1 minute read

'Pennys' in the mint

in 1btattr •htnn-tr hoe pU,.dlaao:<.

T!lt duon ol 1bt' <i..:b11lu Alldi1onum la S.,,.wcQ H.111 •ill tit•"' IA!'"I ""II"" I• 1bc- r~c m1,11,....a produi:.u"n 11'1 )C.ln. frh. l•?6 "f\d \htth 2,,,J)

The Th,u Penn)· Opc-ro"" • snore MOJcffi ~CN,~io o,. dw: oriJINI ~lOC) b) 8tt hc lhrtt>lr.. This lhttt• ta pb) i, ....n of ClftC'

1ho"" 110 ••-•11ll1.1pa1cd In the •i.dlllon!t -~ ,n~u\1i:1td t(, haH~ • \Ofli: prcpimJ t.u prrfcinn •1•i.l 1ht~ h•d t,1 ttC1fC: 1"Qcne ft'.Adln•• c,t lht' pl.a)'. SurlcH Hcpwo«h, mu,l'-ll ,2~1'Y. f(klk on mr.ch d 1hr role in !lli>ponal

PoCI) lshum. Jule f'1.,w,'CU e Uk°)' llndS1cr->1, n'c llru"'a1Jcon) nc ca~ h<li tiotn rtht".anana: t\"ff) •crl.n11ti1 for nlOff th.&:1 hu1 llolln ,1n('t lht tic11nn1n1 or 1hr 111111,rr

1bc ..-.itq, 4ccuitD amc dtn,~ IO Joa E.thc.Jbcrrtr •• \tachc.m. tbc: ae.s.n, ft« \1a;;halh &lM.1 hal a fe"l' lo,c "'llch:IINlltmTl:lc:cil.-,•dl.• wd Polu. -. ti.le 10 lll&ftY ome, 1h1as1 h 11 hrd •ori1111 •ub na)'OIW 1khrduit. P\)cuho~t>H!' ba:k1n11.,nd In 1h~11k'r flt h.u t.xn 1.n,,:,l"N in 11

W bc:a atkcd tilt• IOHJ pn:,d.octi0a1 tie h.a, a<'tualty bcftl iaYOl\-'t'd In. hr "fWd •ilb • ddt

~·He ha, bzj C'l~ .,'lllt-0,: • lbt Cf;lll'JffllJ;I) lha1tr '6t'II ,11~S...-t1•1t',f111m11t1licakf",I lo\rlhrmuale' f\>lt,1t'fllwJ..~

•ht muuc Hd 11lc ""orJ1ns b """"'""difflCldt

Iha •dell ll>k qallC' Miff 1~&1 lbow' • be, "Ill COIDC' lo IIK ptodU(tioa lDO• tb,:t h coa.taun ,omc 1se11.11I coa1en1 Pa1cn1al di\4:itli<tn i• •ll"11o('J JUCt l•l adull t.n,:1•,m1l,1111;1ll11tl\.

Feast a wild success

Alumni Association thanked afte r helping rai,e !.tholarship funds

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