Officer frred after leaving NIC grounds
1c, 1,0111'«J.. Oun J~1111. v.ho •CV~cd
full -drnc- ,v.u,ir 1itiif1 a<t ..«uri1y c,ll.ctt-. \11,U ternun.dtd Jfltt be"" .a., c:111,t&t lll ha,Qe: to, (uur OOllt1, olhi, i.hlft Nigh,l-Wnfl \C:(11flty imJ -.."U\Lodi,.I 1upcr, u« Rum.I,- Frl\W ii.ib "'~uemi)' su,pcoJcd lor 1bttc.,C'd1, for hi \rlW'Mlc,1~ QI JOOn\l)n·, ~k,:bl'"" Jl'lh"91,M, 21.hA, ltd a 'IOl:UUC)'odli«t (elf 1hra: )c.lD al h;H bcal tn lSl)Ublt * '11.'0rii. bcJort: lk .-,~u ~OOl.'J.for 1uw,,t.ntw.rrtr0rf.
"0..R -v,a a 111"° tflforc.:,mcat 'lil.1111.w h<: Q1J ooc ..oetrtc Mc Lllk.e,t lbtiu1 fe'•11$ co e.lpcnU\·c Khoah al'IIJ bt'1n1 ,11C411 co111111 the dnw fU\IO, "·ho ii. in hi, arty 3Ch.. v..a_~ ,uspmJcd breaw< he l't'p) ll,,:v.· • hat """ solftJ NL Frt\to and Jolm\lle'l .11c tocl'K!, aiiJ m1>,11c:,. \\.-'hen
Jolsn~ A.\CIIUJhl ,d hofl'I(" for four hoon dunni his ,l1ift.10 1-.:. Fm1u b h ~lakd tha Fri C\1 •a'I. n.11
ClffllJlll, ~it(ct) Oi.n.'Ctnf \1,ch.-:1 H.o!pcm \11,.t '"ttt
UJK(1. Stvcc, l:lld th.It\\ hik he w.i, ldlfllll M,..,oity
•hllt fl.lrpc:tk'J he""*" up. ~n1ly !hey wcr<.' d o ~ friend,
1ermin:ittd bcc.i111ie1!1i, n. l11 i lir'lll o!Tc,1~ A«onfitttc (U \IJC,l.t\.C'\. \ll'hi!flft1\l0 V..l.i t-u.ndtJ. i,,t'IQl!Oti,M.1;T.,. freshman forward Tiffany Holtz c-Umbs off a w•ter-c:overed f ield atte, lhe 800Clf team'• v lcto,y celebration mud aUde following the game v.,..u, Wenatcl>eo Volley Community College. Tho lodiea host South Wntem O~on Sonday, Nov, 12, in lhe quortorflnala. Soo llory -7.
In ackhuon to Uti1i lflC'idien-1. Jotltu.on wa, uuthl
W:\'mll U..ltlc, by Frii,ai, k-a\·1flJ r;.a,npu, NP di~;') oction 'i'l.'11o ~Un The ,oun:c ~•d Pn-;14> a ll uJuni,: So lbd the ""U,1oJiitJ 1.1(1 Attonl1n11(1 unc (V"'O(hnn. W -..-u~li).bu.l "u.ff h..d
111,ldctd tJw ffi(1C Wdt 1'1)1 lill~ \CCI.Inly c,flll.'tft M p:11'1,d, dunn111hc rdthL ··Jt.n11on lqic thti.r mou1hs ,tMII tbc:y dkJn', \11.tnl le) ,ufftt the "'"tlilh d( Frntu.'" nne \OW«' t..nd "I'm ilfrwlJ ftlf' ffl) JC'b." a pnllM 11o11d, 1bm adJcJ
tb:11 htl<l11e ftl11,1ncornfortllb1e .._, on• tJlffl9US

\111tb1.11JL re~~,Mc ,c,i.:µnl) h ~·u.., n.-pur,cd ,h,.. Jt.hrnoi, \l>ou.ld l(:,.,c the ~'31lllJU, for hour'\ at a 11mt Or,e umc he 'i'l.,t, c,\11)1t a a,.) ha H.-)Jrn W1icn «1n(ronrot ht utJ ii w~ nuil 1111 N1C \Chltk h1,1111M1ht-r rn\'UIC \CC'llrit)' \thiclc. Heh,n bcrniw:cnal ThcCOcutd'Ak~Rnort vl\lUDI v.-lth hh Jirl fn('nd, 1llc- local mo,·,c d:atC'r, lml.l Dcn,i )- ·, R('it.lUl'Sll'll f..a,,;fs J..a) fon:Ut1t) « inu..c rrn uu.1 :1 tif <;t;,h.\l thty dii.l \c.'C:untmg to ,,;1UrcnJnbn\OI\ tumc:J in n:pcwt, v.-1th oal) tii.u rmrle, John.wn d1llntd U);lt he
Instructors' opinions differ on combating hate
Stewart IJ'les to take Arym spottlght by providing town atternattve acttvmos
<\lthout!h f'P'lll,r;.al w.;l('titt tn-,.cruc,nr trm, ~tf;'oll·..rl h 1tic -.lttef 1
fl(' •hun;111 b.fu:iht~ C1ut, and a btllW manberol lflc K~1 CC11111C)
r,h~ 1-on:c ,1n ltt"lAhuth OCmlHH, h,... li.a~ nc,a J11TU1) f'l'lbt..'dthcl\.r).-inN,1Utinr.. St.c',\·.ttt, 1alm, '!'l&h tht K(Tf,llJt tt..i~ dw; phtlll>(llli) 'illhen
hiaf~ tniup ._11;1, .1111: Af')11fl tu, ll p1hcnr1i;11t .i cht-) "'1.IIJi.;,a be tht~ We h.1H' 11,hr.11)'\ Ill(' ,.....iunn dw ,..~ w.,tJ l'ICWf r~nr111
S;.c""an,.;uJ. llcw.,-n lfkM'il,1lhtht~ \it\to~~tbc~ lcim:1ndocbt'dl1k'
NIC.1,u f1,1ub,; -.htn it t:°'""' '" '!IOrial .ukl l)l111Sfl;•~ h\lK''I. c~all) ""'-" """"° a« Jh1n,: NC"IClh ld.ltlo an un•u.11t(1J ma\t or h11tl\'d. When Rictiil,N 8trtlct •Dd a lt.andful ,,t follo~rh pat1JN &.w.n (,jt,cnn;m .\,.:nuc. Cohen "D\ lc,und crun1lm,: amon; 1tic rnu-.ton lltklAr)'~I\IJrf'Oll(r,. ··Poli11ieill1) 11·~c.\"1t1nir.1n1J:1,C"' me .Jt~nccl" '\Cltllllll (\'11111'\,nl th<ac Membtn. or 1hc Aryw, NIIUoo, us.1 chc.looi<' 111 rue 1hen ~h-e,MpuM11.Jhplay,· Cohen '-'id, ·Aa.11 h}.r dl,JII., I hl1e <'flt"f1tl,: 1Rc."C-O~IL",.,_BhM "Id! then, a\\tbcdliod,trk,i"C'.JII \$C:!Jy t1tln.11n1hc h\Jh1) pulKailll't Putkr tn • ~hik' C11ft\1"t111\lt" ltru;1 k,1\ccd h,, ~,1.gc 1,, the COHE'N· tonUnutdpa-lCf'.,
Idaho State Police educate students of drug dangers

Cklc arc A't.'\l~ncd a \ mac of du1.1~ 11xJuJ11t.j!. utmltlal lrr.t> tipllon,. runp11g fmm m.l,lfl"(fflllC k.'Cl'lt\.hom~.dr\lg
c-RfotC(tt.eitt h• Cl.«UU\'(' rl'OICCUl)n
A.:c1mhng 111 l.aft$'), ~hit 111 die ,·-1\t, 1A m,'1h2mf1111,.'1armn., u'iC ,n
l.J.,ho, ll111"'6t lOO pm:t111 ~r "'b.aL tu.u,mccn
!Jll r,·,a11hn$ L-nm,nal 1n~~1p1,om ~,
l."('ll\11ttll"d 1t111\(1hampbd.uninc l.tbL Bccau..c
c1I 1ho ISP' u(IC:1ti..c in tbl, llre.a. lllont "'1th
'\ ;ilnitthc:1nC~dnJ1,'liln1hk:ohr,I.
IJ.-1->SW.. 1\,11..-.:C~- Wo\)11t l .i.lCIJG, in i;l~ llf cmMu&&I U1\''°'~"'KW1•,d1!11i'.an.Wd flltitik'n" n:.l.1rl'.'d tl\ nat"1twT1flhc1.,:&muic dru;,:..1fklbhupr,-i,1kl110,SutlblJ.alio.
r,~.., i>llul 81,tle, ISP. Jl~ucd fR'Ql,oftll tn,~..-puoo" itK•ul WlvtnJ undn tbr 1nnuak..<e«Olrt. On111J. 811I~'" .\duu• inU'hclol r,,.t'lrlh dllb,1 Bdl.a'!'KV.11 Hoi.hh. "lwt'd 1nc:iw.•1nn ._,r hi, ~11rl1n hk "bi:" tw:
"'id I dnlg U!itt and Jc.aScr 11( illts:ll 11ni,, gun, 1Au1,-., di,c:ui,.k'J •'bat ISP 1, wwLutp:o" at. IM a clnlt fnfoci.scrnc11t, 1.nnuiul
In, Nif1tht'II)\ ettr11.h •Dd pubhc NuL,diUCI
He Y.IJ ISP~ \i'C ur I.ff dr-111,:b ffll.l th.ii
O.,llicc 0 1'1( i1 rt\p(~itll( In, the fi\C nonhctu 1.ot.thl.ln.
