Sandpoint campus to open next year

The C• II nf lh flC"tll• C:<'n(Cf v.,jlJ bt ;!JlP\lXUlUl!d) 5,4,J)K), t,,.,1 ~JU ncil 1tk:tt.1..e lht cu,1 ('I lu111nn, .1,n,rd1n11 to C11nJ1,..Whttkr. dim:toc u( cij1'IOl,c r:J1,11,.·at1ie,n 1he. SanJpotnt ,11.;dcnh · 1u111uri •1;;ump 1n1cd ¥Hlh "°''°') ,urpon Yr1H t•fr1e11~ t'lllputz c1hh 1lf the -.:cnl« Lt1111.11l) Uie L"ffltrr will <=<"t I(. s2,.uoo. Bonner fount) ~od S..nJfc11.n1 h,a\~ lljfto.l to pay Sl0.0110 CUlh C")'('on2fiK1otlo 111 lllllr. m the f!R>Jn.:I llnd loi:.11 bu,1nts"-."-I rt11n to ,k"1o11i= c,t\ll.lurti ar Of f1dn"' O\I\I
plJIIU •Ht be rck:.a_\Cd a1 1he n.:\I t,,c,;arJ uf llut.lco mC'\"lmJ i::,ca 1b01.1rh
Ho~p,tal 1U1d
lhir i.i hlnH,t a t·,11111mmin+ 1,mt1ln1o:ctlmut1,m "' '""' '""' 1/Jrv utt' 'k'illing w J>t.l_\·fa,r VIC tu ,la h·hm lltr·,· Jo Mu
'·l'hi, 11 About a t11nrn111t11l) 11oat11111c NUl;ll11fln w t,,;iJ 1b.s1 the) .arc \\ilhnf In pa~ hu SIC' 11, J1, v. hll lhcy 1ln bell,"' ''-'hcdc:r111J 11udc111, h.a,c. h4.'.tn ll.ik to .ueoJ do,'°" i11. lh( Uonrk'r Ocrrrill
- Co11diet Whultr, diuanu rdutorltm dirttlt>r
c,,td-..a11n Crt>d. NIIL-~ bw1J1nr f<Y tUlY' btne. lhh atdWt 'U.lli 1110'-' '8111'1)' 1,uakoUa:a:ti fOI Lu.:i:rqwu1UC) of f!OtleSCCoG,hQ le~tl (Ol1f$d-...1"1thm1t 'b\ltit IO INl..r ltr I.or, ICl (\,cur d Ak-tlr, I tnp v,,hid11111 ~int.ii.Ct! ?20 ,1u1J.-nl, 1u11~: ea:h «-l '11'llft .,. on• J..u,c.: '"' 11m1) )".n lxtwem
SIC- Alld 1bt· S,ualp'\Hnl rh.mbc:r of t'oi.ttmtn c.• t.aiJ Stcphm Onnbn.l. 1ticit1,bn of the lhttinc-r C"uunl) Educa1inn H1l l«hnl'llost ,\111.ui« (B~IM. '\\'t rt#lu1'J jl1:,r 'tlllC' ftlUll \l,l'lfl. \I, llh lh~ po-.. k'COOJ,U) !tbbl Ubon, Tbt curtx."111\111' \ull tw:' I.Cl ll)' an aJ\1~ cu.n;1I .,..,lb {Tl(fflhcrl, hntn SIC .ind tht d1y t•! ~1ndp.,,n, l'n'hmlfWll) the L-OUn.:: ,1 rt,.m, 10 ufkr an. incroducuon 11., WuklcilA• f!nsh,h c<llllf'll"Hli'IO, ll'lln:iJ~'tOf) r~)(bOIO&)' o1fltl tfldtr1 c;l~~ dtmn lb ril'\I ~nic,tn, 11IC' cuu,-:11 i,l!r,U l'QIJ\ M ,1t1CT II 01:0 ~Tllnl
Tbt !!OJ. ,iqwstt roce «n1Cr ,,111 c••.1.,. llf lv.,l mulmonal b)'ffl. lfla. • L"Offll-'U'n """" ,and M.i:puon an:a. Located on UK Cffi"ne'f I)• llmrth aod rin4 lb'Cdi m jbto lnl.twll 1J1ticc builll1111 !he c 1m11u1 w,11 1n t ccutral lo..:.ihUQ ,.,th ark'qu Ill: p;11\1n,.
•·T~ real p.1tr1t C.•I 1t (II! I\ In 'il(.""'1 mlc: aud IIIJ"~l, u·, ttioul tJua11c,l\ala:c<",'-" \\'hec~ruh!
The 1,."(nia .,,,II Q'C • VJ:1,d)' vi d1UnrQI dclt,cr) mc1h1o~1h ,\lc111,: -.11t1 hc;:~h)' lnw,ic,un. w1ll l'ic a d.a•,rumn "-·llh e1Jhl
COITIJ'Mli"N. ,..,tuc;h t,1,dl allow "mdcnh tn ~e 1ntc01Cl ~~,un.a. ln1c1111cl1\c ~l\ku c:our\.t:I wllt 11oull 1t\,nl, 1be oil '111c 1~.a11o1m hut -.111 c,cutuall\ he' 11,u,c:d 1n1111hc (ci11(1 ,1htr1111.1to·1rt'J fr,r1f Drinl.:ard l,lllf 1ha1 be b11p(.J SIC" \loiU ~-cttJ Ml uthtt ptil ~'Un~ 11~1111111,,n, would he dn. ,1 tu the CIC) Tht) AIII ill tnd('";l\(' Che r11oh«'U ~if Ui,e lllffllllWJJI) ru. 1hc ~nu, he "11d
Board hears final Facilities Master Plan
Pl an includes
fht r.,ru ,., ttJ m n,et,bcr c>f IWK b)
,'l('•mnt 1ht! nhlUJ• fa:1h1~ ON \.urlf'U~
h1ch ""•" a ,niawr pan of 1hc: planning rmctn .;1c.;"4'J111t 11, Rub111,1.i1 Er1H1ik'e:1, r;1t1:J twJiJJ1nlt', mtocL"'tlnl IJ'IICI .inJ
Uf'.IClf'f'bll,. The f111n 1hco 1al~ed 10 meorc 1ban 1~111 ra,rla ,abnu1 h11.,. 10 ~~11•DJ. Opctt·b°"loC ma:lin1, \\.\'tc: held'° the p11tib,, ~*"''
11.s •Jmmi•tt.,111, co,1M put forth ldc».
Clubs bring awareness to NIC
Ami 1111r111t111, "'" tatlllll
•·,t.'!o n1.adc lO l~ bt1Q.l'\J nl tru•lttt NO'r 17 h) wth11.«l1o lrom C1A LanJ•,u•L, ThC' Iuni clllbor..ite.l oo the medium
dnhd)' lic:t'llolfiO fof ji,IO¥o1h lplm 8), '111,hldt (iin acc:omnh>d.1te 5, I MS ,turJcnu, ,,nee o,ff'tltiet1n1ni li"PJ'O" 1(1( 11 ~"'" P"'"'~'I) t1f!n="rJ h) the 1-'ltMJ
Pt.iru'l('r S1.a9 koh1n~ :1-.iid f'bn U -.,~ b.-11111 "1:t-.:ptnf 1n b.alan..:t tbe ttc'iaut)' 11f 1.bc umput. v. 1th the tnc10\( tn '\luJcnt C11tulhnc11t • h JJJ, JU\.I U\d' IIOOC'ftl\, to the armnt '.~, Plan(' wh1,h '11,c,u)J lt"CVllhU•:ida(C ,ml)' ~, tnPr< ,tudtnh.., tCljUlttJ 1n t,pcn-.1'-'C
~r\lflf 11.ira,t
In .-n c11rhcr 1n1co tew, Prn Mh:h:i.rl Hvrlt u1J, ~1·m fld Jumm), Plan C" 1,1,·•, llt'\ct l'QII) .in upln'oR
11aiJ 80,Lt
Thi.'! tt~ull '!'11-11 rf1W11X'n call A li\init
OOn11ncn1, bcc,.uu,ie o on be 11pililrcJ h)
romJIUlll"r ,1., 1ht ,·o!l<p! 4klch hw1J1np, .ind
c1,cn rcm,wo 1bnat 1) rc-n.1cn1 ol 1h
!,'l:l\lll1#f.-:1hhn. 'ft'I vvcr,cc 1t11, lmrltmcnHHU"ln nl lhc plan m l\c- a ffPur ut .1drninhlr•l(1n
~.ilkd tht" fti:1h11n 'lulC'f Plan
Cinmm111i:e 1olu1rcd h) Jim HC.IIH)', w1hkhc
Jq\ann'ICQI 1,;hillf 11rJn P111n B the' '1'-11.s "JU.aic f,,.,~ of budJlnl,': ,p:1« on umru, ,111a:l'CIU(' "> ~, prtttfll
BOARD con1inued Page 9
Affl E 1111d the ~ualll)' Cl1,b w«W 1011cthC'r tu b11nc av.arett~u to tolUl$cfYh Ty,o uhb •c:~ W'I up i1&11J fret AtUS t("f..!Jq' 'llll,H otrctttJ l,rl th<
J,('\Ul!J Ooor<l4 l~.SUB Tht tabk-1. v.·h1d1 -.,n :\d itp 111 d,c sea .as,J •n the bbrar) ft'C" f!llbllt.-..1 b) "·~\ul\Ur!l'Cn h'Om the '-habt, llllt S1uJcnr Sm1o.t!i lhrougt.JP11 hc ~) The \'Oluntccr, la\ C IWI) p,,nrhlru on rrc"'offlmJ1 thr •pt-c1J ,ii All>S ..»Ii:""·~.«.c~,. buuo1u ph•nu'lt1n1 AIOS ••:i.rcnn, 11DJ,,,nootn l.l\C, imJf\'JribblW. Jclf I t11ir.t h• 1ht' P~lt
1fcal1b 0(p.trtmca1 did 1hr
HIV/AIDS tcufa,. Tht" health
~rnl"nl't t111Jrc1 c.alkd fot flnly tho,,c JdmuinN to ht .11 h1ah n~ to be lC•tcJ heir .\IOS IMllnl CH be J«ie 1hco111hou1 the 1,i;hOOI )tar fnf am· \IUd<'n1 1hrou1J,h WuJcns "'Cn'Kn. An a.ppo111tn1.e:n1 nrcd, cu be m.aJk hc:h111·clhttcSllt1if
In C'f(Vi(IU, JCllrt .• ,c. IC•Hl~nlt. 1n(«1cJ ""Ith 1he HIV/AIOS ""''" ha,c io,ch ~;,«,he, 111 lht" , ,ucgt
A1;c:o,Jiar to Linda \11ch~I. cootdil'III,,,. 1.,r hdl1h .nd w,uncu f«
NIC, t.rcal«'n •('tt not b 1ourh1 111
N'CIIU'4" m r,c,·1.ou, )'CIII' 1ti..· 'P""hr-. wcre not v. di 111cnded and ahiu htau:'C' the- .pct(hc-, v.crt nae rut tnca tht, ><•·~ pt.nnrn~ Mktul nturwlC'J 1h111 'In Pf'C'lJOUt )'UI"\ •• I<,..•• fool
p«tpk ,it1c:uJcil Lbc ,pca:bn. ~hit wkt 1h•t \he • k"' auah fot thh )·eut't c:tkt'C"M10ll 'I h.a\c t,.,, guat,,• \lid1.i1.I uH1 Ont. h> bQ11olf tht pcorlc ltn\C: JwJ and lht ~'$'It lhld 1:onlln« to
lnc11111hHI\ ~J11.:1t1e1rbmilw T•ro to t:lt\C' pr,'j\k " k,tl, f)f •"'•rtncn 1h.i1 hn("tluO) ,i.111 1n.n.Ja1r kt a11on lhat "'Ill lccp 1hcn1 ff111n ftllltll
tn l o.t.:J•11hlhc: \iru,• She w11ulJ aho Ii\(' 10 •t(' , 1c fl•Ml1.:l~lt 1n .t commun,I) lk"tn u, 1'11:\1 )~• SN' 111:~td an l'\'C'mna r10.cum ur :a rl.ay lb.Al ould \.1>fflllKllHlfalJ: thoc>)C 1h111 h•~c J,cJ from the: dl,l'Ur •nd cutrcnll)' mfc.;lt'J. il11 lhl" "tlNI
Mi"h~I u1J 1h,11 die' 11 oNi(J
~'(' 1h1n\i th.It lottlt ffl'l'lc
bdc,( 1hA fl !' • &--Y d1tiCMC and ltwl
11 •ill nr,cr h.1Jtrc'n kl thml
•·IC )OU art: 1C:".1all)' ,cti\t', ,heft )00
aic ;at.1,..\.,"Jw:&#lJ. ·l~)'UU.,
ll. b.1maq ll"f\Kn.. S1,me1111~'" 11 hrllc tlt1 "r 1bo1.1sh1 h I ma,ai, coni~t c.,t a 1,u, ,,11 "f IO~t .u1y1b1ng 1N11 u .111 1o1.1rp1hr,"' uhJ Rhrna c ,pr, ,U m1<rntriPlon J,r,.ll'I.M,;fnr "To.:1.rc,&.1td
l.«-hin 14~Jj/JJQr
A.the t'hn,1ttu:, k:U~•n roll\ M'.IUnd, 11.lon1 w,11'1 at <'Ufflel 1hr
• A tuur,k ol Clin,coasa aa;n m)' family wnt. 1111 1a1c1hi:1, · ,aid Ktn G1.1n1bcr, ls, hum;aJ'I Kh 1cc, I., i: Mid bit f111mly lnt"fl*'cn. h\'<' fill .,,..rt ud do l'IQI ;.,.14, •h.att' d,c- huftd..t~, ti:i;:clhtr 'C't') t>llCO "11u1 •.a., lh<·b<-lg,~·
h tr.JJJdoeall~ a ume '"'" fanhl), and Ylffu."1anin Jbc: N."' tih H flifltCl'l'll-'ltifl•.aJI. Aaplndy lll'lce Ill la not llwlYl 1111'1 a, a 11111111ft 1 ,iu1 • ( h1n,1 Dllll h<un nn, i;tanim.L 1:tkt Jc1111dc:1 DJ\I~ IK. Hfr11Qi11y 1fl('d11;in( "'Sti<'·, ge1nc now a1-S 11', alJ I b..i,l" ldl l,t her 1 ff'llll>chmlhal"'
\.11utJ11f: Cot 1111 1Jc;u,. 41kl, ul "~• c~ U\WI v,,.n:lro.-btfnrc
bUIC'h1111J., "'The hoc l1UC\ oll'l' lht: 1hr 11J, ,nau,• L111I \hm11 M)"Cf\., ,IJj mtdh.:al .a,,,,tun, •ih( u,n, l'C,,.11) •lkl.,.. 1hctr 1..ikUi~
lbr,1hcJ 11th mrM a. ,re~, m p;anoru :. no 1na1t<°r lkn\ bad thC)' 1«11) a,c. •Tflh ,~mhk-kiot.1nc lanlc a,btnt.)' m) I0.~11 -0ld "4.•n nJ.JJc me
WMc 1.11ulf.t!hf11101."(111,c up ~11h 1ht pn1i.'Cl r•H. l.ttp ,n mind 1h:11 tl 1;. tlOI lllv.·a~, tht be~\I nnJ mn I npa111,\! sills Ille IMt.l. The slmt'k gtfl of l'"in1 m.1)· be 1hc uto11 l)cu.ifu.J gill ot •II
Chrl\1m,1, h no1 .111 lime ol ptc~C"hO. ~11"'' 11 11d ,...,,in, r:lfl" ralhrt • tlrnt kt ,:1ve unro OlhcrL "s:111 f:l\<C'l'l 11:1.lbm-J up a t,tlnth uf k'I)'\ .ahJ drupred chtln oCI at .a *1ta,• -.aid ShcUt) Wh1ti: 2.a. IM)l.:1.AI \l,Oft 1nlh 1tic- hal t1f1 l'u• n,, ,,,cn• 111.,. 111,o 1tuc ,tut ,1umt11111CTo. 1,c.11 r•h (Olb "°"lt m!ll'k')'
New instructor teaches her love for nursing 1.0 students b) Slat) lt:hm 14, Ed,111• Tho,r ""o ha\C c,q,cru~n,cJ or 1,1,:1tuo,eJ lbC' banh 01 a,y"°' ~h4t II Jfllrn.:lr II IH.1 1)' u
PnnJlc. 11u"1nr Jn,1ru'1<tr
\liltl'lt lhl\
nt1f'lll,,·ul11m, C\CDC 1n htr c,..-ry\b) Ilk
tl1t tt'1m '"m1J.,.,11C' •.:1u+1lly 111('.11\\ 1th
•0111an, • ac,otJ1ng 11, f'nndlc- Sur,c~
1n1i.l.,. 1\rt fo,u, 11n .,,,m('n'• hc.ihh ftt111\ aluk,all(C lhmu;h •l"Jthood Mlll inf.1nt, \II,
10 Ont- )C'"f WJ. Prilftll') c;.:ift' i, 111J11un1 ~1c"'1 w 'tlion1-:n Ji.1t11t1 r1~·in,u,cy 1uJ thmui:~~t
l.abor Some nu01C·rn1dllt-1w, (l('ffom1 home dC'llvcrie, hu! Pruldlt aJmlnhtcn <.itft' to hrt ~1u:m,1n1hccfinJC
r11ndlc h~d • career e1o·1tlution wh1k
1n1cu1i.:t with p.atfrro..: ,tic d11.t p1.11.:11call,-
C'\C'T)'lh1ni (t\'Cp( 1Cl1&11.II) dtlhct t,nl\lr\, h
.,.., tJuttng thu llmc rb.u ,l'lc rcalucJ dd1vcnn, to,1bin ;IIIJ 111"(11".linr wuh rrelil:Rlln{ 'Al)Q\(I\ ••• IQCJ,cchmg tohr JC'l1mlcl)' llilUllcJ wJo.
