The North Idaho College Sentinel Vol 52 No 5, December 10, 1998

Page 10

O, tt i..t ptmick'U (rrc HIV 1c: un,Tbr for 1hc I l 1h annui1 Wodd /\IOS O.a) w:l) f::l'lt'\.'t

r ~l11s: th i du~ 10 ~aw .llk'flhHI\ 101hr AIDS q,1«m:i~ NIC'"11 ll llftWI F.qull1ity(lu,b~t 11pa t.iblc lrom 10 .11.111. ~1 !p n, In the ht.ill) fo)Ct 1lte lllfi!C, L'O\Cfl:J v.·11h tKmon,. p;amphkh. miai:a.111h~1 and«1ndioln, A patb!l (lof ,pc~~D- \l,"1;'- M:alcd from fltKll'l lo Ir, nt 10 uU J h< H I \' ud .\ to S. Puh.indlc ltt;ihll ~'J'O'l>C'r,mcl

,.,. r,-,. tl,111 \icellll' Cotur 11 ·o\lt'nc " Pnc or Aml"'f1".11n ''IIH°" 1~1 •111 p.cruc1P11lc!' In 11,c- f r.inU1r1 .ind hlonor Moo,c"ch 111,uunc·, ·1n 'tout HUJtdt lo"n 11.oll lt'l('(lillll'~ hdJ 1<1 cd,:t'1n10: 1hr ~0th wnnu,tti U) ur the UnhcNl Llfi•Lloo. ot H1.1nrnt1 Rl.11111~ A,1'11,ncr m,mmr, ••II line "' oppiMtun,I) to~ quit'>l~>n, 11nd ,.,tn 4 c:ctp) r1f 1bc l 1th<"r,,al l>cdarathln c,f llumun R1 shh .ind • iru,1 ;1,l1ng Ptc.•ldcrll C"lln1un h 1 c;c,t1'tc1tc 11. White I l nu...: 1 on ltum;in l hJt>h '" l<>?"I a.nd \ 1cw ..1 h lrCl p101lm:.cJ by Free Sf'C«b TV fOHl.lHIWlal PO\ tdc'\-mo11 ..,.hc..c: T!l'11o'ti HaU ma:u ng, 'llo l ll oflcr JIC<>plt In C\C't) 1-l,dt ILn orri.•tllUlll7 In

-ram:1pu1 , 1Q d1..dni1C 1M1 h1 n1.1n ,1 •t1t ;ind 'lbow ,ncn 1.urrort ftlf 1~ rrn"irlitt t•I the Unh1.:nA I b«llt llUUff ul lfum ti N. 1c11n "d I on)' StC'Vi•an Po(lc11r11. ron.un,h,1, !-ile9t.m u1J ltK' ton..m t\ o1 prclvd.:: 11 •rt UltCfnoll i.111'\•l \)'ttlp.).lil,1111 ;i.lJ tnJ J ut,~I h11rna,n n1hh h•l~o di.ti ..., ill br l11h1t.• h)' 1hc P~r,i:du1 f ouun 'o\Uhi11 ..i l"" I\ human P1Shl~ 1oi11nm11 b n ca•I) pLl.natn~ ,111,:0. 11iCc.urJ1ng tu Stc111.u1 rh1.: ~wl't'l11111 will t,oi,5: ,rr,-c ,r:rllllll\C"~ fmm Cl\1UnJ tbc '11ovdJ Nit' hi ft'\ k• a.nil l.lh'-ih.' hurn:.n hthh {"ot\lr 1fA1C1\C v.111 N' Ulc 1,ctlltr ul hulnllfl

ria:hu f1\f a ~t("lt.," wikJ

NIC budg ets $ 500 ,000 for Year 2000 compute r g litch

C...uS' 800 computers to be allllllted In December b} 8ttU '10f1.on S,itt11trl Rr1x>11r1 J,telTI t hill tht'\C' dJ:)-,. )011JC'OII(', or ,n111c 1hintt. h c:nntuuu:iu, I)' ._,,1mui1 "" ot tbc c:nJ or \\\WW. &\1\f"!l'll!ltk"W~ In t ~N. 1ho)' uud 1tic wurld v.<1u lJ folt' 1t.\ e nd wilh • 111 .11, i\'t: flool.l fn 1719 11 "1-M to b:-dl' rti)'(J by. OOlnrl AnJ )t'I J.11(.ldl('I Ctlmc:t ,._II• J.UP!"l•CJ In UI Ui All l n lhe l'nio.. Wrllhl'tcY.t'UR",,uuJd ht- ~ltt 1-.1u n-i In dth 11,.: "f ti:t:hfk~llf)' l h AJt J (lJUar-,e t1f the C(llf'lflUI.CI°' 1,1 hrlnc Ul,1•n I~ '*"'vtld" TIit Ye• :NXX• ~"''"''*"' .., \mtfAy~ lcJ thr'car:!C d J~k m ot Y!K IL• II h Mffi\A. ha l('('"htucal gt!ldl ,n i.lJ(ltptlln'l ilf-.J mkro.b pr, 1n vnJcr to "''e 1ht p l'l'\"iou11 lnC" nPr) ~c u l the c-.:irhcr L"\lfnpu&cr ,)·,1e1n, tri..rr) v.crr fll'fttnUTimcJ v.llh •? d!J'lt JJ!c 1.'U.k. l flf c.1,.1.1111,Je. •Jlf' "' "'-M bit-n:.adh)' 1Mwn1p u cr 1 l 1JJl.f orltl "'1an Htrcinlll" lhirrc'-,t,l<'m Whc;n i;omputc~ "-'II 1.wer ,l, :rm. 1hc. "'<Xr m.iy k mn&lll.Cftl)' re~"' l~"O Tl\1' al~ 111 lhc J"O(Olti.l 10 OIU~ 1rwn> \)'\l ~' IJ 'i I I) t! \ c r,11 ,to tbt I, nr 1fnaJ Jov.11 •!11C1•$l'lhl:r [ \ t;O th i n J rrcun rr.n•ptillMlil)ft In ICl«l.~n i:lhWOCllf M,, bll1~1nr \)' t'l1l skJ t ll!,trh· P""'"' ('t1Ulcl hr nlfC'~IC\I ftk 11rcdkll.,A11 tn •h•• will h,ppcn \.tr) ,,..~1, Setmt N.r,rth 11\\hl ch.U ~·1 c:.n 211011 amic, 11 "',II he Uic dkl ol d'lc: y,1.- d Ill! •~""-"'" "· · "' hlk1ither1.bd11C,clhe •fl«<' ~m 11, k' lll-.thin11 u,ott tb.111 a ha11d A ll r rrJt1:l i<'J1t n, 1J.: i i '""''" 1h 1 1hc be,t ~Jvict l'I 11,impl}- h• sm:r.irl• for wbm,cr IIX(Jfl'\fil l('ni;c mat 111Xt.1r Al 'SIC" 1,iort than S.SOO,O(ll h.n l\c('11 """Cl'tt~ htt dlC' ad)1nlnk"f1h '" l,e 1nade m f'(tr,lf.lU( ri fi:>r 1hc )U ;?000 I n rcpO rl b) 1(1.,Hy IUIJl('n\, U(C r rnk'"11 for ldn11 n.i-1r111hr <H:r,·i~n. l11t Ulld · Thor ll\ll Jor adinirmluli\l" C'(.lfflpolr, "°hwarc 1, c Uh<'r 11 h t".ad\' aJ juot'J ro,

I Christmas concen ' puts audience iu festive ~pirits A & E!Pagc9 S11uler11.1 cling to Wi ld Walls Sp or ts/Page 7 Stud ent share s li ght again st addi ction Life/Page4 ~c~, Bnct, Cnme Rcpom, Chok«h<me, ~l'<>I" Cokl\d,r A&E Calendar Ctlfflic, 10 II • • • • • • • • • • sentinel NOR T H I D A H 0 Co1 L E G~
0::!~t~~h!'~.'1 ;~ 1;!51?:?.. !~
NIC observes AIDS Day
y JamJcl'~ ~"11/lr'ltdkf~•mt
ith Woh~r h,l\ Sc'i!>I 111uny fne"'1, and lw, u,ndeJ fflllft.) unc:rats. Wp-lfcr, commlll'\11 ) ctxlf'd1n111nr o.nd ad\C'k.-:att " I the ~onb hL1ho AIDS Cu.1J11,ni1, "'"' .mkln& ah.- m,in)' propl~ lt!C1ho Aids :~
I Sia.:c l'>lht D«. J tu~ l'iecn • .Jay btlJIJllll meH'I'' n r rnm r .an1on. bop:: ~Dd llfldcr,,~ndmg ub,ul All)~'° \ Cl) cuun1t, '" lhC" .,.uflJ <>ti huaJf't'd 111Mf·t1111ct)· wumri~ ami,n.J llu· "'udJ arc o.b\1
Deparr111e111 indicates 62 people are HI V positive i11 No rth Ida ho ol Clwo~ W(lf'hf AU)s C41111p.tlJ1t 111-i )\klnlC f"C"flc The purJlmc Qf uu, ,titmc w,n 111 rc:cognh·c 1bc nullion, dl )·uung 11Jul1~ who 1rr .dfa:tn141t"N.1J)· .and lnditc4.1I)' b)' HfV "lkl Al~ O,n'I) thttc nulh~,n ~le •1"1d-..Nlt 11tt- 111 fc1.1t'd ~llh HI V llnd AIDS D\1,1111 the rott )~. 5Jtm1U~ 1•-.:urk •nc u~tc1.1cd 11,nh HI\·. •·tuch 1, .:irrm,imJICI)' I I mca, w~,n~cl and 1;-lulJren c\·cn mJnuu. ~\'t'Mht11,1..,1n1J )'l1Utlt ~,pit ape. IH-2-1 nh:..;1cd v.ilh IU \' ucl'I d.t), \l;Jlii..b i, fi\t' yuuoJ prapkbcmg mfccccJc \ r:tybll~- >Olh.. ·r:d11QMt1l1'1 it the: key; wi;d l.qlillll1.11 t·1uh n~mh:-r SC....:)' 811min ' ·l'ht 0111) '\lo•) le> ll,011o u1\tlii111 •bout II VJ.t\U)S 1, '" llbtiu1II Yoo h t\i: h; ko1m .t,.11,1c II 1(1 ht:,u 1 Sli.r had bc.:n v.orl.111; Off Ille W,~111 AIDS ll.i) llol MC fOf the pl\! m.l(lth AIDS \1•111.h (o~ Ac4111tcd l mmwnoJd ~1C'11q \)·nJfQJIIC and ,,. uu•cfJ b) lhc human tmnmnodl:01.K'"")' ,."""" HIV tll V .111.d;,, lht 1¥i.Jy•• 1mm11nc ')..atn1 Th••. l.:A\~ 1hr .nlcic"°J mttC Uh('('pUblr 10 h1fc.c;11nn, 1nd ud1tt dhca~n. n ,c,-r ib\l';1WSJQ,.) 1nl«11,. 1,arr"-Mar111.1.ll) k1lllht~
ioitt llo:< r-r II rt:,o.J tun111r:r Ur,~ 11111~'hi r,k'h Jam Session E PA deems lake N IC beaches safe n o 1 rndlil Boswell Hall was the alte 01 the mua lc departmon1·aLobby Aecltof Dec. 3 Pom Van Kltk perform.a Drifting tho SHI/" 1 tong eh& wrote and dodtcated lo a ll tho c.n111tlva f)a01)1t In ht, llto Forum opens global campaign for freedom today Audi ence urged to sig n lette r to Preside nt b)' Tar, nHttk,r lvr11tl"j),1i,, A fop,."ONI fm un fco1mnn1 • kt)'flOCC ~re.Ila nd • po.iK"t th"'"-u"'-1100 ""m !AC r::,~c 111 I p m 1oday 111 T1'111 lt-L1111t8ill Wfl\'>MIUlh l'J.C~U l\t J1lttlo>t 11f the Nor1'1'11o Clll Cn11ti11Qn .\9~itm Mllht101,1-. Unu1-.mcn 1 will inc lht: M)nol<" itJJ,e:.,,. 111 u~ k1N11n tided 1n Ynur ll onJ - A Cilub•I (".unp:1110 ror Fro:don1 •rnJ ~uultt)' For All '' Tbc 11Jdrt u will l)( fuU,1v.·cJ 'Ill llh •

World wrong in ignoring serious problem of rape crime

ll..:1t~1 ·uJ , tliwtllb • <-1-,.>11•Jlf•,l'lk,rnltwi111rJ•,,11h,~;al1

r,1,Ul!'d~hlnJ11t .._~. 1fft.-l


NIIIIIIN _,, hit\#). Rlllf)C llllf>l•!'l'• Cfllll lllC<I~ pMl'l.111011. R..;apr 111 8CJfl IJluut:fll: lh'IIUC ti) eall) a. 1, a lCUXt' mme ,,:,1 ody a~ (IUtl('. '-II ;ii iarnaa. ..,,,,,qnf<"N"<

r~11CCD•IRkll)-ouhoa·1.1.-n11uc•i, \~pc,orlc.cdl (Wllil#dr!X11ba111.WC\lftC'hr.lf)tdC',rtyrr11ffldr MrJtben,unl,c·u ,rtll'l~'(f\'41\IJIJ!

