4 minute read
11,-s ~.....,i 5<,,,11f,IR,,-,nrr HuenpftHC'r 1rabb1tJ w11h thr1un bfff)' 0111mtx.
b1~on br-1d.;c1 rut,hcd wiih dry herb, rotclt,,i.11ke: ftl'li.Oh anJ 100'-t' wnh "-Ultt't ,e-,:rtabk, a,..J w.11..l muthfOl•"' uu1' •C"rl' JUIJ • k'., o( th( .lpptCucn wn<d....,.,._V.ad~"-'•lll<f......_, ~Uaml1111dias1&:1
\tore ·~ poopk' Jtlffldt,d die- (IIDC.bOIL •1*11
•.u ;:,,.11t1) "'Pmortd b) C'sdlllal C:.tm11s of '«th ldolfflCoOC'lra,,dtho'IC "-huruHA, .,.,-:1,111on..
A ftUl'll!'lmm W 1-.a ~lS ptt f'l<1tC ""'°'fl' ~cJ 1n1u 1hr Alumni A~~1 1u,l1'sc:holriip f'"Wltl
Loa1 Unn hllt"J IM' fQ)Cf 1•( the \l 1B a, lht C"-IIJ<t .aucndcc, Mlcd their J'IC'-kt Tbf tiul(,ilo bm\tt ~cmcd 10 be the ta,oc1tc ,clcct1oa. ud 1k nrlof1 -~ --.rll l't'ttrtfti Sffl-kmlll ht»tJ fur tbt ~dfn ml) to"lrlffl dlr tad ol
1hc line ,uarrrJ atounJ a column •11h arrrv'-111U1¢I~
20 peuplt' .ahl·AJ tif hint V.11h rl,'Uf 1n Jund. a -.hrup u(h1, ,hooli.k111 un1.l a '" 11o' hl1 c111c1• t,Jln', m oo hl• (act. be qu11. kl) ,c.,,l'ICJ the- hnrMuunkd •11,Jhfc rnnkkd b) '1llt IJ..t.1 n,-h iU'ld tabk" A ,.._k. 111 the fo)'d held 1hc 1,clt- ol "''c-ta.l amm,1h , fin, t·unningh.11m, Spnl..tf'H' .il'ld SIO\t
0.- Oi:pann:lc,M ••dnpb,-al ltc w,n tflO aao 1br aua dtnmc m.im. C'~ ti.Ir tpC".tltt', dai1 •~a,.-., •df ..ta •'Oh"fflrr A~ npC' ..r .,..,nwr arid auc: a.wactt bnnS c..c u<tbc.
~1Wn:. (\k:ur d"Alrm.·. wr-rc piUht.:ularly 1mprh\.td
11i1lh lht thk.•,~ 1111d \uf1ric,1o oC • hc,n-n f'('lt SIC ahtmn, Tu• Stein t l91JJ1, •1IJt1(c ~. -.1 \t..:ldlnl.1 {IW7t, ,ai.lJW'c J*1Mf • d~ycrJ ..,_. c:,{ lki1 ....-it\ •hidl •Cff
Ice' we Roth an,,a donalcd fl(1tflll o1 t:hnr '81n ca ttit ~bo.l.aritur hind Sk\'('n Soi.hcr,l,, 1.11,..-e r,e~•dirnl 111( ('11lk,e RC"Ql~,iri·, anJ Or\'~Sl1fl'11l·n1, 1:1)d. '"Thi'I i, ~, 'Woodrrhil c1ocn1
°fbl'I. hoolJ ,~ (00111111CJ • ,\, 1hr) "'·* thci1 w11y 10 the' ""'" Juunc NC."lfft. ""-'tnl people ri.alJ die) "UlllkrcJ II U~) ,1111 haJ toclabtbt-mt.dlh.11 -.,font.:onua,, PmciU, PN'ltNa, aiomnl «adillltOf 1(11" dlt' lc:t)l., •dromiod HJ Uw,1.(4 die pcu, lot i;omtna: She 111troJu t"d Or M,d1.111el 81.111.C". f"t'l1dc-01 11{ N<M"Ul
1d.abo C'olltJf , ~hi, llltnx!u.;cd ('4,ufll)· (',,.111111,\IOM:t
0 1d, Co111p1011, O,uti~t11 Ch,1111bc1l,lln. , h111r m 1hc
SIC t,w,J nt 11u,tcc1o. 8111 !'I.nun 111tmhcr n1 1ht boatd "' b'\l:llct1,• F,.u\l Dwrlltf1R\ r,"Mlrn1 ,11.br
Ahaai ,\,,ni.alJIOQ mi \\'.di)' AJaim.. \KC~
Of Dir ,\111111111 -\lt.la.Ubo!L
A "f'C"IAI tr.&al. )-OU e:tr,t:t~ b) Hit:rlc 10
Dour lblhd•>··•-.:•'IUllli:rtti·~ns "ft"' for •,ac l!VlhUlrt'iil hh fWI) i l'I
