Popcorn Forum Scrapbook 2003-2007

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A2 THE PRESS Wednesday, Sept. 10, 2003


Fonner senator's wife to speak at NIC Bethine Church latest speaker in Popcorn Forum

Convocation Series. The autobiography is based upon her life with her husband, Frank, who served four terms in the U.S. Senate from 1957 to 1981. Church will speak at 11 COEUR d' A LENE a.m. in the Lake Coeur Bethine Church will present d'Alene Room of the Student her autobiography at North Union Building. A reception Idaho College on Sept 17. The author of "A Lifelong will follow her presentation Affair: My Passion for at 12:30 p.m. in the Driftwood People and Politics," is a fea- Bay Room of the SUB. Andrea Vogt, author of tured speaker at the 34thannual Popcorn Forum- "Common Courage: Bill


Wassmuth, Human Rights and Small-Town Activism," will present the next of the series Oct. 23. This free three-part series precedes the March 22-27 Popcorn Forum-Convocation Symposium, which includes a week of workshops, , keynote speakers, presentations, musical performances and Chautauqua historical characters centered around important issues. Information: 769-7782




"I don't look back and wish I'd said or done sometling- because I usually said or did it. ". Bethlne Church

.A passion for.politics Bethine Church writes about lifetime spent helpi,ng people Story by Betsy Z. Russell / Staff w,iter


BOISE-Few knew that it was a pbooecall from Bethine Church, then senator's wife and now Idaho's presiding Democratic Party icon, that delivered the Dworshak Dam to the state. It was 1962, and Idaho Sen. Frank Church had already seen the dam proposal through the Senate, but it was being blocked by a commjttee chairman in the House. The dam was key to Church's re-election fight that year. Church called his wife Bethine, who was on " lt just sailed through." a campaign trip in ldaho, with a desperate Bethine Church kept that story quiet for request to intercede with her good friendmany years, but she included it in her new the wife of the committee chairman. •book, "A Lifelong Affair: My Passion for "I just knew all these people personally," People and Politics," which is out this week. Betbine Church said. " I was fairly The folksy, highly readable book is packed embarrassed .... I still can hear ber to this day. with the stories that make up the life of an She said, 'Honey, why ... that's just the kind of Idaho governor's daughter whose involvement thing you should ask me.' " in politics began as a toddler, when sbe asked "She said, ' Frank and you are just too a shoe clerk to "boat for my daddy." Her valuable to lose. We've just got to have that dam,' " Bethine Church, 80, said with a smile. Continued: Church/ A10

Frank Church poses with some donkeys In Washington, D.C., shortly after arriving for his first term as senator In the 1960s.

Behind tbe scenes

Photos by Matt CIiiey/Speciai to The Spokesman-Rev,ew

Bethlne Church looks at a photograph of her late husband, Sen. Frank Church, which hangs on a wall In her Boise home.

Page A10

Sunday, September 14, 2003


Matt Clllley/Spec1al to The Spokesman Review

A wall of photos displays moments from the years Bethine and Sen. Frank Church spent spent serving in Washington, D.C.

Church: Always stayed informed and involved in Idaho politics Continued from Al

political involvement continues today. " I don't look back with much guilt." she said in an interview at her memorabiliafi lled Boise home. " I don't look back and wish I'd said or done something because I usually said or did it." Best known as the wife of the young, foor-tenn ldaho senator who ran for president and fought against the Vietnam War, multi-national corporations and the FBl and CIA, Church wasn't an average Senate wife. [n addition to raising two children and being highly active in various women's and political organizations, she attended every major debate and committee hearing, served as her husband's sounding board and joined him on official trips abroad. '·t don't know of any other wife who new in a military helicopter into the first fortified village in Vietnam," she said. When it came to politics, " I lived and · breathed it,'' Church said. She would make casseroles in advance so dinners would be prepared wben she was caught up in late hearings, and her husband would fill her in about back-room discussions when he came home at night. ~ " I always felt like I was a politician and a housewife,'' she said. " I was always balancing fa mily, food, house cleaning, cooking, having people in, going back (to ldaho) and campaigning, and going to the Senate and watching every single thing. Because I couldn't be of any use to Frank unless ·1 knew what was happening." ldaho political historian Randy Stapilus said all that activity set Bethine Church apart from the typical political spouse of her day. "She has been as active and involved as her husband was during all those years," Stapilus said. "And a lot of people maintain that she had the shrewder political instincts.·,


Public appearances Bethine Church will be in North Idaho in the coming days to sign copies of her new book, "A Lifelong Affair: My Passion for People and Politics." The hardback book, out this week in bookStores and published by Francis Press, retails for $26. The author's public appearances will include: Monday: Lewiston, book signing at the Book and Game Store, E 1804 19th St., 3 to 5:30 p.m. Wednesday: Coeur d'Alene, appearance at North Idaho College Popcorn Forum, 11 a.m., followed by reception and book signing in NIC Student Union, Driftwood Bay Room, 12:30 p.rn. Thursday: Moscow, book signing at Book People, 521 S. Main St, 7 to 9 p.rn.

senator from Coeur d'Alene. "So Frank moves on wi.th her even though he's been

gone for all these years. "She certainly has been the foremost Democratic woman in ldaho politics in my lifetime, and I consider her not only an icon but a friend and a treasure," she said. Bethine Church also picked up political enemies over the years. ln 1967, Ron Rankin, then newly arrived in Kootenai County from southern California, led a push to recall Frank Church, but got St. Maries dog-catcher Gene Mellick to serve as a figurehead chairman. Rankin explained that he needed the dog-catcher because, " I'd been called a carpetbagger a time or two by various local media on things I was getting involved in .'· "His dog-catcher was going to recall Frank for treason because he was against 'She never let us forget Frank' Frank 'Church died of cancer in L984 at the war in Vietnam," Bethine Church said the age of 59, but his widow pressed on with some outrage. Rankin remains unapologetic. with her work. Since then, she has started " Yes, treason was the reason," he said. the Sawtooth Society to fight ovcrdevelopment in the Sawtooth National Recrea- " I had no doubts about it at the time and I tion Area, mentored Democratic candi- sti II don't " dates, hit the campaign trail and worked The move gained national publicity, but to continue her husband's legacy. backfired when press reports revealed it "She never lets us forget Frank," said was being fund ed by a right-wing Califo rMary Lou Reed, former Democratic state nia millionaire, who then told national

network news that " Idaho was cheaper to buy" than larger states like California. "Ultimately, we were able to rally Idahoans who, though they did not agree with Frank on Vietnam, resented a wealthy Californian interfering in their politics,'' Bethine Church wrote in her book. A court ruled that the recall effort was illegal.

wanted to make the run, and Church yielded l o him. Symms won the race. '·She would have been an interesting candidate," Stapilus sciicl. "She would have made an excellent senator because she just knows all the ropes." Recd said. Stapilus said Bcthinc Church brought together her Clark family heritage, which included two Democratic governors. one Some unpopular stands Democratic;_senator and one congressM any of the high-profile stands Frank man, with Church, who was known as a Church took in the Senate weren 't popu- powerful debater and political whiz kid. lar in Idaho at the time, from civil rights " T he fact that they were able LO all kind legislation to wilderness preservation, of tie in together in a lot of ways probably from returning the Panama Canal to helped his political career quite a bit, and Panama to checking the ,\lllr P.Owers of the probably helped solil.lify parts of the president. ' Democratic Party for a certain period of "Even among people that never voted time," he said. for Frank and didn't agree with him, they Bcthine Church has seen big changes in have never said that he didn't have Idaho politics. Democrats now hold none integrity, because he did," Bethirie of the state's congressional seats, just one Church said. statewide office and only a small minority '· I don't think I've ever hated anyone,'' in the state Legislature. she said, "but I have been mad enough to Money is the root of the problem, she knock somebody nat on various occa- said. sions." ·'There's always been this perception, Who would she have knocked flat? The and I think it's a false one, that business list includes Steve Symms, the Republican does better with the Republicans - and who defeated Church in a bitter 1980 look how business has tanked, look how campaign, and H enry Kissinger, whom they did with Reagan or with Bush," she Bethine Church blames for needlessly · said. " For small businesses in Idaho, they extending the Vietnam War. never do as well under the Republicans as " He really was the reason for the killing they du under the: Democrats.·· fields," she said. " I have no regard for For Frank Church's first run for the . " h1m. Senate, the couple sold their house, Bethine Church was well-acquainted moved i n with her parents, and used their with many national and world leaders and $6,000 proceeds for the campaign. their wives. But she said the Dworshak " You can't do it on the cheap nowaDarn move was an exception for her, when tlays," she said. she used those connections for a speci fic Bethine Church remains a cheerful political purpose. optimist. ·'There just were so many people that " No matter how depressed I feel about mattered to me, and I just didn't want to the world situation or anything else out trade offlhings," she said. there, I know that there'll always be a blue Stapilus said he noticed on the campa ign trail that Bethine Church was the sky," she said. "Things get better. . . . I've always felt that way." one who rem embered names and faces. With no regrets about her decisions " I f she had met them once IO years ago, she knew them," he said. " She would turn over the years, she still enjoys recalling around and say, ·Frank, you remember so how she answered questions about what and so· - and of course Frank didn't, but kind of first lady she would have made if her husband had been elected president in she always did." '· 11 was a winning combination,·· Reed 1976. He won four state primaries before withdrawing. said. She noted that tapes from the Nixon White House revealed what was happenConsidered running for Senate After her husband's death, Bethine ing in the Oval Office, but also showed Church reveals in her book, she seriou sly that someone was missing. " Pat was never there," she said. " I 'd be considered running for the Senate. on the tapes.'' · '· I really wanted to run against Steve Symms," who was up for re-elecl'ion in 1986, she said. " I thought it would've been • Betsy Z. Russell can be reached toll-free at such fun." (866) 336-2854, or by e-mail at But then-D emocratic Gov. John Evans bzrussell@rmci.net. #


North Idaho


The Press, Thursday, Sept. 18, 2003


For news or story ideas: Call City Editor Bill Buley at t E-mail: bbuley@cdapress.com

She has the floor


Bethine Church, left, speaks with Art M anley and Cheryl Stransky on Wednesday at North Idaho College. Church authored a book about life with her husband Frank Church, who served four terms in the U .S. Senate.

Our Lady of the Church Bethine Church discusses life as wife of Idaho senator By M IKE McLEAN Staff w rite r COEUR d'ALENE - Someone once accused Sen. Frank Church of not being able to make a vote without checking first with his wife. His Plea? Guilty. "I say the accusation is true,"

Church told a reporter. 'The people of Idaho have an extra senator in Bethine and they are lucky to have her." Church ser ved four terms in the U.S. Senate from 1957 to 1981. He died in 1984 at the age of 59. Bethine Church was at North Idaho College Wednesday on a speaking tour promoting her book, "A Ufelong Affair: My Passion for People and Politics," based upon her life with Frank Church and her political family. Iler father was Democratic Gov.

Chase Clark. Her grandfather was the first mayor of Idaho Falls. "Some young people really hate the idea of politics," she said. "But I just love it. I want young people to know it is very honorable." She said one person can make a difference in the world of politics. "I've seen many things in the Senate either passed or lost by one vote," she said. Frank and Bethine Church were a team. CHURCH continued on C3

North Idaho


continued from Cl


If Frank Church was th ere, Bethine was nearby - at home, in the Senate chambers. on the campaign trail and nearly every place the job led. Bethine Church had her own opportunities to make a difference. Sh e stepped in when Frank

needed help from one of her connections. The senator had seen the Dworshak Dam approved in the Senate, but it was blocked 1rom getting to a vote in the House. Frank Church thought approval of the dam was vital to capture North Idaho voters in his bid for re-election. Somewhat embarrassed, Bethine asked her friend , the wife of the Congressman who was blocking the vote, to inter-

vene. "Honey, that's the kind of favor you should ask for,·• the friend said. Later, Frank called Belhine. 'They decided to hear the dam thing," he said. The measure was approved and the dam was built. Looking back , Bethine Ch urch said she's g lad the dam was named for Republican Gov. Henry Dworshak and not Frank or Bethine Church. "Few people knew I was the one who delivered it," she said. The Chw·ches are far better known for their environmental legacy including protection of the Sawtooth National Recreation Area from development. Frank Church also took on the Nixon and Ford administrations by s peaking out against the Vietnam War and leading inquiries into activities

C4 THE PRESS Thursday, Sept. 18, 200·

"Hedid what he believed in and could always look himself in the mirror as he shaved in the mornings."

-Bethine Church, wife of Sen. Frank Church

of the FBI and CIA Yet he was too respected by Nixon to make the president's infamous enemies list. "Nixon needed his help for a number of things and didn't cut him off for questioning things," she said. "Frank tangled with (Secretary of State Henry) Kissinger quite a bit. They always paid attention to him." Church Jed a Senate

inquiry into the CIA that interfered with his bid for the Democratic nomination for president for the 1976 election. The bid was won by Jimmy Carter. Frank Church beat a diagnosis of terminal cancer when he was 24. The cancer returned later in life. "He said he got a 36-year lease on life," Bethine said.

"He did what he believed in and could always look himself in the mirror as he shaved in the mornings." Bethine said Frank Church was particularly gratified that the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness was named for him while he was still alive. At 80 years old, Bethine Church is still active in political and environmental causes. She is president of the Sawtooth Society. She is also

chairwoman of the Frank Church Institute of Public Affairs at Idaho State University. Cheryl Stransky of Coeur d'Alene was one of about 75 people who attended the talk. She said she had to meet Bethine Church. "My parents were worried about me moving to a conservative rural state," she said . "But Idaho produced Frank Church, so they said there must be more to Idaho."

Page 82

Wednesday. October 15. 2003


The Press, Thursday, Oct. 23, 2003

NIC Popcorn Forum takes place next week

Blessed Mother

, • Coeur d'Alene

A North Idaho College speech ins1ructor and a freelance journalist will speak at two Popcorn Forum events at NIC next week. Mona Klinger will portray Mother Terc!la in a Chautauqua performance 9 a.m. Wednesday, Oct. 22, in the Lake Coeur d'Alene Room of NIC's Edminster Student Union. Klinger first played the role of Mother Teresa during the 200 I Popcorn Forum-Convocation Series at the college. Andrea Vogt, author of the book "Common Courage: Bill Was.<;muth, Human Rights and Small-Town Activism,"will speak at 9 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 23, also in the Lake Coeur d'Alene Room. Vogt recorded interviews with Wassmuth, a civil rights leader and Catholic priest, before his death in 2002. Both events are free and open to the public. For information, call (208) 769-7782.


North Idaho College speech instructor Mona Klinger portrays Mother Teresa during a Chautauqua-style performance before about 100 students at the Student Union Building Wednesday.


Highest fonn offlattery


Thursday, October 23, 2003 The Spokesman-Review Spokane, Wash./Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

Kathy Plonka/The Spckesman-Review

• Impersonator. Mona Klinger, a North Idaho College speech instructor, portrayed Mother Teresa on Wednesday during the Popcorn Forum at the Coeur d'Alene college. Klinger. a speaker at the event, portrayed Mother Teresa in honor of the recent beatification ceremony at the Vatican that moved the nun closer to sainthood. The Popcorn Forum Convocation Series precedes the Popcorn Forum-Convocation Symposium series in March.





N 0




Monday, November3, 2003 The Spokesman-Review Spokane, Wasll./Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

Speech on race, ethnic relations part of NIC forum Lessons on difference taught by unllkellest of teachers By HIiary Kraus Sraff writer

Dominic Pulera is a 29-year-old, white, heterosexual able-bodied male from an upper middle-class family in rural Wisconsin. Pulera may look the part of White America, but he has made a career out of learning and speaking about racial and

ethnic relations. He is the author of a 2002 book called "Visible Differences: Why Race Will Matter to American in the Twenty-First Century.'' Pulera will speak on the subject Thursday at 10:30 a.m., as part of North Idaho College's Popcorn Forum-Convocation Series. The one-hour taJk, which will include audience participation, will be in the school's Lake Coeur d'Alene room of the Edmin ter Student Union building. Pulera siiid his talk includes an overview of the history of racial and ethnic rela-

tions, as well as a look ahead. He is a frequent guest lecturer at colleges and univer ities worldwide and was one of the youngest authors to appear on C-Span's Book TV. A graduate of Beloit (Wis.) College, Pulera said he began exploring race issues soon after college and has lived with the topic full time for 8V2 years. He views himself "cautiously optimistic" in regard to the future. " Every time someone brings up a number of points that would indicate

things are going really well, based on the research I've done, I can always cite something and say, 'There's a lot of evidence to show that that's true,'" Pulera said. '' But at the same, we have instances where people don't feel fully included.'' Pulera, who i of German and Italian ancestry. was influenced early by his parents, whom he regards as compassionate people. "But when I was growing up in the Continued: Pulera/ Alo

Pulera: Next book features Idaho activists Continued from A8

early '80s, there wercn·t a lot of books for young people about Latinm, and Asian Americans," he said. ·'That isa factor:· This will be Pulcra's third visit to North Idaho, where the population is 95.8 percent white, according to the 2000 Censw,. "Although many parts of our society are racially homogeneous," Pulera said, ·'Jt is virtually impossi-

ble for a young person today in a predominately white area such as Eastern Kentucky, Upper Michigan or North Idaho to not be aware of the ethnic and racial diversity that characterizes our country." Sometimes, he said, ·' news accounts don't always dwell enough on the efforts by people in the Inland Northwest to promote toter- . ancc and inclusion and equality.'" Pulera said his second book, ''Sharing the Dream: White Males in Multicultural America," will be finished early next year. The. upcoming book will feature NIC political science teacher Tony Stewert, Hayden attorney Marshall Mend and Coeur d'Alene attorney Norman Gissel in an open ing chapter on human rights activists.

