Popcorn Forum Scrapbook 1999-2003

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Thursday, October 7, 1999

The Spokesman-Review

Popcorn Forum at NIC starts Monday • Coeur d'Alene ' North Idaho College's 30th annual fopcorn Forum, in which actors portray famous people in history, begins Monday. • The program will feature performances by members of the NIC faculty and staff in this year's event, titled, "Conversations with fa mous Historical Characters." The event begins at noon in the Lake Coeur d'Alene Room of the Edminster Student Union Building. }tis free and open to the public. Among the faculty members portraying historical figures are: Allie :Vogt, playing American muralist 'Georgia O'Keefe; Annie McKinley as actress Mae West; George Ives as writer Ernest Hemingway; and Dr. Virginia Johnson as English author and feminist Mary Wollstonecraft. NlC secretary Linda Erickson will portray British Queen Boadicea, from the first century A D.




Roundup A4 THE PRESS Thursday, Oct. 7, 1999

30th annual NIC Popcorn Forum begins Monday 'Historical figures' on hand COEUR d' ALENE - North Idaho College begins iLs 30th annual Popcorn Forum season next week with dramatic interpretations of five characters from hislory. Faculty and slaff members will talce on the appearances and personalities of various characters who had an impact on our world and culture. The "Conversations with Famous Historical Characters" forum begins at noon Monday in the Lake Coeur d'Alene room of the Edmi nster Student Union Building. TI1e performers include Allie Vogt as artist Georgia O'Keefe, Annie McKinlay as actress Mae West. George Ives as Ernest Hemingway, Virgina Johnson as Mary Wollstonecraft and Linda Erickson as Queen Boadicea. Each historical interpretation follows the Chautauqua style of performance, where the actors assume the role of that person and speak in the first person. Following the performance, they return to present clay and answer questions about that person. 1l1e live performers will offer the same roles at the upcoming conference at the Community College Humanity Association in Chicago. TI1e event is free.

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NIC 'actors' bring historical figures to life

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By Cynthia Taggart Staff writer


orth Idaho College secretary Linda Erickson will leave her spear in Coeur d'Alene next week rather than try to slip it past airport security. She never portrays ancient Queen Boadicea without the frightening spear by her side. But this is also the first time she's been invited to play Boadicea away from home. "I'm hoping there are props in Chicago," she says. That's where Linda, five North Idaho College teachers and a student are heading to show the nation's community college humanities instructors an exciting way to teach. "We'll be teaching teachers so they can teach others," says Virginia Johnson, chair of NIC's English department and a passionate supporter of chautauquastyle learning. Chautauquans are roleplaying scholars. They study the historical characters they portray to such a degree that Flle/The Spokesman-Review they can answer Virginia Johnson, who takes on the questions and persona of 18th-century feminist bold unscripted Mary Wollstonecraft during chautau- discussions in qua events, will be among seven character. people from NIC teaching the technique at a teachers conference in Chicago.

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Four years ago,NIC political science teacher Tony Stewart invited professional chautauquan Clay Jenkinson to perform his Thomas Jefferson on campus. NIC entered a new dimension that year. Tony persuaded teachers, school secretaries, students, even people in the community to take on roles and present their characters at a public forum. Clay was skeptical that nonscholars could do the job. NI C opened his eyes. He's returned every year since to teach his technique in Coeur d'Alene. Virginia portrays 18th-century English feminist Mary Wollstonecraft, a woman who used to intrigue her but now lives inside her. "Mary Wollstonecraft has had a large impact on my intellectual development," Virginia says. "I feel a moral obligation to tell about her." She savors every detail she learns about Wollstonecraft and celebrates when new information leads to a better understanding of her character. "She's very human," Virginia says. "It's a good thing to show students that people who accomplish great things are regular mortals." Art teacher Allie Vogt agreed to portray American artist Georgia O'Keeffe this year. A miserable performance experience as a teen kept her off stage most of her life. Her chautauqua portrayal was badly needed therapy and vindication. " I didn' t know what benefits it would lead to," she says, hardly able to contain her excitement. "It makes historical figures so accessible for students." Portraying Johann Sebastian Bach gave music instructor Gerard Mathes more than be expected. "It renewed me," be says. ¡ Fortified with stage and classroom experience, Virginia and her entourage will hit Chicago in character to showcase what's become NI C's specialty and a source of pride for Coeur d'Alene. "I don't think they expect that much from Idaho," she says, grinning. "Well, we'll show them."

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A& THE PRESS Friday, Nov. 12, 1999

Humanities Council endows arts programs COEUR d'ALENE -

Nor th Idaho College recently received a grant from the Idaho Rumanrnes Council. Twenty-one projects submitted by organizations and individuals will receive funds earmarked for humanities public progr.\ms, education and research initiatives throughout the state. NIC received $4,650 for its annual weeklong Popcorn Forum chautauqua series, March 19-24. The theme for the upcoming forum is "A Journey through 20th Centur y America."

Kootenai County• The weeklong series directed by Tony Stewart will be preceded by a public workshop in January on chautauqua perfor mance by Great Plains Chautauqua founder Clay Jenkinson. Jenkinson will also portray atomic physicist Robert Oppenheimer and will lecture on 20th century perspectives and moderate panels. Other scholars will portray Branch Rickey, Sigmund Freud, Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King and others. The council also awarded seven "incentive grants" to teachers around the state, including Marilyn Mangum of Pinehurst. She wi11 receive $687 to develop an interdisciplinary course for third-graders that will include literature, music

appreciation, music history and music performance at Pinehurst Elementary.

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Tuesday, February 8, 2000

100 performers • tnterpretcentury atNICforum By Alison Boggs Staff writer

COEUR d'ALENE -One hundred people - representing each of the 100 years of the past century - will perform in North Idaho College's 30th annual Popcorn Forum. "AjoumeY. through 20th century America" will take place March 19 through 24on the NICcampus. The performers will assume the identities of famous peoole. Among the people to be portrayed are: Jackie Robinson, the first African American major leaiue baseball player; Robert Oppenhetmer, builder of the atomic bomb and Margaret Sanger, pioneer of the birth control movement. All events, except the human rights banquet March 23, are free and open to the public. Veteran performer Clay Jenkinson will return to the forum this year to portray Oppenheimer at 9 a.m. March 21 at Boswell Hall. Jenkinson is a Rhodes scholar and professor of ancient studies at Continued: NIC forunv82

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the University of Nevada at Reno. He is recognized as a premier scholar on the life of Thomas Jefferson. Jenkinson has performed ,before President Clinton, his cabinet and members of Congress. Each day of the forum will begin with a '·walk through the century," in which 20 people representing different years of the century will parade across the stage in Boswell Hall. At I p.m. on March 23, Jimmie Lucas will take the stage as Martin Luther King, Jr. Lucas, a student of the civil rights leader's teachings, has traveled nationwide delivering various renditions of King's most famous speeches. His performance before the Diplomatic Corps prompted Clinton to call him "the most authentic and exhilarating King that I have ever seen." Lucas will take the stage again that evening at the annuaJ human rights banquet, to be held at 7 p.m. at the Coeur d'Alene Inn. Proceeds from the event fund human rights education workshops, teacher grants and minority scholarships. The cost is $25 per person. For a full schedule of Popcorn Forum events, call 769-3316.

A Journey Through Time Papco.-infaNI . . . . Mlrcll 1.24 By BILL BULEY Staff writer

COEUR d'ALENE -The man who integrated Major League Baseball will be por-


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he signed Jackie Robinson to play for the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947. He'll be portrayed by John Charles Chalberg, a professor at Normandale Community College in Minnesota. "We chose hjm because we thought that was such a major thing of the 20th century," Stewart sajd. And he'll be the first of several guest scholars/presenters and panelists portraying historical characters who had major impacts on sports, sciences, music, civil rights, arts, religion, politics and philosophy. The event will also include a free concert and a chance to meet people born in each year from 190().2000. "It is a packed week," Stewart said. The popular forum scheduled March 19-24 will once again take people on "a journey through 20th Century America." It is touted as "a platform for the free expression of divergent viewpoints." Key to this year's forum and Human Rights Banquet is the cooperation between NIC, the Human Rights Education Foundation and community businesses. NIC President Michael Burke said one element of the college's strategic plan was more collaboration with the community. "lrus speaks to the heart of that," he said. Burke said the Popcorn Forum is an important aspect of NlC's program. "I thrilled to know that given its 30year track record and through thjs pro-

trayed at the 30th annual Popcorn Forwn and Convocation Series Symposium at North Idaho College this year. '"Branch Rickey was probably the most remarkable person ever in baseball," said chairman Tony Stewart Rickey broke baseball's color barrier when

POPCORN continued on AS

cess we're still at the forefront of cultural, intellectual, human rights ~ssu~ in our region," Burke said. "I thmk ~s speaks well for the future of Idaho.

The Human Rights Banque~ featuring Jimmie Lucas of Lake Provtdence, La., portraying Martin Luther King Jr. is scheduled March 23 at the Coeur

~'Alene Inn. J:>roceeds go to human nghts education workshops, teacher grants and two one-year minority scholarships to NIC.

Denny Davis, board member of the foundation with an annual budget of $38,000, said they are hoping to raise $10,000 at the banquet this year and give businesses "an opportunity to reaffirm a very strong statement for diversity." Another highlight will be Rhodes Scholar Clay Jenkinson portraying Robert Oppenheimer, the "brilliant theoretical physicist who was recruited to build the most destructive weapon in history," the atomic bombs used by the United States against Japan in World War II. Last year, Jenkinson portrayed Thomas Jefferson and earned rave reviews from his performance. The Popcorn Forum will begin with something new March 19 at Schuler Auditorium by honoring 101 people of the 20th century from 1900-2000. "We're going to honor a person born every year in the last century," Stewart said. That will be followed by a free big ¡band concer t featuring the music of Duke Ellington. There will be two keynote addresses during the forum. The first is scheduled March 22 by Jenkinson on "A historical perspective of 20th Century America." A second is scheduled March 24 by Raymond Reyes, associate vice president of diversity at Gonzaga University. He11 speak on the "Contribution of Native Americans in 20th Century America. The Popcorn Forum is funded by the Associated Students of NIC, the NIC Foundation and The Idaho Humanities Council.



Thursday March 23, 2000

'Journey Tlirougli---- 20th Century' ~~//;~:,tt!:~-~:;11 Under Way •




he fir-.t thing political scien~e 1n,tructor Tony Stewart did when he came to NIC wa, to start the Popcorn Forum. "What on Eanh is the Popcorn Forum?" people around the country asked ... You ju..,t answered your own question," he would :..1y " I wanted a name that was so different that when people saw it in the paper." Stewart ,aid. "the} 'd never get it confu,cd with anything ebe." T

An estimated 5,000 people will attend t he 30th annual forum, which began Sunday and ends Friday. While popcorn i'> '>till served at the "response panels" in the SUB. the forum i:. known for its blend of lecture!'.. muo;ic and performers who become the person they teach about. The topic for the last five years ha, been "A Journey Through time·· and

walked Jcross the stage. ending today with people born from 1980 to 2000. .. 11·, hard to tell you how difficult it is to hntl one person born each year of the 20th Century." Stewart said." By his look of !.atisfaction. it wa,; easy to see that he wm, proud of the effort made by Derindr, Moerer in locating the IO I people. "Some limes you live in a time in h1,tor. "hen you have the opportunity to do '-Omething that others have not and will not have again for a long lime;· Stewart said. The forum i, as fun for lecturers and


'fr, year the forum is focusing on 20th ntury America. ., Sunday. IO I people. one born ea, 1, ·ar of the 20th Century and one in the .' 1r 2000. met together in the same roo11, from I 00-year-old Marie Merr ill. bor, in 1900 lo 5 - week-old Ana Burtis, t,,,1'\ Feb 14. That same night th, 20 olde!.t people walked across the <,!age in Schuler Auditorium one at a time. pau,ing to ,ay what major event happened in the year they were born. Each consccu t i ve da y of the conference the next 20 olde,t people

performers a., for attendees, according to Stewart. because of the large crowds that turn out. "If you have a cause or an idea or a performance:· Stewart said, "one of the most depressing things i., to go somewhere and there'!, a handful of people." In the la,;t four years combined, 19.500 people have attended. The College Relations Office sent program i.chedules to every address in Kootenai County.

FORUM continued on 11


Thursday, March 23, 2000

FORUM: Students portray historical figures in annual Chautauqua presentations continued from page l Th is year more than 40.000 progr ams were sent out and an addit'ional 5.000 were distributed in high school s. on campus and around the area. Last year 50 people had to be turned away during a session w ith Or. Cl ay Jenk inson. w ho i s considered to be the No. I "Chautauqua·· performer i·n the world. Oer i ve d f r o m th e name o f a l ak e i n southwestern New Y ork. Chautauqua was or igin all y a popu lar move ment in adult

educati on. whic h f l o uri shed in the l ate 1800s and ea rl y 20th Cen tury. Today "chautauqua" has come to mean the art of teac hi ng about hi stori cal people through first-per son characterizations. Fort y-four fi gures were portraye d th is year by mostly local per formers, including three students: Oil ian Oelchev portrayed Or . W ernh er V o n Braun , C hri s Po rter por t r ayed Or. Joseph Fletc her and Dan Shec k le r wil l app ea r as co nse r vat i ve movement leader Barry Goldwater Friday at I p.m. in the SUB 's L ake Coeur d'A lene Room . ''People l ove the Chautauq ua format, ..

Stewa rt said. ··11 is the closest one can come to going back in time und v isiting with remarkable people." According to Stewart. some indi viduals l ose themse l ves during th e forum and forget that the per formers are just actors. One person attending the conference last year told Stewart that Mr. Ga l il eo wa~ unfair i n some of the comment!> he made and that she had an article 10 prove it. " Wou ld you please send it to him ... she said . '·Th at's w hat we want. " Stewart said . "She was really dealing with a substamive issue.'·


Tuesday Feb. 8,2000

Cloudy Chance of rain/A2 Vol. 93 No. 192

3 sections

'~mons' mone1used for workshop. Teachers to participate in human rights education By BILL BU LEY Staff writer

COEUR d' ALENE -Teachers planning to apply for grants from the Human Rights Education Foundation must first participant in a two-day workshop later th.is year. The foundat ion, an ar m of the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relationships, is working with North Idaho College on a Sept. 15-

16 workshop for educators from preschool to college levels. The task force has already awarded more than $20,000 in grants to area teachers to promote human rights. Much of the money came from Lemons to Lemonade donations pledged to combat the Aryan Nations march in downtown Coeur d'Alene in July 1998 and again in July 1999. The donations reached $35,000 the first summer, wh ich was distributed to several human rights groups, including $23,000 to the task force. LEMONS continued on A5

LEMONS continued from A 1 The foundation was formed last year to raise funds and to promote greater understanding "of the value of ethnic diversity and racial tolerance." This year, it distribute grants. "We want to continue giving grants to teachers and to schools in order to help them improve their methods and their curriculum in terms of teaching diversity and appreciation for differences," said education foundation president Mary Lou Reed on Monday. To qualify for the grants, however, teachers must nrst take part in the free two-day workshop at NIC's Schuler Auditorium that will feature guest speakers, panels and training sessions. ', Organizers are hoping for a turnout of about 250 people. "We hope to have a 1irst-cla:ss conference because I think the topic is one where there's inspiration and vision," Reed said. The workshop will cost the foundation about $10,000 for the speakers. It will not only provide teachers with information on h.uman rights, but also explain how to use that knowledge, said Tony Stewart, NIC government instructor and board, member with the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations. Stewart said teachers have had great ideas for promoting racial and cultural tolerance, ''but we can empow~ er them more through the workshops." Jerry Gee, vice president for instruction at NIC, said the college is happy to form a partnership with the foundation.

"'As we look at what's going on in our world today and society as a whole, the generations that are to come have got to have the ability to work with others and appreciate others and the things they bring to our society," he said. Stewart said education is the key to fighting prejudice. "If we're going to ever be totally successful in eliminating hate and people celebrating their differences rather than fighting over them, it's got to come from education." The community's reaction to the Aryan Nations parades in downtown Coeur d'Alene is also the subject of a national case study that could be released this summer. Howard Husock, director of case study programs at John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, spent two days in Coeur d'Alene interviewing community leaders late last year. He spoke with Stewart and Mayor SteveJudy. Stewart said Husock wanted to know how the commu nity responded to th,e marches of the white supremacist group based in Hay<len Lake. "'Ibey left saying; ¡ ~ . you are really responding,"' he said. "1llis community is so sensitive to this issue. I think if we ever searched ourselves on anything over the years, it's been this:" Stewart said the heightened awareness of human rights in the community started with the Aryan Nations marches. "The truth of the matter is, what they started, the reverse has happened. That is, diversity is being taught rather than hate." Stewart said the study is a chance for the nation to learn Coeur c;l'Alf:me does care about diversity. "'It also tells the true story about us," he said.


Tuesday, February 8, 2000

To contact the North Idaho office, dial (208) 765-7100, toll-free (800) 344-6718: Fax: (208) 765-7149

Teaching diversity in school NIC, foundation offer free training to teachers

The Spokesman-Review Spokane, Wash/Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

The seminar will include two workshops for hands-on training, with each session lasting two hours. "The only way to attack bate is through education," Stewart said. The project grew out of the "Lemons to Lemonade" campaign, which began in response to the Aryan Nations parade through downtown Coeur d'Alene in 1998. To counter the parade, the task force took pledges for every minute the Aryans marched and donated lbat money to human rights activities. More than $35,000 Continued: NIC/82

By Alison Boggs Staff writer

COEUR d' ALENE - Teachers throughout the Inland Northwest wµ1 haye the opportunity to undergo free d1vers1~ training thanks to a new partnership announced Monday. North Idaho College is pairing with the Human Rights Education Foundation t~ offer a two-day seminar in September. ll 1s open to alJ educators from preschool teachers to college professors. "This is the gift we want to give to educators," said Tony Stewart, a member of the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations, which created the foundation. "This is the The seminar will be held Sept.15 and gift we want


NIC will provide to give to facilities for the e ucators. " d seminar while the foundation will deliver veteran diver- Tony Stewart, sity trainers from Kootenai County throughout the Task Force on country, Stewart Human Relations said. "We're trying very much to mix into that two-day session really dynamic speakers who can talk ~.bout diversi~ from different perspectives, Stewart said.

NIC: Teachers may get credits· Continued from B1

was donated 10 schools, teachers and organizations 10 further educational programs about diversity. Teachers appliL:d for grants of up to $1,500 to bring programs or resources 10 their schools. Some 18 grants have been awarded. This year, Stewart said, the task force decided that the grant program would be more effective if educators wae more skilled in teaching diversity. The seminar was developed for that purpose. In the future, Stewart said, grants will be limited to schools in which at least one teacher has undergone diversity training. The foundation plans to contact all schools in Eastern Washington and North Idaho to invite teachers to the seminar. Also, the foundation plans

to ask regional colleges to grant credits to teachers who complete the training. NIC already has agreed to doso. " It's a great opportunity for NIC to work with the foundation," said Jerry Gee, chairman of the college's diversity committee and vice president for instruction. Gee aid teachers don't often have the resources and training necessary to provide proper diversity education. ''The generations to come h'ave got to have the ability to work with others." Gee said. NIC President Michael Burke said the seminar provides an opportunity LU collaborate further with the community in its fight fo r human rights. ''I'm pleased to know we're still at the forefront of cultural and intellectual events for Idaho,·• he said.

• Alison Boggs can be reached at (208) 765-7136 or by e-mail at alisonb@spokesman.com.

Popcorn Forum to begin with big band Forum highlights I 00 years of birth

Band conductor Terry Jones cho!.e piece-; that have helped -.hapc pieces of American life. Music from Benny Goodman, by Stacy Slimak Glen Miller, Jelly Roll Morton and Sentinel Reporter Count Basie will be featured. The Big Band Concert will be held evening will also have a strong in Schuler Auditorium as the emphasis on the music of Duke opening event for the 30th Ellington. who has been acclaimed annual Popcorn Forum. The NIC as one of America· s greatest Jazz Band will perform several songs composers. reflecting the different historical The jazz band is a group of 20 periods of jazz in Americru1 history musicians who perform all. The over the last I00 years. group is comprised of several The concert will last about an· students and members of the hour and a half with a short break community. between the different sets. The To prepare for this event, band will start the concert with according to Jones. each member ragtime, Dixieland and blues jazz. has been required to work a liule They will fini sh the concert with harder. Most of the mu1.icians have several big band dance songs and either 1.een the music. or played it contemporary jau pieces. before. The band meets once a



week for a two-hour practice. A special reception before the concert. w iII honor I00 people who represent every year of the century. As you walk into Boswell Hall'-, main lobby there will be people who were born 111 1900 all the way to a new born. Before the concert all the people who were born between 1900-1919 will walk on the stage and share a quick fact about the year they were born. With the he lp of Derinda Moerer, Tony Stewart. main coonJinaror of the Popcorn Forum, was able to gather I00 people to represent each year or the century. This task has taken four months. Several people who have decided to donate their time have come from nur.,ing homes, the community, or staff and students.

