The North Idaho College Sentinel Vol 53 No 3, October 28, 1999

Page 1


(,,,/II c/ -1/1111. /,/,1/, ,,

No1u1t ll>\llll C11111,,1 \ u/11111, 'i \11111/,, 1 •

Chemistry instructor of 31 years to retire

Pecha involved in many school activities, programs

b)' Jo:.hSUld(lf S..1ttinr/R1·1.,•ru1

I.M,...amc thnnhb) lfbUUC!tw 8111 ~ho. •It! m«

ot end uf Dt«-rnM. k',1\mt: hi\ pa 1,~ of JI

)"-Qn (1)Cfl ,~llfdms tci tk,ti, Murr·_.,, MIJnll -.icl"IL'O

d1v1t,k.llt clirait. ,he pot,tlon h.n tint t,c,c,n IIUcd. bi.ti


f>to(ha Mid he 1edl rl.1.n. ro IClkb pan lime di.Irani

dlt \U.ftUlla. Ht' a1..., pl:1t111 tu 'lb!" ithdheJ wub 1hc

collC"~ a1111 tbt C\"11m1,11111)· Ptth.a 1~ • rncmbcl c,f die Kt'I.Ucn11I F.nvi,onm('nt.i.l All111ncc Co1.111.l1Jtttt

and \,r.11111( to \f.iy i:1,~ lfl d lk' JJ' illw

r,4,ul~ h• ~icoJ the nujoril)' o1 ha lune .ri hu be.I.Kb

h('IUIC'Jn Mc,.liM

OriJuall>· fcom t:h1c:1•"' P«~ IOO\'cJ 10 1"-'

whc:ft ti* tea1\et.l • Jc-•ttt tn tbcDmtr)' 11ki ....,.11,

rut• lr1,1,· )an ..i 1hc: \'nn,cNt)· 1.1f lo-v.~ Af1a 1 r~ )', .,,,~ r«t111 mcncd ltJ N-cvlk.l.l ;u,..1 MuJJe4J for Jo,eut;at.o, .st dlC' lJA1\tnll)' 6' N~·n..!,i. 1-k lhrn mv,..cJ'.Mt'aturd·Alt'l'K' in IWfl

While tto1(h1n1 hrtt', Pcch.t t,ccame hr•"II)'

Jn,..nhcJ in lbr 11i11k·11 Jt~tfnitlll. ICt> *'dnpeJ

1M' "''"'~1Un,t rrugr11m. rac ful)d.nm111t1, Ilic lti•'-'"'' hlfb 'IC'bool ,..,cull•t 1mnn.11nitn1 ,Uhl rttc,ud and 1u'lnnimttJ •1 m.rny OI ,tie l«.1i h1$h ~lloul .llhd S"f(' r.ir1,ea. r«tu 11110 (oathal ,,~ tnnc1 f.:.d11 to11hall k•u1111nW'l11, r~ .-Ji*'h he b,,,,nt, 1h.

Deep Sea

Ballard shares adventure of discovering Titanic debris



Wh.11 o.--c•oosri1:11hcr 0c RotJtn Uall,nJ remcmb(,n

.rll!Ut d,j\(O\'C'ftftJ 1hr Talolllic It, AIJ I" lhC' "11,C,, liut hlt,crtd

1hr .:tt\".I lo41ff1~~"~ ll'lr d1t1'1 v,kn: ('lil\k:ntcr', bod.., rcu

cwiApril 1$, l'>ll

He tol<l bu ,t1lf) •'f bl-1ng lht ht"! 10 dr «crva &he f1i111UC

111otc,;k.llgc ti:• .t l)(oll'I) rull hckl.w! 111 Sc1141ltt Aud111Wtum on °"

7 Ball.rd\ queu t,l f1nJ 1hc T11.v11-.: began in l935 )k hlkl

J1.1,1 (,niJ!cdtt".»i.h1nl UI StJnfonl. Md 111,fllk ~11,.,1,., lhcfC', be

"'"' ..,,,ne-, 111hr. tcchn,,k;tgy 1hi1 "·" ht,na dnc.k,JC\S ,n

Sihoon 'v•lic>· 8~ Y-•111$ 'IOlhC' 11f 1h• t«-hl'Mlloe). D•IJ.1rJ hdf'td Unit tl)C l\,p J,U.1'11 \)')ll'ffl

lllc /\rso Jaac,n S) u~"' 1c" otu,,un11cd •ti•

C'~~l(lf-t1nn Pn:,101hl\o, ·• ,nqU ,ut,w..rine Qrt)ir11 dltt>c prurk 111,..,JJ 1o1lt ••,~mJ o11 tMllf hol.irs hcl1h J!'('AI"• '" 1hc

tl(lfl',,r-. .,..J ~lunu" t<> 11,. ,.,, n Ario'""'°• •Pk'ffl

1fk1wcJ the' ,uc11U'M.\ lu l.:sm: 1 m1: •l1( ,utinmr11tt ;tt lh:

b;lt1mn fnr a, 10111 *' tbr-)r 'llllill'IIIOd. 1~ m1n,m,u

the ln~OI die boll00l ld11,boac 1\11 1h( ,w,...-.: "'\\e QIJ. kt', fll UUl MIil Ju !111flinht'1J toJnric>n!tU11~ IC'/ 1M puMlt: 1h111 W(' ha\'C: c,uettd 1 1K1to· cr11 fn deer 1ic11 c,pk1J1!100." 8.all~~i,I °'Sb.v.cir1 .i,._'lllf"JOilJWftftddlt

lu.uarylmcr n, mc • 5c,-cD1 r•roiui,1, cxpti.1111oc1,. bad tried ~,,tuUy to flni.1 tbt I 1tu1c "-'l'nclt uni. 111 lllll .shtt ,mkinJ:. •n JiCC~I J1IC a,c.a 1hr r.b1p ¥>.:1.11 bc•.hncd 10 h11,c ~fl.\ in 1u1

llht n1d)' ,·rr1 l.a1se but aho hAJ 111nrt)' drt>r, 11nJcrw:ut:r (anyan, B1dltnl i.nd ho m:-w V..:'d • ffl(111QJ \'.i'lkd "'m<N-1n1 lht: 1.~ o. " rht)' ,a,-ellt .au.S ronti \>\'t'f ll'ot' aru. o~nl.arpini their path 1UU ,h,:htl)". h <M1 01, "6 ol lhc c.xpcdiJititl, ft err:w camr 11('11~ the l.lchri, f"itlJ Wtrtl II~ Titiu11i:. Yil.k. tbc ~hip tin~\r lntl11-.0 A, • rt,uh of lhh, T1U1Hf·, dc~rb O<'ld wa, .1 mile: ton£

811IL1r1J~ •Wh111 )C'IU ~d 'A¥ 1"'1'11 &iJillf w.lJ •b.11.m .c'YfJ)lh1ra, tfWIJit11blct-:111>c:PIJlrnnl(II.II l>fthr\ftip."8.all...-d\.Ud.

Thf'ff 1.1.rp .alttt dh..:,wcm,r Ille Tlt.1nic. BalJMd h.aJ 1.41 lt.11,e thr arc:i whC"rc cbc Ti111.n1c 11unk hH wo1hc, ~JboM th• wt 1:on,foo:hc Id explun11ttin onl\' 10 11 lev.

W>-, ou, ,,r w )'Cir• .mJ cht unr w1t1 ur

WDC'tl 8.albrJ hi, ere.,.,. •rte able 10 .;l.'lmC ~k 10 Uk

Tunnic 1lk-u fl'I..II ••~ lo eo~pl,1tt lhe 1n<lJc: uf lbe dup

lJ,1n1 I.he n,:,hotic t111ucro1 Ja. 011 ,, fhcy ~tft' aMc 10 fooL

ilhidc- \11kroo111, ,n,I ,c,c ,.bctC' the pnJ ,1•1re.t1< hitd

Soth1t1g "'.ii. l..llrn 1rum dw 1tup. Tv.u twun1c rlaquc, ~c kn III the "'tt ro1nmr11Klflll.1nf 1bc JJl1r anJ th&,.e 111hn

h1 tc.-mti..,onl.)onrclt"':s Pa;h,.1 l\J,~ h.ld • p,tJt 1n ,•rap\11 cHnU At rhc )ctrly cummcncl'1nen1 cc,cmunlo. Pech, h•ll rac:11h> JLlt"-1 ~hen the' 1,,1 ..,..:al.ct •uukl ~or ,pcia}Jni. f.&b pn,on 'llll~d docu1,: 11 doll.u, ant.I thr r,cr,011 v. ho JUc.~~cd 1hc cJ~it, ,.llh11& l0c«ot11J\, v,·(k.&IJ cnJ up Cl'-'

o,,t chc few In 1M n11hfln 1h1u h~, a Jab roi It. He Ji.a, 111r1UC'l't 1h.t lufh"J:11 ,hc:mhll) 11nd ttll'U(lftlnC:OUI cat~ tab ni.a111U1t~

'Htt c.,,,.nu-1boo ,._1lb lf'C a,nazinr," .-ill Jlm ltC'-Slc)'. llhlttii: d,n:aar. -~ tkJtl u all hi, hc:aJ..

Pa:ba ..ull dcle\ nnt U1it a compuee, to ClrJ*Ul(" and piklc papn. He ,JjJ heevm ""'"' o( hb io.t1 b)' h.1nJ~ t.11C\'crlrl111ymc:d~1radc:alt$l.

~h11 u.y• 1hc 1'1-,.:-" dw.#', d1a1 N,c cuumd altk'.C' he! -l.1'1Cd hc'R' •~ che si1.4 t'OJ NIC and c'* o(

lc11<.b111J. When be ~1,.atkd. thrtt \Ii~ Ml)' 600 10 700 ~1\Mk,i~,. m1\\I 01 lbc building~ hoJ ttol hec1t

b,nh MIJ 1~ ~.,.;h lwid • IIC:lt" pv1 in

I l.r,c-w all It~ pcc,plc: on lhc fu.."\llty bad cb(:n;l"ct.l\.l l&IJ 11,'0U,llk,J Ill the- lbt f«uit) lhCl!IMtl -1

I only Lile\\ one ®' "' 1t• pcortc. The g,u"'rh h IJ\'fflllbt:lmin1

PECHA continued page 11

I Call for race forum answered

Different views , Ideas presented during week h)Mtrt)u St111m,,IRt"portrr lffllcknt Clln1c,n Alk<J. 11.,J ',onh JJ;i.h.>C'a11csc "''"'md. In a kdcr 10 ,ol1'1ft' ~I'll M1ctiKI Durie, Cl11m,n ,.,kcc.t • f.-. da)i Junn11hd •«l pf Oi:t. 4 t'C ·1 J..;dc l1KCJ11l'lpu\l Ui•cuuuxt~~ ra:c rclllltOJI• 11w WtW ltntr \C'td 10 collc:gc,\ 1be cotinll) bur\.c: p.u~eJ the 1t11e1 on tt• AS.NIC Ptoidcnt D•n Sb«ldcr and \"ice.

Prr-,.iJtt11 of S1i,dc-ot Ser,·,et1. o ,~11 Landu)', ho t11,-it1.reJ the (YC'nl.\,, ~1 Jnhn,011. tC(l(twn,ath·e for thchSaho Educa1toa Auodauon tn 1br f1vt nonhcrn ~aunllca. ttancJ lhc wed: ,.Ith ·1tow dti •e u11Jc"°1.aod a1JJ W.a"f'I Cllthuthl'1 • A pwcl nsui.ic 1,r ftf Ln.dcnu uJ b 1. 1111y tt1fl(llldtJ tu I.he ~pc'('(h. AuJ~ flk11abm •l"tt to ,,~,NS 11p. 1d. quoeu10,n 11nd •hare \I.Win Atk':ndcc~ 1old ho• the)' h.11d f•c;:c.J 11hnimlr141H1t1. di't' ,1erC\lC)'pin1 •nJ ,u,ahtrd '">' 10 f\lpt' w1tti JiKri:mll'lllllon lht p,t/'IC!I rncludcd Human fquthl) C lub Ptnidrnt 8 J , Joll1,oa ud Monte T ua. Cuhur.11 01~1:f'IC)' .zad,·caOlm "l::\lreme Tnkntncc"' llilll ,ho•n twice un 1·uc,J•1 JI wat nt1,1naU)' prodU('af In Sr, fn1 KSPS. a local PUS 11ta11oa. bu1 v.-.u rer.:t'ntl7 •iro•n un lh~ Nat1\•IW P8S ..UC.Ol'l The hou:·looa, '"lolko d.llk.'llucd A "Ide r1111ic o4 illpie'1. lndtklint h:1tc 1101ur\ 111 Nor1k hlJ1h,u and boy,. 1h(, communilin •here chc 1roup1. ,re btt.cll au counlcrior lb~ h.111c 11w11h h1o1mM1 nghts orpn11.atllllftl.. C\'ltw J'Aknc: H1P' School llui.katt. p.1nh:ipatrd In a ,1uJra1 lu.,ltn mtC'IUlj lwiida) Sl,r.-k~ (lfg..tniffll lhc mcclinJ to, a111drn1, ic, l1:11rn lc.,Jc11hip 1;,11ir, C'Ornh1nc:d •Hh di\'cr,.it)'tniin1n,.

Futni,et N1C ,1udc:n1 J°'h 8orlu,ct naJTt1cJ ,a n hall rnrcrin,: on WrJ~. 1hr t&M J.ay or 1he CVeA'! fl.ll(hl'IC'f ,p,l.e liboMI 1'll1'1ft. il'A'MrtCICH

lu.Jilic.'J .,.,..,~Hdt/1""'

Silhouottld by• $Ude pres,enu1Uon 0,. Aot>tn 88tl.erd dncrtbH how he ~tod the lntamou1

TITANIC conbnued on page 11 Tltenlo. The deep uplo"" spoko co• fuU Scl>ult< Audllorlum 0cc. 7 about his dlsco•enos.

oh1C"n:t111)Jliftl ~·omrn .\SNtc Student :,en-icn. and 1he

Human b.:p1.,ld) ( I~ "(011'11cd all oJ lhcc.'f<Ot'-

Book to feature all aspects ol NIC history

Sing letary hopes to have book in stores by next ran by \hir11 tl,e,ck1dl


Mu.uc, hllh>r.-.. an1l "'' tu.:het. hh 1ori(l'.II l.f.1hurmhl fot the Cotur d'Aknc Jlrcs, •nd tnin

- RObctl s,11,:fClat) b,n, dODC j'IICAI)' "' Stinh J!.bbo fl ·tikllti Hs\ l.alr.'1.I ~t. 4

on 1hc lu•l4'1r)' or S IC w,11.appc:i,

tumc:~dmn, bmldmp. ICiCllhUfl 11.111.1

11.CtlYJltO 111duJtt11 Ute camplH r•PCI hit:.h

Sini;elcllll! aJd ht been Ul(>u.11.1 M'""' 1~ '-")lktt'• flhl)'(at Olittln,dl) ('t11C11r J" Alcllc llin...,, (. nllc,c. SIC:

""'1nJ in the uld c.ity J\~J and"•'• •·rd.atitd} nc,...,.

c~ep:, ..._.;~1111 fu Shish:tan h Mnat,J:eJ f1.-

c~1~tu,;c uu11.all) • ••mni Jut1QJ the Grut

Dti,~uun ..It-...,. ,t.1ncJ h) 1111;.m1n, tionl 'l&k:'" ~1,I

hli, colh~l'' 1cl1111111u •nd 0 1 hill an,J playinc t,,c t..11111 'l11J\ic; In ll.atR" '-lulft dndnpmcM• .,I'd "'lhc- bill) Sol rolll-llll. 11 a bi1111d (II at!d Nin. lnl\&l."n nltt:Cinf Ttacrrujo..1 C\'ol ctl O\er a )1",11 ··RiXl. 11nJ Nll •~, ,11&.\l llc-1-u1n.Jng t,J ucnc ari 1ht Mlnw1hlnr ~.unr up .i • 1'tt.t:rd tni:<lln; -~ t.cmc.• Swg1(1..;lr, wtd "I 1tmembc1 J.'~)'Cltl a ti:IJ \(UJl~(lfte \1\1.llleJ lo ,c-kr h) ,t1mt'lh.la11h.1l ho1J 111 Ml"fflJlhh. llrll.l F.Jvb Pf'nJC)' ., pCA>i1t1 tk't,a,r1 bapp,tneJ 1n ll\co p,ut ..nJ nu one tcmcmbtrtcl," .,t,uut l'ln'I hb..b. lie h.& .1houa .\Ufl f'(OJ"IC Ind we \1nilct.1t) u 11l "l'b9 "'"' 1h! Dtcd In iJ1111:u,1tnJ i.J .1hl:iu1 Jll 1,m11<Lh1n1 1h.11 the:) w•111cd 10 lino,. .1htm1 1hc StA&I~ lt.te'bn 1Ul'\c)' (!If '1t t,• N IC .nJ. an, Hiflc,c.1mdthr.,c ~.,. 111,rcJmnc:c,•

a journey down the 'River ofno Retu rn '
sentiiieI Take
:~:~~!:,::;:ctl~c L~==:...r
- -
1n boo\ \~>f'hl'lc'-'.ll-•JI A hi"tllry tir.-k .-.1 ~IC.,roin,: .all &hew~ t-,ilek«t 1h u,ly rou11d.,feu1M. t9.\3, 10 lb~ ric:,cn1 m Jl~u~, m.aJor 1rc,uh. uruJglo, tcnnumlc Spokane Symphony pe1for111sar NIC A&E/Page 10 b;M.:\Jh)lofJIJ
S11i,:tc1u1, -.ho h CHI tc,uly In ,n1c1Jc1.1 ao lntc-rhll!:llliKJ !'iu'41t1111)' hcun1e u1.1crC"\l(if 1n Ifie 1aU. lhfOIIJ;h "Wtt11n1 llba11t SI(' 1r1 h1i 1\(111,~r;,rtt,, the l\,IO&nkll Oin,rudC\. lhc t11U tolu1nn .1r~ Inside... pq,,9.IO .pag.c 11 ·P"!'< 3;1 p,S('H ·l'Ol"2 r,,ge S.6.1 Mc>n..ta), the CUdtr d' Ale~ t~u 1111d co,cn U•Hlc.J lht' comury .1tul 0\-1'1\.C.a• pl•yJI\S 111 • t\'CC)1lun1h\1n11bt c:vma smcc:ry taurc t,, 1ugu'I m1h1 hand. He ptiJ ltir hit t.:hoafnta: ~, Murry Ho hW dilt't;h'otd clK' hoo6. v.ilh Stor Scbcnl. 'St.sic l,Jru\tRII'.' II\ K.c-nw.,;. .,.. with ITIOftC') tro1n c.hC' vice' p-roh.ltnt
ud 1Jo• (or L~.,.,.,.,Cl.irlt Staie C11lk1c- He SingklM') v,·.a,, "t'<d on a So11tl1 GNl5ia farm r"ncuw'.ltf., tho,,c ~lk1ta.~ pbototund memcnt,,lu. Tbl' UJ)' kltn paJwui,, frarn tui,11 tebi11t-l 'w !cO .~, &ht '-""\lkt< •·1,1 d111 into, thdr ck,q-1,, 1runll.'1bc 'bimnr" •m•II rown life rot 1hr A.rm). fk b.uitn1Cnh•nt1•1,c,-lildcon-1hlm.i1667.t~ Check out the onllne edition and archives at Wome11:r soccer ream third i11 division Sports/page S

\lclatttt", modiC7 ha) bC«inw klhcly im t1h'td m rape cri1i• program"

She h•, encournJ'Cd \fcl:i,uc a!'M! hrr '"°o ~i-.;tet\ to cnft.'11 in ,,df.dd,n~ cl.lK\c1t.. 10 .l\>Oid beciQmln,i \·i..:wn,,,, "'<It

Mc13.111"'11 oklcr ,n.1n 11n r-.1(' ,:r.kfu.allC' .ttld (JUI

uf .,1a1e •tudcru. h- guteful co h11\'r hil.l the nppnnuniCy ta 111kt lht: ,df-&k.fen\C cla ~h,lc:

iillet11Jit1J NJC;, a~:coHhflJ It> \ftlanit Hr, upc-ricnc< flil, ~" 1h111 Instr uni,·cn.ult, tw,e llk'~J.\fd i111:.Jc11I\ \'If \k\lem \'.fttl~. but ,;h( fttl\ confldenl ;af1tr 111rin1 the ,ctr-Jcr,n,e t:()110.c •• NIC. Md.anie wld.

