The North Idaho College Sentinel Vol 72 No 4, Oct 31, 1995

Page 1

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,,.,..,,,,unted house. SH ptlQ8 5.


Right: New Rodeo Club will participate In NIRA rodeos. Seepage 11.

North Idaho College's Student Newspaper • Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

Volume 72, Number 4

Board reviews athletic budget by Jonathan Hny Nrwi Etl,wr Prupo~al, lklc m11ncd by 1hc Alhlelic budgcl Review Comn1111ce were 1hc main 1op1c n1 1hc board oil 1ru,1cc, mcclmg Oc1. 23. The Athlc11c Budgc1 Rev iew Comnuncc wa\ ~cl up m order w ma~c ,omc , uggc\lion, J\ to 1hc fu1urc of NIC nthleuc,. S1cvc W1dmycr , poke on b.:half of 1he comm,ncc 111 1hc board. Widmyl'r 1irc,c n1cd 1hc h1ghhgh1, of the I111aJ rccommcnda11011s dcl·1dcd h> the Cllnlllll ncc Some of 1hc,c rl/co111cnd,111ons ml'ltulcd ru111ng a ~ 7 rercc111 car on 1hc nmmm1ol mtmcy 1ha11hl· school c:m tuk.- uu1ul 1hc toiaJ b11dgc110 p111 ""'·ml .11hlc11c, in lhl' ltuurc Al\o. till' u1111m1ncc foll 1ha1 II woulil be .1 good 1dc.1 10 ,urvcy 1hc ,1utkn1, 10 find 0111\\ h,11 1hc) 1h111!. llf lhc :uhle1i, pmgr,1111,. Ille comm,m•c decided 1h:11 i1 would he 1111hc collcg.-\ bc,11111crc-i 1<1 rc111n111 m 1hc ,nmc t11h let1l conference and 1ha1there , hould he , tcp, mmlc 1011 :ird gcmkr cqtut) . "1'hc college ,wed, ltl promo1e n1hlc1ic, 31 NlC." W1dmycr ~aid. Cuunc1I member Jcunnc Given, que\11011cd "hc1hcr academic perfommncc of the :ithlc1e, 11·n~ di,cu"cd W1dmycr rc, pondcd lhat the ,omm111cc had 111:idc effort, to find 11111 .u1d decided tlmt a1hlc1..-~ got 110 preferc111i11l trc:umcn1 Deny 1'lcL1in lhen que,tioncd whether or not 1hc figure of 4.7 percent wn, correc1. and Widmycr replied that arcord1ng 10 the fi,l·al year 1996. 4.96 1ierccn1 of 1hc money in the ovcmll budget will go to a1hlctic fond ing After the qucMiOR\ were an~wered, Prc~1dcn1 Robert Bennett ~,ud he felt 11 would be appropnnu.: to ~ppruvc the comm,nec finding~ after the board had ume 10 1hinl. about them. Chnim1un Nonn Gis..cll moved that the comm,nce should wn11 a month before it was approved to let people think nbout it. Although the budget comminec findings arc appreciated by the board. they are not to decide the future of a1hle1ics nt NIC. Dennen said the comminec findings will be considered when the athlelic budget is decided, but will not be the only factor. Athletic Director Jim Headley said that n11cmpis have been made 10 reform the athletic dcp3ttmcnl through a faculty driven commiucc.

see Board; page 5

photo by KfbbH W•fton S.aaon• c ~ Prae1ice has paid off for the men's and women's cross country team as both teams have been ranked in the top 10 nationally for Junior College at one point In the season. SH related o n ~ 12.



Tuesday, October 31 , 1995

The NIC Sentinel

Campus News The North Idaho College Sentinel


Did you know.....

Nuclear waste is now being transported through Idaho.

