The North Idaho College Sentinel Vol 51 No 10, April 23, 1998

Page 12

11it1l )d\ ,"1 \rytn N't .nlol ;,inJ puhih. I 1l1(1u;ht. l'-11 t 111•1<•1

Texan taking presidential position


EtH R• 11that1 ol c~ttlAilQQ'l"t\JkJ r a., 1fidJ ('ulll'itc 1n \k-.qv1IC'. lr 11~ "'j~lt Burke h,u ~l'Cft \ h:c Prc,dc:111 t1I I YI.Mee uf ........, ..... ,.., ,:.,.-n Ind.~,, lolqir -~, \l'f)' rcl1i l ,UII IO ,ct'Or Ou,l l u 1r.

.,_ lbc dl..tt1'."1 ·""·S"t" ,w, ttf::inkd .,.. •11.,0,,,uJtCN ·v.r·n:'l(llll'lt"'111""1•1 """'' unnw~ 'Vlhrll ;1 ,\ (IC' lllt.-.,fflll •l!lll) c;,ltlorf' Nl110•" khifldlartU:IJ.. fkarlc' ~Ind• TCl.n 11n •!lut bk 1-. Ufotlr W\111.J L ...... BURKE conlln""' on P1130 13 Steve Sh•w otNorthw 1 Naurtnit Colltge display• OW*f'Mad pro1Kllon tha t l1bel1 the loc.1Uon ol hate groups ln I.he Uni ted Stain Conference addresses • race issues Bel says people Identity hate with N. ldallO CONFERENCE continued on Peo• t3 Police investigating alleged child porn o n co ll ege compute r Employee resigns lfter dtlll Inspects maclWII b, 1 r k-. \11111 •1./R, ,.,,,,,, ( 'CIII' .r Akw 11o oh.'it ln~lptCO Ille' -.n-NlJ.*'ftt. ahtpllllffl fJI\I dlillf'""",,.-~h;vq; ,.uwn1 ~k." qi.')ff 'l('~ A«ON.1-, ,o rofh.:" rcpxt, Ort-a.• or llhb,a,c1.- krr) Off =:-i:..·:;:.:::~~~~= ''~;~lnl lht •••Llil" for f""rml, •"' W cnltf the r lh'i'.f 11nd '\"'11, Ilk\ c,.t1 (he ,,111ip~,. 41" 1;IR'l:t1iJ1n1 kt eh( riil...-c ttp.1n p:1"11'"'

Rh111d1 11 h~ \\ r • 11 lj n ,I •111'1

"' 11,,n (oft f.iwtJ .1 file l,i.t,rkd h,ol 'll\111 • .-.J Mhd OW ~cc••..,.lhrr'f& tlr ttp .,aid I_. ID (.c,c th3li 1w w..t ·~C!la~Udl.,.._la'ahlllJ•kftlllt,....- llw,_..""C,qitc'I c,at.tiftc'd ,Jo,-.tip:• ,it dftc othn lfltlklf' N die C"ffll'kr,« W •lkJrJh i)1'11tnl,,..W UI" IJ lht' 1;"1>111f'Uk" \ H·1Jrd1"I to hi 1•1hn· l l'P-"1.. II~ cJ111"li•)\'"C ,t,,1\ rnh>111ial jlu,J Ii 1tnip.1t.1"- "''II"" Inn 1111k pr.I) "'ll" CI I.Xh\t •IIICk"Julrl, ind llw nnrlo,w •.n lhtn "'1fW 1'41 QmPn 11, ''°" nw p.,1..-;-t wett aottf.cdoa\1.1n.1'l6'.

Thursda Y, AprU 23, 1888 Cocu1 d' Alc111, ld11ho 11·1n~:11ic:.edulse111ine/ ~me 51. Numbn Ill S1udcn1 pro duc ed produ ctions o pen ~oo n \&E/Page l O ~;,_j-~ I P1'1 - --~I Guide 10 findin g a pe rfect mate Ure/Page -t ......... --.-:. Campo~ office,, Judg<.'CI L ife/ Page 5 Hate comes knocking; NIC knocks back Human Righi\ advocate.,, \r)llll Nations s lut.: ii out \ a lau lcJ -.:J llullct' Pft'~fk, h1 l11rt lhl' rl•nnrJ itddrt:'""· H atC" ll.ou,n·u:111 ,jtllJ ll uman RiJht, In I, ,, 111.1nt-J tama&Jt~.> ·~""•1,1; ..p b:Qal l-lf'"'»IIIS:l\abda Sh.a• pot•ttJ ~• '•n• ld...iho • rcputaltoa tor rau,a. aod h,,tt: tt'ad1n, flllfh nf .an 1,1n l,01111"'" llf",f\ilpth. C)n(o ~"-.fl ,..,,\cJ • 1.jut'Ut1,'i •lf't tic,~ UM !IH'd •IC •~ h l"'°WI) ba:~ 11 IY,t'D fol' b.rt~t I llif \p("C\;h ou,,n dl)' "''' \<o:ht.J.ul(J ht (01.:tdt •ttll 1~ P'oro~
,p,<l.t: Imm 1t1~ hc;,11 't)lll'.' t,\ll11.1l"1••1C I lld1!ftl.! ,l)l,'lf \tin dtn!I lbt An"" .art' f " k!l("t •>dliai bu1 lllriuU f"1"flllN fAWt laltlc 11.lil.a ,'\'Tia h1ld" q;iit,lma aod un,•~• "('u • ,~aotC111on.1ht•f"C«hlllfflC'dt111U tlkh.ltttn~ While 1ht ,,~., a11J 111\t" "'n 11·,ut l11,1, ·~ ("1.11,1r,t) llrtnn'T 11,.,; ('ll,1•1r1~ih.'1 f,1':1,1 t.tcnm uxl II •n * IW\l~ff cml 91C'C11AS~-·);---~("\Jtl W' ti. .a1C T~f--.-:C'mll....,. " wd ,vi am. HATE TALK con11nued on Pa0t 13 Aggressive Air ~,c lludtn t Shawn uc:,rton ca tchea some air 1ft&1 c:IHHI Frtday attemoon 11lhe Coeu r d "AleM S kat e Par1<. Many 1 11JCH1ntt 'Ptnd their rrH llmt po u nding lhe 1mp1 at the parkt with t>t1dls and boltdl see r-ell led 1t o,y on Page I.
At)P ,auoa, ••rcli 1•ro11111lli Jo•auu C'iN:111r 41' M,H Tk ,na1ch llli.n bit P,'tllf"lhCd llllhl \h~-. rL1111n,d It)'"""(' a \('b('IU I) lurks will speak at graduation; lmltnlng responslbllltlel In June ;\1 f Nonb l.l11h1.1 C' k,c ff'1111M111• ,t,•) ,.t,,,11111p11nlltll11Wfl'A1lll,cVU'f"l'P::·•"-""'
011, m,~
tc'f1ff"c1II\ 11 ,ti,,..•I '"'Ill 1t1 rr.:a uC ,o,itn,..,~ 1.,,:Ju•1111'1C'fai:n, • aUtplli.-cM ,cnJcr *'II"'*'" •l.llPpl\allbc ~dftollnlCO. llitodlcrman~dllc'lllftlttd ,lC' llllcnm•I Ron t'c'II and rbc' tit••, ~11-'tn,Jc-nl \ll(tutl llw~c. .fl h,nr tlCffl ~, 'f"-'r,Jm ,ia 111111 ,.n,l t.·lc~•IM-" ~.,11
----.-. 111raM4'1ally,11 11\lo,n 1111ooun<C'll 1lio11 nu,lc ,hu,ca ,,1u 01 IO apriklllh t« ...
- - ----- - -
oer.1ht11 wti.ll.lfh1,..._ht11•I Rfulll'ti,u ud l...a lhC'IJ 1, II s< h• • ,... p,~ol l.!'•)•lflll tt(Ql'I :ddxo.,n.-,, l Pldl, C.- 1, C Onlnl..t '-bt' ffit,onait.t.....b•dk'

ATM burglar leaves broke

Panel grades school's ability to prepare students

April 27 vote decides ASNIC leaders for fall '98

IIIUJ \tu· r,,e,,-11,111 :.11111i1,l~•'°"t111 II (Klh(' C.J11tlwllt.,11.1Mrnri111l11t.c:ll'\.'U1)11 nc • :a "'1" tru,1111, ,ts;,lrsn

•nJ llfll~ flltr •lliJ.:'1111\ IIUllllftf j(M


1 tit' NIC Sant.rid P;9:" 2 Thursday. Apnl 23 1998 Wise Words Th l' Jtff~rcnc~ bel\n·t.."n g,·niu~ ,ind ,tupidily b lh,,t ,1 g,·nrns ~now, hos limits - \lbcrl Ein,l~in Campus News Really Big Raffl e sells S1 00 tickets W. .ll Ticket holde r s have one J in 667 chance of II inn ing wI N ! I,, ll111111IIHt>•h11r I 1¢111 ,IJJ,J f"Ci.:ht It~ 11 tht lvunJ.i41dll ha, 1h,· '-W•nul'll~ 10 o1(1'1) wt1r;";1"h,rw, lhi:) r, 1j~lc1 •,th 1h1,11 rui1DC~ ,ltl/J "N IC l ,arrcnu) t A tl'wm :mJ .arc- tte11h·J h1 ;ift ,..,~,.,f\lUhi,•AI \C t ~ff'tlllt) \luJcl\l Ltii._ Miller w11.I he I\ rLl1Wn1t to llll)' .11: 11. d1i1tlr. 11 'o\11'*IJ t-e ~'"''' hi WIJI 1'tl;,1u\t ,.c·h put • kit 1•! w. lo. lfllu thc l'it,oil..C- \hU« .ii.I \\(' ,ta.:\ mM ltcJ ,.o mlkh c.-ty 111 - ,('.i,p.• ll11C'Jr.1"'ttlf~tlll...:w11. '"r"'"-'t7p.m Ju1,. l mlr.,•1 bolik•• n.."l·J lll•I 111.· pc-..:111 lu v.1n ,,..._c, \.irl IIC' l'\11\:h, ~l ill Ill( \IC Collcic Md"'"' 011..,,'C'.a,:iil.itl \\11tl.J,in-cftarnil'IJ C..ntct111J'11'\CJ,1II
s1udentt.. is up'°' grabs In Iha NJC FoundaUon ·1 Ru lly erg Ratttt. 01J,cr • rtkl 111.,luJ~ l1dptt.111't., S11('t'I' I IJ'lo,J, an..l r,,m \ilil I k ( 11) h-d I.Jahn idlllh\~dur 'i.' h) f lll~PI !i)!i.7(H.l!7I \'1 1 \l~Ja11J01..: \Cfutc...._,~,~J• 1hc l·,,I • · 1.-L,11,11:11.,,.,d,1 ••Ill~ ~,,n 1,:~~11t, 11'11 J"lduto< tklch Cn111111&1C ,_.1l1to11dcl lnf,,r 11,1n 'f.'J.t~7l
A $200.000 Pos1 Falls home, buil1 by NIC c..rpenlry
Sus peel gets a,1 II); Sl U ha~ b ig hole h~ J.,,.,111 Nur,•., "'"', ,IH,t"'"'' \n .111t111111(d l\1Hrlar) or 1hc \ I \I 11~, brnl' 11pm in~lJe- thl' 'lt11Jc111 I n11111 U111tJu11 1(11 lh~ ti.uwliit (wulc .,nd tluN, \"nwJ n,: kt.,.., .\TM 1crr.unn.,11 """d •lc,I ht 1,·n1o11t1 1111,,n,m._.,,, tli<- 1•111 It t1lr1I II• u1llllt~h' lh,· l1r•1 "l1·~urny \('1 "'llh..t,lr1II l uw rnJ Jk""1l1h ""lrJ;c """""' •~nc:e initrUdor Tony Stewart (lett)and Dr.Te,ry Armsttono. University otl~. dfsc-uu Improving Ille hlghtt Ddueallon ly"sttmll"I Scbuler Audilorlum A.pdl9,
hl!lh school graduates "t"' ,,; ""'" , "" lack necessary Job skills 11cnln nie11t,.,1 u trl'hiP'11nd~'IUII~ "'.t'l ,.,polhm I \111(iall.lt1t'I SI( ptulml't('h) 1n>mac1ar. "' ti, 1h,1u1th1 rhc pr\·~nti 1tun 11o •\ rrc.11 G.ill 1111 .iult\crymw:- d10\IIJ 1111,11t ,d11~cnicJ 11bc11,11 ti,,11 Ktl«lh f,ihns 10 l<"dlh I 1J.Ad, lot jl,h lh:il Jill'l°I lk'c.'J I u,·c ,Jt-,,\., \l, •"t" OIJII •}I~ 11f lht J"lltk"h,I• ..,;J ,11.mJ 'llucl 111, 111,JJ~ «m!IUI \'I:,, 'f)CII (''l)tl'((tl,. &Ill a,c,t, ~"'-1~"4,il(t I tu .rnJ,r u, l lllhnl\",I l.1tfd)' l,r rfn"""rfl) •h lnlc .mJ k'Xhn-t.. lat:11 rmg ,1u.kn1 \I ,L Trnyct t..1iJ lllt' ... "
Platforms present candid ates' views b.\ Ut1<1..iJ1ttkS \o 1Nir" m \\'II k.lllco fof 11!.(o 9.\ f/'I "1"1(1111 )toll Vldl b,c, fh Ill II~ f11llotltn .,._,w -,( 1 111Ji I f,,t - 11,tuu 111t rnnnm; u1 llu •rt"•u1· ·c11rr.i.l t1,,t1un h~ 1hC' ro hi I rrc:,1Jc-1U 'I' I~(' • l'I 1dcn1 n,I lhl('C t..iptHUftl>I(' .. I Jtt •rnri,dl;.1MJa otllTo.SJVlt'II lld,C I 1111 rt~\UJC'IU
'<11.:tt,• \<'Jlfl• fl11•1 \tQ,llur )(:u \r-,tr "'•u 11l,m1ucJ lrMn lh\" hu1ml AruJ 1', Jue Co -.::ii.kmi.. c.l1r 1t,1 llh lhr\"\' P'"llle1n, ilt(' ,-pu l~r •Opl~1n\llH• 'Al11Ch 1Ulkah IN\ f'I , flYllf1t•r 1ht-rl..,1tn11 h '"··· I Mh lo1ru.l1t.1 1c •ill r1,< 11 Cltf'!'-'lffl rn-d1 al nncwl \fond.a). l\.l"fil:.7 1111hc-C..,Jm,.Jc·,.,c \\\I( 9:i:11,ra,J rlc.:1100 111111 flt· hdJ ·"re" J? o..aii-c "°"'' ,uh: 1llffll• I\ iut1~"mri,, &enToew, Co ,rd.Al ~, ce l•n-..,.idtrU Ju"l!'lRulut MGoi t&l"itut.l!r.-\1rc rr ldeot II 11 11n,1hc ,11111.:nl I l Ul" d •ll~•Ufl lhc II l•d 1 ••I 'IC' I UthlJ('~ Ill, Ill hf" .ari,01111 II J' hJJtAh 11, <.1111 r1"rrnmo·n1 P:""•111•" f-'41 It\' 11nr41n.i111,11, I tl.l1l1ut1 \\I." 111111 l<"jtd Ill') ro'J'll•,,1l 1nr.i1x- uu1111n In 1h1· ucn,: • w.t 1 ,,111, in ,ml,•f In ll'1f' 1tn l'flC nl h111hr1 cJ1.11·Jt11111 f,11.1r1u lh, l('\~1hk '1"11,.,Jqu.lfll'IC ,t'n,,rn men,. 1ft'qi.hAfl.Plt•jlf,11lllllU..ico\l. \\(' "I'(!'(''' 11 w1nr ,.:inr11 anti llltn t cll ,tt l•~h'\hk pl.aulC fl '""'1 lu.i,1t11:i111 Peter S waghoven Aalh<k\.lm Pol11JCl. ~Hn l'l'l"'ildcnl l)cJ1Ytl11 t SIC i U Jrinr, k•ttl\:l11.tr1, n 1,111 tlli prt 1J.-1h) \1) l\,1dpin11nJ 111 1uJcn, r,"'.._-mmcitt h 1,111 hi 1.w tc111141~'2kt k ,'fl.,"lf '*'llli th<" r('c•rlr W.ltiCh II "tl)l\" llllf'IILlt.111 t',\ l<.1td1C°I I ~nl ,u, I v,111 .:'(I. 1hr 1cnplcmcn1 hor1 11 l'I 11 ,prmcJ •ii,,,,,.\ ,,1,c ,,-.:), 111111 ,v, ,,..... nd "'ouli.l hl.¢ 111 111kfn,, i"lf• J Jhllt,! "A1tl1 i.llffl\Uhllll TJIIJ 1111IIPl'l 1 111 t\''f"'" N\ r; p,c-vnl SI{ , 1u..k-111 'ilwl \"'C Vl"OUIJ h:f'h\l'ltl 11 11tUlnl nl I ""I"' ,1 \'IC David Pearson Kellogg Gen, ral 100,a Snphnmon• ~muor I kd I'm r) 4whh.·,I hlf lb. J •h I I'll ltHt. H.U 'lrt,hll1illl ll'l'l,1! If "(J f lttl "'"ulJ hr a~k Wfdt•••,•d..u t11.i,..,, I tu,c l\.llf 1h.ln: ,c.\f~ n1 htJb ~hool pmttnnw11t rnJ •u1 thr J n\i 'I dil" HI. r,t"1aJc11I \~. l~nk'n \1:1\.lltlf I ,,.(,rl(J •••11 h-,,af rtlffll 1nd11,l111 lh( 1•udr<'t ~1•1111111llc<' 1l1c ,1u.J~111 u111111, ha1hhns h111111urr i:1· n1 !lttt'C Dn\l the o1d1t.111r, Hlrlllftl I ,h,.,,.1111.1\,tblll<'III t1 '" 11Ju1 •he t.l ,Jen,~ oet·J Uh;h,.:1( 1, 1j1flJJ.:il•1f 11l}t EvelynRobtrts Poat Falls PohtalSCtlltftCei ...,..,.. \'lt-e Pre, idcntI ~n \;I'll\ ..irt.all.in1t1111M ,1f \,llllpll pillil ,h...,1llbi:11t) s;u;tl lt1Hlfo1m Uk 11111kf111'l;IJ) 1 I 1111111 " u, 1ht·> 1:al\ bt ni,.14( 1n~1>h'(J I v.1111hl 1,cpr(,t:lll 1h c eve• ll'""' 1111 1111t1-1rad1t111no1t U1kk1h I '\\Ollht orro~c ""' 1u11t1er 111i1io1111.._:t.:#-cdYn1111 tn) i<nurr .e1,1.1uikmt11.11l}"'k<rtt,kk'nl c,,n"" '"''' iin.J \otcl