~My si•ltt fcth fonun.ue h> ha,c 1hc tooh h) pn11ca h(-r.c:.1f. · u1d. Tbt Clunnicle of Highc':1 Educ•m:.n r.u-11, 11nJ F1&lll"C"\ found on 1hc fn1c:1net lUppt'lft Mcl,mir·, ,i,tcr·, t>\'nluntinn of 1ncre11•cd tntuC', on !ht

u11 ,cnll) ampi..~ Ac,ordint to the ""'cb,ltc. rn~ on ampca i1 ~lllng c,cry U\klcnl tbould be concancd "'boot rtlC' C'bmnKk reported 111 l'WI thl11 cm 483 ,amp,n collc~ ,,..,lh mote llum S.000 ~ob, lhtrc 11oc:re n m11rdc:n. I.OS\ f1.ffiblc 'i« o((cni.c~. 93 non-forcible 10. offcn..e,. 8qo robhcr-10111, :?,011 IIJtAValcd aoaulh,, IJ,Q,'7 bur,l&ne~ •od 3.9S7 tnw:,t•'fChide 1J~f1•. Mel•nic and othtr uudcal\ like her will t,c L'Olltinuina their ~oc.,1im u a larger coUc,e where lhbc. M,ututic,. m,ay imr-:11hcir lh'C, Melome j,. hecdina he, 11101be1'1 adva..:-c 110d loJk,,rdns he,- \l:\lt't' \. oa.111pk. She cbinl.'I I~ d.u., hn s1rcn11t)cne.d he, pby.-icully, built her eu~eem and c.,,.~J:CJ brr i" many "Y"'"li,n')'OIIC ~Id take d11i; (hq.,"' Mtl:lOM: said

with a witk gnn 'h'• • grclll ""11) to t(!lt.\.'C p:111 up ~1.<ion"

If Melanie hiad OPC WON 10 dt\tri~ \be tJw ~id h Y,OOJd be {'ocajiJi:ncc."

Mcla111c'1 malt tooinmntu hll'llf' eaught lhe enlhui.l»m tJif lo.'lr-dcfcmc- "" w~II Her roomnuitc+.bclp Melanie 11f1er cl.a.» refiot tier oc""I)' lc&mcd t«hniq110,. The &elf.dct1:0~ ctu.s n. offered 111 6--7:4.S p "'

lobn Johni1on. b • mAnllLl aru and k1d:·bo);ini lmtructor. He blend!. lbcM" t\\-O det11enu 11110 tbe clan to 1hc the uudcn1s a wider ,election or :\lralegjo I.ti ti,L\C ofa 1o-Joknc acu.c.., Mellanle eoncoura1c1 01hcr i.1udtnh, neirdtne 11: phy,.K'.al cduc.11(1(1 ~11cu cn11.1U in the da».

No longer an 'underdog'

Student crowned Mis, Congeniality in Mis:. Idaho USA pageant bySa lJal<bout ~m,,r,lllq1',rUr

~mk:' Johnu,n. 19. ls a Kiphomc>rt m.ajorinJ In ,,;ommunicatlonj/publ1c rcl,1lion"' ,\1lh!OC1&h tJ 11 only bet 1,c-cond )'Cat o( college. •ht t1u ahC':idy heJ11n .«kins career oppomm.,tic., And ~he 11 dd11ti1c-1y gelling upcriencc In eommuniabooi Throughoo1 the ln)l ~,·ct1I )'dB, John~ hJi) hod 1hc opponunil) 10 pr•clkc mler•pcPonal communic111ions wnh • wide v11.nc1y ot people Wh.111 hc-ttcr •,oy to pr,1.;lke comm111:1t.;11t1nt 1tuln p1.mc1pat1n1 ltJ • P•1tan1 where' the co11(c~1nn1 ,cb 10 klk>w klll.l\\· eon1c:,ian1 • &lld nu11-t \pt.a1: 1n rro,u c,f. Cttl'wd c,f people L ut moa1h. Juhn\Cln entered •nd went to Nomr:ii 10 tompclc 1n the Miu ldoho USA p;:iac,uu OnittJ hue, 1hc p,1_gun1 .li 1.hc '"undtrJo,'' wub lhtle c~pcriencc, Johnson came homo •• .«ond run·UP I ""tltl ror 1hc C",penentt. 10 mttl ocbtr people .md h4,ca loc.otfun In the proce!,S.,oo wJ And 1.11111 h, cuclly wt.., Mk' d,d Johruoo beg~ her ,.o,·eth-~O'lcn1 ~hh in,:cnnh when a friend c,~,ounr.a:cd h(1 10 be 111 1bc Po"c

F&lh Jvni<w Mif.s; ptupm v.-1.erc: "'he cia;mc 001 on top 11ic ...-me rnrnd 1hcn encouraged brr 10 go Int() the Min ld:iho USA p1gc11111.

"Thb h I~ ) Colt )"OIi 'i'OUld IJn \ll'tll. th[, I~ )'C,U, )~ JohuiOo Wd. qi,ouo1 bCf friend.

p~1-canl compeUtoo utJ lcf1 w11h 1hc 1,ceond runntr•llP 1i1le. Jobn&o11 wu oo lonscr lhe "undtrdo,:" of the C'Oft'lpcci1ion.

"II depend• qft )OU! pcrson11l1y;· Johti,oR ,aid '"You c•.n·, take 001h1os ond build on ii;. )'OU b:l"C U) bl\e 'lo()me,hlng 111 build on"

And boild1n1 LS wh111 JohMon did Niu c,nty dJJ ,he tea,c Nampa an ,he lop Lhrtt or tbe M111o Idaho USA pn1c.a11L b1.11 lbt 01he1 c:01ucna11,~

11bo voted John,.on H Mtu Cong<n11tlil)'. Sht'

11ud 1f Will• gru, hont't In he c:ho,cn li M,tJo Congcniaht)· by the 01hcr compcu1or,, at. OP1'Q~td 10 lhc J\IJse bc<C".lU\t: lhe) W'cl'l': people'

1he 1prn1 all o( hc.r lune •1th

To top off her ~ttcec\\, of 1be Judgo ju,L ,o happened to~ 1 model «:oul (Qf 1tu: pllpular 1t111u.lnt "'Vs1n11y Fatr " l'ht! 1cou1

modclin; 0ppc,r1uni1ic11


"Everybody goes. with 1be socl 10 w111. b1,11 hew,, )'OU ichlc,·c tlm aoa.1 om.I bow )'OU wor\. 1oward ,hit aoal m11lci all the d1rrerenc1:,'· Jl,)h1:ison a.olcJ JobMon 1nld ,be mlgbl challenge hcuclr 11.111in ,n tb" '1l» Idaho USA paac.nn1. bu1 ror now. ~he IC>O\:\ rarwud. 10 n~w opp0r1unillc" wilh ''Va1111y Fait,'"

Idaho it an c,pcn pa1ean1 41:ilC', meaning co,uc,t;uo~ ate not rcqiiited 10 h~,·c I former tillC' 10 '"tt:r. Joba..on nid the bad tun a.ocJ chou1h 11 lS. c:QMpcrn 100• .IU'l)'bod)' CII.R doh "If you have lk:..::C\S to $600 and l gown. yoo, c;aa do It J-,>hn~c,n ~ld. ''Slll·hundred dollar.a. tor tho.t mu,h fun wa, dc:fin11cl)· \IIOnh lL

'Journey Through lme' presenters journey to Chicago

speak at humanities convention


)0 ),;.it\ ,u.wc:m fac:ull)' 1w.J t'ORUflVJIII) crnhct~ tum: •·juu.n,c)'td 1hruu11b lime"

,1m1u,h ptti,(ll.Qlioftl (Jf die rupcom Forum

Sc-\·m.l o( prc..cntct'l ""lU Jc)Ufntt 10 C1lkJ8tt

OcL 29 w 111.alc pt't'"'l('Olllkm- 111 cti.1mctet 'rhc- ~cJJ-lnnw chaa.:l<b ~.u be apf)t'.artag J.

m,m_.mlkil cc1l'l,·cn11M rnkd ",.,n llilkl Vtt-~

Hun~i11t.\. Ei,lut.itton for the i 1,1 Ct-11hf1Y

l'hC' cha1";1etcr~ 1ha1 will bo porlrn)ed nl tlu:

ttHn·C"nUcut 11c Jolumn Sct,;1.,u.1m O.a,•h by Gerard

Maihc,. l::rnc,1 1-lemtrte~•)' by G('Ofl:C' he\,

Geor1111 o·Ktdc by Allie Vor1. M.1e wc,1 by Aiwlc MC'>;.,ntay, \1111') WollloUlrl«nift b)' V1rs;ini.a JohnlOn, ()uttn Bnad.a..:a by Lindi ErK:bOQ ud Pcttt the Citt:11 b!I' Mllf'ld Kh.llhcv.

Each f1tOC:11kf ,;.di gi'llr a bncr inlf0d!K1ion antJ

"'•II t:i,•c tbc auJ~nce • chllnct: to n,.k que~i,wi,. P('HHtal 11C'lcn<c- tn~1ructo1 T~n> Stewart ,(1(0tpor11cd A Joumc)' ThtouJlh 'rime'" into the Pup.:oru forum fotu )nn. •'· Ftlf ooo 1,1,(d. duno1 &ht. ~nJ "C'i.w.icr. hNnnatol,__'ftn.tumc ahft to tell or thrir hcmfC' li.Yl"\ •nd conttihuuM., to soc,c1y 11,c,e rcrtnrrruuw:t1 41,e free ilnd open to anrone 1n "W1\lUnd•n1 ~•

Accordln1 M Sic.,,~n. ''"" lhc J>.:ipct,n1 Ft,t\lin bcsan ri•w-e 19.500 ~rk h&,c o.11tndcd 1bc cvc,u , Each pcrformnnt.c: 1, vltJco-lapCll 1u1tJ bmaJca,t 10 \C\'CII lkWtb'o\'<'-" an ''-*' •ad ptlCt.lon,

ofCM.Ida..., v.-cll fohn\Oft i, lbc m.tin ,qaniter uf 1-M prl"~ntff\. 1r.\'C1in1 to Chie9'°. She u alM"t por1rayilf$ M1ry W0Ut.k1C1U.111A~ "ho ha, been tli.!'1CtlbtJ at "a hren& 1n pc.nit('l.lli.. Wolh,mnccn.rt w1u c•llcd 1hi1 becoU)ot the...,_, a \'ti)' ICrooll iod1\'1du.lJ. Mid c.'11)(' f;I( 1hc lint rcople 10 llJhl for wome11 , n1hu. oc:aitdlng IO Jolmoa. "I hope- to ,bow ~olluauu acn», 1hc United Slate\. Uw .NIC hwoh~ (1Nhy, .cut.1n111, f.1.aff lltld rommu"l'lt)' mcmbtn In rctformla1 ("hau1.1111qW1. JOOAIOftuid. An)'6ne In 1hc wmmunity I, a~'OS 10 rm,ent in 1he c,·ec1 John\On u.,d 1h01 one 11r rhc 1rc.11lt:\I bttltfih In 1.Akkng on a th111111:Cer i> th:U 1ht prnrntc, !,um, tht IIIIJc 1h:ing1 llbou-11 ChilllillC:1Cr•1 lifC' lh.)1 ffiO\I l)«ll)k: dork.JI:~ •11

Babette Hess, nursing

-sheer love or l.nowlcdge ha, oc, been • p1~umln:1n1 movC'r in n\.) li1LI~ wodtJ JQhnwn Ykl. qv~•na Wollur.JC1ttOfL -we arc people \\'ho

lM-c 10 ICJim

JCll!mon belt cxpWQrJ 1bc usp 10 Ouctigo I.ft l bc t.11 ru-ai:traph or ~, propowl to Ille humanuJc~


1\J a ""'"-''"ful• ..-vllabcanal.lw-. aWUnNnll)' cmwt. thc,c- Chau1auqua r,trforma11ce.; ate indu1ivc Jn111n.,ch\oe nod entertaining nol onJ)' to l h c

panM:lp.,.n1s. but lo th\llUSilndi Ol a001cnc:c roe~ and 111,de,u~." John1on t.aid We tiavc 111kcn kum.lltluc,. ouc (J( 1ho IC'll.t boob, MIO the \b$C. in10 the It.If 11.11d Oh lflc n»J. Thu pitic!Wlltun·• not Ju, 1 10 IC'II, hu t 10 ,hav,, how u ch

~M1llo«1 tc111:h and .t.prud

Mna Bartlett, economics

Page3 The NIC Sentinel A human will grow 590 miles of hair in an Jverage lifetime. Life Thursday. Oct. 28, 1999
safe are you on campus? NltlOIIII campua crime lncr1ut1, IIUdlllltl 1111'11 to 1111111d 1hllnlllVel b)'KlmO•,I• St,mn.-1 Ri:~•rfrr M,l\l jKUpk 1fnnl. of .i "'ll·ddm'oC' dibs~~ bc:mg JU."' "elf* lt:unl-01 to 1.Jdcc.l lbc:m!i<l,~ 1Ju1 OL'CorJmi; 10 ~dl'4cofcn\C 111,dcnl Mcl.\nic Rooh lh!re.-ro.,.;bUMCl.011 Mc1arur , mocht1 w.u. rupcd when ~be ""a• llS )C.J"' oltJ. At lht' lime:' oJ 1be crime d1e1c ;,.etc no d.i~,~ mlormlng Of taintn,: 1nd1\'lduab how ro prot.c,1 IJK'mM:ho ~lru.t "auk111 crime Su1(:IC 1ht filhe t1( die f'llf)C',
-Jamie John.ton wat .;:rowned second n,nner"1.lp at O'MI Miss fd•ho USA pageanl last monlh. Wnh 1hcM.c -.-or<h ol cl)l.!ounace-mcn1 Jtihn~ 100\. the 11a1e wi1h the 10 other e.tpc(ie11ccd P(tr lnrommJon cooccrnina 1M' Miu ldah1J USA ragc111u, vbh www idohout.11 com
Area Popcorn Forum characters
lhc hum11U1lia " Faculty
Nur..ins 1n.un1t1oi e~be,~ u~, tq_.u11c-:Khins 111 SIC m J,1n11.ary 191J1 r,c,iocnl)', •he wutkcd al Sf'Obnc Conu1w,1d)' C'ollcgc uJ locart111c ColkJC •n Tt-..n. v. he( the .tl\oO 1ecth·cd bcr- bllchet<ir'• tklrt" ~be •.i• awairdtd f\cr mo.11e1·, cktrtt 11 WSU ~•u.l J1~r Nur c Prat"tllionc, c:<'rt10c,1t" at Cioo1..ip\lrm1:l'il)'
.Nin11 B.:inlcu, economic\ louruc1or. t>c1u 1Nehin1 in t98$. She te;l('he,. botb rnil:ro and mncro ceoo001icl 111\d tcadlCl bou, ulldJ1ionaJ ud In~ d.11»r.~ She J> a nnu,c ot td.W,. born In 1\ Fo.Jll. Stu: reot"1'ttJ bolh her bachelor', 1111d muter', 11 lhc: Uni'ft,,1 i1y or ltJ.11ho ~eviou,ly. c.bc u1.u1h• hlah Kbool In C,ill(omh1. Mtuo11r1 .and \1otuan Sbe c:imc 10 Coeur d' AScnc 11, 1981 and taucfit ll Cotur d'Alt1'C Uip S<hool Faces & b)t:rlbllwqpm M,m,AJtjftl/.'J1trJ'( Facts Hc1,,~ II\'<'\ in Spol.1nc •1th I.ct mire.! hu~nd and h.i, • 1ICWl and .a d.»ugMcr, hod! .:hll.lrca welt! II' :,,I IC stic·u fill·tnJltS;u.:redHt:U11Ml'd.11.•alC~IIICf in the JnttmlVC' Cai,e lf1111 nnJ h 1hc ptt,idt:n111f • Sut'le Pr.l..1:iliacl(r S,11U(' 1ft Spt\k.lPC'" s~ ("ttfl!Uall)' \l!Wld hkt- W ""' hC'f knc1wlellgc tt, dP v11luntctr V>ld "11.hln 1htt- et>mmun11y i,_nd in fOffl,:n OOUIUn(:1.~hC' hln th1" clt1't"•knu r.u.111)' o\l N'lC' b«u.ui.c. "'We care" :.bv111 '1Lldnll\' llk,.'((''1.'I., ill'llt \lo( ha'l"C -~n cla\~ Sbc llutth 1hiU 111~1 "''"J<"nh ,h~1 ld ,1.1;n a1 41 communtr)' cCJIIC'S< belut.: ,llk'nthni • n,11j1~unhthtt)' M.'lallt.e '' '"'C' 111uJec•1 • 1.:hffltC' w be- rrerpcJ for d"l"< 1ooah d:h'<' uc u,u,·tNl•h ~ht a:ucJ 1Jw1 It.a, nuUCnf U\JI ~udcnlt.;rt NIC ;,.uti 1oc,m1.cb •nd4~Vndt'1 alot al,~~) Slic ~1J tollc~c h ,bffcmn 1han htth Khoot IO ltllch bcuu~ s.bc pri::~nh tbc infon:nadotl n.nd 1ht uudt'no 11ft" matt wdUn1-10 1W ii. She al~ bc: lp, swdcnt1 ,1h 1he~r ca.rrercho~ Slit- now li\et 111 S~ ~lth htt hu\l-'n.nd, a teacher oil UnlversJcy H1jh Scht>ol She: tw; four cMdrtA. lhrtc af ""hlch ,....11:nt w be tC'~hcrs nntJ ;1,t1cnd collcgr. HC"r olJc:M d1111jth1tt h, 11tt IJtlOfflr)' ·NJC t, a ercat pl.IC(' to ~·orl. ll!lld a bc11u11!ul coUtic,"' d'lc 111d. '1'bc~1\1tk.1~h llR g.,'t.ll. .tnd •mbi1iUU111."' ~he wd 1hc uudcnnllft: pohtt. buc ¥1'\'lrl 100 m~!Ch 0111,Jde-a( k'hool 8.ankn~ud the: bi,'l.lna d!1o-luat1 I~ hi.Cndl) llnJ ckM·knh

The most valuable donation

d1I I C'IC'ltlf \I • rlh) ,i JI 'floH Jll'II my

,.._, ¥.hd.b:T il•okf~•Oli ca t.USlfll1

bnn,: • iikW' rba 111M' • dil'fnma, Ile bi:1 ~Uilllhr•allNC'IOlmll:h~I


TlffM! It n wmc.1 un1 m:.ny tell~ \ fuJ..·11h i..'Sn•'tllf K"Cm to fin.I C'Jw •vih of.

