The North Idaho College Sentinel Vol 52 No 10, May 6, 1999

Page 10

T:~.\.,_,~...i\11•~ nl Nulh IJ.Ji111 l' ii~ 1.111.1n11!,c

will ,t, c Unltl "") tl.20:JU. Sh«kk:I

11 11.11 Dan Sheckler

wHh 232 vo1c, ¥o-h1k t:JM.:hkr ua.111.cJ un

/1,c.'tlC-OIRt'f Mtkc LJ,dy 1.nok lht ,lutd 1,t'IIMC "C'AI, J.Utp,H,1111( Nld, Ep,.tdn b)' ruur \Ole\ U6S•l6lj U\'tl)' ~11.1 he i, loo\ ns f011,v,11,d 10 jn1r1 1n,: 11 lc:Lm 11,hb cU11NhJICdln1cpu1,

JU l )r,C\ffl "h m11.l.n 1hr l('h H\ICr for me ti«•'I(' I h.1,·c f)Cl'plt tbU

Snphu1nc)f,c- 1ntu1t1btnl T11.r• Len., uf CD<'u1 d'Alene A ll rn t,,'\ l\l I U 111 • loru.1·-lid.c \'klury for 1ho \'ti."C' prr-.Mlcn1 pn\1lllld Len, ~ed chi: a1 • pn:>·tttnp di." ~u, l.cnJ' t3tll dlt I, c,~i; lboot 'A'lO arl,1 nf)«-l~ a produC'11\C' tomm i rmcn1 rton'! die:- tiuor:d nr:u )ot

I can v.w,;h !lnd le.Im lrvm.'"lnd)\.lid. I m C'\('lrcd h> ""nd, ,...ith 01C' nC'111 The cl«:111.m uunout w11 1iJ111faa111

Trustees OK

S468K llddlllon lll'QJect WOUid 11111 nve

claW'OO!IIS, two labs It Post fall cen ter

ti} \ntilt1\\uoc:kn \. mr llf'7.,,rr,,


t1e • 1 1r11.1t...-c, 1,ue! ,.C"rh11I 1rrroul for u

S-4i'>tl Ono c,p11u1un prc,jat for tb~ WtnldurcC'fn11m111 Crmcr tn J.\11o1 fall, l he ,r1:;pm1u,si v. Ill

adJ r1\·I," (l.n HOlllU\ Jl!J IWO l l'i1t,i10ftC'°' Ill lhe ::_ IX)O

"1 r,: !Olll fM;:1!1t)' lh.»I C''f"(llCJ lfl I~ ttJr ctnl<"I WIii

li(T 1110h' thiln 1noc•"h.Kltnh1h1, ~,.u

~"1n, lv=aill1m .h)b1.ihf t..c ~·r~ '"~Clan. w.:I ~m!Jlie'\\.I('.., hni.,b."dlW1f'rl\ll1~~..S•~lniJ"-1'iK h

b:b?t. f.1t1 •lflll p11111'Mip'\l.11h l..akl.vkl j\ :.11.u S!III

ronr J"Alc~ hlth 11;!tooh thh111i;ti the l 1tutc wi,al

fcdmbr \cJm1) f~"'' f1le hip ..;tt,,i-.1, 1t11L1IJ ,11111.11.!

1tcan1ato1,l.1) ,lauci. l 111i111 ,ni: for lh~ 1~111tc1 ~tll s;umc lri 111 !he SIC

r, 1-d.111e,11 lhc founJ.;11,1'1 111111 k:.i.~ lht f,1ul1I)' Ill :O,.IC r, r In }t,U 1 ,dltf "'Nlch IU'1l' 11,e ,.ueic w,11 J.JUI

ov.ric-r tt r \1 \tt)tr h 111 1hr rru1.(' " c:,f nt'JoCU1Un; with all

h,1 I lhc l,t,..,J t\f)C\.1cd ,n ,·ntc: al Ibo Ju.11,C' 11JC,c11l'II

"ununi110 ,lac to )'t'at 1r.ioe

11'1 mhcr ~l1 mco. ~.:ith) nm 11(', "'" rn.:-~nkRI or 111\lrtJtlllllt prC't.c:{IU:d th t,u.lf d '\Ulh 1hr l~ir).;:OOt

Outl"Ufll(1 \ 11f 111t11t f'!Jin l "hn,11" wld IN: b'-1 rt ft

llliH \l,fl!IC'II In 199.J. lhC' rl•ti 1tn:J11dt• 1:_

tlfc, ll'Vtntu 1nd1t ,ton u,h •\ r101rc-u1un ltnm

dndop111c11tal 10 (t•lltlC' IC'\,cl 1110111111,, c1npln)cr

,,\C ,merit of t.tlld(.tH 1t1m,fi:r ~tudcont \Ui;<tU 1niJ rl.2,cmtnl I.Ille UI 1!1( '*1.,/1,.(,,fn'

The luinJll'('ln\all ::,in rtu:immrtvl.o~111'\(ut8.1tb0.1\o

~' 11~, \'k:G1J11!1.J11ut1C11~1.&rll.l \LinlJ1111b

I rthltc Shrtl., \\1,od I\JIJ ;11.111M k~ bctt Stnj!ktut) h..11

riru hcJ the rciq,n;h rf1.i\C i:nJ I bc11nnin1J m "rno 1h0

111.ailn' 1J111,; 1t10U ublu~ut ~htbl.•lk ""lllbc prmttJ

.\thltll ll11t1;to1 Jrn1 U.:".1tUc) uu.::nJ.::,t 11lc ~JC\A htlcU'l.d 14~1 11w111h wlnd1 .WU1cncJ Ltrn ctn1o 11bout

cam~n:d to )'Un pau Aprm,1ma1tcl) 3~ ~udctlc,pl.uiJ ~'Oil"'! forthtUO..'\Jll\C' P1"-is1rmt1N,,.,,·'oual lc~111xi\canCllmf'l" Th e. t\S'.'IU C board C'UllftOh• arrnn 1nu1rl) SH!-.OUCJ in 11,lk"n1 fee~. .1u1d i, rc,pQ 1hiblc for dl,pcr 11g: lhf rm11h 10 dilfcrc11l l'ftltt,1m, anJ "'11\olbo OftC'&fflJI\I\

All rur.lhon, uc p.11J and the ciu:cu 1hc. po,ittom, 1,41111c d• oflicC' bv1uc\ pc:r "cd, wblk dtc tl'n.a111f, ,.,c commottdtof<JUr 11,c p-r,idcnl fllCfl\C\ S20il pc,- mur•th. 1hc- \ 1ct fWCWC:t11 Sl90. and wn.11cn S: IhS tkclloM fo, three f,r,hman cn.r.1c f'lhlho11\ •111 1.ikc pl.11:c nriy ftt,t r,n

