9 minute read
Colors of Africa splash corner gallery
Worfcf travoW and at1J1t Deity LaOuke pct.sents her Ideas and philosophy behind her 1rtW04'k to AIJJe Vogt'• Survey of Art class on Sep1. 12.. LaOuke'a work, inspired by her journey• through Africa, wu lhowcaMd In th• Corr-.er GaUery ol Boaweu HaJI. The neJ:t hlghll9hted artist Khedu ed lor the Comer Gallery 1, prlnt~lce, Mery Farl'Ofl commencing to«Uly untJI Oct. 20
Multi-cultural artist gives lesson on another culture h>· Uantion) TU)IOr
Colc,rf1.1I :\frl1."ln trMJCi p.untcd b> fJC.U)' L1Dukc CU\'(tCd lhc w111h ot I~
Fl4l4\\\c1l Cornet CJllcl) J.uuns th< m11Mh ol Scpr,inbcr.
The c-0ltei.:1itm V..:t\ tilled •AJru:a
8ct"'ecn My1h .ind Jk.1lilt " h w:"' u
..crito.., u( mt.age, ~rt.ilcJ bc1wcc.n 19S6
•md 19'}2 11fl('r the .1111 1 m.;Jc l"l\'I.:
1n1en~ ,,~,h to Afri'-11
MMy of ~c ctch1ni uwludell purttll)"CJ Alm.1m Hfc lvr "nnicn, "'luch ,ht" tnund IUO\I dom11111.1cf.l her mi.agc:r)· y,h1lc ,he ¥1·,1 1hcrc. They Y.Crc All ,·ct) n;11ttr.1l. lnclvdlnt tht' !IC'rt0u,.nc,1. ol her ,-ubject Ill he pmlr.&)Cd
Some hJ-d ,1 more rh•)'fol J,p«l lnwlvcJ 1h~1 ,t,e ancmph.~J Ii' makt'
.i11pa~o1 v.bc.n her vi1.1~C"r.. ~1ud1ed thc,n. She w,1, nut j1u.1 tn,plti:J hy hct vi-..,i.. 1u Afru.:.a, ~1,11 .ii"' h)' ~u, hl,pir,llion ,he kh fru111 • fow ol' hc:r
1~wn .\l nC11n•An1cficJn •rl ttllehcf:11 ,tic h11J 1hrousbou1 her lilc f....ldl ptttt' In the (dltC'(IIOII h11f.l U title
1ha1 hcp!'n \\ i1h 1hc 011e111~I Africa.
One or th(' .,~l')'lk p.unllMJ;'- ~m i.:11nv.w~ lh.JI ,,u,,:\. IIUI lhc IIHI\I fur
1ho,e 1ha1 \'tt''4'Cd lhc ,c.111«11on \IIA.,
·A1rh:a M11J<1ttn.1 '1111" p1c4:c v..11, c,pccially urnquc ~ilh 1-hcU~ ha.n>iin oft of 1hc: wvman In 1hc pclr1fiUI 11nd 1h http.hi. c,crnnt,t c:otun
Shr maJC"th,, pt,f1rall tn 1989, ""d it ""·;, lhc pu.:cc ,ho 4.:'bO'ie u, ch,pl;iy un ,111n~II poilC~ th.ti "c.'~ J')\)'tct.l UUl~idc ur 1hc g.alkr)' lhroughtHJI the duratmn "I lbc '>hllY.
