The North Idaho College Sentinel Vol 53 No 6, February 10, 2000

Page 11

\\ ha& I 11tn1u) Jinui •~ th11t •, }11,1 ,-. ICC' re11I l.lltf!!bk cndetKC ,'If ~mh ban; occumpfohrJ,""


shows what Non-I Boutevard would fook Ilk$ II you app,oa,ch downlown

Joe Welk pulls out aome llck1 during I lam SHlfon with his bone! Melelluent. lfflelluont 11 tho tlrat band

10 bo foarured In tho sem~reguJar LOCAL ARTIST

SPOnJGHl, whJch can be tound on PAGE 12 of lhla tss1»

h.ali fupJ)t"f' Nn.,,tor

..t·.\lrnc. M•>ot .1o1t1J C"o11ndl ~;alh:.J 11,i111, for N1111h"t1,I

ff.l,ulir,·.uJ· nie \'uioo 111 • itoO."C,nd Cflffllntc till NIC llnJ 11th« lir.rro\·(IJIC/th ro

W hnuk\.inl hct,111 M11n:h 1'>.IWJ •li,;n M~~a, Siew Jaty 11\ i \'1111<:I) c,j kq, dcp,ant11C'tll ht;MJ'lo ~l\4t lht'lr \'t\jlnrl f(W ll'ie tUt1dl of rt..S'A·ll)t 1h.1t ln\\'ltJ Coon the !nlCTW~ 90 tnl~n:tuu,~ W Shen1un

A\.cnuc M.ittv f-"'1llh 1.,.mu1t,u1tJ hw,wJ 1hc' J...xiuon for rhc tt'\:(ll'l•lnl\.hM

11r 1bc: bl,11k~11,d. So1nc of lt1~ (ai:IQI" hadu,J,-.J ""mt R\.-lmmhing (lfc-J:1c11,w1i 4b1.1u11bc ifm\ lh "' C«1.1r d' f\ln,c

A ~uohng tu a f09M: u,ui: l•I t\lllt'th."an Or1nos;1,11"hk•,.. l'~ut

1tlird 1u,ioac: 11'ic IOf' 1n fa,1,~1 (11,11ih1( 1111 -nip:il•l14nt. hi the Jl.ltt011 Kciok'Mi Coor11~ ~.rt\\' b) fl,<' p:n..·l·111 h,;n•«n l 1~JII Mal 19'N TI1c ont'rllll,f 11.i11uft;1I 11n1•1h rnlt' 1, I.~ pcrt:,:,nl ,,\Jl(l, ~ll c1.p((II hJ lni.rt'll\C lh popul.1hot1 b) :ahoul 1.tU.J tl111k'11h m~r lhc' rtt,15 )Qr\ All lb(o'IC pu:J1c:11om, and ,11M,,., meo.at1 pr.-Jilt't ir•ff~ ,kn,,ty 1hruu11t1e-,c (Cl('Ut d. Ak1ic. c,px,lllly on ~,111h-.n1 H1>1ikQ11J BOULEVI\FIO ""1bouod on pego •





Wyoming Winter Students make pilgrimage to .i ~kier\ holy l,mcl D EST INATI ONS/BACK PAGl THE I Cardspulloul victory over Utah Valley SPORn/P,\GE 8 .......... NTINEL Thursday Feb. 10, 2000 \<1!1\ll'i\'\l\t1:l1<f, , Cl I( I II 11> \ 1111 I c, 1 I I<, I l • ,11 1<1•\11·,1 1,,.11,1 A SNIC VP: 'It's time to move on' ~hitll'FN \,· ,r. Htf,lftt'r A \~lt ' ,cri.111, J>ru km Undgtt lhnm h;f\ ·;~·~~:',:,~~;11~1 t~0:~~1.~;; ~:t:l 141 h,af'd mt·cung liN ~n,on to Ii.Pd lKII her rtilll, ~•" Sc:tl. l:;,·,1nJ.!~bnc: Bctd1lcr. I ci,, \ fOOffllNIIC'. She lb..:11 t1.>IJ. But1", 1i0\:c! ;\~NIC p,Ht,,'}' ,·•II, lot tbc I'm lt.:mln '™'"'Uftto 1h(,v,cc.~•idcfk..'). Un, uht •hf tluo.hnl' :,bout rc,iJtll11i l\ttCJttL1..a1Cmt">lCr,ui01,('r lhi, O!'J•nu,111nn ••md ~h.: II he ffiH\Of," 81,1n-.. I.lid. LC111" 1oull pl11n, tu v,-H: nn the S10Jcn1 l 1nioi, A,h •WI)· 81.wnl Rum, w.J -t"' hJ., ,n"is) pbfh f11r 1hc rcmau~:r oi 1l-.r )'c.,,, ~tw\ll an1, h> uu.-rC",ut' l.':Pmmunic.ition, 11h 0111('• QOllc}l'n arouud ltlC' ft:.lUdrl IO M:c" h11 ll"C")' o1,c- ,1ruc.1u1cJ ~11d ~, "'I' lhc l"llffC'tll aJtt'C"1t1cn1 cbc L-ollc~ 11,1., "-'lh .2J llUlll I·•~ 1<, 1h:111 c"nlinuc, fm; at: ·t11u1111111, tll'II of 111u1.::) ,1nJ 11'1 rrlurn lhc) wtmt th.; c11r11lh.11cn1 pw cu&11~ I«:. I~ 1111.1 ~,w 111.,1 n..-m1h dtjlo\11 :.itlLf Jtnp tuonlhh, du~ 10 h,r la) N1ll"lh liWio ( 'ullti:~ ~u..kol ltt:rn, e,.1fn~te1 lh.lf thr a;m:matl ha aitr.i.h ~\IN IM"fnllm,Ud) y)t._noo I r111 ,mf nwJ,:, lhc dr 1,1un fN f't"F\l•li.11 fU'°'Jl l'iu A !'Cl.Ill) t,.1h:, fl('l'MHt. ~he:" !t.,:1111 ·J 'A·ntl,. ahn,-.t foll li!JIC', I 11> In ti.1JOlll 1uU llll1C lhtrc are crhcr lbll'lf:'t 1t1,11 I lkrnltJ J w.1nk.J to a:.:1•m1,lhh tlt1J,ttMlr"'-lt1 111W t f«l l'1,ll l'\td11~ the~ lh.11 I Olli llll'lllo ft l1111C lo f1'111W Cll'I "'
,ti,:wtJ A, the ,·1ec-pctiklerlt, l.c-111 ((lo.. u""J il mo1.j11ri1)1 ot ltd 11mc 1.ln 1-i:v.0, 1111: tbr hu1tr Club CuuncU, u11.=l~1ng ml<Nnr pollc!IM 11, m.,li:~ the t'C'll1ncd u.111 !lnK"1tha She v.111 lra~t11ns: Ii) \liu,,h1n,:111n, I) ( 111 \l.&l'l;h 1 1 111.,n.J .t c1.U«tni.t' fo, ti~ ll ,_ Stucltm uon Sllc ha.1 t,e,,cn ttall)' unporwd b1knl1ip-wh,c in )'till). fht: Cum'III 11qtccmcnt J"-l'f\, :.$ tlout ( 1tno., .......... "-,...~~tlNq!&u,Jc This 11tu1t1111lon
I euy ~i\,001.lw,n, ~.U.. when I hJJ tOnl(' lim( k> tlm,l •n•I c:.1tn1 ,lu~n trom tcbool MJ lhc \Ctr\\ llftdi fft,\UI'\"~"' J.tJU t .ud trom lM wut,
A smo o ther road to N IC
lll 11.1,i!k, .snJ the c:ih c•C {\te1.1r J.'Alf1.: .-, wlc, 1b.·1t par, 1n h(lfl -..uh lb('. UI\IU'f\11)' lrillf4' bad.Cd Ul'I II tht (i.)\~m1n..11t W11) ,Utd ~ooh"c,t Ru1.11t,.mJ rnt1;1\CCt,ot1 r, ti, •ho)• \ K-1ariJ Bn1no, lht- illlmmt>IOlll\l! &Ml'll.lm in lhc (.'tl('Uf
I 1tll.l'Wt 1,,1;1J,, Y.tcn JI.IC'. t.c.i1 be tn,l ,1 v,.1ll act'1'1 Glnl('1' l"u:&11) "·trn I IMlc I 'A ,11,t I'll 1,11) 11("1,,\wtc, l\l.1··· 1hl11 .an1hr11rut,1i:)·i.1.,,,1 Rilt • h:11·1 111,r,1 uu1 ·\n: 't•lll ,1ill wo-rkhtJ Student Services VP lO resign after 17 years b}' \IJt.n) tktl1dt \ ,,,1,1,l/&flf""' A;~:\~tr:~l:lr::::1.7;:~~l':~:~ pn:1!0."llf fo1 dudc!C ••,THCC\lli Ult' ml ,-.c J1111f 11:1 1e111rn tu hJC I~ r\"1Hy tn)(1) '-•tl'l..1r11',i.flh\CIJ!b1h l"'.u1111111l111•"1;'"'1thm) f1h..,111o·o~S,)t'#·ulJ I .u~~ " hN n' pothC lo 1,1. lir l,c''t fll.irn11J1jl IU p;I lM\ l1.·..-f'l11111
In ll»J\ be (llffl.: rmru ..ii n,,roc '-tiaic lJ11l~~·l'il)' tu ,1.,11 1111 IWml\.dmu, dq\&nn'k'fll Ill Nil ··N1,,. 1hc:t(o f11,,1n,v )...-.1n"'f l.inJ'-l) ~uJ. "t{\ ,I.J111ol)' hol'n O'N'plng up on me 1h.11 I don't Jc-4111ti..1 tnuch dii\'\1 1)' •·nh •n.Jt·nh ill\)' ll'lllrt'; 1 .S.1 tlt1tl~ iin.11y,h. "1r-.atq11.· JILinn,in,: imrkncr,1o11i(ir1, tn,c',\ "'obj«t1\'n.'" drl ntlftl m•"'11:III came l,11\r ~C'-ll tt lCI fl O~l .lNI' ww\\·.mc.cdu/senuncl BY PHONE: 76'1-33811 d11 nknl11 ·\I'll • v.allcd a1,.wu c.tflll't&. I,w: J:ri..l I d!J,, t tet (WIC' l'l\"IV.Wl ll.llC'4" A• four 1dm1n1,1u1oh t.1111 !nJ~·rc-nd(nlly. 1r,rhidl1t~ fdlnv._·un::
d'Akflc r.anl, lJuJ...,_:, l.lliJhl, lllt'Jtl""" ~,ia111hl;t•1n hi the rolkrr _.,II BY 1-i\X: 769,l\8'1
Lindsay looks to teach
ill t.i....i.·rn W,1~11, 1•t1111 llt11'rrrul) k11rnii: 1hcc,..w,1) r.t,,n ldrru11i\lBIJ\\" J'ih "'Ir )otJ 11,ul .11 \\ t·m 1.l..1111,r fui..lli>Lllf),"i.u"I.._.~ ta11,1.'"111n.a1L~fl0 lltfN:,(! llli. llu,;u.1holn-rcllltddt\."'"'" 11 I v,.1\ 1,"1llnt 111 rtW a lin11111,.i;J fll..n, I'd f;l• bt pt~krir .ar,it.,. t..-tt' 11nJ l.ll.,_ W fCt,\,cr\rlacl,mt-...· l 01d,a)' 1.ii11 he me" luihc:r ~M~""'(llllC(,1llq:r,ha,~ h.JllL fk-~'I.J 11n.i1111,-..~p.1'ol,n~,
hC' l,).ltJhJ m11Clvo1k' pct,pk- IU £{I L'nllqe
LENZ contw,ued on page 10
\nnk\\oodn lit'Nt11ri.'i,.if/ Nn, 41,'H'ln(1f1)('fUI '" lhf' f m.111111::, Mutrt Plaa ffltlY t.,,IJ 1hr- li')' 10 r,odrn o1 :tw~b-,l1«0(.J •'Ill lo Ille SIC p&rllllit UJJI (llllt: tbeftrftls; On ua m 19'•11 1hr: mlll(I f!U m.w, t. ti.., 'C DO II~ ,ont. II Ja dw dforu, ol htndiua, 1t!Jdclb °" ._ .\llhovJh JII ,c-:y ~arl,.. n the tlr.-,1, N»ui rn~, , Nit.: ,cccaU:t pur,hucd lhtt Rohm UCktd (."amrirru-intl aad tir IIIU('lliBdlnJ AfH, In i14CUl1\mtJ.-.l.itc iM lie!• bu~balJ w,d f«\.TI' (ic w:1tb QIIA)' nmlcJp.v1,...,,...,., Ho111eon1 Uh aay maj<n N.11JJ1Qf JlfUJl:'Ct, mt. •• 11wall; thTt1hc-d Odie .,( 1hc rhl.1 111,olvcJ ia the_, ffliMICf rull n tk -O!Uirparl..,_ lbc- NJ qcislCIOIK l:bll 'lt'C _, .n.Lnlt t>UUdt~I •Uh lb ...ict•1oa .r"""' cw\.l1111,1llC' ,f 1h( aWC'ah will actually trwlt LIIC uf ttwm •bd tr all of lhn wtd. 1111111 bC' \ltonh 1t, Rolly JUflt'UI. ''" f'"'1,ldlffll: ol Adimlltdml,'t Scnke& n.,...-ru,.n accordi"J: kl JUIJ'C'ftl, I\ parity die co 1hr: l11tk or.,.. Qll lhr w.11 IOI 1h11 nhll lodl) "hic:hk IUC*dottllcaonb olR1wt,.\Y11111C "'Ille podloJ ''" be added would rc-qu1tt at.t uu,teonrt ru •111, i rur1larr" dl,WILT ID Lhci, dac,ca.- Jmptll.\nodlct Pf"l"frt) OC'tUII.I"""' 1U1 i,..., ••1 M amultot lflr ffll"tt plm It. lht DC• lfCIII
...a11c....i by NK >l,c un<Olo w., fol MASTER Pl.AN
rat·unw 11w l"trc:neu of 1he c'111c-rc ttxnmun11~ 11, rt,·u, or, -.u.k:1• 1k'C\h. a;n..t nn uvai.'fll &oC\b,i l:J•1"1 lit kod)ft. SY, I lnd-.ay liu'll.l tn ,lx"4 IO~ amu"9 lhe \'tUIU) t.."f«t' ~111'1\I"- In Arbcfl01 (~ Ill IJ.&h;>, lk ~b),:,J tn JJ:ihn ariJ .UIC"IIJ,:J l c~I I .t lln1M: ~1,11c ti,11 hC' 1o.11.1J 1111 th,1 cad)' 11-..'.r\Ul~ Jll,l~ h,: lllh1'gmi:lk lb\l;II.Jl'tl, II" ,..,le. t.~ I iu.l), IC.:~ (h11rd ~t'IC'l'II •I SfC Gri...l tht)' hr,c hu1 ddt•dllm,ttr" 11 an.I I) \1,an,y roi-"rlC'411.l'Qi'l.~C.11flru1111,nJ m1u Utld...a, 1nclu,J111t l>c-.i111 Rc-r11t<"tl II ho h1ui:c:1.,111•.in1~,1 ht"t nn ou1d,w1 ild'\ocntu,n lwm •11illne 111 nn.1u11t;,11n chmhtot, L•NDSAYcx,n1»..ionpage lO

