Fan obN.rvo• tht second Bueball g11M in• dO\ib,. hHdor •g1ln1t Alcka Coltf9e from the middle of contor Hold. NIC won the tlrat game &-1 and the MOood 3·2.. Ba.sebaDaeaton tllrltd Fob, 23. For mo'* 1bout NIC e1.Mb1t1 cMck out lhe Sporta uctJon on Page 10
NIC says good-bye to friend
k2khh1r, lrorn C..,,,J,.t'A 111 IY.J.I I"' °" pl.uun310111 k~ l.w. •·htd •fl'-" I JIii llt) bo:hd..n,,_"' hQ
1.1,cl Hutl•obC11eJ1,lt-n,g•r--« ,oucl\"'t'\,uJcfll'""'\ll'(tllk1 \l,\IJI..._
Sdi.:u\ ..,,n llol:rm 111 \h1n"·h.
l.kmi4tly. 11!.Jktl:' lu, J.dhtf Wlllo
«i.arliMc'd,JoringWWH l\lk"fl'l\'<t )far, lrl C.rmlMI}. hn t.;iinil)
lfN.VteJ l\1 lll:Solo., \1••, v,1\llr h~, liitj,rr 1o.1ttu1thrXPft'Jn \\'111 lk
\\ p1W.1C ti:-LIIKJtl, ~~i.:~~.t ft>1 1lc- S.1 l.,,ut~ Junuw C,ilk'pUnukt. ~hruk. "'a ~ibk for 1hi: p-u,l111,'1JOI\ ,,c JI f'lr\ll!JcUcr and .-;it, .11 ptll1·1.Jtnt R"r,•tkr lnnbc "i'I.
County official rips NIC
NI<' iu~ cntittJ)' ti,· 11c 'lt.iltt ln,IOlf of• hunltn 11n l\(l(IU'l~I t'CIW'U) l'f'lldet,1-.. He JU"
'*wtiwii 1u u,e a1, u11rtc{,fh(rl,\ , 1r·tui,
~~,lJ":11:l nio•c M,eruJ •hllc tJ-o "'"'"'''Ullll)' he 1•11' htl h."l.~ m,rc ~, 1t"11:tYIIII\C flt111t-1111•1 t104 h,ioWt II ~112!4l,;tni1 t,ltk rob{!( f{ n).111avJ t htl.JU'll'lltOurfl."a.'-tl 1•h)f:r~ar1an t"Um;'.* of tht i.1111~·, MmC' 1u""•11J l1~almn ~If ra;cih'J f111W1n1 rn,q1 •hi: ft'd.t~ f ntflln•4;nl ll1 brlp l lhll•A IIJ IIIC tollUnUntf) ,Cl abc1lrrC"Ju..:Jtiair1 Tiwrrq1il!lltttl>uut f#1nihn at" rrhc,
:'~';:~au;,~;:,1a~h ·- !!!!!L.
Jv,t•la&!ni.l.tJ 1Czr l11ngou1 , lb)' (oft.tft 1,,1 ~rn.1ct lfnlm('J'll lill t.a,r.1>CR
mctht1¥,1fr, (ifC'k:hffl Octntn~. 111 \hl.•'1111'1,dlJ 11'c)mamtd in JQ7_\ ff<'m1n;'1, tw...\Jhllllkl ._..l\,Jl'\(I Jll•~li\m.ShC" "-1..e,tbr[lf\i
IC"l'l'lilkc:d1U11'of lbc J\JM r &1I, lnbu.llC'" aJ the nWJUyi,18 tditut u( 11.: C:ClC'UI' t.l' \1rnt Pres.1. fknuo,
S(hcf1~ he Jd bet ,u 1,11.<-1 &bi: nN11PJ!Xf IUIJ ..1'4:•rJ\C' 111 t.i.-11plct, 11,,,·cr \\11.llbb•ilct likir, dw l\lfU ',\00 ll'Ult) ,unk ';(."IU:,K: totW1111rdlJII~ U
Parking problems escalate on campus
C8lllll'UCIIDI .._ lpall l!y 11&
The nt'llr rci.lJc'la.T h.all lq',11'\ ~,;.OIIQ 11,1IICl, danµl\ifflhJj:,-.itilCC1ffl~pri.~&\.1.~IL1
'1lic ,._... hlifl •111 litric!11 ~' att l'& cm,~ hiv-m,. All o1 """' lit XS, ..-k~ 10
1i1,hni lohaln- -pdllll!, ~pa.,:r, J Llpctn .,.J ,"6lk\'C'
al11:ii:ru:\Cfm111°\un: l.•,l,,1na l1w- y,~ 10 ll°i,,:- lht' PtiJ•'II' ""' w.hi.:h 1114) hei.,"lfflfl(k.J (Clf ... ,...., f'omtNlUlililU.1' ltlO M;"lkfnlu~ tuu tic<,n ~l,,r\:h IIJ.lht....,,.,-,lf'S1nf~ Thi:~lpa,\al"(k4 mlhc'comn"t1"Cul.lq!:c Om'.:-.ah.t(iardr.n ,\,<'IIIJC •ult t-; k11c;,-J 1111111 tqlD lie pn.1lTU. nic ) IO-pmunttJiolJccii.'t' hall""~ fhrnthe' IIICI II
,..,.rn:I j'\,IB,111 h nu 1.-\tltt°'«Scnt ,._,1) PAlRf ,pt'b..,.\«at,11__.,inf,tckm1~ 10.l.,..."awlll h:- ., im.,) oNl::l!t .&.S,.ot d..i , lr.t.:a1e1 l nr.w ihrR\''On~(' l~Wil1ttct.-.. luM •h•:i,, l!t'fflchctt.t:.c.,u tffl:t'fld!l lhCJ mo.I
~• Ilat .R.1.11.kkd pri.11,g m•\ffl. bcn W.lih die aiil.frt.Nfl c4 U'lc l"l"Sl<ku,: !MIi, 1-Wrmt gjd I'¥° f.b..~'IC'IJ'CL1 ditt11,11f!hn1;f -.rtdcnit ldclwogr. 'IIUlbttlm°hitiJID ,Jlftlrut.Mffll."C'inttlthr~ luUr,u,• rit"Nillcit O;i'ilC'dr111rca-l1.1,n~1""'riJ1tii.·Ji..,,.,,, ,C:, tim,nn 1..-v. were' "''11.1 ,,-J-rkb. U) """°fflf~lJ'll1~ti1tbe1r.!Jm.-r:llolll :no~ ~udenh •ill par~ 1n SIC-«lf)·f'St.,n, )t•" Tut k"'4c-f 1ta-pa\in, k• 1..-cwJ1r..a1 tuf"IR1na n;;c-p M' IDa.m. oRITlt..C Moo,..l.i.p.ard w~-..&hehN.vykJ1"1:,ulJa'OJfl1t11CII.MIC' ............ Alltulrhlhr ti(' J*\.11'8 •• -.,11 pl'l'l\ide
(..tJ I'. lluf.p,:m l.'1il.l 1J1rtr 111111't ,..t..u,, oulJhe-*YIIILi*
Rco11.,1(lfl \n .\S."ilf
•lnhl,v.Qnh lt»,;ll,m ,ruU I 01 l.t.d!, I il111111" ......
l!'\:Cnillycwn..~Uio.; "*t,"1- U'I IOll'fflillM)iul l~f'CU l\l!tf pt..<h!J.UIJI jil1 dCIU.:lllJ#) and~1incl.1n rd..utlmnn•,ldlt! hYI~ \\mJRi\\"t 1n.h,1n R~~,n in W~tlminJ. Sdlc."fll mdl., •Mt'd11p.1bli..r,:t11i1,rn J1m.111r 4~ Ctnlnll w,,lflm1; Cnlktr fl( W lkrmnr bi~;:1111hr likkp.·tt.lml J.taurJ Ml 1-rn.tOllj:hl hi ttf-1 funJmJI ltUITI t\1JOIC'ICII l't111il1)' ilt flf1kt llll lllfl U.flil)-tn «1btcounh 1(1 un,1111 tohiM'lu..:.aiiLO!•tml 1\ll(- 11.iul \"llhtml h11ou,1hk\~ ..,tlcuiJ 111 U111(".l\C' l,,t:thllf11rol the t1na.tJof 1na\lta. C'otns~ rr!!.klcrlb ,.,1t,1n !IC't11htr)o1 Lbt t,o,,,J. ""bh:h fil<n11.ill) h 1nlcllJ.e,l lo lt<'I' NJC , lht ~U.Ut•I • I lhe U.<I.Hlf 51UN...: ""I htlC' Mt nQ lih«.t, on the bo.lirJ M..11\rn uJJ In a ("11cnmuni1~ th:d ti.n 110..-n 1Do1t roR,cr\'ahWIUVt1'lhcJ1"AI"..._ ,1C1r11 1n"U111:LHt ttfurt of., tl!"j(\kJ llfX1,lll'1111. Jvftn.l."'
Hanl,n -."* 1onntl11~"T tic olnt b•m.:alrn
L,ff)j,1n...1~ '*"' J to~n~i:- ~IC'• llildtc1 hill ~,1.L,.J..,.~ '"''""'-t1:1flttlfflll,e••lltffllJ'
Uin ltle ktl(r ai111C allul,1 ..c\'t'r.11 hvun IDJr
i\u;1wiJ1ni 1'l ;an #t.-.:11' IP 1h; :\f"·~nlh,aa Rt', ,e.- , lhc t p,Lltlltt'•, Juin1 f 1nancc
Arp1•~1t'IU f.'•JfllflUI.I« appro,,aS tlirt 1-bJ,Cl.
111,oh1,-h 10..:l1dc:IJ • )I ri 1111llt(1n i..i, nu tlUhcr1hc 1.1111cJ.:od!lihckn.r"'.t'liCnl T1ou t11Lwnliu 111f'fl(ln('dltic't.,,,ut f"i.r •.uitt"Jm,,1,: 1 lfflJll;I) wq;t "'°" hll.t 111 lat:iUy ttniO\"<' 111 rmp:rt) tiil hmd1nJ uf ~«·• fbn\m •rott Tht NI "rlltillhas lil fOll1h1UJ:-h dw: II WIC'. \<n,1:l.1111~,·,nort.-fott 11 Int h,01.r\~f, II b Pl•t hkC'I) 1h41 the bill ',JI ti I tit ctu.n,td
t~r ~o,lk1J lor.41 C'Unu 1. '"''" 1..1.h••
c,,lktc" tia. lO\l ll, N'lmfi:""' k,11al1n glJ
Wednesday 31 yea rs of Popcorn News/Page 5 POPCORN~ O RUM f.AillrCh 1~. 2001 To centerjield,c, 111 lfflptl)'f(J 11.~hnul~tg) a,IJ The' 111< r a\01 J&.~lmm1hc,u1111111U11l, t">nt~bau,rt-..lC .;,dlt;...• l,,11'1111,: luwa,Lt 1• fl'tUlll,;IIOllt1ft the b11cttx:t ••/·111111,•mmt in.fnrmrd .1;twlt•nt "" nm11m-.. nm/ I drm·1~nmr u"/,a/) r:c1in~m1" f'rnid::ti1 \hd1:1el 8un.t'llliJ !\IC' mu,1 f11e 1 •1th1hl" ntv. ct~11re, J'h:'1C''•a1."01r1mon A:n(>n11n.awt tn thl• rru,..~ and ,t'• 1«1.....,1,,,)', Ou,U s.!J.. \V;tJ. di,:,~....: '-:IC.-.,U '"" m,u'I) hir. lrnm 1h1i hu111r 1ft I.ti.: kad,ct lbt·rc ac hktd..·1t1«-fmol•ot!Y cou,11nJ dlC') ·h" h"f) h('tlbl\f.• Uurl.e t.lllrct tl11ft-11m:.1:t, wt h' IICWT CO liudp-r tC'f ltM, ,.,....a 1.1 \.''I( J.>ttt.kknl Whtrt :\SNIC fl1nulr1i1 JWI r 41'. ll..11.1 bu D(l!;IIO AnJt1
lltilo Pro!nm, lllmn flllJh1I Task Force also tQets h,J•~''"""'" , ,,,,,,..,,. C'lul'/ Kll(IC(tw l .,JWII) t.:u lllUI Ul'Jflef k~ tt.ank.1D'1 kl!Cf t,11!w ~onh l,btiolqt\buu,;t •~,11·1 ~'-'ff'N:GI•• l,,c lllii:I\I 0, 1U~mLJ Sll"et C, c,fo,. l&Jl'l.lltn11rtu1100 •t "''-'tut! 1,,,n..l.c:111•11nr IIC')illll IU\,l<fterluNfrt,
i1 ;11.inaa11<:mp11,1stt
An,Mk.~top,nUo.J "'1'1h~U pi.,..~ .00 )t"a, 111 t1rllllWIC'\ "'di !Oltl l,e \!)('.MIi. 'i,C\t' "!o..hffl\,. YK'C' ~t1!lrff\)flc:t;e11:t.ll1-lfl~ltliJ 1k,dt'f'C1iien.1 om,llfttnF.-1 1.>LJn.1 • ,111ular 111b ln:~niJ. w,~1 !ht Man.~ Cc,uunutul} Colk~ ')"Ul1 ~hl'li,I IQ~ 1~11w• .,nileaitlN • N!,. hd11t"• ~J:fl',C II\ jUUtn.lJ,,n ill lht fll\~11)' u( M1"'UUfl tit (",,J.uriliu. 1ft lQ74 ~:br:n._ rttt,\l.'I.! l,1 tna\lt'n 111 nrw,.mt.ll1lll'llll
1l1C~"8-"C.i v0Ututinie•1miaackll ONLINE:«•Ju/...;n1incl BY PllONE: 7611,3.188 UY FAX.769-13X9 ----~ C".\rc11lf'"""mn:;111 t:J\k.;ilN lfP,il"I'" 1(1111 III 9U,cd HI 111, Jt11C'f Ua.1! 111 I.lid ht 111..u f'111n11"f('J ru 11,c bu ldITT &hl'f 'r(,klcM \U.:h11d l:h1R.c 1r.m:!cd 1,• Oubic1,,1~,t1r) u,i1b,c \IC'twuJrc11'1111
f"'1,n1 t, ..:1-.knc,., thc~1al!CINthc~ • iflhr~forc,lh\lwrnlpiu\wq: lblr~11 mailimatthlll ll"'l•il:nh ~viftf-.lp..l-nl k1 ecr,r,in arc nae ll.1C'P)" ""·Ith \iuJ..•fW'-iliJai tt..,,.u~"'i."11nC1inr. t11.d."nh~ l'lln<atofJrhett,11),l"• bk...J.thr 1ninn11l'lth:~ni",'mk't\,hr'-'UII ,ic n n1111or-otn11>k (n "-""'·, ~I.II~ ofthtt"1ty,hclilid. •t.a1~'fflW1iJhi: l,ll)\IWIOti111J apai.,i-i ""*11it111 lla..uOiC"lhe)o..t11dt1 bdhLl,l/k1"11 10,\W!ll1cflc I~ 11·,..tilfk'wl.k1:Utt1nc-l'lf) pl9UII hC'llol:ilJ. 111 l,'.f~lllllf'I 1111i,tn.rrk \)lfrtn lltl11/'ltf£1i1l) pwh,, k,c'!. s1~lcnh1.11t,t1Jrwl Wt dx:1'10th1ft-,1"~aWJ!lk'll.·illm\C'lh:tillOlh: C111.-., hr\Utf 1c:1t\11n~.-ldr \bluilf l1dJ JWl.i,1Jlic arr~ ~,lflV\kn:d "°rth1~.uJat..-m11llfrAlllcJlit-.J1htlwldiQc '4~ lhe hnrh;J"l
J}lt1C'"t notl'IUI , hh:r ,d Ui,fl t,A hinr ClLII of tlUit (oltq:T ,\, 11n u~m1 k RA1,iir1 ,,,mp,,cJ I wf\ C'\ t111, ,1111hec~1111f1U\ In Luumry ~ICbtl.l lffl.t'"C'nl Im M,11on l,1,,1ti..:r l..;1n1 Da) *" ..,,~,wbu~ Jnr1,111('d .,,,t" 111e." 'Ordu,, 111 kanlmr Ut s.t.W fnn}' \Jc:'ililj1R. r,0!11"'~ iw;1toi;t 1n,1nii:1N 11.1'"41 die RIJhh I 11, h11« maJc, ii NJ JuiJ.ibow If
Workforce Training head to Land ol the Rising Su
b, k•ld•.NI Sr,mnt/rc11t111c1
"'"" Warkronx 1 tai.ntl'IB 1\\TO a1srli')'C'Clan h•'f'CII Oun• hdlil:'u•lkp: lt) k'lflMl"-'lal~ RUN.'li kct..ltt1tn, .n'\UUII( "11.--c l'rt:t.t""''IY ~t1011 lllld cu•cum'C' Jlff'(tor, Pd \ cm knbn-. chta.1o,r l1'l w~1mi.1cJ tnurnug.,-~n• 1n da~, lrt 0:1t1gp,.in a r-o, ,nee.- in s,c•ulhcm l'bin.2,. di~u»llll t'UloulCU r,upout\ 'k1ll1 cucnrw,11JCI ,lk'h • Sok;.a. h.nv•tt• Ballt"r') Cl.\., Kr"'h F..10.1, UtM .11nJ r>uria:-11 (•• Kc:.1"hum m.:J klWD.\ wet \\1tJ1 15 t.ump.,ni.:o. Jwin, IN trlr, 1111 hiidd~ f.tct, IU-~»
E,C'nth,'lll(h v.c·tt".:11,mJ1llo.xJ1n 1.1.nJI)' eullqt'. wt '1ltt t..lllf u11m1a, ta"tKn 1h.11 fnr ch.ill t1w\c1 an: \CJ) llfht~ and fll-.qliu~ Kdr.l1um 1,11d fCccdamt Mid th( to"'11 ()I \he Ulfl v.u '" Calk to ftl'l'tknLd.1\'C't lf'1.lfll mult!A4hc,a,al ran,,,~ vkmt tliJI pj the hlj:hl) ini.bubbx,J ~ln(c. v.ld"-h h,1_1,i,p-,r,11bh"'"at76r1ulhu11 lkwJ,'('l)' JUie r•• m Oun,110 lhc' v.~v !J;u111011 _,,- h l)~ \\.'TC l,dutit p,-.wllk 1!in,ehu,.!t1Nct,, We're ,,11r\ms, ,.1uc,-1ienn,.;,ak"1) 10 r,.IJhln,h a ter,tOCN.1ln·e 1hctt a •'I'll IP out ric11·tctm\lnltt'Y ,, ruch~t.•tltkttJ~s.1.~1 "''C ID\'C\lc'll U1 l~ l!A(I ,,i lh tn,'l'hl'I f'1f HI di)'' ,n '11.1111, ir1'J qi,,~·ll) "ilt' turn 11