"'1 ht: cha11c:oic "".,, to ctmH~n my .i.letche, mlo univer,il ~ind 11n:hc1yp.al inrn~c"' L11Dukc ,raid. Cih,cn!I' Council ft1, 1hc Arb ,rcmwrcd 1hc ,h.o"'·· which i-. the troup that i),. tn,·nh·c:J ~~-,1h Al't (1n 1hc: Gtcc.n
M~r) J•11trt"U will be d1~~lu1mg _II c:ollcct,un or rrinlfl 1tnd dr,1wtnJh in lh c Comer G.allet) 1n 1he ~U8 Stpt 1S u, fkl ,20
Student Events Board brings life to the SUB
Members bring run to campus b,. ~IHff (',urk'Nlft
S.1llAl'day. n111ny NIC '1.ud.;1~
1.11dudmi, rruul)J1nd
1nd1VJJ1111J ll'ltC'OIC'4• Mcsnbrt\ it1du,.k four rtt ,hmen -.c11.ok]C"l. wPtu WC"re
C!lfit(J Mund.t)'. Scp. l,.l, ,1ml 1"",phllf'hlllc\Cna!11h
8,y11< Whcck1, S(iQII Bc.anondJim l.c(ll'llll\S 0111('1 lll(tnbcf,. ot lhC' ooutl W:C' U-.aJ J)oll,1J Brlnlm.m. mch~,,. l'liadgu anal C'\"t-nl fofki• ·IIP", tk..S uf Pn.ith-.:lium, 7..acl• lJtlll}' Slttn• &Id.. ill
,h.u-p: "' nu,lfl un~ t,t'til\ M.tnC'ld Cu.ink', •n chlllf.'C ol ,pc,;i,d tv(n1, '4.Ch .-, d.mi.,,." ~f)d hcanlh.. lk'1.k \iuhkr. lD ,.·b:tt~ l'4 .wt I.D lhe UJUIJG und Jrmtlfcr I.J)('IU. 1n chlltfr 1111,-ummuniiy fH~M~. 'ilo·hu
'Cell' emits eye candy
Visual stimulation makes twtsted lllck stand out b) J(l',t1 ,"i 11,ck,r l)l1t(,r11,Clt11/ flUJNMI minJ I l!llc.' thll.1 hdllfilUII IOlkioChbc:<1"4a hl7nphm'IIC f\ t"c:n muttJ1ff..:ub nk:'Cru··,,une-!.he-·l~ldk1npt_,11Jdo'-J
Ille lwncnt~ or nlldm1111 c;rc,ni: inwp:, thllt f,ll 1h,,. anl1t11c hlrn \I.1th ,,1,knl
.and p:t''l'fttd 1111,IJIO, wh"h '4'l'tC. ~l Ul'fl¢'. d1ific11Jc co ..ioc1111,,1h One o.c~ di~f'IID)\ !he "'llliLln ll\oing 11.....-.n c111,t.at1l. 111 pull c•tl tlir tnt.ct-Ullellof ll nral'I nl('pu IIIOfl"art oflpa1.J.in~1m•iict1C(II lUl111ln ;al'CS rrq111rc J\iltJ ,.~,,11. k1 J:d 1h1ng t1.1lhn1 ,muoU'II~ ,, 11111,
1 ~
1~1\~1:11::~ f'tic OO\Ulm 1ng 1n 1h" 11\0~II'.' •ho ll'ICredlhk. l)'Ofno d(lfl" .ii c:ll()C' Juring 1VloC "(:enc 1h..i h J,o1pc:d 11.tounU an cnure n,001 WI.en he wialb fotv.o1ul 1~ 1,Jp: follu~, hm, Tl_. Vitult drcs,., lhill l .upc, .,..c...,, in dW! bl:rlnn1ng "' M.11 1n....-c1r""'-'< I tu, lllo\'1e" 1101 ro, 1111· f.t)h! nl hem fl 1, 'rlbkl\L py .,,d del'IJrC!ntrd bul "''•lh ~ix•nll' h l\rwak ln"II) lh"4 ~1\1'\fle ,.,.,,, , ,,1.1,I ma'4Cl'J"CC'I rtwe ul t,c.,.t UttlC\ I h:id illl 1o1m\ln~'t". Wt> .ct oO foll' Ti«im:1 (1'(1111
Ott.it Fath, \ 1f.1t.1i..l dr~·c I~ l\il'IC huun 10 1b( ,Jk: r n~,· ii"•