Training center celebr_ ates first anniversary

News Notes---

stopped Ketchum from setting new . goals. Buncrticld said. ·11ie goal for L~1s fiscal year-which ends on June 30-is to upgrade our 486 computer tab to a pentium tab. Then we will have two pentium tabs." In addition 10 1wo state-of-the-art computer tabs. the center features several t ,000-square-foot classrooms and two , con,erencc rooms. . . . . The NJC Foundallon built the S 1.4 m1lhon

Support groups now available for personal growth, support

by Rut h Cnrape IIa Sen1ine/ Rtporttr

On Oct. 20 the Workforce Training Center celebrated the first anniversary of its move 10 a 22 .ooo 5quarc-f00t facility ru the Rivcrbend Commerce Park in Post Falls. The Lr.lining center offered of the facility and refreshments. Eldcmostcl panicipants and Korean visitors from NIC's sister college joined in the festivities. Cherie Bunertield, administrative secretary to the associate dean of workforce training. ~id, "In the last year. enrollments have increased by 30 percent." She added, "This ,;cmester. four academic classes arc being taught at the center. Next semester there will be IO." It's no wonder that enrollment has increased. Prior 10 the move 10 the new building. Bu1terficld said, "We were in a miall office with three classrooms. Now. we·ve got a building that gives us the opponunity to serve the community and to offer classes that people reruly want," There's no shonage of class opportunities. This semester, the center offered 222 cla5SCS, In an interview with the Coeur d'Alene Pres~ last week, Robcn Ketchum. associate dean of rnstruction for workforce tmimng, s:iid. "Essentially, we have reached the objectives we had in NIC's strategic plan for the year 1999. nnd that's in our first 12 month~ of opcmtion." Achieving goals ahead of schedule hasn't

n, (J,)

facility. The Foundation lenses the ccmer bock to the college. Over a 10-year period, 1he college will make lease payments 10 repay the loan and when the Litle clean,, the facility will belong 10 the college. 111is loan set-up is the first time the NIC

Foundation has done something like this with the college. . Ketc~um has been encourag~g the NIC Foundation to ~ake a fom1al opuon on another a~ of land adJacent .to the center. Ketc~um thmks ~at the ce.ntcr s next challenge might be keeping up wnh the demand for classroom space. Bunerfield said the demand for classes has increased since the cenier stnncd direct delivery of their class catalog. "We like to deliver the catalog directly to people's doorstep. People that haven't taken classes don't always know what we·rc doing out here and why." Buucrfield said that the center hopes LO add a summer c:uolog to the current spring and fall lineup. Her enthusiasm about the center is con1og1ous. She believes that the center plays nn imponant role in the community. "A lot of people :ire afraid 10 go back to college or they have never been. Mnny people move from these classes 10 college classes. We offer a wny for people 10 improve their job skills nnd their lives. We try to give them a positive experience. College docs 1h01. It gives you sctr-cs1eem." Bu1terticld encourages members of the community, Moff and students to visit the c.:ntcr. She Mlid, ··t would be more than happy 10 give a tour of the building center anytime, especially for our students:· Those interested m a tour should call Bunerficld m 769-3444 10 schedule a convenient time.

Domestic violence counseling available by Amanda Tom me Sr111i11rl Rtporter The dnys of whispering about domestic

violence are gone. NIC rcec111ly hosted n domestic violence class 10 raise awareness regarding the U.S. crackdown on domestic abuse. .. Domestic violence hru. become an is~ue that our socict y will not tolerate,.. said class instructor Jim Dickie...The couns want ci1i1.cns to know that things have changed." Dickie wor'o:s for the coun system, educating people on various issues p.!naining to law. ..I used 10 hire instructors 10 teach different courS(s," Dickie Sllid... Now the State of Idaho has asked me to teach private courses." The 0.J. trial has created a sttong emphasis on the law and domestic violence, he said. ..OJ's trial will really push states to

enforce nnd strengthen domestic violence laws," Dickie said. "Now, when violence is seen by police, handcuffs go on." Dickie explained 1ha1 his purpose for teaching the closs was not 10 council the psychology of domestic abuse but 10 let people know that jail cnn be an immediate consequence. Most domestic abuse cnscs 1m•olve a male oulprit. ·•Arres1s for domestic ,•1olence are 90 percent men and 10 percent women," Dickie satd, Men :i.s well as women will be punished for violence. When police respond 10 a violent situation, they will handcuff the person who has caused the abuse, he said. ..,f police arrive to a scene and see that the mole hos any physical indications of nbusc, the woman will just a~ quickly be arrested." Dickie said. Though domestic violence is often

regarded as phy~1c.1t banery. there are also various 1ypcs of psychological baucry rccogmzed by law. According to Dickie. psychological baucry can include threats of suicide, the taking of children and threats of physical bauery. "Banery of both types are used to control the victim: a.1 these rimes there is no communication nnd the anger can lead 10 serious assault," Dickie said. Restraining orders arc given to victims for protection but arc often broken. "When protection orders are broken, it is a felony," Dickie said. "It is a sign of dangerous anger and disrespect for the law." Society has expressed its profound disapproval toward domestic violence. "Society has decided that they will not allow this violence which oficn leads 10 hos-pitalizotion or death 100 continue," Dickie said.

