The North Idaho College Sentinel Vol 53 No 10, April 20, 2000

Page 1

t.-..nft.'C'l1hca:imp.:1,,a-.fott~ ,111dr11h. t.ur ,he uld ,.ht bcl•e ·c~ lht. ini.:tt..a\t" •ill hmrrica~~;.

The IOCfC-11\(" C~IIC' dlJC' IU ~"OOJCQl\'itlmtQtl4't)'Cdl'lltld coo1inu1ng rq,ul.a1,un s,,1w1b Shc-1:li:kr add-cd 1h,11 mcmc-y \t,J~lll p.l~"lht) bt c111!ccu-d rrom tinl),;1)1'~ or ,,Plk:01\ 1.11 ti1ha- l,Ww.l UIUIIIO.. IJDY,C\O', hQ:itd n1cmt,C"u Ml 1hu1 UUpa)'tn woulJ ht- unba:pp)

l1Jfird~tlal.1UlU"olffll111C). lf,~n,h;wdi;,"lnrwdern~•ol'u)' 11>1 •-ullq:i:, SJttUt't'11d '"l111h,;L&.lo,l~O)'t""-"'t'h.&''t'loo.'ffl•

j:Jt!;II IUiC1ealft l~l'eol'<- .m:11 lblnl.. tbl, trcc:lll acnl, Id

•"'I'" ff\btOl:Shclb\l.,~..JJJ)lltutmt'ftJuik'nlrJIC'

•11h k Jtoiinn

O..b.P ('lui11mt.ln. d111unW1 of the bi,,Jl'd. ..;.;J

•he fr~h ,.iuc,11h1ll i, ruM1c i•~ h,r lbt

COllVlllWty, v.bllt lhc illdi.\-.ll,;al i.tllO:'fll bkc, home lf10\ ¥l1'U

Thi!ill.lJilifllWIU'lney'•Ufltlf:itotJf,11'111111' De'llo 1 1.11,y 111111 Mall m dqwtmcrn11twr SU" tt..· """' u-.. from~ C'-Jk-~ 11 ~111:lurl 01.trLi:-lfflJt10'K')' ft11m 1hc cuiciun '"'-1\:..L"<Cc;u1b: J.'111111,war lllrbiP,tbl~ prOlfUlltl~ ,u,h thc CompUh'I ll'IIUflllilllUU Tcdn~) lC'lllil 1kldw'«trialtnJcal.2lit'1hc l('V)' llll.C und CUNn.11 the &.t\f',l)~· tJ\.ll ¥U ~a:ll~tnlh:,..,ili•~\NAlldflnl lMfflldwl~ lijq~ J'i<;iJ >at Ut.P,•)'tt Uulut\ tcdlk'l.'\1 ln•l'I ~S9 tt1.1llillfllllS.\1tm.ellkin 'II \\C IIR' g(lln!? en 1ml'°" Jn C\li.c.11lffl'I. 1hm ''"'' nw,1 i.tiM:c:'fd) kttp rniuon luv.-~ rof ,1uik1111.,,. !i""-'·1.lcr wld \\.t ri•hl e -.h,.i1 our ra11n11c,. ,.a ~111,p.h~"' 'lhl, c-o1n'1 be ti aU1tt},l btl\t.'N'ft "ttM.lcllb tJJJ ho..rd rncmhtr,..··tlwnbcfl;un "1ill Oe\piCC Shtd,.k','1 all,!;\lr.trllb. Ilic Jt•'Ciioil pu.o;cJ.

Ct111d1dme.,· '""km dmm ASNIC'1 l()p .</JOI

b) \t11t'f) tkiiilfil .V1ttj11l'IHr(">1ur

Stu~c,111 \1tlt'd l\rr11 t)l anJ M li•r ASNK u1r1~c:1 111llc1 '¥11C'\'ii pt ,;,l""f'-1l'IUf,l ll\.il cun1.11 1acJ ,nul•• i"lrmC'C1h ol n.11&on;1J rohtu;;al ~mru1111n~. 1r11;luJU11t: u Jcb.11c

~------ltc'iv.«11 1hc rnc- ,u.1J..-01 h1"t1,t). pJnii.itt11i11t t:.mJ.h.W~ltl lhc: \l'Bat 1m111~ \j'U1I l"l l'Jc~;lmn c1ult, v.crcn'l .,·,11l11hk hyrre\.,llfllrl'

Fanfare for the Spirit ( 1uJiJ,11c1 S11mm)'

"/ n·111/vdon'1 think 1iu111he \U1d<·11t.\1lt'ed10 ht"sfnt(·nn·clw aprr:.<tdemllke {)onm•,m Anwltl."

Urldl"tUunb, \S\1(' ,i<'f (l..,....kll'nl, f~df'lllli!l t"i1ndhla1cZ1n1rett1m.ut, IJriJJct Burn,, Oonu,4!1 AmulJ. )ii.fl(') f111\ o111J Hl)lliJl Odlon ,.,..,11,-J t,•dl~a,u,~h 1hc111,d\n lwcn die, ,,i,n11"-'.tiuon. c.\11tMl,hlnf rl..i.lonn'l on i1-\.tk"II hntn r,ulr.lnrt 10 11.ihllrlJ tt1nCuiln1t fontlh1M: (ruin

t..'.\p:t~eH fl,,,..,c,t<t. lhc t3.1np1ui:,0111i n 11()( 1•,t<r One

l..lfllC':,l,it from ~:-'O 1,, b.)U p.p1 .• VttJnt°\llo) Apnl !tt, ~il'"l'J 1n be tonHnk,11 fl•r r11~t11 ,10.:knh ffl.l)"


Ju~I 1illrr lhl' .\pnl I~ AS:'-lt haatJ mrchnJ,::. lloC'llilti,c t.1111pal••hnJ v.·,n unk.1i,hc.-J liy o!lll! tat'IJ.duic V-.:r P1"t1-iiknl OiuM, iitl.lllH-1 Arni:•IJ I tellfl)' ,l n 'I 1111"\ 11\;,,1 lbt' •10,ttnr. fl-!'cJ 11, t..t('l\lnu.~J lo II r'l'"'J,:nt Ille DvriouJt Arnold, Dunn ,ul. -nic ll;~l\1111 "'h)' f 1..n .~ he~..iu-.r f lt11.1u~t11 ,iw 1hr1ie v.n.- hi! cut.d1J:.1~ ~tio t1Jd wtctnty and "'~ mnrall1 , l 1hoo1h1 cowld 11')a t"''.IJJot> :\mnld t.l)"l rh~ ,r dn t(J the fo'i 1bi~S: he •,u'Wd tkt 1, 11:'lll'>luliutc Uc (unJ1nic to _11n!L! more '"°'It') 111 duti,. 0111.Soot p.,h&llh, 1·luld' , 1hc hr.11th crnl(1 llllll. prcr 11,UufhlJ rii,hllt! c.UUJnC the rre!1hk,u•, iJ111.:ttuon111) lunil. l11~')'cr coon,chnr H"t\·,,o a11,d fl(.uly i2U.CJii1 from 1hc 11,luJc11l ~,cnh h(l.,J II lhc: Mt«kl'II ('\(JIU ho;lf,J hA• It 1no•~C)' •h~n Cluh,. hr anJd. it \lo iU fotl't' dicrn ltJ '*~I. ~'f,:dicr Vi11lt dllm ic., axoinrh hm,~ U,nn• s.:,id ,1,c .,.ll'> *•t)' uf ,\ruold. bci;.iu~ of fal1oc: 111,;."\:Ullllil•n, l1c miJc o( lhc nu·n:tu ~rd MW Iha ·au UM'tW) 'Ital tu, 1enl ,nutne, .... l'.>dk,n ~.1,J be pl.41mcJ to ko:p 111, 1ltlcn1to11 1•11 hi. PW1I ,;-.;1mpa1gn. •rm f"lnS tu kt tlleom llir:1mchC\ - Oilk•n uiJ.

,',Jll111i 1bai he. ·1u,1 """'nh tu grl 111\oh•cd'" On,· 1><1hi110t1 hill!: "'"l:ll(d ,.~, 1n l'fll1,lk dc-,1,rwed ,p;1,.:c, I01C1 to ~l.d~,ooi:,c-. lur J"lt'l,:lpt' c111~r,. 1'al


Obllga10 has been playing for five year• and Is a member ot lhe NIC Symphonic; a.and Sde

t"jt11d1da1c Juncl 1-.tU. u1d ha main m1h10f) n "'11nllln)? the t,..,;Ud, -1 ha~(' f•',1,h arfJ I hnC' a rl 1lorm," hll "jJ HB\lt wfl.N 111.;ka me l'i:CTJllk•ll41 k 1h111 l v.·411110 ,w1k •t1J ht·lr~r r<urpk" V.tlh ll11U, idt.story on Page 13f

Legislature increases budget 10.3 percent

Three o1118r related COiiege 11111 denied

11> ~Mi,• C'arpc'r

$c,1li1t.rl Rr;:,orttr

T::,,,::::: /!U~ ~~:~!·:~;:

(u11dins: ,n,n:a,l· 3tld tCJC'..-:t.cJ lhlee h&ll bill lh.11 '4·uuld have btntfit~NIC The Sclliatc u1uuumou•I)· •~n\'eJ tht: S,!li.M ntUhon \~IC! budget lot NIC' 1nd c,,Ucfe o! Sw1hcm Jd.1hi,1 UI ·r.,u, FAib,,. A, in 1bc 11.a,1. lh-c 1wu cummun1f)

(Ol!CJC~ wUI C'\'Crll)' 11phl lht

lfl(IN.•)', l't).: 1111 pm."COI 1~'-t urp~,,ecJ b~ 2.J rc1ccnt thC' •moum Oen Dh lo KtmJtthmne badhXOl'llltlCDlkd, lndoJeJ 1n 1ho 11ppropnu1 , cm, t.111 '*"' S2fIJ.000 for NIC 1c, ~n 11p the North hh1ho Ccn1rr for Ht.her l:.duc:•1tun t~l(' H E). COll<'JC" official, :1lflttfil1p.-1c 1h~l lhc) "'ill ...:IU!l be- ;1bk to 1dcnuf) ,11e1 tu;e .:i IMatlun ro, 1bC!

'ilClfl': crnta. Tbr:y .al\111 hl,pc 1 s11in 1hc cuopcr1111on of the Un,n•f'lil) nJ lJJ.lwl hJ..ibo S111tc: Uftl\('fUly .iod l..n.-1~Clarl. 1\t.itc Ctilltrc \\ hllc 1hr ,n·cr•II tu.1J,:c, HM:Ra,t'd.clfom~ICIJ(lrcn) 1.u. rtlltr ~ummunuy Clllll',c llllp&)'Cf' f11ikd. Jtvu,e Bill ,s.1 v.·ould tulvc &"·en 11,po)·ef\ th.It 1'4IJlplf1 NIC • S2.1 mi11ion bce.ik. lhr-.tup_h 1""1fflC' I•\ ,;ml.II HU\l\e 8111 n, "iUll)J lw,c 75 pa«nC ut the ~nmmunU) :ullrtt" ,uppurt gtncrale.J b) IQCal J"l''"'PC''l ta, ktrir~ Thr thirJ. ll 1•t.,;(' 0111 S68.. wouhJ h.ivt Jbubl,d the ,ppropri~liora from 1ht' u1uc: hqu(lf ,'iC(llUlll ltum s~.(100 Ill SNIO,(X,0 All dm.."C" bilh di~J U'I

1hr Huu,.: Rr,rtWC

Uu,wcll CutJltl G,.,.llo~ lhri.~¢1 M.i) 12. • $how's run Ortl)' NIC 1h1Jct1t• h,nC' As,41117 May 12 Joctt" 1ho.: At1 Ill the, , .o\r1

Jtpanmcnc fl\W11P,;-1n~ j"""i;J • LOOlbOO all the p1«(' Ihe r•nccdurl" Boswell H.MI foyor fl)t ,ubfldl\lt>ll ,u.; l1.t1.,eJ on 111< rm:.u ltflGIRIIIII) Thr \l,~b 'o\l"ttd~1fRJ1ntiWJcnltm,ah't'd 111 lhe Mt dtp;inn.k'nl S1u&Jrtit, Vre'te alkr,.cJ au 4Uh111n ,,;i IO l\l,u r1«n of th,n, 1..i1,-.a: W(rl. \1,,1\ RCIC \.Ult.1hi. tn tun, ,t,;).\ lt')C1..IC'd. !lo,l 1~ li'".icticn t«:h dia:1pJ,1e J \..~ tt'juircrnrmt 1u'IJ fC-JuJ.,11011\ Suh1111"11101, '¥11tr't' urd11lly cuhu11ed ~)' 11111h11: •J1 '""""tilf'I ,111J Ulll'li'tt atw, \•did C"\,ituat1ffl to,m l"~h ln~uuc:lltt1 mdu&.-d \11it V,'tf l>Ml\ll lb.flt. f'h:11 Coch~ C'UOl'Cf-.J t.eb:, tbt tihw, f1'"f' ,cu.Jct," an f'f1'nnu,ut~ 1,1. .,., 1htn uknt• :tnJ ,we l'l'IOIIIC'V h 1• dlt 111<.k·nt,' d~ '¥1ohclJ~ Df 111111 lh(y ~:\!ti In otl1drirpunlt1lllt'~I"

11'0Qt'I m1h:J-i.,"' ,.Jttq ~,n

h:' funh.'f "'11h 1trlr '"vl

1,t, the~ lu\C h.'tn d•t<f1 b)' tbr nn1lq'llrtmc'nlft),Tlflf1~,-..11, an ar, U1,,... ti, ,po~ in

11ur f1111Jft' [H>nnc Fo heir.

K.umtn 1trt9'cn. SIC\C' St,-,,gpm.. ~u,-dl Oirh aiJ Jo

\Ian~ HO)tial Mt' o1 (C'VI f•f I~ ,11hi;r>Ua,lmlJ9Ci\·uh"C"1Sir,thc'4knfli. All 1M J11tH:d au \lr;t!. JuJ~J hy \.i,dinJ llft.N1111• \to111lih,1\r,i'il 11 l"'hr,11'1 1.11'11nttk'J ha., titcn ll'I all Uf'('(I, ffl)III poUery lO flh..*11'.,. IU Jt;n1.wp ft! p,tlffti"t', "' r:.v.ti rn,..:,i. iu he .\\11·111&.:J ui dllfcmn "*Jlft\ luf .a \'IO'I~ c4 uo;:px:(1. The .aaJrnt, 411d f•:uh> 1,1t l\t,th ,·c1, C\~ltr,.I .1hc111tt !he llf-."CliPll'll.,.t,ml, 1lu1 tu., b«,-1 • rr~JI)' f"t'.11' Iha\\ 111 h.lri!S,,•

Gotta Love • • • • • --- -~ Safe<:o Field makes. wor1hy sion,ping grounrl, fur M', This Place BACKPAGE Students take Spring Break excursion 10 Moab DESTINATIONS/PAGE 8 THE ENTINEL Thursday April 20, 2000 \<>11\ll" ,"ll" h\ll '\lll<\11 \\)\\ I ll (!1111(,1 C <>lll<P\ 1 1"1 1, ,11 Tuition goes up anyway Squaring on I> Slinging Mud by Jtn,- \1.1&.ntt!r Stntmt'/Rrpmtr, Stl.liklw., v.1111-*X \I \.l') 1Uilion Md fcc,i llltet'-.C bc:~I 'IC'IWMl:f llltct &,J!J ul 11,1 ft ncml\:f\ ,"Clk'd11mninni,I) \ ?? Dali Shcd,kt ASt,,;fC f'\"'11kn1. v.~ ~"""1 UIC' 1uiril111 ;111d itt 1,~ TIIIWib nllll1) lltld IIJlbVfllllln\.. Sh« lo" twghl boom mcmt!l'r, 11'1 lind •14·,1)-
Pele Obllga to ploys the 1rumpe1 during rehearsal lor a "Championing the Human Splrll" concen In Boswell Halt's Schuler Auditorium.
aaJ TaJ.m1nn Ct'ln,nut1« JnduJmc ,1111e t<'ncral funJ ffll)II<')', N I (."" ,~ \Uppontd b)' muoe) from 1bc ,t.ito liquor .Cl'Otmi, kx:al prof'IC'IT) ti'.l\C'.'o ainJ ,t!Jeknttu,IIOftu.nJ fc« i:,o,,.,.~_, Jo Meri• Roybal, oopl\OmO(o, rudles "Life's Mltcellony· 10, entry Into 1hl Comer Gallery's slOOfflt <1 shoW. UDENT EXCLUSIVE Corm·rGdlf~n· JJ[U_\'.\ lu>tltt. la htJr/.. ofN/Clfilw.M ul1hh h)' ll11nno") ·ra,..->r $..-NIII-IRc iji,Jr, A,IIJd.·n! 11 "hn,., d11r, 1,..J h) Pts1"1U.1 Cl~, .,.,,11 • GlllorV hof.w's 11c dnpla.yrJ ,n 1hr 10-4 w601,,dlys 1fn ., cU <'•lf'PN Galler)· a ).C1 P,. ll('l'II OOllutlil.\hHI nn tht .,,,r\ th.It" ,.,M SlQ•knt" hll Jodp:aiJOfilJ)~1bll,'"
IIICI 1 1 IIICl 1 1 ONLINE: ww-..n ,c.cdu/,..,n1i11el BY PHONE: 769-.3388 Fl~ FAX:76~-J1K9
s:a,I C"nlfd. ·111tn1tl.11J 1 •n •pini1I M."' 1°' tip:'111111. rm:'J1IIOCI •3'- trld«ln "fl"II lk fmm51117r-m NlthtCtlffl(TOalltr,

97 percent of • al l paP<'f mone) ! ,n the U.S • cont.ilns traces • or coca ine. :




Newspapers , ASNIC cut deal for students

b) \tur1y lkdt,ll j·.-Mm,IR,pt>11rt ASNIC~aft$ IQP3)' S$.t001"Pf'Q'Ytlk rtttcoptC"I oflhc Spc,~o,nuit1·Rc.V1c:w aid thr COcilt d' Alcnr PJ,e....: durut,g lbc UJ00/2001 ..:t>ool lffl \1 ftelltl)"4 perttni of ASNJC'~$138.000 )<t.ufy bud,ct. lhc cos1 (111 tlx p,pc:n. woukS b:: 1X1C ,.c ASNtC'111111p:rc.,1,p;~1ntft'.1. t.Um1


t1vt~11,lln..c,n C:~mnJ~hlm \o11' • tmiqi,t oppor11in1I) · fur 11uk11h 11111.J

C-\JffllUWut~ nk'nsbr-b h-' IJl.C,e l)J 1fKo11 dC•fiR) ti)' II\HII lhl'III th(" i.:aratulll) IO (:Ulll,k t J'!r1:Npa:1i,·c: fmi"oyc:h C'~"iJ)'

f.11t j\ Jcdfhc'd JU .llpJ11.•;aJ t11 e\1:f)OAC

nn c11mru •, "-'di nieomhCf\ 111 tht

cum1n,un11y L11\1 ) C"t c ppruklnt.a.tcl ~ l o

pcl'\.":ffli ul )lu.kah 11 ho .alk'nikJ th.:- Jot. l.l-lf


R11\ Kc.cq. Vrutl. b••-t:"i.l i l'.Hn1n1,1 "''J

rl.1,,rmm1 ,f".'d11.IJ11 1..1..d 1h.e1 o1w,o,1m.Mf)'

1so~mJ-'C'Or1c:- .i11<'ntkd1JicJ,, f.l11 1hh >~

.11ul 1!S ,.:1•m-rnnie" p:1.n1.<:1r;ittl.l \fo\1 r 1, .illrodre, Wt"rt: rnmn1uni1y member, k'l:onll.tlf tu Ktt\)' Thu, )C'JJ tbc r,u In'"" h.anJ, ril Kfc\'y. htt p.1tl·l111tc ~ccrcur~ :incl o1 com,umct n111.k u1, ur 11 Jl\·c,,.c r•uur ul peorlc 1 ht)' ha\1; Jc,,»nrJ the, 111 rtOVldt Cll1.J'JO~l1lcl'1l llf'1"tlf'1UIUl1C1- f11f rc1•j\lc J01•Uc~s In« \l.tWl. .anJ Cittttt klc.i., hi• the f\llUtt The ec,mm111cc 1, rvmpot<J ur ~11,1J.,.·tth, likllh). 1o1.111r and·ri ,,r ,h..- '"'""'mu,ury imd ln<ll.KkJ fl(:OS)k frnm lb.: ,\111111,nl OUi.:ir.

A\NI(." •bl.I ti:r10c'11t.1111 t'\ fn1111 the C'lumbtr or Cucntn('h.e. TI)( l•ctn'('f\11) fll.sho Jl\d

Le~ h .mJ CIJII. St l:: ('u•kSt: aho h,t•I; p.ut

1n 1hc (ll}!illl1ni1ina of 1h11 )"t lair hc~uhC'

he: Juh f11U 011 Apul I~ 111' ' Th,.1· (tltt' repl'l!.\'t'llllllfre.,) guidnl me in tht' ,lirectio11 of lfl.\' future

!<>i.111bl>f6orto. ,tud , at

1:lf the clu-.r- n:l.1110Mh1p amnl'lg tht' ~ootlh..

lllc orr.ani1t't1 .attatij!CJ c,·n)thln1 Iron•

"4.'1111'1i ,,p l.iblh 1111<}, aind \tl«bn,: the fooii h• be' 1,('f"\.,.'d to 1«n1111n; 90 c-n1ptt,ych

11, alknJ thr li111 attiJ r,tnrnotc 1hch

bfJt,.Jh~'i,..~t1Jtr1paa) fl"Jttt'Wtllo1h\>O rrc111, hmah,

l><-A<1,l\c<,; \lcdlc11I Ct'1un S1hc•~ood.

c;'-""1 S..m111111.1n C't'ntrr im,J the I. 111tcd Si.u,n

ltatdcr ll sor, were rlu.v-J 11h lht' .11 thrJ"t,LUt

Fttd S l:•1,1h lr(lfll thc l.l~UP I.lid lhill ill.I

1bc h.and,,1,1a 1111 IJl<'il dhpl"y '4'Ctt ili,1nbt.1icd

1n chc flN hottr ol Ult' !,au

Emplo)rO h.ll4 Q ,lun~c 10 fl,'1 t..nuh1J1

'4'11h J,..'t.-.l1111lt' h~•n MC. U ol I 11.nd l.<.'SC

.mJ 1t1 nh,tHI 1hr11 cniri.c»)·mt1u o,,p:tnm111tn

(,u PJ."-1111'1( \\lffiMlt"t j<1tu fnr (ontithun•

"IIJJt'nl~<'tlt Juli llnM:' job., fot ,i('\I.

,,ol.luarc, ,mil Jc,t... IIX 1hi· a;rud11.1ic1 lll Ilk'


4tumr l"mpl~1~(U l111Jl.1ng for ,u1,1:11h

1rur-1""''""* in J..ltr\l' :m intcmd1rp. •,,,h,lt' ocbtN

ltt' 'Al:Ct" n'°1u1t,n! !'lw.Jt'11b (mm 1pt"dfit: rrt11n.m, <if uudy Pf.If (',amplt', o.,mr,H,it'" 111.1y be IOOkl.llJ '°' fllUUC IC!l(hcr\ lro,n 1.he

~Ju~allun pmsum. n1('1<h1u1l.;:1. trom the nuu,motivc rro1um or n1.1r,ic~ ffom cbc rwniin,proJriLm " I on, alllJ: 1J1.;1f !he Jot> hm •1; open 10 lhc public.- Cbcryl 'rht,mpw.m w ad 'rJk' n-pR'loC'ttlJlll\'et, of (llfflJMQl,U al lht' Jolt Fait 't4CfC' 1nfonn11i'vc, hdpfQI at11J rni:odl) :· ..all.I 1t11~1u Sonh De8ott ~, j!'Uidcd me in chc d1rci:ooo 11f my fuun't-' ,,fo ma.11u ~hie )OOr fidi.l of 111udy, 11·11 QC\C't 100 c"I) 11.1 heg1ri )'l•Ur' fC)C.lrtb le, Ct:nil 1h1. n11h1 JOh ror a,1t1 11r•llu11111.1n. K<'C")' t.aid He ••Id the Job F111r pro, idn 1hc c,n,oc1tu1uy fot '-tlllkn1 ,,1 \l.lls.,L jt1ho, ,re •muliibk nov, n.nJ in lhc fuu.arc:_

~.:otJnit: Id KC'ny, 11.t1Sc111, ~i, I\Cnc-lt, fnnn IIIC foib fair cvt"n tr &he) ,re, not Jook111, lntv,,·or\riJhlan\lt Stl.kknU; \ltho 6.fttfl l(OUtg IU for a .)·nr Pl' mute hue ch( "h111cc IP 1alk lf'I rcp,o cn 1a1i1te, f,om coll'lp,111iiu tbc)'·,c mtctt,,IC'll ,n wlld.m11 lur 11,Hrr rrad1U&K111 HI V,'P\lld bt lul"fl)' ,rend • k'I'' mif\Ulea ulkln, t() .j ,wt.kflt •bou 1 lbC'!t lntc,oh. qu.iUfk;11K10, 1111J m~j«. 10 ro1011hcm ,n the rh:111 Jitccti(in." k«"') \ll.ld. Suidt111 v.ho arc '4nodc:rhitt ~hr1hc1 !heir .;iu111if1~uom, arc rith1 fo, • Job or ,,.h ich 1:ornp.1ruh ni~y b~ 1n1crc,ccJ 111 hirh1a, \c.omwrw v.hb lhdt m•J••t ~h1•11ld ,.,o~ by Kt'i!\) ·,. offo;c: in th..- H,dtood Bui ld1nJ, Room 1378 Uc' l.dl hi, ulfi<'e ut 769-3451. fpr ao nppn1n1mcn1 c:, m1ul• ,.y_kec:v)~nN:.cdu. To ufldal<' lll' prcp;art 11. tc\1ot1c, h~fp '" 011J1 .1t,I(' frum lbc. C.1.rc:c.r Ct111c1 1t1 lbc: \1u1ltnt Unwn and hom Krcvf,t,lfict'.