"I l()'t'f'll .,.,"' -.ub rrc1n1uu \loon,c:ni.
ltnntllc!' 1.11ttJ "' YcsUc rrAII) Jtt In ttu1M .:i
1i:.l.il100.1..b1r wuh 1tk-m • So P11nJk wct11 fur brr dtpi-c ~be CilmcJ htt m•Mt'f"t ,n nu,c- m1J-.1kr>· fr11m th( l!n1wNt)· of Cot11r..&.1 11nd ~t p!1'I m.111~,·,«nifK".fil' in l1omil)"~ti« flnm tho St~&t' l~mm1I\' OI ~cw ¥ork. Ston\~r,ial
Ah:, ammi htl tru1h1.'.JUOO .itk1 tlti1ee'-
Pnndk \1,,,,.t.~-J ll .i nuoc-mid.-if~ dine~ in S:in, ~h,~h prm!JcJ carr to \.IUk.'.llll
1mm1sr.1n1,. llk:i ,hnt.: ,.,., ,,111bloti<J tu ufltt \.'.IU't' Jur1ni Ptc1n~I'I:)' h-' 1111111fgmnh v.ho t:amc intn the linll<'iJ S1,1tci hl siw l'tutb. l'hc po.1t1t'nt mor\llllt)' rak v.111 hlph. 11nJ u gu:all) decrc~,cd af1C"r 1hc di1m w;a, c<1~bli~ 1-:1..l.lfWIJI w Psfodlr Wt 1hnh&hf, '1hcy'II i;omr anyw.a),••
v.,,rl1n11 in a 1'CO· Jn11·11,-hc arr 1mil \lit had tht: oprnnunny tu 11\'C ultnk•lln..k anJPl'inJIC" t.111J 'Sv 11 •n, nic:c 1, 1 w:r1·c d,4 t ,p:d:il f•Ppnl.;uon"' Pr1nJk ~"' hh(J tn o\u,co,t ha nunut.l l.fblnR1Qf, ,11t te.31.hct. In bc,ch the 1.'0001 .irlJ utlf'lrd1rui.::J11t11ini PnnJlc h iii l\ a i:Cirutianik:r f~J m 1hr
l' "- ~.t\)' Rc-:nc \.Ir I 1 b«n I rncnn.,
''" 1-l )tan ' L re.all) ,·•luc 1h:i1 ttpc'ficQcc. • Prindle
IJ. nu, Itel INI." IO\'( Jlid IIM'I UIJ.J,lfll) ol h<f 11n,r llie..1r111"t-<.fn.1Jv.·1ftt)'
U1,c ol dlt ~I C't.l"flCl'I«\ ,n lhc IIC'ld v.htn •.:r., a 11ur-c- ml..tw1I( dl!ll..711 JtJc,,rrinlt I bah) 1lc po,i1K'n1', hu,l,..n,J ""'•" lltt fu~ Mtd!Qf Ta:hn ,m and in lht' mll!Jf,t,rv,. d<IIH') I'll JI huJ 11,.-1.:., k1 ,n~ul\c-himtnlbc: j'-~i,ll ~t Prmdla,a~~ if he v.11&11.f hkt- IO a:~l,.j her in Jcli\,-nng thr l•.ah)' Arin 1"111dlr dth,ercJ the and lfohou!Jt-n. lht' lm\b.ul!J lvolro. u\'fl al rin11..htJ lb:dc'h~U) "'I trul) Mt ft d101.1 1h I f.a\C th,.• htnl11u lhcm. Prindle t..u,I h WM lfl flptt'lt'l\i.'t I'll ft.(\'C'f 1-0ffd .i.nll one th.ti tht) "'-111 I\C\tt lfll);.:1
lly 01' St. ASNIC

flftb annu al Chrlstm11 event helps lll'lllll Joy to area children In need
m lbt & ASNIC r, rm. The prurnm it 1n 111 fthti )'Ot and h 11 cnnt1nu1n1 1n fC'I f*'ro«' r,.llll~ipdhlfl cah )C.., .,ordu,.• tu H.tntot.a 11111 \'QI'
Fow tags with children's names and glfl withes remain on the St. ASNIC 1, 1n
,,.. SUB. They ore laken a lmosl H aoon u Int'( ore placed on I"",,..,
b' Kirn O.\i!f ~lftUl,lll.-, .,fff,mc:I al 11,:hh Jc:ic.T.dt 1hr ltllllll TIit ('hn"na\ m:c I'\ ,u~indrd f't)· ,·11<!11rtul ~nc,pttJ r,,i.b~ 11.111.I C'lu11tmn cill/llh pin 1o ld) In the ht.: k,munJ r ,itiJC'\ ,1rt •rtu~ lhf('lu,ho<,1 the wom widt a wiJc! arr.a)
of ,11nf«1too• ..::l»,- ~nd ~nd) cat1i:• fb, 511~11 ch 1IJu:n 1om1le ""·1,M)' •• 1~u C)fl f\\111 I.le Vt,iUI atdk•('11IW"\ of I run,fillcJ C:\('t)U'l1 tlh ~I A\'1W S1 A~NIC 1s lht D.llnUII <llt1~m.n
C.:tm ,111101 ludt hothtc-1 h1' thoic 1~,'
F1lot Phi Tbt-c.a Jr\,lpt'lll l.cillk'f:-.h11J lk\dt,pmenl d.n\
1'JIOIU(J" !ht ~wm •n Cdlfll"Rlt1$ •11h lhc' .\,·«•ldcd
SftdC'nh<'f SIC fllit' ,la,\ tncttib:n l' 11htt • 119' , ~h1l1lttt1', 11a11~
chihhc11 1h,u m.;ay ulfl<f'11,t1c ao .,..11tiu111 1110. un
Ht ucci.l w '.\ ll I ho: lttCI.II ot tht C\('Jll lt 10 md.c111< Chri\ plll)' for 1ht dtildrcn. r..m1IIC'\
Tq, ,re lrbekJ -.11h •be dulJ 1, llf1J 11 C:hn:-1m.1 11J1 v.1\b Hot.I~ IIX'wb:t l,,J It- JrN11r ~<kif: r·IC'nl L·111u•,t- '11'1d Studc~1 br111, h,1,.,d luJn •Clnc:I) r,inicipok'i
I~ 1.11, at<' pl;11.:cJ oq tbc dc,'J St ASNJC" C'1m•tmO tn~ loc.,1rd o, 1hr m~m lk,I'( C1l hlmntucr SwJci11 tJsuua. 111d r.a,t,ni,:if'lb 1~ th( C\cnC ••II tit "·1 rm. [Jo:. t: 111 ctw Blur C'ud. BA) Ruont vi lht' sL:0. S111tA C111i., ""ti! j,U C 41 "'f!C'IAl 'f'~C dunnJ lhc r..n)' 111 J1\f0 t.hc ~-h,IJrcll C'.,nJ) l.'.ill)('l llflJ 1J1t:1t1hu1c: 11..e r1n,. What are your plan s for Y2K eve? I n, ~Jtnt"" 1t.ay ·W.:it~h 1dc\hfon ·1·mpanym1111 !1,,;\11hm1 .- lh11.W' " "°"''11tthllW'!\~llnJ huoic 11nd p'I tn hrd 11rso10~"" Scnltk- ll"llld. ritt'v.'""~"'mt Jn11.\ • c.1tl) JUI')'"' ~\\allC'f"'l.,&l John 9'.,..pft.. 20 \'1111..M -.-~le\ ........,,,..,..l!I AJan l.....,18 JMh llr«lhaU.ll (rdftll!IW/111t#1>1U r;,rt,1ull,...J1,i /Jb111rYl:M1•L11,t-t J•Ji,iinrll.J»natlflft (i1111tµ,,rrt'6dArr Wm.r.fl1idnrl.'1lJ .o\&al'~r lnfh•'lt r,,11Julh C,w11rJ.J,krcr Hu1Jrta ("',w,J,u..,._ f'«•"J'~tr-n, C,,...;ir11'-\I~ ""';..i,,..,
Card cagers off to strong SWAC start
\l,,'.u'C' kd I~ C";w\11' t«• nd l1•llf Cl}'ll>J!iOII •rlb a """t-hlrh .!) p.•mh,, '4htk VlOObnp: rl,c- of nine
t-diulllh" '·ri-"'14 an;. ~klf?ln: ldld1hcdckmc~.w
R4"r~ J..,t,nwu \\11h h,~ ..tu~ NK: liJJ • MK~n.,,ful Oi.anls.i1,·ll1r foum,11flci1'
oll twmc ~.w :1,.n "-Uh'"'" \\Ith o,·cr Belle\~(' Conur,unil) Culltgc ?S-6t, .u11t Olym('l it:: l 01)(11MUJIUI)' Cnlktt" 11.S·IOl SK' out.i..,in:d OCT' .a:.~11n ll'c fu\l 11.ilJ Pcti) "'-•oitJ Ill llllt.i Juih."111 i,.,1,,,1'4-\ k'#"alun~~1\h h!<t nrhl ,it,.1~ to bl 1b,: C'anhnaJ,, Kc11'1u.ll QQyJ blliJ 111p.11N11o IOl'tb.JUTM.b. ~\'l"llll~,/~l\blilllJ ft\'(1,1(' tl\. ~ll' ilJf\'hC'J ,.,,11 mcrtnne rcuc~H 111 ()("( r>11-.nb)1v.u11111YflJlf,tbi:('..nktK.1J11.1.hcJ
c,10111.:h 111011,ct11u111 ll• IJ(' .:.iruie at W rlkl or rc,:u~lll'll'l I..Jrh m C1£hl fYlUlllt IU MS:lllll
r,n:ond U\ MC' 1ilill•'lWCIJ OC.'C th, 1,i\ h, IJk'
final 1'%"rioc.l In C'Jrlut,e lhclf 1-e,..c111h ."' ,n ul lhc
k",iWJl'l. f\·ny k,'d illl M-"1..-cn 'i\'Kh !II pcw111
,~":~1~!::c ~~~1~•'i·},}rc~''t~1,::
Tbnt( luuUhi'9wl ~n,,, Jij ;ind :0 A pol.IC.Ill 18--!
run our t.C'o'tn 111J1iaRC, heJpC'd P\.V1i:-"·1Ut'1.