1t1W kl 1IIC"U lor the w!Jttt ~hwn wJ
We (INNhl~ hil\(' aht,ul S2~£0) .,.-or,h n( J'ftipiNLI IUtl.'IIC."f..ic. ~!,N, lha•C' rcb«J.. \loC' hnp: IJM ahoul lulr of dk'l<1C ~111 k- •u.:,,:~111 Abvul Uim: ~' ,;r,. J..:tt. l!l.lrn rnct 1~ ,'tl' t•I hi;11,1~ .mJ inaJ11,fJ}' o,t • comrnuru,~ ,cc,lh."fCmPhucub Thla•l~·, ,.1lh1i;11)' in Ot..inaAM rn"'wcd 11liffl,n1 tCr\icet I« OullCIC! ltllloa:i.l tlan.tUsJ11h1, nn"Cll'll,. Kckhu1u µinc 11r •·1th the 1dc.1 u( f'l1t\lJ11tJM:l\t<°njnCntn.a.t ra,.-ull~ ,inr:rll~ 11<Cl').11,f 10 Ph11M1\ h;all m,ik q«JIC t t-1 nf rflf'l'K') lmmllK'lff'l"Cl'P3lll "Thl• dr,Jlinn (lhC' \\1tj n J'(lrNnl) k'lt "'\la1nm1,. M.1 W( re',111) d,.) re..,:d IO IU!mhlf
Zimbabwe native seeks NIC for school
by Emil1 f;tmard
lltb.~and w.J.l·kN,D anratlm1•f "IC' ilQJ'iCb,1,oinaU•v.'trlkl~~ 11ttt~t-tuJcnt1n:m~", ...Stb1u'1\lita
drrwhcml'k_-rc '-' 11.blhc hnultdab:anon j»,<Jb.htaJnl.,mtial,.,C' \:ct l n.i11.'dSUI0•1J11tcaJwlqic
Kcc:.Utk to IJ,c S.-.U1v.o.t lu MlfflJ Wll'.h1,111t1uQ St.:.U, Uni,'a'\d.,· AJkT\tlllln;SIC.bodo..ido.llno:m:b:1,:. He
mJ v.hco~ \Ntal NIC &he fria-.11) IX~ ,11iJ lx'-Mlfui
b.:ati<:G wt\\· him In
~I 1'41 ararr.w XIC f<lr UJIU. ran ind •ill fir».J:i ""lch hi,
A. lht.1 AS lb -,·nan! ~u.Jo 1ti11o \1..y Ur·1 IC\l'd*') of lh::
ln1,~ sw..ltnlO~\'Clcampmalt inc,11hcrdtt11:
Nllf\h kWlo \1cn't l~n. 0, \lo~L.'lllb., Sd 'i1C'llk tu11:w~h.111r11&11j,and1,1r,'Odil"33lo ll '(:11."Uftiygll,V\l ,~~\
'.\.rtQ.JITI0\1nJ lromunc:l,•llmlT1110IQ(l(bcrc:ari t\: "Cl)
tJillc:mit Stl '-lidlhc~h!Tllllc -.1 ~Jf'D)' o, oo «pltli"
uobh~ 111ylh:"1 in 7.1ll'Nt'1'91'<'
'\:d had~tCICn h.inrt ._unia, ti, di,:- t 'n11QS ''*"'
ht.1\1DC'.H(ll;1n&c111,.Scbrnh ln C"hm••ndlldl\ ,.,,~for" crau,11!& l(O'k'C't. lhcre." Kdcl1111'11 fan ld d,a rLtn v.-dl be W bria, 1•0 Ullffn, ,tic \\lit.' TIit' ftN 1tlW11, C.ath)' k Chinnr. l:iultt
n1,1tcrfal. dl:wlop nlollk1.uti Jtr*JJC" ,101l ,te;11c.,. a l1C'1m11: Luiau.ic 1\hn.l.11u11 \Y.'Nun t'r lhc \\ITC 1,1,cbolflc.. nit 1tt.•cmd uurm. Ann,, Wc1111s. "',t,t., 111 ClOD)Ultang k'1'\'IC'C'I i..·umrat) in Cbin11-. Jottim. bm v.,,.L.rJ •W,hrt~ bt, (ft"IPU\ tn~ 1,u C'hu1,11,. l\cti:1'iurn,.1idhC'~11hc: QllCOllict luh aaJ AufU\4 Woni \\111 ~:\wk on hC'f bii;:! 11nd .,di ck\clc•J' 1111 ad\'ft'lt<iirii, marl.tern:, a.aJn ~.t:Y Whffl iJ:ie teUD'1U ,..,Oaina, !-he wlllflT'1t'1('11t1'1.:\\'T'C"1bml. Keh lium anJ 1..-nk~b ..tho~ the Of'1'lCln~!'l. 10 IOllt .a pri.\',Ut 01111('\,(' Wll\'Cl"Jf)', Knh1t111 w111.~
\\~ohk li>Yl\ltthC'Ort'.,l W11.II, T""""""" Sq.= ...i die fort,l,iJm C•r· Knctwm wad he Mld knlorui an: bl'Jri"I: to n~itnotla t11p so Oun.a h:l rirt' the 'llllffllrtT t'll.rioot1l.itru~i.lclw11c
m·c,1:~ 1,1, _.lmo.'N •h u•1uJ in., atu<J cl,:a "b ,ct~1hi:p11>e&,,.,'Cf1 1rulc"-"~11dlh. (C'OMtlCl'I) CO bt«lmt: 1oo l'laiJ Iii.ti fr,.,,, "°"nlri1,.•1 v.UI b' 1lb 7..iml$h~t'.' Pu\crty ""'J~prr.a! .~d c-..a,, d1.· ulllj<inl)' c'll pt'1,,plc 111 lbt «iun,ry h,·c oo 1hec,quiu1~·nt0f Sloo U S Joat,in a munrh He fJCll(D• higd1Bann 10 p:(1Jllr:'1a:11tuib ink' L'011n1 St.wic1 Heu.>~pcq,1(-h.."tf'lll\' \'1,.'C) 1p11.,rall ,, pmlct"111 tiul.,i&k the \TIJllb')' 1-a:MAC 1r, a.: .,"J 1oJ riKC ti..w SdMidlhm''•11otcrtr-ititblurtt.1,ll~11:,~\! Jk p.,lzti.:1&1 m .:harp,.,, IAa,.l J.alnl1'8'!11tt 1.llung •~,, llh,! • l.,1'1.'C' lDJ MiJ p, In, 11 ~I tnllan hl.-.:k J'IC'llflk', hut lltffll'I( lht rti-«:n I.he:- kl a.oii..k l.aP,,I focd'rrlud,~'"l. \l.111)' t.1llolll1V\Yllt•c•1•~1hi,1uut~,'('Q,'l'Cull!W.11kv,·v.h:llc llnncn haw tur. k1IJ.od nm 1,v:1111(11;:b \:dp:1WJ1aDlhx•1:ttl\l•l«hrT·11um ,,ia~11fhon,,~~n>·tt:>·lhct•'l'l'(n1rtl('nl \\Jirn1'(olb,l.~NIC he rt,n,10p1t,.l Lc""11andCl.11l St.UtCol~,'" Uc t:nJ\U\11\ (l(SJ,ih,,*"1tn1•J«lrt11111111l ll,.~Llf'hf'\IUO.'iC.'Ull'ffl'l1Uiic;J~ \\hcti fic't llnuh.:J.1t.1tb latd,;p,x.bc Wiflllbtogo411ah1stamiJ) 1fiwrn lk louJ le \\ill might ..,u,1 in pditw.., Id 1mprm'C' .,,-ooJ,11nm m hi, ""'"'" 'Sd v.,11.1IJ 11kt' In k.ol\e11tl»:'111, \\Ith ii. ('QI."« I.It 111,1.r. ._.,,
In hi'I b-1t11CQJW1'fY he: Kaxu,k1nll.'J iotn1b1,r hitl~ar.J lim 9, Afran U"••lllh ,:raa. -.I llm~C~ WM and 'tbtu~·1 u11Jcnn: lbeyh.l\'e1Ll.,c t 1',11t 11ni: Uu.111 10,!1:u\.·
Ponable cro,sw:ilk sign b,mve.:n
Lib1111) and Boswell stolen agam b, \tau~"' ,i&ftirrn, ThrOI \I J ~r\r.J 1hrcc mA~ f "tt, IIJ b~og1n1
11,01.mJ 1tic:, m.ai1 Wlli('>ft 111 \\na C,,aukn •nd Huhh,ml. \\.hen l<eCUllt\/ .a.p('fu~Md. I 11\Ak thrr"'· J1,wn •011~ ,1,n"S anii r,ttlo('«-Jal lo ran O M niAIC' \ffn "'h>JJrCJ and dct.1.1n~,1 h)' rc•l11: c. l11e ul\Ji«
11hnmci.l ul.1n1 "I'" o ff campv)C huildinJL lk
~u ch;u-,:N "'"' mi Jemt.Jnor 1hc11 lkr"ttlt
- -..
'C'IIU(\'(('l o\ c:.ill \\'as moim,,rcJ fc:b. 28 l't) 1o«"Vnl) !,o.111 • mtle 1111,Jn1 • hu had a ,c,1111rc 1n lhC: Scitor Nild1ntt and h~J r;1;llcn lie v. tt, e\l•Ju by 1hc ',f(" llUhC N'fotc mc:du;;al umh 10N. ti 111 ~1ia1cn,1 McclmaJ Ccnkr
s«urity ' n.1111tcd \t~t(h I of• p.,uiM s.:111 In SI(" ofhcuh for dui.1phntl')' 1h:11nn l>h1urh.1ntt"cKI ~«11t1t) v.,u no"lhtJ 1:c.:1., ZS 1.•f :ill.,, turuuns \ 1111111nd 1he Dl'lflh 111dc o1 lhc lkdlu1nt Rmlrfir,1 Rc('Hl'lt., \\~'t{! 1ha1 dtc Jdi \\11 p1tht1II
-...,-,.,, Ahl\11\111,h lh.c dof wa\ fll'4 I r11tiull 11 JUfl\p(J DUI of A i:iu ",l'kk,v.. The cfo,11; V.At put t,.ad, 1n lhe
\11~1urh,.nc:c UrUh l',t.i'I kmilt ,tudcnh 1n 1hc U) m CQC!Ut J· !\lctl(' Pohcr wet~ i.::alkd and i11dJ<nt Yn1, KJ'C'flCd 1hat one •l\ldcrtl 'AH lllh).\tcatt,I Shi: •·a, r..:mr,,·('J b) !r1cnJ., hd lhl· p.1h~-c JJfl\'~d :--.,1 rcpori ¥i a, filed
Tik' pi1t1•tilt' °'"''""11n. •1snPJ.,,I lrtc. itJ bcv•·tffl • Muffins ' f11itt • Bagels • Colfrr .kJJ.m morr f!bo11t: Cdit Center Programs Moscato Cn,ter Programs Admissio11S & Finimdal Aid Trans/trring Crtdits
RAPID RIVER BACKPACKING ADVENTURE MAY 4--6, 2001 Join us on a scenic 10 mile hike along R:iptd River For more infom1alion nnd lo sign-up Contact: Outdoor Pursuits lower le,el S.U.8 (2 08) 769-7809
Robe<tKetclun,-ls1antvtce p~for ._ Instruction of the Wotldorce T,.inir,g c«,ca, Slando along - the Gnla1 WaH ol China.
tllt..:nJu~,chcx,tU1thc UrwaJ Sulti. 1-unJuiic 1,1r,,t,1,ht11,0i:J tmcn 1.hc Sutc 01\l'Qllf1ot1'1rul~<s, 'fC\.:lm1<al Ed~cl her 10 "n·k,uy m ;\by Md June. ~'lfli•1ll h..-lr, rt..n\blt
A~rt~ ~ioon ff11tb:J11tet•.'11•f <1M11rr1il:td sr.1101ni ~'l'l'flCd "I' dJ kfttin, •m hil't'd. Jcnbo, hlJ: lUilD)' hnlllfil dri,1J11p ~11h llul'l.l 1bniu,:h lu1c:on11•,UI)', s«Dll• lnkmi1br•nlll fr,. 11r"l 1Mlll.'C' I~ 1'1111 prnt up In -1un~•}·t-,\\\lfJ.ta11nCl1U14 lh1 t.'tlfflflll11) P"ll'1Jo1bai&nl(lxnll"Ot•1 hv~1hcftoc.batthe\\,·c~hor~t,) r•n"YV1tk·k1d11u, tluct1C"1M.ull.l.M111,tlic "fdl-n tn Oonfflt.ul Vern •-n "")' mMltfmi hu, (',r1cocn1."l'1*"•11h u,11.i lhlll"•"' ffl) 11\tl:te'II ,n rlDlllllJ Cll'J"lf11JrUI) 1n 011121. to di\l."W4>"'11 h:gmo1 a., tu "uw \t,'(' m1glM kulJ 1 tov.ntc .n wtKlc: fnrC'bttk\c bl:,hc nJU1.·11uw rutillalbllfl n:.ld .all O\i:Jd1tCci1W111) t,och f•·ult) MIJ IJ.kicn.l<t.,;,:111,....1"'(.')nn,1 C"lltl'lf'U(.'" 1'hr). amn·d I.fl Otma oo !iDllic)
.,·,,ui,u-,1 Uf•orltr
Jamie J;et walks through the campus ehetldog end lotl<log dooro during hi lhlft n a carnpua security guard
L_ Mah1t"1rod lllm1ty .u1d Oth\\cll lhll trrc,ncd \l••ki, \l,r._h I Thi\ b th~ •c ;nmJ I 1.he •i1n b~, fooecn Mokn thiA yc.u Tbc •11nf'Q' I, ,.11,cJ al S90 LEWIS-CLARK STATE COLLEGE "Rea'b,y t<' Accelerate 'Your [ifo b Career? Let LCSC put YOU on a PROVEN PATH to Li fe an d Career Ad vance ment ComplettYour Bachelor's Degree in Coeur d'Alene I~------ WE OFF£R: -------. 1 • No lonr ~,1ndon lines • Financial aid pubge, • Credit for life experience • A vuiecy of degree, • Convenient<lu, ho~r< One-On-One Counseling Available TODAY (208) 666-6 707 LEWIS-CLARK STATE COLLEGE or, th, No rttl kWlo Coll •1• C.a.rnpus
,dlt'f\,C(Utlt) m.1dC'ioU.fC 11 h.J lloU.Cflll'liJ UnJversityotldaoo OPEN HOUSE Come joi11 us for breakfast! FREE Wednesday, March 14,h 8:00 am - 11:00 am Top Floor NIC Library
1o1 "IC hum 1 fn tllulc 01 At111;uc.1n Art te s~n•~ h,, 'l('\\. M 111CC u •n uhihu ,n 1hr: su ~, Bcll,h (i ll cry of' lbe Sl D l rotn IU .un srrn
lkll• Wamor IIMJ J~IU\C Gi~CD1"
lf-11,;.1,W.1 "Tl ITmU'o sruo from 1h • \n a;an ltiJ a
Pcttj~U\t• to. ,u. IA Sdwkt 11,c pc«t1v.,llfocu 1mJ•1
Amcrii:;u111~11'11.:,;,11«f'l of nii1111c .u,d tof".nity thiJU h1 Incl,
11r1. rc,rlry illld iHrt•lu~.
ftt'.lopoll 'IC' r.-nd
1•2.~ptn 1lcl &c(A.X'u1
d' \knc J<oom MM)' l.ou Rud,
fon r li.!dJ'IO ~1,dc Sen l•>r •di
fflOOCflUC ~t.slocludt
J,)KJ)hu\e 8.1\.i.·t, L,canatdu
Oa\i11ic1 Ak:J..1n.Ja 1t1t Ore•
1111J rr.mcc• sd,M-111·1
• April S. \lnrk
Jt..tyn11l.t- \ddn"':
M 11.n J,ic !.l>rnht Cl.lit
w1llfl(t ·t1ta111Jlrta.,m
Thu,.t:,, 11, Sch!Jltt Moehn
Jptie,. ,t;a,rted fol 1nuluind
\\ocli:.c11 0,1 1hcWor11Ja.nJ
foaihl for ~..x1.n~ tiJhh
J.lapo,,w Pant"I
1·Z<mp111 1n1htt.1Uc-Co..:11r
(.fAknc A:uom ~100C11t1n • v.tlt
t,c Alllt' \.()8:t,dU('(1H(t't( ~I(" t.
lkr1Uu11cr1t lllfl ulC' An\ Gurm
11x:h1de R lhe k1H'IC'I' SL
D<:no'.'di~1 Thor 1cm \' i;bhn 111,d
Juhn I LcWbAit ooJ pll'el
91·dl be boeld ffl)QI "I lO .l r m
M~o1ii:d b) \fo1111 Khngcr tbc
r,1111 i · 111 to111 ~, c,f <:cm 11 1111
• April 5-6 • lt11mor
llbl)UII-«" P.and
"·11 ~u rm Thund:o ,ii 1hc
L,1~ Uxur d /\knc Rf'l(lm
Modcnuo~ -wJU kt roa,
SJc\\a.rt Ciu.11U 11'K'lu,fo ~h)
Patkc.t. (hc.-a, Wildt. Stc\"C'
"1411111 .uid \brl Twai11
K,ynoc, \ddrtu: Twniu ({ic\lfJC rr,rn1 •,ull
f'l'dottn 11 a.,11 1ft
F,~111 l\. vc,i:nu1 ,i,j ra- ~• :\hit
T'ili·ii111. Tw~m I I 1i1p11!1 -:,.ni
wk(, for h1munll1a pmsnt!t
tk:\·11U1C. bcr.ai1N 111 J.Orbo(
qllt'IU<ICI~ atxiut hltsuc.