Sandpoint extension ready to go

tlru,Lil\J 1hc 'lfll' d\.11 I h'l.'11 b..1'1M 1hc o:flla f•lftbc:I.N IU)~l.ry111ftortl IIJ'.tinf \\'1th .m 01rmo1lal ..-.~ 111 ~UUJ .and II Ju.l(r1 N SllJIOII. Orin\.;1rd !u1111ll ,up~111 v. 11,11n the cunununUJ ~umrmu, htolnts.\C1 ~h1,...,\.'1! their r.UrP•rt h' dltnilling 11~ Of scoioe"' t1f 111rcrh1~ ptio:nlU.'11.liiiO..IUtb Wh,t.: 'ill' will 1..111rtnhutr 1hc 111tcnl'lt r1Nm1J1m" ;u,d tmf'k1~ thr (11) of "i..klj"lll!l'II 11111 lht CUllllty I ,~ ll#fttJ WI ,,in1nl~ ihc lu,,.JmM I,• 1he m•1t•l ,in.I 11;.aw nl 1tit, h11IJ111 , s., tonip:-, ~,u i.sth r .:.ainpn 'li«li~ cnlkfc «lllfWltOIMhlf) ll.l\'C

1J llui •111 ~i,k llft ttt:11'11Jl111C tlmtfil 10 Ifie i;.ill1m1cil&c111ttOU1l)

h I\ •11:ifi*d ,tie C(tll(t ~,n he opmlimal •pnn,. u1m1t1C1 allii fl1II «~lt:l"l. ~an,n, chh ,oon1h lllc \.ffllft ~10 ~J1« the l."l.flV'ldllt')' Ilk' OJll)(tl'tllftll)' Qt,\

•• A.S Of A.A dtp -.1&1u11lltl e,a,maeJ fow ta fh't' )t,lf d,au, rutiaton -.·1:onbn,11 l(1 Candace Wl1ttkt. ,~ '11 Di~ l.Clolnq .i Nlt'. ~vcr. Ohnt.Nd hc:hc\O IV.1) t,I) lflttt >'"' cwld Jc:rirll1c:I) bccooic # ,e.,lol)

NI( •• Ml the ,Wlktlt coo:dftf ro 1he coltegc. bul I~ collics:ccamtng1olhc:~udffll. tid1.1c.i1i-nnol o1c«s.s Is ..o lmporuu11. ·· Wb«lcr ,a1J, "aod 1b11t 11. wtrnt 1hc S1Bdpo1n1 Center adJre,.~"

In addi1u>:11 10 1bc ~olltgc Ctt'<lh ch1.ue, bcHn1 offerctl.


Slcph(n\l whP '¥1'1111.:, I OI" Nf(; pd I tlw

11111nl ,u11e1/prnjecl de\'dOpt'r for 11\e CH)' vr

s.u1Jl"k1111f cQrnp;ar1o.-d Jl'm111 lht\ bnh1y up and nmr1,n,tun,r1nlrJ1a11i..~

on campus education

Distance educa1ion opponunihes growmg h) \mbcr Mt'loim \','/lf.1rt.-, The di\U1lo:t edu,c;JtioR pn'IS:nlffl 1 lfrr-. f"'t.;t'llt'tU cJ111:11liOftAI opponuni1ie1 ll,lr c~·c-ryont' ln1cmct 1111,J ln1er,u:.11"c ,·"11fr1c.m·1ngdll.,\e" 1ivc,1udent\ lhe ah,lit)' to a11cu11,I 1:la.,.~c, 111,nb ow tr.1,1o,cUns: tu c.nmpu."- •Dd 1bc dl.l.ll cnn,Umcm rrn cuun :allmu hlfb 1L<h<1ol ,1uJ..-i,h h1 t'IJN)II Jn NIC c l.we, tor tu;:h •nd 1.'(\llej/em,.h1

By fall 2000, "tudcn1, \\Ill ht hie rn <"rtmpl<lc 1bt1t A./\ dt Jttt throuth lntd'nct 1:011~ l:JIJGll.loo. no I0!11;~r lltnueJ 16 tho ~ whn can .a11ct1d " '''"" o c -..mr1n. J he fC''fUIIC'l11C'llh IO cnmll .'Ire lim11cJ udl) Id

1n\HUtior·-. pc:rm11\ton 1111d J

C11fllp,1t1hk..:QfnJ~l('t A,nudrn11 IQ t Wheeler d,,uncc cd11c uon

Jlrt'.'tlvl • .arc.\Utld ,or.;. ul thr

11.1dC'n11- cnrflllcd ,n Internet

d;a.'-~ hv,: i.n Kckltdul Cwn:1} h ,t11.'11JU\l f~p."'""4r •boluc lhlffl c-.amp.1~• Y.'he,clu'llld

l~•'PIC 111,J,o h.a\C tull nmc_jlob\.

,tutdrct1 1.lluh1IUK"' "r ln1uri~

,on ,~,b btricfi1 fr1,m lnt(met

di.-,,c Wh<'-ckr uhJ &II<.)

U)ina IO tn,l (' cJui.-AUCln 11•

~\l~ll\JJ\1">'11,k qu.dlrlcd h1rh

\Chl'IOI ~,udenu un u\.c dual

cnrnllrnd•I c:1J\,c, •t NIC. 1hc1t

hlah ,<hnnh .11nd 1hrri11rh

1n1crlll;.1i ·c \'1dc:c,confc:1c:nc1n1


Wtitc:kr uiJ v•nc ad,·.ulblti

111 du•I corulllru:nt ate lhill

\.IU,krr!, ,Uf: ,1bk lcl bnl •I ll1e..-

()Wn i.ptt(l ancl Ifie)' doB't M.'d 10

t11k.c uc11 • hc.l~) ltlad when the)'

~All ~lcJL lllC} :atht•ad)· h.t\'C'.

lx'a.l ,wn from tbt co11c:gt" crtd1u

I.he)' eam...-d u, hifh ~tiool

Dl$TANCEE0 continued on page 10

'*' rcgi,,k-1 ..,..1 thcii ttlt,i..'ftl JO(IIIJ " \h,.-,ua 1211 p.onrlr: ~u 111 th.· NtC c.it111'1).. Onnllld

Thffll4h 11 1n11t1.11I ~1t bctv.ua1 NIC'. l.twn,Cluk c;:tttc Collc,c ;1iwj the llalvcnity or Idaho. I lw,.iidur'• dtgrtt °"lll hr otuinJNc: Wtlh<lul k,Wtnf to"n a lt,:r the 11Ctd ~f hl5hc-r cduolllion 1• •ho•n ·sic l'Ully bu• 1tnuc3ic pl u,. ~ler uut tl11t ur die ,~w, p: wx~..,._

tbc: ""i,mi,nrty 81,1,ld (xnn)' Sc:oUon of S.ndpojnl Job S...lo<.

Ennth,ng 1hc commuo1I)' v. ill orfcrina. c111c1.~ m..i pc,or1c t.1.11 .,._~ dittc11r °" ,be jab"'"' cnb•nct cmploymcru ~11hn as v.cU ,, 1hc bo., SIC'• ~nate,,:.: pl1111 outlltlt"\ the l'm-?UO?go;J~ .and roc ulC''l ol the (ol~ The ,oal i.o aoo,.~ '°' EXTENSION con1,nuod on page 10

Workforce Training expands in Post Falls

RPTA find s n ew h om e in e xpansio n by Mk'Ju1ri M•iltrStntutd tupono U c Wo,kforce Tratninc hid an open hou~ (or lhe t1r.1o11". oca.rf)- 9,0CIO,quort•foo, c•pn,ion 1n Po1,1 f1lk Olnncy Chidcilcr ulc1o. illlJ

markdillJ ,pcci1hu for 1be Wotlr0tte Tr.unlna Centet.

1hc, c~n~iofl '°' ill ht u@ mnJnly

b)' 1~ Rhcfbc.nd Profcs,ional T«hnical Ai.:.iJtmy. 'l!fh1ch I\ ~1cfromNIC We •re m.tlel)· jotnlfll ( t'lf'ttt 10 1ukc more room 11.nd

ICHl11$it1J nu, lf:SOUfCC. ,. Chicbltt 'WI.Id.

S1• more msuucuonal c1:1uroom1o h:i.\"c bttn added lo Che a,wu al IJ. • 1.1udc.n1 I~ or \ludy ll(c;1 and 1dd1Uonai rotrooma rhe u-paaslan wUI hauu 1hc hetdqu:i.nch for lht n,ew RJvt,bcnd Tcchnlc:il At.alJtmt,

11.h1Cb \It.I' Mt;lf'IIII)' bOIN:J UI I.he Wo,t<J(.W -e Trauuog Ccnctr "'Thc. nc" addition oo, only atl()v.'1 tor ldd1tioo11.I ,race. l,ut ahQ for program a;mw1h.'• \.tltJ Brlld Murray, 1dmininra1or for the Rlvcrbud Prorus1oul Tcdmial A<,dcmy (RPTAI, Bcld>lhcRPrAMdlhcW"""-

T.-atnl.ft& Cdi1tr ti..~ tifrC'r\1111 n~ thlln l.400 ct.a,~ to nK'lrc. 1h,1a Zlf1:tJWAA°l'llJolall~oa.

~..,, ........

