1 minute read
'' Nft1ttrit1ll)', p.m·/111/r,[11<'<1/l,v 111ul ,·11h11rt1//1, purl uj'thr nari,m ··" /rrritt1ge i.'i Ncgn> Amtricau. and ,,,:/wt,·~·,·r ii bt,<-'umn will be ,huf!(d III pnrt b.r t/1<· .V~gm '.< f'l'l'-'<'IICt', 11'/,irl, n for1111101,·,ftir 1t>da1 it;, th~ 11/utk Amrrirn11 whr, 11111.1 P"w1rr, 111,011 rir<' 11atio11 to Ii,·~ U/1 It> It.\ i1h'11/., without rhr Black Ameriratr. wmrthin,: irrtprr.,.1,/1/.1· hupt1itl cmd ,·r,•11111·<' Wf1\tfd go nm (Jf tlw Amrrircm ,;pirit.
-Ralph Ellison, "IVlllll ,\mc,rim llotdd bt· IVitlumt f1l.1t'k.,"
• Lang.ion llttJlhl"
"If my mitrd C/111 cnnceil-1' ii and tin' heart rnn belie1·e 11, I know I can acl1ie1·e it,"
Cil'il ri11f11., ,u-1M<1 right and I was tired of it,"
• Rosa !'arks "Q111rt Stren111h"
"I have a dream that my four children will one dnl' live /11 a 11atio11 ll'here they will 1101 b<· jrulgc'd by tire color of 1hei1; skin, blll bv the content of their characte1: Dr. Martin Luther K.i.og Jr.
"I refuse to accept 1/re vie11: that the bright daybreak o.f peace and brotherhood can 11el'er become a reality. "
• Dr, Marlin Lulher King Jr.
College sponsors events calebrattng Black history
b) AmbuS...dJ l.t/rL,J,11.,- ln 1t11 c(fM 111 upp.an Hid H1t.T«) \lo!'lth. Jbr lu~.1~ lptlfl..oring llit '"\'n,,n ,,f \!nu O,w:lc 1:MCmM~~ l'hr!.lll f.ei:n.skAfrk1111Ammc..a11~11.. mc:mhc-:;111t1r 'A1llpa'fnt1'11fnJ.Jy1nS(.hi1J« \uil1.Mlllffl Nnncdtn l',1~.lhtcotembk~,mn,-.:~LI lwlr,mlu ~nJ rt11y\ \lo'C'fl \11U'a11 r;n.uuz:.ia ltbl/Unl("IJl4 11.u.J m M11bJtlrh1.4. dk·) 1m·tl 1111 r'l\tt the l'1u1tJ Swn. "'1'hl1 I\OUr Jlli k,JbcC\ICfilllllCIII) IOC'CL.k,11' 81,J: 111\ll'II'\' \ft}flti,, ~u,,1 Tnn,- ~"'""Mt. H11triD !ughs, Oub ~\l\d' Tkb.'1t1tconh t,·411~,1,:ti) ~I nj rai,J;.tt(JuU.• ,l\11 IVC' lblt"Yt,l 1nd ,aaJS~ \tt'1l"8ad Lt"'*)' ha, ruUC'd hc>iil.• 111'111 1 di•rlJ)' II) hnoc11 ol Bld Htdllf'\o Month Tbc htk-f.~ 1nc-ludo•wl.• nf h-;11,,qh)-mho1tttu,ba Tona MomR. MopitJihiD ~,1 p-,,c,k: WJ)·rn1, f11,q1 ~lplJ(l!tk"f"Tnuh t,1\la1CU(CTh~nJt-.10lt.at1 1.·hilr11hC1.v1dr.ai.iali).tuc'l TI,c bonii. l'1llhcU11\11q,Lly In lhc hhDry.· d'lt11UJLI.• 1ht moritb nf f~r). IA .J.litl•Jl!l In hoN.1. lllUIIC al)d ,·i.ckot. l111luc1~ tsl1d. llftllh ar.l r,crformcn arc .vllila~-4.:
Who is the 1nost influe ntial Black American and why?