NlC counseling service~ has set up several suppon groups on campus to help the students in many different ways. 'T'he Personal Growth Suppon Group meets Mondays at noon in the Benewah Room and Thursdays at noon in I..« Halt Room 233. 'T'he class is sel up to help students increase understanding of self. esteem, relationship and stress. Counselors Bob Newell and Donna Runge wilt be facilitanng the group. The Healthy Weigh Suppon group meets Wedneways nt noon in the Benewah Room. The class is nvailnblc Lo students that wt1n1 help in setting up a plt1n to control weight. Students nre encouraged 10 go receive ~upport from others. The group will be focillitatcd by Nurse Pruc1i11oner Linda Michal and Runge. A women's suppon group meet\ Tuc~dny~ at noon in Lee Holl Room 214. The group is dedicated to discu.,sing women·~ is,uc~ nnd self-esteem building. Relnt1onship issues will also be discus~.:d. The cl(l~S 1s only open to women. Por more inronnation call 769-3370.

NIC entertains Korean college representatives Four Korean n:presentattves from N[C's sister college visited the campus Oct. 18-21 to create a foreign exchange program and 10 get a first-hand look at American education. "Education is a force they see that wil l tum thing~ around in their country." said NTC Pn.sideot Robert Bennett. In wh,u was described as a "hi$toric moment," the sister colleges exchanged gifts and hopes for foture relations between the United States and Korea. They also made arrangements for• four-week exchange program for Koran students to attend NIC. lf all goes well, Beonen said, 20 students and a cowiselor will arrive at NIC in January. Tentative plans were also made to send an English professor to Kon:a to teach students bow to correctly speak the language they have already learned to write. Chung Cheong Junior Colhege and NlC officially became sister schools ia April of 1995.

ruesday,October31 , 1995

Campus News

The NIC Sentinel


ASNIC establishes mission statement, motto Elementary students get a look at college student government by Mory Arkland er Stntintl Rtportrr

The Oc1. 24 ASNIC mce1ing wa~ a hisloric one as 1hc currcn1 ASNIC board passed 1hc lirs1 ever mission s1n1emcn1 in the history of ASNIC. "The mi~ion statemem goes a long wny 1oward clearly defining whnl ASNIC i~ here 10 do," said ASNIC Presiden1 Krh Stein. At 1hc meeting. the ASN!C 1110110 was passed for 1he year. It smes .. Diffcrenl pa1hs. snme destinntion.'' Toe mission s1n1cmen1 and the mono were decided nt a weekend workshop the board members auendcd at the Hills Rcson on Priest Lake. Another topic decided on at the mec1ing wns the pnssing of a bill to re-establish the Rodeo Club. The club was given $300 10 ,tart out with from ASNIC. Paul Mnnzardo nlso spoke 10 ASNIC abo111 some of the U()COrning intramural sport\ that will be available in the upcoming months. TI1e ASNIC board was dually honored Tuesday, Oct. 17, by the presence of the Fernan Elc:mentnry S1udcn1 Board and an award presented by Steve Schenk.

Toe award was given 10 the board for its financial support of S15,000 and efforts in gening the NIC renderbonrd. ..This has not only bencfiued NIC. but the entire coun1y, .. Schenk said. "Without the

photo by Mary Arklander Well done- ASNIC Presiden/ Kris Stein accepts an award from Steve Schenk.

