3 minute read
(rum (ordp countrie, I Tv.·u of !he ""'*"Onl(:n.. Vu~a\b.l!li. \t.atko KandJc anti I>\,~ i M1 lk.1ck, pl.&)·cd u NCM O.~i,1on I ICtliOOI; la>l u~n 6-1 \ tiHclc.k. Op¢1:tc-t.1 by W1,bOn lo play Power (o,wlf'd. a,·er.tl(4 I 1 p.,inn •DIS I l R!bound, tn 7.$ nunuk" ptr game. la,a
"'hllc 11ttctldu:1g f:unnan. College in ScMh Cnrohna.. t<».od,.;, • 6-foot 9 &mo.ll rorwllitd. .waruJ. 12 g4fflcs for Dda:"'.iart S1.11tc lai.t ~.uon He 11,'ffllgcd S.$ poaot1 ind 2.fl rtbouod, w1ul( ')l'IOf(log ?9.9 ~nt on ).pointers Both pla)'Cn aucndtd a p,tp in TC"nnc11\tt In 199S-CXI ••hen new uml in.tl a.uua11n1coac-h Dclu& Tbibliult as\b;tcd lhtre:. fhe C11rd, 11h.o ll1ndc:d 1-.·o p laytr1' r,om Oreccc VuJlh T.uW.id1k. • 6- 11 center •Dd V1dli, T11,mplilllldi1,, ,16-4 WIOIU\I ,:ward 1't,01.ll}.jt,1j, l cd"t.hi.t\Cd ~ond \Clnt.i,l Cf 411 Oivi.\.k>O I Lama, rrna,)lut t,(',M(l!fl N IC', (ll hct IWO to,rciJtDCfl llt( ftefbtncn Cum\. Augu1IU!li (6-6 rorw.ird\ rMm C tn.adJ and M!im..dy h t.dou (6-5 rcww11.1 d) from hlln"
Former NJC tra ckster competin g in Sydney ,
IQ97 anJ ·~ m:.de 1hc 8:ih.smll\. O lrn1pk le;un for the Summer Cl.m1c, inS)dney, A1Nnil1 Atotnil, • s.,\!IU, 8111\amu.'I.., J'll'OChlC1. rctttUI)' -.·on 1.bt IUIIIOClal dumpton.Jilp ha thi! 400.meterdbll ,n • ~·botS2.0 titttl~ Anw:nil b11 bce:n 11.n NCAA 0 1m 1t'lf\ I AU·Amc:nCMI 1hc pau '"-o yc:an al Sootbca~('rn Louh111.n1 She pl.-ccd 1tmd Ill lhh, ye.tr'• N<"AA med. Ne w assistant named fo r NI C wr esHing Jim Wbh.cmnn, fomld' Wd.Mld High~ L"UIC'h. \\'D twncJ M il'-fl~Ulnl wn:•lboi eo.ch Id NIC WhlrtnWI 'wdl WOrk utldcr hnd co.ch PM Whh..:omh. Ke,·in R.obctlJI ~um~ at. P.1t Whitcomb'• other oiUI\.C.lm.
Stud ents endure a ll during ad ve ntu re by l .ucu G~rct .V1tMrlRl'J'f>r1rr L oadtd p .11i.l taffe1r1 1ttd pc..iplt ,1tt 1he M.1111 o( ,m .adw,.<11rutt..