Sieve Ruppel, director ot Compu1er Service:, tor NlC, llstena es Terri Vamtdo explains aome ol lhe tunctlon1 ol new equipment 111ho Rlvefbond Profoulon.11 Tochnlcat Acadomy, which Is hoUMd In lho NIC Worl<lorce Training C.ntor


Co1111Wllt' 110110 ll'llm Nurslllf oe,a,111tn1

h> \tnb.-r \M,•n

""°"-'"'~IR 'f'l.•'1('

Ou:,Jl•r, IA,

C:urttrider Ser.~ tcpuned J.1n IO lhc 1hclr ,i, .1

~om111ur:, \4llucJ ,1 Sl.661J lnnn the Suf\ln•

llcp.irlmcnt 1."'(Jm)'Nlr-1 ,uc m bc-l\\,ct"11 De..: .n •n4

l\\11 ti WJKic\<t r..-111(,,.,e,cj 1t pit ;,111 old\.'f 1h.1t

w;i~ 1mn1t Ori lhc ~nld' tn ih fllk."'C J\•h«

\\-.:-t,: c.111~ ••Ill fintarfint\ v.ere Ulktn

\ 11:nchiiliimtrrnpa.« (B>

Wl11lc tn tbt SUB J,m 12. thc- -.lul~ utfil'ft JIOlh;('1I

<Ill! lhc '41ndo•· .ind W'v. ii ,chide "" 1hc p;s. h>

11H: \h1li.11cn·, C"cn1tt Oron in,·c,11,:.11U,n. the

,thi<"k drU\e a,;ro,,,.~ the,~~ 11.tld mrJ to d/mh the

hill 10 re• nn Mo,.c,i:1ticr,.,. Dmc 'the Jthtr ._a_, unable. 10 m l( u ..c., he l' i)u~n onio the' l.i•·n ta m.u.t' IIOOCh« .d.le111r11 Thi! olfil:"t't -.hincJ hl'l lljbl .it ,ti.:m and cold them 10 rct a.u uf 1ht' 1;.sr Whc:fl

1he ,rnJc1u \lo,u ,cnt 10 the V1i.:c Prc,iden1 t1! ,tudcnh vlr1cc A rcr11u ""•' lilrJ due 111 ahc ,111dcnt~ t-c,,h.tHt•r h(rnr a ,mhihvB uf 1hc NIC: V1ulcn« in 1~ Wod1pl11, p;,l,c, Uh $Ind Run Sa:urll)' v..i-t n,,1,!1t'J ,6 u( • J1P»•ble hh a1id

1un hl ,1 rarkcd wh1~·lt' The \'lcum ,.:u(I ,h'" had p.uM'.J her '-'If 1n the k,t al lt>:10 .i 1n. ,Ult.I wht°'n .,n,c: hud, • t 12 n, 11 m U11r fiiunLI J.uurc 111 1tic lcf1 h'•&r t4t1111th1 and t111mpc1 ol be, Cilt h 11o·a( t.lllJ\\lnft kl thctt' "'''ft' IIO ltk u.-.k kJc.11111 "I the Ir.II 1,r 11" \thklc and Ql1 \\111~<1'}lhl p11xc.1

•etl' h11111eh'l'llheyn,undh) I ~c.v

Po~,;lhfto n1",ntm, Conctun m, S«ut1t)' v.,1, 1.11100 tt, ,1 ndM 1111 ScuCt M.dl J.,n

!H for• p!h'l1tily llhh1pt1,·c fk:.t,tlft y,h11 h nvc a ,111dc"n1 h;a\ bc't'TI ,-omr 111 d.1,"" uh .a ,1l.-kn1 .Jm.l ...,1u,lnlf- rrubknK.. Sc.:urJI) r1K1 v.,t.h

•chool1o in the C<>tu1 d" Alcn.c

L:ik.tlll.nd anti P~• Fill• School Oiatri,1.. h offcrt 14v•nccd tcdmk:111 and eout1t•

1h11 in1C(l'llk Cll't'Ct al'd 4l(tlkenk pn:pnriiuon and f, dr1i1ncd 10 pn,vklc: luiiJl -.:hool '<llt'Wi


Tllc RPTA orrcra COU1U!!. i• md nr:1"'M1n1 1)'-Met'ltt

V.'bett "llkkDlS 1i1t'l'f1: IO'iAt·Ql'd lbcll

A+ ccrt1Ck1doo ud bc,:in 1hch

Dd'i'url 1ntn1111- &!gJnc:cnn1 a11J cof\\Uucooa '<ChnoJotr aio aho

oHc:ted. ,nJ 1-(1,,1(.lc(IH lc11.1n Awo C>d 2(11)), Solid Wa,b J.0 CAI) ood con,1rur1ion trthniquc., He.ahh ICl'\'lcc. ttn: offered v..hae "I\IUl:nl" icam .it.Jul v•l10II• heal$ OC\."liJ1:lll(twt , DI.I ant thei t C.N-A. CtcmrlNlUlnUIJauutillltJ. MU01I)' illtd he hopc1 tbl' f\tllfrc of RPTA '" or,c wl'lctc the: kidJ pun.&IC thdr dteanl\ Hr abo -.&iJ he like, w1Hchin1t bi, 1tudcntt comll'luc tbc:u cd1,M;Miot, b)' v(int ttN:. prop-am\ a,\ad11blt at NIC

The nc\lf 1ddi1ion \lr&I made pou1blt by the J.A.&Kalhr)'II Albero.on l-"oundauon. wtiltll •v,.lltdcd tbc RP'tA II onc·)'tllJ crant Tbc 1'-0C wu tbrec qu~ners C>f .a million dollar. \fuffn) iRdica1cd that be v.<MJ.ld hke I& hlYt' 1iten 4.l lc&11 IWO '" 1brtt )'C..U"J or 1ht1t i,uppl)R. tiu, tic t.aid be: h rar rrom dt\COUrq:,ttl. ThC"' RIMC)' tbM 1he RPTA ba~ been IVi·UJ\kJ will hut tbcm (o, 1!\e n.0.-1 ,.,,,.o,. Altbougll J<PTA h Df'4(;(pc'CICdto pay t,31,'l 1bc. money, d,t)' llte kc:Olrl\l.lble to Albcruon In oc.her 'way;. The RPlA b tllpttted 10 •h~IW ,C'tUll.1 ca Alben.'°" uadt:r 1hc1r tctm.\. Murr.a) \.IIJd su.te lundtnJ i, lhe mu111 dcturablt l)'pC ot funding bccauw: )'OU <1011'1 ha\'C to pay lt bacl. He e•pl.1JI\Cd 1be 1h1« dlffcrcm 1ypu of s1a1c (und1n1, or tbc "1hrc:c ,trand1;' A\ he called 1hc:m

"People- comr to u, hl 1nc,c.ue lbcir joh tkill•. for prn(enionel an<l ptnonal arct11<th and for fun." IHiiuani Vice Pruitknt ur lnucucdon. Or Rohen Kc.1,:hum uld "With 1bu; new addition we will be 111blt to accomn10d111c c:,•cn mt11c du,eo, and '1Udt:nl,"' 1lM.' RPTA 11 pnn o,f clthl hJ1h EXPANS ION contlnuod on p;:ig(l 10

P•ge 2 THE SENTINEL 3: 0 ,\pproximateJy 1OU people die ..S2 ::, ea<: h year from • • • • choking on ball· • -cs • i:5 point pens • CAMPUS NEWS
coneue grows with new campus in Bonner County b.~ Snr• lb.It-haul .S.·,111nrlR,1"'"rt h N, tu1.1Uy twwc-l"eJ 1bt Nit C'l.t.C'MN11Hl:rtl:f ,n S:lrid!'>'l'II •, m the~' nl gicnm, R'al) M•n •II.I tt.'..t)- ro, lllff"Al,r,f\. In JI ~,1t.1~lf\C t'nu,1 t.:c «ii NI(" lht C•l) o( Sa:n,;tpuin1 ai,d 1h.:- Bnnncr C"ounh TCl.h.-.ilo,gy ,\\""-i,r.il11f1 11f BET A. lhC' rumun 1h;1 J\.l\t' been f4¥ !ht p,bl 10 )'C.n tw:cn lllffltJ lnw .a
an Jm-c J.1wn lb,:h"lfi IJS n~y ._,u c11l.l) h.l:h· 1£'1' tn 1hr: lnl Well butlJln1t oq ScawiJ <i1rce1 mdov.-ntnwn ~hi fn li,k ut( 111>11 tlas\Rllltm., I C'Oolllf'UICl fat, 1111.i Ml ;)IJnu111..irA11\t ,'r '-lllr.kt,r,i,
the «nkt will •lw ba,-c tJJc: 01:0 rl"OlflUl'I and 1hr Wort.force lf'llltuu, progr.a.m lltc CCftltr will oJ(c, people <,f an)' age the c.hD.BCC 10 re«hc chc:1rGEDorto rtnthc:r tbtirc:inr-Joynlc:M k,lli We •re ~,cittd for 1hl, ,1cp 10 mrlch
~t~~~,,&~!;:r~1 l~:~fuJ~~k~,1~ ~ubJc"'' nt'll 11.c: 1<c:nt' before 1h.ty •rrhcd The ~dude v..1, p.¥M'<l u1 lht luc for the mghl Dk,otdrrl)' {'onchltl ((;~ S,,;-1.;unt)' ._.._~ ,wicd,aJ J.111. :1 uf • 1o1uJdM v,,bi1 11o ,·•u•an~ prcibltm, 1n lhc hnaoct;i) \Id otll<:C' Hr t,,c,...;,nK ,cJ) illllt'"*"" ouJ ~l"C' 10 '*hen be: l1111nd oul h1, On1111t1.1I lhl Nd ~n ,.u~rcndcJ
the JW\11."\ 111~Pl,cJ and allc, IOlnc' J1...,,v,t11'11t ¥i<n: ~<J In Ilk' ami:c l'lf the "'" f"e-.!Jcftl ,,f in-Uniction Thr \t1htc'-I .,..,u. I'"°' Jnfotn1.111u11 Oft how ltl pnltc<d rrnn1 lh,11 poml mt .utJ 1olJ ht' ould n01 aucnd ,b,-..t, w1lh ltlc>tuJ.;11t, llnd thJt he ac.'C\lclJ tu kt1\C urn~11.1 >li:J,1111 Se,·1ml) , pc,Hl1cJ of• rn--,thlc Hati1 1n r:·;7 t;~h~:·tt~·~,'i':~·~~11.~!i::c:~~l;!; 111n1 (lu 1hc:' JlfOO'flJ ~1th• ..ut n,. Ar.llha wb:,ct,1 11,Jd • "6.1nnrd k,ivi;\lc All 1hn:c \llt,JC\:l\ V.'Ctt OED ;.11ASrntH1Ut u,u bn:IUI 1hr) •d"C' oo,,ouJy h1cnJ, but h.-1 n Ji\AjUtttnrnt ll'" M1mt' m111t~"t. TIIC!)'"V>"Crc. 11d\tf<d 1h11 ft,:btins on tampu, wo11ld rior be tulen.1cd 11.n~ th11t H .tD)'lhl~, cli.e uctunc:d. 1ht pnlki: ..,rlUld bt et1lkd


S,,mntfRr11tirtn , -..i;v-nr,lf1W'IC1d&.11.•l,mll)~"•1J tJu"t ,1 ~ frnp-nl, thtJ<ie IOJJ IO in,lnli.1Un,.. Utnn:albha\'C tw,,rJ.....-nr-inl,.'ff\ill"'I lll'lt"\IKWdl • " I Jm'I h,11\'C -"') money.'"

b ) Kim t h u·I~

NCW'I) ~'ff)' 'f:....t:nc. ut lint time« "noihct. h:b

nwdc- .annc:uo,tf~ ~\·il11• u,"'lffmrtll.

nui: h:tng IINc '" ,1\'C a ~h. h.a\10, lltl o••enlt~ h.)Qk<• l'lt1( P.)111' aanipx par ku11 nrc,.

Some- .1R' lqpl11mict'\\.'IN', aitd iC" tn,c tti.l 'klfUCUt11No~\~~10clJttic-.e1h1.1iptora q.!1m.ut".1-..w1

• "lll'\-'Cll'III., h,,1)'

• "'Whctcd1ie•n I ,~ IO p.,tl: '!'

• 1,.u1ld1f1 fflllnl lhc: h.•4 ~II~ al 1ht • •. dM'1lnowhow tomid." .,. "'.,...,..-

• Ml'm (ltntpl. lxatnc' )'OU'1c l'IOlllhc police,'"

• 'I fot.tl1d IU) 'fllllP(' I.ft l'C'd ~,tb '1JfnC.'lint' ehc. • ·'Why c:.1n·, I p.m. in the handk1lp ~er ''I

Students get lull at the Filler Up

Ille i.hzmt,<:(' and !he- '4t'!C:II I, ~Clfflil1S rrum The Miulcl of 1hr

Studtm Umoo 8uil1,ho,:.