The 12 ISPdrtlCl.11\C1 'Ah11"'01I.'" 01""'"'
tlldJ ('Q'Ulpttirnt 111\11 fm~:llns. they f'C.lpt,n&t 10
t'.''f''ti')' n11:th.1111pbcumlnc lab 11tc in dic11.11tc
8«aine ol lht LlfJt Jl"f1Ul..lfOII haw: ill lllt'
C'oc-m d' Alct1c Koo1cnai COOMy ~rea. 1nnu
J.,h &11~ IIR! founJ her~
~tt.1• mott Hl'lkttee fNP•I U\ lh11
J1~1.hc1 1ho11\ any 11thc:r dlWnL""t In Idaho. LunJ wld llia.: 11 a 11ilfft1.b111 pmNi:,n 1n Nanh
J4bh,1 1J1o11 h;u ff* ftiaS1 iudi i", l)f
l'bo 1\1> 111111 tlnl.JCW :11 Ulctc:ll._; 11'1 lhr
fllL"llaanll'hel,.,n'IIJIC 1to1ffi1:, .Slouu1111nd the tnuribcrc:l lalh \Ince IQ'l(H\bc:i:ilbcy 1iel1N 11W> h1~ t,1 1997, 111.ubn,crc bkffl. 37 "'m
ltt 199k, 9.1 m 19'1') amJ MO so W"lft lOOll
•,_.._, C-11f111LTIJ~fll tllll ;1 hi:n"OCtduu:\ 1clf'O'lt1hiliiy aL far'" mc:d1,.-11pbi:tnmin< bl:!, In r,ttbL-,,1.:.r t,11t)-1,1 ~eqt«'llr1.u*1rnc:r, you fof~ ~,(' - tons \alJ
Events board make mid-semester refocus
b) \!Arly B«kldl S.-ltlin,l,rrortt.r
Ahc-r 111c,,.1h.1n,hoped.for 1umou1 111 thcit HJIJJO\\Mt putt)· ,md 1hcw '"k.:lii tt)[Jncd. IM fhe~membtr u udcni events boanl •"l'oopod lar.1 w«L to fin, on making lhc: mo,, of 1he $~.000 a.llollcd t0 them each year f,oan A5.NJC'• budscL Ab<!ut opc-ople waadcccd I" tuid otu of the (l!.,1, 28 H11.llo\\ccn pany 1n lbc h,Hc.n~rn of 1hc SUD. KCOrdil'ls lO bo11td mc 1nbtn p1rly rc•twed lwd duce mink, pop. candy .ind chips SomcrJmc., onl) ,1111knt e,·enh ~rd 1ncmbc~ W'ttt in lhc wom Af1e:rw;ud "b in o f c.andy. llbc>ul ) rec, aoo,. 2 rce, widll and 8 illC-N'il hi,ti. y,·,u lt'h mo,tly
Tl"'O Clflht: ~m11fo 1n1 fw.r Ludc:nt e~m~ bcwd mcmbcn. Zock,dy, 21. and Mariela GuAl\tt, 20. ,incndeJ lhc (kt 1 1 m«ting m the' SUB They ,11d • lad, or 1chutUf11a v.1, the problem. A~1i.su1111 Oitc:clorc>f the SUB. Ot1,11 lknnc11, 1bo board', a1h-l~r. ,1~'-' '"In thill irutanc:c: )OIi bla\C lO LOkc \C1f0 blamc ._~ • iroup."
Bc-nMU ulJ , ''bocau.,e you wdn't a1.h' th.11111\ wtll a, )'t)u i;ould t,o,,·t Jk,mcu a.fld lbt ~~td M(fflbcn, AI\O ll(blOVt" thal bli,-lnp their k.all, Da\·IJ 8rinl.m,1n. ~\lgn due w 1t1 Uloc:u and 111crc1111"1 '1Cbool P'~,.u~. wa\ • wt-back They s.aid they pllln ti pk.k a oc-w lead 1.oday. The \lOOCIII C\·enu comn1l11« h,u. ~pot'I\Otl'."d
He .,i,d n1My 1n1uncs rellWL'd 10 tl'l,;tb.imrhcuminc IAb optr'IIOn tl.tvt: bcctt '1("(111111 thc p.iiot cnurlc nr tan, t,uth .b 1itJ.tM from fJre~ onJ from uMaf~ ti.,,lldli!'II of equipment anJ IJ~. OJ'e ()[ 10 l.:i~ M!boJ oo In IVW.1wo people clu:,I 1n I Lib f1tto I" HthJ.\,(,'f l.Jl,: Lon;tt 1,1ld ISP" l~\11\JI' 1111 a1ta1oon. 1;11t fo111hn1 the I~ alUk,ug:tl !tic n1.an11f111:tutc or 111ffl1,1111pt1Ct#f!l~ ,Joic,ulJ 1.:~1tU:1f1 CTCI)~ ~IUC nf lhc blJh w.;_fdci..-c ,1/ (ho bib\ .;at1,.1un1 hn: alllll llw:ch.,nical w.utc tl1'11 ti fctlli.'hllCIJ. For C\'CfY Vllllt,;C u4 n.·IJ1i11mpf'lc.,anunc: prvJutw Ulffl' 11ft 1i1; mu~I of lhrmiul dcM•. Th&\ Jd,n, is flOC htu1:g dnp*l'd or lnw1ull>· ti) ludfdh. h'1 dumped iB our ninl •co.,. nmll J11~1,;.n, 011 torwliu11h anJ ,11D .u'cl:lmbccb he said..
'"Tut f'-"!1.u fJl lhe ISP~ tu $1!-t lhc probkn, 11111ofhcrc." Lo11a~ "'\1aybc•c'lln,·v1;.1
IUIP I.I bul \\C'l'CJdinll lO k«9 up the C'lflf!lll\b Trooper bur\e, wboit.c dcpanmeftl bl 110 llffl!tll for Orh·1t11 UMcr &he! tn:nuelk'c 1DUI) ,,. l•N9, cWdicJ k'lrn,c C-(•11110011 mit1."01t«p1ion, pcq,lc: iY\c abciul bcln1 ALCOHOL ro111inucd on 11
In search of the human spirit
tbc SUB. ..... ...... :t dJ!v.::t,un1 d•) a1 SHvtrwood Thetnc hrt uJ' ,evc:ral l'OCl1CS1.a1 ai.,oci~ 11, 11h A lcohol Awarca~, Week <pi:c tillln1111ndmlll drinling). The IQC"al band Trip, CCMtpled Wilh fr~
b) \lau \I.I)
""" Twlll f0ft)S.i..: ;m111il ·~1ti1, IQIICtlll I f ,....... fora p,,f-;111'11 hlf\1111 WilJ1'p.atl Ill lt11<"'"'\o.1tht,Cf)'ll!W'. p.m C.'OIUl1Vllttl&)' ln\"(lh'C:mcnl ••• le)' r;acrorfotbc
1bc: them~ uflhe ~mint hip.'Uth Focum w:hcd11lcJ Arni
l-6n ,\J~)1nSc-atdlof
lhclluttws1 Spttll·
i:«tl day ciJ ti"!( t\'rf'II 14 ltl
lo..u\ oo II d 1ll e1'Cnt ~1 of 11~ hum.1Q If''"'" lm-c. .Juor). pdwdl.tlCJul),"tttl.aiw.1 00:ni«,
"Thi\ 1hcmc "c,,iunic: bel:.11U.",,atJt41fl(lt, ~tcr,· hum;in htui, 11htr1i.;1,
1 w, pa.1plc deal
111\11tc: h1un.wt ~rv,11,\d)
Pof,i:l'lnlh11Vm " NIC...,lor<...,.._ POPCORNfORUM ,.l\1Jn1t,.tnd
111ipurtAnl h',111.~ ;jl\;trt11t ac«lfilillg
ll)Sh·11o.m• .iloJJ"'""-'IO'C
c.1.r~1i<1a;n C:Utl flMl~ it pu~ 'Ahlll" nqliUVt IIIIJtrnc:IC'l~IIJ\
cl"ln1nwnll) mcmbcr-.rt.M:.-th JiR'etn1 t fMtiou, pt'o'J)k' ln hJ,.klf) andOCIOln l be-lt ' in di'l('U(~ci" poncb. .i.ti1rc-nt1
~I M.dl,td H1trl..c .ind !\S,IC- ~11kn1 J.mrl hU. Will lkl c.•11 die tmim Surniw 111,t11. \ frttconc,x·1t ll.".itun" ho,...,,l ,1n h\e thtnlt1' ht
Thrdt\\"1',,C l'iJ'll'eit 11ohov.-dl be pc>11rt1,cd include: J031tof ArL Vrmcc.u Dio1iu. OuJiat Ulfllll. CN.- W1lut. R00,1c 1hc Rhcctr. Thom, kffcritoo. Mocher tcrt"'-11. '-t;d "Jv.4in a1.S Malhq