C't, lhC'h" j&rt' ~tlfflC' •tuo lt'-11•¥~ 1,1

"*'·u(M."'C a rr hs•in a "''fe'\ hi htlj'I aoo1hn.

f('U'l"lltf ftt) htrtthll c-,ccpt PfllOIUI


'--.di -. c...,,. IOd - "°"' ClllJcin

a.atin•••~ unp~mn1 • pro1r1• ullrd IC1lln (OfflforuN) •·

hc1:wtm lhc hfe t'lf I bu,) i..uOt,:r lhllbi1 1111d

,llf1m1n-r"'l"'~f,,r,~·, 1.111,l!lll1Ph

Stf\K'"'I C'Mmlng bn~, 11( .klt,mc c11u"('1 Int (olkrt c,tJ11 In C\11'11"11Hlll) UJ\'kC. ("c;,lkgc

,tuckl'lh lu1a conu·rh throvrh clu, CotW~Oll ..J luff (k OJ!P:W!UDil) lo ,pp?)"

lbO,C' (dat~rh t,;· YOIHl«r1., • lk


I or '""ICC'•Ltarn1•1 11udC"11t ~tau

~kC.wd\,, I~. lft:clftd.w)' cJ:u..:&UtlCl fl'lllJ('I', lilt

•i,rlk<111nn 111 her ,~lun10.·ttnt "J'(f"~'"'t' v,n

(Cl't'C'r.,.ll Sh,c '<t1h1nltC1t'd Ill C"t1C'Ul LI .\kl)f

Honitt.. 1 llmb <"illtcQ 1.·uh1CJ 101"# t..imr. kl

1ht ,p,.ni umcuc-r rot 19Y9 aed had chc

4.>ppOnun,,, lo avs,1, lb(' la.;,wkdrt ,:1tNJ

•ti1mt OU), .ab...-. btf tlJ1Cf'11r11a' la

,....,,, Ohon-lkn-.iU"• 101 cl&M..

~- •~t~l'll!IIN•,11Nr.Jw

"""'- \U .-,,.11,)' t.a...-1

M1.'(.Unh~ ,.'-'IUNttrcJ at lhc 1(111<'.4' 1ttidtnc~ (Jk:1111) 4,n,'.r • •tel 10 C'itc1,·1te. ('!La) ia 1t1e,

\·f,1l •1lh llfJII tftd h) tht !,,t'MIOI'\..

l~ d1lfh.ul1 f111t1 amt tW r}a}' •htn *

tltf• In •ondn "hett 1hr w11wn• fffllifa

•tte lrul oo • f"N"'Oml k'wl h ~Fi btJ dowf k) ilritT Cl'IIID

111d. <JD:

\.Jr LIile C'lt)


111.t lhc lithn kl lnC"\ U1 Do.It'll

I ,.ni.: tu 1h,·,n • luc rnorc \l~l•.,lh)' NM!

··l 1hlnl. I c1u1 rtl•it 1(1 lhrra • luc hrtlt"f lhAl:I


s.wnr of Che IC'ftkln lb, twnr Md manoJ)

•tbcli •as IIOllldlllnditf11.11ll todell , _..., ,, Ille ...,..,

c;,,., ••, to'-' 111d h\lC'n. Somtdmo bi.Tlflll•lfflftlllt'foltClt•e)nlC'QQllll'l


1111.-1,anl) m..Wll(f',f~

··s~w, -.m C'\(1trJ.., me. t101 I doti't 11\hal u •a, 1M' •bo ttudc a


·1 m •• sbJ aw ,,l •~ .h.,..• ~a..:<"..nht

w.1,L ''\C"r'9,c J..tarn1111 hdpcd me t" the c,tt.a

n11lc 1u,J ~" all 1 iu!J 1ul11 aJ,o1n14t ,,fit·· \naJ 111111,. IWd:nh tuw \i~ Ute rrugrua unplnncnta.l al '1C

1t11trl.i!l~ol199'7,-1•Ko~ ___ __ ...i_lO

fJaa!'ry lu"Cbeca ID'l'ohcd • lani"J wurte1.. ~be dwn JO ·~nctn a:td

or1•nuo11h11n lhrou1hou, lhf (utumUDII)'

r,i,11 1r,Hc 111 •h-:! pio11a1U ar.:i:11 "'' ume

J\1'M!'ll. Jno•l'I' \.luikl'IU. IJ,uhy 111d ap:n.1n arr

li,.,t(k1un,: Jtutthd. (Clt'Uf 4"Jl.lue lfomta h oa, ol tltote

OfpiU.ulkJRI (fl,Olvfd and Ouldtm ' \ a ~• carr ~)' uiff~n -i and

IMf't lttm C,lfC to L'hiJd«:'n 11olao lt't' abtiCd.

,qleai:d ~«&a. Umily emit..

!Ibo r':21'f«;.IJ'*,

111 ~h.ur C1;ctlla'- I li> llt't ,..u,l, •ltt. KRIOfl.

r-.i <:..a1d1\ t'C',an "'11r\111Jl "ut, ilif c:hll1J1,n .:ti

Chil,l11·n'1 ,,,. J5 tn t\klf('udun -ith

Ol•on'• IJt1lt1h Hll bo Htt .,,,tl •'U-

,:flikh1111 \fl) Jiffcn:m dun bn' •(JC'\ •ldl 111ft

tftkft. tvt Mc(:.nb) a. up 1i.J tbc c:~

omln _. t«t fl1'Nlt;dC' fot -.1-...u I ru-.. ,a: • ,

Ul'Jllrint: tt) \no. due I CIR Al llRl:lhtQ& rQf

MIIIWOII(' 'AhO lft•h ffl)' flrlp

\i1,"('ar1h) uW -.1,: c,1 uura,c, 1:ichcr ..i,111..1,11

1o1 JQ1i1\·1pk In 1ht a,ea:1 Cil'J'IO'fW'l1I) rrn,rnll'd

sic,"'"""'""' '°'""i..-.:-.


TllC' colltet iw1id'd1., the "~' kndi11

Eld dlr 1WOLW bracr,u a,., cau-1a, pcnoul

C'lptflC'k"eal~"'ball • lwtrto,ltio.>kw


Rctnt • ,orumccr doo IWI mr,1,D Joo.1.t1n1

C''fr)'"IV.rt~ntoflbed:i,y J°"afC'A'h«;n1, ;1 .,n'L UI\ HftJI _. Jft'.11 de.I tu d10'1(' ,n 11«J

AD)imt' Cat \'tifulllttf. l'ltl lfWI) r(\:1•k JI IIOI

ll!lt.PA bm1, .',1.,{".-diy uid.

Tbt $rn11,,r Ltanoaa prn1raa 1ucbt1

--. ...

No• 1h11 dlt u, ~orn ,,isroduc"d lo

1,oft.rt:a lff'11:n. A.k("Jlffl} IIIJ * plam IP

CIM1IIIIIW •Ith och(r 'itn11."'C< l.e.u11in1 tuar,,a 11n,l11Ufl11ol,11nr,,1 ,111\intecr"'"<'l'-

"it'•.,.. ta•)' tu du. ~e, II mc,111, ..,,, uw.:b, ~kt ¥1h'° ,.iuJ ""The~ r,.ir1 ranitm1 the

··~- b&II .A all tht dlin:s .,;alt Jil'C.,, blHt ,proh;ibf)dal'nlllllllpQIUtll.

A h,p,wl1<-rr11d,11m10J >"MC\

After ~n MC:Cortlr{a volun1...- wO<tc i. et Chlkfrtn'• Vllllgt, •he P'• to continue to voh.mtMr, SM hop4ts 10 voluntNr on campu1 sometime white 111ll 1 t1tndlng HIC

Just speaking my mind

\ Mu,l; ttlt&o<J IMIW) 0,11111 •hnwcd 1h11 Amrncan, l :ud.11 aTtJI• C'\ay tneQfflf tJrule1 ate d1,~a,11f t4 •ktl!ll'~pn,cl lhcir carn1•1• proudt

L., f,KqUC! tkru11,


ocn.l ••J thdtet t he 'NUlllaJ puor ttt d,,ui1 f'ttd th &he lal..i. ul We .:htlJ CJtt C'tp:::ll'C' 1nrva, ..., food and lbt ..,._-c ot l*dical CU\ff.lft 1or lkllllchn ud mru t.m11ltn Mlddtc •omc- A ,1,v,atc, au m.ale end, ffiC'fl \lih,I<! 11)111.,: 10 tel rnoaq 1.1 id( for 1htu H i t' ,.lllc..-c ~·!.IU1..ll•iih. C'u11111V1m, ,r1 •l.n .1od d1 J"-1,1,'IC• 11,1rn' And ""'llh•I\II 1hr lateU I.a.JI /.u.hml\1, ~kbt.1111..tfl h:nUra.v.r:J Kho,ol

UJ: lhc ncb dan 111111P tit-II Cif r0tn nlhrr \\rtam, •d:iccl '"allt'a lw..ix:. l...aadC"rvntrnr :\IM; "'diel 1111n1 br l\lld luw .)Qt cti«led Mcbt\ 1'athrtt-llt.¥y li.t-traM~n· lhc'w

t.i~~::::.=';:~:=~; ~~'";,'


I 1u,t • thr ccti,, dJy 1h,._11 ..i l.uhc-r 11\hu •111 ...bulil lb l tr\lj'I hh cburtikf lro.tJI hn 11flemo.11'1 f'III)' 1n 1M 11n no~ _ f'lhe1i.. lkfoR he tlOppCd brr, U<w,dlum I .ri.1...,.-...,ll<ff<WIIIUOUlc

...,TIie l,tJa u,f'l'<d 111< pmuq ch,c wt anJ In tu,', PY>. Mure ,1,1111110 ,cJcauJ 1h11 ,n<1nth t,h1•v. lh111 lncornci. arc ur lll1d 1•0\ctl)' b11, re"'"' 1.h1hhtn lron11:ally, h11tn, in Au,cu•l tn1 i.~ch 1h1n1, a,'"''"'• ht"1li. edudibc.• &Dd 't&-.t1(-ct1 tn AUS'N ttll hcd 1hr "'-

Allllfflaffl 1«11110 be nul1q mott IIMD:J, hl.q out more Iola, for ""aoa-c-~tcDIQh and -1dll ate tcc1.ui, IDOl'or diuai11.r,cd •'(' ~t can•, bu) e-wr,thuq: •< lletl1

J\hl M lht ,p.._1,-J l111lc 1111 m Willy V.onk.• til'lll die ( ht11.:ul~ F;11,.lor)'tuJ.onwJ1n hctdtu]c; ljUol< 'Hui l>.ai.iJ), I WIPI Jn) oxnpia,L.iompa fVn'.·1". V.'C' Inn '4 nl •ti.l•T"'-aDlanJ•c-•lllldlliO"",

\\cab •-n mott Md m«t dine dayi.. Ml Plollln ._,,., ..-:ill w ilaw \\, dii:.1 •T .c- daiq ounclwn.. ow lm Ind oar sra!lidl b) iv)llll diem 1h:

tina ..s 11w hat;nl r,na ti II mcart'\ tik1nc ,iut ti, Jo 11 Pt-rh.apl 1 "'11're IJomg a, cn.iint • but'llh

u( ~111w lmi b.i.hlC'l 111~1rat

II ,: J.aas'1.n c~1, pb)"""1~ ud •• .,.,...,,.~Ollll

Geological finds

Ph M,. \tuat~ ~ttflN,p,,mr

(i,:nlol), rl1'C' i.h11h· lhl~ &ffC\1!>

1H all' Wh-,t tu(tl~ Joo th.11

l!f(U 8111 k1,hudt. JeolOf)

hntn,«or. Pin to pal • d1lftta11 s,uon,.,, ., -i,, ,

'°"rw ,tic 11um,11n1 •"f't1.u vi


Ocuh1fl\h 41ft nut one of lht

t)pr, ~I KJ1·1 l hh th&t ,pcnJ all uf their limr: holed ur ,n lht

laboC'alOf') A 11eat deal o( 1hclr


,h. , j"' on,~,., 1c,1bool or •llo:h •u l-,1u ttaJ .an,t follu_.cJ h) lllllWln

A.dw,J• fwad tbc tw'f•l a1 a ---

r«(IJ&lttd •l, imponan.;c btau,,C' of hh SColOI)' Clp(Ufn1.C' afki

l. llO\lrkd,e, Jhcnc -ho dtt(.;atded ehe boo• did not ~""'* 01 111 ,11rml 1l1UKC' R1ch11.ri.h al\.U haa I VAil cOIIC'dJ11n of tn1,u·,11n1 n-c.h, IQtlC' o( lhtrn <Cllllalllml '°""' aai

1typnottztc1 br And,ew e.cio.,. atuc1tn1, ..._ 10 lhe v111a11e r>eopie·, YMCA durong a lunch·IIINI ohow In the sue.

Quentin Ptrry, ""·ukf he tell llkt ht waa not on 1tagt very long wtwtn the 1how IOIUllly taautd ovu an hoc.Ir

•1 U.c 111M )-our lllkfnb am.·1

hola1cd hom •ha, happco, 10

.,<')dlJ r«,,.i. R• NIIJ, ""'1.

<kul•)J} h c.1tt)lh1n, .trounJ )••Y. he CKp!.11lh1NI I \f1)'1hJnp: )1.IU ICC v..u 111J,,1, 10\II ,,I rnt4 01 flCC'okJfOlihto '"""'lffl(' 'Ahal iJ 11 l<lda) Aflff tmD) )'WI. .n • fC'Olos:bl.

R1da.a,d, lu, acquilcd IDH) -..-• .i,«

• •idt lll'kt)' of dliDrnb.. lllWC of •hachbi~,,.,._.")\Ub. fkUIC'I Che, roe~, 111 h1i c11llcc11on u f\•mrl"' l•lf ho1 ;..c!llk'nh ~.,.,

()QC- flf lhl!IK Ohtf(t, HI haa,1, puMhhcJ 1n Ut,.t 'itt t'h.1rtc, 1.,t'II'• "'l'TllklJ\,11• 11( (lit.1lon, i•

Ru:h11,h ,11,·, C'llfC'llltl) t,u1;) du1111g the uimnitr Oc1;1Jt"t Ira.hint rn*'I). hr h\ntnf"II 1u, uu1hc, In Uk' 1n Ulc scolor1,al Ieeld He c-aras a pon,oa of In• h, '"I from a11D1a1 compaatn Dur11111ht ,ummtr ht h pai.d lo ,unu,11 u •unx hu rroft11;tutul upt 111~ and v1ut .._n,1v.lcJ~f' In thhftclJ

' 'Pl.a)'J111f wt'ntl mu,, lot1r1,~ 111,, .,._,. llnt J>a,fl. 2J (AnluJrr, Sd-,t/1,,~ @ ''O,"r ,1u l1~11Hcd tN.11,1~1, ,, •• '~ort.Je l.v, wl'lhuul".n ("''"'d v \fand) , " (,., ' ffrrt B«d..,., zo """"" 1'11111111. l'l,eun.c,ia ttt) boJnonJI b.~na..l.111p«t tlltduc.n.,..... "" $6 l1111l11Ail"1tfWCIO' ( Jt'IA,J".~~,. \\h,;11 f lJrn'\CiJ up • kh rtay J.luth\n' ao lalcb., lrtC.l.«K•c•l8"""•·J7 #Ln W.Mti11a11WM &1u11·11

P9!!!. 4 The NIC Sen1!!* ___
J'f('ll.'flll:kd She tnu,rin.Ul\ld)' hncatcd ILlkl ~un1'C'Nd .,.,,h ch.11,.c;.:1.t!f'\ anJ rt.1)111.ili't (rum hrr 1•v.n t.ll'lll\'f v.,.ld. tier rLI\' totol no b'ioOB'I or ldm,,111:111, theft •a\ no ba, .;,c in hr.tit") tnff11e T'brcT wa., r.imfil} • lmk prt • a nudua.,: IIIOf1' d&.111 r,mr ud l.p,IICe """'fbf ,aomclc1, pc-.,pla ..-, -=-Ill...,,. -
J~'.fil' Hrram ,b o Mntowl ltt'P!,'nU lltr .-,ptn.lnn,r a,, ltt, tnl11. ,,, ,,IJl'l'W to ,ar, robr.iM. nia.1tJ lwr •

Run ners prep are for hoine regional

"("(on1h in 1hc 1\,000 mclcn nice:. Rc.1 and tier

!C'Jlff'lu,,Ut'\, 11,h., ran 1hr ,,Ol>U rnne,.,, put in• lime:

ur IX:~!"'• oril)· IV ,«(Jn<h ~lutMI tht k•tJcr

V..'11k111 1,11.1J Ttt1.,1r Cu.1t\.Ulll. CJwl,c Mllltt, ,-.:61

11Adl. wud Wml('f)Ollf 8r..Jtn. abo ra,1 \'f."l'l v.dl

1n ll'!C llll'I J'i ·1hC'rill 1~ 1~m J14 CA«JltlCXWly 'A'tJI."' Bflldt-n uill ""'We ..,,·i:rc Jctcrmin('J 10 hni!h ,uona. ,.uJ ft',n)'l"d n1nr11rt3 1hc oounc We .fu'-' had• great hmc

H<tm:m. J.lJll;'I f.1U., IU'I.I Kell) Ki:;1Jt •l\l.l

ui lop 10 for the \J,'t)tuen

but 11milc'.\ Altl.:ljodar

f(1111,1, ,.nd Jnt1Ht1 Ru·cd f.i11rtb 111 1bdr

ff''J'C(11\c r-.-n 111 luJ SIC 011111111111'11'C llwt 1110

ruru,cn r1,mll\ r111 in• 11111~ of 24i rn111ult",.. 1-1

llll•h\' IOf 11hd HCill.1 CcMl.'h Ln,I, WallJA,

\'\'I) P°"OO of b11 4(:ruti't d(oti 0.:t 9. Walin• "'"wlly •.IJ1 N ha1nJ un 1hr ,Jc-II.on ~tt.umna .and

}<"rlil'll k' fl11ll•\"* hr• W',1m co 1'11.1.\b bani

··J mil)' be •m11ll, b111 1h<y c11n ,11U hur me:,· Watkiln lJ 111, ffll>(h·41k.11\l1J ~h ht-fort(\'«)' flt((' u~u.&U) ,nduJc, d:lo 1mponanct" ot ttot 1:h"u~1111 their n 11,1J t,d. n he Clipliun.._ He 110'\C>10 h11 llln.llC'i" !hill no m.dlcr how ht, (ltc .-..ct i'l lhl-}' ;;,m't he ntt\u111.ithl tuv~ 1hctD open 10 f~t ,11rnplh;;a1ioM l,1ter nri dunft$ lhc: r«c One of W.cklm w.,1j" ilun11g 1hr race 1, tu UAn pla)'ing Che n1er:nul 1.:llfl(I ur ct1h\-c1.umo, .alw 1bc ita'lu1d mllc c.- w. He b~ 111 gt'l in1,, h1, 111.a~cr·• mi.ocl,. u.od ll..a. ctlein bl•• bad I.hey ..,,.ILOC 1t. tkw. t.iJ do IJN!)' Willll it ilM tu nm ...,,dl lllld l111hl1 lbc r..:e TIie nt.xt twfdl.c fot CDtmbn\ \it 1fk' '-Tl''I' 1,."0l.nlr~ tt.1m ,, rt(ro11.,h. ,1.-tikh will t.c- held at lhc Corur J 'Al<ocl!""'1

l),u;&.11) Wi41.l111, u.111 (ICII) \;ll()O.ToC tu, wp rL )'l'n tu tun tn tr1:i,->1ul,-. hu'A'\'~N ~1~" the r.w.:c n ~,n; tia.1n.l hen- ht ..-.Oh C\t'f)Y>l1C lo run lie IC"C"I, ,.ha! o', 1 g,ut Prf10thU11I) l1•r luffld, 1,11,,l lilllulj 10 llllUC OUI .inJ \Uf'P•l tban 'i!tht~ nian ng Oil •ti • btat111!°'1ric.