Helping all of Humanity ,


Tuesday Nov. 4, 2003

Matt Johnson/The Sentinel

Mona Klinger, communications Instructor, performs for the audience In the Lake Coeur d'Alene Room as Mother Teresa. She spent four months preparing for the role. "I actually considered becoming a nun when I was in high school, so that too gave me a glimpse on the Inside to help me In her portrayal," Klinger said. "I know now I wouldn't have lasted a day!" See Page 2 for story.



Sunday, November 9, 2003 The Spokesman-Review pokane, ~~ash./Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

C L OS E T O H O M E • Cy11thit1 Tagga,1

¡writer shares Bill Wassllluth's life in ne\V book WHEREVER HE IS, BILL WASSMUTH STILL ENLIGHTENS. People are talking about human rights, the scourge of the Aryan Nations, how the decent people of North Idaho prevailed. They're remembering their disgust at white supremacist parades down Sherman Avenue and their frustration that a handful of miscreants were rewriting North Idaho's reputation. . People are remembering, talking, wondering what's ahead - and that's the legacy Bill Wassmuth wanted to leave. That's why the wellknown human rights activist who died last year allowed freelancer Andrea Vogt to write his story but not his biography. "He wanted somethjng bigger than a biography, something that expands the discussion on human

rights," Andrea says. Her book, "Common Courage - Bill Wassmuth, Human Rights, and Small Town Activism," hit bookstores this fall. It tells the story of the charismatic Catholic priest who helped propel human rights into a Panhandle priority, survived the bombing of his home and eventually left the priesthood to lead the Pacific Northwest's

human rights movement. " It's just excellent," says Tony Stewart. The North Idaho College political science profes or became one of Bill's closest fri ends and associates during the two-decade struggle to help the Panhandle rise above racism. " I'm so grateful that she captured his thoughts in writing so that future generations can read about hjs philosophy on huma11 rigbts and social justice." Andrea, 32, was a former Spokesman-Review reporter wo!king as a freelancer when the University offdaho Press called her in August 2001. She'd just returned from Germany where she'd worked for a year under a Fulbright ' scholarship. Continued: Close to Home/ 83

Close to Home:

A friendship soon developed Continued from Bl

laugh. But his speech grew more slurred and labored with each meeting. H e told her about hi small-town beginnings in Greencreek, I daho. near Grangeville. and the strong Catholic influence in his town, about his decision to enter the priesthood and then about hi indecision. H e told her about his discomfort

Editors at the Ul Press told her Bill around women, then his understandhad Lou Gehrig·s disease and some- ing of their importance, off his ~upt h · l'f Sh port for optional celibacy or priests ?ne ne~ d ed lO d ocumen is I e. . e and the ordination of women. 1mmed1ately understood the gravity. If I h Id b k , ytl · ·11 asn't The disease is a killer, usually within . leble .ac t t1lnd A,mdg, wb.o l . . . not1cea e. 8 111 o n rea a u three years of d1agnos1 s. d · k ' d , es, h 1' r el·ief •. . . r111 · mg an card gam 1 S~)d yes, bu~ I overestimated with Vatican 11 and falling in love myself, he says with a weak smile. with a woman in his congregation. .Andrea had. never lost a ~lose A ndrea recorded every word. Befriend or relauve. 8111 was neither tween each interview. she sent him a w~en th~ proj~ct began , but a deep list of questions so he cou ld prepare. fri end hip qu ickly developed be- Chri tmas 2001, however. filled her tween them. time and she forgot. She arrived in " I approached the story in classic Ellensburg Jan. 7, 2002, with no newspaper style - with cool dis- script. so she asked Bill how he was tance.•· she ay ... But it was clear doing. It opened a deep and unfo rthi man was dying. H e opened up to gettable conver at ion about his pendme: We couldn't help but become ing death. friend : • Andrea was so moved by his words They clicked the moment Andrea that she printed the interview verbaproposecl a book plan acceptable to tim. Bill and he offered her chocolates. "I cou ldn·t say it more poignantly The chapters in her book would than he said it.·· she says. alternate between Bill's life and the He poke about his disease with themes that influence human rights scientific understanding and his hope -community, education. religion. to die at home where Mary Frances Every two weeks for six months, wanted. 10 wash and wr~p his body for Andrea jumped in her pickup truck crematJon. H e appreciated the opand drove from Pullman to E llens- portunity he had lo plan his death. buro, where Bill lived wi th his wife, ·'Frankly. I am kind of excited M ary Frances. H e poke clearly al about it. I see it as something of an fi rst and never lost his ability to adventure. something tha t is worth

At Gonzaga Andrea Vogt will speak about her book, "Common Courage - Bill Wassmuth, Human Rights, and Small-Town Activism," at Gonzaga University's Jepson Auditorium, Nov. 22, at 7 p.m. The event is free and open to the public. "Common Courage" costs $16.95 and is available at all local bookstores, including North Idaho College's. It's also available online at www.uidaho.edu/uipress or through Andrea's Web site, www.thefreelancedesk.com.

looking forward lo." he told Andrea. '·l am not peeding up the moment that I die. by any means; I've got a lot to live for and intend to stick around. On the other hand. I'm not scared of dying. I'm not afraid of it. I'm not afraid of what's on the other side. I'm rather comfortable with that.·· Andrea held herself together through the interview. then cried nea rly all the way home. " H e became a hero to me;' she says. '' [ learned a lot about dying well." H e also taught her about the val ues that protect and defend human rights. Andrea examined those values between each chapter on Bill's life. intensifying her moving biography of a beloved leader with convincing thought and examples on how to belier ociety. She shows how communities pulled

together to push out hate groups and explains Bilrs ideas on hO\\ schooll. can carry human right , le!.sons so much further. She tells about B ill's efforts to unite mainstream churches in their upport of human rights and tbe need to open community eyes any way possible. And !,he praise!i Coeur d'Alene and Sandpoint for their "dogged community ba11lc against the whi te supremacist movement.·• The two-year project drained An drea financially and emotionally, despite her marriage to Marco Vittelli. a soil physics research er from Bologna, Italy. in June 2002. H ad she known the toll she'd pay, he might have passed on the book. Still, he's happy she didn ·1. "Bi ll Was muth was so effect ive because he was a regular Joe," she says, cuddling her new son, Enrico. ·' It' inspiring to see that it doe!in'l take an incredible amount of courage to do what he did. just common courage. ··1 finally don't feel ad but gratified. It was worth it. But I still have moment when I think. ·Damn, I wish Bill could see thi : " • Cynthia Taggart can be reached at 765-7128 or by e-mail at cynthiat@spokesman.com.

Kathy P1onka(The Spokesman-Review

Andrea Vogt signs a copy of her book during a recent appearance at North Idaho College.

tB Saturday, February 14, 2004 The Spokesman-Review Spokane, Wash./Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

NIC conference will be featuring Canadian topics Focal point is relationship between 2 countries By Taryn Brodwater Swff writer

This spring's Popcorn Forum will have Old Glory sharing the flagpole in front of North Idaho¡ College's Student Union Building with the Maple Leaf. The Canadian presence at the community college might be the strongest ever the week of the annual convocarion series. Students, speakers and even politicians from Canada will visit the college March 22-26 to discuss the country's history, challenges, life and public policy. Popcorn Forum founder Tony Stewart, an NlC political science teacher, came up with the theme for the 34th annual Popcorn Forum after a visit to Canada last year. A Canadian asked him: "Are you unhappy with us?" Stewart said he lay awake in bed days later, thinking about the differences and similarities between the two countries, about the issues that divide Americans and Canadians, and the common views the citizens share. He decided to make the relationship between the two countries the topic of this year's forum: "Celebrating Canadian-American Friendship." Stewart said the week's opening ceremony will have more "dramatic visuals'' than ever. Audience members wilt wave flags from both countries and receive "friendship pins'' picruring both flags to wear. Anthems from both countries will be sung. A concert that evening will pay tribute to both nations, with music written just for the forum by instructor Gerard Mathes. More than 100 NIC teachers and staff have been Continued: Forum/ B3


Forum: Workers trying to walk 200,000 steps Continued from B1

wearing pedometeri. as part of "A Virtual Walk to Canada,'' with a goal of walking the di!,tance to the Canadian border - more than 200.000 step!>. "One pen.on·s already informed me he's been to Canada and come back home," Stewart said. Another went to Nevada for a marathon and logged 30,000 steps in a i.ingle day. The winners of the challenge will be honored during the opening day of the forum. Stewart <,aid this year"s forum is light compared to the heavy topic that have been explored in past years. Last year, the theme was ··confronting Hate." March'!. fo rum also has fewer Chautauqua performances. Actors from Fort Steele, a historical town near Cranbrook. B.C., will have an interactive performance March 24, featuring turn-of-thecentury characters. Later that day, local historian Robert Singletary will portray Gen. William P. Carlin, commander of Coeur d' Alene's Fort Sherman. Stewart aid there have been a lot of requests to return to the Chautauqua performances.

Jesse Tinsley/The Spokesman,Rev,ew

Car1os Delgado pins Canadian and American flags on Tony Stewart, the organizer of NIC's Popcorn Forum, at Friday's announcement of the forum's theme.

" It's a wonderful, easy way to learn," Stewart sajd. " It just !.lays with you.'' Throughout the week, Canadian and American students will compete in intramural ping pong, pool and disc golf. Stewart said the games won't pit Canadians against the Americans, though. "We want Americans and Canadians on the sa me team,'' he said. • Taryn Brodwater can be reached at (208) 765-7121 or tarynb@spokesman.com.


Popcorn Forum North Idaho College's 34th annual Popcorn Forum, "Celebrating Canadian-American Friendship" runs March 22-26. All events, with the exception of the March 26 Human Rights Banquet, will be at NIC's Coeur d'Alene campus. All oncampus activities are free and open to the public. Complete schedules are available at NIC and at www.nic.edu.


Stocks Cll

Valentine's means big businE C1o


The Press, Saturday, Feb. 14, 2004

For news or story ideas: Call City Editor Bill Buley at 664-8176 ext 2006¡ E-mail: bbuley@cdapress.com '

Popcorn Forum to start with a bang 2004 theme focuses on 'Celebrating CanadianAmerican Friendship' By JOE BUTLER Staff writer



Traditionally, the Popcorn Forum at North Idaho College starts out with a series of presentations about whatever that year's topic is.

Over the course of the week, the theme is built upon and examined from different angles, ending with a speaker who brings everything together. The formula has worked well for the last 33 years. This year, however, the excitement will begin even sooner and include all sorts of fanfare as Coeur d'Alene welcomes its neighbor to the north. POPCORN continued on C9

Tony Stewart outlines plans for the event, which runs March 20-26. Other organizers include Pam Noah, to his left, Christina Cox and Carlos Degadillo. JOE BUTLER/Press


cont inued from C1

'There will be more than 200 flags waving, national anthems and things like that at the opening ceremonies," said Tony Stewart, a political science instructor and lead organizer of the annual convocation ' series symposium, which runs March 20-26. "I don't think we've ~ver opened the forum with so many visual elements before." The 2004 theme is "Celebrating Canadian4

American Friendship," and will give perspectives on the differences and similarities between Canada and the U.S. All that week, visitors can learn everything fro,m geography to history to Can ada's views on education, human rights and public policies. There will be programs especially for political leaders from both countries, along with students from both cultures. living histor y presentations will also illuminate the early days of Coeur d'Alene and Cranbrook, British Columbia.

'There are some very serious issues, but overall, the tone is very light," Stewart said. "It will be a celebration with friends. " The schedule for each day varies slightly and could include a morning or evening keynote presentation, pan el discussions, even musical entertainment. Three of the days will also include intramural sports with U.S. and Canadian players. The week wraps up with the seventh annual Human Rights Banquet at the Coeur d'Alene Inn, featuring U.S. Sen. Mike Crapo, a member of the Senate Subcommittee on International Trades and Finance. Stewar t said every Canadian h e contacted was

excited about taking part, including the mayor and council of Cranbrook, University of Calgary student leaders and a veteran of the Calgary Police Service. NIC received some assistance this year from the Northern Idaho Center for Higher Education, a collaborative educational entity that includes NIC, the University of Idaho, Lewis-Clark State College and Idaho State University. "I look at this as a festival of ideas," Stewart said. "I hope our friends go home and say Coeur d'Alene is a good place to visit." All sessions except the banquet are free and open to the public. The banquet costs $25 per person. Information: 769-7764

NIC Popcorn Forum celebrates 34th year Focuses on Canadian, American relationship with speakers, events by Marie Strong

3 - '1 - of

- Staff writer -

Blue and white pamphlets with stars, stripes and maple leaves have been distributed around campus. Whispers of excitement and planning float through the halls of every building, and everyone seems to be waiting in anticipation. The Poflicorn Forum has arrived again. The 34 annual Popcorn Forum looks to the North to fulfill its mission statement as a "platform for the free expression of divergent viewpoints." This year's topic, "Celebrating CanadianAmerican Friendship ," kicks off Monday, March 22, with Paul Olscamp, Ph-D. , addressing the similarities and differences between Canadians and Americans. Tony Stewart, founder of the Popcorn Forum, said that the idea for this year's symposium hit him on a trip to Canada during spring break last year. "It's such a beautiful country," he said, "and after talking to several people, I though that it would be wonderful to celebrate (the friendship between) the two nations." This year's series, alternately called "a festival of ideas" by Stewart, is in sharp contrast to last year's "Confronting Hate: Humanity's Greatest Challenge." While acknowledging the importance of last year, Stewart said he thought it would be better to be more lighthearted thfa year. "Peopl e deal with serious things all the time," he said _ "Sometimes we just need to have fun." Thus, the series includes everything from an address from Elizabeth Brinton, whose family owned the Toronto Maple Leaf hockey team, to ping pong and pool tournaments between Canadian and American students. However, in keeping with the forum 's desire to examine "a broad range of questions, issues and problems," the week is not aU fun and games. Lectures on how to combat discrimination, an idea which is at the very core of every Popcorn Forum , are interwoven throughout the week. Beginning at ' p.m. March 23, Cassie Palamar, education and commission services manager for the Alberta human Rights and Citizenship Commission, will lead the presentation and response panel "Resolving Complaints of Discrimination, Promoting Human Rights through Educational Programs and Fostering Equality." Friday, March 26, at 8 a.m., the workshop "An Active Witnessing Method for Prejudice Reduction" wilJ highlight ways in which students may have a positive impact on the world around them. To balance such heavy topics, Natural High is also being held that evening in the gym. Stewart said that he hopes that the faculty and students, as well as the community at large, will attend many of the events. 'lt's almost impossible to pick what the best (event) may be," he said, flipping through the pamphlet contemplatively. " It really depends on the person. "But," he added, "the person that attends the most will be the most enriched." The Popcorn Forum is March 20-26, beginning with ceremonial greetings at the American-Canadian border and ending with the Natural High evening. AU events are free and open to the public. See Page 3 for Popcorn Forum calendar. For information, call 769-7764.



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Saturday, March 20, 2004

Canada ,. in spotlight Friendship with border neighbors is focus of annual lecture series By Taryn Brodwater Staff wrill!r

Neighbors from the North will be welcomed to North ldaho College on Monday during opening ceremonies for the college's annual Popcorn Forum. This year's lecture shies has the theme "Celebrating Canad ianAmerican Friendship." All week long, speakers from borh sides of the border will discuss history, heritage, human rights and public policy. The on-campus events are free and open to the public. Opening ceremonies fo r the 34th annual event begin at 9 a.m. Monday in NIC's Schuler Auditorium. Honor guards from Fairchild Air Force Base and Canada will present fl ags from both coun tries, fo llowed by the singing of national anthems. NIC President Michael Burke and Student Body President Joel Crane will give a welcome address. Keynote speaker Paul Olscamp, a Montrealborn retired college president, will discuss "The Uncommon Heritage of Canada and the United States." At noon in the Student Union Bui lding, awards will be presented to participants in the "Virtual Walk to Canada"' competition. College employees strapped on pedometers to m~asurc daily steps, working toward an ultimate goal of reaching Canada. The film ¡¡Experience Canada: An Exciting Journey Across Canada" will be shown in the Lake Coeur d'Alene Room of the Student Un ion at I p.m.

A musical tribute to Canadians and Americans at 8 p.m. caps the day's activities. Music instructor Gerard Mathes wrote and composed the music fo r the concert. In the spirit of fun, students from the two countries will compete in pingpong, pool and disc golf throughout the week. Events will be listed in The Spokesman-Review's daily In Life calendar or online at www.nic.edu/ events/popcorn forum. Capping off rhe forum , is the seventh annual Human Rights Banquet at 7 p.m. Friday fea turing keynote speaker Sen. Mike Crapo, who serves on the Senate Subcommittee on International Trade and Finance, among other committees. Tickets for the banquet are $25 each, available by mailing a check to the Human Rights Education Institute, P.O. Box '2725, Coeur d'Ale11e. ID 83816. The deadline to buy lick~ts is Wednesday. Each year, the Human Rights Education Institute awards NIC scholarships to two minority students during the banquet.

