3 minute read
tcrntc,flt"lc>fcdlk.'llllllfl Brogan v..a~ l111>ttumrntAI m pt\llll«'fm: 1hc
DM,Ul(C l.cwnrnJ_I: l'mirQm Hn t"'-lh Wit\ It• proi,llll.'t cdtk'IIIM.Jn lo ~YJ\'I"' In lhc (Wt ni,nh(rn oou11X1' "'tw1 ..,.,1,11cf no1 •11cnd 1,;l.w.c., '-'" canir"1-
'"J~n bthc\C'd 111,bould ha\t the npp:,numt)· 11> tlC'.'ah.11,,"lltcd." ttm:IIYlll-
HC1"'1;\-cn1 e:1'1.ll v.ih to dc:.,ck>p IJ'N •• rypc or n,.u,-1iq; lki,ortt'l pt0tifll,11h 1t1 SL M.uic,. S1mdpo.n1 end RonflCf, r"CrT) ~tol',;plc,•I'\: .1r,;irt-1imc lt'."-1
J\l~hll11 9n,pn r,a\1 <h.1iml tllt' LdahoCormm,,ioo fnt
N11f'\i.na fd11c.1110R. \\'h1k h,c,ld,ng 1h1, mk \he obt.alnciJ I\I.Ofl'ilJlb. lhr Jolm!oOb Or.wtaod MordocL
Unuu 10 f()(ll\ (lq 1hc need,; ol 1be nurnna tu,urr
J,,.nnc wJ.4i oi~ llk bNrd ui dui:clc.WT, for di(' Youell
H •thnc: 1111d doo.iltal her Ji.mt in• \1llun1.ttJ lnr 1bt l<OOk"1111iOi~crScn,k'C
She 'A'a ~1,11wn 011 nmpu,, duuu~ Ill( \I.ale and n,ulonall)' Iflt bt°inl • fl.111',IIIJI. nh,c,:111(11'_ 'J«)llnnc w• lc:JIOCr-. hn'4ll'\C "h( • .._,n·t afood tn mnc Jgrd ;,nd 111ljql11J,1r cb:.1\110n",'" 11:a:id Ocmkt
Wni!hl, C \l,(W~f IUll.i fri¢11d
Jo.innc ""ii\ fcArlt"'" ~IC Jltln"1 u~ «'~!)On•ibililiet. liMhlly," fcrttll ,.oJ '"\\'hM I \\ill
Ill».\ n'lll,I .ab.KIi JNn i\ tti..11.hc 14J.1i thonlugh, ,ht dad hc-r bnmcwnd. Sbt Lud It f1nn found11&1l'ln lf.'lr 1~ profTI1m11 ,he WII'\ IM\·tll\~ With."
\\nilU..dJcd.''l'Ndlml .,1uuta1n1t!Qctui-rlr1 licrOfr,cc h) ~but aboul lbc dil)'
We ml\, hr.r fric-1kh11lp. \Ir<' diJ ,11 ltic ,,1 h1mily w:m 11.e"l logt"thrr." F(m-11 and Wnght atgl'\.'f'd
A ...::hill:IN11ph.;1~bttn •,dupitt hc:rmenu,t),
A futurfstlc thinker In education, Joan Brogan lost httr llto thlt tummer to ovarian canco,. Brogan w11 rhe head of nursing department for 19 ye:ars.
