The North Idaho College Sentinel [Vol 54 No 1], September 28, 2000

Page 9

ei1n2f•111tian tn l ~l ..iuJc.nh ~ho ._.,nc:J up l:a.~ fall

\\C'nt up 7 ptrtcn1. 1M fil'11I

th1• ,.ummn- ,v1., oO, ~udc,m. In JM,

\tudtnh W('ft' ln 1hc ~r-"'m

l,111 v,.,u 1hc flf,.1 In 11.l\C \hlJC'tlh rl',l\h"f

0111pt"1, al\.Q ;,1 tt.:Nd clc-tl, 1h~ihl lhctC' s i.rr f'l"'iU~1f1, arc bc1111 fifk'J tt1 P"'~d,olott) anJ • 1,1,.·-at. • ICJI "' cc»nit11m1l..;1ti11" tt1ci1,k Jnwn bc-1...,«n nr,. Jl"t'lllon In 1ht-1,,"01t1pitttdc(lid1mntt. 1 he ,;olltJc 1, nukin,: land siur-chuc, 10 .k:i:ommud11ol(! tl'h.• $f!J\11h vf .tuJ.criu. N IC pb1111 tu l°'ullil • Neahh

T1'c- fCfi,tcc nffh:c I\ hoc•l.1111 um, t1t1llaC' '('\'CQ ~1.11k1thl'1U'\1fl1''1,10 .m ln..'.IC'lo'-C lif 31 ,tl)iierlh tt,ti,1r,ovt1 fN 1htt r.aU :001 IIC'fflaln 10 m 1n1nu,e 1·ht {'(1cllf"ltll'I r«hncil~)' Oq,.1nmrm Program h.o m1....vminurti..:.;it1c1t1

Uic rouil.ttUI) of MJo1r1i.• 1,Ml1o.:u11,c, <11;<111nn3- Jl\l,.'lh c,r -4uJcut Gee i1a1cJ f11ur J'IO''•l'llr' f11ctun lli.t utnc .Its ht, •kkl)' 1.n11 r1 1li.u tht 1Lhu1>l ,c,cuc" • ~'Oad rn,.rc,1,c nf 1tudrnh' Cihl'Wth or 1hc ~ommuml)'.

'98 g:l'lldu.81• of the medical MC-rwllry program and Alhena Ellk>H crul10 through the rain on Hiawatha Trall Jn lM Bitterroot Mountaln1 on the Idaho/Montana border. 1lMt 13 mll• kill'lo tndl will be lengtheMd by 1 35-fflU• addiUon on the Montana •&di. The adcUlion wlJI open In IM of 2001

High school elite receive full-ride scho larships

b) \lattMa) .'won1irif/ n:,.,.,,,,

Thi\ f•II elih1 ,·olkg:c (rc,hmon r,om

l~i;:h""'' 1hc arc",1 roltl\'~ r111win aom b«aU\C' lhr)· tht»c' NIC r« 16 )' the

I Rwnt ril lru11Ca b...~ oHcn.-d o,ehnl""hjpt f•l lhC' ,111cJ11;loTl,1n, 1.nd ,.ill.1h1lorf•n" or IIKJal h1lfh, c(l,crm1 fUdmn co,,t1. the ru..i: )Cilr lhc)

,\11,('llfdlnfl 10 Connie Dawurn•\1di.rtulC! 1 duci:10, uf rma111:lal cil.l, 1h01 proaum 9:hc., IIGJau1 \l,h,o tMy ha\(' li(ffi llt'\'C'plcd jj; 11 \·ll,IM'I)' ~,1 c1ifkft, lhc' ~hotcc- Ill dlloMI NI(" \u.littlh acn wl.c fflfllll'Cd "'°"r-.c' and mbt d01C"Ntkiill1C:."n11~q;ld.

~11.1u111n.1n ut t. 1L.,~1JL lhrh 'i ho"'· \1.nali \11ddlctoft, tat'p\1111, w "It w11h her fflNTI iroin, \\'uric) • .J2 1ndn ,c,ut.11 uf Cot'W J'

"h'• 1;c1nn;111~1111111J1ll 1l,'t 111 fl•)fflC",'" \111JJlt1°'1 id. Al.d1•l\l•h 1flc .,.. pl.ltmlnf tn .ilttfl'I ~!(.' f-cfOfC.' ,he '"'<'1,cd 1hh a,utd. ~be 1-<1iJ lb11 th~

~-t1c1l.u'\!llp 1"'81k 111111; a k,t Gt\lirl \11JJldon tt.

t.l\ldVIPt (ltt rh)'\lC'ill d1cr.ari,,· .'lnJ f'lam U> allcnJ her~ lilt 11,1,·o )'Ut\ btlor.e tran-.fC'ntnJ to the U111,C'1u1y o,. hh1ho or W1<.lung111n SI.all' l 111.1.\'co.ity

S1uJcnc\1 ~Cl\(' .ii ICJtw 11 1.U (WA tile fiN V'mc\tc-r to be c h ~l lC' IM llit t.N:nnct h:11! e>I lhC' ",htr tJ,11\\1,r,n t.a1J 1h111 u,uall> hn"t • p,ul,5tm co1\\idctios 1!1it~

m ell'( , llf 4,0IJO 1odrnh, tU'lc OIi JU'•l 1tl\llti11c tbt p11.rl111,: "'""" 1h.r.1 ante -.h1Je 111ulcm, cvt.1111 lhc •c1;omh 11••>· u111 1I 1hr1t d"u ,1.1,u Ob"'u"'"I). ,,oc •II

N1j.lht W,11A;h S11pc-,\·1,11f foe- t:imptn K°1.CUfll)' ,.altl 111111 ,1uJ ct1h lk<d ht klld tor 1hnn1rlvl't

auendJt11! 'SIC 11h11 i,>h thh rro,nim,f' t),...,,un ,d

L.tttc-1' npl.tlnma ,be oCkt ""<'Jct llncnbultJ td die \.'•ln.h1.1ocvn• 111"3 \.&Jub.SV111,m, 11( r\'tf')' tup M:hoiJI ln th~ (he 11011lw:tt1 <.oonuc,. Abool .W documc-m, •ere: prt cn1eJ 11 uch ol 1hr 11 "'+ool,' :.•wd,;I.ICI• la\l )'di' Ptc"1,,u,lr 11w1uJ1 t1o11l ticcn ptt1.tn1td ,~nf)' t11 1ho,,c 11Q'nh pf1W1n,n1 lo .111t11J N1(" l\m,rJinJ "' O•w,nn 111, JW"" ,)1tr·m ,llu,u t\'t"I)' rll11!hle t.tudl'1lt JO bt O.WUn! l'f I~ 1'IJ'IP0«111bl)

1.11.1J.:r11, ,1mpl)' f'-l'L hulhr.1 awa) "G!:1 • o<k. ot h.11\< 1 (ricnJ dtnp )fl\l


shot in her Po,1 Falls apartment b'"""""J""' !in,tmt'lr,;""1n ,\ ucmcadau, ilm.,un1 ol 1,;om11111n1t) •uppor 1 ~uitounJ, ,.htx,uos ''"'tun T.11.i'tll¢ ~n. ~111ec •k rl1bl 11!' k.atl)c·J vf hr, mnf"IHlflt

1h,c Nt<.· ~hxkn, .._.n ihcJ1 1n lh(' chc,.I fl(' hrt 11eu 4Plf nctJhbor Sh.u.t.1111 l\>ll'. 11. l.llC'dlc w,n kft p,.wlyrtd

1to1n lht •11,1c- Jn1,1,n 11n\1 ,• re,~.,t'lln1 •~ Sa l.11ke'1, RthJbil11~11011 l~tilu1c 111 \pt•bf'lc

1' Co,,111y l-'fl1~\Utor, 4&llc~ J\llt h;ul titcn dunl.in1

lhllt 1111ht J1ulc"'1 ruumut;ite Josh l>ol11n l 1 h',uhtd JU •

r.rrT1mwa,,- horme 1h.11 ht c.J hh TO(')mntul('t h•d 'hccn

Jtinkin~ t1r a,ih "'11li h1cnd 1 ltilH c,cnlnir Prmccu1ror1 ah..-.

• lli:1,:clJ tha1 Pule pt,IIQICtl bh

1!l '7 \muh t,, \\ u,,,n 111 hi• rQti1n111Jfc l~1ir1.) Shcnud 111 1

On \cf"


KICKIN' IT Thur s da y Sept 28. 2000 Aryans forced to leave North Idaho compound Back/Page 1 2 ENTIN EL \olum~'>l,N11111hn Ill :'\111< 111 ( p 11111 ( 11111,.1 (ornr.J ' \l,n t. l,l.11111 • I I Student body still growing IICNlll ll'GIIPII 1llkl If 'fot IJlc ltN tm,.· , 11.rull111 tll'I II, coi1dnt11lU• 1\.,-i, ill KC'll, r~ .lftd la \;LRPJfll->ltll iiod Ju.•J \"1UOU11 •t11 111o·a., hllld, "' t.1"1 Sh.:amn Cra,.·tncd. r«'t'.lf\h -:lttt 1" dW" Jhc 1ehnc~ ti.I\ Pf'C'Pilfl!'~11n, ilk ,unlcm gn,w1h b} cq:i,tn offii;~ \\,1,1J1rli1.uh h«•nVl' IJ1,hf1 \M1,1, dtltrr•.tult11f- a11 ._.bitlllt)' 11mt1tJ1tt t1I ,, i,nJ ,b) 1.orlndll \\at, .Vffl1Mlff/1Mttt lei , ,, ""'"" dt'\b in lh(' dJ,lfOtltll• rhrt ,1ut,kn1 11'&:f\"N ha!> 11\lck- ii h.N\Xf 11.11 lhc ~hnol tu m,unta111 .i.~te..ld~ u.,&.>n111...t1u •·h:11 fQ 1!'\fl('('t.. r1.11111,, 11110 mrn t.iJ.:r, 1w_,.,.,. ,111111> '•••h) "1\ttdtd -n.t colktC' l1lh di11111 'lltlYY.f"Cf JI 1;1l,.,. ,~, mct1 1uiknb nttJ...,··Gtt 1;,1td A f'C'\11N hUmbc'f of !i.h1,knh ha.,-c cmulkd. 01, bll ~,...,kr ,\1.co11hn111.n Rcg11.{fJll Jhch.i,d lk\•11\. 4.<>S'I 1.1u..lcnh ti.a,c \JtlllCi.l llfl for el•"\(:" Tl,c:, UC'Vi r«oo.1 btint'I s J pc:nxnt in
cl'rlltt. ~um1tot10. • new acitlltl' bu1khn1 ..w.t• n,•nl' culiut,il crnler ~\kknh,, lhc ttiM.(n nniu: :wt ,1'*11, ,1Jmi,.,1ot1\. The l' N1,1"111it ~'h1f.l111 -.C'.ul r,\11t1 havint:: S11mmcr <'l'IMlh~,11
d1wugh1,\1! lbC' ~c11r The
fl',lblet. ,twk11h w1c,-1,
IP lht 11imt 4.ay Ai hl'fo~.
rtJtlMtr In Jul)' .tnd Aul!U•I
J or t 12 ,.uJi.knb lh.i.l lt'ltll('\Jd *-" c:uthp;ittJ to Jt'rt~ Cicc, \'JC( p1cs1dc:nt of uhtmc11()1'$ ""'J 1hc: SJ l.;1'11 ) The T(dl prn1o1tam11 tw,C' 11M:tr.8C'd 11 new cnrollmcnl pnkC1.i 1,1,0,uJ "l'I) .,.,.l'II '° I-le.- rcn:cnl 10 ,31 duclrn1, rhc d1,.h1t,11 ,h111h ouc Th(' itKtc .c uf ,.tUdC"nl, hiu ..tC.tti:J • l'CJitl"t p;a.ti1nJ! rnlbkm o,n campvi; ro, h<11h ••udrnt\ 1\11 flX'l,lh) .tJnl. ¢"'er) ltrtlC 1hc M.hoot Jon tnn,cthint M:"' C011hnt.1all) h,nn;I' f".:ln lln.e 10 mttl thr "'°" dnn'I lhrn~ parliq IC jOU)J." fn Jtl l,cun'" d,c t'ICM (UII\IIC Y.1th tC1Mll111~J1l J"'it1;• UJt." Bc\i&n:'I "3dl',C' ""~t~C'J 111 m.ll1) C'Ollct1r" ud r,ulil111 alv...,., J.CCm1{1.1bc •l'I b.UJc • 1hc~
1ca,chtr•W\ldcn1 nho H•tWC\(f. i1 v.,o nntc-J 111 1hc l'lp.a!L•1ua ut e.J1.14.:;1horu1.I opronUl!ll). outm,dl Al,IJU\l brian1 IIIC'clnl,I IJ,11 tdl....ul utHt l.1111 tu, r fl.Ill All doll'llhill f'• OW\l••OIIOqil Pevgy Gwluo1a
nc f11rolllrle111 procc~"
cn10,l 1111J. «L anilll\l~rii,11
HUdc,i1, (~Uhi (IAI)'
,tt.iJcnu .k.h~\C Mlmc 11f the' h1glK"•I 1:1.a.k-t. lfl dat "haul "'ll t.he) c:"h.4.11£C" lll<lf lftllkJ o.t the Wt tnUSUlt'. ~IC' o \ltll 1in 1.lpl1tw1 r,w thrm,• D1t~-;oc1 Ntd. lhC" ~dh)b11hlp b only ultJ Cur .Sulknh 1r,1tmdlna Ste 1hc- '<ITIC't.ltr 1rn~,:i~I) lnUmnng 1.h1,-ir high ~:hool rf1111il4bi•n t....,1 )'C.Af 11 \lll1k'III\ ttl!III lo "-IC' U\lnC 1h.1 "\\'( cnJ llj\ ,1b M'lllC l'\'1111) lop,~h ,1udci1t, PfOJJdltl Parking causes headaches again Rel ief for studcn ls no1 likely b) JrrT) M.u,tu v, ,ht,1111 Dc,plh! le• '-"'""llr' jn th< r~u lns ,i1u.J11on la,1 ) ,1uJc111, arc t.lill ,.,acn1o 1n,1t up l111r fot cl.ant'", illcJall),· pu\11IJ lh ('tt Hbick\ 111nd nk;kiaJ ln 1bc •iolaUOO•. Addin11 10 1hc fru,ir.11i~»n 1h n IC'IJIC.,.tcr 11t111 1hr cb.nn,:lnJ or 1tudcn1 p,nLint •rac.:u, ,., t.M:uhy l'lt'1tt KilJciw trill \\>11h NJ("", rTi:utd cr1mll1hen1 hr1ns•n•
c.impo, o111hi:- ume umc how.('t.(r ,1u1.knh c11tollcd -.,1b Ifie Uruh"t'lil)' til l"'*ho, .ind I.C.\lolt,t,l\,J C111rl. Sl•IC' C'olll',:e, ,1,0 b.illl" fof ,tic chrmht'J tfJl)h R11.f)Jy l·n,ioc. C'u,ui.h11I
1udn,,1~ arc (lfl ott." J·nt.htC Wli let he-Ir C";io,c 1ht r-,1lnnli "u;u11, 1u,k1m, h11\·c- ""J.n'IC pl\Olhlc ,,nlu11,1a-. Olk', h ' r•"JOh n,r \fin) 11.11JJ<'n1t. 11,.: in I.he: umeo ~p.11111'11(11,1 buUdinJ, 11\.d t•n 1..h.uc • rick Rldin1 • M,c- w 1"tloul n1-t 0111,- hd~"' r~ucc patl.1111 wnun blil &al'loft c:1111 p:hc" .a Ilk:~'ll Anmbcr suhnrnn 11 1he NI Cl: hu, u.11ur1111 11u11 lhal r11d.1 up •hJdcn 11 "' dt•lgn.alcd iUC<H
Comnuity INlls together and .. former student
Whik ~lccptnt: tn her 1'~1 hall, •r-uuncnt on Jul)' 1.
J,1 Cll(
F1J1u T1r, ,find
1,1, ill
muec)' ru UIC'c- lk. h:lf lllll'lflfUIUUCh'lfl thll c-t.'C1111.":lll 7b:!·'t•Jt "'h '• ou1 uf con 1ro1;• 1ud<nl OtC-.lArtc \mnh ~id '"You're h11n11n~ rur • \Jll>I anlJ if,• b1J tompc.-hllt1t11v •ht>c..111 hUft 1ln lhc'irhlmlu:rr.r 1. "'\I.C' c111not crc-arC' r,1r\1r11 ,1111 oi th" hluc." J-t1,1~ 111d '"'lhc)· 1,tudcnt,t ,pl'lld ,o IIHU,·h IIIUC lttt1Unf for 1h11 ~u ldl:"fl "rut'" frhhlC \Ultl¢(1h '"'11111 su ht .iny l•tlt' unl\ct,n) and \('C thC'U 1'41l01i \IIU.iht143,,. ,mJ lhtn 1hc, will ""lift I lb ctimr ho1d, Fti toe t.aiJ f hey nccll tu JU•l dl·al \l.llh H .,.... ..i.-.-· Parking IGC In lront of the GYIII during the rnomlng on Wed~. I D U C I I I ONLINF.: """,en1111d BY PHONI : 7~9-.l3H8 av FAX:7b9-33KII I I I CI I I
Ru,,,~11 f(ll&leUc- U)&C' P<ilc w1U Ji> to Ifill l•cing 1brce chnrin, 1J1114'11dt1I dls(hllfJC n( il [iroun In ,II J1,1,C"IJlnf .lf!J:IO,\·,atcJ t,.,11~·,, a11J Ji:JIUVU.IC"d .iu.auh Proil'cutou. 11,:, ,-('c-1..,n,: PlJI .an .iJ1f1110,111I v.l' 1rou cnh•ncccnenl ch.use. wluc:h h cc>mniun 111 .tny n~ tn,·t>hlng:. hrt.11·rn nu, ,ovld ..iJd .Jnnlhcr 15 .i~ )'C~ lu Pule'• m ,tm11m potsib,k pcn:illy or JS )t'n 1n rn~m 11m, 1, 1 ,cry ddhLull tP"-(" Ill m11n~ rt',p«h,'" hi 01\IUl:t \b8tllf41le Rtn1ar111n S1mrt.t11t ,,.1J .fl.141 rr1:tlminllY-) h¢,11in11 '"Tau I ,tCC"lk·• Ilk 1,1, ill tc i·h.;Ull!~J fore,cr • r«ull) A,'<mhly Bc1\.l.·,,,l,:111 Snc1c1y 1fAflS> l'lMlcJ J lun.t f01 l..iC'cll~',c:on111n1qt (,hlPl11.111 h1rh JR)onc iuHootnhutci to f-:ABS n a ('Ollc<tlon "' r-.,ilt) l~l lC'U up lullJ r••\Ctl u11iJ/1Jf l'IK'lnl.) Jifktt111 , , n11.1111in, alMI ~·rk c,")' tnrellllb '111.n, hu,tuc,-.N In Coeur J"AlcM a11J Pml f~, h;i,c ~. up cuU«hPII jan .u,d bc-nchl• 111 heir LIC'tllt r.:a) ro, mcdi ,1 t'Pt'"'c-' \fott 1h,.,, -.·u t11i~ on tbe li~t uf Scr1e1uber 111 Jia,.t I ;alh abrousli • btncfu ~('IIIC'CII, r.illll' anll Jl.l~IIOP lhc ('\'('RI \\'I\ hn,..1t'db> lbtc11, c,l J\n1,•hc Liua.',Cl»b.uiJthc: t-1,,, koJ C-Mt. A.«ui.lmt 1.-. dlC' f\l\l I •Iii 1,i,1h<c d11tr, Chfl lb~c".•u Ilk' lll•l«! t,11'\t'J II the C'\1."l\l Ii hC'c. held tn a ,it) ...:l'IUnt ~nJ •Ill hC' 11"C'd ,lll"('lli4'J.IJ)' fCIT' l...11Cc11t·, 111eJ11.,1I
111 Imm 11 rm a •ilu1
coflt.:C'II will ttC held 111 lbc: &.l1k~ l.odi:i:
J' Alrf':lt l ""11 h.,nch, tlw-he anJ lhe
The Reno\o11t1n
pl•) 111 fall('

