(,,,/II c/ -1/1111. /,/,1/, ,,
No1u1t ll>\llll C11111,,1 \ u/11111, 'i \11111/,, 1 •
(,,,/II c/ -1/1111. /,/,1/, ,,
No1u1t ll>\llll C11111,,1 \ u/11111, 'i \11111/,, 1 •
Pecha involved in many school activities, programs
b)' Jo:.hSUld(lf S..1ttinr/R1·1.,•ru1
I.M,...amc thnnhb) lfbUUC!tw 8111 ~ho. •It! m«
ot I.ht end uf Dt«-rnM. k',1\mt: hi\ pa 1,~ of JI
)"-Qn (1)Cfl ,~llfdms tci tk,ti, Murr·_.,, MIJnll -.icl"IL'O
d1v1t,k.llt clirait. ,he pot,tlon h.n tint t,c,c,n IIUcd. bi.ti
f>to(ha Mid he 1edl rl.1.n. ro IClkb pan lime di.Irani
dlt \U.ftUlla. Ht' a1..., pl:1t111 tu 'lb!" ithdheJ wub 1hc
collC"~ a1111 tbt C\"11m1,11111)· Ptth.a 1~ • rncmbcl c,f die Kt'I.Ucn11I F.nvi,onm('nt.i.l All111ncc Co1.111.l1Jtttt
and \,r.11111( rt.an. to \f.iy i:1,~ lfl d lk' JJ' illw
r,4,ul~ h• ~icoJ the nujoril)' o1 ha lune .ri hu be.I.Kb
h('IUIC'Jn Mc,.liM
OriJuall>· fcom t:h1c:1•"' P«~ IOO\'cJ 10 1"-'
whc:ft ti* tea1\et.l • Jc-•ttt tn tbcDmtr)' 11ki ....,.11,
rut• lr1,1,· )an ..i 1hc: \'nn,cNt)· 1.1f lo-v.~ Af1a 1 r~ )', .,,,~ r«t111 mcncd ltJ N-cvlk.l.l ;u,..1 MuJJe4J for
b.it. Jo,eut;at.o, .st dlC' lJA1\tnll)' 6' N~·n..!,i. 1-k lhrn mv,..cJ'.Mt'aturd·Alt'l'K' in IWfl
While tto1(h1n1 hrtt', Pcch.t t,ccame hr•"II)'
Jn,..nhcJ in lbr 11i11k·11 Jt~tfnitlll. ICt> *'dnpeJ
1M' "''"'~1Un,t rrugr11m. rac ful)d.nm111t1, Ilic lti•'-'"'' hlfb 'IC'bool ,..,cull•t 1mnn.11nitn1 ,Uhl rttc,ud and 1u'lnnimttJ •1 m.rny OI ,tie l«.1i h1$h ~lloul .llhd S"f(' r.ir1,ea. r«tu 11110 (oathal ,,~ tnnc1 f.:.d11 to11hall k•u1111nW'l11, r~ .-Ji*'h he b,,,,nt, 1h.
Ballard shares adventure of discovering Titanic debris
Wh.11 o.--c•oosri1:11hcr 0c RotJtn Uall,nJ remcmb(,n
.rll!Ut d,j\(O\'C'ftftJ 1hr Talolllic It, AIJ I" lhC' "11,C,, liut hlt,crtd
1hr .:tt\".I lo41ff1~~"~ ll'lr d1t1'1 v,kn: ('lil\k:ntcr', bod.., rcu
cwiApril 1$, l'>ll
He tol<l bu ,t1lf) •'f bl-1ng lht ht"! 10 dr «crva &he f1i111UC
111otc,;k.llgc ti:• .t l)(oll'I) rull hckl.w! 111 Sc1141ltt Aud111Wtum on °"
7 Ball.rd\ queu t,l f1nJ 1hc T11.v11-.: began in l935 )k hlkl
J1.1,1 (,niJ!cdtt".»i.h1nl UI StJnfonl. Md 111,fllk ~11,.,1,., lhcfC', be
"'"' ..,,,ne-, 111hr. tcchn,,k;tgy 1hi1 "·" ht,na dnc.k,JC\S ,n
Sihoon 'v•lic>· 8~ Y-•111$ 'IOlhC' 11f 1h• t«-hl'Mlloe). D•IJ.1rJ hdf'td Unit tl)C l\,p J,U.1'11 \)')ll'ffl
lllc /\rso Jaac,n S) u~"' 1c" otu,,un11cd de.er •ti•
C'~~l(lf-t1nn Pn:,101hl\o, ·• ,nqU ,ut,w..rine Qrt)ir11 dltt>c prurk 111,..,JJ 1o1lt ••,~mJ o11 tMllf hol.irs hcl1h J!'('AI"• '" 1hc
tl(lfl',,r-. .,..J ~lunu" t<> 11,. ,.,, n Ario'""'°• •Pk'ffl
1fk1wcJ the' ,uc11U'M.\ lu l.:sm: 1 m1: •l1( ,utinmr11tt ;tt lh:
b;lt1mn fnr a, 10111 *' tbr-)r 'llllill'IIIOd. 1~ m1n,m,u
the ln~OI die boll00l ld11,boac 1\11 1h( ,w,...-.: "'\\e QIJ. kt', fll UUl MIil Ju !111flinht'1J toJnric>n!tU11~ IC'/ 1M puMlt: 1h111 W(' ha\'C: c,uettd 1 1K1to· cr11 fn deer 1ic11 c,pk1J1!100." 8.all~~i,I °'Sb.v.cir1 .i,._'lllf"JOilJWftftddlt
lu.uarylmcr n, mc • 5c,-cD1 r•roiui,1, cxpti.1111oc1,. bad tried ~,,tuUy to flni.1 tbt I 1tu1c "-'l'nclt uni. 111 lllll .shtt ,mkinJ:. •n JiCC~I J1IC a,c.a 1hr r.b1p ¥>.:1.11 bc•.hncd 10 h11,c ~fl.\ in 1u1
llht n1d)' ,·rr1 l.a1se but aho hAJ 111nrt)' drt>r, 11nJcrw:ut:r (anyan, B1dltnl i.nd ho m:-w V..:'d • ffl(111QJ \'.i'lkd "'m<N-1n1 lht: 1.~ o. " rht)' ,a,-ellt b.td .au.S ronti \>\'t'f ll'ot' aru. o~nl.arpini their path 1UU ,h,:htl)". h po.id <M1 01, "6 ol lhc fiO.day c.xpcdiJititl, ft err:w camr 11('11~ the l.lchri, f"itlJ Wtrtl II~ Titiu11i:. Yil.k. tbc ~hip tin~\r lntl11-.0 A, • rt,uh of lhh, T1U1Hf·, dc~rb O<'ld wa, .1 mile: ton£
811IL1r1J~ •Wh111 )C'IU ~d 'A¥ 1"'1'11 &iJillf w.lJ •b.11.m .c'YfJ)lh1ra, tfWIJit11blct-:111>c:PIJlrnnl(II.II l>fthr\ftip."8.all...-d\.Ud.
Thf'ff 1.1.rp .alttt dh..:,wcm,r Ille Tlt.1nic. BalJMd h.aJ 1.41 lt.11,e thr arc:i whC"rc cbc Ti111.n1c 11unk hH wo1hc, ~JboM th• wt 1:on,foo:hc Id explun11ttin onl\' 10 11 lev.
W>-, ou, ,,r w )'Cir• .mJ cht unr w1t1 ur
WDC'tl 8.albrJ hi, ere.,.,. •rte able 10 .;l.'lmC ~k 10 Uk
Tunnic 1lk-u fl'I..II ••~ lo eo~pl,1tt lhe 1n<lJc: uf lbe dup
lJ,1n1 I.he n,:,hotic t111ucro1 Ja. 011 ,, fhcy ~tft' aMc 10 fooL
ilhidc- \11kroo111, ,n,I ,c,c ,.bctC' the pnJ ,1•1re.t1< hitd
Soth1t1g "'.ii. l..llrn 1rum dw 1tup. Tv.u twun1c rlaquc, ~c kn III the "'tt ro1nmr11Klflll.1nf 1bc JJl1r anJ th&,.e 111hn
h1 tc.-mti..,onl.)onrclt"':s Pa;h,.1 l\J,~ h.ld • p,tJt 1n ,•rap\11 cHnU At rhc )ctrly cummcncl'1nen1 cc,cmunlo. Pech, h•ll rac:11h> JLlt"-1 ~hen the' 1,,1 ..,..:al.ct •uukl ~or ,pcia}Jni. f.&b pn,on 'llll~d docu1,: 11 doll.u, ant.I thr r,cr,011 v. ho JUc.~~cd 1hc cJ~it, ,.llh11& l0c«ot11J\, v,·(k.&IJ cnJ up Cl'-'
o,,t chc few In 1M n11hfln 1h1u h~, a Jab roi It. He Ji.a, 111r1UC'l't 1h.t lufh"J:11 ,hc:mhll) 11nd ttll'U(lftlnC:OUI cat~ tab ni.a111U1t~
'Htt c.,,,.nu-1boo ,._1lb lf'C a,nazinr," .-ill Jlm ltC'-Slc)'. llhlttii: d,n:aar. -~ tkJtl u all hi, hc:aJ..
Pa:ba ..ull dcle\ nnt U1it a compuee, to ClrJ*Ul(" and piklc papn. He ,JjJ heevm ""'"' o( hb io.t1 b)' h.1nJ~ t.11C\'crlrl111ymc:d~1radc:alt$l.
~h11 u.y• 1hc 1'1-,.:-" dw.#', d1a1 N,c cuumd altk'.C' he! -l.1'1Cd hc'R' •~ che si1.4 t'OJ NIC and c'* o(
lc11<.b111J. When be ~1,.atkd. thrtt \Ii~ Ml)' 600 10 700 ~1\Mk,i~,. m1\\I 01 lbc building~ hoJ ttol hec1t
b,nh MIJ 1~ ~.,.;h lwid • IIC:lt" pv1 in
I l.r,c-w all It~ pcc,plc: on lhc fu.."\llty bad cb(:n;l"ct.l\.l l&IJ 11,'0U,llk,J Ill the- lbt f«uit) lhCl!IMtl -1
I only Lile\\ one ®' "' 1t• pcortc. The g,u"'rh h IJ\'fflllbt:lmin1
PECHA continued page 11
Different views , Ideas presented during week h)Mtrt)u St111m,,IRt"portrr lffllcknt Clln1c,n Alk<J. 11.,J ',onh JJ;i.h.>C'a11csc "''"'md. In a kdcr ..cm 10 ,ol1'1ft' ~I'll M1ctiKI Durie, Cl11m,n ,.,kcc.t th.al • f.-. da)i Junn11hd •«l pf Oi:t. 4 t'C ·1 J..;dc l1KCJ11l'lpu\l Ui•cuuuxt~~ ra:c rclllltOJI• 11w WtW ltntr \C'td 10 collc:gc, Kn.li\ 1be cotinll) bur\.c: p.u~eJ the 1t11e1 on tt• AS.NIC Ptoidcnt D•n Sb«ldcr and \"ice.
Prr-,.iJtt11 of S1i,dc-ot Ser,·,et1. o ,~11 Landu)', ho t11,-it1.reJ the (YC'nl.\,, ~1 Jnhn,011. tC(l(twn,ath·e for thchSaho Educa1toa Auodauon tn 1br f1vt nonhcrn ~aunllca. ttancJ lhc wed: ,.Ith ·1tow dti •e u11Jc"°1.aod a1JJ W.a"f'I Cllthuthl'1 • A pwcl nsui.ic 1,r ftf Ln.dcnu uJ b 1. 1111y tt1fl(llldtJ tu I.he ~pc'('(h. AuJ~ flk11abm •l"tt to ,,~,NS 11p. 1d. quoeu10,n 11nd •hare \I.Win Atk':ndcc~ 1old ho• the)' h.11d f•c;:c.J 11hnimlr141H1t1. di't'itu.cd ,1erC\lC)'pin1 •nJ ,u,ahtrd '">' 10 f\lpt' w1tti JiKri:mll'lllllon lht p,t/'IC!I rncludcd Human fquthl) C lub Ptnidrnt 8 J , Joll1,oa ud Monte T ua. Cuhur.11 01~1:f'IC)' .zad,·caOlm "l::\lreme Tnkntncc"' llilll ,ho•n twice un 1·uc,J•1 JI wat nt1,1naU)' prodU('af In Sr,ok.au fn1 KSPS. a local PUS 11ta11oa. bu1 v.-.u rer.:t'ntl7 •iro•n un lh~ Nat1\•IW P8S ..UC.Ol'l The hou:·looa, '"lolko d.llk.'llucd A "Ide r1111ic o4 illpie'1. lndtklint h:1tc 1101ur\ 111 Nor1k hlJ1h,u and boy,. 1h(, communilin •here chc 1roup1. ,re btt.cll au counlcrior lb~ h.111c 11w11h h1o1mM1 nghts orpn11.atllllftl.. C\'ltw J'Aknc: H1P' School llui.katt. p.1nh:ipatrd In a ,1uJra1 lu.,ltn mtC'IUlj lwiida) Sl,r.-k~ (lfg..tniffll lhc mcclinJ to, a111drn1, ic, l1:11rn lc.,Jc11hip 1;,11ir, C'Ornh1nc:d •Hh di\'cr,.it)'tniin1n,.
Futni,et N1C ,1udc:n1 J°'h 8orlu,ct naJTt1cJ ,a n hall rnrcrin,: on WrJ~. 1hr t&M J.ay or 1he CVeA'! fl.ll(hl'IC'f ,p,l.e liboMI 1'll1'1ft. il'A'MrtCICH
lu.Jilic.'J .,.,..,~Hdt/1""'
Silhouottld by• $Ude pres,enu1Uon 0,. Aot>tn 88tl.erd dncrtbH how he ~tod the lntamou1
TITANIC conbnued on page 11 Tltenlo. The deep uplo"" spoko co• fuU Scl>ult< Audllorlum 0cc. 7 about his dlsco•enos.
oh1C"n:t111)Jliftl ~·omrn .\SNtc Student :,en-icn. and 1he
Human b.:p1.,ld) ( I~ "(011'11cd all oJ lhcc.'f<Ot'-
Sing letary hopes to have book in stores by next ran by \hir11 tl,e,ck1dl
Mu.uc, hllh>r.-.. an1l "'' tu.:het. hh 1ori(l'.II l.f.1hurmhl fot the Cotur d'Aknc Jlrcs, •nd tnin
- RObctl s,11,:fClat) b,n, dODC j'IICAI)' "' Stinh J!.bbo fl ·tikllti Hs\ l.alr.'1.I ~t. 4
on 1hc lu•l4'1r)' or S IC w,11.appc:i,
tumc:~dmn, bmldmp. ICiCllhUfl 11.111.1
11.CtlYJltO 111duJtt11 Ute camplH r•PCI hit:.h
Sini;elcllll! aJd ht been Ul(>u.11.1 M'""' 1~ '-")lktt'• flhl)'(at Olittln,dl) ('t11C11r J" Alcllc llin...,, (. nllc,c. SIC:
""'1nJ in the uld c.ity J\~J and"•'• •·rd.atitd} nc,...,.
c~ep:, ..._.;~1111 fu Shish:tan h Mnat,J:eJ f1.-
c~1~tu,;c uu11.all) • ••mni Jut1QJ the Grut
Dti,~uun ..It-...,. ,t.1ncJ h) 1111;.m1n, tionl 'l&k: m.in.'" ~1,I
hli, colh~l'' 1cl1111111u •nd 0 1 hill an,J playinc t,,c t..11111 'l11J\ic; In ll.atR" '-lulft dndnpmcM• .,I'd "'lhc- bill) Sol rolll-llll. 11 a bi1111d (II at!d Nin. lnl\&l."n nltt:Cinf Ttacrrujo..1 C\'ol ctl O\er a )1",11 ··RiXl. 11nJ Nll •~, ,11&.\l llc-1-u1n.Jng t,J ucnc ari 1ht Mlnw1hlnr ~.unr up .i • 1'tt.t:rd tni:<lln; -~ t.cmc.• Swg1(1..;lr, wtd "I 1tmembc1 J.'~)'Cltl a ti:IJ \(UJl~(lfte \1\1.llleJ lo ,c-kr h) ,t1mt'lh.la11h.1l ho1J 111 Ml"fflJlhh. llrll.l F.Jvb Pf'nJC)' ., pCA>i1t1 tk't,a,r1 bapp,tneJ 1n ll\co p,ut ..nJ nu one tcmcmbtrtcl," .,t,uut l'ln'I hb..b. lie h.& .1houa .\Ufl f'(OJ"IC Ind we \1nilct.1t) u 11l "l'b9 "'"' 1h! Dtcd In iJ1111:u,1tnJ i.J .1hl:iu1 Jll 1,m11<Lh1n1 1h.11 the:) w•111cd 10 lino,. .1htm1 1hc StA&I~ lt.te'bn 1Ul'\c)' (!If '1t t,• N IC .nJ. an, Hiflc,c.1mdthr.,c ~.,. 111,rcJmnc:c,•
\lclatttt", modiC7 ha) bC«inw klhcly im t1h'td m rape cri1i• program"
She h•, encournJ'Cd \fcl:i,uc a!'M! hrr '"°o 1lfd.cr ~i-.;tet\ to cnft.'11 in ,,df.dd,n~ cl.lK\c1t.. 10 .l\>Oid beciQmln,i \·i..:wn,,,, "'<It
Mc13.111"'11 oklcr ,n.1n 11n r-.1(' ,:r.kfu.allC' .ttld (JUI
uf .,1a1e •tudcru. h- guteful co h11\'r hil.l the nppnnuniCy ta 111kt lht: ,df-&k.fen\C cla ~h,lc:
iillet11Jit1J NJC;, a~:coHhflJ It> \ftlanit Hr, upc-ricnc< flil, ~" 1h111 Instr uni,·cn.ult, tw,e llk'~J.\fd i111:.Jc11I\ \'If \k\lem \'.fttl~. but ,;h( fttl\ confldenl ;af1tr 111rin1 the ,ctr-Jcr,n,e t:()110.c •• NIC. Md.anie wld.