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Stewart expressed that the No. I reason he and so many of the faculty and staff work so hard to put on the Popcorn Forum is because they want the students and the community to learn of their heritage and history. In the past four years about 19.500 people have attended the Popcorn Forum. Every a\pect of the Popcorn Forum is open and free to the publi c. This ha'> been made possible by several volunteer),, and through funds given by ASN IC. the College Convocations •Fund and the Idaho Humanities Council. The concert is 7:30 p.m. Sunday. March 19. The special reception will begin at 6:30 p.m.. and the walk-through or people who were born from 1900-19 19 begins at 7 p.m.

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Thursday, March 9, 2000


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Terry Jones conducts the jazz band in preparation for the Big Band Concert at the opening of the Popcorn Forum.

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.··. · The North Idaho College ··/ Jazz Ensemble Celebrates


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7:30 p.m. Sunday, Mar. 19 Chatterbox Rag George Bocsford performed by George Conrad

Black Bottom Stomp Jelly Roll Morton arr. by Jaxon Srock

Seven Come Eleven Benny Goodman& Charlie Christian arr. by Frank Mantooth

A Salute to Benny Goodman transcribed by Jeff Hest I

Begin the Beguine


Cole Porter transcribed by Jeff Hesr

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String of Pearls Jerry G ray

In the Mood Joe Garland

Intermission April in Paris Vernon Duke transcribed by Jeff Hesr

It Don't Mean a Thing Duke Ellington & Irving Mills arr. by Mike Carubia performed with Jazz Co. 2000

Don't Get Around Much Anymore words by Bob Russell music by Duke Ellington arr. by Mike Carubia performed with Jazz Co. 2000

Take the "A" Train Billy Strayhorn transcribed by David Berger

Satin Doll Duke Ellington arr. by Sammy Nestico

Harlem Nocturne Earle Hagen

In a Mellow Tone

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Duke Ellington arr. by Roy Phillippe











Monday, March 20, 2000 The Spokesman-Review Spokane, WashJCoeur d'Alene, Idaho

To contact the North Idaho office, dlal (208) 765-7100, toll-free 800-344-6718; Fax: (208) 765-7149

Forum celebrates historic figures ActorYportray aperson from each year ofthe past century By Alison Boggs Staff writer

COEUR d' ALENE - Performers portraying famous people in history take the stage at North Idaho College today, as the school's annual Popcorn Forum continues. The weeklong event is titled "A journey through 20th century America" and features 100 performers, portraying a famous person from each year of the past century. All 100 people were assembled Sunday night for the forum's kickoff. Each of the coming days will begin with 20 of them walking across the stage, representing 20-year periods. FoUowing are some of the week's highlights: • At 9 a.m. today, John Charles Chalbergwill portray Branch Rickey, who

created the farm system of minor lea~e basebaU and broke throuih the sport s color line by signing Jackie Robinson. Chai berg has a doctorate in history and is an instructor at Normandale Community College in Minnesota. • At 9 a.m. Tuesday, Clay Jenkinson wil1 play Robert Oppenheimer, who invented the atom bomb, but was horrified by its results and became a proponent of arbitration, tolerance and peace. Jenkinson is a Rhodes scholar and professor of ancient studies at the University of Nevada at Reno. • At 10 a.m. Wednesday, Jenkinson will deliver a keynote address entitled "A historical perspective of20th century America. • At 10:30 a.m. Thursday, Mona Klinger wiU portray Margaret Sanger, a pioneer in the field of birth control.

Julie TigerLlegert, Mona Klinger and Cherie Bates will portray Frances Perkins, Margaret Sanger and May Arkwright Hutton, all historical figures from the past century, as part of NIC's Popcorn Forum. Jesse nnstey/The SpokeSl)'lan-Review

Sanger was a nurse in inner-city New York and opened a Brooklyn clinic in 1916. She was elected president of Planned Parenthood in 1953. Klinger is an N1C instructor who teaches public speaking,

debate and communication. • At 1p.m. Thursday, Jimmie Lucas will portray Martin Luther King Jr., the Continued: Forum/AB



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Forum celebrates 100 years ol people In history By KIANTHA SHADDUCK Staff writer

COEUR d' ALENE - As they came out on stage - some walked, some rolled and some limped, but they all made it. Thousands of hands clapped as hundreds of years of history graced the Schuler Auditorium s tage for the 30th Annual Popcorn Forum and Convocation Series Symposium at North Idaho CoUege. ln honor of the new millennium, more than 100 Lake City individuals representing their birth years of 1900 through 2000, kicked off the week-long event titled ~A Journey Through 20th Century America." "Thi s is the key to living long," said George W. Johnson, who will turn 94-years-old on June 29, "the remedies are to drink lots of rich cream or milk and eat lots of red meat. And then exercise by working the hay, milking the cows and feeding the pigs." About 25 individuals brought the audience back to the first 19 years of 20th century by reading a descrip-· tion of an outstanding event that occurred the year they were born.

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The youngest member of the "100-year gang," 34-day-old Ara Cove Burtis, sat in the front row with her parents Becky and Rodney Burtis II, Coeur d'Alene, as the oldest century representative stood at the microphone with her walker. "I was born in 1900," said 100-year-old Mari e Merrill. "This was the year the quantum theory was proposed and Eastman Kodak introduced the $1 Box Brownie camera, making photography accessible to everyone." FORUM conti nued on A3

At the beginning of each scheduled event th roughout the week, century representatives will s hare h istory of their bir th years, said Derinda Moe rer, executive secretary of the Popcorn Forum. "It was fascinating to talk to all these wonderful individuals on the phone," Moere r said about her experience with putting the forum tog e ther. "Each of them had so much history to s hare." As hi s tory was made on the NCC campus Su nday evening, eve nt organ ize rs believe th is year's Popcorn Forum can be an accomplishment r ead over the microph o ne by a future centu r y representative. 'This is the first time in the history of Idaho state that 101 people, who represent all the years of the last century, have been brought together in the sa me r o om," said Tony Stewart, forum coordinator. Key events during Popcorn Forum week include: • T oday: Branch Rickey portrayed by Dr. John Charles Chalberg at 9 a.m. in Schuler Auditorium. Rickey created the farm s yste m of minor league baseball and broke baseba ll 's color barrier by signing Jackie Robinson. Response panel at 1 p.m. in the Lake Coeu r d'Alene Room of Edminster Student Union Building.

• l uesd ay : Rob e rt Oppen he im er will be po rtrayed by Dr. Clay Je nkinson at 9 a .m. in Schuler Auditorium. Oppe nh e imer invented th e atomic bomb, but was horrified by its resu Its. He be lieved strongly that if such a bomb was created, society s ho uld also do whatever it could to suppor t arbitration, tole r a nce and peace. Response panel at 1 p.m. in the Lake Coeur d'Alene Room of Edminster Student, Union Buil9ing.

Res ponse panel (discussion of DNA and genetic engineering) at 7 p.m. in the Lake Coeur d'Al ene Room of Edminster Stude nt Union Building. • Wednes day: Keynote address, "A Hi storical Perspective of 20th Century America, " by Dr. Clay Jenkin s on at 10 a.m. in Schuler Auditorium. Tim Riley, producer and editor of So und slo ne Entertainment, will perform and disc uss music by th e Beatles at 11 a.m. in Sch ule r Auditorium. Two response panels (one in the Lak e Coeur d'Alene Room of Edminster Stude nt Union Building and the other in Schuler Auditorium) at 1 p.m. • Thursday: Margaret Sanger will be portrayed by Mona Klinge r at 10:30 a.m. in Schuler Auditorium. Sanger was a pioneer in the field of birth control. She was a nurse

in inne r-city New York and opened a birth control clinic in Brooklyn in 1916. She was e lected president of Planned Parenthood in 1953. Dr. Martin Luther King will be portrayed by Jimmie Lucas at 1 p.m. in Sch uler Au d itorium. Ki ng was a Baptist minister who led the American civil rights movement in the early '60s. In 1964, he was the youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize and was murdered in 1968. Response panel at 2:30 p.m. in the Lake Coeur d 'Alene Room of Edminster Student Unfon Building. Human Rights Banquet at 7 p.m. at the Coeur d'Alene Inn. • Friday: Franklin Rooseve lt will be por trayed by Christopher Carlso n at 11 a.m. in Schuler Auditorium. Roo seve lt is the on ly U.S. president to be elected to four te rm s. He is remembered today as the innovator of the

New Deal, which was created to combat the Depression. Noon: Keynote address, 'T he Contributions of Native Ame ri cans in 20th Ce ntury America," by Raymond Reyes at no on in Sc hul e r Auditorium. Response panel at 1 p.m. in the Lak e Coeur d'Alene Room of Edminste r Student Union Building. Response pane l at 7 p.m. in the Lake Coe ur d'Alene Room of Edm inster Stu d ent Union Building.

Jackie Robinson Speaks

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BILL BULEY:Press photo

B.J. Johnson portrays baseball great Jackie Robinson during the 30th annual Popcorn Forum response panel presentation M onday at North Idaho College. Today's forum, set for 9 a,m . at Schuler Auditorium, features Rhodes scholar Clay Jenkinson portraying Robert Oppenheimer, the man who oversaw and led the development and creation of the atomic bomb.

BILL BULEY/Press photo

Clay Jenkinson chat s with audience members following his portrayal of Robert Oppenheimer on Tuesday as part of the Popcorn Forum at North Idaho College.

History lesson packs punch Characterization of Oppenheimer fills NIC auditorium By BILL BULEY Staff writer


Histor y came to life at Norlh Idaho College on Tuesday. And 1,500 people were on hand to witness it at the Popcorn Forum. Clay Jenkinson, a Rhodes scholar, captivated a crowd of young and old in Schuler Auditorium with hi s portrayal of Rober t J. Oppen heimer, the physicist who led the $2 billion project to develop the atomic bomb th at changed the world . Touted as being "A Journey Through 20th Century America," Jenkinson's hourlong presentation also included some warnings about the future.

Popcorn lorum continues today COEUR d'ALENE - The lp.m. North Idaho College Popcorn The program on Thursday is Forum continues this morning sch eduled for 10:30 a.m. in at Schuler Auditorium. Schuler Auditorium. Margaret The week.long event, titled Sanger will be portrayed by "A Journey Through 20th Mona Klinger. Sanger was a pioCentury America," gets under neer in the field of birth control. way at 10 am. with the keynote Dr. Martin Luther King will address from Clay Jenkinson. be portrayed by Jimmie Lucas Ttm Riley, producer and edi- at 1 p.m . in Schu ler tor of Soundstone Auditorium, King was a Baptist Entertainment, will perform and minister who led the American discuss music by the Beatles at civil rights movement in the 11 a.m. in Schuler Auditorium. early 1960s. In 1964, be was Two response panels, one in the youngest recipient of the the Lake Coeur d'Alene Room Nobel Peace Prize. He was of Edminster Student Union shot and killed in 1968. Build ing and the other in Schuler Auditorium, will be at FORUM continued on A9

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A4 THE PRESS Wednesdav. M arch 22. 2000

... Oppenheimer was just as mesmerizing. "He's able to come up with good answers to questions," she said. "It was very real. It was like Hassen's friend, Helen Dr. Oppenheimer was actually Branson. agreed. up there talking to us," said "He doesn't reach a point NIC student Cindy Holman, where he says this is all I know. who called it a fascinating lesHe seems to be able to answer son in a key period of her couneverything," she said. try's history. Kathy Hall and Jackie Hanna, "I learned a lot more than I sixth-grade teacher from Sagle ever knew about it," she said. Elementary, brought 53 students Jennifer Kosiancic, another to hear Jenkinson reprise NIC student, found Jeokinson's Oppenheimer's role. presentation wonderful. "He developed the bomb but , "I think it's absolutely incredihe also was a pacifist in the end, ble," she said. and we've talked a lot about that Leona Hassen of Coeur d'Alene saw Jenkinson's portrayal in class," Hanna said. "There was a strong morality last year of Thomas Jefferson .. issue with him," Hall said. She said his role in reprising

HISTORY continued from A4 "These words came from nowhere into my consciousness: 'I have become death, the destroyer of worlds,'" he said. It wasn't long before the United States used the atomic bomb. The fi rst was dropped on Hiroshima on Aug. 6, 1945. '[1,ree days later. on Aug. 9, another was dropped on Nagasaki. Japan surrendered. The United States had seven more atomic bombs in the works, Jenkinson said.

Wearing a gray suit and holding a pipe, Jenkinson told of his role in developing the atomic bomb that was used against Japan to help end World War II. "I think the bomb was justifiable," he said. He recalled the moment on July 16, 1945 when the first bomb was exploded during a test on Alamogordo, 200 miles south of Los Alamos, N.M ., where the weapon was created. "My first reaction was joy. All the efforts had come together smoothly and efficiently," he said But as he stood in the desert watching the huge mushroom cloud, his mind flashed to some Hindu text he had read.

"We wanted the Japanese to think we could do this forever," he said. Oppenheimer, who died in 1967 of cancer, supported use of the bomb on Hiroshima. Nagaski, he said, "was another question." "That was part of the momentum of the nuclear age," he said. After the war, he said his conscious began to trouble him. "I regretted not what I had done, but what I had unleashed," he said. Jenkinson, speaking softly, left the audience with a warning for the future about what was ahead with the creation of weapons with massive destructive power.

HISTORY continued on A9

"It is vitality important for you who are sitting in this room to find a way to create mechanism of international communication and cooperation. Because I promise you the moment is going to come probably in your lifetime, when the world again reaches the brink of total war," he said. When it does, "the advances in technology and violence between Hiroshima and your time are stupendous. "You're going to have to find a mechanism between now and then to prevent annihilation of humanity. Or the world will indeed curse the name of Los Alamos, and Hiroshima and Oppenheimer."

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The atomic man SECTION


Wednesday, March 22, 2000

The Spokesman-Review Spokane, Wash/ Coeur d'Alene. Idaho

Liz KishllllOt~ Spa.!" -ian-11ev,ew

• Living history. Rhodes scholar Dr. Clay Jenkinson discusses the atomic bomb as he portrays Robert J. Oppenheimer Tuesday during the Popcorn Forum at North Idaho College. The 30th annual forum, exploring great events and characters in 20th-century history, runs through March 24.

A4 THE PRESS Fridav. March 24. 2000


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Human Rights Banquet at the Coeur d' Alene Inn Thursday night were, from left, Coeur d'Alene Mayor Steve Judy; Idaho Justice Cathy R. Silak; Jim Lucas, portraying Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.; and Jeanne Givens. A complete report on the annual event, sponsored by the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations, will appear in Saturday's Press. JESS VINCENT/Press Photo



Friday, March 24, 2000

The Spokesman-Review Spokane, Wash./Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

To contact the North Idaho office, dial (208) 765-7100, toll-free (800) 344-6718; Fax: (208) 765-7149

Keeping King's dream alive Portrayal of Martin Luther King Jr. inspires crowd at human rights banquet

Human Rights Education Foundation's third annual banquet. Proceeds from the $25-per-person event will be used to further human rights education efforts, such as workshops, teacher grants and minority scholarships. A near-capacity crowd attended the event at the Coeur d'Alene Inn. Lucas also performed in North Idaho CoJJege's annual Popcorn Forum, in which famous people in history are portrayed. Lucas bas traveled nationwide delivering stirring portrayals of King. Lucas took the crowd LhrousJi King's life, beginning with his entrance mto the civil

By Alison Boggs

passion, brought some in the room to tears. "I have a dream," he said, bringing forth the speech King gave before 250,000 people COEUR d'ALENE - A famous civil at Lbe Memorial in Washington, rights leader from the past inspired a new D.C. "JLincoln have a that one day this generation of human rights leaders at an nation will rise up.dream I have a dream that one annual banquet Thursday night. day Lhe sons of former slaves and the sons Martin Luther King Jr., portrayed by of former slave owners will be able to sit Jimmie Lucas, delivered excerpts from his down at the table of brotherhood." "I Have a Dream" and "I've Been to the That 1963 speech at the March on Mountaintop" speeches. Washington Jed to the passage of a national Lucas's resemblance to King, and his civil rights bill in 1964. ability to duplicate King's cadence and Lucas's performance was part of the Staff writer

Continued: Banquet/BS


" I might not get there with you, but mine eyes have seen the glory!" shouts Jimmie Lucas as he portrays Martin Luther King Jr. for an audience at the human rights banquet on Thursday. Jesse nnsley/The Spokesman-Review

Banquet: King a reluctant leader Continued from B1

rights movement and ending with the speech he gave in Memphis before be was assassinated on April 4, 1968. He said King did not plan to become a civil rights activist. King was a Baptist minister, who Lucas said wanted to "lead a church, not a movement." But King was spurred to action by racial segregation on the buses of Montgomery, Ala. The group that formed to fight the segregation needed a leader, so King reluctantly agreed. The ensuing bus boycott, planned for one day, lasted 381 days and had nearly 100 percent participation from the African-American community. On Nov. 13, 1955, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the segregation was unconstitutional. That thrust King into the national spotlight. He= formed the Southern Christian Leadership Conference

and ?egan traveling nationwide, spe.aking against the injustices of racism. He also began receiving death threats, against himself and bis family. One night after receiving a phone threat, he sat in his kitchen and prayed out loud. And he heard a voice say, "Lo, I will be with you even to the end of the earth." That voice gave King the courage to go forward, Lucas said, even to Memphis, where his organization perceived great danger. He went there to lead a sanitation workers' strike and spoke to thousands of people hours before he was killed. Lucas said some people believed that King had a premonition that his life would end there. Lucas asked audience members to decide for themselves as be delivered parts of King's last speech. ''I've been to the mountaintop ... I've looked over and l've seen the promised land ... 1 may not get there


Two honored The Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations and the Human Rights Education Foundation presented its annual Human Relations Civil Rights Awards Thursday. The 1999 recipients were Stacey Cowles, publisher of The Spokesman-Review, and Paul Sandifur, chief executive officer of Metropolitan Mortgage. The two men were honored for their part in the defeat of Proposition 4 in Spokane. They fought the ballot measure that would have repealed legal protections based on sexual orientation In the city's human rights ordinance.

with you, but I'm not worried about that now ... Mine eyes have seen the coming of the Lord."



Saturday, March 25, 2000

The Spokesman-Review Spokane. Wash/Coeur d'Alene. Idaho

To contact the North Idaho office. dial (208) 765-7100. toll-lree (800) 344-6718: Fax: (208) 765-7149

Hun1an best boosts culture, forum told By Alison Boggs Staff writer


GU official takes different tack on contributions of Native Americans

COEUR d'ALENE - Years ago, Raymond Reyes was walking with his young son in the woods, returning home from their sweat lodge. Reyes had adopted young Christopher, a member of the Northern Cheyenne Tribe. He wanted his son to know his own culture, so he built the sweat lodge in the Northern Cheyenne tradition. On their walk, Christopher saw a tree damaged by lightning. He told his dad he wanted to help the

tree. Christopher began singing to the tree the Northern Cheyenne songs he'd learned. Then he bugged it. "Christopher taught me what culture is: a way of life that allows us to walk the spiritual path with practical feet," Reyes said Friday at North Idaho College. Reyes spoke at Schuler Auditorium as part of the college's Popcorn Forum. Reyes is Gonza$a University's associate vice president for diversity. He is a past chief administrator of the Coeur d'Alene Tnbe. He also has 20 years of teaching experience in Indian education, much of that at Gonzaga. He is working toward a doctoraJ degree in educational leadership. The title of his speech was ¡'Contribution of Native Americans in 20th Century America." But

it was immediately obvious Reyes had no intention of monotonously listing names, dates and accomplishments of Native peoples. What an entire ethnicity of people contributes to society is themselves - their culture, their heritage, their future. "What does it mean to be human?" he asked. "The answer to that question is the contribution." To be human means to be resilient, he said. Native Americans are well-versed in resiliency because of what they have endured. he said. "They're survivors or the American holocaust,'" he said. " We did have an American holocaust here." Indians entered the 20th century as survivors, he said. In 1924, they were granted U.S. citizenship. "l don't know \\hether that's a cosmic joke or



what," be said. Being human aJso means having a sense of belonging, a sense of identity, a purpose in life and a connection to one's culture. Reyes said his son felt a connection to bis own culture quickly after spending time in the sweat lodge and learning some of bis people's songs. When he sang to the tree, Christopher was taking his new sense of culture and using it in bis life, Reyes said. Being human means to feel hope and to feel power, Reyes said. It's having a group identity, but personal uniqueness. Being human means having kinship, a language, a relationship to the earth. "What does it mean to be human?" he asked. "The answer is the contribution."



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Popcorn Forum sets attendance record

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By BILL BULEY Staff writer


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COEUR d'ALENE - For 30

years, Tony Stewart has watched over the annual Popcorn Forum. His passion for the project thal is called "a platform for the free expression of divergent viewpoints" still shines through. "I think that we've all involved ourselves in il because it's a process where we challenge people to think and be doers,'' Stewart said Friday after leaving a forum response panel, attended by 150 people. "People really respond to this forum, all these ideas," he said. And this year, they responded in record numbers. About 5,800 people attended forum events this year at North ldal10 College, shattering the old mark of about 4,500. "It was just amazing," said the Popcorn Forum chairman. "It's a remarkable statement for people. Speakers tell me they don't go hardly anywhere with that kind of attendance."


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ANDRE NEY/ Press photo

M argaret Sanger, portrayed by Mona Klinger, reads from her journal during the 30th annual Popcorn Forum Thursday in North Idaho College's Schuler Auditorium.

about." be said.

