11llldt w1tb lcgujatutc In wti;ch NICn:«wes w1 um S 1.6 m.lUion in Mate (uru:un, for provid1111 tax rtUcf for propcny OWJl(N "h ould (l()C be prudc:11110 go bxk on tha!le earUc:r com.mumenrs,'" Ouri:c i.aid Jr eni.ncd. the lcglsl11lon would 11 llov.
dollar amou:111b«au10 d .u~·\ fClf tl\flntW>n, Jofutwn ti,;Ud. fif\ydQll.:itS 1.n 1994, wbco thc: •l))l)U,lll w~ sc«. ii about wig( St,O ls in 2002 JuM ~d on fnfladoa. nae f:IC."lorinJ risen, utiLitycostS
M.~ or die money gcncrnsed b)' higl)er WJtiou
The-budgC't cuts-wUI $till be felt, William, ~id. but with 1hc btlpof ctii1bil11beyv.'Oa'I be to the c;..1eo1I.be)' could hllve btta. Vice Pff.sJdeoL (or External RtlnittJDJ Shoklh Johusoo Yid the, bill ls eutnli~I so emurc: quality progtams arm'L clJmin11tcd.
"'We're t11:paiendns budgct cuu; • t tho s.amcwur \\C'rth:a\1bg11o(o(1M'·lh..
Did you hea r the one
Teo pcrrn11 i.s tJio the amoum unh cnincs iw t)'pec.llly allowed w n'U.$tluLtion Mttui.Uy.John~ ulcl Jahn.son .said Olhcr mean, o( mcomc 10 f.'OO,pensatc ,tic CUli utt being ~r~d lncrta1ins. m,U lc:1t-y rate:, i IW ,UI opt loo lhouJh. Burte said. NfC request" oetl> 40 ~I'll o,f lilt UJl'IOl,lttl .Uowcd Irom propeny laxes. 'Tbb b 1hc rc1oulJ of ,an as;rtt:mct11
Bur\eaJ.sow.id hedoC;Q't upc,cc tht: 11,cre:UOO COS1 10 affecc lbc oumbcr-o( '-lWl'W whoch~W 1111end NIC. " I ~n al1nost guan.nke cntQllme,u will (O(ltUll.ll:: 10 iooren.'-0 un~'I we ruo out or SJ*C,"' Bwte .aid &rollmclll \\'Crll up S pcrttnt dUJ kmewer. be 5MJ. lo u.dlioo 11.Dd lets neu )'('ar 1ibc.goaU i~ 10 matlllaln acct$,, rdain qWLlny 1111d A::mlln •ffonlabk. John~ said.
Icy roads r esult in fatalities
Friends mo urn loss of studems by Scan Oarm1rt Statfwll•k SUclc rood '-'Cllditacltl• (:n&ntd a l'Wc)-a, (.atal aillnianon llnndn)',fltb. 7 On,'Cll'IUcklNdley llldNlCSa.d<OtKnlll<lhFl)ai.,dle} 's-) dinlallhew:tticafthc~colb.wm.1'hc vicuknl tn\ohcd me drhtt Md r01:1rOthcn. Rkl;IJl,J!ey. 1r..m,.,,,pp,r,nuy1o,<C<>nlrol of ba 1993Suzuiu Swift whlle«tum"" fiun a job nmicw in Snndpoi111 M ll)ool 8 p na, 0uc&y rep)l:1cdly~bncs,MU.S.l)Srx::ir
S1l\'c:rwoi,,d. biamg a '94 Cldil):l(l ~Wl.'tl by Lou Siddc:r.l9, "',l.h lhrn:Olbcr p;rsscngcn.
Both A)!, IS. o,oo o..lley. 18, grndwo,d fmm high ,cliool lM\ $1.JlllfflCr (rum Nonhv.1::SI Academy inNupb. Dudlc:)'landFtywc:re 18. ThcytnO\'tdta th<C-d'Aknc,...fn>mFbiwt.~llm:
Oudley~ndcd Atbndc: Uaivmily '"(14-ti,1y) v.'!).(ltcd k'lbca pilcJc.".i.nd kxlg·llmtl lri<nd S,l(l fi,,~. "Ho,dre,m""" I<> fly."
The ncc-idem ls.sat!) 111KU1n,~hlt ldJboS-1'1,1 _,d«ch,chigb~llld
treme Follies' coming in March
$lily lh unUI the end of the c,•cnu Dcpanmc111 booorg\s.ltd wall luvete.irru 1'bc nm evdM ""111 be the Tht«: Quanm MMgfnlll Ta ent Show open to a ll N I C or Wori:fom: Training Ccntrr 5'aff 1111<htllllcols. Tbb e,·cn1will be Jt1<J.&«1 by• p,ll)CI or 11ud~11$ nnd pnZCJ WIii be awarded. The talcm show wiJJ begin at 7 p m MIIICh 12 in the SUB
for Jfuektlll, &truf' and (3et1ltf wdl bo
......... fw, 10
1'111"' Coo,mill« will be ltoslins NIC
Polty 011.y1 M11reh 11-14 aoJ Mll)' 3.
'ClllS will kick orr whh :us opcnmJ
011M11n:h llllt 11:41 a.m.1n l'rofl.loi
A1tcodtl\l( th~ c,eat will be loca.J
m,d,>, ,nomben o( !he O>eltr d' Alcoe
G(Commtrec lltld lhc mayor's ofr.c(, l\t llftmaay an Clerrutl l1nmc will be lit and wiJI
rts of se tll ement unfo un ded
J:rb. 6. NIC prc--l11w t1udcot Kim'! \'OD
'!ii l2•)'cill'-oW JOO Krb.toplCr w.·1,i ph)'flcall)'
(l'Offl h.iS motbcr'Jc;a;rCb)'JI U.S MAt'Ul:dl
lri"O Kootcruu COW11y shtnff's dcJJ'Wcs u i
kmiDtr w~ ucudcn1iat lhe llnhc:rsi1y of bi l9S9 wbcn she married liltne)) Konis. 4
oC'dx M1ddk &,t J.sbod mutOn or Cyprus born lhM ) eat m Ml~Ja aind iJ.11 fllilta, About .a ycnr after KriJtopbe:r'! binh. gotn1 to (;)•pnn (or t boUd.l)', oa~ for llbou1 t J )·nn.. g so YOCl Kttnnct )li,c: and K0c1u dm)~d "-. Under C)'priOI l.:tw rostody dccl,1ons art lltrt1ictl1\'0t'C't l1final,
'The ncJt C\'ffll will be.,, lmpersonall: Your
f•,·oritc NlC Pt:rso1lllli1y ~)', Student, tui,·c IJ~ Opportunity lO dn:M aod act lil:t I te¥btr or ~ialf member C)n Cllfflpu Thi$ CVCOI wjll be held M noc;,aM.:rtt'b 131t1the:SUB Ao N'IC &tR1oc P:olly ~skctball gnmc. jt plAM«I for7p.m. Mltreh 13 Oucoflhcf<lw tcnm~ lhar wil l be c:ompet10g.1"'0 ootul~ or NIC co-,ed tc.'U11$. The ~em Wr.s Vire Dcpnatmeut and members of the Cocurd' Alene PotlCc
On M"~h 14 n L»mbcr Jnck 1111dJiJJClOOtcst w,U be bcJd oo the ~r field. Some. of W c,'C'nl.S arc JI best beard «mcc:u (opdl 10 Cl\ttl "lid won~n), bes1 plltJd ...JI.in (OCllcM. tllClc: 1,·iotuk, ~Hist& coi,t,e.1,1. roller rln to\"' losu:crtu.Uc1and a kl» the pig COOlcsl: F¢f- the Kiu the Pig contest, coot~1b will "1111')'. • buckcc .uound IO co1Jcc1 ftlOOC)'
whotvct(oli«u the mO'lt nlOOC"y will be ll,e one to kiss 1ht plg.. Coolt\aanh ;a,roc~ t,o AS:,,l C ~tdcm Qia-.c Wllhruns 11tld AS.SIC Seo. Briiti Cowu1.
3. bed races will return 10 N'IC 1ll1 i tnadhion was bit donej11the '70.:. 6-:h tCllm w1U co111bt of tivemonhc!n and• C'Oill.:h. One mrmbct 'PHUX;' COIUinllc.'d on 1':lfc '.\
UUffllC' v.--eaihcr ooodirions coa.inbuecd to the accidrm. There Q. no evidence: to suspo;t lhal Oudky ,,.,.as ~n,. U\'et the~ limic. bu1 bx;wsehc w11s umhle 10 imintain eoouol at the c:,"lr; polkebcl,c,« Dooley~ dching too (.m. The JUld:s \fflCCOOl(d y,•ith~ Ill t.bo lime o(thc acacblt. mitl it was saowina: be.a,•11y, lbc pnuol rcponcd X\'Cr.l! othct sUJc.afh nod minor 8"m1Ucklecoweatbtrtbe ~re day.
Lari Sickltt Aild$Oll. Brnndon Skkliet. 17 of Ubb)'. Mm•• wcre$tfll lOW KO<*Cl.i ~ie&ai Center ,w:gical urm 'fct U'l!'.llmM. They spent the: niglllln1nk'Mi,,:.~.alld•"ffl!rde:i,«lc.beocia.
bidotcCnu. 71, Wett :ibotem 10 KMC. btdcnl
Cru, 'fli"'llS in falr(()tlditioo. H~piuil ofrtcinls said 1h31 Hclco OW: 'o\'11., In M-riou.i c«Jdltioo wbcn wa.~adfflm11«L
TheNonb"'oe:,.c At.aktey pbm" IO Mllllt !hot ""'"' f0<1d Allcr Flyllld chcirlilnly n&tlludi<y
Ii whether she can k~ Kristopbct lo the United Si:att.f (or IQn~r th:u1 the moulh she wait l}vtr&. "Wbtc:i We Sot hen:, Kril.topl}cri:ald be didn't \\'IIIIC 10 go b.ick vaa Kn::nntt itaid. *All our ll\'C$ •·c','<= bttn figtuing 10 comr here."
for bllfflllll. ri,:ba Kristopher P attendtng a pcw.itc fCtlOOl w Cocw d'Alene.
be beloo» wilh bit mother "' CUS1'00Y; coot1oocd
von Krenner 1hoWs a pkture of Kr1stc,pt,er and hla haff bn>lher
Wrestlers take third at Nati ona ls Sports /Page 9 uition may increase 10% crease shoul d brin g in A bill t.Jm woo.Id nwe tho wJtloo cap on Idaho'*' commum,y collc&u w:is appro"cd by lhe Sc01te Feb 18. "(Thebill)p,,,S<d 11u,5..,,. "<IY'*'Uy," Burle ~ " I think 11 wdl p;u.s m the Hou,c, :u well A 12 J)CtCtn1 tuh100 il'K'rcaso h,u lllready bttn MJthoru.ed for unhfflitles ASNIC Prcs.idcn1 Chase WillWtl.5 Yid the bill iJ a f.Air cocnpomi.sc:, The ongrnal proposal WOIJld do ;way with the: cclbng limit all togdhtr and leave: 1ujuoo decisioni. eocnple(tlyin Ille: ~nds o(thc board or tJuslttS, he.said. John~a said. She v.wkcd an thc hfll 'i\hh College of Southern (tbbo aod helped find iponson: Cot tJie. mwure. A J)Crctr~ wu cbott.cn o,cr IUIOOlcr
would be gffil f« tochoology alMI Ibo bbm), Burke Jaid. He ~d au srlkkflu bencfil from che!e are.as. more ~::n,:~1;~~0~o~~~:~uthem r an hal f =~:~.;.."Pl•dng Ille cwnent $SO • The ine~ued 1111tl:on would ge11oCnitc tn1ll1 on JUSI more than half a m.Jl h On dollat$flCXI year, sor,eruna 1hc blow ohhc Sl.l dollars ~1~~~:~tgec cut. Prcsldtt'U M1du1cl The l:>lll is bkcly co be passed. hes said, zind itudcou may vc,y w-cJJ sec a $70 hike
~ ~,~=:i"••dd
In the ljummuof I I Cl I I
Dudley """'bolh lllltlc,..: tlJcy "1jo)'Od iOCUtnnd nuic. Dudley v.'iltftoJ ot the Pom:rosa twdcolmllip Ktnny'Wllirwl)' open IIOd ACCqlting. t.Ud ck»eln<:ocl JoltnTumey. "He alwny,Jb,n,d hi, lq,,, w;iJ, odlen. He boo a Ice of faith in God," Hruby sailJ. On M~
Ay lUJII 1n bociarof1~ {\\'0 )owg men. custody battle begin s to d ay 2000, ,•oo K.rtooc:rwM ifOJ\led c.irc •od cool.fol of Kru\Ophe.r, whic-h ts comparable toll eustody order in the United States "'I bnvc bcd1 t,;.1ding in tbc Cyprus ooocu aiOCc my SOf'l wu 3," \'Otl Knmnc:c said. She made a n,ques.. 10 tho rourta to u.Jr:e- K,i~opber lO the United Stacd lim July. Afl:tr Kook fa1k1.J 10 lirpcJrt M lhrcc C()Un bc.iri.DS£. Ibo \'00 Krcnncrs were &,iv~ pcmll:S'S'ioo by 1be coon co 1e11 vc the couaU)' and ao to Ansenca ror a mouth. The quc,uoo 114 bflod
L.a11 fall 'o"OO Kttn.nu bti,tr1 • ••eDdi.n,g NIC as • prelaw ~uideot. She taid ~be waots to be an intctnlluolllll
10 P41tc 3 ONLINE: www.nic.ed u/se ntinel l3Y PHONE: 769-3388 BY FAX· 769-3389 w•~».
In No,·t:mbtT, Kon» 11:artcd U)t.ng to bring hi~ too b.u:k toC~ He i.1 h1\'0kil'lg piU10(1hc II.ague: Co.1vc.nliOlk • n IOlcmllhOlllll lff::11)' which add~ lmemuoooal child abducbon 10 do~- ;\ fcdcr.lJ order WA!i 1,su1..-d tQ R"flM1\'C. Krii.torbcr from luJ molber'J boroc and pl:.co him ui prolccb,·c CU..\!¢>' lo ptep.m1Uo11 for d,c 1..'U\10dy hc.dloJ. Kriscophet aiWBY\f been wnh hiy mother, 1U1d ,·on Krcn.oc1 said ch.lt has b«o hi, documc111rd, .:i.Ultcd prc(.:nmce Jinec be wzL-.4 )'e.'W'.Old. He stood m (rolll. o( U,e ftNt judge Ill ~gc .J, in O!k:111 Greelr:. lllkl stnacd hii ca~," \'M Kmuicr ";zi;d ""Tho judj'c. l~U:m.i N1colnu.1umed 10 mic: 11'1c:r aboul 10 mi!Wl~ ar,dtm'd me. ' I low oJcl 1, lh.i.schUd?' I ,aw her be wiu go,,_, oa 5. lllld ;.he !old me $ht tJ.illJ
Tlz ~ J11 vi-sible Minority
nuoouucs..Son"' l\11\I! dl{krc1u colortd 1,Lba, Jl,ln~ have pb)'\1¢111 h...u>dicar,illlldotben aresampl)N • difftrtnl gt:Dlkf. Bui lht!'f atrt \Omi.' lh:.C 1rcnoc ltO~oot. To heir bnftl .S\\IU~hl.:.\\ n( ,bQk1.11,·l<1.il)le mi0ontic1-, Thi.• ScntiftC'lv. ,llbc (,:.1euri11&1til1£fcren1 mmorny an• n~e-p:m fc1nuc, bcpoo,ag b.:re
A g11y t«A 1, cwiu: ~\ hl:cly IC) oom.mJt i.uk,dc ii~~ MJ11Jgh\ n(l,C!, ao:anflng to \l.l.stc:11 h)' PluctO...t Pil1t1>en. Olk. lhitd oi :di hnrt10M:1unh ,..14 the}' ha,t 11.)J \,l1ffle "°" of an:ti-JilY llll.3Ck. O:st1. le\t.,1.10'-, br\C.lll.ab, und tnua,.l('\UiW 10LBTf I.ht lhitd la.r-~C:W¢~'()1
Recycling progr receives new 1H
Several containers set arou campus for stu dents, teac
ht <.lln\ Ho.nrt,:h
S1,aJ,c:t1t, all O\'tf Clmf)U\ have lht apponuml)'
recytlc alunuuwi1 c&II.) UJMI m.,ny ocher rrodllCII,, ch.ink, 10 Wa\lC Mu.uge111ettt of ltlaho
Se:\·cral 4,."l)llt:linc:1"1 tia,·c b«tl pixed around
lu pmrnnlC nx)~lmg. S1uJcnlJI ;11T nM.:W~
the.le birtJ.10 help ou11bc tnvlioami:n:t and XIC
0,...-""' "'"' lull,""'> >hould be pl"""
JltlCI ao l.ugtr ti.m foe- pckup. Wa,.tc ~gt
lo<'S'\te<' 1he OOl(ldt hi 1l, Oft• rr.a:u l:,r bit\i1,,. Ulf,c. mew bfot 4"' loc:atrd in 1hr MotM.cad
w,d HtdJWMt parkjt1s lot1i, h i) aho eDCOW'kJt'd ret:),:.lahb 101hr..'.. tiln•
Plutk roltle roRLiim'N ua br dt.\potcd or 111
dwSl18'\dc!1J~n.:.tcd~Ur1g 1.·ohu1u1Mo. A
~irlally lll!CC(:fll-l cnn.lbon:rd "~v.«n tbc
tho hao<bnll lklJ
Sc,·cnal Item~ taflnQII be ~led due 10 cou
oi.acluoc nblbbo. Goldenrod l-'Oloml piper. pl CW,tcd piipcr. nc.,o1)~ l)AptO. \\IIJI; P"tlCI"
O\crbc.:iJ, :uid entd~rd \li11h pl!t,1k. wood. tit ,1yrufC1.1m uaachcd nrc wimc. or tbcsc: ut:nu..
I ffC')'cle a!~rntnum." Mid M1111ssa OJ*,C'. 18..4' 1
Coeur d' Akel!!, m;i,orit11 In nur,ung.
"I •1:k c\'cryooe to p)Cllse Ui:C! tht cocnaium: 1M
l,c.ia,: pn)\·tJcdt Wd t--to,ncr "'Bur.i- 0. B:arur:11. dl!fflc,ro(thc phy\.icul pto.nt atNIC. '1'hu, L1 • dlm 0nf, t.lVC 1.1ndfill ,p,ace .tDd .I~
T'Ao. ta\'C: thC((!fltg.c n,oneyon ourl.nlft.U «-II
SI the NIC' W~f<ir« rni,nlnac~mlnf>o\1 F.AU, Snmb Olt'11 iod Rocky Yao tcd. dauci. a1
lbc.- OunUl,Wl lnwltlllt of TedltJOIOf) 1n Ouna', Soochc:tn C'ltt.nn,:d<Jns; Pm-..ilk.'t "1c::111eJ 14Jm11ct so.id10CGW11.&Q\OU Tbt') ;unvtdin Coeur d'Altnc m hnu 11· J1nJ }I.med cl ~• J'N :a. 'Attl...1flcr11n·h.-l ('ti,:11 and Yau .11n: tv.oo, live fitudnih ••00 ~1111,r,ktcd I flOC--)'<W \'llcn'-1vt' l!.ngU\h l.intll.l.tc f'(~n m Chu.11.al the &rt:.UWI<'. Dr. Km P~. dltm~ of the Oooggwin ln,llluit or 'l'Cll.'ilQC.i()&Y· L::n,r:U,h Laniu.a,c Center. ,u1Jftl 1hcnt. thr1M.iih di,rlr 11,1,hc\ 111 China.
Uctyd Uwuan, En,:lilh htlfflJ(:IOt 111\d
J1 cri1+1C1l10,1I ~\alc11l ldv1"°'. will t;tk on th, t'~mJ rote: bctc lll th!.' '-WlO. Dwn:in wUI JUldt •ht: ,1udcnh 1ht, ~1111Mtr If aI111oa to pl.a", ooc:c Chen and Yao tc,.t ll'UI ut di.: f"t•~ln. lhc) v. Ill trnndct 1c'I a fou,.
