2 minute read
Recycling plan on back burner I:~:;:~e:~:~i~~a:~:::
th~• (~hc-C',mMII u 11J 11\U\I h,oe wurltd, t,c,.11u1t 1he pain •rnr~ l'f1\lfl thc.te, he w.iJ ht V.i\ 1..11h·• b)' hl'li~or1tr ltl S..:reJ lltA.n Mr1,hc~I C'cotcr In spo1. t'h1n:\11111n ,d h.c
11 i, tft\Clt,:J II 1hcn l!fikh • '4'CI••• ,.,, ind) ~"
•IIM t"httlitlllN .,.._., 1dr.lM\J frur,1 d~ ltp.(flt.d r•n fJl\ltf, 411J h fe"'llllf lill ,....... lll'l.Ucfh.: •oukl11illl1ttom111~,iJ 111,111 ai1)·1•1>C" ;.u,,d "''II he 11-1lk'nn, lr1111l'l'lmtMl,lj(C'Jldlll') \.ha.RF(I.. ·\n it..amb..r,m anJ rarr•.· ("ht'c'IOl.lll 11rlJ 'T II Jl;l.\l' tu hDJ \IIIIIC 1..-.ihh)'fl'CIP,: I C'htt~u• 1;utl he '"II~ ,IIU} J,w, ...-l M Ml k'a ll.it "°'""'1'- hJt ti.11,:IAl'f)ttl!f11 ~tirll.lli.1rr°'•I l11111Juphnt,1rt"D¢!--.I ,1.1J11,11.1 l>\lil1a, tu, htPt id i..r.-. he ..,.,J he pl.uni 10 v.or~ •If' ~lftlt 1'..,t,tl~
New Internet classes start fall semes ter
U l,1hUICl\ llll lftl\ll,lll\lft I Al\\
11, k.i'i'f' h'lf hn in;, 111 "''•no ,l\ 1bit wmcuntunn Cltmni tl.1\H!' e.111) •ll11v.1 w ic,,n "' rt4111N°lf ;..~ ~t,cduln r , the 1.1!1 S1a'dn ..iid ll)hibfljJo ""fZ:lltl l. ,,, /kt ,i,, J1lf\."l(11t r..irt tit' :,.;o,1h IJJho th,11 1111\lnikl lli11111j!h UkH•1,1n al ,i.Ju,umn;J, \ It'• trko~ at(' 4•1tcte1I, 1ho~ 1,,;mu,e, illt v.Jlk·hc,It111 ld1."1<;~1,.i • hoflc
UIIIHllfr \l·h1on, ,Uhl fllfllt lfC 1ft
1'hlJfC:\\f11flhcl..alltoC"1tk."\&(f rl,nc a.11111.t' 1111:lodc l'lml•"&') 1'111th•lt. h1,10,, 111.11t, '"""'· ~1111.-..,.,pc-,"\han,l110,11W,r;). ~I(' h o1h'nnJ 1"1 :t.i.."1nc· 1.ku u,1,11,.;-,, in l\\-11 ,l1.ntnm11,. '"
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"iftt ,,ml ,IM! tufur,.., lht r,.1,11Pt1l,h r,,1 roi.rn,1111111'11,..,iih die h1t1'1'nct ll,11',('\tr. th.: ..:,illq.!(' t,, •hli 11111 )(IIN ,1~ h1\ff1 It. \,he ,J l4J,i.'-C'nlo.' °'Ill( h:p1111lle1111• 11ton \;'llUl"o,('-I. \Iii the l 1,1c<1i.·1 lv.u lfllHC" llflll h1• nlft"111I Int th,: !ll Clf\11:f h>('Nl.,I illt'ltle oflflC\C ('1;1111"""' 4 1-ti.knc 11W'I.I h;oc ~'i"("'o' tu a 1.'Clff111111tt v.r1h 1bt ln1,,nr1 .11111 ~1(1C\.t.Jlflf0urtc1h.11\l ·#f
1 hlft(en liK'11li)' ,nrmh<1',. M<" lndllJCIIIIII ,lh1.Unm.11• JdJ "lllld\.lJC'1J1,IA••1!1n'llh~(',ClllA) n,1t du adl w11h lhh nr..,, t1h1Yn.llut ('11n~Jt '-lilii
!\:111,:1, 111.·.Jii1dt'\(kl('llh1.•,11Uf'lj.', ('I.a,. u,("1, "'Ill t-1.'. hm11eJ to •h<..,.1 IS,1111k11c.pr,do1,i..