Each IMffling a '4bol.v w11I rrrtonu ui the auditorium 11lln1 on lhc role of • hi\loot.aJ n,u,e, Al Ip Ill a p1111el c;on,.1:~mg Ct( roor fnlbOU} pcoJ!k aarct ou1 h)', will Wkc plar.:c l.n tbt Lat Ct"IC\lrd'AkncRonm.sus. l)lning taeh 00.minllk ~~klft ~A'i'-Ulpcrt'orm .1nd h.a," 1m 1. prcn clialotuc wilh Uk AkCCK'IJp.a11el~1Ubc held 1 rm r'tidJ-)·
'1'htl I~ pl,i)·m •1fl de.I matt ht<l'.IJJ,:C thta111,htno:." Sicw•n ,aid. AC'IOOtl.ltnt 10 POPCORN: ccmtincliNI on 11
IC AMPUS CRIME LOG ------~~-----Mu s ic thief s trikes again. steals ste reo in mat room
.? I 11.fVlllld LW nt. ()11c; "' Ilk: rem ,~ v.., U'p',CI .;ibciu hnv. m~~dtiphcr hfc \\J'l1111Jonc mate \loi,. un.lble 10 tclint hu1hclf bttJ~ d~ bc,11 h b;idunonb do'Cd a1 m p.m The r,ll1t:cr ~vik'd 1htm 1h111 di.c bc.i,h c:1~ !al 10 \tfKhlr,it,ut (; ondutt CIH
On """ l'. l tt ,1udc:nh 1hn.111ht 11would he tunn y 1n ,e11h.:- \.CC\lnl)' uff.c,:t
.\kne Pnhcc lkp;Ullflt'hl (1>,, were iletlal from 1hc ~Jl'loe rovm four J.11~, rofhcr
Tbt'O (UJ
IDday III ooue lo lhc SUB Clnad Bay Dining Room 70 people tfl Ibo SUB. to.Pfdlnp lo Lindy "hP planned the cvn11 11lcsc IIUl\·ill<es, ilv:ludio1 the an,111.111 ~<'w S1uJcn1 O,ic.owion p-.ald fo,00.1 C\f the ,cuJc.n1 e,·cnb bw.lgcl, ha\c ulfil upn~rly SJ0,000 ,n fu. Wi1bou11=0untar•$ the Nc-w S11M.te,u Ot1c:mo11uon or J1(1U1tt1mc pN(Clftlla:111."t',. the board ha.\ 1p<"nt allt1u11.a,IJ(~ ~l'I C\"Ctlh Cl( "'hkh lhc n.01;1C:.lCpcn~h'C". Monda) Night foott,.11. llltr.l(tecl J11r.1. 70 pet'lf'lc. ~lnj 10 Lindy When "'"hrethtr ptttVid11111 ~th\lthci ror 1.hese uuderll• Wat \\Ofth ii. Bt'nnetl rcpbcd. "'I th1nlr. that when pco1'1plc 11hcJw up lO)OIJf adl'o' IIIC>, 1&'• 11 IIUl,.'('C\\,. He p(llntcdout ch.tu i(• \ IUdcn, •nclllb J-»I one e\'ent durinJ • t<hool )'C'llf he or •be wilt gtt 1hdr ffl()lk:y'•wtJJfh ff)'oucoon11hre S6.l,)QO JC11n,: t0\toanl ,tJpc:ndt rc,,r 1tie [he boa.rd rnembera. \llKSc1U.1 pn) an n,·cmgo ()f P.75 in fee, 1<,•;anl1wdcnt c,·cnt~c.ach ,·car S1111kotc"tflbuc ASNIC'> l ,Ugt&C ~dgt1 llcat. ·H )OU d1dn'1 pm\<1dc: O. ,hen ..-ha, 'W"OU~ 1IM:) be dolna , uW lk-ru1r11 Providin& an •hcm.:uivci to dm1l.1og, be Wd. ,.,.a, ,me- ot the .m.alo ttaMl1u !ot umpw. .ttl,uro n;atioowidr. n.cUn1,tn1,y Q( ldaJi<t, tic "-Id. spcnd J abou1 $100,000 oo studcl\1 OYC11 1\ )'"C:&rli, laniuais:c. m•J('r Holl)' HimscR, 11. h~ bcc:u 1hc ,,udcot re cnt, klld for Ute p:1...11 '"'O yur, "I don't k"C an)' p(k~fl'h'" Ha1lSren \lliJ. ·r -c •~Led them to comre 10 mit-l 1hin~ tb:11 d 1cy',e l"'.Ve Chai rm :m1il1bfc here 111111'\c lime But nobod)' b11.1 to me rn .i,I;. rllf' &ti) ,ugcbooo1,,, tdc11..- CIJ anything." tlOWC'\t'f. HathC"ft ,111d., "lt'i not thd,- fauh" All or thi, )'ur•, oommlltce mtmbc,, ;ire nc.w ,o ,be Job and t,i,·crc tclec1cd one mt.11uh •Jo. Conccmmi llw: pcr1nrm•ncc tif 1hre ~UIXnt ,;001rt1mcc. Bcnocn '\Aid, °"The)' \llould di) mo1e; they •·i.11 do 1uo1re." But be ._,.id hcintt oo I.he bo11.tJ wa.. tl lt>:utlintt tApcriem;e "'They're Jll\l ~udcn.1,, right?'" Bcnncu ,aid. "11.00 1hcn !IUddc-nl) 11o·re'tt expccona them 1u pro\ide • ""''cll~rounJcJ rentuu1nrnc"'! ~ka,l,.-c: ror O'U)bodY on camru" ~p:ndina dlO"'C wn•1bl:, 1'h11t ~ :I ~JI) b ir i.:hars:c \\bcn )'OU think at-Jut 11 BcnACtt llhO dtll it', ha.rd to Jd ,1uden1, ,o come 011 <1.mpu.1 dmna 1be e\'c:,ungs Ltnce lhocrc a~ r,o dorm\lntro.m.ur1I Sport.I ~C'(.tlll )' ,pon1iQn:d 1 ,howint or the mo\'iC "The Pu moe; ,;,hkh 1liry raid S)OQ roi Only II.bout 20 pc:opk ,nendcd 1tt.1k1n11h< c:~t per pc:non 11hout $IS Up.;om1n, c\t'lll• indudt1 h)p«IOU,t Aodtt~ Bo; lu. "'ho~ 1U pctfcmn
TONY STEWART contrnued lrom page 1 •11t" mtahoch, .ind prui:cduro.· ht' t,.;euJ
\\e Ul'll.lC'"la11d lbll.l 1h u,u11tr1 dt:mnn'l.fDtrlfl alt' wtll•111c.in1oa; ¥rCJu,111'1u1&. lhC'~ 11 .11not111l'r u,pp,011,;h th.n i. r11r 1110,<" dk('M~ S lc._art
m11<klhc lllllllC,.) nr
llpfn1ni: ni11,1 11t ',ildlh;il u 1hc1;.1,1rt.1Jn
1 upc:.n IUldlhcn.: I\UOl)QC .. ""
11 Tltctyfo11ndt1 wui tu defr11r rhe pr,qms,· ,,(J/w march withom d,•,iung them their /ir.,t ,m,rmlment rigi1h. " ron~ s , n.. polltic:W .1dt'IIC'ir ln!'ll ructor
AIJJIC"nl::C', 1bt r l•> v. 111 not ro c1n Ht• bcltc,n 1r
ita one "1K1~ up 10 .t tht 1r"'1r wdl not •k11in
··\\'btu• hlllC' crnup 1nard1c1 dl)\rln a ,1r«1
11nd thete l111uc ll ~m11t pttwn un lbc 1.11tc1.
1h.11 gmur dac,n·, mntd, 11~u1 under Uwii
'\CHtnp.'" hf: 1aiJ "Tbc¥ tu~e- (l;J't'fM"IM:('11 IUllll
Jdat 1~1bc rull>O~ 01 marttlinJ1 To
g<"l 11Ucnt1on '' In 19Qo, lhc K1,1 k.111• ~lo.n a.rmounc:ird die)'
'W\luld he 1Nfdt1n1 In Pul11n•l..1. rcnn. c,ct)
)Ur 1r1 tcco1n11.( d1.11 i:1 h 1lu· binhrlacc nf dlc: Stt,,.,.:att f'Col."Ct,..cJ •Citll ff"Pm atie r,11.srh\i
C'h111n1bcr of Co1t1.111tkt, ~hu ;l\l.c..l him fot
aJ\·Jcc on "'foal dlC')' ~('lutd du un the W)' ,,1
lhC' ITl.1Kh. Stc'°'ilf't lld"'&M.'d 1be1111u tltne lht
hWdl, <vohkh lh<)' d~d
In uc.h v.indow, the rt -.c,c otiaftS,C' uht,oa.
