The North Idaho College Sentinel Vol 51 No 4, Nov 13, 1997

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entine Thursday, Nov. 13, 1997

Elk! Elk! Read all about it!

Hunting pull-out section. Pages 13-16

The Student Newspaper of North ldaho College

California, here we come!

=---==== Volume 5 1, Number 4

Rape alleged Coed accuses stude nt

of dorm-room assault by Hnindi Reasor Se,11i11t'I Rcpcmer A fcmolc NIC \ tuden1 was .1llcgcdly rnped Oc1. 26 m a campu, donn room. accordmg to a rcpon from the Coeur d 'Alene Police Dcpartmcn1. Whi le attending u party a11he River Apanmcnt, o n River Avenue. the 18· yc~r-ull1,1ullent ,nid she Mrirped dc>wn to her underwear in a hcdrnom in from of approxmmtely 20 men. The ,tudcnt ,aid ,he knew It wn, :1 ~lllpitl 1hing 10 de>, but wa~ "wa,tcd·' ond did i1 :111yway. She put her clo1he, back on at th.: advice of her Irientl ,inti then went

ouhidc 10 ,mnkc a c1i:;11rc11c with 1wo of 1he men from 1hc p.irty The men a, her 10 go for a wall.. and all 1hrec ended up in one of the 111c11·, dc>mi room, m Shepperd I!all. According to the alleged ,•,ctim. , he \uid "no" muny time~. She ,aid ~he wa, nipcd by one o f Lhe men. while Im alleged accomplice (who also lives 111 the dor111) 111i11ally held her ann down for the ~u,pcct to remove her panl',. "I tlon'1 even remember walking 11110 1he dorm," 1hc vic1im \Old. During die ,ncidcm, which occured around mid111ght and limed uboul 10 minute,. the vicum said the \U\J)CCt nm only raped her, bu1 foJ\.'Cd her to pcrfonn oral sc, He nllcgcdl} pushed her head t~w..U'd hi,

See Dorm Ra p e , page 11

Hedlund suit fails

1>hoto by Noppndol Poot hone

Alex Crandall portrays Winfie ld and Mike lle Yo ung plays Ruthie in "The Gra pes of Wra th." They d is play the joy they fee l upon reaching the ir ne w home in Califoruia. Sec page 23.

by Turyn I lccker Se,11i1wl lfrpm tt•r A , tudcn t', ,uit ,1guin,1 NIC fai led to convince a Jury of wrong-doing on the part of the college for alleged expoM1rc 10 toxic fume, in,1d c 1hc Hedlund Building. The $Uit againM NIC weut to Lrial Oc1. 2!<. six ycnr~ after II former-, tu den1 Sharon Foster fi led a tort cla im aga1m,t the college. Foster ~.11d ~he got ,icl. from toxi c fume, whi le attending cla~sc, 111 the Hed lund Building in 1991. Fo,1er ,aid 1hat th e fume, from the vocauona l technology cla"c' hi: ld down,1air~ 111 Hedlund ,till affect her tod ;,y. She said ,he ha, "rncrnory defic1cnc1c,." 1, "reall y ,en,i11 vc to ~111e ll~" and i> tired. " I don't hnvc the energy lil.c I u,,•tl 10:· Fo,t,·r ,aid Shi: hegun fct!ling ,icl.. W\\ ard the en.I of tht· school year, ,he , ,ud. anti , i,itl'd

~ver,11 doctor... At fiN. Foster ,aid 1ha1 ,he didn't know that the buildinl? hud anything 10 do wuh h.:r illne,, • In November of 1991. ,he filed the ton claim. which wn., "a nouce of comph:un1 m the college." she ~aid. "The college could an~\\Cr. but they never die.I." When the college didn't answer. Fmtcr filed the law,ui1. N IC" w.1, reprcscntcll by attorney Michucl Ram,dcn "She clJ1111, that she was e~posed to 10:1.1c ,ub,rnm:c-. while ,he wa., a ,tudenl m 1he Metllund 13uilding:· Ram,tlcn ,aid. "The college demc~ that.'' Fo,1er ,uetl 1hc college for drunagc,. " In Id aho. you don't sue for an amount.'· RJmsden ,n,d. "Yc,u ,uc for Jnmagt:," Foster ~111tl ,he wanted to gel NIC", auention.

"(1 wa,n't for the money: 11 " ' " for (N IC) 10 do '-Omcthing ,1bou1 the building." Fo,ter -,.ml. " It w.t,n 't n '3fo hu1lding:'




... Wrestlers h ungry for national championship.

Ch ili cook-off' is feeling hot, hot, hot!

Peer tutoring strengthens student grades.

Page 12

Page 26

Page 7

Did you know? Spokane County banned. lap dana!S in strip clubs.



Thursday, Nov. t3, 1997

Ca1npus ________ _ ___New~ ___ _____ \ _______ __::::;__

SUB remodel rolling slowly Mid-December earliest new bid may be awarded by Keo Harrison Sr11t111t'I Rrporter College offit!ral~ are working hard n gctung SUB remodeling bJd on \Chedulc. "Whal we ha,c 10 do 1~ look beyond this year and thr ,i1uo11on 1hc S1uden1 Union Building 1, 1n right now," ,oid ASN IC Prc,1dc111 Renee Scoll ··11·, going 10 be a building luturc ,1uclenh c,m use. It's been inconvenient. buc 11ha\n·11,,.:cn a waqc," A second sec of general con\lruc1ion plnn~ for 1hc SUB wu, 11va1l:1hlc to bidder~ on Oct. 23. The 1owl :unoun1 ava1lablc ror 1hc rcnovu11on projccc i, $4.76 million. Bid~ for general con,1ruc11on wall be rccc1vcd und opened Nov. 20. The r11IICl,!C 1n1cnd, co award a bid 111 mid-Dct'cmbcr. hut before an ,t\\ ard cnn be made. 1he bid, mu,r bc re,·1c\\ed by 1hc Dorm llt1u,111g Comn1111ce. NK", dc,1gn COlllllll!ICC and hoard uf lrU\ICC~ . 1' hc co n,1ruc11on sLtrl da1..- \\Ill n('II be ,1, :11lubk until an nward i, made und a l'Onlfill'I I\ "gn,•d.

S ee Page 10 for related story and Page 20 for editorial Because the first set of bids submiucd ground~ and cu,todial personnel were given wa~ higher than nn1icipa1cd, an nwnrd of pcm1ission to s1an moving furnishing, out so con1rac1 for consr ruccion wa, never 1~,ucd. 1hat osbestos abatement could begin. A small The lo,, ~ t bid from the first sci of bids wru, amount of a.sbcs10, was found and removed. "We wnnccd 10 get people moved ou1 or $5,11 5,980. Bond proceeds avnilablc al the 11n1c were S4.7 I0.000. The commiucc wo~ the building into vo rious other locations," shon S~OS.980 and asked NIC's board of Jurgen, s.1id. "You don·1 have the luxury of knowing u bid i, going to come in al 100 1ru,1ecs to contribuh: the difference. high of price. I lh1nk we did the nghl th ing The board ~aid no. of Adminisiration Rolly Jurgc~ said at the cimc." NIC', SUB archituctural contract 1, wi1h the boa rd or 1rus1ees had never made u commiuncni to provide money for the project. Phoenix Interna1iona l Arch11co1urc and "I 1hin ~ we probably made a miMakc." Plann ing and hns been 111 place sine.: Jurgens sa11J. "We ~o ld chc projec1 by January '96. ,ayrng we con get chis done wi1hou1 u,ing A con11ngcncy pion ond .:ighr ahernucive any college money When the bid, come in bid mcn~urc~ de\igned 10 meec the nccid, fnr too much mone). we went to the or 1hc ,chool und ome1 high or low bid~ rru,rcc, und \\C ,houldn't ha, c. I 1hrnl. we were introduced 10 1hc S1udcn1 Union probably. adm1nl\ln1t1vely. , hould hnvc Fadlhic, Commiucc Oct. 14 by Sco11 D. just ,topp,:d 11 .md ,a11l. 'Lee\ go ou1 und Cranston. Phoenix lmernational ·s Physical re-bid righl now."' Plun Dircc1or. Aft er 1hc SUB clO\Cd in Mny. NIC Although ,omc of 1h11 bui lding·~

archi1cc1urnl plan, hove been ch11ngcd. o,•ecall , quare roo1ngc or 1he expon<1on remain, lhc ..ame and , till mclud~ a ,unroof. daylight ba~emcnt and lnrgcr cnfe1eria. However. the plan~ don't include are a theater. computer room, und elcc1nc can ~,oragc urea. Jurgen, ,aid ii the , ccond ,ct or bid, co me in too high. more mone y could po<,1bly be spent on 11rchi11:c1ural co,1, " If that hnppcns. lht re' II be some ,criou~ ,out ,enrching,'' Ju q:cn, ,n,d. "We've )pcnl over o half mi llion dollar\ already ror archi1cc1urc und wr don' t W3nt 10 lo,e thnt inve,trncni " Scull ~nid when ASNIC fiN wcnl to the , 1udc nt, and ,l\kcd them if 1hey were walling lo ~pend on uddiuonul S.20 IL~ for 1hc SUB. ,1udcn1s were told thuc the ,unroor and dnyligh1 bu,emcnc would be a pan of 1he new building. She ,aid if the \CCOnd set of bid, comc 1n too high. ASNIC will ho, e to go bnck IO 1hc drawing board. "We would have 10 go bacl>. and a,I. the studcn1, al 1he) want the,e thing~ cul. Scou ,aid. "bccau,c 11 "· C\\cnuall). thcir money "

Students dealing with SUB 's absence b) Summer l.i11denbcrg

already been rented our 10 01her orgonitmion,. Sm1ng untouched Jnd ~mp1y. 1hc sue·, Ilowever. Bcnncu ~aid 1hm rhe big-screen only , i,it,k cliccc on c.1mpu, cu11 he.- \Ccn in relevbion will be replaced with a larger. 1hc \,lr}tng l\'JU11in, 1(111, ;ibscnce. newer vcr,1on and rhoi all 1hc equipmem "The $LIB remodel " 1hc grcatc,t thing will be bnck i1ricr chc completed remodel. 1hat ha, huppcr,l'(J here III ll long cimc." ,iud One of the bigge\l complaint~ from many !Nan O.:nnc11, ASNIC', nd1·i><r ,tudcnh i, char they haven ·1 been informed Thl' remodel " on wha1 i, huppcning. n1x.-c1cd 10 be ,:omplc1e "I don 'r any1h1ng 111 one year. bul 1h1, will ''Given that we are funding that i, going on with lhe ,tudcnt, 1hc next the SUB remodel, we SUB beside, 1hc fact tha1 two ,cme,1cr, co deal ic i, clo,cd.'' ,aid should be informed on with 1hc luck of union Jennifer Hall, 20. a prcwhat i:s going on." thu1 chc SUB clo,urc vc1erinariun muJor. hn,crca1cd - Clayton Roberts "Gh•cn that we are "£, cry1h111g wa, funding the SUB righ1 lhcr.·:· ,aid rcmod.:I. we ~hould be Nuthan Br.idbury. 20. :in automotil'c infom1ed on whut i, going on," ,aid Clayton 1cch111crnn mujor "Now we hnw no pool Rohen,. 20. an aquuculturc major. tJbb. , ideo table,. 1 idco games. 1clevi,1on. B~nnc11 \ilid 1hat 1he ,iudcnh have been tnu\1c. l'omctlian,. :,nd who·~ gomg 10 walk mfonncd on the pmjcct. JII o, er cumpu, co find 1hc loca11on of "I think 1ha1,111dem, have been 111rormcll, d1fforcn1 pince, 1hut haw moved·>" hccau,c M!\'llrul , tudcnl\ ,i1 on 1hc SU B llcn nc11 , :1id 1hu1 when a sun C)' wo, com111i11cc." Bcnn~u ,aid. "If 1111.:y arlln't complc1cd two ye~ ago. , tudcm, \!lid 1h:u hcuring anyching it i\ bcl·uu,c th ere·, they could handle the remodel III order to nmhing going on." gum the new rc:uurc, rhar would come wuh Some ~•udcm, foci they· vc ltht 11 ,en\C of • the new building commu111ty on 1hc cumpu, All of lhe rccrcm1011 e<1111pmc111. except "I don'1 1hink thut ~tudenh ur" near a, tor the pmJ!-Jlong 1ublc,. belonged 10 All clo,c; " c all , cc m Ill be ,ornl' \\ hal Ame11ca11 Amu,cmcm. Thu,. th,·,c huvc wpara1ed." ,aid An1 ,,11 Ki m~i:y. 25. Sl'/Umrl H«'f'"/1/'r

pholo b> Nopp.>dnl p..,.1,o,~

First-year anthropology stud en t Naraka Sai st udies at t he Educated Cup on th e second floor of Boswell H all. wildlife biology mnJor. 111c SUB had many uc1iv11ic, for ,11ulcn1,. Some ,,ere, never relocutcd. Sccfan Robin,on. '.! I. ,aid 111111 the SUB

\\ ,1,

u placc



rela,,11100. He \illd 1h.i1 ~~

the food, lhc gilmCs .111d l.i.\l -cnlll,ICf '

grill cool. W1ll1a111 CMtcr. who 1, no,, \\Ofk mg ;II Sc.1r...

Thursday. Nov. 13, 1993

Campus News

Board debates funding by Chris J uhlin Stnti11el Rl'prmu With the forced rc<.1gnation o( Robert Bcnneu. and the eontrovcr\y ,urrounding funding for the SUB and the college budget. the board of tru,tec, ha, been under a m1croM"ope 0,cr the p,1\1 ,c,cn month,. NIC funding wa, one of the primary 1~<.uc, at the board of tnmec, meeting on Oct. 29 in Todd Hull. Though linlc wa., ,aid about Bcnneu·, re,ignaiion or the money ,urrounding it. funding wa, a big i\\UC. The bonrd expre\\cd concern over the puhl ic pcrcc:ption of the NIC budget. Interim Pre.,1dcnt Robcn Bell ..aid 1ha1 the rca,on it look, like NIC ha, citcc,, money, in compari<.on to other college,. 1~ that mo,t oth er college., put their money into rc,erv~. He ..aid NlC leave., it, money m the

~pending hudgct. Thi, mal.e, 11 look like ~IC ha, more ,pending money than II actually doc,. Bell \aid that if NIC lo,c, i1, local control because of lack of support from taxpayer\. "II would be deva,1a1ing 10 the colh:gc:· The board al~o addrc~,cd the imponance of local control cnm1cd by local ta~ funding. Bell wu, greeted \v11h nod<. of approval when he ,aid how detrimental it would be 10 NIC if a fou r-year college was given primary control over funding. rather than the local community. Bell SU1d four,ycar schot,ls have different goa l~ and intcrc,I\ 1hon communi ty colleges. Univcrsi1y cont rol would tak e nwuy from vocational and Applied Technology programs at NIC. nol 10 mention 1he cvc r,grow,ng Workforce Training

program 1n Po\l Fall\. he ,aid. "NIC i~ not JU'-1 it ju111or college.'' Bell ~aid. Apprmrnnatcly IO percent of tht· ,1udcnl\ .ire enrolled in Applicitl Technology program,. Ho: ~aid 1hc,c programs ,m: vital 10 the pro,pcmy of the college ,111d 1hc community. Thi, make, NIC fnr from JU~t J Junior colleg<' The college h a communny ~rvicc. he ~.1id. The board member, brought aucnuon 10 a po,siblt· S 150.000 u,cd 10 fund n maMer-planning ,tudy for 1hc ca mpu,. They ,a,d chat cxpan~ion 1~ incvitabk and 1hu1 the 44-acrc campu, infra,1ruc1ure will need 10 be nnalyLed. They .igrccd 1ha1 n mu,1cr-planning Mudy i, the: bcM step m 1hc procc~,. 'Inc board of 1rus1ces will meet again Wedne~dny n1 6 p.m. in Todd Holl .

Panel ponders higher education Local leaders hold discussion

in 1-fighcr Educmion?" He said 1hm television is bad. and 1ha1 children ,hould not wmch it. Al that point he received by Betsy Rosenberg an ova ti on. which continued until Tony Stewart. the Stntint!l Reponer meeting\ moderator. asked for silence. Televi~ion i, all ~ex and disaster with good progt<lmS Douglas ~aid 1h01 television betrays us. Even being the exception, said Rick Douglas. KliQ TV news educational television is bad; il is mostly cartoons and anchor, at the round table discu~sion on "Critic:11 b~ue~ in documentaries, he said. Higher &luc.uion." Also. parems don't take enough responsibility for their The ,peaken. 01 the Oct. 20 di,cussion held in Schuler children's education; they leave it 10 the teachers, Douglas said. Even computers aren't enough to Auditorium were Mike Fi1,_~immons of help the :.itumion. After this ponion of KXLY R:id10 News Talk. Kootenai speech. he received another ovation. County Commi~<.ioncr Ron Rankin and "Now that the world is hisReed spoke briefly about whal society Mary Lou Recd, former Idaho s1a1e at peace, things can be should be doing to prepare s1udcn1~ for -.cnmor. Tony S1ewan. political ,cicnce th e 21 SI century. She feels. unlike done that have never m\1ruc1or, wu, the 111odcrn1or. Rankin. that l3JCcs should suppon higher Fitz,immon\ spoke first . His topic been done before." cducmion. w~ "Generation X. Arc They Earning "Now that the world is al peace." she - Mary Lou Reedor Demanding Their Way Into said. "things can be done that have never College'?" I-le ,aid 1hm he was a father been done before." and wa, tmmt:r,ed in the i\~uc. Recd said she approves of remedial education for He :,aid he feel~ 1ha1 ~1ra1egie~ arc necessary 10 fund re1ummg MudcnlS. educ111ion. and he con~idel'li today's students 10 be very Jim Minkler. the commission president and division inventive. Athletic ~cholarshi ps for women were very choir of philosophy, spoke briefly about the book, po,i1ive. Fitzsimmons said. "Generation X Goes to College" by Peter Sacks. He said Rankin' ~ topic was "Is l-l igher Education Unbiased?" He he feels that Sacks is s1ereo1yping the new generation. and said Student~ need a strategy and a bcuer knowledge of students today are no different than those of the pasl. He what is going on. Rankin said thal 75 percent of today's' said he feels thn1 the book i~ an oversimplification. student~ need four years plus one more semes1er. Reed she agreed. "He (Sacks) is whining," she said. Universities manipulate the students and generate revenue Several students rose to ask questions in the course this way. On unbiased education. the campuses are "using of the discussion. The questions centered around. "Do students and programming them." Rankin said. we ask enough of our teachers'?" and "Do our teachers Douglas spoke on "What is the Authority of the Media nsk enough of us?"

Presidential search yields applications by Taryn Hecker St11tillt'/ Reporter

11te search for NIC's new prc.~idenl hab yielded more lhan 40 applications. The Presidential Search Commiuee members will review and evaluate applications through November.

Ten to 12 semifinali~1s wi ll be selected nt the commiuee's mce1ing Dec. 9. Everything is "right on 1nrgc1 \Vllh the projected 1imcline," said comminee co-ehnir Sheilu Wood. Scmllinolis1s will be narrowed down lo live or six linolisl\ after being interviewed und evaluated by the cornmit1ec. The selections will be sent on for consideration by the bonrtl of trustees. Finulists will be interviewed by 1hc bourd and campu5 constituency groups Jan. 28. 29 and JO. The new president will be appoin ted by 1hc board on Feb. 17.

The NIC Sentinel

Page 3

News Briefs

Ph<,u, Ly Nopp.,dol


Th is 1996 photo won first in the nation.