\1.u•1Jlnjl Iii t\1llh) n111\11c. ,M.,1.1 ,..d,.·,1n,ic •l'htr\l!,:llll)fl,lhC',,cln~10t:I l.'.UUI~, we lunlkJ b) a r'"~h11uh ~·, 11a1,1 ...,1,11 L.:-111" ,11nJ O,a,l Si.ii.. Ct•l kJ·,;. lht ,~"<"~t"lf"'."'"111) 11r1rt1J1 1,1 111,knt ""'"' 1h (,ir ,:, lri,m C".u!IJ'lft;lhc) ort w,.,)Q'f';lrr lrucrnel lurnlne h 111>1 lu1
Graduate win~ na1ional journ.i li,m award, receive~ trophy. trip 10 Virginia, money b} J...rll) i)i·n,:rf I> r,,(' I th lr•i'<!- 't
N,·,"11.illf•lf' I''"' n,. '\IC"
I My nNd 10 l.ak.f thlS CCMW If. t. - lr1tod •t • ,i~14tyl;M',ac»J,OQ, ~. 0, Ol'»I IT¥JOIW,l fNton b t.~o - 1CO\A.1 w.,, ,1an CWT1put tL.mliUI toullO
C Low-11'1tl)ll!IO!°Qllf'lllill!OUhi!(WIO OOOOOlponed
2. Fwllng 1h11 I am part of• daA ts. e.Noftia~,.,,wca,u.1,ytome b.~imporfiU'IIIOll'la CV«r,1!pCJfUl'IIIIO,,,..
3 I wOl,tfO ci,an,.ty myplt U MlfflilQnt WIIO: ,.Otrt1nQtttl\.ngadonoahtoedollirnt b. ~ttmlncino11;1uadJhW'91CIOne~c.Putt1*9<ill~1r1elnl--.u.
4. Clau,oorn dlKuHlon tt.: ~~ulk>mit b. Son'41'J1'N11 IIOITlA. c.Aimolfalw.Jyt~IOrnt
6.fllffdt•cufty~onmy u11Qnment1: l W111in•ttw'#rNka,tolc.&111,.........,whMI dcl b. 'Htlwtalcwm,-t.,011 tlorgre1~ldi4 c..RJJNiaway,orll,)ilwrytnncr.i.S
oft1melb1Y11to~ondl!lllnot~ co.,, •• a.More,-.~lota~dlllfot chtMICG ect.a:dln CQl#IO..
10 nt11ontogo1oc:,n,outDO-. n.mt or comP'lf• w.ortr:: a.ltar1 QOIO~~ b.lm.r,ma.eoma111D~01eQfl'l ~4C*1'lp\lalltll.,.n.QC~ eWIN'llf'Oll,M'J~ c.lt'IIIWe..."lla.a'ygolr•Jtot'lc!~....,.. ., ,_ and Aftls fl.If the '1.'l"lfnlt)h) o1nJ Jic 'fllll ren·l'a \1.tn1 Th•••• tl•l" 111111..1 lune 1'1\111C'Pn" 1r n1 '\'IC t,..a• •••n lhc 1,J In 19n .1nJ 19',1: lht' 111111rJ r11e1(')ffj lo, •1 11 i,1at1bct1 fol r1t..·c, lht) d14 IJP (be ,f1..ahll'J r·d11t11•~• •1.illt lh,~ CN"t1t I ,\lofCW' ,n h •ht <"tlj, ct•lltti;; It• b,1\, rri~ 11), "'1'1f'• fo,·1> ,J 1 It IV, \lllif~III! 11 b. The..,,..• ..,.on~ e. UM Nn tor• dasaon °""""
To-»re:Md3pomtlbMCtl',a 21o!
I. Whlnlant_..,IOUNVCftl, ~,._., me11,orott.
0.1,...~.bvtt,y l•"Y""'ll'I c.lpcAColl11'11hylD....od•
Mdl'b" llfld 110fdl:h"rt" lfyoiJIC()l'lfd20o, 1'19' dlllllw:IIINrnrigbagood~tet lfYOYICOfed1lto2'0,~tea"*'O m.y•Qn. lof)'Olfwi1h•fowrt1111Q81*1~ (ICftOd!Al'et'ld ~NDb ffyOUICO'*' IOOI' lesl.111St.SnCO~n-,,notD11d'llbal ,,_.,,.,...
• r?u.;.ai..ui..allrlltl~ll'MI· det.n»~ PIIIJ"#V1••'1Nltld t,yPBS
~IO'i'/ OPEi'U 1
~ to last foorl