Recycling plan on back burner I:~:;:~e:~:~i~~a:~:::

th~• (~hc-C',mMII u 11J 11\U\I h,oe wurltd, t,c,.11u1t 1he pain •rnr~ l'f1\lfl thc.te, he w.iJ ht V.i\ 1..11h·• b)' hl'li~or1tr ltl S..:reJ lltA.n Mr1,hc~I C'cotcr In spo1. t'h1n:\11111n ,d h.c

11 i, tft\Clt,:J II 1hcn l!fikh • '4'CI••• ,.,, ind) ~"

•IIM t"httlitlllN .,.._., 1dr.lM\J frur,1 d~ ltp.(flt.d r•n fJl\ltf, 411J h fe"'llllf lill ,....... lll'l.Ucfh.: •oukl11illl1ttom111~,iJ 111,111 ai1)·1•1>C" ;.u,,d "''II he 11-1lk'nn, lr1111l'l'lmtMl,lj(C'Jldlll') \.ha.RF(I.. ·\n it..amb..r,m anJ rarr•.· ("ht'c'IOl.lll 11rlJ 'T II Jl;l.\l' tu hDJ \IIIIIC 1..-.ihh)'fl'CIP,: I C'htt~u• 1;utl he '"II~ ,IIU} J,w, ...-l M Ml k'a "°'""'1'- hJt ti.11,:IAl'f)ttl!f11 ~tirll.lli.1rr°'•I l11111Juphnt,1rt"D¢!--.I ,1.1J11,11.1 l>\lil1a, tu, htPt id i..r.-. he ..,.,J he pl.uni 10 v.or~ •If' ~lftlt 1'..,t,tl~

New Internet classes start fall semes ter

U l,1hUICl\ llll lftl\ll,lll\lft I Al\\

11, k.i'i'f' h'lf hn in;, 111 "''•no ,l\ 1bit wmcuntunn Cltmni tl.1\H!' e.111) •ll11v.1 w ic,,n "' rt4111N°lf ;..~ ~t,cduln r , the 1.1!1 S1a'dn ..iid

ll)hibfljJo ""fZ:lltl l. ,,, /kt ,i,, J1lf\."l(11t r..irt tit' :,.;o,1h IJJho th,11 1111\lnikl lli11111j!h UkH•1,1n al ,i.Ju,umn;J, \ It'• trko~ at(' 4•1tcte1I, 1ho~ 1,,;mu,e, illt v.Jlk·hc,It111 ld1."1<;~1,.i • hoflc

UIIIHllfr \l·h1on, ,Uhl fllfllt lfC 1ft

1'hlJfC:\\f11flhcl..alltoC"1tk."\&(f rl,nc a.11111.t' 1111:lodc l'lml•"&') 1'111th•lt. h1,10,, 111.11t, '"""'· ~1111.-..,.,pc-,"\han,l110,11W,r;). ~I(' h o1h'nnJ 1"1 :t.i.."1nc· 1.ku u,1,11,.;-,, in l\\-11 ,l1.ntnm11,. '"

Chr1 , 11e .,.J 1ht ru1poi< ,t th. C®~h °11) 10f'Ol'\ll1'N°tl .,nJ :al tC'tft•t11·e ai:,eu hu 11t~ ,..~1111,

\r.,,,1 ho""c\,;1 A lllJo..'fll ._b,., 'C~~;~'ct ~ 1J JutrnJ 1r1h1.(I • 1111.1·1, ,tttJ m~ "'-· .itilc ""v.,lft ,e,MuH1•n th~ ,,,Utt~ •~rhltn

wtfl lltl ht\lbtl moll, '•H!histJI ol k4 11.'!00, UOII ~IU1la1n (" tllt5t'. d '°f'UI rnsn aa ,1n1na.:1r.-. fac.ull ) •nJ ,un \\IIJ he :1,~11;11f'lt 'iludcnll ho Ar.cJ itucel uuJena, --'"'111)1 rt-, trt:1\lr.Sw.1 S1uJr,u1 a n lu11t~d their a,Ju,,·n, 1l11~h .hlr Mtlol I h(Jo«

"iftt ,,ml ,IM! tufur,.., lht r,.1,11Pt1l,h r,,1 roi.rn,1111111'11,..,iih die h1t1'1'nct ll,11',('\tr. th.: ..:,illq.!(' t,, •hli 11111 )(IIN ,1~ h1\ff1 It. \,he ,J l4J,i.'-C'nlo.' °'Ill( h:p1111lle1111• 11ton \;'llUl"o,('-I. \Iii the l 1,1c<1i.·1 lv.u lfllHC" llflll h1• nlft"111I Int th,: !ll Clf\11:f h>('Nl.,I illt'ltle oflflC\C ('1;1111"""' 4 1-ti.knc 11W'I.I h;oc ~'i"("'o' tu a 1.'Clff111111tt v.r1h 1bt ln1,,nr1 .11111 ~1(1C\.t.Jlflf0urtc1h.11\l ·#f

1 hlft(en liK'11li)' ,nrmh<1',. M<"

lndllJCIIIIII ,lh1.Unm.11• JdJ "lllld\.lJC'1J1,IA••1!1n'llh~(',ClllA) n,1t du adl w11h lhh nr..,, t1h1Yn.llut ('11n~Jt '-lilii

!\:111,:1, 111.·.Jii1dt'\(kl('llh1.•,11Uf'lj.', ('I.a,. u,("1, "'Ill t-1.'. hm11eJ to •h<..,.1 IS,,do1,i..

\1.u•1Jlnjl Iii t\1llh) n111\11c. ,M.,1.1 ,..d,.·,1n,ic •l'htr\l!,:llll)fl,lhC',,cln~10t:I l.'.UUI~, we lunlkJ b) a r'"~h11uh ~·, 11a1,1 ...,1,11 L.:-111" ,11nJ O,a,l Si.ii.. Ct•l kJ·,;. lht ,~"<"~t"lf"'."'"111) 11r1rt1J1 1,1 111,knt ""'"' 1h (,ir ,:, lri,m C".u!IJ'lft;lhc) ort w,.,)Q'f';lrr lrucrnel lurnlne h 111>1 lu1

Graduate win~ na1ional journ.i li,m award, receive~ trophy. trip 10 Virginia, money

b} J...rll) i)i·n,:rf I> r,,(' I th lr•i'<!- 't

N,·,"11.illf•lf' I''"' n,. '\IC"

I My nNd 10 l.ak.f thlS CCMW If. t. - lr1tod •t • ,i~14tyl;M',ac»J,OQ, ~. 0, Ol'»I IT¥JOIW,l fNton b t.~o - 1CO\A.1 w.,, ,1an CWT1put tL.mliUI toullO

C Low-11'1tl)ll!IO!°Qllf'lllill!OUhi!(WIO OOOOOlponed

2. Fwllng 1h11 I am part of• daA ts. e.Noftia~,.,,wca,u.1,ytome b.~imporfiU'IIIOll'la CV«r,1!pCJfUl'IIIIO,,,..

3 I wOl,tfO ci,an,.ty myplt U MlfflilQnt WIIO: ,.Otrt1nQtttl\.ngadonoahtoedollirnt b. ~ttmlncino11;1uadJhW'91CIOne~c.Putt1*9<ill~1r1elnl--.u.

4. Clau,oorn dlKuHlon tt.: ~~ulk>mit b. Son'41'J1'N11 IIOITlA. c.Aimolfalw.Jyt~IOrnt

6.fllffdt•cufty~onmy u11Qnment1: l W111in•ttw'#rNka,tolc.&111,.........,whMI dcl

b. 'Htlwtalcwm,-t.,011 tlorgre1~ldi4 c..RJJNiaway,orll,)ilwrytnncr.i.S


oft1melb1Y11to~ondl!lllnot~ co.,, •• a.More,-.~lota~dlllfot chtMICG ect.a:dln CQl#IO..

10 nt11ontogo1oc:,n,outDO-. or comP'lf• w.ortr:: a.ltar1 QOIO~~ b.lm.r,ma.eoma111D~01eQfl'l ~4C*1'lp\lalltll.,.n.QC~ eWIN'llf'Oll,M'J~'IIIWe..."lla.a'ygolr•Jtot'lc!~....,.. ., ,_ and Aftls

To-»re:Md3pomtlbMCtl',a 21o!

fl.If the '1.'l"lfnlt)h) o1nJ Jic 'fllll ren·l'a \1.tn1 Th•••• tl•l" 111111..1 lune 1'1\111C'Pn" 1r n1 '\'IC t,..a• •••n lhc 1,J In 19n .1nJ 19',1: lht' 111111rJ r11e1(')ffj lo, •1 11 i,1at1bct1 fol r1t..·c, lht) d14 IJP (be ,f1..ahll'J r·d11t11•~• •1.illt lh,~ CN"t1t I ,\lofCW' ,n h •ht <"tlj, ct•lltti;; It• b,1\, rri~ 11), "'1'1f'• fo,·1> ,J 1 It IV, \lllif~III! 11

b. The..,,..• ..,.on~

e. UM Nn tor• dasaon °""""

I. Whlnlant_..,IOUNVCftl, ~,._., me11,orott.


0.1,...~.bvtt,y l•"Y""'ll'I c.lpcAColl11'11hylD....od•

Mdl'b" llfld 110fdl:h"rt" lfyoiJIC()l'lfd20o, 1'19' dlllllw:IIINrnrigbagood~tet lfYOYICOfed1lto2'0,~tea"*'O m.y•Qn. lof)'Olfwi1h•fowrt1111Q81*1~ (ICftOd!Al'et'ld ~NDb ffyOUICO'*' IOOI' lesl.111St.SnCO~n-,,notD11d'llbal ,,_.,,.,...