The Spokesman_-Review

The Official Newspaper Sponsor of

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Sunday March 21, 2004

Popcorn Forum starts Monday 4,500 attended last year By EM ILY CHRISTENSEN Staff writer COEUR d'ALENE - The 2004 Popcorn For um will begin with a bang. Opening ceremonies are set for 9 a.m. Monday at North Idaho College's Schuler Auditorium. The theme, "Celebrating CanadianAmerican Friendship," is a change from last year's for um on confronting hate. "Last year's topic was ver y serious, this year will be in more of a celebration mood," said Tony Stewart, a political science instructor at NIC and organizer of the symposium. The 34th annual forum will include audience members waving 200

Canadian and American flags along with the playing of both countries' national anthems. A presentation of colors by the U.S. Air Force Honor Guard from Fairchild Air Force Base and Canadian representatives will also take place. The ceremony will conclude with a keynote address given by NJC President Michael Burke and ASNJC President Joel Crane. Stewart said he came up with the idea during a spring break trip to Canada last year. The program will take an in-depth look at life in Canada and the United States. Different events and speakers each day will show the common interests of the two neig hboring countries in areas such as food, sports, arts, humanities, history, education and travel. When the forum first began, about

200 people attended. Last year, there were 4,500. Another strong turnout is expected this year, with invitations going out to not only locals but Canadian neighbors as well. The mayors and all the city council members fro m Cranbrook, British Columbia and Coeur d'Alene will be there Thursday and Friday. Froi;n musical performances to panel discussions and intramural sports, the Popcorn Forum offers entertainment, education and fun for all types of people. The symposium begins Monday and will last the entire week. NIC will offer free parking during th e week. Festivities end Friday with the seventh annual Human Rights Banquet at the Best Western Coeur d'Alene Inn. All events are free, except for the banquet, which costs $25 per person.

North Idaho

The Press, Tuesday, March 23, 2004

For news or story ideas: Call City Editor Bill Buley at 664-8176 ext 2006; &mail: bbuJey@cdapress.com

Step by Step


Mona Klinger gives her best dog impersonation after Nancy Morrison, Kootenai Humane Society board member, presented her with a sweatshirt from the organization. Klinger, along with her husband, Chad Klinger, and right to left, Stacy Zehm, Leanne Emerson, Loralee Haarr, and a number of other North Idaho College faculty, staff and students logged in thousands of miles for the Walk to Canada program. During the project, some participants walked animals at the Humane Society to accumulate miles.



Tuesday, March 23, 2004 llle Spokesman-Review Spokane, Wash./Coeur d.Alene, Idaho

Formn profiles neighbors to north Canada gets no respect In U.S., speaker says By Taryn Brodwater Staff writer

Canadian-born Ross Woodward has lived in the United States for years. But each day, he still reads Canada's news on the Internet. Several times a year, he returns to his homeland to visit family and friends. "I regard myself as a child of both countries," Woodward said Monday. That's why Woodward found the theme of this year's Popcorn Forum particularly interesting. Organizers of the 34-year-old convocation series at North Idaho College chose "Celebrating CanadianAmerican Friendship" as the topic for a week's worth of speakers, panel discussions and workshops. "A focus on Canada is always good," said Woodward, who came from Spokane for Monday's Popcorn Forum kickoff. "Americans. tend to ignore Canada unless there's something over mad cow disease or lumber tariffs. Continued: Canada/86

Kathy Plonka/111e Spokesman·Review

North Idaho College President Michael Burke, right, greets the former president of Western Washington University, Paul Olscamp, at the opening ceremony of the annual Popcorn Forum at NIC in Coeur d'Alene on Monday.

Canada: Differ on medical care, gun control, war Continued from 81

"Most Americans don't even know ,,ho the Canadian prime minister is:· Canadians on the contrary, know plenty about their neighbors lo the south. Keynote speaker Paul Olscamp. a native Canadian and former president of Western Washington Univer,1t). said he was "bombarded by American culture" while growing up in Canada. Students were taught the capital'> of every state. basics on U.S. history and even population figures. he said. ··But American, knew nothing ,thout w,, and couldn·t care le~s... Olscamp said. During a high ,chool debate team


More details The 34th Annual Popcorn Forum, "Celebrallng CanadianAmerican Fnendship," continues all week at North Idaho College. For details on each day's events, see The Spokesman-Review calendar or v1s1l the NIC Web site at www.nic.edu/events/ popcomforum/.

competition, Olscamp said a Mudcnt from New York had asked where he was from. He told her the name of the clo!iest major city: Toronto. "She then asked me if Lhat was anywhere near Ontario," Olscamp said." American'> just sort of assumed we were like a really big Mate where one went on summer vacations." Though sprinkled with humor about America·s misconceptions about Canadians, Olscamp's speech, ·'Why They're Not Lil..c Us,'' also

explored more serious topic...,, includ· ing how America and Canada differ on gun con1rol, policing, government, social obligations. medical ca re, war and the relationship between church and ,tate. In Canada, for inslance, tax dollars support hoth religious and public schools. Olscamp, who moved to Coeur d'Alene two years ago, still has a home in Canada\ Prince Edward Island. Like Woodward, Olscamp has strong ties to both countries. I le said he hopes this week's forum gctl> people thinking about the relationship between the two countries. " I would be delighted if they juM got a li11lc more curious about Canada," he ~aid. "The more you learn about its differences. as well as similarities, the more you develop emotional tic.,:· And, the current Canadian prime minister is Paul Martin. • Taryn Brodwater can be reached at (208) 765·7121 or tarynb@spokesman.com.

Page 82

Saturday, April 24, 2004


:'. Briefly

THE PRESS Tu esday, April 27, 2004


from staff and wire reports


Film documents effects of immigration on town • Coeur d 'Alene

Two showings of a film exploring immigration to the United States are planned Tuesday at North Idaho College. The college's Popcorn Forum is sponsoring the presentation of "Farmingville," a 78-minute documentary. The film's directors, Carlos Sandoval and Catherine Tambini, will attend the presentations to answer questions about the film. The two spent a year living and working in Farmingville, N.Y., ro capture the stories of residents, laborers and activists. The film explores two views on • illegal immigration - that of the town's growing population of undocumented aliens and that of the town's longtime families. The film will be shown at 10:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Tuesday in the Lake Coeur d'Alene Room of NIC's Edminster Student Union Building.

Documentary on tap COEUR d'ALENE North Idaho College is presenting "Farmingville," a documentary about the lives of residents, day laborers and activists in a debate that started with the hate-based beat-

ing and attempted murders of two Mexican day laborers in Farmingville, N.Y. The film will be shown at 10:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. today in the Lake Coeur d'Alene Room of the Edminster Student Union Building. It is free and open to the community, sponsored by the Popcorn Forum and funded by Gregory Carr from the Gregory C. Carr Foundation. The film's creators and dir ectors, Carlos Sandoval and Catherine Tambini will attend the presentation here, and will be available for questions. Information: (208) 769-7782



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Katona Kirby/The SentJnel

Catherine Tamblnl and Carlos Sandolva discuss their documentory during Latino Awareness Week. Their film, which won at the Sundance FIim Festival, will air on PBS this June.

Film puts spotlight on small town deba tes, mo th ers worried both for safe ty for the childr e n from the day laborers a nd the racism their - News t:C11tor children arc learning. " They took us to an abandoned building next to A hiring site was proposed to keep the laborers off Highway 495. They gave us tools, supposed ly to the street and in one area. The proposition called for work. They took us to a basement to clea n it. That's taxpayers' money, and the idea was vetoed o ut. Many where they a ttacked us. They got us from be hind a nd of the laborers became part of a group called Human I didn' t have time to defend myself," said I srael Solidarity, a coa lition among workers offeri ng Paerez, a day laborer in th e s mall town of financia l and moral suppo rt for each other. Farmingville. One of their tasks was to cle an up the ir image. The ir After two men were asked if they were Mexican, the solution: soccer. It was a fun activity everyone could ' beatings began. One man was hit with a shove l while partic ipate in a nd the group would landscape the the other was stabbed and beaten. . town 's field s, offering their services fo r free , in And it was fear from this happening that provoked cooperation for the m le tting them play. Complaints of ' filmmaker Carlos Sandolva to create the documentary the group playing on the same fields as their children , "Farmingv ill e" that was brought to N I C as the were sent in, and yet another solution faile d. conclusion to the Popcorn Forum. " The bottom line is they want the me n deported," "I could not sit back a nd not get involve d with this," Tambini said. " It is the fear of the unknown." Sandolva said. So for three years Sandolva along with And the " unknown" is one of the protester's biggest , filmmaker Catherine Tambini lived in Farmingville comp la fnt s. They, nor th e government, c and captured the tearing apart of a town. know bow m uch money these men pay in The project, however, did not com e taxes, they don ' t kn ow where they come without challenges. Sandolva, when not I was seen from , and they do not have proper social introduced as a filmm aker , experie nced security numbers for them. as a day th e hara ssm e nt rhat immigra nt day Because of Farmingville's closeness laborers were subject to every day whe n laborer, l to New Y ork City, its vast la ndscape, its looking for work on the street corner. would have a centered location on an island and people "If I was seen as a day labo rer, I would wa nting to profi t, day labor is in a high have a car veer a t me," Sand olva sa id. car veer at demand. Sandolva, no longer seen as the Harvard me. " Coeur d'AJene is, in many ways, very graduate, lawyer or New Yorker, would simila r to Farmingville, said Tambini and a u tomatica lly be called n ames like Carlos Sandolva Sa n dolva . Coeur d ' Alene' s need for "Spick," "Chink" o r per haps just barked -film makertemporary work in the fields during the a t to refer to him as a " Mexican dog.'' summer, being a tourist town and having The division between races began when immigrants started to move in. People in the area needed worke rs wealthy ne ighborhoods arc alJ signs that "something and immigrants needed work, but locals worried about will happen." Having lived in New Yo rk, stude nt Mary Noonan, the presence of so many immigrants in the ir town and waiting o n corners waiting for " bosses" to come and sophomore, said she was surprised to see any racial make the m an offer. According to many FarmingviJle division in he r former home. " When I heard 'Fa rmingvillc,' I was taken aback c itizens, t his dis like for immigrants turne d into a that some thing like tha t could happen in that a rea," dislike for Mexicans, making them racists. Though local groups de ny be ing racist, the media's she said. Noonan has seen day laborers on the prairie, attention to the ir cause in ridding th e ir town of and the situatio n is different. " The community bas e mbraced them so far," she immigrants has led to racist organ izations to start said. " I don't see a nything like Farmingville at all, and building a homeland in the ir town. The me n who a ttacked Pac rcz and his frien d bad I hope that we wouldn't ever see anything like that at racist-inspired tattoos on the ir bodies. They were a ll." Sandolva and Ta mbini told the group of stude nts to convicted of attempted murder. Though no t all protesto rs in Farmingvill e have not fo ll ow the e xampl e of Farmingvill e. It was, attempted murder, many of them still protest publicly instead, important to be open to new people coming across the street from those day laborers seeking out in . They sa id th ey bad little hope for the ir work. Throwing bottles and rocks, shooting bb guns, documentary affect ing the town of F armingville , yelling o r taking pictures of those trying to e mploy the because "the groups are so solidly e ntrenched." For right now Eduardo, a day laborer, bas to follow help were all caught o n film. Farmingville is still looking for a solution to the his friend's advice of. "They shout at you a nd you just divisio n th a t now has town m ee tings in h ea ted have to cross yo ur arms and bow your head." by Larissa Schwartz





NIC set for candidate forum COEUR d'ALENE -The North Idaho College Board of T r ustees candidate's forum is scheduled 6 p.m. Oct. 25 in the Lake Coeur d'Alene Room of Edminster Student Union Building on NIC's main campus. Two positions are open for the Nov. 2 general election. Rolly Williams is an incumbent running unopposed for Position A on the board.

Three candidates are up for Position B on the board. Jin1 Hammond is the city administrator and former mayor of Post Falls. Christie Wood currently serves as sergeant of the Coeur d'Alene Police Department and on the school board for Coeur d'Alene School District 271. Tyler Allen Smith is a current NIC student majoring in business adminisb·ation.

The ~minute forum is an NIC Popcorn Forum event cosponsored by the NIC chapter of the American Association of University Professors, the Associated Students of NIC and the NIC Faculty Assembly. The forum will include candidate responses to five predetermined questions as well as audience questions followed by a reception. Information: 769-7782


continued from C2

S?~& I M?,'\.. fl.~Vft.i.l /?et Vie,;!

Looking Ahead Continued from 6 a.m. until noon at 1717 E. Polston in Post Falis. This Is domestic violence training for Idaho Salon Professionals, presented by OASIS and The Women's Center. RSVP to Bridget at 773-1080. Coeur d'Alene District 271 Art Teachers Show - opens Monday at the Devin Gallery on Sherman Avenue. Two and three dimensional worlls created by elementary, middle and high school art teachers in Coeur d'Alene will be on display through Nov. 20. Opening reception is from 5-7 p.m. Nov. 12. Alternative lypestytes - Typography exhibit featuring Kentucky artist Matt TUiiis opens Monday in the Comer Gallery in Boswell Hall on the North Idaho College campus. Opening reception Is from 5-7 p.m. Gallery hours are from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Information: 769-3427. . Career Development Week - Monday through Friday in the Career Center, located upstairs in the Edminster Student Union Building at North Idaho College. Free on-the-spot career assessments and refreshments. Open to the public. Information: 769-3297. "Sharing the Dream: White Males In Multicultural America• - Monday In the lake Coeur d'Alene Room of the Edminster Student Union Bulling at North Idaho College,

Saturday, November 6, 2004

Page 7

· Take Off Pounds Sensibly (l'OPS #164): 8:45 am. Trinity Lutheran Church, 812 with aUthor Dominic Pulera. Information: 769-7782. Senior Luncheon - at the Post Falls Community Church sponsored by the Deacons, will be held Nov. 16. Rese1Vations are required by Monday. Call the church at 773-2527. Country Western Gospel Jubilee - Tuesday at the Lake City Senior Center. 1916 Lakewood Dr. at 6:30 p.m. Information: 765-8580. . Coeur d'Alene Aglow International Ughthouse - meets Tuesday at the Best Western Coeur d'Alene Inn. 414 W. Appleway, from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Lunch is $9.50. For reservations. call Shirley Peterson at 772-5562 by Sunday. The speaker will be Jim Pearl of Hayden. Transfer Day - Tuesday In the foyer of the Edminster Student Union Buildiag at Nortll Idaho College from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m., for students looking to transfer to a four-year university. Information: 769· 7875. "Gathering of the Bands" - Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in Boswell Hall's Schuler Auditorium on the North Idaho College campus. About 14 eighth-grade bands from throughout the region will participate ma Joint concert with the NIC symphonic band. Information: 769-3258. Hayden Lake Management Steering Committee Meeting - Wednesday at 7 p.m. at Hayden City Hall. 9545 N. Strahom. lnformabon: Glen Rothrock 769-1422. North Idaho Partners In Care Mobile Clinic will be at the Sandpoint Senior Center Continued: Looking Ahead/ 14

N. Fifth St., Cd'A

"William Oark and the ' Shaping of the West'': 7 p.m. new book by Landon Jones in Reading Lewis and Clark series at Cd'A Public Library. 769-2315 "Sharing the Dream: White Males in Multicultural America": 9 a.m. Lake Cd'A room, NIC Edminster Student Union bldg. presented by author Dominic Pulera. Free and open to the public. 769-7782

NIC Corl)er Gallery "Typography Exhibit'': Nov. 8, 5-7 p.m. opening reception at Boswell Hall gallery; Nov. 9, 10:30 a.m. gallery walk and 1 p.m. slide presentation at Boswell room 102; 10 a.m.-4 p.m. daily gallery hours up to Dec. 3, featuring graphic artist Matt Tullis. 769-3427 THE PRESS Saturday,

November 6, 2004


~oard of Trustees hopefuls answer questions at forum Event marks Popcorn Forum's 35th year BY BRITANY H ANSEN -S TAil' WRm:R •

Ryan McGlnty/The SenUnel

Nominees for the board of trustees, from left, Rolly Williams, Jim Hammond, Christie Wood and Tyler Smith


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Two positions are up for grabs as the Board of Trustees prepares for Tuesday's general election. The Popcorn Forum celebrated their 500th forum and their 35th year as they held a Board of Trustees election forum open to the public and to the student body Oct. 25. During the 90-minute Popcorn Forum, the candidates were given five minutes to intr oduce themselves to the audience, three

minutes to respond to questions that they were given near the beginning of October , and then they answered questions from the audience in the remaining time. Questions the candidates were asked ranged from revenue sources for NIC's operating budget to describing their vision of the educational programs offered at the college, what they feel the role of the Board of Trustees is, and how they would resolve co nflicts in funding between the liberal arts and technical studies among others.

11- /, o Y.

Incu mbent, Rolly Williams is running unopposed for Position A. Williams has been a member of the Board of Trustees since 1998, although his career at NlC began in 1961 as head coach of the men's basketball team and athletic director. After serving his next term, Williams will hold the record for the most years served at NIC, totaling 47 years. "J have a great love for th is program," he said. "We have begun a number of e xciting things at NIC and I'd like to be involved in as many of them as I can."

Three candidates are vying for Position B: Jim Hammond, Tyler Smith and Christie Wood. Ha m mond, 54, is th e city administrator in Post Falls as well as a past mayor, president of City Council and elementary school principal. He said he chose to run after being asked to by "several leaders." Smith, 19, is the only student to run for a position on the board. He is a Criminal Justice major originally from Montana that has served as part of the Residence Hall Co uncil, a member of the Continued Page 13

Debate: One of four candidates is student Continued from front page

ch eerleading squad and works at the Goose Grill in the SUB. According to Smith, one of the reasons he is running is to have a student presence on the board saying that NIC stud ents put approximately one quarter of the money into the school's funds. uShouldn 't we have a quarter of the

It is made up of five representation?" he said. elect ed by Coeur d'Alene Police Sgt. members Wood, 43, is a former NIC Kootenai County residents. student, a member of the Each member serves a term Coeur d'Alene School Board of 6 years. Elections for the Board of and a media spokesperson Trustees are Tuesday. All for the police department. "If I do get the opportunity residents of Kootenai to ser,-ve, I wou ld do so County, students as well, are proudly," s he said. able and encouraged to vote. The Board of Tru stees "They (the Board of manages NIC budgets, Trustees] make all the tuition, property, co llege decisions on campus," said policies, and land Erin Johnson , ASNIC acquisition. Also, the Board senator. "Students should of Trustees votes on current really take an active role on issues that affect the college. who makes these choices."

