Grapplers bring home national wrestling title Spo of fru"r,11,un ,.nh ilk- ~I( Ptr li,mJ wMJ lhtn~ld rcl'r)' ~m;" luitkd llfl 1t.11tRUll1«tth.1111Jt1J11.1l('I) lirdtothc:~ h,IU•Xl ufbclllfd,,\lt
Body Pricle
N ario11al Eating Disorder., Week hi1 1he campus i11 the form of Tht• Bodi• Pride Fa ir 011 Feh. 24. Taking fl/ace i11 rile libran• Fo1•er (IIU{ 7,"ld Hall, ihe e;•em was Sfl<m ,on'd bv c:01111seli11g Ien •ict•s.
The 111ai11 message of the fair was to ha,,e pride in your /Jotfr 110 matter w/rat .ri:e or shapeiti.1.
Wit/r /re(l/t/rfood• 1tres 1· te wi11g, free massages. a Tai Chi demonstration and belly da11c:i11g. s111d1mts /rad the opport1111iry to sample a liule of every1hi11g. The fair began <II 9 <1.111. and ended m 2 p.111.
Con11nu0d on the t>ack page
£+I) t,1 i_rl,t1ntJ
Long house plans in formative stage
Native All1a'al1 building gets board, Senate's II( b) K,u, Otnittl ~,u111,-/F,J1tor
I\ Inn, buu,.c. hulh v. her, tbc
SJ)\'lk11nc Ruu meet~ l~k-c- Coc,u, d'Alci11t. <o1olll tic lhc ~11, µta pllC1.
hc'lv.cir.n NI(" :iDII d,c Coeur d Aknr
lndi1M1Trlbc The rl:1.n en t>uHtl a rl•<c tor
N11hc ,\m(tr11;:1n ,1t1dt'nl1 oft
ui:1rcn OK db &~ u l \•(
111"11:,, a11d the NI(" Stn111c h·loprd hun1 .1 collrc11,c l ff,lf'I
mad( In JUf1 h)" 1n,1tu(tnr.. 1mm
1hc dirr1111mcru ,,r ,uci•I • nd
In 11#9t). phitowptiy 1n,mH·1or
Tom FJuu ~h:urcd she,111mct11
,M tuJ the c-,~um1y 10 lt.kueify
i!Ollh 1nJ objrctini for umpu,
One I.Ju. Flint \.aid, v..a, to tmt-c'&~
<uhuta1 dlvrr.,ity ~ilh Sali,,c
flafll wld he i,iav, N.aim: Ar111.,1c,in
\tudrnh d1~2iripc.1trn1 rm111 tllr
c.1en511.1, cklC' k• L.i:l. "' 1r1u1unn1 11111
"N•Lhc Arncncan "ludctlb li.tVt!
JIHicllhy .1dJv•ll1i$, rn ..:nlk11t
ucllda11« a~ cvhuro:· J.1!111 ""'Mt
~~·, no tramt~ o,1. fot 1.bctn
Former t,.oarJ or tru1"1et• chtir
JtJllftC Ot,l!llt., bdprd p~ 1hc:
11.P,11111 A•rcrmtm bt.1wcu ll1t.
(C)C'ur d'Aftn< Trtbc and N I C. A c·u•un.l O.\'C'nU) Ad\-111Cr ••~ then ,1ppr\l'of'd b) UIC bonn.l o( In•~
'"°* T-111 1hen "('kiffl'd fo, 1hc: po.1L~. Hr ~1ttd 1hc pl1111, ro1 the hintt hou~. l11duJ 11'IJ 11.n
m·c-nlcw ot 1bc 11rctm¢n1 111
CtNtlwo 1mpet1 03nco S1udk> tn11J\lctor Ctu101..cyne, portormt: hor bl11)1 d1nclng mowe, ln lhe LCC foyer on Feb. 24 during Body Prlde Day
CuieUI dAlene h11 ll•n T11hr • at o1oc umr c,~..i,11~ ho11lk. The •fttrmttll will h~lp 1nc,c.i,"1,e the numtK<r nf ""h\C l\, on ,ampu , 1111J 111.<' 1hc collctc ht.•"f"I.Jl'llt f\111' tlimt. ht luiiJ - ;\1 vnc li,nr lnd1An, bad 11 c;orfc" w tic.,.,.. ul to~n b.l' dMl, .Otld Uji;lh \\(U: l!Vllcd ~Ml lbc 1b111 \,uJ , N n do•• 01 lnJ111111 on l'ientl, - Hm1 ~.uJ Wr nrrd 10 1od._ u, nu, own lll&Ci.y.aN, w !Air tn,Ji~, c thllk nC'1 b,tl(\f lo l~C' lh lx·I,~ 'lllt: can ,a)' th111 we ;He r1hntc:11l7 t.l1\n.._. l',c "•Mr1i111 ,auf 1h c hu11 tunl\c will r1v1.1J.t un ~'" • lor h111,,11~ 1mj MUI huhan, 10 i:.ithtr The rl'OpO\C'IJ ,.ltc 1, bchuiJ Seiter H.alt nm! Ille CbllJ11:n ' ""Ilk' ddt,- of tbr 1hbt <"bi'l,,C Ibo tt&t 1111J if, "penal 10 lhrm, l-l1nl 1,;11J "111~, I p:tlal IUU'11.llk'C t\Cfl I C3nfcC'I I ht h1n~ hou•c- h ,1111 fn the k1inn1n1 "'"'Jc• c,r h111J1111 and pt111w.Jn1- TIit' 'ii(:: l',iund.11.Uuwlll help f>11\r mont)' o,cr 1ht nu1 loC:\i('ft )ciw• lu, Ilic t,,u ldmJt. Unol tho , f-hnt ,.a id 1bc ltturd w1H tulln lht lea~ of tbc Coeur J'Aki,r fo~ Ard111ti:111ral pion. ror 1he huih11ng h~,r 1io1 bc~n 1,1,a.,.,n but dr:- •Ill t'IC' foillkd by 1'-: tnbc.
Tt,c 1001 hou'( h :ic cht ,.i,c or Yap-,Krrbrt,Uin. (""'°11r d'Aleat J;ingllllgc to, ·'1ht g1L1bc'rirt1 pl.11tr." Ftu rn•ny )e..1n. , u *•• 11,e homclitni.1 fl.u $.000 lndi~n~. fhat "ll~
Popcorn Forum 's journey in time will feature new angle
n,. k. ohUIUfl\ fclf
,,,, ,,INq tm't
he lk1h an11u..a.l ~pc(1n1 ktrnm
1111J Con1toc.a1111n Sent~
\)mf"'l"llffll will a..kc on II rlC:'A
•~ldUJICfl,l~du,)'(..11' Ahl 111Fh 1hc \(rte. *m \'Ulllil\Ut' lh
f"nr) lhruitJh 11111('
tJ.c 11nat 111 thtau,iuu ...,hlth <o1o1II be cl1.an1cd "'h·c d.a 1l y (i1u~nh will be \ll unc
rc\1>2oran1 rnbk, d11t1flJ 1h flltm111•u·, Iha~ •l11 he M,111:h lJ..?7 1n hukr AuJJIOfltlfll
P fl'IO'IC' (If the f\,pc:cim ••kl ~' from n,c "''-(lfl.:111 Clllt:,, 1n i:unf,,1n1 1odo.)'''I mou1I J,11."010U11 '' S1ew11t1 "1111 1hc ,Jum,1 dcparlmf'nt f11111 t.UIIC'l'l~J ph~cugtaflh\, 1tidco~ ud lihd(" nf 1h.1; di t fc,c:111 plicc and 11m,· J'IC'f1ttd\ -i1u.l v.111 f)tOjC'(I 1hcni tin \Iii.Jr' I 1h111\. fl w,11 ht: \(fl n<:Umt: hn1h hcun lhC' ~uaht~ oJ 1hr ptcM:nlcn ,11nd 1h11 dr~nuilk thc~tct rrc.iJu..:11on b> I !111 l(.111(l a11t.1 ht& ~11df. S1c~.11t\.1hl
l\ddri:u Ji•e11 hy Or C l;1y JC'n).1Mon. Thh h thr on l )' ~rfnnn:i.uce noc ,n i;hnntc1t'r SIC\A..Ut ul.J Jri'll.1111,()n win \t't thr ,rn,c for 1be 111, huk l'orum by W!>to~'iJ.11~ •'hOt'II d1k'mm.11, l.u..~ b)' ,0~1tl.)' 11 dlHrrcni urnc, and 1h c l1hh 1h11t h•,r Ucrl\('J from I.hem. kn.t.1n\.Ull1 ho,ld• dcJRX" in F.1111-bllh fron11hr l'n1\'tf\il)' ot M,nnt:W'.11.1 and ,;, ,h wl«tC'd co tw: a Rhode, Sc-hob:r 111 Oxford Unh·c:rjil)', where hr tc:1.thcd a dCJtcc ,n tcn,1l,, ,1nct1 ll111t~b hknllUn:' ~Wd lhoolt"S) Stl'\lo, 11 ,,ill.I rive .,.,udchh will 1k."'1UJII )' be d1m:II)' 1n\'(tb'Cd llu\ )'\'.'llf' Thi" I, tn :11.k.1111,,n ~, the ,nn11y dr;allQ '-IUlk-"11 "'bo art' f'llRictpubn,. Hti gtJ lai.:ulcy. un .ml ,.·011111~1)' u1e1nllc,on. "'M 11nd do an CJCttlkn1 job a
iii: sen tin
'llllrsdal March 12, 1888 Coeur d'Al ene, ld,1 ho • •_ :.- 11 ·11 ·11 :11ic.edulse111 i11el V11 l11m,• 5 1 J\'umher S
or frus trati on
band's volumt llyl:Jrwndllt4...:1r I hir hoard llflllf!UIIIIIOly "~'.;('plctl hi, ,u1r11•H1,1n tn 11 1ckrhonc pull u h llh.tU)' .a ·ccpltd Al lhC r11:111 ho•rd flf 11uur,·t11CC1i111f band <o1o·a• told lo pl•) mo1t q111c1ly •I lht !oll;1<o1o·u1,iµmeonf'ffl. l4 ~·t 111.c the bl" gulW 11.11.J 1w. pmoiuUy tul\hnMcd bit.,\ pl.a)cn bcfntt. tta\"('f'C"" ~,d lhc: t'la.nJ cumphtd wnh b11 ~mt1n<I Rt'(lhFTtr
7 Resignation follow5 years
.iti.11,11 nt,I\(' k\cl 111 U11t "K r.:r UmiJ in"' kutt.., J\thlc't" ~,111, Jon lli-,11tl1..7 ,~ p 11 , 1flco(JN1;,1111f1U1111 t:lv dc'-hll<'.J (lltllUICUI IICI tlie l("lkt ,111"1 lti\ 1e,,1L1 !Ina ""'""' ,\1 1hc JCUIC, ll tMCtU!I t.1ti.i J1Uh'\ lold bilnd n1cmt.ru1 1b•t hi)' had called tum 11 ,t11ck.c11'1111 u.-~~tk"\ 1.,1ld Jnnih •• up for lcmltt and"°" ,ucmrunr 10 cC)Jltlnuc a rro(rn,u111al rclah!llt\hip wrth Ely Ha-s."Cft\..'i ,., J lir "''" 11md of 11 .ind deiC'xkd SO ((tnrn•l'II El). Ht IJIJ ht v.1111teJ lO 'oC!e If FJy -..:WJJ lo1Lr > ht- Jh'C.\'" ltlt\....a"in '-IIJ .t"ttt lhc- J.UIIC he lll'rf'llllcfltd El) .lftd btpl\ )tll1t'II phlf.m1t1c, ,., hul'I El)' 1ha1 up fnau l11ie "'111ll, lltlJ t.11toWIS o11 tl,.l\~'IC:\ \UIJI llll 1'11(11 h;if'lll J1C JtK"ki:cl Jo 3\'Qfd ~ing hit IL~,~ he lh.n'ed Ely an;J v.a, !hen p;UeJ ll'o\&J bi~ '*-• t.,lond fll)' l;I)' t•vc hu ,ui1n•t111i. lfl MC" llll<'tln, ~·1111 R11n lkll (ICI r-& IR, II • b«n 41 bo4Rl ffl("Jt1t>tt tor r,c:u,ly lh ~\'.;in. Ffy
b;,.\L1:1lt.11H 1amo •111.I hit tncmbct -ol tht R1111.JetCl11b B.ano.lrncmh:r '\n..lic~ H "''\""~1ht Jor1N dtc:IIJIN commrnt on t.bC' llkldetll H.a\lnir, ,.111.I El> tun hren ha,111;un1 mc1nbc:n ,1(1hopcpNnd rnr )t.arL Jk t.11Mt FJy ELY continued on Pege 11 Learning to liv e with
I\ 1hC \11l11r1Tr("I IT.lll'lll,"U1n fnr r,,;I('
1bt NIC Scftal.c. Milft:h S. f.1u1i1 \.!lid 1ht rdasiOll~T .,.,,l.h 1hr lt'11 1 Jlbtt ~n: the hMll;ainc;m rr•>· and ctlcbnLC - w~ ,ttc, titn a:prttt1;1,tc .and l«uftUJe Ulhct cu~n.i~ lv.rn'l,;I.J
b)' 1t, 111n, tht ,'(~ c11k,. l\,p."'l,m F1.11run1 Ch.,lt r,41) Stcw11n ,11d 1h11o ,ear', cvcnl 111 he c\.m:nitl) d1lkn::n1... s1.t1 ~nd 'lludcnH. unJer lhc 1trcth•11 ol d,.a na 1n,uu,rnr Tm, •ri~k. will hulld 11 ,cl
f'l'IWm 111 i'llhc 1\ C' ,ind J\lflh,'11.,,uc In 1bc •~l , 1hal'I(' llK "''«._', Iheme fut I\, ."'"' CIUI '111,'C U"C fl\'.al ~,nnC\ •( dilcrllltl-1\ ',\fllth ta.a:J lht'
TIK" m111n i;h 1nacrcr f1CJ1kt'D ,,i, 1fl tiev111 l·.a(h J.J)', rrocttdt'IJ ti, ti i.,. n'IIIIVh' lll!l ,l\'111 Ul(C'fludr f>ch11I('\ \i\rhlch l C l'f\l, lo the." ph1)!rJIII dU\ )c'at, H"' at I TltC' rc,piHHe t'a.Jk'h fo(lo,1, +ii .'Cl pm on \lat~h l'·?.S. t'l1,11 .ire • • 1 p 111 on lh,· tu1o1I l"°1l 11...t)\.i S;.-h,ctlu1l'"' II('"" ('\o('nh IC' •\GIIAbk ..c1 l,att1f1U1.
