The North Idaho College Sentinel Vol 52 No 4, November 19, 1998

Page 1


\Vi1hhmt•p/11g11i11J1 //te C'(/1/lfJII\, Cll/ll/llllllil,1'

mu/ c11111111J. N/C'.I H11111c111

J:q1111/it\' C/11h /eel a diver.,ity ra//.1· i11 tilt tllll'lllf'l /11 /11!/p 1111ify

Nt1r1h ltlulw. NIC re.1p1111ded ll'ith a ft1c11/11· 11u•e1i118 mu/ a sparsely pop11lat<'d Sd111/er ,\11tli1nri11111, le111•i11g 111,, 1111mu11·erl.'d q11t•stir111: "\V/1(1 mllycare.,?"

Rally attacks prejudice, hatred

b) Jianllr C"ruut. 5;ntilfrlllq""'"

hrn u.-rr ~l,J lll\11uJJomi-1\ "'·..-h td,n lhc k\.,:•1J annu;a,I llmtu.n Oi,n,11} Ro1II~ tc11,._ rt.iu- I he- r•II> w.·11, o1Ju!m,.ttJ 1n 1hr Spuk.euii.i~R<"\.:v. anJC«ti,d'Altrw: l'rt\.-t .\l'lo«,t -1, rcurk ~tcnJ..·J ·Ra.:~m. Jw,rnnpbobia M•I C'\fU.ahl) *l""t'. ftl.JI p>l,i:. to cu•< tht'lm<'h<'>, ,.,J U I JnhflH'ln vu:~ pttddcn1 c,I tic ,1( llullUlft I '.qtulil~ l1uh. John~n w..;n ,•tk: (If fi"r' p..11C'lhh JII lhc rail), pttvntcJ h) lhc lh•m.m Equal11y Cl11h. Tiu,1WA~ '"\ 12..m"K"hukt \u,.j,1,,num l,'\)rflC ~· ltk."1£' 1!11nt, ail 1hii= 11~: ~w \11w11i: 1~111. Cultural lliM1,,1, (\J\1"1lf, "'Arid toc'.C .di lhe '4fflt' r"C"rlc, \\ ltat horrcncd In the- nOta 90 J't'n:c,u FJIICllh•NI 11-i..j1 li.t A 111 °'11k':111 aha riottJ tbt' l,wi 1111,1\Jrn« RALLY ClOfllifHJad on Pa9P 11

ffJJnh-llit•ltiffl L.,ulln (.}jijb\,, I nht \hn1ms.,,i,... s..

\l11f1fl• h110, i"1i: ri.a/l)nrutt, A,JJ~,-.n Jc...h lhwhnrt• //!IMIJffl~lh ,.,,...,,., \lldl.ert tlu.rL,-. SICl'tr,.drtU

Racist letter threatens MC employee Burke takes first stand against hate

b> M11ntd MulUf'i ~·,111,.,•IJ<,,po11,r

Aft Ml' c.rnpl<•)·cc ,ttc,, l"d • h111c

1r..1 ~Utt.11n111i: ra:bt q,11~ ubt&.cne l.llnf:\1.1~ :aJ • dc..lh lh~.d- .11....:11ntl.n.g t1.1 it m('nm ftulll P,cudC"nf \11~·hJ1tl 8Yrlc Cnllqt ~1f~1,1I\ 1111111 n,,, rclt-N the 11.Ulkliflhc'C'1T1rfU)ff: IWllll(~ofd1,r lirncr. "l\ohOBillll)', t ftr1J thh lt"ll.U [;I tlC' ho1h cow,1tJI~ and 1111trl) tC'pttilt'O\ll'>k. 8111lc 1.1W m tb,., nicmo 11JJtrucJ '"' l.uuh\ unJ ,t.llf ;\, Si•llh hWto ('uUc_r< ·rm,,k11t I 11,u, lncenJ 111 c..untmu~ thh it1•hltJ11on', lnni;,,,1..1nd1n1 •.if'Pltt for- a "°'li,11; 11t,J Jc;,11mni Cf\\. irom1,t"l'II llu11 ,, tr~<t ul ta1.1,1n h11ltc!d .111d m11lh~tcnt1 hJ,m1Ull;lil

on Hunun Kd,ittc1n, "'"" 1 ,._uh10.:t tn ,1 1hmi1 IC'i&cf "tt'IL.iU 1.1uJ b.itl' l1IC'l'ifllu,: Ii.a\ lliren fC\:Cl\"td til.'ll'ft: 'IIJfflC Mft' il;ru.'d lllf'.ld "''11'C°W('f\!ISOOll\1UIJU\. lihf.wr) lrc1Jl;.u,,'1111,1,1pcn lw:,t Oc:bN \'1sd,..;.J~aa.l ,1n1C1i 11.-m~ul ,\r)11n N.JtWO\ h 1\C' Jntrihuti:,I ,\t)·.in ~lill'llt~l!l'4ffl1Jthcc.:.t,nipi, 1nrh.11.hns thi:' l1hr.11~ I.ETTI!R conoooOd on Pogo 11

Trustees sworn in

h) rar,r1 ltttkrr ,., I,. I/I i"fcJ,1,-nl M,dud HMrh \,l.,M the 1--ay to ftl Pl"' t>•t'*>· iu.lml, f'tC',uJ'" u.,I r.:hm b '"\hrnugl) mlf!ll\~llino.l ~I l,\Wl\polUICWIJIC dl\C,'.OUN • \ l..e)l'°'C' ~r'(' lct f1,c 1ht .t,C\Cc!IIJ M1nl.lll,l thuitan Owtwty Rutly ,0\, I?. Pr~'l \1kh.xl 8111k<' .silrc-,'-CJ l11111u11, rict,u. II wa1 1hc ru,r 1111"" tlutk hon r,tabli..J, f')l...""1111'1 th(! b~ut" .i,•~-c UJ,e ~in1.unj ~·' hi\ rrC'\l,lc-1'11.:) ..Oen: cml) ht ('f)Cl' 1bc n("''r,1pn 1•1 tuf'C 1nlo the ncnaai 11,.,, to ~lk:llU:Cller tho.'.' i.tiJ. 10111 1i1.ny ut' iimuo111 nfhb \·lc;l.it111r'1,.00 tlw\.C \lliJ, clfo1g: 1nc:1Jc:n1\ 111 Uoui1a. \:oohtrn ln.:liaod R""'ollld.a lr,.;nat,J \\)t>mlnJ 1hc! \l.itt l.\h(-rt :i J,O c:ulkJr ,hkknl \1,.11~ S1q,.ud •.1110r1u,n1 lod mmdc:n:d. Ruil.e ~11J 1hc nill) ••u ~" ,~f 'IC."• co:i.m1tnwn1 h.1 Jti(c>nJu,, h\lnl.ln u~hll. Hr ql.lnlrJ \\ 1Jli.rn lh1clc1 'YC'MI\. p:JICl'II 1l'C \<'~"1,d Cbrltt1,r.'"

\(rtt'Wtou,tnnf,.,,,.fllflt<o'inth, .,.,.,/,I I hr H,>t,J-•l1JfJlr>nl tiJf O Z.,u,nl. 1utJ 11-tri ..,'-6,,r rhr~nri,..,.,o 1,f 1mr.:- """~ iJ d,..,.,,, ,11•,f Jh, l:>r11W.l1JlfMU tl( 01.hilrJlu owrtl ~t'f'j11f/ "' /ltJUltlflJU' ltJ/r'Tllf'I

1WldlY. NIV. 18, 1888
9 N!Cwomen b-ballers prep for upcoming season Sports/Page 7 Calling all packrats! Campus-wide show and tell Life/Page 4 10 w • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • sentinel N O R ' T H IDAHO
Jazz band teams up with Gershwin for
rousing show A&E/Page
~ . I ~.z .ll: -:· . . .. . • i 1 I R J/t4.
,oc.Dr,. h Human Eqvatuy Club AdvlMr Tony Stowart gl'vn an omotfonal ~peach ln memory of alaln Wyoming sludont Man.htlw Sh•ppimt
0'1 j"fUffli.'C! C'&.b ,,( JUI.I ltwil f \\Ill l,k1 eH·r,1h111 1n 111) po"-,."1 '" fo•IC"f ianJ IJl.1& •m:h aft cnurrtnrtJt nl k•r •II ~h11kn11 and 111 cmrl11~ttii 8utlc ,atd The kncr "''" Jth\'t'ft'J lhOlllfilh lhc li S I\M,1AI St'n1tt 10 a SIC !iitrc,,. ,.;~1111Ju\r n.1 de moni, In 1hc p1,•L rc-•!Ju,:.,al feil.:n« u1,11uct111' Ton) ~(C'\Ufl •bu ~Ct\C', »• .u ,pc1lc• 1ur 1hr K(l(\1rna1 C",~1111y J.a.,l Mm:('
l d tati..:n Ir )1\QI l.llC'tL l!flJ Jt'lbR PDff). ,,-un 11ttnh at,,1111 ;n p:ritlll lol ,..ct~"" 111 ~c II l\\u• ~-t~e'::J the t'k'1h.1n, •,wrl~ out •II uxti1 tu, tion llftl.l he i, I J'lft-,1',l'J l\11h f\"\ull, He uld hr i, lotokli,f fc1t\li.1t1l .,.,uridrif I WNd, Mx• mantlln pos1t1on1 by Munid Kha!Ut, T .V11r,11IJlrJ"'nrr \\Cl 1nc.'tl111trn1, uJ 1~.-. ~'lltffll(rl 11-.:tC' dc•1,.l~ I•• the bo.ud \,I' 1tu,1c:t·• 011 N:1n -' ,1n\i ~wc>rfl In W<Jnr,-.1.a) h11 1'1l~1tic,n A, 1f1 ,umbe111 .\hr1l11 \\,1nJ dclc11c,l challcfl,(O ~11-:hatl Oudrc. Std l-lc1.lrfrl:w:1n :uuJ ll4'1'1J P.lquan WooJ. 1,,,l'k) tt'C1;hcJ 111(11'( p pc-r(C1U nr •Ile \OIC't. Y..\11 ,trH a foUf·)C'IU tCIIU. Sh" Hid 1,bc- lc:h ,call) O\tNhtlencJ ~)· Chi' i:ium~,. ol 1hc "*"' •1 )1.1,1 f'tt"U llleJ thal I .im nc,c ...,,I.kl} ~"''" n flld ,,de m cd"'~1wm hrl,L \\t'IIIJ 1o:tM 'I'll do C'\1·ry1h111ir kt Je,.a\'e! tbrt.Uf'PJf\ Sht' ~J sJx ""\('I') ,:r.atdul to \OIC't1 ,10,l 11 11mP1,1nw11 for hetloCOCMUIIIC ti) '!'nri. ltlfC<llkgc. h•1 P,,,.1,0,n 6. 1nt:u rntocn1 Pill Nixbfl MpJlCd Rtrh.:mJ h.uJ1.11inn,: "'\ ,,.l1")~ &am. e ~, 11Jlrl\lullll}'i.l\lnllun,,ontk$ J t-lM1J. S1,1111 \Jld R,•11)' Wtlhann. NIC'", hmtiimc Pttilch( J1u,•1,(ot .1nJ a N\L"1t»II L'Wl'h .,,", ck~t.:J 11.1 J\J4iUllll C, ~m, Robi:n t lhml \\ 1lha,1u wa., t'lt'\:1t'J 10 • •m ·\('i&I' t('m1. llt 1,.11tl be 11 c_ _.:...;_ t'\4.'lk:J uu,I n k1o\Llnjt tonvilfd M "°''°" the frll~t': Wt1U.1m1 11,itd h<"' n f•miliiJt 'A·i1h 11H lhc pcopk ,,rt 1btbcwJ 1111J i.t •di ruuk ticMnl "'"'' o,.IC'I 1 1hl1ughc tl'lc ulhcr co1nJ 1d.:11n \\er, an 01111t.1ndu11t pn,pk ·• wmw1 Wlt fti lhc w« r,~r 1'\ \lllCIII t>, tt¢d 0.1.ermc)·« lt-i.l 1t11.·umbcm R1~hi11d Kutik, tt) lt, "'"°''mte)(f,. 111 l<r'\C' a ">.·)C'-21' term on po, 11inn IJ. Hr 'iltd he ~111.""' nNJ,.I ol 1ht' bo.u'J nxmbm .ri\l "'-ockll1r hx 1hr lxwd .., ,ut'IC' ,er,, f'O"lll\"t Ml.,.·l"lci1Ct for h im TRUSTEES conl,ioed on Page 11

Show Tel l

Fromcard cravings to bottle IUst I\IC students are turning Into crazed collectors

Baldness brings unexpected insight


l~Cha" awu,erttlt haJ 11. CtlUCh higgc, cJftt:1anj h(e 11'i11n l

t' \ ((ft~liud. When Thci11er Ocpanmien1 Dirtttor T1111 Rancl .a.,koJ me tf 1wQuld be w1ll 111; lCl ~ha,e C\el) lr.l(t' or n,y hnh fmm 1hc 1,cd up fut II p l.iy, m)' a1t,wc, ""me qukk.cJ 1bun c,,c:n I hlld c1pc..-t.ed Suft;· I !)(lid A'>l.w ll)' 1mw, NC':k 8y1 hkc w rnani 11he:r rm,m~,u~ \0 Mi.t.n)

11\c,. I hnd nn ide.'I whn.t I wa~ gc111ng into

11·~ um.ii.In, how vli:kl)' 0 11111*) ~rad pccccp1lon~ C'lltl chnngt o"crmgh1 wJ1h litll~ chanrc

uf appel&lllnc.:c From ,l/'l\nsc1l11f,c:e-, 10 l\'()lckd

J11u'(Ci1. rrum ..:unrhc;:ad J<'kn tu d.lnlkad ,ul.c.,.

