Prn_J.., t llw.:11 flwpcn.t' Y.U I,• k.v11 llliw1 W hum.111 rit,hl~ '""'"~ ol 1t1!.:"01.-sltt11'111 «1r1Jl1t11 ""1 ltlCCI Y.ilh l' S t11,in1,,1n rifhh u,ixocot.ima
>.~tt1lllld>· )ll) "udtnt~ ,1tlJ l,i.:tilly rQlt'tltd v.,lh Ji~ m1.1;n1 co 1bc ~i111111rs .a11De fon1m MW'*l l\luillu."'l,
WCCTJ'ln.'1 Che lonim ht tt,!'llfl.., k• 11"1K" 11o111. \lwaunnl:l·1;, ldJuakO\', bc:,11.I c•I An,bjoa Di1iOn11 lluntan kiJbl, S~kty.c",N lhat c\\'11 a• the C "i l"''~mu•·n1 hM a,uidod 111n.-tn; c1:1110id. 1hc r1t.hhunwasgru~1niMa:ac"M1.-n lkwiidW,hi,11."C'111boroti .,.-.CSt-l' llt UM: dhlfl &u •ldp l,1hbi1ti wrrm an,1 p,.1h l,i11'1tkitolMl ,m M>-1nik•~J v,,itb \t'Vf.1'1tu11anJ h,nRl"CIIII\" i,:t,ffl Arnal~1 «~•toll mil~· I.It hi« for foo,J .1nd nta11~1 1rrlf~
ID (.11ri1,U.AP tootlw:t Y..ilb I po,1r1cr1ul .tnll·MUdlnl mm·cm,:nl .Afk"r 1J1C tall rl( the ~met Union, h1noer rrp,lblicii t.naJ top(:tnt kai1nl ~7. hcu!.L. ttul UliC,')'\licn:tnmpliOduwrinch,.-t.,,\I IO~llll"i. fc'"""-'f Cumrr11.1nh1 nalm, ~uiacd and tktl'MXr'at:)' lnP"(hcr HI fortiwdc:1:1 f«n'l I')( ~~'t'tnmcl'IL lt)il\i $t111,1JtlTift OIJI tych 11 11,.on, h. hope. ft.1ncl (tl(ll!l'ICtl 1nJtl.'.llt«! Whilt tbr l.'nJial Sl.,lt.c!> IDllinuc, ic. rn'"c..'1..1
hwn:mright'i. lhc liLbc::ki\Ull'f1,
th.Al cJU..: IDf Lbrir 'Uf'f'~"'--J renf'lt•11,iJj reJUi.-c 11:n~lm. and viokncc. A jtnJ\\ 111.: fflmlbct
o( M1u.luro. lhin lb111 Mo1oUm la'\lt ,111 "'~
ti1•hhdot111Cfl1Cy Thr l.'/b,;:liltln ,,1tia
An~,IC.l 11o·iU cn·ttlooli hllm.11n rfJl'hh tl(•l.11,,11n
m Wh1111,c: f•ir nul1wy W(lf'Cl'lltiun. diet Md.
Freshmen fill ASNICvoid
Five students assume new senate office positions
b)' Lukla Sall
fl\'CW-'\\ fm;bmcak"1~\li'tf0Cioclcdcx11 ll{x'\tUt=~IO"(j\'l1ClltbcAS.",;fC
In ekaioo1 hddfflr• I~)'~ Jul~ Pueix. nrn.ancO.Ul. lkt•:> Odet'IIC\ BrwtC'"uwwanJJoc:Kroclt:h'\lt'Cff vidilf'DJS. l"ht)'"-dlJ(lln\Ophll•ll!Vtkliallnkmtl~ lvW, R.a.:hcl Cjc:'l\l1IJ miJ \fuum 'Mtnrcu1J OllMC Witbnm, J, &.be f"'\O"IS "ASr-ilC' lhh )'fm \1011,h follC' 81\unc IICt\'islg ,t\ ,i(e l'lf\'\h,l..'fll Somwl) cdy 11.U t~n ktw!lWI~ do.'<1ol. bu! lhc dcporu.,,, from'<l..,.1,y fOlfllCt M,pl1t1rtW1tt o,etul'11 Cod" n11,~ IIUIII.:' ii nooc,,.'-1T)'ll'ck'C'tfo\' c:nmmin1.-,.au.i~ h,h'Cbccttt11.dc.aollrU' ••• "•tllbc s:,;sun, fsrnrdup.
Tb:)' .\tt'C'll"!J'""' \111-.oot ~lUdccl l,:alcnb f1 n•nfrretKaltvii W11U;un, ,a11.J ht h;lf'C"I l1'U'ol 11' dE kl\lblr\ \\ill 1!11.'00. ta.,~- dlC')' WI lltld'i11fllicuok.m'IL1a 1.111111 lhc:y uiJ lhcy found W'I I"(' QUIil' INMl\l!I\C
The: n:,IJI: 11( fn!ih.toc111q1..raqi hcfort' ~1.'lrotr1n1nu~~i;,21n Th< ~m
He:, in tho& d:w,c,,. an: ut\c11cbcJ Kl('l(t ~tia,cchr:~torqp,,Ccr and lllC)ffl.1)'~dW<'~lo~A~ .dulii.xlb1r1~it,)"\ll:lfl,..·hm'•~.wnu~ rq»tcr IAN. ltcpru.auoa ml!OC .,..,,n he ,t\i11l;illk f«thr ,~ni Wtll.°"'"'
Powwow stalled
ut,b hncJ lhc ,"<lrmJflr
T~a) 1n..ludipt; t1flC h1r the Uahn Sl~c l'olk:C
h111h1aNc To)vpu M.uL TodJ w.11i.hcrc10
Pll)'I\ Cf q~lloC\\ 1,,Ullo.'fftu~ lhl." IUlt" tllC' M.lle
troc'flC"-' 1md othn rnlllf\':t>mcnt •g"~in
rlaJcJ iu h.mdlu111mp.1llcJ J.n\m
-n,,, u ollt' 111 my ma,i,r iaft",n ~I rcsJIOO"'· roJJ Mi~I '\.'le Ji,11•1 e h,"t Wilnt drinling 11.n.J
drivin,-10 l1iC' .a;iallr a,,.·rt.1hk T«>mJn)
<,1Un1 conto.t, follu,,. cd It~· the- n,1U i.hu3,1ting COl*'}1, lxrum Dcnnc:U lo\iuthc 1pulu:r or the e~c:111 \'ohlk f\111 Ru1hrrf(lrd a,.11h1cd Ciro11p4 i,f \IIIJ<rtt, tiu,·c:,~J an1unJ IM 1ahlu 1,,b('t;flh)! Uu·ct.JCIIC,,IJ;riL\ 11 •·~,.~ry one fm hi1n1c:U Tbt rt•k~ prnt11t,u"' lhc u"C' or tundt, ,...bkh 1n.1J< for" • "*'' JJl.i,r Joho Pl,110 w,111 frN pl;u;c: m 1hc:' ri(l.('J111n1 l.)!Jle",t The pnu 1;on11i.1.1td 1'1 ;i, ii S11H i;..:rl&ll.calC', 1',1tric:k U<ndl~ "Vfl Kl'~md r1.111tt al\J Chae.I (h1ub111111c•u JJ.l•mt •llb \Oh DuJ) h~ tor 1h1r1I rl<K~ Only one J:U)' ll(Jlt:J out ol lhc: c:h«olut( lo" lo1l 11ul~-i;hUJru21 ..:m1ldl 1u1J \Ukl1.1d,1.
byJetl) ~bater
JiWldttd\ ()f danc('n, hclh, f.CidbL•J,, Pf.1111 .ind luuJ ~pinn1.t.l omMc "''"~to l\thtatd OJM.l ,«n Oc:1 l0·21 Uul k'.1.otdtlllf 111 V11nl. d1111rm,.11 uif the J1\\'t'III)' .:omrmu«, i.cvC"Wlh1np kd the: c»M.'tll.ltion ~,r 11-.: :inn\1.11 Ya(l·'Kl-crl l'n j)ov,,v.ov.
ViJ:il ...iid lhc: cvcm v.ill rietd to ht
~hedukJ ul II t11d, i>( h1r1JJnt, • tinulJr ('IOl4''M,\\' hdd the: lollmt WCC'kend :&1
thC' Kibbic Dume ,n MClflCC1w tiJ I di;:,111!' 10
1c:ek n-.xc mr,ut from mc.mhcn Imm the
Cnt\lf d' Akne Ttibe "'ll'l\ QI.II th.11 \\'C v,·;f;1~cJ ,,, ~d 1hc
c,·tat," 'Jiiil uiil -wc11a\.J ..,,.111,1()f,itl\finda
Eat up! A & E/Page 8 Wednesday Oct 24, 2001 Breast cancer awareness life/P age 5 ENTINEL .,,I. 35. '\11 , No r I h I rl a h u C n 11 l· g ( ol'Ur d" .\lenr. Idaho Uzbekistan
•• Ill' S11k.i: "-,11"\l.;1.<1.cb:l.urd 1111,J lk>l'Obl h,.a\-e h«n Jtn~. ~lfl'ffildl' hl'ullf 11\•to u.1idcN-nd aht d!'ll'l.."U bn.Ju&ht b!, ch, ( ab~.m J1nd knarhb 111 i\n..·nca. t\Jj!hl,niuan 1oJ l''Zhckian 0:1 ll.c...:d)·~mciath.allc,tbcU.S Ntmtud d1'11,h-r (1\f hlinun nrhl J,:,,ikn tmm lii; (,\fjlUCU'dilh'\ IIC"ljhl,,11' I 4~1(' ll'I "'If'" lhro11tf11 h~,111 "iurr'lft Cirlttil
human rights leaders speak at forum
-11.-it Mur8dKhalllov, righ~ll)Ulttata
-rtgMs lon,m In lho sue.
10011.'t NlC •tuJcnl •nil lritt'fll.lli(lfl.i.l s1u.tro1i<'luh Jl".""1Jl."'fll tdr,cd 1tt Shukbtlll Ci:loic,,, bcaJ of lhc Quk.lwa C"~t1l<'t t.ailltb1,1 ~lntt 1~1bc.C1td.i\W1 g1wcn11001r ta:ii , i.,latirq! dlO 1:1ul n;h1, ,,( 1h ca11trru. l·.,rn 1hoogl1 \1i»Jm1, ,1re I.he n~nl\ly .,f 1bc f'Ol'ilauM. lhcrc ll ct IIICI UI -8rian Brushwood bogfnt hi• rreveling "Blzarro Magic Show" with his n,....un; stunL en,,hWOOd performed hi• show In the sue Oct. 18. Other acts Included pounding a U· Inch nan up nt, nose and posting a small nail f'rom one eyo to the other through hts head Anti-drug message sent to students Dwnagetl vehicles displayed lO show drinking consequences b,,· ~h lul \h.ttet -su,,',\1 A •-«I. ful101f a,:11\'ttl~'- ('(1u1tu\ and ncnu ~"<~ all pm! 11,-.·11,1J Pftt pwr.,,,t W i,.1udtf1h f'lt11111 the ll.tngm dru1_!1. JnJ 11koho.'ll. ll1c S1uJrnt llnltm RmlJ,11114'ai hu•I.IIIIJ:. u.ith •c1i\1tylhc\loctL ufOcl fl("' l>mg ,mJ Akohill J\Vl,·IIJ'CnC:t., W«L l>s~t1)'
pcc,l'le dolfl i.J,kL' Jf l('OC)ll1)) 'tif'I\' II 00 f\,'.l.\00 w cn1t.ut#t )•JUn: II ;atad <.> '" 'lliie u,111c,1 i,I a duil fMIII¢ hal v.-n, 1bc
Hulrt ~pl,,cc:J hi111 l:t1luc111u.11i:1,. •he: J1d u1~ nc.o ,1.111tl a c:l1.111ct' J\ Pl.1111 rkke1J 1.111 h1~ 1fftmd "'In. Ho"'C\'cr, for brr tffort4. •he w.u aw•N.:J ,l ptl1c tor bdn1 tk"" ..,tilt klU!ll,• p~idr-t•I Jq tbi: h~lh\'1lJt1. ·\Ct'Ord1.ns tu TOIM, ~l,1de ul 1hr 1111nllkatwth >Rl'G ,\\\ ,\Rf• eo111111lk'!.11.1n r,.1,=.:- 11 ONLIISE: """·mc.cdutscnunct BY l'IIONE: 76'1-3388 BY FAX· 769-JJK9 .uoctg M11~tnl
Wrestler John Plato awallOWt the last bit ol dHNrt durlr,g a pie-ea~ng contest. Plato won lho competlllon.
Lieutenant: Don't attack Taliban direct!~~
e<,mprthc:os1,-c qut!IUon ar>d an~wtt fl('JlOd
forddling with 11.rtllfc lfflTin1,1n, die audlalc."" 11..S mta1C1lll fot a
WhC# 11.'14'CI \\bat he 1huu,:ht an immedl1,1e i,n.,hicm m:ay be 14ilh cho U.S. rt&1100. Lewi, 5llid ht 1hoJu~hc th.:it ,t Y.b Amene&ll) lc"dnr micro&. Slov.- 1111d dtaY. n 001 OJ>t!'a\lON tnkmg hunun ln"1>h ·c1ncn1m1KI in1clllp,cntt an: "m~ i'I rectwrcd, and lhtM: 1111«: l1 ml·, ,iro,cJlnt: 10 l..c"Ah ·"'f1ic• itcmto:tll 1bc~ 11i·hu.• h;iJ1i 1!lln~1.1ha1 .,..,,-in•c \\url. In,t ut Ru,,&11 ·· Rand \11d ·-we Q(IUJd nol go .tftt:I lhe Tabb.Ill.,• dim.1 ob,a:o,·.: l.c"'n "'1d Pflki1-.t~1. Sll(JdJ Anlb 1 and IM lift" 11.fnuJ lh.11 \\'e w ill bt mflucn11.1l 111 the Af& p)W!rrtmffll will t,c,·• Lewi, wid He CC>Otmucd. ''\\'~ ni:cd 10 n:num c,o,crt ill .u\."&. • rifcrrinJ to miltwy IICliaru am.I inle:lhg~
A light in the dark
gadtamtt, "It (-of we vnll liboot ourschu in the foot. Ooo'tcb1111gc youtrouunt. b: •"'.n-. don'I be compl.Jccn•. be 11V1Ut (I(dr.c woc1J W\)1.11,d )'(NJ~· Lnl~ 1.1JJ. ,,ttcnn1 lldl.1« '111 ha'o\- lOnlikt 1u !ht ..One 1111J1COtC mcsnhct 4~ t..cwo -1boo1 thepo,.,ihli:1ovoh·C'lflmt<>l ln:iq In thcMta.:b l.c1t. i) MiJ th.lf l\i, ••p1-(cdlft$., WM lhlt Jt11q i\ iM'Oh\'d with ~rec and lmdbgcncc' '- JlflM HO\'o~tr. '1k "'""" thing \I.C coo!J do tl ;, lnkf. H:ivmg f«!C\ ',\·h111.,.,~ h, 11,ore toGoJ mat v,,don'ti.k1lhnl.Sh,;Ml01 the /1.'f'lbcc,untrinW..t the l!ni!Cd Swe1 lcvclhc.,dl..-J "~"'Cclmrtd. xcordin$ ,~, t.n,..u. Hr Mid 1lut "c ca11ooe ch:wtgc" lhc bllltuk."C"
Library, la plan charge for printing
byP><nSlo,on Sr4lf•1dlf At((ltdlni to Oenu.c Oark. putil1c ~·CN hbrviao. bbnuy bcpn C'lw,ltUtJ for topiet th dlC fal! o( 20IIO to die eo,.1 ol paper and pnpcr Wll.~tc '"'\\1h('Q lhc library wcnl W the pa)· t prini bl faU. C\U)'Ol>C C.IIJl,C to C \Cf\·lct:1. to nlSk:t coplc,\." -...MS Brc-111 H1t)iot, of computer &en·tctt. .-\t'Ct'lfdhl.J k> Ua)ltJR, uudecm, ~,·era! do1~n·ras(' doarmMt..\ io "\""
lt1JDdrcd-pagc dllCUrnmb ··Paperco,uumptle>n doubkd lbt ukl. 1c, t'lbl ordy tbecoat ol 1untt c.aruidgc,, and rnol.Cf 1tlll1Ult:N1 ~wo " Ai iOOtl a, the oompma program I '°IMY (or prin1•· b ru11nlnt lilMl'"l()lhly io 1hcca1nputt.r hly.. nudcni.. 11·111 bc.,: 1n DC\\ pnnting rmccdurc. AC(lo((fui, to llt)14iu, Pl) 1n1 ror topic,. 1n COll'lfll,IUt M!n ictt wjU QOI begin unti lk'li 3 •l Ut" e, rueaa. A1 1amr ~u..knu"' net·d ta pun:h.1.<;( u copy c,rd w pay !(II' c.OJllcimcompul.(rtct"ICC' • n
Twetve-ycar..old Lindsey Corege ol Coeur d Alene parUC:tpates tn a candJe.Ugtlt vtg.u 11 NIC'a Fon Sherman Park. More 40 students facuhy and community members ettonded the OCt. 5 lnlortatth vigil In 11memb111nce or lhe lives lost Sepi. 11
Distance Education offers many options
Nearly 2,300 enrolled in alle rnative courses
!'J' L1ncb U>II
• '~tl-1 fbo-eJu<;,lloni'N'l'l"fflhcldth:ltr"" v,.Jwlim('("·,y,tio•trc mc.,,,.ll)'l.'(WC".aioJ0Ht1St1pm;~toCallWo:.X \\'1mr.\111ixt:•1tofDnw.::c Edtaallion.