v.1llt Step UtM I.le lllonut .an~unt whu hit been r.iprJ lliJ )OU ._OO'illl -.h.a,j


ILa,'C')WCWf kb s-•"' E'fl)ont l.»•Hdaitpuaolf.Jl-,vtflbcu

lii\o•tbrf,NSflldr,gribcirf&N~ Tlli,,.. , dtfkmll. 11·• dtbihw._, lh rc,f)tto; lh compldtl) temf~UIJ. Thr '"'1" th.II ibf ,IC\lnu.lcdh un1h1n.L.1t,lt~

l'lud 1cm,c ,1\Jll!'IP'I C'I il'ffol), r,.:,ot t\C't h'11 \Oll'k:th10}.' lhc) tt11"'-

k"11c- t'llfftl kl \hr bi.apta!. so ordr1 10 fW\"l,C' UMd rartJ )nU ,nett 11111...i tit 1•h)ui:.11I rroof or chc '"" v.11! pt.)lfl' h,• "''"J •iruul\l iwn. 111,aho•r:wJ 1,k.1to11ttli-. c:11un'(bnt•fk:I' MJ111l((Ji1n1 •tr.t11m11Ut

M~~"·hdp'fdndo(J«l1ap11',-llmJc~y.\loo emp.iam.."' )'Qlf ~(T,.,., ~,OU 'Wtff - )W Mft Cit ha-...., blllC,... btped biol to !,('It"' JVl,I Ona-),• WI) 00. 1l ft1C'81t1- J'ia,i:,d

.\11"1 "•1,ehf11 tlwYnwwl,.,,,,utJ,m,r,.,,1111•,rntnhlr1'1 llrr,,f"t1kJlf•

11,rllr,,,~H. rn,,,,.,,,i.1,,.~rrttlll"Nt.~-l'IIJ/IINr,11

\' p,:,lpk lhltt rar: 1, aht.U ,c\, tlUI rar,r II~ f'"""tr ()QC pcno,I b 1hr ~oar_. lbc ochtr pmua srt-' to wflcf CN)i. u:w 11::4 dr pl·-................ ..;.i oo, llq U) llire •-.f ••11 llot' pc frill 6:Mll '1 lheadlldftltd-. Son') but thb rilie. tw (JIit dl:ttnC\ kJ tie Nl(ltd. "nJ nP <lftt bo11o lht'n&btlrtf11pi:'11imc·o1.:ckc- lhr:rr hhuC't.c\hC I Sfil•r.-J ,.f lw:ain, flt'Opk ,n..i~t tm.1-.<, f11r 1hcu r;11r, jnrr1J,. A r.ar1\I hill 1.1111"'1 no"I "''"* tnci'IJ \he)· ltl.l) tw: Prurl<' nenl k> 1f,p.111,1bJll1y for 1hc'11 • '''"'' •lld ,1,ip~u111 tbr blame 011 ahc \.k.'11m Wh) 1:•11't IM)' unJt-111.iid 1 f,,n:,oi ll"C'AISICh~ l,Jfl • SUI 11 aut l'«•I a11J ~·1 m,.l,: thcffll • bdto Pff\qll Atwr • 'lflC' IXCW'l tbm arc WDC~ thll: t.buulll tit able. ,-vlt Tdl-""'paa....._cddl<- """""1 aDJ,c11needtor~, -S,c,t...U)'•.lllllliDCd~ '('l'C'f

,.,.,,.1r1n•rnltf,., fr""

Man returns to school aner 55-year break

?+year-old man says h.: \\ants to keep his mind working, avoid lat.iness byKdl.)MJlkr 'M-lffl#flflLpi.lrftr ,l<'b ~110ltwi;nt1of,"10dlqnt!Ul.tbc~ 1o "bd,"'C' tol>uMld 8cqboa. 1,i altbnird"Atnc •ho 11ardled ••Oirtt<l'Cldat:~danltmirab

l•ICC'••ffL tkwdhr d«fdcod 11trC'1111'111,1,ch(JQCaftn ~.5 )'Ca'~alnC' tit "''"-'Wl,letok.arnhov. 1v1c1 c,n:1be IMC'lrll!I '"t "'""" 10 ~N'p IJI)' mind wvrkln1:· 1,)1,1 , Jnn'I WllPI 11'1 St1 loll)'. lrit",no1k'l(.114tt • Hon 10 'icbu.,h Ill 191.1 l!lt -,,td t1.1SocQ D.akot.11n lt}9 •ktt lilt llmJ lilSltl 199! ..-. ho: dd ll:11 •ift mmcd IO C"OC'111' d" Alat Uc Jndulcd Ir.- ,p ICboot Ill Soum Ddcu ,1111M1...t rva,1ac 1.mu1, r.m•ll-ikb1•f~

·~ tt:N: "'·' A n-11ffiifmur1 .111.J11,,111:hcr.hc ,.u.lbe nr\C'' 1ci:tt11tJnc.,. JOl"I 1l1«."ttese'up w11111,,.,11r '"llic 'llrV •!a' l\"tllf UII anJ I llftJN Id IUI) homC!anJhi:lp "'lttl lbrf.wm.,"'kulJ "111t)ihdn'tui.cfM111bo)'lti0••·


ffc.,.,.luo,ifc ...._.,..,a, 1bcn ~t.Oft. a rull,t1mt 11,hidc-nl IC SIC. p.,d.r1J up •nJ 111<l~tJ 11t1us.t ,iw n1t111lt) w ('oe-11r'2'f\knt.llr ti4\tll!o('lth,;r lhll-JK•l!JJ.aJJ~hUd.. ff.lSp"IOlluidliltldJCn many4dfeffl11Cft•lk ,...,,.........., llal caapla INI el1lalltla, IIIIIIIII

Young &Married

wllll........ !:'=;:1.;::,;.

1111d J.,~SJx1-a.:r 1ut 11 1Tin1u1 vplc"1hfr l.amnnk"I fillllR) wbrn •a I pil!D tup .twl"11t •ta, •a-. in:rtidcJ WI • ( itm• da,, Al mhisf'l-.1kd Al'lcrlfr}"11o0l'Wfoila."'Tdt,yafritnd.lh:y~---

';.".',.., ~ad ,.,:;.ii,i.aM11111.qcal•a)1ha:,.rhbi1ch!Md~,~Clutkyw.l lk11tJ be h "''> k.11"t)' "'uti the hinh 111111\ t,1111. romr,w,d tn • hNI i., \1und Khalllc:, \t,,11nwlHrp.,t,n h.11 IJu..lmb I1Uaiv "'il'\'ft.'tf Ou, C'i.M1")' ,n.l knnl" 11~•111. de 111111 tt.:t!On' fron1 j..,:t* ab.'GI lbrir 1m11i.icn, st &klh-bd Dl .mprne "'lhat:Dy, chc tn11n rca."'tnl fTQQI p:oplc •1111 Ill) lllriSIMI' tt, 6'brlicf, t,«ane I lld. et.CJ 1 DUl' he dl!'('C1'111C l'llk).?.\, \?(11i,."Cf, 11.andl-lc,a,ttluft.::(\aR'amua.Jmm}cdlrtt '-k.lfuderatl•ho1llffl1C'daaa\1.11411., l"t.1n1:),IP,,)1o.l11,1,.,, m,,)tl',P 1,1110p,.,1110K C'l-lti.:) "'1iJhrmrJ hl\~lk 4,111), 24, an hlih •f1t••l llllo)"c'.I"- l.ikt. nJ114 ,.llrl h11{h_,l•IIII, d'ol')' ,:,it nwncd.Sc11-,,h1,J.lll hltJ.

"'A"°""'& 1hnt '"""''""" ~' uh•'-'H •Ullmlft,rm,11M" I \:Cl h1• " .,ln m, fC .//) "''f'JI\' -nJ/flllJ Spr,,ur. ,norritd toll.-,, <rludcnl

t..n. "'t'bttt,&dl ISQC married C21y • n ba.....c l•atpllJWQOlc ,mliun -.llw.dlkdtu h'"' m). J.iufhlt1 Jt·J1t"J.S..-n1un11Cf11,, n:lfflt'."<1.incywlol lt'1 -b)•llol'.S ODil,u,)" Aldloup0-1 ~~-·£\.lld:ra.,osf'l10JC11UTitd.bnpartMt.'611t..4 ._uboul lin. ma,c Tlq' Jid '9('11 lr,.:N·•hll k' malt~ at. bt "'!,.,_.,. i11dn'11hin~ 11 1, h;iJ. Clu.n..) ,,1,I tlw:)· JU" d1out;hl ii ":r~~ ha;L frOCIII \1m) ( Lulq lclmrJ •fut hi, ~~41TL"11k."'C~...S.'"1"hllollitl:IS-C"OllfJIC\lai:•ma• (\mcy ~-llultV III f\1M fllh. 1r,'i0$10cMII up•itb~Wfll

bci•• mJ faUiff fOlDJ tolC'bo•• lllOllltlJ oll~ lfJ b,:)Uh • ..,t'd. ht !I.Md ht r«I-. ht 1h·ur1,l.lfllt, 111.1,slutg lht •11uh" .-,II\, ,n 11

hi• 1· pn,u.u:111 ...i.n, ..i ,tud}mt"' -J-quia \Ubfl. lA tcvwitf"AJrw _...,,._ •rmpGJ i,n,, t""'J1111 llw')' h.J\c,110(1,fii', 1 ..,,..1..,,.,.. 'w;hv.e.111e1 lill.m)




*>' ¢10l°d

:,:~~:i~il~~~~._Ki~:~~i"~u::~~l:•~I i~~r~=-~

(1'11 ,,\lir Wld tbrir tJlllilin lllnl rd cdJo:T ..t pll' aims NU. TM, ,,.ert


ffo-~W dlrJ 11M: IP do plash' (II pllMUlf: ltKlllC tnndltild ch<wn and "'t.w•1' tdlcduln. kwwe



Tbn fullldall kMMIJllohttll)fC'Olef ttqulltC~ kmat



....t ll1111ft.1'14'CIUNltl'M hUtt.t9Yhr1 dJt,•-twfl\W\"l.•fne'\.NIL lt\•lllY.1•rL,l111.hc •J,-.hct.1nJ

•-u )Olt 1ttt 111.•uJt' c1111Ufh i., han,Ue 1narnllt:f, )O.J ,c t>K JawJc

'1;11<1 r111Jrhlldtlv~

ht 1ff'4 up.bu, the' m,lnd1llmllLrhllW \ "'"') p('f'plt:h~'f. •·t(, "'°' h.vdtr ,ro-tq up lhaa ba.:l. dwa. k R.ic\ dta ~rOD J8~ lhrd. Y.'t bJ ,x,d hur'2 ot tn.1 , or HIUIW', ~l" h,AJ I l,,t (•f hccf, 1,1,lf\Olltu1,.· 11< ,11wnJ, l'u.:t•• d Ak11t B,tv Chut(b. •rud'I N l.liJ 11, 'ffJ' amp.~ to MD DI k 11w .,11icatw:sm)'lltt'lltpNlpit• ("octrd'Ar.c. -'f'bt pcqv are.., aacc-.t 1tt11lC'fldl) hrrr.· hf uad Ht ..,,,B'l bt 1ol.1n11 •n) (I~ 1hlt J.('flltl. Mntt•l<t 1,1,\( alklhtfd:,ll .,,,ar. "'l••todlsctl•Mllla,.,c kMftC'd 10 I• •11 ht'\.I )ftf • 8urJ(=MJDt.ai41MbcNIJ lhcol~11,i.J,rn1111tl1t d,1"h,"'111u111,,htlt11 bu1t11/o)aiN< lbb...., nnkllllllllpelf.SIP"I La-,.._ lbn- ·re 1&111.•• llhald.·ht~·v.f>1lt ,nrwng ,u.\l ••11 tu 1~11mcnou1b lo ""r ur \\'llh •', '°'"' 00


... ........,_, k11fCPllN""t1Am) f••ml) lmritlll\.t\ll my bc-.t fnrncr,

. -\IIW" tkw,, 19 AN.1i1,,111ict,Al,11t,1

ilnJ"t~mnr 111 11hfn)ft,,fft~· -0,ffl 8untoo. JO ,Plll-.U, -\t11t~\llat.rrr IJ{.,.,,,..Lll,r'4. ,..,,.,,, ltinwl' ~-· -J.adJ,• \t.*, ut