J1J\.I N"hlnd the St,.5()0 bud,ctcd for t hiC' Popcom Forum •nd d1e SS,000~1t:d fQrOutdoor Pu™'ihin 19W. Theth-L,ion '\lo..., m-5c: af~ J:>.,,14Jtffeoil. lhc Piu\circul.ltion m~cr, rn,cnkd lo ASNIC the lindlniµ t1r hi, 1tlll'\"'Y o( 1otlkknl'> 1u,J int t11d1 nc"", illllkc. A«antln; 10 the i,un·c.y. 6Z pct«,. or ,ttxk:nt\ ),Jjd t:(K I • 1n1P, flK'IQt tn \\i,y lbe) dld.n'I a ntv.~pet. ActdOOly 19ptf'('Ct,toftbc<mdct)Li.v.ho fol lO'l'td lht nc-.., ......t th.ii• papct ••, tb«r main '()l,lh."t' or De*\ 1'111,. f!Qjomy ~d tC"lc'o'l~i1.1n ~·.u 11-k,'ir m11in W)llf'«' For:. ont•ttklfllh "'lml peril.Id" ~•n& n'b. 21. lht \ offcm.I 100 tr« r;i-pm Mund.i) through fri!U)' ~J JcitTcoot CMdu~ llmlCtle'.f ""'"'CY ulkrv.~ t..> ,-.,u~ \J.lllknu.· "'"()Ol!l,c, ;\f\c, fr« p;lp:I'\ ul titto uo C.tmpU\ lw ll ll)()Dlh. the number ol ~m., "'ho n:11,cJ oo I.he p,pcir tbcs.r 111.1ii, 'IOW'.tc of DC,..,.J; \\·1J; up JO ,1 pcrix111. IIO\ltc.,.ct,Dl.)Y, 1hil11hc uW JX:t1od ,,up.ASNIC nru \I pl) 'The 4:li-.1 tot the f'l•ic,ctl in dtc (,,II will be 17 5 «m., per ~.lildlhc.laq;. the p;apcr'• n:gut.pnccof ~Occ-nt.11 per copy ·11 "J.~ mcc~4iting lli.,t lhc ml)t,nly <tt the ~u(k-1KJ .t.lid ahdll lhc)' "'"'Uld p;I,)' Sl I~ "<f11C'),, Ill h.2.,.c Jlapcn Oil Ufflf)II~;· Sen l.aul'9 Tt'nnbQft i.lid. °'NOC dwt W.'C '40Uld C~'Cr u.,l; ~''°do LIYIL,. S~a(K:ilJI)". Ylpem"1,1,,f lhfflc ~1111knh\lohoopM).l Ci,>l.ltt tl,c wn,ey wiJ they "®Id he w1lhn110 p.,y d10 C!lla,it $2.. t,,u1 ASNIC ufhc(n ilk' money lsn'u1(t'Jcd w~ an: noc gom,1 t(I inae* tuition ror lhi~" ~id Sen. Bnd#t Rum\ :it ASNJ('", M,tth 22 l!oor.J m«11nit, •·Ot,rt't c'l'Cn chin., ,tuaa." TWO•hu~ p!'lptn: wm be kfl In ,·!In()\~ e,rnpu,t bulldins$ 00 MI.Wld.i)'." llftd. Frid.)'~ lllal l~un 'IlirMh)·" .S Thunda)'' E:lch dny. thf S~iun Rcvtc:w wilf pmv1Jc ~I P:.P"" ud.tbc rtttwndct wUJ be from,~ Mci~ frM'I die l~c , <A1II tie un anipu" th.An lroo1 the Spokt"\ 'rrnnaon bc: .w...c ASNJC "·1nn·1 •bk! 10 do.t • trial wuh ,hr Spoi.Cml&Q co f,tt bow 1tta..1cru\ 1ioi.ld IL"P()rld TO d• 10 Tmnc:,,oa, Jcrf~'OII, tOIJ ~udl.'flC fQYffllttlNM Olfictn 1h111 on.;c lhc Pre,, " 11n utlf!U• 11 \\ ill b(o(DfllC mon: .2tilf't'd to 'iOOUllf'l"ill.l(r, Stewart wins annual H u man

Righ ts Achievemen t Award

l\> '4:ICtlc."t it'l'ltf\N.i.:rTl'llW SlC'•MI• wun 11,c ~I R1Jlc11 Aduc-,clnto1Aw-;nd from the North"~ Cnmmt1111c.;1uM A""-Xbtl1111 ftl1'1i a'l''utd, \\'h!Cb horl(IR 'l\'fllk 10 hwtWIII "Jhh ...S dc:ICJ1d1n1 btt ,pl'«h ba, titt• handcdNJtc,·c:C') )'\incc 111#1 1\!tu hoM,cd,"St.ow:1n-s..1kl •fhcrc <A'C!t'c kl m..t1)othcrp«1rk lhal cbctt'Ctl 1tti, aiwa,S md I ,tm l.»l t('U(hcd h)· l~r thwp11ulnc,,, Sk•·,m. tbt HuUUB l!qu.tl11y C11,1b ~nd lhc K~rul CC'ltltll) 1'.u. Fc1.;t arc v.·u41r1, _s, _._., 1¥11,crm~-..Sadttrer,dycnnfCffllC'C fnr 1cxt:icn from Wtl'ih1ag:ton ID1 Idaho thuC ll 111 (t' 11~'-J.}C'll.rr,.oodncntl}'Sc:pt. IS.lfi

Alumni ollers memento to graduates

Dckan \I ins lngo design come!>t for 2000 T-~him, b)Jomct.Alt,c.r1i S,,mnr/R~1•t1rrr


,cmc,1c1 1he)" can be alt,'>411\'d or 1M1,·inj ,pxi11I ml'n,crit(,, 11( 1hC'lf umr 'PCl'SI 411 Sh,' The A lumn, .\1\oti,11 fon ,111fJ jb:l,OIJV' ,..... • '\lolltltC'J IV 111kr \()ttiethmi: Ull«.UC, Prlacllla Por1enJtt presen1-11

$100 check lo O.n lnc~r<'Mt\ e and hlfh ~ualtt)' u,

o.ttan. winner ot the k>go dffSgn contnl. tcnii1.ua1c,, 111._t Priu:llla Porttnict,

ICAMP U S CRIM E L O G _______

Drag racing with a concealed weapon ends In Jail time for Mustang driver

t)l Jcrr, \hmll'r



AtUl.ltl 1,,.11C"Jfn,indk'.' J-wt Sht·11n.i111 Mo~tun,ofoe\l

I S ltMI\I."'' ,wk111"1•f!lll.'l11t)('~l'A'ttn )'tb. l.uid ·\pnl

Mlli.Mt'r1..,1tt nnpl\J)'t'C' J,o1lk'fd lht t~!Clf l,11:l h..t.J btt"

;u.t nc,1,firJ pi&n so 11(b..-1 U.,n1.1sl' v.J., tMI~ 111d t1ochin3 dw v.11, m,, -ing Dn1g Racing (A) \c\.'"UIII> 1k-.,,·,I \t'hK'~ l.ka,.: t11.:J'4! 'A~\tl,hwiJi1t1 Ri\'(t A,"(1,vr ,\ "'-hilc \l~,1.in_;, .1 n'\I Mµ\IIWl,11 ,1111J • J.ui,;: i.,iis,r,::d ,pocb 1.IU' 11.1,nthd TI>¢ \'cltl~ I(' i,.Lal'Kd nr, Rownbm) Omc "'"'n W1,-11t11~ 111•hhi.-d •lie d' AlcM l\ld,c."T Dci,lll\llCIII \a;hnl)' '"1l O f-fubbml "''"J kOk'"lx'"'>' Ome io .:u11h,•n1 11U. bur the ,U•f'Cl,-1\ U&rl'IC'd llfl'W.J St.111•1; ll >C' 'Alllr\j: 11, ~t11l ldt l:•ntr m, w11huul \'t>Ol .KI h:1na: n \,;11.k 17) II.Cf."llll1)' oc pll~t'

ll'Aknc IJl1lj,.'1: Ocpanm,, po, -... .,n of a ~.Jed 9.t:,,p:10 ind Ji• ro Ja.11 Th, odll."T \Imel Voll, t iled lot m.:Uc,, dnv1ng. Selzure(C) \h·JJ~t "'l)Wtk:e ~..- ~J 1n '""" ul \1, t..a1n 11.,11 1,..- • ,11Jdrm hitnft$ 11 ..c1111tt. Tht di") nl'fker tt, to th..- t«nt (~uuci;lh.., nm,'('d i;1od tr.n>pru'Jttir ~~t>Jo;t In K~Aill \kdK'alCcnm 1n1ury (OJ S«utit\o ..,J.~ oociJaj 11tl,ir41 \IUl.knl h.lJ foUca 111tilt d~'>Cl \J~. H arp.ut.m ly Mcppcd i n1aa n¢1:1td~mwl1h ~n,,,, ,.~n. llc h..S,.uud, h1, l.llCC'anJ Arp;tff6II)' J1,,eJ h11 tho11.Jdtt1n 1h(' lall 1"hc ,1.1ti,ci1 ,..;,, 1r.,n,fc1W11, l<1lll.lk1i.u \1c:dk4JC:cmc, --CD G

Pooo2 THE SENTINEL = -= i:5 ~tir"°tlAbout 85 companies eet up boo1l1.1 In the Gym for tho Aprll 14 Job Fol,. Approximately 800 people l ltended the event U
Joh Fair offer\ scudent., "·huncc to meet wuh 1>n.>~pcct1\C! ~mp l o)'Cf' h) P•rn'llalc>n S..-nt,ltt'IRtf',)tU1
Cllrl\C.f 11nJ "" sr-oJulltts fini,h thu,
udu1111un ,., JU~I .iununll 1hrConcealed Weapon (8) Sa.i:im) ~JI" l\11C ~fo\&lmJf W'k1 rtdlwt111c r,ic.,·updr,1l Ilk 1nv 11n Rh-ct A,·c11uc. n.. ,.Ju,r \111,t.1111 '"''" 1hc Ylnt' d1lclr tn 1h.: pre, IOU\ in.. 1,J,cnt Scxurit) Ui\"1111 0 H11tliur,j/and Rn~nha'ry L>n,-c ~111010 ,.1,11 ttte.n o lf fht' \u~b p 1llc:~l 1)\1:t iJln b:1.11 1 .-avi:d Ckw.l'b) "«Urll)", 1btdri,'C'tflflh('Mli""""l'.~•u o.rre 1('1Jb)o 1hr('1~Vf

Hare a li11/efairh

Mayor speaks to communications class

Judy talks about relaUonsblp wlttl media, future 01 college

by Kall T,rpptor


Ml)CH s,c,t hnJ) ,poL.c 111 Annie \11.K1t1lAy°J1t. m:n._, mtJit c.l.i"> April 12 .thuul Im tcl~mu1hhip ~Jth t.bc

mtd1~ .ind •h•t he ,cc ~ for ,he f-.1urc of

c.~urd' Aknc ,1nJ Nit:.

''We (CtlC'Uf d' Alrnt:l ti~,C' In 8"'"' '" l\4il)

hc.allb)," JuJ,- ,11M \10111 "'llh 1hc di)

irvw1n1 JuJ:,. ,...,., thir coll(f(' rmwm,: Ht"

,id vcr1101t r.uL1n): ,.-ould rru~c ..ert\.C'

Ac~«ding lo Jud~ , an~1CAIJ nl en.,.h111nin~·

1hc ,ulkt,:e 1r,w, ln1: utll lil.c m,i.ny do. bC'

rn't'l,lora the cull~~ (fu-M.·it1$ u11w;1rd

Jud)' prcdic:IC'd !hill i11 1, 111 lll )Co1r, 1hr

mill m.i.y fktl tie tlt\l to 1hr t:olltjl<' lk ..ak1

111c) JIUI)' rcbi,ifd ,-.A+u,1,""h..:r.; d1o-c: ul)J 1h11t

Pl'll!ttrly ""•>' l,,ri.;i.Hnt r,att ur the ..:.impu.. Ht

al'° .01d 1h111 he wPUld W..c m 11,c Yta.'-ll"

lol.llll.'1 UeJlttlCA1 pl,utt be II par1 lil 1hc Cillm('\lt

'" ~ell ,n ho1"1nr ci ,,,uvmi. hi 1hr Harbrin ~w l'C'lltcr bi11ld11tg fbc ~11,o..d wUI tllO'll 1111.1:1)- k.a'oC' WtlC'fl lhC' fllltl JC.l\'Ct TI~ 111111 .CNCI the gilro,111 Md1,·k;C\'C$ Jtad) ult.I tit' ha1o tlad a 11rcu1 Jul or c,pcrienec with thcJocal and nii.1.00111 meJ1.a ..-~, LIILinr: 1hr ptM-llion nr mayo, J.t 1hi: :ij:e af 2~ '"-•' Yt'..Ut •Jo. lht" ,\r).an N:.unn h on, ru,on wh)" Judy "'it.11h.l1 1, 1ruuh11s w11h 1bt concept th:i( meJl.a fl)(u\r-~ 11n 111r r.ep1ht to M..ILC ne1o1.·) ·Tht' medlu hai. done 31.ln<iC'"k." w 1hr (ummwuly b)' put1101 tk Ar)~u, on tl1r fro11t p1.11:e,'" Jud~ 1,1i1J , "Mony ptu1>k .,:cl the 1mpru•1on 1ha1 ""<'

1Cocu1 d'Ak1,e '""jlJcnl,) art hl.<.1hcm

The rc 1 1onul .nd naunnaJ ntw ha, e

c,ploncd lhe b,u, tbC' eno,1. c rec1ally f'\i(,rthVr,:,1 C4bk tlin\·11 i:u.Xl1Nlnl ro Jud) Coeur J ' Alc'M accordint w Jud) , can·1 .1ff11td I n;a1H1ndl , •nnp,ogn 10 n1h1 the "'>"""· w COC"1n iJ'AlcllC' muu dtl rt locally. He ,.alJ ht Y.anh fJtopk to'"' wtkonw, In 1hcC~·,1J1.l'Alcnrllc •*-HI ,omc rcoplc ptirttcuh,rl) nunnrlllc\, dmfl feel wckomt here The 1:otltJ!c h,, even h11J uuubJto rc<ruhlnJ ~rudenh .1nd f.acult) b«~-c c,r the 11e1u1hc publicit)' "' l"hf Ar)an, vrln lltitft • Jud)' 11.;11J.. r,it the ~I Jt,lt'I, 1111.:Cv'IJtnf IO Judy, he', had M 1000 rdahon~h,r •1th tilt n,edia. llr,;4.J 1.bai he hia, c,;,mmuntc111.rd w,lh lhc ffle'd bttttt dwn att) 1.itbcr tna)Ut b, lbc p.nL JQd)" 11.1dli,r bnpt:• 1h11"1 ht m 1c.ii,chll Job ""uh u m.,.nji:c,l'IC'nt 1r1tnit1A prorti.m In pla1.-e. Then lllfllAfnncnl •on·, 1 ,,-c ht be found 011&1-1de lhct cit) co \k.ol w11h inu.t., like the tc'o 1t11l11al1on ol the downto'tlrn area. M1uM,:tmcn1 "'ill be fuunJ lu,,;aH)' b«.11.u11e ptut'k- *di~ 1nuncJ unttawll)

Proposed bridge may be answer to parking problem

dc-'lcltiper1enl hll~l:I) :Lfld

Jlilnl,. H ;JpptO\-Cd. \j,l)IJld pa)

hum 70.$0 ~1crrit of the h>lal

J'lf•'JCCI ct1,1. which h c 1,m:ut-d

l\c:(1,1,,:cn S2 m\lliun to~ milhoo

OIC 01) WO\lld l\a\C' tll pi) fvr Ille

Cfna1ning 11n,o1an1 1hroi.1Jh 11ti1,i1Je

....lhlnk 1h~ l11r1c,. 1 thini I!>.

¥rhu1', th~ \4IIUc rd1ucd IO lhc

l.'.'0\1.• , ,d ~,c~C' Jud), C'ucu, J' ,\kl\c ouy.,,. -J1i..lf1; ,om~ 111 ha"c 10 be .a communll)' ~nn~C'l'-'lllvtl It 11', • uf m1Uiun" ta build Lhc hnd,:c:.

1bt lan,hnjt p.:.J., uJ. ma~bc lkld

c,n )~00.000 hM sw\.ll'lfl Q\l.'t {lfl

,os I l'lf'i,1#( «rt"-, 1he n, er JnJ 11 ~void he

Students win web design con test hCI NIC \IUdCfllS Yt()Q I CORICSI IO dr11,n the. wch \/IC' foe P!Ojcl:I S.le Pb«

Nlk:~i,\iuh· Kelltt, ,.-ho arc tMxb U\IJ(in11, 11'1: Ci.xriptitt:t lnJ'ormJUoo TctbnolOIO- rimltillll, w.«k,cd lnf!Clhet ar,d will \PIii !he S.S00 pr1TC They will bo.h -.<lfk ""llh lhc •1tt' t buUJ.<1111. Pn:ljCC'l Silfc Place I\• rwo,rti.m d.:.,"'kd tu brlp cMd,en .in..l 1.hnr ramihe\ In cr1,1, \t111JldlL 1'hc ""cb ,11th llllt1crp:altd to be Liwrlchcdoa June I

Switchboard operator needed A,-.1k.-hbu.itdoptRiottl\\.it1kdlOtcr,,utbe,,,i,1Jch~tl Monda)· throush Fnda> rrorn 12·l rm. anJ '1~1.ciili)' through Tbuniday (rom .}.); JO p.m bcginnins: M.1} 22. ·ni,ey lll't 11.l,o training fnrb.c:kup,. 11 Pl)' S7 tMiut. For-more: infomutlon. cont.llCI Debt* 11. lhc ,wi1d,001Ud or Anl'I m me au,ille\." Offl\-c. Alumni schedules May dinner

All NIC cmplo)'tt' .c in\ urd to rwtidpatc ut tht' (uunh ,., Alu11utl Assod111kla Q:kbr.uioa Omncr fh1, C\cnl i, \CbcduJcd far the: C\"Cfllrltf \°14 \by lb In Ill(" StuJent Unl<ln Budding. 111,c d1Mer lrKluck, "Rutherford' 11()«:i&II)' ,nllcd Ne\\. Yori. ~ilb. ba.l:cd poh1to NI' ....._1.,J b# rQC~'Ctll bttad •nd Jc:~. F..111ertw1urh:nl "'Ill be pn>\ LJed b) w:udtnt mus;cum Kn•c• l'uUa , The c,m ~hri.-11 b p m .itJ ud tt~ n~ $20. Aucl'lf.knan \ 1("11 _.,,llut.Jm •nd mcci thh )car',1hr«: :teholllt\Mp tteipknu nnJ the alumnu.v'afun,no uf the )'C# RSVP b,· \tt) 3 co 1hc Atumnl Associa1ion 111 &L 7llOb

Friesz to speak at spo rts banquet

Tht- NIC ~hin1 UC md boo,ten "'° holJuag C.u.ri.tinJJ Sporu 811:oquct llndAueoon•t5:30p m on Tbuncby. May 4, ill lhc:C«ur d"Alfflt rnn.

Thi,)'Ul' 1-fPQJ.ctwdl be John l·r,cu.ff'l'IDC':fCocurJ' Aknc Hi&h SthlW and Un,,'c:t"Mty or Idaho &ti.wdout. ~l n. curttntl)' 1,1,,11.b 1hc Nc\l. Plt.ll1t\b., 1bc: ~h,.., ""Ill be ~ft& the fflll.k! and fem.alt Atbkto of the Yu, 11c:ltt, include dinner Pd arc $15 pcrpmon orSlS prrcc.iplc T"·kc'c• an: a\•llablc din,uah l>iM \Vhi1t'Ombm. l!lL 71S70

Sentinel staff members win awards

1\c Sc0rr~J.11nd t'Aoo(11x,ui1 ffltmbcn \\'(In h1Jb1Ql4, in cnmpe11110n w11h all N011h\\N un1,<n.ltico. aM 11ullc-t:<"- Tbe hocwW\ ""'(ft AllftOUDCed JII a COO\C1d1Gn l),fthe Soc-1CI)' ot Pr~•fe1.,kwl;al Joumah'il\ ,n UL Vrp,. Photo cdnor And) Tcmfl "'W finl place u, d)C' fc ttur\' phcll°' for u poWA\0""' t.flOl rl a {'(ICU! d'Alc-nt lnb.\l rnctnb«on tlaneb1d Tht phocl'> now tUmpelft hx ho~ In <krubu anJ 1hltd ,.,,au to~'\ lrvm W~1ht&t"'11 Su.le Unh-cn.1t)', Tcvi1. 21. frotn RM1hdnun. 1lloC'l "·on tt11td (or )pnr\11 phutm be.hind the Unhct\il)'ti{ W.a<,hini;tun .oJ WSU S;un Cameron, ::0. (nm, Qrc;11l r,JJ<t. Myiu, "'°'' ~,t p1o.;,c for,pori,column, hC'hlJIJ U\\- ;,1nd uf P.c:1lk· l~1hmall Unl,-crfo:il) 8ud1 Q11icron 1nJ Te, i.\ ••ill mum tu lhc ~ntind I.all \Cmc-\1et The Scnttocl •(In~ l()r sni,end <'ACCUrcu in v.«~I)' ~n. PLU W1)Cl fiN. •oJ Scnnat PaLIIIC l 'nl\'et,h} to1"ll 1h1rd

New registration begins in May

New 1,1udtnu: ;t NIC v.·tll bt Ill.tic- 10 tc:&tqc,r 111hcn U>t) flll( 1btl:r rlllC(ffl(:nl tc.'ol"\ for "'unsn•na f\'Jilolrnd(ltl

Granh ••II ht :app1it'd from • lrt11 I\ ,,,n1 ,cuircc 111J1l .tn tnh•ru:cn1rnl ""u,~e Thc,e

the 4k,t,n tir the bridfc or d~ n1.1mbe, ol puf-:11111 "P~ for Rl;1d,...,.,ell 11· nae.- fll 1hQ5C lhlnss \ti:krc tl )VU t:uul,l ,. ,1\!<: lhc m;aJti< w.and and,.,"" h.111 .i }'tt.i01.:b of rnflOC) t(t J.., ""twtdcrfu l 1h1n:1. lhk wookl be 1'nc ~,1 1hn-.c wMd(lfol thinp.· Jllci) \ol!IJ. "bUIUtbe\ollfiC'Of!'ll"l wu,ulJ buikl a coemn1.1n11)' a.-nu:r .i "'"" 111-d.ary :111ul a fo~ "'tioll. Tbr Hu "' ott"J,. i, 4 lo! and 1hcrc·, Ji,"1 hmik'J W1olllldtn tu do dwl"'

A ( ljp!Jyditlc~tt ~' wlll be: tttran,W for ,-omc awlicd to,.1\lk.lklt)· "11Jcntl. • -.ell a\ (or di~ekc cducas•un And .iwenis wbodo not Dl'ttl 1q 1.4:C' NJC'<\ pt.....--eincl)t t1:1-h. on,mna rc;l~1ni1kffl wlll toic1u.11 lhb Ma) w11h neY.· \!Udnlh cnrollll1,: few '•11 "-fflC\ltf Conumnn, \IWenl.\ ""-,11 mC"nmll u,ia, e,<t11 rcgi"-ltatiun 111 the.' ~ls1c:-S Wbnlry C.o,urutct I.Jib\ W\IJI lhcr tn1n~111on into 1hr

Pick Up Swap Cb

Sophomores David Sandberg end Erik s Ith t k J h ._. o,,MiOJt O.-••"' event was held AprU 11 Jn front of the su"e. a e pan n t e student events• sponsored pudding eaung c.on1e1t. The
City council approves grant proposal cily t o apply for grant fundini: b)· K111~ •ha :,,.,,,;n,t Rtpcma A pr.,po,C'J budge )pa.nft1ng r,oni 8lackt1rdl i...111nd u, Ro'>('nhcrr)· Ori,·r ctt0lcl Ix' 1hc a1w•tt to NIC'", ~l.irtg pobkm. The Cotu, d'Aklk' City f1'M1~il •rr«h·cJ l~O tUUII rn-,r,.1-.nJ.\ Af II Cout1c1I OIC'C'ling 11, cilfl) \b,1:h, fl\'lftjl: lhe C'tl)' f'Ci'UII\\K)tl lrl uppl} fo, sr•"I" h1 btlp pay fen 1hc proJC" (mm lhc Jd.1ho Tran,p.ir1-111itwt £>cf\;1n11WT11
the! Hl1tkY.tll hliand ~Jee. I.lo ,ou ~hie-,, wine cxon(lffl1c, 1-f teak lb.ti \il,11tk "'' lhe (Ollllt1111Ul)' 1 A11,I ll\ll)'bt-tJ,ttti\jthll'lc(111l"4')"\IU'\\"
ptc:U)' If ii w;1< w('ll .ioor· The proJttl Include, b1,11 ld1n1 parl.in1 on 1hc- ,, l.aod l'ht '*'b!.:h i, uroWllJ 100 !k·rc- ;ttrc--1)' tia, a bo1 1 ,1tc~. ~n kV rarL. • ~,-cnal h,HIJiC"- 11nJ tbc: Cc-Ju, kC',t.iur•nl
M11n1gemcn1 I, ~c,n,11dct1nC bu1 ldtn1 11 boat l.;iunch 1nd ~i;n"1fld,._ "' 11 ', no1 on wr 11-.. ,,r 1mon1.c• h,r 1hc c:it) C'QUtk:il r..-1hccunn1 hodtcl )C-AJ,'" Jud)· WJ. '"It', flOI 111 1he ne,1', t>mlscl eilhft. ~·tud1 t\ \lh)' 11°\ ou11hcrc fc•I • coupk- ell )Cut\ II '"uld ,~· ht pr,or1t) if 1hc: Ri,r,,1unrdc::vclopn1cn1 •nd U1c C<"ntrrrnlat rra,J
1( ,tie 1.·olle:g<' 1.-.)nll lWCi 10 Sn>W •• S1nc, ,on,ttul·uon v..on'1 ,un unrU 200J. 1i,o 1hc- tll)' 1w.irJtc.l thl" gun I •nd Jli&ftf 11i1.1tt.hl113 (uDd, can tlC foulllS. M pl11n, ha..-e l,ec,1 m•dt CtH
nf UuuJ


Sludentt vlsll wllh Emlo S1enJgar, Coeur d'Alone lrlbal chairman. at 1h41 Coeur d'Alene Bingo ca.lno 10 better underatand Iha facets ot irlbal life as port of an anthropotogy resetf'Ch profoct and ti.Id trip.