)'CM' \lnJ\'Cf~it) BC\IJa lhc lJmtcJ Stalt:1., lhe hl,1,1u1c hl'I hi..,tilu.heJ • cdllilicin,tur v. i1h l8 wuvm.it1es. in
C"hui.i. C1m,mJ;1, SJol•J>Ol'C aud Jfoog: Kong ......
l\(':Ofdu,, m 1bc 111~11u&e., 111 onkr "lo lllWAcr tbc cal l al the hrly C'o.mnuttce and Oovcmmcm ot O()inJJ!U.Ul. c;,1tr lmt1hue 1• woclin; hilfd 10 turo lt.wlt lllt.O III imporuml for tra1ru11s t.1len1, u.ud mnk.mg tc:icour..: f'C5C".m-h W .11, lO ,ntb(y lb~ n«ih o( 1hr de-.c:lopmctl• or l«al t'lroflom)' mid '(ICJc1y."
Due to 1he Sep 11 Ollado. lbttt' ls a dcc:rca:1u11 iimouns or \tudcot• 1)g;1 an, unchng abc«IJ fotcodUl.'~tlon pu~ flicrt U: aOO a dt:atti,in,: llOIOIU1, gudt:nL, Ui.ac CX'lmtng to the United S1.a1..:s.. Some ,wd,cnt a.;:h.-un,:c proJr;m, li.nc: M.'C':n m(lfc (oo;lflt MUUC'nb lc:ivo lhc «)l,ti,tr)' tc) tctum hc.,l'DC 1hcn "''ff bdocc. Uuivmitlc:~ ;mJ cones:c:• H .s whole bJ\c ooi .ccn a dro1m1t.dc dcdinc in (ortap saudcnt IIJnu!\Sl,ol\
Koccenai County h:L~ plk'ul ~")·i.:UC1g_du,p-otf ( hou.\ u, C'\ Ct')' dcnw:u~ry. m1ddk. Md h11b !id,iv. p.,rki tlJ IOI find C\~ll blld cJuc:atloonl l«turc,, JOCW Jdiooli., Tho Olut'lly lllto ofTc11 aubwdc SCfll for rti.kk,ic>- m Cotur d'Alene: ADd I~ F:ilb. The h'1.n~(er \lillioo locD1cd on Ju.msey P Koocc:n.li Coolily i l111xN rtG)C'hnJ ttnlc:r The "MJtnd" contain, lioln-.. for ncms $UCh Mcoml~ OllnJbo.lnl. ncWl~, JNl~IUCS. orrK'e pap:r hook\, plwi~· milk tml~n,., , 1 ) hclctkt. al CAni.. :iu,o bllllcriei, u\Od 1noior od. 1110M 1ac&ab. apptw,~ wood, lite\ at'ld many Olhd' pnidud,i, Tbcte a.re M:\'Cnl.l hc:nefit1 of toe:)'(hns; For,, ftC)"C"Uns 1t.n atwmnum c..m sAYC\ t:l'KIUlh fflCf., • telcvi\iot, 11:t for 1hmc ~001', A Lhrtt•ffiOllttl
,,I' lnl~cd Alum:inwn i'J CIIOIIJh let bulkt • c;m au1ir,cnM Tbc~mc.amoont ofcOCIJ>'b~II
m».c 20 ems ou1 of rt..')'Ckd material as NW~ 1bt pnptr ~t ,i SuDdia)' cd111oa o( lbc New Yadc use,: 1.S.000 lrtt).
Wa."c M:nmgcmeot aDd dlt t..lblflU> rcc~.nr
pros.nun began in Lbc tq.lanl.nJ or FcbrullfY, Por 1nfonn:11ioa rt'pnling Koott:n1i Coul'lly, .a402. Fot ln(umQUl'lfl rq;udlna; Wutc Mi,.g caU 76$"4968. kw IQ(MMhOn repnlin1 Ntc·, f\le)'dm.a, p~ (.lu JM(lln Lukt-t 311ffr.1"idl
Student shows off large knife by JIUlill)' f.11)\'r(n. Hi"".-_.....,. w~po1" VM•llon tAl
A nl#k , 1udcnc "IL" ~11$ :. brae buntint luu(c m
1 belt lhculb and n n,ulti-lO()l knife in l..cclKi~ J11ll
Feb I. H~v.a,rL-pcwkJ lyh;l\C btth~ina: 1.hc:11110
Olbcr "'-Uckru:;:, He •.111 onnfronacd lltld mff'lffllc:d lh;u ihc lm,vct '\\'m' U.t.aht\l Lhit NlC 'A~1 policy. Jli.4 l,.~f.atbcr ".._. A lled ,u p1,1,li; up the knh·e"- :ukl a rtp(lil v.~ ,ie,rt 10 the ,·k;c p,c1,,ldcn1 or «udenu. Seo.lorn Proptor1) tB) A forklt(I ~.'"l'.'i .,10kA1 from Ute lumN:r rmll and wa~ fi)l.lnd .In I.be m,~ h.tU parkusi lac ttb. 3. TI1t rc.~tckOl.ll: ildvuetOl'l duf)' a, 1bc h..111 d1do'1 OOlJ(f.? 11 m lhcp:1.du11a1ot. ~·11y pot,« QM mm ptn,(tt,ncl were oontllCtcd \hi.I penc,n~I c:unc u, pid, up I.heir forthft.
VertiolAbu!lt(C., Soew:ily Wti noc.ifiod on Feb. ,1 or 1hmmt0 » in,\b\letorm't:r ll lr.:llf.te viol.iti'111 In an N'tC Ik Yt'ltJ Q)l).frantcd. b)• two~• ..,.ho cbir11cd lie ru1 them oll with hil vchlelc The ,u..,pcctJ rotlo\\'Cd him fron, Alt,c:ruom; 1i> 'Mlt'ft Ibey th~t«ltd tun, ~1\h bo:W)' lwm. lld' lk.lcn~ •i:rc abwncd ".S chcd:cd
.st>lklnRffil Cutt1pJS 1iCC\lhC)' WM 1iac11lo.1 f'Cb-- 1 of I rnnk waa..:hmg lcma1¢1 alk'fand ~\'t the Sl:&· the females was followed froo.1 the SUB w the .1u-.ra, !rial to OJ'IOl I.be lroru (k,or, bul ccddo'S S«Urily WI.) Clllltd wld th;, :lf't'.il, So~ldna(E)
A ..WLu,g reported Feb. l I to sccuffl)
J~ ocalrrod for l\liO
Y.Uk$ (lriort(l lhc rtpoR, A ,ubja., fl.'IUow«s the fcnl!ilc ,'k'.llmaround v.«blattlhc\1C1bnrecei,"Cdapbooccall lbtall.<dfotbabynm, .,.1 ~.,~w"' CUIVf'lcrlb to bu The: '°''tlb"'tran iunu ,n
POGt2 THE &-•ilN:.I. -In Montana 3:: it's • NEWS 0 C: i llegal 1or • • S unmarried women • >to go t.sh(ng on • -cs • i5 Sundays. •
ttpOtlt.d h.lr.t mmo lwt 11-.cl'C rn,1mbcn t;.11U t'C dc:«n1h& Hdund "''ff) numbct i•• fn,.~. • f•..:C' hkc Orum Hfi11Cln's.. 114nlW>nl\a24·)~:.r-olJ ~lbho jor \\ bo_,n.w up m Cocurd·Alcot .111...i .,,.c:nl M blJh ~, G;,n1agn rrtp IJI SpoL1DC' lk ..ail.I fm111 a ;,t11mg 11i~ lt ,.u IIJIPIIT"ll1 Rocky Tao and Sarah Chen work In the Langua~ Lob on the tnt&natve Engllth Languago Program
IntemationaJ exchange program on decrease by Chn, Hrmnth ~'"''~ Two 11ucknh from Clun.. N\'C' ,:omc lo MC to ca~ r,ll't m the intcn\Sl"C 1:.n,.t.11.h t.niru,1~ .,..,,..... 'tbc)' ti.,·c ,pesu llll'.lC' an <i11C ut OJM " 1A\ht11ti,, .iml 1hc)· :ire nc,y.- JOtl'IJ' 10 tnlt pcm m !tr) F..nah,b PIIUJflll1' 41 NI(" Tit.ta lt th!! hht h1nc th.Al the ~J!u,,n luw11utc hus lllln.JCfftd 1tlldc:t1t:i1tON IC We 11~ hapdul 1M thh 1, lite bcgmruv1 fll a kln1-ti::rm trladon,hip wid1 llloO Dol'l#Ulltt ltBIIUJL('." s..ud Vern ks1\i11'h J1m:l1\f f« CU\10fflu,ed tnunm,
NIC welcomes Chinese students
Wto,ICtoA'+', Fta.2) 1
oney available not used
°"'udcnr,; don·~ tflCCltbc rcqulrcmern• ford1c
"1\f NIC oAd oo<<>dc ><'bolunlup, i,ti> unultd ni..11t1I)' bl..-c:.au~ ~udcnb don't ftpply, &aid CII.Od1
n:mcUIJ :iiJ ad,,.bu.
llt' two l)J"tlOf~W':\hips;
a/\!Offc~J by d1t:tollcgc • nd 0thcll obk' from n ouu,dc ~rec- It u.
d)' -;1m"lc ta apply I 11
_hJp. AJI ii rtqllil\:S IS 10 Jill lKII ll
It •ii,ch cllll he lounJ :u the Rttanclal
le Offtee or ,i;wdcn1, cnn go ,,.tlm~ co
· I" pnont)' dndlmc for ~bolir"11~ ~bythcc»llcgc1rc Mardi IS (or
•ll(ffldCCf, Wbcn ,.,~t.1c.nt.-.11pply 1ttc.,y
'ffl.11.iQUy 11te ~o~ilkred fo, a ll NIC
lcf iP',- The dcei~ion i~ up to the
1oo ho"' they we lhctr moocy.
\l,lit)' :iebohtl"'lhiJX VIit)' b.;tY..CC"A $77 to
:((>. Tht' "ftl('lllllf dcpC":nd, on bOY,
t 11\0ftC)' ll. g.l\.'CO b y lbc. d OMJ 1\c
t& ·ain tic q,ca, on college nJ)('nJO
the- )"C.a1 Scbolarm.ip;t :t.rc ~id
s NIC FouOOlltion Cri11.·ri• \'ark~
-I°' (ICl lht IOl.jUlfCUl!enlS ~l b)' l he (nt 1hc xholanh1p. 54'1tnct.1111c11
M"hOliuh1_p I.hey aprlicd for.
When 1bc: .M:hulanlupt1 Uff'B'CappUt'd for.th< money ,111)', mlhCIICL"OUnl
" f ,..,allywislt all rl,e s111de111., would fill rltem 0111.11/11/te upport1111iries t1l'l! 01111/,ere''
until ~uJe.n1~ Appl)' To a1,pl)', ~tudenb
muq hold 11 !tut &lX ucdiu. fflJlintain a
2 0 GPA or hight'r and fflt1'-I he on fituuicial u d , rea ll)' \\·l~h ruJ $Wdcnl! wouJd fill
U,c,m 001, all 1hc opponun,1,c, arc Oul
11k'tt.,"' Norrissatd.
Nnfri, :,,ward~ ~uckn, ~ "1th Onancial
11~ and he lypc'I kucn to ludcnu
1nfomun1 lbem or the ,;chol:u,,itur~th111
ere gm.ntcd 10 1hcm. SM Vi4"its all higl:i
"-bpol\ to 1.11k a.bou1 lhc N IC
11chobn.h1p<;. Applka1iom cao be picked up at 1be~ fugb "'hoob
The high~~ couru.clor, 3J'C ,vppo,.l:'d m c 1k'll)un11t graduadn1 ~11lof\ to apply. N'-•nts s.:ud.
Ouu1d¢ <,,ebulu""hlp:s c:ao !:IC applJod for
Watching ·Jason'
by c,Lhcr pc:king up 1111applk:a1ion al tht rUlll.QQol tuJ 1>tfi.ttorby oon1.cac1ing by phone. Ouuldc .s.c:holanh1p dc~dhnC$ vary Stl.kknl\ ca11 M!at'Ch fur NIC 11~ OUL\idc ll(be>IIINhlp\OCI lhc N ICwcb,;;l1c11 www.ruc.t'dulfm.11ndalaid.1l.tc applk•1i,oo (orm for 1e:l1t•b1r,.h1JK offon:d by lhc c:olk-,e arc on 1his W(b •,Jtc, Aootbcr way to fi.nJ M:cbolanb1p?1 u lo brow)'.e llm:,up ·1111C Scholan.hip Boo'-:"' Firth Editioa to l'ind sd1olanhips lh!lt penn\n lO 1hcm .11 1h(.o Mol~(ad Llbroty a nd 1hc JlUb ltC' lsb<U)'.
Non-lj, ~.inM:d 11Mkins 1h111 lhl.")' Vieu.Id be carrJul when iuing unhne tt> ~.1u·ch ror
5Cbolnnh1~ l(IM: wcb11i1c lkSb for rnQacr)'. ask.Ji you 10 "1.-ud infonn1rh()ft w :i P.O. Buxc,r if1hcy folly tbc:-re o.rc
JUlfllUI.C(:d \\'innmst.. it DWI)' bell ',C4J'IJ N()fri\ t.11.id (t( ooc re.habit w:hoW'llhip v.cb site at www.f11~1v.1."b.com. Tho site is ~re ialld fl'habl..: h«:11wc the lkpa,111icn1 or Bd1JoC,llon rr.t0ni1on it ·n.c ,1tt' b.b
pcnOC11l t1Ui:\IMJll.'i 1bou, MOtkSlb 1111d lhc-n 11 acM:hc" for ~I.Anhip>. th:u pen11.in to th.LI i.llkknl. Tho nooey r« &ehollll',Mp;. 1s rrw aoc1
lbc 'SWikttl ell'l 1.1\C thl\ mooty ror :tn)' o f
1bi:ir 1.-011.:gc (ccs, Noni:$1-lld MC hope$ 1hnt in 1hc nettt futun: won: ~tudrtw "·lit •l'f>IY
Alumni Association offers prize
TI-e Alumni AS.40C~l•oo board or dim:toni is look.mg for nc:w mc1nbtrs ...,,jlb • oompc1i1loo nJ)(J n.a afUIU.lklJ or 11.uJMJ
• bo itte not already mcrnbm to join
Whoever turns in llw: IN.>51 l)CW tncmbc11 will receive• sccrec pri,~ Mt-.tnb!N can sign up new t lunuu 1ncrnbeN u.s,ng 1hcir membcf!lhip t'llld th3A <arnc: in the Alumnl Ncwsktttt Of they ean "sc lbc onlmc t1:ic11.00D1dp form 11 www nic:..cdu/alu1rmif,oin h,m, 1'hc cu~n aluinm mrn,bm.h.ip beocfits are &1cd OD I.be web site._
The: Alumni AM«1t11Mffl rncnabmh.Jp h, (rec and has increased greatly. It has 1,000 mt.tubers. The membetmip b open 101111 MU(lenb Yoho ha.,<: au.ended 12 Credit hows or more and to any members; or NJC's raculty. adm.iniSU'lMiOO and .staff.
The Alu.n,ni Offttc m1,11r,t h.nt aJJ mcmber..hips n:ccivcd by S p.m March 4 ID C'OUIII for the pri:,;c.
Sign language class offered for all
A .li,horl ((HJnc oo sign: l1Lt1.gU11gc as bcmg o!facd to any tnlet'CStcd (.cull)' or 6lllrt lllC'mbcrs The a,ursc Wlll be ciwghl by Russ P~ll."ffOl1, N1C't l~t:rprttcr Coo.rdw1ot to.- Oi,abUit)' Support Services.
P.111ic1p;m1~ will learn grcetl-np. bow ,o finger u 1hc alphabet, nu,nbcf'S tlfld Olher ~ics ol si.go l1utg\laie, Pam: Mllt will giV( ihc
cl11SS a glunpte ot Y..ha:t h's Idec to~ ~rand provide mfonnation
01 how 10 intffllC'I wilh deJ 1t.1MI hard Clf hcllrirtg pcop~
Thccla:ss will mccl on Frid.I)'$, Feb ?2•Mtreb 15.IJI oooa
For iltfomu:1100 c,.11 Lynn Cove)"i at 769-3370.
' Job Reali ty' helps women fi nd careers
Cn11e, for New Oin.'ttloo, 1.:1 bo!>ting "Job Rcallty 2002:
CllrCCl"Opdont ror Women: Wcdncsd11y, Mateh 6.
Sessions will be oftmd un ln(mnahoo CcthnolOgy bclllh c.a~.
bu11u.c.» a nd f){O(euiooal C'MC'Cf$. A lll'$SiOO Qa DO!Ml'lldilt(ll'l:d
c&rttn (or wocncn l$ a l.so o(fct(d
1'hb (tt:,c cYtnl, •,.•tndt v.,U (caw.teCocur d'AJenc: Mayor Stlt1(h
Blocln v. i.11 be held i111hc Lake Coeur d'Alene Room in lhc SUB
from 8 a.m. lO 12:-JO p,m.
To R.S VP, Cllll lhc Ccn1cr (Of New Directions llll 769-344S.
Dead line for nursing progra ms approac hing
Tht: deiidJmt for ,cudcnl~ applyi.ng lot tho RN and LPN (Nul'Sll'lg)
pr¢1:00M is Fricby.
Studi!n1> llA)lying for lbc phy~ic11l lhcnplt<C whWll prosr.un
inu.~ h;l,·e aprticatioo, m by Marcl, 15.
Appbcation p:sck:t'ls forbalh pn>8J11m, •re aviulabk in Ilic
Adtni.ssloo.~ Officr. L¢1Ki1Jo\\ HtlJ Room 103
Residen ts elect officers fo r new NfC Hall
Kevin Wns ht. Sandpotnl, ,,,.-,ll) tkttt.'iJ pl'Q1dcnt and Scott Ansley, Bo0nc:-r·11 Ferry. "10C1,nSidnM lO repro...en1 the dorms in• ncw dub on Cllmpw,. NIC H.all The 1wo are numln5 wtc::kl)· rnc.:bq, in the domi,.
'Phun:' Mednis IO be awarded fo r eve nts member$ 11tC p.ishi:n.g t.bc btd. ~w,llbcoolytwo requucmmo (o, lruS 1..,.'0ll. no pm'IIOUI C"Xpcncntt and pan.icipli..~ \\ ,u.~ 1() wt::U bd1n...'1f. MobJ,.w1U ~iav.'a!UCd1oalJ the wilmC!l"S ol1ho e\'C'l'll.a. AU P'\'f,ICiJW!U wtll J«'e.i~ <ffluo<O!<$ol,ppr,<btioo. A $1
,....,UhcdwgcdlO p1u·tiicq)ll)ls. Moocy raaJCd Crom lhi.~ wiu ao k)w11rd 1c ,chowshipo ancJ., help o<hcr COOll'.l,uii,ity(vrld·~. The Phun Coo1miltee 15 <00>pnl(d oH""'hY anc1 rr who usultlly put on parak.tl for .\olarr••Christnia.~ ti,ne ilnd iai lhc: end of lhc )'(a'. Kerrin Ttnnc$0n, ~ior odn1iruilffltl~ a..~tjt!W f«bcltn,•ior ond natlltll scicl'ICes. ,:tid this )'C:lr I.be. PhtJn Cocmliucr clccldt4 tO include stu<Scoo aod http I.he (Qf\lllW\ t)'
Hplore a.nd discover 1he Earth as a mulllod lsclp ll nary teachers aid.
