the last 1,000 years. Organizer Tony Stewart said community and campus reaction to the forum has been "heartwarming." "People are just celebrating what they heard," he said. One woman told Stewart s he wanted to plan her vacation around the Popcorn Forum next year. Another said she was married to a mining

engineer for more than 40 years and never he said. Panel members were equally impressed with understood him when he spoke of work. the attendance, he said. Tuesday, she heard the lecture on the steam 'When they respond to you, it makes it worthengine by Scottish engineer and inventor James while," Stewart said. Watt played by Dale Marcy. This year's keynote speaker was Dr. Clay "She went back and told her husband, 'I underJenkinson. who for the second straight year porstand you after 43 years,"' Stewart said with a trayed Thomas Jefferson, the President of the broad smile. "It shows you what discussions and dialogue can do." United States from 1801-1809. The Rhodes Scholar and University of Nevada Stewart recruited 44 people to portray some of professor has played Jefferson more than 1,000 history's most famous people, including Thomas times, including a performance for President Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Galileo, James Watt, Martin Luther, Thomas Edison, Sir Isaac Newton Clinton and his wife. Jenkinson said that for years he has read and Benjamin Franklin. Community members, NIC staffers and profes- everything he could about Jefferson and tries to portray his mannerisms as best he can. sors from other colleges spent up to five months Only once, years ago when a fifth-grader preparing for their parts. "I'm just totally impressed with their commitasked him who Jefferson 's guardian was ment and dedication," Stewart said. "I never after his father died, has there been a question he cou ldn 't answer about the man found a panel member unprepared." Stewart said learning histor y is made easy who authored the Declaration of at the Popcorn Forum. People can sit back, Independ e nce. "I didn't know so I thought I'll never be relax and listen to debate and explanations stumped again," he said Friday. from people who have extens ively studied Jenkinson said the Popcorn Forum is indeed, the lives of some of the country's most "very unique. renowned characters who affected the world "I just love the spirit that Tony has built here. around them. There's nothing like it in the country." "This format is the easiest way to learn,"

BILL BULEY/Press photos

• Ken Pelo as Thomas Edison, left, and Bob Hasseries as Johann Gutenberg field questions during a panel discussion Friday at Schuler Auditorium. CO I/ ff<? s.r

THE PRESS Saturday, April 10, 1999 AS

• Frederick Krebs as Galileo speaks to the crowd.

• Alan Lamb portrays Benjamin Franklin as he shows his spectacles to the audience during Tuesday's panel discussion at the student union building .

.& Suzan Jarvis King plays the role of Eleanor Roosevelt during Thursday's historical review at Schuler Auditorium before 1,200 people.

Forum begins Monday 'Popcorn' event looks back at last thousand years COEUR d'ALENE - The 29th Annual Popcorn Forum and Convocation Series Symposium is scheduled to begin Monday at North Idaho College. This year's fo r um will be a "Journey Through Time: What Happened in the Western World in the Second Millennium 1001-

2000 AD.?" The purpose of the event is to observe and discuss "the great events and historical characters affecting life in the western world over the last 1,000 years," said organizer Tony Stewart. T he symposium will feature guest scholars/presenters and panelists portraying historical characters who had a major impact on the sciences, economics. religions, philosophies, arts and civil rights. Discussions with guest speakers are scheduled Schuler Auditorium in Boswell Hall. The schedule of subjects and speakers is:


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• Monday, 9 a.m. - Frederick Krebs as Galileo, pioneer of modern physics and telescopic astronomy, will discuss "The World of Science and Technology: Discoveries for Others to Build On." Panel discussion at 1 p.m. • Tuesday, 9 a .m . - Dale Marcy as Scottish engineer and inventor James Watt will discuss, "The World of Economics: The Rise of Economic Power in the Western World." Panel discussion at 1 p.m.