, _,~o Ami liq; Human Rights Banquet "An Evening with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. " Portrayed lry Jimmi~ D. Lw:ru

Thursday, March 23rd • 7:00 pm O:>eur d'Alene Inn • 414 W. Appleway • 0:>eur d'Alene Table : - - - - - - - - - -

This year's forum featured more than 50 local residents and special guests portraying some of this country's important historical figures. NIC staff and students like

David Lindsay, B.J. Johnson, Nils Rosdahl, Mona Klinger and Dan Sheckler took on roles. "'The quality of performances was remarkable," Stewart said. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Branch Rickey, Robert Oppenheimer and Martin Luther

King were a few of those from the past brought to life on stage at Schuler Auditorium. The goal was to ignite discussion on great events affecting life in the United States during the 20th century. "Education is what it's all

The spotlight fell on sports, arts, civil rights, music, science and politics. "It's a week of a festival of ideas," said Stewart, a political science instructor at NIC. "We have, across the board, many ideas, conservative and liberal." He said historical figures chosen to be portrayed come from many walks of life, good and bad. "You can't sensor that by saying, 'We'll only have people playing roles that were the most admired,"' he said. Stewart notes that the forum's mission statement includes "examinin'g a broad range of questions, issues and problems." "When you do something like this, you cannot rewrite history," Stewart said. He said the reception Sunday honoring a person botn in each year of the 20th century highlighted the 30th annual Popcorn Forum and Convocation Series Symposium. That event, combined with a free big band concert, attracted about 1,000 people to Boswell Hall. "That's the most unique thing we've ever done, the most challenging thing to put together," he said. "That was very, very special." Stewart, who started the Popcorn Forum at NIC when he arrived in 1970, said planning for next year's forum will start in about three weeks. · Already, the 31st version of"A Journey Through 20th Century America" is set for the first week of April 2001. 'The bottom line is people keep coming back. That's what we're excited about," he said.

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Saturday March 25, 2000

I ·have a dream ...

JESS VINCENT/Press photo

Martin Luther King Jr., portrayed by Jimmie Lucas, speaks at the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations third annual Human Rights Banquet Thursday evening. Story, photos/AS



'We Shall Overcome' MLK appears at Human Rights Banquet By TARYN HECKER

Staff write r COEUR d'ALENE - He was the youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, a leader for human rights, a lecturer. an author and a preach er. His powerful voice echoed through the quiet conference room at the Coeur d 'Alene Inn. He told the crowd of his dream: "1 have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed - 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal."' Again and again , Martin Luther King Jr. drew the applauding crowd at the third annual Human Rights Banquet to their feet. About 340 people gathered Thursday evening for the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relation's Human Rights Banquet, "An Evening With Martin Luther King J r." Jimmie Lucas, an actor from Washington, D.C .. portrayed the slain civil rights activist Lucas is presently co-starring in the touring production, 'The Meeting," which is about a hypothetical meeting between Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. Aft.er Lucas wrapped up his speech, Jeannie Givens commented on the power with which he delivered King's message. ''You hear what Dr. King speaks. you feel what he speaks." said Givens, a former state legislator and member of the Coeur d'Alene T ribe.

The event - a funlraiser for the KCTFHR's educational arm. the Human Rights Education Foundation included speeches by Coeur d'Alene Mayor Steve Judy and Idaho Supreme Court Justice Cathy Silak. Judy told the crowd about a recent trip he had taken. He said he was happy that when he told people where he was from that they didn't associate Coeur d'Alene with the Aryan Nations. ''Yes. we have beautiful people here," he said. The mayor said it's important that people don't associate North Idahoans with "a few malcontents who live north of town." North Idaho College instructor Mona Klinger, who portrayed Margaret Sanger in the

college's Popcorn Forum, missed the banquet because of illness, but had KCTFHR board member Tony Stewart make a presentation for her. Klinger had been awarded a $500 honorarium for her Chautauqua performance of Sanger, but said she decided to donate it to the HREF. Mary Lou Reed, HREF president, accepted the gift with thanks. Reed announced that Stewart will be honored by the Northwest Communication Association for his commitment to human rights April 7 at The Coeur d'Alene Resort. Stewart later in the evening presented the KCTFHR Civil Rights Award for 1999. Last year's winner was KCTFHR board member Norm Gissel. This year the KCTFHR selected two recipients for their work in connection with Spokane's human rights ordinance Spokesman-Review Publisher William Stacey Cowles and Paul Sandifur from Metropolitan Mortgage and Securities.

Both voiced opposition to a proposal that would remove protection based on sexual orientation from the ordinance. Two students from North Idaho College, Wendy Whitman and Richard Davis, were awarded minority student scholarships for a full year's tuition. Whitman said in a letter that the scholarship would help her with her goal to become a social worker. Davis, a 1996 graduate of Lakeland High School, is pursuing a career in law enforcement Last year, the HREF was only able to award a semester's tuition to each recipient, but this year they joined with the NIC Foundation. B.J . Johnson. president of NIC's Human Equality Club, said he was still shaking from when he'd heard Lucas¡ presentation earlier in the day at the Popcorn Forum. Johnson said he became involved in the club because he ¡ wanted to make life in North Idaho better for his children. He told the crowd that as supporters of human rights, they weren't asking anyone to become black or become gay. ''We're asking you to understand," he said, "to show your children and break that chain." The banquet ended with a song. Everyone in the room joined hands and sang, "We shall overcome."

North Idaho

THE PRESS Saturday, March 25, 2000 A5

JESS VINCENT/Press photos

Darcy Wright, a student at North Idaho College, sings " We Shall Overcome" as the crowd joins hands and sings along.

Above, Doug Cresswell, president of the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations, welcomes everyone to the Human Rights Banquet. Left, Richard Davis accepts a scholarship for a year's tuition at North Idaho College from the Human Rights Education Foundation and the NIC Foundation.

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Community Heroes

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superb. I have a major in voice, so I really appreciated each of the singers. Our grandson plays violin in the high school orchestra, and when I heard Jason Moody, a violin virtuoso from Sandpoint, was going to be in "A Salute To Music" I was thrilled. Jason, you brought tears to my eyes and an overwhelming joy to my soul. I want you in my neighborhood in heaven. After listening to Charlotte Church, the 14year-old Welsh girl sing on PBS last week, and then being moved to heights unknown by Jason's performance, I am thinking the Renaissance is here again. Many thanks also to the North Idaho Symphony for their many wonderful performances this year. If those of you who love music haven't indulged yourself in the concerts at North Idaho College, it is time to add them to your life's enjoyable things to do list Talent abounds in the Inland Empire. We are blessed. MONA AND RON JACOBSON Dalton Gardens

QDOBA: Big Brothers/ Sisters appreciate help On behalf of the board and staff at Big Brothers/Big Sisters, I would like to give a big thank you to Qdoba Mexican restaurant (formally the Noname Mexican restaurant) for hosting a fund-raiser for our organization. On March 2 they invited the community to a free dinner at their establishment in return for making a contribution to Big Brothers/Big Sisters. We made over $1,000 that night and we appreciate the interest the management took in our agency. We also want to thank the other stores in that shopping area that contributed door prizes to the event. Also thank you to those who attended and donated to Big Brothers/Big Sisters. JANNA ROBNEIT, executive director Big Brothers/Big Sisters

POPCORN: Couplestill on musical high from concert POPCORN: Program was My husband, Ron, and I are still on a a delicious treat for al I

musical high after the last two weekWhat a delicious treat to be a part of end concerts at the college. The open- the full-house crowd at North Idaho ing concert of the Popcorn Forum with College's Boswell auditorium Popcorn the Big Band Era music was so enjoyForum to enjoy a marvelous cultural able. It was deja vu for us. Thank you, experience. musicians, for giving your time and talNIC's creative-ideas man, Tony ents, especially when most of you also Stewart and his hard-working assishave demanding jobs and lives. It was tants go't the evening started by bringgreat to see a packed auditorium. ing on the stage local people born Sunday, we went back to the college between 1900 and 1920. It was comto be superbly entertained by "A Salute forting to this tottering old duffer to To Music'' produced by Harold witness the heartwarming respect and Damiano. The lyric soprano voice of affection the crowd gave the older Katherine Damiano is always a treat. I folks as they introduced themselves especially enjoyed "Cara Nome" by and related events that coincided with Verdi. Your high notes were just beau- their birth dates. tiful. Daughter, Kerry, did a wonderful Then came the music - and what job of directing this extravagant pr<r music. Under the direction of Terry duction. Many, many thanks to the Jones, the NIC Jazz ensemble served Damiano family for giving our commu- up a great musical menu that awaknity the best music has to offer over ened some sweet, sentimental em<r the last eight years. The quality of your tions. concerts adds up to hundreds of hours As an NIC-supporting taxpayer, behind the scenes. We do appreciate thanks to Tony Stewart and his assisthe musical pleasures you have given tants for putting this excellent program us. We hope Katherine will continue to together and to the top-notch musibe a featured soloist with our North cians who gave us a memorable Idaho Symphony. evening. fm proud my tax dollars Tom Stratton, local tenor, is another helped build the wonderful community of our favorites. We always are thrilled asset, Boswell Auditorium, and the to see Tom on the program. The program March 19. How about an Spokane Valley 12-year-old boy sopraencore? no, Jimmy Wittrock, was another treat. BUELL HOWSTER His voice quality and diction were 3J.. Post Falls



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NIC: Atribute to people


who shared the stage


On March 19, North Idaho College held a popcorn forumr which is good for the community. But what was exceptional was the historic event that took place that night besides the forum. For the first time in Idaho's history they had a hundred people to represent every year of the 19th century. I am very proud to be the granddaughter of a lady in the first people representing from 1900 to 1919. My grandmother's name is Jessie Lee Hill. She was born March 15, 1905. She represented the year 1905. I am very proud of my grandmother. Which is why I am writing this letter to you. It's wonderful to see our community is recognizing our senior citizens for all they do and who they are. My grandmother has contributed so much to me to help me be the person I am today. She taught me to read, sew, cook and be happy with what life deals me by being a great example for me to follow. And in this day and age that is very rare. So I end this letter in a tribute and a warm I love you grandma. J appreciate everything you do and for what you are. This is a tribute to you and the people on stage with you the night of March 19.

MARY KA11Il.EEN McFEE Coeur d'Alene

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NIC, foundation unite for diversity conference -

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By BILL BULEY Staff writer

COEUR d'ALENE - A two-day confereoce on understanding and applying diversity in the classroom will bring human rights speakers from around the country to Coeur d'Alene. "Celebrating Diversity in the Classroom" is set for Sept 15-16 at North Idaho College. It is being put on by North Idaho College's diversity committee and the Human Rights Education Foundation. Tony Stewart of the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations said the free cooference for grades K-12 and college educators ¡ is a gift from the foundation, an arm of the task force. A goal is to provide more information and the tools - to help teachers implement diversity programs in the classroom. 1bat was the whole idea behind the conference," he said Tuesday. Stewar t said educators in the area are already doing a good job on helping students to learn about human rights. The conference will help them do an even better one. "Experts across the country tell us every time you can provide different techniques and more information it just empowers peopie more to teach," he said. Foundation president Mary Lou Reed said the conference will help teachers "open the window to the world" for children. "It will widen their horizons," she said. NIC president Michael Burke was happy NIC could team up with the foundation.





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"I'm very proud that the college can take a leadership role in bringing this special event to the community," he said. "I think it affords us the opportunity to become more closely integrated with our secondary school system in both Idaho and Washington and help in the campaign for human rights in the region." The foundation also announced Tuesday it r eceived a $5,000 grant from Agilent Technologies' Liberty Lake site, a subsidiary of Hewlett-Packard Corp., that will go toward future grants for teachers. Last year, Hewlett-Packard also gave $5,000 to the foundation. Liz Cox, Agilent communications and community relationships manager, said the company continues to be impressed with the work of the foundation and the task force. "What they accomplish is just extraordinary," she said. She said Agilent wants to support diversity through education in the region. The area's inaccurate reputation for racism is a "big concern" for Agilent, which serves an international market "It has been somewhat of a factor in our ability to recruit people here," she said. Reed praised Agilent for the donation that will be used for educational programs on diversity and human rights in North Idaho and eastern Washington. . "Ibey understand the importance of diversity to both their own business and the economy," she said. The conference will include panel discussions, workshops, an interactive video and theater presentation. DIVERSITY continued on A9


Center for Human Rights Education the University of Idaho. "I think our teachers will be in Atlanta and Vi ncent Muli Wa Kituku, a professor at Boise State impressed with the quality of speakUniversity who earned his bachelor's ers and quality of the conference," Guest s peakers will includ e degree from the University of said Doug Cresswell, president of the Kootenai County Human Rights Omowale Akintunde, an assistant Nairobi, Kenya. The conference will also provide Task Force on 'Human Relations. "It professo r at th e Unive rsity of Wyoming; Loretta Ross, founder and teachers with an oppor tunity to earn looks like a high-powered agenda executive director of the National continuing education credits through with some outstanding speakers."

DIVBISITY continued from A2


Teachers to get lessons on diversity


Wednesday, May 17, 2000

The Spokesman-Review Spokane, Wash/ Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

Free conference open to all teachers in area; $5,000 donated to human rights foundation By Alison Boggs Staff writer

COEUR d'ALENE-Kootenai County's fight for human rights education received a $5,000 boost Tuesday from Agilent Technologies' Spokane branch. The money was donated to the Human Rights Education Foundation, which raises money to increase diversity awareness in schools. Also announced Tuesday was a program for a free . diversity training conference for teachers Sept. 15 and 16 at North Idaho College. NIC is pairing with the foundation to offer the conference to all Eastern Washington and North Idaho TR AI NING ecfucators. "We hope teachers will flood to this conference," Afree diversity said Mary Lou Reed, presitraining conference dent of the fou ndation. for teachers will be "We're bringing in top qualheld Sept.15 and ity diversity trainers from 16 at North Idaho around the country." College. NIC is Agilent is a spin-off of pairing with the Hewlett-Packard and offiHuman Rights cially will become a separate Education company in June. The comFoundation to offer pany also donated $5,000 to the conference to the foundation last June. all Eastern Agilent spokeswoman Liz Washington and Cox said the company foNorth Idaho cuses on diversity because it educators. does business worldwide. "We also need top talent," she said. "The best people come from aJJ walks of life, from aJJ races, orientations, religions, everything. We can't limit who we selJ to and who we hire." Cox said Agilent will do alJ it can to combat the perception that this area is a haven for racists. Donating to the foundation, she said, is "right up our alJey." Money has already been raised to host the conference, Reed said. Agilent's donation will be used for grants to help teachers promote diversity in the classroom. The grant program grew out of the "Lemons to Lemonade" campaign, which began in response to the Aryan Nations parade through downtown Coeur d'Alene in 1998. To counter the parade1 the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations took pledges for every minute the Aryans marched and donated that money to human rights activities. More than $35,000 was donated to schools, teachers and organizations to further educational programs about diver-


Continued: Conference/BS

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Close to Home

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Kallly Plonka/The Spokesman-Review

Cherie Bates will portray May Arkwright Hutton and Hugh Smith will play President Teddy Roosevelt during Wallace's Heritage Festival this weekend.

History comes alive in old mining town

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By Cynthia Taggart Staff writer


ugh Smith looks dashing

in a tuxedo. He's trim. His

white hair is military neat. He stands as straight as a sentinel. And he says "bully" with a Roughrider's gusto. Which is why the 83-year-old Post Falls roan will parade as President Teddy Roosevelt in Wallace this weekend. "Teddy Roosevelt is part of our heritage," says Shauna Hillman, who is helping organize this weekend's Heritage Festival in the US-year-old mining town.

Shauna invited Roosevelt, May Arkwright Hutton, Ernest Hemingway, Mother Jones and the Miss Manners of1903 to drop by. Granted, all are long dead. But North Idaho CoUege brings historic characters to life every year in its "Journey Through Time" convocation series. Volunteers choose historic characters to research and portray. Shauna asked the college to share. NICwas happy to oblige. Cherie Bates will play outspoken May Arkwright Hutton. Continued: Close to Home/88

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Close to Home: Fair also includes dress ball, breakfast, fun run, tea Continued from B1

" I could really relate to May. I like her sassiness. She was a human resource person, and that fits in with what I do," Cherie says. Cherie works in Human Resources for NIC. May stood up for labor rights and women's suffrage. She was an imposing Silver VaJJey character, whose legend ballooned after she became a mine owner. Denise Clark will portray charismatic union organizer Mother Jones. "She was kind of an irreverent woman," says Denise, who is a librarian at NIC. "She could cuss a blue streak. Wallace is an audience that can eat that up. I just want to do her justice." NIC media professor George Ives will attend the fair as Ernest Hemingway, and Norma Douglas will create a character based on Aimee Semple McPherson, founder of the Church of the Foursquare Gospel. Hugh has studied diligently for his Roosevelt portrayal. He's a retired merchant marine who earned his college degree at age 70. He first played Roosevelt last spring. "I Like to think it keeps me young," Hugh says, smiling. " I'm amazed

retired people say they can't find anything to do." The Heritage Fair will open today with a dress ball in the hjstoric Jameson Hotel. Saturday's events will start with a huckleberry breakfast at 7 a.m. at Wallace High School and a SK fun run at 9 a.m. At 3 p.m., the fair will re-create a tea May Hutton held when President Teddy Roosevelt visited Wallace in 1903. The characters wiJI speak to the crowd and discuss the times with one another. The tea wiJI be on the depot lawn. The public is invited and should bring blankets, lawn chairs and a donation.

Breast cancer bucks Thanks to the Relay for Life and Race for the Cure, Coeur d'Alene is

• •

Robin Bass is the orgaruzer. You may remember her from Bass Western World, which closed last year. Robin's daughter had breast cancer. "This cause is near and dear to my heart," Robin says. " It's touched my family, friends and neighbors." The $25 entry fee includes coffee, juice and rolls in the morning and lunch. Most of the fees wiJI go to cancer research, and 80 percent of that money stays in Coeur d'Alene. Entry forms are available at the Twin Lakes pro shop. There's room for 130 golfers. Call (208) 687-1311 and ask for Steve Caruso.

• Who's the mostfanatical golfer in North Idaho? Pitch aname at Cynthia Taggart, "Close to Home," 608 Northwest Blvd., Suite 200, Coeur d'Alene 83814; or fax to (208) 765-7149, call (208) 765-7128 or send e-mail to cynthiat@spokesman.com.

earning a reputation as a cancerkicking commuruty. Most of the money those events raise stays in the local community. If you're not a runner and want to raise money for cancer research and treatment, try the Rally for the Cure at Twin Lakes Goll Course on Aug. 26. The rally is a four-person scramble golf tournament held to raise money to fight breast cancer. The shotgun start means all golfers will start and finish at the same time.

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BUSINESS Sliver Mountain closes for season


North Idaho

The Press, Sat;urday, March 31, 2001

For news or story ideas: Call City Editor Ric Clarke at 664-8176 ext 2005; E-mail: rclarke@cdapress.com

NIC Popcorn Forum opens Sunday Fourth 1111011 show offers free performances COEUR d'ALENE - North Idaho College will kickoff its annual weeklong Popcorn Forum on Sunday with a free concert for the conununity. The concert titled, 'The Shades of Jazz: A Blast From the Past," will feature the NIC Jazz Ensemble performing an evening of longtime jazz favorites. The show begins at 7:30 p.m. in the Boswell Hall Schuler Auditorium. The Popcorn Forum is entering its fourth decade. NIC political science instructor Tony Stewart has led the project each year with a group of college volunteers who make suggestions about topics and presenters. This year's fonnat is a Chautauquastyle event in which individuals portray famous people from history. The overall theme is AJourney in Search of the Human Spirit and includes a different topic each day devoted to love, charity and goodwill, work and humor. Each day's performances are free

and open to the public. All will be in Boswell Hall's Schuler Auditorium. Highlights of this year's event include: • Well-known Chautauqua performer Clay Jenkinson returns to the Popcorn Forum again this year portraying Thomas Jefferson. Jenkinson's keynote address at 9 am. Monday, titled "Jefferson's love Letters," examines the president's love life through letters he wrote to Maria Cosway, "the last known love of his life." Panel speakers for the day include Joan of Arc, Anne Frank, Helen Keller and Woody Guthrie. Panels are at 1 p.m. anct7 p.m. • Jenkinson will speak again at 9 a.m. Tuesday on "Being Ready When the Moment Comes." At 10:30 p.m., NIC instructor Mona Klinger assumes the role of Mother Theresa to discuss charity and goodwill. The 1 p.m. response panel includes Princess Diana, the Dalai Lama, Audrey Hepburn and Dorothy Day. • Jeanne Givens and Della Warrior will discuss the human spirit from the

American Indian perspective at 10 am. Wednesday. Panelists for the day include Josephine Baker, Leonardo DaVmci, Alexander the Great and Frances Schaeffer. All day long, an Indian poetry and art exhibit that was displayed at the White House can be viewed at the NIC Student Union Silver Beach Gallery. • NIC Public Services Librarian Denise Clark portrays fair labor advocate Mother Jones at 10:30 am. Thursday. A response panel is scheduled at 1 p.m., 2:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. • The final day of the forum features George Frein as Mark Twain at 11 am. and a response panel at 1 p.m. Frein has performed in about 100 different communities during the past 10 years with the Great Plains Chautauqua Society's Summer Humanities Program. Panelists include Jack Benny, Lucille Ball and Pat Paulsen. Each day of the forum also includes musical performances by a variety of local performers.