Tht' r.mt1r Up. ""hkh unlll

t«ttld) oi1ly '<ncd .and Mc:4k•n loud, h.a, ch,mg,cJ lh menu lfl uHcr llh1dcn 1 a c:omplctcly difrrrc1u .c lc.:11()n u(IautJ

Thr Piller Up now ,enc,; 1falty 11,c:•h and ll po1,.t11 b:u.

v.hkh , rro~11kd d,:&11)

Th~ put • b.a 1 nHcn cu~1111n<I' i.liff,rc-n1 l)pc, of rn1.i 1uu1 ,111u;r v.uh Ml1t,I. btt<ad •nd • ifrin~ 11, CU(ll~e!Tk'r"ll lhc t!k•.tf.

The F1lltr lip ~1.h(, ofrcu" wttl.l) ffl<'tl~. ~ttc: c d1ffcrrnt muh 111c oUercd nn 1,1 par1-.·ul;w d.1)· t1f 1hc ~c:el Each n1o l h,i1o • diflcrcnt <om\'lll1,1,U11n 1>f r,tflJ 1u fonn • ft'lc.-1. Thr m(•I• food

Up. "Chante h gQOd every pc,w ••Id lhcn; 11 -'.h • Ihde bit a l ur;ec> •

Tht, •I 1ho F'alla t p h11vt h<c«I ..,clcom<d by \.fUJrnl,, J«mlmg to W<Mc Sc-•u:r.11 1 1. 11,"nts had nc,\·c, Ofder,cJ from the Filler Up un11I tht' ch:1Jl$t.i ,n 1hc- menu •Cft' in,pleffl~cd '"If ITT)' lrl(lffi c:OOlcd food like 1h11 ..ti hall)c, I \liOutd h111o·c tl<"\'c,: ma..cJ oul.• ,.ntJ l J 0..0C). ltctihnw, TIie! nr,r, lbCIIU "°llf ~11,1h11h ii 1, nn• for a.~ Iona u cu,cc,mc.u kc-cf! cl.'ltnini. -..'l.vr,1tn1 10 Wol(t

Cc,mmcn1, .are \\.dtomc ~lt.lJcllf\ an place aunmtnt 1ntJ ,uggclitlOR\ ahi,ut 1hc. ,;han~c, In lhc cuirun.:nl bl'I, 1\1\:,.,1~ In the M.ukct

Romance is more than one day a year

Jt(JfllllhiX', f\'t'oC-fr, u.ndcanl.lkh&hc dmocn. •• II k 1h.ic time ot yciv again. V•ltt111nc'" 0.)· - <v.he11 l01,ct'I cekbr.aic bdn, Wgclha and renew lbcirmm,11>1.'('. S-l«c, ln\'C' V1le11unc'\ °'1)' too. 'Tbty ..:c:U bilUomo(d~liUl \\OOh ,,rcan.b. c..·.11nJy nncl n~e~ Bbs.~ful con,utMD (ouc 10 pl'O\ c: their 1.-,e rPI' thdr m:del \llllh:h lhoc chJng:, up as irchc)' l'--tn, IL\ PftClou, .t,gokl. I'll 1c:U )OU oow.1beyl.l't':11'1Wlt pw W~ dlJ chhilit)' di~ar"? Why ,IIOO..IJ knc. l'IC «kbniicJ (1111)' one d.l)·OW o( tJK: 36S day,, i n a yw?

I .ittk' ach of ,c-~pn.., ;and l.JIQIC~i ,h..,ldllC"'*"'lc•l'J)'dAy. il,.1 .» wtlmllll. l".m Ut<J. LO JttliR& 01Wo('l"'l 1l'llbcic:lrl)di&J10gM.1gcs.

I\Oct thlitphll~ lhc)' lrt: U.\IUO) on.Ir ..rm a.1. Aft UflPI~ filf .o(flO muukc nr~~iog.

fJINtlt -;• Angela Thom pson; 26, Rathdrum, a:n,d ValerS. Wolfe, 5 1 Coeur o·Alene, food service employff, welt lor 1he lunch rulh t o begin al lhe Filler lip.

Staff members ' $100 legs

Staff partlclpaUOn 1n re fundralser - send cbalnuw to "8n vlllage

b) l .orfnd• \\at, \.rmin,l luJtt;rfrr

I ~~:-;i: ;~t·:~':J :~e~;'


UL,~ Ck1ol'IC',, male. m\lruc1t11"C. -.1udel\h. >J ,tall bleed lhrlr lct:" fnr • fund., ,,r lu heir 'l'.'fl,1

d~,nl.ll\l, h) f·11, Ptu,to,rapl!, ~c,c: ut the, :11011«:" ,i11J

<onicutnt~ h,iJ !u m111ch lhc ltf v,ith 1t11: c:onc:tl


Mc:on~hite. mcmhctti ,,t 1hc lntcrcullnt11I

<.'on,municiulon, c: l.u-. 1°'1l • diffcrc111 .Jppr-<111.;h and

hdil a'lltl\3f:1" \U.k fht "' \ 1:a&,,; tl,· con~ m>Ughl in• c,,1.11 nt

I ISCC>l~~'llllll" 'li,lN!d)' C:\"l'll tame ai d rl~ to 'lll,IMin& I) \ l,mltn

Leedom. .wt llC(WQIJUlt UC 1hr SIC Minc-1.1. otn«

an., 1he •lnnct u r chi, cre11m·t ClWMt~1.

A ller .ahou:1 10 m1fi\1te\ o( ffl.'Cl\'llll 1hr S:SO

flrtYC, title:' dtll"W~J dlC' "'"-'111!)

Nel ln1nd1c- fundr111',('1

With hC'f don.1u11n. lh.e 1n1.1I

m "'"" th •01c,1 •·1 nun '$.l(X) fht: hi,Snl ,ru,nt)'fltoilc1 btt•nn 1bc t'WJ'I hinJra1'l."n WIH lb( r11t11nu,< :t..1lc th.II C'arnc-J llH)fC llun '\6Ctll Stu,ltl'lh, \l•U anJ 1,ltib ruf ml,,n,, J,,r,attJ C\'ff) 111.'mfc, ..:Ill" \11,nJ ~lin"°'• 1.'l.,mmc1111c11hcmt, lnt,tNno, ..:,un~ llfl ,.,,11 lht idraof 1C11J'1,1s .1 d1.11nuw tP f1Ji. •l\t'f 'lhc 11nd IIIC'IUt-.rt-. UC htt l,1fl1tl)' 111J <hun:h ll'oli.'Ck-J Ill FiJI •• ,uhwta:r,r.1111.,i,uro,Hum&11ic)' 'Mok in fi11 ~hn:a f'lo1l""1:dthM 1hc ISOpcuplcd1.i1 ll\cd 1111bri-m 11 ,,11..1,< only hJJ Olll" ch.itnuv., "'hw:h V.i&\tn'1"S) ptlOfA...JihOO fll111(f,11d10:11d11l)'l~ S IIC' n:i11i1cJ lhJI ~·uh 1h( hdp uf ,itt.!r~. '-he ulUIJ hdt, lilt rcc,rJC (loj lbc "\IIIIISI." b) W"MJIOJ mtffl a nu, i.hllm'I>..., d11uft~W In ftJ• 1.-atl co-.1 mttl.' 1h.a.n ~SOl1. ~11c-h 1hc pC"111r,lr uf lhc \ill.age ,u1uld ,ioc llC' .1blc 10 aflon.l. 1ti:o,J1"t m Kl1111,~r llit t'Clm1111rnlh hdpcJ ,-urron hndftif1 1ohC'lpt,tlwn.. r~r 11,t'11i..111c •er) llf'll11'1.J,•ll~t" Kl1ncrr "''J The:\ not ()tll) ~1\Cd enuur,h money 1n t\('dd <inc. ch.1Jn~~ tu fi,t, 11~~ ttlaDlf!td tu rn1,c """'tth m.lf!C')' IO J,('T\1,1 rhJlmq~,_ tYo(I c-M "ll\'le ctDJ1k nkh~ i1t1J •Jrtk:t11!111JJ tu1.1k · \.\'1thl~fflr1f1E) ttfim..-r, ».;lu•i,:t'I ·1Jdhc:r14Ulknt11g.wc tllik:k lo lhe UIIJl!IIIIIUI) h) hiiyln,: iwo l'.'V.'.11)' IU I~\, ,lmncn for a.xJJ f11m1I"' din-.,ihi'ld 1h(, l:Pffl"1llll1t, •

Let 1111C I.ti! """* SU)'.. n(w,"t'n iwr lk~I JU\I ((JI' Vaknli nt:~10•)' Of 10 "' )'OU 1tt sorry! 1nt)' •l..-.o 11)', ··1 m lh1nk1n& or )1!0' or "1IM>c )OU .anc.l vt go.c,rally ft.II ,1rPft1: 1.atcd whcfl 11\Cfl fot the right fftW;lll~ Men •Ll'II.I -ororn atilc \lwulJ imptemc:nl thoupl (ul act> o( k),•c lhrou,houc lhc yr:u- d they tully WIU\1 10 1llc:vi111c 1hc pres.sure of Vak1111nc', 0:i.)

1'1'11 l'tlJ'i, • ti ) m1 b.i,\ ci trq:oocn 10 mal e ffi(lo\C R1'C':tvauoiu for thoc ,pccallJ Wy. pld. UI> the phnne! h'~ i.oc. too Llk.. "'" l,hl·m1111.11t horpc,,._ nl.W<m mid ealldy iWe always 11:~bk 11 )°'1 orcooc """° \Cn,b opololt)' !lO\\'t'n (and )'OtJ w•nt 10 K'Ofc • fl!'A ('OintO now I\ the llfllt' ht .SCI Cl'C.iili\·C.

A milbnn 1dC111 an: J~ w111 m1 robe ctrlOt«l. hMtad uf • douu ttna. lbink .ahoot • 1,.-o1ni.lkl.l1tw r,cnic coru;b11ng tlr cti..n~Jnc 1100 ~rl'll"bcrnt\ 18\.kAJ C>I a card. i;h:n a moonh1 v..Jl u111hr bc:--llt,.'.b lnuClld of cand)'. • n.lsJu In• hoorj,-moon iu11eCNld \\'(lfl for lhl~ (I( )1)11 who h.t\ Cft ' I SOC .vi)' bt'ltcr icht. Suisk 1 1l~ the t«Uo1,. I •Ollld al~ prcrct m '*IIC'h an 1111upo,y fh;U1 cndutt I.he ~ or ftb. l.f! All of )'OU •in~ ~k kno'* w~, I' m talkrns :nbc)ijt Tbls )"CU, •\•*' t~ fri.emh •·ho;.nt "tl;,i,tc to lC':C )'ou :.Jone on VaJcnunc '1 Olly.· fvr)wtbtndi1. kipchebllnd -d1nc \I. Ith tht tlt~t maor

1litluc.:•l ltffl.4Jk1lkf Doo' I Id V1lcntll't"1. O.ay,et youdav.n. Jimd 1i0rnc ,inJlt fnc;1'k.h co p;trty wuh Ren1 ) our r1nonco movies .in,1,-pend tbc:c\c:nlns c11Jo.y1ng lht pe~(ult1t,1. of bcn,• Of :t-phUttC f1fl 1tw ~c..1) (or )'OUl')('f ( you·vc bccfl wantirta. belt ,·ou*Jn'cnll Ofd If)\'" -m~1lfached. )'OU " '00,ci be "PttkUns uw " k>nC>' oa your p:.1rtncr llfl)'"'a)·' CClllpleJ1~, 1npN-ll1iL, ,hou.lJb\'c ii 1,1pon Valennr,e',Oay. 11..t\e .:a Unnk b:i."t '4llfflC fun ilnd n: mc:mbcr. , .,,.1lh • " ni lc of rct,cO 1hc:re: ,., 364 d.a), utwl tbc ntii.r 011Cl J)r, \Ii lth lhenl "hill )'t'IU WIii