• r?u.;.ai..ui..allrlltl~ll'MI· det.n»~ PIIIJ"#V1••'1Nltld t,yPBS

~IO'i'/ OPEi'U 1


to last foorl

_ ___sim pus News Tho NIC Sen1""'1 Page 3
S1cinsa)~ lark ofinte~t due 10 SUU n•modcl i) \hirk \1kbrl-. C,, lf!rfRrt-,,,'lfr lbf 1.olk'ft'• rC1:11..hi11: J"f11t:,1,un ~· tlf'tlt,.IIIJ 11'1 ,·r,1h1hl.J\nt itl 111C '"'rnt )('.t, rml~ h(,;.lv.,.,. ,,1 •kt tC' 1111•d<hn1111 ttic S1uJc111 t1D11'1Uu11J1t1g. ··\.I(" 1• 11111: 11r ,h " 111oh1 LPN major 1 Rtndy Weiss., Hayden, I do<IIIUblOOd April&. The Inland Nor'lhwnl Blood C..ler oollected 36 units of blood ti,,.-,i, lrt (\ ~ln 11 {t1tnr• lt ltr·q dlt11• ·••J Jill tt "'t'•, l'«)chni: ..:lM'lfd1m11ot
Ilk Kl)lil(n•t t.'01.tnt)'
tlt-""nma11 'lilC••11\11111
-...:0001\ Ill th,;
"°' p111r•m foe
ol I"" p.ltp."'('• u(
i , hi kc/~1 "'Vl \.'.lhl 1.11 t,oliJ If. il"I'° ltt.._ H1t "'h'""" set r,r,,i.-n1 ,'If ,tit 1•ro.:rcd, 1h.11 the) ircl 1·rn1111h1; Jrupl'll.1,0 NI(' 1'1 llll lhr lw;1C1~1t Iii ll'C ht1,· 8011,-n-..ikl It.- ·•Id HaJ,Jcn lJtfflC'111o1rJ ha, -'I~ •hkktll• ~ad h'c)dtd 2!.00IJ pcm11d, 111 JJtill,tt ) 1u-i~i,.. 'IIC' •~),lal kt., dlllfl 1b111 in IJk' tn11n)'C'..a' l'lr l'J?7 l...ann~ Sl'l'rn. J~tur nf A1111h-r Str\'ICC\, •11id ~I('', 1c-..:)·"lu1" r,,)fr,m h,1'- 1.q • 1l11•wir'111,illJ ,hd.- ,111.;(' lbt bcprmll'IS .,j lllC' \l·Ort1nc-.khng. ~11,1t \il1J tl1rt Sl'D •.a•• ll'!tjJ p11lr11 for rt'C)\;'llltl 1'1<-1:1114'(' It)( ul('l•:n.,Vi.nlkn.• ·11 n, J nk11(' 111 C'mfll) 1hc d111p i...1\n ..11 NI{' tl1.1!\ l'h.,1 Y.C oi1t tt,. '£'111h..'1-cqd11hldor a..w.c ,o1,J rl1..:J.01•bc1,n.a.1 'IIC ;d1o i:ll,-inJnnt't'••1.'l.·b,"!ltlt..a11J \1~-in 'i.ol,J lk" k .,..tlfk.1r1r wl1h Ilk: ,,.. .{1\lh Cw1..-.I ie1 1lw \.IC '""" Id P"'f111•"r ,. ar:11t1
S~1Ud \\;ht~
w11h 2~ 111hrr
Cl;,lllrll), 'i.ltOII
fl"-)(laltk. 01'\C'
th11 f"l(IJT1UII
Srn lTmemh<'r rele-u~d 11111 •• J'l't'.• hi, Mo,,.ltd from hospitul on Ea,tcr "' ! 1 1 11~.'. 11 ~7.1 1 ~,t ',~ b) lld,on Tb !wttlmrlk1·pt"'1fr Jue ("!'K,.m1111 dim.IQ{ (II !wni.M ~'4l!Uf\"('\,, ,ulrm'd II h.-.lM Oil 11~ mnr11inif lll Aptll 7 llt' .-.u lll~(n h) amhulall(( 10 lbl."' C' ll1(ff.tlll.'.)' t~,om #I l(J•\IIUl .&I McdlCaS("rtlltr The lkxlun IQ!ll "',nic 1111:a.,i.r~-,, Y.lufc, C"hth111,111 -.,, ,11 \t t: 111cludlnJ i h111C)i! 1l1111n1111 1ntJic111an
,ufh·r<J d.llnlJI(( lo • pllfllc•II ,1r hn 114:,111 WhHc 111 \..acrc:d Unrt h«. u11dc~tn1 a ph,td111e: 1.J lk J ,a "\th11.• A 111111 n • \IIIJII v. ,~ 1utic 11\:11 " 1n~ l,~c lln..i '" r,1_.111~ b) ,1 i,,.,111,klft nri.:('
d,a, JI J,1tlt h:aJi"f -.11 •iwik JOI ,,f ,h·<rint H, u,J 1hc Joe,,..,, '\loill bi: \1.'.\IH'lf tt1 P'lfll:'n tn I, ~h. mil e •Ill ~00"" lllt'Q hl1• ._,.Ub11,u1 1,1i,Jw...,Jf>fti"'ch(c•11J•in
j ~!~~~i:~~~};.den!:.. ,:~~i~~~:.
,aul 0111 ht h Wt) ,:r.a1,flll rnr the t'IJ"'"'11111 "' ~11rP'11111r.J c1111,u111h.11 M h,o
payment, due Jul) - ''"''"' 1.,.,, ...., ""' lkt-< l<r. b) \Ju.rad Ktulllrt II '#"IRq ,n,, f.A1l) te11,u.a111•11 1,,, ti,,., U'fflf'Utf '11111 IQ fh( Libr.uyJC'uiarut.a C\·mu \ pd lt Pal'r11.1h1rull 111tbir,l1w11nl1I Jul,\ ~. Au::urd1t1f to Rcgulh&f K,ln:n SlfC"tCtf 'l(t1Jtnh ••II h~\i' An .1.1)t'11UOJl\<'lll~. Hie) \\Ill rt,1,1,·1 111,.•('ofllulg Iv she 11411nbc-f 0, ;,l'N.UO 11\t:y h,t\t ,,,cnJlie1""' rr1111, 111111, ol\"• 'Ao\fllt'd IO rt~IUl'I C'.lfl)· kntM 11 ,M It• aio'lo v.hctt ''* Q1 1 ,c1•1,1l)(l.l\\-•forho1111,t(' 1,,111,1 l'l llllo .:o. ll'llCfltl ,111d1n, ,;ml •hN ,-.t ttSl,tn\ 1n \rt11 ,i., •111 hr ,11h1,t
W. Appleway
to Taco Bell 765-5659 <11) Little Caesars'Poslf~ls CdA e,,,,, 0,.304 n3-6659
W. Prairie Ave Next to New Albertsons in Prairie Shopping center n2-9615 667-3686
Juice & Smoothie Bar Full uf J• )aYor Full of 0111.rition ] It>althy 1\ltt"rn11ti,·c
S.luJrl'lh ;1110 "ff I lw-n •fl,f It •l!Jtl•
Nflf'lh I J11t1,l Cc1llffr ,,,Ju,u \l d~h \futt ••II , ,..~r Uu• ll~cnrH of Rtil-f'fl I Kt1u11iJ)• f itt fvt • m1f"l>l11ti1l,l1<1J1it,1ll.:r ...,lnl'IIIIJ! 1h~ Knbnl 1: Kt11llt1,h '""'""'Ulff .\11,.1rd \to11tJ. lfrl•IJII< cJ.Uvl fcwr 1hc )u1md ttl 1ht Melody Mflrt? f,1ll el ·v~ "'''" tht RFKJoum;i •m .1w•1\J fot • t,tf1e, \tic, Aw.std ,e c,i n4 ~r,,tc (In e, 1,atilhh111 .c · ""'"""' """" AND YOUR ARST BAGEL IS -FREE we reature gourmet bagels baked fr~h lrom scratch all day everyday Relax and enJoy any or our homemade farm lre&h cream cheese flavors, break!ast and doll sandwiches. or Cravens collee and espresso products. We are avallable for delivery, catering, or gatllcring ol ony size Convenlenlly located 01 223 W Appleway, CdA (next to Taco Bell) or call/fax (208) n-BAGEL (n2·2435) Mon -Sal 6:30am.Spm • Sun 7:3Qam-4:00pm f FREE BAGELBY ' S BAGEL l i THIS COUPON GOOD FOR ONE FREE BAGEL I f 1ny flavor, ti Bagelby'a tn Coeur d' Akme. J • Limit one per cu'&1omer. M:U$I pretent coupon at lime of , 1 f purc.Nlse. Nol iood with any other olfet , L_. e,pirH Af)fll30~~---····-··· .J
ll1.. ~f"IIM,I) f1•uiiJal11111 "-Ill 11, \lt111 ro1 Atlin1111111, \1,1..

In \\ n \\ood , /;, 'U/ri (0/1/i/¥

Entire campus combed for best, worst working spaces/habitaL~

h l1,tk1tnlr11,,.""C", Thcf1\t¥1\K\iloffl('C'I Tht ""~,,,n _.a..,~1.u 1l1ecampu\lll~<1'Jllc 1.m.1w. ll1<: 'pi.'t:1.1l, 1ht 1111> 8111 v.·h)" M.,._. ~ca

,,~\'lillAn.i Jo, 1111.ltlJr lift .iilr•nt •mh l'ft' t\11)'.

l3r 11111.'\\)\Y'P'C~ ~~"") lb.'\t\l\l lbu.',tl~.

11kt1.. rlkn.1"l or,a,l\al.z)·. ~1rAnlurc,, 'flll"' Jtid l'rulC'\·<'r r' ·1hi ,ti, ,,i ~, ri1'"to dllo pniccc.,ur m.-,qe: 1~ pff",cn. .t,hn ,w11rm,111 die P~lll,o.1hc>,c .are 1hr mill""

The Ove best:

a lklb ,,u..,.., 1'"iffl('II) un om« 11\lty (d the• .ICJf"I"' of IIIIC'lt'l.hh:,, 'I.~ ltl$1\ ,1,W J•rl)' dc.u1 \ , fi,Ji re 11 {l'ftr.lhc 1•ffk"t ilht giuldfi'11,1r1• n-.Y tot,.tll fnOlt,.t ltllnp!Jl!I ~\Ill~' lf.14llfl!IC' frm. "tin.

httoui:-hl -1-.~,11111 ~"m l..r1-.ittll'l lhr \\NC001111 t Ah i.:ll

i mrmt-uol 1hr 1\.11,:\'COfP'I. Cunico ~II, 11 g,p

f'llm11111tt, •-dl l111.1Y.11111nN1.,dw:r,Jr1.1 n-(\"'°""

.-11hp1C11~1st-.1n.l a"'1\llli1111J~1dt-~&aNt»tl

ln•11•\1ct1,1 l.c:111111.•

1',-tl'ttl\h, 1t\~.v«i.."t'~)'C:1n~J~111otn1111,1r

.n ,If\,) ;11v11 Ill brtt. \ 11.1ttll)' .S

• t'o('nird \la lk'l ( mu~• - Thn ra11 nixk •IWJ Md, '4ith \ 1iami>'~ -·1• A K,111 1'111"'-!.,e

~,r. • 1""i..,tnan,t,1tm.:J 1n10 • ('l'W1 1.:r, lhc ~hunr C,•1

nn 1hr crth~.• hN, tht1ca11,J \\'11111n" •.Mnnt 11ft' JU~ w,1tlf'

.~ the- h,rhl1~,h ,n bdr

a l>.t, ld lihij"-') 1ctt.nof,rl.NJr11lO-Ai.)\"'wan, i11. dic~.-mhlbt1nj!aln1n.alll\'111: " 'ftlCJI.W:11t 1h1,~, ,,llil1' 'A.,th a IWf!,!' utik ,111J hllrtr\llr1, \flwlla cqo.t,. \Jr 111,,JY(ll;lct, .J,clh,111d11Y"~J1111td11ti:(Y. l\ll.-h11 i,-,_ ,tlrj!JJtot1J11-p,rt~ iftl11: 1tt,11II t.a:bllpa., 8 lTt\1dm.1',affln, -(>K.~'bc~'t'ttl,1"ini 11r, 11• Th M.aA. t-uc )1111 i"'C -......in1r11h.l l1 ,o1Twx o 1•k"..:uol l'nb \'tc'-ltlf 111,...., ,,r llk'l'&ltlf'IU'. IC "ih 111• pnmtt.~"lft- 01 ,,>uN- d"· r,•mrrhororMlhr Smiu,t1 ta,ullJdp,nc 11

III.IJOt l'ffllidcl ftnlll ih funnetdi)\ 11~.a ~nw,li\111 tJdll.'llc. fhnb hurr l,111,r \f\11,T, """~ ,tc'-.. li.'ll'l1<11gtJUJmtt

ct..-.;:~111ri,1, ,nJ uooiJ,,n.aNt th.air. :iS.ll'IJ'\l,!tl) \'f'R.~nJ J l~dt""'I li",J1:(m,tcf~ h'llf!Ci:nJttl(111htbc-,,J. J dJtW1' t

t.ildi.aih1ai«rrr,u llt.!hN\\~rJ

·1·,c-~, 111 lq..l Jimi, ,mJ d111 n JWffi>· 1'11«111,,tt,

UIC'""IJ 111n, 1hc~ l•IUI.~ -~ rumu,c,1., •s:illlfC "*·~uJ

J.:-.:zri , I 'itC\-r- S.:J,r,il. Jc-..ri 11' """llt-;-..-1c-l.1IJflll\. St1\l. ,t~ 1\.-tll't duu fnfo,1,111nr c.vnru- ~1f111.n