• Wednesday, 11 a .m. - Dr. William Chrystal as Martin Luther, German theologian, will discuss "The World of Religion, Philosophy and Art: The Protestant Reformation and the Fracturing of Christendom." Response panels, 1 and 7 p.m . • Thursday, 10:30 a.m. - Dr. Clay Jenkinson as Thomas Jefferson, Suzan Jarvis King as Eleanor Roosevelt and Dr. Harry Fritz as Abraham Lincoln will discuss "The World of Democracy: The Emancipation of the Disenfranchised." Response panel at 1 p.m. • Thursday, 7 p.m. - Human Rights Banquet with the theme HThe Flowering of Democracy,# at the Coeur d'Alene Inn. There will be music, awards and presenters. • Friday, 10 a .m . - Jenkinson will give the keynote address: "The World of Today: Where are we now in science, economics, philosophy, religion and political/social development." Roundtable discussions featuring historical characters portrayed by panelists from the fi rst four days of the symposium, 1 and 7 p.m.

North Idaho

'Journey Through Time' Popcorn Forum THE PRESS Monday, April 5, 1999 A 7

starts today at NIC help homeowners with a few acres of forest land apply some basic forest management concepts. Information: 667-6426

N orth Idaho College's 29th annual Popcorn Forum and Convocation Series Symposium starts today and continues through Friday. "Journey Through Time: What Happened in the Western World in the Second Millennium 1001-2000 AD?" is this year's theme. The purpose of the forum is lo travel, observe and discuss the great events and historical characters affecting life in the Western world over the last 1000 years. Information: 769-3316


Schweitzer's winter season ends with the Annual Caribbean Carnival and Rasta Relay, which is a fund-raiser for the Inland



Calendar Northwest Chapter of the Multiple Sclerosis Society and sponsored by Alpine Designs. Teams compete in downhill and cross-country skiing and snowcycling. Information: Andy Feuling, 263-9373


Schweitzer Mountain is offering limited lift operations

today through Sunday. Chairs 2, 6 and the quad are in operation. Information: 208-263-9555


The 1999 Horticulture Workshop Series features Managing Your Backyard Forest today. Chris Schoepf, area extension forester, will teach this workshop. Chris will

Vegetable Gardening in North Idaho is being offered al the Rathdrum Library 7-8 p.m. Wednesday. The presenter is Dorothy Kienke, Master Gardener Program assistant for U of I Extension. The library is at 1652 Highway 41 next to the !GA.

•• •

Terri's Art Works, 1505 Brook Drive in Post Falls, will feature watercolors oi European scenes in the Main Gallery through the end of April. Information: 773-2033


The Art Spirit Gallery will


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Curtain rises on Popcorn Forum NIC presentations put focus on 2nd mlllennlum direction '

,By Heather Lalley S:tatf writer

COEUR d'ALENE - North Idaho College's 29th annual Popcorn Forum begins today and wilJ take audience members on a weeklong exploration of the second millennium. Here's a schedule of events: Today: The World of Science and ,Technology: Discoveries for Others to Build On. 8:45 a.m. musical prelude 9 a.m. Frederick A. Krebs as Galileo I p.m. response panel.

Tuesday: The World of Economics: The Rise of Economic Power in the Western World. 8:45 a.m. musical prelude 9 a.m. Dale Marcy as James Watt I p.m. response panel. Wednesday: The World of Religion, Philosophy and An: The Protestant Reformation and the Fracturing of Christendom. 10:45 a.m. musical prelude ll a.m. Dr. William Chrystal as Martrn Luther 1 p.m. response panel 7 p.m. response panel. Thursday: The World of Democracy: The Emancipation of the Disenfranchised. 10:15 a.m. musical prelude 10:30 a.m. Clay Jenkinson as Thomas Jefferson, Suzan Jarvis King as

Eleanor Roosevelt. Harry Fritz as Abraham Lincoln 1 p.m. response panel 7 p.m. human rights banquet. The Coeur d'Alene Inn. Friday: The World of Today: Where Are We Now in Science, Economics, Philosophy, Religions and Political/Social Development? 9:45 a.m. musical prelude 10 a.m. keynote address, Clay Jenkinson I p.m. roundtable discussion 7 p.m. roundtablc discussion.

All events, except the banquet, are free and open to the public. Most events take place at NIC's Boswell Hall-Schuler Auditorium. Call NJ C's College Relations Office at 769-3316 for more information.

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