U N t I N G


b) ~bl() 7.thm

LJ/,· l.1t11,~

Stu,km •wd)·ihf S,111\.,, ,\r~n.::a1111

h.aJ lh" np~ru1n11, Tn f•lft fir,1,I ml,,,r11~1mn lhout 1hu l"1<"Ur

The ct"1n..:d tw-1 m.kk c-ltom 10 tc~h 1hc: (\)cur J' Atimt llln,:ua,c- lo <:hildttn anJ lk.lu1h u, (ltt'(rvl" dM: 1.ullutc TIIC' prt,,hool,, 5r11Jt' 11-1.'.'111.MJI~ a,1J 1111h lll:hc•Qh 1n lhc a rt.11 11th'• COC"ur ,l ·\k11C'°"(ld'";.a

,\Jin dll." W,:ce1." "t l~ CPC"IW d" ,\lent Tnh,1 Bin;,"O C~it1t1, the 1nhr lwid l'f\lll'IC'Y prublmt, u( • dJffttrnl t.,tld ~OUh~ Pn111t. lht 11111 ft1nal( "1'C i.:ho11trn.i.n ,,f 11M" COl(\11' J Akne TriNI COIA Il llliJ hither ,ct.b.:.,t1'111 Cl•'.f\llttal«, 1ulJ ll_. Uu,.ialb IJwl h lhc (m( 11111&:' lfk:

M" 1(1(1 11, Oc,mt1 .,,, pa10lf:J blue w.ins 11c,c Ucbm-)· dye ia IN& the cldc,\ ~'OOJd be i;cuuft•tllhlc hcing cuor,ncd to • butl1Ua 1. the)' t't'llcvcd i( pcupk OOIII.I not It'< tht J:y. *" I.hf')' c:ou.ld fti?lt 11ttCat't.L

S1udrn111 •m 1ntn1ucd h)· t,;m~ of r°'1nlfoa ,r,11'111 111 the OOlfdmg mid b) DI~ Allen, tubal dllfflUf pf ~uc.alilln. 1l(1 ""C'll, in 1tic. tiuddiia1 .1uwl (,C.)Chcs 11,'\C"i;.lda.1\l(\thcft

ID sti.1Jnth 111 Ilk- WcllbD"I """" · ..t'llllil4

1J~ l..1114 Lt"""'ltt.l~ .ti..it11 die' 1.ul1u1c- 11( 1hc ('(k."111 J·Alt'nc Tt1bc' 1unn111 nr,n, lndUlt');d1~.

Antllropology students see lost culture come alive StuJcnh •rrc dh•f11'11l1nteJ lo lea\c. •fecr bc-ginn1n1 • convC'1>11.ton with Janacttc Tay lu,. ~ho "orh in 1he tiuilll1nr in (arttl dt\·tl~n, h,)lor 11,w ;n ~"' ,chool aa a ,MJ ..t v..a, ,1bk t11 rcl.iy Mr c,pmcnca lo thf \'\hitb mode the et,pcricfli,."C <"al nk'ltt i, kl thtm.

d'Alcnt' 111t,"' <ulnue 1,c,111 t~<' 11ho ~no""' n t.c,r nu·m,i:n ,11 1h1· ("(l('Ur


011 \1nni1.i). Mnl l, 4-1 \tUJtnl1 lnm~ \ilanan ,\d,ctman', '1,.11\c rt-, pit', or

~,lt'lh ATl'lt"tiai l.:l:ili: 'A'f'tJI ,,nu hcll.1 b1p

hi thr t:'.--..·ur J \Ienco kexn·o1111nn

StuJcnh \l'IIICJ lln: C1,c:111 d Al "NI

lnti.1 \\<1110~ l'niCCt, 1l11.· '\ttOI...S uWCll

flt;iJth Clir(' f~hty rll dJe ""'°"' Id lf'r'1 (UI n.>0 [.J.1 1n,, Emki Sl.c,\'"'• 1ob.ll 4h,1.1rnun. ~L·

I 1(11 ltd• 11·• f'oOd tn be lnd1.n, S.t1ha:.,trW1tJ. h'tftA.•thOMkJII, "h11),11J ilrclllklhcpw.JliC"•hi-1,~ ,cco"M uld lhc I.:,~~ 111 ~ttuv.·lcdgc 11hl u1 l11,cr,11)" 1, 011.: ,1f 1he

IQMll'I\ th,1.1 nat"I m h\ t'\ wd-1) aftd II di:, l•:.C 11\~ (• Imm hurne The ell.)' t,;n., thr n~ "' 1hf mtir Ml 1hr N)"N1 '\.lla..,1u:om;~•1ti..l ,~ «:11 dot.•

Tix- t.a\.hh ,trc 1hc 111~a,,11t) m 1hf, ~,,a , Id M1charJ ,t11ll,u1. rn·,ctH,1ton olfk'.cr ah.J oun..;,ln!.4JL " I m;,~,c 11n c-fll,n ,,, ,-., m,,. l°l"ltm d'/\lwac

Recruitment main objective

In open-house activities

tt~ ,n,. II n1o1) bt 00!'.llk 11111mo.. but 111 'I" 1,·n111r., 1hct1 !hcM ra1plc- b.t\C' \I, Oli. Tiic. 11u1n r.-11: u, (l>l 1ht C'tllt'or ,.r l\fcnt' Cv11ncll o hi loul. c•111 h•t 1hr v.-c-11.ih! 11f the. ('c1uu d' '\kne rcorte, S!t'n,;~r told lfwo 1-1uJt'r1h. TI~) 1lu t111, •111\ lhl" tnol~ ,11111li1hie: thNn The 11n,,1 UtfJ'IRlt.l• lid h:-1nJ cduc:sion 01d) h1u1 o, fl\'e tl.kt"i c,( •bt 1nbt 1pr11, the ,·ocur d" 1\knr l.1ng\t11it rloCJ•tl) Imm ;a lnbc -.uh Of;ut) 1,71:ll) torollcd m.-mbcr-. ~t:vcn m C'tJht ffll't11brn *ul. a 1:ochNflali11n ,>I 'i.p:IL.,nc .u•IC"'t.~• ,J \kn:: Luqu;a;c.

•A,n) »llhf•"f'OIO.lll twill t.-11 )Ou lh:14

.._,bdt I; Lib.fWII."' Ille._ the u,hllfC' JC'!I., t'\4'1.C1'111.1n wJ '" b.-J lbilkn1,.

6 c/ , \ nn ,.,,,,wm nnt u, put m,r ht•.<lflXII ft>nWlflf."

h) Jantl \lbc-f'1A '\<-11111) I k~r"nnO•n\kRat. nr,tntr, lt1,tn«:lm-

NK. rtuf~iaafoalt..,tvucal('ft'ft.1111' ('P' ·nrd tbc:u d•'Ofl Ii, ~nadc:Ah 1111.I rti._. pubb, \pnl lltulw:,IJWIOJl('Q~

S1u,k 11, ""err ,n..,ncd 1-, wur ffc1llunJ e,ulchQ,. .,1~ I ttn llo11l llhlJ ~11."D;:"n U11H1tin, h111 mh•nu.iuon oo n,, rh..1rma.-y 1-t·1 hnoeo,y. aci.:11un11111 u111n.1f) •rt,, I•-. CJ1fc1rr:it~n1. Piaf11J1.-ia,I. 1111nmvmc J(l hu11'i•J?) .rmd 1."ilfP('nlry. Jiu.11,1n..amt•fr~.

Bi•l"•lh• fC.tll1ru1c: lnlolt!IAIIOO gukkl11•

Job listing, career infommlion available

b)'Annfto\\oindr-n 'f,mu..,;·•1,(lif,t1W

lhc ,.._r(ct .;t'nlH 11.1, 11 \1i('b

,-..or lln,C('l,J to help !IIIIJtnb h11J

u-.cfiil inhlf'ff1;,ll100 Ml lmJ jot:11. W


tlK' \\ffl Mk- •1fkn a lhtoMtrr

P'°'o" Of f1tHhn1 tl\ll ···~1111 )'nur,clf, c,11loullon llt1J

jqfotm~lk11I lU°W I )nb ~.utb 111


c.'411 .i.l\vtu )M11,rU, I~ Catttt Ccnk'f ui'l(h &\'I\C\lfllo:no

fpr ltio.c- JlfnlflUT,1 1'CJC' •na1illhlc lluoutb•J\11 !he tby. \lv:l. t11.lftY oltt<:c, Jltttl d.,11.'l't, 14,•1<1

••rc-n In 11tldn111•.

MJn~ 1o1u.;k111, don't ha,,c u h·r) 1. k,11 11k•

•• •ho11 lhC) t..ihT 10 Jo Ill \!.h.H lhc,c

J.1ft'l!fi10Jt Cft#ol1I, .i.:cordinc 10 11 '\J f'>ii.:t.111 1 P11n1ng lhklcn1 J>1d,,n"1fl li1 1J 1h1: llf'CI\ houw; .ut vppvnun,1, lc,,t 1h~,u 10 i.:vhi\ ,.it,: 1u1

\l,~ll-Kt" 1i.aftjf)OI01111aJ llvt'lll"h In') •hu c.iU th( c:;ill l"t .;t•11u,1 ttcl.111¢lnl«t:f1,1h1'1:IL 11', a \ct)'C11«111\" ••11 anpi:i in lu-u.:11 •·•th f-lCl'f1I•·.. R;hJlll,IH(P ...i R.a1111uncn ,111J the- "'ch 11tt' _.,wi.•c 1AC th: pa..'C t'll 1h:rQ!ll1.~ ctolt-r ,,u c11111r1n Tht' t'tllh'f k--tini; 1,J.,necw, c-,., 1r-JnJa,i1,t ** U..· ( .wttr li.f·~~ \)111::m tH111I, t1lt,'f~-J,11t1.2r1pA Shc'\11111 •le ~th ,11e ,aa"I ,Mer thi:' 1,~in~Xl"tcn,,u.i \\t lilt! tub:lr ~tlf'lthclf c.t1ttt f'Wllh,,." R'*"'1u,'oC'n w1J ~,rt ntCC" IOI p.•orlc- t11 he •til~ h1 •I n IWlaJ tllL •nh , trJrlliiJ, wcl cl~) cc,n~t;it•tl)' 11.p,.l,;.1~ 1hc ,,1c ,1n~ 1h ;a1 rt1<1rc f~v.iJTh:a,.lkt.J:.i,illltf\'n.i ~'h:'\illtith.11a.lik'~k.'t'!lltl

llkh"ll~ 1n fl'\tlk'!oU hlf Cl'.l'hlltl

h.ukl1uh,, dw:, lllkl 1hnn 11'• lht •k'

C.l.·ur d' Afcnc tnhC' 111.1u.ill) Nd• o,urplu, mont')' Tht' coundl IMlh::J 1nb11I 11,rmhc:n In WtrnJ I trlt(IHIJ le.I dC'dJ( ""h.dtuJ0•1dl It rm "'proud 111 our pc:'(lpfc. • POOtle t.tu l ·we (. .1111(' l•Jttlhct uiJ (h,c pi:ttple u1d ..,c wanl lht moaty 10 an 1n ('dl,IQll:1un""

A p:C('C'l\lllft' t•I lb~ r111fiu r,mu 1hr ca ,no • ill "t »1,lc tt, ('qfl'lnbti1~ hi the publk' In the ,1n-.1. lliJull cJuorion aad hiElirt e<kk:i1111•wi "'flrt-."lun11~1.. Thi~ ' r.o mrml'ot'n .,.,c,c hmJcd to &'iuu~ 4 \C\.,.111,t.-) t.LA~,ua. Jb~ h111g,, halt llfU h1111 r.11r11cJ 111u,u~in, '°"\ cnn1 <'t'-tf)' w•II unJ the cnhtt nw1111 h,,a,.. "tiltlC' ~-c,hri, Mull.-, wl.l 1h,: "'l.ldrl\h tJui, 1hc-1.-nhn1 of Ilic. { a1.,JJo

.nf('f'(,t m ""mcth+nf TIie: t.ilJ'll'lllt) JM"VJ:Wft 1,1p jl b..JUCh ,in,I "l'('nl lhi- J.1) un c.nii1•1~ l~lf bl:~h luhlttd ,,-,,.,11, 1nfoun111i,111 •h11111 lhit pt,,:ram .\ho pbocop·.apb, ul n.llkJ hl'lfht'' 11, 11 "-Cf\' h1J1l1 t,y ,1lk,l.."t11,wtft,1\a&liiN,·

0•\c .\tdbc, lllrptllt')' 11t,11u1..10, LOIJ 1c,r11i1111rru ""' a l•flt' ftil'ollft In, !he f'IJ'Cll holhc. ThouJ;h lhc arpcou) rro,na,11 ~II)' hll, rm. "'d's tlil rt"a\Uft nu• tu PJI l>Uf tine,~ ll~,IN;'\1,ki,r1,,11d l11C or,r-,i hliu.'IC w.~ a_l...,, a ruuJ ch.i,tec foe ,.,lldtnt, •hn h-<l\t bct·n 11ci.:cpcc-d mu1 1t,cpn,,,.am, C11 (t1m(' h) .,nJ ,u 111,t w.HI he """1td l•I ltrm. a:tunfmt 1t1 \tclbt. lk ,,J hi.- mt1 l•o ut tu, 11('\I ~'C'W' (afJ't1ffry ~tudc,11, e.atl} 1111J"C.l.i)

Due- 111 r,mc tt<>rrktlC'lln\,. 11,.Ja~ brad to dqwl. hue M:\~1'111 Milt lhC)' i11knd k> fO ~I.. on d1e1, uwn timt 1·mckfituk'I)' Soina b:..:k.,·saidCW \b,1u1. •ri.1bru~lo1) 1tudr1u. "The! t10,1nhni 1ehnol lnmpicd mt. and I "'-'4fll tt, i!O hik\ 10 ft.nJ 001 1~ mood of 1he •hcltpb..(' The held mr enc ,1udcnu more 1mlrhl tn10 l\.,11hc:)' hac,t 1 ,cudym,i In ..La....,. &nJ 1hc ~·on.emu, w,i, tlwa the. r~klcnri,.11a~,'\.

P'IIIIO«lt'Ulllt0tc"9f S1ud«1ts Ryan Hermat,, Kellogg , an<I Oltlc Ovtl1and, S.ndpolnl, Inspect• now big 11g engine In Iha Olosel Tec1lnology class

Gel Iha

CAREER Mdvantage

The, NIC Career Cmtrr itmln you to come hur some of th• n.,llnn'o leadlng e,q,em slw lhrir advice on career and llfr planning!

FREE 13-Week Workshop Series to help you plan yo ur future!


A great opportunily lo g,1 expert carttr informallon. Upcoming

Pogo• THE SENTt,iEL CAMPUS NEWS Thu!sdoy;,.·_""''20_.2000_.,:
11'• :l~.1CUlttfl~IOJln.."C"llf 111itr11 ,l1lh, ~,roof 1n1trc-\l ln\t'lllutya,11.I IOOl1\.11-cJ'1.ill rh,:('llt'l:rllrnti.-r~h--1-14' ti«11 lkh\t' for about 1t11t-c ~·l'.u'J ,anJ 111cluJn •n •lillllnC' ,,t 1h,:: ('t111 ~,·,tirt..hurc Thr •.:b tit t,l 'tlJ llli:bh lltib k> ttll' l'(·•h lh-1111,:,. lhc· ld.1b11 l'orccl l n1,,rma1w11 5y•t,ccu, , m1t"t\lr1n, ut«r aJ1·111t1.1 #(' ,,Jco,i. anJ ,, i.1111n,1I .,.,,nipho.. Cot1·~-r nm,.ct "'-"C~'l M~·n,.. R..-i,,nw,-..:.n uk.l thr •1 (' b hl.'lplul fo, ('t'11plc Imm plo11.~ .-tt. h a,
Worlcshop8 J , ..,t, 11.! "t"• ,J •n \\ t, ~I, tr i I I, 1 l t , Mn·ZIJ •'i1.01? 1 O!IP,.1 J J I, ·~Pn:p ..o• •lnCffl1CWui,&Strart:gia !=:'t!::~.:'n~~~= •l111cn,cwfuno.. .-.p • .a }:~-;!}=~~'f::,,11:::,# t.'1tl"f•Jt:JA"hM1llh,/#'IM4'NltAllfoJr~
3 0.0...lbe-dur ,.,..,.,...
.....- M-Jl97.
Continues through May
5o'!'"rotald,, c c fur. roa,p,,,liorof-..,j

IEDITORIAL College , Coeur d ' Alene community lack c ulture

Tbc l ntl":l•Cluh Cw111.II al \'IC h,., • ~..rkt)' uf Uu~ in1.l,tid1nr

m1j~r·~ehUcd dub,, tbc llu,11;10 EquaJII) Club, 1hc

ln1m1111lon;al S11.1i.lct1t C l11h anll lht: fb'.'"/Stnai11h1 Alltllnce

AU of the dut:i,. add ('ul!urt 10 die .;;imp.h ant.I ""nmu11ic)', bu, on,

C.ftCIIIJLh. The lntcnulmrul Suadent Club ~"''"'11...J ;Ill 1t11rn1.1h,m1al fcxid

buff<'I a, a fund•l'li"'4."t ln the r1dl of IQ99. fh(, cvtnt ,us wtdl."I)'

1111cnlkd and tuouah1 \.1tnt1u\ mc.mbc:" or 1bt S IC"" 1t1d C'

d"A cummunilki 111 tbc ~1. tho a1Uc-,e ,po,,wrcd monthly ethnic thtmco w11h ~lfl1bin~. mu\k' ,inJ ,,mt,ak l!.nlh

dumcr wa, pul an 11)' a d1ffettn1 c1hnM; sroup

N IC is honk' ri> w@) foid~ ~tuckJ11'- lbe coUe~ 1.huulJ thr-.c .audcnh 10 la •dr.itl1>1$('. hi:ut't ,oul.J be pl~tm<'d ht hiol,·c the1c: student, sh.:are their ,:uhurc, and cxpmcnco... Thi" ~uu~I only hc:lp lhc rorcigo -01dcnh kc! mt1rc a r.it1 ,,f 1b, ,amrus c.ommunity, but wc,uld II.tip th(hC ,cuiknh .,.1,t, lt.tH' nflC htrn e~po,i(dl1.>CNhercuhu~ l'bc Coc.11 d' A~ c:omnu1m1) could aho 11\C a lmk cultutt. 1n to'wl\, dlC'ft' art ~,C1'11! Ch:ll'tC\&" anJ \1C'\1~1 ~1.trr.nt, but t.ht1c

I\ li.UJC' .,ur,r:l)' 111KI oo plllOC l(l tel MklJJe t:.iutc.m fc'Od U.nm1 1ti( l l'lt..cmn11onal Su,11Jrn1Club tJ ,nM: ptc:\.·nlcl'lf p.1n 111 the '41C '"JJlf"ll• v.-wld 1oc~ 1hc amouna ol cuJtutt 10 c:~,u d' Aknc

.\nn&r\\t1odr1t \ FAIior



Footb all pr o gram need s considerat ion at NIC


ldah6 C<1lleii,c. Fl'IOlbllt ThJ.1·11 ·tio11 1'111 Wkmg .1boui NIC 1w beat h.svms. wJLn#, 1tbout cbo1n_png 10 the lututt" to 11 rwr•)car "'llOOI 0,nd c.11)( of 1hr f'lhl 1hinB1o 1 1hinl.: Tbe)

Ahould think 11b(iu1 h u,uun11 up .t loothllrl pm;nun._

Many people 1h.JnL- II w,,u~ co,11~ mu.:h In .-.1n up :t {dOlball

PfVtnll'l'I bo.1 in lbt k.lnJ! run il ~oulJ l(t\7\\ Ill l'\C the: ~hoot·, biuet,t

fT\CIIUe tM,o\lel". If )'OU h.Ktk n) fmll·)tllf ,~ho11I,,

.,.._,.mm, 11nJ riguK ~tu,h '-"!'JC icncr.i14i lb: m~ mnn.;:y fnf 1ht,r

~ollcs;c. \!,(II )'00 lho11ld be thm.l.Jnf h••dwll 41icJ 1hmH111 or the mt,nc-) 1twuldbercnn.1unght'rc.

J atlt'ndt'd II C()tlet..: t.u1 )'('4f 1n M,Mu11nit S"ilflh,m Mon1;1n,1

CoUti.t, N jo-.t ul'lfttd ttp iii roochaU prttl!f;lffl JV.rt )CAP. Tht)

h:.d tt llm11td bud;i!t'C k> )111rt v. i1h w dlley p!.1)·cd 1htir pox~ ;al lhc k>t-AJ hlJh \C.'.houl tbt1k.'C pt.) al LA~t C:11.} Iii,:!• S(hoc,I) u.nul tbc pro,r3m gmcn11N! fflODC') to bu1IJ tllc11 o,IA'n \tlJnun 't'hty ('lra('lloed QI\ :t field on c:nnpu,, ¥,hti.h ,.,,ulJ ~'(lfl, be~1e SIC h ~ng to build• ~>A· ~r fickt in 1ht pn,('!Chtd tlotm c.ii;pa1n1<tQ.

NCW1hn'n ,\i(lffl.ffl.1 CoUcsc .ahr• 1mu11c:J 1111;..11 pl.1)'CI". olknng onc·thinl tuJtjun whoJu.,1,h1$)' to plil) 111,c fin.t )tJlr lhe) h~ "° pl.aye"' thtl t U()l. up the opponumt)· One 1n11,ny c gcr rll(IINII pll)'tl'\ would L1w(' 10 ha\'t' ;t.\ ~) m.iy hll\t: h«n uH'1'1oo~ed tty the biager 1ehool, who .u'c •lw.ay, lcol.1n, out nl ..iatc. Plu", b; n:(;f\11tin1 local flffllb,.11o, 1hc w:hauh. ~vuld "Al)' r111n b)' 1~...-a1 wppon 10 btl('I hoo~ 1hc r,roinam and, or <;P'!r-.c. lh<' ,1ud("nt, ,hwld be wlltJ 1bvui ;;hcmng ,.,,, i ~iblc MC tl)(Jlb.all kam. lbr wbo1e: idea mijlU 'lttln fflV) ;U1d NIC' .,.,oold '"'\'Cr h.l,, 1ht money. bot if, a P'K'ibiht) db "uuhJ •ud ilnd 1n the ('nJ help NIC inutl(O.\('I) S10(:C NIC' i, gnw.,m,: omJ t,p.ndinf r11ptdl) )l'U b)' )'e~r nttd i( NlC c\·c:, become, .a ruur-)'ot4r t,c;Mol n ,hould dc!imld)' he II prtorit)', SIC eouliJ jula 1hr l-1nn11tt f'o,1lettncc 1n MonULnl wtiich l.nd.uJCI fhl.' w.iw,ah no"' .,inJ IV.(l n.,.,rt en 1hr tlC'U

two )· CO So -11(111; \''ith NIC le ""tJ111IJ. be boua 1111J. cbt'~pa

tnp\ ror the C,tnh IO p111)' fooc~u ,n MCICl&al\11 lh.:n lllll 110,m111 rrlJM

to UIMI Md Col,lnldo JO, ow «It.her "P'lfh.

Baidc.,i lf d,e book. ~ore c;Mn \tll SIC fO(lllhall ~rJUtcl 1hrn NIC

~houlJ be abk 1ob:1ck 11up wtth ,111."Al lc;un (11.11r H~ Sporht.:dllnr

NJC'.rJor/Jitlde11 fmi1. ii :r


e Ri,in, ell!~ l,,ne ...iud

an jfltttltjC III tht pn« (If pl~,c:

A, • ft'iUII )('\(t,I ,1ulcb In Hollywuod ha"'t CJU1ixlkd thl"lr

lmpbnr llperuhon\

e A ttump<r \ \CCII 1111

c;11npu1ott*1, -Ml)Dt)' v..on·1 buy


c,·c-r)d11n•. hul d ,.p,~

Ille k.iJ\i(I IOlllt'.h

e T11,·p mrn v..ere O\·e1hc.,11l

1.:ilktnl :ibou1 t.ron11 \,ns:

··Yoh. l wa, 101t1i tu do

Tuition increases exceeding enrollment

th..: iac:tt•,e lu cnmlhnent 11nd lhc rcvtnuc fo, 1bc college ftncralcd b) ,1udt'111, b.n tncrc.;hcd l'.l pn..:cn1 in th,11 .i.amc period A 11r·11t,km t,,., tJt\>clnptd· Th,. 1.'nlli't" h,i, fldt I"'"'" all thttc of u, m.:1jor fwtdJng wun:c, aloc1, W11b ltw1 p-TI-ih Wlttn lhe SIC 8(.\.~1\1 ol,c, \lo.,heJ 1h(" rmpc:n) 1.1, ra,r ru, sic b)' .io pt'rec1,1 1101.c o, ICXM Incl, 11 oat ttnl) f.ailrd tu grov. II\ hu)I.Jipg

.ource, '1\·11h thr: colleJ:c It attually tut wine~, ii, tc:\i'IIUrfrom 1hl\.w11rcc.. Col'I\Ci.lUCncly. lhc ,hare ol tbc cOIICt1C''• b<ldf~I p.,iJ b) 4.11JJcn1, icw:rea~ four p..i11,u 1Jrom lb pc:r«ni 10 .?:O pr1"1o-cnu w,J IJlc "h.ltc p.iltl by lct11ho Mill(' fflCrt.iN:d \U ptlnlll tft'1ttl J~ pcrc.cru to M pcn:cnt 10 SO pc:rcc.n1); 1pe.irn1ih1Lc.1hc \h1ln r•iJ for b)· lbc Nunty droppcJ e1jthl pPll'lh Urt1rrl l~ f't':11.Cfll IA 17 percent).