N(C ·• 111a1n ...:omp,rlhtun ttu» }Urn l'-11. I; C'11llc1c fkln& r,u1l..eJ riuinbcr •14'1C' in~ \'t'IUhll), lhc! top ru111>ct1 rilt 'lW 111 n1111C lilct)' bit,1, &hrn hl.nJ1ru1I111n:,,Ofl.1h, II •c 1lol) in p-i.J hc:ahh and «wlhOIC" 1a a11J\ -.1n,r1g o, •It.Im,"'"' Mio•dd have a go1JJ t:l'unlt •• bullnr ftl(i.·• Jll 1eg1111111,h,,"' ••Id C.,tnl rm11~, Kpin fo,~ A, tficv.nc11, ,t.u1,to 1"1n.ld;Jwr1 lu, the II rn•llii IJVnien', crou~tn t<'",Snu, d)I(' thc.1l arc ranl.C'J -Ith 111thir ru.lioo \' "' ranlid, !th

Lewiston players lead Cardinal soccer squad

Freshmen enjoy intense schedule

b) S.m Camtton

S;,u,iu/ /f(pOl'W lbcvacrCfilWID1t'l!'~Jd.Jho.1,bt-Jr~"'nlk'r! ftc.J>,.., Canneo IAl>:1""" Bl)'I tk\ 1111 .n, h<,IJ,"¥ ""I""'· - rhc:y v.cre cwo ._tc.1, baa.\lCILII)' n.oenuk:d b)' 1~(1c,n,'"' Womtt1•'! Soa.."tt COJCb Btll Encnwi~rwJ

bl J'TI"toCC: ~,J ,....,,";lot,ct wd 0,,,.1,o .,,....t. 'h)\'t'h, u, ia 1heni,:h1 rm1Kl•.c1.··~uiJ

Tht{"'»dinal ~mUAJtr,J theteJ.\4'1'1-..t«Pta111111ctW ~bc\lt1ltl•f£,111011lffii1'1C'\tt)111:l\l"ldalj.Jl.,tlJ1,l.1)"ttl


Women·~ 1eam meeling goals, playing better ,<>cl-er bJ Sitttt ('ani.crua :k•Ufflt/ R,p+ ,,r, r

So f.r. -.u goo.I Al~ J '! llr •11mcn·, ~""'-"Cr n ,ininl! ,n 11c for third plai.:c In 1he Norrhcail DI\ i,ion ot 11,e

Nonhv.eo Alhlrtk Auu,cl111on nf Comrnunny Coll<Jc, I be 1ra,o tw. .an 11·1•2tt(o,dc,\cCAII.

E4~t~m Wtl'l'.h1n111tun Uruv~f1il)' JV "QUl&d. •1nn1nR 7 I The C'.Md, \ltctr led hy ·1r,1h 8u~m4tt \l.llh three' 11011h, ( ~m11.·n :t..doct -11h 1•u 1111,I ("ot,y \1t;:ik1C' .uiJ Jo.,oc l:.oH."1)' wnb unc JOill "P'('C,,' fht C•nl, rl.a)·cJ ~I A I• I hr lllpiD\I ,cc11nd rl11C"c C'11lombi, Duin (\un111unlty l-olkrt <kt b., \lohkb hild )Cl 10 ""'-"Ot(d on. ~nd. 1·.! UC' V.ilh

1hl11J pl:x< tn,11~ Sr,c:,~.a11c<:.t· Oi.1 13 NW c~h Uill fhc.aw1r11cr 1,111d be happ) v. 1th !he. C1i>hnnbi11 µarr. but -.41nl lh" {' ,11J1n.tl1. 1111\\C'J. A bl& ,1rru11u11,1y by 11!0\'m,t a S~nr pl h} oo m 1.b.c

•·Hl)f('h•ltr 11 "11111(' a 11cnd,'" l)nlt11 wd.

I ""L'",n "'rioc ln,w.n M ihc tc1it«r ur1ul .:,f lhl" 11,,11fd."' l«montc, ui.l

•rrtt 1'1,111~yr-nJ1Jyrlll)·l11.3 totift.rnoJ,ti• • J.)l 1(wlff' WIid pull.C\J ~y 1:wt,. .:,,oie W1tb plo)"lM- lbt Jllfflt' l}(-\ hn 11M 1•1 uc 1hc hN sirl, 1·\rt rrmallrd frnm l.c-""·,-.ion h Sook• h1c- the!(' \.id, l\.t,c found a hc)nie. Bach hil,t b«n kc) rnd1CC'• 11·1·2 l'CCOfd.LohC'I h11~ romnbukJ 10,oah ~IW\>A ~,1'-a11J lk-,rin h.i, IWO •, and IWO OMilb

"1lc)-'1-e,tcppcdripl in fmma '\mruun1t)' LN!t', nrH·r U rit ;m hle 1hnc '"•l l«r ttn-,1m111,: ou1 troni du:~ 11i..1)1X" U ,..,Ube.

had a K1Cttr rlayu """ .,.cpprd up, tl.X),,• Etten...,Jn1t1 Yid.

t.11Jo't MM1 brtc.


"'I w11.11.1prd up((oc ~"a'fJ in bndtfS:wien u the Uoy, 1111d G1rh Cfub.'" l)evl,~w.-S

/.cbd q;id ltKo bq111 her IOOtff \tO')' when her Mom tOl'\k her ti)

'''" U9 af'd \he \I,~ 0')'111. bo:IIIWI: • di-1.n't \l,at,l tO pl:t)' HI cCldcd up k,~l.n,: ll," \ht '-lid When a.sled v.hllt ~pecif.call1 cd (l/ rhcffl lo\1: tbout \()C)(t'I' II fin: Clln be \oten 1ft Cldt'\~)~ "I CO.fO)' the inteQwl)' and the rhy11k:alnc:u. )'OU can Lile y<1111 ~ton CM, Dc1·hn laid 7..ot,cl •llld \he ct1joy• being P"" o( the furtl Md becoming 1.l~ln bcricanun;itd.

UM1aUyyuu wouldtar,td ptliCiicc w be: tc,me,..·hct.: a1 thc hutl(~m of• (11\001.f: thiM., fut.~ thac 91omcn don'1 fit mio ·u~lly.•o-,..,11naod Zobel 'i.;kl l'f'll'Jk'e' I\ t!IC highl*JN o/ !heir da). ..Yoes Pfi'C'jCC how )00 ()by;

NIC tied for third place in division

~h OeL\'lbcr '11.hrdule \\ill only bc1,1n 10 gt, 1oughrr now. wi1h an 1mptu1an1 J;HJC comlns up •1• 111111 d1v111.10n lc~dcr Wen111dicc C.C. Ocl 29 .1nd ano,bcr gamt" wUh Columbia Baun N.,,\•. ,J. "Wc·rc mcr11oa: f)ur go1h. we·rc pta)'UIJ: "'CU, IUid wc·rc getting btuer," E•1em1,in&C1Ald. He 111td • bil kc)' tc> the tou..'ocSs or tbc leam tut\ bccri ,u~ln1 buhhy. Los1n1 Kelly Do11rttr 10 a 14.)l'l1 ACL ,n bcr lncx: ba\>,<o 1h< CICIiy 1111jorinJUf)',

Historical seaso n for Card basketball tea m

,..,..,11 'lrAlk oo 1fttr rbylft,:o •~ <.:o.11ih11111.11 111n101 coUcretlbt)e:tJ

He ,,uJ thoulJ t,c OOI!' ul' the lCllm 's Jc.ti.Un,: "'*en· /omini: dlC' from f-unum C'altl. ,, lrc,hm:in <*)' lf.,fna. Oanld R11.iunh k • f~hm..n t«om I J•Jl.11i,J ' He'," ~"Ill ,hn.i4ct 11thl a h3nl

r t,umSc-.inlt. ·11nrt'.11lyf'l4Q:icJ~,lhlm,at1u11ok \l.i11i1•1 !id uf Juhn,oo C11i11.l Q\IC'1nt·lt ot p ,1 • au, !laJ J,Jton "'~ lJ;.f" \1oos. ..-di R'J~h•n for tht C.'.atnh 1hn W,,t\Ol"I wud lhc Jlla)'Cn hu,~ ~""'* atti.lut.lo.;) .inJ

••otl luhih, M* ,t,c> Ju.\l h)\c eo rl;av h;a,, clh:111 lk \llid UlC) IUC' lo.:u'N t'!1 Jehc)l,1f anil rhe tran.t I_,.

Ille• ti11 (.u,111) W.11'(101.al1hc~•l,omr-,.._,t1linll1N..; 1ot,l8

IUI' r,;:ll •111 he II~ f'olkp ~-t ~ft


Tl)()Mtloi;...k,J,"'~ 1,J Tire hnl J•Utlb for the C'omhnal'1 , 11 be Ok' Coc,.u J~.\koe Rnur1 Cln'IIC h'.'OIJ1t1,11~ '!t.t. a~ll"

Pages ""Cl 'i:5 The NIC Sentlnol Thelwo quitkl">l i:oab ,cored in tlw NHI Wl're lhrl'<' second, apart. Sports Thur'Sday. Om 28. 1999
Tlllla keep Improving for Cards, -. ranked fourtl'I, women 12tll b) J,,,.,, Ma111rr .'irnJ111r/Hr1,.•11n °TI1,· ICtnpcf.iiUI( l\l)'I d~ un1)' !1111111 (alflll( IIIU IIC2SOA lllfl('t,, JUf I~ n n •nd \iiiClllltn of the NIC 1,.'fO"l,\1:uulltJ)· !eiun hli~t' he-en ctr.a,1,~ lly m,rnw10, .J1 tl,t ICblth '01c C.vd111o1h p.actJ 111ndtJ to l'i111i:u,m,1 IOC' 1ht P.11,:1f1< t.ud1<"TlUI LJU\'Cf\11)' ln~ttlltl,-.ul tkt Y &1111 hdmC "'ilh uC1lt1lf1S.
CtNMn Zobel hH ICOfOd 10 gaols for the card soccer iotm 1hls suson.
Li 11 "1imu~
NIC Jdr.1tt<J falruon,.b t\\'11"'-h.J Cummuruty CoUc#( Ill hPmc \ I Ckt 21 for • J1\oi11u>n win knncllc Wcl1' led Yfllh 1\\0 aoah 11nd Kmtcn tlchn, ttr~n Ot~lin a11d ·rult fkd1.n1~n "'"l!°J on'" t"U~h ()..-1 ,:l SIC" rl..1)·C'J hP\I 111 lbt 1bi: Cl.rd·." orily lou an,c Imm Sbg,t Vlllq (.' c• 1·1, tft whilb Ei'C'n*IAl(t "'1fJ Uiey "en: timrly Wlpla,-oJ '"Wc'n fonunatt we ha~ h:w$ no n~ i.nioo\ 1n>unti..• Eke11 it1tet wld NtC pbycd hc)'II to Wrn.;itcbC'c C'.C O..t. ?7 Rc,uli.. •:etc noc av.ill.a.bit ,i f'l'C'\.lllfl(', Jh:'Ut¥kdfTp...cll lt I.he highlight of Ille day tor lreshman 8tyn O.,,lln.
uc 11\.11 r:.i1nc
7-'l German rrashman tallast (lllayer In IIISIOrY al MC bastc atllall b) o\nnlr Wood~a Spc,rtJF.d11,.,. The mrn·_~ tl.a'1c-11'i.ll 1,... m 111 pl.a, :-.."" 5 in .i hl\tolflo.·41 Mlt'4.1n. Uh1on~1, " of 1hc h:,1m\ l("h(dwle or~ for I teJJOII ctuu11pic1m.htp. bu1 hi k"\ ,111u: ,,r ih ,ccMJ l,n:vJ.1tti,ll.t' Jofomg lhe 1coln1 tn,m tirocb11g. Ul"ruwJy, 11 7 foot·2 lrc:,..hnwi ~h:a \\1tU'- Non,: •1d1 hci.1,1 the 1.allC'\1 pl.1)'cr 111 SIC' w,1111 ..,,(,n ,he b1r.J:c•l 1004 COOtol lat ont1,1.11iun 1o1o•11l11,1 "C I l Jr-, Rc1urmrir h11 1hc t·arJ, ate ,,.,rh,1m. 1ri., Jnr, P'ctty, a 1~m apcain, 11111.l Dan Fu1nUln. Ht11J Co;acb Hull,h W.1u,n ""J F,;anU1n 1, 11 loc ,1runge1 lht, yc:u. Aho rdllmlftJ I, lilis,iltC•fllOtf." J.&t<MI Hamcn ,if N1,cu,. Id.Ahli DamPo C'11htwtll, • ,ophomott, m11ufcrted hnm the ll1uvc.n1ty ot RC'no. Al,c, rci,;n11tcJ for NIC Hugh wa1son ~!~-:; t::!\:3:::;:~ W.,1,un •111d H,o..,,n hmkC'd &ooJ 1n 4hc orly 'ltuirl.••Ub.. SftJ•hllrlJtllc l.u.l..e Od,otA·d. C~r«fAknc
Colorodo All·Amcrmtn htSh t.thtttil plo1)·cr Kendall "K K. · Bo)d, .i 'IUJlho111l1tC. w1H 1JJ 11uh:knco and le•dcntup lfl the C'.ird (tam, acwrd111r ci.> W.ahon Wruun w~ he U~I\ 1ooJ, 1hutp Imm kuurll Ware of Clt-,c1•niJ. Tcn11.
rl•>°"t \\,itf,!111 ...,J JPCI llcJllcllnus, -.Pic,,111 W,1hon u1J " • UIJ'l't 1uh1c1t and • iood J\llllpc:t. l, • rrc hma,1 ou1 ol r'ftcr,•tnl. Otu~t. McJJ'< •~ifiti.•UQ t1J11i, Uc ,e.11111 JR• t, IJ;&tt

Heat, Spurs, Hawks, Blazers, to lead NBA

l'l•.>•r to Wilch - VlrKc

l'W1tr. 1u.att1. Toroncci ft.Arc•in.:

Hi, nbcht~ablt mo'tn •nJ

h1Jb fl)tBJ actob•hf. dunk, hnc ~1Qu1•1 abou1 mHy

J.ordaa-aqur C'Olllpltll081 Md

ID duel ffi*' K Obi~ l(IPII IO ht

hh..-l."Ond)tN KcepMt)'tOII


Wt'1rm Conrcrt:ncr: a \tkt•t\i OhWon

Wlnn.r - S1ri ,\ftto•10

Spur, Ctuamp1-,1n lad )C'H

•1lh IM lhOtJ domiaut OW

ti all' bntf lo<•~ •t tH '"' of rhc: i..,.~ Ell4ffn (Oftff'lt'*C"'r a AU1ntk l)Mdon Wh,ntr M1ama Heat· A d1uppou~11n,: Hf'l ·tWod lot,t l.,.11 )C.-, 111 lbt pJ.ayoff.1t CO thr ti;mcl, 11-ill oaly f•el the Hui tn repeal al A.1laa111:- 01wu1on •iancn Aluo.tu Mu~1mea 11,houk1 ~vc becft 1ht' M\·r 1.u1 )m- and n c1.:Huln11c hi, domlnantt in the painl Mii.,111al'°at1Jcd~ dl'plh in 1h~ po,t • itb the adJ111uR of fon, ard Olh

NIC .ophOmore Robin Bundy brtngt lhe be ll pu1 Spokane'• Randall Prall. NIC won 1he Oc1, 13 game 3-2.

NIC splits with No. I Spokane

C1Pd1 urat team to IIHt --&alllmlY~

b) Jffry Mantn5-,,,,...,.,J ...,, N

K' "-""'bt"'f ("" tum to dc::fm ~p;,boc C"MlmtlmC} Cdkp! ~1 I~ i111 bomt •im • ).!

'"""> "'Tn ht ttw, No. I cum In the lcni1.1t iand '° do w> wcll 111 lhh, poinl of the 1u,on. I'm ,tll)lt'Ot.11K,*l·ittfl\1Jilllttl.lld

5(.'(' f',t ih CC\C'Qll:C OD lbelf heme IWI

0.1. l(I, ,-,.."twr. bnuag lhc: Cardi 1-0 Alw.ioldl,-all>Dlcdf..,iolllc ape \p,-Laic Coman•) lillX'ca'

tea• C~tnt tn S1C lm1kinf ror 1111 tll\lt >1<1<'<) Du•• 1.n ('dlmlm,.,o C••ml•e T~amoof a-.d·,-

fo be"' 1/ir No. I ,,.,w, mthtltogw 111',J IO Jo HI tt'f'Jf 111 th, i pouu ,n tit, JtaS<lll./'m/•11

tt:tla1H • rircd • 1h01 -8iJJ £i.Jtnt4·inttr, p,l\.'IC!dllit'Sl"l

,nfflifllllnfl'INI I ••ft ff)' With wvco 1111t111!~ lril, I~ g11QI h) fffl1't'UIIIO J!~ 1h1 ptM u !ll rt'Jd\ Al'"' twlpm11 c.aJ tho ~tek")J11r Wrncn \\&, 1hl p,ll.<q>d. u.....,.11<,.i.. c d.Alcot. \trflobfb"ICIIMft. "h •• Ille k'9 pmc of l!lc )UI."" Uld

He.I Ccm::fl BtD fben*IDlft'

,.,.,, pan,."il in Cbc P"' ••di! l•• Dv11011 and Oaud R~t-111\01 ~,uld c;1,1umuc tu r,m.pct J1i.1 111 long I\ Robioi\ll\ •ll)ii bC'ohh)'. The Spu" "htiuhl he hu,11')' M F' bkk 10 the rinah '"' a powhlc •tlb 1bf1f --Pla)Cr •• \\attll - Tia ton.ri \aa A~ \flun One or tht tnr lf'tl' r4•t''" La\ol )'' He ~IJ ht

• 1,,,linwuc candKta1t fo• MVP Plu,. Spun Co11.:h Otc,: Pop>uch ha.< u;iJ Ih~ Ouna11 boa, b«a pk)'ia, oa • '111ttffll( tnc1 4•r1111 caaip 1hh fall. (tlt•J' .,.a,, 10 COIP(' tor Oun,,o 10 thr •p,o,n1111

• P11df'k DM!dan

Wtnntr - Porth1nd Trail 01.,c,, Throuah loh o, fflO'loC'fflC'ltl 1flt tht of(.1t.11c1n, Pu1tla.oJ bu p1,1t '" p,wt,t,. de bN raru w,m •


Pr~,dtl JI !lolroftJ bnntp "'

1uarJ, Damon S1M11J1m1rt11

S1oc Sm11h. for""""" S,ome

P,('lf'lt'n. 8rum Gnin1 -.i,il ctn&cr

An")J.o S.lboaii fc> bear up tht

Wt,tnn Coft!crCIIL."C' T'hffl wtdl the po1,ubih1ltt of llohtcJ

\\ •lla.c ...t Onld 4H;hrcmpf

coe1nbu11a1 lllllJhltl)" off 1bC'

N'rw:h wrf'Oru tbt 1MOJ) of Porll1nd hctftl, tht mo•t

IAlr,nc-J 1c-am. Sorryi I ..ik""

l'll)ft lb \htth JIIM

W111i,m1. lJUUd. S1uan'lt'IIIO

Kin,,. ~i;:onJ cp111•DS ot

V.W M.croucb '" lbe k~ • I)

10 ck~,;nbc: b1• lit II OOC

fllaytt of • ,~ ll'I lbc k•pt

thal )C-111 •Olilld p17 lo Jt.1•1

••ldt hJm Hb l'111.II handllaJ

ant.I plllting tkilh ar~ JU•I

1n10 1bc ri1ht coarl, ~-cmer oC lhe llt'l 10 IIC the prDC .- dic' finl


M.1< BJ<n.l trnllmm ._ ......Slhrp eJs,,alblllcClrd>•ilb

Lady Cards lack experience, hope to buil d to regional championship

.-----, d1frituh 1hln1 10 t.:rtalC' •ndfor co11t1o , Yl•U ct.11'1 ht: • ,han1r11na ........

