5 minute read
Education major hopes tor better I teacher compensation in luture
Uy F.mHy Gtrhard St,uml'I ttp.•rtn hllr rnl",t ol u~ ilfT p,,1udtoh111I bQffl 1hc m1"1 Rc:pu~ltcim •lllt' in 1hi, n•11nri. tc,w:~n .~ C!duc::11,tic,n n1tJl>f"I may he rm«d 10 thlul odtc'rwj,c
Aloo.a .,.,.i,h lht' m11ny JO)'$ 01 ~"1118 a Rcpubhc::m m•Jorily mlin# our autt'fntacnt --mr1~ th(' 11.'ndcncy fc,r ll1c11 po1J1;,c\ Ill "l~ '-J>rnd mooey on frl\crnmct1H1t11J,;J puhlic:' prl)J:um, ~,
•1.11;:h III cduuuon lD a r«cJ11 ,une)' by EJ.....-auun We<"\ mapr.,oc. llllho 'A·•• ,,vc:n a railing grid~ t« impn>\llni: 11\c qu•lity ut 1h tear.her, Tbc:- lo,o, mark wa• s,lvc:n noc tx""Ou\C 1hc 1tacbtn in ld11b1.> arc nf f'O(•r qu111it)', but i.hrfri..a.l.tnC1 Ali:'
On ll\-.:1.tgc. :i teacher 10 ldnho mn\« aMt $28.000 u )'Cf;f' howt~cr.11. tcU'l1<'1 m J,.41\ AnJtlt-, mAM', abt,"t \.JS,001 So tAtal ,wpt I Jllh\\ln cducatoni from packit1g tlklr ,turt and hor,,in• t~ neat th&h110Cahrt'lrniA~ Xot mu~b tally ltiJ)U n._w Jlh.bu ti Upt'nencrnf! a 1ca..-ht:t ,,hona,:C'. t\\ the ll'1,'.' t)l lhc J1u11e',, cei...:hc1, J1~n:,1.1oC. )'llunscr ant~ 11.tt ~IJlgJPtn, 01./l l;lf 1t,l~l(I. 'rllc SIIW11ion ic j11\l jUtnJb> 1(1 w.lf'IC in the ltUUh.' C'urn:111J),lh~ elate'• (d1,1cttlot\ arc .f(H10)on old .tni.l on IOI' tll th111, ld11hiif~ teachinf f't'OIJIU'l'I\ NC' rmducing
Week of activities, games set for Disability Awareness Week
lttnr) H1¥,h1.ighh 1,C the V.«>.k l"" lot.It 1.he \\<~khwCha.U1.•r4:c al 1$ a.moo r'C'h I l whrnan NICaf1runncnfr'r"'1ll11fl«l'I IJIC'dl)' i••'-'1M,.'tkhair Amtt\1(pn,cutoU08t1(l'lllUf"OIC""'""'bt)l\ii,~Ji'3btlu1c11,1,·IIIJ'IC!111 lhc Jmln, room nUtlt' Sl:H from n,1100- 12:.&lli fcb. 0 kb. IJ Ihm" ,JI be tli\JhU1I)' .l~,tl.\ CU'n:l'4" hew ~u1.lcnh C.UI kam \\'h1t1t', hkc to be hhnd, dc'aJ , 111 • ~h«JUUit1wr haW' d,,,u\'oh1.-d'fflirQl11y,ha\1: 1 1camrng d1Qlbih1)' 1'11' fl\)'l'hlllrrie rnitikn,~ b1Rll'IC'1llb.d.mnnbnultlll,'.'lJ.S Stitm Tdln ft,, A111p11..-c~.xaclffl(I prt'\Jdc."lwf'B(> fl(r,.'c•• Grnaah,m Ttthoolo,tct.. "'tiKh 'l\'t'lr\.\ 'Yi"ilh 'l'Okl: n:·(:rl£11i11t,n on c.,mri11~""· 'o\tll he 11peilu11 ju 1M Ed>o B.:t)' tc'Uo rt ,ra,ha111e,
I a1t.l,,,:d m) tnglnh IC.k:Jl.c,. Lon Wallin.
