5 minute read

A season lor cheer

C heerlead ers win Regional C amp t iUe , beat WSU l1) Mk:twll e MtS ull)

.~n,,,wl Rl'Jil,l'fa

W11h ,mile~ .ind punk 11 NIC '\luJcm,- t,unc tl.>idl~r lh i, fit.II

10 cheer on 1hc Cardin.ii 1r.1m-. lb(~ 'A l)mc:n 11ml mm pcrtwpt.

Jd) 1hc c rml)'~ ol JU~ n ,kin., .1111d his w ilc-1o-thcy 1((1 111,,, JafK.aJN ad1 ctl"!I anJ ~udcn tr,,

W 11h Ju t l \\tl pnlll;t ic~.

NIC" chttrladcn c.tmcd thl.

Rc-:¥ 1on.tl C'hccrlc.aJ 1"g Camp

Ch.unpto,n,Jup lll lc a l

C\C'nh .IJ;<lllff ;.t i:ompcUl(l('I. like

W~tun1114'1n State OnwctMI~ 11ml ll,c. Un1~tl)' I)( Mumar.i,

CNCh ~'ih L.h:rot:\. a rnc,nber of Che 1c11m from 19U- l. 'JIJ tbr tt'..UU J11t., become more u nffftd tn bcr t,o,.-'OQd )t.\r

.t._hc:.I ~('-!Ch

1...1&.,1 )e.U' ';i.(' h.iJ mtir(

,nW, iJu.n l t..dcnt Thl\ye,rwc h~\~:1::;~ :,l c.ach uchcf."


..:o-L-d 'l:por1S ~,lU'i(' o1 lhC' amoom of physttar U'IUOO eie,~·«n 1hc ""\n '"A big hlipp) faouJy,"" Ju~

)·c.ar member Kim BtJdv•r.on , 11MJ l'htp),,Ucli~~oor


'\1~l\t pcuplc don' t rc.tft.tt bc,v.1 mu'-·h ii l nke\ tn ht .'I

C,i,c(:rlcadct Shcrvlk -.a1J.

4'hi.l)' J IM U'I do lhe 1.1un1, nght, w u '°'*' e.:L'\) In rul u). lhc 1~1 Clll.c, 1hrcic l...,\I IUll.l onr-h:iJ I hvurrr.,11.1~

;1 ""'"<k to h'lllk good

Wc\.'a.n •nc:nd fourhO(ll"!I.Pn ont ttuu foft, 11 finall )· hlt11," l.Aaob Id. "1'ht cn:,,.J ~n·c * All 1hc llli ,Hid hllb So bot.1.· do tbt) w.y happy JI d(,et;n' L1.1kc much ev!Jenll), Most n f Ilk' tt'!,pc.11t~i came 411kU>, .anJ .all relkt.:tClli upon t:achotbcr ·11ju)l i.:octk.."" AnEC'la Hitt ,J ·11 W.eio«natn kmdor pe~ ,,i; ,r~ bu11t IB. o.U waLuril.l 8UJ\·11r'\-11'1~ltl The ad(l j(lji:,n keep<, hc~ 10.IU pl•>""ll'••i· Afltr 1he ttn.1pnk."'ttec I 'YI';n hook ed ~id \lorgan Stcw,n. • 11;1um1ng'ol.~ Sbcrvil~ Ind UUtJ\ lll'WO "~ Um\ c r-.;JJ Ch«rlc.»J!ni A~l;ui~, mcmbc~whdt,:Ji:h h ig h hO\ll c.iktrlr..Slnr camp,. an the 1i,u1run cr. al\lo.:a)', w.ant lo 1-13)' an the 'lpc.r1 c\,cn i( 1·m ju,t co:achlnJ

Shem\ ..aid - 11 • ttv. .ui.lut¥ tC'.:»c.:hm~ l ,d Mikt Shea.man. \\he) h. out with .a ,pm.illl.-d a:n 1e .1..ltc-r a 111, n .J b;nlct llN\ Iha:. ),ult ~4U~l11 1hr r uh, ,, aMiti1.1nl )Umor \ llf~t) cu&::h .al 1.tk,c.Cuy lil gh S.:ho<~ " It', hnmltle wmr1g ou1 Sht 11n.1n '4uJ '"I SU..:"'' I \t'C' chin!'~ lfut \lot; rnl,111 mh,, 1JlheJ'WL\C, Sht-J.m,1n !Wd he \'.m't ""ait to be ta, v,. 11 '1 1hc