• .... p!JOl!ll:la""'""'""""' ' •·

NIC conc l uded 1ta NHon wtth a doubloh ea dor 19alnat TrHau,. Valley Moy 2-. See ,elated atory on Page e Ph oto llh.111rallon crut.ct with tl\'O uqu entlal photo• of a alngla p itch

American lndlan 1tudl81, rocM climbing. yoga, klckbllxfnt among new QIIISII ollnd rar 1a1 11!1'111 h) '>tr11h.1nk ,11 ,..,t'\ l<w1111,, "41 .,r.., D ,1n t IU,r 1tfc.1h1<,. no1 , t 1~ lw1~ 11 r1 ,r1 lt11t 1.1111 llt'C'J I, folftll 1ti.c i,hy-1a. .sl C'1h1e,iuun \11111 n en1 llnv. ,11buut tr) int ·~l•o\11 nf bC'JlnnlRI )ttte:a"1 lht\l .Ur' I'*'' 1v., uf •he' n1.iny nrw d11uf' ~,n, colft'f('d int lilll tUhr1 n,-.. I I l'\ 1n< lut.l~ 11111un111in 1:>1~ins. hrJ::lnn1ni: md. ~h111h1na ,n ,1 r.icqut"I ru u,.., M 1•r• 11,~11 ll 1J1111'1t11t l do~ m.11) IX' offtrcloi 1n lht' )UU In u1111 \\. t1rr n111lt11 · a mo•ir lnlu mo,,r tire r1111r 'P'"" 1u1.J ph ,h.:a1 fl 1t1cu," t.1111 h•1111 IIM5,en, 11,«tot 11( 11Munr «nlhr-.illt1l'Ll~.1dPR j Mlllfi: d '~ tn,'\ '""·1,kk II)' luJ11 11s ,tncJ 11lfk llli;U\IU lh&l Ii.kc J\11Rl.l£l ,,r n•1u11t t.urr1.1u 1i.J111 • A,0, 11 11 11f Spnrh #fcn·1 1hc 11111>· n~·• c,(lcnni\ fut nt

Nort li Ida. h o College S the • I en.t111.e May 8, 1999 Cot!1trd'Alt•t1t·. /liu ho •• \\ ,\ 1 1 t •. \ 11111111 °': \umh, 1 /(} Se111i11 el swjf members hit !h e w -eers of Nell' York Ci1y Back Page Extreme Rafng Studem talces BMX bi k ing to new heights Sp or ts/Page 7 Faculn• recital displays tale111 A& E/Page 10 Sheckler wins ASNIC presidency by 12 votes Len, defeat\ Mikles in landsltde VP victory h} Ju un Ruru, \.-nl,tr j,4/, Ru1II canJ1d,1ICl ~t,c lntuint"Cnh, lnJ \('f\'Cd II\ ll~hn"'1~1•n \hc,.:llitt \\li, Jfl •,nMM111:..-.h,u,,1 llnllp.<l Cl,tt\1J('n111t11" J'(iut lu1~M lkh~ho II\ lhc pnm.11') rla.1111n Apnll\lW ASNIC' bolUJ." Sbcd. lcr ,111ill "Eadt ~r,w11 on I.hi• 1c1m h,n II u11iqUC" 11lcn1 ~~;;~~=~:rlJCNI~('~ the ~\l, Tbt dc\ (~tun:J llllll ~C"I ,II the "6."Ull\C,: f""61tic'icn ,1nJ ""t Y)''"' IOI lbc~matt~lurpcl'lltlOn. lnlf 11 ~Rl'lf 1-.e u C'l.petlrn.JC Vl'C'll ~iblckl~IIF dc.&I XCIOl.t,hcd £'1.r:'t°riMCe r m'rtlJ IP bC' lhc ',\,lftnlftj! 11ckcr to, lhc- uu1c po~11 i,111, a, l11cumbcn11 BrldJCI Buro, .i nd Vo.t:1 lk«bkr won by "01111dc:r1blc INIJln• Bu,n, ">IPl?cd thC' nu;o
1,1 d.,med \'kl~ In till:' lhn"fd«lion,~\\.ntrc,..l.&y f,,u, (II 1he h\'e u.ail11bk Mf11.c, r,in,111uft -.cir!! _.,,u b) ~~111J1Jalo w.lw ti.I JiCn~.t nn the pnllf tinir;nl rht ,i,cwl> dcth.'d fCJ'I'( <.'IILIII\C~t,
Lr-ht ,\hr;uu, l•v
D. n 'ih<t.:kli 1 IOI I. 1ht J'lt~1Jt1K·) b) I !·\-bC 1n:qu1 U1'9 1671. eJiu,c Od1.11,. l'lrth~hc:, ,c,t("\ IOC.vl\ lhC' htnh 1'1 the ~·l·j~ 'Wi th h.tHnJ d1eo •lf"PUl'IUftlt )' ,11 br1n1 \ h1bll" ill dw: St!Jdtn1 Un.on. Lei:ir \.tjJ,
Workforce exp an sion
Sophomore Ryan Banks of Rathdrum snaps off a curvct ball during• game 1geln1t Ricki Co ll ogo Bank• struck o u t five In seven Inning ,. Ric k• took tho tour~game H t les and dlmlnts h ed N 1c·a hope, of poat eaaon play
h 1~1ll) I, I N°~IMUIJ d"" f11r 1111~, Yo·,1n1 It) l1'a:m hiw lo ~oti l n,,;.C • f'ttWUill l rU111h td1t,IUf) \hlllf h1o1eo1rch .11111 ",mpuc.::i .,,11.,.,u, Snine 111.J_) IC'l.l,llt IU lllh d 11 hum fl'(l"\IUtl \ ,.d cdu l~ 11lll111u,:h II h,nn't 1ro111hl 1111 12 }"C'UJ rhr t:uu ll uhun {'411,111.:il \('lttJ to~nni· 11 b«L for ncu roll lntroduc1wa IO'I lnd111 11 •luJ1l'1, h Pl'C' of 11Ulfl) d,t1o,('\ 4(1 M\C 1h.11t au.:: ,c,qu 11n 11enh ur th<~ l'\.1i hl" A 1nc 1k1111 ,11/Jte& n1iaju, 1hr ''"" •II t,c 1111 nH"flh"~ uf r11uwna l 1'i11U\'t .\11,r t h&n 111~1<11) 1111J ...,,II t.J u,1l lfy a, a ltur.11l dnn" ll \'Cl'1~~ Ttk-t l11H\tillN: t.1u1ii1 h) a !~,cat .t1he Amcm:an. fksJnn mg ~i,J tru..-t111C":J Jal.t Iii'~" tlf 1hr Cocor d' Alen e lan,gu11c v. 111 b,c o(frrtd I ht "'4.'" •·111 K.11:h 1~ lan tuare of the Coeur J' A lcriC' h ldUIII Tube ThC' , 1.:1-., h;h bC(tl ofrc ltJ •• l..£1.-111.CJ11l (\~kgc ll1 thc p.i\L R.lcc a nd c1 hn1 c dl\tn ll )' ill to ·u• JU•l 0 11 1111.1 lhc 1"11UC' "c1u UICC ,o\f cth 11lc J ,-. cuJ 1y A ,oc1u1111~ d•n. i i ...,tll du• dcahog -. 11 b r 1llhlcm 1r1"nl\'1nt u i.:·c and ctbnk h d iroun d ('Ia n, arc bc: 1n J1 made 10 n fl c, • m11rc 1ct1tt• I h>ttn ol u llur•I divc rrny. 1,1ccard inr 10 Ji m Ml nklc t , ,u,·u l , dt n tt'- ,li ,.. i , un cl1111r ~1ud~ n11. 11 hud) rc1h1ut:d f or ta ll tlJt,c-1 i.:;ia ~hattJ t 1tic1t ,.t btdu ln 1hm ,th,1u1 rTF\\lrn11 un date, 11 nd dunng the 1ln1 "<d, uf '°''''-'C\.. Nt'v. .1nJ ltlmlCt \.luJc-1n,IIC'Cll1n1 11) 1c 11"itt c.:undow h1I> l l 21 111J Au f 11 18 wt 1h .in llf1_1'1(11ntmt n1 throug111hc reg,......,'\: vl h i.~ Ter,y Brinton, 17, c.ll mbaln Q'EJ11JJn Park In Po•t Falla.The 05-ac,6 parkhH a'O-ICl'9 lnlll ay.:tem• ,_.. _T-
New class offeri n gs deliver change of pace, adventure
,1 11111 Anh11,1 1he nc..., d a ut'1 •tt Wrl l lrh l.inlll)' l11,h11) P'lftodiJ~Ur>n 111 Am,tl~on ln1t11111 11t,1llh:,. (llCUr ,r ,.\kllC' I 1o;u.1t,C' •nd ta(c .tnJ r lhnl, Jj\C't\ll) \\r111n&1 hrm1l)