April 3, 2001

Showers Snow and rain A2 Vol. 94 No 246

History's Teachers


Steve Ruppel portrays Leo Buscaglia, founder of the love 101 class at the University of Southern California, while other performers portraying historical figures of Joan of Arc, Helen Keller and St. Francis of Assisi wait for their,turn to speak at North Idaho College's 31st annual Popcorn Forum . The event will run through April 6.

2 sections



The Press, Thursday, April 5, 2001

Beauty means something different to American Indians COEUR d'ALENE -There's more to beauty lhan meets the eye. At least from the American Indian perspective. The president of the Institute of American Indian Arts of New Mexico came to Nor th Idaho College's Popcorn Forum Wednesday to talk about beauty and the human spirit from the Indian perspective. Della Warrior said the Indian definition of beauty would differ from the dictionary's definition. Beauty is a quality of life, Warrior said, and goes beyond what is visible. "Culture is defined by its art." Warrior said. "And ar t is defined by its culture, and the beauty of the human spirit is defined by both." Warrior displayed slides of artwork from WA, a two-year fine arts college and Indian art museum. Each slide was accompanied by an artist's statement. After Warrior's presentation, several audience members asked about IAIA Former NIC Board ofTrustees member Jeanne Givens was also scheduled to speak, but canceled because of illness. Gretchen Licata said Wednesday was the first time she attended the Popcorn Forum, NIC's annual symposium. Licata said she works with students at Spokane POPCORN continued on C3



Della Warrior, president of the Institute of American Indian Arts of New Mexico, speaks to a crowd at North Idaho College's Popcorn Forum Wednesday


continued from C1

Community College, helping students make decisions about their academic careers. "It's always interesting for me to find out about another program I can refer students to," she said. The Popcorn Forum continues through Friday. This year's theme is "A Journey in Search of the Human Spirit" Each day, different aspects of the human spirit will be examined through Chautauqua presentations and panel discussions. The Popcorn Forum is free and open to the public. • Denise Clark, the college's public services librarian, portrays fair labor advocate Mother Jones at 10:30 a.m. today in Boswell Hall's Schuler Auditorium. A response panel· is scheduled at 1 p.m., 2:30 p.ro. and 7 p.m. in the Student Union Building. • The final day of · the forum features George Frein as· Mark Twain at 11 a.m. in Schuler Auditorium, with a response panel at 1 p.ro. in the SUB. Frein has performed in about 100 different communities in the past 10 years with the Great Plains Chautauqua Society's Summer Humanities

Program. Panelists include Jack Benny, Lucille Ball and Pat Paulsen. Each day of the forum also includes musical performances by a variety of local performers.



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'Against the assault ofhughter . . .

Christopher Andersooffile Spokesman-Review

• George Frein performs as Mark Twain at North Idaho College on Friday morning as part of the school's Popcorn Forum. Frein, a former professor of philosophy and religion at the University of North Dakota, tried to stimulate the audience into humorous thinking concerning the human condttion.

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Wednesday, September 26, 2001 The Spokesman-Review Spokane. Wash./Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

C L OS E T O H O M E • Cynthia Taggart

Historical journey took professor into character FOLLOWING THE PATH of a woman long dead filled Virginia Johnson with new life. "I'm at a different level with Mary Wollstonecraft," she says, excitement sparkling in her eyes. "This trip humanized her. She's alive to me." Virginia is a Mary Wollstonecraft fan in a country mostly unaware of the 18thcentury Englishwoman. The North Idaho College English literature professor discovered Wollstonecraft years ago as

she prepared for a lesson on female writers. Some scholars and historians call Wollstonecraft the first feminist. She defended women's rights in pol itical writing during the French Revolution in the 1790s. Her message and personality appealed to Virginia, so the teacher dressed up as Wollstonecraft, the mother of ¡'Frankenstein" author Mary Shelley, to introduce her to students. Then, Virginia dressed as Wollstonecraft for NIC's Popcorn Forum, an annual public Contlnued: Close to Home/ 86

Jesse nnstey/The Spokesman-Review

Virginia Johnson of North Idaho College wlll portray 18th-century English feminist Mary Wollstonecraft during NIC's Popcorn Forum, a lecture series where scholars portray famous people from history.

Page 86

Wednesday. September 26, 2001


Close to Home: Returned with renewed energy·· Cor1_tinued from B1

distussion series. Last year, her Popcorn Forum presentations won her invitations rrom a group of traveling scholars who portray historical figures throughout the country. By then, Virginia was pondering how she could reach deeper into her study of Marv Wollstonecraft. She decided to follow the early ft:m inist's footsteps. Virginia had taught at NlC for 35 years and had taken time off only to finish her doctorate degree. She bought a travel book, "Gutsy Women,'' and arranged three months off work. " I was determined to go alone," ~he says. ··Jf Mary Wollstonecraft could go alone to Paris during the revolution. I could certainly make it through." For two months, Virginia traveled from Paris. where Wollstonecraft lived and met her lover, to Portugal, lrcland, Walci.. England, the Scandinavian countries and Germany. She tood on the Putney Bridge over the Thames River where Wollstonecraft tried to kill herself. " It gave me a strong sense of how desperately unhappy she was,'' Virginia says. She visited the Anglican church \\here Wollstonecraft was married and buried, and her tombstone tile size of a hed. She found the streets where Wollstonecraft had lived. She ferried for 22 hours from France to Ireland to endure similar sailing experiences to Wollstonecraft's. •·J was terribly seasick:· Virginia says. " I was thinking, 'Mary, where



are you now?' " She fou nd people who knew about Wollstonecraft and gladly talked over tea. She followed Wollstonecraft's search for a ship her lover owned and couldn't locate, from Denmark to Sweden to Norway. Virginia also gained confidence and made friends traveling alone. "I got to a stage I could say, ' I'm lost. Could you help?'" she says. " I told my sons, ' If you see someone confused on a Coeur d'Alene street corner, help them. Walk them where they want to go.' " She returned in May, but not before touring London's British Library and seeing the original "Beowulf' manuscript and the Gutenberg Bible - heart-pounding moments for an English literature teacher. She returned to her NIC classroom last month with renewed energy. " I don't get to talk about her until next semester," Virginia says. "But L tell my students, 'If you're thinking of going on a trip, go.' "

Hearty homecoming Post Falls parents hope their Rally by the River this Saturday will raise heaps of money toward buying lights for the Post Falls High footbaJI field. The barbecue starts at 5 p.m. at the Grand Pavilion in Q'Emlln Park. Music, an auction and a dance will lead up to a pep ralJy at 9 p.m. with the football team, school band, cheerleaders and fl ag team. The evening will end at JO p.m. with fireworks. Tickets cost $5. • What's your favorite North Idaho high school football story? Shout it out to Cynthia Taggart, "Close to Home," 608 Northwest Blvd., Suite 200, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814; fax to 765-7149; call 765-7128; or e-mail to cynthiat@spokesman.com.




Friday's events plan to inform, console, inspire by Matt May - News Editor -

S-~v1. f /~ e I

Io response to the terrorist attack on the United States, NIC is featuring several events Friday intending to inform, console and inspire. Rand Lewis, an expert on international security issues, will speak from 10 a.m. to noon in the SUB' s Lake Goeur d'Alene Room. This Popcorn Forum presentation about combating international terrorism will address such issues as options for dealing with terrorism and the security of the United States against future terrorist attacks. Lewis will also discuss with the question, "Can terrorism be eradicated?" Lewis, a retired U.S. Anny II CI.PII lieutenant TIii FRIW colonel, is the • _Speabr . . Lewis, director of Martin Institute and Martin School of ~ International a.m t&noon. Affairs at the U of I. Io the • Candlelight VigilAnny, Lewis Port Shennanl>art. 7 was a foreign p.m. area officer responsible for •§p~MJfd negotiations Murphy,chieflol,byist with 32 for the AO.U- Tod4 countries. He is .ean; p.m. considered a specialist in the • "A Celebration of the issue of cyber American Spirit." terrorism. His fealllring the Red Hot job at U ofl ldamas-Scflula' includes ,uditolium. 8 Jt.Dl., working with i4ults $10, cbildRm add companies and porsS7. . academia to develop efforts for national security issues pertaining to computers. A candlelight vigil will be held in Fort Sherman Park on the NIC campus at 7 p.m. Representatives from area churches as well as political and community leaders are expected to be on hand for a time of reflection and recovery with singing, music and prayer. A color guard will be present. Bring your own candle or flashlight.






Chief congressional lobbyist for the American Civil Liberties Union, Laura Murphy is slated to speak in Todd Hall at 7:30 p.m. Murphy will speak about the ACLU's stance on the government' s homeland action in the wake of the national tragedy. According to a press release, the ACLU advocates increased airport security measures, but disapproves of the broad-based assault on traditional American freedoms urged by some. They also caution • against "foreigner-bashing" and the increased use of racial profiling. Murphy is the first woman and the first Black American to hold the position of ACLU Washington, D.C., National Office Director. She has been cited as one of the 50 most influential Washingtonians in congressional politics by Roll Call, a Capitol paper. At 8 p.m. NIC and the Red Hot Mamas will present "A Celebration of the American Spirit," a fund-raiser for the American Red Cross in Schuler Auditorium. The event will include music, dance and comedy focusing on the spirit of the American people. "We feel especially close to this tragic situation in light of our recent privilege to represent Idaho at President Bush's inaugural parade," said Mikki Stevens, director of the Red Hot Mamas. According to Stevens, they stood in the same Pentagon parking lot that was hit by a terrorist plane. "We simply want to use what we have, to do what we can and encourage others to do likewise," Stevens said. "It's just what mamas do in times Like these." Show tickets are $10 for adults and $7 for children 12 and under and seniors. Tickets are available at the NIC box office.













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The Press, Friday, Oct. 5, 2001

NIC talks about attacks Two speakers, show by Red Hot Mamas planned

international terrorism from 10 am. to noon in the Edminster Student Union Building. He is a retired Army lieutenant colonel, worked as a foreign area officer responsible for negotiations with 32 countries, and taught courses dealing with personal security train-

COEUR d'ALENE - North Idaho College will host three different ways today to ing. respond to the recent terrorist attacks. The presentation is co-sponsored by NIC, Two prominent speakers will offer different viewpoints on the attacks that have shook UI and Lewis-Clark State College. Admission America. The community will also gather this is free. evening to sing, celebrate and, more imporThe second speaker is Idaho's director of tantly, laugh. the American Civil liberties Union. Jack Van The day's events start with a presentation Valkenburgh will speak in Todd Hall at 7:30 by Rand Lewis, director of the Martin Institute p.m., and at a brunch at 10 a.m. Saturday at and the Martin School of International Affairs the home of Harold and Susan Smith. at the University of Idaho. Lewis will speak about how to combat NIC continued on C3


Members of t he musical group The Red Hot Mamas practice Thursday night for their performance to benefit the American Red Cross at North Idaho College Friday.

..........••.. , THE PRESS Friday, Oct 5, 2001 C3

NIC continued from C1 The Friday event is free and open to the public, but the Saturday event is a fund-raiser with a suggested contnoution of$25. Van Valkenburgh's topic is "Security and Civil Liberties: How They Can Co-Exist," a timely topic in light of recent discussions about boosting the country's security. The final event involves the entire community.


The Red Hot Mamas have orgaoi?,ed "A Celebration of the American Spirit," a variety show, vigil, and benefit for the American Red Cross. It begins at 7 p.m. with a candlelight vigil in Fort Sherman Park, and will include inspirational words from local clergy, along with messages of support from Dave Matheson of the Coeur d'Alene Tribe and a letter from Sen. Larry Craig, R-Idaho. The events move indoors at 8 p.m. for a performance in Schuler Auditorium. The Mamas and other enter-


tainers in the community have put together a patriotic musical comedy performance in the style of classic USO shows. There will be appearances by NIC President Michael Burke, U Gov. Jack Riggs, area Red Cross representatives, and singers Julie Powell and Tom Stratton. Admission is $10 for adults and $7 for children age 12 and under and seniors. 'Iickets are available at the NIC Box office, the Coeur d'Alene Red Cross office, and the Ironwood Albertson's store.

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• •••


Idaho unemployment rate expected to rise North Idaho

The Press, Saturday, Oct. 6, 2001

For news or story ideas: Call City Editor Ric Clarke at 664-8176 ext. 2005; E-mail: rclarke@cdapress.com

Expert: Patience needed II professor says response to terrorism Involves all nations By BRYAN SULLIVAN

Staff writer

COEUR d'ALENE - Rand Lewis doesn't think the United States should pursue Osama bin laden with conventional forces. That would make a martyr of the suspected organizer of the Sept 11 terrorist attacks on New York and Arlington, Va., said the director of the Martin Institute and Martin School of International Affairs at the University of Idaho. Instead, he favors a more subtle approach. "What we need to do is eliminate him quietly,

efficiently," Lewis said. "'Then in a few days, we say, 'Osama bin laden doesn't exist any more.'" But he concedes that the American people expect a more bombastic, overt response to bin laden and Afghanistan's ruling Taliban, who have sheltered him. "We are an impatient people," he said. ''We don't have the patience that other countries have, and we're known for that." Lewis spoke Friday at North Idaho College as part of its Popcorn Forum series of presentations. "We are taking a risk," he said. 'The risk is in this room. The risk is that you will lose interest." EXPERT continued on C3


International security expert Rand Lewis speaks during Friday's Popcorn Forum event at North Idaho College.

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continued from C1

He believes the U.S. will move quickly to capture bin Laden, the fo under of the al-Qaida terrorist network, for its symbolic value. But that is just the first step in a long-term campaign against global terrorism, he said. The CIA identified 28 major terrorist groups worldwide, according to Lewis. Twelve could commit a large-scale act of terrorism against the U.S. "We're not going to get rid of terrorism worldwide," he said. "We're going to get rid of an organization that has the capability to attack people anywhere in the world. "'This will put the other organizations on notice." Lewis - a 29-year U.S. Army veteran who retired as a lieutenant colonel said he has never been more proud of his country than in the days following the attacks. The U.S. could have responded very negatively, he said. Instead, it has come together, taken stock of its situation and refused to punish the innocent. That has caused bin Laden's plans to create a "boomerang effect," he said. "I think he did expect a rapid response," Lewis said. "He expected a response that would turn the Muslim countries against us." Syria and Iraq, long-time adversaries of the U.S., have publicly condemned the attacks, however. Lewis said our intelligence network must take advantage of those overtures in order to gather better information. "We have to be careful what toes we step on," he said. "We have to understand the way other people do business."

One listener asked if Lewis felt the U.S. would examine its policies and relationships with other nations as a result of the attacks. "Two weeks ago, I would have said no," Lewis said. Since then, the tone of the Bush administration has changed markedly, according to Lewis. The initial, unilateral response has been replaced with coali-

tion-building efforts. Thwarting terrorists is a cause, Lewis said, that all nations can join. "It looks now like the administration is taking that very seriously," Lewis said. "We need to embrace our allies and those whom we've disagreed with in the past."


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luescl11¥ March 5, 2002

Popcorn Forum to define moments in history Human Rights Banquet to be highlight in weak of activities By BILL BULEY Staff writer

COEUR d'ALENE - The search for personal freedoms in America, said Tony Stewart, began 225 years ago. In April, North Idaho College will highlight the "defining moments" of that search in the weeklong 32nd annual Popcorn Forum and Convocation Series. Swnmarizing such moments in history isn't easy. Stewart, NIC political science instructor, said he did more research preparing for this year's forum than in any other. 'This might have been the most difficult one I have put together," he said Monday.

• -Brown vs. -Board· ot· --- Education U.S. Supreme Court ''This might have Decision to end legalized segregation (1954). been the most 'These are really crucial difficult (for um) I moments," Stewart said. daily presentations will have put together." be The at Schuler Auditorium. Once again, the forum will - Tony Stewart, NIC political science see historical .figures come to life instructor as they are portrayed by local and guest presenters. Rhodes Scholar Clay Jenkinson, once again playing This year's forum from April Thomas Jefferson, and Coeur 1-5 will focus on five moments d'Alene's Ken Burchell, playing "in which there was great deci- Thomas Paine, will kick off the sion-making that would affect forum by addressing the our search for freedom." Declaration of Independence. They included: "It's been said by many • Writing of the Declaration experts Thomas Paine's writing of Independence in 1776 · probably initiated the • Adoption of the U.S. Revolution," Stewart said. JASON HUNT/Press "Without his writings, it might Constitution 1787 North Idaho College Political Science not have happened." • The Civil War Instructor Tony Stewart outlines this • Women's Suffrage with the FORUM continued on A4 year's lineup for the Popcorn f orum. 19th Amendment (1920)

RIUVI continued from A1

were sold last year and already this year 180 have been sold. This year there will be two concerts, one by the NIC Jazz The theme for the fifth annu- Ensemble, and one by the Coeur al human rights banquet, sched- d'Alene Symphony Orchestra. uled April 4 at the Coeur d'Alene All Popcorn Forum events, Inn, is "Living the Dream: except the banquet, are free. Freedom and Equality for All." Due to financial constraints, The keynote speaker will be the brochures outlining the Parvin Darabi, author of "Rage forum's activities will not be Against the Veil: The mailed out this year. Courageous Life and Death of Two years ago, about 6,000 an Islamic Dissident" people attended the forum's NIC Librarian Denise Clark events. Last year, attendance said, "For me, reading the book was a rather eye-opening and was just below 5,000. Stewart believes the forum is painful experience." There will also be a special as strong as ever in its relevance guest performance by Tawnya and popularity. He said he knows of s1udent:; Pettiford-Wates, who earlier in the day will be presenting a one- whose lives have been changed woman play on 'The Life of because of what they learned at Sojourner Truth: The Struggle the forum, whose mission for Freedom." remains, "to awaken in each of Tickets are the human rights us our full potential as thinkers banquet are $25. All 540 tickets and doers."



Tuesday, Man:h 5, 2002 The Spokesman-Review Spokane, Wash./Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

Iranian female activist to speak at NIC Her sister burned herselfto death for liberty By Winston Ross

struggles for freedoms in the United States as well as around the globe.

Staff writer

COEUR d'ALENE-Awoman whose sister burned herself to death in Iran will be one of the headliners at this year's Fifth Annual Human Rights Banquet at North Idaho College. That will be held the same week as the 32nd Annual Popcorn Forum and Convocation Series Syme<>sium, from April 1 to 5. The forum s theme this year is " Americans' 225-year Journey in Search of Personal Freedoms." The keynote speaker at the banquet is Parvin Darabi, an Iranian writer, lecturer and human rights activist. Darabi will speak about women's

Her sister, Homa Darabi, was a doctor in Iran, who opposed the establishment of the Islamic Republic. In 1990, she was fired from the School of Medicine at Tehran University because she refused to comply with the Islamic rules of hijab, which require women to be covered. Homa Darabi faced harassment in public for the same reasons, and was finally forced to close down her practice and become a housewife. In 1994, after a 16-year-old girl was shot to death in northern Tehran for wearing lipstick, Homa Darabi decided she couldn't stand the oppression of women any longer.

On Feb. 21. 1994, she set herself on fire in a crowded square in the city, with the final words "Death to tyranny, long live liberty, long live Iran." Parvin Darabi became determined not to let her sister die in vain. Darabi has since authored "Rage Against the Veil: The Courageous Life and Death of an Islamic Dissident," and speaks around the country to encourage an end to oppression of women around the world. Parvin Darabi, now a U.S. resident, has "created a foundation in her sister"s honor," said Tony Stewart, an NIC political science instructor. "She's a real crusader for women's rights.'' Tickets to the banquet cost $25, but the rest of the week long proceedings are free. They'll feature performances in

which participants will impersonate key players in America's journey toward freedom, like Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Thurgood Marshall and Susan B. Anthony. Due to budget cuts, NIC is reducing the amount of money it spends on publicity for this year's forum, so the school is relying on the media to get the word out. Last year's forum was attended by about 4,900 people, down from the previous year's 6,000. "What we hope," Stewart said, "is that people will come, listen and participate. And they'll be better thinkers and doers in their lives." For more information, call 769-7764. • Winston Ross can be reached at (208) 765-7132 or by e-mail at winstonr@spokesman.com.