•'""'•"-••lk•~ 1ht'*'-)1 [)q,clll1111f0fllhl.r1111,r"'

~\';It, 8unl}'·-Nh1Atc:-1~1ldGl\ll)> ,.ml,;1.,lhr•11N lki1...CI) tt•• 1tJl111·Ct11Solthr~~11rr.bc-"1iJS..,rifl'lhl* ,\1;111,111)·,Nl.·•·•hol Th'tl1011fd~i.,l i1~.,..,i-:f11lon~, 911 •tlll"f'ctlOIIJl•llkh ~111,lJlrhll't~hrmUMIOllkt'f", ()u.inrr, 1, JftU.tlt'rlll:l, lltl.'t t.tuM,n, am.I tit \ll"* flyuJ~ h ,...,ffi, ltr )(\"ff ridJ i~ !f\.,liC'IM.illUI. TI\e 11 wor, c • >.m \ \ l"°"'"I - Wuh JTlt'(C t,,,),a dl4o • an,""'"" 1Tl.l1Nt 'turn pa.;k<d 11'11,1 hi, c.wl'ta, tie r Nl~ dJubl'J tll(l lk"- J ,I,._._ Tht1c'u11t~('lnu•,111 IIITILlllnl ut' t,.-.il11tuiJ11Q;i.rJt.1)"'.-d l~hlt11 \.1'~1tm111(' tuul, P.1tw'f"i<·llllkm~tlHtJco.l IJ..alttwl\.a(l\ffl(C,lltt mJ

11alll' Ont"trl-Manl 1111fJt..-u..hN1he n~"'"- Ml•!tfii:1Nir ln11.••.1~a"nlll8tPr1'd~ \('rd..,,11 ~..-~rrt'M.,111"C~111t'llMltl) tlJ'htlt1,cntnlfl'.'l•t tnon, ..._,&1,itu:amtulk,t. tlhl·1c'>·klf,1:htii \\11.11~'®111,1,;ft.,c

Offices rated on ori ginali ty, neatness, s pace r.;;;;;;;;;;;;:=-

H'IH 1 f11J t\ltl \\'nl,1 lj:ol

Ti• Th, kl Ill I ll!U~ "=htr !t»- lf'w ltlflr.C' l!;i\ m11Chu:11Qn\'A1lh,1 llllt1JI.U¥otdlt1.UJ:R',u dl ·nw,, "*' h ,u111Jm..nov.~lp!!J11n.jlnr~l.. e llm"""'ffl"~•-..tif!.dlybui1l1nr11~ , 1,11J flcm.ldiir r'rtcr,,&lll, roe 1•1 ltir naw 1"'"'-' ~iJlWI cl~ \\htl.-1hc-1n,-1~~t,M'd~,;, ...nua--lobak::t, - r

llttnrnbnth 1Qt,, ,ttc-..i. ~"1111111(' nad1 ,Ji:.,, a O-o1 1k1 \l1U1ft!L np11trnl - JIJ1Jc1t.ll af°'ll~\t((tlli I ~· " W for in:J ~, 11 Ille'\, ttt 1br:a' Jl'lr'w ,, ll\"1!J't!hT~.i""'-lf t\p:lh1.11S,1•1hcll11(V Ll(Mitr.1 d"'t, v.h.a M),.,,~cd I -.r \L.lrll lAIJ h, ,111-.;c h l-<-illf a,,,ni ~i'llllffl. '14bl"11ilc11 \IZMw11J,t, r,lh n;11 ti;wwoJ-1 d,111.111~!.lli:du.w a\ L1\i11t\ f,:utt1111,urun1t1 fiN,.,fl b:10ff'u • wrywnallf\YlfTl ~· ,l~1t11AJ,,,.laa\,,,v"r• nfal.Jqrll\'\"". W,1ht.,.,o1t.,1.mdv'4'1Jl*kr,liu.,'tllt1lhl'

fl..-.11111Joh:l,e,. ftl•JW!~,lf 1tJa,1hi, .,,n-.~

'""''" e 111C,iitbfrl lhdllllnt:btwlHttH II )llllh,.n(G'I M°I\ d,.,-.11111thu,u11111) ltllktulit• a.hrbtt,)'M~"IJ111:il.l,11111

•.11 ~>1h\.\,ff,lh1U.ul\.1·iillt 11:tr;11111rJJ'P)rU. ~in. Ian,, \'i('11t:,i!t,.ll"h•lhrh. thtrti,JcJ1n1'<'1) a11 -0,l't~LCut ,r.a:c

BSM suppl ies students with soul

Baptist Student Mlnlstl'les provides faith, 1e11ow1111p, run b~ Trl,111t1 • htKtn tld ,i,. ,\Jll1!(,,,o T ,, J l'i'"''

C\\" )' Thuri<l.'I)' w• 1KM 1n alld c11d ln Umt fOlf I r.n1.d 1,~.

t•fttR .II f'Ut'•f •J)CJl.(T N'tni;,-' .,hnf1 mt'u.tJ'(

Bil•lt'ltUJ\ h1, w,, lhtr't h iU\hl IIIOC' /111

ltllu,,.•hlr • Sni1k11h wtlo 111:q,utftl ounlQ) na,c II htJh

t.1f11111,>11- ,1I 1hc- tw••p,1m

·11 bcl~ u, 0111 in ,,d1aol 1it\.C'1 u11 \Cl,IM llun: tu

1d1c-\C' IIIC' '' """ • ~-rp; 111< t,1.11 of tn,uhl~ h ill.

,d """ tlu.ina. :'I. IC' pte:·I•.,,. nl,jJot

C"l•1111n1,111u:.iuo11 tirJjoc r J. P,cll:(' 1.11.J 11 1, tOW

l1"~'"11U\C ·•(iod'1 -.vnl I" 1.1t1 ,ti 1, o prorlc \Iii hn

111 11.111) ""ulJn't hc.11 ii"

\1111ruJ.1, •\ ,\ll rcnrlc .althnuis;h h l"'(.IL" ,1

ltc',lth 70. 1 r rav~m I• "J'll'n ,1,-J b> dit NI(; 1.'.b.l(!f.c-1 ,,,

811pc11J S 1udcnc \linhllJCi C8 S\ h DS M i, II nu.U(ltlill

t ·1m\l~r1 ch1h rc.1rrJ fot ..:l)lkf't 1Uden1, 1roh i...h 1 (Ull\.'.ll ll} iD u >1,ttt )(~r al NI ( t~ ,·,wti. t10'4\' l tf, 1, flcll c,.,,:lu ,iH• 1J .ut)' tthpm1,tlt'$.ani1,1hl'III I d!in'I .._;tttt f'C'"fl"° to.l Lblni. t ll 11, 8 111111,1 ~h1drm \l1 niw.~ o )~>U lu,C' 10 tic 6 11pc1\f;" ,aid

EJ~1 C.ic,n,.1tu. t.11rat«ol OSM •• NlC II )'-'"'

""• 111 1h( ~umnl ~1*11h h<l on:: r .ut " I RSM I unl1i- l hiol< etf t \\ o or 1hrtt ,.h,1 m't 8 .ap1hl."

Au , 1c- ,1u,

f('t.('lll'lW:ol ~11)4r -.,1ll1ng: ii1." (~ttUJlc-1 ~.I •·v.~ (t" •II 1h,, t'II \'kiM, l'(I U 'Cll tt'\'l'n!I) thtt',llifl$ .:.ail Ill 'w1'11td.l} V.M 11-'c

h)-ti11Jl1'$1t~,hur..t,tirll nu,~flllllll'l;.."dp"~•Mr

lire•~ ~nna .i l\'\."ffll m.·c.hl'li.11o1wt111 (v.hl, 1-. ,mtc•11>,t b(Juc111h,-.C.HJl'.III.N 11.tidtl•lilarJOfl the ~ll

RlflC'•hrn11\,111cbtoU IOC' fttlt'll.lkl Jlfl>lllt'<'

bt \"\tl, Iii.ii ! heh': h no ft.i 1J.11n.1~ '("(JU;,J' 'I~

Advising Day - April 23

Early Registration April 28-29

Advising Day will be Thursday, April 23. No QM. classes will be held that day. Students are expected to make an appointment with their assigned advisor between now and April 23 to get a signature approving their Fall '98 Schedule. No one may register wi thout an advisor signature. The early registration is for continuing students only. Students should follow the assigned registration times listed on page 6 of NIC's Fall 1998 Class Schedule.

Life Pago&
11ulnllll11•hrJ '.\'ll\'.'1,."t , 100Cn1 only. l """°U 1, 111nrc- v.d"Prot 1luin f t,W Tiwl h tl\c; ,tn('U c1I ln"C hK'IJ I he- Nornsd.l) 1t1l tt1t1t ru t,11...r d-c l>t11h ih -.\'I I a• (POJ 1~ tllot' •~I ~<IIJU,l,I\ j\ .t lU'IIC' .,,.,ftl.'n J.lUJc-Oh •It lt1,\jtcJ l1.t l he hin ShC'nnm C"h.iptl uhC' 11111( red tbaprl C'l,t l'lf b u,~dl llall 1 i. 1r hcC' f\W a 11J ftllo11,·,l'tlp clOI\J.a) n hclJ
°'tottftJ .a)' I lhc IJllll) IC',1.1l;11l) IM."bcdult'd 11t1 1,1C )' I O\ \t 11hh~11,h 1bq 00" utklt 1..:ulurfwl ~1flt,u~ou, x1i,i tlc1 Dunnt 1bcir r« cnl " llkn
,11Je11 dturrrJ hJ ,JI r.1111 111iJ ""ctt i,,tJ In f'l,1r\ 1o1.,.1N '" t,u...) lfll1'f\t\·01111, •t v1dl oh ,,nr QUI uf iot'IMlH thn,l!n.,11 ,:a,ol, nt thr 1n.1U Ano1Nr ,1cm 0111)1,, lnr "'"' 11, ··t,o
tlW' i,......_1,,
J.oi..- •'hi 1brn 111\1..:h H•uf
k oh "'" ck,,nw: to i.tunJ.
t.o an
-·uh 11,11, h,1d. hrr..iJ lhc
1,~ DJ 1,.-i\ 1hr,1u,h ~.-.ut
O'f'll'llJU\flllJd• EJ.,,.11111
,111J,t~, tbi- ,'f'r','lf1Ul1IC\ lur ltll,.,., ,Mr anJ l"f f,lfntl~ Iii,' horllh II~ ,itt ll"-"'C:'~I)" .n lilC J~. ~h,v,twalJ. (ion1.Ja wtd l!\.lt 1h,.·11." Jwa, t,.,-cn 11 1 n-:il 1•1'{'"'11,00 I.(} fu,\ill!JJ (1111~h.111 duh111ff\,UI f'U,, ~ ti,, , 10 11\11k «' J 1l1nXhlf 1<1 l "m '4 11!Jn~ M thJtt 1".11h ~n)~,Jy ,:1h,11UC .-ti.11 I &.In·\\· IU'IJ wh,. BS \ t ,can,J1, 1, S,'IOIIJ..) 'ft,h 111111.aai~"II It) Gt.lf'l1,1t1 'I ha;u1C'J Mu,k11h '*i:'l't ,111 umpw, .a11p,.1,..aut.k111, a l e u l ~ >~ 11,m,r} anJ the) ·11 iii l e- fret (ll(w.i •IW d ttJ ·,c- l>h!V, u1J -.., 1,1.b.) ttul ulhll a Jlh:,,~k.J ntc:ll ' " (io111.1k1'.tlJ A,dm..tofut
(1Jl1t'J'l'Colnlfl'l'-IOMI \1k1'4 lhc l.11h 11nJ 1,1Ltl llli h,m. f;r.n,.ak, '41J. h '. JUJhl ,m,JJ.oy, i nd ,u I 1..ut dt' l l ru crl )' sd&lt 1,, 1uckn1• \\ lwtc~cr 1,kc1l 1hc ,·Nn l bt)· Ut, fl Yuu don't ta.i C' 111k flj\11 u f m,M )PU "',11·1 ('\'C ll ll .&h' li ~ a C'hri,h 11141 H•lnl! U \M • Gnn,.du ·••d ··R111II ) h W' r C' h,rn il'~ alllJ )CJlfflttJ a pl.xc l,1 ha•I out rJc J ~ \ llllll': h ,l rll 1•111. 11,·e 1-.,UII lllfr,J )'Ut "' E.nvlfOM\ettlal Sc~hCO' ci-111,y 1ns1ructor Ken Wright d1$plays t~ me1n1ng ol e,11,opy'-10 ma,Umite chaos. ·1 don' t ltnd io lhrow l h"'O• ewey,·• Wright said aboul hb, olhce PblorRod Motrt< spe&kt to the Noc,'1day anendants April 9 II the fort She'"'°" Chapel
!Shiv.,:', m;1d1 UhO"Ul;(III i, llwulflq:C'
•f ltlf thh,tN 1,1 8\\t
rc11f1;&1Ull•\rt) ,. .ia,t.a, "lf '.111£
DSM G,11u.ik1 hMJ 1111t11 ,IC'•
flu l'l(hc:C>
ba:aiflC' • 01t1111nn tn 1:nUCft \llhlk I • ·11, .:ii
(111 , w r I OO'A ~11.~, ll 1, Ii~( Ill ;ill. lll'j ,1

,w.11•If)~ "l.l.lC of dt'Pft"',tnn allJ inhl It


Tl,0 N IC$ent1 Pago II

Student artists show their stuff

Jun1k' IMk-c', lrln\ !lf1J 11Ttnc"f'V11.•l"f'