~uddcn1y I wacn'1 ju~, n guy.

J-.,<I\ h.tlJg:uy

I kno'o\ II', h:atd lo bcl 1c,·c 11\111 m Nonh,

1hc t,iw or open mind ~11nd rr« 1,,(Wn1,.1ha1 un)Ont'

woo Id ,wen IJ1kc oolr of ..omcthlnt "° .upc,nc:,1tl as

appcaran«. kt ,done P3.,!I '.o(ICllC: t.ind ,-.t judgmcm

1>:1;.ciJ on 11, h11 1 I au1my flN ,,.ue tit wtui1 w;a, 10

c;omc,, 11bou11htC"C.1oeco™h ,lftc r Lhc tlippco. hiJ m)


-Now. l lw.v-c no 1W.1 v.h1&.l lh1, 1uy w11.m,. lhe

b:lrbr-r lieJ to 1hc 1,wman ,1u in, utro\" hom 1uc

S~ bad cntl'trJ nbuul rh"C m1nu1e.-. 1fla- I told him 111h)' I WI\ 1Mrc•

Don't IC'll ltK'," ht ~kJ T m rt:;1lly pkl 111 lhl \."

All1ipt. f~l)Cdllloni, "'TU.cyourbcM..._N

·1'hc: cli pper. butud 10 Ure Hh h.lnd ,oc.,ocJ

acnM..'o l'n)' The wllfn.ln ·~j•v.· boo:l'k.1:J off 1hc

nu.,,, And 1he ,oop hunt inh1 l.uupte.1

I 1!1:t,elll UUJ1t,, hc-t1'I t;Olki:.IU\I lll)i.:~ be d lflJ IIIIC'flJlng rreadiool ,1 •~ bu ~L,in Of.It m 1br

b .,..,.. be,-, lJ,u} to I~ fo1 '"tock

1. t1: Tl>c 111oo 11d.1, ahe fwaJ Lhul J")

wtU: II hrjHlnlft ol brr met t.fllltc,ll()ff, (J ido n-.:h. G tff(lu i:olkch (t.:allCN

f'C'*"II 11111)11:1 r.J bl'lnc, I m t'9ltra,wf) \~·.-1lmitt11•1.* ,he ,d 4

ti: k lh I I) '11,II) f ,olkd. I OC\ct \\'lt.ftl lll

1tl""" O)thlhlll\\.:I)' •

L 11.: W1• ti:-nr-tal '4\ldk-:1.. PQM l,._ t\ • , lltt u, uf ,Mo1111r t-. •Ult~

ff.err pop. IOI) l)pt of <tfd botl lc.- he 'AIJ.

IJ1 Cl II,"" 111,11 b..iJ ftO'-'ft f1um Olk 'llicifd

f"{•r bi ulr he h11111J li\'C )UI' U)lU I(> 111)(.1,11

4(.1 toJ 111, t1C"11H~,., hciuk h IU )c.1.-..- otd

r,J II ulJ 11, fu•m 1hc · 'Ch 11w

of t 1'tl)n;1111u u .abl-<it'Cltcnm111 ?.Upboltlc, UI I t1Uha,1l~~•rufl :ihbouphl~l\~lll pt)'

\\ ~,,: ·1 ht, twwul<', tran, u1rin11, pl.we, uttltd,111,1111•11r'C"h-.ic .1n,lfnc~,. 11c nah "'Med 1, ""1dc~1nhi,~oll« 11"n

1h I t.imc r,11111 Twin La._c-, \\ful a1111que hottll", ,ut Wo,tllh.' \tll l.)'

«1llo:o.11tin, he"'""' mk('c1,,olb.1in1


\\ hUC'\CI 111 Ill"~ Ill~ I\ t(IIIIIJ In he 1-CCOOd

hlfllW P,Jf'bt•lllt\ ""h~,.lld

, h;r.11 11 l..ain,:~U('t. p,)i:-hok,J). N11p1C1.

flll. ,nLtu,1Ja1rJ1,l)ctAcd1unL HebeJO.n

f11 ""llt\:h1•1111, ,~ )t'\C"l)llt 11..Je owben M

k.,, I ,,lun,I 111111 ni'lfit.'.4'd th,1 (l( 111! 1~

thm ~u,,: "011«1",.t d1C"tc- "'._, ~L or

\llt..- h,r,um

""'· a, 11,.rcolbl.•.1,11y." l...11ti~u.uer

.u1cl I I I, u IIN Ii •1• fhctl:' "err• (c'A

,dl11"' nd ij lol c,I IC\l !Ind \\JI)(',.

Tht lk ht,, tJ.,tcJ • omm!und 1he n•,ull

l',l"t II pl~IM.'. ~tt-11 c.ud bo, rdkd whb s•m '"I ,toppc'd ~otlccung titt.aui.t 1he ~l

\',1luc \1.-'!.ll twcr. "''~l'I peop1t Wtfcti't

'Utflt1'4"1.1 All) IYIC'rf theft \lr~'J llt1 f'Cll nr •

l.A11gb.u« ,-aid.

Stcpbufo Stolt.1, tltn1cnt11t} tdw.:111uc1,

l>allC1n Gwtn,, collt\;u 1t1udd INm '-"-''t bouncy Nib ud poi.can.ts.

M1htu(bcr70bouni:) ~lh, h.a"t~11mt" from n1.11.:tune1 In il()rC'\ \lihilt 111he" h:a~c httn 1ir1-. l'h~ bou!IC)' bill NU(lU1111, whkh ~he.- s1M1Ni •bou1 o•m )(';,r, •go. \\a~ r,uttlr n ""C"Jdrnu,I "'t tc.al11cd 11\ud I IOI~ I \IJttetJ hu) ill):

1T1orc.~ wi1d S1oko. -.ho fi111rt'.t ,ti..- h.l, ,p:111 •boot S20 in I.he bouncy b 111 machil'I('\ Her calk~ltQn ij( pc)lil "•rtb "'•' -Kh.iilll) \Cantd by her grc:ir·•nu'!Sn'C>tbn. \\>bo pl.\,td

Mr o\lon e1Jlkc1k,n doww11u St,•lc, Sh(' ll,b added 10 her a:nndmt'lhtr'• coll«tnlfl Iron,

tbt 'Sfh 1111d '60, wuh her 01,11,n CimJ.1- (111411 ;1!1

11\oCf the 'lw\'lt1d <.he IHJ'ifl hi&:\ "100: than 'CIC>

c-.1rds. She ti.,, o..e i.'llnl from 6'}J'f and nth~,, (rom all tn-tt Europt. Stott'.-.' fov(Wltc: and mix, pn,<'d ('oll«tino

11 her tel or model lt1in caD. Sht t.11' 10 l,in a11d tn11ne, d 1~1 .ttt t11 .1t."1 replica., ..:u\ th..11

111·crc u_wd on •he Oreat Nonhc:rn R::ul1t.'1&)'.

_h,cb \\u1 1~ rl r·u ~11,..·ay to ~oruic nunh

1h1uu1b !'fonh Oalr.oCa, Minne~ Mflnlluu ,no lcJ:iho.

~..e moJel train~ In' nnt flnly "M:t fa\ot1f~

i.~k.:INffl.. but aho bet mQf.1~llP('itt.hc v..l1h

..-om ran,:mg rrom $5·S15 for II lxu. ()f

~~11,grrcar 1u-S bc:c\\«n S60·SIOO lor an cnJinc S 10'-:N ;cu btt lf!Olleh M gt(I', fr,,n1 l1ol'ih)

11,11d 1r11,m ~ore) ;md tnm con,·ct1uon ,ho\lo \ Th,rc .ate! hundrtd> of d iffcttnt rah. tu 1."dflcc1

11ml S1olc.., \.lif.l ,he p lan, 11, ~cl:'p c;~,u~un, fot('\"'(f Studrnl\ .1tt N IC orT~ttd nulfty <'llril1m.tUuth


10 Wh)' people colleCI

"Pwplc.~tllci.'1 "u<rbn-.111~ ll1cy h.t\C

\H11111,, "'""'"\mruilllw ,n, 11d to un ptJ/t 1,.111/n. • -rn, UoUtlf

1~ >fk<:1l'll/1i~,1u11l'r11111icti,N"f~1r tlUI ~••IM)ml~ fl, umh.",,: D.·Wlu IIJl!tn'l•lt <),JUl(')',(~llllf ~00CtlflC<'h 11nn1 1~n~ oi:band b(oer ti.,u1c, ,,·\ bl., v. l!,r11,,11111iir...,t11·rr 1t11:"I> h, 1lq II I ~!I lljl h,c11, 111 rrod11tl111ft nunir"'rr,h1 Mu) 11~ No. I fc,1,,1111111 rolk.1icsm a1;1y Ii(- ,11, ~l'oli.1)~ .:t.)e " r~U111 I hr~111J\C )nu 11C\C'l l1iov.. tA·hC'I ..,,u I J" Q..I fttCJ 11

" \ \flry?!;· ,he.a,:i.,p,eJ

l wld lier. AtlJ 1hc conw"'.atl't'ln 1h,l1 h1Uuv.cJ

\t,;t_, 111yp1~ul o ne Van041\ "j!rown-up." 1ht'C'\ti in their 1v.ottflb abo.111heJoe lidti 1oilny: ,Ji.1vi111 thdt bc..aJ, 5..:111111 l•lloos. ru:TI:'ing thclr genil.nlla.

1itllhb101 lhe1r j)JIIC'lll\. A, 1f•II tlf 1hci,,c- \\'CIC"

u.lOk.'lldW tclutcJ. S11JJN1IJ, I 11,,u,i,'1 a,'? I )eat--OkJ

)·oung mal\ 1n foraMiri:1,11, I v.,11,onc oCth,""hC

)f\Unt ,,,.(irot'l).

fwm lhictt. 1hc- rc.,pon'M;} \ .io<:J. huJ 1!1en: "'"''!

.;ii••)'~ .a n:~pr)ni.c. R:ukk 1old me 11>ci..pc:1:1 tt

~line m tn)' \.lli:1.11 fifc. I tul.J hin, 001 tn ""llff)

"fl"\. altnd) nM,C.\ISICl'll, I 1o.tlJ. Out ltdlc did I

""""'·When 111)' h;ur \lo'lL'-' wdl h11.R31nt around. Ill)

~f11.l llfc 1c.1lly C'(kh1~1ed of 11 fe'IA.' Uuk ,11111e

You knww, lhtKC IUOITK'.nU or ace dc: u:il C)C

C(ll'IUl!Cl m l bc h.111 or acto,l! room The unto,. follw•cd b)' ,1 quid,. (ricndl) •c-Ulqv.le.Jg('rncnt.

p<K 1hly 1 'AJ\C und :1lmM.111lway(. lb;11 HUJC'

,mUc HowC\cr

Since 1.bc tit1 i.h•nnt,: 1'Cc.m 10 tttc1\lc a ,hg1,11y diffcrcn1f<',pon~. ()'ct. 10 eke 5.n,uuJ. qukk ,<,.._ of 1be be.lid •ad ll ,w,n -.,rnu .l\l,,l)'

E\cn "Sct.:.uu 1,Utr M.1111hcw Utl,1nl couldn't re,1,1. Wl,c,n I ><orcd 1be cban"-c m 1t11crv1c1A. hlm m Spokane IA~ n1Ufl1h. J ••Ai 11111uduccJ 1b, "Bdl C'1ner1.1 ftwtl Nonlt, "'Ah."Ull~n.l ~J. ~soBlll'HhcNco--'luloflhc-


Nov.-. )tiu'tc rn»t,;1bl) thtn'-"ing I ri;s:,-c1 my ra.,h

J«1,ion. but, c~«pe ror1hc eom,nual d1 1l llne\\ raod •Qti&\alion of d;1il> 1,1mng. no1tllng «JGIJ t'Cl (unhcr (rom 11\t U'Ulh

I fol lo c,pencnoc ~thing lhnt m ui) tJon'c t llll 111 "CCJW.I llowmud, a ll of l ho,,,e.pN1ple who ICII )'OU lhc)' oon·1 notice 111ppearan~ llft l)'ltlJ!. I