Songs played from the heart



AJ<il \'oe<l ToanH•II Ouuii\\, >d Th(ma1 Mudcy tldnCo, "'""<,,,,.... Rhond.lflrade-u(h OcbntG~ffl>cU Gmu\lMftrend.i t.Ja,.,klf Camillo: ''"'""" P,dm., Ruil<) ,a:tie,J )'Cm 1,hUl.ll.i« Duui \.\.'lioJ on lhc: pt:l.l)lt, fhnnlllli R\lllc\·, ba\\ o.nd rub.a l.tntna.hJC'Ort the bl,, and O.inC(l,onpt'1\"U1.~''" lr )liuhlt: bllCI \W ~uuJJ.JJaa\(' tf'ijtly t11Jo,'cd ,h,, rrour. R.buoda 81.ktu;b 11npft'\-.OO nwr1) 111 IIW: 11oidl,·nct 1nc111bcn, 111.11h tsrt llvtc rta~lllJt 1t1 ""!w11ut.J

l~ a.uJiM:< The ,mup alliO

(,,r flu.~ ..l(IJ pj,1:r1,,- b~· ow T,,Lt.lh,h ill.1. [):bnt e«ar•lf (l'l.lclla.;wmr.inliedht'rur,thc

Clever acting makes 'Pushing lin' a gem

81:II .an o.u·llln( h,11( b~ LV\ti·boy •\lhanUIU'lef\lnJ"-" nrl!Jtncr and1ht t.k.111111iNLi.11 uph.i,a ttJ,Ul.ioon t,r U,1ng lifo '"*1hc c-Ji<" Hr',,uc-.lt11 \lih.lthC'~t...l~I Grat)', bul "'be flu~ hA'" K«~

hi htm""lf -.tth qu.1e1 tn) ffl't)' "'bdc

T'hc,u-.nth of pt'Opl('s lh·C\ d<p(0'1 °" lht1r s,t'n'tt1MH1 iiaiJ> TaU, :1b,t,u.t 1-01:,, Stimi:un~ a11 ll'lffw: control, ,r.ic.._ undet'1'-: rrn,sme. OOt not Nkk hltaoc Oolln C'u~k ) Uc'• tht bc,t 1n Ne,. Y0t'- Clly "1n1I Ru,-.cll Brit c81II) B'*i Thotntnn1 m('l\(')11t0Dlli"1lmifciry,

I) tttc:rm,: 1mdtt F1dttmr., ~m \iia)hea1"11tbe 1ll)'lc.ilhct,•U'k" l-mt,,tk1yt,i..",,l-.rm:i.,vht-i1'1hu )vunr t<d1~ll\c 'lttfc M.u, 1o\0J:tl1t1-1: !t'lht't, kit v.,hA~a tile' canst lht co.111pr:1t1t\•1 tic-~m, 111 ~''t- f.lllocic •1kl A u111fu.,111t \'('lffib!IN&h("8 •M U\l'WXctl« ,1°" dr, ,~nor. Bell, Mfr,

,·kv.l"t"lt cue,.,,n11NWP"'11 die: Mm har d1lf,,cn1 httm hi• prc,iou, rok a, • wmplctun u, .•,.. S.impk t>Lan." 1't,omuu, ,11.'t' hi, v. l d11W,:h 1hc tole of lkll k~min1h C"lfon lrul~ The r iot duckn, \\'bcn h l(OOC h.1Vl)f11, upt-n .i rnoumini al'h.l l lonc \tary lklf In the- loc-aJ 11i1pc:r rNrkd Symp.&th)' 1Utd l'J'fhAfl'\ f,'I\' lul-1 1c111r1 hln. 10 •!t.k l,rt 111,0.11 h1111 (f!f dlllWtl '\\·bcfc they ,turc: ~C.l\., ;a le~ tx,11Je1 ,,C ..,.,,,r- .anJ fmc:Jt.1U:.n duun!f Or1,('0 by d runl.e.n P3'i'><i011 tbc:1v.o.;t11np.1lm·r:I) a.SrnJCI')' a lmlc' ~Jin dtnnc:r 1ntrr"our..c lll lhe Bcllre11.JC'r.:c-

11 ,.mncd h) hi, ywfl anJ dM"tat~ hyt11,v,Ut..C'11nmt·1.1Ultt.fll,ll!'kbet11 ~,,l,kn1111111.1nt11.i111Jl.a1rv,101 Rln"'Cl1, hl,one CClflllf1yCt, 10 ll'IN" hi\ «l'mrol. Comn,l Wt! Kpgitall-d

tumll'On1 1ht,,tl~ ~ly JQ.\pitill' w h._,.1,1 utt 10 ~I th.11he gJJtJ Urt". Fnlldtlc' finJ.. 1hc 1..1n,h uf ~Uy ,llppinr tbroo8,h hi,- finJ.ten un111 illJ l\ a."t Ht~ '"'"" 1c-~~r1, 111111. hU: bOM d1,nuut1 Ii.Im aiW h1, f11,•1kh l'ltfa.uh1nhiln llh1•1ltharcfnt rtr11in1i,s ~h Ql"in11.1l bfc k'C'nt1 11, hr illlhl· llll( ftl.111 '6.ho \t,'1'\td as, ,1 <,! h1 hi, dMuunion

