The North Idaho College Sentinel Vol 53 No 7, February 24, 2000

Page 1

lt•11a:C"1 f\lnl'tUIC. C'>lk'gc rmJu,cN ,tam-

111 lbc l!nitt'tS St.alt\

In !I )c-.m.1hc 'f\iN,,. I ,-..n:n h;a• nnl

IUlcrno,.k- ·n,e l~h rwut1t I 1n

lih.~f1QrU0111t.tJI lJwi t11rc,,n \\1\iuftlletfl.

M,).nta~ W)1 -,un,. ,,1hn1.1..and \..«(IIIYtT

hr Ai-A <·utim;.Nlt '\cr..VJU:UtJ «1 f ,-..n,y ~IC•">'Mll r-,l1ti:C»I K·OCC

111otl111(11W tl!ll l(lnrffl bot I. die! Puhli,; fi:ww:n

ICfYCI lhree J'UtfO'C't,- Jo ,Jgp: 'a:1lh kicthttlll

lrl.."'\l,ln, k1 rn,i('k w!lirh the l""lflun bt1n

UJcl a111l •1.Jl: 'f1Jc,k 1•t ~IC Jlf\-'l:JWll •w1,11Jil.,lc and titotftl m ,rw lil'ory h,r fuaurc rrfrr.-1-=- lllc rrorr,1111. \own Wf'k1. ug1 CUb~ru11h.t puNk ""hcthl"111 varrp:,htK.a.l hu&on11,.tl dhmc«

Oil,",,~•JJt wid he rmJ Pill Rlii.·tr.rJ. f,)rnti.."f nctl.lrtW flfOIIUCtt, bq&,:IA t.lM: vm "'"'" Ra;bri.l•f>11f1lJl.'.btdh1m,aJuid, 1'u11)', k1',

Reilers tills vacant ASNIC senator seat

rreshman appointed folio\\ ing VP re~ignution ..., "·", \, 'lmrl&p«..,, r F ff'\htn:on An.l.«• Rri(c."nr •.U do,.-u •lhen:wo\\:'-f(_ IC11a1uf filhl!J llw u)k) ltlt •h1·n 1',o fc111 Hnclfd U1n-m ""'"~ up -Cl 1bt "•cc 1u,:tid('nf p1$,1lt,Jrl Rttlcn,. ,li ("1Jd1nl1't)' in.JOI, VIG\ up,: ,if )i\ wuJrn1, •be! ar,,btJ ti. lht flO~lllllO, lit' 'll<U ,clM;iCtJ b~ the olhtr mtmhtn nf 1''>.'h 1-..0

"1-fr'/l do <1 1/f<'<llj11/1. It •ra.,· ffllllr IMTflto • dtride,dw 1,, ,·ltotJ\t.~. •• lhirf.1, e ltuni.., ''"C \ p

•cc-h 1$1) .11flQ u,ibn lcUAJ. llll ll('lfli &hQQ Md

~1:;in1m,c11ci!. "ilnJ1c1 lli,nu mJ.J ntt 1,1 rnr1.i Jtctftr 11ud

She 1¢11 iuid ,nc .,,, Oj'lt'!LIMJt (ij,d a\ltJ ant'

I k -.11uJd tl1IWUl1Af I .-.1111J h,• ~td tn '1lc'lldv1Jfiid,a'fl"'fh1m-.uld. ll111;h1r..1II)

,wJ t(, dci:wl;.. •hu 1'h-1it..C \\e, 1t.aJ Jlil'\Cr,J \")'

e,iii_lr(it,.J 119f1l11." JIU Ml_.~ WI bol.·.iUX" he'•

jl,n• a r,un., n1, n1n: IY} wtlol, rm 1km with utt.slff a,-.tnc ad Iii!• tor• fll!Ulht t3U1)'


Rt1ff'1'1 "'"' lfthth1-d m ,O\C'llrffltrlt

ah1lc an hlth td1011l lo ~IM'lhooullt. V.alh 1'11,t

b,!:1"1 '('(l('l)ln,vh"CJ1af1a1~IC'

1lir tftl-W I I.lit.rd kl S,.:0$-'lt. ttr ffll)tC I rctlul.'d

J wnu,IJ M.c k,(1fcn ~1J --Jhctt·1 MUl1 tt1 ,,r. ~1 I 1.ti:in.l euoliJ k l,cttu."' kc'fm ha, 4'ro.t, .aantd •f'!f\.tne on cbimph,: Ilk' '2udc:DI ~th flbn \\ 1di tlc rl..:ln.. J.S Old t.t!



:,~~; ~:: t:;ii~-:iat~~.ilhl~~~~,td1tbii~fi-.11,n,,-, .nu·-,,.

, '"""'..

"'1M.c~,'91 .a..l'IJJ ha\'C f"Jf • 1•1, tic-hind tt.•

\1..-wan UJJ ,uth • -.n11le, ,culhn,s the •~1-G'-,.

tw:rtnn1n:•<-f di.: lnn11t1 /\«oaJ1n11e, Ste\4>att,

1t,c J'Rllir~in bc"J.ul 1n t,fad. a:14 y,l111c ffld 1·1"4ll• rl~t'J"" • 1l1Urn 11nJ n,lkJ 1n ftt1nt t.•f thto

Qft'ICfil .ti I~ cnJ nf lhc pmrr.&m

11.t&lruu1 f' i,o lotl~'t'f in the l;1~1U.ll tuc)CII ~11

v.hal people •ill lllCC n,11hl .anwtt 1hnu. ~, klr·u1ton tCfCCfi• ~hr1w J11fmD1. Qtffltfll &Uflcl.

4'l)turotcn,.aJ,4\f,,llllf"fl<"!ll,iDIUIIIIISf" 10 m:ord \ ,;:,'""o,rn> and a dcd01cd

