The North Idaho College Sentinel [Vol 52 No 3, October 29, 1998]

Page 9

Trustee elections aroundcorner

fom1tt ICKhcr" lhal <'°'it,cWIII~ IOJICl'\'t': \cudtnf). I ,11untly bcl.i.c\t tl'i.t cm11mu1111y 1:c,llecc keeps itfftru1, an ""~'chlbl" omd anordabJc high qu•lh)

New instructor. New class. NIC welcomes Tai Chi S ports/Page 8

In ToJJ. ~t.11 Ill<' h,nun i, 1-pt,11~ttJ h)· CICJ'.lmt"" or Lhc: ftoi,c:~

Each~ n 1nHIINJ IU it\ot ll h1.~1--n11ruc cipmu>:g tlllltffln'II, fllllcJYocd h> '11,IQUOI\~ (mm d)e •ldarncc. -~ ulldnta~

Sf(. a a hlll,'l' llUCl In dla (OITUUUllfl)' !Ulll -.'OUld h~rohcpi11ot11 ~h.»btcnin\lll\nfv,lthAnm lhe G1Tt11 fc,t I l )'~.a.r11 He s;alJ ht- M."t'\~, 4\ a luan,1ri ~"'«'II die C•11.tcmtlM'lll."ll lrirdr

lid10IW1-1p,l f1f" ,hNm(, 11ni.l

'1.C'Olle fi:n•t1ci11I '\lpPon r~ au,-J"'J c:1~rk~ iUlc,11.Jmr


l-redni.:k\oc1 ,wi,d tic aho ¥>1,uld II~ le• be r,.n ut !I~

dt,;i,,a1, IOdn"lcJC'(hto 1.~·~mNt:t fll.a::. lncursih,,11 \\.m.1 a" v1tt dwi, C\Jf i..--.1 ~ht llll" hct'n • cr.-:hct fur four )'t.a,-i 1n Cocu, II Alnc -'khool

Obtriu ,:m and 16• MC \htAI\U~lrn;lrJlbt b,,i"I! .l1lh «ol(f .md ma,MJ 111eun She. wiJ u, dlt' p.hl the btwd l't"tth'al ut 11 rt1U'nt •ncn-.del' llntu,,J, lftftltht ti.,~· csJ i1:4<0,t111"'~uct<11 l.ac1lldt• ltlinGCt pwl\. Sht I.aid iJic l'lc'GN im;icann-.ctd UI udra~"Ql'\l; IQa'\'OITlm().f.llt ~1u&:n:1,· t'll't"lh. \\'«IOI! !Uhl ,lie 1, coeic.ttncJ •*• hmtr1 ~ll .,l1i.1IJ prn1'1dc .i qinluy at'll()(mK Jlfflt!:f".lfth .ird bllllt1Jl8 lur Jot,. 111 the ncu t·cn1ury She lolid ~h.u ftl4acn tu hcf b a

~.-\\'oo,J,a,d. hpuut l"QJkl rll)II bt l'T'.id:M:tJ for WlllfflrJI! · b:fott ... CJmJ:1,t.,c, f(lt rq,11U011 8 .11rc: R~hMd LcM11nch Jt, W \\ 81U Si,ar1. St.llm Ptmy un1I Joo.11..uttt. Lcfran,;;O .-, 1or~" ,c11I C',~atc and hill hit. QWft RC11,V"'-¥1tt M:hool ~1' ,in.. Kc~ he'd 115.t. 10 htlp 1t1: mllt'J&C prw, no ntu mllkmhlfl'L I .c:h~DOl u,d llh nwn h\l:th h ,~ ircl h.indln1 hw

'"~ lnl!n «ult) 11) "*"' lt,d t'\,Uqr w,u h:,,\c IM rnM111Kc if ii'• fu~d b) ,,Mc n1lbcr c,>11nl)', l.t"fira.1,'\!liJ Lrfn111d~ Mid hen.~ •·10! rconcllQC SILIJa'lc:, "'-lllh~111.:ttt1C')pw1c frumNIC lni.vmbt'11181RN1~"•~11idtd~~t<iflll Ute\~') ldl h; Uc,t, El>,., Au~ o, "fl. l\u,c,n lit• ~Jcx.1CJ P 1.-hdmw, Oldie OOllfl.l in J.vauar) N,ac,I\ uid he hc:llc\e'I to Pr-t,. \lld111.d Bu,tc,'• prq:1u111 •~ ht', nirwn,,ti,cadm,t It C.\.\fOlt)Arf\(\11\lmucdoo l'.1gc II

Administrators loo k to focus on big issues ~- •ldlltaree,b) f-:rlb DoJ11t1tan S.-,u,,.,/N.rr-l,t,r


from H11rvard Profr"or R"tlud Chaif al a

.\«('fifing to Ch.ut, 1,1u~ n1c:uipbor, ch.a t.r, 11-wn ,houlJ be foau.rd on, 0011hc hide 111wrn1fic.a1 kMJN Th.11 )c:11. 8w~ t..Ud he plJU 10 J1lni1> ()II' ,he --V.h..1Jc1 ia the pool" Btrrkt i, 11o' on .,ny, SIC" tui !'°"'• v.h11 fir c.alh th< ·m~11n plltn A("(ONillJ tu Blnr. Ihm I;, tllll I loc or ~p..;C' leh for the k'hool kl lltWrl 111 du: ~-ommr >"'"'" .,.i,d he hai,11'11 .un ~b11«1 (L11n cume ,1111 thr ca,nr1u 111 eu l• N""e111t,n fCII mcit>C 1nru1 He 11 ahu hving • eo1nml.utt kN.11; dcn'lo$:nphi~ 10 htlp1hc~,

Chinese Ac,vbats stun modest Schuler Auditorium crowd A&E/Page9

Liberty Horris. PhO Clrloon, Mia Fra:rlor tnd Oerok Mahle< ~Pl"' 10< lonlght 10f)enlng ot "Tortutt• ·

'Tartuffe' opens to night

---.... IIIISI.-U.117:80,1111--

h\ \nnlr \\'uocku S;n,iru/Rtp",t"'

P11h1oa VIilain)' l u,1 H)'p<>1.ri~,-

s1u111Jil> All of 1hr\e iue thttl\C'\

C'),,;llt'ltncJ m the 1hcias1:1 dcpanmcn,·\ ~,. w,11un Tflnlgh1 b npcnina n11h1 f~r 1hr 1t,11h Cfflb.11) t"OmrJ~ ··ranane··by Mol1crc. lhc h,m,h pla)'A'flJhc's .cnpt k1h, 1hc.: \IOt) Ol tl"C uf lh.C OUt:Jlia,I Cob ltlC'fl f:irtllllc.. Tartufft l~tl teli.&iOUI h)P')Cnle 'Aho ('.a\t", hi, WI) tn!O 1hr lru~, of Ot,:01,. 11 powr:tful •nd rich t,,..u,1t'11h Ahbougb e,<r)onr k'.c~ 1111!.I 1tiCJ1 to 1c1J Orgon 1h;r.1 tanull..:: l, a frauJ, °'""' ..,,.Ill tw,c OOlk" o.1 ,1 He k.t,·(111.e ,,,1 of hi f11mt1y 1ov..11Qh in ~1 rll'11'anuffc111Pl'k,hj\~~ The ,hn\tt, which wa, cthl tn m1dSt"pt,mhn. w1U katutt m.111~ u.dtttb ffld t\~'11.aflll;Ulr) rucnllhc.rm,~«:_,,,,2.

What's so dist inct about this woman?

Li fe/Page5 llllldl

ln'-tn,..:1« (.IWIJ JIJmgtr ...,.,11 pla) the lello.l rule' «d &he fllulhh Orgfll'I Hr "''ll he jomal by ~111Jtn11 Bill Cancr.i. u tht "illainotu fanufk lll'Wlili Rtnli111U..,, Otr,n', )'~I

v.11(' Elmirc; Ul'ICfh' Hlffl~ a, Or,un' •LI)' Ounl'IC, Ph1l Carl'lfia, •• 0rtm·• .a1rliblllou• "°" fl111nl\., M i1t Fr1t1tr :a, °'Jon '1 cmtitlOCIAI dough1t1 \l.uww. Dnck M~kf. "'B1rurt'i, k-rcl-heialtd '1tod11;1 C'k;iauc. a .lk'n 8.:1r(la, .-~ \f.1n11nnc·1 ki)al kl\cr, lhb WIii MUI~ lht' llhl llfflt CHI the ~hult, At.11,htt1t111n1 lblj;t for• fcv. of cbc ea11 mcJnbc(l.. Clntp;i.. R1naut0. I rn11n- anJ H.tnh b.1,c bcffl ..o=n la lfl.i.n) uf Ult ~t departmc1M 1 flXC'lll f""~ 141Ch ih 'ihc Or•pt• of Wnuh. · ·llccmo•)·n.ary."' • nic 0n,pe,. com.:·· • ...i ,tlflou, ,,tit.a.·h ,.llffulfc" 1• atir: mo,t-of1cn r,odi,c;cd C)f" \lul1c1c', c~,cnrd1n. ~l11llcrt'1 \11,odt, dc11I v.l1h cn1.111n a•pcch or .._,drl)' ,au.rbini uffcccinn, ur ,~cch th1u ~,c,a_l frcn,h proplr" ~hQm he rid1t:\1lcJ 111 h1t plo.y, objc..:1cd -11utntfc" i..!lifuc, rtlfJlbu~ b)~ln anJ ,c,wu K,pt(I\ <'f cht churtb and ..,._. Plliln.all) b11nneJ unul Mul1c1c 1~,oncd "' 41'\JJ)& t111 ,nn~ 'llr11h the tu,wdlJl.'.ctJ1cp1Ay.