;u...,uu,\\'t 'JIC' 1~1
Nf(~ ,luln'1 com~· ou1 ,·1t1ply·h111MkJ lwm di<' f" rwnuul'IC'm. Jdr.uinJ, Vjjlh:y l .olt.:;e 7!>-'A "ifot'. ~. \\'tr(', ";amaJ tu the: all- ~KQfflMI troo1 Ir.- hhdlm, .;u~-d !~ p,,ni, 10 kw
~H:; Jdc.itcJ lhc \untnu·~ 0,1,l,,ctti:all C'11mp llu.Jrr IOl-~ ill~ ~nr: "°'· lb. Wure bS dr (:arrl, with 3.? p->inl, miJ 1! ttbouf'lt,i. fiw !rnru W 11Ucm.i~rc,,,..l the l.~td nd pl.l)'td IM'1il '() C1•lmt1,..u hJ1ol11 <. ,lfk;:c' [).\.· 1 k~h, \l't'ft "''I( ""'11.Ullhk ii~' lmlt ~I(" 1o:,lfllU1uc1, b<tm,e pl.a)' 10 .ig_.atn,1 'Ciliord!nc-("ummum1)· Collcf4' ,1.11J flt:c, 11 o1piml kkhCofk·~,:
P.:uy eye, national 1oumamen1
h)· \nnlt \\ocidtn
Hd Jtff~ \ l11nl t:r Alttr k1nrtaJl(\lh) \thfrtc,; Tr.untr M,u1dy JJ,,,.-cU. hr: Wfll\:', the n.ut1.:, o l fltt. flftftlt'nJ and hu, d.1vrh1cr on th.: Wpc. Ii,.· ,~11. 111 11\c, ~h tt! th<" ,:.1ml' pnt.)-i .-nJ ,,_..~, f«u~J
Soccer team ends season in playoff
Lady Cardinals lose to sec. Wcnau:hec Valley by ~m C1untn>t1 S,-n ,111,•r R,pt>rtrr N IC 011hhcJ it11 ..c.a.,\OII 1n 1h c "on(ncincc pbyoff, buc \U Lid)' C41iJ,. n:ptt'Cll'I~ 1hc 1e.1m al 1hr NO tlb\\-CU A II\IC UC' Ao0t1 1aU011 or Communil)' \ollttt • All·S111t 1.c'4m 'l'be unh· 01hcr tum i t1 i;onfctcJICC 1U 'ttDd \I~ pl.i)'N"I 1u 1hc ,11mr '4'ti cionfc rcncc <hJunph.lft Columbia Ba., 111 ~r11,h Mc)tl' Ca$~1e Oancn, Toh Un:Ln11an, C.u nc o /,olld, Jrnncur Wcl h 11 nd Cob) M e: 1)..h:· ~vclcf.l 10 1hr tftljlm\ 8111.~ I in VancP\hcr, Wa-\h, Or« -1 r{lrlhie g•tmt'. Oi.t t cu 1tk, riN gwii lor 1bi: No11b(,1\I D,vNon ln the: pmc .11, the IUJII be.II tho Stt11lh\oc 1 Ohi\Jnn 2-1 Thr samc~,,.innirtg coal, ~cored by II illi.1f) lttu-n11,seh o r Colu mhla U1ufn. 111,·-a"' u p b)' Beckman •nll Mr 1klc "''llh 1hrec minuet Ith in 1llc 1.i1iii: "'We 1Ct a ,uu,J.vd (or the future." Gnum H.ld •·we did a ~ooJ Job ,ho" inJ the co111rnunll)' .and 1he ,choi>I hov.- 100d we: arc: I loved brioJ '4pt.aln of ,uch an lW('\tlfllCIC:IUn • l"hc: 'w11mcn '1 ,occe, tca.m ended 11, ,u11~1n ~, i1h t\\u lo,.,e, 111 lht NWAACC 1ourn.1mrot Nin JO and 21. t.d:UJJ founh 1n 1h f'1't }'C':at c,l'.,.:ir.llylii:1iM &thfnrnc.,, ....,nn under o r aagc i.:ui:um\tance, accNJing 10 Cuur..·.h n,U F.JW-n\olll!C'f NIC r1.1,.-,J Spok•ne <:ot1101u111t) Cotlc~"t' Nv,. 20 ro 11 ,1alc.111111c un1 1I n111~ rl\lnu1c, 11;11&.ti.ncJ tn g,unc 'lllben SC"C'" Allisor"l Bia:»~ cwcd an unu,u11t io;a l The 1ual \11,ll\ worc:J ,ho(1 1y .aflciS IC."' Wb1llte)' He~\ wa, ~j,c~ted !\tr \4)'tnl) ·•Wh111 1hie 111 · IQ oo c, ,e in i,nnte\11.'lf.
Regglo J oh iuon of Taooma. Wash Ups &ho ball In during a gama agains t Oty mptc Community Col lege
~~C'lh.ttl itt I~. Hi: ~UC'nd..-d G11rflrfd llitb ~!1<)UI. wh<rt: h< "".a" on ill¢ 1,~h) ~Iliad 11nd hrlf'C'J hh l,Cllm ~'OIIW the ,.,,1.1c ciwmr,un,_ He. v. 4., fMUtlC'J mc.,,,.l valullhl~ pb)Cf \Ir lhc ~oui: ,nt1(1111JIICGl
A i:,.11nn1Ulik0.Uuo.\ m• Pt ll )' 'IJkJ thb )'C'"~ '1 \IC leam 1, qt,ut:l •nd C-1ip ()\!\~ 'Our su.1.1l1 ,.u-,:: qult..L. \\(' flt.I.I prc,,Uttc.1" lhc t,;i.11" Pc:H)I
Lady Cardinals lose in overtime to CEU

"'""'' ft•< NIC lbc (; ud I :J
17-Zt. .C lht' t1.1Jt <kll '4."0ft'J Ill po,n1" ud 11ddcd cl1h1 uo1\I\ mJ rnr 1C'bo11n1b. fbukcn .,, ~1,-, I.C rlll)Ch ~cm:J 1a 1hc
.. !"he ftN \IC ti,.t.~, \UM CJ\\.1 Colun1ts.11 U.iun v. ;u ,,,,·. Z' Al 1hc C'alumtila 8.a••n C'c1ll,;t I hanl,1,1rn11 Twm uncut J1,;11v
26. Ntcdefa1t'll V~~un. Valk) (1~.-IJt 1n rhc Cu l umt.111 U,hm t,>111namnil \m\· Uv.·at "-'OtcJ
?O J1t•1ni, llucti V.,(\nn I le "'1.1\l \\.'abOJI Ill \lfJl.: I !UlJ c-nfm,r"I rii lc\ b.111h;1t 1h(' tca,n 111 4Q
W.c \\'11h,c,n 10 n,monalt hcc:.1thC' b,', b«'ri
lhttt hefM:. llr 111ldth..t to 111J,lt' 1h( 11.stkm.1.I
1<1t1m~mrn11tu: 1<';1111 ,-.,dJ h1"c tt11111J'f1l\'t: on rdw.1un\hfl!L lllkJ pl.t)'inJ f.1ton1 ckktUt
~U) "-lid l h,11 hu, nklhi"Ju.i.1 ~mlC nc:cJt.
\\llf'k un 'lh\"--tlnJ !tee 1hnn\\ 11rul
•'flffltn1111k11U11'1 v. uh cc.immi.ac1 nn the \CJOrt
Au:"1t'tf1n~ 10 Pen,. 11.c 1ro1111"t. 111urtio1
l'<lfl1pt11 uon 1h1, )"t',1t re l>1.1.1c (."ultcge. ~Mw tC1Uq::c. thr Colki,~ uJ Soudicm klistk, 1,1mt l.11-h \/; Uc:} \l.J.I(' C'(,IJrgc
llltcr Wt were n 't ahlt to comch:l<'l ." Nc,v 21 1hr Card\ 1ouL
Wc:ntuchcc V.a l ky Co1111m1mt)' Coll ege: to a 2-2 ovt rt i mo. A m 1011 1e 1t110 the ,wortirneo. Wtt11llt'bcr 101.i. i(IOI off 1u,olht.1 um1.\uial p l.iy ,,,,hcn N IC clenrc:d thc b~II •11d II v..a~ la ded h ad: Pll"I
"I "°' 1 rl)' ,,ro11d of J/tt' UWll /th illk thty't't! swnt d ,, fi 11t1rr/t>rtlrl' 1>m1:ram. - Bill Els•n• int•r. Coach
1hc:m to n WeN,IC'hoe forwatd ho put the- tMJI UI the OCt We LW ld.0'1 ac, a brt'llk In 11n)' fuhion." El~cnw-in1er
J idn'1 go our wo)'.'
'It Y.,:" 1he f iM dmC' ln • h,11ti 11mc th:u officinting 11.Hcc1c:d lhc ou 1comc:· En,cn1i1, Jn1a d M omt11Nm ""cn1 10 1bc Othcr learn. and ttu~y ,a,tc:d thrc<" mlnut<"'.
The Cant• f, m,htd thcu fir11 \'a~it)' ,r.u.on wi th a record or 1$,-1-il, wh ich make• £i&<inwln1et "v<ir) optim i, 1lc ur 1h1DJ.\ tocon,c I wa~ vcr_)' 11roud of 1hc team he s1ld 1 d 1in ll 1hry',c 1ar1ed • fllluft' (Qr tht~nam." Thh 1oprln11, NIC wlll compete with Divi\ion I ,rhoob lndut.lin& £10,tcrn W11~hmgl0n a nd Jdn.ho Stalt' Univenity. They will .ahc, pla>· In .a \l'\·tn· round 1ournamcn1 11 W1t\hln1u1a Unhcc,1ty All mcmtitr, flf 1hc 11;:im. lndllJinJ .11111 ,ophomotn uccpt ,oahendc:r 111mm 8ollnf!er. are ell1iblc U) pl.ty nut \cJu,on becau\t uf the f,c11 ba1 lhis wu.\ NIC', fi1'1 )'t"-WUaYMSi l )'lC.Sm. F.l,C"n.,.,·,n1c, stud thlll 11 ,, ronum1c lha11hc: team pla)'Cd 110 well, btcau•c ftC'W recrui1 inJ wlU be much c•<iN."1. "Tm (ll)llnrnuc 1ha1 wc" ll bNna In ,uottg , uppon tor ~u r re.turning pl•ycu,. who .arc ow- core wl1bou1 a tJoubt h(\;lid
NIC wre s tlers fall short at Nevada tournament
Ry Stone 11111111 CIII
Keea 11111111 IIJ • win b .) Unndtnburt .'1irr,rmrl Rt1111.ar1,r .'\1 the:- Cltn Kt!c.n
Ln,..uauoaal 0cc J and In Prn nlh, Nt\' R ) S,0111: CUU pc,un1h) ,u~ 1ho t:in ly l\'IC •Tc, tJtr to ton11nue 111u, S.Uutda) '• compc1l1wn Stone v.e111 4-l ::11 1hc 1tnunamctn, faOu,1 o,f lc1t 11 meJal by 11flC ~·in Ni l'"" "' or twQ j11n.or coHcc~ Ill. 1hr mu rn ,unc:n 1, 'AhK:b "'iU rru.Jie up Clf nx,,.tl) SC'AA l>i\'i,IC'llt I ~hoof.... 'JIC" "(lmpr1cd , n the Sl•111hun Orc11un Stille ln\o1l1illt111•I on Nu,, l Srn11c w,c,1kd hi, 'o\'IIY to u founh-pllkc filthh m the 184· paund v.c 11 h 1 cl.a~<t Dan Sc:h-.i,h o f Ool\.t" Suuc bea 1 !'I UOC In a do~ .i.J cunV'll.:itlua fiMI
Sham Wilhllin , la\1 ycar', N JCA A n1111on11I c h nmpioo \\·ho ,, rc:d-,hining lh& .a.,m
10 fini\h hi jchoolin».
\\'l'Clllcd die h11Jmamc.nt ad won 1h r 12S-pound \\tight
cL1~1; W UUIUUf, ~un 1bc fhtal
ma.h ~ -'ltltUISI Boi,i;eSwc'•
K C. Rocle
Mu.,ho11 1ncdlc\ and \ fan
Sm 11 h CH wd ) butb "'·enl -1-2
<'--OI)· Oo.km11n l WI> -.-cn1 s•.t NIC ,11\Ji,lcd through 1t 18 16 wll, ~'-l SCAA Oi,hltin Ill Px ifi,: Unh'Cf"oj,y Nov 18. John ~ m~ ,, m:onkid ll riln Olttcr wm, of 1bc. n1ghl ,ndudcd Druid, Ke:1\Ct>CI)'
"A'ith •
Holmes, Petty ll1Qll'ell in Highway 95 accident
Running down Ith e mountain
wu~Sy, 1•wn,h,. 11111C" u-;i.J, t1..t1I, "t".U\1t1a ?th.•c-pl) ,lov,11 tiK"
moc,nram 1oMk, b .i~ 111 Ilic Julie
• \,'{1t1I Juv.·n w,1111 tnol 1h11,
The dangers ol sledding
Winter fun colllel> with a price b) Sam (:amm,n Stittmrt R.rporttr
hcd l•Ul lhc loc 1 utih ,111rou1u.Hnc Coeur J \h'nr. ft 1l,11Ultl 111\, ll ll'IRG IUIIC Ill 'Cl.' lhl"•u Ill 11n~1 IU ru,11 .t.,w,1tbC'm
• fl•rr•rut luu1rJ lll'.ir \1h1,1 tln L.d,t" P,·n4 orr,lle 11 ru., .i beautiful ~''l'n·M1ile Jin rn,11 rule 111 tbc lllJ> of .i "('(nk tHCl""IC'A Lc \olnJt the M."t'nery bch1niJ 1n lup.t' Jo""·n
tlm~o, )ca, ,ll caut,c)
• t'anheld Seen lrnm
Coiru1 IJ'AlcnC'. hi, lull ul
1uih •uJ '-'Ith rmhably 1hc
m1,,1 popular, Cave l'ru1I It 1,
r,"~lltm Jun 11nJ fa,t \ ,pcrd
frc.a\. 1.·ould ,prAJ I lot nf 11mc
.i1 C:inhehl '1)tnJ do-wn l.a,t
,,nd ,1c~p 1nul,. \l,HI) 1.11 1he lfalh Jte tJtcl~ u,cd 1,n ,,1
C\,f'!lnriug, r.cC' wh11 ,ufJ1n,e•
• Siu Rcllntl, \t., he );ma're a linlr 1111)', )'Cl\l Wa11t IOU pcr.:cm 'PN'~ 1111 l;al'lc,rinit
·Uhl loH("ina 1h-t IUcJ IC'r.-. b)'
nd1ng: ,ID""'h w tht< top 11 IUQ
pcrctnl ,r,ccd" •h.11 )1111 ncod.
111011 ,I.I ,ti1,rh ull1:1 ,1ut1f11v1 llh rnk, 1hc 1up ,u 11iour11J11\ h1kc.u c11n tuk lu lhc hotliuti
'fo h,uJ -..-.,L ne,c~,af!,, 11••1
.c1l1IJ Jownhill itl:'C"tldin,t Both Sch.,c:uur and SthC't ~h,un1111n, oHcr lifh 1n the
UlfflfUCI .UHi it ., ..-.or1h lhe
,m,dl f« NIC l:ludent TOdd VanGundy aacrHlces his bike on a reeen1 m=::1~,~~
Rodeo riding along the Spo kane River

Braden urg.i, Mudcni, to tnJO) ,urroumlings. nuture
II "'4\ ii 11-now) 1100 r.ain) llly .ind I had 1101hlt\jC IU lki t,.t.t l 'lt4n'lll°d ~(I
OJ) ki~ with II good :r> milt:,. un m1 bll'1 in l uc:ut d' Altnc: bt1uf'C' dc\"uhn~ lo rule 10 Srokani:- "" 1hr CC't1ter1rtl.1J hail. I 111v,tJ m} d,nd11nt 1oh,x~ -.c.1mC' v.;11,·1 11,n,f m\' ,·11.mcr,1 in rn)' ,hie 11ocl. J pul l•U nn tarn Jc-;ar 10'1 hcadcJ ~II 1h1.· Jo11r Wtlh lhc l!lll'III h> "HIP. b)' \fount.tin Gt.ct \\ 11,1 W.111, ;,ndUIC' hc~e~nr ('c,IJ •lk1" Mi:v. In IU\ l.a..:c ,uiJ \lr<:I ltt.('tln, "aler !lrla.,htJ ur Jn) h:11.