~"'""' then uiJ:tnofflhcC.l'ir
» JCmma h, ffllUC!>Wlg ch L,-\l11C'lc t.'\
lttHaci,,: Q:im"Cnl1<in be u,;cd IO pfl)ll.'Ct
llph(r Ul'Kler Anack I l (Ir 1hc Unit«t
€Con,-cnl1an "° tJic Ris)10 .-,( 1bc
M.Cel.ll\llt \..htldrcn h.a,'C' tltc.' rithl
pl1C m the d«L.f.l()fM'tll\li.l.l'.IJ thM li
Llfllclc 13 tol tbc_H~gw Con,·c.u11Q111
,.dt111 cMd ot tu.)1\1,tc yi:.1~~r'\'ct. bis \'011.."t' beard nnd cannoc be
•Piu.t Im will lo rctum to• ," '";n Krmncr ,11Jd
Tooy St(WM, rioUti® teitl'lt'.: ,n~IOI' md b&utQn right-. &1.u b.t.1\ ,oo Krcnncr'• #1t, '(n111'1(1Mimlr\1('1ot "Scctrb lo.l lUC whm II miMhcr and Wfl v.cre born tn dns country, and an: both United S.11~ Cdllt'n'-aod lhld the ll>Olhc'r h.b bctn 1hc ouniJrios: J'l(ll\'fll lhll ~urcly th..tt'• )o()tn(' pnwbioo, tbat ca.1 lakc tlKi6c t-=u mto 1o"\,m.1,lcr11bon. Sic"":an ~J
Fain,c<i!;IWOUlt.l d ictate tJQJ hr: rmwn 1n lhl,t.w,1~ •· He did cnl{)lw.u.t 1h..1be \\•11, not «n cxptrt m intcn111bolW J11w .klh11 M, lkor, tht- COC'Ur d'Aknt Ill.tome:)' f'q»l."SCnlm& KonL, <k<:luxd I() c«nn:w:n, oo 1bc: e:i"\C. He d ie~ hdV.'C\'tt1 uy th:.! KCN11! b pmt,ooly conung (rcr tod.a)"', tm100y ht:.arin,s bl:fore F«lcnd JuJg.c l:dwMd Lodp:. ~ttllt:rgiJJudgcLOdgcdoe.-.n'I
..V,:Omplcrc your Bachelor's degree ar ,UI Coeur d'Alene
• Adult, Courudor .lfld Technolo,,v EJue111on
• Etluc.u:io n
• Environn1~ntal Sdcnce-
• Compuu::r Enginccrfn.,:
(0/J<utl m wflal:otaoon .,,h Go,,~ Un1...,•r
...,J W""1 ,11l••• St¥k Untm,1 ,,1
• Ps\d tnloav
• IYt()h.' mfr,rmflOOn 1 ft ou r "',:~1tt" :,r www uicd.1.uida ho.edu , .:.UU06)66H5:l8
• "°I' In ;,nJ ""u, In rh< Mvlot...,J IJbmy.
'tuc,,J floor · Unhlersityotldaho
~Coeur d'Alene
hll\'C('Xpcritr'll'C wtlh lhC 11.llglJC COC)\'Cfll.iOft: ncrlherducr,henrvoo Kn::nnrr'5alklme)'J..
Oka WnJkct a,,d Sum Rune No 1m1il111"
1.1&-te hd\ hem~ m 1111 tiJ;a.bo(\J!Jf1.
Lodge w,11 d«Mlc if the Amcri(MJud,an..1
\.)'"l'W wUJ bi:~r Knt.z~'t·s ell~ Any ~how of ~upr,on fmm her rcuow NIC uudnib11 to)d.ay",9a m hi:.rtnt: "ouklbc
~>· :q,i,rMk'd. ~IJ w,1 , Kttrtntt. Thr hcmng wiJI be III lhc I Counhou.>e in Cocurd'A len,~.
SI("' ;ai-i ~J lh/111 ~manck III hcr•b1bt)' to coouuoc her !lo~ chmJ&h uU of lh111. He u ,J 1\ 'VC't)' OOIMllticd m bcr s;wdle\ anclhcf"f&1ml).
"'I am p.iuing my fiu1h m 1.ht H11llCd St..,t ~ COR~hlllll(ICl, lbc w('f'MIC 111.w," \ 'OD Krenn« -..lit.I
Senor FroSSY
Specializing in fresh, delicious Mexican food
69 cents
All day, every day
10 % off for Nl C St udents & Faculty with co ll ege l.D.
•A- t,dS1.-16<,dy ol Nonb ld>l>o CoDq,, \1«1sOlnoM'fue.day,Mnrdt
5, In the DnftwooJ SJy Ranm u<lhtSl-11
• Ct,.;,1p.»E,tt11$ Qimmi1tte M<'dlng Ml'CC1!8Un Monday .\lntt11
1 1,mthc("~ lli1)'~ olcbtSUR
•Douh1e;Pl11gf""i; Noun Thunday in the lo\\'C.T
lcwl o(thcSUO.
• lllA<r,Club Coundl UCO
fl.iamc• TlwnJ;a)' an 1JI(' llloc O..kS.y Room or the SUB.
NICllolnlof'lMtto • 6pm. , in 1hc
OriR• ood Bay R-o( thc SUB
• Stml-1..,.... Spriag lloaro 9 a.m f~y 1n !he LaLT C«v d'Aleo< Rom! a(thc SUB
l02W,Son,n l;«O,:fAl<nc 765 -2695
feauitii'il' THUNDER ALLEY
Glowm the dark kuer Ilg/us, black lig/tu and LIVE rJ«,jay!
Every F rida y Night! 11 :30 pm - l: 30 am
Unbelie.-able show! Incredible fun!
Enio, 011r full - lounge and grillJ
Wodd Famous MarprilllS • New Mk:ro Brew,!
• Bloody Marys • 8-52'1
• fro5ty Mug Beer
• Great Food!
Watch your favorit e 1porting event in • clt:an corn fottablc at COO$phctt!
THURSDAYS 9pm • 1lpm
$5 Ad miss ion & 25 c,: nt:
Bo\din, , Slloe Rerua f, French FrkJ, & Sod, ,,..~.#I>
UO•i,,ifl'• St,,
Sater of Farmin EJernenta,y School, smlk!s 10 projected lrnages of the Jason Projecl, an onllne program sclen1Jsts
Downl(lwn Coeur
A lene
and Sherman
765 -8522
IWHAT WE THINK Residence hall bylaws aren't taken seriously
rr\l; ..p.:,p:.,.jnc"' i, O\·ctflov.·mgwilh tall! ttboul mi.scoocb:l i
bans W,n:pdcd or ignon:d • oor
They may DOI be ~ing «they m:&y nt>t ~m likt • big <kal.
tlut ~oe ol lhcsc b}'bwa being bn>kcn n uOlkt the compktc
:acknal'li.'dgtfflCIIC of ~idtoce ti$1\UUIIS and lilt miJnft ball coordmlllOI' (Can't (cqrt 10 ~ioo &Ml rmmy Sllllc J.:tws att
lk..-111s. btt*en u, our oonn *-' ~-clli,
11w. Sc.:1~Ulcl h:o hcunS lrocu n,an)' n'Stdclltl m the doan abol.u
C'oh11bi1..1uon. ScMne h:tvc cxprcssecl~~ly lmmcnl and ul'lt'Olnfortt.ti.lc J1 t, lor lhc:m.. 0..bcn sl•y don*t care. Rcprdl°",
1l' ,: 1lll.lc:d l'IClll'I)' in 1hr 1gl'OC'mem di0i1 tit clom1 leRlltlU mu.~tsign
be(<in, m0'\'103 in~ 1herc ...,JI be DO ns.ald(cm.a.lo NOmm:tk$..
Somr c.tcq,t.ions, Wilk if a boyfric1MI or sitlfllCnd '<\~ 10
lC)Cnd the n,gbc. ~""Ctl'cr, they miot gc1 prnniwaa hy Lht
Ooo eumplc it• tnwe dorm tclWlt 1w:, b,-cs wilb bu gidfriend
Cllnocbtt dMll 1tn1111a>. H1JO\W fO()ffl 1$COO'lpk:ttly Crupi}', and he
bl rt'IO\'cd all of hit belooJH'IJ• (bed. computct. c~) int0 his
pi(riiend'i f\ll'lffl SI.>, lhe'ilttup t\'l lho 1ulrrimd'i room has two
t'<d,-iclc b) Md<
"'I live in dlctt.." the IMIC«.5-id..!nt adn:1mcd loa Sc11uncl
~ognphtt abool M living aru1tion ,n h111 g,rtfricnd'a N)()ln. He
\\t'tlC c,n Ml)'lnl be,,\\, he hu ~lt11c-ly t>1:1thlf1$.14 hti room lh:M. "''flS
ort..1tiiully 11..\Stgntd ,~ hbn
ln llilOlbet~ ooeOOm1 c@n1\lia!. "° unor,nifOl'tllble 11boot
1hc robnbu.n1JOR th;it the pcnoo dcddtd lo move our and Rod•
i.cw ,oon1m:iec. Wlut'fl "~ ii Wt I.be imlivwltw frcq.uc."oUy
tillll.od Ill Che dorm <ltlClnbnaM IIIIOI.I' 1hcirtWIUC'ICI 400 \\·13 IOJt.l to
tmicllly Mnlllt: 11 blmd(
If it', oot t:oh.ll'ttiltion. tlK't'I 1t'a: drugs and oJoot.)L C1'bc ScntincJ
utldcniund~ d'I~ lh1• 11 found a, A!most o.ny coHcc.e dorm c,r
c.,mpu11) Sut I.hi,- incs, l< OC"Wn"ing wil.h onl)' SO~b livina: ln
lhedc1fln \ Yhill hilff)Cn, v.htn it rclllCbn lullop111;ity nt.AI
=er'/ One dYnn k'NIM .aid An 11bundllnt smoon1or alc!<illttlf and drug>
«ll'l"IO i.n and OlK of the tc.(tdcnice h:llJ Some 1cn.ao1 1, will hide
•rid dtup in d1cttt.l01hC\: •hik !Jic:)' walk up 10 1.hei.t room ihc lttlilnt ctpla.incd how 1,1ocom(ocubk II bl to live under
lMl4t cil't'u~ni:c•. llc lll"'1 lhc f'C8.idence SM.i.WlnU and dorm
eoonbn.attn LDO"II' rued) \\ibat't. going on Ind lhc:y .i:arcn·, dtt.q
cvcry1bing ~"bl¢ cu help 11lOP tbt laY."l' being brokeo
For~\loM~m't l«I h'l :t bigckal, )11U m:tywan1 lot.alkk\ the IC'nanb who an: frunlllled with their linns coodJtl()ltJ and h#Vf tutkll.l w,dt them i.l.iy !lfitrdlly. ibe)· ha'IC tho richt 10 b,oe in o.
··~k.1n' dorto Wc:U lhlll", wtwl 1hc hroc:hun: MIid ii \\VUld bt
Help! I'm hei11g auacked by I
• l;0<1[ng th" winnt~ The .ailhlcuc drpann1ent wlll pr,:,l,abl)' C."\11 1o<WC te.111)" to bc)J'I med b.idJd CUI ncc:dJ.
c;~~ \lihkh ,ip;ins? N(lt the IC'JlU~ lb,U cost \hc. 11¥'"- Aft
1o.fotn1.i.l'II i.n 1hr. athktK'. dtpanmcnt ~UC"~ llal 11Jc,y will be chmln:uin.s \\·m\Ch1~
U4J field. Thoe 1fl(111.\ Jae die mcN wuinit1S C•'l"tMlin& ga lhlld pl>oclnch:..-d>h->o),
AOd they U'IC more tocal al~
Ql«Jl,hp1i1:t1t,lc$!.S.Cnwdllld lo..\motlq',
W1l) 00 E.,nh •oold ,.,
dlC.\C pugnim.,·.1Appan:nllly. lhe
i:n{Ql'manl l ll bc(w,;c lhcy .ian·c~111ch:Socm:
WC'I Alhla,c Coolett°"'. Thi:sknJIC'Uloo!!Wc)l)t:nd hlghO'l\drnoot)lnl~ill• murt:"pra.1iP'" ~thlr v.cdnn't Y,1n 1n :anr,11).So
"-«ui>Jly.'1Xp,i)UY""P'YUlg (a,~out,of~athldr11n
lo.lc 1na~diiloo'ct1,:
ODC Ii.~ \bould l:,e 1n CO h.'CJI'
• Sca)1og 00 "'"'J«I
How \liUUIJ you lil.t to matr si 1..2011n ht»r "'h1lr woro.-, • 'll.'.flool11'bnt1,bi.)hoaU)'chc
QOlll'IQl1niC.ltaOl'l\l'l»j0rlOld1 1N m:il:a She ,icu• fuU pll·llHudif?Oltidl /',c;r:oe:5(Ct) r« L.ttpinsintelorN JChJUlut men·,ba."UC~I pme,.. SJv: -i..lh«how\i.,15g,uno, batc:1111lo14$~' How did Ugctlhilchampcn.11JC11·, '"MydaJhpHrie!ldn,~1 cbceo<><l>.",l,:"'"1 'Tha',nlht..hci:oc,1c>-.:hod for free bctMI~ hcrd:lid and the bN,;tbOIJ-'hmlrioncl<
Cherry Picker
\Villi all lhc \l,'Q'Th,~ the Nd;el. IC IOCIJl',lil,e rid (l((rivdo:11 spcoding mt&flt tllcfimtthmgll'>OO.
Ungror tht!1tullt) Onfd>. )ch:ph)u:al iiCnll~\·',t,-idccmail.Y)'!lll cboy•ooldhcbldllglhcluuldks W wlChe wlnJo,., u,J ><ain>t dx-m- Thiiwn)·,~ to tho email. they CM ffl1WI mt flow. Thani..Gocl.llr(Jf(Jcr-wzs maadcd ti)' lbt::dmnbtNIDL Thi, w~y.i(~is a (It(, people miaJ,t M'e1chancc tot!rcllb. •RtlldJ·, ailn.fltt! E\'t'f~~IOsbool.Osamnbtu udcfl1AJ2·)""",old~
"""""'IJqffllC\U'Ool,e~ did.l:uno1v.111hapn..Hc 11·1MC1.ttoW:Coucbmt..odcn Y,' l.llurmi:. hyhc;m.dc lJruudCikcstw-lhll 111 in lhc boooln o(• mco't uruwl •1lhch: P"""'olbo, udolhtc Q!f\tf'OSS hlw, p,duml an lhc oop. Appom,dy.ch:mclodn'c c.1.tdloo ''Cf) well atld now thi.1 ,.i 40.000aws kit Caojo,t\ Mr. '°""'1. )w"" ofl"11..,nl1)' la cbcADC CllqUC)''D lhc pcnor> v;t,o dc-,""C.lopoddlO poll) puller(.« Ckt. 2A '• is3:ue of'lhc SentmcU.
The Scntu)C I \lrClic~nn. le-I.Cera 10 lhc cdrtur. who , ubmi.t
kc1tn mw.1 lunic 1ti.:m to 300 word.S.. (lan thetn ktibl)' fflCl
fltO' idc :1 rhonc numbcnn order to \'crify ~ulht'ntklty, Some
lc:tknl nu)' not be princcJ t,ceausr- of 5paco limlauoM. or
bcaluc 1hcy 1, arc .similllf10 a numba ()r lc'tt-rrt. a.Jtudy
No praying in public schools, ever r
Then: llboo.ld 1)1,\\'Cr. C\'CI l'IC prayo in pubbe ..chool~ Never' pa\l century ha> bttn a~ nund1og. In I nollion thlll IJ free ,o C'X(tt'ilt n:IIJK'l\lli W()f\hj p in 1111}' ~&)' ',t,'1! I« fil., bctt .tn: people thJal nd.tiaU)' dunk lh,1.1 c:h:Jldttn fflOIJ1d pt'*Y wtlh • founh sf'\\de math ~xher. If I'm nat n1bl».e1~. ""'th le.khcrs. arc 11uppo6td 10 cau.·h tn.al b, n1ll tem11W)'
In lhc g_ood ol°' cl.a)·~ ptoyit1t 11'1 "-hool ~a.,a.\\urncdtuhc OK.111 lhe 100,,C: I.Li)"• ~ffl<l'U till l'()Wer WM in the hlllllth o( whi1t' PMc~nt ""'" To~ ffl'-'ltt: pr«:!~. t110t ot lhc po~w wa.'I in th.: hiand, ot 11,1,or.ant. v.iutC', Pro'°*aol men.
hi (Kt. with the r1.1.;iM1,.hmeiic uC 111,rC'OUnlJ)', 11>c ftttdom ,o c,pr~ •ny rd1tuM1 «Wn't me.an 11")' rclipoo • till Aray reb•~• 11rul\la.lly mcml Ill)' Oir'llllilll tt:hJKlfl. OU., (otefottw:N had un(onunn.1cly «IC\'t'-' figurr:d ot.hcr rel15110n> tb.;"i~k11, C1m"111,ht)·, ""!JI.lid bcan,ssuc ln11mort •"'an:da)' cwdagic:. \\c b.i\e lat more dlvtmly in C"o'U)' rc~oo nr the COUI\IJY. TIK' 111,ajorily bn't .1lw~)'\ 9.bju: Protoaa1ll, lfhllt:1~•n)'tnutt. BudJhl\Jfl. h.l,m JU&bh:m tK' more pre,·al.:n1
So whycan'1 , 1udcn11: pray IC') Wlhrwnc:,cror whatO\'C:t they ch~ 1ud11y? Why e11n·1 hult Joluu'Jy rra) 10 Jcsu,. and Htth:
Ommyih lo an Indian ,ty lc and 1.:h11nt?
Why ,hould JnhnR)' .and Timmy need ,o., We .Jiwld pray ,ind c.h11.n1 Jn the ro"ill.)' 0 1 c1tt, ~1wn bttlll< Wdb lhct pcflrlc v.c love, which arc al cbun:h. 01 cH·n ln a p11blic park The 11mc hl M ftc:e 1cll1iou\l) hi\ never btc.n 11K11c open rniodcd l.han II U cod-ay Bu i nt ~chonl. h'11 fttM • petfc.:1 sce:riario 10 pracdcl' 1c.li1J01l
fll'$i ll,ra.do. I got lca.sc:d ror .a wcc.k ta bnogina ,.omc.lhmg 10 nc (or 1uricl bn-idie.s a ~11n1,1 1 huller •nd jelly 1andw1eh
Ju,1 imagme if I n:nd I~ Ton.h.
People ha\'C died 1n 1bc hundred• of lhouurtdt ove..r djffcrcncc or rclia,• Arc 1cubcn prcp~rcd lo ,lop• rrc)(hool poundin1 or .11 monkey bu thlll bn bccri done m the a,
School l!o ou1blith.ed to gel uu, ti 11hc:td in hfc Why would we nttJ lit our Sttd, contuicd with a dUCvr.:at rcli51on y, hen 1hc} thould be ka the ir 1jmc" "blc.i'? Ho,nc h where holy i, •I. keep 11 •way rrom tn)' I divi~ion My kidJ will pray wbc1 I 11rcn'1 trying 10 ,ct a hrad •1arl In. reat worl d Gcu ng 11btid 1n 1hc. wptld comei lrom the (amily lblll )OU
IC c ~II clo1>c: our t)·c. and ttmcmber. way ti1cL. II !he wa)' bll.lL. co 1u-adc IChO(II :Ill Of U.S COU id p r obably C"''• "'11,,u i> d: ,,i,t, ...-,Jttr/t>f'1\t f.olll'• u:membe.r Wn1t' ldod ot chJldhood .-p,,u,..., "'" hil 1 1(11,._.J ,.,,,,~ C'On(ronlat 1on WhclhC'r ~t: wtlncucd 11 .,.,,,.,,•Jm,rM 1iwt,tmv1t.JMl11,r•, 11.nl~JClniLtd II or ~·ere \• icltnt1l.cd by ll, Si1t,,,,i RIM!JIII $J fft'O.IMII II lhcUII pn>hho; 1) SHU appa1eot. bu1 the proJtC-i• 1ba1 humanJI)' has mJid(, in the V.C' can r,:mt'mhtr the c\·t.nb Once tn •- 11ir.h/ir/u•tl,ul
Parking police are vultures
O Eplalon loraplltl,ll , >poc....,Jch: imrocdUlll: lhmc mib~d
NIC.ch: Mll,Ul(il;l,n~,o loCJlw,g bad. Ru,,dl Ou.,,. TmnaOUlct. blalm,dy pa1SCd in !Ir cbss I 11i-. tt1ppcN\I to be in, and the p:s. mc1cr wn.,o; plmp)JJ lt)',t,'JIN "E." 1~1Lm·1 IIWU!wccidup tiled,e~~hov.111khu~of' ylllds.ao l c:in:lcd b:ll.i:" 11gam Md spotlNlwtiat l lcnc,,.,,waspl)glObc V\'lllblc-a l2..fooc~n11htooa ()(lffi('(. lb'r'ingbl.-enlicl:ac:Jf\Jrlhc \·ery,Qffle (l(f,:s~ hef«e (piddft$ wilhin30rcei:ofll~'lg,,). I knew myd~"'~shot lootmg ll lny ""',11t.'h and giH ~T. l dmclcdthat t dklrl'tgJ\~llaupl..S OIO'l'Cd 1nw lhc spat. hoping ii I dtd '141 ply,nd-llhily -~wld
Mm) of' yoo bn\'C • I~ l'nCQUIICrcJ the #nlC ''pcbbk in~ iboe" plloooll'l<Mnlh>ll,IIIC,pcn:,oJ ,.. H)W,M)r\ problcffi.-1 Uul JU!!I
• l:dih>nal e....i
Jerry Manter,,,-,.,T.lt!K:" JMh Sludl'f' -· Mu1M1y ....