ThcJttr Dim:tarTun R \lid. r,,iJuc.t1, Mkl dm:\:C~ •rrartu:fr.._- lk- 1"'-: i!Wll~ 11,,.1 the co,1u11'1c1. <>I du: pit,)' arr cb, l>l,.Cfll ch.Ill~. 'TARTIJFfE' COflllr1Uod on Page I 1


P.E.-.:dvallalllllllMll~ lf lNdlllf-

b) 0.t\'H'JoMS Srntt"rl Rqwutrr lmacrht •"lldn,: ,)c!Pe: down a d.ri: alley. SuJcknly. focih~P' &IT bt.ud 111 lhc d1,&a.11te You iap; Ifie) "peed u:p. 1\11 of~ '-Ud«u. yoo r«J • hand UIOlmd )i:iur mouth. robllin1 )(NJ 1hc: ri1h1 w ,"'re.iun for


SUI C.oepe. H Tartutte. precUces one ot hi• ctult1CIM'1 m11ny scams.

lfortr ...,,,uld l!l.c SIC to ht Mort 01 a r,c-~ 1.n 1ht tummunu) He wJ th.I: he bl t,,ccn mrcun, ,·.-tout Qlmpa.n} ~w•ncn • tbett I> Wv.·ay, 1U1 wopea doo,'' bet~ "'IJC' 11111 lht: cnmmllnl) tk \aiJ be i, lcd.attJ '1 .Ul'\'C)'I CIC> ,..,ba.1 \IC 1.u,1Jt1m Mt Joh11 alter Ibey fuu\h \Choe)! Tiu, •·1U hc.lp tbt ..,bc,ol tft • 'Ill.I), IIIMJ tlJClJ ~n,c,rJtulmpmw

Dr kn) Ott~ 'ti« Jl(t1.1<1cn1 (Of in1tru1.tJon a•~r Dutko • la1 uf thlnp :1hic~aJd bt accompt,,htd 1.11 the: fllllll'e. The bW w~rd lb.It 1hctt bt niotc nJJhc d.ahc• t,lfeffd &nJ mort 11pp!Jcd kfflllOIOSl nttln d;u~ olkrtd uld ttii, .,,.1U be ramble 11tt..t I.all (',« t.,UJ 1h11 fflltJlalK'JG 00 bot.II We ptooe and Wfflld v.~rc ph u \\d.l 111 a,U\r m,h1 car..1, to p1y tor 1u1uon. ScUbtr of 1he,c uc: tlo"cloptJ. hn.,.,.oc,, 1hc) ar, pot,>ibditaa IClflhctutUR, Oce ,•Jd th1t thne ~ltl '"ati\ol1.1&cl) bt more fmc:mc:t cla."4t.' tn 1llc 1p111:11 ,(:rn~,,c:r Alld hnpdull), r"en tnutt du1 cr11\111lmtn1 ~u,Nlcntt v.dl be' a11todio1 MCnutltfflt'ltt'f

1'o•· rw,1 lht midterm potnt m hil, lint •tl'f1c,tct 1, p,c,1Jc.n1. 8wb ulcl bt t, IQ\h1, n. H~ ul.d heh ,r') 11npre,.xd 1th 1~ \ludalu ud d.w,n 11.S blipct to tca..h • V."TlhnJ dtu t11 the- lu111tt Hr calb hut1..cll • '"'P..•111.twolJ ._.,.,l,."f11 •1 l•:1111'"' d wiid h" f.n1,llltr d1ln1 IO du ii l.ekh He: tw, beep \"hlllllj ,.nou, eta,~, and bitpt, It) be ill\ !led IIJ YJ\1.1 matt

IIU'lldaY, Oct. 28 1888
Chol=hcmn t N<ws Briefs J SporuCaleftdM A&EColcndar 10 Comict II • Sehtine NO R TH I DAHO Co
l'ooneen <'wididatcs await Nov. 3 ballot b~ , 1urtd Khia.llit, &n1111/Rf"p...,, F(rurtc~n l.!UUhdnh·, ,re fUtUUftJ for lrll~ltC "'"'· J)('l~1111,ru. A·D. rour QUI or thc 11 ~~1.ndldiuc.-. mbC' clCQal Mlbo,c \Qbdun!Wtht So.1'1..) Jalt'l'al tk\;1¥111 NI(" "'111 hold" pat,lic ((11N111 f~urilt,8 bcwd of lntMt:c.<i ol\d1al.uM. fn,m fW11.WI to It.JO'I hiJ11y
d 1,,,,1,*'fflrflt c.'mMltdatc.,
A .1rc:
SW Fmh. l""""- ~'htilll
llld 0..1r1d
Dtidl,'(' 011,r;r
he 'ltt.11
A.m-'ld SIC Oudgc L11J hi: h\t,t NJC, in\'ti\"t'fflttlt "'·1th t, N I Di 1..t'St~. lk .....S 1hr ro.1 nf NIIClll"'" M"llC J, Mua111,, phrnon~. JllfliQr ~OIJC'$0, pl.1},· I ¥.fC',ll ffllt ti\ L•il<-'fllll: R'.Nln;1blc li1\l am1 ttt'Und )'Cal' ol o.b:atbi .ind NIC' 1, ul10lo,,,u\.-.,J, 0.,. >aoJ. f'rcdrit"lt.r•ll I\ Coeur d' AIC'nc·, '-"01c \\-.11" Su~. Fl'Nrid,\tll\uhJ &he pmr (tQ."(mcir h1,,. ICt dc'\'Cl(,p mtltt -.:idcmic
ho,c An opportunity fut» PIIC·lllhmk
fOf po,.uwn Ooi.ljtt',
of Cimcral Cunlr"' Comp,m)·,
http. DI) you know 00',\· 1odcfcnd)'01.1n.tlf1ndab11iu.r.auon For ..audenu *ho 1~kc 'it'lr-dtftMt' d.a(1t1, thC' •M\lo't't h )'t:"Stll-dcftn~ I, a ,-ou:r-c- offrtal •~ • PE. d«1i'ic IUld I, hdd rtfl fl.lC'l41)' .1nd Thvnd.1) n•tittlh '11d• i, • bc:ti:lnn1n1 ~\< I du,, and • ,tcppi1111: "tone for more adnnccd dcr~ " in,.uuc:tOf Sain Nt.v,·ni,.n Q!J c hn bttn 1c0r.:.hm1 1hc clll'\ 111 NIC for ll '.o' 111tl ht., 'f'(nl tnAn)' ) wudysl'IJ me on of Kuns Fw. 1t1ch h .1 li:i.~w.: l.)J'C' {lf K"lf· ddctut The f~mc:nlil) ~)'le be: 1c«be, 1noM 1, called 'BAk:·unr -----------

ASNIC plans rolling

Draper appointed sena1or protemp, Event~ Board plans SUB ope ning

Jffln) ~hu1dhf4q_ Sn1ll1N"INtp,•tto;, f rt11bm"1a ~IWh)f't T.,, Lent, 81KIJ:!tt Burn, "rtd b!J.i Och,~,· ha,<" br(n ,v.orn 111,0 ,,m,c 11t1(1 S1\rh11m!lk

uld F\·1:t)lh111f • • Joi Ow.l,h..,h4ha~rmti)' 1u&ubir11Jrcpr-; "") T\ICIW) c,~ht -,IJl)nl: (rum etc f°OCW' J"Alm:~ luJh 1C:b11>1. ar- n11ulkil .1k1ri, •Jdi~ttkWt"ltuo11hC'iKllef h-

liltfe''C' M· rt"C illil' ff'WtJtlmml flW I.\ Ill.II Ii.- Ch"1)Ulll." 1 ll"i,:h titi;!Jn11, .UI! lift tliarv...,nlo~tn.oelll lr\1111 !'<i!C IW!d»"l'U\'Uti·,!1••ddkrrrch lhm111:J.'Ul.w 1lq-1111a.thncalo1p hlllldtk-1rh1 h,..._iw•ll~no ful lio.linJinc i11hc,ull,.~an.t,<1h'rt.ntk)·'ll,:t,1ltoC.C:

cn«ilk'd fvr 11 l°1N1h. ,.1 Jc'(IIIC"

1.,1:' ru:avkr h•.J he 'AOUIJ rc<t111111 c:nJ tiu.ll C'flnJllrnn1 It\' ,Ul)P'll' \\fNt'3fl!• 111,jv.11 lhc• fuc~ \\ nh 1.hc mmJ~,n Ofl !he c:urttt11 Jua.1 .-,1rnllmcrr1 1),tcu1 ""*''' to1.tic uoc-;h) abouc bo.,, b1rb 14.·hot.•I ,1uJ.a1h "'""'J '-'OJ~

Med, JtlouJ bk,uJ l.l U'<J. kif ~k -.11h mrJ.iu1 need.,. rnuhms Jrnm .cc11.l1;01.._ \l,lflC'.f) •nd

C,O(Cf Mirr, •nd p,.1•tcr, wc::,c "~•lllcn:d at,)umJ ump:1, 'AN'h btforc- 1hr ln'11111 I "onh"'..-~'

Cen4CI' t'.kL ltl tili•-IJ dn"t Tbt moM¢ dc1!lf:11

toKh •a, twltJ 111fnm1 0, lka,.14,cU H,111 hmti

IU.00-J top III t c" tb,in I ,, of l \10

C:I\UilkJ >IIJlknh don;,~.