tdltJOO .1-.I N~ paru Cli ""ha1
Human Rights Banquet to follow Popcorn Forum
by JMh Studo, EdllPNII a.,,., A pccchb)'Momt~db;l.i...,)'\"fWhu1n£J lht c;hc 1h1u h;ml:ruptcd the At)·an N,lion~. •·Ill cnJ lbc :\hi >ur <>t Pop.lJffl ftinun Dec• \lo-ill
~pcU.111 IIIC lltilttlfl R1pln-.: Bllflt.jUCI J'riday. Ap,jl o Aocordlng 10 ·foay ~C\\AIL pOhlt<:al Aeictli."< 111,u'Ui.:IOf and PfPnucrot 1bc P·1~1"lfh ronmL De..-, -..idl ~nnuun« 11 new n.1hr1nnl proJ«I r«l'ttc SOUthem ~ffl)'l..t\l.('cnltT Anoth~·r 11t11JOr a-nhl)uncc:mcru .,.,.,II bC' ~,mrimk'J hy Grc1 C&tT. b.Wllllll righb JlhifaniJln,pt 1 and l dnho
1tDll\'t'. Hn: (wn.t.1u)11 f', It\ p~ttbuc 1ht- 20 l'fV At)au N,1lot1 proren) lrom Vkk'n• •nd b,cin Ketti:lll
lot U.~.tlllO The Kc,enMi~ rccel\:t'd the rwpcn)' .titer wlnnm1111 $6.3 mdhon 1iw ,u11 a;:1in,11bc Aryao NJUOrl 1111J 11~1 lc11<1lcr-. Rtt.:l\11.fd
8t11kr Tbr rf\Jf'IM) ill ~001e .i tun1111.11 na,111,ccntl'rv.luch wi.ll indud.: .1R"a1 for
t:lauc\ 10 ,11.1J)' allUU'I 1hc ht\l\)f'\ nf t ,,.ii n1h1,., 1,~1c. h1'kr.tncc .ind N.11J,rt1 Tiie bui.lduig 1.1~ hy Buder .ti .t ..:hun:h roe tu, "Chun;h c,I J C\l.h Otn\1 Chn,unn"
\\·ill be 1;1,n\·c11cd tr1k1 a nauu,111t1 da.,pla)'tog lb: «rttfaictJ of hotr~ l<:R brhinJ
b)' th" Arya11 N.11u,n:· 11«orJu,1 "'• pre,• 11:kllfiC' ,~mr bt 1bc ("11rr f'wl)d.ioon
l:,.tlkftk'I wtll b(o h.:ld itthcC,l('ur J'Alcni: l11n oo Appkan.y For 11lfonna.1IC\11 or cidc:11 c:.all ftf,-1 tSM
A<t m )'1:"" r:a..r •h~· P<"if"om ~orum "'"' katuri: l0r...1I and n""uurud caknl\ •• Cl11a1..t4u.1 p:rft1fWCnl. 0 1.a1.114u,1 i• ;11rmditioQ in \\hkh pct[Ofmrn Wc on tbc
pcl'lW!Pa nr r,cork 1n lhl" p,t,.l
[kZ4>1ll h,nun wdl lkl orr SWully.Apnl I \\llltt h« JD(t 1,.-on«"l'I hy NIC', Ju~ tla.nd Ille m,t ol lhe ',\\'Ck 11.·tll\lrt ~c}IKJC~ adcfre\1.<,. n."IIX'ftliC p11.11,rb ainl 11t1 a11.•tl~ (,« lidc-b.u run tull 1o1:hcduk of O.,.Clllllt ropi:c,m F..aiuru 1.11von1c Cl•)' J"nl.1n\ will « 1uni 1L, Olocn.u k.Ucn.ou 1.1n \l,1ru.lay. ,\pll) :ntinu:,u &\ • kltoJN Sd.ol.u ollld hmn.:r pen(c,,vr of IIDC'lltnt \tuJ,e, o.t 11'11.· lini\~Nl)' ,,rNc\:1d.1 Keuo U\·f('rft'lfl~ tich1f1: Pitudcn1 Cl111h!lft, 11)c f'«")I.Jn11"a ,;4t,111o:t mJ mc:mbc:n ol Cooi:rc,\ Thi! liM tf'(.tka c\CI hl rrcc1-.i: 11 •lati.lin.j ov.ahOfl.. Mona Kl1n,:cr "'ill 1~·111111 tu pctl1KJ11 Ill \1othc, l'hut-1&. La I yc.11r. Khn,n prc,.:nt,•J 11.~ \IILfJan:1 s.,n,c1
• ''The Sh11d..,, ut' Jan" A f~ Jan ooo,.;cn kick! ull r,-,-.«1mhnm11'1 •7·\0rm Swllby, Arni I in Sduit,., \ucldn,1u111.U1 v. lltUII Pnfrmu:d by .\It;• JuJ 8;1nJ • April Z • /.,,,., Kt'J Notr Addm:t: ll;i) knbt1K111 • Pf \l:'4't.111. \\dlp:r'lorm•" llkllllll-J llcncw1 9 II UL Mot,d,1~ 111 :SCh1Jk1 )Ii, ,pttth. lll&ct.l Jeff ™'° t Lo\,: Lcl.U:n,," wall f,,.,;u\on how lmc afkc:t,- d1l' human 1rlffi1 ltt-.tpt!Pk' Pnrlc Thi:l'iNv.llll'otbt-ld41 I Z:'.10 r n1 tn Lakt- Ci~r ,r Aknc Room11f 1hr ')\,;J\ omJ" murk-1111.:J by \hduel Do~ca. 'JI(' l:nJl1~h lfl IIUi.:lot Guc:tl \\di iu,c1udo: Leo Bt.h1,;11fli• .kw.11,d ~IC. \I Fr2nn ~I ,\,,,u tmd Helen Keifer Thi• K'CO!ld ii. 4t 7 ll .kl pill ,tnJ Y.1111..:: nkdcraLt.d ti) l 011) ~k""illfl, ~ICpohbLlll l(.i~ric;e lnSUW.:"-•r fiu(,h •·1ll 111cl~dt .Ai 1w h1u1l,, Anbw Gutlui.~·. tldcn Uu,u J3'.:hi,, Pinl~ru 1'tmm.a, k/fl"l'\,lft • April J • Ch11rity a11d GoCHlwi/1 Kt')'OOlt Add~! l1av Jc:riliM<JD wdl ptt":k'lll a 'f'Cl~h. Bong Rody When 1hc Mc11nc:111 C11rnc1" 1:11 11 IJI on 1iklda\· 1t1 Sdi,i;lcr In ILIJ01 111 \101111 K.Uns1."f <y.11J pcrlorn1 ,,,. Mi>lhcr l'bcn wi 4l lU ~u un Ropo,tW P•ttd: I : 1fl ~· 1!l. 11, dit l..a.l~ Coeur d ,\)cu,:. R0t1ru knd,-y OY. L( ~C(_"oonhnalOf 11 ~1i.Jt1 t SrfVKCI '1'111100,kr I Gu 1 lodude l'rit1C:c."«. D1an.1, ll c O..b, l..i11c1 r\,rc>th) O;a)' o.nd And«y II pt,um • .\prll J • 8tt1111h lndl~n poctr~ •ud 11r1 "™"": Cm lt,aQ
thcU1liSe.lA11.c·· Rnpon.11t ,~_.on: l·l. _,, r tn M.inbr-. (,.;ill.1111n ot NIC'', 0..panmc"nl uf Ph1kloSL>ph) 'NIii tnnt.lctalr Guc,b 1Dehl1~ J•d. llcnQ) a11J Lu1;1l1<: ball 11w v.111 mcJudc II pc..1111 ~111¥• :al [noitd) 11m,ugJ1 thl" U'nr.otu C11.1ncra llua,an Rl1ht1t. Uanq.-1 711.m 11 lht t"o,\11 d' /\Im Jn11, "1-IW lnfmn~i,m11mJ11tlr.cU M,1...,5,... NEWS A P I R I T POPCORN FORUM 2001 Preview Jenkinson 1pe,ks n Thoma, Jtflerson during the 1999 Popcorn fofUffl.
t1iu.1'Xl6). lru'Pf6t111.11»11111h"c.unC'dhcr ~h pn11\C' tl:ll111{cr1,.,n l11,ll'\li;I01ett,~\"l:h111~I(.' () 1 p1\·.1Cntt:11, 11·1.duJi, Ddln W•mot. Jun11c Gh·cri,_ t~ms:c Cl11tL. J1r11J OcorJ:~ I n:111 l\,pcum FontJ11 bq-an tn 1970 001 d1.1nrcJ ttt 1bt t"Ji:.1111.iu.i f'IC'Jl11J111At1~'C ~I) I< h\·cyi:,i.n,.ai., h 111 01l11m1 1l,M1 ull, C"ulkfl" Fkl.111i11u •~ ?ff) 77t..4 ! O,,,~l··
Denise Clark wlll pei1orm as Mother Jones at the
annual Popcorn Forum.
g On e quarter 01
lhfil bones in your §;?... body, are ,n your feet.
Academic reputation . attracts New VP
Space llnally fllled
8lbr' nearly I Ytlll'
b) l>l'llnn0 CliftunS~,,,,,,,,,,..,;r,n,r A
Sl'CIII •CAdcm , C' l"tf"U111lu.-, c:onunuN gru...,,h ,nJ f•btdnu•loc.111on ar¢
wme of tbc m.1jcr1- 111111ietJOn11 1h•t
hn~tl Orucc-01Hnrd.1bcn<'4 \kt'
rn,,idt:111 of ,1\ldcnt 'IC-n'l\:e~ to
011tord will nflicially tnX( the
vu."c prc\lde111,-l 1lllr cm June t
The PQ<i:11100 bc<.1tnc ,·lk'..an1 loll
Jw,e alter the tt11l1n1ulon o( dw:
former vice prc.siJcru, O~vJJ
l .1nJ,,.1~
"'I '4'1.l\ loolmg for ii good
lo<,1uoo wuh lo" <if ware fl't001
c,-el'}lhing I him: tiu,J, NIC ~' 11 ~J.cmic ~pm111lon.•
Clirfl'lrd ,.;iid: NIC: i111d 1hc Cncur
d' Alcoc areujLhl fie tho bill."
r,e,1Jtn1 \fa·h:11cl Hwi:C'
1hn1Gifford w-111 he ao n.~ellcoc
•Jdlliori tu d1t !>01d.c111 kf'Yku
''Ht ha, ,lroitl leadtf'llhip •ldla
nnd tru u dear visio,n ror
l UJC'OI '<!t~·icc"' wi.U be us tbe 1.H.t
(:i:ntu ry." 811tkr aa,d
GtH«tl 11:!, ,pe,11 hh
ht'lplntt ,tudcm, 1.uet..-cc:J 41,d ~,II
be l lll!tlftf .1<1-tt 10 NIC 11nd 10 the
t:ommunit)'. "~conhng tu lh1rl.C"
0ifford Cll.f'C(h the )('am Ing
cunc to he u1rc1nd.) ""tur upao
biouni 111 OOt t"1.cilt'J to
hop•hQ.11N rm ft1t1u'IJ 11 H=n,ci 1•1 wti-tl'• ,oin,i un 1ht-.rt' arid ,1udel'JI \t:n-kn
pl.lY' • bugt' rolt", • OifforJ uid C11nrUtl)' 111'1'.' Jc;1n of ,11hlcnh and ditti.lOf of c:-nrullmt'nl
mui.1gt'wert1 for the Unheni.h)' ()(
Ahuka !)<,uthC:l\l. Gilford h11., tittn
di~i:1)y 1-e11900!\ible- ~Ing
ao,t ltad1l'lg ,11.1d<'n1 'CO-a«., (c14
their Junuu ~11mru'J, ·•s1;1111.II ,mJc111 lcn:mlna tah.*
place m the da~/,,.room •nd ,tudrnt
4-CfV1CC:t; I\ il \'1U1J COfflJIOlh''ffl Cl(
et.luu,ion." Gifford 11id
He btlicw• lli.11 '-IC ha, Jl~I
po(('OOfil (01 Jfl,lV.-lb
-rhc aJ.Jictun or 1he new
~•iJtncc b1lll .:111d 1hc flume 1itallh
11nd ~kila.', ht1ild1nJ! -u, U wppon
1be cum111 and ( growth or
1he tampu,,'" Cllfo1J ,ahl.
Olfl1'rd', tduc0:111,n and
ru1U1.ll!<ltK't1.l c:.,pe11cocc v.HI •~bl
him mi. rn1<>0U1 111mt11100 •nd will
1ulJc him tn hh. 11-u,tl tn to1111nue
tM cver-lnctt11.,,ng 1row1h nl
:oi1udcn1 enrollmc,nt
lie hu a ma,tcr'•dt-Jtt..- In
guuJ111n«- and c,;(ICJOkli.OS_ aod •
h.Kbclor '" \Kgf('c In poliOC"i.l
i.c;-1tncc from 1bc Univeoilty of
Hi\ e.rpuic1m.• wnh
INll:l~QIC'III ilk'.hUI(' lhe ttt.r~ n(
reauJtutc,11, •1.huiJ,..\fOM. ,1(1den1
o:ncm11llin. ttll«mk 11.hl\111,: anJ\('f\'itt\, 011(1,J,J ,d~1 ha, Clpc'tkncc in
Jie,dth tt.'!t\'fCt'\, rttOJlU ll'ld
1"(8lt.tra1ion. rin~ncb1l 11III. n.111\r
and rur1l ,1udc:n1 t.Cl",u;c1. ,1uekn1
c:11.chal>fM .ind l111c,n~hlp.
d1-..t,illtt •up1X1n fetv1tts. •1_uden1
tt,cti't1lle•, huu~in1, food <1.eh1,csi
duc1phnt :md incd1;1111,n o, • 111Jcn1
OiCford't. 111tcnhoti~ 1oronllt1uc
to ralct11 ac11\e lll\'olwmcnl in
l'u, COf'llllUIIIII) ~1ll .alt0 fa.ctn, fn
tn 1ho duccooo be pbn, to t.1lc
w1th 11,dcAI '<C-t'\'ice,
Gi((ord •nd hi, w1(c. Olan.,, 111\
clc:mc:n1ary "-hiwl r, 11re
bt Dt11ont ClilTonl Sffl11nrlrr1"'tfff
StuJc-nt Sitr, h.·e, lu,.21tt.l u~~1,11n In lbt' Ed1nin"rt ,\iu,dcnr l'n,oo UuilJ1nt, (1111.'f't" \llrtet~ ur ,nf<lhtl,1,hl.ll'I IIINI 1ientcn lur ~ludcnl II )\'II.I.IC' lti Mal of k."btJ1,1k cl!Mlge:s.. c;omadina OJ hc.Jth .en·,cu (>r ate r,m1rl) w 11ecJ ot • r.chrduk of d& \C'l Uf I C\Hft'lll t· tal11g, lh~~ \ti\ I~'°' 111111 m1"'h mrm~ mfomu1i,)n 11 .a~ M 1>1ildcn1, •00 it 1\aUfra,. Mucknl Hf:',1.)1.h Stnk~; TI,c ph1lo()M•ph,· rl J.iudrm hr;i.hh ""'kt'1. II ~' •11f11t>11itJI ht'•llh 110d ""llnl'l'l fwm JI bu1i,11,: vac:wpu11u. Thli mean, th111 hc11ht1 u::n1n·1o wn ldcn 1hr -.-h,.,k rcr;cm, uc11&al. J'h)" 40d .1.tJl«ll .lll'C CO!l'iJacJ ,t1uinJ ftt',1111,tnl LUtd11 \ u1J l'at l)~!,n1cl. nuf-< pr.1(11ll()llcf'l. 11c- n,11l11hk hw ~l'al1h 1;n11\.UIL1h11n-.. e,•alu11tinC1t anJ. lnjUt) 1n·.11mcn1 Ir ~oo l1o1,t' tClhl. the Jiu. hlil•l,Jrr lnlti:11u1u • ,nua11" tnal\fol'mflt'd 111-.c.1\t, Jtmuh•lc,gy ..'ltttiro1u\· tullh i.:e>1Kctn1. ,11.1Jc111 ht'11llt, ,en·h (,i, t'Jll Y.:orl. tu cn11JunC'IIPn -,.,1h )QUr rr,mar)' hnllh c.1JC pco,iJo:-1 Heahb cJl.ll.'..ltkm, coumrhni ,inJ tnfom1 11m1 arc .a, 111l.1tik so 11,,1J.akn1" Ott 11, "·1de range ot t ,pi .._ llt.e-.e fop,o 1nd111ie i.ur"''I tC'd1l('U1wt nu111Hnn fillPC' t1r dl\lc rnr,c. HI\' anti IHS orrc11c:, tcl,1Ut1n,bips, , plrn11:1I ht'.4.hh :uiJ h,ullh ind•t'lln('ll. Sm,knl hr;i1tb Kr\'ll'C1 II npr1, fo, .aprc.•11JUlll.'1llS from S •.m to ol:lO ,,.tu \1,1,11J,1), WcJl'lc1J.a) •hd Tbur..J.1)· Ol1 TIJiC!.J.t)'\ lbe t,nu,- ;UC 10 I Ito lu
Student Services
6-10 51 t1L 11J Oill hh.1.A)I K a.m lu l p Ill 1r-"'
~·~--a.C'~'tplW..1t111.oT')!~,.attlrtt. f'uun'>t.liuJI. St-nikn: I he Jmxh•r ul die J~-p.anr1,c111 Ull'y CIIHm.m 1,'fl'.JIC'\I (D{,IIUclinj!' tt:l'\'tl;'U. OIC' 'IIC'f\ lO:C'II oUttt"J .ire 1r1,li~iJ11,d •od e.roiur w1,r,,11 Khico-. Tiio·y (:atttl 1.ounkha:1. prublem tUl~irlit, 1d, ,,,n, tnr pl:::i cmrnr WlllmiJ., ,urt;"-"'' lcM PSS
11)i,1;1n.,;C" ~\C'llth~ S1n1«1> ,tlMIC"ul ,1kuillDl 11nJ dfUJC ,itiu-.r. a\1l\l nc:t. Muilml t-111UlJ -l1111rJci• anJ 11uci.k pft'l('lbon.