.."""' II \loOUkl hit\'(' bec-n envy to tit.Jl('('I peopk U'I


C'ICO notice my b:ilf.luc,, It \ti!h, a ll u lc ut1 lhc

n.boonml ~Mle. 81.n H I ,o 1ypi.n1, 1hc p lil)' finhbcJ. my hair gr~rwin, l°'acl;, I can't hclti thin~ing I'm jtQinJ 10 ml'., 1111 blt-tich,11 able 10 '<t 1hrou1h pcoplc h v..a, rdre,.h1111 to~ Mith honci.1y, c,·en ifil 1A.1Uutun1cnlio1,11I 81// (,~Q"cpa u 1hr Shltl11tl'r-pn,Ju,·tiQn rd/J1>r. llu opimo,ual'l'lt,,01u1 Tt,~ffl(}#tdlnhh Ni/11m11 N"'l I Jwn (If RIJ:fkl9(lt.-<.tm('.f'(ltt

IC\,lk."ll1n, nl.c), - 1colk-,,,,.mtiquics. IIIC', 11n lllty'~tftltte\.lJtlf l.tlffil 111111.iJ 1111drrf\cx1c,m - \ lld,dl, \h1rt.-), IH n:sil1m·111hl\t"")" \'11nm - llmB~y, 19

''I Joc\'IIXlll«IMUII '"l«l&k-t1!,poru ba::iulrCco ~~\.1 1)' l.t\lC) lbc~~ '-0.ll '

IJIL'\\\lfld.O..p.1nu1t, JowldbclQW.irtl -Al Ntlhooie>. ~ lll\lltlw 'l"IC'~ Ct1tlfp.,,,,,,,tpp11ro1lu10

1h;11 ;1'Alllli;,s 11-:i bc.i ~·· c,,,.-,,.,,A.lrltt'

- \ lttor Bor'C'Ju u'd. l:J F.nt.llth Coner d'AI"''"

I I Pag<, • n,o NIC sei,1..,. 3:
C: -- A sneeze trave ls
c:, nul ot lhe mouth al •
i:5 <M•r I00 mph.
uid I ,nlla:1 ~oae '1bsd>oll "'"" lhk, '", 1111 bc:ll'llc,. Thc:~·)a colb:tinjt Ill)' (a,uriw whct1
hnk tc-JI)' ~uc•I ne-. C>lk' p1 E\'Cfl111'1C1'nct.\l "-llh•ht.Md filed 1hcm r ft'll 11 lltl\\·ht•.infttl 00 --Ot.., t1'11ff,20 1oc.· (',a,11m,mjn:Jl'l(ll'f_f K.rl/1,tJ( - Elttui,Nh Aultn, 20 - J- ll•m.. ,, C"01¥11""kat"1n1 ,\llirdllmtrh l'rtt\lH11rr Et(1t"1.A/r>111
la:.,,cino11iml!i with c1.111nm11n ~u:ryJa)
11nd •·c arc: .111 :i hulc oW,,ht',
l~Jvc." Woocb,
I Wltl
J~,,.. .~. ''"'" Pmhfw•t;~ Pou Fall, Thursday. Nov 19. 1998
Cit 1t·i 11 ,·cry true "1il cmt'l::II ll'>ll\Ultfflellt lhll f' \'t bc:.Atd UII Cfl:J Ofl more n lk' OC\'1l!!lon (U)U:llll)' t,y ffl)' Mklthtt t'\ery tlmie I get.I h111t cul). ll'~ll>IJUt'flW:t\l
cy,l""'"'w,b,ck." Bm

1 Ps ychologist gets l to heart of matter

Stress doubles each generation

bJ EribDo,wpn ( (lttt Ir(

1913 Fro nt Street

.-\u11rJ1hJ 10 Sce,·cJla. "IJ(' 1 h,111 JoabfeJ 1ot,1lhf'a1.h ,1.1,"1:~~,1~ f('ncr.ill n , ltlC' 1910.. S1ncn~ 1.;11J 75 rcn:tnl I I •II Jt'll.t« ,1,1h rt due' 1,1,1trn•h IJIC'J JI rJ<u 111\J I 1n11!1 •fl 11n1r,l11)«• •re ,111 fll ltof11 wuri c.11. h ~ii} b(,.._..,, c ul ,ttC'h.

Sucu l.c.:ri u~ h rn ll,·t11at uur i; ,re ulu fl;anul) luc.-.J • f.1111111111111 r,u1,

°'·.Nff Stev1m1 r<:••rtt 111 h,11 tu», S(C"I.UU ~NJ

Plycbol,JO"I Our bodies .i1c 1,Cu1,:11ed lnr h, 1 h rm lrco S1c,~·n,••11l

8nady ~raon, 11.exammoa lhe chatf'tldrometns ot belongings thal want up In n.meawlth hf.I "®.N Nov.~. TIMtca~a.e of 11\o lift ta Andera.on. Sen Holken, 21, o.nd WUllam PhUJlp1 were ~I In lhe houM whon 1M n,. b rat• ou1 but. the only t,uahty w•• sen·, dlJmat lan, MODrL ASNIC Mid 1n tun<f..ral..,.. tor Anderaon 1nd Htlkon, who •re NIC ludef'lla. Dona1,ona cart be dtopped off In the A.SN IC offictl, dOwtlstaJts Siebert

O u t for t he t hrill of the kill

Hunter s brave outdoors for chance to sco r e rack, family 'fellowship'

UIIXTllwk \t I\ Jill ntl'('I 1 °'the p,n r11( fodl'~irl lll'f'1!'>l.11W~•rl1111ufti1)\k1I Lllh,,fMll'ltl \l mon1

1d1~.Ji,r ''> ,I, I .11nil I 11o.11 aa,,,u,11111J loll\. •hwil 11\.as, v.ecan 1111A. at,c,&11

1t.lth \1.,m 100 IWII~. 8u1IJocl'tl11,t mu..:.hunl(' ,.,hlll'IHh.i• H'lf"'1ducl11 I ();.I OOlll'ft I ~\t •ti) l1u) , Id u, frtf, J'IYI tu k.i m hi-.. tu h11nt,• uilK.trric'l' )f 1rh)U\:o1llhcT"'P)~J(ll'IRlffllkar),ldaihn

AJllWCnll)' •t, 1hc ,..., ""<' 1bc·1 1h111 • ~ccptnJ ,11 die btj fillllt b!JJ..'JJi. "-"""*l~u(di.i(-.t,illoo~h,'"Pror.:t,wM..ic1ttA.1.C\loed,.C!ll1', liu Uu o,i,,,ilhhcJ"faillll'r 111(('blr"JI IJJ!k.1 I 11111lli.·r lr(J11wndu,)-l'¥.lh-.f't'',tff-nblj!"~ll'llt'f~tll 1hc l~'4

Ut.t>) .II ~lfluiJ

OQin'l lll 41) al'lilllf lhe \l.~o1rbc-r 1lk-1r k ,11H pitl'II) 1ff 1C.t\.n11 ru, IJI(' v,r.:11br.11t.t11.1I\L1•n 1nct('Mint 1~th11n1.:nh11hu111C'n110 ...: irc•ra.l f.,,, nt1.1 I ~CueutJ"Alrtn,lkatiU1D1t.nrJN1)\ I A

uinwrut.11111 l11,11U11t l!E:rn,c, I• 'S7 50uf • ~unh11Willie1 hwsungl1Ji.hl111 lh,Cf'.ti('i,jJI TI1t:flC'.,"g11l.llkll'l\mt.wJN.l)ln1•1.tJ(C'lr11ttrtai.n 11n11 \t~ L~ru ~lh,,u1Slb$OanJdL1.11pS21~ llk

rt'fULl(11X1tlo11 ll<.:1 rnt#ll)lllol f.;1\t"WCHC l\,\\.kd,1...,n1ht "~

A head start on higher ed

ltc's youngest student barely old enough to miive; attends Coeur d'Alene High School .,, .._rlh 'lllfn

• ill.-., r

\<.it, 1 IJ .1nJ .ibc.0) hri1nn1nr hh cc>ll ci< eduuu n, knn

1U 1.:uc~ 111 wbel'IC\'l'f U I•

Cllltrn tth.'C C111.: cl11'-" In lk)trnilll)' offc,~d durin" thC'da)· •bc'n II h1itis.,.1,,..._,\

C,-i II att1~b~bo11l1u•11 Ir.on o\upu I Hc-11ncnJ1

:"' -\knt 11,,:h Sd1e111o1I

WhrRhc 1111•, 7 )l"~n t1IJ hit ...,riq • n111,1, co1t1f"-''il10t1 i;ornr,:CitiQn hw cn«itJ'CM!ln£ • p,t'C!! "' m01iu lot r1.ino HC" ,,ri tu,, fll.k<"

1 u1111 all cktJk'fl\.af) whool\ 111 Sc1ull1('m (1h1,,,n1, tit tool~ <•~ p lai..,: 111 1bc conc."C'rh1

•tni~ldt11t1al~lt'l 1,t•1111rr rilh l0fl1J!Cllllor1 u,,ohcd pt.:,1n1 a: M'k1 ltl\l t\JUICM11"1dl It \)luphort)' C,.ancto1II Ll'lffiCI 1mm II niu,.c.1l r;1nul)· 1h,11 n,cJ to { 111,'1,rt 11'

dt.11t I 1h1~ 1v11purh1Jhtd1oul1tltdtfll• H~t11,l1hrctoclwr

\-lllJc:1111 h..\ fl'Cl'nll) \hlllcJ .1 h111o11 11"'..:C fnck b.ind fot 'A b 11: b b( pl.t),,th:M,s:1111,r I N! •tuuri..•, wt111pl1-.,.at1tt-

14:h111.•lat:h,ili(" lk-•1.k rl.a),,1, d1c111i.1nt111C11h, Cr.uu.1,11 alw "J numrd u, ~rt wmeJ mn\ ·"' I'll

C'Olnr--li m11,k·


t1.l10vl r 1.1nJ.1ll pl.1n, h iE••Cln (ollq('. r1>n1hl~ a11hc l.!mH!NI)

Pege 5 The NIC Senijnel
live Th ursday Nov 19 , 1998
C'rncldllll, CCJC:u• ,f AlchC', 1, 1hc r~1n1r,1 , 111Jrnl cnwll,11 .. ,,c f': 111.l.111 u 1d.1n1 • m 111~ ,om:pct'li11on comr11tc1 .;l.u" 1l1 llqf\lc.1 II' (.,ct,1IJ '.\,h,dw:i.. 11,ll11w,., ('J,1tiJ41l
md I, In lht Ji&Jt b.anJ a.nJ on::ht'\!t&. ~ta, lb: h.i fnr 1tc j.a.u NIJIJ an,l ,dkl fnf lbc c>t('hrHt.1 Ht ftl(,t_.. r-1n h111h ,,~~ ~Ill(" Uo an,t tt~h.,, Cr.11..LiJJ 11h11 rl•)'s 1hc flllh tu,t•r Pt11k)111:1J ,in ,,, 1r...:!1l p 11,10 1br 1u,t ~JIik! I _ ha\ t' b«11 J r10 1,i 111h,:, tlliJ t·ninJ..all hci;in ll\ m11,1.:al c.111cct JI •&c S Ryen Crandall You119 ;i NtC S!Udont pl IIM:ih•I p1,1nc,.
Aknc t1,( )'c,11 aii, 1m1t1 kn,r• 1di.• C~hr ) h e 11ldo1 v i ,111 tulJrtn t'r11t11I It h;a.• foltu"N 111 ho ~r(Tlisfoott~ 111, f lllti ,in;, 1md jtl.t;, 1J,c pi111M1 ;1.11d 1'111 m111htT rl•P 1hr nll11 fol llK' Nlf ')'tnpl1cm) Om: ,,f t·,o111J~II', tiwlh(r-, at1J 11l,4n .a1-.J t 1, ~i-.11·1, r la) tbc ,;ohn an~ t ~ri.lnll f'l.:.),pt h,r ill ,'-H t}nrrhton,- for• ~rniJ ul tutti::' .ind t1,1w pl,1,y fut 11 ~onh l,ll.lt111 Youth S)'t1ttifl1tn) 11 a. 1ht hr,.t
r1I IJ h,• ,111J 11111 10, In 1nu,,i: h,tt't" ,in,• It\.\ r /,, , t, u, tuJ..~ UI /11~ Jillut( - Ry
C11udt11t 1Juuh11a Hi, ~ltun:.le 1 10 t-c.:ume either• hlittl 1>1.hool o t 1.:('llfcic mll\KIC-IILhcr dau ht b la"-UIJ: .al MC' n Ju,1 unr or lhe' n,U,K ,·,,mrc,~11111", l.a,,c, 1,-q1.1urd fc•1 h1t nrnJ~ I 'AWlttJ 1,, re•Jt 11r1.I nu• \c) I II h nc Ofk' k"' I<' cake In 1bt• fulUR' "'11~• ,,11J _ I
nn Crn,11/nll

A irbags explode at 200 mph

I Editorials

Voice both s ide s; express opinion with a lette r to the editor

Tho,.c media hic)a:$. pipclfU1.I ~-·,nc

lt't e;ny toNIIICl the tl')Cd.i,1, &p«iallywhNl.1\li~ l1, tll1cd dut h concn,.,miaJ otIr•~ db.qrtt~ with the Yti·tucr'• polnt c,r '11:'\\

Tht: Nd fact IS th111 onc1t Dll people do v.tlcn. lhC-)' d1~,i.ftt 1111th

ilOnlCOOC" It con:ipln,n lt't O K to have ad1:f(cttr.11 polntto( vk\l Of

do>11&1"- n ·, wha1'1 IO lf'Clll lltlOQ11bc world.