I d1J,1'1 J,,n,te Nc.1'.1 ~.w~ I'm ~.ircJ nr

ncafh::, ta,d\llMl)'\ fotdc:,1.f\"1\ctod,tu..tlc, <iic\cu1I uudcah 'i-'J 1h.t) •srcc:l! ,...uh

\h-.dcn. iJUJ d,d1f1 don..~ ~..e1.1fC' 1ht\ lt.a,-c •

fr.;f(){llr'alln. ·

l~RC \•hJ lhC' -.ho:ilc donauon r•~c:,, 1\ 1d.1hH'I) psmln.1, 1111d 1.11kt', M nxwc th.m UJ.I

, ,tul,1) dnnutr hlm>d fJcr-au\( I t1m uarttl t1/ nudlt.,."'

-\/an,v \f,mf,n, gr11tral iludJcJ

hour lht am,~I MonJ dntu:hfltl bU"' I} "'tl

mmu1(1.. I ta\lo a lhr1 In lilt' l1twr,. 1ml i.l<\ 1..._l , donn1.t 1.1,ij L1\I l 11chfll'td. • 1ooi. 1111 11ior~ J 11.aJ cji,i !,•J kfort .md tt ..t.Jn I t.wn

~111U11nJ 11, Jor.ap,.'-J~~ An a~t'nlgc, r,.·n.ot1 ti.a.. IO 12 pml 11' Nvi.~

lhrU tiic.ty k1'iC'hd1n1 t)IJ !he 4ill(' r4 l1Q

1.a,tt. aft.l,ul 1 (1 'Aeth tn tnhlft' lh~· fl't.l

tell- tn•cn h1'1 n 1hc koJy Juun1

Christie ' Boss of the Year'

coworker of 14 years for award by l.11rls_q Roman Srm1rv/Rt'ror1",

K11hy (Itri lfr ~IUll't QUIit" "'""' \\h) tic "''At,

:, p,:,tl.llt!,0:1 lh

'1 1d"'•> •hu,11,:h ,lie m11,ct,1(M)J 1ht n,

"'~ti die 1,c:.,4 • lc:ucr bcwi alouJ .1bou1 ,1

"""'Oodtrful Ilk.I)'"' lh.ll mciuikJ • ,dc;n::hl.'(: kl it. "1!01

t:!:~!'rC::i;~rll11c', 1lrficc '11.aU Su11 11hcU),

Chti 14 ie •H\lMu "Kc. rrctidcn1 fClf 1n,11uc1ic,n

wa, 111•h1 IRl•II> ~ff ru.1J Wl1h tur~ tlf

h1f!Pit1t1.~ fill•l'IC bcr C)c,,. .ucc:cp1cd 11m 114·11J for

Be,., of hc \'l'At Tht' noml1»1iu11 14,u. "''l"lllC'!:1

b~ Lui.) Utin Chh,1i.('',

f1~1fhct, l1dr111 ~Ut\11 (' hc:t f'4lft \ht'-'1.1hc'~t-

Rt.Ji« l)rapu ""'lh d«kJ k'nall,r pruic:mp Thh'C' ~l\.4fllf'\ lli'C'~ ftflffllnilCC"d 111 ltecomc pro1e 1nr· l.<1:11. Lc,ltC' .\htanh .and Drape, /\, "<IWIOf pm1cmi,. 0npt"t aJtt~J tr, iute-nd c:.,cr:,· Intra C"luti C1.nuw:1t r11«1ing •rlte-1~ AS~tt~w,kftn•lld '-Ill u.kc: .~ pl:m~ (If \' l\'C pl'C:llldcnl II 1hc p..1,11u1n ,,. VIIC,ll<'d. Prt'\ Ben l1-cv.1o •Ill.I Vice Prf•i1len1 h11111n R11tu, o11trnJc..t 4JI ('tl,\UU1tmc:t1111I ulc:1) mmrn_,: 111hcrc: ,m,,1..,n, 11u1~11lc 111 '\,hoot bu1h1,o&• w.:n Ji.,,1 \cJ Sen Toowt TI1ete h.11 tiei.-11 .1 f'l'~""-11 lu fll\t\'tik ASNIC President 0111u1k ,m,;,,li11,r .art:.1, 111d ASNIC" tn11y look('d upon fur ,oml' hlllJJng. Rufo, ~id f l1' 11tt c•pcn1nr t>r lf1t' lh'"' Shh.lens t.'n1cm B1ulJu1,r h1 '11lllh the E\t'lst, Bwi.r.1 h.1, r,IMIMJ ,1 ,,._c,t •I ,it lu i..,kt,,.dc lM\ , J I ind~>. "'" l'tl:"ilkn1 ()I ~ulknt W'I\ •l~t. w,J 1'1,c Sl1B i, <0u1u11 alunr 1rn1 •l'kl I, fh.'..:irh t:l'lf'l'rl.-~ 011 tlw!oo,~Mle Uc ,,mJ mall pmMctti, ""'"'" ,~.111ni JI·"" 1111 '4111Ji>'lto'i,, i, RU'lut( 1 t,hc.,n- tk:I"') J~ 1,.1 M1llc'r ol die h'tnt A•iarJ .w tbry 1ft pl111uun1" mmlC·n1rhr 1n Nun:mbcr .a.nd ~oul.J 1ho lilr;t' Ill IICI ,11,1Jc:n\1 m,uc it1\PhCIJ 111 ~IC''- 'fl'"l't" act1, tuo b) h.::a,-u,, 11ulr11k' J'lllni,c-, •fu,r Ult fl.!IU'lh Uni.I.. \ '\rulkn1 Health SC'.n-11.'"" pf.-inmg ,1 fo<llf Jmc for Oirhlm111. anct I .-.Lmc fot AS,'IC' 1o hdp, \11f)c,, ,.,ir.l Lind"'Y M-.1 lhcri:- ~IC rt.1n11 to tn•rr,nc lbc Ml' N"l'blll Hc:IJ t\)' p.t.hn11 ltt lbe Dft'A v.,b(rc lhe hk.k-1.-n llQCC' "t•uJ ,111.1 ln,LII hn- ftC'o' N(' ·hi,,.

Five apply for tenure

Tenurad lnlll'UCtoPI granted academic freedom, can teacll as they wish b) Jfflllt Sd1uldllft'J '\",,rt;, N,·f'"rlf'r Tilt' Tt'1111re C,111011llk.c- h1a h,c """ 1prlaMu-. ,n lhc run111nr: Aflcr lt;h;hlfflJ fur th1ec )'l'ar 11 NIC lhrk 11ntn.1t.:1ou haH· • d\•n~c 111 io(.c:,1111c- 1uu.1r"l.l t•~iih,1'1\l'fflt"Cl"I M.11th UhUU.01 •h n~thar• l).:iv1" 41'1J J,1t1cl (tll\~I II "'" I n.,.""(' ifhUUltu1' D.a\lli J;.,,,cr. ma,hh, 1c,bn11lon lnurno!lf V11;wr C-i11i,.a ,lod :n1 ~:, 11u:::,t>l~I~~ TellN Clrddata 111111b tun(' ~11 • B.ubatafJ,.ll m.v}u1NrUL1ar ~~?r,~t'~:~n)~.i:! • Jo111r1 G!Mkn 1u.11tt 1t1.'111k1t1r and no~·. on 1ht'1t • D•\•Jl u\lt't.1C11"ll('"t1n-.tfll('tc,1 tw11h )C',1t, ,1u11hl> a V11.1u,0ilk.a, madlra¥ ~1mlndl' f1lftC'nun:,r:a111, AIIMll..tmb 11nrh~,tv .,tu1.."11.lf UohC.1.u\ Ict1utc C 1l mm 111,· c ctlll,, 111.d tc,"i,' 111 Je.1ancd 1c1 pt"lif:<'l-1 11htru.:1on Slllr11IIIW) h'ffl 1ri..11,11t '" ~1~1,00 VrllhflUl ,01111 t.htnuJII t P\'l(:C~~ <tf('\AhaitUI C'l.ut l;lld. murJct for l.lf1c: ult.hew- k'111,;htn 11,11,i: fil1.\l.1hm· ffll.t\l II Jll\1 i;,Ul,C Ill< h ,ll J IBJ llf kathlll,: \jlffl('lbl/il uncih'i:•I "1f the •lu1k.11.1 t'Jtn)llrn~nt lnr dial ,;I.,,.\ dn.•rr1n1t lo *'C<lll)'l.a:rll le-Bute (1mi.l1d.&C'\ ire t\'&lu111cJ b) 1hc 'WJ1.C' Pfc,1Jl'nl ,_.r 1n,11u..:tiC1n ..nd the mcnibet, 1>1 (he' \'.1"11m1tkC', CLufr. w1J H 1,11,J 1.u.Jtn1, "'"" J\I•> • t-11 p,n m ..k..-1dm1t ct.- nut~oriir 5W'l·C)'• .1rct,lLc:n h) tile \tudc:l'lt\ 111ordt:r 1nrcttf)r11 tnJ1Ul1lft bov. lhcy lttl 11 « c.andl&l...\t(o rerl'CW11h

