The North Idaho College Sentinel Vol 72 No 1, Sept 15, 1995

Page 1


ASN IC plans renovations for S UB. See Page 2

Op- e d: Athletic budget co ntro ve rsy c ontinue s. See Page 4.

the Friday, September 15, 1995

Sports: Athle te pro file on returning Nationa l c ompe tito r G lnl Lehrman. ~ ee Page 8


North Idaho College's Student Newspaper - Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

Instant Culture : NIC a rt s tudent places firs t in State c ompetition. See Page 11.

Volume 72 No. 1

Lee Hall completed iii time for fall semester by J onathan Hay connects Lee and Kildow halls was enclosed and office space was added. News Editor Lee Hall wa~ l>ui lt in the 1940s and was "I think that the efficiency of the probably a great building in its early days. building has been greatl y increased." Stewart said. Unfonunatcly for 1hc ~tudenis and faculty at NIC. it eventually became a The business offices of NIC were real headache when i1 stam:d 10 show its also redone in the renovations and are now more private. In the old Lee Hall oge. hThc building wa~ constructed in the every1hing was out in the open. Stewart ,I late 40s ~o we dad a complete said he feels that the new enclosed remodeling." ~aid Dean of Administration office spaces arc more private and make it easier 10 Rolly Jurgen~. ~.-.,-.m - r_e_a-,-,y- p-le_a_s_e_d_w_i_th- th_e_ __, get work done for '·All new the office anterior. amount of work that was done personnel. all the for the money," ·· Tony Stewart haveThenlsoclassroom, been winng. improved 10 help computer the instructors have the cabling. opport11ni1y 10 use computers in the clcctr0nic hookups. new air conditioning. doo~. windows. woodwork ....." classroom. "ll's wonderful to have access 10 the Needless 10 ~ay. 1hcre wa~ a 101:11 NIC network with a computer in the renovation done on the building interior. class rooms." snid computer science Even 1he hallways inside the building arc ins1ruc1or Dnvid Mann. daffcrcm. Each classroom in Lee now has 1hc "The ceilings were lowered, and if you hookups in place to allow teachers to took out one of the ceiling panels, you gel onto the NIC network and project it will find lhe new heating and vcnlilntion with a computer audio-visual unit. syMcm," Jurgcm said. Another 1mpor1ant fnctor in the Most people interviewed seem 10 1hink building. according to Jurgens. is the that this heating and ventilauon system ts new wiring. one of the most impor1an1 changes done "In the past a person would plug in a during the renovations. coffee pot on the second Ooor and blow "In 1he old building the classrooms out the power for the whole building;· would be 100 hot in the summer and fall Jurgens said. photo by Kibbee Walton and the tempera1ure in the building was h seems to be unanimous 1ha1 the never the same." said NIC social science Renovations are complete in Lee Hall at a cost of ~.45 million. new building is well liked. but it wasn'1 il)slructor Tony Stewart. "I think that the done for free. new building as II much more plcasan1 The only thing on the building that what changes would be made on the The total cost of the building was learning atmosphere. remained the same was the exterior. building. $2.45 mil hon. Almost 90perceni of 1hat In 1he past, the classrooms on the "I think that 1he commi11ee really Windows were added 10 the building. funding was given to NIC from the state second floor of Lee would reach mode things easier because it had but the foundation and the brickwork of temperatures in excess of 90 degrees. board or education. representatives from all or the people the building remained the same. The money from the State Board was This problem was fixed by new windows that would be involved," Stewart said. " I was impressed by the way thot they appropriated by the state legislature. NIC were able 10 keep the in1egri1y of the that keep the building cool and the air Stewart said that lhe teaming conditioning that was added. covered the rest of (he cost and Jurgens building during the renovations;· Stewart atmosphere an the building is e,i:cellcnt stated that these renovations have been in said. Stewart said he feels 1ha1 one of the for the s1 udents. '.1'os1 impor1an1 aspects or the renovations the works for more than a decade. As 1he students of NIC go to classes in Stewan pointed out the vine on the as the way that the building maximized 'T m really pleased w11h the nmouni of outside or the building and the overall the new Lee and Kildow halls lhcy will the space available in the building. work that was done for the money," get a chance to decide for themselves look basically remained the same. For example, the entry way that Stewan said. whether or no1 Stewart Is correct. A comminee was appointed to decide


!lttT 'II?

'II ..,~~



Friday, September 15, 1995

The NIC Sentlnel




The North Idaho College Sentinel

Insurance policy redone by Mary Arklander St111i11el Reportrr Scveml ques1ions have been rnb-ed by NlC i.tu<len1~ concerning 1he new insurance policy. Is the same medical insumnce in effccl as lost semesters? Is 1hcre o new occident insurance? Whnl kind of coverage 1s available? Who is covered under this new insurance? The nl!w accidcn1 insuranc.: policy wns brough1 abou1 through o sludcnt ~urvey don< by the A)sociu1ed S1udcnts of Nonh Idaho College (ASNIC) 10 find out wha1 kind of insurance would best serve NlC btudenis. This insurance 1s a mnndhory accideni insurance policy 10 cover occ1dcnts including ou1omo1lve. The annual fee of $6 1s au1omn1icnlly dmwn our 01rcg1s1rn1ion. TI1is msurnncc covers all fee-paying full,1ime Mudcnts carrying ooc or mon: credits. The coverage is effec1ive 10 days before 1he firs1 class of classes nnd five

days afier final e.~nm~. II covers expenses resul1ing from nccidcnml bodily injuries only and 1101sickness. When injuries require medicnl or surgical trealmt nl, hospitali1.a1ion, and miscellaneous medical expenses, they are covered 1hrough Pinn A . Plan A limi1s its coverage to 80 percent and up toS5.000. When an acciden1 occurs or medical ancniion is needed, a repon fonn mus1 be filled out within 48 hours. TI1ese claim forms are 01 the Srudcm Heahh Ccn1er localed on 1he second noor of the S1uden1 Union Building. There is an optional medical insurance policy available nt $242 annunlly, $102 for foll. $140 for spring nnd $86 for summer. "The $242 for !he year is really reasonable, only being a lhtle over $20 n month, the only drawback is that it needs to be paid in full." Leah Mcgowan. NIC student insurance advocn1c, said.

"This inwrance hos better ovcmll coverage. other than your phammcy costs," said Linda Michal, nurse proc1i1ioncr . "You must pay for your own prescription and send them back 10 the insurance company for reimbursement." The health center also provides treatment of acu1c health problems of shon durn1ion such as colds, nus. minor accidents, and limi1cd physical examina1ions. Most medical services are without charge for currently enrolled studcnis. These services include hcahh education, family planning, 1ren1mcnt of STD. immunization. pharmacy, X·rnys and stress managemen1. Appoimments can be made through Student Services a1 769,3370. For more information about 1hc nccidcnl insurance nnd the optional medical insurance a detailed hrochure cnn be packed UI) at the Stuclcn1 Health Cemcr.

NIC takes care of studen ts bodies along with minds b) Dan Bell St11tmel Reponer Prom a heahhy body comes a healthy nund. Thi, i\ a wellness philosophy co-focih1a1cd by a host of Nonh lcl:lho College \taff a., 1he n~w year ~wmgs mto acuon "\Vcllnc,\ i\ a \131C of being where a peMn h~ the most balnncc 01menial, phy,ical and ,p1ri1ual <hfl(Cl\ of 1hem-.elvc.s," \lnlcd Linda Michal. residc:n1 nurse pn1c111ioncr Man)• years ago 1he can1pu, had a wcllnc!>-, comm111~-e. \\h1ch through lime. fell by the waytidc. L..i,t ~pring howc,cr. Michele Che,nu1 from the busanc-.~ office re~indlcd 1ntere,1 m health on ~ampu\ and in 1um n wdlnes~ group, whose gcneml purJ>O>C i~10 promote a grea1cr feeling of menial and phy'1cal fitrnM among ,1udcn1s and 'ilaff.

The group hns explored a number of ways 10 motivo1c people to look al 1hc1r livc_1 and good hc31th in general. P1rs1 off is the "Any1hing Goe~ F11ne:.s Clo.\sic." Thi~ i~ nn :ierohic exercise program

tlc•igncd for people of all phy~ical fitn~ level~. A team of four,~ fom1cd for 1hi, event nnd 1hc objcc1 is for 1hc 1c:1m to 1101only comple1c u~ mrget

'W ellness is a state of being where a person has the most balance of mental, physicaJ and spiritual aspects of themselves." -Unda Michal go:11 but 10 keep each learn member mot1va1ed ti.\ well. A~learn go:ih an: mc1. priZCli are awarded. This prosmm hos already begun, but people ,rill wi~hing to panicipa1e arc urged 10 do so. This affair end~ Monday. Oc1. 5. Coming in Oc1ober is the annual '1'imcx Fiincss Wttk," The C\act d:ue

is still unknown. During the month of November. "Siress Ma11agemen1 Month" is planned. Ac1ivilic~ are planned and 11 brown bag lunch lms be~n proposed where people can come and shnre idens TesHaking ,mxiety is among the topics 10 be discussed. [);.'C~mber brings IO campus the advcm of the "Twelve Day~ of Christma~:· focusing on 1he holidays and how 10 hnvc a healthy ani1ude toward the holidays. licahh nnd aouno;eling staff al:,o have suppon group, 10 help su,1ain , tudtnlb and to let them know 1hcy nre not alone on c.ampus. Many Mudcnts are for away from home for the first time. Other s1udenL\ arc Juggling Jobs. children. c1c. Suppon groups an: provided 10 allow siudents a pince to ge1 some help and 10 n:olite 1hey arc not the only ones nlonc Qll campus. If ~1udtnL~ nrt' uncomfonablc ma group sening. 1hey cun Cll.11769·3370 10 make an appoinuncnt w11h :1roun.clor for an individual session.