Sentinel wins top journalism honors Boosted by nutionnl first-pince nwnrd, for two of ih ,taff members. The Sentinel won high honon. at 1hc AJ.~ociated Collegio1c Pres, convention in Chicago. Competing against cntrie~ from nll college und uni\•erslly newspapers and magazmcs in the nation. Noppadol P.Jothong and Stephanie Schreiber won first placc~ in the feature photography and stand-alone canoon categone~ re,pec11vcly. Another Sentinel cartoom,1. Angie Schw1ntek Critchfield. won ~econd place for ~tand,nlonc cunoon,. and reponer Melody Man1. won third place for ,1ory-of-1he· year in the divel');ity category. Both women have complc1cd their NIC studies. For the second straight year. The Sentinel won ~'C()ndplacc nationally for Best of Show among commun11y Cllllcgc 1abloid newspapers. The Sentinel honor wa., for ih Oc1. 9 issue, while the individual award, \\>Cre for work done during the 1996-1997 school yCJJr.

Resident forming stamp club Students inlcreslcd in forming a college level Philu1clk society now have their chance. Coeu r d'Alene resident John Hull ha~ volunleerl'd 10 donate 1ime 10 help in the formation o( ,in NIC ,1amp cluh. Hull said that simnJ)" are becoming more limn ju.,1 a hobby. They are cduc~tionol. cronomic and !.Omctime., even humorou, He said they pro, idc a life beyond computer.. and tclevi~ion. Interested ~ludcnL~ and facuhy C-,lll conlllCt Hull al 667.ffiJ2.

Food, t.oy donations request.ed NIC Ambas.'ll!dors arc spon~oring n food drive to bcncli1 needy ,tudent. and Rodeo Club is spo?,oring a tor drive for children involved in incidence~ wnh paramedics and police officers. . . Donnlion boxes arc located m several campu, bu1ld111i; ' hall~. Food and 1oys can be donntcd until Dec. 16. The club's goal is to collect 300 1oy~:ind dis1nbu1c them in Kootenai County. . During the Dec. 6 men's bns~etball ga~e in Christiunson Gymno~ium. food item, can be depo"led m exchange for a ticket for a rorne dunng the game.

Nursing packets available Nursing packets arc now .nvailublc m the Adrn1~,ion: Office for s1uden1, in1cres1cd m RN or LP~ progmm~. The finnl dentlline for all malerinls ,ubm111cd 1, Murch lb The Admi~ion~ Office requcsL~ 1h01 <rudc:n.L~ apply bdOI\'. Jnnuury. This will allow them to gather any 1111 ,mg 11e111,

Page 4 The NIC Sentinel

C ampus News

Thursday, Nov. 13, 1997

Bell attends hUl11an~rights conference Clinton hosts meeting on hate-crime issues b) R) nn M11cClan11than .Vl°II) [c/1/r,r

NIC ,mcnm Prcsidcn1 Ronald Bell mn) ha,e rclumcd from a conference armed wnh ,omc nc\\ idc,,, on ho\\ h1 cumba1 bigo1ry .md r.t(l'lll. Ocll lllcndcd .1 111ec11ng nn crime, hthlct.l hy Prc,1dcn1 Bill Chn1on on Mnnd3}' 111 W.1,lungton D.C The opcninl! dl\t:U\\mn, were bmJd,._1,1cd ll'c lo NIC , ia ,,11dhtc. Aoou1 50 ,1udcn1,. f:tl'Uh)' and communily lc,nlcrs ,howcd up fur 1hc 1ck'rnnkrcncc. 1 he purpo,c ul the conforcn,c wa~ to" .icunn, that can prc\"cnt ha1c ,rune,. Ne.orly ~so cduc.11or,. legi,l.11or\, In"· ~nfo1.:cmcn1 uHk,al, and <'ommuniLy leaders .1ttc111lcd lhc dJy lnni; 111cc11ng. IJell lcfl :,rmed w11h .m c1i;l11-pu1n1 lcucr

from 1hc Kootcn,11 County Ta,k Force on Humnn Rclnuons, which outlined 1ho group\ ,uggc,11on, on comooung hn1c cnm.:.s The leucr wnucn by Ton) Stcwarl. ,pn~c,person for 1hc ta\~ fon:1.· · s board uf ch rcctors. lpplauth Chntt>n's ,1and nguin~1 hJle act" 11y :ind crime, Prc~cn11on of thc,e en me,. through leg1s la11on .ind ~pcc1n l program,. 1$ Bell cncourJgcd. Bell ,;11d 1hu1 he hoped IO 111,cri h,, m, n cumrnun11y-collcgc pcr..pccuvc in10 ~ome of 1hc d1,cu~\1on~ "Whal I would like 10 hrmg 1, my fcclms 1hn1 Ntmh ld,iho College and 1hc people of 1h1, area :ire vcr)' rnnl.'cmcd about human t1gh1~:· Bell said

He !>aid he believe\ tha1 lhrs region hnd Dunng h1~ speech Chmon ,aid lhat he 11 ~evcrul mcidcn1, 1h01 h,1vc caused people 10 pu~hing for new, v1gorou\ un11-hatc-cnme pny altcnlmn to Idaho heg1~h111on. He said thc current haic-crimc The conference ,1artcd wit h an lnw{ rnu,1 be ,1rn:tly enforced. hut 10 be introduc11on by, ice president Al Gore, oflcc11vc 1hcy 11111\1 h,; rcpuncd followed by a speech from Chnton. l·c.11urcd "If a hale crunc goc\ unrcport\!11, 11 g11 l'1 paneh,h tndudcd ,\Horney Gcncrnl fanct people a chance 10 ignore 11," Clinton ,aid Reno and Sw-cmry Richart.I Riley However. 1he only 1ruc w,1y 10 r1gh1 A II of 1h.: ,pcakcr, nl 1he round-tahlc prcJuchcc 11 to fight lhc ignorance and d1scus,1on shJrcd 1he ,ainc ba\lC mcs,agc 1ha1 creme 11. Clmtnn ,:ud cmncs of b1go1ry and hJte nrc problem, 1h,ll l'hc rc,iwn for Bell\ 1n1·11atmn 10 1hc affect ,oc1el) directly ·1o ,ohc 1hesc conference n:main, u nl) \lcty tu h1111 lie prohlcm~ everyone needs 10 lend ,1 hund. Vice Prcs1dc111 Al Gore ,,11J hate crunc, ~aid he doc, ntll hu~c the \ hgh1c,1 1d~a "ho nrc caused b) a pcrccpuon of difference. He nominated hun for thc honor H1, ,1rong \tUnd, agam11 hale ~mllC-\ and ,111d 1h,1t 1hc Un11ed St.thl!, I\ ,1 nJ11on of cxpandrng d1vers11y. in which lhc communny college c,pcricncc may Ill: "'h> mvncd. he ,a1tl. govcrnmcnl 111us1 1:1kc nn uc11vc r()lc 111 he ''I tound every har!!atn \\U}' I could gel prcvcnung hate cnrnc, "lfo1rcd 1s very much nl1vc, und 1~ v1s1blc 1heir," he ,md wnh .i laugh. adding that 1hc 1n wurd, und ac11on~." ,aid Chucnec low co,1 lor 1he collcl!c 1, worih 11 " I 1hin~ 1h1, 1, a grc.11 hunor for 1hc Sump$On, j scnic,r from Duke University college," llcll \ind who ~poke dunng the conference


Hedlund Building namesake dead at 90 for 22 ycnr, und "a, tenured chairman or 1hc Joi111 r-1nancc-1\ppropriat1on, The numc,.11.c or the Ift'dlund building. Commiucc:. Ile wa, chau of the Pcrrnoncnl Ema) llcdlu111I. died 0~1 26. 111 St Murie,. Building Fund Council lie 11J, 911. H.:dlund hclp('d ohH,in funding 1h111 ll rlllun,J c,111hl"hc,I tunding lor b111lding, fiterolly chungcd the campu\, ,:11d Tony u1 NIC'. 1hc U111,c1,11y of lduho .ind Idaho S1ewun. poli1i\:nl ~cicnce in,tructor. S1111c lln11,·r,11) Ouc IO h1, in1en.',1 111 The fir-1 money the college received wa, cduc.111on und 1m·.11wnal 1ra111ing. 1hc used 10 add lhc ,ccond noor 10 lhc Siclx:rt lkdlunt.l V1> Uu1ld1ni; .intl l'imcr}·, Building. He ,11~0 helped Oblatn money for Rc,1,1ur.11t1 \\Crc na1111.·d alter 1nm Sc11cr Hall. The next project wa~ funding for Ilt•tlluml ,11'u ,,·ned ·" an lduhu legi,luiur the current I lcdluud Building Bo,well Ilull h~' We, Wood~

wn~ 1he fourth building buill.

S,•111111(/ R,·1111111•1

"I bclit:vc during lhc l:Jsl ycnr he wu~ there, they were nble lO get $50.000 10 do a ~1udy on whc1hcr we needed a library." -..ud S1ewart ··we didn'1 gc1 i1. but tht:y ,1udicd

Security crime log b) llrundnn Koo111, ~.-mini'/ R,•pm ta

Au to Accident (Al An aulu .1,•c1d1.•n1 1!l'1.·urrcd on Iha: cit,t \IUC ul 1hc LCC pur~mi; lu1 at I0: 15 a.111. on Ort ~ u, rcp1n11:t.1 111 Oen C.in111ron. l'Ullll)U\ "'CUI ii).

Felony Thrft (Bl A VCR. wunh apprnx1111a1cly S'.150. wu, ,1olen from A1hwcll 228 nround I0:30 a.Ill, 1111 (kt :i. 11, rcponcd 10 Solely Oflircr Bob Thurn,011. V:1ndaliq11 (C) A,·t, ol vundall\m. bd1c,•cd 111 be r1mnt'Ctcd. OCl'Urrcd :11 1hc north cml di 1hc LCC pur~1ng 101 111 7·55 a. m.. near Shepperd Gridley l·l.111 ,II 8:40 .i.m. and ,n lhc nurlh\\csl LCT lt!I al 10·20 u.m. on Oc1. II. '" report ed l>y l'hom,on ,int.I Buh C.,mphcll. ,·.1mp11, ,ccuri1y.


"lie w,1, 1n\lrun1cnlill in securing fund, for thc con,1ruc1ion of a number of 1mporin111 Norih ld uho College building,." ,aid Steve Schcnl., dean of college rcluuon~. "We parucularly will remember him 1hro11gh the Hed lund

Campus crime map


,1t·cort.1111i; 10 a r.:pt>rt from Sandra Shcm1an. campu, :sccurhy.


llurglory (El A pur..c and funny pack w.:rc ,tolcn from an car 111 the pm king 101 c,l\l of Lei: Hall around 3 p.111 . on Oc1. 13. a, rcponcd 10 Cnmeron. Intimidation (F) t\ <'a,c of i111i1111d:111011 invoh•ing a ,1udcnt and in,1ruc1or wu, n!purtcd oround -1:05 p.m. in Bo~wcll Hall on Ocl. 16, .recording tu ThumMm.

Building 1ha1 wa, one of 1hc projec1, he helped U\ fund through 1he ,tale lcghl:11urc. And ccrininly tha1 leadership i, gorng to be remembered and 1, 1cr) much upprcciatcd." Sweden-born Hedlund won a gold medal 1n 1hc Olympic~ for hi, countr} in 1he cqu1valcn1 of cro,~-countr) ,k11ng. ,aid Stcwan "I k '"" il mun wuh loi- ol tc,t fllf tifr. he "' ib very energetic and a lun pcNm." ,aid S1ewart.





Lost rroperty (G) A pur..c rcponcd mh,ini; from Seiter 104 on Oc1 17 wu, luncr returned Ill i" uwner. ;1ecording 111 u report from Thom,on. Oc1 N were liller found. nccurding to Jo.: Mm,hall. c;111111u, s1,•curil)

-.ccunt}. around 8:14 J m. (kl ~7

llil 11nd Run (D)

Trc~pussing (HI A 1rc,pa~wr in the I.CC co111putct lub 11u, rcponcd to l"ho111,011 Ck1 18 ,1rou11<l 11.,15 J.111.

,\ 1111 .ind run urrnrrcd In 1h..- cu\l llcdlumt 101 .11 5 p.m nn Oct. 9,

1)111,· Rupe (JI

L11s1 l'ropcrt) (I) Cur key, thougl11 1111"111g from 1he gym

,\ tl,11c rape occurring 1n Shepperd/ Grid II:) llall ":is reported 10 cnmpu,

,\ h11,,1nd run w.1, reporicd w Offi,'(1 Cameron in the nonlwrn ,ireJ vi the t.CC IOI Oct. 28 around 8 ,t 111.

I lit-n ntl-lfon (Kl

Thursday.Nov 13, 1997

Campus N e w s

The NIC Sentinel

Page 5

Registrar makes time for everyone by Murad Khalllev Se111111el reporter


1utlen1~ lind themselves very comfonable ond relaxed while 1.hey stand in front of a woman who kindly ~mile, a1 them. inviting them into her oflicc. 11m h the usual way 1ha1 NIC Registrar Karen Streeter 1rea1, faculty members. \tutlcnts and anybody who need~ to M:c her. Be\ltle, working for 15 yea~ al NIC. Streeter wus recently rc-elcc1cd on Nov. 4 10 1he Po~t Fnll\ City Council. She said after IO yeaf\ she enJoy, it A Po,t Fall, rc,idcnt for 35 yea ..... Streeter Maned working al NIC in 1982 Originally from North fy /1 Dakota, Streeter and her tam1ly moved to Coeur d' Alene when ,he wa, 7. ,\ fter marrying her hu,hund Charlie, ,he ,a1tl they nuwcd to Po,t f'all, uml h,l\'C hvctl there ever "ncc In 1')63 ,he ,aitl ,he ,taned 1.1kmg eo mpuu:rcla"e' al NIC ,llltl ,tho worked a, a pan-1i1111.• clerk in the Re!!1,' , Olllce. Ar11:1 gratlu a11ng trom NIC \\1th an A"OCHIIC\ of Ari\ 111 bu\lnC\\, ,hl· enrolled Ill I.CW!\•

Win s election; retains hei' ,,ill position on Post Falls C; CO U Ci/

Clark State College in 1982 and received her bachelor's in bu~inc~ nnd ,oc1ul ~e1cncc. Before she ,tanctl work at NIC. Streeter worked with her husband 10 Po~, Fall,. "My husband and I hud a plumbing bu,ine,~ and I worked a~ u bookkeeper and u ,ccretttry," she ~aid Strcctl'r ha, been on the Po~t Fall, City Council from 1985 10 1995. However. ,he wa, not on the council in 1996. bcc:m,e ~he ditl not run for the l)(>,11ion " In 1996 there wn, :1 vucuncy for rhc year I997 and I Streeter upplied for it." Streeter ,Jitl. In Augu,t 1996 ,he wa~ appointed to the council again and ,ervcd u 14-month term. Streeter ,aid the council work, toward the ,011111011 of mailer\ like mising fund,. remodeling builtl1ng, and re, doing streeh. "In the nc\l four ycurs we" 111 conunue 1c1,upl)(>n the economic dcvclQpmenl of ourci1y." ,h.: ,md. "and we'll work 10 keep our tux 11:vy low." Workmg a1 NIC anti being a 1:ouncil member ur.: 1101 the only thing, 1ha1 give Stree ter joy in her life. Sh~· "al,o u mother

"I have my daughter Charlaync. ,on Butch and my daugh1cr-in-law Andrea," Streeter "'11d. Charlaync. a former NIIC \ludcn1. 1run,fcrred 10 E.1,1cm Wa\hmgl<ln Umvmity and work., a~ an a1hlc1ic 1rumcr. "A\ for my son Jnd tlaughl.:r in law. they 1rnnsfcrrcd 10 Gon,agn after gratluating from NIC." ,he ,aid. Holding two impor1a111 po,i1ion, a, NIC', rcgl\trnr and Po,1 Falls City Council member du1:,n'1 bother her 111 1erm, ol managing her um~ Since 1hc council meeting, arc in the C\'cning,. ~he ,31d umc doc,n'1 ,ce1111 to be o problem. However••, rcgi\lntr', hfc i, nm ull ahuu1 work. Streeter s.ud ~he like, 10 rcad, io out m the woo<h and 1r:1vel to different place,. She and her hu,b;md rct'Cnlly bought ,t rnowr homc nnd hope lo u,c II Olien. " I unJUY reading S)um:y Sheldon·, hook,. bcl·au,c 1ht:) arc \,ondcrful." S1rce1cr ,aid~"Some of 111} other favontc wrilCf\ arc Mal) I hggcn, Cl.1rl. ,inti Judith Michoh " Streeter " al,o foutl or cCl< ,he ,uitl. S1cJk ,md :1ngd food cal..c .ire ,o,nc of hl.'r ra, 0 1nc d1,hc, "Whenever ,omconc in the orlicc hu, a binhd.1~. I b;ikc pie, ,mtl bring them m," S1r1:c1cr ,aitl. She ,aid ,he cnJoy, bcm!! .iround the people al NIC .1n,J \\ (>uld nm wunt 10 \\llrk ,m) pla,c cl,c

Nursing students collect clothes Faculty due Clothing drive benefits for tenure Student wins $400 scholarship mentall y-ill individuals testimonials h) L.intlu Jone, S,•111111t I H, port1•r NIC nurqng , tutlents c leanetl ou 1 1hc1r ck•~c,, in Octooor 10 heir people " ilh mcntal 1llnc" by way of domuions 10 1 rca,urc, and Siurf. the Evergreen C'lub', 1hrih More. 1 hc clothing tlrivc wa, propu,ctl and exec111cd by the nur\lng depan1m:n1 tu ,1"1,1 indi vitluub wnh mental d1,abili1ie,. While touring the Wa~hing1on Stale lto\p11al for their cll111c11I work, the nuf\ing ,1utl.:nh 1ourcd the 1Jmfl ,tore. As pan of their ,ccontl year curriculum, the ,1uch:111, arc required 10 ob~erve the p~ychia1ric ,ccuon. During their 1our through the ~lore, \ludcnt~ become aware or the type or support and ~ervicc~ 1hai are neetlcd and avai lable 10 people who have mental di~abilities. The Evergreen Club b a program of Spokane Me ntal ll ea llh whi c h is dc~igncd 10 he lp members pursue vocationol and rclmbiliia1ion goab. It offers 1ho\e with mental illness oppor1uni1ic~ ro r job 1rnining. employment. !>ocial i.rn1ion und ~uppon. After lea rning .ibllUI the club and the type of help 1h01 is available lo club members. the nur~ing students decided 10 do ~omc1h111g to help 1he club rabe money.