A.Utt th~· (\·ah1,1fl()R~ a1t ,complete. the 1nfo,m111111n " h.1ndcd l1\'t"r III lht 11"(1n1 le) lhc bocirJ (tf tru,~ There lht lk,.;1\1un 1, 111.111~ 'II> hclht't 1J1 nnt Ilic: t.andiilii1c qu.alill<"". n ,11:1.kld C'llut.. ,.,J •hc,n dr1.1c:c,I intu the: com111ltttc:. tht 1n•ltut.1ur, hot\( •11 -.:..icknu, flcc:Jom ('n.1blln11 lh('m io.1 1C4d1 II\ lht} lllrlhh Th11 i10 or U!IIOC h unJcl tht a,,umplh~1 th.11 the 111,U'Ul.'.'for \A.Ill 101.Ji m J pwpcr i:d cMJ\'tl, ffl•IUln'. bt'"W11iJ rC'Ll1fl•'lt1,d• ~hnulJ bt- llddl\',~"J w, tbt Tt'n'-!!T' C.U.nni.i>« 11J1irc.1llc-i·t~,..,

Kou,y Christle and Lucy Hein halve worked IOQt!lhOt fOf 14 yea,s.

Hein oomlnatR herbo,s, Ctutstle, for lhe Bossol lhe Year" llVDtd. Chrirll• eccoplod lht award Ocl,

t Pago 2 The NIC S..1,nel ...l:2 Alfred Hitchcock = d idn 't have a belly 3 bu tton Campus News
to campus
fe Program allows high school students toget credit at high school, higher edUcatJon levels b,t HtTU \fonoq ~mml'l~c1,,Jttrr Lil.c t11,llt) 01h(1 juniou .111 C°llC'UJ 4 \lcM" HI h ,,hool 1>1rcv. \u(lt"-'lw. I, 'iC1 k> ot,\I ).:-.11 tnhM mt mr. hi: "'111 pWr from NIC ac 1he wmc 111111." be: .,...,,,.uo h111:1 h1tt1 fou°ll bt·uu 11111 ;!1':~~;;:;_~ ::;,/:,,~h~~~;!: I,(' lm11w1,,r~. ·· 41t"1•.b~ "1K" 1 ut.1mr -Katif'.1/ult~. lliRI• tchoul tt11f(Jr &.N/Crtutk"r ''I ftflUC' Wh) 11(',f ti lhl· c•pp<>lll,lnll\ ltlcrr,• Stc,phc1u
Dual-enrollers adjust
111 t!IC' ~,dloeil. lU'IJ rf th:~ 10111M ~l riul cil rl&<c 6b 1bc«llicrc 111.1111~-r • ~,:,!,ad)· nm knmu &hie he 1, tu,t k.l\d "1.1.Jcni." ial • ,11,1 J ~U,'t ~it fl( l:i:11111.atun.-.' t.:ikt ~.atk lie~.• C'n-i" ii \kne Ill b~ho11I mn,...,b,. hl.liU1J:l")'Lhnl11)') 11,1c hillr llvli14 lh I•,: M1J )W rt:ahlt' )!Ill bt,tt.c:1 let l;J.tU 111"'1 k.rm 101Dctt11n • l«.nc )"U tc raHn# r., "t<• 111;huul "'"" INBC driver ond l)'IUlfflJ operatOf' Mark Gelh'1U! enters Mlcheflo t(fsh'I dona< lnfon hlr•on Doug and allneot ~unteef1 wah their 1um. ,,
Nearly 2 perccni of \tudcnt\ donate in an nu al blood drive b}JanikCmcll. """"""'"'lt(]Jfltl(f f.Vt."I) Utrt.t" ('~MIJ\ ,uc11Wnt:
Just a little prick
don.hi~ l:\d)1ill) ,10.01111 unth (,f MooJ .a.rt u~J 1r1 lht lhuttJ. s, t~'1. Ind"' i...~1 \0' in th( C11n1r J ;\ktw: ,«'.t.. lk p;wrn1, Wllnht.\CJ 7:! uli.d., o1 hk-,.i. JNRC
Secretary nominates boss,
1.c,cmar) In 1bc: km·r role modd, ~rntoi .ilk) lhl' Jli(' 11Wo',1rJ ~UUldA'l """' CM](' al bC'Uc:r Url1C, U ir htu: ,aid U btou11-h, t111rr1neH hi her Ill
tkm1aitl lftlli uJd ,,, u.w. IIIC lttlc lll,11t11111al "" 1 I .._, Ill .---:::-i, •rJlOfllltl'II) ill f'U1 11111' n11n lhct f:t T111,Jc ht kfl tO\\.anJJ1nhn,\\1\( l.J ,c.i, "1lthhc'lf¥',-.l 1hc: 51c111c,1 hvt1t11, l\c r,:,rt',l·J Chu 11r ·7"/,/\ I\ mtt"ll/"tlt, ~d In hk\\f\111, l.!Tt'lllr1tlum,1t l\r ~;;\ ""1 1 ~~ ~=~>!I rrcrn ,tt. 1oupcrh t1\•ut11111 -A/JJ/11 l'h/Ulir, iln)'nnt could Q'M:ard wlm,rr ...Hnlh l11Jh•1 u1d 11'1~) lttl Mr ('11111 h.1,·(' 111._.,l,:J tvfctbef (fJji :w lonf, 1tfutA·1t111' hl~t.thcl Ull..ana {II\ dullr111•1•, ~11Jd dl,•\dt1p1ng lc.1111 ot'~ I\ lrklkM1tp llll\ ouly M felt bc:tY>ecn lht I••' I.JJ.1e, ('hr1111t a.a J t ilt' 1i.1rrc,n w,u n·.1111 iac:-•l. uh •n .aflt"I dtrtl of .1lh c1ud, ~nil Jan 0111r 111 11i.u1111h
·~ .... " ·-


New harp highlights symphony concert

ln,1ructor Gcranl Mathe, ic1, chance to pl•) ""'" compo,,uon by Am) ,\.ttdil ~,1-&,J.111rrt.Jm",nt1h/11,,,

Ee,cUcr1itn1 .,.,., h1th .1 , 1ht n.i•~kl,411, 111mc,I Pf' 1t,.ru 111urumcm, .-\ t,\111111 die 1uJ1lt '*it\ ll'ITIIDI~ of )IIUnf lldlltt• Ql'Cfly ••adlq: CbrtstaLti a:n1111 Thct,• d'lc ~btf(n lbr 'K'S) ) ()r(hnUAbloi<Oll(ffltl80..1.

prcauir:rc pt«t ,,....,._.•ho,,. &ho• lk c:irtllatt~ 11rillmpblnlt,o. He Jll~ • t.IAfldm, O't•hOII try' lbt otbn 11ltbc01lhvll&. I tu, t-tmf alw, fr,11ur1:, I U11e< ,ioln1, u tlft h•rpt k,11,1o11"ullc1, In)' l\illtf and('amllk t•ctl'f"M'lft lntl1l,'lilllll"Plh<"llllroJ\IIC11,,q11f tht colkp:'·• •• I )t'lft flalt turr h: w,111 ~'lbcnlal the dtt"tNt) or me- on.:hnln

n.,y addrd • ami.:b am.tcd C~ 9\1 Uw MW f(lfMII .,.,,, •• • •rlllJWllll', 1 lli• and lbr C'IGIUUII~ ol lhC' on::bnlra

Thtnc, hJ\( «°hnltd) d\i1t1,CN -

''*'' -.frltQ btt buol. ·n.c

lrwli.n'~llraWit.caa bx:ltal to 1,1k IC'\ ,.- p,ttl M'D ·, pan ol lhc NUll.lftl' bid arr~ rncrwd bpd M". illu)fl'k fttn uJ rro,,ht.iln..

r,'Of11rfld,ll1,11 '"'\'t1UJ,,,,n' 1 h1H'l1)hC° r.t.\jtJllftg.l)

bi:J11.111l ul lll •J"·,ld I fflf'IUIK' tu k 1l11t t.111,I (Ir \\1lfNln ~ho

hld.N tl1fll ,hb,hlt• ~·Ith 1,in,u,, - She u iJ l hl;- '«ffl '°

ktq,l.1lltt hti..,uninf • k,U.U,O,U,. •1wna.b)

fr«1ftf lhc to.f), ll"IIIUPI thr ~' and~ "hi..kkn

n.t b.d. hn. ,h.lpia drdii.'"111:d.., ,., )<'awaibf)


h.TI 1ctc;;,ln all lho-11. 6',1Jat 1t1tu ...ti.: Arf(lnN or f.!,fftttllll)('n()fl11.1h1JJUl•ll-OO