People are difft-rtttt NObody 1bhlb 1hc Wl'lt llli"J aibool "'°Ct:} UnJl!c-

the mccJia m•y 18not'C one i ldc t1( 1b: M«)' l fwall) ihiJ,

~in ln M opin!Oft V1'ck. but ocher tima the med.- m 1..v !WII coi,t,._'t

IM:'IC flCIUl'\:c th:is could have acklcd ti0me 111ipor1~ uUc11m1.a11on In lhe '*°'>

Tix mcd1.1 i, r-,c made upo(perft:et itm:Ut1,cn1 wnlt'ra. S.,1 • .i I("'

CJtijl, hue joumall~• WC not IIJJ.ktKw,·utg. and tdtwt'l llff ftOt petfn'.1

It )'OU dlfolgrtt wllh tomcthmg printed In 1he p.ip:r. lei CVCt)Cll'IC ~l'lOw

Tell )' ,ick or &be .!i10IY PIil youropmion i:nao ptinL. h', iully '* 1M


Wntc a kucr 101hc edllor, Otmot111cy ss cool, 11.~ ad, ;ans.ap: Of 11 11nJ

qwt w1.1oliBg cnctJY <WI gripe lhas lllC'.fltl1 tKKhlfl,I F.,·¢t)th,ng'" t>tner m prln1, and e'<Yn if peoplcut'n'tjoumal,.t,. dut d«;n·1 ffl(.an t'-:y ~·,

W)ICl'thcltvicw Tu')n Het:ktr Nt:*SF.dltor

Chew spitters


clog drain


se nd 'em pa c kin g with smokers

TbeteU • 1roup oa.ctn1pu, that tw-Calll!n Ul\o.lc111.'lffle P'dt) ltea'o')' lui-

Qf wc--tmokm 'fk) block the door ways. They 1lit1I:. They pollui,: the !&tr Thry infrln,c on the ri.pu o r ochm bya.poung tbcru tc> '\tl(Clft4! "'11111 ""d.t

o n1Cc1.

~"''t'\.'ct i1 group ol nicotine lldcHru .1roul'ld :,.i 1c who arc

Ch'$in, JU!,I U many probkml- ebc'fo'M,

Al ll.\l ially, lbcrc •'Cre thtte drit1k:in, fout1t1112\ M>uDd CIIIDJlUll lb.C .lf't'

totally OUl of ,avioe. lbC'i:rdnulll h11ve. bttn t'Offlplck'I)' c!otttJ with llcc:tcd and bar'dcnl:d chtw spll N<WIC tbe,;e Cllll he R'JM.m:J by ,1mr1~-

poolit1g in 10mC DfMo. F.Ach 1rw , 1 be complei.cly ~n~cd from tht w.11.II and plumtnns ttpbced 1llcrt U, • qu.ic:k an ttif ••Y 10 cn,urc- 1bc ~ly 11lh,Xlu

e~on 1f our p1umbit11 dc>t$n't c:•onc,mJt- - -.:nd lbt cbc,.."" p.ld.ilic wilh1hr1,mol,.ep

II'• bcc:n )GB ,.i.r,cc campw •m1)km ~re nJlo¥i'O/J IU prxt~ 1Jw:u ikN. 1111.&.111 iuitide indoon. Wh)' let the cbr\!.m~Ol\c U--,n 11; "f'Ol np QCKI Ul lhctr plU'lnc:rJ in ttlr de$UIXUOB. Tht :1plt10QQ\ (p,bll,Si: call,t llR' altt.cfy OUC !here, riVJt fl«I 10 a~ni)'i, Friction fm,n JClfflC of 1he dle1tt1:n fi,:buns ror thr-lr ngl111o"ri' h tlaclnJ


Environmental issues don't discriminate

wilhwt~tnna: imoa,...iJc,rU'.'tJ

h'• • ,imfk palat'.y.Atld ii Jhauld be ln\Utcd

8111 c,u1tpi1 PrvduC'Uon M111:1axtt

Perhaps the heimlich will help. it 's

I Chokecherries

• Some peopfc. ju11 more 'witty 1l~nudlcft.Wbccl aSc-n11.1i,d

~pber- h ift!itrutt« Ao1'1c MdCltik)' the

Succdlc:illl qt,ICSllon o( Wbac do you co11cc11; ·w 1c1. '"A locof~

C'OIJcct wsi.r Timbcrly Madox md.

·1 try u, col)oct money, b.ll u docso't 1CCm to wClrt: "Cf)' 1tt'CIL

Ma)'be. :1bt 1tt'OUllJD'1 ffllDCI • iJocatioll to htt coU«rkln

8 SmotcN w1ddc Stcbcr1 H.all',

bclclcdoor eu1 M! appwt'nlly

obhv)OUS lo tbc MOciMI /ur lft!Akc°'

tlO~l!tJ ••vi bunsouo.ldc ~ door, M~thc:timukt:nwmJIBI

I.titre IO in .amc fresh ~r

• Otlc "*I'll w a,, htlnl boggu11

libiool how* , ~.1,1,it11 •

piltbn1 llcktt by iea,·1111 Jt oo bu

,oncbb1eld "°91"1 Iha! amp;i)

tl!C'Urityoff,em woollla'l btt : :i;=~~~firM.~

WU QU,:N in (f0n4 ofc:b» '41th l'cr

11u ;,OC~rst1U M:i.ld to ha patll.f..

l'fuwaJt her "l.de1,c,, know ,.hi, '"''e


• .....,..,.111,,..1.i..1<>pu11,Qmpa

tlkkffl 00 ihclt C'aJ'). One 1iOen 00

c:u.mpm· " \\'ort hlldt-t-pteple on

-~If-arc art dcpc:ncbn.i on )W." II '•

.Nd but we

a Wb1lc in Gerard Mdl(j

hulJlilllilid ct.N. ffildcriu were """'""'l"TheQ._ofWnolh"

Leuers Policy

b; Jahn Stdnbtd.:. M11thc\ 1b.lu1hc hc11o·~tic:i111dc:,1:t..-t1Ct1tk" rtfcrrtd ,o the dc::iJ atllhol u.,a dC'1.:~-

Tbi:.1tu.m11• O.,m.i1y Rally.

DhhouJh a ttJOIJ ~U\C'. IJ..J a~ sh(rai:na Th~ mom,ni. Some bcucr-pl:uu!tln.,ond~U'ldtutit 1ttuild protxabl:, ba\1' brou&)ic min p:q,k ,o cc-ld!f".11e lhedhl:"~>'

OnltSO f!C'('pk-\how,ed F«-1hn'IC" facully •nJ ,u,tr 1tt·hom.l) b:1,'C 11..allccd luCo,the)'b:iJIO~ betwtt111t 111d cbc F.te~I)' A\)elnl'II)' mtt11-n111t·,11,..x,

1UJIIJQ Ht), 1bc. At}illl N•,on, ddl'1 ciV"11 chuw a A KOOlmai Couttt) \bcnfr• pohce<:111 .n puked l.n w~III pilttlll# Yritll(JUI II Wlldee!l llt vl\it1)f'\ fQltinJ pc,mi.1 Arc:: thc:)' allcw."C'd 10 ""llw? • More park.1n1 ma.)~ 1111-~Ul11C! l1'i ASNIC Pn:3.i.dcr,t 8t'll Ttlt''IA,._ The ASNIC"~ ,.,_.. bnlzi~l11g oo 1 r.dlk •1e1n for III Upl'(lnun, ri1ffic. Vlot ~l)l)USUDRuf\lS'lll~ Toe,,.,' tt\¢t\ed pal1.1,c ,;po1, 1k \'Ole wa, unan1fflDII• in ria,or otlhc <poc. TOC1tt:\<k:bft·1 h.a,e a \'lite Ir, AS.~IC m.111~. unlrt-'- it', to tif'cal: 0 tk Gun., 'fhc St-miMl •·"11'1 be atik1oc~r~,f0f"°'~1.11~ l11to,sputD11)'~.Uo.lO,Juclw , u \4~o•·bobu)'atk~n

Tbc Scflliftd w~lcck:ftD lc:ctcn tocbt: (:d114r, 11lll5C •·ho -1utim.11 ldkn ~1 liin11 chcm 10 300 worc11. \ip !hem lcs1bl)' and pro,·ldc a phonr rwunW Jn onltr 10 ,en(y autht.llUdry. Some ldicn tm) nut be pruucd bcftust ul t.'Pl(elrm1uttloos (I(~ they I ) 11ft Mm1I• to a numit,cr Of lfflen already 1«c1\d oe the wnc ,ubj(\.,.

rn-~• <onJt1,it11l, ur tllC' 4;fl\ 1R'lflmc11i. futu1r: g.-nmll11>n,n"')~lhccnd~ Tht, ti! l!IQC IICI l"\&IC fol' DIii)' lfiC' lftT l1e1,tr:, 011hl'pul.1tinart. Jt'~IUI e\") <11UCIH-'I ~actd.bdi'k."r.:ir1f1'k'nmi.ii.llcOJ,1111oJ.,..hl, • bbi.i..p1tll'tlfrich.tix'id1..-fott1!1t: h a tUIIQ'TI\ In .aU \1.-hn f\l.lJ)t &,., 11\C ffl;, Ill I~ "U1h l1~·ua• in rhcmoronmt'fif t111.11Jhc~,cnu11 111 ia\·c,y.a.wtbllu)'t'\lf.,,h1£h·mch1!.Jinr.-, ai,1m,ni.111.a,h,.,, Olnl" Jc-,. ai tC' ._,,ultJ hdJ• !.:.k.at1k1Ur,f!Rr;-.I,: .tiµhk.1t1.1C ,,u_. f,ul l\'ilul!nJt 1Jtto 411 v. .uct •nd 1111111 "" •Ui I n ftorn i111.hnCI') 11nd pi:noaail MIC' -.1 II ui,, h u~ v.1th tht -.,wlJ II 1, lmpl!l.,i,Nco In !Ac llll". L, ,., r~m lll'!')Rlkillulh1trroN1.•m 111~ 'I IH''A 1th.1p;,tt,,..-i.1!.Jtp1Jp.11/U'lrJvtf1 lok,c, ""<m \('I So m111l) trl1lCI ra•rl,• C")'N:1.111) o\.111CfK.wt, '11.Wll lu f':11111 'lhc fil ,•:, llt1.llllCl'IYl~11.lf(\ tka(,t'1-lll'~ 1liey1mihi ) i1',1!1t!IJl"Nmdu in: hwh ctw.t ll"'i th.ii,1011e·th1rJ ~r,.~ ur ih, 1Q111"''' Lind h f11tt:\1 iUIIJ Iha· rtn1mnmmt I Mllfffl'rlg. Thr,,.(.,..hofl(li11tfu1~,1rn mJJW\bcr Jh c~ !vii:.ini tr!C\ •hv f'O\'Klo.l1hcJt•1lc:1papcr-1l11;)'UWC'\\."f)\L1y IIOddll' \i.:IA11wlJ-,b.1rC011helr lo11 luod liJnch In 1hr (If 1'»\'l'.l'·(lft('llll111""' nod ,ui:p.,ning MA:b t1n1nou, tn1v.·1h ,it Jic,.if!lc 1.1, a4.1111UtJ1n11cJ-1L "''*'- arr ,\~rn todnl

ILetters to the editor

Student 's responsibility lo find parking spo t Retun.brtg lbl' In.ten ah1.1u1 p..irt.m1 uuc )int ,n 1hc b\C llt.1l'C St-1111ncla hl111hta1dk' ,~am ol kc~ ,n-ct tlic )can. fo u,.,,~ 11tr1pk' '4-flo 1nnl lO m1rt111 ::1 r, ""'c .i ic1&(t 10 I.he SentltlCI. PJ\,(' Ill.II umr }IIU IQ.I f111tJ1.1n1