An ctljO)labk- t.:blk'i.twn of uncap«t..-d 111tn$f:nt1 l.«r, cu JUC.\,)11)1 :it the m,.t.a p1ul dit11m1ni ~n1trnt.yGkn11nd~ Ch;1rb, ffa.,I. Chcei'\l llfl\i J1rc..:tcJ

b) Mlle N~·rll. ,l)(,nnit.' Ur.n,ooJ

Ck\~ :i1.:Unt anJ ltmflc ~llt''-h

apt,,·iac> a1khmcc 111tc1,1ian ··Pi,,ihtng

Tin'"C** *)pmidt'~wnK'ttl111s lt'f e,t.ry l)pc ot Mk•,·tc ~,er. frnm 'IC\ lu w,,.prn,co 111 ht,11t lCK11.:hiu11rur ''"'Cate Blanchett, BIiiy 8ob Thorn ton and Angelina Jolie atar In Puahlng Tin."

Hypnotist Simi Dart from MIMHpoll1, vlAIIOd camp.1.1 on April 29.

Un<Mr her apoll, Reid Houck ffnM

htmaeH wllh II>• a,enaaUon of Ice cubes down hla

pent.I. Oare and Erlc MackW11lch with amuMmeftt as Elie Smith (nol ohown)llao ett.,,,pta10..itew Jhochllll .......

Sica bind 811181'111111

a lln:b-lllm Cl'GWd

h) ,my\\rfal,J

Aru & burn,.u,i,!f~,,, £,t/,ror

T unctic 1mc\l.:J" 11 liufotn,'ltt .1...Arpbcat Oil Apnl .?! when I.he

Coeutd'Aknc~bNoJ "Nfl Blfc

f,«t fll\t' :i c:tlfll;ffl in the SUH dmln1mo,r1 tk,plte cht.11)'11, ,l'fi!l.ttl(le..thc

I Review 1>an<1 i>ia)<d 100, hr:an,.oo,

Hypnoti:.e Me '"NttB.amFtt, t1 ,..,t.. "'~ con,.t>t, ttf fl\"\:. NIC ~tOOffih,., m.#1)' "No 81,. Feet" frontman Geyln Brodwltltf tlnga a tong called "Give ha try'" to I f11ther

o/ •hc>m pl•> In jan bond loo 11>< JO<llfh l<Klienoo. ··No Baro FNI," 11ko band, played 11 Jho SUB Ap,tl 22. b.'lnd ~•>cd • .,.iriety of"°"'' ""-h """'Cihc: h • fry;•"Urov.nE)NOirt. Ir, You," Wil)n'ut iu.s··YcxiC.411Call \1 c Al Ounnp OM ett thrlr!tOn,:, ullN '"8,.nJ

s,m·· mc J"'.IUP man,gcd to drllr <lW • 1.1hk Cull o( 14·mt~dut

pre-.<11h "Jow-ph llnd I~ \mAdftR t tchnkltlc1rUrt11nl((Ml;· S.:hulo.•r

Audui,nurn. r 11 f(J( rncri,11klll!

7b'l 1 U

.,.,, 22-.15, 29..ll

11ie CtlC'IJI J Alnt.r Sumnk', llic-J111c Jlf~, "J,'on,\·tr Plai"1," Schukt AudUt,r1um. Cal ror fe'itn ,r100., ~<fl-77kO.

a \UJ!UU~.IZ.U

lhc C.o.-ur d' Alen¢ ~m111T1l-r

Thc-.iltt f'tt\'C'nH •• ll1t P"'-111111,,:• Si.hukt ,\uJ,1or,u1i\, L1'I lo, t(')ot:fV.lltnM. 7fl'"-771'11J

• \u-iu,t 19•22. ~.28

The C(ll('ur J' .\lc!X' Summ(f lkiittt pro('Oh , f'ht \\'HI N.oet.·n •·um.._~., ScJu.d« .\u.ihtonum. ,-.u fnt rt".\C'f\alJoa1, 7AA 776'1