~1N.1;tl11, nC'n.:1~ m1,;hklc dt·n~k,,1111 lht l.a.:C1k: ~n..r

tty mt>h111111.l1lkttm 1abJCICtll on 1ht ~~111 ,.- ~UISN• u., 1ri1

• w1r. 1 kl'Atl II rl,ant .11 lt.11het tk"·C'. • uUuic

ct1o.lcrc,, a twor .-,~ odK1 lhidfl,-

c C-\ffl."Uf N DkicJ M C'lffi:iW - - C'licffK ol

~~·,..-..a DN:lc.llk' uipc fdrJd

c:lift&' I ll"lp II) the S)• 1kd.,d1H h M C'lffti~ duil caft

p,fl.Ymtd111)~ lhecs,,1Aw."hi.•-t

ta.:hcr l'.1.tJCIIC'I, 1n:liak caun, 111 N."fcrtamuwf'\'w

l•ll'l\1,.,,.,,,111,kll.l 11o11b)\JUl"l•lf'1Jut lff1tlwt 1..'1intit1dlt\\.•)'

.,. \('f1Li•J1h•1icoti- rul'-t>lu, ltt1!1in •II 11\fflhc hc,J:. hcfntt

~-1;a• mt11 a,kai, t,al. J~br,go1n.:-II aU 11\d 10~1

11. c:Dld\e.l "'\a f:l'C'IIUll ol lmpr~\.IUNUII • ·W1ni.ktth · ha,!1n UUIOl.'C"nl qu.1111) l~I tuaJc ti ~crn 11kt' ,1 rail) talc. •·1th 11111hr" l nJrcdlcah. 11n<Hl ,11·1in111thcr 11..:in,u an,• hn.a11) lriumph u,c, 01 1 "'Wa.ndcn11 · ~11 •nHrn b) n,u,, thf\ll') n1,lrlktoc, <~rarJ \l.a1bc Tk Ilka '-Kffll'.DC\I Imm a bt>ol k ttad n • dul4. ~•hiled '"Tlw ..:;-.aiu ol

8.aU) .nlk"' Ahn 1bc' on;llnl:r.1 ,Olllplc:IN 11,, •ortd

•h 1hc l\tp 1101nt of 1111." 1:,·cun,, 1hc u,11,<n •t JI •>11 tu ll".:ili1rc MUIII) .,,,.\,, h) ("l111,1J,: lkti,1n,·, "hq ~.c, \ff) lffllYl'l:lt.(d b) lhf htlpt("Umllntll IIIU\l'IUl'flt lktiun> •\ft! ,k l•m IO f'!l•IIII. ptCltart of llKIOd. anJ 1mpteui.)IU.. radltr 111.aa ,:1,e • ,l«r ,-<twt Ht ,u, ptoattt la lhu area cif CDVU(' ud kd Ote ••l lot odw" 1oro11.,-.

"'A.,Ulrn:a,C'_,~ Int'& • l)d,gu, laid 0...-c •t.aul. •, V"t 1br lUC'"lllcd 111 Ptlt'fl,(!Q 1tn 1bc fl•rr dunn,: lbn"" 'i.K 110d '·011M,< l'ruhn~"' l\-k1u,11111he '••tp 11,,11~1,1, ,411J • rt1n, ,rlc b111J'"1 fi>t 1h( Spiihp,,: 'ii)1npt, 1a ~un,n I I h •.up ,.u1Jrol\ Mi< St'Ol,1M ..-, "'' • \1,xi J'IC'"• 1b1 •c-rc clkMc ,;:omphlfttm C'IOlt .aaothtt Ea:~ r~ ~-••daal:IUDC'c.

1nugtut1oa c~J lmpn .,n fl('t1..'C'pooa wr h> tbo u1'21•1a114l a 1dl11111 tornC"on,: wr,hlll he houl ! lk! ti tin horn t!IC"l1" 1hc c\ ""'• h1.·~ut 11.11111.l I I ~1,~I ot !ht ,on1, •ttt ,It,• rw;~ ..J UIX\Clllftl, .\hha111&tl ltw C:\=«lf It \lt.l'llo Jo.:u.thr~"ntdtJ IMM llw ....,..lfwtdliitUllffNI 11Cm•n,1 M,,.IJ'COJ'lcQIDC'PIIII ,I)

Chinese ncrobauc troupe make, ,111p at NIC' for night of ja,1-tlr,,ppinr fem e., t-...a. r •..,..

_......,_ai........ h..._.._....,

.,.._ CT&ry ldl,lla.m ....S ,¢urJina 1-.t bey •••krdm'I'"

~~"' r ~~inhlthr IIClmYt 9111ab.'b."1..Jl)ID ~-.l11Ubffllhi.t<nn


~1..if St,t.111..:irm. Ell*'h To1~1'••.J\t. nl~11\I,..,,.-, J ahoti l~, 1i11,t h•1lh1,u1., !ht Jw..irJ•Jn\<oh~ 1n fm,m, k'l \ht' 111)1 u ,n•••) not,c•J) dte 1.wlJ ,'\ u11~k 11 h:,...:11..t Jue .,&:, 1.1..a-.. lt..J uo,,....iw,..J p:p.ull.'"ad be, 1h( tt,L.., lttft ~t,1.11(' ~K lo) dcpr,,,. your,etr ot • •'OCllktf,A ,n bf" Tbc cb;a."a o( ..., .......


...- i >lip.

Md&H.nn,,rm;:ublt .,,, •anc:n IR' m sratl'f ._., ,., todlr

~lt1dl.1111hc).:.rcm&lin1lonC' 1t«ah1CCJ\kl

•·1cl.l,1ndr11 Jr 1-:)\l'•

lht1t1\IU, ""'"nJ .1 l111lc J1frl'rti1l th~ 1i.i, h LIUJhl 1n

f('\ tJ.' II 11141\.1,"loa(''WOl'airt ,f •J°"(\('ft'\p:ncn,.-tl1111'1)'

of lfw '\;ali11t11ttn• tb,,at art' "\hith(" el '"Hlffl:\;t,abk-

l)on'l 'Wtt'I)' 11hu,.lwt10'IIC'lf •t•tg,•Olhfc

dwptt' 1111 '°Sc'• \\ 1uz l<,l \\ Qf"' I "CD lbiUp \he

lhi:ol, btal. ~1narc-pn• • wed af .a -

PW\ Mt a, 111ft die •tllUll lhQuld be~ dlM be pai,rt"• tlCf dlu, IOCIICtbrri, k!ldn "'lervbbin, la"' 0i~'•h.a.Jlc,11lbrRc-\cJt"\\Jff

!';he IIYll l'lh°' ll!'M \ICI "ht"°' hi ldl II '1•w.l ~d rro'pttl'"

U" t1 if11,11drn..n11 ,wni,;in .,.1 h hl\C)<''. 1h.1t '1,f"'l,J. A, ,.., a, l,u,na ,on. -1J be d.:,l\hen ht ~n·, 11,ffl~ bt..11 ,1 ht ""v1C\. tu, lllllfU< b!h 11ul al all hr ft Joiri11n t-r111 bnl"

Orp,,m OIIC' UIUII •«'II. bid OftC' VIO CIDlp mcMUtl Iha r~ r-.u,1'iflm tu lhl' "*"°'t

'"t>rp,.rn Youn.. Snt lh,"'and"'Otpwn- Hi"- ,oc


H<"1 •h1« 10 umt'l'I"~ lli;t'lfll<"" 1n,1 runmc,t11l..-d1

1uo1,,.,.111,·• ·"(,1,t w,nc d f1,n I,• k'.._1,ti11Jt 1,1 be .an expert


\\h;d • •l'J tol&a'l 1hlll •, ,n,,kJl~ 1-....llnflrutlwSnowf..,.,nluM.,.*-Z·knl ,-.lbrt_.,,,jflr. It""'- Tottqw:,a/ ,

Thit p,1,r of Hangzou Acrobats ptrlOfffll an act utled '" Bowts tn 0tlteren1 Postures'" In Sc.hua., Aud1tCKium ...,JW,1111.Jo.#wil11nw•..t,.-

C81t11111r l'I-CNlltel 1IIOOI IOI' Tlltater llepll'tll!ellt'l lltest Pl'IIIIIC11DII

b) Jo,ti ,tudor s,,,,,,.,.,~,,.,,,,, R ,...- ... -J""Od ,_,.,,., ,a4pauma. JlmbCl&."'•lllfJahlb '"-<••• tac) bmcmr1111111odo1 \,_ht h,n hocft -....'t'ICUn,: lol'Kl' \l.1y lU JUC' a ,ulhbc fN!hn 1ht ,..ta). ""TM1u llt:· 1'1 cn1n11-. 1111i l11