Thia Just In...

NI( registration goes smoother than usual by Amanda Tomme Sentinrl Reporter Nonh Idaho College ndvi~crs worlcing one on one wi1h s1uden1s this semester ho, quickened the pace and lessened the confusion o( registration. "Registrntion wa, extremely fast and a loi better than prior method~ used," ~aid NIC student Sen11 Lund. "A coupl e of years ngo it took hours and hours. Wi1h the computer system they use, the counsclo~ seem to be able to help find out what you need. They spend a lot more rime with you and the lines nre shoner." w1 year, phone registration wns being considered to possibly take the pince of the person·IO·pcrson mc:thod. "rt was priced and con.sider.:d.'' ~'lid Rcgi~tmr Karen Streeter. "However, students nnd ndviso:rs enjoy the onr· method. We've decided to leave 1hat to the big guys and keep 1he personnl touch. Md thot's what o community college should he doing." AdviseN hove ~~ponded positively toward the me1hod ns well. "The s1aCf which participa1cs in regi~tmtion enjoy~ the method lhnl we hove been using for 1hc lu~I y,.mr," suid S1rce1er. "We feel thnt the easier ~tudents cnn gc1 1hc1r classes. 1he more succe.ssful they are going 10 be.'' With 1he 3.3 12 studcnL~ that reg1Mered this fall, th,irc hove been problems concerning clns,room spac-e. Although there is a problem with classroom space it 1s no1 becaust- of an une.xpectc:d influx of students. In fact, there are 12 fewer students this year thnn there were lnsl year. Wi1h no room left, students often havc 10 be placed on the waiting list for their desired clnsw~. "S1uden1s usually aren't 100 happy wuh the list because they WMI something more ~olid," s11id Streeter Some s1udcnts enrolled in the technical div1~ion help themselves by taking 1he pre-technical and general· technical courses if room is unnvuilable in their nr11 choice programs. Out of the srudents regi~tercd. 2.96 1 have majored in academic cou~. The number one major declared wa~ general ~1udies with 596 people. The ~econd was non· m:uriculated' with 338 s1udenis and th.: 1hirJ wa.\ businc:ts adminis1muon with 226 student~ These numbers co111ras1 with the 355 s1udenL~enrolled in h:chnical cou~~. 11\e number one major 111 the 1echnacal field 1s medical S..'CJ'etary wi1h 43 Mude111s. followed by pre-technical and welding which share 26 ~•udenL~ and eh:cironic-'i technology with 23 srudcnt:.. With 1,965 females and 1.337 males aucnt..ling NfC. the diversi1y is growing. " It·~ not extreme but diversity doe1 e.xbt a1 NIC. If ii', not racial it's ages or J>C™)llnlllies," said Lund. The ethnic diversity has increased by approximately 20 students. Ho"'cver. the accuracy cannot be exacc with the 323 s1udm1s who prefer noc to answer 1hc ethnic code.

'"Racial diversiry is getting larger with the growth of Coeur d'Alene," said NlC studc:01Jeremy Styles.

Campus News

Friday, September 15, 1995

Dorms in need of major repair b~ Joshun Campbell !ie111111el Rtp<1r 11•r Man) Jl<'OPk on lhc l",1mpu~ are

11ondcrmg 11 hethcr tht: Shepperd Gridley hull 11 ill ,till I,(' ,1,ind111g for tile 1996-97 ,chool yenr. John Jen,cn. the director or re~idcnriul hie :md hou)mg. 1s n~k1ng the Nonh ld~ho College Board of Trustee~ what the :in~wer will be Jcn\On belie1·c, there ls a definite need for housmg on campus. but admits the current building i, "not only unsafe and unli\•eablc. but illegal." SIG Hall. on the comer of Gnrdcn Avenue and College Dnvc, may have

curb appeal, bur 11l\1<lc, 11 dra,11cully need, rcnov,llinn. Accurdrng to Jl:nscn, plumbin~. ckctrical and inh:rior wood con,tructmn :111 need to be replnccd. M well M. the remo1•al of asbc,tO( nnd requirement, met for the American Di~nbili11cs Act. A propo~a1·ror rcnovnt ion and/or eonstrucuon of a new facility hns been turned in 10 the board of tru~tee~. but no dedsion hos been reached. "Minimum renovo11011 would COM well over SI .S million nnd leave NIC with n building 1hu1 mccls current snfcty codes but still provides o below-ovcrngc product." said Jensen. "Bui the decision

may he le,~ finuncml and mnrc philo,oplucal." Jensen sn1d NIC need~ a dormllory. ci11ng a hou,ing poll done for the ~pring '94 ~cmc~tcr. A survey or 13.5 pcrcon1of the student bod>· 111dica1cd thai 53 percent arc interested. "Compu~ hou\lng is an intcgrnl pan or the NIC campus," ,nid Jensen. "Half of college is meeting new people. The dorm provides opponun11ies to hnppt:n:· Currently the building h filled to i1s max imum 96 students with enough on the waiting list to fill another dorm.

ASNIC plans for upcoming year This will include the s1udcnr lounge. bookstore, food service, ASNIC Office-~. game area, 1hea1er. meeting rooms. ball room. banquet room, and fitness center. Lanny Stein, financial adviser. handed by Mary Arklonder Building. out the list at the ASNIC board meeting on St111inel Reporter A survey was 1akcn by students and 1hc Tuesday at noon. The "Idea List" took top priority, listing results arc in on what they found to be most The option for a new building as nine additions for remodeling and needed 10 make the building more opposed to remodeling was discussed with cxp.,nding the existing Student Union serviceable to them. members of the Administrative Council 11nd a new building is out or 1hc ques1ion at ~ - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ this lime.

Renovations on Student Union Building and upcoming elections lead agenda

FRESHMEN SENATOR ELECTIONS CANDIDATE SPEECHES: Sept 25, 12:00 noon-Hedlund Foyer & S.U.B stage


Sept 26 & 27 11 :00-1 :OOpm in the SUB, Hedlund, & Lee Hall Foyers. 5:30pm-8:30pm in the SUB Foyer.

There ore positive n$pects 10 remodeling. according 10 Stein. ''111e s1udent union mainrnins its central location on campus and we can sec the evolution of a old building into a new building,'' Stein said. Stein said he plans to meet with Greg Blasing from Idaho State this month 10 get insights on this project. Stein will bring 1he board members up to date concerning 1hc remodeling projec1 in 1he upcoming meetings. There was also a review of last year's spending and the board was congratulated by Stein for its wise manner of appropriating funds. The surplus in the reserve fund is SJ I.I 09.89 for 1995-96. Kristopher Stein, ASNIC president. made a request for more freshmen students 10 pe1i1ion the upcoming Freshman Scna1e elections. "We only have one freshman pelitioning this fall and would hke to fill the three vacant position~ available:· he said. Upcoming meetings and events include an ICC mec1ing Scpi.21. at 3 p.m. in the Benewah Room, ASNIC meetings every Tuesday at noon. ASNIC Fest Sept. 23. and a Coeur d'Alene lake cruise Sep1. 29 from 7:30 p.m.- 9:30 p.m.

The NIC Sentinel


News Notes - Peer tutors needed and available for fall Peer tutors are nccdl!d for the foll semester. Studt!nti. who wish to tutor need to have completed 1he coum: they are in1ercs1cd in tu1oring with an A or B grade. Also, they need nn instructor referral. Tiie position pay~ $4.50 nn hour. Anyone interested in tutoring should coniact Michele Jerde in the Leaming Center. Kildow Ilnll. 10 pick up an application or call 769-3206. On the 01hcr side of the coin, students who need help have hlld the opoportunity 10 find a 1u1or ns of Scpl. 11. Student, who need help in the various clnssc.s should come to the Leaming Center and see 1f they cnn arrange a day and time with n 1u1or. The Leaming Center h open Mond(ly-Thursdny 8 o.m, to 5 p.m., and 8 a.m. 10 2 p.m. Friday , Tuesday and Wednesdny from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.

ATM to make students money vanish easily It's big, it's full of money, and if ums know what they are doing. rhcy'II walk away from it with cash in their wallet. They won't have any trouble finding it either. La.~t June, a First Security Bank automatic relier machine (ATM) W(L' installed near the main entmnce or lhc Student Union Building. As Lanny S1ein, director of auxiliary services for NJC, said, "If you don' t sec it, you're 001 really paying anention to life." A large fiberglass kiosk. coill(;identally in NlC school colors, wasn '1 part of the ini tia.l plan~. but it does mue the machine stand out from a distance. Everyone can access 1he ATM nighr or day. A street light close to 1he machine and i1s location within shouting distance of residence halls offer secunty 10 nighttime users. After several requests, Stein staned an annual letter-writing carripaign to local banks in 1988. His persistence and the increased popularity of cash cards paved the way for the $20,000 to $25,000 installation. First Security Bank covered almost all costs. NIC paid for some wiring and remodeling worlc. First Security Bank customers can use the machine for free. Others can use rhc machine, but will pay a fee as set by their card company. Most fees run about SI.SO. The machine will allow users IO withdraw money or uansfer funds between ICCOUDIS. This ATM will noc accepc dcposilS or paymcnlS.

Page 4

Friday, September 15, 1995

The NIC Sentinel

Just a lhoc,ght Eleven percent of al prozac users would like to see Dan Quale come back.

