7 minute read
Crown Jewel
'S pirit ' ~howca~es Jewel 's versa tility as vocalist, songwriter in new way b) \nnlt" \\oockn Srn1u1rt ltr~ll""rt ll\('J<''l'.:li,h.a.LJnl"' cllj YP11," Sp1or· iJJ,.11 nllu1n1t 11al~1 11Jto the ,1,orld tmJI U.1<1. ,,111tie .,lb,uo. --rhb
Jry.·elc:h:allC'11f("IM'-"DCtlmht' 11'1cdi1fc1ct1,c III the \I.01IJ..
1r11m ht"r ,,..n rcrqmllJ .,.tt._, Tilt'.
I.Jule OuJ,"" 1, • 'lMI~ 1h.u hc-t m1'lh -r 1o1n11 1(1 bc-r ., 1 dt1IJ and 11 r11ie of her (11\.l 11'1Cmtlf10
What is the WB?
Nalhoflllnr s.i,.. 'io\.C'm'~~ fllllot _,,_ ....... u.-.. l .dr l)ft:nmu, ll>)"I Ab,ei~fl,m Th,,LJal,,llnl
Sr,1t1t P lloJC II d1\Jrf't)ll~mc1~ fvt f~'PC w.t,i, f,u) ,111 ...ttiun1
"'"'.:,u\C'~l ..,.ruildllt) h..•o1r1,n1h: r.ad~. 11-. liN unitlc. "HWkt,-
,1lfrh • n,:w tcJVIIJ ·t'hc: C'blirc all'u:n of'fC'n """' .ik>l>J 'wilh ..mrc l"hn Ul.iu11.1 ~n1lnt i.iw ht1n U1i.b ii\ br, \l,1tk \'«Jl t:Ull:C ..+oJhC'rl'lrc.i1ht n•, "C'. l1\c HI.ah) o1ni,1•. Jo.ti too&,. htt Ult\OCOlnin, ~,1 v.,lh .t ..«Ol)d o1lbuu1, l'lfl It ah:1....,1111,.,\~ ~111~,r,;: cnjo)abk, Sc>mc pd,pl¢ Ila"¢ J"II
'PliN..'°<\ of You" ,n 111( Nd, of llx Cf> rack bcc!Wit 111ot old, and "''"' 1bctt 11.11 n,cw ,U,k tupl,1yo,·crMdO\'tf' iagain hef IO~l!i:nct, ¥."l'Wlching \'Ul¢C fl:1.1)' be IWIO)ling IU "IOmt b~1dkn .ind ffWI) ot she ir~k.i. on "'~P'ril'" MO b.Jlllh lhal h.a\'(. fllllr.) ~\(."" "Spmf'ns~11lbtlm for 1~ v.bo~v,I upOO llltl.'OUth v.·itb • it..wTIJ t,l.111kc1 ~nd a s(ll.ld IM.it.. WfinJ lht Jons ~l'IO\f)'da)'\ .q,prooch1ng. lt'1al,,,ogoodit)~J\l\l n«JaliuJcpttl:·mc·UP,
Murder at Bates Motel
Allred lltdlcOClt'I clmic takes In new generation b> Amy \\ rtsht Mu 4C E111rn..111tNm F.J,u,,.