I 1'1198 !, The NIC Sentinel I Live Thul1day, Dec.10.1998
I "·hn11, o(htlrJ('llntu i.h• I , i:f't't~h11.1ns .\ "'ltal'f' )lltt m the nb ._ , ~JW..,. hd ill 11'c (:..;'flfl•llhcflllL'lhiltJ .,.:In, ()l,n lbn ttalild )OU of• taat from al\ ,.,_....lblScnMq•lht_.....lhllp)•hl,p!olt.. TIICr,nihltrnnl•l'ic),lffl u.;1,rr J, n.:111.a VtiorJ In \ff) ni.,h) IX'lf,k"• \\'tu!~•• 'llrtooi \lo 1th om lUUftlf) 1hc l\ p:opk .:,11'1 t•rtn
.1t!UllC C\<'l)1l ) 1U1&J;hl
._ "'ht coal4 'f «at 'ad hat hfc Kt.)~ f« dw 1 ..d.~, -.wL.a,•a,.a-.lbclidxortltria.rJ 1ft Souctl Oakol• fo, 2l )t"n. lie lllld hh ,i,Jlc CM\Cd •""'ii)' Jrwn I-lieu l,ann bf •ka. La.Ulc!, 1o.'Ufl'l nd ,,mn.,..<'r• \lie\;~ hn w1fo1 "'""IJ,1·1 Jwndlic \he· 11.1ln '·Slk wed"-•OWODr~) 'l'M k .,Jo~•-ti1tomr •kh1"'11iM)N"' tt', ,,utrhc J1C"\11'1 .11,11n 1.~1~ ,.1,0111 he »1.1 • ' h l«l, IU.c ,,,u'rt llr'1rtg rulk'd lfl ,J11!Cff'nt 1htt'\:UIJlh alJ Che IIRIC', t1.aiq, \.lid •-11 ,rm 11b y.. 11;1,~ rmn) ibn-a,, a11,~neJ 1tp
-=- ..~i~~=rn
ta1Jlh:ftfllhlllll~IObit&fl11.'111l.1Atinllhf:di.,c,.z\lJtlWM:'l'kf hulohanJ ., fN,1..-tl •"' .Jx: ;Wal, " li',t\',,11) l'lilld \1CM<I cifiht umt• tr 11m "'1iri., •1i,:wuJ ·We 1ltt e.M;bt.ikr hot 11b'tl.ll _.,. boil.If 1J,1,·,tvfurc 'AoC'l"'"h.-J [L1111ht'ftoh;allllhct~11111h;.t ~~hn tci.·I bcutr, ,htuiJ ,...,....,llt.ll'lllllhCIODC l"ahol)•llo;MIIDJtl)lflC •klllfdooml'•
C'U'lkd. t,hc, uid Tllt~ buqN
lht)' ffldlla,:t: t11 ll0fi tWnJ
""'-bcduln. ~tie Mid bit
u,u.1tly b,,,th uU III lht c,·tt11PJ an.J have lhllCI fur dlrintr, i>JIC' ,,uJ. \\.raboh.J,r~,,oa · -lb:' .W'IWft. lu\C.1111iCCt~trimd1>1hrtrc.llily Tbc:a'~
................... ....................... ,...., ..
"'"'""" -
Donlld a..,_ 111- • '-" ot,out JoMMltthey Eloctronlc,o In Joanne Mathe'WI,' lntto 10 -"p<nlfW clou. -.....,.
ttl}' hlmrl•)'lii,11 m Ol)mri~'"

.arid 1!1ttt rote.ii~ f>ol10n. Moot Nll\e JoJ1 h\llcr '<OO'dll'ldhe wl1 <' I\ to11fll~tt 16 1 1hc: ""a) of the 1e1m ,:01ni 11\fO ttrul.&r )C-'Wll. \\t' J,ad u

Im ofMt1plt

Hanging off the edge

Wild Walls brings outdoor sport Inside In Ju,1h, Nur11, ..;,, ,1 f,h11,,

Tii,c Out 1lo11f Pl.1f\1u1, rtpttr.un ,rntul'(J Ill a pc..:1111.Jt t<UlnJ I.a f I ru.l<i'f tUJht Slltut.&t tu ,,1brr IMltdi'ltlr ,11h·~t1b;rn 1hc l111o.'.MJ1111 k;.lu1'C'\J

Mhn, f.u,, i.11111111 Ille CXCl:,INl•O al W ild \\ II

lttJo.1(111 llf l•Utdot.ot. ti ~ lifllJC:frl-e u.·.;1~ the: rllt'- t1•J,~t1mbir1J

I ,11,,v,in,t .1 tl11111"1 hnd111 wudrnt\ 1.ltmmt 1Jhl 1r11111hc .n.;ll\11)

J \f.111 l 1k<1 ,-..1~11J1n111cJ lbC' b,1n,h. jthlf1s 1 r1~ un ,.afr u cul u1u1rn-~1,1 H~ 1, h <11w."J h)' \\'1IJ \\.alh M i,1 Hwl 11i,J qu11ltf) ~II knl fo, kl.ii'f ciarJ 11,c ,ant• .11(' 11:,;iuunl lo, 1.hmticr• 1•u the •111u,id l u IMk l,111 iti.:,r S'lfMl't'f'I;:lma: ttum .a., lwa:h .n -.0 1~·,"1

J.i \1~1\-ton, .1 "(·r_nomll ~•l\j'lon~ ,,( \\ e1J \\ illll ", llAIJ 11.,...,.1

1ho.• d1ffcfl·,l('c; 1m,t1 .:.Umbll1£' u.S00, 11111.I ou1Jouc die~" • ,.-r)

"'" .1 It • l'lt:U) mud1 1h\'. ,,unC" ITllWC'n1'nn ,tnd 'ol~ 1h ''" •klni '.liod Ille: h,,IJ, ,an: d 1lrcttn1 th,)u~·h

I pkllit.,a 19' hmh111i: ~t,·-. ,att rlltc-1 Imm • 1\n I 10 111 '\1 tJ,

1,J1IIC!•·u"'l(l)n"\,li.;i11;.-clhc "";Ill ,,11..:,1for ,.1ntl)'

Su11Wtut1 ~11,J be Ju., 1tc11 • l1u,:c 1~ Jri llloC L'\11"C't11C "f'l,"1"'

, ml 1ti.., ,.,,.., ,,I p.i.n1,·111o1m \Uf) tn•m )Ull.lltt\'t 1:h1 IJn:n 10 ,t·fmin.. '\fnrc p..,'f)lit L.,-.,.,.,, 111hnu1 ll. l.t)' h AJtJ 4.tlfnt h.,..;L.." he ,aid. "'h', ;111

C:llrt'!U •f")tt. tiv1 U lnl.dlt ~·u,11n1ll(-J IOU You Jiin t h,nl" lo tc Pit. II)' "hlftl> ~"' )"" ,o1n hr :111~ ,,,._.-

l J111:.:11m1, ,nJ~1r PM Uml ~f"' J~. w1J ht tool up rod lln1b1n hi rfa H 1 .1::1.1.t1111I hc'C.'M ,c -i ,1J1fe,ri-n r, rily inW..,pc jl ;an ttpf\'1m1nlty 111 a lilc:111'11< for .a rtl(t lb<') (1,ulJn'i fC l p:,,pk: 1rn·1,J,,,n11'1I'" 01C' 1-.-,1 rnJ'I ~ill be tillctt"d l·rnJi.1'°, rJn. 11 '11( to'-1 fnf h('J111rw:n

I \J-1 .and \10 IM lnh·rmc41ate chmhet. I

<i."" ~"'' I "ln ''tr) do" 1n my l.1mlly, he ,aw '1111:)· l'lul.M (".,,,.,l? fn m Sic tn 1hc I JI. 111 m,,:tu 11CClfl l1t.,:11 ti1r lrtat1 et• ~·••'IC' t11tjutYton"'~SJ Uh \\olllt.111t'1.1l i a.,,.::1 f1

Wtlh1•11 • l!t.-p.ll.11J., lh•1 ~,uth ,\hl(a·, - ru 1Ptt1.mltt.. SPiJJ. th II.No \111.11h \111CJi11

oi,mru. "r~lhnflt:un t>ul he J tn'1 i: If••

(\)ffl('l(W I.II \t4fll,11 NC' ol r,.,I tat I pn>liknh

11~ h11\ '\\ ~1k'J 111\'1: 1hc ~nJr:r 11 ,· ,11 r, v.hc-n ht


i11t~1·1l 10 the Jlllf1 hy 11! IJlh -r

H..-.,h11\o\'t'llflic 1~tp.vt .in,I I h1.cJ •f he w.l

'IJi1\lL.c:pt1.kiit1s: It

Thi-c.-1) 1ff'l lu p.uJ,111 '"" \" I ~,

)\:.r he fin,J>i..·ll 1ht "l".b(lft ~tlfkl 111111,• S.11icwul

J11h1u1tull.-~Alll1•11 A 1l( lllfl

\:•11•1uiJ lwnuu,c,11 U1, C'l.i.11.-b P; 1

"'-tu.t..:nmb 1.1klht lf"C'I• Y.1ll&;1J11 In

14.i· ti~ lllk lhl~ :IC '"

lk~.u'1.-. tu'i'1n lft.lhl ul111l,:i.it1Jhe

ll'II,•• 'lllh..i ht ha er• Jp ,S.111


\\hll,·1n i...,111b \ltk \\'111

,i,,1ncki.1 hml)k II nlC'lh,-J Y.llh Jill,~nt tulc\111J..._1~"i:lh:mlh1Hullt' 1>l)k hrv.~11c-<,11,.- A.hl!,111 t1hctJiJti'tlw\t.' ttMbln1Uh/,t,1.1. llhh \1'tl{ IW11a,i1ll1 11 101111:~IIIIJll.oJIH ftuW~lcJ1.w;.._,.ikt \~111 n ,.11.S 't'uut1tt1 l ffl(lf(r~1 1111lth,a1n111h ftttl\k A,1\·..m~1111h1) i¥ hctu, ,_,....1111 ...,-.J-.1rt.cthi.; Wlutto111h .iiJ

,.Jk:i&k,~ I nrl

\\h1lsill ,w,J

Hoe:-.alJ Ith l'IC.•I

y,"' 'A\llfli.twrJ, )'OUCllill '1CCn1'11pl1\hDn)UllrlJ. ,w" l:nn\'f' II)· 11l1c, ,,MJw,1111i; l, m ~IC' II:-

1,1.1n~h1 m.::i1«1n11pvr1 ..._it'11tt Mt: •.uJ l'll' "•II

u>nh®C 10 '"n.·.-~ 1,1' al J.·.i I !Uldlhrc IO )1.'.a,,.• .in. I

l'lll \\tll~n)m:l fl-11 ctit ~111.s~1XMOl~m1,Kll

'"Cllrll\ 111 ,1, k...kfb) c~,mplc.'" \·oa.:h P;u

Wh1t~-amtiu.1ll · Ht:hat.a Jneof i:h.w11Licr,oo,,u

ti1lc-nccd tndi\·Nttul.'"

W11h(hiiffla:n)'inJa ,.1 r 1*1c: J"l,u11 .,aar,c. ti" h • finh. l.i, f'Cf' :in. nut jmt • "'fc ll!f","'

Whlicurnb "WIJ 1tw1 it!O"lt iahle~ .,.,,th ,t11;h ll('dtnk•

Wh11~1111\ ' lio', ~l\cOl'K )UU t'IIJII) l'C'IIIJ l.llk:nl 'l\\ll.lld 1N1,1U.) \tilrl 1 ,i "'""Ch.It), r.-1'" ,1n"'nJ ht ii\• rC'JII •,i..111 ""h'ttolkr.. • co,nn11.1ni1)' ..xii'* Wc 'l'C'gt.id11.1tu,ir Cw11,-..rc~rlw11"-• Wln\','tlnili~ Sq fut. 0....~l'I utd d'II!' K'IL..oft h,a_, l(>IW '>'IC'II anJ he' wlll po,.,1bl)· Mlr.n.1Ilk llt11\"C:h1I)· 1lC ~J\"ft*'CJ,l~ "\\'('\l.lrttd(lla \kl'*.bul \I.I! ltt\'011\IIUlll) Utlpt'QVu.'IJ."'hct:a~I 11k' tum ku~ l('\ffal Jooh foe ~.i'°"\tk'.C.Y\\ * .w11on11h tic.,a~ (IIIIC' I.IC 1h(m •·We \!me tu «p ltnpro\Ul1 ;,, I t(':W, c:'\\!f)d.i) a-..1 hopc:ft1l1.)' -..e'tl WIA Mtl\111.11\,,• ~en ,11.d "Thc. it.un I, \C'f) ck,l,c und tw., i gl'OJ dmc: 1ogether We h:11\C ,1 lut ol unit)' .,,,J hc:Jp t.tdl 1,ihc:r bClconx \.U\:.~'>f\lt IAC!& bc:l""C the fn:ll('h tqtn. 014~ 1.di:t Ulll( 1(1 WIUM'Uj) !hon'!Upll)' •l'ld'\'tt,1U1i~ Ct,c crihtt'b In hi, head Ile • I"' cm1Jhil.•IJ.o hAvlnJ l'II.' ddaht, llbout hi\ p:rl'ol1'l"llln« Yt,u h.&,r co hla,e a -.,.,n.iici1a111tlklt ""bri:'n CUl'1is Owen Oghls lor position during .n:~,:: )CU \ltJ\ un ihc" he wld