Audra Peter, received





Whipple ~cholar,hip ut the Idaho 'itatc Nurses Convenuon Q{'l. 24. Peter~. the local Idaho Nursing S1uden1s As~ocia1io11 chapter president, wa~ nominated 10 receive the sc ho l,irship uwarcl by school fuculty . Ench ~chool within

the ~t.,tc ot Idaho rut up one person from i1, first anti scc..,ntl }CBr nur~ing cla,se~ 10 tie nominated. The main criteria was to belong 10 the ltlaho Nur,ing Student Assoc1a11on. " II. wt1~ a well dcservetl ,cholarsh1p." ~u,tl Maxine Manin. nursing ntlvis.:r

S1cpha111 Harrison. a ~econd year that the \ ludcnt:. tl1d ull 1he work. nur~ing s1udc111, become 1he catulyst Harrison ~aid the work wa, ca,> . The behind the project of nur.;ing s1udcn1s MudcnL\ went around 10 clas,l'' mnkmg ,innounccmcni., and encouraging people helping other.;. Ha rri so n said she motivated her 10 look through 1heir hou~es for any sccond-ycar class 10 take acti on and i1c111, no longer needed. which could be mutle proposals to the lirs1-year clus:. 10 donated 10 people trying 10 get oock i1110 get involved. Then ,he receivcd mainstreum ,oc1e1y. M1ew11ld said there wen: nbou1 three permission from the instructor~ or 1he nur~ing program to ,tan a clothing drive. )tt1d ent, who were the driving force behind rhh project Hurrison wa, the During th e 1wo week, that the coordinator and originator of the 1clc11. nursing s1udcn1s worketl on guthcring "Ac1u11lly 1111:. w.~ a good opponuni1y c lothin g and houl>e hold i1cmi.. they gu1horetl enough items 10 lill an entire to help. anti with ,uch n :.,mph: a,pec1 a, gathering item, from our home,, we pick-up truck, Harrison ~n1d. were able 10 help," Hurri,on ,aid Claudia Micwuld. instructor for the The re,1 of 1he nur,ing tlcpar1mcn1 second- year c ln,:.. saitl she was impro:.~ed wilh the effon, a?d resulL~ of 1hough1 this wu, a gootl itlea and did all the work 1ha1 the en11re nur:.111g what they coultl 10 ,uppon the cau~e. program guvc 1<1 this pr0Jec1. She saitl ,uid Ilnrri,on nnd Mi.:wald.

h} Kristi Ptmouo

So11i,11•/ R,.,,,,,,,.,

Te~11monia h ahuul facuh) """ arc applying for m11ml or renewal of tenure arc being ,oug!u by the Tenure Comm111cc The tcstimomal, can come from ,1udi:n1,. ,iafr and communlly m.:rnbl'r, Cerard Mathe,. Jo}CC Lidcr. Jull> Gn) nc Clifford .inti Joan Mnnhc," JI\' ,Ill up for tenure 1hi, )Car Tenur.- i, ., , 111111, 1ha1 nn i11,1ruc1or can formally gain after 1cach10g for a ccr1.11n amount of time oi an ins111u11on. II i, ,mponan1 becnm,e ii ,ho"'. the m,1ruclOl'o 1hn1 ··1hc1r peer, :ind ,upcn ,,ors think that til<'} ore doing a good Juli ... said Jud, Syltc (If the Tcnurc Comm111cc. II al-o prov1J.:, Jcgnl hdp 1h01 m,1ruc1or, ur.: not ~hg1bk for "hen they ~ on probJ11on or n.:11. reachc" The Te nure Commnm~ loot.., at 1 ~~ credentml'i, otl\t•rvauon, from the ,m,irucior ' div,,ion chair nnd lellcr, ,dnl b) ,tudcn". facuh)' and c,1111111unll) m~mbr" Te~11111omal~ ,hould b<' ,ubmin.:J b<lol't' Februory J. 1998. 3nd ,hould be JJdre"cd 10 the Tenure Corn111111ee Tho: comm111rc member, arc Su, anno: Bromle) !lab CJ,1rf.. Jim Cuhra. Ma11c1 . S~ltc .111J comnullcc chB1r Don Fri,,

That's lnteresdna-

Page 6

The NIC Sentinel


Thursday, Nov. 13, 1997

On March 19, 1976, the Supreme Coun ruled lhal states can prosecute people for homosexual acts.

hy To ryn Hecker

Scmincl Rcponer hing, ha"e changed o gl\':ol dcJI ,incc Rich Gacnncr and Mil.c Swaim were ,1mlen1, at NIC. e,pccinlly m the ,hop where they now in,1ruc1 the 11u1omotl'c lllehnolo!!)' prog.rnm. "When we were ,1udcn1,. 11 wa, u very grea~y. grimy nccupmion." Gacnncr ~aid. "S1udc111, 'P<°fll a lot nf 11mc clcamng !!m1,y mechanical 1mn,." I lm,c,•cr. with the :uJvcnt of 011-lx>ard C!lmp111cr,. much or the diny wnrl. hu, h\:cn cl11nin111cd. "Virumll) cvcrythlll!! m the .iu1111111,h1lc i, run by a computer now:· Gaertner ,md. Computer.. powen:d mun 10 the 1110011. cou ld they do the '1Unc for c;1r..'' "The c·ompu1cr on a J 996 Ford Tauru,. which " not u particularly ,oph1,11cu1cd car. ha, more Moragc memory and 1, la,1cr and morc c:1pa hlc tlwn the compuh:r, that !!OI u~ 10 the moon on the Apollo 11 1111"1on:· Gaertner ,aid With all the technology, ,1udl'nh aren't 1min,ng 10 be mecha111c,. 1h~y ,,re iraining. 10 be entry-level technician,. "\Ve don·1 i:all 1he111 mechunic, unvmorc." S":urn 'l:ud .. We U!>l.>d 10. but we cli~ngcd 1ht trnmnology tx.'t·,,u.._, p.:oplc'~ mind·'>Cl about mtechnnic, is that they arc grca..c monl.ey, :111d that n:ully i~ 1101what thi~mdu-try', :1bou1 anymon:. II \ u rcully 1cchn11:nl field .. The induMry ha., dr:ll>til';11iy changed. Ooth in,1ruc1or, ,ire,, the impon;mce of a qmng ocndtmic foundation. '"Then: wa, a time when someone who wa,11 ' 1 1>ur11cularly Muted ff>r ucadc1nic pursuu, could find u good career as an nuto mechanic. but now 1ha1·, cumplctcly different." S1udc111~ ~pend three houn. u day in the clu,~room. Gocnncr tcnchcs freshmen und

Swain tench.:., sophomores. The two clo,)c\ combine in the shop. Before technology mode car repair so complex. it w,L\ po~iblc 10 mcmori1.c Auto-tech student many things. Now. 111sn·1 ~o c:isy. J ason Sandow Technician, ,pend con~idernble time uses ru1 -class reading 1od:1y. computer to "Most 1cchmcrnn, an: 1n the hook 45 check a car's minute, to an hour each duy. looking up comp1-ession C<>mr,licatcd i11,1ruc1inn, and balunce. 'f)CCification,." Sw:urn ,aid.

Au to continued on Page 11

photobyNOppodol ~

Progra,n prepares students for conzputerassisted repair work.

photo by Noppodol P•o<l,ool

First-year stude n ts John Mahoney and Ronnie Bode n work together to re place a car's clutch in the auto-tec h s hop.

n,ursday,Nov. 13, 1997

Campus Life

The NIC Sentinel

Page 7

Peer tutors strengthen student grades Free academic assistance b1 llrandi Reru.or S~111111d H, porr,·r ccping grade, up can somcumc~ be a difficuh. yc1 ,mponant 1a.,k S1udc111, who care abou1 1hcir grudc,. bu1 an: havmg ~ome d1flicuh), can g.:1 1hc help 1hey ncc:d by aucnding peer iu1onng a1 1hc NIC Lcammg Center. Pc:er tutoring ,, a program 1ha1 enable, ~,ud.:nlS to help ,~her- wccccd. according to program coordinator Michele Jerd~ h "conduc1cd by work,,1udy ,wdcnt~ or by ~ludcnL~ ,mploycd by 1hc college. E1gh1ccn d,ffcrc:nt peer tutor- ar,: :1vailable to uss1M 11,ith math. ,c1cncc. ,pcech or Fr.:nch cl:h\c~. Their ,chcdulc, urc po,1cd 111 the Leaming C.:ntcr. Tutoring time, rungc from 8 a.m. 10 8 p.m. on weekdays and ore scheduled by appoinimcnt. J.:rde ~aid they have many available open ,pot~. Peer 1111oring can be helpful to Mudcni~ who ca111101 rcla1e to ins1ruc1ori. or ;ire unable to meet with ins1ructor5. Tuiori. 11re often able 10 ,chcdulc time\ that work well wi1h ,1utlcnt schedules. Jerde ~aid due Ill 1hcir availabili1y. tutori. arc more ncxible: peer tutoring is helpful for ~1uden1s who wa111 conunucd suppon throughout the ,cmcstcr. NIC ~tudent Sharon Adcox ~111d ~he likes 10 go to peer 1u1oring all ~cmcMcr: thb keep~ her on tr:ick in co~c problems wi1h her school work do co111c up. "It ha.\ really helped me undcr,111nd the wicked world or algcbru." Adco;,. ~aid. Jerde said the progrum i, ulwny, lookmg for tutor<.. and the work hour~ ,m: ncx,blc. Peer 1u1or Roy Cool.. ,aid he lil..e, tutoring p;,n time because working on un appoilll111cn1ha~b give\ him ncxibili1y with hi~ time. Cook tulor, Math 025. 102 and 108 and M1id he enjoy~ helping people .111d teaching. "I get a ccnam amou111 of sa1isfac1ion ou1of demy,ufying mathemmics." Cook said.



photo b)' Nopp;olol PM!lh••~

Chemistry tutor Karin Burger, Jennifer Benton and Karla Holstien study in the Learning Center. The peer tu toring program he lps students who are willing to s pend the needed time. Cook ~aid thnt everything in mmh makes ~cnsc and tics 1ogc1hcr: it'~ just n mauer of linding 1he righ1 way or connecting with the person you· re explaining it 10. As making connec11ons arc im ponont in most clas~es. n ,tudcnt may choose to go to peer tutoring as (111 :,llcmativc to dropping 11 class. But. according to Jerde. waiting until the cla.~~ drop dcudlinc is 100 late. S1udcn1s in1crcs1ed in tutoring need 10 cnll thc Learning Ccn1er for nn appointment a~ soon ns their trouhlcs begin.

Street Beat: Cyrus Welk

Gary Cooper Theater


ul go to lhc library. But there isn' t much room to spread your books out."

"I leave school bec.:ause the food sucks."

by Wes Woods and Bill Canepa


When the appointment is made. it', imponant thu111 i, kept. Nol only do tutors ,et time out or 1heir ..chedulc tor their student,. they are not p:1id for 1htir 11mc when Mudcnts do not )how up. If 1hcre is u , ubjcc1 a ~1udcn1 need~ help with th;11 no tutor i~ listed for. arrangements be made with Jerde. "We're willing 10 worl.. wi1h any ,1uden1who needs help.'' Jerde said. For infommtion about peer tutoring ~ess,on, or becoming u peer tu1or. call the Leaming Center ill 769,3450.

How has the absence of a SUB affected your leisure time and where you eat?

Lacy Bernstein Ge11erol

"I wru.n •1here when there was n SUB. It really hasn' t nffectcd me much."

Mac Huang

Kati Carberry



"I ju~I ent n1 home now. I used 10 .:n1hen:. but it', all the same."

"I think a college should h3,·e n SUB because you pny nil that monl'y. I don ·1do anything on campu~ 01all."

Thursday, Nov. 13, 1997

Campus L~fe


Halloween Haunters

NIC sits on site of ancient flood plain by Mall J ohnson photo by Joole Townadin


Jaccob White and Peyto n Re ade r entertain the mselves wi t h face face pain ting at the NIC Ch ildrc ns' Cen te r foll h arvest par ty. The childre n painted gourds and made popcorn balls as an alt,ernative to tric k-or-tre ating.

Alumni Association

plans college events by Undo Jone5 St'11tfll,•I Rep(Jl1f'r


dopt· A-Dorm as u progrum that include, all the ,tudc1.1t body or North ld uho College. even ,tudeni, who li\ c off-cam pus. Cre;1tcd by the NIC Alumna Association. the progmm lrn, project\ ,chcduled for every mtlnth. Alumni Prc,ide111 Mary Jo White has c,tcnded an inv1t,1tion for student ~ who aren' t able 10 go home for Thnnhgiv1ng to ca t II turk ey dinner u1 her home. Ac11vi11es such us ornomenr making and listening 10 11111.\lc are planned. ·nw purpo,c or rhe group is 10 provide se rvi ce, 10 th e college. Alumni Coordinator Dawn Atwater said she is e;,.c1ted abour rhc mnny different ac1ivitic\ rhe a~, ociation hus planned . Be,ides the Adopr-A-Dorm program. rhc NIC Alumni Associnrion ha, other rypcs of acrivitics thut are dirccred ar ~haring knowledge and having u good time while doing ir. 'rhis year a new lecture series has srnned titled "Not So Ordinary People:· which is ~pon~ored by NIC gradume Jack Lemley. The lectures arc held every month fcnturing a different gucM speaker from the community or campus. Each monr h 15 ~1udcnts lire invited 10 the lecture and r1.-cc1ve ii free lunch from lhc NIC Alumni Associution. The firM Tuc~duy of eu,·h month. rhe

nssociu1ion director'~ board of Lhe meets 1n 1hc S he rm an .Building nt 6:30 pm. Anyone in1ere~1cd in the Alumni or wanting 10 offer their ideas can attend. Atwater ~aid at the boa rd meetings they try to make things interesting and usually have n guest speaker come in and share topic~ of interest with them. The month of November will fcaturc a tape fro m a cl osed- circ uit 1c lcconrcrencc which was cnM 10 70 cities and 35 countries on the topic of "Team Leadership." For tht.: upcoming holidays, the Alumni hos scheduled cookie bakes. a game night. carol si nging and a new series that will slan in January called ..Three Suturdays In Winter." The sc:rics will feature an. music and literature. Atwatl.'r suys it' s be~t to ca II her 10 re serve a space 10 uttend any or the scheduled activities. Her phone number is 769-7806.

The NIC Alumni A~~oclaiion formed a ycur and a ho lf ugo and ha~ a membership of 75 people. The associa tion say~ that anybody i~ welcome to join.

St>11ti11e/ Reporter

tanding on lhtl NIC campu, 15,000 years ago would have been a fatal mis111kc. considering that n wnll of water a quaner or a mile high was cra$hmg down from rhc Rathdrum Prwric. The Clark Fork River was dammed by ice at lhe current site of Lake Pend Oreille. The lake resulting from this dnmming Wctchcd a~ far as the Biucroot Vnllcy in Montana. Glacial Lake Missoula was the largest lake in Lhe world 10 have existed behind on ice dam. When the ice dnm broke. it caused some of the largest flooding in the world. The floodwater raged ar a cnlostrophic 9 cubic mll~·pcr-hour. That's 450 time\ the maximum now ever recorded on the Mis~is~ippi Ri ver. and is more than 10 1imcs the combined flow of .all the rivers on thh planet. The surracc area of Luke Missoula was 3.000 square miles. Its mruomum depth of 2.000 feet is 1wo times greater Lhan Lake Superior. The volume of the lake was around 500 cubic miles. about the s.ame as Lake Ontario or Enc. Some of the evidence of thi\ flood nre angular rock.,. not rounded by the flooding. from the Nonhem Rocky Mountain~. which arc 1.000 feet above cum:ni rivl'r levds in the Columbia Gorge. There are also Bell roch. from the Rockies that were carried in



huge chunks or ice dbtributed in the nnrrows of the Pasco It is t>clievcd 1ha1 the ice in which the rock.\ were su~pcndcd ran aground and melted at lhe currenr re.~ting pince of the rocks. which can now be sc.:n m groups The exact number of filling,_\ and draining of Luke M1\\0ula i, unknown, but the approximate number is ~ mcwhcrc between J6 and 89. The deva\tating mas, of water would thunder from the Rathdrum Prnane over the loca1ion of Spokane und on to the Columbia River on it, way to the Pacific. What b now A~tQna. Ore., on the coast, would hu, e been erased bv u 2.000 foot ~urge of water 011 its finai decent into the ocean


• Fewer than 6.000 tiger; remain in the wild. All tiger. are nUll\'C to Asia ,t11d live in temperate region). \UCh ,h Siberia. and tropical regions. ~uch w, S0u1h~t Miu Tigers face a variety of threats- from habitat lo~~ to po.,ching. Recently. poaching for their bone, and other body pan, for use in Onen1nl mcdicmc~ ha~ nccelemtcd. h h113 become the mo~t urgent threat 10 the ,pec1.::. ~urviva l. An c.timuted two-third, or the world's remaining wild tiger; li~e m India. • The biological tenn "loctution.. is related to rhc won:I galru.y Both \\-ord, come from the Gn:.:k \,ord ··gala~t~""hich ll1C3!l' milk That's why we live III the Milky Way.

Three Dollars Off Any Two Hoagles




OOI CU8 1 2

Thursday. Nov. 13, 1997

Campus Life

The NIC Sentinel

Page 9

MinklerdefendsGen-X Instruct.or shares his wisdom with students

bt Kri<ti Ponozzo S~1111m•l Rt:pnrtn


~ncr:nion-X members- -are they tmly the bad !>Ced, or ,oc1e1y? Jim Minl..lcr. phi lo,oph) teacher and ..ocml sc1cncc, dcp~nmcnt head, ,ay~ no. "Gcncrution-X hn., many ,tudeni, that totally n:pud1atl! th,, ,tcrcotype;· he ,aid Minkler ,aid he doc\ not think that one gcncrn11on i, better lhun the nc~ t. "Eoch gencr.111011 tnc~ 10 thml. it had higher ~aiuc, thM the one that 1.:omcs after." Minkler ...iid "Out ii ju-i duc,11' 1h,1pp,:11 that way. "Aaby boomer, left Pilndor.i·~ box opened up. ICll\•mg a ,halleni!llll,! world for <icncru11on-X," he -.nd. Minl..ler ,, In hi\ \IXth year or teaching hen:: he teaches Logic ,md Critical TI1ink1ng and Jupane,c Con\Cr,a11on. Hehn, taul)hl m Jap,111 for 10 ycaf\ after being un,m,,fic<l 1n the hu,inc" world. lnnucnced by ,cemg hi\ mother\ love or teaching. he lon1>cd for teaching :md the ,titi~rac1ion he got from ,huring lcum,ng withothcri.. Working at .i Jnpanc.,c ,chool, Minkler had to 1n c,,cncc ,tan ull over again. "I wn, lil,,c n 4-year•old. I couldn' t rc:1d the \Igo, to Ii guru oul men und women·, bu1hroon1,," t\hnk ler ,aid.

