~hilt l'To('°~ T«hn1-.-:il l'f\'l,tlltlU <4111 lmr
~;.ax, 111 tlJ. h.e1 Thee h~ b;,\'C n\.ldc lht fll'Ndnll. and ha
c:Jbi.ri., llttaty 111:1111 t.'Ulli1ll Tbr t.UIUDl(UI;) ~ow11.,whld1Pl411) COQ1J 1,011>obd\lOOJ1Jt l1CWM.hnhikJtt.hllb.'ill~trrl~UUl flit.c,
)'t'lln'*'1 tbc mi.,«y i:n1he .-xou,,1 v.(tl11,1hdp ..xuauau.Ltc:tbcft'!L'urlla:srollmenttbet.:hooil
I..-,,! JW..~'C!llbe~tCC'~~NWWlf•'lf.liOUl
!JUI taldy nn? h't1JliSlan'lkv,,r·~,,)ln,:10t1,n\"li11i'.ae N' 1..11J wtii.lcmo.iofl.bci~,l,tllt-.:idfi:c..1al~1li.: ~Ul~IIIIIIIC Jlft'21\\\wt'I h: IIJuch,.•J 1111 atl.i 'J1'l'ft'll'C'IRIC~Jbilv.01IJtlC'UClilJl'll~l;llttll• 1n.~cm.·1ri.iiJ a.Jlbda:dQ.~·-cn'll.'Cllhl'IO.V'I\ lfi'Plr' ..-Nwr-,'l'i(t'ai;·i;~ • ••n.Tt'~IU1lila.ll\\",&ld11.tf'i.n~tnlalk1¥o,'"1'rAl Ch·t1lkgad.tkJ.'fflrlLbt.h.dlJdltU'll« nurh"'onuuen.praip bJtr.. nut1Jl'IR'd•d
............ lhe-""*' )'Cll'IV.lll~IDtr)IIWmil.th:'1t.bn..(a.'l'IJWrll1p,w "11ttcallthllUID.l\.Ullll~l-.l.•
Shhhh. the audience is /is1e11illg
1.,,,_11lmrrt.M111t~'fUrlf-1\ h.•cal """'l).u.-Ji,.11ra,,~,i.,-..,...,.,. lbc cnM,"1111') 1c'.a11 -.... u:IIINelOAndlhc ,q.ii:auf ~-..Pc1t1rnrn.,·•,"" '11 w•l.rlb1.u•1tu \WM'lt'lndc1ia1anl llllid Lnb\li h::d~ndl,-.ftlJliU,Q'llUTlffl0
l"l'IY..$ Mdr) taut& (lqc\\lDma.A\.\'K'"p;al,-t,ath.~fi:dl
1.u1bd:n11r1 de 1n.nccrmcr.11:11.~ lhcit .tasty ton.1: "M•ru¢-,nq;h"""' ~t.'dlql:tub19nmillr,st"111t1.1ffl1Ugc r.hr1.1uillll)'oft~K1Pdl-i.. ,;n'11,1.1~Tl, WdJl..;om, 11.Ud l t:htnl 1""cull,·,.: b dolnit an c.,n·Jlr111 pt A"i~K .,,a0·1 be atf«taf t'i)' 1hd'WJ.t'h.Vh,II 11 i, ruud,--.t 1""11t.Jh 11111k I~
Impo1tance of Nez Perce songs lives on
t.1Lu..,!!~~-- thl,ual1uo11l11~cm:nM111)'. ._w,r)~ lltt•111tq.an,it11~'111.."ll1'l.-qU'cl
M1wc hc4s off Nat1\'e A111,•rim11 Ht.,ton Mv11tlt rn1~ci;,,-a:ri.01tah 1rcfta1t1111U11: V1.'°') ••~ wat ~111~ -.i)l' tri•n t'<billJt1-n-,ll•l.ti.ctr:a.1d-=~tnht' t~cmy•1b:w.:11T11.nU..UD:.:sthti• "~ utt•,:aimll)''llllg b)-1pcrw.,nYthdlto J:i~i.11'=hblpnl.tullh*1 bcllt\nlth:t•,np~tr .ung:1111 ra1001Dwliu~
An1-.;al uiiJ11)1111<iC: watmat fl!CD!IH U.1lllkl',j\lo'll'fll'l)ll'Mt.l lcidww.l«i w.,, wn."Cldm11.1rh Uc a>~n1..-.bl ~11-1111' 1'"'.,Patllfl.UluittdUlrSc'JPnct: ,W,tL")'I. UWa11TodJHAIL TI1tS1w. l~n·rnt Altrrmi,••hrmwe.ltr•cnm• 01~ 1.pol..:of tJw:: h:bcl I.I 11 lbO Hdit'..1o.llnd.1J,,k.Jlticp.,.i.eiic, l-oot.\,J ltie'tlcad~r-,1h tJl!flr 9iilllP,. Till, 111CUC1tial fotdn'1ff8 bull;ilo bmh,&nth:irdll'Cl;t.tO'l
b..lu:d ofl ~1w .,\JnfflQh H1\lnry tdnllimaimhm!t.,111-i!bp.. lka& \it,nth (Ubi,.~Cf(IUJj.llfc) 'NC!Mlll.! Jori.latll~m.l'-e1.J'cr«li:ult1JD! ff.l)'l\11!n. 1~rcc i.::oordl1111M'. k.lmt'J up with •1 :,Ulu:1,.1!1: SaJbt.r~p•tUl.'}' lnaa()bm.pmfn.'KlfcrnmlUIOI ,~~lli;~\'U:l)' :S J'u!Uuni fttl.lnL'd ',l,11.b A WC)' ~1111 llis~llllli."l"ilU~I.UIJl Wllhhb b:md orn d1tnu!b a h;c~'C l<1wanla kid of t,uffalo. llie bJ,ni boll c..mc ~, 1111.' r.:i.1 tci• ,,.. b1\
mtW(' and N.11.iw: Al11MC".at1 StiJJ»t, .11 lnlik:rlh1•• Wnl!tMJklll l'tl.l\'Cnll),tubdp ~WiiDf?'~llll'i1rOia:-.1iJ rc:,'Clll •iJc.,J"l,i111 dlC 11,J11tn1111I '\WY.v."'1-rl.t.bl~ lt•:batl.:r mul:11: Q,IIM,,..11\i·,1),.·1111nnimt: ~•ihSaA:a:J.i-,1. 1uca,Jt,,lr Josleh Pinkham allt before his am:estor Chl4f JoMjll, r.i-...·bidc.. 'Ilia: nm lh11n,-rtr.-Opmiftn.'Umf n-=,t."lidtbe"~ml._,_'Ul'IJpf ~n1..·~-~Ull.lr\Q)
Two trustees resign, Wood become s chair ·after vote Chair Chamberlain. Nixon leave for personal reasons
b)JtJ'..b'.\t1~.!.._ 'roo.,ct.o1£;!l!l:)P
lwouC ~W', ni,du4' JtdUUfHlWI..C'IS
anw:1urK'('Lf S"\ 7 di.it lhc.y wUI be n"li1111n1
da.rir J'("1ll11111 Oft 1he h,.."IJI.I l>I IIU~lt:s for pcn11114lre.a~un,.t1~fJan 11,ZOOl.
T1u1Cce, nuur lhcbiau1 Uw.nit•etlAln an,I
\\- W cQUh S1.wn will ~1,11n 1ht1r pc.,111io11\ auiUI thtr the JUiU&I) lltcdWf Aftc1w1tiJ, she lhttc rtlll&inmg incn111Cn Shc•1~ \\ (iod, h«l t' hlt~} .1aJ Rull) Wilhouu"' Yrill llptl(•ltll ,ammunil} mcm1'CN 10 hll th,: cmJ'll)' ho.ud po,1hun, :r,r:cw a('lpl)mJcc, •111 icnc 1.1nu11rtc nn1 local cle..:tiun 111 Su~cn;N,
Ir ckcitt-d tb,:)' wJII
"l w ,C'aU:J h·1rut1-,tblluy at 1.u1>.ar4 W11.\h1n,uin Srn1,: l nl\'('t'III)' Ctwnbcrl.tm Sp<-bM •• Jm.•;;tor C1t Cl,.nmun1i:1111ot1, 11nJ J•ubJu; \f 1.11n. Sl,e pl:111110 t~hlC'.alc la Spohni. The IOflk "'"'ho" c,, rcrlxc Ch.:ambc,l.111.1 c., <h.ur wa., lht ,uttJcct 111 ht.ak'J deb.Ile i!Utu1.J
1hc N"" 1'4 ni«tilfJ, TI1r,,uib. o lu11c ,~r rJ.ih\'1 co.Jc, ~tiuut" SI(' policy a11d r, tllam(t11.ar} procedure. :a,,,,~••• hc:M
Big Easy '\ Travel/Page 16 ..... I Monday I Nov IS 2001 Anthrax examined News/Page 5 'ES ENTIN EL ,1 -~. '"· -1 or 1 h 111 ah o ( · o 11 l· l' C •1t·111· d' \km·. Idaho School to lose S1 .6 million from budget tate calls for major ·uts at institutions orts show ant abuse 1-are alv.11')"' bl\ Ulill: d,v.·,gt,·c a llhulC.hooltu~calotabool.tbtu' ·-)-nt11t1tnOC1l. bowc~r. tN:i11hcffo llca.h'.ir'e5&K'tt:\l,IUlVIILlcri11thlct.e,. dlaal.llhaln Parking to get more difficult 1 11 Cl I I w,'rcs:01ni1o1ia,'rt,>l°':il.,1Qltv.a)'YiCNt1 hulfflCU,, KIJl\t:lil.ld \\'hit,: 1tlolo tDhhm 1~,ll. to~ u.hatl..-n;t. ru..lll )'DI' 2'lll 1' 11 be nyn Wllt'K! Hurl(' II turf'O'(J '" ura,-t•)lll"indlliurlt."tllft'clhi.-~buJ,a
Jiap.yktma 8ourguu. nophtw ot Cuhu,at Reaoum COOrdl.nator. Jotlah Pinkham, 1hus.het during• ancfa pruentatlon In TOCld Hall.
W'f\'l' 1~ rc1n.au1J,;:r ot ,ht
HM'lllhft, llllJI ~IIIOP. wh,, w1ll 111rq, 70 m 1-cbnutJ, 1111J he
v;1.-;i11ns bo;ird
1111d Sbcda \\'0041 ,.._,. tuuu:J dtilll anJ hrJ
,u1,tc,J to 11:litt mJ JP nJ m111c lune• 111'1 tn. tamd;., ,tr,11 rra~('I lie ha JtrvcJ ,w:1 Uu· N;uJ tH'lcc 1~'17 Cbambc11.o.itt h.i, tun oo 1hc ~rd for fl\·r }'Un.md b.a, btcn \ot~J m .a, l"h;11rpcnon 1w1r..-c. C11-1n1bcrla1a uid "",... ,-1 tt••in1n, t,ccau...c llf vkc· rh1ur ONUNfi: ""w rue edu/,cntinel BY PHONE· 71>9-3388 BY l'AX: 76'1-.\W/
,1 u,rtlhcmrcttn RIA•,,1K1•i.chum ,1hOU1t vti:c prn1J,:n1 hlf 1a,1rudn-o, inno1u1crd 1h,11 1hc •.1cwh, rnc t 1-'nM Sl11Crnw.11 ha\lll~ta, tt.,J ,ni;,,\·J u~6.!XW1 ir.ut toluan Jd11h1, 11:.boc,1 adman1 1, lao m ufct)' rroceJurt1 JntcrhltJ lltl/C'II~ n( KO()t(n.ui l'IIA 11.r,rly fol &be open bo.1,!J po11ttt'tll h)' rcquc,.uritt •rrh .iuou~ lnlfl1 U1\! rmltk1u atfkr ht'JlnlUftJC No\ u. \prllc.:a11on1 IUC lh ·u due hJ 11«. ,., T1lt bolarJ oftrutleu ,'1 lhc tn.tjor ;i:on:ffl1D1J boJy flf :,,.;h 11,t'! lxiarJ 11ialai IJ«1a.w•u, tt,-: r,J11t1 the l~u, wiJ fuluJt ul the C'\•11.Cll' 11KJ11d1nJ wJ,.-11'1a to 001ld.i .W1hon;il N11IJtni,. cun,,ai;:1 lo.aiu 1,r r.aPot' li:CM:•!('!t.ill C.flunly rt•)flC11)ia.\ lloard mrm~ ace n, ,, r 1Jd. °1111." OftlV pttk t$ iJ h'ltO:d lbc'C»ll~Jt I*)'• ot CY!;r) }l"&r f'rcud1?t11 ,111.harl nu,h1.11J / lhe)' llt • \"ff) lh-'1fk.a !d (l\•up of 11Wi"1J11al
Course helps Habitat, fellow student
G~thing~romc 16~ \\hll fi.gld.ancl J.l,Jl\\; Ill{ II bctlt.'1 bf!:, 1'Jx J'CIUUd o,I hllP'ltOl:t on nllil rtMJUndtd thruo)lh 1hc
'4'11t11.1 ,,I 1iie roo!UIJ ltilnlt'> 11,c NIC Cazp!rlf')
dn." v.·3..' (1ntc apin 1oCllin1 the 11J11,r IN"'<' for 11 Ullbillll lur llum111111)' l1i1KN! Thi1 J'll'OQC.')1 u:k.l.:, r1~ng aod c.tn'ful placing.
IO tbeCIUJk.'UU) 1:IAS'i rnJk 1<k.111f<>lt1nt1."Cn
O.i,·c \tdt.-. (;lltpC'nt.ry unnucwr. dtr«lcJ hk
ituJ.:.1ll.i.t\ the)' "'Cfl&.ibout 1b:.1rwodi.• Hc1ok1
Habt1A1: fvc llurn.wi1y a -~•urk )'.·'" a~, 1h.at he'd
fi.el 11 d11.'ll'l ,1n 1i1c1t JlCQJ"U.
Wblll 111,Ak1,..~ lha hw-.e dilTCtl'tll rm11) 111hen he
lw he.lpcJ 11obh 1111h111111,111 ht\.'anl( 1ht tu.nc PC
another NI(' ,111dc::nl Oue v..t~·, tu.J long, fQUgll
hfo. J.ur 11,,nt'Wl>c-J11,g l•l,cawf\X "'ll hcruUh
~11·, a g.n.-at 1hing." McRae ~:ud. rtll«tln& on
ho-A thh home •·di he u.'>td
l<nyn Joy Rcc,n ~Id ~tie·, ilw•)·• bad a
pau.loo fo1 nun1nJ. Ne,« flni\bins hJgh ~hN>I.
11,h( baJtC111t.lL'ITI!'l.1kJ &ei1Hl£ hct GED. Out ha
.t.,I~. tilcobohc hu,huod dii,counced hcr. lllki Rtt,'CS' drcilm, kcrr gi:tbng w,\'Cd farshcr •""''>'
She: tri«l l";avin,: lk'f b1hl'i111u.l nu;ny Lima. ba:I tlth UJJIC ,he nme ho...k 1t·,J,kc I wu uJJictcd ti> 1b:: ohus.c:. Rci:,-c,
Al the 111,C ,,r 30, RCIC\'(1, fm,11)' gUl a t.li\'(l(()C II W.bat11t1Jvt lW"nln~point Jll ltet" life At lhc umc: alu: ik<'tikd to gl\'I: her lik ltt 1hc UlfJ • fi e'~ I.he Iactor 1h.11'• JIM 1.'tl nw: tinou,h Rtt'.-cs~i•I R«"c, I~ up "-·1th 1hc Cfflll:t for Nt\\ Dun:U01l, 1111d ~iH·J Jicr 0£0. She ~u111l'd w0ftio1 nc, her ~rtq.1.i\1tt,:S for nun.1ng. but pruMon~ w,ih dianl"') l..qlll ht't Imm rcu1ngl1ir, de,,rcd cicir«. ln.....i. ,i., aoi hcrCcn,fi,d Nwlb A<i:mUltlt (CHAI. fw., ch,msrc 01 w.:c11('ty, Rt'l.:,·1,.., aiid h•'f ,oo \\·m1 to A«id.11. but afl,!f f<ktt yenn !,he- rctumrd to IJah11 stio Wcl'lt bade f(' 1hcCc:n1cr tac Nc'II. Dirccliwt" 111d bc:g.m funJ.-fUlg bet ~oo .She \\·11,1, \l-lltlnt"' v.ort 1t1r .u111.Jml.,_,iocu aM1"'4rn v.hcn ,he\!\\\, W IJk'I\ i¢ "Pc-.111 Hll(~ •nd lic:r r;t"""'" for m111111, w,u rrkl1kllcJ She wcol twk to S:h't' dl~m•~ 11.nochc-r 1''l Thtutsfb NIC'. Rtt\'CliflUlkld. toJt o( i.oori,J1:na: ll1,11c had k-cn lo.t dw1111 bn n1.1rritsc
New registratio process for spriJl
She """"' "'""" s...i p>dc\ Ind gdlJni '"' ffllJfe!(llnndcn,a.,;tbcJ.ay,~\o&'d \Vorki.ng in the bclllh field 1K a CNA. l imd 1n.11.11W a loc er.er the la.\l 10 )can. Rtt\·e; i&id, "SIC hlld a big impacc oo ftl(' Nu• .Jae'•.c,:u1.ng her®-a houK and will eppl)' ror bcr U>N prognam tn ti~ ~rnog. ll Y.,l\lhrouf;bber e.u,Jj\h d.,1111h.11 Rftl\'N fin.t kMncd of H.lbl.ut for Uum,1nhy. A ('la..~m:dc p,-c a ~prcd14'n lhl' prop,n 1.Dd condulfcd du.1 !ll\)~1ne U1icn::\ta.l \hould llpply. Bd:nJ a ,1ngle mom livmg in kt-1 Ill.In 1(.lenJ hous-ing, l\c,..-..·o a11pUeJ al'd wa\ acxepltd Rtt,·cs.· b &he ftn.L b\X,ISC bc:1113 bwlt on tbc new plul ,,t grou!kl. A,,. hen got• tool. tho founJlll•oo (or 1hc ~d house <:ooJd be -..«n Tht hou,.c h 99g lcci Vinb IWQ bcd,\,mn, nnJ one Nth, Aft'a merchant\ doo~tcd many item, f~t thchou!il.'1" ,Uo1:b u «N11c<s and •PfilinriC("I. "' h '1o a 11<'ry cmouona.l capcnc,ICC',- R«1o·« ~,w.. ~[1,cn:"1 no"'•)' I cookl ,,..,,t, hod• home bke 1hi1 u 11 Ul.ln·c l,cc11 for Hobil.u. GoJ h.u bkMieJ me."
R«~es· ~MlkrhOl'ICiiUI.JI (IC.bmlhAI l&l't'ln
,11u.1.1Joo~ 11mJlnr io hen. c:cn l4i.e h1,..•Jttt (roin bcr ~OC)' a"'9 tum tht'ir h ~'CS MroUlld Th111people 1n abwm: re.L.tlOMob.lps Clll' hrt-ak: frtt nnli lc:itd l1.11rpy,pro4ucu,-c li,er..
b)' Pllm SlalQ.n I .... _
REGIITHTI •I an Y F,oul..., •<JU'<• JGA 10.U• Sa
• Jm 1~ Ill. ce:g1ttdl1tg the AikW.t,,p •t"C"t lt-eht,lt'.tl RqJIUW'II otf,cc pwk,.w'"'-'I III o;;.11.1dc'n1 Sc ttghlrllb<..lfl rrocC'\.., Onflnr regmnmOC'I rcw lhCit MUdcriq ¥1111 Ml 1:1va.l.L1M1:un(ilt1c.:t~d' '.S\·1'; tiixlcou or ft'.1rpJpnr. !i.nadtoli. rtJ;icr ln: 1111.tdent lfl"~ High tc t-iudtnb wllo art ak,o enrolled UI tol COOnc.4 uw,t gu through tbot tugh K 1o:oon.<1tk,f-1ocnml il\cl.w,CL Al lhc: lime of )OUrooli:nc R"g1"°1ill 3ppoit1Ctnl"fll ,0 loJ WW\\,' .nu.:.cJIJ aoJ f lhc 111~00,1 furregiscration cod die prc•n:g:i~lnllJOD &MOULICtn'ICnL Y "'-hcduk ihould appeiaa., )01.1 n:Jli.lO'li du.»c.5. 1( not clicL: the rt'(fblt icon I Be WN lo dkk oo aove nJJ -~ mJ ii
\till nticdc,l 1(1 ru.lfill 1cqui.11::mcn1, for 11'4 AS or AA dqrc,c:.~ If y~ rc,t~tcr (Ot u. tl,1.')~ th&! 11 full)'-
1n,y fl"qtlCA lO be p~ on. II \\iltttng lir"
"pa!Xl,e..·0111c,--1a" IUJabk)·NtA'dl -
'"'""'"'"IIY be oJ<Jro - Y"" w~I • "' Iii coo1xtcd You~ mpop<1blc fnr
9'" 1'~
Llndl Uiill r1~ i)l-.riilln,a~c:.i.s,hc: maJc:t1411J>ldc "nk1\f'1f{tft'. llr \lllJ he ll-rf,1hl, ad\·l',,QS) ""nunim:ic. mc1 Wilh htr f1.wm11rc 1hiu1 18~tl1,n.'J*Clt .J(OOfS - lhc ASNIC om.ce t>t Ill KtdtuC' \',uu.lJ be JUI Cil\ier All.CnwlOl/0 dtlll L'Ommitttt &lld bu tMWt\d)' II ((Ml~ d PrcrcQUi~UCi nttn'I met (lJ
ASNtCtw.J11Cl1.-.Jup~ll"J.U1 hy O'Bti.:n",off~tn Md.arn It.ill. L't'J\t.rokllflJ •11hanwu.iock rl:u1Md1hi:: ~«S.rif Ma,i;h2S-2•J. (orada»:i., 1..i alld11 ConL~'1 the j
•Pf'Olttl e/iJI t:omnnflcc- diau,. \Ii.ho Room 101 c-v1npiny. NIC' hlt.~ lln arninecmcnl lbc u.cd. .thcr t,pnng hl\"ak, for ~pslnat'• Olrtcc (~ 11•~i~Wl« II i~- :0 ~;:/)C~11n imrktnrnntt,: 1hdr
;;!!!_:;~~\lbkti~ !or ttd~CU Di~~~~)'~:~rie>ni:n:ec~u·or
Al-'l~ J )'<•uni: m.uncd ,'OUple 11,hQ GJc":"ohJ. Dri,111 Colftuaand b N I(\ li.'.nl,1tl\'CI)· 'CbcJull'<l for Apnt April Kroetch i ) l0t'lkin, i:nto 11r-""1ihin IOdll.~ o( inru.11 ttS'iffllllioa< mxnlfy ll'N t>i,·,r-h,11!1)(' '" a fitt anJ Kmeldl llll n1i1>k the "'6th 1>1 off~c Pt.lt.t't will ti..· g~llnJ tu :ill c.kn1e11tlU')' gl!1hnr lfl cln:lrtlnw rc:.Jtr t,,n,,.rJ m ,.;;a1obin'1 window ln I.M·KildnY. lull II' w11111 ooly 10 be tdf;fll1ficd JU\lin Sophcocnon: '\cn.itnr krttu)· h 1n, Khocth ahC!ld or 1,me "' J&: I the ,...Mf Iron, of lhr- SUB tn ad\·crtl.JC raymau l' ooc recct'fcd within 10 da}'
:.:~!';::~~t.'~!:1o~Clls;:~ ::~7~ca:,•:::..1!:a:,;,: :!~!::;;
die c11J The ltc)!Jlllr.t'\ Office "ill be il CL.uk 11id ..wdcn1, haw lxcff C"m:mutut)' c,,Ucg~· and 1.IK pmtl aDJ mure. coufNcnce, TI.- a1c.itc OOl\t lncludtna: :::":.~:~·-I lhto1.1gh [xi:. 1 '° • C',i:cr lo ht'lp that fdlV'l 1tudtnt11 ;tt llt11\'t'n.ltyof l.Ww,"• f\."atJil.iua o.,~,k,_.1_h,_•_b._••_"'_'_1~_J_,_1>o_1_,1y__"'__1,_•oJ_mo_,,,._~_,_11_1>c_s.,_.JOO_____·_o.._·,_~_"_'""'"'"'<1.call u, •
White powder found by staff: daytime auto burglaries continue h}' ~bu M11y 'f-W.• Ee. s,upk-lull'\ "'1,1bc&antt Srcuruy 1,1,,..., nacified Oct 26 by b t,J'IJ)' wn·dwt a v.hlli" powtld} bad ho:11 fttUnd. The ~u,ptc:1w:1 Mihlt&&orc was no(Jcc,J by .t Ma{( member in Ille drup,-bmc CJUbrc.k tbr bul.ld1n, v.fic,c, II ~a, 13p:nc:d kl mne1-c he.'>~ Ct,nntil t.11'patch """S n()l 1hcc.! and the tlllll:'na.1 "'·11., c:hL"CI.C'd by •he wt! dcpuru:nrut m.i found klbcffOQ tia,:ll'dw.t. Stoln propu't) rttOl'tl') \ b»M:kp.:k tumrd inl" l«))l •IW found w11.\ rq11,rwdu,~-uri1y-Oet 31. TheWeron1.1.inedooc of the '-UC, \lld;iol'' \ i i:th I.hill haJ b«tutoku from SUB f\il Juclh. Shtdc:ru JO Wil~ found to 1bc Nekp.lt'k. th111 wa,1 roet1t\J~d from 1he Sl19 ba_\(!mcn, An Jn,..t',lirahcm l\ con1 1n:1.1h:ig
Uattt'.I") On No\ I otc:urity IC(Cl\(J infornuuon un • 1h.1tl occurred 10 • OED "1udcn1 tn from nf KdJr,• Oc1 31. lnfomuiioo uldicat.tJ rhiu the \UII.Je1,. bluen:d b)' dittc h i ~nk 1nillc1> •ruu,ld b 1lic 1ndckm never n:r,on~ 10 'WXUril)', ll!JI
lal.c:r rrpbnaJ lo Corur d'Alene P,'lbi;e b); 1he, Au1oburi;lill')
An IUIA,) bvttlat)' "'''s rq,onc:J tn 10.Vrity "loY
R•nhrn)' Orivt. ·t1it: vidim MkS ,l,e !)llti.l!d
at M10Ut 2:JO p iaoJ retwned WUIWlf 7 p.m W thi= dr1'<ct ~tdc, winJnw1'rott11 I lc:r p,ui,c ;1;1'61
Cillle1.t1(CO',ts..,J been , 1~kn Vnlueoc <o1tole1u ri~ 1,.ibc$151S. Rtpc,n ~a., hlrdwJJ.btbl:
Double ~u,o bu.c11lltr, Sixurlt) \loll oot1ficd No, 15 o l t\lo-o vcllli:la
K~ Dmc w.·nhra,,\C"n~~Jdc:\\Ullok~' 'KIi Pu"(t !w..t hccn Liken oil 1hc lie~,,, o l tlt.1111
Ccnunl d i~11h.b wa-. r,olilkld 11.IMJ ft'P'l1S "'"-'"' ti
Vchicl" \\CR JWkcd at 12:\0p-.nl :ind l:lOr
~en, di\¢0\·cn-J hukcn l.n10 I 2.)fl p .m.
3: L o ess tha n rhrce C: perc,•nt of Nes tle's sales .ire 3 from choco late. • • • • • • • NEWS
Single mom.
la ss build home together
sweat equity hours on Mf' new Habitat for Humanity home In Post F•lls. MQNDAv, Nov, 19
Kovyn Aeoves works toward compklllng her 2.50
Waiun.1n JMJ hnei to ".&'!llt'r ,-,r• thin£ l'I( tbc p:o1. Onl1DC regt'itffl\KlQ \\'iii .1.nllabk ro, cttmndy <atolled ~udeuts to rin:-regbl.Cf lot the \JWlnS" 1eni~r ()c.,c. ,i through Dec. 9 Atlndufk:ernrnb futonhnC' rtJl'l...._. wen:. mwleJ 1(> ahw1 :\,ZOO OIIT'l'nlly cnrnllcd.ic11ikml( Mudc:nC$onNU'\. 12~ ll.'g~uwtlon appmntmc:nt thnt'> Ai,d !kt& ,n\uucf.tOtJ<;,. on OOw tc, ~giuct anhac. Rq;,c,arnr Riclwd Be\'lltl"' ll.ld 1roh1Jcau l Ihe M1'41 crtdJU !,.'<1 lhc hOII appal.QI,,._ ·Atlhoupla oo.linc «g;i.,lfil!IOO "'ill k ~00. f'C'gl)1r1.1hnn w1ll 1.1illbc i1v1tl.,bk In the ~t,tw.n' office llld ii •likkrl1 \Cf\ ,«i."' he t.ald Nlr 100\C ,100(t1111 "'llodo noc ha\c 11 C"fflf'Uler or one tlw h a>m~ublc, c:Oll'lf'IICtl ,n 1hc Mol.i.tud Llhnr)°• oomp,1ter IJb Me 1v,U3ble. Bcfon: reghtamg onbnc. mccbnf adV1M:I 1, 111il l n:,quittd FllilW'C'to meet, an aJvlwr will hk,c'l;. )'~tr ~jti"111LIC11! 1 findou1 \!oho )\'IIJt udvi\Cr il.. l,-g011trtNIC OollQCILI "'...-wnit't'du, otCONICI AJ,i.\UIJ $crviicNat 76').lJ70 Su.tdcat~ currendy mrollcJlnW rro1c.~~onal· lCt.hnkal fUUJ;flUtl\ ~=~::;.=:1:'::~1lhe,.J
Student senators help couple, plan events
NlC OululC' 'Alli ,WC ullo,,r )'OU IOI\'~
Tim.an( Cl.ark.. tm.hm.in ~-. nt~ Krutnn .u 1hr NO\. 5 Mrdin5. Put« d pl1L11n:in,p lhr hn.l the .Popcorn r"M\lu1 t1Jlllmlll«. 0t .~.~m,o·,·s-."'a..~~,•- ,,,,,,,, .,.,) ,,i ,,..:1,quid1:morrlllli.1c11ndJ11n10 Jul1A~.8"l,)'Dlllci'-io.,R11r..bcl c.:hild1rn·,1~d1falr1ut'IC'hdd•t Y,ft:kbiJ1pl;a;mnng,hcC\"'tfll(01 ., ••_" '""'""""" 1:1
-~ -----------~-----------~
.1,lJ DMiny. ,\SN.IC b.al bc-ct1 v.·111, cll:dtd 1t1 lht: 'iC'lu1.c pto·h'ffl out. SIW" rti1h h1 11..11,·..- ftttcuen uru1 upeornlfl.C r~enlti 1nl 11.1J n:;1\U'aiuon. ~,iurcl~, v,dl h:con«ung clothiu~. lutld .aniJ '">',: f111 PmJc.Im Wdltami. siud hr pol,cc- ~1 11een oo hand to All5"ct W-llhwn, Jind all or 1he ~Oilton nnoc11cd lt:~~;:'W~~lc. "ho !~11c m
parki ng to be restri cted in Fort Grounds by early sp rin g
rmu"• hc:M"l\ hl!UCJ by mc c11,. "ff'C: wnu rn in die ft:in GruuuJ.., tll'Cl accordin g to a h.u,dc.11.1t d!!llnhulr.d .i 1he m«tl.na,.