Opinion-1:ditorial L__ _ _ _ _ _ _ The_North Idaho College Sentln_e_i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Don't be afraid. Overcome fears. r Take chances. FtJt Th.ti" lhc \101:?IC \\ON. IOOU!?hl and 1,..-ling Ill our c:\I\IClk:t 1hJI hufJ, u, hJ,I. from our "1ldc,1 drcJ1T1, ,ome 1ruc Yc,. gcnilc n:adcr. you m.,y nCII n:JIII( ,1. hul (\C:1) -c:,un<l lhJI )OU hC\IIJIC 00 J,1mg upon )our', dcwc . .i dmnce 1h.11 occur- ,n your hfo ,hp, J\\J) i\nd )OU c.1n·1 gc1 II b.1d l11i, fc:1r ,,n ·1 111.c being Jlr.uJ of \\Crewol~c, or 01hcr 111un\lcf\ Chl.c ,omconc I bu1 111ncr fc.1r. 1hc c1ernul "Wh.u When you lool. b.1cl. on your hfc. woultln ·1 II he n,cc 10 )J} "I did lhl\, II may or muy nol hJ\l' \\ OUI, hul I d1d i1." Or m,1cad. would you rmhcr 11 under wha1 could have hecn ,r had more chance,·! R1gh1 here, righl now. " lhc bc,,11m1c m )Our hfc 10 t.11.c chance,. 10 o, cn:ome le.1r.1n<I dou bh. Everyday you h,tvc a chance 10 mul.c a nc11 friend, If) -on1<1l11ng d1flcn:n1. do wmc1hmg cr.vy-·bul prefcmbl) lcg.11 College" lhc plillC where 1110,1 of u, thi,pelullyl gro1, up und real11c who 111: .ire i1Mdc and \\lul \\C 11..1111 OUI lll our II\C\ I'm in Ill) =ond )CM ol college ,md all ol a ,uddcn I'm domll lhmll' I never 1hough1 I could do. Lack or umc, cooragc .ind 1hc m1crten:nce of "gnili,,1111 01hcr.llway, U\l:d 10 ,rnnd 1111hc wu>. No11 I fo,•I like l'rn 111 rnmml ol my dc,11ny. a, mu1 ha, any hulfoay ~nc per.on cJn ~ For ,IO)'OllC OUl lh('re \\ ho I\ Jlm,d lO do IICll 1hmg, and IJl.c "'"" }OU lll.'Cd I0 11.JICh "forrnl Gump.'" II ma)· t,,.. Ju,1 J mo, ic. bu1 lhc mom I .ind 1hc lc,\00~ in hfo 1ha1 ;m: ponm)cd arc rcnl. We all cncounicr ,o man) 1hmg, m 1h" hfc 1hJ1 If) 10 gc11he be,1 of u~ ••md 11e lc11hcm gel 1hc bc\1 ol u, Rcniemhcr 1h1, . 1hcn: 1\ ,omcone woN: orr 1lmn )OU 111 lhl\ 11.orld Ju,11.11.l' .,n hour or 111.0 J.nd 11a1ch R1k1 Lake. GcrJIJo c>r Mnmd W1llrn111, .and )OU .ire guaranh!Cd 10 f<'\'I .i bil b.:ucr Scriou,ly. are )'llUr problem, 11.oM 1tu1J~r-.11111.ho" ., humophob,c. dt\ll-11.or-1>,ppmll, (fO"·drc"mg lll'noph,h(' L1fo ,, hl.c a ho, or ,h01:ol.11c, You rn.·,cr l.noy, -.h;i1 )ou'II gtt unr,I )OU b11c ,mo one unlc" )ou ,ti.:a1 hl c me and pul a hole m 1hc houom 10 \t.'C "ha!°, L,fo I\ a j!amc of chant·c If y<>u don·11,1l..c eh~ntc. )Ou arcn·1 h•mg Gramcd. hungee JU1np1nll oft 1he Empu-c S1a1c Bu,ldmg" ml..mtt ., b11111uch, bu1 ,r you're 11110 1ha1 \()M of lhmg. I "'l\h you lucl. Co ou1, n:n1 'Forrc,1 Gump' and bu) J ·No Fc,1r' ,hin. Talc every chance )'llU gc1. bcc.111\c lik dcab ou1 only ,o many.

Mot:>E.Rtv t>AY RoB ltv f-looD







Vultures ready to make cuts In 1hc p.1,1 1hc Scn11ncl IM,n '1 \lded wuh lhc a1hlc1e, on 1heir huJgc1 or 111her I\\UC,, bu1 11,: rccogmu 11hcn ,omconc ,~ gcllmg 1hc ,hafl. Th<.' ,llhlc1ic budgc1 ..rcm, 10 be a ho1 1op1c on c,irnpu, c, ti') ) U,unlly people complnm 1ha1 1hc athlc1c, wom 100 much ond 1nkc 100 much. Well. ,urpmmgly enough 1ha1\ no11hc c.1\C lhl\ )Car. Al 1hc l~\I bo.1rd of 1ru,ll'C!< mce11ng i1 as ,f no1hing unu,unl "·" gomg 10 be \.11d or done. II wn, JU\I .moihcr ho hum rubber ~lamp 1hing unul someone m 1hc crowd \lt>Od up. App.1re1t1I) w,:'rc no11hc only one, who heard the rumor thJI Roll) W,lli:um ,, of rcunng in Ma) W,lliom, ha, been cmploycd b) IC ,mce 1961 Altht>ul:!h 1her.• ha., no1 been an Jnnoun,c'mem. lhe , uhure, .ire rndmg alread) The pmpoSl'd hudlltl call, for a S.19.466 mcrca,c, 11.h,ch lllJ) -ound hl..r J larll<' amouni ol monc)· unul )OU d1sto,.-r 11, uni) J .06 pcm.'111 1ncrc.1-.c mer la\l )car A cnm1111111:c of concerned c,11,cn, ".1lread) bcmg lt>ml<'d 111 d1,pu1e 1h" )Car', budg.:1 nic-..: people .ir,: 1hc ,amc people \\ho h.i,c ~n gnpmj! ,1bou1 1h" lor yc:ir,. The only d1fh:renn· "11011 1he) dun'1ha,c 10 ,1and up 111 W1ll1Jm,.1h.: ~n·, ba1l.c1ball coJch. 11.ho h.l.\ a rcpu1a1mn lor bcmg , Cf) 1mp1htng and 11111m1da11ng Mon> foel he ha, had J ,1rong mnucncc on the budge1

Tiicy 111\'C ofl lhc 1mprc,\lon 1ha1 lhey arc employed JI NIC b1dmg 1he1r 11m.:. and now 1hcir wmdow ol opponuni1y hns opened. If 1hi, I\\Ue w.i., \0 imponam 10 1licm llicy ,hould ,hould h.1vc Mood up 10 Wilha,m and Ilic a1hlc11c dcp;inmcm before 'The a1hle11c dcpanmen1 ,hould receive 1hc full amoum of fundmg 1ha1 the budge1 ha~ alloucd 10 1h.:m. We lhinl.. the kvt'I of compc111ivcnc,, "nppropria1c for a 111.0-)ear,ollegc m 1h1_~ area .ind 11.e·,e mon: thm pro,cn 1h,11 "e c.u11..ttp up. L.J,1 )O:,tr 1hc men\ ba,kc1ball 1cam m,1dc 11 10 lhc regional final\. lne wre,1hng ICJm ha, won IO n.iuOOJI 1111~ and C;lme m 1h1rd la,, )car :11 nJ11on.1h The "re,llmg warn caugh1 a 101 of Oak la\l year from the 1roublc ,wroundmg lhc dcJlh of a 1cam member and uuuble wuh 1he,lle~ Jnd 1hc1r parcnL,. It \ 100 bJd lhJI NIC ,11hlc1,c, "under auncl. from member. of 1h" cummuml) 11.h,lc bcmg ,u,,c,-ful II peoph: 1hml. 1h.11 ,pon, aren ·1 a, JluJbh.: p.,n ol our school.1hcy ,hould 1hmk ag.1111 Allhough 1hc, don'1 hnng a lot ol moocy 11110 1hc \Chool. lhc) are Jn 1mporui111 pan ol \ChOOI pmk ,Ind 1hcy pro,idc opponun111c, for \ChUIUl'\hip uthleto,>, 10 gel .111 educauon in rew;ird for '()111Clhmg lhc) 11.od,-d h:ud .11 through high -..:hool. II "-Ouldn'1 be f,ur 10 tal.e a11ay thc,c npponun111e,. und 1ha1 1, why 1hc aihlc11c budgc1 ,houldn ·1 be cul


The NIC Sentlnel


Friday, September 15, 1995

Page 5

Sentinel introduces ·new editorial board h) T rucy Vcrrcll e Sr111i111•/ Rrp,,,·11•1

photo by Scott Lennon Ready to take control- The Sentinel has undergone some changes in the editorial staff since last year. Most of the p osillons have been filled with first lime editors. The new editorial board tor fall semester (front from left) Aaron Nevills , co- news editor; Melody Martz. instant culture editor; Jonathan Hay, news editor; Kibbee Walton. photo editor: (back from left) Mark.Aaron Perry, managing editor; Cody Rathiel, sports editor.