1"-'irh.- lpv..1. ,,uc,1.i,111f1111' Hue 1hc tfh\111111 "'•"I< lo1111J .ti /.uh

t'rill~11\l,l ,U('".-II, 7,Jn) cinrli•)CI:" 111e,u11ror1u1i.c""""''tBtlldJ:Y pt(ln11,i.nE dnnh, bot"'"' :wJ the' P',)',t,tf, r,Kl,·J p:,.. L~ "I "1u.h1U1m1M ui ·ht:.1

,1C,~J11(11'_ t'flCUrd'Alitrw I\M I"-' '"""C' ~IIV.'djukc: ,mJ wnq.:11.h11." t,;,f\.: 7utw fo"<' in h ontAood S..1UJ.1t 111\J l1lt1fk Ju,~'"~"' Arrk11t.o1)

)~ 11\'0HIC berm~,. IRlpfQll ln.111 .aDJ )"C• 11;1ulld rcg:ulolh •111.h • applo. onlltJlet :intl

b.'101111.1,:.. 011l y 111'C rouJJ rumc <lCIC on l\,r Oc,lh plxn..aho4>ffcr an 11SSOOmc111 v( h c,h \qutttcd JUIC'eS JtlXh ,nC4lrltQl and OOll\£1! ) UIL'C, t.ct·, bciln 1th &ho runBCt u,p. l(fo, Wlllnc

11o1nnt'h l'ff \"tw,wn lh..111 V.d'C "\hfhl1) fl"l<lf<t\1':li,1f, J11Wf)-fittmt\l 10fbL:.h 111111 lan ll(1. 1.1111,k a l1Hk• 111Vf\'. l11f,•U;.'\"fUJII~ fbc "'"'"'-"' 1111 ,Jk').'Ul'k't \.: mp.~ (.1of Jk-.t u 1.S11v thttt" •"'•1th .111o.l 1Y11• l1t1nor.ihlc mi:n11nn r~ tk>I (l('-ht•"' v.ct1t to ·wni-.111W1 ~1l'CJ1.'I! a mi•tJ fflt'duu,,U.i~ b> Kamrn Htc:bM. 1111t1d1 l,11U1 1,1"1.ak lkn-. .1rJ,. 'l'rntl11 "Ql.aA'1S.ip. ,~1.;q,hb) ~,tP.a,1:!111111t, rn,.:('1Ja1 \l~lt lno- Hu:nkt."'ap:n..'11d1.1-aing h)· \ldll:111.,IJ, Y.hKh tllll \.;llc.11111) -A~r..., r •.11t1NI p.amun~ h) l'arncLa \ '..n Knl rn«J • \.lo;II• Tht n~o Hi1011.-•Mc ~;:~~:.C~~~s;~~~:~!'::~~:;1:,:r.~~::ni V1a~··n'l3ik lf\)fl\ MultllM'lal't.11.dJ) ti') C'.ln,I Andr ~.w111ch h .d'll.•fholforMk

ICJ.kffl CM.Ir fim pbcl!t 1,."V(lth~nl 1• llntclll;h.dw1c

b)' che rublii: oroo1 otlhc 1ngttd1cni:, tlcoe.wt) (o, )'Otlf fllHM"ltiC! llllOOCh t,t, Ille!! I uuc,.11hc nmnC'f" ur, Jun,:k J u,cc

n'l 11'1( c~mfll'lr'\ ul d1r...t fl,lm'·to.lud,) 1111t."Cju1,L1c"'

h1k to.,,ti. rl.;.(c-, nlkr dw,1 du1 dcl, 5'11

l.«r )Ou 1,n a lwf'I') t111ih fnt l,MIJ; o, "'.:II.-" J.una in l lllf h,r It~(' •t1t1J1Jdoc~ ZUL1 .,,, ·,rle ~lt«tt," '"(;l\i','111.I'° \1110 J.• ''t't,1lifl<") ('onkr:' ·1,.·,..,-utQlk.'.'1'11:hn',Bli.c\~IT) · 1111111 ho11c1ut1fto tnl"f!UIII\ 1 the "/.ul..1n·i1"111"' 1\0cr ,1.,.,a;J. of lk,Chulj: hol •111011lhl~ I .int 11 bu \l. 1lffl 001. l'tu1 11obcri I fL1 th,: ,urnm1 ·~~rn 11"11 1hi.N:" hunr,., 1;1111mt1, l.l\t)·1 !4 l'Ulk"( uc;,ih ru ht' w:rc M n.w."n 1111 lnll.t /uk.1 Jun·c

p.ilAc 'ti.1th~"""· rt-r~tin!I' n.l,~ u(


East and West Coasts Ico

____ represented by strong " "' w,,oc1; new hlp·hop releases '""""' i:"""' SflonJ: lbr ~•WI., Ill peer oo, fm1n the i:tiJW,. ~111,,.-1~ l,n""-"'" ,1~ 0\1\\'ff\ l'q'itl In

blC1tlf11 11"'1 !'IC"- n1,1\11; \Curh ld bu 1h: lt'\:ut\l lllh hnn,- u r,o h.i~bop ~k.i~ M ,\k•lltnl of Truth lnim H,u.,U)ll'"'C'Nlltf!..t.llJMld ''Rc1.ah11unn, Rt\C'flf( .anJ (JC1 Bad I.on, lk~h· DA, O.U1n,er fn>1n 1ht ,.-m ,-if (J.Wlf.wrJ', "You Kn,;,.., '1) S1«/"\lo11hdac:

O.,• \ l.umcnl ol lJUth,'"pruJ~cr llJP1-cnucrf)nn·iJl."ldk'i;lli 11K', fq.'IC'Clh\'t', CJl\h)·•.,. hell 1'(,t,h \l.h1ltC",utu'\flll:lfll'll,!1.;"\1~

.Jnnn 1!1t001tl•tl 1ht o1ltiu111

Gu,u',1f1yrnr,ojlt: lnpc:lll.f111m

ml:\.t.lkt.11,l'o\''ll.lW, ~.,r fmn, \\utl "TI,r,u,n

ANt\·c The (..10!,ld.. t fto.1tunnv llt-p«L1h ~l oJI \\lu J11ng C1.1nl

l>rcm, "~\\Uh 1hrrt1111l;:m, \cytwrJ .iad •iq,lc bcill. 00'1('f

,n11;11.lth ~"'J!' ln..:l,1J( --rk \11h11;i"

11,11t1 o ,i:S11111o,1'jfttd:i.ic~,,.

1111,J ·~e\\ Ytxl Sb.111Tull•

Rcwn,I', Ilat 1)1111:tirrr-f~ If-.•

t).w f\uiJl v.,ih ·Rc1.:il1.1rwn.

Re\'t"Pgl' .ind Gd 8,11,.i. \', ill'I ,!P<11,;

dc.aJ•llll SOOl'!1ti"IJIIClt'~"l'100J1 111 p111hr "\ln1,11.11.iUMt"· 1»1:~ Ml

l)u11hRo"' Si.l•h.a1', 1ht tts,uh" h con~

tlwnufh MP..l 11..: hc;1h :.uc l,111ly

S ETUP: Play to open April 28

Continued trom Pa;e 10

TIIC' r',I) -~ \\T1lh'.II h) J~I..

Sher. ,,nd 11u.'\1n&cmpi•1a.l)

Umc h I\ lull "'' roign,1111 htW",

m."'t IJlt~l\"dh) 1\1111 t \«r 1.i111n1 111 11n 11Ut o J kl\'tll·hfl)flll \\hC'.l'l)tK.ln('('J

it• ,ht' .i.,1a i.luunr a Jl,.4:u~,1~ \\llh PA11I Aia.Jcn(111

1.11J dic11w1111nc,"il$Cl,f l ht'

!'I.a~ 11 t h.I t1t1t-l.J)'CJl1 \'01npCctcly bt'lon11- 10111K>tht1.

Thn" a e1 1u,id wicfl'K',•t in li--S,1) •, '4,-.Jkl. \'llk'R' p:upc II')'

1oi:o11Crol r.tll .a~1, (1( 1,1.l~

h\C"l. illn.t unlll<& fo,10\C the 1ndo hh.u1J,. whirtdilll't ln,c. I,) 1'0nttuf ll'l' ,ti,,v. 1,pruJm....,.S .,,.,.•11plc,1i.-l) b) "ilC" !'If LC-$(.' "i.k11t,, w.1h Hr.w11 RJn.w,11 ,ntt 1hr d 1rci;-1t"I( .aBd

~m rl)ot tul .;r lh \.111}1.< m.wur« rt.c r,rrfooTl.tt1'.'r- ••u t1" \ pnl .:'l'l ,11.JJ N 11'1 Schuk, AW111tdum 1<! R,ow1<U ll11JI v,,,.11_. bctiin rm,npl> ill 7·'«1 .\11o!t1 ,.1un 1 ll\'C'i1\lh h1 11.l,;i, fll{) 11\;iu ctuldm1 111 l'IC' aJuuucJ ;,ii 1t,c <a.'4', , ~ 1

S1..1n,Jn~, 1111; 11.Kk 1hr ,..til 1r.:i1, •> I.XkM('at1 l u('1,1!1forn1;a."'1lflll "l nt11iaitd"' k.11w1n~ !Pi11:.1hl·

OuU..w lr111nun.-J, a11J Kurup. 'h!IU,t11.'11"11,11lhit't't')III.I t1umt111a11,1hl'ticatrtM' ec\\• 1d> h)'"V.hi"11ft"l1tf\d•rt"lllhc' Jn1111Ui:L .11'111t\,,,hnt,&flJ,:j1,11 ,,u1,h1nc--('\'t"f)'(ln(\\11hhh J"m '•:IJ11bt-Oi,1l..tll.»',"~ll11.·> kll 11,r, I'm a1n«t. Jn.'f1!111f nlJ11,11 l1L·tll11T1h rt.'lt111h,1l.i"l1lca

QlillJI, RIJ11• ll •gh-1111d · h \ lii:h1~,111JC1u)'''v.11tiW(' i1111ol TC11•Shon. l'C\p.'\.11\d).lll'ra1'41 'Cl) ,.....J. Sl.1111•riul<ihdl.1hc.""ttb..."""olfc> l'\U('1tll:I) ti!='hl Je1r,1~· thc,h11cn·r1I lllll,k.alla~~

Monday: PP!! 'fPJit

"-I(. fNI} "''' t 11' tm.lhk C1T lln '4wdMI~ "S1111:c I •('('•iJ m,...&m) lifci&t IC' 1tnu~C\J("Ctlng 11c.\.d,to1":11."J ,,14~,,11.1 n1t1~hr.1,k'1,· 1J •IU,,l..'111 J;al.c U l\~I h>rlkkl mfonn

uon. •1nph) lht l\l('h" 1ithc;('m!IIC' h1lfll 111\l"I" 11ftk,,,wdlll.ill.\lfCJ1117(/).tU~

Comedian to play Boswell Hall

S(hukr At1Jlt11ffll!U 111 Ho,.,,,,•11 tfo1ll "'1U he 1hi:- ,,,.i,, lur ·,\11 l:.\tr1rn1 c,c r,mlC'J~ "•lh M1kt' ~Clll'I 71• 111 ~u1kl,1\. A}'III !ti ,cun •• fllU\1.,,,11 cu111C\11an '111,--. ultn11111:llb.k'"' v...-ic11.1,1.an11.o1IJlth~~ lk-1, ~1111•nl1•rh11,1~,1rll!l(i:•mp.1hl11.· lcif!"V",fo11. tlh ,k'IID lvmt'J). -.t,tt,. IN!MI p.,....,11,1rp.a1.J hl1ov.111) \11ol"llrll'tl lu (\C'l)d.t) !"hiNrtlll. T11.l,(tU.11: ,rnv.,11101u,1w11 D ~nJ !.l?v.,!111J111 llo.l~hMC".1\.1U.1Nt1111ht' ~l('lfor~· t:.1lhn17~-77M)of I ~il-41 1tU9 Neun

• •

Polit Fal/4 FaiJii,rg !UJITP.4 III

Wednesday: gwp UfliJl;,g/pizza paJil!J, ,,.11,lk Ufa ')nlht,.un lr1 lht.' lucl.i;rw,iJ II "°'mJ~ ,.jn,pk .ii r"'4. IM 11 l.klinlcd) I.I~)out midl\lJtd lilknh(in It' 1hc ~"'It' in ... !\,id 11,•hllc- 0.11 NI ·c tJic ilal l)~i'M.~bri11~'(1111tc,f1hc: W("'I (°011\l.,heoo.t,JC"r('l'Mhctr l11mc1U1 Any 14-~ 1- l te m Pizza an ord er of fricky Stix ,. & 1 22 oz Soft; Dri nk O~IL'o/ $9)giro '----;~;;:=.;.~-_:: t~ ~e'·