Tlaorpc Ptaur t• \\atth - Alica huwo. 1uud. Phdadc:lptr.j• 16cn: If)"" 1bou1h1 hC' •• UC1\IOl"JH1hlc lau )' then walth uu 1 The NBA h11 la n1lc, (Of \Se:(cn.hnr p1;1~n one,,,. one. mrma ltwl 1bcre ••II bis It" ,111,-1~•1 ddcm.c .nc,..ec1, •hicb in wn ••II uou ,aorc "P.KC fot pl.aycn 10 tho• tbtir oot 011 one ,k.111, lfc&t. htnat1 for MVP 8 C.1.-.1 Dt.,Jon Wln.ntr -AlWICa H•1ttb. A "-.amped u.•,..t.,· hacup p1ona1,c, 10 be: more- of • uautkJa kal kiolt. CS(di:q T...troi \1.dic BIi) lo..L 111J S1n, \m11h. 1bc •11na w.aru111 111111d1 ul Ll5' )'Cit, alld br1n11n1 in ru,t-rouad pick b1.on Tert)', 11.1ud1 ha11h Ri«r. Juu J.-.lttw1 and l,onr..anJ l..orffltta Wn1h, bn broatln bope 10 lhfo H..ur11b' laeup dl.1'1 ahc.a4) ,wrrcu11,dcd b) pcrtan,al 111 ,1a1 untcr Dil.r.mht Mu1,lfflho

11hcnM1~nal ond he ,hould

hc,:umc- An 1ll•i-1At I( not 1h11 yea,. thm .,,thin w,1 ('la,(i,~--,,.~ ttpt,rkt Hu OfJll'UOft• .,r lir ow,i.. T,1 mJfOllt/ n:,11111111. ~,I It,,,. o.t rr,vwt•ri,, rd,-

Education important for volleyball player

Wf'I· "' R,·~·,t,• Ioe,ptricncc .,n nk ,tw •Pl*ll"t .,.,_,...,.nor-tciim0opb, 111n r.n Tbc tMnl, Cl'~ll!'ha,: ol foe- ,.._..cantr\ rrom 1 )'C'illl'", """,...d. onr tni1t,fr1 Jll•)tt .1111J IO lrrJ\lnan t«h11t>;, ck!tui'I ~nn\1/- 'fl,flu 1t11\oi,tk.tdrf,-.illbe "l.t-..k-Nup 1111111 wic Ill trntftt',, lti1h,-rarhca11.~Crq:<.'nmplaiJ ··1 m h,pp) •llb 1ht •U•htdu of 111 of lk pnd>ctd,- _. , bd•4'iffcrcm1Ulld.'" "1 ha,r • ;srni1 ltthQJ abuul lbc mrnal tw1tm,rt., tlf 1hi, 1tam.," ht. .....s. --s,c """'' clhk A.llll lhCflU\lf) ~ith the 1c411t M"Cfflt. rcl(lfj "II tdH•1n1,1t)'~ hut<C It', the

\cc:\t•t • cbmpioslhtp )Uf ttlll t"i:

IOJ'homo1 ti k.in1ml C"t1t1rrll, Ann1ruh,. MJ ; l.oui,ha H111\lun aid Kl'nv,.,..111 ti • d • (' •••

'A ub1a11oe. 0 C A•JW Mnct



ul.1 uan,f('I AH• Gl'IL ol CbcW) 'Tk

tn:..hrn•n ~W11, rlkk 1-t~ l>rmna.

OL•hlf''' \\a~t•. ,\,1,s1r l,('•· .uJ ~,ny l.rwa•, htltn11n C'11y, \1nnl Kara Wt:1110.111. ('ht:hC) Anunll,l I ,llun,t and k1m .S..:hwc-r.l \11 :ow.iu111 \ft:Uu.a fJ...,J:1,,

\'l.:1oru1. Ul" hm l•lff'C'), l•»r \\>a\h Hu1hct {,'oll, ltku, Wa,h •• ~nd K•tt' 11.i•k-y l.,hb), M~" Accutd1t1r to (',lmr. 1k 1taru ••II rely hal-.ll) GD f1tcl f~dricakn ,i.p;.. 1-llcd,ct, A"f"' \,07 ,oJ ti.eaya ltt all.-,:\~) ca.U~ ·wOa 1he onco,ut rad of 1he O•'(lf tht' l~ \l.·111 nut. .IUtWtJ: 1n,ld: rl.1) .,.1 h11orl, '"'''* t,hnuhn,: Unni•ns tip 1he h.ill will be t'Uhct M.a1,•<" l>cnu1,: ur Arn)' l.r,1o1~. .i;ho Cnm:p wu.l •tll he io-a,11111, all yea, tor dll:pmitlOll '1.All,a,w•'ffC~ C"rt,-p..t.


A~ <otC"hn w. II ht fotmtt Card, Jotnu,o.lftand l11a1R~W«la -o (' lll thr h1ur,1 lh1,ig, !he) tJuhn,on and f,hinJlt 'Yt·rdt'r) 1111 111 tinJ,:t 111<' 1-"1' rw111 011 0111 r11, 111 1hcw )vui,;•"UUK"n, f'ml2Jtl&ioJ

;u.ulnbk I,•

lbe NaJol C)I', J&w.10Luln,11tJ;ut,ltCl ltlf" fo, ahmll I\C1} •ttlr.~ \tuJC"Db

._bonunJ 1hr 91,ttafe'aaltJ r;Afttq UU111111 plrUlc mW .UO) •inkr lnpl plamiaS. \\ ncr 1r¢11 Whak emu ('OIG1I) uuo,. Ja;._w.1t1 twit Red M• sad Wh,t..-Wrt,llrt. H11\iillffllllau111'11.11n,Jo,c

i; •I \\'lltl Y.,11, Gc11tfla'cl,"Clc.i,1hc\('l)Clll>cn~hr C>I pnJ\ i.Jo..-s Muiltfth • lth l°Wllpr'I St*f 1d .I bil, P"k,"C. A fC'"" of t1w .a,.-btfk k> Wlldc!IIIO'*tha tltflh,~ 11.n,,. ~lr«U. ..tiilt•Mer mb. camn.. la)'Jil., and 1a11buah. lt<DI} DIN 1ft

111111a' IIQlll'leneel ft key to 111CC111

b) Chartl,I .~i~p.rt~: l.amiftf Ina t • pmncn nmto41brlr,•ID~ ,OC1,.."C'1iul Ml hf( ,.,~, fbincJ, I ll&1'6i~ll •thldc Q..,...l other tire. b.1, buJ ninny upmco.....,_ 11\iii \.l1C QD learn *COl,11Mrra1un. ..._, ......... mta:ICDblc C.q'lr'f'Ckn QIII(' trom b-.m, fa, fi\t )'eln • J11p111 Wrt'bNt hcf da.1 •uted ·'h•..,•srn11u~; 8t111C'\t.ald lnJ1tp,U11.bc Jll•.>td" \'!Intl)' of 1,ponj in •'1111."b \ht M't"l'ntJ lo domiNk Tbt~ l&l!kk-J \'0Uc1b.aU. bw.<tb,ll.f&1&·r,rdl""1bell aiil(JW;',"('r \.hrlllO\'C'db«tlrJ

\Ir ll'IL • brr JURIOf yea lnhig;ti"'lt'l"D n.&ffltJ lnthC' A ll ·'t&al IC#lrl 1wkc-0riJ bell Mol;lcr 1httt umc, 1ft \'vilk)~I Shit 111:0, a l'°llamt\J~ll\t...r.m.lMVP b,..ot,mpkH,pScho<>I t.l.dhab 1nm. .,_. •oa -1. ilO-ba l 1b1t Id~. CMIC' to 'K' bt'\)i!,1',C l1l cd lb, \IDoiLll tJJC' &1"1 tbe l)c,.ul)' tol lhccari1pu, 8;11nni111t..'1~C! h,1trr!INmlJ..llr bk,lcrbtlltC'!lal - 8Jiar- urd ...

o<r4-,ia,"'1l<)lal11>dw CWtfaJI tul("IM)" of di( pmr

·o.. m,n,nt you.:uukt brl.-1 dw,<lla1n...t ,hr ncU)Ol,I rould be tt lh nj )'UUf"(-1( blnl.hilt ptoyu,, ,olleyboll abof'l•)'td~J fo, NlC

·~ tc"• bu! ib..'idtJ t11 p.n the: ha,~nhilU 1i1.dc 1hll )'C"4f.

•·11 wh j\bl too, U)tn1 h1

'*'1,1111 v, Uh SluJJet.• 1>.t,, ulJ

T=jonfta•~~ Ollla_p1o,..,

(OfflflC'lllM 'P(IIU all M'f ltJt, lht uiJ w lil.c, h,k,n, anl.1 All

••httOllldulirlJlnfl,. \he.:

1,.--.,ru.idrn heN.clr I \('I')

1'-IIJlt411&r,enoft\l< lw., hl,C'\IU .,... mili pcopk l,wjlh"'

1nulc'" fl.liwl' •pnooM nbtt

l'UWIII)......., "''"' Nfft'~)'aflcftllcn di.Jew ""'"h NIC, npt'!

s,.., kannn1 f!v\,ull,h a.II hct

C•('IC"fWflCC:fi&hc bll.,dcdd(od hl h.t11f II 11.ll upuJ1d10ccinc.('nfrt1k" lull)' 1111 hct u:ud1,u ;LAJ to


I 'tfll ia Rann• CffUll'bblk'c torlnt•dl....icdGlctic,11), educ_.., __

Sports ClhOIOt,f'NIOrftYlt
1k .IJ"{11 'VrtCh Spol.Mt Jllll lbc Card,. Ill ii NIO,)rd ti( 7 ] tho iCbOl'I WJth ~II:' P,MC' ~It U.:,w,w1r11r,;1.11l he frc-lt. 1,twosl> thi,e hi.t 1cun, can l"OI .111)·vn" fliOW "'tdl tht \t)·k ,lf Mn"etll'lt!' UCplJ)Mll• Tt1c r,a.l 1an~ of 1bc ,u,oa. for 1bc .su.xcr ~la!) •ill be II tlanr Salun!a), "iO' 6 - lu(l, c_."1 Collea< lllt ,-it: hqi:.111 • 9 • IQ_
Fiv e non-staners return in g to lend NIC baske tball team bJ Sa• ('•mcron
In pursuit of the outdoors OltalP ITllltl INIIPI 11111 111¥111111 If • r m 1111 ., ........_,..... Snwlwlk.(10Nt aln-!'4t,llllf)'nn~~" P\IIM111,10P1r,t'tlln11$Ml,hrlf'C'11 ,iJirnl, ~'"' ad\-amqt> 11r 1he ""'""'1ndUtJ\ ti) rn~1d101 tlW' nN.tcd ClfU!pmt1tl. lrfflllfl'JIUtlOll aJ f'""«INJIW -loSMll ___ ro,oplncty _.,_.,..,...,......
U"<'b:111,, t,d,, ,o, QD ""'pr« If!( •cclald. From bll"" .. - /al.uld loltawa.,..budlb:tl1>fullof .........,bool,b-lOdootl Ofttn lhldcUi du nUI: l"Qlu-e L II 4.1flu~111C>l'\1 11)'"'11Jcat.1attaoi11wllt' of CJ!'', ('u*1'K.e. M11untiun ~u-,,. ttkm.arltn ,ir 1.ll111hrN -1tlt' Ill"'~, 1w1,111,i •'4.Jl:•td-.VWdti.:,tuJ,r) lnl.:kl'.an~ura ptt10D UJftJ lift tftck _.,t Id~ """'~6-~t'linult, an. ;tJ>,bJUM:off"a M11,wn NI the ~t H Thul$day, Oct. 28, 1~ ~----
~lall11•cr" " appto11ct11n Jt, •nJ I'm w,c m,10) ,11 you IU'C' dcballl'IJ: 11,tr ti.,_t i;:u~tumc you a,t So••• to .,., ror lM ~~:. to IUD) '11hcU ,ne.1M,IJ'lal111tl'li8A-e11M1111'ai. \·.Cl)' hcJ ud 11'1 IUDC' 40 St"U up lan1INI •11 ~:'. ~··: c:ba1cc, r;·:l~·;·; NO\> 2, a n d lflhm.m everyone ,ccm, to be p1cd1clll'IS .a rcp<a1 cbmp1oe,ta1p b7 the Su AIIIOP, \~ but btff:
"""'.... """'*""'
.,.. .,

Staying close to the ground

1111111'1 !*'form 'fmly cltial,' Hai In IDcll ll!limll lcllJ ht WUltrrwna Rn.cku S,,vm,I Rrponrr

Pinky ,qut>ak, tunky th1d;rn 11nd fOJIC••·tonl lb,:~ a,,: bikt Hieb 11nd O.a1l11niJ bike ndcn l.lrcamcd them up. HJ1lla.ndtN 'c.'\"P1 1t1 he.- "' liuk ,-nzy tfnlffl ~.if', huun. m otn cmJIC)' p;arlr.urr kll h)' 1ht-nh~h'N iii;""! frkk,• fl.ttl.aod ridm don't l(,jJ\C lhe ,rw.nd, Cfl (a11 nr 1.hdc rails M.c- rb.c.r 8MX 1.'0UDlCrpm4 lat~ ,ltt ;a ralr b,tcd of BMX rk,itt. A.11. smllOCh 1>1.1rl;xt1, are ideal (or 1bc ~pinning ,nd "'-'\lffmJ th.1f nat lo.nd bile riJcn rr11.:tlct F1,11lanJ rtqUH'C'_,. \lull, hit~. pllklk'c: IM!d. fllll-\l ofllJl,pllliCIIC.'e. Flallandcn hA\'t i1 uran1c "'")' of w:llinJ up lhC' bike to mlll.t' II tkl umq,~ lhlng,~ l}JPI. hvac g11.ukJ fltl• ,111,I MIQl1 (ru,nt'\- Utt found with fflO'\t 011o1l11tw.l bike"'> R:ttlct~ lmc the lcJM a1P1J11nt 11r

4;11\'"J•tc lfl fllJiJOJ UlllSUIIICI and f\' ,how._ Tht")' .uc thi: 111novu.ton ol Ul<' ,pan u"na 1hc1, ctUHvc wh1l111u 10 drv<'lc,tinhnitc nauoo.'\.. lhc t--,1 11JA)' IP lcam •~UI fb,11.JipJ tiJitttt i, m 1ide with u-1brh 1ml1 lc1tn Imm I.hem. ~1lanJ \ldcu\ arc .t\Jtil.tblc

Tbc.- 11,-cb 1,1cc "''w,. thdl Ji.a_\ ,1cp-")·'l<'f' tk~ In ,idc:i, tll()' lJI lfliMI) difltrcnt Irick.I! II al1.41 hi\ 1n1rndrwt.

1,11,1.h,,:u t1.n'1 COMht ml1>1UIAlh•n Ati lnuel.liblc arnuu111 or lime g(ltt uua h:.unlnit cad1 tl11.tlJ.INJ l'DdcU'llt't, T,mc lil'ld"1tltl)(:('.

Nale Mut11Ht)' 11. one ol 1hc lop gn'lltnd ndtn tn ('ocur d'Aknt. MulaUc) TTl(Wcd rru1n M~-ov,.10 •tt('l'II.I the .rue,, 1.-olhs"-.,n rcp;i•r to:h11r>l..,.7 cci4m.e :;i Nil' , wm lnp rid1n, 11111 Jd (lfd ltt4 d~.· wu,I Mulalle)', 11,hc, tu, h:-r,1 n.!11111 ,incc the.- mid.KO\ M11l11llcy \lllf.l lhi:- tC'A,nn n,1l11nd h dilfct<nr 1h1111 other bike rid ing ~. ··11 111k~ tn!)Clt mutt. ltnlc. Mill 1ert1i111,m

., .:ind c.l\er itgJiUt E,-cn v.hcn )YN • good. )UU c:an't do4 Ind t\Cf)' timc."

Mul1lk1 ho 4-0mpelcd itt rontc).ls m Otetan. WW1h1na1on and tuil (nori1c comc.u wu in Nc.l1<tn. e.c aao Mul•IIC')' w~ a n1tmbc-r ot the J\nl Say Na Trid Team Ille tum did ~·• and p.'l.rudc\ in Mo,cow and unoundiRg tnwm Llbp111.y111g "Ju'* ltl)' no" 1--ihlrb. M1,1lllllcy', fa\Ofilc: Irie~, include n:>pc-,> nlftt ud h,m1 nothing Mulallc.y ofl'trcd M>mC' hu111or 10 1he i.purtofftatlattdb1Un1. "Wh)' can't b1(:,tlc> ,(Ind up for 1hrm-t.eht.l'r' Mul11llcy bk~- ""8ccn1N; ,hey l'A'O tircd Man)' d1f(crc.nt kinds uf bieycki. art ,1<vaih1hlc: fmoun l aln. OMX, lriah. 1c<un1be-n1 .•. )and mllft)' p11ee, to ride In Nmhld.ho

IJ 10# h,o-r ., 1trrii·~·,,onhy bi<')'rlt: l'ff14'rirn,:r tU ,Jr<,,r • tth Wlttter llmJC'n. tN1dJI hlllt '" 1t'ltlU1,'/t,11,1r ,,tit.

a Sculll"I • u,mg a IDOi on the tire 10 crearc a bal•ncc point I hard to "'l'lata you JUtl have to ,ce 11 10 fully undcr,tand).

• G.)'ro • coahln the lf'ian,ng of 1hc handlebar• wilb ou1 1110 brake bl•• bcin& ....,...i.


with out leaving lbc ground.

• Pep • Attached to the uk o( lbc bike. made to &land oa or C\'CR hold onto.

Emcnn1thcOI\Al:11~nfcllCI ,he Canllnal vwle)blll le.w m,ppcd l s«nlc Wc.1t Athletic (.'c,t1ft.ttt1CC m..iich to S<»•College11t,,,,,,0Ct lt.10 U. Hl-7, 11-J.5. J ·15. M.aJ.i.,,afr..lJ 12 kiJb fot NIC Mid Jolt:nc Cbn.UOfll,<r hid 11 ldll1 and 16 dls~JCMllc,Wall,cudd<d 19 d1&•· NIC C1ltnt Alh'C Oct. 22 u.1 de(t':llt 1.bc CoUcJt or Ea.1ttm Uuih n five glUn<>, 15·9.S-IS. IS.9. IS.17.IS.