,tudcm, b.!rau,c ,omc n11nd, d11n ·1up,.or.iw 111 .in .1b,1ract munncr lh,11 the dn." call, for, he ,md .., con,t11n1ly tr> It' 11e 1hc chi.-., 111 with tl\Jgc ... Min! ,,ud "When arc thc,c ,tudcnt, guin!! tn nc,·d lo u,e ll11, ,md \\h\ If tlllf ,oc1cl} 1, mndc up ,lmcnl) and h,;) 1hm!..n,. \\c rc prctt) much drK•med. " If \\ e can dl\ccrn tnilh fronl tfrl.','Jllton. 1l I'<' ,an ha\'C 1hc 11K1I, 111 ,on 1hc lop1c,1I rmm the 1111p1,1c11e.1I, "c (,in mai..( 11i,c dcc1,nllt," ,\uolhcr pt>mt Mm!..lcr tnc, to,· lU ht, ,tmlcnt, 1, 1hul tlw1 du nut ha1c In Jl\1,11, thmJ.. th,1111,11 ;\i WMJ111 ti111c, nnc need~ 111 use rn11c,1I it11n! ,!..ills. ,Ind other 11mc, 11 " nut nccc".il) Mm!..lcr ,uid h,· feel, th,11 the bc,11h111c that ha, h:1rpcncd tn hun "' .11c.,chcr" · 11 hen .1 ,1udc111 ha, ,trug~lcd Jnd ,11111ch111, put, c1 Cr) thing tugcthur ,u,,c"full) ··,, tnlcntcd and (!lftcd ,tudcnt 1, J:!<llnJ:! 10 succeed with or "11hou1 )',,u. but th.: one "ho final!) J:!r.i,p, th,· com:cpt 111th )11111 plw>10 b) !>:01•1'11lol l'"othon~ hdp i, 11 hut mai..c, 11 n:a1:· he ,,nd M1nJ..lcr', cncrJ:!y "not ,pent cnt1f\'I)' ,111 Philosophy instruct.or Jim Minkler taught. in Japan for IO years. He bi, tca~hmg says he gains sntisfaction from sharing knowledge with others. I le ha, 1110 ,111Jll l>u), that he ,mu hi\ He •,:ud that 1hi, i, hculthy bccuu,c no said. udding 1lrn1 thi, b the bc,1 ,1ttnbu1c to wife arc bu,y r.nsing. Fur le1,urc 11111c. he mutter how much pco1>lc think they know, 1f teaching at NIC. prdc" more 1ranquil '11<'"' ,uch ·" no"· He ,aid he feel, inspired ,·very day by country ,l..1ing and Oy-ti,hmg. they are put 111 u new c111•ironrncnt. they Minl.lcr ,uid he hd1c,c, "that ,haring ~tullen1, und fucul1y member.. become "a tornlly illitcr,uc. mcompctcm "The onu, of lc.iming i, on their \\hat )OU l.nu11 ,111d ,h,1ring cur1<Nt~ 111th ind1vidua1:· ,omeonc 1\ lil..e <hanng a l>caut1ful ,un,ct ·· shoulder,." ,01d M111klcr or hi\ criucal "I do like the community collcgc setting becau,c it doc, get ~1udent, .md faculty to thinking d:L"· • See POjJe 25 for a Gtm-X book l'l?l'U/U'. Thb i,n·1an ca,y chi\, for mJny get 10 each other and form u bond." he 0

Giving Blood h) Ornndi Reasor Scmillc/ Rt:f""'''r


o yuu lmvc any d1,ca,c,'! Ilave you had ,ex w11h uny ",hody" charnctc~ in the lu,1 ,,x months'! Thc~c arc all que,11ons thnl must be .1n,11crcd prior 10 giving blood. Fony people. ,1udcnt, and faculty 11hkc. turned OUl 10 gil'C blood Oct. 29 at the lnlund Nonll\<c.,1 Blood Center', blood drive. One UOII or blood brc.ik, down into three component,: pla,mn, platclcl\ anll red-blood 1:cll,. .according 10 INBC Phlctx11omis1 Tn:vor Taylor. NIC'~ donation, will end up helping 120 people in the long run. Although no one fo1ntcd thi, time. Taylor ,aid 11 doc., happen. I h: carries an ammonia pouch in hi\ pocket for when \OIUCOM faint,. Fuintmg nnrrnully happens when people arc nnx1ou\ or hnvc on cutpty ,10111:ich. "Some or them l)O t-omplctcly gone:· T,1ylor ,a,u. NIC ,111dcnt Jo,h Buchner didn't fJ1n1 :mt! ,,1id g1"111g blotlll usually doesn't bother hun and

Forty people turned our for the annual ASNICsponsored event

doe,n'1 hun. llc ,aid he ha, a mre blood type (All negative) and Iii.cs 10 fuelp out by giving blood :mnuully. Buehner ~aid he wbhel; more p.:oplc would don:nc blood. Student~ weren't the nn ly one, ge11ing into the ,pirit or blood-letting at thi5 ASNICspon,on:d event. NIC faculty member Elaine Cartwright ,topped by the mobile donor coach and ~;11d she :ii way, hope~ donating won·, hurt. Cartwright ~aid ,he g ives hlood because it 1111gh1 help somcom:. If 1hcy 1:ike blood out or her body. then her body ha, 10 mnkc mo~ und ,he wants her body tu remember how to mul..c more. .. , need ,omc fresh blood," Conwright ,.iid. Blood donution, arc rl!gulu1cd b) the Food and Drug Adm111i, 1ration. .Jnd the dona11on ol humun blood n1u,1 be 1•olunta.ry, Taylor ,aid. Donor, can donntc blood every eight "eds l·or local donor infon111111on cull lNBC at (>67-5-161.

Nnt Bionco lnughs while blood -dri\fe vo lunteers Oinnn Nalson and Rose Marie Tnlkington drain hi s blood. 11ht1to by Jo,'111 Tuwn .Jm

Campus ~ews

The NIC Sentinel

Page 10

Dorm residents hold mostly negative view of meal plan by Justin Rufus Sl'lltin~I Reporter

Thi, year", meal plan h~ gouen mostly negative feedback. The Student Union Building i~ closed. including the facilities u~d to cook for the ,tudcnu, who purchased meal plnns.The meal plan, arc mandatory for the resident, of Shepperd-Gridley Hall. A few others ho"c bought the plans 10 en,urc they would hove \Omcthing 10 ca1 while living off campu~. David Eynon. 20. purcha\Cd u meal plan even though he live, off campus. "I lil,e the plan becau\C 11 ~vc, me the 11n1e of cooling :md therefore 11 \ wonh 1he money." Eynon ,aid. Titc plan include, two meal~ a day. ~vcn d!I}, a week. figuring out m approximately S5-S8 a mc:al. On wcckdllY', lunch is c.atcn:d b) Cricket·, Rc,rnurnnt :ind OyMcr Onr from 11 JO n.111 uruil I 11.111. Jnd i, ...:rvcd m one uf th<: n'lom, ol thc SUB. "h1ch 1, nthcrw1,c clo,cd. Dinner 1, cooked by the fond ,crvi1·c in Emc1y·, lucat~'d in the I lcdlund Omldmi; from 5-6 p.m. each 1luy and for lunl'h un the wcckcnch. Do,111 Dircctt'I' Terry Ped~=n ~uid thnt

"Cri.ckefs needs to take a college class in uariety." -Jacob Majersmost of the students who have meal plans prefer the food cooked by the food service rather than the meal, brought in by Cricket's because of 1hc vanely. When Prc,1on Titmus. 19. from Homedale, Idaho. when asked why he didn't like 1hc food thm Cricket's served he \imply said. sa~tically. "Ask them why!" Another student ~id that he 1hough1 the food service cooked better m.:als becnuse 1hey 1ry harder. "Cricket', needs 10 toke o college class m vnric1y:· ,aid 19-ycar-old Jacob Mnjcrs of tl1e NIC track tcmn. Appetite may be one of the hnrde..\l things 10 plea:.c when dealing with clo,c 10 100 ,wmoch\. However. ~aid mca,urc, huvc bi.'lln 10 ofter ,1udcn1~ more vnricty m the menu, by huving mcctmg~ with Cricket', and Bill Rutherford. mnnoscr of food , crvicc,.

·fl1) f~ :1rm1 r


--· I

r- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ..












All day, every day


Good 111 All Loottions Expires: 12.-ll-97 -

by Taryn Hecker Sentinel Rcponer NIC's Automotive Technology shop is open 10 the public. Anyone can visit the shop for repair$. ufter ~cheduling an appointment with ins tructors Rich Gaert ner and Mike Swaim. 769-3461. There is no per-hour charge, but there arc charges for partS. and what Swaim calls "a modest shop charge." Students arc not paid for the work they do in the shop. "It's work experience.'' ~aid Tool-Room Supervisor Loretta Terrell Cus mu\t be IO year\ old or newer. Student~ do different type; of work at different time\ of the year. "Rares vary from job 10 Job," \a1d Swaim. Gacnncr \aid NIC htl'o one of the biggc\l production \ hop~ m town. He said that u keeps both inMruc1or~ bu,y. They fill 111c role, of \Crvicc manager. ,ervice writes and educator\, /\long with workmg on ~ludent CW'\ fOI trammg. a number of vehicles have been donated 10 the program. Ford, Chf} ~lcr. GM and Nis~n have donated car\, Local denier\ such a, Beaudry Motor,. Tom Addis Dodge and Tom Addis Ford have donated components.


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There needs 10 be more communication between the ~tudents and Cricket's about what works nnd what doesn ·1. she added. The comments mode from the students ore not completely negative toward the food. There ore ot.her problems with lunch meals ti$ a re:.uh of the SUB being shut down. "The lunch room is always cold; I'd like to sec some hot cocoa for a beverage," said C.C. Loslebcn, freshman psychology major. StudentS arc sometimes heard saying lhc food looks good. Seth Conner. 18. freshman wildlifc-manogemcnt mnjor. said the piua was his favorite. When ask.:d about the general opinion of 1he food served on the meal plnn. 18-yearold fn:shm;m Keith Watson ~ummcd op the majority conscn~u). "Let' s go 10 Tnco Ocll!'' Watson suid. Pedersen said 1h111 unlike other colleges. NIC does not really have any other options for the ~tudcnt, who buy mcnl plan,. Many college..~ offer a kind of debit card in which students can ~pend their meal money at different places on cmnpu~. ''!'here arc other options we can look at.'' Pedersen ~:aid.

Thursday, Nov. 13, 1997




NIC Students & staff receive 10% off with student or faculty I.D.

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7th and Sherman Downtown Coeur d'Alene

8625 Govt. Way, Hayden Phone: 762-2320 \

ThursdaY, Nov. 13, 1997

Continued from ...

Auto: Program gives students high-tech computer knowledge Continued from Page 6 "The rc,11.hng le, cl " muc:h mnre dallicuh ahJn m•"' pcopk ahin~ · Swann \aad "In 1'165. \OU ntcd1:d to be lumaliar \\ Ith ,1t,out <,5. 70,000 pal,!<"- ol aofommuon to be JJ1 Jll•,around IC(hnicaan. That', up 10 aboua t,31(" mall inn page, no.... :· s. . uam 'ilad. Saudena, graduate lrom the program v.nh JJ1 AAS tkgrec an auao lc,hnolng}'

Liming po1cn11al ,anc,. A, cmrv,lr,cl tct:hnac,an,. gr.1duat<', J\C:r,agc: "i8 ,;, S9 an hour The Idaho ,ncragc a, \9 ma hour. bua Sv.aim ,md he ha, ,ccn I\ ugc:, J, lo\\ ;I\% and a, hagh a, ", (2. In IJrgcr clli<·,. .aulo technacmn, c,,uld cum S:'i0.000-100,000 a yc:ar. c,pcc:a.alh al thC) ,are ""ell-, erscd in .:ompu111r l·nmrol, and dmc-abaht> problem,:· Gaertner ,a,d. Thcrt a, a hagh demand for ,IUlo

Dorm Rape:Suspect says that woman consented to sex Continued from Page 1


cmach ;irc:i und fold her tu pcrfonn ornl Earlier 1hu1 nipha. the victim ,aad ,he und the ,amc 1wo men drove around near the Sil,cr Luke Mull looking for a pntty She ..aid "rricndly nirtang" wen, on between the ahn:c of them that c,cnmg. The vic1im wu, ~ccn with 1hc ,u,pect during the pany by Ju,un Hcrb.:n. u rcMdcm of the River Apar1mcn1,. who reported finding the victim and ,11,pcc1 together m hi, roommate', bed, Herbert \llld ,he w:a~ nuked

when lw kac~cd 1hem both 0111 of 1hc roum. ll crben ,aid the ,u,pcct ,,,id nuthrng huppcncd an h" roommn1c·, bed. l11e ,•icaim w11, u,king everyone 10 h11vc '(;X wuh her thttl night aa the p.1ny. llcrbcrt ,uid, and even ,uggc,tc:d h.: and ha~ girlfriend huve a thrce,omc with her 111cy declined. After the incident, the v1c11m ,11tid a mule friend \howctl up anti told her 10 gel drc,...:d. lie 10<1k her 10 ha, hou,c. She \ltid ,he ,lcpt becau,c ,he dtd 1101 whaa to do uncl wa, udvi,cd by 111:r friend m rcM fur ii whale. 1\f10:r 1hc alleged rape. 1he victim Mltd ~he


CALL AHEAD FOB FA§TEB §EBVICE! 2102 N. 4th, Coear d'Alene Phone: 765-0594 Corner ol 95 & Orchard, Hayden Phone: 762-1124

The NIC Sentinel

Page 11

ll"<hnacinn,. Both 1n,1ruc1ors ,md 1hcro: ,1rt plenty ol opponunuac, an ahc fidd. "Gcncnal Mo10" hu, mid 11, thaa the, need 10.000 ne" acchnicmn, a >caa." · s. . a,m ,aad -rhc> c,111 mil) ,upply. through 1hc11 ar;unang ro:waarce,. ,1oou1 .a 1hou,,1ml ol lho~ ,I ) CM The rc,1 ,iro: wpphcd b) ,omm11n1t)' cnlh:g<', h~c NIC TI1e an,lru< 11,r. h1'c 11, h;i\o.'. ahc ,tudcn1, wor~ nn '"'" th.11 ,111: 10 )c;,r, 11ld or nc11cr Student, learn b,md,-nn. t1'111):! cu,tomcr c,ar. .:>a ,,If\ dunnl<'d by dc,tkr13..:,au,,: the} .in: ,n bu,y. the~ s.ud Tool Ronn, Supers ,,or l.un:11,1 Icm:111, c,wmml to the progr.1111. l(•m:11 wor1', tune. llilndhni; the pJp.!r

wor1' :md hillmg She JI\O h;md, nu\ tooh. "When the gU) , nct'd tool, the, dnn'1 ha,..:. thC)' come: 10 me and I get it ror them:· ,h<' ,a,d "hcryhud~ 1'111"" c.1~h 111hcr The) g,·1 ,,loni; i;rc.11 ·• Gaertner ,.nd nl hi, ,111d,·na,. "l•C1r lic11 ... , ol 1\111',C. Ill' i;ct Ill""°'' lhcm tJIIIIC \\di' lie ,a,d ha,mg ,1 ,111,111 d,," ,11c ~,,,.., thc 111,1ructC1f\ a do,,· rclt111on,h1p ,, 11h thc,r ,1Ullem, AUlu 1cch1mloi;y ,1uJc111, need .a 1111 of 111,tru<IOr .111,•mi1m ,md ,11pci'1,mn h.:,,111-c u,uilll~ the) ,m: all 11or1'111!! ,,n daltcrcm than!!, an the ,ho11. II°, re.illy .11h ,IIIIJg,·." C.,1t·nncr ,,11d "\Ve , ,pend c,tra unw 1111h andl\ 1du,1h ,,ho need help.'

fc:h dart). ,cared. c:n1b,1rn1•"cd nnd .t,hnincd for dnn1'ing. She went 10 her C\·bo> lncnd', hou,c. who aclv,,\•d her in cull the pohcc 1\flcr making the police rcpon. ,he wcna to Koo1cm11 t.kdicnl Center lor ,, r,IJlC c~:,m. A, nf Fridn}. m1 charge, hud been tiled \\ llh the pro\Ccu11ng anorncy. The victim ,md ,he wanted 10 get buck 1ugc1hcr wnh her c,-boyfricnd. and \illd he wJ, d1'appo1n1cd in her for what hnd hnppcncd She ,aid 1h01 ,he wc.,ulthi°I hu,e gone 10 the police ,f her boyfriend hnd 1101 been di,appointed. Her ex-boyfriend \Utd he lhini., 1he victim', dcci\l(Jn ubou1 not 11aniang 10 have M!:\ wuh ahc su,p,:rl wn, an af1cnhough1. " I don't thank he', guilty," th e c:1.boyfricnd ,aid, "bccau~e I know how ,he i,. I think ii w,L, a con~cmual thani:."

'"' ou ne,cr ~ncm "hut trul) happened·· 'Jld·ac 11,t) c,. 11 h11 r<'\ldc, at the R,~cr Ap.,rtmcna, ,ind \\J' 111 ,111endJncc JI 1he part> ··But I don't 1h,n1' .,n~unc de,cnc, 111 h.: n1pt1I" The ,u,pci:t demc, r.iping the ,audcna. On Nm 6, the ,thpct'I ton~ J pnlygrJph tc,1. which h<· ,aid h,• p.1,wd. I k ,aad the) hud ,ex. J,u, h<' did nnl pn:,,urc her ,II ,111 "Thua w,11 ,ho\\ up an ahc pulnraph.' he ,aid. The \U\pi!l'I ,,ml the \ ICIIIII Ul'lt:d hkc ,he wanactl 10 h,we ,e, wuh hun und h" lncnd and nc~cr c.,n,o: ,.aid "1111 ... lie ,,ml 1h:11 "hen he '"" her ,1npp1ni; at the p.1rty. ,he w.i, "barC·ll" nu1'ed .. I le ,,illl he dctim11•l> S<'e, ,11.., 111c1dcna a, ., mi,1.11'c n111, "I do ,tupid thing, when I .am drun1'.'' thC,.)11\pCCI ,a1d.


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Page 12 The NIC Sentinel


Thursday, Nov. 13, 1997

Bowling is the most played sport in America.

- ~ C~a=-=m =~ 12:.._u_:=--s_ S-t--12-o_r_t_s __ New coach, newcomers, new season hy J ~ tin Rufo'> 'ir111111rl R.:portt'r <\II thl! \\orl,mi:•nu1 and J1wng I\ makini; the NIC "'' ,tier. hungf} for Jnothcr nJllonal champion,h1p \\ c \\.inl to hnni: t,,,c l, J fir-1 place n,1llonal lllle 10 lhl! grc,11 c it)' nl ( ocur J Alene:· ,,111! learn cap1a1n N,lle l,a,lu>1c:h r he wrc,1hng lt'am 1, ,1artmg tha- ,ca,on "uh ,1 high Cl('l<"U.sllon ,u:rnm,ng lro111 la,, )Car, ....,onil fma-h ,II 1hc: n.i11nnal d1a111p1on,htP' A ,,,1.1111 C,i.1d1 /\fall JJnl., ,u11J the: prcpar.111011 thi, ....;"on under n " I kJJ <,~Kh l'Jl \\ h11rn111h " ,unilur 10 lh,11 nl NI<. w.i.hmi• lcl!cnJ John O\\cn \\'1th ,1 turnnul ol more than 40 "n:.,tlcr- ,·ytng lor 1hc 10 , J" II} pn,1111111,, fonl.,· ,J1J 1hc ,nmpl.'t11111n Jmung teJmn1.11c, ,, .,, 1nuiih .m,I 1111cn,,· Ou11np pr,•w,"',n 11,11n1ng. 1hc .11hlc1c, ll\c day, ., "erk turnlhnr Jflpro,1111.1tel) 10 n111t, Sotnl.' "uultl "'ake UJl 111 'i ,1 m lnr ~ \11,1 1r,11n1ng w11h W\'1gh1 , und/nr 1,·d1111411r

"Mu,t nf th,· l'U)' ,mt i:11111n~· ,1hc1u1 I S-20 pound, e... h "''''" ,lunn!! 1h, -c,1,1111 h> mul.\' \\Ctfhl." J,1111.,· ,,ud In n1111r.1,1 1<1 l,I\I ,,·.1t', ~wup ol ,·,~ncnrcd wrcqlcf\ .1nd 11.111111111 hn,,h,t, 1h1, ~e111', ICillll Cl'lll\l\l\ of lllUII) 11r,1 1~ .1r ll•lk~( 1q,•,1le" .ind .1 I<'" 1ran,fcr .i1hle1c,. " I hn.- 1, ., j!<111d .,111tuJc !rum 1hc )trnrtgl!r ""''tl,·r, '"''re h•rhmJIC 111 h,1,c 1hc111." ~uid ,ophomurc Ju,1111 '>11n1111c1 I :'>ti pound, " l·vcn "' Irc,hmcn 1hcy \\tc,tk lil.r lht'~ ht1\l' thc <'\(ll'flCIICl'" photo by Nopp,dol ~ J.111!..e ,a1J 111.1111 ,, 11!,tler.. ,1.andout 1hn, \l!ll\On. He ,aid h,:.1,, \\l'1gh1 R,,gcr Nell, \\ho tool. founh place at 1he la,1 Mike Goularte attempts a reversal on Miko Reyes during n pre-season workout in the room Oct. 23. While wrestling, Goulorte's front tooth was knocked out. 01) 111J1",, ,, 111 be c,nung for r.111, 10 wa1ch. Rt'1urmng <\II Amcncan rrevor Prnnglc)'. South Africa. Spnng.:r ,aad the JOumal\ allow wres1lcr~ 10 look 01 gouh Junke ~aid lhUI w11h ull 1hc t:1len1 on th,~ year·, 1cam. fillll '"II bc l\rc,1h11g 111 1he 177-pound chM. Pmngley wu~ ,, and how 1hcy achie\'cd lhem. They inform 1hcm of extra can expect n good show wi1h plenty of h1gh-~coring med\ 1op...:1gh1 fim,her a1 South Africa\ NauonaJ Chumpion~hip. 1mining or )IUdy111g they migh1 havt: done m preparing in with lhrows and pms. Tm) Sabol, I 3-1 pound,. i, a four-time Mate champion ci1hcr of the~e up,:cL~: lhcy record orca~ of i111provcmen1 "Look for clean, hard fought, 11ggrcs\1vc style or from North Dnl.u1u and a trnn~fcr from Oregon S1a1c nnd success. wrcs1ling," La~lovich ~aid. Um, (r-it}. Janke ~aid mandatory s1udy halls have been implemented The 1eam compe1es again~, Highl inc Cc,llcge u1 7:30 p.m. Personal Journal, arc .i new uddi1ion 10 academic and 1hrce limes a week from 7-9 p.m. in order for wre,1lcr~ 10 Nov. 2 1 and Clackamas College al 7.30 p.m. Dec. 12 31 ph) ,,cal ummng for 1hc team. Euch mcmbt!r is advised 10 ketp 1hdr eligibility. Christianso n Gym. NIC lr3 \'Cl5 10 1wu-1ime rcigmng l.cep a journal con1:1ining daily personal goab for thei r "S1udy 1ab lcs arc th e best nddi1ion 10 1his year·~ national chumpion las$CII College al 7:30 p.m. Dec IJ in O\'Crall ,uccc,~ 10 , chool and wrc,1ling. program." said Sam Vandcrgaw, 177 pound sophomore. Susanville, Calf.