r~u,sday, AJ)nl 23, 1900 Juic it up Local M11001hie bars ,;tjUare o ff I Rl•\·h1\ b 01.;!!M.'II \\hltr \f.,.,,,,,IHf'p.,r1r, Arts & Entertainment \l.0~·11· m11 11H~rJ1:t111m,,lv,~·,111ht ....,lk.' ~1,011 m,11.k In) ~hu1l .1n.Jd1Ju't hk'1kl 11 l,,nl' l't1"i'l!J1 hM~.St•I ,.,tn.,ch1< I C"n.k\t 1,1 11t. 1lh.t..Jur11ic- Olr •~1."d1m,L,Mrf·J"'~''ttd 1ht J'llll'Jl'Pk 11:. lh,:' l'mcllflllk 111l,11111i'lp1~ 41 ml ,,pin 111 lh<! ·1.·r..11tli.'fT) th,kt.- 1111111,:h """"-'hO'Vt t.Nt'J i.11n1l..e 10 1hl: P('.-.ln Pu.toe 11 ,~,;\ l't. lht) t.lnvUn .,,n,1,h, "1 hkuJc-1 IIY'\h"fUIN'mlC01nhc.., llv • P,~l " l·ri~r ~·.1mic hcl,"t,,h •P•""-·h ilfl,j ti«I. 1uJ, o, ii.- n:IJd l I •ici"'l''~"'" h 'l"llf'-.~. ""-"au..: ih( •-"c Nmi;, )•"'
"''"'"-1111o~)OOC'l1l<f oom,111icrhr,1,.
"'ni:J r1u,1m) ,111f'11.k. 1hc l,uiJ M / 11U i•
,J h•t!h c •ll''J!), l,,uJ ,oiillh. ,.111lmht' hi!~
rk111~ of UJ\ 1thi, W'k, 1'1.a1.1ll,1v. h•U l<l " -.1t11h"'""' ,111J r-njm .11-..n,inihte: ¢iii!. ) !IC ""'01.1 h1JtJ "+.:Ull."", ('ol\~ I•) n".MI 1.111.J .-:C'ur.t!Jtl) d<"4."libi;\ lhc ~\l'II) 11m.1l'li1,c,. ia\,.utaNc• ,..11h uhou, ~""' '" i:111n«11r ,pu uhr11, he(' pollen. i:i1k1tin, illlJ flll't'C). 1~ l\11\l JUt.:C' both tw,c: 1n111,111h CIINJO' 1.·1n.ul;11jn1 r.i,,i11 the C"111~11ye,~ t('
Ttk1(''• "itn,1111
WM~ Juiiglc Jtu cc rro'thkll Jitl 11n1) uf lUfll') lr,<JUIIIJ l 111 ntoolhies. tn)' IUMC bu1b tokl me a d1fltrcnt i tc•1r Ou, c,( 21 ,mon, h1e,, f lricJ 121 and oddly c~ugh IO of tbtm u ,1c,1
Daz, Gangstarr up to par
1;,pprr (llQ ~)inJ" tllC' rhnnc <1C)·lr',llpd.iaul,tirtir.i1i',11tt upd,11td tllll lt"t. "Ill Gun1 und Prmtin")1'll\rt1•¥o lk"-)r:• Wtcflal\'l,IW\'.'h..:k
IQuick Hits
TI,r IC 111\fflc111 .an""'"" tirlfdl\\11\ Af',11 If\ hi tht r,in,cr C'lllllrn , n li.\"'111tll II.JI \h11) ,tl.llknh kn. thc.r ;w'lr\4K U&k-111• 1,>1bc "-'v. l1'c11r1 'th~ 'A.\'lj~~t,y R-.-.. Kn'l('l,C, •ho1~.-bt,. '"Su,\'~yt•I ,\tl .1nJ1 ;1l,11:"'ar11'4 ,\\"Cl'lld111•+1~1>.n"""''~ll'.,.
Tllc ~nl M1 .J1uw •'l~IJflVC• lhnlUJh \l.t) l .l The p ll~'t) houn 1f(' \ for11lu> I h1ir~y rn .a 1n "' .l r.m. •...t htd.i)• 10 am 10!:10r m Box Ofl1ce hooks up with G&B Thl'.!\ IC l\lr1,,,ftl ~,o11incJrhc il,Q!11\ 1n,,cll1kL~hlnw1tic•\'1lf' IJll'tw.t#h Cit.:8 hd,t'11S.-.1dil1h,t,. on M11rd1 I Th1\ crt11Ml'\ thr ,lfllt.x- 111 .,..JI , Ill C\11).'ffl.\ and C\, l!b III flit' ~f\il.init' Optra Huu-.c Mid \'CN, n ho11)1.;luJi.-.ti,. n.u1icl'\l,'IUI IRC',. h '""" nit an,.li.dc,\'l.'1111,."1, h.iff(:Alntt: o11 The CiorF(' 1.11 uuht s.t 11~ ;1rc .,_ Hchllf\". l.bc1w1h v.,o ~atil.tln 111.lel, 11,Ci1tl#J' Alene I~•~• \hi\\\, \oil\ lti(\lUJ:h ftu..a1Cf't ,~l'1 cwh) 1,1.,jftl• 1.Mllt c,trd 11nif c.alhn; 1tlc ,lfl-.ic 11\ S1•ibl'IC \t.·,i11( cbtw: 1nclhc.lJ,..ire a.ill IJ\olll.tbk, ha,1nt ,m.-.111k11111
,n1h l hccnb)'t:n..' 111m' l"')1W
~10% Dueowit Dog\...:....
Nc,.11,pcumn. IX'.ieb Ru"'
,p..N' .1btJl b;Mthump ~ntt.i
GO TfA/l!ff MARK YOUR CALENDAR! Students SAVE 10%on Tuesday! a t part1clpat1ng stores Stop by on TueSdays bet 10 ween an, and 2 · k PIil to Ptc up Your S O S Student Disc~u~t. Card and SAVE! Take J-90 to Exit 2 in Post Fa/Js, Look for the Giant Shopping Bag! Your Shopping Center on the Corner!
Thursday: FfNAL ~fdtff //// .... Friday:

Moveable Feast

Cruise nothing new .... ..... --ll~llellllll'IY

b) J(ltUl'I \kN:aJr \nit,nrl Rl('r,rltr Uft.lcr-1 tlOtklt. \.C lftn)' U.)' AS ',/IC ~i.:\N d1 1llc- fo..i ,flrina t"tlll~ ul thc)'W Otlffidl).~I I0,1Llrg,rhil~l11l v~ •h,,dr1~h'iho'AC\l•l1c lhc~itxl S~Uina o( lhc ,dltr.-f!IJOI ptc t.!udcl\ts flWk Cbrir-1'.1)· ~""ll ID j~ptodeooc: ~... Ahtii11tJh 1t t.alruni. C\"Ct)'IW flWla! I•• ,urnd wt.Wik, 1-tJA rdcll.",C fonn1. unikrsa 11MN-""''um1t!Jf,M anJ fin.1Uy ,ihcn• thdr 10 b!fott t,n.i,Ju1i 'Jbc,oo"'"q.-,(d,ery~11i:Uy kai,cotiCl°"1o:1r"c-:11hcr.DJ 'fo1li1\ M.iklncNd 1u,pindo.,.n\&iM. &ton: lflc'bl:llllt\l"tt kftchedcK:k, f"lolt' bool,c.1, 'A"Crt.11y1n, .11001IJ than a 1o4hl1ul t,I C't!hr~ .IL'.fOOlll.._ Tha'e:""-" pklM) cl(btt.Jlh,ng 100fl1 llll hc ho.II thm ,11i11i}' (\"ClllflJ. A poor11.hrn 1,1;11g Jt'lb b)" ASNK' rnulk'd 141 ll'f) fC'• \WIJm,, IJi.a c-\tn Loew attol,c the mH"C HI ll(W""' 14hcn 1ht..t mn'iM romg JO~ 11'1 a.h~-c-,o I&:,ltl olfv.,11'k.·~'91111Ml lo0..l«111 l<l'f• flcrJ Plhtt 1h.itl ptKlf wtlffllUOCC. tlx-mtnc: ""'·" nndiflcn:111 tlgit 11n) toChtr SIC 1\.1\ufrunl Thctt .-,1bc u,1111 "mtll) 14.i\lcd,:u) ·· tuthi:v,: ui11 C\(t)' fcm.ik 1n d)C' pl.a.c. AIWMnntlJ lhC' c,ov.J "-1.'.tt dw: ._,-.rn,ivn dlQUN or IIC\IQlc ,octlllJ.ln, p.-b lllllJ t,1ui1.-, .\tlJ finntl) 1hctt •~t i('Ott ul l'lt\C.tK'nl hd\Jff' Th: dov,1111-pctim I ~ \C\' ltl&!ih M dllt hl:11.L 'A.I• ~'h,e hi1th JlfK.t W dnnl•. Stiff CICI OOill v.•,1.'.h.atJlng lftC'\('('!.1"0114 per Ne'!' ''l°mpn1,otirolebdOM I ClrlftCln)' ~v.ffl(' c,n~'-1.d IY ~'Cal ,l\ldc:mJO'h~r Crube"-a,>cn. 'llobo 11,m:n't rOOul,:11-., n'I *" ak'ohcil1e t,1nj.'C' u.;qipc:J 111c,,c111icwu11s .ttu:R 11'IC m.ifntic) ol people- on the bu.If: v.\-rt d.inc1nt Seline kllk 1ook,;• bnlC' 1f1'1',ffl(Jl,l•I). {)n ...,., «c:i.~kln, 1hc mu~ ,n1crrur"!cd tinalttlt •~ \tt" on bu.mr1111 W!J lhc ~m .-1bothn1n, thr DJ. ,\ftrr wwtlc loludtnl• "Aett ,.co.ldtd b)' Mak>!~ I.he} Pf'"U)' nu.:.h 1l"lft0d dlWrl\ ""' tllbtt klJ• w.,_ 1J,fftio1t•IOf)". -i, IJl\!n'I \t11"1'4 btutt.• uld ln..1 )'t• -.udrnt Al11.w1.Ckl1•tl,l(lw:'n. •·t 14«.ldth,M. Ilk)' •ere h,WlDJ! '<A,P.hc••) llanobC'.ab~d.lni.ln "

,~Spokane Symphony gives worthwhile performance to sophisticated crowd

Sr,.:.;111cul11r cm~nawgn,phy

,wc"ha,kmed by unin.,pired pcrtom1w1,'l!,. horing ,crip1 **** lop- *** lllll'IIIIINlS

I Re~·il"''

b~ 1h11 L'u11e1a;1

•rr, JI.If' ,t,,mr1rJ1lf.1J11,,,

• * Vidot lpecbl * '8ilOWli'tl'

"Id..:- t·11~ ,tAntrJ, f'IT'ltv.,li111hC'\PUll"'-"ttffl,II

W~·.:1n.:J M\'. tii11ht p;ith ,..,,.H" u•rl.11.( \I.1th \le, R).tt1 11ol l\1>.,,l11,( • l'llona.h.,, ••l\l!IC fj'f'r lbtl:rf,11111' Jl'lt4n 1rilrifu1111 ~nu"<1h, i.ltJ11·1 ~mlllh.: llfl)

"-.1\ 1, ,,n. 1l 1,1p \l'ldl1 Uk r1M lC1111:1n~lilkJ-.1thlfflalin,:'11nJ(1'.l•"'l,,-1 ,ri~1'J1tt\·l1<,Y1 11-um: ...._-(~I U1,,1 llt•ll)•01.,I b.a.l r,ulbl thri.>u,ih v.1111.a

V.•httl 811t

'"1'4c••*""C'i.k!Ti &'111tt · AnJahl,...,...11·· 1,•t,"('li)of

\1,:r1,•, * l/.!! t'l~o(tJrnliN~~ri,1i11111n:n.-,,,._.,.1,,i-i11hcJfcn

t.ln.:t l,l~t im11111~'•' 8.1lm.iltll!1,I Nrli"

Ill..' hlm~l,1htvn1) ,,I II o1tt,,l 1U1fTKJ \clh1t"ltg('1•ht-.. 9,i,m tir·, '"" ,1(ro1nf 1111k' br! 1,rt; twiJ-.. J'-•~hu,, ..;,,p '1.)"'".t11pn1.. .ind t"N.••tm;~111t,1,•tbeaJ1.:.rl1ft loop,td.._fllrv. thc:,1u;,thdk pt.: •tth'1>Cll h."1n!f l, ll1tik',.1K, ~a, rntttl'\IOP<-11) l'>in mk'm.11)' 1,1ohnl h<

IIIC'ct,M..::,:ic \ta,,.c I R,an, r1o 111,am¥1U11,l,ot~.J.1•nr 111.'111 '-llldn•III<bn

,:1tt·, t)~ _.hen be- 1c'(nl, Sid u ·hi ,11 hull 1u•I t'l(-f.,,c hr k.11.h m~

1,f fl.:TlliolllC"llblooihclllrrrL..:t- )l,1, .._,ul,t,1·1t11: 1•111\tr,all!.!CC~J\I

111 l~iUtl'IDtn1.JI) irl\1,•l-kh.1~1111i.u11.

1h1, ,1ttt1..., ,11~, ~,J.i.x l~t111lllll!.,. 1111,,1ho.·n111"ac. o1ncl1hc nt.\l h,11•

IIIJ lol ~L(.::~•j'\&\11( S...'th f.atlJ•~ 1"11 h'n'C ""'11h \l11~k' ianJ ll)int t11

.bi,le 1fh1• t,,,c r.o11htnl1111\l.fll\lf!llt1o1rt,rl ~l.ahh \1.t:pt al,1,l,dl, h"lf ,.,ti .Olll't bt 11Wilc.--. h,111,('tr u,1hk '*' ""' ijlld ,., htllo• a11.1~,lt11f


IMm,: 11\M IIUUI anJ a J1iAIJ f'IIM' hlol)'!I' dtrt jlt lllh\lnr uw1Jlk.l \1.i$;ttel4':'<'.11t\1of.JJfor'w1hf1>f'n••rT,lltta"'ll!11111k'r~N,c-)"-"\. 1r11oJ &lb u-.-111, ,.., liu&d., tt:al il'l'"'llt"rhtt>n ;ih."M 11lh"Jf frum l'IC'.i,•i:n t,.,11,'C' .i,a n111f1...t \,11b.M houtM*,11 h,prnt ~hc"'inll' tlcli:•1 ti...141t1,.,,,,.il~111s:•r,J\IIIJ111"11.11,1lhn1111bl1t111f 1,rtc1ne111

OUl 11111 Jo 'l'Ut)'. 'olllil, U.U1.1 St<'\cn, rt.ah/tJ chrt b:k of c:tm'1kl

a,iJ 1111..I. •• ,11 hrwutic .uiJ M-1.II) n111J,11n 1111r,c-J:,, 111bc cnJ h> m,,l,: IC

lll'r~·tllhc."t 1h:ln. "Thn(" or1ec Yoa\ ~,:J

f.\tll C"• :i,111 A.)•1 -..eirmN 11, J11'f1 -,. cw l\lon, 11n111ri1 In .i r*

111 un.n'{""ttJ anJ ntl<'-t.ickJ rorcttr1wt11,"C\..