12. In the ?...s. hour m.attb. lht C...S.bod72 klll1U>CEU',62. Oct 23, NIC plA)<d I""' U> O.x.e: Coll¢Jf? IO!iina in fl\·c 111.ina. Thc.Rebcl'lv.Oll l0- 1.S. I.S. 10. 14-16. l}-9. IS.I?

"'M"f'l1unu~· kl r.1n1dpatc Jn Jncoonk'J k1 rriri-•1 Sl.:tiv.c.v.u• .J9 l>ct;l'fN N,'flh. ~ihw Muunhtin, Mt sp.•2uc. Bia Sky. Brid~ Uowl. 1111J IO lUfl 11 off, olf.ea.ili MC' 1\1.mtllnl tn UI C' Amp Jo\lo I\ fl) J.21:\k>lllluh:, \\'), .,.g_ f.rii; O'lh1C"11. ~k:CJlft'•IJcnu,l 1ht <:lvb. u,J n,oocy 11 ;i 1"11tt0t 1A1d11111: i.:l1.1h. lllt'cl11b,r-1n~ ,, , lo1'cl· 1ohdp,uldcnt1wuhd,cco,1,1 £11 IJlf"l. ·WrttM.,...:1m a "-nt':~ Pl :,.ho,,, ltlt' 11,ytas·old boy rao up tb.c hill tu tu, 111111..htr llbJ Mllhcr ,,111-.,: In rbt Jtcp ··tr.uc11.1,,,.,,,dl1t"~n::,11n,NJ ·ni., ~-..n.m lnll~c,I trr Voll ~-n M the c:rccL •nd Lhcrt

,eu1, •r1111enn1 the fore"•I all 11round '" - ::' Hete •tam 1b" • bunung ~sa: qr my - 1,11111) fhc Huie "--" bo), W"hn wou1d '-"""ron puw up h,11t ul') to he my Jad. \1111 ln,i)14 hij fo~ deer 'w,11. • dean lill My ,tandnui, M lhc Odlt'f' hal,J, U)'\ lhM Wtwi( WA, 1ct1 of 1h11 po1.1r ..oirn111 cou ld be <iqu«Ud tn11, • wJ.a ~afl As hunling \CatOO i, mw upon 11\. l am hrctught tt11d. w rn)' lir,t hutUlaJ. um. tiper1n11¢t rm wl"t': m.iny I){ )'OU Lao~ tho quiet ft'JU !lfd df1th nnkmtnt )«J kit the fir'IIIIMIC youthf(WOfl )'0111 h,,1t111:1-(lfl'(lf:e: \e11. 101 in tbe 11111:-k 'kilh your d•d (or mom fo, U'lfflt uf )'001 ~.J l(llf I~ hill,. Wcll. tat m~. •c rn,y mnm. dtl111nd m;-,clf) hiidrd oorgum, U'IUJ our 1unltft, an earl) '8~ bo:11-,)f•a-cat. ahd ,•,t':111 for M ell h.11.111 DC.v l.incofn. Mttnt Amvla• •• 1111r pl111111td l11o.:1i1IW' t,ttore lhc v.ut nM, W'CI I ltl die Cat •nit dr,utk hol d1tM."Ul.itc- I fi~t,11:d J,·, ,olJ ttt UM'J IO ltti, Atkf •00U1 JO m1nu1cs.. our bom w• •'lfl L.oc'lkitlJt t.:k .il the ,.ar onl) to .tott htn\• pilllu l II 1®1.«I, I htllrtl 1n rc:11h1C h11w \\·1'11iCb1ul1>fa1tunga1rr.1lly\\11.1,., rniJJ1rir 1.,, in lhtC't·lt)C\11 \flffll, ~,.·, ~o ti.I, in 1hc bcf1nntn)! \1)' 1un u, lilfl1 •nd I wa, t('a•ly w 11ft' "'' •rt)'lhlns 111;11

movt'd. Noihuitt d.d. Ahu 1hr (im boor. f became bur'Cd I rouod II ll'fldS1n:a: 10 woU: unck, ,m.nJI ctttt, diake them aDd kt lhc -,w (all li,hd)' on top o( m< , woufdn'1 do lh.u," my dad l, be-Ina the n.uch "'i'<f' rmMnnc rtphcd. '°Whill cl\C." i.i then: to (k)r Ch-er nc~l t..u and a lilllf. t did thl, cet"n1H1.n1l)' I don't rcmembc1 wt111 1 my purttlb 'A'l'f'C doliti, but I t~J to whlftC!. II tumc:d ou:11Ml IJIC J*l.l•nc I had~ wou1J IC'3d IOtl\)'Cffll,cJ,c,t,,.ddemUC1 WU wc.ll IQlhed. With lhtt:i: la)crt u( top, and two boUUIIU The problem \\111 1h111 •·hh 111 or m,· 1rtc ,haUni, 1 had b«on1e • rr«Lin.g, $0JIY meii I am no lt'lnacr embarrn11cd 10 tell people! 1h11t wtl inint: turnt":d in10 cryiraa. and m)' d.lld w,:u DOt. liappy. We li:Mlly ,1oppcd aniJ lh a ftrc. J'.rong with ffl)' hot t'h\K'Ollilf, t WH tCf\'ed a hahhy portion of wld ,·ou "°•' H I dried of(, tnd my complained of bnw ,..e 'A'ctt ,ontia mm 1hc b.g (lf)C'" all btcaulit' c,( me.. Afkr- an hour, I couJd rma1t)' (ttl ftl)' limb;. well c~&h io ffiO\'t on Upon ltaving cht 11~. we "'•llC"d up rhe hl ll 100 )'llli\ •nd ciu,:1oal fresh d\ trnCU. in the tnnw, It wu wnuen: the. ink lul(I dncd, I hid comrmucd the uhh1W1&c :on My dad a,,·e: up oo hunbn5, and we -..·1JkcJ b.:lc.k to car. I h.t ~, u, 1he blg <lftc. On my fint hunling trip. I to obroy a.LI rule, lllLd ~·n by- tht' guy "'ho know\ whaf, 1oing (1ft in tn)' en,~. m)' d*1. But 1nM.I 1111ponudy, I g,ot my fin.I

Page 7 The N IC Senllnel Sports Thursday, Oct. 28, 1999 Auto colllslon repair student Hato Mulalloy pYlls otl • 1ml1h decade on ~I• BMX bl~o II the Coe<Jr d'Alene S"*te Par~. Mulaney 11 a rr..l':~~
Jlfubbl'Mlllt'l'Tamml Htte, right, seUs equipment during IM Snow·Rldffl Club s~I swap In the Edmlnslef SUB. Club ready for snow CM II llllr dllclmllll Rl .,. 1111 Nlrtllllllll b) J<'rT)' M•ntc-r &-111111,I R,r,•rtrr The air,, ticwmmg; on,r the k.a,'f;. IIR' \l.itiin,: In f•II h mil) he lall. blH ,r, umc to \C1t111hh1k1n111baut the mt.Kh anhclpiitc:d t.lo IIC,a\4111, v,·hl"h h nipidly 11ppn.,,1dun1 111c \1111',I, A:i~k-1' C'hlb t, f1,11J .~ v.'Ofk lr)'int 1,, t,ll'n mC'lt'll") lnr 1hr •~• trip,, lft.l, Wlnkf- Jtia\>ln« Jwi,dttd, o1 mc.111btn, 1hl: nt'" sm~ RidrA t'l,lh 1.\ NIC"t tru,,.I poput.u l'lfJ[Onl/.lOC.lll. S11idrnhv.hoJ01ndic.;li,hh,\."(" 11,c-
The first hunt: it's a tradition•1.---ht~o1.• r,o, 1bk," O'Hr~n iaid. fohdpl.cC"pdl('pt«,•f \k1int 11ml Wk\'~~1;1nfotJ! d11WJ1 IO mrmhn-1 Ui,e ,1uh 1111nui1J ,l.i \Wlllf" 11& Nil.' 'A4"\ hdd mtht-\l/ltr)..;1 I(, 11,Mntt 1h11111'f)npiccnaf ,t.l ~l•~rc •~•ll.Jblc. Skl.\ 111-S n\O\lnUlin J:tlll 11,,ett :i.l..c, "\';ail~lf 10 1,1Un1, 1\c i h1h bdJ" rn.fllc. ro, a chance If) ·m ll ~ll ,·ac:.atle1n. witkb fncluJiei lo!.lgmg, and frtt ~I A11oth1'1 fm'M.1 -ntl"'r for ll'le dub w.111 he a ,htrwtn,: nf lhit •ki PIM1~ "'Thie Realm N11, 7 •t NIC, !"hi, l,1\.t \u 41,(aw,f'I of the ~Cl\l llf)'. O'bt1..::n •ni, ochc1' Cllt,<1 1, ftom Utt"' .RJdcr,, Club uric C\'Cl'1"lWIC to Ctlrl'JlC' fM.11:IO•lffl'O We tu'-' ,..IU\4 ld pro, idc 1J1,.:111.1ntrJ \lt.ilt1i fo( ,rudrtttl. .uld Ill 1hr ...,i,c 1imc,i1·i: f't't)OOr 0-n or'f'ICJl'tUnll)' 111 h,1,"1" ll frt•lt 11mr ulf can~,u,;· O'IJricll ,.uJ.
~t'····.· ...... '"" l
1ha1 one d.'t)'.
&lt":t ,o llUI" nf how I '°' Ml I""" roy llllia,
an cll. from )00 ,an1.., and IJtuc h 1n 1hc c.ut,y m)~lr Ain'1 Ameni:11 J,:l'lnd?
ht.1:nllllg 1otory-- Mc I c.111 IVrl.\l tinJ
my kwb wlll

For the Love of art

Art worthy of a president

Th• Sll,·cr !leach Cnllery's nrst show su<-«SS b)


tr-111\Jt) ;t•it'f)' tic>•t.11)' lhr.,..llllt'll'r ~,rd.,lh~

~1 dek:ni;:c:. ~Pfto~i«nt', Choice Show- in 1~

&!nun,ttt Urucia Buddt.11 The w,,m,c an ~ll~ll\",Lf1iC'()'Oi"l)lf'h'OIIIOflfl!'IIIUl'ljl:IO

v.<1t«ool«-and rope: Co t A.\\'4'0f~.

• Tbc W•'A· t,ptnctl tn tht Sd\"Cf &..:h

IRev i ew Oalltl')' nn Ck.'l 1J and run, thn>ugh

---Nu\$. An m the l 'rnon \upmNlt XMmrn Hc,b(n WOftC'd nn lix111tn,i .tntl di,pl11,yln; the pl~, Vl'J Jhpby "'h 11.m,:J OYt Vrcll. bul lhtlt V.\'l'C ,me dualknget.,.

11(11'1 or"~Y The ptt't'c: "Unt11lc4"" b) s.,,umoft 80,n, 1.:0l\w.ual or .11 ~rat1r,t ttotointn,: ol "'P"' .:1nd \ltcnJ. lb IU\K"l.utt was Mlnio« 001•<1""'"' atnd 1hc w~y iidnlpod lo the nOOJ w~ more,lk,)-lns than bc.auuful Jt P"I! lbc fcc:Jnii of 1hc C.lfly 'tcek ~,-,111hnui;:h a 114&4' ","1l prnllcd on 1hedispl.l)'

hi tom~ 1hc mo;.t ~11.bt4K ptia;c wa, ()f twa htlJc

1Jrh pl•)'inJ .,,.,lh lbeir .wff'CIJ rahhib ta dlC' sn:,cn pius.

1k )h.Mling of "Sum1ntt Pm)'" b)· Mari Mine- Fi,-ln'II di~ the end of II W:mnltf d.a:y. fl gl\~ lbt lm~\joa 1tt.t the llule 1ut, tN) tic• metQ(IQ" t1f un older ,.v,run b.lck 10 Ille c-MC--(n:c d:ty1 ofh« chilJbOOd lllt CUw.11' and l6111,et. hclfl ~"Ii !hi: \ k ,cr I.II the •·1lftd ofthcllf1.ul

Artlat UIIS cllpplnga, a1p1 to create art b) Jtnn) Sdnaldlu:io $<nluar/ R,pnrtn Wl1hv 111rn1p,of4'"•)1,or andform. lhr p!lint1nJ1, flowed Ullo mbtl"l'pi«.e, ,r c:modc,n MnhlC')·'1. M1Jiov...'"A11Ll11\Llbic C'anup:,ptn


llol'Cn 11alJ. T.,..1, pkcc:, <A-cu:''°' d10 ·cas«I. one o( *hich 1, 41 IMt~ v., t.Ct\11.IIIJ'C lo;.)!ed 1n 01'1\'illl!II <,(JS. ln 11)98. lfflilktll M9'11MI Burle pi,;kcd• plt'l.T c~lk'd "'Column Tc,11.ltt,· by 0-)' The ('IC.:-0 ti I pboturnapb olac:olumn ,truetutt. but lhr 11rtut .tiJdal pil'>l\:y k.11t~ in ',1,'t:11.i, rolrJ( 10 a pori,nn ol Uu• achttwt1i< bl..d• .ind \loh,rc pl«~- The hrown,, l\hl!C\. pnb ud pmplCi \C'l lbt f*XC apat lo\'11h it\crw:h"C" view ol lhe munl.l.&or.

Tilt mc.n4 iruc-rc·~mg pie« ...,.._, &11 <Kl pa1non,; b lkd '"Ole PrMbytctLtn 01,ud1 In Sptt'it J 1ke b)' Ool'.!Wll A lillJy lh '411d l:tn,hh un>\c,:.ndJr;.t,..,;alo,\ j,nrl)'Che cllut\:h on II damp mad f\idJ)(\ ..ind cS.m ~llt-\\ ltl!e.1. lint dJc ,1~11h.a11hr bnrt.~chutth

l1H~-'lillll IIC"ll'<t1 put <1n • ,~.-. fInt !obi,"', 1111d Ibo Oallay inn""

One rla:~ \tud. nut fron1 the rN In 11 •,1hc,fbtt """

A man of many faces

NIC IIDhtln1 dH laner anly klDWI •ulck·chan1e artltt In Onltttl 1tat11 b)' hall Tu11Pff ,1,w olfl/ f)ftrrtr11mfftnt l-~ir111

A \ITI,,\II numbrr \'It rcos,k.11rt W.:.Ly ciiou.&fl W finJ .i rare. fwr-ltar clo\ct hklckn In ll grttn ckm:t~k·h. ~u·, ~ft w,i1,ytbi11 1hcpcoplcof

N<lf1h Id.ilia ate lucky1ob:wclhtonl) quic:1, d\,1.llCC Jru1t 1111'mh Anld1C:a tuddcn '"' lbt

h.llwt.>"' or °°'"'"II Hall

lf:t lrut Mkh.lcl Mc<i1HCIC')', lhc UghtU)i illh!ct()t (1 r Sdrultt AuJllnn.wn. Jii, .ii ruth)'.

E:...«rc i<.,.• q,111;l-ctu..i1gc..ir1,w. ,n luty, , ~1he only Ltiu'Wtl pmfrlf.tM.11

Sf.I Jli\l v.-ti;,1 it,• ~utd,-di:itt!'lt niu '

Accord.In,: co M~(jl\·cnry, • quick change aru'4 ,, ;1aac1ot"1Ro'hupl111, u ,.irirtyufch~trn in11


u,ually lbt :actc'lf only M, '°"'')to lhn:c 'SC'l."ffld.1. loc lV\hlti"IC and nu.k.(·Up d\aflfl'S. \ -kGh""c.'ne)

mu~1lllwl ehatli,:c hi\ Ulllt" cJ \·oici: and pcn.on,ibiy wttb uch eo!!Cumc chu:11,c.

V1,sn mtriJ h n1n..uintl) (luh.l....,tuflJt nJ.'" McChva.:y'illd

lh,faOicr.~'tnM --OJ\Cfl('>.lll;t\l.llly tte,-ek,pcJ v.hllc hf lhed •n v. m IQl)I\ llr\ (ALbn wn a C"h.i:lt1C"\-lhd;cru tthol.w-al'ld p,~ l«ture,. ,n ooUrlfci Mdlhclll'ft ralhrrquk.k ch.alt~ fo, 50)UI"\ rindwMtein-,hkndytn fi lm• (QI' Jq ybrL

He lll'IO '>ptnc cimr '-" &,opt qutcl:· cbnng1n1t AhhotJ&h q111d. cb.Angmg N.\ only bclcn " hoob)' for ~tcOhcney be: ,cc( n 1t1 mr,rc w~11111111 ronnori~''"""·" McClh·cney ~id.

One- of the. "'kt-'<hrli M..:Oivenc)'dc)e,1-..11J1 dpuitkln of' Dickai,' '"'Olhcr Twi~I " utlw-nK' Ml.Wik, of N,J,fte!yHTht:\l.ttchrcqulre, 1ft

c:osu,mr dtanae'I nnd he 1.1~

<n th<- tole or o1d 111Ct1, \lt11toc1J .ind dUldten ShllC>IOl.ll 111 8d t S.aloon"

1, a funny ...,.e\trm o..kc1ch dt11 Mk had wroc:e in J977. He pcrlc,m1rd 1hl,. piece l:t~r

,ummrr in '"lliir: Will R()fCT'\ Follitt'" p lay put or:i b) 1hc Cotur d"A lt~i.c Summer 1'htal.Ct. So~ of the (b:at-.1Cteh MdJn•cncy pl•)'• ,ue • Shmff, an lftdian 11nd, ol

c:ounc Ocll c. theownc, of1hc


ckpl~ (ull.1i;(" llnllj:~ of wllitcr.m..p,.1111dli(rlll.C'lf Motile)", Ju'et:11" of ltk' Art\.ikpl'l11n'l(nl m Spokllll('. h.u been pa.mun.r ror 16 )'t'.11•~ 11.nd ,.tio,,.in11 her lll1'rt. ~, 19&.' Mobl.e)· ,wdi..btlu,n cvcry~nt1htoan,. NO( onl) dlle\ J).lin,. bu1 ,\ht \.IW ,11,e lo\C\ Ji) wr'1tf)O(lr)' Mobl~·~IX'lllcttionfOJ thC' 0..11.>bc:r COO"' mn-.ll)' ln\'Oh'cd lbc. use of fflllP"I for

~11rf111..: k",lutr w,J ~1t.1rc.Shr~ \,111,11..1sc:ll1ytin~fmru 111.q1111!llh,lid1 a \ NIMK'll,•I (ia,gt'.lr,hi,.: 1r>l'tnnsl1fr111l1t"1 ramunp.

c,,,,. _,, /IOufS. w......,,.. /Onm.-4pm


P41JI.IUII,!~ 'iou~ r1ci.:.r, ,nduikJ l',ipyrm and ,u1,;rp.1n1 "'h1M: othtn i4o1ttc lu~..l v.11hct1lnrc,J ,nl. pr,d pri,oJ

1:-.:h r1um111~ "'~" unt14uc In ii own WJ1~c,entl1LJ11i:l1,..-,OO the Qlfk" 4:n"'1"111