Jbntlfl$dn\1!.but 1io'C V.C'~('Crtl)'
C\t1«:J 10 t.ei: 1h11 1h 1ng. ii did1f t r't".111} nMUtt Wlliro we t1Ji 101Jl(,,c11uc,1l,uut !Mlhour"'°(Cltt
!IICi~W, lhcftv.<.'tCJl(ClrlC miltln,;lftlVllde,cf)'•h«-c tllcrt v.·\'tt I'')'' l~adutg c,ut 1,-ocl(.\"fl p.',lttl" 11nJ dttnc.1 {;1),i ill O\'Cf dwpl:.rc-DnrJ I hllil.k'.IUl'C I i,:t,l
Q\) h1111~L , oo 1111 lhc fra: ,,_uff I c::,-iutJ1•111i:.~•lk-t(',tlkkt1l. I ~oo"'' bcua 1hiu110 r-i..-.. up free
1.1111fl We baJ 10 \I.Ind ,n hot rill,
¥,kilC(ti f.:I II\, 11C\.,a'I(' 1hc)
1'Ciltc~t C't)l.'nl!llltlhcdoclf'l(U n~ wn- no (lnC brwJ!'h Ula) 11am ,n. It btm• • r'"J) conttn .ind bt1nJ wumc:IJ .ibt1ut ,iolcncc. Wt gl'll n v.1l hat>t ton mu,ch ll.1i~lc nJ cbo.:ktd flul lllc T•\hin "Cl'II~ 1n,kk. We (OWKI wr"'JhOP lbe~,Jc.burcf('l~1Q lbr lmn1. v.11hi~ uny uoobk M l.I ~h.iUcJ °'" (Of :w,htk I JOI tnlk--..~ u.n,J \\Cn\ Col lolC'lntml"lfl' frcc~tl.jSWt~ Spun, b.'l,fl(bnnli. Alttt 11buu1 (um .r"" mlnutt'.\. 1ht bfhlll' don1liCJ .inJ lbc'n: "''8'111 11n h 11tttd11,,;1lon W .-rtu O Cllln(' l1U1 .illJ lhcCl'k'q!)' in 1~ pl~ wn., hlgti Hr rl.a)-cJ ~fflc' oid, ..-hul,'11!ttuff:ui..ia(('W\tllli11 f~n hi, nc-. ("0, nW.1ng mt d.111.;c m bl) .-.c:.ll.. Wbll< be v. .:.., oo. p:oplc ru,hctl 1hc: 11~. and CTO\\dri1 1he rroc11 \\'('djdn't mnc U.becS!he i,1,e h.uJ .i ,cd, 11~r hn wuulJn'i l<IU\I~ t1U1J1ew·, ')41. \\llj lk:-tl. uiJ br: Mtw up tbedromr. f'crlp~ \\ff(: ,oi ng nut\., n~ mcludc:d. a1o be .inJ H1 11m;111~nJ \1clm.aruhdlll\ , 1\IIT Hcdtd MyNt1fle l1.."lltld h.al(u.ay throo-gh wtiJ be wu ..._ of 1ht ~n-. anJ be cooldn'1 bclit,c th.it people: 1C1ll lil.¢d it. I 1hnugJ11 t.h;.,111,1,,a\ c~. '" d11, d4) oru ·ctpU)edcrnp. th111bc could rtto~'lUJ.t' 'toOCllt: o( hb own H~ bad two hug.: mlddk fo-.'tt• ®,111,:c 0,00 Ill! ktpt iitl,\lnJ T.-:oc11.t. 1;.11U111g 11 ~Arorm'" l}'pic.tl of bi\ Mlil.udc' 1~mlfna 1tdidn'1nllltttt diou,h bociw~ hi,~,~ we~ lklll. a1.S t,ct)'onc kwrd him S:\tOK.c conunutJ on 11 b) lhn He)~ .5<1flillrlrtporta /\fl. (i(,11r "'"'II (ifq: b.iil;L .it n 11ii•m 6.,c:rclc:.ar hnn~"' to the Y2K it lltllJ 4"4ilnrY. l11.nlnol.t'ln hfc'"Stinr, 1mntan Afl'l.:f1UQl'l'\o._r,·o1 Ont : l .t&nMllp -H..l'i'' to Smile.'" 11,c, U\ 11 dthitl' look t 11\c w.i)' An AJc\Q" (i,.i,-,1 lronlnw,J looba1tbcv.'f1rldlllt:cr iioinJ lht'Ollt:h a dihW\:C -.l l,cix,1nln1 • tingle -·· In ll r«('nl OY1tar \\'(l(ld lllllgillU.CUl&(f'tiCl'llr• J\n ,-:ii1J1h11abol).1 hi,ni,.-v. w i led; on life ,.m hlgt'IQ rcdcmpuon