Career fair today in SUB Based on infonna1ion nnd some criteria of her own. she decided what cnreers should Srnti11e/ Rc111111rr Today Gnil Laferriere will see the it,, be represented. She wanted to make ~urc that cnch career poys n "living wage" and of months of planmng nnd hours on the has a decent cmploymen1 outlook. telephone. Thank~ 10 the indu~triou~ career Laferriere said 1h01 her goal in bringing development speciuli~t. todn)•, nt NIC's studcnh and career representative~ together second annual Career Market, s1uden1s will IS (WO fold. hove 1he opponu1111y 10 meet wuh She hope~ 1hc rcpre~cntntivc~ in their information gathered will help field, af interc,1 nncl s1udent~ to under1,t,1nd and be learn the inner workmg, "It was mobbed last or vnriou~ career... more clear about their career year. Tons of "Nothing h the ,nmc choices. And, although it I\ not a students went. n a, actually tall. ing to job fair. she s:iid the Career ~omeone who\ doing Market pro"1de~ an opportunity n." L,fcrricrc ~aid ...It for ~tudena- 10 make connection~ ·- Gall Laferriere allow~ us to see what a and "nctworl." wi1h prospec11ve job ,s like before the employers. firs1day of work." LJfemcr.: ·s dcsan: 10 She ~aid the rc.,ponsc lo\l year wn, organiic such an event dote~ back 10 her "tremendous" and ~he expcct!i the Kootenai college day~ when she d1dn '1 receive the Room today between 11 n.m. and 2 p.m. 10 guidnncc she needed in choosing her career, once again be filled with studtnl~ cager to she said. have their question~ nn~wcred by the pro, "When I went 10 college I didn't have "It wns mobbed last year," Lafcmcre any idea of what I wanted to do," she ~id. ~aid. ''Tons or students went. .. ··There wn~ no career center, there were no In preparation for the Career Market tool~ to help me find ou1 what I wanted 10 Laferriere compiled a list of Jobs that do. I would have been ecstatic 1r there had students most mtercstcd in through the been something like a Co.rccr Marl.ct. use of a ~urvcy and by mdiv1dunl requests. That's why I'm so excited about the event." by Heth Cu rey

suppon of the ASN IC board, it would not have been possible.'' Students from the Fernan Elemen1ary Student Board turned out 10 see how their mentors conducted a board meeting at the

college level. More than 19 students were present. including a class teacher. "Whnt is one or the biggest decisions that you have had 10 make as a board this year?" asked Ashley Knutson. n Fernan student. "The mi scommunicntion concerning funds owed. funds that a club thought they were going 10 get and the misunderstanding that surrounded i1," said Kri s Stein, ASNIC president. Jason Luker. outdoor pursuit director, gnve a presentation of what outdoor pursui t is and wha1 ii has to offer the students at NIC. "There 1~ n variety or different ac1iv11ie$ that we do: rock climbing, rafting. cross coun1ry skiing and canoeing." said. One of !heir lntesl outdoor events wns n 1rip 10 the Mini Hn-Hn mountains in Spok.ine Oct 20 and 2 I for a 1111roduc1ory cluss in rock climbing. ··1f you would like 10 try a sport and want to know more ilbout 11. stop by my office and I cnn give more information obou t the nc1iv11y," Luker said. The ou1door pursuit 1~ locn1ed 1n the ba~cmcnt of 1he SUB and offers rental eq uipment for various activities. Luker is planning 10 hove a course calendar for the ne;'(I scme~ter.

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Tuesday, October 31 , 1995

Campus News

The NIC Sentinel

Campus instructor named Teacher of the Year hy coll Lennon S,·1111111•/ Rc•1m11e, Downu AnJl\'J \\J, plunnmg 10 skip 1he luncheon ,II the hi.tho Bu"m•,, Educa11on A"ocrn1io11 confon:ncc and go home G04.,d tlung ,he didn ·1. Andre,, w.1, nnmed Po,1 Sccondaf"\' TcJcherofth~ Year of the IBEA during i1, foll cnnkl\'n~c luncheon at the Univcr;11y tlf ltluho on Oct. 14. "I JU,I ,,ent down for 1hc confon:nce. ,md wa, ,urpri,cd to get the nward," •/ just went down for the 1\ndrc:1,aid. conference and was Andrea surprised to get the award." h,l, been" full-11mc -- Dawna Andrea ,ccrc1ury ,tut.he, m,11'\lctur ,II 1\IC ,in,c l'IS!I She 1c,1chc, word procc"mg. ,prcad,hcct, .mJ record, m.m;1gcnwnt h um 11ll!.l-19R81\ndrca ll1Ugh1 p.11111mc 111 \\ltUI ,, no" n J' 1hc Wnrkhm:e TrJmmg Orpnnmcnt m Po,1 Full~. .\ndrc,1 i;Jmcd liN-hand c~p,!11cm·c in her lidtl 11f ,ccrctary JJm11mlrJIIOll whi le workinF, !or the Panhandle I k.1hh 0"1mt lor 11 ,\ndnm r<1cc1vcd her b.1chelor<. dcgrw m nmnugcmcn1 tct.:h1111logy fmm Lewi~ and Clurl. Stille College\ C(1eur d',\lcnc campu, m 19114. She wu, pun ol 1hc fir;I grnduutmg. cla" th:ll LCSC offertd in Coeur d'Alene. She wc111 on to gc1her ma~1crs in cducu11on from the Umwr:.11y of ldnho 111 19'> I. "W11hou1 LCSC offering classc) 111 Cocur d' Aknc.