,1•~~~n'::~~ 1 i;';~.~,~~=1~lt~:
111 h1:u~ lff ICUlkrw. "ilah R~lk'\.: C.•ry (.'vffln11n. Dln-d•)r \.hn,1,:« r,oon11cl. t,vJge1 rrogrn.m Jc,..clupmt'n1, 1"rt1l!lc.111 ,oh 1n, ;10,I IC\UU1'C1'. fladur •uP('Uf1 hlf *1vlu11i, "Wert .uld 1,."1C111.11~hn& Oon Ojorn. lucaUona l Couthclor '1ncrrh11 llirttt1•r1J,\dmlS\lo"'l SupJltlfl" ,unlt11h !'I) J1dr110.r ccK1r1li11:i.1c 1b(' 11rrheJ le\'.h1u1lugj, e1uttlh11cot lldp, Jr,,lnp rnrollm,·01 man11rrm1·uJ tOIJ.('\. ,·a1C"rr gui,1.incc-, "ll.t 1."<•Un""'lmp i'nd 1,mhkm Vtl\1111 :"iharon Daukb-Uullodc.. l>~S t'oordirum,r Coordln.1le1 the d,11_~ oper1alluQ_,, :111J ,S(',di,rmt"nf ltf 1ht- OSS rrn,:un1 p11wi,Je, 11.1.l,;i\i11g 11.nJ coon'IC!il\S iur,rn,, l,1r bS:S 11uikt1h. \la1·1t,11rrt hdj.-, ('1,u111N11r 1-tandle, u1pp,n"u~n 1hroli5l1 lh,: nllnins f\f11):J11111r111111!ul(111 J11f":t'H. (¥ll\h.k.-..cllUJUt'ltn-l'
1•wblr'111 ,1.,h1n,-, ca1ctr JUIJ.-n..:r. •nJ a.,hlotn
UJl'C'l' ran,I lf•ft. ('oordia111nr for,,.,.. Sludtn
l'C'1h1j.!,IIIII A,hl~rtlZ Cnniillri.ou lho d•tl) llpcuuon• ,1n
dc\-(L1j'IIIIC'RI o! 1t1~1:4'tnlUI k..""Ull~ u.nd .1lhh.iB.' tidp JcHlur c1m1llmr111 lh,ut.1\jtmtnl i,~uc
r1m-Jdet h;1, kup HIJ'f'l1" j('lf llJn J11i: "tiadl,1U hull Ktll). Ad\·ktnit Sptdalht
Pl'll\'ida..°'\ 11,,h, l,t~I o.r.:I J:J00r aJv1"1&ng !141J'IP"ff
c;11ll l..:1fu•1-ktt. <'111Tr1' 0.-•c-lopm,nl SJl('t:lAlbl
Clklrd!IP-IC"'> Lhc .J.all)' t!f1Ct.a11,u1, ,,f 1he ca dtnlr>rmcn1 cC"111u, rroriJc,. c11rcc-r gu11ian
.UJ'f"II '°' •ludcnl 111,hv1dt1,1J 11nJ"
P.lfl 11ru•"r11.,·11um,l11r
Pr1,, idu ('m1nu-l1ni 11111J f11obhin1 11 In Wrf"'n for .wdcrih .._.,J,n.11e,; lt.11.vh11J ;11"1 dN f'rl;'\t'l11i()IJ llrlJ lf,1fl,ln 11.iy .Cll\'IIIN, p,O\lJ.c cllm:t p1i1.Lann· .1n•l 11~1n~1njt ,upp.,n for ~h1o.k-nh
I.Mt11lll ku1111,\',f'c1,,o'>t-lor
1•w1idrto '"oun,clina nncl r1ohlem ,ohut .urr,urt 111 u1,lly )thlctC plOflolltU, pnn-11.k ad\,llnJ o1m1 l"!l~r i,:u11ltmc<" ,,error, frlf .,,uJ,;11t cnord1n,llu Nit rc.,rou11c 1u i\\tlC'' ,1f 111udC"t,
C:lltUlJ Jn,.,i.h.-n.
1 rhw llu~~\\'cd;l"r, ,\chi,1n)l l'lptrinlhc
P1'u\'idn 1n,b\·;dunt 11>J JJ'OOP Id• llJJl# 1141 (IC11,·1,k;i t,:a,.b1,t ('<l!Jn,cfang 1uu.l p-ol'lkm 111lun
"lPf"''" f111 rndw1,!u11I ~U•ldfl'i.
1-~1 \\alUn1., ,\d~Mnc '."ipt('L1lht
Jll\•ndc• inJ,,'sdwil ll~ SSD11p •h·,,m3 ,upp-., l•clJM, dnd<'1'<nh,ll11itn1111.111,1,:cn1e1U h.,~ f)c»1 l>on \\'IJIUm.'t,\1hl.JngSp..'4..ialh 1
Pnn·*'i ltM.h\ •Jillll and Jft!Up 111.h h,n, wrc•fl ~ur !~¢ l'fl.11.tunpf ('tl\tP,\SS
What items do yo u use most in the SUB?
"l 1HC:IM't'ba&ri! l11\ftl11.1l(r\1,"'l11 l1.1~U,c-l1Jt1ng<
tfaa\'('11 g •"at.di dlC' lnrp t,>·thcrirc
PAG( 8 rue $£NflNEl
f\chlnd t....-o Jtown d1ildrcn ;Arid one gnukk-hUd 1"hctt \OU lt. Ii po,ti.e~ l'(J'icc i11 Juneau aod lh<-ir d.11u.t1hm h 1u,,kan3 (lQ bc: 1 m,,tcr'i dcgre-t> 111bc 01m·e:01r)' or Alad.1 \1y \Ofl t11, uor \·~ry h11pp)' 11.bou1 Ille fflO\t:. lh.-1',~h)' "t'd~ Nonh hlahtt" Gifford uid. -111, f•lrly dP\C "'1~ famil)'. ·We 11 rc c:xtn:mt"J}' ei:c11cJ. at'io.u the ffld\C. 11', an aJ\-etuurc for 01:mnand I" • • • • • • • LIFE ll~l't~~$1 A student gets lrN cou.nsoung trom Donna Runge.. Counseling service, are available to students to, no charge. VlaH Student iiUiii~iifiervices provides various forms of assistance
llilr: h,::ik lxl\\4'nl kfCCllltJt\i1atll1 lnh,mguul tlictt, ..:IA"""-,1nJ lftk.- <1.1tb,um-.uftll ,l'ldlC'tllunlball 1,, 12kt hr~l •n ..,,.,,nJU1'1Cil· do11'l11..c:"ll lhA lh(:•hwleor runl.1,d,t·d t mud,• Jllll.ofl llndt'lnik~rt l>ou~la,nu. 19 Ut•n •·o,, 20 c;u!.Otllr,W l' Bu,in"" "111,K"and \11 StH'IKC' \dolfnJ,tr,1tM.o J1&1l l-'ilb tlarrk,m ('OOff'd'\kO('
When words aren't just words anymore
Slang Is part or changing CUiture
by Batny WUUlun,. Sn11i11rlf'c'pon-u
l"Piu. ofl )'OU bloody W11ukc,!'" r m oot -'wt! •h.a1lhllC phr.ue
:::,~~~i;~~! Pi~~~';f0(Nt h .i \\·uri\cr1 h II M~:du)J
•b.01 Whcttobuddyol nunc....t Mldlrl Wilitti~
1hb io me alter ~d:,ng hun 10 r11ch '~
tft on 13' enoney I w;a\ puutot.l I he~"''"'' pnJ i.o gi\'c me
a,1y mnlK'y bi..'C'at.1\t' of the wne ot 1!'"-
1hc pbntle. bw I ,,., :t.'> confo cd
.aoo&11 1ht wucdt be o\Cd \ Vhctt
JtJ he a,.tt tbein from? r vc: 11C\' r
l~ml lhr:m hd\"lrc Hu., routd I
W!ik' them• 6\~f)body 1.1\C<l ._ 8mrw W111i,1ms \lo\k'J:'"11\llllltt\iUdtu'l!'.\J'I~' cmotl<ln wher 1b11n DUitrtl cx:pre.,,~i()C\ I founJ plm.~ m)'
kt.Id)' NiW to me,~ 1, mrn1>nl) u. -J w On:11,1 thiuim 'lllCII I
,,~ l.binlr.. .iboul ('~prc"uon~ US.Cd 10 ,n,uh rcorfc tkn: tn Cf!CUI d Akne. lore,.ampk~ "Y~1ohi1 1s -wad' You ain'1 nuch1nr bill a ttun1 1" Huh'' I know v.1at 1h11 n1e11.1~ I can ll:11 you 11,,11 to tui.,e !,',·:ic;k .tu, and II tru,u h not a g01.'l!.l 1hl f\¥ O,.•er lhc ra~• ,icnem1i(wn, d1tt ~1)1c ailll muucot rc:au lklld yt1111i,:«l~•@nifi.:.an1ty,,-,e,J1,1,tht IJDJWl«:rdfflN toti 'dull!' Pot c1:amplt:. ' I n:laml lll a Jl:lt1)' a\ ·hc!nj 'dclpt'' my pan:ou gt'4 upsc, and a.a,·c me. a kt:1urc on dNl'I, ·nic...,. i!af' the v. .1rd dl"l)C i, u~~11 0 dc-$CTll)c M uhJc-;1, ~. or 'Utu.nloo .t\ bdl'II alOI anU hip. Thc:rc ate' ni.inr M'llr Mm, IUiCJ hy '.\,(JC111I peen.
c,..-ry tby, w (('llf 111 lhe (lt'Oplt wtlu \lill ltlink tl.: wc,N 'dope' h
~ly u..odll1dcfine., drut, I.ere I\ 11 mni -dlc1i,c,1'111f)"a11du!t.l.lS(
gu.,dc to btl1>inform and upd,uc, pc:opl.,e 1-, m1ldc'.m ,l,ng
('n mPffl
Ddi-nll100; esettdmgl)· ~J, 111,pid. ur-d,wippofflbllJ
Sytwnyin.,: \\.de
l,i\Ctl in a '1Cl'l'4:.,icc· 111..t fflll\'.C "'·~ tOUIII)' aampcd, I .1lmw.1 Ml
l\l,«p, ('bl,1
Ddimuoa; tJOCXpcdodl)' d<Jllt
Syl'Wft)'m~ dope. '4til'.cd
lJ\oe«,l ln ll \CfllCCK"(· \\.li011! Wu.h tho!w: nmi.., ~bit's Plnlq look-1 J'WL
Dtfinioun: tOntY'/ v.1d1 tc'p«l, 11, rcv..rd an obJC'-1'"' !Jc, ~1th
toolot.,.,_ R!.\PfXC Mid ~illhon
Synonym.,: kudck. tttoltlulit,tt 11,;t\l!lnt'nc-t! l •Ill Jt\~ M11t11N1dp~ 1fhcmac1 ,11o""mc
Ocfiniooo: co br unrcg:uJwty c~(lll.'d, 1111 c,cn, 11r a:uun lfliil
Ct'ICxpxtcdl)' bcndlts uoc klf
UscJ I.ft a ~ten~'. L>udc. 1f 1hc 101onn hnn~ ,n ceghly fuol wave, 1hc: heath tQn,nrrow. I'll he \YI)' \.tokc:J Y.'htn I ,o ~rlingl
lkrin11iot,: to hlrr;hty 11$lll n pcNIII. obp."'l " tdca; h• tnn.. ttn.'-f'I
Synonym."'- b.i•• dc)jf. rug
UIC:t.l u\allCIW(1'ltt- ( ,c',~~y 1unpc1n M.-1111.U tl1c1111.:. ,r, f1.1nn)· .inll e,~t')'lh.inS? .but ,01ntl11~ I think v.c'tc hurttni Jrh
fcchng"' There are mm:,- nickn,uncs USl."d 10 rdCT h> rropk. i1cm1 and l'tlOl't'pb th.ti b.1H· Jc,dvpcJ 4 OOIUIUUft n'll"..AD1n,e Ill LIBJ1,J4£C
,,(sJ:mit- Porc:umpk.11apmtc0&nhcrt'fcm::dtolP J .Mo:&Jlor a
,Me. A pcnttnul ,·ducloeunbc:ttkmdrithN ••ari<k", wti«h.
Pf a bud,:cl ~Ung tlfl Ilk' ~lit)' Jil'd ,:oolnc,, i,f il "M.111. I
1.-an'1 l!eliC\'C Mu.u·, taking bet II) thr ru-wn 1ft hit. t,,il(.kcl 1• A rcnon' • home {tkptrw:Ung un qwilil)' ;1.nd .;(IUI.J~I can be nl5td • plld. tnb, 1>h,,d.orhote lk> MllU,b.-~·i a key Inn>)' f*' inc~ wa1Jt to bong )'Wt d,11c O\d' lhm llf1cr i,mrn. th,11 '11,'II,)' ~he
dor:sn'I hn~ 10 litt )''OUr hole. J)cl, )W 1h1n\. )'°"' hu.;kcttilft n1;i~c
ii OI' th~ JriVC'-1-A)'T' A (rk1kl lhill >"l"IU opccUUly w,l lllld gd II~
.,,1tJ1 iarccali.cJ a bomchay(urbc,mcicu11. hamlc.~ur bru. •·t loow r 1c:nd1oripoo.\bu all lhctunc. buthctnow~ ll·•1II good u.\bc! ~·e'tt bomJe.s..
tkhc:-~,: 11 or nut. ,Lang 1s a limgwise commonl) uscJ rn Cl'Cl)<b)
life II ~n 1tnlQ'..l 1:11: 1 tan1t11ni~ d1a111.unJ aJoue 1liough Ille
C:(lfl.lpnlilhm1 and 1,nn,n.;,inf;y cian J111niie bc1v.«n Jdal) I~ 111id
IOC'illf i,cer IJ'U''~· \Olne "1•11$ con 1thn~1 tc r:on,idcttd univcrul 111noni ·~tn=-tt 1.atk' St~ tun.)' m'l br: CQfi">ulcred J'lfqpc:1" f.n~h\h. ~flt pclir$t hcl 1c,r 1hiU ,IMng ts mo)lly ,pokt.-n t,y l""t'f «lu<aacd pcopJC'. In 'IUl'OC cibCi thM rruay t,c- uue. OW wluli 111>ou1 the •''cttl;!'C kc:11,11ic:rorcullcge1Ju\ltnl;' Jlrn,·., wtui I Llllnl:.dic:u~uh1ltnt•
1:itld\; af ,Jong U: llC'll u baJ thing whi:11 ~Poke" ln Ille apprOfl"au, G~phctt. hJt Cll.itllpk, l wouldo•1 .wt b:tbbllt•R •hc.,ul h()',1, dnpc my ride i, and uJI 1hc pro(* t ,c, 1mm 1hc hol~ tt,,hlk-d:lninJ; *1Lh the u.s_ Prt".\idcnt (M11,)bC'-C'bnko.-) J wou.ld onl)I use: the tmn~ ·"'
,1111, An>Und my rct''"'- On the: ·\Crt4.'1s' I hclk"\'C 1h.a1 bdn_r lanub• \1.11.b dJllcrc:a11ypci. Qf • lini can help t1kn11fy n pM,On'• ch1U11C1tt Jfk11,.rld.1lll(("t..t)lt:
On Northwest Boulevard In Harbor Plaza (Next to
Vivacious Volunteers
Married couple also teacbes on campus
by Khn l'•~teor Stntmrl "ftt't'llr
hrh atiJ Oala Muench 111-t. Englu.h 111d An1hror,oloay 1n , 1ructnr,. and the)' \(1l11ntC'cr ;a, Emt'rgcrn:y Mtd.ical T«hnic.iruu (EMTI for Har11wt1 Arnhul.ullx 1'1)(y have b«I, m.vncd .24 )Un ffttJ ov.n a nnch near lhrri,on Vriabcrc 1hcy rolun1eer tor thcu <oo'lnNnity. The Munch'• hue ~en Jft\(ll\'cd 1t1 EMT v.·t•d. for 8 )".:.IC', and h(fore tM, they vohenl«ITJ ln lklf!ie The t)1'11,;.t.l l.ifc «.'f E,\fT 1A·t11._ rot llh-m i'l commllun, to 100 hoon • wed, ot rrovidina prc·lao•pit•I ur,p.t11 1tnJ ulm \\'l'lhl\ tn ¥~ ,111:1111" ot na:iJcnt, or-111CIC'4lkAll.nt: ,..Jth <kodi tll 11t1. u,i.:itw p.u, of E.\ff •ud. h can be hnnl at llmu ,inc, ll•tthon h, • •n\111 tnwn, and ~·ha1 Ile)' 1~ 1 cPII i1 could ho• nciahb:lr or fric-nd 1l1e)'lnow A"tlfd11.1g to Gala the tia, way to<kaJ ,..,·ubdc-.ath to 1alk 111bout iL c1u ha,·t h) cnrtununicatc ~iWL u you ,t1,1ll ,r )T)U·n: ~'Ultc ti> hr: in tmubk.'' G.a.l.s !Jid. Accordans ht Chm 1hr:rc 11ro ~an1:w, a,pcru, oi ,--olmitr:cnn,:.
h1mhh1r, 1hc)" ._'C) 1hrvush, .u.J to ko~Y. ,..,.c c11n be: lhcrr 10 pt~v1Jc ropport Cot bvms." Chm 'IUIJ Acconfsns to Gila. 11 8t\Ct hl'T pcl'lomal sr.hfic.11 io11 10 mike • Jif(l."fflll.~ in .11 pcr,,on\ 11.(c:: ,nd W pro,iJo ll'"'i1111nc.c 10 rcoplr: in nec,I .C JI cntkill r,allll. "r..1-0R OCC'Up;IUOIU, cun g \'C ,·erbal Mrppc,n. but bc ,n, an EMT h an ac:h,·i1t thal Ila• tan,1blc l't">Uti>." (:"l~rll "UJJ lk,;;<tmln,: an EMr rc1,11.1ire~. a m1n1mum or 110 clv..""'"'"" h'°"1n ht 1d1.h1u,o 10 Ml bour1. o! h(c ,upfl('nlWnm,. Durinc 1hci, c1etu year, Clf "C'f"Y1i;c, 1ht Muc:-nch-. b11~c ,-1,.-e11 • tkdiur in volunlM"L Sarne o( the rca,oin tJ1ey bcUc\l'> ,uc people dnn'1 h,O'C" 1hc 11 rne :llW 1httc: ,~ oo ,uong c:m,c 01 c.1rn1munU) ~uppclft l•We'rt io,, 1f11- a urnl oompcwi,t:n lha1 bind• out cominunltic, tt1t,:ctbc..r, aod \Yt'n: ~hppm, aw") from emp:uh)a," thcy11:Ud 1f inlcr(\ICtl In F..MT (Hk i;on ttict tha Ko~1cn•1 Cuuo1y \Sci.lA'"lll Sen~\ .u m.ltXlJ.
Chrl.a ai•d Gala Muench ere volunteer EMTa In Harrison. Many hours ot tralnlno are required to be certlt1ed.
F A C u L T y
by Moll Goll Sentinel reporler
Band director brings changing music to campus
Librarian plans to swim with whales, help students
Whi:n r>,"·iJ RcnnnJ,:100, l'Cl,,,1'1t\.'C 1it11'1n1111. \\'Of~c'Cl M 1bc
OrclJk Coo,d~ Lih.nuy, be wuukl drt.\.\ ur u flo--n Blur
1ns. a mime ~le ,,,,ould p.11111,cln\\-n f.tcc oc, u, tron~ ~·I
tbr cihll~ IUIJ "'rcW" t<• thcrn. Rt111Uli:JOO '11,.1"\l,omApnl 12. l'>l7. lln.J ral"'Cd ltl WC!«Ol('t.
