6 minute read
Moveable Feast
Cruise nothing new .... ..... --ll~llellllll'IY b) J(ltUl'I \kN:aJr \nit,nrl Rl('r,rltr Uft.lcr-1 tlOtklt. \.C lftn)' U.)' AS ',/IC ~i.:\N d1 1llc- fo..i ,flrina t"tlll~ ul thc)'W Otlffidl).~I I0,1Llrg,rhil~l11l v~ •h,,dr1~h'iho'AC\l•l1c lhc~itxl S~Uina o( lhc ,dltr.-f!IJOI ptc fi.nl. t.!udcl\ts flWk Cbrir-1'.1)· ~""ll ID j~ptodeooc: ~... Ahtii11tJh 1t t.alruni. C\"Ct)'IW flWla! I•• ,urnd wt.Wik, 1-tJA rdcll.",C fonn1. unikrsa 11MN-""''um1t!Jf p.it-4.w,M anJ fin.1Uy ,ihcn• thdr 10 b!fott t,n.i,Ju1i 'Jbc,oo"'"q.-,(d,ery~11i:Uy kai,cotiCl°"1o:1r"c-:11hcr.DJ 'fo1li1\ M.iklncNd 1u,pindo.,.n\&iM. &ton: lflc'bl:llllt\l"tt kftchedcK:k, f"lolt' bool,c.1, 'A"Crt.11y1n, .11001IJ than a 1o4hl1ul t,I C't!hr~ .IL'.fOOlll.._ Tha'e:""-" pklM) cl(btt.Jlh,ng 100fl1 llll hc ho.II thm ,11i11i}' (\"ClllflJ. A poor11.hrn 1,1;11g Jt'lb b)" ASNK' rnulk'd 141 ll'f) fC'• \WIJm,, IJi.a c-\tn Loew attol,c the mH"C HI ll(W 101.no""' 14hcn 1ht..t mn'iM romg JO~ 11'1 a.h~-c-,o I&:,ltl olfv.,11'k.·~'91111Ml lo0..l«111 l<l'f• flcrJ Plhtt 1h.itl ptKlf wtlffllUOCC. tlx-mtnc: ""'·" nndiflcn:111 tlgit 11n) toChtr SIC 1\.1\ufrunl Thctt .-,1bc u,1111 "mtll) 14.i\lcd,:u) ·· tuthi:v,: ui11 C\(t)' fcm.ik 1n d)C' pl.a.c. AIWMnntlJ lhC' c,ov.J "-1.'.tt dw: ._,-.rn,ivn dlQUN or IIC\IQlc ,octlllJ.ln, p.-b lllllJ t,1ui1.-, .\tlJ finntl) 1hctt •~t i('Ott ul l'lt\C.tK'nl hd\Jff' Th: dov,1111-pctim I ~ \C\'el.ai ltl&!ih M dllt hl:11.L 'A.I• ~'h,e hi1th JlfK.t W dnnl•. Stiff CICI I.ht OOill v.•,1.'.h.atJlng lftC'\('('!.1"0114 per Ne'!' ''l°mpn1,otirolebdOM I ClrlftCln)' ~v.ffl(' c,n~'-1.d IY ~'Cal ,l\ldc:mJO'h~r Crube"-a,>cn. 'llobo 11,m:n't rOOul,:11-., n'I *" ak'ohcil1e t,1nj.'C' u.;qipc:J 111c,,c111icwu11s .ttu:R 11'IC m.ifntic) ol people- on the bu.If: v.\-rt d.inc1nt Seline kllk 1ook llldrd..lk-in,;• bnlC' 1f1'1',ffl(Jl,l•I). {)n ...,.,tt.il «c:i.