!On de~k
• \\hnttn\, Rw kf'lhull kkb cntsq,r. .n bcif11t. s JOr.m.
W. Bmtl CC'. Touma,hC'I~.• \t.1i0 ui.,. ""'h ·~ Tha,,day.Po: 28-)0 l lah I alley \t.l< C a1 llmn. )Oi,.n1. h--111),l.vl 1 \al IALc-t:,(:..,.rS...IILal.c<lty.!i'.10 pm. Salurd.n, IMl H ~,,..{·,·\l)pm lllur"Mi,"1', J.n It Oidr('~Mkffic, Ci · 10pm 'i:.11Jrd,n,J11i11. l~ (cilltpcl~iullM"m ldah(a.ut f11,in FAlls.S;~pm.hidn)',hn 1l
Dlldm atb11J11t
lliC' mal) J1u11u111 ot.1 1~ Cco1ninl.1l Tt11tl cJ~ITllt!i tbb tieaulihal eohl mor111ns. "'"('h "'fl• th1llini my ha"'h.111,fl«t
I 'IIIIIIIC'H,tJ k a) .a k C f j \tlhffltfflllJ! jtl
11,c ir, t.u1 they crt Joa mt ••kkn rullnp; the wh1{l' wa\'l" .,/ 11'1~ Spct:r1ntf!f\r1
11\lo(·\ u..h"JNJlt'<' ,,( lhc kllllt) 1)( 'f rt»UIT \'llllr) (",C.,;.: Oru;.r,o, (1= ,:JOr•11'.S.c1..,,.,.J,11 .:u. ~nr ra1ht',( »l!NiJt.. 1·10p.m. ,~.,.1.1112'
11.ic~-,,l'ollrgt atRntu'-"'·),l'Jp.m. ,.,hlfd.a,Y.lllll ~alt I.di., C.t. """""5;)1) Jut\ n....i.,.,,. 3. l.'\"aUc'.)St.actC'C'lllirct..ill,c,rnc.
a \ftn"if Ha.\kctlr.tU Shoftlhw c.t· • 7· 10 r l'ri.11). °"' '" Mk.-l,(·uu,'ltf.•lll"lf1lC 1 .lOrm S.urJ.1 lh' II l't1b , .,.) SW. c·~.1.11 On:m.
7~:,0p_ru.f 11J,1~ Jan 7. \eh 1.-lricCt~at \.ll1W~O,,? 10 fi.m "411,~t~· Mhittuc·.7"1p.iiL ltuirlid,.,y,Jall
h•gJ),1Sn11I~ m,,nun,:®Jro,•~111 ftll,.,c,,,,11pt" pf rni..c.y h1lh!\t(1, .Ilk! the lh.1'lll'lnt Sfi'C"~anr fh<,cr lllumm.111n1 • ilim ft'llrc1ion 1ho.111ih 1t,,: tl\ii,g "kruJ-;. Wti«h ~rum1111 imc.l Scj!, pumpmg, "lttcr ,,u., ilyrn,: tiff my 'A·bcC'h lllC' "ct 1.r.uL, t ,nu"lt"J 11'1111 ~l.,n~ m11d a.let.I \\ith •hU tcr .1nd ,in n1,r,r1i1e l,;j~1:1,1N&h h"f • ~•ui.. 8,uruu I In~ lo fl\Jf(hia~ tntithc.t p.111 Qf hoen lur 01y flll\C'i IU keep ffl)
1Jdf'fff~""'ffi"r"f' TTIIIH'"1n "" 1nr
b:f,,1~ he'.kfmi ~l 10 Cnrc.n d'Alcftt
l)h,b,C,illt~,.:_;hl,c1:ic., l·>1lp.m. s.dw'11),JatL 15. c·o11q: ,• SotJlhrffl 1.t•~ • r ua Jail,, 1 lOp.ui. fnr.l.t)', Jan. ll lnw.un \dr) c·.c..•Oto-•u,Orr
7·\flrtu S;.bmlny,Jan.22.
The \IHIW •lcippcd D lbc- dll.dnc,, ~l tn 'The tnail home 111,1.1- dhmun.itcd h)" a hrlpht lull lnl'JIOh rc:rlcd1h11" nfl lbc 'ACI p.i\ cmcn1 I he 1hou,:b1 Ma h~ !.\1th anJ -.•hin1 \\.lffll fdOJ .1Un n\C'f IIXJ mlb oa • t,1~ hdJ,cd ,n \IP my rooonlu ride Ju,1 hecau~e the "t'.ilhc, 1, b•d doe,n't at,c. .i JOc>J c.uu,t 10 Jil tnudll! Get 1.1u1,tdc • Snlo) ) uur urrounJmp.
Wimrrumc llr,ulrn n ,., St1Tl1trd Hp,bnf'r. llu ,,r11,m1u Jtf' J.iJ '''°"· lo f'l'~rtTtflthN?-!1t"'lf.f'ff111!,J,,/'fl1tt ;l1•rl,C"11>iHlrt"hn11 1i/.n,,11
·~l.tlibcnn t
Mo1t~~ \\',n.11 7 "lrrn n.itwby, J~n r, c·bld!.ana~al Off:pC t)', 0.... 6 r-m l'rl.l,)·, J,. 7 c i;.,..T__...~~ Urqeun Cu). (),r. Sem1.i,y. JAll 8 v , ...,c.c:. ,,,., pm. w~,.J.n 1!. Nonh"t:lltW)IIIIIIDIIC.C,.11 7pm..f'Dlie~.Ja t-1 c.-.1 "' • l'""'""1,a1 Elkn~IIJ. 7r.u1. WMlt'klay.Jlll 19. (')np,a-.•J.n. !?. \'...,. V..., CC.• ,·.-nopmW~).Jatl6. ltltbC ahcffle:. 7.30p..r11 Slliurdii)',Jllft. !8. a.-1aT aC'(1P18a)·, a.. "-dot, f<l,5
Ml aaJ ,led l\Ki. \k>wnafey,. rni,rt111nc lk,nr lha1 m) (rirnJ\ :ind m,,df •,>me. bOollh,m.., "c fuunJ II rJ1tkl1l~rl) cn1r11.un111,: to II) 1a r1,k r,coplr orr \loff't C01nln.1 bad. up
We.II. ~UIJ tnwn MQntanl. Wt; flC'\N rte'" (Ip u1J. l)(10,: bottd l!Ut ot ow m,,,J, 'A(I\I ,lrdditlj UIIIII \\'C Y.ert" htgh ~h(io1 \o0flh()11101"C\ \\'(' illoCJ l(I frt fC.\l c.ltul'lk, tu, II PJJ 11'1 die middle UI ruv.n \\11b '\0111C ,lc,I, 11nJ ~fltOd an huut ~11r11'J ,n 1ht J.arl. 1nuM wa,rn you. ,lcdd1ni tlit £Un1e(OU, 1h1na. Up ro 1hr "'nw, ,n quc,tulft. the onl) •kJJ1n, iki:tdcnt I'd c.,er btarJ flf "'ii' •hen a fnmd rof mine', llfolh<r toil ;a bun..:h ol JU}" t1n Ii w.-ud up car b(!Od and took It 1hrou,h dt('k'n111,~1,1ijHf..:nce
oc~1 c1dcnt ""~ mine \\C' dious:ha "'"'d be- tt>Od kid,. h '*''.I\ ba,\ctb~ll -nwn ~•t J1dn'I dnnl We 111c ,c,nic pitt• .ind ikdded Id hil d1r hUI. Upi;,JI a:rr1.,1nr. I n111kcdlh•I the lc::"-!t ~.IU ..ull bu*J UCtl )'c..ln l•cct!)
An~-h~. •c nincJ \\1th 11'tc 11,h n1.t wt"nl ur 1,1ii~ Cluwn 1bt bill a le.,.. t11tl(1 "\l,hc-ni..c~l«IJ1.'dtufom,:r1hlsj11n1r I "<"IH me, lhc Jump v.11h 1h,tt IU)I 011 • ~n tntK>gg.m. w hkh J\M h.1ppcaeJ lobe ,l11,ncJ b; 1bc •~ Crit'"lkl i..bc1o14,1 hf'1.11bn •·~l.tJ 1hc fctl(r. t lhc,u11:!1 .-.e r.:11 tit'd 1hc bot1o."lm 1tt1d1ud1 1n~ ,dc:01 We v.C',c ••i..l 1,t .t,kddutt......, 'IIIC "·al'-1:d hl I ia, uuc o( btl',,tlb ""hrn \otr·r 1c.111;heJ lhcnt nJ I fd1 • ,mall lumr ,n my h.11.-l, I -1'1~ wmctic,Jy td 101111. u u, \Cl t Jot ln 11\r htddltrhh. M~ (ritnJ, lold me n't)' nh •.t!I ,hd.1ns°"'
••I my 11,it u.11cJ. \1y rr1C'nJ, ,u•(f mC' IO,~ h11,p11.1I Al Ou, po1n, 1hc J.:i...hit 10IJ me 111.'.ould be ~out... I 1houit11 I rull)' """ 1~1n,c (O f.11(' Ahtt ~hill "°c.1nt:J b._,e fott\<I. I 1o1 told lh;al I 'i11Cfr. l\otrO UIChCti lol'lg .,..i\ i.tuti. in 111)' ll•\lott b~L Tht bt11 rn:,bkm wuh u w,h u hold ptu..:turt'd m>· lllPf• .SJcdJtna' Who 11' 1ht •NtJ ~11Kt11rn bl, ltUIJ \\hJk lkJJ1111• The wor.,,1 pan atiou1 • pv111;111mJ h,11111 P A IM'.tdJe lu the tupple. Tb1•" r<imh1)' ODC ol ll,i: ln\l',I r.a1nftil dun,, in Jl\c \\'OflJ 1':etdlc-..s IY •II), 1 tn1•-..:-d the \Ufl("f 80,.I \¥bile I w•, 1111hc h<H{'ll 11 4n,t h,rJ to ,1 wt I~ rcll uf 1h1: ha, i,:t1t,.:all t.c-1.,iin. The one good p.itt1 M)' fncriJ-;. h,oo,:h1 n 1hr mm,,c "Shcr.r.~rl\ t" kttp mt entma1ncd.
Call ..IHCI •1pc 111tc•
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A too1hpick is the obJec.1 most often choked on by Amencans.
I Editorial
B e1l 's guidance helped
c oll eg e back on its feet
rho'<" h11 be-en 11t NIC (or a (tw )CJII~ IH'ff' ihoc,l.ed ~
hc 11lu.i Dr, Roo.,ld Bell, wtiu QIIC-t ,t1vc(I io in1c,:ruu p~tdtnt, died on No, )0
In 1"97, N I C ~,kkltt of 10 )·can Rohen tkntl(U Y>ll.'I (0(1,:,cd
10 tt•1t1JJ by the baud of 1ni~m i·t,c board ,occd 10 fire lum
J1u,r :t t 9C17. ~1t1n1 aammun1ciuloo proMcm\ » the rc.L'4'1n 11icn
·a nr 1ht Nard of 1N.,tc6 rcsigncd in rf()Cnt of Dennen',
d1•ltll'-.,,.I• .11li1 the lacuh)' bel,AQ 10 ha,c: problem~ with 1~
Adm1niuro11an In 1.bc min of 11tl1., lbc collcJc hued Or.Sc:U ID the
interim pn,i.iJC'l'lt. 0.-. Bell arnc 10 NIC -..1th pl11.n, to help the
c-olkJ,:c 1mpm.,i-. ootJUJI 11t1 •, nt11mpunan1 (igure whUethc
Khool foond u pm:ru!J)Ctlt tt"pllb:'tmrnl
8(:f(lf( he left. Rdl 111.1d he kU'Plcd tbc ,clb 11t MC bcc:iu,;c hr 1bouVu th.Ill hr cwkl mlle I d1fTem1ee. and he dld He helped
w.i•l1c 1'~" \cl 1hecampm('UL1,tJ1uencies oould commuo.lC'art aoJ
WOik ~"fiber, Ind be ~Mt(d I (11.'\llty 1rie1.·AJ1Ct1 procedure. The rollegt net the cammunilj .Jll(l brJJ11J mtctaClall(. moro poslU\·cl).
lkll aho promolt'd d;,·~ity and $1:nJJ,scJ "''t!h ochm: on campus
k1 ,-omwt twe. Ht ,IUcnJcJ II bwmn·n1hts ~fereace m
Wa\ltlngh)l'I. D.C'•• htNOd b)' l~\ldcOI Clinton.. Togc:tbcr bt 311d the boiud o1 uv,1co hcc,tn evaNl;.hi.J" bctttr nd.atfono; l,c,h,,eim the i.:{l(ksc,Mlid 1beCorurd'A1cntinbe:.
Dr. lklhho w,:ht ll$tt1'fflC!dlilte A~brll v..Mc. at NIC. 1-k
it,,1n1cct 1hc (h1u-..c: to trut111Ct wnh 'iit!Mknl.$.. With hie bluy IC'hcdulc. ht m,1tc,'J al'I)' o(hn !l(l,lc,knt, tu vi3,h him (orhtlp. He lOOk the 1Jmt 1allrfp1hfflllnd:1\1d~I>·
Dt, Ocll w~ hisdtt;un "-'t1Uldbt th11tNIC",·(IUldOQNi1:t1.1ClObli.1ic
~uuncn. dM1Ne pmp11nn.. moro &ccboolo,.y :md conut1t1t 10 hl,-e
lu'41UIUQQ. WilhOr Bcll"~ htlpi.OOJu~. NICwot.\ablctodo
lhl, F.rilwfknqan \ lana.Sni FAIior
Group ass ig nm e nt s OK in mi ddle scho o l, not co llege
NH' ,ouw: lldi+fit)C'l. Sl'(')lJP 'AVrt h Worbn, ill group,
I, r,·,111111 1.n~tl. in-da.u 11Hi.gnmc11h,i.1Ui ttljuirt: ltlput froo,othcn. llnd Jll'lllp Jr..::u.i1UOflS.