lhc ncv. Jtb111c, v. tit p,cpnr<"d h> , lfhUUl:IU(I fint C'hn~hc 1i1,J Mori~ Kll11,:cr ·nic dct>Alc, YIIU 1111J1~'ltM° munal l,IHcm111,1 of 1hr 1h11 and 111 pri.1, 1Je, ci "fk'dle, lr,,m ll(llh , ,do ot tlKlt,\Ul' lhc mnr.11 ,lit<"mmn 1(1f M1uch ~" u lhc jri.h\11hul "' 11.ic- ,1:i1e It ...., •11 be t1<1,tt11 b) Jun Minkkr, d1\J\1on ..:hau ul ,o,1o11I .:ind brh11, ior•l ~1,rn.:n. a J,lllrnt) 1hr,111111hlimc, l1 111 (J',1.:' the." 111,1\JICff\t (OI II \'1\11 It! Pril1nr Ue1JfRI!, Confudu1, S1difh.antw.l (IOIIIIIW .Ind 8uddh,1 •di hctl11: IIMln\.h.1,.xtC"'On ' 2-'. 1t1 • 'l;i•1 tn A.then ,nlt"t1n1 11,.......htC'ru Ron Hcll wdl 1111 11'1 ,I\ ho,1 fo, fmfllr't fdolltn S1o1tr Stn \b1 )' t nu Rt'l'd 1 hr moral dllcn\nul ul JC'mt-'lt,1C) " 11n\111Cr.1~ y 1utl :1o&Jd1<",u'd a, !ht' d1<11.,1. t('f \r11ir11t1r ti1LC'\ lhe :mdicikl' In 111111: IO '4.:11 8.C n,,- fot 1' \\ 111 ttc Tom 1-11111 uf NlC', phillJ'l,l,lphy dcpmmr:rn. ,U 1hc jPlln'IC)' 1t11wgh ll llW I.IJ..C1> U\ to Ah:undr1• E'JYl'.1 1 I h e petforn1tncc will bC'stn v.ltt1 the Kc)·11nce
POPCORN continued on Page 11
•1: l:ld'~ Or Clay Jenkrnson playa lh9 rote or• on.. armed men during lhe 1997 Popcorn f0<um. Clay will give the l<eyTiow addrHI el this year'• aympostum.
ttlt'M,cn:t1CICIL,tt II.M1iaa 1M1l ll1t M.i&.m, Le111t~k pl,111
lllf!" ,mclh1n1 tiiur:r 1"1n '\Onlt:lflinJ
wtd \t.iliut LcftMllU.k h, a J,t11t1•1G U..
rJt,1 ITlCM'I(') C'a,;hmllhltC" 111 lhC' \l).Ul • .J.; ftl'l11 •nJ,,iJ..ak lfflll "' hu\Jlle\.~ th.:- 1111,,,e~ ,.,It lit J,u1;1tcd 111 tl~II ,ti.11~ t1lf11111 lflllh l(lfJ,¥111.lll(lfl
T ransfer Day he lp s students find directio n
Ot" Ir Glu :-r. 'rl Pn. ffl\C'I 11 J di,,;1 _.,, "(II••• \ 11•rrJ 1 ran,1r1 U.1) tr)' 111r11111,1111 '-111C tJf tbc ll i.&:IIC\I i.cll 11o1;bu, l~ from lhC' \'.,mh'll'(\I 111rndcd
l.(~1'1 l"111dr. Sw1c C. t>lkfc Run( \hllc Ca,roll r ,,11,,-c C. IIJ ~11t\Chil\ [,1\ltfn \\a ltut hm
1,~n,rcr I>•) \.(lj hc:lj'll.ll 11Jd !0-)C'at-,,hl K.1llr Sut11l I"' H,r rullr;t icrrutn 11111H~ .a,1,wcrciJ 1111 or IQ) 11uc llont ..and 1t1utt 1oatil ,1,1"1111..~·I 1n Enilol1ltJuc.1111011
ITl.1 II ,11c11 f'f ,,t f"r ,c,, R1\·•1 " htJ led fol l'nhc«1t7 l'I l!J,ho1 hrlt.)C'III"" l,1r,,t111 ,!
ld.i,ht,. 1Jn1\rt 11, 11 \1,1111111,• ml Y.ti1wC111h(fll~ TIIC'"-N.,c>1,s,1\·ta11,,.>CIII "~ l'!n°'hmc,. 'l,k-111,, !3N'f~ h, I h11J rtrr<'UIAlnc, olt"o11i•l,k I l JhClbJ'l"IIC:t' rl1c ,('bPill, 1cr11;,r111.1t1 c, \(0 lldrhd dllJ r,,cmJh fil.111rr 1,I 1l ll1c)1t1J1-.:11 l1 Wt
a,1,f nul.m,i nc>ll'C'n~ '\\hen• ,,,iup 1,n'l btd<ftlU!jl: h" l.(l\lCl), lhc) t(),11 ll"lr .1 1<~pcgC1,1! nr ,,nr.ur mc1Wllhl) - M.111t Jbt) b.t, t<'n1kC1CJ 1,1 r.n.i \ollfllt1111<> flnu•r th.II ll'fn, jt.nJ 11 ~'flfllCI i C'biltn t•l t\'('llh." The p,mulr 111 flllnJ 10 dtav. ,n,,r" tad 1, lh,u, N<'dktcil, thu:hnt ... "Rldrn1d B11lkr :al'd otbrt b.tlt' frotl 111 1h<' ~nmrlhlnlt) arr l\l'int 1ht ~uk-. Butbntt 11d "'II 11hc r.1r11JcJ 1, Jn~raicttin ur, Uut'l\ncr •111d 1hr dull 1, pu•h•nr 1ucnlb.r1 t ,I~ ~ri•cc thtJt dfo11, ht'h1 huhkttJ "'hta rinltth Y,.('h." too, Jo11, o1nd m.ut..-J h} t\li.,U~J~ ['hr Ar)OJ\ N.wn11, J,J t104 h1U!lt <Al 1.-.rcommci:n
L ibrarian d is covers life's meanin g i n books
'1•"l pi·-,11lc 11111u1o1n·, 1h1nl ku1i • hhrJ:rian 1\ \'C'r)' l"\Clll!IJ: wiJ ()(ni'(' 011~ ,J(."\ VutilK !)c:-, ict, llbr.1tl11n, h1u ,h(' JN'1 t"lillnt ll• h«' ,•u1t1un.hn111t Yllk:11 It «1.111c,&orn-h11J1 Cladi.f'1't"nrdtl1\" ·\ ,c 'fo Orilin;1,, P\"11rk'" lnlurt' Jrel,t\
1P,11, ~nt.l llt•cA. b; 11111t11.1-.a1Jlhon o.nJ ot J1Uctl'III c••tJ!>Ue\ •• 11\IC,(',I tto'II Jctc, 111c my)ttflC' h• fmn.,tu:c l'IUH'I''\!le Ul~.:-J phi,.- I ,1111rruu ,1,·10 or ._.. ri11itS hl.('! I~ nt.a.-J ,u1rlJ IHIITI Lt11,h ('an<tll, Au,1111, lummr 4r,J Tuhln) ·, _ fl)CT11(llft.
lihc Uld IIC'fl f>nt 111, o• •1i11ho11 ch.rr.idth tt M>, bl-\li~,.h4111«,ll'r \ttlthllk"llllll•f,!,16 ., uhl cl11ta:,:c 11.hc1 !he .we,,, 1•1dr1 h~o .i t,..,l.e \11._'C' lrm11 "'\h.:c rn "t11>JnlanJ 111,pirC', ( l.11~ luJ•) It r11ui.h 01 ,I.< J1d -.lllti lO )< 1, oll!C\ •ht:a l l~tL ,11, • )11'\lfllfHI Ho" t•J oat•) u1uld An~oflC he ,n•r•r\·J 111 fllC' ~l,l~h r,;1,,,,.11 ft• f'C'lll1.·11t1C"l1k...!1111n l'IC "ilo f , o1.1J ti v. JI l1c1 rnnih n " l•uh t I.a,\ ....ild J,c: 1rr11, up Clfl an holo11(J J11n1 l,um III Midu!•.,n v.ub r111. 11nJ •••l<'I ¥ilit 111 ,l,c "'"• .-h,a,, f1ph11ng . ,.._ tk1111nlflolh1,,u,:1"4ft'.-;1inttWM
,h11'11 W 11111 ,..,hn fo4kr,,J • "'Jute nl'lt,11 OtnlHCla rk NtCht.xa,1311
(l.ul(llldab<>11t h,11\lllj U hil,( J gaoJ td.11.111,MIUp, 1th 111t' .iu!hnn 1rn,I h1111 \b h;,icd I mm-1 tl,n ,11) llll 1hc nmcl " \t...tiln.el\ot",11)" l\t JO. ,111• ,ne.iJ \hJ,m, I fftt'•f) MIIII \lri,:1iJ,J j C ,11/1 ,Joe,"'' Ille [111111.l I u.:h t,.,1
UJ!J)l'll 1"' """ I.Ml •tu c.1••,L t,) t-r.1J t111:f1•i;-*"'1111,Jtdto1o,I Mier l111,n1n1111 her ftildll1<' Un;\ pJ J.u~ pril1ta) t.. 11-•L l1" • ii 11) h,m.., bt, 1110UK·1 ·,it her a lif!Dl)('i1IJ.11nit,,p.·Jlit'd~v. •urld !111Cb1l (1;1,t .:nJ ,t · ~' 1 n1e1111 c•I hn rh1IJl1,>c,d 111 1hc l1.1i~lc,ft 11.·.11JJ111 \I• un ll~C In.·a;.11rc hl;111J 1111d INtk-llU1J~t111 11k!Pr.i1ric'" \Jic \'ffliJCJ IU ,Ii \l,l'('L •h1.:h ht'lpc,I 1n dcvtl11r he, -p,1,,111n.11c:, l,,\c Int p11111cJ ¥1 •J. ,J...:~ul Iii r1t1l111) rto1M nu1I.: k11111ed 1ts111 lller•IUI(' t,.IIUI\I lie ..i.,11 ·,·111,n"' •nd go1 hC'r"lr ,n11., c,oubk b) \OllhMnt 1t.lfl1~ ~nb u~m, c-h.1r .,1cn ~ht' 11t1H ~.alkd """ l>I brr le.Kher, • 11.1,nc bu1 l,,J~1c:,.aJ. "kcJd1nv IIJ)l·IH Up I l1ll 111 np11ort\lllU> lor ,tro,..lh ,11111 ,•nlirhtcllllll'III," Ch,~ Uid. llk'h' '•'*~' ~11irr,(11(1'to\\' ll"'
lhrrc- mt•tc. Sht ,.ard re rud• l1t-..ll.H\C't1~U}at1l.11('ftl•Kolf I lhmpdnufe
ClM!.. ~IJ ht rt.d f(Jf' l""lf"'...,. til nrlMinit 14c n 1i,r11I "'"'" 1 , .-.1 1ir~ mJ1flt''lli,011J kcal br~Jlht )1'111 .,..,111 111 lnnw louw h) ltl'C' "'di IL~ ._.,.anl I• JL<.- •di. t luL uiJ Rtlb.l J1n1 f11 ,tu: 1·u1rt1.n1n11('n( 11 ou11•t )'OU '\IM' !t&M1rJ to R'"'41 lfll(fl.°·"t1C'C'I I ,11 Cw,:uJtlc\'" !,) Bn,ui,o Sdmlll. h11I .,1,r,-<'J •t,1upl)' Ill .,flnt'll"'1' hnlL'4.ll,ll('ll..!\f.)\ff tW\.w,IJl.hirbl.l~.acct11d1nL Ilic l1C1t1'( IIUI 1,., II '"" hhrnt) p,c C\-c'I hl!C ;i bl"m.all C,.111 l.a1t\'n1cr.:-, urttl 1ku•lt1r1tll.'1tt ,,ptd.,1lhl. •lll ,p:,il 11111tu1 Morch lb •• fnt1)"s Rr,11111tu111 t ,,r rt,cMJhlllt\ (.Ill "t/.q.7,rl.lf, L1lcrr1,r~ ~,11 ,barc ~tt c11p.e11c11cc11 In helruni l)dM'U hGd 1,11h(w1nJ w.-.rl. ~nJ fl1C,l1Ullllh1l l1\e1
Former st ud ent looks to tro ll ey for clea n, cheap transportation
Rall system may offer solutlon ci. to downtown's traffic problem "WJua
l>tutg had the' ~utc1,.,11 1lu1 utt:d tn nrcr~,, in ('c.Tt11 J'Altnc • tbr tum c, !he «lll-'-' .ui1J 111nn1c ll11tn11J111Jd1t,:hbuf".t)' • ,\ ii)ea C'il('IWd Ak'ncM1dtn1. l.c r1111k11 s,:udl1c Ji ~t11h.Ji:,Uft$11ht111ttht,llft't,ait\forlO,r11ni. \\ twt I t•\hti n 1i 11~ 1rtl!.I01tl &01n,\mm MC 1t11u11gtl l1t1•on dfl lbc v...a) cu 111...-1...i.k C t <Or J' l'ilr1 1, l-nmn qdd lh,c ffll>.I t\p(Jl,l\ l' IPIUII h lbc: ltfhh tif WA). li.t
0"C' t")' "''° 'IIIIIIJ 11 llti ti¥ In.;-~, ¥1l1hr,u, lr11u,arr•rk • .._, • ,, .i'u hot1w.ii:111w. ht'-!id
P,1~0 2 The N!C $en! 1IOI Thuroday, MalC/1 12, I Wise Words M oney is not req u ired to buy Onl ' neccss itv of t he soul. -1 l ~nrv Oa\'id Thorea u Campus News Human Rights Club, community comb at 'March of Hate' b) J1,-.HnJtuRK .'fr-,1m,,IN.rt"'n r I he Ml llun1.1n kl;bh tldb b::e, lw1JeJ .- th H 1t11n,1n,1} •u111r, to Hmfh1fll 1h1: llll M.m fl.a~ Parw In :.i rlnh.d tdcll'lo1U\• ul \Jcltl 1111kt" IOUth hantuJ..i), ,\f).aa !\:,mm, kadcr R1d1at1I 8111kt 11..1• r1111u·il " rat.a,f, !fl 1 rwrll "'°" CUC\lrJ \k~ Arni UI J sh Uuthfttl ll11n1;i11 lt11hh ( luh r,1w.Jt1u ~tJ 1llc 'W"llklfl h.&\t ll.ilmrJ
Au"erono lnlorm11ion 1boU1111e coOeCJf dtmng trans, Day on Feb.10 lo CtiristlaMOn Gym.
BoiH Slnta en.tollmeot c®nsolor Treua Ru&&o givH 1luden1 Amorotto o·
Evenl lacks participation due 111 SUB renovation h~ Etlb flt1t1tpn \nit 1,,tl(,,,,,lflllt Sil, .111ual Tflllhfct r,.,, tr,s,1. rl q; 111 h1J~). fth JO 111 (,W,,...,nG)·m
on r'(l'I ~, 11\Lmctl'"• Rot.1m11.111, n:J•l ror•Jlll'\.:I 1n,m bo•)I, ._,th Ull( l•r her 1,1 l'f ilr' Ill I I 11,11 ch,1Dt.:1tn. rhc ra,,,i:" •• 1hro•,i:l11111i to 11ft. c.1.,ri ii J t,,,r, tt,-S "rn·r•I
;, th, ' t;~~~;,1~~~" streeu·ar\ going /mm NIC 1 , , '' JI ""', "'r ,,, p,.,, •••, ""' •• "" ""'"" tlta11glt 1011·11111/ /ht' ll'IJ\' lo - • · ,-!....:.. Ftid,.ui.t LC' f,cll(li 1ke1dnJ lbiH (\'ll"11f d"Altnr U1ke Col'/11' 1/"Alent' Park... IK'(J, l lt,e 1.unr l• tr lh (11111t J.'<.'.lk'tatlttll. dca.Q 111J h .1r,tr1L11,pt1t1o1l111t1 -tUc:b.11 1111• lf'~IMl' / "fi<1nie1 'i<1!111.nd PIW,11ocll1tor, Lt Fn~1'-W. \llltl• I wmt "'911nt t-,
J \kr1c Vl,1rim•s n I 7 .0111n, ("0111 111h\to1n. •~ ll'IJ! ,ic. J...t I'° CJbtci.11Ul'I\ lf.&Uhl hilll1 l1t1J C(l,-lit\ b> <11, H,111, tic;1 ,ut11cJ 10 r•('•cr\'l' lht nghh 111 .,, Lt J t.1nr1, '-1111 h11~1r ~O.:lo.An woolil e1w1tll"' ~K' ~,uiknc ln,m hl:t.1,1tnd,,(Coc,11 i.t AI..-M to ~,1,1,. 1,, 1dlu11I Ult UMlo! al 1,"l'f1 c!tc r,dlffl J"fOWrm ··H,\l ortc:all)' 1111,u, .111 t.ccn hc1c l.( Francb ··we arc 11111 ro 1n,,.t11tnt 1hC" wheel,,. .,. 11rc rt• c,11pto,> 1niu n:,.;;tnna1H.>l'! 1,11 •hi: f'(OJ«I .,--on.1:acr Le lfln•"·
1 ,·m·,.\i,m
l;.1111.1.a,) 1.,. l r.i11e" wr-J1r 1 lcttr, 111 11}" tor
•Shepard-Gustin balances family, work, school, ASNIC
11, t hMS1Jont\ J,"hf'<I N.~r,.me,
\1.w, Stl,.•p.;rJ-Cu..iln 11. nr>I ool)· lhC' nc~r..i
CIJJ11'4' OCI lhoe ASSIC c,immilttt, h111 OhO 1hc:
~t'f'"-~ FlAlne ea.-twright ,.,-ax whn• donatMI blood Fe.b. 11.