From mcc11ng lnyoul dcndllnc, 10 nmk111g ;urc everyone ho, a ,1ory or phoro as,ignmcnl, 1hc cdi•or, work day at°lcr dny to rna~11 ,urc the paper comes ou1 011 1op and 11mc. 1\, the •95. '% ,chool ycnr bel:!111, lhl' ne11 cd11or, pion 10 put ou1 nn award winning producl ju~I li~c 1hc years before. Mar~Aaron Perry. lh" year, mun:1gmg cd1wr. i, ,1 returning s1udcn1 and wa, 1hc cdiror rhc ln~1nn1 ('ulturc ,cc1ion 111,1 fall '"My biggcsl Jl.OOI is to bring more comradcry 10 lhc group ~rncc 80 purccn1 of u, arc new," Perry said. Jon I lay 1hc new new, cdi•or ,md fom1cr ,pon, ednor. wan1, 10 '"keep 1hc paper 111 order.. 1111, year from cmn111g campu, new,,~, Ji,cal upd.11c, •· I Wl\111 10 ~ccp 1hc ~•udcnh informed un whah gnmg on ni 1hc1r com pus." he sard Melody Mam. thi\ year·, an, and cme11a11uncn1 cduor. i, nc11 10 rhc cdi1orinl bonrct. Mar11. wnuld h~c to 1mprnvc lhc luyout Jnd II) ,ornc new rhings 1hn1 ~he lcorncJ al la,1 yc,1r', Journah,m cnlh:11r,11c pre" convc1111on in New Orlcan,. ,he ,ard Cndy Rnithcl. :11,o :1 new cd11or 1h1, yl·ar "111 be hc,11hng rhc ~pon, ,cc1ion. " I wun1 10 cover all ,porh from m1r.1muml 10 v.1r,11y ·" equally ,1, possible." Michele Bear the businc,, mnnngcr. want, the paper 10 do more business :111d" keep the advcr1i~c111cn1, rolling 111." llcrucl'Omplish111cn1 1his year i, 10 do n welcome ~lmlcnl\ p,lfHlr w11h ,un11: coupon, (lf 1hc loco! bu,incssc,. Tlus 1\ Bc:1r'1 lir-r year on llll' cdi1ori:1I ,raff. Kibbee Walton,~ 1hc pho10 editor tor 1111\ ycor. Th" 1, Wohon·, ~ccond 1cmc,1cr with the Sentinel nnd lirsr ~cmc,1cr n, an cduor .. All I w:1111 10 do i\ lake good p1t·1urc,. Th" )car we arc wor~mg wi1h digi1nl pic111rc,, ,omcrhmg 1hc Scn1incl h:1, n~vcr done be tore," Wnhon ,aid.

the Sentinel 1000 West Garden Avenue, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814 • (208) 769-3388 A,..oc1l\1~-d Collcgrn1c Pre,~ Five Siar All-1\mcric:tn Ncwwupcr .u1d NA11011at Paccmnkcr Rn~n I' Kennady \ward • Socic1y or Prorc,'1onul Joumali,h Gcncml fac\"lltncc Na1ional Ilall llf Fame • L<h Angele, Time, N:uional Lcmlcr,.l11p A\\'Ord R(lckyl\ lllunimn Collt-gcrn1c Pre\\ Gcrwral faccllcncc 1\" ..rd

Edltorlal Staff MaMaron Perry Managing Editor Jonathan Hay News Editor Aaron Nevills Co News Editor Melody Martz Instant Culture Editor

Cody Rathiel Sports Editor Kibbee Walton Photo Editor Michele Bear Business Manager Nils Rosdahl Adviser

R~orters, Photographers, and Artists Alan Alberts Marci Aram Mary Arldander Allen Beagle Dan Bell Joe Brown Bryan Bryngelson Joshua Campbell Ruth Carapella

Beth Carey Nicki Donaldson Shannon Harwood Leslie Hines Mandy Jacques Shelley Jerome Scott Lennon Josh Libby Tara Matt

Steve Myers Tri Nguyen Kyle Price Stephanie Rowe Shelbie Spears Ian Sudick Amanda Tomme Tracy Verrette Wesley Woods

Letters Polley-· The Sentinel welcomes letters 10 lhe ed11or. Those who submlt letters

must Hmit them to 300 words, sign them legibly, and provide a phone number m order to vertfy authenticity. Some letters may not be printed because ot space limitations. or because they 1) are similar to a number ot letters already received on the same subject. 2) are possibly libelous, or 3) are illegible. The Sentinel reserves the nght to edit letters. Letters may be mailed to the Sentinel or brought to Room 53 ot the Siebert Bulldfng.

You could choke on the smoke in the air! Wclcllml' bac-~. cvcryom:! • Well 11 ,ecrn, wi1h the ,rnn ol CVCI)' ycrir the porking problem !(cl, wor,e. But 1hc 11cl,.c11ng problem 1, off 10 an extreme \lJrt. Campu, , uret) i, starling to tir f..t t blryclc\ n,111 . Ye,. you heard nght. If you Jon'1 bclrcvc u, Jll~t loo~ below. Co-Ne\\\ Edilor Aaron Ncl'1l1, rode h" bike to ,chool and found 11 \\liming alluchcd to hb "rllegally par~cd" vehicle ~:1ying if he park, illegally again h1, bike \\Ill be impounded. 801 how arf th e parki ng people going 10 kee p nil th ese bikes stroighl'! W1ll 1hcy ,ian requiring b1cyd" " 10 reg ... trr their bike, and have licence plate, on 1hcm'I • Al,o. don't you 1hmk 11s funny 1hai rampus safel) enrorres rule~ lrkc no dog, on campu, when they hui•t a cat crowtin g around 111 thcir ortice. • So you don'1 hove enough lime 10 cxcrci~c'> Well, th~ wellness center has a list or suggestions on how to utilize exerci~e time,mcludmg whcne1•cr you go 10 lhc bat hroom. do 10 ,quo1s • Speaking of "regul ar" exercise. rross country coach M ike Bundy ,aid to his athletes as they were :irriving l:nc to practice: " Did you he:ir tha t popping noise'! " What does 1h01 mcnn? Then someone said. " It may refer •o pulling ones head out of somewhere." • Unlc~~ your head is s1uck somewhere you've probably al ready noticed and/or taken advantage or the new ATM in front or the SUB. · Thunk you Fim Security bank for instnlling a machine students can go lo when they need cash in a nash to pay the parking rees on their bicycles.

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Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __








Did you know... Michael Johnson recenlty becam e the flrst sprinte r 10

The NIC Sentinel

Friday, September 15 1995

win the 2 00 a nd 4 00 si nce 18 89.


Campus Sports The North Idaho College Sentlnel

New Coach, new faces to rebuild volleyball team b) Cod) R11i1hcl s,,,11111el Rrporttr

The Cardinal vollcybnll t~arn 1ake-s to the coun 1h1\ with no returning s1ancr, .ind a new conch. Mandy Nyrop takes over after Bret Taylor resigned Jo,1 ,eason. Nyrop 1s a fom1cr Go111aga Univer,ity and Kootenai County High School conch. The Cards were 32·27 over nil loM sco~on and 3-3 111 the Region 18 toumomcm. The Cards placed third in the region laM yc.1r. Nyrop sllld 1hn1 &he secs potential for her team. ··we nre a young team. but we hnve n 101of experience nnd maturity." Nyrop said. '"We have n plan 10 build for the futu re." Nyrop said that the tcnm hus sci certain 1enrn goals for 1h1s season. ··we would like 10 win the league this year. it is po~sible," Nyrop snid. NIC 1s returning sophomore sener Tana Bushnell nnd middle blocker Jennifer Downing. Downing moves out from the ouh1de l1111ing po)it1on where she played 1t1,1 beason Nyrop said 1hu1 the bigge~t problem she ha~ seen ,o for with the Cards is 1he1r inconsi'1nnt piny in the preseuson. "We ore not ni. nggre,sh•e as I woul d like u~ to piny, nnd our defensive blocking al the angle, is poor right now

Set upPhoto by Klbblee Walton Sophomore Tanna Bushnell sets the ball for a spike

now." Nyrop ~,ud. T he Cards have only one player at least 6 feet mil. Kelly 0'13rinn from Post Falk But O'Bnan hun hcrnnklc in the Rick, lnvi1m1onnl las1 weekend. "She h11s not been able to practice all week but should be able 10 play next week again~, Ynkimn."' Nyrop (01d. Nyrop said thnt her team ha,n' t really change 11~ philo,ophy upfront. ··we have to play more ngg.rcssivc upfrnnt," Nyrop said Nymp snid 1h01 ~he has been using ~evcrnl different lineups try ing 10 find the right tcnm chemistry. '"It will come dnwn 10 who outplny~ who 111 prac11cc,'" Nyrop ~aid. The C,1rds hnve u new group of freshmen corning through. including freshmen outside hiller Megan Poullion. Poullion. from Sandpoint, ployed in Bushnell's spo1uftcr Bushnell snt out wnh the Ou. '"Megan did o great job: ~he fights every ~ct." Nyrop ~oicl. Nyrop said Ann Walton of Mencl high <Chool in Spoknnc and Chris Bro,ik from Colvilc Wa,h .. shoul ol~o con1rlbu1c at the outsid\l hi111 ng p1lsi1ion The Card, next play C.C. or Spokun, in Spokum: on September 23 Nyrop ~uid she would like 10 sec more suppor1 this year for thh yirnr.