.,,utt1\ ,ymt,,nh, 111 hum~n n1tiu "'lh •11tn"
un(kr them ~a)'ll'IJ, "We ,11rp<1t1 lu,n~n ritbh • Md, in lh< nddil.lcof1t•t1.1t. • \llll"c t>f •
Conftdcratc \(lhhcr h.1,J • o..all~ nbhotl v.••
llcd •rouni.l ti • ~,,., t.!l)ll'I, ·J ,uprun
huma11n11h11 • On the dtit or the!: p.madc. no, nnc: ._1te1)IIOO
1hc Kiah m•rdlftl atPUIIIJ 1hc "®f1hnu,c nnC"r
Man::herl wal k dawn Spokane'• MJMlon Av1nue towatCI Gonuga Untvwalty during a human right.I march, Tho walk came • day after tM Aryan National AUlanC4t .,.,_,. In Coeur d A.,._ ,wJ lrn 1hc to~ n fbt)' h,1w: t1C',·et rr1un1<J
J1"<' tt'ltjol'I they h:»J ud1 a ptr.1t v,don, i~ 1h;111hcy l1t1.111,J • 11{1) lo Jctc-a1 the pw~ ol
1h11 m11u:h ,k11yi11p
Mi.r pot-Im 01 11.l-lhti •,•,11)! 11lrn nr~ ~lot•n
the lfoni.111 Ri,:t,h s1 1r"" Tlw ld.lhu
Sr••lir-,n\'olit-Rt',jc...,. 4Mribl.llei.l lh~ po,,,lcn 111t ih i,.1pr, lhe d,,y bdcwc 1hc: m1r(b ,a111t cn,1ny
bCJ,~1...,n •tou!IJ ,.,...,,., J,,pl-')'td dinn 1111l1et, v,lll(lo'A1
Johnson dedicates three-plus decades of serVice to school
b)'t..«lnd11\hlt .Vnt11M·lr('J"lt11T(r
PNpli:''1fknthuti 'ltUkk"nuarclhrnn-lyonct
bmmJ II NIC'. but Lh.1 t\n't u.1 .,-, lbt
\'n&lm• J11l,n\Ol'I, an Cngbll1 al SIC
•hob&., t.wchJ. bttc for :W )'tolS, t.:a)'' Qe\ n
df1P1lcan11nt<JU:Jtgcntlll.tll)' tf)OIJ ~pou
lt.armn1, JuM,011 ~J J.JinM'wl ha., b«,1
~ach1t11J JII N"lf' longer lhrtt an)' ('llhtt ,~hrt
hen-. Odf!fe cvi11ln11,1 NIC J1.1tins.11n rn;.:-ha.1 twr
OOC'bt'k1t'~dcgrcc in [nglu.h Ill Alhm~ Collc:gc in C:-111d,,_,dl Sbt'lllkr •eni i.o 1bc U nf 111) tt\btr
m.r...scr',dtftt:r •
TI~ Joltn'>OCI f'lll bt.t ru11,ct. catttr imo
f'lta,lce .and '-,n" !t'ia;.bcr',u"1"'.ant tor'",,
)'C'llfl, She 11ni\tlt-J bc!tf'd'cl1;nl~ AC ld.lh11 St.M
Unl.,.CT'>il) obJ mxht'l.l • l.l111;~ural or .,1nt 1n
Bllt:h~ h •~ tllni 1hM. 'lJx rcalu -,J k.a-htni .ii•
biJ unl,'' C'nnronmrru Wo1M1°I ((If 00
-Su1dmb UIOUlJ come fi,._1,'" '"'h!UO(t UJiJ. ·•11
\ttrnc:d at tbC' UIU\l."f'it)' 1ftl.·1C' 'A,l\ IUO lll!,M;h bth'lttff 1ht puff'.~ ....J lht
Jn J9S811111,J 1991, J~n"ln "'llUW.S.fd(-4 1n
Out.1,1.,md111t. l"-.kuJty \lc:mlt(, from tht Nor1h
JJ.aho Colle~ f~lllbUOCl l1111J~7. In Orlando.
\~ rc«::l\'Cl.l .ll Williruu H M('.Ud)' N11tw:ac"1I T~ 114 d'C' \'t.u- """·uJ ,:hen t-v ;\u,,diw1m of 111( Commun,1y C'<"llt-J!.C' l'nNttt.
we11'1heu1o:i1 chc ,1.1naa:1,om ~1110ns 1be farnhy .,.lk, k«h
liun\&ruUC'lo coun.n. X1IWNm,<>.Mlhi.-te1tT cn~y rr-.a,oi1 1 "'h)' i,hc hJ,\ ~111.'.'J('l,lt~)"<III 'I'm 1m;xn...rJ "'ilhhov.
•1111d;l)tbo,:11flqr:1~\Nk.l1 die rccJ, 1h11 •;um 1tl ~he
~Clldt'fl1~ 11111,) 00¥. 11 iWPf"SI r1-.e.u1,01 "'·"h1n1 •ll)dcnt bolh 011anlJ(>rrC4ll1("1»," Joftm1IMI uid " I alw,~~C'
Arw, hunl her .ilC1l\,undQ11111pcu, JOOn 011 C"rtJU)'~ rCIIJ,n.a .ILtW IC"loClRhiUJ M-'I)'
\\"1 lhtonnnfc .a ~lhwl •nlcr-nt the •~•x
I~'"'" ab\,,Jli.tdy adnurn her bcau,w: "'"..._
"~1n,n~. br.a\,e, hnlh11r1t 111J a 1c:1U I\ Afi.-r c·hn14m.'1o. ~he 11ar11 tr.,<"Ung h)' kttlJln,ni btt ~111,j 1urp.tnr,t by 111( id1lll.•I
I\Jt luJJ-thnc l~htt"I.. A wib.&.itc-'l 11.11 r,.kl Mlllf'\ fllf a 1tmc:.,1cr or II hn.lf (\illd ftV1 lot 1.c'.:icbcn I•' clooehc.•IJtl) tc- ~1rd, Wbc-n Wri11"onecnll IA,ck,J. •he- v..ould ,111< ~pttt1~101hc~ni.bc11,..-n1 P111tPf
Jl•hmon'l "o1tib,1,i.:u.1 •ti1•nr her rr,r,u1,~, 11:11.J
1hnn rompa,i.As hrr "1J'llns, to \\oll"'oncrntf1 \Yhcn Jolui,,011 set, beck hnltt Irr ,toumt). 'lht wlll ba\"(' tn tCJl""'1 tlli: of tna t,"n"' 1th a fl•t'lt'nlldlllfl tc.-:ht-, 11 Suna\'!)' of Ensll~ Utn-.Ullf\'
CQU~a:n,,:I h chc chltirpuS1.'11'111(1hC' hnt"11,. cuirnniun1c.1t1()c111th
DAVID COHEN continued from page 1 b'lttf'lc hundrt,J onl11•'ikol tt1routh ht\ n,rg,tph(la,c. Dopitc all Ii.ace:, all ciic umtfl.1'<'")', Rmkt .ilnd h•, l\ry~ N11u,m (Cll l \\-c:n, ,.IJII ha'ft right"' "all du'An ~lffllwn
tbr\' !Jo," Rudtr C1U1ic- 10 sont, J,Llbo rnn~y fl'lf 1hc. t115:htmc;i.u11n tabo 11\ the c:1t1y '70. l1(Ntl l,$.<1•ln , Calif :.utJ ~ant'd hi,c:hutch -.otlfl id'1er.
In l9!;0, lhne w• 1m act of ,ud.di\m oo o Jc,w1,h ~!Uttf1ttl 1.1-.·rltt 11111)',\ft th:af (;&1111.'.' ftolJI ITIC'IJlbel•
ofthcAt)an NAattoll "1'he pcl)ca, of lntimWllltlg ffln1'1bm vi dlr-
Jt•l\11 romrnu,ucy f\"lllty hi.I bomt.," C,)h('n uac!
A«ordittJ toC~ the KOCJ4Clw CciuDC)' Tllll ~Of'Plltud11lln-•M'riC1of,tolic:M IICI.• frcir,s
Rclbn1• 1rwp •DIS whm 1ht«1r,nuft.t)' J?1&hl.N 8ulkt 11i.-nltd td 111o·enhrowthe
Bu t I r,ullv attack them in my;,; I us• education. "
rr,fly a them ill ffl) l~, t u~ tdui..~Mlll.•
opxUilJ)' da'°'-t'(.<o lhi..v ,,-., 11ii1Ni
•boul 1111.""C 1c bb Social Ptotikm,, ~aummn M 1hcl.l1Ult \',ell. "flat ('l'Uk"II bclw«:n t h,: CV.O 1*1 lllllltccl kl Jr'I
1~1 Cobc:11 tbctt" ""*"''l\lt I~ fllN'tt& 1111d h.all"ful 11, cird, hell"& .- u:hAlll,'cd '1lt• "'-' a '<Ill)' nll1ffl('fl1: he r.a1id. While fluaoy people Cttl lbc' A')an N41,on,' f'.Wl;ifl ~14 be Id\ 11lnnc, Cokn ftth 1tic;,y &houlJ bcooofcoata1
Whttec:\tt ~) atppt"•. l'mrc n• 1uo1rpc,ar; CootQ i.iud "t doo' I bchnc Ibey Jllould be l1QIRJ. iU1J I ~hc,c lhty i.bwkl be c:oafmnra.t•
Oft lhc t(ICIIt.11), PQl1h~•I kl"tlC'e Mt.~Nl.1l'lt Too)·
S1C\\.an v.1, I'll.,. ln\olvtd ,,_,.,th chc ra,akor111y rrott.~ S 1..-'4J1t1 I, 111,,11\«1 u, the K<lOlci!Ai County Tll'l: ~. '11thfchbc1M!,·o.,npciictfoj
JllthcriflV 1t.11J IIOC \hO'voia, Ufl h • aft) Aty.i,i N11tto,f<o p,Qk.,. "I 11:~II)' adfni~iOn) s,C"Y,·an f9ralltl"
do.tic:MIOnlll)IJIC KooknaiCount)' r11..,i tatCI',• c.i.. ....i IJ11hkt~1JW*1,tt1t~('IOIIUllltlCJfl-d!n,,11., pc:t<~ bly due- t-> the poc,t we.tda(r o,;onilitJC)ll,. t Ihm~ lhc)· rlClOd to bechallmJ -d t\tt) ~,:po(
Campu s to honor veteran s on Friday Aco,orauJtd(fflffl F.UrtMd Air r'\"lf\"t' 8lk'IC "'1l l bt'orir..itnpu~llil 1111:IC>fl hiii.:i) 10 l~ tilt' ciunpin lh 1t. VckQn, 0•)' Cc.ld'lflMlll'fl Tht oolar gu.ird oA·lll MM\'.h ~'the~ ricld \!,fide p lll)1nr "T.:ap,'"
.~ bol<l ,1 hncf inamcnr nr ,-iknct' Career Genie r hold~ ope n house for studc nlli. , lllff Th1i, w«k me· C.iteet Ctirtcr ""Ill be «1ttn11n1 N.1uoalli Cu~r tk,dopment W«l Al'U, 1hr,. incl1,,frt'C'f'1''.".bct
1>ra:cd,·.Jn au'llleflflt:i: f11:c M·tht·'P"lc-.;a~n a,,.w,t,,nlC'all fiW i.f.UtXl\11 and -.,~n. a dw.n« to If) uu, t.hc tar"' td.J.»C."arcn lnformadnl'I s, ..icm aftd 4 frc-c '''I') cir the J\Jh (."'h,lll)('\ nur.-v 1nc torc~h •ln~hlf.
ul'ldera,• ond grodwie dogree ptog,om• o,ito.-caJ,obt,e
G•t oquoltt ')' duca tJon
w1th0i,lt glvina up )'our q uotif y of Nfot 0 ~ ffl'-IC....,.,._, ""''-·Ol::S:4}'16)
E-mail stations ava il able in 1hc SUB n"' Sl·h lw\ W1!\C1kJ it, lllk.~l ~" itt ·1htttC""-nWI 1,11,cco, • ,1udc:tl1, fl' k'tt"I• 1hrir I Cl·mail v.hilit Clfl carnp11 fbt' 1hm:
"'1,tU(,n~ UfC I0'4tod in d,r Acl t\'tl l('\('(llk't('llt lb: '°"'l'I l,:\el fnll1tfflaU<1n;:ihtll#l hc C·INII ~iltlllft• "1'-lflhc Sl'B v.~U' -1' ~-·•.nit..cdc'1'•1.1hl'(ttk!C"tlnn.ul np.
