5 minute read
Sandpoint extension ready to go
tlru,Lil\J 1hc 'lfll' d\.11 I h'l.'11 b..1'1M 1hc o:flla f•lftbc:I.N IU)~l.ry111ftortl IIJ'.tinf \\'1th .m 01rmo1lal ..-.~ 111 ~UUJ .and II Ju.l(r1 N SllJIOII. Orin\.;1rd !u1111ll ,up~111 v. 11,11n the cunununUJ ~umrmu, htolnts.\C1 ~h1,...,\.'1! their r.UrP•rt h' dltnilling 11~ Of scoioe"' t1f 111rcrh1~ ptio:nlU.'11.liiiO..IUtb Wh,t.: 'ill' will 1..111rtnhutr 1hc 111tcnl'lt r1Nm1J1m" ;u,d tmf'k1~ thr (11) of "i..klj"lll!l'II 11111 lht CUllllty I ,~ ll#fttJ WI ,,in1nl~ ihc lu,,.JmM I,• 1he m•1t•l ,in.I 11;.aw nl 1tit, h11IJ111 , s., tonip:-, ~,u i.sth r .:.ainpn 'li«li~ cnlkfc «lllfWltOIMhlf) ll.l\'C
1J llui •111 ~i,k llft ttt:11'11Jl111C tlmtfil 10 Ifie i;.ill1m1cil&c111ttOU1l) h I\ •11:ifi*d ,tie C(tll(t ~,n he opmlimal •pnn,. u1m1t1C1 allii fl1II «~lt:l"l. ~an,n, chh ,oon1h lllc \.ffllft ~10 ~J1« the l."l.flV'ldllt')' Ilk' OJll)(tl'tllftll)' Qt,\
•• A.S Of A.A dtp -.1&1u11lltl e,a,maeJ fow ta fh't' )t,lf d,au, rutiaton -.·1:onbn,11 l(1 Candace Wl1ttkt. ,~ '11 Di~ l.Clolnq .i Nlt'. ~vcr. Ohnt.Nd hc:hc\O IV.1) t,I) lflttt >'"' cwld Jc:rirll1c:I) bccooic # ,e.,lol)
NI( •• Ml the ,Wlktlt coo:dftf ro 1he coltegc. bul I~ collics:ccamtng1olhc:~udffll. tid1.1c.i1i-nnol o1c«s.s Is ..o lmporuu11. ·· Wb«lcr ,a1J, "aod 1b11t 11. wtrnt 1hc S1Bdpo1n1 Center adJre,.~" teiaht).
In addi1u>:11 10 1bc ~olltgc Ctt'<lh ch1.ue, bcHn1 offerctl.
Slcph(n Dtllll..it\l whP '¥1'1111.:, I OI" Nf(; pd I tlw
11111nl ,u11e1/prnjecl de\'dOpt'r for 11\e CH)' vr s.u1Jl"k1111f cQrnp;ar1o.-d Jl'm111 lht\ bnh1y up and nmr1,n,tun,r1nlrJ1a11i..~
On Campus Education
Distance educa1ion opponunihes growmg h) \mbcr Mt'loim \'n1.tm(IR,'/lf.1rt.-, The di\U1lo:t edu,c;JtioR pn'IS:nlffl 1 lfrr-. f"'t.;t'llt'tU cJ111:11liOftAI opponuni1ie1 ll,lr c~·c-ryont' ln1cmct 1111,J ln1er,u:.11"c ,·1f.lc:01:"11fr1c.m·1ngdll.,\e" 1ivc,1udent\ lhe ah,lit)' to a11cu11,I 1:la.,.~c, 111,nb ow tr.1,1o,cUns: tu c.nmpu."- •Dd 1bc dl.l.ll cnn,Umcm rrn cuun :allmu hlfb 1L<h<1ol ,1uJ..-i,h h1 t'IJN)II Jn NIC c l.we, tor tu;:h •nd 1.'(\llej/em,.h1
By fall 2000, "tudcn1, \\Ill ht hie rn <"rtmpl<lc 1bt1t A./\ dt Jttt throuth lntd'nct 1:011~ l:JIJGll.loo. no I0!11;~r lltnueJ 16 tho ~ whn can .a11ct1d " '''"" o c -..mr1n. J he fC''fUIIC'l11C'llh IO cnmll .'Ire lim11cJ udl) Id
1n\HUtior·-. pc:rm11\ton 1111d J
C11fllp,1t1hk..:QfnJ~l('t A,nudrn11 IQ C:and.ac t Wheeler d,,uncc cd11c uon
Jlrt'.'tlvl • .arc.\Utld ,or.;. ul thr
11.1dC'n11- cnrflllcd ,n Internet d;a.'-~ hv,: i.n Kckltdul Cwn:1} h ,t11.'11JU\l f~p."'""4r •boluc
1.ir lhlffl c-.amp.1~• Y.'he,clu'llld l~•'PIC 111,J,o h.a\C tull nmc_jlob\.