11 IIOII IOI' 111( l:1nlh l( \11'1cm.uur111Jlh) h)' Jc,h.n V,J(" r·The f.11111~

~.dlt'1ir'J dn.l 'lil•ntt brK'I lnUlntl\l, ol Jrt111h h) '1ita.1llf 8,-1 S11h:tlit1"

1 "<'.ii"'fll,,'f''" the flhn cu1dJ Jcftn1ttl) Ix dul\cJ ,,r ON" r,f ,tic "'°'1

tli•mJ11'1dJr\8J'P.~ri11nr t'lef' t1ir1'1o,('• c,n

E:n1;e:r1-ain me:n.'t ~...,'<'ro, ~o; Do% tq_~

11tt-N-MAC'S LOUNCl'.E



D.J. ~•a.ill!!IIIC ETEBT




Thu-r,...da.y @!ii

Lost II\ Space ••*

-1>:ffirtrW,tll«lt!iftM,n'" l~lldM.1 Thhll""'ie',Jan r•ll'1W'll kd, 1J11wnrisfle uni..~on..Nc Of,;..1JN.•t.·l1.#-.1Ct\lt1llt1• IW!U1\IK ~11&'11JIUl.l\lt' h.i,cab ffl<.lff~U -.11'1)' ,1l;u1t Nbk'f• ra..h.Sp,i:r~~Ju..1,11-.. 11mc::llu,l 0Ml.:i11Mlt~•n1, c\lmbu~tll 1hn l.a111UJ ·, i.iecr1-1l..1.i,i:,t')t•'C 1•tll.)~a.ll.l•oo W11ht111:tk~C:\l-q'll>nnt1I un.unntK c:-.....,.oklm:in.thC'Cll,,11\

ldl to tAM!(M In cbcin.)· Ji~uc ard 11m.t111.1,n,.Mumn.lhc:JUfflP14111"' • dttool) cJ11nc lb1f, l.ttpii-.t-thi• Ohl Jllu.11 Otmru Ht.otbo Grllh.vn1 Bue dw1·, not "'h.d "'"Y pcupk tn Cl\ 'l.« 1"t·fi OM:h. Spcd11J l'lh.,:lllfll °"'blit1~1 fflOVIIHQ 1hc '9Ch. •·1..o1t 1n Sj:1.x< dot,,.n'1 f•II h1 ddhn. SpA'C baula, 1,'t.plodin., rland~ and \llfl)C thu1t'lpn• tu. .:omblfll' 10 .-ri!IU' MfY·S(tN:n1hOI\ ..-,c,...;r'\ )C'Ul'l fotm1,1~

by Suntmn- Llftdtt1hffa .Vl'/11ad RtfXNfrt (bat -.m: nn"'l.oonc)• Tune..• t,u1 humor ,;ttll hl\c""l 111101li,c -.ottll''411.11 dN) land highly pniaed Sp.ilunc Srmcill'.111)' pnfr,n'T1J11« ~tctk 1:1 m S.huln Aut1t.10fluru The ")ITIJlllon> ,.\t l'l .a mJaani «Jli ,1,1.-.I :i \l.111Pt1f'C"I. P""~llt) uw 'Ptwnmmof tllt()pera E,m'll!"oflhc: cood11t.wr. r.~itl \.!«hi:lt1.111·1d«lh..i.01.1,1.1.,. R1\·i11,u,, l1tl'II 1112 h1a;h el.t" cttril 'R)lne'U\lnru)tl.Jl)·tctlt'itttitw1lde\1•k1Din IJ.aho Ylhm Ri\il\111\ m.w:k hfl.cllllittlOt. lhC' ,m;,,ll pl.:Mftlfm lilld11UC fur llim 1,1 p&.tyon 1,1,;t!o a l1ttk 1,11n1.ablc Uc 11 M hh dt.rlr ;in,J '""'o.l ba:L .1111.1 1«th. ~i.Jtl"1! a k{UL"lllhhb lax Aft..-:t dlt-p111tf1m1 •m. k ~'l'ln1. t'iC Im.ail} 'ill dcN.ll lllldi ""'llkd• bllk 11111 Qlfnk ,,...a) •nJ ,nultd In a,, l'hcuuJi.,ia b.1~11td UIJIC undllr.:r l;<IICl,Uhhllbt~~l'Orlhfll.ll.'ll 11,c ("ffnrm11ra.-c w,1.,C'lltilk•d"1'c1t.1I Tnt.JIU'J\,ly • Ttwtt S'l(tt'l'b)n:, v.crtb) fthru~l"'1.), 1~lul!i.n,: "\bn.:hc Sl.1,c,"•·Rto(,Ja.1 \',,n.111,:.,,, 1 Ctllo an.I (Jrd1c·1>t11 ··~1mfm.l S)m,rfli,ny pa.."C"\ Wi,,1 l.l'luhr1'M,>«~l)!'I m,•,o ,,\°' \'C,IU(Olt~(lll), Al'llla!IIC'CWI fflCII•>'" .,nJ-Al~llh"l<'lflft11-...,,." ThC' .....,,wm h ~-...i.alh foll ~1,~ • ")1nfll,11t) \.\JCICM. ti..,1 ,tin c,crfomuncecawii:ncJ ,n un1NJJl .uoou1111r emrc)' \C:11h Whtthttorn..114pC'l"\ll)ll~(',th,: '>lllfibtw•~ ~,11tl11ttc.rc. tlUI e1tlla .,,,,.,). ii. ,,IJJcllr te«i,c,. •fi"IN diW'\iun11b;i1 lllln-.11hcm the (lpp(ll'IWIIC) IO odkod to:JmNl'ltnJ l,lc lh1>1m,ill)· Sl7.5ofor fl«JIUI lllcndzi11,.y-' $X 7! I« '111ik1• h'u,onh It to.i11tnd. if rc,c for a1jc,)tncn1. ((II the tdu,.-.i,,~ and CUhurJIClp(firrlcc. c....- )joJ V) ,I l"Ctw.lfl W~ IJJ.


11, rw~h M•r 1;1 S1udcM An st.o Bu"14c,IIH•II-.CtttitcrCbll«)' Mfltlda) f'h11f'(U, 10.-'.FrnbJ 10.?:ll)

April 21 26 l)Rma dql.ttul'il,'.1rt (l('Odut.,m ,,I fiu:Qnt .1('1~0.)', Sdu.ikr AuJu~ll'11,1m 7: \Cl rm

Aprif?6 Mile! Nt'tltl, ,.,nrttkomtdlan. Sdlalc:r A1.1d11onum 7 p.1'11

Papa Joe ' s Ham, Meat, Cheese, Mayo, Lettuce

\pril 28 and l9 PniJuc-1100 oC -n,c lYtta.1 "'"li,rH Sd1ukt AbJ.tomnn 7: lo r.n, '\.o ,m,ilJ ,h11drm !ldmm,J

\Ill) 1 :S)Nlf'boa)'OJcbc!~!lil.(Ullo.Cf1 ~h1,1Wr .'\lh11o1N1.1m 7 \0 p.m

l\lil) 13

J,11.l UattJ .llld J1,1.1 c,, {Q<IC(r\ Sdwkr AuJ1111nu111 ,;:ricl rm

Bnna 1:hem 1:0

5 Days: Monday thru Friday

Monday-Thursday 7:30 am-5:00 pm Friday 7:30 am-11 :30 am

Pagt!!12 Tho NIC S.,,i,nol
p.:n:-. - eiolfiile 406 41h Slreet Coeur d' Alene, Id, (208)
6674858 Arts & Entertainment ---------------IEwonenC<'S b}'rff'i&antll.ll."l'Nk1 .\:(,111, ,11,r,.,,,,,,
Served hot & fresh on a toasted bun
for your
NIC Bookstore
May 11-15

PORN: FBI volunteers lo help Ctl'A police with investigation


11._1 p,1.l .,1 ilwil: boul., ..uJ tkli , «1WONl p II\ I hJiA fhc:p.1li')con..ffl111,:ijthclhc:\Jf '"""'l'\ltc-1, rdcucJ 10 lhc llhn1v cmrlo)cc: Wt bi.::Cfl 1111 d1ti:1 \JI'« >1ti The polic-y ,1 tc:-s 1h,1 •II (Ulnruter u,tn have lht' t't'\l'4llllllilll) (Cl U\f 1k \!It ~.-.mpuecr rc-ou'"'° 1n ;an cffiC'ICtll. rfln,hr.rth,ul11DJlawf~mJ11fla' u.1•,h1tn1 wit,. th«' r1.1tc-, •nJ•1.,lllti;ct111flilC.lil.

I\IJlt,11,Jf~W...I*\ • f 1•;a fU1!nc:ll1111. w>tliClf pwbhl rcla111•iu 'f1«111li.t, rc:lu,N ~n vffu;:1111,1.atC'lflCitl rtf.11\11n,:.1h1\,,,.,. ,amt.brr..! Wt.tit lhc ,rillc-rc roh,c, the ,.ituc ,11 nM1lfl\llttt~h"'1klf:)' 11nd !ht flll(nlcl~~,I k'~my 1.-mh aaJ fwll> ,urr•Hh 1hr

111:.Jrm" OMlilffl uf ih •lllllk'll'I~ hi..u.ll\ :.attc.1 \l.i.11 rnllttt Ck-tit'-} tt\ju1~IIW,1.lllff"'lcr~t'C111C\1111

"r1h1(d •liJ 1,v.r1a1 m.tnl'll'f •nd rr,,h1b11, th, u,-t of rlhtr••at" m1•uc••\}Wnl\t,11~ tWi.lkf' 'i\.:d n'r I ltf.llC' 1111.1o;h hC'k a l,lf .i• ,hill 1tut i\ nvt i111J h' ~bcn ff.tu ,,ul 8) "''~ p.:('f'k

CONFERENCE: Bell say~ meuia ended n~ctl for march

N:11 he "' '"' lt111 ,11111 ,~ flliin, ttn "'in,: hen: h'II' 1n1,h1I,;. I pl n hJ ,1.i) pot ti,111 ci,oo11ti 1n~.i.J1f1C'fr•H IIIC'~i.l 8 Thu,lw:1. H.1vlktt I .11(. M f'M"On<11lh1-..,q •11.,,11hr11111ltJ • \\'f!IJ ILl)Jm l...Lt. bto, 11\cJ 1111b:C:,xur\iA~ur&to..c-lhc~ ~yca,,..S '<l'\cJ IU )-c- ,11 1he C,ic:u, J';\lcflt ~1!1'K•l l)i,1nt.'I RwrJ of rn,,1~ \~1,IJ. 1 Jo..,11 1~luh.,..,,,~.,.1httlcwrocr0lld i\l S1.Jf llf l(~,ec,ut \1odiul C'oito..-t ,11\J t, a ~\, r1C'l.lJCII~ 1-1f lht Mlo'IKNl·lkl'f'\\.il'l\t.~~~

An.llf!n~111ht~(1h1.t\ •upc:1:0..••hng, ,,. •t11d1 '(Ill." .111C" bl.111icd l,w t.l!W pn.a, Ji nr. K<il 'Wlllht,,'Cl~,htfuil.ll!fl~h(ttfcrri"# 11,, 1hr -'r;•1 Nlioo,111 N lli1n1.1n HruiJ•~av.,po..1,..,,,,1bolil tbrm. 'lilt r, 11•1n,"J<11tJ •nh lf'-,aalit..:w~ladi.. 8C'lli.uJC'RSl1~win1Cf'°Xl""n lnr r1r1.,111l 11 1I l•tC' "'*' ,,.11N1.t1.:o:al11al)ut.1mJ(Ol1 11.11 111111 orpr111JUQfl,.,ldin"1 11,f1J•.1kia:•

1,r btw\l,. hlf I lhc1,1I ~N•ICI 11ul.119 1111cn1:t.rthC'~·•ht-lr Bell mraHonC'J tbc trieJu \,:t1,fthr JW...k f'IJnncJto, 1hc .\r~.lnl Ht \.AIJ 11h(t 1hr r•c(\



This includes several new items that have Just arrived. Sweatshirts, T-shirts, sports shirts, shorts , jackets, caps, etc Your choice - 33% oil




VISA MIISlelQrd Huny In for besl selecllonll accep!Od Sale prices ln effective, May 4, 1996-·May 22, 1998

a11111.11111crJ lh(' (".1111.J 1huC' ,1 101!)'11Ut1CCJfol ltlhcT d<w J ,,,,1cr11hc .11'lt-nt1on 11w) •at>.1,-J tic 1.114 he fch 1b,c ,,,,ct.aJr b,t&.11 cJ lltdl I Ill h,;111,tHI h) rrla)illJ tio. 1hcu•111n11,nll) 11.>JUW Jc;it1,,nl\mrpara. Eha Oh1clli..•hl. 1hn:'{ltll ul ,1,.q IIIIUl\'kbh1,a,oll \\Mv.1'ClhC"1lltft 1ouJ1,lwuac,;I 1111•1 ll(l!J• to ti< dc-,C'll)rcJ 111 (l.ilcpcCJtll~~lvnwlioh.,1~.,rn _..., D1,1ttbol(III .u I •hcllrJtr\c,,t'O'f'"' ,h1111Jd Ji:,dt,p • ft('W 11111.)' ul 1i1111l1n1 n.., J1•th1t) " T.r!'~~~=UC'bb!C'J

U1J(t-c1,1J'..\IC'M" lul>ctncn1li<r lc,111ntlint11• )1d 11,.(, 1-rlltu, i11>11C111i,,11 (" llldl£nJC'

l11,111uu, • • lntrll 1111! II 'f.(Jl•l:'IJ\.IIIJ <•ncm1~1hrnT,roo..n.:c1I

t11~lW1111i: Ji.11 'll>C hctv.-«t1 \ IC' .Mkl"" tnhc •h,,h h Ill ltir ptn,;<"M, k'11111mr,ltr11cnw.a lbt ··,11ic•1'o>i11 ···~· 11 !mc1u1cS111,i: ,nw:,i,.ar1ullurc •tht 'l,fl (i,h'°"' I I Joc,n I ~,1rrc1111,c-ra1stn tiwl I \flit f •1n 1114 mirl ~C'C\ • f \I( ll!lta.ll,trno1l1ht\mJt.,..1b.:, hJ•t


G1,t111 11,J •hC" btihnn 1t1a1 Ilic 1d kOt,Jn(I •1!11 li11;.tl 111~, >lill btu11 • Hilo ~111IJ 111 i,uJc"""ld!JIIII.I 1i,Jcnc,

(,i\l'fnU.l \IC"t...••*''·'"'·'"'

Mlll':d1o;11, f~kllhr\ll.dmlt."'