II )·uuart k1olinJ fot 11 r~m lt'di.,t rtrhca.tnahc orlganitlt.hc11 "f'<ydw" 1 >t1lht
IInstant Movies
ThcSkgr** W,1lll111,.,r1:~rlu,100,-'11_.\C'f)' c:1,nh1,,n, 1'he Sa,cs~" 11 u•fth'!t'\l .:.roonJ .ln rBJ il}'Ctll
J>l•}<',Jt,) l>tn1cl \\,11.!nn,:klft•ho
11 ll)·1n1111 \l,,P 1cnm1~, fn11n ln,.!1n11':i:11t \'Ufl W11hnut t1AA.h lu, I. 111.J • loi 11f t-i,oaJ. cbc
F'ff"•J.knt C-•ll• ln tht' •rmy ,llkl
Jn.Lut-\ 1t1.Jrt.l».I la~ Al"" ,t.trnn1
/uuJ!fflt Bc111n,g .and Bruce\\ 1lh
II )UU 1.iM' ('Jwd,K', Tornrnw,
,\11f<"li.:.t. Phil l 1hn1hir"' ~h), v.h.-1 U1, )''IU h-'\C~ 1hr ··1tuvo1h' fflO\k JJa.l(',l 11ha,.1l1111.111J.,1l111 nl hkn•1f th.It nnl) an Uh OIII
Uf1Jlf\'.i..itc. '·Muatrat, h nut tlfll) tfl4"11 ln,ni; t,.,1 q111~ .tJl,1mr, Whtn Jiron 1hc 1rqutl,c;(llnt '"'' 1
\OU***" bk.clhch111.:c,i1'Wflt.lJyAlktt.
\h11tt'ID SmtlC', S)'h~tu S&alkwlc •nJ Olm11,pbrr \\'11ll.t-n a.11.J )~"' h,1\'c the fl\'.W JlrC'Jltl\lolJl'J., <lrllm..,l(\J fcattute."'J\1111."""h•d111!11\thc U\llh -..inbulutlon•l'lllbeMtol;; Mmplc ""kt' 1111l l'bt- \\·.,noo, ,\d.JmSJndkrrl.1>--:t\l.oitffl'IO) tW'JIC'd f~I pJa)tt tn. 1.hh(.~) v.hllo."h Pf,icm\O Mt'l-,top lau~" SarlJll;r I\ 8,ot,by, f19t,Atttbnt 11,hc,1 1,l1 pnt.k1n.hl\Jdti,,11t1~-1,ll " >\C'C'tn to omc-,11. Wht'n he Id 111.aJ.fiC'~·l(IUJtll Th<'\."'Oal;hc,(. k,,,in,h...-itl:,alltt,1,m,.p.'ll•I~-, lm\!1:ai.tt'ln111,hm1onwlbc1c.am.
Aho i.tMrin# KJith) 0.1t.n "' 811l'h) •, n,nchcr
Our hyp o thesis:
*"**• TopNotdl *** Wonh1hcS tt Video Spec,41 * ·Sf1<iwgart)
Jfln\rle r(llf )'('ltil Frame b) frame)''* ~""It.I. KC 1.bc old 6Ck ~la,,k wnM' 10 hfc u1 vi"lJ cl.111.lf before )'lhU<)« Anne H«l'lr plilycd \{iu,or, Cr.tllC, the ~<lmilfl wh,l ~1.eah hn t.s· imoc,.. mn, ,. ,.). "nd ,ct, l1UC'J'" .i 11h1)\l.tt Htttt,11,ht~ot 1hcch.iruckr•·•1,nsh1on If "he"'" J1.1ofu111 ll1 a., llk.e J«IIC't LC'1r,h. thtn ,b,: M the rw,t. \met V-ai.itt,n pl11>·C"d the Pf,>·i:f1oc~ Nc1nn11n B:at~ hi• d1,Lf.1Clcr ,1raytJ a bn from thC' origtr111I. but ho ,I)· -.nulr m.adc ,·i,u beUc,·c ht "''U fe.\111 , mad WDll <;c, lhr .ar1r,, p,. Cnine I, n,nrung ,1',l.t)' '*"hh 1J1e moue) .1nd !lrop) orr m ,pc'flJ tht' niJbl 111 1ht Blee \iutd, ~httt 4te ~' 6M¢'. 