Ou.rpr1*'lcrn1~,1uJc-11b;1rt la1y'lic1up I~ 1m11111,c,urt) .uid )"" 1ttillh..\o(' n,, rmtikmllu.Jm;•pitrl.111J~f!Dl ~h.•111, yoor )00 Wwkf )OO h: I 1tc 11.1 :,i11ur r.i\'

the Sentinel


Btll t'a:IICpa

Tllt)r• H.«ker

Ju tt11Ru.f1K

l.111"41.1!1tit,f1! ..XK'11Ct. 1t1a1 find 1c,k-anm,V'll;w.l ,,lluc: mfmlng III.Cl)'4.-fttlrJR,rt1No l~,11.,1~ttirllile K'Cttf~ADdlWIIJOm M)d1tyu1~ thcfl:~ll,,~1)f ,inc mtwtdrilJ 1-r1~--~1~onc-

l;\,tn In }l:1o111h IJ.IM.t•SWIJtt1J' ~~hlC'\ 1111 1hc rniric i, ta,ngo,erl11M\ OOl.'C' Uk'tl fot" tnrmin,. tn P(),\,t 1-.lh. tbr~•kwlgtht ~\lf,21)'1\1J(bcffl~IOf'C'O\P!'L'.tl\'C ~forroru.truction.lnlhch11lttt'.II wi!' be: 1lc(lffll~11' Suttl'h llf b1tlc IXllJll'J('IC'l\J~ ,o.:ic'tr~nb,i; 1hc frt.'t\lo-J} ftQmt'oair d'AkAl.'tnS~ I ...,illrm~thl:~rol alfalr.11f1tkkand"",'"'' bc\htk.udii,~ -'"'Jlhd'-tt,n,lJIICVl,lft..nk <:im'4tb \lo-10 i..'Onlinuc:i~ lhc "11111'1 tiilll!IWllh pc,Mln .altc,,Jy ticic.1 ('Uli..'(i\,:J, "4orth tdiibom.l)'b.'.only•,.imllf111ctionuf'IJ1:11 ~nit amntw. bui 1ttt •e alt lll,-W h}' lo,;i. ol wiJ.,dt't1t1 "'*"• plun1, ~rw.h, fOl\"m.. ~tw anJ tbeabifuy of 1hc cm1mnmena so h1(11.:IK111 Jlf(lpe."fly 1, dcim:.ioang rnpidJy. Ue1to.~ 'ilt'-C .,II t4;).e p.itt m the VlhlCIUn llf.t WOO. 10 curb~ anJ fU1t.1rc,w.)bkm,..\C,'Crtltlffl'IOil\\Jll~r liir.Jlf'l 10'4.d"O\tt' \l,,11UanJ pupffl)' nght, en)' l)QC\lt • t Ilic drop or i:a hAt A~ n11t..a e.u<;t h.'t\lon:!n thct"l.p;M1-.kin ot~ ~nd 11111urc Theft- 1ft t'Othcqi.,c:~ Wn"Cl)'<lk'liQn. U1denr1;, ~bi.-twttn tbct11,-ov.lllbc1he~'•oril)·ddC!hC.A "'•o"tr lCMltJJtet.llnd1hc:c11llur1hc"'"'"' 1Nl)'bco.lC'ialtie"'1ffle

Kf'IIY l'knirl t) I~ r,1a,,11,,;1nt tJiwr. 1/t, f•plnln,i t urt htr fh•'"- T'1 UIJNIIUI II/ Ir.ff ,·olm"", ~·'"""'hrrot M6i/91"ft,Nt'.nft,

rt-.,pk .,.1 nt lbc lt'\Olt p.wl 1M lc.i.,1.a hi l,l "'111) f fl(IT Hllltt. fht') JICI IOWC'lfk on 111111: \fClw) fired TI,e~-olk&;CthooJdfll.ll h.. l!rlJ ia. •llftl,1111,C hW 1>nmt '\Ndc.nc1' rm: I"'" 1hllll) lt1e1t. PM) ht ool)' tmMhlrJ IJMr fl\Jtt,bcr, I rr,::.kinr ~'I~,., •t*n*'YiC .111 dn 11111 t1,h(' d.ii '('I• die qme time M, t 1,,tllJl.'111 illlr iJ t·l;i -c, cithn M.-.ndll), 1 lk"l-J.,> I , L '" l i,cwt.1> ,mJ ·nwoo..y. nJ l•meC''C'n u-11111ltttl) ,11,1,sd.-,"I!,._ l.c1 prntlllr111 l101hi1tk'",'tf~t1di.nJ , l1u,l11 1!1 ·u '..'eat1J_.:c1,1Uc. I de:. I J IQUC I.ti Int It~( U \'kat' Urt ur \'l.ltbcr P-)1k 1111hc.- l1htnty 111lddn.i kc ral irxm1~' \le-:\ th,rrl'\

''""-'JIU1lkd1&or PruJuc11Ufl Ne1,1,, Sporn

i\n,1 N".l 'Eni rt.Mn 1111:m Ph,,to,r~v Onhlll'! AJ,·i~

Parent praises cu li nary arts instructor R«c-111J)' Ml RkbaM ScbuhL aihnlll')' Ill\~ 1.n.\ll'U(llur, a \ptAl:er for 111:, \On·, Ooy ~"OW Troop. I v.PUIJ Ille tu cmmucnd \1t ~h1.1t17 oohh~i~rrcw:ni:iooe1 Id I~ Utl,J)n'<,'10RJlblt )dllRI! mr H , \U, holh c-n 10y~lc a nd c:ducutmnllJ Yci. be \('ry pruuJ It) l\:t\'C him Ill Nonh Collc5c. 0occ again, I 'IIVUIJ t1kt' IQ lhlnk Mt Sctiu.l11forhi~jnvolwtnr-n-tli,l.l,c<01t1mu:1Ut)',

HMlodley K t>ugd11lt Jr

\lur!IJKl'lalht\< C1lrill.a11ti \bc:htUe McSult}

,.. e Tho NIC S..nllnel
2) U\: ~)' bbelioo,. vr ,1 att UJeaJbk The Scndncl rtkf\'e~ 1.hc richc kl edti k.1tm... Un"' m11y be tNllcd IO the ScndneJ. MN,ilc:d. fUtd Of W0,1&11110 Room .Sl 01 thr Sieben Buikbng The ScouMl'l 1l U)OO \\' Oardcn A'-C Cuc:ur d'AJe,,., 1D. llS 14, Phone: (206/ 769.llllll F": (W6176'1-3'.139 &m11il: 'iiC:1'.'11.lndGDnic.cdu • Thu'1day, NOY 19 IQge Opin ion 1] I > I
1k \\1Wlcl I\ tll1l \.'Ult! l)S Ju 11n t1lll. ti,~ u:nbt pL'(iplc L.u;c new oC 1hc
l:,c.ou~10J.,wi1h1-11..t1-114ti.., 1omu11,1~ c111ly- C"c.•Ul'fl' QlnpMlrf:, IK'HM the,lfl ~Oft CttRl(:IIOO&IW) ,._llf:"tt pa,l.t1151 rwN,:m\ 1h;;n \\cdo.
/\tnyWnth1 Jut1,K'fov.1HJ,n Wlldrl>om:11 Nlhiw-J..hl
l>ttAI"'•>' J 11<11 Jartur<.;ru,A Int IQ11.-,:,11 II ~1('"~fnictli' ;.f) HKll j kllll.!,(111 ll.vnlk1
AmhctMdC'N'Q U..,IJMffl"d1UI MbkyMe)ct ~eU)'
J<KII S1u~klr Andy rc,h ~h 1\1ppcr AMkWOWCt1 Ut<"ft Munon
Ouca<htel Larl~Rotn.t:1

lends to Baines' success

Volleyball Is her fall fashion; she'll dress In shorts for basketball this winter

'1,(,1-.1(1 Md11i,N~Jl \k,,ch, II IIU't.'t'J-.'f p,n,• S,hc Jui. al,u "'-l'lil,l.'DJ c., r,'le Up 1"9"Hc llun lkO W,.._ .,.hl~h k J.,\tl) lll'k:Pll 111in "" fnim·•••.,.. rf.,}·cn. tib~t~l:;)1.~~!c', ~:.U~;;~~ 11;:·~11)~·~h.~•1yt1•,!1n.;,. • f..lcxc-J fmhn~in. ('l,1n to )h<-it.tklfflr:Jt,cldt,.l1 lcn-chi.·tnillocUtrrrkTlon,.\\a.-,ti olfot11i111,~i,J:..O IC' h.'l;.;111~ 11' •l uuhd 1..11111'1\f\ ;1nJ ,111.tU w,c "I \\11n1,J 10 bi.: lll>lt 111 t.1ll lo ltl) 1c1""hen on II fiM,11:mtr tw.1,.'\ ...u.t.

•.MiJ JI()( ht 1u,t i nunit.e.1, Star\\ ('>jkrnJ,r.Clc)hiillto.:~I"' •man) Ot\1\1on l ""~""N.11.uJ

h(fdc \hcl'I A\11°1 ttaJy fot ~hatlt~,h,, '(t,fKolb;jJcdllJIC«pl II> .W,J '" ~}l.".U(l,(~, Alhkoi:all). 1-l.un~ ~,., t,.11(' \111\l"'I IO ,11 ~ff)CIUnt dac:

I l1~lt•"1·d h,IN,•

An.I IIC't f nllt (Mi:t'I f"I"-)( In hiJfl l(Mol ll.i 'f' 11 ;in Ml )l.11 l»\lcib.ll J'll•)ff for thr« "C'.lt\ .ulJ

\o(k,t,~lr':11~l'f hct\\'(t.. \'he "1,rwncJ Roi hkx.l~r 1htttu"1\C'C1.1lht" ,"t'.._ lnt"1.1,ldhl4ll ~" 1Tii·J\t 1\alUo\h~P1aycr:1nctkd~J<.1111111~l·1; had, <'111111.p,uit tnp,


Retur ners are catalyst for conllnlllty ~, JtMJ., llh.~n lotmrlH,.,..,1, It C'IJlltfU"l\l"C' u1J ho1rd ,.,,rl

&11:" ttlt' I.C )' tu \UCCC\.\ thNI

lht V.lllll('I

l\il,lctll.,11 tQrn h huld111$ IIICOI ,IHOhllns: In tin.d -.a 1ch


\h.,.,.. 1h11

fllllf lbc- tl' Ill


'97-'88 SWIIC Reei0n18Bwll

l\,dc ('ollcf<

2 l 1 \•Ii<) Sou, Collegr l ".'forth Colltge ro,relll'lllil'I

H "d) Hu1.1Jlt('fi r,gu..,-1h

Alt n '.\: tc,(6-Jurntcr)

M,nJy I nldhc LS-7 ~".ml)

rb)\'N,, W"itl !llK' 1co11n • ~tli.1 h;a,'(' In ,,prct11mct


l dou~lb¢'c,~, ft.'.J t•·\111h-,.t.a;1flr1,rl,l

lhl l"'IUll.' C'umr I ,I h ~h11uW ht fut ltlt l'('\t (If

I~ \CAV!'I.

lhc tum h.a h1,1 '4Hllt' lt, plo,.('n m,m IJ 1

C'tlltlfHtJIJ I \\nulll c,rco II i:r,,11<'4 ~,11,11,tiutwn r"'rm

ll.lflbott•>1i:, · Cnmr ..1 J 't«.lu1"t' 111 1ti,cir t..11

tllflfi.l,:,1t,.-Cfn>mfrc-.hmc'AI 11o1•pl>1'11••lt'

Rtl"tmn!? ,1111tcr1. 1t1 1o1roa1eh arc l("a111 cap11.11n

8td,y lh.1,kll • tit< h11.JC t, 1r~,1n \110l,1.11c Ah,h.a

1-. '"t ,. 6 (ON J r:m I uic '1.11h't hm11 f-nwmcl.iw.

Wo.,h ,1,nJ \l.1t1,1) I uulht' cu C,IJ'!liltn ft11n1

fun,1 lo:1 \\ 1th t nmr ,...Id

lh.1tJJk Jini•htd 111,1 1otJ1u,,i r,111lrd nu, 1n 1hr-

S\\ l\l' 11,, "'-•·onJ a r1J • ,1 I\ ,11.1t:0r w,1., r.u11.tJ

U'\ NIJ 1t,1 bli11. li.<"\I h ,111J ISth m ltclJ ,u.,I


I C'l.f'C'l,.'1 pC1M th np lrum lt"11\ t·,111~ .,.l,J "'~

c.c Tueadoy.