Pil907 3: = C: ..:,,:: :::, = >-= 0 The NIC S.Cllonel Terrell Da~,~ hJ,11'1 1u111blL~l III more l hJJ1 : 200 lames tor 1hc : DtJnvc...,r Broncos. Thu<lday. Dec 10. 1998 Sports
NIC uses all 13 players ._......_ NIC tophomore Ke.Uy Mtddkllworth jukn C8CC' a Sam11nlh1 KcKeowf\ out of her Ntkoa en route to• 86-51 Cardln,1 win b, Jt~lln Ru(u, ~ia,tn,f.1/mu N I(' v.~111t'n • b-.1,kclt,3 11 1,,1111 wJ • a twbl ".a,·c of ('ulumhl.a Ba.,111 hQlkt\\''" Kb-~t win The tl1•ne tlJ'Clk't £Jc,.. I 111.ulcJ 1hr lhmJ \ lr.uJ!lll ...,II\ fnr MC' t l-lh ti.. (~nit rl.1)t1I 11,r t-l.1'v..,.,.J,l\t 011:\"C di), rc-1or, h:-.ilinJ: 1hc:iu b) ,u.,1 llt8.3-711 All of NIC"• 11 pf11yrr. "l<tr~ mcJ to l•,h I~ 111~11111.v.h l'C'Juno 1111 c-.cun:1tC'IJ u11•~I llO "'TJI<) plO)CJ S-itutd.1~ 111,,;I SuuJ.n, S lf \:tw..:h Oki: C"'nffll' "litd ri4 Hi1\\>1..~· 1h1nl r,m11· 1n hlillt d.Jy<i.. r btv m.a) ha,c been• lmk• tu,.-J Suttl) 1!~ llllwk., ",a tm:d of NI( rinh J\'(C'n'i<. fotcfa tutnu,c~ It. ttl tb.-n1 q 1hc f 1t'-I ptf111lJ, .md m,1,11~ nf 1hccn t.trmou Ctuni J\tt·,fl"'" b '<lo..i,n't Ju,11hc tllmo\CI' Jhn11rh \\ e 01111\"hol.mJcd t.hcn,, C'tuqp 141d. We lot I pa,rlc "'U tlw ben,.b I 1h1nt. v.e l11ll111f •u1~ chcm"t.ll C'R{"C' ho1 fl lccp) 9 ,1 lR 111 thr ltm ra•oJJ •I 11.1 t \I J'("t«nt fl?-al-~) 1t1 11:C\ ,,11~ SoplMlntt•t~ S··' 1u.ud \l,nJ~· l.unJIIC" k\l ~IC' v.,1h • 1 11-1'1 lohi'lulin1 <lll•n l•'rrm llr t,l'IJ She hni bcU \lrlth 19 p,hnh lf\C' ,rt 111t1.J and thttt..,, 11.1 "' 111, liadln11httt, fi'P''IWr\ f1,ol-:\) Hcr 1tl,•J11C dun:iurc l'Ccta"ttil 111 lhc' hN p:hud •,u1h 11 ~IC \I.a, q111,l '" 1.rL- 1,uh1m111,>t" ,,r lbc II "' ff,1ht,1n1 .a n~ lc.,d • the u.n,1nule' 111 ,._ uu ah Pl'"" lhJnt ~•IY ~h:t\111 lrt poini p1.wJ lkd1 tluJJk l,lf" 1h..- Neld The t111J1n11I• lh:t1,;btd their IC"ad hi 1br I I' ,tot 1hc rtlrti1 rlk J'Oll'lhl lol!O\\IIIJ .• I h7 ..ttul I"'" I i,IJ"'~ lktl•nN 0.1nm H 111ft ult the hall .amJ ,w:t,fN ,n lhl· lil)tn. ('V\11 x., t1k.ld K.rh stt ~•11il • 1-p1>1 11tc-t fRJffl top l'I tit(' tt y for 1l1t llftk_.JWI nlildc a ~·p.,.ntt:r llfl lht ti • i ..._."~ t11 (l,J\J\Joo &t .&7 .:!(, lead tnio hl1cnni!IMM Sf~-. flni\hed wnh "C'V(fl Alhbil Naact, 6-J w:~. addeJ 12 p.,u,e, (or the C.ird• and ,n.11gacd rrbou.nll,
ln10 conudct• tio11 the ulftltr 1ou1ti le1gw."'1mpthhoo btn«:h. / ,};~f~dilll\ ·11 1h11J..l\t Thh ml)' ha1;e btc:11 •11 k1tul of wurr ~rnmr. oon\idoitla 1J1tn1 ,mt U1t"<i:cllfflf'U,llftl(1bt-CarJ,, 11~ 1hc ~ccmc Wcu -Cooch ;.~:~:~ Grtg Cr,mp IO n rc:CON cc,,mp,111:d 10 NIC', 11N lhttt r.11111e1 ol hJ-"ttll'lk."'t' I'm pli=..t'>Cd "'11'11hc sum ~-lfntl "' C'nmp ~,d ''\JIJ.\l'Allilt llhl,lkJl\\,1, ""
Cardinals chastise Hawks 86-51 in home opener
• p1 1ld 11t 11d,, 1.1\'\ 1,'t'• und n,·ttl\.mtinit ddh. 111 ltnJ ol blue ,t;) .and ,1,n,hlnC", I~ Sit' \ll.tdet11, .111J I ka , muuut1 I) u-.mhtr-. ~p.-,1..-11,""J Jo"'·hl n ,~cn, I'll~ • 1111 • ha;h1 l'.it\'octc INIJI
1ncludo Jr. n<i.J"'fYllon 11,11,l 11111@111
a.11.:I c11mhlnt lt,Hi~ la~l•lf. ,1n llt•)t.1,H•lil .vt rn.alu1 ll11rn SI M.frit"'\ t.a•4 he I U'i'l.\,lfff: d"'I: llr1Jp1:n ,iJ "'I ti11,I •I h.11.J 111 hfltit•c 1t1,1S m,11~ tt.111) ,hdlf1 v.ti..11<1i=.,p:c:1 lrnm 1h tnr !--·"··~~~ '....,... ,, .... ~~--~- ···= -·--·............. .. ·-··"[:i~:i~!~:~N~.~~i~i~~1~0r.~..~,!!i,~!,~~~1~~~~126 d •tt• • \\hi ,n,b..,,J. team's 174-pound s l ot ,on-,....,lu,1>ln1hc N<>nh•c•I h><of ht,•nci«anJ •pOUll post on, li:t Ji "*' • , llhfatbcc~lco.:b.,.,,rt<oelin.-..tlutnl.n,J\l..ibdouil ' He wants national title' . ;'}~ t",~:~.:,:;.;~."'"" 1'-'""'"' '"'" family' s reputation ;;-.;:;/1""- J,., "'1c·,,..,...,"""'""t b) .1~4c 111\..,in He ,ui l'l'CfllllcJ l'l) Nit ..l~t ,.,,,11 \(,1h .1 tu h, O:,rcl, Jim, t:Hr ,d ll1, fum1ly li.111> bccA HI) mlluc:nr111I U\ h11 \rn, rwlR, ,.1r1, lli 11orn"OfJ !1vmlll,t't'.&'°n~11h II pit1,:111d'~ 111 I( h(~ 11n.J lllc'ytc:f\c.n wrpon.1ttu(n'1,1c.;.fic~ 11J..cdo1i11·th• ..,_,v. Ing Jti~ • fr~imn '11 tH\
he ~0,,1
o r m~uuct~
m111,h 1111 '1 ~CJJ V.14\ ,.un t II "'"' a,nf.Jtnce Mid (d(OUt!lJ:C tnt"' Vn!;: 1;·;\~.:::t~;~~br,,lllkiut \\ilh~m, ,..,!!:,::>• •· u \Cf)· 1mrim11nt tll'r ...uJ ' H<> v,.1,al'h\1\1twt lliJ.1L11J I "- 1otkJ 1elll I hk.c tlll!fad1h111.
)'Ollllll't'. \l,cll 1b.'ff 1hrn: t. o1l".t)'\ n"1ffl for 1mpruo,cmcn1"ht 1,1 11 \\1U1.1n1
~ti(, ouklhlc luutttnJCltttull

A season lor cheer

C heerlead ers win Regional C amp t iUe , beat WSU

l1) Mk:twll e MtS ull)

.~n,,,wl Rl'Jil,l'fa

W11h ,mile~ .ind punk 11 NIC '\luJcm,- t,unc tl.>idl~r lh i, fit.II

10 cheer on 1hc Cardin.ii 1r.1m-. lb(~ 'A l)mc:n 11ml mm pcrtwpt.

Jd) 1hc c rml)'~ ol JU~ n ,kin., .1111d his w ilc-1o-thcy 1((1 111,,, JafK.aJN ad1 ctl"!I anJ ~udcn tr,,

W 11h Ju t l \\tl pnlll;t ic~.

NIC" chttrladcn c.tmcd thl.

Rc-:¥ C'hccrlc.aJ 1"g Camp

Ch.unpto,n,Jup lll lc a l

C\C'nh .IJ;<lllff ;.t i:ompcUl(l('I. like

W~tun1114'1n State OnwctMI~ 11ml ll,c. Un1~tl)' I)( Mumar.i,

CNCh ~'ih L.h:rot:\. a rnc,nber of Che 1c11m from 19U-

l. 'JIJ tbr tt'..UU J11t., become more u nffftd tn bcr t,o,.-'OQd )t.\r

.t._hc:.I ~('-!Ch

1...1&.,1 )e.U' ';i.(' h.iJ mtir(

,nW, iJu.n l t..dcnt Thl\ye,rwc

h~\~:1::;~ :,l c.ach uchcf."


..:o-L-d 'l:por1S ~,lU'i(' o1 lhC'

amoom of physttar U'IUOO

eie,~·«n 1hc ""\n '"A big hlipp) faouJy,"" Ju~

)· member Kim BtJdv•r.on , 11MJ l'htp),,Ucli~~oor


'\1~l\t pcuplc don' t bc,v.1

mu'-·h ii l nke\ tn ht .'I

C,i,c(:rlcadct Shcrvlk -.a1J.

4'hi.l)' J IM U'I do lhe 1.1un1, nght, w u '°'*' e.:L'\) In rul u). lhc 1~1 Clll.c, 1hrcic

l...,\I IUll.l onr-h:iJ I hvurrr.,11.1~

;1 ""'"<k to h'lllk good

Wc\.'a.n •nc:nd fourhO(ll"!I.Pn ont ttuu foft, 11 finall )· hlt11," l.Aaob Id. "1'ht cn:,,.J ~n·c * All 1hc llli ,Hid hllb So bot.1.· do tbt) w.y happy JI d(,et;n' L1.1kc much ev!Jenll), Most n f Ilk' tt'!,pc.11t~i came 411kU>, .anJ .all relkt.:tClli upon t:achotbcr ·11ju)l i.:octk.."" AnEC'la Hitt ,J ·11 W.eio«natn kmdor pe~ ,,i; ,r~ bu11t IB. o.U waLuril.l 8UJ\·11r'\-11'1~ltl The ad(l j(lji:,n keep<, hc~ 10.IU pl•>""ll'••i· Afltr 1he ttn.1pnk."'ttec I 'YI';n hook ed ~id \lorgan Stcw,n. • 11;1um1ng'ol.~ Sbcrvil~ Ind UUtJ\ lll'WO "~ Um\ c r-.;JJ Ch«rlc.»J!ni A~l;ui~, mcmbc~whdt,:Ji:h h ig h hO\ll c.iktrlr..Slnr camp,. an the 1i,u1run cr. al\lo.:a)', w.ant lo 1-13)' an the 'lpc.r1 c\,cn i( 1·m ju,t co:achlnJ

Shem\ ..aid - 11 • ttv. .ui.lut¥ tC'.:»c.:hm~ l ,d Mikt \\he) h. out with .a ,pm.illl.-d a:n 1e .1..ltc-r a 111, n .J b;nlct llN\ Iha:. ),ult ~4U~l11 1hr r uh, ,, aMiti1.1nl )Umor \ llf~t) cu&::h .al,c.Cuy lil gh S.:ho<~ " It', hnmltle wmr1g ou1 Sht 11n.1n '4uJ '"I SU..:"'' I \t'C' chin!'~ lfut \lot; rnl,111 mh,, 1JlheJ'WL\C, Sht-J.m,1n !Wd he \'.m't ""ait to be ta, v,. 11 '1 1hc

Run-down: Men and women drop season league openers

'1 lu<tk rn ,1.c11ll rn, 1bc ""111on~C11rdJ..n1I h.t l 1b.1ll 1r-.arn, • k1rlr.\ (C1llc-Jt r11;11 An hnq11c 11 •"'iH , ll.t•l(H '\('&l(MI

\lrn \ Irr 1hrov. by U1c V1\1n1,· a,~,

If· 1n ,nJ • 1th 10~ i,c,·c:11 ~"'-ond, rona,nuti int~Jthc Oii.!11t1li.q 1.s,.l l(-l,1<l1n,"~"11 1mc' 'iK 'l•lfOOIR~ 1 nJ lnhnn)' (ioodm.An ru tinual II, •,11..t r,la), ""-U"IIIJ: 2Q v.hUc j.. lout IU (Wl•til pwiJ JU.,h H111,:, '4 II v. the tJ ird Ill (u1H .nn."\ (ut Goodnmn Jn JU I IIOft'tl l5pl1lPL"f(acli I01•n11t kr11 Ctt\ t10ll\llltC'J 11 C ,J, 11o 11h 1 r,.,101 ttn I \.c,(.;i I ('fl,1tt n.:l.-1l1nt ,. t"tf ft lrom J fl('•fTf r&11i:c, Thcn.;115'(.l\tA\.I O.ftt1.'0l'JanJlr.o"C'IIO l1.ti ,,.u,,tocui:h1

\\ oottn h v.·a, nr,t1,;lt:d th41 tht Cardin,.! ,u,mcn llotllJkt h,i\<t; 1hat 'fo'tltk c:i,1 r>1.1~ fnrthc.-,n as::im,t llftJc1ukl1 Ri\t._...., tiiu1 noe ~ril) in 1bt rdlo.illdlltfC:illC,~)·l":ltlMJV,hi,r,tll.()1p.~ die IINl'd ,Jn1hb11114K 1,1 I(", .?3 UI t'Olllt 10

11 4 ~, 11;·in.. A"i.~.a.11;1 (O;IL'h Kn,li /uh1•1011.