PvU~ hll'f"C 1..w.cd \'(htclCI and •·Ill
CtWlhtwc: to do w•bcn~ R.codcnb Utd thc:y'vc lllw had prflttkm.
111·11.h \Cui.k.n1.t p.vku,g in the • ll~)llo'IY" •nJ
t!IC)' l;,da,H lliCTc n a'*'" o( cnfOR.'Cmcnl
ill lh : (OfllnlWU()'
The cd) v.-tll he 1.h.an1u1a u,n, ui the Nlft Gtoonl.l, a,:,sht«hood 10 '"''0-hauf ®· ~ln:rt parbq. ft'ltdentw pmruli n.crnpt, h~ Al'OI. In .kldi11,,n M lbc l\\u--hour l mit, lheclty ,,. ~ttlna: mak,n., Mdllat) anJ Empire &\ t'OUCI ID no puking l.UQC&. Ahoul l60 \tUJenlnn «tt f*l~ Ill lho ro1«"11111l 11n:. du.nns 'IC.bid tnan Bud.\' h.ttpropo!t('dltwA I.hr ltat.cbui ld atllJlhct ra,rkl11$ ICJI', bu11bc:tt att 00 plAru-1.tl 00 w II" w.1d thctt 11o'iU be abou1 LOO ml)te r.i:bllJ •hm the- nc•· -.n ,~ Gnn.htd ld JiLlawy. The"' ~klftJ wdl be op:n ttl •ll t.1i.krtb Onc: rcaidcnl >1 lht- hoo~ncn-· mcctlot
Studonla w1tk to ctus 1hor parklng oo Forest Or•• 1 rulde:nU1.l 1trwL
\UgJl('l,IN Ula! I.hr 1.U)' d 101,dd mo1,ke .inirlt part.ni •Ion; lhc dlkc, lfl\~...,d (If t.bc: cn\bne parallel p..-ktn,- Tht, •-.y. matt enn c\lWJ pa,t. Ihm'
Butte and &he Fort (in,uDd, tt,,iJrab Yid lbc.ybtJiC'\'C if t.01.~atc r~~ tot,11 pitbn,; •!Id'"'" fv>ur riuidns lt'Clb,,. "~ ~11.kknts "'1IJ ~n llWI* the Jiuul< bu,
,,._,., wn1C1Cl"r Thm: •tt ahoul SIJ ,,_rw,:a m die R.«110 flood ro,t:ini ltit wkre 1bc !\huh.le btu r,kk, Ml.llkAi~ up
,1"t111 ltu.n}W.CDls-.:1pubt11,'f'ICC.
t th.nk In I"" lcXl(lc."n11 •~•1flfu,J bnd." Burke .aid ·wehave p 10 find•
~•) IOt'O-C1.l.C'"
··11 Sl(."(';l;n't~4cmorcparklrrir
ldlUli\.,.~ OIi Cllfrlp.l~ I.hr:)' mlptl hi\·( lO
~tort 1,, rcnn,1 r-Ung." Mui Piltul Joarr .t
2U )'t.11 fC.1,IJcol of cbc Fou Orwnd• ndJhh.-dood 11 \he)' ltC' U)'tnlf lOb'Ott ctlnll111'11.'1rt, 1hc) ddit111l"I) ni=<d to fi, dli1. «Wllit11u.t.1prut,lcm"
A toii1J·rartrt IOlu1111n a.\111111nclu(k lbe .:,Ilk~', ~bk· purtiha-.c•it UK' oc,gb-lumbcmllll
Items still being stolen from cars
Au hu:1 l.1ric 1."'l ,urn ln pJ SIC Thn\·h:oc- hx"' lhr«-can bft,l...,,. 1n1o, 1nJ 11.:m,. -tc.ilcP in 1ht 1 •"C:0-
IJI 1ru:1Jaih inH•h-rJ w• no RO'(nhc::ny On,c lhal hid
.,.,Dd, , 1.11.ma,htJ outardc-~,c 1k'ms 11.rolai About Sl.s<IO
,..,-.,hof p(tlpc"1t) w11ut:::i Cro1r1U11t\1:b.k. E'l'(f} cat h.td
C.:~ f'Ut'WI Uf w~ku 1~1 "'Tre tr ll In pl-,ln 11ri:h1~!ht-sell (tf Jln<ic AU bfnk-i.m ui.<Uncd Jwm1 '9.a}'li.Jbl hoo~
~~,cab~. U.ltlllllUIIIJ ltCnJ ~wnai UL ().,obcr w..bcu
lt'H"f•II tla)hgbt WTO buri; l.&tK'I oa:um:J.
C.1mru1 ICl.'Llrily uid dtcx- crime:, t.'OOld t-= fl"\'cntcJ b) the \·due k owrrn ti-)' r. ,lkso.\ ll't b,a,,.i.c ttlJnt r,e~nUl'III 1101.urcs
Speec h competition planned on campus
luwn English looka out at NIC f rom lhe now dom,. English rnoved 10 Coeut d Alene Nov t to be lho n,s ldeftee llall nator She will be h iring and training Slalf lor 1114 Jan. 1 open ing
'Gonzaga grad new coordinator
1 tng lish to train dorm assistant s
"''"\nJ 11 N"l)r11'1ta.n'un Rcllin,tuirn.
\\.,i.h A rqul.-rcu"oo1,1'c,t"ben m the
b,·ld11.0d l/1,,cn·J the 1l'>!crci1,. Enflh~h
t\('r111.u1ly bm.11nJn,: .o bu~tt !1 1, 1bc
C01111~n)·. S lk 1,1W, <'\p(nnK'C' ~""U btlp ~r
'™'llblU tht h!Ul'k"i-.tl \j.Ahalrt) u/tbc balJ
~ion, Shi: bdJ 1hc ,Jr• of ~um,:
R'Ulcr11.:t' hJ.!I J 'liCC'lUCllt tui.k.c:J 111 U'C
Nl:I. "''- hn" mmJ
t'XJ.'Cfll"n,cc:,• lanflJ~ ~J '"()(ICC 1,.tlldtCIII
h\f ,,n ~.unpu1... &tk'y kn·t- It"
EJ1t1ht.h " a.ho• !rnini.<d anl\t Sllc IWdtcd
h"1.Ulcdol111 a,.J 'llib :tpllcr) altt•I UI
partr rno.:.tie. She' pl!Ub t 1ha\'c an Alttbh.aa
the reSJJmcc hall. 11,i.l \1.-lth d.: hclre1t die
1b tt~ •t-.t111bo 11.bc. MIi tllC hmng oad rnalmnt d1r IM>rt' lo ii:t lbt "'on.I"°'' Jl!ldJI pb,ulal IOl;lltJ e,cnl, II', th:Mudcna'1 ~I.Mt 1beyc~ntiru1,:
•ll.h·.,c1 cultuhll w NUCalion.tl rorum to lhc 1-.thn rt'111kknt, lhll 11. ut Uttitfe,\l to &b:111.• Jle: u,id I do 1hm\i I~ (\'l."nh lt'C
1.1,td; I JU,11kin·111'11.nk. tbe ,1Udcfl1., tnli1t the N11tfih w h.:ull m,ohcd on Cllfflf"'J'
She: rnt:nuoocd lhat t..--oinmunll)' \C"n"ll."C'
\1',JIU baj 1<\'i\Je #I CiMJ.,111 l !owlid th.al ICl"'rl« WD t)fl( oC I.hr 1x..a ~">" .._... bculJ commun.1y,· d11~ u1d ""I 1IO('IC hJ tcm, '4.WflC' (If Ifill t:l\'.iltmc4J1 hcrf
£n1ti.tb Mid lbc bAlJ WdQfd pt'Obahl)' flOC he lull •Jlf\n.: \ffl!C'lcr. due h, \I.Udctib hnma kaac .,~,on ult·«:amJ"'" pn,pcruc, lh.11 d11:l c;Atl"t l'l~L The hall
-.1Unotbea,·411alJJc (or,wmnerbcuul>( Ulr •flntnnlJ'IIUOl'I h:11 ()(lfflffl1Utd II) le'Vcnl L'Oftf(rttk.'-.!t thil-WIMICI' thJI \\-iJl 1,c,ed l ht' haU Th( CO·C'd jag}1C) •·,II~ 1nlc&ntcd Uli:1. •rnni.J'bt~\l,mbcnocook1n111.l lo'U.cdtn the- htll. tius pan ot Ck ctw& 1nc:1ud,._'1 tllC'.al plan.\ 1111.he St.:8 S:lw i..oJ J!Lt' .cr:t d1I" .1• a \looadcd111~,r ro, ,iwcn, • lhl~ aild 111hct 1C11Jt-nt1. w hive I foaJ Wf'\'~-C k• uhlltt •·11, fMM bkt )'OD"n: die mom. lhc ,tlmU hJ\~ w mar dctl , tori, for thco»chn.. !>.h,: ,~,d •1 Jcio"11cd llU" I lu.\'c u, man•ic p('(.'f'lle. Wt l ~thc ,11;1&.ntia tl1t rt"Wt~ lo manage thctmt'hc. "'
Tiw- C'i_.nnmnk,Llnlfl Oqanmmf• KflU-anmul ~h -..r,,1111...::IUulft ,..ill he hd,I :;!'1 ua *"'htt1,:day
f.llWi~ ,\~11 wronrc,,1nu11raJ 1m~1lkkmJvd~an:
C~f'b.1C'dttl..tltt'nJ "'V,.'c 1Nnk 11 .a.o.-cuo MIine m11JC'f t.11knh tin. •t .-.:K:,· u.kl \looa K11nga, •rctth 1n1truc1l'IC'. UICI, (in.:1h~t ',\IU be \1Jcc>blp:J U '(u ttc:CltC cll'lh
n,W, allll cuu(tc'lk. fu 1 ~11:c um., $Ull, l('(tle:ld r,tace f7J. 111,01 pi.cc ~so ,..i ,..,,~ rl*"
S,1.1,.k111 JIii.ip ~c nttJoJ I« I.hr hN JWlld. Mlll'W ket'hc=fl ullcrtn..Yl'lhh• f11t1hc "'~1,..JOUIC'tr~~1 l n(t1m1Mlot1
Moo• Kim ·,;r ,It 7tP 1 ·1h1-
Food for Fines to begin after bJeak
11i llhnr'} will~ holdin~ food for Fino N\l'V 26-~ 14 Su.Jc-tu ma)' biinr itl., UOQ ~mh.ttik (oJt.J tkm tCI cx.c~ l1lf St ,,1r di.;n bh,aryhDo.:'- 'lkhhr,tytll~ ,J&lbl:mll m I.OOIJ pou,och uf f(J()J Lt-l yc-41 the lltnly 111bcJ obof.11 600 puumh JUU 1aculwlic kirhnn.. Tk hmt)' 111 lll'IO pl.,nrun1ao1cam up \!11th I\S!lilC' t~t.kt rc-cuW dof\lllioo,
\Odw-Uthml.lh., -, Sc ::iigy- ..., _ '111(~ Mctlnnll)', ao.Pr ..:all - ... _
o J,..:s '°"'"° NEWS T• Su11"*-l P.a 3
l a -t la"'r- 1.r" --~'!000, ·-Parklnt: Ne ig hbors dein<1J1d vioble s oluti o n ('OIUhalK'd ffonl P•~ 1 ,u.J. ll)o.] ti..vc (' ctl bl kcd tt idtnb dm-c11o•~·-... Rt"JiJ ~l'1J. hiivc ~concam trouhk gt1lln110 lbcjr hona .-ud mt '1111,n e1t ffll«Jtnc) w:h1i:Jc\ not tirtfll .i.ble lil tkr\"l\11,h '1 •>mrt.td1rtic t l,. Ulc "'"'"m, llut lhc ~nc:rti h:nc u.iled,- Prcui.k:N \1 kh:atl Bunt:~
·Lt.t,.gaoyuoeetu. t
•ml my dn'"''} Modtcd.'"
I to0r;l )l.l>OoC1hc451
Th~ t.it)' g&\'C NlC Q\C' ~( Mnnonal f-ttfJ and the M11~~111 p.arkin11 kCI A r,ad.ula 1an1.se"'on't~buill~,-c11•1111M~o.1 '
VIIJu.akl. 1tr1t.,. 1,.t,uldh,,,lod&::1,nthe-tnP\l.hiJJ,:,111(.,rn .w ur ten ,1 lvfom1.1 •n 1~ .BIO
"What do you think about the new dorms?"
\J )
R.~11.111\C'I ,fl'lffl "a. b tpt«b daH ha,<e titxn rho,cn IO pachcip.itc 1111b,: 1.-'0lllp:"lltJ,,n "'hH;h offt'l'I calb ,tw.,J,i ,,, fu,11
Foundation to award academic grants
Proceeds from Really Big RalTic used to promote excellence
Tbu )''i,tr, 1he Nunll ld~,c, Collel( FOll11d.11100
tNlCF) w1U be •~·artbog S.S0.000 in gBpti 1~·11n1
IJIC il'llll& ptuSfalh b)' U\ltlll II f'i(l'rtiocl tlf 1hr
pnxccd.i rrom 1hc Rr1Uy Bia: R-a!Oc fuDd·nlk'r Sinoe 1904, NICFhu., IUl'ldtd 6$ g,ranh1ot,tl1111
SlS7.26'1 forempl1>)"Cet-and1;llllkfllJP"OUfll
'"l'he S().11 or 1hc arnat rcogmm " ttl encount,.-t
ooi.,.i11ndit1t l.lnuuctlon and ,.ltt'flgdl('D &UJ!P(VI
~11,."t,: a1 N<lf'lh l<bho College;· 1,1,d Ri)clle
As,JtnC!ft. $hltll procn.in 1.hr«-1c,r. 1ml,oanhn...ior.
~r""-"bafthc Cclndrttg will tlc'Ol'I pr11JC)C111. progratm ond ACLiVtli~ that rttJu,-:e Ulc calkf~'t, "'1Alcg,c pbn ind an: flCll eurrcntl}' ttlfldred 1hrout:h
ocher btidgctu,g !IOYl"tl6. · The' appllcatiotldca..11.toe \!,'"-' New. t,. AU NlC f;1cult)', ,;toll' and jWdena. r:roupt. fundct.l t'ty 1hc college 'l.nl'eli.Jlblc h1apply ror • gnant The Bffll' ~m pCOV,®J II focu11C'd ~non 10 1.UJJtlC'f1 itU •~nic dcp;u1meri1, lo hrlp 11tm,:1bcn iclldllna A jc,11\1 C<)ftttn1noc of Ulttt !'IIICf boatJ ntetnbcn., d1~ ASN"IC prc:.JdeAI. i.tlff ,.,..;embly. f04:uhy ~Ali\oc and 1hc vk.-e pn:,,Mknt Jot IA.Unactim will judge. ff''d'/ apr!Jcadon '° ad\'1111« th: vi,JOO, m1™on and val~c,f~&.'Olqc. Thc~iint\'Cfil ~amountc.vcry ,rnnc wdlJi,"tl. ii varin«'pnsding 0 11thc taJtoolv&)' l11\1.1h C.S In the programs. For 1.."Umrlc. !ht' )t'ill :?000-01 t111d • u11.al of 28 grant upphc:a,ioo.~ .wliffliutd 1ot1Ung nJr'lr\" ll'lilft S2SO,OOO. Sc\'cn granh wt:rt (undC'd lh11t)e1111tll.d1ng"I.Ol?. The NICJ.t fl'U'(h.i"" 1he R(>hin lload r1u\-1t1g lul, kPCII u out h> Ille oalJc-,e. "ltkh a1 !he eQd uf
C11/t11ral celebration
th!: k:nc tcnu, 1hc <:Ollti;.e w1U own ·we bclp d,t colkgc a:qwre dung, it can't allool m one )'Cal and help 11 clp.and fot thin., tll.l&I Oft' lmpM•t'lt: Ando.'f'P.OD aid.
"The goal of the gram program is ro encourage 0111sra11dit1J1 instruction.•
.1pf'lkan1 1,gtt:c,. h) pt0\•tde a t'a',trd u f cxp:Dditun:."alld 4 'Vm~ryCl(thctt,ullltu• MCF b) Ju11c I. 2002. The g:nw rrost•nt Wbcnfilllng the rnoaey to~ u\(() b)' Jtme 30. 200'2 ~nl .om.;lhu,i b, l)Q( •"a.1lilhk. Mo.r.1 nl the ..,,,he
appll<:IWOII thcn:arclivc :i.pcrilic qu~io,~lbe ,n,liean1 mu,1 "''"""Jlbly
rot Srant'\ ffl' for t«hooloc. bul II Cl.ti be fo1 •ln~llll)lhUlJ, "If your grWIJ ckK$Q·1 WPrQtt dsc collc-1t', StnttC'Ji~ Plaa.11 '-'"On'I nant ,·ay h.iJlt: A ,...,;d.
Robe<I Fegan, 38,ot Blanchard speaks Spanish with Instructor Vl11Jln la H1ckman duringU., Dey ollhe l>Hd potluck, Fttdoy-.2., aponsored by 11\c Foreign J.anguoge Club.~-----~-
Award named after fom1er NIC biology instructor by Man Johruon
OuOc1 17. ifl~ruct<n¥ from die life 111,:1.('n<=C
t.lep:i.nmcttl, hC!ldtd h)' Bob \1urruy. I'"'(' lhc W
la~ Bum, Aw;ud lO ll\'O (ludctu~
Ktirt Sauctlcc: 11nd J•nu~ Moc rcecivcd the awafib 1t a ~1eakfo.,1 hctd at Mkhld o·-. Enter} 11 11he cud of Sherm.an A\'e. ·n.e •"- !ltd te~rnony fol!o,..,·cd 1he brukf4(1 wwt wi» 1uc11Jtd b)' V1cc Prtt1dc111 for hul!Uction Jcny Gee. fnttlf\1\!ll;)f'I. D.i,·e
~a)'t.llcA1~, an,wcr
The NICF Wits a,:;ice,d tn 1977 and 1hat.1n Cllll l1' 1994. it created \be lf'P,t'I Pro,tltlt 1'lw: rotmdatlun h, a pn atc nol'l•pt01'i, Ofpttm~ __.._ .. __
,rec,O-c .,.,h)" they the pan1 ·11tc inw
iiPJIIM:alloo muw b11vc Mapc:rvil!Or',, divb;ion t'h.tlr' and , I« pn:,:idcnl•, t.ilMLU~~
ftr1;ulu •111 be IISUW'lm«d h)' Dec.''*· ll' poup 1, n,urJeJ • 1nmt Lhc. ui,de.11:igocJ
The' NICF lltlll l.hc Granl Propm arc two tqlCU'lllc organb.ukln, but lhc)' w«k klgc:tbc, rund 1~11t1. E,-ery yearthc:)' n\fflc:- o!(a homr the. Ci,pcllll)' ptognm huUd>.
Fot infomt.uioo. llbouL lbt 5"U'IC prOgrun er t NIC FO'ltkl.ruon. c:nll ~n ai 769-'.\2'6,,r (mlll hcrlll mydlc_ll.lldmoot:ruc,WU.
Student Bible study begint
Student ministry hosts
lunchtime event in SUB by Kim Dtn,m(lro St.ll;wlle
Tbie 81tpu.n StudtlU Mu1isUJcf \\LI.I be h(!Ming Uible \lud1i:-• Wcdnt-r.da)' 111 11 a.m :ind nnc,n In 1t,c &:hn Ha)', SUH oa for the ra.1 crl 1hca \t:mc~tc:r
A,lrut Courn~ Baptl\C Student \finimi.cs. i\lc1ro 0 11«1or. \lolll be le~dm1 I.be ~tud} Ct'IUI~ abo a,·er,c;.."i. and Slf'0\'1deJ \Upr,on fordtm:l(IB .aLGorwip and Whil""'orlh Thi.l)'farC'il\lMln\lo1llbc
luchlag: lbc It.Udy, but• ..uit.h for 11 pcm,.tot:nl dm-c.:101 "~11l 1,1(kk:r way.
Tht \tudy •, nlkd "Food fur nsc,uph1 llQd 111.n: wdcomi: ~bO wi~ to c1udy the Bible o1nd db<un iti. rde""Aftee hw tod.ay. Frtihmn.n &it Ronmngcn uJd that he Jrn, up m • r.hurch cn,•it0n11l('nl and blL.\ a lac dfBiblc knu"tkd8('. b1111111cndJnJ lbe .aud) help. bim 11ppl)' tbc thing, be h41, le.;11ned 1i. • 11 \f'e rncucal ,,,,.;ay for e\ff)'J~) lift. •1t hdp,, me lm·e Jciiu" bc-U.cr."' Ronmngcn said C.Oum~ m:cavcd hc:r bac:bctOf c,r am m : M>l:iulc,sy t11 D0;lo1r U111\'d1<tty 1ui.f hc:r mnttt'• in htblical 111udlcs al SOOJh'l\c.s.tcm 8,iptiu T1lt'1,JO}llal SemlmJl)' C'ownb11 ~ti the ~lud)' will center on lul.ah 33:(J\loh.ehta~. "Ht v.111 be 1bc 'lur~ fou11J1Uion Im your 11me. • nch g1ore c,f 1111,·mion ant.I \\ l~m ,ind knov. kJ11<
The fear u l the Loni I, ihc key tu 1i.11 l!t'il\Ute.'' CuUIUbi raa aao,i,. thi) 'Y\':(\(' aflet re11dmg a Mory otio111 o ~oman w~ thrcatrnci.t 10 Jump oft u bndi:c m ~pa,~111a mo1ari~u. ydlrd 1t her'° and c:lllkd her owJ..:. tw:t.11u1.o ,he " lowu1g tl)c:1twmm1.11e," Coutnbt 1¥ itlc11.1h11t An.rntian~ wool(! r,ul C001:mulc hcforc a pcrwn', lite lwol., hean. I thought, 'we bn.vc not 111·c ha-v< oo muull ~ftf);a'J..· Wl11c11I die lttllteo.:-c th:ar I.he L.ud will he 1llc fourwladon for our time. I kilc-.. the wu wh1u we nccdod 10 ,,udy."
S1u~kn1 Brilllns RouJcbuib rcc-•llr Phdippw15 4:(), o.cd II oac • tocJ)'• ,11)" ''be .:.,trdul fnr nmhJqg; bill II tvtt)'lfling: by ptl)'C:t' and .supph~iiti(II W11h tU!lbgivJn,: let )'OUr rcqiou nuidc known 11ntO Oud •• '1'h111 vcnc h.11, m..1~ 1 t,Jg imptd ll\)· lire M)'J Roodct,u,h Sbc r:cpl 1h:u II hclpi; bcr"'ilh IC!kk•J Anl.Jcl)' " Ir ', &v.c,ome 10 t,c,r r.otJcgc ,tud wtio reabic how much Q( •n tmr~ un ha,·o on thcfr tc~ II.Pd I.heir..,. ind thta JW out and do M-unclhln1,• Cou11)1t~ Othrt AC1l\e ASNIC faJd1 dub-. art Clmf'II\ Cru,atl.:. "bkb mt\"b (In ~fonlla)• Jt 7 p m.1n (~ SUB •Dtlnt Uucr·O.)· S11rnL,. whrch n.JCd, on Wcdne~)' 11.t 7 p It). jn the: SUB. Sl¢p, for oHkilll rccopltioo ot a i1 CMUlilkd ln. an otg11.ni.1 1110tut p~ p,,,iJ.,s b) hSNIC
Prbidcn1, or call 769 .776 J
Science department honors biology student~
C'unmog111n, 0,1;\,c fmtcr, Arnne Cooper al'li.l Ptt1..-rZao. Ju.me~ Burtb hlnbelf '4b I.hen: h ,.di. Uum, 111ugh11t NIC for 30 )UB N'.Core n:1arin,: ,n 1q88 ffhdUht1,had1nat1)'dutic,. Hc1A·1JotJic «.11'1 af men •n" he 1rull\H:lcd ,c.oology. IUl.ltClffl)', pby,.iqlogy 41M) biolt'1f:)'. Buffl.t. ikJ,Cttbr.\ t'IIC or h•• otl~ dutlc', , 11~d Ill cumnua«. the ti..~kctbaU g.amr Cao. Durin1 the hal(-cime I 14•ould n111 do\l.'n ,wd d1rc<1 1bc pep-band.• "'I coolloider nan honor to hl"e thi, •"·,1ni namc:J ant, me," Bum, said ibo av. tl1d n a1vcn once 11 )'"' l'lot uni)' diJ Bum, le.ach al NIC, he :il-w
•m.'fflkd North lcbhuJuaiurC1PUc1,c ftt'm 19J7, 19-19 At 1h1u timcNUC n., loc11cdatw.1Vc the Clt)' h111Vrirc dcra.rtn,m.1 ,1a Shcnn.an A\-c.111.e "I mnc:mt,cr v. bct1 1hl')' h11d 10 ,1()f) dh~, '4hcn the l ire c:oguic lt:ft,'" 8u.tn) sai.J. rttamn, -.h.1111 Wllli II.kc atlc::ndmg school above the progc for lbc fln: Ocp11t1nk:tl.1 ~we hat! ,t *J' about our '"-l'ri>Ol 11-hovc. tk) Ji.all"," Bum, .aid.
S!llletltt .utd Mtte both exptt!l11cd then lhaoka ror til'tnft ah·cn I.be: award.
"'I'm ,~ry honored. II hu II kM tt'l de, wit.b the lucuhy I llffl '">" abt;1;ic1,co I t.:omc from t'C10Cri;1e work. Thi, i, tbc longr:,t J',·e ,one '\\hb,,ua 1J1'-cann11." Si.utllN 1'11.l.