Ill''<\ aft Pf1'\n11 J,,;,1111111'1 •\rril,C tirlllJ

M1-CN1hear• 1111ht:'tl~u bcpn "1.lfUCJ

all,:, tt"ttp0fl1lut:i k1 Oleo t.h11v.ina ,.:~

poillk.11'1\. I md..1 \~ii.. he, w• :a ~ullrwry am,

v.hcn lhc Joli'* 1 n , SM!l:lk-, I.Md hfi.,,lll(IIU1 hl 11

r!WM ·cd .,_,d, Joke oo,cn.idlffl an.11,urhrn ''flcuplc: J.,n' I rnl11c I..IJ!t"C' Ifie \hW' b !ht a,~·pan:.ta'dOlr«ttW Dl,u, Miln. .,hl,ot~ f'"1'Jlil. lPlffJlnatr'l\'tQ(, "lr'11h(:f'«1l,11.J1I~ 1tur, crci,rlort.J M1lan:«i,cdhi1a,.1«.11e 1'1c1,.>r«1ln 1ck, tvua 1N1111J,:a\.lil1i; frr,1a liti'IC' •" 1hr ·MC~ 511Kt ll'lrn. lM" kltrnkift ilaJ ni1ho t,m,11~at11r,9 r1upi1mh.a11o-UWtot:11,1. llei.llklhc 11 Jlj;J,ppo1n1.:d 1hc lifOl6b,Un,t rr°"nm "''" 1.ut "'"" J prulru11in&1 l11~ntCT I vruulJ 11\.e I~ c:1imc ti11d.Jicrt Uln,cnui,," M1b~- Ut QIJ quaJ.lfirJ l-..nd,1b1Ct lot 1.ob P,.>v\lOII) llfC dilhtllh ld!IQd \t11n•111ot,,k1t1Cmbc:<f!,11Jthel1tn:.J...":1\l•"l! pn'i.1.11'8111111 hr- rr1muwd ..\moog ,,1hen,. f:..C'\.-UI I H' f"rultuf.n .\nd) J;-1Rlk'J,<1)1,nli1U1l!lf of ttM'IUt«' kehl'lcq)' ~«J1rwl•1' of lfl"\UU..1KlftlJ ttd1ooli.)tY ;11)J(l)IJl1hl\;U,~'C '" k*6111111 f("k'IU1\X'l,('\pl'•~llll,ll\'IJl~lfll~ • I 1, plldl 1'11 • !'10. CH11·"f· oMiJDIHtll ltlal rl!t•o.J ,t\f1ti.·111 r11ttt11nicnt ,,fh~C'u 111 cb.. 9 HI!' '"c1YC't.l 1hci ace 111141t1I hom ''"'"' s}n!I) •IN'f It.lid ,,o the 11.1Ji:11ls rc:,putr\C, ,.\SNll rru,y c·11bc1 ;arpunc 1tic ft«C'I.\Jlf)' SJ h11lhl'II tnc:rtA\e W 1.cq, 1hc r 1r,i:n on ('11mr-a• 111 the ro1ll 1K •ll('lnfll '" ,1t>1orh 1114' h I 111i1lhtoHI 1,11 m• tu111no II~ lh~· <-"lll.Ut J AltM l'ro1., tt1'1. \'iNll". v,11l ltc: c,111J11cllttf 'llll\iC)I 10 Ji&IIJC 1h:11 1 r.."f'(ICllC' II \\:'I. H Jri.:fJtt to cOfltlnu• 10 he~• ifN1 f','f'('O nit 1.:11ui,cn fur lhc: tal ,,( .~ 'lpltlf w:mctll.'T, lb:)' ,.,11 Uhl ,111. Jo Uf' 10 CCllli ru.i.h, 4

111n11icnn1 1cdw:t1ut1 hst•!'1 11,,: J5 Ctf\U :,i J.a) lht)' CtM ton 1Ubai.:nrc1••l ln f.ill, lhc(OII VoUl,IIJ he t<,1111 17.S C.'C'111'4 a CQf'l1 II 1\SNIC lll("I along •1Ulkff1."0lll'tf'b11fc,t5NIJi41"1'M t••"l'IK rJ,ul>, it "''IUW c..a Jtvtkn1, 1,7,400 fnf tltit" wt11ilc: 1rrnntt1 !t111 \1.•11.r l•••• l ~11nulln u11.i ttu,t .\,\"I' he !Ul(l'll.'1.I J n,'111lu11c,o IO u11,;rl."8C I Ulhtlft .1nJ ~'ill tt.1nJ II \\ 11h ,1lmot1 Jf)IHI ,n11Jtnt\ on C•hlJIUC .1nJ 111,101,1011 ~nd 11u1nlt;:l&Ul(' pa·ra~ r,.d ,tt,: ,, lhc ftl\t'Cfl 4''-c:ry •lllJrnl v111n'1 l<"l ll (l,l~'fl:\.Cr)'J11, "i1uJ,:ni: Urody l'r•-:t. l),111 \j.,.,, .t. kr r,,HnlrJ uut hUltC ,11,h,aa1111ca 111 :t 1.Ja1ly rJpcr on cam11t11, ,ud~ •~

t.:lh:hcfl. i.idrtt 1hlc l" u~ t~tn 1Q 1hc1rc1.MKL ""Hc-,nr 11•.11c "I' UK': l:,1mmun1t)' )OU'rc 1n 1!1d v.ha1'1 ,:,•Inf un h A t,1t~ fW1 uf tbc: ci:11~ t,l'tfll'IICC 'ihlir:klcra:IJ. n,~ 'SV'l~·1-1nu1 Kc,·11,;w u .1lw 1111 ,,r,,..,,. t,, A',,1c Sht1. ~kt wi1J he 1cn, I In Nt,1af th: '.'<>~lc-...m.i:n met lbc Pr(1ol, t,u1 d1•~• Diit l.1111• •hal 1-1uJt111• will •aa1 k1 tt;aJ D.ail~ ncv. •p~i,i:n en· 1SC111nc,1111 ,1111 1.0llt'ftt 1111,J unnrr•ll10 cl><e<w~. a.. nhn• lo klh;~ 11 it l\Cftc:(l('i.11 111 ltkl aw,i,1j'lliJ'Cft. 111 the 1•';11$ u111. hr 1,o111J, t,rfcau.e ,.,~a1, dc,elup a 1c:tdtt11h1p h1tu1, -.1\1,h aru, 1.• ,n11flUI."

arur ct.,Jlt'l'

tho: rt I Keifer, "~l-1''1 ,u cb&n~c the f"l.lll wld lir.1rir1 tbc t1cd..:11Mc. t:-.;h 11nJil•lf mu,t r,ut w~ 111'111J1tr p,~~t

rnr Jhc ycv 11a1 .-111 k.i\e t..h. •• bt-r tra\ oo w

am;tllM Rtlfcn i<11hmi1qM'l.1U1 ••lfllt1j wrihlht

lutto~ Jciiutnl.(711 ,10 P'"'til' ,ru11tor111e.

turl'll'fd.i} ·we u11.1•11i,.,.,. • Rooi.1111 r>.:ay or a 1.:ip Pu, (W

• l·s,rcian ~IAI. ~•lllhtnc lu,Joffm1

u.l UnJ of rM)', NI • the wunc: ilinc ill h;n


M.tlftr nn I "'~ •I he ir1m1 1.-. cn11t1nu.:

v.u1I.IIJ.J on AS"'il<' hell )Cf lh.1 1lrady bu•)