Mtd t~ V1~n~ ~11fN "'°" uf lhtir potnh 111 lhck) lbclourutt!rC.arJ,k•J.1.01 NIC.,,11

\!• 1 ltah V.11llr) tuwf!ht

\\t m,Ul ns lbl" (:'.a,Juu1 I, f1n1, tn·d Wth 111 lhe Lil

Vt~ l.r-1 "'«l.cnd r~~hm,11n ~uct H.1,11111ut11 t I :OJ m,,-.eiJ pl.a:1.hjl: t,y Of'e m111d1 fron'ntr S IC Sa1111r1.d (11.uup J4Wi, \1< 11<') ll>' thr htlr 1 174 p,uncl< ror-Cbnnn


Basketllll """'

M1..:1.1 .. MC ](JT S IC s..,ia

Thul$day, Dec 10,1998

Wooden ques tion s NBA bas ke tball players ' ' Love'

NaUooat BaslurtllaD Association remains loclled out; players lose

y dtto'c ~~ialu.itlntlllt)', Mayb( t yamiilboul

fM,.blll tl\l,rc tmpun:wl)' chcy ,~,, uw ,hoc. 1 dri nk a nd dochint "'POft\On. havlas fis)M O\ <'t ditm for oru and 11aplntt 1h11.1 mu111 n,IIIJMdnll.1tro1Mt'lct. The N 8 A tiall aboi.11 '4,\-eallntbl-lhe kw, nt~)M; f\l ,"t lflu 110 MmltlCd S2'98 nulUon ,n 511~':' throu£h

0c,i: 21 n..t sm ntllhoo b oow In ttc pockctJ. uf lhc: big~u ,or b\\)tnh11'CIJ h1 hofh thcpJa)ff\' im" inanddw:kq:uc In al'l:lt~lu rte mt.lft rnon,:y. The pl.a)t:rf uin100 lli·11t1ti1 a lull.Ur)' W Ofl 1hr highN "4141Jt:"\Whl lC'tiitOOA·fttt'I V. ar\titn.abiwilll.tffllllUOUt''). The \lWnct\ hlu pf'l)flQStd 1bc: Lin) Din.I cxcq,cktn. 'Ah,i:h 'lll'°';"w (ottt 1c;u11 , "'ho, itn itlklllhet'i ,~ as~n1 lO iu.c 11p tbnt nglll Iott• ,11n 1hca" o r1 p l,y~ The C)lli nc:n •re pttip:1111n1 pbr)'tn. "-1th one: to .Ml )T~ o( Clll)t'nCIIOC could 11.Jft fo, no .than 2.S pcf\"ctit ol lhc b:u.kt:l'baU t\ dc.fwocfy t«hna the ct l «t, af lht NSA l,"'kout. moc&l)' tor gvo.l When p1e1urc1 o( \1 ich~l Jon:bn ..-11.nt'hin, L.w )'t'w', 1blc uoph) allllf Dcnn,i, Jhidmlln', tattoo« 11111 "')It "'Ollld tlOfflla.11)' be aJornlna 1hc ('O\"'ffl of "'fM'T't tn.1¥1l'~l'CJ.

c:otle~ .;r.lhJcto Jilc-Suufocd·t Ar\but t.« urc mllkmg hl: ('O\'Cf l rrucal o( pl't"hlJII dllt bk•C NBA WIICl'\Uln.. OC'l!\'lllffien and bia

s,,nin. Sport, lllu:unltd ofrcn 1111 ll)OC' dcdica1a.t 10lcl) 10 Che- ptCVIC'* ihc' callc11C' twldb&U ,c.uoo fbc, NIJ\. 2l b,4Je po1tlltd wt 50 f1'il:\('lfl\ llrh)' coll~ bu.kt:1ball t\ tic1w:, pell b.a~tbaU. H m am.a

fc'IIW"ufl~tt:t.iOf'llr, • ln-.:dkp- rLa)-cn lni\·cl v.ith thdr tmmt"-«k, In !ht P""' pl.a~ cr.wtw11h1hc1rpMl'IC. • lnt:0Ue#f! ,...-...hl,'C' tol«p1111c~eoa)vwOPA(iJlldc·poin1

&\ffafeJ h~ W'J"P'I" )"OU ba\·c 1ok.ctr ane)C'orl )U.ttCPAf~Jfi(d

1t1 P,.y~ 101 NOA plA)'aupcnd

1.1.l)lo m COI.IIHJr\kn:d COU.11\Ch.flJ!. J1.1\.I brc.w-'<' 1hr NBA pcM,1bfy ...,grn'1 begin 1b 1998,.99 t« &tl04hct roo11h 1n)CIII 1haf pb)·co- arct1"111wlun, dw Clll'\'Cf' <14

MIIA,,'Jnc:tl'I\J Ilic: 11:00,xv.,. Rod!Mft\l,,•thliek 1n lhc'n'le01a

,ph1lt;h111 lew •«k., 11~ r«ucb""l'"i \o""• v,.11h ,up:t·modcl

CMtmen Ela.'.tra Nell C'\'Cft a '4cd; lntnchc-lr ~c. lhci ~·ly 11.cdl g,>1.1111 onnulmtffl ~) baltd on 1hc fOci 1.1 R<>d:mai, ""' kl IJtulU. Jurin, the~ tlwt bt coolJn'1 ccimprcbttld 'lj,h:it •.u toini on. mt.l\il far R\lJm.111", ~» tn the chapel ,OA pl.a)'CD b.1\·t:u.JOb lttdo, w:iJdlw I\ l.ds,Liy hnk.tcb.iJI IVl'I iU lmlt tiJ.cutw'- d1,wtb, fU ,u ,,,. WIJ." an.I •'1. r,w 11ullloo.11 m.W"C '4hcn w•u 11ln:.MS)" n~1lhuli.1 Ocw1'I IIIC'...- r'4)~"' lll•'"" lhctl' arc M.-vit1J \.hildffa in Ed1aopt.a·•Th,: NBA pl.l~'('n. ~' aPd o,,.11tt1

11«\11~ pa)' a II.UM men aumtOII 11, t~ uh h)' lutJt ,1i<, d,1111 " 11111,Lin, 1h(m '° roo.;h n,o1.:y I Lo,·c Thi,•

IOn Deck

• M•n's l,ask<lb<I II Ui...h \lullr.r taJt O .!ltgt .it hnmt. Thul"", 0cc. 10. •17:Xl p.Jll II U .kc- Community CoUtgt. a llMi11'1C'.Sa1unlj) Orc'C ':10r.m l.:n \r tJJIII r ourney.1111.,a, Vt~A'- Tit,lf'\j,b)' So11t1N1)', Dt< 11 hn. l. TBA.


lhtrn,11'-'"""'duo'"'t 1fS1ir1h ld h,) \\1 11 tic- -.1w t)· o4·t11kins ,\<,an..lUDI ,-.~n"J'ln1ic,11tu h1\a~ 1Wldt.,1111pm • Jtnda hfnrr uo.l~tir l\'~111Ible11111111kan ,..,, K"n!C'ltcr Ow tu it\ h1L,nr, lirh1~"i;l11 casnrin-i• h 1nd11J t'ld u, the 11111! 'fflff'Cl#IK'II of the IT'11111'.!t,focn f',P.,t..r11~ 1hi:Pf. ,l~ITK'ftllkrwufftt,1v.u Ml.lrliN·de~,,J'IIOO Thet.WN:pMml\lhll'I '"hJ'fll'lidr\.tnr._.,aptfro1111hccu1ht.1a1 nr~ c,1r.oln.••n-"lt1l1n, •~ Llgt11v.-n1b1 It di roor mal rtobj«l 1\n: .&fdrrul cbo11,iuidx '!'«Id 11tuunJu, JJ ..\ltJlt l I'*' ,r I 1°"-UI and •1!1 J.&.....,. lu\t'1 l.nov,Jnli~ 11f hr-11JIJ1) h1kln1 '""hmqUt'il,, f-f)"ifct. a 1/hhm,m ,• 11on maJnr ~..i.kll1"pu~u,1 l01lfdlni11ar,.""tu1;1~t11.11li UlldC1'!>1AM, na ll)'ct, 1mrxt\l.1ll .._k.v111J1$lbc Thrt:liut~~illtw:hrkfl~y.111ll.1 ,~ "'IUc,.\C'nll.l.lU~·wl.:lll"llpffllackl h1luti.· and TiiunJ.&y 11('\lw.°ml'"

• Wo,m.·n·s baskttbaJJ l,. la h \ 'Ilk) l• I~ ~. al 1,n,,,. Tilundai.Do: 10 s,,o rm Sall b k c Ctimmunlly Culklt, u1hun11:.S.lt1itda),Dtc- 1!.•• ~·\(lp.m. O.ltrie of Uw ObC'rt Toumir, •I f•.-brt Oc,,cn,. Cllb( MoodJy \\'~nadJ.y. Dr«. 28-lO l.owu t olurt1hllt C'uUrt~ at hiJrnt. ~wrdi). }1111 :!. M $:JO rm

Wa 8 a ,d C.C'.., 11• bomt. Mi!Xldly, Jolll.4., 111 S:lO p.m

a Wr.slllng l wn Col~ at homt. ffldiay, Oree. I l ,•17J0 p.n, HlitJ!Jlht' Co,liqt('. Dc$1'-kltnc1,,, w-. 1, Th&indl)'.Jnn 1 ••15:00 rm a Ski C lu b S0,f'r \lou 1Halt1 dliy trip t-nd:ly IH ThC'cnpcO!.t.\ $204$10 """"';'due°""'· 14) ...S include~ tnln.\po(l:llillll 111141 • ~y r,.,i Fot inft'llmlltN)I) e:ill 1(,1), 7809

• Ou 1door pur,;ul lS WUd W.Us

Page 8 The N IC Se n1lne1 Campus Sports ---------------------=---
' Clpialn LyndMy Shlrwk al\d C,yslal Hanloon ~rtom, while the NIC....,,.. ploy Columbia Buln Doc. 1. .. Motgan Stewart ..Wator· l,ltl p,,,,_TiffanyM.lhuf
team In aholll tw et ttb Thc.tbc:t'lle.-lc"·,o;tl parnJld the ,oal11 ol 1hc IC'.am, lh<'y "rPf'M. 101. ludlng II bc:nh lo 1hc RC'Jklft IKl1111nt.1mcnl" In rv.m ·.ill~ '"\\e riix.d rnon: cro~J in.,,,h·tn'lt'm,.. Shl:n
plll)'ln,_t, Wt''\·c haJ i~ tum l'IUI af lhc t;,.imc, and '-Al: h~M: ,~l lt'Nn chi )'C4t
1k ,-Jtd " II tcllll)' helps 1hc ttJJU.t, "'lti> 11r(
Ttlt 'Krnrc \\ OI /\ltlkt~ c,.,. lat'nc\: J,Jn
65 "' " !\hareh..- m Sit Ill vk.,.,., IN MC '"' Uf)JllptC •1 Rretir,J• nlbri: C't. 'I I c,~ I 0 """"Reh •• Sit ·~ NI<' "" SI Nie " C~ill.lfflbta H " 71 ,,c ... Blue Mow,1,1111 '" len.,."l!\.ln,tlDc.,c:6._1 1 ' I """
li ghtweight campi ng to be added to P.E. curriculum C1111 wlll te~cb low c ost , uudi~:':,~~t:,:,~~;~~~M ti:1.;:_::;.~~;;;~,:,u:~;!~:1~""'*"' IXJerien CI, 1Q 811 8fttll(I .11 lulun& AnJ c,unputp t"\pcrl('DOC' "II(' \fllllcnl, ant,.,.,· 1km\.. nmjt"IIII lrnn1 f1",1"'"t.lf Mllf h \" lfr-ldl Gdnd lC' ~IU rn:tl\t tbt Of'IPCJ"U•l•I~ ,U • f,-;ttoel or d>e dud1.1ng 1f)blckftad., •nJ nolcJ*h. S1111.!..-n1, \fflt"f tllrp>TT~, "~anrh,i11•ofcah~11Wo
. * '
$288 mDllon b)' A nnk!\\l)IJdt"ti Jtt1MI R, r,•ff1'' n ' a ll ;l,oi,I JolC'. '"I l.o\ C Th1 \ Gome •• ti.. btta m,,no to, 1he N o,taQIW i1..\kt:1hlU ,\,-,0.:1.atlofl (c,, pa'1 fc-w \1 ichul:1Jonlan ~bl)· dxgrc.AIC\I pl.a)fft\er h' \ltp lllCII l.n ie,,pe, r«:crt1l)' tdc..._\t'd an a,,cohiog~ph.)' c 1viilkJ IU lht LO\·e ohhc O~inc." N\'lm dk''lit ntl~ )W • , 11.11d lbinl. lJIC pb)ffl &1 tht NQA fblly lO\'ti lhcS~· Ma)"bcdic
re7;~~t=:~ ;';0 : :;:~mcaudki,·c,~
rode: c limbing. F,oJ>y. 0,,.. 1Urom S- IOp.m. The nlghl C'l~h $1,. hit hqinncn ll1l(J $10 fClf H'1'""1C'dWt.c cli.mbm Tnw,pon.,11,nn; tUllJ 11. ntj.'.ht of i:bmbin1 I, i.ncf~ 1n lhc fw in(onN11tC1r1 ell.II 769--7809 CHRISTMAS BREAK RENTAL SPECIAL DECEMBE R 14th-JANU ARY 11th CIE O~f.l ... C Q) .U! ~'TITCif :i :.l: J .P A,CJK A(G!E 1st Silver Mountain [:?)@ ~J~@fl ~@JW@ [Ji) l!Qil I?@ Friday of Finals December 18, 1998 $1 O Deposit Due December 16 SKIS, BOOTS, & PO LES $20.00 : ;.11 0 W~ ]l ,CJJ]; § $20 Total Includes: \VITTI SKI POLES ......................................................$20.00 Transportation and Day Lift Pass