In 11di.hl l\1n Bu, C' ga,e bu 11f"'rtC(lllll\1n to the ancnUcC', 11,, 1hr1r u 1pput1 "' thC' mr• I _.n,I the c.>llc:gi:. In hi• (UflUIIC'llh Budt noicJ hn~ v.Nl\ll.ll 11
•;a" (Of 1 01m,r111n,ty t•"k,:c to N,c w t.trOD.J :.a.II
THE SVITINEl ..... New musical opens Friday like CltY PIQlllm,.... 11111111111 cllllllc 'ftMlp' i,,-....Smn,vl hpont.r Ooa'1 ltl 1ht ~II(' 4,f 1he Llllr.e C11y Ptayhoott f<1ut )'Oil It ( iO hou~ wme or lhc lllf..l'll (:~\I.,' pl•)\ aniCf llll(-~ actot'l Tl\li lltnC lhC ~-----~ pl.a)bOt.l~ 11 ::'!.1:': ... 7 9 I oa I ct, I r u tin I ft :J m1.t,l,all lN \mcrlt.:1H1 bJ~IOI)" the FJdJlcr UN lb:Roof" n..-,"' -f"tddk1 OD tile Roor" h at'>oul a root J C \\ I 'I h mlllni.n .,1,h ..... n,,c Jautl\l\'n ll)inJ
~v alUOIOI A'lt,Cll;W.IOII ad IO -.;fl lurpott (na the
Ket hy and J orry Gtthlen, Coeur d' Alene, p,epe,. to II')' tho rottl.,.nako rovloll, one al the _,.,.,, oll4nd el the Wild Gome FeasL TIit dlnMr WIS lleld Ln Ille Edmlnst1< Student Union Bu•ldLng Jon. 21.
•1bc tulkfr •• bkutd kl hll~ f'NJP'lc lil.c ,ou. • Bu,u a.1 1 "1rnmcndtd 1hm wp;,tlfl lur ri,,,.dlfl• lhc Mh11•iw~h11, fuhd\ 11,lc11 h, t;i,MI, ,~ numhrr UIIC ir11rcJh11l·111,1,ll.llkl'II\ ,rt1111,i •n111-1.hnol 1, n~). •
P •rh:n1c1 then 101uHJun•d t 1c,1.111\t Chd 81:11 kutlu:rfotJ.. food ICn i~t m.aD.11,tr for lhc 1otuJcnl
•niOft •Ito. .af'lrr bi• optftlllJ (OfUmtDL s.nc tbc ...- "'"" ,_«>on< .i-, admllbcm.
Moa\ttd ttUJt'lf'lin IOIIJ' 1tulle •nh pmt 11«l) litf'tJ m • pi'ff'll-"lin \htll '111.ad l.lf Hl>o.cd l"ai.·,fic
Jllhnon ""Ith 'tlfilil J,l'llltt &!Ill P:J'J",I ~nul1t! \'Cltl~••n
M,tlc•1,r,1n1 mt>rl"l .,.,·i1h a1,1rh1. 111,1,t1<,lfliol1111:ic, ol1 l
IU,lln ,l,ihl anJ t.Jc IX'l'<tt ,hO\L'lztt 1ka,,,ktk.,: •11h tulktrn) ,iu.
0. at ahlh P'C'III •-*' • Rodlcrf,...S lhe~1111btb)ft'ollbr ,-.-bJi:1'1 B.,,.n,,:i crum Jdar111.. -.turpcd cream. cs,, 1111d hull lla,01111,. 1n twlJ ~h111,1 111a;t'thf"r (1'01.ol,,ic \k'C'0tllfki.,,o-1..h,w;i>i,1U' l,uth~I MldC'fl:"' lb..X.ililitOt tl,c, rn1.:.t fC"fTl~rllhtrtt. 1n,11h1n.: ctw: dw11:11lasrt •nd 1lc h11th-1 11 h.11( d.ly "·" nt,..C°'"'I) f1• f'""po,UC1nn ,,! thl\ porlmaj rhc ffll•IUIIJ 1-l)C'f 00 lhh aptl) aamctl dc-1.v:n t, •udltbcfr)" naWC' lux:i.lchtntn &lid _ ... ,_ krr, Gcb1m. C'cnr ..r A~ •hc:a. c;:....rd rw.... tit d(Kah7hadnijlry tlhet'l"Crli:fti wii.1."'\\-t (1Ua"',nl aJl a,-(C(110, Ilk' (Willi'lf-M ,ulJ IJC' hki.. • \,d1l·11k t'-Xf'I~ 1111 IJ'f'INilllCICI rur all lhC" JlC'l-irk' 11n·11htll 1n JIU"PJIIO~ anJ 1110,11111,, lhlf h~,1\I l"h.inl. )"11 tn '"Cf)'lln~ •lrn m.ltl,: 1kt c,t'tU ,o ffll")..t,t.