11:hblvlil tar:ha,.lcs hhpn.ill«i a\dlL"C".111:hnmdw

:,'I(. hr4ch;ll .aa:n r111 ttJ1ll~.t1,ttcb:tl, .n.1 ,; d111tp..:1:1lm ,J.,.fl m

lhc' hlll•t1' ll'itA I •hu,}. It• -..,mrtblnf I ,n11ld

tn}c,yt K('1tcn YW Our n;ht "*"' 11 lhe r,«

M'ltf'l r.•1Jtf 11i,hffl' i. • ._ J·na publNy IOOIII

11>h:lit11U('1lwt t,ydii:C1J1.t4,(fht1ar •

New regis t ration

1 process un ve il ed

1 fo r fall se me s ter

ACT, UT ICftl wtl III ICCl!ltld



Su...bi1 .\1.hl\ TIOII.IIJ. 9"llJ

STILL STRUGGLING Cdrd, h,1w droppt•d lhree uf lhPir la,t four with rcg ionJI, loom,rtg SPORTs/PAG[ 7 THE • • • • • 'Threepenny Opera' opens tonight th,mks to those backstage BACK P,\l,l ENTINEL Th urs day Feb. 24, 2000 In 5 .. A ... 3.. .2 ...
For~.,._C O N C
BLIC·d/ 228 ll'hin w llfe week/\- m ·1>11/,/ir Forwn' wkl•., rn tin air h) J1mrl \llwrt1 ~1,rtrlN,r,c,rtn
Cloa<wl>e from Illa front, Andy flnnoy. Do..g M1loa,ond Go,y Coopor -rdlNIO the tochnlc<IIJIIH ol the PubUo
The ""''hi pf l(:ic,luun 1,1;1~"CJ11, ,.u,.:hh1.1;mk c:aiJ '~°' att '""""h(lil'li"S 1n f\(~'!111111.JI lfoom l2K.Od1U1o.11l,cU11:1.1..,u1111111do•ufl\ll1C
•aa tt11~.,&cr ~hm .tic •rrlir1I r1uu1h001 " c,ra 1cJ ,he laid Ille tt2II) cnju~r1l 11 [jp1 ,-c,m l.ilkf. ,-he t-.1 ou kmS'tt • 1.1.11i1i.1ry 1,n,1lilknl. lllhc flc,c,r M.iptt\l\Vf llllhrt.1 1.S!<l Ou.11.oc th: bjMC l"° 1hc fC1tU1t1. !hi: coou,,I rl"\,ffll••l>lmc,f,ah"•'>' ['),,C'l'l'C.J...:,1,..(J(Ji'n hl cfun~ 1nanrlc. IIW'>m or rnnw • ~r• ,ltt ,•np11111 \\ 11h llw e-fUIJ-111,rl'II the t.11.1tbO llat. tbe lc:lc,·1ik,o bco.xli.·.i,1111, Cllf'•bihll<'.' 1are ~.,.,,._ At-l' nl,1,, tu \Ila,.... ,hr•·""'""'"CM'l'lblllJ Q!t h,1,1,,.i,N ,,n a!c, Pre ss looks to distribute on campus ·~ \1•rCin U«ktrll :\tt11,utH,ptt,u, M ·111'1' uudcfll, l(ll'I.I the d•11 l.!lr ,.1hulll-'i:t, "" • rpo..: 1,a,, d~lf) Jlnld Jdr.,.11itl M) 1,ludC'l'JII \bi .,JJ ahJ 11.u.,11 v.ira m lhll 11'2 •or b.:-utr unckrtt•n•l lfhr'•:Jtld •111 h~c 111 f -• 11111C month ,tMhnJ I i:h ll. Z:O Ire~ (qp10 01 The l'ocllf J Akne f'rru •ill k autl•hl.i Mon, •hrnvsh I ni.L,- '* ~:11111-0'" ;,111.nat Uic 1,. l;111on nw-~ fur dw;i 1'1t",
tompJII) II Jn •Lcidr11t ti r,pc:n, ou nn1pi.1s,
at SAT oi A( 1'11:QIU. A wt, ('Olt\1f1Jttc.i: o( the I .ruullmcnl M~,11 Timn M."n to 11o'Vfli '°* 1hr rc•;Jc'l.1. u, JttY) G«. \l,.>c ptrt1.kni uf jn,nu.:11,wt 111 '1\ii1t ot 1hr 111hromn111tft /\ri.::ocJ1n, 11• lfdl, 1!1c cls•ni-~ •ill tic11d11 'lf~1.Sad\ \C:"l~Y FIEOISTAATION conll.-l on 11 BY PHOSH: 76C/·J3118 llY I-AX 769-3381/ I I IC I I I
Ii)' kall J11p5M'r ,'u·wt J,litr1 N~~~t~:=d~n~fo~
1 ludc • 1ic~ ,~·11nl1a111111 rrut-r,,4 a )C'1u 10111
uf , I.a'""' DJ die aupm,,:e

b> Kuno.,1 nf'lriR ,.,.,,tt '"1"'!flC !'l; I(" libr1U) 111 rt1...U,d) 41Jk't i'h:Jlh Ml'ltJ l ,!oh •H tmpl). n..:rr1 for • re"' ,1u1knh flttdl111 .ii pLM:c I,• !llUJ) or C'!" l·l'klt IIA>f111•W'CWL. In .,'""" \I.C't'h 1h11q1nc1111mri• rhcn: ••II~ l(f'hl(Cd b) hl•mrcdr of Uihll"fl.h jatllc,nn, mfo1t1ullu11 hi( !CJ<'.an.h r"I"" and 1,1,miliq,; 1n line

hlit¥L.III, Smnc ..,u~u,nru .:mnr more frcquc1tll)' tha11 tkN or •here to flnl,I the rt\OUA~ 1nfur11hltkt11 ,hr) ~ni-ctt..ut.hit, hcJ,'111 \arirtyul ,LtllaCf trw-,K'C 1,dic-rw The nQa Cflmmnrl civo,lia'W'I., olifc:- ''Cin )OO IIC'Cdl«thcirr~ partn -iur,1111nr o,cr 11\c r,n1 l.'i ) rar, ,,r her hb,..rr tirir me tmJ dv: Jllk\i cJulon 1,f lhc' p11.m,<oklrtd ·Noi;i~hon h tti,mb,"' <.'\a,! lilil.l "Tlic Ley 1 , r,_1

'ltf\11.'C: t,.1)1../ I Ji,11·1 \oo., 1ht11t.11bi.1r N 1,1 1,, bul I tnnw

~1111lr II the \toru:ni•w: lnl crpr<1nc Centi,;,

10 °'-ll St.," J.,~.,,·,ttd I, ti~ branch uf

• Met..t\oC,q,11m.1 h:l.lwn rtd~·,-..1\11, -.·htd1 11 abt'ut mill11111 'rCMI old .1ml h 11,u1t11th

lmm1l •I lhc- '\111tltto~I.' \1lc Wh~t malc-i.