Tbc:po.,p:imhMlhr«~old:llYay OU-sk:
1• 'lliilcran aJualtochcrpn:.c.mU di.: m.,,cnat 1tl a
d!b\Rll.Jl1l ~ung. NIC ho 1*'ladlct< s:1;n,n1 t.>
Kc::Clc,pml ~p!llr• t.w tt111rr that IO)"mJ>*ld bll\ added faeultymmnYlunfflia, 1,,i'v,t
Rh'ttand tilummcr
1h: Ol.hcr lmm,,.-c and
bi,,er.11,.'U\'t VideoConfctt'OCiDg( IV(l\lC, ~nt.lia,c- mu.ii i:t,rmo:IJIJO 10 ooeatll"lbtt
IW.'1)-',\1IY 11uJiollflJ \Jidoo•id i;a,r Sl)eUli; k>C.W IIIOl,bct
IOd inlmci \\11bmbct dbwix 'olUik:lu. il'rn: #t
t\lW' rvc (IA\<ffll.-.JM r,n !ht fl.IC campusnl iW 111
U'lC Pt.....a F.Uh v.Prl. ftlf'OI! tnumnr mili..'f,
"NlCi,.,<hcoc•"'TV' Clppll'Cfllltltl.CIC!llle, Whorltt t.nlJ. "'A I .ti nlllltt-., reJcrntrr.,n1put1focnt1crr,1 S)'Cllll.ign'" nae f'OVJfm~ to he-~4ulf«1Nnyuf ihcWAknt,i,1on~thcit o.1oo.iu.,al.ton1111h..i.1nc-c \\'"llh 2...."'9t. ~tudcnh mrulkd
1113 t11e lk11.1biJit)· '4·t•y,clJ tl."II' me."
Atcmrl1 smc:lwttd (rrm ~'llll High Sc:ht-,i in 199otandludnatlltlmJ«laillcgt'lxt'OI\' SIC.She. ooly hM ns,hl.l'."tufll., k-lt lor 1k"f ~rtqUl\lb:) mil p\3tUI labikr• li.."11\' tt'IClr:d«ii\·\"\()O-lt(lC..
Cop) can4 ('011 be puKha'loCd tn the lohn,y for SI ISO-). S8 tlOOcork• $16 f200 c;c1pk.1) Mid dill b,: n:~cJ when u.~d up.1bc ropy CAnS can be ln &ht bt,r;iry fl(l !,O fl'l~C Cl.~ 1 compt1terkt\i«l 1.0pnn1 docu1nrnts ne.arfuntff.
Jl.t)'IOO Yid tibcklll"1 Y.hllC cop1c-t 11 be t cent flCl' p:i;e and ~lll'lt corie~ v.ii~ cO.'il SI per ~g(: been.use of lhc kng1by 1 l'JUWPJ pro«&, How 1hc oev,, proccdora w-111 W\°'lrk: • With I.he documcnc du.played on die «m1p111ct ffle ~udchl "'111 dd prins
• lnc (HUil ttquhihoo iappc:11, 1, c:omplcced h) 1bc 11udtn1 ho•·ev.:r. • rnnt i clkkcJ Ibe r,n.kt j, \Cal I•~• flMl1 tcrVtS ,n <:ornptlltt ,en icu.
• The pnnt Jld"\·er will send the ptWl bJCk ID a C<>mpot.or m ODC ol lhr\'.lt f" lttl\100$ ill UlC' COJt1$1Uld" litb. lt1•llnlk.111Jlh-tdclivay C.a ndue ~t;;'~:'u., w ~;.;h<;;;•.;;'.;;°'--
• The (00'1pt,,m a, the r.nnt will dup1:ly U1c d°'-.,1tnt"Al C,u.ii.prinL
ThoisM! ~t,. \\-l"'t'CctllOlkd
1lllC'uthcr1o~ul \\'hadcrO\~"nel., I.; ~m1NoCC1ll',1,P-'*dm ScpcitQT IW114aint I.I~ af )'VU #ft' it J1.11Ul'1"~ """""'1"glltd>ool. llA"' poraiul ,ndh1sJ, S<h<>ol CJUlbdcc ~Pf'W'lll,a).UGPA.iittllllc~ 16)'ttr"of a~orhAvi; ~"MfUJJ) ~Mlf al I.lie high Jo.:hool~ lt"l'l'lt'ltt.,UIC)f l' colJc~ tc,d ond noc ool) m::a,"C high diool at'dilt-llc.'Ul~tffl!ICit..,"-dt·
11~ 202cwno v.,1ha 1,,u1 Cl(57Xrrtd~ 'Iba rdla't:.'d6.73r,att"nl Of N IC kXid\"IM"oec;i:wllmcoL The nu,onry of 1toctlll.\"AS an: w:mon \'a~ \\lbcderdblthzat lh..""< ~w. maN, t,.;dt\'l'lqlmcm~lt>·JW"CPll"d~ v.dL dlhc f'lll.1tC maturr ,ot,en rrullttill \'Olk."gl:' ie"CJ «:>uno. l.Mt)"W'mot' V.'Ctt IJ}l?j,11.kkn~\in the ~\\1tba.UJS(illri,otm•'1."r.lKC
1In\'(:~ I '11.i,h SK' ~u.ild dUcr ttfl tbtlr ~c,i-.lmc.··A~tl('''lt~)'W I.V.C I.I~ wiuti,v: I bad.111c:1Jtmd.:&d doonkra • d!UiJ.
"'The a,-crngc bl "'ho cb.-"\ dual cnmllmc:n1 i!fWJu-,tt'd lromhigb~ Y.°1lhnhrcoll~~mb14, "i.:.i......i
l)yMi11M1w Ne¥,,aEa110, Automobile burglaries plague NCC; moiorcyclist injured III accident
Burglar, \) A ttt)Of1 or •n auta tiurg:1111) <WI ROIICBbc:rT)· t>m'C: 11,·n, m.11Sc Od.. 2 Tht ~-.enacr uJ.cY.L11dowa4 a J991 Fon1 E.~ir.t had bcc:11 bmkcn 00111nd • katbct CO c.c. tonluini"i; 4().Sfl CDs. wiu Lok,t. O.un"I.< 10 I.I ...: wmdow 'Y.allJCd
IO pry open I~ f'"l.'-'<ftg(:C door. ~,1M)I CC) tnl.i:-. orCO,. llllkk. No t11..-ce<-, WD 1114Jc, but pob.:t "'"tte able IO\'c u,~lc, from tbc dOOf (,woe dfld',\·toiJl,'4,
• Thr ,1udtn1. '-'"111 ,mert hD cop~ card I :a J..'.',·10: cotu~J w 1he ix,mrutcraod dkbpnnl
• A "Pnnl Otrccf' \\'111dov.- \lri.ll be Jhpla)'C'd 'A id! I deKnpUii>n O( lhc docunxt11. 1hc rt111~,bet of pasa oOO 1t1e r,in& llrdot.:ulflC"llt Me:U,~ Al-furnclt uf S..klinnt 1l.ft a lulkinic j..-ib •id!Jtr«chlJdrn\11,:0.3. l,wid l8mmlh\.Shc l\A11 ~li,ilc:IQI l7 Jftflettld uaJit,, JR a )' G\'C'S'Up fi\V:Ctasse:.plT"SC.."fllCIIICrtlcrp\olli" IO~t tt-gi\letttl tlUl"\C
• ThcCOfllPJtct wiJJ~ublnti:tlhe:w-.tcl pnnung lhc doa,~ru from 1tic can1 • TI,c pnnt orda i&-scnt h> tbc prinkf • the docutncll4 1• ,-im~
1"""1bk l\urglari (Cl A report l>f I poi.MM(' auto bwJIIII")' in Che N\dl Mol-ltc:ad rarloo, lo! Ck, oJ. \ mak and h1• Jirllrif murocd to 1bcir caD to find a t1ulc ~lbjttl in\JJc 4
,pcd awa)I. A dcsaipllu11 c,f tbe \·d\ktc an.l t1d platecuunbc:r*.n:wnuc:ndown l1lrOffll.4ilOO" "~ l.brougblbciOMV40!Ja rol"-'" upinviestipW'lfl• conll11u1~
ac.xMlmt \\lb reporte\l UCI • Gankt1 A,·c.nlk t"<'til q i Huht>ard ) ()..-. q Tiic dtl' o r «·JAc."Ctk'nlltd tit.It 0 1 thc pitti::itlJt ~PIW!C k:;mnJ • 1~rbfor1apprm.Jm.wcl) SO(act. 1'br.dmu1.hcnlt comrol Ol lbt l>ikc 'A'l\iffl Ml O\'Cf aud ,-,hd tmOtfd fccL The llri'-'tr""._" trmf,poruod to KMCw1lh a pc)(;,"ibJe brokca fOCl'I About S I,200 10 SJ ,500
11, ilt rcpurtcJ O the rl'IOtQfC)'CJC.
PAOt 2 TtE Sum,.u ,_o::i I t's illegal In ..5i2= Chico, Calif., to ~detonate anuclear device. Fine: SSOO • • • • • • • NEWS
Officer proud of Americans during the la5t three weeks by M.a1t foltruoo ffw1·01 0 111 )\'IUag J'ICClpC' n«d lftht 1bmklng ~1 J'(ll'lflk .aOJ l'Ull.utn OUbidl! Amerit'O.. atcanJmit Ill tnnncr U.S. Army lttutl!u.1111 colonel .md c,bcr·Wrrutl\ffl cxp:-n lwld Uwl\.. Lev.-is .,i.c 111. NtC on a tiroad rantc .,r )Uhj«1.11 pc'rtillt'lll'll 10 l(:ll'Ofl.-..m ('10 0ct S ffl lhc ukt'. Cocu1 d' Aknc ROQcn u( 1hc SUB C()'l"crins u1bj«u !ram rn,'ffllldjve mc:a\1&n:s. to.:unl)· m the U11itcd S1al.C$ a(W op:inn,
llt $Z7S•S,l$O AnJ SSOO.
Au,mptNf llurgla'} 18) Rcpi>n <>( an .au:mpl('\J 1Au1n t,wglary ,....., rq,e,nc<i on W~t C'".:iftlcn. AWtiue O,:t. S. Subjei.:t lwl ldlCfflf)tcd
Wtll1h u( COi."Cft'ml(,(,int.
:,!~~~::! !~;:n~~t:!J:!.:1 ~~~c--
•n, 78 ~rm, '4M helped. Six•y,four protc,.,,on.:ll hclp c11v1ronm.;n1 u, wtld1 \.ludcal.l. N sdl ,liftcn:111 ~\ltlc-nc-. e11nc htr UK' fl.t.\l Umc, 1-l s.111Jcn1, C••nt
Pt \\'nlWll CC'nlcr In<ild™ H.a.ll 1'1 k,·_c.1, UIIIJ al:11U~ Cffl furuit"r dc\'C"lop 1bc-1t tm the M.'COlld or 1hitd tnnt:. ftony""A of the 49 hl hdp Mid k.K.h NIC wJ.:nt, and othtt 9,-TIORIJ \bll\,,'' lll&l\ uid lldW'\ tht Ctllkr V,,ll open \I,~ spcal one on oat nk'tJ\i.JII ufft« MIJl.krll)j CJCI CIIOJ"'» Conw1Jan1' will ~kc ~i(>,11,1 00 b)'IR! 10 Wi1h f.U1JOll'I. (iilllafld~~1ffl'CI 1hc1ru.,~n i:m,tt 111 \\nh.nw Mk.nury the ~lretlgth, and \\'l'~"ICJ ln o.t\s..l..:n&A
JI.ills and MKnU hath In 1od
.-Jlnbc 111.11hk 1111.bc ,t,Jl,ctmer. Ttu, t.1lkkm We<mCIIIU)'fmm IOa1n co1:30p.m~ and J..5;)0
1,tticfil'!lllimt 11 h.1\ had 11, 0\\11 Cmuu!tiulludvi\C ~udcn111bou1' p.m. TunJ.tyfrom 10-11 • m. and I rm. co2
•. "-•OlOO\\ the WnungCcn1cri1 lkJC II p11ra;tilJ)lb, bi'ICI)· p.unJ;lf)phi1-.odoonclu\K'lt1111 p.n,. Tbu™11)' (tom 10-11 un.-14-5 pm. 1Dd '" ..cuJtotiu Wdttd: 'l'-nwl oc '>'Jlt :uat lhdrwntlllJ. TI1eu:un,ul1•nh C(lmio;t 111 ,'1,ht Frxb)' from 10 1t-m.10 I p.rn.11 i,, rrcfmcJ pop::n l:J)IIJ~ dcpanrncin f\'1('1nbcrt \\bO \'olUntoc:f 100, ~udcnu mW' .n •PPou1uncn1 b)' ~IJ1ng 161).; -~h1hm:. K~ltl1 Hu111~·,,E, t,i\lt,,11.1« umc 10i.d\UJDg...lttll.feubOftthdt""1dap,. All Jtt J2.98orlw \l.tltin, l.bcirrwneoatbt tJ,:n-up ,11)fdmM••
ASMC it ~pot\JOl'lng • c11t1Jid~e :..1«1 a.nd
Orttt'"ftt111tO-.l. ?9-30.aoJ Nu\'. l~l from 11:)0
a.m to I p.m m lbcSUB Plau~
Candidatei fot Cowt d'Ale~ M1yot and City
Cour,c:il will bl! prescu tn lnl\\'tr qa~onJ Kid
,rcik wlttl ~udcnb, facully !UkS SlllfT lllia CJR!OOUnitt h Intended. to pn>\'idc One-«! one tlllCf'l('t,00 t>ciwttn eandidltcs 1Dd the nmpu, tc>mmwmy tod1sc11u w.tiCS lhlt affect NIC bol.b duttdy-a.11d 1odm:cl.1y.
ASNIC blood drive attracts 65 people
h 1,1,11,, matt UW'ljtbt 1111nnuaJ blood dnvc. f'(lr IUIO)' 11 Wl.1><1 chmcc&op&II Lhe:1rrttlitia,s1Jr
i.upport lnlO tcdon. The 1butdawn of alrport11 l0Uowlng the 1uack.
OD America ptC\'('QIC\1 the IAl&nd Non.hww. Blood
Center (rum ~ft& any hlood t.Urtttl)' 101he
Vi(tlni,; Ho""C"'Ct', tbc.y arc U'l"ol"-ed i.n.belpirlg ttplenlsh
1ho5c (oc1bun Iha!. v.ctc at,.lc 10 ~p 1.bc nu,dJ b)'
Ac<ot<llog"'M1111JOi')'leoltltc lNBC.6S people 5howcd up to dOMte 51 the NlC bJood dn\·c Ol..1. 15 and more thim lul( •·ere fi11Nu:nc. d(,111)1 The 1U1100nt of blood wlkcl~ in(re&Sed to.49
unlt1.1hi• )'Cit over lhc. <47 utllls I~ )'Ut
"J'bc: tNl3C provide.) Nood 1-> 28 area 006.pitali
1hrou1tmu1 NCW1h hlat,a and E.lslCffl Wt,blnaux, lnfoonallon; 667•S-461
Flu shots co ming
early next month
Studeiu llcalth Sm•Jct:.'l wUI be of'fmn& flu !!hot dmi.c11 bc&fflQlna Nov, 6 Thedinks wru be on fil'll<ome. finiNtn'C basb. Au 1..bob uc recommended (ot people over 6S pNplc whog,rc for or lh-c wilh people wl1h cbto~ medical coodilloru. pooptc w1lb obwruc dtJOfdcn. (!(the rc~p 111tory IUld c.\tdio,.....wlu t>"Men3,,e wiUI dtabetci". reual proble~ ut tmnwt1~~ivc 1henpica 11t1d v.·omc11 who will !:le- u, U11:. M:COmJ qr thud 1/UlAtcf c.f f)Rgn1U11,y during dic Ou5e.»oo
Fat.•uhy and mrrv.-illbccbargcd SIO• ...tthcrc ti nodl11.tgc for sau.,Jm1.1:
Sentinel staff wins national awards
1ne Stftl1tw:I will Win nt lra,ts..i,r, 1w1rds ti lhc
11 ,·nt.Jnllf. cratuf1;t 1nfontti,,uo1~ •l'IJ
W'I-IM\(l\ ..Jmh\tOlls 11pphcatwn
\lC-1S11,1J1..'114 Surr,i:11"1 Sc-nk.-c", Jft 111<' C(1Ucgt Sl.ill, lt'ntrr l« -Kdda'Y. HAU. rcttnll) ,cJ Sl9S,oOO to hdp 100 He 1-tudem., th,\ )at nut ,p nf lu~ 1AJ1 tht t1n1 (',lrl
1 loQ:r-}C...I iiil.111 JcutJ 109',.\td
Plllt •W.kltb 1u«ttd tn Khoo! ch,>ll'\.UIJJofl1N'f1ftl,cfnl•Of)
St111.1n1, SuN•,n Seor.·,"·n('f'l,,·1dt
• wldl n.::.1dcrni, il\n,111nor ~mvanou"'""')' 11>11 tduc.ahnnal plllnnutg. iJ..i.alutJaca.ic:millJ11u,mg. \IIQJt"11(l111'1Jllll)1'\:(tf.-.l1., 1uppon. ld\·oc.\ty, < 1111JJ ~mall 1,'tl>Up tutnnilit,
11,i,&alK't 11nJ 9:.',_,1,uucc iP ~ulng ,u.t And ..cbtJIIIJ]lltlp
flM"liCll!IMt lftl"fdcr
'"'Our go.ab, '" 10 help
p,nii.1r,arins 111udcnts tatof11etor)' pro,:n,,~ ~u.y in o..·ollcJr ~mJ t'hhcr gr.11.h1111c hom :,:1c n.nd/1,r 1n1n\f'cr lo• four·)'C,u 11Cboul wJ 811rb.u"l'l LunJb..-r,:..