Page 10 The NIC Sentinel Arts and Entertainment ~ay, May6,1~
Paul Grove, guU-.r lnottuctor el NIC, Unlveralty ••N;t Wllltworlh, ""'"'' up lo, tho "Faculty Rocltal." The C0'1C*t took p1 April 25. Faculty recital, a panlonate lil'lll"IDII r, IIIIICal 1:llllllrtlb, b) Uhlir} \lt)t.lf' '\r,,1111,IR,,,,utn T~~.~~::;~:~!-uh) llU,Atil; rcc1l.lJ 1h.&n I Revi ew \('I,th""'•··~·· IC'ti.t) IIIIS'fl' Apnl \'o~~I Vn,-.:1 and Torn H.1111 oo 1hr pl..lllO bc~1tht ~how ¥>11.h "Wlwl sOOlJ 9.WIJ the mo,;)Q bt," tl'l)Ct1 '~Ttet;I Scc-nc.." 111 l• O«1 open. Votcl wa, tn an ore,ar"" 1)l"C' of \()1~ Wld had ft'.ll pa.~UOrt rci, ,he n,u~k. /uwtl.Cf !;'.tllCll.!Jlltfll poup D4 imlfUetnB plJJt'J AH 13~ ·H.1,1: )'\tu ma Mh, fon,c,,. 4nJ ''C1ttCPl)(~rh1nS~ ..,hid1 in..l~.,Ol.:.ll11,1P.alm11Rwk) The-.c JOIII' had. bl~)' tllne' Kl 1ht:111.U1J~u,.n.Wtu\;.at..:.h
pl.u1C..P'lllllGrmcJot1~ DOl~ll,h 001h111·1.Ull.lf !Of l"nu'.-..1e"lt)"J11L"1111..~I~ I fClllly i:n,n>cJ Ille mu_\it Or~t,11 plJ)cdon 1J~ 11,uc Mllfl)' 11111CS 1hc n,m- 'A,u tut, 11u1t:t it> hc·...i The •ell k.l.'luv.n Imme lfte!Jf!, COlllf'Ul<f nr>Ullt'lft, hunwi1t.e, •nd ,111,plkJ \Whn in'oJtllttut Gc-r.ud Mflhn m..,J~ :irt ~antl1te' \1.1dk', 11J.1y(d dw ,·M>l111 &hi.I ltrc&b IA'klurrl")'l."d 1hc c(Jl11ota "'~t.1 fut\ 1ol1n aniJ ("ti~·· t-1 M.wrice R.l\l:'I. h 1,1,~n.,\'l')I ulnu.ugp1ccc. \fo11hf:1andl.a•Q jnillN O'lkll 11C11hc r-an,n !ti "' Trio ,o I l·u1.11k. G>~J R11C1du h) Jo«ph 11.~)dn TI.r nw\"""" ru• no II JJ'C'• ,;c,nci:r, I C11JC1)~J 1be \illtd~ 11J rnmKIIW<A<bti&,yed hv.uutd tM\'C' Jun rnottffl,U)Mlc for mu,.: nt.1j111'1 th:II \~1hc f1K'1lly ••••nlb,:N 'Ahct ""rrl" ptrtcwnun;.
Sitcom writers 1akc crock at big scree n with rowdy comedy 'Pushing Tin' b)' N•tallf. Mkld.ltlCMI &,mntl Rrp,>rttr c::~:s~ti::u';~~~.
l eTM;h4,p Docloo IUl~J.t.n(M( Ill~ E,·cf}·OC1e mnk~ tnt\,.. t:,·rl')-onc 1hat h cu~pt arr trallu: coc1trollt'h ~l ccm'11tffoid to m.iLc mi'olde, on 1he Jt>b **** *** ** * for Notch Wordtt.1-w:S V-"9«1,d ·stiow,:w,·
"'"'~ t.a11u,t tw.:h The ICfflg agaift\l p:k, M01,1 oJ 1~lr "°"'" ,hov.-.:J thlM lhc} true: mw.te1an•; 1tw)' pla)'CJ .,,.1,h ,lill ~nd kt1u\lo(Ct.1Je. The} l.:led • lltdc 1n IJ11,:.u 11in11ng dtJ»llID(JIC.. but lie)', you 1:M1·c be pQOd :11 t'\·tf)tlut11- The \.4'ltJ, .iirC" ,,l&t-r.ihlr, t1u1 It 111 more cnjl).)'i.t,k 1(, li~cn tu lhetn pl.a)' Ulc:lr u1,11umc:n1-. Anuthcf J)CUt'lctn v..i, the; plll)'cd 1..x> 11\lln)' (U\l'J ',Uf\,, Ut:.11ui, Jl;P\1!1 l.lr11.'f 111 ;1 hik 1 OK l'lu1 \l,htn al11.ow lt.llf of )UUI Wit~ Mt' cm«ll )uu bt-J11n 11.l tool. hl.L 1,u,.rr h.inJ Bu11ti..·irm11tn,al\OnJ•~ll.ft'lll TIM:R" 14,haf11111I '~>" 1n 1hcfll ,1111Jtli1:,.. ,hiw,'1.-d (9ft fflc'lt fooq pt..i~tnJ Oa,·1n Bn"'-1.,.,.11-., 1auJ QUI -.hh hi\ ,l\l,('l,(lfflC' Tf'OlllhcJnt rLt)inp: ;mJ O,int1) .Mdlk:J.. v.• mu; 111~"'t' on 1b: drvn1,; fl.\JI 111) pe,1~11'1Al fa1'00tt w.l\ the b.a,, rtayc-11h;11 Orodv.l'lltr tdcnW 10 lool.111J lilc ft.m,.,.1. \l,1-t.1"-'0ltlfl11nem. ;\ll-1n--.1U lhq V.'Cf'I: tl\}tl)!lblc llOcJ ""'Onll 11,tt.--nhttf mdvttnr luit..:h Jfoprfull) lht) fi."1 :IOfll<' fllC'W nwcn-111 bcfori:, their ntll. ,ho"' IComing
a ,11ays Jll.(r F.nV'mt,lc Pf\" ,11 ln Hnnor ot \fotl1:Cr•, l>ii) •., ~hulcr Auditi"ln11m \,iaurd,1, :lo rm Frttct1n1:,crl 7N'.,.,HO, • S) "'f)'honj,;: Ban.J p1('SC:f1t "In tlcmor (1' \JqtJ,rr '• lllly; · Cot\lr d" AJNI,, C"1C)· J>.M\.. SunJ.l), l r.m frt1o ,01~t'tT Jr,•l.77HO •Jul> lt.15-17 Ille l'.l"'Uf d"Ak,: ~,1mmtt Tl1r111n:

Bears, toms b ewar e of hunters

tne tll'key ,....llln, IICll el 11111 for bears llllkes INd.., lallra h> hllH Hobnt\fO,I fi.-,v111,rlRrrur1,rr Tho 1999 •rl\l 11.11'\C)· hun11n1 '<a:,qn~ IIJn'liJ~ open Hu111ea ,Mu,IJ 1Tjl11et ht h.wint

10 1lo .1l1tt •ht Ion,: '\\1n1cr Br.u ll<',t,on,1.a1tcd \rn11, amt h,.nun1 1I M:&) I",•'' dcp:odtnson,~, ,n Turkt)'AC.l.'IOlt ,~I \b) I ianJ •,utl run un1JI M.a)· 2S in the w1ri111fklu1' C'oc.urJ'.\kot 1rra. Tht ouilrol 100\., Soud lo1 00th "f'ICt~\..·• M>d (,itf rc1$1,11:luilr. Idaho h\h •n(I C,;\ITTI!' ~g.noal Wl'f'nl~lt ll<! t-h1l 1he bt';.&n h.i\·c \t11,.l\(\I n111\·llll IIIWnd thl, , aad their .1nh it) le'\-tl '-MUIJ \Urt 10 tiuild up fl\lt 141 I hcff) Cfop (a.lJ. U\C be°Jn. ol!c t,1m1111 0-UI nl hihr;om;1hroa 1n f,lirl) JI«'(" tMd1hon • WlllheN\IC'(lr1 lmJ iDthc-it hunt ft'lf'I.U\ltNntt hlllffllllllt' uld the cut1c} ~l,1tt,c1n h.hl fiON op &ITIK"'t ~II pt ltlc' .J\iUl.tbk n111.ilt1

pcopk;· T~k> wikl The hen:, hit\t "1.l)l'tl ("4'cll~\:IO-t l4tlhrtctlm.1.n far mdthl• 1n:dtc,.ul!utf1 ,lithc:ul1

St-,rnl J.Ufi:rcm ~hn)qi..:., NC av.1lbblc for h:.i.f

h'\11\111111 ,n Nonh ldiaJM) Spoc and "t».lt. bat11ng.

a.lllllJ and the Nor OOl.lnc.1~ Jlf'(: 1r1C'd .;ind I~

~' In rut M)fttl" be.II ,oc.n in tlw (rcc,a, ~pt.,! and ual~ •Dc.JuJc., u.·aU,m1 ar1>1111d and , ,sh11n1 bean

tn Opening_, .mJ"" lful' can 1b.o b.111 fo, t,e.,,.. ~r cal Ing u; matt dtff11..."llll A h.uMc:r U.IO .i

prc.,dlullt ull .kl like an inJuttJ •l'llmal •od cnr,u:

the bcAI' •MO flntc A boul'ld bunter "<'b tht dc,p nn

a(~ t<rol to U.'11.:.k bean

lbumi •nd booDd tu1n11ng hn~c ~llfne undc-t

m:nu t11,111d: bu1 lhc) arr a 1111 haNcr 1hrn lbc)

~md. Noch1n1 n~c, lbc come ir110 the b.111.