Cardinal men recruit runners abroad, Women improve by Cody Ral lhel Sport$ Editor The Cardinal men's cross oountry team has four international runners that will be competing this rail. Kenny Kimura of Japan. Mike McQuecn of British Columbia and. Reggie Charlton and Tim Panckhul'SI from New Zealand. The Cards have four sophomores on the team, 1wo of which ran season. "Our runners arc young but have some ruMing experience at this disllln~ ," head coach Mike Bundy said. Chad Dudney and Wes Wood.~ rerum horn last sca.~n. McQueen is a transfer studtnt from Rossland, B.C., and Ch.vlton ll'lined with the team last season but didn't run. "Wes (Woods) is running really well right nowt Bundy said. Bundy said that his team is going 10

surprise many teams this ycnr. "We arr going 10 have a preny good h:am this year," Bundy said. "When I first looked 11 this team, I thought we were a year away, but I think we can surprise 1ean1s." Panckhurst recently placed second in New Zealand"~ national undcr-20 cross country finals. "J thinlc by the end of the season of Panckhursr will become a major contributor," Bundy Sllld. Bundy said that he fll'llt learned of Panckhurst from the Univers11y of Ponland coach. Kimura finished 18th out of 50 runners with a time of22:07 at the Idaho Invitational. McQucen placed 24th while Woods came in at 22:46 in 31st place. Bundy said that that both Woods and Dudney will emerge as leadcffi. He added Dudney leads more by example and

hard work, while Woods is the quiet leader who also uses hnrd worlc. to set cxamplC5 for the rest of the team. Bundy also has two fonner high school 800-rneicr runners in Shane Allan and Brandon Bun. Bundy said that he knows the new runners. so he knows their potential. "I know all these kids so I know what !hey are capable of. Bundy said. Besides going lnrerrunional this year, Bundy held to fonn by once agam recruiting heavily in the Nonh Idaho n,gion. Todd Bruce of Lakeland, who placed lhtrd at the state A-2 championships last year. JOins the Cards. Also runnin,g is Sandpoint's Pru1on Marun, who placed thud at the A-1 meet year. Bundy said thaJ the usual league favoritcs Ricks and CSI will again contend for lhc league title along with the Cardinal men. The Lady Cards bead into the 199S

season reruming All American Gin1 Lehnnan und Sarah Miller, who missed the national meet by just one place la1t year. Sophomore Kristin Schermerhorn also rejoin!. Lehnnan and Miller. Bundy said that his girls are looking forward to building on 1heir founh-place finish last year at regionals. "We have lhc right combination of experience and a group of freshmen 10 contend for the title," Bundy .said Bundy said he didn ·t run Lehnnan III the first meet because he didn't want her 10 hun herself on lhc grueling course at the Idaho golf course. Bundy sllid that Miller is still n:covering from an injury last season bul should be in mid season fonn by the third meet or so. Bundy said Brook McLauchlan from Richland. Wash: should make an early impact.



The NIC Sentlnel

Friday, September 15, 1995

All-American returns for another season by &<111 unnon YCll! 1hey came 10 nearly every one or my nlCCL\, Senrmcl Rcponcr even 1hough chcy arc 1hrce hour.: nway in Gm, Lt'hm1an " 3 19·yc:ir-old Richlnnd. <Ophomore long dl\lilllC'C runner on 111t Q: Arter achieving All-American status lust NIC cro!>., counrry ream. Lchnmui is year nt nntionals, how do you feel nbout the originnlly from Chko, Calir.. bur more upcoming season? recenily" from R1chlruid. W~h. "here Lehm1nn: Since 1hrs year we are a 101 stronger \he r.Ul ,Jr.1ty 1md. orid Cro<S couniry a, a 1cam, I would hke 10 see u~ qualify as a 1eam, for four )t'.US m high \Chool. She " and not ju,1 one pcrwn. like whn1 happened Inst 16 crcdilS, lookmg or rmmfrr year, although II wa\ run gorng 10 New York (to opuom w1ch scholnf'h1p offers orid •~ na1ionnl,) wi1h Coach Dundy. I really hope 10 m:IJOf'IOJ! tn ~) Chology reium th,~ ye:ir. Q. Corning from Rirhland, Wnsh. Q: Ho\, do you feel abou1 che rumor or whni rnnde you decide to come to possible cut~ in cros~ count ry funding? NIC? Lchnnnn: When funding ,~ cul, a 101or wha1 Ll'hrm.Ul. After plocing I) 1h in 1hc suffer\ "1he <.ehol11r\h1('\ nnd gran1, Tub i, 100 SIOICAAA cross country champ1on,h1~. bad bccau\C many a1hle1c~ wouldn'1 be ahlc 10 I conroc1cd by coach Mike Bundy. aitcnd college wi1hou1 lhem. Pcr\on;1lly, I 1hinl. who offered me a scltolar.h1p. AC!cr being an athlete in college 1\ o grca1 e,pcrit~. JI Nonh-Ae!>I Niv~renc. Wc.\lcm and ir rumhng cul\ are made. 11 would he a lo" 10 Wa.,hmgcon Umve11,11y. Easlem lhc commumt). lhc ..chool :ind 1hc lu1urc, ol mJJ1)· W.1.,h111g1on Univcl'IIIY nnd lhen NIC. Jlhlctc,. 1he dcc,~mn wns rn~y. NIC hnd Q : If you hod II chnncc to chuni::c nnythlni:: c,el)tlung 1hat 1,-.1111,'d, my rnirid w,l\ In )Our running cnrecr, " hal \\Ould It be ond made up. \\ hy? Q: Who or ~hnc hos bten o major Lchnn;111: I Wl\h I would ha, c 1.11.en my inOuence In) our runnini: ca reer'! ninning more o;criou~ly 1hc lust couple )C:ll'S. Lchnnan- No one m 111)' family h~ c,·cr Photo by Klbblee Wsllon been m, ohcd m "4:hool Jlhlc11c, unul I Stretch out- All·American cross country runner Gml Lehrman strecthes before 13ccnusc ,r I had, I \sould probably be a licncr runner 1han I have llt.~n so for. I lo" e, er, I' 111 not \tarted run11111g. And oocc I did. my pracllce. Lehrman is a 19-year-old sophomore from R,chfand Wash. dl\appo1111cd wuh wha1 l\ c done. I low nmny people family wn, very ~uppon1vc or me. LJst gc1 All -American'/


Soccer club


.' '' '. .







a 2 for $].O

-... .. _ --


....,_.,_.......,. ,

b) We~ Woods Sr111111rl Reporter The NIC SO<'cer Club had 11\ fir,1 mcc1111g 11nd prnc11cc on Wedn esday 10 krck orr 1he sca,on. Accordrng 10 hend coach Nici.. llaynes. only abou1 10 people \ho-Aed up bu1 Fifteen male, and 11\•c female, .ire signed up 10 play. There arc 10 rc1urncr, from la\l )~3r'S ream. The club'~ firs1 game wa~ Sund,1y aga111,1 TCBY in Spol.anc at Frnnl.lin Parl. which IC \\ on J 10 I The Soccer Club prlcllce, e,·er} \\'cdne,da) .ind Thur,da) at 3.30 p.m on IC', ,occcr field. NIC iravct, around pla) 111g d,rt.:rent college, ,uch a~ W:hh1og1on S1ate Lnl\t'r,11>·. Gon1:1ga Unl\cr,il). 1he Univcr,11y or Idaho. Jnd "guy~ ouc ot high ,chool who have ream~. "No C\pcnencc r ncccs-ar). and Jnyone JOtn, bu1 ··could u,c a 101 more i:1r1' 10 help ntul.c a girl, 1e.1111. or JOm a t·ocd league," ll uyne\ ,n,d Game, arc pl:i)cd on Sunday\ -Allh lhe ieam mo:e11ng a1 NIC 1hen carpooling 10 lhl' dc,1rna11on. llaync, and Tom Ad,1111; are 1he 1wo COJC hC\

Up coming events

September 16: Cross country Whitworth invatational

September 16: Volleyball C.C. of Spokane

September 23: Cross country Whitworth Invitational at Whitworth

September 23: Volleyball Yakima

The NIC Sentlnel

Friday, September 15, 1995


High impace fun on the hardwood :

Racquetball offers complete workout for all ages me front wall. Play contmucs until someone If you are a linle by Shannon Harwood foils 10 return the ball corrcc1ly. or the game shy obou1 your skill nl Srntind Reporrer is won. Games are played 10 15 poims. and a first, racque1ball is o Ir you nre seek mg a spon that spon 1h01 you can easily match is the best 1wo out of three. bums more calorics per hour than The only racquetball couns in Coeur prociicc by yoursclr. A cycling. basketball. tennis Md d'Alene arc localed 01Sta-Fil Athletic Club solo prac1icc session is running, you may be ~urpriscd 10 and Ironwood A1hlc11c Club. You must be a also o grea1 siress discover 1ha1 rncque1bal l 1s just what member or a guest of o member to play on reliever afler a long day you 'vc been looking for! of classes. ~ - - - - - -- -- ~ thccouns. No1 only does the spon bum calories. and Racquetball is but it tones oll or your mnjor muscle both the fastest racquet groups and is a great cardiovascular places spon in the world workout. can and al the dilc level. Racquetball promotes nexibiluy and supply service speed~ can improves your hand-eye coordinn1ion )'OU reach up to 150 wtth the fast-paced movemen1 of the wnh mph. boll. Kacquc1ball 1 ~ Rim Ballock. the rocque1ball played indoors m a coordinator/in~1ruc1or at Sm-Fit in scaled room with o Coeur d'Alene. hu.s been playing for door 10 enter. 801h nine ycurs and iMi,1s that nnyonc. players stand on the from age 8 10 ugc: 68. can lcam 10 -;.1mc side nr the cnun, play. rnc<1uc1~. u ball and 1hc necessary protective and the object of the .. Rucque1b:1II is mon: prcci~ion cycwcar. A g.oocl p.,ir of coun ,hoes and n game b 10 hi1 the ~mall and fincs-.c than speed and power. ball off the front wnll ~o healthy 11t111udc is aho recomm~ndcd. that mukc~ 11 a great hfc spon.'' stated "Yem hnvc 10 wo11110 ll'am in order 10 your opponent i~ unable Rirn. who ho, been teaching people of enjoy 11," Ri1:1,md. lo relum it. Pomh al l agCl. for ahnoM 1wo years. So go m and give ii u try! Yuu n11gh1111,1 "II can be ,•ery compc1i1ivc and u ..__ _ _ _. _ . ~ - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - ' ,;cored only by the discover :i new ~pon ancl lone a mu,clc or hard workout. or you cnn just piny Photo by Mary Arklander server. ond the opponent two tn the procc~,.. mu~, return the boll on with a friend and tnl..e it al slow Off the wall-Rita Ba/lock readies for a backhand only one bounce. back IO puce:·

"You have to want to learn in order to enjoy it," Rita Ballock.