S.aodpomt AOEIOtO 11\\II\ICIQr
We .arc i:t1m:nlly J\CC('p(mg l(lfhollon~ 1nd plan un ha'"inJ IOthtudcou 1,y Nov l,"l.undbct• \;tid 'Tn qtuhf)' for c:n,C"«. ,1~11. rou\t be II u_ s. ctULca or,11 n:~1dcn1. 1h.:y must be accepted I« cruollmcnt c,,r (';Uff'Cltuly c.rm'1kd 111 N il they mu,, he wortan11, tf.''1'-nld
a dca,tt p1.1n 1n craiv,kr ltl • foUt•)'CJI a&:hskll., lfle),' 111&1\l he tAking n mmnmam 11( \Ix ntdn, 2111.! mu-1,..,.. <1(1Jcmk 11ecd, ;1~'0f'd1t1g to I ~11,dhcfK In ldd,1100.. llf'Plic41th 1~ nxo..-t one ~, die 1nlkl\\·1n1 r<quittmtn1~ Cll br fina11N.Ut llm1tal. 1l1 bell fin1-gcncrntion ~uJcn1 \IDCmLn.g ncllbN pan·nt ha e.untd :a bxbdor'i dc:gt«") or Ol he• \IUJC'OI wi1h & J....,,imtr1tcJ pb).,..ICII.\ cw learning di\lbdiJy. Stuilmt Sur('lt'>rt S4.-rvim; rl.,n10 us"" SQrt o( 1hc runJ,ng ,,, hire n D1Alb .and III En¥)i h.tru&n.w.tat hi pnwidc a&.hlional wpporl tor \h¢ IOiJ•haJcnh.A'<Ord1nictct LuodbcrJ. Al I thl!M: '41ti"\lict" arc Cree tuq1&11.hfyn'I, ,.uJdcm~ Applicanu wi.U be a.lXccJ tt> fllJ 001 an applK.atkJn.,nd hi Co
thlWgh 1n •~tcw to de~nnn'l.: .lallkuuc Cll'Cd,, HWc wll.M lo tcep ,,uJc:n\1. rrom l,dhoJ mruugh lhe t-rn...l.1, l.undbrrg u.1d grant 4"&111C rn'lffl the U. $. Depar1mc:111of Ed:ucatioo ;1.i pa.rt or an N\ICMjQMI wppM Pfl)lnin) niuncdTR IO lnlbcm.d 'Ci<k,in ,urptirt ot Prt~IJcnt foh.mon', "War On Po,•c:ny, CongtuS NaMi•hrJaK'ri~ul thrtcMl'pl)Qft prog.rum,. whH:b "''-' Qllcd TRIO t11t: fLlnx nuo nl'n•· C:~llpas.\tS th't. C'dlae.-ll(ll11J1I· a.1..Juancc rrogram, Mo« 1hao 800,000An~ att ~cd by TRIOrropann Jn1 rm.ttd \l!Mlcna ,bould (()ntkl Lundl'"I at 169.:\499 or"'" l'deOion m RO<lffl I3) 1t!$ulc dtc C0Ur1,t SUlb: C.en1C'f'.
1'111looal C<'llcge Mc:Jhi Ct"n,·cn1lon In New Orlt'1Ul\ Oc:1. ?S-28. Se,mnel Oillmc 11.1Ml 1hc ptlntcd Sentinel att uch finali,u ror chc nli.tional Paccm.akcr Awll.rd. whJr:h rttl)t:nlln die bcu in gcntntl rxcc.llcucc St.aflcA an: for 11 6('1..t of Sho!4 :iwi:itd. ptcM:UIC'd to the tdp p.apcr1 ttptetoenlcd al the C.P:O\'Cfltion. '4hkb be au.c11JeJ h)' II.bout '2.000 ,.,IMkml.
In competition with all umvc.r.hics and c»lltgeJ. J~h S100f)r won fil'5C pbice,, (Md computer M>nwue pn:t.csl in Pn.gc I Ocligo and lnfQJraphlc Ck$.ip. and Andy TeYI~ oa 6eCood Cot N'l"''' Pho«»:. Boch -att ,ti ll wuh Tiic Scn1111cl.
Many B«ktc.11 i• one uf three finalists for Nitk)tllll Rq,oncrort~ Yew. Now,..Jtb • progr-.un m Ilo1>duru to aid qrpJwtJ. Bccktcll earl let 1hi11 mc,<,nth won lin.1 in the: n.1tion for (l(llfoc h(\\)pafl"ta fl'Uffl the: Sol.i~,y or Prorl$.tloo.aJJoumll1iSti
Eleven Sentu,el ~talTen 11/'t' •Uc11dln; die. a.atKlna.l can,c-ntJon Wllh ~gisttntion fin1111cc, Jrom ASNIC. Fuoch to hdp Swdor and Tc"is ltflvtl to tti.'.'ChC 1hcit award, were dona.It'd by ellZtlpUjemplo)'C'fl and raeul \y
, Oo1 2<4. 2001 NEWS
NE~s BR1EFs l!!!i:"2 n.....
""" AJ11 ,uo,u1 11 ,b ••"''"'"'·· Candidates to speak ~WIUW • 1~C-f fnclhl)' l'hl.'ft' I,. d 1t«:~)tu11 deJr«- in J::.n11!J\h andmo\l JUCh tti,::b,b 99. IOI ,.i:s,1>whoJ,aldo1t'luaJ<nt.ui.lMLA tlc«lop,nenq,w1f"'th<WritongCcn•« orlOl with students , staff "'~ lo\hocan'1 flJUrCOIJt 11 <1eccn1 "Aiafu!'C Wrlcm-1CC111c"r .scrnna NIC' 11'11hc hr,i;t 1:d.l)~lhc Wtl1mgC'.'c:r1ccrYr'a)tn thou~> h11,ve tht ~1ui11y for lWdenu.' Wnlln,; r,co;h.. (we.offer a~ 'A'tkocniri~
Writing center finds new home I
1'ht Wtltui; will mwnuun a ,tudcnl tis' ye.a fl u 1otJU 1.4 rt*• de,dftr~·nt 1111~. •Tibna a11J l'ltlp ~udcnu pct• ioplc: for tbr1r CC1'lltfW Ctl\'IIMfi~nt, "·l\icb &U\.."MCI dlC ('Qft~fw•b .,.,.111 hdp 1,1·11h il.ll)lh.ins ~.wh papen aOcr r-:remn, the ~u.a.kul batk.10 ttllbocub.lp 1'el\\t.Tn auuns wnucn o.od OOll ~-•nt1oi d1A~$h d(pmc,p11111N,. bu1 the) uu.cructot rbcn I.he ltuckot \Ii ,It hona 1hc comm.ittl,atl~
tolll(L k~w'-:'!:c~~~l~=MOlld.tval
as 1hc Wmlng Cientrr h'"'f" 1n ge1 lull.tune ,\lCIOP,.. Q.i.:cpl for one ""ho t1 p;111 lhceu oult,dc cbc door f· ¥f m-.6, Fry, ph'8b0tomlst from the Inland Northwest 8~ Center, Hsists David Chepm11n. mecti•nlcs major, who gave bk>od at 1hl wual NIC bloo<I drtve Ocl, 15, kill s
Center receives funds to help students
OAFE Buy one pizza at menu pri~ receive second pizza of equal or lesser value FREE! Senor Froggy 105 lllver Ave. Now Serving Espresso r------, !%any,!Jno l L ·--- .J -----Free 12oz Espresso with aurcbase of anv breakfast " Conrlll8H/ :::_) PISt Falls/ Hllllenarea (Ironwood Square Shopping Center) 81&·9292 Better Ingredients. · netter Pizza , Specializing in fresh, delicious Mexican food 69¢ Tacos All day, every day! 10% off for NJC Students & Faculty with college I.D. --7th and Sherman Downtown Coeur d'AJcuc (208) 765-8522
Self-exams, yearly check-ups essential
.1hool. tcflJ me lw111C- uJ mr co chcd, ii rqulnrly
1111'1¥.•·\cr, ht•J f!h)' 11,.,11 r11.-1tuunoU1.1111nJi lh.ll 11
• .t n • Nllnd lu~ ~t 1n\.luJ 1rrq:ulwt)' 1h.apc-11
fk ,m11iec.l1111cly me fot u 11iwiuqr.un llnd
I h.-.:..\JUC acn,,llJ From .,,hill l1nn,N Uu1 lcdJc'
I hid on tw.1: 1uti«t, I rrtriemhC'h.'d yul.1111\.-r
.,.,,m:u J1as11t»rd ""I'<' ftlOtc! hldy h) h.11,r
ad,·ruici:d c:uCt While I <OC1ldn"1 11'11nl. 1'1 any tmntcd1:Ut f•mtly 'Ah<1 •·M<: •flC1:lcd 11 J,dn'I mtan I •,111Wrf1 be lht' fir.1 I had P('\·cr baJ • mmtmoJ1um and bcanJ the)' hW1 .\I) mothrr 1~ t.Mt bo:t nrmirnc.:-'"trenntp,ainfvJ I na:'d<'ll Ut"~ .4111."J\•111 radlc)Jr.aflh \'1t'\\·I 1.akrn l wa" a·l.c-d w 1.-:it tbc numm,,1Sr.1rh~' nuchu,o 1n,I lfbJ' 1hci tunl11c ·11\c trc:hn11>Un UIO\~J 1hc: cqu1plhtnl en lhc: prnp-r P""'Ut111 plattd m)' ~ton ibc and kwtcmS lhi: drat ct,inpfC'.,~iou dhk. Wbllc I felt muw,r di1emnfur1 from lhc ,·omrtC"wvn "' 1be l'in~..ut tiouc. 1htrc wu no p.aio un,111"1."d The rlllho,rntif,."' '°"nhm1""d the ,11.c :utd 1,rqulml)' ttl thcma.'-t. 1111.: uhn.\1lllflJ nnl)' h111ul(h1 tnntt b:ilJ l'lt'",I, 1 the rua.u •·u ctbhmJ 111:1d Hh.'J'Ul.u \\'itb a Jeep rOUl. I could lCll lht:tc rc•ulli, •rr~ ooi good h) tile c:1p1cniof1' t1n 1bc f11,'"c• vf the 11:1:hna1.a111 ,1u,J rh),11n,m, Then. lhC' hlOp\) H'iUII, 1;1mr h11d. ltk..-ondu1,1H. n,..,u,h u J1Jn'1 11111!,;~lc: 11 "'"' \."allem1'.1,, ti .ttd in,lia1t< 1h.,1 tbe malmal in 1hc tunM>r •• 11.J,uomW. II n«JcJ hJ 1'c- 1t.11io,tJ, hi~ 1hcu 1J11tt •tt·.il., from my 1nh1.1I •rro.nntmrna v,uh my rh>1,ic1an. I , ,j(;bti!ulo.·J (ot "*JJ~Cf)', A lltul hK'J")' on the mnn,cd IIU1ll"lf \\('!UM t..-11 U1 1f II •aw l'tc,U!!,ll, or cancer ncc:Jrng further 1rca1tncn1 and p1't'ttti.allyffl0ft'J.Urgt-nrThe 0Ut·p.11i('n1 •utJClf w11, Nlolm:ly p~1n1t, 11t1,I the ,u. chocol111e p.ld1.hny,1 Lhc 11u"" 12\·,c m<' afh·r Yrcn1 • lung w,1~ in rn.1k11111uc fa-I tlCl!cr al'w:M11 tbr srlu.unm t 'AW•· to1J It 'l\ouhl be- ,1N,ut '"u "'ttl..• helot'.:' lbt' midi. 1A111.1IJ lie liik:t I Y..H lu,.::ky. M)' 1u1nnc \\ilt br.nipt. Smee llmc. I tu,c hlid '"•• n111,11c hunpi ffll'l&l\itJ aiJ nu m.1bi:114n, ie-s ddmcd Many rcopk. 00,..,·c,·a. noc Ml lu.:11.) Tiu )"CJ.I J1I c~wnllU'Jd 1~2.2CXJ nc111· 1nna1Yc: t;a-c-,. nf bre~,~ '"~ncrr .i.rc upc~1cJ :11nl 11baut .io .zoo W'i~...,.dl,l1>·ln1cr11hl!Juc.a'!IC
Brra~ on"r h the \('(ond J,c;aJin1 '"""*' t-f canc;cr dc11tti .1ni\tn1t An1C"r1,.i.1t 1i1~m1rn. lftC«'nd ool) fo hmg Qlti(ct 1111 the lt*lin}t Q\traU 1.11&1\C
1,( dc-.w.b m 'M1C111.-n bct"'*"n u~ •rt'' pf ~o 1111d 5S. n, Amt \t1chahuc1. r~d1ol,l1,:1t1 at N\1nh
• E"'tl)' 111nr11h 4. hcd:)11urbte&<b ihWt one "1'.d.:af~"l'y(iut pcni)J
• l'rcU ftmal'i WJlh lhcJltUl ~of your fin11, !\.kl\C \OUl lc(t 11Md 1)\Cf your nght ~.t'i1 an a c1rdc~pu,urc'9 nsht1
I ~· lnw,:1ri• tbi-'l"I', tt ,1 "-1U~ tbc- mr.ijomy o( hill p;a1icn1, a:tc. bc1.)l.«tt1h:1~o(,01r11J«),hc '«4 • apxuum of Wflffll'n tn,m a,r:c• t~ II() Mart)' lact,in '°•" put V.·1tmcn at tui:;htr 11~ for omctt Some ol lbc .at ,n,.1111lc 11 ~icNJtUI arxV« 1.und) h1 1nry of ~r,•.i,1 nr (rt';aru1n uncc-r. (W'\.l!f N'ln1 1•tC'JIIUII Ill liavit1s tbc line \hllJ af!L't lJI: ~I. 1,"lCr pb)'4t3l luncu. c:u'\."1,)J\C' dnnkallJ. ~moliftf!. 11\inl pi.111 mcnor,.wul hc,ru'lfltlel ot h.t\llrtl: 1t111: muw&cJ t,i,:~ C-oltl,,'Cf Jl'rte BkCAI \T8KCAZ. \\luk It).!' rnt ,,r J.;\..:f.orin# hK.,.,1 ,,incct inc«•><• u 1 'l\'UUl-'ll ··('·• l'JIU(C' Uuu, 70 rc«cnt of ol~lll,;1,,WlllV.1l11JCl'l\'<b.l ha.I t11 1 u!cu11f1atilc 11\~
Dr. Ame MlchlJlson cheeks t or symmetry and denslty abnormalltles In breast tlHue. Htc1•1 c..11\·C'f c;i11noc )'Cl N' rrl.',~n,cd,'\'cr, n cw1 dt1«1W 11. ;,n earl), ~1~11." lllgC. ,1,u 'IJ1Jc.-.prr.iJ UC o( 'kffi:11.\011: 1rwmtl~) b•, JlanWtli.;AJ!y r11o.c.,."81Cd lhtM eaz1,.. tkiA·uorp, Sign~ at~ C"Jill:CT c:1111 be I h.tmp in UC' t,~,1.11. JUI ,1,11011-nal lh.a:lC'rUQ# of UM': !'lftil'\l Oil dllt11,C ill the· lih.t.r< tlf l"kir. \Vhltc tn1.1rc 1J111n p;Jtttll 1,1 ~1<lplilCJ l;,1,,:,a~t al•1ol)t11l1htt lll't J'f'U\'l!fl bt'l1iRll. lU'I)' lunip t.hould tlt" C\.'llh&:1bl by ..a ph)'1.idilll JnU1itno '.\«t~. m.unrr,.,grarh>· "iml1rg1« • Nmn Idaho lml1tnlC Ccr11cr. t.1td 1ba1 '4h1k t1DC1Cr c~ h.oc t.k!Ubktl. IJIC' dra.ih rate h;u, tb:rt,Ul.-d. SM lndi.;-11.11:J lhlll •n lni;rcooc: In ('JuuJlon, lirca.•I ,• c-,i.,1minnh11n 11nJ re1:id• ma1nmr,snrn, hi• allO'Wal lbll lUluon to be dtlcd.('J w1.lJ lie.ital "'bile I.bey fltC ,u11 m1U1.1 ·~-a1i1c. "'\':DC'l.1, l1'°"''1Dt )11ur Nd)· ,1nd tolto\\in,; the lhrt.c-"1Cf' r,n11,-c-1., h v1~I fl"l'ea.rl1 ~'11on." S('d~ -1 lbe IIIR'C·~\'f 1,.•ll."'f'-., n 111 bl&)'\\ 11,( h-.,v. 10 c:onduC!f moulht)· "'1::itt Klf-<lt1n.innt~1n, (!J h1vU1g dimcal !na.(I. lf\lCM by \'Ullf hf. lih l'fl'l\'li<,lcr 1l lllV 9K itiJ(ovtrcJ ,,r tvcr. ynraftm .1i;:c 40 and tll tu1nu111n ,l,llnu;d 1tJ.111ut~rnm , ,,(t ,l,(J Of ii brr::i.~ IJf (1und,- h1illll) m.l~, nU. rw ncal It l\n't d1JI m&nunup-111111 .:itc p,d al'.k) ph)'M\,,.•ll
0~:L"~:!;;;\~~~t~~-111, .,vtins v.ilh yflW' flltllilll)'