Und""Y ea,ahoot•. and ldllt f\l&ty Spokane Slx·fool-3 con1or AJJ•ne Nater posta up on 1eamfflllt• Ka.1y Shaw during practlc.. Tho C.rdt 9fl tlftlln Columbia Batjn C.C. In • non·lt.tgl.Ht

"" k,;;1:'f..~,JI!"~•11::J,;::,":'~0:t,1 rh1~.,~:;n/!: \C,l"'l~I

r.,IIJ dllt' k'.itu'I J'I.C(';IIIIJ.l (fllll J 1 d't I IITI


IMlt1tf.a11J N lCdM.1111h~,ch<11ho(lhl , , ptt' 1 J \\.itlJr,--IQld 11q Jdl't "'.mil M fi\e lb:' lilrJII br:ttln t,) t«~":'liK'"',:\llf1J.r,i., \\AmDII

The man behind the microphone

"I likt> 1,, ,m11oum.·(• wi1hali11/rw/11r.l >:fr<" 1/u kit!.\ 11itl.tUllltt'\ .\l>IIU'lllllt*\ u•it/1 lht•ir pt rmi,,i"" ti/ ('(UliH' -Hic/,urd Hay mond, Curdi1111/ W1irr

25-~ear-veteran announcer adds color, knowledge to NIC athletica

h) \lkbcllt \k~ult> Mrw1i

1oot. o~n 1111:

I HrptHrrf' lhc )Mlell oC w, anJ~ ~in. the hr,.. n1· 1hie111Ni1I too11,~_rnllm • 1hr41n111'1111Cn h!'llf 1ir\nd1<'l11u1l!1.fiC1l, \k1f,ha,kctti.l1IIC'.l\Cltloi:OffllJtfi ,11,'lt1n1.i1r11J1h( IMI (If the- fi.11111" v,jfl "-Ill" ht hc.ud 1hr111.1sh,..,11~ '"" lht: W)l.lfl;C Cll thc t',mr,. h•"lfl'llhr- V1M~ ol Ult" (.)irdm,,JL 11nni,fk:eJ Rti:11.ahl Ra)tllOO,,I I he fl ,n t-cti..nJ ltk'.' docp ~ok<" .ti,,c.w., 1r1 1 NI( I n.:I kl1t,11un ,c n tn 111 h, m lflf llc1n, n.amcJ NU I J..1ii.>,JCT or 1ht '"'" 11, 1111t..1 f 1r lS )CW\ Ri:1)11.ond hiL u,1fllt1m1.C\.I .,.Ilic)' IIOC"Jnf \Utltt'llfJC' at.J lt.C)' lrl nJ." Jb'(lh1t"-J '-'t,.I o( 111 .inn,1111'1(1n1 dd9'11 I Ult\\ the" t.ltll(' G1U11o lf!M ur in M1rinc'lt.U .R.o\<1rwn,l 1•IJ)(.-J h;i,lclt• II [ R1ch•rd Raymond Clrd1nal Voce tt'llfin• 11, l"Y-1

ik"I Hl" for 1hr


Pago7 Tho NIC Sottl•nel lhu1tc1ay, Nov 1? 1~ '!i Sports 0 C: :::, Tmka,dekaphot11a 0 >,~ lhe 1e,1r 01 1he -= 0 No.13, Versatility
~t-JM<S..uwlRr,..,,i (hll)' a ft"'A h,fth toC"iw.-.i4111hk~, ,;;,>011 ,,~pl.-y c,,llcyc ~'"-'" II 1Jln := ~n."'v11,, l.ilrnl ,111J "'1rnli.;~. Cltih top-llOkhJa!hJtit'\ v.tll lUlpm"f' l 11w.i'-ly llwrl("t 11'1l' oC IIV>m lier ,a;1hktichtU h 1'.•0.fllW 8,a;ltie\ rb>, wl 1,lc t1,11,·r Int lhe \olk)l\,ll k:1111 She' k,1J~ ,ht-(; irJ m L.,IJ, r,11.L.UI]: urmi:in,1tuft 1711 lt'lflb.:
Saaq,Ja1ch 15-8,1$-7.
I Im, /ht• pf(nurt ,,f11/m Ing hmJ am/ //,t' JJrrilf ,tj Kllitu/lJ d l(lWM' -I lml,a> Raina ,mtdd~ lulltr 1-HJOO• o•no non 1oao1.1e g1meal HIC. ...... ...._________ _ Herman named All-America n, Tomas places 25th NIC runners race well despite muddj national course, sickness b)'JtNiftShd'b yio,, f. , ,o tu,.h a, l~-'I I p.itd J.111111y <in}11C (;o\'nc hn,~t r 1,1 iu 1c-:ik, 1h1rd mill " h m,J fo1trtll '" IClJfln11111l.-,X't11-:\\1;'lfAlllktK'\1•11fr:1c11\<: rnmr ...aid he , 1,ptm1l 1.111:
15-13.ln I
season c,pe11eir Dec 1, at 5:30 p,m,
WC' I ,,1 11,,1111e pettf'!ll" u.1~1 rl•)rJ h'.\ f1)h.•
\.:hc'~,111.- JTrRtio Kll!)IOWh M.11l\\lutc.ll.l\hclptd1hc1~m1111h1~r11>'- l ..o·m trot,,.·...,,.,.. l'hry t: .1'w., ha:11 \\•d1n, IV\ a prnwn.• .-:krcn~ 1h,i1 '-*'L'f \h.,ul,l r-> 1,tf lur C'u:a.l.._"Mn;J111.'lf\.J,M'tt"ti11na
"'di 1, 1e,'Cf..iJ lt~·nll"n '4h1.1,l10UIJ~"Oll!r1hl1tcni:hl
tk "'di tn.11.l'II map ILi , .i..,11u111 Ww,:hthc ptl)11ok:lllnluu1U~1GJqwU11r,11 lkdt-: 1 1 • ba.'1.etball t.w'lc "A1 fiN I mi,iC'd 4,!k;h,ng, hc..11 I ti,nc, I 11 k, Ra)monJ ykl, Rl)'11Klfld W(III Ilk= Nu11h Jtbh,1 '1111,t m 1 :-J file \ af allllltd 1n l9s.l. and wa, 11'1C '"(lfW I lllf •t' i ti,c 11 Sof1b.allH•ll,•I r;unc. H(' t,:u.l ht u~ IO J!•:1 to l.rn"" IN' pl1H to.Ill Lil
•\lllhiJcrv.11btr'tcnt'V! l.1<h One c)f
bh nMJU 1t'K'11m1abk J11omt1,1 ;r,.11t1 ti"' 1..1 ~c:li1..t)t';JIWf1,·n1hc11n,rrC1rd1C"N 11 A1tt l'Clllkl.CcJ;, Mid MIit ~t,t,~c>,1 UI
tml< b.,,
tho &11nf'IUl'K:CN llll,.c tonr1n1,uncr11.,d11lh1lc wl• f<
•I ha, paWlNI U)I<: ISi I~ 11.J1'11lil*=ff' M':ll J p, tbc kiJ n.c).rtJJnc• 1,1,1ur11111C1 ,ttl thnr

• \h·u·~IJ1iL1i~<'tb,dl l d \ ltt·,on 1bunki,iMna

r,11.1rn rnrlll a.t hn11ie, rnJJ~ irwlY "'!'I ,Ii

\ V7""1pm

"ih••n-lm~ l't•u1n11,nil) ('ul1t5t', ~Ot \I 1Jo1y '-M \0 IJII"' ,, \lJr.j,:11 \..ilk,. ti Ml \.'mwn. w r~,.lb: l,•brm

H:ki.1{·unr1t1t J Rc,,ti1•rr, I \ IJcl;: '1'1 '.'Upm

I 111l,\11llt" ,1.111r-fnllt~.11c Own.ta) llt1. IU al '7·\0

Campus Sports


Sou1b,-¢"ttttt On1t• C'ollq:1:-.

11(°4X,.. U11),0rt' , l fllill),N<i.,, .!U•..t~ rni

Sout.brmOnt;,,o f wm1111w1lil 111

A~l•ld..Ort. S.iti•\~.No, 21


I.a \ ''Iii\ lmitado,w, • t..



l .a~Collrit,. ~l•m" l1idlly

I)«- II ,,a 7 lOpm

a Carnpu.-, n.'trtl,lliCH1

C'hltr, boclt~ n litu s1'1>6.n:.

\\'c.Jr!N.111), lle1.. 2 Th( ulO.I I

S,$, 1fll,"fud1t1i tlWl•pcndlo ,1 €all


• Outdoor pursuits \\lld u ll'I n,rl dlnthbia. •· 4,;inJll ll~cu1

fr• bcgl.noa k i• $1.f dJ

1nlentled1Ac •' SIU ~hlJU,J r11m,r•rflll100, ~IIJ'llk'III 1100

C'\CU.1(1. of Cll~ Call/(,'.~ ,,.,., ~'ii>':\IIJUIWlitll \d'l'nl11n:, .tt Sll.1s..tpoi111 Suiuht11)', Ott. S, Thtcu,.1 lt. Slll~IIJllllieNU\ ::,h ror(l'll;1wJc,1nm.pc!(11111t1

Run- down

fxl J11) \., ("110 7ffl..7M U,Nb Wx.dal

Frnhman Man Nfghtingate ,157) loo.ks fOf • pin 1galn•1 an opponeol ftom Simon Fraser. NIC punished the Chlnam@fl

31•:J 1n na non-1eagueaeason-opener at home NoY 3-

"'""'•II\· ll'.11,,y ml'rf'liikl

lft'cl,i1)1k-1 a (114! .211.lln.ib" u:,uon V.ll

1mhlcm1 htJ -.,1h \ICIOOC't owt

Stnllln r,11 l'r lin1\'t'l\lh' ,nJ

H111hltor {('fnrl1tJIUC)' l c>II If: IU

1hru lir1o1 t.llHI ,m:rr, ul 1l1 C"


Thr C11Juui" J ,m1n~lr-1l

s,"" n fnuc , \I Sin ). ,n o1 nu11, onlt'tcn ,ft,CCI t ('hml1.utw•110,·m

!lilt:"""" nine or to n\.1lchc Wtlh.1n11 had 1hc 11111) rtn hh lJR'klflclJt Ill !I mete I I

\.CL.1•lllh ()Y.rn ,PIU"\.rJ the (Md., "'11h :r

11,..1.)ur Jt'c1~lo11 o, rt D.,nn~

f.1nhnm N CJ al lhc 1i'•I p1>11111I

bn.L:l..:1 The lk'"" ~,.:,.tho• tulc drn!O,\ lhc UJll'Jlill,: •riJ'ht. ,n'1o>J


,1m·,~"""'1laall fhr N I(' 1U1.'11"1h:1,J..r!b;ill 1r.1111

Jc\hc:d l!.a-7b l.i,hmi tu the

Au,u11l11n har1l...1on tUuc

!l.ov.l, "' 11n cxihllu,n ,.imc I

Chmli.lft••"" Ci)W1Ul'l111n s.,rt,,,m11r" 111atd J1;1hnn)'

CkxJriuri ttui:N J l pol.tu., t'" 7 ol 1 ,b1K1Clnl[ ft11m 1'1.lbinJ 1hc 11n; ·I 'A41t, pk1\(J wilh JhC'

1.noclf1,b h.all mu.,.rmenl •

W11hc>n \nl1l ·1111'1, I'!(' hii\t a 1111 to~utl. u11•

I Cards lose at Regionals, lay Third time's a charm mediocre season to rest for NIC graduate Jensen works II 11111100 bl Kt:ll) lkti,gt:I .«u,tu,ic1n.11f:d1ttJ1 A MC grilJllaUon pholn hanri Ofl tbl:' Willi bclu.,,. lhc: JY95 tin1rlo)'cl! nl thc Yc1r'"

cheet• on the NlC volleyb.811 d1r«1or pc>•111mn 11, tea m TM• I• OM of hll many duUH, '97. Plem11p, ltl ehnd 1,1nc·, .a chum !liter bc1nr .1 tuiknl anJ "'-"11• Jim.i..11 Thi bl'IIC" 'he tla, laollcJ the po-11111n a, 1hr ;i,huh,11•!'- ;1111J •P"" ,nfomu1111n

,pcxl..:tl.J.s. h', , nl'~ p.""11,un lh.ll hnnv, NIC intn lh,• IUIIIO tff'111tl caf

l.'Olkgc i.ihktK"L Jcll~n grai1.o11cd Imm ukcl11,11J ft1Jh "ioclh1'10I tn •;µ ~.J '°111111uL,J 111 SIC in lrn(l llllJ nu"' L'Otlfflr')' Hr•• llk' Scnuncl ~b cditi. o1nJ anaJw.Mcd 111 'k1 Afm MC. be wohnuL-d b1, "'1«111a.•n o11 S4,iuhtn1 Orc,on St111c C.,UejC ,1flJ l,"nlll'ualt\1 \tt'tlh .a Bu.. ldor of ~Yfl\'t' 11'1 .i,..,m...lhm, 11h 11111-11,r,i 111 ~llu..i,phy 1111d L.'lt:alJ\1.' l.l'fllWC He ,aid be ll1'¢J North IWho •o mu..:h he dt11\r hia.;·\ 1n Corur J' AlfflC ju t ll11t tl1n1111I ht, gr.-11111111,n c.rr