M.t.\lh rte d,.•)l.'Tihc-\ hi"'"tr .!ti" ''l\'.'<<Wcrang Ne\\ EngJa.ndcr
tte1N11J:.bM1 l.111.,fl\ednliln-n•Bd l I palllkhiMrtt1 Sue ol h1, gn,,OO.cf1ildttn ~al. 1'clttr Srnni•h dun &,:11 '11 lie t()C'Ci\\."i1 h11 m.1,1e<, t.leJJcc in l1hr.vy K"licru.'t tmw
klMgm. .iod b.a, ~'Olkcd m ht-I~ lor 41 )'Cll"- lhOl.l&h he wall tcUrt nt,I yc;lr aand lt.2\d to NC'\\ 7..cala1.S to,w1m \lolth b lue
•h.tlC'> Rt"minitlO!t h,u b«n wuh 1c*11na, (11)t(t be V.:b-4
)'t".Alilt'l!.I lh, fa,u.ntC'
~Y.~1 4 20()1
Independent Bank) New fuji 4 11, layer technology 100 speed 99c all NI C Students and Staff 20% Off on all eotm• and RLA(K GWHIT~ Developing and f1.lOfOS fo (lJ 30% offT-shirt. photos bflng In this ad Witll your noxt d lopment a nd get. f,ee roll otfllm LIFE ll<E SENTINEL p.,,. 9
F A C T S & F A C E S
1l'1t) J\lllC'"I, SI{'
1l 1hh )'Ctlr rn Mu",;u"'. JO{IC.._ J~ tc::1chcs 1hrrt ~L1,"l!,t"1( Surw)'Pl 1\~tttan f.\,rul111 \ltt.-:,c:, um• tnl«l'l('I di<.~ of Sun·cy t1( ,\mcticm f'opulllf Mu.,,c 1,."1,ncl1""," th,· IC'" Sym11ill1C1) 1111.J Jlrc-.h ll~ SIC l-.1.u. h1.k."'t11Ne anJ C'mhnal ~r Blind. lk ,\itt l11m Ar,ttl J!, 19.SS. 11.J,rev. upln lll'k1u1. \luaL lkhn rno,"p.l11l1ln-t1.C.'h:11.l l\..a1.Jlt~. 10 fo1io l11,IJ•>hi1LNIC\lo<1\IIJC,1Lco,-c:r"omc~1J.1bili1K"l Pl \11J.l11, Um:,::tte foJJ "-n)'Jn•hr11 hr li\';h t(\1nr ltlf-'l)' Aht.'1 Srtydc1 fl;'llm1t•IJ. J1X)C11104:ik 41 Job lc.l(htllJ UW\iit Jone, Im~ 1~hu1i mul\k l:icuwx 1,t "lhi, laci 1!1.1t 1nw,k 11. ..-,111>,l111tlJ 1t;uJpns '' I lh •t)le \'.,(11,'S \l.'ilh ,bed~ he lC'Jt.:hc:,... I u( ltt1 kt IUI~ d4'bCJ., Jot~i, Jue,,, 11,; l10J1k""'l•l 11lkl dch\Clt .r-lut llt' fouod 111 h1, cl11,;:J,, \\hcu Jc,oc, 11 u, ,bu,~ r1I piuki.1inn 1 J:fl1'1pl. }IC' ~tuJin 1h,: p,n.-e iW\J ll.\lflt 'with 1hc m1,uk14tn w 111t1kf 11 Wl1r11 Junc11 ll ou11r.-:h11'lt I d11"11ng muik. lie ,~nd, llnK! •1d1111, 1au1il), pL~t hP.lnnnp.'i 11,llJ l~l.c,.~11-. lie vit'!ft 11ft j&Wtnl (mm the 1"11rthwc~ A.Jv""m,ing ,\1.w.:iilliOII fflf lk,1 Orr.d,ur;1,l l•)QCJ H1 >phoh~~,:rc1!frcrfumunte\at "iroL,m, t·1,1l·lb¢11L-r
\\,t;~ •J..Jg~;,i IIK·lJuc1d
Ja,1 Fc,11
U'IC ll'lttrnc:t. a hl'fllif)' -v,4.111 chc only J)la;( t01(C 1hc.- bc-M of l~ villMJ11\ Coon, t,C 1111, ht \JI)'• Remottt<>Q
f'la)f)lc 1<t U\C hbnln'
"M)' job~ lil,r,m.,11111,
b:lp pt'Ofll~
hi>c,.._"' 11tc "111(' LorJ c.t( IIIC' Ring_,'"
•nd l!o,cJa Le G11in'i "l :mh-&11 inll'lf)' R~mio,:ton promote\ lil,nua ll& p.LK,-, ""hert lhc be~ m
Muo("J t1llt c::d11.·r l'\-.d1nJ maic-nnh call he l<~lkl. Bcftw
NlC alumnus earns Emmy honors
h\;lktftJ " '"gklnfKd '4uJ~11t hi.ti• "
l\illinpTunc: 'llff:,bdnoredbySnn O.:go Si.ti: t.!nwn,11) v.11l, 1hc G11Je Armc Hunl Schc>ll&f\lup '"' bc111J • \l,iQDCI' (or & \!)()ti mm
"'""'D(uto,ch u1d t,rm3 ;1( NIC helped him~ 11ru, llt': • &\ 1,"ch·itcJ .tbout He SJtiJ lhe 1h.:,ucr dep-.atUhefl.1 '\\'H 111,ood lhlo,: for h.11n: ho ttiill)' CUW'..:\:ltJ "-~·U \\·llh I.tic pc'Oflk. Oeubch mcna ,IICJ 'J1i,,•11td' Dlmaor Tim Ranck as 11UCDCOt1c iAhCJ wa, tciilll)' mftucn11A1 cc. him
Whimsical play loses momentum
by Bri:ln Form" Srnw1 J,,., 'l'f'I, Alu! r•U1t1t1Job11()11,~·1
pin) ·11,c Vl',~'(' c,f 1hi: Pnunc
fpc:rformc,.J Fl'h M.1~h J• 11
c:h..a..-..1'T tl,1 lta\'('}•'ilr"~ l'!Jd n v.lff\ckrtul
I RCVIEW Jtt.un UI .I humblcdrr:11111. lurth,il lTWll('f·
nnd iJ lc;i,"\'~ ,uu \ud1 Iii;:
tCt'lm }t lhll IQ<tfultl)
11{1 t\'llhoc.h.1rm,
a @/O'l\1DJ$1Udl'!l'I.C'~1lf'1 I, 1 nmhlu1gt1JJ~i,c1,,,'\v-,ni,11
1ft Ith )IIUlh, 0..., IJ h • l.umtf
in IIIC' r~iuno 1hc \t,JY.l"IL ln J923.11n l.i~k 1111
11(ll)ltlbnp: 1"111(11 !he IIIIIC'Df1o"!Q
of lhc i;r•• ),.tQn Schv.oll)
•Ltt,11 Ju11i...-rt a brBMlca\tt't
l\1ul;1ttgl11f lri:1-ll l•lcnl
H, luflCI tco~~ U("111 Im
rra,~b • Hh • bhnd giri namN
fou;J.,clJul ·R',11Cll4 189-).
aikl lh.: ,u,r 1111nrr !"It ,Uy
bcCV.ttfl lhtCY.QoCf",1 f-t,a, l.;10
1u hct' 1vit: licrf;tlm<lnr,s.~h
lc).t t,f II h"rJ.:R lor h~r lh.n
At one 1,n1c,11,.,11Ucu1~
0,1\ iJ 10 "'1.1kl'
do'f'o\."11CU.lly m«L hill. to me, die 1.r.1.ru1tl(ll1 kh •"'lwud. TiiofiNJC1"'D.i1.Q.J'll1Uid •lum,klLI m.:mi."Mo h> value ,"If •ml• .u1d lti, rtoocmnr ~piril lltC 1ht d.lwn uf f"iktjl.l
C1IICHllll\l~l'II U""'°~\'Cr.tllc.• f1nu.l ,,ct ~me lfflK11lbk Mid
COCNJn-abi)' li»t ftll'llhrnllUll a.
II ,-biflcJ 10 11 matt bart"-llllUltla. nxn ,,,t"kaft.11 Jbc l;,nJbtc~t 1,pot ofl~r tm' Ulictmlt.Ut111 \\·.._, an 111Jl\1a11din1 pcrfwm11.occ by AmltlC tllww1 ;I\ dll! oldl~. llllll't t'C\lntlntd
Fnnluc:. U/U'l.\n g.1,c n \\di· n«ucJ uf Clift\ 1,tlOO mtJ c:tN11t11ur kl._., ot.lll!rv. ,~ ,1.1111bcrux110 fin11J .:1 11~tt,c()fthcca.,,.m.atl).\'llf
1,1,lwm pt..~~1l 111ulhplc cllilnrn n. ,n·o: al..,i dl«tJ\"1." ~1ohkr capro:rcJ Ille: earth)', f«'l.l,"•rflC">ll1itUavtJ,1imlJ 1111111t1cr khind 1bc micn,phoot
A-1 lbc )Wngn l>,:iiJ, s.-1lia11 My .,.. rroJ~ an .tppeAJmir n,mctc anJ Junlt'r Vih~ly rmboJtc.'<I Sd,,,..,ti·, qi\h!J i.a mfatnactlo Ditt1;mr Joe JA,.,hy J1oU$fd lhc pl;ay m •u rn11m111c. hn.utcd "race around 1hm: isid(", c,f IIM' "'i1h amble l'CCQoC.1 tk1ii111cJ h\ J1nuri Van Eakm John Gitlltg<n ubo oJ\kd ,tuirp lli:bw1i::
p-0t.luc:1.i11n 1,100 pbl~O#llrh) a.1.i,--e hij.1111;},ool AtIrr l1nl'lhl11,: N1C in 19?5, D:ut$Ch 1,d tune oH and W(fll tuS1111 Dkgo St.ti: uru,·t'ffit) tl.'Cr1nn1 ht, ll.lL.bclQr'• dci:1cc ,n tck"Y11o.li00.. mm onJ urw ,ncdha b1.1 M.,y Oc111M:h \\'Ofkt'\l oo -.m 111"4.:lll filnt~ C9ttlt1-ctc1al, 11nd d(-..'Ull'h.-il!an<'• v.h1lt' am;11J.init1 tc:hool. Wbcr1 Ocutk·lt \'liitrd Cocu1 J "Alme I« .:t ,umnk'rhc-lA11dcdajn1,•·11ti l' ScuJio-. ll'l tile~ pn,JuC11111n .sb1~L1t1l (ot 1>.am~',Pf-at.• In 011nte', Pi.~k.• O..."Ubeh £"ll .i 14\oli: ol 1t.kNi,'•hl.ct0bcinabiitp,o,JuctJUl'I fki11>:#I 4\\IU4111 " II.Lt an 1n1~m\hlp, he ,-,d1J. He .,.kl tiy v.,(fl,)ni &)f) a Jlltrt, ht' 1hr C'JS'IPM\1rth)' K, 1tt \\·lur c11her JOh,t d1, 111 !be ptod11..:11un ol :r lalm All.t.J Dun1c·, ~Iii be dcadN lo~• d1tcu1..'lt.o,:ntphct-. 111, iM,1, )Nie 1t1 theA~ ·,nt11 h1, ('~pcm:11oc IQ rbo4:1Jff•ph) AA\..>c,,(ull) him tlJY>·•rd,lncm.1110,r•phy lkulM. h Jo.:rihcd' a.~ a '')lit C\f pho&og.nph) 1h:11 film, lht tlwat~, Pnor tu "'KilJlbg it111t,"' lku11d1 w11., an a,,ouni Cllrr-.111:!0llil tc,r I\\O n aiJ-,urtnU)f fil1n, "'Ooolll.WIQI,"' \i.11\1,cr of • Jut) A"'llhl f« 8<-.1 Sh<.1t1 ,u 1hc Shuni.l1111CC PUrn Ft:,tiul ~I. 'lf\11 St.llcdtJ.• 'Ain1ll"I' ol lJoJ Sh,,n nl the Ht1IJ)\l.ood fil111 l-e.,11v~ 101) Dl."\ihdl u,.i ·K11hnsTunc"'W11, ""rttll) \\CU m&.ldc 111111 •
h ,...,.~ 111\C of 1J~ 1hsnp I'""' tJtnt." h,.• ""'1 Htuld11)coc1111.(!fitty.T1,1,o--fi,-1roP11rn,,,..11., ,,,mh•ll)" airnrrtcd o{ frknJ,, from ~hool
Ra.u.~ >4,d thm \\iU0°l lln)" Jw~ In has nu:00 thdl DeUl\.l:h \U\ ,:ouq: JIJtO film · 1·m QOl 1oUlfll~ In lhi- \,t"l'.l,c d1a1 he lttl(!'4 earl)· on &hat 1hh "at wmc.'Ching lhlt1 wmtcd 10®."kukklllJIJ Hc" ~"'<'1tu0Wcd1Dil. Rlrid: ttc.1llc:d DcUL"-b ktl0$, (ot rr~»ctk'J\, hb! ""11)1.." ImpcW1ancc or Beln,s em~°"-"' ,n \\hii;h he wa, ;i BritiLb bull«. He •a.~ n,ot c,nJy in,..,•h'fd with lk11ng. bul with c-.·ct) :up_"C;t cif 1br11&cr He ~d tl,c. m<>M mllueM.iAI rc,!QtJ v.c1c ~.lfC! U&ttUA& und ;,ct cun:,.lt\k.:llOll [>t:uuclt "'~aa ass1,Wlf. ~t. &to$C 111-.L1W11t:r 1tmJ iln 11,•1\llmt cln«1,1,r roe 11Un) :{IC pwduetiffl'I• hlf hi•,,..~ )can i1t SIC Ocutte;h "a.' 1n\·.,.,-cd a, i ~mdbtM.rJ •tld ~men c.,pmu(lf (or Put.lie Fclrum '"NIC h • grea1 upponunlly 10 lc1tm." lkutsc'h \alJ. ""To\'.\pIDl't tht~t~cil nldyt~,hclp )--00 l\ill)'lllJ\\J.Ull,(ltJ1,11nlJfc 1"'u1 b 1.1,d flt' lt~J .a 11'1( .ihout 1till ~..,,~)' rtt-.m titbn11 dA~'k~ from i1~~tor .PhllCorln, l 1um,.'\11111tylC'u1 pllQCosr,Jl!b)'IW<,v.Jdn·1 ba•t- 1:\cft ,~m11ttJ (k)\l,tt.. W r»rir l)!Jeln."' (>c-uttl Ji.Id ·t lh.a11k bun r,'lf thnt
Ll'u.rnu J!JJirb,;Ui;s uf.Ull pboJlOp,pl,)' p,,: l'kitt.11..-b fou1ldil11nn 1n ''"'"m;11~phy. lkut"'b b" lwdl)' "'41chc,. tdcYuion. \\tic-n,1~·u1nes 1un-.,1n.,b"', oocc,,n 1 100\·.c l,i1 ii_ " Irt,1tad, ..aid people thmlJ h"(' 1hc hie and Cft'llle ,1 on ov.'l'l
Cheap cuisine on campus
by Maodl Ortb~ S«ntmrlrrf""'' fl'. lu1Khtmk :mJ tl1l'tt0 1 u rumble m my 111,mn) I need gn,;IJ I~ nn"' The I 5~b? Nnh. tno cmwdru RE\;1(\\1 .cwdph)cdOW. 80~'Adl Bt.rttl'.' ~ll.11'1t) ,poci.1litc in J.1.1k I tno>-.. l'LI tt" 11nJ C'IIJb')'linedlninti:f«1rt..uoDAtil.cpi~
•utlh "'«IL l "'n ronllff.i(~· C"fll)l1Bh 1(1 Mumhkr up.'lt"I Erocry'1 IJ'liJ found d .,., hol,;, OOkT l'.ldt IO,"-1 (Ul\ltl~, lh,• k1d.-1,1 jl!Oll ,i(k f.mcr)"11. ru111h'd •Rn U(dh.111J Bu11J.inf11umc,.Jl;c Stl\t"t)' Hi.'dJund. 1i.. 11etuallyllL'en1h1·1T1r,i1" l 1rJ..i Jr , co1nplc1cl) run ~y 1lk: c;uhnu)· An, clAh, dlrt,;ti;J h) M1 L S4huht Enu:'rf'' isa'lo•) forttic,ulinJry ttuiknb tn pnrC\,t•Ultwt *'Ill• loc ul cxpec1~." aa1J ~Wllo:n1 \ioi1ii, Foot, 11"' uuJ..·111b 1:vcrythmtz lnJ1t1 fOl'd 111~-p.,.r.ai1m lnl,'U\h:,lfll(r-M;l'\'J!,:C:. AoJcht h'IIJ 1 h'1nuc:yuurrqi11!.a1 cak11.,u(~;il tt110ttM;(p:,urnic.1 t:ffl\lffr W1IJ1 urnll Ille Baud S~ B11-" au On."("k.Jt1llc-J O.Ulk \.lf.;ik,S,1.1,d 1rio ('hld;(II \iarJl,:.n:~\h~lllt dliJ". Y'('ll'rf~wr l)Ci·ci-torc.1 llrcd(i! ~ll.lJTIC'uldlhu1.11 M~lt)flJ1etb!Jld cha•iit v.11h 1ht ~a,,1,n All Ihe laod 1i l,n.b wiJ e0pM'J c,l) l«Jlklfl by Jludtrlt chd ·•we ht\e • rMci. 1ot1al Jr. itd1rn.'" trudcnl \'t1NI Chorpdl saiJ lta.,ci:t.c..i...-Jttter1i.h!UIJd11p-. iJ'll.lh.'I) fnr "5~Kh rutfl"ltet.. ul COi.iN'~ lf..-uiJtl11::ft~l1•tlCqu.ik 4tl,cM*'!,._ AJtJ 11.- i.i::-n 1« "'"' frta11.Jiy and f,1,1 A• I "'.1ucd 1c,r lh)' fotld. I n.,cKQl tl,ie 1,1Mt1 h.,,I 1t,I 1:htdmJ lal,kd11lh'1D lbtm. IIDJ lhcrc """. pl.a.:c retiln,: \\ ub a aai,L.Jn lnd lltett,d11v.,, w ,111d 11>NI ,,...,1t1 un:..d rork. urtllk.c otbet rf.11.iex l_h.,111; ncc\'Cf) l hin,t v;i1ha t11-m(t,r,ooo H~•\;rork1 0oo•1 get me: "''Ol\lC·'I')'', i- 1,ot 11 r,f11«10,Ho1ra111u-dacirh11Jl,:uv.,t1 Ow,
,he ('l'l"fAry. bn("I) •• h.niln <ild dUJC'f roclto,1 1,·, .~.._'011110U)'OU M1:"
.aui1ud~· 'crJ' lind brid•.
Pri1."'CI range from $,4 $0 SS.50 for tntrtc, "'hk:.h incluJt !.4.'IUp a11d cb.'°1 ot the d,1)', Bc,·c,11~~ .vc all ulW(t 11 t-i, -r.. anil rndullc tllfft'c. ka. M'ldn anJ nulk (Snny, no 1kcihol 11•, 119( Uk¢*")' or y(ll,,I uixJ nll>f( ~' lm)'4"ll)') I \ln1ngl) fl'Cl.llUOIICnd )'"<IU go ooc aod
,,,. Erne:')·..., I thin1: you "'ill tlC' pkd...u,ttr urrri,,,cd
• II .i.m. I r.m.