Catt" Jt\ct 1111,l h3\ln1 rtiulal mlffllnop;raou AU 1h,:t.t,,,ar1un,: too;,:thcr• 11h ~·1111Qf11.,aonupc.,t1.ant • B<Mh M1,b;il,vn ~ttl~ llt\" IK'h\'el)' imol~ m a-cnmun11) nltA.'IOXl A, m:mbcn uf tbt' G. Kon....n D~\ hllllldAbou. the) 'A\Wl. v.ith Od!cnh Bwtc 1.-uoo!i.1i.«tin~ lhc f'1ttlllt) fun.1-rJJ...uq: c,enl - Ult Cocw d'Alffic k.orncri~fr,rl.hcCurc. lhclllH n11Xw.-. bcld S.pc.. to to kkk 11U lhc 0..fohcr Bn:-a..i Caoccr AwM,oeu \fnntb 'The rr11- 111111e111 r«s and fin.&lll.i.J 11uppon lnirn l«.d '(lllft~ nu.t,C IIJIXle}' I() IIUrP,'C1 kcal~" cancc-r ln'.lltOX'OL t,c-,,:oung .ilk.l cJ.k:.;alk~ rro(!Ulll~ Local hmo,b Mt a' 1hrciu11h g,aah M mcdkall~ undt'r•tit"nc4 *Omen in the p,1nhnodle rt;ioa (I( Smb Idaho l.r,1 )e&r. tnOf'C :t-00 "''Omen rc,<'1,cd mmunopl.lll"· l'irc.;W ulln11c,@J\ ud/t'lf llllffi 1hc hmd!i Wcdnckl.a)', n.1 ,1 1hc Womc1f, 1f1C11llhScr,,i«1Coetl\, .a ot SaacJ l-L.:.11, ~1c:daal Cent llllt.l t1\l.1-S lnia,iDJ m Sfll'lk..;11.-.: v.111 ,i~il 1he NIC 1:llffll"I' Crum lJ 11.1n. w.ul 4 p.m. \ny ,·omen O\l!r 1he 11c ol .io un h.ave a Mi\11\~rtm "tibo.d a Nl>ua:in', 1Tlc·rr,1l 1111ol •hll l!.1\'C tM if:f'\-if;(! c;m'ffl:t.l h)' he:, ll'l~n.111('(. 1h11 orron11nity i~ l't.11!..lbk fot l"1rl-f'lo)C'¢\ IOO ~tldctdt.. htt.a1"ul OiublJnce ID.I) be, ~\·41\Jbk' ft) WOfflCI) 'o\1lbou, 11\lUr,lnc;e I" tldJodulc an a-p(!Oinrmmt call S.lli«flt IJ.ca111l$a'\1ccr,117~.?gJK abou;\ 1J 1 ~0~~::r::~~':! 1nt'dku1d 1•1 fll,1111<.1..11 rranr:,. fh11 l1 a J.null pn~ lo po,y for IUl.'h.W '"'1,nCJll'lylin:aiouurdttictuoa. \\-'Jic-n I 1.:II )'IUnJ: ,omen my lit"). ~toe of 1.hc tu11u.noa~101b they N med ti ti"' cnoow~l'llflJ hurl_ t nfticn 11oJ nl)"('U ~mg d,c "'®' my llllllha 1ald me v.b;n I IW(Q! hes IJ1.11 iiilmC 4uc:.t1on ~N111111~tm :llft' .a lullc llti..'lsmfonahk•. tiu1 v.h;11 tr•ll) b1.1n•1• "'hrn )·011tbl'1 ~l in ,mJ ,111 o~'U lutu1,r 1rm , hi=-_y,""I he1111t lt'IMUCC-'t'lk liuru l•ll'1hfru1nt
Ocrr 2•. :2001 ('}!_· I A bout :100 men Jiil. willdiefrom l breast aincer In ! lhe U.S. in 200 I , • • • • • • •
~~ub~n wME-
10 fi11d i11g cc111cer earl.v
I•u "•I) 11 when lho r,01 lump wt, fo11mJ J "-,n 111 t11c 11;.1•n ¥ihC11 J ldcnu.'lJcrmyk11ticr&.t!l - 1 1m1dl. hard man &tw1U11IIC'Wl'l'lllll'l('th:il ~,a,r, 11 w1u rathc, Ii nut~ rtur1""' Ill ml l-1~ lrn.~kc\l11J..ih f.ir1fc'w \\cc\.1. 111J ti,11 I dc"iJcJ ii \\41a'c JIOina a1uy, I m.ide. ,n 11ppmcurncnt wnh my tam,I)' rJ1)tit'lan. I lismt'd ht\\ui,h.l &di mo:.i1 "'"' tll'...lb1n,: t11 \h"')
• No'4' ,ti«: yow lel1 brcut wilh yow riJhl h.snJ In 1~ w•)' Ulu,1t.111on h\ J(Jllb S111d,,r • U there aft' Jny lump:.. knob ar ctwi~. 1tU )'Qllr ~""1"r nght o1.\li1) • Con,uJt II doctor or 01' .\mcncu Cancn 5<,ca('f)' fur nion: mfnnruu,(lo ACS caa hcto=hcd"' 1-Sll0-.\CS·l34S. .~-;;-r-#f Pt11.CU111h)'UI\~~ °'""""'"' Cut ;1 (t.alu f'fl Cuni.i.:1 l.ik> hl!tor Clwn I Kub,1,t Phone,: 7M JJ88. f ,n : 7t,•t.)18'1 f"flllil: SN1t11wl0nl< "'-Ju
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*-'1 "!.!!""~ \\._!-11.1 ttft "'""
T,11~d.t1.dingl),J,t.r, lmJ,i:,. the RcJ H,ol \t,un-. •'f'fr 111 ,, apan fl.:t 5 u1 Sc:bukr Audtrmum
lhe)' rutlaJ out 411 dlit \l('I"' rn,
•k.«Jff'Ol1 lund,ni.1:-:r1Calkd
A ~l..-lwii1,n11 n( lht ,\rnn1, 1111
SrinL ·we r«t uut l"'ighlloc,, ut,,J
fCClll11LO;>,;<lfUlld:ih11V."'llt1th, ~•"nc k>p;t.flrcl u1 unu,.-"-114
\ l1 U.i S1.:,~-n1,, ,fo,...:tot ul the Wc"'tmln
fl(',•fok ktlmf t'ltd fff"kk~
kruw. lh.,i1\lo't.t,t.1pp.,nham.
Poll~,,.., irij dit Cffluriw. mu,.:~
ca Ne* \'ork nt) ulJ
We>J'linfl(WI, OC 111(, M.amn
C!f21NtN 11111- wttk can'IWJI•
\;1 Ko1Jt~J111 CoUPI}' Jo P'flCl"lie
I W1"1Jtd lr.deC'*1"f\11.l1nh
I 1hc¢l.wil11e1
T :11\\·hail~canu.1mcou,,N
J1tilr 1 c1or1l.:,,,1w:. \t..."l'Dl
1.1,ld l1"1plll'lohal.M.un.Mtk1
11, lh0t,-• l'bc Rtd Jtoe M.111w., t,,;,,an tfk11 QU'CN 111 )CII\ 1£',' i ,1.h onl) li\·c mtmhcn fJl-·rfom,1llJI, II! u Fututhnl h1h ~k 1t1 (...:urdAlenc: ~Ct"Vem fulk,•\\C'IS\\1th 1nll.tfor awJ11J1,a., 1nlhcp;iif!Ct -40 hc,r<fub ,h,wfd up. TiloC tn~n,hk -.~,11•1\.I, ol t\l.u -·'111-*<n~ho~
"P,•opklikem ht.•ttlll.\("Wi" 0ft' cnltJrful happy 1md 11pli/1111g. ·
.\tA.bSto!,etti R,i,1 ~L:)!ll&ar:,a
~ai,ly,,..,ful,r~t'otbt120 pc1form t11l.!Ut":1J romed)· O,'U thCtkt."lok: 1b.Ju1.'l:•1kcJlfo1 \1,uru, hnt danced. ~1n1 or mardllCJ •~) lhh"'fb th¢ ~11MJrtft"\°Ol~•11i u,oan.. lt'1 a rt,·a,,1,1r,: \o\ 1h·h1ni d1an 111w.,•~1c,ctt1N.IJ. "'1'h1,1yl'(' nlc1.~f'rJIJ\~lhclr r,utl IC b; pu.~ oJD 111 lhdf f.&mitl:,,ai,J~~thr:m. R~urtybu rou..J,
tv.,~ , ·,'C.d. f'IT'l"°-Oufd!ffl' l) 11 JI 1111.c. All RcJ Hc,t Ma1TW1111e1t".11a,,,111Ct,•11h 1ob41:1nd J1mul1t1,,,_ "'' t.Oow, 11ft' c01;1rJ,1"1cJ a.:.:,,rJmg to .n1d~h11il) f'I tilC'PI \l ,ii Of lbc lllJ,ct 1o1;h,1 ~Dl'IIC 1i,t1) lhc: ~NUr jQ\( '(' hwmal ua,ruc,. Sil I ~h 1hcrn," S1c,nttutd. V. hen• t;CIJ alwiilf the Ull.lpRIIIJ\O:f'll'f!!'lhcyulT), MAJ1 ,U n1-1n, JUI l.an1.crt11,11)1) uhff)'. umd ll'l•'lf"',, S1c•nt WJJ "'Gcti!Jur,J 11,.C~lb.11 throu~ mC' Th: "'od,lu,a,J, U1r. ba:uh11,: ~1,11pi1~. MJl.lfliJ and f'l°OI" .« lip. .:UUUft'llnJ 11:tid 11111.lo'.!>up.1,t,tcnl) Lli,1nhut,-S illfdl,lbc1~ tfl( ludl'J in t.hciJ FriJa)'
f\C'n,111 S'l''Sfllm \U.\ ''L1 .,.1n· IQ lhe US,\, kcd Hot M1ma·1 W._,lunJtOO.- 0.C il\JU(urtl ('t«llk,DU1ll'IC' S1:imn~~11b ww1. ,,u, lad.ct rrrt""1UN an •mrn•s.\M IUHI) ltf N)l'IJ' ltlJ J-1111X f\'IUIIUC\¢1. nlt'm"'" ,if 1he "l,'SO- oh LnJcn.cnnns ltlc- ,m·1•1,~hli:
lllc"KU v.rit ,cartJ IOl\'lll'd
li,..Jln n1' rir11 'We lcdnpn.i..1111 cl,1-.ri.o
1).C 10 dJe fiN pl.ace~,. Stc\Ul\ wd. h 1J.·it.,n'11heu linl ~-bc'i..:c lnr 1nc.1ttou,rnc- t.uta!Jmrbho (Xf\"ItCth,"'C.JIIJ,c'OfuUnJ "JCf't\C' 1,{ .\11icrka. uf 1-,trl1101.1n, pf 1tie r,ncc ol fr«docn.'' •hil,: llllinnr the(:olp;.1111 IL"Ct.lnhn,M Stc,·ro,. S!.eh"M t.t.11) lhty 111en'1 1~hy1bcprn.1kollf tuawic folb~arc .trc,1,1li, 1ttttainlcJ..,,th thn11.l,.1t In ochi:i aren ,f d'II: 1."0\illll'). the) ~,1uiu1nil'i.'ll) \:,.,tx,J)' bib j,f~·n Ile M,6Ctl o."' W1C s.1111 · P.col(lk IJ~ u, hcc.ltnc •c"tt 1.:t1ludtd. tuppy ;;IJuphll111• The k.cll Uot \111:1run !U\l fin1\b.'ll1ll~111l..1N,, M...a.., 111 d'tc Sordid eta rnef 11rt p,~pu114:
Edwl""' Seo~.. lhJh Sdk'l.•I She 'f/eultoAlb<-thMCollc,:c "lM.:l'tl •he fl.-«l\'td a hlchcktr'• dcJlf«' tn nw1hcm.at1(' Shl" umtd hct mntcr'• Jc,,gti:c: Ill nad11C'l'l111i10 Slc-rhc11 F. ,\u•hn Unhetli1y tn NaitOt!dol:h,c,.· I ua., Aftd' S"""'c and hn hu,h.ariJ, l>(,r,ald.. 0\0\'cd 1,1Co:ur d' Ak,"·. Bub Jii.llbltr, d1,Noo 1:b11J1 tot lhc ttlollh Jt'pliltlllCht, .15ktd d Vtwkt l.ckh p,atM&tll(t at chc c,"llk,:c. Htt part-tu Job b«:une • fu1l-11mc pl1'1Ulon. Strt\l.CU.~insct.teti\'Ckw:lu~toltAL:hMrcla.\""' S~lblu qur.uo11\ to kad bet t.ludcnU 10 find \:(ll'lll('\1iOOt I U}' 1d 11:J 1111.1..knt tu rc~pood h, que~I-IOn..,, ~he u1J. \\rhfn S10-.-c b no& bu.,y .,-ilh c:l:a.u«. Nie hka 10 m,M' ct "'~ In b{r ,i~ ~ircaJJoodhoob \"he ujJ ht ltlrC'I f'C*1ins ffl),ICtln ~' h)' EUi., Pdi:r!i.. "hicb arc ilhoul .a l.&lb ccl\tury EngliJb monk n.uncd a~-.ih("r C.i,U1tl
Bahr chooses English
over burger flippin g
\\JhcraFrin Qw°\JttAl·n,:phc~ 'llo.U ~1tn 1hc nlOll,~·r,,.,., hcr1hc,tllw Wnhln • )'CAt. Uabr olfklally ldoplcJ htltl Bahr ~I ,he lo, n calt ,-if htt 'M)tl.,T<my •·tt'\)lt,& llLe 1¥:lftl • pnmlt IU• 12.•)'(at• olJ. l'('d-heldrd iA."fll.d:t. .Jlc wd Thi, 11C'Jll0>1Cf'. BW S.?. tc.~ EnshJt 101.mfflhc lntnnc1..Shcll11Uk.dlcs• ci.,, 1\1 o*1-tftl4AA"'l..:n w bQw IO «r..,cb ·-IW!rw.·a,t<imU.'1.IJ,19-W.lllldF""UP 111) • ptic.,lo'lTI 1.11 --.1tJll!!l'f1 C.olttta.JO. Wbco ~~hrroonc:wn1hcbt.lka,o1cbtld.lhc ~'CJl,IIJIC\tTIDI.S\t Aliff JllldLUllllg tnwn Q:n1:aun IIIJll .xhnell llt U J.n, C'*'-¥1Cl'kkd .t\d.u1l\ Scm..-1n Alllll'IMI. Ct,lo.. v.tlat \h,: ~hn l..kk<', &,m, m .mJ E,,ft,,i,. Sbcth<n.tW.-.J.Jl~ ,....,her ITl;l~ll:'ri. in Eoa;liJi •OOCUl'nm,,11111.y tVl)q:c m'ill\&:IJOI\ In, 1118111'•\I\IJC'n&a EWU. BW workcdalbcOn.-.i 8a Onll1nS~ Vu,:bsukihnson.r.bcnhc*1ufl&"Enir:U'11 Jt,wll'l'IC'nt. ruundtU aNJllC Bllhr•OO om.·,~ t,cc, po,.ir1011 She ~k.-hlnao•.-t'f0Jpplt\l~ \l!IJatllJ.Cli an anJUCll\'t lrflf\\lcil lO U"Khlllf ha ~l\ldtrill. h.u lhcm knm by lhnn'l.'I\·~ Sh( fl"'O'tJet. ii "W'IJ<ia.\UAI .im.-;..p!ro: 111 lhc. c~,\.f\"'1ffl and allo'fL\ •ctn11Cb lune,., 4-onipll!'!r t\,1.i:,ii.Ric:nt• a., P""~bk. nlr hc:f IJUt'md cu~ B l~ IOrC·l-'~11.c'.-t;IAMlUC'lm.almoq,hrtt, 11.ll'"'ff '!UC<llc• ,~ti.hie,• aod "-Yin touch "'th her •,ud...-n11.. 8.1hr's hu\Mnd. Rid:, .SO, i., • 11peccb Toa~· Ml tht (\'--ur J' Ale-~ Cb.ina ,\,;adcmy Whl'n nc,c NJ)', BIW 11,kct. lo UQv. and Jl3,i.M. Sb: aho 1, c;.,,Llh:r.i&.ttia: "id, Bob SlnJk:W) 1n 'ATi1e lhco hi•lt'II')· 11( 1hr c,1ollca•· Md ~'ti Oil di(, tnU'ICU:ffl board
Optimism gives profound impact on quality of life
Positive attitudes help others during national time of need
ht Kun D1n,mn
h 1, ,al.J )OU •tt h~I )·ou cal. bui b.u •n)·nn< ~er ,..1d )nlJ am: wh~ you thiuk? Rnntd1 ,;Oflhrni, lhc: c1•1m th.ii wh,1 \loc: dtlr,L •fled• bt.tllh Profc\.~r Vlc11,r mcnli(1ni, 11 1988 rn1dy ,il, b) ~t~r,.nri. Uallt:uu nd Scf111man d111J i,hll\.\\ lh,: l~l\dtlll 10 new 1he .,...,)(Id and hfc pt ,,m11,l1c1t.U)' fl.11., a proro11nJ 1.111p1tt,:1cirihullh. Tb~ ,1uJy follo.,..·l"d • sroup of tollcgt ,1 for 1tmu11 50 11)J ~ool.luclt'J nttt.lJ\ .11 ch<\-.kur, C\tt'f fl\t )un durint 1hc. t<11:ui.e or 1bc: ,tud). The c.,M't .,.,tin• ophmiuk 11a1c 2.S 'lloctt hc.allhlt'r at 11~ 6~. II\ c.:untrat). P"'"lmhb had \t~ncJ 10 Jt\'clop hahh ptc,l\ltm" tt)' 11c ~, 'funhtr inquiry 11ho.,..c1t the la..·tor--. a, lhlll pe-.,1mJ1b _.'ft~· In, ,oa-.crnc:d aliou1 ~L.l)Htl hc11.hh)· .mJ \li<'fl:' mote 1tb:1y co cake up he11llh d.a111i1,:1n1 b.ahttl ,u"h » umtl u,i: ;if\tJ t'J1«11,i\--.: Jnnlan,. II then that p.;1tonnlity "~)ti.I 111dih c.tb to imriact hc.aldt.• Ou.irtC' 11:.J P1t,1o,, Tiln C,ll~IJ(h'C'I, fu,1 8.1pu,t Chur<h n, Anrm<~ f.cny, rth1C\ bu\\ lbC' WI) \l.e lhlnlcdekrminc\ uurcvct') tuppJnc" '"11 mc,rc ornmmil!', d.o c~pton cnec or our bk o • Jot ffW(c JI))," Croli\no'tcr 1:1.IJ
derar1tnt·ni1 4(:1,:an 1b( «iuntry nul.t'd 1hov~nd, 1)( dQ'llai• ro, dk rt~UC' \liotii.'tll linJ 1hd1 l.ttulllo
thu lra(a: ti!tJ.llion in ffsht t.•I OUI' l'l'«ILI pnvdqc IO t\~111 l,Ll!-, Ill f'ttl1Jl1U 81!\h'1 1~11'1"1111'-iratc,• \IL'\'l"ll•UiJ l'i,• o{ 1.111 cnr d1ciu,h1 '\\,;' •,~I.I eo 14., \\bhtntl.;Q.