Renl,'IC C('IOJX'f ,1ud 10 Saue,lec ar.d Mnt lh~ir effon, "h'11 nttt 1ha1 )'Ou d<t II.~ onlj ror you~ln::10;, liul )'IN bnng people Up \II 1lh ( ..... The: people-who att CO f't'ffl\C (he J!Uflc,. Bum, ILt.\·11ttl •~ pk1N hy 1M facolly elf the tholojical Sckocc: dc:pa~n,. Acc-ording tcr \lutray 4u.ahhc:aoonA lncludi: Gt.'! l'lelly M,CXIII , i gnide$ ti1111 al.o rcrsoru1lity. ho or thttc •re 1.e.l~t.l :md 11\ttrvlrv.«J Mum) ,.bit the)' loot; .il 1be fto.nmcct goat. in life and., v.dl she pc,-.;on n:pttKnh bi"IOty. "J:imie 111d Kun >A't'l'e boch absolu1cl)' cx.-cclknt." Mumy !;.tld
.._..,,,_..__ :~:-:b
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NIC mailroom on teightened alert
e~nt\M.K:bit,"'~l"tw "'coofidci11i.al.," Jntmark tlwdoes hlJI m..i1ch 1ht tt.1111'1'1 illldi~ thlll n rn,m • 1cim11n CUJNy t'tlMaln~ a ~trumSc:v.Jmq,Fkiridla, or W~hlnt"-'D D.C \\bertHll\th,~ nrc-,ufl'1 l~e bcul conlmntd 11~nw"~it11~l fot non)' fbt l,tfacl! vin.s m&il u~ina 1hc t.i(I ccide.'" Glll'ft'lua.1J •·Whtfl lhc1c l<1aptN,-Jcr.lJictN1.:lunc"ill tqUIN.'IC' lht Jei~r, ~IC!ft".l\WOI ihc pent,"« 10 get 00, (\'(r)lbl.ft;,. be u,J. 0tic crd'lc ,nc,&;n~ l11\'ut¥in,i ar,1~rd.tlcJd~I) 1utb.'A'I)'
I.bl: machiot'< \\~ fl"'' i~-.ly drmod, \\kh is Uk' mm.lroom JtAIJ' oolJhl(W, lhcs,apcrdu~lofflhc
1nar.:hu.-~ N\JW the ~C'\lun:: l"O.'TI tbaap-.J W,tua:kinJ tbe f'111't'' d1,1.\I up ~1 • OOl 111 COO&:,tniM!t 1bc
1-11m» 11J1n1 om Gam.11 MW one ul W' mc,,t lfflJ11)f1Al'II ()f'l"l(cdl.ll"C'I r« h:llldlfflg I 1.1~"letl ldtc:r nri=rt\'drlfJC i• to l'ltJI r~mc 11 i11mpin.t:!IICOCO\'tttbc ldtcrc:itp.i,.;k.ale"llhlll"'fl'll~11IWJl
CPrll.\lftth: pa.'Up~~o(C'll\clop( l.cawtJlt'n1c11u11n,j~1hcdoor, O(lt'('l2") lhc tr'dl0Qt•fr10fft\'t'nl ,,iJa rcort.: '""° ke'l-,mmll' t\lf'II.Jlnlnaaad Wa.Jlhiul•Vt1lhi-•p ai\J lr.lllttlvfff'cnl ~rmiJ.,nt: .ut) f'W.dcr JI' ) TIIU t.rLT Shutuff111C ,a1til.Afinn or call lhc pbyqcal fi1ri1 at c;\tc'n~iun YU h> ,hUI oll lhr ad' Rc1110\ CQO-'la111,nalftt cloituo, 111 ~a.,J'l'\.t,:leiltld~W t.:k1'h111JC ut • pla.,w l\q, or~ r,cha can1.alncr dui cau t,c caltd Shot\.n ,1_<1 ;,tKll\ ,l1 pobihk C«!Lxt .:Attlfll,I-• aa:unt) • C.\M:IU<IGII H1R •nd tkltify an ill4lnlt1or or n _Li.sltbc~wlbc ''IC'lfld) 'i\heO lhc fU"ttl W~\ di~cttd. MIi Si\c the IHI IO I.be rf\P,-lfklit1t!Mh&inun.
mergency Response Plan undergoing revisi 1 n
•11K_ l:m..-r,cncy Rc~J!C)n-c Pt..11 duh mote "'·11h tw-mh thtNI" •Mt l'olltllqunl.c:t·
Stnnt uf Uic ui.ajjjf ctnt"ttc.Delr'11.b11
h:t\'C' bc-cu pf i.:ucK,:11110 1h~· ptil 111(' htc' hornb 1htt,lll. lC1h1J v.c11pon1 hml~tc 'ri1&1a1u1n, ~, \'Jclknt durupll\ c Jl!llklQ\UIIIH:llll, Nodtillj whk!h d(.ih \i uh lftronvn
-1 rt:OII)' IK'n'11tunt NTC I\. potcntul llllJd ll,Jpn Mill "Wf dQ11'1 li.a.,t a tujh-thrca1 ._'-~} mt'fl1
Aci.:t1nh11,g 10th~ l..mt'fJc.rn;y
Rt',fit'n~ PJ 11. SIC ma1n1~1n1 o1n
EmtrgctlC')' Opcntaon, Omup rn 1.bc
.J\COI ot llfl t:IO<fJ~} .:ri;t\.. ThcCllml'(H st1.uricy J'C'~oQntl llfC ~rc11),1ble for contllic:llnl! lk 11wup ._mm an (mcTJCn -y or Jn.a~l~, ,1nk.c,. • Wf are n,ot 1t1 1rn1Cd "<'Cllnt)' f1'1f'Ctt " Halrcm 1,1M "t don'1 M:-C 1ho11
commg al),)ritt>C ,won. Wb.1J lbe •talC' of IJalio J, J,'ltnf h maktn _, u "-"'' .a 0\11 k'l;1U11y rnc:•11uk, ·•
A(.;on.ll11g to tbc: Emrll!'-"OC)' Rc,pon,c Plan. 111 ca<1< or• flOICPUal lhttal OI (fflCf'ICOC)'. cmpl~)·C(\ •nJ \Cthknl,l"••t1Mdial"'ll flurn1 cr11mpm (100'1>e rn IICl."'Csl 1b,t KOQtcna1 CuuntyYI I 1y,1em.Tit.c) ,.t,ouJJ lilio J1.1IC'~I )ll0oru11c,o,1c-ol1bc O\Udoor (' lnefJ'CtlCy phucic, lo Cllll OlnJIU' k'CVhl)'. S«unt)' olficcN •111 rc,pond 1tw inh1111c w,balt\'CI .-:iioo " ac-,cuaf), Ull: l11dllljl: dw- notUkllJjpJ\ uf t.pt"Cihc~nxfl'C'*)' )Ct'Y1(\;,0tthc lili:mnbt,aU\t cmcrrcc.:, toU 11\t
''\\c 111\up cnUcity r,,lkc: nrla• ciifor('(,ncn1:· H•tr«R : rnnl "'MOU vi 1hr folb ,l~•mg SC'~-UIU)' hm: IU'C former 1••· fn.focttma-11 nff.«n.
()er 7 , Boe• Ral.d11 hba Crnkr fQ( O.i,ca\C Control ~l<>Mi the A.Ml bwidmg. Later ;\\fl dtcidct to ab:lndoa die fw:ili()',
Oct. lJ-NewYorl<
A. thttattnhta lcct.tr iw:n110 NBC 11.fl(hi:itTomRrok.•1.1.tc,u,(IO!IIII~ tor Anlbru. SodCI IV.Olnc:R employees..
Oct. 14•NewYork
A fl')IICC t\f!kxran,J 111,u lah tl'dulicwu 11t\·~,l,·cdin an in,'('.hpuon ILi NBC ttu pOl.iu -e for the 11111hll, *'t-ti.11
C>c1 15, New Ytvk
,\RC offkilb: "nOOWX'C Ulll lbe '1-~;11-iltd!Otlofiuprullucxr'I
"'"' infcc~ 'A'ilh CUUDCCl.l~ ahru. The ho), \t.'11$ ftl the network oltict, oo Sept Z3•
A kUcr 1'nl4 IO Seo•k Maj{lfll)' Lt-:u.kr Tow Oa.M::blc. ~e1u: pP1t11\-C 11,r anth~x
0<1. 16 - Wasl11ng1011. D.C.
lb,:U S Scm1cofftec11:~at hundreds hot up t<i be- k:'5ttd (or Allthtu 1'bc kta.tr \Cfll 10 l.)ll$Chlc 1.1 IWMWIIC'Cd II) tie- luJbl,> pi)fCOt. The FBI lmb Uut lcti.cr I() the me ICtlllONBC'
Oct 11 W:,,hlngtOIT, D.C
Tht' H1,o..c c,f Rerrocnt=:i\'t;'i'1 d""Cd at1q i I fll.'ork tc~ po,lthc fottJC.ft()WtelOatllhtu..
t>i:t lk·StwYMt
An a.~.,j,tm11 ~o CBS Nit'wt anchor Dan lt.tber a.ad anodttr-N<'"' Jc~> Jl(l!ltu.1-.·or\c-,arc di•roo!.t'J w11h CUl.ancous .ai,thta~ Thi-. tirlna.• lhc lou.l tnlcc:1100,10,i.Jc.
/\ N,,,. Yoct l'fflJ cmploicc dt,e.aisaneotl~di\Cl...c.
Nl(llbt, Ne.,.. Jcl'\C)' ~al w.·,wkdcootl'ltbUte di~.
o,r ~lolc,11 i.kmt1f'l\tnit1nn rt..n
0111, di1.11a lo,dJny; l, 1hc popl} o,,
Kc J'k.111\( 1>1111 lw IO •11 ilCIU. ltmtn.a all.ad. 1'Ul&IJ I~ lht b Oct 22 • IV11>hing1on. D.C. rwof)("tllll'·~di.c:lmm Anthra,; and lwu ltwitt ntt l,oq,jwlot<J
~uucthc 11iupc,m a icnnn" bt u~ ..ucl1 a,• fm'mial \lo-C.£11' j;,·h a., Anthru at .11 car t-cimh •·Wht'fl UC1C llllks l~)UI a (.('fl dc.,c,n't h4\'C to be m 111W,-JJ.u uin ~t1CC1t.:cl."(11.1t11t) " Hulpem t.111! lmorht \;.C.11.ild ''ff)' -."ell be 111 u.Jiv11Ju l lib' Tln1ir11h) M,\ • he 1. Ada 1 now bdns bt"IJ J-1 ~IC' WortforctTrain1n1 Cdu.crf"' 11 frrn-.ri1rtt.al'h.lv.«ldor«:t-ea1r1 lll1\
Oct. 26 · Wo,hington. DC.
TI,e, Suinn,c Cw.rt 8u1lding it m1ctc:d i-, tr i.cbul down and C\'~UD.100 v.hik tt:'ib/111: iJ k«1d1Jl'bi
~i:1a; Ycvlt~pl.lJ "·<irtct, Kathy Sguyen. 61,JiN of i,nbl\laioci whni.:t. No lJnt b knuwa bc1¥ Ci:rt bee d lUC:.'-'IIIDd lhc.: Tht do~..i IC', Emcrgcnc} uiJu.\U lAlu.tJ
cwhc-ff,an.;ha,JacJmd ,n,1huh,;,:nktlC\."tr.:d•• Tn-nton, NJ (whore fne ha,,c bcc'n infL'i.1'..'d), Kart1bC'dy imd h.tiiUY:J'Pln-Rc,~, os lJic llUtnbcr of O"(.'l, p:orle IJmJ..allll nJhtJUIJ)· \\'ll;.111 ,m.hr.i,~ l\(lC(!Nin111.i1he:Ccn&tf ,~ O.tc.uc Coouul' • web •1te1 111tthra1t 1S .en ai:t.11.C inCf\:llO!Kd1""«-.CtiU.'lt·J eythe '-l)(W'-fonning bei.tmumb.rir/lJ.iJ~nJ/tf,,ro" Al)U\l'l.\ CM ti(, t'UtlWCICJ Ul"•uJb c1tbcr collt.lctma; die~~"""" an open cut.1fflC',lmt lbe lp,11'1.'1 orby hcc.1thmi1111 lhc fUICl'. "-C"('On.~···foCll'm
A11UJ.r.u: ioob 11.U' Vet)' fmc wlutt' ~\kl, ,1tniWWbab)'~n\1hi'dic,ed,1,M.bill t)pu.:aU) i• hi\ bcm fr,und • a ~11M pi:in,'~ whkh tbWt'lllc, mlde prcp,tn1,un. lbc
to MSNBC. •11 Of the n1,1krfal tha1 lt.11 vucd po,im,c l',J, bern founJ at them.Jc fonn l111t Y..fl.ilt: J'O'"Ja'> wm&lllU.'C. ii 1,aly ~fllO he 1n,m l,.'lhl m •he Urn1QS SI.-!('). Jrnq or f'll""t1l 1hc fotmcrS<:.\·1dl'ninn. ANtht1t •pm!i proJw:c 1.h1«- Juwn I..Ultb o( Jnlccuoos Uboogh the du\"C' ~.an tie comblm.'d).
hitalaliPI) !lfllht1 • h,: IA\ l1-)· roanhht1J chc o.'IIJllnonl'Old nc~l,01oC,·m~1.ioM;,-,:tc lff,,11"1111 ~c;1r1.1 ~1J !<J10:d JMill.1111nn Mltlni 1, the mo>l Jcally form. TI~uclialY,-Ulllflmal I 1l.1111i.lt 'llllyJir.llA!ct l,mgcr ,~ kill ("w,ocow llLh 1nlD.1n1Ql ~n1hrn. ax'fJf'dil11kl MSKBC, 1'tg!r11""11h1 ~nrwl umiJ•ld• \'Oil knou~ tlu less terrifl'ing it becomes " R..oer18.vell l.ll'ft in\(11;1 bt~. 1'hc ,nret.:ti,fl1 ,v.c:U, t11111\' 11,c, ')('.,('JW Jo.~ .,,.,tb • tibd~ l(.aJ, lonninic ll'I tilt: Q!Otcf (."UWlCIIJttl, /lnlluu.\ 1:ttkh t'f\l®iX k\"Ct ,1i,J boJ.x.ho. lnJ-Ncd 1111.lu.i., tyl*:lifl)' (1.)11,t,; lmmc.JtsnJ tllCIII of bo(,t('\f orimll;h 1!1.1 Jia,'G 1~~'\tttJ lbc: di~ hy lfMl.111, lfllelotui.al 1tr1Un.t. c:;1u,a .-.1.d,: 111fllunrru11ioo~111t'u11.o.11nlll1ra,..1 S)'m{llrnm 1111.:J\I~ IUU\(';ll. lo\io,J \lftldll(', VUWll.UiJIOII kWI folU)Y.cd hy ahdnmkw pMn.. \omuin, of hlaiod ind
14'> tbt
x 1el>ld. m;iny rrorl·~ ha,c bttn ,c:ansl lNII
U lllil} hn,·e nnlhru. MSN8C ~)'• th.u. ,cjusl
111:(4..,C. lbcrc 1l~ef')'hl.lk~to~1)'ffll''Ct,ea,
KN U:Blt"',., chet'C b.a, been. ,:pe,cifk' tnctdent -e)W h"c«v.'Olt.."aa:,c,n,1ina1"1~h)
rtBIO'CU,sac~i:n. Thedi\CtiC
1 oLhrr be 11lfakd, mgClltd 01 ~' 1b,tluJtl • ( n Ult: ~kl.ti for i1111 ~U!C an lof«111)11. A,ltMl.'C aJC1tA:g>01..c,ffl)ffll'ltl(~10lnotl'cr-.0 1114 ~~tbJo 10 be infn:IOJ by the due-a 1.10~ )11'1 cnmt '"~ ,1h the "f'Cl't'i hr J,~ u ut:ll&abk wkh mlJ·bto.U.'1 bJl mutt .sltd 41.1i. 11.ly. Thc i.»&er l,o,mct,tte \l,IJU to bf , li:.cd,tbcmore r.111J1llhcJ1~~C,pm
1DtN v. 1dcl)' u,cJ .fflllllkit.h; ,,011~ mchtu:
I T'll~·n •l'lfil; mi.:1~111» J)(mullin ind yetmc. t .111thra.,. \ .-a:1nc c,ch,t WI I" nut mmeDiJNI a, availllllk C.:) ltn;~ [ltlblic ,., inlin1111 lh:! Food ant! Dmc Admi.m,tnttinu,, 1 al\.-..·a,c.ont11tcl19.Up«c(Oecn«u,c.
NEWS thrax: National Timeline Sc_!i-lK .!.,~11:iR Ba"cl<ISIC1 CCJN&imnc lc.1ten and J:r.u\UJ.V tttt ICOllO SOC Nt"" in Nrw Yott.and 1bic: Ne-.· Yo,k Poq fn>sn 1tt1 unlmown 'OIUl.'.t'he Hype, The Horro · Ocr. S • Boen Raton. Fla 8oh StC\'tnl di" of (."ubDCl.lU1 \~n lrt«cion) 1t1tluu. Skwcna v...,..u•c1ttpc>)·fcatAmcrican \fC:Wa bi,:. '<'h.Ch prodUttS i.cvd'lll ,ure,m.a..tkc11..1blo1d~
clalA wall he sawn 1n an)"\mc,. IN)' bcinant,«WhCpt)\ilioo.n11 illC v.otl r-. 4nd '""" 1Ju1h "Who rr...: hi,d lhc-m,.cb('1, \\1!dti.ng ., high 1.<Cnkn Jll'I.WIOU.llllt~U ear of anthrax dissipates with in i:-ormation II~ MIClf'ltlh ttk.' 1twc111 o( 11111h1a\ 1111.o, h:cn 6c lurdrt•ut u( Ut.an)' ,,r Amrfka'1- m,ncl"c0-..1 SY.11h11de.,thof A~ncanMC)CIU. &b Sl(-~('tb,. the: C:IIIJ.llll:)' trn hcc-n lllftwlrll11.~>1UUUl)I\ IJflk:bllJ>tr...:1:, 1111ov.Mlaulhru.•Mlt.l"tatl.l1n1: ~~:~~::.~'=!.1~:ydlC ~~:::::~..!,~~Ol~~m, llr,~ bcc.i c,l1~pi...cJ V..11.h IU\W"U 1-tbl.C ti 111 u,ly heat.oft«:, RM1W'I, f-'IL. 1n • iDct aal)· four P"'f\lc ha,·edi('d {ftWn the tq Ailtlwat la.a,; tua d1acfflCRd Ill "lt"Mi 1- 1\,w JIC(lplr h;a\c h.-C'n an(cdt'J im,f dl.rd1,WaJu~i..PC.11'k1cC\l.~J1.11w l!u"Ct arc 1nfi:a...~n. Boc:a it.llOft. Ma
•1\ile pu'Yi ,kr II n1a,Jc Ill a aoflh1•hc:at1.'d I.ell A«onhnlC
"The mt1n ~-' tQlllt riomc the ,ymptnnh an: wn.l1ar
IWhat we think Athletics heading in wrong direction
TIScntlnd kwn Alllkticl: provide.in mtirc ourppc,r. Sporttl«'~t al.,,•a~ tbl! ~pholos.
8uc WC,' hlWt '1cc. The prnblcml di.'-CusstJ on ch s issue'~ front page: sc y,igl we
~.t~jll)l a litl)' tl'"('l(thc llt.ktlC dcplrul'lt'IU'<; "''Ot!J..
We iu,-c hrWllilnes IJgl b,\\~ oopllcc Oftt'IWcal'llflU'- We', ,:
c~1dtm: mcs1uJm1 llllhlctc grtung full out-o<-&lltc witaclll
((¥ 110 er\l~ tdlOQI )"C;at CVCA Ali« Ibey (lW1 lhl-it q,on af'lcrj1nt a
nt1.lll\h we•,,:bc:JN011wo11l.hl~.ntoothctproilrl1nth.alha~
f1unk'd out ort'AV Pf\MOOI ~hoob.. "1J )d aldi bu l\'Ulvnl
lfow c11n Qffl' elhk.11(1 dq',aM)cnt go unchc(lcd1 J,m Headley
t..tiJ llul 1.hie carrupwll i, not I.he ndr. but tbt. exocpt.loo. We •IJ""IC.
Th< llhkuc """°""""
t,ut v..; fed 1ba, tbi 1ui'tAOffiCth111a WCcaft)i,;1 J,Umaway from
gobl,1" up mon, ,,.. 79 pacc,u cl
IC,S521.7l<Ol0<tdmnhip""""'Y. 11,1,c1oc,n•r.,.Jdde
l'POl'K')' they n'Ct'l\'C from the bc:,,,xclel' club The dlccrfeCldtn
Th.II li:.t\0$12 1.i,S!i Caml.2.J l)lmlC'ltl rA ~ri,p maoc')"
for iM;alan{ct, afflllio. \'OCllionlll «klc,iltUQ and ,t\ldr:1111 1enica
TV.\'CIC)' l.lftc.~c,(,cbn,lmhip rmnC')' roinl kl'A-Vtl
:adtm~t l,n·, llti•ichool? Don't pcoplco.:imc hctc w k:im,.
'l"ht cm-ti boud,:,:sJ,.ht ~..,\\~.To kttpl1ihon. 1tJl]cclC.'111te
11lloa:(d SIS9.83'.l 1t1 tr1\'CI. Clf lil!TPtl 6l pcrcmt ol ad tnt,-d
Ona ii. make~ IU~thu nu:h mnllcy W>iC':lld tnum 10 pmn lhc)· losct? Wby 1,ac u.>.t- u.OUI ot the SWAC.iaod p.,t u, in
1b: Yll1iC 1b lhc Spobnetr.sm.11
Wecbl"tha~111y ri valia11J b,. ThcColk,eof Southcm Idaho
ii lhc: only other team ia chc SWACdtal ~Jbb .rtvaL but I.bey
lrv.>t pb)'cd 1a,aun." Spot.-: ttan'l:f there- would be tomc
meaitu1, behmd lhc: pmci. Maybe people v.wld rome co "'*h
Or tnO)b;.1K,1.C<11.,(idmA$ neatfyevery team 11 pmNlrll)' ol OOI·
uf"-, tolllc llthlcia. Som.: «1minuni1y COUt10-
Corr.idcT 1bl': mcn , bl.\l.c:abolt Huiib W1ti<111 141d U\1, oa
f'CCl\lllln.,. rl..1)cn in IJaho: - lhcff arcn·1 many kft We can .iay
l!lilll.kmic.tll} digibl,eo. Thmt Jcbl arm.·c ffllltl)' map ooUegc
~abull pla)t:A u, ldiiM ." Wauon IU'.II.I tbtb.1dctholl rroJ111ffi
.pcnJ '$49 l50tr11:nntln111 pb.),;n pnmarity rt01n back c..'\1.111·11.I
thry...-cnin anydiinJ
11'1!l'"toet'Cl'lealm. li\·blC"blCR' VOth:1CllA lltllCXIP( Of Jlddl!Ohip
b'1onc.y1S10iµ.tcacb\..,d1n:\Wm:a:yt$ l ). l ik1 t.&MJ1 ....._
ur•• nouiy all Id.I,, arhlcl,, The mc,i linahcd lino In diar
J;,·,um Mld tht'\\Oll'ltll t«\Wl.1bcy11rtlQ!hoNW,\ C'C1t
kc ai'tle1.hey ca.n~cltt
Forget the 111rkey ha,•e some
I Chokecherries
h:n tll lmnkT fwll)' llltp:n~ -.mt OIII II
m,:fl)C) .i\k1n1 moiu1 Rcoo H
Ev11ru1 a WhllCa,n. ~pp.l'tfldy
Chere l1 1 U'IC1l'IOnal IO tu.m Oft I
IIIIJC nd: imda a Utt ln ltWx.1
Sbrnn..n AdmknhtralU. BWkl111a h read,,. Min fo\ 1ng
i ll)i.n&Wflnd(KJIJU\l \\110
lhk P'f'l"CI Ii. 1kttJ, OCJ
ff(0'1J o( hirn bcil\8 amiJcm:
*bd many Wo1-ume empl(l)'ee\
dioo'1 hl,\·tll doc. So mi,cb fc.
Stwrt M m l.na
Dorin& d,c 1a.,1bra,rd l'II
1tu,t(lc1 fflCdi:lq: an odd
lddllic ltl 1hr. do:or (Ir the
mom Ollll ill bi; round. 0o b:
""k -·behind"""bi<,.
•,11.;i..\ ii pa11 or ..i:.nn,. PtthlJX
Ul()' \litre but!,: there 111hDpc1 ofa Jwt mcct,nt1 dliC)'
St'ollnd k'<'Urif, Whal Scrlunc:1 i.i..rren 1,1,-tiw
k> ~· Orlc:aM 1n Odntier. 1,1nc
toJnll 1()1 ;i ta-,t.c llf' 1hc ftCI,\
"""11} U:\c i~stACCJUl' A&ti bJit,x.
Mui.,ly Wolfrom IWlkd k> 1a11
Mfflll:,ih'C~·MC forbcffood
p.i.rc Wdl.sbe lc l'\that
llh \."fl,\'11\' IA hCf bod:pd Md
VJhen "1,c li\'CDI lhrough lhc
""~unt)·~kp.,i:rlb Mlhc:' Sr,ablic IIW1,'Q1. \be wu
11iorp:d frr h.:wtn, a i.nllc in hcrh,13 Embm-"<eJ'""' IJIOl<"'1"'·
\\UIJ)' sn. c op the kmfc 1'11111
"''"able'° hold on co lhe rort.
I Personal opinion
Thirty-year ab sence from sch o ol no pr oble
Rc:1WTUn1 h> coltcrc: aftn- • JO.)'t'J/ ah'(lX(' tt • •nmc,i1, lw J.a1.1n1i ng c.ipcricncc: C'\CD when )'OU v..;ml II \t.·1W all )'OUf bc:art.. u..Jly. ~·,, Jdo he bc.aimt' appttdbly 11im,:«icnpli-...a.1i,.,da11JUK'hraulnulQa1jC'r lh nb In t"Omprt:bmllvc ta,ruon on a JffCf'IC &ftit)' o( \Ub~ Tbc fin1 1bin1 J learned here \\'at how llult1 t really lnuw about anythlnJ. It was 11 •urprLK to find thnl my t®'."r1'11 obJcn it1ons and t!xpcncoce1 had b«-omc living. lt:i:ltlu()k hhlur) M0tt0ver, IO\ll'tt·u1tomie 11du1i , li\-c w11h &he •sooy "'' tnow1n11hJt all Ibey 11CCOmplit,h he.re lnl)' DC\'tr coo,c 10 fruihon ihaiuld financfo l n«t!,:<lil) tllc111;fc tbcy knc college: 11nd ruwnc .,,.ork For tllis. wmcr. aucodins NIC bu been ll Ufc: r-t,tOtlltl r,uteu l tlU"l\'t! un kanuo111111.1alion11 acadcm111ba., hccn v.0Dek1(ully 1hcmpn1ti<' fot - II ha, idruulat.td fli)" l!Xlf·Jc:_.J at.alive facuu,e1. aad forced me 1.o 140k v.ell tle)'Pn,I my trnmcdl1ue 1Dtapd.1l1m1 ot
rc1&.llty. 1especially lo,·e hc•rinJ ) 0Ut1$Cf J)(O(')lc-•~ (ttdbad1. t•l'I polh,'"'llll tdcncc and MX-IOIC1i,Y 01KC.l-.w1he world ,ttealbhcall)'. tn a hlt1;k \\ \IIIJitC formal 1b* •h(t ~• it 11., 1d i d "A·('rr: rishi_ 1h1"nc who did (101 were obvKKJ,I} m1,u,fatt1icd I rnrnl~ ha,·11111 to lcam •"'4."11 h l\lory Math '<IQt'mrd hopc:11!\II)' irttk\•.tnt. wi;Lll acicnct, ll p;sln 1n the 1t·na-\llh111, So much \\'h ~lllJ an 10 lhc 11nd W- 1h111 dY.·c.ll llJI oo lhc: ~,t 'l«m.cd bl,.,nng aoa pomtln~ H O\'i'C\'C'.t, rtlllUlMIY llnns, mulut..:cLCd 'Cbad~ 11 ! Jt•)- Tnd.1y. I !ilk! I 1ru tw: , ~JC, C.artf lrtal;,"4.t!'hNl) lnfortnllbOD I aw ,cc m) gtt'Ny tUdc h.nc.4 m tn tht hupc df t:onwu.:un; ii ,none
i<r,h Srudo< Thc::ii.a,,hc'llr~~· thn:Mlgh thcc:bcd; paw in Nc_'t,I,, OrltJuto. cm tbc \\'1)' bolrie 411:: 'A'U filOl)pCJ (Of ha\ Ull chc Cod:.mbc:rbar.