1t1Ur1J1bc INl:JC' •Oftm.,tic,, t11w~he-,1II coUl.'l1«1 ,'1 u1"1111 uf NroJ. iw.111\ IUlllllhtrhl11,1rkltl1)f"t'itf1'\f( ~kt,.i1~up~hc,p o,110rm. INRCIUII
"No11-1raditio11a/ studems
real/I' have 10 make a com111i1tne111 of time, money and children."
c:1,r '"1J lu\c,, sic· ,11J 11rt, -~ ffllll)'
··wor1u,r .111 gornp 10 ,,,:t••'II •hh dnlJrm 1-. J1,t11p11n, 111 Ill<' ll(e of no1Hr11dihon11 ,t1,Ja1h." Shcp.itJ 011.t111 "'1W 'NOll-trndtuorw.l
,tlldl-1•-. tt:.dt1 hol-.C' 1« m.alc comml1mt1t1 or fimt,IIIUl'lt)'.itlddu!.11"1 • Stiepa,d--Ou\tln lid~ k• S!l' ,uur )otan. -,.<1
llll)'lhiQ& '\l,C did1f1 k~ ir in,,H ,.M, 1,0 t4c,-. MIC'r (111111, 10 oonp,Oh 1t dttnuchct. the fttt d<pu1n,ePf 11,mcd (ron. • atJll'by II)• n Ciurn",o ,d rht tilivt' la.~cJ oboul 30 l'nill:11tt'I. lll'MJ 1he Oir}-lff twJ tutlccd tm~ • lllt'1.I ,:lob• Whlk!"I lhc u.f1nuwc&i. (hK1~iP qid a lllTMWln POCliet'G I hong ~m 1r,•,. \fiJI •111:10 ""Th(~ w;b tk.,rhlnJ ldl." Gwrno said. t'h: ,i,unJ pan v. the mone, 111 my 11,·allce- I Jll'4 pa111 ..ewi,t thrc W.1111 ~•wc TodllC' Wl1"dtl.iyc:d Cor-clow' to ~1 tk.1111 bci.:.u-w 1,.1' the JJntn ., Ii~
Mew.• aid ,&as ~Niutttd. A flmn.ltl on •he lilCffl( 141d 1hr,· Mf'f lud:) 1n bi,.- haij • n1U '"' Ciinl. btt.w.l,r 1 c•"P'Y Link •011ld h1,c: • J:ttolitt c"'1iw:c of <.11.plod1n1. Nn •a, ~nju.1-ed Ill IIIC' &'l.°U'nt
President announcement postponed
The -.c:.a1d, fo, NIC", nr.w rrt,,!Jmc lw., ,111 ovtbt't hJ,op,ptn& tmk. Tbt bo.iJd o( ltU\.l(n t~l',rdu.lcd \'~ib to the Cllll\f)O'C:1 nf rn111h.t\ ~hcbxl Burtt and Ch.; ltnl!U d1e •i11~l lt:t\cl J1111t1,~'drlflk 1t'J
-,) 111.•1t-1r.ldlhc,l\d ~~I'll-.
The cc>mnulti:(' "fkttl'i.i Shtp11td·Gu,tln Pr,,.1111 Poitrnln, i.e.:tl'I.Jry tor ASNll' •Jid
Jll<p11rd,Gu,11n wu d11ntc ,,vc:1 nthcr
~id.liM 11«.w'ilt ,he"'"'" Ulc' ~' <11MUrN:J Shrp:ud GU\lin ut.J ,he II qu.llllictl bl."'c;N1~
b.<' 1111 ,pr1n )Uh " rn1r11nunl1y n1U\'JC'\ ih(c111,1ht1111 hi:r hfi:- Shc.,-d-(im111, \,\Id ,11r l\aJ one t" -<h1,ol fo1 ie \f;f') lnnp wnc.
Whitt'""" rai\C'J htr d1!'4rcn. •ht ,11tc11Jal
\\ 11b 1hr rc,11-nation or tormcr ASN"II..' -,1.-t, Sbc,,ard-CllS11:a ASSIC" '\ll~k'flillof ftt'l\kn' Rr-ntt Si:art ln tl,c ,pnn,: '\Onnt.ct, 11 ~lffl(l(( M:nl»Of P'\tllflR Qf!Ctlnl
1.hff~l'C'nl ju-nto, roller~ 111klftJ cl11,~~ oo • r,.irt 1Ulll: b.i\. 8~ ib. 11mc ,ht re;ai.:h:J SI(" a IUll·llmt ,1u<Scn1 ~Ile: ti,J lltCUIIIUl.llt(tl ,~ tollr~"t'U'c!d&t-.. NM tnldl1110n.JI 1uJn,11 ill NlC need 1 ,,,.a: M tJlc:AS~tCrom1,1,1W,Slrp.ll\l-Ck,-,,n.._s.
Sbc: co be 1h:ia rnu;c bctau"\' Ji" 1'-'11 h:(1, "u~ oJ in bu~ dit ~bool futx:tlo«.J
ICampus Crime Reports
I,) Uro.ndonhMnl1 \r11t111,/HrJ'orUr IVGn<Jllltm (A} ~,lf'il)' O!f~t', Bnh'Jlklfln<lft llio\,C1utlt11."'d1h.d•l1w.:).\'ftlt l~:~~:'~
aon:pcll\• Thom.,nfou..Sthc-~L ltirn1.:,,J1r--ti.,11'."11,•llhr h,,r Wm~Nl \<'hulJ ..-,. rr~d1tl,m,i.
I Traffic Violatloo (B) \ t,uch.Jf."'°'"v.J, h..u..,S•
•niitl'l '4.11'Uln!! Jnn. 26 b)' Sl'Cllm)' lkn(A1ncn1r1 lnr 'P('cJ:in5 .cn..1
6n,n,ll urri.,,fd) ,\cc(JCdltlJ ltl ,q,ul'h, tbr dthc:r h,1,\ tun 1A>anrt:J bt(Cltt, ..11\il C'invroo ~iJ Che nr,1
r,u1 1Jom 1111111 ~ult 111 ~ll.'l" (11.;ollim!'I hell~ i,cJ
1Acclden1 (C)
1bc ~~-Joa,. rhc dmcr 1ht.-J1 ,1t-erei.l ()Cite> lhc ,iJi:,~.iU, 1111'1\l)\I h1111n1 ,,.,opcJ,...it1,a,11,.u,cJ ,1 ltst
h)l.!n.n.t 01111\1,C 111 C'\l1nMcJ Ill
J11('lpn\\1"U!d'r ~00
• Graod Thell (E) \n ten ~\'rtit...l P"'JC(l{ll' n:Jlf'l1('dm1"'ll'&~i\'.fC",Woir~
l'Uf\~ l'n1Jnu11 Ccntcnn I~ f•lh
Frb 1 ~'«clmgw~11'1. lfit
l'C'l~loc lwd ti«'fl inMing \inc,: Sqlkmbtf. 001,~onJ.kttpt~
f'R)tdan\ M'r,i 1hc 1hc.l I fn,m l'IC:mg
d,j',((j\t'l'N fut fot'\ 1llc:'
A('(l.lfJ1n,1C11TJ'lt(1-.~ Fath ptftttUlJ~h,M"O\U\l'('rt
• vanaallom (Dl
A m,i,,11 rJl!UeJ on" ~,111n
Sbe~rJ/(jfiddky Hall b)' 11 non-
tc,iJcn1 '""" (c,u~ Ft'b 4 A1Xnnlln1 tn ftmnu.un. 1bc
• BurgJa,y/Thef1 (E)
,a ,tac Cftll.6.,. f1w l\,fw llw, -..'1MWI" \JI(' l\""" a bt\&N) 111.IJt..11' tllJ •"ill ~c 11111 '9fl~ She vld ,hf flc'l"', In (of\111111(' Ji,t1 eJu~•lrnn ~I Gcin,.,_. ..nd """'"' h'-c ,,, 1teh ht\&l'C)' c.t the itmtt'lfl."OUt~lt,d Tut1•1n, hl.toty la I~ ~irit a-ci1n. lakin1 pan in 11\c I ,t,c;i,y Rr,ain:c,. (.'onun1tr« •nd 1 nk'tn~t of Phi 1'hc-t.t ~r,('ll!UQal M1rnc or Sbcp;tnS-011.,ull·, ac11\111n. Stu: lll\o "''"Ii~ r~ IJ.ahn P.i,L, 11tid Rc.-uw1c111 Oq11nu1n1C Sllqwd--Ow,un "';" ,ii,-,111tc1f oiKI -.~('lffl 1n l;cb. 11.b) AS~IC11J\l'O(f De.infknncn
•·nh~tllNCA 8ud.C' II.rid Reno •m 1he k.adin1 C'UdiC.WC., by cOlhtltllel'IC)' Jroup,. Eu~t rt'ualh M ,.,hkh c-ui.iu,1.,r w,s ~het\el h)' C!a.<-h COll'ldlX k)' gmup •·tJI ftOI be ttk'A-al. 1a1d Ema Mhincb:ln QI collqc: n:LIU<Hb lkwd lllffllbttt. "ibcl.l.1 \\t~ Mol RIii 'ltMlll llno.l FUllndt.a1 ,.,11..-i~,1 !he C'ilndKLII~ 1111hc 1,;imf'U""' • ilffl' ltlC)' an, ('lutCl'ltl)' \ll'kint Bu,t.e I wtlicld Collr~ ill \lc"-!tOk. k~ MW. Rtlk' i, 111. Frtiftl Radfe C001TI111riity Collqt ,n Co",..J.) l"tw rlC"" ~II I) "bc:Julcd ii.I be .IIUk'lllda'd Ill ttw' Nlllildof~ mtttln, '111ml 2.4;
Single parents form support group
1'bc Alumna ~lion b cttulin1t J.1.uppott Jn:,u,p f.., oif!tle 9,ftlU' anJ Mi»Cf'ltl •ho a,c-nmn1d11Jdrm 11h1k "11ri.1ttfanil 111~1'!.b•J N IC Snide 'UIJPOOln1 JIIWt'bl.' Q«J, In wn1,1n11,1 l.fiul) lif-c:. cbc ,,wp~ill al!r,O vfrn 1ntt11np ~tth ,~, "f)C.lLc:n f,um 1tice C'\lftW11.antl.)'
The rmup pl.Ian" w mcic1 ewe: • lf'IOOlh f,,r C'Wl(I hntll '" the Shtnr1.tir1 Adm!n1.w·.itic,.n Ouildint cunfc:tffte\' 100m ThC' Jfoup hdd 111 fihl tnc(CIO, Ti, M.uch IU f"(ll"ffl,j(Jml;11k'ln ilOllfflo('n',lll()IUl."OfltlKt 0a-n /\IV.+,lkf i.:il ttir: Ah,mn, A,«l.u)tl offi.-..""t, 1th. 7AA6
Sentinel gets national awards
The Scnllntl tC«i,<J t\\o l\o.!IOOll.l lcorr-iJ tt.tdkfK.r ,,.an:h ,.1 lbt'
A""1ciakd Colk,:,wtt Pn:,t., t·onkr<nci: 1n •· kl'i 26 The Sco11od 'Autl ~lfld 11, Uk' 1v.v )<':ir c,,llfJC' lilbloid tooip:'!JtiCICI
1'hr. ti Do• ol S1uu,1 A1111, CafU., rl.A1.eJ tir,1. a.i.J di<' lt1>1tlt' Vall¢) iCahU C(lnlfflldl1I) c,ltt"f;t ,~ialttia tic~'!~ ptxcJ lh1td Thi: •Yi.itd
,..-a, (l'lt Tbc Sc1Mh11:I', Ore. l I i,,IK' 1rnJc1 1he din:1,.11011 uf lbc fall \Cffle\ld' IIU'Vf'IQf Ailtttl" ~Uf' J11tj(1h
In 1hr. l'A'O·)'t'.it ((lll(tc hnlild1,,fu1 01111.u,,1 r-MeP') The srn.11-1 won !tlltd plJCt El C11mlM Culli:tc i,I Ti~. ('111JJ. r'~ t«ODC.1. 1h11 I be c.,ncit Ti~ d I.ah Valk-) Suit Colk,c rl.nJ IIN Tht a•ntd wa., (o, (he r1:1> 111 I\M Mdt'I the d1n:icll<la "' nMlll,IJlag cdt1UI' R)·t111 MJd'b1U1.tu11 AboU 100 Cdllci,-e. ll(' \p;ipcl1' 'lll&!H' lfll(l'.Cllled 11 the tonfrn:ue<. •tticb was 1111.tndcd b)' ffll'JtC' ,00 j<'ll.ll'1i.tli,m ,111Ck11., from ro,., 1hr <'Oldltl'), The nwifmncir anc.hdal b), lfii Ml!Jetih 1tl 1!1,c,irU~H•P"lt'<C
11c11 ,,it l
& ture go\trmet b•ge • res rom scratch all day everyday. Relax and enjoy any of our homemade farm lraeh cream chee flavors, braakfast and dell aandwlchn, or crav- coffee and esp,esso producta. We an, avallable for dellvery, catering, or gathering or any size.