~My si•ltt fcth fonun.ue h> ha,c 1hc tooh h) pn11ca h(-r.c:.1f. · Mel.an~ u1d. Tbt Clunnicle of Highc':1 Educ•m:.n r.u-11, 11nJ F1&lll"C"\ found on 1hc fn1c:1net lUppt'lft Mcl,mir·, ,i,tcr·, t>\'nluntinn of 1ncre11•cd tntuC', on !ht
u11 ,cnll) ampi..~ Ac,ordint to the ""'cb,ltc. rn~ on ampca i1 ~lllng c,cry U\klcnl tbould be concancd "'boot rtlC' C'bmnKk reported 111 l'WI thl11 cm 483 ,amp,n collc~ ,,..,lh mote llum S.000 ~ob, lhtrc 11oc:re n m11rdc:n. I.OS\ f1.ffiblc 'i« o((cni.c~. 93 non-forcible 10. offcn..e,. 8qo robhcr-10111, :?,011 IIJtAValcd aoaulh,, IJ,Q,'7 bur,l&ne~ •od 3.9S7 tnw:,t•'fChide 1J~f1•. Mel•nic and othtr uudcal\ like her will t,c L'Olltinuina their ~oc.,1im u a larger coUc,e where lhbc. M,ututic,. m,ay imr-:11hcir lh'C, Melome j,. hecdina he, 11101be1'1 adva..:-c 110d loJk,,rdns he,- \l:\lt't' \. oa.111pk. She cbinl.'I I~ d.u., hn s1rcn11t)cne.d he, pby.-icully, built her eu~eem and c.,,.~J:CJ brr i" many "Y"'"li,n')'OIIC ~Id take d11i; (hq.,"' Mtl:lOM: said
with a witk gnn 'h'• • grclll ""11) to t(!lt.\.'C p:111 up ~1.<ion"
If Melanie hiad OPC WON 10 dt\tri~ \be cl.au tJw ~id h Y,OOJd be {'ocajiJi:ncc."
Mcla111c'1 malt tooinmntu hll'llf' eaught lhe enlhui.l»m tJif lo.'lr-dcfcmc- "" w~II Her roomnuitc+.bclp Melanie 11f1er cl.a.» refiot tier oc""I)' lc&mcd t«hniq110,. The &elf.dct1:0~ ctu.s n. offered 111 6--7:4.S p "'
lobn Johni1on. b • mAnllLl aru and k1d:·bo);ini lmtructor. He blend!. lbcM" t\\-O det11enu 11110 tbe clan to 1hc the uudcn1s a wider ,election or :\lralegjo I.ti ti,L\C ofa 1o-Joknc acu.c.., Mellanle eoncoura1c1 01hcr i.1udtnh, neirdtne 11: phy,.K'.al cduc.11(1(1 ~11cu cn11.1U in the da».
Student crowned Mis, Congeniality in Mis:. Idaho USA pageant bySa lJal<bout ~m,,r,lllq1',rUr
~mk:' Johnu,n. 19. ls a Kiphomc>rt m.ajorinJ In ,,;ommunicatlonj/publ1c rcl,1lion"' ,\1lh!OC1&h tJ 11 only bet 1,c-cond )'Cat o( college. •ht t1u ahC':idy heJ11n .«kins career oppomm.,tic., And ~he 11 dd11ti1c-1y gelling upcriencc In eommuniabooi Throughoo1 the ln)l ~,·ct1I )'dB, John~ hJi) hod 1hc opponunil) 10 pr•clkc mler•pcPonal communic111ions wnh • wide v11.nc1y ot people Wh.111 hc-ttcr •,oy to pr,1.;lke comm111:1t.;11t1nt 1tuln p1.mc1pat1n1 ltJ • P•1tan1 where' the co11(c~1nn1 ,cb 10 klk>w klll.l\\· eon1c:,ian1 • &lld nu11-t \pt.a1: 1n rro,u c,f. Cttl'wd c,f people L ut moa1h. Juhn\Cln entered •nd went to Nomr:ii 10 tompclc 1n the Miu ldoho USA p;:iac,uu OnittJ hue, 1hc p,1_gun1 .li 1.hc '"undtrJo,'' wub lhtle c~pcriencc, Johnson came homo •• .«ond run n.cr·UP I ""tltl ror 1hc C",penentt. 10 mttl ocbtr people .md h4,ca loc.otfun In the proce!,S. Joti.ru,oo wJ And 1.11111 h, cuclly wt.., Mk' d,d Johruoo beg~ her ,.o,·eth-~O'lcn1 ~hh in,:cnnh when a friend c,~,ounr.a:cd h(1 10 be 111 1bc Po"c
F&lh Jvni<w Mif.s; ptupm v.-1.erc: "'he cia;mc 001 on top 11ic ...-me rnrnd 1hcn encouraged brr 10 go Int() the Min ld:iho USA p1gc11111.
"Thb h I~ ) Colt )"OIi 'i'OUld IJn \ll'tll. th[, I~ )'C,U, )~ JohuiOo Wd. qi,ouo1 bCf friend.
p~1-canl compeUtoo utJ lcf1 w11h 1hc 1,ceond runntr•llP 1i1le. Jobn&o11 wu oo lonscr lhe "undtrdo,:" of the C'Oft'lpcci1ion.
"II depend• qft )OU! pcrson11l1y;· Johti,oR ,aid '"You c•.n·, take 001h1os ond build on ii;. )'OU b:l"C U) bl\e 'lo()me,hlng 111 build on"
And boild1n1 LS wh111 JohMon did Niu c,nty dJJ ,he tea,c Nampa an ,he lop Lhrtt or tbe M111o Idaho USA pn1c.a11L b1.11 lbt 01he1 c:01ucna11,~
11bo voted John,.on H Mtu Cong<n11tlil)'. Sht'
11ud 1f Will• gru, hont't In he c:ho,cn li M,tJo Congcniaht)· by the 01hcr compcu1or,, at. OP1'Q~td 10 lhc J\IJse bc<C".lU\t: lhe) W'cl'l': people'
1he 1prn1 all o( hc.r lune •1th
To top off her ~ttcec\\, of 1be Judgo ju,L ,o happened to~ 1 model «:oul (Qf 1tu: pllpular abrruu.ir 1t111u.lnt "'Vs1n11y Fatr " l'ht! 1cou1
modclin; 0ppc,r1uni1ic11
"Everybody goes. with 1be socl 10 w111. b1,11 hew,, )'OU ichlc,·c tlm aoa.1 om.I bow )'OU wor\. 1oward ,hit aoal m11lci all the d1rrerenc1:,'· Jl,)h1:ison a.olcJ JobMon 1nld ,be mlgbl challenge hcuclr 11.111in ,n tb" '1l» Idaho USA paac.nn1. bu1 ror now. ~he IC>O\:\ rarwud. 10 n~w opp0r1unillc" wilh ''Va1111y Fait,'"
Idaho it an c,pcn pa1ean1 41:ilC', meaning co,uc,t;uo~ ate not rcqiiited 10 h~,·c I former tillC' 10 '"tt:r. Joba..on nid the bad tun a.ocJ chou1h 11 lS. c:QMpcrn 100• .IU'l)'bod)' CII.R doh "If you have lk:..::C\S to $600 and l gown. yoo, c;aa do It J-,>hn~c,n ~ld. ''Slll·hundred dollar.a. tor tho.t mu,h fun wa, dc:fin11cl)· \IIOnh lL
speak at humanities convention
)0 ),;.it\ ,u.wc:m fac:ull)' 1w.J t'ORUflVJIII) crnhct~ tum: •·juu.n,c)'td 1hruu11b lime"
,1m1u,h ptti,(ll.Qlioftl (Jf die rupcom Forum
Sc-\·m.l o( prc..cntct'l ""lU Jc)Ufntt 10 C1lkJ8tt
OcL 29 w 111.alc pt't'"'l('Olllkm- 111 cti.1mctet 'rhc- ~cJJ-lnnw chaa.:l<b ~.u be apf)t'.artag J.
m,m_.mlkil cc1l'l,·cn11M rnkd "fnlll.il,.,n llilkl Vtt-~
Hun~i11t.\. Ei,lut.itton for the i 1,1 Ct-11hf1Y
l'hC' cha1";1etcr~ 1ha1 will bo porlrn)ed nl tlu:
ttHn·C"nUcut 11c Jolumn Sct,;1.,u.1m O.a,•h by Gerard
Maihc,. l::rnc,1 1-lemtrte~•)' by G('Ofl:C' he\,
Geor1111 o·Ktdc by Allie Vor1. M.1e wc,1 by Aiwlc MC'>;.,ntay, \1111') WollloUlrl«nift b)' V1rs;ini.a JohnlOn, ()uttn Bnad.a..:a by Lindi ErK:bOQ ud Pcttt the Citt:11 b!I' Mllf'ld Kh.llhcv.
Each f1tOC:11kf ,;.di gi'llr a bncr inlf0d!K1ion antJ
"'•II t:i,•c tbc auJ~nce • chllnct: to n,.k que~i,wi,. P('HHtal 11C'lcn<c- tn~1ructo1 T~n> Stewart ,(1(0tpor11cd A Joumc)' ThtouJlh 'rime'" into the Pup.:oru forum fotu )nn. •'· Ftlf ooo 1,1,(d. duno1 &ht. ~nJ "C'i.w.icr. hNnnatol d1.ua,__'ftn.tumc ahft to tell or thrir hcmfC' li.Yl"\ •nd conttihuuM., to soc,c1y 11,c,e rcrtnrrruuw:t1 41,e free ilnd open to anrone 1n I.ht "W1\lUnd•n1 ~•
Accordln1 M Sic.,,~n. ''"" lhc J>.:ipct,n1 Ft,t\lin bcsan ri•w-e ah.an 19.500 ~rk h&,c o.11tndcd 1bc cvc,u , Each pcrformnnt.c: 1, vltJco-lapCll 1u1tJ bmaJca,t 10 \C\'CII lkWtb'o\'<'-" an ''-*' •ad ptlCt.lon,
ofCM.Ida..., v.-cll fohn\Oft i, lbc m.tin ,qaniter uf 1-M prl"~ntff\. 1r.\'C1in1 to Chie9'°. She u alM"t por1rayilf$ M1ry W0Ut.k1C1U.111A~ "ho ha, been tli.!'1CtlbtJ at "a hren& 1n pc.nit('l.lli.. Wolh,mnccn.rt w1u c•llcd 1hi1 becoU)ot the...,_, a \'ti)' ICrooll iod1\'1du.lJ. Mid c.'11)(' f;I( 1hc lint rcople 10 llJhl for wome11 , n1hu. oc:aitdlng IO Jolmoa. "I hope- to ,bow ~olluauu acn», 1hc United Slate\. Uw .NIC hwoh~ (1Nhy, .cut.1n111, f.1.aff lltld rommu"l'lt)' mcmbtn In rctformla1 ("hau1.1111qW1. JOOAIOftuid. An)'6ne In 1hc wmmunity I, a~'OS 10 rm,ent in 1he c,·ec1 John\On u.,d 1h01 one 11r rhc 1rc.11lt:\I bttltfih In 1.Akkng on a th111111:Cer i> th:U 1ht prnrntc, !,um, tht IIIIJc 1h:ing1 llbou-11 ChilllillC:1Cr•1 lifC' lh.)1 ffiO\I l)«ll)k: dork.JI:~ •11
-sheer love or l.nowlcdge ha, oc, been • p1~umln:1n1 movC'r in n\.) li1LI~ wodtJ JQhnwn Ykl. qv~•na Wollur.JC1ttOfL -we arc people \\'ho
lM-c 10 ICJim
JCll!mon belt cxpWQrJ 1bc usp 10 Ouctigo I.ft l bc t.11 ru-ai:traph or ~, propowl to Ille humanuJc~
1\J a ""'"-''"ful• ..-vllabcanal.lw-. aWUnNnll)' cmwt. thc,c- Chau1auqua r,trforma11ce.; ate indu1ivc Jn111n.,ch\oe nod entertaining nol onJ)' to l h c
panM:lp.,.n1s. but lo th\llUSilndi Ol a001cnc:c roe~ and 111,de,u~." John1on t.aid We tiavc 111kcn kum.lltluc,. ouc (J( 1ho IC'll.t boob, MIO the \b$C. in10 the It.If 11.11d Oh lflc n»J. Thu pitic!Wlltun·• not Ju, 1 10 IC'II, hu t 10 ,hav,, how u ch
~M1llo«1 tc111:h and .t.prud
d1I I C'IC'ltlf \I • rlh) ,i JI 'floH Jll'II my
,.._, ¥.hd.b:T il•okf~•Oli ca t.USlfll1
bnn,: • iikW' rba 111M' • dil'fnma, Ile bi:1 ~Uilllhr•allNC'IOlmll:h~I
TlffM! It n wmc.1 un1 1h.lt m:.ny tell~ \ fuJ..·11h i..'Sn•'tllf K"Cm to fin.I C'Jw •vih of.
C't, lhC'h" j&rt' ~tlfflC' •tuo lt'-11•¥~ 1,1
"*'·u(M."'C a rr hs•in a "''fe'\ hi htlj'I aoo1hn.
f('U'l"lltf ftt) htrtthll c-,ccpt PfllOIUI
'--.di -. c...,,. IOd - "°"' ClllJcin
a.atin•••~ unp~mn1 • pro1r1• ullrd
Stn.cr-1.c.JnUnt. IC1lln (OfflforuN) •·
hc1:wtm lhc hfe t'lf I bu,) i..uOt,:r lhllbi1 1111d
,llf1m1n-r"'l"'~f,,r,~·, 1.111,l!lll1Ph
Stf\K'"'I C'Mmlng bn~, 11( .klt,mc c11u"('1 Int (olkrt c,tJ11 In C\11'11"11Hlll) UJ\'kC. ("c;,lkgc
,tuckl'lh lu1a conu·rh throvrh clu, CotW~Oll ..J luff (k OJ!P:W!UDil) lo ,pp?)"
lbO,C' (dat~rh t,;· YOIHl«r1., • lk
I or '""ICC'•Ltarn1•1 11udC"11t ~tau
~kC.wd\,, I~. lft:clftd.w)' cJ:u..:&UtlCl fl'lllJ('I', lilt
•i,rlk<111nn 111 her ,~lun10.·ttnt "J'(f"~'"'t' v,n
(Cl't'C'r.,.ll Sh,c '<t1h1nltC1t'd Ill C"t1C'Ul LI .\kl)f
Honitt.. 1 llmb <"illtcQ 1.·uh1CJ 101"# t..imr. kl
1ht ,p,.ni umcuc-r rot 19Y9 aed had chc
4.>ppOnun,,, lo avs,1, lb(' la.;,wkdrt ,:1tNJ
•ti1mt OU), .ab...-. btf tlJ1Cf'11r11a' la
,....,,, Ohon-lkn-.iU"• 101 cl&M..