Al leaJC those "(Cun ) pyj att do~ thclr jc,m
.-unn, t hurth Mb:up, ThNe art rul mcs~c., fou11d 111 (hl.lfC.h bullc!LlM• All 11.11t10U~mc:111m 1 bulletin !or • No1li on.al Fa!.tin.11 11nd Pra)-er ConkteSM:c; '1'bc: cllt\t for aucodiDJ lhc Fa,1Jng and Pra)CI ronrcrn1e::c ii,c lude~ mcal• • '"'l"bt ptln'makiftl meccm, IICbcc:Mcd for toda)' bcc:11 can«kd due to • coo Oict Powerl'u l Tru,tJN::t Oid )'OU~ the board of U\l,lct) b1u•c 1hc ~er 10 u cate a hoUday' La,1 mctl1 ng the boan1 added rwo, Thoogh ,tudc:na :u-c uft Che: collcgo 111I Ru1, oo Chmcmu e, ·c and Nt' v.· Yeu·, 6,ie. Now the)' don 1 Good for them.
a«'Ut1;1.c world r lcturt" f.or nian)· )CIIR. ~hlllOAahdn,ln)'~ .lc)nal tn~U.IQC\ 111nd nol darin& CO dream ht..)'\.'ftd dJt"JD.. No-. ,11.sg_ a ttcndtngoo ..etm, 111cc. • \ cry great pnY11egt. onJ I ttli.,b C'\oa) \CICQt'IJ thot I Jtrn here and lt'Jmi111, The: slllnhng thought t!ia1 pcm..-,. 't n.J( irl\ LOablo aJttt all- I.Ml oppomnu 1n di> \O!nt &ood IC'lr hurl>!lluty .an: C.d tn-crTidcs l1lit' urge tu IUL'C • d Jfltff'~ ht<conio • moml lmpt~ti\·c-an,d \itc: IR compe-llcd 10 ltil( ()Q.r wgwemut)·and fMitudc. Todll)', colk:S( It :a. b,. nJtd 11nd fi Clpcncoc,; lbM IJ. \\IA.) )0 )'Cm. 41,0 Srudcuu arc cncOOOlfCd u.1 dc\dop tbrir own irucrpttwioo, of due nutt:rial provided We.-.,~ nc, lon~en,w1hc "hat 1hi11t. bul h~· l(t llh~ .u..,._MiJ-r,,,~J,.-~~ ,_.. ..,.....,.,..,.r,...11/1.urrNtoMr,c>t-k ,,.,,('lt,,,,,,,,,.,,••,, ,.,,.,.,.s,,.~ SJ. ,ttt""-•--""""'1'#1•"'1
Tales of soci ally challenged women need discussi
M)ti\~1b111rc~'1al~'C'd mt ro ~chocoavm..tlC)II! pa..u.mg b) or r,m the )'VtUlk'MI clpe,os* ~ng.no.t "'me while W*111a, , n a lino 8ut. 1M!Chaic 11o·iHn:cum my wllnJcnnJc«B tiu.;1: 1,>bi~rnoJ.!.(iuetrth.utdx1cJIWc characlm.t;(i(J of a MXittlly chatlalgcJ, ....... N'.Wo.tooilwhlltt11,)W, ~l'lha, cboco ""'"'1irlM:oobi<ClMl f<lfe>qlP~tyU1'°""). n thdrhamca, alt.la cbc "'Cd.pbtt ~~.inKlffle' misguiJcdplighl.1111bo f«~~t;lffleftt11slrdup Md 1111:rnpe to CPJOY the J.&tnt freedomor (Apn.5IOO t)'pical)y l"Ck'f\'\.'d for !he unmlllrird C. urdc: )~ ~once t • • ,e-union,- -.'ho 1,1,~ atciuQd begging ,w w pulli..ru,p. UO\\'t'\ 'f'f', 1hr •IIO C'f lh( ,,.. unck wt M - ••ooyD>$-ond" lco,t. lwniJo,. ~hlnl J® "'°' amiw :Jm" c.'11 bcw:a " ,m• """'1ly~prl.(ffl)<"a,cin poi,,l)IOO ..rr , ri1""'"'1 " rlM:-y loud ,nJ dwbiMllcc:ritsoflhi ~i;cxc,.a ldldwll\CI,.
o(C111alanm \llilhinabloc:k ,•111.1.,. 1 cw> 1rynoc1111bc
ltlllbflOl1.:db:ii.ltti ""1.,,1-.
p,,t,,rhi, "'Offllln. AttO\\ibl lrik't(ltr,t1.U.v.t'll:rt upoo ~=mi: lbc Ril>>Lil
H1m1n ,~ '-huJtFnJC cc11111e1,1. JIii "lllfJI>· l"ambcd on htr fortbcad slld dn,pped l'O k,p ora rn:sNy u»<lcplc l b~ l,(Q'l'lpalllNc111)'tlGOOClltttnu1(11{ 1.111·-..e li\'Offll;O "ix,~,.~ v.on'lOO\\ dQ!Al)Uf a l,'IIJ) liLede111C,tl'IIY:~llod protuse ,"AcitnQg. fn, tl(ll q)·lng I.he t!ttl(.a r,m,l'ff!lajhmuncrt.l )US !ll~mi)W ~yabJocscJ i, 1 capilll! uera~. lhlc if )"OU U!,C the '1" v. urd lfl.'ln: unn 1h11n DIOC Clay In a MTV~. und )ftf&OU~I Ii.le )"'1nappin1 a,c.Emmcm '41,Ja\•1 Uada Ball M111Ball ,-w
........... Cllol,ICohwt
llolriou.<dolrl -Wahl Chil Wilr,oo Maojoriewui-, r
rmimct'J)ffl~',gerxn,ldmi'lll:;n:III ""d:ingav.'a) b. ,hcy(.lon't urdtn&Mltl -<tl"'•l"lllkl""inrrmidor<Jby)"" ,, ry:· Ouenuclhins~ n~IOlrl\-t ~IOmy~ ·n.aneafwi y a~l)'~)'d~l'l:On-, ll10lqiw1ly
rogo.,..,.Ca,oriy""""""""-"" '"' hit\~~ h.111 Mm. M,ob:)W'~pt v.illllng tor lhe kq Pl)" v.i,osmdb IR~ 11t..Scbw<111. \' ""'°"""" l "'ctf),,... ifflbylo""' )'O<LOrp:m,p d><~rioocit>,,r;,,y·,o,11 lnidc)Oll•l ~ Vo\'ffl!DV>i~-"' ncoinomai'"• tcllb:shllw10at1.. B.-.1Xlk$)""d>.q<, )llUrlw"""' ...,_.,...i""'1!yw rnnrried«hodcbiklrm tu"'lir~ Y.lil l rM2ictlOchi'.wc23cas. •
P.trG! 8 THFS0if!N6. ,-. 3: It's illegal to wake 0 • ....2 • :::, a bear in • 0 Alaska lo take a • >- • -.:, ~ ph • i:5 •
The &ntmd v. c:k:oaa k 11crs to I.be o.h lOI, Tbok: 'Abo wbmi1 kuc:n mu.It Unut 1hcffl t.o 300 v.v n.1,., •Ip tbc:m JcJi~) arid pnnide • pht1oc. nun,l\cf u, onscr 10 ,•crif)' aulhe:nlfcll.y Socnt Jcucn ma)' ool l'e rnn1(\I bt'au,c or ~e l1m11.cNM. o, t,«,1u,,e lhey I) uo ,in\ilM 10 11 mimher o rl~ 1m t trc.d) n."OC'J\'cd cm 1hc 1,1m,eo .wttj«t, 2) an: pv,,,1bly lihcbn. l'I' ~) an illt'JUMt The Sorur11;I I.be right to cd11 k ucn l..tlicn may N m,u1cd trt the Stn11ncl_, C tnalleJ, (i\ited or l'irQUplt 1,;, Ruo.'llll5J uf lhc Sid,en Butkti ns, TbtScrwaeJ' ~~, iJ t(.QJ W C,aw"'11A,~. C,,.., J•Altne. 10. S38 H "'- (208) 1111· ~)S*.. Fu fl(lh 769-3 389. &-nwid· Sc1uincl'itti¢.ntu Mr.lfrcl4Y,Ncw. 19, OPINION
bompc:ndeker 1bN: l'oloa, v.l'11·1
111 rOIJl:rwcd by m Anll!riitan fb,a.. I Letters Policy
· --
.__ -w,_
_ ..,_ ----. ......... --lft_,. ---
ttncr.11 1o1
Festive chili fuels donations
• ClpP',IMI.IDil) W ,.a,mpJ~ 11.mlC o l d 1t' Jcla:l.a!'lk
-I .......Sll lwnlp,t,,tlp.m." B,...11,met, ..iJ "'t1".t.bccft~C'\ftlincc. S l.udcul racu.1,y iinJ h11fni,,lDMn \\nc .if10AA--.t Acccmog tu n.1eammatt. Bai~ inip::xunahiJ ingtt,Jlnu ffb'n Tuo.,tbrw wo:b ~o.
di.iii io Sonh l lU.bo So\>. 9. \\hi.le C\111Uihuting 10
l«:l.1 MfJ'POl1 prosnuu, lkUlJli 1hc 9111 l.'nitnJ \\. •)' Clull Cook-oCI
Ctt.i.wn orui,npcun1 th1h COJ\.'}'t'J Ult nud..d.iy
~a.&ht JI) t:.dlmo.,1cr Siodcn1 Cn.nn 11h 1ht- CClt'Ut
donned lhmacl,u in~ cmb.tmn.~111• unlqut- ~bot llldr n:cil"'-0.. RdJ•ouy•u Alll<d H<Allh'• "C<>n P,cc.b Qlli," \l<howl tctun mt"mbm" 111·ffl' (C"\U\'d)' clod.ct f'1l'1 In ,cw«:rV\\ &tiff
Vidi Mocpn.. Adul1Ba.(ic Educutton CA86}. rn,11.tdly submillCJ "8tJU auu. 'W•l(ltboct 1C1il.¥i lia:1c:1.Kdoc:J111k't'd,'·lhc-,a1d,. while .al doUcdvp IO look •j~ Mimi from I.be~ Cue) Sbow."
"FlVc: Al.ann Oltdm C'hiJl, from the Wort(oct'C Tr.ainwa u.ff. hoasltd et lWIUO 11., 11'k11rt'rtt 11>
~. h woothcPo.,plc'10wlkx.! fotbelllch1lauiJ
--""'·"'""' On,,J Pril< _pcu_
bnJ lo U.t1n,01\h my 1i;uil1U'ta COl'nhJ~IOQ Ano¢1er Wffl$a'll'IICDCkrY.iL\ AIUtlllU &.Auxilillf) $c:n-k.:c•, ·Qoort,m Slftoct Chili OocU!tll ln bnllh1nt M:wd1Ch." l~!it IWI bot·riflklllllftl..lhc k'Mn bcJ •ilhAlltf"'P<opl<',0..0."""-
J'Aknen,-,1 K'OOU'nlliCLiunt) Art Dq,wuneot,on
plcJgcd finllni:ial t.1Wof1. bul oo uqu.1Uk.lt rnllllil~IW ,,1111A:m" 1n 1,-1kN .wet.ma. f"m:twcd
Foonh ll(ld flf1h plX'C wait io A1.1ioCoUi 00'1 '1"cam G»Oub- MdSociftl Se1en« 1 '"'Reita Ch lt l'olo8""'1" 10a11t1S $3,1 IO m.,n, tbe-.wcuon. baJ,,e U1c. u,J lon,,"""""widi....,,
'l;.b lim Jlf'Op;l Ille 'lUJc:nl> &rt' gctlinl dlrttl
·,ia<lfltlt'it \k,11, JohnwouiJ
Iii! t.~1dl-t·1•INi\v11,11tti~li-11.icideid~1' I'll Ille Siivct Valk)
t.idet11, h.,,c n.,,111«! tbc projc,.:l "'The Coan«uon" bca.wc I.be 1.:al n 10
..:hunib, bt.m~" aod c0tnmu.nit)' •·hi1c aII hut mral 10 1bl1M: in llted
'1ic •111,11110 m.&).e a Iona anJ La.,ting
'\e Ku~hl"l'I Coanc,c;1 , nn 1,. i,ctkinjl p.ankip.iuon fromenouah dwtclic;)11n..l
fflf IITCIUI voh<r
-~ ll>b'il.Col'' ~1
Orodo ol °""'
t4)9 S. .Crh ~\. DrlbO.nicn, I yS...pm
Oo,q,: llwttb
•/jv.a1um ... Fall, 771-<7JS \',l•,~JI IL ....... x
RI e. H,>"',n, c,r A 115.slOi
or,o.nuttl4)n•IO li'Olmitc('rt,y :iponwru1.a,; • me.i.l t\\a-01o(ocu hmaa)nr The f'IU'liclp:uloi,or 1hr ctuuc;bc.1, l&.00 or,a1ti'nri-t>nti will be1.btmt'llt
1mponaru a.,pc:c, Of 1J,c-rroJ«1, ba::au.se the totiniectiOfl crc11hl••vnlt.ed crfon ,n rcachtns PU.I htlbc S1h·« Volley comtllutUty tach
tfl'Olhl(IOJI' -----~ d1on-h Ind orpi,i:ution rn
~ill!( lo pro,•Wc a •tll-b&luki:J mc11 l (Of
lNll'I) Jfl r,cc,rlc Tbe mral it 10 be:
oU ·Mic ll.ll.d tml~pontJ w th..- kltc:bi.-a. are \~lun1ocn ro ~n-c ond ck&nop. ·nio:
~COn~on Mid Vlt,1.I U111.: wlll provkk
~~c~ay from 5-b rm. I,. k>l.-4ti.<J Id the V1i,I
IL"Chn11,11,1d, and hnw 1ht)· P'l'f'lf Jl,hn~•fl ~11.'-a inhnd3:\s1.)il~·tv,..m)"OOh)tg;\cMI, \ItUk $ol'IIUJI 1ft ,-l1,11pcJt11,n,11lfl ·, d&.'<>O fl't'(t 111) Mon1i1y ••'4 WC'dOCldlly• .aDJ T~y ClllJ ThunJJ)' 'hctw«ri II un 11..Slp.ra..1111b! •lt\din11t0tvnupwur, m~t~w:ic\Ci)'M\lla\lUffl. SualOll.uckd by ttd ,..,--rc,1Ju1g nub di.at CO\'Cf UIC' tk«anddi.mM>(ttlfll lUl11pacc,111C\cty \Uk:', c;mJctth (ICXhDC lidbo:,u1g ccdnql.lCI Ofl etti:h A" die)· pn11.ii!X. die ni:,.l.tu (,ll, 1hr 1)'111 •1lh:inc:~.rflythmtc:1'1ll,i.:. Juhrut,11t, 6--fc:ct·l ~he, lAIL 260 p.,unJ.c, holJ, 11.hi.nl.Jcfm' N•l. l'rll tBLoh1.~-1e11.
\kfm'<. 1.m.artiod artdc.'vdopcJ m ·l'b.il.Uloc1 mal. coml!i~ \iu,y Tiw bm.an-" MUflO.. JI.Mio. Ai);MJQ, Ju·lilliu llld Kun, Fu. I k Jia, abo 1'c>xccl (\\'t'9ok'm) •i,d 1'WWCJ Jttt K unc Oo \\~thng and Ju.Jo Jolunh,a ti. tmtxJ In Lo11.1, ~1£-dtfm,c rnr 1hc- ll.\t 21 >·e~ Y.ilh UUoUlld« Roy H.arriqt,.a the t..ow,. ScJf.Dcfm.\C' School in Sp(lk.llne KJ-.;kbo11..i11$ h the IU\IOCI bct¥i·ctn w~iera N11;Jn, .1nJ ffl4rtut 1111, lucking, IIQC.Vfdilll h> Joluu111n~ 1°bo'c .att many dl!l'c:n:at (omu of kic.lboxm,: :WJC.h III French Saviuc:. JUll Fan and 1hc nn1 ~\'Jt.\Wln1~ Mtsa)' l'hll box&a1," }clbBilOO, t,a;d
·/\11uy 1'hil L'll.kho.uns .tnd 1t1-1e1:bnlqoc, N-e prd()' much wbl& J,('Xfi •'ith ll (cw txtc'pb(IM, 1 a.:Jd some mtn"& to the ongi:rsal art ,ucb a, rl'lt1Jt'18 aild scnbn&, flllJ I 1e.il ho-. 10 ran ""Oll~dy.• lohb\Ull'l, t,ci."tmc lmemtcd In MMIW ffl.) II ag,c 6 "'hen 1'11ChinJ • Bruce: Ltt mmje11.tld tcaillJl.l e.u,un comic bookr.. ""Ma eh,JJ, I oouldn°1 field a m11nllll .11111 , had full woll! "t." l,i: wd. °'E.,'d)itutlJt b..:li. Uk'n C'10t) \\'ll' po1t11 rrghut11 aai.l web. l..ol&n haJ.
¥1'i&b iU MUI)' 11w blxu,g dcmMI. a real Cttl co lt I \\"JU , u~m tn ICIWU)' ffl.lU' and mcdvc 'real' conu.::L'" In lllkllllion 1o hi LClk;blng. /ohnunn wc:d:., p:u, Umc-a!l~IYIIVJK'f'lt,(Jffa,~, H~pital io Spok-.mc. I e t\\.11l\bcd {mm WOffing tull·UOIC to 1)41"\·lllhC p:ttq,ard \.ltift '° bocould Ind 'l)Cnd tnOl'O, 1JffltV.'dtl hi1 7•)'Cllt'4)1(1
John1ton allO ro:ichcd Ill Gorw,p Pftp JO .S,_.llde ~» lllUJht "''d&ht U'llininJt 111d condtbOQbta '°' lt\'Cftll )'Clh. John.\ll'IQ hi..\ a 8 A. m fingli,tt fNfn W)ut\\'Ol'lh Whik lh·m1 mo,t of hb life to Spokane. Johns&on became good (rimd.1 •ilh Grtt Rooli,C, aa NICQIIUUClOt ··He,,I~ tnaid a( m,nc.··John.,.too we!
-We atlcncb! hi,-h r.chool 11,gcthct 111 Goa1.1go Prep. w.,1.,p147"1)lmlot<a11<" r-u
ri)jelhcr a, Spol,.t,c 1::-.Uk Cvn'ltfll.lQl.1)' College I
C101.C laUJl1l CR-& mitrull .rb ••
?11 ta,,n Ill( J)('l)ja:-11ticlc,1d"·n"!1II open
dQQr, Wcd~,l) by (lffl\'ldlllf I
'Y~ Cmt«, J 1'4 MtK11:1ky A;v~, in §
l~~.:~::~\tom needed on arcgubu
'°"JOtt'fl1•11.:o, ~.._i1\ 1.1r trc,mer, ~<'HO( IUJa.t. J)lll)tf IO'l\cJ'l. pack.Cb
1,1 ,.., «lc'llt'1, r.ufQ~ ti1:r,, papc:r
~O'Al.l IIWG Tt1r $t-.m;c~ PAOt 7 1 T he stronlltl, t • LIFE muscki. ln the • • • - huma n body i s • 'Sil • the tongue. •
United Way cook-o ff rai se s $14.000 fo r area fa mili es "Tbl, OOC hi) d i,,; Ok'al. and I lik.c lfrlt pttk .1 lut." ~i.d Cht)~ BaiL:y, ~. N.K' IJOli Cl\\'Clf, fd'cm..., IO coll') N1>. s. "lt'• Chili Ouidoon-(rom lhc- rolb in o.,c1aor-. rutwflrdlgt;.,,,.00,o,nd."7 Coa,(ulncd (n,m tit.! to kit as~ chtll pcpp:n. tile Ph)'UC'al Pld't "Bamc:u'• &!10 (No)Cbltt "''00 fitu pllll.'ein thcpfg,c 'fO,)lllp:CillCll (or ~chili lb wcJI• b)\1apxWlOaata swr
~ntki1~3 goodic, (r..-.n die: h;itc lllle .u1J ,...mpJcJ chi ht, 411/J c~ t,om nu.111tn,µ,., ,~Jly 1m),'J t,u(kt.• "ll't..llU nl(;.tl and 'It.'(' u.~ fin:.RMStcJ jalapclll"lt. wd Vk Gil.ol l\11trt.Applicd'tcdllnn.o:(CJQOC11Jthclf NS~ Rda:,buuoo OtUi."Thi, dtili ,0 dull LI Students open oup kitchen h.il'lbgrnor 11 d,c «1mc ot )C:itr for hmlly , nJ lrltfld,:. buc 1r, ll.o 1bc llmc to n:,)(11 08I w ,whc" rn PCcd ,1o&n1, 11'tlli, ,oea111 \I.Ofk
SI l®in pledges will 1idtboOGC incvc,y llMtt l.amilu:$ in KOOk'n:d C'cunt:ry ·••ho nuh"C support Iron, die' UwitdWay
uc Joln1j1.1~1 ch.I~
,;-W1, ol <'tght ,.tuckfll.l d)osc lO •ork
Lin..: M1ni,tric, 11 non r,ofil orpnlt'-'loo. lofl'l,l loti\op:nuon n dlcn £or lhcu c.Ja.,., pN~('l 1f11Mlly1he,1~1ian:fflj\11fflltc> i:;-1~•!:i=~\~~:~::r:ra:~~ ~tM ,. ~:!~Y:;::~::!~!::::
:1.a:~. w :':.~!'°.::!uJ u,~."
.,1.,tco1 CUCb. COi kc aiwl coff«" nt1c,~. n11111J • n111 \ On,l1,1d1.1,I bax.e~,. juice c1"""\1dua.l la"1b1odotro l-l. n«dti.1 oo 1 \11\C•Umc doo..alMJo b,1h· Cl:iff(le m..i.l:en,. frttJ.a, bnc r1111~ Jl(II\ anJ flQU riot,1/,lo\\· cool.Ch. d.l~ oaJ ltlXRffll\'C' ClVtD. ~mng !>pPIIA\., '-:u::::~=~ lbc "Jut~btu I ~ Prn,«1 m 1.bt Soc11ll Wort o.. , II U~{~ ~~,*9~,~ ,·e.. Coeur d' Aknc- lcWlo Tho mo11 popular P.E. clue t aken on campus, klckbo,dng , Is predomi nately enrolted by women Kickboxing teaches fun, protection ..
P1rid11nJr., tilo11i:bnJ, ~LnJ 111:iJ -.m~ll,a « 1:'o'l!J)d.1) kffl'l) ftlf ti.;k.holi~ ltl!ltNCLOt JohnJub:mton In hi., cl••'- Job!N'n tr1~ aru.dcnu 10 c.k wor1J ol nwt&iil 1111, the 1und4mn!W, "' bckb.1:\lnf 111.S 1.he baUl.'\ol pcnurl..iJ. frtnc..,1 "C v.~ ct1th ..iudnit 1a lcrl pn'llk 1l'fll 1n p«,ec...1m, him or trn.clfv.,heo I.be tiWidaOn ~.si.Jt4,111Ufldi.a.-cb:1·,111:l.~'.\loi
,ttt-./1,;pi,1,,111,.,. 11t,,p,,m·11t..,,1, rl1•\trtt• 1,un1111:1.• "'TT.irviA,wld l>ulld,m,ih, scr,u, firld ta #wM111· 1.\·f,r f' 11*111.: C~a."4e,· Slmt.rr, "'°""" T.et~ Cl crAA-"'W,Jlfvij{ddqu hffrtttth CO,ltfJ ·/t(lrllt'rl11'h ntOH(ltUI tingirnt,1n prol (tM/vrntt>, Jmnilfl' lloudro. 111 Educnt,on. Qlip,..,rQ'~ l thmJ.n l'"'*'"llptrirtt '>'SltM1''fJllld h,Jp. • Rrbto8af•i.., 18. ·.;e-.t$1udieo! Co..,dAJ,r,n "Aft,.t park.iltf pbH ,Jrould~ j;U'(ft j/,,rtl('lt qnt~f/11,sRWMtt' 1hr.tlmtrl,
callnJ fflC' a few )'c.&n 11go 111d 11.sl.td
10 tcadl n a,cl(-dc.fcase cl&»." Jotm~lim said.
C001.1nu1.-d uo p,gc:
H ow would you improve parking on campus?"
Short days, less sunlight cause depression
Exercise. increased hgh t
cou nseling cn n brighte n mood
by Robln Vlll«:Jtcl)
Sc;1w11111 Afra.1:nc l)i~1ckr cilli mnlcc
people '\old A ».minute- pre\Cl'nt.1liou g1n:11 by Dt. JcffS1ocn'-"• ('ocurd'Alc:t1e
f'l,yclu~lfi)C, di.,cusscd tbe ,ymplonu 110d
t1ffb;b~(Sr\D NIC Coun~lur Donmi Rung,r, AJcins wid1
Katlr- Ktl..o al~ CllfOl llau1thc. otJalll..(cd
w:,·cral ,pc-a.ktn and c,>t:ntl ('IQ nnlJ)u1
~nM.lr~ h)' llsr Coun11C.lm1 Smikt~ 4tld
('enter behh"('fl l'ffl'< S-9 10 ob\ervt- Mmt1.l
flc,1,hb Awarrur,, Wei:-~
S1c·\"Cn, lnfonned aholll !S (llllookC'r\ lltlo1u
SAO - • d.JJC.lf\lC'1 '41:bcrc: t.br: t...lk ol liP1
frown \oC.\..on3;I d1:angc, affC\."1.t, lhe h1oloatcal
rhythm, of out pil)',Jv1ll hodic,. "Thc~
rh)·duu, .ue t'IISIIWlkd by lnt~I Molo,.kal
doc:\.,.ooC'~v.Mch hocallcd lbc C-iJ\"odio ,•
1h)"lbm Tltis ruuihly ,yocltmtut« t'tlr bndy
Wilh 1h¢ ~4 t:o-1r C)'1,"fc O( d.t)' and 1:llght :ind
ttgul.at.o ,kcp 414d wnl.dulocMi.
If v.t do oor gel ttloogh dMyhghL 001
body Jixn:,.,\C'~ lk' ;,,mount II produce, of a
ncul\Cllln'-mUter call('J mcl.dt1J1in.'" 1>,llJ
Sttvc S..-hlouJh fn,rn tdW,o ,\1cf!IAI in
"If mclA1nn1n r, ('II.If of ~liu,cc, ,,cep 1~
lfurupt.c<l iu,d the orc...idi:un rh)·tllm J!ClS
d1,n,rl.«I," he ~·mJ
The liKl ofmel111ooin o.00.1 Ji\ruptcd
cua.dlwn rb)'lhtn C:WM:> t.be wide ,·iute.iy vt dfctb 01~ die ph)•111c.J body r~ulun., in SAD, Stcvt"l'.I~ .i1Jd.
The 11ympe(MYI, of SAO mdudc.: drow\J.ttejl, dimmisud ~p )!«p. ,oei11I w1 1JidNw1tl, dtttt,H<"J oonCU11ta1ioa. tcd..:ied pttldl.letMty and C1~11vny, de4.."R'a~cd <"nergy. d«f"CbCJ sawil mt~I. rrlationjhlr probl~. rnoodine.1;;"· :,adnC'S), lrri1~bilit)', anddy,
incre:a~ PMS ~nJ io.:rca~ U\t'(lf .tlcOOol ~«ctlK'. a1co11.nc ,od
, ,, "'" hO</)\ light co111rols 11ba111 300
UV li f'ht b. ,•cry impon,m1 Cm mudcr.itt u)CJ IClf a.cncnal hc.lllh.~ be ".ai.J ··,·1111.min8 i<i:fromUVlighl
A~lt 70-80 ~I pf 1bttt<- '"1th SAil ltt' WOO'l(tl. l!OCOJdinJ 10 the web ,iLr of Nonhtrn C'wht)· P"')d1i.11ric Ao;wclrue, ln B~hunorc.Md SAD aa at,~ aflCC:I mien 111,d 1:h1ld.tc1, Sum:nt ~id Lhat Mmnc,oca Stu~1c1 ~hl,wtd 1hlt flflCl In C\Cf)' 20 child.tl!'II .11tt alfa.t.ed .tOnK'*hal \C\ctely, 111111 ! ()('f'Ct'nl atr ~\·ttd~ AIL«tfd
"Son.c ,ympcoi:ns of SAD in ch,ldrm •re lcchna 11.11:d. imt11hflil)'. lmrpc:r,.inuurn,. alippi.rui grade).. held.:bc:s. nbclommal pain, an 11icttakd cr.ivln,1t for 11m1 !«IJ 111W lnl'f'C~ 1hffii:uhy in Jc,illJI: ctiorc,:· SU!,·en, 1111d. mariJuana ln :i<IJ.iboo. M>mc:- p.:opk ma) lnm".11~ 1Mlr intll.ke ur MJJ,11')' food,., ,e<o;uJ1in11n wdt,ht ,:aln
Symp(OOl'J of SAD u11u11fl)· hc~m around HaU.w,,.ecn .amt enJ 11, early ,wtuttc'r, April C::UI be II n'lllph moo1b fflf WIik r"'t'Pk,"'hC''ill.lJ
S1eveoiu taid SAO hti h«n llfOO.Ud for mJ.O) yta.n, Nu was ha-t1cn1Jyovcr10Qkul Hc- w1ge,1cd lh(! 11lllO\\mJ 1ne111muill for SAD. da.lly ~·111~ oot.doc,h, 1()Crr3U9'J SAl> 11~ pccvolou tn tbe non.bl"ttl t11111udes. t,u1 \'IU'irs with ,llm:ue Some \hlll1~ mlrtinti.zc l.tt1tudc but focus on tht l'lffldt.lJU of wnhglu 11ubjce1:, get u1 ,umn,cr. J,co,llld.
mdOOf lig.lt11n.,. purchlNnJ w dawn umuJ•lor, fdting II Ji,ilu boJ.1t and vm1111 twi« • dily 01hcr 11'C:11mcm, 11Kludc actllti1c C'U'm'CC, eoutt~hnJ. medkitlh)nt a11d t•kin)I • \·acalion 101ui;,u:tb.;O'l l11Jjnklc " Ln our hody. h,l!.111 tontroh- about \00 ,y,kttb," tlc said "People v. bl., ~L tR'ntmtnt u,u.all)' kcl bcncr 11l t1hou1 a "ed..'" he 1.iid Ht- po:m1cd out lh.11 many rrof!le U) 10 ,111)"
.a.• 11.y from u.ltnwlolct ,u:q ray, bccau)(' ot':,. tcurol ,~i11,~ctitndh.tmifulcoo~qu~na:., c.in lht-ypt0du1.."C.