Y.·twt ltrp1 brr III IJ:ihn. Sile wJ • m:r1\1.."d gmiu fmm the ~le fl'J hdp 1i,.-r 001 v. uh ha aiUl;;ttfon. '° led• a l'C:\f!Ot'l\lbtbt) Ill,.,~ l,m;l.10d'Ci.L11c Shc-al\llla.udld.J.ho11bcr home 1111d (tth fl , unp,n,ml Wk~ t(Jfflt ul our lllCdk\.111,11 thUlllu-:'l hcti: tk:,.,.,:vc,, ,t IOfflC'OCIIC c,ff"m'\f bet a fanuMJc
P,.)'ingj,oh "vnc"h..-~('b(o. &vlJ i«
1,1,,,old enc« th;in bkt'I)' ulct 1t
St,e i,n'I lllo.10e in he, f«ti1~ A1 an cdualbnn nu)r,J. da: rm-,ra,i SUUII Ill .c-hool r« four )t*" orftllwc io gee ajilt\ ~1.'.11
J'O,)'"\t.hi:bll)' bipctth.anw11l.1llal~ dacsa"I k-->I. '\1::1)' ~11\;:
I doo'I thiltl ld"'1iu i, fm""'ldUJ.ll, 11t1 ta\'ln1t1rt1cnl
Studonls show support for the Cords during a home game aga,nat Treasure VeUey Communuy Coll-ego.
TRUSTEfS: Dual enrollment up 63.1 percent from Ins! spring t·ondnutd rmm 1 drop\ N:low 90 ,,en."("llt. Ux- culkgc rnuw rai.""
I«\ io PUkc up 11'1= rJ11TC"ml(C'
The fie!\\ l't'\.idcnl h,U 'i\·LII btjpn cori~ m e.a11) Mil)' lfl,j tlC' ,,op1pk1nt ,a lkctmb:ttif lhi• yw- The 200-bed fllciti1)'
•1Utle buil1 IIJJ&X'.ntt,11:he St'UMW hhl"W)· and be tiltlh O\'Cf IIIC CU11t1t1,: ,wt1nJ lol And fi.~t oi lhc lt'lll'I~~ <.OUN
11.e '°'k:~ 11•1'11 n:pf~ 1hc1eoo1• coui,, ,.llh • mcrc.ahM.Ll l-ndhty-ol c,qii.at \'llh.e. llbnlf1$ thc;y Ina) P(lf k k'nrilHi;lUR• Concctnc!d"'lth~h.~tllllUOO.Mllc.c
W)'t)'\:hak rm1t1 the: Coeur-Ii' Aknc Ttnnh llohkli ~-,, UC, h)· l 1 .and U'ad1lil)t1:&) d~llm,:·n, u~ 1 6 pmc111 l"oul enrollmthl \!.(:CIC Uf' rR'lfO ),666 :i.1udc:u1, 1u \Jcl9, • .f..5pcro:1u uw.:ra11cA11N.1 Oa,ci,iK'J IIC lbc IIIO:tul& WU IJx ul10UUtJ"\b-.~1ndicJ1lQrl.. im1 emauES PosrFALLS
AM«LaUlll tt,qllCNcd the 1.--uwt, be n:t4Jdl 'lollllll."Wlrn: tr.e,:.,1lh ,ic Appf,:y,·;iy Tbol.>ah lb: ltu:Mtt'l,eaoc.J IO~ fol'CJO.l.mn},tt, - r..1.,d fl(' ~m if 1h..u '\\-.11.ny fOl1m MIUl.h AP!"k~·uy In ucba bc1-1rJ 1,;w•. J)f('l1tn11'4t)' 1.A11ll!m..-r1r lif!u~ trt.1111:: In 1t1 .a tte..wd !1,r t~ founh ~1nom9,Tbi:l1Ul,'t"fit~lfflrOIJllll"'illl du.al cnrullmcnl (~udmlS (rom an:a tUJ!h ..chool1tilingdauc,111 NlCl. OAhldl~nieur b.l I ricrccut fMn lib& 11pnrtg. OUN:r 1..:ttilJ,C\ mdlMlrth.·profi:-.,~IC\.·M-.aJ~.