IIOO wuh hound l1u, 1111,, lhe "1111 nm few mllca.

up and 00-·n mooJlb111,. Twlcy ht1JMm u~ -KVtnd d1flc"n1 l)llC"i pf c.db

,o hunt 1un.tya..

Tii,c bo'\ ectl11, the c.t~k 1101.11oe ..,,.fljk muny bu111tl'\ tl'O U'I(' the mau1h di.iiplr.iiiu. the Wk aod rulx call The u~ '11 lkcO)'\ ha, a.1"4) &llttltd popullul )' m l he 1,clf\h\l,C'~I

1'wtcy hu111u1a ti.&-. ,nn,e~ ln por111l11nt}' ;A\ our

t'111\1 popul1U1ori hit~ 1ncttJbcd T ounl011e Uid f.luating will uni)' set bcuu a\ 1h~ '-=-'"''"'

f'l'\ltrt"q, \1orc: bc.m "'di cmcre.c from dlQr den\

.in1l 1h( lOm wdcey, will t,;&\C' 1 lwdtr 11111'° findu,, the- hen,, 1.-1 I.he)' 10 nc,.1 N<,w it 1imc to M,d Obi tt.Od C'ff,O)· (& lltl-f\11flJ l/adiUnn.

Accounting assistant program added to bulilen department

Demand for clerks from local hu~inl'SS~ s parks cla'iS

b) ltrttl \1c-rtfln .~t11tflt'lRt'f""1tt I rt~c1c,J by,~ dcmanJ for 1nlneJ l~U.('~ lhc NIC 13U\JOC\.1' Dt~11mcm tu., 1111n,Jui.a1 Ill tl~'l'.1111~\llnp: a_ ,i\Unl pr~m for dlr 1.,Jlwt1lt',li."f The PIIIJfnffl ,hP1.1ll,I r,cp.t.rr 1'lwknbi r~ llftfl1tJ1.itt" ittb ~urilt~ acciw,bn; toJuJ) l'it!lc,, 00,m,,.,,, 111\U'Ui:tor t•,11• .:, bid in 1hic p.r.-1 (rv. )·!!.Ind"' bu,ilie'L\ ..l..'l\Jr1mt'JV "lli m.rl\1ns.i ;rcM·u)& n11mbcr""1 ~.u (mm k,co1l hu,il\f'\"'' in 1,ccJ or bttt,~rs '\f)tf niu\h h.1tt4'11kUn; tnpi 10 aK.a ~ollep'"I ,oth 1.1oc,l1ed ia:h rrogn.ui1" P.irtu;r\;lid

£,ve CJ1t~g,c

Civilized 1/'hil/nalg

""n,..,.tJay, lntog 18

<[)igc.o Chf91rt

CJµdO!J, lntoq 9f

~.-,.e Oulr.ftJ:f/(f}l'zte

College ChgM

eve}Y Tfi4~dag

f8.75 tio"rlJ/1,c p,~ SS~1c.,opilck~


'1,tt </>ocl

.tit wu olblt to jt1 di( ~'>I tsf 1hcy all h.S l\l


Oe,1,amg fa\'( ftC"'i\ ~C'OUlllln& d.11,~ To comrliffl(UI tbr e:11i..ain, bw.111n.1t d11..,;;c\,, P.arli:t-1 ~Jd c,ptt1, d1tta fila:nnc:si11mo ,oti-1 ._, fl4Yf'\lll cltAA &'COUQh te«:i,·.t,1,c de& •11J rull dw$< boo~k«p<n. S1udtnc.t \\ tll ccimplt"lc COQ~ tn ,cnctal ntu.:.111m. btn1t1t~1t and acc:ounun1 1n r-c«hc .m

A,w..'i.1tt or Appl~ SctcffC't' &npha\i1 w;II be pl.k."N •tn m.anuAl and CUlhpilllttneJ 41C'truntina tpphc.ttlOllJ, ('l'tdd tod wlk-,b1in. b.J,lna.~ Wts and p:ayroU.111.'t"onllnt: k) PwLi:r

In 1tl(- l;b1 'C"tn(\r« ol th.: ~n1.m. ,,uJC-lll\ wm panid~k in 1111 Acroununi; Scfl.'llffll:r. The M."fflJn.u

\lilll lni:ludcall ,np:'(1, of .io .icnglJOO. ~J For 1ofClftUlll..xl. conuw:t Jud> Potkcf •L 7t,9.


Chimera 2000 by James Bell

Beach: 'Spcci~I credit' given to s1udents of 1972 by Stewon for $3ving wa1erfron1

Continued from Page 4

Smos )CltltnJ on c•mpu. trom r1rcpl.acC'1 •nd

•mc>1nclbiikt. rillkln& problem,• pn)JC\.ird n:mpn

•r,ac<' Wlnn1,.-t ,,-a 1he hi;chhond or cociJo O\\DCl'l

lMU Ult \Chool ground, 14 \\'illk thev (kiss :tnd plia)

IA-1lb fflclt ill n"( ttlll ¢Uftl;('ffl\ 10 lbt aetJ\'t~O,. '"I( There ""'' lfl)·bodi• Ill 1h11 ,own in (11V'C)r of condo,..'" RttJ ,,uJ. "'I l'IC\'(1- llld tbrm faktn1 tb, .UOO ,i,n,m,1ru. 1hc many lt"fkfl of M1rpnn alld llil q~ion, kl chc- ~b IS, 1971. CU) Cu11ndl mce11ng. $1c.w.1.n 111pet~c fo, lhc t.(lfflnuucc Q,ki'-'1 'he rouncil nae 1c, tc.roDC 1hr beili:b intothech)'limJ1,._ Upon ruhwuun or 1hc inlcn,c 1n1Nc,1 nod contto,·cn> In 1he: bc1teh. P111:J.. R,,-er had ul,l\k an ~Ila lt1 \tll dw PfOl'C'R)' IO 1hr 1."C'lllcf(: C!lltlct thiu \lmc\Uly. h v. ., i fout )"C'ilf fll'IA"a~ (I) ntJOCl•t< NW but lht propcny. bot fiITTSII)' NI(' llC'qUJtt411M' bclc:b The L4nd and Waler Coo1i,crva11on Funll. 1hc NIC 01,1m:1, t<oou:na1 Counl)· W11,1c.,..,...iy\ Fund and IJ t.n 'A4a"II,)"\ FunJ dd~ In IO putd1.1,c