~- •~t~l'll!IIN•,11Nr.Jw
"""'- \U .-,,.11,)' t.a...-1
M1.'(.Unh~ ,.'-'IUNttrcJ at lhc 1(111<'.4' 1ttidtnc~ (Jk:1111) 4,n,'.r • •tel 10 C'itc1,·1te. ('!La) ia 1t1e,
\·f,1l •1lh llfJII tftd h) tht !,,t'MIOI'\..
l~ d1lfh.ul1 f111t1 amt tW r}a}' •htn *
tltf• In •ondn "hett 1hr w11wn• fffllifa
•tte lrul oo • f"N"'Oml k'wl h ~Fi btJ dowf k) ilritT Cl'IIID
111d. <JD:
\.Jr LIile C'lt)
111.t lhc lithn kl lnC"\ U1 Do.It'll
I ,.ni.: tu 1h,·,n • luc rnorc \l~l•.,lh)' NM!
··l 1hlnl. I c1u1 rtl•it 1(1 lhrra • luc hrtlt"f lhAl:I
s.wnr of Che IC'ftkln lb, twnr Md manoJ)
•tbcli •as IIOllldlllnditf11.11ll todell , _..., ,i..-c.my, Ille ...,..,
c;,,., ••, to'-' 111d h\lC'n. Somtdmo bi.Tlflll•lfflftlllt'foltClt•e)nlC'QQllll'l
1111.-1,anl) m..Wll(f'IJ.in,f~
··s~w, -.m C'\(1trJ.., me. t101 I doti't 11\hal u •a, tc.ally 1M' •bo ttudc a
·1 m •• sbJ aw ,,l •~ .h.,..• ~a..:<"..nht
w.1,L ''\C"r'9,c J..tarn1111 hdpcd me t" the c,tt.a
n11lc 1u,J ~" all 1 iu!J 1ul11 aJ,o1n14t ,,fit·· \naJ 111111,. IWd:nh tuw \i~ Ute rrugrua unplnncnta.l al '1C
1t11trl.i!l~ol199'7,-1•Ko~ ___ __ ...i_lO
fJaa!'ry lu"Cbeca ID'l'ohcd • lani"J wurte1.. ~be dwn JO ·~nctn a:td
or1•nuo11h11n lhrou1hou, lhf (utumUDII)'
r,i,11 1r,Hc 111 •h-:! pio11a1U ar.:i:11 "'' ume
J\1'M!'ll. Jno•l'I' \.luikl'IU. IJ,uhy 111d ap:n.1n arr
li,.,t(k1un,: Jtutthd. (Clt'Uf 4"Jl.lue lfomta h oa, ol tltote
OfpiU.ulkJRI (fl,Olvfd and Ouldtm ' \ a ~•1Jc11u.al carr ~)' di.al uiff~n -i and
IMf't lttm C,lfC to L'hiJd«:'n 11olao lt't' abtiCd.
,qleai:d ~«&a. Umily emit..
!Ibo r':21'f«;.IJ'*,
111 ~h.ur C1;ctlla'- I li> llt't ,..u,l, •ltt. KRIOfl.
r-.i <:..a1d1\ t'C',an "'11r\111Jl "ut, ilif c:hll1J1,n .:ti
Chil,l11·n'1 vns.ai:: ,,,. J5 tn t\klf('udun -ith
Ol•on'• IJt1lt1h Hll bo Htt .,,,tl •'U-
,:flikh1111 \fl) Jiffcn:m dun bn' •(JC'\ •ldl 111ft
tftkft. tvt Mc(:.nb) a. up 1i.J tbc c:~
omln _. t«t fl1'Nlt;dC' fot -.1-...u I ru-.. ,a: • ,
Ul'Jllrint: tt) \no. due I CIR Al llRl:lhtQ& rQf
MIIIWOII(' 'AhO lft•h ffl)' flrlp
\i1,"('ar1h) uW -.1,: c,1 uura,c, 1:ichcr ..i,111..1,11
1o1 JQ1i1\·1pk In 1ht a,ea:1 Cil'J'IO'fW'l1I) rrn,rnll'd
TllC' colltet iw1id'd1., the "~' kndi11
Eld dlr 1WOLW bracr,u a,., cau-1a, pcnoul
C'lptflC'k"eal~"'ball • lwtrto,ltio.>kw
Rctnt • ,orumccr doo IWI mr,1,D Joo.1.t1n1
C''fr)'"IV.rt~ntoflbed:i,y J°"afC'A'h«;n1, ;1 .,n'L UI\ HftJI _. Jft'.11 de.I tu d10'1(' ,n 11«J
AD)imt' Cat \'tifulllttf. l'ltl lfWI) r(\:1•k JI IIOI
ll!lt.PA bm1, .',1.,{".-diy uid.
Tbt $rn11,,r Ltanoaa prn1raa 1ucbt1
--. ...
No• 1h11 dlt u, ~orn ,,isroduc"d lo
1,oft.rt:a lff'11:n. A.k("Jlffl} IIIJ * plam IP
CIM1IIIIIW •Ith och(r 'itn11."'C< l.e.u11in1 tuar,,a 11n,l11Ufl11ol,11nr,,1 ,111\intecr"'"<'l'-
"it'•.,.. ta•)' tu du. ~e, II mc,111, ..,,, uw.:b, ~kt ¥1h'° ,.iuJ ""The~ r,.ir1 ranitm1 the
··~- b&II .A all tht dlin:s .,;alt Jil'C.,, blHt ,proh;ibf)dal'nlllllllpQIUtll.
A h,p,wl1<-rr11d,11m10J >"MC\
After ~n MC:Cortlr{a volun1...- wO<tc i. compi.tt et Chlkfrtn'• Vllllgt, •he P'• to continue to voh.mtMr, SM hop4ts 10 voluntNr on campu1 sometime white 111ll 1 t1tndlng HIC
\ Mu,l; ttlt&o<J IMIW) 0,11111 •hnwcd 1h11 Amrncan, l :ud.11 aTtJI• C'\ay tneQfflf tJrule1 ate d1,~a,11f t4 •ktl!ll'~pn,cl lhcir carn1•1• proudt
L., f,KqUC! tkru11,
ocn.l ••J thdtet t he 'NUlllaJ puor ttt d,,ui1 f'ttd th &he lal..i. ul We .:htlJ CJtt C'tp:::ll'C' 1nrva, ..., food and lbt ..,._-c ot l*dical CU\ff.lft 1or lkllllchn ud mru t.m11ltn Mlddtc •omc- A ,1,v,atc, au m.ale end, ffiC'fl \lih,I<! 11)111.,: 10 tel rnoaq 1.1 id( for 1htu H i t' ,.lllc..-c ~·!.IU1..ll•iih. C'u11111V1m, ,r1 •l.n .1od d1 J"-1,1,'IC• 11,1rn'11.ht-lp And ""'llh•I\II 1hr lateU I.a.JI /.u.hml\1, ~kbt.1111..tfl h:nUra.v.r:J Kho,ol
UJ: lhc ncb dan 111111P tit-II Cif r0tn nlhrr \\rtam, •d:iccl '"allt'a lw..ix:. l...aadC"rvntrnr :\IM; "'diel 1111n1 br l\lld luw .)Qt cti«led Mcbt\ 1'athrtt-llt.¥y li.t-traM~n· lhc'w
t.i~~::::.=';:~:=~; ~~'";,'
I 1u,t • thr ccti,, dJy 1h,._11 ..i l.uhc-r 11\hu •111 ...bulil lb l tr\lj'I hh cburtikf lro.tJI hn 11flemo.11'1 f'III)' 1n 1M 11n no~ _ f'lhe1i.. lkfoR he tlOppCd brr, U<w,dlum I .ri.1...,.-...,ll<ff<WIIIUOUlc
...,TIie l,tJa u,f'l'<d 111< pmuq ch,c wt anJ In tu, 11.at:hll', PY>. Mure ,1,1111110 ,cJcauJ 1h11 ,n<1nth t,h1•v. lh111 lncornci. arc ur lll1d 1•0\ctl)' b11, re"'"' 1.h1hhtn lron11:ally, h11tn, in Au,cu•l tn1 i.~ch 1h1n1, a,'"''"'• ht"1li. edudibc.• &Dd 't&-.t1(-ct1 tn AUS'N ttll hcd 1hr "'-
Allllfflaffl 1«11110 be nul1q mott IIMD:J, hl.q out more Iola, for ""aoa-c-~tcDIQh and -1dll ate tcc1.ui, IDOl'or diuai11.r,cd •'(' ~t can•, bu) e-wr,thuq: •< lletl1
J\hl M lht ,p.._1,-J l111lc 1111 m Willy V.onk.• til'lll die ( ht11.:ul~ F;11,.lor)'tuJ.onwJ1n hctdtu]c; ljUol< 'Hui l>.ai.iJ), I WIPI Jn) oxnpia,L.iompa fVn'.·1". V.'C' Inn '4 nl •ti.l•T"'-aDlanJ•c-•lllldlliO"",
\\cab •-n mott Md m«t dine dayi.. Ml Plollln ._,,., ..-:ill w ilaw \\, dii:.1 •T .c- daiq ounclwn.. ow lm Ind oar sra!lidl t..mn b) iv)llll diem 1h:
tina ..s 11w hat;nl r,na ti II mcart'\ tik1nc ,iut ti, Jo 11 Pt-rh.apl 1 "'11're IJomg a, cn.iint • but'llh
u( ~111w lmi b.i.hlC'l 111~1rat
II ,: J.aas'1.n c~1, pb)"""1~ ud •• .,.,...,,.~Ollll
Geological finds
Ph M,. \tuat~ ~ttflN,p,,mr
1H all' Wh-,t tu(tl~ Joo th.11
l!f(U 8111 k1,hudt. JeolOf)
hntn,«or. Pin to pal • d1lftta11 s,uon,.,, ., -i,, ,
'°"rw ,tic 11um,11n1 •"f't1.u vi
Ocuh1fl\h 41ft nut one of lht
t)pr, ~I KJ1·1 l hh th&t ,pcnJ all uf their limr: holed ur ,n lht
laboC'alOf') A 11eat deal o( 1hclr
,h. , j"' on,~,., 1c,1bool or •llo:h •u l-,1u ttaJ .an,t follu_.cJ h) lllllWln
A.dw,J• fwad tbc tw'f•l a1 a ---
r«(IJ<td •l, imponan.;c btau,,C' of hh SColOI)' Clp(Ufn1.C' afki
l. llO\lrkd,e, Jhcnc -ho dtt(.;atded ehe boo• did not ~""'* 01 111 ,11rml 1l1UKC' R1ch11.ri.h al\.U haa I VAil cOIIC'dJ11n of tn1,u·,11n1 n-c.h, IQtlC' o( lhtrn <Cllllalllml '°""' aai
1typnottztc1 br And,ew e.cio.,. atuc1tn1, ..._ 10 lhe v111a11e r>eopie·, YMCA durong a lunch·IIINI ohow In the sue.
Quentin Ptrry, ""·ukf he tell llkt ht waa not on 1tagt very long wtwtn the 1how IOIUllly taautd ovu an hoc.Ir
•1 U.c 111M )-our lllkfnb am.·1
hola1cd hom •ha, happco, 10
.,<')dlJ r«,,.i. R• NIIJ, ""'1.
<kul•)J} h c.1tt)lh1n, .trounJ )••Y. he CKp!.11lh1NI I \f1)'1hJnp: )1.IU ICC v..u 111J,,1, 10\II ,,I rnt4 01 flCC'okJfOlihto '"""'lffl(' 'Ahal iJ 11 l<lda) Aflff tmD) )'WI. .n • fC'Olos:bl.
R1da.a,d, lu, acquilcd IDH) -..-• .i,«
• •idt lll'kt)' of dliDrnb.. lllWC of •hachbi~,,.,._.")\Ub. fkUIC'I Che, roe~, 111 h1i c11llcc11on u f\•mrl"' l•lf ho1 ;..c!llk'nh ~.,.,
()QC- flf lhl!IK Ohtf(t, HI haa,1, puMhhcJ 1n Ut,.t 'itt t'h.1rtc, 1.,t'II'• "'l'TllklJ\,11• 11( (lit.1lon, i•
Ru:h11,h ,11,·, C'llfC'llltl) t,u1;) du1111g the uimnitr Oc1;1Jt"t Ira.hint rn*'I). hr h\ntnf"II 1u, uu1hc, In Uk' 1n Ulc scolor1,al Ieeld He c-aras a pon,oa of In• h, '"I from a11D1a1 compaatn Dur11111ht ,ummtr ht h pai.d lo ,unu,11 u •unx hu rroft11;tutul upt 111~ and v1ut .._n,1v.lcJ~f' In thhftclJ
' 'Pl.a)'J111f wt'ntl mu,, lot1r1,~ 111,, .,._,. llnt J>a,fl. 2J (AnluJrr, Sd-,t/1,,~ @ ''O,"r ,1u l1~11Hcd tN.11,1~1, ,, •• '~ort.Je l.v, wl'lhuul".n ("''"'d v \fand) , " (,., ' ffrrt B«d..,., zo """"" 1'11111111. l'l,eun.c,ia ttt) boJnonJI b.~na..l.111p«t tlltduc.n.,..... "" $6 l1111l11Ail"1tfWCIO' ( Jt'IA,J".~~,. \\h,;11 f lJrn'\CiJ up • kh rtay J.luth\n' ao lalcb., lrtC.l.«K•c•l8"""•·J7 #Ln W.Mti11a11WM &1u11·11
"("(on1h in 1hc 1\,000 mclcn nice:. Rc.1 and tier
!C'Jlff'lu,,Ut'\, 11,h., ran 1hr ,,Ol>U rnne,.,, put in• lime:
ur IX:~!"'• oril)· IV ,«(Jn<h ~lutMI tht k•tJcr
V..'11k111 1,11.1J Ttt1.,1r Cu.1t\.Ulll. CJwl,c Mllltt, ,-.:61
11Adl. wud Wml('f)Ollf 8r..Jtn. abo ra,1 \'f."l'l v.dl
1n ll'!C llll'I J'i ·1hC'rill 1~ 1~m J14 CA«JltlCXWly 'A'tJI."' Bflldt-n uill ""'We ..,,·i:rc Jctcrmin('J 10 hni!h ,uona. ,.uJ ft',n)'l"d n1nr11rt3 1hc oounc We .fu'-' had• great hmc
H<tm:m. J.lJll;'I f.1U., IU'I.I Kell) Ki:;1Jt •l\l.l
ui lop 10 for the \J,'t)tuen
but 11milc'.\ Altl.:ljodar
f(1111,1, ,.nd Jnt1Ht1 Ru pl.tl·cd f.i11rtb 111 1bdr
ff''J'C(11\c r-.-n 111 luJ SIC 011111111111'11'C llwt 1110
ruru,cn r1,mll\ r111 in• 11111~ of 24i rn111ult",.. 1-1
llll•h\' IOf 11hd HCill.1 CcMl.'h Ln,I, WallJA,
\'\'I) P°"OO of b11 4(:ruti't d(oti 0.:t 9. Walin• "'"wlly •.IJ1 N ha1nJ un 1hr ,Jc-II.on ~tt.umna .and
}<"rlil'll k' fl11ll•\"* hr• W',1m co 1'11.1.\b bani
··J mil)' be •m11ll, b111 1h<y c11n ,11U hur me:,· Watkiln lJ 111, ffll>(h·41k.11\l1J ~h ht-fort(\'«)' flt((' u~u.&U) ,nduJc, d:lo 1mponanct" ot ttot 1:h"u~1111 their n 11,1J t,d. n he Clipliun.._ He 110'\C>10 h11 llln.llC'i" !hill no m.dlcr how ht, (ltc .-..ct i'l lhl-}' ;;,m't he ntt\u111.ithl tuv~ 1hctD open 10 f~t ,11rnplh;;a1ioM l,1ter nri dunft$ lhc: r«c One of W.cklm w.,1j" ilun11g 1hr race 1, tu UAn pla)'ing Che n1er:nul 1.:llfl(I ur ct1h\-c1.umo, .alw 1bc ita'lu1d mllc c.- w. He b~ 111 gt'l in1,, h1, 111.a~cr·• mi.ocl,. u.od ll..a. ctlein bl•• bad I.hey ..,,.ILOC 1t. tkw. t.iJ do IJN!)' Willll it ilM tu nm ...,,dl lllld l111hl1 lbc r..:e TIie nt.xt twfdl.c fot CDtmbn\ \it 1fk' '-Tl''I' 1,."0l.nlr~ tt.1m ,, rt(ro11.,h. ,1.-tikh will t.c- held at lhc Corur J 'Al<ocl!""'1
l),u;&.11) Wi41.l111, u.111 (ICII) \;ll()O.ToC tu, wp rL )'l'n tu tun tn tr1:i,->1ul,-. hu'A'\'~N ~1~" the r.w.:c n ~,n; tia.1n.l hen- ht ..-.Oh C\t'f)Y>l1C lo run lie IC"C"I, ,.ha! o', 1 g,ut Prf10thU11I) l1•r luffld, 1,11,,l lilllulj 10 llllUC OUI .inJ \Uf'P•l tban 'i!tht~ nian ng Oil •ti • btat111!ufarwl1.r.cc°'1ric.