~r 1i,formn11on 111bout SAD Uc.lCfflC'fttJ ,.hou1d c.:ill Sh•\·cm' nth«! at 66(,-0-W~ l')f NIC', Coun-.tling.Scnicn ill 11lc SlJB
Connection s heal stres se s
by Mtujonc Wilha.rn11 St,ilfwi,tt)t
In obs(,rvan,c..'t: nf Mi!!ttid Hcallh Wtt.l Nn" 5.1)
Cyndua Sc:hub:c. Red er-or., l.nUUtW 1."0UO'll.'.lot. ,poke ii, che Cuc:111 d' Akslc Koom or 1Jie Sr8 She f.liscm\Cd bcttfforu. DC GfOl.l11d Zeto"' Nc'w Yor,k lbl focu~ 00 p)'llUVC W:l~ nf llW14JlO.i •UC:\.\, dc,.plte
c,u:raanlinn,y cboos. (clJ likc:.1 Nonh Id.tho Oomlhydrops,td lnt,,O,,'" die utd, rcrC'.ffln1 I() 1bc lmpaim.1 k'ote ol di~tinn ,M aperiericcd her-ftt,.I M(lfflrnc. ln Ne,.., YM CU) Sllltioac:d an the cllfe1cna oc the ccr1.1er hc~n ooe block £rum G1ouod Zero. ,be provided UilWna dtcn&p)' I(> recovery vood('fl dunnt n1c1I S~ folJ01J.'<Cd c.acb (l(l.lcr IS·Ullllute \t:.>'lom ron Bvtta,t-J w11ll a ~·()f deep t-.'i:a:1h, co rc 1()0.· bL!t' tCQICII. rw die. mote part. •btju.\t b.Mt:nc:d ''C'h:i,r,t.c WIUllhOOJI 1a4~ a aC'CIJ to, order aod routt11e," Scbube 1aid. She commiucd henrlf JO p:i1tcnn (I/ M'.Jf~rc chat would pttvc111 her horn ht:\.'Ut,1iog tn&tUit.111.1,<:d, 1bctc ultlud1.-d: l'lltinJ 110d llccptl'lg well. f'.J.IC'.'1'1(1 l~U. reduc:101 ha 1'V·acw11 inailkcand linen:ins u,bea111iflal mu,,c 10 ••1;.1e.u tbc dmtct rmm l.bcdny,"
"'I Will not give in to frar-Wt iJ not an opuon,• 11nd "I wdl tonm1l v.lut I Qn attd Id the rc~t Jlc>,'" became her worldng: mQltl)1 I ducovettd t v.·4, l'ICtlf duce bklCb from (.'nnr.il P11tk. she aaid. ··"°I tool. w1llr,ii 1hc:"'°. I nffi.lcd 10 \ICC ~ulrrcl. btrd~Ull.d r.rteJ-thty'rt abl1& p.ltl ut who.I ram. romlna fmm ldii.ho
, foun.:I bc.thn& In lhc pc)'\C.I ot \he cootta'UOm tk1wcen p:opk." \hr wd We I°'< 1hr: rcc.Lwg of bdrlei.\J~'lj 'tti'hcu ""I.'.' dO 'JOl'l\t'lhllljl for fltiJJ.ICOl'.IC c-l'\C.
She !i.itid it win: lntpl.'lnU,ln to r..lL or '\'l'l'i1i=. h QI.It-,_. cry JI oceded. SJi,c hod to •d bn W"itb Ufc ,ltlJ Jct 10 ,nmc joy v,..itbau1 f«linJ guilty.
Cht11Ue Allon of Ascent Bodywotk and Massage, Pos t hJJs works on "'perk.in" Pam Miller from tho Educated Cup duri ng MOtlt al Health Aw1ronoss week.
Iacts& Fac e
"l'\rC b.."t'JI. V\etCOIUUlj ft'IU"Olk. ri«w:: ltt ii IJmc., ODC dll) 11.111 time;· tlit tak.l. "We 1;.in go 1hmup1 tmtJ li~ .tnc.l 41rc hc'tlcr for h ni.ir, w,111b krl'IY\\ hlJI • She l'CCOgtlb:cd !he 1n,ged)· :i1 CrQUQd Uro WJS an oppom1:ul1)'
English instructor race toward student succes t')'M111Bll11 -Kuiuu11g ha r;i.u.lou foe l-:.a:1;lhh UL\truct« Goi,'J(' hl, l ti.n run ,n N the !5 RJl11.lffl'ld.A)' r.1,-t"'- with II ht.~11111ic nl 49:~. Uc lt.n ruu 111 ru.w) vehcr f.-X'l. UJ\:ludwp, tbc Cocw d' AJcn,e Tn.uhlnn h·c SS. twl)c;J:.1~...,,_"' llj 1.:.nth\li 101. t...,1, hu111w11Uc- tla"-W'.\ .:in.:l 114·anc1n11 lUl> d.1 :1,,, f>unnt, hi, ('rhu~· ti th..: i.:~kitt, ""tu.:h ,t,..m m1100 th.1111, )O ycnn, hf ll,JI\ uw;bt C\C)' Enth,h -.~, (lotlC~d hci ""' tlo1t1 w Ith p-.t.lldi1,olbet·• br,ij>elfl Bclgrndie, Mn on Aui 11. f'j.S.4, 001 hc. lh·c:iJ 111 Shcti<lJ1t1, Wyu., Ul)UI he ""-'" 111 ,cVC'fllh flil•k lk lhcn 100\cJ Ill Rc.~~cblrtJ. Ore lw, lct'CI\CJ hu IWLhcl11r'~tk1Joe Hi l:.ng,b,h ,;,nd m:t1.1C'f 1 dt',P-«' lll bull\iur1hc~ GN>rgt' l~es ,11 C<,llc,:c 111 Southcm Ott1,,"0ll tn A~hl.111J.. Sonn ilfter f('U"l\'IOJ hn IUil.\lCr' h·c, m1w(dto Coeur d'Alene in 1969. He chow 1hr l~tl-mh«.au~tht'atc".:.1, ._,.11 hallv.;r,, hcW.l-ct1St. anJ ruhl.:ind ' Ive, lh.:i.n,:~ hh tca:tun~ '-l}'lc anJ 111:d,·illc.!i .:vel')' ycat wtd 111, l'O ht. ',1i 11l 11t11 rcpc-,1i OIJ mi\tnkt11. fof cA11D1rk. h( hi" ,1u1:k1111 to 111C" hhr.u}• II(, lhl")' Cllln 1t1ie a ncv. tout fottt h<"'S cnncu.oll>· th;i.ntc11111 L'UCru:uJum 10 kcq, hun\Cl( intac.-.1<"<l "I get tv.ut'd 11 Ida t~ wmc lhmg m·t:1 ;1,Jan:· he t.aKt Ives' 1'11dtr ~,u. Br.io.,kq1, 30, wcirl,- fv, tbc lJ11l\.er.il\' ~lifrwnl.i "'1 S-.inu H~; hi\ )-UUllftt "'"· R)·.m. 28.'1' • .1u1hn,polo,1,1 \\fbcn h'3 1, 00l l'Ullnu11. he i, e1lha t"c1jU)in3 tJ~ ,11.11d, n1bcr v.o1)"11fbr' 1~ ry;ldwi • !!:Ood~l llllfnvoriu·rim-d, Da.,e Robichau--. my,1eriet wrmeu b) Jam... ltt Ourl.c
Food director enjoys outdoors. wild-game
f<liod 011~1,1, h1U R..ulberrDN will l~vc: hb own coolm1 oo PBS ttlOtl. lie h.u nltc.ldy film~;J ., h:'v. •h"'"'",r "C'uhi 1hcWe,,.1
R~tltlt'd, .ll:t llltus hb 'lhow .It .t fC'lnfltc 11.Xallnn htl(lf(' muving tn the l.:1Jdlrn 10 lhc food tu (OQ!d illtt\;lor, RutlicrforJ t, u1,,1rtat-:o of .ill focxt luu mH;imritH'Jt..:1.'.pi lorthc 1CU(kn1 -1\m bnory', ltesuuir,inc dutio in.:luJI.': "'1llin9 ¥:lw."Juk~. docni:; in,tot~. on.I \Ufll')1n, m,1iul111"'wh ;in,1rccifl'('t And d1n.,;tanll l.'\h.tonl41" )Cl"'\llQt. k.uthmuwd wuflll•m u, Pla.;Cf'\·llle.
Cali!, 111, fk·1 1-1, l%3, f'lold ,pcn1 hi, ,hildh(IOIJ lo Tuolo1uoc. C'.ahl n~h ,1t YO'{rmlt.e N~11111,al P111t.. Afln lfihl1unnr. from Swnmen·1n~ H11th Sdinnl he rn,ncJ e<1 Soulh billrota 1111&111tttndtJ BJ:.t1.:l IIIII SL11tc U11i,,.,..1t)'. ~11,e ,ca~,cJ h.h 1v~·hdor'1 Jc,grtt in P'Yd10le1f')' Rw.lk'1ton.l b.1, t.CT\cd 11111.l(!Atrfofi;t, wol't.i:-\1 u., a i:.:&dd}' at d1(' ('c>c',1r d' AIC'flc RclOl'I a,iJ coolu.J t0t1<l at• t<hd It (.'nd,1.'t',. Ht u.irn<"d down nl.lllaja'fllll po\jtion., u1 lxnn)'s :ml.I fnlm, '\.11 l~ COUIJ WOf hi~ callct~ "Ct"hC' 11i1d get .in C°dlK'.;!lKIC'I :11 the ,~,e UI RuthC'r(~ sa,Jhc: lilt:, hi,Jobhcc.u1~ 11.Ukm·, bJmt,:, 1n1.ctui.l wnh tV'lHtnl'ti '"l'c(:,pk' l1lc U>c.il, an,J ,, "nice 10 r,1<01\C pa.,rte 11,m rcopl,c h,lf•I))' ht WJ. •·u )'OU l~J lhc tnly, )~i tttd 1ht 1111nd."" kutbetfon,f • J.i,onk food 10 1..-v...,l
p,..5 T"'~S~lH~•-~-------------------l..:IF_:E MQ,.O,\V, Nov. 19. ( ----
l;.HC.. I!
10 smw amt lcan1 ,1tM1.1 I.Jmclf :md abl,11.11 humo.nttstl lmce lnc:ttuo Your ut. G t th And euu, o,c;o,.. e cjREER Bocvme Ou-Fo, A Mon F• U,ng-Cantr dvantage The NIC u rttr Centet invites you to attend 12 FREE Workshops to help you plan your future! Weekl y from 9-10 a.m on Tuesdays & repeated on Wednesdays NO SIGN-UP NECESSA RY! Upcoming W o rkshops Contin ue& through Dttcmbcr 12 Qi,x,v die !of-n tb,f l!ltc'ml)'UU Stc,it\ry'ur~ thr Cffl'Cl(.*cnKtf·,t• ,,...,ipr-trl1U'ult.ipcs11i..i~ofd. 76'•J297. Complete Your Bachelor 's Degree In Coeur d'Alene! Lc ~c LEWIS -CLARK STAT& COLL£Ge ~~~~~~c...-1..,,_~ on the Nonh Idaho CollegeOampus
i11 .UI)' l)'pt ,,f" 1IJ c11p.xi.1ll)· cU.11mtl ,·c1U...-.n I OJ lhc:: \\' 11d G,unc •~ cu•n1 bn 19, 2fYY.?. R\lthctlllfd pl.mt to rrcp.,.r" ,;:m~.- c:~ t11 ~~ed wu.c,ru1:.11 h1ud1 w.,1.1« ~O'~'°\J o~·tr pennc- pa,1.a \\.hen Rwllttf,wd 1 nne ,oi1king llf' 11\kmt do.,.'<'t, 1at U 1-I :a dc,g,~c 111 WWUt'Utt#,, he-,, (1Uhl(ll(lf'. 11,: Ille<+ 10 h1k,.-, l..a)al., ~nnc. li,h and r.x:k c:hmh.
The Beatles were JiZ named after i Buddy Holl y's ! song, ·Crickets."
Musician lays for tudents
le.I I.be bghl\ bceo lower ILnd
ao~J qu1ccc-r, 1hc SUS ('(M.1ld
.,.t tffllcd In-to• colfcc: fflOp
.~mllflOI lldis1 Rid; 8l'O(I.Jo
••flsrll~ with. hit lll<:(MU,;tlie:11 >""°'" 24 9,..,i..·
~mnc:c..utt,1.::1.:po,nc...u&d ,hjn.,. I
R.E\'IEW cruwclcriuk vc-.1.
- a Wn:1. ,n.ihll!gcd
,.,1..I twfllnd D l)O(l)'ltl!, lbllJ
maj.:Wll•JiVl.'!tfU,hici:u, b.J1 wlli c:omplimtt11cd by u~ The eclcctk •,da,iinn
lwm Nu~ •md JaJ'.c co
ilfoOL<, ,aid he hoped ('iCl')'OflC
ht.ir some~ WI)' m.t'd
tt,mdfuog l.h.(y wcrcn'c
a,ook.,. d•'(l-h•)"-d • wide vunccy
Ilic ll\1cnet"~ ca,. Some pit!e!ct
~bk to Sh.awn
.iwii i.11 thc1r 1oor. mood n.nd
fbt,e '-Ombl"t. )"(t hoptfuJ
jdodw::1. n~de ii H.\)110 b,~,i~
aar'i ~u 1n one ul the c:of(cc
wbn:c Broot.,- g:UC bb \.Ull1..
OnJt111U1 frum Ala.1.b. Omtlb
w coff« hop,.111,d ch,1t,1
1k IOWll,. o( £ricrhh in pl3t.:C$
ran1 1111 and Bolk and then
buU<li111 bnownclm1l1 He
tmiC'\l an Of#lllltal~I) lh!II
.;a~urnpl.h 11e1,,.·1tk"'.
~, twi1tJm$ him tC> NIC. He:
1CP14UO~C'rlb.: We~. PIO\l oltt
Wtru.n of hi,ov.n l.1bon.
nem,"J 111 I.hr SUB"''"' •~).4
CmdllhlN;\\IIC: Of :IUt'JUJ\(' 11,c
bdtr Brook.J. pl11)'N. 11)( kiulkr
OJ v,1 in an i:trnrt 14) hc;it ~h
lfP)Cd hb mlh1-", amt nWJt)' W(U'
lllnung DAI r111t1ing tu ii wi1houl
l'mte:all11ri11. Soiuc .....i •irp41tJ drink, in uut' corf« h()UW:
Ir hllt'tUDg 111 lbl! .;ac:1YCNhOO
'\1,1.'t( m,·oh·cd111, )cl .1m
l)lnj lododphet lht- Wntdi I.I) ~~·\OCI,~ O!lkntJtU.cd
Qlt.4aQd)· abnul toll anJ ,~
:.th Yilld<' lapping the be;.! \\'1lh
kll' Ul1ae~ M lhc etl£.t of ~he
French play tells tangled love story
Actor's skills master play's complex plot
by Rebe«• Ibats $1a«¥1o!r'
OJlc UlilJI Ii 111 Jcwc \\1th • WUDU/l who 1u1;0tht"f n)l.111h1nll.~ ht lei\'«., but 1he man wha'• rc.111)' In lrr.c-Joc:~11'1 ~-c:n reah,.c
be·, in l«)\<C,And tbcduacbct
IREVH;'W iY l'tc~ ,...,~, 1nen art t"Atn"'
&be, 11n: 1nt,1r11 forcm,;b oibrr nnd !me hccn Pl IO\c wbok bme.
/\t hnio, lbc- plot •cculCd t."Dllfl,(l.m,: :u1J
.\Un~ ltl.l.) oot bi,1;c bcci, ftn 1hc:
~llf 1ht1r \Cl, .-nd full)' amti\'t IO I.be fti:1.1\tC the)'
111:mcJ u bilt'kJ,oU1td 10unJ Nor
::i.ld tbty oodc~ood mou of d1e
1111 ~blnM, wunJ or BNC'lks.
•rt..-c 11mt tt,c lnt'-"-1¥C' ht was
~I tofn aitu 1M1h t11eh ..oni.
11"''-"n' t lhc m--chng, tnlilliJ or l»O'iiJQ! (Qot.'\"tt cwr (llllhlMlhrSUB.ht.11i1w;o
Jbwic t,111,.\;grouod QW)IC.
8,tJOl.u1i,d lih gu\1.11 p,odu1.cJ ii 1Jdtvtnc-1y of IOIIOOS 1111wl tirdir balf,ll\lcmng ;1udJcnt<'.
~tJ didn't "Mw ti~ S,\1nc:
llliJ •ppttca:tUOn 1hey \\uul.d have flbcy h.ad ~tilllly b«n 1ft ll
ll'1'ftt lhup. HOWC\'(f, Sroolo
~. lhcy beard ud uc11htr lch ~.
TI\1, is au 1n the rloc or the pfll)' "R111J RounJ die \1oon.: r,erionocJ by N IC I tbc- tcr dc~l'fOltfll The play. <cun P.ui\ol 19t?.bct:m~1n ;i Wlflkr garJm. {1µm,.i<ff ;~ ,&;i.Jrdi11g
11rot.u~ the 1ltll$C Jn \Ult poj,i'lioo~ with Col.Ill "-n,cLc. pla)ing the 1811 ol 1br twin Ml!hrn Hug<> IIOd frcdcric, ~t11ndirl$ in 1b.: mickllt, Whal th< cnu,k MlUh Ill pl )', An$~1e U'llh.M\lhtffl'li'..cna1,:'4)0.)C•lhr)'1431tll'I ,Lane(' rahJllml the JIO~. lu1 &ieme. th.n, ,t.1n." 1hc r00<id l(,r lbc play hi.'C'11,11..c A.nJ!c:k'• oh:1.r.11.ler ,.urs 1hln1, up throu~hool dw: p~) i, cnp,,W tu Ot;1t12 IJt11il' Mtt't<l, t.it llugo doe1 oot tJliul lh.al l>uulll " .l inod ma1ch l1'lr Fn:Jcnc. Sa lh"-'O l\lre-t .1 bntk-t d.11k:cr, :t.3hdle (Angrb Symon!lt. t,.:,w1) Hug~ bi,~ nuy l11~U-ll(.t Frcdcnc ck1tt11g h1, tngn~mcnl Jl'U1>'· ln the end. Fn::dcrie fol1<11 in love whh l..abcllemdlhc: Cllprtm"'nt tol)io11U1 "on
At thl" r,t,int. Di11m. :auJ Uug() JC111ite lh11I
•·1l1 lurJ lo undC'N,ulJ.. Sin« l11c:rt wnc 11,u mall}' ,..-h,1nactcn tJul hJd llv:lf IN.1' 1.lllfflpk.\ U\·~ n .,...., ~ally h.,rd co 11tickf"llt11niJ v. JIC) a., "he! anJ V.·tt.d lht)' tlla<tfC 1111,ktln~ fhr m.'tM m»dc u good dton at ,::wdwg the audt<occ lhr111,1~ c.h,: 01111£',lik~ pl(ll Thr. only thmi s.l\'ing the ,luJ1t0t."<' Imm cXIUl)e~ft V.H the rotncJ)' bt~#n '° lhc:m iQ 1bt hllln ul &be llp:d bulkr (Ch.aJ l.Dogo) Tht JCl:'llt'ty W4'l llkd) ln:iJc af bll,i~II)' s&a)cd lhc ,al'UC rN 1hc wtw>I~ Jib>· nu,,w:on.1®1 rc11.J ro,,ti~ 11L1,l11.,1L-c ,,, 1b.:y ronldc~tnllt '1n the play aod noc thr M;)tr:J('ch,J~cs. Ott- <tNumc~. baupia;-,:,; .and ntilkup wcrc1&~1ogn:«1 clfK'I i11thi.• pb.). Same uf Ilk' IL-1~1, 1mneJ ll'lto 7'l).yc.1r .,oJJ d"'lik.l.Crs,. C'kh~ di.:im&:ttt1 were ponrll}\!J b)' \IOQit,, l:li(rnl:111. k~ ~kfaoy , Phd C'.aarunta. M1..:hllcl ira,·1, Trull (il.it:nu.11 Jt,Vliih We..al'ltl Airn« H.m.,n. R<~T.I Momwr1. ,\JnJilda M.lpp ;i.nd J11"1n t.,i...i. twt; r ,""
The play 'A'!l~ongtsull}' wntix:n h) kllll .'\oou1th 11Dd v.~ lld.lpt('4J b)- C,u-i~,~ Fr)·. Tun R.iri.,.i. d1rocta.11hh puy, Thc(llayv.·iU"'°\\'DN~ 1,l.).lt<1and 10. lltc h!w, on Nt,\- ::t wa, "iJIICd (Pr lh ht:ltina lmfl!llrtd Chad Longo J>'ay• tho part of Joshua. a c:rumbllng butler who tatthtully servos master Hugo.
Donated piano provides student outlet in SUB
Former student moves, donates upright to SUB byJ.111.00..\id\lrlQ St, ff•'
Vol\ doo.1ll'd (ot 1hr I'" U'ilt 0111U
gueo., wb.i.i.l ,11'>?
U )'OUBue,'W."dthc pt•no !ti the SUB. you'rcn;h1
lbc pi;mo i:, white w11h fl<nl d«!or.1tiOI\, an,t :1 p111ttmcd ov•l ,1.tn lt.hd fri•nl\1 K&n)
IMmlllllO tlCIClal.cd i.l 0;1.1ni•1w·., family put 011 b(-n,:hl ~,1-...:cn , rMlhc:: onlle1i:: until 1«>99. ll•m1wM>'" mvcbcr, .a ~°"";th,1. '\toc.\ld pc-rform an.I h,·r fatl,c, H;il J).uui;ino
DM:1J11.111() pr.~) deJi&ocd ~d h:1d
10mconc hmd-p:'111'11 di( pi.loo. Ra)dlc
Andrn,on. Om.'C'tot o( tbt NIC t:Ouod1111on.
'-'!Id Oatnllmo pul'11Q.k:ly bou1h1 ;i 1hln11Cf~
1hlui-rc.jp11M upri,rbt piaoo ,oh wookl fi1 in ha apan:ment 1ft Pbocnlii;, whac ,~ live, oow. Dnmi1u.o hl:, • h.ib)' ,rand riuno..
Deang u budnt.'\\\\'om:an ,-nd a pl.Job,11r.1
l~rt. lM <kmlltion mc~nl a lo)( ID D.unt!Wd, A11dttr.\Oft ,aid. She 1.~ifPII) m1ut>,.lrJ
IIWll lhc pi.MIO be pui in• pl.ii.'(' wtic~ 1111)'
11AA:U1 could pfay ii whrne.tct Lhi:y Mt ltk.c!
11.. ~u~cbdidn"e lui"ctht rullm.unbt:rfll
key,.. LIM: nttu,k dtpaMICIU w.i. uiubll" IO Ulkc iL
• • • • • • • ART SE (\& NTERTAI NMENT .,,., ~trll
Hugo, playod by conn Angokt, oxplalns to ltnbelle, a ballot dancor played by Angola Symons. how events wlll occur during a ball heki at h1a house during the NIC theater department's perfomutnce of '"RJng Round tho Moon.•
11.1.J f:11:ult)', lfuui uprlgtu. but not
h I hilnd p;uUtQ.I Mnd lllt farmu
b\ ,·1, In Arut)QD CllU )OU
' ' llaolloyo, 21), of SandpQlnt lo I wrtllng major who playa llwl donated piano In tho SUB. Uoyd ""Ya lmprovlaetionatty as • hobby he leamed wnuo watching hla btothor.
would dlnltl the c111ue-.;ooce:n. Al~ hnlt' ~he dun.at~ ''1br- ttft. t>am11111c, h..wJ the pb:nn in hn- .ip;mmtns ·nie SUS wa, tht' prrf~t pt.:c 111r ,u,h 1 gift 10 be-pl•ttd 111K'c mO\i \llldct1t, go to 1he buddmg Whcrl Andcn.nn a11~ed if they w~ntc:d 111 tbty agrttd and 1hc-rt ti \11u.Ji. now, WtilJD& (« t.h)I )ll.MkUl ~ith ,kiJt-:wd C\'Cn lhcbt with('ll1Hu pl.1)' t1, hcllfi(<I Jtld produce mm1c for aU to tn,oy.
NIC to host fa cooking events
Events will be spon~orcd by local charities byRt~-1fl.uri:\ ~:ltf r~.., l.amoo~ r\1chc(t.,NhDnlll mu~ellCl.i;.OJOlin,.tilL,ia~ d1Ml(l,artallbc'inJp~I
v. ill t,c d,e dwr p..,~>n f(I( Ille c\-c:"l ''C1.1a\&ucoa1hc J...ab" -.1UCCJRN\toi ,.sr11:11.1, JUOLI ~Wtdn dl.11 will h.!Pf!Cft m-cr tl'K.- 1o'C.'11J~ or :i wct"kc.nd, Md c:.xh C\ffl "I bC'J.PX)·•nrcdb)' 11 l«al,h1ttl)', lnlllct'Od. l.bctb 111~ "-'dlbcll4 cooollect All or Ilk' pruhl.1- from I.he ""nw, ~\oQC'i:d In~ v.·flfl.,. Ii hint!~ l\j,\) IQloo, TV chch tu p:rfOffll 111 Bm.!Acll ll all J41,u151hc wc,:.l.eni.l. AhllC>4lJh flOPnC h<l, hccrri dlr,."'"" )l'I, ,v.,, ~-JJ Uic people dt~cut.M.'d V.<"rt M.arun Yan. f1U11 'Y.anCinC()(ll,:, Jltld:F..mcnt l.ngit:-~· Ah,•mi.'11t.oncJ Wt:rrt~ nMffln:d n'lll,i~ acb tha.t t;:11111J pctform t1\'Ct the .,.,'Cclcc:nJ 0cc ,,·cm 1i1o·oukt hen -.r"t'n•c.\lW'liC fcwm.al Jmua lb.ii .,.,'WI( oiler diffc:l't'.nl from IIC'\'al d.ifCcnm1 1.:it.oll l"f~-a\lWll\. C,,ot,.,oa i,;l.il\~ f~,r i11II :,,·~ k,·cl\ w.111 ILlw be O.\'a1lllhle. n. c.,c*1n1 d.u.-w:1 will nu~ rrom Cookmg IOI. tor ciilldff:n tit, the age-. of 7 "ntJ Il. 111 (q11ki11~ S(Xl, t.tuttht by the(~ '11ina1. ,tic Cu.htW')' ln~Lltut~· Q4 J\Jncrii:.1. 11lC 500 ouuiw "111 b: 11x,tt, ,r.111Ju..ic: roun.c (or allcaJy mh.ffl«d bocnc cools. ADO$n' l('lpk J.1~1-'-N,l v.·.n. a rttm."f flnr lhl't (QU.ld h~ Shl:ttnan A\·mtJ,.: with (..»J,~ loc:111 muwran1.1.af.1:rrncn, m:uk:~ anJ t.•tbC'r kul tiooth., 'l'hr dale of th.it (;\1.:nt h.u not yn been dcil'fflllne4J Ibey i.,on\ldcnna uahor l h) \\"CCkrnd « .1nnth~'T ""''".1,.-,c:nd 1n the flD,. L,11:111 food• ~ha11J11K'~rrit:~ SL MMlCS ,111 nte.mdP pan, are n~c abun-~ dimnlJ lhe :.ai.on the C\tflC wall b:
Instructor, wife play back-up for release bl,!::,M""'"""'
Torno Owada, 28, from Tokyo, propares no'1 (-weed)fOf making oushl rolls. Owlde h been making sushi for 11x years
Artistic Food ·
' The elegant and edible art o t sushi Is served at Takara.
Skilled chefs keep Japanese restaurant traditional
by Mlll.l Jolunoo
-R3\\ li'\h Scawctd an, uw:ally
l!IOC tt &hi! tQporihe bu (oroolle~ studc:nu• food conwmpcioo.
HC>WC\'tt, when~ with the lo ll (If ii \U'-hi did :mJ kr.-cd whh pidtkd
I ain,aer otld wa.,1abl
REVIEW (J~ llnt'M't1lWh). lh~, co«nbtnAbOD. U (at moC"t
p11lm2bl~ th.,o oootod fish.
Tabr.a. which mc:o11H ~u1t·' in Jlpill)C.~. iJ tbc only Japanese ~1
14 Conu-d Alme Locat:tJ 11109
Lal:e-swle. A\•e.• ,hit quility c.mbJu.hnk'n, b e.uU~ wttluo tA'tliioa ®Witt from
camro• Serving a mu.l&i100C.orJ dJf.bl::$
TUn i!I by tu the be.Ill Ja~ food (,om Ml.~ll to Scuttle. Por lhok' wbe> urc ~dmng trying a.Jtcrn11k JapaDC$C rc61.Ur.121.1 doo', WJIStC )'OUf Um,:. 1luli).
Unkss. )'(Kl cttjoy the ta$k of threc.-month·
old fi)'u oil, fi•h'1 ode,( 1hlt i, moioiscem or ,"Aut &QC\..\ or rice du1 v.auld hr btua $Ui 1¢d (orsandhll.Uil11• When )OIi d('t go lO TAko.1'11.. \tt~1ll1t o,! lhc \.I.Ii.hi ti.v,111nupcricna:)'OI.IM)Ol'I "'on't
(Ofgtl Cwuimen Jg\'C It choiC'C c,r thrct kiOO., ot ,u),hi ODC. a biwl toll. •·hich ;, • c:oruul roll or M.'ll"\\'Ccd, ntt. fir.b and iulllll)' c:ucwnl$c:r .lfli.l Mkllffl ~prouts:.
Anotbtt »niai,i. which coni;;i.\t\ c,C a ,mall ha"4 rolled "ad~, rice 11.ftJ o. ill« of fir.h with II hlllc dllb o( \\'it.Wbi Thl," i.ht common «nJ 1rnditlOll,II form or 1,u.shi Tho Utird Is: ii tOIL Rou, •tc IUbuW, 11111.b nee an the tn\..SC or ,1uck tu~
C1ul1idc To 1nak.e • roll. the rllhllici:/g.imish combo i.l rolled wt.lh. bamboo roller o.nd CUT into IIX Of cip piccn.