~kln, 1hc mu~ ,n1crrur"!cd tinalttlt •~ \tt" on bu.mr1111 W!J lhc ~m .-1bothn1n, thr DJ. ,\ftrr wwtlc loludtnl• "Aett ,.co.ldtd b)' Mak>!~ I.he} Pf'"U)' nu.:.h 1l"lft0d dlWrl\ ""' tllbtt klJ• w.,_ 1J,fftio1t•IOf)". -i, IJl\!n'I \t11"1'4 btutt.• uld ln..1 )'t• -.udrnt Al11.w1.Ckl1•tl,l(lw:'n. •·t 14«.ldth,M. Ilk)' •ere h,WlDJ! '<A,P.hc••) llanobC'.ab~d.lni.ln "
,~Spokane Symphony gives worthwhile performance to sophisticated crowd
Sr,.:.;111cul11r cm~nawgn,phy
,wc"ha,kmed by unin.,pired pcrtom1w1,'l!,. horing ,crip1 **** lop- *** lllll'IIIIINlS
I Re~·il"'' b~ 1h11 L'u11e1a;1
•rr, JI.If' ,t,,mr1rJ1lf.1J11,,,
• * Vidot lpecbl * '8ilOWli'tl'
"Id..:- t·11~ ,tAntrJ, f'IT'ltv.,li111hC'\PUll"'-"ttffl,II
W~·.:1n.:J M\'. tii11ht p;ith ,..,,.H" u•rl.11.( \I.1th \le, R).tt1 11ol l\1>.,,l11,( • l'llona.h.,, ••l\l!IC fj'f'r lbtl:rf,11111' Jl'lt4n 1rilrifu1111 ~nu"<1h,..tt i.ltJ11·1 ~mlllh.: llfl)
"-.1\ 1, ,,n. 1l 1,1p \l'ldl1 Uk r1M lC1111:1n~lilkJ-.1thlfflalin,:'11nJ(1'.l•"'l,,-1 ,ri~1'J1tt\·l1<,Y1 11-um: ...._-(~I U1,,1 llt•ll)•01.,I b.a.l r,ulbl thri.>u,ih v.1111.a
V.•httl 811t
'"1'4c••*""C'i.k!Ti &'111tt · AnJahl,...,...11·· 1,•t,i.tc:inie."('li)of
\1,:r1,•, * l/.!! t'l~o(tJrnliN~~ri,1i11111n:n.-,,,._.,.1,,i-i11hcJfcn t.ln.:t l,l~t im11111~'•' 8.1lm.iltll!1,I Nrli"
Ill..' hlm~l,1htvn1) ,,I II o1tt,,l 1U1fTKJ \clh1t"ltg('1•ht-.. 9,i,m tir·, '"" ,1(ro1nf 1111k' br! 1,rt; twiJ-.. J'-•~hu,, ..;,,p '1.)"'".t11pn1.. .ind t"N.••tm;~111t,1,•tbeaJ1.:.rl1ft loop,td.._fllrv. thc:,1u;,thdk pt.: •tth'1>Cll h."1n!f l,111n.in ll1tik',.1K, ~a, rntttl'\IOP<-11) l'>in mk'm.11)' 1,1ohnl h<
IIIC'ct,M..::,:ic \ta,,.c I R,an, r1o 111,am¥1U11,l,ot~.J.1•nr 111.'111 '-llldn•III hoc.il<bn
,:1tt·, t)~ _.hen be- 1c'(nl, Sid u ·hi ,11 hull 1u•I t'l(-f.,,c hr k.11.h m~
1,f fl.:TlliolllC"llblooihclllrrrL..:t- )l,1, .._,ul,t,1·1t11: 1•111\tr,all!.!CC~J\I
111 l~iUtl'IDtn1.JI) irl\1,•l-kh.1~1111i.u11.