Volleyball team lacks spark, hits hard times by Chris J uhlin Sfmillt'/ Rt1111r1u

"It's like we're not expecting 10 win agains1 good 1cams momentum when you can·1 ~ervc Ll1e ball." . II hasn'1 been all bad for 1hc Card$. Wi1h win, aga,nit and afraid of no1 winning 11gains11carm we expect 10 bca1," Great 1cams play 10 win. average teams pluy no1 10 lo~c. o· Brien ~md. non -league Big Bend Communlly College. Yakim• The Cardinal vollcyb,1ll 1eam i, ploying nol 10 lose. The Cardinal, huvc shown Oa~hcs whu1 they're capable of Community College. 1hc end of Oc1obcr ended oo u much "We've got 10 leurn how 10 figh1," Cunb said. " II', by winning a match in each of 1hcir 1wo lossc~. agoms1 the needed high note. ulmm1 like we don·, think we con. I'm ~!tining 10 see 1hing~ College of Southern Idaho, ranked ~cond nalionnlly. If they Middle hiller Anita Ra1hc nnd ou1~idc hiller Alison we've been working on alt year come 1oge1her. bu1 withou1 can ploy compc1ili\'t ly with CSI. than whu1·~ been keeping Gargu~ have emerged a~ league leader... R~thc. lcnd1 tbr conliduncc. ii·, hard 10 win." lcnE:uc m blocks, and Gargus leads 1hc league in dig, • 1hcm from !,uccei.~ against "!cs:. co111pe1i1ivc" teams? A\\l,1un1 Coach Kelly O'Brien hod a similar explanation '1ncrc isn't o 1cn111 1hn1 we've played 1hn1 we'1 ~I. Aside from lack of confidence, Cunis givei. a one-word for 1hc 1cum~ record, 0-6 in lcuguc and 14-40 overall (as of cxplana1ion. O'Brien smd. "Wc'"c got 10 s1op being afraid of 101,mg ~nJ Nov. 6.J "Serving," she )aid. "It's really killing u~. II chunge\ the Mart playing 10 win."

Thursday. Nov. 13, 1997 The NIC Sen~ge 17

Crimp building success Team willing to accept performance challenge b) R°'ie Voge.I Senrintl Rtptmu Wuh no rc1ummg "ancr, and nine Ire hmen. he hJ\ no choice: Greg Cnmp. women·, ba,1..c:tball coach, ,, ,1.:inmg ch" year v.uh a clean ,late The I ·am begJn pr,1c;11cc Ck1 I. and Crimp ,a,d he: ha, a v. 1lhng team 10 worl.. v. uh '1llc) 're "'Ol' hard. he ,a,d "'TIIC) ,ho" a de,irc: In learn. ,md they're very focu,cd m pt.lctllC W11 h rnnrc new than recurnmi: pla)cr,, Crimp ,aul he " v.11rl.1n1r on a prnn::" he v.un · 1 ,1np 1euch111~· 1•c11ml? 1lwrn in lun~111m 1, a cram ··1 Jnn I lhtnl.. \IIU C\Cr '1op v.ntl.1111' on lh,11 he , 11d Ahhuu)!h he hu,n I decided ,, hu h,, ,1 Jrll'I arc ( r11np ,,,nJ he c~p..-.1, •<'t11ininr vu.ircl I ,1111111, Gu)n,·. 1111\\Jr<I Julie (iruh, .111d pn,1' I 1111 Dern II\ JIHI ll.u11,· Jcn-..,11 111 ,1cp up'" I..,·, pl.11 ·r Grnh, ,, 111«! "" 11,·,hm.,n \\ ~, ,n 111'1\, hu1 ,ulll'lld .,, 111111r1 and r,·cl ,h111nl lhc ,c,"•111 \h~ l<"lur n • tlu, ,



h ..11tl 1111'

c:hi;1!,1III) ~.,h, , pl.,, 111~ rc,11 wdl ( 11111p ,a11J •·<.;h,•', 11u1 IIKJ pn,·c111 h111 ,h1.· ,,·.:111, h1 h1.• ~·.1111111t ,umc ,onhJcn, ,,nJ !!l'IIIII)' \llllll!l<'I ( lllllfl ,,11tl h1 I\ C~pellllll! !\'\Ult, 111•111 ICl"IUII\ \ 1111 111 pcoph: JIC ,huw,n~ wh) we r,·,n111ed 1hc111," he 'Jld lie ,.11d ~1.,nd) Lrndhc:. I on,1\1..ct Wu,h . Jnd ll ccl.. 1 1luddk. \pol..ane h,t\ c d1ffcrcn1 '') le,. hut hc~h hm, lo .111,1,I.. lhc ba,l..ct Crimp ,aid he C,\ f)Cl l\ help on the 1n,11fr lro111 All\ha N.11a, h1 u01d,rn. \\ J,h • fod1 h ,hcr, Pol,011, l\lont and Aly,~a llc1cr, Kerldn,I... Idaho Crimp ,aid he alre.,dy ~cc, chc plJ)Crs worl.rng '" J learn. "A, ., 1c.11n 1hcy·vc hccn concc111r.111ng and workrn~ , cry hard." he ,J1d ...The) ha,c 1•o(xl lcam ,peed Jnd,,." Cnmp ,aid hi, tcarn need, dcplh 1n chc IXl\l area and confidence. "ti', ,er) early for ,1\ young a, we Jrc," he ~ai d " \Ve ncc d IO bclrcvc In each other" The C.1rd, ended lu,1 \C3$0n wich an o,auon They won every home game and placed ,,~ch a1 natron:11, for chc liN 11111c in h I\IOry. With no reiurning ,caner,, tlm year', team is carv rng 11, own idemicy. "We wu 111 10 be 1iroud of 1hc lradition and proud of 1hc

Wrestlers pinned by stereotypes Wre,tlcri. wort. out with 11,,c1ghh ooce or 111. 1cc • <fay. Wn-,llcrs run ahou1 ~O mile, per wee!. Wre1tler. .trt llll,'11.1hl) che be,t (ond1uoll((I a1hlr1c m 'P<>"' Now, "ould ,l wre,tkr b.ic.. down allcr being hu rn the face b) '-Omc 11111oocd-coH·rro. ,mllC'I..· 11111..mi lip Cnp (ii\ 1hc, call chcrn...:l\c\)'1 t think 001 1 Anyone who hu, acllmlly uicd to ">e111li1c "uh ,1 wn-,1lcr "oold i..nm, the) ire ,cry do,,n,11>-cJnh poople lltc)"rc 0\)1 C\CII CIO\C lo th..: b,,rbJric. mnn c,111ng. n.:.indcnhah 1hu1 p«iplc on dtld ofl ~·.,mpu, pocua) them Ill be ~ll doubl chc, ~ ,1roog. m ,h.tpc ,md bu1h hkc II concrete ~lnb. llowc, cr. lh" dl'C, out mc,m all they Ju,lin Rufu, Jo II iniu.11r brMI 1, Ma) ~ Ille: , ..., Opinion they lool. ,., in111mdut1nj! 1, why people tend 1n ,wrc1J1ypc: them wnh ummal-hl.c bch,wtor We .Ill\\ h<>w ,ccreol)JlC' wuri... th.:) ccnd 10 be l11ll..c1<11h We c,111 JII relull' 10 chc'IC ,1crcotnic, uboul lhc wrc,llcr~. When \Chool ~Ulm, nobody, anybody, and mo,1 of u, lend 10 Judge for our-.chc, \\ho" ph1yin,i v.hac \pon It cht: l,lU) i, call und ,I.inn)', hl' "prob.1bly II ba,l..c:ch.tlt pl.1)cr If the 11uy 1~ ,hon. ,tulky ,md lool., rnt',lfi, he 1, mo,1 llkc:ly a wre,cler f or cxampl.-. r.irluir 1h1, yr11r ru~ we'll ~311 him John l!Ol III U fipht Wllh ..011\l' ,hon. ,tall..) 111.'lll. nd wa, b.:Jl·Up When .i.,ktd who be.ii him do\\n, h~ ,aid he 1hnugh111 wa, J \\rc:,tlcr Woultl he nllhl'r blume hi, a\\ l.1ci..rn on u 158 pound wrc,tlcr ur a I j8 pound. 11111 and 1'111k)' no" coimcry runnc(1 Who kno" ,·> I hJ\C cried 10 h,1h my ,1en."(l(yp1LJI \ 1cw, about the v.ay pcoplt' loo!... and I would encourage 01hc1, co do 1hr \JillC fatn when pt'Ople de'<ribc: olhcr people, you them !lay. kl 1hmk he', a bJskc1b.dl ph1)·tr" or "I lhml. be'\ a 11.TC.,.clcr'" Ju11 loolung 111 lhc ~Nin being de~bc:d Bl, M a1hle1e tend, 10 d.:vclop a ~tcrco1yp1cal view. There wa., on allercauon lu,1 ye.:ir w,lh 1wo wrc,ller. Abouc ,ix or eigh1G-funl. wan11a-be',, likt lhc 7.1p Cnps. ~W1cd l4lling trash to lhe wn:sllcrs. Many umc, lh.: wrestlers tncd 10 calm them down and negotiate nway from fighting. Then one G-funk punc~-d a 11,,rc,cler. Bottles were broken and fi,cs were flying. h all c.imc to 311 end when o former NIC ruuional wrcMling chnrnp and a ourrent wre:.clcr escon.ld lhe biggc\l G-funk through lhc wall while h1~ other rroublc·\lllnrng budd1c\ watched-from lhc: ifOUnd I'm sure 1hc w11nna-bc\ wi~bcd lhey had 1aken one of lhe many propoQfs of noc 10 tigh1. The goc, with tile la1c..1 story :1bou1 a v.rc<llcr fighung at Zip's. I re.)(J lhe poli\."C rcpon. WJJ in my opimoo, it v..iHlcarly lhc Coeur d 'Al(nc m,m's fault for the fight b} off or his shin rutd lhrowmg the: fir)1 punch. There an: no charges brough1 ogainst lhc wrestler A\ for the brokcn artlHIJlm bre:tl. in ,polb. tn 11C, 1<knh .and even 1n fight.!i. h's no< like lhe wrestler pul wmc: "rum bn'llking" wrc,1lrng mo\'C on lhc guy. You don't pick a ligh111.11h a l!UY who b.,nle. in a ,pc>f1 evCJ)J.ay lha1 ,s so ,1mdar 10 ac:rually lighung. Plea~. do me and everyone else on c,vnpw a favor. Lo,;c lht stereotype abouc 1bc wrc:§'n. Surely when you socialize with them. you'll be surprised just bow anu-~iSivc 1hcy 1ft.


ph<Ao by Nopi,.,dol p-i,."'ll

Sophomore J e nny Smethers, Boise, pre pares for the home season opener Dec. 6 aguinst Ricks College. prnj,!r,un," Cnmp ,aid...8111 JI the I he prc"urc Crrmp feel\ " ,um,: 11me. \\C hov e 10 ha ve our d1ffcn:n1 from matching or bc:111ng own pc:rsonaluy m1d 111:il.c our own u \IXlh·placc national rnl\1.11.c, and con1nbu11on~" " I don·, kno w thJI I feel l k ,aid he doc,n·c c~pec1 10 prc,surcd 10 repeal or to do what replace grudu.,tcd playc!' Jana we did la~1 yeur:· he ,aid "I JU,L N,•anng, Angie Dich on. Shawna feel prc,,urcd 10 get u, IO where I Ranter or M,rndy JJcquc, 1hrnl.. \\C'r,: a, good a., 11c can be .. ·1 he) all brought speer.ii thrng, Crrmp ,.11d fan, c.,n c,p<c1 an 10 J ,pcc,al 1e,1m, bu1 I don·, think cxc111ng ,ca,on. "c' II replace ,iny of them," Crimp '1lii, group will dcfimtcly piny said ··1 1hrnl. we have people who hard. and 1hc)·'II be a ,er; ~rappy can chcir places: chcy ccnainly huvc 1hc:1r own ga me~ .ind make learn:· he ,a1J. " It', a 1cam 1ha1 cnn 1hcir own unique con1ribu11on~ 10 ,1:i,h and uuud the: bu, they can guard and pul 1hc prc)surc on the ccam" Do chi, ) car', pl aye" feel any dc:fensi,cly." The home ,cason bcg111, Dec. 6 prc"urc nfccr such n , uccc~,ful agurnst rrvul Ricks College nt 5:30 1996-97 \Cll~on'! "If 1hcy don't now. they wi ll.'' p.m. .. , won't guarantee wm,:· Crimp Crrrnp ,aid. "There:·~ probably some pressure on them, but there ~n1d. ''I' ll JU\I gunra111cc cxc111ng ba,kctball." rc:nlly ,houldn' t be."

Thursday, Nov. 13, 1997


Page 18 The NIC Sentinel

Cross country women earn berth to Texas nationals b) Wes Woods Srntmrl Rcpcmer "II v.a, the ~,t of time, ii \\,1, the \\Or.I of time.-,," " ho\\ Head Conch M1l.c Bund> de,rnhed the NJC,\A Rer1on lli cro-.,-<:ouml) , h•mp1on,hir- "The women ran , Cl) well the men r,m nnl -u \\ell .. At the T"'1n f'Jlh \1un1c1ral Golf Cour-t~ Nm :!. th,.. women·, tc.11n rlJccd 1h1rd cJrntng a v.1ld-cJrd l>cnh tn nJIIOnul, on No, 15 ,n Lc,clland Tc,a, ' Inc womcn v.cnl lt•t ll Imm the \Cl) hegmning · Bund> sJ1d of 1hc founh-pl,tecd nu11onally tcnm Wuh 'fo I runner lfo,uhcr Harmon fini,hing third. the Cardttllll\ ,ull had J good d.,y "A had d,1) for Hcmh,•r 1, an ouhtnndmg dn) for mo,t reoph:" Bund> ~ml. llundy pr,,i~d J\bby Pr.111. !foll> Gahbcn and ~l1chcllc Korma Ir the1c wa, un O\\.ard lor NIC'\ 1110,1 improved 1u1111cr. i1 wnuld belong 10 Kopma, Bun,ly \atd " I wa, vcr)· ,a11,l 1cd and plcJ,cd lahout 1hc mcco," Bundy ,.iid The men·, 1cam pl.occd ruunh. "We 1rocd 10 1111p11'C ,omc race ,1r.1tCI)) wluch did 11111 wnrl.," Bund} 'Jtd Thul ,11.,lcgy wn, to run 1hc lil'\I nule u, u ,1cady pacl.. Bundy ,,ud ll o,1c,cr. if lhe pack 1, 10\\;1rd the h:,ck of the race. thi: lead runnel'\" 111 be gone. "M.iyl>c m h1j!h ,chool 1h111 ,11011:g) would work but not :11 th1, lc,•cl," Oundy ,md "We ma)' hll\'C hl:l'n the lounh-plm:c 1eu111. but w,: didn't hclong 1hat fo1 hack Our, arc ht•11cr runnel'\ thun thu1 ..

ph<oto b) J....,. r,......i,n

Abby Pratt,, Michelle lfopt'iva a nd Julie Freema n warm-up for a r un in the City Park. On 1hc women·, ,1de, Jen111fcr Ren 100k ,cvcmh wnh n 19:29 wlule Pr.111 rnn e1gh1h with a 19:38 for the Cardrnal,. Harmon lim,hcd 1111h a 19:-12 lor 10th whi le Gnbben wa, 20th ,1 ilh J 20.37 Kopriva took 22nd wilh a 20':58.

~porting Events Calendar To) Oonnllon~ Rodeo Cluh ~ponwr, 1111: dnvc 1111111 Dec. 16. Drop-oft donu11011, JI ,LIi bu1ld111g cntrJUCl',

Onrnge & Grap;:frult Sale Bn'\<lball ,pon~ors fund raisl'r. Pre-paid order.. 111krn. contoc1 Paul Mruuardu nt ex1. 3354. Order. uvnllabl~ Dec 9

Salling Club M~ct:- lm,1 ThuMny nl e,11:h month 2·30p.m Hedlund Bu,ldmg. Room I3.5 Contact Erik a1 667-3 110

Fun Run/ Pow~r Walk Nov. 25 Noon Sign up in lrurnmurnl Sports Office

3-on-3 Basketball Offidols Meeting All inlere~tcd ,tudents welcome! Nov. 13

Turkey Trot

lmramural Spon, Office

Coeur d'Alene Resort Tourney M~n \ b.l~k~tball Nov 28-29 Time:TBAn Chmuan,;on Gym

Jon J Bu.skelhull League Entry deadline: No\'. r..i Ploy begin~: Nov. '.!.4 Contuct P~ul Man,.ardu ex1. J'.!.99,

Men's Baskell>aU vs. Yaki ma C.C. Dcc.3 7p.m. Chrihtiun~on Gym

Noturul High Baskc1b:ill, voile yball Nov. 21 9 p.m.-midnighl Christianwn Gym

Men's Bll!>kelball v5,. Ricks Collrge



For lhc m.:n, Dm•id Yarnel l wa, 10th with ;1 27·37. /\ndy Spencer wa\ 24 th with a 28: 11 nnd Jeremy Badgcu wu, 281h wnh a 28:30. Cody McCabe fin1)hcd J I~, m 28: 11 and Jame, Bcll 1ook 35th with a 29· I'.!..