Ill< 3.600 r«tof"'•""'°'" r«S160.000in 1976 II wa, a 1rc.a1 t,11r,1un, ·· :;(c,un .aid. "'ldOO c,( bk<~ U.S. plt(ha~mJ Al.a'ob (tom Ru<i,ia." Os,cc 1hc bc.ach v.o, )D\>Q.'1 (tom pa,·.uc, JOlil:'p\inc Webb. ,11wt1n1 ICJ Scfllllrr. ,,.-10k a panl 10 dc,·clop the be.kb 1tt(c.11 ionall) wi1b 11ble1.

b,1rbt,uc: p 1h ;11ul &tili1i Toe.lit 11'tc ,round, aod ma1111c11an<'c dcpnr1nm11 m1it1111ln 1hc bcactl ror

~bhcc:nk,)nk:l')t "Moo.t c'<t)fflina tti..t h;u .vi) great 'lK'ttt) utb

t~ dfM o( 1hr -·~r com.i11um1)'.- S1c11,,an u.kl

lk ..-ul11u11.1Uun far tht conwha« amc I.S )can later on Jul) 13. 1987. aflcr 1bc Kooccnai Coun,y

r.a,k Force or HumM RclalllOM wuc!lkd the bcad1

ti..~c .an offlcl.11 l.letll,ciutun

Gc)vcm,c,r Ccc.1 1 Andru> J01oiNI thcn~Pr-c~. Bob

Ucnneu IU'ld Coeur d"Akac Tn~ fff11idtt11 Raebel

Ha.lopl"-11 \lohl1 ,ichcr ,; 111Jn from 1ht ,uue. colk,&c.

\'it) JDd Ui*"c to Jcdi..:4tc Y~K«tm-Um Buch

\'ap -Kttohn -u,n '4a.lKI, (~ 'ibc pthtriflJ pl~"

""-\ 1hc brach J\19'.1 tieen a hm1t11c: pt.hcrina 1,pot In the

,qwi.1\1 and fall fut lbe d'Aknc. Ptnd Otclllc.

f..1:iaht.,J uJ t<.!hpcll lndl.Ul'!t ttC'd11 hooor go 10 the uudtnt.\ or

1972," Stewllft )JJ.iJ "'I told them .it lh<' 1Jmc 1ba1

the)· \\<re 1n,1n, bC'h1nd I rrtfficDdou, ((Jll1111buuun WhcrtH:f lboe)' 11n: tod4y. 1'1n liUl"C llw lhcy •l'C' \'Cl) pr~luflJur

Attention: ::.,"?!k

Outdoor Enthusiasts

-O)mit~ tl U[l' !P1m:rM.1fift~ fi~

(Q) IP)~ID )1 <!I ell tr 1fi (0 \ID ml <dH U

Exciting Services Available: Groop•nd Family R•fungAdve nturt$ 1hrooghout

1Wa.<h,ngton, l<ttho, ond \ion= Tnl>$ may be ta1lon:d 10 your specific groop. Bnckpackrng. Cono<rng, Kaywng ,

and Roel Climbing an: a fow of rhe orher ou1door oc:tiviues offered. us knew. bow »:c can help \'OU ,

IInexpensive Renta l Equipment: Tents, Sleeping Bags. Sto,es, Cookn, Rofts, Conoc:.,, •nd K;iyab a,e a few or 1he Item, we have 1V111lablc for "'111.

Sunspot Beach:

NIC Be:t<h will be a happcnrng ploa: thtS wmmet, Come down 10 catch some vollc)'l>all, swhng, kay1ll<lng. and g,e•t food provided by our ouu1nndmg Food Service, I OcparuncnL Come reliu on , Je,,s crowded bench.

'B,,., dtd <1"*'1 Q.<D ""'p,«{i{a,. 6674858

EASJ'ERN Inspiration Cre1Jtlvlty W~llJl\o(.IO!\ UNIVE.ltSt rY



bttffll Wnlilngton U1d'1tt11ty.

Ktrt ,iic JOlllt t.WU IJIJIMIU\ nuktnt•lllll'k illltw'lfllrldot rit(lrofllc~ia1i11dh!m

Sttve GUnes , t998 ,,_ .,._ ...,.., s ,s.r, N,yl,t, -

'"'""''d fTOllt thtN.ltlO!ltl

Outdoor Pursuits 769 -7809

l,0wel'L<l>tl or the New S lud <nt Union Building


Tests ore hard. Bagels shouldn't be.

C<,//•9• " hoed ·-s" .• get .,,,,

Bagelby's Bagels

Baked oil day


Thursday, May 6, 1999 Co n t in ued The NIC Sentinel Page 11
wttaNc • iJJ.J ,tioolJn'l d1ffkuh kt
llllc ~rnnJ .inJ CPM Ytclllhcl h.tto ,k)wt.J
~,11,(11\ JO\UI fol 1urlC)'!\ lbk )(M ''II', bttn 1l11T):b ~llinat tilt IMl'\. for our ~'11111rvllcd
rind Tht
.. . . ..... •. .. . ...•
A,,thPOI~ A, "/OI""'_ "' Altlfr1CMI ftt;flAII W.~IH ~1.. Uir, ~nll,tklff\t..Sit-1 [lf1t~Vf\llng Cri111...i.Jwc,r,:OC!f111Q 1Nl~H,td1,&hl.J'II ;\lilo .J9W! n.1 'il!o(ol'Jd u,......, '-1•'911'1 -NIUU'} ,,.. l11tt'nt•t>11.1IAl1i1, :ntlt~\Cls,t yk ;....,.. Jo"'1lollhm Mi..,~• IModtlt1U1m,1afC"la.tllt11'""'1 tr-.c~. W-t?UI '5;,., u,1 -~· M1111clOlf•11Cllt.,,,_ Soc : ~n (dr,VhCI., Soc..llW;.i, ,._.,"! w ~ud#li Talent
SWdrr\t ftt;ln-~lorfil#I Vid,,o M!Mw~iJ Den.ise Btnnett •'"°' 'iS q,-.ut;t. MIO •,U i t111'M.1~ 11->r St~l fntJ~" witii: ....,,ltp,ff llMd Dlllele Ducharme,, 1991 q,~t• whotit MV\'1 -rldto. l11tr, $aA;!l!ICll11tlil'li!1~by1fll ~myoilc:~Ai,u ... -., us help you de..lop you, lll!nU for attcts 11'1 ow Aru' (r" t H~ :· r Dr; ~f I ~(tro<": l'td J f 1.,-, Jf'1 ·~t)! Tt J \ f,1tr1n \',.H~ -.., '...-" t,\l lj 150<;) lS'i 2,i,6 paid for your BOOKS Bring them to NIC Bookstore
Days: Monday thru Friday Monday·Thursday 8 am-5 pm Friday 8 am-12 noon May 10-14 ,~j1,_ juice E':P Smoothie Bar Full ofFl"""' F'11lloJN11/rll1t.tr1 HN/thy AJt,.n,tfvt '""'"'°"",----- -;--- --, I I I J ,t,$,,-,i...... I I 25 % off I : for NIC students : I & faculty I I with college I.D. I I .~ -~·.~::;I L----------.J
& C f l I A I f I Y
r-:u-----------, ~ : : Free 'Drink I I I I r,.,c.u,,, ,_,.•.,..,,. ,. I I --r~.,,._--. 1.-11,,-"1'111 L------ =::=--~=:J 223 W Appleway 77-Bagel 121 W. Prairie Ave.