8atct run\'"-" 811i11c Mr.ttlall1loo,:,c,Cq'I fOC'hi, mulhl'1 Lb.&l ) oo M "'ff tee but )00 tic. Wkl.ng to 'Jmt1.M1 P\.-.IC'.ldlc.lly. chc onl1 rl'Oblcm '" 1hAI h,, tl'lltlhl:tdinf 10 )t:11D.<'11rllet. to who doc, he 1all. tt,? Thac·,-.t.a )Q.I iltt ltf1 to"andn1bmughoot1hc
"''"'*nimit. \\ illl.irn H \1a..:y rt11)"(1l 1ht ('ri,:.1e in,-ougutor lhal It~ ICl llllc\. Crllnc, he f11utn OUt ll'Jll.l lhc:tt h, <,Ut11C1lti:1ti otot nshl !Uk.I m,nug~ IIIC I\ tit~ Nl lht ,t;IJ~j\l\tl1M'dltor1gln:il Th,11 ltl0\.·1c wdn't offn much th•)"* h1hcn"t \ttl'J b(fori: ,I )'W·\-c 11«n1bcw1111ial,tiu. at tus1they Jtc1n·1 ruin• d.1ui.: tnl'1\lc ~ilb l')'UI# 10..Wd 100 tl)aJJ)' n1ni,: ~1n11ih1 '"""'ri JIM modcmiU'd and colonttd
Tbt c<ltltcall <« chC' moM p;1n kfl !dune. If ;ou t1o1,"'C' "CC'n me unrinal !Mid"" turiwr, 1bcttm11L..-. b} ull~lh ao, but 1f )t.J11 N1,cnc,v-1«G "l),)1.hu'' and \ltllll ltJ 11tt a M:u)' nklVlr. you wal l be dh.Jf'rc"ln&cd fbrre k '"'> liuk
Doc-, an)'tinc e,·en Loo._ what channel 1t1i, "'"' 1am bt11rirnnJ 11, ,.k,ub( 1b nu.kl'klc. J>o tbc\C ,oow1 ,ulb cd\,'/ h then' •1')'Ullt' lh:11 hl'-<\'U \Ct:O lltl) Oflht;\c )ho-..,'+ I ju,i to.~nlly f1,:uttd WI \\'ha ct11Mtnd'"Morlb.i"'~,111ut1 UrN, Then- arc..., m n)' PC"A' nc:tv. M-" 1Ju1 uh lunl Ill l «I) tnli:l Bu, _.hy SO 11\111)' ncwclJIWK'h1 Pt(,pk 'w1Web °TV'° lltt.) d(Kl"t h11,c
1"111:inl. Wby-v.,-..IJ lhry•JDI l0(1:'tntrl1hn v:1 tn:UI) dl,IODCI\Clf ''>'"' li,utt a111 \lih"1we mew"' The tu\00 NBC, C'8S ud ABC \ttp tbn""\S ,., ~tie~ att llll,)', t.. rn 1hc c-ntitt corir..,:pc of d~ a>1eh !'l"IIIW1,."CftetatJon.
People~ ml'li(nll,,:11111111 "J'lldcrt otdsct'" but mu"t Joo"a t'\ en ,1ntn1rt li'trymfinJch:an:11tt, lti.c'"\IU~--· Tck,,,-k,n 1, '° <'OOf~ng. h u..cd t0 tc lo() c:h)', )OOr d111'a-i, ""''" "'Int CAh)' Stiu-.." WhO"> lhc ~?,"' "'Cn.•wing P111n.1."" "hmdy T,~ ¥Ind -,',UUorDall.'' Nc,'9, 11,"(''ff 11.11111'1:"C~('f"l"flflMWt;, IC!tW"Of C'Offlt'dyCcntral Ufc01Jl(', MTV l, llPN ;,ind lhf WB. llloo,:w,1t1 ,mn) ci1hcn. SQ wtllll 1hfb«k tldoe'\. Wl:l \Qrodfo,' WB rou.JJit,11t1ll for man)' 1h 111,,.. t.t'lffil" \'.011lJ (.