Sophon,cn I.on Coov« lpll<u Snow Coflogo S.pL 18. ··1 had 111cb • a;,1Cld c1,.«1<t1« It\ .i ,1i.l1kpt · JmM.'n ~lj, I llllJ itl)i<1rl lk'CJcJ le>~ aJoti 111 SIC"" fw1t11ti~ hll ol '91 thr~rt1sh M.i,)' c1( 1)7 Jc:1h<'n v..1 1hc, d()l'm d 1m.1ur lit: 11oh,1 di&hblL-d ill m.ch1n,: lra:l. ,ulk)'tklSJ ta.,~( 1h,ill J<:nK'n MiJ 1hc donn\ art ll.)11 mucl'I tlf a ut11qut rc.1h1rt 111 c.imp.N h)

b~ J1"1i" kuru-, ¥'>111/,lttt,, t>v.:urcJ

"ll("' f~l>fdcJ IHI l'llacL, 11,:;111\11 tb<t' 1llh rn·nkrd 8111111 Lud (oouir ' r1111t·IU ,nrhom(ln:- ~lier lr •m 1<•11111111., w.-,b Jed SIC 1i1ot1h 21 kilh 'tt:f h1, Jt, .;onl\ Jl'I her J».,1 ou1 lfPmiU Co.;.nu r,wh In lhc cup 15 111 the Scenic \\c,t \lhltlil.:: (°111tfch'J:tC:C !ft Jltltl pcnc111.11c I re hman Joltnc ('hn to~r c111hcrcd ll ldh, ,n hl't 1.,, h• 1, c•mr, l'hrt,iophocf 1olo1mrned '<HP 111 1hC' tourne y Jc-,pue h.a\lnl 10 rc mu, hr1ull hnm the \1•n~;:at1(' 1.11 11r alltf b(' du~(' hn a tnall .in1I ;app11tf,'t1tl) ~nil ,rJ ('t lur

l[O 111 •;aw:', ••..t ht Jw,rx-, Uk:' r,.a, u'IS ldl doc-,.n I ft'i.idc' 1"''nt1J1111;111I,-. ·We 4M'1 ha\-c: I fQfllllg pt\~c.'111," .k1n.r u1,I "J-'rnrlt! Ir> 1Al1tup.1ndropc Aller 1(,1, h1J I~ dnrnt> t, ruhutJ hi\ ju11m.thun nt"t at tht Mid)itV..'I) Sun.• tlfll:·IMQ J'lilrct (IJ"C'r.a.unn 111 Kkltc""'· C'ol,1 He t.:tlJ be v.l'Ole. ~itcd. ,-nlcl ,,.., ,k,o;ncJ •nd J tnl'Ull'd the J\Jpct, but t11J(l)'CJ 1hc hog,: ••orfdno,t lie 1¥'1 t,«11 In ,oo t.lffl c-m111l ,:n,11111.1 v.,1ih w..lf rncrr bet\ al SIC'. Wbrn lhc' ,poi,., 1.t,lunl\ltUo.l\ tp!\'lll.h\t pi 1h00 llf<"Of"d. lie' fk.,.

J11\tt·n (n1 an 1nkr\',c:l'I kMl.-n l>.'llutlOC, tit, nmc ba:tv.ttn 11JllUUJton, 1&1id athli:t,o. I h dullo

tno.:I~ «'f1mn1 hfl>l;hurt, p(l\l.a~, n104 ,~ 1IIUI utJ.i.1111n1 C,11Dj)U.

WI.In Ill: , 011 he f1111M kl up.:l.l'IC' lllhk1K ~tl J'ltO..

Ork" 1,npt1n111:11 u~pcct iii hl "*' ,, r.1nJJl'dmnj! M&11 *"'" 1tu1111 hu1.11

die ~tn(l Jcn..:n •111.-..l v,.,1h die l:t..ih \'11llr.~ 'il.11r (';,ll<Jt! "'' i. f),ll_tl', wtik:1'1 pool\ .Und11llf\ 11f !ht' Sc:cflJL Wt:M l\lhl 11 (.:,,n(("n'fl((' ~(lPl1- 1nfort1111tto11 d1rc1.ton, .a, w, 'ttt:..JJ(J .iJ n t I ur1111f11 0., en INWII)' Mrc11.hcd Ihm. lie 111.111 llK- P"'IIIOII v.·1 I pn1udc ;i l,.11 1.flitC', nir,c tUlth, co111..:hc~ on ~Ith ,j(lc,. J"~-.. tt'k.lK auJ r&ho pmjf'1111'1- J~ntffl V.ill MICflJ all il(lr1111r c~rnh Cit !'N' lk QJJ 11', .a \:h1Ukng hllllln. ina ;11!1111 \Mm1 11 i. 111hk1 a.. ""nu11Jtob&-..'tipt100"' 4•nuenforffll' Jcn iC'n t.altl

Ski, Snowboard Club boasts 100 members, big plans

Club invites everyone htl'tirhhurl ~,i,-llt,1,e,1t,

ifl'III ro f ~21 ui.:llMIIRR U.10ipQft.thM .inJ • dny p11u I\ ilO ,k~1111 h due ~•I\ N. 11,

IC-'ff\1:4\0I 'thl' dub I' Of'c.'11 IO IIO)CIPC. ;,c(o1Jmg 10

S1c: 1nlc and t\'t.l'I non,nttmbtu urc

t'OCOlU Jt:IJ 11) ,llt~011 lhC'


1i1'1>CU1mlt"d 1111c, (!'(Im Ski Shu()._ 111 H.i,·Jt'.o

1ht ,rc1, pm,idn $5 off oornul ,alt:, f<W

lttUlt.. he uld

I he 11,('\I trwdl'IJ 11 be NI.I\ lO at 1-0CMI 111

TodJ La:11.1rt liall ru Jncu,, fondrai 1111.aral

pt.uml1J fur the upc..,m1n1 k'aW.'tll A M.'.l'llll\ r,~ lift \il~rr \lni.!lLUtl \lo1ll l'lc lll\0111.ia:U IU NII ode TIie: c:lub j1J\t r111 h>&cther 11, ti..>,ud cun~ncu,1 or 11nl ,LK'ft.. The: illcl.-b

Stt1n).(. • tt'f'lnt'lltllll\t Sclf\\~hnr 1hrut1v'1 SI(.". aoJ \ 1.;c P~~•di:rit foe 1.o,·cll "'·ho rqn,.c!nh <i1hr1 Mou111.1.1n. Pfc,1J..:111 Slr.111._c' rcktr('d to .a quote b:, .\ll,cnC•1mn(.n\CI'\~ .i mounfo,·1bcctub


l'Dgo ll , no Nit; ::;on11nel I On De ck _
Thursday Nov 19
pl:.qut. John Jl'tb('II i• lk.l o\H~OJCf t(t thn collcgt, and he-", bci:.omu,, • Jl(O•lllllC'ftl fllj:UfC Cm aimp.-i, for~l~~l~r,::n::! L---~--~thc c•tnJrn' 11f1cr John JonNn, lhe apon• Information tu.,·•nt h,., Jorm •JMcllllllt,
b) 1hC" C\,llr;e ur 1i.;11.11hrm JJ.:.ho WI 1.u.>dlnJ ~o 11 rc,oorJ. SIC 11 inptt:,J .111 .1 !11~ m1.'U$.1N.:: 10 U) f ,,., n •he~KAA~IH&oumN:PC,. \o,;l l'! p,-nnltul-..· jU 11lwl lllp!.: 1hle 'IC ,1~ 11.'llfq,C b) l~l.lrJ1:1'1.lo.J..;JII I 1,-.5 I 7.l:t-$LmlhnnW1J1Tllll'111t',11l It wa 11 e ,Jnly \l.:t" lor lb 1nc<hcx:tc c..nt, l)«ikd 1\1fl,,U 11) n\ I 1.!C'AllJ k c.m ll 1d,(1 V.c 11.1•1 ricc:d u, g:,1
11110 th Jtuo,·c.- C11r1h,
, ,c••~•n
i:•1llc "\\<c Jd1nllt°I)
In tcr tt up for \,th
b;i~l aht't ""IC
c1ul1111 bumc
l,11,I,.(' (u1u,: rC"quc,t m1ph1 h.i1tc t,,:-(1\ lJil\nfCJ
U'IP,.. l ,·et)unc
19-)'t~r ~IJ Steinle
'h • 11t'1 J\l t for l«'OCJK"CJI ,k11:n
fou11J 1rc111 \!lw:ou11h foe hc-11111nc:r1 liOtM,\l.~1k>Jntl."" S1c11d,t' 1d ,he dub h1,
Steve Grttt1lt\li el'Kt Ski Club President Brady Stolnktt o~ffl<>Ok Llltt Peod OreUle at Schw-olt?et A.sort ht lh lkp-111 nl Y.ICllt', I IIILllh, larnc:J 1ha1 "'·uhin me I•) 11n 1nv1uh1e- ~1111111\c-t • Camlb~M F,-, 111111un111ie1n 1.llll 769 7:,1()11 i5) u1 owv lb oa1Jr ti Clu ib liL~ !t 11 m Friday, Nov. 20, 1998 12 Noon 1st Schweitzer Mountain Day Trip Saturday, December 5, 1998 $23 includes transportation and day lift pass $10 Deposit Due November 24 ....... ... ................. ... ............ ........ . 'iltV 1U ,i.l WV n1Il~ J l1 ~(o .r m. o frt <en fl in1 lID fl l]j i Todd Lecture Hall $60 Dep os it Due November 23rd Final Payment Due December 3rd 3 Days Skiing, -I Nights l.odg,n~. lt'JII\J>Orlation = $260 December 4U1 & Uth Friday Evenings 5:00-10:00 p.m. Learn to Rock Climb I!!! All Ability Levels Welcome For More Information: Outdoor Pursuits 769-7809 Siebert Hall Basement

, R.-\1, LY: S l.,in "'>'''"'"!: ,1ude111

1trncmhcrcd in cmution,11,p..,e~h

Ieonttnu-, rrom P1ge 1

1Wild&S11~1L, ~tmit"Jlnl*'~ ,11('\;W ~,fthct~ ll~hail'dlmcmPn.ilH,1t11W'.t1Paw:t ,it

\I uhc"' 'ihc-r..uJ 4n oprttlJ ,.,v \I. )••mini, "' Ucsr


\ll'ich hi• \IIICC' ~,hh11£ Tnt1)' si "1.11111 ,IC t1ar

1ul,uall bdl~ Ii WC'IL ._ut,tt~.,111


\t d,c l&ud,1,..111un1 rntr.anr..~ .a~ w-.-.a.,ttt up ll'llh •

I an1 hir 10 wtri ...t • ,II he- tent tQ \htp.ah.l'"

tsnii) Tlrre,. .aho1lcUt'f.)l.klr~Jl0·1hc .i)'.-IJ

W° NlUI ,;unllllUltH) In lht Al.ll(t nl \\ ,- OttllnJ .111J

'\.·woJ - I ~ k1k1' u.aa.~ &hac 1h( l'..ipahcy nuti

,iit 1flle 1.111)' ant~ li.r, v.•r11r,I lhf' ,r11tlle,hl.1i, ,,.~•lnlhlM'*'riOull:s;t~th, (flllll' lfw11Jfl I ~u..lio· lluh ~1 J1"21 Oud1'1tf ~,J. i,t, 1111 h,"c :.i l,1r1 "'") tv ru ••lh J1,n"11> ;and

J,._,t,m()C1 "°61 II•• 11111u1.- t,,1 tcii.:h1.t111t.l11.·11 .1huo1 ,tr"(Uµl~,cfdl\tnal.)' ,,--..nr11t-~

·\\"'it •h:JS )~Ill b) hJ m.J 1uaun.1 )(lllf ~iuld1,-a, /oll11\.0rl 1.111.I \Ith,.;,, h1lJrC'n an: bv111, 11\CJ Mrt

•!'O"I" H.11.:hm n lciitnc-,1 t h1ldr,rn rid ur '""')1tll!TJ1.