N(C ·• 111a1n ...:omp,rlhtun ttu» }Urn l'-11. I; C'11llc1c fkln& r,u1l..eJ riuinbcr •14'1C' in~ \'t'IUhll), lhc! top ru111>ct1 rilt 'lW 111 n1111C lilct)' bit,1, &hrn hl.nJ1ru1I111n:,,Ofl.1h, II •c 1lol) in p-i.J hc:ahh and «wlhOIC" 1a a11J\ -.1n,r1g o, •It.Im,"'"' Mio•dd have a go1JJ t:l'unlt •• bullnr ftl(i.·• Jll 1eg1111111,h,,"' ••Id C.,tnl rm11~, Kpin fo,~ A, tficv.nc11, ,t.u1,to 1"1n.ld;Jwr1 lu, the II rn•llii IJVnien', crou~tn t<'",Snu, d)I(' thc.1l arc ranl.C'J -Ith 111thir ru.lioo \l.ht~lh(' "'1w1.1c11t.tr ranlid, !th
Freshmen enjoy intense schedule
b) S.m Camtton
S;,u,iu/ /f(pOl'W lbcvacrCfilWID1t'l!'~Jd.Jho.1,bt-Jr~"'nlk'r! ftc.J>,.., Canneo IAl>:1""" Bl)'I tk\ 1111 .n, h<,IJ,"¥ ""I""'· - rhc:y v.cre cwo ._tc.1, baa.\lCILII)' n.oenuk:d b)' 1~(1c,n,'"' Womtt1•'! Soa.."tt COJCb Btll Encnwi~rwJ
bl J'TI"toCC: ~,J ,....,,";lot,ct wd 0,,,.1,o .,,....t. 'h)\'t'h, u, ia 1heni,:h1 rm1Kl•.c1.··~uiJ
Tht{"'»dinal ~mUAJtr,J theteJ.\4'1'1-..t«Pta111111ctW ~bc\lt1ltl•f£,111011lffii1'1C'\tt)111:l\l"ldalj.Jl.,tlJ1,l.1)"ttl
Women·~ 1eam meeling goals, playing better ,<>cl-er bJ Sitttt ('ani.crua :k•Ufflt/ R,p+ ,,r, r
So f.r. -.u goo.I Al~ J '! llr •11mcn·, ~""'-"Cr 1c.im n ,ininl! ,n 11c for third plai.:c In 1he Norrhcail DI\ i,ion ot 11,e
Nonhv.eo Alhlrtk Auu,cl111on nf Comrnunny Coll<Jc, I be 1ra,o tw. .an 11·1•2tt(o,dc,\cCAII.
E4~t~m Wtl'l'.h1n111tun Uruv~f1il)' JV "QUl&d. •1nn1nR 7 I The C'.Md, \ltctr led hy ·1r,1h 8u~m4tt \l.llh three' 11011h, ( ~m11.·n :t..doct -11h 1•u 1111,I ("ot,y \1t;:ik1C' .uiJ Jo.,oc l:.oH."1)' wnb unc JOill "P'('C,,' fht C•nl, rl.a)·cJ ~I A I• I hr lllpiD\I ,cc11nd rl11C"c C'11lombi, Duin (\un111unlty l-olkrt <kt b., \lohkb hild )Cl 10 ""'-"Ot(d on. ~nd. 1·.! UC' V.ilh
1hl11J pl:x< tn,11~ Sr,c:,~.a11c<:.t· Oi.1 13 NW c~h Uill fhc.aw1r11cr 1,111d be w.tt happ) v. 1th !he. C1i>hnnbi11 µarr. but -.41nl lh" {' ,11J1n.tl1. 1111\\C'J. A bl& ,1rru11u11,1y by 11!0\'m,t a S~nr pl h} oo m 1.b.c
•·Hl)f('h•ltr 11 "11111(' a 11cnd,'" l)nlt11 wd.
I ""L'",n "'rioc ln,w.n M ihc tc1it«r ur1ul .:,f lhl" 11,,11fd."' l«montc, ui.l
•rrtt 1'1,111~yr-nJ1Jyrlll)·l11.3 totift.rnoJ,ti• • J.)l 1(wlff' WIid pull.C\J ~y 1:wt,. .:,,oie W1tb plo)"lM- lbt Jllfflt' l}(-\ hn 11M 1•1 uc 1hc hN sirl, 1·\rt rrmallrd frnm l.c-""·,-.ion h Sook• h1c- the!(' \.id, l\.t,c found a hc)nie. Bach hil,t b«n kc) rnd1CC'.wdui.tl• 11·1·2 l'CCOfd.LohC'I h11~ romnbukJ 10,oah ~IW\>A ~,1'-a11J lk-,rin h.i, IWO •o.al, and IWO OMilb
"1lc)-'1-e,tcppcdripl in fmma '\mruun1t)' LN!t', nrH·r U rit ;m hle 1hnc '"•l l«r ttn-,1m111,: ou1 troni du:~ 11i..1)1X" U ,..,Ube.
had a K1Cttr rlayu """ .,.cpprd up, tl.X),,• Etten...,Jn1t1 Yid.
t.11Jo't MM1 brtc.
"'I w11.11.1prd up((oc ~"a'fJ in bndtfS:wien u the Uoy, 1111d G1rh Cfub.'" l)evl,~w.-S
/.cbd q;id ltKo bq111 her IOOtff \tO')' when her Mom tOl'\k her ti)
'''" U9 af'd \he \I,~ 0')'111. bo:IIIWI: • di-1.n't \l,at,l tO pl:t)' HI cCldcd up k,~l.n,: ll," \ht '-lid When a.sled v.hllt ~pecif.call1 cd (l/ rhcffl lo\1: tbout \()C)(t'I' II fin: Clln be \oten 1ft Cldt'\~)~ "I CO.fO)' the inteQwl)' and the rhy11k:alnc:u. )'OU can Lile y<1111 ~ton CM, Dc1·hn laid 7..ot,cl •llld \he ct1joy• being P"" o( the furtl Md becoming 1.l~ln bcricanun;itd.
UM1aUyyuu wouldtar,td ptliCiicc w be: tc,me,..·hct.: a1 thc hutl(~m of• (11\001.f: thiM., fut.~ thac 91omcn don'1 fit mio ·u~lly.•o-,..,11naod Zobel 'i.;kl l'f'll'Jk'e' I\ t!IC highl*JN o/ !heir da). ..Yoes Pfi'C'jCC how )00 ()by;
~h OeL\'lbcr '11.hrdule \\ill only bc1,1n 10 gt, 1oughrr now. wi1h an 1mptu1an1 J;HJC comlns up •1• 111111 d1v111.10n lc~dcr Wen111dicc VaU.cy C.C. Ocl 29 .1nd ano,bcr gamt" wUh Columbia Baun N.,,\•. ,J. "Wc·rc mcr11oa: f)ur go1h. we·rc pta)'UIJ: "'CU, IUid wc·rc getting btuer," E•1em1,in&C1Ald. He 111td • bil kc)' tc> the tou..'ocSs or tbc leam tut\ bccri ,u~ln1 buhhy. Los1n1 Kelly Do11rttr 10 a 14.)l'l1 ACL ,n bcr lncx: ba\>,<o 1h< CICIiy 1111jorinJUf)',
,..,..,11 'lrAlk oo 1fttr rbylft,:o •~ <.:o.11ih11111.11 111n101 coUcretlbt)e:tJ
He ,,uJ Wu.re thoulJ t,c OOI!' ul' the lCllm 's Jc.ti.Un,: "'*en· /omini: dlC' t:.sm from f-unum C'altl. ,, lrc,hm:in <*)' lf.,fna. Oanld R11.iunh k • f~hm..n t«om I J•Jl.11i,J ' He'," ~"Ill ,hn.i4ct 11thl a h3nl
r t,umSc-.inlt. ·11nrt'.11lyf'l4Q:icJ~,lhlm,at1u11ok \l.i11i1•1 !id uf Juhn,oo C11i11.l Q\IC'1nt·lt ot p ,1 • au, !laJ J,Jton "'~ lJ;.f" \1oos. ..-di R'J~h•n for tht C.'.atnh 1hn W,,t\Ol"I wud lhc Jlla)'Cn hu,~ ~""'* atti.lut.lo.;) .inJ
••otl luhih, M* ,t,c> Ju.\l h)\c eo rl;av h;a,, clh:111 lk \llid UlC) IUC' lo.:u'N t'!1 Jehc)l,1f anil rhe tran.t I_,.
Ille• ti11 (.u,111) W.11'(101.al1hc~•l,omr-,.._,t1linll1N..; 1ot,l8
IUI' r,;:ll •111 he II~ f'olkp ~-t ~ft IJ.a.bn
Tl)()Mtloi;...k,J,"'~ 1,J Tire hnl J•Utlb for the C'omhnal'1 , 11 be Ok' Coc,.u J~.\koe Rnur1 Cln'IIC h'.'OIJ1t1,11~ '!t.t. a~ll"
l'l•.>•r to Wilch - VlrKc
l'W1tr. 1u.att1. Toroncci ft.Arc•in.:
Hi, nbcht~ablt mo'tn •nJ
h1Jb fl)tBJ actob•hf. dunk, hnc ~1Qu1•1 abou1 mHy
J.ordaa-aqur C'Olllpltll081 Md
ID duel ffi*' K Obi~ l(IPII IO ht
hh..-l."Ond)tN KcepMt)'tOII
Wt'1rm Conrcrt:ncr: a \tkt•t\i OhWon
Wlnn.r - S1ri ,\ftto•10
Spur, Ctuamp1-,1n lad )C'H
•1lh IM lhOtJ domiaut OW
ti all' bntf lo<•~ •t tH '"' of rhc: i..,.~ Ell4ffn (Oftff'lt'*C"'r a AU1ntk l)Mdon Wh,ntr M1ama Heat· A d1uppou~11n,: Hf'l ·tWod lot,t l.,.11 )C.-, 111 lbt pJ.ayoff.1t CO thr ti;mcl, 11-ill oaly f•el the Hui tn repeal al A.1laa111:- 01wu1on •iancn Aluo.tu Mu~1mea 11,houk1 ~vc becft 1ht' M\·r 1.u1 )m- and n c1.:Huln11c hi, domlnantt in the painl Mii.,111al'°at1Jcd~ dl'plh in 1h~ po,t • itb the adJ111uR of fon, ard Olh
NIC .ophOmore Robin Bundy brtngt lhe be ll pu1 Spokane'• Randall Prall. NIC won 1he Oc1, 13 game 3-2.
C1Pd1 urat team to IIHt --&alllmlY~
b) Jffry Mantn5-,,,,...,.,J ...,, N
K' "-""'bt"'f ("" tum to dc::fm ~p;,boc C"MlmtlmC} Cdkp! ~1 I~ i111 bomt •im • ).!
'"""> "'Tn ht ttw, No. I cum In the lcni1.1t iand '° do w> wcll 111 lhh, poinl of the 1u,on. I'm ,tll)lt'Ot.11K,*l·ittfl\1Jilllttl.lld
5(.'(' f',t ih CC\C'Qll:C OD lbelf heme IWI
0.1. l(I, ,-,.."twr. bnuag lhc: Cardi 1-0 Alw.ioldl,-all>Dlcdf..,iolllc ape \p,-Laic Coman•) lillX'ca'
tea• C~tnt tn S1C lm1kinf ror 1111 tll\lt >1<1<'<) Du•• 1.n ('dlmlm,.,o C••ml•e T~amoof a-.d·,-
fo be"' 1/ir No. I ,,.,w, mthtltogw 111',J IO Jo HI tt'f'Jf 111 th, i pouu ,n tit, JtaS<lll./'m/•11
tt:tla1H • rircd • 1h01 -8iJJ £i.Jtnt4·inttr, p,l\.'IC!dllit'Sl"l
,nfflifllllnfl'INI I ••ft ff)' With wvco 1111t111!~ lril, I~ g11QI h) fffl1't'UIIIO J!~ 1h1 ptM u !ll rt'Jd\ Al'"' twlpm11 c.aJ tho ~tek")J11r Wrncn \\&, 1hl p,ll.<q>d. u.....,.11<,.i.. c d.Alcot. \trflobfb"ICIIMft. "h •• Ille k'9 pmc of l!lc )UI."" Uld
He.I Ccm::fl BtD fben*IDlft'
,.,.,, pan,."il in Cbc P"' ••di! l•• Dv11011 and Oaud R~t-111\01 ~,uld c;1,1umuc tu r,m.pct J1i.1 111 long I\ Robioi\ll\ •ll)ii bC'ohh)'. The Spu" "htiuhl he hu,11')' M F' bkk 10 the rinah '"' a powhlc •tlb 1bf1f --Pla)Cr •• \\attll - Tia ton.ri \aa A~ \flun One or tht tnr lf'tl' r4•t''" La\ol )'e.tl' He ~IJ ht
• 1,,,linwuc candKta1t fo• MVP Plu,. Spun Co11.:h Otc,: Pop>uch ha.< u;iJ Ih~ Ouna11 boa, b«a pk)'ia, oa • '111ttffll( tnc1 4•r1111 caaip 1hh fall. (tlt•J' .,.a,, 10 COIP(' tor Oun,,o 10 thr •p,o,n1111
• P11df'k DM!dan
Wtnntr - Porth1nd Trail 01.,c,, Throuah loh o, fflO'loC'fflC'ltl 1flt tht of(.1t.11c1n, Pu1tla.oJ bu p1,1t '"Jtlt.cr p,wt,t,. de bN raru w,m •
Pr~,dtl JI !lolroftJ bnntp "'
1uarJ, Damon S1M11J1m1rt11
S1oc Sm11h. for""""" S,ome
P,('lf'lt'n. 8rum Gnin1 -.i,il ctn&cr
An")J.o S.lboaii fc> bear up tht
Wt,tnn Coft!crCIIL."C' T'hffl wtdl the po1,ubih1ltt of llohtcJ
\\ •lla.c ...t Onld 4H;hrcmpf
coe1nbu11a1 lllllJhltl)" off 1bC'
N'rw:h wrf'Oru tbt 1MOJ) of Porll1nd hctftl, tht mo•t
IAlr,nc-J 1c-am. Sorryi I ..ik""
l'll)ft lb \htth JIIM
W111i,m1. lJUUd. S1uan'lt'IIIO
Kin,,. ~i;:onJ cp111•DS ot
V.W M.croucb '" lbe k~ • I)
10 ck~,;nbc: b1• lit II OOC
fllaytt of • ,~ ll'I lbc k•pt
thal )C-111 •Olilld p17 lo Jt.1•1
••ldt hJm Hb l'111.II handllaJ
ant.I plllting tkilh ar~ JU•I
1n10 1bc ri1ht coarl, ~-cmer oC lhe llt'l 10 IIC the prDC .- dic' finl
M.1< BJ<n.l trnllmm ._ ......Slhrp eJs,,alblllcClrd>•ilb
.-----, d1frituh 1hln1 10 t.:rtalC' •ndfor co11t1o , Yl•U ct.11'1 ht: • ,han1r11na ........