Mirn'• fimJ '° 11ni,111c , , t~ II t.l'lu1H lhc

m,fc rcprod1tct111-c uructurc •11J

Jt,-,"lormcnuiJ ~Lil;t c,f Iii.ii 'f'('(1C"' •lu.:h

hit, 11t,a b:tn uncmhrJ ia1 St,~

ht• kllrt ,cnt In ~t;m ,J,ur11) alter t~

ol hnn~ llhk M

fll'\''<111 I fl,u,11 lu hrr tb"' 1n '"l"r''" nl then

1,t11J1c-..<1f1ht lanh's tunc f'l'llo,h,.

Wtille Stun~ chi 10 fct,h 1hr uu,w.. hi, ,buj,!IUcr \\ ,U l.accJ v.11h • d1k111nia ol ,1

(.ant.a,) S~kt 1,h( dmo~ tht 1;1.lon uf

Vcl,<1,.ir1°' 1o1 cduh-it h1 1t~ or 1w.i

dl\fll.ny 1hr mcou 1c11J ct11cr1 lhc

1yr.a.1~u.s Rc-t. oll~ ltcth'~

Wh..·n ~Ian rct.11nt"d w11h 1hr rn,-11J. bet

n:~t1o1•n '11,11. 'Oh. I lt";i.f w.t1cr~ dot J'IUI

Ablioupl .,, 1111.:fll 1.,,i ti.we

btC'n 1mrr" cJ •1th Ji11 J1\Cov,t1 1h1:

,·,,u, Stoncnh.c c-ura1.u I 1t.i ll:irl.hh•lt'

t\f'l11it1~ dw the ~npk ••ll he xrit w "" ilrlir«tum In ~nn\)ihllllia Thrt tuhclcc1uin.', •Ole purp1nc II l u rdnuoJ1.u:c 1bc.-

Mcu1~"qm1C;t tu.:ill ,1l the l, .&JI llldl:1,. ~tan wa1. ui,.: of 1tircc ~tudC"n1, frum IMnllCCnt 8111 Sb.:lwJ.1,• &lllbroroloS) 1..l.w

1iM.1 a,ccooa, lht d.,1 Lav ~,rtr (.H(crN in ,11111pt101uil htlJ 1np 10 ,oin1.:iJc- v,.Kh ;,, cooN•·\'lf'L \l,ilh tP\,1h k1du11d• h,h bi:tn

la\1ns h1, d;n"c' 10 1hc StunC'fOtt fotctrm1,"~J{))i:.u,-

Oocc: tbctt. ,rudcnr, C"'C:I a r11 wtr,c ll;c)

,t!.t11b It d.ah 11( trick ,n<l v.tJtt 11

thth tel'! SC",un111 • ,1t11n •, 1h1n

~h1\.CI, , 111Jct1h rl.i "'C' 1hr .111,;cl OI\ •

l.1)f'r 11( n.1,;l aoJ .,tr1lt • the tut t•I the ch1'-CI 1'r1lh II hr:hr.c:1rh1 hJJIIUICI

\11111) a l•)CI' tHN\1 fr« Sih(f lb(I

c:t1ui:-1 ,, II nc•!'·Pfuhl ,,.p,1hJ1l1nn

1bc:1 rel~· hC'I\ ''" uru• SfVIIP" •nd

db,;es,. ~·It ti Jlid),1td,' IO ~'i:Ca.1..rt

lhe t.-.wla.

Shdl.arth 11,·10 Li.ilt a cl," ti;i tbc i1C'

il#llitl Um k'IOC,tcJ

-rhl• )C'~. h:\:JtJ",C' ',\(' fl11,1,(' 1,1Jr,·b,.

11:..111)' 1>(hr1 tc:1er111hc: fltil'IICUn" ,1wh •' !hoc Sn11du,1.,n1an .\fu\Cu111 hn. u huntrh rr,,,m lll>Und Utt 1A1"1d '1111 lhC' hi(' 111 •l."4n.h of MC'tl\l't{UP&a u.mpkt. llsc S11111CR'te ••~ 1, l'OrhJJ.ernl uo: l1f Uk'~ M('f..t.-<11U<•o.nd1 '••Nlbnk 1111ht tnl11~ v.11f1(.( Tiic iii(: t, ''!ffl 1u11ntnrw lur • SS di11ht1 t~c ft.uric .trr ~Mc 10 ,.u, fuf 1Pc d..)', t>u1

U)llu"' found II "-lll-11.'(I ,.., 1t1"f'lt'l.1i~11'1 Lile li t1.NrP11n, m pc., 1 If, U.:irh,tiJc ~n.Jk'I r,:-uo11•, hndlnJf, ,1nJ .aUmu 11\cm 1h1cc 1tc:im1ola:r If 1hcti: ~\ 8 Ji,tOHT) IIOiflrthUta rate Of \C'f) 11nilj11f.,: h11 1hc fi$hl 10

IC'(u1c ti l,,1111 1hc Jlg11ni: ri,,n)' Mint m t,!JIL'C1t.. .i, ,11 ~tan"!! ,·a,t, ll rt."Mlt' °1'111

11l.t h,iif .net u·hnq1,11.ti 1lic otbc, h.llJ tc> Uc

J,.s,cr,klalt llicn N!n.h lhr ,.ut1f'k to tba ftu1~ M..-1t11u1 iW IOl"fl'"'(IC'i ~1..di~ tobeuamn~ R11.buJ, (1.J'll•lDhi lhc St11nc-ro,~ C'c:111(1 JiJ nul •• t\i,1 rri,,, 10 i1, 1n.;qiciu11 J,n,:n wouJJ vltrn 1reJ1J Uf>"II rn,,uc- 1.uiJ. d1urna • n~· hcrc ahq .,,. hi Chut.c;;,,l,"l\lt. tl11pitl kl do~f)lm,,11 Rcr,ublk rm.le tht rn•.m,J ~' un\iaMc 1tt.1 e"'--1nc:al

p!lk't ""' """'"~ "'' One prupcfl~ o" 11cr rtco9ni,cd 11, C' nccau1, f,ir • Llni1mak',l 1hri111t ,11.c.'. W11h