UI ) 11,l,4/
UIII E 111-1515 f/APPYHOUR
/, ..,
The.: itli.l~awn. --.uu!J bdp I.be bwtnt.l~ how l!IC f.Vlkgc I.I tloiap S1mdarli)thciniJ:c:a,alf'\Q1ill1;.11r·, d.uhlwx&rd, ctic,...· ltu.lica11a \\\JUIJ J¢aJ •·llh many a,f'CCCII t1' 1hc coll,e,g.e•, br~bb uxh1dlng OfQnC:bL fulfdlmcnt ..it U1c nu'l.'1on ,r.,!tment met t(lfllp('llfucnr.,., w,th clllhl,.'T culkJf, 1n W' D:umber ho:u!J mct'Wl; 11\U'lutet., 1!>\.lla IIK"hiJc.d IJ.:. iooplou'<lalfluraJ Miki' f'Jfl•Jc..1.. Al'('tlltims 1>J1bc ~rd ll.ll.'C'tinJ'Pri;..iJmt Mi..·had Burke wid thc-p,dunbwy Jai,-oi ol thc t,dd1111 •~IJ be f"'C'OllcJ m J.11111,U')' (If h:hn1.u')' The ha,ard ~!kl r.nl,c \lilll '\\td "'J:tUlc'f c,wittmui:g 1h:
Rt'IOO'I o1 ,1tic S\18 at tnlfl f-ch 15 AllWI '"T'bwnal..: 1nJury .ind OJ..,,b,buc,.; A Pct\Oll..\l ~o.pctll\c. A, b;llr-Wni: or ,he- bo.~dbwl ptnr fth I~. llrrR"¥,illbc I )~-.l ',1,1,t,:Jd~itb.,.l.tlb.MI pmr:&1 l WJ rm
Volunteer Fair shows opportunity for Lhose who want lo help Lhe community
Th¢ lir,,t SIC \'.-,lffl~«r r.:ut 9.'IS hdJ h:tl ! in lht: 0. 1JfV,:o.,J 0.)· Room i.lt lhc SUD M~'ff thAn ll dutt'D t1on·pnlj1 «J{Al'llliltioeb r,uudpa,tcJ. TIIL"1c \I.at' r.Anif"h1'-l..._ hi.Akh W ocher n:aJJnt m,11q1,1J
•1,1h i.1ll1'"1l,1oon ,11,,otJ11he '"ltitiu111,1<1U'Thc r11,oor11111, incl.,JcJ l.l4bo Srca,o.l OJympio, Non.Ii IJ.abu AIOS
Co1Utaan, SMh ld.i.ho Parml, .u ruld!m. C.amp f11~ Ro)'' llnd Club, Juhn Bm\\11 EloncHW)· Sd1ool K\-.ot(IW Medic.ii Cc,1ti:,. NfC Hc11J SLtl1 attt.l n1,ul.)- mwuni a,liJ IA'-' enhsn.c111Cr1, a,cnc;.1C" Olpninog lbc Vulunl«T fail ~.ti Laurie Ol'(tn ·HntWill (If NIC and Lee GlllW.w11 of LCSC. Thoe c~" v.·11t1tal 1&> ..tlow oppmt&Jmbl"l
I\ 11,lihlc lc'lf l)(OJ'lt" "'ho II Jnl ,.,, v,llluok\.'1 m the ('(lfflOIUIUC)·
Tuchnical Department to hold open house
Th,.~ Ph)(NlOBII·Tl'\:.h1ucal &.lucluon l"flJf:tanl" 1,1, 111 boW "'° vpco hr,u...: lfDfltQ,un. ID ?pm. l,d,. m 1hr JkJlu11J Dualdl11,i SYmc1.J( l hc rroJ(!Ufl'lpst,lll(ipalil'lla~: lflUMDSffiKC\ Pf'larnacyT«tulolotcY, Allnu11bl.ndwc: A,-...i•uiit.. Cl,IIIJl.ll')' Alh., ~-.h~--al CJ.wm A ,1wm1.
Pan.h-t>al Sn\lll ltn11n~~b~ .\uton-,c1\(T~•'8)', l:kctttiru.: T«IUltJfoc)'~M.tihki:.WI: \1«hi1t1id\hl"nfltl.
'Voices of Africa' Ensemble 10 play Friday bam•• 1io and Afni.'llfl fh)-lhrn, fnd,a) at 7·)() r,n •n lhc Oow,c.11 H.all,
An1mcni;11hrinall) ¥.d1umi ,\11 '"' ,Jp~p. l'hrVok.'norACma.
Q.nl Enlorn\t.l~ \\111 he per!on11ing • u1114uc (\!rod ol IIIC.llpfC't.
Sdwkt Audi!Qnum Rcxncd tr.ah .;in::$$ Ti, gi.:-1 u k,co ull 769 mo -n.: (unc:rn" ,pnn 11('J. l•J the' lft111\an &ju..l11y Club Iliad the.