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Thursday, Nov. 13, 1997


The NIC Senhnel Page 19

Crew members build muscle mass Co-ed club displays discipline, competes in one regatta by Kristi Ponono Sentinel Reportu


owing his way to 10 pounds of goined mu\clc mass. Brian Simonse n hh u,ed h1~ crew experience to ··get big. and get the ladies:· Simonsen 1, a member of NIC', rowi ng club. Crew is not an organized sport and their "very in~pirntional coach," Martin Stacy. is o volunteer." s,tid fellow crew member Sam Widdificld. These l'_"O dorm residents are up every morning at 4:45 to mnkc practice by 5 a.m. " We would like to make 11 formal apology to all the people we wake up in the morning~ ... 1hcy said. "A l fir.i it was hurd {to ge1 up ut 4 :45 a.m.). bu1 we've gouen 1ougher a, the year hus gone on:· Crew cl ub tokes a bus to Post Falls and rows five miles n day srarting at the Post Fall~ beach and rowing 10 the NIC campus and then back 10 the stalling point . The entire tenm consi>t, of 15 student~. both mah: and fe male. They have one eight-man boat and two four-man bout, . Coach Stacy. who follow, in a motor bou t. i, u me mbe r of th e Coeur d'Alene Master~ Rowmg Tcn m. W1ddificld i\ from Bonner, Ferry and is a freshman 1lhoto by J01o10 Tawn..t,n mnJoring in ge neral cduca1io n. Brian Simonsen a nd Sam Widdifield, both 18, S imo n,c n i, a frc:~ hmun fro m Ash land. Ore.. ore up by 4:45 a.m. to practice in Post Falls. majoring in elementary cduca1i on.

Both arc 18 year, old and ~aid they ,omcho" manage to keep their mu~clc ma~, by rowing. hv1n~ un Top Ramcn nnd listening to country mu,ic. Widdiricld and S1mon\CO have nc, cr been in u rowing club before and partu:ipJtcd in their r1r,t competiti on (culled n regatta) on Oct. 18. NIC competed again,1 Wa,hmgton Stntc Unf\•cr,11y and Gon,agu Uni,•cr,ity at Gon1aga·, bout hou,c on the Spoknnc River . Gontaga and WSU hove ,cparatc male and female rowing team,; both arc vnr,11y ~port,. NI C', team i, co-ed und i, not a var,ity sport Though NIC lost. their 1ime w:l\ better thnn thc pre\'10u, NIC crew. Al the compe1i11on, WiddH1eld wn~ rcrru11cd by wsu·~ crew couch and he ,aid hc i\ 1hinkmg about tran,fcrr ,ng there. Some early morning~ 1hc tcmpennure dipped 11110 th e 30 degree range. ,o they wore neoprene ,ocl., nnd hah wh ich arc in,ul:11cd. Fog po\c\ n bi t of danger 1n 1hi: morning, on the river bccuu\c they cannot , ec whai ', ahead of lhcm There wa~ onc ,ncidcncc of n ,culling bout (,inglc bout) tipping over thl\ ,ca,on Crew ~c:i,on 1~ over for 1hc wmtcr month,. but will rc,umc in the \pring. To Join there 1s a S:10 fee which inc.:ludc, o crew i -,hirt nnd ,we111,h1r1. "We hud fun and learned u lot of d1,c1p linc:· Widdificld ,aid.





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Thursday, Nov. 131 ~

Page 20 The NIC Sentinel


has been cloeed six months-

and counting.

Garage sale rescue • prompts memories of simple pleasures If I couM ru my fat rrc1 mro my blue Smurf ,h~,. I w,1uld My Smurf shoe, were a prc-.ent I recc:ived nn my founh b,nhduy We hud a happy n:unton 1:t,1 wmmcr when I wu, dc.mmg Gramlm,1·, gnmgc m f)n:pMalmn fc,r II yurd ,ulc In rhc borrom of one bo,, along w11h mou\C droppmF, 3nd folded-leg. lle,1d ,pu.lcrs. I found th.: ,hoe, l·or "-Orne reusun I couldn't put a prkc on them. (I doubt rhey even \\ould have sold for u quancr.) turned rhcm c,, er in my hanll\ ugnm .md again, ,·,:umning lhc orJJ1gc robber ,ote Th.: w(1rd "SMURF"' 1H1., cml'l\i,<,ciJ in a bubbly fnnr. co,cring the bottom in diagonal ,tripe~. I 1ruc1:1l thc \\Orcli with my lingcmps und recalled lite very f1r,1 11me I mer my Smurf ,hoc~. Taryn Hecker 1hu,~ u pit1ur.: in my pho10 album ofmy fourth bi11hday party. 1am silting on n green llcrb.:r Opinion t.irpe1. my'~ lolded beneuth me. hold111g my new ,hc,c~ up for cw1)'0n1! to <cc ,tnd smiling big for the camera. 11·~ ~ happy picture. M) din>n:t'd parents w~n: ,c;itcll. on.: on l'llhcr ~ide of me, )miles phm1ed 1m 1h1•1r haro:.,. No11 1hn1 I om oldtr. 111.:) don '1 huve to prt1ond 10 like each 01hcr: 1hey Cllll JU,I uvo1d e,1d1 other Jhog1·1her One rt,1\on I hkl' Ill} Smur1 ,hoc~•~ becuu~e 1hey will never change. I can look m 1h,·m. no,~ J)l'rch~tl on m)· bedroom ,hell". ,md remember , impl.:r time~. E,en thoullh 1he du)~ of ,11nplic1t} ,m: long pnsl, 1hr memory or lhc:m live, on m 1ho-e ,ull .:abj,:,:h Someumes I pull the ,hoc, off m)' ,hclf ,Uld hold 1hcm I touch the shodaces. One 1~ ,11ll 11cd m J hall ,bow ru1d tire other i\ lomely knoucd. Grniru. of ~and arc ,till in,idc II' ii ,, really qu1c1. I can rip tl1e ~hoc, from ~idi: to side and ,uml uailing from the roe 10 1he hed. I lil.e the way 1he Smurt on the ,,de of each shoe smiles. He h,b such o cheerful fnt'c h's kind of ironic, considering he 1s blue I wonder 1fhe's ,m,hng on 1hc inside IOO. Theo I osk myself. "\Vh31 run I 1hinkmg'? h's a cartoon, for God's sake!" The 1•elvcty ,uooe •~ worn down. The electric blue is now darl, nuvy, !lulled hy ~tr~ah of a11c1en1 mud ond damp sand. The vin)'I collar 1ha1 hugged my ankle) is now cracked and Miff. In the movie, "Fo~s1 Gump," ii b mentioned 1hai om: 1·nn learn u lot uboul a p.:r..on by wulkmg uround in their ,hots. For mu. my Srnurf \hoc, give 111.: a ,en.,.. of my childhood. I can examine rhem :lllll the rime I have Josi lll forgetfulnc,, rinding 1hc shoe, wa, like finding n piece of myM!IL When I wore my Smurf ,hOl's. I wascarcfrec. I didn'1 l.,iow anylh111g 11buu1 r~\ponsibihty. I d1dn'1 h,we I(> know any1hmg about re~po11,ib11i1y The be\! dcw1ip1ion of Ill) shoe, would be rrecdllnt. The ,h~ arc the key 10 a rime.: when I wu, 100 young 10 be scrit>us and 100 innoccm 10 con,ider 1h01 lire i, mor..-1han rccc,, Jud pl:1y1im.:. 1 lind comfon Ill the ,hoe.\. I can look ut my Smurr shoe~ and r.:mcmbcr I wa~ hnppy ,m.:c 1111(1 have foith 1h01 one day I will know huppinc,, ai;ain. Ma) b,: one ,.luy I will find juy in 1hc linlc tlting,.



SUB closure stiffles college S1udcn1 morule 1h1, ,cmc,1cr 1, sultcring rc,pon,ib1lny: they wen: the one, \\ho from the ub,cncc of a SUB lac1lity and any ,crewed up r.r-1 fom1 of remodeling work Bur, the bo,1rd ,hould hil\C 1\cigh1.'tl 111< ef!C'l:t, Thi, ho., c,,us.:d 1hc "communny" a.,pec1 of 1hu11hc1r rcfusul l'OUld ha,c on ,wdcni life. Nonh Idaho', commun11y college m wa,tc ;1way. S1udcni, ha, c .1 nghl to bc up,ct at>ou1th,, The SUB 1r.idi11onally ha, bt:cn the hcun of me,,. Not 11nly arc they kf1 11 i1hout a hom<. ,tudcnl campu, life. This building 1, nor ,imply bur they arc ,1ucl. p:1y1ng for ,oml'lhml,!, 1h.i1 a plact' whcr.: Mudems can cai, >tudy or relax. It they may never pro, idc, a convcnic111 loca1ion for ,1udcn1 J\SNIC rcpn:,cn1.111vc, ,ccm offcrn.kJ 1hot ac1ivi1iu,. club mce11ng ,pace, the ,chool Mudcm, arc up,et ttbout 1hi, They defcnll !ht books1orc, dorm meal room ;md c,,cmial rcmooel by ,aying that ,tudcn1, h.1d J chunct to ~1Uden1 ,urvicc,. Qui1c often ii become, ..1home ,•ore on the '"uc. The mJj1m1y of ,wclcni- who for many commu1er nnd dorm Mndcnt,. vo1cd agreed to the S:!O Ice and agreed 10 1he If 1his i~ ;uch un impon:1111 pan of ,1ud.:n1 SUB clown: lifo. why i~ 1hc remodeling procc;~ nor under Studcn1, m;1y nor hn,c been >O eager Ill Jgre.: wuy'1 10 the remodel if they had known ubotn the dc:l.t} To pu1 u ,imply, the ,chool ,crewed up. When 1he SUB i~ linall> lini,ht'd. 11 "111 Wi1h 1he combmcd linc,\e rhnt rivilh lhc truly bl! .1 mai;mlicen1 l;1cih1y. bur the w.111 Rl.l) h:dcrJI ~ovcmmcnl, the boanl ol 1ru,1cc,. not~ 11onh 1110 many ,1udtnt, utlnuni,1ra1iun ,md ASNIC hnvc ;111 rn.anagcd Ill Auxiliarv Sen ir:t:,' valrani .111c111p1, ll> con1ribu1c u1 1hc problem. 11011 c, er. 1hcy will 1c111porJnl) repl,,cc: SllB lacilrric, ,ho\\, work 1101 accepl 1ha1 1hey ,ire all 1Mn of 1hc probh:111 and mno"allon UnfonunJll'I). 1hc,c JllC:lllPI\ ASNIC rcfu,c, t1l urlmu 1hm 1hcy tlroppcd an:11'1 dtc,11\'e in r.:pl.tcmg 1hc commumt) 1hc ball ln,1cad thC) blame the ol a,pcct the SUB pm\ldtd 1ru,1cc, tor nol too11ng 1hc 11111 whcn co,i- mn ln1cnm Pn:\lclen1 Ronuld Bell con11nu.ill) ,1, er c,p.:crn11on,. '°""c' 1hc 1mponan1't' of .:ommunll) ,ollegc• II i, un1kr,1andublc 1ha1 the ho.1rJ rcfu,l'd '111" i, curre.:1. bul for NIC 10 he :in tOcc1M ASNIC', rc4uc,r- lur mnncy ,\ftcr ,tll. tlu, commun11y colkgc:, 11 mu,1 liN hn,t ;i hcallh> proJC<'l wu, 1hc ,tu,lcm govc1runcnt', nnnpu, cornmnnny.

~ge 21 The NIC Sentinel


Flush with s.uccess-the ever popular

Chokecherries • t\n in\lruc1or

overheard rn Kildow Hall ,aid. "They don't 101.c 1mo con'ldero11on he\\\ much 1he,e kid, are tal.1ng or with ,chool and worl.. Some 1cachel\ JU't pile II on them." Hear, hear' • 1\ ci1mpu, \CCUrit) guy ha,n'1 fa11h in thl· SLIB con,1ruc1ion cffon. He said 11 will be completed. "about a wee!.. from never" • lie al\o '>aid. "Anyone that buchc, about parking ~hould ,..i,11 o big city university. Then they'll come bacl. 10 NIC and ki" the ground." • The 01rno~phcre at the Educated Cup became ten,e when a cu,tomer complained about being charged for extra navor ,hots ~he ordered for her rnochn. The counter per,on 1>0in1cd 10 1hc ,ign that ~hould have hbtcd a 25-ccnt charge per ~hot of Onvoring. E,•cn though thib cura chnrgc wa,n't li~tcd on 1he bign. the counicr person made the cu,1omcr pay the full pncc before getting her mocha. • Mrnmm 11·~ 1101 like parking i~n·1 already a problem. Something wa, \\,1,

uncomfonahk Jhout ,u\en Clll\ lined up in ,1,1ff ,poh lxt".:cn the dike ioad and the ~lclam llall The) were all lacing ou1w"rd \\ 1th fro,t) windo", The) wercn ·, mcl\ ed for a1 lea\! a wee!..: ,o much for turn -m•cr for parking ,pact',. Actunll). 11 wn, the nee,·, third ~pc,1 for the ..cnu:sicr. The 1\uto Tech clo~, hod no where 10 put it, cur,. The)' cvcn1uall) found a cornprom,~ing home in the Die,el Mechanic, 1111 Seem~ na, uml. • Huts off to Publicmion, Club member, who each donated $50 llf their .illocauon for the trip to the national Collegiute P=~ convcniion ~o fiN-pri,e photo winner Noppadol Paothong could attend. • JuM doing her job, a joumali\m intern for the Spokesman-Review found a notice for a lfollowecn pany in her in-box. ,o ~he 1ypcd ii into the paper's publi~hcd calendur listing. End, up 1h01 II wu~ a party invi1n1ion for her. Nobc,dy ex trn <,howcd up ai 1he fe,1ivitic~ anywny. • An unhappy pcr,;on is disgruntled. b o happy per,on gnm1lcd'!

the Sentinel

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Thursday, Nov 13, 1997

Letters to the editor

Four-day school week beneficial Dear Editor We would like to present tlx conn,pl or lhc four-d,1) ,choul "'~'C~ lo lhl.' ,1uJcn1, .ind l,1cuhy nl Nonh ld,1ho Cnllcgc Under 1111, ,y,l\·m. ,chonl \1 ould run MondJ\ through rhursdJy. and the leng1h ol e.,ch du,, 11criod 1111uli.l be c\lcnllct.l 111 mu~c up for 1hc lo,1 dJ) We heli~,c: thi, ')'lcm \\Ould bcncr ut11i1c lhe ,mdcm,· .111d focuh>'' tune und mJkc bcu.:r u,c of ,c-hool focili11c, If th" seheduk "'" 1111pkmemcd. 1hc ,tudcn" \\Ou It.I incur man) bcncli,,. l'lrs1. they 11ould ho\c a longer J)l'ritxl of lime on 11ccl.cnd, ro, doing humcwork and proJCCI l'CbC.ilt'h Second. th" would g1, c them mi>r.: 11m.: 10 ,.:cli. ou1 ind1\ldual clo.rificnuon, and lt't.'<lbnck lrom in,1n1c1or, In udtlu,on 10 the~ bcncfi1,.1hc ,1udcm, \\Ould hnvc more 111ne to worli. 10 ,upporf thcm~lvc, nnd/l'r fom,hc, W,; think lhi, would in ,omc wlly, rdiC\'C pan of the ,ere\\ 111volv<!d in worli.111g .ind going 10 college at the bilmC tune. thereby 1111provmg 1hc ,1udcn"· "orli. at ,chool The fol•nh)' would h.l\'C: many benefit, from th,, 111'0. lnc nddcd length of each class would be u\cd more crfidcntly by inMrucum, 1han the ~hurter cla" lengths. This would nllO\\ more lime for m,1ruc10r!o 10 com.-cl paper. and go over rcpon~ and c,,ny-"> in a more thorough way, thcrcb) g1\•ing beuer feedback to lhc studcn1,. h"1ruc1ori, would have more time 10 confer with colleague, on cln." structure: and comcnt 10 better :,1nndurdi1c cour)c\. ln,1ructori, wi1h itdded mlmini\lrntivc du1ie, (,uch (I.\ divi,ion chnir.. and other,) would hnvc more lime 10 nccomplish 1hc1r 111~ks out\idc of inMructing cla!,s. TI1c main problem we ,;ee wuh ,mpltmcnting this 1ypc of ~chcdulc "ould bc a mn111:r of ,pace. Thi~ could be panially offset hy bc!tter u11liro1ion of tht ..chool'\ pre~cnt focuhy and by sligh1ly expanding chm We have conducted u limited number of interview, with ,1udenL~ ond facuhy. Allhough they were too few in number 10 mnkc .my gencrulillllinns of ,tud~nt :ind faculty opinion. we believe lhUl then: was enough po,itive rc,pon,,e that funhcr polling would also be po~i11vc, Therefore. we conclude thnl there would mo,t likely be a mea~ure of suppon from the student, and faculty. A\ we sec it, the benefit, of thi~ sy\lcm would far outweigh the imhal problem, with implernentniion. In conclu,ion. we would recommend the four-day «:hool week 10 Nonh Idaho College Joseph Scouari IV, Dcnrlle Ripalll, lxnl~e Oe\·ercaux and Jayme Flint

Borrow books, not pay for them Dear Editor: College is becoming more expensive 10 :111cnd. In foci, NIC has even rai..ed the coM of tuition 1h1\ year. Book~ for college increase the financial burden~ well. A ~urvey of NIC students ,howed 1hn1 1hc average cost of books per sc:me,1cr was S244. S1udcn1S purchase 1hcir book, from the college boolmore. which has o monopoly on the profits thnl come from ~ lcs. Rcs.cnrch has shown 1hn1 profiL~ suppon 1he SUB. This i, line. but nrc taxpayer dollw-s and S1udcn1 Union due., supposed to b,: cnm1arkcd for just thi, purpo~c? The siudcnls ,hould decide where the money goes from book purcha~,. if anywhere. Most siudcn~ nre on n fixed income nnd ~1rugg.le to nfford the e:..tru c~penses that college bring,. In addition. going to college ltlkes up an enormous amount or umc. A Im ol ,tudenll- are hmued 10 working pan 1ime. ,f nt all. . Thi~ mak~ mone)' 11gh1. S1udcn1s must Juggle 1hc1r dollars bctw.:cn 11111100. book\. bill~ and other living cxpcn~. Therefore. con~idering the high cost of tuition and books. a fln1foe for both would help 10 relieve some of the financial difficuhies A charge. much 17~ lhun the average co,, of what is p.1id for books now. coo Id be added 10 the 1u111on or full· time ~tudcnis and the book$ could be k,ucd. The books would then be returned 31 the end of the year when the s1udcm wen: done using them. Everyone deserves o chance to runher their cducnuon. Of course. oil colleges nl1l . Howcvcr. . 1'f the right comers arc cul and c0>1S time consuming 11nd expens1\·C. • kepi reosonable.then more people imght have this oppoLon~m~<*stra, Abblr Stanis. J t nnffer 8-rg, ne Ryan San Jose, Patrick Grttn, Chris Kwn and Jake Soiller