J11MI Allt,n, u u ~t11Jm1I R(flt1rt1r. lltt-(1f'l14/,,,u

Pago6 rHE SEr<l'INEL Thundoy, Fob. tO 2000 3: The average • C> wo man will • LIFE C: -- ~wall ow4 • • poun d~ oi • lip~ tic k i n her • i:5 li fet i me. • 'The dog ate my homework' .ft.nuth...· i.1llllctll u<J I.I~ 1ro;in~ (,c lhnx\. • ··1mumcd ,tic boclk 10 die wron1 litnry.s~, \c!t:ffl toc:omr upwilh the beg excuse> y.fll:n ~y IIR' undct prt;..wtt The c.ompu, Safdy Oflia: h¥ hr.:ud a lcw unuMMf c'<Clt'.oC" N ny rrt'lln t udcrc,;' mouth.\ \\ hen the)· Jonat • DC IOpa)' parbna n I i1b,'t u~ mJet11', ,.,rerrcn fW\oJ ihc C''-l'>letU of n·,n..•1l.lf11111•• thr: C',~,l'\C w.~-.1 111..ctll'lt' • \tn;,-JulC.ICbtr
h.nt' A P'lf\N\V pmnil.'" • ·rtw,'\ h.-.:nmlh· l•...pi.illl.'" I i.bJn't Lnu" I l'OOIJdrop die' bl»l. In thcdmp • 'I dorl'1 tm,c io Pl>", bccabc ntyd-.r un .iiwmcy."' h \.Jn,-iruc1tn lww hea\l MJenr •""tin, ex~ ,n t.hclr10K:f11n,wiffR• ·fhti,.ad.: waw>kD«.Ct!f Jtl)'Cllf"' Thc11'1C!Qronnonu.culC'otall i,oncofffieffl bc-lc\. ~'l.l\d, • h 111u~ a ,m.,.,k t rrtum:d: lhc- brd."' Src«h lrNn.11..n\lo!u Klllli(r1.-hcant•kwo( • ·J ,~tlllkl I h;l\~lhrbtic* pd..cdii~.iy" • M)' dos uce my homcw<.~
Me nu changes bring n ew custome r s ,uch .a1i lhc cauntr) fflcd c:hk""-cn mu.I, whfcb 1, ~-cd with chtctcn, cor,1 l'da\hcd pC1ta100 u1d II'•")" ad • bt~oll ~· ,,,bJ C'lwl~ UU()n .'u•,t11rr.rlR,r•11tltr Ch 111~ ,~ m ti~ •lr and u ,mru JlOOd -'fhc*C' wi,~ bn,usl11 IIOOUJ ~u,c- pe(Jpl(' ~I tired of rbr ,ame old thlng.'" uld V1dtnc W~ ft. who ii II toef\-cr 11 lb< FIiler
/• __MIR_Mf ~""
.... -
u r hr r (Jlt,i. To lt'ff)tNTiftn lrt-r ctJlu,m,, trt1ml ltrrat 1Jl(HflllMl-nlr.cd11 What is the most creative way to ask someone out? Ry Coca, S1oS.CnJ1n ,·IRt/1t'lfft' I 1uod up MkJ \Jll¥ klm711rll ricrlll• hi:t\\od J Ht,••l'd,ll PN1f'lftfJI''( lcloJ,"f.'a/1, ~\k(.Cft\.19 $r/,-1t>,, A·rll"Rft '~fc:-Dt-.utQ,J,CJI Wl'--:'olOJlllolll.llttl\1 ldhc:r ~m 1•11II -Plrilpt'(\lt 1t111"• Oid o lh'lk hu, Ill l',o/m,ul~,·i"•' Pf111't.lH H11lt·~, Jcut, n1\111.1,dl. " f'i,,JM,r,,,. ll1•<t1trnlrm lldm~,., PIJ/1ti,roJ/.\(1rm, ,~ ,hril ' l pllmyg;U'IJC dl'iwn .anJ11'\l,,. BnnR 20 ~-'wldb c,,,,,,, d 'A(r,w "One of my 1rtrodt hlmk11N'ttJ mt 10 thhpy."' ~-~20~, .,.,,,f'lt>,

Kevin 11C.B) e,.,..., h- aqwffll ot Sotmo Pass. Bnllo/1 COhlmbil

r,,;Tr'lfSIO'I: lnttme1

\\111 ,,1.1> h1~ roll cootinutd from P.,Ji!.f?

T r u~:111er doc111 t mean lh<•d 11( ln1cr11tl dii"·n, 1n lad. lfll •ntl cl,l1K• w1U h; .t'ol.: to h.-

L lhnJU,h die 11,Tn&n', a.oJ iUJ

I Jc•t, •• •orl11tJ murc ICACI) 10 All-lUIIJll lklf

si"•lns 111tcrc,1 tu, .:l;1"'~'•

,Hn111.1lly 1l1c ,1ctd fn, vl\lc,, ,lftiettf)l.1111 t•l"lfllflC'lll u bC' -hlbtami.-,

1,,;PA,sro,, 'IIC',

h,·lr ,1pprc,·rn1~d

1,:u111f11utd r,om 1>u,.te 2

he dlftctt1111,rr, nr

hnldr•J an rout1ouL

rn,f<• ,oul 1ttholul ., r,p d11 I) •1k'lld.1.DCC Tbt

krTA 11tOCi, ~ce,,c "'"11)4 natr rund1111 11ndr1 lhrh tc,ni, rlflC ,1\CflJC Jiil) ~llt'~, but 1b41 cnmo mo,1ly (rum dnh ..,\o 11v1hf) foe lbbc u11flh • I• i.tnci.t

l>I s T \ NCI; l•.D:

l1J1,_gram, gruwing (undnut:d rrom poae 2

A nd1as: 10- "'llcc·cr. lU pc am, art 1n1•••1 ra~1 T1'c

11 her t1F Llut.('t ollc 1cd uJ

•tw numbc'r "' 1u,Jr111, rnmllcd

haH ln(H"Ut" .J b_)' U\('I 1()

pt"'\:Cftl MIKC b )Hf \i lllClff

l t., ft:R: Worl,h,,p, 11fl~rcd r~gularl) t:11utlnutd rnun p.aatt"J

f'h.-' Q,t'CCt CC'lllef I\ pffcnat 8 ul 111cw\""-'P" CG 'fllOl.b:,,,


ifl lht nutin, an::t'I fll' Ill'* 'th11 11 lhC llr" tltp bt1n1 u.len f..w lhr cni&a 111i1111 lll(fl ID fom Tk ,nsin 1, JOIDJ In uhHcc IIK' prolt1b1lu1 for 'lHUI •nh to Ill-lit t:'.La,<ion l1'CIII) i,1111 ., tuc-.C" JrJrC'c., "11h ''"" l,.u,lr an,J t',.I•~ tbC' 11>mtnu1UI) aJk'IS'(tbcr Jmtru(tair, HJ .ittd.cah aM,r luu paJ, d11,•• lllcar 1ra1 ,_. aaJ htlfd"•ffle'M. for dMI rrwr f lrohlC' ter cc· 1111111 '1ruaJ li(;U'", \\'hC'C'IC'r uhi I h•I 11 , !ht ,n1,khh ~ri.t rrurlr ,,c llsr 1:ummu1111) ar~ 1t,,,t.111 fONdJ Ill •cb dlr •• ~akt iiuou.n t ll111u\ 1.11d tric 11 LttfHIII tin '•"llftt, cronC"\f hC'lolUtlt lhttC' II lllC>II\') Ulll thl."f~' W>Uh'hfUC"1 11 1.ilu•t A ,.,fuk "' rroc""" \f.,raJ uad 1M o u,, 1r1lth1I IO SIC ••J the V. urU«« Trata ni CC'IIW'f fo, •h•r1•J thcu ,,,.,i:r ud ''"'"1rmenc ,1C' 1w, a ,11-1t.d ,di kl•I ,\ 11«1h •,ulh cun•111Jh."t 111"-' communu.:1111on ,,,u,11,, .all ur •"•d1 h.1, ~e11 ,1ru11, arrrecl11cJ. •'"' rJ••I 1 \tllffl)

Clonal-- eoao,,.. bo....,,, .... and laoplng you cold and ..-- .. ____-blelq)ldi ., __ and -......IO.....,_ OlllldoupltO - - IO!**l*""Yol 11 _pllyMalllyf•--

.. ..,.._..


~h nc,,,i, KM:IWICdF of snow cotld1d0ft1 a\'llanc"ht mew tcchfliqua and ~"°"*Jh COfflmc>n k:mr 10 \MW when ID tum t.:k. M.ll'ly tames C'Oftd'llioM mo&: tlw MOW mtJC'h IO dao,etnm,. ~lJ pa&:r'Ol le, ftOt IIIOlf IO aid ia re.cue

_, ol•..,.nd"ll.:blll Al•l)"J811CC-. .,...,___,...,._ Bad. -,..aabt"UJ rP" Md ...,,...,,....._ 1 _.,. ,..

LI Nl)SA Y: Starr ,ay~ VP"'" be mi\scd NH1linuod from peg<' I t),vuf, 1oucbtd • lot of Jl\'C.S here." fkrwcu ,11J "He', unr ~I ffl)' hud'-" \11rbu111utc \CAIUoor 6t1dlt:I s•ld

l.J.l'tt\ L""tT\ dun!', 11 ptt'\pcdl'fC (Of" cbt J(••Cf'MICdl I M1 l"b-uif L..imu)"' m-.lmoer r-.Bunnwid

L i&J1a)' wu.l oot oJ hh ffl°'-1 rew,.atd111 111onlc'nh ~, NIC \\l..l "hen he. •11h Mike \Mirr ,nJ pbocoiirorth)' Jnmuctor. Phil t 11,11'- dwai,-J clllk,c uy •v.e 101 11l.e ftece lttlilt to da.use eur)1lua1,· hC' Hid TIie)' c:baased tiu\fflC,, o,,,h., 1,1pn,"S•• broc'hortl. '4:nctt>r-...1 am.I T\ ad\ "1ll,11 ••' tnlly • lilll\1 00 ltif l•IUtlbr,t llltlC hC' ~llid, ~;u ftlakJna the ll~,,11011 10 le•"c Althoo1b IJ)Ctt 1re tlJfflt Uunp. hlc fflfthttp. ilt 11toa·11n1s1, t ••II ••n 111c 1u,1 dcalias •ii• pniblc11t11odt•1...·u..s11,.....s ""$bldtab that 1hrutrn \·1,...Jcn,,;_C' J'\C k.J 101'1e ffl)' _.JlhC'n nff all duc:c10,1r,. 1 deal Vl'hh

CR\!I.TS: GPS\ enhance learning

«•nlinuod rrom pagt J

<•C"OJ!t,1rh1c: into,m111nn •)1tcm1 arc Ulltlfll,ll('f '-)~1Cflh wroblt Of ll\,tmblhll•

•IC1t101, ,naaipul•1ln1, 111d di1pl.11in1 "Jf,ph..:al ndOfflWlll('G, Tlw lnfom,OQII

••1•• bf 91cd ,o•l&1t c:mc:rsc.ac1 f(°'J'OfllC' lllllC\ ,a Ille e'fllt of a¥ral


oaoL Nol_.l>ulg,eat lohlYalla - IO-lrior>ll pt.-ol ltO ...._

mtptbCl~mn1ciuur•lbc:~U1o&O• tc.hool anJ lll()qlt'lm..-, flar..ln hive btffl Llk.~"ft O bl a link tower durin, suud lflOW -.'OIIJ,tlc11" °"tdooc' Pur\u,i-. h;.., tqWpmc:nf 11,·••ll!N.: fot ~' Rteal Mlda • lnlffllC"\cn. u11i•-Jiioo lOd "'°"ch e111bc ""'kc"uitoua can C2111)?69-7&09ort,11;ipb)o lbtoffadt..,.• lld\ • cbc S.Ydail t 1N0118u1IJ111,:

flQfat pcopk that 11n't "'frf &ood pcof!le. ldoo'lllecdtlul."

Otte ,•,11 i• tor cen1ia. k•c,u.


,re.a •lOncs to kU tbolll hAJ umc III NIC Lltc the ltfDC ho ,tpclled balfw1y dow,.n I -.:llff iA 1hr·, and Dean Bennc11 ~cllc:d up a l him. "Dive, do )'°'1 .toec how lftlKh rope )'OIi "-". left·t •iP.t Uvt IIN:u op JO or -'O feet Uad\lJ md. "'bul )'W'~ IIOC 1"il SoM'I IO J•mp do..,a to yvvr friuck t wa, N thal Wac for u howC' and , h•lf or t•o hounr

Then there was che lu11ocros1 Club and ROid Rallies." 8.l1k1 11udic:r1u came I" 10 tu, otrJ« ud , WI.tried IO can ..-,-t1111o1<.-.Sool.ltod,.)