Tlaorpc Ptaur t• \\atth - Alica huwo. 1uud. Phdadc:lptr.j• 16cn: If)"" 1bou1h1 hC' •• UC1\IOl"JH1hlc lau )'e.ar. then walth uu 1 The NBA h11 revlt.td la n1lc, (Of \Se:(cn.hnr p1;1~n one,,,. one. mrma ltwl 1bcre ••II bis It" ,111,-1~•1 ddcm.c .nc,..ec1, •hicb in wn ••II uou ,aorc "P.KC fot pl.aycn 10 tho• tbtir oot 011 one ,k.111, lfc&t. htnat1 for MVP 8 C.1.-.1 Dt.,Jon Wln.ntr -AlWICa H•1ttb. A "-.amped u.•,..t.,· hacup th.at p1ona1,c, 10 be: more- of • uautkJa kal kiolt. CS(di:q T...troi \1.dic BIi) lo..L 111J S1n, \m11h. 1bc •11na w.aru111 111111d1 ul Ll5' )'Cit, alld br1n11n1 in ru,t-rouad pick b1.on Tert)', 11.1ud1 ha11h Ri«r. Juu J.-.lttw1 and l,onr..anJ l..orffltta Wn1h, bn broatln bope 10 lhfo H..ur11b' laeup dl.1'1 ahc.a4) ,wrrcu11,dcd b) pcrtan,al 111 ,1a1 untcr Dil.r.mht Mu1,lfflho
11hcnM1~nal ond he ,hould
hc,:umc- An 1ll•i-1At I( not 1h11 yea,. thm .,,thin I.ht w,1 ('la,(i,~--,,.~ ttpt,rkt Hu OfJll'UOft• .,r lir ow,i.. T,1 mJfOllt/ n:,11111111. ~,I It,,,. o.t rr,vwt•ri,, rd,-
Wf'I· "' R,·~·,t,• Ioe,ptricncc .,n nk ,tw •Pl*ll"t .,.,_,...,.nor-tciim0opb, 111n r.n Tbc tMnl, Cl'~ll!'ha,: ol foe- ,.._..cantr\ rrom 1 )'C'illl'", """,...d. onr tni1t,fr1 Jll•)tt .1111J IO lrrJ\lnan t«h11t>;, ck!tui'I ~nn\1/- 'fl,flu 1t11\oi,tk.tdrf,-.illbe "l.t-..k-Nup 1111111 I.de wic Ill trntftt',, lti1h,-rarhca11.~Crq:<.'nmplaiJ ··1 m h,pp) •llb 1ht •U•htdu of 111 of lk pnd>ctd,- _. , bd•4'iffcrcm1Ulld.'" "1 ha,r • ;srni1 ltthQJ abuul lbc mrnal tw1tm,rt., tlf 1hi, 1tam.," ht. .....s. --s,c """'' clhk A.llll lhCflU\lf) ~ith the 1c411t M"Cfflt. rcl(lfj "II tdH•1n1,1t)'~ hut<C It', the m.nl
\cc:\t•t • cbmpioslhtp tii.tt )Uf ttlll t"i:
IOJ'homo1 ti k.in1ml C"t1t1rrll, Ann1ruh,. MJ ; l.oui,ha H111\lun aid Kl'nv,.,..111 ti • d • (' •••
'A ub1a11oe. 0 C A•JW Mnct
ul.1 uan,f('I AH• Gl'IL ol CbcW) 'Tk
tn:..hrn•n ~W11, rlkk 1-t~ l>rmna.
OL•hlf''' \\a~t•. ,\,1,s1r l,('•· .uJ ~,ny l.rwa•, htltn11n C'11y, \1nnl Kara Wt:1110.111. ('ht:hC) Anunll,l I ,llun,t and k1m .S..:hwc-r.l \11 :ow.iu111 \ft:Uu.a fJ...,J:1,,
\'l.:1oru1. Ul" hm l•lff'C'), l•»r \\>a\h Hu1hct {,'oll, ltku, Wa,h •• ~nd K•tt' 11.i•k-y l.,hb), M~" Accutd1t1r to (',lmr. 1k 1taru ••II rely hal-.ll) GD f1tcl f~dricakn ,i.p;.. 1-llcd,ct, A"f"' \,07 ,oJ ti.eaya ltt all.-,:\~) ca.U~ ·wOa 1he onco,ut rad of 1he O•'(lf tht' l~ \l.·111 nut. .IUtWtJ: 1n,ld: rl.1) .,.1 h11orl, '"'''* t,hnuhn,: Unni•ns tip 1he h.ill will be t'Uhct M.a1,•<" l>cnu1,: ur Arn)' l.r,1o1~. .i;ho Cnm:p wu.l •tll he io-a,11111, all yea, tor dll:pmitlOll '1.All,a,w•'ffC~ C"rt,-p..t.
A~ <otC"hn w. II ht fotmtt Card, Kri..ca Jotnu,o.lftand l11a1R~W«la -o (' lll thr h1ur,1 lh1,ig, !he) tJuhn,on and f,hinJlt 'Yt·rdt'r) 1111 111 tinJ,:t 111<' 1-"1' rw111 011 0111 r11, 111 1hcw )vui,;•"UUK"n, f'ml2Jtl&ioJ
;u.ulnbk I,•
lbe NaJol C)I', J&w.10Luln,11tJ;ut,ltCl ltlf" fo, ahmll I\C1} •ttlr.~ \tuJC"Db
._bonunJ 1hr 91,ttafe'aaltJ r;Afttq UU111111 plrUlc mW .UO) •inkr lnpl plamiaS. \\ ncr 1r¢11 Whak emu ('OIG1I) uuo,. Ja;._w.1t1 twit Red M•lllDl.ml sad Wh,t..-Wrt,llrt. H11\iillffllllau111'11.11n,Jo,c
i;:llmb.nf •I \\'lltl Y.,11, Gc11tfla'cl,"Clc.i,1hc\('l)Clll>cn~hr C>I pnJ\ i.Jo..-s Muiltfth • lth l°Wllpr'I St*f 1d .I bil, P"k,"C. A fC'"" of t1w .a,.-btfk k> Wlldc!IIIO'*tha tltflh,~ 11.n,,. ~lr«U. ..tiilt•Mer mb. camn.. la)'Jil., and 1a11buah. lt<DI} DIN 1ft
111111a' IIQlll'leneel ft key to 111CC111
b) Chartl,I .~i~p.rt~: l.amiftf Ina t • pmncn nmto41brlr,•ID~ ,OC1,.."C'1iul Ml hf( ,.,~, fbincJ, I ll&1'6i~ll •thldc Q..,...l other tire. b.1, buJ ninny upmco.....,_ 11\iii \.l1C QD learn *COl,11Mrra1un. ..._, ......... mta:ICDblc C.q'lr'f'Ckn QIII(' trom b-.m, fa, fi\t )'eln • J11p111 Wrt'bNt hcf da.1 •uted ·'h•..,•srn11u~; 8t111C'\t.ald lnJ1tp,U11.bc Jll•.>td" \'!Intl)' of 1,ponj in •'1111."b \ht M't"l'ntJ lo domiNk Tbt~ l&l!kk-J \'0Uc1b.aU. bw.<tb,ll.f&1&·r,rdl""1bell aiil(JW;',"('r \.hrlllO\'C'db«tlrJ
\Ir ll'IL • brr JURIOf yea lnhig;ti"hool.bl'lt'l"D n.&ffltJ lnthC' A ll ·'t&al IC#lrl 1wkc-0riJ bell Mol;lcr 1httt umc, 1ft \'vilk)~I Shit 111:0, a l'°llamt\J~ll\t...r.m.lMVP b,..ot,mpkH,pScho<>I t.l.dhab 1nm. .,_. •oa -1. ilO-ba l 1b1t Id~. CMIC' to 'K' bt'\)i!,1',C l1l cd lb, \IDoiLll tJJC' &1"1 tbe l)c,.ul)' tol lhccari1pu, 8;11nni111t..'1~C Ul.lt.udl! h,1trr!INmlJ..llr bk,lcrbtlltC'an.li!lal - 8Jiar- urd ...
o<r4-,ia,"'1l<)lal11>dw CWtfaJI tul("IM)" of di( pmr
·o.. m,n,nt you.:uukt brl.-1 dw,<lla1n...t ,hr ncU)Ol,I rould be tt lh nj )'UUf"(-1( blnl.hilt ptoyu,, ,olleyboll abof'l•)'td~J fo, NlC
·~ tc"• bu! ib..'idtJ t11 p.n the: ha,~nhilU 1i1.dc 1hll )'C"4f.
•·11 wh j\bl too b.ml., U)tn1 h1
'*'1,1111 v, Uh SluJJet.• 1>.t,, ulJ
(OfflflC'lllM 'P(IIU all M'f ltJt, lht uiJ w lil.c, h,k,n, anl.1 All
••httOllldulirlJlnfl,. \he.:
1,.--.,ru.idrn heN.clr I \('I')
1'-IIJlt411&r,enoft\l< lw., hl,C'\IU .,... mili pcopk l,wjlh"'
1nulc'" fl.liwl' •pnooM nbtt
l'UWIII)......., "''"' Nfft'~)'aflcftllcn di.Jew ""'"h NIC, npt'!
s,.., kannn1 f!v\,ull,h a.II hct
C•('IC"fWflCC:fi&hc bll.,dcdd(od hl h.t11f II 11.ll upuJ1d10ccinc.('nfrt1k" lull)' 1111 hct u:ud1,u ;LAJ to
I 'tfll ia Rann• CffUll'bblk'c torlnt•dl....icdGlctic,11), educ_.., __
1111111'1 !*'form 'fmly cltial,' Hai In IDcll ll!limll lcllJ ht WUltrrwna Rn.cku S,,vm,I Rrponrr
Pinky ,qut>ak, tunky th1d;rn 11nd fOJIC••·tonl lb,:~ a,,: bikt Hieb 11nd O.a1l11niJ bike ndcn l.lrcamcd them up. HJ1lla.ndtN 'c.'\"P1 1t1 he.- "' liuk ,-nzy tfnlffl ~.if', huun. m otn cmJIC)' p;arlr.urr kll h)' 1ht-nh~h'N iii;""! frkk,• fl.ttl.aod ridm don't l(,jJ\C lhe ,rw.nd, Cfl (a11 nr 1.hdc rails M.c- rb.c.r 8MX 1.'0UDlCrpm4 lat~ ,ltt ;a ralr b,tcd of BMX rk,itt. A.11. smllOCh 1>1.1rl;xt1, are ideal (or 1bc ~pinning ,nd "'-'\lffmJ th.1f nat lo.nd bile riJcn rr11.:tlct F1,11lanJ rtqUH'C'_,. \lull, hit~. pllklk'c: IM!d. fllll-\l ofllJl,pllliCIIC.'e. Flallandcn hA\'t i1 uran1c "'")' of w:llinJ up lhC' bike to mlll.t' II tkl umq,~ lhlng,~ l}JPI. hvac g11.ukJ fltl• ,111,I MIQl1 (ru,nt'\- Utt found with fflO'\t 011o1l11tw.l bike"'> R:ttlct~ lmc the lcJM a1P1J11nt 11r
4;11\'"J•tc lfl fllJiJOJ UlllSUIIICI and f\' ,how._ Tht")' .uc thi: 111novu.ton ol Ul<' ,pan u"na 1hc1, ctUHvc wh1l111u 10 drv<'lc,tinhnitc nauoo.'\.. lhc t--,1 11JA)' IP lcam •~UI fb,11.JipJ tiJitttt i, m 1ide with u-1brh 1ml1 lc1tn Imm I.hem. ~1lanJ \ldcu\ arc .t\Jtil.tblc
Tbc.- 11,-cb 1,1cc "''w,. thdl LIJ1Dlkr.com Ji.a_\ ,1cp-")·'l<'f' tk~ In ,idc:i, tll()' lJI lfliMI) difltrcnt Irick.I! II al1.41 hi\ 1n1rndrwt.
1,11,1.h,,:u t1.n'1 COMht ml1>1UIAlh•n Ati lnuel.liblc arnuu111 or lime g(ltt uua h:.unlnit cad1 tl11.tlJ.INJ l'DdcU'llt't, T,mc lil'ld"1tltl)(:('.
Nale Mut11Ht)' 11. one ol 1hc lop gn'lltnd ndtn tn ('ocur d'Aknt. MulaUc) TTl(Wcd rru1n M~-ov,.10 •tt('l'II.I the .rue,, 1.-olhs"-.,n rcp;i•r to:h11r>l..,.7 cci4m.e :;i Nil' , wm lnp rid1n, 11111 Jd (lfd ltt4 d~.· wu,I Mulalle)', 11,hc, tu, h:-r,1 n.!11111 ,incc the.- mid.KO\ M11l11llcy \lllf.l lhi:- tC'A,nn n,1l11nd h dilfct<nr 1h1111 other bike rid ing ~. ··11 111k~ tn!)Clt mutt. ltnlc. Mill 1ert1i111,m
.,...er .:ind c.l\er itgJiUt E,-cn v.hcn )YN • good. )UU c:an't do4 Ind t\Cf)' timc."
Mul1lk1 ho 4-0mpelcd itt rontc).ls m Otetan. WW1h1na1on and tuil (nori1c comc.u wu in Nc.l1<tn. e.c Ye.an aao Mul•IIC')' w~ a n1tmbc-r ot the J\nl Say Na Trid Team Ille tum did ~·• and p.'l.rudc\ in Mo,cow and unoundiRg tnwm Llbp111.y111g "Ju'* ltl)' no" 1--ihlrb. M1,1lllllcy', fa\Ofilc: Irie~, include n:>pc-,> nlftt ud h,m1 nothing Mulallc.y ofl'trcd M>mC' hu111or 10 1he i.purtofftatlattdb1Un1. "Wh)' can't b1(:,tlc> ,(Ind up for 1hrm-t.eht.l'r' Mul11llcy bk~- ""8ccn1N; ,hey l'A'O tircd Man)' d1f(crc.nt kinds uf bieycki. art ,1<vaih1hlc: fmoun l aln. OMX, lriah. 1c<un1be-n1 .•. )and mllft)' p11ee, to ride In Nmhld.ho
IJ 10# h,o-r ., 1trrii·~·,,onhy bi<')'rlt: l'ff14'rirn,:r tU ,Jr<,,r • tth Wlttter llmJC'n. tN1dJI hlllt '" 1t'ltlU1,'/t,11,1r ,,tit.
a Sculll"I • u,mg a IDOi on the tire 10 crearc a bal•ncc point I hard to "'l'lata you JUtl have to ,ce 11 10 fully undcr,tand).
• G.)'ro • coahln the lf'ian,ng of 1hc handlebar• wilb ou1 1110 brake bl•• bcin& ....,...i.
with out leaving lbc ground.
• Pep • Attached to the uk o( lbc bike. made to &land oa or C\'CR hold onto.