Run-down: Men and women drop season league openers

'1 lu<tk rn ,1.c11ll rn, 1bc ""111on~C11rdJ..n1I h.t l 1b.1ll 1r-.arn, • k1rlr.\ (C1llc-Jt r11;11 An hnq11c 11 •"'iH , ll.t•l(H '\('&l(MI

\lrn \ Irr 1hrov. by U1c V1\1n1,· a,~,

If· 1n ,nJ • 1th 10~ i,c,·c:11 ~"'-ond, rona,nuti int~Jthc Oii.!11t1li.q 1.s,.l l(-l,1<l1n,"~"11 1mc' 'iK 'l•lfOOIR~ 1 nJ lnhnn)' (ioodm.An ru tinual II, •,11..t r,la), ""-U"IIIJ: 2Q v.hUc j.. lout IU (Wl•til pwiJ JU.,h H111,:, '4 II v. the tJ ird Ill (u1H .nn."\ (ut Goodnmn Jn JU I IIOft'tl l5pl1lPL"f(acli I01•n11t kr11 Ctt\ t10ll\llltC'J 11 C ,J, 11o 11h 1 r,.,101 ttn I \.c,(.;i I ('fl,1tt n.:l.-1l1nt ,. t"tf ft lrom J fl('•fTf r&11i:c, Thcn.;115'(.l\tA\.I O.ftt1.'0l'JanJlr.o"C'IIO l1.ti ,,.u,,tocui:h1

\\ oottn h v.·a, nr,t1,;lt:d th41 tht Cardin,.! ,u,mcn llotllJkt h,i\<t; 1hat 'fo'tltk c:i,1 r>1.1~ fnrthc.-,n as::im,t llftJc1ukl1 Ri\t._...., tiiu1 noe ~ril) in 1bt rdlo.illdlltfC:illC,~) Tbe.cn:a1li·l":ltlMJV,hi,r,tll.()1p.~ die IINl'd ,Jn1hb11114K 1,1 I(", .?3 UI t'Olllt 10

11 4 ~, 11;·in.. A"i.~.a.11;1 (O;IL'h Kn,li /uh1•1011.

Mtd t~ V1~n~ ~11fN "'°" uf lhtir potnh 111 lhck) lbclourutt!rC.arJ,k•J.1.01 NIC.,,11

\!• 1 ltah V.11llr) tuwf!ht

\\t m,Ul ns lbl" (:'.a,Juu1 I, f1n1, tn·d Wth 111 lhe Lil

Vt~ Tnu.rn.an.-111 l.r-1 "'«l.cnd r~~hm,11n ~uct H.1,11111ut11 t I :OJ m,,-.eiJ pl.a:1.hjl: t,y Of'e m111d1 fron'ntr S IC Sa1111r1.d (11.uup J4Wi, \1< 11<') ll>'.-.li. thr htlr 1 174 p,uncl< ror-Cbnnn


Basketllll """'

M1..:1.1 .. MC ](JT S IC s..,ia

Thul$day, Dec 10,1998

Wooden ques tion s NBA bas ke tball players ' ' Love'