.A,\l.g111n, arour~ 10 wot'\ 1otc1hcir 00 major proj«o (1h.a1
~,'< («Ji ,rc.u ro,oon C1(1bt cl.IS$ S"*ldoc> nl)( wvrk for ~vlle~<' ,todtflu
Prl•hlicnu an..c '41x11 ltl.(mp11n1, f" wlrt ilround tJ,r '(:bcdulcs of lMl"I' rroop men,~ C'olle,c wu<knt, p;iy 1w1ton ,o accout11 (o, tllc,r~~n~. no11oticfam:din~wh·clhelrll1oc, atnu1Jdt\lWOffi\'i:otbc:rpc41plc
l'hc \IU"tll" probkms •rise in rolk'Jit: a,.1hey did In rnldJJc school
The nu,r,rit)' or tht: ft'mtlP mc::mt-<n lbtlr >A\'lfk. Yet 1bncMC
Ah',.l)t.JfcW >Aholt'IIIJ~ t()doflOthut.g '"""tt1tn!l>AOl"l:'lllNllllhi1,1twltioft.
f,u~. lhc grwp could pal up wuh tho~ who ,:lad .1nd be ,,ve:n • pour gruJc !or 1hc quality of ,he iraup', c:nd ptt)ttild
0,-, -.«'Ulll.l. !hc• smurcou.lJrt'lleln k'llaldlrtj...utd~the:
"', \lllJcnl to be tt1tio\cd (rudl lhc Jf'\'IUP • noc. rcplllctd.
Tbettfott. th( ocher 1ruup n1r·tt:1hetll ti.a\-c to I.Uc Oii lDt"lfe worl l o n1,»:;~ u1, hx 1hr mu..ui:11 JP'lllp mcmhtr. A loo;e.lmc llru.atloa, Group '4'\11'1; \\D f11n ,n middk ~hoot. But eolle£C: j\M l1 nae the p!lk'C'fofll SW')'bhm l.l(tF.dhOT
NfC'sforbidde11fruit, it's
I Chokecherries
a l)Uril'lf; fCJnO•UOlt, ,o,n~
lt\!Jcint, ••be> ttgt""1\'d ti, 18 rrti:1111 111crc i:haracd c11t1 for o~nl,ud" Hu>Ae\i-(f.1'"1. )'C'V.
1he ix.n1 uf tl\lflcie-. .tppl"O\N !NII wu..lcilh be d'-11,rcJ U.lnl I( they i..l.cl9,mhht'f'ff1Uft',<ll.,p. a Al lhC' World AJOS 0•)'
!Jlttoth. ,..mie gul~ "'"m U\-crhranl
\llyioJ (while pickins ()lll collllom.,J, "'I'll ,Cl tile ~q fo,
!11!\C", 1he red for Jo1h aod the
)dl,,w ((,1 SIIIU"' Coliur codlnc •~
one' "''>' tn \eep 1r11,l. <11 )Our
• Alv.i_li St"al,lnrlp~ dkbi'I IIW ,ni,cb mm lat lb:. W1wlJ
,\fDS Dll)' booth. nob,,,ctr '4.11rtnl
1 p.:NrtWIC1:1~ a Httcl\llbriefhl~· ~mt'
nmr,o tlO-\.p.ipC'r In 19.£0, II and wa-, n.11med 11l,c NIC Rn""'*; 1n 1'11.S, d1C' Mic dwnpJ 1n 1hc Cardinal Renew; aod in
I91S4. ,, c:twi_gc,d i.> 1bc: &oond a The \C.CtUh) .\t&fC tun tn,111lle(I ,omc 111\'ct b11uun, IWOl.lod r&lllplb,. Thoe Jic:\il.'.O tin"
11W • nigh! by *"my DO~ then to1.1n1h ud the lltncJ lh<')' UC' UI bulldlog, The IC'.CllrhJ omccn: 14,,11 be c1any111ig 11. 11m1II
1~uthpfobt \k"lce. v.hlcb d i<'} will coud> 10 1ht b\lnOtl at 1bc:y pa.,,, b> Tbe ,r,formauoa 11o iU tie dov.n!Ndcd to o comp11 1cr, ,o budd,111 chocl~ an be nltul'll10ft'd
• An h .i WCl>r-d ur
ptiai;e 1lu1 can be ttilll'M,ed 10 male .1 nmbtr *Ord or phraae
Lake this one: "Donn.nary can be
1;h.u,c.cJ1o"d,l't)'room a lhc 1te(.uri1> «.«rtuil) -w~ o,·e1he hl ttlh!'.1& a ,_udc:1u du.:.) un'1 pcwubly marl all ·no p111~inS pl11te..." How. 1htn. do \111Je1l1\ kllm\' v.h.11 bur h.n' I Ii lcpl plOC<IOl"'k'!
I Letters Policy
lhc S<-n11nel 'i\elcomt'.., teurr. 10
Iona JJIO 10 tic;lp .i ,1udcnt "hO kr>c:""
1.othing 1-haut .:i,.,nptt1£'f\ (l,J1 my ,1~ p Uint' fhc I""° fiour, 1 tpcht l<".KhlllJ; lhi, ,tucktll bow 111 do roe.1n::h f)n the lnlctnct for thc:u da1') w.,, d<N1c ~·11hotu p.i)' Wh)' d,,c, th«' Xn1u1d cv•1dn.ue 10 pole fun OJ 1hceampu1tr lah'.' \\.11) ;arc-cml)' 1hc: ncp•hc 1n,tar»cto1 rublhllf'dl I wouM
itunl,: 1h"1 11 .)'f)U •c,n: £:tl1ng tv puhlii..b .1 ncl!llJl\e ''"'' !frOU ""ouJJ tll le&uh.4\'r 1-0mt kind of "C•lll'.linn pmul'!..l wiJh II lu 1hc r-:iu
L~o )'Cao tlla.t J tt..,c bcc:n u ~tudeat Ill Nit' Ilk Sc.clllb1:l h.a, IIOI r1.1hh,l~J one r:1~1Cm:
c;ocnmc:o, ,about 1bc c:omputet lllb Yo1, 1«m quid; 10 point 001 hnw trf."tll d..e t.Jll."'f.•
tom-. att doint, bu, )'OCI \ttm 10 forJlcl thAt
t,t,·llh,1111 lhc l•h' c1I the \4uJcm, 1,1,,,uld
OO l"\"lfflpiCle tbC'i.l \IUtJ.ie1, if,c)udinf \(tll!C ,,11~ 1hk1e, \faa y ,,r die t.ruJcnh 'A'ho t'Omc:- in10 I.he J•h ,~rmc th.LI dlC' (('1111\Ult&III\ comr,uter gc:-nn.1,e~ We: JII\I rc::eul•r \J~bb who •C'I p.ilt af PUt fin11naal Ail.I b) wcvktnc oo c.11,mpu, 1D. 11Jcbtioo.. "h)' are 1be ~~r.l.m. 11\:ho
man 1he i.:ornJM11t, htb lrC':a1C'd \O poo,I) b)' the m1JeDll ,onuns to u,t l.:ib? l'bC' rulo for cnuy lo Ille IAh :arc ~cd pc-,or 10 c:nt~. )'Ct wow t,llll l.J!,· tOJU•I w&U..riJht In •1thour d,",·kms m """' f111Pd and br1cr1t~1't>, elf • Ju,t want 10 k,lll (or 1,omcone • Why ,houJd )nu tllC' 11.llllwcJ 10 come into the l11b without )'QI.It 10 1( t"\'«)On~ C'l\oC h required ro ha.1.c ,, , Wt ha,c 1ritd to JIW<' tlliC' ")ludcnt'" • brc.1k b) l'"'"' duec: limri.c1fc:nlt)' wUhout )·nut 10. Ou-1 for it•1nc:: C\ en 1.b.u h nuc cnooJh
Kallll Hro\Wn BWilntst Admlnl~u·1&1Jon \f11Jor Srnlt•r Compultr Lab t'om,ullant
Student: Sen. Craig d is honest

l'k\d, Ji~t,J1,rt•)tdb)'1-'lllr~11 Lilrr~· 0.111' \1Q l'i,,v U .itcbc /\SNIC TC1>'A·111l,dl \1ectu1r While I admil I 'A-,1\ ~J llli!inM l..a,ry Cta,a bd1;1cc hi. ,,dia:tultd 11rpci1rllPCC
41,c tt:,,pon,ihk for 1h..En(lo Va.Jdc.r '-f!III rr thOOjlu ,, ilioli\:IIU'(J byan h1ro,,k,itah·,1p111h11. HOll,<'\>Cf. J ttahrc4 thal •nUca ffl;IIC'f' al-io111 a putlc.uloilt indl\wJUlll can be , or bylhv.nltf"\ Unfonun111cly, m) 1co, an~ JlwPflOll1!1114"nt, Mbuut 011r \('f\J10lf \Oen: Pfll)' com(k.llmdtd ll) m) nu<;n.,l.anct oJ 1ru, mt"C'dn1, My l(,IM>ll"\ Inf lhh, ftC fflll!I)', t..n I v.111 onl'f' fo, 1hr« ,11 1cOO('cm JdaJ10'1ttun:,.11, 1he fiN ,uitc.l'llt'nl 1h111 rr•i.ticJ my 1111c:t1000 """"' v. Jaco C.11.11 ,tu.h:J tllll' f()llo"" , nll: "'CM1) 2 pc:n:tnl ,11 IJ~ho; •1.Wktn worl fur minimum Wal,"f 111, oh\t\1'*,I> ~nt lh111 h<' h rla} Int ..,,,ti tbe nwan1n1, ,1n,I tkfin11Wa" o, tin wl'l1ih White:: st i-t 1rw thu1 t1nl)' l f'Cl't'<hl elf ld.1ho wo! >Ae>t\ focthC' SS.IS
At! lwur 1hc:: numbcro, mJ•"•1h1dl, ""utlan; the
Sentine l
a Edoanal~II &ibllnoepa SlopllwcStotco SCKyl.dlm AmrarWCIOdm l(,oljT_. Aad)T""" R<>b,nLopll N1!.Ro,dohl
,.....,.... N.,... Lile si,.wa, Ath-.Jf'.lll0'1.IIUlfflat _....,..,, Clahlle! Ad•h<t
fo( .11 "·•It< b(1 cen Sj.l.S.1U1dS6.2nhc>111" 1~ • mu,.:h hirhcr r,c:,4-cnt.a-i.,:. I behnt' 1hia1 Cr1u,:ha, fl,CIIII) umlllc:dlht mtdli,rcnce of lhc Nl(',.1udenhl1)' e\l'C',·11ng111 to bchh'C' Iba.I V,,C IU"t tlC)I • Mlhimum waic C'OfttflHlffllJ, Ano1litrilJ.ll"l'l,c111 hlch tnfuri;ilh. tnl' h th111 Cna11 ,1.-.~. '"Idaho h:t• on!) • ,1 1 pi!:1«111.intmrJO>)mcnt Wow, 1h:i1 IIIC.Uh li~t' n,,1hlnJ:, lk,"'(INJ np to 1hc ,O\crnmtf'lf1 dctinlttoq of c:mpl,oycd. 11•, \l.'t'fLnr, pw:m:'"'"'• ~«k l~t)' ~taDd11td t.kfu1iUon or t.m~oyed to n\C.I. Orwx apln. Sc~Utt Cr.alt h lll'lnt '"unnini in 1bc "'•l he>c to hb 11".cl>Cf,. lbc Ll•I ""''""'™ ..1t~h lnt.&1IIC\I M)' lntdli,rtlk'f' WM hi\ ~Cffle'ffl lhiLI the •,11\·er..~" Wjlh.o 1.1.0.-1,.tt· ..,JR:C v,,.-., "'SD •ti t111ut Atllm, 1111utha rcdundaJ111t1Ucmct11. for e-~mrlc, tf )'uu rot ooc foiK in a buc-\ct al ticiilms "'"'er wn<l j'IUI 1be 01hcr 1nm in a (('CC'1fo11 h1,11;kct ol \\dt(t, CHI ~~\('fil~l' )dU ""'--'Id he- quite oomton.ahk; but III reah1y
)·oo llfc l..a, hnm t."(Jl11t1Jt1J1hlr ~1.1eh 11 the a~ whh ldA~ wagc11 w.ficq )nu coosklc:t lbc ld:lhu h.1\ QrlC' of the ouoon',$c,,f p:r C.lJlllll of m1lhon1utt1. h1 conc:lu•l•Mt. I •,u,.,,IJ hke to,..,)' Wt t dnn I mind 01n 'lt'IW(Jf u,int 11111mpula11\'C ould c:uto'Un~ lanfl>ll~ 10 pu•h hill, throoJb the kglJ.,11.1rc tl1.111 .ire m the ,nirn:,, of 11.1.abu, OOt I dv mind h "'he-" he U"C~ thi-, l;1ng""I(' ,._. me:: allll my rnC'ndt.. al'ld to 1ht •l\ldc.nbl Of North 11.l~hO c.t,lllcgt fht ~uc,Hun duit J\uuJd he all.eel by thcne,: chi• ll it uw hishc111 n.nlena ltpn!-'11:'nl.unr 1J1,t, 1hc,..e "°''-' .xod dcfinn..,.n, lt)dc"\Cribe wh~•·• gQing on 1n l,ur mu·~ ('(Ontimy, \\h.U tJo )W thmk he', Jam11 u.bou1 ill rhc \ludrnh Mt Sont, IWho ColleccllW'd 10 hcmg 1n:.i~ b'-e ,1 bu11eh or dumb from che \lk.lJb) 01hn-,111tc~.N1 """< t1on·1 n«J rhJI '""' or 1n-111mcn1 from uut own h:prtM"ni.:uih· We mil)' be i"~rMotl) ~t.W fro,n Wiuhiu51on. O.C, o11td '-''l-'<" dlln but"'' we:: not \•lcd fmm mfnm'-llJOn and 1ntell«I. (I lhmk if~ Orne. hl.lbc> 111,uu rcplacin; lt. f!PIJltt.1 n, "'Ith l"Cflf'!IC.• Oo,w111n Arn<i-ld. U, PoLUinl Sdtn« mqjor
• Rq,on,n, ...._ oncl "'"'" ,_ Ahm Sano 0.ld>oul ~Bcd:kll Kcmo.,s, w.......,.e_ 1.-EJi.
Uwrhr l...:tiaum Jffl)'Mlftkt a a~ U.Elu S.. a-,.,., Radud Qr....., K""o,.11<)<> kntt.ary ~ft.xff Jrnn7 SchulJhciu
BnanSrculn Sant Shenk. C'fld)' Slbnim s....,.Sr_ JotbS11.kb H-TW}lnr fol<U..~ lo<qu<fkrnnl o,,yc_. Km JN1c ~-Copeland
Peanuls are orw 01 the ingredient, m dynamite.