Contact the North Idaho office: (208) 765-7100, toll-free (800) 344-6718; fax (208) 344-6718; e-mail news@spokesman.com


•ihe Spokesman-Review


Popcorn Forum April 1-5 MAmericans· 225-'Year Journe8 in Search of1'ersonal /free~oms All events are in Boswell Hall-Schuler Auditorium unless noted

.Mon~ay. April I 1IIIIICllllllllllllllll•11ll1• 10:00a.m. Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine Portrayed 6yClay Jenkinson and Ken Burchell

1:00 p.m. 0 &A Session with Jefferson and Paine NTC Student Union-Lake Coeur d'Alene Room

7:30 p.m. NICJazz Ensemble Presents "Old Familiar Songs" featuring music by Stevie Wonder and The Beatles

'Tues~ay. April 2 1111111111 . . llnln 10:30 a.m. George Was~on Portrayed by Keith Johnson

'We~nes~ay. April 3 1111Clllllllr 9:00 a.m. William Lloyd Garrison and John C. Calhoun Portrayed by Ken Pelo and Hugh Smith

1:00 p.m. "The Belle ofAmherst"

Aone-woman play performed by Aimee Hanan

'Thurs~ay. April 4 .............. 1111 ......... 9:00 a.m. President Woodrow Wilson and Susan B. Anthony Portrayed by Harvey Richman and Sharla Chittick-Trainor

1:00 p.m. "The Life of Sojourner Truth: The Struggle for Freedom"

Aone-woman play performed by Tawnya Pettiford-Wates

6:00 p.m. Fifth Annual Human Rights Banquet

"Living the Dream: Freedom and Equality for All" The Coeur d'Alene Inn For ticket information call (208) 765-3932


'fri~ay. April 5 1111 Elllllllllhllll....... 11:00 a.m. Th~d Marshall and John W. Davis Portrayed by Bob Bartlett andRichard Kuc.k

1:00 p.m. Response Panel on Women's ~ts NIC"Student Union-Lake Coeur d'Alene·Room

7:00 p.m. Guest Lecture by Robe(t S~etary "Personal Freedom as Expressed through Music"

7:30 p.m. Coeur d'Alene Symphony Orchestra Concert featuring, ButhO'Uen's Symphony #3 and the 1812 Overture by Tchaikovsky

...............tlflflElllllllllllllllllllc. flrlilnlllll alll NIC Clllll llllllllll llllcl •11111


• - • ~.nit.edu/events/~rnforum.

·P opcorn Forulll bursts onto local event scene n.me fDClll8I • lnllvldull lrlldom

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COEUR d'ALENE The 32nd annual North Idaho College Popcorn Forum and Convocation Series begins Monday with a historical portrayal of two human rights advocates and ends Friday with music and a lecture on freedom. This year's theme, "Americans' 225-year Journey in Search of Personal Freedoms," focuses on key events in U.S. history that secured individual freedoms. A series of lectures, re-enactments, plays and musical performance will revolve around that theme. All events will take place in Boswell Hall's Schuler Auditorium unless other wise noted. , The Popcorn Forum's ~schedule includes: ., ~

Monday highlights ·Personal Freedoms: The Declaration of Independence (1776)." 9:45 - musical prelude ~ 10 - Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson performances. The two Founding Fathers will be portrayed by Rhodes Scholar Clay Jenkinson and Ken Burchell, past president of the Coeur d'Alene Downtown Association. Questions and answers will follow in the Lake Coeur d'Alene Room of NIC's Student Union Building.

7:30 - North Idaho College Jazz Ensemble will perform ·01d Familiar Songs• in Schuler Au ditorium. Classics, such as Stevie Wonder's #Isn't She Lovely?· and the ·Theme from the Flintstones,· will be played under the direction of Terry Jones. Tuesday's focus is ·Personal Freedoms: The Battle Over Slavery During the Drafting of the U.S. Constifution (1787)." 10:15 - Musical prelude by Tom and Padma Rutley 10:30 - The country's first president, George Washington, will be portrayed by Keith Johnson of Spokane lnterplayers. Johnson will bring to life the debate over slavery during the fi rst Constitutional Convention. Wednesday will feature -Personal Freedoms: The Civil War, Emancipation Proclamation, and the Civil War Amendments.• 8 - Musical prelude by Paul Grove 9 - Rogers High School history teacher Ken Pelo and NIC alumnus Hugh Smith will portray William Uoyd Garrison and John C. Calhoun in a Civil War-era debate over the abolition of slavery. Calhoun was a southerner who argued that •liberty, then, when forced on people unfit for it, would, instead of a blessing, be a curse.· Garrison supported freeing slaves from the •pangs of hunger• and "ignominy of brutal servitude.· 1 - The one-woman play " The Belle of Amherst" will be performed by NIC student Aimee Hanan. The play is based on the writings of Emily Dickinson.

Thursday will highlight -Personal Freedoms: Women's

Rights and the 19th Amendment. · 8 - President Woodrow Wilson and Susan B. Anthony will be portrayed by trial lawyer Harvey Richman and NIC history instructor Sharla Chittick-Trainor. The performance will show the struggle women faced over the right to vote. 1 - The NIC Popcorn Forum will present #The Life of Sojourner Truth: The Struggle for Freedom." Broadway and film actor Tawnya Pettiford-Wates will perform the one-woman play based on the life of the former slave and abolition advocate. 6 - The fifth annual Human Rights Banquet, #Living the Dream: Freedom and Equality for All,• will be at The Coeur d'Alene Inn. The evening begins with a reception at 6 and the banquet starts at 7. Ticket information: 7653932. Friday's theme is "Personal Freedoms: The End of Legalized Segregation 1-Brow n v. Board of Education (1954)." 10:45 - Musical prelude by John Lemke n - Bob Bartlett, adjunct faculty member at Gonzaga University and member of the M artin Luther King Jr., Committee at Gonzaga's law school, will portray Thurgood Marshall. Lawyer and community activist Richard Kuck will portray John W. Davis. The two will reenact a court scene from the Supreme Court case that challenged segregation in schools. 1 - A response panel on women's rights will be held in the Lake Coeur d'Alene room of the SUB. 7 -The Popcorn Forum will end with a guest lecture by

regional historian Robert Singletary and a concert by the Coeur d'Alene Symphony Orchestra. The concert will include a performance of Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture.

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All events, excluding the banquet, are free and open to the public. For more information: 7697764.

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Saturday, Marcil 23, 2002




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History Lesson


Dressed as Thomas Paine, an English-American Writer and political pamphlet eer Ken Burchell, answers questions Monday during the opening day of the North Idaho College Popcorn Forum that runs through Friday.

THE PRESS Wednesday, April 3, 2002


By George


Keith Johnson performs as George Washington at North ldho College's Boswell Hall-Schuler Auditorium Tuesday for the college's annual Popcorn Forum .


The Press, Saturday, April 6, 2002

For news or story ideas: Call City Editor Bill Buley at I E-mail: bbuley@cdapress.com

An Ax to Grind


Terri Giumarra portrays Carry A. Nation, considered an American temperance agitator who lived from 1846 to 1911, during the final response panel of the Popcorn Forum Friday at Edminster Student Union Building.

Forum ends on high note COEUR d ' ALENE History, and the fight for freedom, proved to be a popular attraction at North Idaho College this week. Popcorn Forum organizer Tony Stewart said that even before Friday night's finale concert, more than 3,000 people had attended the 32nd annual Popcorn Forum and Convocation Series. "It was a wonderful week for

us," Stewart said. 'The reaction we've gotten from individuals has been very, very positive." This year's weeklong forum focused on five moments "in which there was great decisionmaking that would affect our search for freedom." They were the writing of the Declaration of Independence, the adoption of the U.S. Constitution,

the Civil War, Women's Suffrage and the Brown vs. Board of Education U.S. Supreme Court decision to end legalized segregation. Special guests and locals portrayed different characters in history during acts at Schuler Auditorium and response panels at the Edminster Student Union Building. FORUM continued on C4

Popcorn Forum Concert



1812 Ouerlure

Symphony No. J "EroiCfl" Allegro con brio movement P rogra m


Peter Illich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893). This overture was commissioned by Nicolai Rubinstein for the Moscow Exhibition on the 70th anniversary of the Russian victory over Napoleon in 1812. The noisy piece, punctuated by cannons and chimes, utilizes the French national anthem along with Russian folk songs and hymns. The 1812 Overture was so successful that it has become a mainstay in America as well and has been used in countless Fourth of July celebrations.

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) . At the time of composition the aftershocks of the French revolution were being felt all over Europe and Napoleon Bonaparte was winning victory after victory, sweeping across Europe, often against overwhelming odds, carrying rus ideals of the Right of Man with him. Beethoven initially dedicated the Eroicn symphony to Napoleon, but when the French dictator crowned himself Emperor of France, snatching the crown from the Pope, the great composer suddenly saw Napoleon as a self-serving tyrant. Beethoven quickly tore up the dedication page and wrote instead: "In memory of a great man". The music is indeed heroic and bold and contains the largest musical forces ever assembled up to that time. This first movement easily evokes images of Napoleon's troops marching through Europe. The second movement, a Mnrche Funebre (not planned for this concert), was played at the memorial for the Israeli athletes slain by terrorists at the 1968 Munich Olympics, and would have been equally appropriate for the victims of the attack on the World Trade Center, September 11, 2001.


• II


uncl11¥ March 31, 2002

Buming·for Respect Banquet celebrates, promotes human rights By MEGAN COOLEY Staff writer

d ' ALENE On a February day in 1994, a woman who COEUR

dedicated her life to helping others chose to end her life to make a powerful statement. Homa Darabi, a pediatrician and child psychiatrist in Iran, set herself on fire in a crowded square in Northern Tehran. Her final words were: "Death to tyranny! Long live liberty! Long live Iran!" in protest of the treatment of women in her country. Homa Darabi's final contribution to the fight for women's rights was recorded in a book by her sister, Parvin Darabi, who will speak Thursday at the fifth annual Human Rights Banquet at The Coeur d'Alene Inn. "Her sister fought and fought against discrimination, but couldn't take it anymore," said executive assistant for the Popcorn

Forum Kerrin Tenneson. 'To get the attention of the world she set fire to herself." As keynote speak.er at Thursday's banquet, Parvin Darabi will address women's struggles for freedoms in the U.S. and around the globe. Broadway and film actor Tawnya Pettiford-Wates will also present at the Popcorn event. In addition to Forum appearing in films, schedu le A7 such as "Sleepless in Seattle," Pettiford-Wates holds an appointed position on the Seattle Arts Commission and has earned recognition for work on human rights issues. At the banquet, Pettiford-Wates will recollect memories of her childhood as a black person in the South. 'The banquet is a chance to celebrate progress and promote rights for the future," said Popcorn Forum organizer Tony Stewart.


FORUM continued on A2

Wlnmuth taking his • against hate to his datllllad By MINDY CAMERON Special to the Press ELLENSBURG, Wash. - FIJ'SI: you notice his wheelchair, then his smile, then an w1mistakable air· of lightheartedness. Bill Wassmutb expects to die before the end of the year, but for now he's concentrating on living. Over two decades, Wassmutb, 61, did as much as any one person to combat hate and racism in the Northwest. To many admirers, the certainty of early death from Lou Gehrig's disease seems Wassmuth a cosmic injustice.

WASSMUTH continued on A2.


psychiatric clinic in Tehran, but soon came under criticism for continued from A 1 breaking the Islamic rules of hijab (the tovering up of TI1e event begins ar 6 p.m. women) . Harassment led to with a social hour. The program threats, and Homa Darabi was and dinner start at 7 p.m. forced to close her practice and Darabi's appearance came stay at home. about after NIC employee The shooting death of a 16De11ise Clark read her book, year-old girl drove Homa ··Rage Against the Veil: the Darabi to the edge. The girl was Courageous Life and Death of murdered for wearing lipstick. an Islamic Dissident." Normal punishment for such an The book tells the story of offense consisted of 150 lashes Darabi's sister, who was born to with a whip. a 13-year-old girl in 1940. Disgusted by the oppression Homa Darabi was educated of women, Homa Darabi chose in Tehran and was one of the to make the ultimate protest at first srudents admitted to the the expense of her life. Tehran School of Medicine. She Parvin Darabi lives in married a classmate and raised California. From there she lectwo daughters. tures on women's and human In 1968. tJ1e family moved to ,ights issues. the US. Homa Darabi specialized The Popcorn Forum's in child psychiatry and practiced Human Rights Banquet has a in New Jersey. New York and five-year history of attracting California before returning to impactful speakers. At the first Iran in 1976 under pressure from banquet. former Gov. Phil Batt her husband and family. called out a list of names, asking Homa Darabi t>stablis hed a the men to stand up. None did.

'The person next to me nudged me and asked, 'Did we forget to invite someone?"' Stewart recalled. The names he listed were soldiers from his hometown who'd been killed fighting World War Il. Batt's message was to encourage those in attendance to stand up for the rights of people those men protected and for the men themselves, who were no longer able to fight. More thrui 400 tickets have already sold for the banquet, but tickets are still available. They cost $25 and must be purchased by 12 p.m. Tuesday. Proceeds from the banquet will benefit the Human Rights Education Foundation and scholarships for students of color. Four scholarships will be presented Thursday, as will the 2002 Civil Rights Award. The Human Rights Education Foundation and the NJC Foundation sponsor the banquet. Information, 769-7782

•• > .In early March support.e,rs gathered in Seattle ~

VVASSMUTII continued from A1

Wassmuth won't hear of it 'Td just as soon live another 30 yearst he told me when I visited receptly, "but-I don't feel like I've been cheated." · I first met :Wassmuth several years ago. He was serious and reserved, even taciturn, more · the priest he once than the savvy activist I had heard so much about I didn't know what to expect when I arrived on a aisp March day at his large Victorian home in a pleasant neighborhood just north of downtown Ellensburg. He had agreed to an interview, knowing that within weeks the di& ease will have affected the muscles in bis tongue so that be will no longer be abl~ to speak. He . won't be ~ le to swallow then, either, and will have afeeding tube installed. Within minutes it was clear that this would be no ordinary interview. What else would a man with a clear mind, great heart and limited time to ta1k want to do? Talk, of course. "I'm still trying to do some things," he said, "but rm in a closeout kind of mode." What a life he is closing out "I am a lucky man," he said, noting he has had two successful careers, first as a parish priest and then as direc· tor of the Northwest Coalition Against Malicious Harassment (now the Northwest Coalition for Human.Dignity). Lucky, indeed. While priest of St Pius in Coeur d'Alene, Wassmuth was a key organizer of the human rights task force that became a national model for bow citizens can combat hate and racism in a community. . · One night in 1986, the haters lashed out Wassmuth narrowly escaped death or serious injury when his home was bombed. Four white supremacists were convicted of the crime. As news of his illness bas spread throughout the.region over the past year, tributes have · come pouring in. There was a Bill Wassmuth Day in Boise last October to honor the Idaho native who demonstrated so clearly that one person can make a difference.


to honor Wassmuth for·bis work throughout the region, and to raise money for bis care. . Wassmuth seems genuinely surprised and touched by it all. Last year, sev~ young people from his former parish came to Ellensburg to finish the decking on the front porch of the ' home he had been restoring before the disease ended his handyman efforts. • , He laughs as he describes how the young helpers explained why they came to.help. It's payb,~clt'time,'they told him. "I say, 'for what? I just did my job."' "The same thing happens over and over· again," Wassmuth said. "It h~lps me be peaceful about all this. The feeling that my interaction with people bas had that effect is just very satisfying and fulfilling." · . WassDlllth is not finished yet The first Journal of Hate Studies has just been published by Gonzaga University's Institute for Action Against Hate. Wassmuth helped establish the Institute in 1998, and served as board chai.t until he could no longer get to meetings. He still consults. Shortly before.my visit, Wassmuth learned of an interview that CNN anchor Paula Zahn had conducted with Bo Gritz, a notorious separatist who once lived in Idaho. The news hook was the arrest in Montana o.f another separatist Immediately, Wassmuth said, "my organized mind went to work. How do we get people like Zahn to go to someone with national credioility? When I read or see things like that my instinct is to do something. Now I have to convince myself to let others do it It's never been my style." True to bis style, Wassmuth is trying to pull off one last political victory in the region. He's not ready to make the details public, but chuckled about the opportunity to "play the Tm dying' card." As a priest and human rights activist, Bill . Wassmuth taught us lessons about living; now he is1.eaching us a lesson .about dying. · I

Mindy Cameron is a freelance writer~ Sandpoint. She was the editorial page edik>rfor · ,. the Seattle TimtS prior to retiri11g to the Sandpoint area last year. Contact her at mindycameron@earlhlink.net

~ C:

--H alf of all



within 50 miles


of their

Americans I ive





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24, 2002







Speaker tells of Ameri~a's concentration __,Camps·Retired by Josh Studor - News editor Boise State " ln the distance you can hear the wail of a train whistle that fades in the night. It makes professor, you feel homesick. The train can take you home - but we won't be going home for a author long time," finishes This quote. as well as others from letters written by Japanese-Americans interned Popcorn during World War Il, helped Dr. Robert Sims solidify the feeling of prejudice and Forum with displacement they must have felt. About speech on 100,000 Japanese-Americans were taken from their homes to concentration camps between Japanese 1942 and 1945. Friday night Sims brought the of those Americans to the final night of internment story Popcorn Forum held Friday night in the SUB. During World War II, the military claimed that having Japanese on the west coast of America presented a lhrcar and so they forcibly moved them to these camps. The main focus of the speech was on the

camp named Minidoka a few miles away from Twin Falls. Minidoka was one of IO large internment camps used to hold Japanese-Americans and resident aliens immediately following the attack on Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7, 1941. This particular camp held mostly people from Seattle and Portland areas. About t3,000 Americans were herded into the camps, where some of them lived for three years. In the camps the families lived in one-room apartments, which had very little as far as amenities went. In the winters of Southern Idaho they were forced to use only pot-belly coal stoves for heat, and in the summer they were forced to deal with temperatures that could swell to 110 degrees or higher. 1n 1942 when many of the first inmates arrived to Minidoka, some of the 20-foot by 120-foot barracks didn't even have ceilings. In the communal bathrooms, the pumps were

not operable until November. They were forced to relieve themselves in ditches with only canvas sheets separating the stalls. These Americans faced racism and bigotry that ran deep. The U.S. government once released a statement that said that the Japanese were considered an enemy race. Blatant racism came from the then governor of Idaho Chase A. Clark. "We don't want Japanese in Idaho," Clark once said. "Japs live like rats. Japs breathe like rats. We should send them all home and sink the island." But through the hardship, much beauty flourished. Si.ms spoke of art, architecture and music that became even more a part of the inmates' lives. One painter in particular, Kenjiro Nomura, painted scenes of what his stay in the concentration camp was like. His works are featured in an exhibit in Twin Falls but will be moved to Pocatello soon. Another man, George Nakashima,

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, developed bis interest in woodworking with traditional Japanese tools. Sims said Nakashima is considered to be America's greatest woodworker. After the war and the Japanese-American's release to return to their homes, the former inmates met even more hardship. Many times, their homes and businesses were gone. In a vain effort to help, the United States set up a Japanese-American Claims Commission where inmates could file grievances, but claims were limited to $2,500. It wasn't until 1983, with the cases of Min Yasui, Gordon Hirabayasbi and Fred Koresmatsu, that the government admitted any wrongdoing. Toward the end of bis presidency, President Clinton issued an act denoting parts of Minidoka as a national historical monument. Though little remains of the site, Sims said he hopes the memories will continue.


Tuesday Sept. 10, 2002

Sunny Weather A2 Vol. 96 No. 41


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Traumatologist visits NIC to discuss emotional •• ... ... .healing . ·--







Expert stresses how to hive instead of SUIVive By BRYAN SULLIVAN Staff writer

COEUR d'ALENE Clinical traumatologist Barry M. Richards has spent 25 years developing effective methods to help the victims of sudden

emotional trauma. Richards, who will speak at North Idaho College on Wednesday during its ceremonies for the one-year anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, said clinical traumatology shows victims how to thrive instead of survive. "It stretches your mind and illuminates your understanding," Richards said, "so you can

do what you need to do and avoid what gets you into trouble." The basis of CT is rapid intervention with the proper education for the victims. Too often, Richards said, medical treatment focuses on just the physical injuries of victims. The emotional damage is ignored for weeks, months or

sometimes years and is allowed to magnify. Without help, those scars can destroy relationships at home and at work as they develop into conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder. Richards encourages talking with the victim and his or her family right away - within 72 hours if possible - to prevent emotional damage before


it occurs. "If we don't get the splinter out within a short period of time, it festers and becomes infected," Richards said. 'These emotional wounds contaminate thinking and reasoning." The first assistance can come much sooner and can be

TRAUMA continued on Al



continued from A 1


even more effective, according to the book "Sudden Trauma," written by F Ross and Susan Woolley with Darla Isackson. The book describes the CT process through a series of case studies. In 1980, one man who was paralyzed from the waist down when he was hit by a falling 12-inch ceiling beam was met by Richards in the emergency room. Richards spoke with him and explained what the medical personnel were doing. With the man's help, he said, everyone would help him get through with the "best possible outcome." "When Richards used the phase 'best possible outcome' he was not promising that everything would be 'okay,"'

the authors said. "He didn't know for sure. No one knows how things will turn out for someone else." The clinical traumatologist must be honest and realistic with the victims, Richards said, so they understand the process their mind and body is undergoing. ''We don't just hold hands and be bleeding hearts," Richards said. ''You've got to get the right tools at the right time to deal with the major emotional upheaval." The strategy is called SEEDS - Specific Early Educational Directions. Traumatologists can tell the victims and their families what to expect from emotional changes as the mind deals with the event 'Toe rate of success is so high that you can't believe it," Richards said. ''You're not doing anything except giving a person information."

As part of CT, Richards developed the Five Simple Steps to heal families in emotional crisis. The steps include the following: get the facts, be aware and open about emotions, develop essential support systems, and take action. The final step, "pay the price, reap the rewards," cautions the victim that completing the process is not easy, but the healing that can be done is worth the effort.

"It's strikingly effective and helplessness." efficient," Richards said. Copies of "Sudden "Within 30 days, most people Trauma" will be available in are through the forest and the the Mica Peak Exchange foltrees. lowing Richards' speech. 'The event happened, but it's not all of life, and they can Bryan Sullivan can be reached at or see the silver lining and stop 773-7502 bsullivan@cdapress.com. struggling with the sense of


lnfonnation Clinical traumatologist Barry M. Richards will speak during the North Idaho College ceremonies, which begin Wednesday at 11 a.m. Information about CT is available at www.5simplesteps.com.

