2 minute read
Alumni to tour Victoria, eh?
10 Pt1\,CJJl11 Pc;,mnh.-r. illtt~Joe or Ilk':
A-.oc1MJO(l, the Alumni w.ank'd co ('lffi\'1,lc • ni« excu,\lon that 1$ aUOfd.1hk and be:ub)' t, 1 wttknld $t'f-:i.•ay lt('brdulC'd :,ug. 11 ·13.
Thtam h 1-&99 ~Opa f"Cf"Ofl, tAc;lwd.1.ngaufarc h\1UI Spol..anc io Sc!a1le and ,1 auut onh1 VJ1;t,1m
,bc,.tro 1hc v~,ona Chppn O\cmtJht x.;ommr,.. cl.ition.v.ill t'IC 1111bc Chiqcau Vil.."lttnil
S<m'lt. Cll lhc .-;U\'11.ae\ 1,, lllkt .idl .uitagc of .nn:: lhc Wu. Nuul tnd VJCCQru mu,iamn. tnurin1 tilt:
Pulfanlfflt .,1,i1tng tht (amoo, Rutchal1 Gm!ms, dining al tht' lk'ng.11 81U fumhJICJ lo Titer d&\,r 111 the Emprc" Htl(d ilACJ "halcw:uC'hinJt Thtn: All.' 1,0 11111lifi~tk:10 Rctti-'Ulhon I, upm 10 f.eulcy. WU, ~1udnlh .ui,d the t"Oll\mwut)'
·T~C"l"l'~L.Ankw.•likflM)' ! mag1L1nc.. will 11w.ud C'.11.\h prr,.o (llr "'hlnillcd \\"rt' All ,en~, 11ft ;a«cptcJ, 6\ C l)ie'CI mtu.lmum Sutim.uiao, tor 1111wortc arc aho h:m,1111:«prtJ s~IUd1ti,: anu .ut. Tbr dcadlillC!
B Much I Call (J.afa Fittgcrta.lJ. M~h •& 7(f}-SY1Sfordcull1.
l'hr ru'P(W of die tnp u 10 p\&:. people tn1.,·d uppr,11uruty, b life·~ IC'llmmtt c:,rcmoct u, "'1na poopk wgdh,:r lhrooJb Ux collci!<
"'111C'rc h:avc been llfc.'·Wft!l fricn••Mups t'!ltiahhshc.'d bcc,UtC ,11 tht' Ltst Ahnuni tnp whil.'b iaok pl.:c 1n Enjbnd." f'<>rtcnirr a.aid
,,·, 1 nkc Vlltrt"l1 group of ri:oi11e arJ the apctit'.l'IC\: can CbllR!C( your cniatc hfc,"' Jit utd
8)' 1.hc Lake Tmd 1u Jotmtc • patlion m die i.c;hol1nh.lp 1bt aJumn, otter co •tuda1h Ui\l ye.If
1bc IUwtmJ aw111"1kJ lhn-c lull .1cbo!JJ\hi~ lb: a.uo.:t11Mll'I I\ Cffl\lJ.rnna mnn: ~lantuP", tiu11.1 uodctcmuncd 0.1 lhc: tslOOCliuy ,,tJuc M lhk lime.
If il'ltrn·\lcd In 1mmenit1J in ltk- Et.1Nlf)Cl,n aun~pht~ of Vit1ari11 c:.~ Voctcnil:r IU lbc AlulltOi office loe:llcd ur,,a.un 1111lae SUB un:all 16q,18()b
Higher Learning by Travis Loper
• lht'CocurcrAAnc S)·mphntt)· I) haWm, w;ht <'l J.ltil'k-t, ""''K 11.11Jdnncwi. Dinner .:i1 tltC I'1J'I'"' MU beptul 6 p.m. Smlnl.t), Feb. 17. AS lhc C.ocur
1..,,.ia- ""nl.Ql. 11lC' winning Jo.ign "'-111 be 1,1,c_,d Oil buuon.,, l'--duru. and pro.t,trams. d. Alcnt' RoM.1n C'cw1ve111klt1 CCllta- Adu.n«d J"l1l'C.hl'IC' n, tc'qUI f"Cd fof f.hc diootr IU'lJ 1.1o...m w rx-1.~1, ""s~o lid:c,IJ. for the ctlfleffl and J4111.•fn$ ~1111)' an: ll'\-'.111..blc: f PT S? uJult,., SS ,,,en.ion :mJ S] ,tudctlt~. Call fiM.Jt,(,O ft1f Ul·U'u, Funmerclals by James Bell book swap checks Available now Siebert Room 53
Friday is your night to party at Coeur d'Alene's hottest dance club! College Night! If you're in the door before 11 :OOpm with your college I.D., you can receive $2.00 off the cost of admission! Ut 1otd up! ,4700 Stltit-r \\r.u) Coeur J·-\knt', 10 (208) 676,. 1)938 • \hnt hl't' ,aUd ,tah· IU 1om1tr bulltJln~ Senor Froggy Speciali..ing i11 fresh. delit"inu.\ Mexican food 69 cents Tacos All day. every day 10 % off for NTC Students & Faculty with college I.D. 7th and Shennan Downtown Coeur d'Alene 765·8522
Checkout Mik-n-Macs 661-4858 LEWIS-CLARK STATE CUlll,,I: Sh.ow Me th.e Mon.ey! Financial Aid Workshop February S, 200 I • 7:00 p.m . LCSC Coeur d'Alene Center, Room CC-I Financial Aid Assistance lnfor=tlon on LCSC S.:holanhips Out o(State Tuition Woiver Information Anistance with Preparing FAFSA Documents (208) 666-6 707 LEWIS.CLARK STATE COLLEGE (' ii '\; •• '"I' C ; , :