Nursing Director loses ban le with ovarian cancer over summer

b) Kim C•rpNUc-r Srl'ftt11rf r"f"1rlt'f' O.ropn. d1r«1Qr "' nut\iriJ health 1nJ pkyskal tdllc~tion. dJcd of 0\'llfl.aQ c.iDCCfOll lUl)'

2.l Shr h.-<id ~n 1hc d1r«t0rof m1~1ns "11"""' .198 I 11,,it before an1\1tq! nt NIC !>he wo. commumty health cO\if'\( croniuwor (or 1hr lnt<"rrollc, al<' Ccn1a In Spohnc for nine)~. JQ:in rt'«t\·cJ lk!r nurung lkJtf'CC' fn,mS1. ltlJ.e', CollcJt 1n Dtnvcr, her b;&e.bel,1r't deS:l\"C: Al dnbo Si.,le. Un1,'enii.y 11nd ., ln.1\tcr·, dcg:1ocr al lbt Uni\'chlty vr W.11\hln»100. She held " bilQbelc,r'\ <ksttc: from Nonhwi,1 N11arcn.: College ;1ntJ w.i~ wtll'lln, on her Pb.D fros1~ the- Unh'CDlt)· o< IW!kl

She v.-a, •liC1 .i ,chtf.-d c~,&(intl of 1ht Army Nun.c a;:. ""w up In ~,mp,, ld:iho. Sh< ..,;Jed wotb

htt l'unb.'lnd In f.10'\I Fall\., She one dtwghicr aod

'"''O g_nandc:htldren Hc.1 h<:,bbici. v.'ttt the roo(I(.\. 4--H.

,m,·c:bnJ and (,1rnlly .11,.'li\1tiet.. \lo~ it com~.on:ite 11nd c11ri111 indi~1dulll

She had un open d~iar polic) 10 all. She hJJ II et1ncttn for t,·ay f-,cully mcmbc:'r II.lid ~uJtni.

S~ w"M 11 ,tudcnt'i lldvoc.otc ,. said JO),~ f°:C"l'Tl'.11. a ro-worit'r und dmt fflc1NI 81"0giln hllU high !4andil~ ,md C'i.pc<:u11i0m. f« the proftwm )he w;u uwohtd I.II. She \I.I!!, fuwn~tk tl1ld

IKcd h« aM11y 1q (pur NIC ((1f"tl,'afd into flC'\li


Conference urges teachers to teach students Importance or diversity, understanding

b> Mllk.ty wo1rron1 St'11mu1¥tl"'""


tcrntc,flt"lc>fcdlk.'llllllfl Brogan v..a~ l111>ttumrntAI m pt\llll«'fm: 1hc

DM,Ul(C l.cwnrnJ_I: l'mirQm Hn t"'-lh Wit\ It• proi,llll.'t cdtk'IIIM.Jn lo ~YJ\'I"' In lhc (Wt ni,nh(rn

oou11X1' "'tw1 ..,.,1,11cf no1 •11cnd 1,;l.w.c., '-'" canir"1-

'"J~n bthc\C'd 111,bould ha\t the npp:,numt)· 11>

tlC'.'ah.11,,"lltcd." ttm:IIYlll-

HC1"'1;\-cn1 e:1'1.ll v.ih to dc:.,ck>p IJ'N •• rypc or n,.u,-1iq; lki,ortt'l pt0tifll,11h 1t1 SL M.uic,. S1mdpo.n1 end RonflCf, r"CrT) ~tol',;plc,•I'\: .1r,;irt-1imc lt'."-1

J\l~hll11 9n,pn r,a\1 <h.1iml tllt' LdahoCormm,,ioo fnt

N11f'\ fd11c.1110R. \\'h1k h,c,ld,ng 1h1, mk \he obt.alnciJ I\I.Ofl'ilJlb. lhr Jolm!oOb Or.wtaod MordocL

Unuu 10 f()(ll\ (lq 1hc need,; ol 1be nurnna tu,urr

J,,.nnc wJ.4i oi~ llk bNrd ui dui:clc.WT, for di(' Youell

H •thnc: 1111d doo.iltal her in• \1llun1.ttJ lnr 1bt l<OOk"1111iOi~crScn,k'C

She 'A'a ~1,11wn 011 nmpu,, duuu~ Ill( \I.ale and n,ulonall)' Iflt bt°inl • fl.111',IIIJI. nh,c,:111(11'_ 'J«)llnnc w• lc:JIOCr-. hn'4ll'\C "h( • .._,n·t afood tn mnc Jgrd ;,nd 111ljql11J,1r cb:.1\110n",'" 11:a:id Ocmkt

Wni!hl, C \l,(W~f IUll.i fri¢11d

Jo.innc ""ii\ fcArlt"'" ~IC Jltln"1 u~ «'~!)On•ibililiet. liMhlly," fcrttll ,.oJ '"\\'hM I \\ill

Ill».\ n'lll,I .ab.KIi JNn i\ tti..11.hc 14J.1i thonlugh, ,ht dad hc-r bnmcwnd. Sbt Lud It f1nn found11&1l'ln lf.'lr 1~ profTI1m11 ,he WII'\ IM\·tll\~ With."

\\nilU..dJcd.''l'Ndlml .,1uuta1n1t!Qctui-rlr1

licrOfr,cc h) ~but aboul lbc dil)'

We ml\, hr.r fric-1kh11lp. \Ir<' diJ ,11 ltic ,,1 h1mily w:m 11.e"l logt"thrr." F(m-11 and Wnght atgl'\.'f'd

A ...::hill:IN11ph.;1~bttn •,dupitt hc:rmenu,t),

A futurfstlc thinker In education, Joan Brogan lost httr llto thlt tummer to ovarian canco,. Brogan w11 rhe head of nursing department for 19 ye:ars.

Confe r ence e du c ates t eac hers Freak accident turns vacation into challenge with a broken foot

Reporter goes for broke on crutches; spends summer watching soap operas

In an effort to end to prejl,dlC't'.. 1bc rm1

Confc:rc:occ on Undetsui.ndins Ol\'crlh) wi~

llcld Sq,&. 1, ~niS lb. Mon: 1han JOO acachcn

lUld ,ruJcnt.\ joined in Nie',·Sehu~r ~11011u.m mk.ur11hc- 1~olulllkn.wiJ.in1l1.1un,1.11

d1frc::n!nCC~ Thc,c<W1fcrc1~•'ll., 1~101111,onc:

mten1~led 1n Jc:mun,-aboolt'lllrurolJ dl\.cl\lty

\ttlt)' Lou ~. prc1-idc'" ~\r lht Hum1111

Right'\'. Edl>Callon Fau~riotl, u1111-cd the tol\lmr,«, rfflliodlRj (i~Cll('1111h.a:1 lhlf ~4.', II cckbra1ioct or dhmlly "To.I.a)' I red hM: 'C rt.Ill) DIC 1hlffllo inf II pany;· die 'l'.aid

The fir,,i ,pc::» or 1he C011(c:rti,c:c ""·"

R~ymond Rc)'t~. a.,~1a1c "M:t': pre<ideni f()r di\c[j\t) rrom~•Ut1.1wn1ty Hc:~c about 1he deep lo\'c 1h111 hu.mans hokl f('Jf (recdumllldhow ftttdom I, ,t&r1 o(cuhwul undcr.<,tan1Jut1. Tc.w;htn, I., '"•OOU1 nurrunng lht

111.11.-tc: hunw11b11i1y 10 Cftllln.•· Rey'°) s.11d. t-:inew~ "'"Cftlhcld lht'tttt'I...S~)'

Xtso.JI *1mini1i1r:1tort., 1e.ichc:n U4I uud~~, 11oc:rc pmcn1cd 1nfarnwlloa on u~J'\blnding hm, di, crs11y appfiC~ 1n tho c:~111

The v.url,~ incluJtJ Dr, Omcw,,ilc

A.k1ruu,• ff'flm lhc Unh"<llit} or Wyuming ptt'iC'tlMt on WhlJ~ Ra,;i,m, While Privikgc