II g= lnolNc:IOf--· ·· .,, -11, elong w11110lhor lnttructort , It on dloptey lnlhea.iv lh tlannoll, h),- A J-tt 'C..._ _..,,,,,,._n \ttrdtfl:h a.,c IIOl lht OIII)' crC"at1,crt'(•J•lt on 1hc i,;;unpu'- lhc ln"1Ur.tuh rn.Jua: Aflinll.l' bc1u11ful W.1'1" .u.J lht n,•w 1111 llluw m 1ht lloi.~dl l'ot111:r <i.a!ICT) \J11).,..11ll•ll •.:-II Jk OfrZU"I ta:\,'Cftilia V.,n fa:IJ lf1.rt ~to7p.m.onl~ti land1ht._11 ~k:iJIOnalalb111'b,.2' 11w
,inak The ffllhh;.al t, bruu~hl to brc ""1rn I l1lt'IC (drier IUI\J, ID rLI) hb t,aJ "-Jftf bca,i1fUll)' 11p,a a 1'00I kip t mm lllcrt':. Ille crtlft' (111111 pttt, tk audlifDCC' • '°"' abo\t\ _The _ _......,, ,.,. !k.'COe MC*D udlC't'ltbC dunl) bl 1UiF hnnt dlll p• IWI. lk ll.'lllhfflllil' a r.t,rr ,u"IN,i.· partra)'III of• ,m.dl .kllo·1\h 1011,n ill Ru.,~ 1be dun:11111, IJ..11U'l1C" ll.alttn, Wild M thtl I*> \'.all8 <ft' 1,r,n'G'QI ll'lr1,.\otf:C WI «in be ,.......,..,.,.. ..
.._,. h<,p, - -.,.I) ...slual le Ian q-bln1 dir" orr "'Ord 1h11 wouldar cbD CIIWC' 1U1 ..,_.,.IJ bC'. ·u.t.onn • A\ a dln:dtwol-u.h II l•J'" C'".-C.. MIi Mt N her 1ru11.·,1 ~h•llenxe has been cu rn1'-c"''l!r)1ll'lt' Ir•• 1£\lcrQJJn• 1"111 - ol ""ul<ninl""°" and Ill< hrlp o( lmY fl.unihM. •"-""""· &11.V - "..,.. lak In bliaial • 0., "ft( .ill,:luiin, lt'tnl INlldaciae ,:bu t.;:cb ca nh. 1111 mmht.r ICIMr: twae mendo1Hll'UWl1.l.wu! A,.t~llphtf.
\lilu,h ,,.oc,J tl'(>l"n Klil<, •1th ~,.ila1:t, u,, lh· •11111•11,cnh.i.'1.rl• l'lwhp ("'t,rl~ rhi,'Ci~t;tl h)· lml1u..:C...r, 11 rrprtu-orc-J ti~ 1e,cr..al l.iM14;1pcblxl aod •t,.,tc pot..n F.a:h bl • l.ft1b\C' f'biir lbal lhal '6.tclllll dw IUIIIC Phil <'Ofh, w \hl.PTMnh l a11tftd 'lfflffl '\" -.a4, pa,tbl.vl)' Ilk~ '<IUlh i.rQh\f llchl10jt c:-r a"'' kJ,e:c \ l,llfC" t11I p"1n11ns h) l>a\'1J ('lt111c,n, Jcpach l.t\\ill 1111,J t'J.1111. ( ru,,tnil th( Hltttm.lUl\.'" ~cu.,.I ,u»C"a bl.\._Ch IR' •hu un W\JU)' a1 llllt f.._'1dl) St.,. A f.&\onlr "tbt "S&.a;:lcd fbli.Cb.• fw,"IIJI 'llib;h t11httC'lflt'UlbMlet.it1t....-.a,np~ \&a:lnl RS -wf' lif I.he abc1"
M,,t.cal th'll'1ow1U', f alk n, lrn:,·· ilt1tJ ·unlllh·,l'" ,how fo, ro, U•iftl brllltia& «r)IK ""'*,n 's:;:ilr (Oll1rn by Pn1etll• Cooper 1iDt b' p.i11toe1ol dtic •all IN art die wurc~ p,c,.n l!.aita. "Cale •H cou,cJ uh 1a1crn11•1 1h JIit' crat1111 oac po:ulia thrtnt 01hrt ~u, u 1nd1.11k Donita U•1n. L.,,) <'l~rk, All•" Kurll Voa, and SIC\(' •tark1.'t With ""'h ,1 1d< urwl) or fl•~<, uJ utar1iv,1y on 40~; the huhy ..\rt QN..loCC kl' ltl)'Cltlllt •Im ftllJ")lar\ f1lr plla) ti (,pas ftca 10 LID. to .& p.m