1'wtum···1, w-c 1n 1hc P<1111o,'f1JI

I I.If lfll,l.lfk~, a.W.)ur~ llftln"\lUIJ,.,i "C#lfr W* lhtnt • II lfl·)'Qf -1,W '-')', ,nJ • 1fL111 ul tu,:b ,r,J11,1I( ,...,IJ noll ,ltt,, 1~u1t1Ca,,1•1•1~111,,lib.1o"'n Col,~ln' m1j"'l•rt.in1 11111 ('IW..._kn pc,r1U)l11Jl 111,1111) \\tlllld '°'~' l".,rl<! l&nd 111hct hf'tlN CO~-.c'l..•hd(a llmcik .,..,IUl,J aQt Julkfc..,li,ln. Thc~alllf.'Pt'c1M\•ortpa1bd'tilaMfC' WI) rardy abo\"t Cit' die-I. ht lk,.w.. .ere c:a.111 ~QC'd •llh brtpd)' col«cd br.T -.I ldttJ to dlM \W MJmd Mlliild abk' b) IIUf' ,i ("Of'ld.. fk lllN'H •err ltd lo mAl,.(' Ille' Nt'.N 11.aUl."f aftd ~k,1,;1~ ,11,11 tol 1hc ll'I''"' tl,tdln, ~,,cflC'\.1 h nul 1Jo111flti(-UJl1l'Wi1~ l!•ll1C"""'" l l'"'fllll~ '11CCllf'IC'l\lltt rq,l.axd•ith'~ ltuurttoUtlli11h1ttk-da~i& Tht clPdlo w.CR abt 'lhl:IY clal,oQ&c lu\1Clf)tttrDm-"'~to11..-G1u,q Tlq•WT

Pago. 9 3: 0 =..:,,c: ::, 0 >-c, ci 11 "Jgainsl C.11irorinia stair l.m lo l'dl orange~ on lhe bdthtub. Ar Is and Enterta n men l
The sexual
revolution I starts here
l.. I Jl'\'ft He<M'# 'J One ktld d 1 ..,.r.t lhe 11,,rtJ .:~;::~-:,!':n"'""•"' ; O..lccrc:rbar1"1 &be: ai:mQul lhc e Si1.l:C1 (run uf IC1ml ~~" .i.,..•J'u,ffltftlhmlakun.~J'ti• s
'~K: 1'(~11'1
e'fOlltw.t1,1al.amt1o~pc-.U.OU11.ll11d 11 ..i , , loty "'"''
l)rt,l<- hr• 11nic
fl 6,J.II
\, blal 1btJ sr nw Cltfa\-.,,. nw nuiir,c. •«: '"11'Cffltl) dC'pDI f« Ilk' appcr c&r,.. llfld \ff)' •1111pk arid drib fur lht l,,.. ffcla\.L \1Cllllh-.of te1ie..i1o,tl rm , mll r1n.tms the c •;11.·1 l)pc•of clothu-,: tnrc.a.;ht"hllf.U.:la 11w h,td,N l'k1t1 ~bi,~t "-""lllltt •"f a (1&11~ JI t1·ad11'1 1t.•uid \k0!'CIIC'), f..acll play h.11 !if«dw.~11tnlMII •~Id -ear .td'Jnnc t)f'C'I (If I:~ mt, .,, ., fiDi! dlal"" "lo ,tat Uw rb) • .., •Ml ~11 of ,twm •uuSd •-r•
IMlll•n f1 Rin.:la1ctmtolhr rtth(Olh
b) thir Uf'PC'r pc,>pk lfl lful
llw)....,,., wmilM k>tbt:aJlllllmnft,rlb: '*"'IC
\\.m la lbt Ima
------""'- ·--..s- 1'.il.r
11,ti1, 1lc
Hand~mad• coaturne,.
11 thUt l>Y Jud1lll
, htlp make Te,tulfe unl,Que
lh:l a par d ,_._ Thr) ilho b,tll ..twfl ud
1nta·, \l,l(hi11,: •M h IIJCIR'C~1lrf! lhln IN
"'~ lbt,· WClft nun) ,hll~n, ce,,l,n, l)f't''
louth•M,.P "'C'li"o, 11\r1w,.11\ 1tu1 rn.aJl' IJ'lt' n,llk,l •tl1n1 1111:l1outtn.'1i'Dimdrmnlti l...a,,:htWt.Jlbc:st1."011linl<'lim.aJc-i; COSTUI.IES-on Paoo II


Wijh tog t0lli"9 In and ftuhlng lights on stage, G>vln B1odw1te, goes wfld on the ttombone. No Ba,. fNI. 1 tka bond contltllng mosily ot NtC stu-t., ployed on awesome $llow st the Coeu, d'AleM Cultural Cen!.M on Friday, Oct 23.

(" \'l>ll)A I ES:

ltun1. \V1lli;11w, qc;: h.~ (" ~I'll''


ti( 1;,ttl ht- .1pro11-.•, ,1r t>c10.e:

mt1rrJ10UL•I f um!I( '(

·w have ,hllcr('1U ,:oah,

t'lon,.i1 uul. 'Cull:t~11,11lun" uoc•

lhlnf ~n.l 10C(11ni, 1-. •nc lhn

\1111•n, M•. 11 a lu, )Cr ind -1

l.arml.tnJ 0¥.11r1 lie 1.J11! lit h

11i<J li> f'l• lilt 1, rc..,h1111M1 11nd hi:

1111rnJt 111 c,in, ot1 1hr '-'"IC' ¥oil\


1'4rn •rui lu;t,l 1i,111,IJ rm! t>.:-

f\"~d ~I'"' «°I 1111icQI• l"'l:fuc..: j'l'L"''


( .i11d1JJk for 1•., 1U1•n (: 4tt

R,1'1rtf1 Jlun1.,,,t Roll) \\1111111•

lfonl I\ a,~") ,tteli&-n 111nJ 111

I tlfmcr ,·k111-en1.1ty fe1k:hc1 I fun,

\slid he 1i,1111M he' 111 cru.;(' for lhl'

h<l1u,J tf4" w1J 1n 1h, pul lht'rc

•rft' 11111c, v,l1C'n 1111bvJ" •••

tntun.kd •n 1hc lto.uJ

II~ .1.11,I ,,n;.e 1t1e- 1i,11mpu1n l,1h

tl1c11\ lie- .;1l•o ..:om·rinc,J

'#lhttltrr or 11,ll r•n "' SIC

1: mr••• or lht •holt' <•mr1,1, thwt.t l'otm<u(,l 11nnie11t.he'-rcitl\C'. tie 1.111d Cullcsr ,, o 11.inJu11

H11n1u1d. Wilh,1111,. ,1c· , kun:J a1'1k111.

J1t('l h,r il'IJ 11,eon'a fu1n1cr

h,a,llr1h.ill coud, ~,.j he wa, HI) fon.11,1 'IC' Jnd h,u mw.:h "'f'lfi'I t,•••r~ tht,1 llc,co \\'1lham1 1,11111 ruru11n1 fof 1hr tio.,,,J 1, l'.h.illcnflftJ lie h lnltr(',1.-J C'Unhnuatl,•n nr IC!i.)lll il'.l«llt'O\"C'ohe •.il4 t 11JhUte-,. loi r••~1twtt O au


Ttldni.i H.n;tiJll Jcrr) fohn~nn,

Ri~ h•rJ Kl.>hlt1, 1111J I rcJ fht(fltl(')C'II' H.ayman, ,n1ine1 ,,f ii crr.11111, ~11op 1n <\-=-ut d'..\1('11( 1:1111 h(' h

lllt~J 111 p.•1-ihon on lh ~,,t

Nl,;J'IW' he Jt,u "9 an he 1n,oh('1.I 111 • ,·"111111unil, ""hcrr hl" h\n HC'

W!J•tn.:el,t ~1 tlC'tiii,.,d ht'II

taKtf 1,, "Cc 1hc m1111c-. lfrn1

nc<J lu tit ,oh t,I

l,•'u~ a • hrmn. w1J ht'-.

N1111n for 1tit t 1 11110 n:ru:1C11I

wu1t1crn Xut•ltll.,t C'mrnlt Ht uut ht II f"'"I 10 tcp11:1trn •n,I

•UNHMI lh1• appl,nt IL-1,;hl'h1l,11, Jh,,m .-.l thf'tnm1t111nl1) mlksr

ln~uu!l'l('nl Kohl~ a K,i,o1c11JJ

t C.111111, f('ill C\I.UC 4pe!il "'Ill rpu1n•~J hi lhl' h~1ar,J I" Airr1I

9g. llt' u1d hr hcht-u, ill 1hr

m,1:,1<>, (>I tht'.' (ol~.·~ He k11mu

frn~ 1n1ru11.tn1 '.\;I( ti In, rtU•

,·,,mn11,11Ul),l1< ~~aJ

Otit t,f to, m1,t11 hmu ,, 111 JHt' lht rreildOAI 111 (.h.tA((' In do• gqod v.·ort. ~ohlu t..:1iiU lie' h 10111.lllf h.Jt•a11l lu LCl"J'I 1hc (,1mrm11UI) .,watC' ,,( \ll>b21 NIC

Jtiu .:.inJ 11l ithe c:uutJ

l'll'\lrrJnnpltmt'n1 I red 0,11.:11nt\'('t, ,1 ,tttll ,.ud he h,1,, al••)• 1urr1•ftl'd SIC tk ,J1J P1.: kcth it ""''", for u1IIC'Ct' tu dc,ch>r • ~uci rcli111un, v,nh comnmri11:, or t,;;,,-.11cn u ('o,1111y ()•ftrmt\cr •aid hr ,w11ld hkt 11, hoc ihr 1'111:arJ rntr1inr, ldt,1~ He' dtt.111•, tu w-c ,m~e ul the: hudselin 111fonn.cl11,11 on lhl(?Dd. he WJ.