photo by Mary Arklander Excellence In education- Dawna Andrea was recently named the Idaho Business Education Association Teacher of the Year.

ASNIC brings Virtual Reality to campus Students enjoy virtual combat in 'Deck um Nightmare· IJ) Scott Lennon Sr11//llt'I R1'/Hlllc'1

Vinunl Rcaht) c.1111c 10 1hc college on Oc1. I J w,th great populurll) At th.: 1op of the hour \\hc11 cl:1"~' were 0111. an .1ud1cncc of ·I0-50 " '" ":,1chmg. a, ,1udcnh ,,ould d1.1llcn11c l.'1tl11:r "Zorn: Hunter·· or "Deck um 1gh1mnr,·." 111c hoc, lor ho1h gumc, ,, ere {>f1cn l1>ng .md fru,tr.inng .h Kt.•\•tn ··Joe" 11.immond would give 1n,1ruc1iun, .111d ,11h•ic.: un hu\\ tu u,c thi: SU IOOO. "Oct.:I. um N1ght111;1rc" .md the SU 2000. "Zone ll unter." 1 hew m.1rh111c, nN .1hou1 !>35.000. acrnrJing to Fm: Borton. mud m1111agu for V1rtu,1I Rcaht). a di\ '"on uf the Kramer En1cnmn111cnt ,\gc:nl'). ··11·, vc:rv rare \\C don·1 run lull. and "hen 1,c do ,,c u,u.,lly nm Jhuut 2-1010 ~511 people through in a ,1~ hour pc:nml l'\lnning lour Ill.I< hmc,." B1,rton ,.ud In "Zonr Ilumcr" L\\O pan1l'1pnn1, would gu h,·nd 11.1 h~.,d In .1 lutumuc ,.:1111111 Ol ,t.llh, l' hl r, .md wall,. The ObJCCI '''·" 10 1111v1g.m.• your w,,) 1hrough a ma,c of pla1lor111, :111d ,1a) on your kc1 "lulc your llpp1111ic111 med to kill you. 111c game lmd ., live mmull." 11111c hmi1 1h:11


wc:nt by real fn\l n~ it of1cn took 1hrcc mmute, 10 ad1us110 1hc se111ng and controls of the gnmc. 6mily Bnmlrnn. o ,ophomorc. wa1chcd and wuitccl puticntly for her bllUt wi1h "D~cl. um Nigh11110.rc." She rnc:monled 1hc d1lfcrl'nt ,tage, ,o when II wa, her 1um ,hi: would l.11ow where 10 go and" hat to do. Once it 1,a, lwr wm. she ,teppt'd up ready 10 ,on4uer lhc p1ogr.1m on 1hc ,crcrn . •111d 1h.:n ,uddcnly 1hc) changed 11. throwing 8.irnhnn for:, IMp. Mike: Huye,. a ,ophomorc. and Knn S1gkr. a frc,hmnn. wJlh!d uvcr n hulf lmur lor 1he1r bout wuh each 01hcr on " llu1111:r." "It """ prCll) l'OOI. hut hard to g,H lhc hung 111. ,md it hun Ill} no_.•." , :1id Sigler. I la) c, commented, " II wa, b.:ucr lhan 1h.: sumo "rc,1hng tn,1 )'C:;ir " Sophomore $.imh ~hllcr ,a,d 1hn1 11 \\J, ,1 ru,h l.llhng Chad Dudm·>. lwr oppone111 in "Zon,· lluntcr." "It"·'' d"oricn11ng. To ge1 thl· l11ghe,1 ,core. go tor ~peed 1101 iargeh... ,.ud Pc1cr r1gc, .•1hcr plll)'lni! "Oec" um ,g.htmarc." According to Mory R1ch111om.l. ASNIC ac11v11ic, dir.:c1or. 1hi: co,1of having Vinuill R.:allty on campu, tor th~ dny "a, SJ.000.