Rights benefactor to speak at NIC ll-17- "IF


• Coeurd'Alene I 'tfev/tvJ The man who donated $1 million for a locaJ human rights center will speak at North Idaho College on Tuesday. Greg Carr will discuss the AIDS epidemic in Africa. Carr recently spent time in Africa and has signed an agreement to work with the Mozambique government to battle the country's AIDS problem, according to an NIC press release. Carr is the advisory board chairn1an for the Carr Center for Human Rights at Harvard. He was born and raised in Idaho Falls and has made significant contributions to the state's human rights movement. He gave $500,000 to the Anne Frank Memorial in Boise; $1 million for Coeur d'Alene's Human Rights Education Institute and donated the land of tl1e former Aryan Nations compound to NIC to use as an outdoor science lab and a peace park. 1l1e presentation begins at 10:30 a.m. in the Lake Coeur d'Alene Room of NT Cs Student UnioQ Building. A luncheon in Carr's honor will follow in U,e Driftwood Bay Room of the SUB. Luncheon tickets are $7.50. For more information. call (208) 769-3325.


For news or story ideas: Call City Editor Bill Buley at 664-8176 ext 2006; E-mail: bbuley@cdapress.com

The Press, Wednesday, Nov. 24, 2004

Forum addresses human rights Idaho native gives presentation on his work in Mozambique By TOM GREENE Staff writer

Gregory Carr is a familiar name in Idaho. having donated $1 million to the human rights center in Coeur d'Alene and $500,000 to the Anne Frank Memorial in Boise. He also turned the former COEUR d'ALENE -

Aryan Nations Compound over to the North Idaho College Foundation to be used as an outdoor science laboratory and a peace park. "He is truly an example of humanity serving humanity," said Tony Stewart, president of the human rights education institute board, at an NIC Popcorn Forum in the student union building Tuesday. Stewart said he believes Carr "has done more than anyone else in the state of Idaho for human rights" FORUM continued on CS

Greg Carr presents his talk ucombating the Epidem ic of AIDS in

Africa: A Mission of Mercy" at North Idaho College Tuesday. JASON HUNT/Press


continued from C1

in recent years. Now, he's doing it in Mozambique. Human rights, health care issues, the environment and the African country's economy are all interconnected, Carr said during his talk, "Combating the Epidemic of AIDS in Africa: A Mission of Mercy." An Idaho native, Carr cofounded Boston Technology Inc., in 1986 and served as chief executive officer until 1992. He later served as chairman of Prodigy Inc., a global Internet service provider, from 1996 to 1998. Carr said he was approached by Mozambique's ambassador to the United Nations in 2000, who urged him to come work with his country, which is facing health and economic crises. For five centuries until 1975, Mozambique was a Portuguese colony. A civil war then followed, lasting until 1992. Today, Mozambique is one of the poorest countries in the world. "It's easy to say, 'Why is that? Don't they work hard? Are they failures? What's their deal?'" Carr said. "But they were held back for five centuries." Education, economic opportunities and improved agricultural practices, Carr said, are the answers to many of Mozambique's problems, but how to go about implementing the improvements is tougher to solve. A massive AIDS crisis has compounded the problem. Tourism, which, Carr said, is the number one growing industry in the world, would

"indirectly lift them out of poverty." Carr centered his operations in Gorongosa National Park, which is about the size of North Idaho. He is now in the process of working to remove land mines and replenish animals both reminders of the civil war. By making the park and similar parks in the country a destination spot, Carr hopes for "spillover" from tourism to create economic opportunities as well as helping to preserve the

environment. "It's not easy. In fact, it's incalculably hard. But what other choice do we have than to go for it?" Carr said. Schools, health clinics and even basic electricity, he believes, should follow as the country adapts to a more sustainable and robust economy. "I'm hoping if we do that kind of work for a lot of places on this planet, in 100 years there'll be something left," Carr said.


The Press, Tuesday, Feb. 1, 2005

For news or story ideas: Call City Editor Bill Buley at 61 E-mail: bbuley@cdapress.com

Meat added to Popcorn Forum NIC event includes Patriot Act debate By TOM GREENE Staff writer

COEUR d'ALENE North Idaho College's 35th Annual Popcorn Forum and Convocation Series Symposium this year isn't shying away from controversy.

"You can't meet the mission of higher education without being controversial," said Popcorn Forum creator and lead organizer Tony Stewart. This year's theme for the weeklong debates, discussions and dialogues is entitled "Hot Talk: Passionate Debate For A New Age." Stewart said it will be a week filled with "all major issues that divide people and their opinions." "Free speech is no more alive than it is on college campuses

around the country," Stewart said. "lt will be a rational, intellectual, discussion on why we disagree." Each morning of the forum, which runs March 21-25, there will be two prominent debaters from opposite viewpoints followed by afternoon response panels. Stewart said the event typically attracts 4,000-6,000 audience members throughout the week ''All day there will be a dialogue going on with the audience,"

Stewart said. 'The Patriot Act: National Security vs. Civil Liberties," will kick off the forum March 21 at 10 a.m. with U.S. Congressman Butch Otter and a U.S. attorney for the District of Idaho debating the renewal of the act based on civil liberties' concerns. Stewart said be's especially pleased with the quality of all the debaters for this year's forum . FORUM continued on C3


continued from C1

'1t's important they're both equal and leaders in their fields," Stewart said. 'There is no weak person out of any of these. They all come with plenty of credentials." "Free Speech And Press vs. Censorship," "Sex And Politics: The Arguments For And Against Sarne-Sex Marriage," 'The Right To Privacy vs. The Public's Right To Know," 'The Second Amendment And Gun Ownership," and ''Violence and Technology In The 20th And 21st Centuries," will all be topics of discussion during the week. Stewart said a special treat this year will be a musical concert commissioned by NIC to

be played for the first time ever. The concert, "Southern Skies," written by David Jones of Seattle, will feature the Eastern Washington University Percussion Ensemble and the NIC Jazz Ensemble. It will offer a variety of grooves including swing, ballad, funk, Afro-Cuban 6/8, ChaCha and Samba. "It's a concert that's never existed before," Stewart said. "He's just finishing writing it now." The Popcorn Forum will be filmed to air on PBS in May and will be shown in all of Idaho and parts of Montana, Washington, Oregon, Wyoming, Nevada and Canada. "Our role in this community is to make sure both sides are heard and people will come to their own conclusions on what

they've heard," Stewart said. All sessions except the 8th Annual Human Rights Banquet held March 21 at 6 p.m. at the Coeur d'Alene Inn are free and open to the public. The banquet costs $25 per person. For more information about the Popcorn Forum, call (208) 769-7764.

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Tuesday, February 1, 2005 The Spokesman-Review Spokane, Wash/Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

Heated debates promised Speakers to discuss Patriot Act, same-sex marriage, privacy issues and more starting March 21 By Taryn Brodwater Staff writer

"Hot Talk" is the theme for this year's Popcorn •Forum at North Idaho College, and it promises to be a scorcher. organizers say. The 35th annuaJ event kicks off March 21 with a debate over the U.S. Patriot Act. Same-sex marriage, the Second Amendment, censorship and free speech, privacy issues, violence and technology will also be tackled during the weeklong series. Popcorn Forum Coordinator Tony Stewart, an NIC instructor, said the committee in charge of the forum decided to pick five "aggressively debated topics" and find speakers with differing views to debate them.

Nearly every expert they asked agreed to participate, Stewart said. He said every speaker bas impressive credentials. "It isn't one speaker is slightly qualified and the other is highly qualified," Stewart said. "We really worked bard at that" The events are free and open to the public. Events in the series are: • A debate of the U.S.A. Patriot Act, at 10 a.m. March 21. Saying the act causes an erosion of civil liberties, U.S. Rep. Butch Otter, R-Idabo, advocates changes when Congress debates whether to renew it this year. He will debate Thomas Moss, the U.S. attorney for

the district of Idaho, who supports the Patriot Act in the name of national security. • The Eighth Annual Human Rights Banquet, at 6 p.m. March 21. Tickets are $25 and proceeds go toward providing full-ride scholarships to NIC for minority students. This year, four students will receive scholarships from'the Human Rights Education Institute. • A debate about freedom of speech and freedom of the press, at 10:30 a.m. March 22. James Vache, a professor from Gonzaga University School of Law, who advocates a broad interpretation of the First Continued: Popcom/ B6

Popcom: Free concert ends the series Continued from 81 Amendment, will debate Gary Maehara, a Seattle attorney who agrees with some U.S. Supreme Court decisions that restrict some fonns of free speech and the press. Two panel discussions also are planned that day on the free speech, one at 1 p.m. in the afternoon and the other at 7 p.m .. • A debate about same-sex marriage, at 9 a.m. on March 23.

Praveen Fernandes, of the Human Rights Campaign in Washington, D.C., believes the U.S. Constitution guarantees same-sex couples the right to marry. He will debate Dwight Duncan, a professor at the Southern New England School of Law, who will argue that the Constitution doesn't give gay couples that right. • A debate about citizens' right to privacy versus the public's right to infonnation, at 9 a.m. March 24. Jack Van Valkenburgh, executive director of Idaho's American-Ovil Liberties Union, argues that the Constitution guarantees Americans extensive protection against government intrusion. He wiJI debate Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby, who says that government access to

some information is reasonable in a time of heightened terrorist threats. • Sen. Larry Craig, R-Idaho, will speak against gun control at 11 a.m. March 25. Following Craig's.. presentation, Marilyn Levine, social sciences chairwoman at Lewis-Clark State College in Lewiston, will talk about the relationship between violence and modern weapons. • A free concert at 7:30 p.m. on March 25. The Popcorn Forum commissioned composer David Jones of Seattle to write "Southern Skies," which will be performed by the Eastern Washington University Percussion Ensemble and the NlC Jazz Ensemble. The piece iocludesswing, ballad, funk, Afro-Cuban, ChaCha and Samba influences.

Hot topics

Kathy Plonka/The Spokesman-Review

Popcorn Forum coordinator and North Idaho College Instructor Tony Stewart announces the topics to be addressed at this year's event.

Hot topics to raise passionate debates

Annual f arum showcases sex, politics, Patriot Act BY SAVANNAH C UMMINGS

• News EDITOR •


Temperatures will rise and tempers flare next week as the 35th annual Popcorn Forum, begins debates on what are some of the nations hottest topics. This year's Forum, entitled "Hot Talk: Passionate Debate For a New Age," deals with issues ranging from The Patriot Act to gun ownership. Forum organizer Tony Stewart said he is excited about this year's range of events. "The government is at the point of making decisions," Stewart said. "When you look at the spealcer's credentials, they are very good, both sides will be well represented." Forum events begin next Monday, March 21, at 10 a.rn. Congressman Butch Otter and Thomas E. Moss, the U.S. attorney for the District of Idaho, will lead off with a debate in Boswell Hall's Schuler Auditorium dealing with the Patriot Act: National Security vs. Civil Liberties. The Patriot Act, which was put in to action shortly after Sept.11, comes up for renewal this year. "The issues are really in the forefront," Stewart ilfd. "It's very exciting." The 8 annual Human Rights Banquet is also Monday at 6 p.m. at the Coeur d'Alene Inn. located on Appleway. Tickets for the banquet are $25 and must be purchased by Friday. To buy a ticket, mail a check made out to, Human Rights Education Institute to P.O. Box 2725, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83816-2725. Speaking at the banquet will be Debbie M. Bird, business development director for Safeco's Jackson Street Community Center. Bird's topic is Human Rights for a New Age: Diversity in the 21st Century. Tuesday's events discuss free speech and the press versus censorship. The featured debate is between James M. Vache, a faculty member Gonzaga University's School of Law, and Gary Maebara, an attorney for Safeco Insurance Corporation. The debate will begin at 10:30 am. in Schuler Auditorium. Another issue sure to raise political tension is Wednesday's topic: arguments for and against same-sex maniage. Praveen Fernandes, a public

policy advocate for the Human Rights Campaign in Washington. D.C., will argue the pro-side of the issue while Dwight G. Duncan, professor at the Southern New England School of Law, will argue against same-sex maniage. Thursday's event touches back to some of the same issues that come to mind with Patriot Act discussions: the right to privacy versus the public's right to know. American Civil Liberties Union Executive Director for Idaho Jack Van Valkenburgh will be supporting the position that the Constitution gives Americans privacy protections against both government and private institutions. OP:ed columnist for The Boston Globe Jeff Jacoby will take the conservative stance that the government needs to have access to information in order to control terrorist organizations. The "Hot Talk" will wrap up on Fliday, March 25, with a presentation by Sen. Larry Craig discussing the Second Amendment and g un ownership. Craig opposes restrictive legislation aimed at gun ownership. Craig's speech begins at 11 a.m. in Schuler Auditorium, followed by Marilyn Levine at 11:30. Levine serves on the Divisio n of Social Sciences at Lewis.Clark ~tate College. She will be looking in to 2ot and 21st cen tury technology and how it has increased th e capacity for violence. Drawing the Forum to a close will be a special concert event at 7:30 p.m. in Schule r Auditorium. The concert, entitled "Southern Skies," was specially commissioned for the Popcorn Forum and this will be the first time the music bas been performed for the public. The piece was written by Seattle area composer David Jones and will feature the Washington University Percussion Ensemble and the NIC Jazz Ensemble. T he music styles vary from swing to samba. The Popcorn Forum flier describes the concert as a "unique musical journey." For information about the Forum, pick up one of the red and gray fliers in the SUB or LeeKildow Hall or contact Stewart at 769-3325. For a calendar of scheduled forum events, see Page 6.

The symposium was created to explore society related topics N orth Idaho College's Popcorn Forum Convocation Series Symposium did not steer clear of the hot topics, which is evident in this year's theme ''Hot Talk: Passionate Debate for a New Age" March 21-25. The symposium was established 35 years ago to create a venue to explore topics relative to our society, from historical lessons to today's issues. Dozens of distinguished debaters and national dignitaries will debate some of the nation's most long-debated topics, such as free speech, privacy and samesex marriages. "We are impressed with the qualifications and prominence of all the debaters and presenters at this year's symposium," said NIC's Popcorn Forum Coordinator Tony Stewart "It will be a week of lively and informative dialogue." The presentations and keynote addresses will correlate with each days topic: Monday, March 21: The Patriot Act: National Security vs. Civil Liberties Tuesday, March 22: Free Speech and Press vs. Censorship Wednesday, March 23: Sex and Politics: The Arguments for and Against Same-Sex Marriage Thursday, March 24: The Right to Privacy vs. The Public's Right to Know Friday, March 25: The Second Amendment and Gun Ownership

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• On Monday, the symposium will kick off with a brief welcome by NIC President Michael Burke and Associated Students of NIC President Heather Erickson at

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10 am. in Boswell Hall Schuler Auditorium followed by debate on the Patriot Act. U.S. Congressman Butch Otter will advocate revisions to the act based on his concern for civil liberties delivered via technology, while U.S. District Attorney Thomas Moss supports the act based on issues of national security. Mark Compton from Otter's office will be present to relay the audience comments back to the congressman. A response panel will follow at 1 p.m. in the Lake Coeur d'Alene Room of NIC's Edminster Student Union Building. • The eighth annual Human Rights Banquet "Human Rights for a New Age: Diversity in the 21st Century" will be held at 6 p.m. Monday at the Coeur d'Alene Inn, located ~t 414 Appleway in Coeur d'Alene. The featured speaker is Debbie Bird, the business development director for Safeco's Jackson Street Community Center, which is a center conunitted to improving neighborhoods where Safeco products are sold. Bird believes that understanding and appreciating diversity will result in more vibrant communities and healthy commerce centers. Tickets for the banquet are $25 and must be purchased by mailing a check to the Human Rights Education lnstitute at P.O. Box 2725, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83816, by Friday, March 18. • James Vache, Gonzaga University School of Law professor, and Safeco Insurance Corporation Attorney Gary Maehara will discuss freedom of speech and freedom of press versus censorshlp at 10:30 am. Tuesday in Boswell Hall Schuler Auditorium. Vache advocates a broad interpretation of the Frrst Amendment to the U.S. Constitution while Maehara agrees with U.S. Supreme Court decisions to restrict certain forms of speech and press. Response panels will review the

debate at 1 p.m. and at 7 p.m. in the Lake Coeur d'Alene Room of Edminster Student Union Building. • Also on Tuesday, representatives from the Idaho Press Club will tackle the question of media responsibility and balancing when a story should or should not be reported during a forwn at 11:30 am. in Boswell Hall Schuler Auditorium. Mindy Cameron with the Seattle Times will moderate and panelists include Managing Editor of the Coeur d'Alene Press Mike Patrick, Editor of the SpokesmanReview Steve Smith, University ofldaho Media Professor Kenton Bird and Kootenai County Sheriff Rocky Watson. • Public Policy Advocate with the Human Rights Campaign in Washington, D.C.. Praveen Fernandes will argue that the U.S. Constitution guarantees same-sex couples the same rights as heterosexual couples, including the right to a legal marriage, whereas Southern New England School of Law Professor Dwight Duncan will advocate that the U.S. Constitution does not guarantee same-sex couples the right to a legal marriage during a debate at 9 a.m. Wednesday in Boswell Hall Schuler Auditorium. A response panel will follow at 1 p.m. in the Lake Coeur d'Alene Room of Edminster Student Union Building. • American Civil Liberties Union Executive Director for Idaho Jack Van Valkenburgh and Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby will present arguments on the tight to privacy versus the public's tight to know at 9 am. Thursday in Boswell Hall Schuler Auditorium. Van Valkenburgh supports extensive privacy as he believes the U.S. Constitution guarantees whereas Jacoby advocates that since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, · government access to some personal information during investigations is warranted. A response

Courtesy photo

Debbie Bird, business development director for Safeco's Jackson Street Community Center is the featured speaker for the eight annual Human Rights Banquet "Human Rights for a New Age: Diversity in the 21st Century," which w ill be held at 6 p.m. Monday at the Coeur d'Alene Inn.

panel will follow at 1 p.m. in the Lake Coeur d'Alene Room of Edminster Student Union Building. • Senator Larry Craig will support the right to own firearms guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution's Second Amendment. He will deliver his speech via technology during 'The Second Amendment and Gun Ownership" at 11 a.m. Friday in Boswell Hall Schuler Auditorium. John Martin from Senator Craig's office will be present to relay the audience comments back to the Senator. Lewis-Clark Stale College Division of Social Sciences Chair Marilyn Levine will advocate that technology has increased society's capacity for violence during "Violence and Technology in the 20th and 21st Centuries" at 11:30 a.m. in Boswell Hall Schuler Audito1ium. A response

panel will discuss both sides at 1 p.m. in the Lake Coeur d'Alene Room of Edminster Student Union Building. • A special concert premiere of "Southern Skies," composed by David Jones of Seattle, will be held at 7:30 p.m. Friday in Boswell Hall Schuler Audito1ium. The NIC Popcorn Forum specially commissioned piece, which contains unique elements of swing, baUads, funk, Afro-Cuban, ChaCha and Samba music performed by the NIC Jazz Ensemble and the Eastern Washington University Percussion Ensemble.