• Tuesday-Thursday
• S~cond Jloor of 1ho:
H~dlund Building
Pe 11 THE SENTINEi. ,__ 3: Each Emmy c:::, • = • ..a.: ~!,lllnll, tak~ • = s:.- more th~n llv~ • • -= c5 ho11rs_to make • • wm,t. 00!\V, MM0114, A&E llflOIIO~•.ol& •Ciln>GI SUCCESS L M
1,y,U11d,y\\ritrmm .'it11h•1•lrt1.'lfWtn (onno NIC .cud~ll m:ci~cJ l'IM~tBll n:-:1•1ni1mn lea a 'iht•n. mm durtn,t the ~1 Enitn~ AIU.I'~ JlK'.l llcut...._h .?6, \\M lhc:' Jtnx,11'!f ot ('lllqi,why Int tho llOf1 r.1111 "'ktihn., ·nu~ tJ1,1,1. wu A'lllatdcd ltN rJ.aoc t1.1t•1'-.:illmal S1111.icalf..mtny forOra1UJ 1n ZOCK) H.:h.t11'i«nu<1,,-cln IJk"atcr.11:ICYi~K'ln
Joel Deutsch, former N.IC a1uden1. dfmeted photography In the a-hort IIJm "Kllllng limo." wlnnor ot tho 2000 Natkmal Student Emmy tor Drama.
1ml\t tcllto1•1t1eui1cl&bc,u11l. butv..1cn )'CJU (ty. )'~llJ Ct,Jl"I.,.. 11,c ~UI)' ft'\flhc!! .1r-.,umJ Pimd l)1urm (fl'l")"(J hy lk1t'I, K \fflhkrl. 1~j,.1f)1rllcr1t11hc e&JI) ..14}
1n up 11'1,;, the ik) , An,I ,··h·Mu.tll)be ilto,; ., bi, Ulll'ln U'ln'«od d1~1gb '''U[dictilx:C 0t' di,: p»I .nil tht rre~rU
.and J1.1i.ll1h \1i.-01vcnc)· provided approp'l.11~ l'!C'nCloll i.-m1un~a Ruby Clapper, 18.culinary lec:hno1ogy 1tuden1from Hauser Lake prepare• ch&rty
cobblo, lorrunch patron,. ._ P"'!Oti,U.....Gec,g,
a, Emc.1')' 1 Rc:~1111111t1L b-..iutl on the ~'Mil Ooorol lbc lleJftind Q1ulJiftJ \\'J1;1.1', th~t )111.1 A;1)1 You'"'C 111:H!f hc~rJ 01 Emery·, Rt' l \\'dJ.11•1 )'nut h1~lr.-yd1Jy. bull•.
Concert encourages classics, appreciation
(bv tCriMintJ.,.ktt lvlftlnrlrrpt:,rrrr
n,cC«urd'Ak-ric S)'tnphoo)' Ot1.~t111 ~ill be y-1t1C .u the 20111 :u~i\1111 You1b C'otlC'ffl.. 7 r.n, IJl'Ch U ,n 1he Schukr A\ld.llClnum Mu,k· \tructor l'Ol.kl Sn)'ik:1 v.1llbc\~tnJui;1ini11hC'
,rche\tr.a, il, ha ha., ~n 1iO\'C lhc prl)):ri1m
·tnlnKJuofli 1hc C.."1.1,.~ic:"' t,, • l)TC ur mu~i<
ec:iMiou 1.-uul"ic In a 111,h.btll. 11 c t'l'IU~
cn1111-11 gcllt'CJ IO\l.•Jl\l cbll,dtC'n u11Jc.r,,t,1.r"hn5
cnJO)'lllll musk, b1.1tac:cwi.ll11~ 10Sn)dc:r. ,1
\\IJlhc funf11t .111 llJ;O TI~ oo:h~tni "''ill Ullft \\1th l:knj.amlt1 Rntw11'• ., P(ncin",;G1ud:T0Tht Orthe,i1J1..'" n mix
nfn:an-.1iua,uu,I !,(II, llu1 ptt1,Ct1td1ecW.rcrrM
W..'tll,f\\ of 1hr ~rdK-,,.-. Bf11h,-n tl91.l· 1976) wat, born In t Eogl1wd. and hy tht "i!C c>I 4i
~.u aln:.J) v.111111!! mm.It
lkrtbn,cn·~ "S)·ffil,hoay Ni> r· v.dl be' pi.)'ti:I
~Ofld UJJ.,; V11t1 8Mho\·~1 Cl77U. l&27)t\
ttnuwr11..-.J .L• llfls: of tho.· Jtlfht '"'Wctutg geniu ~ m
•LI uf mu« 11u, ricc.:c ;11 au e.umplc ot 11.bwluu•
:ou~k \hnl 1, niu,ic lhnt C).hh lur it't. own ul.c
a11d tJ-~1·1 tell I ,,lf')'. H\)'ll,c:\-c:r, 1hd opcnir1•
DIS E • PUNK,c>t1~1u,ttt10\c1t1~111111e 1J 1nn.·r1 <1u fctic kilOC~ll)I Iii IJIC door 11"-' ~fot\C' ("oJc for !he ldtc-t V (t.loc drJtdutdbhl 1,c~1.1wAlaY kHhC fir,.t fe'$.1 b.t.n<1fl~ J'l("C:C, ,lnt.l l:;keilwwcn', 1t1.\ht0.I bw.-1.:..uut w1 intt'fnlll11111 I I\Jmh:\I ti~ ~k turv CIVCI Xu.& IYfllM)' cJ111illi; 'W\VII The la~t f"'t'llt I h)' lh"• Sl.11vuul) 1 l~Jie!-ltrl 11 1'-ho 1w bom i:itlk,J lhC' prUl(e<•I •\'AIU~lJJc Bcncu....: allll fl•I.! lroni Ilic I lrct.ud 11 11n c:unlplc o( tin~11'U.\111: minJ ""fo h 1cll ;ii •!Qt)· v.-ithol.ll "llhJt'1ilW\b \IJ.1VIII l.J 1.·ompuo)Cld 'rht- Rreh, rd • 1nunJ II ku~ £ain la1.• i11 Vt,l1h.:h
IJ,c fl1tt•Ull hcfj'l'I ii )'111,lni rc1«t rntW I l'it-.S!IIIIUI r,nn,,;nii h\Jfl'l•h,..,,11,'ltf'I: ''WC' J., wvu.J t.l1tl,rt1\f mu 1-.:al J'lf"(ttm, nth )c.lf",l,,och hlftlltJ,..111aa.iJ&r1Jn1tcn.11mmc:n1 i""T" Sn)ckr •ud ·n.11 ooie 11 a hit IQ 1~ h«h
TI,.:nt·nU'\~ w1ll 1l<11t1dud,:,1 ~i..k rn,,c,.110•1
,huw ,H \\dl • n-1ill" tt"..J mUJic x ad1u11, to \11)*1 llk!'alJJK111:,·1~m,·11,." ·~· 1,h.:r the t-hn14 fm 4 l ld!IC--Uf' oJ the m,.lrmricnu ,t.,IJ mul1\l1uu,. (hr .:oo"n v.·111 run IIN-.i1t ,I, hour anJ ;i;Jmbs1-.w11e1(1c¢
Locol youth lhn>w themselw, ol oech olher during pertonnanceo by ov.n-. Agalnsl All Odd• and Nol LQng An«.
Loud mu sic, moshing abound at local concert
by Gillmt Johann.'011 $(nlin,lrriw,rt~,
t hllll no iJ<4 lhat f 'l,\,:,uld t,c, gotnJ Iv my fl.I'll roua-n in 20 )<';in •Ires I J!'11
1htunignmeru l\'.n pmhlem I l\.111 -.c)rJI<'
~,-...11ti.111i.. hut ~her ttn.: 12-ounci: ffull·
fc.'e JU~ IO ttmkc ,w-c, ti \\w, Off In lhc
CuJ1u111I ('.<-1\tcr
lley, fors.,admtf.."\.IM. I hadaN:u1 6ei111 p.t.111311) Je~r rm111
I rod:tn' IR lhl' •;(k \\11.I REVIEW ff\l:lll h(co.u~ lhe: mu,ic \\,.,..,·11011tit!Jd l'hck,cb
we«- ,oi:ns nub •.ind 1(01md myM"lf
camt'd ll\\.A) with~ r1lythm I luund c>u,I ahou1 r,1,1n.~ d.1nc,11a
Ron111n;ce 11nil M)'k hll"<' n..ichmg h> do
v.·ilb ll II lhrc \.11Af ft» lh.: ri1h1 )'t>il
j'1s. jwnp OQIO tllC noor aniJ J.11n 11'110 eat.ii
ocher 11·~ i.11Uel.l n1U-.hln; aDII the d.Ult..~
floor h callN die mo,,h+r11. t\hhoo~
W)fflCllfflC'S. all tcXm ··•llms10 htlr him t'lr
he, to act up. ancl d ie chuu, coounllt'\. I
go1 ,o'1..lcd a hlL t,ut n101 \\'Cf'C' •n1.kw1
nl.&k< amt1kh
Auendiw« """1l\ ,ihou1 2110 at 1hc Jk",1L anJ 111 \\'f 1etu11.lly quill' ocdclly l'riJ fri~ly. The 110 ral'ljl:Cd rrom lnddkn, i,., ibo\it 28+ N'() doubl atlCM.1, it. I "'1&1 1ht
on.I)' p:non O\'C'r lhbty ho Wih iunll:,,
hav1ni • ~,-,J 11mi:
Tht.· li:•ll•f(' h;u1,L ~,,. U.•UJ! .\111.'t. •"3.~
Jdinik".I) \\llf!h \U,iJio, for. Ba.)~lu R)'t,n
Mnot al'KI kaJ aruitnn" Bralkk,n Sd1n,urU. had tomC' c:bon:lljlRJ!h)· rcminiseffll l'lf 1.bc
Whnan<t f'l:tc To-,rn'tCll'I·· la1nuu~
,,.,,nthmllhc!r.:'l. Of('(.)Clm. lheyh.1\t'I
\11,'('lfl»lc- .mi.I •t te..~, uuc: co
AI.Jhoojlh 11n1 lhc: htacmncr, 1ho '"''"
h.1nd, \Ii ho plil~t\l hclc.lfc: NtJl loo1Ann
l'dh hnJ muuc 11ml idea, 1hJ11. came n&Jn o ,.-m~n dtd I ti11c job c,f
,1,1t111n11ht'rl:a.,: :cn:neJu1•
Ag.itm,1 All°",l,,•Joc.\l b;>oktbt
CC'IIJtf p,uliOff u1 die night', nat\.ical fare.
Ax.111nu All Ch:l,J~ 1, n Ra1hdrum l'lascd
b,lnct k;,1h1tlll,C ~IC folU()cnt11 Ch111lk
tscd,rr lWd AnJ)· 'rcvu aloog wUh Tom
K.ului,, iUkl C.nllg Ocbeti\a.lti.
Keerlng 111 (Jp:11 mrnJ, 11nJ h1,tcnin,
m.&) be lhc lcy h> u1klmtllllllinJ! punk
mu~ac n1~ )'1,u1h~ .iri: "-moo lWCIIJt
chc:irrm.1," 1Dd\\ u liar.. l'bey11tetnl
mo~K'.lura., Cbnp. tun. \'Cf)' liltlc'f -1
\Y,10t1,,1' 11 \t IOll'l('hl1(1C'bc,.1, (II.II
\CIWnr- runL ,curr
U.:> 1ft' Jl"t um~ - )VU alkl me.
Jnolunt for .»ml'tlung ,o s..y thnl make\
~1)C th.M i."U f!UI lk!l'tM at. mu~fo
Howie Day 's claim to fame
lhn'i lc Oil) c-,1 lhn 'N M11nc rl.i)cJ .aln fn ii \1"lf,U:1UU, 11l'\\J "' lllll rlu uJc111> Ill lt1c sve ,11tcl('n" Mur~b6 llu fmpnw1'111ion11I ~ong, hkc '\aklttt.11 lfod Conc<"II 1wd Ro,hrlt hi Hn~bs Sun w~n: created 1.• D.ay Pl\'-C'f\·cJ ht, .audil.'.'ncc The ,u;mrhng ut ,uurnn11n, .a~ 1humptn1 •lfl hn p111,r comb11.cJ \l,flb 11mcle" ,,:,,.ah h111II ,,rnuu,I tcdthc 1IIU!J:1,n uf & band Al1hough Dny "'' \ofo. h,, ,4(11110d «randeJ thmustM)'fn d1c hudJ1n1i1 -y.lul ~11.11k-n11 l1oct1ed toca,vcn, 1w 1)11\'C' M11cth('~ i.rnJ hu11K1mu11t'1.c -rpc, frutn Ehn" Am'1 Ntllh111' Bui a llUC,j.nd Pu, Ht, ;,,1<e.11rJ>.I rli)'lc:al OJ'f\'l.1Jr.,11, v.,"f,' 1111~ntlocml1, 111111! \to.&) llut \111uh,·\I."' t\11._,., p:1.,1100 lJl!1>tm v.e>td• ('lu~111ot11e \\J) 1h..111 l:,h1-1 ~®ldJuivc-"-1tt\Ol hi tioJy 01i) ,nu\<t,1 huml1111,utly He h.i"<tri,-i,tJ tot b111nJ11 •-wh.n I t\C. Cnunlrn[l Cfft""•· \' Uooron ao,l Gm1t1 Llttll">C'd b)' M rv hh fllll•IC flll) I (•U ~Jll)\I,\ ~1.11.h iii Ra3d Ruk111nJu11J,~md [)ay', C.111"\ol\llrC: ntc:mh a tar,.., :111,lfCPITTUl,C .arp:al'lini:t 4•n ii 'lt,1J1 ,•r,tt'llltillltJ P,1Hlt:in,
• "hnll.J Hontt & hull l.ooP"!'' l)jnot"I' d11.J1ertt,\lll:'}H( uluarvlttu U\1~111: 1\-1ih
1fC'O:llpc:$1R4'J lk1!f\hm .r,prn \ju h J1 ,11 r nrey C"O"J.. 11c ln 11m o,,n ,,,i 718-1
• lnlrod41dn.i1 lhl!' c IJt'"""~"' ,01 111111
\"001!1 C,;,ac.crt le u uig ,1 (\lC111 u Al oc S)tnf'hl'ICL\
om Kuhns, bassist Craig Ochenkoskl, lead s.lngor and Charlie 8eekor, lead guitarlsl I Agafns-1 All Odds play aong.1 llke Nolhlng More Than You 81 lhe Cullura.f Cent er"
Rock llyUlll°"7Ut
(Jtc.b:"-112. rm Man:: 1, u 5'hukt .\111J1tonu1 L ,.,~ ·~"11.,,rdl,l>,in,l'Jf.ttdtr. Rn IJ 111.v, h,:h1 ~1"" a,r ,lJ \I rhk i"1nJh1 1)o,I, 9 fl ~!Jt1.b II \l,tl f..JI Vrcybniind l'A1l < s I~ I r,wn,all•in 77, J(,-"(! • ,\ JvunlilL') i11 Scarth n( d1r ltum u1 'iptn1: lh1 -,~I p,~ lf11 r...-.01111,, .t.pnl ii lnf1,n1 11or1 11/1-71"4 • l\.h,it.~11"': ( ,ua,11 ptt1Cflk\l hy bJm.rn<&tt \I.Ill.led (.!Dlllrl l'rofl' I bocJll .\phi l3 n Cr.110,I h.a} S1ulknl l ft GuilJiu
I v.-a, ,~lipbccd Cl) be lol.tildtntt nclli t loan•~ >-uw.s I~ (\\ n , pjL.,~....J in hc:1 hpl cb,,um, 11hoot llW cllpc:tlc:IICC\ Ill 0MB ~--cm and 11hmtnf. ~1 cn1hm1t\U\ 11 h.:1Ddcd o\c:r our money to the Jr&'iuu,i; I.Id 111 tbc. cab f\1iSla OMR,t, 111 lhc ffllt'\C' f Jim L'Utt\'inci=-1. O~U:I pun'iU 11Ushth:Ufl$C'I wilb 1:.,t:,Y~)·."' Wil1c:an:: Ilic c,1telllkJJ.:1fP\ "'c h.a,,c rnw.u w 10,·e aaal cs.pci;:1 on forn'ltr effort~ Tht, i, <kic 10 .a 1,c- producn-, Gkn UaJLttd of AJ.111 1 Mnm~etu:·• mulbphatlnvni b~..--1 L1Uk Pill"
Enough of ' Th e Mexican'
Despite Pitt's on-screen charisma romantic comedy feels excessive
b78rian Formo
The('hatai:cet'I 111 "'TbcMuiicau"C** · R),peooa lt14 uf limo
tryinr to .1~u ,he Qdeill(I", "Whtn do you fCI Iii the poin1 wheri
c.-1100,P i~ enouJh'r In •ctL"tttpdng 10 • "'"c:r 1h41 quc~uon. 61oi
nu~J~ and tlll;o. • few ton many cktouA, 1'hn::h ,nab~ 1bc tl1J,hl.
but mtc-rC'\Ung ar'4J •muiil'lf lilrn iu flat •• • lonil1a.
bu, h 1hc riot ijllfold, IIM:R"
Morn• f-llltljl\)~Cm appc11n.10hcmllrth>h11 **** lmUWC'lit'-\JC' it'lotah· **111" WPnh 1be ltlOOC} tktY..ffll tt4.'1( 1htt1Kh the him ** V1dl!O " ,xdlllk_~ bttw«a M1hut ~noa • ·v,u RIX\: Vera.,• w1tb ;, di) ~,uc Cit humor and ft1ll-ch11111k 1,;,owd-pll';t~.r. lk ,cnpt. by W)mM.. tcc.'m, to mcJJtAJ..- oa 1'11Ncf ,ct1,u.1!11y iltldda.t-k humor. t>ll"I Jua;t(lf Gon:
Vttbtn\ki (;1\'on 11,lic~~'"f. k.antt, ant.I li11ht hc.atte..l llfl'Pl'tl.1.:h
The l"ilJ(?'IIIIC) "'oold hnc- v.Qfled tined 1hc hfm \\l-·n·, 11\ UCt
REVIEW Jud 1m) rocol, but I legeodat) ,ilw:r ~v<.,tvcr wilh a hcarMh.tpcJ t-harnticr iind I m~ \tcnou:~ cunc:d
I '1lt "Mt1tea11··~1,,hc 11tlC" I, an old pt-.1~- 11oc
hi~lO,Y (k\calcd through tepill·COflCd Oa.~11c:k>) Atlcr JCTt')'
~Brad Pitt), all inrpt Malin mand+n1nacr Nov., hi\ la'>! juh, hi,
hou (D1,1b BalAb.,nl aivc.,. hun lhe dtoicc o( bcin,Jt 1orthcd or running soudK,(-the-borJet 10 rectic\C 1hi: tamed handgun
Jc:tn· cOOCN& to ,uc lhc: Job IO JUt\'i,-c. b\11 hi.• ptll'nrod.
Sam:imJi.a UulUI Robcru). whom he plmtltd a trip tu La,. \'!!in
Wtlh. ooly li('CI krt)·'•dw1ec ll\ 111 OCl,ie>Utg tlffld or -clfuhnc.s."
So he ,ioes to Me_xico o.nJ i1he s»cb up rcw Vet"'-~·
6'1'C:l!I 1houJ,h Pfll i.lld ROOl.'rb llffll'l orMClttn '41'C'lhet fa, "ti)
kmg, lhclC COMCetiOII is U1e thtnic Cit lhc film. llOO l.llher lor\:c~
titutf llt,m h11r-lha.