NIC c::ruumc ;,:oououc to gh)'tl. in ou.ti:r 10 mec11hc n,ecd, nr 1h1i comm11ni1y, i( 11 do,e, ooc U1!.IC1..e It% te\t:nuc rru1n aJI ...,r ill wu,c:~ S1udt111, h•,·c h11"1 to endure 1111110ft 1nctc11:..c,t: n.t rate,. two,.., lhtcc time., du1 or infl.11Hoo; die w1c h,11 4J\o •lrrafi,.intly',l~ funding , h I\ 1in,f for an in lbc rn,pcn)- 1JtJ1 '" •·ell Oi1.11S~Ul'r ,\SNIC' P1ttidtn1

Goo d job s available in SUB 's Market

I~ll'f'ICN' 1()0114-.l. lhc a,.l'ug.:- J)(f...c,ft toda} \lrho11 he tor t;(ll11o1llo:r, 11.1 be ll '"s(IOCt Joh" 1hc .1n,wtn m..1y

\Cf) •·ell unnc- In \'lltlOU"

!°t"fl'l"'<'· 'I m.r.l.c"S~.u1tiou1,an1

t«••gn11c,J :a1Mn1t my rur~ ianJ in lhc conmn11s1t) ;1, 11 lt•1dcr and lm·c ti&<: flt•>A('t .anJ P~"lifc

10 my pnilf:"~1nn On th( ocher lund. '°"' m•)' JC' 1n :i1t1,\•"T 11K'11~ 11\1\ m.tkc sio lln hour. ti.Ile

momlnf' whrn M)·

lclh: me 11·, 11111,c 10 "'"l" upaftd !il(:c another

dcru.llld!Jlg, 1~11:dnilll \(W1 of'* week (Jot I knc m)' J(lh fw(l •n1o\\·cn comm, h"0111 lwu J1fte~hl prr•r,«thn wllh OC1C cotmnu,1 dcnom1n.ah11. n,e

1htoJ 1haS "l.'1."m~ 10 blltd lht\C" fe\()011!,('\ lll"f!C.llt 1,• be lhc fln:i.n,;i.11 tT\\anJ, l happen cet be • bumble food ~r\Kc- otUt al lb: SUB. widt an unnfricud. \C:lf·rrocb111'1!,!J jObtJtJcoJUP..£.T cwhkh 111C>Jtnulilly ,aaDd, unv,antcd rood cltm1n.;11100 U:\:h1tld,1u illld 1<1Pnd, bc:lltr 1ho1n di1ohwa\hctl wt1orn10)·• hi•Job I ftnnl)· hdir.,·c-llwlh.a\ti ·1,"0C>djob'"

and I .1.m noe ,pc.'lkina abt.1'U pQ',\cr,di\lJP..lk1tl ntitlsiJfal p,l)'Chcc:k Hll'rl llJm.itiemy O\loll pcN>Oal c,·ah1.11t0fl1 of-,oc,J Joh"' il\tttpttlaHun., ova d~ )"Can., I hi1\c tome 10 1hc l'.tw1..luuon th It, "'soJOdJob .itmtudc I\ con1111g&.'lt1 upon my o"'·n pc~.d \,11\k\ ,mdbclkf,.. Mflny • ~t'II rn,)·ing jnh hM die il\ct1ue1, ol m)' life 1b111tnfcri.«tc.J\\·uh1t1tH. di~m{on and di-..;oolC'OUDOnL, t.:kllr lncbutt>P oJ v..h.11 '" lint • ·aooo iob" Tht M;uk<1, 11111.lcr 11"'

d1.1t. ud 1k ani: Jli.aa, tM.11 I doo't 1ule111t ,11hc: Int bo-.c will

n,:,K.h 1h;1t I»

e 1r, • 8 u(1J tbl111 1hr-

t\.1\<CbaU J11n)('\ \\Cf'C cai,c:t:tlt'd A(lOl 14duttuJu...htlf>.111n,tn

I~ J\'l•.lill~ (ICI lht' f1dd e nc uJ)tn hul.t)( '" the Hedlund flu1ld1t11t li,1 ""ec, hccalnc' ~t1ll)' Optfl .tflC:f I lite: alium ("'r.-;uii11u11 1'.n rui:, bul

rro(c:..\IOl\il. \Up'i'f\ltl® II.Rd ~..,kuncc- of 81U Ruthc•rl11f'J D.nd ht\ a,,1,w.n1 J;an Ptikfl.Ctl, h,u ma.~ It pct\\iblt for nk' tu hc:llc,·c 1h11 n £00(! )Ob"' 1, nr,1 flnly .lbcJut dollw 111111. bul al>0 idxsut 1e11.m pl~y. a (C"C.lms or bcin11 p.1n l)t ,ind wmt'llflKt.. rCjt.trdJ~'> ol 1hc ('ttnUTCt of lhc d.1;·. coov1v1.ality. All or thol.C plu, o1 wrnm11tnC'ftl 10 )'OW

il'lnmnOO W'.lf 10 Coo.llltlulc .)'OUt beu m.ikc 11 r,lr,\it>le foe nu: llJ h.m~ • "Good jobfbny Xhlc1nlll.nn C'111;11td Akne

Columnist should solidify sex opinion first

Re 111.lll) ,,.,,oc,d nc:"Cd, ll.'I filter 01,11 \~·'° ~o.:cnc1o IM.irrh 2 I u,uc:).

r-.h Sumak, l'mturl,1110 o1He1 who nULtk

)!Al lht "J'lil~p.:twn fot a mutt


,.,. Slaff

.. w..k ahft,ppl!t Billl,'.Sla')Zollm


S<• !oCII\, .1nd ffkmet give lhc P\lbhc i1m110 •11J momcnh 1h.,11M)" """ul,l lll'II uounaUy c11cou 11t("r oa .1 1llil) bo11o11o\11ch ,i1 c,1t.ilt.rrt1oeti11h., n~e IUfl\J("h, anJ ,hoot Ol.lh Mu'f"tM \.tl\t" dll\:UlllCflllriC'- anJ t:"'4JK' h1r11;h1c1., ml if uni:t .:.bJc1.1, 101hcir~ontl:'n1, ,1mp1)

wall."'" ht he.1N m.1ny pcnple hl.c- )'UU Mich OQ MJC,cl). •nd nu,l..c: u11 •m1mn3 .11K'\:I.IOCn !1.Uch a, ·lt',tM rt~""" •hy chc rc·•"' muc;h \·1vlc:1k:C 41\d t.CXu.all.)' iro.n,mmed d1"'a.""" hl11.b, hl.i.h, tibh • oo ttmlc rou,,,.chc, ,('cl flttJCCU\C llUd f l\t: )IOUNlf a 'ood fc<1IUI}! .ts 111.111 )'OU 1u1,h1 hl\'C II handle on lht "cirld

around )OU If J\)U think rt'"flk ,1~ \0 (lhll)' innuttl(("J, m•)'bc lht) J('~f\l' thd,, Vt,u'll H,IC 1c- lum pcuplc dun'c c:1lt'C .:ibou1 prin.:1pk~ 1bey c.itt .abct1.11 t.Ul..'Cc:f.,.

..... -~-

--..0-..- --=-=-=-..:ta.....:',:.':.::"'~..........-......................., .....aa.--...,,~ ......

The moo;t popular • d{/'(:oralion on the : top of 1oil!'I tanks : is scenled • seawlk. •
lt""'ldnll I LETTERS POLICY The Seru,ncl •ekotnc, lcu m 1\1 lhctdil•lf Tlto"c v.b,) ~ubmil tcnc,11 m.u~1 lnt11 1 1hcm 10 ~110 'l\·llflh. ,11n 1hrm l~11bl)' aDI.I puw,dc A ph0t•'" numbtr in ,,rJC'r cc, \C"ri() 1111htnm:11), some lcuco trrny nt1-1 Ix pth\lcJ llt :£uw: ul ,p,,;c lu1111 11on1, or bci:tnt~c lhi'.) 11 1o11f11l11r let .t number 111 kt1,·n altc.ld) ,ccei\<ed an 1hc \lll11e \Ut,JC(I. 21 arc 1•,i..,fhly l1ttelou..-. 01 J> arc tlli:s.lblc. The Sentinel n:'-Cn-e, 1hc nsh11n tdll lcll.:t, l.tUcf\ may be nu1.Hc:J ht 11~ St'nnnd. c 1oi1Ucd. rnt'd c11 ti1wifu 10 Room .S)or tb(" S1~bt'fC lJu 1hhng. The ScnUIX I ', .11.blrn" I, 1000 W Gmlc:n A\c.• C«ut d' .\ lei~. 10. 8 \MI-' l'ho~ <WIS) J69.JJ88 fa.IC; (l(Ul} 7M· l}j\Q F ·IU3tl .M·111111cl.11ic l"JU OPINION
Nonb ld:lbo C11U&",c ha, e,l)l'ru:n,cd \t~nifu:ani 1m.nt.1b: CUl\llhucnt I~ ur 17 Jl(fC("(ll hom h\C ~-car, •10 I I? pcr,;c:nt tcum lul )C# ;.slont). Ol 1:<lll1le 1k1, .,011,,th r,11.Ji..•, c- ,i. ur TIW' n,11 ,c-·11 t1pct'llt1111 WJ~d uu.:tt".a.icJ 19 prn.·i:m 1111h,11 s.:,mc 11\C'·)c:ir r,t"fioJ Stwdtnh hilw p;aid lh<'h ,h;ar( ul 1hi, 1.1u1 Tvlm,n and rte, lvi\C ,nctt<Ht:J ll J'C'1«n11111hr lat1 Ii\.: }(.11~ 1;,mi,k 1h.11 .,.,ith
inJ1't(11:1c ,ou,11 M>Cit'I) Su~. lhc) ·re hcc11 o1n l•mai.c: ,n ,ldn·ll.1i,h1i,,- ~, -,enc" in fflOH('Hnt.r 1hc 1.1~ fr• Ja,wk-\.. "'·hi..:h b m)' g.c11utd11..11uon. bu111·• ,11 nboo1 1no1rl.:(111hthlf,
-AlldJ,Tnl, -Lopa NokllooWII --·--·
L* Oo,qo
Gllt)R.JbM,rnt1 C'ctur d'Alene:



81Udent baffles for her Ille, llealtll ta compete In 1JY111nastlc$ again

h) Klml>.ni1o

&t111!1A'IH~1 "'"

C l1 ,111, fol1n,,,."l1, IK h.ultl~.i.}t hc,cn 1b · r;tc, tll a.11.:noon V.· hcd1q ill(: , · ·n1,u1\ J""l•lll4oJ(ru11,N11 l..,i..,1_.J '"' -.;h 111, ht, m. ldt\t1u.enh nt ,:\J1111.w~, OllCllf'Cl!ltlWU .Jllrft\•rrcalWil)IIIClhff

n...c}1."1 dµ.t lilleJ 'A1tb 1!'11.:1l4.'111t'nl .1., di(')'l~-J be, m.1n) t'r1,l,·11\""' ba:jm11• lilkd w11h ") m1'ith). 1it,·,,ny ,1u1J ,,i,.:IJt,0;, ""'~" (lftC

)air A.f:11 J"11.1, ,n .uddml) •hM.•wtml ..J"OC


Juhll\ttO J}tnrl.hl ,,1.t f)nuvi,t,i;, coach.

'A'~\Jt)1'1~.,1 k'i:11•~ !l!irt 1kt w'l.,.;lhfc "'ll'

OllcJ.,. uh (r~nJ, 11nd ru..i1y ,a(tlHt~ She

h..J b'if fl'-"'"' ht( (111111~. "hu:ll lkludC'J

O\AJ\1fin, 1nr,h...-u.::.1lcdo,111,ut11ntotll."JX

She- ,,c,J of cmrrrc1m~ rn 8)mn.)n1,.;>

thruut.h1.'11JI ffliC k\,:I, tif 11t:hic-otmt·n1

J1tlunc1, hAIJ Ille:' ~,II ibid ,hl\1: 11, t.a\\' her

t1C11h,• ,,,!It·~,: rl10J 01 r>mn.:i-.u:, J(",,nJinJ

tu hn CO!lil:h l tw Tul'rt'II


T\tmll~ h ,u,nrh'T m Jnhn..,,n·~ rL111\ Ml.tll 1U

1~,l ~C'.lt "'tuk' comi,c11n,p: 111 ik~IW:, J,>'-"ffllrl,il!IC'>1ol h.11. l. p.aluai1,J llu Ii~~

,,·ntflb,rm. SJII" "'.ii "he ,lol not 1,vc ,1 n1,11.h

1huurh1 bcutu.'11!' '\ttt d,uu~ ~be! b.iJ 1!11t nu h a;n flOl lho th,

A I:\\. d.l)'\l11t.:r JJlc bepnupmcticlllS:

••1.1-41,p,l~m, 1M "''-nA.:.actt1,: lt..~la., 1.>t,,tn1, lhuuglil ~he v, .1111 wlfcrinJt 4!1(' JJktltl.ilb ll)fflf'!kllll, uj. I u,;,1l 1nle'l,l!OII ~u1ncta1,1 t,fooJ lf!lh ,"le I..Al·n. t'lu, ,,o COfk.lC'lCIIJn.:»u..a,,JJ~,1\tttJ

r>nt-ckx't,,1,'Cl'lh11t'J1dwtm"'''c,l lkl1, P,h}' l'C\;,11,11.C of Ult' C(lfl~1llfl h1.,!~ht11f .\\llmcp.A\\of"J.Jl"'tt\l.lll',1,-untJ,11f"'Jl

l.(lflllnl,led 1t1 Jrtn-111...ic. SJ-: vrc 11,·eikn

~hh c..k:h pa,~1111: ,J.s) ~nJ ..n1l,i 1111 IUf•,ct ,jjel


It lool 1111 other l!fXJI} tu l1h hc."f 1!1C'ld Uf

Bn.&U..c:' ot h.."C' \111l.1•l"'-t11llncu.

•·u~ fl-..:td 1,1 quu i.i;txi.,I hir11,h ,tlJJcnl)


Ynu l~1 v.h(1 , 11.11 1\:AJ hir111h,m:,""

Julm\OnwiJ · llci ""'-'l<r hie \t1l&\t~\'tnJ j11 Jc>luu,o~

IU UJl Ilic ,;1,;il ot 1,'TIIJwlmg ""llh t,,.'f high ~h11ul '-l,:irt, but ,he \l,Jt dck1 111in,,·,I ht

.,.n,11 ,111 her ,Juc:a11,ia de.pile htt ,C\C'f'C'

hdlda.hC't ,1n.l rb)uaal cir.~u,b1111

Sh\~ mJJc 1,t..n, h\ "'"'kc tcw, ard htr GM)

II W4C\\"f, ',-.11u1J llllll~· hl·,,,c:11 hl t;:iw

Up tbr hoJpt f't'jf,lilUIIJl l'ltf-h:'0J1ti illli.l

t'l·runung 1.·,1111pcc1nw 111111td 1."t'l:11. hm; t)mm,u

,\(kf P'!ott lbU f!n"~•l ll'ICl'lf'!-'hl\l'\", th(-

.1\11:1.ult l'lUI Ill.II uf IIOP,.-ihilizit1. llk:') '1,1,,:1('

Mw11t1N a., to •h:11 Wal.\ nsr~k.1111 brr hl.J~.

"'ldi,ffl't·\l,hlllffl'tf111,,111l((1.\l, '\ll,H

IUl)lt11K1.·."' Jutin '1 \,;IJJ ;.I l11e~ t 't\'11\


Win a brain


Ch8rl1y Johnaon pr~rea lor 1he gymna~dct compatl11on.

Juh!J'.tin h,1 1 :1 c.k-:r IJ1th lrl C"''°'l ,11-.S 11,i. l

1h.i1 hrlpalan,-tw-r~ngih

··Q.J tnu~ li.;1,·"C" h.MI I hctt<r rtim fof ftk: •

J111'in"•l'1 ,.,HJ. • H h j1la11 .,., ,, ,ldktt1111'1.1n mint.:inJ11,.1un~ nwr1ty finaJJy t•nw 11,a ct, ,,~11 o.t and ,1,.'l.·t:l'k"J lhC' I• I th.II M lif<' 1111,:ht rml "le \\,!, ('ffl l#l'J It) J1( tf !lu 1.\,1'1.(iuJ rlan.

Sh~irtly J.ftet J.hC U..'l('ep\.tJ lier (al oe·,.he hep11 , 1un~ wro11.ger.,n \lro11', abko to ~j vuf u( bed. lnl)\'C' ;.1n:1u11J anc.t Jnwl) '4o1r\ ,~ng C\'ef1J.a) xuv,he, lhlt.1owty pcoplt' sale for 1r11\tcd. r\11« l'Ao n11\11lh,.of a lkt,iht.1t1a11Jlno, ;a:nJ lk,ri lc the> ha,rrint ('till Cl( ru-naeauJit18 t1~J.Jchn .&11!1 ph),1nd Jiioi11C', p;.,..eJ

1ru ta,n -u \.,hq ,crc11~lht'111111fl1>c:,l 101mw.J1,h11'4.lfl

1.hd OOI illllVI hmcll 1'1 w.,k, t\U lh.11 ,h( i.ncw h ll'-lt '41e "'.i, l,"CU111~ ticn,1 Sl111 i1~tu,tJI) bt£11n u11lnulJ • tal ~hln& 11p1n .A. unc "· 1,1r ~lnll ill ,ukl tl:ICm<'nn,. Jotuuon 1 uni:11,,hnp <"ollq"( lull timr Ul'ld t, 11111nm a., u1mpct111.; .:in1l 1.~htnq ..1 aln un Ii ri:gut.wti...,1,• TillN: v. ho k-c•k .1111<1 1,,uulJ nc,·cr n:ali1c hn\l. clu,,c: Iii Jto1d1 ,hr 111.'.lUlllt)'"mnl! fohn'>Qn p.inici~ftd i11 • p.ymna,ili.'I umJll."llllvn M.m.h~1.nCtie11n,l'.\letk'. Th(! tootpc:111)('1(\ 'l\'il' .a pcr\Ol\lll 1dtic1t·ancn1 for l,cr, ~bt~kt "'Th.11 aimp:1111nn 11 JIQd dmng ..omc1h1na foe fflC' k1 \C',e If I 1;41, du it" John\oCln ~Ml. Ji•hn,..,n Pi al~l 1t\1'n:11m11111h,; Ill~ for bct'll'JIII

•·c·hllru> t\ 11t-..un rl•J<'f,"Tundl "1111J ''$Ill: hn~ Ol,IL-l.iind,113 Uklli\'llUOfl .rnd p:N)nal

JU,11 ,."'

U~u!ot' ol her Jcicrm1n.u1(1ft.. John~ h:a., fulfillt-J htr p:t'o(ln11-1.,.,1,11, in Itri:,~ 1n

1,·nn,pC'Cllkwi She COlnpctcd ln 111.II fom C\(ftb, V.bltl'I ·~ the '¥•uh. ~ ha.I.I~ t,c,-,am .and nlllll

C'U'.n:I\.(':\, Duttn )t the b.u t:<Nnp,;1it111n fohn 111

m:cl\t'd 11,r tughc~ tr;'lll't! ~h( II.Id tvtr ¥(1Cll!n

,incl' be'tan C'l'mpehnJ; hi.I> )'l',lrt 3po fof111wn hi11 tl"r,Uru.-J t11.·r t.cJ.lth :111d o

t-« llm ; IU l}'Jtl'lil'1,t'\ l"IC:)Ood lbc \,1r..b11Ju,e, "'1c l'-lil hdor~ bc.;w111n1t di Hov.c,·.:r. Jnhn:WCI htH nt\tt rq;rc11rd the liai;t ,tu: Jtll 111. She Yid 1ht Ulor,.1 tauthl

h,·, Ml(YI( 11! lhc '111""-l 1111pi1rtanl k1wn, ..,he h~ k .nttJ in hrt •lhi1h•JCAffialad.:,.'pc1'"-'lnc'nl NnlP'J"'"'"·"' Juhtt\llft 1,1id , rt:ill:rc wt~ h tnipPl1,lll'll 111 life and 111~ lllr>C'-\ v.•1. ~oob 11 re:-.111..c I ~h1tH· I'm a tic11t1rcr.oo

What did you do during Sp rin g Brea k ?

tll'l""'k Thn, .Jo,ov. wa:, wpeJ lh 1bt mo,1 rnm,w.uc of all c - r)O, DOl A.lime. Cllf C\'C"n P11n1. l"hc l\ ooe niht here in lbc: Untied St.,t~; I'm tallini llbcMll lhc bomr (If lllr 99-ani boffea Md the arowina numticr ,,t blvi.\ lmperwllllWn. Th.:11"11ighi,.1hc weddin.gofc,-es) S,irt', Jrcu111, Wub (1,cc codt•II• and S.50 gnmbhn• money. 11 it llk' ooly Ql)C" oflbkinJ al.I:, V\'g.lS\lo«1dlll8; Ol'cwrw; lhf('ffcrtvtaM p•n in 1h1\ tl)IK( ,OOl,;lllUC or •II Cffi:tt)Ofll~ W,1.'o lkb\•cn:d inn 1..cdul m.ut11l'f~ dx) wcrt- tcikl :;omelhlng ,uch .u: '1),L Jadk:f •rounJ IU )'OU gold-ditsC~ Ht:rc'1"h111 ~1: aregoin,1odo. Fmt. ~se.1 Sunnn yw .ttl ,11,olnt;: to~ iwund In a linl< \\\im\Uh 1hc \1n:1lkf tbc hencrfl v.ould r~mtod tbc tboftg. bul r"C"mcmbcl llldw:.s. 111u. , ,_ 11 famlly fflO\\·). Nut. 11.,e'II ~Ut'\!ian ),,ur ln1ell1).'tnce by A.\kinJ tvu a bunch of , Lupid que-.1i<M'I~ ,n ONCf 10 \\'Ced om the ~ally dumb On(S rrom 1bc ju'\I ~ind ol dumb lllle}." W11h ui:11c,ncti1 I~ 1ht1r t)c.\. they 1Ccppcd onio 1hc fl&K:IIOI\ block whtfc they v.cre v1c•M-d by 22 m111Kln, IC!\li"Cn .uid the • mlllMHlltltc • ¥thu1.u1ld milk .all 1hclr d.ranu l."OtllC Th.:.1 I• Ir )Olar ~m 1, tn be on the 00\'C( of t'''tl') blbll>id and~ -qtcd l'ICIV.'f'ilpcl'a;n,\'. \mtriOL l"ht- me~ came out 10 )oln lht two ,n &he b<>ly mllUm!Olly ot n~)' •nJ ~lcvlsiort s.lltdom. Tbi,c,-cac 1,ol'lelhll! I wwld cia,.,1l> &>oan ·a1~11111xilll progt1,m. - Wh:si d«.i 11 ICN.h )OU lbk1 II 1e~:o1 C\"(';t)' )Wll5 Jitl th,11 kwc d«.;.n'I ba,-c ttJ ~a(~ whc,a ll COltlC'.\ I(> 0111ma,t. ih.11 WltlC'd~y. ir,tiey dtnm h.ard enourh. th~y wu cwlJ w.,1n • "l10l oo :1 Mupid p,nr .,hQy., J1.1" ma) l)C meet 11 ,0311 'II, Ith Cl'l(1'Jgh nmncy 10 m~ them o,uk)uk 1hi: 1111.l thid: Ir i:\llt'Umplt'~ moron. Ab. lhe-p.>"'ffofmOCit:)'. Wc:.ll.1htht1f'IC)'1J)O(ln ~u ,cu111 tiu1c.tioo wbtn the bndt ttalitttl wtt..l i. hose mti;u\e \Jic lud m.,lk. All ~1,c, could ..ay 1hco v,.~~ "'lhank Ond few aonulmrnl'Looh lik.c \he ,·ohinttt-rcd rc,r lht. Wl'OltJ WI\\ w \hould M,·chr(11 on ·wt,o W1nti.111 Win I lh;11n

Clsrl..ra Sum-. b t1 Stn1'ti4'l rrpc,nr,. llrr 4>pmip,1~ are lirra\\'11 Turtrp.1,ed,ohrrmlmff11, r·mtlJI/Nor&ll S,nr1Ml@1ui.tilw

Just breath in...

Yoga, tai chi offered to ease stress

b) l -\\lla Sr'/IIU1tlRt['t•r1u

SUn., rt ii wonJ f111ttiliu 10 inr,,t rulle,c

MAny pc<1plc ClXfl(J'flh:C' •arc,, J.IHy. b1r1 ino,t uc 001

U(I du11 th" OUl(OMC of lllCU 1:•n ho Sood or bad Jq,mdmg on bow it 1, .,..,lb.

Karl-Erili: Andrc:sison, ln111n14;1or at tbc Wort Force Tt&.1n1n1 Cc:111t-r, lclk'hu ,hhlcnt, aad mtmbt'tt or 1he wmmunit) ho"' 10 dc:al w11h 1Cttu u,U11 lai dli ud 1• tcdt,U~ D)Qf with C"Y'(f)'da)' ltreU reducffl._

One ••Y for ,1uden1, 10 deal wnh ,ucn n ume man••emen1,• Andft'auoa u1d --rry mapp1n1 0111 yClllr 'Affll)'Klxdule."'