Baseba ll 1cam se llin g ora nge~ an d grapc fruil s l'hc NIC b;a.~U t u n ,, nni:C" illill'I o<ll1cg.or11111~·· p-..1pc(Ni1 iv r.a•\C 11wmcy O.Jc:n Mt' bi::lnr ''"'" b) "'~ ha\CNII si'a)Ct '" byt,lhft' .:'*"h P.ut .\t,,11..-00• 1th 1~1\.i
Hismry c lasi, bak es goods fo r sc hoo l in Peru n.c It" ")' 2 101; 1..1\, hholJ,111 ah.kc ukt,,hetlc-til cl..-nk'nt.l,y "'ht1,;,I In V1b"'1n1h;i.. l'cni. a,n Wntnr,J.a) The 1C'Olh ,:<>011\ilk ,r.u11 n,: 1113.45 1 n,. , n l-«ll(ild()w Hall u:111i1thc ,ouJ.c:, run oot who ,.,..,._ fo1 !he Coeur d'Ak~ fitt f>epanOk'nt She IM'C\ 1~,o c~.andtta\'deng. Arlene: Tf'\ICbloodbA.-wcirtt-d 11
oW i.u.i'I with her hu,bwid
M11tkc1 bcx-11.lbC \ht kl,'t'.\ 1tic \CuJ.cnu. S~ t,11Jd p!.."np&t on lht Jr.ti! re .ttc peal 1calll~ll,)crt
"' I thiril. thcy'n-1dJM1 utmirdbwy 1cwn or peopk,'" Pt.ckn<.u ,alJ. • WC""tt lil!t t1 l1ttle famll) bm
The Market t.ullt.l Tll"IUIIJWI bl., WOtlal in lhe ~nee 111 ClpctUDS ·n-uu1sli.t.n will t,f ', lft 1hc So$,Y.·(118iJlt0 l'Je:\I She ii ff Ot1I S1,;1)\I.I k.t OJld, cforlns ~he
• Mooday • Thursday 7am. -3p.m
• Friday 7 8 m. • 2:30 p.m.
c.attt('l1.:.011rlxt1uc.1 V,nMc l>\lm.11Hli I\ a lull·ltmc i:ai.hlt'r Shi:: lf1Cll ac«1u11ti111 and computer eour!IC't h:forc aho ,111,ttd •,ndu111111ho ,brk.t:1 In Augu,1 I~ She said f.l>t tliio)1 thc r«JPk ,hi:
• Open for breakfasl daWi ~.~~..:.r)'tlndy'\ re.tlly rc::a.lly nitt,'" lhc untll 10a.m s:J1J •wc1foa•cg,c1hc:,rrihlypn,py
~nen c:o.)O)~ doing )Wd woo,,; w!d MM'tknlQ;S .al:ld
h\a the: ,pnn,1 and fall She 1, "rnuthtt l\f ,i1t .alld • snndnM'lt~r or u. Sue Cun) I, 1hc M1tthf, und\lrlch btJUdet Cuny bas fou, c.biidrc:n and I• m taw cnlr,rnmcm cl.l-,loC:'L Sht NtJ illc cnjo)' being with 1hr 1.I.OOC:t11, one ',>ti l>f!ll': Sirk r be brt:.tQ V11ding 1n 1hr Coc,,k.cJ CIOCIM' Gnll anJ
Pru.e:,ia t\\'O and• half)-ur11 aao. s,e\·,: Achctm.11n c;an be ~ni1.ed by 1b: \\•h1~c~;. 4\in't Vi('at11. Oo.."C'
a 'lu<lcnl in ,pciru. Joum!llnm W,·l,ion JlfOduch(ln 111
NfC, AC'bc-nm10 Slid he Ul:c, v.orki11a •ith c0Uc11c
,u-11.lenl, A1hle1~,k'II Adlntnlul lh:111 J,1Utie\alC"t1UC
1hc same: 1( 1hc)· canooc cat m tbc \1iutel bcf0Rh1md
Colksc ,pc,n1 nnd 1are11 hiih ,oeh~ foocNU µn.:s :itt
univcnn)' bct'J.WC then: y.·o.1Jd be &QO m.m)' lpccipk)
Atbum:i.n •aid. "Httc i1'• nttc. W('don'I ha\.'t'h11i't'
footbo.11 IC>).lfh; 1t'• n hllle mote pcnc,n~I
Acbmnim', , 1dt'kkik 1n the Cool:cd Got.,""' 1,
Cll.rtcrJr l..1>1>vn10.,C'
-we NJC.h ha"e tbe 11amc ptt,,(lnah1ie•, Mhrl'fflJJ.rt oJuJ..
"'Wr: hnr: • Joe or run NO\\ • inll C(!l~. Caner 1111-, bttn pun ol the ~•" Ii~
Mlhellch felt pull to being a nun since chlldhood In CdA, college
b7KtmCffP('.n tu St:n1uic:I r'Cj'M)net
Clvlw.ioc M1behc:h" 11, ,.-.,11u1mc Ena:lhh rlflU\klor
1t.ixlt1n11n M1htl1ch~\'o up In thcCocurd'AkncDrU. <ihr
•lletiJcd SL fbonw C111hc1ibc Ouch 4nd th( lmm11CUl.i,tr tkid1 (If" \tM)' ~tlC'JOl. v.hfflt a 1.'JOOP"eS11,00l'I or ~~ICOS 111&15,hl he, 1111.,t,\~UlJhe-rtarl)'l<huJl)-C:JnlM.Jfnm,lhr
po,.llwc: mOuen« or 1.hc nut\'\ lhllt M1t,c-hch knr'ilo '1lC' w•111cd 1(1 be~ ttun ,.rhild an tnDCt 111,'Qltrte-.~ ill a )'CIW!l! lli!II: a1111l I tc-11
f't'<!Plc !Li I bcnuie !~y'rc- h~P"Y·" 0111 Rutl'l«ford. rood 1<1'\'IC(' lll,4rllt~<r, \.lid th.: lifM SLJQ WM rot rrc-11l" The ~Ult rx,"' """11~SOpc:opkcom~ 1oihc: 200 it l.ll l"Clcirc r~mo&:11111 For the dcllgn ot the SUB. Rutbi::florJ rullcJ llkknh The lln1 SUB v.·ih w> 1brk. ht' liUJ lh,u tht 1,,tuJcnu \\.11t1ttJ rnNc \lllhhinc: 1bit K ~tw. IIIC)' c.wic '*P ~1~'1. Im, ll'('te d1n1"1,, luh lll ualili\ 1 IW1ht1font 11111 I "nu,·y ,un1rJ to tirmv IIIC' ouhtOt' It '1"ntl( 1111 ill nn pbc« 1! iil. ll 1d of )ho-., the NOflh-.·C'U. Wb.:n 1hc Sl1B y.·.1\ 1n th(' p-oc,,, or n:maddinsi. chc ,1,.,!f uk'l.l lrncey I to ull.1.1.c '41ld1R>tehn 1u~M. bcl<,1C'
h ...e: tbt SU13 in thr monuna, R11.1bi'f1'ord 141J lt'•llk',ll!Otnb. unlr•I! lkllCIU"',"hculd "'h'1
Acherman, a cook In the Sluden-t un•on 8ulldlng sJnee March 1998 pu1, the final touchh on eggs over easy for a 1ttJdent's bfelklnt

God '°"ll<d me 10 • m:111, M1hd1lhJ.llil Ah,rturh~.M,hellcb
.11tn,JcJ M """"ICIIJ C.olJc~ ln u ,1n11 PiL fut rnlC )..:111 MRI
cnc..·ffil the 1lirt'C-)'(',1t tntlncnJ f'lllJTam nl 1hc,•
H,::u1 ofM "· V.'hc1,hcuhree ,1t m1,ni11, 14'.a, pl('l.-d, #Xrpttd • Mih~lkh ~hint f()'tttcWt.m Sct111111ll'I wflm· Nit m>tlUCt«I h1ih w:1, 4 r llJth,I, dil"'\n. \11hchth
1.'C)flCll1t.1tJlll'rl'.'",llll(lCIM1lhl' l'lll\tef"il\ •ll l\:oo~>l"•1t1~airdrr..tu11r,J"'1th111 \lc;',...OOt"hO dc!JnX mh1sh h <;hrmuin<'dh>\""oo.J
\('llkt:c- and c11.1r:h1 F.nil1 h fl'II" !.\ )>:Ah. In M.a) ClJ l9W, \i1ht'bdt ITtutual to the (),ewd'Aknc u«a ll'I tARi foe hi.1' rldcrl)' ffll'llhct s~ ba..aruc .,.,...,~ dsrooah I.In aJ1«1l-.cmc"1~ th,t SIC nctdcd p;.rt·hmi: m,Jnld,ctf>. St,.:, &rr,lk'd r,ir 11 pot.111,,n and bcp,11, tc.khln, b, I! h 111 Au u,1 19W 5~ 11, lbc l~I\J1"'t)'• ICIChlfll I SIC ··nic~a p,u,. of tc-.::h111; i 11.r mtttai;in,n \\Ith 1he ,1udait-." M11Jd1,.:h J Mihc.lkll ha., ~ti a IWU fut ll yc.1r~ ShC' ha mrmhrrt,I dir \I Thor! Piuhh in (,4,c-orJ' \lclr wbm: Ilic h, the p;u1 h • l:.:.u..h11n 1ic mun\lc1 She a,,11.h tht pnc..a it.1th Ct1nmw11Jnn lkhtf a ntlft. .ti( k'b l,1\t.J( Um(' C'l('f} d,1y IOf'IJ) S~ m1.1,1 nu,nt.un the #l'nl (If oimmtullrt)' 1rtnLt' ~ad\ift.ll(llt 'llonhl,n. rn;j.11 urpar1101he
F.naitdt Mn!pOiinvn hut bcr line• J1t.1.i'"c He, f•\\1"U:-hi.itiNct.11tt •ulk111$ Uk! S1,n1tul 1hc hc!k'111, nt '1c-m111 nun , ~lmu1o1o111,: V.h I )'hU II.\·~ Jlll'Jnt li>d~t U1 lh1\ ~orlJ ~JU.Ill ~our n:L,uonlhlr •uh Ou,J •nit hv1t11 Y.1th tlltltf J'Cffl"'k •"-' ,twc 1hr u,ni: smi, \t1hcl"b \aid FACULTY Instructor known by students for her passion for chocolate
IMIJ fe11 b~ a i@ pix< w fh•c
I p.1i.d ol"'°" li600 n lllllt'lth fOf 1 !p#t thiu
Wllldt•,c:tibtd• "tootlc,-1 E,('O 1h1,WiUlltl
~llffC'rMWO l'>c!.pitclhc.<'~ptfl\htrai1foran
C)\(:~tcd h.allwlly, !he k)(:114M)n '«:e"mtd iikal for• pt'l'\00 ,,1t:'h :tl m)'~lf. a pedc,tJim Ar\a night.f.all.~c,"ff.thc-.irc.i lwt,i.:,ttda
~lld:1cr c:n\'nt'lflo,cn1 ( th.el I livcJ in ,be hc.n or locoah .,,.,JleJ "'C'n..kto)Wft."'