,tutdrct1 1.lluh1IUK"' "r ln1uri~
,on ,~,b btricfi1 fr1,m lnt(met di.-,,c Wh<'-ckr uhJ &II<.) J.tc
U)ina IO tn,l (' cJui.-AUCln 11•
AuJ.tmu:..ally qu.dlrlcd h1rh
\Chl'IOI ~,udenu un u\.c dual cnrnllrnd•I c:1J\,c, •t NIC. 1hc1t hlah ,<hnnh .11nd 1hrri11rh
1n1crlll;.1i ·c \'1dc:c,confc:1c:nc1n1 flV(:t
Wtitc:kr uiJ v•nc ad,·.ulblti
111 du•I corulllru:nt ate lhill
\.IU,krr!, ,Uf: ,1bk lcl bnl •I ll1e..-
()Wn i.ptt(l ancl Ifie)' doB't M.'d 10 t11k.c uc11 • hc.l~) ltlad when the)' lx'a.l ,wn from tbt co11c:gt" crtd1u
~All ~lcJL lllC} :atht•ad)· h.t\'C'.
I.he)' eam...-d u, hifh ~tiool
Dl$TANCEE0 continued on page 10
'*' rcgi,,k-1 ..,..1 thcii ttlt,i..'ftl JO(IIIJ " \h,.-,ua 1211 p.onrlr: ~u 111 th.· NtC c.it111'1).. Onnllld
Thffll4h 11 1n11t1.11I ~1t bctv.ua1 NIC'. l.twn,Cluk c;:tttc Collc,c ;1iwj the llalvcnity or Idaho. I lw,.iidur'• dtgrtt °"lll hr otuinJNc: Wtlh<lul k,Wtnf to"n a lt,:r the 11Ctd ~f hl5hc-r cduolllion 1• •ho•n ·sic l'Ully bu• 1tnuc3ic pl u,. ~ler uut tl11t ur die ,~w, p: wx~..,._ tbc: ""i,mi,nrty 81,1,ld (xnn)' Sc:oUon of S.ndpojnl Job S...lo<.
Ennth,ng 1hc commuo1I)' v. ill me.an orfcrina. c111c1.~ m..i pc,or1c t.1.11 .,._~ dittc11r °" ,be jab"'"' cnb•nct rhc.lr cmploymcru ~11hn as v.cU ,, 1hc bo.,lnes.su~r SIC'• ~nate,,:.: pl1111 outlltlt"\ the l'm-?UO?go;J~ .and roc ulC''l ol the (ol~ The ,oal i.o aoo,.~ '°' EXTENSION con1,nuod on page 10
Workforce Training expands in Post Falls
RPTA find s n ew h om e in e xpansio n by Mk'Ju1ri M•iltrStntutd tupono U c Wo,kforce Tratninc Cffl1.tr hid an open hou~ (or lhe t1r.1o11". oca.rf)- 9,0CIO,quort•foo, c•pn,ion 1n Po1,1 f1lk Olnncy Chidcilcr ulc1o. illlJ markdillJ ,pcci1hu for 1be Wotlr0tte Tr.unlna Centet.
1hc, c~n~iofl '°' ill ht u@ mnJnly b)' 1~ Rhcfbc.nd Profcs,ional T«hnical Ai.:.iJtmy. 'l!fh1ch I\ ~1cfromNIC We •re m.tlel)· jotnlfll ( t'lf'ttt 10 1ukc more room 11.nd
ICHl11$it1J nu, lf:SOUfCC. ,. Chicbltt 'WI.Id.