Mlnd7Wolfnlm A .,.Jri..,n...,....U.. Gc«s<
...... u..i, s.n
h,.,;:aU;c )VU kdr. O\'d' )'Wf "'hw.lJcr ii fcwtJ.mc,,\tttllk"'~•\\'3)"1mm
)WI ,..-anlot-.n'1 n~ )\IU escapt'd te0a:\1t1g th.1111bom1nibk ytllow Alp uiicnyww:tll.bld:to1t 4t'iucb.u..
Mgil.llurt' 11l lhc bouom ha$ (oded )'t'lllf ><h.-m,,,ndd.-ma,id_,SISlorch: (Wk.In,: \?'C you us..\! (or an hoar I ~•,ONl~lf<"Wd.l)'t,.t.,t CU11cmpb1e 1hr '100) in N'IC't.
Ull\\idlf~ U) bulk.I me« pll'kiag
~W,t'« irlCffil!lemtbct"Ollol ....,...,,,,,,,., II',-..-,_
ltt me the: wllun:·lltc poti(c: (CC"tt \\ill Ila;~ ,1(W 1,1 \·iolalb\, tal.6ing RIC to tqrodpogl)' k.n RI}' lo..iQII unUI 10tllCt.hla$iCCtdoncab:xitlh.i!lmtss..
l'l<>w, J "10ll 1hrwgb " "' nciJ:hborin; -<IJ'\'(:U ~die ,,-.'bOOI ~tiich llttffl IO ha,'ebtt.al a:nmfomrd iilkla Jrujt a,r loc I only wWt I could lww~ lh111 $15 hac:klObu)'llRat('if~(lf Mlfnrthllltl,16 ibol'11,.'ft the l S-miJIUIC ~"1~
N.1uk# IJ1111iw u • u;;,lfwrlr,r for n11 lf"'""''·"•>-,,,.,. ,.,,. ~,,f,.,.,,.11 MMitl'l-b,11-,.,1".t•Jnur,...IJ.N,mr ,,,.,, •'''"""'"' ,1, SJ,rttn If"'"" SJ"' Q,t-,r1 ,,;,•f<h.hlffl,.,,
• R.:ponm, l'llolosr>j>ban lod-
flC'Cds to Sl2ft rollmg." One of oor ffl(ll5l imporUIII ~"",houldhc IOl'l'Mdo-lrom Nrdl IJ>holhcoh.,_IOJc'l<loj>and"""pe,eil>JIGII ~~and"'tthlnNIC'~finnncialn--adiin
,uugb time\.. And !Ode> So uia waytlut pcm,d>
10 d,:o,'U!c mough cbnc eo b: .wooessful It'\ DOlca\)' t0r2beltitqtQU(l[II )'OUnkir .,.:1111 n:gon!IO'f)C)Nprogram.,-Wmighlbc"""""' till•Aincncau. Sul I.be ~iom, )00 ni.se hrYcll)k d«usscd u ~'1.Caiudies way, 1oaHgn our ram-, lftbSiori wkh fin:w'W l'Cb.lltits.
Ed 11ori,.,
~fl'(I lwnlngwn JnfrNmtJMt Uhmrian
TI\b lmcC nlXt' ii to Mr Rus:scll l>wmw. UI 10 lb, babble IL( O( Feb. 6. I am ;c natlvc bOffl. fl.u:incl-w>caring North ldahb loper I am 11&1 of NIC aod ltnd ll vc,y sad tlw the paper .a• • publi$h your ldnho:i.n-1».\hlng 1.11ll..
1hc Dru1 Trcu.tmcr.it Cc.ntc.r. qwt! Would Wl'llcmPrc, bu1 I gonagC"t back11>dlr d titLIJay ,t I wn gorulll gct die hooch bottle
lhc Ou n'Jf It. i l un. ,1, d;Jol,Jf ,Y/Ct1/N1MI
Mciri£b Bcn•·ay --
l:nk - · Cbrbllciaricll 0.vid 8ulonl --
JR C:- R-
i - ~ --
Emily Dmla TmyS-
01Ya1 Dobba ~Tom
Kay Duloy ~v..,,..
· - Tnd\\'-
lldJ.iy floo&oen Cnq 'Wilcm -- Mlljod,,WUU..
• Awmdl.
PAGE:. THE. St1411N[I. It's illegal in ..S2 Marwil le, N.J., to g feed whiskey and cigarettes to ani ma ls c5 at the local zoo. • • • • • • •
rc«1\·cd oo lbcc Sll,IYl,C wb}l'ci. l) o.re. !Xh~1hly libt.loos or J) are 1Ue111blc. ThrStnllncl restn·C). the nghl 1Utl.111 lcttcns. l..ctttn nuy be m.:il lod to the Sc(ttincl c-nwlcd, rued or brouaJ11 to Rooin SJ of the SK"bm 8u.lld.lna~1bc Scminet', .1d~J l\ 1000 W Q.aukn A\<c., c«urd'Akne. ID. S-lSl4. Phan!:,: (208) 769. J388. Fu: <208) '769·Jl.89. 6-cu,nl: Scn1loc:l0Jnk cdu OPINION ' r t I An o-tlne r +f l' '".._( ni3nt id: \'ne. NIC. Re~id.ence
Ho.ll ·
ISJtidra Bullock
Bill Colby and
Service Learning benefits students
~gram offers credi t , rractical experience ~w,111.,,,, ~R•XJW\dt1,cu~ hlf~11W11 IObtl\',l,11"""'-°'""'°"'''"
adc'&IC \\tM, ••• ~QQ,,hcamrfm"titvc:dwidl
:'tr!p,•Hnrn1 Sct\,1co lnnht t i b.SH1111~Wuur,1l1a\\1,rl
n 11nJ 1ht·n found hctM:I r hnr,1 1) and lliJVtfflpltJ\·C'd UI te«hcrth c·o: ~hc wJ... hrt,-...~"c1•l'fflffllallyJ.1~ ralf'k i1111'J"'Nlld> •*- dlcu homo an,.I
.... pnMlit,. p'Cllt tcr\.:C fut lb
Mid UlotC'Q. \lihu in~1, "'
ilh t.V(h ol'\CCk>k.ing , \'C('ll)O),:d 11h lh1, ~1p1.ilidJon l1·, tu-1, • i,,,,i.J (11ftllC. 1 iff\uhN v.1lh t..ramut, N,-r
Gf •,d.iq •lib a ,.-acty d p:\Jple and
0 F ....ts.L
tvft\'i'.'fMUIICI.. hdr*"dop l"mJt'ch 11111k'tf.t\C ru,Mic l\\',U\.'1,eu 11hout CU1nmunit)' nQ·d,,.. ..ti,tnhuw ...-m;ci. to thr).f•ho•wld ~t1Cb:rt't'5.tl~ cluioioJ d,aa Swdcntt ('Obtntlullt IS I.Mltif ()kon,. hour, t•I hinc anJ nll."fJ)' a Hor-.""111
M'rne.trr - ahl,ut 1-! houh pct •ed. I« 1.:ullcp~ cfcd11 anJ ~l-1\,: mulu..blc prw;uul c:.:J'ltfic:Clct' Thruup nw.'! wn110e, pracnl.lb,,u. p1'UIW1 urpra Jutuniam. thea ,,_~ roan, Wl'lfl • kb ff'2lir) IO ldp diem dr'"idcfi I fflQff flco1.lblt lltl'UfW.fllff\f'C'C'b~ 11 prqwn dlftn tn l,11,."(' die c-. il:atd l',ut ffllUJ.ns, chall~nr,:1 1,C mttnU1ntn, btlllth 11;11J \~brr
\\ !Jun I ht L'4 lll\l'hlJl\11) ScrvtLir lK1mm.r JI\'(:\ \\llJtkllh IUI t~il) Ml only lo help their lcllrM- ma. •,1111M 1ir dwd. but WO (ll:IJ 01.tl mrft" oboot tbnw,thn, t.aiJ larit:~ 11,,n_UL Eosfult-. ,.t,o o&ra ~c lnraag .._,. hn cbl.-.a 'ta) lbal aumJtll drily•taid~• t~pu.n11ftharidcautl· A«lffU1utmm1 to lhu IYrc' 1cni.k·a\1:1r-an )add ,,..hl)UIJ pcrv,i1u1I Jpd1kt1J"' nc..., fouml fo1;1.1~. t,lr
-,~--· 1,Joas«na ~MliJ('hmlfon•ill •·1 n:,11,- ffl~ 1.-otme\t~.- uiJ 01~-n ll1lf'"lll, •hi• tuorJ11'1•c. nuu,c:rou, '1.'l'\'k<' p,,,cc:1,, Wd .t:iuut ~II f-.:ult) mcmbcn tt..,c 1.il.tn 11tcp1 w i~,niu: 11111~r1:,,1ns rwmhrt 11r liN"...-:c-orienacd-.;11., , tc, into.1 ttM:u tLt.""14* lheif[i,-a. TkttlCCft'lllk>t°C~kc~tJOtm llufl "' al llumaM)
Commum.."aUalt n, imtnk'ltd ~ath) Ho..to!'1kr, ,,IIC'n \tuJl'nl\ a" h,r11..,· to K")Qf'(lh and upklfc I ffilltJOt'l\hip wuh a l<'ftlnf 1n 1111 ti~iqeJ li\'Ultt ,,no. fftl«ni1nh1W11U1"1 llt (11t'W" d' Aknc ff.-,nlir'.thi.-n•ritt'anonlh•~c,,n ~lhat
• NJ,. na t« •111111 raidmt, -..S"' 1k W>) of = ." ...S \l,ry r.i-. olfa-r,,, H )'Un- -n.cy ~c-~y IP Jd .IUfll.t.Ulh-J • 1tll lilJltOlDC' IO C'\ &h,1.,,k a1.J ulldcnui,1J 1ht nttJ., of :1,:m1 J'ffl:llh '" snwllf111ttr1111 '" Stirn.; ft'\idtllb upencn..c J unini~h.-J mi:r11:t.1 iw,Lu,
a,eid ti.> .itendcd nurncNMt, re,ion:aJ '"'flll.. iec;.andunt,·mwo.l&a-,1t111,~c:d iACoeur d.A for""ya,..*'""-.,.°"h<rl'II.D liatea:ta~• dr Uoi,"Cr"\Jt)clldabo, Hd bdlef •••malt IOt10I ~. la - _apl chtlJl'ffl (M1o1w, 111W hrc b1.1•Nnd \td!MJ tllw,.,. 111. an,n,uv...1ur. b1,f"tll."<,dl1tc anJ oo cMdrt-n Oni.· vf htrc.,-lye~ric:"fitC1\lr1th $C'rw:r Lt-M11,t1I cnuikd boddu'I a tn: ._ mtaMiOO ill ~" •llcffbmaJollai'fff)'r..t.lc•tbt Wly of~l1x) K\cnkbl nltakd dim ~-,.., lla-lllp tebcdda-t,- •''1&&111 nff)'1W10danncr. "'Thr) libJ ',\-t. au tool.NI M.c n11'1111Tn., Oboa· ltur""ll ..aNI. ~JC! 1.1hhc tinttic. rnultliCOknc.l do1hh11 womb)· the Amencan , u,.1cicnb.. ~he,,. WiO~ f,'4 t,k'i('t.,puir P"DJCIC". _n..., ,,_ ,ad tn<laof "'"'"......_,Im tkm.(,-.-.::bcoarnaaot1,<'IJ~ dllllao from a St. ~-=cal de ,_..,fW'Ollalll,.,...
'k: f.:ulf)" IOc:ttllt \. 0 .,.\Ill~ lnkrnk'J pma cmt t'•II Ohon--H,'ln•JI at 'UN 'ht!? "' (OfMCt lxr "',rh 11tc •• tiur,·l/wv.w,nk.~W'~l"YktJ\C'o k't' htm
Film lestival visits college
Documentaries have human rights themes
I 1hm d it-uuicatiat the botdc 1~11 llumaa Ri11sts ,hniu,.l,,iu1 thl' -.,wtd wlU N' , l~atitd in Todd 11..U du.fm1 Ft:MW)' 1111J MJn.h nc lt_..R,pb F,tm forit1ul~bytbc
On-cn11) b..,CaDlllllel::•illlQll,ftfo-eftlmi
*'*1JIII tk~ol •ame at ~•
"I'*"' ., ol,t l;mlod 5-. 0. 0111n,d,.)·'"'Scoo1'1 llc11•_,- •·,U he' ~'n IIC 7 rm 1hr lilm chronlck1 the: lt1N,lft htfWC'en (be O..~ Sl.:•••uc.i Amcnc:a·••all Sl)'(IVIM:K"Jal)ddx!Nwcmc·111 h) ffllll'l)'Of 1b hrml'ltn '° ~-en.e 1htm Ptc-.lcl'lc-J tD pat\ b): die lllllfflMl Eq.ilt) Ch,b, lhll hbnflDI ~IIMUlcl,aad Kia l:aifuil '1..,'" "ftrn....
•ui. monuns 111.ild'I ud
fh.. v.1.1rl~c.h•nsc '4htlc,lud)'tn .~n)in1 ,nll n11cn1ptu1K 11, r.ur.Jve on le~, ch.111 S~O 11 cd, Qui hu• ~.in Um Mk h,ncn tlC" lnll~
,.l)'Noa*'h 1buJ,ct' TIM SI &oJ bu)• klllf olbrtad Our.as .1 brQt bcl,r..-. cbub t* • lriatd. Of I bool or both ad lti.rc M:JftlC lime fttdiiti: bi,d~ The W,.:t QIII be' fflllf(' ca.)U)cJ d 50CDr hrn( II :lf1C"Df
k,r.,Uas 1 ,1 m~t.c..J ur JWI& dn\'lftl t,,- '' "'"'h mommx lc.,.,l,1111 foot • r•rkan~ ,po1..·t
1·akt S2 •tid 11 Al • n~\\ ttlCI"'" n•1n >oUf fa•n,nJc ,·1,ko ,1~,,~. Whdc ii m.,y Ml~ 1 \0) apptt,:l•tl\o"C ,C,,ll.ltc IO'Aanl the Sfffl OUtJOOII'\.
1t "a 1ood wa)' to U1l tUIIC IIIWI lhc \ll)I SCI
ta.,:tt umtr Taite \'ud•t.rpdi.nro•1olJU!c ~mlroc
JJ.,1oaShcnnafOJ«itlttarln Uuk
Sc-auk bot>h f\t"Oll cvcf)· S...UUJay lm.tl.*J111g
oJ'('n m1._c n11h1,, s•mc niJhh anJ b"e nw•K, uld JD\" (Ill Sh•·m,11n occ ,oo•JIY ti.-, f)OCU')
K.ad1n~ l 1lt1l·r "')· yuu·u be "''ml and ttad)' hw 118tltlkf l«al "W't-cnb.ltt 1Ul• )'OIU" hnw .md lit.I) ror • 1nk s.,\llf u.: u vor
T.alt S,& ud t-&) a ,_.u,.,-. h-"" ..S LIU a
hl'-c on 11.1M• 1h11 Pf ,v ,in .-n "-'lc111kJ 1'115.c n~lc Th~ alt n \dll dc11n cnuuih 1w: 11: biJd) "'-" tn."t'Jlni • rau::1m.,L t:\tfJ 11~ 1tw Ulltnl to ,-.,. ut IO uutdl1uo Ulle"i III h1k 11:l 111U flMI SllJadfLll-rdlcp,,t&nl. lf\"Ollctrnrmm~tmpUIIIC'lll.~I fn~aJ•m,,\Mn,1U Pn,c Tal.c-a11r,nu111 after cl.Ito.a••"-' dalt(;(l\·c:r the~ 1u-t) ah'tl.nd Hayden. Muthdn1m. fem.an 11nd \('', C\"('fl l'o\\l Ful h, 0•)' tJ) d.1y 11\c Wffl'IUnJ111J w.ucl.J 111 IJm sin.II w•• Ltw..,n mcti~ukiu,1, 8111 lit aich mtaof cun,c an a1i: a.ltcctcd. Samit '-lt.lnsn art for dlt kftn, udl • lk wlldasias of 1k ,<lif\Peta Rouknrd °'~ •hik albrr,. arn·t ai ll'llltli. ,lldli;~ 1bc-h1Jdie,: landa,car,c near u~ nH'f w1k1 Aw1d l1Cu1i; rompleli: ly ot,h,·11111~ 10 thi: tol<•11111d lift 111 \\h1c.hounu•11 lu111n1•bed With tMli.:(11111111, ,rowlh. u.u,knh ,.),u"M llllo a.:h IIIUf" ,nil C't11oy •n)" CN" •U ul tbr lllllW-1'1
P"' l"ht ftna film ll a docum1.·JIUI)' ..t.. fflC WM'ICSI 111~n!.&•hoMif\,,·cd1hc"'aro,l l991-9l.. The .,,,,,mrn lu\'. In ..JW'C'd hou\inS M'IIJ a1~1 ll)1"'- to pul tl1ttt 11\t"t hlt:k loCC(bct in tbr •.ale<•( lhclf ~t,i, labcr,., brotbm uiJ m.a.lC' [~ "''ffl' uw CUIIII the•• n.. ra1m Ku~ Bomia •idl Eapn,ll l1ilkldcs,., llt<-r.leoflbe"""'b1•tJmpaMan1 .---:rd t., a poupol Ahawia IOealF" rrom die: ~n n•l..ln c;ICyC'lffttJc b •• maJt ,n the mmmer or 2fN ll ahuu1 a ,-car aO.ttdic Sdhl• 'Mlhdranl hum Kow,'l\o rhi.s fibn b 1$ m1nu1N i11nd ill in Allunl..111 "''lb Eftal1~ ~1tle1 Wr:•l''f''ll'IJ l,p the tc.\llv,I Man:.h ~g at 1 p I'll i, lkhllWII ('l,.,a,ed E,,a... •hk."h lulkM, f*M t,I kwdwr.ha•«-sxs -~
~-'Ztt~.,, 111•n•E Cllmll'llll and. \IC'Dffl al the w.Mio.Uhnu. A111,Jt.hclJ117-)'(*r-old rth1FtR'lnKOIO'f"Otn a t\.l.il..c-Jc'lllMI td"ugcc '-'If' l'ht•liJm•100 IJIIIUlD..tb• Y10(VI, •1111l'lar~oflbcJC11.1,al•tosncrcqilc.a
maykd ffl"")' rcrnv,td fn-.n. \aidDtN"l v-,1J.d1verpry c,rnt11 c:omnuooe c:bwrpc.ntiu llll' hhn, w1JJ cn.po,r p.,,p,lc kl lhll,i:~the l)'rec-1 lllfJI...Jtle,to 00 1h: DC'IUQJ\I porlfl_)', V'll,l Aid.. Sitt u.J dlodtxarncr>uno"" P""••fal ml C'•~ IUllllla.JtJCel. Scar~ r--bt-'"1dlol<km. Tlwflnlfilll•dir!llffla. Mll• "--•thellnd olM•j,,l,,JJ,a.·•10_...sl..t- I~ Vip...S
ah~ .U) r«iplc 1n ilRcncbflL~ ll • U about ebt l't'*llh nl 1hr 1oQJ '111',lf m Af,tl.an.1"311 Follo'Mn, 1hcr,u1h" of n11 lta1ian Mycoo and, wn11er. lhe d«umrfl<)' prctn:~ the uial, 1rfi1 1L'-1 v.·lCh ll)'lflt
1ot,u,1Jaoirnnut11y~111 ·ran,tdllnd. l1lt m 11< ponol ll>t II-Rip,. WTca •tld"""'""°lll(ltl,at,b fur 1k llll&'T1Ullomll (CQJ\al u ~)I'd. Lmdoa mit,c,. Yew\. "1'bc HUINII Rtghb Wat,..h f ,hn lt'\lt'lal it !he W(l(IJ'1r, k11J.1ng atlov.t'• fu, 1.11.einruu.hcd drama. dt\."1lll'k--Pl.&f)' •Pd lni.Ulo\lcd tltm• thlll fCIIIURI huroan n,t.1, lhcl"l'tn." IC\'OnhoJ IO th&.1, a1k', ww ·.brw OfJ. INt-rUMlk'G ._ die rwm .t the. toc:tval cm ht ff!UIIJ tbac. •-.dl•.a1Cn'1n"l 11irllh lhc: ..ten of wr,a
,:. ,,.._,,.... ......, TMC $tttf'Nh. P.tm 5
• • i
• • • p to
Bruce Willis u..<.ed
be ba,ti,ncler;.