THE PRESS Thursday, September 12, 2002 A3

Schools reflect

Page A10

Monday, September 9, 2002

Area students


remember 9/11

Student photos A4

Memorial: Band

America," said Abby Dearry. At CHS, the student government project was a Memorial Wall, on which students wrote of their feelings about Sept 11. ~e will never forget those who saved lives and those who lost their lives," wrote Jessika Roletto. "Our country will always be free and full of pride," wrote Jeanie Schmidt "Through all the bad times, we can always find the good when we are together. Stand united when all else fails," wrote Megan Zseleczhy. Unsigned was the thought, ''We can forgive, but we can never forget" At North Idaho College, several hundred students and community members gathered for a remembrance ceremony. The enemies of this country set out to change America, said an emotional NIC President Michael Burke in his introduction, and they succeeded. ''Look at the flags you see everywhere. This country will never be the same." But it will not fail to defeat its enemies, said NIC instructor Tony Stewart History has proven, he said, "those who challenge democratic principles do not prevail."

will perform

By RICK THOMAS Staff writer

COEUR d'ALENE - She couldn't remember all the words to "God Bless America," but it didn't keep Angela Toelle from singing the song as her classmates planted American flags around Lakes Middle School "USA Rocks!" wrote Jessika Roletto at the Coeur d'Alene High School 9/11 Memorial Wall. Schools throughout the area held a variety of commemorative ceremonies and activities Wednesday to honor the victims of the Sept 11 attacks on America. 'These flags represent our country and the people who died on 9/11," said Toelle. The 360 flags were donated by the local Veterans of Foreign Wars and placed by the 26 members of Janet Choate's art class. ~e love America," said Brandy Jorgensen, Kirstie Latuseck and Shawnee Baughman in unison. Christina Olson thought about it for a few minutes and said, "9/11 was a very big tragedy. Everything happens for a reason. That prepares us for upcoming events." "It's about celebrating

Continued from AB

A highlight of the service will be a performance by the Air Force Band of the Rockies from Colorado Springs, Colo. The band was scheduled to perform in Sandpoint on Sept. 12 of last year. They were unable to appear because of the attacks.

About a month ago, Keyes re-

Memorial services . Churches, law enforcement officers and firefighters throughout the Panhandle will host memorial services to remember those killed in the Sept 11 terrorist attacks.


Services include: Kootenai County • Coeur d'Alene - North Idaho College is hosting an event focused.on healing the wounds of Sept. 11. At 11 a.m. Wednesday, honor guards from the Coeur d'Alene Police Department and Kootenai County firefighters will present the flag. After a moment of silence in honor of those who died last year, Bany Richards, a clinical traumatologist, will speak about how to recover and heal after a traumatic event For more information, call polltical science instructor Tony Stewart at (208) 769-3325.

... !II


C4 THE PRESS Friday, November 29, 2002


Feminist writer's life revisited at forum Europe retracing the life of an 18th century feminist writer during a Popcorn Forum event Wednesday. Johnson has portrayed COEUR d' ALENE writer Mary Wollstonecraft Virginia Johnson, North at a national community colIdaho College Communica- lege humanities conference, tions/Fine Arts/Humanities at numerous speaking Division chairwoman, will engagements throughout the lecture on her trek across Northwest and at NIC's

NIC chairwoman to portray figure

Popcorn Forum, now in its 33rd year. Historians have described Wollstonecraft as one of the world's most influential feminist writers. Her works include "A Vindication of the Rights of Woman," and "'Thoughts on the Education of Daughters." During a sabbatical from

NIC last year, Johnson retraced Wollstonecraft's life as she journeyed for two months through Paris, Por tugal, Ireland, Wales, Eng land, Scandinavia and Germany. Johnson even visited the Putney Bridge over the Thames River where Wollstonecraft tried to kill herself.

Johnson's lecture will include a slide show. The Popcorn Forum event will begin at 10 a.m. in the Lake Coeur d'Alene Room of the Edminster Student Union Building on NIC's main campus. The event is free and open to the public. Information: 769-3325


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The freedoms enjoyed by many women today became the subject of a presentation during Popcorn Forum Week, Dec. 4-6, at NIC. Virginia Tinsley Johnson, communications/fine arts/humanities chair, gave an hour long lecture Dec. 4 in the Lake Coeur d'Alene Room in the Student Union Building highlighting the short but eventful life of the writer Mary Wollstonecraft. Beginning with a joke, Johnson plunged right into her topic and carried her listeners back hundreds of years. Born in London in 1759, Wollstonecraft worked at many jobs before discovering her talent with a pen. A governess and teacher all over England, she wrote only to please herself; it wasn' t until later in life that she

was able to pursue the task full time. Having worked to support herself for so Jong, however, Wollstonecraft came to have very definite views on the position of women in society, which she expressed in the written word. "She considered the grandmother of the women's liberation movement," Johnson said. Wollstonecraft's most famous work, "A Vindication on the Right of Woman," set the stage for the women's liberation movements of the 1800s and later femin ism, whkb cropped up around the time of World War I.

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ed in the writings of the author that appeared Written while living in Paris during the in their textbooks, she became fascinated. French Revolution, Wollstonecraft echoed This fascination culminated in a trip to the sentiments of her friend, the American Europe in 2000 for Johnson. expatriate Thomas Paine, who defended the "I had a semester sabbatical," Johnson right of the common man to seek equality said. "I started out in London and then went within the government. Paine's work, directto Yorkshire, where she worked as a lady's ed at supporters of the old French regime, (maid.)" sparked the controversy that inspired his From there, the trip snowballed, coming to feminine counterparts work. h~ad with visits to the authors haunts, However, "Vindication" took the ideals of including Portugal, Sweden, and France. equality one step farther. The book, publish" I walked in her footstep s," Johnson said. ed in 1792, was a defense of the right of Wollstonecraft's contemporaries we re women to be educated. It also outlined a influenced dramatically by writings. Traces of woman'.s right to thought, reason, and her writing style can be found in the poems mastery of her own destiny. of Wordsworth and Coleridge. Some of the "I do not wish women to have power over greatest thinkers of the day, such as Paine, men," she wrote, " but over themselves." Such incorporated her idea into their own philosoa statement, coming from a woman with less phies. Some of her attitudes on life, though, than a eighth grade education, was viewed by were not so widely accepted. She had a habit the public as practically of initiating romantic affairs only to drop blasphemous. them s uddenly, gave birth to an illegitimate "She wasn't behind the right to child by painter Gilbert Imlay, and had was vote, which is associated with mightily opposed to any women's lib," Johnson said, "but institution that robbed rather the right for women to be ;- / educatwomen of rights, such as ''It's kind offunny she marriage. ed ... to do whatever they want "It's kind of funny to. " She added Wollstonecraft did many-since she that she did marry," was far ahead of her time. • was so against it. " Johnson said, "since she This sentiment was part of was so against it. She found what drew Johnson to the story of Virginia Johnson it stifling. " Wollstonecraft's life. After attempting to get -Jllst::r\x:torNevertheless, students in her English literature class interestWollstonecraft married William Godwin in 1797, already pregnant with his child. Sadly, their union would not end in happiness. Wollstonecraft died in childbirth, leaving her new husband with two

children to support and a void .in the intellectual world. She did not die in vain, though. Her mark on the A merica n suffragist movement can be seen in every way. "(Elizabe th Cady) Stanton and (Susan B.) Anthony had h er portrait in the ir office," Johnson said. H er ideas were instrumental in the shaping of suffrag ist movements around the world. Quo tes from "Vindication " were used in sp eeches by many prominent groups across the globe. Na tu rally, this influence was most easily seen in he r native country. However lasting he r in tellectua l i nfluence may have been, tho ugh, Wollstonecraft's greatest legacy may have been her daughter, Mary She lley. Shelley, the author of "Frankenstein" and wife of poet P ercy Shelley, surpassed her own mother in fame. Viewed as the purveyor of a modern myth, " F ra nkenstein" became au instant success for Shelley. Living in Italy with her husband after he was ostracized from E ngland, Wollsto necraft's daugh ter lived in the limelight until her death in 1851. WoJJstonecraft, Godwin an d Shelley are all buried in a communal tomb in Bouremouth, England, along with Shelley's son and his wife . Pe rcy Shelley's heart, which did not burn in his Italian cremation, is also interred there. The tomb is open for public view. In discovering the life of Mary Wollstonecraft, Johnson fo und a passion for traveling within herself. Th is is a passion sh e hopes to spread, encouraging her listeners to go wherever they wish to. "Don' t wait," Johnson said . "Go and see what there is to see."



Saturday Jan.25,2003



High 42, Low 38 A2

College announces expanded Popcorn Forum Human rights activist Norm Gissel, right, talks with

Dozens of workshops, presenters featured ByRICK THOMAS

Staff writer

Raul Sanchez and his assistant, Karen Caffrey, on Friday.



North Idaho's battle against hate is about to become a war. Eight regional colleges will join with human rights advocates for "Confronting Hate: Humanity's Greatest

Challenge" during the 33rd annual North Idaho College Popcorn Forum. 'This is a historic time for the Popcorn Forum," said Tony Stewart, who organized the symposium. The forum, announced at NIC Friday, will begin March 22 and continue the following week. More than 100 presenters from across the country will participate. Stewart said he has con-

firmed the participation of "some of the greatest workers in human rights. 'The wisdom of these people will address the full spectrum of hate," he said. There will also be dozens of workshops and other events. More than 68,000 students are expected to participate. 'The Aryan camp is gone, but a prevalent attitude is still FORUM continued on A4


continued from




present," said Khalil Islam, director of Eastern Washington University's Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities. "It's less visible since we're rid of the guys in costumes." EWU has joined with Washington State University, the Community Colleges of Spokane, Gonzaga University, the University of Idaho, Lewis-Clark State College and Whitworth College to sponsor the forum, which will include 33 events at NIC and 10 at Gonzaga The Harvard University John f Kennedy School of Government and the Carr

Center for Human Rights tor of Gonzaga's Institute for Policy, the Kootenai County Action Against Hate. "'There is Task Force on Human a prevalence of hate crimes, Relations, Spokane public groups and Web sites." Rhosetta Rhodes, service television station KSPS and Spokane's Education Service learning director at Spokane District 101 are co-sponsoring Falls Community College, said the work of NIC over the the forum. "'The 19-year history of years "lets us know it's not Nazi involvement in our lives everyone - most people are is over," said Norm Gissel, a not hateful." human rights activist during She said as a black person that period. 'This is the first who moved to Spokane in page of the second chapter of 1990, she and her famiJy expehuman rights in the rienced incidents of bigotry. Northwest " One of the first things she Though the Aryans have heard about was the Aryans. "In the first year I was been banished from Idaho, there are still problems of dis- here, I would not come across crimination and hatred the border," she said. around the country, organizNIC President Michael Burke described the organizaers said. "Hate has always been with tion of the week-long forum as us," said Jerri Shepard, direc- "a Herculean effort"


Cougs lose promising running back to Fresno Stale I"'"'· " \ j SATURDAY JANUARY 25, 2003



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NIC Popcorn Forum reaches out By Winston Ross Staff 11•nter

Annual human rights event expands to other colleges In region

COEUR d'ALENE North Idaho College's annual Popcorn Forum is the biggest event each year on the Lake City campus. with renowned speakers from all parts of the country. This year, organizers have made the human rights event even bigger. The forum has reached out to colleges and organizations across the Inland Northwest to cosponsor the forum March 22 and 24-29. For the first time. events will be held acros!, the border in Spokane, at Gonzaga University. Eight other colleges and universities around the region, including the

University of Idaho, Eastern Washington University and Washington State University, have helped plan and fund the forum. "No one said 'No,·" said Tony Stewart, the NIC instructor who runs the forum. "This is an historic time for the Popcorn Forum. "I have never been involved in any endeavor before where all the colleges of the Northwest have sat down for seven dayl> to analyze human rights issues." This year's theme is "Confronting Hate: I lumanity's Greatest Challenge." Its purpose is to broaden the topic of racism, a subject that people all over the United States still think of when someone mentions North Idaho. Continued: Popcorn Forum/ A6

F, ,~me Sool<esman-ReY!e'N

Auschwitz survivor Noemi Ban Is among the speakers scheduled for the annual Popcorn Forum In March. . «•

-:: .

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"We've gotten rid of the organizations, the guys in costumes who bully us and beat us up in our faces," said Khalil Islam, director of the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities at Eastern Washington University. Still, he said, "It is evident we have a long way to go before the Continued from Al need for dialogue, education and The Aryan Nations compound is direct action is over." The forum will offer 33 programs now a peace park, and many of the at NIC, plus 10 at Gonzaga, more white supremacists who supported it bave moved back East. But hate, than 100 presenters and perforof all kinds, is still a pervasive mers, including a concert, theater problem, here and across the world, production and the annual human said the forum's organizers at a rights banquet. Plus, 20 colleges and universities Friday press conferenc~. "As we look at the problem of across the country can view the hate, throughout history, people keynote addre.~c; through an interachave developed the capacity to tive video link. divide up," said Jerri Shepard, execRbosetta Rhodes is director of utive director of the Gonzaga Uni- Service Learning at Community versity Institute for Action Against Colleges of Spokane. The AfricanHate. "Hatred has always been with American woman said when she us." moved to Spokane with her family Norm Gissell, of the Kootenai in 1990, the first thing she heard County Task Force on Human about the region was the Aryan Relations, said North Idaho is be- Nations. ginning a new chapter. For three "For the first year, I would not dec.ades, education efforts have come across the border," Rhodes been directed at battling the Aryan said. "Then, I began to hear about Nations. the Popcorn Forum," which she Now that it's gone, organizers attended, and "the first time I came said, the community can accomplish to Coeur d'Alene was a wonderful a broader goal. experience for me."

Popcom Forum: 33 NIC events,

plus lOatGU


Sponsors, speakers The following colleges and universities are co-sponsoring the annual Popcorn Forum on March 22 and March 24-29 at North Idaho College and Gonzaga University: Gonzaga, Whitworth College, Lewis-Clark State College, University of Idaho, Eastern Washington University, Washington State University- including the Spokane campus and Community Colleges of Spokane. Combined, those schools' enrollment is more than 68,000. The speakers include: • Marl< Potok, editor of the Southern Poverty law Center's magazine "Intelligence Report"; • Sue Stengel, Western states counsel for the Anti-Defamation League of B'nal B'rith in Los Angeles; • Gregory Carr, chairman of the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy at Harvard University; • Noemi Ban, a Holocaust survivor and educator who lives in Bellingham; • Jim Carnes, director of the Teaching Tolerance Project at the Southern Poverty law Center; • Ken Stem, a specialist on antiSemitism and extremism with the American Jewish Committee of New Yori< City; • The Rev. Dave Ostendorf, a minister with the United Church of Christ and director of the Center for New Community in Chicago.

............... •

THE PRESS Tuesday, February 4, 2003


Briefs SAFECO exec to speak at banquet COEUR d'ALENE -

Mike McGavick, CEO, president, and chairman of the board for SAFECO Corp., will be the keynote speaker at the sixth annual Human Rights Banquet in Coeur d'Alene in March. The banquet is sponsored by the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations and the Human Rights Education Foundation. The theme of this year's event is "Promoting Diversity in Corporate America." McGavick, who has been at SAFECO since 2001, has been the leade;r in designing and starting a new diversity program for the $7

billion insurance company based in Seattle. His focus while at SAFECO has been on improving the company's performance, strengthening the balance sheet, reducing expenses, investing in people, and advocating for outstanding service delivery. "We are extremely fortunate to have as the banquet keynote speaker the CEO of a national corporation that has dedicated its organization to developing a diversity program that promotes human understanding and respect," said Tony Stewart, president of the Human Rights Education Foundation. The Human Rights . Banquet is scheduled for, 7 p.m. March 27-at the Coeur d'Alene Inn (Best Western)

at U.S. 95 and Appleway. Tickets are $25 per person and will be available beginning Feb. 10. Information: 664-3564 or mail a check to P.O. Box 2725, Coeur d'Alene, 83816.


Dnll? Ell

Popcorn Forum 1111

March 22 & 24-29, 2003 This vaar's topic:


convocauon Serles S•11s11m

Confronting Hate: Humanity's Greatest Challenge"

Mondav, Mar. 24 _ttag: ns Pervasive Impact on Humallltl .___..


9 am lfflllllllfress: Father Robert J. Spitzer, President, Gonzaga University 1 • 2 pm Film: Long Night's Journey Into Day 8pm Concert: Special Tribute to Children of the World


Boswell Hall Schuler Aud!torium Student Union, Lake Coeur d'Alene Room Boswell Hall Schuler Auditorium

TUasdav. Mar. 25 In Iha Name ol Gt.HI:_Hat•'s Threat to Ra1J111us F.,.odom 9 • 10 am 10:30 am 1-2 pm 7pm

Film: The Possible Dream•The Quest for Racial and Ethnic Harmony in America's Schools lmate lddress: Rev. Dave Ostendorf, United Church of Christ Minister and Director of Center for New Community, Chicago Dance Performance: Seattle Diversity Dancers levnate lddress: Raymond Reyes, Ph.D., nationally recognized speaker and Vice President of Diversity, Gonzaga University

Wadnasdav, Mar. 26 ldamnvtna - Hate Greups and Comlladng Their Ballets -

..• • ••• •

10 am 11:30 am· 12:10 pm 8 pm


levntte lddms: Mark Potok, Southern Poverty Law Center

Film: A Place at the Table-Struggles for Equality in America Theatre: The NIC Theatre Department presents six diversity drama scenes

Student Union, Lake Coeur d'Alene Room Boswell Hall Schuler Auditorium Boswell Hall Schuler Auditorium Boswell Hall Schuler Auditorium Boswell Hall Schuler Auditorium Student Union, Lake Coeur d'Alene Room Boswell Hall Schuler Auditorium

Tbursdav. Mar. 21 u,a ol PQllllc Po11cv, law, an• th• courts to combat Hate 9 am

• 11 am

lfflltl lddress: Gregory C. Carr, Board Chair of the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy, Harvard University ltVDltt lddms: James E. Waller, Jr., Ph.D., Professor of Psychology, Whitworth College

Boswell Hall Schuler Auditorium Boswell Hall Schuler Auditorium

Frld@V, Mar. 2J J!q~g Fl'Qm Half.toHope Through Educadon IIVDlll lddms:Jim Carnes, Director, Teaching Tolerance Project, Southern Poverty Law Center and Editor, Teaching Tolerance Magazine l pm levntte lddnss: Ken Stern, Specialist on Anti Semitism and Extremism, The American Jewish Committee, New York City

11 am

Boswell Hall Schuler Auditorium Boswell Hall Schuler Auditorium

All events listed above are held at North Idaho College and are free and open to the public. T his is a partial list of events. To receive a free program with a complete calendar of events, call the NIC College Relations Office at 769.7764 or visit the NIC website at www.nic.edu





18. 2003

Popcorn Forum planning under way Program to include speakers, concerts, dance qy Matt Rice - Staff writer -

The 33rd annual Popcorn Forum, hosted by North Idaho College and Gonzaga University, is nearing. Tony Stewart, a Political Science instructor at NIC, has been organizing the event full time since last April. Stewart was with the creators of the forum 33 years ago, calling it the Popcorn Forum to attract people who would ask1 ."Why call it that?" Beginning March 22, the Forum will last a week, highlighting workshops, speakers, and other events. 68,000 total students are expected to attend. The forum has a 33 year history and the topic is different every year. The motto for this year's forum is "Confronting Hate: Humanitys Greatest Challenge," and some featured speakers are human rights activists. "I know about 85 percent of the speakers," said Stewart, "and I can say that these are really great minds and that they will bring a lot of expertise to the forum." Michael Burke, president of NIC, says that "They're doing this for the sheer love of doing it. I still get goosebumps when I watch these presentations." North Idaho College and Gonzaga have joined human rights advocates and seven other regional colleges, including Eastern Washington

University, Washington State University, the Spokane Community Colleges, the University of Idaho, Lewis-Clark State College, and Whitworth College. Together with the Harvard University John F. Kennedy School of Government and the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy, the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations, KSPS and the Spokane school district, they will all sponsor 33 activities at NIC and 10 at Gonzaga. Some examples of activities to take place during the Forum are numerous panels and two workshops per day. There will even be a Musical Concert called "Special Tribute to Children of the World" and a dance performance held at NIC and Gonzaga. The final feature is a theater with six drama scenes that promote diversity. "There is no better venue for students to learn about the topic. T his is a world class curriculum," said Burke, who will be giving keynote addresses. Stewart said, "The unique thing about this program is that there are several colleges working together for the purpose." The forum's purpose is to pose questions on different issues and problems. It provides the campus and the community a way to express their different views and opinions. "I believe that this forum gives everyone the opportunity to learn important information that makes us better thinkers and doers," Stewart said.