All Popcorn Forum events are free and open to the public, with the exception of the Hwnan Rights Banquet March 21. Visitor parking permits will not be required on NIC's campus the week of the Popcorn Forum, but visitors are encouraged to utilize NIC's free Shuttle Express, which leaves every 15 minutes from the Museum of North Idaho parking lot To receive a free printed program, call the NIC College Relations Office at (208) 7697764 or view it online at www.nic. edu/events/popcornforwn/.

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NIC discussions tacklE Sunday, March 20, 2005

Page BS

hot debate topics Reporting, free speech, privacy, same-sex marriage on the table By Taryn Brodwater Staff writer

Editors from The Spokesman-Review and the Coeur d'Alene Press will participate in a panel discussion Tuesday on the philosophies that shape how both papers report the news. Io keeping with the theme of North Idaho College's Popcorn Forum, "Hot Talk: Passionate Debate for a New Age," the panel will address coverage of controversial news stories, including the recent shooting that left Coeur d'Alene Police Officer Michael Kralicek critically injured and the shooter dead. Sandpoint's Mindy Cameron, former editorial page editor for The Seattle Times, will act as moderator for the discussion, organized by the Idaho Press Club. Other panelists include Kootenai County Sheriff's spokesman Ben Wolfinger, NIC spokesman Kent Propst and Kenton Bird. interim director of the University of Idaho's School of Journalism. Spokesman-Review Editor Steve Smith, Press Editor Mike Patrick and the other panelists will also discuss relations with media sources and reporting on sensitive is-

sues. The panel discussion begins at 11:30 a.m. in NIC's Boswell HaLJ Schuler Auditorium. Afterward, panelists will answer questions from the audience. "Community standards can be one of the most difficult things to define," said Joe Butler, a Coeur d'Alene Press reporter and Press Club president. "We in the media face this challenge daily, so we thought it would be educational for ourselves as media professionals to get together and talk about recent news events, how they were portrayed and some of the decisions or ethical issues that arose from them." To add to the perspective, Butler said the Press Club invited Propst, Wolfinger and Bird to participate. Titled "What's News? The Etllics and Timing of Reporting," the panel is one of many events scheduled throughout the week as part of NlC's 35th annual Popcorn Forum convocation series. Dozens of "distinguished debaters and national dignitaries will debate some of the nation's most long-debated topics. such as free speech, privacy and same-sex marriages," according to an NIC press release. "It wiJJ be a week of Lively and iofonnative dialogue," said instructor Tony Stewart, organizer of the annual event. The Popcorn Forum kicks off at 10 a.m. Monday with U.S. Rep. Butch Otter and U.S. Attorney Thomas Moss


Popcorn Forum • The Popcorn Forum kicks off at 10 a.m. Monday with U.S. Rep. Butch Otter and U.S. Attorney Thomas Moss debating the Patriot Act • On Tuesday, editors from The Spokesman-Review and the Coeur d'Alene Press will participate in a panel discussion on philosophies that shape how both papers report the news. • In addition, dozens of "distinguished debaters and national dignitaries will debate some of the nation's most long-debated topics" as part of NIC's 35th annual Popcorn Forum convocation series.

debating the Patriot Act. Otter will appear via satellite, with one of bis staff members present to relay questions. Response panels are scheduled for 1 p.m. each day of the forum in the Lake Coeur d'Alene Room of the NIC Student Union Building. Other Popcorn Forum events this week include: A discussion on Free Speech versus Censorship at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday in Schuler Auditorium with James Vache, professor with Gonzaga University's School of Law, and Safeco lnsurance Corp. attorney Gary Maehara. In ad-

dition to the 1 p.m. panel discussion. a second is planned for 7 p.m. in the Lake Coeur d'Alene Room of the SUB. Debate on same-sex marriage begins at 9 a.m. Wednesday in Schuler Auditorium. Praveeo Fernandes, a public policy advocate with the Human Rights Campaign in Washington, D.C., will argue that the Constitution guarantees same-sex couples the right to marry. Southern New England School of Law Professor Dwight Duncan will argue the opposing view. Jack Van Valkenburgh, executive director of the Idaho American Civil Liberties Union, and Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby wilJ debate the right to privacy versus the public's right to know at 9 a.m. Thursday in Schuler Auditorium. The Second Amendment and gun ownership will be the topic of a presentation by U.S. Sen. Larry Craig, R-Idaho, beginning at 11 a.m. Friday in Schuler Auditorium. Craig will be appearing via technology, with a staff member relaying questions. At 11:30, Marilyn Levine, Lewis-Clark Stale College's Social Sciences chair, will argue that technology has increased society's capacity for violence. A special concert called "Southern Skies," composed specially for the Popcorn Forum, will be performed al 7:30 p.m. Friday in Schuler Auditorium. All Popcorn Forum events are free and open to the public. Details for all events a.re available online at www.nic.edu/events/popcornforum/.

The Press, Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Popcorn Forum attendees listen to Congressman C.L. Butch Otter's video taped speech which was projected on the wall of the Schuler Auditorium Monday. JASON HUNT/Press

For news or story ideas: Call City Editor Bill Buley at 664--8176 ext 2006; E-mail: bbuley@cdapress.com

Otter speaks on Patriot Act Representative gives speech through 12-minute videotape By TOM GR EENE Staff writer

COEUR d'ALENE - A U.S. Representative told an audience at North Idaho College Monday that he'll reintroduce legislation this session that would roll back provisions in the Patriot Act, while the U.S. attorney for the District of Idaho said there hasn't been a single incident of abuse of the act reported. Butch Otter, R-Idaho, and Thomas E. Moss started off a week of"HotTalk: Passionate Debate for a New Age," for NIC's 35th Annual Popcorn

Forum Convocation Series Symposium. "Please buckle your seat belts," said Michael Burke, NIC president at Boswell Hall Schuler Auditorium during introductions for the weeklong forum of "impassioned discourse." Otter gave his speech through a 12-minute long videotape with an introduction from his assistant, Mark Compton, who said Otter was "one of few voices in opposition to the act following 9/11." Otter said now there is "more objectivity and perspective than what we had in the weeks following 9/11," and will reintroduce the Security And Freedom Ensured Act to the 109th Congress this year, before some of the Patriot Act sunsets Jan.I , 2006. OTIER continued on C3



continued from C1

Much of the Patriot Act would have eventually become law regardless of 9/11 or who was president at the time, he said, because of modern realities. The roving wire taps allow the judge to focus on the individual, rather than the phone, which is necessary with cell phones, he said. "Sneak and peak" warrants - where the individual who has a search warrant served on him/her isn't notified of the search - is necessary in situations where the person might detonate a bomb if they found out they were caught Moss said "sneak and peak" warrants were being used on a limited basis before the Patriot Act "The Patriot Act simply brings it together and makes it uniform and a more understandable system to operate under," Moss said. "I'm here to tell you there has not been a case where a judge has ruled someone's civil liberties have been violated by the Patriot Act"

The SAFE Act would amend aspects of the Patriot Act, Otter said, that were too overarching. The SAFE Act places greater restrictions on roving wire taps, narrows the scope of delayed notification warrants (commonly called "sneak and peak" warrants) , and r e d e f i n e s Otter "domestic terrorist" to make sure legitimate dissent isn't caught in a net that might be too broad, among other amendments. Moss said his charge as a U.S. attorney was altered following 9/11. He said it's no longer acceptable to catch a criminal in the act - if that act is mass destruction. "Disruption has to be the goal when it comes to internaThe North Idaho Chapter tional terrorists and informa- of the Idaho Press Club is also tion is key," Moss said. offering a complementary

'"fhe Patriot Act simply brings it

together and makes it uniform and a more understandable system to operate under." - Thomas E. Moss, U.S. Attorney for the District of Idaho

event to the week's proceed- Wolfinger from the Kootenai ings. On March 22 at 11:30 County Sheriff's Department a.m. at Schuler Auditorium, The moderator will be Mindy a collection of professionals Cameron, former editorial from law enforcement, local page editor, Seattle Times. media and public relations will Like other Popcorn events, discuss "What's News?" the public is encouraged to The event will include a attend and ask questions. general examination of what The lineup for the¡ Popcorn constitutes a reportable story, Forum: and those occasions when Tuesday, March 22: those rules may be put aside Free Speech and Press vs. due to sensitivity to communi- Censorship ty standards or applicable laws. Wednesday, March 23: Sex Panelists include Kenton Bird, and Politics: The Arguments interim director of University of for and Against Same-Sex Idaho's School of Journalism, Marriage Mike Patrick, managing ediThursday, March 24: The tor Coeur d'Alene Press, Kent Right to Privacy vs. The Propst, NIC's assistant to the Public's Right to Know president for community relaFriday, March 25: The tions, Steve Smith, editor, Second Amendment and Gun Spokesman-Review, and Ben Ownership




Tuesday, March 22, 2005 The Spokesman-Review Spokane. Wash/Coeur d'Alene, Idaho


Pair debate PatriOtAct powers Congressman, U.S. attorney disagree over threat to llbertles By Susan Drumheller Staff writer

Portions of the controversial Patriot Act are set to expire next year, but debate over the act and its implications¡ are far from finished. One of lhe act's chief critics, U.S. Rep. Butch Otter, R-fdaho, spoke to an audience at North Idaho College from a video address projected onto the two-story wall of Boswell Auditorium on Monday, in the opening act for this spring's Popcorn Forum. This year's theme is "Hot Talk: Passionate Debate for A New Age." "As Americans, it is fundamentally our belief that each of us is responsible for safeguarding our personal freedoms," Otter's larger-than-Life image said. "It is our obligation, our duty to see that no one is allowed to take them away, not even our own government. ... It is equally important that we jealously guard our freedoms from being chipped away piece by piece before our eyes." Otter was not present for the forum, but his Idaho counterpart in the Patriot Act debate was - U.S. Attorney Thomas E. Moss. The Patriot Act was passed 46 days af-

Kathy Plonka/The Spokesman-Review

A video of U.S. Congressman Butch Otter was presented on Monday during the first day of the North Idaho College Popcorn Forum Convocation Serles Symposium. The topic was "The Patriot Act: National Security vs. Civil Ubertles." Otter Is an advocate for revisions to the act based on his concerns for cMI llbertles.

ter the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. Moss had been appointed U.S. attorney for the District ofldaho less than a month before the attacks. Otter emerged as one of the few congressmen to vote against the act and has continued to campaign for changes and outright elimination of many of the act's provisions while the administration seeks its expansion. Otter is concerned that the expanded powers in the act could be abused and used against ordinary American citizens, not against terrorists. He is particularly concerned with the "sneak and peek" provision of the law, which allows for searches with delayed notification of property owners; with

"roving" wire taps that can apply to multiple phones and potentially multiple people; and the expanded use of the law that makes it easier for the government to seize the records of businesses and libraries. He is re-introducing a bill called the Security and Freedom Ensured Act, or SAFE Act, that he said would rein in some of the most egregious elements of the Patriot Act and submit others to the act's June 1, 2006, sunset clause. Moss, however. painted the act as one measure that's helped safeguard the country from new terrorist attacks. "Disruption is the goal," Moss said. Continued: Patriot Act/BS

orth Idaho office: (208) 765-7100, toll-free {800) 344-6718; fax (208) 765-7149: e-mail news@spokesman.com

Onllne reglonal news: w

Patriot Act Panel disCl.1S.5ions follow Continued from 81

"Information is the key." Paraphrasing President Bush, Moss said it's no longer good enough that law enforcement catch criminals after the fact. In the post-Sept. ll world, terrorist crimes have to be prevented, not just prosecuted, he said. "The world has changed, and so must the law," be said. Since the Patriot Act went into effect more than three years ago, no one has taken advantage of a provision in the law that allows citizens who believe their rights have been violated under the law to file suit against the government, he said. "The Patriot Act does not overreacn," Ile said. The presentations by Moss and Otter were followed later by

a panel discussion in the NlC student union building. The Popcorn Forum continues today with two different panels on the press. First, at 10:30 a.m., legal experts James M. Vache and Gary Maenara will give their interpretations of tile First Amendment and its application to a free press in a presentation called "Free Speech and Press vs. Censorsllip." At 11:30 a.m., editors ofThe Spokesman-Review and The Coeur d'Alene Press, along with a University ofldaho media professor and spokesman for the Kootenai County Sheriff's Department, will discuss media responsibility and whether the press bas an obligation to withhold certain kinds of information. The panel discussion will be mediated by the Idaho Press Club.

On Wednesday, the Popcorn Forum continues with the topic of samesex marriage, in a 9 a.m. discussion between Praveen Fernandes, a public policy advocate with the Human Rights Campaign in Washington, D.C., and Dwight G. Duncan, a professor at the Southern New England School of Law. Thursday's topic is "The Right to Privacy vs. the Public's Right to Know" at 9 a.m., featuring Jack Van Valkenburgh of the Idaho chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union and Jeff Jacoby, a conservative columnist for the Boston Globe. Friday will feature a video presentation by U.S. Sen. Larry Craig, R-Idabo, on the Second Amendment and gun ownership, at 11 a.m., followed by a presentation on ''Violence and Technology in the 20th and 21st Centuries" by Marilyn Levine, a professor of social services at Lewis-Clark State Col-

lege, at 11:30 a.m. AJI presentations are in Boswell Hall followed by afternoon panel discussions at 1 p.m. in the Lake Coeur d'AJene Room of the Edminster Student Union building.


The Press, Wednesday, March 23, 2005

For news or story ideas: Call City Editor Bill Buley at E-mail: bbuley@cdapress.com


From left, Mike Patrick, managing editor of the Coeur d'Alene Press, Kenton Bird of the University of Idaho, Capt. Ben Wolfinger of the Kootenai County Sheriff's Department, Kent Propst, of North Idaho College and Steve Smith, editor of the Spokesman-Review answer questions during a panel discussion regarding journalism Tuesday at the 35th Annual Popcorn Forum at North Idaho College.