,s~·K.·~11 t.l"W!!Ur.u q..4""t'Q"111om·,nr~

·1~ io dlC' l'\01h~1,1Yff\.Af)' of lflc ,t111'\Cmtnl l'J)'

•oM1·11 ,,, ntht, ·\br.uu ~,rl.ai111tJ \!('n .u,11

,n:Um.:irr rn,-,. dliQ 1111.,..,,

\ti•• l\\111 a.:nll, v.ticn fie 1'11-111., 11llliu1 h::o~and bit cnr.~11,, --. 11 • "1!J 1'fhcri pcvrtc d1'1 t11..,,iu i,;' of lbtrt t,('\V..11 rrdcmu' or t,,~"<' ,1l th1: t,'6iir llr., bn Prupc 1111 JdlUh.llt'Jl,l\lltlthtyllf'Ct;,u;f'.Jllllrr\t.•r\\lO GiJ

JM-,.ttm111lct..i1w.t•h,r!.ult' Rl#L;gl,J

"\\.._11t.i!l n.lffh.1 ~1,111h.l'tt,hun11,,:aU

*""""'rc:"'""'- lll''Ullo)l\.l hn. lJ h \t#till LuM' J\1flll IJ.I~ lu the I lth )"Q'

MtraJ-1 fn1ml\1f l•anJl.tlC'\lrd·\ktliC''AIII

,., P,,..,.,,'ll~

ln \iW\1 thtcl:ab •• I ht tg\1Jlf• fll'IC'-J.iy ll~IJIJ'O"lflll

kt 11udm;J. tnim uctr ..;he'll.ii, dnill'i! \lllth hu111.ui iand


11i~ d1.1:U1111~ 11 finJ I ,I WII) 111 h~ IC' Ill

c:t,J.h-nlll"I' r..n rrcc.oocqiaL 1, dp1\ 4ftJric,11.1, hrrr~

The fl,1nr. l.qu 11)' ltuti..,,II ~r'-'11alJLhlcieLU1t:

bt.rr. fo}C'' t lor WutkS J\IUS l>.a} Whll'"

tpa;J"K' kla1t h:t•~n I tll"ffldcs'ilbl,cunmutt¢e: i;fuu

\Utt,. 11.!rmrl Mad t, Ji,11 r,d htt"t:11ur~ un \IIJS

•111 ~,. l,t,hk ,mil JICTC m N° ;1 pintl Jl'iC\l Jlllfl

BU RKE: "We h,ivc much 10 cdebrate a, n culture amJ socie1y'' continued f r om Page 1

HurlC' ., 'IUINllllflfCI' an: "Ill MkJ ,0111 pa, lttll.lh· 1111rn"1~,;· J,,u1 1he fl't'Clrlr u r Cocu, d' AJC111i:' ;1111J SIC ha~o "ck.vh ultn 1 ~IJ m ..r11.I kif hlmtan tt{ht, A11nd ,.bp1iy.•

8 1ulc dl\C:'th.\oCCI ta,, \4Hli1Q(r'1 "l.cmun, 1.:, l.l"ni111WJc" umPJJrn. \\ti.1t h rahed "'IOll:t> lor hun,Aft ttlhh c-uch m1nvtr 1hr Af)'.an Nation, n1,&frh1:J w, lht11 hi~) p.1bliw.cJ ~hkh W,htlhl11\.1fl)' t.J.-cd f(II" lliUrf't tilr1hda)' ~k \ol.lJ 1hc ~,, tocnc a n~• 10 Ifie' h'-'I nf the \.'OUlllt}', \ hllfoF lh~I 1bC' .\r)•tt ~knm'lll.hal lJ.ihial.aQd,t"

In ffl) l•l c.'lmic. I h,nc '1111111.:hc.l \'Ull11J!'. nght, l(l·i.J,r,,111. -dxk,t m1<gr.111ion, ~WS~Pl~ ,.nJ

1~,I'll n1,-hl1 11od w,1mrn'1 righc11 fflO\cmL"Ol.'-

Uwi,• t.:ild •t h.i\C V.4bC'd \1/0f'IW:rl.,,,., f'iC'"'l''e

,'4 c-,klf .._ lciiJcnhip rof,e,. rnr IM flN tour 111 oor liOOC1)', \l<1k'.1~ d'C') blld proi1>1nl} bttn

')"'-'•UJU..,'lfl) MJ tqi,hnla.bly M(luJcJ

\\ 1· h,n('. mu.:h w, Cdcbr 1c ._ • cul1uro .al•

""Xltl)'. Hr.irlc ,id inc1dcnh hl.C' 1.hc· ooc ,n Ja•i,cr.

Tn1"', .11.nd M1111hcw Shcp1ttJ'\ dca1h tn \\ wn,rn, wnc .i• mninJcn !NI 1here 1• \!\II • Jong tu I" v.hctr, 1, ~l'fl(d,

"'Un11J 111tc:·, ,:lto t&1ln1 h of pn mc,,c"t!rhl~ tb.m Of"IC'1 q,c rob-. wt *•II t,c oo tlQ\r'/ loWC' i-i.ft.t t,r \\\.'Ckt 1.n v,,hi,,;:h I 1o11110t m~ J )e.:uulJ&uJ}\ll·ttuh\1:,"htt.11d • In dounJ. he 11\anM"J lhc: px,r for chC' ,1r,pcmu1u1y lo llpt11.l anJ C'omnitflde\l ahc:h cnrooucmrni tu 1hc ~nl ot h1.1n-w, di,nir> 1111J JiH:f°UI ).

TR USTEES:Os1crrneyu prorni,c, "grcut !lungs" conlfnued trom Page 1

W• 111 Jo grea t 1t11ng\ for people 1111d Cllt11MltitUl)'.'' ~c.'ffl'lt)'Cf w.kl I llffl.C\4 1teJ.." Uc 1.alll I(. t\ .:i wptr 1m11t11oon ftlf 1hc: .ir(.;I \lth,,u~ Ktilk, ,.,_,. not n:·ckc.:scd.. he w1J J...-,.r,11* htt \ltUf,'l'I l'C plAtl\ kt f't'ln..ln Wl\'nh"tJ •11ti tht lCht'nl KOOk~ 1,,1,IJ lhc eollt'SC i, \'('')' 1mpon.,1111 Id thtu1111111t.11JI)' The uu,ttt', ,II be \\JIOtn,tn .11 the: f1r,1 l\ililb,lfllr'('l1flt•ltcrthctl~,·11a SuY tK

Kicldn Jimmy by Otis Brodwate r

CaptuJ Ego and Genius Boy by

°""H~H /<.IV ~0\)1A( <,cNf',A1 'o(T='f.

BID All NIC Night


November 18, 8 pm to 11 pm

82.00 Per Game & f1'e8 Sbou


L ETTER: Rac"1 thrcm, no1 ne-. to NIC continued rrom Poge 1

l«Jolrar E!lnJnt' C".111v.ngbt --'d '-'• \rnn.: .cmnic, l(JfflC ,,1,ti, Ma ·\ ,uulrnt from U:.h,ma, u1h.l hn1211c• t,c h111 ,-c,J

@Can•u1ht u,d K('l'nd Otc<n. :.1 tudcm from,, h.-1 KKK fltllnctd on kftTtcrJni;.:-iJ,.«. MU1-lc111;i Wp(ll~tf\tlfl \...J h( ...,.~ h».1,..c~I ,1 IOOCllb I ,au "°ht l t \he ...,a m htr •r.anmcnt. ~kl a l-fou1 cm,, ,u, burnc-d In t1rt y1111J

111ursoay. Nov. 19 1998
The NIC Sentinel Page 11
·· ··················
~ht Mud Clllhtr fk'r d110, bc:U ,1111g lC\Chll 11"1C• a11J bc1 111U1111~1, fo,md • doll oa tht' porcti, ,~rd j11, \\hue \Pl«1 ~hith ~KKK'" '111.'ruh·n •II ("ft 11 llutl.c uuJ 1hc La~ tnridcflt h.l, tw:cn turned o~tr Ill "-IC• CCMI.JUCI. ¥11'(, ii V.Olktnf ..,.,.,,h 1.:1,11asJtbl10tK', Yallllophonics by James Bell Senor Froggy Specializing i11 fresh, delicious Mexican food 59¢ Tacos All day, every day ---- -- ------- -- ----, r- 10 % off ! I I : for NIC Students I : & Faculty wit.h college I.D. : I I I I t I ~.,,....J ~----- ---------- -- --71h ond Shcnnnn Downtown Coeur d'Alene 765-8522 La Nina forgot. snow? _ 5 SU NS ET BOWLI NG CENTER T H UND~ ~L LE Y 81M1'X An F.nlertainrncnt & Sound faperitnc,: Fcaiuring Light'i, Ultimate~ & DJ •Glow In The O.ul< 8ov.llng • Black L,ih" •L,ghb Mo,·< A• Mu,lc Pl•)' ·Rollins Fog ·Pin, & B,ll, Olowrng In Tllc D.u\. Friday Nights 11:30 PM - 1:30 AM AN EXCITING WAY TO SPEND YOUR EVENl"G W 202 Sonoel Ave CDA 765-2695

Few a cm.II conununll) C'Olkgc:- tutkcJ a\\l)' 111 tbc mo.11tt1U1, 1.1r ...._

~Mh ldAhu.. l btrr r.urr JI ll b «•(•t 11w cat1PQJ l.}CO~t,ed "'th aU klndl (lt fant.1,U1. "'CIA l'iy J~t .nl\li. Un(mun:.atfl)', ITl;t,I\)'" -,u,Jc,ih 1",11\ n,ht on tiy ""'"IC N tbcv lnlhlctJ*'C~ The S<ntind w.·ould lik to ut\'1(( yoo ~,11 aquk L tcu <II a ll the ('antp.i, ha\ NJ olfcr


B~• dJ f uJl.111ihkbtlou.~•m~11INlC'1o1111c.Lw.t!i,hll1eQllll)U, t,IJclal

plW'f)' Prnk'111onai woA .00 \l\Jtkrll c.~bib1ts. dolt¥ 111mh 1hr C:omr .\n

Oollny"\c\il 1b 1'-.: 111 be: CwllJ 1f )1)1,1 tukc: IOffle hmc' 10 wafkkr chc dNL hall ~ 'I I~ lbr cra.:led "" " n lCU!J'CIJf\', terlt~ Ille ~,(tw.)c..'Cll.UL," t...titrt,,

Jlo.c Ha,m. 20.. tlit-ucr "2lJ l"f 1bth.onJ1na pic'cx 1.11ootol80\wcH' 1 la)'(~

' 'I 1l1o1l l1li.t &he d.wlrr Nr1 Food BeyMJ1l l1' l\11111. · 1titio,fflkedch.alrtltnl.''ftlO\ttWl1h

"'"""~ tl\l,1...,Wcs.11ojbN.u11,Al),J0thcra"wncd (ood. mN"Uw1Ut

f('l'IC'r 1 di\ll~al fc..,,. .Clhknh 10 lilc,t 1 (ood'\ too J*t JM,i,i, M.,r,tw,w Bunm.-\ 19,con.\oln.,


t 'm uct o( k'(tq: 11..'" b.l Fcllitt. 1..·01111,a;&(r t.:Ktl«. wld. ··M.1)1lrc' lhey

,ht,ukt tul.c au di(, frult 01r .ind Jll,lt l-'11> Ton1h11\lCI thtff ln\lea..l.

I n 1~ .*OOd lc,do<Uo""'dl1t,e"alh,t.U rt•) lt\idcn1an Th" anclwl.P'~ fmllleflll)','ClbC',·1<1dlc\:l.11ouse~ rnoc11hor ll(>Wk'C-Wfflc:'ofdK"




Ille 1.>l'w-M) h arx,chn h.arra r,-.1111 lit Jc. mlln) •-1~rwl1:1r .i'Pd phnW


1hcac~, ro un!ll'IIICru, bid1nJt

Jvrmeran 1t\\tnk:tur.k-.cJ~111.n' tiN,au ".11,dn1 in 1ti li~ l~<r. lltkd

YN.rftM:y"1 MeMonc:,.. iUflkll'Tl'iv, ', Vl'-iva.- 11 a i,,11i\11'1J!l) iklllllcd p,c« 1t1•

d:mclll'ltl I~ hmory of the uf't"a.t!n,1111~ 'Ailh • -«t~ UW.1,St-pich rJu,~tion •l

IUC 1,·,~u> • n: ,n.wbbk"'Ot~Of 'M'lil(\tth,. m1111tpbt,to,nrh>"


rhtftltltt pi~ "'it\ i:t~teJ ove-t • Jlffi'liJ 11rth1tt }'c.1n h) JOI* "bulun, autcd m ny o( the i.r,e, ..-.·nrt, oo ca1ru,., Tbe plllM pJ1t)C't b)- dtt mc,-x

k> Sd1ukT Audi1l1flUM llll>J 1hc "'fol!JI)' '>l t Ut' ric.ard1t ck\Mut "" lton,l'

ak.o.J u.11h &hr i..,,'- J~lrik:~ ~,wL,. '*' 1bf rn,n•"' tw-. cll H 11.-.1

Owu&aUIOO Gvmouatsn

IIIIEIAhbolaJh the coming 'oli i111i'f m,,ntfl\ II~ \',.&IJ.lritt O,Jh1JC' kll~ ll'wl

Jc ltatllt. lbctc att- *(:\'CD! i,i:,yf'ile •qr~, Ill' f111mJ 11t1tJ..,on

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IIJPMR 1M- tl.'IM: thiq 1..., n in Sda HAJI, the tdam h1,u)di111 1hc mour11N

nlCM"l1c: and airibw IIC'.11b. morbid , or uur 1U1hem ev,ltuntl h."lbiU of

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pl'M;,cdl of NIC •nd :i ',Cl' o ll1 pa, 11J111 o( the Ft'lrt Gmun,.h. mk'micd

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Tal.~)'ouro...,nhukan 100, i.,t' 1hc a:~tomCOn1t.1 f you'w JOI• ftrc

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JU•• M.1fflelhi rif111nd l1 n,I )~11Yt'ft f•lMltf1CXCof 111tJIH. IRIUt1dlhc


pho tos bv Michell e McNu lty story by Wade

Tho NIC Sonon<>I
Des tination NIC
Thursday, NO\/ 19, 1998

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