1Pd White Svptffllac)': ibc s«-1111 Corl\11UC1lOl1

(If Rnce llllJ K111hy Yill!Qmoto. ldAl'io

&h.ie11uoo A)~i.4Han 11nd Mlllil.Yll Slluk·,, fa.:mert) frt"m the Id:!~ Hun,..,1 R1gbt, Commt~~on. "Po~ 1lx,u:1 ilk ldlbO Aime Fnan\

ltumllft R1gb~~Mc~I Pmjecl

NIC PfCSiO::m Michael 811tlc \I<;!;\• 1ucu

1ipca.kl'l"oo SJit\ll'Cl#y 11t 1be~Mferc:""'. Uwkc "Pl>kc aOOln ~hy ,:11\"Cni,y maucn Thc:re,H'.tc: 12"pc.iken,utWCCW1(cl'ffl(c LcoM.!Oa,nd:. an.1MU11icw lromlhe Uni,cru1y "' Al11~u. w~, ucitcd to~ Nonlt ldabo',vlc'*'c•ldt\.'th11y. 1-k~allcd 1~1



bimi.111 rd1111on'\ '4 Cft' Olk'C n-fcrrcd MI\ "'nit.:,: n:l11uon,. "'Th.i1'111htov.l'Of'li v.ord, beau!.( 1lrt1 )Cli'rt: 4lnwing antnli(lfl 10 lbc l111,.1 tb.111hcfc, •• .a J1flctrnct","hc::!..11J ··wc·1r11,llb111~U1'11\'CJ\,II)' nr ld!ltiu,h1d.·111, rc«l\·cd l."JtJit ,,.. 11ucndlnJ! 1hc ~,nrCt"W:tt«' b,l)'CilrtheoK~~l('oonl) la"1hW"C.'t"~ tlum.m "R1i:tic., l':dt111.-u11~1n ,~,c. S!O.(NX> in ,; to IC.It~ in ldul,u. 011.· H11m.ut Ai1tbh

EdUCiLliOO FoonJ 11o11. ltn \M';wcb of 1hc K~t11111 (.'wnl) T3\l. F~ I, rl ·mnro_g on gi\'11'111 l!flUlh· ID It.-:~ lht, )\'Ill run> Stc.o\l.ialt, "pc:•lih,:~I ..:lclk't" 1e.itha ua NI\ \lo ho coordui.i1cd •he t\·i:-m. c,r,111,ncd the 11a:1;I fllf lhi\ ~onfcrc:na'.' "'A lhlld OOm \lo Uhuu1 pet:Jud,cc md 11 h. ii Jc_.fflc:\I ~h.1vi,1r Til('ft'forc, ,f "t' *.tn• 10 ,ra,,.e rttJUI.OOt'ltfldbil(>ll)' in IIUl.'il.1)' V.l!fte'al ldt.kth thmulh cJtKa1,nn

b)' Pam Sl:11011 Scrrti11rlrr,,mt(r OD a wann Jul)' n,ornin~. I tk....J 01.11 m\' b.k.k Joor \ttpp:d Ju"'n \loJl"'il ""'I fc>ultd m),cll ut 11n •i11lortunalc prcdkamcru for 11,c rc,11.undet ol :w,mnwt ,·uu1w11 JI'\ t,aJ Cl1Clljh IU btt,.iJ.: a bollt tn )l,"IIU font ,ln<hl-'flllO )'Ot;lf IIIIU( umullJIJIIN'llt,l)'. bul tui,i11i; l()IOIC ll bltblai;k bo(,c annmdun )·UU1 hw,(t kit fotc,ghi v.ttk. and humilfall' :,c,ufli(1f "-llh cnm:hc5 (Of""' "''"kt ii WIOlher 11n-iry. SuTVtvinJI rnuchcs \ti,u,di,e 1111111\JIC: lnn.un-. In 1hr bcginniog. ii w:n nQt coo bitd OfloClC. I


die mJl(h u,e oUl\1/ctlh"d 1bc font and 2111\.lc pah1 I tltoutbt. ·wow, f t.::&n i:.-t~hupi•" my \tlllP op«ll.\ uc ,tui chc: Ne.1 •• ,h I be~.J.I) n1y 1n.u,J4tory \Ul'ali<m 11.1 home.. \lfke I c:<M1ldn't dmc m)'

Tc:>yOl.i Lru<:l wnPI 1he 1r111n,m1'-,mn I goc comly on 1bc toocll In r,on1 of 1hc cclr,l,i:on Otmng 1.bc fif\t 'o\i."d: I d.11ln' 1 t1111hX' 11,c taa Ibid begM, tu J:"1lhcr ll.l\M,md m) WIL\14!. 00'1 ii wa, C!ager The'1,C1,;0t1d \lottl \)( my ~·01l,·ialt' my .J"1l11y ,in nuk.lllO "'•\<k.--linllcl) tiirnc:r I tril:d wwrnl \lo<l)'' 1n set .a tup or cuffcc dc,"'n 1he "-w,n whllout ,f!tlhng ti I .,, , nnoo~ed bci,:aui.c I 1c,dc:v1\C ""•)'".! 101~u1,c 11luni: II wa., c-11h.1u~111g, Somr vatiltfn(!I 11<.m.eJ hn"' tu t.akc lhe ,11111, In Ilk r.imtii ro~111c,11 h w.a\ much fo,ccr 11nd ",f'ubc:ulll'-C' I w,n al'i.'.1y, folli111 doYrn. I OOd,pot'k«t fll)' lunich n,L;1if'. bu1 uyh11• '" t11kc flujd, illl)'Whl,"tC 'A;t;\fl1C')S)' Mydu,, \I,('.~ ll'41Uridhl ttf! IIIC't.', hro\lo\'\Cfl')mg to Jtl IO cht doar 101c1 tv.,o Ocm1J1n Shepherd\ 11nd • P)T't1\i;'\UOt

him to ~1\C a ctlbk!1 ul d1vtt1II)' I.left« 1111 lktLr-k)' in C.111 •fhc: Je,m, V11n 1111wndo,~,•1,pcnn1,:-c an..l die) \I.Ct\' \I.Of!Jc:tful M mr-, h~ 1,aiJ. l l~rl', holiti1,: mdude ~.1ding and ,pc:ndi11t qu.ill1)'

.11lmm1,m1.ung ai MC fol lhc p.\}I 12 )C:;in. She hHll,!h! fal!.llUl.10, 20 )C'.11" l'ielrorc d«1d1np: t.o '-Ott. 111 .iJr111nhunck>n 11« ~°"l lh 1hc pmle,.,Jorwl J(',\'lorr1M:'nl

d1r«1or O 11, uJltl ic (umc,1lum. tt-dc•i,r1 ll)'llnbu'<,. rirm Mc: l~l.lh) wnh l't'ICIU!U' atk.l lCt"p fo,cuhy 1nformi.'d v.f L()' J.,,lk....., 1n h,;h, t cJ:o.;11uun Silva, IK.,hbf..."\ att h!il(linJI, Jl.udcnm ;mJ Mallv.e,11 e,,~\d1n~. Unfll\ooh:bo111l,.11ri:m)"\IL"r)' no\d, ,:S;:::I•,:•

Poge5 THE SENTINEL ,..,. === In d,e late 1800s. • 0 • C: peoplesa,d -- • :::, "Ahoy" instead u l • 0 "Hello"when • >- • -=
thr • c5 telephone
n...-y. S<p< 28. 2000
IIIIOIOti,~Pdbl Reyea, the assoclatOd vice preeldctnl for diversity a1 Gonzaga Unlverahy, lhe lmportane& of d iversity and what "we can leem from each
~::~~::u;;'~;:~d;! ~~:,m
v.-.., Ind.)·, ,\.,1u.tll)', .,,,IL1nl!, i11 the w.111i1· l'Ofw1 wuh 1bcm \lo~, a llulc r1,ly, "'° 1'hanl ,t:IXKloc:\., !tt.:bnol ,1.1ano.t Lllt I\. Mffl'M1 lltrn..ia and n1y cnde.t,nr \\-1lh t'mlciK'~ 1, over FACULTY Lippert educated at Berkeley; puts his wife, children first Maxwell Silva enjoys travels to London; loves teaching F F A C T AND A C E Pat Uppert & s s Linda Maxwell Silva by Kim ('urptn.ter Sn1t111r/rr(N>r1n Phiki"°f'h) Ul\ffUl.:IVt f l l.tflpm h4i t.lugtil c1h~l<>r l'"yc.-K l1Jold1u-.e)(.ma1
l'nl\<'n1l) 11f\\1hh111g11m nnd h11 m.,~1tt'1 Jc I('(' "1S1 Loo:i l'Ml\('NI)' lk luli aJhUel h:tl:Ltlfl'IIIMI rlC ll )C#l., "Ah~,h c:a.ihlL'd
(anur;, 11,n,c WJ'f'r'I\'• ""ifot Ml,.l11tlk' i!li.n 1t:..:h..'"' ph1~1h1r J',ltH1mconcamp11,411J1,11f\N l·11II "hool ; lip~rl m,:mbc, Sh,: 1n:c1tll)' c.·u1 the ntibl1t1 lnr lh.; oprnmc 1•l 1hr fl\"\\ Pu\l f,-~11• lh~h Scliuol. The:}' lt.oc 1\1.,)Mm,. ai;c, 8.y,d 10. v.hkhl.rcp1hrmll\l'\) P11t 1dli huw Jk<IIJD)C'd ,p;n,llnp h1\ I.Jlhcic Di)' wc:d.t'n,J m.Q.inp \Judd, 001 (II ftl)woo,.l lllf 111, w1>1, /\1t hour rirnJC\.1,ucidll',11111111hccn1uc v.r-d.\'l)if. 1 IJll'C"II we11 ~h.1t1l.flll 1l1.1t • t1a1dw..,-~· •lotr- v.iu rlf'<'l' un Llhvt I:>.-)' '"' lie) ~,11.11d c1•111pk1.c lhc \hlt'ld\ \lo 1th ('OM\ ol p.11111 f',11111f7i,1mt,11t111111" I.IJ'll"t''1t.J,,J l.ukb M,1,11\\,·1IS1h 1,J1m.:1oi: pf tllt'Crntcr hir Profei>,io1ul Or,ek,pntt'nt l 111ll1 hll~ hcton tc.1,hlng or
.ind G:.rdcn\ ln11r 1411111hc NI(' :\h,11,nl th" J1<1,1 ~c:111 "'I on~ I\;" ir1L1id:1ble '4Cfle'') "..tic 1•.;ud , r,nd111a ''""' 'h1111Plc l.l~(' f11t d1fkr.:-111 tUIIUh'.' 1u,,I cnrl~ht"\ IJ'i,, I it1d.l 1\ M,frcquctM ,,ic&, ..n.lf.'nl1\ullu.n1 on ka,nmc l)k 1h1:ury t:inlin re-.e.v,h. it'ndl, MIi(\ .1111J lrudct•htJ' Sb( k1\u 10 k.-:h 111.J ~,IC' !,th1·\n \he will aid llf! ,n di,: ..:1..t.,\n11itn .1i 1n
·1·in a"1Jte1c:d tn rn),tcl')· nc.t\('I\" Sil• 1-.:ud fftt f.i\(W'U~ pl..« ,\r 11,1\d J 1..-.n11on \ht rt'l& 1w,1 lh<' C.Nlc

Women heading up right road

1n.mp1.1 • bump PIH during 'Tiw Cardlnalt match _....111ge.ncs

CC.on$ot>t S ..

:'~t.~.~ Card s set to vo il e ru e lin o sc h edule ~~t,i.,,,.,..._,•.,,1 "" 11''"...i "" , Y g b Oo ,cr1 !l. 1hr taat, ,..,4, t.o,.1cd Hcllcu,o

Team, run of first year players, eager to lmpreu leagUe

r I lfflC' I I, I' 11'1 tr t,, I I i...i.c-..Jul C'umnt1an1I) l'olkge tit.I ,llffle.' OUI •r1ti 410 '"'''""''"'" ,..,.,. t, I\ "ffl1fl 01l11h-iurt11111tlt lt1wtn111:i-m11rcm.~h1 l111t"1in1 .,..,1tlflh'l•1C11tthrtk'1111t(t11'1.1t ~W'M;un'\li'ViUJ(•.:lhWI 1,u, .u• tt..14 1'-1 15'·' 1,..- t,Jid\ half k1chri..b the ,...:,OI')· a.u IJv. fOGI, .,c ,1c lffll lOUf lllal(hti 00 1hr ',tpt t Ille ( rih hou~d w.:m,d b) lk)• Ot-i,a ('lftir&y ¥t,hb,. ,- l-nn.-hiai ~Olldlil')(illfw\ \"11\1 ,1 \1lle)' lommun111 .,-J~\\..,.....-~111ah,u~W1~"'1f•,r.11

Stw1 1 ,u1n.u1icn1 rtic: lill'lb li"-1 c u,,c I i:rm htl111:~ kad 1he "4'1'«:, "'"~ 1111.m)' 11,111, aJdcd l\\,l t,1 I• t<"rn \01110 1 I~ 7, I t..1) {..<1rJ11111I~ aii:11.m .,., 1n 11h t-a:mc 1,11.4 tar't. uinkR'QCI: i..h.Mnr,.11a. C,.t.utuht.l \1upa1US.) Ur,, Pborn, hcr7~ .....tll~ lLMCollc-rt'ltc'C".-bfdl!-OMhri"ffCCJDS(p 20. .S,..., 15" ml~Uld* l~ -Cf) 1.1 terr, 1, • MJrtd f~',fflWrVlllt'f~Coluratu&dnM...t.Jbt-111.,ap

1\.$) (l~Ml!.lruuJall*!IJl.lnd ,h.ttkntrdlil)"<'••

rh.t la,11.11 1he \'.aUq ul 1hr 1•1.i)tt ha h IC'MI h) c1o.1mpk-." "Wc -d!tl •"•I play co 110, We u~1k lht·m

\1Jt1 l1'Jllffl.&l!W'nt• ,,,r,:Jup t:u.ui, 1J J.anlc1l~1rn.,Jcu 1("~8-1hil •-.l i,11.mylklltr.1ftl3Nhffl

•C!\K'IQwic~~m.! rlfM tubclp~C~ •.a. -S.taid.*"lhckM..