News ethics discussed Panel contrasts public's right to know with 'human decency' By TOM GREENE Staff writer

COEUR d'ALENE What makes a story newsworthy, censorship and the realities of the news-

paper business were localized by a panel of journalists as a complementary event to North Idaho College's Popcorn Forum Tuesday. How much, if any, information should be withheld from the public was the focal point for much of the discussion, with SpokesmanReview editor Steve Smith saying that although "there are no absolutes in this work, we tell people

what we know when we know it" within a framework of values. Mike Patrick, managing editor of the Coeur d'Alene Press, responded by saying they temper the same philosophy with "human decency" so as to not "assail people I report to (newspaper readers) from an ivory tower they can't reach." FORUM continued on C4


continued from C1

Also on the panel was Capt. Ben Wolfinger of the Kootenai County Sheriff's Department. In January, the department issued a statement criticizing the Spokesman-Review for releasing the names of two sheriff's deputies involved in a fatal Dec. 28 shooting after being requested not to by the sheriff. Coeur d'Alene police officer Michael Kralicek was severely wounded in the shootout and the suspect was killed. Wolfinger said his department "commonly asks that (details of an investigation) to be withheld." "For the most part, we've never had a problem with the media doing that," Wolfinger said. Smith said the sheriff's request to withhold the name of the two deputies involved in the shooting was made "to protect the mental health of the officers involved." He said since one of the deputies was involved in another shooting a few months earlier, the public deserved to know the full range of facts. "It is a balancing act and the goal, ultimately, is to be true to

censored something along those lines," Patrick said. When asked by audience felt it was due process. I felt the two member Dan Gookin how the deputies who were involved in the "blogosphere will shake down" the newspaper business, Smith incident were, in a sense, victims." said his goal is to extend newspaper values to the Internet - Mike Patrick, since he's come to the concluCoeur d'Alene Press managing editor sion in the last few years that print journalism won't last Patrick said he welcomed the Internet as another "dimenthe value," Smith said. Idaho's School of Journalism, sion of freedom" in exchanging He said the "trust between asked both editors if they ever information and ideas, but that our organization and the pub- had to engage in self-censor- biogs are many times factually lic" is the newspaper's high- ship since both papers had incorrect and have "no innate est calling and the newspaper owners with various interests credibility." isn't influenced by government in their respective communi'1t's up to those who absorb institutions. ties. information to decide what's "Maybe that's the ivory Smith, whose newspaper is true or not," Patrick said. tower, in which case, I plead owned by the Cowles family The North Idaho Chapter guilty," Smith said. from Spokane, said his pub- of the Idaho Press Club sponPatrick said The Press' edi- lisher will shake his hand and sored the event : torial staff weighs the public's thank him for doing his job The public is encouraged to right to know information with even if an editorial decision attend and ask questions at aU the harm releasing the infor- cost the newspaper thousands Popcorn Forum events. mation might do to the victims of dollars. ' on a daily basis. In the sheriff's Patrick said he believes The lineup for the Popcorp deputies' case, releasing the Press owner Duane Hagadone Forum: names before the investigation values both the community's • Wednesday, March was complete did more harm and his company's interests 23: Sex and Politics: The than good, he said. equally. He said he has never Arguments for and Against "I felt it was due process. I had a problem telling his boss, Same-Sex Marriage felt the two deputies who were Publisher Jim T hompson, • Thursday, March 24: involved in the incident were, "when something is unflatter- The Right to Privacy vs. The in a sense, victims," Patrick ing." Public's Right to Know said. "Never once in my three • Friday, March 25: The Kenton Bird, a panelist and years here has Duane Second Amendment and Gun interim director of University of Hagadone or Jim Thompson Ownership



Page 82

Journalists say government data harder to get

The Spokesman-Review

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Influence of advertisers and newspaper owners of concern to audience members

By James Hagengruber Staff writer

From disputes over publishing Kootenai County officials' e-mail messages to increased restrictions on viewing federal records, prying information from government agencies is increasingly difficult, according to journalists participating in a panel discussion Tuesday at North Idaho College's Popcorn Forum. The push for secrecy is the strongest Spokesman-Review editor Steven A. Smith has seen in his 35-year career. "It's really a scary time," he said. During a question-and-answer session, audience members and one panelist expressed equal concern about the influence of advertisers and newspaper owners on lo-

cal journalism. Panelist Kenton Bird, interim director of the University of Idaho School of Journalism, drew applause when he directed a question at Smith and Mike Patrick, managing editor of the Coeur d'Alene Press: "Do you ever have to engage in self-censorship?" AJthough Patrick said he has "never once" been censored by his newspap~r's owner. Coeur d'Alene businessman Duane Hagadone. he is sometimes accused of being a puppet. ''Some people have said I've sold my soul to the devil and the devil looks a lot like Duane B. Hagadone." Patrick said, prompting laughter from the audience of roughJy 100.

Hagadone is enthusiastic about the charms of his hometown, but he also understands that his newspaper needs to be allowed to publish unflattering stories, Patrick said. "We don't always agree." Critics of The Spokesman-Review have said the n~wspaper gave favorable coverage during the development phase of the River Park Square parking garage. The mall's development companies are owned by Cowles Publishing Co., which aJso owns The Spokesman-Review. Smith said one of his first moves after being named editor nearly three years ago was to secure a pledge of complete editorial independence in covering the parking garage issue, as well as other business interests of the Cowles family.


Forum continues North Idaho College's Popcorn Forum continues at 9 a.m. today in the Schuler Auditorium with a debate about same-sex marriage.

Although publisher Stacey Cowles sometimes ''pounds his fist" and "rails" about stories in his own newspaper, he does not meddle with the newsroom, Smith said. North Idaho College instructor - and Spokesman-Review correspondent - Nils Rosdahl asked Smith and Patrick to ex-

plain their newspaper's differing coverage in the aftennath of a shooting that left Coeur d'Alene police Officer Michael Kralicek critically injured and the shooter dead. The Spokesman-Review published the names of two county deputies involved in the incident, defying a request by the sheriff. The Press agreed to withhold the names until the investigation was complete. "It was due process," Patrick said. "The appropriate human thing to do was to wait until the investigation was complete." Smith said that he was troubled by the notion of law officers being allowed to use "deadly force in anonymity," and that a principle of the newspaper is, "We tell people what we know when we know it."

The North Idaho College Popcorn Forum presents

:7='3D p.;m. Friday; March 25 Boswell:Hall Schuler Auditorium Featuring the

NIC JO%% Ensemble and the

Eastem Wo~ton VniVersitlf .Perf:MSsiol\ ~ble


}4\NORTH IDAHO COLLEGE . 3511111111111

Popcorn Forum 1111

Co1NOcadon series SVmPDSium

March 21-25, 2005


lon.. lar.21 IOa.m. 1-2:30 p.m. 6p.m.

Tues..Mar.22 L0:30a.m. I l:30a.m. 1-2:30 p.m. 7-8:30p.m.

Wed.,lar.23 9a.m. l-2:30 p.m.

Thurs.. Mar. 24 9a.m. l-2:30 p.m.

FrL.Mar.25 11 a.m. ll :30a.m. 1-2:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m.

The Patriot Act: Nauonal Securnv vs. Civll Uberdes Congressman Butch Otter, Washington, D.C. Thomas E. Moss, Boise, Idaho Response Panel 8th Annual Human Rights Banquet

Schuler Auditorium Lake Cd'A Room, SUB Coeur d'Alene lnn

Free Speach and Press vs. Censorship- - -

James M. Vache, Spokane, Wash. Gary Machara, Mercer lsland, Wash. What's News? with the Idaho Press Club Response Panel Response Panel

Schuler Audirorium Schuler Audicorium Lake Cd'A Room, SUB Lake Cd'A Room, SUB

s11 and Polhlcs: The Arguments For & Against Same-Sex Manlaue ~-~

Pravcen Fernandes, Washingcon, D.C. Dwight G. Duncan, Cambridj!e, Mass. Response Panel

Schuler Auditorium Lake Cd'A Room, SUB

The Rlabt to PrlVacv vs. The Public's Right to Know Jack Van Valkenburgh, Boise, Idaho JeffJacohy, Brookline, Mass. Response Panel

Schuler Auditorium Lake Cd'A Room, SUB

The Second Amendment and Gun ownership Senator Larry Craig, W:\Shingcon, D.C. Violence and Technology in the 20th and 21st Centuries Marilyn Levine, Ph. D., Lewiston, Idaho Response Panel M11~ical Concert

Schuler Auditorium Schuler Auditorium Lake Cd'A Room, SUB Schuler Auditorium

All events are free and open to the publlc (except lhe March 21 Human Rights Banqoeo. For lnlonnatton about the Popcorn Forum. call 208.l69.TI64.

NIC Popcorn Forum begins tonight Event focuses on efforts to make communities safe from sex offenders

Union building from

6:30 p.m. to 8:30

p.m. ~ "Because of the terrible, horCOEUR d'ALENE - North rendous crimes we've had. there's Idaho College's Popcorn Forum a real heightened series kicks off tonight with the awareness to make timely subject of how communities Stewart can be safe with a rising parolee and our community safe," said Popcorn sex offender population. Forum creator and lead organizer The "Safe Communities: Planning for the Future'' forum Tony Stewart. A panel of eight prison and sex will be held tonight at NIC's Lake Coeur d'Alene room in the Student offender experts will make presen-

tations. Tom Hadlow, with the Idaho Department of Correction, helped rewrite the department's P?licy on sex offender management m communities and will provide an overview and be available for questions. Tom Hearn with the Sex Offender Classification Board \viJl also give a presentation and answer questions. Hearn will present information on how the board determines who should be classified as a violent sexual predator. Probation and parole officers will also be available to talk about how

they manage this population. Teresa Jones, spokeswoman for the Idaho Department of Correction, said after presentations and a short question and answer session, the public will have an opportunity lo visit various tables to talk with experts. "I think it will be a great educational tool for the community," Jones said. "We're hoping people will visit the tables and get more indepth and diverse opinions."

FORUM continued on CS


continued from Cl

The Press, Thursday, Sept. 8, 2005

For news or story ideas: Call City Editor Bill Buley at 664-8176 ext 2006¡ E-mail: bbuley@cdapress.com ¡ '

Stewart said prison population growth, treatment for offenders, and sex offender management will all be topics addressed at the forum. Twenty-two legislators are co-sponsoring the statewide events. North Idal10 legislative participants include: Reps. Mike Mitchell, John Rusche George Eskridge, George ' Sayler, Mary Lou Shepherd and Sens. Michael Jorgenson and John Goedde.




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State seeks help with big prison population Growing number of inmates has Department of Correction after solutions By TOM GREENE Staff w riter COEUR d' ALENE - With a prison population growing at a rate faster than Idaho's regular populatibn rate, the state Department of Correction is asking for help. 'The numbers are staggering and we expect the numbers of probationers and parolees to grow by about 1,000 each year," said Tom Beauclair, director of the state Department of Correction at North Idaho College's first Popcorn Forum for the school year called "Safe Communities: Planning for the Future." A panel of prison and sex offender experts are making presentations to three more Idaho cities after Coeur d'Alene's Thursday meeting. The purpose is to present facts as well Beauclair asgatherpublicinputon how to deal with a burgeoning offender population in prisons and communities. Beauclair said there are currently about 17,000 criminal offenders either on probation or parole being managed by his department and "the Idaho PRISON continued on A4


continued from A 1

prison population has doubled in the last 10 years." He said his department is already preparing to send some inmates out of state to be incarcerated since "we've been full for a number of years, and what we've had to do is add beds to existing institutions." Beauclair said they are forecasting another 1,500 inmates in the next four years. 'That 1,500 is a large ptison - roughly $90 million to build and very expensive to maintain," Beauclair said. "What's causing all this growth? Mostly drugs. Mostly methamphetamine." Improving community-based treatment and providing more employment opportunities for parolees and probationers will go a long way in keeping them from reoffending, he said. "The Department of Correction can't do it alone," Beauclair said. "Jobs and struc-

"What's causing all this growth? Mostly drugs. Mostly methamphetamine." TOM BEAUCLAJR, director of the Idaho Department of Correction tured re-entry make a big difference." A parolee with a job is 3.5 times less likely to re-of fend than one who is unemployed, Beauclair said. It also saves money, he said, since it costs the state $55 a day to keep an offender incarcerated, compared to $4 a day to supervise one in the community. 111e department has a $139 million budget for the current fiscal year, he said. "It's not unusual to see $1 million spent on an inmate for medical care," Beauclair said. He added that it costs about $10 a day per inmate for health care. After budget cuts "two, maybe three years ago," Beauclair said, a position was cut that had pro-

vided a service to law enforcement which allowed them to find out from dispatch if a person was on probation or parole if they were out on call. Now, there's no way for law enforcement to know if the person they are dealing with is on probation or parole immediately from dispatch. "Does that hamstring law enforcement? Yes," Beauclair said. He added that there are other ways for law enforcement to get that information. Beauclair said the reason the prison population is growing at a faster rate than the state's overall population is mostly because of a lack of community-based treatment compounded with mandatory minimum sentencing and better law enforcement.

Tom Had low, Idaho Department of Correction program coordinator, also gave a presentation on d1e department's policy on sex offenders, which he recently helped to rewrite. Hadlow said the unsupervised sex offenders who ''top their sentences" and don't cooperate with treatment or who move from another state is a problem that needs to be fixed. "We support lifetime supervision legislation for sex offenders who are VSPs (Violent Sexual Predators) or refuse to accept supervision or treatment," Hadlow said. He said there will be a requirement in the new sex offender policies that will incorporate some sort of buffer zone around schools, but didn¡t have the details. Pointing to the increasingly high number of offenders being managed by his department, Beauclair asked the audience for input. "Is there some way the community can work with us to reduce that number?" he said.



:'\ F \'\° S P :\ P F R O F N O R T H

I D :\. H O C O l l F C F S 1 :'\ C E 1 9 ') -

Forum focuses on making communities¡safe

Rebecca Nixon/The Sentinel

Tom Beauclair, director of the Department o.f Corrections, presents statistics about prison growth during the Popcorn Forum's "Safe Communities: Planning for the Future" event in the SUB.

Prison population growing faster than general BY NOAH 8UITTAIN - STAFF WRJ'i'ER -

he NIC Popcorn Forum kicked off T the year by addressing Idaho's rising prisoner population in a meeting held Sept. 8 in the Lake Coeur d'Alene Room of the SUB. The program, "Safe Communities: Planning for the Future," featured presentations by members of the Idaho Department of Corrections, who cohosted the meeting, and other experts on Idaho's prison system. Tom Beauclair, director of the Department of Corrections, noted that even though Idaho is the fourth fastest growing state in the nation, its prison population is growing faster than the general population. "All of our prisons are full," Beauclair said. "We'll be sending prisoners out of state" sometime in the spring. Beauclair said that the Department of Corrections manages more than 17,000 offenders, a number double what it was

10 year~ ago: A majority of.the offenders are not m prisons, however.. "Sixty percent of the people we manage are in the community" as parolees or probationers, Beauclair said. Parolees are offenders released by the parole commission after serving a portion of their sentence in prison. Probationers serve their entire sentence while living in society. The meeting focused on how to meet the challenge presented by growing numbers of offenders Uving in Idaho communities, presented facts to educate the general population and sought input from members of the community. NIC's forum is the first of four such meetings around the state. Much of the growth in the prison population is caused by drugs, especially methamphetarnJnes, Beauclair said. According to a survey conducted by the DOC, 52 percent of prison inmates

indicated methamphetamine use as the primary cause of their incarceration. Mandatory minimum sentencing, better law enforcement and a lack of community-based treatment also contributed to the growth, Beauclair said. An important part of communitybased treatment, Beauclair said, is providing offenders with jobs when the re-enter society, When an offender has a job, they are 3.5 times less likely to re-offend, he said. Putting inmates in the community also makes financial sense, Beauclair said. It costs $55 a day to incarcerate an offender, but only $4/ day to manage an offender in the community. The panel also addressed the issue of sex offenders living in the communities. Of all inmates currently paroled, 9 percent are sex offenders. See SAFE, Page 15



19, 2005


continued from page 1

Tom Had.low, program coordinator for the DOC, reviewed the Violent Sexual Predator (VSP) classification. Sex offenders detern.lined to pose a risk of committing a sexual offense or engaging in predatory sexu;,il conduct are labeled VSPs. Only 1 perc~nt of all sex offenders in Idal10 are clas~ified as VSPs. This works out to 84 supervised and 316 unsupervised VSPs. While VSPs are required to be listed in a se>: offender registry for life, offenders who h,\ve "topped off" their sentence or moved tc) Idaho from another state do not receive

supervision, Hadlow said. Hadlow said the new sex-offender policies currently in development include buffer zones around schools and parks in which sex offenders may not live. He added that the Department of Corrections supports legislation for lifetime supervision of all sex offenders, not just those categorized as VSPs. Wrapping up the forum, Beaudair asked for input from the community. "I can't emphasize this enough: the DOC cannot do this alone," he said. 1/ll 111111/ I

'/,/ f; / / /

North Idaho

Playful Acting

THE PRESS Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Kalani Oueypo performs a part of Jay Peone's play during the Young Native Playwrights Project held for 1,200 sixth-graders at North Idaho College on Monday. Peone and seven other sixth-, seventh- and eighth-grade students from the Coeur d' Alene Tribal School in Desmet prepared the one-act plays, which were performed by professional Native American actors from Los Angeles.



24, 2005


Forum looks at 9/11 commission The NIC Popcorn forum presents "The 9 / 11 Commission: A look behind the scenes," a presentation that will explore the results of the Sept. 11 commission report. The presentation will be held at 11 a.m., Nov. 4 in the SUB's Lake Coeur d' Alene Room. Erin Smith, assistant to the president of the commission's discourse project, will present the information as well as what action will be taken by the government as a result of the projecct. The forum is free and open to the public.



Stocks ClO

Builders Supply adds showroom C9

The Press, Saturday, Oct. 29, 2005

For news or story ideas: Call City Editor Bill Buley at 664-8176 ext. 2006; E-mail: bbuley@cdapress.com

9/11 Commission assistant to speak Group's 567-page report provides ideas to guard against future attacks COEUR d' ALENE - Erin Smith, the senior assistant to the president of the 9/11 Commission's Discourse Project, wiJI speak on 'The 9/11 Commission: A Look Behind the Scenes" during a North Idaho College Popcorn For um presentation at 11 a.m. Friday in the Lake Coeur d'Alene Room of NJC's Edminster Student Union Building.

Smith will address the findings of the 9/11 Report, including what has been accomplished as a result of the report as well as future plans. The National Commission on Smith Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, also known as the 9/11 Commission, is an independent, bipartisan commission created by congressional legislation

under the signature of President George W. Bush in late 2002. Led by Chairman Thomas H. Kean, a former New Jersey governor, and Vice Chairman Lee. H. Hamilton, a former Indiana congressman, the commission was chartered to create a full and complete account of the circumstances sur rounding the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, including preparedness for and the immediate response to the attacks. The 9/11 Commission was also mandated to provide recommen-

dations designed to guard against future attacks. The 567-page public report was released July 22, 2004. After the release of the report, the 10 commissioners on the 9/11 Commission disbanded as a government entity in August 2004. However, the commissioners fell that it was critical to educate the public on the issue of terrorism and what can be done to make the country safer. The NIC presentation is part of the 9/11 Public Discourse Project, 9/11 continued on C4

Wednesday, November 2, 2005 Sp0kane. Wash. I Coeur d'Alene, Idaho




continued from C1

which was initiated to fulfill the commission's original mandate of guarding against future attacks through a nationwide public education campaign. Smith is the senior assistant to the president of the

9/11 Public Discourse Project. A valedictorian graduate of Truman State University, Smith speaks nationally to students about 9/11. At Truman State, where she was twice honored as the most influential student on campus, Smith earned a bachelor's degree in political science, worked for a summer as a research assistant at Harvard University and was named one of Glamour magazine's Top 12 College Women in the United States as an undergraduate. The presentation, sponsored by NIC Popcorn Forum, is free and open to the public. Information: 769-7782

!Briefly Compiled from staff and wire reJlOl1s

9/U project member

to 5Peak at forum E~in Smith of the 9/11 Co . . ' Public Discourse p . . 1Um1SS1on s ''The 9111 Com.miss~OJ~t will speak on Behind th s ion. A Look fdaho Colkg~ep~u~g a North presentation at 11 a m~ -~r~ Lake Coeurd'AJen·e Rn ay 111 the Edmi~ster Student Unj:'i o~~C's Sm11h, who is the senior uµ_dmg. th~ president of the 9111 ~ ,stant to DISCourse Pr . I u Pubuc findings of th~J;'Jfi• discus.5 the bas been accom /j h epon and what . P s ed as a result The NationaI Co · . · Terrorist Attack5 mm~1on on States, commonJ ukpon the United Co1nm;.,.,· y nown as the 9111 . ~,.,.,.,ron, was created b Co in la~e 2002 to create a fuU y ngres.5 the crrcumstan account of Sept.11 2001 ces s~rrounding the Co ' • terronst attacks n~~ also mandated that commis.5100 recommend e help prevent future attac:1easures to The commis.5ion disban~· . report was released in Au ~ after ,ts but the commis.5ioners fo~d ~911.1



Page 83

Public Discourse Pr: . its mandate togu dOJect. to continue terro · t ar. ~~a.inst future educa~oattacdks by rru11ating public nan debate.