11',t,iiilcaJI)· .abf"lal tc:.uulu,g rrorn )OOf mi,Lll<"--ft'a.luin,: '"" dt.m'1 h,ne w tt' blld,: ,n10 1hr firc-c:"«)' tlMC, v,.tiach a.., a ~~11111.tJWIICOmJortablt lllhi\"°"ft~ll.tt KCl'llelf normal Ill l'IIC. frlio 1~11;-r tic,,. 111.111y bMI thuiiu b11Pf'JC'n. die-~ rt,dly i, ,1lv.·11)', oa u("'iJr" 1.b.1t ywcan fittJ. 1f )UU want 1 11'1 ,1bctur v.herc )'OUt hurt ~nd mind.Mc ..rt.•
Ol 18Ulolll)'1fll\V.;l1~~'°~I Jl(lllo ,,roj«:1. but the. otJ~r JU)'• d«Mkd m Ju111A11 l>flil ll\utgd.a,,i1;-.1Jmuwc:und,,. \illllJ!lt nf \fr Bit Sl11fC. du) o tu be 1110 fin1 1 a1v. 1Mrt(1.1ni;q,t r,RJJC".1. Thr
~nd ",-lumc l \ gohijt 11.'1 be WIQ.1 '"Soot:, ffmm an An~tiun \tuvae:= \'111 Tl4«£.it"11-'ldTlmct11r 118.iJA111tl)lle."
The h;J.nd \W('..V, tb..lt pu:r1. 1"' 0 ¥1 JJl,c OUI by N\ht:IHb.-r I "A"OVlr.1 '1 holJ 1hrt:11 Ill 1hn1onc.lodcfo:"Al1huui-;h lh~ ,.,I.Ind b dJtkmrt. E\'cn:-11."M do&::11 ha,c liOln(' <>f " tmJatd .-, 11..11.J,IYIIP•lrllll l.\ Alhumfo1J l-c f.u1hh1t 'l'hot,r MlnJj a,r - AM k ild 11, .,Uncmplo)cJ b O')'Juer>J"' llfliJ
'"\\'ondcrful -
''11,c 11111~1 huuncinr \l.1rlf' lire the ,.,,, ar.J ta.~1 md,11. Ille fine $011,: h ulkd
"Sona From .ifl Amcnc.:in \to, .e," 111 "°h1tb An l, L.tJluir .l!li.'11111 \\,11,111ng hi t. diwjhccrplily in a huu "", nl<'~n"'hilf he ,1b oull.itlc thlnlJng .mot.Ji hov. hJ.ppy ,tw:, m.il.at11111 "Annabrll1', Sl.1111c"' 1,lJ~ fin.-1Jol"litg l•tl 1hc alb.am h '• 11 b:IJLiJ 10 hh d!wpi,cr \I.here he apolo,rr.n. ( Of ac,c bein1, atou11l1111MJ nl.lkct lhci< cocuuk:'ru.-.:. '"1 know I'm DC\tl lium.:. l'm "'"·.1~, m 1lr-.11.11dnult'\ il.V.;I) 1,unn;i m.ilcthi , t,,.·llf'IJ or 1u,1 ho~ )vet .,..'llnt h tu he Ye.ab. )"PO 1u,11WC1 1 widc:hti&nd '\t11.1 UR' CH"l)1h!n,: Id me ." Th1i. "Ilium 1, \ ('I')' ~lfl;il '( An c~pms~hi, rcp-t:tt., bi'I ru.gc. hi\~ a v.dla,sh•nv u,o1,:l111~01 wt,.a.1 k wa, hl:c kl gro,.,1 ''Pin lhr 70-, lin the w1q1 ~AM R.1thLf"J. Wn.llac:m·crof VAl'I Mornsorf11 "8iown li),.'tl 011f' .And II new OU:lJllOi. on life lbb 1alhunt i11 d..-:rii1t1d)' \\nnclc:rrul