S1• more msuucuonal c1:1uroom1o h:i.\"c bttn added lo Che currt.nl a,wu al IJ. • 1.1udc.n1 I~ or \ludy ll(c;1 and 1dd1Uonai rotrooma rhe u-paaslan wUI hauu 1hc hetdqu:i.nch for lht n,ew RJvt,bcnd Tcchnlc:il At.alJtmt,
11.h1Cb \It.I' Mt;lf'IIII)' bOIN:J UI I.he Wo,t<J(.W -e Trauuog Ccnctr "'Thc. nc" addition oo, only atl()v.'1 tor ldd1tioo11.I ,race. l,ut ahQ for program a;mw1h.'• \.tltJ Brlld Murray, 1dmininra1or for the Rlvcrbud Prorus1oul Tcdmial A<,dcmy (RPTAI, Bcld>lhcRPrAMdlhcW"""-
T.-atnl.ft& Cdi1tr ti..~ tifrC'r\1111 n~ thlln l.400 ct.a,~ to nK'lrc. 1h,1a Zlf1:tJWAA°l'llJolall~oa.
~..,, ........
Sieve Ruppel, director ot Compu1er Service:, tor NlC, llstena es Terri Vamtdo explains aome ol lhe tunctlon1 ol new equipment 111ho Rlvefbond Profoulon.11 Tochnlcat Acadomy, which Is hoUMd In lho NIC Worl<lorce Training C.ntor
Co1111Wllt' 110110 ll'llm Nurslllf oe,a,111tn1 h> \tnb.-r \M,•n
""°"-'"'~IR 'f'l.•'1('
Ou:,Jl•r, IA,
C:urttrider Ser.~ tcpuned J.1n IO lhc 1hclr ,i, .1
~om111ur:, \4llucJ ,1 Sl.661J lnnn the Suf\ln• llcp.irlmcnt 1."'(Jm)'Nlr-1 ,uc m bc-l\\,ct"11 De..: .n •n4 l\\11 ti WJKic\<t r..-111(,,.,e,cj 1t pit ;,111 old rott1pt.it\.'f 1h.1t w;i~ 1mn1t Ori lhc tr.ck ~nld' tn ih fllk."'C J\•h«
\\-.:-t,: c.111~ ••Ill fintarfint\ v.ere Ulktn
\ 11:nchiiliimtrrnpa.« (B>
Wl11lc tn tbt SUB J,m 12. thc- -.lul~ utfil'ft JIOlh;('1I
<Ill! lhc '41ndo•· .ind W'v. ii ,chide "" 1hc p;s. h>
11H: \h1li.11cn·, C"cn1tt Oron in,·c,11,:.11U,n. the
,thi<"k drU\e a,;ro,,,.~ the,~~ 11.tld mrJ to d/mh the hill 10 re• nn Mo,.c,i:1ticr,.,. Dmc 'the Jthtr ._a_, unable. 10 m l( u ..c., he l'-.l.ci.l i)u~n onio the' l.i•·n ta m.u.t' IIOOCh« .d.le111r11 Thi! olfil:"t't -.hincJ hl'l lljbl .it ,ti.:m and cold them 10 rct a.u uf 1ht' 1;.sr Whc:fl l.hr-
1he ,rnJc1u \lo,u ,cnt 10 the V1i.:c Prc,iden1 t1! ,tudcnh vlr1cc A rcr11u ""•' lilrJ due 111 ahc ,111dcnt~ t-c,,h.tHt•r h(rnr a ,mhihvB uf 1hc NIC: V1ulcn« in 1~ Wod1pl11, p;,l,c, Uh $Ind Run Sa:urll)' v..i-t n,,1,!1t'J J.in ,6 u( • J1P»•ble hh a1id
1un hl ,1 rarkcd wh1~·lt' The \'lcum ,.:u(I ,h'" had p.uM'.J her '-'If 1n the k,t al lt>:10 .i 1n. ,Ult.I wht°'n .,n,c: hud, • t 12 n, 11 m U11r fiiunLI J.uurc 111 1tic lcf1 h'•&r t4t1111th1 and t111mpc1 ol be, Cilt h 11o·a( t.lllJ\\lnft kl thctt' "'''ft' IIO ltk u.-.k kJc.11111 "I the Ir.II 1,r 11" \thklc and Ql1 \\111~<1' t.ai.lh}lhl p11xc.1
•etl' h11111eh'l'llheyn,undh) I ~c.v
Po~,;lhfto n1",ntm, Conctun m, S«ut1t)' v.,1, 1.11100 tt, ,1 ndM 1111 ScuCt M.dl J.,n
!H for• p!h'l1tily llhh1pt1,·c fk:.t,tlft y,h11 h nvc a ,111dc"n1 h;a\ bc't'TI ,-omr 111 d.1,"" uh .a ,1l.-kn1 .Jm.l ...,1u,lnlf- rrubknK.. Sc.:urJI) r1K1 v.,t.h
•chool1o in the C<>tu1 d" Alcn.c
L:ik.tlll.nd anti P~• Fill• School Oiatri,1.. h offcrt 14v•nccd tcdmk:111 and t.pednJil.cd eout1t•
1h11 in1C(l'llk Cll't'Ct al'd 4l(tlkenk pn:pnriiuon and f, dr1i1ncd 10 pn,vklc: luiiJl -.:hool '<llt'Wi rcalM:ltffll!ngoppt1rumu.lo..