A Pfll()t'I Jil'C. 1el••11t1Pn and enough 11loep can ~duce unw11n1at \Ire" a., e11. aceotdlaa 10 Andrua1oa. The tec.hmqua tJMltthl in 1hf ctat,16 1e1 di coopc:nrioft wida the ,idler cl'C'l")'d.,) Mm"-ITWC.ina ta:llnkpt. fa, ('tu t6 a C'hultllC an of lflQW'CfflfDl and mcddaboa. k 11 1 1low moving danc:C' 1ha1 1nvol\'ct. deep bft:adun, &1ld •a origiRldl) a nwtuil .n ,\Jtdteaswn •llo luche• yo1a. which It .a ilOffl~trk Mtrdw lh.11 1a\'O,vc1 dtcp brclthlll& hi I podlQ poaib 1h11 n held .n)Mlt'IT from IWd 10 dne IIIUIOW. The ,ptntual pen ol )'di* b duriq mcditaUoa. •~kb m'II<> ---, aod ,pnlUII UQII)' - people tlhcwuld.......SAndn:UIOD f.ekheo. lal Chi .al l,oo'IIWOOd lfMllb Club 4-5 p.a1 Ttwnday1. Tbts 1,11m1nrr. bcJth Iii du ud )op will be oftned II dw be'ebh dub and • ure. 111d wellDla ca.. wiCb

alkl tm rh1 •tll br r,ft'tft1.1 oia c.amput. A si, ._ )'lJP c.lns wiU be: offcted du, NlfflfflCI'.

I h*llt!d .a \('f'\('f (or .a.~.11ltlr,otn, ldm1r')

Sam l llrnUton, 18 ,,,,.,,..,.~."in,,.,. \f,/(l111-FJ1tt1•,1t(r, Ore

"'ltoo 1 tnpto C.Mdo."

AMir Carha"1 21 R111J,Wrt 1':k,~M,f)El.lric.tllilln

Page ti THE SENTINEL 3: The PJni1c = Nnrlhwe,t • .wer,1ges
: g '.,unny dJy~ • >- than anywhere • :E m 1he Unitecl • o S!Jlt~. •
'•t,,AILrlQl••'II Charily Johnson 18, pracllce.s: her movts for the floor exerice 111 gymnaaucs comp11Hlon ln Coeur d'Alene.
1"«11t1\t or 1t'"
EBy tod'.' ,1111\lm ~rnwrr H,,.,.,u, "l.,.C'ntltp1,i1m, .i:Jliln:n1IJJ\\f~ Unuadt.141 \\diciU.11 ''"'""'' /f,o,t.wl,Mr [j "I v,nut'll•had.• px:lintltl{l: 111..;l,;; l.11u1~ \l'n) Le"i',. ltl I.Atlfl,l'rllfJ flrfr'IUt .\fO'lt • 11,d; A m.!-lr!p tc• ·t "~Ill Id ()&J1kmli1 Ci<.1111 'IJH<'f in~ ll)!ol"l"'IJll'111!11 I h.l,r11't nlllln · · ,a:ni11;1 l(llljl'l1mc t\cch Mllk-T, Ill Mt,o;IID Oa~ 1, G«•Jk·1,1/Slu.l1,, Elrmr,iltln hlilhl/1(.,,1 A,llol',· l>nrtffWlrtfrd. ,1/f>ttf • 11ri1,·ckdh) R,,tiutstnrl~ b:~Mll."' U,IMMW)a. 13 Ct,H1m.tnlul ,'\,r Grrr11rm•r,W\i), T11urwy, Apnl 20. 2000
Mftil people 1t11hc.irlifeumc"'1II ncv(:rhca<>.cd lt1bcywoald h._c to..cll 1hetrbodJe1 HU\',"C.\cr. SO tAoctren ""~ U!lkcd tO do1hi\ aOOUt II month .uld a h.aJr .11p, b)·1hr FO.X 1elev1dQn

.,~iot1'moanuun bO:lnt 1cni10f') h l1111,c:,1rly wpper 11me and the ,n1itl1 l)f pg\11 drill~ 1hro11tth lbc JT)' 11c.."4'"n nlr Nc:•tly l',eryun~ c~u,1ing from N<inlt 111.ibn h.1\ m,, -<c:n mu1,;.h ,un in m<>nlht. On tbc dmd d.iy ol Mooh', dirtct \Un, 1,c.11rly C:\ICf)Uflri h cnmplctely burn, 10 a cfr1py ttd, m;11cb1n11hc <k~n q,r,d Otc: 0ftlt day Wll\ lklt \\.1th nu i.hJJC:, .tnll i.rutlc:nh

cbo-.c lhc: ,1n,,lc: 12-mUc loop 1mul'ld 1ht- Slid; Rock Tru.ll Ill the tw:1in11111~ of the" .td\~IIIUIC .\1oun1111n lt1l,.N, round u ,uuqoe f('(lu1g 10 rtd1n1 ,iol~ty on roclr. 1bn1 m11.kC'~ lhC' Sli~l Rlx~ t'r1J1 iJ. ft'J11.11lubl~ c,~11en~ A C911pk ndc" ,ullettd mmor b1k(o rrobkm., th( r1,111 dnr bu1 v.•cr~ b:1d. oo cht: ,11,Jtfk 11f1,:r "1•,.ilin; l'IOC' of the nWly l~I hike- ,oop ••t.ty eninh .,1.:mcd f,1llln1 .1p,,n afun~ "'hh brc.1.h .11od ,hnck:1o. t,111 I u,n t?<'llina a r,cw bike :aftC'r the 11'1p," Um-.

Skpro ,ald.

S1odt::nL1 follc,wcd II klnJ dusty din r~d ror more dtJn 11)0 tnlks oo Lbc Wl1tte Rim Ttllil. TI.c u,111 h.,d iooredtbl)' \lflody ftOl'n na, 111C~ 10 hilly t:UR)'OM.

Scal&d arms .ind a ll ul c aadd le,w" rJdetw ,•k·'4t.-d to.yen or plakJIU, dtuppl111 in10 tohtc"f ,urr,. ofhcauliful Ulllh', 't.!M Clln)'OII Land,; 1'111 gl,.J I 1""'1.adv.:ml•gc of• wo,*1ful c,pporiufflty,"' <;1111,lic Miller ~id h:~'-k,,, u"t coide. dlr«t.c:d auc:.ot10J1 to m11:n)' pql1u~ of 1n1cte'4 1doog 1tic nd\'c1111,1rt 0,1 1bc Whhc Rim Trull E...-.c!f')' dit)' WIil a new atJ\•cnture rron, \ l,hlns , Ill/Jc! Ck1I of b1uch c"~1dy's 11l(lng lhc Grttn Rh·er 10 deep ,wrow \1.-cl uudiei Lb.much IOiiJC: 101cany1>n11.

Rcfll:'C Sk't-;rct C.l[ J>laifk'd how It was 10 \CC flC"' 1errnl11 and be uvt la the dcsen.

N,c.c 10 know th:u I eoultJ Jo ii SkeL<.r aa1d "'J have never done anything llkc ii hef0tt:,"

Canlpi"J v,,a( luxtl11ou) whh a $t1ppllft l'Rl('lc from Kim fours. to l)llrl')' the equipment. NO heavy pJc:l carrylns .,,,.,., ne\'c.,~r). tht: gruup'o, row, w1t.., on mountain bttdn, n.1k.lenJ1>)'1nc:11t.

"h "'I\ 11kt rioi hiving 10 cany 11, pad.;· Ben

Stf1rt:111pp "aid. It 11\'ll~ Sehrempp'.s (!ffl "hil 10 UI.Ah "If ll \\'ll\l\'I fut IIIC' \tbool'Ai Outdoor Pu1')ui1~ I w11uldn'1

ba.\·c • c:h~nec 10 *° rot quite awhik,- he 11 i.d.

Nlghb ,...1:,c nubtt quiet a_t the group "fue:le(I \\-hh food iiud hUcd \l.Onw:h\ ,.lth biut«:uc cbie'kc-a while

Page a THE SElfflNEI. DI Aubrey
chCIIO uy llM GtOf9t Cloc:i<wlso from 1en. sieve Cnion, Josh Jiellhalce and Kylo Seebye g,,arty llllle lree al lhe beglnlnng ol lhelr Moab adventure.
to the
b,)' WlnlC'UOUJ: Ur11dC'n .\"""""' /l{"pnftrr 1~1t,t,y hr.:~ Jed 1bmu1t1 rouJh ru:id, nrtd le,:"- p111111,cd 1t,y1hm1eallt 10 c.onl111C"r hut( a1i«nd1n, hllhillc" 1opp1n,: ,,u1 M cxpon•ivc'- Ri(kn \1)1:Cll ft\C IUiyJ ul fw1 Ju~t fn lldvcnlure 111 "'"l C3n)'910 v.11h diut tlOWIPlf fl\'C-1'!1 and the hi1th rfa1c.11h llf Mt):ib'!o
through the sand along White Rim TraJI In Utah's Canyonlands.
Roughrtders put bikes
test on trails or sold rock


P.."cd rvir u,:· uhl Hc.alt'IC'C Thamm

Wc:ltlin1l r,11l1111w,J he,• the)' rouM !oft

01;c:r u11i11uc IC1T11in .and v,,trc ;iNc 10 1>«

an,! Ma,,. on II dc:a, &otht TI~) \\C:tt .a1 o oa ,he 1bri\'1n1 o.,mm111th)' or life i:u11111r

lt"1 ,ind 11,t uw~, uf po.I.bole aoJos,

I btok~ 1hrouch Ilic d1v1d1ns l1t1~-6

IJy J.lkl ntll'IJ \Vcfdlnit r...1IJ M)' !IOUI

rhrttuJh '-'(lllklcntn111tm 1hicktt 1Nri .ad•)

Y dc-d1\;afcJ !ht' lflj'l 1('1 lhC' k"M' ffk)dC' n Almu,1 t.hrrfllln- triptkkl"h.'w tbc

ftJ 0Cll;IIIIIJ In lhctt ht.:iJi. 'j \l,'lln! 10 riJ( 'tJattl 10 r1ik' m) bike. hk)cJco. bl(')'CI~.

• aiO,c- 1nounu11n bU,e, met 1hc 1,ions umP\ tjJ1-h1ellN rwmr, u •he' t1d11ta •·c.·1:11 dt;ett~)'

•11h~ .uid v,1111r.1.11ul • nt11mh111 u( ctlOI

I•~ fl11mP' (MUO t.l..ln .a> (alrlpc'fl l'·"'"t"J min'c. m&Jdliy tluul attout nun. 1 ~rt ~1,J,ni flad 1n tic llllJ 10 br JMJ•l'W!'CI 0111 o! t •·•i~• dc."t"p

ind 11lldtng oo ,.1,p~,t yr,ct Jtiltdl.i)

JrPp('C'J Into Che t".ttlh wht'tt '*lier Ot'l\:C 0011,ciJ aOO licf!

1tkq>l."b..111nd 1n1ht c.mti·, wrliw;,: !\Ocr,,. 1<111, -.17.,nUt rideo thac cOOtd •·1th ,1 ,etq, bill chtub 11111 "' 1hc Vt hllc Rim rrull tium1-e11,11.11ttJ bod.t, ~hcd tu 1ttt- 110rt bed• of• Moa.b t,q,.1(1

I ~\111:1.l«r In rnlnutt,. Utcd cye11 holLI 1.1,,v,,11 lbt go'lllp ,,,,llCJ¢nl) sca1tc1cd through 1hc houllC' , 1umhcnn11110

1h1n11h1 unknft•tt ~,-..My 1he dn',un, \\Ctt t1f 11101,intain biLi11J! 1hrw1h lh< moo ~llKulat 1tclk:I')· r,11v11nunh. wrruunJ.111.:, lnlll$ll11lbk l't'.11"11)' 1hc ,ooua,hl'- ..ind dn-;am, of lhll"° til«p11a ,ir.uc on 1ht lhrilhni ,pttd ul l.lttp. r.u1. ~wn-httl dcM."t'nl~ a1MJ I.he windy l'lrtt1e no~·lo11 ltlniu,ih Onprrn1 lhht, OieJrlH! home_,.,. ton!-'. ht111he JJuUP .,....,,, ltll.lh/kd fwm cornrkun,: 11~>1hc:r ,mt Ov1dot1r Pu,"11htt Ji,J,c11lute 6,·rt) mictnbct ul 1hr irour uxlc: merer 1tun

HIO,n1leot. W11111 ffllll( Moab," Ja., ,. ('hffo,td '4id :ifln 1hc ltlp

~,1, lhfflUSh \tr&rl)' n.)d,. ~fllc"J 1.i " lOf041fld

rll'\C )'eat "I rlln ,,,1n11 ~am,'" wii.l l\f) Su-rpu "It""~

C''-l".l)lhtl'IJIC) lflc1111Jbl 1l v.·(ll1fd be rlu, \l"ICIC'

1\.11..S of i;h:ilkttfllllil but 1 •Jlt be heller flctl


1>1 t.uh.t G,oritl' Srnti11rl N,p,,r1,, IX hundttJ t ~I hc:lmi. lhtd..""-"tt Jl«,r, thlr"'gb Cllll)"\W:l'i J..i, l&laJ WIik, ~C' f'C'-tr 1t,.\Cd , U,U)r., 0\t't \IIQ1111 11Dd bouJJc:n i12 wuctir.1,1 tJ111b

Ba:t~Juns - It UUI .1.da..-dtlkJ ~fu(•;i,tt\,''lliibPlil

lht' C.11< •• •ll Oln .!,~ICU~ Wlil pl«.t ai 11 ~~rartJM<1M'lQl•<:tlhrn11to.k11•n Todd lln..,, the, Jc,,Jct <'four """1) u;J.

"Tm oot dimNn; tin11l l'H• ldt the flutlftJ. • l"•ll4;ai..'l.".,.'hffl:'-l<'Cpn:M..b •<rck-11 ,11,1u,1dw\l hy lhe Ix~ 1.,1 fllJIO. tuUntv.,li lhc COITlfflOCI nunJ...,,1. Thortl.ltlN:lll 'f'Jll\, :i_, cey,1.111

1nu1,fotmrd 1nt11 btt~1dt1&1.1"' -..M, 11 , 111~t

l\r,\nl l'l\'t'f 1hc l\'IC\.,.11 t"3.inbl'V<, .irp;-ld't'd Ult~lttnlU. 11'1 thr lf11 • t iutlttl11n1 mmntnh • hen

t\lfll"' •vulJ hA\-c- ali&k,I ht J'll"ffl'\:I ~EM u~ffthll\ &oi111re.a.h~~)'l'll'I', 1111" !otUlclJ fur w1tlliinJ! 1hoc 1..ht1 ~., ~tound 11nJ itlt'A>ntolbt'can,'llll nl liC')o'ot kJ d;1)".hil.C1o thill lll'kO\cJcJ

pt4n>J!l)ph.' 1fld NIM hiJckrt h(hu-, Ul'O

•nd"" btgc:,.. \\'uh the ,,.,,11d ")lflut1111c'" ll1 m11Jd,C\t1'J,llun1 lb.II v.c 'II:~ rll 111.ll Jn4 llpliaa, \\'C' UV. J"Olh....,.. pliflWtp, .-J dY.-clhn,:, dalmJ~ f.kQl>)'tllf'l "'b..•nthc, r.,ncitmo4.lftc.~"'lc,t,,kJ V\lttill1 r1-Lo:11W1LttH, "''"' ,t..1C'J had, 8'X))'UI' v.t,c,n &tic til'l4 L111'l'll11 t1~ of (r«ft pa1111 \\'.&., tntiJ Id 1Uu,tr.i1" • nw1 offiJ

c:ufa11.t,,·111t,,,b, l1• m,l'lll1•n"r , m~·\f:moo, ') (Jlb;1h v.crc uf pcopk bc)ld,ng JQDd, 1n I ctf'\;k ln a >ol.'fN'.. IIU\!C(IJ't'l""Ut,ed P\lf p-l'IUPPt. vrc C:"-'fll' Cl'lft(tticr 11Lc Alan&I\'. A, v,c !ltrt1~·hc:ll t'lill vu, ltJ1 on chic ml 11,Li ICl lt111tdil\\C'.1f)k1ft"'Jtl..l lN.httltlt' AllJ \iu;.,i•, •lllf tn\f"4b atftNI alllf •(" \h.lftJ 1tl:1\lnJ! n••mclll, irl.J&ud pcin.;wlc: umr,fuct.. llun(\IJTr~(IIHhllUtlttll "-f' tnc.~""'cn:J i:.aUt'rnt condu100~ 1ochllhn1 bl.uinatritbtt.both.11 to0l l,)ct,of ,km fn,,sn .,.., Wbtu 11v!- \\Ind amt nahnt 1.hWdth 1hcc-.1n,1•II•, "'( r,ill fnttn 1'1&111 IIMI

ChM11e MIiier sits on his mounl•ln tHke while gulng 81 lhe VOii canyons.

hlor• tit win.,,,, "CllutJltdtuMIL \\'tJ.,I.~ to,c,11,cr111iu\tnh, n,otrlit.C"\1(C'l. nu&'flfl!!

1ft tb..- r1....ii.. lhc dou1h t,t,ut,1IJ tirt:iL J.~

•f!Yld C:~ 1111111 CQ C.ll'klf41toll'l ,.UUIJ coo,,,,uc Thru&iath ,11(~111~.nd n.abM,c I~ under ~fl0-l'oot·ph1• M~ap 1&nd lll.lV\-1o Ilk' ,·lt'lldc:-,rtl. \\th1\aS 111, lnh:allll

I ~po...._"4 ,n Che ~kmrc:ri1 \i!C .._T.tmhcd

•fir. IIY\\"tnngcJ1,.1n of lbt CM)tiM. d1e 1t1<'1\1 ,t ,u,n,,n, mt1nl0'11-. \\ere ~hin,r Jc••

•UL'tt1-,ful l'.llh\ (loll DI th( l~1 f)o(ll' \\c milcle uur -•) bad. 1111<1 tll( clll\yun lknd the prol«1Klll of l1tlf Oll'J', •hfd1 rr,l\:kttJ comu,n. Qu1Juu1 ri.r-1.111\ r,rll\'lllcd ,Ill orrnnuntl)' for twe Ml) athcntul't' tltll • ch.,lkef\~ w i.."Ulftt 1"1tthrt Ill C'Uff'nl<' l'L'CllJd.iofn

roe!.. )!h dttp ro11dJN In tt1"h lbt r'ntl lll ar1 ,u,c Ritk1, upton-d 1t l1>1 cun)'"' 11"11
V1nn1') ~ki • 111,1,1 t11n It .,.,.._u sooJ \\it) to ~peckl ,pr,11- btt.Jl." t-1'•uJ VanftO) uni '"J.i\Oll II u\.ctt~1,on • Ji~ ,hn,. "h "'ob tbc be" ,11,,dlt1n t'~t't," ltumm uld. rcftmng 10 • f;,n(lfl{C U)'IO. Utt°"fh~11h.- Wwntmf pt,plot,,W. ,;a Abo ve: Jason Cntford slfdH Clown a shoot nur lhe bottom of a s lot canyon. Below; 800-yea,-old Pueblan canyon pa:lnu~ above cliff dwotnng.s 1ell 1torle.s ot IM llfo and culture ot peopae o1 th& patL lNAWEOF ANCIENTS

'Boys of summ er' gettin g hot

C ard s ca prnre l as t 10 of 12 as regio nal s loo m b) J>..u I uu ~t,:hn,l&p,,•rrrscm, • ~1d1h1g. tt.1n, Utlll. .nd 'ldlJJ Jrrt,n,C' ti~,c bc..:n ,t') r11, 11\cnrn·, b:l,ch11.U tCU111 The C.t1nltruh ~' woo IO nf 1tictr ~I I? l!:lf1V'\ i.n.t ,'.JJI') ~.s, l\"\:urd lt).91111ht' SW·\C"1

•t. 1hc)' Utdt d1"cr ,,, 1hr rci1nn.i1I

lf>Uffl,rfn('l'II I he 1( 111 1 ~l.lllll)lf 10 fc."I 11lnns

hcucr"' 1.i\1J n,htf1~1Jcr 1·aylor \\""·

\\.-hO 1c.1J.., the' ltmn with 11 '61 blllllng

41,n,tge •· \\ loog ij, "'t \hsy ,,11 ,1. rnll. I dunL uur dto1~ ov\' f<",...t hc!;i,J1nt IMO

fflettl'Ju,ul ltilffll..tmetllNIC ,phi ii d111o1bkhc11.Jri1 "'"h lhl"

Colley1: ul Su,1thcrn IJ.,,hl\ 01'1 April IS.

lbt t"anh w.·(111 tiuuc I l,.-! lunlt1ni CSI

1 ti,1 Pu h,er Ry1111 Lupul 1,IJUd nut

11111t 10 c:uU,u t 1u~ J1flh w u:i ull tht

!IC.l..ot'I Nit. dr<11lfl('J JIUI~ 2 '" ('SI 14-2

The C~J.-. \lottt ~II )' 11blc hi !M;t~dt I.I'll

ltttU hh• Mtth Sumn~f h•J .in k HI

d11uhtt or1 "rr1 1 1:.,w u.aCC1:.imt1u

ll>"·n And NI(" c:unk'J twu ,n,,,..: w,n~. 6 _l

1tnd 11- 1 IA\'I \ 1ooto)'ll CZ-I I .irn.1 l\cttn)

I ilfSl"Nlfl c,,mhir,ed PII a lhf'¥'1C'·lli11i:t Ill

J/illnC" IWO VanC"lcii11c. h11J a .,.,1-1,tUII

huma o.nd foi: RBI 1111 thcr JI), ~111111i;, 1hu twJ l \\'U Jwbk, lftl.l duct RUI \I Ylalla Wall;, Coonnu1,1f) C'oUci;~ lht Ci1t\h ~vn l"nh i.:a1rl(\ m a doubk lk'.-.kt 'IMl'h J~ Sa.,11"' ~m411 "ial11 \toirli-, ~orcJ lhrcr C1f lhe IC'.tm'• t)\t rvn", •nJ We,.1 till :.1 hHM1.u1 111pl~ :..~

1ht~ won rtmc I, l \Jam 1-111, r«otd..·Jh1•flf't'*'m••l thC"k'.a.•-.n v.li1lt ulk1h• out lhe In tiurtc 2 a11111n

V.1nC'lc11w-, ti.amn;: h:iJ l\\u hrl, 1111J l'th1 ROI •·tulc Wcu lt11J au RBI dnuhlc Jncm)' ~1r1,,,,,111 I -O; fUt~hcd four mQUl!!\ •n,I J.a\'C' up l'AIJ hi1, »r.d

l'w •1umtorul.. up 1hc i-111 'l'IC" ("n11nocJ ll• 10.,J 1np 1ll R""" c·oii,e~-~ lw ll'U Joobk~I;. '-"' h

11 and \pr1I I l<'c·~~,am ~'C.\1111~

111 ,1 cb1Md1c.-rJct J I. S·I Luptil lS· II piidl(•J a C11n1pk1c pm,., Ml)' Jh IIIJ ur lht l\i.h illlJ l"PC UIJC'i&fll(!ol f\111 I le ~rni;l

1)111 ~e:-n. t)e.itf11,t10J hdt<"f foe 81 ~nt wc111 .i I I" 111111.: one an,1 "-"t1ttd cwo

11.JJ,,. Ri1.;i111 11 h1111 ng lM Wuc 11f11m

r,ro, 1died lhc ollcn-...· "°"Uh 11 ,l,,11M,=, an,.J

1wv RBI hill(.\.,, r11i:b(',1 • 1.-1C1r hn

~muJ!lclc•· •" iw1ne Z ('n,1.,., fK"kb

Kcuh 0, 11 fm 11 1hrcc:·run 1l11uhlt: 10 "'r;ut..lheulfC'll....lllr lv.ll lt"~m, "Phi lhc ,l,<11bkl.:>kr

lhc 11oe\t I.Ill) WI "1: I C won S-.& tn i•mc I kt1:m)" Nlt'IM"11 fl.o, d.-11m('J 1hc • m, r,1i:h111t 1to\n-hn NII t,11 1bc hll&I \ Ul

Oh so bruised

Sophom o r e Osso takin g mo r e 1han o ne for the C ard s


~.111,,lkl'f>t•rttt Thc rc·\ a tttru

tf(t11 1S (hw,, I\ a 11 tiud1cl11tr tn ,n Spolo111c: i t

r fl'l)cJ 111 1hc " " i\C All S,.ar 0...1n,c:- for tbl'

C"JUJlll•l\14'-t )(.;IT

<h\C, t-.incd (, nh

four hornc mn, afW }II

R8h \i.hlfc M.:Oflrtr .\!I

tultl durin,: 1hc. ·•11 ampa1in Scwnc uf 1h( iu}, <ln

l ht IC'JIUI lhill~ he-",

c,11.1} ror11alr.ini

r1td1t~ .il'IJ hu JooJ

"'Tl1~ u·u\ I fi~t1rr u u l',.,t,u,r J111 Ht m1«-> 1'11111'\ /$1m1 I trt 1Jttl)U1(

rta"1rt 111.l. irtJ II OOmr h la,1ti.U OIi )OUf arm

d1~,n·1('\ 1dh pruH Gnc:-. 8 u1Oi.w~,11·1

r,11n1 t be 'i\l' k OITl(• lhc p.1111, i.11a1Ain 11 i.lU id h m lClol\ h,

"1hr -* >· I filW<' h h l' \l' 1'11,+tn h h U lttut'\ 111.i.l', I ) ll lll('t I fC'I t1" h11.'<' dl..11 1 c:nn'I ru.a1.i.n1ot , ...,.,~ 111 h,1,c 1r t ,llft r1.11 to t "

It' , 11,11t p.ain~> t,(11 tk~o dlX'~ •

l4~hnn 1ut'

1nm11ir, lk ,1l111"4't°J unc UIM'AnlC•f nm

Uu.:,·d llllJ V.\-..1 CJ~h h,a,J th.rt,· krh In a.amc ! Rich College cJ1dt<J •ti• Cwdid, "11o 1t1nu1g Utt11I. llf rf\c Jilfl-0 l,,elit111tt 2,9, NIC. nl.lfl.l#d thm: l-i1hll9':.llltt,IR1\h.p,tl.'hlltf .\lt(r I IO •JII.Jllc tuuJ tur , 1h c ,d111.1h; b11~1cd Colk;c or f.<11tcm l·t.,~, on April". "IIC ·nn bit111h t11Jt\N vf ht J~Mcbtwc-1 \..l anal 2 I Luriul IS

I , piti. h.-d ,u,.:,11 tt comr1:1c t,1mc 1n,l uuu 1,ua II \/.1ntl<Sa.1( lut I h<11) rnn t.1ul¢f ,n the ICllffth rnam11 ,,ml a~l('l h..J ,1. nm 11ClllU1S uipli: i111!}c "htb I tll/ 1J

1. S'iJIIIC 2 ,1nJ "'''fl hl'> dutJ COIUt(11h\,* ,1.iu H,: ,:illo~cd tHC hn, a11J one bmcJ nm v.htJc, f.mtllnt J,C1cn 81"111111 fllkl a lmt!lt anJ i, rttrfc TCl !i-CO~ t\l!U l'ar+.11n,t.1., I~ ncu J.a:,- ,·n hd, f,mc- one S.