1bt p1umt~ 1tut 1he ,,1e .,,,,ulJ he•"''" profll Vttll1,11f d,J1~.1h:J \u .1~ 1i:t1tJ(I.; Jl.cul.Cl) Mil ..i)'•ll'IIC v.u,,1\I •ll,1.,,.cJ

1,1dii. ticcko11o,1l'd1p1r<c ~)rto11ll1

\11t1."C'lll(11.1ht: -..-ctin l1.1t h,otht.aJJutrulij I.ind ••th 1~ IOOQC')' from rm,ue &il\al100~ 10 huthc• t>.pl,nd 111 di11:trini, anJ


goud ttfml•tu,A ;al tht u·ntC'r. 1111'

c:ur111,1, will Op(n II pnYiltt'l) 1,1 OUI

puup a,iJ nu une clw," RkhMtb ~Id

The \ IOQt"flN' ltlkfrn'fl\'C' CtWrf I\

11n ur1•nl11ulon v.,c111i, n1

.\fltt 1!l }\"In <1t J',111 hdJ ffll''' l4t lhc: ~UC, M1durJ~ Id lhal hi• c.ta,,c:• art" tiui l(hnt • ·,w,d fep.a.itklA. on 111'•1•1 trip tu the ..cnt.l'r. .a uu,1$1 '°""" 11 Jl"ic."11y C1.1.f'C1•rc'd rchcl (lll ,1 fc.Uhrf Jlul "'"" 11ft Jnill.a) "' 1hc Otl~ \l!~:UUJ "L ,- c:onJIIRl.'.'llon ,rrillh 1ht llnhc-nlll \11 ,\lnl(hf t'\N} umc "1' ,.-.. a ...n.lknl find~ IIOmCUlmJ a'1MIUC; N11:t~rJ1 ...,JJ

by Kan1 X1'tmrlRtt•"nt, W:i:!.·~; :;;~;, :;,~';t ~,C';:~1:; ftl-r f111tia:, rliiwt I "" '"' .i tiu•1ncu 1ni,1ru,.-1,• 1lflc11,npu, flor1h,1'ohcrn1111S lt'!U1' IS)-cw,,atl.JMh ti•• btl"n atJtlMILns NIC fro(' II r,,1t1i "ll lho\c

'"'" <a'hc v.11r\1n1 urt btf tuwntl anrit.~rct of ,oUcic ,1nd aid 1ha1 ti., 111.f hfr r,uhc-1 ol'I ,,1,nspu~ l'I dd1n1trJy-. rl is."'

She uid 1tl,1l 11 u an ld,·1111rn1r hitun,: tcr leb<1 111'0rkul.t UC !'I.I(. tit.._~1,1~ 1bc ,.,_ itl"-•YI 1,h,cbi,otlftb•l""'·le1anJ.1 aud1 lull fkinJ 11d.;iJ 111~hn l1n.1m.1t•. bt-..uan IICI' i.:uun'>CJnr. J.11111 ..Jr ..i "it,, &real ticlrig

Oon and Kara Ftll1 l•k• 1 brulC 1ogother on gmpld.

l•I li&ll. In .,.,rf}"'ffl)C' who k.-,. · wh.» • j'Otng ,~ "Tiwtt arc ur, .tad down, 11r b11,·m1t 1n y dad 1c.1Ch1n1111 "lie.- Kara uld "'lie~ "'->· rtK' loc,ch. lt'a w.c1td. bu! • phn I J(f k1 llf'CIIJ lime'',\ itb ffl)' d,ad,. [)oa ~tia,(-1 lbe caJOynxru o l 11,11,·ma bh

d.lU)!hl,1 UllCM)1f'U\.

'"I dreamed •Nlu1 h•'<'lhl unc- nf m)' ,hlMttn •UCTIJ SIC ~"tt \tl'IC't I 1.a11ic hett.• l>t'fllwd. 0oo v,,,n ••,uc 11f IIIC: lk''AU udt a1 'llldl h i\ hard fol It duld. lO bit itt • Jlllft'lll'I du....

bc-.:a.u~ nr 1hc uc-rtot)pc- 1h,11 bc-i::a.u't° 1he .;lu ld h ln the p,.uc,u·, c:I•"· curcmc f,1w,r11hm ~oll be t1-.«1 Uiwi "'Id 0.:lfl l,ook.\ J1 1111 lhf- liJV,1l\1..-1 0 1 l\,\·1ng Kar., auctldl.oit NIC uJ wJ the aJi.tnla&a drllfHttl) llUloomt'cr 1bc dl\.iJv.allSa&C'"

K11ra j, 11n hunn, ,tudc11r a111J h11~ 1h'° as,potll.lftll)' f() an h ) othrr ~fk11.>I hatt ,-eJ

i.1 NIC. StN: w.i.d ,he: f1,:urtd dw1 11 •r.a., tor bet to tU~ to th,: 1nt1 (U( fi~l.d 1UMJ1t, and 10 ..U)' "'1th her f.amU) &.h l<.ar• aiid 0.1n apo: Iii.ti IUl.,iJinr, .tnd rt•\.hlllJ II U~c ,.arnc toltctc ho bcc11 ti fll.M,llhC',11iwtlClflfcrfbC'llbPI 1hcm If thC>' hltd IA,) do u •II U\'('f :.s•m. the}

w.nuld nni (twlf" t11yth1n1

"'Thi:rc h I JOOd IC'C'lit1J 4.\ 1 h4\'lnll J dau1h1~1 Nt(• ,ind tt'tm11 1111 li.·1 •~n,orllibr.ntnt,,'" Don a.aid ··-~hC' I., ,fornc ttallyQ.CIJ"'

p,,,';') t.we,,Pk'" Jason Starr. anthropology student. tookl to the lutur• of the dovek>pment hi.I rare toull dJscov..-y hU 10 olter A 50-mlllion,year-otd MetaMquol• branch. Wa\bit1a1on '1 Burle Mutcu111 .ind ~ti,"-0....