Thursday, Nov. 13, 1'87


Page 22 The NIC Sentinel

Letters to the editor Keep lab, library open Dear l:dU<>r The whnk concept tichmd ,pnni hn:al. I\ for the ,1udcn1, to rela, .ind c,11lc:.:1 thcm-ehc, for the fin.ii 11.c:.:I., of the -.:mc,tcr But \\hat ~IC dnc,n't rc:al11e 1, that .1 ma1onl) nl ,tudcnt, u,<' 1h1, umc Ill c,11< h up t1t f!CI , 1111hc1r .1"t!!nn,l•n1, The n1llc11c ha, put the ,mdcm, at a btf! dt<sJd, untai:c h) dn"ng the 111.0 largc,1 ,l\sct, ll>r 11e<ump1t,h1nr thc\C gool, dunn~ th1, pcmxl the .iml the cn111pu1,r IJb We bcl1c,c 1hu111·, nnpcrauw that \\C l.cep the loc11tuc, <.,pen to the ,tudcr.1, dunn11 lhh 11mc pc:n<ld Spnn~ hrco1I.. come, a 11.cel. or 111.0 alter m1d1enn,. and u·, a 11,clcnmc hrc;al. fmm the prc,,ur,: and ,ire,, of deadline, and tc,t But for mo,t ,cnou, ,1udcn1,. 1h1, 1, an onportumt) or a hfc11mc- a \Uhd w~-el. of nn hnmcl\lltk and 1hr cllilncc to cnhcr catch up or get ahead. Tim "1hc time "C" ,1udcnl\ can tiecomc "B" ,1udcn1, Jnd curccr- mmdc.l ,tudcnt\ can haH' their chance 10 rc.1ch the ultimDIC go,11· the honnr mll. When 11.c ltN a, why the ltbral) nnd .:ompu1cr lab 11,ould be clo,cd. 11,c recc1,cd nn c,~crwhclmmg ;1mwcr from the ,1aff ill 'I/IC bccau..c \\C do 1101 h.1,e enough ~1udents lU wamint 1.ccpmg them opcn dunng the breal.. The more we dbcu ...wd lhl\ w11h fcllo\\ ,mdcn1,. we f!lll lhc cxuct oppn,i1c rc,pon,c Almo,1 everyone w,I\ either di,nppom1cd or fru"ra1cd over the clo,urc. The '"uo tu the ,mden1, i, 1hnt the library und compu1r1 lab urc a , 1tul hnk m 1hc1r pur,un of excellence. From mch11c,·turc 10 ,oolog) and c,cry ,ubjcct m between.

the hbral")· hold, lhc knowledge that is 1rrucial 10 !he compleuon of a,,ignmenL,. The computer lab ploy,. an . .._ se mo,t ,1udcn1, cannol imponant pan m th1, l"quauon u,;,.BU . 1<'r Th<' maJonl)' uf 1hr afford 10 gu oul and bu) a ,ornpu he 1 ,,..<land furmancJ 10 n,1ru.:10" ~mrc a,.,,gnrnent, tc• Yr 1 then ,p.:cilka11un,. If ,tudcn1' ha,c •·omn111 , - cr cllllN', 1hcv · .. ..... Jn: bound h> th<' n,mputcr In,, ,,.(all...:• or 1111111<' ,pc"1al11cJ ,ofl"arc. ,\, \ClU ,,in pl.uni~ ,cc. th<' ,1lh,1n1,1gc, ll• hJ•1n~ the hhrar-" and ,ompu1,·r lah <1pcn oU'I: dcJr If gs,cn th1: • npportunm. or nu her the choa,·c· nt(l',t ,1u1kn1' 11,1ll 1aJ..c 1hc palh of e,~cllencc The ,1,1n at NIC need, tu tul.c a d<1,cr looJ.. at the clo,ure and how ,1 affoct, lhc ,1udcm, Kccpm!! the t.scahllc, open give, the ,wdent~ the ch,mcc 10 nrnl.c the grade

Kurt Darby. Quunuh Matht~on and Allen ,\~hh)'

What's with SUB redo? Dear Ed11or

The NIC \tmlcnt, need the SUB ,mJ we dc,cn c 10 be mforrncd about the progrcs\, TI1c SUB wn~ an imponan1 pan of our cmnpu, community. The d~r.nition or a community 1,; nn in1cracuni: populnuon of vnriou, kind, or mdl\ 1dunl\ in a common location or ,ociul uc1ivi1y. Wi1hou1 1hc SUR. NIC qudcni, ,1rc n01 nhlc Ill fulr.11 lhc,c qualilic\, Only 6 percent of lhl\ community lecl they arc mfom1cd about the progre" being made in the renovation of 1hc SUB. W11h the SUB clo,cd, we lmc a pince to gnther nnd relax with our fne,uJ, ,md clu.,~mutc,: we lo'<! mcmcy nnd job,: we 10,c the lood pro,•1dcd there. The clo,urc cause~



conru,ion on carnpu, bccau..e the uffkc, 1ha1 were IOQled in the SU B arc now -cancred all over campu,. Bel ieve II or no1.1hc SUB i, mi,wd Many , 1ut.1cni,on 1.'ilntpu, uuli,c the SllB for rc,ung. ,1udymg caung. and ,.xi,1h1mg l"hc SUB 11.a, l.110\\11.1, the plal·e 10 galhcror rnccl Wuh pmg-pong 1.1hlc,. a lurgc-,.:rccn 1clcv"1on and 111,111}' cumlun,iblc t·nut'hc,. ,1udcn1," they had a ~ 10 he a plan· 1n h,m!,' 11u1 'I ha, aho help, 10 l.ccp ,1udenL, e1u1 ul 1rvuh!.: hccause 1h,·y h,I\ c ,omc\\ hc1c 10 pu on campu, S111dcn1, arc morl' tu get 11110 llouhlc ,rlhcy h,1, c nt"' here 111 go. Stmkn1, ,ulter the lo,, of higher 4u:llll) .ind vnncl) in lnud .11 .1 Ill\\ pncc Wc no,, hu,c uni) l\\ll choice:,. the C.srd111ul C.1k. ,~h,ch "cApcn,1w. (.Ir lt.i, c cmnpu, lor fa\l f11od Numm,u, Job, \\Ct.: ptt1, 1dcd in the SUB: food scnrf\, Jan11011ul pmt11on,. uni.I cool.,. Bui where arl' lhc,c pe<lplc , now·• S1udcn1, ,ll'C abll' 10 worl. JI the SUB and nOI hu, c to find:, job ut r campu, On-campu, Job, hdp r.nunc1al•111d ~1udcn1, puy 1hcir wuy 1hmutih school Now 1here an: le" Job,. Some would argue lhat the ,1udcn1, of NIC arc gcnmg by )'Cl wh,11 choice 110 we huw? We nu,, ,trugglc 10 find a rnccung place. u JOb or even a pince 10 ou1. The ,tudent bo<ly i~ not u, umf'icd a, 11 once: wa, The ,tudcru, of NIC need the SUB. Howc,cr. ,mce 1hcrc b no 1)1.Mtbiluy or u~ing it. ,1udcn1, \hould be mformed ,1bou1 the progre\\. Wt: a, ,1udcn1, would hl.c 10 be ,nfonned. either by public muihng or notice:, po,1ed on curnpu,. Kevin Vedder, Cori no Cra viotto, Amber Bo)lh Summer Llnd enberl( and Jacki, Fox



Advising Day will be Tuesday, November 18.


No day classes will be held that day. Students are expected to 1nake an appointment with their assigned advisor between now and November 18 to get a signature approving their ·Spring ' 98 Schedule if they expect to go through early registration December 2-4. This early registration is for continuing students and will be held by appointment only.


No Annual Contract Required. Free activations Through November 30.


[11 Security Plan:

$7 .95 a month; 39¢ a minute.


ILi StandaJd. Plan: $11.95 a month; 25¢ a minute. Some rcstrictioe, ftRP{Y·


On approeyd credit .

Phone or FAX: (208) 777-0104

Thursday, Nov. 13, 1997

Arts and Entertain;;·~t 'Grapes' 1nte8rates


i..--- - - - - -- --..1

family values h) Am) \\ rii:ht

,mywherc. But 1f the) dido '1 they died 1ry1ng. Tiu;. play hud a much deeper mcomng cN:vcrance I he Jo.1d family followed than what you ,cc on rhc ours1dc. their dream even 1111 l..illcd them. When }OU thml. of gomg 10 California Everyone ha, demon, on rhc 1n,1de JU~t ou think of ,un. tun and geumg a 1,111. But trying to ger out. Some people can control their demon, bcuer than other-. "hen the, tool.. ofr for California, Greg Sapp. playing Tom Joad. did u their intent ~a, much diffcn:111, ·111cy rook nll 111 ,cnrch of work. food und ,cnncwherc cnnuncndnble jnb with ,uch an 11wolv111g 11,1n, rhough hi\ voice \Ound, J bit whiny 01 they ,ould c:111 home lune, rhc, .ire d1ar.1c1cr- m ·~111c Grape, c;1and-ou1 pcrfom1ance~ of Wrath." But !lie) .m: ----------re.ii people III a rcul "A Fella ain't got a soul include Ed Com11ch10 a, ,nm11ion. one 1hm 111uny of his own , only pieces Jun C.1-.ey. 8nrTy MucConnell a., Pa. Jnck Amcricam found of 8 bigger one." Green a, Uoclc Juel.., thcmschc, 111 du11ng Rebecca Wood a, Ro~ of The Gn:.u Deprc"ion - Tom J oadShnron. John Brool..\ a, ll1c Joad, toul. off Mulcy Gmvc,, Cory Rosdahl O\ El11abe1h Imm Okluhoma hoping 111 find work 111 Sundry, and Grnmmu and Grampa Joad C'ahlomm p1cl.1ng fru11 . Twelve ramlly pl.1ycd by Ida Sundlcr and Marvin Tyacke. member- Jnd unc c,-preacbcr lo.1dcd nu, pair ,1olc 1hc ,ho" w11h !heir comic thcmsclve, into a rickety true!. and \Cl out n:lu:C. 11> llnd the Amcncan dream. Even the people wnh ~mull p.1n, ,~en: Joumcymg 2.CXlU 11111c, 1~ not un cm,y 1mponam and , hmed III their momcm~ 111 i.1.,1. wnh 11 ~opk They lo,1a le\\ along the ,po1ligh1 the ""l. but nc\'cr lm1 1hcir ,pir11 They P!,,,cob,,Nflllll"d•r ,t1,"" rhc: mu~1c1an, added an emotional "er,: de1em1111cd 10 make II and nc,cr gi\'c Jeanne McConnell, playing the part of Ma Joad, mourns the death of touch 10 the play. Gerard Mathe, opened up. Wh~ther or nut they found ,1 or~ 1, not her mother and fears that her family will soon fall apartthe ,how playing hi\ violi n while whut " impunum .ibout rim ,rory demonwuting hi\ ,1ng111g ab1li11c, in a und lcum 10 11pprccm1c theater. It would be ured, lx'C,IU\C the pluy 1, for three hours of "A rella um't got a ,oul of hi\ own. only hillbilly ~on of way. The mnn w11h !he 1n1crc\ting to \CC more play, with large enthralling cntenainmcm. Jllt:ee, of a bl!!l!Cr one," Tom Joad ,aid guitar. played b) Ooh "Bone," Ka,un. ca\!, more often. It promote, collcic and 'The Grape:, of WrJlh ·· continue, 10111gh1 l"hi, ,1a1cmcn1 dc:mon,trate, the .1ddcd,ong, 10 brcal. up the monotony ol a communny Ullll} With more ,tudcnl\ in through Satunb} Cunain I\ al 7 10, but 1mponuncc of l,1111il) and ,11cl.111g together the pl.i). more ,1udcn1, ma) come 10 see ,1ra1gh1 pla). get there early ror good ~ung through cvcry1l11ng. friend, pcrfonn Ticket price, ,tn: S5 for adulL,. S3 tor \Cntor D1n:c1orTi111 Ruricl.. made a good choice 111c Joad, never really pro,percd m Thi~ piny i, Ca\lly recommended. bul 111, c1ti1cn,, SI for srudcnl\. NIC ,1uden1, arc w11h a play th,ll rnuny area ,1udcn1, .ind Jdv1scd that pcoplc don't go when )Ou :ire California; the) may never ha,c pro,pcred communll) member- could p.1n1c1patc in free w11h ID can:! Smlmt'I Repmtt'r



Halloween party revelers boogie down by Katie J ackson S~nuncl Rcponcr Adrenaline ,oured ll\ the ASNIC held an Enchunted I lullowccn Pany on Oct.J I. The Party took place ut Mica Grunge at 9 p.m 10 3 u.m. Mu,ic, glow , tick, and con1c,1, were the highlight or 1hc even1. NIC student~ drc,,cd up a~ prom qu.ccn,. wcrcwolvc,, belly dance r~. ,;ulol'\, lr.tnsvc,111c,. Hawaiian;, and

having ,omc more fun joker- Then they proceeded 10 boogu: down on the dance Ooor ~wi nging the Amund midnight the OJ, the glow ,rick~ 10 the mu\l C. winner.. for the c11,1umc "It', the 1110,1 fun I've "It's the most fun l'ue had contcM. Name, lud behind the co,1umc, bu1 had nt NIC.'' Ac1iv11ic, at NIC." a '70\ pimp tool.. fiN Director Nidy Flngor Nicky F lagorplace and an Afl'OL-d girl ,uid. 1001. second. 111c heat from the Locutcd in u di,crctc urea the mu~ic dunce noor lcfi 1he students cager 10 ,rep from the pony could not be hcnrd more out into the cold for u breath or frc~h uir. limn 10 yard~ away from the building. then quickly go bucl. inside to continue

llallo,-.~cn cand) "a.' ofrcn.-J .111he door a, ,tudcnb \\hO p:ud S5 cote~ the p.iny 10 have n good 1111,c. Around 30 student~ showed up at the event bonging pro~, :md ~mile,. Tiic) mov..-d the glow ,tic!., .111d danced 11, 11 the) "ere :11 the h1ghhgh1 of a \Cntl>I' prom "It mnk<.-d in the top 10 fun um~, ol m) life," Sophomore Senator Andria llun,on ~Id

Arts and Entertainment

Page 24 The NIC Sentinel

Penetrating political intrique key to Bartel mystery, murder novel by Jason Elliot Stnti1111/ R~portu

Photo b) Nop1w.i.Jol Pnothun,t

Frank Bartel, author of"Wol'ld Thnt Never Was," di scussus his book during Writ ing Aloud. B e has been worki ng at the Spokesman Review for 30 years.

Ca[endar of 'Events Speech Contest Final round Nov. 18, 12-1 p.m., Todd Hall Jazz Concert NIC College J azz BMd and Jazz Co. provide an evening ofjazz entertainment. Nov. 22, 7:30 p.m. Free admission Boswell Hall Auditorium

"Gathering of Bands: An American Celebration" NIC Symphonic Band and area eighth-grade bands celebrate our diverse musical heritage. Nov. 21, 7:30 p.m. Free admission Boswell Hall Auditorium.

·'The World That Never was·· is a new novel by Frank Bartel. a newspaper cdilor nnd columnist who has worked at the Spokesman-Review for the last 30 year... The Montana nntivc and Korean Wnr veteran is a graduate of the Uni1·crsi1y of Whcon~in. where he corned a degree in joumali,;m. Who would expect a buttoned-down bu,;iness editor 10 ,pin a talc of romance, murder and politic, with passion nnd tendemcs~'! A su~pensc thriller so nveung readers refuse to lay it down? n,c book i~ pM murder my,;tcry. part political intrigue, part love story- all woven around the return of a Korean War 1umco:u 10 hi~ home. He return, n mysterious figure. Patriot'! Pmphet7 Traitor'! Which is he? Suddenly there i,; on even more ,;iniMer and chilli ng quc~11011- 1he 11ue,1ion of murder h he a callou, killer" This no1·cl i~ u pcnelrnt1ng 1n,1gh1 into thn:c dccude, of l'u huml revolt and hope for redemption. Herc urc the root, of the cuhur,11 eln,h SCI profoundly impacting li w, ,if p.:oplc every11 here To overcome the cnn,1r.11m, nf the h11,111c\\ writing gri nd with which hc wrc,tlcd II nh day in nnd out. Bone! ,pent 1ml wcel.eml, 11r11111g 18 to N houn-. I le 111adc II pnic11c,• or conung hnmc Fndoy 111gh1, and ,pending "~ tn c1,:h1 hourli,w111ng 10 mum·. ·1hen would ht'gtn \\riling. UJOund the dod ,md MllllCtimc, lnngcr. A, ,1ncw,11 ritcr. Bartel ha., experienced ,md " 1111c,,cd the cultural revolt that 1, the c,~cnce of hi, new no1cl. The boo~ i, publ1,hcd by Acgina Pre" and , houIt.I be in ,tore, ~oon.

Creative Writers Club A support group for aspiring writers to work with other writers. For information contact Dan Erlacher 769-7711.

Pottery Sale NlC atudenL<,' pottery and ceramic sale Dec. 4 & 6, Corner Gallery. Boswell Holl

Sounds of Christmas Concert: "Tidings of Comfort and J oy" NJC Symphony Orchestra and Concert Choir

Dec. 6, 7:30 p.m., Dec. 7, 2 p.m. $5 adults, $3 Senior Citizens, $1 students. NlC students free. Boswell Hall Auditorium

North Idaho Watercolor Society: "Fall Open Show" Friday, Nov. 14, 6-9 p.01. Opening reception t.o meet and talk with the artist. Sat., Nov. 15. 10 a.m. to 6 p.01. "Artist. in Action" day. Demonstrations in watercolor all day. 3 p.m. slide show of all entries and winners. For informalion call 666-8958 or 664-4312

Thursday, Nov. 13, 1997

Life too sho not to spend it having fun '"Have you never lusl a repulsive drunk? Or craved lbe scent of sordid sausage? Together smelling u delicate as Spring, I watch giant fingers crush puppies.·• -Unknown. Whal docs lhi~ poem mean? What does this poem have to do with

unything? Well. the an~wer lsabsolutely nothing. ThL\ poem hus about the .same amount of merit a., mnny things we do in our lil'e.,. Many of u, go to i.chool for 16-plus years • .1nd for what? Well, for expensive ~tudcnt loan~. n hardearned tlcgruc and maybe a wcllpuying job ,o that we can pay orr our Jonas McNair ~tudcnt lo.1n,. Oh y~,. al\o with lhit well paying job. we can try 10 out·do Opinion our n~ighbor~ by purchasing the most toys. b thi~ the American Dream? I don't think so. I'm nm t.rying to knock uny of u~ hard w<1rking \luden1, who need to go to !<ehool m order to mnkc it m our society; \\e are forced to. I'm ju,1 trying to rnrutt' a point that people need to look beyond the muu:rinl world und reulizc wh111 i, imponum to them. What i~ importnnt, you may u~i..·i Well. the an,w.:r i, Mmple. Ski Season! Moyhc this column btlong~ in the ~portt. !-l!Ction but 10 me ~ki ~ason is mor.: than just a ti mi; of year. more thun ju~t u we.:kc:nd activity. It i~ n ~thlCof mind. If you hove ever goucn off a chairlift on an early Tuesday morning with nobody in sight ond .? feet of fresh chump.,gnc powder beneath your boll.rd. you know whm l mean You loolc around nnd all yon sec i~ the ~unlight renc:cting off the ~11.1rl.lmg ~now. You see the fog clcnriog from fnr-off mount.ain peak.,. and you that nll you hnve 10 do all day is ride. It b II feeling that i~n·c comparable 10 anything I know in thi, world. ll·s a feeling thut moke, everything d ~e in life seem !,O mc:.mmglc,, and remedial. Especially becau,;e you know that mo~t of th.: world is ~loving uway for "the man" at some job trying II make some .:ncls meet. Thrre b one downside to ~kiing and ,nowho:irding. however, nnd is probably the muin reaMin why many people do not engage in the ~port; snowbo:uding h extremely e:tpensh·e. It' s so expensive because 1h.: sport is very ge.rr-intcnsive. You need 10 buy a board, binding;. boot~. pants, coot, gloves. hnt~. long underwear. goggle<ond, mo,t importantly. a season's pass to your fnvorite mount.ain. Plus, you need a car and some gns money 10 can you up the moumrun every day. This may ,ecm like a lot, but it is not a~ much a.~ you 111t1y think. It"<ju}t where you put your prioritie.t on whcre you ~pend your money. And. unti l the day comes where an e1.pc11.sive ror rnn !!ivc me the same feeling n fat-powdtr dlly c,111, I think I know when: I'll 5f)t'nd my money. So the moral of the ~tory ,~ thlll you mu~t find that impmUDt endeavor in life 1hn1 give~ you thnt uncanny feeling. incomparable 10 nll others. Whether it be love, music. sleeping or ~nowboarding. find it :uid s11ck 10 it If it\ working 9-.S. then more power to yn. But if it'5 snowboarding. then remember thi< one simple thing a wi~ mnn once told me nnd apply it 111 all tim«:l>, "GO BIG!"'