The NIC Cardinal Ambassadors are accepting applications for the '98-'99 fall academic school year

Qualification s: volunreer 1S hours per semesier. be probcoenl wrth meeting people on a variety of tovels. minimum GPA of 2.5. be cx,mtortable speaking In front of groups

Opportunities: B<!eomO a 'l)()fflllOrson io, NIC:

"~ network with studemt. rac,,,11y and edmlnistralotl Ell~ your fOSUl'OO. AICOfVG lieUO,S-of -.Beapanollhe

1tuden1 rocru1ln'lel'll leaml


Thu' ""rd 23 i 998 NewslEnhtrtainment
TALK: Both \itlit, have chance 10 express views
I J•l Fotl~ '4('f1" 411 ptJ.ifllille, .and •nJ•11,111,,.- v.h1d1 1'1rn1.1;h1 'M'III(' mtmb:1' Ill lht r;1.., Fol'(C Iii lhtlf kn If' f'H•IC'\I Uc\r1t1" the lrktn111. 1111 •ldC\. o1trccJ lhC' n1e1:1u1i v,11, \o\1Cfb'4tuk ~....-J1ultn,.1 ·v.llaollr.1nif 111 IV..nh:J 1'1CltlalH)' h UI lhl' lO$n1u"11)." iu Jm,h D1ttl11,,r \JC'.• H,im1u, I quahl) Ch1!-i p1,,1dc111 "Pc1,r,lc •h.i,11ld l.oo•· th.It thc'J 1Ju11~ \Luun Lud1er- tii.i••r ••\ll('l)llllllURJ\I" IIU""~•t't. 81.1th1ttr u11:JOrlnl. ··wC' J1..1111J,.-1 ,hc1hc111111ny1r,ctrt' d«-ruhf1,11)1.hian1tic\~C' \t).ui .S111111n 11\;n,M, Jt,\.C W1M"f1tlJ ,,1\d 1hfy ~1 ...,l\np(,I 1,1 be C'fllt,t;hteM!J ill tbt tf"C«h ·wt·H namt here 10 '"nn11o lhiu,r elk'Ut), hC' Yi~. "'In ,1hict 1111.nn v.h.t1 10 C",pcc;1 rrom w, cntmy.· CilirnH •AIJ t l1t JIU· -.on,ethu,. )'C'll t·Old Duller·, mc:,,aJt<' 'A'.n 11tr(ln1c,1 to tl1l' )\l\lllj:t't rc,.-1111 ,n -~;Jn D j(",I. olJtr 1n,.4\ kllll.1h, the ffic'lnhn'I Pl l hc Ato,.u, S.1.lM.)tl\ lh,11 •1mu11n.Jcd Du1in ,umeJ '('')
•••J ·•Ht •flpc-.i.tcJ 1111 he- ii l)pc 1)1 f11.11\tr hr1.1rchlll'i·n1'
Aryan Nations fHdtr Richard Buller speaks during the "Hate Harassmen1 and Human Rtghts in tdaho lectwe April to
)1,un1.'" Ghcnn.a
fn:>m Pao•
~II<•• 111.,S 1f II ii dl(,, 11fto.'1bJ\ t>I II.L11l1lul ll+othrr, Wr.ii,ol .,,.,h fll:111111\f 1'f1C BURKE: Fir-i priont) will be to mcc1 ~iaff. faculty FIN?IS. /\'Gt:WT •x·FILf.$",• Conllnutd from Pai>• I lk BO AR D: former Cu' A mayor applic-s Con1lnued trom P•oe 1 C.Offll.d1,in, eu~rln. '""' etocyUKcrr, Ml~ neun I• bn, Im.OM! for hi• ,,,,,_. .,...""pu~llo tclril,ionJoln U& for'" Mning of cfun ent.tri.a1nmc-t1i. 9UJJtal'!tud co ffl.1lti! you Laugh 7 p.m. Sunday, Apr~ 26 North ld<oho College lo1WtllHatt S<hult, Auditwivm ndlt11:SU -............. 1,y, 10,.7710., ,-.u._ >UI 1.J ,w..l,! II 11\lta. Uw~ 1-11J lk ,1 11UCJhlln1 ,I, ffl,IA) •h1Je11, -.1u11ic, •, ~'!IIX,,tllil." tic' IQ Otll} p.,1,, 1111111 dlC'f1WC'ft11l"1ucn1 \'11tm: ti~I lie ah•-' tch 1,1
,111d(111, ,11.1t-*ufthc,l.,..•11J\.•l'I
Bud.t 1.1.J,
ht du~.1-n't lc1,,v.· ._,_.,
• ~~--:!':'~g;:'oo\.~
April 22. All applleaUons returned to Campus Aocr tlon Office 769-n61
available In Campus R0<>reaUon Olflce (Slebert
and Reglslrars Office O.adOno


Thi\ "f!OllJbn:;.Q II~ <'IJJ\101 'U.hom11f\' i.tllllt•uh, JIL°l;j,hl tod\llllcnl,'C dll'C'l11,1,ehC'1.aftdJI.I ll'IMetlunr ,~ ,ll'IJ 111h1"11C111~ Tlll')'!oltllWlllll11rltic,Uu1dtW1t

f\r~(\' rllW,IICILln lH:$;.111~ U-1p. 11 (ull ._tt. of l'nlJIJnlllill ti.._wc 11nJ.,;o1111r,ni 1n lht C.1n~-on.l.llld, uf 1o:11hca..~ u1..i, 01:llllli, 101bcC.;n)(IDLnd,\ll.hckf1n11('I~ 1111.>e lhc-e, mm'IJ \\hllt l>thcr \hklcfltt ¥o-ctt ,..itl u, b(J_ ,kq,in,: c,11 thc

\\1~ Pi the: liN ftalf t\l lhC >c'lllinkt lb,: J!nlllp ".lb )ti.c:t.


• ,,.,.lot I~ hou"'

mto tbtC.lltlllhilc i11fl('r • llilfhvtir of luolniJ flW 11), t,'C'n\lfll" ""'" fl'al~ 1<1 loC't 11ptt1t1,.1Dd \Stq, hclfil'<'W'l;;&ll)'l"('Prt~lll}'~·'-l)k llnJonlllt.llcly. k·nh mAc tt.Dlly ,:000 ~It\. 11nd Modlt'f N..i11rcJcoW1115uff.)utr, "'"'lh~t;.:Ji111'1n)'k1ctfl.ippcd. l..«-rlns; C)\_'\ i:,prn 11nd tloo,,c\ ICIM ;ill 111~ I.Arly the ne,t 1n(,rrtlt1( 1hc S:l't'lUf t.\'1lC 1.1p -.J 1,1 M1111lc1ol ..,,ow l'\f\.tr1ni die ~nJ .ind lhc l;J"1(1)1 lfflt"- em tllm: "~ hnf o.,o« und .i "'' tln;oliJJ',;hl \t,'lllhl'lg, .uld .,,oo lhc ICtt\lC'll flflbe Pf'(Vk)II\ 111rht u1111<M.1 \I.Jib th.t ,1,u,, \wt. Til.ll d.i.) 1ht-gmujlflidt~li~Lm1.L.1111Col lhc1,.·01.nlU)•

100,L l•n1C1111, md u:~hnic.1lly t:balkn,utg mo1uical11 ~kc ln1il1 n1r111111..rilr-A:nhn1btl!ll.ll Ynu11J..'.1lf'lhiftN1Und, ol ,nl(l(lth. ,rirr«)· rod;,• ruu11.:d hnc ticu.:iv )11urf1nly s111dt 101hr talc r:nh. Fiw ridc-n,1,1,~ In fln11,h 1be "b11•k lt~l,1.1~ IT"I tumal ba,.\.w:,ccal t1tUC'\ In Ch\'.'r\hc nc:\C fou, d,rri.1tiegru,1111oolon ,tic 100-mi lo \\hlk R1tn Trllil Sukc l.l~tnll.1 btu..1 l•lfllltl)cnnypntb

•l!l. .ard Oo19'11ltt r, o1\1uL1hlC', a "41flP"111 "Ch1Ck rflllov.cJ Ille biltn. h.wll;ng c~«)lh.1nf d11:y n1e1~ffoli1No\'\lal0fttlltr,-ilcvf•t.M;c~loow.1111

1~· ht.i,a.l 111 IJ1t ) lnlll)lflc mca~. lh:1emun wa." lt"'CJ n l IN' r11ik<. 'o\a'JI t,y r.iuldd,)'. ""hilcoihr.'r ~\11111'11, W('lt':~l«p .uld tU.- }' Tbr:t.,,1da)""-"'hem1",l\lrcr!OOUll-:Um~o( lM~"'Snllld11t11SIJ11."116n111c\(,.-p11pMl111thtt1,pof IJ.ind m 1bc- S);>. Al l11t 1v11. 1bl: Jf'Ollr me, the ,·t1t •·1th \,\~1111.Jh,-tlkr. l"hcv.-rt1hctMthcWlnicRtm \\.1,.<rn•ac. Ywnt,·tr rc,\lh,l.flCVr'\\fl.•"'-oolJIIJfflNIS<-l1nt"d.l),11'k:t.111\N111.cJ dov.n (';lll'!ns C\V}'{'II(' jl(1 pilluu, ~bcir ...Utlldectl llno.ldmin 1h&..,r"'*'"h111t!lc'\. Od~nl1~·,.V111'4 tdlt)("',•l ~111"m\ m ll1t~•ard 1lie ttniup rtiJe Nl.niJlr 1hrt~h~Sc,ud... Pl~ ·11o,-cd lfli; 'At.llhcl C.\IICfllC\ 'Wlkli.VIJ1f!UIC'.r,1Jv m1t\'o n'¥Jf lot W1hon ~1'1N bhuuJ. tbC'n l1t~l All~h II~ udck11ch.111gn '" v.u1htt -.omc:llme'li "CIC: ,lnl'I)) in,:. •~> nvJc the 1rip murt: c:,.1,.itit1111nd memonibk-.' u11 llll(' U111I bcuu.cJit Jl(''A ph)'"kal ,:h:iUen~c,._ l~bocb 1hc OO'<ltt ;,1,d tl.c l'lt~ 'I uJ 1.c'\'errull.) bttlH1ft ~muuo.111ln bl!..( mp; uid Ambt-1 M11t1ne, h1f111ljty t1tJJN. ·~ iny tr-,, lcC'I hlr.c 1~ c:nit,u httn ,ud,C'd !Al lllfll!C'm.• J.'<ci\ !ht fflllf~C\p:lkl'k.'l:'J k.JI Jnit\e JICOtuiJ m C'd1.u1,1l'C)Ct 11ller the ftn11I t.1,1.)' , f).nlllc, l,.'\tlf}.fooe C'k,·uoun. Ahbou1h ,nmc11mt', 1hc 'o\e..tlh~r ••' Iliad, ond 11(l1nc11nN.'• lbe lu ll , \I.C'rt.' "t"q), 1bc pm 1, V.C'tt IW11), tug.II ·n,h i, uuu1lly lb~ ta'-C tlfl Outdot,r P11nu11 ln(l11, u d1tt"\n'1 v.~t h.i.p11tu, t\C'f)'OJIC' h.a,,tJ:tC'.alHI~ n11 111rwo1;ac1 C'\CqJt1nn. and n <kr•·,ttcly a ,pc-in,:hrc:11l wt"ll rc 111, f,/111,, .an·,",. 011lmr tJmw \\,Ad · L>.ir,r(lt.111'Jtunltttlf.,,1al t ~1rir U r /,Jfr/llf'IIIJ!NiJ

Page 14 Tho N IC S..MIIM!I Outdoors Student Joe WIi ton gets ready to take on the W hite Aim d uTing Outdoor Purs u its· b,eak trip. The ttail e1itac&nd1100 m llH ln10 the canyon Outdoor Pursuits' spring break trip treads Utah's dese rts (\ ~_) n"'"'"' ,,Jw11y \ /11(,J. Jqrtt·,ml u, :rpm,,: /Jl"('tt!. hm wJrm "" t/Jn ltk>lmJ,,:fnnnml to ~ Mmt ,,,,.ml tunr h11111m111g mvmm.l ill 0.lf'ur ,r \h•nr, ,tm· tit 1,m,~ o,r J,un~ cmt 1l tll1fm·m/"J"'' t,J.f• 11,n othuwrd. Nnt hm·Jn, ,t,1\.,r.1 fore, wrrA. mtt) bf «tu.tin.i:, but ll ti vftt'ltltbm11 "' t,,l1i11,,: m wotltl,ig \tl(·{i ., StUdon1 Amber Mooney lumps across a pool ol w1t1r within I sandstone canyon u
Jason lubf ~hu out to nsl11hM dufing 1 1Jde oll 11>e White lllrn Trail
the lntn~ 1111J 1tumbl~~~ 1...:11.1~
'f'l-'rlt'r 1tll.b CIC ruJdi.nJI HR
them O\ By 1hc time 1l1e
nu1U~J 10 lttr fitfoll) un1d
by. u,.onc " pl.It u,·11.
rlr-·oo,r (Cln.'t'J
'\'.\It rolltJ
Studen&a Dan Wll.aon, Oon Grubar and Noot WIiton snack artd reflfl 1,-r water at tho Afrport Tower campsite- In the d e.sert OM ahoukl cot1s umt a1 '8as1 on&gallon of weter I day-evtin when nol doing strenuous 1ctlv1Ues.

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