"I am just tickled to be a part of it," said Burke. "This event rivals anything that you would find at ivy-league (universities). This is an investment of who I am as a person." There are problems of discrimination and hatred around the country, so the attitude of the Forum is to relate with students to help overcome the hate. "Many of the faculty of North Idaho College, including myself, wilJ take our students to the forum because we bring great experts to our event, and students can learn from those experts," Stewart said. Even if you have a class every day, there will more than likely be a convenient event after class. In any case, most students will be able to attend an activity with instructors. Burke called the effort a "herculean effort ." It is a labor of love, and it is exciting to have the event," he said. Last Friday, Western Washington University joined to participate in the panel "Silence is Consent: Tools to Speak for Change in Social Climate" on Wednesday, March 26. Stewart said that be ''was delighted to have WWU join in this activity." The Forum begins March 22 at Gonzaga and March 24 at NIC. All events are free and open to the public, except the Human Rights Banquet on March 27, which is to honor associated student government board members from the involved schools. For more information about the Forum, call (208)769-7764.



Tbursday, March 20, 2003 The Spokesman-Review Spokane, Wash,/Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

Farum to confront hate with week of panelists, entertainers By Rob McDonald Staff writer

The North Idaho College event that put a spotlight on Idaho's struggles against hate has expanded to include nearly every college in the region. The Popcorn Forum, a weeklong event of entertainers, panelists and national guests, starts Saturday at Gonzaga University in Spokane. Over the course of the following week, more than 100 presenters will participate in 33 sessions at NlC addressing the forum's theme, "Confronting Hate: Humanity's Biggest Challenge." There also will be 10 more events at Gonzaga. " It's going to be an extraordinary week," said Michael Burke, president of NlC. " lt's a herculean effort on (event organizer and NlC instructor) Tony Stewart's part to weave all these people into this program." Monday, Burke wilJ give the keynote address at noon at the Gonzaga


Popcorn Forum The annual Popcorn Forum begins Saturday and runs through next week, with events at North Idaho College in Coeur d'Alene and Gonzaga University in Spokane. For a complete schedule of events online, go to www.nic.edu/events/ popcomforum/.

University Law School, while Gonzaga's president, the Rev. Robert Spitzer, wilJ give the keynote at 9:30 a.m. at NlC's Schuler Auditorium. "The broader focus this year has made it a bigger blip on everyone's radar," said Khalil Islam, a director of Eastern Washington University's student rights office. "The fact they've hit every one of the institutions of higher ed in the area, including the community colleges, is

pretty significant." Multiple disciplines, from law to psychology, are coming together on the same topic, Islam said. " Everyone's pooling their expertise," Islam said. "That's kind of rare." The initial outreach was made to Gonzaga University and it grew from there, said NIC spokeswoman Erna Rhinehart. Stewart could not be reached. All events are free and open to the public. "The phone has been ringing fairly steadily," Rhinehart said. The presentations fill more than five days with topics such as conflicts tied to class differences, police use of force and racial profiling, and combating hate in communities. The Seattle Diversity dancers wiJI perform, and the NIC drama department will stage six scenes that address the confrontation of hate. Continued: Popcom/ 84

The Spokesman-Review


Popcom: Experts, Indians to speak Continued from 81

Mark Potok, editor of the Southern Law Poverty Center's Intelligence report, and Greg Carr, board chairman of the Carr Center for Human Rights at Harvard University, will make presentations. Other presentations include experts on gender issues, Native Americans and Holocaust survivor Noemi Ban, and numerous professors from the region. 'Tm thrilled Tony Stewart has worked so hard to bring all the education institutions together," said Esther Louie, assistant dean for programming and diversity at Whitworth College.


Popcorn Forum Here is a listing of some events: • At 5:30 p.m. Monday at NIC Student Union, University of Idaho professor Rodeny Frey will explore Native American oral traditions in a program developed under the guidance of tribal elders. • The Seattle Diversity Dancers will perfonn 1 p.m. Tuesday in the NIC Auditorium and again at 7 p.m. at Gonzaga's Martin Center Dance Studio. • Mark Potok, editor of the Southern Poverty Law Center, will speak at 10 a.m. Wednesday at NIC Schuler Auditorium. • Greg Carr, board chainnan of the Carr Center for Human Rights will speak at 9 a.m. Thursday at NIC Schuler Auditorium. • A panel will explore how service learning affects student perspectives on race, gender and class issues at 3 p.m. Friday at Gonzaga Law School, Room ~~


• A workshop on teaching tolerance in the classrooms begins at 9 a.m. Saturday at the NIC Student Union Building, Lake Coeur d'Alene Room.

"That's what we do in the Spokane-Coeur d'Alene area so well. All of us are committed to not allowing borders to separate us."

• Rob McDonald can be reached at (509) 459-5533 or by e-mail at robm@spokesman.com.

• •

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Popcorn for Peace NORTH IDAHO The 33rd annual Popcorn Forum at NIC fi ghts hat e with a gathering of st udents, teac hers an d religious leaders CARA GARD NER rock concert is scheduled for the week," he says. Stewart multiculturalism and diversity.' So or mid:Junc in Farragut expects even more this year, he this component is aimed at tatc Park in North Idaho. says, because the H REF is one of helping teachers gain more tools Revelers arc coming from as far as 13 organizations and colleges that and inspirations;' she says. Texas, Alabama and Southern are co-sponsoring the event. "All Kat11y Canfield-Davis, California. But before marking the colleges and universities [in HREF education committee your calendars, you might want to our area] are involved; they coordinator and a presenter at the note that this is a skinhead represent 65,000 students. I am Popcorn Forum, says they've concert, co-hosted by the infamous just so energized and elated at this tried to get the word out to Richard Butler. He's coming back kind of collaborative clTort." educators. to the Northwest, as he says, "to Activities include keynote "We distributed the flyer to show our enemies that we have speakers, panel discussions, films, every school from St. Marie.s , not left North Idaho." workshops for educators and the north to Boundary County and Despite th.c Aryan Nation's public, a theater production, over to Shoshone County. We right to congregate here, leaders concert, dance performance and designed the workshops thinking and locals from the Inland more. All events arc free and open of educators in mind. We put Northwest have worked hard to . to the public. most of ihcm starting at 4 pm or change the area's reputation as a Don't plan on hearing lengthy 4:30 pm. We also added the hub for hate groups. In addition to debates about the war or terror· incen tive of credit, and both the celebrating the bankruptcy of ism, though. U of I and Gonzaga arc offering Butler's Aryan professional developNation's compound, ment credit for " No matter where anyone th.c Kootenai County educators," Canfield· Task Force on Davis says. lives in the world, there is hate, Human Relations The Popcorn formed the H uman Forum will explore there are prejudices." Rights Education broad notions of Foundation (HREF) hate, such as 'hate· - TONY STEWART, president of in 1998. The cliat' on the Internet the Human Rights Education Foundation foundation is and bullying in planning to open a schools, but Stewart human rights education center in "This is not a conference hopes the skinheads' concert Coeur d 'Alene, possibly in the old dealing with a specific issues, like won't be far from people's minds. cuhunl ccmcr by the city park. in imernational politics;' Stewart ~Anyone who takes the Though fund raising hasn 't begun, says of the Forum. uHatc can take position tllat there's nothing more there is hope that upcoming cventS so mauy forms. Rather than put it to worry about - well, I think it's will galvanize the process. in a context of one arena, we arc a grave mistake;• he says. "We The H REF has declared that trying 10 identify it. It's not our should pause and ta.kc in the March is H uman Righcs Month in purpose to take a position; it's victories that have happened the Inland Northwest and is more of an in-depth look at the recently. But no matter where sponsoring numerous eventS, concept [of hate] in general. anyone lives in the world, there is including the 33rd annual Popcorn Recd says one key focus will hate, there arc prejudices. The Forum, a wecklong convention at be encouraging educators to learn work will have to go on, and the North Idaho College dedicated to strategics lhat discourage hateful number one priority in tha.t the study of hate, starting Satur· behavior in schools. category is education." • day and continuing until March "Our effort bas been to "29. produce programs for students. For a detailed schedule of The Popcorn Forum, u,,!ftonl· But when we get together with speakers and events during the ing Hale: Humanity 's Biggest Chalteachers they say, 'We don' t have 33...s annual Popcorn Forum at laige, is attracting academic enough resources, enough North Idaho College, visit experts, activists and religious training.' They say, 'There isn't www.nic.edu, then dick on leaders from all over the United enough in Idaho, like "Eve.n ts" and "Popcorn Forum." States, including speakers from I.fl M? te-.ft 6-:; ~' 5 Harvard's Gregory Carr Foundation and the Southern Poverty Law Center, which are co· sponsoring the event. Mary Lou Recd, an HREF board member, says the Popcorn Forum has evolved considerably since it started in 1970 at NIC . .. [NICJ had assemblies all tl1e time, and then they'd have a week-long event, on different issues. They wanted to get kids there, so they served popcorn," Reed recalls. Tony Stewart, board president for HREF, says the forum will be 10 rimes the size of the skinheads' concert. ..The last two years we 've had between 4,000 and 6,000 people

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starting at the Gonzaga Institute for Action Against Hate. "I believe it's the only college in the country with a program that confronts the By RICK THOMAS issue of hate," said Stewart. Staff writer Gonzaga president Father Robert]. Spitzer will be a COEUR d'ALENE featured forum speaker, Music and dance will unite delivering the keynote with sober discussion in this address on Monday. year's Popcorn Forum that More than 100 well-known began Saturday and contineducators, administrators ues this week. and experts from across the A collaboration of 13 orga- nation will speak at this nizations, including eight year's event. regional colleges, this year's 'There is some exceptiontheme is "Confronting Hate: al talent coming to NlC," said Humanity's Greatest Michael Burke, college presiChallenge." Events will be at dent. "It's a synergy we've North Idaho College and at never had before." Gonzaga University. Mary Lou Reed, a board ..It's exciting to be doing member of the Human something this big," said Rights Education Tony Stewart, NIC political Foundation, said the conferscience instructor. "It's a ence will be the largest, most dream come true." impressive of its kind, coverThe issue of confronting ing the gamut of human hate will be addressed rights issues. through keynote speeches, "1ltls is a great statement workshops, panels and films by and about our communiduring the symposium. ty," Reed said. There will also be a producIn conjunction with the tion by NIC's Theater forum, the NIC Jazz Department, a concer t by Ensemble is presenting a NIC's Music Department, a special concert performance performance by the Diversity titled Celebrating Children. Dancers from Seattle and the The concert will be at 8 annual Human Rights p.m. Monday in Schuler Banquet in Coeur d'Alene. Auditorium. Stewart spent the past NIC Jazz Ensemble year organizing the event, Director Terry Jones said he

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Schedule includes variety of events COEUR d' ALENE Following is the schedule the 33rd annual Popcorn Forum. Events with a * will be simulcast at the University of Idaho in Moscow and Sandpoint and at Gonzaga University. Check with the location for the room number for the broadcast • Monday: Haw: Ill Pervulve lmplC1 on Hunwll1y. A discussk>n ol the broad scope of hale in society. NIC President MochHI L Burke Ph.D.• and Associated Sludenl Body Jeremy Ivins welcome the public a1 9 a.m. in lhe Schuler AudhOII~. fol· lowed by a kaynole add.'ess, ·Confronting Hate: The PfflOn81, lnterPersonal, Cornmo.n1. and Societal Challenge," by Fa1he< Aobel1 J Spitter, president ol Gonzaga Ulwetsity•• Noon; Keynote address. "From the Dal1< Wood of Hate to the Bright WOt1d ol JU$ttc.: by Burke at the Gonzaga Urwersity I.aw School Moot Cour1 Room. 1·2 p.m. - Flm, "lDng Night's Journey Into Day," the Sia)' ol apartheid In South Alrk:a. In the Lake Coeur d'Alene Room, Student Union Building. 3-4:30 p.m. - Panel, 'When 8ad Things H8A)8ft to Good People • Panel, "Combating Hate Cllnlcted 81 Pe<sons Because ol lheir Relglout Beliefs. ~ . and Sexual Orientation.• Lake Coeur d'Alene Room. Student Union Building. 5-7:30 p.m. - Workshop, -rraval,ng with Coyote: EJCl)lor,ng the LandscapeS ol Anolher CIAll.wa u Wei as That ol One's Own llvough Storyteffing • Lake Coeur d'Alene Room. Workshop, -rhe Role of the Media In Conlronting

wanted to provide a musical per formance in conjunction with the Popcorn Forum that focused on a special part of humanity-children. "It works with the more pervasive message of the

Hate.' Driftwood Bay Room,


8 p.m. - Musical Conce<t, 'Sp«:lal TrbAe to Childran ol the by NIC Jezz Ensenilla Schuler Auditonum


• TUNday: In the Nllma of God: Haw'• ThlNI to Rellglout F1'91dom. ~10 am. - Alm. -rhe Posallle Dream The Quest lor Redal and Ethnic Hannony In America's Schools." Lake Coeur d'Alene Room. 10:30 a m. - Keynote addr95S, "Chrisllan Identity: An American Heresy," by Rev. Dave Otl8<'od0rf, United Church ol Christ Minister and drector of c«tler lor New Community. Chicago.

Schuler Aucitorun..

1·2.-00 p.m. - •tntersectionz Educationel Artz," Seattle Diversity Dane.rs. Schuler Auditorium. 2:30-4:00 p.m. - Panel, "Creadng a WO/Id ol Rallglous Tola<8nce ' Lake Coeur d'Alene room. 4:30-6:30 p.m. - Workshop, "tlale Online • NIC Molslead Library, New Century Classroom. 5-7:00 p.m. - Workshop, "Class Manera: Identifying Class Differences, Privileges, and Conflicts." Laka Coeur d'Alene Room. Nl:00 p.m. - 'lnlelSedJOnZ Educational Mz.• GU Matlin Center dance atuclo. 7:00 p.m. - Keynote address. "Elq:>eriencing Spirituality as an AntldOte to Hate: by Raymond Reyes, Ph.D., Vlce-presldent cl Diversity, GU. Schultr Auditorium.. • WednNda, : ldlnllfylng HMI Groups and Combating Their lleliefll 10:00 a.m. - Keynote address. · 1n the Trenches: Using lnlonnatlon to Combat Hate Groups; by Mark POIOk. Southern PoYelty Law Center. Schuler Aucflorun.. 11:30 am.-12: 10 p.m. - Film, "A Place 81 the Table - Struggles lor Equality In America.· Lake Coeur d'Alene Room. 1:00 p..m. - Keynote address, "Hate on the lntemet," by Sue Slengel, J.O.. Wtstem Slates Counsel, Anli-Oelamabon ~ cl B'nal B'rllh. Lo$ Angeles. GU Law School, Moot Coun Room. 1·2:30 p.m. - Panel, "Strategies and TOOis to

Popcorn Forum, which is raising conscious awareness," Jones said. 'These issues affect our children too." All Popcorn For um events are free and open to the pub-

Combat Hate In Your Community." Lake Coeu, d'Alene Room. 3-4:30 p.m. - Panel. "Silence is Ccn«1I. Tools to Speak for Change In Social Clim8le • Lake Coeur d'Alene Room. 3:30-5:00 p.m. - Panel, "Bullyfng From the Sandbox to the Workplac.." Blue Creek/Echo Bay Room. 5-7:30 p.m. - Workshop, "Police Usa cl Force and R..::ial Profiling.• Lake Coeur d'Alene Room. Workshop, "It Takes Eggs. Too: Deconstructlng the Power of Gendered Language • Blue Creek/Echo Bay Rooms. SUB. 8:00 p.m. - Theatre. NIC Thealre deparlment p r - 9'X dfama SQlf,ea promoting diversily. Schuler Audil~.

• Thur9day: u.. of Public Polley, Law and the Courta to Confront ..... 9:00a.m. - Keynote addn1ss, "Elasing Hate. A Global Challenge; by Gregory C. Carr, Board Chair ol the carr Center for Human Rights Policy, Harvard University. Schuler Auditorium.• 11:00 am - Keynote address. "Oetlve< Us From Evil: The Role cl the lntemational Cnn*l8I Coun in Confronbng Ha11; by James E. w,,,,_, Jr., Ph.D.. professor cl psyd,ology, Whitwof1h conege. Schuler Auditorium.· Noon - Lunch honoring student govemment board members of pa/tldpertng coneges (tor board members only). • Lake Coeur d'Alene Room. 1·2:30 p.m. - Panel, 'The Inland Northwest Diversity Education Pannership 10 Translorm Hate: CommunlcaUng Common Ground - A Loc;al and Nallonal Dr,ersity Project.. Driftwood 8ayRoom. 3-5:00 p m. - Panel, 'The Use cl the Cour1s to Combat Hate." GU Law School MOOI Coun Room. 3:30-5:00 p.m. - Workshop. "Hate In the International Arena: The Cold War Through Qnemabc: Lenses.. Lake Coeur d'Alene Room 5-6:30 - Workshop, "Hate In the lntematlonal Arana: The Cold War Through Cinematic

lie, with the exception of the Human Rights Banquet next Thursday at the Coeur d'Alene Inn. Visitor parking permits will not be required on NIC's campus the week of the

~ . - Todd Lecture Hall, Molstead Ubrsry. 7 00 p.m. - $oc1h Annual H - Rights Banquet, ·Promoting Drverstty ,n Corporate Amer1ca and the Olaslroom."TICkets ere $25 and must be received by Monday. Coeur d'Alene Inn, 4 t 4 W. Appleway. To order call 664-3564 (mes-


• Friday: Moving From Hate to Hope Through Education 9:00 a.m. Keynote address, "The Unspeakeble Horrors of Auschwitz and Buchenwald: My Story,' by Noemi Ban, Holocaust SUMVOr and educalor GU Law Sc:llOOI Moot Cour1 Room. 11 am. - Keynote address, "Every Child Belongs: Building Equttable and Respecttul Communities In the Classroom and Beyond; by Jim Cames, director, Teaching Tote<ance Project. Southam Poverty Law Cenier and editor, "reaching Tolerance Magazine." Schuler

Audi10/lum.. 1:00 p.m. - Keynote address, "fhe Need for an Academic Dl$dpline of Hate Studies." by Ken Stem, specialist on anti-Semitism and extremism. The American JewlSh Commrttee. New York City.

Schuler Auditonum..

2:30-4:00 p.m. - Panel, "How Can Educatlon Setve as an Antidote to Hate?" Lake Coeur d'Alene Room. 3-4:30 p.m Panel, "Passage From Privlage' The lnlluenca ol ~ on Students' PerspeCIIVes on Issues ol Rae.. Gender, Class, and Sexual Orientation • GU Law Sc:llOOI room 227. Panel, "Breaking the Diversity Mindset: Education as a Human Right." GU Law School room 265. 4 :~ 30 p.m. - Workshop, · p ~ Hate In the Classroom and Across the U,,.versity.' Driftwood Bay Room Workshop, "Az11an In the Classroom: Helping Chicano Students Flnd Success • Lake Coeur d'Alene Room. • Saturday: An ln-Oeplh look at Tolerance. 9:00 a.m. · noon - Workshop, "feactw,g Tolerance." presented by Jim Camas Laite Coeur d'Alene Room

Popcorn Forum, but visitors are encouraged to utilize NIC's free Shuttle Express, which leaves every 15 minutes from the Memorial Field and Museum of North Idaho parking lots .



Tuelday, Mll'dl 25, 2003 The Spokesman-Review Spokane, Wash,/Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

Burke: Racism can't be ignored By Rob McDonald

NIC president deals

Staff writer


with audience

Racial ~atred is p~rt of dlsn,ptlon during the Arnencan expenence · "just like baseball, hot Gonzaga address dogs and apple pie," said North Idaho College's president Monday at a human rights event at Gonzaga University. "To igJ!Ore the legacy of such hatred denies a substantial part of the American experience, albeit an ugly part," said Michael Burke, NIC's president since


Burke delivered a keynote speech at Gonzaga Law School as part of NI C's Popcorn Forum, a 33-year-old annual pubHc discussion series. Gonzaga's president, the Rev. Robert Spitzer, drew 200 people at NIC earlier in the day as part of the event's effort this year to include the region's colleges. Burke was confronted his first week on the,·ob by an Aryan Nations event on his campus. A chi d of the South, Burke saw firsthand the separation of races in that region. "One day skin color will be like the color of one's eyes," Burke said to a mere nine people in the Continued:

Popcom/ B3

for questions and a man shouted his objections at Burke's views and use of the word "people of color." ·'What am I? A person of uncolor? How dare you put us down," said the man who identified himself as Stan Hess. Continued from Bl At one point, Hess rose to his feet shouting and ignored numerous requests to audience. ··1t·~ a distinction without a stop his speech. difference." ··1 was ethnically cleansed from CaliforOne day, Burke told the crowd, "hate will nia," said Hess, who claims membership of be a part of our past and not our future." Burke's talk was disrupted when he asked the European-American Unity and Rights

Popcom: Burke's talk disrupted

Organization. The organization Web site states that " Whites today face the most extensive and intensive racial discrimination in American history." David Duke is the group's president. Hess, who said he moved to Coeur d'Alene two months ago, was listed on the Web site~ the Idaho contact for the group. The site published a press release that states Hess was planning on anending Spitzer's talk at NIC. Burke did not wish to comment on the disruption.

about one-third of the Spokane TV market does not get cable TV. Those viewers have no access to war coverage unless the local network affiliates carry it, or unless they have satellite TV. Lee also said he was surprised by the relatively swift return of commercials to the air. He said many advertisers, both national and local, said in advance that they wanted their ads pulled in the event of the war, just as they did following Sept. 11, 200l. Many advertisers, but not all, have already asked that their ad spots return to the air.