Tllc RPTA orrcra COU1U!!. i• compu1.er md nr:1"'M1n1 1)'-Met'ltt
V.'bett "llkkDlS 1i1t'l'f1: IO'iAt·Ql'd lbcll
A+ ccrt1Ck1doo ud bc,:in 1hch
Dd'i'url 1ntn1111- &!gJnc:cnn1 a11J cof\\Uucooa '<ChnoJotr aio aho oHc:ted. ,nJ 1-(1,,1(.lc(IH lc11.1n Awo C>d 2(11)), Solid Wa,b J.0 CAI) ood con,1rur1ion trthniquc., He.ahh ICl'\'lcc. ttn: offered v..hae "I\IUl:nl" icam .it.Jul v•l10II• heal$ OC\."liJ1:lll(twt , DI.I ant thei t C.N-A. CtcmrlNlUlnUIJauutillltJ. MU01I)' illtd he hopc1 tbl' f\tllfrc of I.ht RPTA '" or,c wl'lctc the: kidJ pun.&IC thdr dteanl\ Hr abo -.&iJ he like, w1Hchin1t bi, 1tudcntt comll'luc tbc:u cd1,M;Miot, b)' v(int ttN:. prop-am\ a,\ad11blt at NIC
The nc\lf 1ddi1ion \lr&I made pou1blt by the J.A.&Kalhr)'II Albero.on l-"oundauon. wtiltll •v,.lltdcd tbc RP'tA II onc·)'tllJ crant Tbc 1'-0C wu tbrec qu~ners C>f .a million dollar. \fuffn) iRdica1cd that be v.<MJ.ld hke I& hlYt' 1iten 4.l lc&11 IWO '" 1brtt )'C..U"J or 1ht1t i,uppl)R. tiu, tic t.aid be: h rar rrom dt\COUrq:,ttl. ThC"' RIMC)' tbM 1he RPTA ba~ been IVi·UJ\kJ will hut tbcm (o, 1!\e n.0.-1 ,.,,,.o yt.ar,. Altbougll J<PTA h Df'4(;(pc'CICdto pay t,31,'l 1bc. money, d,t)' llte kc:Olrl\l.lble to Albcruon In oc.her 'way;. The RPlA b tllpttted 10 •h~IW ,C'tUll.1 ca Alben.'°" uadt:r 1hc1r tctm.\. Murr.a) \.IIJd su.te lundtnJ i, lhe mu111 dcturablt l)'pC ot funding bccauw: )'OU <1011'1 ha\'C to pay lt bacl. He e•pl.1JI\Cd 1be 1h1« dlffcrcm 1ypu of s1a1c (und1n1, or tbc "1hrc:c ,trand1;' A\ he called 1hc:m
"People- comr to u, hl 1nc,c.ue lbcir joh tkill•. for prn(enionel an<l ptnonal arct11<th and for fun." IHiiuani Vice Pruitknt ur lnucucdon. Or Rohen Kc.1,:hum uld "With 1bu; new addition we will be 111blt to accomn10d111c c:,•cn mt11c du,eo, and '1Udt:nl,"' 1lM.' RPTA 11 pnn o,f clthl hJ1h EXPANS ION contlnuod on p;:ig(l 10