Conveniently located at 223 W. Appleway, CdA (next to Taco Bell) or call/fax (208) 77-BAGEL (772-2435)
Mon-Sat 6:30am-8pm • Sun 7:SDam-4:00pm
• my navor, al Bagt1by'1 tn Coeur d" Altnt 1 j Umlt ono per cwlomer, lluat P'"""l ooupon ti tlrno ol i
nal stud ent becomes sophomore sena tor
.\fouJ'o('T\11,'t\:11ntt..c~t111t>a cw t' ""aa 1hr um 11tutmJ IV\011.111 J.111 UI Al'aJJd!IIJ$U OOk:tT( :in1ieuin. 1J1t dn,·<rul thr l11uJ art J1J ,~ 10.htt die gn •.h in t~Wll< 11M ltX(.lmuoJ inlll mural l«a.lcJ oo 1bc l:\;t\ctnc'nl will. 1.·11nt.1lnc:J 1br name uf OIC' r,11tn1t'.r. S«um) rontx't\'J Ilk' \1ttld.1l
"'-'1r1c11mrbt"l~ttn!:JOptn r"Cb llnt IJO rm. f.c:b. 2:J. l'bt IUIJIUl'\•ml.(1111111-t(IQ~'(,JirJ nm:ll bl 1ht nµnnt' N&ild1n2. a1J .J*lj('l(L ~lln"f 1hr ,tiro door\ •.n <UI' AC'OOfdtllJt Cl.) ,q,ort1. from 111,,m-,n., CIICh fflf'40f k u lucJ • Jr(XOUlnJlcl) S2.(Q}. WWW. NIC. EDU/SENTINEL -Juice & Smoothie Bar 765-5659 F ulJ of Flavor Full of Nutrition Healthy Ahernalive to fast f 0011 223 W Appleway Next to Taco Bell 121 W. Prairie Ave Next to New Albertsons in Prairie Shopping center Papa Joe's Ham, Meat, Cheese, Mayo, Lettuce Served hot & fresh on a toasted bun Tho NIC 5"'tonet Page 3 A '*'«Ltnd rt1p ti) Boi5e: tc1t 1brtt Mt -,t,Jt,nt, •1n1111k:1.1 "' ~it QUtbl fltl" 1111J burned The dli\('t. 1 h)'C;if"°611 J\ltltph CIOO'.;.iO. S~. Nld hie .Cf\!Jltcd 11) ,etd,c,u be1t!Qllnp~ ;i;nJ h\ur\l) .e. lC'uhllfe, fcY. llt'm,for fr• n( 1n cxp'°'lioo He \II~ t11, ca, l:.c:)'\, 1 --kltlllll *111 Jip balm j11 t11, paniC. ··wt'"m sui•i 10 bkt...· CAll.fft.1 w '"8111 .a 111.n coo lase 1•1 Jo
lllW ,nformN hon ol t1,,
SIOO!J\¥\-.~< 1rpcw,cJ "'oltn Fell 21 from •ht
~hl'IOloti:)' Jep.1nmn11.
\,ljJ_lhr 1hd1 \.1Cl'1111~J
! I
I pu,chl~:~.:::'131".'r:·«·""· I &.----------------···--·------"
Victor Hugo
Wheels of Will
11d"" brNJlcn «(idcd IOU') Old tk ~.dl\tftfHll , Cllll\l llwmd, \u a.1111rtof>,1\ 1o1UC"" rwllyd,1\1'0\fflhr \1UhU'11.ltN .um,t,I I h l•111thn j!.JIJ I~ 0,11lic,\•111;h ~lll1t1111',blt.t>h11ht1 ,,-m ,it11llcJ hijht, •!IJ ltt.;1.-r lti(' k'\~IWll l!ffll.' •hn IJi.l.\h~ twull.lbtrtitJ11C'dll.ho p,tRCWbh hokutbtr 1ann. pu1, ...,.
'Jlit' t.:l. o( Da\11· N'<\. IUlki. dit ,o-=h bJ••• l••dllltflt Ucldidrwr,thtftr -~-~fo,a,a;,inJ. \.i.Jlcnhc 1W11.1M',hr '1,)1.J lit iroth.tttJ h( hJ1I 1111 f" linit "' !lt11\1'111l'!II °'11\l,IUt'Jt,, ,l1j1lt1t,,ll,k'lhfll llo h'••lbcr, "'I'm fi'"ci.&' ht: itll rii.;ha.• ten ,cm bcr. {).ph k ,,m 111 • •bffk:UJ ai.w r,t'Cllup(Wh1 to.• lk~txlllll.'ffl"dt.,-, l)n• kM madal tilr off... atmow lhttir)-r 1kNlltfkhlt'tm•• 111 -.oi.1oadar) ~u.:•11111 Mll•·u,c,i , w.a.ltw 1hc ,,!Olllnrt.illtf.l,·1d
21st birthday mind-numbing . expenence
l11m11tt, llldp.SI( b:N..""! ,,.,.~----:i.11w .. ,WM1 [l.i11t1 uid he IIU'l:l;lln .-.ti,, dunn, lhttowJhltN."r-C,'C'lltl.lfh.hUII -.1ttlu: 1hasr, lhn \Ul1lawr l111 ·•1lf•\lhul lfo ll.,,jtMJ11l~1,1111 lfl11ll,.nf('t0111\11111),li.ait tic- ht f:.i., p,c:t1 hi1111<ll .a f•tal of .a, •t.110.&)'Nf -.IM•1ll~lllllltkldl!llt ....... ~--pcoc,l,c dul••ful t1~r: Cbla..S lfhtk'.a~d&"~il'hilrbi f\l\'tt. ..i,.l ht..,,1111J li.wc1~~h.atKC ,,,fib)' 111,,!et,w,\1-ort,. 'Imm 1,~ ht"'uJ '1'111~1111 r •11~1 i, li<'•~~lcJ1n1~ 11owtu• 1fwft r« 1111a. ••l&edlDf ~at"'141 anrd • pl.,)tn , - Mld..,,.~11"'
IOIIMiatClf'('l.14 t'd lhnl Afln 1Dttf1n1 l\t,,1 C".&'\)' k•ff'IC'C('t tm,1. tk hi• n.-11 '°'-' uJfn ,11 ht1 ,,a i.nd hr f1"~ t1<•l l,h1 \lfh& 1111,,1ni
hlk,J •1th ~mbJa; bt10 ""J 111mn1n11 blut"~ Wl111J hn ltort 111111 •11~b,n11..-1J1.11mn 1 \\.'lutl,,~ '"'f'l hllk'.J all l,1UI l<'llll!fl('l'lh IIJ hC' r,llk\•1.'\l ti) I flO'W' ut ftlrt1J1 auJ i,, UfttWlllly \IMlhhk •IJOD ,rncruu1 ,u111a,cn._tao, hU,ourpo, ,,•druai,udC'tlam ...............
A.11 ltw)' ,rt "' mura "die 11~ pkNatt ol Cftllllf )'«* 101•1~1tia JODI' •tJ11l,1JI ,-a,aaa fonad)'l att •llffff>.I, )'*' Nlirn. •-rt,I. )•'\l'l'C h•I GGc,nyonc Ul dlir h.u 111.tlf' 111111 ft,n1,1k. , , lf.l·,c ,:t•l·~J )O\U 1.thi:t',ti.1111, 11n,,J ,,i,.1'1.: n\.l le a 10.1.1111,~ 111,-,,un,eft
Yrtiu~1n' 11·,yoof Jiu hertbJ,,, 1r, oK IL\•4lttvp •.i.h ,huJikl• I td4Nn c,tw •Nf'II tidrt"r ,....., Ju•• Oita cOIIII-, •P~ ,-11ur Mir aad 1k fun\ of~ hma:1. add ad -.Ule'on orfwf 10.tift ma\.c-, 1hr lf'IR) of tw1 • )OIM' de dt1bNc or• Ol'!,Dlttluflandllt('"'8C'•of IOlll)Uldt.accaad
cnic.1 1n)D11JUu llry k )·,mr ~hi ti,nh,l.t) I~ ,1oun lhl·)ll ltll MiJ 1hc ~IPfi\·- ~··u II hi•rr lht') ,1.,,,·1 trll II )VII ~,·uk11111ly tn111c:tuhi:-t"'hk.b1,.1n•oeu~ \o •hll I all Ille h)~ •"""4 IUf•tftl IIW hiJ lltoO-UIIC'°' \ or 1n llau· ken "rPl91 .-1.M frQt..). ,"dd llrl"9 nilN•llboutanlD '114*•H!IJC".rttobC'aNc , dn kJ.U). and f,cw • 11&1' ¥""' Jot pkatJ CJf pn.."lk.:C mlt111 &ti an"' )Dlff'IC'lf a1 ltiJb w;bid 1.;omn.. )OU ,rrnr • rot"'1 n11r,ua1 of'°""' 1n·1Juna11 ,oJltp- \'t1h 1•1,,,1,.111,11tw 1.1r·rin ,1,n '"'"' )ii.a ,illlildiJrint.. ,,h 1hl: j'('\I of lht'III ,.\II tl\11 111 r,rr.1htli()II 111 lhc da) all )""'' frtench (<\rn clle t,rol,• OIIN) 1-n,I f'(l!i.Jt yuu',r "''" me.: l'tl) ,auanyd,111,k ,ou•1\ll The COCIIXPI 1111gM 11.,rJ In 1ra,.p. '"'9ir Pl)' Jood ..,.., hw )OIi to ac1 l,lr • ,-, poi,-tlltl)' C'-tH 1QIIMI
••bnn But ,.-oo1,.U\t1 soudncu1eocu•JNf Ille~ l1\"fil.-p.ld:1ttbntaftdp01111llirawd«
H11JJKYJ lt lut1 ,.,.,4 Zl 11fl lrb lJ llr<•'f!IIJINU 11rl ,.,.,, ,,
Runge women never found apart
C8qlUS famly ha been workilg together 28 years lt,O,'-nl Ila.
~• Clthn T1l;c frk""41 trom a..., ap "'• r,
li.1111..I In CIIC «>11k'(' j~r r11.e~ ttw:1~011 !1 t1-t:.1ll"Nlf'l<" 1h.l11,;11.r 1hr uarpin of 11.0llh IJ.lftl1 Cnllc1c nw M11n,~ WOll'Cn ()OM.a.. J(. lffl'W I aadTnN..2" Un1bcrC'ttt.1hott.i'8d'Tcn Zb.-.bntu.1~1 armtdtoC"«utdAli:ocfram \l~
1'hcle lhrfe me lneo.l, that ju.t har,pm lo Ju,r 1hc ,.1mc ar11t~ l\i,111111 bllic mottic, ,,r lftcuandlnt1.1 l>.,nn111111J he, lt11•l""nJ l,m. \7, -..c·rc rn1nK',I .,....,
Jim ,on oot fTCf)
11111 PR \\h.Nfhootn'1haohlu~lll(''f11'('1l\,!"<1\·1A:uo1l11111,t • r.ulRJOJ1f,1o.l,bn u.dmet11.hml fl'lrfflllllmn•tU~,•.dla,llllflJ I~ U,Jl
1>-c:11 Wltdlflccbutt~ .-.~, ahcrmtaw
,n,tan O,C'ffi,tln11'1,tt..j··t1t, o, l'-11,11
mt,1ht1, llc-nnrn.a ll "n1lr1 Nl, l'lol\_.h,.,, hi:'rn 11,,, ,errcwm •11h l1t11.t11l1bct1 ,1/IJ ,,..,,khilJtc11 \.."C'1.'ll'J1111 t<>Dl1ftlll..lNI fflnftl r0oc,ni dw ~11 lot •• po.,plt IO u,"~I IOfC'dl,tr Slit ••W
1t1014(' Ja 0ac,,u IGS lbc' l'rh OU110 JIJIIW'f ma•td.l)'bnh Dona •a, a hNtlttft.ltf uJ the 1uh
Uhltl 1bc rthrmrJ 10 ~•llr)'C' nuc t(.ar, If" \he
1 1.,1J,ute,I hnm 1hl: 1 1nl\rt,II)' COi ht.lh.1 •uh 1.n
n.n1c,·1111 ~uun"C'hnJ 'ib,: IS aft ~tnk ,i.h htr anJ hots httrt • , .111n>d« to, tnn )""" \!IC' aho wort., •ilb the "-.Inc adaldn tet.1111' ICNIIC' uf 1k IC'tf lw-tr•orl.~n11c-aipa, I lo\'C' *' CftCfJl of dac: ltlldcilu.: IJoe& \lkl I np«QU) loYt •mltas •••h m,- '11111~m rC'rna ru.·rntJ htt matlcr'• in l(,1dun,: l·.nsloh •" • u·c1w1,1 1~nF11 ,I" 01 th1• 11,11,r1,1t, ,,1 IJ IM)
1 ,JI nr,111 •n l!l'>ltutt, fur the l,wtc 1,~ f·nirli-h 1~n;w11i:t l•wrr•rn rmt.11., • ~l•a11w v1 •,th S1uJl"111 ~" ,~c, 11rd one of 1ht •,•nrn'• ~,l.,1h.lU 1,..,11~, cvahn. \he~ ~btU IUIJ ccann. SW m-ovnl llitr 8Ml'tln', \prullfidJ n,tW'f(' 1.a ,1.-u.:1NN11, -.1 .s tan.~
fi1n,t1oi111xtc w ~-t,cd 111 ,1c ~h S01.l 1t.a1 111 IC'al h. ,.,._h, 111 l1"'11..rl
0J11,,11,1,,~; l11n111111iJ 'lf\'110Jn11u,, /1,frt .tnJ lllll dolC In) la11ul; fhty dan'I get h.1 W'C ern,ch of cai..b t>I IIC't ,,n
C2mpn. but '-K" fl'tn lhna a ClJmlllOII h:o.J ,aJ ....'t11-.l • .,, .ntic-~10dlir...c
111.ocaca. la dw f'il'I. ().au. ..W tpC"all a -net
OUI Mal!'arf.,..,,i.elnd~1irlo1-..vuW•1otd'lt
ht-~nl'I fot u~, 11,t>lc 11..:) ,..,..,w dnnl 1.ht11 p,r
Mlt1 wo11,h I 1UIC' lln",c '"' 1t1,· l'-o1111or· •~ 11 lunul)
dlati>ciy....... .....__., •«lma dlita 11.ulwd ""f1nca1(111t-•fltttMnmpcq'kClll•lira \bn.C.1Ca"tllffll'INPrlt,._111for~, .-a•Ji etS to(Nffl ltc h.i,u'C'J "'.m1a..1t., 111tn1hl"f .at Ut.1b'IX'1t,,,,1"rn,1111.1,11aciJ1~mc:d~•1hl~lll c111:~1,a,c,1Ul.k·f1u toY.011.. hla,Je-, ~t.ii.lad, liroul,J It) tu tk,("l,i~ J.11) r~ tW llliM lirc.·t~Qi.1. <>• rtt..,Sro,raau,o-. IIUllfaca)f(»"M)"NCli>f'\. ""111M,.. ••,.dlct\aQIMtt.lC1IIIC'ft'.al,.r.,.·ht lddcd- ~, •• 1111, 11.lfflC' llktimc hnlcJ11, •
Quote of the da y H ~who urcns a sch1x1I d1~1r. d,,,,,, a priS<in. -
Life Tbunday. Moldl 12, 11198
fvr~tt~Wl'CMI ., for tbt 4a) •dti p C,,ff) h''lattllatW..)' 11'• '"' btnhlb)' \\ Mft',. fn) (rtt tio1• A ,11urk -'I .tinn..a, urW ui t-;-("f._ (h~~·, f')1l C fJt4. ~1>11·11' jtn1,l,1t11111ns C'III.S.0..11·..... BllncaWhlta INO",tni cnst.....~udlbty \.rq(Offl.l.q A Wotfrtt dn•'-• 1ft llcldn1 ,-ocar ••Y ud l!w:R'', ao.roppi., chMa So ••, If), lbl:)'R' irtt' twfott )N \.an•·11. ,.w '" wmpkd 11 mial--ahm•r. HUOII 1mp11in1. I t41ntC'
-A-.1a,ng111.-,,,.,de<lgll_T Trinl ..__
ltcp t11c 1,aJ1 11~,11.1hH~ h) ,ptl'ld1ni 11mc lfll(lhtr f\tf\o rt1attdJ) IAiol\.a'\ bomt b«<tmnmt' tufts-caitlotllwc,,tn.1-,. lllC) &IS 1.ibcr "-"' pua nd tC'lnhtl»: Jll"I hLir'II lk ,u1,
Cardiovascular class
pace Ins tructo r Owen insist\ cour.c ·not stroll m parJ... · b~ ,Jnlk ll h.•• \rnrWllt,·t11Jtlr, l1"1r.t ,,t 1lw MtUlllh ut ~ct",it, 1t1iu. li.111 r 1~m 1111,:"'- ""'1ct111 htM 1Jlc IW1!.lcnr11 ,,(llitdl. IIWC'.-..i o( kdtni dw lh•.11." vf uilh=}hlfhapin" dim 11 dtic•--"°' \,t,o,,p•""P'"""""~l o,,.....PI "~wctfflltotCl'wrhmftlC*9t,c\~•tft Ill n!liNJalOI' .kilDf,.ca ,,-,.-n 211..,a1 -()aft I d.iU lllillcl ta 'affll) C'4"W1ollJftl
~,,... '-j_lk-.J -,1tit-,ma.-J,.cin~ llh(ir(W' .......... Al1r1no11m1 f1~ tall:" "u&knr, an,vJ•I IJI(' d!lc r1•:11t ,1111'd 1tv,~sh the fQfli. ,1n11rn,J 1ht 1 ,:i,J11,
CICll'1l14J and "..uh Donn.&• .uid T na", earn fot tkai "l.fw f,N ,.unc *" "ilt·• link w« 1,,u., ,can tJO ud 1.utpl ID die ltmltnt C'ftlCc.r itw .... w"ut,c.J m lbc ~ett.1111 n~ ,n,rraaa ..S lohut'III ICn.:O. \br lnitd &,lnla 101 for•
•ere rink
attribalr lbrit (~• lo
allows students to move at
l(IDfft'~Pfl'_l'qlliff'IIW~ -it11...:t4'111rttwciD.,,o,pc•ult ft)-w d,!D'I fliW 10 l't1111pdt ap.-. "lffl ••' · p.olt ,,. ..,._,~,-..If. A....,....illlUpM.'UlldC'a') •..a"l.t.'l)'-0..C. YiJ StuJin., npcacd 111 •tw\ ii,- lbrw lfair .,fl Ill.ii I wmU ln I.he 1,arl <>we,. I.aid l hl r,11 u, 6,1 llx dan h tu h't·r1tw fJilt .11 l-111 h.- u p.·11,un.111~·11lhl l11ghr1 "" ill k,hl :n m111oco l,.._C'D I d:1u Wfffl atdlll,PCUW' r'IUIC'U.