1h1, ,1ttt1..., ,11~, ~,J.i.x l~t111lllll!.,. 1111,,1ho.·n111"ac. o1ncl1hc nt.\l h,11•
IIIJ lol ~L(.::~•j'\&\11( S...'th f.atlJ•~ 1"11 h'n'C ""'11h \l11~k' ianJ ll)int t11
.bi,le 1fh1• t,,,c r.o11htnl1111\l.fll\lf!llt1o1rt,rl ~l.ahh \1.t:pt al,1,l,dl, h"lf ,.,ti .Olll't bt 11Wilc.--. h,111,('tr u,1hk '*' ""' ijlld ,., htllo• a11.1~,lt11f
IMm,: 11\M IIUUI anJ a J1iAIJ f'IIM' hlol)'!I' dtrt jlt lllh\lnr uw1Jlk.l \1.i$;ttel4':'<'.11t\1of.JJfor'w1hf1>f'n••rT,lltta"'ll!11111k'r~N,c-)"-"\. 1r11oJ &lb u-.-111, ,.., liu&d., tt:al il'l'"'llt"rhtt>n ;ih."M 11lh"Jf frum l'IC'.i,•i:n t,.,11,'C' .i,a n111f1...t \,11b.M houtM*IJ.th.,11 h,prnt ~hc"'inll' tlcli:•1 ti...141t1,.,,,,.il~111s:•r,J\IIIJ111"11.11,1lhn1111bl1t111f 1,rtc1ne111
OUl 11111 Jo 'l'Ut)'. 'olllil, U.U1.1 St<'\cn, rt.ah/tJ chrt b:k of c:tm'1kl a,iJ 1111..I. •• ,11 hrwutic .uiJ M-1.II) n111J,11n 1111r,c-J:,, 111bc cnJ h> m,,l,: IC lll'r~·tllhc."t 1h:ln. "Thn(" or1ec Yoa\ ~,:J f.\tll C"• :i,111 A.)•1 -..eirmN 11, J11'f1 -,. cw l\lon, 11n111ri1 In .i r*
111 un.n'{""ttJ anJ ntl<'-t.ickJ rorcttr1wt11,"C\..
11 IIOII IOI' 111( l:1nlh l( \11'1cm.uur111Jlh) h)' Jc,h.n V,J(" r·The f.11111~
~.dlt'1ir'J dn.l 'lil•ntt brK'I lnUlntl\l, ol Jrt111h h) '1ita.1llf 8,-1 S11h:tlit1"
1 "<'.ii"'fll,,'f''" the flhn cu1dJ Jcftn1ttl) Ix dul\cJ ,,r :.it ON" r,f ,tic "'°'1 tli•mJ11'1dJr\8J'P.~ri11nr t'lef' t1ir1'1o,('• c,n
E:n1;e:r1-ain me:n.'t ~...,'<'ro, ~o; Do% tq_~
11tt-N-MAC'S LOUNCl'.E
D.J. ~•a.ill!!IIIC ETEBT
Thu-r,...da.y @!ii
Lost II\ Space ••*
-1>:ffirtrW,tll«lt!iftM,n'" l~lldM.1 Thhll""'ie',Jan r•ll'1W'll kd, 1J11wnrisfle uni..~on..Nc Of,;..1JN.•t.·l1.#-.1Ct\lt1llt1• IW!U1\IK ~11&'11JIUl.l\lt' h.i,cab ffl<.lff~U -.11'1)' ,1l;u1t th.in Nbk'f• ra..h.Sp,i:r~~Ju..1,11-.. 11mc::llu,l 0Ml.:i11Mlt~•n1, c\lmbu~tll cn..ir~ 1hn l.a111UJ ·, i.iecr1-1l..1.i,i:,t')t•'C 1•tll.)~a.ll.l•oo W11ht111:tk~C:\l-q'll>nnt1I un.unntK c:-.....,.oklm:in.thC'Cll,,11\ ldl to tAM!(M In cbcin.)· Ji~uc ard 11m.t111.1,n,.Mumn.lhc:JUfflP14111"' • dttool) cJ11nc lb1f, l.ttpii-.t-thi• Ohl Jllu.11 Otmru Ht.otbo Grllh.vn1 Bue dw1·, not "'h.d "'"Y pcupk tn Cl\ 'l.