• ant.I ,1r 1,1,lm game 1wo 4 J. Cfl, ""'tJ four run HI lhC' lut ll'ltun• to ull,· pa: 1 '.lill' koh Sumner t111 a \Olo h••mi:: mn ,n the Com1h In a, .,,, tlfo,1 111 Satnt I Iii! \k1.t,n,d~ hll~f I urul ,i..t • 14mc•\\11111ina.. t~l'l·n1r1 d1,uhlt in 1t., t'lm~111 1,1f thC' t.t\·cnth, C111.e, Huo,d~~c (.\ U ullowN 11111 tnu 1n I~ lm.d lltlo 1immp 11f the JAnlC' We're \tatl1ftF tu et.~·1 ri.lhtt lh:HI hVl'IC' 111 "''" anymori~ " Lupul ,aid ~t tt ,.un1nr ,~, L'UrllC toJtlbc• a, 11 w.11111•

Track reserving 16

Tia qlllllly1nt 11111ttn lar utlml m11t b1 Jnt111~u 1twrt,u,d Somr1dli.,i,1,rr, fti,.!1.111411 J11hc 1k '1.attu IC'I • :,..: 111n1&1 Juttu,r

t"O,kf,.· At! kt11,: /1.'--.~llltlori lro 1tic )lnt'ht'I a.

lhc- Spol.l&.nt tm u 11101111111;,d .ar1J l1dd 11>c."CI 11 1

~pol. ne f',,l h t.'ommunity Collc,r \J."tl l JS. 0t

\1.mmt Ji.i,1,:n;J 1k: l'Q.'\.nl hy 1t:1 fn:c 'tllllh • lla\,uf 11•> 1«11"11,.:~ h)·r;:c~-=:~t.C'~lt,;u,~:::::: 1"11 t h) lt;ic.hel~IU'rn•llh•tou,if,lf-l If'!

N.111: K.nlh sni~ • ,un ,,e "'"'" fl• 1tr flll"ll ~._.

1cta11 !\1C f\'O;ll1J 111 the tJl..,c pi( 1,111J1 atiw.<lf'\.I.HJ

\I ~ Kt11h 'l'.ffl de ck\CU\ •1th a ,M,.,. u• lll7-0

*11 Sm.ill c1J(r » w Jc,c w, Lt 1hiutt1(1Cf, al'°

va<'·o:•11 fur tbr l•J 1!.1111rr1

T he c·a1J1n.i.1, ,,ncJcd 10 \p<>hni: tflr 1t-e

Whitv.,ll\h f,1,,1,;11111t1I Ot1 Ap111

Wh1 111o·o,1h a IHllld \loffkrnd r ll\, ,...,

Sophomo<e C<J-Kel1h OSSO hu

('Qll;h ~1, \\Mibm. ·WcllJil fJ'CIII f.&:1j,1a,,\ a llbctt-a11Jrm11._.,,.adJrr r~,peo.~J •di Ol1 lti-11ict'l "'toilk-, s.»t: Kt-11hv.-011fh:t,h..lf (lUI and ('!an:J"(."Qll'.ldlntl.:d1--.,Ulc.\1..,1t Jc.-..,\\\~11 -.ect l {b·IOt1 b:ulatk'ft!V1)'j, alb nri.n.lkt" 1.-ip NK:Af\ 1hf\1~"("t Sc,I S~I m.1)' 11.1~ "°"111ht l'in,:i,l.t.lfotltll(ft,:,J•talr &iJh,J,.I u11111.mlitik;d.i)·w,lh(1Ulddlccll-.&.a.T.'

>i€lllli h) Cflakb~K h• b,:f 1hmJ nM111t1.M "'1:111 She DII l:2lJU IJl tt.e 111.·10111t111.Jd din C'.'\-CIC 111 the l~llm ,..1 Che )0111._11

lllOn; will «wnrctc 1,1 • n,.K.k,n.1.h. On Arni IC. lhc- mc-n and ¥.'Pll\CTI ,ra,t'lt.:J 1• M, lflff'lluh. en for the- WNO'l1 (lrctot• (n\11Ji1111.:.I Wc-.lCJTI "•' • 1r;JI) f1u.l 1rca.- \lli,J W,11l.1ff\. *The .,.Ullin ""'" JICTft,:.1 Ju"°" IJl('rc Q,q,I 11 .• I \ll\.\l kr O'WXI lllolll JIU! le- r,cu11.1c 1•1-.iu~ ,.a,pc..• l k~ \it'l)"<'r J.aim,c l~f:am11n tf1Ul1fu:J ''", 1r1 the IOK .;at",1 ,K. f\llh \1'i,'t1' taa ,11 Wr)' ilk--n:dltilt i.1t L111u 'lu.11if) h

c1ih1, 1orn1h1 ,,1 • ft4:""\ffi.;1 an..t Jl cnn4n·, (f'lCCM'IC'l41 fl'\.''on.h hct \iuh ott tJi,e Nll ID(I 1("fl 1t~1 • .:11J w.111m, \ho pcrformm1 ~\:II \\ffl': Ot\bin1.. t,u flmJIN t"!N ln~~lft, ~1.11,0., .,~1hc-"nn,cn'1t.h,'4 111.11, fi111•heJ 1«on1.I m lhC" d11<111i ,u.J t:k!1t1 htr n.•uwd ii, !!IC lgin11n ltWU\lo h\ :lol\ rm unJ Cry~Smi1h it1!p'\n'tdklat(ll;.'{J(ldflb.'t"f1noJ11ndlc w1m._-idw0\\ A~\: llcn,Jtr,.on alk'I • hn<t ,b) 1111,•hlnJ ,tt\1llJ m lbt JltW tuntcr.., 'wlia,.m,: 11,~ lla."9flit.k off her ·Mlflm tn.mlJa tune .:and ani.:haruii: 1he 4•-IOOtti fd.t)· ta,ilr\t,("l,iccll111:\li "t th11,l .tall! uwnlni: (l~IC'f. W11tJnl'll.,. '"'-C'l't'op1oa"~"1 1r,~f(C" 1u 1~1,.,i.,. ITlll'II Nu"" tht ll,llll k1 l «p tnlth)', 1,lllli:C runncn l1 "t",·1• f'ml!iOO., Cm~h C'.dli"Olt

Poll" 10 fHESEJrfflNEt 3: DanMarino • SPORTS c::, C: • ...::..: relired with an • :::, even 420 ca reer • c::, >- touc hdown • -= • 'i:5 p.l\Ses •
Thu1Ml'ly. i\pr1120, 20Qo N1C sho!al op Ando,w Ltrson lh r ows 10 first buoma,,1oma1tethe O<II.
m b 11 \C'b:atl 11.M' wtM:n n b.nct 11 h11 h)· J t1.1U 11 'Halkd '1ul h) r,11,h"' ..;irhl ~liOlllof(' Ktitla 011,\1 ul lhc: C.td1na l• 11.1 ncinl nr IS ot 1hc,11 l.n lhh ..e11, tm;h j\ .1 tirhtKII
malt'~ 11 ,hsht ly hr.tutblt If 1he p itd1,ut• lfl\ ldt. he 111111 '- 1111 1, 11, t.lkk"' hh (I~• vu1 Jal\J tn,1t~,1t1 f ttlnJI h11 "n 1hc bunc he p·u hu oq 1h< 1111.t'J". wh ld t t,.: n'° ,t'' i""' il\lhc hJII bl:h h llll •u )"'li ,rt h11 ., lh!!' "'-1n,;, ii hull• bJJ. • '")' Os...o. \ll liu·J t«n 1.1uf hl h1,1~ h> do 11 h) hsnr1.:r lnm1n ,1tt'. Robb" Si.:h n1cdc-r ~,,~,. O\\t• .. Nu.,....
collec1edaschoolrecord15hl1bypltdles. ..J} • rlJlt'J lh• u!J,11,.,huol \\, \ So l,1"t )U' he 10.;J 11 ou1 o1QJ -1 h11 nine III JK~ m 1111t ..C.:tM>n Jc.rt111y 1-!~1-od, ¥ol"" hclll the- 1fcon l la11 ~c u ,l b 11 hll ·b)·rll~hc:"~ 11,IU Ov.o ht "'ou 1J.n·t bJc..1\ 1he rr:,-iJ Al zet I btul r hhct\lrnc:d', rccllfd, I 1uh ,Jolnl 11 bt(JU~ 11 ,1;i;rt('J 1,1 hUtl I llttlt but I 111 5:c t11 111 tl i1 Ju,tlh 11nid1" \\ 111\ IH~ilfflCJI k l 1 1n IIK' ,e.1.n11. (h..w lfltUJIUc''l ht' n uiiht 1;1lt" 11 rcw more tu,.._ 1- 11,:l y be', l tleon ht 11oc3finJ 11t1 urm r no1c.;:1111
._. 1 W.i).1n"· 1k rta=tli:nl ht'T'U'fl a ,::c..i 11111."r 11r11.l r.,n fcN.lf n un1C. l1,lf 1n It.: t~1rn. a hlJI lcn ll..a for MC"' S#t1.10 11honm.uoli• I~.fO,n en t 'S.3 On th!! wl1111c11·, »IJc Julie l>c\1 11tnl 11,·l•H thcl Hhn w11h I M: hc n,l 11:cNJ. vi J:'111«1 Sa1.-h Oc lb1. v.-ti.., lu.1 had lr,« ewt,c,nn._ .,.,,.m hc hiJ:11 )tlinp hMJ Krll.Ul,n r,la.ul th1nl 1 ~w.:- 14fl lm tmnJks K1111 Tal.C"ucbi and l'r)"lll.111 SIJUlh b1,1h ftl.l1lr , m rt1" l"ltl(flti 1in lll('1r kunlnn lh11 ,~.l. an.I Rcn111:t V 11¥iN4hn"J1ff"~t,,,:-,ttlQI. inln.c- :Ulrfl1U1 ltClllbn Ta)h !)Ide 1bc. .b.'114·
i1n1t Cll&tdlt \11 Ua Mt't uut (u1 tJic ~·:l'ltl'l llffllJllf utl..-n. ·~('.\C' IWLI 11 or 11'"('".il 1111urte1." lllJd V.a1lin"'Wc'1t uy1n, :1,, ~ttp ptq,lc hotllh)' lu t("t c,(1)\"1C ti,N11a1n11h,tv.l'cll1J\\"~1ill'\l1· The !QIU ••bal.:~ U1,L1IOO l"nJ,1) Ill f"hc11C}' for~ Amie 1-'t Jkar ln\llC' nlt'(I. 'flit, will !'I(' d,c tit-:t met1 hr ld bc'forc, 1h r Rc-g ion 11( fr11d, .1111 1 hrlJ (1'"1mpon-.h f"' tn ()tn11.. t1t.,1h \ I ~,lc·l m..l

-'9 lki1,a Nooh Kl he can be ,111,o,.ard(d •·llh rn,oui;h motlc)' If! c:un1moe racjns. th, t.lOf•n 11 ~n 1n \Joubt l"tll 11 uut He -.a,J, • HulJ the throUfo •Iii i:o!" by\\'Jo-lJnodcn -Rq,,n,r

~:~':: :::!':.::~';:~·:f:.::~,,!

the IKXld cn.abbnJ 1um 10 ,rict'd ur t.ll·rr, 111dl11mg 11lnp.., of ru~ f"O·,i,~kT 9"$ih

run: \lkXJ J'lll'l\ct

\'11nGond>· 1111n dt111l·n1try ,·Juc'ltJtM"I

e a..t.d1

Snow t"ol~. •I humc. I pJ1t. Fridl)'.

Apnl.,I Sao• C'callrp al biJmc. noon S.11.ur\Y)'. Aptlll

trumn \·altt, CC".,, a1 Onmio. Ch., ri

~:::t:.Z11~ btOnr»1t1 Utt. noon S:Mwday. Ap,I l"J Colorado N«thwm C.C 1111 Rao.JC!). t.olo • I p u1 May 3 Colorado Nordlwnl c.c:.. ar Jt.n~l)I. Cl)lu, 7:)0A.m Saun.l.ty. ,-by 6. t• (·onft,""'" Touna.1fflffll, 11 TBA, Moy 10.U

tu,l..·111 1M NI( ,._,tb I JU'&'loilln fot ,no._ m{lltik"1. ··t .,1 ,,. tht'lu5b1 SL'll•• huant1nc ,\ a,,

m) f.11,1,c1tc 1•n11111:.d Pt•11. 1h ,i.,1 t',cna

ll~~u,,n J.MJ \.,itC'lvn~Jy, • 1 lilt fin<~·

m,>h1ht1J lhc h.;11

i\ ,no.-.m1lNlc1=111,-, l.t\l s,;-('n 1111,1.1.

oll ,uo,,1rll.1a.rn '>I rt" thal .uc ~,Tio 11!11

'-1.111 111 1r.i d "1lho1n 1hc :ud flf i:.


\',111GunJ) , ,,.u...,wutiil~ t,.u'

•f'(t'1.-I f.{'CC1f14111ron1 ti IJ ,111 h,m 111

I.Ii, •t&Jti,c, 1t.:U1l~ 111:c-'}'l-c ndu1i.,1m I'" 111; 111JIQ1fl,t>1,,n~i:u1 11 nuidTilM'

i'l 1 .!f'O.I ~fou111.1111 M.t, 1011 1lta1 lu,

II~ aihl"" Iv ftvl fd lhl ~nu-1n,,h1I,: "'Ll.l(L ~IJ'< 1111,.:n d1th~uh ,and ~11/l

I.ii~ lfl()C.: th,1ri Hft( r,riw,n to ll"U~<' !he c"'•f,nhn< ma-ti,N:t)· frc1111tic,foercr.J ku~J<t "\\"hell )Pl.I IIIL 1tu..ll, ll ,~cb hlc )'01.1 him.~ lo 11n l1l,:, ol<XI pei,i d11 abfl1.11 IH 11111,0., h,c .aMI • II )OU'rc coM.. -.:t "II.IC\., )'OU "'111 •1km Ufl

T11r1na kJ c,1n1rol ml!Ut\.'( lllllOllOIC c,f ('U#l.'J bbkl.i II h \ 10u11Jy hJd. J:Qd (1;nJ-1 J',1,V\'l~d.~•i:o •h.:n hco11c, bl'llVJ~ni.loo up 1,1) ti 1 1hc 1l11 "'~fl." t•ll lh,e ,rou..i

esufltwll Ohli! C410ti:ot. •I hbn>e I Cl tn I rid•) , \pul 21

Ohk Cnllr,:,, athorne noc,n ~.r1urd.i).

Ap,d 22. !wilt l.alr t L iL1 borne. I rm. FnJ.J::,.


S•li I •lr (.:.( .ti hortie, IIOcllt (i~y ,lpnl,l<j

!\1trtw Col"1c,:.. U1;ih. I p.m.

l~ :\-1.1)4

~,to• ( ,ilk,tt, £r,hniun. lab, 11111.1n

s.itur!Uy, \l•Yb.


M,y 1l 11 • t1uramunf 1\pot"C• Bo•tlnic Joutl\Mtf'IJl .at \11D1Ci Y p.rn M•11141) >trnl Lt


VanC,un,J} hu\ t--~n r111un1 hi• 111.1d1inc a,v.t I~:, 111 lhc •~• .ir11I ,nu,, j'IC1in,t ,n ,-cs R.XL'tltl) he pl.atcJ r,,unh ,n arao.:c 111 l.oc.•li.n\ll P;H.c TIIC ,con1p:h!i(.III 11, ,1 f'l'\'tl)' 11th!. ILll~ •. ~rlrumflj hfwt he Jo,.1 hy h.alf II ~u-o.,d An<l ._ wry u,k1 1n the 11'111 fu1,,11 r,l~•·1ti:1.t.llhi11I M'l:!Jlldol fo vi AJl ll'Ctftll\'C to io f~·r ihl:ff"tt, '1IOIIC'" In~, !'°I ,11 ...,.1t111irl£ 1he r:i.;o. la 1.b,t fi M l~I I'.-:""' ddr,I 11.J;;e n:o:wtd :S~lO \,11t;umJ; hc1~1<,,t,, ,..11 nata:i:;ll

i&i:.~~,:;,!~!'.urn.11nnil ,,c I

\!,uiGunJv 1h.1nf.'Jo hi\ ~«IN thal h,·nc hi:.lrc-J bun- Shred $tied, Amc-nc11n lndu\lriaf, 801.1nd,1,ry Tractm"'•nmlt.ll, Bn:},.,i Dti1ne.b C'o. ud 1111, f'llrttl'"' ••,ho M4h h.&\t: hct• nd1n1 for tht rJ.M few )'~lln. "' \iy mocn h a l"cctcr 1idl:f 1hm ffl)' dlkJ • LUJ \'i1nCUndy • stic i.,; ll mort aun-unc l'kkr.'" he Mkl, boptni his J:id Jr,1,,1i!ll,.hc.;11 bi: 11:;11.h.lbc:\lfltelc A It(~ -.111 fl(' hdd JII,il ?2·2.1 V.u,Chn-S)' "11t1h r,cc,pk 10, l'w:.lp \UpP('ft 11nd cfk't'f htm Ofl dunn.g hl1 ~halkn11na nu.:ff.


1(1(1,.'fl fidJ. l 1 .m nun.Uy ~1 • hnnl, TuUtD1mM:11L }t NK. t,:: l aiu:tta Men's socce r joins NWAACC next fall

l-6p-¥11 l ~..1) M,)' J

for i11f1n:QIMID mi latr.m«•I Sp-r":\., ,an1.11.1 P11ul M1mut~u1 769 '1299 YI 1 tbl! lltfr:mutni 1,11. IJffC'C ID ltlt' lowe kvcl c.f1bc Sndcnt l Q1ot1 D1nlJ1

•1 l\rllmMI \\,1'1,b


Cardino! , olleyhull ,ijlns six-inlond NW players M(~ hc...J CU.. N Owly (°.;JOI· h 1111 lt'ttnll) ,irncd , i:,; high ,,chool w,lkyl\111 ,,1 )'"' ·. lor the l'.uuln,1h .DXJ-20H '4"~1'1tl!\ The ,.a.,..)"U\ 11\,;I*- Oru""n, 6'!"' uuddk bkdt't, Hot Srt •f\lh MQCl1. MaJ1.11u,c- lbn.cod t1· 1-- mh.lJle l'ICK.,t't, \1011(''1 Laa.e. W~ib.~ Md1tlk Hcnwll n r• nuddle bkda, Y:iUma. Wao.h. CP-.ntN10-1t,cr HS-1. folk- J('r11t'lle, S tf' uuhklc hintt, Enuntn: ('.011 T"-'h.lJ.t, S'S' ~. '""""'l&. M,,one. tl.l.")'l'IW ,.iatJ 11,c.uo;· Warrm, 5•t;·· 11WW t111h·1. s~

T""')'4r.<l Ht'i

KSP "'" Akobolk."I .t 00 fbllCfH StDtind

P;,ge 12 THE SENTINEl SPORTS Thurtday, APnl 20. 2a,a 150
TOdd VenGundy rree riding h11 t)OWOrtul &led at Roman Hose. Student p 11siles hot/\'. machine to rhe limit tln•f'I \~h 1n1->d1(14:J IIC' :uJ II IQ1 "1ct,:11 rirt,1 ror1"", ,ur t,.;,., rnud1h"d anat r1--W •r.,: ,, t1),t' a.t«-1 The m.;ai;lti111:" '1n I !in huhc ~1.T 111,J 11 en rnch l«tr11rh 111 tiaJ r«1 Wtfll tJfl <.I h,llth..1! \\.;1,1llfl0i,I \IC'III· I DU n1rpc:d Ml'r ~-1..•-arJ,. OlJ \· nGundv a, hi. c,1•1:ufll.-d how th~ ,.kJ (t,I J 1•\U luinat.s kll 11111t!f'Of him ,n1un11i; hi, !,:,. He wiJ l1.1d,1I) nL"lun1
HORSES TO THE MAX ,n:;~~~:;1;:~'f.~~~~f~1:i;
bn p1v.crfol 1t111• tt1.11.-iunc ,,. 1,p.xd ~u1d,I)' tu Ron\.l.n N~ A l4tul1t¢ ,n(l\\1o,c,t.1l ina 1>fl(l(flf h,, h" hm·n,: tc,11,11 of ~141ncN Fett) l.4'11ving 1r111:l.1
t:11romtl111('1a \d,culure. Swi tx'I
Inc 111t"n· -01XC1 ltllll• 1\ 1,0..., alll<:1111 Tbr N~h'll,,C\I Athlt-tic ,\ <i,,.11. 1.111,111 ut ( I llffUllUmt)· C4lllt'F• ,,ffl'-IAII)' &11l"111Dt.'o.l NIC 1,u hctn .tdi:J 111 rhe k.1~ut i1, men'• 'WCl.t'r Alter • bcmJ ue, the l¢ltue k:heduk jlf'IJ a11no1,mdn1 1cau1h., ti fo\.t, na M1rpthe •hen ~1c·w1, tnl!,UJ"'1 M.arcti 14 SIC v.ilh ll 'l' aid uf the: C\1t1&1 J. Alene S,(ICttf club. ttjU\tfloJltd ti.: men·, Y"Xtf rimsnn1 l;a'-t )CJt Play1nr, Qi.'"·lt.ut1ue, Ll,c Canii tin1lht'll ().1
tJC ( cmttru« Tournanirft.l, 111
r()11t-t111-r..-at !wic«r Tourunwnl 11 !Iii!(. u,c1.:~r f1eid.,: I " r,.m. WnJ~)· A('tfll:ti.
\f.ryl\. 'tJl U
bt..,.anh,111¢.111 lbw\. \II t.~ 'I ll Call ,.,:ssa1Plpcllnc· JtC.,(!,C C!LfM'BfX(f Hotline For These Great NJC Specials! 665-1400 An\j 16' One t em PI z za. wit 2·22 oz Soft Orlri S8.00 0@~<{('@ HS·t400 flO WlatNMlt M~J.,11!;:'S~J::-~'~~ H0.00. OFF rnr RLGUtAR DRICt Of AttY %" Couosus· DtllA HS-1400 SIOW~ ~1"'' :!~f..-=-~V\~ -\nrllm ·, Pwu, 11w 1m.J S.rl/-Nr\flU" Suad.l)' M.a)' limb Sli ckrock •. l\k('all. ldaho /, <ooJ,rtllf( liml,'"' Ai/1,..111111( June 16-18 Jhc lt'4:0uJ·)tar •vrnr:n·11r-.un )Ulr.i:J the SWAACC Wt)'('.# 11r11J ,orop ,ltJ I rci:ont ot I~·~ J rht' Card,not n,tn,
eTr,cl,,& fl<ld n.,14.oot \ra,m, \MIi~ r,Ucvr hnil•liun•I at C1t!"nt)' \lraU1. l·nd17.Apt1l l• Mtak»n IK 1.,_t Cl111mpioothlP'1 M l'u.b.l'nJ.:!>11t Ar,ril ~(l'I \\ M ()pffl.
CNWOUf T&I <Jiiunpll,cpbfpt,.,111
Hkt. 1hc. u,nnt", k"&11t 'MIi offer M:hol.11nh:1("l h-ir 1hc firu 1ime durinJ; the: I !1 ,J H••lh ll'MI\ r l•y lal l w.hniol("\, Schwclt,er nnnounces ne" hillh-speed chair S-..h~t'1l/ff \1,111n11111t ti:a~ oUid:ill) ,1nnnutk.."O.l 1hc: :idJi1ion o( a l.'U!lJ t11ih ~d du,rlih 1h.i• '4111 (-'('I lnlQ opcTitlioo in the~ :OOI .-unrr k'll\ltn flM: S1 pullinn c:hair ill part of .11. upu.1.J .fflj"fn\tfll(nt rl:iU for-1ht mnun111 in 11\M bo:glUI 1.1,i )Ur al1c:t !he ,,utt~ o l \(hv.·C'1t1c.r tly Sc11.Uk·b~,c.-4 Harbor Pmrcniu 1100 n:iM)J1al tit' 1,(:. "''· 11.IIIICLI •• nic Oul'13Ck 1•,rn: 1o,'" 11 l'('plll.'C lht: C'J.t\1111!1 da.1 !\iJ ;anJ 'l\'lll lnn.'f'O"l 1111c,,.l\ IQ the 1t1mmll ln $j mi~11,, 4'Llllifll! ri..k 1ime ,n tall. ThL· ntw Uh ml1ff 1~11 doutilcl> Ilic uphill O l\ok:l1Y IIIWII QSU Ill 2.600 ndco per bwr Tbc Outb3di l.,pn.111. 111 11 tit' lt11.Jll'tl in du:• "1.111( lt'"ttal ,~ 1111. the ciJ\111"' 1;;h If N1 will ht'< unro,111.(d loalhhj> !U1d unloudin, "t111100~
M1.1n.&12,,1 'l~ Blllkn \'I r"ffllffl Rqa .,,, UAIR\ ,,. Semmel IUQ.. .ti!.~ I us Balkn \a. Akuhi,,t,Q ,l,(lj LS&Dts,'"Fmm,~ WeJ 4126 h~'ld\l..fnwaltopc, -1'00 WWF RSP Tliun, <IV 3:CJS LS&IRS \>" Alcoliola .t <II) WWP _..._ Ruf«a ...,... -511 31~4.0J !Dd Pike w Pilm' Wo,ll/l ~,OU~
NIC intramural co-ed softball sched ule