Warped Tour best punk, kttt.e conccn o f \Ummer b) Aodt Ttvls flht,rocdu ,,, r work.rd for montru. In .d\unc-c, l f)l"I 1n sc• lhC' hc>Ol: up for m> P,'l\S 10 thiS Ji.umme(, W111f1Cd Tour h ..., tiutJ be int IOU.Rb Wnrpcd wur oornrt. Al'lrrn.lltl1c~1,;.ll.lblll'demtil• 11 lurntd OUJ thld lhc 'la111C pc"°° dl;at &c1 ltM; Uf) With • phoco pau 10 1,1)1}'~n~m in Sc:iulcjCI mt upv. id1 thi\ -·Law ,um,ncr I wll, t0ld J h1id ,,,,u hU..,..tgc 1k l t111 tn 1.ht' Scauk \bow l(nowiAl!, lhrn,p 11kt ehi \ ofun fall 1hn>u~h I ~(I'll lltkl bou1h1 ,c:11tt111 ldmis'Uf.111 hdttt before dmmg au1Jic 'M )' 10 Sc:sult. Whal I got l hctt, thcy h lld IWO t:ii:l(tt$ .and '"'V ba~h tt&c Not too bid 1bt Sc~ule ~how la)t y~r UcbJ .w.. Emtncm. Oho$,. IS2 r""Cnil t:x. Lit. 1.c llu n Jn"r •od Ptt1t1yv.l~.v.'«fn(~ofthr v.C'II knciwn 11ru.. For 110mcoac wtio·, 11110 W; 14•1M;'llc punk/"\nifr music -.cmc, fikc me. 1hc Wi,rpod Tour i• u.wnlly the CON.tttollhc: Wl1U1"r Good pu,U. showJ d(llft lhrough UW' i,ci; ttf I.ht v.oo,h ,cry oflcn When lhcy do. I fiDCt IW) V.J) p(,r,-~1bloc lb g:o. Moruhim JO b,.1nd, rl-') 1 c.1Ctl WarpcdTour~top.1lletc's lll\\.11)'\ a (cw Jlf'l'llll11r- OOlld~
, White Pony's energy-laced lyrics cause mosh pit frenzy h) Jnhn NfJm.ar \'<1Ult1t'/U/""1• r - AJtc1Uhl\c "" .;1, s,i:..it \llltl ,a the D:.ltL•Ml"'\ l1N!rlal IWtlcuatmuc.-.tobt" the c uukhnc for \d$othc1 lkln:•1.1lmc h-dnlhurn '""'h •~ l\ffl)', tknotlC'I I~ 11lbum. tt.n 1.1uktl y bc\:,"llli' my co rt.a>cr' • nc,,., c-.t kif! whh tr..ck, ,u b ,n "Oig:ital H•lll. ,_Elite·• o\od lhc riN ,mgle fC'JC'4~ '"ChllllJe {lei the •fou~ I)( fllL"I)., The fkflollCS-Odno Mom.,. Abt l"un1tmsi:lwm. Clu Cbc11JI', frank DtlJOOO and Sl<'phen C.rpcncer-onilB.11cd , n S.11,.TIU1'11'tllO ( : A a,n.l t\."Cmtc:d lhcll' rtf\.l lllfltrm Ill (I!, L'oinci«nl;1lty. I i..·11~ living iri S..crn1ndll9a11h1111imc and w•, ho.ndcd a lldnu l.apc. I« ltlc them upeoming , thu,n .,Adr<n111inc " lll Go Slultt (a local ,.lw.tc "hllpt. lmaa1i1.llK'W.\I) l 14.b a fan 1111d b;•\e i.-o111uiucd wbe lhro111,h II.II thrt'c o f thdr ulbum, :ind et1un1k,, ~und,~k~ Thdr t-t11md ,i nL'w and Ml <>f nc.a111nil11t fil&'( S<',, if )'W lil.c ,nu\lC tlt11t ,:i\·ci, )'We lllC c,f rncrat, 1hc111hi.\ t·C) '*ill Jc-(tnllrl) fill }'OUI ~UUliLJlnd mQrCJ. TbC' iJi,1on-ori. C111no·, cnchnntmg \·oc.,.banJ. tJ)e 1,1,1.Wkr-fillC'J.huinu\tbc
(Enunc.mJ. a (e11r, )'t't 10 be ( l..intp 8 W.1t foot ) 't'ln •>· and t1lNI lbc:tc\ AhU)" tbt One\ di.al Jll\l u~.111)' u lun time !i«mg )tlW f•,·(Vili' b 1i.Od pby (Ir findl.lll 1'Cw fa.\·britc. Tiu, )1''*" \\Mri'I aoinl! IO t)r al\)' d iffcttot. The COQCC11 wu
,uc-k <lite thi: Oo,ln:t\). ft'i.