Crown Jewel

'S pirit ' ~howca~es Jewel 's versa tility as vocalist, songwriter in new way b) \nnlt" \\oockn Srn1u1rt ltr~ll""rt



cllj YP11," Sp1or· iJJ,.11

Jry.·elc:h:allC'11f("IM'-"DCtlmht' 11'1cdi1fc1ct1,c III the \I.01IJ..

nllu1n1t 11al~1 11Jto the ,1,orld

1r11m ht"r ,,..n rcrqmllJ .,.tt._, Tilt'.

tmJI U.1<1. ,,111tie .,lb,uo. --rhb

I.Jule OuJ,"" 1, • 'lMI~ 1h.u hc-t

m1'lh -r 1o1n11 1(1 bc-r ., 1 dt1IJ and 11 r11ie of her (11\.l 11'1Cmtlf10

What is the WB?


Nalhoflllnr s.i,.. 'io\.C'm'~~

fllllot _,,_ .......


l .dr l)ft:nmu, ll>)"I Ab,ei~fl,m Th,,LJal,,llnl

Sr,1t1t P lloJC II d1\Jrf't)ll~mc1~ fvt f~'PC w.t,i, f,u) ,111 ...ttiun1

"'"'.:,u\C'~l ..,.ruildllt) h..•o1r1,n1h: 11-. liN unitlc. "HWkt,-

,1lfrh • n,:w tcJVIIJ ·t'hc: C'blirc all'u:n of'fC'n """' .ik>l>J 'wilh ..mrc l"hn Ul.iu11.1 ~n1lnt i.iw ht1n U1i.b ii\ br, \l,1tk \'«Jl t:Ull:C ..+oJhC'rl'lrc.i1ht n•, "C'. l1\c HI.ah) o1ni,1•. Jo.ti too&,. htt Ult\OCOlnin, ~,1 v.,lh .t ..«Ol)d

o1lbuu1, l'lfl It ah:1....,1111,.,\~ ~111~,r,;: cnjo)abk, Sc>mc pd,pl¢ Ila"¢ J"II

'PliN..'°<\ of You" ,n 111( Nd, of llx Cf> rack bcc!Wit 111ot old, and "''"' 1bctt 11.11 n,cw ,U,k tupl,1yo,·crMdO\'tf' iagain

hef IO~l!i:nct, ¥."l'Wlching \'Ul¢C fl:1.1)' be IWIO)ling IU "IOmt b~1dkn .ind ffWI) ot she ir~k.i. on "'~P'ril'" MO b.Jlllh lhal h.a\'(. fllllr.) ~\(."" "Spmf'ns~11lbtlm for 1~,I upOO llltl.'OUth v.·itb • it..wTIJ t,l.111kc1 ~nd a s(ll.ld WfinJ lht Jons ~l'IO\f)'da)'\ .q,prooch1ng. lt'1al,,,ogoodit)~J\l\l n«JaliuJcpttl:·mc·UP,

Murder at Bates Motel

Allred lltdlcOClt'I clmic takes In new generation

b> Amy \\ rtsht Mu 4C E111rn..111tNm F.J,u,,.

II )·uuart k1olinJ fot 11 r~m lt'di.,t rtrhca.tnahc orlganitlt.hc11 "f'<ydw" 1 >t1lht

IInstant Movies

ThcSkgr** W,1lll111,.,r1:~rlu,100,-'11_.\C'f)'

c:1,nh1,,n, 1'he Sa,cs~" 11

u•fth'!t'\l .:.roonJ .ln rBJ il}'Ctll

J>l•}<',Jt,) l>tn1cl \\,11.!nn,:klft•ho

11 ll)·1n1111 \l,,P 1cnm1~, fn11n

ln,.!1n11':i:11t \'Ufl W11hnut t1AA.h

lu, I. 111.J • loi 11f t-i,oaJ. cbc

F'ff"•J.knt C-•ll• ln tht' •rmy ,llkl

Jn.Lut-\ 1t1.Jrt.l».I la~ Al"" ,t.trnn1

/uuJ!fflt Bc111n,g .and Bruce\\ 1lh


II )UU 1.iM' ('Jwd,K', Tornrnw,

,\11f<"li.:.t. Phil l 1hn1hir"' ~h),

v.h.-1 U1, )''IU h-'\C~ 1hr ··1tuvo1h'

fflO\k JJa.l(',l 11ha,.1l1111.111J.,1l111

nl hkn•1f th.It nnl) an Uh OIII

Uf1Jlf\'.i..itc. '·Muatrat, h nut tlfll)

tfl4"11 ln,ni; t,.,1 q111~ .tJl,1mr, Whtn Jiron 1hc 1rqutl,c;(llnt '"'' 1



\h11tt'ID SmtlC', S)'h~tu S&alkwlc •nJ Olm11,pbrr \\'11ll.t-n a.11.J )~"' h,1\'c the fl\'.W JlrC'Jltl\lolJl'J., <lrllm..,l(\J fcattute."'J\1111."""h•d111!11\thc U\llh -..inbulutlon•l'lllbeMtol;; Mmplc ""kt' 1111l l'bt- \\·.,noo, ,\d.JmSJndkrrl.1>--:t\l.oitffl'IO)

tW'JIC'd f~I pJa)tt tn. 1.hh(.~) v.hllo."h Pf,icm\O Mt'l-,top lau~" SarlJll;r I\ 8,ot,by, f19t,Atttbnt 11,hc,1 1,l1 pnt.k1n.hl\Jdti,,11t1~-1,ll " >\C'C'tn to omc-,11. Wht'n he Id 111.aJ.fiC'~·l(IUJtll Th<'\."'Oal;hc,(. k,,,in,h...-itl:,alltt,1,m,.p.'ll•I~-, lm\!'ln111,

Aho i.tMrin# KJith) 0.1t.n "' 811l'h) •, n,nchcr



Our hyp o thesis:

*"**• TopNotdl *** Wonh1hcS tt Video Spec,41 * ·Sf1<iwgart)

Jfln\rle r(llf )'('ltil Frame b) frame)''* ~""It.I. KC 1.bc old 6Ck ~la,,k wnM' 10 hfc u1 vi"lJ cl.111.lf before )'lhU<)« Anne H«l'lr plilycd \{iu,or, Cr.tllC, the ~<lmilfl wh,l ~1.eah hn t.s· imoc,.. mn, ,. ,.). "nd ,ct, l1UC'J'" .i 11h1)\ Htttt,11,ht~ot 1hcch.iruckr•·•1,nsh1on If "he"'" J1.1ofu111 ll1 a., llk.e J«IIC't LC'1r,h. thtn ,b,: M the rw,t. \met V-ai.itt,n pl11>·C"d the Pf,>·i:f1oc~ Nc1nn11n B:at~ hi• d1,Lf.1Clcr ,1raytJ a bn from thC' origtr111I. but ho ,I)· -.nulr m.adc ,·i,u beUc,·c ht "''U fe.\111 , mad WDll <;c, lhr .ar1r,, p,. Cnine I, n,nrung ,1',l.t)' '*"hh 1J1e moue) .1nd !lrop) orr m ,pc'flJ tht' niJbl 111 1ht Blee \iutd, ~httt 4te ~' 6M¢'. 8atct run\'"-" 811i11c Mr.ttlall1loo,:,c,Cq'I fOC'hi, mulhl'1 Lb.&l ) oo M "'ff tee but )00 tic. to 'Jmt1.M1 P\.-.IC'.ldlc.lly. chc onl1 rl'Oblcm '" 1hAI h,, tl'lltlhl:tdinf 10 )t:11D.<'11rllet. to who doc, he 1all. tt,? Thac·,-.t.a )Q.I iltt ltf1 to"andn1bmughoot1hc

"''"'*nimit. \\ illl.irn H \1a..:y rt11)"(1l 1ht ('ri,:.1e in,-ougutor lhal It~ ICl llllc\. Crllnc, he f11utn OUt ll'Jll.l lhc:tt h, <,Ut11C1lti:1ti otot nshl !Uk.I m,nug~ IIIC I\ tit~ Nl lht ,t;IJ~j\l\tl1M'dltor1gln:il Th,11 ltl0\.·1c wdn't offn much th•)"* h1hcn"t \ttl'J b(fori: ,I )'W·\-c 11«n1bcw1111ial,tiu. at tus1they Jtc1n·1 ruin• d.1ui.: tnl'1\lc ~ilb l')'UI# 10..Wd 100 tl)aJJ)' n1ni,: ~1n11ih1 '"""'ri JIM modcmiU'd and colonttd

Tbt c<ltltcall <« chC' moM p;1n kfl !dune. If ;ou t1o1,"'C' "CC'n me unrinal !Mid"" turiwr, 1bcttm11L..-. b} ull~lh ao, but 1f )t.J11 N1,cnc,v-1«G "l),)'' and \ltllll ltJ 11tt a M:u)' nklVlr. you wal l be dh.Jf'rc"ln&cd fbrre k '"'> liuk

Doc-, an)'tinc e,·en Loo._ what channel 1t1i, "'"' 1am bt11rirnnJ 11, ,.k,ub( 1b nu.kl'klc. J>o tbc\C ,oow1 ,ulb cd\,'/ h then' •1')'Ullt' lh:11 hl'-<\'U \Ct:O lltl) Oflht;\c )ho-..,'+ I ju,i to.~nlly f1,:uttd WI \\'ha ct11Mtnd'"Morlb.i"'~,111ut1 UrN, Then- arc..., m n)' PC"A' nc:tv. M-" 1Ju1 uh lunl Ill l «I) tnli:l Bu, _.hy SO 11\111)' ncwclJIWK'h1 Pt(,pk 'w1Web °TV'° lltt.) d(Kl"t h11,c

1"111:inl. Wby-v.,-..IJ lhry•JDI l0(1:'tntrl1hn v:1 tn:UI) dl,IODCI\Clf ''>'"' li,utt a111 \lih"1we mew"' The tu\00 NBC, C'8S ud ABC \ttp tbn""\S ,., ~tie~ att llll,)', t.. rn 1hc c-ntitt corir..,:pc of d~ a>1eh !'l"IIIW1,."CftetatJon.