. Stocks CB

Sandpoint bank shows growth C7

The Press, Saturday, Feb. 18, 2006


For news or story ideas: Call City Editor Bill Buley at 664-8176 ext 2006¡ E-mail: bbuley@cdapress.com ¡ '

Popcorn Forum returns to Chautauqua performances Symposium focuses on 'Great Minds From History' COEUR d'ALENE - North Idaho College's Popcorn Forum Convocation Series Symposium is returning to its popular Chautauqua format for this year's series "A Journey Through Time: Dialogue

with Great Minds From History" on March 2~24. Dozens of distinguished presenters will portray thinkers and innovators throughout time during the 36th annual Popcorn Forum series, both speaking and dressed as the character they are portraying. "Chautauqua performances have a way of drawing the audience in so

each person feels that they are really in the presence of these historical figures," said NIC's Popcorn Forum coordinator Tony Stewart. "So many people love seeing the Chautauqua format in the Popcorn Forum, and we're pleased to bring it back this year with another group of outstanding performers." A musical prelude performed

by NIC music faculty and staff will begin each day's events. On Monday, March 20, the symposium will kick off with a brief welcome by NIC President Michael Burke and Associated Students of NIC President Josh Gittel at 8:45 a.m. in Boswell Hall Schuler

FORUM continued on C3

North Idaho/Washington


"Ellington was a fascinating man and you can't help but be touched by his music."

Room of Edminster Student Union Building. continued from C1 A special concert by the NIC Jazz Ensemble will Auditorium followed by a explore 'The Musical World presentation by U.S. Supreme TERRY JONES, NIC rrusic director of Duke Ellington" at 7:30 p.m. Court Justice Sandra Day Friday in Boswell Hall Schuler O'Connor, portrayed by NIC Auditorium. Under the direchistory instructor Sharla Mary Kay Ash, the founder of George Frien will present as tion of NIC music director Chittick, at 9 a.m. A response Mary Kay Cosmetics, during Herman Melville, the author of Terry Jones, the ensemble will panel including several a presentation at 10:30 a.m. Moby-Dick, at 9 a.m. Thursday, journey through Ellington's Chautauqua performers, such Tuesday, March 21 in .Boswell March 23 in Boswell Hall favorite pieces throughout his as American aviator Amelia Hall Schuler Auditorium. Schuler Auditorium. Melville SO-year career as a composer Earhart and anthropologist Response panelists, including and Douglass will stage a con- and musician. Angie Debo, will follow at 1 Chautauqua performers such versation discussing various "Ellington was a fascinating p.m. in the Lake Coeur d'Alene as journalist Nellie Bly and issues at 11 a.m. in Boswell man and you can't help but be Room of NIC's Edminster neurologist Sigmund Freud, Hall Schuler Auditorium foltouched by his music," Jones Student Union Building. will review the presentation lowed by a response panel of said. ''We hope that is conThe ninth annual Human at 1 p.m. and at 7 p.m. in the veyed to audience members Chautauqua performers, such Rights Banquet will be held at Lake Coeur d'Alene Room during the concert." as American journalist Joseph 6 p.m. Monday at the Coeur of Edminster Student Union All Popcorn Forum events Pulitzer and Queen of France d'Alene Inn, located at 414 Building. Catherine d'Medici, reviewing are free and open to the public, Appleway in Coeur d'Alene. with the exception of the Human National Chautauqua their discussion at 1 p.m. in The featured speaker is performer Charles Everett Rights Banquet March 20. the Lake Coeur d'Alene Room Mississippi Attorney General Visitor parking permits will Pace will portray anti¡slavery of Edminster Student Union Jim Hood. Hood and Neshoba leader Frederick Douglass at not be required on NIC's camBuilding. County Prosecutor Mark pus the week of the Popcorn 10 a.m. Wednesday, March Professor of western and Duncan's closing arguments Forum, but visitors are encour22 in Boswell Hall Schuler eastern civilization at Johnson aged to utilize NIC's free Shuttle to a Philadelphia, Miss., jury Auditorium. A response panel Community College in Kansas Express, which leaves every 15 helped convict Klansman Edgar including several Chautauqua Fred A Krebs will portray Ray Killen in 2005 for plotminutes from the Museum of performers, such as first lady pioneer of modern physics ting the murders of three civil Abigail Adams and American Galileo at 11 a m. Friday, March North Idaho parking lot and the Shuttle Express Station at the rights workers in 1964. Tickets statesman Benjamin Franklin, 24 in Boswell Hall Schuler northeast corner of campus. for the banquet are $25 and will follow at 1 p.m. in the Auditorium. A response panel To receive a free printed must be purchased by mailing Lake Coeur d'Alene Room including Chautauqua performprogram, call the NIC College a check to the Human Rights of Edminster Student Union ers such as British statesman Relations Office at 769-7764 or Education Institute at P.O. Box Building. and Prime Minister Winston view it online at www.nic.edu/ 2725, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83816, Professor of philosophy Churchill and medical ethics events/ popcornforum. by Thursday, March 16. and religion at the University professor Dr. Joseph Fletcher, NIC communication instruc- of North Dakota and Furman will discuss Galileo's talk at 1 or Mona Klinger will portray University in South Carolina p.m. in the lake Coeur d'Alene

North Idaho

Portra~ng a legacy

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Mona Klinger, a North Idaho College communication instructor, accepts applause after her portrayal of Mary Kay Ash, the founder of M ary Kay Cosmetics, during a present ation for the Popcorn Forum on Tuesday at NIC.



O'Connor, Douglass, Melville, Galileo take stage BY TARYN BRODWATER Staff writer

A retiring Supreme Court justice, a makeup mogul, an abolitionist, the author of "Moby Dick" and Galileo are among the famous folks who will be portrayed during this year's Popcorn Forum at North Idaho College. College instructors and scholars from across the country have spent months studying and rehearsing for this month's chautauqua performances, said event organizer Tony Stewart.

The Popcorn Forum, scheduled March 20-24 at NIC, is free and open to the public. Each day's lineup includes a chautnuqua performance and panel discussions with additional performers. Other special events, including a human rights banquet and jazz concert, are also scheduled. . The schedule is as follows: • March 20: 9 a.m. NIC history instructor Sharla Chittick portrays U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, Schuler Auditorium; 1 p.m.

panel, NIC Student Union Building; 7 p.m., human rights banquet, The Coeur d'Alene Inn, tickets: $25. • March 21: 10:30 a.m. NIC instructor Mona Klinger portrays Mary Kay Ash, founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics, Schuler Auditorium; 1 p.m. panel, NIC Student Union; 7 p.m. panel, NIC Student Union. • March 22: 10 a.m. Charles Everett Pace portrays anti-slavery leader Frederick Douglass, Schuler Auditorium; 1 p.m. panel, NIC Student Union. • March 23: 9 a.m. George Frien as

Contact~ lcbiho bureau: (208) 765-7100; fax (2J8) 765-7149; e-mail news@spokesman.com

Herman Melville, author of "Moby Dick," Schuler Auditorium; 11 am. conversation between Herman Melville and Frederick Douglass, Schuler Auditorium; 1 p.m. panel discussion, NIC Student Union. • March 24: 11 a.m. Fred A. Krebs portrays Galileo, Schuler Auditorium; 1 p.m. panel, NIC Student Union; 7:30 p.m. NIC Ja'zz Ensemble concert, The Musical World of Duke Ellington, Schuler Auditorium. For additional information, visit the NIC Web site at www.nic.edu.

Onli~ regional news: www.spokesmanreview.com

North Idaho College Jazz. Ensemble presents

The Musical World of Duke Ellington

Music Concert 7 :30 p.m. Friday, March 24




POPCOaNFOaUJ.\ and Convocation Series svmnosium

'~ Journey Through Time: Dialogue with Great Minds From History" Mondav. March 20 8:45 a.m. Welcome: Michael Burke, Josh Gittel 9:00 a.m. Sharla Chittick as U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'C',0nnor ·~ 1-2:30 p.m. Panel of Chautauqua Performers

Schuler Auditorium Schuler Auditorium Lake Cd'A Rm, SUB

Sandra Day O'Connor, Former Supreme Court Justice

Tuesdav. March 21 10:30 a.m. Mona Klinger portraying Mary Kay Ash 1-2:30 p.m. Panel of Chautauqua Performers 7-8:30 p.m. Panel of Chautauqua Performers

Schuler Auditorium Lake Cd'A Rm, SUB Lake Cd'A Rm, SUB

Mary Kay Ash, Maryl<ay Cosmetics

Wednesday, March 22 10:00 a.m. Charles Pace portraying Frederick Douglass Schuler Auditorium 1-2:30 p.m. Panel of Chautauqua Performers Lake Cd'A Rm, SUB

Thursday, March 23 9:00 a.m. George Frien portra)'ing Herman Melville and his masterpiece Moby-Dick. 11 :00 a.m. Conversation between Herman Melville and Frederick Douglass 1-2:JO p.m. Panel of Chautauqua Performers

Schuler Auditorium

Frederick Douglass

Schuler Auditorium

Lake Cd'A Rm, SUB

Herman Melville, Moby-Dick

frldav. March 24 11:00a.m. Fred A. Krebs portraying Galileo 1-2:JOp.m. Panel of Chautauqua Performers 7:30p.m. Music Concert: The Musical World of Duke Ellingron

Schuler Auditorium Lake Cd'A Rm, SUB Schuler Auditorium

All events are FREE and open to the public for lnfonnauon about the Popcorn forum call 208.169.7764.



Stocks ClO


First phase of condos under way C9

The Press, Saturday, March 18, 2006

For news or story ideas: Call City Editor Bill Buley at 664-8176 ext. 2006; E-mail: bbuley@cdapress.com

'A Journey Through Time: Dialogue with Great Minds From History' begins Monday Forum, in Chautauqua format, in conjunction with Human Rights Banquet By LI NDA BALL Staff writer

Co urtesy photo

Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood is the featured speaker for the ninth annual Human Right s Banquet on Monday at the Coeur d'Alene Inn.

COEUR d' ALENE - The 36th Annual Popcorn Forum and Convocation Series Symposium gets under way Monday at North Idaho College. The forum returns to its Chautauqua format for this year's

theme "A Journey Through T ime: Dialogue with Great Minds From History." Chautauqua performances are where student or instructor actors take on the role of the individual they are bringing to life on stage. In conjunction with the event is the ninth annual Human Rights Banquet, which will be held at 6 p.m. Monday at the Coeur d'Alene Inn. The featured speaker is Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood. Hood and Neshoba County

Prosecutor Mark Duncan helped convict K1ansman Edgar Ray Killen in 2005 for plotting the 1964 murders of three civil rights workers. Hood's courtroom demeanor has been compared with internationally known trial lawyer Morris Dees. "Mr. Hood is the hero here," said Tony Stewart, North Idaho College instructor and a member of the Kootenai County Task Force oo Human Relations. RIGHTS continued on C6


- because he did the right thing. I knew I wanted to continued from C1 bring him here." Some of the key "Wlten he first talked about Chautauqua performances bringing Killen to trial, people include: in Mississippi asked him, • NIC history instruc'Why would you do this?' And tor Sharla Chittick as U.S. his answer was, 'It's about Supreme Court]ustice Sandra justice.' Day O'Connor at 9 a.m. "When he got the conMonday; viction, the same people in • NIC speech instructor Mississippi said they were so Mona Klinger will portray glad. It took bravery on his Mary Kay Ash on Tuesday at part. I watched Mr. Hood give 10:30a.m.; his closing statement and I • Great Plains Chautauqua was so taken, so impressed performer Charles Everett

Pace portraying Frederick Douglass at 10 a.m. Wednesday; • George Frien, professor of philosophy and religion, as Herman Melville speaking on his masterpiece, Moby Dick, at 9 a.m. Thursday; • Fred Krebs, professor of Western and Eastern Civilization at Johnson Community College in Overland Park, Kansas, portraying Galileo, Friday at 11 a.m. All of the Chautauqua performances will be in Boswell

Hall's Shuler Auditorium. The week will close with the North Idaho College J azz Ensemble payin~ homage to the music of Duke Ellington, under the direction of Terry Jones. Ellington's favorite pieces will be performed at 7:30 p.m. in Shuler Auditorium on Friday. All events are free and open to the public with the exception of the Human Rights Banquet. Information: www.nic.edu or 769-7764

Page AB • Monday • April 10, 2006

The Spokesman-Review

The North Idaho College Symphonic Band presents



A tribute to the founder of the Popcorn Forum

TOM~ /TEW.ART a professor, lecturer, author, community activist, and a founding member of the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations.

Music Featuring: Fanfare for Tomorrow Pictures at an Exhibition ~ Civil War Fantasy • Movement for Rosa ~ Godzilla Eats Las Vegas

7:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 12 Boswell Hall Schuler Auditorium



THE PRESS Thursday, September 14, 2006 A9

''The tribe and NIC have been partners in many projects that have served to enrich the cuttural, educational and professional lives of many North Idahoans." CHIEF ALLAN, tribe chairman

Debate set for Friday at NIC COEUR d'ALENE -U.S. House of Representatives First District Republican candidate Bill Sali and Democratic candidate Larry Grant have their first debate at 7 p.m. Friday in the Lake Coeur d'Alene Room of NI C's Edminster Student Union. The event is sponsored by the Coeur d'Alene Tribe and NIC's Popcorn Forum, now in its 37th year, with a reception for beginning at 6:30 p.m. 'The tribe and NIC have been partners in many projects that have served to enrich the cultural, educational and professional lives of many North Idahoans," said Coeur d'Alene Tribe Chairman Chief Allan. The candidates forum will be moderated by NIC Assistant to the President for Community Relations Kent Propst Panelists include Francis SUohn, Coeur d'Alene Tribe vice chairman; Mike Patrick, managing editor of the Coeur d'Alene/Post Falls Press; Dave Oliveria, Spokesman-Review columnist; and Noah Buntain, NIC student and the online editor of the college's student newspaper, The Sentinel. The forum is open to the

public, although only the panelists will ask questions to the candidates. Popcorn and other refreshments will be available.

uI am personally pleased that NIC can serve as the host for this congressional debate," said NIC President Michael Burke.

Saturday, September 9, 2006

Page S

Candidates scheduled to debate U.S. House of Representatives 1st Dist. Republican candidate Bill Sali and Democratic candidate Larry Grant will face off on platform issues during ELECTION their first '06 debate at 6:30 p.m. Friday in the Lake Coeur d'Alene Room of North Idaho College's Edminster Student Union Building. The event is sponsored by the Coeur d'Alene T ribe and NIC's Popcorn Forum, now in

its 37th year. The candidates forum will be moderated by Kent Propst, NIC assistant to the BiU Safi president for community relations. Panelists include Coeur d'Alene Tribe Vice Chairman Francis SiJohn, Mike Patrick, managing editor of the Coeur d'Alene/Post Falls Press, Spokesman-Review columnist Dave Oliveria and Noah Buntain, NIC student and

online editor ofThe Sentinel, the college's student newspaper. The forum is open to the I.any Grant public and the media, although only the panelists will ask questions to the candidates. Popcorn and other refreshments will be available. For more information, call (208) 686-0803 or (208) 769-3325.


Grant, Sali will debate at NIC Two lead in race for 1st District seat BY BETSY Z. RUSSELL Staff writer

dent Union Building. NIC political scientist and Popcorn Forum coordinator Tony Stewart said the Coeur d'Alene Tribe deserves credit for setting up what should be a lively debate. "It's the first one between these two candidates, so it's getting a lot of attention," Stewart said. Democrat Larry Grant, a former vice president of Micron Technology, will debate Republican Bill Sali, a longtime state representative from Kuna. Both men are attorneys, and both are seeking to represent Idaho's 1st District, which includes all of

The two leading candidates in a much-watched race for North Idaho's open congressional seat will face off in their first head-to-head debate Friday in Coeur d'Alene. The debate, sponsored by the Coeur d'Alene Tribe and the North Idaho College Popcorn Forum, is free and open to the public. It will begin at 6:30 p.m. in the Lake Coeur d'Alene Room of NIC's Edminster Stu- See DEBATE. 82



Continued from 81 North Idaho and the western half of the rest of the &tate. Also running for the seat are independent Dave Olson, United/Natural Law Party candid.ate Andy Hedden-Nicely and Constitution Party candidate Paul Smith. But the face-off between the two major-party candidates has drawn national attention, in part because it's considered a competitive race with an uncertain outcome. Stewart said national experts have picked out just 45 of the 435 congressional races this year as being "in play," and "this is one of them." Sali won a bitter six-way Republican primary with 25.8 percent of the vote to become his party's nominee. Grant defeated Coeur d'Alene businessman Cecil Kelly III with 74.8 percent to win his party's nomination. "All indication is that it is a competitive race and could go either way," Stewart said. The national attention on the race comes in part because


Democrats and Republicans are vying for control of the U.S. House, where their numbers are fairly closely split but Republicans now hold a majority. Issues in the race range from immigration to public land management to the war in Iraq. Just this week, the two candidates clashed over Sali's call for male-

ing English the official language of the United States, which Grant called a "diversion" from more important issues such as federal spending, corruption and Iraq. The 1st District seat is open because its current occupant, three-term GOP Rep. Butch Otter, is giving it up to run for governor. The election is Nov. 7.