Nyrop, Curtis take over Cardinal volleyball team

JOIN IRONWOOD ATHLETIC CLUB 2 MONTHS $50.00 No initiation fee! 940 Ironwood Dr. 667-2582

by Mary Arklander

Stnti11el Refl()rter TI1e ~wi~h of 111.: net, the ll()UCak of the ~m.·:lker1. und the hanl hoUow thump of the ball hining 1he gym floor bring< u new season of vullcybrul to new NlC head coach Mandy Nyrop and Curly Cunis, assi<t.U11 coach. Nyrop i~ ,Ul .:xpericnced volle) ball coad1 wnh live yea~ ru Gonwgu Univel'iity and ,ix )t'~ at Kootc!nai Htgh School m Hrurison. ''When I moved 10 the Hnrri.\00 area I coached hi~ .chool for \ill ye= I mi.~ c-ooching college level volleyball o.nd I am happy 10 be bad. coachmg ru lhi~ level of play at NlC."' Nyrop said. She has a mlll!tc:r\ dc:grec from Gonzaga Uruvmity 11,here sh.: conunued on from Spol:tne Community College_ Cuni~ has e~peric:ncc as a player with two ye~ on 1he NIC volleyball 1eam and the IWP >= al ~1em Wa,,h Universtry. She is working c,n a degree in physiClll c:ducanon and h:i.s llbou1 a year left 10 fmish ~11·, good \\orking with Mandy: we work wtll 1ogelher. She is ~ery pcM!lllble and a real good coach," Cunis said.

TI1e ladie's volleybal l 1can1 hus a 2 Md S record. winning their game. Nyrop Sllid The te:un fnced some heavy competition in Twin Falls m ib fir..1 1tlumamen1. Thi~ ~f\ 1e,1m ha., 11 playm with only lhtte playen, from la.,,1year\ ...:asoi,. 'T11c coache~ an: "'orlting and buildmg a rn:w team of player., for th.Ls 1995 season of play. "My hopes Md wi.<k'> are, of couri.e, 10 hav.: a wmnmg i..:ason. and n would b,: great 10 bring home a champion~ip. We will have 10 beat a tougb Southern Idaho 10 get there." Nyropsaid. 1nc Qud., have 11 young tcarn thi~ yt:JI. bul thc:y hav.: some playm with c~pcrieoce Jennifer Downing and Tanna B~hnell are1wo n:runung 50phornores from last year's team. Bo<II wme xtion last sea.son. Trisha RMI t~ al!>O a .ophomore. but didn ·1 sec much action last season. Nyrop said dw she is 1mpn:Med ~ far lhi,, )Car by freshmen Mcg;in Poulian from Sandpoint Poulian is 11 o;elter on the back row. The Cards nc,111 game is ~mber 23.



Frlday~~ptember 15, 1995

Purc hase tic ke ts prio r t o b oarding .

.Pii:-.··~ 0


~ ·"

SAT~DAY SEPTEMBE~ 23, 1995 /~ :.~ ·' . 2·8PM ~ .. · -~.,,~ ~ - ' Ff.• Sherman Park (NIC Campus) \U~ :_.~ .;· · ., ~ . . 'J " .

Come listen to a fantastic outdoor concert featuring


Back to School Tap

Don't drink and drive

Sept 21 New Frontiers in Fibromayalgia Hanford Health & PHO 1-5 p.m. Boswell Auditorium

Sept 22 The Hager Twins with Jerry Owens and the West Coast Bands presented by Kootenai Co. Search & Rescue Council 7:30 p.m. Boswell Auditonum

Sept 2 3 ASNIC Fest 2 - 8 p.m. F1. Shenn1111 Park NlCCampus

Sept 24 Praise Gathering '95 Open 10 Public 6 p.m. Boswell Auditorium

Sept 29 ASNIC Cruise Boarding 7:30 • 8 p.m. Boardwalk east of Cd'A Reson

Sept 30 Live Action Singers in Concert 7 p.m. Boswell Auditorium

Page 11

Instant Culture

Math students:

Schedule of fvents

The NIC Sentinel

Friday, September 15, 1995

The North Idaho College Sentinel

Art student takes first in state by Joshua Campbell Sentinel Rtportu ngie Schwimek was only eomplc1ing a major an assignment in Graphic I class last f;ill when she entered her poster in 1he 1995 Idaho Poster Awards Program. When the le11er arrived over the Memorial Day weekend this year, announcing that she hod won the con1cs1, ii 100k Angie completely by surprise. "I was shocked." Angie said. Students are always told 1h01 doing homework pays off, but for Angie. ii pnid off 10 the tune ofSl50 for her win for firs1 place in 1he stale of Idaho. Angie shared the money with her friend Stephanie "I couldn't see Shreiber. myself doing Angie snid 1h01 anything other than ~he would art." not have -- Angie Schwintek entered the COOICSI if ii hadn ·1 been for Stephanie. 1l1e poster con1cs1 was the first major an project using the computer, according 10 Angie. and she did not have faith in her own computer skills. Angie said Stephanie 100k her thumbnail sketch und produced it on the computer in about five minutes. "I was surprised she won, actually.'' Stephanie said, '·because we did it so quickly." Sponsored by the Idaho Governor's Com mince on the Employment of People With D1sabili1ics.1hc contt!SI included entrees from nil other community, private, nnd four-year

Her plans. for the future are to become a freelance illu.strotor. rather than working for a finn. Angie said that the difference is 1h01, instead of projects assigned. she would go out and advenisc herself. finding her own clients. Angie said that she would illus1ra1e anything from books 10 mers, maybe even album an designing. She (aid thn1 freelancing would give her the freedom to do ,\/hat interests her. " I couldn't sec myself doing :111y1hmg other than an.'' Angie soid. She said that she thinks her strong point is cu nooning, n view that Jonas 5hnrcs. "She will go ns for ns she 11 want~ lo if She ~nid grnphic un~. L 1hu1 the cla~~ she applies photo by Kibbee Walton herself. i~ helping her 10 improve Freelancing- Angis Schwintek prepares thumbnail sketches capable of her skill$ doing whnt before taking her ideas to the computer. using the she desires in illustration the a.rt software on the computer. wor\d,"Jonas said. " Quuc an honor 10 hove "I nm more comfonable with drawing. but I Angie in class." like the professional look of 1he computer.'' Angie has joined the staff of the Sentinel 1hi, Angie said. semester along with pal Stephanie in order to At nge 19, Angie said she already knows create a canoon strip 1ogc1her for the what she'd like 10 do with her life, an publication. Their first strip will appear in the accomplishment many arc still working on. next cdiuon.

colleges throughout Idaho. The purpose of the contest was for college undergrads with a flair for an 10 create a poster to encourage the hiring of people with disabilities.Angie's poster went on to compete against the other state winners in the nationals. Angie was not 1he only NIC student who won honors in 1his contest. According 10 an instructor Joe Jonas. NIC took seven of 1hc eight possible awards, taking first, third, founh. and all four honorable mentions. "I was elated with u~ winning so many awards," Jonas said. Angie is now u ~ophomore at NICand in her third !>ell1CS1Cr in


ASNIC goes cruisin'

Jumbalassy leads ASNIC Fest

by Shelley Jerome

by Melody Martz Stminel Reporter A. Shcnn1111 Parle is once again the site of the annual ASNIC Fest. This year's activities are scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 23. from 2 • 8 p.m. ASN!C is offering students of variety of bands, headlining "Jumbalassy." Also taking the singe 1s "Citizen Swing" :ind "Bush Doktor." The Fest is always well aneadcd. and this year should be no exception. ASNIC activities director Mnry Richmond said, "Come listen to a fon1as1ic outdoor conccn." As always. the concen 1~ f~.

St111i11tl Stn/f Ahoy, all of you p:iny an1111nl~! It's time once again for 1he annual foll cruise on Lake Coeur d'A lene. Spon~ored by the Associated Students of Nonh Idaho. this year's cruise will be aboard one of the Coeur d'Alene Reson cruise bom. Boarding will toke place Friday, Scpl 29, from 7:30 p.m. 10 8 p.m. on the boardwalk just cast of 1hc re.son. Tickets. S5 for \IUdcnl\ and $10 for non-studcntS, may be purch:tsed at the NIC Espr~o Bnr or at the dock prior 10 dcpanure. According to ASNIC Prcsidem Kri~Stein, those who panicipate in this year's c:ruisc will, as m year's pa~,. be subject 10 a scorch for alcohol and wcapoM before bo:u-ding. So le.we the commband at home, grab a fri~nd und come- pany on 1he lake.