OJll.:1-k lililb jlnl _. u."b)' an lier IO'-• h ar,d 7 J1r, bn~t "A., 1 ,i,c 1&ncJ \tt) ,uont thh ~"""'

1bC' ,tm:c·d•> cn,11 ~w1h rh•)l'tl 11,1 1hc C11i.l1n•h 1.1~1 I •i-cn111im1n ,,1.i ·r11t 1u11JOfll)" 11l 1hc rt•)'e-n 111('

M•kllll 111 (. C ,k,,rnt',J ti~ <'.anl w.1\1>11 u,11111 ,he M°II*•' hN 1.n« r':mrig ,~ .,.,,.11 •• I' 11 lt,..1,& C,1lt>cr1 t'\ \\.ichlmh -.IJ h1,hdpdr b.<ft\tointcr._Lftllh:Cadinahltnca~IOlffl

lmd:d ,l("a 15-t IS.tOddnil Card rial, ,.fl"C .bk to•• lht lhn)at 11w) tr.t-,u Jll,l)cn..f1\C'uf111it.ili anJ \1 ( t r1t1 \tied off 1hr "'*' a, I'\~ 7 tj i,,c ~) L.&\I )-car I All l~1tC midl,dJcf~ tN,.vd

fhC' Cllllhn,1), ltoH l ccl R11,:l., C"~1tme-t1 /ubcl, L..i:1Ahtur1. ha.,• 11\l't' lllJUf) 1u,1I n ('ulk' Mkl kN tJ 1 on SC'pt 7 11wic l••J\k11.k• t.rdak Olh:r~mi:~an.:tu.k llD~pi ,ch:lht-(anhlh~ tblbotU)C'l,,,Hor<""9[k\,illl. e,, ~I Comnnunt)' ( ,111ta:t midfdiJL'f11oni,-1. l.nhlffl; ,_. \tncr. do.icndn, ""J I 1 ., \ K.lm< •rut J.anlc M~. ( 1~ Ml',. mM.lfk:IJC'f.•;l ,llh;. U111t..on)' ~h k,l thc ( ~~lul4h tit., 1h ""'' (",,\. tmJlidJ,.'f, f..rk 11.11J l>;inldl.c tt,,,.._ Jdt111.ii:r. l,ll!t Th C.ud1HI, -.ere arr~(nw&.""f~•.11el111"'flily Jdcacd'J-011~ lj,C..IS·'• 1-raminiarAlbl:~l\plDlllofbidl-.b.d.

On "-<1• 5, th:' I.-!)' l~i,uh l"fNlrla rl,t~a,..wc Yfl'fll Pn1n111N S,Oilli.oc:-r,,. llnif h""1~-d k11 I., C'flll •·~ J,1n t hu,I fc:-.,.,;,c S,1 lhva11, Jclr 1'1k1, bc:llh ul M,1lhJturll ku l lt)

17 l.111, 1M1<I hn fdl11w k:lalTlllll1t • Cutucll t••,1lltc::pe,, (\.1J.11r• \1 ntttu1I m1JhclJ..-r Jlilic lfflCIIIIJlll l \1<fk t,ffH,- ~._ m.Jhtlikr HJ \1.e1.aa Pr f tm • r~ fRe Yaiona lnidticldnlk,r•-.d all hum< oni1 d .\la,c H ly 1l ~1th.. lk f .,,I 11o11h \1Jnud.111-.tl1d..kil'h11111 11I. f\wtl.!1111. Jom.t Kt v,,l.

~lc1dC'd tn 1~11 1-1, l"IICr .\..? JcfenJr, S1tndrc•ln1. ('t" "") \\ .11,h

IIS Ill I\·~ IS II I! 1, IS fon,i,1uJ/1111tJIK'IJcr IIH,ft, HI., ton.anl katae u: Rupcn audfl(ld,cr atlll < w An1clo, 1'1i1)1111 lhc ~, unit wrd-. ddc::ndu!nudftddcr nl 8u11.t \•1.ah \\ .a,:ntt, Arl11r1 the v oon t,.,, 1-tttt f\"all)· Jcfn11k11111id11 ·~. V,i.t011\ ilk. Nil J11ri,1 I na111. 111111 ·111111 l•lf her ICll.111 hccw.1,c nc•.. funt,.•J. \,, ~ N \I \kttt,hth \\.h U"ttl#h. dt'klllkr, It"') un PfC'Jlatt 10 oulC' • \bia,w · =CJCba.1.-.lbt'•dwvmftllolll ~D\n)f'ICfflSQ:;ab.UlhclC'"MII f1i U'lfttefk'('f'tnah,

NlC~ _....,ka
'throu g h ra in .. . ' ''.\',... NlC'o Blake Toylo< loft. and Ryan Tu" loOd • pack ot ronno<t ll\tougl> tt>a-•r ba«wr on tt>a Yak K oum beach durin g the 2000 Lake Cotvr d'Aleno Cto$a Country Cl atslc. In tho •k run the NIC mffl placed HCond and tM women nnlllMd fourth dur1ng the flr«I CTos• cOtJntry meet..,.,•' NIC
Tk~I\M) lhqcn,Jrdf,cffll(~C.ot'k1e 7-0 "'We V.\"rt ur" nm ,ht (11",1 10 n-.ntlit'I, :anJ ',\(' tu-~1 IWWI' k.d.tJ ta.'k. ml o..h Bdl Qtn.lllll't dr lmcll -ali -~~~:, tl.~!:tC!u1~::;,1; ·~:k~w~
Soccer team optimistic tor ,ca,on h) ,.\mlwr"'"cll \: , IR ,
11 lillQl.:O~-bc-JWl.-f\,l("boft tu• MnlflS 'Ii I I rttml. lh: tt'".lln baJ 1h hN pu~ at,11 1hm •1m the h,Hc:Mlnll 1ht1.'('. 11w: ll".sm 11cd Ovn,.,.vu Rrvn(: Sl.jiaJ, dlltn bed lhtm 3 I II Wttk lalcr I he' o.daah '""' • SwJi1 \ *" C<iltp: :
wl'hun1uft' {'0011 ,I ,\I ••"of I ltif' 1 1.:1u.111,n1 I" rt I ,,_ I l.c llctpr4llcr11::m1~b.'JI llJh anJ erht .tic rM <.:.ard1n ,1, \l'(ff h!d,11ji,.: I \1111 t..i•,: 1111!,c
(1,1111,QiJ Illll'!"l ,.;'1Cl~1'J,1!tl11,llll,hl'ltk.;11y;J\r. llt'-IJoll'C uf1rr ~r, 1nf hr, IC'4*!11 ,lrvr 1h~ t',.pc,h. thc:il \lm,11tc• I t1'1'mpl·11uon 111 ~"'11mt lr"m 11:"!,..,i:-••-• h~,i 1o1 (olkiie ~t:~~:,~~:;.:~..',~~;;:'::':'{~.. '----="'""..:....,_...11,;::i..w...,. 117paandthrluAcp" •(1111(11, ,11 'rd.Mt' t Offlll'IU1UI)' (ullcfc- Sc-~ Ntc aophomore, He11hefH1 yes SOI M, t:a,,.1on l 1.ih on \•hmt,y 11 I ll-lC'tl lr.t\1 I Jo \\-1111111 V..JI.. l\tnwr111, i) C.'o ll'1tt Cll..t l. h N<.1-• lho ball during tho Sopt, 11 g1mo r1,1 ;,11k!Wr1 1d1n"{um11111rutyC1iil~L\.17 wrtut GonuQa UnT~rtOy'a resertetquad


Cardinal baseball producing drafiees

A «i\lplt o f CanJh1 d ~'iclMII pr<idtK'U bm.~ rc..~ntly bttn xkclcd Oh':1 the. wmn r /Junn~ 1hr ;1rn,1u-u, dt.J..11 for maj(N" leii5ue ....... Jln(lfl Rily. 1',t}II Ju~l .fi:nlJltcd l"'-'O

i'29th r~md Fl 0rf1d6 Mtrhn1> and K i ri( Ootich t4 1\A rwnd. TClfflMu Blue''>"• Hoottlbckc mid G<Kcb pltchcd• JUtUo, catlcsn a, rrc,h men 1111 )·car iu NIC ao d Spo k•o, Couununu) College K\~1\dy R.)'an Lupul , a redd1 in frt,hmll.ff (o,



(rum (ordp countrie, I Tv.·u of !he ""'*"Onl(:n.. Vu~a\b.l!li. \t.atko KandJc anti I>\,~ i M1 lk.1ck, pl.&)·cd u NCM O.~i,1on I ICtliOOI; la>l u~n 6-1 \ tiHclc.k. Op¢1:tc-t.1 by W1,bOn lo play Power (o,wlf'd. a,· I 1 p.,inn •DIS I l R!bound, tn 7.$ nunuk" ptr game. la,a

"'hllc 11ttctldu:1g f:unnan. College in ScMh Cnrohna.. t<».od,.;, • 6-foot 9 &mo.ll rorwllitd. .waruJ. 12 g4fflcs for Dda:"'.iart S1.11tc lai.t ~.uon He 11,'ffllgcd S.$ poaot1 ind 2.fl rtbouod, w1ul( ')l'IOf(log ?9.9 ~nt on ).pointers Both pla)'Cn aucndtd a p,tp in TC"nnc11\tt In 199S-CXI ••hen new uml a.uua11n1coac-h Dclu& Tbibliult as\b;tcd lhtre:. fhe C11rd, 11h.o ll1ndc:d 1-.·o p laytr1' r,om Oreccc VuJlh T.uW.id1k. • 6- 11 center •Dd V1dli, T11,mplilllldi1,, ,16-4 WIOIU\I ,:ward 1't,01.ll}.jt,1j, l cd"t.hi.t\Cd ~ond \Clnt.i,l Cf 411 Oivi.\.k>O I Lama, rrna,)lut t,(',M(l!fl N IC', (ll hct IWO to,rciJtDCfl llt( ftefbtncn Cum\. Augu1IU!li (6-6 rorw.ird\ rMm C tn.adJ and M!im..dy h t.dou (6-5 rcww11.1 d) from hlln"

Former NJC tra ckster competin g in Sydney ,

IQ97 anJ ·~ 1hc 8:ih.smll\. O lrn1pk le;un for the Summer Cl.m1c, inS)dney, A1Nnil1 Atotnil, • s.,\!IU, 8111\amu.'I.., J'll'OChlC1. rctttUI)' -.·on IUIIIOClal dumpton.Jilp ha thi! 400.meterdbll ,n • ~·botS2.0 titttl~ Anw:nil b11 bce:n 11.n NCAA 0 1m 1t'lf\ I AU·Amc:nCMI 1hc pau '"-o yc:an al Sootbca~('rn Louh111.n1 She pl.-ccd 1tmd Ill lhh,'• N<"AA med. Ne w assistant named fo r NI C wr esHing Jim Wbh.cmnn, fomld' Wd.Mld High~ L"UIC'h. \\'D twncJ M il'-fl~Ulnl wn:•lboi Id NIC WhlrtnWI 'wdl WOrk utldcr hnd PM Whh..:omh. Ke,·in R.obctlJI ~um~ at. P.1t Whitcomb'• other oiUI\.C.lm.

Stud ents endure a ll during ad ve ntu re by l .ucu G~rct .V1tMrlRl'J'f>r1rr L

oadtd p .11i.l taffe1r1 1ttd pc..iplt ,1tt 1he M.1111 o( ,m .adw,.<11rutt..

.\tiam1 ld1r«toOC dn,·,111 throup1t1cSil,"l'r, 11ncy.,_w

.-..1. l.tJL,l.11111 P.te.1heB1Utffo111i \1'M!t.ilir.'1,~k hforqh..tre


NolOOt'll' °*"' ,1N1 lhc IQ.ii, Che:) an:~ l·nlfl1 muJ puJJJc ~. the ,pt&Jimg ""'l~'f h fl\'f)•t.-rr ~~'l(lpin1 II 11tt1.'1r11hnp

,...., po:111\, Chcycibw:n-cti»ttie'.,iul)('t1 tnw1',p;zuagc~h

ltklllllC.tJn tui1ncb, W,1h !i\..ik.""f ttl(kJmJ dtw.n 1he lWll'ICI ""•lh 1111J rompl,rirdatkllbi ,um'lllllhng lhcffl. the.)' rkk 11110 dk' IIJlll "'t ,i-,

"''"'•nr1111ClMCopcn,1<11b:irC)'CI,. lhn lhcct<lc ca.iUnc vf a bizb 1c,d u ,,dr 110t· 11o,-.11J p'!llltt hn~

poopk bull! dlex bndgc:,1.. Occ\loffll kuUnd llt'ltl ~,,,., cu,, oj W•ll.1et.ltht't111h.'fJl1\.l,bofnlneiunnch.J'lUl&lll:il rrun, 171to'-711 r«a loog ~cnmcltrt'Stio.ip111upto760fcc1nt1.1nd?46(ccchqb.1'bc:: u l11, )3 rttiln ll1f11 Ill L.bbo. ur.tth a 1.S-,nik tuan(I c,p:u.11tr 'CJlft. lJw:'"11 "' illc,~ ,1r,a,r,J.,1Jhn11,d)3 11111,ct.u:.iu \fouwn&. Ilic 2 pm."CIII a,ale tn1tl pnn,de\ a C' ~tstntc for c-:..~1.n-,; 1hr OUldoon. 8u1l1byp:,opkulffl.111)'1111CIOllabul,b:t"'"ttn l'X:Jbi11-.11911 Qt11 rmwd llmt" lltlJ ca, ars2ei0 mlllkin. ,be Hi""'"' tu T111il ••~(M'kT 1hcP.i...1f'Jc n 1C1D1C11t ot thc: Chicago. MIJ,.·1111k« md S. Paw~ lbc r.t.ilrciad -..-01hanl,w. In 1hc 1970, vend r.el1" l'i.:.\'C _., rcptXtd "-'llh gnl\.dtni tforwcb)'tii.JilTI,., hlkt'nllld\OfflCffll'.IIOC'1')0t'U, Knt.n,nm. '·Ulc hilri»iitl !he Wr\W1t.l, b) ~oldtinrto!thc ~.a..

Athl e te s foster ed by prog ram

Pl'qram llelplng those acluat to 1urroundlng1

b) L11Ca1C:t'Of1tr

S.,11t1 ,i(lkr,...,u, Srw 1tl1ni, .in: P.•PFUIJ uponcanlflh.. Won't"'l1·, \t•Uryball i:()M:11

Cati)· Cl,ltta\. lt.nd 11,1t11 '1oo) tqlllit in'°'n.:rnrt',l\.111 Ddl.~, h,\·C'

(uffibU1tJ tllrir cm,n~ ill tuunJIJlf 1~ Ad.-lf' an ,.\1h1t-,11 rmsnrrn

n,,, pro,-r"''" o dt'll1inrJ fnr u&!(Qh """° .uc r«rv11cd trow

•hri.ud a11d th11Ju11hoo1 1he Ul\lk'JSw~. C't.mnlll)' °" Uc n,m·,

h.t1lct h.ll 1t11m att '"o 11Nttt1h lr11rn 'l'u11011 ,..-~ rn11n Otte«.