Tltic WU IOtd coael ad WC: •llo co11ld drhc ~•d lk 111ht ~,• IM faJtt:st "'Y® novcnab )'0\11 cu ou1 of fln1 a<-11 and )OU probably aever So ovu 2, mllc, 111 hour. bvt '"' 11K ..,lldctt rktc: )'04.l've OU bccaoa.'"

Liaduy ~cd 0tkrt,, includ1a1 Do• lcur:n. o• d1t couuu aroud the: Htdlund b1,uldlt11 with his Volbwaicn Jt:111

o. .., Fo.lcr•• adlcr, .,u 11N tk OPS wi.u k au.ko •"'tftlaho.


1litOPS•1• do1& ••Clfflffa10n1fflylhto -.1me 11pot nery tcmu1er iri the foreu, around Cocur-d'AkM Cln1td lo wl'IIII loot, hke • bid pack, eacb unil •l1llt be complatrly ~t\<.tp dial. wt,,,W; bialbolh atllUU i.Uc\., C*I Iha top a1Ml halldhcld ._ __ .., ___ ..,

profenlOnll lot-byia1 hlOCUIIIOG -'°'


lluoa>)p;.:.1-GPS ..._ II y1•11're ,1.,11Jln1 and )'VII JU3ol lur+ fllf\\,UJ. ,111"°'ibUln tl1JI Rk.lllrJ-.iald. ]he tt1i\1,a lht~ art w, -.:curate-CO 10 ~1mctcn-U lb:at Ulty I.•~ 11111 ltolh wclhte, &ad r-.ho tr•ina-111en Ni tmt.m.,. .tao CUT«1 f(S mon. A time ...i 11111,onrJ npl •• 'lll'lf"" (unhff hooct dowll thC'k'\1.1(,IL")

whffl: By ju11 "•nl11a • b,-1100 o• tl\alr die handkcld ___....,._...,GPS._ .....,. lod}.0-"'-r - Aadby ..,.,,.,. ...., 11 .,...i;c,.,.,._


°"'-.lfullrrrl-..1)'~ ichtbr

l f p1~1 ,111.h i11 ft"UlmC'
V.C'dat'Mll)•'1Dlll "'1JI)
Cdu..·illtlOII COOi.i'-( '7f,'I. ....,. rrqw.11.iae. arcct •iul (1t1J'lll"lo)Cn. ,..,a, and cuh.11111'1J (.alfi'tl'f•li•1tl\"'l llbc-t.lh,11,..,,1 \llitnJcn -..111 ,c,,·"c ,,rco 1J",r hmn rrofn1111111h 1-.:t.hat &tip C'\.C'I: I~ al "iOD M 10,) tt:•, aed C111b.ul C111lfUt Ille (l(CCt CC'Olt, for 1nf1'C1nilllntonltwte1Mtlll\ LIFESTYLES THE WONDERS BBC CJuntr
Student discovers alternative to crowded slopes b1Wl-&nll.rttlRtpor1tr _,... ..... .., T:.-...........,.u.a -·-poodof .... _ ... --·-·ra111r·-= 9..- _.......,_ .. _ -In ..., olnklnQpal .day lo lbobeckOOU:nl.r)'lhctt-m l'ICI lit\ l! othtr people 00 lht 1Ctnln 10 bW1 fnCUd RIOW, ,,,.....,...lllddol,l'roeionckc...,. fmh .......-...... -.....,__,,,, __ .. ... --..,-- ......... IOOMlln......nga-(1•...,_ A---lt-andhM.-Y-lnlll aldln .uOUI o/bollld1 bccllnc: J011 • C. AsbMlt -.alllhlcit,-W.,_ 1nd any""""""''" Ii• )'outl 10 t'Oftqutr, ....... ---·-......... ~--"""'" _111 .-.. NlldV IO qulCldy lake cul dig. Many peoplt- do ooc *•,n ,o lc,ve the 1nounWn bcow,t: the tiCCtlC,Y k pttftct. Wlwlll • ltllfflfflit ft radlcd i( lit a WJ ICC~ r.,icc •-.znc:d --·-l*lng you- lO gol -rlllll...,..~IO-lloy body doclw..S _ ,_ .. _,_ ...... __,, _ Tloopn«po,dlmd,cul.....,._yclbcffll
J'CC'IJllt dl~ll\tl thUC nptlofl, 1hc., ¥1oill \Ulll1"1K' 111 ,1u111 ,IOJ r'('rtl:IP" unl)' to ht.:umc bdlc:T D••lffl<'C' cdvca11011 ~1,1Ju1" re c.,c IM' u•c bcechh a, rr,.t.r ,ic - 11'<) .._ ill:cn., '° comrutcr lati, •ltd I he l1tir11)' •htn !ht~ nttJ II I 01 rm•fC' 1nfo11no11mn ,ih(lllt ,h•l,Ull,;C' ----·-·
aJcne lfl the rnc,wQla. ls kwtJ tlfttOffle hi~'° tht 1op in p0¥1>·de:r deepenouab todl"OWtk:d In, cvay &tcp u.. muc:h c:rron .. 20. £vet) Mq, .w,ow tttmt • II .Pb- bdow !be pm.'lilit't of a - ,l.,."lol)""_
-bobu...,111tnwly..Spb),io.11Uya,pebloo( Cfld1,11'Jn1 • hard day·loos wv&OIII II b for pcopk wuh mdurlllCt and 1t1mln1 ,i,ho cnvt deq) powder fte,ncmbtt lkR is IIO eo warm up m. If cokl Md -.d .u. )'00 Ill)' cold Md Wd cti,,,,....._ -n.. -
..,...._ .,prolOCI l!ornlAlra._ d couldtc ...Stuft.S'Wttlalldt lhll ll«d l'fOICCIIVfl fr1•m ('O!IVIJO-.. The OP\1'1tt '""111"1) 1hc Y.ol)' lf>01.,IIC1. 11N11,n(OfffllbOll.t J'Vllllftlo•lheu,n,rultf "'pahl:M....-.uctht,-• A&O'rCII' S7J.T;J '*'"· tky"tt • fin.Sc more~
,re How doc, Rlthlrd~ fetl ab0u1 aeul"I $17,000 wo,1h of cqijfpmca t (o, hit dcponmcal1 It."• kk : he uwl we ate alrt.-d7 - -....,. eood ,.,.... lttdllrdS Mid be bopn N tbldcnb can dl3 a1 pn,jon, r..- ,., ., •ceocln ""' uarttplc. be MJd. ttlsh••Y di.Crkb fl«d tu UOW -.hit sin <'llh·crl IO p11
concero,, IU(h
LENZ: Bun1' 10 move into VP spot c.llnued !'ram I IIU• I
H Uauclal 11d s•c la llopiot 101,e,. !<IC----Jo'• cw ........... '1-""'Bndt<lwildo• -,,,i,.·1.n,--. dlM,lw'UllriaJlo-of tee_, __,_..,. .. ~( Sk"• • ,er, e•tptl< --
a da11o dul bln field l:nSJI IO ~dutattnolftlllPPC'd. r~•1llust t~ta UI hi~ l•IIJC ffl•'Yfl"mrlll •nlJ fvfC'\.I ~cl'"""' Richard• e,tlm.itcd !-C\:t'tlll hundrC'tl uudcah -.11\IIJ a1 1c,,1 ht t,po'('J 1,1 1hc CPS", (\C:I)' )t'M ~khMJ, 11.IJ IM "IA\ lllll wnQ datn 11111 •• ........... Akiloup. tc llid 11o 11h a Jrt11. Ihm !hey UIOMIJ 1,tl lheit nwo.•- ---------~------------
1Uchanl:, Ila, apphcd for 1 ,,11onal Scicn« foundalQI tfll'III bd~ "'lllc~tW ljt'.C h:ael••" th.ii thl\it .,,uff ,·our bu~11c1 ,hould M b11)'ina you lln:ady;11o J A;>p1,...,., So.,,...........,,oc. for t•~" •rtl,1 10 rod u,er 1ra1t appli.:..auom t•tt} di). h .,.._., Hf) tuac ht •,.uJ tu Chai p"b )llllr Mlftt in front of 1!-c ~111t11u11tt'Thh 11 1hc lh"I MC h,unll.a1ion 1ran1 1hchwdt ti. ru:"n·td The (WS I will b(, UI ltu;hmt'> pll)1.1Cal IC'iJC'~) 1,;J.a. ..t • 1)\CC"IMI.K •.nloS).

'Pennys' in the mint

in 1btattr •htnn-tr hoe pU,.dlaao:<.

T!lt duon ol 1bt' <i..:b11lu Alldi1onum la S.,,.wcQ H.111 •ill tit•"' IA!'"I ""II"" I• 1bc- r~c m1,11,....a produi:.u"n 11'1 )C.ln. frh. l•?6 "f\d \htth 2,,,J)

The Th,u Penn)· Opc-ro"" • snore MOJcffi ~CN,~io o,. dw: oriJINI ~lOC) b) 8tt hc lhrtt>lr.. This lhttt• ta pb) i, ....n of ClftC'

1ho"" 110 ••-•11ll1.1pa1cd In the •i.dlllon!t -~ ,n~u\1i:1td t(, haH~ • \Ofli: prcpimJ t.u prrfcinn •1•i.l 1ht~ h•d t,1 ttC1fC: 1"Qcne ft'.Adln•• c,t lht' pl.a)'. SurlcH Hcpwo«h, mu,l'-ll ,2~1'Y. f(klk on d 1hr role in !lli>ponal

PoCI) lshum. Jule f'1.,w,'CU e Uk°)' llndS1cr->1, n'c llru"'a1Jcon)

nc ca~ h<li tiotn rtht".anana: t\"ff) •crl.n11ti1 for nlOff th.&:1 hu1 llolln ,1n('t lht tic11nn1n1 or 1hr 111111,rr

1bc ..-.itq, 4ccuitD amc dtn,~ IO Joa E.thc.Jbcrrtr •• \tachc.m. tbc: ae.s.n, ft« \1a;;halh &lM.1 hal a fe"l' lo,c "'llch:IINlltmTl:lc:cil.-,•dl.• wd Polu. -. ti.le 10 lll&ftY ome, 1h1as1 h 11 hrd •ori1111 •ub na)'OIW 1khrduit. P\)cuho~t>H!' ba:k1n11.,nd In 1h~11k'r flt h.u t.xn 1.n,,:,l"N in 11

W bc:a atkcd tilt• IOHJ pn:,d.octi0a1 tie h.a, a<'tualty bcftl iaYOl\-'t'd In. hr "fWd •ilb • ddt

~·He ha, bzj C'l~ .,'lllt-0,: • lbt Cf;lll'JffllJ;I) lha1tr '6t'II ,11~S...-t1•1t',f111m11t1licakf",I lo\rlhrmuale' f\>lt,1t'fllwJ..~

•ht muuc Hd 11lc ""orJ1ns b """"'""difflCldt

Iha •dell ll>k qallC' Miff 1~&1 lbow' • be, "Ill COIDC' lo IIK ptodU(tioa lDO• tb,:t h coa.taun ,omc 1se11.11I coa1en1 Pa1cn1al di\4:itli<tn i• •ll"11o('J JUCt l•l adull t.n,:1•,m1l,1111;1ll11tl\.

Feast a wild success

Alumni Association thanked afte r helping rai,e !.tholarship funds

11,-s ~.....,i 5<,,,11f,IR,,-,nrr HuenpftHC'r 1rabb1tJ w11h thr1un bfff)' 0111mtx.

b1~on br-1d.;c1 rut,hcd wiih dry herb, rotclt,,i.11ke:

ftl'li.Oh anJ 100'-t' wnh "-Ultt't ,e-,:rtabk, a,..J w.11..l

muthfOl•"' uu1' •C"rl' JUIJ • k'., o( th( .lpptCucn wn<d....,.,"-'•lll<f......_, ~Uaml1111dias1&:1

\tore ·~ poopk' Jtlffldt,d die- (IIDC.bOIL •1*11

•.u ;:,,.11t1) "'Pmortd b) C'sdlllal C:.tm11s of '«th ldolfflCoOC'lra,,dtho'IC "-huruHA, .,.,-:1,111on..