.,,..1., l«blquit aaJ
11,fata •• 1 lk~W••,.•&tt.dralQbrllta...tuci.m.11ot
""' ah.01ta."hci
profC'f Clfltpmnl II> N'
Did you know?
R.1lph L.1uren's origin,11 name was Ralph lif:.hits.
'Eleemosynary' flies high
ACtil8, aa'lpt 11h mllllltll'
A1-111'1t'pdlhlltf(' m:.wntu,b.t,cloblc ,11Nif111d r.11tt1. W1."h1\'t"1k'.im1u II~ h Ital 1t11,unE•fr11 "'-tk'atn1ooloc,t11t1il) 1ttcic1,1 "',Jt11 W)ll)h'lol\llffll1f \ltf h11uwr u.•11 ..... bl! IJ«mi•)-,, cfltt\.1tdb-,bd ...... *"' •OIQ("II -,,,.s ~~n, I.Jlthtpu.~thr)k:Jnlat'CIUI iltfN1\'C"I al~ \mpinMIC the') l:IC 10 ,.,-1i1•hcf
.\• th.r rh ) 11f!Cn, U,itnlh"''' 1h< (''-".c-nir1, ~hrr c,I At1 1.:- J'!IJ~~,1 hy J11Ji.U1,.:n11.1. t, au'-11t#• hoilmc niio,w atiw1 httc,prnfflfflt If ffillll 'Allbi.1UI IIUdUIIIC'f) Arbc•. p«tl'*)~ b) ~_. M"''""*- nlhr u1""~1f"'kt1DCGrt, ..-n1,oit1Qf111Dt1
llh, 1'('no :I ur ,\11 I, tltl,111 foJI Ct t ,,,111~) ~1,d rdu, l.111t I, in.I 1, 111tbtt
.\,1'r1i.:pml"l.'ll1.h, ,~,111111 VWIIW o. A, 1k M (WJm,\n. ttv 1'10r)
D.lrt'chralllr.l\ck Shc•ntrlff'C'd • ~Qfhnt.&bn •INlt111• ll R~ fit ltlt d11111(C,
Mi< ,.i..;t,,,,, 1-.,i.,<db, ~lu fnl'lcr ynnn "w 1hr lent' 1tf lttt DJChc,1 \thnlbc'lwtf)l 1i..-~111n~~1Ciqt.ft' (uft\f'Rlho11,t "'l.i11111111,1,1Rl) ~•I pt'~lll.lllf , pdhnr 1,1,,icJ, h• thr N..ilunaf 'i-p.-111111 ff) lloUllllfll lbr" \P,llln, t'C'(' '\fw h1'f'C'\ Ill pn:v.-c lnbn -n•, th.11111c' "'•d1b ut ,-..
Tltr~ ••••;nlCIC-dcalk ~oa~•--"•ripp:darilntht 1nt1mak'llrnl"flMIIC l"beR a\l~"lfl"I
Where have all the concerts gone?
M111, }I 11• c• • ·l ,.t,.~·11 m, 11 Lllr(fll ~K Jc _ ,r tu.It. h c1dv·1 DQ dlc pt,y,n,und aa1 ¢lDOUlffl n111•d lhcC'd NI{' •!IJ l• •._,. rbi;-c w.lacttOIIC'" ldcC11111:to11ttawmi f.llMllll•Of ikm1 ..-,Ihle ~...,., P'"f1ona. Tl'lnt' (QCltt'm W\."'1l: qucte ('(T'llhr 1l& ,11. •wJcnh alkl c, 111m1uu1> ,i;t11,htf\ Tl.r~ ffl'IUJtfll 1111,1w, 1111,, ihc h111l,,.,.,,'('d hii\l. ,111Jfl~ 1,l( f\l(' ~II'\\. V.ht11 C NC rn a,rlltll.l .allmlly u11Cttlk'J Ul"1ft.-.:f1 btf\' 1m11-, \\caia~aichnNia••>• lk (n"II •\llllkJh:ttlul" i,. tH ,-to(• bufC .Jm•nc~cu,a•f'UIII:) uuohtaftila:l 9'tll~Opk'n..J wm,ta)' JIUI', 111111hld11~ha\\'to«n 'f'·ialilllj fol the In sct 1,M ,1,d 1hcn '(\ffch l11n11 m) Lhl*"<' fotfl.llL nu.1U11n~l1L<I>~ l11MM N)'p;ll'tel•CC' 11 ,tJ mth.: eru la f.10. I ltucl fl'ffHWIC O\Cf 1ht a,c ul \11 cuol,l be" mu,hrJ in th,, p1 1 C'\et·r,I 1 1111.i)lc Jttf} (~1.a wit.I l 1N>l •h.i• ~atdtohim~ Tk~tt...,.twW k' (NI Olllf f._cahy h • bond1
Coty Rosdahl if Md ropt.'\ •ltil t•• t .t-1
• ,..lOJ 1imc °' wn·, .. .an1, i,tlfti..Tr1 tlclt 1,1 H•!l01d '°"Hh
1!1 ,•11 1~1rh lo °1' ,nui fh11 • pwtiiabl~ th\ 11t1.hl lilt!) •hho11th I h.1\f In afn,11 nl.lf lllf1.ldy 18' 'ln.t.trnuqMtht-ftt11
S,"9 DOIC'..-r8'•'IWWT(I) w \'5.)9 Je,,i. '\\tll.•ll)ni;;clctA'"'c.-ct1p
• hwtmedtt•1..,.Thnhall\lnlt.:1•JhaMC'~
11 ,.,.C' "''"I< a.a, rtet\tn 1lk'm..r1,n 1n.aciabkol ;1lu11i.11111yth11111 m lhc '"'" )f,11\ 1 lya,c ti..-.-111n
,11!l'P,l,11i..:t .ti SI(" ~dOIIU1'4". N,,t 1nll)·, •11.11 tl,11(11, Ju 1~) J.J,J.,.n ta 1•0:u hnlct tlX'lf'II\ b ,- b,l 4dw,..,...«6:fn.-J -ICNIJO M. II ..:onthal: lbr) tJl lrll\e fftll) ,.,_,.,..~ 'Ca lW'9'WI)
llaJ ~, I Lb1 f.U. l'N,fNI> ,11..W.Olla.ltbr \l,JIII)' ),ti.lit> »~"' llthl I •!\end) ,,c \1, ltll.lM h,.i, h.",lfJ Ilic \.,d, cM I ,hov. !!of Pc:.u1 )11,11,', f'ICW 1111.W1 11 ,w "'""h 1,1 ,t.1y u, 11le "="i::U( v.uh 1hc bis l',.1)1 I'( ltf't fOil'f Ill tu\oC k' ,t.a,rt nr,paJ h UJ' ht lktoftCcrtJcp.lftfflC111 o.-,,mption, ...,~, haatl af'C ptlll.tllllll •c .n ttad) klr'IOlll't lliKk, IO lb.llf Oltf tioultn -4 h,w (IUf 11fi'IKC• IC!
I 111.,:,nba-.> • co\l kl'klrt'ha,tw,~·1tt•-.tRt •,ltt,;,l'UnJ. L.l1<'1'1M,1<llnm,hv.r~•llt.htk"J11C'I lllll.'Ctwf cuulJ hill\' l'OI ha L"',.IJ an,,j 1111 tllt kft~stwWktlifclinlo011tcurn1ni;..,, ~- ~.-.Nufflb!'-,f•"thd D.~•ilha,luldulllaltt!Jdl.itlf(.l( a-ft p""""'dlff
\l:!imua htuu"" nut all oC ~ lo,c 1ru,11111tion ,,.J rr.-111not11 ih. ! v.t t,.,,,c .&II idttin,:MI •1 011 \1,,,-J .\n..: 1tti.arx1, ,nr.111 lrrn11J. h:-hr,.&Lk pcnua •bcu the p.d1 Jud lhc P* l tJI --fkrti)'•~palaUt*:-.t. S.attl"" t'\ffl~'IKNC~**1'fl.icn. Tllu.nfQ ,at.,m-.llUI..., •~rtfflttffbtr
.. .-. Fru!or .._._ ......., taeets ollwt chOBCtet, Edlo, dunl'g a rtnhbeck In tt,e depertmenfs lafest proc:tuetlOn Eleemotynery
Wearable Art
CGloradO artist slloWS tile art ol lnllion It corner Gallery display b, ~UHIIUd I 11.a,111~ ~.,,,.,,,,_,.,_,,,
V,c\1Squ;atc-,--.p,clr1111..IIJ~ taH,o,"'~COl'll(fa.m Tllc salkrl" ••II,) bet •vii. 11oiW ,\ \.'1,,u111nf1bl."f\ \r11D\\n,, 1111111 \ltJl\..h~l ~jll!M\" (d•'(\ '" tw-, m.1ll!fl.1h ii 1•.1lkl 111 p:unh. but ~J..-.;-1o11 I \-tt*tt• l•t111,ulJ11 h•"lf ~-~n~1l'Cftlll-.ull) lkfdnpb)(-~-...s ~" 1n1..nt,kdm;. An UJ:11, ;JYIJ hr di."'1"1tinf a, J-duntrhiOMI "~u•t1:ll\t'illlliW1tolJ,n',("c,'JO 'Aflt'rc'. "·:.,1m-,S,11U11U,o::hi!'fl'1rt't1c-1 l(l"l.111i.111l 1tt1 ,,,,.i tlfiMJnf 1,)J..·,C"k•p t;aitk,1.I ,-.,1 r.t ltrltl ,..,_lll\!)"ICffllftJllnlhint Sbt-tq' ftitl.Ull lhtap-f!ft1..iandtw. .--J art. p,•MII • .._.., ,._. IIUA) wn ,Allhcfp«natf\ ltdt,y"-l•ltb dtt.111 atit1ftnr,ffrn:.l., t-..m:n '1'hcr1111t
=*" ~'h1'tll.,_.Ul!r
l1ll'Jc s., Sic~- tllJIIC-MIJ1, ,1•lllR1nJ liul 1:11,I 't'UltlU'lf: J.or\ll'l lc.&'C' ""*'=h w,1111~ 1111,11 &IIU..k "llJli.ntllf"a,1\lllhlL"1ohm-..n.1111JU11.m11oll("
Sh( IIIJ 1h11 • kD.h U, ~f' ClllL°'h pnrc111 ll ira!lcul"--111 •t1 a~IMidcd M.n• ScrolL •"'-f'llklm~ll)l" !OIi' lloJIN' lffP~l.dlnl~Ct
1,'0lll. t1 ~1,pri,co.1a1U,1.n1 Slirf!W,,C'\ .1 ..,.,d, ,,: an ,11111"-c,, ihrm II tnns 1,l tbc 11n..-,,r111 1111~ lkl I"""('\ lfl.'111 Ulalf;JIC'UU I, U"ICIJ'll!o"t'J hul ,r .>•* Lille '" kl .:cuw11 lhc- hilillf'I the ~--co,;h,-c -.. binincnch""1ar.udltw-, "*• ~11'1111f ,-.a.ilpa.'f ..., 1n1 ,-u,mt.
Doll 1;1 fhl'ftUIIIJ .,~,. •1 tul) P"" ,hk lhiN
tl,i· I" h u,:hL
I he IW'UhkUI J1111) t-.. d1,.1t thr ,µtrutftl\ &I\. tou ,,111,ci1Mtrt-l 1e p"-llhk "" 1t r , .J.a Wfim,rm. c,..11cr, IOa '--" • ,tooda-. 1hruep Tlmnd,1J ..S 1 .,, 10 • l<t: ft"' fnd.1,-....
Versatile theater major loob to the futun.·
II) tri,tMl -..ll:l"fllld \t111111rlltr,-,r1,, T h(-n:arc Ir• p:,,pft,uu:ampi,•hu,.in M1llllyfct ,,,.11h14'--fflllC'tpL.J tl.i8.m.J•~~t11P-.1.l••ldt it' lk:a.ta..,...Cr•J""-tml:JJl•mcfll ..,.,..,, Allht""ShdK'm ln1pl"t.ot•frua11t11" 1,c w.11lcur d.i,, 11r,.l.cJ h.-1, u • t, h lh d i, 1111 tMO"I', flu, J\(llli!IW )OCll'I a;s,.,,.,, 11n"'41X' 11J1..k i<J •u lls•~fOf&kllf'll,I( S..UJd•.t1kn•~Kma.U -'•• t-•t,a,"C'J•1dllll l.-it\hJ8.;; lk~tllllin,r~thalct tr.,at•IICIPl'W ,11 h!Jh 0-,•I IIIIJ l,iund UIJI bet. JI tNL.:l k •Ulf..a,""° \l.htnldllot'(C'1,cJ•1h k'1 ,1R.1lM\lltpto '\IC •lll'"'l'ilt'"lftCll!llnatll --,,...k'CUIIPllolllantc• • •n,. °""' "'... ""-""tn!' , \bnOdJ' nihc1Cntd•..,lol\Ulllill ix r\'i.'#1•"'1111')• II li.nkpinrrhr
:...-.;. u,,.,, 12. 1996
A r l s a n d Entertainment
I • uil~ rdm:.ihnn ~ht Jiic, ('\C't) 1l11nr in l1o:r p•v.ct 1o p1m1Jc ht1 1l.w1htrt •1tb 1n ~M.~INJII lllld1ht'.,N•c • Cll'J">f1lffllltntbc 11t,n IUcJ tn1Pw-pa.c,.1,, * p.n!lin.\.rut •'Ut u11111 C\W.,' 'A,1l1hc\l lht 1111"01 tl>tW 1ti1C'C ""~ ,..,>1nul 1t11h1l,.J IT,1,ticrl:fl!lp1Uh-t.,""ch.n..:k!t11'tll.ahl> lllalp,11,""'--'"'"" !ia-.ln (dl1.1 11110 ln.CII a ,-u1 pl NII) IO hlns: Ila
lboNICS-- POQ09
f'nav•, .onr.e ,.,,,,, t1.ifflC'• 1., CIUf 1•c•1 aaJ111•111m .,,,uld t"' "'""1,, rllrn1•l'l•I Jnr 11 1\1(' ,1i.Scot,t11\'l1•ft~(' 11, \.t('lhcn t.1,11111, 111,,Klan, 11huut 11 .aulhnJ Jtr'.11 J"l.&n.:l'r. 11,w, ,1 Mlmt•1ll1;1td", "I lfl"t ~'Gp.,. Ollf JoitlQ T"~ ~&$111'l.fttl0ftt21ltllflblitoh-""Ct\.l tnW\CfllOIII~· CIJW'l Jci,'14..4/lt•ll•'INt 4'1J~l'llnlt< ""Vflt, R,,,,.mu1 l1J•rrc1•l•rmJ <i1'1 Ht ,n«ltrJJQ / Jlt/lJ,.'IJJY{jn1, h/N
Fashion artist gives lecture In Todd Hal
Students shake their groove things
ASNIC night at Aces Wild offers opportuney to bump an' grind
b) t 'Or) Kt'ldaht
1111: r,nc,1 Llu\;l~ 1111J the bl~ l \IC" nl,
~h,1~¢d\lp1n foll fuu~ al 1hr "M\IC.