Thursday. Nov. 13, 1997

Arts and Entertainment

The NIC Sentinel Page 25

!:~!~sian co~~!rt standing room only St111/11e/ Rt!pOrttr

and deal with being HI V-positive: in 11 modern world Mike Muzatko ponrnyed Roger Davi\, a struggling ,ong writer w11h AIDS, who ,, .11,0 the love interc~t of Mimi. Bob Brannon wa., Tom Collin~. u teacher who quit, hb jClb bccau~c of the poliuc, and JUM want, to movu to Santa Fe :ind ,u,ri a rcstaumnt 10 "leave this cold Bohemian hell." The ,<ings chosen to rcprc~ent "Rent" gnve a good impression of what an audience p 10 y Nop •I ,,bl would ,cc if they went David Ey non, freshman NIC s tudent, gi ves his drum a worko ut while to 1his pluy. practic ing in pre pnr a ti on for t he Parisian Fa n tasy con cert. NIC Symphony lalc 1800\ by Pucci ni. He ~lilrlCd to a h11: the ,ymphuny wu, dcfinitcl) Orchcma Conductor Todd Snyder write II in Janunry 1893 at the age in tune wi1h cmwd. Although ,aid Roger and Mirn1 Ul'1! u mirror or of 35 and fini,hed Nov. 10, 1895. Gcr\hwin. Offi:nbilch nnd Puccini Rudolfo and Mimi in "La Boheme." He >aid he felt R> though " ... hi, own may ~~cm llli.c old dead guy,. the)' Act Two wa, dedicated to the youth died with the death of Mimi." all hud one th111g in common w11h second act of "La Boheme," where La Boheme,~ filled wi1h n lot of Lar,on. you ,cc fim hand the ,imilaritie> Mu,ic live, for.:vcr. spirit and is understandable, between Lar~on·, "Rent" and The crowd left 1hc auditorium con,id.:ring 11'\ operatic and bas.:cl Giacomu Pucci ni'~ ··La Boheme." ,ing111g Lar,on·, tune. "No day but in Pari,. "La Boheme" wos wntten 1n the Overall. the Pori,ian Fantnsy wn, today!"

"No day bu1 today!" wns the theme of 1hc NIC Symphony Orche,tra conccr1, Pam,ao Fan1a,y. The idea ,tern, from the pla) "Ren1." "Rent." written by Jonathan Lar\On. 1, a modem-day ver,ion of "La Boheme.·· Larson died 1hc day before II opened on Broadway withou1 ,eeing his drcnm rcalucd. "No dny but 1oday" fit!> perfectly a) the theme. Schuler Audi1orium, ,n Boswell 1lall. wa~ O\'crcrowded w11h ,ymphony-goers. People even MIi in 1hc ai,le, becau,c there were no SCIII\,

The Pari~ian Fanta,y opened with Jacques 01 fcnbnch ·, "Ovcnurc 10 Orpheu, in lhl' Underworld." Thi ~ fa,1-pnced number defini1c ly l.epl the audience·, .ittent1on. It wa\ loll owed by George Gcr,hw1n ·, "American In Pam." which mudc you feel like you wen: really there. The highlight of the firM hulf WUb ''Rcnl." which featured vocal solobt~: Jeff Waggoner as Mark Cohen. a ,truggling film maker who i) trying to find a way 10 make cnd1o meet without lo~ing hb )llnity, and Juhc Powell as Mimi Marquez. the 19-year-old dancer/junkie who tne\

Sacks degrades Gen-X by Summer Lindenberg .'it!1/1111el


In ,1 cli,cw,'1011 group. NIC teacher~ and ,taff quc,11oncd and convcr,cd over the inlor111a1io11 in the newly publ1'hCcJ book. "Generation X Gm:, To College." Thtl book wa, written by uuthor Peter Sacb. The di $CU~~ion was Oct. 28. "Generation X Goe, To College" i& :ibout the education \lundnrd, of today. b,ucs ,uch a~ grade innaiion, "ictim mentulity and teacher tenure flow throughout 1hc novel. In hh book. Sacks talked aboul u particular group of people lubeled "Gcncrntion x:· He compared the~c people. who full being between the age~ of 17 and 32. to the people that grew up in the decade~ before them. Sack, ~aid in hi~ book that Generation X ,tudcnt~ nrc jaded. undlm1cl11cving. hi ghly demanding. yet lacking uny respect for ,1:111dard~ or intclligcncc. lie ,11y~ thut \tudent, of todoy urc u,ini: a victim mentnli ty, which 1111::in, thnt they arc muking cxcu,c, for thing, 1ha1 go wrong ond thlll nothing i, actually thuir fault. "The dumbing-down of American l!ducmion," i, a phra,~ Sach u<cd



thi~ gcnerution or people. Thi: meaning hcmg

1ha1 ,iudcnts arc no longer working to gain knowledge. but they urc now pretending to lcJm the knowledge in artier to gain an "A:' "We. u, teachers. are th.i one, that put the bug in the ear, of Mudent.:, to get good grade,. It has become n journey to get the grade. but actually corning lhc knowledge ,~n't as imponant," ,aid Tom Flint. philosophy teacher. Sack,· book ,aid 1hu1 students expect 10 get the good grade,. but they don't try to learn the material. They JUSI expect th, teacher, to ghc them n grade without achieving it. The teachers thnt attcndtd the d1,cu,sion ,a,d thut they agreed with some of Sad.\' ideas. but they al~o thought 1h01 Sock~ wn, "rong in J lot of hi) thought,. "We a, teoch~rs are trying to teach ,tudent, to be thcmsclvc,, qut,iion authority and 10 think for 1hcmselvc;.,'' ~nid Jim Minkler. philo~ophy depnr1ment head, '"but when they quc,tion our authority a, their teacher we get u little up,c:t ·· The group n, u whole urged ,tudent, 10 read thl' book and to find out for them,ch•c, what Photo b) Jo,," TO" Sucl.,' 1hcory h. • Rtla1<!d ~wry "Mi11kln 1lefe11JJ Ge11·X- 1111 Pe te r Sack's book ins pires n reaction from I'll//<' 9. philosophy instructor Jim Minkler.

Thursday, Nov. t3, 1997

Arts and Entertainment

Page 26 The NIC Sentinel

Cook-off serves up ghosts, ghouls Although Richard., and othcn. competed 10 ~cc whm,c chih wa\ 1he Se111inel Rep()rter be,1. all the money mi~d rrom chili he upper ~!Of)' of the Hedlund ,ale., and lunchc, ~rvcd at Emcr)\ wa., Bml. ding w-.i, filled wuh decrepit donrncd to the Unucd Way. patient, ~hufning along. dragging 1 he United Way \Catchc, for way, to I. V bouks behind, , ampirc~s· help people th:u ore homclc" a, well a., lu,oly licking their lip, and di,ubled,. \Cmor ct111cn,. baucred old cc,wbor ca111iou,ly brewing multiple \t'kro,i, pu1icnh. !he bhnd. 1he up secret recipe, Doe\ thi, \Ollnd like a menially challenged. battcn:d women cro" bc111occn a ,paghetu wc,tcm and a 8and ch1lclrcn who need help wuh gmde horror movie" Maybe. but in dtvclopmcnt of th,:ir p.:r.um1h11c,. actually 11 wa, the firth annual United A good w:1} to be a of lhl>\C 111 Wn) Founduuon-,ponsorcd ,hih cook· need i, to JU'l pitch nght 111 and g1,c a off hclpint hand ·nte cook-(1ff wu, held in t·onjunction The bag winner.. of the People', wnh the cclcbmtion of Hnllowccn. It Choice Award for the hc,1 chili thi, )car created n mixture of grotc\(juely dre,\Cd were Jim Strnub und 1hc mach111c pan1c1pant\ nnd spicy chili texture,. technology ,1udcnt, They ~rvcd up a n,~ con1c,1unts lined up along the wall ~ecrct recipe made by Vik Gilica and o, w,1f) c,m,urners paid $5 to ta~te each of dubbed it ··rool Time Chili. "h wn, Photo by l:!dward YrandJ the chili recipes. good. !here wa., no need for uny "home" Chili today, bot tamale- Maxine Martin and Paula Cleant bous or the ··fne chili cook-<>ff i~ 11 great cnu\C for improvemcnl\. nurs ing department s ample Bill Richards se cret ice cream cbile recipe. the United Way," ~oicJ Bill Wnrdcn, fullSecond pince went to lil!>t year'\ 11rnu contrnctor in the mumtenoncc winner.. Warden and Wolf. The )pccial Bill Richards. an inslr\lclor in naturul Drc~scd up n~ hosp11al patients. M:1Jtine dcpanmcnt. "It\ great to panicipatc for fun. science,. concocted o chili 1ha1 surprised the ingrcdieni~ for their homemade chili Manin and Paula Clcanthous from the I enjoy contributing." moluded buffalo meat and home grown wild nurs111g dcpanmcnt nptly named their chili rnstc hud~of the tasters. Hi& main Warden nnd his panner. Mike Wolf. ingredient. other thnn his secret one. wos ice hori.c ohilis from Warden's own garden. "Medicine Chili." won the People· s Choice Aword l~t year. ThmJ place went 10 Jim Cultra and the "'Medk111c Chili" for whutcvcr nils cream. On thr.: side were some hot peppers. They named their chili "BlnJing Saddle~" mnintennncc millwright students. be.In,. shredded cheese nnd onions. Yum! and dre;.~d the pllJ'I of cowboy,. you." Manin ~aid. by Kalle Jack.~ n



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Nie Toons ryptograms

Thursday. Nov. 13, 1997

IN Llt:c We FA(€ M~NY

TE.ST$ . • .

by Edward Francia a,prognuns are crcaled from quoces by people I.\SOCiatcd wnh North Idaho College. past and present. Each letter stands for another. Today's clue: X = G



Lase issues answer; "We're going to focus on up-tempo ofTcn~c and tripping deftm\e." - Greg Crimp '1111s iSS\IC$ an5wer can be found


the next is~ue.

Astrology bites I &orplo (Oct. 24. ov. 22)


You may find yourse lf in ~ , dtsrnding rclation,h1p, or ,ccne\, 13c carcfu I of niching ~c~ual d1sca,e~. And ~hJtc1er you do. ,tuy uway lrorn dorm r.ll\. I Sogillariu~( ov. 23-0 cc. 21 ) fi... You reel ,ccn:tly di,lik.:d. l'"J' You tca,c and t;111nt u, a 1ain compcn,at1on. You ltd tukcn for gr.intcd. Ynu huve a ~·llmc girl or guy rcpulmmn. Yuu ~ a pronmcuou, g11Jupic I Capricorn !DCC!. 22.J on. 19) You hn,c money probh:m, from a11acl11ng 100 much ~ importance to it You lret Dier whn or what ) ou think 1, )our~ Lafo 1, JO) le,, and L.:llu,u:r uffair lull \11 wrro" I Aquariuq Jnn. 20.f'ch.19) A ,cn,c ut ~elf-ndirule 1, ~ the cri11c.1I inSJrcdicnt that make, you utterly ~1trac111·e l~euing II be known th.u one ,ide of you " cnol will make other. w11rm to yuu. Kind or l1le 3 Woad ,1ovc, I Pisct!> (Feb. 20-M:irch 20) 1fl Redirect your ,cn,111v11y { . and imagination toward IJUl\u11, 1hm relieve or enlighten You arc ,l 1(1,y lover, nol iuo Jll,,ionutc, but always wantini:: 10 ~ on the bouom I Aries (l\torch 21 · April 19) ~ Whut keep, you in love i, the cha\c. Go for 11. but don· 1 1mag.111c thm you c;m titch il. You thin~ you're 111 rac1ivc, but \ hould ch.:ck QUI \hat you're u11rac1ing. It become, )llll 111 come ngh1 nut and a.~k 10 1 ~ With other\,



• Taur~ (April 20-May 20) ·~ · Smbility i, very 1mponan1 W 10 you You do 1101 cn1cn:1i n 100 broad u -.cope of po~,1bili1ie,. You like io ~ccp by Taryn Hecker thing, on a manageable level. You tend to a11rac1 un~mblc people. • Gemini ( Mn) 21.June 20) 'It, You feel avoided and not taken ~errnu,I) , You're .il'ra1d or inumacy and uncomlortuble with ,bowing feelings. You m1gh1 nwke a good n1hlc1c. c:l • Cancer (June 21-,July 22) ~ ~ l You have a difficult tim.c in ~ letting go of negative i-< L _ _ _ __ ....l,_JL__ _.....:::::=.L-...t.:-~------==:....-._.._.-.__11r..a11L.._...J feeling in rcl:11ion~h1p~. by Wes Woods Your ~oftnc~s ii. one your 1110,1 m1rac11ve fcu1urc,. don't overstate . Q.S or ovcr..cll 11. D0n'1 be ca,y • Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) <, You're preoccupied with • ('' b phy\lC31 appearance and e"\"weef\ ,oci,11 pobition. You're an 1werbcanng prima dons thu, likes ~ $ O \.I. to play mind l)Umc,. You·re overly ~ "-.., 1




huvc 10 bl:and 111. alway~ feel that you dramatic • Virgo (A ug. 23-Sei>L 22) You're the ctcmnl bachelor or spln~acr, feeling 1ha1 nothing and nobody 1s good l!nough for you Learn that emotional exprc\~ion 1~ a good thing. and gel off the high hor.c. • Lihr11 (Sept. 23-0ct 23) Rclution,hip, arc very - .1- imponunl 10 you. You have a tendency 10 try 10 alwny~ be fuir wi th other~. You tend 10 uu ract O-'Crtivc partner, 1h111 urc really b:1d for your karma. bccauhc of your sen,1uvi1y.



. v,.



N w ve.. \ '("

~ L--~--~~~~~ _ __..__ _ _ _

Thursday, Nov. i~ Page 28

The NIC Sentinel

by Bill Canepa Sentinel Reporter I fir..1 glance. ii looks like an old vinyl LP. But upon opening 1hc blnck box, a package of mulli-medio mu,ical an i~ unlca,hed in 1he fonn of digirnl ,ound,. on-line access, personal confc,~ions and wmercolor. Thi, offering•~ local allernn1ivc-rock band Kuc·~ ftm ambittou~ pro;ecl <?ntllled "Gravi1y." "\Ve wan1cd 10 make something that somebody could get into." said Mike Koep. Ki1c·~ drummer/lyrici\1/dcsigncr/ painter and NIC alumnus. And that they have. "Gravity" is a title given not only 10 lheir CD. but 10 a package 1ha1 includes a 22-page color lyric book, complete wilh a different wa1ercolor pnin1ing for each of 1he 11 songs: a 70-page booklet with exocrp1, from Koep' s peri.onol journal caialoging the band', grow1h from ftri.1 meeting~ 10 the album's release: a Kile logo , iicker. liner notes th:u include thank you~ 10NIC insm1ctors Don and Debra Sprague. Gerard Ma1hes and Tim Rarick. and inforn1niion on 1hcir web sile. The packaging idea came from 1hc band's passion for those big, blacl.. ou1of-daie records thai have all but ,•anished from existence. "We're all big fons of vinyl," Koep said. "h make~ our mou1hs wa1er." The p3inttng.s originated from Koep himself. He wrote the lyrics for Kite's 11 ~ongs, and upon their completion. he 100k a step back and noticed something:


Each song seemed to repreM:nt a differenl image in his mind. ·'Afler wri1ing lhe lyric:.. I stancd seeing pictures." Koep said. Each of 1he paintings has 1hc same central chamcter: a facele.,.~. genderless. featureles~ human set in 11 different ~itunLion~. each bcfi1ting the lyrical content of the song 11 reprcM:nl(. The originals can be found on di,playin coffee shops and record stores nround the Spokane and Coeur d'Alene area. The web site ( materialized at the hand:. of lead vocalist and composer Monte Thompson who designed the si1e and constructed all of lh<l graphics therein. The site includes a mock biography for each of the band member... Koep·s paintings. a reprinting of "how 10 fly a kiic.'' current band infonnntion and various link~. The journal evolved after Thomp:.on usked Koep to wri1c up a "thrilling" biography for the band':. w<?b site. Koep said hc Wll\11' 1 100 keen on the idea, bu1 he soon re:ilized lh ut every band has a bio. and he began compiling excerpls from his personal journal that were rc::laiive to the band. They were then typed. put in chronological order. bound end cntiilcd "how 10 fly a kite." The package can be purchased for S2 l.95 at the Long Ear on Government Way, 4000 Mole~ and Rock City Mu~ic in Spokane and Ground Zero in Sandpoint. So, if they· vc gotten all of thh, together, why aren't they more well

known? Primarily because they have yet to play a live ~how locally. Actually. they have never played live, period. And don't expect to ~cc any posters for upcoming concerts in the immediate future because, according 10 Thompson. their first show isn't scheduled until April or Moy (1en1:11ivcly). This is primarily becaus.:: that the drummer and the buss player nrc roaming the Mcditcrrancan with their ~ide band called Manito. Kile con,isL~ of Koep. Scou Charkson on lend guitar. Doug Smith on bas~. keyboard~ and backing voc.als. and Thompson, who ~ings lead vocals. plays gu,1nr;, wrote the music for Koep·~ lyric~. cr..:atcd th..: web site und collnbomied wi1h Koep in 1he designing of"Gmvity." Although a great deal of work wem imo the extras that surround it. "Gravity" is still abou t the music. Kite's style isn't c.asy 10 put ii finger on. or identify. even for Koep himsclf. " It's music we like to lis1cn 10," he said, citing possible similarities to Jame~ Taylor. Alice in Chains, the Dave Munhews Band and Queen. A more accurate comparison would be a mixture of the Candlcbox and Crosby. Stills and Nash. And there' s even a little Sinatr:, thrown into the mi:< in the form of"Laughablc," the album's novelty track that sounds as if it was recorded at Tub~ or Mad Daddy's. Koep said his biggest innucncc came

from the greo1es1 rock · n' roll bi.'11 time. " If I had to pick om:," he~· would be 1he Beatles. They had everything." When Thompson mentions h~ musical innuenccs, he speaks of legends like John Coltrane and tlic rock band Ycs. Koep und Thompson. Kite's n met years ago when Thomp,on ~ playing acouqic gigs in nn unoo. pub that once re~idcd where the d'Alene Plata now Mnnm on S He would continually make tnpll local music shop 10 replace brol<1 strings. h was Lh.::re he met sal~ Koep. After n few chnnce meetings. joined n cover band and became Through many late nigh t nature• nnd deep discussions. the ftrs1 idu Kile found life. Four years and 111 members liner, the pair have fowi! vision or an idealistic, non-profit venture reali zed. And though thi:, project began• minds of two men. the finished involved 1hc specialties and efT~ four. "(Clarkson and Smith) have kfi stink all over it." Thompson said He wen1 on to ~i ng Smith's~ a producer and Clarkson':, ont.nt>1 dc1nil. As for the nome it:..:lf. Kite cans an unlikel y origin. Thomp~on i:~ idea from om: l,f 1hc carll~t Nr~ bands called Jude Warrior. One d album~ wa\ call.::d "Kite,." Tb liked lhc sound of 11 and n1n the Koep. who concurred. . Thomp:.on :-aid hi.: the hi~ mernpho~ udl1crcnt III the notUt und 1hc image~ of tugging Ulld pul' 11 that it cn::ue,. lie then ,umm(d ''That· ~ whnt ·Gm,·ity' •~ t111111'

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