Confe r ence e du c ates t eac hers Freak accident turns vacation into challenge with a broken foot
Reporter goes for broke on crutches; spends summer watching soap operas
In an effort to end to prejl,dlC't'.. 1bc rm1
Confc:rc:occ on Undetsui.ndins Ol\'crlh) wi~ llcld Sq,&. 1, ~niS lb. Mon: 1han JOO acachcn lUld ,ruJcnt.\ joined in Nie',·Sehu~r ~11011u.m mk.ur11hc- 1~olulllkn.wiJ.in1l1.1un,1.11 d1frc::n!nCC~ Thc,c<W1fcrc1~•'ll., 1~101111,onc: mten1~led 1n Jc:mun,-aboolt'lllrurolJ dl\.cl\lty
\ttlt)' Lou ~. prc1-idc'" ~\r lht Hum1111
Right'\'. Edl>Callon Fau~riotl, u1111-cd the tol\lmr,«, rfflliodlRj (i~Cll('1111h.a:1 lhlf ~4.', II cckbra1ioct or dhmlly "To.I.a)' I red hM: 'C rt.Ill) DIC 1hlffllo inf II pany;· die 'l'.aid
The fir,,i ,pc::»..cr or 1he C011(c:rti,c:c ""·"
R~ymond Rc)'t~. a.,~1a1c "M:t': pre<ideni f()r di\c[j\t) rrom~•Ut1.1wn1ty Hc:~c about 1he deep lo\'c 1h111 hu.mans hokl f('Jf (recdumllldhow ftttdom I, I.be ,t&r1 o(cuhwul undcr.<,tan1Jut1. Tc.w;htn, I., '"•OOU1 nurrunng lht
111.11.-tc: hunw11b11i1y 10 Cftllln.•· Rey'°) s.11d. t-:inew~ "'"Cftlhcld lht'tttt'I...S~)'
Xtso.JI *1mini1i1r:1tort., 1e.ichc:n U4I uud~~, 11oc:rc pmcn1cd 1nfarnwlloa on u~J'\blnding hm, di, crs11y appfiC~ 1n tho c:~111
The v.url,~ incluJtJ Dr, Omcw,,ilc
A.k1ruu,• ff'flm lhc Unh"<llit} or Wyuming ptt'iC'tlMt on WhlJ~ Ra,;i,m, While Privikgc
1Pd White Svptffllac)': ibc s«-1111 Corl\11UC1lOl1
(If Rnce llllJ K111hy Yill!Qmoto. ldAl'io
&h.ie11uoo A)~i.4Han 11nd Mlllil.Yll Slluk·,, fa.:mert) frt"m the Id:!~ Hun,..,1 R1gbt, Commt~~on. "Po~ 1lx,u:1 ilk ldlbO Aime Fnan\ ltumllft R1gb~~Mc~I Pmjecl
NIC PfCSiO::m Michael 811tlc \I<;!;\• 1ucu
1ipca.kl'l"oo SJit\ll'Cl#y 11t 1be~Mferc:""'. Uwkc "Pl>kc aOOln ~hy ,:11\"Cni,y maucn Thc:re,H'.tc: 12"pc.iken,utWCCW1(cl'ffl(c LcoM.!Oa,nd:. an.1MU11icw lromlhe Uni,cru1y "' Al11~u. w~, ucitcd to~ Nonlt ldabo',vlc'*'c•ldt\.'th11y. 1-k~allcd 1~1
Raymond ltr'eUH bimi.111 rd1111on'\ '4 Cft' Olk'C n-fcrrcd MI\ "'nit.:,: n:l11uon,. "'Th.i1'111htov.l'Of'li v.ord, beau!.( 1lrt1 )Cli'rt: 4lnwing antnli(lfl 10 lbc l111,.1 tb.111hcfc, •• .a J1flctrnct","hc::!..11J ··wc·1r11,llb111~U1'11\'CJ\,II)' nr ld!ltiu,h1d.·111, rc«l\·cd l."JtJit ,,.. 11ucndlnJ! 1hc ~,nrCt"W:tt«' b,l)'CilrtheoK~~l('oonl) la"1hW"C.'t"~ tlum.m "R1i:tic., l':dt111.-u11~1n ,~,c. S!O.(NX> in ,;r.mt.1 to IC.It~ in ldul,u. 011.· H11m.ut Ai1tbh