Jor !-he IJ..ubv &v.l ua \'..,,, f>s:q:o on Ike. ?ti: ~~ahq1mW(1,llic p,1hlk k'1\ I,;..; I ~1 :,f (."a!111ou)' Am_,,)J.:irtf 'ililhOO\llhnrll<I SIC r.:;:._"How do you feel about an Anthrax scare?" l\\:.JQJ fro ~@~) ""'ii"'"""" u Clfadtft':ltlor ~e1nhl".1\11l\io • .(i.) •.put.J.<J 1•1&<>~"'"''"''" __J lknj1UUll:I \\<uodbridi,:o, IX Atctl,1o(!u'1) eoe aAJono I r«1 diun:i.,cd thllp:'C'1'1¢1.i ~"'"'uW WC~•,pclil Wllllatr 10 fiUft f:Jl.•'lll(f'" 1't1H nulll""·l(I Mus,C/SdoflCC CoouldAlonc, Pregnant?
Birthright can help you. -free pregnancy tests -community referrals ttw111f r,ur.m11,n C.:b4:'.\l'PDC' 11.11,,,:zJ Educatort O"o\'l.$!0n -infant & maternity clothing 923 Sherman Ave. Coeur d' Alene 664-1390 1-800-550-4900 24-hour Hotline 1duttk 1h.11 ;w;-1•lmffffllll dan-.isl11he maiJ ha\ff\'J,,.,,, ••)'IOU)'Mllf •1ll•••11c,•l'IC 1"111, hul, '1U'll'n('J.t.Jt I'm noJCgo.lt1$1ll"""' '1ttp,,\l"f1I"' HrianC)alt. 2fJ F,neA'l!I 1.lolcow 1r,.,, 1 •·ale u;imt Roi.« lluff \\":i.1.t"',JJ PC 1Wppo,t/C1TE. eon,,.,, Ftlny November a 10 a.m. -3 p.m. Nor1h Idaho College Student Union Building Main Foyer OnSda Tran,cnptEvaluabon TnlnlOfA,Maing Amldemlo A,Maing AnancialAldRep~ Adm-s~
Ut11il '!lht wo.>a l«DILJ(f. bhr.ln.A Sto•·c d,d {IOI ltkt' m.11h Thu ,. UPIII ,he met her ninlla sn1k ,1111.ct,111 ln11ni<1t'-r \In OnrdeN. "l lc,mcJ lhcfC' \\Al an an,.,c, u.1hc qul'~lfc,n '01,0 m1nw. hvt':• ibc u.i.d. "11 1n11t111"d n~ 10 katn (f'l(lf'C"' SIU\\!!. j7, tt'acbo Pr-c-C..a l~V hJ\ Grarhmg C11ku l.1tor. CoUcac Alrel'tha a.lkl Elcmcnb:t}· Algcbna. c!t~:l~::;~;111:·,:~\~m f/11111
\I, bo" ,fh:1.'.t h) th, lr.Jcdla c,f Sept 11 Wuh 11\e dh"n oJ 11"" ,"Cralltr')' anJ ~br hcaJ.achc t~J &hit r.i,1 mnnth. lire ~1t1<ttr11n pr<irtc h.avc. ,hnwn lo die v.orlJ ~Jli\ic IC\Ohc tb.u lft IUffl am.'Cl.t. ihrh ok. lit1n P,1.,111\'C' ttilutk, h•\< bro11p1 thh <'OUrllf) tngc1her 10 .atfcct 1hc. ' hcallh nr Cclk,w, ,,!kt the nat.oa •~••-hale
and says farewell to area fans
C'ON1 d'A)'flO"Spok.mtwllft'atillp .\nf!dL~- Th.: rumc cb:utfl.' IJ.Ctl'U, fnlllll die ~hh IUU.11')' ...e(flC 111 lhc
l\;u'lll'• hiQOC)' wit.It tJ,c1n on 1hc'i1
tm rw lbcir i:omg ,l...,.,,Y p11n)"',oi>«n
tucknt 0..\1. hmk ..JJ\'lng a ,ni.all .tttU wtll lta~ tll clh.'f.1' i1n tbc Nnd, .tn'Ol'dtn& lit
Former student writes script, asks feedback
b)· Mtndy Wt1lfrom MEEdllo'
IDOi<(' .u.i.,:,rdmg tltdJ,nwncr Za.JI
CO(lfl(r C-annno Hill 1~ rcmuuKr:nt c•fd1c Sco\h lhll lrtSp.,tiu,c. "'Jett lht rtrmbtti fint lUl'k'J J.m1nun1 1o~ll•·t
"R-:;n~ ,uc.t, ii 11,tlt-kni'I pnup a1J I ,-,.....-1-tnuttidl)· Jl\"\'.I'tll 4 kac QI ~tlo~ Oil \I.I~." lllll'ltlf
·1·,1111lllnJ,., tr\l~ I.he oomfr,n of tionginagU()Jhlndma\ITTIU p;1nJ," he 'l.;tid. ~-~uw we- Art" goto, IO l',c I wn.11 fl,h 11, I b11gc pond r tnntm HilJ ,ncJt.Mk drummtr'/JXh('ill'lfl«.lJ.tri,rn rww J...u.£,; k-.1 ~'tr aoJ ,co,un..c Ench Mul?ltt, trom \n1ihcin1. (',4111f, llud ha.,.~)4 Eric (1hl:htiot1,.nSrr1~
,\'IThe.BnDc:J.tddie1o.1hc:tri()V.'IIJ m,mlrute-J fur fi\.-e ;s~ianh q\ttll die lnllnd bnrm: Blue, $oc~t) The 8u11~,ldl<':S pb,yed v.,1h dnamlllidinn ..i ,intffit)· 111 T.W fohm$qll 2ll Wtth ~1ttt \·1,c;n.l~, n,e~,dk and 1,(1,)f!p)"N.~mi:r.:ban.,.:;ally• prohcacat dru:111, .a.uJ un11n.illy caid1)' rcr!l"<lmm h.t
alnlfflC t=Wl")'UN: ln 1hc: mom !J.ancu1t;.Jumpui3 QJ bc.,iH*llJt~ C'<11~ h"'ll. nw,u.: tbmt)' with GcivJ M..11.bit 1md tltwll ~Ill lrom O.,n Co:\ wh1k alttndmg NIC,o 1'197 IWS A«<>C\llna to Cooper. \iadn,· ADJ Cox'• l l.a\\C!l ',\'CJ'C ''Very. \'rryliclrful.
'"Onn k a ph~-nomen11.I UMMu:r:· CUOIJ<fNld ' f QOly "('Bl for 1ha1 ane )'car 111d tbm I k:Jt to pl,.y muAk-: tnvchng :mJ towia_g"' CutUr iJ' Aknc·• mu.,,, !iCt'llt Jut" not II band v.-rth lbef.J..111 M1J (al'l·b.a',(: o('l'hc RoocJ.ol1C'\ since the kJ!c:ndiu}· J4)'\ i>f 8Li.;k li•l'l'Y·
Mu sician ' soothes soul'
Job11 Aon:tdi1.., 11 ~!tilled ,0111111~1 Cf\11n
\j,.(li(IWa, sootbcJ Mudrnl, \\lth hi, n-b,,un1 11nJ 111~1 \OCl)P Wc1Jm"Wily. Oi:, l, in 1l1c
SUt ·ni,,:'1.-'\C'f\l w~ t.f'('lfl""-•ted by ~\SSIC" n.,..~Jn rbyl-d • \'ant1y of M1na:.,,sorne ,,t •hk'h 11,c:luJ.:J. --£,..:.o, ~l'I J uni:·
I·-...:,'1111111: I Wooldn'r Do f,lf Rtvl£W You •nd "'0«.11u~ I Tl-Id '\'t,ySo'"Sttrlg,,dwlv.1:'re ~uni .ind .,..,-men by fl<inllli" \\l."ft' IOli(!lr.atl"""' Uc h"" a pa~\11'11 lor n"1'tt. at.dit',®''kll.l'i. S.CuJ(fiu "''rfl: ma"'~ wAklllJli ACJfllills. "ta.pprnJ oo the: la.armuuio. 11\l,IJKUR" \\Wld gJI IL Aor.SiS);tK;\I, hou IO~tdlCl:'N'\'od 1nwlh."d. •,1.11, " Wh«I" "I"" "''rium ">' ~14,,.J11. Ouf'ini! 1be wag t\111cknh \\ttt d,irring alonJ Flunk.w ...,..
JU1tar wnam;&1:in.'Aidtin IL...clJ It', 00! comrnua co \.CC' ~ie •~ io une" ~ith lhcirmu:uca., Flar.ld.ii\\11.• ()ft 1bc c,thcr band.1ttc,,re -...ere pcurh: wbo W0\11.J ..,,y !he)' thouglit hi~ mu•io,; \\'4.'I honne You d,~·1 h....-c tu kno..,. nuk ,u uprro,;111k AooiJi1'-be ~dorm~ mWiK
1.11;11 I would "1)1 "'s.ootht~ the wed I v.w.W m;e,,,mtlll:'1111.1 him 1c- nnyooc- 111.bc)' gee 1~ ..:bon~ lO~JOOIIA.-nJi~pla) IIC"hcru l)' an 11L,rir• IM rcw mu,K k>da)' II gi,a.