•poa~ V,1knunt.·"v.c."fltlkl J.wio.t. 11k
J,111,.-c '""' 1•1.-c al Au·,\\ 1kh1,11 Xhu,"'t Wa).
1111d 1, ""a,; uul) • tod,,n· po1n)'.
l>t11111g tht' tir,1 r1111m<"n1~ ilhc, 1hr ,c,d
"4:c~cn· II IOUhl.'d 1h111h1, n S5
IAlk-ut, P,~upl( Y..tnJr1rJ #WUflif the dub
ltlllki"lt h1r frl<"1IIJ, ,1,1"5 then t•tllC'r..:d •I 111Mn
wntrnJ~ rft'1td• ,111J.J1tt) •~hlfll~'- rhc)
Wh"rtttJ 4tloul Olh(I r11fl!e"\ tlcUll\C lh1,
d~n·1 ~11'1 lube lht' 14,·~•IC' h•hc '<I'll.
fl w11, 11.1,r.n:111d1a11ht qu,d,c•t • ,,, 1,1 ~1t.r1 •~>,,cob< 1h,:, 11,J ,..hrftd1<',1k m11-II '11.:,e;raft'I ,t,1nrJ n,w, "''· a~ dJ.ocr flt't.•I 11>1.1 (Ul'l~iNJ llif J,ui..c n,..,,,. f!lkJ 'lll11h 111n~,
~hld,t'fl'. ek1;Uk ,lj1k1, •ml di< O..'\'.a\lllflill
t, mpc, acid 1r1mJC"r. \1cm""' 1tf 1h( NI( t,,.nkdb.ill tC"un~ ,r.crt foll or m(f\r-, t!IJt )•-.t
,1prm11,IJ)' do,-'1 'C'C ori thl' 1.-wn 11JC) fiUrJ
tlk' ,1.irC' •uth 1c4m,.orl of 1ti~ 1111(',1 \1lfM't)
II "C'cmcd thac 1hdr hidoctt\111 l'Q(IM:.;•
•tttt1'111hup filled w1thJu'ti ,1,.111 J.111"1.,,
The~ ,11Hknh ttul} lne"" tbc "'°'"' ut
\OliJ gold 1k,t,c1n,c1r-n OU\cn ,1.iutd
J1()1 1,11,· &nd 1hr low.,~, be,11•~ tu ,fu,r
Tht m11,1C' "''" pmnpcd h) 1hr A,:e, W1M
dht. ,ud,t)', aJIJ hi: pb)tJ i \'>lflCl) (II ntU.•I,
t;Uljlin, rl'(lffl 'o;o..R!\ B 1a 1bt 111; '(*'Iii.I,
4,l 1cd,ou. Whik • OJ I, Jood.. 1 lo·e b,ut.l tf'llfhl h•~" brcn "-'IC" h.J, \'.Utl111,. bond" lilac co11ld h.a\C ktn htH)h'<'J.11nll 1h1, rnW11Ny "'""1.11t.1~t Jr11•11 11 tiii_:ttt, ,n,,.J, h •'tlUIJ h1n-C"
IQuick Hits
n1cJH1'tt tunJ11lll.'.i Whll, ""'••n'I J(olklJ) i,.~r~11 w1X1JilJ1.1,rN"C"nti.wl-:i.,,1i1);ttlc
r""'"' \ol lull •1th ,h1Jrnh lhal lut ,Olk,
11,11111,J h4\tb..."tnvm1111,I) vml11ll."\S 1111"
l..c.·U1,1~lt', atkUJ.aftCt' hn b&:cn. rn•t,kni ;11 ,,uA> t\\MCen't1"•nit II h100~1hM
"lllkflh J,,,f1 II~ fl) hc.:ut11,• II r~uJ \:l1"1U,Vftlt~
a1 'i1r
A p110J "'IIY rurt,clJ••l\c 1t111)(1,:l 1,111
•,d1uut ,ro-i,~1rcJ t\C'tll\. Whlk hou.i.e ,,a,11a4/C :illili•)' r,m, 1l ...crm,WY1111:
N~ ~111,k°ltl•
h.&\(' 1w11t>lc m«1111t 1,1l~HUtckn1,.
Style steals spotllght In 'Singer'
d!Jthr.. Afld hllt. lhr .ah,n\·c
fflt'flOc1,,,,.J 111'1" ~lwtin in II ntsw..: 1h.:.1 t;1Lf- rl.l.:.c 111 l'll'IS
Thi' \,1r)c.lft'1 "') k~lHIK'ld) ol, t.tJ ',\'i4h (If.It Ji,(),. t.Hwi CI. N(lt Ju.'4
r>u.'l' 8.alrynlQl't (>,1,f1oby the: , k•ll, hi.I." ,be·,. dc.alk'd lk'rs<U ur Mid
r,n.w, J(Ol-.11. tii,1 manic tnJ1hft)' n+..-111r1J,;h Nd t,c,) 811!)' 1111J
C'~<I)· q QIMX(l'I. kM. I~ {"c,>1¥'( OK. noc Ilk mit 6<1')' bi.It bl11 rn..,t, """' 1mritn,111wu1111 ~" 111111.
TI1e n•nic' hal d.1\',J\;. fUfUlll1l11,; lii>\c rl,,t, Ro, mt'tU g1d, oo, ,trt'lld,. l1A r1111"11:~. g.11f iUl't'.-1) ""-' fi1111;;,:, huy u,r, .,..,th fi1111ee (IICIIMll) \II(' k ,c,,-l»m 1 nJ1ng 1111hc11ltMI, g.lfC me~ to htlp bo ti) 1n.,~111wJ11rn v..,111 ln•~IJliJ rt..ra. hl) tath m lcnl." -.bht :1rlf11lb
1t\ knC' 'Allh h.l)·. t'lcl.1 nc-11hcf t111(! let\ 11,c 1•"1 l'IU\\ he~ l n"I. Jhf ~-"'"wcklf'C \lollht1.11,~T111 v<J"A, hoy r,n..hl 1.111J,.,_ nen, \!(JJ\111;&11.illcll'lpl,1>\ll\"(fi,t tft'lm fflC'Ml 1IIJ li,1-.'C'ijJ.' 8111) 1001 comi.~ 1111 md they iall Ii\~ l'lllrf'II.) 'C\O ~,·t I All 1hehli1l'I)' 11.11\1. h.rP=ftl lrtbci\lrttlt f'f-fNl")lk l.l\•~thiin
,,.11httl!. d•>t~)l>U ll'NI 1,• ti '-11'!"...,,J to'i •~Pltfnb...."mlt lhcmmllC:11:tklb,n,, 1rnw;h\l.~"UII IO\c~ · ~!lhtu,11lt 1lto..,l1lcu Al,;o;v..,lh1~1tta"'"IJ*"II ~101•\l.lf-.
Symphony to play youth concert
rtic Nc1'1h Ttl.llMCollc,:i; S)'ltlpl1)ft) OJ~1r11 \\ 1lt p,~11 11• ant1wil ,·uuth('c""'-~ftC'IIIUkJ ''t"-.w,hm~11iaJSp.,..n,1,crC lltl n1un.d.1y. M.11d1 l?.as7rm Thh )'Cid cbt •u1nc,,,1111t '~" )11C1n,: .1m,l,,(1111pcb111)(1. :s.anin u, i.., v.111 be'! rl.1,·111, "Vfollt1 l\1111,;enu Ill E MUkl:I, ni,rJ \t1we1n1.·111" b\ kli, ff11,1tiord,·\11.'lldchwh11 Ckhc, ,~,np trKl~Jc 1hc mtJk) from~ Wan'" b) Jnhn. WdliJ;m~. thc U.1lktS11uc lrom Otll)' lhc KJJ'" h)' ..\.11n1t Cc,,,.I F,,n(:ttt 1•1 -\J..., Srr-:h /..1r~hu~tru ti),J Su.alho.\ "l11pm:·r- h)· Gu"-1&\· lfol~ auJ \t1J OnJCttaicd 11~0ft'.tl \\' .\l;s,1 tlu\l,;mc·u.. tbc(\WM.°t'n ~ill k lnSi:h11lnAv1J11ooum A..othn' (t",dUtt' l\tltii, )CW'• 111\l'lli' -.di be the 1koo1,~ JI nt''II hlltp 111 1~ ') Jlphi)n\ After 1h.., .J,o-,,. c;h,IJl'tfl :ire fon1oJ 1,, t'l>rll( 1,1!l tu 1hr pcrfcwmC'J' .,.~._ 11-,c, 11hl.,.. Tht- •> Jf!poorl)' I\ ,'clnJIK"'t('(f t-},· l .cwtd Stt) -.oo •1ll 11.l"'1 ht 1hr mfldtr...i,,,
Violinist pulls in awards; plays NlC .J,111 11 mat~cd the:' d,;Jlt ol tl'ld 1ml -Youni: An1t.1, · COITl(l«IIIO!I' 11111,lo;1rt, Imm Nc>fdl IJ.illo, r,li111n1 raD~1,r lfl•ln.inlC'nl\ ~I II! t.apc-• for tbt C(lfttp(U011n 01tl) 11 V.CfC' 1.CkCll-d Ill compc1t. fhr \\IMCf \l,,U 17•\u,'"l11JUOl!nl\l s.,.,.,,i, llixk. hott,>, tiecn rLI)•"' 1bc ,,nlm for ~n .iod II h.JII )t~ She i, in btr 'CWC!d )C.lf
•i1h die NIC s,,np1111ny OrthNr.tllW llll, ~.1,cd "'11h 1hc 'l'omh Symp!U11)' for lht )f4h. i. r:in ,,11tw Sp:ll;uic Vuutb !\)'tnpiulf'I)" Stn:na Q11.1M 11nJ ci:actlc,. --~al k\'-''lfl" LJ.'1 )'C• v.oa Uk' T11k11t Gt.u1 A.,..dfd hum Sj'o01.aot 0 Hol)',r-. Mu, • Ccr11tr hich 11"'..idrJ lk..7t"n lCll'll"\.lcf' ol flti: lt--'-1,ru S41r.1h "'Ill bt pnh,rmin1 her "h,u111 Ani•t.···"d-v.lnnint ,c,i111«t111. 1h( thi.rd tlkn~nl('f\f 11('"\frn&lnoh.n 11'1 F. \1,nnt,"' al NIC"', S)ll'll'lh"n) Ori:~tl. •·Cnv.00)•.mllSpa·cm.rn.• \fa"h 12 Fur hllorm.iUP11 &1111hc ltlfll;ttl. ct1nt11d el~ bl!, olh,:c Ill ltH·11MI !\.al~lCilllbtC'C'lll lil'dffrl1~~X1\a1(16$..l'l.~
Good WIii Hmdng • 11t • • \Lili twi. MM..,.-.ncu11.·d"11t fflOll,,lpll'llhllljtl-.: \llllCDtll Hr~l)'ll.•"1. ll!X<IN) fi1 h,,. n:,,.-1••.-b a.'tl•al!b11c,l\11.tb,-.~~lb. Th,t,(l""~ ~~j.'l!ool'l,. )1,11111:11 i,"'(l,\l,U lktl Alfkd.. 1\,*,:J~ DN ltadWIII: oo,,Jn"411'$m)(.ftllh)e'lh.Rctwt W,U~b..t\\,~Dl:'fap,nl °""""*- •• \\,,., ~·,~"-lk'lJc..rrrJIC ~-,,1,-chlllcr~a&~ c-outdlt11(Ml.t.all~m•~ l.illtrv.hnhir\d.,1.c,toitclhfl'' Tlut',1ht-r,ffl1r..codlht111,.1aa•ltwilk'f -ui11111~<i:iraa1&pn:IIC\met.1•.t
~bi~tic:11',l•ll~,nMdr,. droct1..<~httn.idlni ~•1.1 \in'1 J!iJtlrru~r!L'.,.i,N'«thcm"'ic Likcmi,,,tllll"'"'"'indll~~.b ~likl'ltW111:fl",,la.Jnun, !~&me,.. "5c:,r.dt,,,\-r,.~liMcly1l11:lia~all klUd 11111\ ,r ti1111: )Qt. If )tl)U: hkal ·1:nLi\t11Ct't*• tm11bh dr IUll\iC'Jlw)W
Tbnlc •• ** lllis.1t.-r,,._.c.,pm'lol-.Cm(l\ic ,,um»Je.QIIN'•J\'l'.illhc l\t1,,1,ll"IC(.('P'lbr!IO'o"ttu»mdht,n, 1t0111lhl~~"'lhc:1m,,,1 de\.-,.1.11tti,dio..1*.r.1nfti..o)'11t1h1 l•Nlll11111\a."'t' lcM!lf'11n-tullk' ()'\'-.1,itb~d'Atl.illhe\lnkinJ r1Lma:~rc.JJ)N'\cbxn lk ,\dc:o i~tudel'-: 2(»1 ttlClf) R,~l>uJrnonll<ulr WU,,.lcr(~t><o1tldSa~iry} A ltaN\IX,llt'ddm'c•'allb,ldeo. SwtsolNe••• ~bk'llWn~11mpla~ 1\Ct'l1gg~ oollc~""lakni'Ah>i,~~f,y
p, ti111~111-,«"111da..1'!1( '"°"(ht l'~pnz~ (,k~·,.n'1!itll.:iHlia-oc11t1."Cll1t•i:hl,;,. Sfti«i:""""~ll•"Je ltpilk oU~IC~fllliudaaA Jl')fin.;.,..,di l~llt:m,c.aldd11:thr«'-1,r,,...:"<rt1 illll&"Q.l'.WQl6\(hQ,;h T :°ilfU' 1n1wt..ul.11 (i.i}, •fl\"Ol ll.pt11.1 l,1 Land. lLun..11111 i.n ffflMWhw 3t "'•ll11llwpccl111'19'll.:tth\lkb. Bonun111,· 1!)00'1~tt'a.l:lh:!~ Chcl'r'•.-.!Chu'lf1'C'V, 111.',11,1 hr.c:1llth't.r1••u;:~n11·ht1n.,Lc )Wafill
WeglhaDog••• Wia, DINtn llnl!nwi .at-' kot\-n I):~·,,.,.a"' h:1d Ill l.'11 \\M.~ bl.II !flt thtrt'.41VC11th1~ITil"'\1Cllthc'l(,1J'C dlJI man,,.,. , jlN 111.1" 11a11.:h Ur 1ta-Jiilarth:1tll1utn."\'J IIM~ "'"" ,m..-h B.S. \lo\'.;. h' rvt.l~ o.1wil.l)·1'U\lnk'l
Man:f'l?J..:?7 l'vr-,.om Fonmt \cc Fo1r11 f'a;..- ,lllf)
\br thlS sr-Ao1nt s,mr~!" r,
T1..~l O'l<, i"",;1,J11,(11 ~ltuk:1AUIJ11,ir11.1,m
ICalendar _____ 11 fonla:bl NIC S~·n11tho)n) On,;br,t,a Y111.11h C'unL't'ft Schulrr Au,lnnn11m 7rn, lh rwlh \taft'h 2l A11111 "ar" ,,t,11',11 tw,. \'k i ~C«na AnCWk'n. a. '4dl1Llll "ll.lrthtll-lJ Opr1111,..h111,.>M f, l1111fl)'i,'•&I rLt>~. Sd111ln Aud>1,ir"1111. 7rm
\prilS 'l!\tn# l..4.,1SuF'1'<""' S(hula AuJ1Ct1tJ11111 1 r Ill
Mu1lc lnatructor Gerard Mathl• lharn hfs kMWIO<lge al'KI •nthu1la1m for music at the aocond of u,e "'Three Saturdays ln Winter art• Feb. 21, Each worklhop featured an lntlma to epproach to tho aru. Ste relatod tto,y on Page 11.