\en 1hlnt ar some ,o1 "'° 11~ 1hmi11h.1 ha~ ,tie m11lih we. Anu rc.',.('l&l'Cb., 1 rwrid out wtw ic for l1uank (iod for 1hc W1)1IJW1dc wcti Thr we neiv.orL ~!Mh for Wuntt Bn11hmi. n11, aa,,w: Wiimcr 8rolhrn.1hal t'C'l"'f'Ck'Dl Jcv,,:l .11nd hnng u.1 JrC,11 Ital\ k'I The Wft i\ 4 fflil)OrflCl\\tttl lik~ABC buit v.eju..tdoo't gt'l thhchnnncl 1nwr ,,... I Jutl\ ttl.u h U ~.JI bufflmct for'°""'· hu1 f' m nN IOO '*cpr~scd, I'm QOl l"(',)tl)' lntn tht 9021Utclcv1~1ffl 1:e1lJ\' t ,,u11.1ld rn1hn ~,C" 1.ck:,·ii.ion ..,,,t1. Mt,n rad'ICf thlMl ~,,n; b«mnnc., rns t, 1hr ch.J.ttMI for.me. lo one c\-tt1 1ng )'OO ,an J(l .i llfchmc t\(l;\lltut'C': ·"Cia,."'"Tht Tbf't't'l·cnflf",'" ~1111~ol JlnU\hC"OIIYJK"- Wh;a muire cuuW you bl fo(f Whcd~r )OU "" 10:h FOX. PSS t.ir lhc P11l)'Nl)· cb.uwc:l. l"m i,,ure 1htre ii onr 11'nng: 11'11C <an"N he dcmcd 1 V "aoc ,01og Mid ~" d1.1.nncl,1re"prouttb1UPt'\el')J.1y(~ li).c \\«d,). lnonkl 10 lccp up hall lhc: nt"" chll.M('h. )'"' 1n1t\l do rr~\·h, pa)' atk'lltion a ..S uy DOI srt kli-t. B1.11 l<.iull )'OIJ ,m..1n pel'lf'k "'hO
Jon·1 C,11(1' _.t,ou, ftC"W<hlUilk'I (If like' PPS «belt.rt \(\C\'Ctl ft'ia..l l).lOb, Pflll'Ct k• )()tl • """' WrlifAt u ,h, S,rnmrl 11t11 -,,-) r111,n111t1tffl'NI hllt,,, 1,11,J
1o.11.111J Ir! lor S(J(>m· Spit,. I/tr t'f'i"illft> u~ li,r u 1111ml do 11M rrJ'ffi tlw 11pfohms 1,J ,1,,. St>nti,,,J ,.,df. fo ,,.~/'<or.d td/t.ttntl11Jit'tll. NffltUI '1/ {U\ti,;J11ntl')V;1ht>0.c,lffl ('(Jfll'U"f'I thu,u<:li Ii Jun;t fotktlf! rlt,t,c•,uVJtl,,n-lmt.
IQuick Hits
Christmas gifts are here l\ittl'f)· \luJcnh ;trl" gc,hng tr.ad) fix lhe 151h JMU4l H.,.id4)' Ptiltrt} S.alt' Art Witch 'fhm ._111 l'C hu:ndrt.J) Of piCCCI u( J'Ollcl')'ni..kh)" SICi.ludrnh The rntCC'r') will~ m pn,:c from l5 cc-nu to Sl5. AU pn.11:ttd.\ "'1U je{'I ll"n\'otd ~ao.h1iw, f('lf 111.'11 )"c.lt
Boiiv.dl JI.JI
C-"""'(;,i)ay 1111;L1, a JO •m 11, BJp.m <Od Fridlflt'<tam 14., 2:JOp111 l>oli.er')' ifl\.lNCl(~f Uu L1nC', i\ 1n dw1'( l'lf 1hc •illt::. a..J tllcro,..111 tic,, m11ny 1tudct111 on hal\d IQ help 111",~ v.,1U be plent>' 1\1~4 for Cbn,1iu11111-1r{\