()lie 1,,,na C,vtad.a alW four trom VuJJnf4, ~lk'I;" •n A1tik&( n rlp lh(w ,1.,.kn1~ b-) prov11hn1 TI1lumcu 1+11nd,nff1Jm lhc~wnUy. hunittt:,c;_.,t,,c r111m1en)•hc-~

1n1o lvJ 1aa i-111..ull)', ~he "°""et elub .aliill ,<,11111111,ilt> rtir ,R.dn

More than a club

Soccer 1cam ready 10 prove thei r tal ent by K~n} Cltm and Chartlr IAhffllln ~.nt1MJ SldQ 11,r mm', 'N)Cl:cr IC:Un I, wa lo pro,c- s,omdhlna. 'Ille tcML USkkt lhc:. co1dun1 or Di.II ~winlCI', 11 ul lhc:..r li.til >·c~ et*" 'Cbool <.part. Pn:,•IOIIQ t<'lllJ\5 opnalcd id ("!\lb ,~tw, Tix fflCI\ 1u,~ ,11o~at1bc k.ta\lC'thc:)' aRf«ff'al b} r,cbn.Juprwr 11.l~icttheil fifftl five nu11.hc:s 1111d compibqg an O\'tl'all tt«lrdol +l·l, •w-,are pl.lying "'clJ !ora llnl)-e• \tlDlly," Coo,J, E,scn\\lntcr 1Jlld Etlo('fl'lolMC'r al'° , ~conrtdcnl 1"'11bb.1c:un ..,111,c more1MA jcut .1 fine )'Cllif 1cam 111 tbc: lro.Juc. "'U.mng in Jury. "'c )tmukl coolc:nd ror UICI Se.gut" b llclfu.enwu~..-r compbnicnh the play 11( rrt.J1 1nc:n Joo Bawl( Mid Bri.1n f:irbcTP a;.,.," bl.ii in,l'Ml: thc.des,4h ortht tc:ain i11 thcir t, u:e,.1 'fWllhy. 4'bt 1~m a, 4 wbnk h. our a,r111~ \(ttngth

obJCl."H\'C:- 11 IO ·help tcdu~ l be '-1~'- .uld llftUCl )' 1)1 our adtJ..-lC' ch.1 ore- ~niJt(d ftoru !.tr'-"'-'>'·" DcHUl Wlld TWng e01e nt ~ttll.knt\ in 1hi, wa) "'mdcau1t 111,e \Ut...,or 1tie tn.m,1111.. .abmad.i'" "'di Oc:H.1• 11.nd R.,,.1L,.(~ Mlnbtnu 1111' tumln1 up I~ prl'Y1UC" f.u111l1e• flit cbt ,tlllknh 1n tlli\. ( ~cniM muU\lt:t lrm rormc:r llll Amctle-a11 '\It rt-,dct under t~ (O;kliln;i or Ji.1hn 0\\t:fl. fonnn NIC \\t('t.thn1 C:o,ac:h. aJC' • wppon tn Uie:U' pi111.k1p;11f11n ~nJ a:clv11)'. Allhoul!h the ~udcnud1:10'1 ne-tts!i41ll) Ian·wnh die f:11nlh~i. they lil/c ~otumonl t ln\<i!ed O\'c:f ft~J dJnn,et :I..\" COtui«hva llJ th,· cf'mmunU) Tllc athlclac: 1,on,.1t'r club. cooichn o.nd ,,nu .uc llll enouiur11gc:d 10 prorr1t1tc ,hi, JWOJrtln -' N"fC hM 100 \tudent .,1h1c1tt.

The .aJJjbfln of n:mutcJ i.uaJt111, will kkJ dl\Cf'III)' and vmc:t)' to tht ~11dcot bOcl) An)'dOt' u)tcte(lcd in thh Pftlr111m en rt,on,:- Odl1.1ot •1 769-34-IO.


e l atnmanl Sporta T-...

-Oolf(' )

p.a -. 5cpl..l9 DII.-F-111.•Soaio<

l'ldd 3 w.........,,

Oct. • •......... T_.,,..__

la SUB DOOi W~ ,

Oct. • -111p • ......-


Fndoy. Oct. 6. ...... T-•

s.- , ldoodaJ, OcL 9 ....... ,..._._. -- ·atJB.-

Wodoeodly. Oct. II

l'wud'~ OII - 5769-3299 or 769-lll' or ril<b llll -S,0,,0Ofllcola ., -U-lloillllll-

e o.lo« ....... - Cllmlla• o•.-

Pan n. ,.a.~

r-.Sq,1.:zt <110> ............ -..


Soo....,._ _OmUo,S&.S.0.. 0cl. 7&L(Sllll -~-

s-..s.o.. OcL 7 & I (jlO)

. v_w...... s..-..

OcL 14A 15 1$211)

-.. Cllok.. NlC

5-lleid.s-daJ, Oct. 21 1$10)

Air- ..all 769-7I09 or •lllldwl.owerl.r,,ololdll -V-lluildilll-

I TO Grf 'Ol'll r.\SSf.\lJ (808) 711&-llll •t,,>O..~ www .U'Vermt.oom
loUOIIJt \oC~'°'" M Gon.,,,1p &fie, lV.1> ""'~n, "'llh NIC, Wit\ .c.l ccd by 11,e Mo11Crt:11I b1pot in 1ht lloUttllllld (6-f5lh O\crall) A l"'° 'tl«lcd ¥ot'tt rormcr Caru, 1· Ale~ H11h School ri ,btn C.'4:y HOC1tt lbcke
NIC, ..,.ens to 1hc Tn-. 1 Ruten 1n ,tie 4t,.1.h '°'•nd Lt.1~Lllric s~ aim othm h:l\t tncd ao m.TI»l l..upuJ. but he~ he v.1U rnnal.n "1 fol IC I Fore igner s la nd on Cardinal hard court nc~c,~:~~!=~ ~:~'! :~fa~!1ittc~': :;~ I hlUI

Colors of Africa splash corner gallery


Worfcf travoW and at1J1t Deity LaOuke pct.sents her Ideas and philosophy behind her 1rtW04'k to AIJJe Vogt'• Survey of Art class on Sep1. 12.. LaOuke'a work, inspired by her journey• through Africa, wu lhowcaMd In th• GaUery ol Boaweu HaJI. The neJ:t hlghll9hted artist Khedu ed lor the Comer Gallery 1, prlnt~lce, Mery Farl'Ofl commencing to«Uly untJI Oct. 20

Multi-cultural artist gives lesson on another culture

h>· Uantion) TU)IOr


Colc,rf1.1I :\frl1."ln trMJCi p.untcd b>

fJC.U)' L1Dukc CU\'(tCd lhc w111h ot I~

Fl4l4\\\c1l Cornet CJllcl) J.uuns th<

m11Mh ol Scpr,inbcr.

The c-0ltei.:1itm V..:t\ tilled •AJru:a

8ct"'ecn My1h .ind Jk.1lilt " h w:"' u

..crito.., u( mt.age, ~rt.ilcJ bc1wcc.n 19S6

•md 19'}2 11fl('r the .1111 1 m.;Jc l"l\'I.:

1n1en~ ,,~,h to Afri'-11

MMy of ~c ctch1ni uwludell

purttll)"CJ Alm.1m Hfc lvr "nnicn, "'luch ,ht" tnund IUO\I dom11111.1cf.l her

mi.agc:r)· y,h1lc ,he ¥1·,1 1hcrc. They Y.Crc All ,·ct) n;11ttr.1l. lnclvdlnt

tht' !IC'rt0u,.nc,1. ol her ,-ubject Ill he pmlr.&)Cd

Some hJ-d ,1 more rh•)'fol J,p«l lnwlvcJ 1h~1 ,t,e ancmph.~J Ii' makt'

.i11pa~o1 v.bc.n her vi1.1~C"r.. ~1ud1ed thc,n. She w,1, nut j1u.1 tn,plti:J hy hct vi-..,i.. 1u Afru.:.a, ~1,11 .ii"' h)' ~u, hl,pir,llion ,he kh fru111 • fow ol' hc:r

1~wn .\l nC11n•An1cficJn •rl ttllehcf:11 ,tic h11J 1hrousbou1 her lilc

f....ldl ptttt' In the (dltC'(IIOII h11f.l U title

1ha1 hcp!'n \\ i1h 1hc 011e111~I Africa.

One or th(' .,~l')'lk p.unllMJ;'- ~m

i.:11nv.w~ lh.JI ,,u,,:\. IIUI lhc IIHI\I fur

1ho,e 1ha1 \'tt''4'Cd lhc ,c.111«11on \IIA.,

·A1rh:a M11J<1ttn.1 '1111" p1c4:c v..11, c,pccially urnquc ~ilh 1-hcU~ ha.n>iin oft of 1hc: wvman In 1hc pclr1fiUI 11nd 1h http.hi. c,crnnt,t c:otun

Shr maJC"th,, pt,f1rall tn 1989, ""d it ""·;, lhc pu.:cc ,ho 4.:'bO'ie u, ch,pl;iy un ,111n~II poilC~ th.ti "c.'~ J')\)'tct.l UUl~idc ur 1hc g.alkr)' lhroughtHJI the duratmn "I lbc '>hllY.

"'1 ht: cha11c:oic "".,, to ctmH~n my .i.letche, mlo univer,il ~ind inrn~c"' L11Dukc ,raid. Cih,cn!I' Council ft1, 1hc Arb ,rcmwrcd 1hc ,h.o"'·· which i-. the troup that i),. tn,·nh·c:J ~~-,1h Al't (1n 1hc: Gtcc.n

M~r) J•11trt"U will be d1~~lu1mg _II c:ollcct,un or rrinlfl 1tnd dr,1wtnJh in lh c Comer G.allet) 1n 1he ~U8 Stpt 1S u, fkl ,20

Student Events Board brings life to the SUB

Members bring run to campus b,. ~IHff (',urk'Nlft


S.1llAl'day. n111ny NIC '1.ud.;1~

1.11dudmi, rruul)J1nd

1nd1VJJ1111J ll'ltC'OIC'4• Mcsnbrt\ it1du,.k four rtt ,hmen -.c11.ok]C"l. wPtu WC"re

C!lfit(J Mund.t)'. Scp. l,.l, ,1ml 1"",phllf'hlllc\Cna!11h

8,y11< Whcck1, S(iQII Bc.anondJim l.c(ll'llll\S 0111('1 lll(tnbcf,. ot lhC' ooutl W:C' U-.aJ J)oll,1J Brlnlm.m. mch~,,. l'liadgu anal C'\"t-nl fofki• ·IIP", tk..S uf Pn.ith-.:lium, 7..acl• lJtlll}' Slttn• &Id.. ill

,h.u-p: "' nu,lfl un~ t,t'til\ M.tnC'ld', •n chlllf.'C ol ,pc,;i,d tv(n1, '4.Ch .-, d.mi.,,." ~f)d hcanlh.. lk'1.k \iuhkr. lD ,.·b:tt~ l'4 .wt I.D lhe UJUIJG und Jrmtlfcr I.J)('IU. 1n chlltfr 1111,-ummuniiy fH~M~. 'ilo·hu


'Cell' emits eye candy

Visual stimulation makes twtsted lllck stand out b) J(l',t1 ,"i 11,ck,r l)l1t(,r11,Clt11/

flUJNMI minJ I l!llc.' thll.1 hdllfilUII IOlkioChbc:<1"4a hl7nphm'IIC f\

t"c:n muttJ1ff..:ub nk:'Cru··,,une-!.he-·l~ldk1npt_,11Jdo'-J

Ille lwncnt~ or nlldm1111 c;rc,ni: inwp:, thllt f,ll 1h,,. anl1t11c hlrn \I.1th ,,1,knl

.and p:t''l'fttd 1111,IJIO, wh"h '4'l'tC. ~l Ul'fl¢'. d1ific11Jc co ..ioc1111,,1h One o.c~

di~f'IID)\ !he "'llliLln ll\oing 11.....-.n c111,t.at1l. 111 pull c•tl tlir tnt.ct-Ullellof ll nral'I

nl('pu IIIOfl"art•iict1C(II lUl111ln ;al'CS rrq111rc J\iltJ ,.~,,11. k1 J:d 1h1ng t1.1lhn1 ,muoU'II~ ,, 11111,

1 ~

1~1\~1:11::~ f'tic OO\Ulm 1ng 1n 1h" 11\0~II'.' •ho ll'ICredlhk. l)'Ofno d(lfl" .ii c:ll()C' Juring 1VloC "(:enc 1h..i h J,o1pc:d 11.tounU an cnure n,001 WI.en he wialb fotv.o1ul 1~ 1,Jp: follu~, hm, Tl_. Vitult drcs,., lhill l .upc, .,..c...,, in dW! bl:rlnn1ng "' M.11 1n....-c1r""'-'< I tu, lllo\'1e" 1101 ro, 1111· f.t)h! nl hem fl 1, 'rlbkl\L py .,,d del'IJrC!ntrd bul "''•lh ~ix•nll' h l\rwak ln"II) lh"4 ~1\1'\fle ,.,.,,, , ,,1.1,I ma'4Cl'J"CC'I