"''°"'""' .....-·--
.\.~ltiOfflC"I, (II' atiulC'J Y.IUIJJ'l,lln OLildml. .UlltSrcw,:ialOl,-mP'C' S1 V11w..t'111Jc L t«o Aid 1-tw.J(",1, T E.S II 1he Wuriicn'•
rh)'1io.lnr':k,1l) .SU.n.c J.,q'11odab.Jc llllkll CWII •ltll dlrir o-11 lmho Oller umilio nt.i" a,-..atbviDgf•n-a.1..IOd,,t.ftnll• iolr,qundy • .,..-.~ ,.ca-_ Tlb111 •1rlfft Sc'f"\ KC' l..nroiDf: Comet, IA Ai.L"'llfdiq lc.1 01..,...H,1'\v.1ll, -=> •l~b dm't 1.1 r .1 StnJ~c Lcam1a1dau li«•,1w 1hry1h1nk 11 v.·111 ,~kCI UJ' 1.111, mtk:'h ll(tbt-1r Cl\!''¥,) ainJ/llf 100 One of ll)e chnpesl and mosl nlc lhlng• IO clo ls a hike around Tubb$ Hfll , which I• localed In downlown eo.turd'A-. The tt911s are pa blo Y-"°"nd. 1}et outside and do something cheap • bjoy springtime while : tlintainin g budgel -~· I .v,-, .. f'il'Ollnneofhc,u, .atbn t die n mtht 10 c~,mc. 1o1.1 l110 \OftK' 1ht 1U1!C1 1o~uutitdccn,c.,)'n111 licclC'lil me, ind 11r11:tt 11·11U1 A~ tile ,n,,.,,.
I .ty. tkorjXlf\lUhl"J 1•1 hf :4,.;ll'\C'
~uJJ....,a,mowa C'11Curd'.\ICDll'
1111\I 11.:~
s!vlh bcllff uw-, ~ome •••~ •• lbc lillnlk (ICu1'1111:iD1::*1,w-a(" .1A1-"What will you do for fun this spring?" K,,ln \b.NUoL JanM'\ \lf"O.,. - '._,... ,.,,.6•• "JJ tllllfj'JQ1il'ill W,.mlAI.I" Kii> DIH,),_...., h.an \tOliC",.... _;o1V..~~· )k,~ lna 1G a code al rcla,._.~ ,odiea ClU a '" !di IJtc rct'lf'GII the ·~aces ,u be: O'llllfe ft'lr"<IDIQ&f\11 •nd f"fln;h\"t' ot1>1,11- ll ~will. lit, wlL., l'lim11ll lkittmilll. M,4,n1
Club president J keeps involved )
Stude nt se rves ·on Task Forci c
Drafting on track for success
, Program has sent five students to Nationals
, by MOffl!I Vau1hn
• Sta/tW!l1411
At I.be lop or Lbc Hedlund Budd1ns.
abol.u hlllw1y do~:n I.he hllll. llfO 1he olfic« for 1bc dralung d1v1tion
'llk'tt )'OU will med Sbp Oill~plt, foe
MW1ll aod Cun Booth TI~y reach the atmltKtunll. civil and m«NlnJe1tl
d1•t'~$.ioo1 (m.pcctfully)()("lbt- OnaOinJ aod
Ot~l~ Tcchn*gy rro,:nun
MMSba.JI ,aicr tfl(' DraftinJ alKI Oe•1.J11
T«hnolon pnllnim "th< bN
Miu,h.111 cu buck th111 up. £,;\C1)' )'C-M,
drafii111t, ~nun"' ,~" iuwml lhc tc&1011u.l
arc1 «imptlc 411 8o1:sc Stal<' Uim1:nuy
1h1003h \\'h.ll t~\:.llkd Vl('A (Voc11.1irJ4tal
lnd\li1ri1I Club,i. of Alften(al
8-t-b ~.-r ,1.x tnedJIII .vc lwjmkd. Ovtt
the )a)l dln:c )'t'J1D.. lht .M:hool hM LUJtcn
homf llof tb~c Ill medal-.. NICh"" 1l11o11
knl five people cu n.iuonnh,. where 1hcy
h•~ roli.al from.Und'tPcl-1tJ4.
U the pntc wtonmg lllldus of thi, rrognun i!.n'I wnvincmg c1iougb. h~ .abool tbc f.:act that c~rc hu bttn 11. 100 pm:eht plJ1.-e1m:t11 rate: U't'et the 111\t four
Gd!C1J'lc al'IO A)'li tbu11hc 1v.-o-)e.11r prosnun is a gR.ll 11cpo,n1hc wn) w
• (OIJt•)'C.lt <.lei'~
,11 lhu13, h~t
n,«lwucal dc>lp and 11,ctulcct\lrc
,,udcnu tlnru:ler m ••lldod 11111
I.bl.- Unh·mily or Idaho Ctt &is1cm
4'1flcna lw\~ )'gr
AS degrtt or •
une·)'CIU' T«tmlCu.l
StuJcal\ 1ut from all m·cr Tlr) oori)C.
Imm 1\1oouu1•. Soud1 Oako&a. Sou1bcn1
ldaboa114lNo.lda Aft) ran11c fwnl 17--60.
Thcuudcnts i\tcritbanJblOUlOI hlJh
..:h.w>l, toabnJ for a new rarttr or
Stack alcohol by weight to create new drink combos by Morpn V1W,w,
·Sla1lwt1l1f Build }'"l(lJ' own 1-,)'crcd J;bc,t) .,.,.,,h du11.
Fln.1 )"OU will rk.'tJ a JIIOI glib-'- Pwf-1ht.
hc•vkr pu1 or your $hol in rust. Refer lO
1hr: gr.nt)'lahlc l'ilf ,,.,,i,:bt.1. NcU)'ou v,III
r,ero somtlhin,: wilh • rou11J $Urfact. l1kc
lhe back of I -'J-'IOIKI ot a chi:ny
lloJd your ~pom o, cherry~ 10 die O( what It ~ady ID the sb:>C.Jllu.s
10d pour )'OOHIC'XI I~)'« ()\'Cl the «>u:i)d
IUrfact ) lowly. to nol bn:':ak the \urfllCr
tcn~n You c--o111 h\ldd a two or lhrec
li.yettd.+.hoe lhh \.\a)' (lli,Nc i'l lhc mu;imum
rrrot'nntmdclJ~ Th1\ I, a fun way lu
c.-pcruncttt w.11b clr.fre-rcot O..,·o,s o.nd colot> Thu,~ • Jrt\ 1t)' tat.sic: of hqU(un,. All
'i\dghu arc 1».~ m comp,,ri:soo to dirulkd \.\ am Oi"dkd Witter l1 labc.tcd a,; (M'IC unlJ fir wrighL Liqueur, (or tho!tC or )'¢CJ who don't iroo., Ile da,·(utd tlCUU.( '\f'lril
N"cultlil ~w lh:u lhc wr.o of \II h.teVl"r lbc
•k:otrul wu tlcti\,:d from ha! been
dlmin.A1cd 10 tha11.ll 11W 1.1 kn h the
akl\bol (\'odka ii 1t neutnll .1ipin1t Sp.lntju.'4
n:rm to the alootliC'l lt'\t'lf.
Some, hqooc,. Ion: lu«'d b)' UlDl'. Other")
iui: J"''' lotcd b)' !be R.&~or they rt.l1ti.")('ot (for Cn!.t.anct'. • popubt oofftt l~1r u Kabina).
J( )'Ola h.l\'C (Nt.lble lindi.Rf. *ll)'tlung. JU,i
i1..'\k )'UUI maikr. H.a,·1: 4uit anJ dnnk.
people looking 10 lxltcr 1hernscl \'C$ m lhc field ,Mo,.t (I( 1hc ,n1denb are gvy~. bu• there arc• JOn~ ,,11 (aboot IS..20 pc""ul).
People llCCd lo be at'atl\·o and lu.\-c sood
i:Offln)\lnictuon t.kill> 10 'i~ ln I.ho
program A.lid Mu,.ball There L'i mlllh Jn\'ol\"Cd .and a JOl)d g.:ntrabwl knO" lt"JJt" or l~mp111m. i, hdpfuJ E.xtrlll lime i1 • m~t accontin,: to Mal"llull Snldc!nh were 1hcft: ~• p.m .1/itt 1hclr
C'l.a"sci, bad tnded 11,1 3 p 1n. (lhC fflAIO n:il,on rroh:ably hdng 1b1 uudcrw. don'1 hil\C -cu to the biJh LCCh cqulp1ncnt Ill hCMnc} The. prc)¥1'11"' cenche1 • hneC bi~locy br vc:h11ccluR'. \landard .and CAD tC'ompltt:r Aided ix,iign) dm0mJ Ind other ~tdh1 such I.\ blucpnn1 n:'adin&, 1n the $ttOCid yeit.l'. a chOltc l$ nu~ u to whkh dir«tlon a t.Uadtnl 9,-{IU IO go 'f', 11h dt\lfll1>a,; attb,ti:ccun,J. m«htnioftl. or ci,JJ For mforn1111100 drop in and grab :&. brochur!' or call Io, Jn(onnalkin; Adnuisiont Off.« 7&>•).111 tu,d Prorc~tiMll.1-Tochnical Stu.Jent Suppon Sffvll:e,7 J.&63
b)' f,,brjOllC' WillhUlb ·Sla!l1M!!er r One of 1hc 00,,c;.1 Mudcnl:\ on·c,unput i, a P't'~IC', ll )t:ir•uld Bill Davenport. r,1\!.<;1dcn1 (l(lh~ Hutlllln Eqo;altty(\ ~ho ti.a, 'l'I ptJ'li::h~nt for belplng hum.,nity. O.t,·c-npon hi)." bl."Cn 111\'oh·cd ,n nun)CfUU\, fln·campu, <0n-.ci(IU.lltl!1<.H<al,in& cfforb such ll\ World Asd~ lny &lid \11trtin Luther K111g D;ay. A bliarJ nk'mt,n c,f >i.'.)Olciw T.,J;. on 1luman Rclatkm~. ht Aid cdueaoon 11.lW. 11.w.vc.ne~~ 1ft unportiani bcctu\C ignoni~< ~'i 11. po\lo'tflul ·enpot1th.r1 l·o.nc11u~ 1101\lrtwm Hav1naJu\l '()ft1pl.cmta dh-play In l~ SUB dcpit."tiag AntC'ri1.:..m coamti.111onl 10 $0Ci.C"ly tor 81111.:l Hil:lcory MQIQ, Human Equ.t,,>· Club. al"'11 wlt.h !he 01•,mii) Oub lnU KOOklW Coo.ru\' 1·11~k Force (or JfgmJin Rtl11ion,, mi orgilllum,1 ,ptni, for lhc J2nJ u11ou:il PO)X'Om Fotu,n 1\, C\'CD.t \dc:11 phic.~ April 1,5 and thc1hc:mc 1i "'American., )'t4i Joomcy 10 S<.m:h of Pc.N'ltul Frrcdurnii The lhrtot arc olw> n:"poti,iMc for the fifth nnnu;d Uurmn Rishcs oo April" a1 6 rm al the. Coeur J' AlcM Inn. a11 wcll aa tlar lh,1111:u, Rip;ho. Ahn h•11t1vJ11 in Todd l.«1urc lllllJ \la~h 18 Tony Stc.'Ao1Ut. NIC political wieuce 1nwuc1or. 1.l a for the 1bnie gn)up> and 3.IWJlhct uf lhe tnftuenllll pe<>rlc 11'1 011\Cni,twt't h(e "He', 1.uch I gc,nde,:uy," Oa,·tnfW"'( u.ld h't s,Hl lO M:t: ,;omront: who's ;W\·oc1uing ffluna.n rithb sn-..uch • scntlc \lolY'" O:in•np.,rt "t1ud.S1c\\1tn hu n:aUy •lpl'Mt.l up hh, eye~ 11, the •orld: ··1 dc!ini1.cl) b11ve ~oc1hlns. mm:, heart lhnJ m.al.e,:,i me pu•h fot hwruul nPb and tqUllhl)', Oivcnpon iltid with
11 ~,uor a, Coeur Bill Oa ·cnpwt \.. d'AklK"l lighScbo<,l,O.a\·enpc,r1u1.WaU -oftlh 1.Scrtdet\atNIC M11jonngin ici.en1l 11tudk'1.. tnay •wi.1.ch to (on"ign Ii lu,au:.gc '"" means of Jl!IUhS to',ht Um\'CDily of Cm~, n htlie ~ooner- Once chcre, he plans 10 bt" • malh or ,dcocc ..-a. "I w•tll tc, go ,o die Unl'l'CD"il)' Clf Orq,."lln (Eug('IIC) bee:~ 11·• a hbttnl to\\n 0.1.u~npon uid. " l lhanJ.. dt,'C'.n.Jl)' t~ lmponam /1. K.lfTlklmilccd n:t:rea11on11.I <oc.uli7.t.r Da\·~por M ,1tlJ he',e lo1:llin, fOf'll,JfJ lo 11eo.a1JJ1intin3 lurrult"lf wuh • htp er~~'tllon ot hum111tuy. L "Wb.lt.t'llt'f tinlC' I tJon't "P'"nJ on my Job. rm basiCl.lly •'If.£ chun:h.. wd 01\'t"fll)OO 1A·11h ll gnn. "'I'm really dcdmlttd lcJ• tlut I lo\·~ 11' \( On Sundst)"I. he lu,·c11 borne al l m 'lpc:nJ.,. lhc iby he • \\11.h )'Q\llb.pt"Ottlltn.\ i.Ochurc:h and ..toc.w,•, n:tum bomtCIDIII 1 n.1oc in 1hci L\t,u1,1 "l help ,..,·1\b the K;d.,.' Club. KTS," lh.venport &aid. "'Wt '°I'll"' ha,~ tll\\ and tr~r,,._ IICIJl('b and gam, 11 ·~ h.nicllll, I wme po(ju\·(' lOCiJtl un1e ro, tl)cm so they c11:n 8('1 to 1cna,i, Ui C'lln" und 1c-1 u, Lita..,. rac:h Olhcl'." Da,·enpr,rt i.;;alJ lhiLl mcmor und )'ot.u.b Pt,1..w Orq Sonlllllit,( banns a wt,~l4nllAI ,m-pll\:I Of'l lbt: v.ay be c:ooduc:ll b111 UJr,., •·uc i,Jus.ct an i1obwh1tely 1UU1.t.lfoJ1uywbobu g1ve:nhu to the pc0¥J111n," be uid •·He', •lw11y,11 lhcte (o, me.'" Born m Pboc-m~ Dil,cnpon C'JUnt to North Idaho In '92. f-<>110¥.JJtg • )'C'IU' i.n RnJhdrum. he rc,.1~ m Ht1)JC11 Lale be \II-orb 20 how,i a \\1!C!I. Jt lhe lit,my u a ra,.t'li:'lcrk.. Hu mothc.- wcwt.111" KindcrCc111cr in Post F•llll,ltl1 (atba The Spole~mM-Rc\·1tw.,. • fr'Cc:·l•ncc pbcieographct, a -ilm'Jcr" "'My parcnu: arr e,·er,,tMna ,,., RIC'.'' O:wcupon ~11id. "'Tht, 11vc mo a$ much as lhc)· can and 1h11·~ all an)'OCICCOU.lde,"Cf • (or. The)'' IT \'C'r)' suppan1ve o( me 1ml r,oud of "'ha1 l'w ti! \lo 11b my hfo. so 1hcy INS! me 10 make my own doci)ioof..• I 011.\-caipon uiJ hh btochctSam h.,,. :atw Ol)flttlbuccd u, 111:1 cnllgh1onmtm " He'd Jl.lw'>" brlnJ ur the lnJuuic:c In W •·t'tld U> trW:. W • dKln', n:!1111)' undenta11d D.ivet,P(lrt ~IIJd. rcealliog m in.:Wllao, lo ili.tb gru.Je\\he-n hi• timth«told him be "'-a.,w.mg1t,ed. -j guy oflc~iv<el)'. TiliC HEC i,. av.adahlc: lor ,,my nocdcd Y-M:t;m-wppon 1h,1 ,--urf111te11. Dncnpon iiid They nlttt O\'t",Y 1hitd and fourth ThutMl.a) of LIM: month Ill oooa in LKJ I-U'.l:w1ekn1•11tan 1oan~·nd
•lla(lllol flladODIMocta • QOOQ on w-..,.,. tho Ed,o 8oyroamol11>oSUB w..mu...676-2016 ..... a.....
M-7 PA MOa.i.)' la tho Bl Ca><t/Ed,o Room o1't1,eSUB111d7p.m. 'lllunday, an Ibo
lllforaw,oo· 70,I-J1183
• B- RJal,b Clab lllccb1t1noua1ho1Mn11Dt1 Thlll'Mlay olllla ..-inLKHRaam2.ll.