Stewart, Johnson recognized at symphonic band concert

b) Justa Mudor

A&l.b/,r,1, \h,vi. '""°"I nJ 1o11ht p11nt llnff ~1..rd 1h.:ait

t.k.'C;'.nbc 1hr S)'mpllUfU, OanJ~1:1t1\m •t.11.1mrntm# 1hr Hum11r1 sr1m ()I\ \p,I IJ UI ~'ti.CU

I Review 11.,,1·, <;.;tiuk, Awi11,rum1 1't>c ~·rictCat 14.1111>.·..J Vtllb II \a) l,'.l(' IJ\(',UT<,1Qtt'11\C11JUf 04v,n , E..ltl~ I Afhl 1Jthilh .tv.h.i1IW fhr .;IM"

Sp;anitkd 0..nnrt, h ..a. 11 •hilc "' 1«oinu~ ttu, r,ta:e. hvt un 11 CJIIIC d1,uu!li, ti \I,~ ~Jh\'C'I)

~..uillul 11'1r J'tt(:ll'\."tnn \\'U\Jtl:':il f;..k.:h bi.•..11 "·"I inif1,;jJu.111al~k-.1t1 0-= UJ!P"f w.111nJ~,1 tJ1,...,n.u1:

1111d the .;.ill Qf ahc:-1tump.1 i;;.imc: 1up·U111:r a, 11 1o1,1hd IN)lo_ 11 lilt hco,n; In 1hr h.ifd..! lidJo{ 1111!' M.-\11h,t1ort.-l)' W;,r \\'itht:)tHkr.rd, 11•.i""'°~ ai, tnlll~rnnnt kl :a 1111\t)' fflCIC'llinJr Cllll'-h:lt (•I Rt~oo

Ahci thtfiN~ct1Jnl. 1.:n~ J••io101J1llC'

u\!,tftl.-clfilS11ic rir\1 l"',"(-'(. IU.1..:1 Clr:m•11c.• '-"11\tn hoPor pf 1hr "",1r m V~.,m

TI1""'"SNlll•lf1"~UTJ11i.:mrn11011 fmuc.nn• it •rnlllal h) 1hc .q:•lftilint flilln 1h11 wul,1 ht ldl tndwrnu~ llut\1WI\.1,·omWR1111111111~ Jc'oi'i.,Jt JJ·•~a. ~kd •h~ud,m h)Jan\.kldcrkuo,1 .if)111Lhnwn nit lmlftt' mchb ,kftnild) I<•• rol"lnl '" ~r-.c Id ti,,1.,.,mol•\1,11,1,lyk1'hh. lhtf'k'·C'n,Jc,J •11h • lh') J1nm1bc.'b.\rd,v.J11 h..JJ(Jani.zlouch

~1nd.,•I 111~~··1'1bfK'\I anJJ..11~\&iJ llal hcdcdi..~ 1h1,w,1a 1,,()( VttJl'lOl.11Juh11\tlft. fni::l1,t11kJ,,1rtni.:1111.hJ1t bcc.u,,,e ii lie >\.Jflt.J 1,1 prn•C' l1JlnJ1,; GIil &di ii: 1•10 If \lo;,ri I~ h•fbh,:hl

,,r d11: ("1,_Nk.'ffl k'\,1,1nc f dlC' liwl~I)' 1..nmrun,:


l,:,on~to=Jd1<:11fU110•IIJ. ,-\rlJII~ \111hhlilln '*"h unc \·1:IK'C 'r-'-r ·1,, p1hhc,1I

'<:ttri.:C' 1i,.,ln11;tor Too) SJt11,·,llft 1111 hi• khk-,'t'n1tt1h

Ill t11m1.111 n;h1!.. fl\h f'•l."(t tllll.J ,11, 1r..·ttd1Wt rttt ro

11 \ JJci::l Jiu n "'*' Jl·tnl a, 11 ,e orP,1>i1hun ;lllll !lic

r1."1C1111hl:blnctl\1hr~ h1-i..mcdv.11h11nc

h.1t..~ lltalklllll fin IUU!tiill-.Mmbnu;a. JI 1c:aJl)


AP,il Korinek warm, up beloce tho concert. Korinek has bffn with the band four years MJtbc"1ut)'

Steve Martin 's 'Picasso at the Lapin Agile' upcomin g production for drama department

n ,.1 ..1ul l.11l. \l\i,ll 1 .,..h,1111.ay 1hr, iJ ul 1-'1~ .Hu

1•f the uomc.a~utJb11" kk.h ,,J lltl i111J braUl)', Would U!C') rl;a,h ti( '11,{1IIIJ lht)' did All 11.:'W: quC"Ul(lM ..,JJI ltc 1n, AIHII l7·2q rn Dll•V.CII 111,11·, ~hulcr -\ul.lihlf1Um. "/ imp<· tn hriug in tl1t·m1t!icm:~.\ i11mg111111im,. "'P.c:1"'-"'11,1 d1eUp1n Acilc.. h) S1c1tt \1111(111 c,plnrc1. the r11:1ion•I OIC('(ing 01 twn til tht "'"'""' '™"' uucllil,'.tl'll mc11 it\ 4 b.11 111 P.u11. lh,11 \l.t'I ftcq11t'11ltd hy f'fc,,,n in rcrtl hfc It 11b1o pbcc 1n 19()-1, anl,I ahhn111th II u fl'-hllft.. ffl-1U)" a1,;p«h <iJt'' ln.c" •IC'• gnl I llll UJ Mlall,C HI II '1'1111 ,1, A jot uf hum1rnll)'." ~;i1J Joe b~ob). 1bo1cr 1n1uu,h1t 1 he thAtca.ctco look 10 1he :uo, ('.#rm1t)' ., modtu, An,c11 o111\ loul. lo the- ~hi I he) 1mq1n( bu\llo lhl') m.1t '61lnl 1h( ctnlU') hl ,nm(: wlll• ,m~ ~,upr~~ in 'l.!urc- lur a iilllt...:c, lln1it.cJ tu 1)1}

rlA)Cil h (.•ohn Attitiko, 11 ttl~ ,,,.,.,, Jnd 1111 .:uc,und "lnilll :i..ltt• Hu fitlrrit'tiJ f'M"tn1.,1111t, 1,1.1,<J It)' M,·hec,a \h>111.,.,111 1, wt) mudt 111,.c hC't f\d)'lritnd bu• h.a, • r,uru.111h; Ude v, btn 11 com,·• hi P-1(11 1,1 Cl:hl1111 pb,c,1 b) flill l'a11cra, 11 an cl.lcrl) rc1;11t11, 111 1hc l..ir1r1 ,\gllc o.,o .,rhC"Ckk, rl•>• <lr11l¢1o S,.h111tr11,ltm.111, v,.ho h•1. • tt'al ctrn rrotiltm ll!tti."•ll C.hm1r1..-..

IO t,s,t"n The

.Jlrcunr, 5urlcu l.itp.,.·orth. ••led the

.udicn« co U1,k"rt •niJ noc JMl1ictpa.1e no oi.111«

h1-wr ftllKtt IIIC' .....,.,II PlO\'("I, )• -The C.-!1«'rd

Hymn~•'" d11: *'' wlccbcin. lt.'hi,;_b ,h1)WC'd

b,w, "'di the rruu1i1.·,,.1IJ ~1111 •• 1 hole "'•tlh

nol .11 t.1n111C' peooa n .try1111 1hc load ul the

m1,1,k Aflcr 1lrn1 •u a m-c.Jlcy th.111 hf,,u,!:!hl

l•"1.rcbc1 lhc rnrn'1. <nl<'n1bk v,.l)tcb fNlurcd "rtu.' Uirl I Leh 8t"h1nJ \le: •a\1111.e, 1-1111

(177Sl" and the ~111,,1,, "Yan\ce D11t1JIC'.•

fh1, ~,1.10111 ""J' "'ell dr\·cloptd, whhh

inch,ding b)' Jot Vattl• on drvm, .u1d Cind•


!ho cinly .,,tl"J(l(>t. m1~.1le durms 11k cntuc:

•l'ill\l. IU.\ dunhl,' .a wlo JI\ •\·:.rilC"C' f)c1uJk,'" whtn Pnt petlt'lrmc, ttt,~n IJ1Uthtnt; y,htlc

Jttcmpttbf 111 ~,oi: bH p t l"hl" group

rc.:m·crcd arid 4;,mw IHJ~lbc:r t1ncc:- uva1n 111 pttf(l'lm mutt full plc,;n Altc.l lhc lnlk c.tldcJ.. lht V. ~1mtp'1

l:n-.cml:.Sc <arM on 1..aic tu perform 1(11\jtS that hlloJ lkJ 111,r ••m)'lc uun,:-~ lhu, 11ho•N

atlQlbtt 11'.'llantpk ur ar,r • ,.in,:lt rcrwn 1~11) can)ln• die ~1u11,,. "''"f)Ont' h,1J 4 pl•,:c 11, ,.*"¥. ao(I foll1w,,:d dm:·(11011 \\di

Aftrr in1ctm1v,111n. lht' \1.i.Jt,sal su,,er, c.amc cmt 1nJ dcJ1i:.i1cJ a woos ,alltJ 'Shon ~C't+pk-" 11) ,1. cwplc Yrohn anrl in lht: 1rour lthl )'t'".11 111nJ n,1,. .ltt' tf\llmt'd v.11h , c lulcl In 11n cmoe1011,d ~ng, ·wt' Shill Ou·rton,r."' tlte

r:rnup ~intd tel h11,,c 11,p 11n....:hr11ttn1

It-' Whlll ',l,,O\ tic inf ~IJ IIUt.C !hi'.') \\Cit' h>un11 pcopt" frC\m 1hc ·onscr, c:uhrr 10 padtwtinfl i;,r knin1 f« .at1"'11cr

l'l)r fn\lll P•lrmfic -.unr 11t Ilic <\(flJJ4t •·Ill.

",,\n,c1K.1 1hc Be.J.1utlfuJ"' Thii. t('nll,tu,o ,u,MJr me walll "' ,uinll "" ,1h 1ht' sroup and ulucc the Thi• could hll'f'c hc:c11 due lo 111n11111.:r m\ffllmcasaf pi('l.'t, tlll, oor h) C'tnd)· HortC1n

M1cr the 11rrJ1Lu"'( h;i.J JicJ Jown. w:l«11un-. ltnm "'Wc,1 SiJc Slor)·· car~d aU lhC' CH'l\i!IJ ti 'l111U,. ,ooc1 (nd lo).,~, C\CttlnJ ~I ~uhdcrful mu,~ put tm by a JLIUUP of ,ery l.1k11kJ o1ml v.cll 1.11,i;1_1b1 pccfontlc:u

Cl• DI book-lOVIPI l'tlld, relate •viii to NII Illa

Thu-,.. Ap,• 20. 2000 ...... 3: 0 ThePG-u • C movie rating wa, • -- • :::, invented tor the 0 movie· "lntliJn.t • >- • -= Jone; and lht• • i:5 Tl'mpleol • Ooom." Let freedom ring Potcuulonlsl sally Mackenzie p l 1y1 lhl C-hln'IH unfWJ lhe conduction ot Terry Jonaa rLEBRATING 't'HE SENT\t'4£L 1 'American Spirit' gives patriotism Choir concert successfully di splays historic musical an b)'Jt.on 1-'.UJ,,U .•,,,11111rl ltrp(Jfft'f PC'llf\lC' can ,hi,"' tht"1r h1,c fot·tbc \."U11ro1ry fo m.sny V.-&), fhc,y un k,1111 ,1. tltc In 1hc1r ynrd. 11•nl~ •r•1c "' 1hc ptoc:c,, c)r II.le lhc d'll1tf dt'p.i.nrueat. 1.ll,t)" c.n. pu1 011 • (onctn 1nhlnt I Review ::C"f,:!:~i~~:h1m,r~· ot h ~,~th v•lul tht' Mr dtt,in, did dunfll lh1!11 prrforn~111w.-c flK .\11,efft;..111 Spiro" Ap,, 18 • Tbc ,hll"" ,r•ttcd w11 h lht' ·~1111 sr1111,tt-d 8.mntf,9 '*'b1..:h IJt·,1.1 • $1~ollt \Jt'A)
1'uv..vJ the Sunn,e w;" $C'heJukJ .n I.hi: d01111t,: IOIJ.I t•ul bl°l..;iu..e t.i·1' ,L.lnJJn, O\:atM\, 11,t tu-1.t rf.,1ytJ <tt l1N ~lhl', •n •rrllll~(1nt"fll c•f Anlli:lCI thctk111t1h.d. rhc !,:ind 1l11l a 11'1i:n.'d!Nc J•,h
Actn explore fictional meeting between two or 20t11 Century ·• are1t111 minds b) JD'ib S ludfn' t\&fF"'111111 lma)lmt .i 1hu11l f.1n..h~u, lma,111&: hon auJ f-'tu."u 1Jrin 1ns: ltl~clhtt \\'h,lt "\>Uhl 111<') 1.11)"' Hew, v,.oofd 1tic~ ll'lkt,lli;t• £an,ltin V.11, 0i lt.idcr 1n Jth>UO ;UhJ \IIC.UilfolhlC' fo(IC'fll.C' Pit_,,\.,O \loU .1 11,cnuh
1'1Cork J'l"t n1rJ11 '"t ,,.,pr 111 1»1111 10 1h~ -,u,ltem;t' 1 on fl,imui,,n. J.w:oh)' ,J •ttu, " ihr prrw.J here P11.:a1,l• lta\n lhe M11r • p
It ~ho11,, 1he p,.11111 .,, v.h,~h be 1,n,.II)' d<<111n hl lu~c 1111, rcrluJ u11t.l 'o\h~ \\ali.<"r 1.h~Hnbr• f'1~auo :o -.elf Cllnf1dn11 "llnlf arw,e;inl 111 Hmt• He ~111 1ha1 Pu:""" tl11ul-.11torlc ~huul,t 11,,t ,;.,.rnt '" he 4h•tuul htm W11l r1 Jui bc-tn tl~J)'IRI for hi• ru• ,inc~ lhc ~p1111'lt11£! ,,, M111th Hr l,:;14 1 1\.C'II p.1111un~ ~'"'"" n11J 1, lry1nj? In SQinl IA lh t" Jil)Jc nf r1C-;i,\0°fl hlu.: ri,·tiod, )fc h;e• rc;aJ b ,oh 1111 Pi :11M1 1,1 f\cucr rrc:1'·''" hiank'lf ru, 11,e tnlc: •1111'.' ~l:111~1r111) ••• l!t.c: Ll1ild lull or n•111('1ilS."rnt1 .ind• ill~, riu 11,e w,11M 1t.Ub 1111111 11 1 11u•1n:n.- ,.11J nM,l,11 l.«Ja Junkl'.'r Jun\cr ri.,, \lbC'n ti1h1dn Juri•r h" 1u~1 \.h1I 111 II~ (., '+.Mik If(' ul.l th.11 f.lm1etn en,a.,)11'.'J the fo~;I lh_.1 (\l'.'r)lh111J ,n,1J('Vfl\C" Jut1ll'.'r h,u uho ,pcri1 1!111c rrtpaui,, tu, 1t1c r.i.•t h)' tc dmi: ~·h abnlll hn,1c-,n iJOJ 1n1n110 {lr.1:,r ~)uc1.. [kvcn h1t•I d111riw;ll'.'n rotp,•Urtl lhc ,1a1,· wiih buuwc llnd a hlnl 11f ,CtlllU\IIC'U l·t~d,h~
hi 1•1.,,, S111amw:, 1'*-C or r•,"a.1.11,•1. t,,('l tnttrc 14, J'jtj) C'ITT)Mlft pf•)' ol ~iltfCr V.lh• \IUCtt. •1•hh Of v.u,dum "'!'n:.1U,t• at the ~pir1 Ar1le •HI be r,rrfo11nc,t ,\rlll ll :•1 .it 1 m r u, ~eo11111i: 11 1tm111•J .anJ •m hr "n ,1..,, •Ub du: 011.:ton ,uiJ kt r ht kt ,,tthi 1, 11! a. b111 •i1fl • fakr 11 hclund ti fho, rt"lf ol II~ t.C1 ii IU,l,it' Up 11114111(1 •nil i:h1111r1.. \1hliC't1cC" 111,·111tien ,:an •ii 111 1hc lah1c• .\,h111,1•ut1 it. IICl'! "'II ,.,11 ht.• a "utkl<1ful ni11t111u1 JJ1.,'lh) 111,J McKinlay·s small group discus., 'Buffalo COOi' next ..,,_._ ~h,r,rt1t,,..,,rrr N:.::.:'~ffll1~ fbr Btl<,i Club a. mW<' Mp nr f1l'urie '911bi) lt lc (IJ read boob and 1£11: lllbotll lhn -·-,,.._.,. __ tir-va. ~1d11hr ,roup p 111 OW'I' • Int nr quc1Jl1on1. 1laal tky fC'cl 11 M'CUt.11) io dt!iCUM.. _. IOlllr llllfy ----.... _,. p,.....,_1,u __ , c.i11u11u1." 11'11111111t1N. N bad _. a •·Mc~tbi t.d. rm1 ·s.o...Ina :.:·:i·(~...';~~~.::;;; pm( ~.................. ""-dllllp- happcncd: 1a 1htlr 11.-et nd - di<-· _, .................. _..... ....,. .. uy obou 1 1h11 book •• well u mcmoue-. 1ba1 11hc hH aho111 tlM!: _.,.,., Ille. W11b cacb pa1un1 q1aC'ltioq a -wtUwtiplaoolllll!Opl< 1Alffl' llleU OllD pcnoaal opulioa OIi 1hcy fch wp fllc' IIICaalllf of ~· 11 -. .. """""' .. _....,.., '*""..,. __ ...,_ I&» K'(C'pl hal Ila, btttl 11td pd -....,..---rip< ..... _ ttiC"ir jqb IJ ()ace fuiuhcd Ille)' d{ICUH wh) lbc)' llltd Of 4:taUkcd 1bi1 bool. Al dw lm'll'Uaf c:mM1o11Cllldmo11ollbe -,Ud' ••i. 1orp,lted b)' •II~---"'-n.10...-.-..,., ..... -..MdtJoloy• .-.-.a --.-....1111n:n,..,.. d E'"'Y......... ..Slllr)".,__, _....., ..... __ ..n. ___ ..,, __ ..,...__.,.......;... "'-................. S-atllll ___ _ ---n...-:-n. Poboo Woo4 Bible." "" I•'• -·-a-w,----i.·n.,•Ill< - wi111 "Boffalo Coo.I" "111<• - dlt - dlac.....i °" i\plilll

LOCAL ARTIST Beecraft brings fusion to SUB


•·tt·, ~1nJ ul 1hh 'ii.ti.hi l.llmll)·

,iiu111h,n.• d111mmc1 S.;ou

Go,1dw-1n ulJ Scou ,,uuJ

l.cybc,ir~i,1 Don 41rt hrothch P°C'n;ll'--,lfflti'-1 Bob Rtt!i! lllJII Xon ,nul~d mudc under U«i;r,h', g1.1ilat pl4)Ct J.1111k Z) ,1..0~ ,l.t", ra1hcr The ori1t1ul hvt· nwmbct NnJ wrt .aflJ pert1,nncJ

In Srohi,c wh1ft ttic~· Yl'CIC .i,.ttcmding r101crn W.i,h1n,1un llnn,tnit) \\'hen 1h9 OJI.I\'~ ,,. lhcir t'untnt b.t~ ol opcnt11oo; tn

S<111dc. b;i.,'f, pl~,cr ('~> u.,,. k-rt Af'ltr tiOmc' 11.ltle" fo1 a n:ph,,cmcnt. th.:)' m,1 S;hu Mlya111. who wll, aucntJinJI. cultea:C', 11,nd the c\lffC'III COngJonw:r.1h1>11 ,..,l~ Conned

,(Jr1~ur flnt lim1t"J ta, an} panK11l,11 ;un. , toral c•rttin~n1 111 \ V-CI) "'"): °'"' ,.alJ. \11)'0!.I ~~id pc(lf)k ~)

1hc; ""-•OllJ 111..c P11l,Ji. All ia all.

•hl.:Jo wu1id hk, o1 1n1.11;1urc t•I &n folJ, Ht.c 11,kl llliC 0-.Xk'- The} i:roi,w:: artd 1n; 10 r1,1t out litab 11\11.J l'I•" hr .,«,I 11 ,ffl nut to

Oi,n lint.I ~OU ma /.)',\:O\\\~I .ull! Ree'\ at EWU. The)' pl:a)<td 1oir1ticr "11h o~vii. 1111 over Spt1lt. 11nc. 1t1dudins: Muoh)··, and P11, Out 1n the Pu,k. Tbl':, ,11c,~J their (ir,1 CO "C'h11.111c C'uh 1D ~c.iult. 1'11n all 1hc 1rad•., \llcfc ,ci.:u,dcJ h1 SpvUnc. l"hc CO ce1n1.iJn, 11-"lr ,1udln Jt~k, •M 1wo hvc.Cr.-:\• 11\C IY+O 11\c ltad.i, ,UI' fflllff' Cflt'-"' Wllfi,, ()1111..aid

8rttra(I i'o m1,,1 1h:1:1111Ur:I) deicrtbe:d I.' fu,1t,11, bUttgllil \lier 1culag lo Stan le, 8«'-Nrt r.ancJ pl:a} 1ng the d ub


Don Goodwin pe,toons wllh his lellow e.ecn,11 memben in the sue. He hu been pi.ylnv !he kbyboard 1Jnco ho woo• child.

\cenc ,tt1d)·1n g a11tJ 11o·or\.1nf Scon ,•id 1hilt 1hh v. .1, lhf ortJ111111 r,l an Il e 1111d 1hc) 'W,11rt1t'\S IU f:CI tu i:1 pft11t:e ll'l,d ilfflU,q(~~ "Thh WC1uld illl be e,a,icr if \lo( d1d1f 1 .111 h•u· J~y ,1.,.,-\,• \cull 11aid He Mon F.0111i\b .ii ~nnh S..,.·mlc C<,nm1un11y C'ullcitt ,ind Rff''Atwh111,\,n.,,c;,1h:ilm

Best medicine used to heal scars I

100L • bre:ik d1moa l'n 'I llr ,1 yur~ nf calleae 10 pb)· the b~,oon M1)·.aLA. ,.l)Q i\ from JllpllA. ha.~ aucnJccl Sj"lll\.am April IJ 1h~ 'AIII W , in ~fo'\(OW ()II, M.i,:. s ILIMI ti 11w n 1111j1tut) or 1hctt s•&• ~,c IQ Sco1t1lt •r lbc- R•Jtlboll\ T•\C"ftl Tbc'ir CO "('b,rntt Cut.'" N' f,llt\·h,ntd ill Am.van ,om llnd a, 1bt Loa; W 1t1 t:Ck':w d'Alrtic Tbc:)' JJe It) 1t1s ro rccou;I ,1 ,e~oru l a lh11 m "'ith the Seattle: An ln•,UJUte

I and he, f•1hc, le:h. w \llul) h IC"rt lt) t•l~ Im Energy-filled new release by AC/DC • ~~:~~•:i~~tt-rock to the yearb<:~~·~ ,b,,, : .

pac,dd;iutchk!r al'd ~, *Cf) 1ttot«ll\·t: ~,I hrr

Dub 111d Or.,e mecl .ii O'Rc11l~ (lht lri~h h,1U,1n cutct)I \l.hllc Bub I\ un U.n 1.'lbt10,iciu, bht1,I dllit' 11 )IC.U 11fttr bh wire·• dc'aJh .Stih ;utd Gr.,\'\' quid.I~ tin,, ofl. 1""1(-«lltn,: \!11th t:.auoun , Ubb 1 ,1111 tt\.'Q'fain& from h,, 'lflh:'-. i.k;11h Md Gr.i.;w

I 1, huled.ilins;<',;pc.ricoc.e

G~c h"" • do,, n:L 111;111,hii, Wilh ~t ,hter


b> fl•nPOtl) Tl)IOI'

S4'ftlltlt'IHrport 1

·•Rctunl 111 ~t.r.· ,1.tm1t1t M11u1,e OtnC"t C"(KIW

Will Hl.inting"l anJ l>;a~1d Oud11.'1,0J ("'rhe X

F1 let'J 11o ;,1 ru1q.1111Ul contC!d) tbat wilJ hnc

audience, cu her liau,;b1t1j:; h) ucn,.1111 v• H)rnf

bc-..:iHn< nt 1t1 ;.!mp!c h1tn.1nhchrr1

8oM.t Hu01 d 1~1, •.ind ha, a •urrt"rling f\"IIC' UI'

11tie film She doe, a ,;rt:.l Job or t,ring,ini ,n v. ,1m1

d11ua,1co to cl "" l11u1h,1hlc 1t111e ac,d )cl

wn1o11m11) rtmll'IJ•nt: the -vk.,..i.-ror 1hc "'('fW1J1 1,"11

01.1d11,'t"'I) p1,1),. Hoh Rud~nd • ,uc:.:c ,,ful do11m:t/co1mac1tn Hi

IReview ~:!:;,:~~\ ~rr:lt~~i~a;::.~

rt.a)td b)· Judy Ricbanh<>tn, ll L11lcil in• L"ar ,ccic.Srlll Drl\.("r r,t,ya 1hr 11,1c of Cifll(C! Bn1uc~ 111 tn,pirnJlm:il who "'urh lr1 ;ac, lrnh-Ji..hlLR e1r~ owned hy hct 1rnodfia1hcr ",, fC11m1II