« 1"t·fi OM:h. Spcd11J l'lh.,:lllfll °"'blit1~1 fflOVIIHQ 1hc '9Ch. •·1..o1t 1n Sj:1.x< dot,,.n'1 f•II h1 ddhn. SpA'C baula, 1,'t.plodin., rland~ and \llfl)C thu1t'lpn• tu. .:omblfll' 10 .-ri!IU' MfY·S(tN:n1hOI\ ..-,c,...;r'\ )C'Ul'l fotm1,1~ by Suntmn- Llftdtt1hffa .Vl'/11ad RtfXNfrt (bat -.m: nn"'l.oonc)• Tune..• t,u1 humor ,;ttll hl\c""l 111101li,c -.ottll''411.11 dN) land highly pniaed Sp.ilunc Srmcill'.111)' pnfr,n'T1J11« ~tctk 1:1 m S.huln Aut1t.10fluru The ")ITIJlllon> ,.\t l'l .a mJaani «Jli ,1,1.-.I :i \l.111Pt1f'C"I. P""~llt) uw 'Ptwnmmof tllt()pera E,m lhc-n.tn'll!"oflhc: cood11t.wr. r.~itl \.!«hi:lt1.111·1d«lh..i.01.1,1.1.,. R1\·i11,u,, l1tl'II 1112 h1a;h el.t" cttril 'R)lne'U\lnru)tl.Jl)·tctlt'itttitw1lde\1•k1Din IJ.aho Ylhm Ri\il\111\ m.w:k hfl.cllllittlOt. lhC' ,m;,,ll pl.:Mftlfm lilld11UC fur llim 1,1 p&.tyon 1,1,;t!o a l1ttk 1,11n1.ablc Uc 11 M hh dt.rlr ;in,J '""'o.l ba:L .1111.1 1«th. ~i.Jtl"1! a k{UL"lllhhb lax Aft..-:t dlt-p111tf1m1 •m. k ~'l'ln1. t'iC Im.ail} 'ill dcN.ll lllldi ""'llkd• bllk 11111 Qlfnk ,,...a) •nJ ,nultd In a,,pmv.il. l'hcuuJi.,ia b.1~11td UIJIC undllr.:r l;<IICl,Uhhllbt~~l'Orlhfll.ll.'ll 11,c ("ffnrm11ra.-c w,1.,C'lltilk•d"1'c1t.1I Tnt.JIU'J\,ly • Ttwtt S'l(tt'l'b)n:, v.crtb) fthru~l"'1.), 1~lul!i.n,: "\bn.:hc Sl.1,c,"•·Rto(,Ja.1 \',,n.111,:.,,, 1 Ctllo an.I (Jrd1c·1>t11 ··~1mfm.l S)m,rfli,ny pa.."C"\ Wi,,1 l.l'luhr1'M,>1.kr.1t«~l)!'I m,•,o ,,\mJ.il)lc-.°' \'C,IU(Olt~(lll), Al'llla!IIC'CWI fflCII•>'" .,nJ-Al~llh"l<'lflft11-...,,." ThC' .....,,wm h ~-...i.alh foll ~1,~ • ")1nfll,11t) \.\JCICM. ti..,1 ,tin c,crfomuncecawii:ncJ ,n un1NJJl .uoou1111r emrc)' \C:11h Whtthttorn..114pC'l"\ll)ll~(',th,: '>lllfibtw•~ ~,11tl11ttc.rc. tlUI e1tlla .,,,,.,). ii. ,,IJJcllr te«i,c,. •fi"IN diW'\iun11b;i1 lllln-.11hcm the (lpp(ll'IWIIC) IO odkod to:JmNl'ltnJ l,lc lh1 Tid.th~ac>1m,ill)· Sl7.5ofor fl«JIUI lllcndzi11,.y-' $X 7! I« '111ik1• h'u,onh It to.i11tnd. if rc,c for a1jc,)tncn1. ((II the tdu,.-.i,,~ and CUhurJIClp(firrlcc. c....- )joJ V) ,I l"Ctw.lfl t.an W~ IJJ.