• 8- ~CIIIII
Southem Comfort (100 proof) - 0,97 TUB"'I -0.98 Groen Chartmuse • 1.015 Coinlreau • 1.04 Poach Liq\JO<Jr - 1.04 Sloe Gin - 1.0ol 1'1,ppe<mlnt Sq,napps • 1.044 Bef10dlct1no & Bmndy Chorryllqueur Midorl Metocl Liquoo Creme 08 MamkM Campa,; Aporltlvo VollowC~ Benediciine 0.0 M Cinnamon Schnapps Strawt)erry Uqueur/Fra1Se Drarrbulo Amaletto di S..ronno Tia Marla (63 proo~ Tnple S<>C Cum,:eo Red Hot Schnapps Aprioot Liqueur Blacl<bot!y Liqueur CUracao, blue C<eme de Montho C.eme de Noyaux Colfoo Liqueur C<omo de Banana C<ome de Cacao -1.045 • 1.045 • 1.05 ·1,06 •1.06 • 1.005 -1.07 • l.07 -1.oe -1.oe ·1.09 • 1.09 -1.09 • 1.09 • 1.09 • t.093 - 1.1~ -1.109 -112 -1.13 • 1.135 • 1.14 • 1. 14 New
·-·~• .,. New
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bcallb are (f )'OU don't have health lnsuraooe, call J -877- KIDSNOW (962 -2588)1 Affordable Health Insurance For College Students State Farm offers a variety of options for college students. • OeducUbles as low as $500 • $558 per year for premiums ages 17 29 • :~~~:r~able, even if you lea school ~A ,....... ,'41~- ......... ,,.,,,•. •,,,.•, a,;.,.,(,l••• u1.,14., IHIA. l,r#1t 1c.,.,,.,,"' i.frwu,WroNEIO•W, ftt l} p
gd IR£2
___ ,.. __ ,___,., ... -·UQl-;u:,. ........,,7W-3J2S .._.,., ...... ...."-
!he 1ht,:;ucr llcpiUtlDC'lll hn to ofrer. She eh11"'eJ hor IUll,Jric- I~ thca1er and hu become heavily uwohcd "1th lbc I.beat.ct dcpnrunrn1 re·~pn:uy time COI\\UmlnJ: (\\1th) w~klng 1,11c:L;.,111g..: 16 m:d,Ui ancJ
~hc.UloaJ;' Knapp,1UJ 1L, ,ti¢ \\Otkod OQ lhcrooror a icinplcln lbl: t~= dcpQrtmcnl ·, new pl,,~ '"R,,hm!ldn"' Sbc~al~ :ut .CU~M In Amand,1 Knapp 1he pla,)·,.- w11th \\'ho1.'0nt.11.1Ja ~dhu~bandhct fm,1 on-~uig-.: ,pcakiog role. .1wlly,. bnJ or thought or (lheak'f t 4.,: 1norc. of a filn d , inJ n.nd 001 •n OCCUJ)flh1.1a." W ,111J. "'But I dmc to 5Ct' that )'OU n:altyc&n m.akc 11 n profc:S$ion And I.hat's whal ,.he planl'I on
do~. A.tkr lcavinc NIC 1U the tnd or 1hc semesccr. ,he p1Jn11
Student finds peace in art, music liny makes big laughs
f('lr .u1. twn II v."'' 1)0'
hco,·y ron.s.iclmuion fio;t: it 1ook n t111SedY 10 ~Ide
h1100 or hit l\nurc ore he bcc:u.mc a. fine ,'tM rmjof, be: workat with autiuk 111n Wnle ROC'li.. Ark. One dlly •n ,r.c:lcknt ll'tloog ,be ca a1Uc."CI onr of I.ban 10 be'kriOcl..c-,f to the Jrottnd. on 1:mp~t McOay WI.Ill wlt~,,lt'I, IN ~lulUiM tOM. .t dotn loll un h1m, IIKI hclpcd hm1 dct""4: tu,. lutu.n:.
(r ..toffolln"i.o,gio lhc-f~1C1)1i.of'hi,mod~r11r.d
ttiQg w11b uu11'1ii; chtllittn he wwld 1>u~ hit ».1t.
'lq11:tdJ~, of wtut )'<>U1 tc doin,-:· he said. '"If' you don't 11:,tu pm:100 for u you'll hum out.
:...bit' to c:ut11la1.te v.'Orting with the cll.i lJ.rcn. McO~y put
IIU fflCCJ)' hllo an. ~yin1 it brought him CC1JO)'l11Clll
Tni,,.oooocd in IIQCticthfog th.al br(l(lgbl me J'C11«;' he kuul he lit..c~.art bcc11u!oe or the lnlentetlOO he 011.0 ha\'C
ha\t~'Cf!I mt 1tanc-njoylmo"lhlt lean ~m\·clyaffotl pcyplew11h
w:ulpeuag 111 m111.11her ~0::1 of an 1h~, rvkOay i,iuU11, He's (tUlde roorc:omplcte pfCOl..-t frotn rockuuch u
1 ~~!n:1:!t°';'Went:· be iffll, "'to IJJ;e a 0•1obj«t, 1 : •h.u't tln:id)' lhcrt" •nJ 1t11n rnl.ini a~ay the piece, ltAII)' ~I') for McDay in Arkru,~;i where be:
t:qird a rr:pu1•110n "Ith loc11.l 11n1~111 at 11 )'OWIK ~Tt. mt br(11mc rcpucabac II funcc,om, ~here he <:ould don:ll.C
to ~.vn money rCJf',!Lfloo,.cllllrit>' c:.uscs ~och u 'sdi~ase
'oiwt p:Lincina, Me01y pn,p.JJe~ hlm~dl' w1lh mcd:ita1ioi1
lllllllc, anytbmg frorn 1hc l)A\-c Mau.hc"'11 Band h> Wide
11\-e for hvc music." hf! 6oilld c:mpha1tcal1y
~d he'll JMJnt 1h~ fo'll itn11&C lhlll oom~ to bi~ mmJ,
1n moqly 11'11.1 ~lnllog.-.. He'll Ihm as&0c:i:1t~ tht:
J)locc 'With hi'i life. 1ng hi1n lht orl. ·, 11tlc
)'came u, NICon.sn ,ttt s.c:b1,t11nh1p11.nd ii v.orkin&
1h fl{mlquiiicti... 1re $lid he oocc: bor,cd 10 U'IUL\let
hnuk" his m utJ wi ll pnwide o \IC:nue fc, li\•c m!l'"ic.
tistic cooking attracts skater
<1«1dcJ 10:w~nd NIC 1.1. he.Tc his fathet. Lc011.11tdC()(X'. laupldrafting and dc.,1gn f(lf
2.Syeao. J[c s11ld 11~wc:i.rd !orbitn to goto
11C:hool m a pb,cc th~t be lllway-s Kri, Cope vl'Utcdwhlk gro~ illJUP
Copd.,,high aspirallOO) 11ncr gr.du11.l1011 from NIC C• ..aid he pl11t1~ to do l'.l ''\I.Mdenos 11.ppreidic«hip amunJ Ille country and ,m nrprcolice.'1,1p uftlkr b rew di.f{cn.-nl c:hcft."
Aller romplc11n1 hl, ,1pprcn1iic:C)h1p, Cc>pc pLt11, to ,umd a rooking ~ti<K1l 1n ~n.ta l-kWJhl\ c:h0.~1,1hcP~1tk Culin11ry lnWtutr in OnlDn<'I t,c.,,i.-au,c 1hey ,pttlall.tc in r-m'lth cuhtn.: •tld the)" '"" tht,r C'Ol'Olhncn, l()w. Croe ofCup:)• IIIXOJDPJldtmcnu ii in 1hc "tf)Ort ot ruUcr f1111rc ~ting lie )taitcd sk,uog a,,;., v.·n.) tu \l.\)' h, ~hipe in the off ..-.ca.sonar fOC!lh.alL In I.he t.'tld, Copr f®nd d1.11 he cnJO)'Cd ).k111in~ n\On: dlt1l1 flll)th:dl. fn 1997.Copcll.Qdlu\p.utnct \\mt a,hth plxe 1n N.11lniut~ Ile ~1..,ppt'd ~hllnJ v.,bcn be l<Kl Iii, pa11ncr 11nd spocv.or lhonly aflct N11.or111.d\ Other mu•ol ctung, he ha, b¢(11 Jn\>(~\>(d Wi lh !tfl:I IIUJgltl£ Wtlb thJ:. ,\bdriaal Chou Ht hiu. pamc:1pa1cd ID Iii.It for ,oe,·ctlll )'t:llh, IIQJ lwJ lO qvl11hi) )\::u
""°'Tcn, l{J S, i.'111
comedian spoofs celeb rities
byTl'llcl Wal!ion
•Sl rth,nif'
If yoo ObS$Cd comed,111 Till)' Gto, er Feb. 7 in the SUB. you ml.sscd out btg tlmc - lil.crally The 300,pwnd Oluver of New Yud. occupied the dining room rrom
7-8,JO p.m 11M ••-ID«I • C<O\'<I of abaot I00 people~ GJth·l·rl~ been t<IUl'ng colkj.ec ltld dubs around Caru&d.t liOd I.be Uni1cd StttCJ
Ir« moo:, than. (l«ade. RfVIEW ~l)'1t18, ~tly' cm the
Cltcf from Sou,b P><k. Al Roi.er, Clrl of F'.imily Mauen, UDClo Phtl of' lho F~ Prin,oe of8el,Air:1t1d FM Albffl. Btn ho .A.kl 1h;1,t his ravontc p.a:rt Js bringcaUed Big Pipi to his 11Cl, Ci lover Pokd lot p1ctul't$, g;&'IC M.lll."ICMC II bug Alld ga:~~I pt'tSOn $$ rorpLc.bu1 i1 d 1dn'1cnd~. Gk)\·cte\·en made f\l.n of It pcrJOO'a, lo.u.tth, $tying it WU bkc a hyena tb.iu ~on• tbrtt~St'COl'ld <l<t,y.
He. ma.de fuoorguy, dwellfflCin late, Cft.lling lhetll B,dmrccc Boys,"' Kc e,·eo pau!iocd lo lcl one c>f them &MWcr his cell pbooe. Okwcr c,·en ~·c:d1bc aud,rncc lcop!Ud pnnt tboo.& thal he &ex (~ Chn.'>tma.\. (Remember hc't about 300 -Ids!}
Ht 11.I\O 111 lkt'd abou1 dotm li fe in &eaaal aod abool hb kid$. He mentioned• .stcry 1bou1 hh $Otl rtttm1 •n eaabeiat.ct caught 111 11 ~r1aus body pcm. Souods a little btt like '"Affil!m-.o Pk-2."
He Ill.so did an lmprcs$.1on o( a ~ooa th.1l he nw a,•cr on 1he way lO 1hr UIOW £vc:r)'Ont 11ttmcd 10 be cnjoyina ttie,ns:eh'es., tspcciall y the auy ¥.1tb the h)l:D.& la.ugh.
11 loo'-cd lite C\'Cl')'Ofle waJb,d *"'•>'
:wituliN. l Wb lnughlng !O bani that I almost stantd 10 cry Afll,ough the ra.c, or a 300-poond man in I I.hone is Just ,ms,. Some caf dic audtenec mt'mbcn wen: .so intrigued lhnt Gkwer$1uck'around Aller the * "' tO t1tlk to them I dunk Olovt:r C\""rl'.I $OI hii. SS b11clc.
CUllnery Am lludonl Kris Cope, 22, -·· ltf-.r, for I lunch
Emety's Rntauranl , loceted tn Ille Hedlund Bulldlng.
1·~:... ~,, g in tonic Water, it will dissolve. • • • • • • • ARTSE (\& NTERTAINMENT l::I e--------------- --------------------------
stage role spotlights stagecrafter in new play byJanl\O;,vid.~'lt'I .5lHl ,1!~ Aftrr ltA\'ulj hls.h 1Chool, AtnaDlia Knapp didn't tu,·e moch bl an 1<k11 M 11> wb.111 \he'-"• gaang to Jc, Shewn. .t gcs1er1I ,11.1.Jic, maj,ol, and ooc ~, lhc cfa"'"'' J'(' lik)k W;&.\ Q .ll11p-cnfl cliw a., ku~ of a fun thlnJI "'From 1htn- b:t life tuned tu thc.,tu ln hiJ;h "'-hOOt lhC.alCf hiidf l 4:ppcllkJ mu1.1h to Kmrp. 11 But ar1cr uk1ag JU.\IJn Van Ensoo"HWti. ,~ Jlc.' fdl 1tt tO\·c wi.ch Uk' people and lhe dung:, 1hn1
.bfheater class change s student's goals On-
OQ aUct1ding The E,~grccn Slit<' Collcac i~ WWlingtOtt. kttf'U)l wilh bu thr1tct rnajor KnllJP bc,pes 10 go on codo "t de:sip, ort.:ioch cheater~ Her c urm11 dream is 11 , wri1c play, &h.11 wi II htJp mllkc people more cn\tiroruncntlll.ly aw~. ( I ~lltll) 10 inronn people through 1hc:111er 41botJc I.he need 10 takt c:aro o f "'hat '-''C ba\-e k:fi," ,hc 31,id, ide rroin au I.be baclutote ode she doe!. Knapp ipmd:t a loc or tlmcrchear":lftl for~'RWW!mon "'I'm ha,inga lot of (lift with my role:' \he Aid '"It', 11 11rnoJI p:,,n lb far us tunt' but 1t't h.igbeottgy and rcnJly an I mportan1 pan or lbc story tdling. STIJDENT: cootlnucd Page 8
.\rtist values positively J.xllfecting his viewers • )' 1JilioJy Wolfrom I '4cEoaor ltboogb be IO'\·c'.'l lhc ccacuon11 he C'l()l(C) froot bil an. J,a11,c, \.kDily .,,o,jd~ publ.k scrutln) with D nopp)' mp bcn:nic lhal QO\\."ni hL, C)'t,; Walldn, :imund "with hi, hill. be ~Id Jt ~IP"' him not to th,nk ."OOC' ii loolang Ill hiin, J lb)' ,CC:Ufll) bl..ulkrt." be said ~Day. JS. l"' pum11na hh p,ss100
w die fr-Ukll('O An ln."1iJUlt". t,ut ~ficr living m tdlt.bo. Mt'D.1y lit h noe 1un, whc:lhcl he wnn11110 k11vc 1his area. lbp«C Mr.Oiy j,. pun,ul.QJ: i, br\.·10,mnt •jMl To fuUill 1h d('Cani.~. he wont\ lo open JUI :a.n plkr)' 1-sll
Mc Day , 35. of Little Rock, Ark., ls attending NIC fn puroull ol his dream to make a ca reor out ot his artwork. McOay•a art wlll be displayed at lhe student a,t show toward the end of lhe semester.
ltlu1ic 1111di;blin, !fl'CJl™ a fc"'· 1tvnh 1h1'11um up die life o l .U KritCc,rc £,\tolled in 11\eArb pmsr,un. CoJ>e b:u b11 pl1uu lrld11111.on. llliq 1bl,1 tumccl h im on 10 (.O()kin,; "'=ti he goc 11 job M a JWi.,..f.ithtr al Car~. Tlic fk<ad cher si.inN him the ani\t~ idt or cook.in&, '.lid he Javcd ku.ttunJ about ii hecn)o)«J ·n,Jl)(,ng p:Ollic happy lnlo,tk way:• Tubb< Cllf~ <IOi<d. Cope got • ,ob L', in Pos1 Falb lrmucolly, he ur1'1.:r the same head chcr thal he Tui>i,, Cope
physicaJ therapy rounds student's life 111111.vy A!t.<i, phydal thmpy.
1419''1, Cope "'jjl l"IU\kcd 11., thr So. Ii ba" m lbc ,utt-.
tio:-.tu,c.01111~ n!\U-.ctli.>th rn
Got .an .artsy storyt ContaCI A&:E Editor Mind,• Wolfrom. ~: 7(t9,JJ88. F,"k: ?••?·3)89. E-m.1 il : Scn1111elffnjc.C'du
Journalist Richard Gere discovers e mysterk>us element related to the death ol his wHe and goes on aq-ttolln<t something only heard aboul In a mylh.
Movie prophesies tense ride
New moviei span range re
Abstinence, vampire plot( !~!:!~to au di ence's tasti
r.'!I,..., 1nt:.\C """ moun J'l'H·n,m l'« ,.;Je. c1fltla:" \ptctrUm roa. .Ji. Cldlcr Whi h ,pxuum·1Welt. u111.··,. .d~t.ll, .,mpirc,. die ~J •bt1UIJ!b"-lucl'lt'C. ,r~ muchn,n:J,iJercnc canyqu lt't°!Sr. v.hr1kt,au'n:- lilt.I ltlwd-,uduri#. po..,cr-muJ lcttwb,o
IJt..V\mffl tittinj, fir a tt~ulM ~u.)' U} nl,: 10 rt:\!Bio all lk'.(.lv1t1 1hne' 1,t11nc.1.lun1 ac chc hQA ulh"" lvr )llU •'Qt.itt.11 o(lhl!' Oruiu,Nt'' ( f\ow l"l.a}i.og, Rt Ba-.c:d pn I.he t-i)l{",li. ti)· -\nnc \<.Unpitr L,..-,.1..tt t Stl&ll'I p Tawn,;cnJth.A,dl:1.:ldcJ to,icpaoii• 1hc l1;fa. 1rn:d(l(bd11t ,r
t,,11u,~J Ill LI~ -h»~v. ,. Llvt11,: .urion,
IRtvllW Yoho ~,·, 1tt che nm! lum. l.(,~1 1dct to b1xomi: tbt t;lui,e,.l thm; henn to beinJt l')J l:.atU, ro,;L,r.nr
u:~1111· niu\ic cuo1nc:" wt~ l'lll• or U,c moct~r of il.ll \ ,11o1nruc,. l..bc1mm:111 Qul.'eft A\.1..ha fA.,h)'IMtnhn'C!l')Ji ! l'l('11CJ11h the An;h.: i'"'C l.c",.t;11·1 ,nw..c ati'ltl.ie!I hrr, 11t1d no3i 11lCttn,c1,~hDdet•1.kJ1ow.lcu\,·1 1hc
Jar the""'" h Jue r.11h ·'"ampere ~iOIC'lk'.t,• ),,1.i'tT ini~, (ins, :mil ilak~ ifll bit., t-1mJlfyin., ride. W t by Ollvm Dobb,
'11'ocM<Kbn11n~, ·1•Hl/2,R)
1idcfinittlyDOC forC\·tt),•Dc lbt~. I ,,_,11.l,1
Nc,w w pLdn d 1J., l1i1lc alftt..'qlt
This movie~ cul fmm 1M' ,~ dad! a,
'1k &ordsr nnd '"'The Olhc:r, h•teaJ Pl
)'OUr e11lbk bc,1.\t uracrial k.illn dn,s,rin,
I rcopl~ hl.c. nancr)' r,,c
R(V1 EW n:un~ttt. a Jttlll deal ot ilia.logue ao,J a tauC"
a(Qm.phc.:rc a;cncniac a 1.-cri.m lll\1.1uoi1 iuld
C\'Ctl world, J 1"1ftf ll lhitd d11'1)1!f1,inr1 IC, charaacn "i:thool the •kt o l dc'.atb Whtie lk
IICrl'loi&pb«o iJ UM.l~IJ1 \'Cf)' trn.w. lhil b,n
1ht-: Udil.'ftite po,;slbly Jn~lnlcd "uh •h.id
couw be corwdtfflf ll tcss 1hao gn1&1fyms
The U,C)\f'IC 5W'U Off ..-...11,h top jOVmalJ.C
Joty, Cline ( Richan.I Gctci .u1d h,, ~lfc M-,.
(Od!r"J Mcuit'IJ) bu)'it1B I hoUk ir, Wamtnsu:,n. 0 C Aitcr 1t1la.1111t • hs11;1..c, they drive honw:. aoo Mary ,n~ f\\O glowmi ml C:)'t:S *in& lQ'il.;&&\.I ha. c:111t,IJ1 tc, tu
11188181' student: New play gives student a ,peakin g role
Condnu«J frl.Hll ('8t.ic 1
She 1111<.1 .\Cert th.; mm"' NA:1,bno100 • lti hL"t tnlatilllw,.I CClffl.lffllnla.:,IUCWI dau \\.'hl'll Knarp lC4fflCJ lbe)' V.crc. tkilns u an the tll(t11C1, W k:nc• 5bC' ".wlcd to hut-c • pu1 in 11 l thin.. tbccoaton1 oflhc r&a) 1l"(lf ullttJ «me plu~ical uniifll int1, rm.'(.ptinn Md human nn1ute." ,he \:lid
•A...,Manla 1bo f1«. lu*h-ti1nc m11,k Am) f>.1,at,1n •tll pla) ao a('(IIU:lJJ,. tt141 noua lbunda:v 1n tht SUD
• "'SawUIOl.h .-Um •-~u,aJ"
Ou&duot PuMNh 11rdl ht precntJrq: t.lu ritru
fC'IUYil fn1Unn1 ,1 c;i,ompd1.1111111 ,11 ;n.Jn:ruLiuc ,rid lliiJVCflM'C (llms M 1 fl.ff\, \i.)r\ ll tl ln th(' upper Jt,,,c.l of 1h( Sl'B rKkc-b an·,)} al d1C door ood lhen: v.1U be pt,a
,wcr,< anJ h1l l'M:r head "'i.UU'>I tb;: wmJuv.