Su'-IU l' ""°"""'" cdlble 1H, Anti ,a·hcn
)'OU 6eC I.be l'nll.\tffiul h.1n1h of Taknn1'1
'IW\i cht'f,. ll)ing lllld rAr1J11ng ,ullfuUy in .a blur of rolling anJ. pttso;ins m11Jn,;,.~
)'OU will know wby, romoO\j,ada. l8. l,.01lC "udlm.btct
The 1141 selec11on ii kq,t bc1"ccn the cu,iocnc.r .u,d t.bt chef, in ., R'.!fn~«nlcd rteJ.igl.i.i.\ lhJplll) When \lllbi il 11,Jcn-11 ~.tda11rab11.bc~.11fcl1..:i.~
•IUOOlhl) d1~, ofi tilt' .JPf)«~.a.l,; !'.Klrl10C'l W,lh 11Ut1J111'l, •till. oc.~omphahC'J KCUnllj' and kflwUonn..l ,rccJ, he dhhc, l,)llf.l lhc d~fl<lOU\. ckhucie5. nu, c.x«ilcnt oxtravilpnr.a ll .tdemorutr.«ion or~ad.1', ,,,. )U.l'\(\I ,lllhimiiking: Talurauhuoac:nalunch fllo(IIU "Ith J rc.uoNibly l'f'iCN 1eJo:bon of ,b•h~ While ltldtl can \lrar one·, pockcd,®L.. It l.'.tn be! a ,!k."rifice V.l'.lfth nwkaog 11K' hmch i.tlct1Jon b Jl'l(lrc W>lhin 11.-: rritt rcnre of the a\cn,c cotlcic 1-tudtn1. filling •nd ciuhtandingly 11s-i..-t,.bk ,., onc.'11p:1lllt.C
's de al s save cash
dgtu ounces of 11tc-.U. lbty aho offer a 24--uunoc Porter Howe (or $2._. i\ Jaoo111hdr dinner m.;nu arc• vmccy of oghl su.11dw~bc~ tbat 1\'entgt' arowk! S-S.95 m pl,CC. The) al~ have 1"®1 ~\(n difl'C'1'l"m t.lllad,.. a"m~ing m pricc"""'nclS6.9S. 1br tron Hoei,,: lJ.1-~ many ~ri,c:1um .and aha '\C'l"\1;$ dcs.$tru 1oclOOi1i, Of•plc pie. but f\adgc t,rowrue ,untl.:1e11n1.l(!~m
The)' 1lw JW(widc m&ny Vi"Ctldy flpec:1ab 1J1o.:llldinJ t~ SS.95 stuk crlnner C\CJ')I WcdneMJ.it oJ&,bt pnmc 11b \Cn-Cd Frida)' .11nd S111unb.y 111 S p.m. uid t""·o-lnr, one rocbllllll on Wodn~'1iday Friday 1111d S:i,uN,j)'. Tho d6c-« of tht rc,t.sur.nt fCIUUff1 IIUIO) Jlnl'QUI! item, iatludina: g., pumpt. ll wu.hi~ mK'hin~. ('11J, tttiUt:D .111d a pictun, of c.t1 111'1 the ,ull th.&! h• k lulLI bgitMJP
1k -.'OlbbC. dtttrii.:. l,a.,.,s 11nd lu\\er-htauin \trui..1rw'-II 1hr: a:Uio1, dmcklmi twt11."11 \\hill be ooct w11h h11 ift'C · fr« 1,u ie. tb.1t 1 1unny:· he Mad. ··1nettL~'t nwcl1frtt 1 TI1i11 su.mmrr. im.1rUCC(J( 11,.}m Ru1~y :ind b11 v,1fC' P:idma tm.:k·UPc,a a CO c,iiitl«J "'f'11al IIOJTOOnk:a. U} IUDptJf ba:;k. they 'A'ffll htclpin; 1001--umr tm·nd Pfulhp ~1.llhC'rg. Rulk.)' bat. tckhurg mw.ic: 6l NK: for atx,u112)'aU"' "h w~mari:of II k.1m1nicxpcricnccfor be Jaid. ''To ICIICh. )OU lm·c 10 knO\\ " l>c-n: lb!: ,tuJcnlutt .:al " Rucky .and~ ilfl' v.01'1:101 on their ''"''l'I CD 01 thh time olitk:J. "Fncnd,\ Among.'tl rff:.11'h ThiJ CD is ~Al ChrH,:U:m 011Ji.1c," kutky ""'Ml ••1r, fflrff k>""'lnl q,irit ffll'AY!i<n 11nJ lhl' «h..·1'.'rlliQO or J,ifct kutl<:y ~il.lJ he: bclit\n • meu:&~ be dch\'t('(d thtou¢l thc um, \'.'n.al l.anpn~c o( ,ousil; Pb)l-f\8,nlUt.1c,1nu;~c 7, Rulky Mark'J l'!) pl11yu-, lhcirumprc. Ulet m ldi:h M:h,IOIIICJ>I.J)cdthi." tub:i.l ,w1...,. _ "We'll 4o a pcrfonnaix:t 111-11 ooUreJbi,p Ihm: will~ anuthtt51.hl.ati, 1 f'*lma:i.ndm~I(-; it', ~lno,"hcdd. ·-We'd for 30u,4()mifl(IIO)..d1cov.i:'II h.i\"C ,break andp.11 Kyk up. rl-')' l1J, 1u~ 1111d r11 hati. hlm up " ~ey i.;wd die) h~\'C llKff rlillll fw mu'lic; I.ft lhrif l'UIUl'I:
• SgirU •I Y.ork"-Coor,tuul(lf llf Slud&.-mJf'3111' Scn1tnLmJ4~hd1alv.1l1dJKUi t!ielC\'f111te:1 o( L\lnt:cnU-.tltdtncri;y \.itlk,hht: i.hur Nuv 2Q I.I u,xci 1nfonn.u111a conui:1 Pcrn Sdmc-11 in the J'ro(c:,.woc,,d Dc,riopinauorritenrarht 141JO
• Bnrfll l'tNK'ff'I M 1tk- Sl'll-1.o:::,it ..,_ •lll he ~a)•n• nu1\rt &0alW'1m,nc,i for<luuutt.~c:hilrk)' "'J'ln1t.4UOUi.wch a S4 \'1~ct11~ P,1.11 t., 1,,, foi T lbi: l~nl fOOIJ htn1:,<.:oirll1J'A.lcncC,,1IJl'(o ft bocrican.f O'fllabll:.kb.Ftiday.~ 7,hum1'rm.to1 am H C'11 h,cr S' 1odcnni:d h10J. l")t ~v cu.lb. (,.,..1d1t111~an pr for sc:ai:r.11 adnu~,
• Hark Tlm: ,\ Grand ("hrl,.tma11 t 'onc'l'tt'•- IL t Cuamt C"b,ltr. ~~111~1L B.Mkl Mlldript SIJl-.'Cn. SC' Warnca't1.nacmh.lca"'1Ja.,.1Co \\·ill rt•Y bohdly~ Schuler ,,\u1htot11J111 S.ct.unby. De'"- JI.. at 1 )Q p tn pJ ~nd.ay. llci;; Q, itl ! pm
r ant
Hor se features steak, drink specials nightly by .Rebecca Harri, -ThinJ'IA flCl"50(i c.-an buy (or Under $6: fanc:) lane. four IOllve.~ or bread. n \'n.luc mtal al ~k-Ooo.tJd' '- cwo b0$.S of c:,nd)' or a .11eak d iNlt"r. /\ \ 1('111: dinon't Yet.. Wt l• the deal I f~ -..hllc recmsly dinning at lbc Iron Hone Rc~lliut11t1 an I Sl:ler,n.m A Vl!aua. When out Wf;tlRM REVIEW Clmbria told me or 1h1 Wc:Jn<:.~y an~ tlt t.p«'W,I knc'\\ I n~t01ry1t The dinner IDCludtd ao tigbt-outlC'C it~k. cboiico Of po,>10, lti<d bwd o, m,.t,od .,., • ••P 1'1rougb Ille 1aJ11d bat Toll...,., a S,Cill rnal deal Tho 11:tlad bar v.·Ji~ \'")' nkc. tnd th¢ stt• v.·a5 ,easooed aDd 11ill«s 1opcrfccr.iu11. C'birkt'tl ICir-fty al$o to0odcd good. The)· comblne mt pq,pttt. red 0 11iOD> Carrol\. mu,btll()ln,. sproou. ,ucc,h1J\i. •lintmd1t and chicken aNI SC'f\'C- 1Ll)VCJ nee l'ric<:$12.9S. Oat Diet Oattffl" )leak IJ on eiJttc ,ounce alrloln LbAt i m:uiru¢d m 1hdr 8,cr Ci.vlcn m.utnadc. Price: $10.9!. 81.11 r« the advtrltarow. wtio wa11111,oro lhan
hc-adh,:bL, A si JDCWI ooc-0( 1hc "·•lb l'Hc.k: Hen:.,10 f'md., Ptn D.i~I Alhou Ritlh.ct M Le.., Smb1 lland funl Euri Ead• H1prc i10 8c}lll Tand IGndM Ocvih ~W( Nq Ne. Rd Sticwl Lib.'· Pw it 1ut\'il11:.t Mk! thl\. mcan.J: Hen: 11ap a1kl ipc:nd a <ot1•l baurin hamili:u lt\llth tod fun Jct Crirn&hlp rt'tgn be )ult llJ1J kind Mid cval spell);: of nooc. 81U Wcb,ier "' 1ron Hon.e Rt latl1'11111 l\ll'lic(pl~(IO (;)I v.ltb ,:Ol>d fwd and r lc-asant ~rncc ~t fllli patf\lO• Ufl wilhout ~rlotnly d~ina the pnd:cthaol. Mo,,o,l•.NO, 1Q,lf ---..
C11llnt ''C'ul~•n.: ur1 lbc: t..kc," anl.l u i;\pc,cti:d i:.irl} nt,1 f11ll A 1111cdlnJ "'•' held an Octl'hcr tu d1~u<1. tJ11: lllp:11. 8111 RuUrrt: tood }Cf\ i<:t n~cr.
H1tllCllt)c.st Thc:\l.bo&cc\CS•v.il:
Hal ' discovers inner beauty with overweight humor
c.1 ltkc '"Th.:~·, Somc-lhlng about \1.11')"' •nit Oumb aiJ for1ht- fflh\lC "~ball,~ H1l."111hkh pPChCd · 9, Ibo f&m.Uy, 111b: ft toucl1y toe,n:. ,iJJ \OfflC lwmu, ~~ll the hc¥t \ktl bl l.ianal fbck 81<lCk). a 1hnn. -1.1nallracU\'C gu)' \\-IOI I dfii~ (o, tllift<lb~lhllmdi\·C
IRl\lllW WO!Uffl, HIU'i ti«n ~hbig ¥i1tb frimd MauritioCJ.wn Akuadcr)fo,v,:omcnou.t ortliei:r kl$~· It'• DOIi uotd hc'• lnppah,ilh
N,;ldof.lil At11tio..y Robbm, Cpbymg hlmte:10 thlll hlt
_.iim1ioof 11 "'·omanh.a,1;hao&eJ. Nowan)·tunc tW
Cd I •'OlflJ.U V.1\h ti p,:;Df pt~I)', he ktt! the JIC(~I
,)l'IWI ab\"t" bcc1U1\C! (>f bc:r innc:rbt-auiy.
5ooll ao O\'ttWci¢,l Ptaa Corp,, ,·oluntt.'Cr na,nod
._,.arm)' (Ciw)'lk.'th Paflt\?W)-.1 fbl fall in IO'\c. \\'hen
\Win.lo \\·ant.> hi11 old Ctitod hack •1,d bftakll 1bc ••,.pelt" otal .1«1o Ros,,emll')' in bet rul 11ppe;iralk'i: and k .in,,. an
Area film~ provide relief from big family holidays
•J,.. O.vld.oo .,,
II', llwtbgMag 1'w.1.k ,A~ for 1), fncflJ.\. IUtkc) and d'llllbttry
"-ff But all th11I CIUI Id IMQJI ~
1 af\cn "'h.ilc IL.~\', llhou1
l(vttw fd1int .iwll) fnlffl lhc: c1*.k·rinct11ng :t1.uu
1nhu oo tbc "'a)' 10 the: lht:111m ,uad
,i you, nu o1 utiJki~ tiuucr
lnoe,:J pvpc;Ml and IJ1c.\C nicv.
n.-81-tk Kni&ht cPC,lJ)-fiu,ul
'rdut fM.arlul l.av.Ttttee) a
6ronlrm •·ud.c, a.1 Mtdicul World.
•lklncp,uk ~1 laob 11.1.:c- u wn·t
rtMukd or huJ t:"lhlORkh \ltk'C'
Ilic. \hJJlc A$VS Ooc d11y • \li1Yft..
lan.ttC« • pcndo.m in tJ~ mow of
tle·C"alUt"' •Del !lllb In trying top-ab
Banet leaves after-taste of Rage AgainM !he Machine
\\ltc:n he coo'"out 11:11111, hc't u, fir \l(d)c:,·1J Wntld. I.J1h ccnml') ~complct.cwilhking\,('00' ~~IJIJC'.as)'d.Jt.11!1d,-.J,ar11~,ouci '-tlurnsclf1noomp1U1yw11h a llkll.uk tn,,iht lTom WHk1.1u.on). 11
a~Clnn k.S co I m,j\00 up ll\c'l.Agc E-.en dtou&b j~n ld;c M.11.lfk111·, "t.lnklh," MICIUtlll.l h.:r 1nkl~ Jj\ar,,c.u ktwc."en bet lclt' :wd r«1. 1Uc- rrott..hly cyric.aJ tor tm:rv,.cJJhl pc<Jl'lk, 11·, Hal·i. .iC«tkJII 1ho1o1 mll.~ 1bt ):11:C'\ mc:i111n11e»
"'~hlllott"' nat· 1,Pi.1c:k'1rintk..aJmlc.odietthallhl~ rmny 1Uflll(lfl1ng f'C'lc.,, da1in9 (roo, 111( CaNc Guy'" to "'lltJh fldcl11y 6\'cn I.boo~ RCr..l:'.ttm)' oficn brcW ,tw.n. "l-w.:,1 ,111ing Oi111hcrn ,n~ ~11u1W11, Blad ktp;. cbt "1c-.-a 1n bdtcf 1.h111 t,c, ~n'1 \ft' btt ~c,ghc RCl\cmatft.1nnn tic.aut) i• pnrlll)~ thto111j!lt LI~ lllillCUW' PllllrOVI, 11,-hl) v.-c~, ail U'\"(rVociah4 bod)''o\l.llill IUIJM Pallffi\\ JflC\ 111 IUR&/.UII, jnti al 16.1n, on a l'hant:1cr difh.•ttt11 lhan ~r U.\UII. fbM-olM)' 11 noe: lbt ulll.Ull tJJWOCb and *>Clftl\lM:atcd T'lllltm\·chan1dcr. bt.ll 1'hc tu:mJ tv:r from \ltl.MJf(~PfOUd
'nac 1novic mnoagn: 10 CW I ~hy tOpliC. mite: IOtD(" j(ll.N and llllll mmagc to 1b11w th;&& appcllnlntc J~n·c C\'Cl')''lhinJf "'Shallow Hsf' 1• a lyp1.C.lll FGrttUy l,rotbcn, tWWie. h!Jt WTlh 11.11 adc.lc1I ffl11)UMII &\'J)Cl:1,
J:11;1,t11ifu1 .,.,ou1an \\ llh !idc'a" At,ud 11( hrt time t\1.anh.l Tbnm,..cia) aDd 11 l'l"N'ltioin :ae.t1n,1 o.:n el/11 bl'lt I VltltXtll Reitan).
Naturall y, ll.kc any other mwtm Jay~pcr,oun h1 thr~MJJJlc-~, mo\11C.1hctt'• -a. dance: JQCnC wba-t-lhc tO).tl cuun ,:cl\ Jiny. and dlt.lC:·, quJt~ • l'ttl ur hil.11nuu1 1;0Z11l11t1 hen\(,en the: modem and meJ1cYaJ fk"Jlo''D h', ~unuc a1k1t1 .lM mc..UcYal
M,:ll1na., (almot-1 a chchC HI IUO\K'1) but 1t1U a Jreal cuw.hin.:ihoo
Sp) C1mc fR)-.Rn~tt Redford b
Natt.Im '1u1r. 11 CIA !&It"' BC&nna ft'h~tnc:nL I ft hun. hl, o ld CIQIX
1n..cr!Lf"lblc pmtfgt Turn 8,~op 1B,11d Vti.11 b.rit 1umed ruui..-: •nd It IIChcdukd h'> d11: 10 A.,,il ,n .?4 houn oo c.hup o! op,onagt, A1mc1~af1he1\\0 nw.u:ckc'n ta,11na all Ihr ndan ot ll(r. nooJ o\ « Nlilhln. he malca 11 Jcch1('11l to gv HJ U\'C hi, (J'lCW
De,,.r,u- )nn o( t>od tik>Od ul\J ht1t1 l«hng,. N.ithan tut, on hi, m~I d111Jp,ll'l anJ pnMlllAI mis.~ioa h'I u~ Tmn CrQm the P1,1r or at.uh "Spy Oan~"' ts II thtimng mm of .-11 Llwt "P)··~u.ll 11od t,.n 1,1,·,ell knn\\n IKkll' h', uJ-.o 11 Jl'Uf ol Amcric:Ul J111r,c., Bondi. ~Jth fancy CIA
c:qu1pmcnl lr)l.l'IJ to ,1ar'1VC' aod cosncuuc •hW ltolt1Uld LI~ nl w mu..tcnmod &1111hc~ o, no mtnc1on ul 11ny Bood/Pin J:itb. TirXM lblnc•rs-Tcllac, 1375. In, lanJ V.llhoolJilllltt, Y,hctc: cJtMb f\"Jp.,. OOC' l~COOlitY "11111, Le.IMO'" McNeil) 10ylaa ~kDrnoocn, l\ cba,.cn to kmd • tlCOUP c,r unhlll) bctca 1Jarnet V111 Der Bed:. Ulhn rt.ymuad. Rand)· Tffl\'i~. A\JMon KU\(:bc:f •Bd R,c,t,en l>imc:i.). 'Jbt$c ,·uung men. CKIC·IUlOl'lcd 1111,d tltlt tunned. mw.1 Wttk an army"' fdh.'pdc.- uulla"' kd b)' tbc nit.hk'SS Juhn l(u,1 fi&hef CAllmi C,."k>luul !i,\\'(lffl m pro1ttt the innoctnl and IJ'C "'-c,mcn diir-)' 10\'c: (R,1dud Leigh C'oul and Unn.a, Vudat, lhc R~ ri•\ t.hcitli\·(', ll'lp111lx ""''Mlglhma, r1~J~1 la thC'i.r bclo\·...-d homeland All me-I) uecJ tn!'l..-dQl'I\, and I.ht Tc:t1l R.n~att v.1lllng1odi.c(o, iL Cnvbu),. t,ab)". Wc'tt JOhli, *-k 101lx-01t.l w~ hen n.isr:c:d 00.,.,,t,oy• \\'ilho.hiflc:ye"\, t,iuJl<e¢11l.tmJ"1'" "'~ \.'Oft.'\ldctcd tbc 01lcn H~.,.,-c.\'U lO Holl)'WOOd c: aet ~,., ~,oo, "'ll,-1th d11.~1y Sttnsom. ful t,r,N:5 MJ 111 lca•I one ,c:,t !K'C'tlo, E\·ct .,.,111,Jcr .,.,hM Jtthn W11)'1"JC v.·PU.ld think or modrm-dJ:)" Wes1c:-m,·t
\>ylloon0<Wlllll ,siihwrl!IW· Loc.l arl1SUEl~ha\ ·t rttcascd • at"' album. SI.Ctlina Dft,QiJIJ," Whtie &be: album ha (our. I stlt pocenlbl. it doct Rfv1EW leave 1 («!in& Jc:0 to be deall"CJ. The: bal'ld IC'CIIU to aound lib:~ uthcr roct-tiiw1d nn the mm., The CD bu 12. U1ll:4. and lhc mml 1~1·c:ooe:bthc:intro,\\IU~h ~""., the ti.nil 11:n grc.i sbu~ Tht oOw:r JI trades bll\'C' thcit dWtn, hul ~m to be: tnb.sin-g. lhc: onp.n.al11y dctnomu.tcd m CMI fit11 lrad Ut1cnll\J lOd~ baM1 • .t 11.a1c: fntW11 na bcnu"' 1ht.y obvlOU,-ly hu\'c a lot 1)1" potcnbal aDIJ c:rr1:uvity. The n:::u o r dlt alb.un ao:cm &0fiallshorlo(dleMiitrylhlf1m it1ttO. Although d&C')' do ha\c Lhcaro.,.,·n 0 .11.rand IC)k, Eldtt\Ow ~Im 10 le.ave 11. blllef aru:,.uMC or &he palitial t1p,tJ'ldll lttttd11t.'d 10 ~e AJ1.1mt 1hcM11dunc: Not 1h11 d111c'• 1t b:W lhlng. ll ldo't hun lrEltlcotw follow«! lhc: pa1h or Rage by be«imins a, lntlO\"~JYC llCltJ ('.ttlb,.·c &\ thcl.r
1bcyobv1 1.Jy!U:YC lb!! rn-..itivil)'. t..1Jt111 1100 tCIC"-"''llJ lh:M R~ had. oJI the)' ncd to Ji, o U.\C' thr.it~~n.'C11 l<t IJl('u- adv11,,11,1.a,:c The CO llfl't h\Wnhle, 111 f•d 1f, quilo u,1ctn.1Jnf \\'lulc: hvi:nlng In 11 they hil\'C lhc pole1MiAI ta blow !he:: puhht ._)' cn.i ~t thC' bnr hilhn Tbc:.y c,·w tttm 10 1.lipcurc Uu: cff('d orab,< ,l,ow,•h1i1.h i, noo.,yl~t If Eldcl"IIIUt CM l'CIK"b lhcir potrnttid. they ¢OU.Id llundn.aLc: ti!,.· loaf t«fl4' wi1h no piOblem ln t"ondU•lio:tl, 'Stetftng On:am,'" U, dcht11tcl)· I CO lo Nly, 1r )OU h.&-.('
Area band's debut album captures live performance
Scalterbox reminiscent of old Spokane punk
byA!tdyT.-.h ,Pt!Oll)EdllOr
All the- in.ttruments-hD.vc audible
"®nd: W11'11 u11ullly a good 1biag
If•• c.b&ngc (urCoeue d'A lonc-'J
Tbc bt:od ha, hit the "udio and tt<'onlc:J lbt'ir dc.'but album. "'luu I FumJum-pHltl,btrRtvllW The album wai m:ordNI ttl a n~,I)' ~ven h('Jl,rt, flt ('l'lll"'S'" Rtt:ad "tu,hn,,
In Spokane. h'• • ''C'l)f kl\\- bui.tset Rl'l:ocdin~ btd moocy ua'l
In 1bc la.fl ICY'C'fll monl~ Scaucrbox. tui,·c PfO\ffl ll(IUnd qu1lll} at 1hc1.r 1;.hnwi hl'I Uute 11opot1ancc
Tht:CDi,11li11lcdl/ktcDI Afltt hcru-tnJ the tmld pl11.> many 0 1dtieu ~oop liv~. tt'li ~urinJ ,o bc.ar lhai 1he:re art dnmu and a:uitlf pl~)'in1 \Unit do.:cnt ~Udf bc:bl~ tht i,om,M f«dbad< A lyric sheet woukt h:ivc httfl a ru« lkld1U<"n"' lhc CO 1-c:ctw.'loO Ulc oJOCalt a;R: flth,et difficult to 1mdcnland. "Rua P.tittr Jump HJsJlcf rc:.tll)' aptura the ~nil'" 1h< ptrform.ai,cc ..ouad TIIIC aJbtlm ii 14 mu:iuu•s and 2:S 3,(!COQCH of' taW, •"l'C!oJ.l\'C.. Wt. hi&h <nCfl)' punk roct ~prinkfod wub somo cool guitar riff.t •nd drum (JU~ UMw1n.s 10 lhb album, unc can JU.\I smcll lbc tWtlll drippins off 1bc b11.11d al)d dll'b audlcnec u the gullc:r runkt. fOr'!l'l 11ttO • Ctn::~ pit and kick Lhc C1'llfl out ol each Olhtr, all in the nami: ol (uo Scant.rboi singtt Tom While·1
,-o.cc: rttcn,bkt 81.ael.. An, Henry Rollm , dunng l1i1 c111ty )'("al'\ ot fwidd', Ttm AnmU-MJ The b;u,d·• ttcncnl "IOI.Ind tl~ bcah 'Olflc re\Cfflbtanc:c to MlDOt Thrnt. The baod toet>.iib or \\llitc, guh111h1 Dan Swupn. tia.\-~,1 k)ltl While .and Stolt Rn,"11 on Jrum, ~altrtbnt C'C'IOtnJi. OIIC' uf lh,• b.tllti~ lb~ <:amc -.:,u1 of S~lu!N;" ,,cvc:ral yean ago wbcn &he unders:roond punlr. scene w.h running ,uaog 1'hcy Jon"I ~od like 1bi:y »rt in it fo, die fflOOC).jU\I I 111t1J hltk' The nl11um i\llidAI dl'1.QbllcJ h) the ~Dll •nd Bf.aii: IIIOln.t' R.c..:onb
l:lla.:.thowc l\ a rn1,1ll 10,ltpc1l1,kul COc:utd'Ak~ r«ntd bhcl nanb)·
R.ozclJ. a former NIC MUJcnt
TI,-; CO h ll\·u.ilahle IU -n.e U'ioJ
EM. H,1\llngiotlrl)!ti 1he h.aDIJ 1br
l,bq: Enr h:11 lht 111hvm fc.i11mJ OP 1tk',rli.,lt'ruf!p ,uaiioa. f'dfjntuor t.o putchlltC ··Run Fa\l<r Jump H15bC'r,"" wr,1~ ttlc tunll I IS4 N_ !iTh St. C«'Ur
J'Aknc- C'u,1 nf CO: Sl Th~ Coeut d'Alt'n( pwlk kc.uc b grmi;!ni•nd 11'• '1,1fld\ ldr.c S<altc'tbo~ 1b.at 1rc f\lClinJ thc fll't', ('It piS~ll\lODll
Senor Froggy
I ""*'heHIILltMf1 loYH ,woman with e I bodyllke Gwyneth Pll1roW,but dutlng lhelr tint nin-ln In dtl bedroom Hllh01d1 lhe flngorlo f'9Y'8111\gl wgerwomon.
Comedy carefully wo rd s jokes regarding overweigh t 'i1tell~Wolfiorr1 .\«i~y-v..1th a hear1fcU ,nrua:Jtc: «irrun1 from~) ,J F:inrlly? l'bi,.c brolbcn dnttt.Cd ,1nJ CO-ltt'l'QIC impc,RllM lo""'a tbliUl l<ne 111J1, nM)Yie IU.• tht poteDtial ttl make WIM people ttpk'l. dtpcnd.JnJ OB htw, Ill Jal.et. alt Lllxo ttganlmg OVCN-aglM pooplc Aucwpdn-s: to m.d:e • mov,c by tcnehlna people •bw1 ""'~"rd~·Vlhllie Joking 1hoo,1~
Elderstaar has poten tial, misses it with recent CD
lb.,~ citra c,a b. It', .ao Mcrall p>d CD, no! Sf'Ol. 1)\)1111 k:11.iol 1hc hand h.n the l)()klll1al kUithlC,c ltt;lffid.i In fat..1. dot1'1 be ~urp,'bl "'-tscn theynK aOO\c local rod. •Lan ~!ayticld
ND OAFE 195 IIVer Ive. Now Serving Espresso r------, !%.y~Jffl! L ..... _, I ______ ... Free 12oz Espresso with 1urchase 01 anv breaklast
ring our world famous gourmet sandwiches, salads and burgers Dine-In. dellve,y and car,y.out Open at 8 pm ltll 4 pm Tuesday- Fnday 8 am bll 3 p.m. Monday Idaho Ruby's ts ava1table on Saturoay by ,eservation ror paruos. group IOOC!Unga. breal<fasl, brunch or lunch We are located at 206 North 4th Street right next to All About Sports td•ho Rubi'•-. 10% dosoount IO an caah QJSlontetl Phone In or fax orde<S for delivery or pick-up Phone: 664-8522 Fax: 667-6967 Receive a free drink with any order and this coupon. No1900rdw!ll\.,.,,ci11* Specializing in fre sh, delicious Mexican food 69¢ Tacos All day. every day! 10 % off for NlC Students & Faculty with college l.D ,.. __ 71h and Shcrm:lJI Do1Ymown Coeur d'Alene (208) 765--8522
R)'anl..c>o«)t.11~ illJ,!olJUlll.00.:fl. fk IV.'0 mum.in,: rla)'m1&1"C' wpbomtn:1 Curta, Pr11Jrt. 1-Umpl.Gll. Vo. ilnd l)c.\mond 8.«m. Richmond.
"T111,,,,, 111.1111r,:n'1 many m11jor college l>usketb/111 player., ill ld11/1<1.''
