1 minute read
BSM suppl ies students with soul
Baptist Student Mlnlstl'les provides faith, 1e11ow1111p, run b~ Trl,111t1 • htKtn tld ,i,. ,\Jll1!(,,,o T ,, J l'i'"'' t•fttR .II f'Ut'•f •J)CJl.(T N'tni;,-' .,hnf1 mt'u.tJ'(
C\\" )' Thuri<l.'I)' w• 1KM 1n alld c11d ln Umt fOlf I r.n1.d 1,~.
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Au , 1c- ,1u, hi..nl. f('t.('lll'lW:ol ~11)4r -.,1ll1ng: ii1." (~ttUJlc-1 ~.I •·v.~ (t" •II 1h,, t'II \'kiM, l'(I U 'Cll tt'\'l'n!I) thtt',llifl$ .:.ail Ill 'w1'11td.l} V.M 11-'c h)-ti11Jl1'$1t~,hur..t,tirll nu,~flllllll'l;.."dp"~•Mr lire•~ ~nna .i l\'\."ffll m.·c.hl'li.11o1wt111 (v.hl, 1-. ,mtc l.na-•11>,t b(Juc111h,-.C.HJl'.III.N 11.tidtl•lilarJOfl the ~ll
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Advising Day - April 23
Early Registration April 28-29
Advising Day will be Thursday, April 23. No QM. classes will be held that day. Students are expected to make an appointment with their assigned advisor between now and April 23 to get a signature approving their Fall '98 Schedule. No one may register wi thout an advisor signature. The early registration is for continuing students only. Students should follow the assigned registration times listed on page 6 of NIC's Fall 1998 Class Schedule.