• 3: fhonMs g Ldi~111. onwn10, oi the • o light bulb, was : afrilld of the • • i:::::j d,uk. • LIFE N o su ch thing as a dumb questio n IJlltll'lllal •wer 1n,...-. QUll'lllal, .Ill lh f iM((Jft~ll l hUI JNI. •~l.lftJ th1 l1htat1.111, l \w IW'l~1.jUN~1('l..,,. 14\ l,cra &\kfJ.I, -,,_ Then: U'C \Ulllit' \lllt.l(ft,h •hi.1 ;ar• a.1'1' ll Jor b8IP S8VI ltudentl m'lng cl'IIICft tllle f'C'\OWCC' l.j\lC'hO(t\ II!~) lo ,noo ('OCllUtt w,(h I hrfl~fl QOK r• ht:I~ lltlll l<'I r N\ nlll C'\I btt~lllt' lht:y at"° 11UC IUtC' M,uW,J.C.mcnl l<:,hkfff)l,lbbc !i('f\11.fl
u ttt41(c,cryp::nonu,11c~i.fol n mf'ltf_(.1;u ha, Clll'OUClk'rt°J klff1C ,rilHCUU\'it ~~111.n. II a rtmn ('dl«-c.J t,i 11 ,l ht14"1t'IC 111..-. fflln) rlum , Whcft i.t1i..kftt\ 1 •ltimptd "~ tn«,~"\.M,'\li~IIIII. ,ui,:b 11, -Ho ic• tli.'ld) \"IJl!•hriat·r llow 1ma:h \:o6..rtJ to.,1 af'I' ut th, 111:ww) :~1,i..,:_.1ri::; :: 11a.;~~i'~1 ~ '1U1..~ • bumN~btt •u·1sh_ Hnw m,n,~ ltewhoM Ano1ht-r «immun 1.1~-"" I\ '"C11,11 )'OU he.Ip rnc v,.111 join l110 aiudcnh quhh 111, • t"•'tf ~ lo •m pc:"rfom!Cd in lht' l! ~. prwr t11 R:1'11' \\ld( T fo..t 1 r,ucm? I &,n·trcmcmbel' the 111,111w o, 11t.k • ifl't'"'IOC\\ 1 h1o1, <1uo11.._.., .:nolJ t1o l t.,e •rwwn.,J ~4c•w\-' '>11111c 11;~(nncc quc,uon , Chi t 1u11o hod 10 ·~11'1C l1bnuy ti J1flked 10 Ille l\lfll k;srmn.-·(14,1 ,1t--.mon ,,,.,n Illegal l'ldon: R,..: "' \\U 1t"1a1Jd1 h.,c t.u..ieo uptn l'IIIO tno11tb, '° 111nwc•r t.lld.
A 5(1 mdhon~)t.JM1hl t,1.1111:h 11,h\.ll found by ",\ud,c:111 un tL-vlogy f1dJ anp by lhian ',tqum Sl',,1,ndRq•,~t,·1
Rare fossil discover ed on class dig
Wl~d ,11tthrc.,polt1,!T)' ,1i,dc11 1 J.aibfl \1.lft'. am~N hone vnth 1 ,h~ l1f t'l>ct.. hti ,ti, ;w,c:n,I 1,a .a t.1 Jlc at lbC' Sluncro~ ln1crp1t11,c {~,.nh.'f In lkrubllt'. \\.i~t1 hu 7•)"C',lf•()l,J ,b~1rluct 11,,0 f'ttikd !'l lhc- Jl"hfl('\:I
illblc I ,011l,Jn1111 i1 ,clf'htity, I 11;11~ korp my J,1,11,:h1n llffl' fot IWt-1 rt."Jf't )\. 0.111 wiid. Ka,u I'°"" rwt )t't dccJlkJ 'Al I •·•hh Ju l'tl•JO• ,n. bot Jt('cw\Sinl 10 Oi,n. u doltt nnt m.tntt wh.11 Kara due, aher IIC' 1ni.Jua.l.:J bC'll:a1of blr will huy, be U>tte for lier .tlW -..ipplltl .tll uf bet upcar111t1:i: lb-hNinl.. 0) t'1,d) !\1oulm ~"'"" , ,arr Wha t is your vi ew on t he prop osed dorm? -~ D 11 1111 ,..__"1 'ldlinl1c•1asi,'NJJ ~·•n•"' ll(f1tto11flt:U1I ~tfrfnJ: ,wnc (111 .01l ubhJ.1lltl!I\.." )("Int t,(uJeni,, KrNlNI T,rJie. 19 (~,J«lw,i,4"" C.w11d \,Vo f'ld1J .\nilt httdt, 20 PJt,1,..·oJIJl,,otup.1 R.11hJ,wm "ltnalltu,11~ v.tnocdo•• (.'.nii111 (',a\fOIIO, IK tladt,tld.,I '""~ ·l1\oh:,,Jlcka h. aa~kk,i n.,-.,ulC'"M:'n-~:,, S1uJ.:11h,lll'lllldbo "'-'.'111up.u-l-l 1 r a11o'lll't\Jt~lm:•on r.11,11"'" °"11.\1.hl<r,1' ,s.un:m b:....,a. 19 lh,r,1tr, LJMo-~/l(lf/f \frCllJI (.,,n,1,fAlnr " \ good pcofk' have a pl«t u, h\t ci.:w.eti)<IITnptll JM Htlltuikir, 21 l'"'"-""' ~·Ml(fl),$1). O:.,l'l.o'llll').1U .,_ ~n,.,,,.,,,, ')(

Cln:: Program men1,dly challenging ond

t1me-<:<>m,um ,n~ ro111hm1.*d from paJ!.e 2

SJwtkkr\ h 1n.1)(lJ'ln11 m en~ lb,~ Jlft'BJl1ffl ,\h

~1udta~ '"Whet\'. du )OO w.anl lu br TOW)·T'

'lA".amm.r in (liflkf t•l ~"""' ,, noc \epant.~J

hom '"k~rnlng in urdt't w Jo." ,a1J Huner

"EJV'CUl rna cndu~, ho4h lr.now1n1 ,inJ J ninr

S1ud"nh Will wnrk in ,1n C'nv i rnnmcnt or 'compc-llt11)t'I •••

Tile prhnur) go.ii fut the CITf- r 10J1ilm 11

\l.ilt'd unckt 111 nu.,. NJn ',,t\kn,au l1lt pmg,.n,"

lO pro, ale ~IC ttl.lJ<tlh \li-hh lb< lnlPlnt.tUon

Tcchno lo&)' i.:-0 111p('1cnctc.), gci,cr1I cl.luc11.tio1,

1b,ili1ic~ and v."rl.:pl.J~-c wi:c,e" ,i1U, nc~t~'-1')

ror crrccu C' ticrfmmw 11cc 1n a 1l~lt,ally

cnmpt1i1l\'O 11wkctplo1Cc. fhc \·i11on ~UllC'mc.nt

Jpt CITE ,1:110 to heir ,tuJchh rcaliu 1bc1r

IUllllUI UIJl emp oynt<111 l)\.ll(Ol~I by pro\ iilill11br

REC1S1'RA110'I: College 10 offer

onlinc ~rvic;c:-.