A ftUl'll!'lmm W 1-.a ~lS ptt f'l<1tC ""'°'fl' ~cJ 1n1u 1hr Alumni A~~1 1u,l1'sc:holriip f'"Wltl

Loa1 Unn hllt"J IM' fQ)Cf 1•( the \l 1B a, lht C"-IIJ<t .aucndcc, Mlcd their J'IC'-kt Tbf tiul(,ilo bm\tt ~cmcd 10 be the ta,oc1tc ,clcct1oa. ud 1k nrlof1 -~ --.rll l't'ttrtfti Sffl-kmlll ht»tJ fur tbt ~dfn ml) to"lrlffl dlr tad ol

1hc line ,uarrrJ atounJ a column •11h arrrv'-111U1¢I~

20 peuplt' .ahl·AJ tif hint V.11h rl,'Uf 1n Jund. a -.hrup

u(h1, ,hooli.k111 un1.l a '" 11o' hl1 c111c1• t,Jln', m oo hl• (act. be qu11. kl) ,c.,,l'ICJ the- hnrMuunkd •11,Jhfc rnnkkd b) '1llt IJ..t.1 n,-h iU'ld

0.- Oi:pann:lc,M ••dnpb,-al ltc w,n tflO aao 1br aua dtnmc C'~ ti.Ir tpC".tltt', dai1 •~a,.-., •df ..ta •'Oh"fflrr A~ npC' ..r .,..,nwr arid auc: a.wactt bnnS c..c u<tbc.

tabk" A ,.._k. 111 the fo)'d held 1hc 1,clt- ol "''c-ta.l amm,1h , fin, t·unningh.11m,'H' .il'ld SIO\t

~1Wn:. (\k:ur d"Alrm.·. wr-rc piUht.:ularly 1mprh\.td

11i1lh lht thk.•,~ 1111d \uf1ric,1o oC • hc,n-n f'('lt SIC ahtmn, Tu• Stein t l91JJ1, •1IJt1(c ~. -.1 \t..:ldlnl.1 {IW7t, ,ai.lJW'c J*1Mf • d~ycrJ ..,_. c:,{ lki1 ....-it\ •hidl •Cff

Ice' we Roth an,,a donalcd fl(1tflll o1 t:hnr '81n ca ttit ~bo.l.aritur hind Sk\'('n Soi.hcr,l,, 1.11,..-e r,e~•dirnl 111( ('11lk,e RC"Ql~,iri·, anJ Or\'~Sl1fl'11l·n1, 1:1)d. '"Thi'I i, ~, 'Woodrrhil c1ocn1

°fbl'I. hoolJ ,~ (00111111CJ • ,\, 1hr) "'·* thci1 w11y 10 the' ""'" Juunc NC."lfft. ""-'tnl people ri.alJ die) "UlllkrcJ II U~) ,1111 haJ toclabtbt-mt.dlh.11 -.,font.:onua,, PmciU, PN'ltNa, aiomnl «adillltOf 1(11" dlt' lc:t)l., •dromiod HJ Uw,1.(4 die pcu, lot i;omtna: She 111troJu t"d Or M,d1.111el 81.111.C". f"t'l1dc-01 11{ N<M"Ul

1d.abo C'olltJf , ~hi, llltnx!u.;cd ('4,ufll)· (',,.111111,\IOM:t

0 1d, Co111p1011, O,uti~t11 Ch,1111bc1l,lln. , h111r m 1hc

SIC t,w,J nt 11u,tcc1o. 8111 !'I.nun 111tmhcr n1 1ht

boatd "' b'\l:llct1,• F,.u\l Dwrlltf1R\ r,"Mlrn1 ,

Ahaai ,\,,ni.alJIOQ mi \\'.di)' AJaim.. \KC~

Of Dir ,\111111111 -\!L

A "f'C"IAI tr.&al. )-OU e:tr,t:t~ b) Hit:rlc 10

Dour lblhd•>··•-.:•'IUllli:rtti·~ns "ft"' for •,ac

l!VlhUlrt'iil hh fWI) i l'I

In 11di.hl l\1n Bu, C' ga,e bu 11f"'rtC(lllll\1n to the

ancnUcC', 11,, 1hr1r u 1pput1 "' thC' mr• I _.n,I the

c.>llc:gi:. In hi• (UflUIIC'llh Budt noicJ hn~ v.Nl\ll.ll 11

•;a" (Of 1 01m,r111n,ty t•"k,:c to N,c w t.trOD.J :.a.II


THE SVITINEl ..... New musical opens Friday like CltY PIQlllm,.... 11111111111 cllllllc 'ftMlp' i,,-....Smn,vl hpont.r Ooa'1 ltl 1ht ~II(' 4,f 1he Llllr.e C11y Ptayhoott f<1ut )'Oil It ( iO hou~ wme or lhc lllf..l'll (:~\I.,' pl•)\ aniCf llll(-~ actot'l Tl\li lltnC lhC ~-----~ pl.a)bOt.l~ 11 ::'!.1:': ... 7 9 I oa I ct, I r u tin I ft :J m1.t,l,all lN \mcrlt.:1H1 bJ~IOI)" the FJdJlcr UN lb:Roof" n..-,"' -f"tddk1 OD tile Roor" h at'>oul a root J C \\ I 'I h mlllni.n .,1,h ..... n,,c Jautl\l\'n ll)inJ


Ket hy and J orry Gtthlen, Coeur d' Alene, p,epe,. to II')' tho rottl.,.nako rovloll, one al the _,.,.,, oll4nd el the Wild Gome FeasL TIit dlnMr WIS lleld Ln Ille Edmlnst1< Student Union Bu•ldLng Jon. 21.

alUOIOI A'lt,Cll;W.IOII ad IO -.;fl lurpott (na the


•1bc tulkfr •• bkutd kl hll~ f'NJP'lc lil.c ,ou. • Bu,u a.1 1 "1rnmcndtd 1hm wp;,tlfl lur ri,,,.dlfl•

lhc Mh11•iw~h11, fuhd\ 11,lc11 h, t;i,MI, ,~ numhrr UIIC ir11rcJh11l·111,1,ll.llkl'II\ ,rt1111,i •n111-1.hnol 1, n~). •

P •rh:n1c1 then 101uHJun•d t 1c,1.111\t Chd 81:11

kutlu:rfotJ.. food ICn i~t m.aD.11,tr for lhc 1otuJcnl

•niOft •Ito. .af'lrr bi• optftlllJ (OfUmtDL tbc ...- "'"" ,_«>on< .i-, admllbcm.

Moa\ttd ttUJt'lf'lin IOIIJ' 1tulle •nh pmt 11«l)

litf'tJ m • pi'ff'll-"lin \htll ' l.lf Hl> l"ai.·,fic

Jllhnon ""Ith 'tlfilil J,l'llltt &!Ill P:J'J",I ~nul1t! \'Cltl~••n

M,tlc•1,r,1n1 mt>rl"l .,.,·i1h a1,1rh1. 111,1,t1<,lfliol1111:ic, ol1 l

IU,lln ,l,ihl anJ t.Jc IX'l'<tt ,hO\L'lztt 1ka,,,ktk.,: •11h tulktrn) ,iu.

0. at ahlh P'C'III •-*' • Rodlcrf,...S lhe~1111btb)ft'ollbr ,-.-bJi:1'1 B.,,.n,,:i crum Jdar111.. -.turpcd cream. cs,, 1111d hull lla,01111,. 1n twlJ ~h111,1 111a;t'thf"r (1'01.ol,,ic \k'C'0tllfki.,,o-1..h,w;i>i,1U' l,uth~I MldC'fl:"' lb..X.ililitOt tl,c, rn1.:.t fC"fTl~rllhtrtt. 1n,11h1n.: ctw: dw11:11lasrt •nd 1lc h11th-1 11 h.11( "·" nt,..C°'"'I) f1• f'""po,UC1nn ,,! thl\ porlmaj rhc ffll•IUIIJ 1-l)C'f 00 lhh aptl) aamctl dc-1.v:n t, •udltbcfr)" naWC' lux:i.lchtntn &lid _ ... ,_ krr, Gcb1m. C'cnr ..r A~ •hc:a. c;:....rd rw.... tit d(Kah7hadnijlry tlhet'l"Crli:fti wii.1."'\\-t (1Ua"',nl aJl a,-(C(110, Ilk' (Willi'lf-M ,ulJ IJC' hki.. • \,d1l·11k t'-Xf'I~ 1111 IJ'f'INilllCICI rur all lhC" JlC'l-irk' 11n·11htll 1n JIU"PJIIO~ anJ 1110,11111,, lhlf h~,1\I l"h.inl. )"11 tn '"Cf)'lln~ •lrn m.ltl,: 1kt c,t'tU ,o ffll")..t,t.


g= lnolNc:IOf--· ·· .,, -11, elong w11110lhor lnttructort , It on dloptey lnlhea.iv lh tlannoll, h),- A J-tt 'C..._ _..,,,,,,._n \ttrdtfl:h a.,c IIOl lht OIII)' crC"at1,crt'(•J•lt on 1hc i,;;unpu'- lhc ln"1Ur.tuh rn.Jua: Aflinll.l' bc1u11ful W.1'1" .u.J lht n,•w 1111 llluw m 1ht lloi.~dl l'ot111:r <i.a!ICT) \J11).,..11ll•ll •.:-II Jk OfrZU"I ta:\,'Cftilia V.,n fa:IJ lf1.rt land1ht._11 ~k:iJIOnalalb111'b,.2' 11w


,inak The ffllhh;.al t, bruu~hl to brc ""1rn I l1lt'IC (drier IUI\J, ID rLI) hb t,aJ "-Jftf bca,i1fUll)' 11p,a a 1'00I kip t mm lllcrt':. Ille crtlft' (111111 pttt, tk audlifDCC' • '°"' abo\t\ _The _ _......,, ,.,. !k.'COe MC*D udlC't'ltbC dunl) bl 1UiF hnnt dlll p• IWI. lk ll.'lllhfflllil' a r.t,rr ,u"IN,i.· partra)'III of• ,m.dl .kllo·1\h 1011,n ill Ru.,~ 1be dun:11111, IJ..11U'l1C" ll.alttn, Wild M thtl I*> \'.all8 <ft' 1,r,n'G'QI ll'lr1,.\otf:C WI «in be ,.......,..,.,.. ..

.._,. h<,p, - -.,.I) ...slual le Ian q-bln1 dir" orr "'Ord 1h11 wouldar cbD CIIWC' 1U1 ..,_.,.IJ bC'. ·u.t.onn • A\ a dln:dtwol-u.h II l•J'" C'".-C.. MIi Mt N her 1ru11.·,1 ~h•llenxe has been cu rn1'-c"''l!r)1ll'lt' Ir•• 1£\lcrQJJn• 1"111 - ol ""ul<ninl""°" and Ill< hrlp o( lmY fl.unihM. •"-""""· &11.V - "..,.. lak In bliaial • 0., "ft( .ill,:luiin, lt'tnl INlldaciae ,:bu t.;:cb ca nh. 1111 mmht.r ICIMr: twae mendo1Hll'UWl1.l.wu! A,.t~llphtf.