1nc tc-\ult,ng mcd1~11I ~ok."s41c.-.- "he hiL, -, ntt lumf'4' h ,, nf1C all rt'mcwc-J. _.. \I.at)·
die.:1n1be1111-JtC:rl.1n11 W:C:JIIC', Jinnp 1•11 )~*" lilt« a!W )'~ ha\ot J(IM
h\1rtf!h1, hrtrltll'ffl;IU).t,.ocllin, 111 ;.i
,rp,ttn Uc b,·nO C' for •n tnk.n·~"'
<o1r, 11}111 '1.11 b·l.lp rc,!1t1,:11m ,Ind ln)'-IMnU~I)'
l"nth up I.fl• lo'llofl ~,or pl.,-ucJ b~ tbt-\lUlk:
cn·.1u,n= lhal n~· hu. ,uh: ,'\lo"Cr,'C. ,1\ nc•
CJhic'lL\i:,,,11 COUll."t tnh) pl.i.). •nd J~ fl!C:'1 Oft
• q11cw t« the truth
TI1l' hi$'\' (UU'f'lahu m lhl, mm i11 ow
lbc wdlcn,."t: nc,-a "4'1r' lhc '1othn1.1m. Yn.
UUI~ ~()!;1'1c ancr ,urrt"Kc:J I'-'~ 1bc
\1u1hman. Stpiu.ng:,. il(tbnt- hc111p 111, c h«n 1110\llld "1'11,:C dic- CIIVCtncfl. )'C1 00 Imo; prool bu., bc\.'O bruupJI lO bihL '\lof1C:11df;ll1Jll~ \l,llhOOf'II.IOf. lKM'Cl'.UI
Ol'IC c-.1.ptam ttw, thtnJ lh:lt h». been aro11Dd
Jnn Im, to he "1fl\id(f'('d II hn.i,, yc1 amnnt hc~plainal.1 The &nW,CT 11 IJ\11 )OU C,lfl't
Oncot l hcfflO'\',c·• hc,,1 p.•nQWa.t 11, .UPOlo('bat" 'ot lU)C' llut!Ui,;hc,JC I.Ir JOO\ le
• HCunEfl:n
ii.U'lett note ounccut 1.cr1,i11r1u.,1J) felt ~y 1ht nudtc:occ. lhi• I• gsvrn hy th,· J.atktte>, 1111he toOCnc-, Lhc almct".1. llnJ!.ICI dlJI ~WI' cnou11,b *'' ma~ \·It"'""' tb.hil. thc,·'H pct• 1hmp~ 4>f die MO!lun1n MiJ the 1.1"'° of die .111ll,lnd1nd, nl i..c.,. moment, On 1hc t'llbn h.lnJ. ttu, 1-..f!l!lytJ iiw1 u1uch without cnou1h t,w,l\ lO 11 .\ 11Xt1C'Clll1 t,0 kn.'< itbd 1hi;1 , Ji.Ht 1nn\'C on Ill IIIIIMhcr K"Cln.:. l,;.:a,·lnt: th¢ ,.u....,-c •·UllmJ t,.iJ ntuch marc. llic ,no>,ic doe, lh" LC1o:bmqul" to the pw.ttt ol oot. bc:,u, lw, ..titct a fc\l, umc, J;1rll).l'.f1~h 3,1, 111n~.11\11,can·1 p,it 1,1p wtdt lhc iu~ hle Thc-E.xorcl11.. but 1111 in aU. it J Ol.., mam1aan m~ lor • !,tJCail dca.l oruua.e..and II lw nr.u1)' n11lfoo11-1 wbcrc
\1C'.1'\CfC CJII fQCUII 1111 dl,e mo,;lt: tu !he.- f'l'ttlt lhc1r~ 1»1.ht tumhnl.dtf wddcnl)' mt".u\to Dl"thJnr ""The \1 ..shman h, nut OOC' 1ba1 wl.U g(I down m tu,ltlJ)'. l,ut '" lkll OOC" 10 tlC iJooml euher
U~ In,: J,:.,,c .:I dnt,tn ,ind COR.,1nK1j(J(t c1tth.1m1n1,. Ji.oc1t1J. U<,herin,, .;ul11~ 1111d 1tagt" nunolpng. )\curr wnJ .tic lll' r,»kietS forwilrd co
lanuni,:: die l1Jh2 bcwd ••.S tf11: ,UUbdl"'.ud.
"hd1 \ht'II t-edulfl)I 111lk.·1 TIM:A!ia l<X'>dll~l
'11u1.·'!I 4hl,-.,1 1.he c.onl)· thm,: I h,1\l\:n·1 done. h@ht -.~•t.md anJ 1nau--up, • ,ht Nid
1l,c.11.CJ--.1w-. Kll.lf'f' well ruun..kd MJ
"u~u~) bu,;> Allhr.11.ith <.be', "-•ntcJ to. di.:
t..i,l'l'I hc,:o .ihlc> '" 11m1.il tb1.""t ,. ClVb.ldc o l th.: 1.ou...-~. Kn.a;pp \\.lid ,b.- lM·~ hC'r "''°"' .1nd dlClll<,,in
l'hunJay. Fri.Jay and S"1uob) at 7 JO i,.m w,11 beet..: lin.tl11J1itJ1t1 uC 1bU fa.r,mc:1ie 111.1) hclceb art SS foe adµlL',.1-.\ lot ,c11ior
t1tu•rn,•11ll h Wllltll.h.·ut, 'lll1tl1 u,
• ,\1'1 hudl) 'bow h11nu:t1111,wdl~ h pl•) •Ul'lhr ir •nwcJrl(m
1hc Baa•dl Ha.II <'br 1 , \.alkry 1r,1fll Mach 4-Af!ll lbt opl'r11n1 n-ct'P'ltJICI u $,,.7 p.m \foti la w. \I 11.:h ,I
''""' pl'C'kr bllul ur llnl,. thi1. hhn'~ .,._ bo(h Thi, lilm 'i\1uc11'npk1t1l 11ll.tf 11n lfcrJ•d.rcs1 An1i)11hdd 1 I rl.uic cnt,h Ahht~ph ,h( Jc(1 thc tnMrk \\ Uh :i fc• un!ihi
hn"-,., h~t l,o't!Jic, '4.t.1> ahSc 1odl~1IAII) l!t11t1ph;t-., ticrun.finj lml!'\ ".ffl 1)11," & -IU Nliht\'' tOpe-.11.'I ··rkl.t), K ) o~ ,oo knu" mor~ th.lto I 1.011n pcoJ1tc Utt mJI.U'Cd atr) )1'111 U'\llt,11 llUI IK'i\ '('XUnJ po!l,ilioM\'' l1111C SW~ l\\h••km•v. .all(!k IClth('pht.L""° ··.wik~ Wr: ,.: aU l1,.1J routh htc.ak_.Jfl' ¥11'1\l »IIL'f 11·, over JIN v. hci1J ,indn'lm~c•ll .'\fh'r \l.\tt Suih,,10·1 IJOW llartncn) J.isi, di\&.~"' c~ 1tcl.1lior1~1p, 11,··, hct-n m hcanfflnkclty To t)\lct 1'11, r:un Sulliviln don ,.amtdurii rmhcr dnwic. f-« - th.: C.itb1)lic C"Vtfll .,,bcrl' c-vcr:,1,111...- ,f, up t•QC 1b~ i ~LJ)•.anJ ni,hh h~· JL"<l~dkl m('urc,U •11.c.- ,nd l(lffllj lh,:reul ~ut"'-khlt1~. luo,.n;.1vrcrJ.t) , h'IO(w[!u uoJ-• !'lodun • b-t'1)lh1ni h, (inc ,111J d.lnJ). hut ,lklJIJ CllCt~U \lo1lm:.itl,, JIN .1ny •oman 111.ia Sulll'\'an·it.lrc•m Jitl 1Sh•n11)C1 · I1c·,!klCTmincJ 1,1, hoW ool Ille Ml dW11t100. 1l1h®1h oo ltunb ht 1:.1.11. IIUI ffl,Jlncoctcnt1 nw i-. if he C1U1 wudlll ,111,d 11 tr,.bc w1H wiut 111111 loni h1rh101 Tht, HIC'"'K' t.,1,'1hnc 1b11u1 nol h.a,·mJ: ~-ur ki\Sii,s« 1uu1.:hint1 oran)llunt---11'11tl,t,u1a milll'~1.-0111tm1Jt!Cbl ..a 11.k-djation ~, llni\h ~hlll he lli1J1,1,·d m llx' ru T nt dnl1*'t1 Ihm:" k"llfliC'C'~C1:mJ~ • .il'IJ.ll1im:'• p.1' lU be .wcnr
Ludacris CD 'moul' ru
CD rn ore than 'filler tracks·
TitrCl> •I1,0u,n1,1itb
Jc> I a •trk" itCRD, a t'O thlll •• ~:id lrotn 1hr bcginnmt! 10 Lhc cod. ~thct Ilic 1Ptti,: 1tt..1 aUJKl("d )""' lotou) 1hcCU h:.iJ
IWC'.lliJy r~IL'.t,'Cd\\a) 1uom&11...b 11ir umc. 01 1f~
JU\& loaded 11b Mfill~r"tllk~ lllllt 1• •11:- I 11,·1t,
• hnlc sv-J'J'lru,CJ when Tbormvtcd Word or Moor .tUd founJ lllllt 11 dlUheJ n1)· rn-,wu~
1:\j'IC.'(:UltlOrl, ""Won.I oi M®r " the J1o.;und CO b) the r,wa
Uldlrni. When I rU:uncJ 1hc C'I'), I ,cui;..l lO 1hc llmiti:arM.11'1!.l\l.il;A•• "','"•CoJ..")·· .ukl " H.oU I Ouf until I ,. ..,'- oral "r 1hcm So I Rcvrrw figumf I wooJJ btlc a di.aooc .,,, li.1,·nsuc1d1ht'rc,1u1 lhc:CO.and.. if Y.\lf\C arnc kl won,,c:·. •uflcr th:n,u1h tbt Cl'lhn:: lllbu:m. But 1 t'Clllil.cJ lhlit lhc 1o1n.~1uc ~ykul l.ud.ac:ri,c 11uJ hi.s ,roupS. Lum11iC11 found 111 hi• h,1,., h 1n 1;<N11.U11J1: u, ach lhtuu(h1.1u11.he CD
:;':l~c~~~:~~!f ~Dp~: J
ha oopn.ll ~1ykAdml!IC1.ll~,
\I.OrtJ 1111d ~ta Nie' 1.c.,t 1,ot111:r SoYI l.ct&al mltl4 ,111(1 thl' nQC Y1h,1Cl'Clt(ij 1 ,,1mri10.inJon whl)l(nhu:Jk't' fhc) au lk:pcod. 'Mothman Prophecie s' holds its legend I"* ** Ou1ST11NOINC *** Gooo o OK l11C' n.1mg
111!olu:\i.11-.. ~1uch
IUIU1).111lil.i hvti,1
l."t'l'n!'kll' ...s Cfll'))1lbk h..iai
thb Nl't • ''Ct} oc\\ CD a nJ arpc.11~ n an •mdicri,c, lb.tr Uia found ii ,k vOt.:c- oc in l~ mm1vua u( a~ rno1n. J'"'l''ins 1~c~rtK11 l)rk• l.1bc.l nw (urtl~ intripeJ by the rh)·Lbouc tw:.:.il\ atid o,plid1 yw nn'110 wmn,# .\ nc"" CO!\ 10 the -.«b ,1nd 1t:1 10 came niiu in \ri,ing. r-FORT GROUND CAFE 705 River Avenue 664-4611 Now Serving Espresso Xoff any espres so: With this coupon Free 12 oz. Espresso with purchase of any breakfast '-- -' The NIC Career Center invites you Lo •llend FREE Weekly Workshops to help you plan your future! 9-10 a.m. on Tuesdays & Wednesdays (repeat of Tues.) at the Career Cenler NO SIGN-UP N[C£SSARY1 Upcoming Workshops Mu.5&6 Mar.12&1.l Mad6&Zi Continues through April 24 llk,.,... lht I•.•!"••• dut 1111"«--t ,..lQ. Srortir or .:1D 1hc. l ma Ur.m to, • l)lofh('ktt l1•I ul f 'l'K1 1,1,d dt.a:lf'WllJ 769·Jm
n,idc a
te Colloge In thelr7)-n '°""
t,: Juhn Rea:~ ',lall.vllllf
Mr1111onin1 U-: , 111111m1.11al ,roth u~;dl)' p,h "~tlu~ 101.1k v11 tlll.
t1t11km,· 1..cc, bL"n" "' ~IC
··Wh"I arc nuramurnJ "J"ll'IIU': ad,r-tlClmrllc B~k-:r :?I, ,,f c~ut d. AkM
TI1l~ i, ~blll m.an)' flflhc i,.llidc.1111. brre ,111 e.amr11.1\ It.IC "·1,n1krini:,.
Thr llllnumnl \J)('ln pmgro1m, 11,~ • ,:,,r,d \\.l)' 10 'ii~)' lit.. lt:1\'C (un 1111,J mtcl
lk'\\ It' lntiuJ ot !'tpccllhn; )"IHII n•rhh (ICI 11K c,•111:h U1UljC jlUl\ CQOJ
11nd w•tchinJ re·run, ,,r , Drc4m ,,1 Ocnit'.··1:i\.c!ll)m( lime 10 eAr,1,m: lhc
mnny rwgr:m,, 1h11l 1~IC nllt'11 hat thu \rmnh·t
Thro~ arc 1-cn-~ 1nJ 5-on·5 h;n\cth11JI
h~1m11mcnl\. 1.-,JCJ t.1>Ctl1411. cocJ ,11Jk)'h.all, 2.,,n•
:? ,gr11~"' \,11lcyb11.II anJ 1rnni, lnttrntamcnt, ll(fcred
• lnnoanl SfXl'b h~1~:;c:~~i":'1~1ng p&il (1M by 1bc in1~1nural ,pim, dcpmin.:.nt -..iU J ep:utJncnt ll!l.:: open »:rm .and c,d~r ··~111uul Uiath"'
1..•lfCJ",.l).'-"9 ~·\·CTilt. Thc:n: v,111 abmvhnJ lnurtumcnl .ii
IOl1Nll lcJtuc:.. Sun\Ct Liu~ 11nJ n11mc'tou,. oip, 10 Spolilnt Chief, bCM."le) gam,c,. A conwlaint lb111 au'-<:l 1:1m11n110\UI)' t• 11,,u ru.11ny
\.lucknµ ¥uuu to~ 11woh1..oJ bin cbry dc>n"1 hc.i.1 11N.1u1 lhe cvcnl untd 11lh·1
An c uy way 10 ll\'l'ltd 1h.11 pn'1hletn ,t 10 hc.,d tnr<, lhc S1odcor U(liM
Uulldmg .ind go dov. 1t'l'.t;u1"11 lo the K IJ \·h) ci:.ntrr
Ncl.: up 1111ebcdulc or the upro,nutJ cvenh anJ dcalllinc,. a111.S th(d. 1hr
~llcl ua ho.tnl for mfonnaliPn ttg,vdmg the' r roP1J11'-
• Tilt: m,.nunur.l ~ports progra11111.1 NIC Ill olfcnng S-on-S b3skdNII roe
JnliJ~t. 11Pd 11:ni:ak,. £igb, l(>"ll"- At>t p.lltk1p; 1ng 111 ltK" k<lit.k" ll'KhlJ.111.& UIIC'
.fcrni\lC1e,m Tiic •lhkoc dej,unmc111h.-1 M.gin.ally p,l1111ncJ lo lu\·c: 1m1lc •"~
<c:ma.lc djvi,kln\. t,u1 001ccw.,u,h v. ,"lfft(n f\tl(ned up.
The tcum, cai:h rln)ol ttu« ft);Ul.1r g.iunn ,neam kcdt. forttic rl.a)'llfl~.
'tl.hll.hbe1in \1 1)1.dll)'. M:in.:h 4,
''''~!11,~ mm ,11
Apnl L 7:00 p m
Student Union Building $2 at the door
Cards drop fi ve strai ght in SWAC
by K.:il)' Duky
Ille men·, k•lu:1b1ll 1cuu bi.I."',,.,.._ lr\·c ~I.NtJ!hl
gnmc.~ and 1hi:1r l:t\1
\h ·re unaMe to hull.I fln 111ftcr lt,itJtnc .s lalRmM:. 38-.ll. Soow
""" 79-72 s,oc Rotnn= hoJ 17 UP NE XT p.)jri.t!I >4hik C.J. JohnMKI foll«-wcd him v. Ith 15
C1.1ni• Pt-iklct aod lk.,mond O.tct.111 c:.:teh II.IJ
II Kob101i0l'l.i1J.;oh1ul 'i<\-Cn tdk-.mdi lor Lhc
w,n&Htion Trc1LwrtVaflc)' rllttnd:ay 11tiht.4'
di&: Card, drop u, mil. Q thnr u:whtll1)' fct plll l hc hall u"l llli: hole. They arc •hoohna ll JIC~l."nl
fnic11 1hc J.pouu tine. We ntt r,rollilbly 1bc v.,TII .l rnlnl @>1111,
1r.i.rn ,nthe lc:&t:I)('."' Wld\Ofi ,ii4. 'R 1$hl now.
thl, t, the \\(lr.t ~hMlrnl hall d11h 1·w- b;ul
ril!bl nll" •• r,~int au.a,J Ba.:un ;ind I~ Jolum.c S10"' v. ill no IM,cr hclOCIJ tu NIC' 111the cnJ or thi: ,t~'I-On
W:il'i(Wl •t1 1d Su,ry i11 htlntc: ht';!\ 11 ) r«Nlll.'41 t,y
lbc triu,,:r,.Jly ot Td.iiho 11Dd 1llQ U'n1n•111ityu( 1\il.l)\IJ.\ SI Frntl(1, in Nt:"' York. n D1vtut1r1 1 ,d.:iol. l, k'MA.1n!! "' ll~·lm
8:u:on ""d SIQI) lod 1.bc CIW~ u, ~(IC"mg, .i,·cri11i11,: 11bou1 10 r,oinu per g.atDC' us• ('OCfl~ncd cUon The Canh IU\'. "'°'14utJ 64
Men down to ·final j
Pliayu" Sno'W Calk1.-oc-oo lbcr1111dwa, -v.bca
d11:Canl,he~llll tobU\lgJ:lc•t 1hc l1nc,wnk111: ooly 16o41he1rM ,1.nemp<."
'-'C h,1\·e 10 v,in IOIDC f:!Unt"\,,• w,~ 'tid 111 ,o~:;~~tc~·~nr:;:n'::; ~~n~:!~u : , ~k lc.1'1(1\·c .1bil1hc,. They •re ranled So. 2i llcren,h,: 'M..'t'flt-.g In 1hr k1111uc WaL'W)n u1d he t hu1k, 1t't 1f0Pr( th:a1 br • c mph,t.\11.C'.\ 10 tu~ playcn U1n1 dc:lt'n)c -u. 1t1 the pmr anJ 1hcn the)· IU\~ mnkcl.l se,·tt11b e 1bc lc.~uc and ~und m J e len~
Nc.u ~C'a.,n-n 1hr Cardir1.;tl ~ h:a.ve ll new oo will have nc.> p"®l c.m pulHog the: h1U ::i hole. S1and1ngJUM belo~ tbi: r im .cit 7- t \L.· '
K.sson Imm Cro.1tia will be ,oin1ng 1he lt'alll
Uc: -V.,l, nfisinllll)' 1111 ho .uc;a l U pll) rUI
1cc:l11ucallhc, m ~C,\A t1!'¥,ul1Uon1t.
"lk \A UI pl•)' one !it'MIJfl for u,. n.1wllhc:111 1
111101hc NRA dtall\, W•1wn w1d
Nci t ,.u ..o.n d~ Cii.r& 'oAdl be tou;i.nr a r
le~,n n.c SWAC wtll \',tl\'ornc: So.rlhc-111
t,;c,ada 10 l he c:unkr'tr1cc: The)' h 11 \·~ )i.ucci:-J
p b yct., on lull -ride -...:.hu.htf'hlp$
NIC hil"i ~•It. r t.1}cr.. on fuJl .rWc ""ho t
1h1.).)('uon. bu111c:1. 1 ~awn 1b~1 number <Ail
ch.angt" Jui: tc, Ilk! t,udgi:I 1."l'Uncl'I. Y+l\kbh.i.,
t11u~illlf Wai<o0n to look for 11iorc locill l\'C'l\lll.l
The: Canh w-all ltnt\h om 1hr n:g1.1!11, &QSQa
rluliMI~)· niiht al hllfn.:. n~i11q TttaSuro V11k:u1d S:11111\b)' .tpim-1 the C<.\Llc:gc u( Soul.hm hbho
Brittany Aflholter slole the boll from Solt Lake Community College Feb 14.