P"Vf' 10 Tho NIC Senunel Arts & Entertainment·.:.=:...:..__-----------------,1
httn fun to w-c !o\h,11 ,1tkknh 1.-U do wub lbtlt ,._.~ 11111\\\.af 1alu 1• an.t ro a:1,, d11;,t- llc:dtr.lrnp NIC ba!W, :i th-11,cc to sba\lo ,11,clrnh 1h.111h(y 1;,111 rip up 1bc \IJl;e AnNbctdrsw~k oftbc: d11nC't 1, u~
,u, AS\IC" c\·cn11, ""II' lu nu.le tlt'\lo lnni,h All·ilHII. lhc- V.alcnuu,c·1 O.m~·ie w;e, f)l1.1tl) hln ~IC'hi:J unJ I llllt 11.'tl IO ,-cc ho ~m,JJ Jflllll\'(' ,1nJ -.ti,1 cdukl ,tun,m) I tid.ily. All tn 1anclllht1Cc P"'''t'J 1l1~11t1,· 1 nl)' \\>a)' 111 r;1l1) .,...i,, to fct4own and tfm>Y. Ull!itlll ttl Ilk'. \loillJ. ti>t God lnuw, "1 flUny f('brua,y ill ldi!ll_.. nc'C~h l11tlc ~('N:C', •t~k rn:vtJ, AtuJ 1-IUC) ,IJJmJ
b) Bla.i1it·a Whht .'ifo1t1tivlR(1to•ffl'I **** B •1h.aar,1c~Wn.i.:,,m1.1ue1, *** 1hi.11. i..~)' l\;111 -cv11. u,nW,tlufl ctat,t11'1llolctl·dhrt,..-11J ** Vino 1"'111
* .......... t<hi.>i«l1tAi.Luu'i.andh:r"t IAl\"\C IUJln) m,, ·"rht· W,:JJ,nt Sin,n · h• 11'1cH11o IJQl}!hl I 11, 1.iil foir ..a-11,11100Jdto.1i,;(' ta
al.. Doc.{ \)(), ,.. tq_i-4
TA.1}Lt:8 FRI/ SAT MARCH 13/14 & TUES. MARCH 17 D.J.LANDSHARK MARCH 17 8pm JOIN US FOR A BIG ST. PATIY'S DAY PARTY FRI & SAT MARCH 20/21 Not Guilty 406 4th street Coeur d'Alene, Id. (208) 6674858
Post fols 773-6659
'Instructor inspires creativity
11~uffiY<'. Jlirw
ul.lL''--'twiil.l1t1.11,,1 nr.,1-.. .uuri1.11reat,..q,.,h,11r, rent"'·fu v.t ,Ur f"'nCT!lal \11·.a• \..'tlklU1n1ni.
Thm: ~m 111""'.n.:t1 ,n .tlk'bo.lJnix, n""'II\" hu .as tr;WlolJ thllll"tflCtl 1k fit~ c\nctilt 11..: u.llt'ln l<l v."'c: ttwi.'C p1'1)11-•I oo:unuica. t•ic U'IJC ~1wo (;,rt,gkd ~otl't 'l\'M) abc1t11 !be fTILVIII 111.11J1.w 1ii~,k1ng o\a J1111flhulilikt."l:rlld'IM'r~11J
V.\'tt: pll\~hn,ul)J laClll:h gr'!.'llfUn,,l lk\ wi·n: rti.1,,ur\ld lo -.·nDc "'.,.1:111,,c,JtM lhe 00,xh !he,- RUl\\\l Thcp,up.l'ff\'lukl(h;u~~V.Cl'C'bmdu111 l11/u;ic1Cf'i~n Ont s:n111p rax,\'t'd :..1 ~,tow." bn l'lnJ, ~1Qlf M.11~ uf O,ilbl111. The poup,,1tt1~bcn~i,Jal 11, 'l'!nLJ ~"*1•~1fromtl,c,gloveJan..l 11v.lJc,,.q1i1honlpf, \:~l.h...,1l1mN.;1'1dlq,cht,w.dc '•fnm!f~lCn-,1\lw: r11n) A1,,ncp.-antn• •I.IF'h'\llh.it1hr 1.a1ntqibl 1rtlp)'lhcriunn1~.
,1. ry dtlkrt"N: -..u-c,, \lrcft': haitit,,b111nal,11ll«if •hkh ~qwteaotu,c.1'htl:iur,h1t"r••,;1SCC*1ri1 111t £1-«')'t•II.'. Jlffl'll,'lt\! loil.~ 'lnlticolll1: eu:unmcc NoUDt 'MIQl,!1rt111l't"'llhdN,t1,,lc,tw: bta:hcr l~~fJ\.111C'ffll«'llllm.ltf-.w111~hi•Alhc c,ri.Jinr t1 Jd11111rl,·'M111ttli."'W(llf)Cl1Clla.
ELY: Pep band member confronts trustee during Men 's basketba ll ga me
1Contlnued from Page 1
·f d1Jn'1
1J,'1 ~ hi1-..;: J J!lh ncit
1h111 June i:vulJ 1111c hlto Joh ii lh.; hJtll.1
AndrtwHhMril!.S ~IIJ.n'l IP\\Cf
Former S'ttdenl lh HlJumc - 111C'
1mpr<•Sl lQn I sot v.a, lh,11 1f we J1Jn·1 qu1clt':f, Tcp)
Ely's letter to Headley
f,\,: 111, tdl'II eHuh El) h.'lJinrd lron1th,; t\lolh!ultna-tt-i ti..:...:r,1tf'lcfohm11"k1cti,, AU1lrhc Dcr«1« Ju11 Ht.a.Jl,:y 111,! lct\cru.\~1lfdi 1,ar.u.c:d
1~1 lkJil'i:y lnim ll, ·s woi:l.
O;at1d L10tN>.donaf&t\kXfl1i. vihO<t1'C'11et1tl\C'.alhlo.'Uc., &r,onmcntl.1'idHt..Jky,,,._h'ltflW'd l1iou:if1h..:k-11e,.11f'dbc;11fh~IC1 Ji v,, I( 'Ail!I I ffl)' AAft
Ur-N> NhJ he: ullc:J Soria 11\.I :adn\N tum ufthc k-ncr. w1i,-..1mi:J,Q:1:\lk,u!JU) aniJ Wkl<:tPJ)i,tlflttUcpmt
A!terl-,tr.glll'IQ~ 111' l'lll<lytofendot~flllgr\ltr.,t1~S Sllltlltieiln t tonie!rl11,g tln1 done •boul IJ1'I bisrcl. SerwHn lht 'f1911lOtl'UFICi ff>~ g,ar,w h 'music" w.;s 10 lood ffill my ears l&lrtad~ andrr.y /'!Nd bfigiln 10actie.lMdexlrerre:t,flluly c:once-rtra~IIO on tulalbnQ the fwel Jl-tllshatorltie"'1f!'l4f\. Thi••
.Ml.lhi!Y•NldlhitC~ -., ..-.g., __ lfl)'~aMI by IIAljeding "'fMII to noise roac.hngfal ain:r.:111 prq,ontons: fhertiarotWOfflllO'll l!'JOSlpocc,IOgolOourbdfl'no5'
hi, t!'J'.ryv..ilh;w -Ip Co • .,lb5)! Mid NOOnCl • 'IMn b~tA.'~aruc;1,. tuc.n•l'Cll¥onlltlllf'IQ
-ScenoWfll {o<8'11 S.:,) '""""-""ll>lalnq, ooobe!.·erit,,1t11tmlf':l4 t;c,C1M can Cllly an • ccnveruiian w1\ Int~ !'ft! IOhm--1:e !QR
f'ffllOWtda~h\,fflL"'O band Thlft 11 no NIUOft » tl'flPJybl'Ult~ ria
0·'7WltW'n Tlw~llffl811!1to btbaC'k~lm~f'IOt
INl1N11Jt't(lnl tfltwacbqni 'Mlf11, tf1fTl1t'Wlllt hi pop boflcl atlCJ t14.oT11~~#1tffllllllC l1~Clflbo!Sonf.l ~l)'l.1'.IY~lOdl)'IO.._, IIIOlt111"petiQl'l10~•L)l&lciin wau.h It!* ~l'!lt at Euttrn WUhington, w'wf'OGCWJ*.19$4'0 notteqt#f!OIOla~~lga"'f
I 111nh lllo l'ftligA tl"Offl lht 8ooltM
CiUb. H I camol l'l good con60ef'Clt~l'1 Of'gllnaatiorl ltwl hu to k!' • ,eperd !or lfll!I peope 1upport.ngA1youcan1t1,,la~lfl9f)'. lru&tml9d end bpMI 1,-itl a.-11.1 yourr,ply.
Btt1Jv.111cr • a fr1cnJ HIH.11u1ic, , , I d J lt .uunc~, tn•I NIC' t.!liJcni. JnJ TenyJona1 uhl he felt ~banddiredol f!C" luJ 11•>lh11t1 lo IUIC: h:, C1mhttt1trnl' [I)
1 h~ ho,1rJ 01 in.i•ltcto doct.
POI ba'C tu lnlli•1ly •t"'-rJ'I I ~111htr'1 1r,1rn;i.llQfl, ti111 Hclf uiJ 11 Jhl nu1 ,on11Jcr Ilic ni,em_. uf dlit' 111uahPl1, 1k uiJ ht lhmb Hly nt11J~ .11 t:14"> dtc:hlon ,n •h•n, up 1111 WIii for tbc r1-.oJ ol rile cnllci(" Hi:
Urf<JLM.·d !If, lh1111h, lo l;.I)' HI
.i1oinpus.-1111Jo: 1n.c,,,.,
·1•111 1urc ;011 111,n me rn 1h11nt..1nr lh,t,, I.I)' fo1 Im I fr yun nl l.('fVH'•' 1t1 N01th ltl11tt,1 Collcfr. :and In (',;prc;hinll anprccL1uun fof '11, diHlc1.1l1Jc"o1un lu put lhc 11<dlatc ,,1 S'ICo1hud (If h1, 1tront: r,coo1\1I Jcurc 1n u•n11n1.1c 1t11u ,1:n1i;c a, .1 ntcmhcr uf 1hc bonrJ of UU\lC<'l,'" Bell qJJ
In tn, ll'Un ol rl.'~tlfllmon 111 lhc uuctt•c ~,.1rJ El)' ,.,id - 1 h•l(' h•J n(',111)' lh )'tW. Pl v.tu.1 I hop..- WIii b.• looik.t.J llfl 1• rctf!J ~n,.,:4: 111 •n tn,1111111,,(1 I dc;11ly l~\C." f:Jy 1 1i1. M)' \\·i\h 1, f1J) rr,1jli,.l1\•0 will f'lM
POPCORN: Symposium will feature new stage design
f'('f1ny.ab ot JcfTcno1n ~tc,..·.v, "'ill nv me 11,,1 "") of
Aj)plJcaboos aro "°'" available lor sludtlllS w,st,,,g toappt; fa, posilion of Residtnl Advisor for Shepperd/ Gridley Hall lor lho 9&'993cadGmoc year. Rii informal"" con1act hous,,g coo,dinalOt T8f1Y Pedersen in Shepperd / Godley Ha! or 76$,00)9 :On1inUl'd from Page 1 ·
,nld Jcnl.Uh(>ll, v..ho h111 k1pift•1l ,n n11tn)· c~cnh ,~1 thl, •r.:, lnliJ 111111 ltc hAJn·t he.en
11t. l1"tt v.hcn: 1hi: ICll.111 p....,rk<JOJ. 1hc l..c)·IKICc .J,lrcu
c niur.11 Jilcinn1a of lt~c
ro,ion "'· 1:cn~o,d11r wall be'
:t'tlclacJ urun .111 rhc (nfuru
•~ntinu the o.ha• il\.'ICJ nl lhC'
'h.1J1 s~,e \\'fl(, v,ml~ the hc,q
hdum s 011 Ktt\l v. 111 l'ot
,r:iccJ '" ,he 1H(f•hl'c
•rtcoiu11 ~1cb.1tl' hy li\111111i:r;1 r,ult'u,)t Ccutpe (."t1h:htnw "itift.m "" tt'l1,luh1•n w1l1 fie: lhc
&1il.:nwn;1 fa .\ l.aM.h 161.11 • v....-1
P.at1l HI.Ntd 'fn'·h 11huw111, Khf!iU, the dl,IUl,"lrt\ ,uu h;t
)' Woll,1onc,11af1 anJ rhom.11., ;T-.i;t1, •hit.ii •ill It pll'ID)i:J b) ll...., lt"~11·11on u tJincuu "'' lo•
1hr: fon,rn, Mmh !7, H tht l,inam
viut, Ne..., Y,tt~ Clly Miain ~h.u;u;l(t\ Mari l \"4lln, Will
8.(t,llCl'I .-nd [)\lfoth)' P.ari.c, will 11,.: C11•mtlal 111~1,111, 1n1111hr nlOfd.l dtlc:mrnA of u hutt1tlrOU\ ""' ,1 -.:b«rknfik ·1t'II brint 1bc t1uu~ dov.TI v.1th
l,~u_¥htcr," S1..:w.u1 YtJ S1..-"'.:afl 11a,J the f\Jp,:om f'ltNm .,""WM ,..,, hw·s1 ,, oh·~• 11.: hdr
11f ,n ny ~'flk. He Wll\llJ M,1• tu
1!111n~ the cumm!rw-.: l1'f lhe h.,u.._
,,,1n.t wti1.:r ,.1nct Uc:nnil 11.nJ
Get Re2dy to P•rtv a t SUNSET
!l'lmlday, Match 12, 1898
• 81ldllr 181111 a'llllv9 l1ll'bl WlfllClbap ~'lllaJ 'l,fff'"'flll: Cfe,1I M M.lll\)' nl 1!--. I IJflt", 'A"Cn: f 11 lltt ,- Ri-...cnbrrx ,,Q;;i11,. rd.•k.'1.1 All i11~1N,·N JiCrn•:•h« ttra111., !Pft'lr s,,,,•,,,rll<r('f>fkt IPlclfUQ,.ru,sJl:irt\ Ctt.:ii:n<c: •n-111111n-.n111;Q ~1 l:J1xhcr t,;Ql,lflll) '41111,hn"A IVhcrn.•.1111~ A.-ltJunag lhc: l\'ttllC ''TI..S,sllld.1)·, tit \\"1rita'' \l.t kJ'ipphcd(f'llOftWiltrJJ\A(lh,N WM -. .11e.,.._..klil ,,.k, k.:,~"(WI l~l'lltlln' .,1..J 111. ,Mlnbut1on ID(.~.1111\c 'A't1tln11. ~lm<."d 1ntoaci.«1 hi,w to•'rnC Nia41(';IIO'C f.:r,1111'111 th!,.,1\1hffldn~1nlu11r
~ho~, h1111 unhl 11htr •c ,v.unJ JI mc Jl ;u ,ct1u .~J SIL ' l'<P 8;1nJ t11cn,bcr l).-n l.~lh\>~ 1J1d II~ ,h~c1k,1J\·n• 11r,.:J mu,i( i, l11ud1:t 1t1.111 lhc ~r b:mJ',, i&nJ he h,11,i. no Ilk• t'h)' 1:1> ~·.o ,1nrl1111 uul 1l1r ,.,., "'h rcm,11ni:,I ,11 the 1iunc ,11ng lc\cl II m,un.111) ._ \klll<l..u1J A11111he1 f,,;Jtu.l m,mlhtt Cbvtn Drndw,IC< s.inl