NaUooat BaslurtllaD Association remains loclled out; players lose y dtto'c ~~ialu.itlntlllt)', Mayb( t yamiilboul fM,.blll tl\l,rc tmpun:wl)' chcy ,~,, uw ,hoc. 1 dri nk a nd dochint "'POft\On. havlas It.am~ fis)M O\ <'t ditm for oru and 11aplntt 1h11.1 mu111 n,IIIJMdnll.1tro1Mt'lct. The N 8 A tiall aboi.11 '4,\-eallntbl-lhe kw, nt~)M; f\l ,"t lflu 110 MmltlCd S2'98 nulUon ,n 511~':' throu£h c:otle~ .;r.lhJcto Jilc-Suufocd·t Ar\but t.« urc mllkmg hl: ('O\'Cf l rrucal o( pl't"hlJII dllt bk•C NBA WIICl'\Uln.. OC'l!\'lllffien and bia s,,nin. Sport, lllu:unltd ofrcn 1111 ll)OC' dcdica1a.t 10lcl) 10 Che- ptCVIC'* ihc' callc11C' twldb&U ,c.uoo fbc, NIJ\. 2l b,4Je po1tlltd wt 50 f1'il:\('lfl\ llrh)' coll~ bu.kt:1ball t\ tic1w:, tll.im pell b.a~tbaU. H m am.a fc'IIW"ufl~tt:t.iOf'llr, • ln-.:dkp- rLa)-cn lni\·cl v.ith thdr tmmt"-«k, In !ht P""' pl.a~ cr.wtw11h1hc1rpMl'IC. • lnt:0Ue#f! ,...-...hl,'C' tol«p1111c~eoa)vwOPA(iJlldc·poin1

0c,i: 21 n..t sm ntllhoo b oow In ttc pockctJ. uf lhc: big~u ,or b\\)tnh11'CIJ h1 hofh thcpJa)ff\' im" inanddw:kq:uc In al'l:lt~lu rte mt.lft rnon,:y. The pl.a)t:rf uin100 lli·11t1ti1 a lull.Ur)' W Ofl 1hr highN "4141Jt:"\Whl lC'tiitOOA·fttt'I V. ar\titn.abiwilll.tffllllUOUt'ilCl.ll.al'). The \lWnct\ hlu pf'l)flQStd 1bc: Lin) Din.I cxcq,cktn. 'Ah,i:h 'lll'°';"w (ottt 1c;u11 , "'ho, itn itlklllhet 1c.am'i ,~ as~n1 lO iu.c 11p tbnt nglll Iott• ,11n 1hca" o r1 p l,y~ The C)lli nc:n •re pttip:1111n1 th.al pbr)'tn. "-1th one: to .Ml )T~ o( Clll)t'nCIIOC could 11.Jft fo, no .than 2.S pcf\"ctit ol lhc b:u.kt:l'baU t\ dc.fwocfy t«hna the ct l «t, af lht NSA l,"'kout. moc&l)' tor I.ht gvo.l When p1e1urc1 o( \1 ich~l Jon:bn ..-11.nt'hin, L.w )'t'w', 1blc uoph) allllf Dcnn,i, Jhidmlln', tattoo« 11111 "')It "'Ollld tlOfflla.11)' be aJornlna 1hc ('O\"'ffl of "'fM'T't tn.1¥1l'~l'CJ.

&\ffafeJ h~ W'J"P'I" )"OU ba\·c 1ok.ctr ane)C'orl )U.ttCPAf~Jfi(d

1t1 P,.y~ 101 NOA plA)'aupcnd

1.1.l)lo m COI.IIHJr\kn:d COU.11\Ch.flJ!. J1.1\.I brc.w-'<' 1hr NBA pcM,1bfy ...,grn'1 begin 1b 1998,.99 t« &tl04hct roo11h 1n)CIII 1haf pb)·co- arct1"111wlun, dw Clll'\'Cf' <14

MIIA,,'Jnc:tl'I\J Ilic: 11:00,xv.,. Rod!Mft\l,,•thliek 1n lhc'n'le01a

,ph1lt;h111 lew •«k., 11~ r«ucb""l'"i \o""• v,.11h ,up:t·modcl

CMtmen Ela.'.tra Nell C'\'Cft a '4cd; lntnchc-lr ~c. lhci ~·ly 11.cdl g,>1.1111 onnulmtffl ~) baltd on 1hc fOci 1.1 R<>d:mai, ""' kl IJtulU. Jurin, the~ tlwt bt coolJn'1 ccimprcbttld 'lj,h:it •.u toini on. mt.l\il far R\lJm.111", ~» tn the chapel ,OA pl.a)'CD b.1\·t:u.JOb lttdo, w:iJdlw I\ l.ds,Liy hnk.tcb.iJI IVl'I iU lmlt tiJ.cutw'- d1,wtb, fU ,u ,,,. WIJ." an.I •'1. r,w 11ullloo.11 m.W"C '4hcn w•u 11ln:.MS) m.il.C" n~1lhuli.1 Ocw1'I IIIC'...- r'4)~"' lll•'"" lhctl' arc M.-vit1J \.hildffa in Ed1aopt.a·•Th,: NBA pl.l~'('n. ~' aPd o,,.11tt1