Th ere • are no :
Rug6Wsin: FJ.intstpne : vitamins.
~~?!~t ~~~~··=i~~~~ei~~:n::~~"!}"'·
ancJ 1hc:lr fa1niti(t,«J lt1r Sd"ct'WWll l(lf h211 -r~ .-hnl\\l~l(I ""d J,~ounloN rcw:ld und &trinh Thr- 1Uy OOfnrC', Scnuk· ba."'Cd tu,KUS banJ. Ul."CI.TiJft pl.a)'l.'d tn tile Studm \ 1nn,n 81uldmr for uam, Janng ,he lunch h1lur fl)C.',I: C\'CIM.'\MOJll~l II fr-... ll\:11 flll\C bttn fl).wi.n,._-J thh ,,nJc,~ )"Ulby 1b: N IC f\l·nh Rv.ud The NlltriJ ,, nude IIIHl( ~~lt ~ht)\('ft 11\rou~h ,111 lntcmc tnl(r'IJCW r,1.11."C'
(1ff~11mp11,. c,clll\ likC' lt11l"I."\. C'rl"di1 di(' mnnl'lc:,., '41.tl11:1\ ,na 1b.:- It." U1npu, • hr( ,,ut,.,.k 11C' c:dul·.11!•1(1 I\SNI( Pri.-..1dc,14 Jtnd I ..Jl u:ld 1hal.1bt11: ""'IJ '"°" o11:tn11,C,,, ,u.:h il'I mmti; ;111d dil111;l-.. Mid llul NlC will I'<' niutt Cllo11n9 1,c,.,.. 1h1111hc t,.i.ud i\ tn pl.,,.,
Pl",)l.(';to, Don Goodwin plays the keyboard for Seatti.basod band 8-ran In tho sue. The bond played Frklly, Sep. 22. -
"'hik- Sckn.l Cknn1rcr l.ope,, J•MJ~, on The r,trni~ l) cttu,.i 1111~ mu,11 efftth. l...opc, 1, o1 ttutd p,,yi;.hi..iti-.t "·hO hnn ..,,~m due 1lc-,c lr1J",il 'Ml} f(if1lft.,.ll1C:nk'r,111cMhrr', 1tllnd l.oprtt\the C) l,cn 'whucr1ien 1hc 1,1111111 tif II killer, Ca.rl Slllrtht-r pl.t)-td by V1tl\'Cl'lt l>'Onrno. Oll(e In MIC 11w'II U) tu,1ncc S1.irthc1 10 ,,\c 1hc h,!Ofl ot tu, IJ1Lc 1, ,rnm httorr \t,c· dn......,ncd 1rl hlc.iKh -.·,11a NC' ~lrl 1'4Dl'NlUr'oa'Wtt~. atld,·.a;h pc-l""'Ml ,JICfl'!, u~ boi,u a 'wor._ 111 du:i, 1.lflit.-c. Sca.uun bo1,.; fow ~lk.'t lkltlif'o.11"'l'<'l ,ltllllh1.nt'111;1td11tC"1:1lhr,1o,1 momh llw>· ll!ho ,11t~nd,)' v.~l,hor,, ,1i1,,idC tl'I\Uutl1ll'l •nd •lm1nhn.1tf'lt'I 11, ,,,c •..Joi.knt ,1,1e.1: ,,,~1,11""'tk\ ,11t11. \.t:U11'1otlhc:fl('(Slll1!1t ltnt11thchaiitJ',t'Jl\11hD1 1,·a\.l 11J~t",ll.ndnto1t lihly» r,'111 llmbd1h )atoll
!e,nn p11,1mc hi.11 riol Im hnl ,·h~flCC 111 di(C.11."l. tit d11n.1cJ; mU\IC ~,Jro\ m..:hufo1;l RFM', lA"in~ My Rclli:i~w1,"' \vhich wu,1 him MTV", UN Video A'A·i1t\l

rtwe ul t,c.,.t UttlC\ I

h:id illl 1o1m\ln~'t". Wt> .ct oO foll' Ti«im:1 (1'(1111 Fath, \ 1f.1t.1i..l dr~·c I~

l\il'IC huun 10 1b( ,Jk: r n~,· ii"•

Jbntlfl$dn\1!.but 1io'C V.C'~('Crtl)'

C\t1«:J 10 t.ei: 1h11 1h 1ng. ii

did1f t r't".111} nMUtt Wlliro we t1Ji 101Jl(,,c11uc,1l,uut !Mlhour"'°(Cltt

!IICi~W, lhcftv.<.'tCJl(ClrlC miltln,;lftlVllde,cf)'•h«-c tllcrt

v.·\'tt I'')'' l~adutg c,ut 1,-ocl(.\"fl

p.',lttl" 11nJ dttnc.1 {;1),i ill O\'Cf

dwpl:.rc-DnrJ I hllil.k'.IUl'C I i,:t,l

Q\) h1111~L , oo 1111 lhc fra: ,,_uff I

c::,-iutJ1•111i:.~•lk-t(',tlkkt1l. I ~oo"'' bcua 1hiu110 r-i..-.. up free

1.1111fl We baJ 10 \I.Ind ,n hot rill,

¥,kilC(ti f.:I II\, 11C\.,a'I(' 1hc)

1'Ciltc~t C't)l.'nl!llltlhcdoclf'l(U n~ wn- no (lnC brwJ!'h Ula) 11am ,n. It btm• • r'"J) conttn .ind

bt1nJ wumc:IJ .ibt1ut ,iolcncc. Wt gl'll n v.1l hat>t ton mu,ch ll.1i~lc nJ cbo.:ktd flul lllc T•\hin "Cl'II~ 1n,kk. We (OWKI wr"'JhOP lbe~,Jc.burcf('l~1Q lbr lmn1. v.11hi~ uny uoobk M l.I ~h.iUcJ °'" (Of :w,htk I JOI tnlk--..~ u.n,J \\Cn\ Col lolC'lntml"lfl' frcc~tl.jSWt~ Spun, b.'l,fl(bnnli. Alttt 11buu1 (um .r"" mlnutt'.\. 1ht bfhlll' don1liCJ .inJ lbc'n: "''8'111 11n h 11tttd11,,;1lon W .-rtu O Cllln(' l1U1 .illJ lhcCl'k'q!)' in 1~ pl~ wn., hlgti Hr rl.a)-cJ ~fflc' oid, ..-hul,'11!ttuff:ui..ia(('W\tllli11 f~n hi, nc-. ("0, nW.1ng mt d.111.;c m bl) .-.c:.ll.. Wbll< be v. .:.., oo. p:oplc ru,hctl 1hc: 11~. and CTO\\dri1 1he rroc11 \\'('djdn't mnc U.becS!he i,1,e h.uJ .i ,cd, 11~r hn wuulJn'i l<IU\I~ t1U1J1ew·, ')41. \\llj lk:-tl. uiJ br: Mtw up tbedromr. f'crlp~ \\ff(: ,oi ng nut\., n~ mcludc:d. a1o be .inJ H1 11m;111~nJ \1clm.aruhdlll\ , 1\IIT Hcdtd MyNt1fle l1.."lltld throo-gh wtiJ be wu ..._ of 1ht ~n-. anJ be cooldn'1 bclit,c people: 1C1ll lil.¢d it. I 1hnugJ11 t.h;.,111,1,,a\ c~. '" d11, d4) oru ·ctpU)edcrnp. th111bc could rtto~'lUJ.t' 'toOCllt: o( hb own H~ bad two hug.: mlddk fo-.'tt• ®,111,:c 0,00 Ill! ktpt iitl,\lnJ T.-:oc11.t. 1;.11U111g 11 ~Arorm'" l}' of bi\ Mlil.udc' 1~mlfna 1tdidn'1nllltttt diou,h bociw~ hi,~,~ we~ lklll. a1.S t,ct)'onc kwrd him S:\tOK.c conunutJ on 11

b) lhn He)~ .5<1flillrlrtporta /\fl. (i(,11r "'"'II (ifq: b.iil;L .it n 11ii•m 6., hnn~"' to the Y2K it lltllJ 4"4ilnrY. l11.nlnol.t'ln hfc'"Stinr, 1mntan Afl'l.:f1UQl'l'\o._r,·o1 Ont : l .t&nMllp -H..l'i'' to Smile.'" 11,c, U\ 11 dthitl' look t 11\c w.i)' An AJc\Q" (i,.i,-,1 lronlnw,J looba1tbcv.'f1rldlllt:cr iioinJ lht'Ollt:h a dihW\:C -.l l,cix,1nln1 • tingle -·· In ll r«('nl OY1tar \\'(l(ld lllllgillU.CUl&(f'tiCl'llr• J\n ,-:ii1J1h11abol).1 hi,ni,.-v. w i led; on life ,.m hlgt'IQ rcdcmpuon

11',t,iiilcaJI)· .abf"lal tc:.uulu,g rrorn )OOf mi,Lll<"--ft'a.luin,: '"" dt.m'1 h,ne w tt' blld,: ,n10 1hr firc-c:"«)' tlMC, v,.tiach a.., a ~~11111.tJWIICOmJortablt lllhi\"°" KCl'llelf normal Ill l'IIC. frlio 1~11;-r tic,,. 111.111y bMI thuiiu b11Pf'JC'n. die-~ rt,dly i, ,1lv.·11)', oa u("'iJr" 1.b.1t ywcan fittJ. 1f )UU want 1 11'1 ,1bctur v.herc )'OUt hurt ~nd mind.Mc ..rt.•

Ol 18Ulolll)'1fll\V.;l1~~'°~I Jl(lllo ,,roj«:1. but the. otJ~r JU)'• d«Mkd m Ju111A11 l>flil ll\utgd.a,,i1;-.1Jmuwc:und,,. \illllJ!lt nf \fr Bit Sl11fC. du) o tu be 1110 fin1 1 a1v. 1Mrt(1.1ni;q,t r,RJJC".1. Thr

~nd ",-lumc l \ gohijt 11.'1 be WIQ.1 '"Soot:, ffmm an An~tiun \tuvae:= \'111 Tl4«£.it"11-'ldTlmct11r 118.iJA111tl)lle."

The h;J.nd \W('..V, pu:r1. 1"' 0 ¥1 JJl,c OUI by N\ht:IHb.-r I "A"OVlr.1 '1 holJ 1hrt:11 Ill 1hn1onc.lodcfo:"Al1huui-;h lh~ ,.,I.Ind b dJtkmrt. E\'cn:-11."M do&::11 ha,c liOln(' <>f " tmJatd .-, 11..11.J,IYIIP•lrllll l.\ Alhumfo1J l-c f.u1hh1t 'l'hot,r MlnJj a,r - AM k ild 11, .,Uncmplo)cJ b O')'Juer>J"' llfliJ

'"\\'ondcrful -

''11,c 11111~1 huuncinr \l.1rlf' lire the ,.,,, ar.J ta.~1 md,11. Ille fine $011,: h ulkd

"Sona From .ifl Amcnc.:in \to, .e," 111 "°h1tb An l, L.tJluir .l!li.'11111 \\,11,111ng hi t. diwjhccrplily in a huu "", nl<'~n"'hilf he ,1b oull.itlc thlnlJng .mot.Ji hov. hJ.ppy ,tw:, "Annabrll1', Sl.1111c"' 1,lJ~ fin.-1Jol"litg l•tl 1hc h '• 11 b:IJLiJ 10 hh d!wpi,cr \ he apolo,rr.n. ( Of ac,c bein1, atou11l1111MJ nl.lkct lhci< cocuuk:'ru.-.:. '"1 know I'm DC\tl lium.:. l'm "'"·.1~, m 1lr-.11.11dnult'\ il.V.;I) 1,unn;i m.ilcthi , t,,.·llf'IJ or 1u,1 ho~ )vet .,..'llnt h tu he Ye.ab. )"PO 1u,11WC1 1 widc:hti&nd '\t11.1 UR' CH"l)1h!n,: Id me ." Th1i. "Ilium 1, \ ('I')' ~lfl;il '( An c~pms~hi, rcp-t:tt., bi'I ru.gc. hi\~ a v.dla,sh•nv u,o1,:l111~01 wt,.a.1 k wa, hl:c kl gro,.,1 ''Pin lhr 70-, lin the w1q1 ~AM R.1thLf"J. Wn.llac:m·crof VAl'I Mornsorf11 "8iown li),.'tl 011f' .And II new OU:lJllOi. on life lbb 1alhunt i11 d..-:rii1t1d)' \\nnclc:rrul

Warped Tour best punk, kttt.e conccn o f \Ummer b) Aodt Ttvls flht,rocdu ,,, r work.rd for montru. In .d\unc-c, l f)l"I 1n sc• lhC' hc>Ol: up for m> P,'l\S 10 thiS Ji.umme(, W111f1Cd Tour h ..., tiutJ be int IOU.Rb Wnrpcd wur oornrt. Al'lrrn.lltl1c~1,;.ll.lblll'demtil• 11 lurntd OUJ thld lhc 'la111C pc"°° dl;at &c1 ltM; Uf) With • phoco pau 10 1,1)1}'~n~m in Sc:iulcjCI mt upv. id1 thi\ -·Law ,um,ncr I wll, t0ld J h1id ,,,,u hU..,..tgc 1k l t111 tn' Scauk \bow l(nowiAl!, lhrn,p 11kt ehi \ ofun fall 1hn>u~h I ~(I'll lltkl bou1h1 ,c:11tt111 ldmis'Uf.111 hdttt before dmmg au1Jic 'M )' 10 Sc:sult. Whal I got l hctt, thcy h lld IWO t:ii:l(tt$ .and '"'V ba~h tt&c Not too bid 1bt Sc~ule ~how la)t y~r UcbJ .w.. Emtncm. Oho$,. IS2 r""Cnil t:x. Lit. 1.c llu n Jn"r •od Ptt1t1yv.l~.v.'«fn(~ofthr v.C'II knciwn 11ru.. For 110mcoac wtio·, 11110 W; 14•1M;'llc punk/"\nifr music -.cmc, fikc me. 1hc Wi,rpod Tour i• u.wnlly the CON.tttollhc: Wl1U1"r Good pu,U. showJ d(llft lhrough UW' i,ci; ttf v.oo,h ,cry oflcn When lhcy do. I fiDCt IW) V.J) p(,r,-~1bloc lb g:o. Moruhim JO b,.1nd, rl-') 1 c.1Ctl WarpcdTour~top.1lletc's lll\\.11)'\ a (cw Jlf'l'llll11r- OOlld~

, White Pony's energy-laced lyrics cause mosh pit frenzy h) Jnhn \'<1Ult1t'/U/""1• r - AJtc1Uhl\c "" .;1, s, \llltl ,a the D:.ltL•Ml"'\ l1N!rlal IWtlcuatmuc.-.tobt" the c uukhnc for \d$othc1 lkln:•1.1lmc h-dnlhurn '""'h •~ l\ffl)', tknotlC'I I~ 11lbum. tt.n 1.1uktl y bc\:,"llli' my co rt.a>cr' • nc,,., c-.t kif! whh, ,u b ,n "Oig:ital H•lll. ,_Elite·• o\od lhc riN ,mgle fC'JC'4~ '"ChllllJe {lei the •fou~ I)( fllL"I)., The fkflollCS-Odno Mom.,. Abt l"un1tmsi:lwm. Clu Cbc11JI', frank DtlJOOO and Sl<'phen C.rpcncer-onilB.11cd , n S.11,.TIU1'11'tllO ( : A a,n.l t\."Cmtc:d lhcll' rtf\.l lllfltrm Ill (I!, L'oinci«nl;1lty. I i..·11~ living iri S..crn1ndll9a11h1111imc and w•, ho.ndcd a lldnu l.apc. I« ltlc them upeoming , thu,n .,Adr<n111inc " lll Go Slultt (a local , "hllpt. lmaa1i1.llK'W.\I) l 14.b a fan 1111d b;•\e i.-o111uiucd wbe lhro111,h II.II thrt'c o f thdr ulbum, :ind et1un1k,, ~und,~k~ Thdr t-t11md ,i nL'w and Ml <>f nc.a111nil11t fil&'( S<',, if )'W lil.c ,nu\lC tlt11t ,:i\·ci, )'We lllC c,f rncrat, 1hc111hi.\ t·C) '*ill Jc-(tnllrl) fill }'OUI ~UUliLJlnd mQrCJ. TbC' iJi,1on-ori. C111no·, cnchnntmg \·oc.,.banJ. tJ)e 1,1,1.Wkr-fillC'J.huinu\tbc