I wouldn't have cvur been abk to go onto 1hc U or I ," ~a,d Andren. Andrea snid she is alwnys encouraging her ,1udcms 10 strive for succcs~. "The most satisfymg 1hing 10 me is ~ccing my student\ ,ucccssfully grndumc and go on." Andrea said. She stresses 10 her ,1udc111, thtll ~chool i, a JOb 100. and they really have to work at II to get something ou1 or 11. "Mediocre hn 't good enough: do the best." Andrea ,wid. Andrea and the Bu\inc,s and Office Technology Ocptanmcnt work closely wi1h a handful of bu\inc,,e, around town in 1hc job plnccmcni of , 1udcn1,. Andrc.1 ,aid bu~mi:"c' cnll her when they need :m employee b.:c:;1u,c of 1hc grcut ~uccc,, they htl\c had with ,tudcn1, from her department Bc"tlc, lwlchng her r~gular offkc hour,. \ndrea "11d ,~ 1, npcn ni ,my11mc to help ,1mllm1, "ho have que,11on, Oc:.itk, h.mg111r .irmmd aft~r l 1.1" to 1111\\\Cr ,1udcnt, quc,1100,. Amlrca ,aul ,he help, ,tud~nh five to wvcn houn a wed. ou1 ul c:l.1". Trac, Plunl.. .i rnrrcm ,1udcnt of .\ndrc,1's, ,aid ,\ndrca 1, ,11\\,1)' w1lhng to go 0111 ol thc \\,1) um! ,pend C'1m umc to help ,tu,ll'llh \UCCCl'J. "I 1hinl. ,he ,, ,1 wondcrlul h:udwr She·, by for m) fovontc ... Plm1I. ,aid. Many tc,1rhcr- on rompu,. ,, 1th ma,1c:rs degree, and doctM,Hc,. 1c.id11ng a ,·"ne1y uf J1l1crc111 course, h,l\'C award, nnd cc11ir,c.1tc, from d11lcrcn1 01gaiw.a1io11,. groul)\ uml .1c11den11l ,I\\OC1,1111m, both locally and natmn.,lly 13ut 0JWll(l Andn:o ha, JtM ,mned on her wall of .iwurd, "uh J vi:ry pn:,11giou, fe.,cher ot 1hc Yc.1r awnrd from 11t.: IBEA.



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C,ampus News

Tuesday, October 31 , 1995

Street 'Beat

• •

Students speak out on current issues Question:

How do you feel about the Internet? -- "It can be very beneficial; however, there should be certain limitations to what's accessible• Trena Eustice, Sociology 11

The NIC Sentinel

Page 5

Human Equality Club gives NIC 'Pie-in-the-face' today by Amimda Tomme

s..111i11rl lfrpm·l(·t

111row pies in the f.1cully member. faces! The I lunmn Equalit y'~ Club ha~ orgnmzed a "Pic-in-thc-foce" fundrni~cr io as~i,t it~ goal in cullurnlly enhancing students. With locally famou, Glenn Blaci.. 11uc110111ng. pie, will be chrown m chc face, of ASN IC Pl'l.',iclent Kri\ Sccin, S~ntincl Adviser Nils Ro,dal1I, Wrestling Conch John Owen. o~an nf Student, Dnvid Lmd~ay and Director of Student Ac1iv111c, Dean Bcnnctl. The "P1c-m-thc-focc" fundnu,cr will have buckccs si11mg in front of the fncully members. S1udenh wi ll pl:it'c monc)' 111 thc huckel of the person they want n pie thrown at. TI1c·~ bucker with chc most money will get a pie thrown at hb face. Whoever decides 10 buy the pie gets the pnvilcgc of