Thin-skins get the heck out of Dodge
1111111' 11111111 llllltl CIIIPIClll' (R Ntrtllel'IIP I
It'~ th,11 lune (II )o:."011 ,g1111 8C".:11"\ 11rl" lumh<"11ns uH rnh1 h1hnni,iiflf'I. Jtt1 .itc h:iUov.1111 btlllll'h aln.'UnJ 10 LIie v.,IOdl aJ ft l~:;:.::~t'~=1-UI~DJC .<'dill" Ille' lk"l:l fll4 ,,r l>i.'ll:c h.'inreo
f.\'Cf)' yar foul NonllC'mt'tl h)' die l«ltt tUltJ up ttltC,•·hncnt'I ~pl..motlf .1.U\k, WI l htlr thumb, 1,t lkc ,ta~ r.1,1;tt,>-1 wrnlcl_: l('ol\'IAJ: ftlo,fr dhu\OI n"'nf fiw !ht' ,ai (I( "" h.uJ7 'loPlll~ ll.nnm, 1-toridJ 11nd Art11in .Ur llll\\'n'.\ for n,J1\1Jual, J.:,1rcaet·'c.l"Wt1~blc.
S1,w.cs111er,,1Jof 1l11,C"Jo,i.:fl1lc
In• du11.:.1t(' '41111h<H1I helull- 1rccziQ•
IC'mrornui.m:\ Ill ftc:I uf \IIIH\ S4,UC'f tbc cqu,11,11, pcopft h4\'C tar frwn ptCl'o\UtO IU Stl CH'f)lfmtf Jo11t in thrtt·(I IUJl<'n r ttlt- 11111<" II ti"' hl~ I<!. f('OJ) 10 t'II: fMIOlo:."d f..111 ulrnrih1na rhr i.:nmc.1 11p 1m1~ lhc liouu- ..- n W4il, In the nr11lt1l11nd Ofl lt\C' 11tl1tr h.inJ. \\(' are pr.:,\C'J Id.,~, ;.aJI 01 ou1 ,,uu.1Jc w.otli. Jonr 11; ur,lv thru "(.iwn, tr proJC'<h art lnt·um11lr1e Vrhrn ,be ~nn,._, romcs do n. lhcy will HII) ,n,nmrktc- un11I M,1tth. In ,i..~ 1 fti>l Inv r11t ~lKl, pcor,k "'ettt hu111ry Ir 1hc11 , ,.,1 ,,ci"f
,.,,c '-''1(1 Htheir JwdhnJ h't thi, vnr,c <11 ur1cn4.'.')· th.JU '""01.:, lr11m In ins 111 • l1md of 11.U lwr w:ason, 111,., ~1nl1h ch11t.1.:1l·r W: lfln,... l,i,~ tn f:1'.'l tufr dvne here We cr.1:el ilt I•~~ l('lmr,ltoon \l,nlnf lo,u,cJ ,, "'mttt11ng \l;f: 11ndr-r,11md h<'t( rro.:nhlmid">n ,; ot ff) 1hc liflk' wlntt'r lrn,tlly '1ftVt'\ up .iurth "c'rr rir.idy 10 kt oirr holl~ Ju1;1n anJ P·,\ lt •l- ," lhcr('6 IUC• 1n tJ(l now 11w1 the 11no"' 11 hl;'JC' 1rnd lhc ~nowhitth u..- thcrl" Hoclq 11,nnwbc,.;it,Jmg.. ,._1lnJC, 1toJ:,IN,hng. UMt'A'1hoc111g •no"'mnb1hnp "'~ r1,bmg .1h( Ii'' lr,'OCI cm. E,·t"l)ihin-.ii 1h.11 l,,ulJ h ,t 1nncn dvne 1111d J1J11'1 \I.di ts.a,~ lb 14',lit. J1 • llm..- 10 RJ"W ,tw- \OIIW
t11hct 1n,1~c 1:,,rl(d ur, .,nh a ,1'1d; nt 11otld tl()l1\t t•r 1111uik .,.1,h • tol ol lb1n,, 0111), t.,: ,lune wM1 11oh11e ,1u1t ,ruun,J
The ,ml~ rr..ihl(-rn 04·11h lhlt wdn14=, 111t'onJe1l.inJ ,.,,..-n.11 1111 ,,
dtnlu#, W~ 1>1111 fH!\""'I h1 JCl 111 ~,'lfL or,11 m 1hc drnthl 11114 ,hc.c pl.u:c, .11tt 11ru11ll> 100 r,, ""'"> ,n v..11i ,1y ,,1 y 1hl..u£ti"
nn 1'1rth:'I dthtnt: ate ,fo-.· dtlll\rl a11d h;nr '"'"'hr.,,,.\,. 1''11,h
'M> <lr,4oc:nlly J'ffflOl111m• 11'1 • 1on1 l'u~, ,ire 1tt.,. 0111111, that
flui.C" (IM.11~11''£1h (l'I(, ct•,.J"'
l•nJ'-IJ' t°'-tt v..mlcr k'4!"(•n. 00 l b••f"t lh•r a, )mt H)Oli. amund
)"<lU l."M ~.))', 11, I\IJl Oinc<o,111 \HOIC i11 'll\JI ol ,\f"l,.a.." 'I lfH
•l>.:-rc I l>UJbt tu be•
And 11 >·o.1·n:nn(,com11Jcr Artwn.1
J11rqwf' /ltrum u n ,\rntmrl up11~trr l{r, .11111111111., "'" litr
'~"- Tn ffl/1tm,l 111 Atr Ct•lmn1;,, ,111,1il "" o, 1~111rlttr1. t't/~
Holiday con ce rt has new meaning
NIC Symphony Orcht!stra. community members 10 perform Handel', ·Me"iah'
bJ sa., Slltmli.
~n!llrttl Rrpmtn
11·,. lht' Chri,tm11• ,ea"on uJ 1hc ~IC ~,•uphun) fhcbc:,1,n o1lnn,i wllh the f.'oc,1r J'Altn H.1ndcl ~r>d<'I)'. h.l,c jolneJ IUJ:Clh.U to prc\C'l•I ll.01dcl"• • \lndah "' TudJ c.;n}d(t C'onductur, ¥IHI lud the 'O-m.:m~r, •)tnrhon)', v.hi.\'.h will he jl,111.:J ti) 101l ,om111u1111~ ~oc;ill,h n,c- l\111l•h11111 rmd11~1111n 111111 ind,.Hk 11 .ir lhc ~l pic,c, u! t11u,ic llol'h lhc "'~h-\u.ih.
In r•,1 )'Uh, 1hC' ·Mr,\' ha\l oql) h~cn rl1)'cJ. in •mall rite('\ Jfft11nd ('hullrn!ll rh'C' yrau :i;o SnyJrr <.kudeJ lb.ti •I \I.a~ tlfllt 111 flcrfotPI a rull rroiludh•n Ol l•ftC' .-i i the n,~1,1 (a\totCd Cho\lllt.1-. rm,,am, lhC" ''Mr\\1•1t• h .in urahn1u, • m1ntcal "omro11tion fo, Vtil(C:J .cmJ Oltht,trA lh4l ICII• ,1 Ul:l'Cd tltl'I) t 111l1~, .1 lt.111))1.:111 aJ1 m 1011n ,~ ,unrl> .:qti~frJ

Oit 1.'0ftlXT\ dkiu '*1sdcd ,;..ell .ariJ C\(S)' r-t nlulln1n11·rsy. lbc Sek 1 \\'on.c:n', hotr 1..111 "\in}'', ~lfljl "V1e11, \I,:. l.orJ, • WnrJ,. 111 Thint• ian,I ··8n¥hf. llnllflt the Holl) Bctnh.• t'htt .:hair l'lk11Jc,I hc:11,111dull1 1.11J lloilJ • \'ff} wh.
ll'Affl 1(11,jnJ rtic C...inrnrf'1' Jl('rhmotd •·nh n,ahdt!'I~
11,nJ a ~kcr. rii:h wun1.I Thi')' ung "'HU\\' "l1kal h Ow \'111.lJ:f,• W, Sul"i«" mid \\hm{llml Wa\ Oorn01 1#)' ftti:" \1Jdripl 'iu11cn ~l~lbc fiN ballot
11'1." i:on.;cn "'uh pit'1·c.1, ,u..h 11; "'UMI, Un10
lk1hk:hcm' iu,d N<iic•f hum Hl"a\fR 1bc
l.1tc R<•-.ilJ Drll , fo1mct SIC 1tuc1 1m
rn: ttlr111. "'-'• tl<t1lo1n! 11tr11h 1he Mlfllt •·\'ui.1
,\tr' Thc,c,- l\lv
h, Th11, , t,_r K.alrb V.tvi:h.n W1lli.rrtt.11 ,.n
l('(t and ,1111:1ttlh. 1'hc b.alf'I o1rJ«od JclJt:.k} 1&1 lht k'lflt anJ U,C f11'1t -.«OOll •lllnl Thot "'llll hid ,,1car1.11nrrli.: t,c;IUtkl Ru..,1.m C:hri1tnw \lw,ic" by Allin! Rttd. lran.,,.:uhw h)i ,11:,\ln1cr •~•I "nb th(: ,ound of II bdl h•llrnf , htlp,n,. tu tel th¢ 11"IIC11Uo ,1nJ uuc-1i:.1t(' rl«e lhe hr.1u .,~ V.\)t.lJ'ololnd lt',lklll, \t.OT high.ltfhltJ In I.hi, (IC«'. 11lt Wftf \lilt, f,1,,c ffll!',-lflf lllt'IN
'Iii 11h cACIUliJ trn4;cnJt11 11nJ :111n1 VU' tif p:n.u"WIL The 11rcl11!'11111 1nJ c:lln•n 1n\11cd 1hr lludien ht 11inll 1tlor1g: to fomil1.11 holiJ.t:o
•1lflg, ~u.,,.h a, -Jo> fo 1 tir World" ,,lrm
S11!hl'"'a1w.l JinJlc8C'lh, ltic cuncut clt,~..-J 'llo'llh the l.'.hnrr\ •n,J
J;.an(AJc lot l llU\1.111.t.t..... IU."l.:t111tp.J,Ui:J h)" Al'ir'*"lto.·.;Ht>n Olha r•l"tc, ll1l' "hctit '\.lllll ln.h1,lcd ·•o
T,11tnt"11h.111m •Gcn11;111 Foll. 'it'HIJ), ·Jti< hf\1 ','11..-I Tl11i L1ul.t 8;ihr "A C.'i:1rmo11~
1 C'JU\•h·- •nJ Ille urf!C'..11 rlc:C'c "O" Tcll
TIIC 01die,1.t11 ;,,~1to..oJ the 1t1;,,e,d tu)f N thr cDN;Cn w,1h l he J~, Se.a'°'''-= \\'1ntt1, 1 \fo\.:.1111;'1,t"' 1-> V11.ll.lJ1 ~'Um fhuc\ rrrh~1nied a he'.1u11lut ,·1~l1n .o,i ¥11!h the "}t.llrhotl) The pl!CI.~ 'o\'.i,_~ l.l'l) ,ltmn.11i.:-arnih,;iJ,_t)' 111k'!t,.t1nthw.i1 1w;11llC'\. l1IC ~ond ~1,nc. I- IIIW.J,1 Ut'I ' OIIIJ
c1fli1C11r,1 pcrform•ns 11~1 The tound -. :a, t'rlo1rm,c.r1 wld • ,rot blcpJ Jew. Jo)" Of
M.m·, l>runu.i"" h) J.,hn Sc'N•1W1 ll;.1,,:h "'•' \Cl)' >11nd "'II lhc ,.on..'ff'I ,.k,wd 'il.1lh
•·\\'h1lt'C'llnlltn,1.\ '111,s'll".n.;a tf(.llr.a:et•l
c:..t w1tb ·nic lrai.llUl'lftal !ltlf1g frll 'A'lfffl '°"'
ror, alld hrlr, to rue il\C' c hn1.uu1 11M)Ccl a thc.-i,.
New club organized for book lovers
c11• 111111, 111a1c1 t1a1 te 1111 --.• 1111c1u1N
b) lbnnonJ Ta} hw .''frnr,M/N.r('IVfrt
An,-~ du~ tu., t-«111ir,:.v11Ull tw h<'I.'.._ L.,wn {IA c..mpu, Tho.• , lutl t l!C'Ch tl-c third Tua.dla~ 11t rw1y moa1h • na1t.111 In 1bt I cm \hm11.ut 0111«' Q1Mr1n,, to J11c1.11, t:'("rWn ~ii.• 1hr
'6Tl1t' 'Mrnu,I,' h" ,..-lurlr Jllr l/uruiml gmw1h muJ ,·~·rry·IN1elx,, <"~ tht·u mm \(Uf'1f1ml [NUh
Ttldd \nJ d t r, cnnducwr
ru di-e- pc• runnC'f\ 111 narn1c eh~ UUf) ,.,Uicr lh,rn dri:u,ni 1n tnl•n11·, a11J 011.:unc 11111 1he llc•t)' The ura11100 lcll IM' ,1or) ,,, hn" Jt:)U\ 1hr Mc.,,,h,11 C'a1nl' ,., ~1111C" 111n1tLln1I, Jww., hC' ~'•' iSc:,.r,i\C'J 11.11d how. he r,1,c 11i11111ptun1ly 111 1c11n in ht.a\'cn nc,1 tu (Kid I he haihrr \nyJ,C'r ,-1ud 1h11 be w.1, 1n\pucd 10 ccmdu,1 1hc M~1;1h for two fC.l\C•n~ fk ,o1ld tlut lt1c1c ",." hl~h cletu.-nd hum 1hc tumrnunil)' 1t'I pc1fo,m th,· "'k"1;1h" .nuJ 1h.M ru111n1& ur1 UII\
a,,,,1J 111;U1>n wa, p1Ht u l hb jt1b. Et<f1 of it 1114.\ft I r~1 uf hie he v..ovl.1 t;.l•hdUll II Ill.ii Pl h1, W'lt~ nl ubhl!41IOO In·~ wn1n,un11y h,r 'in)Jcr, thiC "'~k,11alf' lk"•Cf 1hc ,,1111<,· lwm ),.,1r 10 )C":U
E~h, he fln,,h" fie~ mc.an1ng:(w 11~u,1pc "nhm 1hr mu,ic '"T'bt- ·~k·o1,1h·1i .r ~c-Ju .:k for ,r1r1111o1I gm111th 111W rwt)b1to.l)'
1, 1,n 1hr1t o\\n ,r1t11ual·(IJlh," ,...,J I 1111 nut here 10 ru1
11'1 my n'llln 1h'-11foi;). !'1
club organizer and NIC IMlructo, AMle McKlnlay
~f11hh.i, 1'C.\llllftdrlm,10 1e.iJ
,\ n •H"titt~ pf LO ptoplr ,1ttcnJ t~
m«llnt!,'- Mnil all u,dcr111 Md 1111:ult)' iw
O,ntnJ ;n(dlnl',. q..:,1111,n •tt •Led
tnd c\ct)\lnC: 11ttcndln1 11 ••tlcorot' 10
ib~U-" JtlC' Al n..:b UlttllJIII .i
t,o.:,fc "a\"IJ:ncd It• he rr-.1. l&ftJ 1hlli tkd, ;, J ,xu,)('(( 111 tJ~ l1.1lll•w1n1 mectini, Accanlln11 ll• l' lnun1dU{ Annie ~k Kh1l.ay. or~ilt'r ,, the h1b, aumJani:
a lfll'C"lin1 d~•n'1 mt4ft lhlll )vu alt
l'tqU ffd l\\ilfli'nJ CTMlft RIN'l lllf\. -11ic,
\a,ICI)' of hid., illkJ pl.,1,.11, l111r...S lfWlt nwtc fn Doormhn '"'° ,hib •111 11:~ "'The '"'""""'r,oJ b1hk,·· a k,tl hy BiubJU K111g"1hc1. h '111111 be Jo,i:u ,ed on Ore I ! 1n 1hc Pn-.1~rha11n B•) Room in 1hc fdm1n•lrt 1~1 l 11u<m HwliJ11, S1t1ec 1hc 1u,a ~·l c:luh llkTfUII' tn SqMcrnti.:'1.1ht ch.1tt tt.1\ 1r.i.t "'fhl" Ri:a.J1.t'" and Wfltrie ahc- lk.irt a.i:.• Theo bo,11. pl,1n11al tor J.1nuary i ~l\11gel,1 • Atha"' b) 1-ranl M,-C"ouu Mt K
PaJ!.88 The NIC Senuoel
Foo Fighters' co a must for fans
N('"' '".