(Enunc.mJ. a (e11r, )'t't 10 be ( l..intp 8 W.1t foot ) 't'ln •>· and t1lNI

lbc:tc\ AhU)" tbt One\ Jll\l

,uc-k <lite thi: Oo,ln:t\). ft'i.

u~.111)' u lun time !i«mg )tlW

f•,·(Vili' b 1i.Od pby (Ir findl.lll 1'Cw fa.\·britc. Tiu, )1''*" \\Mri'I aoinl! IO t)r al\)' d iffcttot. The COQCC11 wu

July<,stheG>IJ<.TheGofJ'< in (",eorgt' WIWl. h probably OCII: ut the bc)I 'Umtnet C'O~tf vcnuts in the North14C..\t The \'tCW DI~ , 11m11.1Jn,g. Wlch hope, of ba<k<"I' Uw,,, ll~ fricr>dllOOmcM:1.out on the 2., t,w, r6*1 trip. I dido) bu)' i11ny lic:kcu, ahd IJlt': contttt u; -sold out. Tbere "'a.\ no b.M:k up pl-'11 SO I he.Id my bttuth JI\~ tkkd l:ad)' dut thmugb a r Ut o l papcr"A~nt "AnJy Prom lbeScrumd r "',- me: I ll~ wtth ttli.ef I ,:n.bbcd my gear and hcad«l in We hung out around I.he lnilin Uigc Cl\O'lf of 1hc da.) t a:oc io chlt \lollh thllie JocofOrcrn 0.), ITIC'n1~ of lht l,.cm• (k(kb Dub A II ..SllWS ((onocrly kn..w..r1.h Subhme), MXPX. anJ NO~'X I haJ DC 'Cf J«ll Or«n l)Q.) perform 50 1hcy were cowtml ll)f) of M)' concm hlgJ1li$ht 1kt. They plAycc.l all t.hdrbh s:in.,)c"' lltkl 11 (c"" uld .,.c,np fri.lM tbeu \'IIUJI O.hct hi,tllii;:hl, 1nciulkd MXPX. NOr·X. P"9" J\oocb. Mil lenwhn, fof'll\iCSl&nd !he: Lon.glk11A.:h Du.bAllmn

NC\:gtnul>d ~l tht i«DC for 1hc: rru.~1n; of bwied C'OIOllc:>ca WithAOng• J1kc ··PJ»~··1,.ith i\*Ci,.t \ U,)n.udJ~Ketr1ano( f 0<11) ''Sut.t:I Carp met Fc,d~u:aH llllkl to 1ht. fcclini; pf i11ncrturmo1I , you can·, h<lp W:tntinJIO t ll'-o.'1.11 )'UW """' up qgrcs.,io11 ms the f!OOC' pcopk ,1~DdingY<" ,,_ w,og,,e;, '11bjn.:l"o 'ilCb •\ bond.age. fl(!\'('f wanung ro le.i, c 11 com(onablc. sc:lt.ln~ nnJ tr)'inlt to gw:t rid nfpes~)' J1COPlc1hat don 't gca 1hc: him llflo\\ l'\'c.'CXf>COOl«dtl.cume [tdlftB" 1Mt are c11~,..cJ on 1M1. CD W¢lt, n0t1~ v,.b()Ji:, bl,)fl(~C

PIQO 10 fHE SENTIN_El_____________ ___ A &E ___________________~_-_,_.5ep1__2_e._200o~ 1 Summer
Smoke- filled tour talces o ve r Tacoma b.) Sant t '•mmNI A&F.F.ditnf 11tbr,:l'C;il \(lf f'4'\\'Ct( 14'1\it )W«l 1tu,,cainmn', I r111pt1)Ut ;.1w thirmm }-<U Dr. Dne Snoop OoJ.l, Do,. i'.tl"l1l'll'm. Wlll'ffflti, X11h11. ~;Mc Oou. Hinman, Mtlm:a1ulld UIUJ'll l nlf1o.1 tht US itl lhf lJp In Smoke Tour t ~.:iuih1"aton A\IS, 15 ,n T111,.."011l11 Wa,b.. and •,;,1.1IJ a,;11 lu.\·c mi»cJ It fc)l thc \\Clfilt Fifl)'•tbom.lllJ "'";utunc 111th, J'l.l(l.4"11 TIC\llt'l11 Doo\c. tile! @'l\\'t'
concert wrap-up
R 0 C K Everclear brings new outlook Oettones stir-up crowds R
C K R E V E w
to the extreme. Student Banking accounts for the adventure known as college. www bankol1rn.eric;).(Om Bank of America 401 f"ront St Coour d Mdnc, , D tJ61-.!~b6 ., ,,.,_._
thing )·ct. bl,1 I'm 11 11 WfltbOtt 00 lL 1baJ i, why chi, aU,um h..s an Mom;at1" auflldion utl¢CI 11IO ril't -«0nl1 orp111y. wtJ I hl,h.11 m.:ommcnl.l II O\'Cf any Dntnc)' Spc-an or N' S)'JIC CO ou1 lherc. Ntlit lmlC )'IN b,a\'C ll cnavint for M:lmc JR•I JIIU\IC i1D1J )''1U fl: fo tbC' mood Id beimprc.,,.;li('(j, cbc...ii 001 cho DeCtooo.· ~., CD"Wbltrl\.'ID)·.4 E V I E w MIK-N-MAC1S 40641hStreel i Coeurd'Alene i1\..JJ1 667-4858 Weekly Lineup: Mooday & Wednesday K•Tuo,day OJ Musio& Long I slands $3 Thursday, Coll ege Nlgh1 Book Swap! Checks are here, pick them up in Siebert 53! Bnng Coll ege ID!! Welldri nks$2 M1C1opin1s$2 Micro Pictu res $2 Free Pool DJ Music Friday. OJ MU110 al 9 p.m. Saturday- OJ MuStC at o p.m. Ftee tJ0 Ju~c [ '~~ways S<maySJN Ntghl (S..Vlco lncluslly Nlglll> Bnng Y%!i."~°i:i!"""'""'9 We are a 21 & over Nig htclub 3 pool tables Dans .,,# t~.-· TAKE A BREAK ,~ ·ORSTUDY IN STYLE ~OOUU@t{~@fflWU~ i,itl.m 2310 N 4th Coeur d'Alene 665-5996 d,{; Houts: &,11 Mon.sat 7-10 Sunday (" c•

T~1'( Sept 28. 2000

o,11~f'.l Nie Otlhfll•"'N'nc11i,, ,u l,.:111\.1,1,dr~ult> «.-oollnue'd fn1tn pl~'! "--..Ul~lkl!'l"'\\rwl.,1ho:i1tk.:I~ ,nlJr.nh 1k'.kn1u1.:o d~ 1.:L\.,~, f:1«'1kJ 1,1 -0,npktc 1hc11 Jtirae An)· ,11.1tk"11 1,:h.ln~i1l~ n,11J•""' r,111 ti,ll~ thh~fh.1r,1,tt.11tt~l'IU~

Uq:rtt\\( 1'\ 10 tiiul'l.' wln\.1'

llJ\.\i.°'\l.alltU.llt•l'l'TMthc11 n,e',1, 1,klft"t" \I""· ,.,!Iden~ will b.-

S\10M lln,11t, ,1,nd t1U1\1o.· flll 1bc

1"a:om11Dvmc ron1tn11td rmm pllltf' Ill


11hkh)t\."l«.-.•f114 (4 11k'.",r 1mn-,,u,rl, "We :.irt h11pil1S lk-i:tt\." Wn,i.., wdl~11, llilblch) l~rn~ fk;..11'1 ...u1I •·we att pnn.Jml! 1ht-.t~·k~,~1>11.1den1,~l}.n 1-~1 lhdr~I mloot1.1tl1,n 11'111 f11loltf,fflCll'CCOO\C1llCSIC~il).·,"' l11.;,J.lltM.,nlcltbcfle\\pro1tta1rh.

t•11rn:-"'fto1h11.:,Mll 1•l.i.nni:r.ih•t tbr ~<b<,itt hi I~ l;M fcv. ,..,,x;._,._ the "'NIC C.ll1ltne" O\'O'!Jgltt group the '"''r .and,ccrr«f n~" 01.11 o( .-1mc a.M\\cnlcn..v \lote doott. llt1 ,1.rgc the crn\\d \\'C'nl mlh lhC) thJ .-. "\Cl l,.lJ n1l'J\.1 ul Lbc ,~..,,.

-.oor..,. and hJJ llll! ',1.hl:tk pl•e ,n51ni ~oo t.M11!:111J lh<' enc,"

''"" I et,ul,,hfl bchcn:: f""J' octuJll)1 the<ic gu) \, W f:tthtt:1,11INf\.l\\·.i.,,tt1h&:-•\Cft.

l)tc JMJ Cuhf\11111,i I.CJ\IC and Jee tvr111:·\r,1.11pli.yu\"ttdlr '\Jll:~('f'I, nnd cv~f)'Onc p:&yC'd 1ubcm:. h *''l1kC' l,r ,. .i., nt.11,.allv dicr1:. lbq hmuFhl P\ll hquur .i1\IJWJ"Cin11rnJJ111Ct'.''e>ntol m) ptf1IIIIUII t,w1"11n. At tl'lk"

IIPP"''cJ 1fll'"W-1'lft'l~p:n1lut w•llhe11&i11.,-J111"1thc ,1tt S«lll'ldl, a tk'\I,, Im._ 111 NIC C)ulmc"' ·"' ,II !'I(' I"" (lfl 1t1,· hllm( p.i,•cvrthc.•l.lf'll!ifl~\\,l:'b--Jk rro,·ldm~ .an e~,) '"'•')' h 1hi.· 1,111& 1l1'1ollllh1,llht1'k'\\o lk NI<.-, I\'(~ l_,. l"ttloUn.JIJ•>n'" wt\.ilu.abkre-,.l,ur"\.~fCJJ 11U-n1, lt';li.Clia•,.,,.l,,1t11-•p, luukini: for fac.'t., .ibou1 p;1


W 202 SUNSU AVE. CO"A, IO 83815 ~i (208) 76S-2695

1'!,ul)dcr Alley 'friday Nig!,f& lf:30 p.11). to I :50 a.II).

J.ascr l.ig!,fi;. ilac.l\ l.i g!,fi;, 'Pj, fuo. ~ic~ilarefu)g





Have your birthday party here! Package avao1alile.

Yes. we have BUMPERS!

Cu)*a,? Groups welcome! lOormore? c lo< rt!SOM>lions.

ul 1he i:-.."1•pk 1H"fc nlrti1J~ ,rnot.ini:.jon1h ill 1hc utcu.t In lhc 1lnK' • mode unlC PII o,; 1~ bit ...:tttn\ lllJI .Jw11,1,,-JOr. l>11:~s,.,.,pi_,N111 t111hc~x·aJ,111rc- Tllir)'W<'tc p~l111e: urwmc litj\lt1r\lihtl'I !!Omc l(lol,. fi',1111t m Id mh 1hc 111111 ~i'lt)Ol 111.1~ hicll. ri..:~ Thl\ltlll\k''4·.l'>;l\li('<,(101C1 S.DOI.Jfl 'lil,\ed lltt hy UIOOCutl,? 1hf0Uitl1 II.ft ,,le vnd ktllinS: Mr of !hie 1,1,·1)1,dd I•,: rotih:'r,. 1bq, v.cnl tu lc;i\·<'
............. ,<"''t,,
CONT IN UED -------------™=E:.::SE:::N:.;cT;.clNE~
-..;ho~ ro1111. !I huge kull ~:mk" 111-.rn 1~ M1t~>1lhJ tolJ l~CIO'-'J 1oflpl11 up,,·, ,;htnm~. tllilll) prurlc l~ppd) ntil1r-.-J N('xl. Sur111p .11111 W11tn'11ll,illlll!'ll\ll1,il,.1,..i1 'Ql1pcd-up '4·11h h)·Jr,.1111.,;.""1,, ,J.cJ lor\Omcblunt, ~('J·c:n1.and J,d \4>1\)t ffllln'" (IIIJ ~hrool ,1\111 before Ilic tivw c,kk-J ···················
It '°"kd hn:~ k,: C'u~ d,11.l n' l .,;llltllC'lil. be,. l~k'~ \liA~ 111.1l111~ 11 !l\oll\.11." lhh CWM.=(k'\1 lll,ll lhc I\: \V .·\. pc.111w1n o l the 1>hll'>I,. \ta,:k IOd1d1t'I a111u c11hcr A, \lo'~ fllc:d l.kJt and ttc,uJcd tor hom.:-, I m,littJ ho"' '\ir 1tgie d Yaknophonics
lt'w for IY'~ I19/iRZS CB-lll/R.. ProTeam Center 402 Sherman, Downtown Coeur d ' Alene 208-664-9464 or 800-676-8450 Senor
Specializing i11 fresh, delicious Mexirn11/uod 69 cents Tacos All day. eve ry day 10 % off for NlC Stud e nts & Faculty with college LO. "'-,...... 7th :and Shennnn Downtown Coeur d'Alene 765·8522 Fall Event September 17-0ctober 7 Save 10% on All Haircolor Services Save 20% on All Nail Service it's all inside. J CPe nney Salon · Silverlake Mall 762-2170
Fubar by Ian Sudlck by James Bell

Vi1.1Dn11 l\((-rw1n iaud hC"t


V1rtt1nil •nJ ""-"'" ',l,l'tr ~wmlng bmn(' hom ,1 ,i.cddin.i,: o1rot1nd 2 11.n, <,t,f'lcn Jo1~n .11.,-ctJrrm~II) J.nlf'P(d hh \\·;111\11 ,,u1 ot 1hc:it

,'Chick•,. windo11o• whik 11,h1,in1 lhc ,\f),ln

Nauun ·, rnmpoobJ

Alttr ll.ltlllll~ .U\>l.lnd GIid ll'ltlC"iltl.f lht'

