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Crown Jewel

Crown Jewel

ll..:1t~1 ·uJ , tliwtllb • <-1-,.>11•Jlf•,l'lk,rnltwi111rJ•,,11h,~;al1 r,1,Ul!'d~hlnJ11t .._~. 1fft.-l


NIIIIIIN _,, hit\#). Rlllf)C llllf>l•!'l'• Cfllll lllC<I~ pMl'l.111011. R..;apr 111 8CJfl IJluut:fll: lh'IIUC ti) eall) a. 1, a lCUXt' mme ,,:,1 ody a~ (IUtl('. '-II ;ii iarnaa. ..,,,,,qnf<"N"< r~11CCD•IRkll)-ouhoa·1.1.-n11uc•i, \~pc,orlc.cdl (Wllil#dr!X11ba111.WC\lftC'hr.lf)tdC',rtyrr11ffldr MrJtben,unl,c·u ,rtll'l~'(f\'41\IJIJ! v.1llt Step UtM I.le lllonut .an~unt whu hit been r.iprJ lliJ )OU ._OO'illl -.h.a,j


ILa,'C')WCWf kb s-•"' E'fl)ont l.»•Hdaitpuaolf.Jl-,vtflbcu lii\o•tbrf,NSflldr,gribcirf&N~ Tlli,,.. , dtfkmll. 11·• dtbihw._, lh rc,f)tto; lh compldtl) temf~UIJ. Thr '"'1" th.II ibf ,IC\lnu.lcdh un1h1n.L.1t,lt~ l'lud 1cm,c ,1\Jll!'IP'I C'I il'ffol), r,.:,ot t\C't h'11 \Oll'k:th10}.' lhc) tt11"'- k"11c- t'llfftl kl \hr bi.apta!. so ordr1 10 fW\"l,C' UMd rartJ )nU ,nett 11111...i tit 1•h)ui:.11I rroof or chc '"" v.11! pt.)lfl' h,• "''"J •iruul\l iwn. 111,aho•r:wJ 1,k.1to11ttli-. c:11un'(bnt•fk:I' MJ111l((Ji1n1 •tr.t11m11Ut

M~~"·hdp'fdndo(J«l1ap11',-llmJc~y.\loo emp.iam.."' )'Qlf ~(T,.,., r.ua. ~,OU 'Wtff - )W Mft Cit ha-...., blllC,... btped biol to !,('It"' JVl,I Ona-),• WI) 00. 1l ft1C'81t1- J'ia,i:,d

.\11"1 "•1,ehf11 tlwYnwwl,.,,,,utJ,m,r,.,,1111•,rntnhlr1'1 llrr,,f"t1kJlf•

11,rllr,,,~H. rn,,,,.,,,i.1,,.~rrttlll"Nt.~-l'IIJ/IINr,11

\l.tn)' p,:,lpk lhltt 11.al rar: 1, aht.U ,c\, tlUI rar,r II~ f'"""tr ()QC pcno,I b 1hr ~oar_. lbc ochtr pmua srt-' to wflcf CN)i. u:w 11::4 dr pl·-................ ..;.i oo, llq U) llire •-.f ••11 llot' pc frill 6:Mll '1 lheadlldftltd-. Son') but thb rilie. tw (JIit dl:ttnC\ kJ tie Nl(ltd. "nJ nP <lftt bo11o lht'n&btlrtf11pi:'11imc·o1.:ckc- lhr:rr hhuC't.c\hC I Sfil•r.-J ,.f lw:ain, flt'Opk ,n..i~t tm.1-.<, f11r 1hcu r;11r, jnrr1J,. A r.ar1\I hill 1.1111"'1 no 1n.at~"I "''"* tnci'IJ \he)· ltl.l) tw: Prurl<' nenl k> t.lr 1f,p.111,1bJll1y for 1hc'11 • '''"'' •lld ,1,ip~u111 tbr blame 011 ahc \.k.'11m Wh) 1:•11't IM)' unJt-111.iid 1 f,,n:,oi ll"C'AISICh~ l,Jfl • SUI 11 aut l'«•I a11J ~·1 m,.l,: thcffll • bdto Pff\qll Atwr • 'lflC' IXCW'l tbm arc WDC~ thll: t.buulll tit able. ,-vlt Tdl-""'paa....._cddl<- """""1 aDJ,c11needtor~, -S,c,t...U)'•.lllllliDCd~ '('l'C'f

,.,.,,.1r1n•rnltf,., fr""

Man returns to school aner 55-year break

?+year-old man says h.: \\ants to keep his mind working, avoid lat.iness byKdl.)MJlkr 'M-lffl#flflLpi.lrftr ,l<'b ~110ltwi;nt1of,"10dlqnt!Ul.tbc~ 1o "bd,"'C' tol>uMld 8cqboa. 1,i altbnird"Atnc •ho 11ardled ••Oirtt<l'Cldat:~danltmirab

l•ICC'••ffL tkwdhr d«fdcod 11trC'1111'111,1,ch(JQCaftn ~.5 )'Ca'~alnC' tit "''"-'Wl,letok.arnhov. 1v1c1 c,n:1be IMC'lrll!I '"t "'""" 10 ~N'p IJI)' mind wvrkln1:· 1,)1,1 , Jnn'I WllPI 11'1 St1 loll)'. lrit",no1k'l(.114tt • Hon 10 'icbu.,h Ill 191.1 l!lt -,,td t1.1SocQ D.akot.11n lt}9 •ktt lilt llmJ lilSltl 199! ..-. ho: dd ll:11 •ift mmcd IO C"OC'111' d" Alat Uc Jndulcd Ir.- ,p ICboot Ill Soum Ddcu ,1111M1...t rva,1ac 1.mu1, r.m•ll-ikb1•f~

·~ tt:N: "'·' A n-11ffiifmur1 .111.J11,,111:hcr.hc ,.u.lbe nr\C'' 1ci:tt11tJnc.,. JOl"I 1l1«."ttese'up w11111,,.,11r '"llic 'llrV •!a' l\"tllf UII anJ I llftJN Id IUI) homC!anJhi:lp "'lttl lbrf.wm.,"'kulJ "111t)ihdn'tui.cfM111bo)'lti0••·


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