Page 12

Friday, September 15, 1995

Instant Cult..-e

The NIC Sentinel

Movies to Watch: National Lampoon's "Senior Trip" '/11 the film. Matt Frewer ('Max Headroom 1 plays the uptight amdinislretor of a Mldwestem high school. Whe11 he catches a group of sen/Ors va11daliz,ng his house. he orders them 10 detention where they must wme a letter to to the presi<fe11t of the Umted

States suggesting ways to Improve the educaticmal system. Whe11 lhe presidenr respot1ds by inviting the troublemakers to Washmgton. they board a bus drive11 by a11 agmg. ex-h1pp1e sroner played by Tommy Cho/lg (ol Cheech and Chong fame). Along

the way, lhe debauched delega/ion rhrows a poll/lea/ party rhat democrats and repub/Jcans alike will remember for years lo come.·

Shannon & Steph's Rating System

Run, don't walk

- pubt1c1ty release lrom New Lme Cmema

Mosey on over b) Sh1111n11n Mor"ood Srn1111el Hepnrri,, I guc" aflcr the \\';11lc)\\<lrhl incident. I sh1>uld have\ln belier I ,hould Im e

seen the "ord< "Nnm>n~I Lampoon" and ran for my hfe. but m,1cml I \\Clll 10 ,cc the nc11c,1 tl'l'at1on. "ScniorTnp." N<>" 11\ .111 commJ! tMtk 10 me: .i homble plot in \I h1ch everybody 1hmh they're funny .md urc ,adly m1,1.1!.cn, J movie "hen: the audience ~pend, n11>1t of 11~1nne proonmg ,md head, 111 the screen. or 1111h1, ca,t'. tunung owny from 1hc ~crecn 10 avoid 1·011111mg. This movie \\US 11u11c po'>.,1bly the gro,'>t'II movie I hove ever seen! Don·, ge1 me wrong. If you enjoy watching people

vu11111 on thrm,elvc,. pee out of the back of bU\C\ nnd m.ike up 1hc1r h1j!h school prinl1pal n1 look like u 1rnnwcs1i1c, 1hcn 1hi, i~ the mo1•ic for you! TI1c plo1 involve, an evil ,cna1or who w,u11s 10 mnke ,urc 1h01 1hc president\ education bill docs11 ·1 pi1~~. Meanwhile. a group of misfit 1ccnogcrs :ind 1hc1r 1dim princ,pnl 1ravcl from Ohio 10 Wushinglon, D.C.. 10 speak on behalf of the prc,11.Jcm ·, bill. TI1cy hn1•c many ndvcnmre~ and end up saving lhc day. I would not only ,rny in your recliner. but s1ccr clear of rhc movie lhenter for a wlulc. n, 10 avoid being subjected 10 any pr~vicw~ for thi~ movie. b I give ii one foot.


by Stcphnni c Ro11<' S1•111i11l'i Rt'Jl(J/'IU

Ok. a, Shannon po1111, out. whm 1hcrc " of 1h1s plot can :11 best be cullc(l pa1hc1ic. Nevcrthelc,, "Senior Tnp" follow, in the long, 11 1101 illusrriou,, 1rad111on of Nati onnl Lampoon movie,. It doc, 1h1, by nor hiding 3f1y1hmg. The acror; in 1his movie were pid,cd to perfection lo Iii the vonous stereotypes applied 10 teenagers of rite ·so~ and '90, The sryh: follows 1hn1 of "Fa,, Times ut Ridgcmon1 Iltgh." The mc,sagc i, ,imilar: No1 only 1s i1 bcucr to party. it's more socially acccprnble than Mudy1ng. Pcr;onally. I cnJoyed this movie. We wcm to ,ee tt :111hc end of a very long day,

Trip to the video store

Slay In your recliner

and ii kepi me awal.c ,ind 1,mghing 1hc cnurc 11111c. I hnvc Ill r.:commend 1hi, movu; 10 ,111yunc who ,~ looking t'o1 a f<'" houl'\ of mindlcs, tun. So I'll give it the bu,n: three feet.

;======================================~:::::;;. "81 % of those who have According lo Fox television's TV NATION POLL:

seen two or more 'Police Academy' movies believe that O.J. Is Innocent." (205 Americans surveyed by 1he polling firm Wldgery and Assoc.)

Your Book Swap ©lro@@~i



The Sentinel ~


New Line Gnema

Friday, September 15, 1995

lnsmnt Cult..-e

The NIC Sentinel

Tom Brown: Music more than hobby b) hunn on II urn ood Srnrmel Nrp,>rur fom BroMl i~ a ,rndcn1 ,11th big dream,. Fortunntely. h~ also \Ctm, m ha, e 1hc 1.1kn1 m:eJcd 10 accompli,h tho,e dream,. In 1hc quiet c1erung hour.. nr1cr da,~c,. Brown Ml\ in hi, motor home nnd tinker, on hi, keyboard. II 1, mor,' 1hnn JUSI a hol>by 10 him: i1 1, hi\ love. MJny who h,1,·c heard Brown\ horncmndc tnpc~ in,rnnll) requc~t a per,onJI copy. 13ut 1ho: process of mnk 1ng a ,1ud10 recording require, umc and money. and Brown ~aid bo1b arc hnrd 10 come by. "I would love to work with a The lyricist to produce a song young someday " ·- Tom Brown musician hn~ been composing and pcrfomung ong11131 muMC on hi\ keyboard for five year... photo by Bryan Bryngelson Brown said 1h01every song bring, u new feeling of accomplishment Tickling the Ivories· Tom Brown pursues his passion and a frc~h wave of hope 1h01 ,ome day he will be abk to afford a recording session or n way to mass produce )us work. Brown 1101only play\ 1n11npc:1 in the pep band bu1 in the jnn nnd Brown produce, mu,ic in a variety of \lylcs, bul 10 date his conccn band:. II'> well. His musical lalcms arc 1101conlincd 10 the music has been strictly in\lrumental. keyboard nnd 1n1111pc1. He play:. the side drum in n Scoui~h h:mll for "I -.ould love 10 work wi1h a lyricm 10 produce a .:omph:1c ~ong a liulc diffcrcm mu$1Cal c~pcricncc. someday." Brown ~aid. Ilaving olwnys known 1hu1 mu~ic wa~ 1hc righ1 path for him. A 1h1rd-ycar \tude111 a1 NIC. Brown said he hn~ found hi\ niche Brown said 1h01 he 1~ hoping 10 receive a degree in mu~ic cduc:111011 in thl' mm,1c depnnmcn1 nnd a \IOlunblc friend m depar1mcn1 chair so he cm1 ~hnrc ,omc of hi, knowh:dge and love of music wi1h Terry Jone\, Jones made ii pomble for Brown's cduc:111on 01 NIC young children 10 be iunded by )Cholnrship~ given for Brown·~ pnnicip111ion in 1hc When a~~cd why he cho~c Non h lduho College, he Joked. " I pep band. moved 10 North ldnho for lhc ~kiing nncl srnyed for 1hc college." "W11hou1 Terry (Jone~). I probably couldn ·1afford 10 l>e here," Brown, who i, origumlly from Spok:1m.•." 1hc intrumurol Brown ~id. adding 1ha1 Jones ha.~ supplied more 1han financial Cllordi11a1or for the 13np11,1 S1udcn1 Mini\lrtc~ Club and a member 1uppon O\ler 1he ycan.. "I JUSI want 10 sny thnnks," he ,uid. of Phi 1111:111 Kappn.

NIC invites musicians to join performance groups by Melod) Mar11. St1111111•/ S 111/f

S1nke a rew chonl\, cuber vocal or in:.1rumcn1al. by Join mg one of 1hc perfom11ng mu\1Cgroup, nt Nonh Idaho College. The mu, ic dcpanmcm al NIC 1, eAtending tm mvilmion 10 all, Mudcni- or not. who have a mu\lcal talcn11hey would like 10 share. According 10 Fine Art~ Chair Terry Jones, the cln,scs oflercd 3tc nl'Crcdhcd college COUl'\C\, volun1,1ry member.hip I!> al'ailablc on a "no-crcd11" ba'"· Students 1ak1ng the course tor cred11 can rccc,, c one crcdn. TI1~c group, ill'C for mu\lcrnn, "1th ;1developed 1alcn1. S1udcn1, can jo111 w11h pcrmh, inn fro1111hc1r 1n,1ruc1or " It h not u place 10 go lcum ho,1 10 play," Jones ><1id. " We 1ry 10 momtum a ccn:un le"~' or pcrfommncc prolici~ncy." Each of 1he performance group, Ji, 1cd rehearse one evening n week 1,11h only one or two pcrformnncc, hclJ ou1, idc of cla,, houri,. "Orchc,1m is u hulc more than 1ha1," Jone, ,nid. Jone, al,o \j1d thnt \01111! of 1hc group, decide whe1hcr or nol to do auditionol perfommnccs according 10 who can make 11 . Jones ~ti.Id 1h01 all arc welcome 10 Join. Ile i..11d 1h01 on the avcmgc. the grouP\ arc comprised of about hnlf student~ and half from thccommun11y.

For more infomiation. comae, 1he ins1ruc1ors listed for eoch group. or stop by 1he Bo,well Hall Music Office~.

Vocal Jan Ensemble


MikeSmnh BH 107 769-3421

Concerl Choir


Todd Sn}der BH 110 769-3422

Jou Band


Terry Jones BH 157 769-3258

Symphonic Band

Wtdnc~'l)' T.:nry Jone,, BH 157 769-3258

Symphonic Orchestra


Todd Snyder BH 110 769-342'.!

Page 13

We 're ba-ack... Uy Mnry Arklnnder Sr1111111•/ Rc'f"lrl<'r

l~n'1 it great 10 be back m collcgc1 Well. ir you arc like me. 11 hu, been :i hL'CllC couple of week, a11he very lea~,. So man} chnngc, occur in the fir\! wl!ck. Deadlines and commi1mcni- begin 10 cloud over any memory ,of ~ummer bn:,1l . By W,; of lhl? liN wecl nl)' hair wn, ,mnding s1raigh1 on end. no mou,,c wa, needed. Several heavy dcci,1011' ,wum through my hcud Con I carry 15 cmli1,, go 10 1~c>rl. help \\ 11h m} tlaughhlr's upcc>mmg wcddmg and haw 11mc left otlvcr lor m} \lgmlic.1111 other? In onlcr 10 male 11mc for M ary Arldander 1hc,c 1h1ng,. Pontif'icatiorl 1hrcc ac111111c, ncctkd 10 be cul 11111 of my htc: ca1111g. , Jeeping nnd doing my laundry. Ju,1 finding :t plm:c 10 park the first rouple or dny, wa, u rcnl hnir-pull~r. If I (mm.: in u1 7 u.m. I could gel 1hc ideal parl ing ,po1. bul arriving u19:45 a.m for my 10 o'clock class pu1 me 1wo block\ away rrom 1hc library und off campu,. 'flung~ arc heller 1h" week though: I'm gcuing clo~cr. only hnving 10 parl one block away from i:ampu,. Living in Cataldo I drive over 1hc Fourth of July Pa~s everyday. I can do \CVCr-JI 1hing\ while driving: load :ind unload film m my c:uncra.1hrow the book\ out of my hng I don ·1 need for 1hc day. wrnc :i check, tlig through my 1apc ca:,e and change lapc,. s,p coffee and timsh gcumg drc,,ed. I wi,h I could ligurc ou1how to read nnd dnve at the !lame 11me. I could rc.1d a few chnp1cr.. during the 70-mmuic round tnp.