EdUCiLliOO FoonJ 11o11. ltn ~UC.tlion.al \M';wcb of 1hc K~t11111 (.'wnl) T3\l. F~ I, rl ·mnro_g on gi\'11'111 l!flUlh· ID It.-:~ lht, )\'Ill run> Stc.o\l.ialt, "pc:•lih,:~I ..:lclk't" 1e.itha ua NI\ \lo ho coordui.i1cd •he t\·i:-m. c,r,111,ncd the 11a:1;I fllf lhi\ ~onfcrc:na'.' "'A lhlld OOm \lo Uhuu1 pet:Jud,cc md 11 h. ii Jc_.fflc:\I ~h.1vi,1r Til('ft'forc, ,f "t' *.tn• 10 ,ra,,.e rttJUI.OOt'ltfldbil(>ll)' in IIUl.'il.1)' V.l!fte'al ldt.kth thmulh cJtKa1,nn b)' Pam Sl:11011 Scrrti11rlrr,,mt(r OD a wann Jul)' n,ornin~. I tk....J 01.11 m\' b.k.k Joor \ttpp:d Ju"'n \loJl"'il ""'I fc>ultd m),cll ut 11n •i11lortunalc prcdkamcru for 11,c rc,11.undet ol :w,mnwt ,·uu1w11 JI'\ t,aJ Cl1Clljh IU btt,.iJ.: a bollt tn )l,"IIU font ,ln<hl-'flllO )'Ot;lf IIIIU( umullJIJIIN'llt,l)'. bul tui,i11i; l()IOIC ll bltblai;k bo(,c annmdun )·UU1 hw,(t kit fotc,ghi v.ttk. and humilfall' :,c,ufli(1f "-llh cnm:hc5 (Of""' "''"kt ii WIOlher 11n-iry. SuTVtvinJI rnuchcs \ti,u,di,e 1111111\JIC: lnn.un-. In 1hr bcginniog. ii w:n nQt coo bitd OfloClC. I
O~nran die mJl(h u,e oUl\1/ctlh"d 1bc font and 2111\.lc pah1 I tltoutbt. ·wow, f t.::&n i:.-t~hupi•" my \tlllP op«ll.\ uc ,tui chc: Ne.1 •• ,h I be~.J.I) n1y 1n.u,J4tory \Ul'ali<m 11.1 home.. \lfke I c:<M1ldn't dmc m)'
Tc:>yOl.i Lru<:l wnPI 1he 1n.it1u.at 1r111n,m1'-,mn I goc comly on 1bc toocll In r,on1 of 1hc cclr,l,i:on Otmng 1.bc fif\t 'o\i."d: I d.11ln' 1 t1111hX' 11,c taa Ibid begM, tu J:"1lhcr ll.l\M,md m) WIL\14!. 00'1 ii wa, C!ager The'1,C1,;0t1d \lottl \)( my ~·01l,·ialt'~r.tt. my .J"1l11y ,in nuk.lllO "'•\<k.--linllcl) tiirnc:r I tril:d wwrnl \lo<l)'' 1n set .a tup or cuffcc dc,"'n 1he "-w,n whllout ,f!tlhng ti I .,, , nnoo~ed bci,:aui.c I It.ad 1c,dc:v1\C ""•)'".! 101~u1,c 11luni: II wa., c-11h.1u~111g, Somr vatiltfn(!I 11<.m.eJ hn"' tu t.akc lhe ,11111, In Ilk r.imtii ro~111c,11 h w.a\ much fo,ccr 11nd ",f'ubc:ulll'-C' I w,n al'i.'.1y, folli111 doYrn. I OOd,pot'k«t fll)' lunich n,L;1if'. bu1 uyh11• '" t11kc flujd, illl)'Whl,"tC 'A;t;\fl1C')S)' Mydu,, \I,('.~ ll'41Uridhl ttf! IIIC't.'Olllr.tn), hro\lo\'\Cfl')mg to Jtl IO cht doar 101c1 tv.,o Ocm1J1n Shepherd\ 11nd • Ore.at P)T't1\i;'\UOt him to ~1\C a ctlbk!1 ul d1vtt1II)' I.left« 1111 lktLr-k)' in C.111 •fhc: Je,m, V11n 1111wndo,~,•1,pcnn1,:-c an..l die) \I.Ct\' \I.Of!Jc:tful M mr-, h~ 1,aiJ. l l~rl', holiti1,: mdude ~.1ding and ,pc:ndi11t qu.ill1)'
.11lmm1,m1.ung ai MC fol lhc p.\}I 12 )C:;in. She hHll,!h! fal!.llUl.10, 20 )C'.11" l'ielrorc d«1d1np: t.o '-Ott. 111 .iJr111nhunck>n 11« ~°"l lh 1hc pmle,.,Jorwl J(',\'lorr1M:'nl d1r«1or O 11, uJltl ic (umc,1lum. tt-dc•i,r1 ll)'llnbu'<,. rirm Mc: l~l.lh) wnh l't'ICIU!U' atk.l lCt"p fo,cuhy 1nformi.'d v.f L()' J.,,lk....., 1n h,;h, t cJ:o.;11uun Silva, IK.,hbf..."\ att h!il(linJI, Jl.udcnm ;mJ Mallv.e,11 e,,~\d1n~. Unfll\ooh:bo111l,.11ri:m)"\IL"r)' no\d, ,:S;:::I•,:•