Ch«.* out: 'MUt>.tlllbleCallcg,IIPh'I no, IO Sce/e)"e,M,// on dilp/lly uni~ tomooow Mttllt~u1.d1JU11 •hO\IUlth-!dir;t1l'l1t\ ill'('ftJlhl imJ~lth I 1.,111gl11 ll.-, e)~ S~ -err ,1f ~-1n1 ,(u.,11;inJ11Cht1,ul d1il.drrt1J10J.111,d\.. ,1 ay ot lht IYIJlr,. wc:rc (If r«.cn "l,c h.:111 httn (lf ,,h~<tl to \011,\foNt)Wnd M~leyt.akt\JICh.l.iJ brcn M,t tlJI, 11ft lhJt pi1i1,.:11lltw:rie1 ior1br b,t lll1r)un1M She 1.1MI h,1,l l"<'t'n -.Jd.: r..-11111-,0~·- pnt<'I! ot time ,nd nordc-11 1111 nmr UJ'I 1,1,llh ide(i.,i 111.1.l ~('~ po~~1hlt' tr.> J..1 wtult In lllC•I Sl'lo l«l."tt.Jrd. anJ Ilk: tolk.ciw)I\ 11-1, r11,~n hi

LurlUnJ •l lhr f!tett,, dv \ICWCffflil} thinl; lful b) ptaans u p.,;rnltnp ~·eiha I.hey Wt'•ulJ he 1)1\h,.h 1,le r•occt, (if. Jlj.'UV. f"l.1'.l)i" 'IN Y..,l.lT!llf In he put lntllC'ltpl.aioc

Amonth ful ol music

bJ Htra.m1:t•,• Sfflt11JtJRq(i,trt,, A

..t,,ko Yatrly ot mu.-alc\'tnl• for s.,-ot<t,e;o,........,b)'Tc,ry Jooa.lbf ~-Ja7,l"'Mnll.1nf-.i dom1«.aoJlhc-Tho"il'S,·~Rond""l-"'111c

G.athclingoftht Bmld'll 'Oan W$-OII No~ 12 Ol nor 01 1bc '}"""""'"' b oohlll ha111lu, "bif c:ttnl 1¥1th Z80 tiJbth padcn fiolll mMtdk tcbt11,ls dltOClfbriul North ldllln.. The prosrom•·III from die W11J WM IDd ~,o ...,..,. G<nt,t M,dico' rlddll Iha "Mi,,,.""1 ShloJifOnNuy 11 NICJ,a-lDCIJatt Cornpmy v.·1lli~·" II 7;'.\0

r ia II w.,Ubcltlc', olJULwhhdat 1YD& at111 Jdm LaP'llo. lhe ,1,ioo iMtnldlar ad .xiadaa.twoftbtjaU-tbaif

'lbc•·~-.... 7}--lhc

JUI lw,J i11,cz:.111k"tnpcnr)' bladCllirfflhkS)'1~k ~fll.a)'1',a•kk"WW't)'CtlltlQP

ran~-, from dawcal M-fln.lra pop tunes Ilic l llbU J 1f1ttt:I\CCtl bce'WC'Cll • pl.t bafld ud a ')'~ NQd 11 lhC' Clleemtiit IUr Pd the 11mrunirl'll1 'fix )11"1 tllllld ha fc-'IW1' 1111H~.abi:xd:O.,andthr1~n.,..1111(NCMJ

Thls pholo lflustr-oUon t howt t ome of the many ch1rac1ers thal Mich ael McGlveoey portray s in an adaptation ol Charles Di ckens Oliver Twis t Th e sketch r equ i re• aeveral qulck•changH \ l~<ih--cney .iJ hr \wdlCJ ,rum "'lht ff'l,..._,tt Hti, 1111~,, a"l.11,.,_, upbckl the family 1rad1uon ftlm1eU fot 40 yc•ri- \ )t".IU' llOO a hall aft(:r

Dunns 1hC>C ¢r1c-he.s. M i:Gi.vr ney h 1\ muh 1 t lc c'Ot t and cr11r,u1ec:•. Th~ tel• thar ht ...,.()fl,. w1th11c lln lr11nd u!>l.ially lhn:c-,ldcJ So11,c 11 m(',

will JO 1hf01J5ti ltnt) dOc.n, or hrhtnJ b:i u eh to du a cu.w~ '-bart,:e. AlthnuJlh tu1t. d ,c1rnt'I '-1..'t"m 11kt" 1~m.11n ,ft(Jw,. McGi\'<flCy 1111td IJw he dc:prn,"h on tbr l)c lp o l t totov pe(lple h:,c:lr;u:ai;c. M1:Gh·cnir)'

1Df.'ludn llll mstrul'llrnlJ: escq,e for Mnnt ,nwvmc11bt. """' """"" ""' l)mpbocuc ""',.,, lz:Mlk-:IOf unJdu0..1nl (of Ii )UR. JoabOG.PY' M arudcab ad 1rtt1t111mol,,cd ""11h diidr liker. ..ndJalrkn. -rhty arc .it harJ tit. orl ,fta. hm. dedlcalbJ pcork. """' Jtinc,r,rmni'if:Jlbe~, tnbcClllC'ft.alninJ anJ~ frw lbt auwt'Dl!e Ht wud 1blt be die llsr:tne:n al) tnJCI) lhrlftlC'J\on -.i 1h11: rm,n.._• 1um'KlftJlr.1 1hcm ,\II Cl'llli'cTTl 111( btld M Xhulcr Audattrium in Boil"\\tU lbll i\J:mlHiun 11 ftcie,

Page9 C: -::::, -= The NIC Senllnel N11 1meg I!!. extretn<.'ly : poasonou, Ir ! injected intra,enous ly. Thursday, Oct. 28. 1999 i:S A r t s an d E nt e rt a nm e n t
ft!Cllt.,.._. S usie R.-ord ~2. Athol, 8dmlres a painting by artist Kinn Mobley. Tommy Gravereon, 21, exe mloe-1 lhe 1982 GrandvlHe w1tercok>r Hayden Lake by s:r:,:::~ Gates. The pleco Wlll a part o l lho " P reslden1 '1 ChOlce Show," whic h NM th rough Nov 5 A jig saw puzzl e of art
VJ11dU11.1lnJ lrom h1irh 11iehwl n c_.1,1(,m,.1. MicJ1MI tA.1~ Ii) )"(' .,.t-ld ,111Jtt111I;- 1<1k• Jlf\'"-'"l""' 1quk:'I. ctw.nrr h\l He ,Ptiis 1111"1C m ll i'll)'"''ua..l ~oo u.,,n, h1, quki.<him, t.,IC'u1i.. l.:U1wnt)' • llft 1ht hd Sutl".an \tw,.. " 1hc J,ihony C'.anon Shi11A .• ,cntJ the 1clc\.1 inn '()r( '"l..(;1t1,cd Plr• 11n,J fin:prn."14 WPmt.·tf "'hh \le.\~ M.intn M1du1rl
,,.1J chorcoara!'III) h key diuin, \, .inJ 1ho11 (!\ol'!t')One m u w h ,1\'( .~ CIIOfdUl.1UUf1 McC. h t-rity twpc,~ tn .,... , on h11 h<'.1"11) gu:u-dcd q1,1~L. \:h;1n,c '«'ftt, to ,114nr<1nr el't \.0 1bc 1niJ.i1 lon wUI c;, on He ,a,d th.11 11u be, 1.1 11li;k·d1An.~c: ar11,1 ,,IK': nu.1,t be very dbc1pl111i"J. han wi ll po\ltrt 11nd 1-,c, cm,tidrAI i=n1lllJ;h ln h M,'Gi,·' Yiid 1h111 hr '4'111 conttnu(' quack• dt.nJlt1B until hb a,ce &lc.t..-1. II~ ,.11J iii.a 111, llllld lri f'Nl ll) ll 22·)'*IIIJ V.UID.all v.tic:n lbc 11..-1«1~ 72-)ur,c,IJ 111,11n. ~k{hu:ncr rn..11yl,r 1,n,t11.j!c lf;tJn u1 M.utth fnt .t funJ·t1ll'IC"r \loilh 1hr ~nnh ldllho Yoo1h S)l'hr,hi,ny. 1.., plan, 11tt ,un JQ 1hr "'"""·
. .... .................

Redemption in the age of the gods

Sit' Th•ottr U.panm•nt pr<S<n ts

pl•) full or proph«ie,. Kre•k ~od<

h) MIK) ~ttm11lt. &'tm1t'I R~('<1t1~r G r(d. tl\)lholo& ~ .al•.&)"' 'lot'('tlh to p1a) .1 tole 111 h1~1,,ry ~h. S1uJcn11i,

h-.1\C lurn a!vu 1Jw= G1cd:: Ji.lth und

1h~ n11.n~- n 1u.1h 1hc "n:«"k people paft"rmcd n rtk tn lt.tt11 d1dr sa•.h

1hC' N,C l hc tu lkpmmcnf h

prt>i,tllUnJ "'O.:.d1r ui 111Coh111u " a i,la)

.1~1•11m1111ilti1allllv1ng1w.,1..c1,cral ptuphc,,;1c). lhu •ere ,pc, c:n 10 h1 t11 by tht

01ed. ruJ_,

In o rJtr 1(111'1.akc 1hc r l •y fn1m 1hr ( h

\l)C't'llnt:nlt •St' «~M: 1 t o 11ndc)~1.tnd

~;1.1n Olm:1C1t Jue- J .t1:,)b)' 1uol piut 1w..-, ci1hn M:tl J'WI IOform 1hn <me- 'f'hr r llly " 1hc

aa;unJ ,n • 1lu~-pan J.tnH..

The fif"l play 1n1rod1u.-t, Amnn n..mcJ Ckd1p1u. pl:.~J b)' Joouh Wo tun

,~t..augh:1nr W1IJ",. Ocdlp111 h,ai.l 11t\i('r.i.l prorhttic, '190k.c't1 (IVU him 11,1 a )OUAJ llgt

1nc m~, propt,ccy 1i.1 one iJ.t; he wuukl

1 111 hh 1.\lll,e:t lfWT)' bl tltnthtl 11nd hi"(' d1tldtcn¥,'llhhl'r

The \CC1Jfld IN:C In lht pf11)" connnuc, the

,tilt) tlf CkJipu, w bq b nar 10 l.ltAtb The ~rtd r rop,116:) ,pokcn C,1\--Ct hitn a.i,~d 1h11c

v.b(u"~ he dir1., pt.cit' will a! w,1y, be u,

1h 1 l, nd Pl,.fflul tl)('tl rrom l'hc:bes kiJ 111p

<kJ lplb• d.M1gf11~ sn llupn 1hat. he wdl 10 1hc1 LlnJ 11nd U.c. 'hilr the 1('-AJ...-n

,I( Athrn, duc,-(1) 11\in,t dicy '".11n 10 li«r

Cxd1pu, iJ110\\1\ fAlw,"trful t'molkict.,.tmC"I.C'mphf~I (mm

C'\~ "1Clt 11.,t lhq play ool Ille pwu Cl(

uugphnJ people OghttnJ torpea..'t'. AroorciSC.d'AU\'C'fgOC, l lff•II) Jill Umholdl 'L>~ [kMi'l(lCI. l.ui.c-S WAf~r OoruiJJ Plllompo. Octtk K Mc.lhler w,d Attll1p CattloOO 1nak »J'I the! clll\l of the r b) A 9-natJJlbc.rcihon.l, imd three fllffit' nul btpl I) A tuwd-v. (Wt.lng Clllll cn"lft'" 1ht pl.1y10 be: .11 ''°"OIi- fbe pl.a) Ol!C'I~ 1ooi~1 a11d rut\" (kt. ?9 - '°· fltld N1w ,Ut In huk, Aud1ionum. All pcr(Oll'IMl)CC\ ~gin M p ru

H allowee n s ounds

to, ~'Of1tS aC upc:m..a..ural bcmfll i!nd I llod o ( Ill.rib\)· Thi\ ht dkl 11r1ih h-lix MtnJc.1'1..wlm'• A M~mtna Night't ()n!;1m Vtohn1 u,unl.Cd )'ll.l 1odre,Jm '*r"llh chem 81 1r 1ht)' ',\tfC falne,. Ahenuti11g IOUtlJ> ,,r u1urumcnL\ d"rlllcd the \, ~ K'tlliit (If a

I Review t.:~r~·:::=::!~r:,::::::~~·

thcirJtlk.c)' "'·~ i11e\·cryv.aylkmo11\1nned Sc,1, 'i n1'kr k J l httJIG" lh:r,,u,:h • .\ld)' v.lxtt l!i,·e uaa, gtOCNjUt.""Th11 • n-:. dooc 1hruugti mo\·cmcn, ii .i.nd .5 ol Hn.t(Jt Bctllfll'\ "S) 1nphon1e J~.tl4ut.."

The pi«c- m..,J,: m)· \k.111 twirch 1ad m) domi:ach k~ The ffll.l)k: l pcd 1hc wct1cnt'C' v1~u,1, i« M\fflC''6 o! • p1 lluc11'kl a.,m:ing down al'd hc.win11.1 bc:.S tull •·nh Jhc r tlltlin1 flf "Ul:I\Js nit lblh btll l~lcJ .ll!kl Che ,wnd, ()fhtU bnt't )'.,.t 'lne II llt*f lWtlCd, Mr 11n eye ti011led -.-tule lhb pi,xe pl.,ycJ_ The aud1tncc v.--a,; a1• \l.uml·-.lill. lkl"'-c<"I\ W •t 1m.J{l1BJUoa. ti>J 1hc: m11•1C. the •udicntt .,.11.., <nlhrallN lnh:rmR,io.t '''"' li,lCnc-r. a ~h.1*Y to n:nun tu 1caht) •nJ re-wc-1tbtirdry11Jg t)Q Olic "-u!Nn her tau~ttt w.1~ t.q11Ct't1n1 her bamlOtiP"Uly.tkll f1nre:ma1I mlltt:>.1nbcrd.1a D:.nltl f\lllock • \'l'fflid ttf!Mltlled pi.an1,t w1d11 h\l ttJ credelllin.ltv.',1'linctoil~l(lrb)"'l\hthcc,1'1.;bc:\lra.

Spokane Symphony surprises

S pokan• Symph ony mnkes cl a.-..~lrol mu.sir exciting by J MOn l.U'4>c.t


The- \pi:1b1w- Symphnny pn-tmuc-d h1 !dultT Aud11tonum (xi 9 wub tbtql.lNt puuu.r Tcntn« \\-'il..cw1. A, the j'l("rfomt1111tt~t1Ut

I ~ \)'fflrhl)CI)' pl#)-cd rh "1111)'

The 1nu<1c \\,11 ow,ving. 111,(' 1ym1•l"1D)' <'flCIIC'll wtlh ,11 movin,: pt<".:c IUkt.l "O\~Uu.re10Q«1bc·, El(mnnl Or X4 h) Htdhtwch Tbc: •)'mphoQy pla) cd wuh uenic11,t.,u, l.'.ot'k'.CDUlltio«1 durill.J

I Review '~ =~;!~~o,:,~\.nd M,ugtu Wllh b1m. amtutk of' ,lilt a nJ rafccl1<>4l He !ttttn.:d 10 ti.-,·< i.u._;h ,1 g1CA1 n1o1.t«) or hls muUc pl:,>·1na w11bout any ,httl mu\it· Wil\,c"J11 ,aad Cooductor l\ M.:Coppi11 rl.a)'(J ''t'II uCf c.,tl, Olhff ple..'C' bypi~. h oil', 1houati lhc 1woh.nJ htcn p..-rlorrni1tg.1ogc1btr Cora,c,. \kCopriln ~' bttn quc,1 co,,Juctm f<'r tht- K11chcttcrlW11.1tr lOO Sympbon). the Sytiu:01ie SympbOtt), the Ccn1tn l Pt111.humonk of rie1J1n1 amJ the Ti,I;)*" iiJ Gunma ~)'mp hon,e.i.

W11ion plA)'cd 0~1, "Piano ConOc'nti m A Minar, Op. l e, Allerro molt\, ni,;llkt•tp,,, I\J•a•.., anJ Allcgrd ntadcr,.1n """"o c marcn1QoaPi.x:o piu 1ranJuill11·Tffllpo 1·· Y..llh lbc iym,,bony, The (N¥td JlilVc Wi hon 1wo :ii1anll1n,g ova:1Jn11, •nJ bcfon: ~•""'.I 1hc: •tar-c he rcdonncJ t\\O cncote piec.c, WilM1n lws pcrfotn,cJ wut1 1he PhH:iJ dphill Otd1c,tt lhC' At l•nlll S)mpt1ooy •nd 1bt Cle't'cbnd O,d1c,1,.. a11hc

Sn)dc-r ,1000 betwttn the ocd1c~111 and ti)(' pmno, kttplng lhc: l\\'O ··111on.1o&e·"'-"' m be s,1) '- In lunnony l\,.k,ck'< h,Ull.b pt..,ytully .._lJpped (l:\,Cr the J'll..u'M, kl/.)"\ 11,nJ hi t \.h-1ny~'lpl.a)'fufly~thcp.;moped11.h 1belMJd1cl'll.'C':""·~ ""'-.C'f"l •"'"l a one momimt "'het:1 ncubc:t theplo.ooor cin:bcMrn pl•>cd. dkncc filkl-1 lht •udnonum A TI'\l'IUlC could tu.,c bttn hcarJ '°'np:-ring acn~,.. lbc: nr,ur , Sn)vcr "'Id he h;i '11,;ihl.'d ye.ih h>h,a,vc PoUr,c.L rl.ay V.'flh lhc lltthe",lra, uql) d1,J hf ~m pkAKJ' au« lhc' J'C'ffl"l'lllllllCC', but d \br.:Jlna o\ imnn lt'(lf!'I tbc audicocc t,ho\\oj lhw tbc'f ,ttmtJ pb:11Cd &'I, \\CU \I •·tt wa\ 1 k.am1t11 e\ptntnct : 1bcy •re all Sc.arntnJ ~\S)('tio!ntoN, t,u1 thJ, (W)C I "'IIIIC't.l 1i,r IH ~c:1n Sn)·Jct w lJ 'tlic ,pint nr 1-t.llo"'ccn Jj,'tn :i fllnt,hliL" 1ru,ucl1.K11ti0 b) S1,)'drrmirJ cl-.: "1111..,n'\ko. •

!Quick Hits

Entertainme nt featured in SUB

f.Junt..a.irtmn11 '4111 he r,"lWid(d t.y Jim T1~t1 ttxby 11l nooo m the OrollW B•) <>A 1ht EJt111tu.1c. Stt.1Jcnt \!niun Bu11d111.g The: outdoor ""1',,e '1llc l..o\1 Bo), •IJ be )1\'A ttiniJht .at 1 p.:nL 1n 1b! Bl.1Ul(jcf Ptwu ltll.:..rtcJ-'~ 1hc nonhv.c,t i.'1.-imtrol F.d,naru.,cr Sfut.lml l 1n,nn 8"ilJ111,g. r"f"« popcorn, huk1op nnd Jnnl, 8nng )oa1r ro.11 anJ • b l.\nkc:1

Shakespeare c omes to th ea te r 'Tur To1mm1 of 1.btShttw wrll open 1111 lbc CU)' Pl"')bol.l"' F1 id.l) Now. S\lonh•tJ1l1rni:&hl 1117ptn Tbtpl.1) Nn.~ Nov. S-7-, l '414. 17·10. ""1'htTanuDf cif 1he Shtt\ll" h Sb:\k.,peatt', «,,rncd)· of lcwe alld ln1d11r1J. Adt1lh $ 10, \ttoor dti/eniJ~tt.1Jcnb ~. c.hll~ I l .anJ under St, 'Tharsdly, ~\l«nl\ $6.. Gl'OU"p ratt\o IU"C ,~jUJ.ibk t.67•1'.'23

IComing Attractions

• 0r1. • ·lt An Unwbk, c....,, p1o1 t M IPI Ntll& Ta Scale)" ewbtt b) k:tttn M<iMr) , lklt"'dl CIJmcr 041 1ery 10 LJll p.m. Wffl.dl y;. • 0ct. l6,No>.$

An intllc UnrOII pn:w11C11 WJ'bc PrftidC'lll '1 l"htNcr Soow· e"<bab i1. 'fhc, Sil vn -b Galin). 6:30 Lffl -8 p.m Moaday Tllunday. 6:J.O un..-l p &n FrllMn

• Oct. Jl..!O, No,.•~ NIC l'llhltr o.i,.ru.. pretcet1 '°Ofdipu1 II Colomn,."' Sch"Jff Aorlllmum.7JOpon Adw&:f U. sm,or crtbcni1, $). _,, 769,nJo

• Noo.$-7, • 7.,IO n.i...c11>1'1a)pmaau .,. ,. °' lbe siw... .·1.auC'11y , ..., Ganim. lwlult,Sto,.....,. .....__,, ... cloilrllto ll lllld -16. 1a1.....,.,. 667 , 1:lll

N 1-0....10 Ccnmin r th1t,;i1 by UIIT)' l'lvlr 0•11• ,y wall I p ,._

Nov 10 Clp<nu,1 '°"""""'

4-6 p.m NO\'. t n . Nt,...u


'"t:iathcna1 <ir 1he Bllftd, Ck,e1 w~·· Schula

Audoo,1um 7·30p m

Friday "-"""""' 769 mo

• No,,, IJ

Jar, Co. ud NIC' Jou

E..-,Sdoukr A..iitorium7..l0p.m."cooccn.769,77IO.