Mistaken identity at the Playhouse
IComing Attractions
a Ott. 10.1' ·rt.e. l.Ake Cb> Pfa)'Mllw: p, cw:1111 tnsp«-1.tna C•r.,.:· Ll);(' Cily Pl•)h(IV\(', 14th 41'51 G11dtn. 8 pm Frid.a, ,md S.atwJi:yel'entnr,, 1'p 111 'rhumtay, 11.tlJ :! p.m. CilllidO)'
IT\.ltiocc~• .Mulo.$10. ~IJdc~ior,; \8 Ind childfC'D 12 & uoder S6. Thund.a:)1 tudenu n .1nd lldUtt, ss 667- 1313
8 0ft'.10 11 lfollda) Pu11r.ry S•IC', Uv,.111 cll Comtr 011Ucl).Tt11n>d•y S: )0 1.m S;.)0 p.m. u1~ Frid.a) .:,oa.m ·2.]0pm a11«.1J NIC"S)~yOrd11:~\\lth mtmbenofNIC'CooomC'buir "M~''Stng-A·L,,\a&.SC'hutcr Aud11C)fn11n, 4 p.m ~It, S7, w:nlor'\ $5 and irtldetth $,J 769.7711;() a Ott. 14,15
A\l<lltonum. 7.9 p 1n. P«'dll..-hM d:a1e,: Ma~h 1·l:.1~-3220
• JH, 16 Spnka.M S)rnphon) fc.1tur1n, M1cll11itl 1'.ru,1, llucc. SChukf Alkt11w1um, 8 rm M<:"\t'ncJ ,,tAhng $l 1t ii~ S1Ulk.nl1t hair pri((', 769-77~0
• Jan.lS North ld11 h~ \'ou1h S)rt1 phm,
7 run a Ftb. ?5-2?.M11rt"h J.6 lmma Dept. ptt:~111, ••A 0011 '• Hou,c-;• d11C'Cltd by M11tU)·n ~ngtlchn Schuler Audit(tnUl"-
7:lO p nt Adulu, \$."°"'""'SJ. -:hllJrc-n $ct. 169 n~o
• M•rch t8 NI(' Symphony Ofi:hc\U'a'I )O\!th COf'lmt "The 01"fhe'l"l,{;ot; to lbc- Bh,.h'' (e11.11mn,: Julte: Pawcll 111\d Boo Br4nnoo
7 p.m
• \1arc-h ZS SP()kant s, mphony rc4 1urlllf; Ant.lte&.1 lhcn.n.irc., rwl'O. Scb\1kr <\ul.luil!f'tum,? pm ~nc:n.cdt.e.atJl)f $19, Sib. StUdnthrullfrm:c 71,11.71~
\~t~d;an.;,n1 \\ci,l11c.by tmmttl0tt 9AO lft (lffcn:J 11tvu11d th1 , IIJ\"n. """ p.111 .It tht- Cf"\IS\ Ru.aJ"
,re be111; tir.ln1 hy 11uny c.ollri~ U,'IOI\" wt 5.\l pct tCuJCflC~, Jl("O.UIJ 1:0, (t..1,~s.1reolfettdt11)'t'IUl'.ll ...,hv ;1~~JonC11f1, tA.Mll lO lean mo1t 11bw1 1~ 1~ att. f tlll\ortni
~chi the ilitl!X iltlJ lm\c., ,hrir khAi !Wlh anJ llll'II: wMc k.armns. t>,m<,·o r,tnn!< lc'-l.fcn. ;anJ
,rt 1:ncour,1r1."CI to k:.ffll lbt ht.adtn,: M ihr t\pt;'r'IC'tn. i'-' i:x11 .md rri '"'-'"~ d,11h,"t Oour... ,,m1'\oC. Y.·htrc thf

The rncc for il •1,·"1-«1 d,u,ci::
,'OUf'\CI\S.:\2,1pcN1f1 11,co~n
~111 ~uO'ctcJ In Pma hlh at 0,tf'ICC far,t<',.~io,n bttillnmJl tt'lt'
111"1 ~C'Cl.mJllJltlJI~ In lhtt.