11«\11~ pa)' a II.UM men aumtOII 11, t~ uh h)' lutJt ,1i<,r.in d,1111 " 11111,Lin, 1h(m '° roo.;h n,o1.:y I Lo,·c Thi, O.mr:•

IOn Deck

• M•n's l,ask<lb<I II Ui...h \lullr.r taJt O .!ltgt .it hnmt. Thul""4.by, 0cc. 10. •17:Xl p.Jll II U .kc- Community CoUtgt. a llMi11'1C'.Sa1unlj) Orc'C ll.al ':10r.m l.:n \r tJJIII r ourney.1111.,a, Vt~A'- Tit,lf'\j,b)' So11t1N1)', Dt< 11 hn. l. TBA.

thtphpi,;al lhtrn,11'-'"""'duo'"'t 1fS1ir1h ld h,) \\1 11 tic- -.1w t)· o4·t11kins ,\<,an..lUDI ,-.~n"J'ln1ic,11tu h1\a~ 1Wldt.,1111pm • Jtnda hfnrr uo.l~tir l\'~111Ible11111111kan ,..,, K"n!C'ltcr Ow tu it\ h1L,nr, lirh1~"i;l11 casnrin-i• h 1nd11J t'ld u, the 11111! 'fflff'Cl#IK'II of the IT'11111'.!t,focn f',P.,t..r11~ 1hi:Pf. ,l~ITK'ftllkrwufftt,1v.u Ml.lrliN·de~,,J'IIOO Thet.WN:pMml\lhll'I '"hJ'fll'lidr\.tnr._.,aptfro1111hccu1ht.1a1 nr~ c,1r.oln.••n-"lt1l1n, •~ Llgt11v.-n1b1 It di roor mal rtobj«l 1\n: .&fdrrul cbo11,iuidx '!'«Id 11tuunJu, JJ ..\ltJlt l I'*' ,r I 1°"-UI and •1!1 J.&.....,. lu\t'1 l.nov,Jnli~ 11f hr-11JIJ1) h1kln1 '""hmqUt'il,, f-f)"ifct. a 1/hhm,m ,• 11on maJnr ~..i.kll1"pu~u,1 l01lfdlni11ar,.""tu1;1~t11.11li UlldC1'!>1AM, na ll)'ct, 1mrxt\l.1ll .._k.v111J1$lbc Thrt:liut~~illtw:hrkfl~y.111ll.1 ,~ "'IUc,.\C'nll.l.lU~·wl.:lll"llpffllackl h1luti.· and TiiunJ.&y 11('\lw.°ml'"..in

• Wo,m.·n·s baskttbaJJ l,. la h \ 'Ilk) l• I~ ~. al 1,n,,,. Tilundai.Do: 10 s,,o rm Sall b k c Ctimmunlly Culklt, u1hun11:.S.lt1itda),Dtc- 1!.•• ~·\(lp.m. O.ltrie of Uw ObC'rt Toumir, •I f•.-brt Oc,,cn,. Cllb( MoodJy \\'~nadJ.y. Dr«. 28-lO l.owu t olurt1hllt C'uUrt~ at hiJrnt. ~wrdi). }1111 :!. M $:JO rm

Wa 8 a ,d C.C'.., 11• bomt. Mi!Xldly, Jolll.4., 111 S:lO p.m a Wr.slllng l wn Col~ at homt. ffldiay, Oree. I l ,•17J0 p.n, HlitJ!Jlht' Co,liqt('. Dc$1'-kltnc1,,, w-. 1, Th&indl)'.Jnn 1 ••15:00 rm a Ski C lu b S0,f'r \lou 1Halt1 dliy trip t-nd:ly IH ThC'cnpcO!.t.\ $204$10 """"';'due°""'· 14) ...S include~ tnln.\po(l:llillll 111141 • ~y r,.,i Fot inft'llmlltN)I) e:ill 1(,1), 7809

• Ou 1door pur,;ul lS WUd W.Us

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