People~ ml'li(nll,,:11111111 "J'lldcrt otdsct'" but mu"t Joo"a t'\ en ,1ntn1rt li'trymfinJch:an:11tt, lti.c'"\IU~--· Tck,,,-k,n 1, '° <'OOf~ng. h t0 tc lo() c:h)', )OOr d111'a-i, ""''" "'Int CAh)' Stiu-.." WhO"> lhc ~?,"' "'Cn.•wing P111n.1."" "hmdy T,~ ¥Ind -,',UUorDall.'' Nc,'9, 11,"(''ff 11.11111'1:"C~('f"l"flflMWt;, IC!tW"Of C'Offlt'dyCcntral Ufc01Jl(', MTV l, llPN ;,ind lhf WB. llloo,:w,1t1 ,mn) ci1hcn. SQ wtllll 1hfb«k tldoe'\. Wl:l \Qrodfo,' WB rou.JJit,11t1ll for man)' 1h 111,,.. t.t'lffil" \'.011lJ (.\en 1hlnt ar some ,o1 "'° 11~ 1hmi11h.1 ha~ ,tie m11lih we. Anu rc.',.('l&l'Cb., 1 rwrid out wtw ic for l1uank (iod for 1hc W1)1IJW1dc wcti Thr we neiv.orL ~!Mh for Wuntt Bn11hmi. n11, aa,,w: Wiimcr 8rolhrn.1hal t'C'l"'f'Ck'Dl Jcv,,:l .11nd hnng u.1 JrC,11 Ital\ k'I The Wft i\ 4 fflil)OrflCl\\tttl lik~ABC buit v.eju..tdoo't gt'l thhchnnncl 1nwr ,,... I Jutl\ ttl.u h U ~.JI bufflmct for'°""'· hu1 f' m nN IOO '*cpr~scd, I'm QOl l"(',)tl)' lntn tht 9021Utclcv1~1ffl 1:e1lJ\' t ,,u11.1ld rn1hn ~,C",·ii.ion ..,,,t1. Mt,n rad'ICf thlMl ~,,n; b«mnnc., rns t, 1hr ch.J.ttMI lo one c\-tt1 1ng )'OO ,an J(l .i llfchmc t\(l;\lltut'C': ·"Cia,."'"Tht Tbf't't'l·cnflf",'" ~1111~ol JlnU\hC"OIIYJK"- Wh;a muire cuuW you bl fo(f Whcd~r )OU "" 10:h FOX. PSS lhc P11l)'Nl)· cb.uwc:l. l"m i,,ure 1htre ii onr 11'nng: 11'11C <an"N he dcmcd 1 V "aoc ,01og Mid ~" d1.1.nncl,1re"prouttb1UPt'\el')J.1y(~ li).c \\«d,). lnonkl 10 lccp up hall lhc: nt"" chll.M('h. )'"' 1n1t\l do rr~\·h, pa)' atk'lltion a ..S uy DOI srt kli-t. B1.11 l<.iull )'OIJ ,m..1n pel'lf'k "'hO

Jon·1 C,11(1' _.t,ou, ftC"W<hlUilk'I (If like' PPS «belt.rt \(\C\'Ctl ft'ia..l l).lOb, Pflll'Ct k• )()tl • """' WrlifAt u ,h, S,rnmrl 11t11 -,,-) r111,n111t1tffl'NI hllt,,, 1,11,J

1o.11.111J Ir! lor S(J(>m· Spit,. I/tr t'f'i"illft> u~ li,r u 1111ml do 11M rrJ'ffi tlw 11pfohms 1,J ,1,,. St>nti,,,J ,.,df. fo ,,.~/'<or.d td/t.ttntl11Jit'tll. NffltUI '1/ {U\ti,;J11ntl')V;1ht>0.c,lffl ('(Jfll'U"f'I thu,u<:li Ii Jun;t fotktlf! rlt,t,c•,uVJtl,,n-lmt.

IQuick Hits

Christmas gifts are here

l\ittl'f)· \luJcnh ;trl" gc,hng fix lhe 151h JMU4l H.,.id4)' Ptiltrt} S.alt' Art Witch 'fhm ._111 l'C hu:ndrt.J) Of piCCCI u( J'Ollcl')'" SICi.ludrnh The rntCC'r') will~ m pn,:c from l5 cc-nu to Sl5. AU pn.11:ttd.\ "'1U je{'I ll"n\'otd ~ao.h1iw, f('lf 111.'11 )"

Boiiv.dl JI.JI

C-"""'(;,i)ay 1111;L1, a JO •m 11, BJp.m <Od Fridlflt'<tam 14., 2:JOp111 l>')' ifl\.lNCl(~f Uu L1nC', i\ 1n dw1'( l'lf 1hc •illt::. a..J tllcro,..111 tic,, m11ny 1tudct111 on hal\d IQ help 111",~ v.,1U be plent>' 1\1~4 for Cbn,1iu11111-1r{\

Mistaken identity at the Playhouse

IComing Attractions

a Ott. 10.1' ·rt.e. l.Ake Cb> Pfa)'Mllw: p, cw:1111 tnsp«-1.tna C•r.,.:· Ll);(' Cily Pl•)h(IV\(', 14th 41'51 G11dtn. 8 pm Frid.a, ,md S.atwJi:yel'entnr,, 1'p 111 'rhumtay, 11.tlJ :! p.m. CilllidO)'

IT\.ltiocc~• .Mulo.$10. ~IJdc~ior,; \8 Ind childfC'D 12 & uoder S6. Thund.a:)1 tudenu n .1nd lldUtt, ss 667- 1313

8 0ft'.10 11 lfollda) Pu11r.ry S•IC', Uv,.111 cll Comtr 011Ucl).Tt11n>d•y S: )0 1.m S;.)0 p.m. u1~ Frid.a) .:,oa.m ·2.]0pm a11«.1J NIC"S)~yOrd11:~\\lth mtmbenofNIC'CooomC'buir "M~''Stng-A·L,,\a&.SC'hutcr Aud11C)fn11n, 4 p.m ~It, S7, w:nlor'\ $5 and irtldetth $,J 769.7711;()

a Ott. 14,15


A\l<lltonum. 7.9 p 1n. P«'dll..-hM d:a1e,: Ma~h 1·l:.1~-3220

• JH, 16 Spnka.M S)rnphon) fc.1tur1n, M1cll11itl 1'.ru,1, llucc. SChukf Alkt11w1um, 8 rm M<:"\t'ncJ ,,tAhng $l 1t ii~ S1Ulk.nl1t hair pri((', 769-77~0

• Jan.lS North ld11 h~ \'ou1h S)rt1 phm,

7 run

a Ftb. ?5-2?.M11rt"h J.6 lmma Dept. ptt:~111, ••A 0011 '• Hou,c-;• d11C'Cltd by M11tU)·n ~ngtlchn Schuler Audit(tnUl"-

7:lO p nt Adulu, \$."°"'""'SJ. -:hllJrc-n $ct. 169 n~o

• M•rch t8 NI(' Symphony Ofi:hc\U'a'I )O\!th COf'lmt "The 01"fhe'l"l,{;ot; to lbc- Bh,.h'' (e11.11mn,: Julte: Pawcll 111\d Boo Br4nnoo

7 p.m

• \1arc-h ZS SP()kant s, mphony rc4 1urlllf; Ant.lte&.1 lhcn.n.irc., rwl'O. Scb\1kr <\ul.luil!f'tum,? pm ~nc:n.cdt.e.atJl)f $19, Sib. StUdnthrullfrm:c 71,11.71~

Pago tO Tho NIC Senhnel
.all-um ei11111ttt
Spirit" lbt 11lbum
111.0 )'t'"..1"' .1llc.t hrr
luh:l hn 1.1n, ,n O!ll"I; tlPitt,, tdllnt 11, 1i1C"0 ptrd-.
1.flm<,,11nil111 "1
111 hrt tiN atbun1. l'nlile
n111'lfl: hie 11W buc 10 bCI mut.J<
Arts and En1erta inmenl
hlf 1tir,.c,<,1,,badwl1f1
UM lhc htli 1111t. I \I.UUldn"t1us,cM yut1
101'1.1) -Spin1." Alchou1h ia 11 !111lo(flC''i\ rou~lcaDd-.~
Anno tie<~•,1.1,. Mori0<1 Cran•ln
lhr1lfer 'Poycho.
P"C and no \Ci '° the o,eru;l· mc.n IC·foet\ rmy be lcfl Ul\luJfilkd and (:h.;~LCd OUI Of &ht.If $6 p~fej~Jutce & Smoothie /Jar FullofFl•,w F'ull tf Nutnhorr 1-1.tJJldty /\ltcr,utht,t l•fa<lfa<,d Good Bagels== Good Grades r----------, I -~ I Come enjoy a fresh vegetarian sandwich, hot cinnamon toast bagels and gourme t Craven's coffee products. r---------, 1 Free Bagel 1 : u~~: L ••.-.• Ullf.WI I - - - - - - ...:-::--~ 223 W.Appleway 77·Bagel 121 w Pralrfe Ave. I J~· ..,_,_ I I 25 % off I : for NIC students I I & faculty : I with college l.D. 1 I _.Jt,J:.,..<tt...; ,,,.~n» I L *~ ------------~22..\W.Al'fllt""·.:iy 76S·$6S9 I ll W Praint Aw. rn·961S n,u,sday. Dec 10, 1119a
E\'et)'Clfle' h.,l\ burJ uf "Fclkil>····"0.~', Ctttk llhd "Huff) 1hc- V11mph" Sl:a)'«," bu1 what tbt, WU DC'IW«.._.,

\~t~d;an.;,n1 \\ci, tmmttl0tt 9AO

lft (lffcn:J 11tvu11d th1 , IIJ\"n. """ p.111 .It tht- Cf"\IS\ Ru.aJ"

,re be111; tir.ln1 hy 11uny c.ollri~ U,'IOI\" wt 5.\l pct

tCuJCflC~, Jl("O.UIJ 1:0, (t..1,~s.1reolfettdt11)'t'IUl'.ll ...,hv ;1~~JonC11f1,

tA.Mll lO lean mo1t 11bw1 1~ 1~ att. f tlll\ortni

~chi the ilitl!X iltlJ lm\c., ,hrir khAi !Wlh anJ

llll'II: wMc k.armns. t>,m<,·o r,tnn!< lc'-l.fcn. ;anJ

,rt 1:ncour,1r1."CI to k:.ffll lbt ht.adtn,: M ihr t\pt;'r'IC'tn. i'-' i:x11 .md rri '"'-'"~ d,11h,"t Oour... ,,m1'\oC. Y.·htrc thf

The rncc for il •1,·"1-«1 d,u,ci::

,'OUf'\CI\S.:\2,1pcN1f1 11,co~n

~111 ~uO'ctcJ In Pma hlh at 0,tf'ICC far,t<',.~io,n bttillnmJl tt'lt'

111"1 ~C'Cl.mJllJltlJI~ In lhtt.

AI DS Da y : Free HIV tes11ng

avu ,l ab le at NIC

Conti nued from Peg• 1

The 1.atc-"'l r1,urc., 'Iha.., lhtrt' an: sn paiplc 111

IJ.a.bc1 t,\;ho b,,c IIIV Of AIDS \i.:1;m~hn1 tu dlot'

IJatin Si..uc STTlJAIDS t)(pann1cm. 11, d1\l\11~ or

llt.1111 anJ w 1r~. thc:rc h.u been .a M.'('n( ifll.ff.l

ut 1hc numhcr ol womcri. Jnd teen, v. ho hia,"" the


H11\lllj ut1r,mc«ltd ;uwJ, \•1hwl or or11 I li'll 111·11b • infcettd ~t'\oOn ,ptt1111h JII\· II n o1,ho 'J!fC.ld b)

Ji.:tnn11DCC."dlci.:llild,)nni::c.,c.• fmrn1avcht.-ntt11hfir

b:ribic, he.fort', dunna CH .atccr Mnh "'hHc tirc:i,dccd1ns, IIIV 1, pte\cnt In bt,oOJ. ,c-m<n, ,.a:,snll Uuld 11nd btt-.\t mnl, ~h,,1nt11,1 iu1> c•r dli(-.ctlalJ, 1,1,i1h UII u:ifettl'd wdl 1tptt.kl HIV 11olc"'

fl(V Y..U~ rfllAWIUftc'd ICI people d'IMljh b'°'1d ua11,ru.uon, sm~I! 11.ilS". •II cl(lna1~,J MonJ .1n1J

Captain Ego and Genius Boy by Wad e Dorrell

~of'titpn'Hlf US!loUC It( l,tstt"J for IUV s~ clll 111\' thmtlyfl lt'l!M\IU,~n I\ hi.i,hl~ llllbkd).