July<,stheG>IJ<.TheGofJ'< in (",eorgt' WIWl. h probably OCII: ut the bc)I 'Umtnet C'O~tf vcnuts in the North14C..\t The \'tCW DI~ , 11m11.1Jn,g. Wlch hope, of ba<k<"I' Uw,,, ll~ fricr>dllOOmcM:1.out on the 2., t,w, r6*1 trip. I dido) bu)' i11ny lic:kcu, ahd IJlt': contttt u; -sold out. Tbere "'a.\ no b.M:k up pl-'11 SO I he.Id my bttuth JI\~ tkkd l:ad)' dut thmugb a r Ut o l papcr"A~nt "AnJy Prom lbeScrumd r "Th.st',- me: I ll~ wtth ttli.ef I ,:n.bbcd my gear and hcad«l in We hung out around I.he lnilin Uigc Cl\O'lf of 1hc da.) t a:oc io chlt \lollh thllie JocofOrcrn 0.), ITIC'n1~ of lht l,.cm• (k(kb Dub A II ..SllWS ((onocrly kn..w..r1.h Subhme), MXPX. anJ NO~'X I haJ DC 'Cf J«ll Or«n l)Q.) perform 50 1hcy were cowtml ll)f) of M)' concm hlgJ1li$ht 1kt. They plAycc.l all t.hdrbh s:in.,)c"' lltkl 11 (c"" uld .,.c,np fri.lM tbeu \'IIUJI O.hct hi,tllii;:hl, 1nciulkd MXPX. NOr·X. P"9" J\oocb. Mil lenwhn, fof'll\iCSl&nd !he: Lon.glk11A.:h Du.bAllmn
NC\:gtnul>d ~l tht i«DC for 1hc: rru.~1n; of bwied C'OIOllc:>ca WithAOng• J1kc ··PJ»~··1,.ith i\*Ci,.t \ U,)n.udJ~Ketr1ano( f 0<11) ''Sut.t:I Carp met Fc,d~u:aH lb.at llllkl to 1ht. fcclini; pf i11ncrturmo1I , you can·, h<lp W:tntinJIO t ll'-o.'1.11 )'UW """' up qgrcs.,io11 ms the f!OOC' pcopk ,1~DdingY<" ,,_ w,og, ..id,e;, '11bjn.:l"o 'ilCb •\ bond.age. fl(!\'('f wanung ro le.i, c 11 com(onablc. sc:lt.ln~ nnJ tr)'inlt to gw:t rid nfpes~)' J1COPlc1hat don 't gca 1hc: him llflo\\ l'\'c.'CXf>COOl«dtl.cume [tdlftB" 1Mt are c11~,..cJ on 1M1. CD W¢lt, n0t1~ v,.b()Ji:, bl,)fl(~C
T~1'( Sept 28. 2000 o,11~f'.l Nie Otlhfll•"'N'nc11i,, ,u l,.:111\.1,1,dr~ult> «.-oollnue'd fn1tn pl~'! "--..Ul~lkl!'l"'\\rwl.,1ho:i1tk.:I~ ,nlJr.nh 1k'.kn1u1.:o d~ 1.:L\.,~, f:1«'1kJ 1,1 -0,npktc 1hc11 Jtirae An)· ,11.1tk"11 1,:h.ln~i1l~ n,11J•""' r,111 ti,ll~ thh~fh.1r,1,tt.11tt~l'IU~