Huph Wahoo tiias,,,b,I c.o.,c"I Va. 'Ilic> v.tltbck.ad1DJthi:Cudinal,on 1.bcwun v.,1h lillUlcdU~fNtf)la,1 )'f.U "'Tbc.\t: t..-.·ci pb)cd • lmlc l••t )'CIU." WaltO!l 1:w.l "°ll'K.-y 11,dr,'c llitn. OOl they arc somc-whllll c,1,pcm·1-.:cd '" W11!\0IIJ:11tSthcSWAClsoMoflJ1ttlOt1P,t caot'm:nca In Jl,lllior ct1'k5c ~U,&11. ~fo~ o;,·hk1n I ~•Y~ bllvc ,igoed oa ~·tUI SWA.C 1c11n, d\.1.11 io an~· ochcrdivi,wn The C.W1r1.1ts r,,ctul ur OllC Ot, I pb)·.:rlt111 yea.,. Joho.lc Sh~. StCIC)' come.. out of V1rJini11 Common:v.c..tlh. he tUntd 11U 221.J.Mrw:~ .a,·mpng 7.S poinb. 4 7 kt'Ol.iod., I I ars.u,u OM I Ji ltlfflO\"Ct'!l-. "'Johmc ,,. lffl'llli, ht t1t1 dcfcnJ nd kCR:, W•bOfl WOO. 1")k v.,ill be bffvil)' m;ru1.lt'd ailCJ du• ,c'4IOD ni~ Ca,d~h al'I> havo l'tmo11N mnrr beJaN mto I.ht ro6t.CC"th1111pSl'-')~.ll~tllff)'cit:htmc111bcn6-So, Above Fn:\l'JmanJa..-que P,dc, 0\\11'1 Hill. MO "''II sun 111 Cffl&C"l lor 1hc tcnm and h Ilic taUoa ptl>ff at bo IO "Jacque" wJII ~:1,c u., IIOfflC hc.1}:la uJ .a. lot o:iorc
11.tlO\Jncb.'" Wal"°"•utu.1 MHt,, o.JttaJybcm1 n."<tU11cJ
b,· &i.·,m• llM' E\itdue and Coloralo Sutc.' It,, un~I ft~ ,1 Crodt 141 be ffiTVil~-d "l M)(JG J1lc tcamrn.witcdju,1,m,· pln)..:.rrmm IJ.aOO. Slwx Huhlw.l ~11 c,.root.J frnlun.affroni J-tayJcn. nb ii tlOI iminuiil 1n ldtlllo; 1hc L'l'l1~"tr'l1t)· cil ld11ho bu 1Wl tcbho R:\.--C\ua and &1he St:dc hat 1• v 8)' de tune Olv I gct.1 t.hc Jia)·cn lfl'lffl •mund t,cn: , l!lcn:- Attn·, many kO that~ r.ta} academi.:-1111)' d1~1bk;· \\'41.\0CI, WI.I "1'l1ttt Ju,t ~11·1 nun:> 11up colJt'f.t b;t.iiketN&ll pla)'m m klllllo." l'bc Lt:a.m Ii ro1mdcd out •uh ,.11pht1rn<11c CJ
Va; Adi11a TPl\ln and \hcbatl Sl•nley, R.ald.h. \ C 1111J K.U<'n SU'U)'ln r•f Spobnc "'A.1.h..111n1c-.aJI,· C'OlnillC aioo.nJ.bc v.t11~ hutd." w t'°""'iJ ·tk 11.11 t1.11J·1!0t4.:d rt..)c-r"
lhC'CarJ.ct1.il,kr.-t Wtn,1.1m 8NOb. "flo,i1.nf.:(
O!l,l 1, &Ul.rtlnj; («G,rli.1f.t l.11M:11.J1)' fllflnrt\11 prq, l1oAnS1n1lh w.uaf'IOtdc-a5Cd Jue en poor .w.:..lmticmtadl.llJ
The lcJm waHVI do\.rn tn tu<J i.htt:".c: full kbow
thl, )"Cat A ruU w:bolar~lup t•1,m c,•c,ythin,i.
IUibOQ. lltJd COOIII IUMf N!Qrd (n 1hc r..il•l thc:y bJ\C man) a,. 16 The prop-.1111 bc"m:ritl)' Cl)i.11gcor.ti~ i•l rn,vick fflClff Khol.al"\htf"l 1b:tl i111;li,Jc 1
Cllld t,Qll,N f«t,a~kC11Mll pllytn. 1ltc ~•n1 \\'.1\QII
dl.W,lt IU lhtcc' Imm 11('\efl W heir ICoontllllldoAC .,,·cwnc-11'i«lltbAlln1Nlt-
•·MlldM thec,1.h1:r1um,tu,·c 16,kJb fot rull ~bolanhlr,· v. •I\OA ~td •ft i, h111dcr to r«:rwt
)-OU w~·r c-irn f\lll td1o&ar~bip
Tl'tc CJnlUtal, "*1U JiM.t lca,,y comp;111.ic,n ctib
Di'(ic s.~1c ranked No I in us" Toc1:i,·, tor 20
kam, to JwW. CoU(J(' ~"k.A..1lull 1llc College c,I
Xll!them I..Ubn 11 ranked N<I 4 They 'WIii u1c c-.
Ol,ic Jan :6 UJ Olru.uam,t111 G)lnlll.,ium ln \\b,t
t:lJ'lOCI" (n he: flfll" tol thdt t,.jU("i;( dulkni:e
""'Oik..it finh.hcd '."'-o. I In" year." Wa110n
oo,;- c~.un from thcS\\AC d,,·1..,1,,0: I«" IP N~!I
alld thc:tt: at\: 11 tCJ:mr. In I.ht conf'crcnoc
Tho tc~m IO!ll llJ. fiN ~tc,,& v,,i1h the cxhibit,On
Auu1,: All+SW:1
'Ibey gol lttclf lttSI Will ilJtllll'l'.11 NBC Tiwndtt Ul
c,hO,i1mn r.unc :,..ov 1.a II NIC
M~lt-..,,,., k:d 1iOOC1ftl\li1th 10-ot- LS llhooho1.llld polnh cit 1h(Cllfd1n.tlt \lldlly the Thunder 87~1 I
aha h..S fh·t- ~,t~. 1hrcic: Mcllh And wi" ).r, 1n1 point t-hnoUIIJI 'II v.111v1n1v.1ti W~1wn uiiJ
Fffl,r01bcrC11ntin.al pla)'(ft 111 doutilc fi
Jul1$1,&1ft h.S 13 P~kkt h.ad 10, 8.:m h..J 10 mi
hAd U Sltlry .alw kJ lhc Ca,duuh ,n 1cbound1os
e!,tbL "TIie ~Jdi flla)l'd v.dl •nJ rco-rolllkd .,,-1th tomt'
~iurc ,.hoc:\." W•t,.,n u1d.
Tho CarJ1p,1,hi Vi"fl'C dawa Jll- ,9 a4 hit.II link' tru1
~L Jc, ,r.c:rp)wet the Thu11dcr v.ho prt,-.ou~l)I tit'.ll
Ea,k'n\ llbn1-ii •n NC I\.A l1.-umamn,i IC'Am.
11k: 1tam "'•II wr.r up c.bt tcat(ln Marth 6--~ in Uir
Rt!Jl('f!.1) IWfflJJ Ill~ n.1i~uiu.1I Jnmnn.nlt'111 v..ill
Much 19 !.l
'llKi ~1ni1.h rL•)cd At ho111r '"C.t'l&l' Spo\:111c-
Cm1m,t11111) CoUe,c ,wt Nm 17 ttu1 rc,ulb"lkte'
11,\'111lllhtc 1 pm,, bmc
Upoominr OIi die tc.am'i. Kbi:Julc is the Sbnrd,nr-
CIA\J.i. l OllffiC)' at Shoat"11oc (.',1mmuthl)' C"nlqi:, ?3-14
Then th~· C nh Jlill'l \\'~k·hcc: V •lie,- °'' SO'!
1uid Shotd1.nc on Dre,. I Center, Jacque Pate scontS egalnst the Aussie AU~StM'I Nov. 8.
JPhnl(ln, Tub.i. Oki, anJ 1ruhmcn Rohcrt Mlld.uon. Uxin.glm1. Ky.: Mirhlcl Gud'lh:'r. Griii,oa, 0Cffllllny; Orrmt1 BtcCU', 0111,;o'll> Ky.• :-;.,1.1; Robl11u,s1. lf•mr,c.nn. Thrir ru11c JOlgtk' c1Jn~ Jt boan• ,.,. CS! on Dt.:
Soccer teams live up to billing
Men take first, women second; boLh play for championships
Ei:..cn•inta 11.iJ
ta111.11Jv&Decd w ch.: NWAC'C "'final four,• .allt"t th,·) i.111,l ool lhe Ch.rt Pen,u1M at ~tit' N~ J. IM finnl, look pllllx So\ 17 a11d Ut. MIJ rt-..ull, "''Cn' nat )ct .nnJtllbJe 111 rn.~, ltffl(, 11..: WOlllC'd Jd011r.rJ ('wl. uf V,tk..Vll\ff', \\ ,1,b,)
0. The nlt'D'll 1..-.:im tlid i.a I.ht PtnJ;mn\ 2.0
In !be 'A'fJl'heh'• l!,.lllhC'. tb,; C:u:Jltw.b ~tJ lh..v JOlb
!~~:~1=~~~ 9 .~'.J: t11u1ohtJ k-;1gutpla) W11ban
• ~lCkJ l~la1h&ifdme,alkran1l\l.11iaalb)'Oa,l
J\tl)~r \'crvoaca Mntd<w ,
• nK C' uilill.llb J..vnin.ltcJ baU co,111l:4, L«pjnJ Uu: h~U
1111.ho ctiu-L toJ ac.uty 1hc c011rc pmr lllc) iook • lot
ol dh!B. kA- ..-here- ba,Jq Jtouhlt filkii11i the 11tl
1-R'\hmin 111Ut•k 8tca11n,1 N<IMl!I On•II> l(bMI 1tie
Sometimes jerks are ,just plain annoying by S11m (.-.W,.,roo [ l so I fouktl I.he guy
II wast1·1 h).c- 1 , lt)'1nJ ,~ l.iU him
•ti>lhh1,g ~bc~.fllA\t-cllllll)'
:lic".id. there i,. a n1lc thiil ,o.y, ),1lt.1 doi\"t
r1\&lp))'A11e1Pyl,1~vp lthou&h~
IS poollth
~fll!LI p c111 a dm1.1 kW. k SI minute. 1nco Un: Lntct, \hn1.h J\11n•oo cc111Cf('IJ II tiall ltoin thr nl.(bt J..k kl l~t ,-.tcr, Mepu, •ba ,a blmti.:.kd Lhc- ball 1mo &he r.c1 foir cJic C.vdmal" 1h11d and fitlJII Jf!a.l 1 he \\Omc-n '1 Jomhunu •.i, upp.uc-nt ....,bc,1 ,._..lllL«p,-r Scrcn~ Primmer fi1111br-.J V.ilhW.t any
-.1Hct. Tb(- J~--J.-Zwn·~ 1nmflA-J-ll..-.ud~ Nc,.1
a,ccJ The)' 11,""1ut1a1.i.'d lh<' NII o v.cll. 001ffl0Qun11hc:
~n,:voa tl.i-9,?) :?0.7 in lronl nf aneoi.ru,a1cd l?.S
The Cardinaltr. catnt" 001 cad)" u1 ..CC#it\g Sopho1:r,nr-c
Krr sh,,hi.11'111 "~Noe..! In 1he 1ihJ1 mlnuti:. ilnJ 1.he' 1c.arn cclc~ra1c-J wit.JJy 1'bc mm lo\t1Uldn'1 tnotlw:r !ICOC:C". but Ibey ,:oc llOC JU.U before the h.Alf 0)·111111 S11·11csC'lflt1cr pu11n 1hc fin.al cn11l 1n 1h( 4hi mlniuc '" ~l lhc ,iic1ocy Keq,cr l>u~u1 Cuh ul Mu1C011o· h,1,I four \ll\'n. u.1 • 1'k>wda) On Nov. U. lbc \'WACC' ..snt101.uk:cdili :all.Ji,vi~on kJlll Sn,Co1t'11t:i.l1-.m,t,eb.°'kJh1U>t¥,1ual
Tlifai1y .Ber.k 4M1'! ·rcw.ia Krlll.cdt
, p"1 pl•ycr. hul h there a re-a~ he Im bcctime 1hc tti. k,11,iuc 'lff'ion o-( • Hob Knljtlll pl,1:ynl«Nch" Any OOC' ouc thctt ho't ('\"CTrl•)'<J 1r-c lc.11guc- b.111..i:tball klklV. 1 ~1J ·1ty v.h~rmtaU.i11g,bw1 Pia) illg c:nmpctiti\·, -'PC'"-" aU 1htc>ugh h1sh tithoc>l, .,nJ 1bca ,1orr,mi j,n1nc=Ji1tclt aftci.W "' OOl •n C',br 1h1111t 1Pdo But, now I r«hrc I •·1h ac,·e-1 IUC':&:bl to be dw ttc.U Babe Ruth ot Joe Mol'IIMI The ;()..)w-oldJ~mnllh)'clto
You a1,1ncc. uvcr ;11 hon. ~nJ h<' 1IM.l)#-)'UU JC1"11. Al fifl<I )(.10 t11l1bt tlO '4'.lftd ,·tdidn'c ~()"' •he h.-1 , {ri(oJ' )W l.blfll to )wt,,elf). I~ ll'k:n )UU n=al17cedu, 1, JU~ .ui,,che, .11\M·be athktc\\'lnlt knm1 out• hufc tirelth. )('JIU fk'Ctl!Wffl.\lOill~et,l{ll'n,IJ\'UU 1.-1,ti ~, the hgtit 1um-1 pn 1mJ 1b, 11.J)' }l\ltl•hJ, ..,i~.bl0\\1ftJlh"',-..,111f1.bi;, Vt41ct Ii jl\·o mt ~lid",cUffl IO pull up n~ht nt:U Id IJ.t URIC idkM al the f"K"11 fed l~ht 1re·u t'C rnllyph'SC:d IWJ\ti', and. In dfcxL twin 8\.11 th11 i, DOtlhc only Cllffl11"1IC (I( ,ron, fft'81.,.c-ncbiaamua«anl1U)'lfll ""'" 8.va- incd IP u1k iC> (tn(: c,f lhc,,c "1)-S llthc"'I 'f)M.' 1Ob bo)', Uti., ce Jct nmMml, 1 blt-~ 1u> n111cb u llft)'\.lOC.bul l'm\\llltt1J 11>Dl'lini11·111 ........ J« Wondt~thrJtl:'llnl h." M (On1:ct'I Jil WfOR&, dw•. ,r. h)' he thuulda.
couJd.1.. •ookh h...k 1nUMl·J:r.llk" kid.hall Jllt' Duh plb.bo. WI b11 diN :u,.I vnll~C'Ull11,lcady,(l"tdk:iln&duat C(l'l'hn)Jw:,oin, lt'I \\JO the Sup.:r Dl•WI Yuu chucldc IWlduifom, p.xit J...-.:: t.hcC'°"bo)~ t,OCl, 11t1d tJ'-'lltl 1...i J\l~t .._..,,inJ R)AD U'al llu, nulcl ,lb~ iou, to ..i.rm:lflc th4t blO\\t *'~ b. lh» tht C'1l'My1• da.a:n«'I ril lhc b.J iillTIC •tc 111:ln1.1t lhe , mr » ch.1ACC'tofLC'llfnaa:m,;..1nJ'IJ1 l'hc l'k,lllf BU) uu.hh he u ngN, 11n,k 1011>1· mon:. v. hldl tJ U1c Uu•MOI')' \\'i'JC'ft dc.tlinr; Wllh :al •·1t11N l"f athlc~ 1h1t1 ¥1,1'1,:fl kCJtlOfthc '-' httkr tn whrn.rt him, Let l1Am o,·crcs.c:ited.1.hcntllllkbvi('(Ol'ytllll h"m under h11 RiUml'IJ ll!l,i:ril'- I lc.unatthati1u ca...it, 1t1•inl'i)' f'l'Cle'Olllttt '". to be uwt'lr,ctJll\ '(' 111l\ca1mpceitino
PM: 12 THE SEHf!Na M(Nl.AV, Nov. t9 M rk Ml:Cwire • SPORTS = = • -- hll a home run • ::, once> every I0.6 • • -= • c5 al lfats, a f('Cor<l •
Team picks up Lall er players to cu t through tough conference b) lkby U11tn..~lo ws 1-MJ A 11-9 rm-,nJ, 1t11.1r.1 CtKlUSh for 11 (uurth-pl41C11: fini\h in the" S«inic We!ll AtllJttic C,mrertnC1:. "how 1bc u1C11• h,u~t».11 i.:. m fil:lr>hc,I &Pt ,-ci•. Jw,t mcmbcn or lh.11 cc.am nm1m. .B;1V1n11 DC\\ r,,·cnu1ch~ i.a rna1c their m.uk.. Li:d b)' tie:od co,ach Hu~b Wauoo. lh<' (atdlnlll~ rp-n LbC' S\\' AC lot.uoft O\,· 1 .d S{,uthcrn (iJA1t0inTwin f,llh,
Men set to storm through SWA
The ~fC wc,:tt le.ml till.t.'C pid,cJ. tb~· riJht Utuc tu p.-u Oocti t\'a.1nt 11rt p(':il.111,: •' the nJht time."' tloluJ
team fo1 lht' ~,nJ
K!Mic R\lrnt. CM.,j(' An~lo,
V•t'rc ftr,t UQtC kk~UO!U,
the lOlot Wanna-be
Y.-Crt' na,ncd 1he
,1n1.11:h1 )i'af THIM) H~l11,
NIC fCF'fe\Oll\ ae.ady luilrof
athletes dangerous to societ
,·Cl)hodf (lb)'cd b) 1hi1 one. Srit U11, 1111, Ht ,.x p1ucd. Uc trkd :Cl) uv I intr11tl('l11ally h1l bun m 1.h,;t f,,ce, ·1111rn. uir-dtnfi,tlt rite. ) l"in ll,.S-foo1H1 -lnJ I •a,t, Hl'i ~11J.i. ube lhrcc ind'°' dJ
1,\'d,tl\-dahou.l !."O 1, t llln Y11Jll 111wl I ,un alw 111up.J Orie of lht"iC l~)'l, l'ftl fOOOil UJWwilh dit 161llfl).. Al'~ lbi,w~·1 1h•t fll) I dmdhuu lopmch .... HoJhe dooc w.bc pn.,ti.lhly 1h'UIJh11,c looo:i.tJ.rnc 1n1n JK'J.I yen, I u,m,:c.h1q f 'A'OYld 11(11 M\·c mJnJ.:J. b,.."'(~ I ~:1n"t " 1110 Jf-.huni:1 But he d11tn'1 lfr JUll t-hiwN 111e anJ Ulktd un«1: Hr lttmcd IP lh1nl II<' -.·ntt.art1Caixtolrttr,·.1b11U lfitfUC .\t1Chat.l Jordaa. I UI\C'J blti: of 4."C.:JW1.C. buc no1h1ni cam( 0111 Bui ~·1 my rrrohli:m Scitnc l'-'>'J'l\l "-1)n·1 IC'C io of lhc i.ll"C';fJJl TI1i, um( JU)' con,l4tlll) ydl• al 1om1m1tn Pl h:1, l fh'<" him ut'd1I. he
•I rd. up >llllJ1t>I M • pbcm¢ !Jl...,._ :ho&Jt.n,: lo\riJhh cuu111. "'a'1 they'!) f M)' 1i1h-.:n:.it) .,.-.n In tu- ](k- ·~J lie
ulioo1 ()-food. Uc ph~M)
('(aluc lhJt (aa NC11 Old)· Joe:, thlJ ~• 'f'P in the1ym, bu1 •lltwWr UI,:, tc"al •1wld hpon.\ arena~ 11.hc-t .ill, Ju 11.h.lll playgn1\Uld.,) I I~ 111hu- 11hl1:ui:- dcpnvai1.-JQ •• • rna;i,r {bnicr en ,ocict)· 11·, fU)'1. th.al cnJcd UJ'l OUI o( "l'IOfb •1,un11 lhrlt \\ill tJ\111 cau.w car •·ttd;,.. Wc','C olJ 1nnl)l.'Ctl1I)' r,ulkd ur ru .a rc~I u.11tu nt.tt to uttc ~1 1~ gu)'•
men playing tough
S&.lk' Col littc", 1"t111.1
1erimtn1&,ca. lb(" ladio ""111 ti)· 10 lioJ Ihm
1100\'tC tlUlkllhUlll lht' nc,11v,P 'ileocl1
MoM:"'l L11.lu.• Dt,.; .i So, l11h dlt)
Thc-y llM' oo BlJ lJci,d C'1mmuMy {'\\llc1c ua
Wluh'l-o«b aDJ l.t",l·lt and C.,atk St.au, CPlkt" coulJ'""t t'icffl bcurr." Crimp 1.11d
Tbc- CarJ, 'APII ~ll opcu,na pmc of 1he
R1(:b Cocmwacor. Nov 15 by •'a) ,,(, 0!-,6
btllll>f'IUI ol thc Wc1tcm Mc11uana L>d.y Rull,14tt
J\ lcam Sbc:pbi:t\l kd 111 l('C)lttn w,lh 17 pouta. Shi."
aJJed Jt1c-n11~1,l1. 111.1 tcbuulkh and hiur
,1t·al1. St.crhcrd oomm111cd ooc, Hmfflvc1
AHh~~11,r ,1,likit 15 p.•, nh. •c -en aut.st, 11.11J foor
M,le., C'11y t..Jy PiOMCf'IHl-~1iQO\ctti~. Tilid' Caoh \IUIKt'fN It.- PJ~cn !-4 1n 1he. ri.traJoelltlJ Sb<- phC'rJ I.pl.II lei.I ~he ID Ill w:onn,. Slwh.ad I.~ ro-nt, and ll JUUK' }lip 11 n:bc:IQD&k. IIIJ Alkrt pikhcd in •ith cl1111hlcd1i1h ..
\Ol.le)blll kir.lft t•no.kd ,t.., ,..,.....,io 'Wfllh • J... I k" '" R.l,;l, c~1qr:. ,~ re,.,l111,1,uw1111ta1.e w r. b f,.u, The lt'lm fin11Nd lt'\offll,h 1n IM ronffft'ncc, ,nd c:nJ..-d lh 1Gt1on ••th .111-17 U''CW.lffl..'Ufd. A m)d.1e4.,.11n tlwmr COIJ !ht k1Ull di ~IIC'IICTtQr.:l' rt.I) ""l'b:u&lmpjt.&14 iu,,pcncdto~n"'11Juun11u-cunfcrrra lU1k.Canuru R,ibcn• ulJ. ~rr 11r't''J ts.,-c h.J ,1 nrtiet. "" 1M)t'< t1.1111J h;i\t \\ondicconktfflel" Tb,f~•h.chllpp.·1l,1111hc"r,t14;~.J 1t.ln-110~Robrn, 1.tiJ 111,mc of lbr tan,·, proNctru. •ttt Llul i.upbon~'ll,('IT ciwpl m Uk: 111,JJk of IJIC 1cai100 .r.llJ tctiool, t1)"11,,,udr\:"1Jc..,ha11odo
tle'll\'t.lt Stlllk"lhinjl ti.,..-11, 1'11111 (tN'lf11;ltf k> ~ftx.nncc yeu,• ~ht- ~o..l. ··h • •ti.s .Cn"\6,llicrto.uJ •lbllll;\1«.tmC!t"-•\Cfila1IU11lut.tU1100.·sb1.1t111m~.(~
Q>O(Cftfj,O,: R'Wt.. On lht court. &he lnun W IUtnil.h bl1>dmi, pa11mJ 4'00 hiu1t1J, bu! Cl"J'd1C'Cl«J U\IIUN~ !di IC1Vlfl" uJ Jr:fcn,c
ost can't keep racer off track
lnth.'-Clf ttl. Jlt,tttl)' fflOff Uf"Cll\1\'Cl •nl.l !'l (JJt't'll\C ~port.. •llh~U'C'<tl"adui.at*.J(<r~ 16 '"Moi<!IC~, Liocuol. bul 11.n:d ,-,'IOI 1, IO nu.di (a..CC'I' • ht ~. it.I Ju,ttwx.au1C he""""'. nm1raiq«IC\n·1 nltlUtthathc
S1cllm Hou:r, 18 , pc<d1 ur ,,n 1he ft'WICon;ydc, fllil
.\Uunt-,('.at ta.."n. Jk.,lcr 11 pllft ul. t•,•\JiftNTnl t'ltdl:IS
iotln. d1t Watluniton Mn1,.,n.--,d-.! K.aad racing
iatioa, ~nd the Arlxriean Moeott)dt l\uociauop. l'llwthllt rartl)' ....-~·, lot:1ll)'. llnl«Clft tit' tiCC"n rac:mg .a ~ol.ant R.:n..1.y Pad, Ill, matt ptt(tm"d rac•nr: arc•'-
tnJ Latluu See.a. Cllhf
'tim.l I luu.. t,u1 l (tQ $d '"*nd 1hc mi..k m a~t I 9 teo."'OCIJ~" U,:,tct .ai.d Wl1cJ f'ldn, 1ft t1'1o!0.-n•,a11hc a~nl a,. Hi, ,ra to,u«r t111ec, hell ad,;« fn1f'n h1, f•lhcf tl\at he lint k.am to 1..n<\h AaJ lh.11'1. itnl .-b.-1
Men earn fourth-plac e finish at natio nal race in Michigan
1ht mc:n • e<iunu, tr4.fll et'll'ltluJtd rl• \(;. -.on on S~ IOI.IL •·1.1ll .1 IOU!th-~ ruu..bira ~1ut1un. Twdt..,r. Gel'lc l:kbncoun. C'haJ \l.•llit'I. U1IIJ Sunti,cld.Cbru Vai.J.._
"''itt't en.th anymore 1...a~1 )'u.r iJ• lkMtr hlltJ w,"f'n: cruti""' · '1'hty tt not 111 In)' l•1.1lt.• 1-totl:'f \alJ. ~·1cPII ML.u'~, mil °'bcrt)'Jla ol proNcrn, thM )\'Ill c111, Nil IQ ,o Yao bdon- he h.u nil.I; hal ti'.~ ri,rr ,·r.11
\\-1th ,i;d, • hdl)· pn« 1.11 ,111,Jdflttlll kl come°"' on ko(', eh~n ••th Hcsttt'i fu11l·plk."C 11.•...-urc:k >Mkl u,iou, top thrct. flriithtl.
1o.pc:n<l up h> \ICl.(Xll t>O the IM.>.c ,1oor JIIJ nwt U>c ,~ ,,1 the 1CAw"1 ""can~ up a-, S:30.tol " t l our wJ SJOI""" IIC' alw1y, a !i\(komtd addit)(lft lo ha racm1 team. ;l1W hr.lt "K"il'l(lft UCIIO UJ!"b to rtiea\·e a M..-W tnU ftn1n • nc:v. "P'>CJW'lr 'l'bc 'Alnnlnis 1.1111111,· "°'"er at1WI tulf. JO U'c fourk:l.tl aid tc-i.t, tt)bc a lMfi; hn1di1 u, bn rneey ._.,, n:»J-tKIIIJl \lt.D,O ~' lmol Mattb lhmup Oc.1nhet Thtrt m IR lltt\ oo,c, the et111tt w~n lc',aR\llb." ttota ,..jJ ··h 1nako1nt frcl al11dc"'4/'Cd ton.·~
Don't Walt - Get In Shape
E!tplru l2-l5~l
HORTH IDAHO..E1111E~~ /if.chine Wo,Jgh ls FrN We /ghls Trudml/Js. Bikes
Step a Rowing H•clllna A.rob/cs & Cl•Turt,ol(kk.,,. lndoorCycllng P/1-ta H•tworl< Tanning
Blile' T•)k'f and krc1nfab S.tuJkuh CC>lfl('dcd in Llr\\iftJ. \heh. 11.- fidd tcalwN K? ruMrn fnooft( MC\'lwi •11 ,he only v.om11t1 IO rtpr,;1tnt 1h~ v.omnf1 tum "'l ••"t"I)' r,lf~'IC."J •1th C'\t't)'l1'1e·11'"IOJ4), (n:,,h l.tWioi1 \\111lu11 t..Ud 01Cc.'Oii,iS4"' W('1 lltll.J "°ll). W)C\'t'ntloo)"a lUDCS \ll'tt IJO'N Kcn)·lil\1 INCn , i11~, tch<'!olt pullc:J i."'-aJ from the' far.:IJ durint the frN mile and iPt.'te.-J 1tw1t 1c,11J 1NvU:vhoul the rccLi\t finnbcd rm.1 r«wcanhil.lld lb1.1t,n·,ull. w,1hacin1C of !6:..,!t u,·a I.he 4~mctrJ count' 1Ju.,1dty,of51111.lc-1 \1ttl:unt~k:.i.illh~m,nll ThcrC'1ll\flhc'tmllK'n'1tt.:1n1•• un,1iMc to .;umrck: d1ae LO fsnilncial cu1h.ii..k.• ia the IIUUrtl( dq,i1111111C111 R.tcit1,. 'tt.l',D"l lht CIC!))' 1h1n,: lhc. c:rtltl!COi.llltl) C(.an Jbl 11, U.1lt.111t, • \1y fflCffl('ltaNt ,n~ ahnQ1 ow lnpto n,IClt>nith "'• •t..-ic •e \lr1;hl ti>(':~ afli:·r,,urih."' Wolli4 11:1111.J •·t tuJ • ft".llly i.,lOII hnx rii HIX'IC'tt,• The U'ld, ICSIOtl 'WIii ~In JI"'*)' I ~tb. 2QO? v.·11,h III ll'IWCIC rna:t ,1
Wild WaJJ&
rnc:f oor ftQcl Climhin9
Leim how to ,1.,,,bl Hootycwuldll1! o ·11e1 t1>1 wtn11<oold,..11omdlmblo&, WOdnlld,yNlci,tl 8pm-1Dpm 14'1>.2-Doc.5111.U...ltlll
$8 $101'er~--·
Cl>eck Os Outl
OuWoor Pursuit<; Lower Level of the student. Onion (208) '769 7809
(ardi nals breeze Lhrough iicks Classic Tournament • ~lku,,. Grcl C'nmp t04Chc., lbc women·, teu'Q. The rttumi,u~ one ,111rlcr fmm 14•1 )<at.J'Uffll 1ki;1Jn4< T-.o OlbC'f rthl.mm1 ~l,ilf'll(ltt,i lia:l lbt) IIJC: Xlm Scb\loc:nk a1"'1 Julte 1)t fup ttenlll f(t( lhC C1~ i, the frnlmu.n 1/0ln \lell'l11w11t, Alu11i1.l.la.. Sbcrhc.tJ l!W'.M'1h1)lnrl•)tn,,fk°'ow"'1~ t-u,,., ,u t,,e an tn~i,Jc: rlaYff. \\'b)to1c 8uJv1t,o0 :II abol:,e np«.itd hi r--e &ood m1:miim ln,!Jc AftC"r • ,,~gb ·'lllll •ti"'-''"' \\llu~urth 1r1~ Uv.n, an,;lCJar\
al SJl')l1 1H"
Nov )Olh.