My poor car i~ a disns1cr area. I keep \aying I'm going 10 get orgamtcd und gc:t my , tuff ou1of the way'° 1ha1 I can clea.n 1h..: 1n~idc of my rnr A few of 1he 11em, in my cnr ,nd ude book,. camera bag. rnpc ca,c. cx1rn clo,c bag. back brace. empty lunch ,oolt r. ovcrfull garbage bag and my pu r\c... l think. Where ,, my pu™' :ln) Wuy? Thing, are bc11cr now 1hnt 1he 50 1rip, to the bool:\1ore are over. and I'm gelling -tilled m10 111) cla,se, . I'm k:uning 10 go wi1h the now and allowing my,;e,lf 10 let go when 11 \ necessary If I don ·1 resis1the many chJngc .. happening 10 me hen: 01 college, hfe becomes a n11lc ca~icr Jnd more each day

Instant Culture

~ ~

Friday, September 15, 1995


Page 15 The NIC Sentlnel

Campus News

Friday, September 15, 1995

Athletic budget currently under review Book Swap by Shannon Horwood St'ntintl R,:porctr The Nonh ldllho College Athletic Prognun Review Cornmince met for the first nme on Tuesday eve ning. The purpose of 1lus gn1hering? To decide 1he fa1c of va11,i1y athletics ut N!C. The commince was fomicd after questions were raise~ ut the board of 1rus1~cs meeting to approve the budget. Some individuals from the community, including Jobs Plus President Bob Poner and Trusttc Susnn Thilow, said they were concerned nbou t the amount of money being sp,mt on athletics and whnt it was being used for. Son commince was fonned to suggest a new direction for NIC a1hle1lcs or decide that the program is fine as it is. The comminee will be addressing the following questions: How much money from truces and student recs should be spent 10 suppon the nthlc1ic program? What should be the relationship between men's and women's athletic programs with respect 10 numbers of spor1s offered to each group? Should there be any aucmpl made 10

preserve opponuni1ies for locnl a1hlc1es 10 compete u1 the intcr-collegia1e level? Should the college consider changing the n1hle1ic conference in which it panicipates 10 reduce costs nnd en~ure more opponuni1ies for local athletes? Should there be any rcs1ric1ion on the number of a1hlc1es from OUl•Of•SIOlll or OUl·Of-coumry lh,ll are allowed 10 play on each of the spons offered n1 1hc college? What level of grnn1-in-nid (G IA) scholaNhips should the college provide for s1udcn1athletes? These questions will be 1hc main focus of the comminee and its chaim,an. lawyer Bill Nixon. Athle1ic Director Jim Hendley cited 1wo of the main rcnsons for all the n11en1ion being drown 10 the mhle1ic budget. "111ere is o major difference in grant-inaid spent this year as opposed 10 last year," Headley said. "Also area residents ore very concerned about the amount of taxes 1hey •re paying." Last year GLA expenditures for athletics totnlcd S200.000. TI1is year it increased by S 125.000. But NIC President Roben Bennett

brough1 up the point that "this is pnper money that can't be spent on anyth ing else." In other words, the GIA (which only covers tuition and fees) received by the athletes is not money the college can use elsewhere. Members of the commi11cc arc taking sugge-\tion~ from students and facu lty. Members of the comminee mclude. ASNIC Prcsiden1 Kris Stein. NIC Athletic Director Jim Headley and NIC instructors Debrn Sprague and Lloyd MllrSh.

IVriter.r Nme: I was also oppni11ml to the co111mi11ee as n .mulc111 represe11rative. Please drop off yow lmers in my box nr the Sentinel. /orated 011 1he serond floor of tht• Siebert 811ildi11g or m the em·elope 0111side my o/]ict•. loc111ed III the ASNIC Se11111e Chombers. bosemem o/ rhe S111de111 U11io11 Building. Your lmers will be rend to the commlltet and same s111de111s ll'i/1 be invited 10 address the co111111i11u with their conccms.

checks are ready! Pick them up on the second floor of Siebert in Room 51

Really Big Raffle in the works for 1996 homes for sale for the past ~ix yean,. by Tri Nguyen However, the homes have only been St111itrl'I Reporia Owning a home ha, always been part of rafned off for the past two years. Thi, year's home is going 10 be located in the the American dream. If someone could same neighborhood as the Inst 1wo homes own a home worth more than S 150.000. in the 8300 block-s of Nonh Tartan above for S 100. that's n dream come 1rm:. Hoyden Lake. Even though the house Thi~ dream very well could happen 10 itself is not built, the plans are being you. For the pn~11wo years the Nonh li nulizc:d and the 101 has been chosen. Idaho College Foundation has sponsored The proceeds from the raffle benelit and mfncd off a home 10 two very lucky N!C in the people. Terry fonn of and Inn grants. The Brc\~lcr NIC lnq year. Foundation and Pat last year Reagon awarded m '94. In over 16 nddition gronts 10 10 the various home, depanment~ 1h01were ~"-"'.....:.=---'...,,_.....___,~~._:J...>~.....!."'""'".....Z:.:....:.l"'-'.:...::..&11..ll around NIC, raffled totalling Photo by Kibbee Walton off. cal'>. over Really Big Raffle- Las! year's grand prize at 8388 Tartan 1mvct $50.000 in packages outside of Hayden Lake. grant and money. shoppi ng ~pree) were ramcd. Tickets go on sale on Jan. 8, 1996. Even though ticket:, cost S 100. no more Only 4.000 1ickct, nrc ,old, and the pa~t than 4,000 11ckc1s arc sold. This makes the 1wo years 1icke1s have sold out. For more mmc odds very viable. infonnation call NlC College Relattons The carpentry department has built Office at 769-3271.

The Air Force Has Jobs We're hiring. And w e 'll train you in one of m o re than 250 high- tech skills. Then when y o ur enlis tment is up. your skills will be in demand in a civilian job. Plus, we'll help you pay for college while you're in the .Air Force. We also have a plan for you to have money for school when your Air Force tour is over.

For more Information call 1-800-423-USAF or contact your local Air Force recruiter.

·=·· :-

Page 16

Campus News

The NIC Sentinel

Friday.September 15, 1995

Art on the Green shows appreciation to NIC b) uslit lllnt5

Se111inel Rrporr,r A lrui:e framed collage: of pho1ogrnphs dcpicung Art Cln 1hc Gn:cn ac11v11ics wns pl"l'..enrnl 10 Nonh ld.iho College by 1he Ciu,cn~· Council for rhe Art~ a, 3 geslUrc of their npprccinuon. Dave Gem:r. prc~rdcm of CCA. mndc the prcsen1a11on to NIC Pre\ldcnt Bob Benncn a11he Augu\1 23 board meering.

photo by Kibbee Walton A ·test/val' of photos- Steve Schenk shows off th,s year's gift from CCA.




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The phologrophic collage hangs upi lair. 111 1he S1udcn1 Union Building, bur u rrip around campus reveal~ 1hn1 1he halls of NIC ore adorned with prcscn1ouons of npprccio1ion from CCA. Steve Schenk, NIC dean of college rela1ions and developmcm. said 1ha1 NIC and CCA have mnrnraincd a symbioric rcla1ionsh1p over rhc year,. "Our relnrionship whh rhc Cilizens' Council for rhc Aris has been extremely cordial and murunlly bencficrol." Schenk said "We bencfir from rhcir ac1ivi1y because rhey inrroducc lens of thousands of people 10 NIC." CCA donared $5,000 roward rhe sculprurc 1hn1 is hung in !he entry of rhe Library Compuler Cenrer created by NIC 111~1ruc1or and arti,1 Joe Jona~ . Ano1her example of CCA ·s gencrosiry is rhe I larold Bala1., sculprurc locared in Boswell Hall. Schenk said 1ha1 each year CCA "Our relationship with the Citizens· Council buys and donares for the Arts has been extremely cordial and rhc "Prcsidcnl's mutually beneficial. " -· Steve Schenk Choice Award" 10 the college. According 10 Schenk. Ar1 on rhc Green rs rhc l:1rgcs1 fesuval of 11~ kind 111 !hi\ region. lnc number of attendee, i, unc<1unllcd 111 lhis area. "TI1crc is no singular evcnr which come~ clo\C to a11rocung 60.000 plu,." Schenl.. (J1d For anyone new to NIC. th1\ annual evenr ha, been a rrndiuon on the tJmpu, for rhe la,1 27 years. TI1e acuviry rs a weekend long celebr:111011 conmung of numerous un, and cr,,fts exh1b11s. hve music and com1val-1ype enrcry. Schenk ,rnrcd 1ha1 1hc cnmpu~ at NIC i~ an ideal locmlon for 1hc fc s1lval for a number of rcn\on~ Ile said 1h01 1hc college 1( ccmrnlly locared w11h lot, of ample parking plu, volu111ccr~ aw~I in ,cnmg up 1he bnndsrancl and c,ch1b11s.

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