•.alll'.'t, .i m.wJ, c.tT)tns Jc~-.c \\\lrtici.t, Julll\ Yu¥cl .it1J S'1a11.: Wriitltt 11.1tt1( up ~lund 1bcn1 W;Ltfidd. "'ho \\II' 1hc of ,\t)·.in 'i.ufoiu. \oC\.UIII)' IU ti!<.'.' UtllC'. 4110 the 01b1:1 mtn ycll(d 1lH •·ftC' from lht •\rya11 S.atioo., inJ lh;1l Ibey w.anlaJ lbc K«™n\ tu ""fl Vith•ri1,1 "'P'¢d 11p. ~blc to "¢C' one oj l bC' men W;a\ hohnri!! t rHlr TbC' mcri tltt.111 \hl1oun.:, .111. 1ht- K«,.'l \\!hide. Fh·c h11lk-c., tot 1i t1.:ludinJ l'll'le 1h.11 mi \("(t 1~ li,cl 1i111k ti)' <lll t~h. tllld o1oolha tho11 hd ,1, Im•, ti~ 1ttM;1. 1,1,, \'Ctr inw II J11,;h \o'lc:1rit1o1 1hourh1 1he)' ""'tR' ~am,: rn die ,and aitl ii:ootJ b)'I'.' 10 hrt rnn The mrh 11,,u,ei.l the l\.e~·1111.cf1. or 1.hc.mlUlJI 41 Ilic cn111r11und, a11d 1h1t'.1li:-m·J 10 \tll lbcm

\'1Ch1'111 hlld lhC' lllC'h lhlll \b(' 'lloU\ .i puur

'Ahllc lnrm ~II,c ,hr lh(luJfhl ,11c 'A'Ol.lld be llllt'J 1r 1hc mrn lound vm 1~ her N.ilh< Amcric.1tt hr:th1111( TIH: n1cn dro'f< awa) when anolh<"t Hhlclt' ai1ppnM,;:h«I. Thi:' Kren,ut\ r.1n ti)• 1w~1rhy ~l1'1'11t:lp

BQl'.h Yt:~IC" \lnlJ \\'4tf1dd rare 'Sd'\'1nr UIIIC fur di( ...uoh. wn,:ht i, ,11.11111 Lu1t< s,m.'<' Ill<' ;lll.lCI.. Vk1ori111u)IJ J.i\4WI h ( ,uH.:rcJ from pri,1 mmm.1111.: ,1ret, dl't(lhkt.

lllinJ\ 1h.11 .,t t.1\.c for 5t11ntcJ li~c ;i

a:m:" rid,ur brJ,md u, 1.'lfl lhc turhw11)·. v.t: I 1hh1~ 1n)'1h1115: .ahoul o: uhJ Se1rnt

Gi'!>vf. t•llf nf 1J'lt K«ru1r1', ,ntntm:r~- *h.11~

KC'C!tl.ln·, lhit.t 11 1.bC' ,\ry&fl \,,Uum ~1,1.tnh

,-UtUll1lfkl'1,t'flhl"li'l oi Ilic nc,;1 ~I.a)'. Vi..h1n,l t"J1lkJ lu~lt \hlk).

tbc , ice l'O'\ idcnl 11( ll>c Kontc-niat t"tnml)'

T,,~k fo«-t ()ft l Rd.:ili•)ltl,,, br..:,10~,h(-

~i,ci 1hu1 1hc 111-,~ (otc:(' 11"i"1cJ ,·1c:tl1t11.

Wouil'> 1hcn calltd North hl11l10 r'ollci:c puli 1i1;,1I \.C ec ,11:c t11\m1c1or Tnn)· SICY.'An.

fcllll\\ member flr the I.a,~ hH\'.C, \\ ho

WIJ~'('\ICd. llflt'r 1«> 1Jic K«rl.Ml\, dk")' ,q11t,1l w11h Oh-<l. lht: 111,I, for« ;attUtTll')

~, v.1l• "cry 1h.1t Vkh1rW '°;1lkd Su\\.·.ut t..trd. rs.le ,1nJ lirf on dc,n'1 h,hl."

11 lllll ol nl4)11(:> anJ 111.111• a bc-11111it11I c\o1mrk ol h1,w di<' 111"1 lutt.e l'\lUIJ find .i -.;a)' IUI'

•h<" ,111d hrr yin hi M\·c th.i'lr it.> rn ,;ni,n • The tm1J ~.u1 011 '\1.1pu~1 18. with WI .111mnci)", Oi\'>el MUS Kt'n lh•w,H1J

lepft!'.\l.•nllnt: tht 1(~n,ul, llllllll w11t1 \hwris

Dt:c~. Pcti: kpl<'~· .ind Jb,h.irtJ Cl-'he11 uf llk'

Soo1han Pnh'lt)' bw Ccnfcr ·we .11no,i .:uu lJ h,1.,c tn,'d 1hi1i ,;;ue w11h11ut 1hc S1luth,;t11 Puh·n) I•• C.:mi:r,·

G1,!>CI 1.111.1. ~\\ 11!1 1t1r11 ,i..iurm,111 1cpu1.101111 .1ml 1hc:if ,Ulh .a, l.1\1,)C'f" I llun~ lht'lr

1n\lC'llnomrn1 11, 11,i, ca,c "'"'' lllO pt't..:-cn1 u,et.('"'Uf)'. I Jon'\ lhtn~. ""<' \\nulJ h.-1.'( "l.,II C'fl chc ,(rd1c1 'A( d J 1)1 nt111h,nt~ c:-lrJ¥" tc. ,1 11 h.1J nul h«n f,,. di(' Sou1hcnt Putc-r1)' Law ("i.·n1,r• The K('(n.1n'!o IIIW)'et\ lllfU,-d JI \1/ol\ 11111 l),i ly \V•rfttold .inJ Yni!itr '-"bl! \ocrt'

l'C'.'JIOO~bk '"' 1hc a,..;1,111. hu1 11"1, tkltlfr for I~ proprtJ)I Uillllill# ai,d polidllll: the 111('11 ht

lei iu1111l h1, rirr,pc:rt) fbr three- men v.ett :..:un~ il• !,IUM\h 11( 1hc ,;:c.1111roui.J •• 1hc 1i111c of 1he ,hnnli1tX M11:f1.11d lc..a).'lit'. • h"lrnt't At)JI\ So1tio1i- ltcAd uf "'c~uril)' th, 1 t ,lfkl(hn de.Jaw.Im In Ult, U'>t', IC""lttl~

"11\'tr up He ,.ml ht• w.i. t(Mrtg lo f1n:bof11b t.i~\. lot1:< inembtr M,1f'll111ll Mend\ home 11,,ng .1 baCUt ~•whcd h)· Hutl,rr,:ill(:.111) for tPI.: ,m.11:\. IT.1rilin.11 dkl mll 1.1,1 g., tb111.1'1• \li·Uh1hcplo111 Yc..gcr i.00 \\ Jrlit'l1J. v.h.ct "''"re tin,h l(llintf J'Uih) ul the .tU.1d.. at \Jn C'Ul11<r •mil. ~fin! Y~.l¥<'' ("l1111ntd 1h:11 ht,.., , ~1 dnml.. thaJ he didri1 n:mnnbn the '-htx~i \);' W,1tr1<k1 \ 1tw1 hr I~ "1n,kktrd \lat.11118' TIii! Ort.kt Ill JllC Q:dcr \\ .i.., llll Utlt"'nl:,AllOO <:t1mrn'<Cf ul Ary111 N•llon, mrmhcn. ,...,1111, Jm11n1 olh(r cnm~·,. murdctN l~·11vtt 11alk ,ho,.., b.,,, ,\hJi 8,rp ..i 1.'otol hu1t1au 11ghh flrop,RCm: hocn~I o1 f.l> Serudc nii:h1dub. ,Ind \IC:,k O\,:t ~,C rnllfitUI rrom ~I r»M<J lrn,;;l..c l11 1th! e;st1) 'keh. lh<' ~,•lld Onkr •·1h .,h,n nm Jc ur of .\r)llrl Nat i on-. 1nrrt1bt1\. fh('y '-'ete' tt'\.pi,11~,Mt 1u1 1hc hnmtunt ol the11 C':1thullc Pfl('\( .ind Pt~,ldr111011hc Kout('1t.:11 ("(lll11t1> 1.:i,I.. f0ttr ("111 lhun.m Rd.ilinlh l\111 Wi1. ~ntt11tt·, !kw~. lb< Fcidtt,11 BuiMin,: in Cl'li.'tlt 1fAkae In 1%() ,\1 thl· onlf llr 1hr u,.:11, the Kernan·, .itlnftle) ·\ -'"µ"J llx! IUf> fvf SI t.:U, milhon ltt c,1mpcll\11tnr)" a11d pu1n11,·c dt1nllJlC"Contptni.ut<¢f Ja1tUfcS ,.,..n: lor die AA:11,1"1 ll!l;h:k, runlh\f d:.un;iin, \Wff' runj11Juur"'\l I~ ~knduuh for ~!h.f.C'l'k:C', A lter a , IJ) und I hall 1•f Jelil,r1;1111>11~. 1he Jur)' l1111"11.'11wi1ha,'trd1uofS6.)m1ll1\M1 •h ta a ltbt(Sl'l..::JI ,r 1Ju. 1.• SIC\\.UJl ...afd ·\\ h;lf 1, "-'>' "1ha1 n Idaho unJ ,in,-wid 1hc

L'Ollnl l) h 1h,11 tn,,Ji\liJU4b •nd or111m,~1on~ Can csrrtU .,.,t,llf('\t'f \'lt'\ii, lhC)' '*'hh

1nch1,J1n1 c"·cn r)$(i:11l1\c pm,1~ 8'11 \\. h111 lilt')> ,,11111,1 , lu I\ cM.-.J'IC 1t\(l(f1t"ib1IU) ur 1o1.k1n1 l'('cch •md morntJ i1 in 1(1 ilkzal 1Kth11L Tbc flf,t arncml11~ru (",111 nc\l"f ht """" it.\ a 1i,h.cld tu oomm,r , 1nJcn1 o..:t" \'tl,·cufi• wa. •~.uJC'J S~50.000 In a1111rrn1.ll(IC) Wmi1~ie,. .111,I J~111 "'"" J I\Cn SSO.OUO Y~Alft'I \\·,1~ fo1111J rc11p.>1t~itik fnr $1fll.Oll0 1n pu11111,·c J.:anui:c,., Warl,c-lJ (c, $~00.000, fta,:uc for \ hOO,OllO 11ud Dutkt tor SJ 8 111!l1K111 Th juJJrncm 1'1,rnl,vpt & 11«. \lob., fik,i ,1.1nll(ll'lenl,x1 ~1f l:tJtiJil,l!Cburlt'sJC(N;ICl, ,~, Uftll C:ll. t "Ill dto\.1dc \lohelhrt tu,nini IL (l('W 1ri11I If he Joc"l I, Bulkr i1. v.'f'tl..11'.l!f Ofl • J..·.il w,1h 1h1.• Kt'e'l'l1Ui'" utlllfflC')' to lklJ!n the \ tpn n.11 1011> 1:ompour1d, wh11;h rn\.'hu lt'.i Btttlct'i f(\idcn\:< • .ill l)1 h11. .uul 1hr llrir n11,,11on, .1oc1,. 1hc .\ryJ11 N.1t h •n. Y.\'hotc lfoni.&111 11.1,n( .inJ tl'lc " ' '"" NAIJOCK n.1n.e to rht K«11.u1'.1. If be ll;W IW'4 tk.1o·khl le\ ll)JM ht J'f''f'Cr,,

Beyond Campus TIIF.Sl!\TISH j'Jl'd»ll)'Nrf,fT Church of Jesus Chrltt Ch ristian Pn tor Richard euuer apeaks al a p,au eonierenc• held at h la c hurch on tho A ryan Natfon1 compou nd. " I will n ot ave li ke a whipped dog'" Buller .,Id during tho Sept 7 c o nlerence.
i,y K atrnw /.JJ,C.litor On Sept 7. ,hortl) .iflcor j p.m., 1hc bcjf\ o( IM:"m. f,:11,t anl.l ~11)J1;1'1C'(: 111 ,tic 1't1t1hY.C'\I bt.iil hlf .1·, l.a1.1111M. A Jul}· Pl lhltt" ,11rn 111\1 ¥-1,tb(n found lhlll Al)'IIO S.i1too1o lo:il.Sc-r R11.:1w1d BuUCf\ nrgli,:cnt'(' la! IP 1ht- Jul)' ,. lt))X 11:lt.\.!Uh " fom,~ '\Ir 1udrn1
F ormer student ends local Aryan reign
Vie1orlll Keenan 1urroundod by lawye,a bOdy guarda and medla exlb K-al County CourtllouN after loemlng lhe jury•a verdict,
l h~ he k ~ d 1a 1 W orhcld \lo.n :i "'llft.,.i(l I ftk'-11, wlilch wou ld 111111. c ii 1ll ca;11I for him 1u ftO"i: ," r1re11rm • .in d 1ho1 1 he \IUfJ"Clnl wuirtc l" or 11,ing n>eth fo,d111r srct1f' of "·1nJJ"1in1 ,tprc,,nml Rtd1.1nl B1,11kr Stent' 1ngutd 111.11 lk1ck1 11,11 C,t.: ni.: 1 , If lh<,1 ldt th< L'tJn11,uund. llll.'1t di()' \\'t"ft: ,1 11lc,r ,1~n 1t llft) lh1n1 ho1p1 ,cneJ. Buclt Butler 1u1d Stcxk: bc-ht\ J th.11 8uikr ,,. ru11w1 tnal na,j fof hh acticmi.. l,1.11 f,'lf" Ith '-:heh l'b.u k ~ lhuJm.111 h· uflt"J 1t1.1t ,hr SKS a"au\1 nOc u\C'd in lh(' K\."Clllltl ,m:ick wa• l!I\.C'fl .U\,l)' .U p.u-l or. Butlcl ut..:lil"'-tr11tcJ
~l\Cf fll lhc Kttt1.1n•1. hh pwri:tt \ .,.;~ulJ lu;t\o(' hcr,i "C'IUJ b ~ 1h.W1'lfr, otllcc om,1 N>ld ut o1 ruMic .iu,;:t1oo Sltv.~N wa1. In lhc i;, ,un r~oC •m \I. hem di,e Wnl1.,·t \l,,h l\:4J Up'lei lltJt111J lite" \ Crdll:I lit t,;t,d he 1houih1 It> hint'i<'lf, • All o f thl\ h.n ~11,... '\\,•11hv.l1ilc Tl,h i\ ri~ !lMKI." • StfWill'I

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