.\tiam1 ld1r«toOC dn,·,111 throup1t1cSil,"l'r, 11ncy.,_w
.-..1. l.tJL,l.11111 P.te.1heB1Utffo111i \1'M!t.ilir.'1,~k hforqh..tre
NolOOt'll'rtfti.tn °*"' ,1N1 lhc IQ.ii, Che:) an:~ l·nlfl1 muJ puJJJc
10nu..il ~. the ,pt&Jimg ""'l~'f h fl\'f)•t.-rr ~~'l(lpin1 II 11tt1.'1r11hnp
,...., po:111\, Chcycibw:n-cti»ttie'.,iul)('t1 tnw1',p;zuagc~h ltklllllC.tJn tui1ncb, W,1h !i\..ik.""f ttl(kJmJ dtw.n 1he lWll'ICI ""•lh 1111J rompl,rirdatkllbi ,um'lllllhng lhcffl. the.)' rkk 11110 dk' IIJlll "'t ,i-,
"''"'•nr1111ClMCopcn,1<11b:irC)'CI,. lhn lhcct<lc ca.iUnc vf a bizb 1c,d u ,,dr 110t· 11o,-.11J p'!llltt hn~ poopk bull! dlex bndgc:,1.. Occ\loffll kuUnd llt'ltl ~,,,., cu,, oj W•ll.1et.ltht't111h.'fJl1\.l,bofnlneiunnch.J'lUl&lll:il rrun, 171to'-711 r«a loog ~cnmcltrt'Stio.ip111upto760fcc1nt1.1nd?46(ccchqb.1'bc:: u l11, 1..um.ntJ) )3 rttiln ll1f11 Ill L.bbo. ur.tth a 1.S-,nik tuan(I c,p:u.11tr 'CJlft. lJw:'"11 "' illc,~ ,1r,a,r,J.,1Jhn11,d)3 11111,ct.u:.iu \fouwn&. Ilic 2 pm."CIII a,ale tn1tl pnn,de\ a C'.utt.tl ~tstntc for c-:..~1.n-,; 1hr OUldoon. 8u1l1byp:,opkulffl.111)'1111CIOllabul,b:t"'"ttn l'X:Jbi11-.11911 Qt11 rmwd llmt" lltlJ ca, ars2ei0 mlllkin. ,be Hi""'"' tu T111il ••~(M'kT 1hcP.i...1f'Jc n 1C1D1C11t ot thc: Chicago. MIJ,.·1111k« md S. Paw~ lbc r.t.ilrciad -..-01hanl,w. In 1hc 1970, vend I.ht r.el1" l'i.:.\'C _., rcptXtd "-'llh gnl\.dtni tforwcb)'tii.JilTI,., hlkt'nllld\OfflCffll'.IIOC'1')0t'U, Knt.n,nm. '·Ulc bct.td&ffl hilri»iitl !he Wr\W1t.l, b) ~oldtinrto!thc ~.a..
Athl e te s foster ed by prog ram
Pl'qram llelplng those acluat to 1urroundlng1 b) L11Ca1C:t'Of1tr
S.,11t1 ,i(lkr,...,u, Srw 1tl1ni, .in: P.•PFUIJ uponcanlflh.. Won't"'l1·, \t•Uryball i:()M:11
Cati)· Cl,ltta\. lt.nd 11,1t11 '1oo) tqlllit in'°'n.:rnrt',l\.111 Ddl.~, h,\·C'
(uffibU1tJ tllrir cm,n~ ill tuunJIJlf 1~ Ad.-lf' an ,.\1h1t-,11 rmsnrrn n,,, pro,-r"''" o dt'll1inrJ fnr u&!(Qh """° .uc r«rv11cd trow
•hri.ud a11d th11Ju11hoo1 1he Ul\lk'JSw~. C't.mnlll)' °" Uc n,m·, h.t1lct h.ll 1t11m att '"o 11Nttt1h lr11rn 'l'u11011 l.an:a. ,..-~ rn11n Otte«.