The pti.111':t)' (~ woold be Li-to)' IIIUllCt GlllllkllftnO • lli1man
\lobo 11Mlpt Sam.t.n:1hll lO m t«- "'re the ~,r.,t 1' rC11irn<d w tcl)
It~, Aft4., 90 m11rolc1 "'ltie \fC'\.1c111i" ' fceh c,~s.iw. hut 1hc '1.'<I f\lM h'lr mrv.: thQrl 1.-., ho\Jf'- Attbt1u:1b Ille linal 1wi1CJ prcwc c:ribcal to ~rinsing dloCI film •mtuld Ml rittlt. &he la\t lk;.t re-pe-Jil1 many ol d1,uolo1kn mo1t1C"nl\ lhal rru1.i.·cdc,t But 001 ~C'r}lhini Lllc.l1 runi.:h G1111Jollfm rroviJel • ron\i'4t'l'II, rcllah~ J"l'hc 101hc film In II lilrn '#11..:rc 1~ t•u 1wjur 11tan are !illPJI"~ 10 M:t l.'CC fitc:v.·OIU. G.u1<tolfu11 i., lbc- 1~1 impn_..,_.,_,t(', tidr11l11i .u1nrni:,u1C,, .anJ tw:Ue\',1,h1ht)' oehcl"\\ , ~ AbM'nl ln•n 1hc ....-1\.-al A., Int' thet,lJlr, lhcm~hc11, Pill 11 a.,dun~nwK ll, JJY.A)'t. Bui Rot~m· ,hrill rttf,'lt'n'l~ICC' 1, 1ht ne,11 cqum1lrn1 u( rmgcmu.111 k-m:duag a~·'°'"" •bt..ckbodnl.. Htl pctfuc-tnafllX' 1, bu1h IIWUnJ • '""<'" or n,:t.,i:uu:,,. nu, •rrmach "·,lBt'IJ rlc11.\.ln1111n F.J1n 8tu,.;~11,Ja ba;.au,c bci dJlll.lll.k"t >A'o16 WlU-c ruuodcd UtlJ Jcvtk,f'CJ. 001 /n 1hc ~<11101 OI f°),i; \f,·\l.,:;111,°' II , tJ}'IO£, 1>ld ,nJ C'.\Wffilttd.,-h
II REVIEW lame 8allllnll'asalwQu11"'yJonc-i't111::1f"C\'T rorc1gh1 )-t..t • - ntt1 bad Oil the ~mic '6,<'ryd,1~·" 1, ct.c-~Uciit. tight porltucl I.hit Yllth the opcn.fng linc1ortk tinl "111.t:k, "I Did h." nn,I doc,.n'lh;l )'l'llld(>\\11 A mmanlK theme c,ktld~ lhfllllgl1wt. mnn: tha" bktly b,x-:a:IJSC M..illJ1tC..-., '.l·.u, 1Ullric-d 10 bi, ,:ir1fricl'ld of c1inr- >t.1t1. A\hley, J.a..i ,\u,:uu The r,oi1n;w1. JutJ1 '"Skq, \d I~ pah1lfA or,c or my'lritct oi, ··E,'tt)-day;••·11h II bbu.lr11a tul"f la.\ w.,'° b)' lhc: C\'ff tmuin$ Uttli MOClf'C 111 "Angd," • bc11nt1ful ballad. ,1n.s1hcv.·-. dcln'CR l.lw: cre.i:my Ible "Wh)' Jo I be¥ hkt' • ..:hi.Id r.,.. y"OUJ .::andy,.... lo·. R,jhl 11U1. roc:kcf,., llb Bu)V T11,-.lty rl.•yinit • .u,'C'I>·, md001,1: viohn. M11llhc\\., t.iDJ\ Pi a ln,·c th11s·1 f;() ri$ht llllJ II! ht k»n "'bet prt'tty rucL. and roll kt»Ct"' The .a..vndtKmaort(hc t'[), "WhcQ lllc Wedd b'ld,.• 11 AWC'""'11C' rure OM6 IUnk: \\ha..h!.b i,p iO MAllht.v., n.crtini.. Wl'"9 the •vl1Jc:nd..Jlo\-c·11 t,c, i,umJngooc:Coh!I'-.. llac\\o<ld~. wc"Ubct\\·ttt muan· km: l>rt-1m<ofOw Faabcf\" l, rcmmaM:t"nt t,f 1"00 \i11~h vU '"Cull! •·1th th UJ},'C:tli dch~ry, Titi1 11 A.II llflljC11.1• and pllS'lklOlllC 1'11"! \lrll.h • ltm"'1 P,)"\'.hcLld ~ enditif. TIie l«blly ron~ 11~ ro11hc bJ;nd •warh,n ,fou-.a I 11ltlcl · •·11h hide bcip rrum 1hc gd!ed <.~~d11, S11,1.1aiui Jcri..ti hi, UJtlAIUR' WllllllrJ.. l'hc bnn How ll(11t1IJ be VI &hn •,ri.J came: U) 're/A f'W"l)..iou, h;1boo: 1n brl'ACCnlSuch (l'UCh)' llnd li.1ndoc~1 rle&Wr1i0lb,:t flillle!r plc.t'< c~pl,Utl c..1 roe·· you~ aod 1h1nk.itioo, the MXtc:ty Yle 11,c in I rratit'11hk CD will bc hut,.>c ft'I' tll( band. and c,·c:11 if the twt, It)' ut tht """'I, f'llh on 1QwillC\I (llft\, 1hr:~ I\ pknty i•I room r1,r •Illbc aongUnbc~1d11:dou1 in an.'l.'11. A hw· m cou,."Cn iii uuly • reli(rlot1.1 cxpe-.nttk.'t'. ir you hi1.\dl'1 r,111ili" bi..~ and dut.0. Tout®"'' 1,11~ 11\·ll1l hlc • ih..Nlcid', ',\'(h,l\c """'"' .tb~crnanbcl,\ ib,.nJ.<om. N,o d.alr:11 dOIC
Live album: Raw, uncensored Blin
b) flrlian Fotmo ~nttnrf h"("1rtrr
E..t..:h )Ur Y1hc11 ,be ,\ndc:my A>A ,uJ 0011,iuociu.1, roll 001 c,'ff)·ooc- !t.u an tJ1inh,n or l),h•t hln" were l\rtubbC't.L. C0tnt'idc.11L3lly, 1Y1t1 filn» I fc<l wc1c rooq I IDUC11UlhJ)' pct.TIO.I 0\'Cf, RE\'IE\'\ AlnK'l,t f-1mo11:,.·· aoJ "WOl'IJtr Poy11 ," m.tdt 1hc1r bomc vi.dN lkbu1 Mll.f(:h 6 Lltho .nJ Ceolkm.t11. for )·our ccnmdtnUo.o·
Oir«1or ant.I ac;n:ct1wri1« Camcl\m Crowe plnngc, 1n10 the "nrld I'll b1, 0-..11 advkJCCDCC: 1n AJmoo.l F,1111\Hl_,.··. II )('1[\J.
1utnb1~gn~kaJ f1lm•b(.11la J$-.3ur.oJd ~pclintt co~rin1 an up anJ commg 10d.
b;and for R()lling Stnnc m.ii.mnc.
The b11ddl11g rod.; cn1 of the: ··/INmt)' be the scmng ot chc film. btit th<- ..:c:.ntct otcup1cd by ID\>c - fui« l<wH. rcckfov;
love: l&nd Lbc: aJm1r~11on II, fed, fc-r ~n
idol If lherc·i An} 1h1l'IJI rod. ·n wll ha, 111u3h1 u,.11'• that '"111J )du need h lo,·c."
Crowe uodC::C"\,t;m,ch 1h,, :ind he •rnnn• 11 ltk.c an anthem m thi• po1go:.n1. r,ctM>nul film ahoot the tamil:,, },~u·rc hom 11t11h 11nd the ollc you find
Senor Froggy
Wonder Bo;,.s<*** 1/2. R!
Academy o versights make video debut IQurcK H,rs___
P(:tb.1p\ 1bc b i81;~1 UVt't'l1J1bl h) lh('; Acad(my "'•, no1 nom1n.icu1g M,t h.-cl l)nut1IJ1., !or hi\ i.-:.uur·' pcrlnrman~l· in W,,nllcr9c.iy, , ,1r.?>
•·wt>PJ..-r fSoy,·· is a q1urli.v. tn1cll11ttnl little mm \liilh .1 won1krru1 en,cmhln C.>.-1 mdud1n1 Oou3lu, ~, 11. c:oUesc ("l•f~'-f'rlttin·clitit. wh(K.( ciuet11u1J pcr\.l'IIUI hlJ: ii. wu~blc •rid Tobe)' Magufrc.. ba, 1otn1ng<, huJ g:Hlc.d 1\Jdca1 \ltltt, 11tkb ll1 the ch u" n1 thll: p«'l(c:,\(1t'" Ide, Allhoujh the Jchurt l)" l111tlKlf ,, tlot 1111 C'lt".I)'OUC 1 l1htC$, Woi.dc.r 84.•),.·· ii 8 undid. c;lc.,ct ponr.ul Pl a •ho f«I• 1r.pp.:,I tn 1,1.,c,t.1.·111rrunen,tj'.l(•ICOIM.l
All D-2 50HII Com,mer
by lknny ,\-UJl:un'I S,.,111ndl'('f»t,mr ~Mu,llni.m10 11J1J1ttoat.c.•u 1mt1 ha,c ii1 \a} abouJ 1hi lllNlm. Ju.u :iboui tl"Ct)'bod)· btuv,t ...,hll Bbnk lllli\... Thh b.MJ tJIJll OOfuWillyli.t.atiL-JIJ rq,&ll!Wno o( bcmt '* h.lrd-to-fi:od ptnl.. pla)il!il'fini"IIC)I,\. tT:l.°OJ!l1.!AI llttoU&h oul 1hc.v.odd. lking II Ohnk t11n I am 01Nrni~'14.'l.l n~y ltwt-.OflK" tuJ.o hr.1~nrr.1na) Ida ti.1 lhc ~rid, m1tuc .u ("f'P-a.llern~i~r: llm 4lbtlm kl'if•iu•mQ\\ wtioUlc)· tt-.a.lly a.Jc.h,'c 11.t>dun..'dlMffi fl\1111 mu•k Id ,1.a.11J up romtdy Ju,1 ahou1 w,) 1hi1111 th:11 q,i forth from the ,11rc o( Blif\lrr: i• J'l\lrc c:1.acn11i11111i:11t. T\loi,1~1, I ,oulluJ md t'ltt~\ion.aJl)· Yl~UJ. dll." b\"1.' REVllW oon,'("r,;a111'.l(l te1."'0rlk-d bc1~-cen 1bc 1nnp 1un.t>! pcn,onif-.:11~brand"t.cb.lffiC1C1 f-orlhc:111t"'l "'tlw. album, I he "l'IIIC~ .u,;, rough, the l)TIC\. rt •ht"11Y chllft.t(!d •nd the ln•lrumc®tl h.t, • mo~ f'l'w r11nk 1 11)1 l»Ctncn ",., tlcellffl(' 8111\l. lam. pnor IU Enc.111.1 pj ,tic 1;.IJ lh1-. ,t ,h,· ~mll lhc)· II.Id blxomc .tdict.<d 10 TI,J, album b. • compt1111tffl, of i.twnc lbdr htt .udt &t Whl11'1Tn)· A~ Ap.•ln'· and "Ad.Im', Sosi11 Bcmg fl)C(li\lcJ h\~ in CM1,,"'l"t1, th~ tlllllC IOft!!' lt!Hc a nc:v. llavot Tho: lmp-u,l....illdo Dllnl. !Ito dttrtnJ lnllCcn i, IJ!rll ,..;ithdy i:,vny.tth: .tnd cnn he r1t1fflnl l,'J\·cr1he ~n,dl1nooJ 1fled ,·CCII' of 1J,cson8• So Jh'C lhh :ilhum a lKfen, and It roi, •n: 11n)· linJ "' a mu tC (11n,~~c1l '1lie\btL.. Tum and Tnt\'I\Shn\l."k.1 uvc «ample,,.- n1u\i~i1-I t•lcna.
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In COC1lr11:U, when I\Ucu e)'d, a 2000 Mcpubl,c::an
ldt'nd:ll cnndld!IJC'. CIUnt' IO le ac Nit roott pcnplc up d 1.1n could fil In !,he
110n1.1inlM11ooac.o(1hc·Z,OUP Wdcrs" '"°'"~
'"Tony Stewan hu .)ke,...·cd pollllca.l •tcodA ~r NIC." tin ._id 11'1 we.i,
• ""Y IOWlnhhc ten wl.nj
R,.nlcin'J k11er Wib also a
1U lO • Corur d•A ltnc s &nklc called "'lake Cit)'
~,. in which Ptn1 Joe, Buller W(OCC
• prcdtee~ U-tloo
alioo 1>ootn m 1hc ara Pop<.... oflllttc
,n.11op; tor Lbe Latino atacb Progn.m, w ql.lOCc:d the .iutic:lc, lha11hc knew o(
11boul 1S fuuulib '\> ah:
h\•lna 1n1hcarca, tn,11 \be" prcuy ti.Ire tht-n! more.
R.Mtu1 quesuoncd 1hc v1hd11y ohp:ndlna W J~)'cr', dollan; 0 11 U1 '\l.n.kl)()'l\'fl populiu.10!\ o l one ethnic mloonty' "Cll)UOXboftt'\lct<c' dliie1inUW111on. he '-ltd l l.oturic11.1ly Rulkm h,n noc lwd the bci1 rcpu1111ioo amQ1lg the HUpank commsanhy l\,ut
)'Cat$ IJO, RIIIU.:i.n ed the Jft0\C1MQI k) makt the offidl'.l l l.!Ulgull.ft or K O<ICccul
Cacuu y. Hcdld11u«eed101. poun En1li,h i, 1ht LJn,u,Jc Ill \l,1tlch ,O\'c:mmcnl.l.)
bw:itw!SS ii h:mdlcd: •
la.,,. 0,1 a\ n11ticd £ID11\e 11ta&c
The. public wwry ag.urut RAilkm •1 rctrut:rk_;; hu bttn
111,1,a, EdiJoml\ ind
kucr, (rom Lhc comnaunicy 10
'4x.ll m:•·\po.pcn h,a\·c fi U~ opinJon pagc:s. One cump c or next proillcnl of lhe .1.tudt:nl body wllJ h()ld more ~c:r m the budJtCC dl~\.,loU. I \\.~I\I WC\'CO OOt tbcpowcrof'lbe board, ~,1.1
Truf!Ule WW. Bill Nixan fc::11
Olhcl'W'illC Yoo'M)fl'ICCClhef'Q'4'C.r,"
Ni.xun11aii.l "'8tl1 \\c d(l t,1,ant )W k) be pm of the bootJ"'
F11.Jk went on co N)' ho• the bunlc:11 t1f 1hc em in: rrt)«"'" ~hes on h,ow"lludeati"art eonsiue1,1ty UIIII\U~ o.f wbl.', going on with the= buJ~cl
··rm 1hc 1tl0l\11nfomxd 1t!Jdtat on camp~. •rid I don't koow w~·, going°"·'" Shr ,aid "'Ibey made lt obvtOII• th111 lh:i1.abuuoo·· &ml mcmbm, m.ade • flOC.o1 ft) f11lk duit 1tuckab, facull)
1ht UUk()' c:1unr 11n M.awh \ 111
CM ll1mJlc: ~tt11 of tbt Spokc'l'milll RC\'1('v, Jrannl'
01\"Cru.. n C«w d'Alene
\\'(ll'IUJ1. lnli:tl mcmb,'.'r Md
fonnc.r Bo!Lf\l etf TA1\UIC-1o Ch,tl~n.m. \\•hlCc an opinion p e« abo.111.bc •llUilUOO Sbc
c:l!mtlt':d IU..R)' lhlnp, \loCft 001 dt~,;u~,;cd in Ranbn ·, kucr. mdud1a,,: i, ltnown La11110 populatJQfl Of 2.aA 1 in .Koo~ll.16 CotUII)' d l QIO( S1cw1111 11lw llldc:J bi, lw()
«-11h "'Nonh dAho Coile~
t:njO)'Ji die mpca .tdmiradu,1
W.S wppon or rbr va.,.t m:ijatil)' l\.J Jruon..t Nonb'fi~
n:.~J,dmudue II) 1hr colkrc'• comm1cmc1111 hi q11.1ll1y cdutallon lbtou_gh l~bina
ui.-elli:ncC' aoJ \ luckru t.UC'Ce1 that promote., ftllJIC(C .11&1d
C'quallly tor c«h 1.lldl\1duAI
NtC', mmioct i, \1nc ol Inc.tum ttlcu ni.11u.or lhnn l'tt h.Ul \~fte.~, al)d aw com1m1ru,y ~mtiw. ha'\-~ tlC('.t81, IO SIC", lin1mC'i,ll tofon11.11Jan f•lk. hcr,.'C\' bcr pu,.11ioo 1, ',fl.ati,l\(l '!''Hllltn l,r m(onncd ..,,hen )'OU dclQ'I tw.w any fXJIAU,• ,ht ,J1J 11&1t,tdr lbt moc:ttng , (ell lite I WA.'\ '\bmJu,.n." (o (!Cher ticMrJ ncv.-11SIC\'( SchcoL \lke p~idl!lt1ro, colltgcrtla11wt,.co4.I d,;i\'t'lopmcnt r<11or1<,I d~ l.,bhn St111c StDMe l-lou'i,(' voccd IQ-0 ((It (u11Jin, Ck• the 11e•· Health S..'1<""°' to1uM1ns l!klOOC:d 111 lhc 2CX)I L.t.guJ4li\·cSc-'-'-lait1ut&bc. KOOCO"Qll Comuy will f~i\·O. $J 68m1.lhontaK rtlkl Doud mcmbcft, will C\lJICJmx UJt' IUIUOO dtM:u.,,ioo IC 1M oc-.t.1 boafd nlCCbnJ \brch ?tt.