·11g, WQll)d c:..plain the 24-t-rM doorman anJ
tbc COM1a1rt SUl'\dllancr of 1ht lft-m.i~, i.11
tn .iJI pu~k
The tflOlit C'OnlfflOC'I OOrtipl{linl he:inl
lhm.a,.!111,u& lli,e co,~le, •,u 1he amoonc of l'IOl"-t (rum 11p,1ttmtnLt. o,· Yn. I nc,er hc:1rd "ny IOIJnd from Dt,oo.·C" One ~lnr;. whllc ~111: for"Aork. l bc#ld a loud l."Offlmotl(loll Qriguwc lrom uJ)!>U1n.. 11,c cbmoc coos,~ a~ I o,-crhcard yclllng ,10JT1plnJ Md l.1mming, \JflOD IWTivlng hl the lobby I "'iilinlt1 \\·llh lt~h11uck M.'CDC- E\IT, \lo'f'rc nNlina nroond "'ihile 1bt di"wn:mcc o r sirerui p,en:fd lbc roornin.: air. A,. m) C)'CHc.'lllfflll'd cwenhc q,et.UC:k. I ,.pouc.J .t flltTIC.)' c-nnylng a bod)' big bc,ng "heeled oot dr rrona 0000-
No ooc Viti wslUnJ to divulge any infomwiua ~0011l tA•hllC ha:ppcncd u1uil I c:ncUUJ11tteJ& w()1n.aa .,hoJhflloo Uie ICIWUI
She coild inc Ille dJl$C()Vcmi the '-''Oltlllll 111 the uthl du't('lly "OO''C 1l'IC
fhc wQ1n111n 1.bcd of .11 hl'Ntn U\'ctdt'I~ Rcc:c1v1ng no ~ponwi ~IIC'n
111tempuog Ill bonvw ac:up o( wg•. 1hc nn1hhor c:oltrtd Iii finJ lhe
wom;m with the rittdk ~II in ha arm
The '-'>Om:an hlld btt.n dc'ad k1r monllli, und cbe hl.ld)' w.n hnd))· dc,rom(IO",Cd. She Md remaioed m 1hc ap1rtmon1 riaht °'" ti\)' head
h1d1k~, \.1,1,.:h a\ 1M, 1bu1 htlpcJ me rt.l11l..c how #)11'1 I &tn there aft' ,Ji.II plllces hM::Cc,curd'Aknr tdt indw: wortdtl'ldhnw 1131\c: rw.l,lO thettllhl)o1'.lirclulhcdt)'.
Counselor helps students through stressful situations
lllofl I dll IC~ 1lll:lm llllmtl lll'lllllq IIIClnqln by lJnda Rmc.tu St-,1111tl'lrtfH'rt"i
Tma Ruo~- Wc..'kcr ,1 \tttJ;J matl'i\'11\C!Ol (Oun~Ot :u NIC She
j11u\1Ju ~J blol«dbiJr;t~ • mdhod w alJo.., 't!udtott t<l-Mle h('liu. ~tn\
IJ 1110\lcoce ,he no.mar ph)'~icoJ a_~,:1 or chCJr v.-cll•bclng
1lli~ ( b1ofct~db:lct) b U1methfnJi lh111 Vie ha\e onJy lnttodoc'l!d studml SCl'\'ices for llboul. moruh, RMF-Wa:l;cr Wild " II '•
\OD!elbln, totbc wholccollelt('. 11'\.IICtWlll)'(UM:dJ Ute ll
,cmintic.Ung '°'~ aDJ h ju\t aoochi.-f' tuOJ ht rwuce tolf'e'\., 1111d &n\let,t
We u~ 1111. lot (Of\t ~iety I wQllld >il}' 1h111·1 prot,11bl) the !Ito. I
fCl",On '-'C. WC 11 hm:.''
fh~Wccltr"M-.1 bn,;uhi.n,a w,u UflOC.hcr ,·cry imponaot tool uttd 11
Df!l.'t'u.&r)· for II p!'n,,oo tobc able 10 'control' 00 brcollhing
Con1n,llcd btt'.ith1n{t could be u:..ed at u rool 10 reht~e ~(tt--.'t.
8) min11 ~a(ttJb.tirk. il per,,on ean i« 1~ ,be: i-s bn:.alhln1,. A
b.o(ttdt',JC:._ ~qm not p;ainlul F,r,.1, lbc p;rMJn 1 ;K!au:d in front of
a t9ff!~. A ll..lfTO°I'' b:l.tld i , placed An>t.11111 tbc abdomt:n wilh • 1nuill
nMJnl1or pnillrocd l.lirrr;tly bt1wecn the Nnp. 1be b.&nd I\ llmltllfd l.n
Uti"< pct,111ioo .,o II a. able ta pk\ up the brc,i1bing paucm or.he per.on
t,dnc te:r.tcd. A, tht tr"Wnl! ~ue,.. lhc: a1,npucr M'.'rocn,.~ llft
11)\lltC al• p-cnon'• brcathi113-p:111em. Wnh th11 informauon V111Nc, can coo.b lbc pc™"' oo how 10 1.tt1prM -c or control her titta.dung.