oon llnu.,I fmm page I

"$1u~l1:nh w,>n"t t. ,~ 111 dc-..i 1nc frPm 1helr

\Cbedu.k\.",d HM1 about 1ttt Dcil,, rcr1urabo,1

plllJt\_ H:Lft ul\J thal W 1-'t 4~..tte "f th11 h\lJl"\ lh;i,

ncieJ "1 be '°h~J ah1111 1 rcJt\miuon .and ,he t\ 1iopaRJ tt"gi~n, can l\.'lppen II ln (WIC th)'. Tb,i,,

\\(lf,Jtd be a 1ypr t,I ''ttW1t1nuo1.I\ tqti\ltalioll

H11h ~id J nt\l. Clil\t hAA beC1l dlk:J - 1n:,.hm,in rrnruttiuti.'Thi, c~, \\di tQC:h -\lutlct1t, ho...- to bc:Cta rtlilR.lf'(: rhtu n'I\U cducllbOB. a.1.~~ tllCtt focab and learn who 111nd whn't: ttllil)bree\ .tit' oncunp1u.

Thi• 'wllt aJ\'c ,clJl.kruJ, fTk1'l' conwl.. ~'Ol'lfl.iina 10 11,.tt Siudenb 1h111 li,ke 1hi~ d11 be 11\cn mtn pc'iamy whrn l'r'Jhlermg .md mtteift$ w11h 11111 u.J\ l or woulJn t be rcquhcd, b111

m.:omnmtdc1.L An)'t o< c;.:m urkr 1hc •·f~Jim.iut


he,1 ,rr, N&lt..itlinn ''* C'll(ttdi the 11,(!('d, nf !be


·Be a d«.imtt whu, J«t.,· "I rhc"<"

•tt 1ht ~,,rJ.• I husN: (lk'h of nl)' .\tuJcnl\ til.c: co

hew, a.I'd mu'ld. Wh.a1 I ltlc to 00 mc:ai tt ~Ip

'\4ulkn1, t11 "'0\·cr 01.a1 cdlx.ll,on i.'1111 l:lc ahc 1i..lh

"'" of v.-ikk:mn1.. I \\1.'IUIJ lib 11> '<C cti.em JCt rood JOb1o And be uuc11.11ndin1 munbr,, of


&-,i~ being mc111.1II ) t,;.lw.1Jeng:1n, .vii.I time •

cun'\\uoinic:, nit1e hl.lui" -.ed. per cla"-'- 1.rudcnlil neat 10 hln'c Uarce qU.t!Jtic., in urdr:r for •I.JllOC'U.

J'het dN1~.itkin. Jctttmlt1"'1Klll 11nJ

'J'bc, rumculwn. v..hich tcccnll)11<tti,cd .omc ch.1~, rran1 ~\ iooJ it'mt'>I~ 1nclutb 11t;11lh,

f.nJlli-..b. 111pc:«h, hum,1n ttl1llt1n, ,rnd • c:1i1ir.:il

lhi11k10g COUN

,\.c;,;:,pnjJl\j: II) Si1o11ta.k1\, lht In<~ CJl~))•lbk pi\11 of cht pcogn&m i\ 1~ challctt,rc 0( k.amlflJ. IIC\\ cechnokii.t)I Md \ltotllri, w11h .ill tt,e pt(ipk


.\nt.llhC'r pro,c..:1 '-1111 m rhc. ~•nning 1.ugt!" 11

offcnnt ftlj,.-tr.iU(lft on ltle. Aho NIC wtll ~pt

l'i:thef SAT, ACT tt('t.)\ll1A.'iS tbl\ fall A

)'Cill·IOflj. ~l'\CW}et I\ in tbt J l.lllninS ~·Cd ¥1\'C Mudcn11 11me Q plni, •hc-tJ anJ kt 1hcn, know v.tuclu:-J.a.," an: offcrtdcacb SCJfl('.-ct', «tOl'du,: to Hall

Hall '-lld NIC h aho "11rt.1n1 on pu.llmp 1hc-

C..-O\IPASS tetU t0 uuve-J1Cb \11n. S400roina h11.

cJst1t m1Cbine1 11rld 1.tulk:111, c.,.o mt'tt in,.tc..J

vreommi IOCocurJ'AlcllC' Hah

1111d srUtStn~ i..llov.lJ \till m«1 wi1h 1hc,1 -.h bcn:.

Ad r ,bii1nmen1.1 will be ciu1 kKlft .ind the ll'\h

w1U be ~ltd in the LCudc,n '>Cf'\"k."e$ <,ffi~"t. tbe

rt&bcrar·, offtct •nit .11 Olbcr d,\·uJoa ofltt1 on

(l)fflpu,, Advi',Cln, •111 be oo m1dctrm

c:.rd.1, ti we-fl Mt4k'rm gradet \'. ill be d i,i.nb\Md tu .,wJent, Mllffh ?l .i,i,J 2.4 ln I bll itnJ 1b;ttg1wnn. om«

II EALTH: 'lonpn,...:ripiion n,cJicolion, av1uloblc 10 ,1udenh (or swdmu who Wl\'t n:QUR I \ol\11 w11h dw 1:t11t,t

Kool-Aide fttom

OUAL >"~ROI.L~U'.NT, Sludenr,- IIMe rn l111.e it 1t11hlct load oonllnu,'<I from page 3 A Yii.ll tohc.ahtuen,,cers k f.u. S1ui.btt bcJ.11.h fen The ,,udcm 111>vc111111('nl rruvi1k~ a limuct.f wttol.llM (Ir mt'O.")' clk'h )'t,• kit thoo.c \l~tdc:l'lh ._..., cu't afford )0 pc&)' tr,,r f'fC~pbllffl ti,r :icutt ('.Qft Ol'II)'.

W\1:tthr('Q,lc,flhe\Nt.M\o\~tt.a:niWn~ m:w: 111 chM$c, SvggC"Mtd &abunilCW) rtt!'I and dldrt'l,;1'b, 1ft Ji.'4~,a& with~ r.~

Senor Froggy

Feb ll ltttdqta,~..,.._,...-,.

C.,tlllnalibl;ap-f!Gpi, 1~P.Y1 ftb, ?9 ~me, That CCI Ant11tioo --~tir,l,~fllN'GOtOIJJCDLIJl \bt.. 1 Mott lbu All lt11tt1trw: se,111~ l'oimcl!

,\it5rnll'nC..., Mw. 14 Rnd.lQJand:GNtiff,gaSmtoff~ Job lt*,'*,,..,_llr'llllrt,~r4 ..... ....

Apr. 't So Do \bu twaUyir111n •Job?