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Popcorn Forum starts at personal level Speakers tell stories of their experiences with hate crimes By RICK THOM AS Staff writer COEUR d'ALENE Fighting hate is a never-ending battle. This week the front is at North Idaho College. Outflanking the enemies of understanding from a different

direction each day, the 33rd forum and is playing host to sevannual Popcorn Forum on eral events. Students and faculty Monday offered several work- members from Gonzaga and shops and panel discussions other colleges are also participatwith the theme, "Hate: Its ing in the various programs. Pervasive Impact on Humanity." "I learned what it means to "Racism is fear plus igno- be a victim," said Julian Aquon, rance," said Cec Sheoships, a junior at Gonzaga. "I am not one of four Gonzaga University one." students who par ticipated in The Guam native and Jess the afternoon panel discussion, Ruck joined American Indian "When Bad Things Happen to students Sheoships and Lois Good People." Trevino, all members of the Gonzaga is one of 13 organi- Gonzaga Academic Cultural zations collaborating in this year's Excellence group, to share


continued from C1

She, too, refused to be a victim and instead of being r un off campus stayed


Popcorn Forum participants, from left, Bob Bartlett , Lois Trevino, Cec Sheoships, Julian Aquon and Jess Ruck discuss experiences with hate Monday at North Idaho College.

with about two dozen other participants their experiences and feelings about hate and cultural misuPderstanding. 'We need to build bridges to compassion, understanding and loving," said T revino. She described an "incident" when the tires on her car were slashed at Gonzaga. ''Why are hate crimes hidden away, disguised as 'incidents'?'' she said. FORUM continued on C3

and encouraged others to do the same. That resilience, said Actuon, is the greatest social and political weapon in the dismantling of hate. "Overcome ignorance to overcome fear," said Ruck. "No one person can

change t he world. We have to start somewh ere." The Popcorn Forum continues today with discussions and presentations on the threat to religious freedom posed by hate.

LiiC11 ¡

The Press, Wednesday, March 26, 2003

For news or story ideas: Call City Editor Bill Buley at 1 E-mail: bbu1ey@cdapress.com

Growth of a Hate Group Popcorn Forum explores threats to religious freedom By RICK THOMAS Staff writer


Aryans may be gone, but their beliefs live on. That warning came from the Rev. Dave Ostendorf as part of a history lesson on the Christian Identity movement Ahuman rights activist for 25 years, the Chicago minister and director of the Center for New Community was Tuesday's keynote speaker at North Idaho College for Popcorn Forum discussions on the threat that hate makes to religious freedom. "Looking only at the Aryan Nations is like driving looking in the rear-view mirror," said Ostendorf. 'There are dangers ahead. Look out the windshield there is a new wave of racism shaping up. It is alive here and in every state in the nation." Ostendorf said the Christian Identity movement began 160 years ago as a theory of "salvation by race, not by grace." Jonathan Wilson, a Scot, declared the Anglo-Saxons to be the true "chosen people," theorizing the migration of the 10 lost tribes of Israel to Europe, said Ostendorf. A deconstruction of the Hebrew language and Biblical references were used by Wilson and subsequent believers in "British lsraelism," which eventually formed the theological foundation for American racists, including Henry Ford, who Ostendorf described as a ''vile anti-Semite."


lnersectionz dancers of Seattle perform a drug dance at Schuler Auditorium at North Idaho College during the Popcorn Forum Tuesday.

1946 with the formation by Wilson's followers played Wesley Swift of lhe Church of "name games," with Isaac's sons Jesus Christ Christian, which becoming "Saxons," and the evolved into the North Idaho father of Jesus the owner of a tin Church of Jesus Christ Christianmine in Cornwall. Visits by Aryan Nations. Joseph with Jesus to those mines As leader Richard Butler turned are proof of Jesus's white heritage, according to those who sup- the theological philosophy into one of anti-government, that Hayden port white superiority. Lake church compound became "It seems preposterous," said Ostendorf. "Yel those basic princi- the center for the spread of the ples are driving Christian Identity Christian Identity movement theology today." FORUM continued on C2 That movement took shape in


continued from C1

The banishment of that group from the region following a civil court judgment is not the end of the story, warned Ostendorf. "People think if they don't see it, it will go away," he said. 'The potential for growth is always there." Ostendorf said as Butler and other leaders age, new younger leaders are sought They are now attempting to harness the power of white-power music to entice those younger racists,

and in June the Aryan Nations music gathering is planned for North Idaho. Now, said Ostendorf, a new anti-immigrant movement has begun as whites become fearful of becoming a minority. "It wears a white shirt and tie and walks the halls of Congress," he said. 'They're well recognized in Washington, D.C." Only two weeks ago, U.S. Rep. James P. Moran, Jr., DVirginia, made remarks blaming Jews for pushing the country into war witl1 Iraq. "Where it goes from here is unknown," said OstendorL

An indication came from the audience of about 100, as Stan Hess, a member of the European-American Unity and Rights Organization, began shouting at Ostendorf. "We're all victims of Zionism," he said before being escorted out of the Schuler Auditoiium by NIC security. Outside. he continued shouting that he was a victim of a hate crime when he was shot in Oakland, Calif. Hess moved to the area two months ago from Novato, he said, "not to be an ethnic minority," and plans to live in the Hayden Lake area.

The organization, formed in January 2000 by David Duke, former Ku Klux Klan leader and Louisiana legislator, lists Hess as the Idaho representative of the group. Duke pleaded guilty in December to charges of mail fraud and filing a false tax. return, and will pay a $10,000 fine. He will begin serving a 15month sentence on April 15. The Popcorn Forum continues today with a keynote address by Mark Potok of tlle Southern Poverty Law Center. "Identifying Hate Groups and Combating Their Beliefs" is the theme of tl1e day.

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play fair. We won't lie." white supremacist. It's not just white g roups "Wreak some havoc among continued from C1 promoting hate and intoler- these groups," said Potok. ance, he said. There are also NIC freshman journalism right is succeeding in promot- African-American organiza- student Mike Gretz agreed ing its message through the tions who blame Jews for all "coohle cutter" emphasis on Internet, talk radio and conser- problems and for runnjng the big stories is the focus of most vative media such as Fox early American s lave trade . media. News, said Potok. He said the job of journalKristy Reed Johnson, a Michael Savage and Pat ists is to avoid concentrating Democratic candidate fo r the Buchanan "crawled out from only on the big stories and to fdaho Legis lature last year, Wlder their rocks" with mes- specialize in small stories. He asked Potok if the John Birch sages of intolerance at the dawn said media should learn to call Society is reemerg ing as a of the 21st century, he said. things by their right names. hate organization. "Our aim is to wreck these Randy Weaver, he said, was Potok said the group rejectgroups," said Potok. "But we'll not a white separatist. but a ed anti-Semitism long ago to

concentrate on fighting communfam. 'Their view of the world is nuts," but they don't fit the mold of the extreme hate groups, he said. Potok said he is not concerned about a renewal of hate groups in North Idaho, even though an associate of David Duke's European-American Unity and ffights Organization is in the area. "One g uy on the fringe doesn't constitute a movement," he said.

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Thursday, Man:h 27, 2003 The Spokesman-Review Spokane, Wash,/Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

Misinformation propagated by racists Clvll rights magazine editor talks about claims made by hate groups By Rob McDonald Staff wriwr

Jesse Tinsley/The Spokesman-Review

Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center speaks Wednesday at NIC.

COEUR d'ALENE - A neoConfederate movement bubbling up in the South supports the notion that America was created for and by white men. The group claims tens of thousands of slaves fought for the Confederacy. ¡'This is the kind myth being propagated," said Mark Potok. editor of the Southern Poverty Law Center's Intelligence Report Magazine. Potok spoke to 100 people Wednesday at the annual Popcorn Forum at North Idaho College. Using research and information, the Southern Poverty Law Center wages war on radical hate groups. " In my world we are engaged in trying to


Today's Popcorn Forum highlights Gregoiy Carr, board chairman of the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy at Harvard University, will speak at 9 a.m. in NIC's Schuler Auditorium. Mike McGavick, the chief executive officer. president and board chairman for Safeco Corp., wlll be the featured speaker at the sixth annual Human Rights Banquet tonight McGavick will speak on the theme of promoting diversity in corporate America. The banquet is at 7 p.m. at the Coeur d'Alene Inn, Highway 95 and Appleway. Tickets are $25; for ticket information, call 664-3564.

bring down U1ese groups," said Potok. To do that you have to look beyond the false fronts and incorrect information distributed by these gToups, he said. In the South, Potok said he's seen an increase of groups that argue the separation of races was a good policy meant to protect the integrity of both races.

Other outdated theories have been resurfacing in the last few years, something he attributes to the changing media, which now gives a voice to more radical commentators. One recurring theme is that a group of cultural Marxists is working to destroy American culture. Potok said he hears Continued: Potok/ 82

Potok: Groups' membership numbers low Continued from B1 from some in the African-American community who say the Jews established the slave trade, which is not true, Potok said. Another example was when the leader of the Church of the Creator made an unchallenged claim on the "Today" show that his white supremacist group has 80,000 members - an example of the worst kind of hogwash, Potok said. The group's newsletter goes to fewer than 200 members, he said. David Duke, at one lime among the best-known white supremacists in the nation, has become a con

artist by claiming to be under some sort of attack and needing nnoney, Potok said. The money goes into Duke's pockets and his personal investments, Potok said. " He has a 20-year history of ripping off his own followers,'' he said. He often asks for money in e-mails claiming the Jews are coming after him, he said. Du ke was sentenced to 15 months in prison earlier this month after pleading guilty to maill fraud and income tax charges. Mark Coburn, 23, and Jessica Kniola, 21, skipped class Wednesday at the University of Idaho lo attend the event. " I thought I could learn something," Kniola said, who's working on creating a racial rights group on campus. " It was kind of depressing, especially al a time like this," Coburn said referring to the Iraq war.

U.S. called friend, foe of human rights 'It's a balance,' says Greg Carr By RICK THOMAS Staff writer COEUR d'ALENE - The science of human rights is a special one - a science with emotions involved. And the United States, which created the concept, must continue to be a shining light to the world to protect those rights. That was the message from Greg Carr, chairman of the Carr Carr Center for Human Rights Policy at Harvard University during Thursday's keynote speech at the North Idaho College Popcorn For um. "The U.S. is a very curious animal in regards to human rights," said Carr. "Sometimes it's a 6iend. Sometimes it's a foe." RIGHTS continued on C2

Press, Friday, March 28, 2003

C2 THE PRESS Friday, March 28, 2003

ln a century of enlightenment, the Greeks created much continued from C1 of the philosophy, art, math and architectural design still studCarr was responding to a ied and copied loday. But the question from 5(:ott Dye, one of culture became corrupt, and about 150 students and com- the system of pure democracy munity members who turned and justice cn•atccl inequities. out to hear hin'l discuss the use Frivolous lawsuits were of public policy, law and Lhe easy in a system where jurors courts to confront hate. served at will. Dye asked if it is possible to "People realized they could go loo f.u· with human rights. sue their neighbor and gel "Yes, you can." said Carr. money out of it." said Carr. "It's a balance. Life is a complex '111a1sounds fa miliar today." balance. You don't want the I le compared that aspect of medicine to kill the patient." the legal system to Ou shots Carr related lhe history of taken by millions each ye11r. democracy from its founding in with an occasional bad reaclio11. Athens in 500 8.C.. and the "As a society we makl' this importance of learning from fu1111y calcu latio11 in our head.'' mistakes. said Carr. "We're 1101 sun:'


North Idaho some won't die from the shot." He related that to a workplace harassment lawsuit. 'There is a level somewhere where discomfort becomes harassment," he said. "Some will abuse it. or overreact to an ofkolor joke. 'I'hey say 'Oh m y God, l need a million dollars."' It was a lawsuit against the Aryan Nalions several years ago that bankrupted the organization and forced Richard ButJer to give up the I layden Lake compound tJ1at had been home lo the group for over two decades. Carr purchased the property, razed the structures. and gave the land to NIC. College president Micharl Burke look the opportunity to again thank Carr for the gifl.

He said he visited the site recently. "As J walked around I could slill imagine what was there,'' he said. "I'm concerned many young peopl<··s hearts were tainted with hate." Carr said the rulS\ver is to leach lessons of tolerance early, and lhat events such as this week's Popcorn Forum art key parts of the education process. Tony Stewar t. organizer of the forum, said Carr is a man with his heart in the right place. He lauded him for his contribution of the land and SI million for lhe Coeur d'Alene human rights <.:enter and $500.000 for the Anne Frank Memorial in Hoise. "I low lucky Idaho is." hr said.

Banqllet spea~e~: ~01a[grou~ can advance civilization

A4 THE PRESS Friday, March 28, 2003

Small groups such as the Kootenai County Task By RICK THOMAS Force on Staff w riter H u m a n Relations and COEUR d'ALENE - Optimism the Human and laughter blended with sadness R i g h t s for about 350 people at the sixth Education annual Human Rights Banquet Foundat i on, . Tllursday night at the Coeur d'Alene sponsors of the McGavick banquet, can ;Guest speaker Mike McGavick, advance civilization, said McGavick. It needs to be done now, he said, C~b. president and chairman of Safeco Insurance, said hate is the fuel because of technological changes, powering the trouble in the world changes in the face of democracies across the world and because the today. ,"How shall we get beyond these tools of violence are now so powerful ancient hatreds?" he said. "They they are beyond the control of govthreaten our humanity. War is the ernment "We found that out on 9/11," said sy{nptom of profound change. We cannot help but be affected by what McGavick. He asked why a businessman we're watching 24 hours a day on would be called on to find ways of television."

Says embracing diversity is the key to world peace




bringing people together in understanding and harmony. . The answer he said, is the reality that in this lifetime those now in the majority will become a minority. Hispanics will control $900 billion in spending, and blacks $860 billion. "Safeco cannot sell insurance to diverse people without internal diversity," he said. "It's also the good thing, the right thing to do." Safeco has reached out to diverse populations by adapting to the realities of the market, said McGavick. That includes creating community centers that can be used in safety and peace in urban markets, opening bilingual service centers, and on the advice of a Safeco employee, printing policies in Spanish. "Haven't you read your policy lately?" he said was his response. "It's already in Greek." McGavick's levity carried a point

when he told the story of a senator with an abused, overworked and underpaid speech writer. The senator was one day handed his speech at the last minute, and began telling his constituents of the plans he had to solve all the troubles of the world in short order. "He said, This is pretty good stuff,'" said McGavick, until he got to the second page, which read simply, uoK, jerk, you're on your own." Treating others fairly is the way to peace, he said. "Hate and violence will not be controlled by nations," he said. "They will come from us." Following a standing ovation, McGavick was presented with a special human rights award from the groups. Also recognized was the Gonzaga University for Action Against Hate. Scholarships for a semester at NIC were awarded to four minority stu-

dents. Mary Lyndzy Crowell, Caleb Thomason, Andre Domebo and Joanna Enriquez received those awards. Proclamations were announced by the cities of Post Falls, Coeur d'Alene, Hayden, Moscow, Pullman and Spokane naming March 23-29 as "Human Rights Week." "This is a reflection of the cooperation between friends," said Raul Sanchez of the University of Idaho in Moscow, who brought the proclamations from there and Pullman. "Only on the foundation of community can human rights be built." Coeur d'Alene Mayor Sandi Bloem thanked Popcorn Forum organizer Tony Stewart for his passion. Stewart thanked Dennis Wheeler of Coeur d'Alene Mines for providing a temporary home for the human rights office for only $12 per year. "Thank you for being a friend of human rights," he said.

C4 THE PRESS Saturday, March 29, 2003


Popcorn Forum earns praise at Close speakers. "I've seen some highly qualified, intelligent people," COEUR d'ALENE - As he said. "It's always interesting lhe most ambitious Popcorn to hear intelligent minds Forum ever neared the end of speaking." its seven-day run Friday, stuSophomore Joel Ruhle said dents and others were praising Raymond Reyes. vice presithe event. dent of diversity at Gonzaga 'This was a real eye-opener University, who spoke at NIC for everybody," said Deverie Tuesday, is a phenomenal perKaraska, a freshman at North son. Idaho College. "It was a good "I'm not surprised at the theme," he said. 'There is a topic for the times." The 33rd annual forum large turnover of students in a grew this year from 18 events two-year college, and the new to 44 and featured more than students need the exposure." 100 speakers, said Tony He listened to Mark Potok, Stewart, who spent the past editor of the "Intelligence year organizing the forum on Report" magazine, which confronting hate. repor ts on activities of neo"It's not just about hate," Nazis and other hate groups. said Karaska. "It crosses all "It's good to know there's a non-government group followcultures of the human race." Student Spencer Thomas of ing the hate groups," said Post Falls was impressed with Ruhle. He said he visited the the Diversity Dancers and the Web site of the Southern By RICK THOMAS

Staff writer

Poverty Law Center, which publishes the magazine, after the presentation. "We need this information because of what North Idaho is known for," said Ruhle. Jenny Estep, a student from Coeur d'Alene, attended several events and said it increased her awareness of the issues and the need for change. She and her friend, student Kayla Carey, listened on Friday to Ken Stern, a specialist on anti-Semitism and extremism from the American Jewish Committee in New York City, who addressed the need for hate studies in academics. "It helps us realize there is a problem," said Carey. "He clarified the problem for me." It wasn't just students attending forum events, said Stewart They accounted for about half the estimated 4,000

who attended. Retired s urgeon Wilbur Lyon has attended in other years and was impressed with the quality of the speakers this year. '1'ooy does a great job," said Lyon. "It was an excellent program. In this day and age we all need to think about these things. It was intellectually stimulating." Charlene Tanisawa attended her first event Friday. She recently moved to Idaho from the San Francisco Bay area to attend school in Moscow. Tanisawa, who is Japanese, said in California racism is silent and hidden. She said she doesn't let it bother her but events like the Popcorn Forum help solve the problem of those who choose hate. "They're ignorant," she said. "They have to be educated."

Popcorn wraps up with discussion B SECTION

Sunday, Mardi 30, 2003

The Spokesman-Review Spokane, Wash/Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

Participants watch, talk about video after speaker cancels

By Carla K. Johnson Staff writer

The scheduled speaker canceled, but the final event of North Idaho College's 33rd annual Popcorn Forum nevertheless provoked discussion Saturday about this year's topic: confronting hate. lnstead of hearing a speech by Jim Carnes, director of the Teaching Tolerance Project at the Southern Poverty Law Center, about 20 participants watched and discussed a videotape. The 1998 documentary. titled "The Way Home," featured groups of women talking about racism and homophobia in society, including in churches and in families. Two Gonzaga University faculty mem-

bers, Jerri Shepard and Pamela Dos Ramos, led the discussion at NIC's Student Union Building. " None of us i~ responsible for the actions of our ancestors. What we are responsible for is our actions from today onward,., Dos Ramos said. Leslie Schwartzman said part of the videotape, in which multiracial women talked about growing up between cultures, affected her deeply. The women on the tape talked about anger and shame. Schwartzman said she called her husband during a break to ask him about feelings the videotape stirred about her son. ¡'Whom b he more ashamed of? His white mother? Or his Mexican father?" asked Schwartzman, a Spokane teacher.

She said her husband - who is not the boy's biological father - reassured her of the boy's pride in both parents. At age 9, her son, Jesse Morgan, doesn't feel the impact of racism, she said. ''How am I going to protect him the older he gets?" she said. She also told about showing photos of her three sons to an acquaintance. Her other two sons are white. The acquaintance pointed to the darker-skinned child and said, "Oh, I bet he's a hell-raiser.'' Schwartzman said she's beginning to hear the racism in such remarks. Hikaru lnamori Shapiro, a school counselor, told how racism makes her angry, how she doesn't enjoy being angry and that she wanted to attempt to explain

THE PRESS Friday, April 18, 2003 C3

Honored fihn on human rights comes to NIC COEUR d'ALENE Veteran film director and producer Brent Scarpo will present the award-winning human rights documentary "Journey to a Hate Free Millennium" at 7 p.m. Monday at the Edminster Student Union Building at North Idaho College. The film presentation is an NIC Popcorn Forum event cosponsored by the University of Idaho Office of Diversity and Human Rights as part of the Bill Wassmuth Lecture Series funded by the Gregory C. Carr Foundation. The film has earned the 2002 Best Social Documentary Award from the New York International Independent Film and Video Festival and SpecialJury Selection from the Bare Bones Film Festival in 2002. Scarpo is the founder of New Llght Media, a nonprofit organization that uses multimedia works to present human rights messages. Prior to establishing the organization in 1998, Scarpo worked on such films as 'The Shawshank Redemption," 'That Thing You Do" and "Air Force One." The film is free and open to the public. Information: (208) 769-3325

that anger to others in the audience. " l am angry if people say they don't understand. I am angry if people say they do understand, because they don't," she said. "ln North Idaho and Spokane, it's really hard to be not white," she said, adding that she feels a responsibility to represent Asians well. " People look at my actions and think. 'Oh, that's what Asian people do.' If I'm angry, it's easier for me to take it." Tony Stewart, North Idaho College political science instructor and forum organizer, said this year's Popcorn ForJesse Tinsley/The SpokeSfflan-Revie~ um had more than 100 presenters and 44 Gonzaga University faculty members Jerri events at NlC and Gonzaga University. Shepard, left, and Pamela Dos Ramos lead a The theme was ¡'Confronting Hate: Hudiscussion Saturday at NIC. manity's Greatest Challenge.''

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