Jr wt!-~ on1uiely d11e iu a peD<inal i.sMX. a 1U11th C''.l;Qffl or All)' kind ol te,,tina 1, 1ttwt'lbkmfor1hc \U.ldei11.1hey \\<OOldbc•hkto~khdp in cwru.e.hos dc:panmcot a.I Slulk:111 Ser, 11.'CI', l«OCld lku-of lbc
SUB. or (otatt llf'PO'nune11t Q U159-~18:
Children's Village. ABC Food Bank among those to benefit
b) Kim ("arpt>nttt Stnltitl'll'l'p(>rlU
Tbc .1A111&.il fi111cJ,ttll'•l1t,t t\•tm for thC' NIC
l'1bttdWay,1~pl.:t"oaOct Z1m1hc
Lnl.c Coeur d'Aftone R0otn in 1hc: S.udcnt linkon Ruddm~
Tbc: fund dn,l' fco1l11f'cXt t.:11111 (oc:d 'l\'IJtl , u bn.t~ ur t unititt.•iJ 1'hl"1. )'Cat the Cul il'),II')' An, ~pnnmcnt P"'Pil'W a
St,t: lh~Nrm \"Ofll-1\JCA!d t;J 1111d IO ti11t eholtt
UC food •wl.bhlc 1111hc \!H'nL
A1ic:w. .Jclib01tt.uW (Uftddri\'l' wa..thc
c;;m., Pumpt,n Curv1t1g ('001,N Ek.,-en l(.l1flt\c fn n d 1f! tttn1 dcpanmc-ttt~
oo c:imP"' croirJ ~and CIM'\"Cd, 1n fit the tbrtne f.«h team tkt:unita.l .a 1M"lc i,,.:cunlinJ1 t<t llkmc lbc IM'I« W'CI\'. j\lJgtd a pm,cnutban fo1r,.J. ~...-...d ,md 1hrrd,pl1N.~ prlu, wett shcn tu 1hr bcsl table preiCIJLalion•: in ac.lJ1II011,4~·Hiln1L:Cll'Alrd'i'':i'> pl'Ctc'med FiDtpt~.inuti~·,o•~•~·!IN, v.i:-M io Ille: PrufCS'Wotutl·T«hn11Cal'J "h't 1~
G,c-.,, Pu11Jf*io Cb111ltl:" 8tn'A'l' Sccund pb.:c v.-i;:IJJ Jc) 1hc Sl11.'llll Sc c::ri.;.-t,i ''A Com1uy Hlll'\e,.,."Thinl pl111..'t' wt'nl to Sh11kn1 Scn·1C"C"11'ht ("(l(V d' Alepr Ctphuli14(1f " fAdt 1um dcl'or•l('(I ba{J:CfA 1bnt\lo-ctrlol,l jlttk:'>ilent,1uc:uon ,\ \lktlt IWCliOO Wll• OM (ff the C:\ffl,\ St11t1r 1)f 1hc il.l!ttr, .,ctc IMt hd,.cb far a
Vllltlll'I IIW ICl'OII 1118prepare fo r lvrtll81' studies
b;, Tara Yoo.n,i
S.-n11rtl'l llf)(lnf'r
The Engli•h L.,np,:asc Prog,rrun • NIC tcaCh«
fon:i1n \WJc.nh oo ,o 'l)ttk f.n£bih
Thb SC'l'ONCr, lhc- \.(ucle:1m.11te ID UIC pn>gmn: fro,11 J.,p.111 ;tlllJ one e:.:J1 fnwn t1t1n11. &ti.-JM
w:1(.1 Columbia Two lfl.\llUCIOf\ kaeh d il'fmnl
'i<t. lklCI\U( Eh&h~h t.Q Ilk! rt\,C \tUikflh
ln,lt\lCl()I' Vici.Ma f'om le.'lC'hti re:idin1,
\ ut.tbulluy auJ glWtltlllf In .Eogb~ 1lfW Jlf\'p«U\"J
1.bcrn lur 1bc TC',I of f-~li~h fl\rfur..: 11111
Wl'f\("t:<1 (TOEfL). 'Tfa, i11 rc,q1lired cK 1111 folr.-i1t1
\tlllll'Dt\. 11 lc.\ l 1hctf Enatb'>h,l. ill, .ind til'll y v.,htfl
the)' 1)11>\ can 1hcy cQlll im,c lheir cJ111::1ti0n ,n lht
Unitt!J Sllltb Bdt:!fe 1hcy IW" lhe IN lhe ,et11knh
CIIODCII !.:Ike nny Cl\'(ltt d,,~i. Uk Pet,,OW(n, rc;kbr, \luJ,-u.b nUng 1ibd ('00\'cr,;;;;)IJOO. '4tuch 1ncludl', htlch h-.1en1nt: and prooun.:- ,.iuon '!'he prr,gr.un h 1mrn..c:. WhUc mo" t,m:•sn bngu",11~ ,u.denh hll.\'C kJ ""Otl. in l4&QJ!.\l~< l;ab tc,, &han I,CX)o minu~;," loCmc,ttr, 1tic'\C hl1idtnn Mvc 10 work (or S.600 minute\ a '<'~t1'. TiiC'y an:.
In clJ1\1. In$ Entth,h JO i..n, w11b t&h tns,1ruc1or a \I. telc
Ttit,: J.luJc,nt\ de, 11&.'1h,1U..-, QUI nf d:L\~ Ill lnttca:1 llllli lcorn Entl11ti beutt 1't.tcy .11~1J11 lhc lm..-n;u1tuml Communicu.oon L"UUN' llltlvht by Mona Kti11¥,Cf
Q:.nt;.1il,A m1:a·~ l'i.hkl'\N.11 r,tmc'. \.Ca.,On 11ct.c1, iO 1bc COC'UI' d' Alf'IX' SymrlliOII)' -1 ..c.twn bcl;rt\. lO tbc CotUt d'Alr~ Summer lbc:a1cr Ra.Ilk ri1;;kt1..1, ftlf Mllfi and \Wdt'bl Mdy •"CR .,·:iiLibk. Amt1111t -.uiff omc pri1.t1\\trcbC'd1&11dbrailda.1 lk.--COllunollJUOIII, for t',1,'!J, II wtMhfi, a n f"C~ awl• romaolic; dinner lot l\\'C\ 1'he\luJc:titbad)' l~ l'llmin~ 1ickcu foe the
1"we.h·e ra.:nlhc!l ltoff'I Adiol, Bayview qr Catt')Wood will Ybi11bcABC FOod Bnuk. 20 familie, will rcce ,.t a food h,1,'-tt rrom 1hc Coeur d'Alene Food Blllllt n!MJ on(l(hct 3S f•mihc, will receive Jmuuion oft,rc:aiJ, milk 11-nd \tt!ICUtbJe,. rrnm local groc:cr) nore-s, T'llri:nt)l·l'tll'u chlld~n am be1mnln1 lhcir da) 1u 1bc C'hlldro·, Villuge,. a horne !or Qhild.rc.o who (lo nm h:l\"C pmnb (0 tllte(orlhcm flild.jnt~ t,f.; \Ludrnt's~. A ,h1Jtnt can r,urch11,.r 11nc: chance ro, Sl o, /,\ relllf,• a laburof
tix c:h.;nc:c:\ for ~SThc rnfllc: 1ickct c11n
love. " Vincen1 de Paul, 1111: only men i. shelter ,l\ be dunuJh Tbut\dl)' 11 I.ct! 11111 Raom 122. ASNIC
membera of the eomm11nn) gc1 11 meal. "Yi\1t • docior or "ipcnd limt: vlutmg Co.r • ....-hilc Sc\c.n ltdu lu, who 1uffer from incntal lllnos am.I ('aftnot U'Yc alone. will w.1kt: up ,n a sroop homo c:n,·itonmen1 Joc:1ucd 1n Coeur d' Atc=ae, OlhcB wfferin$ from mcnwl 1Hncn mo,·cd into 1bt New T rinny Croup Ho-me duplc.,cs tlu5 hut ,pring. The Kuotcoai lium11nc Society h1111 a fi»ttt f!f~rmt Jor hold.mi IU\.imah until 1bcy 11n, lldos,,od The program can .rccc: 1\.c- up to 2.S anmuih o ~eeL - M un 1mu1uuon. we WllOI 10 ~uppon out communlty.-Chri11tic ,aid. "h.,. rclllly II labor o( lo,·c=
KathJ Chrlule. ::i~n=~~~:~!~1 help NIC ll11ltt"(I W11y Ch:itlriwl"IM)n 42 bomcbouod c1d:c.rl y olfice. ni.c Edun1rd Cup and The Bo,\\.tll BiMJO. The B'fnC WiMct, will tie llnno1&nced 011 Fnd.1-) in 1hc cmran.ce of 1be SUB. NinCI) -four pt't('CIU c•f 11JI pt'OCC:l'"di. go lo the •t:t'.ric:!e,. • 'laud K.tlh) Chrl'itlc. NIC Unil('d W11;>· Cbiuprr\on Al:>t,u1 '.!00 entplO~<"C> JtlccJiC1.I J'1ru1tiuo t;·utd\ 1,\r ,·c1u •ud obou1 \15,otlO 'I\'"-" r:u~d for 1he Unilcd W,.,v ··sc:e1na 1hc t;ld(l\t ll)' '"'' cnlhll\lR.liln brin~\ tht .:ommunil)' 1osct1u:r 11nd 1t1vc; 1.1\ • fooal ra1n1." Chrn1it ,;uJ Ilk' NIC Unocd Way hm,S dim; hdp, kooccn;u Count) J11ttnc,c,. 11'l 1tHm)' """P ·
Program teaches foreign students how to speak English

Thi, bet!)\ the Enxll h-.,pcilli:i:11 ..,t\1«111, tu hcctc:r
111kkr1t1md OIIIC't i:ullu~ llnJ !he forcipn '11utki"' 1u bcrlt'r f:nlli\h
Al the btginning "'rt.:ich ieme,1c,. ~ulkflt. 1ak-C" ptoccmau 1r11 i.o * tinw n•a.;h llllt:h\h 1hey kno""·
WKI the cl'"-"< ~s rmtn Ul(rt.. ·'£vet) \t'tot'Sto toulJ be J1f1c:rtnl,"' Pc-ri.O,..-e11\ .....
D:ink.1n. RO\;ll1la. £<wsdor s.akl ,ht- C'nJ,,>·• 1h<da....\t:\ und hlc htr dll!!i~ITUlt(\ :il'IIJ 1r.11.i1C'r,, ·1 hlc the cuttutc." Ro,atUA i.!bJ f<t..uji W~~hc. J~ll, CIIIJIC" l'IC.-cJtU...- he"";)\ "in1e~of in an~ uthcr t:ountry•, C1.1fu,~:· Uc titWJ
I.It,. t\'C!l')unt h J~llne' .,.;tin the Un1lcd (j1M«. lbcrt are llW'ly eulwn:11. llr li)(c:, thilt the' ~o. ,., 1, 1o1r1o1.II \(t lll.11 ifhch.l\1~uc=,tu1n. lw-C111111.'-l
llnd ••II gc1 an r.in1o-....n En~l i\JI 1, l'IOI c.i))' 10 n,a,tcr. R&anlll \Jlid Eng.hill
I\ ,1111,t.. tn S(lillll\h, htt11h( '1\1,rd md«b difrM!ftl
c:oough tc, be cl)nfming
Watat,.abC' !Mild ~pc.1kin1 .ind fr,,1enln1 "''<'~ h1Jrd. l'"ipt"ci:11lly 1hc rcun1111c111lion J11.pal)C1(' u..c\. th11N11.tcr, in1tc,1iJ of k.l.1-crs. The. clrnrll(tC-n att ,ilv.a)', ,p(lk,n die ,an1c '4'ith 1'10
c,cc:ption., The Jllp11.1X"..e 1111'1&'111~ h na, 'l\'llh no
u,ci.::cnh und no prcpt)'<ilioO) Int prurr rn" huenl\C, 0011hc 'llladcna and
lfl\U\l..:IClf$ ,aid 1b,y enjO)' II. 11·, (Ill¢ urt'l\(t
p.-osrnnn :u NIC F.1' a, i ~nd 11101\Ul!l:t' llu: 1)1hc.r h dc\1,: 1,ed tu 1cud1 non·
1h1Jc.:m ..,.tin ll~c: in the •rt• bt'lw to ~pe.t).