11, rw~h M•r 1;1 S1udcM An st.o Bu"14c,IIH•II-.CtttitcrCbll«)' Mfltlda) f'h11f'(U, 10.-'.FrnbJ 10.?:ll)
April 21 26 l)Rma dql.ttul'il,'.1rt (l('Odut.,m ,,I fiu:Qnt .1('1~0.)', Sdu.ikr AuJu~ll'11,1m 7: \Cl rm
Aprif?6 Mile! Nt'tltl, ,.,nrttkomtdlan. Sdlalc:r A1.1d11onum 7 p.1'11
Papa Joe ' s Ham, Meat, Cheese, Mayo, Lettuce
\pril 28 and l9 PniJuc-1100 oC -n,c lYtta.1 "'"li,rH Sd1ukt AbJ.tomnn 7: lo r.n, '\.o ,m,ilJ ,h11drm !ldmm,J
\Ill) 1 :S)Nlf'boa)'OJcbc!~!lil.(Ullo.Cf1 ~h1,1Wr .'\lh11o1N1.1m 7 \0 p.m l\lil) 13
J,11.l UattJ .llld J1,1.1 c,, {Q<IC(r\ Sdwkr AuJ1111nu111 ,;:ricl rm
Bnna 1:hem 1:0
5 Days: Monday thru Friday
Monday-Thursday 7:30 am-5:00 pm Friday 7:30 am-11 :30 am
PORN: FBI volunteers lo help Ctl'A police with investigation
11._1 p,1.l .,1 ilwil: boul., ..uJ tkli , «1WONl p II\ I hJiA fhc:p.1li')con..ffl111,:ijthclhc:\Jf '"""'l'\ltc-1, rdcucJ 10 lhc llhn1v cmrlo)cc: Wt bi.::Cfl 1111 d1ti:1 \JI'« >1ti The polic-y ,1 tc:-s 1h,1 •II (Ulnruter u,tn have lht' t't'\l'4llllllilll) (Cl U\f 1k \!It ~.-.mpuecr rc-ou'"'° 1n ;an cffiC'ICtll. rfln,hr.rth,ul11DJlawf~mJ11fla' u.1•,h1tn1 wit,. th«' r1.1tc-, •nJ ttfUt.l.wmufl.fk.•1.,lllti;ct111flilC.lil.
I\IJlt,11,Jf~W...I*\ • f 1•;a fU1!nc:ll1111. w>tliClf pwbhl rcla111•iu 'f1«111li.t, rc:lu,N ~n vffu;:1111,1.atC'lflCitl rtf.11\11n,:.1h1\ ill..klaltin.lr...,,,.,. ,amt.brr..! Wt.tit lhc ,rillc-rc roh,c, the ,.ituc ,11 nM1lfl\llttt~h"'1klf:)' 11nd !ht flll(nlcl~~,I k'~my 1.-mh aaJ fwll> ,urr•Hh 1hr
111:.Jrm" OMlilffl uf ih •lllllk'll'I~ hi..u.ll\ :.attc.1 \l.i.11 rnllttt Ck-tit'-} tt\ju1~IIW,1.lllff"'lcr~t'C111C\1111
"r1h1(d •liJ 1,v.r1a1 m.tnl'll'f •nd rr,,h1b11, th, u,-t of rlhtr••at" m1•uc••\}Wnl\t,11~ tWi.lkf' 'i\.:d n'r I ltf.llC' 1111.1o;h hC'k a l,lf .i• ,hill 1tut i\ nvt i111J h' ~bcn ff.tu ,,ul 8) "''~ p.:('f'k
CONFERENCE: Bell say~ meuia ended n~ctl for march
N:11 he "' '"' lt111 ,11111 ,~ flliin, ttn "'in,: hen: h'II' 1n1,h1I,;. I pl n hJ ,1.i) pot ti,111 ci,oo11ti 1n~.i.J1f1C'fr•H IIIC'~i.l 8 Thu,lw:1. H.1vlktt I .11(. M f'M"On<11lh1-..,q •11.,,11hr11111ltJ • \\'f!IJ ILl)Jm l...Lt. bto, 11\cJ 1111b:C:,xur\iA~ur&to..c-lhc~ ~yca,,..S '<l'\cJ IU )-c- ,11 1he C,ic:u, J';\lcflt ~1!1'K•l l)i,1nt.'I RwrJ of rn,,1~ \~1,IJ. 1 Jo..,11 1~luh.,..,,,~.,.1httlcwrocr0lld i\l S1.Jf llf l(~,ec,ut \1odiul C'oito..-t ,11\J t, a ~\, r1C'l.lJCII~ 1-1f lht Mlo'IKNl·lkl'f'\\.il'l\t.~~~