11',.'0plc 1,01nc llllJShl Oft mu,tC. ll~ Florida pro,,..J lbat )W d.00' 1hi,~ t() be a B~byfacc • Tim Mc(jfll'\\ 10 be l!Wk ta ~Ins Pi!rforming" IIOI .an 'C'~Y jut,: O'UJ\teillm n\L ttclng twmiU1,tcJ on,IAgt: uc boot horn 1hc (rowd. lxlt Acm1d11 h/MJ 1k'I pt(blcm cn,"A·d p lca.,mg. SIUdcnb bk>w ,:OOd rnus.ic wb~·n they ,1 and ahhouah QOl c\'C'l')OIILC Ctlji.>ycJ flol"Jillb.1hc m11j<lri\y dild. A1wth1 h11.~ rtk'as.:d 1wo Clh. ··Partut P c1urc und -i,.., Ow>« of Af"llo
Ah ttmc,,11111, ""I wmusg, 1lla)'.,..,lJht Omid Edm)l.l()ll muodu l h11 lat1."tl rtay 10 n ~mul l group of b,tc:nc:t\ 1llC ft(",\, plly. a , 1ruggk bctv.,"CD an and c:Oteru,inmcnc 1n \QC'icl)'. rccdvcd c~it«! t0mincnt• fn,m 1hc.groupc;,n 0:1 Sm o,~•·cll H1U p1\\vl-d111, e.Jmi ton with'"hdprul fttdb.:t. fortt\\ritt ('(lft1id -na11on, Tbc. llutt-pc.1 1rfll.)', "Amu!P'.-d 10 Oc111h 111 Rfflllt'," v.·a, ttad by l::dmhloll. 26, -9 .iudcnh l*ti il Carl.on. Jollllh Wcsaoa 11.nd Cohn Angck rt' ,1agtJ1rt<"1ion3. "AmU>CJ 10 O.:..tb 111 Rome wai nae Lbt' fint-pJ•) '4Tinc-n by Edmim>n. who i1dd he"d M:Cn • rl•Y JVlN t oJ 11ucooing Z\1C The play atJUcd Imm the- W1Utl,1llt,1TC'~nc::c·, polnt-of•vicw 1h11 Rome'" ~<"I} \\~IJld ull due 10 the Rom.n•\ Jm·t' o Lbc 1htdJ.atc>r gllinC~ Tctct!CC!·., rla) \ kht thdr r<1P,1l.affly bcca1&11,C rk v.wld ralhc.'1' 1bc ._.fllC\. 1n,1dc • r1.1b. ,ti~ owner, who ls a rq,rc.scO.lllliou ol Romc"i '"wmmr1a poopk." lh,h:n, to Tttttict romplain unul a In.moo, gl.ad11t1Qf enter, the- ,ccne. Mc defend\ 1tic cnLfflllJnmcnt or the pmt's ind ll ~rmoon g.n,u11d h I\IUlld bc&v.'CCn 1hc 1wod1fferin• op1nje)nt. edtniston, "hu 1r11J tlx llne.1. uf T~nm c ...:itJ tbc tdta ll."ln,in;alc:d wtu li: he wo., 1h1nk1t1M, td psrallch t,c1w,cn modern d11y !r.odety 111d Romt• Uc 1ald he n\-itiL'etl l.l1e. t,nly parn.Ud w.i, ci1tenalnmcnL H,: ,,kl he wu. wmpeUcd to wri1c the pt11~ ,p,awning f rom hit Jntcf tuv.·iuJ 1110dtro d.)' cntcnainmcn1 Rt.:os;ni1.i 11; hiri OWfl fcc ling.1o l!,l<,\lld COkrtllifUIICOl. tic \IIIJ he ttJ.lw.'CI 1b..11c\·1;n M)lftc (Clfnt1r. tu,·I!' • poinl 1bc pl1y'1 lud d i;arac:tcr. a thm11Jm. tucmbJcd Edmj uon. u wn1crh 1nt'CI(. v. .u T~t'C'QCMlllliOI apm.\l '-'! 11 "4.'Cl\ttttJ 1t0e1ety hie~l(I Edml.'>lc.m }..1,d he ~pent fi\•c mool h, writin,g the rlll)' h\!',causc: Ir l'C'CIUl.mi (Ptl,kkf-ubk l\!!iouzt:h; ic\t'tl dt,c; dt1f'k1cn \l.'Ctc re:al-bfc iodt\;1du.1b bcl\\Ccn lhc pcrio1hot \IX18.C.•nJ 2r•>AO Edmi,ton hit\ wnuro ochrr pl.I)» 1ha1 h•,·,: bc(n pc:tfcwmc:J .-1 NIC- One p!..t) he wrote and IIICIC'd rl"' wa.\ "O illt'f C'upi(I which v.C'll'I • cun1r;,1 in Roi...-.c. He nho "'1'1'1h! 111nuthcr pl11.y pcr[orn'(J 1U NfC cn1itl4,...J '1...npyC'ill \1.iinchUd "' ··BiurrCupld·a··pcffomiOOMX" WA.\. &ln11,14.'ln'J 1i11,1 ~, -ttlng bii pla)':r. performed oo 1.,s;e
"°"" A oradls o f Missoula performs his third
-,. u,e SUB OcL 3
W" 11w ~er k\!el Clf pctfom111t1tt kc.;m'I(' hi: Yt·a, J':l,,1l'11Utc llml1 hi.- rm.i~ Ju,, V.•tc:lung floniJ1.,, ,111g: and ptay tu~
Gallery show s ' balance' in art
'Lifeg uard displays
art throug h objects
B&luncc- -11',.a,l1ffk11h k,1t 10 1r1 ,~ 11 ·,onc:.,.,lUtth1•11l·t
Cf,tll l'Ofl('',),.dk,tr,.,'Aaiiff.,...:t., lb 1100 p:ttpk
ln l,. Pan) 0 11.:e lb,i f\'C~tn
lhi.l. ~.1l1.t.Wht1 Jn h,·r
b.::;:~~~~~~:.: "''
mlttOalkry hnn1 IOa 1a. klo&
AIJ rot u, urupk in find '£ 1n o.u l.hC\.• 11~1111, ,.,,1
11 • tr11c1 w,rb)'\'.111 " 1h hCT k.o( ol("t)·li~11;onm.l10tu1c. 11hc:irupti.:u1hill.k."1-u\-d
pwi '11111. 11 \a1J l\Jl, ll) llk•j.1d,,.c1, .nd ;k'..lmni, inl!'l•tnl'IIJ!.aff.U.IIICJin tk'r v.,mt. mJ1ni w 11.1.ig, the dcan1t11¢ 1-&.i11rll'C'\ '"l't'llcd h111h chi: 1,.;111~1cai11r1 ,,nJ 1he ..:<lofinc. 11(d1111V\\trt1.. to 11.aJ:. 1 htrltd lilcgu.inl, ihc lifc-j:..:kd~W.1boU1 t.afeiy, ~an,llcUIIISBl'/·.Sut 11«C'-\.lrily truing go pb~ ,-1cil1JJ. but Cln<!CiUfl,dl). \Vbc.n J., )'tlll kt
IOl1)1.''1oJ)' ll-VOlllhl·crO\\O"' \\f1,·n Jo )OU re.xh wt .Uld U)' 10 hclp'f JloW dn \O!,I h\•lp )'nllU<lr'
The,,(' an:Mmw:quouon, 11 -l;alt
4,-.l,:1. 1ht1iujd1hc11111 The h(C"-j:KLcl \t\.·k he""'"" 1,
1.11,11d1Ul.-d, au oJJct model l ~c 'A'h.ll \lo .u ~J on the flame Hus •,111.I ~he
'1-f\X( CJD. l\"IMIII\J Ii» a white '"''UI on an othc:-rv.,"' plw11 red hai.:k,round f«on tt;,1""10 mhcr U1.m 1n JO)t kttfl u Imm tlC'i.nJ dull.H~,ts.tid
Ovcri.U. AorldJJ \l,.l\ an in!tpiii1t1onal m·u.,id•• with, p,,\1~,ft (M" lllu~tc and \lull in1hc!gui11n
'"At thlll poin" I v.~'Wl 't l lcd C'MUfh, ta \'l.<.u:abu: the 1on walking arouJW ..lrt ,UQ!ic,'" be '"1ld ,tv. a, tlnd ofa<\l ,ck" Since l,c v.,o • kif.I. E.dmL,1on ~iJ he hu ul "'')'\ w,iu.<n In hish o,,chool, be- \\l'Olt ~"°",,e,. pKlkk>-no~1,· tnd C\-'<ti v. n'lle moq.: f(Jr the gUlllU' When he came l\\ NIC. he 111Lid he thousftt h~ -.oulJ ao into film. bul iwtclld b«iimc m\+µt~cd ~1111 theiter Wuh 1hc help of Tim R..tnck. d1catc, ln~U\ICt("lf.1:.dml>l4llf& pl~y \lo.'l.'1 performed .a1 N IC.. "Thn bclf"C'd mC' ool"' he~ AU er ha rnam,~ in No,cn,ocr 2000, tWmt\lnn ~£ he'"4 ll lot hnppicr 111kt i, ,i.1u1111 C()thMcnd)·, • fatf)' ftott't.1nJ of !rtt lune a, writ1011,"' he 51,id A• !:ir s, "AmUM:d to ~lh Lt\ R~ be. r.aid he w.i, hopcM th:U lbc-y will pt.rf1,m1fl a1NIC He I\ rt'5C'IU' oonic,,t,, co emcr it in after fllllk1ng n.,:il n!wncu tbt: reading 1n U~wt!II provided l:dmnlon w1th rewrite ide:b lh.u be md be hact t11tc:id)' coo,.1<kttll m-•·n tmg, Aki111 vd1h ,,.-urpn~ commrn,~,b, whcro l.rughtcr hadn't U1Xuned IQ &l1nl\Wft. Ile uid 1lw "'nro1hln1 I, m"rc laclplur' th.An 11:t•,lback
Jn t1.L·,cnal,lf ht't' punliftii:\, llt1.1Jf U'>C\ \+thna111 hold alkl Nig.b1 ,~Im th;ll C(lfltrlllt cncb odt\:r. ln hL'r p1ocl! DccL"UL tH'le Of~ hf¢·J,l(k(t IChC\, HL"'II bM .a tmght Ol'Jlng\" lifc:·Jat.:b:I llc>.11in1t \\ a pair ol w1dal\ on ;tnd tu~cnl ...,,, ''S(,mclimc, oolot°' ,in: \ymholic .ind U?n'ICCUl'k."\ 1~y'rt Jthl the rikawuc I ~kc lo uflng ccrtnltt i:n un and ll')'lnC 10 fi111:f( nur wb11i colon '1'111go lotd hcr, ~he \Oid
Tte.St.MU.U. Pa 7 the l1>ngcs1 word typerl w ith on l\' • • • • • • • ARTSE r\.& NTERTAINMENT
1bcn: ilCoxutd'AJrnc,nov.
l \\' 1;.~p1 ?Jil .inti lb.rit "'-""' 1.. 1 Jio.',\ 11 M0,:ll"lte1 1n sp:ibnc. \IY!L t..-.,,,,n ;1.., Cannua Hdl, .t 11 nliibnp II mm~ huf'l1 d10
FuU-,.•1n~ v. a.-,
U)k 1(11 11 arh...Cn,; ,-,,luc
,,., "' C'. JIIUg II~ nb_J('l.1ll dCaJ•~ rcurtc ~111lr1i•h~1, a1~·in11n: She Ill~ J,,1J,J ,h,· l1k('" Wll) 1h( \.hafl(' .111,I MlllJ"'- bee.IL. up the' 'J'ICC' 1TI 1hr r-,1111n,. lllc)' h,WI:' a''ltkC'l.lc1.lJ:ll*tf'C\.l,'°~C'l,JIJ. -\0111:hc-.1 fr~U\ rol lla.11:fs ,,, lwi!l •"' • 1ni.1thttand a h!XJ,c:r 111 SJ""'bflt' fJJh (\'!fllntumt) Col kt;,. HL'f ilrl tw. \\,\)II IOJ.llY an cxhih1l 1&\\llllb 1mchhc-'..,b«n aJllftlf forCllhoer ~hei\1-1. She', 1r,wt lcd arllUOO the worid ~,ud~·u,s arcbltl'l.'.1Urt, fol~ ltl .ind tnld11lm:ilanh11m, Petty Dike Hug explains her ute of color to ert atudents a11he opening ol her Comer Gallery exhibit. Co1 .1n oirby , cory t (Oflt.lLt A~l hlill)I' Mindy Wohmm. Phnl'K': ':"b'J-3 l 88. Fac 7t.9 -H89 £-m,1il:Senttnr.l(
Finding Food
Emery's serving up 11th yeari
by Kim
WIK, dmln~ ,1 Em«}·,. I w.- ircc1«J .,l,h a lncodly
.SUllfy, ,nuk while Nui:t .iodJ,U'.7 lunc, pla)'cd in thct,nc:kgrou~I - .L_ ;oJ- rh ·l'lllllk h1 .aJcl1t1u1111, Ut( cojoy.1hl\" .AtlnPl<rhttc. lhctt'• a Hc,..,.~l A r"Ct.Wlrant uwl ""1\C1' a OJC'.tl ~-o~s: c, ••mt • 1hi: l~\.c lR"n (\·ti)· liC',11
soup,btl 3'1, a t.3.tld\\ 1Ch a.addt:-~'"Jt H>f1J?'5CTSbmay~"ffl1 nic uuJ.:nll anJ ,ta.tJ 4l'C r,vh1c and the tood 1, 100 t<t he ttuc>. blll 11 11 UUt 11.t Erne?'-. 4$4.:li;;ou111 ;. EmCf)''s ,,a~umnml run bylbc ('Ul1Nr)' .in,pngnam lbc rncal t'C'Jan "ilh it llOU'I)' bowl or bOlltlefuadc: v.-hlch hat bcJl,ln 1b elc,.:rnh ye,, ufldcr lhc •upctw1~1"n 01 ,-,up Thf wup "''" h'l rcrf'rctillCI v.11h t.hunl, I . Rtck Schult,, ln.\U'lk.'lor and,1,hcf flit b.iin. r.-•lf•lb.. 4:dtt)' ,111J ,prmkh.-d wuh Pan~•.m Rtvi:EW l\"IW&ran.t l$ foc.iltcd oo Cll"J"H oo th<" ~I.I ch«~ 11oJ l1oor of tJ1e. HedlunJ BulldinJ, All 1ntnu 1tn11, Tilc ,our '4·.as 11 -c:vinp,uu~d t>y bouKm.aJc. na,<"rliat, we _prepued u,J served b)· the curi nicy tuU ,rulkitl'- h,1.h.1n lomalO bC',b rP-lh. Tho rt>II, ~en: ju~ v,arm ttWlu The JO--moot.hi.."aUnc l.,cpn ln Augu~a nd •Mll rnJ In for 1bc, bimL·f 10 mcl11n1,.. 1bc Jn:,h, .Alf)' £1~,iwh. (If bakN June•.At the cod oflbe ~n,e,. M\it,lel\1, (OC('l\'~ ccmfic:ii.c1 J,>o;!'h. The 1utk,;y m.d1 .-a1\ wu piled h1Jh vddl 1, lhe1n to fl.Del c.mpluy1nent m thr MtW'ffl!C ftr.lJ ul ,bcrJ imo.ltJ 1u1lcy 11,ppc,d 'A·11h Jll<Ol. chcn(o anJ g-n:iw! foodloCf\·1re a,Ji,:hlt~,c Thc,and1Ai·ic.b"iu~«l\\l1haumy
1ooc ate ,rcat jnb p b ttmtnt opportun111e,." Schull.t ulaJ
1aJd. l.a,d)', 1ht:tt v. ii" b.alu.-J cu,.,Atd for JCl,iCrt.. ThC' ~u~d Thw: 111G 110pr,:rtqui~ite$ ro,1bc:~.mdcl'l(()ll111c1111• v.~ ~,1,.cJpctfc,tl)' v.i1h' ,\o\·tttorcustard.c
llmi1cd1n 1.S ,1udert1\ Uunl) dKCdapplc:sanJ1nppcd\lilhv.blrrcJ£tum.anJ
ffulber Lundy, .1 culWI)· •n& ,h1de1n. hct.DAnc 1nqi1rtd 10 •'Mtr W,lvinf, ot S"IJ.\ thclcobtc
l'l'Jb.ttr fut~ rr,ognm v.h11t l ivinJ! ln Fr.n:efnrUu~ The pnn1,,n\ 111escnt·n141, .1ndd1C1rc'1 .ifcdin, oJ monlru.. While in ftmK't, Lundy ltamcd 1heFret11 h \\2.y 111 1-1ri,fa,ct.On inb..-MJ) and M'JUlAftcrlc;a,wg ,ook.ulg l'i)' \alllc;b E111e11'1 htJuti .u~ JI II n1. l1t I pm., 1ue3.d.1y1hr®i)I " I love food Md J k),·c '° CaQk: hcalilly, bomcmaJc: mcoat-i.• 1huNl;ay Rt,<n·~t10C't, 1rc cooour.igcd. ti\11 urc. nae Lundy llid_ - r a.ho enJO)' v.rocki.n& V. 1th tbc: puhll.:."' ~sat).
House blends unique flavor
Mmm. Thc1mdl oCp,1.C-UJ)Oft l"llti:nns tlic tt\l.11ut.an1. th.: 1.1,nct nMu.e-. uvncdling dlfttttat. Ml)'l;lc u·, ,i.: ~)"
Ltd1"n 101hc: ten i.\Cth&: docir. maybe the
I decor or ma)'bt it mrt, with REVIEW the ,ig" in lh'-' from \ll)'iag.
"818 Eowgh WoilJ, Pl"'IY 01' G.utic. l.,o\,c Eilc:h Olhrr, Be Happy • Wbatc,,a it U. at', Clb,·100,ly uru;,auc
l11c Wh-110 Hoo,c Ci11ll 1n Pu.\t FaJl11111 ftlll or~ food. ao.~ of c.ui1cmc1\1 Mid pk,JC)· or hd I s.wm.c:bi The dl"COf nr 1hc n,,ll1oran1 i, ''tt)' l.ftfkftllll. Tbcf'lcturct.,,dlautC'tlbOCl l:ht
•.ull h;I.OJ k,puJCIL ~"Ill&' 1hc r1att a-n in~~1i.,1~ Co.I. Tu ,nd,,o it ~-c:n PIUN.
\11111.jliC:. lh~ h;abn,om t,,1lb An: (~'Cl'CJ "ith Greek ne"'"l'lr,tn The 11Jhl$ Ill I.he tt1lllUU1ftt mnke ll nm1o111hi. 111C only hthb a.n.: lhc l.iltlcm.,:
1,)(1 the wall !dong. with the k'li bglu uDdln
on 1ht: ~le Tu rr:Md 1hc ffldlili at rughl. rrii111 n ~1tih1. llt(! JIC\l,.;ded l:CVblnhday, &he own r:bd" como w1 antf pll)'S ()n Dft)' &iVCD dJiy, 11,c:
m.1,) ('(l(J,cc11,t1 a,id ck, M 0\\11 bell,)' t~ atthc:t;al,,lc.
l!ntlUJb Dul lbc atnapl~~. lrf \ gee 10 lhc: food! Allhough I tllllUghi JI .,..~anJy 1 Grttk remwvu. l "°"'" bmrd they sm·r
11.ll t)lle' nt Mcd1tct1"1.0can food TI'C mt't!U ha,: il nnd)' nf l(mll l'Uljlt1g in fn'C f~
S4.i5 o, $12.95. The C)'ro SanJwkh 111. "~ or 1he top lhrtt iccm~ otdctcd ffl0$l Tb.ii ial'\dv.,-ich t'I r.r.t.itit1no.ll)' flRp:aroJ ll>cJ lk"f''al 'Atlb D faul) bol C'Jc.&ln) gulle i11B1tt •nd • chotce 4t(p;LW1willld11.r1d flle'I; Pricc$475, OM of nry Jtnuip p.utllCf"I h.aJ the Knu
M».ai'nn. .:LOO i1 h tJi:furltcly \>.Mh mcnliooing. Thi, dab a,mbn\c:a bunb. red onl«,n,. mrubrooou gDJl.ic and b mut'\l tog('Lbcr w,th hngn1nl Pria · .$9.95 For ti).)' meal. t chl)(:e to clll Cbkt.:.Cn Roi11t. 11th,, .i t,,~J chkk.e1 , 1ha1 baJ been Nlbd. !hen placed a,·c, n·u1,iqm. sauce v.1th JX'BOC p;ut1 oo the .idc 100 duh Ut ,a,,-'Cd '\\ilh prbc grttn be.anJ, whir.ti ate 1ny motbtt" • fa\Ofttc Price
Tbt be.-., and ('Inc ot the 1or lh!'t'C ltcnn ortlc:n~d i, lhe Sh1,h Ket,ob. Thc:y ah·~c.lif!Cn • ~ct 1'rlwnb. bod nr (\In) cfuC.keo If, ~r\·~ O\c:f tbnt •pcc.ial nee.