" d
"t It, were undc:1
.,. •
lo fCll .lDJ r('rccl\·c=.j \\'funfJOIOJl 1111~1,1;1i'" bo0k•Wl8'1
Jeaahbh byWesWOOda
And Uoyd
by Oevld Meredith
1,r Sii.'4.:in
v.c·n "'' PH"!d nt 1hc1n,'" C"',\,Jfl uiul II' ~C'tJ. H't)'
hh KCCCUI) fK'flf1J.& \1,;ict"l'.'t \Ii IIU he «..._t1bc• ;fl Iii, tisftt ,1nd kft i»m, SIC''ltflM ,iul.l Ill! h ,,.11duJ to ASNIC JJ lf'C)' hJ\" f11n1kd tho p,pc,>m tnnrrri r,ir 2;g )tilfll 1 ,itw y, Ju,11~ ii 1111 t·,n Ju,t thc tJlr,:ct11t ttl tltt" t,;a,iJ,"' S1cwoUI ~II.hi All ,,cn.1, Jrt urc11 11nJ frc~ lu the ri•hlk. 1;u1 t11fo11n,11111t1 ,1111 the C't•ll(•c- R<lil..1111111 Offh:c at 7&>-J.116
BOWIJNG CE.'ITER THUND~ ..::::===rLLE y O,,Mll( A" ra1~r••lu1uot & So••d V.s-pul~ou f'nhlrlnt LASER LIGHTS ULTIMATE SOUNDS & DJ 'Glow In Th& Darlc Bowling 'Black Lights 'Lights MOV8 As Muslo Plays ·Rolhng Fog 'Pins & BaHs Glowrng In Tho Darlc NOW ON FRIDAY NIGHTS 11:30 PM· 1 :30 AM AN EXCmNG WAY TO SPENO YOUR EVENING \• W,202SUmetAve.,COA US-2695 FtlOls Logic by w..,. DorTtll I 1DUJ "1'DU ND MDRl' CLOJll<S, '<OU ~AVE FRIUD rlE FDR 'TME LRS"T 111'\E, I --• ' , _
S..·ht.1pkt nc au1~-.c:1a)' Us rr 1dcnc,h.,1:: • H(',~ new 11411u,Jc,11n"A11rd hc..ahh)' '\t"paru11on of the nund 1mct tiudy. Hn 1J1IJ r,,uq: 1Nll.l v.eiit)1t 5-.hl.npfcr focu..cJ t.>n 1bc The m.un fnci,, nf h1 Clu 111"'° bod) at1J huinoill ticJy'1, tdUc.j\le O,."O!,) •km Pnd how mmJ togcdlc."r
11:p1im1.(c 1ht-1r ht'11llb thfl•Jh sood AJnna ,..,ah lf'Nlm.,ntlcit.1ttl'I'°',• Jcicmt
~,"-"''lot.-CIJ.~~,fl'"fiiui,clv('lih Johi~lhl~lll(',l{T111 C1tt dctltmntM.'d b) ,)u.r ln•ic:t f'C':'1;t"J'lllQflt Sc:tilapfcr c1,m-1'C'\. folt..,,u,.,, thr da11on.J.m1ui "hr t:l1loJ
'-llJ. lf )lllllilt"t'\pt\"l('IIC:U\$k'fflelhlt1!{ .abcitnT111Chi t'',)\JIUWC' •1.ot,pmcncmi ll lobn\00, \\·ho,11lw~ttl"OOflw phy 1'1111> 1kino•h1r.d,vn. ,.tll,.l ht 'I.•" iO'fJ"C"\Cl!J 'A-Ith
.,,_~':f:~ i:~~~I~~:;:;':;
111 tto·,~ :~~ll,1111. ,he twJ.1 ditlctcm
J, "*'l> bt'.1khy, •1.J lh1" could ht' "ht it i1111n ((Will; he ~d ~I'd hte 10 'M!r ~.,.n,•1h11111 hk(' clboc11MloM. N111n11nn1uJC.b)u,chu, FDA t.hlia, ''
'llite I.ha -...iik'Jf•hlll'C' lhi--.tbh)·, f.\Cf) ~11 ,,,1 f)l'UNbJytt) 1,11i1lc llli,.inJu c1tli11k
~~.10i.. ~,.•"L• ~td,.:.~"",,"",' JICfl.'fflt a(1bt bit af~bo111he ,bl,,..,al w hid.a\.- AAid Tnivi, 111jll n , Houuoo,aAOf!honllftbu-.!l~m;.J..-.who ~hl.npler \,00 11000 n1:1t nwl.( "'"" JO ""'IUl.iled 1hc drt1tonu11111ci.t
t.tancow body 11r one m the: c,"Cnri,11 cl('mt:nh
h1 11o ('Ill No t MJUm: f11t tnnn
1 :W.>"'1fa1:·sc1,1.r1a-,1111;1 Living with bulimia
Ht "1:Jd the unpt1rt,mt thtl'fJ., co ttt'p
t'l'ICTI} mnlc~:uk In f\-,d mr11irt ThiHamr.s from c.aung: "'h111t. unrttn\.\CJ rOOch. ll1e
b1J~M f.;10, IA \\dlfltJtAill i, ~l)J~lt\.s
(,\Und 111 N;.U:\illid C'unu1 1 do"An on
tht:~.*11.I OOI0111J{U1\NC\l-~I. Illa)' tlc.lp1n 'llc:i:ghtltM,.
E:.1101:., hic,1l1b1 d11t1 '" ,mr,on:1m1 m
achie, 1n1 m.uun~m 1'(,.lt.b S«1ag b 11~1tt1110nhl em help~ ~,w ""h.:i.t d.a 1 nsh! r« 1bcm. u>n\Kkong 1~"" i,UCh till()(id I) !'IC and Jiabclo ·A~)',.lclllll.bpt11h11n1,,nttrml, St'hlapfn \lid "Y11u di.••l .,,,11h ,uflcnn,: b; Clp'lffilllflJhcAilh."
Tai Chi soothes soul
1'.l1Cbia~e1t.llpl.t.) l•~111y0.1)nt•I
1 't Alumm l\ut1t1IIIJM d11't\:tut' 01111-11 AIW.lld ~lt C!ft buUntlJ. "'h, lht lJt11IC'J ~lMC'I. 5 In IO pcr«t1C of v..ocurn h,i,·c c.1tmJ di,uc,kr•. ,,1kt l...alltil W.ollmt" ""fhl~ fi:&wt "h;t,eJ hi\ tm1U11c~1 fi O)' rerccnc Cl( alJ LJ$ 'A'(.lttlrn lll'C' (> I datb all tlk! Ulllit aitd 11ft' 'AUJTU"J 6'ul fhc:lr hi~ bcin1 .-.maUt1. W111Lu1 ~J TI,i, pn,bktn l,duc io the rixJ1•·,c;,F\'c1,ttc uf\llmmood:-.w:1~.anduahafallOJ\ ~e Self CMlfCll, 11 per-.on', futtul) dyn.llJlte\.iahu~llliJ<'llll('tpn,hlem•atw~ IO lhc d1~.a.«. WatL.crh ~xpb, nnl lhrtt f,d11t11 d,toot~ Arion:~1.11. where•~ ti~, :i ~u11;1ot1n
.--.: Alumnl- Dawn Alw- lalka about hoW her daughter atrugg.Jed wfth bulJmla. NIC buketbtll player T,mmy Goyne lltlked ll>out hlr own experionces wilh 1ho -·
Lcitt: Shine Ho demonstrates lhe moUona of the Chloete e.rt of Ta1 Chi wtlh treshmon Jeremy JOhn.aon. .,., .
o( ihe ..ant honm.. All.\..altf w.lltd nbota h!r d.wfhftt't. "11n1galt w,1h bulrman
Onc-umc. h<r d..11Jhk'r WeAd) .1 full
~a.k l.lmner. • C'tunc-.t Umner 1111d 11n 11,,llilln di111..ct arnJ lhrcw c:11r.h one up in•~ of tl\Jr(' boun llut11,; • blnbday meal. N<111i1, bttcbusbirr ,~ l!L'oK'.!nno 1h1rJ iind fouilh ll'MP.. but 11 \dll a bu1'mic. \he 1< Ud
T\'f~illnttl )'Wuf''lC('ll'iHul 1hr -~rtJ.•
At'III ,tr ~id f>t.c.,plc S,,nnw lhn. u-c: thc:-m Go;11c 11po~ nt1,I un bet aritUtna l.\ilhtiuhrm• "'The t,eq tJ1int tco hdp MIi,·" 1hc pmb,km• h, trt ht .v111.1Dd p:t,pk," Goynt \llid.. No 011C Lnow, •hc.'lul thC' jlf1,lllcm if yw'N! tlCIC.Some1111X', WI~ Nlit *'II ~1 thrmtih bid Jlllll"beti ~hm: ,.,.. won't cat. 1hu1 gelling !lld: rokr Ml'ltn.ictl. Thi\ cx,:un: .,.,.hen ~tie·• han~IIC IW ..:fl...-jf i, hid. 11 v.ill kill yw, 1t .,.,ill.'"Oo)nc i.1114 '"AN.I lh11f•1ht \<.Cllfle,.t1hln1
Biofeedback informs
11nJ di1"'n v.Mc onconc: hl:ritCI up roll nW1.:ii.,,clk,e1hc-, tOR" h ••ounJ, • hnk 'A-Cini. hut tbiil 11 011c ~•) m
11ir:~u~ap«w>r>'•k\d1,t~c~u. 1t·,1.41Utd 111 l:\t(i 1cl«tnwn)'<>fl1!flhl. wb,.,.h P. the n,001t11"n,:ttl111u~l.:11eti\11y. 0 1hcr biClfttiJh:id, IO\llllltlt"tll\ fflt'f"Uft' tuod ttmpu.Llut,c 11.1MI ,11., mni•11.1rc T~ t«db~1d, b d10,.pl11)td 1n nu1nbt"ns on• comrutt:t ""'"'en lf1,::h nuntl)rtA 1nJ1a11e m()l'('.rrt"'' R~>h.'n.a rnn..uit. R. "'I. h 1hc l'Wnt"f P11he U10C«dbu,i,;~ ("link She 1.ttot:11~ ,n\trunw:nt\ 111 ticlp htt.:ffl..: .,v.·.lfcor 1hr1rt-'ld)' ,tnrtinm,o..e"",. Thi\ 1morn,1U(lfl cnnblc- lhc p('l'IQn IU \"Ol'lltol thRJU11l1,an nnJ rd11-,a1,un JL•U~ ·Wi1h i.1ofccdh11t.:k )OIi can J<'1 )'OUl'ot'II r1.an1nl firtnly on ah< irnund .al'kl .r.1ln
tomrol. ··rrt rnu l.l.lJ 81o(«Jbatk htlpt. <I l)C™-ln ll.'\,"11tlll/C tctnil,Ml, ICJ:1n1 h> rcl.n and bJl.,,.....- 10·" :ind rdo.ahnllre,pocL~ l'bcrl' .if'( l "iCX>c:h:.nt1e:, 1h.11 na t'IC;l;W ,n cho btdy from Mrt""· Sclnlt or 1/lt'V e:h 111$r, lndudc U'fl'11dl\. n,lit l""\ln:'mltit'• \'A\"Ming. \lcom.;h )m..,c,, a f'llc1rt1t h<.1n ••-' coot11.1n ,ttl.u,, v. bk~, 1.udlllb th; adilkdi:,n a,ulc:aunaJ1iOf(k'n..
Lc:anlng 10 eoauol i.lrl'"" hdp., fl'IL'\CSIC b:umtul JlilY'"'•I JYONou \lit,.b ,h .U,-\ltt). lttlh grindtnJ, dlF'II\~ d1MVCkn.
b)~rtcft!ll!On. mti~ln'"~· mu._,; It' ;.p.1.\m, .1.nJ pall\. ~nJt1.1i.d'1,, Synibti1~ k'n,IOII h~ ~l'llcott\lip.1ti0tt.
The: b.or«'IJhad, IRJWiml ptnpwn U'>U.111)' "lll\hl\c1'llonc:-hn111~00..1 k QOl'l~~tobc111N'01\11hlcprilY- ~h,nll"
The, 8""fcalhac:l Cl1n10.: 1, IOl.31t'J wl lloiO: N
15th SL In COQ!lr d' Aknc F« fu11t1tt
ln(nrm.11tnn c-nll 76.1-0l"M
Belly dancing jives crowd
B :!:,:;~;a~~~ \:"t~;!~1~::i;\'tnu,
v.hkh foi:u,-cd un JU\ lnJ! yum bod>· 11nlJ
ltin"l lttJ pride l(olnl'I dC'tnon1lt.1leJ
1bi1 !fl()rt' 1h.a11 be.Hy d11m:1nt,
The belly WAac1111 Jen\t1n~11411un fc.111.111.'d
ua;'fl da1X"Cf'l 111n<l 111o,, cc.achm fuwln 1hc:
Ctr,ah\'~ llnp.k.1 Jlllll..'C t,11JJ,u Btll) dllndnJ
IIIWN(l<V Sott«:a bu, lxc:adMtKml forJ.n
~n ant.I k•loni: f!Jf four ,-c-:,,~
"lnt' tr11-.t "'"·.11n.l11)t! thin, abuul bl:fl) J.Jnnn,: k hl.w, I fttl .ibout tll}'\Clf, Sollcn ,aiJ '1rp11Cttrwtn 11 , IUL,b«ntllrni_ lti.,t,ft• 111 C'rcnth·c l nip;tc;I fnr • )'<•' ~IM:
\.lhl Jw-r ra,,,rit~ thins ~ti11uJ bc'llt d.1nc-1l1I I' d~,mi;u-r Ft• ffll111c 1nfom"1tl01l 11.Nlit \.cUy d,.v l(int
d;ln(:.C\lfllac:I S..,ft,.•\,allf (°(l'.;all\C l111j),1CI ddhl."'t' lllllifkl. (IM. ft,U
Paga 12 The NIC SanUnel Tl1U!S(lay,Marcn12.1
Healthy Outlook Learning to accept one's body key point of day's activities Healthy li ving discussed ":~:;·::~;::..:.:!::·~::,~;17.:;.:;:.~·:••01 A ~~:i;:"~·:i:~i~1,..11c.;:r;.rm ~~=;~·:~!h.u,c 11ti. "'*"dnt:
Gary Coffman, director of Counaollng Services.. r eceive, a masqge lrom Lois In tNi Llbnlry foyer. More than 20 p,eopte we<e waiting to roe.ive a mesugo.
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• Compiled by Cory Rosd.ah l# Wea; Woods, Mara Nclsnn 13.nd Amy Wtighl •