SCIIMC: Goll culhus:i.ut. V1tt>pte~Nkn1 1t11'h'1t'l~ k>~nit.illltrl7)l'J1~1old.i.ha «inlin11..-Jfrna,flll.ll,C' I lc.lftul~lf\lJIXlblm1COOdc!<ig:n Ur11,,l.):d,o CKIIOnt\d)' 1u,U,ult1t lhctOO•lMIIIY • i:.111 Cu:"\#' ~"Al<no. ' \t)' Jvb l1.J.IUll'C' mt ta e.t. to 1tu:h hum Q,.cqnrl'IIIH), m·,'ilth)" 11',)0m~ll'l.lllt1ogJ\'e"-lmC h.,,,f.."hc"><l H"f."''lmllllllt"lllloSJC'IIIIIIJl,hcamtmurutyp, C\'i..!NI! thrws}\flll cxlfflll,c ll'.l\\ll\anr.lW lll ~.ii r-mi1e J.\lal p,l'.lllc mcdlrlt,;J,. JW11,-t d1,an',J111t1,, p.ihlK.: beannp anJ mrdia C\'fflb. Sdlcn._ 11\lln! mnnba l~t~IJ.'\ho lt~"OJ 8nnk. C'ocurd'Aknc Summcr'fht'ab l.:tdlw.mcu. the Hmnan Ft1,1:h~ li.Jl,ICII.UCll 1~1., IJ.ahn ~kw1.c and Hoc.altb /Uh1~8umJa11JU,eN.a11a:JJWC\u1alcilR.c:wlUI\~ Ol;.ntU. • wtll a IC\ual ud1CI' CXJ:lll'Onb:~ $..;.bcnL:'11limp:,.,tJc.C1.111.!\1C"'•wn,,cwtol~ (r'Lumo~ a nd v.-11h1n the )t'1tr he,, wa• co ILS.iUlftC rnot'O'ttfi!On,tbilitlc,.
'1llen::·,100iat1in,l1M: ICJO.lO)Solf~.nchi: ~it.-mM:a.'"hct...alc.L ~ffll)fthiaJ"i~ \\iJI bc00tnh11) ~1nl,"' HcltlnJ10l1u111,fii,h.U1mJIAli,p!t•~hlll Ihm hr f,Uld ,:olf St.hmt aid h.t, •·ifci Ju,,cto tna.,'CI .11d\ht-t..iroi,tctfihJ.1)lbv.·hm-~ccm~~al
~·t;Jl.t',I n-lfll: urroma:utlc- 'Af On-tcbcnllld mf'i-l( iinf'boctla..,,'"bcllD!l
!\lx&1r",lwi1 aoSJaiL lhcyfflld: upttn nli!J.b 1.1.>t },-.on the ffll.'l\.'C.n11J li"'1Ul1t r~ ap111cc v.tlm'W) cwt.I hrch
Wc'w Ii~ Ml 'flllll clda !WIil ~-.,,. for the J*l lS~~,..,Uictt,nUtlt'11111J,uo;imtoni, hc1'.Ud. Sditnl.-Ai-.ihn v.1ft h.a,-.:: hvt'dla die-., bmote dlAll 17)-ea). llc\i1iditw1llhctt.nl10kaVt lb"ncv. jllbtt.ut,M11)' I ,111dSdrnkwlllbethc dm:oYol~t'ioprm...tC'.la.UlttJltt'(1()foflht
r~iochc l.aJe'L"'Mnmun1cyaillcft f)'\'O md.•\\rd,J,. \\llbmcttthan IOcampncutlll 16 lc4"11S1f.n.l~~[t"ll~ \\ bdc a MC rtr1.a:tnril1 h.1111'1 IJO'l.'U lwaJ. Sc Nitilollili.:~v."\Uv...'d.JllltflDc \\'llhrait ,1\11.rp~ i.X'f'11lor•lca,.t.ilt'\\ nlOOlhJ.. Allatthcpropk I 'MIi\ v.!Cbun:~imdptaM pt,.,.••tc,_.,t "1tYiilltlC'twdcosaygood-byc."
Pregnant? 0 Birthright can help you. -free pregnancy tests -community referrals -infant & maternity clot/zing 923 Sherman Ave. Coeur d' Alene 664-1390 1-800-550-4900 24 hour Hotline Tuesdaq night 99C all dra~s 12oz. Barn- close DARTBOARD L01'S OF FUN! COME AND CHECK US OUT! l'Hi1e1111~rdlllliD11!0m-11m -ail!VIIB•Jmllr
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Sentinel staffers travel to Frisco
h) S1un Cun tt-ron
lht JU) f'O\IJlf 1H I hu1l1 lw,tlUnp h• "''.SIT mn«crtl p;is"('r~·b11 m 1h< J.1111p1I) ~·l;uf
sh<•m11k hc-11,.,tn. 1ovho ,mnt.:-r tht'
fl 111"hl 1o1n:t'1, 1.-,,okmg f P( their nc:1o1
1tiC1ilJI, C'nT, di.:-01, S,HI 1 J,111Ci'ICOI\ dcOnl1c:I) not 111 K:111~,. t<t C\CII II') ICI dc...cnhc 1hc ,·H)' Ill
Obt Wll'IJ \l,\1Uld be, Y,·~11. lfl\Jk)'l\lhlC'.
mll¢:'I\ dwl Y.'flN h, un,1,,,;rll\;ibli:,
How do }'(11.1 dl."'t(t'ibr ,u1tl('d1inl: 1h_,1
h, (Offll)l")\C'd ol \UC:h ,.;l1mrk1rli d1fll."rcn1 .,..,., llr.c:C'rrt• il\!Uterllt e11uutf1 'llihC'n }·011 ll~ O'W('I If n,nc•,11 ri,ctl~ bniJgC'tl\ot'I c:.un c."'..lnn·ron 11111,c ,h111.) Y..UC'r.uull
&all btu ldmg1, anJ IIOU'K'" th~I fl' I~
at1\f on l;\l'fl tn lh<'.' 111rpc,r1 )'C•li'lt" ,11U
'fhc.h cn."CI f,(lllp 11 lkn: arc JI 1r-w 01.IJ
'' Tr•11dfn}' 1l1rou~h lh('
dO'Y<1IIOWn ilrt:. lo Vt.If 111.lfd WII .a 1111
hL\' 11..11nhlU1f J\1•·t1 tt1C' taht.11 hok.
Wt: ~v. .i 1)11111 t'\c.ty1h1ng
Nun,cruu, i.h,.cJy d1ar,1,1cr \lrcct
cnd<Jt.. ncry,l,1y b1J\ltle!11.\lfl('fl,
...ucci ptrfonucn. 11,Jdl)· dtt·\1·t·J
f)l'IC• u1d 1m111)· ,,renl)- flt)' 11.ud
l~ftl,UI (Ollpkt.. Thi\ I~ IKl(t.Y,·11uh~
m,I~ ~,u1~c' i11 !'i,,t1h hl.11h<'IIW< J<,11'1
tN 1bnn We hl.: m,u:h "' 1hr
Cl•Umt), 111c, ,l1)'A 10 crnhr.:ia ,,r
lnl!!uk thnt ttlAUnfi-.hlp'II.
\\h111 I, lh( IIN 1hm}! tnu ,k•whrn
yoo·~ lf.:,c 11> 11..iim 1n WunJ1."tl.1nJf
r111t11m111r I hit 11p ,n1ue" 1hrlft
,torcJ, I u1<.111, 11hcr .au .:ill l1flht,;c
tuttft'<.lil'f peopk mml tlo1h: ,,,.tnk"
hll<tc,unr JUn.l, ngh1 ' /wli.,aU~·. 11.11
I\IJt l1111, did I r1"'1 finJ 11nythrntt uf
p,1.n11.ul11r lnlc~•I. hu11hint'\ ilul
'Acl'(' h,alfv.Jy 11u1 were l'lc>t hibC'lc:11 ,unl.. hu1 .,.,nM~" uh 1hc r11,c
.adju,ll"J 1111;-.:l'ltJintl)·,
,\fur Mni11i: up •hi:-.c 'f"'''<t •c
h(\kk.d foe 1h,· Jo..,..nfOWTI 11.-.:a.
It .ilv. .,~.., &t11 me: hmt. wc:b a llup:-
\111'-'hh 1.1r h c\KJ,,n 1n l'itlts. R11hl
l'lt\c ((1 \1J.:y ·,.1nd I' \0 Sd1v. 11rtr
)1-llf\·~ &'JI bntntku pcopk bcgm,:
luf 1hrir nC":\J llH.:.11 or lh(n nt\l h1)1:h
I ,aw nmc ~u> ,hell otl11,JOO (,,, lh\" bjlll"\I )Cllow. ~UIM'J wll )1111'11
C'\otC ',('~. 'othilc: lo, lb.In $0 fttl :uu1y
pcnptc W(r(' ,1«pin~ In ,I JOl•(W!.l)
T1l(' \:1"111>k•~ 1h1t1JI Jo•·ri1o•n w•, lhl" Sooy \frlf('UCI Onwn,1.1,,, 'ilo'C 1! ll( ,t11Cl 1n a Pl.1)'~1.:111\'m ,tore: fot 4,-.1111(' Thc:yh.aJ11b11rt)pc_'t,(IUJ'OI
;ihcJu1 2fl Pl.11)',1.,uon 1·, v.c
,uuld rla) i1n~ game •'c 1A·ao11:d. V-. O)
,._oc1I Lrp,.1,111, u..,~ 11 Mi<hhoh \U1rc
lf)D1 tii111 (1.lfflfllll~~ ).(( Up u> )UU
t:oo.lJ 1Jle 111\IJ111 pilluu.- ,,t )'U-Uhcll
1nd ('• 1htm 10 llM)'MM' for ht"c
A,i.k hum lhc be.II 8'ii.lJICl1, I r~m,J ,C1111c1hmt &'he ,ntf'~ttns,. I ;1prrc1,1c:tttd ii l.1111,,r lhal. \(Cunt)
gu.itd ~·11• u,1n1,:, 1Bil he 1>1..umC'd
a,..,·ay, I ltXi.l.cJ •t • be \li,1, ,Juiltf. lflll her< tn 1bc tt1ulJk 111 Hill (iJk, cmptrt "',,\ ,ome £mplu)CC; uut rc-n, l>l-n'111,.-y hlL\'t M>lfl<' .,.uct 111 <•rnrna~)\t,·m 1tit'1t' At1)bn11.·. l ld11h,u ,1orc. tmkJml lbi: dg,lc: -11,.l'P)' 111utOUJ. · 11ld dltl-1.<d 1t111 Che M<'fft ,1u~t'Unl ot ,\rt !\n1 t11rc I thin\ 1·11 l,.tpp.tytn!i
'$~ "I\IJ.c:nt rn«I 111 hmk 11l lh1n~1, hll' lht« r.\nrh J'l;lilll<'cl v.hitl." Of one ra1t11td hllllt' \11\1,n I 'AA .tl\Odl,uppctmlC'd h)"lm.ln·, \\'b.1tl ,1All l'1tr 39. lJnk"I< )'(Ml fttl h\c r.a>m• 111, ,uUfnr lh«\ut(I olll 1<mcll) '(.;I IIOfll, d11, &,lk' rJIC llffl) \;OU!
1hil'l~ v.,, WJld1U1g u)mc \ud,t'r lo\C\JO to -w111k' \Jrttl IC'llu•,u In .t fo,t ,ti;and 11hell g11mc n,c11 ¥.t t1citck1I MWahl 1hr Guldc:11 (l111c Undgc. fin II l""J. mu-.11)
u1M:,c111M v..iU,. Hie only 1t11n1: of ll\ll'1t,1 ""'• ,oupk' "hu "°II' hun,llc-,1 up1n (C'latt..h..11, 1utd JIU\('~ .111 be.hlca,:rcc \l,cathtt Wt chc LcJ r>1.1l a ,ool U:<hlt,t.:luh 1h:11 nlih1. ;tl'IJ t,crpt t\lf lhc: SJ ti«1i; 11 ••~ v.J) plt,11 llt~ mu~k w.1, rc::llll)· g<IOII. and nc::ut)· c:, cr>·~tlC' \Ila u.11,dng ·hlt.:h i, 111'111"-)' ~u,. b'('f)thlnr v.," a11 J\kid until •·c
u.;1JkcJ h.a,l 11, thr hotel ab<,111 :l 1t.m
In du- pootill~ t.1111
I M1ffc:rcl11hm11111' 1hc S1uml.1)' t11om111i, anJ t',c,,111.:illy 1t('(id,eJ hl \\'llll tbe n)urk c1l m!l<'II to tbc H,ti~h, A1hbut>- Di,tril.1 WtJGIJn't ,.,.., kno11ir I r,al.J ilU fot w, umbtl'lls 1q a\·\)i1~ )ii'Oh•s w;1~cJ 11.bJ lhM llllt'f About JU m,nutt'S- tbr rain quil It"'''' a n.c:C' \1,,11~ dt.,pllt the Ilk I I ,;iu. thrtc U"fJ tl('cdlc• h) lhecurh, Ani,1011;lo,cr1u1b~· f1urn:J l'uPf'I(' h.;niiout. I IMPPt'™=J
upnn nun) v.·.alh p.amltd v. ilh 1:t..bc,1t.1tC'1t11.11.ah, RC';1lc,1CJI I 111u 1'*lc,111, t "'111n't tvo 1mr,C' '-C'd •·11h th" .utu AU th,• ~nut1Jt pun~ ilPJ'.'C'~r 10 li\t nn !he ,ucc1.1,u,til111e,C'r)'thu1g lh.•111 l\a,b 1(1 bct,1111, 1umcd 111C' oU h n1Ac, 1tw""i"-l 1h.1t 1lir~ VC011lc ,.111·1 e,cp :JC'l a tJ411111 j,ih AJd 1hf. 11JJ h1rs11(''l w,1tkm1111rn1c,.,1y, nnJ )nu $('1 .I ,..J tctlln.llll 11! Vi hill Olll'C w... I th!nl. tbt lqrt:111h ,1f chc ,.!f('i wuulJ be •~f\,UIIC'J nr wtul lh1·1r uld "tomp1nr s:ruun<h 1111; bc.:ufllC' Th;il rurb1 I cUt11ldn' 1 hnJ 11111 c:ooltluh, th.1&4 (hd11'1 (Ml.111111ffl11Ud..a kt ~o I Jc,.:1dcJ 111 ,o.un ll'le ~1tC"e1, 10 l(',t v.h:it ll\ ,1~, 1h..: 1u;t11 \loould bt1nr h dld1'1'1 t.ali.-, ll•AJl(1 ~('Oftlph~h lbt\, II\ 1, n11nu1c• illhl lll)'J•llltlk'} 1'•11K' dnml ~111mtikd 1nw:ir1J me nJ '"''ung at 1hc :1u.111111ttbl1nr ~1111\l'lhlnt I c11uJ,ln't 111Mkt1111ttJ J Judlcd ou1 nl 1hc v..iv ;md "nn-.cJ tllc \lti;r.1 St1r C'\cn ,;\(' ~«c•nd, lult'f, I J.C(' tl,e flU) r«1nt: on •1111'11: \11-.rt. v,, lcJ m~ 11u1,1,k ul \Olllt' tl1t)' i;li,b, 11nd lfthl 1111 all Jll}!.IU lUlk..- ,bop Tl,(' 11ch -.,·t(' 11111111 full fun;c I lll'N q1u1c II ltv. l~t jlfh., dtc"'i:d ~t1rdl11,il), hu1 all will'! ..._1mt ~, ._,u,I" runk·•'\ nch gu~, lud,nJ!: lllttm i&r'Oo11nd l.o11cr1111hrni•:lu lwllld1oC1l,c•n"C lad)' ru:.1:11 u&11 .and ,:c1 lal.<n 1lnwn h)
UIIC:l\':Mlil# Q\'Cr.ll f)lhr,•('\-\"f, U .,., 1111 u11cwnlf11I C\'Ctung On m) l..iu ,I.ti 1n San l<r111, ~-e ltltadcd II) rhioalmio ti ~\l'A r"' ,urt lft(lt.l ,-c rlr h•1-c dt,cd,('J l•l.ll Ctu11111nw111n k'IDC nu&tJ'' .;11)'. r--c\l !Im~ ,.J.,p tht ll•Un•I ~1;.,t 11J h v...ilh "u lhf C:Olf1 .h,1~,1rnJ ~1 C\'.l tt\11 lllt fUtt,d 111.ul>.ch 1h:al tb.l' Cbin..-,c 1ohup 111 tltn: ,,,u ll lt1nl the ,11C'ct, f',11.'itd, •0111e U!l!:l'C"IUI~' fooJ.t .ll'IJ tc.dh t--otil n~.:- "l'.1fo11J s1la1,;~.,_ We "'<"'~1u1rrf<,t,l l"I('~ h\'t luNlo. li\C d1id,\·th JnJ c\r11 lh< totiJ, fe1, t,.1Jttn,4;ook1n3 putpo'l('1, Ttic MlilACl\ 14rn· ,r,.-..l~L Jt\CII 111111\. I 1111• ~umt t1l!lcr Clltne\.C l,111hcs ,m.:.41. up tn lhl." l'C'fflt' ~hnp"' llh thc11 o"n"a11._lbe11 hl,11 vdlt1 v. I 1111"''' h w11, 1t11:\ v.~mt.:J lh.a,IVtteph,til"m h..-rc-. I c:""'ldn'I hnd a ,lo1.n11 pnhllt lm!C't ('4.,tncllllll,¥ I n«,k,1qu11t"JC\r<'l111rl} 111 lhl, po!nl I I l"11J,:J up pi,uinJ ,,htl4'rl • ltll.trlt'f -, hl h ,:11thkJ IJI(' 20 m1nu1~ in ii l11tun-tk ~)· to1k1 I mu,1 •11,.. ti \l,,h \l,r,ttb II I t,Ur\l\l-J, oirid IO 1111,I ~nlfk_' ~at<•IIJ q1.ut'I Ill Ilk: ,Ul(ldl,! cif ii lllt'ltul'1ili, i.1 ,11¥,11)'\ Ilk:< We h\1t1~(d II t..,,.), Ill the: hl'ICI ;inJ UW!!bl u -.;.1b In 1hi;111rp.1n ·\ '*hlk 111-!t'(WC'IOvL-Oll\l,llh:1n.t. ~IJI(' iwni.rt kadm:, u, 1111mc ll1t' '*i.t••c hMm"' "";•• • t,n~·ht ,t,J llht'• .arul did lnc:+cJ 11mo11i11J · t aJ,1111 11. I J1d lr:.a,,: m)' 1w:-..u1 In "i:in t·n111n,n1 I h-1111 -A·t1h llll of 1ht buUl,:ku_ d~ IJIIIQ\111, lhl." j1111kte1 Mltll lh•· jU\I 11l11Jn"'ell1I
Life •
l1Ju.ah t,u1 n~ 1,mtl." 1lia11 \t11Jf 4\('(11$l" (II)" airpnt'I htlld, • Tht'n )OU Ft'.'I .I l1lh rid,:, h', 11;1 1h1• f"'lnl wht"n lhin1n ..«111 ct'ril)' li).c ,nmc:tbi11g 01.11 ,,1 · \lilt tn WrinJcrlilUII
phot O'i h) \ nd) h·\k PJi1,11,l.llJti., ROUGH
101.1> ()!\I Acable car clombo San Frnnc,sco·,cahfomiaS1reo1 The tarn
ride on tho c,ry's tamous public l ranstt 12.
NIGHT, A _,..n Is earned O!f by EM1 • alter pass,ng OUt on 1ne ildewalk toll<!wing a night of perl)'lng The downtown aroo was busy W>lh Mardi G"'5 """'""