Wo me n' s ba s ketb all shooti n g fo r regio na l
.,,.., .....
'1"\1,~nl)·lw<> tumt.wcn routed 1bc wome11°!, b ;t,kel b:\11 lc'illn to lhcir fifth C:Pi~\:c IU'\'i s~turJ.ty. f(b 13 'ThcC~td~ ICll 104 · l.'!10 I.he Scau.; \V~ /1.lhklJC l°c.•nfoi:1ke iSWAC:).o\nl.l I ,.J.a \)\Ollll .111t1Lin4tthcm tigh1h Onl ) the 111r '<\"Cl\ ICJUll\ Cl'ffl(ICIC u, ttg,Ono\l\
Te) I<• C.Jy ,-eNCJ IS (!Oini, ;mJ Sunor~ ~phenl aJJcJ.
I :i k."'-'l'D Hllder rui ,n tY.d\'e for di.; C.atm-
l"hc C11rdi hii\~ lttn 1hlc ti> b:ml on Sht'phettl 1hi" st,,· ooislltttK'"\ 11, k..iJ 1bc tc~m ,n .,,..mna
1cboum.li11g. A\cragiog 11.9 putnt1-.nJ 7.$ ttbootkk • came, S.hrphi'nl .tl\1-, IOOkthclr:.d i11foul\~ t.iv..111,-nNIC
Vt\.! kl S11h Lil.c CC.1h.:- No. l 1ci1m Ln the cont:rc:DC"C Sl'('Jlhl'nl ,r,ntt ot tli,: lin.t tulf l111 thi, h:1,c:b altn: ~lllni,: 1v.of,itilt1n1hr 111 ~1 h'fl: l'lwNt.c\cf play. ·Simooc Shepherd hiu. bttn in foul lmohlc ,l lot thit.
can help you. -free preg nancy tests
PAOEt O T...-~
Johnnie Sto,y, middl e, gets foulod While tryl119 toscoro •galnsl Ut•h Volley Sta
SPORTS 5-on-5 basketball lace on in playofls next week
i:1th1i.>l n.i11t' The fa~ v,mc: ~Ing ,crc:.I.. lc.i.vet. tbc (:.nt1.. lO in the Scct1 ic Wf,tAthkti~ ConJerttK'e tSWAC,. F~-iur NIC pl a)U\~ ,n Jwbk figura Sa-turday Fch. 23 .sgain\l SOO\, Cc>llcgC', hut ttlt Canlm.11.\
C.1ntm~l\ lk11J c..-c:h Hupt Wlll\00 !la d tb&.• CIU'\C. tlf "'""'
pc:~c:nt ol thcfn."'·lbrow ll JK"
'There i, ""' much W'C can do untd ,1am. hming jomc: "houi." \Val\ttO
••Jc l"'•,rundi111ne. It gchirl )'OOt~ lil.lii t are gomg 10 mhs.. '-" you do," W L\l)fl Thcool) 1hingon Wauoo ,nufidt!i m.aki"f 1 th e rq;,.i<lfltil wuma1nen1 We an: goit11 to ,l.lllffac 10 3(1 tnlO Ute wunun11:in;
\"1 11.l
Gon,_...,a hu l w1111 nc>l Ch(! 1hfc due to
l'ly Kn1y DulC)
~""n." ',\flific1f,.,v:u;h O,cg C"nmp Crimp -.J, d h.win!l Sti.:phcnJ In l l'IU.l. lroUbic and oo 1flt bench h1.1m 1hc t.c2m 1 (h•nt wnh Shcphc-n.l oc1 die bcnich, NIC pf"O\"td 11c:ouJ: pl•y \A 1th thcSJ..C'"~. kit.Ing byonl)· lO pt"ltnb 7.l-63 , llX':oi noc Ji,c Ctin,p Ii.I\)' llkltt c~ntldcncc 1h11t thc:)',. hc;11 Oi:uc 11111.1 Si.w. CPlktl.'.
Birthright(Omoom WlaluJU ilil DXB ~W!JI mo ml!ff Still don't know? n,,..,...d Job Reality 2002: Career Options for women -community referrals 8 :1.m to 12:30 p.m. • Wednesdact: Mardi 6 ukC--t"Alq,e ,-_lC..,.... Thi ....... . ...,'"~·· ' outdoor clu bs an d ; ;~~ · -infant & maternity clothing • l"haClll'Cft'flf'C lloc? kka n,o ordtac -.,.IOOII l oo led,"°'DIJ 92 3 Sherman Ave. ...,..,...Jootil'ltlool •1F1alc: Jobtar-coar Z He.Jdrcateaft'ffS Coeur d 'Ale ne lilcttl 3.Nao·--"" •· -IOdpn,fcsoloMI"""' 664-1390 FREE, 1-800-550-4900 '*'fl~aD.•eol(c•--,• ~C'NIUIJ, 769-3445 (20't ) ){/1-)'JQq 24 hou r Hotlin e CENTER FOR NnY OIRKTIONi NORTH IDAHO COLLEGE
'·111, lwd cu ha\,c con fidc~-.cc ~'f!:tll.'li(: v.-(' 1>1tiy1htt a, • .i1to1l 1M (\Tt) ttu.m." Cnmp ,aw One player he doti. hll.,.e coufic.Sena: In i, r, -..h:maa gUll.ru 8nUufl)' ,\Ol,ril1cr. She: a,·c-ra(:t<'i four u.,s11u • wdh ii IOU!l of fl i1.CI)' ( \I,{) IIIMILU\ fol' thc.J.Ca\('10 in 1t1 ''BriUAn)' i11 tbi: ~ton b;sll fklcnder ,1it• lutw:· Cnf!lf s.ati.1 "Sbc p1.a)·.;. fW 40 minu1cs.11nl1 ~be never quil.l.11,c Cari.it. \\ 111 v.n.p up their n:41-ul11r -.t;l.)t"IQ d 1i, -u.«i honM: 11gu111-.t T~<l\.llrC Valk}. Th1,1ndit) t1igh1 Md d~ CoUcJ.,lf: o( Soutbt'm hlahn c,a Sau.min)'
Clay/Svaight """""" -""" She hn, bc<l1 bcljl,111 homm,exu.at\ tkaJ \1.11.h f1..IJC\
""'I~ rromi.'Oftlli\g OOJ ~toAIOS o"''lll'mtS.t..00
........ She ad~ GLBT \\'boc:omc
0t• be 1.hwfhtJul about bow they clo oL ''Somctlna. people ""' .-.ir""Jffl<d." Mlchll1-btdooolp-tt<lthuc.Ml!I
aucbl Ila p<qlic CORIC OUl "'l1' scowanlicc 10 hOI come ow -1 DY cu Dl'l lhe mmtlll wcJJbc:,ng." bc <nld. 'llxxl$h-,u,g Qllbc d1ffieult,lbrdl!01 t131J\QQ)C odvioc. F'UN wd (Ott'ffioJI. be tJlid. find ,'I 6imd lhM l• "'""'"'"odm$ mid be ~ICl't<pl, i,o.-t """"""'toWk., _ OUI l)Jlically fiold Ohow O> rmd ,omiec)QC they am w.sc.. r-.uctw s.'Udlh;at~,p.111oflhcreu:,n,he h~.~~Wm>W:$ulbt of p«,plc w.,ho would be '*1U111a 10 li!sttn or help an)'ono nc«Jar,g il AliOCbcr ma ofsuppcn on """""'"lhcCoyS.....,. AllJanct.-.hlfflnl('C!l,¥ 10a..m.
SptubP I mu\l: nmllml )"Oil thut Ilk e\blO( OC('\I DCJl publl\h C\'('f)' uruc.leth:11 bc,reots\'c.1 fwtbmnon,, dtc-Unins 10 puhll1h nn andt 1.h.1, h: poor qU1111ty b. not 1.scn~h1p: it" called holdil!$ 10 ,1.1ncbn.k h 11 die rnpomlhltJy (I( 1be c:di1orbl ,s.Uforan)' ~·,l"Jptt 10 ba\T the auagc to rt(U$ IO pobli!lb
M IS\lr.:lc that ,.o, purpo,c CKbcr lhllfl to ho oltcmi,·e4
Ont would think th~ cbe
ctbtonuJ 1i111TorThe &mine! "' of lhc C:Wbo '° MU" lh1i otfenn, for "'h.u l1 h. alailcd nncri1pt <l\&lrc, wh.ch ofC('OO, d!t:ct3dol'l:thtttl\:Ulpn)\'()Qng tllouiJDuM<', ~ruc:tc poorty wnrtcn. lu. coo1eo, was
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Hach lne W elghtll Free Weight,, Treadmills, Bikes
Fnday,.. The duh fl'll..'\iS.t::>Oft aiA~bu• llkof'~i...C,k1hetp GL8T !illlo.lcctu deal w"h tb.ffn!tin th"")' tn.ly t.<Jll)Cmlo<lni:. Ancllhcrpt\..--cu(CIJ\icrr110 gct~l1tcnlCtffC'lr:llhcM~"l. lbnlisoo 1A\<c l:Jk:n,• by Bcny l'.kJtt1WQ t Ellen',
Afic.Tcoruu,a'-"1. Hru:diR ....ipoop1<ohould"'10U!I> con.Qdtt a11mdmg PFt.AG f""""'l'1dhlc1"1,ol Le,t,..., DtldCay,J0t •1'Wl' llk Od)"'SK')' 111Spola1ne. PA.AG Ci1t1 be: """1cd by c'14ng 76S-8209 IX bycbcdlniout1b.,,.chi.ilcm 11.'\llo'W.~.rrt!f/ •l""il>lbffe>hN~'""I llt...J d 1, ,uyimpooa,1t ti~ pcopk have a scrnna. ,uppon src-ip. Fotlnf-lhcOS/\-"'1 Mlch:ala17~JJIOcwvU.11q&be,, oma: i11~nts,cn.~oo the >«<DllloorofdlCSUB ''It all «11nc.down 10 the Soi<la>11J1<."MJdwl",.s. ""Cieocnall)·~ng.1l'shoY, """*""'bom. vou.io.·,i..o. roopk'1\k'ln&.'!.. S...iadl~. "" J. thblkl,:f<Jtt )'UUf.1-'\"uk ottrn,i\•c. lu MyJc llltcJl.k.";lt.l!d. An cJuciued wok'r find-s. bcncrmct,hod~~con,·c)1n,: hi, polm lhM. 'AUetf hA,·rpicud up the ptett." of my W..:c lh.lt h.a,·e twntd grtto QDJ lallc,1 olT • N« d«s ,m cth~I "'111Ct m;i1e ,·wcc-r-ing gencnli,->tioo, of w1y ktnd Mr. Dunne, I \U,ICJ("t dut before you cnck.a,ur
I "r---------------..
a Step Classes TurboKlck '" Indoor Cycllng Pl/ates Hatwork Tanning Shower a Lockers Juice Bar Nutrition•/ Pt'Oflrams Parson•/ F/tnus Training CALL NOW 664-6213 •HUST BE 18 YEARS OR OLDER
Step a Rowing Hach/nes A•rob/cs
to wrilC' :u1od1~r .ibon.hc lllU:mrt M \JIUl"C )'OU rtnN::n.'lbcr Ute wonh ot Lud)' MJI")' Wmlc) MOMJ"pu. "S:lhrc ,hould. bkc .i ~\hc-J nuor l.«11 'Ul.lnJ-.11h a l(IUl,.h thll'$s,."N\"t'ly fd1 or ........ •. •....••. . , nco mi,,, OD! POUi I _ .. ~•~10 IOOit 501 C-. """"M~Sfih' -·" 7' I Unable to compete In their natural h~bitat, the la.st hetd of the Nor-thwest·s most endangered spec,es. the Idaho Jiberal surv,ves on an EPA wildlife reservationComplete Your Bachelor's Degree In Coeur d'Alene! Lr~c ~,.~5~HNt~ -----c-1AJt.on the Ncrlh Idaho Coll81JG Campus PRECISION IMAGE PHOTO EXPRESS 208-677-9137 On Northwest Boul evard In Harbor Plaza (Next to Idaho Independent Bank) New Fuji 4••layer technology 24/100 speed 99c all NI C Students and Staff lP% Off on all eoLor and BLACK , WHIT{ Developing and f'l.lc»OS 4-o CJ) 30% offT-shirl photos bring •n thlt ad with your next development order and got a free rollo f fllm ,nc! ~~Ls, itud~nts.
Dorm Life
Activities, events, outings form new campus community
b)' J~")' M.,ntei JMIBagir,gEdilot
Son11: "-I.Idem, doct'I mlDd I.ht lkkl1 dn\'C from Su.adpoco1 (lr 11\e JS,m1r111teC('lminui.c rrom KelloSJ. hJuM lloc!ln'lbul.bcrdlml
On lbc other hand, ,tucknr Anno11 ~'L:iric Wing flR'YIOIJsl)' ll\cd fin:mu'IUk.'lff\1111WIJflPUllM C'oo1mu1,c, 00¥,-c\'Cr. Wlb rue rru.rMt:, 100 IQOg, So. \tac 1111.1,1,.,J 10(() Nl<.."11<kwm ~1 wdn'1 ".u1t to U,c .ii borne im)'mnrc.'" Wiog a.ood I wanlcd h;mr the coUe,cexperitncc.''
Alt!UI \lillh rronlhllltt KtUy Wamk.11. 11111d kt lhmc pd fii.b Cfouy. Leo a11dKi\\il.ll~ IS.yr~r~('oeur1.1'Alcocte)1dtni i,~callllfl~ m.~h.il''hurnc ·1r, M.,1 rttt1)' pood to Cat. 1obc said other new donn Ilk "The mocm iMt'C'(.allyn~ The fecllng:w , l1l111U.11 \\·llh \\'.vmck.od her rra~, tor l~ ·•1 w.anltd IO,O ,1,'\\.l)',"Wan1ick 5:w:I.
'Ole 1)11, lhc:ar fll:\\' C.\penmtr u ai1)1hin, hut 1r;uie -r\'qllt m-.tflll,l)'.11 poppir11 ib<'}r hc.,d. ia Ind tl)'bllt bL Ille ..-ud. \l,lulc the: lh.wtU b.ll rot11n Ir.IC' mtW tlmi 200.,tlllkflts. onl)' SI t;pot\ 1\.1\'C bctl'l lilkd TIIO'IC 1111nibcn.. boY.cvcr,don't d~ge RC(idmcc Hntl Cooni111.:1uw ~Lmrrcn ~h. Sbewd ts.tbedonu l"inlu rini: trialn.~ a 1mallitr flWObcr or wcknii v.. 111 hdp w(n OU1 at!)' )Ol)jlt tlilh.
Wdh a s.Llff of fl.'ll.1r, EnJ11,h 1111ad bet ft:!,iJm1uit 4.\.\1\1.Utlb work. 10help ~1finJlhttrli,·inge~-eC<'/ he~beilti11;.1t1bc.
Th'l also J<I "'pi.,y Mr. Md Mr.. e.JOuy '"Some flUdt-mi lw,-c lt>teJ the booli<blia." llngiilh utd. llnglhbwd',,1)' cnrNorthc ~b =i,ooctkid<,mousb Jct~n)' lvm!>. +.1udmt IMIJ ~ldenual
" P t•<Jp/e are always papping their heads in and s(lying hi/' Jr\t'llyWanuck,id"t.Stt, duesn·, nu.11d lhc CJtlnl v,'Qd;tfliJI along "·Ith tbc ocwjob. ''The wcctcOlhhll\'e ba-t1 I~ 1llgtw. Nid lvto~. who'> I~ 10:.t:l.)' up \llllll .Sa...m. (1n "'~"' ''Bui 1,·; (un; lhctt's all l)'pCS o(pcoplcliving hero."
l-bVt11Jt h\·«I In 1hcdmm.it I.be Colle,c (l(SoCi11>cm kWlo. lVIM ~1\hodlm1J,·u1gc,,anc,n10be~-tbc·bir, "\\'eha,-c~mu.Jlfl'll)c'e"J*'C, bc~cl ''Thi.')'llfC\\oil.)nlar
t»wn tllC ~I on lhe K\."Ol'ld f'Joot, Ma,y Crml.dl md mcrn1NllC C.une: Un\bM wdconr motU. ~ef)'\'IOC whO wuh to~• "1\iL The. Jirb 2lml;IM alw.t)'J hm: ttie.rdoor proppl'd opc1\ IO "'dccime ,mtors. 1lq'cnJO) thcu l!ulet'(lttltlwnc. lt't ho.11 Ji kit oC f11n.," 1,,l1d CRW>cU, ,...bo b,"'Cld m the small cown o< Koo,,.k.lal:'Cf~111,wd~10Cocurd'AIC(le. Wit.hopopul.,tionol800.dlt
fffl«l\ltllt)' It'll' highertr.lL11,·ataun OD.I a dccalc soda! hfe wltl UCll there. - 1w.m100 10 mcc, man: people,,,- w wJ Tohdpnw:iet lltl)' plCll\,lbe,:iJh hid It Lru11 lvA·I h \\;t.'Cfl'I 100 populi11\ l•1u"',:vcr, JO the) docklcd co gkl! awuy some beiWlb C1lrc "WcderirJN 10 tw.,~11nllc,cfw bcwwl O(\."f.Ddmm.," Lowt'trt '4id w,l.ha ).llldt. "h u!Cd '° be full " !'be gjrlc, i.;ud tl'lty wcn:.h.,ppy Ill> i'l(ferooui,te1 tilt' oppul't'Un1t) IO pnc.11Ce'11fe ·rogclher, di(' gtrb. stn,l! (Qr BJlavi,·.ui..n: lhemt- lO dtcif l'OOln. bot$tilJ n\.'lkc ftlOftl for n. courtic illnoc:au m:tk rMdc:I p.Nm bcrc and dlcrc. 'Tbt. guls-sA)' 11~ .hr.i.-n' 1 btto uay argumcnb iO for with batJwoom ""l'C ''Our~ulcsw{d.ou1.''~Wlid.
While the l'OlXllti 1ff nice, IIJlt lbt fOC!t! in &tit SUR i\ ~ty. Lowbt-n 1ll'IIJ (',uv,,ell wtJ ,he fflO'lt imponanl 1hm& lhcy\·c gwncd dunn; thC1r ume Id tile dorm i1 lbc upponunU)· 10 mm \flmeone d1cy nl.111,1~1 noc norm.:tll.)' set ta know ·•we w~ rt'llll)' 11fM of gct:1101 h:id roomniate,., Lowbert said "'Bue we·rt! oJno.>dy rcill)' good friC'nd,"
Mary Crowell of Kooskia and C.rrto l.owbert ol Nampa Wiltch "l<lss of tho Dn,gon" In the thoator room.
From left, Hall Coordinator Maureen Engl1sh u1rka wllh Hi111 Pre sident Kovln Wright of Sandpoint. Rostdence Aul1-tant Jtremy Mns of Lund, Nev.• and criminology studonl Darin Deyo of ao1
Serah Hruby of Belllngham, Wash.. roua over a bal ance bQam at F\tnlastlcs durln9 a dorm outing. Sho fa• music major Who moves Jnto the dorm Frklay.
Sam Palme< of Spirit Lake plays with children al the- Ronald McOon1kl House In Spokane during a domt outing He Is a musJc educoUon mafor pep bend member and a Juggler.
,, Student Ubby Uvlng,ton of Salmon worka on homework In "'-t dor m room. Want morel Go towww nlc:.edufs.rnunet Phone": 769-3388. fil!ii: '"'69•ll81J. E-m.lil: Scnlln('IS. me edu