I hnr~1 Rj,:hti f-Auc 1tm11 I ·,,und,r on NIC ru.king student;;. faculty to help recycle
NIC tct."Ch~ • SO f'"~-cnt ,l'dl,.:u,,n l111hun1tit.l)· landfill c:h111Jet tot N1Cl'•1n1tv.1"tbul\: h:()1,;lm3 luo1lJ(IQ'-<•nc.unru, lh.·Cl'IOqtc, ba~·cw, u., u,\IJC."d a ,.11m1n~ bt,...1111\C of m1nlnnl u.~ of Ilk' bin'- If thi'l Q;ll'll(1nuc,. Sll',l.ntr.tl,h;qc1-.-Jl1nt-rc~~pco;f.111
The n.."C,,·i.:li:nJt t.1atiolu ift kical('d IN tl1t a.'lrnl:'1 uf Huhh;ud and KOltlfflhcrrJ' lanlhi.· 1-kJJur,J H1.nlJ,nciwtm1ktl111r,Jat l~CQ'TlCfol Huh1:1;udand Ra,·cr A\ ctW(' 1Jr1 db'.' >t.ilt.teaJ l..itirary f"-ll'bng k.,cJ
Offa-••h •rt'~ 111Mknb and 1-.:ull) 10 t>nnJ rc..111oYbla and tirlr kttp lb,-- ~hooh doY.l' lbc. rtt)1.."bngcot\U.Uk'tJ U.kt .alull\inun1 l:loll fl'IH,;!ill'IIN :.!lnllt :V.'JI f"N'
Adull Education Program selec1ed for study
Th· AJult 8.a\-. f:Auc,i lnormp:amha~ bo..-n~mcdtohcpattof • n:A«l\.i1 Mudy ha1wkd hy die D.-piinmcnc uc Educ~11(1ft 1h.a.1 Y.1111.ool .st cfl«ti,'<' J'Rlt'k'n r,f soccrubal *11 n:.ading rros-n.m1t..
1111: ABEr,to,n,n Yiill vncol 14 """mn.' 1n dlC'n.itmnlh.at n-=t I.lie ~ulta.l cnk'nL ldahn IM'l."'d ntl't'mdy •tll \1111b est·s .and E.wcm Idaho TN"hnica.l Cotkp' a r1usr.mi., ~:00\Ce • wdl lbc \wdy ~,~, tlut,: pnntat)' qlX'<t~"- Hm- J11111th do liru~·ct lult lc.amcn \\hi., piltt.i,:1r,.-k" in ARE rro,ran11 imrM-o lhcir ~mi ,Jr.dh't Wtl.M dUOIC'&alllic:, a, ll)O(' lc,m,.n arf«l thc lUlhll.lll of unc,nn.::n.cnl they 1nak.c m l~il ~adia, ,,kilt.." lfow arc lite QflWICbul uld m,truaiomd ,hlr•dttblia<t( ARE S'ftlrl'Jltl1 · rdMi.'\I ii, lc;imcn' lmt)ll.•\'C:1111':'0I•' Various schools head 10 NIC for Trnn~fer Day
Anal".ll 19cnllq: .nhanh"Cl'I ...s.•·11tl"CooCllfl'4'l•lnm,.im IO I pm. lo.by In the SUB pl.vJ .sJ Drsft~,l(;ld 8-yto Mikknb v.ith &Atormah1».J1N)Jl cb:w-chr,..,h
Wlwre in Coeur d'Alene can you cn1·n a four-~ ,mr rll'gree?
Now 0H,n119 o 8/Xhekw of Sc.ence Deet•• in Psychology
I Y, tt1.1., You eon IO,l1't o loor')'IOt CM9fff 11' ptyd,ology '" Ca.vi d'Al.,.111 Conwr.,eN ·-·nvand '<'ffflolld dau.•oby.w toced.11,• yo,.,,~ aoutg!Tl"9 llp y0Vr job ot you, q1,01rofliri•
• Col today Jo, cwM odviw.g ond ir.lotll'Ohon, ,208) 667.2588
• Ckmrag11t,ohol'l~d'l1N<h-bo1 11~2000
• Ck11 ..._1 bo,in the wee• ol JoTtVOry lb. 2001 1.-11t.01 undafgrod~ ond groduoie deqtH p,ogrOIIU Oll"OVQl'lbf• o., oquatity edU(QhOft wlthou19ivlon9 up yovr quoti-ty oflifel
~- a... t.,((1_,_ H"'-A•Y,,j,