~1cwn du, 11){'1111111, 1he m,f •Jhlr'n nc..., l lJ '1),Cff ll !11,•hmg ( dt h• t Do< ., Thn CD 111ti&i
~Ir.I ,thltJrdt.llle~" Jf,. rrhl Jlht~ riut.t.h\1
1• 1S111dr "l't11.·) lla\·c 1rK'd,o~lwia~c lbtn'Wl)II h) fltjll1n1
lfWtt blfl.;aJ,. Oft dli• c.;O tlw1 tn 1hc ~\1CM1i lwo Thh
thut~<',."OUIJ Ix lu a J11~1100 lht') w,ll'l,kJ t,, tnor
t-ic\: ttl,(' 1h(o~ ~,!~-J Ill \"Olllfll=ic ll#IIUl\i &he ho) $h.1llpt, 00
Nklslc for the soul and a TV series
1lile dk. 1·110 hJhl,..n. M 1hccc h 10111dh111f atxi,.1111111
ABallad Or TWIT ~:~17c~~:.!1 ,~:~!:~",:~~::
nt11hut.bu'lklll~•l1o1,ti l..(oJn('"JIO~ foRiitJtn1htm~1n,:1l\'Ct
l.'SIJ!l)' pumng 1hr1r mn1.1LJ\ 11110111 ·11 vklc,li
\\'uh \ti.k('I, !t,1.1,,.h .._, Ols \I,: Eh7t'°"8
:mJ' t.c.un In My: 111q· d11 fk)f 1hqrrn1m
ll!O'C klvlo nJ! fo•· a r,JOO l•upli
J,uon I IIM"JCI nm (.l>curn~,,u eoo m11n) ti.llldt1ol~ cno,.,,cd .a n,l. 11.lhunl, m 11, f>flltlllln
\V1tl1 l,.clllf' ,.IJCh ~St.-; '-t'tl A<hit,• 11'\J ~Rt"tP.rl\ll lhi, 1, a l',oJ
Cllltnr'k or dlC".'C JU) lt}'lnJS1•IT1f'IJ1.1ng nt'\lr Ind it'• y,~ing
N<X 111.1111,1.11.t..uJ ),,UJ.J«i'lno:Jtobti) It ltuttn11uun1ud1uf •
Jne,1tC' ch,lllt(' ''- m) W4f' ''"'* uc ,c like' 1ti,._ Al lc.&M ltic)· ~n·111a)
"\t1d.~ \il'i.l..c:• JrulJS't'ill-.c:r.
J J.,n·1 dtlnl. tht) >hc.1JJ c.l~'C 1~1r h.tlr .uiJ JI.UT J.ul..ln;t The) .art Ju~ 11'1 Jrl'\"oll v.,1h1bt1rown .t)·ka,tidc.'ltt 8c,.idct. I th1nl. tl\.11
Jml,l Jrt'lllbaDdi.nttJ peal 1tt11b1hrrr mu,1~ l\nl Wilhtht,1 G.r
c:lodll."\ and htJy, I.bey 1\inl m II C<llnrcJ •u•I .\, jor die to. I v.uulJ 11,ol, fUI' ajt(JOClu.lo: on 11 nu,1\"'IC""flflh 11-c'Sl'ol )~t ntn!'ll'} 81.11 u rv <k'f\nalrh one an) fact Y.1l\licl nt\"\11,, ,c1
ll'hc//(l//11111uC1l't' /mt, or not, 11~ar tllr tml
,.,risi ~. "' tb...c ~tllhDf 111 ,IITn 1,1ad •• Irr ,~ pi.Mil>lt l\'lC
E,'t'I) FnJa.,- , a •hkl:nl tru111 Ur Anrn1;a11n-.t.1t1.41: ,it (. J1nJt.ail \1 \If"
'ldi up• i"'* 111 !-lit \\, Yid) U..,:, R«.'l'I 01 l-,11n11Uk't ~udc-nl 1,lniun ill'III
t•IYtn NJC,.,t\lJcnhthtC!ppllRwtlJ} 11~f«Ti~e,111111~ ,.,..'\s ,,If n.J.JJIII)
1f\ lOt1tin1Jlft.vfttl.lNl'l'shtcq,, 11ic-SSIP'-"''""".inltbcm.h.".;IF0¥,y111Akri1• ~\wt They .n:
,1hA11~, l'C.IIJ~ fl• t."I.Oklml"n lo iJd flt tllt'lt k,.l of qul•H, -.:Qll\li,11
IC'lll'IDC' KlJUlll. ~c-1.hnill'} ~,,d.,11
Dc:NiirMJln' l lir,I clnicai ll•1a.rott"iwd11~fmmK1Uar1

·w,....1.:rM'"\hlla1,11.J ~·,atite-1:1vnfli~>·''"
Kd41ln ~<pl.sinQJ ltl,11 u~ .llt' ttilll) p'1 for .a pm,1;:111,, k
tda\L"3 lhc bdy ani,J 1tk."a\C'I c11Jutf-tlim. ()Kai.11im ,iih 1'<11 au Jrinl.
Studc.nH. lrum lhe AmcrJ.Qlfl lns111u1e of MIIUJ.!,"C ,Mer ss IIUL\.'1~ lrom lO u UL 10 pm t\'~ry frid:ay in the SL B
plenly ot v..11n nt1e o,.c 111 l.lfdcr to uc.c dxl,y,1n11 rt-= lwm ~"If 1111 lruoorr of I~ Am:-nr'-'ID tminmc {If Cimo!
M~. bsc: l'tw-l11·10 \\',-.d IUIJ ch11t llliL\."'1l'C! tht:n.p)' • the (i1,1e I
1rtWr1"1 l'Qhh ("'f>kwnn Sl.c 'loUII thM y,•trn he wncJ lhc: ,dini.1l 1P
I~ cbcrt wm-«-.1 rc,uWll,n. IIIJ~tbrnip) to k't "-IIJ,11,kby ,,tt)'ttd~ In I.W.ScmlJ JWt • ma~ f'1.hfll11• \\, ~·J I.lid She>IONlllliwt r.111t1Ccl\.lln-,1nf and '\'..\llt1flCI) w.llJ,"Cl1lll\ MIIJartlat<•P":t~1ffa:1·,,011.Jtu("t'rlf'l(tly tn U1bn, im"'*Ct' lhml(lk~ ,~1 n,"C ncaJ lmllUlf l'lf a 1111.'t"l'N" In lllill\)' ulhtr~Uk\itquul'~tl,t'.-.11m1d~i.bfh:tmJ.
mmc w,th the lfflt\.it 11, It pli~, 1h.)t Shqwd ,1nit'- iUld hi., ~Tillrn ticn-<lf..11re wl~I)' heard un die" lt lC\C\ftktfift'IC'<I. Ally!\k.1k " l1,tht'TV~. ~., l'll~lft
=~~~:;;_tict-chrt...,.. ~tK,,tic:man) 'Mood' Music
Shrra,tl ha) 1Tl~~l 1t~) wlr> album\ bd~ the waJ J:IIQ'll.11 '"''" ,hr 1c:lc,i\lon 'i('ttt.. On cflc l)f CD. SbirpiUJ h helprd OIII b) iltt improa.1ve Ntli.1t18 h:ind-Jrum11"1Cr Pc.Ir n...'"* •·hd \t.lJILod 'A'llh Eh Ii c,~1cll,1, 1uu tm1 Val MtC'altu111 plia)al wnh Pclt'f (j.,.hri(:t, a,-.l 11 "'"' \,x.1lht'- AJ Gnxo IIIIJ £m,I) S..lffl. fmmlh< l w.,oGid, WitbCOMll'll.'nt.,CIUl:hllit.'" hclin'Ctnc: th1,.nnr \•n•1-.1 lw\-e,"III-.I "'lli.ill)'R<X'ti.S.."'a!Jouilt1111tto"''t'fthma fcU"""'8' f', ic Jed, hl.c 1hr COG110·1 tio.S..'l'l""•••g.
Senor Froggy
f'I•"'"°·Wood ,a1J ~ne bore, th.41 riomcJ~y 1bi, will cha1>1c. In W~1~" ~·1, pan a( tht bc..Jth Uff ')"'t'tn Nek,n11"'11l(1~Moc.,d~..uft',11'1Cn:t\t:t:""1iLatll1t1,rtbW'~111 .tikf JcN;cttortid lMm- ~, in bb,J.
Ao.ul.Jw, co Ptmaioo--Wond. l'hi! Amni•a ftl,111uae (i(CIUU ,~ bocn ia 'IUOCC',.,md m.111) pcq,lt M'\'c thcM11 "'t.~ 11"11trCq Pla,\aJ.1PW<11,d ~' l? WJJct1t;.. Mi.KL uf di.."lrt ro..~u~ m.w.i,:c
1bmpy &flL.T pb)'QCIIJ Cf.Uflil llfk.~ 1111hr p-,lft')1oJOII. (he 'loUJ Sbc-!i.00 Iha! ha•lllll ""•lhc<* "-hi'lm:nJtll).'t,.'1,1 he!' IO~• ll!Wlht hc:"I b)- "'>lfl,t lNll 11 .,..,Md ~'IIDaia)' tic a "CC)' ,~.Jul prilli1K'lr St..: tJttadoJ ,0 f(Wft:I llbi.111 her~ IIJ Jfl,l JM11 nnlicinr ml j(iin ft f11tld uf tn.:2. ~.S~h.t-notrq:Jrt1, 1bt \ltxn:ilfl ln\li,u1e ••I Oin!Ql) \1+w~o1~,· PUCn NlC )ll..Ji:nl.t • lll'tlll ~lf'Wad)' lo l'J1 a mtlfOl'IIC't. tthrc-( fron, tl,:, """1,\{ul u,l)cJ,"t hfc- Studmt, ClflFt•t<'UIMnif1W'li".t#'ollJIIUl~oni.t,lc.-prM.T The ~-.: ltlalpi,.t 1ff un CdfflfQI from IOa.m ·2p.m an the SllB c~ f-ntb~, f.or-roon:W'•.wltt3).l:)457..tWO;I.