Emcnn1thcOI\Al:11~nfcllCI ,he Canllnal vwle)blll le.w m,ppcd l s«nlc Wc.1t Athletic (.'c,t1ft.ttt1CC m..iich to S<»•College11t,,,,,,0Ct lt.10 U. Hl-7, 11-J.5. J ·15. M.aJ.i.,,afr..lJ 12 kiJb fot NIC Mid Jolt:nc Cbn.UOfll,<r hid 11 ldll1 and 16 dls~JCMllc,Wall,cudd<d 19 d1&•· NIC C1ltnt Alh'C Oct. 22 u.1 de(t':llt 1.bc CoUcJt or Ea.1ttm Uuih n five glUn<>, 15·9.S-IS. IS.9. IS.17.IS.
12. In the ?...s. hour m.attb. lht C...S.bod72 klll1U>CEU',62. Oct 23, NIC plA)<d I""' U> O.x.e: Coll¢Jf? IO!iina in fl\·c 111.ina. Thc.Rebcl'lv.Oll l0- 1.S. I.S. 10. 14-16. l}-9. IS.I?
"'M"f'l1unu~· kl r.1n1dpatc Jn Jncoonk'J k1 rriri-•1 Sl.:tiv.c.v.u• .J9 l>ct;l'fN N,'flh. ~ihw Muunhtin, Mt sp.•2uc. Bia Sky. Brid~ Uowl. 1111J IO lUfl 11 off, olf.ea.ili MC' 1\1.mtllnl tn UI C' Amp Jo\lo I\ fl) J.21:\k>lllluh:, \\'),i..J.in .,.g_ f.rii; O'lh1C"11. ~k:CJlft'•IJcnu,l 1ht <:lvb. u,J n,oocy 11 ;i 1"11tt0t 1A1d11111: i.:l1.1h. lllt'cl11b,r-1n~ ,, , lo1'cl·ni1..cn 1ohdp,uldcnt1wuhd,cco,1,1 £11 IJlf"l. ·WrttM.,...:1m
Aft.tr a "-nt':~ Pl :,.ho,,, ltlt' 11,ytas·old boy rao up tb.c hill tu tu, 111111..htr llbJ Mllhcr ,,111-.,: In rbt Jtcp ··tr.uc11.1,,,.,,,dl1t"~n::,11n,NJ ·ni., ~-..n.m lnll~c,I trr Voll ~-n M the c:rccL •nd Lhcrt
,eu1, •r1111enn1 the fore"•I all 11round '" - ::' Hete •tam 1b" • bunung ~sa: qr my - 1,11111) fhc Huie "--" bo), W"hn wou1d '-"""ron puw up h,11t ul') to he my Jad. \1111 ln,i)14 hij fo~ deer 'w,11. • dean lill My ,tandnui, M lhc Odlt'f' hal,J, U)'\ lhM Wtwi( WA, 1ct1 of 1h11 po1.1r ..oirn111 cou ld be <iqu«Ud tn11, • wJ.a ~afl As hunling \CatOO i, mw upon 11\. l am hrctught tt11d. w rn)' lir,t hutUlaJ. um. tiper1n11¢t rm wl"t': m.iny I){ )'OU Lao~ tho quiet ft'JU !lfd df1th nnkmtnt )«J kit the fir'IIIIMIC youthf(WOfl )'0111 h,,1t111:1-(lfl'(lf:e: \e11. 101 in tbe 11111:-k 'kilh your d•d (or mom fo, U'lfflt uf )'001 ~.J l(llf I~ hill,. Wcll. tat m~. •c rn,y mnm. dtl111nd m;-,clf) hiidrd oorgum, U'IUJ our 1unltft, an earl) '8~ bo:11-,)f•a-cat. ahd ,•,t':111 for M ell h.11.111 DC.v l.incofn. Mttnt Amvla• •• 1111r pl111111td l11o.:1i1IW' t,ttore lhc v.ut nM, W'CI I ltl die Cat •nit dr,utk hol d1tM."Ul.itc- I fi~t,11:d J,·, ,olJ ttt UM'J IO ltti, Atkf •00U1 JO m1nu1cs.. our bom w• •'lfl L.oc'lkitlJt t.:k .il the ,.ar onl) to .tott htn\• pilllu l II 1®1.«I, I htllrtl 1n rc:11h1C h11w \\·1'11iCb1ul1>fa1tunga1rr.1lly\\11.1,., rniJJ1rir 1.,, in lhtC't·lt)C\11 \flffll, ~,.·, ~o ti.I, in 1hc bcf1nntn)! \1)' 1un u, lilfl1 •nd I wa, t('a•ly w 11ft' "'' •rt)'lhlns 111;11
movt'd. Noihuitt d.d. Ahu 1hr (im boor. f became bur'Cd I rouod II p.mu::ulo.rly ll'fldS1n:a: 10 woU: unck, ,m.nJI ctttt, diake them aDd kt lhc -,w (all li,hd)' on top o( m< , woufdn'1 do lh.u," my dad s:i.id. l, be-Ina the n.uch "'i'<f' rmMnnc hun1.er rtphcd. '°Whill cl\C." i.i then: to (k)r Ch-er I.ht nc~l t..u and a lilllf. t did thl, cet"n1H1.n1l)' I don't rcmembc1 wt111 1 my purttlb 'A'l'f'C doliti, but I t~J to whlftC!. II tumc:d ou:11Ml IJIC J*l.l•nc I had~ wou1J IC'3d IOtl\)'Cffll,cJ,c,t,,.ddemUC1 WU wc.ll IQlhed. With lhtt:i: la)crt u( top, and two boUUIIU The problem \\111 1h111 •·hh 111 or m,· 1rtc ,haUni, 1 had b«on1e • rr«Lin.g, $0JIY meii I am no lt'lnacr embarrn11cd 10 tell people! 1h11t wtl inint: turnt":d in10 cryiraa. and m)' d.lld w,:u DOt. liappy. We li:Mlly ,1oppcd aniJ lh a ftrc. J'.rong with ffl)' hot t'h\K'Ollilf, t WH tCf\'ed a hahhy portion of wld ,·ou "°•' H I dried of(, tnd my d.td complained of bnw ,..e 'A'ctt ,ontia mm 1hc b.g (lf)C'" all btcaulit' c,( me.. Afkr- an hour, I couJd rma1t)' (ttl ftl)' limb;. well c~&h io ffiO\'t on Upon ltaving cht 11~. we "'•llC"d up rhe hl ll 100 )'llli\ •nd ciu,:1oal fresh d\ trnCU. in the tnnw, It wu wnuen: the. ink lul(I dncd, I hid comrmucd the uhh1W1&c :on My dad a,,·e: up oo hunbn5, and we -..·1JkcJ b.:lc.k to I.ht car. I h.t ~, u, 1he blg <lftc. On my fint hunling trip. I lea.med to obroy a.LI rule, lllLd ~·n by- tht' guy "'ho know\ whaf, 1oing (1ft in tn)' en,~. m)' d*1. But 1nM.I 1111ponudy, I g,ot my fin.I
Th• Sll,·cr !leach Cnllery's nrst show su<-«SS b)
tr-111\Jt) ;t•it'f)' tic>•t.11)' lhr.,..llllt'll'r ~,rd.,lh~
~1 dek:ni;:c:. ~Pfto~i«nt', Choice Show- in 1~
&!nun,ttt ~ruJc.nl Urucia Buddt.11 The w,,m,c an ~ll~ll\",Lf1iC'()'Oi"l)lf'h'OIIIOflfl!'IIIUl'ljl:IO
v.<1t«ool«-and rope: Co t A.\\'4'0f~.
• Tbc W•'A· t,ptnctl tn tht Sd\"Cf &..:h
IRev i ew Oalltl')' nn Ck.'l 1J and run, thn>ugh
---Nu\$. An m the l 'rnon \upmNlt XMmrn Hc,b(n WOftC'd nn lix111tn,i .tntl di,pl11,yln; the pl~, Vl'J Jhpby "'h 11.m,:J OYt Vrcll. bul lhtlt V.\'l'C ,me dualknget.,.
11(11'1 or"~Y The ptt't'c: "Unt11lc4"" b) s.,,umoft 80,n, 1.:0l\w.ual or .11 ~rat1r,t ttotointn,: ol "'P"' .:1nd \ltcnJ. lb IU\K"l.utt was Mlnio« 001•<1""'"' atnd 1hc w~y iidnlpod lo the nOOJ w~ more tl.tl,lk,)-lns than bc.auuful Jt P"I! lbc fcc:Jnii of 1hc C.lfly 'tcek ~,-,111hnui;:h a 114&4' ","1l prnllcd on 1hedispl.l)'
hi tom~ 1hc mo;.t ~11.bt4K ptia;c wa, ()f twa htlJc
1Jrh pl•)'inJ .,,.,lh lbeir .wff'CIJ rahhib ta dlC' sn:,cn pius.
1k )h.Mling of "Sum1ntt Pm)'" b)· Mari Mine- Fi,-ln'II di~ the end of II W:mnltf d.a:y. fl gl\~ lbt lm~\joa 1tt.t the llule 1ut, tN) tic• metQ(IQ" t1f un older ,.v,run b.lck 10 Ille c-MC--(n:c d:ty1 ofh« chilJbOOd lllt CUw.11' and l6111,et. hclfl ~"Ii !hi: \ k ,cr I.II the •·1lftd ofthcllf1.ul
Artlat UIIS cllpplnga, a1p1 to create art b) Jtnn) Sdnaldlu:io $<nluar/ R,pnrtn Wl1hv 111rn1p,of4'"•)1,or andform. lhr p!lint1nJ1, flowed Ullo mbtl"l'pi«.e, ,r c:modc,n MnhlC')·'1. M1Jiov...'"A11Ll11\Llbic C'anup:,ptn
llol'Cn 11alJ. T.,..1, pkcc:, <A-cu:''°' d10 ·cas«I. one o( *hich 1, 41 IMt~ v.,o.kn t.Ct\11.IIIJ'C lo;.)!ed 1n 01'1\'illl!II <,(JS. ln 11)98. lfflilktll M9'11MI Burle pi,;kcd• plt'l.T c~lk'd "'Column Tc,11.ltt,· by 0-)' Wttdm.an The ('IC.:-0 ti I pboturnapb olac:olumn ,truetutt. but lhr 11rtut .tiJdal pil'>l\:y k.11t~ in ',1,'t:11.i, rolrJ( 10 a pori,nn ol Uu• achttwt1i< bl..d• .ind \loh,rc pl«~- The hrown,, l\hl!C\. pnb ud pmplCi \C'l lbt f*XC apat lo\'11h it\crw:h"C" view ol lhe munl.l.&or.
Tilt mc.n4 iruc-rc·~mg pie« ...,.._, &11 <Kl pa1non,; b lkd '"Ole PrMbytctLtn 01,ud1 In Sptt'it J 1ke b)' Ool'.!Wll A lillJy lh '411d l:tn,hh un>\c,:.ndJr;.t,..,;alo,\ j,nrl)'Che cllut\:h on II damp d.in mad f\idJ)(\ ..ind cS.m ~llt-\\ ltl!e.1. lint dJc ,1~11h.a11hr bnrt.~chutth
l1H~-'lillll IIC"ll'<t1 put <1n • ,~.-. fInt !obi,"', 1111d Ibo Oallay inn""
One rla:~ \tud. nut fron1 the rN In 11 •l.1p.in,1hc,fbtt """
NIC IIDhtln1 dH laner anly klDWI •ulck·chan1e artltt In Onltttl 1tat11 b)' hall Tu11Pff ,1,w olfl/ f)ftrrtr11mfftnt l-~ir111
A \ITI,,\II numbrr \'It rcos,k.11rt W.:.Ly ciiou.&fl W finJ .i rare. fwr-ltar clo\ct hklckn In ll grttn ckm:t~k·h. ~u·, ~ft w,i1,ytbi11 1hcpcoplcof
N<lf1h Id.ilia ate lucky1ob:wclhtonl) quic:1, d\,1.llCC Jru1t 1111'mh Anld1C:a tuddcn '"' lbt
h.llwt.>"' or °°'"'"II Hall
lf:t lrut Mkh.lcl Mc<i1HCIC')', lhc UghtU)i illh!ct()t (1 r Sdrultt AuJllnn.wn. Jii, .ii ruth)'.
E:...«rc i<.,.• q,111;l-ctu..i1gc..ir1,w. ,n luty, , ~1he only Ltiu'Wtl pmfrlf.tM.11
Sf.I Jli\l v.-ti;,1 it,• ~utd,-di:itt!'lt niu '
Accord.In,: co M~(jl\·cnry, • quick change aru'4 ,, ;1aac1ot"1Ro'hupl111, u ,.irirtyufch~trn in11
u,ually lbt :actc'lf only M, '°"'')to lhn:c 'SC'l."ffld.1. loc lV\hlti"IC and nu.k.(·Up d\aflfl'S. \ -kGh""c.'ne)
mu~1lllwl ehatli,:c hi\ Ulllt" cJ \·oici: and pcn.on,ibiy wttb uch eo!!Cumc chu:11,c.
V1,sn mtriJ h n1n..uintl) (luh.l....,tuflJt nJ.'" McChva.:y'illd
lh,faOicr.~'tnM --OJ\Cfl('>.lll;t\l.llly tte,-ek,pcJ q111ck-d1.tori.ni v.hllc hf lhed •n v. Jco.cy m IQl)I\ llr\ (ALbn wn a C"h.i:lt1C"\-lhd;cru tthol.w-al'ld p,~ l«ture,. ,n ooUrlfci Mdlhclll'ft ralhrrquk.k ch.alt~ fo, 50)UI"\ rindwMtein-,hkndytn fi lm• (QI' Jq ybrL
He lll'IO '>ptnc cimr '-" &,opt qutcl:· cbnng1n1t AhhotJ&h q111d. cb.Angmg N.\ only bclcn " hoob)' for ~tcOhcney be: ,cc( n 1t1 mr,rc w~11111111 ronnori~''"""·" McClh·cney ~id.