An.llf!n~111ht~(1h1.t\ •upc:1:0..••hng, ,,. •t11d1 '(Ill." .111C" bl.111icd l,w t.l!W pn.a, Ji nr. K<il 'Wlllht,,'Cl~,htfuil.ll!fl~h(ttfcrri"# 11,, 1hr -'r;•1 Nlioo,111 N lli1n1.1n HruiJ•~av.,po..1,..,,,,1bolil tbrm. 'lilt r, 11•1n,"J<11tJ •nh lf'-,aalit..:w~ladi.. 8C'lli.uJC'RSl1~win1Cf'°Xl""n lnr r1r1.,111l 11 1I l•tC' "'*' ,,.11N1.t1.:o:al11al)ut.1mJ(Ol1 11.11 111111 orpr111JUQfl,.,ldin"1 11,f1J•.1kia:•
1,r btw\l,. hlf I lhc1,1I ~N•ICI 11ul.119 1111cn1:t.rthC'~·•ht-lr Bell mraHonC'J tbc trieJu \ ~u-.cr.1,:t1,fthr JW...k f'IJnncJto, 1hc .\r~.lnl Ht \.AIJ 11h(t 1hr r•c(\
Nic Bookstore Graduation Sale
This includes several new items that have Just arrived. Sweatshirts, T-shirts, sports shirts, shorts , jackets, caps, etc Your choice - 33% oil
VISA MIISlelQrd Huny In for besl selecllonll accep!Od Sale prices ln effective, May 4, 1996-·May 22, 1998 a11111.11111crJ lh(' (".1111.J 1huC' ,1 101!)'11Ut1CCJfol ltlhcT d<w J ,,,,1cr11hc .11'lt-nt1on 11w) •at>.1,-J tic 1.114 he fch 1b,c ,,,,ct.aJr b,t&.11 cJ lltdl I Ill h,;111,tHI h) rrla)illJ tio. 1hcu•111n11,nll) 11.>JUW Jc;it1,,nl\mrpara. Eha Oh1clli..•hl. 1hn:'{ltll ul ,1,.q IIIIUl\ -.h.-.tk'kbh1,a,oll \\Mv.1'ClhC"1lltft 1ouJ1,lwuac,;I 1111•1 ll(l!J• to ti< dc-,C'll)rcJ 111 (l.ilcpcCJtll~~lvnwlioh.,1~.,rn _..., D1,1ttbol(III .u I •hcllrJtr\c,,t'O'f'"' ,h1111Jd Ji:,dt,p • ft('W 11111.)' ul 1i1111l1n1 n.., J1•th1t) " T.r!'~~~=UC'bb!C'J
U1J(t-c1,1J'..\IC'M" lul>ctncn1li<r lc,111ntlint11• )1d 11,.(, 1-rlltu, i11>11C111i,,11 (" llldl£nJC' l11,111uu, • • lntrll 1111! II 'f.(Jl•l:'IJ\.IIIJ <•ncm1~1hrnT,roo..n.:c1I t11~lW1111i: Ji.11 'll>C hctv.-«t1 \ IC' .Mkl"" tnhc •h,,h h Ill ltir ptn,;<"M, k'11111mr,ltr11cnw.a lbt ··,11ic•1'o>i11 ···~· 11 !mc1u1cS111,i: ,nw:,i,.ar1ullurc •tht 'l,fl tlllllOll.an (i,h'°"' I I Joc,n I ~,1rrc1111,c-ra1stn tiwl I \flit f •1n 1114 mirl ~C'C\ • f \I( ll!lta.ll,trno1l1ht\mJt.,..1b.:, hJ•t

G1,t111 11,J •hC" btihnn 1t1a1 Ilic 1d kOt,Jn(I •1!11 li11;.tl 111~, >lill btu11 • Hilo ~111IJ 111 i,uJc"""ld!JIIII.I 1i,Jcnc,
(,i\l'fnU.l \IC"t...••*''·'"'·'"'
Mlll':d1o;11, f~kllhr\ll.dmlt."'
Become An Ambassador Make A World Of Difference
The NIC Cardinal Ambassadors are accepting applications for the '98-'99 fall academic school year
Qualification s: volunreer 1S hours per semesier. be probcoenl wrth meeting people on a variety of tovels. minimum GPA of 2.5. be cx,mtortable speaking In front of groups
Opportunities: B<!eomO a 'l)()fflllOrson io, NIC:
"~ network with studemt. rac,,,11y and edmlnistralotl Ell~ your fOSUl'OO. AICOfVG lieUO,S-of -.Beapanollhe
1tuden1 rocru1ln'lel'll leaml