• 0oc...s NIC Sy,ap1,ooy-. .. c..i-...

,.._ "Souedo or

Warhl," 5dwla Auditorimn Sllwda)' no ,... 1111d _,2pAMulhS7, --u..i SJNIC'-.

IOd ,_.., C... 769- 7730

_;The:::::...:..:.N:.:1c-=Se:.::..:.n1:::,ne:::1 A r ts and Ente rtainme nt ______ _____ Thu rsday, Oct~
Kellen 8orbor, 16, perfom,• Maus " Op 3e No 22" ot the Hrwt lobby rocltal held In 8o1 well Hall, Before 111 aucUence of aboul 30 people, student, performed piano. harp and vocal p5ecu al lhe Oct 2 1 recllal. &neC,,Mtlrl• Jamu SCl>oepflln, • 12-yoarSpokane Symphony veteran warm, up his clarinet before the concen information tnbl• in th• Edminster Student Union on "snvcmber 3, 4, 17 o r 18 Inve st in yourself. l ~(LF.WI S C LARK • I 1" I ( 0 I. I. a C I C 111 fc,r inf<J.rm;irinn cod.a.v! 666,6707 ""''w.lcsc.cdu ·
Frnhmai, mullc mafor
81~·,ucn Fc\ln1&.I In 1JliC'd('f1n1 pk«. "'Shepherd'• Sona: Jo)hal. Thank ful Ftthufl 1&.ftu the Storm Alkgrcn o"' h) 8CIC1h9'·cri the "'tm1,ht·11,)' opeftCJ 1u • t~1ct tc.JnJ)O. The uJ knce \1A\'C' 1bc \)lnphnO) o.nulhu u.a.t1tUnt U\·11,1iun I Schweitzer! _ °""_ Tho cut of "'Oedi9u1 •I ColOI\UI rohearee • sce,ne from lhe play, Ht In the G_., age, which opens tonight.
Guest plMltt lddl me ta tllrl llnl concert b)~"' O.kboul S;t1.rmrl lkporw, S.,Un1b o4 Autum11 hllrd Sdudc-r Aud11anum ()cL IS&.\ the ~°'1h 1'4hu Colk~ S)mphon-Y On:he,llll playcJ fanl.1l\) 11aJ ,1,1pctn.111.1r•l 11.d1.kbt, c-1corni n3 tbt )Pf of Hall~-ccn A pol l,hcd Todd SnydC'r Ptl.• to tai:n, b"-CJIC'n


unlrJ dit chcnduh •nd flfe'(liltt all 1hc I~ fo, fa.;h ctk-muuy ch•~' PhN\XOP) m,h.:hinC', •c.11:" nlll lltl•unJ ,u 111..i1u.:Wfli h..S 11• ~ll! C Pl.It JI.II ti~ f',4flN\ 1• 1,1,c 1,IJ

"&:rsnl. rnai."tsl""'. P«tu old 11'1~1 hC' tinll mm lhc tntttll(hOn •ith ~1hefflnt\l ~"'•11)'.~,-l.hrn,m;~.Yli\ '*'"...,_1oofhh•JtC1:"1,dWlltbcy1R~ul

TIT,\NIC: BalLw plan, more <>pk,r,LK>o

Continued from page 1

S.ll\'.&~h. o.•trt~J 111l.1n1 th1n1t1 lt0111 clx •h•r in

M)OICI u 811.llard left The:) "'ere ;iht( 11, c:011,,.h"" 11

VtJJUlbt c:ot1n W 8•11..ud ll'Utll ~llinllllf hl tbr

f.h.it1 TllC' 0 '"'llll'C'"lt C'vun f'C\'c:rcd ttlll da:1,ion


lbJl.irJ ha\ 1"'11 .._.,., rrr1Jc:cb. Tbt rw.t o tn 1hc

MC'ffilfflfflnln Sa. In "'•kr Imm .anyw,hnt bd111«1t

q,00() Ill 20.000 fttl dc,:p, tl~fl" .arc ltkKI~\ \lJ

\ll1~ from tl'O.lod 100 8.C'

Ont 11>up h.b been fou~t i-.. M\ KO f......t

1111111 ,,,...n ur,:u hold, fn lht holi.l, 8.-iU•rJ fu1,1ud

Cl UBS: Evct)unc mvllcd tu :mend

Continued trom page 2

Al'ICf l"\nW"l llnd pi:i:11,; 1n\•Oht'd •llh ICJfflc.' pcark

co \h1 1 are tht Oru·nl .ad o tbet 1lurJ WuflJ' HIVl\lm~, b«>U~ lht J'ICtJrlt thC'f'C At( trllllll\tl)

11.1,!'J'I) C' (n If Ibey Mt' poc.11 ~h4 'lh11tl('J 11,111,1100

111111 pt." 1.1• w.ntc a t,r,.~I,; (ll'l 1hc •t.ehJCI,~ cnr,>·N ., .,.ttb 8111;· wd Jim llc.wlc),

•lbklh· dlr1:~lt11, Hie h ;ain iru.rcJlbl<t 111)'. Wr'II

ltml 1,.""'ll!lil pat1. lhnl ,hll ha\oc rc,,.idt,c h\1111 lhc .-me tht) ud 10 ton 1it1 llnl1lc lht Ht1a111t:. ,tw -~•lll

ul\J("1nc.1ll1 1he •urfacr nn 1.1111 he found An

unJtr,l,•lct~.ttltt 1:.111~.i "' will c..i id.I of

• .,,.,n\.,n,h,r. U«-.a11~orthc mmcnk ,ndic Ol.'Coo·, boni,m. dlC) ._,..,·1 c. IJ• v,uoJ

•tu~h 11U1t1 1h11 an> 1h1p, • uuld hl\'t ,i;unl. d1nut.1 be tmll'Nn1flcd ..,,.Wfl* II.II 1hc umc l""''"a. Id bm, th;il •1U •lkr 1-.:irttt hMOt)}' 61111.,J lllid


by Josh Montreuil and Chris Black



._,. 1fQl.ll.S ch,• LorJ tny ycnr OIi

Sinall U'J'I dl'!,c ilfl)'Olk' lll>,1!iC'rd duet mca"'P -1 1olid

Wt': IQ\-c Godard~~ Y.11111 )'OU k• ~p..-nmcr. lhr MIiie

dlll!J.,.Cdo. WtprvmN 11w,.11n'l~""nn.l. • Studnl1 Chtt1 Purter, 20. "'ho •!1rnd, 1W of ,br dubt, )• he lil.M C..mJ)lllo ('11,1,;.ide l'it-1..0W< of i11

f'()RUM: Fc,ninhb ,pc.ik '"''

Continued from page 2

Mill)' Woll\CtXICcnlJI "'~ a •'nl« d.-1n, r,mw;,11

Rc\·1,lutla1 •nd p.,~~ • tir.,I. 1i11oJ ~klft nf r«,n.aGltb." , cncvur.t~"'C yw, 10 h.&,\. ~"'., lbt'dtatw Ul )Wtlife.'" t.hetr,IJchc.'.ukrt.."C..

\1:_,. Wnll'!Mc,-:rJfl "»the~ chiJJ Ind fsna

rul in a family or ~,'(11. c;hc "'o 11 "'1001C t:dlt"'ltT oC

•wnffi',n,:hh :ind \iSiJ Jtc-h.m-,J IJlclA;S ""~imcn ,.c.'~ l.tbtkd •• c,,nly v,.or 1n,: in 1bc l11chc11, "wn.f h111M1111.wlandaaitlltp)OO.• mm.

A 1n1J,uuc of C':ilv.ot')· Ch11}'1Cl 81ble C,11Jtgr" 1u Ra,"dlkk tuucli)-. ('aid l'brk1' -1 bi, f.wd1 b ,,._lfldcJ on l;i.:L, • v.tll • "1r1n:ttMI a,,uranct" lk H1inl1 Outsu.111, ,tt,.,uJJ not be ahekJ to "J,eh~ 1n1u ,,1hr1 pcqib' 11XA 11111.1 n::sity can:J,out ft wth

~v.i.Ube~ J"""P'•f-ltt...-m,1r11®'lla

,~~~id\Mllbc:MN\.°hf\,r.'ffflhlfUffl. I

'"'The mnrr th.:il I'm c:h.:.llrt1t"t•1· NiJ.. "'lhto 1bt"

11'11.-r I t..i,etob1t~~ib.ffldf,nJc:u•ti..ll t!Ciin-. for-m)'IC'h.•

Q,.... o-i- -rol,, c1 •t•n ""' lc:.,J llll1""1'1< 11110 Nitti!: apiffll !Ir f«'m:m., IIOO 111'(1'1 lk}· l.itrr ,an

Y. ilJ• dii: R~'"'1111 Ann) anJ kitL That' ""'ffl" N>.IJ11l11ir:11 and Y.1•ncn k.Ukd

Bdot-c: lh:Cml ~\hr b...,whr, pct.lf'k', ·'l"l'th" fll'tl the flN c1mc 1 ~ncn lnl fl'lll'll,"I\ 11110 lxt.lllc mJ lltoJ'C'llbtMthcl-.'"

lkal"• ~luJcJ hn rm,c-1,1.11ion MIY'"J. • M.1) yooh:~ ftor.andh.appy in your l&tra lh.t\C'tio:-n ,1, rninc .o.lncty )uu:.l"'";i)', r,p, 111tj!N~'" Thr ron:,m lini\hal 'Wl'.ih t41JCWl-O fo, 1h: "~'



Ill 111111,rest•• I• ,,cemla1 mere

IMIVDII II"' HIIUctl •rec,ni'

WHIII VII llkl le 1nc... 11N11vt• 11 1111010 ,1,cu11l'

tr 'Mt• cumc to 1he k>bb) rJf 1hr S1u,lm1 Cnic:m

Rutldml( c,n 'lltund:a~. 'm· 1l ;u 9·lU :un

ind han· c:r..1fft•c \\'i1h LS Serucnr I~ff)· Cr.a~ (mm

Senator Cr:ug \\1ll C"1)11tl11c1 -~ 'fo\\n I lall

mcctmg ..lnd ,U1\WM' '11n"'l1on, lfflm Hl-to:50

-:a.m. m die l.akt· Coe...,,, tl".\ln1r Room of thl"

SL I\ Smd0111, and 1hc gc:mnl public an, welcome.

N.I.C. Snowride rs presents:


Senor Frouuv

Have extra time on your hands?

Need some extra $Cash$

There are now openings for lunch shifts, 3·5 shdts per week Monday · Friday lor 2·3 hourshiltsl II you're interested come in and see Bonnie. Monday · Fnday 10:30 a m. to 4 p.m

Thursday, Oct 28, 1999 l'"CIIA : Tc:dl,ng "'"1cr1h"11 30 )~ :ii,o Continued l rom page 1 Continued "lt'•t.1lt~J1• 1..a hi~ \.lijjk1)h do •di. tY.. I I '40UltJ lJ,.1 11 ~...-" I 'f,'0.l ld not lrllek 1hr ~' U t' 1m.-l~pc"1 (llflhc:p(<lplcl ,11tel'1Cd'l'11h• (~du1 u1J ht tft}n)I tr.avrl1111 cl10\1ns. anu,k I •••••••••••••••••• .,nJ ft\fnJ 11p nld llt' !l.lid h1, r11"~tc Dug&Joo The NIC Senlinel Page 11 A«c>!'JinJ to
I\ m\lL.h r.a•ter rkl'A 11 "'"'-' ·,,,hen he •wncJ. At tlwit 1111,c lhctll "''m: lllJC •n)'
~h.1. 4Nl;jun,
IU he~ Id
upo,.c:J '" 1hc ut-S The 8111.1 k Su 11 t hr point ,,f Ball•rJ', 11nl C"pcd1liC1n 11' 7~ R ('". Ptit1tn'I.",~ t-hlJ'1 travdrd fro111 Ld:11WW•II JC) Vi.WI lbc.' Pt~nwh, o( EJypl The.' bi.11w11, uf Uc 8111,.:.l. Sea bM nn '1\)'Ffi.
Any 12' One Item Pizzo Attvt.+·ou lt1111 Pizza $ «3ct G)G) ~~a©© H5 -1400 HOW- HH+oO HOW~-=1~~~E..~~:.,.r:1 ,-: tt".:.!.,~~J::...!::..'~": H0.00 OFF PI i z a Tt1L Rt:CULAR PR1ct o r ANY % " Couosus P1zZA .(i)~~®~,:~+.:t-=J~ :!1~0 Psych up for the snow season with this exciting extreme snow fllml Pregnant? 0 Birthright can help you. -free pr1tgnancy tests -commu11ity referralr -infant & maternity clothing 923 Sherman Ave. Coeur d'Alene 664-1390 1-800-550-4900 24 hour Hotline DISMAYED BY TIIE IAISAS BOARD OF EDUCATION'S SflllD ON EVOLUTION??
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senior Froggy's wants you!
Coeur d ' Alene 765-8522

River ofno Return

Students adventure down the Salmon River

"Men h,nc noo.u:J l'W) )'OUT W!lftt\. They' 'C' explored from end to end~ '-1111 die.)' h.a\'e AC"« telW'ftt'l.1 h01new1rJ h)' lhe way dtd dt'.Ceead."' kobeM O Bailey. 1939

Dvnns the early hou~ o( Oct l. a group of NIC

,tudcnlt led by OvtdOl'lr Punui11 m,tntctnr J:a:son

Luker, plied into l..,.o v.ui, aad Madl"d s.ou1b 10 Pinc

Bar far :t u.cclcnd advtmurc dov.n 1bt m1Jhl)'

Salm(WI. "lbe liver or no ri:lurn."' TIIC' raflcn \~'C'~

pc'O\ lded 'I.Cl <1.1IU and dty for die.It ride dllv. Q

Ille ltttigt\l (rte nQWlPS rwcr in lhc 10\\CT 48 lliltC'~

u, hlU oo dan111) MOit pcqpk on the 1rip hnd prior railing e&ptr1cocc, ho,...'t'Vff. • few were t'.Xptticnc,n, tbc rl\'cr tord,c l'i~t limc. A rim-tlmc-r 11.\lcd Outdoor

Punu1J.\ veteran Wtndc.,: Wcfflt'.r wtu,1 w~ in ,tore for them on tbh, raflina mp.

Smilll,g. Wct~r uJd. '"F,111. loh 01 filn!''

"'Tbe. weather w•s ab,olutdy beautiful," MclOdy Schoepp ~,d v.-ilh • btg grin Att0tdln310 wine nHtcrs. lhc wa1tr Wll1 cool and rc(re-sblna. ll perfc1,;t con1nul hJ 1hc hot a.un, but t('l c,,1hr.r, 1he wucr w1sJun rteeiutl cotd1-

Tbc ru!ten f11«d Cliw )-,I nap,dt (powerful 1rrcJ ulor wa\', bomn1 cddje,. dJutatrou, roe.kt; Md c:ort1.-<1.1cd pa!tugeo.)

4bc rapids 11, Snow Hole 1tAi.1 Cbina Bay "'ere great!"" nilUbtt Pelt. 21, majorlna io lo.w cnfon:cmcnt. Snow Hole and China Ray •ere cwo of dk latt:ei, rapldi 1.h? taJttn faced on tbclr rrlp, Tbe.y had huge rocl.1 .ind pov.,,crful w•vr,, maklna ,hem dangcrou1. to anuucun1. Some ex~ricnocd the: blti.etl)' cold Will.Cr when they wctt lhrt.1wn b)' • huge mpid into Snow Hole BclnJC d1Jmpc:ti O\rcr-wus kmd or !un 1,ughed pauct1ac, Ktl.rtn Ha.1iKQ , was uc,dcmo1b 1be bo;r1 \ltbcft f rcmernberC'd..di~nnctly hcnrina d1c 1u1dc say.

·Do noc ,o bct1Ca1h the bolt! '

"ll's noc c\·try day you fCC )'Ol,lr mom dJvc in10 rr«iitls co1d waJcr," Hall$tn's d:iuibtcr l.A=ah said.

''It was hila:riou!II"

Accordioa to Becky S1otcii. one or IIK best pnru uip w•s slee:plna uMerthc ,i.Dun the while sandy bcachci. Ourln1 lhc c"cniaa lhc u.mprn Kl up their ~ru, die. (nm\lClOfl I hot meal 11nd evcryo~ 10111,acd at'Ollod die!irc calinJ m.o..uh,nellow11 ond telling 11cories

For m:tny p«,ple the "'cckc.nd wus an c1Cape from tllr htccic lire on Cilmpus. came fot Lhrcc r~n·pac:kcd. sucst·frtt, CJCciLII\J day.,,." Holly HaA$oen taid. Shc> hcre:xp«t11lom \\Crc complc1cly (ulRllcJ

A, the nudcnb neared NIC'1 cr,npty parkina, Jot SuDday nl1lu, commcntC'd Oft whtt :a rtla:i1101 wett.C.'nd h h11d been lod bow be was 1hank:ful 10 have the privilege of uperkncfn& what fflet\l people can only drciun or DepcndinJ on lhe dcJtlJnd. Luker htads (c>ur nJ\ing trips e:IIC.h sptlna and f•Jl kmcMer. OM 11i·eck during the t11mmct. be orguniu, a lrit> wonh ot1e Social Scien~ credit. The au, ra(1Jna nip wm be held Aprit. Fo, lnfomuioon conlllia him •1 769,. 7809.

Page 12 The NIC Sentinel
CLOCKWISF ~l(OM TOI'·• Oldo O.llch<lv help1 maneuver I n,1t down the SIimon River. • A ro ll guided by Jed Sed l acek lead$' 1 peck ol students toward the Snow Hot. rapids on the SIimon Rivet. • Jeremy Cope anct Erin Alcorn pull one of the ,1111 out of the river at Ute take,out point. • Erfn Alcom packt up camp 11 Mathew Werner prepares to launch the kayak.
Thursday, Oct 28, 1999
Photography l,y Cody Slonim
"Being dumped over was kind of fun. I was underneath the boat when I remembered distinctly hearing the guide say, 'Do not go beneath the boat!'"
-Karen Hansen

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