Unhed way raffles parking spaces, organizes clil feed, Plll1*il carving, auction to aid needy
01c:1on ·1 hn m•tc:IHIJ't ""Ill k Berky Mo.i1tcu1I hold an H,i\l. Mvanl•J!(IJU1 10 1hr ~-oftct pl~c C'udithtlt iv Tb,, ,,..11, .1. guvJ win fm u,, ca•r.:h n,H dicl11\cr~tia"e11IS..twutbu1.ndr
Taller Cards ready to compete Mit1cdccr" Pla)C'H to, thr lOOU C11dlHI t, I OC' !l<,pb"111orn W111,11111 8rnc;,"l.-. kichmotJd \' ~ ()vy,1 r,.1i1K1'-. Smtd&'r't'\O, l'uJoda,,_, \:J\111, T11i11ph•vtd.a'l.- NJ111>11lll. (ire~,:. S1c\c~ b1111Mr Pcneuburg. v~. \ •1.1111 Ttol11l.11.1t, TI),:n11h11111b, Cr~c. Marco l<•nd1c, fftns:1al.
1,:0111,;.b HuJ.)1
Wai11.1tA fo:.h lu~ l('Jnl f1C111('1,,n 11.ll 1hc,-e qua I ii ic• und 1h11 ,,,.,II help tbe1n "'1tn 1h,, 1eo1."°n "'t luvc. thh 1um''' W .it 1 tin
"jJ._ '"Th~)'
"Wt nrr Ruin,: w um,µtlt', \V(' art xulnJ: w UU.e co~ 11/ bu.tiflt'.tt oursrhtrs tmd not "·orn·11/Hmt remit.."
Huth \\1U.o,0n, Mt1t•11 btt4ttbtdl fbC')' lltt L.llkt UH.I tlKIC'c' t!OfflJ'l('Cllt,e. • r hi' Card, b11.i,1 • tum 1h11 lnc1u,tc, IO pl•~~n b,5 eor IJlfcr Tbt1c ate ri,ur Dh·i,ion I lt.i1'r('n., lhn:c Jo.1\JOI' lulltp ''"'"''""' anJ lltll." n:-llmllllJ tedlhtn JIIAVC:t t11101 b1,1 )'tit \\ •hon (cch, hi• lcom':r. dtp1h \\Ill bear ,'o('t

Yuga,la\lJ, P.t1 o·ar1CC1 Rv•n11un. W~" 11nd Onnon, \lhwul F,uhmu1 playcu are Curtu Pcadn. H•mptnn. \'• Daryl WIider, C1>C'I.II 1J'Alf1t<. l}(,1nnftJ lb.:mi. Richna.voJ, V1. ll.1111. frn«" SI RtJt\. Mool ; Jon.mtun AndrJ~ l•ucti•. Cunn l\ugu•cu,. VaflCOU,cr. 8('; b,Oft Stien), M...,.l,t1IJ; a11J ft'<l•htn Tony Pean, Nt\\.htU}, SC Yt'111"'n upc ·h the 1ou1he,1 t'.0111pcllh(l'I 10 come from t',1lltct c,I \(lulh""' IJ11h1>, Ut11h
.an: c,t11rnr 1niJ fun w 'II JI(' h
V11Jlti) amt Uh.le Cc,lle~e ("SI b N 1 I 1n
f'l'C~j',,QQ J'IC)lt1, '"We
watson fighting for championship
Jhn~iDS'"-ndli,f!,ns:an· I\Htt•fWnt\OCI t.1\utl('° M.11\ IUN. I lmC'lhc: J'lt(lf'kbtn-.•v.i11t'°'1 -..U'1llt, I.I Pf~I Cit)', '-l.llt.111nJ -l'hii,ii,1" ' nic W11l\*ldcl,u1""9w,1,o( hh ""ifepd 1hn1 thm' J.'l'l)'*•.:hil.ltcn 11th.ti 1v.1np.1nJJiou~ .an.lllpl•hOCI lft t "11lt !,t•r,.•n !If J. .,11a.n \ cktilh•n,: ~tnrc •n C"nnir ,1' ,\Ir~ l't.v.i. allnl ,\nn,t.«"a. llv1Jt nut..t.i1ll l\ W11v.on·, h('II aul~un1L1.,,i;b llul'iauh pre\ 101.1,t)' ~ilcd a, ln·••ft'C \ ~11,:, C1mu11u11l1y C'oHc,ic .ind tlm\lltJ C"nl~ i TC\.at \Iona 'ft1tl\nr-:-1trr11..--r. fh lvul1 t.,vfht 11Jttie pl.t)'C'ftV..llftt11111 from fl rurJ(",lfl(<~ ,.,,u
Q. l1 A ll 't' E It MANIA
Tlrl-R~fl.WS 'lrm llrn, .._.:; A,lmi-.,iun & 11l u·nt:
IJat. fJ.Juf111J(, \l,.1w ~ullul, h,u,h I th ~·il.1
Students, Camera Corral llndlng new places to explore
b) l.ukd';tu'l;f s~""""''t:t~'''"' M any 1,;tubt. 111tc11rupu1 c,1(('1 uppu,mu1lt.C\ "11 ,.,uJcPh h1C'~pkik 111( 0111.doon.. bu1 «im.e ol the 11111\t"fthlh"' ~tt- offnt'.;I hy lnc-111'. A, 11,~ <'Jch1.h J)('rl L'J"Cn eorly 1.m. S1.1r:11J.1) mornJnt, lli,e aJrr.uthn" ,111tU 1,, n,,h lbl'OOjl~ Ra)' ~nil) u.s I w,u.C' up u, m,· t~,orlll' d.liy' ~1.mcby l' PIM,ito h111 0.l). llli\ C\Cfll b IK-IJ b~ lhc fll)i .i Cllmera C'ornlon • 1hctt S1111dt1) iJu11111: ··1-.1111 Col~».,.'" 11r1J u pnni rtf 'w .11..-,-flalh, ;.,nJ W11dllowcn E,cn 1hc"'ph 1hr~ att qu1ft .i fc,. Sunf.Ju~, th.;it wparatc the: ..Sul Phc,w Pun 0")'-1 ft"- ul u, h.wc\rn1wC" b)' rh,~1t1J .1 pliacrofl • m•p lk.11 Y•c v,~n, 1.-.urlott Chti. RUIJ'C' 11f<'r• (orr;al h 1bcprt'\i<knl o(d1c Spol-.:inc \fll\111ta1ntr.n•l)i.l. \\Uh• Ql,h(l[km,,r,JcJir b, wr1or ourawJt
A11 an:btk'Ct • dumt1-hc JOddevt, ,11t111:ht-r u.1~, ioe\C-ral prPln,tPn&I pho1c>vr.11rbcn n~l.c up 1ht i.ununum1 tcirtt Sn111t l•t lht al'1'cn1u1c.i. lndlld<" h1l.:1n Jhc Rmrrrool \lt1C1n11an1o fl\Cf Ward and E,1:lc Pc-nk'i u1~ JQ'An 1huH.1(1h 1~11 '"Iii.")• •·heh~ 1he: OuubCe Uun11.1ncd Ul.c.. llub alld Mar.t", J..-1.c CU\f P.al1,1.1"1C" fi1ll1 S1,1te P1ul. wbcte rocl, form1mcwi, looA. lilc ,~11lci. .1nd ,1 root,'.h c.11n)1•Q pr\'l'\'1\lc,. ,1 ,1i11TI1l.11in1joamcy. i11 home tu 1bc r.i1tlr"1,1l.c IIJI. l uut' TII,,: 'ii Joe R11-c1 nc-4.1 A1U}'. ld~. wlnJ1 ti,1Ck ,md fonh 1hm.1gh 1hc fiwnl fl'ffil) ll\ lbt ,u.n• 11.('ldt(I tcO«ll(~Q (di, 1M' l"r'IIJ'\'kll\. mJtto, HlllJ\·n I .n.J.c III d1t' Sdlnrb 1"u1h of Sandpoint offcr,. ,,c\\,111 deer ~,lk)""''d J1~un1 I 11rl1i•a11 ntkd 1,1.hJ1 pc.d: llnd ndJt'1h11t1110 drool ,wc.r No\Jro 1hJr the- ,umnlt'r it t•\·rt .aw.I •lnkr h.a\ ;if1111nl illTl\c:!J, I can 11lmt'l\t t.l\lf: thi:t 1-IIO'A m 1~ 1ur I c:m) \l,all hl tl1.111 II~ 11p in tli)' b,e,1 gdlr and JO plu\' 1n lhc ,M• lt~oo atc • pcN'ln h ante-roted 1.oootdoorae11,·1urs. I n.-wmmcnd)OII f1fklai rroop~Jdi ce>mm1>Q 1merc h ,..., umpot o, 0thc~ 1'lt Tbfy ~ould be 1l1iC "*flP.:•t lO ¥i\oC' )i-u chc- c;Pnlukn..r lti unlcllJh an abund1111c.c ljOy.
Senor Froggy
s,,ecia/i::J11g in fre.,'1. delicio11.r
Mexican food
69 cents
All J:iy• .:very day
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71h and Shermnn Doi\ nu"' n Coeur ,r i\lcre

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