AI DS Da y : Free HIV tes11ng avu ,l ab le at NIC
Conti nued from Peg• 1
The 1.atc-"'l r1,urc., 'Iha.., lhtrt' an: sn paiplc 111
IJ.a.bc1 t,\;ho b,,c IIIV Of AIDS \i.:1;m~hn1 tu dlot'
IJatin Si..uc STTlJAIDS t)(pann1cm. 11, d1\l\11~ or llt.1111 anJ w 1r~. thc:rc h.u been .a M.'('n( ifll.ff.l ut 1hc numhcr ol womcri. Jnd teen, v. ho hia,"" the
H11\lllj ut1r,mc«ltd ;uwJ, \•1hwl or or11 I li'll 111·11b • infcettd ~t'\oOn ,ptt1111h JII\· II n o1,ho 'J!fC.ld b)
Ji.:tnn11DCC."dlci.:llild,)nni::c.,c.• fmrn1avcht.-ntt11hfir b:ribic, he.fort', dunna CH .atccr Mnh "'hHc tirc:i,dccd1ns, IIIV 1, pte\cnt In bt,oOJ. ,c-m<n, ,.a:,snll Uuld 11nd btt-.\t mnl, ~h,,1nt11,1 iu1> c•r dli(-.ctlalJ, 1,1,i1h UII u:ifettl'd wdl 1tptt.kl HIV 11olc"' fl(V Y..U~ rfllAWIUftc'd ICI people d'IMljh b'°'1d ua11,ru.uon, sm~I! 11.ilS". •II cl(lna1~,J MonJ .1n1J
Captain Ego and Genius Boy by Wad e Dorrell
~of'titpn'Hlf US!loUC It( l,tstt"J for IUV s~ clll 111\' thmtlyfl lt'l!M\IU,~n I\ hi.i,hl~ llllbkd).
·11·, NM '4·h~ )'(II.I arc, hul "hOJ )IIU do 1h111 pi,1, yo11 11 n~I. for UIV infr1.:11ui,,"' tht ld"ho
Oq,.mmtnl 01· Htahh •h<l Wc1f1Ut." ,1111cJ ,\bo\l1nncc •be. only wr-e "'") h1 i1,~0MJ J,('1;1,1,11 ttan»11i\\JtM1.uflllV
-rr)' Ill a\·otd 'CJlUAJ O,MIIKI H )\8'1 trc 1(0l/1g h) haH· 1oM., ••i.c prn:auuon, lot t~,h PJatht -.11J lut.1cn Rc)ma.. -l7
Rc)n:t y.,,11~ on.: ul lhc p,1tklhh hlf WurJJ AlOS
D-1)' .it Nit. 11ni.l hJ, he-en• rritmbrt 1,f 1hn ~1,~t, ltiiho AIDS C'o11h1w11 ,1111,;c 1*90. Rc)'fllt h,n AIDS 1ft .,.,:&\ d111,~ In lliX4 •nil ~u1tt'd 11 lhrough 1<a.u.1l 1r.1111Mnin~,a A S.i11onal DrnJ ln,111uh· co, o,u, .a.hu\1 prn\cd 1hlt1 wud W•~llc' ll.1r11 J-UVl,\ll>S
Prc\'cm1n11 l1101unu, lur 1hc \n'Cm 1111 FkJ c.:tth\
··T\\r111y 11euph rc-1.c11tJ free HI\ 1011 dufinf WvrM
AIDS o > , n ) Platt h1>m lh(' l'nhnndlc lkahh 0hJm;1
Pi;11pli; "'hu ll11t1l. 1h,·, 1rn, he al ri,\. \tf tllV intc..:11nn •rcc1ttouni !t'J In \.Cc\ Ill\ 1c.am, 1111d cu11n,dinJ rc,1, u,<d IOdil) .rC' O\'Cf IHI pCh ('Al a(,u1:11c, "i.:(1111.hnf 10 the -'fflC'rka11 R<'J