O'Cunt1t>tl, ol.t!J tu, Jltl,llnc, 1n1I ,;hr( A11J!tlO, cRcibt'fl Lo11J1aJ Cir1c-c h.a, ,utrc1cJ ,,.,,1h htan J.l'<~.'lf' ,u,ce, np:t' I.\ ur.d n~ch, ,1 11,11t,p1J1U. The him hctPth ',1,1lh Ciniix ma ho,r,11.itl btd ,1•1,11in1f 11 (inu;c·~ n1ud,c1 JicJ ""hct1 •he ,.11, 'fl•unJ


1hr \:1nJ

p::1"°'\ of (;~'I (Atl'III) .1noJ lt1..:"n1.h

r h.: uJlc-o,e OnJ\ thcr111clvr:, rr.ahtl11r. •

11)111111:nl or 1n11h .appru~dung ,nd 1hc 1inl;n~"'·n

fC"\IJII• uc , ,on,t.0rnc. lbl'.'1-c i~ t1otlung

1ri Wt'!'} .100U1 ti«ilu'-C 1hr1c 1o h.:ivpy c~11n1 1rud u

"'ahno--..1 1:""')'- h -cn1h peupk MnK" w11h II wnv:

,,t h-Pr411c" that h \lldl c.uncd ht Hu11t fhe 1111uc1h·i:nei., and ttfow ,e~cncJ !mm

UuvC'r ,,nd Outlm1,nr c11mhu1cJ ...,,th the prodll(1 1on dc\iJn m.1~1:11 1hi• mo,..,e tKlt\Wnd,or

Tbt '°'tn, \.tkh rcmlk (h~T'lhU') d1.:11 JU\I

.1t,,o,iu 1U'lyui,c houhl p:l)' the p-k<' ,,1 a movie' tn


IHe Likes ~: : 0

h~;: ~~;~~~i·;~:, \\:~i'1~,:~,;:~;·:

ran\ wM u1t1e in 1he \ITV • rC'hd "' ,cC" 1~1 "'-'n\ec.1t1C' 1 tl)ini:: tt1 Uer \lu1.b~ D1ICJ ~tooJ outside: co~ 10 gel iL Jhm~ '-'r up '11,llh 1ht rocL E:vcn non.(un, of 1hc iruup 1hc b.111d. With uthcr ttlca\.C:,. lite · R11.t1,r·, ¥>ill m.e the f.u.t tempo ot ()1( ,on,:11 Jnd 1111- ill f.d$c" aod •oa..k. m Hl.ic~: die bl, ~h(lw,; mntt h.ave ,om, fo1m or tnpC"C"I for 1bc 1tb1l ,11c\ c•f their ti:irJ ro.:lt.1n1 .iNtitie,. that the tn("robcr, p<hih'I. Thi• l'f) 11 filled 11.uh 1hr ""*n,c amuunl of Th,, C'D 11 h1izhl)· tti.comnMmJ (at ian,- m.k lim ~'¥>' .a, chc l'lfC"\·;ou., c·o. W11h Oic11 t11lc lt~t iu. hn )~,, v.a,u• 1.0 1J,1t't1 to ,,,I(' fOO'J CtJ" 1ud. S1iCt L'llpCf,. Thl> 'o(IQI; h qu1 1r fl'tll•\ 1he nd roll

h'stcoer notr-


"Romeo Must Die" ***

h) Slmr, S tlmak Srt,1,1rlll~pc,t1tt fht 1tt,um Purpk Throu,:h the f11ih1.-11L by flh111fl,h it .a new 111,d cu·111ni "'mW 1h.111 will c•u,c- .i lmo,1 an) fl•tc:ncr rn , 1n 3 1lon1 The tktlrif)·•ni grnup dna, ,011g, 1h:it tlrlrif) 11c,d «11111hel.l t"ICJlkW" ht a~ u-r-ndy 1wi,t The ,roup ,~ from UIC" United Kmgdl•rn .and lw, btoen pc-t lCll"ffllng w,C'tbct for a,h,n,t,1 fhc 1100 OOC'· 11.11r )('"' anJ tu , podlac:cd 01>e octtn- .1lhum Tht mu~•t the) perform i~ 1,imilaa co lhlll 01 Su;pcoce Ncinf 1hc Richer The f ive-

IShe Likes :::-:~·~d~~:t!!'~'~:

~m, let ttiC pla)'td

whh a pa,.:~ion for ia ~Ml'C' 1Nt h rrw~r

tb&l1tbcN.lld A ~)Al C.&lltii ""Wlw Wau'd t Di)?"

h, o H:ry \Cmpk "°'1f 111.11 "'.._' 1hc ~ion, ""WIWI '1,1,tJUldldotfld.ldna1l \'C~t.u"1mcn."')'talll)

lifc·r> The ""'"I~.\ ~J11o·ing a"'2 C.flrnl'11$ -.1ffl

l.'tt,1. t'"lkil" tn10 .an inlca,e c;o1npo,,1Uol\, c11,1,1n«

1r<.11:1"1Cn tl• '""Cl ¥>mC a limn: 1111hcu cmotlOCl'Thc band J, dcditiu(d 1u ,pre111.hnl? lo\C' 011J

lulfillment 1hwugh O..ll.l. t..i lll 11o·hc\ h\tc.n tu illiCt1'

1'hi,, i~ CJI)( (tf lhll-.C pctl«I .11.IIOO lhr.:k, th,11 Jon•t Ull.c '°'I\)' 11ltl"ll1CC'Dl:l" Co v...a-h Sun: OMX 11.1.J kt t« don'I dt'iC'n·r •" ()la, ror th1, (lfl(, hut 11 I\ fun 111 W;!ll·h»1.JJIM ~I 1IIJI


lroc. auys may h~ ·Romeo \hN Pir" (R) 1t1arc l~d g1.tb. t'IUllll $\lilltt1Jl,yis.hlcrorb,:11t1


h,u~r ,ound 91ith ('II.Ith) lyn, Thr lnll\,., 1 fulJ of m,pirn1M11UJ -.on,,._ bi.;h w.,ni ~.111.ibour a)(tfo'C"thut ,,.\0 ~and rull ufll(c:-~

1,1, ith r.i,~inn to !.('ne God 10 .any w~:, ~1,1bk The ll'llhK M~ diffctC1U d)'Mllfflil. hkh CllPll\i\lC: (!I(!

mu,_ic,. Ne,'\'r O(hX dc,t, d11; -"'for~• ffllJioo 011 d,rb,atncr l"helt fl(' .i!hcmi c-.-n k rll'k(d "P M Im)' f!IC,d Chr1:4t.llD Suppl) ,.,on: 1,1 tlllout:,h their ~cb "'~ Ii loalin1 for mu,11,: th;il 'Atlt hfl • mood llftd c..tiJ, '-Pirit. tltc tie"",an:tl l) mtt Pl...,,lilll',. l'IC"llo· 1ltlmn •1JI lln'Offlpf1..ti 11UofdM11.IIIIJ11w.11\' EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT ENDS IN ONE WEEK! JM.Al" It, TIii w.- ro So h Mt Al A f~ .-i , AA hM 911(..0- <'1111 April 20 • Civilized Animal May 4 • Melefluenl & Fat Farm May 18 - Pyramid Stream For flavors o[ the day. call 762-3300 18 and Older Must have proper ID Come check out the specials and what 's going on! $5 Includes free bowling and shoes April 27 & May 11 Bring this coupon in and get FREE SHOE RENTAL Thursday night only 2318 Sherman, Coeur d'Aleoe (208) 664·8151 New coricept store design and the friendliest employees r----····-·-··------······1 j 50 cents Off : I Any Menu Item OVer Sl.50 I I UI• 1 ,-.,'" ••1..aU'' I - - \ - II \Ii'"' •I l. ·-··- -···········-····-- ~ j TH. IMA.x •• ,,. ,.Hc:&•121.•-----..-- c::1.t)~ -=-~ RESERVE YOUR TICKETS NOW!

P. 14 THE SENTINEL __________A_R-'---TS & ENTERTAINMENT Thu,.....,, Apo, 20. l1)()0
1:1111 ............... lalylOIIJmllllllllnk byJ..,,S1udAliFf;Ji1'"' A JanflunVn'll:l. hhmn rt~ mcml'lcr• ;if\d II m111u .1I bat>.i,:1uur1J kJ M • 11nlikt •n> (l lhcr for 1hc t.~nd Rcccrarc t'T·1hn a lut~ htt
md, l.;mn and wl1ulc
.\u·,1rdlDJ tn 0011.
J.a/1 1111lul!11t c h unirc , die')' tillcl~ ,Ill ',I, 1ng ~k 1,11Jt.1 II I\ 1rtofc !lion, the hnc-, of wlw the J.a11 an1..i, 1i1.c1r Ju,nc ln 111" '?Ck. 11nJ·"~ •1t't- uh.: mu,n.·J
111 1 or jau
Dc,n 110d Scou bo1h ;ot Hnuhrd in iu.ltb mu,k .,..bco the; w~,c ym.11"11t iht1t m,'>l~r 1111u1h1 pl.aoo It.I k-1b. •nJ .o i,hc 1.,ufhl .i ll fvut t1I bet chilll.tic:n Si:ott mo,·.:d lltl 111 Junlllr h.lgb tu hum-. anJ 1htn finii.11) Ill i.lru1t1\ Q\,n .i1.11.:k with 1bc keyboard and IHIW pl•)'• <'\'('f;thinj (tom •l'I f111Jn m -.ynd1~,11cr ,11tttwJh \thoo l In Seattle rn, Hvc )'t~r,i While ,n Scalllc- be: -.t\l'dlcd mu,k •00 Enrl~h u1111l ht 1fllff\fmcd 10 Con1i\b B«-tnfl rttformcd in SL:8 Apnl I) and *' Mom,)·, 1n
Duchovny, Drivcr dbplay 1crritic chemistry in romantic comedy
Mrpa ! Httnl I ~"'" d1 u\, <iriace·, k1\, life 11., '!flelt her it1w.!i:u:titte,. \Ueh u 1.1.r hu~c KW oo her cht,1 ca.u'led b)· the hr.ill ,., ,,er). Mc:s•n't hu,b.1nd JOC'. lhmc, fklu,hl), I\ • loc,11 1,:op wh,l **** ·rop NdC,b ¥>.111.:hC"\ n111 to, ••• Worth !he$ 0f~\:C 11nd Hit• 10
VidcuS~illl "'I IM'I ur tin blll'IJ * ·~rkc w,.1J t:~~:ii ?u~:d
Cove Bowl and Lounge presents StmrNI Rrf'f1rur lht Jr~up h;i\ (\'Cr ~nao 11 111 1~ 1ur. Tht\ <•IN¥)' 1\ the pn-.:.eocc produced E-.c:n
of l\'IC"k ilnd ACID(" 1• the ailpnl lhriur,hl 11 h hMd In Thrlt fatc~1 .Llbum ~1tfl Upper Lip· "1hc fU\I rompcu: wuh "8.11d u1 q1111c- "'-.•il'lt IJtnt, Nl> mlltl t't if it i on 1bc rnJJO. fn Bl1u;&..• \fl\' n, So1turda)' NIJht l .n~. dw>tt prt~n<c i. ·Thunl.lthUIJClr. '" rc,11 in 1runy 1' Wbe.n 1he ·MtlftC)' Tn.llt• 11lh.l •·s~ Mc: AU '-lsht 1..o111,• b.i.t1d pcrf'~nW lot the ON JI •ilJ mllke any fan l\ang: hti he.aJ.
Phatfis h make s contemporary Christian music cool and fun

The on l ~ r1ott ttu Hh1nal tud tnt running for 111udt!'ll hod} pte\ldcnt, Slimmy /.Immerman, 11;ai1J 11 he 11,c,c c:lt.;td he- would 11n d "'UY\ h) cduc1tc

Kootcn11i C'nunt)' 'IIOlct1r1 on whal NIC JM.,, ,\ a p,opttl) 0',1,11CH him11clf. l1c 1011d he lhinl., th111 tf other p rnpetC)'

1l'llff1Cf,. k~\\ wh;,11 ~r t«."<i Nit" prtlVidt'\ r« the conin\unny. tbc) \I.OulJ ht "'•llin11

hl \Uppt,tt lbc calleic mllft w luitioa

\\'oo ldn't need h> ii;tt vp f\'t't) )·C",II

Cc•mpetilion hti,lr among candid;ne,. .l't

r l«"11on nci\rcJ

Am~ld prc,.co1 pohtro \:lying lh;at 1hc buuJ u,cd money frnm the ASNIC: 11dsc1 tn J';&)· for ,1 camping 1rip diet Ille fall '99 clc1;t1on• and tor Chri~tm.11 ,111,. t11c:mbc" a l the blJJ.hlth11.1,.-11me)c11r

Collina hlm,clf ii "'M.1vrrick· on hi, nmpal1n pt1 1cr,., Amo1d 11:ald 1h;11 he- I, 11CM liked l>)' II~ ASNIC om« ~lU,1 lte 'lrllpl) •.ih.:h(.,. wh•t ASNIC !Joe,. 10t:1 lo,cl>· for th< their comror1

Burn, Yid hct ,,d,\t'1gc ovc, the otht.r

c11ndid11.1c, i, her Hu(' l, record .ind

c,.ptric:nct An ASNIC otni;ef fo, 1hc: l.a1o1 tv.o )'r:11,~ U\lm, ha\ held O\lc:ry l>0\1tlon un the ~ml C"-""-rt prt"llhknl

"My '"cord ,pe,ah ror tuclr.- ,111id Bum, after the hu:ud m<'c-1ing in whtl·h 1obe -:announced 1h1t 1hc c:()nlnu; 1 \he

1n1Ua1eJ Ith 24 -Hour Pline,,, ha, colleclH'C I)' i;and 111udenh more 1h 11n


Fulk t1ho dn,11n1 u111hed hcr,.clr uam

Arnold by comp.inDJl. bow they ,,ff!...,. the 1i1ud('n1 btld). Aecord1nJ tn her. AtnolJ

U\t- 1bc mm Iii) pcopJc to dti.cribt tt "'b-i,c.t of NJ(" 11cudr111; v,hocn he: 1nu.:,-d, IOWOd;for 1 don'I bve •m> pte>j\h:.,"' hlk , ud. "'6\cty NIC i l 1 I\ m)' pcr,on."

koo }·8 idc from .joncStO" II


ThU!Jdoy. Aorll 20, 2000
~'ntt' Lt~r"°'~
'" 1,.; " 1 ;., kool·ll icl(• fl'nm _jonesl<h,n , ,, , , ., ;., Hey ct,amp. I llnow you wero Ullo,ng about to ride btkes and ploy eo:1ch but I've got I.his game I.ha! my big br61hof I used to play all the lime. lt't Clt'IUod "Tunno1 Rar. What you do Is cl#nb under lhe l)Ofd'l 1tk.O a. ,a1 an(f 1ostescf of hiding 111Af un<hK thero you try and find II many ltllnQ$ lhai S4Y 'Hootffl' on .s you can 1.\1\d 1,w,n bring tnam out Tickol>: . Invest 1n yourself. DEGREE PROGRAM!>: Business Adm.ini.uratinn Nunin!t, Communie1ri.on Art$ }U51l« S,udJ<, Soc1ll \Vork Gcnel1l Srudict LC~C LEWIS.CLARK \ I A I I t O I. I. t r. f Look for us April 26th and 27th duringNIC registration. 666-6707 or 1-800-933-5272 Sunday, May 7, 2000 7 p.m. Schuler Auditorium S12 ln odv:.1nct Sl4 at Ilic ~oor &£ FF M,}m~.£~ SIO for ) ludenrs und -.cnior. ,ttJh, Thrll.nall N,,jlhf-.ti,,.~iu.lwiod.11(111 Koti1cn,aCJ1111111) Ta,.l. F\,i~~M Hmoi.n ~ ',tfthmianbq•111J,1,<llil• t.oax.i111hwn.allvd _..,, Cocur.S-Akat.lD. JJII.& [ J .. ft \ Tho Gnape N\lt, thoy mai.e vs oat <Ult our dentlQS lo preYOM -·l><e, llwlt OldoOy..,,. II>~ walk.odby 1d**hlt·111e11W10myvm&llpeMesJ Hf t.'w3yl tfflll0$ $n(f W11\);$ (11 tr'IO when he tit.'alks pulmyrOMI Afl&l. yo/tOW«'f IO Plfainoicl. Old you tvtt oonSIClef Chit Int tta.son tit ~mend .sm6N at you ia~httniQhS9inl1you~? Pregnant? 0 Birthright can help you. -free pregnancy tests -community referrals -infant & maternity clothing 923 Sherman Ave. Coeur d ' Alene 664-1390 l-800-550-4900 24 hour Hotli11e EVERYDAY 1/2 lb. Steak and Fries $6.95 1 Oo/o off food ro1al wirh valid Smdem t.D. Sunday- Thursday located in the DOWNTOWN UNDERGROUND 216 Coeur d'Alene Ave. 665-0085 Senor Froggy Specializing i11 fresh, delicious Mexican food 69 cents Tacos All day, every day r---------------------, 10 % off ! I I for NIC Students l & Faculty with college I.D. l : ---------------------~ 7th and Sherman Downtown Coeur d" Alene 765-S522 University of Idaho Environmental Science BS Degree Now available in Coeur d'Alene Ct>1'ttt',f m'tlllnbl~ thr,,ugh d;.u,mu tdurmlrm "' th~ UI Ct11tt1r for Fa/12000 inclru/t': PolS 46V.564 Politics ol the Environment AgEc:467 F.rono(Rural Community OevelopmMt EnvS 479/S79 Intro Ul Environmental Regulations F.,wS 40CVSOI Water Resoorus Seminar For More Jnrormatloo contact: AnnSmltn Asst. Prc)!! ('oonlinatot UI CClelll' J' Alene Center 667-2SS8 11\ Dale Morey Oemisuy & En,•. Science Nonh Idaho College 769-3491


bibctio.11. iwl!J the:," \\trc: itllO\l,A £\'ffl 1hoo¥ti 'A1!°1"c hltcJ sec~.... ,oomall,h It( r,c-..l(d \('I')' \\di Ov.ttht l)m,y. out auidc rrom The ~,le Timn s.,m

It'd lr) ~I the propk Y.1utmg tn od ,::1 l1ne, tl1 l~ '11.Jrkkw, fur mc-J.ja ~.¢' The« (' A"\.--ct,'l'J wi cln<"lt'lf'( cori'-!1ntnJl pcni;,nnAliud po..,1,('i, for ctKh or ,n

Onc:e ~(', \-.l' ~ttc ln.lllt'mlihtuJth a ~dt

doorC01mclc,.11or lkrr•vn,lktru:n 1n~u11ra•litdm .,.hi),

fl()c)f we \ltC:R' gDln,: 11•. wlJ •·c 11)'41 hl.m lhc pn'.""' lc\orl

NCl'lr.tht r,C'C' Jtf'Ct-1 ~\ (111:~~1, \lt(tC'nk.:-. t,i,1 bc:rtt.:.llnt

the roc,'ld >\luU Titc f'11.'.,., derun1 twm h;)J pelf._ n,a,1, n«.

.a1ad. \Od.t, kc,1,.'ft!lllll lltlll tic,llltJ W:lttf", ::itla,m f«U.~ (i,-srn

tilt' Tlmn We "'-'""Jin. got our folk! .1nJ t.111111111.shk

AfU;l(IU\IQ'l«"IJllt l1dd111tdplii"ID, \\'C~rd our food.

n::filled wr drink, o1nJ ~~idcd for 1hr r,n, bo.\.

Whto I l~C'd lntq the rte l'ii11, .-1 \.1'11, 11'1c hdJ. I u.·,.11

1Atca by t.t.1,pri~. I lmc b«n • ~....-b:111 fan '-inCC" I ~n

rcmc1nl,cr, fmn, mcc11n, R..ul Mn~;. I~ Ma.t11TK"4'., F.11e

Klll'RB lffld uthct, "'htlc 1hr) pla)..:J form) li.:11bdo-;,n

Grc:it 10 \(("ing m) ra,~wi1c plil)rr Ken Oriffc)

Js bu t*(l l!Offlt' nn1., in ,tnli.c ti..ll1C'JICJ lQ!fM \\ hrl'I f Jlnt

ww lhe KmtJt.uc m '92., I"'•' m,pn:,'o('d. b&i1 lhh •a~

\0!11C1hl11i compklcly nc\\ Th•" v..,, llffl1'1'1,t h,:.,\c11

Frum ~·Ix-rt Y11'(' 1.1.rtt,Safa:l1 hcJJ lootl'J h\.c 11l1uic' tu)·

h re11 a., 1hooJth I could ,:r.ib the plarcn llnd 1110,c 1bc-m "' I pl0t....c'1. lbe rootv.a." •" cw1 a cuol I·111,fay C\(JlinJ. a;nJ it

kl the: lnlO tbc \I.JhUTI UIU \l,',U .a'AC'-<KI.JC1

I alk'J my p.a,ttn1 1111 h<'lmc" m M,W'ltt,1,1 (calhn:11: c.ttJ c11"1C

oolletl!) 1.11.lnt lhc pht•nrfln ,ht 1.1hk I •.h MU In,:: .at Tht)

v.ctt \1,41.(hinit lhe JJ.111t un. T\' Tht u..lhun ""'" o1l111U\l l4P

toud 10 hr: , 1htm I rncd to ltll m•11 mclffl (0(-.111 •·.1t,,,

anti ~Pk' 1.1uJ I \It- 1ud.}' I 1hl'nk ,he 11 hil jcalw •• Mt dad and J fi11.1rrd nul lhilll 1111 TV Ihm-11,ii,.,1h,11;1111,.,:,..

~dcl.i) ,\r1a lcmni; 1hcm s:u. t "'"' tc.11.1)' tv 'A.1ld1 the: ,-n~

S,c:..tdc \bon\lop Alrt. Ru.Jt1pc1 hil a 1aoctie nltl In rt,t1t fldJ

!WI rbccru11'd v.em nor\. The .:bccrin,- \It"" Kl IC'l\1J lb.JI 11

1tooduptw~onthc bad uf Ill) nc..:k 1'bi\ ,..'" ht-11,""a'

A ~pk t1' mrunp Liter, we d«MtcJ 1uapa.-u the pl.-:io,

Tbc: Jwr ,1Hddan1 kl W10ll'l 1>I l,·,d and we w•I~

itu....n1ol~ 111,1lnt1~~ 'Thc,~..,,rH"C\'CllfUDrr pe!l~

lhtrcduanJ lhou,11.h• h ..,,a.\lllan1lc> 1UQ1.11.Jw11hov1

bumpinp: ilMu °""fnt'lllte Yiu1l.ce ~1,\olop Dcttl Je1t1, kWn,rurt.", a,Q)IJ lrk"lld, (3~1Ctlflt,..Slllc. ~WCYl'('ffl U\t'f ~11d 1ood hrfund lh('

lm\ff bo:\ -<.ib. lie hll one oul 100!

Mm the ..:TO'AJ t ,1lmtJ di,,1,1, "· -...-c \'<lllllll!JICJ ou, Jiltlrll ~roonJ tbr ballpert., II ~ll' ,U!'I.VinJ: !'lf1'1t,, mu,:h tl(t,\('J the «m1."0,iom nnd ~"" lo 1he firId than lhe) "l"n:' 1n th•·

Kl~ r.t1im11ct•1lt.rcv.c\l<\"TCinthct,l.arJ1um,v.~h,aJ • g()Od VK:v. o( ll1t lkld. Su111Jin1t a1-,unq \tic 111rl"1ij,: .,,.ialh p\c u, f.11nw.bC ,w,.·.,u41hf 1:1ty a1 n1,rtic. We ht..dcJ for lbt ~Uren" which r~ f,111, nan 111.niS ritbl

Oe slina li ons All Smiles In Seattle SNttie·, Jay Buhner con,gratulottt Joe Otiver al home p1Dte 1011ow1ng hla two-run hOmor tgaln11 Now YOik Yankeea· pllchet Andy Pt1Utte. Savoring Safeco Pecmu1s. ho/dogs. freshly cw gmsJ. 1he sound of cracking ba1s wul A-Rat!: ,\/most /w(lven
'EhchNlhill.l!lnoitiixJ\\'B1~ptop)l• foltt'ld!C' 'ICJP·,ll'IJ·~'Otrllll.ctlR lhe (t¢wiJ)' 111 lhc h1.1111J1cJ-t IIAjt IIMIUd lb; IJ\Kt Yrlnlrln\\-1. p.,lf!'lt' \HTt tt)'•baf' II ~-b lAc "'Alld!:rltlp tnlo •11 ,u1dull 11.i • omgn am; (1.(:l)'flaC cl,e koob.-J Iii,,: thry lnt'W ~h111 ) png ()ft 11.c bun
'"' l CNk Thh """' Scanlc: .\1:aruxr~
nut w. 1111J v.,a,1,hcJ .arr rlldltn wam, ur rrom "'"°"' fhl" ft'dil\U)' ro,~ hlwh.111 Ja11t1~ ln)X-11,1111\ "·"""'Cllid I ln:('Ulp n t.hcrt ('311 be- I n' 1tic f1tt ~I\.. !roe 111ei1I, O tor~ur k1 mcSICM-ffl tht SiilllC hot du):\I .m1J flTC' hrn. :dnn~ ""1'h lhe vlC.v.,nJ Mntll• uf S.lm, l·K'kl madetfui ,:acne Cll'IC' 10 .. -
Mariners· mascot moose dances atop their dugout cheering for Iha 181ffl. The Mariners boat I.he Yanks 7•5 In the Aprfl 7 game 1t s.reco.
1•l111l,lf,:tll/lh,f1\ t\111/v 1,·,•i.,
Above: Rollo! pltchor Kuuhlro 5"Nkl clolff the gome, Rlgnl: Cenlt< Holder Mll<t Cameron WlffflS Ut> stopping 10 the plate.

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