• klna·train "A>h.t~ n« "''11h "'1mrtlun, ,~i~I aJdcd 10 it ·1bi.l duh hlli n tom.&10 and o.uon ,tcwer wkh m,m ~DI on lhe 11dc rncc ·s~,,. No \\(ll]ld romplcte \li1tbt1tr1 tr}lllt \tllC C.\rttlc:lt dc""1.'-.
1v.o 1ht:y fcllllun: a~ rltx puddU'IJ And bilkla,·a. lbC' rice pwding come> wnh v.a1111Ja bean tee crc-.m and dnnamoa nn lhi: top The hakla,... i, my ~I bwtrilt~ pi~uu.1tlo lflillt n~ llili dc1i1oett t.:..ill)' '1JIJ1J out. Pii«-: .SZ.SOt::w.h 1bc White HOU.IC onn hb Pl.Id)' appc:Ul.CD ta~ (rum ,uc:h :l\ bummm and Turti\h <'i_gan anJ Ibo an impro,i\'t ..,inclu.t.
Ali."Conling toour'SCl'\'a. TbC' Wh11c H(JllbC Grill goes through 80 pound., of J.atlic I wed. Everythln,i i\ hon'lffll.;dc and l""PM:drcrf ..i1
The Whhc Hou!!e Grilli,; open Mooday lhrou&h S,i,1urda)· ll a.m to IU pm and i, lca1tJ an 620 N. spouuc: in Po!.1 FILlh. R~rvac,on, an1 tt'Cl'lfflmcl'llkJ heeou'>C lhcy fill up fht Thb plia i• ddin,tel)' worth eating a11nd not lha1 c-xpen1ir\-c for n nltt rttt.11. For rncrvauan. '°all m. 967.:!
'P!orc. fl•ueneJ WI*''" • •riMul1umd 1illlrrcJ t D1he n.11 1.rrr, &nit 11>1S COO~cd IC> pafec:tion Well widllr~•·'lllld:U, dl~nc;.: fttlm the tampu, (a n•u.:,4gc~ JI).. nuootcw&lkfnxn ~wc:11 111111), fluclk:!n'\IU Yaablc Md tt."UlOrruc cbotcc (or iJr :l, ootkgc '4Ddc:rll moll $uppon1A£ ;i locoJbu:sme).s and gcctu11: a b.:k.·buU mc":tl. ,di w1lhln the nm1,c: lunch pmod. m:iko
1t. bSd) bc(onw: • ,111plo
___ food.• ~simp kl1y0Cthbllu~~, ~In
c\'Cry 11."l)«t o r 1tli" op:-ribOn,. OamiJt 1'.Clcc-lioa pf'c;Mdcd b>· 1bc
cook u luda pic::klM, oo.Kln, .ar.l C'~. lfutblin Ytccu'1gti1
,tunllinily cc,n_q,.~nc chunk:, ol pKkk an\! plac:c::& 1hcm OB the hun,:1gwty, bcc&r1uotl u di.~~ClmOtlto 1op
afftbcp.ctb Otha menu llcrn, JIKludc h111n 11nd ca, tandwidi¢a., pie•.10r1
dnnb and milk. With• Jclklou... J1lltint" ,n C\'C,Y M1t c>I lttr bu~ei. lfutbClf'l'a ,, o. rar cry rnim tl1C' prc-fabriC""..attd l'f,CU(kt.
ltu.l'J"f a\·Nbb1e llt l«:ll ,bu.In IMIC'l',. Ev,'f) IMgtT pJll)' l~ tanJ
bu.ill:" fi~Uul o f ffij, r1w hamt,wrcri•
Hu<l."'°"·.s a G~-A diocr opuou fot llx 11wn1:hk-!i1rickt'n uudenl. Thcc:ost ot ~orddr
A chccsc~r i~ • wt!Opp"'i$2 Hutbon'•
J bmtiw1cn "' locllll.'dllt2tl7 Shc.rmKnA\'e. i n t.1own1U\o\-n Coeur J'Alme. Pi.,r Jn!ot111Jiklll call6M-54+1
for nearby campus meal Sl1:tl.ul$11J1d l)Qpping '4)Und• em,.at)lltC Ctoct1 0.1l IOP grill II ('(Cll(d' Akni:'1 \Cl.uad c\ldc1,l llu· Sm·c ll ud'IOfl R PJ llJC' wish porlCimcy un~klcd hy t\·cri the mM (ttllt'd i.hch Hl.k!wn'1 1-famburscr. rncnu h1L1 , bide 1n ncMI)' a tcr11ury (If c,pcntic)n in 00\'tlltoWn Coa.t d·Aknt For bw~~'f Olllml)1,1.C"Un. thl' Hood} lltltJr.t, 11!1 I REVIEW 1hr rcgu.l.llr1 ull
Simple burgers meet student prices
*'1bbcd. sculp((d mto 1
Primmer: Shot stoppe
Goalie eliminates problems, shines h) };ick Fnaa ~l'!t.1!1'1J! Sophoroore Scteru Prln1rnt1 o( Rathdrum \\iii w, k.1.-oo', MU'li lmpro,·td ltf.,ytrtnl11i now theWJ1ntftJ Jl'ICllic !or 1ho: Ca1dmal "-Olrll'n'• )oettrlom. lba,,,.11,.,.~·,IOJ )..:nr 41. NIC. J\C(&)n.bn11u hcAlil
a»,;h 8111 Ehcij•Jtltcr, lhl\ }CM' di(,,. cloini c~(n btua
~'k1T1ll l1oJ"tng I filU1• job." he taMI "Sbc ll C"!11n1rul1nJ ffll1"lah'-' lltld nJnl1t1 11ihj lo uoprovc. Pnmnwh&-\ t lotpt c.1:paicntc u'*f her beh; t.hc h;a.., b«n pl11y1n1 WCCt'f fot 10 Y'"'Stie ••••" irt roon11 \\hc-n
• rncPd', d,,J ,1.111111,i: ur., 1Jr1'4 -«ccr tc.i.m arul llU.t'J II .t.hcv.&net.."dtopli'.¥, I ;.w,~ rlo1)'10(I ;iin,i t lo')\'('J 11.• Pnmnltf aMd "'It "'"""' • She••• MCticc;w1e.t.hewiJ it'• dtN'~ ,,•• d1t"11p ar1J ,r, mtl·(ttt. She l1,1_\n·1 Ila;~ •,tlcre 11t'lc gorni 111 r nc1t.1
She Jo&:,11.:oo"" •hat t.tu, , ha la l)'CiU"pll)'illJU.KC(T '11tb ,,. m) t.01 ~(.11 pl.1) 1111 c:oUciC MlCC'C'r, WI I llluw ru nt'VC't hr :,bl( 111 ct1.1v..a~ bo1n tt," \he liiJ. Un ni,,r,r 1, r:neral , She wid 1hc i, l,•anh1& W\llarJ dculrnllll)' c,tu,~l.k'lft ·1 rnUtC\Hh~ I •JIU~'d m tca·b ~•n mv IUC\:e 1111.t 1q,hn•• \\,"ti' ~r,-.unJ (nw1d1 1111« Jc,d uJJ I ,t..111,-J bln.ltn!l 'A'llb mcrn ltlU(C." lb(o t;ai,d "'I ckciJcJ lb.tit""' "'tu1 I \l,ilnll.-d
ludo. Primmer·• mt""'.,.',. no! In '-'X\'.ft She: •l,o cn)o)• other ,i,11dPCW acti\11UC',. "'I Hite p:tiot~ti.amnir, la6.'rnto~, ind I tlll• •,hl.nt w IHJD to b)'d llhe uu.l She aot 1111,1 t.:r~ne
Reasons to smile
Sharbono: Vocal field leader
"ih.Albotiochl,, !\IC ~l,c 1, >AHc:lnt.C'.' t t'l hiwnlc IIDlf he WiJ OOI have a 11('«1h.: m;iJ•"lf in uund "' l'111 h.ipp) uh m) ,toch1N1 turch1'11l'!o1ng ,1C"':-s11a1bonoQiJ. 1·\'Cbal11fClllh ,o.~11mr, .lfltll,-illW
t;t~~ 1 'f 'm J,uppy h·;1h my
1.-..n deci,ionjr,r dmv.dng
'""'r<'''"' NIC. l'vt• l1e1d II fl!IIIIY
:::1J:, t:nt>,I limt. ,
ShM"CI® tu., btt':n pl.1)1nt, IOCttl' )lOO.' ~: v,iu
fi\lC. "'I lo\,cd 1hc !!lllcC I fin& \Urtcd r,b\'ltlf hcuid
Whc:a ShllltlOoo licpn pl11oyln,. DO one h11,I '"
1oh(M him d\c- ).pun.
~1 tncJ It 41.J rnJO)cJ 11 all 1hruuiJ1 it.11Jc
o:bool."he ..,;J
&di.ft pll)'tnl a, :an in.udt mid6ddc1. be ,~.u
1 ddcrxlcr. h w1,n·1 unlll lu$b ""~)(l,l 1h,d die
tnlW.tiOCI uceumd
Stl,W<ftl, ....,.. ""---• ic,lt\lJ~ mn'1 lheanl> 1lflN 1b.11 lu,vt' rro\cn l1)bc
,i,tlOl'IJ cm:npt•titnr:L
°'h.uhotk,'• J}ory mt•cl)(:nh mcll»dc: tlu CON!
d'A len.: H,111t Sd,oof cca.m't v1,tory <,t the
1'icw1i. ldahoCup Thl\J!ff.CiJn"° ,..,ct.,ry h
c;c,mpa,-Ne ta .a tohlte
h.l.1 ov.11 g 1uuJJJ a,• W..illt'd ind
upcric~ •d1tc1c Ht b1u rnanik,1i;J tllm'w.'.'IC l.u he u b,J...,. for thr mal°~ team 'fa.n111\11lc"' >II) 1b11I Sh,rbolw> ON ool)' ICAJ"' b)' "o,J. tlul t-~ u1Ut1pl1 Al ,, C'I')' rr-~ H« Sh,utiooo, more c:oounqnl y rdmad b> on thr fo:ld a1 Kar, can be bc1uJ commvnn-,,1it1a \\ 11h hu tt2mmu1ct. ,\ft(t hi, l WO )(~'1 of (h,eJbilll), Shatt'lt1C'I(> ;., ,011,l,lcnn, Pacd,c L.ulhrtal\ L·1w,,t1-.t1~. Scntllc 1'11(di.: Uni,·C'N\)' o, \\:,,met t>.acllk:, 11-c hJ, altt.14:, rc,cciH·J cut..til, .11'k1 (!be« call~ ftom1hrtc»'-,lch ol tha<.chnoh. e1pttnir1s lhtlt ll)tctc in l,i., •llCCldan«
U'l,tn\loiltttt behc\t.• that S~th..,ac} 1.:01.1IJ 1fo ,u a,~y ()r1hac: ,w;boOlt.. •0c«p1,,.·e Jpt<'d h vdl<!l hi.1 1tmi,lh 'MJUld be: Ei11"nw1ntcr 114iJ •ttc', (11.'\lcr th.aa mo,t reor1cth1t1k."
Ac<u,drna 111 Eit.en" 1hln1 SJwbc,no f'Cled; IO""""" Oft b b1• ~twi, 1'1cncy 10 he mc,rc pb>,·t.tW '"lk riccct,1othf'l'I\\ hh ttod)' mtbtn: rnt."lff'." be .aid. £i¥:n" ml<f l«h IJ1.11 Sh~ ~:U1.1l1I ti..,.e a 1..n'mOltl trami1ion imo an,· Dl\'L\ion ti or m "tk1"1. and "ouldJLI\O f11rc \licll 1t t Oi\.'llr,)('ID t .. -
sophomore goalkeeper Serena Prfmmer of Rathdrum'I hesitate 10 smile wtille oN the tletd; tn tho goal boi ahe'• all business
-...bell hicnil fr,,m lhc En1 Ctta,I t,roorhl ~ln'ICI l.lcro-.w ,1kL, 11\tt'f And lhC)' allrlCJ 1'11111• Ald101.1,ih "he', ncvct pl1)'Cd mil ~he ind her fricnJ J;CI t.utctht'f e,ccy nc,u,, attJ thi-n ind ~,rin1ma1cJlnrut11t"r'1 fl\,'Of1tr col1J1 J1 ramttow tie-dye II,m du \1111.11 1cll«h rcnon •.t,t) ~h~· 1-t A 1rcu1 ptAOn. •be \'t'l)' 1o1p-tical .tltd 11h( k.«-P' 1.'\tC'r)ORC t01.1J•Cd 00 the: thmg11n Hf<'."'llri ,ncr H:UJ '""Shr lftll.l!O ,u,c no Ohle tak.:·, thing\ loo ,rnou,ly -
play vital roles in unprecedented soccer seasons
Success follows midfielder from high school to NIC b) &I~ BccaDCoun ~ulwt CCJ\iUD 1('4d(r, ft ICM\IAg t(t IJIJOC al the m01·, 1c.ir11 Jf'l'f••dn fflhl. ~MM A«criin;Sfl)\'.tJ.a..118111 f.Ucnwmtcr M.lpbumoh: Kip Sturhooo, tlllC' ut lbc ccam·• mi.tdc mldrtctdCI', h.b i-ho.,,n proper inltftdi<nh 1IIOC\X'd 1~ k.:tJ I.he: tam. Sum In Boooc.. but ~\OJ in C.1IC\lf J'Alent.
thllll\J•ion,hip, b:-c:AU-w:i •U lhc ldaoc Jhtrkb 1,~ hbho comri1c-J Stwbcmn 1bo<1 wa, ameml'ctot 1hc Ct1SNy'1 lhlrJ rtllec totll.Cl! Go1,b. in •hilh rb)cd :in 11npnnan1 rol-t Sharbono, like hu 1c:11mm..uct., hi>IJ1
4 we Have the Friend liest~. Sink in Town. ~OOti~@~~lliWlil f.t:itl,m 2310 N. 4th Coeur d'Alene 665-5996 1,~ Hours: 6-11 Mon-5al .~ 7-10 Sunday ~.Ad' LIVEmuS>ConSawrdevritohtl ~cP· Thanks! To all the North lduho College faculty and )taff for helping u., get lo New Orlean.,.