SELF t>~:FEN SE: "'"'"'"° the ~0)', Jn'ltnk tor Ml)I~ CONTINUED from P099 t ll ri-1'.l>rpm1oj!;ho-o\r.c:.IU') ll t.:. f.,at 1h,,ui:b lt'lt) ll'ltrw ""ha l'm Jomf. Im'}',- s 11'1,UI 'Aid lie ,.ud he 11\u,11lly h\.('• co k:11\C'~lll.'.lhlhNlur n,iict' •hi11tud1.J~ h111 MrfflttlJJlt'l 11

rttln" Ct.ll1'1-dN ~'Opl I\ rb)'mcJ '" i:ourkn,. v.h,~h u111l.e1iltwdwmc:Uklf11.t I tit' I.\ pmud OO'll"IIY1, h.l,c barn bud1 fn1m 11m1t.d11 \\.tu, "'~rl•~•111 n d1lrm11c fle'tllld, l1' 10'M:· ,dR,,rh.;. \\."du \nllt'tk:d rl•)'- f,11,ihtb !•I.a)'- It .,,.a,111ncfUC'a Frend• f"l.,1.:,'" T.tr1uJJtllJ •"~> •c.11-hlcJ t-) ~i)fthtMC" 1hc.:i1tt,kJ111fffQ('ni,.ttuJJ1 l1.t,; 1ht n.~nn Ma cW.,k. "'TI41'114Ju1 ~olltitlht..ilt'tbo oil ~11.",cl.1,;uJ R..nck. ri ttJ Uwl 'l<'\'CTJ.J ul LIie' l lD.t 1t1tmhe-11 ac tn 1hc11 hr-1 ·n"'-°"'"'rai1 SIC' lftow.uJ11.wnr:au1ri11(~ tu1tft'flhc"rl('f11;1!1U, "hi hm f,1111\Cto,« ~tuJ..'J 1, I.Ile ,,a tM.•me1h11~ U1j-.-.h.ilknt1aic.iJo 1 •t1dl.-Jy,1,;L \11.JJ. "I Mc 1,,1erthl""i«rni>f rn,r1t1etm1hi"' KIWM:~ 1i,1,mc~ flit 1111'1 i.\J1r(l(ln1 h>ll1.111~ ii cua h -ill.:hlnf Jib. Jlllll,"11~T 1m1f pnhrm t«llqlflllf'l"1•,C"l!l<'IIC flit' u,1 ti... rchnncd Ill lr,1\.1 rh·c niJli:1 .a 11,ttl

,~1r.111.\('r;IJCC#A} hnUn n'tk.ttllffl# ll-1f pla)'I aa,1r:.t.ir11hit'1111 'Ull ~ti 1111!'1!' ur 1 oll1UJIC' biJ, tntitir<'\J1t1utt'IU11C' "rtlt")'ll l:'Crud~.·h(, w.t So. JIC'ffdml;itk'c,,. 1.1r ·T!ltlul(c.,11t.1llt,c-,hm1,n

Yaknophonics by

Tho NIC S.ntlflf!I ____J;_onlinued/Entertainm e_nt Thursday, Clot. 29 1998
1\ IJtiC'fuf "h 1"4rundm.,.1,, uM \ 1danK W•ILn.• N,i..c ni,J.• frum l\n.1 F.1lh It ft',111 ~ heir" lnnt )\11.if nw~ic,wtiu,ld\ .uen,Lh.'fl1t,'Lt,,11oc111ent.• all)OM 1,0 v,,anl\ to lc•.un 'l,('11,Jc'fel'llC' hJU""l.;,l,t, l"f&1k:C. "tkX. pr-A."iM.~'"' s,...1,1.11\ .i TA RTUFFE ': Director say\ ca,, up to dwlkng• 01 the """J~ COtfftNUED M Pagel t~ cm(lh."!'t'J' d1ffi...uhy c,l 1hc Jan.111' t, lht'a.;1(lf'l,,.M)'lllg,tlwlfii:-
0thc1 r<tfc:.-n1.1r1«-, ~m t11: J1dd fnd.t)' 41'1J ~1utll.l~ \(1\ ~.bllnd7.AU p.rfonn.,,,":n v.111 t,c beld al c.i. huk't Aud110,11um 111 u.,, .,.dl U.1U \11/Jlh U."IU'I.IUI umt<l(7ln.,m. \~b111U411n lrtt IP!' 'fl(''°'U~l\l\fU'lr.1"'11r•,nth ID; .iJuh, SJ \Ct1lt11 ulil'('tt. ~l. 11,wdc11h SI \'l('Wlhfl 11 f(l,,;1mmct,dcJ l ,trhl!',J11ehi,il • .ttt1J wtio,-c
"I> I Klckln' Jimmy by Otis Brodwater I Sdck People by David Meredith Stir~ l'•oplt f ': ""' The World According to by Josh St uder············· Get Ready To Pmy At All "'Tartullt-' cu tum..<:, hom ....:r,1lt:h C0"1T1NUED ltOm PO!)fl 9 1diwr11c,11tt111111n)' ._1h,h ul matrt1JI ! ,hf' 1,1 ere.arr chem \l4n~ ffl 1htfft&1ctn:hk'hnm m,1k'n11h fo•11nJ 81 ,.,.~ ~ariJll1oft•l"-'~lhh ,11,i""*" h.rr 1~, r--coo ,m,111 Book Swap Cf 1 l PC Ln· SUNSET BOWLING CENTER THUND~ ~LLEYe,Mr< hllUllbul 1111"1~') QI\ I~ t, rnrn(, tvca 1hourh 1hi:\ lool W.c '11.11,Jrt"J,ol 4',! l .a1-. il~1,11,1u111('!lJJr l!nJ,ik tn fir the ,pt,.: , h, ,har•~Tc1.1o11M.:ffl\r110 iu,,lti ihc r.111rt1h hc~rll r~,. art tlu 1h 'IQ lbt)" 00 ho:: tt 1,11,cJ hu1111.•l l•k•L lilt' Ibey \llouJd be \l~t ,1,-c,tt, tM, 1.11,t'°'rnrJ n.,i.ily her,,. i1uk l1rt Shi" h,i, b~ 111 (\lMl.1 J AIC'IH! h ,r the La I four }<"".at\ •nd btfort' lhJI ~he b,·cJ I o\. •h¢re"~"'~'l'Jlo1 \\ ,1tnt'f'8h•!~tt "'1u k •-ml init 1hctt \be C'll\l1Jffl<'J \tu1rhy Oro"'" fo, c1rl,1 ,nn CJ~ J\.J are in An Entenainmen1 & Sound Experience Featuring Laser Lights, Ultimate Sounds & DJ •Glow In Th< Ouk llowh°' 'Black Llglus •ugbu Mo>-cAI Mw.,ePl•ys ·Rolhns FOi •Pu,, & Bolb Glo.,,ng In The Doti: Friday Nights ll:30 PM - 1:30 AM AN EXCITTNO WAY TO SPENO YOUR EVENING w :io:iSun tAw CDA 766-2695

Instru ctors Jim Mcleod and Judy Sylta lead yet another vo yag e t o the unknown , returning to the country of their mar r iage

b.' \ 1unad Kfu!Jll,o \rll!tm,.JR,. r1;, Grtt,c 1lk t11.11d 111hcrcbw.sdtcd.t 01 )'Cilf\A;S(t H11n.rr \looTok tu11-0J> "" htrntM'..,orld',bc,1f"'t1C"ntdtJ1e1&1cr1n f i,wl.i1,111111ull •,e•pcrfornW1,Cs."hcn:in77<,8.C On:ck• hdJtlleOtin1rlJJ 1,.w11.t v.,h(n: !6)C".ai, ,18l"lhl,u :0- 1(.." ,n nu..:wr• Jnl 1iWU1'1cJ l..a , .,11m1JIC't \' ((.' "• hhl'°"')' ant.I worl,1 t'C'li,:IOft•

Judy Syl•e &!Id htt1tw1,v pf En.ialJ,h lam Md.cod ,1,11cd

(,rtt\.'C' COi.'C'ktiof1Jl~!ll(1r•fildingannl\c:NI)

.\l~LtcJ MJ S)'hl'- ..:"LI op,,'IJ b) JtUlfllilll(lf of f.11,iH•h

acid l1\iinull1h Gcors,: hN. m~ni.:tM •11hc l.carn1t1g ttcucr

Juli hC" 1t1,iructfl( 11( U11lhh and hwmnitic• l..ctl "1,mcl lDd

htt i.11111,t,10, 4..a \t•lk!J- ldl Spohn:- .alrpon e.irl) JMtniJI$

''•> 10

O.iyln.ill), \kl.NJ anJS)'h< "'C"-rc p111nn1tt1 u 1rlp to

ln.ll~1111 111, 1- urnffk'r Tbr coork t.t.rchir'\ •nd lead, 1bc

1ud) 11.)\Jt, 1u (Ottlpi count~ Lt.:t •pnnJ lQ people.

rt..:lmftnJ SIC' lll~tl'-" lJIJ', 1,LllJcnh lftlnt ~ICbc-t

k 1><'1)1, anJ tfl'rtimunrt) me-mbcn. Y.c.n: o111cndm1 the- ,1ud)

rnuN. Due Jue 10 lhc gro~1111crhi\ ID polid..:.iJ 11nJ~uciom1cal ,y,.tC'11 "tn lnci,. 1.1 1bt US \1.11c Oep.utmce1111J, hcJ •II

A!l'c:m:al I fl~ C,1 ,0 Ct\ tndl,11e11;1

S)'ltc ~Id ._ltet J1....:1l"-\lnJ the: m11.UC"I' walb btt bmbiand, the)'

lk~i,kJ co ,o 11t11nct1obcn: cl"'- Whlle1-bt v.-a, oo 1t11tfnd, ,he lotJaJ fa fro m Sunk: hJ A1bc,1.1 r« .about $800 tiNnJ lnp.