()lie 1,,,na C,vtad.a alW four trom VuJJnf4, ~lk'I;" •n A1tik&( n rlp lh(w ,1.,.kn1~ b-) prov11hn1 TI1lumcu 1+11nd,nff1Jm lhc~wnUy. hunittt:,c;_.,t,,c r111m1en)•hc-~
1n1o lvJ 1aa i-111..ull)', ~he "°""et elub .aliill ,<,11111111,ilt> rtir ,R.dn
More than a club
Soccer 1cam ready 10 prove thei r tal ent by K~n} Cltm and Chartlr IAhffllln ~.nt1MJ SldQ 11,r mm', 'N)Cl:cr IC:Un I, wa lo pro,c- s,omdhlna. 'Ille tcML USkkt lhc:. co1dun1 or Di.II ~winlCI', 11 ul lhc:..r li.til >·c~ et*" omc.al 'Cbool <.part. Pn:,•IOIIQ t<'lllJ\5 opnalcd id ("!\lb ,~tw, Tix fflCI\ 1u,~ ,11o~at1bc k.ta\lC'thc:)' aRf«ff'al b} r,cbn.Juprwr 11.l~icttheil fifftl five nu11.hc:s 1111d compibqg an O\'tl'all tt«lrdol +l·l, •w-,are pl.lying "'clJ !ora llnl)-e• \tlDlly," Coo,J, E,scn\\lntcr 1Jlld Etlo('fl'lolMC'r al'° , ~conrtdcnl 1"'11bb.1c:un ..,111,c more1MA jcut .1 fine )'Cllif 1cam 111 tbc: lro.Juc. "'U.mng in Jury. "'c )tmukl coolc:nd ror UICI Se.gut" b llclfu.enwu~..-r compbnicnh the play 11( rrt.J1 1nc:n Joo Bawl( Mid Bri.1n f:irbcTP a;.,., pi.ye" bl.ii in,l'Ml: thc.des,4h ortht tc:ain i11 thcir t, u:e,.1 'fWllhy. 4'bt 1~m a, 4 wbnk h. our a,r111~ \(ttngth obJCl."H\'C:- 11 IO ·help tcdu~ l be '-1~'- .uld llftUCl )' 1)1 our adtJ..-lC' ch.1 ore- ~niJt(d ftoru !.tr'-"'-'>'·" DcHUl Wlld TWng e01e nt ~ttll.knt\ in 1hi, wa) "'mdcau1t 111,e \Ut...,or 1tie tn.m,1111.. .abmad.i'" "'di Oc:H.1• 11.nd R.,,.1L,.(~ Mlnbtnu 1111' tumln1 up I~ prl'Y1UC" f.u111l1e• flit cbt ,tlllknh 1n tlli\. (ICOKr.tm. ~cniM muU\lt:t lrm f111m.an. rormc:r llll Amctle-a11 '\It rt-,dct under t~ (O;kliln;i or Ji.1hn 0\\t:fl. fonnn NIC \\t('t.thn1 C:o,ac:h. aJC' • wppon tn Uie:U' pi111.k1p;11f11n ~nJ a:clv11)'. Allhoul!h the ~udcnud1:10'1 ne-tts!i41ll) Ian·wnh die f:11nlh~i. they lil/c ~otumonl t ln\<i!ed O\'c:f ft~J dJnn,et :I..\" COtui«hva llJ th,· cf'mmunU) Tllc athlclac: 1,on,.1t'r club. cooichn o.nd ,,nu .uc llll enouiur11gc:d 10 prorr1t1tc ,hi, JWOJrtln -' N"fC hM 100 \tudent .,1h1c1tt.
The .aJJjbfln of n:mutcJ i.uaJt111, will kkJ dl\Cf'III)' and vmc:t)' to tht ~11dcot bOcl) An)'dOt' u)tcte(lcd in thh Pftlr111m en rt,on,:- Odl1.1ot •1 769-34-IO.
IGOT NEXT e l atnmanl Sporta c.ir T-...
-Oolf(' ) p.a -. 5cpl..l9 DII.-F-111.•Soaio< l'ldd 3 w.........,,
Oct. • •......... T_.,,..__ la SUB DOOi W~ ,
Oct. • -111p • ......- c-
Fndoy. Oct. 6. ...... T-• s.- , ldoodaJ, OcL 9 ....... ,..._._. -- ·atJB.-
Wodoeodly. Oct. II l'wud'~ OII - 5769-3299 or 769-lll' or ril<b llll -S,0,,0Ofllcola ., -U-lloillllll- e o.lo« ....... - Cllmlla• o•.-
Pan n. ,.a.~ r-.Sq,1.:zt <110> ............ -.. c.tilM---
Soo....,._ _OmUo,S&.S.0.. 0cl. 7&L(Sllll -~- s-..s.o.. OcL 7 & I (jlO)
. v_w...... s..-..
OcL 14A 15 1$211)
-.. Cllok.. NlC
5-lleid.s-daJ, Oct. 21 1$10)
Air- ..all 769-7I09 or •lllldwl.owerl.r,,ololdll -V-lluildilll-