\lilu,h ,,.oc,J tl'(>l"n Klil<, •1th ~,.ila1:t, u,, lh· •11111•11,cnh.i.'1.rl• l'lwhp ("'t,rl~ rhi,'Ci~t;tl h)· lml1u..:C...r, 11 rrprtu-orc-J ti~ 1e, l.iM14;1pcblxl aod •t,.,tc pot..n F.a:h bl • l.ft1b\C' f'biir lbal lhal '6.tclllll dw IUIIIC Phil <'Ofh, w \hl.PTMnh l a11tftd 'lfflffl '\" -.a4, pa,tbl.vl)' Ilk~ '<IUlh i.rQh\f llchl10jt c:-r a"'' kJ,e:c \ l,llfC" t11I p"1n11ns h) l>a\'1J ('lt111c,n, Jcpach l.t\\ill 1111,J t'J.1111. ( ru,,tnil th( Hltttm.lUl\.'" ~cu.,.I ,u»C"a bl.\._Ch IR' •hu un W\JU)' a1 llllt f.._'1dl) St.,. A f.&\onlr "tbt "S&.a;:lcd fbli.Cb.• fw,"IIJI 'llib;h t11httC'lflt'UlbMlet.it1t....-.a,np~ \&a:lnl RS -wf' lif I.he abc1"

M,, th'll'1ow1U', f alk n, lrn:,·· ilt1tJ ·unlllh·,l'" ,how fo, ro, U•iftl brllltia& «r)IK ""'*,n 's:;:ilr (Oll1rn by Pn1etll• Cooper 1iDt b' p.i11toe1ol dtic •all IN art die wurc~ p,c,.n l!.aita. "Cale •H cou,cJ uh 1a1crn11•1 1h JIit' crat1111 oac po:ulia thrtnt 01hrt ~u, u 1nd1.11k Donita U•1n. L.,,) <'l~rk, All•" Kurll Voa, and SIC\(' •tark1.'t With ""'h ,1 1d< urwl) or fl•~<, uJ utar1iv,1y on 40~; the huhy ..\rt QN..loCC kl' ltl)'Cltlllt •Im ftllJ")lar\ f1lr plla) ti (,pas ftca 10 LID. to .& p.m


Thndilv. FtO 10. 2000 -· There " now an 31:: • J 0 ATM a t • A&E C -- McM urdo • Sta tion in • • -,:, Antarctica, • Q population 200. •
l8CII tuchlr tll'III 'TIii Tlll"II Penny Opera' Into MC'l lll'lt musical In Ylll'I br H•ffllOft, r.,w St1lwvl lf~r tnff'r n,A,:,,. IC Jook h~t! ~\ ,,..,,,.. I« 20111 ~\CA lhuuct'ldlc pi.a)• II DiJII ilvadctJ k) be \Cl ia tk faiYn TN ~CDC' COChlNCtl08 dau all dw Cb 1M: •ffl be Med III lht pl.a)' -Feb. 24·26. March 2 and3 ... 15. Sludenta S1 lO )<>I>. lk ,cridu.oad from d!t\~11~ o( IU1n1111 IDd , ftt1•' 1111 rlemc:rtl41) ,1:hm,I IC'llht'r In thf' Cor,,r d',\1rnt ,,~a llo 1111 pcatt.Kll'JIC'
- -·-~"'-·
dl<dufflor...,J""l)IIJ..-)d!t O\craU r,rodlacn. Jl.llblh \kGiH'llJ. 11:'ho~the()ll'!Nine looltWI 1 (1.1 1un~11c In Mt and lftlt'ff"'h who ••r mlroduccd Thc.,1ie v.·etc c.1~ 1., So(,1h V11ntl I:\
k> make • livina ilwitls \'Cf) dll.llOIII tl'l1"\. Dunn, die O.llfl'\C ,,t IJlt rb) be Ml lk pb~ cf&hine ,...,,. ~' lllrec- oldcf d.w1bttr, •• a&nUSt F:ac; .S..ghctt dcrc"idn 1M111bt •anh t<• br"C'•'hllftndiciical')" ~idiaf •'bo• •alb IO fflan) L:acb ~ui:hl« fi1U1U) ttttt\t, 11',c, Nes.'*fll uf ~f lulJl(T. tlUI nul \Jt'1h.lUI kJffit
I.A."fflil 11n, tJ Ill hr autbmbc 1ri tea'hlflt tht d1ffcttnt R11'\,1.u, 4tk.1 Jtwi\h~ 0\C"t ull. the' (II )' l, ulft tn bt • l«if:(1.) fid:a., ....:- wll.ns IN. hlr illt'twmabll\ aH :fllhM-:'ll!.1
Moclllln, 22, views aome 0"-1Cby
NIC staff show off at varied art show
(IWIIM • Cllllihnl..-i °' • ,,. fac111ly m<ml>m ~"' an

Representatives from: •\IIX'rlson rollc•g<·

Boi<e S1.11e Umvt'fsity Carroll Coll•,iw City'r f,11.1t•m Ott.igon Univ.

Eas:tt.•m Wa~h1nf!_ton Univ (.;onz;ig.i Univl.'l"itty

Lewis-Clark StJh..1 Cullt~e Mont.ind

Senor Froggy

Thursday. Feb. 10. 1999 Loro. 11\al P•1Cher lot' the AIIMUI Brave$ SIJflJ had QUt1t' II bit 10 SclV He l'l"lt!lnl1ont 11ow muc:h f\o dnf;pl&e,1 Now YOik, h1$ loaJhlng fo, the way woman Mncle :ui nut.omob!ilo, tN! poar r,tnea OI ono oC tearn~1lf!s, and hi, failod 1U1.1tt1pl 511 '°"o ¥11th I IOfmcK gi,troer'Ct Wondering where to go from here? come to Enterta i nment Transfer I The Checks Day Are In!
Feb. 11 9:30 a.m.,
:30 p.m.
llay R<"'"' .,(
rhe Edmin>1cr SUB
Sratt.• lJniv,,r ity NW Nc17,.1rl·ne Univef'!>it'f Unive~il\' o( Idaho Univetsity ol Montan.1 \.Vashin,:uon 51dte Univ. Whilworah CollrAt· Drawings for merchandise from local merchants at 12:45 p.m. You can get em in Siebert 55 so do it. A11y 14' Ou ltelk Plzia with 1-22 oz Soft Drink Z·ZZ oz SoftPrh1ks i 030 0)0) s~ oJl!'t ~. oj!U 665- 1400 SIO W l(alhlcr• 665·1400 SIO W l(all,lw, '-'•••,'>·•ft:-~" •"'W.!.!.... "'"''- I "'/" ',. )IAVI~ Io' 01'11? 1 t e 11'! r I z z a wit 2 22 oz soft Drll'lk S8.00 oo~\l~. 665-1400 m w tcatNt ~""~ rn,~· ·--·~\'' H0.00 OFF 111 I I• l'l/1 I 1 ,, I ' I / ,) I ,· I ' 111 ',I ', I I/ II ~66S- 1400 SIO w ICali*•• !:!:..•,_;_;.,;; '.:.. ~: ·.~ Page 13 NIC'a Flejigl<! Johnson IOOks lo pull up 1or a shol on a Utah Valley dolonde<. Johnson conlributod ~x polnla In lhe C.rd's 53-49 home win over lhe Wotve<lnos.NIC Improved Its record wllh the vtc1ory 10 1S-9 overall end 5-7 In conference play.
Specializing in fn•.rh. deliC'i(J11.1 Mexican food 69 cents Tacos All day. every day r--------------------, : 10 % off : I I for NIC Students : I & Faculty with college LD. : I I I M,a,1;..-, .~ I ~-------------- -- ----~ 7th and Shermm1 Dowmo" n C.xur d'Alene 765-8522 NEW HO URS Take care of business after hours ASNIC Advis in g Couns elin g Student Health Se rvices Now open until 7 p m. Tuesdays Offices located on th e second noo r of the SUB.


phol<" and ,Lory by WIN T ERSONG B R ADEN

llltall' llllta .... 11 WY._

,-, \ ,<>n ltul e, Wyun 1111i ~000 l hc nll>Oll ,,, amped oD more th.1n 600

Jcoll<f< .rudcnl\ litlC\l lhc Sno" King Roon. 11wa, on< .,eel of ou1 of control p;ln)1ng and out of conuol cDLy nd1ns m the Jttp, !,.ICCp ('tJll t o( powder on in ,11nc Tc1on tcrrJ 1n. f..\Cf)' nu nu1c Wtlr.. U'Ca urcd

A, we r\lllt:d 1ntu Ju~ k.-.clfl Eric o· Br1l."n tutcd, "'Thi, 1, 1hchcgmnini or ~nc hell or a "<e k: moo: will be rc•·" A, 1hc m.JJC:,1i( Teton ~u loomed Q \> tf OW beJi!., •-c gaud 111 awe

A !t0/1111.ty me INl)hml amn J.a.:1.1,i.,,n Huie• ccllcp, .,,\'C..S CldCf Ii> 1.-ompctc: f(lf itic,up •• .-ft"IUlrKnaJWCllnb. kt1•n1!111i:n,}lilC. M1.C .\ U.· ri,~.•1ndfltft Wl!awt t«cJ hn ~\1,dowt1hill l lxte wa. r,kJit) tiJ filltt11.,Jay, th1.• 1Jf~l,. hm1'),rkJH\f dJC11J1,1 "' .ill da)', N«r frc\h r-. .,. J..'f,\..'f ,,.,~t nm \ l lllll& and rd.l"i hrl-..1 m11-.:lcs in 1hi: hue u,h 11, a ~WUA.ltu~pn I,"' lhc n 1g.Nk'tl'IC Afh:rlbc &nr C>'lkM"•uld hc-bmiiJ '"prnnila:ru1 ro, ..,.1.• dnrnbcd lbc' pa"C ca,o,mta:1 ol dlc- wa::mQD ....._

Hcalia lblmm..S&ta-1np,..a \kt1Mkty(l!I. 'f.ptt; u. dcf1h1rd)' lhc •ord lo doa1N' 1hr trip," J.U.O OcW u &11JJ .,,,c "'hol.: trip w o ..i 1,1r1) t.1 11'1 In ll nJ~ • The\ trip w~ 1:'.J"IC' N(\·cr seen a:i mui:h p.,,,.Jct 111 m)' h fc r~, S(hn.:1,lo:r w1J '"h.,.·ucolJ1htli111b'" A•oomc.,. 11.1.anle 8-iWlll)efkd nMptdlcd1*1o/Jx.lsot1aaUw


T!wt\_i IO Owldoor l'un1,u1 and die :,.;)(' Sftmudf dub f(l( pun11tJ:

ltk: 1l1!p,,1y/tJ1rc•l lhtm1Uc1111111m IOf :~ 11\11%':na 11v.-&< aac-"11 ri 'tt L ul ru>t

"''l)ff)'in,aoo11111t11n• 11-...;asaumcof ftitacll lnJc\ ,;or')' 'lf,'OfT).~,.:1yh,.11hh,f'I

111 JIWhh:tn C'li:r f.:i.-J, a,1J jl.l\l l1wn1 lt1 di( bc.&&i1Jful 11101t11;1lh u( J Uli.'

.;,u~R11tt..1 am,~11.1rcC'lr po,.i,-dc:r.1ou.n.anJ IM\\I') 11lw.1>·•bnngs.

E\~ tieitUIOJ loeomt from Ule "1pC'll~ially 1.a!lr..1a, lb;>Ut tm. &hq' t..i.lhc URIC r,(lh:tr li,n..11•-asiaac,{'d'iCD.'t lhalC Cf)CIOC~ IG

fcp:2 ICt.l )"<*

•hd,_K'III Hok, I pra ••"! tosr,md I -«L,• Sl'UIIII Q:naila ...J "'It.Jing ~lih)l'Uf rrimhh,wt,'l(f;f,eltl,M ,ou.tiuuldn"1 rDI'>'>. Oo1he lmd,) nnnct,f U\ •Dk,J 1ncumchM:L One.~ •c p,1 t~•<"'1•mlyfll:\1.'f wam""d 1olea\'c. Wcarc:all t.lOKt f11ct1J, w, hail 111ra11roi1r wnba v.u.c1)1 c,I flCUplc ttw 111mgk~ *Cll lOfe~ll!r l tlU(Olt1rlah1ll tl&tl1n1 lhl' flllltl!' IMP lflllfllO)OOC'

w .., ,


La,i d.,y Th< b:l ol doc1> ,,_ Thcbus-N<kl<ffll0dloa1...S- \l,'Olpcq,l< """fl<,d1 tW1\tOOla.nJlkf'C 1b:C11Circ •.J} ha...._to<."ouc:t d'/'llcnt Mcl~it OaJ••n•at UJ. l.«p,cg the 1111,« fit.1111f"IIIJ 11lc.Ct(l;l.1lul ()(j&J lC'('I Jasoc ln.d,m· hnfl'lt'til.',lhl

TIJ ti( pw11,11.tx Cll.tteftKfll lrl li:p1."'0mtfl# ilj tliptall 0wrJo« P\ln,,ilb ,n,1t;a.1m. ~-) ""'npllnncdilK.._. Rc.'d~ ~.,.a..w Som ...S~.T..,..i.r.-....,__..s,IC",s-nknduOb,,c..._, .-job ....,lh:bolridmJ•-

Righi , Shaun Cervenka plows lh<ovgh lht

Above ,

W1lffll 10 I COid day lnJlcklO<IHole Exlreme 1op rlghl loving ..., minute of tt, Enc o -n h- t• 111e

10,2000 Oestin.i t iont
-,...-. PA,)O 14 - ~ __ drops,,., ___ tor_ ................ Altef-parllcl ,.. __ control and -~onthe1t11n Don·1-ry, htwuot<

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