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Tribe co-sponsoring debate to boost role BY BETSY Z. RUSSELL Staff write.r



Coeur d'Alene Tribe officials say their co-sponsorship of a congressional debate in Coeur d'Alene tonight is part of an effort to take a more active role in poUtics and poUcy in the region. "The chairman and the tribal council want to' get a little bit more proactive on issues," said Quanah Spencer, the tribe's legislative director. "The folks that are vying for the 1st Congressional District race are in effect going to be representing the tribal constituency also." Tonight, the two leading candidates for Idaho's open 1st District congressional seat, Democrat Larry Grant and Republican Bill Sall, will face off in their first debate, co-sponsored by the tribe and by North

If you go What: 1st District congressional debate When: 7 p.m. today Where: Lake Coeur d'Alene Room, Edminster Student Union Building, NIC Cost: Free

Idaho College's Popcorn Forum. Jim Weatherby, political science professor emeritus at Boise State University, said, "I think it's great. We need more debates, and we need more groups like the tribe encouraging their members to get out and participate." Spencer said the tribe plans See DEBATE, 86

Page B6 • Friday • September 15, 2006


Continued from 81 to bring several busloads of its members from the reservation to watch the debate. Members of a tribal youth council also will tour the college campus as part of the event. "This will be a first for the tribe - we hope it won't be the last," Spencer said. "We've got a lot of folks in the tribal community that are very excited about the opportunity to attend this forum and listen to what a potential congressman has got to say about the issues." Panelists for tonight's debate include local journalists, a student journalist, and a tribal council member. NIC official Kent Propst, assistant to the president for community re-

lations, will moderate. Spencer said, ''Part of the reasoning behind this whole effort has been an attempt by the tribe to really get out there and get themselves educated on the issues, and also to kind of reintroduce themselves to the North Idaho region, and let the North Idaho region know that the tribe's going to be a ve.ry big promoter of a lot of the ideals and ideas that shape northern Idaho." Weatherby said, "The tribes are players." They've been involved in Idaho's political arena from sponsoring a successful gaming initiative to lobbying the state Legislature and Congress, he said. "I think they are well advised to make their voices heard and to be seen as players in both the state and federal arena."


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Sali, Grant square off in debate Candidates hope to fill seat for Idaho's 1st Congressional District By TOM GREENE Staff writer

COEUR d'ALENE - North Idaho College hosted the first debate for arguably the hottest statewide race Friday, with Republican candidate for Idaho's 1st Congressional District Bill Sali squaring off against Democratic candidate Larry Grant. Grant, who is a former vice president of Micron, opened by saying Americans have less money in their pockets and friends around the world with a GOP majority in the House. "I really believe the country is on the wrong track; we need to fix it and to do it we need to send some different folks to Washington," Grant said. Sali, who is a state representative, called himself a "free market, pro-growth, social conservative who believes the country is still a shining city on a hill." He added that he believes the break up of families is the most see DEBATE, A14

A14 THE PRESS Saturday, September 16, 2006



Kootenai County Sheriff's Deparbnent warns of Medicare scam COEUR d'ALENE -The Kootenai County Sheriffs Department is warning residents of a scam which targets senior citizens.

In this particular scam, the caller claims to be from Medicare, then advises an unsuspecting senior they have overpaid Medicare the previous

year and are entitled to a refund. Anyone receiving such a call is asked to contact their local law officers and report the attempt

Sall, who has been criticized for not getting along with some GOP leaders, responded that he can serious social problem facing work well with anyone and the U.S. received checks from three 'There's a moral decline, I Democrats in his last state think, that follows that," Sali election. said. When asked about a bill When the two candidates that would mandate English were asked how they would as the official language of work with Republicans in the U.S., Sall said, there was Washington, D.C., Sall said a "divisive nature" in having he intended to do what was more than one language, and right for Idaho. having English-only would be "For those running politics unifying. as usual, I'm not going to get 'These issues are more along with them," Sali said. divisive and, I think, they Grant said there were mask the real issues that many indications the U.S. need to be addressed," Grant House was going to be consaid. trolled by the Democrats Sali said a free market after the November election. system that allows for "If that's the case, it might cheaper generic drugs will be important for Idaho to bring down the high cost of have at least one congressprescription medicine. Grant man in the majority party," said giving agencies such Grant said. "If he goes to as health consortiums and Congress, he moves his unions the ability to negotiparty farther to the right and ate with drug companies, if I go I move my party closer like Veteran Affairs currently , to the middle." does, would make drugs less

expensive. Sali said a question on how the government can best ensure Americans have jobs that pay a living wage was a "loaded question." He said the government's job is to create a healthy climate for business and the jobs will follow. He said the cost of government is "built into everything" and cutting government will put money back into people's pockets. "We need to keep government out of the business of establishing what your wage should be," Sall said. Grant r esponded that wages were low "because employers will pay you as little as possible." 'The only thing a supply side economy has given us is a big national debt," Grant said. "I do not believe giving money to the wealthiest people in America helps the poorest in America." The event was sponsored by the Coeur d'Alene Tribe and NIC's Popcorn Forum.

DEBATE from A1



Sall, Grant stake out positions Debating candidates differ on wages, fighting terrorism BY BETSY Z. RUSSELL Staff writer

Congressional candidates Bill Sali and Larry Grant clashed on everything from wages to health care to terrorism, as each sought to define himself in their first head-to-head debate Friday night in Coeur d'Alene. "If Mr. Sali goes to Congress, he moves his party to the right," said Grant, a Democrat who called himself a "fiscal conservative and a social moderate." "If I

"foregone conclusion" that Democrats will retake the majority in the House. "If that's the case, then it might be very important for Idaho to have at least one member in the majority party," he said. Sali is a longtime state representative from Kuna, while Grant, of Fruitland, is a former vice president of Micron Technology. Both men are attorneys. Also running for the seat are independent Dave Olson, United Party candidate Andy HeddenNicely and Constitution Party candidate Paul Smith. JESSE TINSLEY The Spokesman-Review All are seeking a rare prize: an open congressional seat Idaho's Republican Bill Sall and Democrat Larry Grant debate Friday at

go to Congress, I move my party closer to the middle," he said. Sali said, "I am a free-market, pro-growth, social conservative." He decried government growth, "the breakup of the family'' and "moral decline.'' The two sparred before a full house of more than 200 at North Idaho College. "For those who want politics as usual, I'm not going to get along with them," Sali declared. Grant said national political pundits are now saying it's a See DEBATE, B4

North Idaho College. The congressional candidates' debate was moderated by NIC's Kent Propst.

Page 84 • Saturday • September 16, 2006


Continued from B1 1st District seat in Congress is open

because its current occupant, three-term Rep. Butch Otter, decided to run for governor rather than seek re-election. The Sali-Grant debate was cosponsored by the Coeur d'Alene Tribe and the North Idaho College Popcorn Forum, and the audience included everyone from members of a tribal youth group to local legislators to students. John Schwandt, of Coeur d'A¡ Jene, and his wife, Donna, came to watch. "I just wanted to hear what each of them had to say," said Schwandt, a forester and 30-year

local resident. ''You see the brochures, but that doesn't really tell you anything." The two candidates were questioned by a panel that included an NIC student journalist, a Coeur d'Alene tribal council member, a Spokesman-Review editorial writer and a Coeur d'Alene press editor. Student journalist Noah Buntain asked both candidates how they'd ensure every American can get a job and earn a living wage. Sall said, "I don't think it's government's job to ensure that people have a job at all." Instead, he said, government should ensure a healthy economy so businesses can thrive. "Businesses should be in the business of providing jobs,"

Sali said. He asserted that the only reason people want higher wages is because the cost of government is rising. "That cost of government is getting built into everything - it's built into this table," he said. ''We ought to keep the government out of the business of establishing what your wage should be." Grant said, "Businesses are not in the business of creating jobs they're in the business of making money." Government, he said, can use tax policy and regulation to "shape corporate behavior." "I disagree that wages are low because of the cost of government," Grant said. ''Wages are low because employers will pay you as

The Spokesman-Review

little as they have to." Sali came out against allowing prescription drugs to be reimported from Canada, noting a recent case that turned up fake drugs. He said the way to lower prescription drug costs is to choose generic, rather than name-brand drugs. "If you're going to buy name-brand drugs ... you're going to pay more money. That's the long and short of it," he said. Grant called for allowing groups of insurers, unions, health care consortiums and others to negotiate for better prices with drug companies, and said that model has worked for the Department of Veterans Affairs. He also backed allowing imports from Canada.

"The fact is, prescription drugs are not a free market," Grant said. "There really isn't any competition with prescription drugs." Asked about the war on terror, Grant called the current strategy "flawed." He said; "Here we are fighting a conventional war in Iraq under the guise of fighting terrorism." That won't work, he said, "unless you are prepared to put a lot of people on the ground and leave them there forever." Sali said the war on terror won't end until "there are no more Islamic fundamentalists who believe that they need to kill everyone who is a Christian or an infidel - it's going to last that long." Sali said he supported Otter's in-

itial vote against the Patriot Act but said: "The question is, does our Constitution work for terrorists? I don't believe it does." Grant warned against targeting people over beliefs. ''People have the right to believe whatever they want," he said. "The war on terror will end when those folks stop acting on those beliefs. That's a very important distinction to make." Sali responded by asking the audience how they liked having the Aryan Nations compound "right in your backyard." "There's danger with thoughts," Sall said. "Ideas have consequences, and until those ideas change, we'll have a war on terrorism." The election is Nov. 7.

U.S. House Idaho candidates hold inaugural debate at NIC Republican Sa fi, Democrat Grant battle for votes as citizens attend Popcorn Forum sponsored by school, Cd'A Tribe BY TRAVIS HATHAWAY - STAFF WRITER -

Congressional candidates Larry Grant, a Democrat, and Bill Sali, a Republican, debated in the SUB Sept. 15 as part of a Popcorn Forum sponsored by NIC and the Coeur d'Alene Tribe. It was the first debate for the two U.S. House Idaho District 1 candidates. A few hundred people showed up to witness the event as questions were presented to the candidates by a panel comprised of Sentinel Online Editor Noah Buntain, SpokesmanReview Associate Editor and columnist Dave Oliveria, Coeur d'Alene Tribe Vice Chairman Francis SiJohn and Coeur d'Alene Press Managing Editor Mike Patrick. The debate was moderated by Kent Propst of NIC College Relations. Questions ranged from everything from education to war. One candidate was asked a question, and the opposing candidate was given time to respond. Wl1en the candidates were asked their thoughts on education in Idaho, they both

agreed that Congress in Washington, D.C., has no idea about education at the state level. "We have the best teachers in the world, and we need to just let them teach," said Grant, a former vice president and counsel to Micron Technology. Patrick asked how effective they thought they would be when they both have prior histories of problems with Republicans. Grant said he thought he would have no problem, and he would not let his party differences interfere wit11 him doing what is best for Idaho. Grant has a support group called Republicans for Grant. Sali admitted he is probably "part of the reason for the Democrats taking control." He said he "won't vote with everyone-just what is best for Idaho." A question regarding the proposal to make English the official language of the United States was brought up by Oliveria, whose ancestors were from PortugaJ. Sali said he supports the proposal, and he said he thinks everyone in the country should be required to



Wages are low because employers will pay you as little as they can. LARRY GRANT. U.S. House Idaho District 1 candidate

learn English and assimilate into the culture. "I learned Spanish; it was a great thing," he said. "The best tool is the English language - it is the language of business in the world." Grant, however, said he opposes the proposal. "People have difficulty learning English," he said. When the candidates were asked about how they would vote on raising Idaho's minimum wage, Sali said the government should not set wages at all. "Gove rnme nt regulati on by agencies such as the Occupational Health and Safety Admini s tration and th e Enviro nm e ntal Protection Agency (drives) up the cos t of everything," Sall said. "I disagree that wages are low due to the cost of government," Grant rebutted. "Wages are

low because employers will pay you as little as they can." Throughout the debate, Sali said he wanted less government interfere nce with people's lives. However, he has publicly supporte d incr eased regulation on private lands and people's rig hts to same-sex mar riage and abortion. Sall has faced criticism from his state House colleagues. In April he insisted on discussing studies linking abortion and breast cancer, caus ing the De mocratic minority leader, a survivor of breast cancer, to leave the chamber in tears, foll owe d by othe r De mocratic representatives who supported her. Speaker of the House Bruce Newcomb, a Republican, later told The Idaho Statesman Sali was "an absolute idiot."

Candidates speak up atNICforum State of community college funcling takes center stage By TOM GREENE

Staff writer COEUR d'ALENE-With 18 candidates and three minutes each to speak T uesday, prospective state lawmakers had to make, their case fast on how they would legislate when it comes to community college issues. Candidates for state Senate and state House seats from districts 1, 2, 4 and 5 stumped quickly at North Idaho College's legislative forum at the Student Union Building. District 3 is not contested. In the District 5 Seat Brace, Lyndon Haniman, D-Post Falls, was a no-show, and Rep. Dick Harwood, R-St. Maries, sent a letter explaining that his wife was having surgery. • In the District 1 race, Rep. George Eskridge, R-Dover, said pressure in the Treasure Valley to bring in a community college has put funding and local control under a microscope recently. "Any legislative proposal needs to be equitable in terms of state support and needs to recognize funding at the local level," Eskridge said. With some communities paying for community colleges with property taxes - like Kootenai County - and others like the Treasure Valley reluctant to set up their own taxing districts, Sen. Shawn Keough, R&ndpoint, agreed with Eskridge that equity was a priority. 'The communities that have community colleges have worked very hard to fund what they have and need to be on the same footing (as other schools in the state)," Keough said. • ln the District 2 race, Rep. Mary Lou Shepherd, 0-Wallace, told the crowd of about 200 how important the GED program NIC rm1s in Shoshone County is, and

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professional-technical programs needed legislative support. "Many times the trades have better salaries than what's available for those coming out of four-year institutions," Shepherd said. • In the District 4 race, the Constitution Party candidate for the Senate, Ray Writz, said expanding offerings of courses on the Internet would help costs and students in rural locations. "We as taxpayers, and legislators, must work together to keep costs down," Writz said. Democratic candidate Steven Foxx said the legislature has failed Idaho's students, and he would :fight for local control of schools. "I believe firmly we need new leadership in this state - leadership that will bring balance to the government," Foxx said. Sen. John Goedde, R-Coeur d'Alene, said equity wasn't only an issue in Kootenai County, but at other schools in the state who pay higher tuition than NIC students. "We need to look at the possibility of replacing property taxes (for supporting community colleges) ," Goedde said. Rep. Marge Chadderdon, R-Coeur d'Alene, said it was still too early to decide on the :findings from an interim conununity college committee she sits on. 'The status quo probably won't work today as it did when we founded NIC," Chadderdon said. Republican candidate for House Seat B, Sharon Culbreth, said living in the Fort Grounds has shown her bow vital a community college is for a city like Coeur d'Alene. ''I look forward to talking to administers and faculty to further my knowledge of the system," Culbreth said. Democratic candidate for House Seat A, Bonnie Douglas, said local control and governance were key to having a responsive community college. "I think that is how we control our property taxes - how the money is spent," Douglas said.

'Rep. G ~ Sayler, D-Coeur d'Alene, said the current system is in need of "tweaking," but should not be completely thrown out since property taxes give teeth to local control. He called NIC the heart of the city. "Though it may skip a beat intermittently, I believe it is the life blood of Coeur d'Alene," Sayler said. Independent candidate for the Senate, Jeremy Boggess, said he would like more partnerships with businesses and higher education, and that ensuring affordability should be a priority. "I do not believe in a handout, but a hand up that must be genuine," Boggess said. • In the District 5 Senate race, Republican candidate Jim Hammond said he didn't believe local control and funding were exclusive from each other. "I'm very confidant we can maintain local control and still have a statewide solution," Hammond said. Rep. Bob Nonini, R-Coeur d'Alene, said he would continue to be a watch dog for North Idaho's interests when it came to legislators and administrators from southern Idaho pushing for inequitable plans. "As a returning member to the Legislature, the majority party and the education committee, I will be able to have significant influence," Nonini said. Democratic candidate for House Seat A, David Larsen, said local control should be kept at home as much as possible, and businesses have a give-andtake relationship with community colleges. ''It's the responsibility of business to pay living wages if we are going to produce top-quality, well-educated workers," Larsen said Democratic candidate for the Senate, Chuck Thomas, said he believed NIC was "functioning great'' and questioned whether anything needed to be done by lawmakers. ''You set a bowl of money in the middle of the table and the first hand that getc, there is probably a politician. I am not one of those," Thomas said.

Rep. Frank Henderson, R-Post Falls, said increasing funding for professional-technical programs is at the top of his priority list. ''It's my opinion, and that of many other legislators, it's at the high school level we need to begin professional-technical programs," Henderson said.

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