Apt 11 Makllt,l Wt'orfl ha ,......,~(lltto)l'alSomfM'lk'ft.~\tC

_'-" "It _ •......,. .__Ill__ ,... ............ ~.,._..-.. • ,-.1-n---.-,• ---~.,~---- _ ........-.. .......----·--·--"" ....,, .... ., ____ _
J'l'8':UUmer • lhc1.1n11:orlhc\bll cond111.1t'ld r.rum 1M1gir J Wheeler tch..tcd whil~ \ 1\hin s; a h1,h ,c:honl 10 1111k 11bo1n dual enrollntcnt, 0110 \llJl.k:ftl \.lld. • M.4)'be ft!1uon we atcn'I gc111ng good sraJ.c, Nm~pc..-i ""-"d.11,.i1Jtlft\ for .1 nlllfl) flD'lt ur htadai.-h: w-c a\"111.ltile 01 th: Jrmt (If ,tie c;tinic The ~UDk i, cc,cnitcd 00 OIi ~tmm. To n\Jllc 1111 appoin1mcm call health ~·1oct ;11 ?ti> 7818. NEW HOURS Take care of business aft:::;~rs Advising Counseling Student Health Services Now open until 7 p.m. Tuesdays Offices located on the seco nd floor of the sun. Ca ll 't"tPtna •1pe1m· Hotline For These Great NIC Specials! 665-1400 Any 12" One A"y 14· Ou I tem Pfzzawith lteiit Pizza with 1-22 oz Soft Drink Z- ZZ oz Soft Prl"ks $ G3(t 0)0) ij fl 11 o.filt ®· ojLl 665· I400 mW .:Otliko, 665-1400 HOW tcatlw,. !':.:,•J':!'J!~ .~t!O::...f,!£.l.J!.~ ?!:.'.li:!'.:.::~.£.o:•;:.J,'!.t.i".!ll:,~ I \HG•: IW" Piu,i Av1~ 16' one t em PI z z a wit~ 2 22 oz Soft Orin S8.00 oo~'\l'@. 665-1400 mw.:.11a,, ~.:.:!J!!'l:!l'~·:i:::.J~.!lH0.00 OFF 11 11 I I ! ( 1[/\P I I 1(1 l I / N) ')/ i" ( U I f lJ\IS I l/11, ~665·1+00 m wJatN< ~:..:r'.!'!!'.::~r~•,:U,!l.J'.ll:~ ;W~~
- •
Drlfnroodlllly~Sbldal~r!r"..:..':u=' ~ NORTH IDAHO COLLEGE We've got answers. tr~r LEWIS. CLARK $TATE. COI.LBCI Invest in yourself. Take the fir,1 step ctll for f11Jornrn1ion on finao<1i:aJ iaid o r tnmlhncnt 666 -6707 or 1-800-933-5272 1 ............_...,...._,... ...............----·.... ---- ~--,.... ,____ .,. __ _ b«uu,c \lft-'rc boord MdP ·1aiuli.tidl 1h.i11illv.ti 1nlly bf1J,h1." \Vlletlc, , "Bu, )·ou k:OO• .)W re1 dented ,1 loc ff )ou Jiin'lmuttntdtl. Smuh t, hopp) wi1h d11al cnrolln~n1 hccau~ '\nld \be .,.. ,II be !Ible tu Lac • hJb1tt kud •bcn o.hc roe> to U ot'l in 11ic fJlll m ,111d)' l.s1i1o C"Jlfottc.mC"nt She 1bo l1kc.c ,oc: 1•1 tile better rolktt" dwl hiah ..cbool At ~IC 11\cfrc n.nm t really 11ny elk~, liltc lhe-rc are le, hi.ah M:hool and pcc,rlc :itc tea.Uy '4>I ac«ptin:.," MC Aid "Ulc I b.1,\e (f'knch ""boon: a, old um)' dad •rid 10 ochct people lo b1gJr SCbool lhll j1N: ~i \\'(Ud."'
•P•• H ~.:i11a1 ... _. __
I p.m. llleNIIYI
Specializing in fresh, delicious Mexica11/ood 69 cent Tacos All day. every day r--------------------, : 10 % off l I I l for NIC Students l I I : & Faculty with college l.D l I I I I t ,....."""'" IL--------------------~ 7th and Shcnnan Downtown Coeur d'Alene 765-8522 Gellllll CAREER Mdvantag:e f<b.l9/Ma.l Mu.718

,I)< )I \J flt (

"lhtl't'/lt'TW\' Op,·ro' 0J)('11.r; tunight. und "" 1rifh tlll\' <,/um tht' prrf, and tlu· t,•t'h i.\ wlwl gt111/,cm tltC'tr

,IOQ h~ Shll") SHm11~ phoio" h' \nd, lnh\lo lh..n "' 111.11.J IKIC Cl( ..db-"° II "k"\.:UU.: p.; 1)1,•. II I H"I)',\Y.l'J!.JJh:'t NI'i l f"1TU..Uh.l) (lf'JIJG\Cffilf)lq\lC

f<>nlolnlJfd) Wi rniu••bi: ln)h.n.4,MC ~J,r,m;:i~

k".tfnoJ Oft'IO' llndt:IC\C' II •nt lbl:'W Wt\lbi: Ult! Ill 11 :"f trt ~to201mtu1s.11i..n:ruJtnrtr f".JY rhl"W'f t J 1 .SC ,·1h

•'·"' l'ltC\l lbrW'IJnlJltl."t•l\\ht.t,,I I t;tJ~ f JIM\I.

1~al\l1nt!t\lX!1tl1"'1,1tl.,lfU"'1 clll"~aik5i.J S (lfloll)',IIIC'~ ,nil tlll,canaJJ•'t't-" n1e~111,Ut"t:siL1.; J u11ti1.os: ·n: ~'Q.&-c"1ht"111J~1u

a.11lli1'~bi=!ICt1 f":'1-&.l&C\\ttblllc ton Ill" :oaa."m""~I Uial'nea.i"-J

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Instructor Jack Green WOfkt <H'I 1 Qavtnut ten ln1trum.nt llmilor to I piano) 10 bo Ueed 8HJ)(Oplnll1e 'Tlv-MY Ope111

-.,. FIi> 10. 2000 ARTS me SEt<iT1_NE..:;::.L P_>oe..;..._,2
During an almost nlghlfy rttual, crew and CHI me,nt,e,s or 'Thretp0nny Ope,.. gatt\01 behind Sct1ulie1 Auddonum to dltcUH the: 1totuis of lhe plot, smoh some cl-g1relles catch up on •&eh 1r-.other'1 llvH:.

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