A bite of the Big Apple


Mmta.flllf tditiw

t from m) h!)(tl ?DI Elt:ancc• ., tripk,,,X n&ahlisli1Uimt. ll.Od •11ial at !he COM"°'

l,r '<kh 11nd Bmod.,.,·iy. I"" p.1Jicd b) rcopk

ru1J Oro..i.l11o·11yvl-1>, t.f •ht".h A&h E.J111.lf Am\ WriptM alttndof fhc. t~ \1N.-,ul,ln" ""•' bm1d1takln1. J eoolJ '« lhc i.lltuo 1>p1flmt .Ju,111111ht pninrmancc I,..,., !iO

r~ht0nahly daJ In t,t.,,l A nun in., tttoch .:um

h:-,-:ireJ 1~ c.auuonlnlf rcJ U11h1 * tJ1ppcd

bd•ttn lwn ~Mtslnv .,:llba. lbc: hl*"l,, dood

ru,h(,d to ,tie cJ,r uf lhC' (\l;Jt, 4nJ ~mod v.11hC1fll'

Iooe 11hcod of 1hc nc u ~Nlill'I-

1he mrnnl ,icct1 C' 111,11-1111 di<' tiu\ttc 11(

Ilic cliul .;k>l.,J Cnn..'IC'd I m,wcd 11, 11h

Bt0Jd1A·11y -piuM 111"'111('14 d,,i. ~cnJof~ 1hc.a1or

1~""· \l(kv.1IL a,11\1\, &he .ttnrn.1 oi m11111~nia 1111d the: throNtinJ m.1:, ,,rp.-,op1c W,: v.cre t.dr.1nw wr b,t ul 1bc Rig Applt

TI.c S.:n1md U•U Uil\cltd to~'~ YorL. Nc"A· YucL. M.,reh I& 1i t01.:i joumah~n ~l(ttnl..T A.Jthuvgh nol ~lf de !lt.lJl'cn JIIIJ 11\IUblCI lll.trt1J1nt die Y:\.\l1111-., p.vih bti:ou-< i)f tht i;1t)"t. "'~• \1111.w,lc,I•'(' v.,11;;41~ftum1h1\i>1,!l!lll, Ofcour~ ,ulffmtm"'"' C'\(le'nt11o.C'J '"" to.J,uonal

to lbe '>IAtc- 011'1Cf r.111 ffll'lnbel'I wtm hi ''\41,,. \;ll,un.•' ~hlch al"D 1{11 oi,~ rcvkv.\.. n 1•.inck.·1

fnim 11 4 n1. 10 ~rm Thr flOl.:c- ,"'11rmtd tht ,utttl 111.e,um~ llnlt.. bu1ld11\11 bfo,.J,ad..·\ f(l ,-iop uaffo: wh,ch tn ~rv. )'11f\ C11y "'"' prtt.) 1bll1..::uh M)·{w.1Mcr Wllb tht 11\lPO· l,.n.l. u,._rn tt) 1br:1rtb.vmlng ~.:it.fib ftom 1JK' Bron, 111 J.1,nr hbn..110 \1ii11hamut OllC ,...,." r1:,s.1~ 11, 1,1l~

,1nntha ,1.a,lltr a111I I ('" 1 )'C't....lfa.l four 1111tw u1)'°' 1n bi1 polk:'1' w. l'\<cilleu lo 11~·. v,,e

Je(h111"d tu, irillttc.\1.1!1 alt\·r .aldll".lah he Jid 111 011 Ill~ Lip rut I pkhltt. \\'bct1 t,.pc kln; lo Ullt(;Dp. ht jul.n1,il) olft:rtJ ht up 4 h,1mc:Je\,. fir"""'

1,i,11u1n,p~,"1C" fJnlf"l'lnc tlit"wb ,, '1,1~i:1t1nthe lJ,tl C."C

1'fl.·1rrns th(' tr>ln•h aa~"t c1,1r1&n1:c: m • •«Id hchw ,1~ c11)' or ,n1n 1tc,1~ n..c 111k v.·u Lilkc.Pb, ,,)l,mm~ti:n..crison.i,..._Munt,1,. pogl&r~ \lftt( lllf'lllrk a11J the A\'t"l.ltgC JrW, Tht Mt:1n•ruti1.111 An Mu,nun k111umJ Picnwi',\.'t'fllm..:,,.,·od.11DdS1 h.ilXhOI A'>-l\l \ol)ti.11t,nulC.tthobc art. M.11tlCl,l\'C'flllJ ,hc- UI) Will Q; chalk11tie- 111 tht tq:111nin}I 11• hoen ,-,w oot: b nu lu11sct 111iuri.\.l '4hcll (WIC i;JJ1 JWC' d1n.lcl1flCh l<1 \il111t(t1~ th• I mutt h11"~ h111d1cd ln,m m) tnsari\t 'lhtll. b«:IIWC J J:1\C • I~ Jtr«lt(:11'1'Tbc: rube 111 thr en)· i1-d me ti) J>"rpn...:1. I b'lo:'l 1n -.;11\r flilfl tn th,· i.:11\ ltt\ll".,cl of ti L.i 1tt1I ,.ti~<r.ll•br•b(Htoi.iJ 11hc~ftflht ~ttt'I, 1tt·l1h ti '>t.tln. dl,..,..nci\t • rcaJy h> t.11:l"

In m)' 111t-.t ,J.:,,ur1;i.11QQ l"I) 1ht ernJ 11t 1bt cnp E,r.l)~"'"' in~- )'\)el. on1.'C' you Cei 1hnt1 1t1 !«their 9U1111ldo o. art'." IIK<" hkct\t'.00be! chC', ~id a ~m:ndtr as 1h<- \u«r (.Jll C,.11k nn Un.,;uJ .sy.

Photos by And y Tevis

Ctockwlse from top: • nortrtern view or

lhe Empfre 'Ulu,"" an acl0-11:zz band playing 01 a mld•lown club near Soho callod the WetJands.

In Now Yori< many peopJe make a IMng pirlorm1ng on the 11retts. Thia group of r:ri;::·

about 40 people.



Roman and Tatum


on :1 ; :;~~:::=~ ~%,• lap. newrywOds- who cheat on lhelrapou..,. Viow from Lowor

~:~:~1an of lhe S rookfyn

The Statue of Liberty


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