·11·, NM '4·h~ )'(II.I arc, hul "hOJ )IIU do 1h111 pi,1, yo11 11 n~I. for UIV infr1.:11ui,,"' tht ld"ho

Oq,.mmtnl 01· Htahh •h<l Wc1f1Ut." ,1111cJ ,\bo\l1nncc •be. only wr-e "'") h1 i1,~0MJ J,('1;1,1,11 ttan»11i\\JtM1.uflllV

-rr)' Ill a\·otd 'CJlUAJ O,MIIKI H )\8'1 trc 1(0l/1g h) haH· 1oM., ••i.c prn:auuon, lot t~,h PJatht -.11J lut.1cn Rc)ma.. -l7

Rc)n:t y.,,11~ on.: ul lhc p,1tklhh hlf WurJJ AlOS

D-1)' .it Nit. 11ni.l hJ, he-en• rritmbrt 1,f 1hn ~1,~t, ltiiho AIDS C'o11h1w11 ,1111,;c 1*90. Rc)'fllt h,n AIDS 1ft .,.,:&\ d111,~ In lliX4 •nil ~u1tt'd 11 lhrough 1<a.u.1l 1r.1111Mnin~,a A S.i11onal DrnJ ln,111uh· co, o,u,\1 prn\cd 1hlt1

wud W•~llc' ll.1r11 J-UVl,\ll>S

Prc\'cm1n11 l1101unu, lur 1hc \n'Cm 1111 FkJ c.:tth\

··T\\r111y 11euph rc-1.c11tJ free HI\ 1011 dufinf WvrM

AIDS o > , n ) Platt h1>m

lh(' l'nhnndlc lkahh 0hJm;1


Pi;11pli; "'hu ll11t1l. 1h,·, 1rn, he al ri,\. \tf tllV intc..:11nn •rcc1ttouni !t'J In \.Cc\ Ill\, 1111d cu11n,dinJ rc,1, u,<d IOdil) .rC' O\'Cf IHI pCh ('Al a(,u1:11c, "i.:(1111.hnf 10 the -'fflC'rka11 R<'J

ie n,ursday, Dec. 10. 1998 Continued Toe NIC Se011ne1 Page 11 1Got a thing for swing
SwinA of th e 30s t 40s l,_.,,J,l(lll b.l\ ~v.1n1 I~ (.·bnrlt\lllQ t,ecomcs newest rage :!t:::i:~:nt,:~;;:1!~. b,('lndl Jlkk.,. Ql~ l'P'lth&lhPluL"'& ·················· .. ......... .... ...
l~tmrl ,q•ortrr Ra.1catk,n Dtpanmen1 \\tll S~m,\IJl'K.mS- IIICt'lt'\l,C',I hlr\'. tl61iJ ~\'.b<,., hc-£il'll'UnJ Jin fi 111111"',l: ,·ounr .JuJt\ in 1hc cuOOU) lbt p.,nnc-1 ,.L'"~LOJ.;l,.1:.n ..,.,u IJ.lCla), tu., lalt'n II i•,,,~ 1n J\'t'lflh tun few II• ""ttlu C'<f) &J.lllo. Cl>l."''\C" Ii.II
m11\f l0.2-l yc.1r-1'td, 11.:qum:J Iii\ Md AIDS thruug:h ,c-, rn1 1;11.1 A l1uu cPllJom ..:&n proi,· 1 Imm HI\'. 11 uiuM Ahl, riotctl ftum Sl'D'1 J lllC'\ t.:umJom1 II.II\'( lhc\. A I.ale~ i;uuJ,1111 c11Jc-r,. lbt bcH r,ftlCt'.:ll<1n -;;;==========:.:==:;_.;:::;..:.. •1.11n,t lbc 1ta:11,m, ou111 I Ill\. I butJc .ab,1u1c-,h:" to he CASH paid for your BO Ol< S Bring t h e m to the NIC Bool<store 5 Days: Monday thru Monday-Thursday 8 a.m. - 5 p m. Friday 8 a.m.-noon December 1 4-1 8 cfh:clnc ct1nJnm, ffiU\I tic 'i\'lM'n c,11 h .i11,t n-e,, time t,c.11,h tlu1d IHC flt"C,<'nf fuf '"£11,tl. cwal ,n1Ja11o1.I \C'.1. " h p1,01hlr 11, t,<'(t1mt I :~:,',:~;.;\:~l'~h ~·;7, :;~:~ or ')r1nrc- 1hr .\'ll!rn-in Rcd Cm, ,11J UI\ d"c~o I p1d; 111c pc:11plc II tnkch 1111\trl'lc 1111 bu la..a~ 1.·,·1;1 <'n):.IS'Cd m • h11h n \ bch.a\lUI 1, tl'c~ruhle 10 1111 nnn·Jl,rrim1n•11np: J11c-uc.
cn~"i 1o1JJ "ll'li, J p1(\('nl11hlct d1~u,c1nd ~tJIJ nct"i.l lo 1.ilr rrcc:11111rnn,," Pout ,11,id Any1'111C ii ~thUj'IUhJ, fl<tl jU\1 ,~) mall',"' HIV t1:,UIIJ: ,,_ •\.iil.1blt ,u1 1b.: S IC c.mru• 111 nn hui,t· An •PP"IIIIJl>chl 11 ncC'J(J Now is the time!
by Otis Brodwater
SUNSE T BOWLING CENTl!R TH UNDE~ ~LEYeyr,1rx Dr Pepper Au Emenni11111cnt & Sound Experience Featunng La<.er Lights, Ultimate Sounds & DJ Glow In The Bow lin~ 81,ck Ll~hh Ligh,. Mo'< A, Music Ploy, R<'lhn8 f,'tl •Pin, & B•IL• Glowin~ In TI,c D.1tk Frida y Nights 11:30 PM - 1:30 AM Al\' EXC'ITISG WAY TO SPb'<t} YOUR EVE.:-01'10 W 202 -·Ave COA 765·2695 Go to the Cardinal Cafe and mention or bring this ad to get a Free 20 ozDr Pepper with any pur<hase Offlir llmlt'2d to first 100 customcm, So HORRY! nDr 1epf!._er.§ n,irz , Save books f w Boo l< Swn1 1 aet 11'\0J•e 11'\0l'\eV fo,· yow· uset.l Go;ks at the Boo k Swap l.:>"t,1,cnii,ms Clt,l, ,;~1c,11so1·s th, st.ii,• lh1.-11 fi•·st \.\let.!k \..,f ~cl,"-,,.,1 ii\ Jn1,t-uu•y Look fm· si91-1s.
by James Bell

counterclockw1 N from top:

- A Schwehur compelt1or holds • mld-elr grab off the hall•plpo wall.

- Snowboard ,nstructor NJcct Brown g fYff guktance to young ridera on their way down lhe bunny hill

- Toking In lhe vmv lrom IIMI cornlce ovor•tooklng ihe South Bowl

-A rider goet fn for a method grob In oompo1hlon

Schweit?J!r Mow11ai11 Reson '.I reopening marks the begi1111i11g <ifanother pm111isi11g season of dcnmhill ecstan:

ii IJ~~c PrnJ (,..cdk ~.!'JIN.I (l'CC bck,~· Scb"i't"IIU'r·, 1)11,~luUp t 11,r1r 1,~11. AJJ !,\OU \'('fhc:.s) fed. matt th.1111001Ji.:hc1 It ,nnv. gr1,upi~1n·lovtns AJ\·cnt1.1rc" tn 1hc '«'Dl'f). IIIMI )111J hau: 1hc 1r1111f l lO\<cll111lirw11h.:i1rlO'u1Ulti (Jo Uu NI rd th,111lkhc \loho '\l<htl 1u undc:r.twkl the acrc:111"c:1lJ11tw1) m,,t11 1 \0 t, n1 <ll,1 uut follo\lom or 1bc tnp«"ta\'~ teohg1011 The:« ~n:i 11Nr, 11 ar.d cntplO)·en, ntu,11) 111\·C" lh;ul\-. v.Julc t.a~IIIII' ttK!r rP II th.• IOl.llbm ,topc,. If )'l'IU lh1cn <~1). lhtn rru,' ciu1 bf' !-1.u C'\:lwlltng tl11nurh th~ ,tiNt",.. ·\\ haiau Hoooo''"

~,·,tm h I rLicc 1N1 .«mt. 111 catm hitikn ar.d 1(,r, A, i.t1<r ,av,~e, )tt Ntd, LubJdl J'llt ll, •·f.vct)~·~tt.11 ttl.uaJ 111nJ dulJr..t uut u11

A t m< Slll,r tmrlC')tt t·~rntt U.1t1 ITICflL\ tllt ttctt '°' 1hc C'bl;hlntrncn11,t

'1lU:t '\~ dm~·, hlt,'C w 10UQ~ Ille p.ick, You can htdc c,o11.n llk l~- be 11.ut.1 oar,FcntUc), llh rniplu)<'C on die°'°""'""'"· 'l.b )'.:•r,., i.:ttJ11, UJe · r,nsuff

I ) '1c: lhc IIIIIN U)c~~IC:t'#UplO)'C'C'\llll)'Wbctr ot1thep1.mrt..-~hc -.a1J

'1-t hec-111hruugtl a ldlof limo. hin a&dl lu1nv. how Ill hl\'t: • g1-iod

,e1, n·, r.un) illkl c1 ,1ut,.lck lbcftt Uic bean ol 1he pl.-.

~t"ttur r,·h lh ,haft ut \\·4'. fQ&lY a.mJ,tioni. A ,Lm l.11.1ehcd and ·111cd v.1ulc n,lini; thc.qu.,J m10 OC'.attv u,, 1~Jb1eCOllllidor1•.' h v.011ldn'1 JA.(lll('f•Ul the for' I lf~Y be 1hc ,af\dy nf cond1ocm, ind &main lbM 1111111;1 m,•ny ,l.J,:n ,o the lll•Utl I he v,e;ithtrw,d 1.t)oUI 0, the 1&n:.:1 t't<4k' it ""•n1:t) "I ,l.1t11s lt'"rh

I uu1n 10 !Kl, •DCCJ." \;1odpiim,l ll.''1dtnr Snn Murd(ll:k J,uJ Tbf \.ui,cty 1, "~ OUI Yflthln IV.(t hul( bowl",~ M.Olctl Nib .r.ncJ IJ.\ ,c11,h,Urhlh1dWhJ..l)111&l{llhcl~ lr)Ol.l(kl(l"ldlft:(•lflhi: ,omun K>lllh "'dt.takcaridctl,cr toth,c,nonhbo'A·I FoU~ !IJtt ,ms:01 llnJ )'11u'r,: i.urt hl di1C'O\fl lh(\ htJJcn pw,Jn.pcrlCL"t Nil ', V,cc JJre~IJ.:m DI S1Mnt Snvk'n. oa ll.l Lilld'l,ijy. ta.\ C'\llblh,~ 11 r 1 1,on for bt1111 an ~11\·,: -1:kt 1,1,·tr !he h""-""1" and J""'" 1hc ,1c.,:p1.

h'A ltl<'t s.&k<,.anJ \1.1tl.(litr1 t>u·t..:tOl' Oa.robnt H~l~y .a.ttw> i• pi..,,kl,1 bt-,,t,,h, h.»C'tttkl."n

IC"\C'lal c:t\anj:('\ lhill •·di ood Ill tflc \ a,li:t) Of mountaltl :.unellillC'\..

n 'I • llt'~ fll:JIOnl(t dciol,ncJ lt'I Ji,lf'I' lhc hlllf j'l1pt, tt'mun r:i1b I hall l..iJ."11.k• I K.aahy·~ ,.ahl c;,1,r lw\'C'lin.-rt aJ..1..-d tolllc l,1,1,,f 11cc r h4.1r" Cro.., count!)', h.l,·c, brtn caknJtl.l 10 m,,1C' th.a" 10 k,l1111l('1Cf' tbt L..111nC('n:fc:r 11111)(' viii.,~ lilfd "'111 hou:'<' Groiuwl/,C'I\l t11UCJltUUt1 •ptNlS. Pend (>rc1flc Btev.101 Cu. M•'t.tDL.Un M.ulct 1r«:cry ;UIJ Jel, 1~ .\lrtn~· \lx,P•:H and Clj,:ha cunJc;" r1lC' US 8.ank.h,n lfo.o1111:td 311 umen1Of( a.n.S,·.;ap~J 1n,p1hct11C'l•h

Ohc 1,nuw 11,11, tla::n Jun.,&cd ti} .i. l(ntniu, k>Ufl..°1: "ho\c') ~C'd t-1<b •,•re f'l'tiCn!t'd to" JuJic ,1111 M'IJo.)' Tbc "1k o(St.h' "'<'ftt tu the litrl-e,.t bnJJ(1 a,111e 11:.:J Turi.J.y lhi, 1nJP1m11tn,n "'" l't(I( 11,,111ublc NCun: lht 'icnol'll'1' t pnnrina 1.l.a1c fht ho1 J'fkiet. rm fm hcL.:h ~c no looicr 1M 1hc eroccr) t.lrirc. !\11.,t11 IKk'! h.i,c:bttn r~c&J'S-!S, aJulu, ~10andrhlldtcn ulllkt 6,t, fr.:t' r,~t.c~,i..lft t'C pun-ti..~us ~h'Atltl(f lkltt V.tnduw H.1111~9'(lpttllllflll .i.rc .tr n, daily N 1ah1 t-k i,ns bcJJm Otc:.. '!.7-).an ),.1.9 pm C'all •lwal tor Ml1\I, con,bh,>11, 1Jl()() E\1. I. S..:ht-,l11JcJJc-m,QJ..:.)1,111c lxc. I'!. 11 f,'f'Trkm.11~ gc,.ar, De.; .? 10 fo, •no'Wbrt,.ti.1 Dt-mc, J.a)~ arc '" "".Jed tiJ oUIJw lhot< ihlrrt"\ltJ 111 ti'!< lik"~f1t cqur111tlc'1 I tht Pflr1'1'1UJ11l) 10 i.c~ the ,K(-M' 001 lbcrt h Ml thol.ltr' ,1m1t11f1llin11ou111 fo,rm\lr1llput )l'llilOCI 1Lb1.1.atdotp.,lr11( Cbod. w1 ~h r1t1i-r ., "''""'"llt t,ir lhrt 1.ompkk c•lcrid.arnl ch·n1, .,.,.."' w:hwa1,C"T.'11m Cuunn, tiot4 f1tlC'r T•¥ l'rlLmJ ,£11,rJ Sch\lo't'itll"t', ,l.ilna UOdmlk.J -.h..:h 11 aybc 1pld1hifll; l(II' fo.;.al'" Schwt1lt.t1 I, llp,m,.li\echal"\ M•flk' und1..cmQrJ,. Lttptn; li te 11ft l1nn .,hun ,1111.I f~\h rcn11Jn ru.,. i001'1,:hdk bmlia '1tttlr.lyn1u,1I (or '(lllflt'

Thursday. Doc 10, lll98

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