Graphic design show in SUB gallery
T'hc S1h,, 8c:,u;h G1Utr) u, lbt lidmmor ~tudcnl l n1on llu1IJlna t., bn\lUI.[!: 1 "uJoi grnph,c dc:,ip ponfolio lhuw Ora;. 61fl Th(' ,,.-ph,i: d~\lgn 1allcty "Nlll ,ho"'.:" ~IC \hi,fc-nh' J)Q"lfC)lKl" v,\,r\ ff'l'lm Uf'l«lffllnS; ''*"- rht- S1hct Ot:M.--b (i11lltry l1k1Catr:Jon LhcMXon~t f1oc11"c1l 1l,r- Sl'R
Stu d ents and sta ff' p lan po t tery sa le Tb, 171h ar1.1l,1.,1 Htih..La)' PaOCf)' ~le h in ,bt l-..dt:nin,n't 'i1uJrn4 l nliOO 8ui11hftlt 7 a.m IO 7 p.m 1,"1.l) Poer.try 1n 1t,t, .ale i mlldc by SIC ,rt.aktih and w1r. lht alt .,,II of(tf 1t'lmt"lhrn1 tn, nc1yoac-. hom mus, io "C'ulpcwn. Pri~ fmcn 1.1 «nh ,1nl.! u-p l,.upt P,ycw i,utl,I •lllmn1, will W.l f.c..iuct ht-t "-«~ M the !Wt P.i)'nc hit\ (('lmpit"lcd Ille f'Ollny dll'U,C'\ M NrC and i net\¥ •n actr,e poctcr.Allpt«~•Jlllltlo\4fi.1,l~ ,.hoJ.:ll'\h,p,
NI C Book C lub di~cussio n held in S UB fbc ~IC Ow~ C1ub nm«r ""''" '~ 1 p.m u..x. IS 111 JI " the boo~ ·'Thi., ,,_.,P,nnwoc.ld U1bk" h) 8.wblarti Kifll}loC>h.::r All .n y,i;l.:onic to Join ltk- dl1oCU:\11tCln The tncttinJ w.-111 be hC'JJ in tbt PtlY..i.ll:1hnm lb)' 1n 1ht 1-,tmithta" S1udtn1 Unloo UuildlnJ. for l1'ltll't lnf()tmjjtinn coosact An1uc- !\1cMi1~) Ill 7M-J425
Lake C ity Pl ayh o use pl ans a co m e d y rhc 1_.k( Cit)' l'b)ht11J,c r~"<'l'IU h, C'bn,1rrut.,. ofkl ll'. l.l•c Ur«. l lhrwFh 1ht IJil Th,~ mu•l(.l:I 1.onicJ)' 1akc11 r~ 1n 19S) Cbmun111 E"c. II\• JV ,.,u,ho. Si\ t1ouh btfott the Chm1m.rt 'f*MI bn-,~il\l, tH'l)lhJnJ! I\ JolnJ \liw,n,, .inJ 1bc ,u:rpn""' .U(\l\ h.1\'C b) Ult mtt lbs: :dlft-.. fl°t- ChmUnr, .llld If• l.i\c'" p,otn:l'-t, 10 be a'.&l 1.:umcJ) tllkd •j1b ,,,~one'" lc,Of'1lt C'hrtWf'llh )OJI$~ hlf ,nfurm.11100 (11' ft'~\'Ub0n111 .,u the I \.c, (II) rl.a)l'°""\(' at 667- I J::?1 AduJi.. SIO. k"ILIOf cluunv~1u,k·llh \X 11n..i d11Lt1t11 unJct U ~. Orwp m.n m- c\.libbk
S pokan e Symphony to perform at NI C
Oic Spal(.;ine S1u1pb(1n)· •UJ rcrtorm u, ~hula' A~um 1n 8ot.'Adl H1dl8 p.nL S.urJ.ty. fan.8. lkc,cfllDl:"'111 ft.ti.Im rim' fn,m M~ Far •nfum111t,ufh·.iU 1hc &~ Of11io.'C: 111 7ffJ·n~
ICo~ing Attractions __
8~uv ll-1'et-lU Ccu11111P ('1h1t>11 "'Sall• C,la,ed IPld Rali.u \ '«.-It"'
Thursday Dec 9, 1999

Bt:1.L: Comnimt..."d ,o ,1c.t..."<>111mun ity c;oolinuecl from page 1
Bcll .,.,,o_. h~· ,,,. ~b.J ,l>k'lhlu ,...., , ,y <l l <"·b,l· -·,,:,irijj,i: tt• Ah111C11.,n RC'foce Rell 11. tOll."nm r,c~hknt.:)' c-Olkd. fir ,pen\ lllllC' a,hhhlf (Ult.-nl i'r('j,,. l l1thMI IJuri.c·
1h.lJ ,ix 1ipronw11Jy. MC"0,..1,, "or!.. f1t,1Jct Ron. IIAl 1 ~,11, ~,md. ltnn1Nu1d) h) dttrty he: \\41, (;'l1nu111UC'tl 1,1 our,(1lktc ,.Jhi.1~ Jcq,l)' l!C,.at~I h,r-alfthcmipluycn pjt,1111k11t,i11 floi11nh1d11hoCt>lkic Hc\\111 tr d} nm,;cJ_ Bu1l.C' t..ilJ 11, 11 lc:tkr he C'III 1,1 •Llll and f.:1111)' l)rc I 1Alilftl1lnt lbtffl of Bdl , ck.11111
!MU" \l(C'ru:.,ldtm foru,lk1< ,dlfi•Jll:, IIJ.I dt,dopnlC'nl. allQ "'n•lcJ do-,cly ,.i, 1th lkll ;1c llkHI may be 11..: ,,ri,ck ~1 ,dn,mhlrntur I C\'ff -..111l.N for S.. henl. wsid -tk ••n 4 l.trtk,-. "'OtkC'f ,,n bcMlf u4 ~c,rth
801\ RU : F.iciliuc\ \1u,.tct PJan o,n1,n u9d from Pll9" 1 Ah 1"1PfO\'CfMIII th,: Ut)' ahtaJ) rlalH U '" ,rimlr\)l;I ;11n-1o1hcr cnlr11l'l,c 111 lh<' ctilkgt froa, S,lflhv.c,,1. 81111kli;r;rJ h) r(.h\'\( 1ratf1C ,,. Mullan Koad 11nd Garden A'-tllU< The "*9 '11.Jll b(, Ille' ,oJlt'tc:' Iii.tin Ctllts,n..:( TM hr,.1 l\ig th.sni:-c v.111 mu,1 til.-:1)· bt1br IC'l(l(•Uc,11 o( tbt Nw~II hi:1J In tht' '""""' UIC or ltc.t»n U,\cld C;IJllj!J!IVl.mJ to<t•t'ffl 1kt lumt,r, m,11 JnJ Nonhv.<'lt Buulcv,ud
Then. MIJ 11¢:W.l)', lht Ihle'<' ,h I)' NilJinJ IClf Lire Si:icr1~c1o, ,\111,:J Hco1hh .,.J ~ur,111r wall be i:-or'hltu1.lcd ln ii\ tl.a..:C', ~' rccflrn111cnd\'d h)' lhc F.-acilitie• \t•"•cr f"t1111nu1i t.'1w:nmt11ce Thli ha !kHilhOCI froc111he pr~nlul
1 u..-nJ c:la,M:S Jrmna
WhL1111,;tivn oi !heir MC'"' t.a..111111. llml lli111
\k..:Ui:t ASSl(' l"ft-,1dcn1 ,nJ fJlC'mlx·t of 1b<: rla11ning (.OflltnlUtt
l1Lihn C'l1(h;~"C IUl<I a IIU(! b.!'J~c, of \"(•l'l111J1111llycol~t'Juc.i11n,1 II• "«"11.tric • l,W\C' fl"'"'l( (1cnJ oc n11t1,: 11.biL li\>f 1o ,ri.u,y r,.~hrtl!.1 am s.wdc11i:·d ~t hit.''"'""
\\,1,d l.»J !h.u ,H (kll'11<'._lti~I") \ht 11n~hly •ctt\t'd moo: du•od)' thJn an~'·"'"' I.Ml nnrru""' th h1m. lkJ1JJJl1i,.-.1rcnt;.1de'a
u,·1,,cnJ1,1n \ill:nf-."C' rtir htm to t'C hcf\' fOf .i
)'<'.U -,.J -111.ay lmfl1 h1~ l.1:1tuly lftil hn1nr. m
\c.lllk ".iJJMiJ
He \I/• .un a11141~ni: ptl"'lll. \\11.rd 1.11,I -1
,ctl 1h;U tam II l'lr11tr tor lo.M""ml tun,.
tanJ I ,11, lf;itclu1 t11f' h,1\ttiS 1hc OJ•ponu11,1y 11,
°'~ "·• l'lhlffl
Xn'Jieet Jot 8(11 ?rc hclJ I~ , 1M
l 1t.1\'t'l'\1t)' l'111tn1L411 Chut,;h 111 ~tit A
lWup hum I\IC tacl1td1n1 .anJ lfor._c
lr;t\doJ tu S<11t1k-1o Jllcn,I tht (W\cnil
\kmuru1I (nfltrih\.1110.. tn;l\ Ill' m.-k Id tho
Shottl!nt• C'ocnm,1rti1 t'ol~p: Ito.I BC'II
Sthob,,.hii' hmcJ
W,OIICJ."11.1,11~ I~ 1tnrnnhl4'} be ru1 0,1 lhe
corne, 01 ~'"'"' A,.r ~,; a11J NIJof1f1 C,,ll~JC
l>rh·t hy cbc mill, ""hC'rt 1h-: ht41!t, bu1ft.llng
llnO-'llt fhr«-.: c>thi:r il-11tM1ntJ lu bt:" ,x,,ro,td tn
Pfir,n U lite tbt J11J1,Mrti1l Au, ,ll\J Sl('brtl
Uulld1ni:-1 ~rnJ Md.Jun Hill fn lhC'ir pl«C' '*Ill he ii .:JJcmk bu1li.Jmp 11111:,.:1 1hain all thr~ ot 1111: oldC'r hu1IJ111,:, Ill)(', <'IJ(.C c,n 1mpu,1 pul hJ~('lhc't,
l hc MX«r lirld .,.,.,II be mm·td nt\1 IO
lhc ~'* ha."cb.ill r1cM hu1 111,: c.tmpu, «•,., ill he' kll a, o. grt'l:'JI '1-'C' In f.:1 plAlmcn &.ay opa11\ion 1111•)' k.ur 1hc c111np-,, l,1iok1n,: gr«11Cr a, r.1,~m 111 l!iC' tenter or lhc (.liffll11,"· 11Kh "' u, 1w111 of l\llJcn• hull h dowl) pba,L>J 11111
\1,r'I.\I\C f'olllllllt llr!I>. ftohln\1111 t.."lld \\.10
l'iC' g,.JdtJ 11ruu11d lhc- r.1ramtl r ol 1hc
i:.i111po1, 111 the cullcJ< J('Qlltfn lnort'
"''" ,11t lanJ. Hd 1he
y o u r books for the
Against G the . a1n
J..cwV.tttll CtarL ,ua f'Miitttadcdl.cwi.1.("Lir\ siattCo!kg.: 11,berchC'uo:""l'd
b.khdot a< un lkl,ttC in fi11e 1111 11M druma A1 the Unh'tni.1y or kl.l)o hr rt\~l\'C(l II nueq,cr oJ hnt an, d<'j!s<"C \l,Ofk'd '" in1,,1N.'ti0ft1ll na.ut aM ,~ Jeti,rn
M LCSC. P\allmnin Hllh .$cl,o()I u.nd W1i,tunt1roc, St..itt' Un1\'('f'tt). 8"Q)d~aJ'i\·ur to1ctthct'(lu('ahan11!
o..~, ol all 1bnt be did.
"M) hart'sa.l"'1)1bcm mtc.achtn • .'' C0tli-..1,a1d
Afttr hl"llU.ll'r 111d ha l11.1,bo::lld l'llO\L-J '° CACUl' d'Alene.
lllW) tool,ftw \U.11.i 1t11hi:i.1,:" forCcwli1,hJtr,tlbi: 1Jwl
An)'OllC' whc, had U11: chlll'l(t' to h\oc ln Cc,confAleoc d:lm.lld
Wbc-11 1 poi11io11 ii NJC opcnc.d up. he jumped 0011
Ntd a.e," li.d,:cd back. He taught p.1phic ~iJtl
«iut"IC.,.1llu"n:&tl(l(). computcn. and mnrt, until »1. )!!•II"'
LJ:i'"•hen11 rull-1Jmept.l"ilionopcncJ up. Af11:1 18)'c•1' aC NIC. CM,, 1J.Jd lhc c:olltJc h,u ~n h1i hlh'lllit r~ Ir> tc.i.;h.
Hcq,id pannf1hctu1i001bal l'IC'kfl WSU "".u ~-.c the CO(Utd'Akno aren \\':I." be.wt1ful 11nd he tt,dly bclic\cJ
,n t,h.uNl("doc.'h (N IC) i,. a 1ti1:llool." Codi) Fm1n tht C\JUQdum, to the pres:klc:nt, C\tl')'C'lrlC h\'TC 11,,,1n1, ,u,dc(lt., tn ha\·c the belt CAp(nerlCC Lhat (hq,· l,;IUI Afkt I('$. hinJ ~I • laqrr Ufl"ffl,tly, hr wld he flCIUCcJ t.nmrhllC'\ lfw: (oc-v1.
•JI• '°"•nd ~cd IC*odd lllhk1k1>lhctfl"OrrtUII\.AI
Nit:'. C,..11, \II~ \Offltthill• dJflmnt He ,m.alltt cl.1t.,e$, dcdlc.ued tcadlC'N. l"':111 f«1htk, aud a C001n11tmml to lnmlni:
'"Sbllknb "'1)0'1 rully appta:ildeo NIC unlll lltty k1nc hen:.'' Cotfo Wd Corti:" hope$ th:u ht, ttudcnu .,,.Ill k:Am 10 'iCt: pholosnph)· u an .,n full nf CC>mmun..:"u-. P.l make pht,to,ruf)b)'., pm or 1tw:tr 11\·o. He aho bc.11,c, 1hcy 'ffl11 tt..h111quc and itc'Uhclkt..
A~Jc from 1t4Ch.ina photop,ph>·, C«li" kw~ to ,n;1l;('
~While-In colq.c "'ml,cJ 'IUNII"'
The~ pho«)s "ere ooll.tJC<iO( jw11bkd clcna'oo.. AR~r
CQflJ\dcddtddw ht hldJunofflQlrUh11,11h ~m,1.,cd inC'Ji.i phmot.. be wmtd to rQOl'C ~ilion.i.l flho~r.-phy
C«U, We.I dt.11 he titgan 10 ml~, tht ii.kl uf find1nc ;a,1
uik.l mc11,11.ina lhtwgb 1hc \ 1c\\f1udct t•l ltlc camera. mbcr
1hao aftet the phc,lo baJ btc:111.11»1«1. •n 1hco m11cJ mcd.:J ptlal04. Tradniooal bbc:t aoi.t v.·httc pboe~) ni.,lc, up~ ptl\'t:RI o11bt v.·(lf\. CutlhJon n.1"
He tll!C1, a smU, Luse·fornui1 caaien.1M 11 nc\\ bid tl, ~rndatt, h..:klf.llhr 19.l<k .u,,JJt\ •• tolhe 11:SOO\. Corlll' carnaaan mlle:1-i b) 5-inc:h

Thi, C)"JIC" U( (lhOCography, ~onlnti 10 Curii\, h.,k,i;,,e,0 morc ""mcdi:1.1,t1\t- ood al~ lftf)fe, m:inipal111i,1n ~f the rtMxoll'l'h ,, lblacl: ud -..h,i.e phcxog.aph) 11, v.·hi:rt my ,m~,• CotUa a.Pd. ''The 'A"1WL I do 1.,Jay iuulJ hnc tic-tn doo<IOO)tml&')"
Acconltni 1,, Cartia, bh1cL Md whuc- ('tllll!Jfnflh> .,Ut1v.·, a~ w dunk '}Utmali~ u> 1tiou1 tht pim 1h:i1 i\ 1;otn1 to bl! truidc Md 1111~~~ \Cl) fur('Qntml O\rr tht rt,&'Kogn1pbic: p,oce~ C'orlu "4id be Cl'IJO)'' ud.JII!: urche "'fin\ll* (lJ,lfiU, and the Hpt"rf«c n111utt" 1ha1 ~m>und; 1.11,. On th~ t,ppniile ,Jdc. be', al,o Jn.tett,.t.tJ h1 LI~ '"l,IAli,. ffllJII)' Eb(ttn Wl\hmgtan fannllmd<i."' He aald he dti"C'- 1hn:iu1h ,,oy toY,rft) .i.nd enjoy, tbr c.:haJJcn,c- uf f1nihn1 '4•innhin.i co~~ ToCotlh. f'lk"lOp-.ii,hy lsMnlh.vt)lnlpclint,thi:l aid r.hocit ~1 tt abwt "IOtY tdhng 11nd lttllning 10 Ila..., down and pt)' ...o.tooon to I.he v.vrtd otuulld u,. f'hnloJ:•.aph)' If. WI)' W hW:CJ"J:
Photograp h y by Phil Corli s
Ft!w .\till' lhr 4 IIJ 5-lnch largr /ormm cumrrm. nml cl'.Mfrwertttt bind; 011d .-.-11111'Jilm m ,1,,.,,,. T/Jr_,. ul'r' l;,m ,·. r-Xpt' 1.m'I.' and f(11~· rr, ,n~; 111,.-.·l.',~r. tlr~·\· ctm pM./,,n· ltt,mt,f,,/. '(l,arp tmngtJ when med by 11,,. riRlu photogtupltrr. Tht~ it n,, ~·a,· 11,...,.,,,prmt """"' dn J11Jt1cr ttJ Pl,if'.) 11/wtu}(roph., ,VIC u lurl.:.~· ra Jmr~ thii rarr bru,I v/11 plmtosm11,hrrt1..t an 1fl\tmrwr.
•And) Tt>'ls
Smtintl Photo Editor