Uq:rtt\\( 1'\ 10 tiiul'l.' wln\.1' llJ\.\i.°'\l.alltU.llt•l'l'TMthc11 n,e',1, 1,klft"t" \I""· ,.,!Iden~ will b.-
S\10M lln,11t, ,1,nd t1U1\1o.· flll 1bc
1"a:om11Dvmc ron1tn11td rmm pllltf' Ill n,uf)·-d,vu,:uld t•11rn:-"'fto1h11.:,Mll 1•l.i.nni:r.ih•t tbr ~<b<,itt hi I~ l;M fcv. ,..,,x;._,._ the "'NIC C.ll1ltne" O\'O'!Jgltt group the '"''r .and,ccrr«f n~" 01.11 o( .-1mc a.M\\cnlcn..v \lote doott. llt1 ,1.rgc the crn\\d \\'C'nl mlh lhC) thJ .-. "\Cl l,.lJ n1l'J\.1 ul Lbc ,~..,,.
11hkh)t\."l«.-.•f114 (4 11k'.",r 1mn-,,u,rl, "We :.irt h11pil1S lk-i:tt\." Wn,i.., wdl~11, llilblch) l~rn~ fk;..11'1 ...u1I •·we att pnn.Jml! 1ht-.t~·k~,~1>11.1den1,~l}.n 1-~1 lhdr~I mloot1.1tl1,n 11'111 f11loltf,fflCll'CCOO\C1llCSIC~il).·,"' l11.;,J.lltM.,nlcltbcfle\\pro1tta1rh.
-.oor..,. and hJJ llll! ',1.hl:tk pl•e ,n51ni ~oo t.M11!:111J lh<' enc," l)tc JMJ Cuhf\11111,i I.CJ\IC and Jee tvr111:·\r,1.11pli.yu\"ttdlr '\Jll:~('f'I, nnd cv~f)'Onc p:&yC'd 1ubcm:. h *''l1kC' l,r ,. .i., nt.11,.allv dicr1:. lbq hmuFhl P\ll hquur .i1\IJWJ"Cin11rnJJ111Ct'.''e>ntol m) ptf1IIIIUII t,w1"11n. At tl'lk"
''"" I et,ul,,hfl bchcn:: f""J' octuJll)1 ..cc-mp the<ic gu) \, W f:tthtt:1,11INf\.l\\·.i.,,tt1h&:-•\Cft.
IIPP"''cJ 1fll'"W-1'lft'l~p:n1lut w•llhe11&i11.,-J111"1thc ,1tt S«lll'ldl, a tk'\I,, Im._ 111 NIC C)ulmc"' ·"' ,II !'I(' I"" (lfl 1t1,· hllm( p.i,•cvrthc.•l.lf'll!ifl~\\,l:'b--Jk rro,·ldm~ .an e~,) '"'•')' h 1hi.· 1,111& 1l1'1ollllh1,llht1'k'\\o lk NI<.-, I\'(~ l_,. l"ttloUn.JIJ•>n'" wt\.ilu.abkre-,.l,ur"\.~fCJJ 11U-n1, lt';li.Clia•,.,,.l,,1t11-•p, luukini: for fac.'t., .ibou1 p;1
W 202 SUNSU AVE. CO"A, IO 83815 ~i (208) 76S-2695
1'!,ul)dcr Alley 'friday Nig!,f& lf:30 p.11). to I :50 a.II).
J.ascr l.ig!,fi;. ilac.l\ l.i g!,fi;, 'Pj, fuo. ~ic~ilarefu)g
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