5•11.(' u iJ \ Ill" 1htn ulkJ h·c, .nJ \1.Jud

5>11c •·Ull lhc) h~ '" nllllc :i dt,.:h1~H, ~U1\kl)', tlC'cau\.C the

1i:hc,p ,1irl.uc ._,.ih r1.pmnc che iw.1ne d.41,

l,C'- ul I be 11.1IJ S)ltt' lie: •Putd n«J Jn 1ti,n• ahi:,u111. I-le

1.111dblpJ.~df,1tli,clL"L<>nih•11JuJJ. Sun: ~h)no1•"" ha a fe\l. ~tiun liil)'l lbC") •C'f'C' 1n A.d~a,.

S)II • M11l lh11 '"'' 1ti..-1r e111hd1 llllM' 1,1 Cil'\'CCt. \tkl ¢\Cl)

lime tlw> 1.1i1~-tl 10 c~co:c. the)' s.o thmup Athtu ~11.hc.iuth

IJl'1nf 1Putho arc l!Ul'd b) ..\tti~n, )c"?o-tl of .t soli.lrt1111$£. ,.11nh1

~fl',..11 of lhc Am'C'(ll111 the m.alfhlt'\._ P11tt.hcll01', S)h(' M1J

thC" J.k.eJ pl~c, .,,,t, A •111o1ll tuv.n.1. h"tc I~ tQl~ ln,t[llloo,

1c-~1ll ,C"f) ,&ron,:

Ttit) Jd1 AdtC"lh lt)1 CttlC' .tnJ t,pcn! 11 w..-tl rhcrc. ,isllllll'

.,,hcufoJ)C&l111r-. Or«« ti.a, n111111 ••flruh 11411 h.11\'(' 1nuch m (10et 10 COW'l>l•, Ftdm MW li11,1~. al1CK1M Orrdu u~ 10 trll\~I In •hlj.,,, fClll11111 tbe \lot Uh u( ~ektun. rl.ld&)'. lf)i.ltl\h u- cl l,f i:tnet. fl h con,enlcnt to ha•e 11 (en-) Jc4h. •-hc.n tnlwllna trum mainl..nd 10 l•bmh •nd comJni bad. Syhc MUJ ~be .ai d the) ohuyH•mr t,11c;k 1<> Albcnufttt llie)' 't'l,it<d an hlo1nd ~nntbt.mdlhe) ¥il\1f.tllwa,~IU1.Wl'ml. r\roottd 1$00 8 (' Sµotnnru bid the t.vge.~1 volan.,c t'rupllon R!COl'dcd in lbc: bi,1o,y S)'I~ t.11d' pi:'op!~ (ttl die IC'~t:tk.l of Adan1i, COmc'I (ffl111 lhttc: lod:ay, ii', ,01,M, 11rondcdull)' 1''""~1,ol :u1e~nl town ," ,hc~ld Ottti-. ho,,.rl1ah11 .1.nd i:c.ot:f0i1t} l,c-tt 1W1t all 1hlll mllJc: 1ht"1r tnp t.\CiliftJ_ tlftC of lbc bC'Ucr •'fl«h 0(1hcir Vhil "'°l' the ladniOMI (i""l: fooJ. "We lo,cd •be lood." Syltc wd Sbe- ,aid bftkk go,ns " the t,,c11eh. i:111ins to rciauranb aod lt11tnl11,r ron. tntid01un,. die) ''"" 1ooi-. plrnl> or piCIUrtJ, Sbc: Aid Jie U\CI th,rm in her 'l<Clt' IJ l'fligM>n, c;l,..~ r u\(! •• k.11 "r ,lJdtl rrom c:,ur tnr-11.11J nbou11h1a,, 1h.u

f"W1rllY poinu rabou1 • c~.1u11t1 t11lcurc." S)'hc wJ "I Prob.lM) hau• at ltl'\t 8.000 ,liJe1. 1am11111 •urt 1f '"'"'" U"«'lhcm II.II I.nm) ltledmr •hc >IJd S.1tnch •J•l~h h tiJllt uf Ult' \lit,1 tl•,hl of Tt11ley • .,,.a,thc.-

11('"'1 l h<)' H•ll~ \kl.tnd *N Syh~ ho1,·c ,pcm 1bc.-tr

hutlc'ymooo ul'I S.aiuo• With m b.-auotul v.llJ OOY.'C'~ Samo\ hut¥ ur ltl('lr l,nnnlc pl~c• in Grt«c ,ht u:JJ Afler '-tdns the 111111, ol ann.,nt fhti«hin wnJ n1onnh11n ,illA~,. ,hr) ¥.Cftl toc:l. to A1hnt, h)' lc.911') Altho\11h t1wi,11 ( 1hc: ,C'tt) de.ii, •ne in~pct1,I\\'.' 1;0J 1m.crc.uin1. die frt11 Ulp (rool Su.mount 1;,,n 1,111hc-tk. Sylk t.111.I h 11,·,1, ,n uld N1,d ,;,11h 1K1 (11IJ 11olltt'r 111 the ,bewr.r 8tc.11u"I." lll thc bo1 "'"111ber. c"('t}t,oJy, i~luJins NIC Ull.Ul.lcton tnt vp to tbc d«k lu ,Jttp Iii nlfhL 11\C! .,nly pttk>ll \llbd ~•>cd 1n 1.l)c ohtn '\\A\ Mc-l~oJ \l).::t11nc, lhc> 1c5ton m 11001\(;1.\tC.m l'c.ld9onnc'\u\,, YHU anuthtr" pl.:c \1\ LcoJ a1td S)b< v111ttd., ,he '-it.Ill

:a:•• ·.-iol&iUlft one ot tho

llflta contrlbU1ed by '.bli.W~l"I tho Gc...•u~::ai._~U

IUlD'i c1( 1he HA'ft/r AgC' fo11,c,, r,.ila:C!.\ 1lt fottnd in M)'« A~ ,.he and Mcl.t-,'d hc.-lllCk,f ~th to Pttoponn,c,u,, (',eorse and Juh ht, '&'Ith Lta M.ldtct lllJJ be1 J.ivi;htcr w(nt nonh to Delfi. 1ht: @TCnl rd1glou.i. Ct111.crof the anci<nl Grt«c Otm ,c~t• in tt1<·t1ptufthc.- aod, -an a kdgc orMcwrn Panl,u!)u!i 11.iJh •bo,·c a pb.m <:ifPCCtJ bt morr 11\~11 milhtlf'I oh,c 1rtt1. T'\\iD cnairt, ,tir- Shlnu•, R«k:1. 1\1.,IRI tbe Srar,ccu,tr)' or Apollo •Delfi h tbc '111.1\f ln.&JIC&l rlacc In Gn-c«::· hfl ~d. -&:cllll\oC or is, ,pkndor of ~t11rtnc:al 10Cl11tfO!J.' Syltc Wtl she 1, i11tts,:.un, m1,cl1n,: c.\-perlc~t 1nt'1bc1 hl,t"')' and ~orld rthJwl'I, cla_,'° St1e d \Jl,c: hcl 1t, c, ttavcling is II ti.n,:lr bt.,1kind t•I an cdut.aeioa onc cuuld c,·cr h.&\'t':, On lhc way back !he)' 1114 ~,, 10 1ht°"1h h0\1u or ch.ao11 lR Adlcns' 11.lrpon~S)'ht u1d. The,r fllti,J11 .,.,.,, (.;~clcd bttaU!>e tif a 1arorh1 d11c-At II too\: 1hc1n h~u to rd oc111, Anc:r ,tie, JOI ti«\ (O Ute: ,lllt('l, ,b(o lt..uDCJ thu.t lhtl.r rWtc prio, 10 Wit Oltkl, hild .1n C'1l'tt'ljt'DC} landinc bt'c11.u..e U\ fllstl11,11e ct:i. kcJ 11'1 lhc: 111,, the Aid. Greece h.u 1 \·c1) 1'1n!e p,11 filled with 1l1 l.111<k nr rom.1nu, k.tvt't11ure,. S)'ltie'411d An,, J"'' bc.a11li(1.1J,"" ~he 1atd You nn }[ti b) qu11c chc11pl)' to tu.,c .:i rich cuhura.l "

P19e 12 ll1e NIC S-,nol
Desti na t io ns
Tounsday. O<L 29. 1996
:.<..,,.,,,,_ =t.cu1ar

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