One- of the. "'kt-'<hrli 1h.as M..:Oivenc)'dc)e,1-..11J1 dpuitkln of' Dickai,' '"'Olhcr Twi~I " utlw-nK' Ml.Wik, of N,J,fte!yHTht:\l.ttchrcqulre, 1ft
c:osu,mr dtanae'I nnd he 1.1~
<n th<- tole or o1d 111Ct1, \lt11toc1J .ind dUldten ShllC>IOl.ll 111 8d t S.aloon"
1, a funny ...,.e\trm o..kc1ch dt11 Mk had wroc:e in J977. He pcrlc,m1rd 1hl,. piece l:t~r
,ummrr in '"lliir: Will R()fCT'\ Follitt'" p lay put or:i b) 1hc Cotur d"A lt~i.c Summer 1'htal.Ct. So~ of the (b:at-.1Cteh MdJn•cncy pl•)'• ,ue • Shmff, an lftdian 11nd, ol
c:ounc Ocll c. theownc, of1hc
ckpl~ (ull.1i;(" llnllj:~ of wllitcr.m..p,.1111dli(rlll.C'lf Motile)", Ju'et:11" of ltk' Art\.ikpl'l11n'l(nl m Spokllll('. h.u been pa.mun.r ror 16 )'t'.11•~ 11.nd ,.tio,,.in11 her lll1'rt. ~,..er 19&.' Mobl.e)· ,wdi..btlu,n cvcry~nt1htoan,. NO( onl) dlle\ J).lin,. bu1 ,\ht \.IW ,11,e lo\C\ Ji) wr'1tf)O(lr)' Mobl~·~IX'lllcttionfOJ thC' 0..11.>bc:r COO"' mn-.ll)' ln\'Oh'cd lbc. use of fflllP"I for
~11rf111..: k",lutr w,J ~1t.1rc.Shr~ \,111,11..1sc:ll1ytin~fmru 111.q1111!llh,lid1 a \ NIMK'll,•I (ia,gt'.lr,hi,.: 1r>l'tnnsl1fr111l1t"1 ramunp.
c,,,,. _,, /IOufS. w......,,.. /Onm.-4pm
P41JI.IUII,!~ 'iou~ r1ci.:.r, ,nduikJ l',ipyrm and ,u1,;rp.1n1 "'h1M: othtn i4o1ttc lu~..l v.11hct1lnrc,J ,nl. pr,d pri,oJ
1:-.:h r1um111~ "'~" unt14uc In ii own WJ1~c,entl1LJ11i:l1
1hry~crca.1Jha...al..,..-,OO the Qlfk" 4:n"'1"111
Ch«.* out: 'MUt>.tlllbleCallcg,IIPh'I no, IO Sce/e)"e,M,// on dilp/lly uni~ tomooow Mttllt~u1.d1JU11 •hO\IUlth-!dir;t1l'l1t\ ill'('ftJlhl imJ~lth I 1.,111gl11 ll.-, e)~ S~ -err ,1f ~-1n1 ,(u.,11;inJ11Cht1,ul d1il.drrt1J10J.111,d\.. ,1 ay ot lht IYIJlr,. wc:rc (If r«.cn "l,c h.:111 httn (lf ,,h~<tl to \011,\foNt)Wnd M~leyt.akt\JICh.l.iJ brcn M,t tlJI, 11ft lhJt pi1i1,.:11lltw:rie1 ior1br b,t lll1r)un1M She 1.1MI h,1,l l"<'t'n -.Jd.: r..-11111-,0~·- pnt<'I! ot time ,nd nordc-11 1111 nmr UJ'I 1,1,llh ide(i.,i 111.1.l ~('~ po~~1hlt' tr.> J..1 wtult In lllC•I Sl'lo l«l."tt.Jrd. anJ Ilk: tolk.ciw)I\ 11-1, r11,~n hi
LurlUnJ •l lhr f!tett,, dv \ICWCffflil} thinl; lful b) ptaans u p.,;rnltnp ~·eiha I.hey Wt'•ulJ he 1)1\h,.h 1,le r•occt, (if. Jlj.'UV. f"l.1'.l)i" 'IN Y..,l.lT!llf In he put lntllC'ltpl.aioc
bJ Htra.m1:t•,• Sfflt11JtJRq(i,trt,, A
..t,,ko Yatrly ot mu.-alc\'tnl• for s.,-ot<t,e;o,........,b)'Tc,ry Jooa.lbf ~-Ja7,l"'Mnll.1nf-.i dom1«.aoJlhc-Tho"il'S,·~Rond""l-"'111c
G.athclingoftht Bmld'll 'Oan W$-OII No~ 12 Ol nor 01 1bc '}"""""'"' b oohlll ha111lu, "bif c:ttnl 1¥1th Z80 tiJbth padcn fiolll mMtdk tcbt11,ls dltOClfbriul North ldllln.. The prosrom•·III cddr.tc....x from die W11J WM IDd ~,o ...,..,. G<nt,t M,dico' rlddll Iha "Mi,,,.""1 ShloJifOnNuy 11 NICJ,a-lDCIJatt Cornpmy v.·1lli~·Jubi1.ttioMolJ.au" II 7;'.\0
r ia II w.,Ubcltlc'ffl.tn, olJULwhhdat 1YD& at111 Jdm LaP'llo. lhe ,1,ioo iMtnldlar ad .xiadaa.twoftbtjaU-tbaif
JUI lw,J i11,cz:.111k"tnpcnr)' bladCllirfflhkS)'1~k ~fll.a)'1',a•kk"WW't)'CtlltlQP
ran~-, from dawcal M-fln.lra pop tunes Ilic l llbU J 1f1ttt:I\CCtl bce'WC'Cll • pl.t bafld ud a ')'~ NQd 11 lhC' Clleemtiit IUr Pd the 11mrunirl'll1 'fix )11"1 tllllld ha fc-'IW1' 1111H~.abi:xd:O.,andthr1~n.,..1111(NCMJ
Thls pholo lflustr-oUon t howt t ome of the many ch1rac1ers thal Mich ael McGlveoey portray s in an adaptation ol Charles Di ckens Oliver Twis t Th e sketch r equ i re• aeveral qulck•changH \ l~<ih--cney .iJ hr \wdlCJ ,rum "'lht ff'l,..._,tt Hti, 1111~,, a"l.11,.,_, upbckl the family 1rad1uon ftlm1eU fot 40 yc•ri- \ )t".IU' llOO a hall aft(:r
Dunns 1hC>C ¢r1c-he.s. M i:Gi.vr ney h 1\ muh 1 t lc c'Ot t and cr11r,u1ec:•. Th~ tel• thar ht ...,.()fl,. w1th11c lln lr11nd u!>l.ially lhn:c-,ldcJ So11,c 11 m(',
will JO 1hf01J5ti ltnt) dOc.n, or hrhtnJ b:i u eh to du a cu.w~ '-bart,:e. AlthnuJlh tu1t. d ,c1rnt'I '-1..'t"m 11kt" 1~m.11n ,ft(Jw,. McGi\'<flCy 1111td IJw he dc:prn,"h on tbr l)c lp o l t totov pe(lple h:,c:lr;u:ai;c. M1:Gh·cnir)'
1Df.'ludn llll mstrul'llrnlJ: escq,e for Mnnt ,nwvmc11bt. """' """"" ""' l)mpbocuc ""',.,, lz:Mlk-:IOf unJdu0..1nl (of Ii )UR. JoabOG.PY' M arudcab ad 1rtt1t111mol,,cd ""11h diidr liker. ..ndJalrkn. -rhty arc .it harJ tit. orl ,fta. hm. dedlcalbJ pcork. """' Jtinc,r,rmni'if:Jlbe~, tnbcClllC'ft.alninJ anJ~ frw lbt auwt'Dl!e Ht wud 1blt be die llsr:tne:n al) tnJCI) lhrlftlC'J\on -.i 1h11: rm,n.._• 1um'KlftJlr.1 1hcm ,\II Cl'llli'cTTl 111( btld M Xhulcr Audattrium in Boil"\\tU lbll i\J:mlHiun 11 ftcie,
Sit' Th•ottr U.panm•nt pr<S<n ts
pl•) full or proph«ie,. Kre•k ~od<
h) MIK) ~ttm11lt. &'tm1t'I R~('<1t1~r G r(d. tl\)lholo& ~ .al•.&)"' 'lot'('tlh to p1a) .1 tole 111 h1~1,,ry ~h. S1uJcn11i,
h-.1\C lurn a!vu 1Jw= G1cd:: Ji.lth und
1h~ n11.n~- n 1u.1h 1hc "n:«"k people paft"rmcd n rtk tn lt.tt11 d1dr sa•.h h.app).
1hC' N,C l hc tu lkpmmcnf h
prt>i,tllUnJ "'O.:.d1r ui 111Coh111u " a i,la)
.1~1•11m1111ilti1allllv1ng1w.,1..c1,cral ptuphc,,;1c). lhu •ere ,pc, c:n 10 h1 t11 by tht
01ed. ruJ_,
In o rJtr 1(111'1.akc 1hc r l •y fn1m 1hr ( h e.cl.
\l)C't'llnt:nlt •St' «~M: 1 t o 11ndc)~1.tnd
~;1.1n Olm:1C1t Jue- J .t1:,)b)' 1uol piut 1w..-, ci1hn M:tl J'WI IOform 1hn <me- 'f'hr r llly " 1hc
aa;unJ ,n • 1lu~-pan J.tnH..
The fif"l play 1n1rod1u.-t, Amnn n..mcJ Ckd1p1u. pl:.~J b)' Joouh Wo tun
,~t..augh:1nr W1IJ",. Ocdlp111 h,ai.l 11t\i('r.i.l prorhttic, '190k.c't1 (IVU him 11,1 a )OUAJ llgt
1nc m~, propt,ccy 1i.1 one iJ.t; he wuukl
1 111 hh 1.\lll,e:t lfWT)' bl tltnthtl 11nd hi"(' d1tldtcn¥,'llhhl'r
The \CC1Jfld IN:C In lht pf11)" connnuc, the
,tilt) tlf CkJipu, w bq b nar 10 l.ltAtb The ~rtd r rop,116:) ,pokcn C,1\--Ct hitn a.i,~d 1h11c
v.b(u"~ he dir1., pt.cit' will a! w,1y, be u,
1h 1 l, nd Pl,.fflul tl)('tl rrom l'hc:bes kiJ 111p
<kJ lplb• d.M1gf11~ sn llupn 1hat. he wdl ....-.me: 10 1hc1 LlnJ 11nd U.c. 'hilr the 1('-AJ...-n
,I( Athrn, duc,-(1) 11\in,t dicy '".11n 10 li«r
Cxd1pu, iJ110\\1\ fAlw,"trful t'molkict.,.tmC"I.C'mphf~I (mm
C'\~ "1Clt 11.,t lhq play ool Ille pwu Cl(
uugphnJ people OghttnJ torpea..'t'. AroorciSC.d'AU\'C'fgOC, l lff•II) Jill Umholdl 'L>~ [kMi'l(lCI. l.ui.c-S WAf~r OoruiJJ Plllompo. Octtk K Mc.lhler w,d Attll1p CattloOO 1nak »J'I the! clll\l of the r b) A 9-natJJlbc.rcihon.l, imd three fllffit' too.id nul btpl I) A tuwd-v. (Wt.lng Clllll cn"lft'" 1ht pl.1y10 be: .11 ''°"OIi- fbe pl.a) Ol!C'I~ 1ooi~1 a11d rut\" (kt. ?9 - '°· fltld N1w ,Ut In huk, Aud1ionum. All pcr(Oll'IMl)CC\ ~gin M p ru
to, ~'Of1tS aC upc:m..a..ural bcmfll i!nd I llod o ( Ill.rib\)· Thi\ ht dkl 11r1ih h-lix MtnJc.1'1..wlm'• A M~mtna Night't ()n!;1m Vtohn1 u,unl.Cd )'ll.l 1odre,Jm '*r"llh chem 81 1r 1ht)' ',\tfC falne,. Ahenuti11g IOUtlJ> ,,r u1urumcnL\ d"rlllcd the \, ~ K'tlliit (If a
thcirJtlk.c)' "'·~ i11e\·cryv.aylkmo11\1nned Sc,1, 'i n1'kr k J l httJIG" lh:r,,u,:h • .\ld)' v.lxtt l!i,·e uaa, gtOCNjUt.""Th11 • n-:. dooc 1hruugti mo\·cmcn, ii .i.nd .5 ol Hn.t(Jt Bctllfll'\ "S) 1nphon1e J~.tl4ut.."
The pi«c- m..,J,: m)· \k.111 twirch 1ad m) domi:ach k~ The ffll.l)k: l pcd 1hc wct1cnt'C' v1~u,1, i« M\fflC''6 o! • p1 lluc11'kl a.,m:ing down al'd hc.win11.1 bc:.S tull •·nh Jhc r tlltlin1 flf "Ul:I\Js nit lblh btll l~lcJ .ll!kl Che ,wnd, ()fhtU bnt't )'.,.t 'lne II llt*f lWtlCd, Mr 11n eye ti011led -.-tule lhb pi,xe pl.,ycJ_ The aud1tncc v.--a,; a1• \l.uml·-.lill. lkl"'-c<"I\ W •t 1m.J{l1BJUoa. ti>J 1hc: m11•1C. the •udicntt .,.11.., <nlhrallN lnh:rmR,io.t '''"' li,lCnc-r. a ~h.1*Y to n:nun tu 1caht) •nJ re-wc-1tbtirdry11Jg t)Q Olic "-u!Nn her tau~ttt w.1~ t.q11Ct't1n1 her bamlOtiP"Uly.tkll f1nre:ma1I mlltt:>.1nbcrd.1a D:.nltl f\lllock • \'l'fflid ttf!Mltlled pi.an1,t w1d11 h\l ttJ credelllin.ltv.',1'linctoil~l(lrb)"'l\hthcc,1'1.;bc:\lra.
S pokan• Symph ony mnkes cl a.-..~lrol mu.sir exciting by J MOn l.U'4>c.t
The- \pi:1b1w- Symphnny pn-tmuc-d h1 !dultT Aud11tonum (xi 9 wub tbtql.lNt puuu.r Tcntn« \\-'il..cw1. A, the j'l("rfomt1111tt~t1Ut
I ~ \)'fflrhl)CI)' pl#)-cd rh "1111)'
The 1nu<1c \\,11 ow,ving. 111,(' 1ym1•l"1D)' <'flCIIC'll wtlh ,11 movin,: pt<".:c IUkt.l "O\~Uu.re10Q«1bc·, El(mnnl Or X4 h) Htdhtwch Tbc: •)'mphoQy pla) cd wuh uenic11,t.,u, l.'.ot'k'.CDUlltio«1 durill.J
I Review '~ =~;!~~o,:,~\.nd M,ugtu Wllh b1m. amtutk of' ,lilt a nJ rafccl1<>4l He !ttttn.:d 10 ti.-,·< i.u._;h ,1 g1CA1 n1o1.t«) or hls muUc pl:,>·1na w11bout any ,httl mu\it· Wil\,c"J11 ,aad Cooductor l\1.er M.:Coppi11 rl.a)'(J ''t'II uCf c.,tl, Olhff ple..'C' bypi~. h oil', 1houati lhc 1woh.nJ htcn p..-rlorrni1tg.1ogc1btr Cora,c,. \kCopriln ~' bttn quc,1 co,,Juctm f<'r tht- K11chcttcrlW11.1tr lOO Sympbon). the Sytiu:01ie SympbOtt), the Ccn1tn l Pt111.humonk of rie1J1n1 amJ the Ti,I;)*" iiJ Gunma ~)'mp hon,e.i.