111n\C" .t.p1111l \\ 1na W ,1.U.t
tt.111 pla)'
f.all\ CommlUIU)' ColkJr On frt.J.t).
Ille ""'(llh("Q'I fifll bl.11.b('
Con1mul'l1ty CaUcp
fed lb.al tXlf •llfflffl·• p:tfl.'lmuu:,co 11p1a,1
lbU'trun. Bu,,h.u\.OCI .and Allen au k'01tJ ia dc.lublc. fittl.lCO IVt 0,c C.11.nh A, :tlcam. NlC ,bQ& 11.)' huna hc)oriJthr lhf«· poll'll hot 011 N"" lt,.., thrtCU1~b~kftPtt1•Jt.l4 h1lfum~· dcf1e11 Ltt hcu (he
_._ - on 5atlrday """"'°" 91oe:,f coffee -......., fort
r,- t:-t:Leotw:.._FI_.,_-=-_-_ " .,. " _~ ~ --= hours: ~ 1 <iosod Sundays .~ · l'hur$. 6:30 om. - 9 p.111, rl · Sot 6,30 ,un • 10 p.m Sho_, a Lockers Juh» , Nutrltlon11I P,ogn,ms hnonel Fltnea Tn,lnlng CALL NOW 664-6213 •HUST BE JB nARS OR OLDER Maggie Derting brtngs the ball up court •nthl1 tllo ~l~lllhe lone relumlng 111rter from IHIYM"• INm
ISeasons come to close Volleyball team wraps up season at regionals TI11tc.n.l&Aal
rccx,nl 1n 2lnl-2001 LA.,t )'c:ir"I
team k'l • 11c:w reoror-J foe tc.1n1 M..'IOnnt ot lhi.-
ni.tlmal taumamcnl Whitaxnb hhruelf captu«>d two n.aMn11 I ut.l~ for-NIC in 191lbaid 19S7, llndwasTUmcd
Outuudi1tg: Wn:-!>1kr al dk 1987 NJCAA
S.-tMmlll1nwt1;1mcm The Cutdtrw,. c:ffl)· 33 Wff!<tltrs 01 t~ :.13.
S6att c,n "bl.11.aDhi~•nJ l?al'c"v.al~..-.n, ··A ln1 ,~f oui- wcoglh ~mit, from wt \!<&lie:•
1.1,u \\1nil.'Ulnb 11.lld "'We: rrot'llhl)' h4"e mart' nilliooal cllllmpivns rmm ""lll.-ons lhiu, aay other K-hi,,.tl."' Roc:ruu, thi:• ~.:a.son m n~tl)· ffom fJ;tbo. Wautingwn anJ Mnnl.11'11. z.;'.IC pl, kcd up fow wn.:,tkn from lllinoi,. lJlNI. ~#Oft •od Ti:x.u.
Cc.,c,uog ofr lau >·a..\ n11D0011.l litJc, 1he Ouduu1'1, fu\c: v.on lhc ffi0\l ll,l,IN)tl;1.I tillc,i in lllC011UQn ·we hn,o a 1cw11,11rlld~1tlQ .,a NIC tci, ~tti.tlil)J!:.- Wh11comh t;a>cJ. ·•we arc "01.tt.1. bw
~~;!"_1!'1 IA\t ycut·, ICilffl We have, t ll.\ng W;l)'
The: learn opmiuplbc: llS-pounJ \lot1)th1d1~ \\litb \Opl)on!Ofe Nllt~ Deleon.. Santi)', Utah Dt10lJI red· ,1nnoo lut )"Ur but w» a MHnoal quilitia .ind RC'pon 18 -.l\lmpiion m 200>.
Suf'b!Mnotr 01.Dt' ~~m. Bn:tntnoo.. w,.,b., wrt~Hc11111.bc IJJ.pouodt.b\ 1'1or1 Whi~ "llit.1 he fl'JIC'(l, On~ w hnnt bkk n 1u.:h
apc:rirncc: t[lcf bu 2nd plAOc !MlbDollJ fwb.h
l.1\1~ f-'rc.hnum Sid, ffob. KIIV"· Moa1. filb the:
l4 I-pound. c1._ lloh J"accd •nth<' \tilflt1n;a
Stilte l'-!m11mc111 all rour )en of h1,Gh AChool Krr1 StMl.4:)' Columhl.11 r-.ilk \loot o..tc~ mto lhc C,1n.1m.al li.ne-np al 149 pound!i. lie Jrpl.xc, ft'tumms \lMtt 11ni.1 AU· A.mmc.an l(lf4aoinc.nSlt)'lkt l)Jvu, Davi:lu..c.dtmi«ll) incll11hlc lhl., &ed)liq bot Whl~nb said he wilt t.!Wkngc 1n the -.pnniOne of 1hc: Card.iaa.l., wp rc~niiu, (mbme l~mcl Manilk1.. Aurora. m. wrt:'Uc.~ .a, 157 poor"h - \1JnU'lt"1 bi.,astu Ult -I hi;.tu.:hool Cllfttf f't('C)td m roosc IO thrcc ~ui.c title, l ..ritel b,a\ G ft.al ctpl«N\C orft'nlC'
"':'h1l1."01nb .uid We ue wuiwing on h1tQ. hltf th1n~A." h\.'$hmm Ty..on Spnf\11:l, .\iuinnx. W 11i·ill compccc: ill l6S poun.d11 Sopwmo.1: M1J.c 8wld) l.akc: Stn'l"ru. W \l.·MUaa, 17.Jp.,i,m,b 8\IM)'WM1l'lliOTn Slntc c:hwnpum nd UlUl'4cm.-d to SIC' roo;m, Uruvc:r..1t)' "'-' ian f'.\ll·AJnt'rican Rrtcinnnr ,\11 ·r\mcncan 1i,,siio11k.lC'C J~ SJ)Qb111.•. c.'<,mpttet-in tht 184 p,,unJ 11 lot. w11.1 J nJh~ darnr1on l11;.1,1 \C,IJ,fllt !or .\IC Wtuh:omb wd he "'~11pomb wcll tn
Sop,""""" ~~~~~~~-•
Ju11m PtulJ. 800nm r....,..1111, the 1'¥7 roood ,·,lei.I '"JIJ'-lln h.1.,~
"/1 h u 1~11111 sport. 110 ,me i11dfridm1/ c11• wintlttam
Pia1W'tutcomb --
tl.:re .md do1M2 lbll.l." Wh.iLi:ocnb uiJ_ "'JM
c,;pcn<n&:< v.iU 1\1) otl. j
Ftt-ihm~n Cb.aJ Charbooncau, ~me M1"1
1°olh. Wiu.b • wrc.~tJc., u1 the hu-vy"'·c.lJM ptm1 1on ror SIC llt' w•, named o hip 0
All Awencut and \\'&I dUttMimc WIC!
(t'f Laktliilk Hiith Si;l~ll
lnpl"C'pV.itiou for the \t'<l..,,o. ilk' "~Ill
'lql.Ud than1c:d 11' 1 aillliul h•lf -n1.1ri,,1!11011 ..,.
16-mllc mounuln hike 1bc. C'nu,..: 1.eam hi
10 S7tXJ h. and nmrcd o,·ctnighL
··we pu!lh 1ca,n ,L\JX"CI, Wtu1.comb 11id.
l, a i«m 11p.111, oo one mchv1d1111 I e11n ~1•S mti0Ral 1cam clump,on~hip Whll~-onth uld he lcc.U. thiu ooc- ctf 1bc: b1gge o.,~s co thi, )'CIIJ. S, !iqU.td Wti hd
.._,.,1,t.1n1 l'tMl'-h Kt>vin Rc>ll\"rt.,, 'l fo ~1 ld ha\c i;tioe lO .i lot of ntbct ">Cbool1. ~llt luc~y for me: he t:hoo\c to j'C'll
1t.\.\na.n1." Wltltcon1h •1id ··~ynt't wa., l~cl)' due to tin! fllet th.,t he rc<nilld
11;.im·· Ani1blnt, Pele' Rc.arJoq anJ Andy kobd Al"M1 tniK:h di( re.on All du« 211,haaou Ill ronncrC,11tdin.st \\te,tl m The ~u11d will foe(' v.biu n cx~U ro tt 1oa,g.b('.t chJUcni:c n.t hc.,,l'lc o n Ort 25 lit' RM:l..., College The:> wlll rni-.c ora Puna c,I So" 29 On No.. \U, ll 1e tum l ni\·,I• tn Ne,·.:w&, thr Lu Vc:,i-11~ tn,it&bon.il The 1coi u lool.inl! lt1 bu: ehallt'IIS(~ II
ct'ltnp~tdmn rrc.,m l<tw1i Qa1filJ.
Sports ~v.~.18, The Cardo get some practice In NIC's wrHlllng room belora hea<llng out on 1he rood lor • metoh verlUI Claci<ames College. ·There'S no 'I' in tea H1c·aozzk! Saxon works tolllko down a.nopponenl lnlhlslife r.hoco. Saxon ea retumlng Al~.Arnerlcan whoftnlthftd second &I the natJonal tournament lastyur. In high school, hooomplla<l an 85-4 record. 125 S,t,phl.1mon: 117-JSU s: lttOhJ_ Nauomil,~·- I q ,. ....s _ Rq;11x1 l8 chamf*1t11n~ I 157 -·-11 Fo:dmum lll·I HS. n:<unl. Tbr«-tlmc."1tak c~Thin.lllt JUDAOC Slltiooab w lrm.t)lt, '2001 184··~ rn s.,p,,. 119-27 H S. r--1. 2001 All· -;a Amenan. R<paul dwnp""I 11111 yc,.t 141~.,. ra F~hn• IJ.4.lOH S m:ord. fow:,tunc -.,,f.(.IW hi&b~drool pl.-;<':r.Ont-11mc•l,itrll;unrl•CI 165"··-· B r'fN!lnan l)J-8 H S. nxol'd Sllllecli.lmpinnia _:; 'F:. 1Qqg Cudc1 OM.-.,. Ror11-,tS,i1Joo.al 0.11fflP'on 197 ~--~ St,pbo!lk\fC IIJO.JIHS r«ohl. 1'11,·o-tuuc &t.tec:ham,,..,11 149 ···-· s,,,oomor: I)s.J 5 fl S «<oo1 S1;11ech.11rtr*,,n 1.n 199Q. S<>1."0ltJ 1n l(J)CJ • 174 ,.. 8 ,nj:!homon· J!',I.J~ II s rcw:mi T"rHhttrK.~ dJ.1.mr• VSI\ \\'m&Jll\tAII .\ml-UC.in Heavyweight ·-·-·-~ I n:.,hnun 10$-12 HS 1«un.t Sllltc d1.1unp1C\11111~x,o ll1bhtdacw,I ......._ AU-·\1HC'nt'at1 Championship in Cards' f ocu b) Htis)' Oi:.~ig Su!f"'"'• N.11iolW Juniar Cullclfi"~ Attllctic A,,i«1•h<1n (NJ CAA I mdivltlull chlln1rioni.; iLtJ NJCAA N.-11oul plKCC wtt'lncn: ISi NJCAA ua111111,,J Lamcbamploli blp~. ll. flatw:J No. I ift d,e (latioo in pre«.uon pollt. tht w~\llwg k'wn "ti.c:k h> 1.ktcnd
1hc- C.arcllttab
l.htit !Ille.
by m,h -~'C&f head coach ri,, \\'lutromb.
c:uuJJ Jo Jib! lh.tl WhikOtnh j, .a
N11UDC1al Coach oC'lhc Year. fin( ln 1999, i1n,d~nln?OOI lle<.lhc>kdlbot.camto •11 ltl.--Odulll
Communit~ Cullc:JI! ,n C'dit c!Ml
W)oming. "'Tbe~t im; du11 I,. 10\\C' \\11J J.Cc~hi:tt
v. llh them"' Wluc~cnnt, ,,uJ
b.11.1 I IP! of Jooot)' nlftttJ 10 hlnttdrta) b.all II ~l'llld t'C d11rn ,lit ru, tum
1ll 1P1111 tno:lflt.)' h:1ne Plfcn:d W h,n,.•· Headley u.id
1lbk1n .,,lhJrai11J1n, fmm
11.huola1'1Jt2M)Jt' N.kltcttut,.,i,
1hr '411Y,"'9lhC u1,1di:1tlt
qi~ono lbt: a1t11.'UM of mnM)
touo!J to 1.bt ldhkui: dcr.vttnrnl •hen wmc aihlctct, don't aucnJ the,, clb-n. ·"°hta.)outhink.1b.1U1 "IC.
youdoa'tdl1111&.~bc.,\n ~.
,au IA&a~ Pl 11:oJntttsuru1y
....uc,, for )""'1'...Sold
NL1C1111>t•n.- uld WUl.knc Pc111N'm'CI. -A1.bk1J1.\llfC
m~11t lorche: a1J1lt1e1,, k11
JIN f(lflbct.:tiool
Cummlr. A.thkt.att h abk 1.0
h.lll'llto.it S,.11.S.rl\Oi a,·Ntin p1111 in a;d,. Tbc oelt c.l,,1'C)I
dt(Wlmc'III It ,~mic
lTiflfidt'na!.l.'lrttttpb),~1.tOJ rnmad •l"ll-bcuii. n't(tall
rh>""e111itntM ~n..s Kit
dclcntt,kilb for ,mp,m101 i'l,ly\m&.I
vr.~ll·bdns. fohn,tun
~nd\••elltt.t~ di« ,m r1r.tuy o1 l'Ottlf'k-Ji
carbob)'l.ltat(', r,um gr.rn, •Ad
rnicaa1- far C.IX'fJY He aho
,n-...,11111\c:od• mtn1mu.m of IS
1o~lm1nu1c'61dhyN 1t11'1btc
pcrpew.;te • ohUR 1lu1 has
l;;l\M&f'd 10 tNM;l,.l fct1pl.llQN tbit lb( ~p
•rm'1 tinnc sunr mui.;b ""ynvuc bo.:au~ m 1ilnc and 1Cnnlc:1L ~IOl'lpblr\-Cl,j.'«l(C .:ti"effll:ll'lialputpoi('.aftllthctt 11lc:nvr.·a,{1Q"C.~r.&c.1bn,
p&nK"I and Ions joim,c\11 kt lhl\~llhncJ.a)"t Ot.1CU11JidofCtu'A I~·
f"D1 bmt ll'ln~ ffl.11 wett •uGC
A.flalfl\l, 1lb.i?!.~~ "01r Nd.tr' duiUm IQ tat l11nLia l1X<tlttlat Ut.M am'I c:wu from (lW commllllt,y, Pcmt..:non u:id.. 'l'bcmm 1b,aµ;c,b.aUtau11 tuuw• su~l1' fn,m litn\ lb)dto ~tcuc.. Sh.Ac
u He.Jin and t,tbff hi.•,,,1 eokf'in ftti &l'I)' \\lhJd( "'"'"' ~.ihcifjot,1t1thttt.a.,J1•ll'II. U1q1nfl ~11do 'Dand un. '-•llt
'1 matt "'4' tiU\ldcl edl.lcal.ed on 1tsc 4.11c)k;c- U11:)
._.•• HcoJky t.alJ
Ano'll.her I\\IJC lb11c'} cu.al:ct
11a1t aU libklO.r( ruu, ••atl' of u how NIC' 111.blcto Pffl) tl\lAci1ta.\ 1her,oa..
1bc>· m~J:hl •~11 uh lldvai•IJ('OC lhcllntedie) tmr
l.:tt .nJ ruNX oJur- ,n. heaJ ·1doQ·11nowo(t,ni: uhlde lrurn here d.a i. "'°er \l,;ncd • tru11K"it-4Pllllt v.rlh111\'C'.lllc:' actnd) ot c,ttttte .1111.J ctttun, 0011;1H,·uv .., ,11,ic,C'n,oy 11pcnJ.11tg1ime ,r.ilh my 7•)Ut-c,IJ thc'J )U\1 1wtcJ firu imwt,. "°'I« 11111 't'Oftlk tiool.•111\JIO'f•abll MUlbf! down '11 llh m) airtrritnd lu1hy and •ati.:h,nJ 0\10,,." Ji:1hm1011 uid .\nJ I love. k1111;lung 11Ud C'ptaall) t«ihl lffll'fU\'aJlMM Ill my 111.1J,·11,t, Cn,m1« f'«lllk'c-pt'C' tt11riatbol.!1 the tug:bl ·(iL,i: OwUtm~att..i'l.-a ltliltllrt•m l})l'~,Ulfl'fll-d PlnUtam llliJ lht ch1IJ1n •~ vl1t• JV •itb tbe ti.Jen Jo cnm them.._, 11tudc' • ClllC d,n t!IC' dbldrm 'Wflll tilt the • cldcn
Better Ingredients. • Beuer Pizza.
G!w m tit< dark lair '•ilw, 1"ock Lg/us and U\'E IM<·"'1'
t>'t?) Frida) Night! 11 :30 pm
• I :30 am
L'nbeli~'<lbl~ show! ln.:«dihk {1,n/
Enjo;, OUT (1,U >(!Wt lo,,"tf ond ,.,JJ•
• W.,tW_ f.am,,,u, MM&mu., • N"" \fluo Btt,.,-!
• Bl°"'y Mam
• frt"~· MuJ Boer
• 11-Sl',
• Gro1 Food!
\VJrt'h f(klr h\'Clt'lfc •potdn1 t'l'N'll ln • dr-an, comfort:a~I, 1tmot1pMn.! GROUP S WELCOME!
Q. 17A.,. E lt MANJA TiiURSOAYb 9rm
t lrm
~'i Adml ion
25 «nt: Rm, a...i...,, li... Rffl ,..l , F,..,. f,;,,, & Sod., -ow CAN VOU C'.O W 0~ '.
JU(o Old~,ptcNcuU1•111.I ~k.e\a\ fk.1""t'llr;' 'Jbc r'C'\\ .ud II die ltlU'n:'lt C cht c:bildttn tow, ._-,,twrr ..... Ct =· -~1••~---ot ., ,_""" ,.. 1111., '"''· 4,111"'1~ _....,,iudf 1ff ••frt "-',_. 11J1111ft,tilr .... ................. ... _ ..,,..,"--I..,.... JI.a.& .JChiiaOlN .-... ___ .... __ JW.:: .l"- :Jtla- o , --.,11 ~1 / ~e 0 "" eorc:,,.,d NIC COLLEGE CREDIT FOR S1il1H6 IND SNOWBOARDING! Addendum to Course Cataloe: 7184 l'E llbE 1 0 Skima1s-boo,J11li\ c'las., Th11 cl.AM a, hr,ld ,pring '\C'tnctltr at .Sihcr Moa.atai.D; J•nu•I')' 14 - ,hn:b 2S, 2002 i"io-ttn_...,- ftW,.r,.: S160•<>indudea1Jinra-Mdc--. pat& lt~r,~ s:?0 00 Incl""- 4 klkanJ. Transferring to a four-year university is just a walk across campus. Earn a B. S. Degree in Psychology Register now for Spring! www.uicda.uidaho.edu
Orli:,,.u; "'a11r.actiof1" h ,tu lbkn:11m1 1o11IJ> tn bunlMl drunknoc,._, Tl~ pl.a..« 10 bt- ll lbe fn"ndl Qu.Altcr t,C., Swrtioa Sttect. It"\" p;u1y11..u1'1 bc,\·tn Ral 11 ao ,w•IN,,.· you ..,.bt.'llr thins ~(J mr tom, tbot.r "'"° ttltdlit\.l itl 1hh .1U-n1JI 1,t.umbk dq\,nMGV)' \tra.1.ffl'lm tlMl\C,...holi:JI utfy, 111l·d. brol~ •lnd •Ort')' J•rrr.1Uliflfl n~ lllllb(, r.brft~. h'• c.a_,> JO bt'Jd lbcn: ,.it p.m aaJ pc:nd 80 t.11.'llum >S l.lrinlu. r"'wl) 1•1 ll~ dnll.111"1 w11J ht '(ICl\1 \'° r.inJum gu1t "'ho ICIJ }W ,1', &hr.'11 bin!~ Foofuhl1. 100'11 t.,) thnn, dnnt.•nd 1hcy'U Jrab ,r jM., nm.1tU11kna1 )'Uu byolhna you • tlilmf' Chai i,ound, ltkc )VUR, fhb k ex.,:tl)' v.hnl do We hllllifl a ,tc,r't •dhag CIDC'\ olchellp b«t foi
1.1. Thanb II.I SC'W l>rlc..·1t11 IICll llll\'ll\jC .II
C1\nl.iint1 Ll~t.. ,n• found• patl: and pli&)"td the
1:anf pnie A"ibok unUI lO:JO fl.JO. 11m p\c- u,
1imc ro C.1ldl up with lht fool\ .th't21dy 00\\n dtett 8u, 1h;..1 •·a, nol lhccnJof OIW-fWCJWlllMJa. !\io,w th.II V.'C' \tC'fC p}d o1DIJ lllftlaJ, 'f(1!' uni)· bad
10 I.Ike $lO 11) OCI hcc'r ITh,11'1 (he '\2•0lltl« bttr\), !HlllC•Omt ine Cllllltl"ll .uid molt Ul'lp:"1.lnll)'. plctll)' of pWoc n«klllCCi. S1urtJ,<:,t'b(o ,,h {th,ru"'t.)~bo tOl.l.lll.l Gt I.be optQ--.1ulTl"TldlM.utct. lSf1f'2ilfr,r" Wch-.und (JIJI Boo.tbott Sl!('rl ba, II t,lnltl~C i:rroa M po(!Prli:.. lllUIC nol•l:il) \l.11CU1,'ti. h r,NtioN)' h,l-. ,t11nt"l.bin_g tel Jo with 1111 lie :ikohol We !,.tlllld wt1dl IJk' iirci.t l"C'fCltt •·~ au11ht1C". t'bt
1'(111 was MmlW IO II biph k:hc.'il,I rnrt) II f..r frumpk...i'IUld t1•·a,a1UJ,;c1rb11m,i,oo.ffldbtid,>Ao:t. aod 11 J111Ucd iu ri9h1 m \\bnt "•ewrnW. \\.'tf'l.'llllmi tJ,h w1.ioohl1h k hlll.JI pa(() f'wcwrr d1ouUPCb ,,f pcope t1UI h'I IU\'t" u good 11111e. w U.u1g up lOO
1.1'""11 Olt 12 or
1.l NocU"'f BourflCxlSU'l'l:t IJntnt 1tic-.llt:iet,Jl't .iripc:lutili.d.'ah.cduh!lal'Jtuf'.11. M,"1..JflJIIC'm ha,·e o K1.:ollll lc..,d, wuh a bako11y Ul.11 l~ar• UloC"t iht Wl':l('I. I hi: h:i),."OQ~' .11~1,11)' (Q bcd;uCI IO r1rl, t!ll lh<' ,t.t«l. rtnd fll)' l•n tht! 'IU'td 10 boUc:r Jt Jjri, UJttin 11 f'b: almml f~•h3hilkn\ jlt°h wbt, ILI\C au1w1C'U la)'Cfl of l)Cl.11-.'CI like nkMt MilR. l'ht) l111fhl be- ._.b) ti) JU.UI)' mQln.,. d.,ugbtrn.." l,c, 1.nm.hMi a1,d ,i.'-1cu r1=t n.ik.1:J foJi.)~IJtfca,OII G1rt1 nprm..:.htdu.1. nun)' 11mn.ir,J iaqu:uul •ll.i1 die) ""'-1'11.J I\.I\C tulloJ.nc~hll:flg:.! for our llrud~. 1k1n,i j\)OO·n.ini,~. I ~·ookl In 1ht ,:1,1 tht.11.~ wh:al \hL- .,.,·oultl h.,w,tudo1n t1 Jt Ya.1
(Abovo) An artist dlaplay• hi, work aJong tho ~dowolk of Jackson Square,• busy plaza near N,;._ Orleans• Fttmch Quarter. (Top) A woman teaSH har audience to urn bNded nec:klnc:es as PM of Whet has become I nfghUy tradition on Bourbon Street for the partying lourlat.
WO\jld~ ,tfJ'ri'ICiJ ,,·bl.lltudom ,rut,,~1.11
\'C-IUnlttrlO do fo, 10-ttnl ticaJ 11 )'OU'\·t .'t'ffl
1hc-yjJco..1bc)' don"I c:v-cn hci:in In lcll lbe •IOf)', h '11tml)· li~C' th;i,·cnc'\"crnpmrncot,,nd 1·1;c:
btt.n to 100.c r•:iod ooc•, In ,e-1IU).1t ~.i, k,11~11~ Ub11.1tf!o111,: la 11etually-.11~h cr11wdtnl 40·)Clll-oid 1nm 1n
t,u,.,nb\ \.Wh In II druhkt'fl Oil~ 1a~,1rJ • tt'Cnllll(ct flnhtns 1hc en:iwd ThC) ,twnbl,: J11 lhcrst bh
1o1.1.1h·c.~. ',\Uh th,:u wu,:ui=, aut alllt 11.elf nnicr.n 1tady When the' i-luru ~Tflt up, iOUIC of 1be,c men \\OUld ti}' IO n:1.tit- lb1l'IJ1! "'h.ub.l• UCI .• h -as. ,tiou11hh umt 1bi.1 l l1QJ'('J I would nc:vct JfOY,' OM TilC in...,_1,y l1ntcd 1t1nlU;b die 111rh1 111101hc tl>OlnlQI;. Tii,c, t.Un omc up. tdlloi nw.d)' d.nnlc-h tu ~ll b.a,:k In their h,1111d.\ '"' <ln01'1t• monung 01 "1Np. ihc ,crcc.t.1,::lc-11)c-o Q.11\C' and fJl'll)'td 1hc-
•ttN:t anJ a.II)' poot Mlpt. 11nm1t C'lll lhc ~rt, Al the: \UJ"rl"1>tl ,1,..-..1n1cd c>ut of~ d1~1nc1, 1 'Ill~~ Mlffl(' nt the homdcn Thct \o,011ld P'"~ Ufl h.,l(.full b«-n ot1 lhc ,ittet •nd ltll 1hcrn "·,1h Qlhcn mil11 ltlC) twiJ a hill cup, the tree hu1.1
street Sentinel staffers visit the Big Easy and live to tell about it. N l'Wc.tC!ltl\ It 1!c:r,tfl.1l.t1 h""' hcluodOj1.1nf~i,d.Ju1 n-111 ic.16dl1Jtmnl t.l,..rn.11)',fltonl '•lldilltbl~u~ 1bcm:·1.ro111ld CICl:ldefiet., .,1lh$..1lut, oc rhc. Supcrdomt S;am u.rllf'ron Surc.all lhnoe IJlillp arc 1bac.MiJ nimt ot lhc.m 11tt pmly co,1 MD.C' "wi: )'ot.l do ,ilJ thc,c
dun~ bo1 lea,·c )1.11n 111,>11, ~n, 11,c 1i.lgh1J1f11" •hll)'ou'll l"d l.aU...inl iabou1
allcr \lnmns 'OI(' ma.rn Sr"'
"-h;dhcc fNlln• tbey ~.imcd "-lib thcm lor 1.1001htr hum1d LOlU1ian.a da). We w.i.!li:cJ '"'1111C', Mmlinp from the tncmc-r,c, 011!.r rifJhl .".(vr ('hlt.i.n, l, • Jrt<II plit..--c in n111 1\oa)' In If• ~mma ttlbc \Offl«•ncd~ for Craig WUcox hokls • baby alllgator .~111k, 1n Jns< 11rrt1:.hcm1011 •nd 1ourutc.lXC" illc: d\lri"9 a 1~, of I Louisiana sw,mp. i:t'-,/i~I Jlllr1) place- In the U.S ( CMO'I "°11110 \'illJC ih.1111:!J Mudi C-_,,,u_ Want n,o<cl Co 10 www.111c l'(bl~n11nfll Phonr: 769 ·1388. F.u: 7b9- JJ89 E-rru.il! SE>ntin,_·I Onk .f'du