~OW: Conflic1
f.' ;~1~~,1 plays role
U[IX:U'thoW It~
rw P'\\'V,(l\\ "' ~1 cn,c~·
• tt1i.wt1mrnun1C1111on lh 1
1C\lrlll!Jarprl1hkn11 r
•f,llt ILl•·.ay~ tu,c t1.1 'ol.i.h.h
r,,c'!\iM',,,1111.1: on." we
S,bc:Juhn;: 1JU1
Ulf'.t'll.lmfi,\·cn1 hl.:c
C,aLt\ wcru:,urue 10 figu.rc:
JII aware: Local
~fic<:rs ,p,:ak
,J dllngcrs on lhc road
Jpllklltl )n~ drl\ ID£ l,eJlll
t1b fNflCtion, nf fre,cJom, tirh un c1ute ort an•h\oillu,11
au• "Aflrtc or 1elwol
111c: Jri,·,r v. IU to~ Jn\:m,
,-ik'g.,tt. wtud, t•n cault w.1nctlon, 10 1hc
1\"ldu.aJ. There "111)" tic- .i
1wa1Jcd t.o dliC drivct Of
Y<r \\Mit P."-,rlc tu think
,'!Ct' the) drink iodd w,d
docuwn~ and plun /or•
p.atcJ d,n\.cr. JricnJ. 1.Ul.
l'l"l MA)' home If di()( k lltf" •~ t.a.,,en lhC)' co.n , an 11eeldcm •
:t1, dri11,, i, con,ictcd or ling •hd1: Jri"ln1.1M
me ~1)1;11 Thtn ,ht dri""'
IIIJ\·C h> tn.l«:: the cv,dcn11111
Rdu,.tJw~lhtai.e,.t u:1 tht 1uty1nlllc opcc>IOft of 1hc lnclh·H:hul"• tOJ 180 cb)''I
[!the Jri,cr faJla llK' h>~t. idm1nh1ra1t\ir hct-n'IC
rttl,l<•n 1t lll~ling coougb re"Pl<, Oh.c;'l,n1ng die ,p1ntu;i1
lbpcclt ol tbe pow~ow 1111lb
mcm~ ot the C(l(Ur d' Alcl'IC'
Tritic ""•' ;tlul pla)·ing 11 fai.:tl.'lr
tn 1bc QtM.:cll.11k'n ,,, 1h1:
··we \\dJlkd to "Ce wlul die
mt-: v,,1nttd to 00.,. lhc ~id
Somr ol the d11J1tt" 1n •.ud
fl\lt \\·t1h lhc lnhc iocl!Jdc
C(WKit1u1n11hc nlr,c poiflt
SIC ~nJ 1bc tnN: la.,·c: ""otkcd ,rug~, 1og¢1htr
1-ut.pcnr.i.on prorl"\.s bcpns.
wh11:h I,• dtmn1 rn"1lcgir
:eu,pt:P'®D unpot.l:d ti) 1hc
IJ.ibn 0tru1nwr11 pf Tr.thptlll't,UIDn
J'"c1iecis•1tcach k\'d
frommy~11\;or \lrinl.Jn; and dl'" Todd
.al(I "'I daft't M'.'C&M)'
lbc ~I.W1 L«p bl,tbc1
11.nd J)Cllpk roollnuc co gamble
1,1,.hh Wtt ll\',c,"'
Tbe ;UM11Q& QC ak:vbol m • pcr'IOn's hod>· J' mc:1,u1-cd by the W'Cljthl of 1bt alc1)hc1I ,,.. 11
« '''-•htme t,t blood. n1"
,, olkJ the Olood AJcc,bof
C'(lt'k..".:11t1111ion oc 8AC II h llkpl 10 dti\c lft ld:abo wtth a
8AC ot 08 pc.10011 c.,r 100ft".
f1lf!.ln,·ct11111,kr ll thb figutc" 1 Jc,wctcd to> .O.l
S'fl't'C"fll"'ll'J 1mponllffl rnr rcork ui
tuliit d~t ,,ws lh, <WRk't
anJ pre"Cripu,,n dru&• mA) imr:dr 1brm ,11,1 b.iJ a.,
111Qohul and ilkJitl drup;•
ToJJ. uiJ. •·So. thi!,.. b4,·,:, co r()lkw,.· the mdiatlbu• oo 1hc:
,nc:J1,·.t111)n .111J 1u.11ke 11.11c
dtt)'Un ulcl)" .m,,~ Ekc111,UC"
\\'C believe r,o 1mp.urmec1t is acttptnMi.:' We lake lilt Cl\hn.:l)' or the- dn.--um,t11.D1X. All ~l-d '" ,~nwn,c i\ho
lnctttieYour Uft AndC-Op(lhe~ B«omtQlllllllodFo<A
C REER ".... FuffiQ.,,c.dvantage
Tht, NIC Clreer Cenler inviles you lo •llend 12 FREE Workshops to he lp yo u plan yo ur future ! Weekly from 'J-1 0 a.m. on Tuesdays & repea ted on Wednesdays NO SIGN-UP NECESSI\RY! Upcoming Worlc.shops
'nlUNDEll ALLEY Clnw m rht dark la,e,- L~hu 1,/ack ligh«
Evtty Friday Night! 11 :30 pm • I :30 am
Unbclic,'llbk shoo•! lncrdible fun!
TUllKEY SHOOT LOUNGE En,a, our fulJ ""'I« lo""l:t and trill'
' Wor&d FalDOU) ~tupritu • Nev. Micro Bttv. 1J
• Bloody Mary. · B-52'•
• frouy Mui Beer • Grtat FooJJ
W:at~h ,our favorite •fl(""tlfti ('\;t'flf In a dtln, comforubf~ 1tm'"phctt!
OIIC of the: ttU1c:-p,t111 Cacton include, hokl1ni ~ti 11mualiar,r,f'C\:iiumg'i\tt., s~11..-e Anitfli.4fl hiJl..\tl "'~u UIUAU) Jn~h'C.\ 1uc,1 tpuler,. eJUul.lion.aS 1,ppo(lun111c, 1nd 1hc f'O"""-""·' •• tbt c.oJ of d,:c )u:d, ·w\ uaMnun.ak thiU ut'tt ru111ng 11111 t\~11 (Ill the b«L 1'11m~r."' .Jic ~J "'Out we'll ddlnl1dy rt"1Cbtd11lc u 111d 8-!Ud poultlif' rC"KhcdoJc lime\ lnr 1hc PQ'o\'Wc.,~ tncludc: nc:,111tt111d1, nu, ~1o1er ,,r lhh tun.: nt ,1 yor
kn\W. l ac'CWII \l,l\rtC lil•ll,con(
1h.u ,n~u:ukohol a.pd mrJk1Uio11.'" Judi Kdl)' lhc coo11J1n,1or for d1,e cet!ket Ak,,hol .nit Dmt AW4tetkU Wtd1.. ll ~'rr"""Mc f•1r 1hc re,uv,ues 1nJ thL• cduohnnal M"mu1a1, ltu1 b11,~c ticerJ lbr foul poiJ1I jQ lht •·«b, C.Vt:ell• HC'f ('llhcc n J.fltlittcJ v.ub au the i«.-.1.,,11 collci,: <'f)!<1ni1.1hnn, &uoc1atctJ ..,.,,h helping indnidt1..11\ C(!pC 14·lth 1hc u1t1-\Cf ot JruF,• arul £kobol. U(J!illlll'AUOll.t ,u~b iu S1udn1h AgoiYN DNnl Onv1t1~ l!:iAPD> TIie j0ll1 ol St\00 11 • aOOiJ an,I ,u-rth,,,,·tult> cwu~: said Ouh, C.ud.udh. 41.e SADD tc:rrn.cnt.ih\(" CIUJ.arelh atlJ K~II) al 1 mct\lioncJ SADI> o~h tm,n: ""'mhl'A. fk,t'11dy
Q. l7 A It 'I E It MANIA THURSDAYS 9pm - 11pm $5 Adm,ulon & 25 cenr: Ba,, 0...11.,, Shoe f...,.h Fm,, & Sod> ,! OW CAN YOU CO WRONt;!
, SAOl> ~' «>mbltk!J 1h drocu 1,1itb die Kt,occ-nu1 Cc•Ut'II) Suh~1~11,:,· At,ui.c Coul'll:il to hclpcdl.klllc: pc.."lfll:" 1U1J'rcxhd1~ mn<'td for 11-.,,c "J1c1 >Ai,h to 11ppl), lhc-OCUCC l' SUI 21,. lnff>nt1o111uia· 1(~. ik1'1 WARREN
CJJFU9~ k 7Aa~"1-S,.C,W !(IIUUlt lUDITOltlUM D!HMl!lt 1ff · 7:eG P.M. f1& · ffUl»Dff! f1!-PUlllt COME EASE AND TEASE YOUR CRAVING FOR CARVING! LOTS OF DOOR PRIZES AND GIVEAWAYS. hlCkd'i~al)ogadw,NJC~ltlik':n Cunt*i Ou1ti,.,,.11 l'u1"1Y,t, 1c:1 l!lto l..ottt r ~dDl'-S1:ade!IJn1Pn;691wa .J ·"/)itl__y,11_/Mlr'. .. J tt11111,t,J~ te ()!)E//1 Ai..ol ..,,, Coll for on ocinlmenl or ......Slop by lhe lo lowing office$: M.0&.,Wtd.,&n..n h.a.·Sp.lll. Tua.. m.•7p.m. ~tltfp-ilh...-1 fri. Sun.~2:Xlp.m. ""'··"""°"""" •Advlsln! - • Countol ng 769-3370 [l':~,c,Jlcidoc"l'f"lmlol'rhcSUB c.-c-...,. ·~~r..~m 769-5947 -1,_ ·~:.c::.lnd,,!rheSUB 769-3297 ::".!•')'PO • Hoaltl,S.mce1 769-7818 Loc.rtJ;,, llx"!l"'htlCl(1Jw SUR l.i.u.,J,,p ~lf'J"'"IIWlltni.CIM' • oa., Wect.&:Tb..;t1 h.a·Sp.llL ..,,..._ 1'\iel. 10a.a. -7p,,n. I,, f'n. h•.J:JOp.-. MOIIS. fUU ~ NORTH IDAH O COLLEGE Tt< Soo-111tl PAOi l i Tok~
c11Wrui«' Thi:) J,'lCt'I ln11\\· IJIC' roclao,: in,ntH•IJ ,~f lhf! riJ~·.1hc O\)IIUJIIIC l,oura:.: uf a p.llop ur the M)K1stu ,n the innu lrg:\ U1M remain• aflcrA·ntd lh.u i,t·nd\ a rider l'll1,;i, lrn<d [be-st' rtt'\Ph:' haw nc,cr t.,Hll:J the awJ ,w kit Ut<' p11W l)f L"fll,h1n,: 1nh1 tJic 11n1u1MJ •h~'f falllns oil ii buf!or Thi! c,qi1itA1icin dw 01racd 1t11m11h \:I(." h hdpin,: •JI.I tilt= ftlllnha people 11,tu1 can a.ay, "'\'C"\., l 1.'an ode o h11.....:, Equ11.11k)r. i, 1hc k.aming .;\nJ J"11M:i.k."-( ofmbnirbf •'"'""'' nrntr: \llflpl)' l'W, hootcn11mhir Fllt'fTlt'f r• E .•md Jicic:tl(C' r.cachcr M.artnn C'rwob h°'1h die tla_ \ I~>·•and ThnNilly• al hc-r houlC' TIIC hcloc" u.-......t tn 1ht:t.1.a"" ate: tl\l.flCd hy Crumh, ti ·r •1t>tk cpn,u,h ol qwrtcr ~,IN:,, A1"11h1,1n111.ind •rruJou"li'- SuJCe th1:fn:- hrn. Crwnlt k.n1,.,-, catb lw,r..i:•a J'«"'Mhl) nLli.:h ride" l'iy ju\t t1.1k-inl1 the pr:r,uc:1·J hun,J. -Hnl'll:1 h1',C' 1hc1f mm m1'WI. Cnunb u.1d '1b<y hl\•t lhc-ll l•~ft d<\11N and ••111~ She uld lbal "(lltll'liltk"I $tUd(ni~ Jl,1\(' J:1mc:ull}' unJ...-r..t.rnJcnc 11M1 u,1,ccpe. r1ic 1.J~11, UlUC"C JU'•l MUIIIJ ttft. tion..: ~•ld riJmi h in-.:1ttlc\.. Tbc M1,1Jcnl1 ,W1 t,~ ,1n;kh1na thrnt"'h"' 11> rt'ln ti<-torc 1hc) , 1bcar 11,k 11,cy t' t!Jtu l:Ulfn~ mout1L•lld 1hett g.t\·r !hem 111 11'KlRll1ll,11 V'"'"nang, Afln Ibey pu1 t'ln • .,.11111.:t"l,., .ilk IUIJo bmhl,Uh.'.\· cmi«
1hc ;1~11;114 bc:r,i, d1f rklm;. Afkr 1hc "'°'mlina;. ,Wdrn,1 "all SAil l.lut llli:ir h.:lc,c1,. ,~e.a.\ 11111 tu lll'd out of l'lltlOi &I lhq JO .in-.«ld II!!!"1LI IU \to'&lTI\ lhc hQtle Uf', t:41,111,u1l1t1 uui:hl ti:,- C1vmh h1f1 ~llun,: .u,mlc a m,11.101 11nJ Jc11;.ing ll iunund v. ~th rdnt. S1udr11b lr,1m to risk ti)' bt,ldlnp l\\u ,;l11i,c, oi "·;ui:r. hi .anochi.·1 tc,--...,n the}· u,c yam to,t.eaJ .,t tt't11s to i;uldc 1hc1r bor.c. Th11 1l1l·m w Ute 1bcu hody \\hrit riJ1n~ r1.uJm1 &he h«,c w,lh "Harw., hm·e rhHir fJW1t111intl ••• 171t'\" /rm·r tht1ir '*'" Jt'sir~.'li mul want$. • M..1-NnCnatnh !rre~
Lhdr kg, .UIJ ll'lf:lt teal On thc- ltnldll) ~Cdlt'~l-11~0,11nh 1i,'C'I ~\tt)~)llt a ,yUnt.J1. II c~ct,. t>lilb almJ vn the pvun.1 <.Uth .,.,. groonung: aa.t Qddbn):. Olhi:rmlh :t.rC' l,:-.)1ncJ v,hlk • ndc:r k 111t111111"'1. "'-fnch 1rM:l11di. 1hc ,roctini "h,1,:- holdiBJ n1,u glll.,;.~~r wiltt'r IWd 111..o i.mooch ltA.11\1tiitll(\$ Mv.een 141l-" •nil 1um\ 0n Ilk' h11d, o( !he ')' .ilt'C ~CitbN 01 pm, ol chc han.e, l.lic DJJK' and the 11K'i.e llung~ an: n(I 1 !ill.Ir l'••tc ht1AI SW<'ll Al lht' cn..l uf lhc a.,ur-.c, Rtdt.og bal..c,11 pan N• J'lilAol tho final. II'• ,i:aUy Jun. 111d ~' 1& I~." uJJ Ca\Sln\WA Vii, 1 flh,1,nU.:)· fflO)llf 'llltlo «»l. the cour..c v."J:nli~ ,,, k.mi mart'. about nJing,
..ri·-..a1,'00dwunc 1nt.1b.·Joe. ,11111 ~·bik grocmting b;, app.>loou. \ ll'
Hc'1,. 1ilin ("nunh'1. ndint dll'-'ID before m.1 said w·s • JlfC".11 lr.xkr.
Wc\i.m, a EliJ!,~b -.,yio \Jr ndm.J l:lutb taughl. Weskrn (in1 llod tbw r"f0$t\"\~lnscn:0 1btEnjtlhh \lc,eto( )loott'lh ~id lht)' ptt(C'n't"d Wcsii:m but~v.t!rcman:mtctt!,kdmlbc
Studcnl J.amiet Lund b:t., trained at hunk". but Miill •ht 111\lk lilt' (;OUM impruvo ba I!ngliYI M)'lc v.i1h In lr1:ioo.lhnN:
SJudrnt AngclJ R~ni.kl •••d di( ttdin,:. Sbc:'~ r~,·~y O\ltucd i, ta.klfll hc da.'" ID lam matt a1'oul Ei1tlM1 rid.I~ a$pc(C Stlllkcl& Flm'n 1-laudr,.,,Jd he .,...a,ft'I wtc .,.,fa,h or 1he •1>'1cs be •·r jlNJo it ft.'l'('lw.utt ht i-a,J I wJ be took the CW$ ,o li:Ml n,orc I mlmg lit' "Id hl, cia.l)' p,L,c cncoon •"~"'·11h trw l~ l'bcCl,'IW'\,C i~opt'rl IOIW)'OlK'. t•rh,~or her d;.111 cw-pk-.t eic~ •·cCnul"lh) un lelK:h .111 dtrrc.reiM le'\ Rcladalaal.J.. l;ut wdetsb oo k.·.ittJ C'lr ~n1ili. Crumb bll, calm bo~ Foti~ whh hnrd hlmJ3,, ,ix lwdc:r Ywng ClC' :iicJ. r\ldco 1.,1ctt)' boy. an)'OIIC. "'11h lhc. de-c.m ca lc.un11, riJc. Nov, ,1udc'nb can ,atl\ 1n I.lit lttlll..1" ~"\ and k-um II ,W) lbalW bttO mnstcrtd •nd pwcd on thl'OOg}l lh: ecn1W10. TiliC)' cw• t.1.l;c • besict kniJtld., ur olJ, lht btd.J:Ull lhJt ont(' lt'ICl!nod lhc wc~1 llnd tbo rodeo buff, !Oda)'. They can lean1 to ndc
PAot 12 1'.c SurnN[l LIFE SPORTS Bobble Buck«, 21, v.torinary major from l<ellopoll, Mont., canlera on 1 long line holding IWO cupt;ot waler with theguldlnco of Joe Page, 20,low enforcement meforlrom Coeur d'Alene rban owboys Jeue Reeves1 21 hokls on to reins made ot yarn to prac:Uce buUdlng balance Without u~lng the guJde reins. lvyFou11, 19,a nursing majo,, works wtth Instructor Marien Crumb adjuotlng the•llrNP" on her uddle.
ts experience new kind of ride <1.i f"l""S* !min, ~l'i.M 000('$ AO:'.llu\lil!Wf,IIWl}J)dlrlc don·I knnv, 1,1,·hat lt lccb h._~ tnh-tn.:h 1.Jr,e1 .atu,ru, l'hr •lllf'C! lu.b tt1e11 .:U'\..::r-. thc-11 mu..:lt"l ba,-c mwe boN::,, • mct.1plior fnr p1,11i1·t, ,1.r~n~d1 a.zs<l
The hOtHS at fn:tllUCtor Marlin Ctumb'1 arena ride upon ground, made of ground,vp tires, - help create• son., !anding tor tho occasional fall. ~1hu1111 h)' l.uke l:iii r-~IDf al J:ihciioiM:T"f