W11ion plA)'cd 0~1, "Piano ConOc'nti m A Minar, Op. l e, Allerro molt\, ni,;llkt•tp,,, I\J•a•.., anJ Allcgrd ntadcr,.1n """"o c marcn1QoaPi.x:o piu 1ranJuill11·Tffllpo 1·· Y..llh lbc iym,,bony, The (N¥td JlilVc Wi hon 1wo :ii1anll1n,g ova:1Jn11, •nJ bcfon: ~•""'.I 1hc: •tar-c he rcdonncJ t\\O cncote piec.c, WilM1n lws pcrfotn,cJ wut1 1he PhH:iJ dphill Otd1c,tt lhC' At l•nlll S)mpt1ooy •nd 1bt Cle't'cbnd O,d1c,1,.. a11hc
Sn)dc-r ,1000 betwttn the ocd1c~111 and ti)(' pmno, kttplng lhc: l\\'O ··111on.1o&e·"'-"' m be s,1) '- In lunnony l\,.k,ck'< h,Ull.b pt..,ytully .._lJpped (l:\,Cr the J'll..u'M, kl/.)"\ 11,nJ hi t \.h-1ny~'lpl.a)'fufly~thcp.;moped11.h 1belMJd1cl'll.'C':""·~ ""'-.C'f"l •"'"l th.al a one momimt "'het:1 ncubc:t theplo.ooor cin:bcMrn pl•>cd. dkncc filkl-1 lht •udnonum A TI'\l'IUlC could tu.,c bttn hcarJ '°'np:-ring acn~,.. lbc: nr,ur , Sn)vcr "'Id he h;i '11,;ihl.'d ye.ih h>h,a,vc PoUr,c.L rl.ay V.'flh lhc lltthe",lra, uql) d1,J hf ~m pkAKJ' au« lhc' J'C'ffl"l'lllllllCC', but d \br.:Jlna o\ imnn lt'(lf!'I tbc audicocc t,ho\\oj lhw tbc'f ,ttmtJ pb:11Cd &'I, \\CU \I •·tt wa\ 1 k.am1t11 e\ptntnct : 1bcy •re all Sc.arntnJ ~\S)('tio!ntoN, t,u1 thJ, (W)C I "'IIIIC't.l 1i,r IH ~c:1n Sn)·Jct w lJ 'tlic ,pint nr 1-t.llo"'ccn Jj,'tn :i fllnt,hliL" 1ru,ucl1.K11ti0 b) S1,)'drrmirJ cl-.: "1111..,n'\ko. •
Entertainme nt featured in SUB
f.Junt..a.irtmn11 '4111 he r,"lWid(d t.y Jim T1~t1 ttxby 11l nooo m the OrollW B•) <>A 1ht EJt111tu.1c. Stt.1Jcnt \!niun Bu11d111.g The: outdoor ""1',,e '1llc l..o\1 Bo), •IJ be )1\1.ntt'A ttiniJht .at 1 p.:nL 1n 1b! Bl.1Ul(jcf Ptwu ltll.:..rtcJ-'~ 1hc nonhv.c,t i.'1.-imtrol I.ht F.d,naru.,cr Sfut.lml l 1n,nn 8"ilJ111,g. r"f"« popcorn, huk1op nnd Jnnl, 8nng )oa1r ro.11 anJ • b l.\nkc:1
Shakespeare c omes to th ea te r 'Tur To1mm1 of 1.btShttw wrll open 1111 lbc l..al.( CU)' Pl"')bol.l"' F1 id.l) Now. S\lonh•tJ1l1rni:&hl 1117ptn Tbtpl.1) Nn.~ Nov. S-7-, l '414. 17·10. ""1'htTanuDf cif 1he Shtt\ll" h Sb:\k.,peatt', «,,rncd)· of lcwe alld ln1d11r1J. Adt1lh $ 10, \ttoor dti/eniJ~tt.1Jcnb ~. c.hll~ I l .anJ under St, 'Tharsdly, ~\l«nl\ $6.. Gl'OU"p ratt\o IU"C ,~jUJ.ibk t.67•1'.'23
• 0r1. • ·lt An Unwbk, c....,, p1o1 t M IPI Ntll& Ta Scale)" ewbtt b) k:tttn M<iMr) , lklt"'dl CIJmcr 041 1ery 10 LJll p.m. Wffl.dl y;. • 0ct. l6,No>.$
An intllc UnrOII pn:w11C11 WJ'bc PrftidC'lll '1 l"htNcr Soow· e"<bab i1. 'fhc, Sil vn -b Galin). 6:30 Lffl -8 p.m Moaday Tllunday. 6:J.O un..-l p &n FrllMn
• Oct. Jl..!O, No,.•~ NIC l'llhltr o.i,.ru.. pretcet1 '°Ofdipu1 II Colomn,."' Sch"Jff Aorlllmum.7JOpon Adw&:f U. sm,or crtbcni1, $). _,, 769,nJo
• Noo.$-7, • 7.,IO n.i...c11>1'1a)pmaau .,. ,. °' lbe siw... .·1.auC'11y , ..., Ganim. lwlult,Sto,.....,. .....__,, ... cloilrllto ll lllld -16. 1a1.....,.,. 667 , 1:lll
N 1-0....10 Ccnmin r th1t,;i1 by UIIT)' l'lvlr 0•11• ,y wall I p ,._
Nov 10 Clp<nu,1 '°"""""'
4-6 p.m NO\'. t n . Nt,...u
'"t:iathcna1 <ir 1he Bllftd, Ck,e1 w~·· Schula
Audoo,1um 7·30p m
Friday "-"""""' 769 mo
• No,,, IJ
Jar, Co. ud NIC' Jou
E..-,Sdoukr A..iitorium7..l0p.m."cooccn.769,77IO.
• 0oc...s NIC Sy,ap1,ooy-. .. c..i-...
,.._ "Souedo or
Warhl," 5dwla Auditorimn Sllwda)' no ,... 1111d _,2pAMulhS7, --u..i SJNIC'-.
IOd ,_.., C... 769- 7730
unlrJ dit chcnduh •nd flfe'(liltt all 1hc I~ fo, fa.;h ctk-muuy ch•~' PhN\XOP) m,h.:hinC', •c.11:" nlll lltl•unJ ,u 111..i1u.:Wfli h..S 11• ~ll! C Pl.It JI.II ti~ f',4flN\ 1• 1,1,c 1,IJ
"&:rsnl. rnai."tsl""'. P«tu old 11'1~1 hC' tinll mm lhc tntttll(hOn •ith ~1hefflnt\l ~"'•11)'.~,-l.hrn,m;~.Yli\ '*'"...,_1oofhh•JtC1:"1,dWlltbcy1R~ul
Continued from page 1
S.ll\'.&~h. o.•trt~J 111l.1n1 th1n1t1 lt0111 clx •h•r in
M)OICI u 811.llard left The:) "'ere ;iht( 11, c:011,,.h"" 11
VtJJUlbt c:ot1n W 8•11..ud ll'Utll ~llinllllf hl tbr
f.h.it1 TllC' 0 '"'llll'C'"lt C'vun f'C\'c:rcd ttlll da:1,ion
lbJl.irJ ha\ 1"'11 .._.,., rrr1Jc:cb. Tbt rw.t o tn 1hc
MC'ffilfflfflnln Sa. In "'•kr Imm .anyw,hnt bd111«1t
q,00() Ill 20.000 fttl dc,:p, tl~fl" .arc ltkKI~\ \lJ
\ll1~ from tl'O.lod 100 8.C'
Ont 11>up lh.it h.b been fou~t i-.. M\ KO f......t
1111111 ,,,...n ur,:u hold, fn lht holi.l, 8.-iU•rJ fu1,1ud
Cl UBS: Evct)unc mvllcd tu :mend
Continued trom page 2
Al'ICf l"\nW"l llnd pi:i:11,; 1n\•Oht'd •llh ICJfflc.' pcark
co \h1 1 are tht Oru·nl .ad o tbet 1lurJ WuflJ' HIVl\lm~, b«>U~ lht J'ICtJrlt thC'f'C At( trllllll\tl)
11.1,!'J'I) C' (n If Ibey Mt' poc.11 ~h4 'lh11tl('J 11,111,1100
111111 pt." 1.1• w.ntc a t,r,.~I,; (ll'l 1hc •t.ehJCI,~ cnr,>·N .,.Qtli.mg .,.ttb 8111;· wd Jim llc.wlc),
•lbklh· dlr1:~lt11, Hie h ;ain iru.rcJlbl<t 111)'. Wr'II
ltml 1,.""'ll!lil pat1. lhnl ,hll ha\oc rc,,.idt,c h\1111 lhc .-me tht) ud 10 ton 1it1 llnl1lc lht Ht1a111t:. ,tw -~•lll
ul\J("1nc.1ll1 1he •urfacr nn 1.1111 he found An
unJtr,l,•lct~.ttltt 1:.111~.i "'-vodbi.lr# will c..i id.I of
• .,,.,n\.,n,h,r. U«-.a11~orthc mmcnk ,ndic Ol.'Coo·, boni,m. dlC) ._,..,·1 c. IJ• v,uoJ
•tu~h 11U1t1 1h11 an> 1h1p, th.it • uuld hl\'t ,i;unl. d1nut.1 be tmll'Nn1flcd ..,,.Wfl* II.II 1hc umc l""''"a. Id bm, th;il •1U •lkr 1-.:irttt hMOt)}' 61111.,J lllid
by Josh Montreuil and Chris Black
._,. 1fQl.ll.S ch,• LorJ tny ycnr OIi
Sinall U'J'I dl'!,c ilfl)'Olk' lll>,1!iC'rd duet mca"'P -1 1olid
Wt': IQ\-c Godard~~ Y.11111 )'OU k• ~p..-nmcr. lhr MIiie
dlll!J.,.Cdo. WtprvmN 11w,.11n'l~""nn.l. • Studnl1 Chtt1 Purter, 20. "'ho •!1rnd, 1W of ,br dubt, )• he lil.M C..mJ)lllo ('11,1,;.ide l'it-1..0W< of i11
f'()RUM: Fc,ninhb ,pc.ik '"''
Continued from page 2
Mill)' Woll\CtXICcnlJI "'~ a •'nl« d.-1n, r,mw;,11
Rc\·1,lutla1 •nd p.,~~ • tir.,I. 1i11oJ ~klft nf r«,n.aGltb." , cncvur.t~"'C yw, 10 h.&,\. ~"'., lbt'dtatw Ul )Wtlife.'" t.hetr,IJchc.'.ukrt.."C..
\1:_,. Wnll'!Mc,-:rJfl "»the~ chiJJ Ind fsna
rul in a family or ~,'(11. c;hc "'o 11 "'1001C t:dlt"'ltT oC
•wnffi',n,:hh :ind \iSiJ Jtc-h.m-,J IJlclA;S th.is ""~imcn ,.c.'~ l.tbtkd •• c,,nly v,.or 1n,: in 1bc l11chc11, "wn.f h111M1111.wlandaaitlltp)OO.• mm.
A 1n1J,uuc of C':ilv.ot')· Ch11}'1Cl 81ble C,11Jtgr" 1u Ra,"dlkk tuucli)-. ('aid l'brk1' -1 bi, f.wd1 b ,,._lfldcJ on l;i.:L, • v.tll • "1r1n:ttMI a,,uranct" lk H1inl1 Outsu.111, ,tt,.,uJJ not be ahekJ to "J,eh~ 1n1u ,,1hr1 pcqib' 11XA 11111.1 n::sity can:J,out ft wth
~v.i.Ube~ J"""P'•f-ltt...-m,1r11®'lla
,~~~id\Mllbc:MN\.°hf\,r.'ffflhlfUffl. I
'"'The mnrr th.:il I'm c:h.:.llrt1t"t•1· NiJ.. "'lhto 1bt"
11'11.-r I t..i,etob1t~~ib.ffldf,nJc:u•ti..ll t!Ciin-. for-m)'IC'h.•
Q,.... o-i- -rol,, c1 •t•n ""' lc:.,J llll1""1'1< 11110 Nitti!: apiffll !Ir f«'m:m., IIOO 111'(1'1 lk}· l.itrr ,an
Y. ilJ• dii: R~'"'1111 Ann) anJ kitL That' ""'ffl" N>.IJ11l11ir:11 and Y.1•ncn k.Ukd
Bdot-c: lh:Cml ~\hr b...,whr, pct.lf'k', ·'l"l'th" fll'tl the flN c1mc 1 ~ncn h.li lnl fl'lll'll,"I\ 11110 lxt.lllc mJ lltoJ'C'llbtMthcl-.'"
lkal"• ~luJcJ hn rm,c-1,1.11ion MIY'"J. • M.1) yooh:~ ftor.andh.appy in your l&tra lh.t\C'tio:-n ,1, rninc .o.lncty )uu:.l"'";i)', r,p, 111tj!N~'" Thr ron:,m lini\hal 'Wl'.ih t41JCWl-O fo, 1h: "~'
Ill 111111,rest•• I• ,,cemla1 mere
IMIVDII II"' HIIUctl •rec,ni'
WHIII VII llkl le 1nc... 11N11vt• 11 1111010 ,1,cu11l'
tr 'Mt• cumc to 1he k>bb) rJf 1hr S1u,lm1 Cnic:m
Rutldml( c,n 'lltund:a~. 'm· 1l ;u 9·lU :un
ind han· c:r..1fft•c \\'i1h LS Serucnr I~ff)· Cr.a~ (mm ldl.hn
Senator Cr:ug \\1ll C"1)11tl11c1 -~ 'fo\\n I lall
mcctmg ..lnd ,U1\WM' '11n"'l1on, lfflm Hl-to:50
-:a.m. m die l.akt· Coe...,,, tl".\ln1r Room of thl"
SL I\ Smd0111, and 1hc gc:mnl public an, welcome.
N.I.C. Snowride rs presents:
Have extra time on your hands?
Need some extra $Cash$
There are now openings for lunch shifts, 3·5 shdts per week Monday · Friday lor 2·3 hourshiltsl II you're interested come in and see Bonnie. Monday · Fnday 10:30 a m. to 4 p.m
"Men h,nc noo.u:J l'W) )'OUT W!lftt\. They' 'C' explored from end to end~ '-1111 die.)' h.a\'e AC"« telW'ftt'l.1 h01new1rJ h)' lhe way II.et dtd dt'.Ceead."' kobeM O Bailey. 1939
Dvnns the early hou~ o( Oct l. a group of NIC
,tudcnlt led by OvtdOl'lr Punui11 m,tntctnr J:a:son
Luker, plied into l..,.o v.ui, aad Madl"d s.ou1b 10 Pinc
Bar far :t u.cclcnd advtmurc dov.n 1bt m1Jhl)'
Salm(WI. "lbe liver or no ri:lurn."' TIIC' raflcn \~'C'~
pc'O\ lded 'I.Cl <1.1IU and dty b..gt for die.It ride dllv. Q
Ille ltttigt\l (rte nQWlPS rwcr in lhc 10\\CT 48 lliltC'~
u, hlU oo dan111) MOit pcqpk on the 1rip hnd prior railing e&ptr1cocc, ho,...'t'Vff. • few were t'.Xptticnc,n, tbc rl\'cr tord,c l'i~t limc. A rim-tlmc-r 11.\lcd Outdoor
Punu1J.\ veteran Wtndc.,: Wcfflt'.r wtu,1 w~ in ,tore for them on tbh, raflina mp.
Smilll,g. Wct~r uJd. '"F,111. loh 01 filn!''
"'Tbe. weather w•s ab,olutdy beautiful," MclOdy Schoepp ~,d v.-ilh • btg grin Att0tdln310 wine nHtcrs. lhc wa1tr Wll1 cool and rc(re-sblna. ll perfc1,;t con1nul hJ 1hc hot a.un, but t('l c,,1hr.r, 1he wucr w1sJun rteeiutl cotd1-
Tbc ru!ten f11«d Cliw )-,I nap,dt (powerful 1rrcJ ulor wa\'C.tc, bomn1 cddje,. dJutatrou, roe.kt; Md c:ort1.-<1.1cd pa!tugeo.)
4bc rapids 11, Snow Hole 1tAi.1 Cbina Bay "'ere great!"" nilUbtt Pelt. 21, majorlna io lo.w cnfon:cmcnt. Snow Hole and China Ray •ere cwo of dk latt:ei, rapldi 1.h? taJttn faced on tbclr rrlp, Tbe.y had huge rocl.1 .ind pov.,,crful w•vr,, maklna ,hem dangcrou1. to anuucun1. Some ex~ricnocd the: blti.etl)' cold Will.Cr when they wctt lhrt.1wn b)' • huge mpid into Snow Hole BclnJC d1Jmpc:ti O\rcr-wus kmd or !un 1,ughed pauct1ac, Ktl.rtn Ha.1iKQ , was uc,dcmo1b 1be bo;r1 \ltbcft f rcmernberC'd..di~nnctly hcnrina d1c 1u1dc say.
·Do noc ,o bct1Ca1h the bolt! '
"ll's noc c\·try day you fCC )'Ol,lr mom dJvc in10 rr«iitls co1d waJcr," Hall$tn's d:iuibtcr l.A=ah said.
''It was hila:riou!II"
Accordioa to Becky S1otcii. one or IIK best pnru oft.be uip w•s slee:plna uMerthc ,i.Dun the while sandy bcachci. Ourln1 lhc c"cniaa lhc u.mprn Kl up their ~ru, die. (nm\lClOfl lix.cd I hot meal 11nd evcryo~ 10111,acd at'Ollod die ca.mp!irc calinJ m.o..uh,nellow11 ond telling 11cories
For m:tny p«,ple the "'cckc.nd wus an c1Cape from tllr htccic lire on Cilmpus. came fot Lhrcc r~n·pac:kcd. sucst·frtt, CJCciLII\J day.,,." Holly HaA$oen taid. Shc>a.id hcre:xp«t11lom \\Crc complc1cly (ulRllcJ
A, the nudcnb neared NIC'1 cr,npty parkina, Jot SuDday nl1lu, Luk.tr commcntC'd Oft whtt :a rtla:i1101 wett.C.'nd h h11d been lod bow be was 1hank:ful 10 have the privilege of uperkncfn& what fflet\l people can only drciun or DepcndinJ on lhe dcJtlJnd. Luker htads (c>ur nJ\ing trips e:IIC.h sptlna and f•Jl kmcMer. OM 11i·eck during the t11mmct. be orguniu, a lrit> wonh ot1e Social Scien~ credit. The au, ra(1Jna nip wm be held Aprit. Fo, lnfomuioon conlllia him •1 769,. 7809.
"Being dumped over was kind of fun. I was underneath the boat when I remembered distinctly hearing the guide say, 'Do not go beneath the boat!'"
-Karen Hansen