pcr,onull) throwing it. With the fu nds received from 1h1, event. 60 percent wi ll he rewarded m chc ,1udc111 who wntc\ the hest llumun Right, E.ssny. 1 he Hum:m E<1un li1ic, Club focu~c, un helping people by recoi; mchv1dual11y. A major event that the club rccognitc, ii, the Martin Luther King Day Cclcbro11011. "We hcl1l ,1udc111, who have encountered d1,crm11m11ion." club President L111da P:iyne ~aid. The cluh works on c,posmg dilfcrcnt type\ ol culture 10 man) ,1udenis m h11pc, to educate and alleviate t11,cnm1nJtion. L:1\1 ye3r the dub org:i1111cd an ethnic d,lncc group to p.:rfonn at Lal.c City High ~chool. A free ,howmg ol "Schindler·~ Ll\t" w:L, aho offered from the dub. "Wc try ro lmng ,omcthing to the c;unpu, ever) year 10 cuhumlly enhance ~tudcnt~... Payne ,nid.

PTK spooks youngsters -- "I think it's fascinating because it has changed the way we deliver education. Caro/ Haught, Instructor 11

-- "It's a good form of communication with different cultures." Jarod Cash, General Studies

"It offers a broad range of capabilities. " Tyler Coffey, General Studies

by Beth Carey Senti11tl Reporter "Eyeballs!" exclaimed 8-ycnr-old Mutt Forsch a~ he lingered mysterious objects al a haunted house sponsored by Phi Thctn Kappa on Oct 27. Mau and his fellow "fearless" cohorts admiucd 10 being n bit unnerved by an ove r-sized spider and a murderous gnm reaper naunting the graves of his latest victims. But it wasn·1 "too" scary, they said. and that is good news for the sponsors.

Board- from page 1 The comminec that Headley set up ha.$ discussed ;:omc points that need to be looked nt in the depanm.:nt. The li~I point is to find out whether or ntll the ncademic progress i\ satisfactory for the athlc~ Headley nlso said lhlll the athletes' classroom oohavior needs 10 be eval11ated 10 make sure thru regular stud.:nts and athletes arc treated equally. • The next issue thal the board dealt wilh was the requested renaming of Boswell Auditorium after Bany Schuler. 11 former president at NlC. Bennett said NJC o.:ros a policy on renaming buildings at NIC. He asked lhe board to approve the policy so he can take it to lhe NIC Seoa1e. Benett prcsc:ntcd a draft proposal to the board after he spoke. ASNIC President Kris Stein reponed whal

" It's 1101supposed to be overly scary."' said Mnrlcnc Stem. Phi Theta Kappa recording ecrerary. "It's ge3rcd for the li11le kids." The proceeds from the fundmiser wi ll go 10 the NIC Children's Center. Phi Them Koppa President 0 1 Brnun said they decided 10 support the Children ·s Center because of the many student parents on campus who would not be able 10 aucnd if child care were nor provided. The huuntcd house will be open 10111gh1 in the Bonner Room between 5 and 10 p.m.

ASNIC did 111the third nnnuru Idaho Student Summit in LcwiMon. The goal of the summit wa.~ 10 organiu the 50.000-plus stu<knb in Idaho into an efftctive lobby. Stein commented that the board hos done a good job in working wilh ASNIC on )UCh projec~ as the allocation of funds 10 improve the SUB. Finally, NIC insO'llctors Judy Sylte and Jm1 Mcleod reported to the board on their sabbatical 10 Asia. Sylte presented a slide show that gave a glim~ into what life is like in Asia and dt:scribcd Whal happened. "(t was very sobering to see how poorly equipped schools in India wen:, but very encouraging to see the improvemerus in literacy." Sylre said. McLeod finished lhe meeting by saying thal the sabbatical wa., a greal experience. but it was also very harrowing. The next board meeting will be held Nov. 29.


Tuesday, October 31, 1995

The NIC Sentlnel

Did you know? fighty percent oi;' death penalties in the world are

Opinion-1:ditorial The North Idaho College Sentinel

Voting: Get to know everything you can before election day To vmc or no1 10 vo1.:·> I, i1 evc11 a quc.~1ion wc a,k"c' Jll) more? Well. ln1cly i1 ha, been on my mind. Why h.1vcn·11 , 01cd'! I have legally been able 10 vote for four }Cal',. And yc1I' ve ,1ill no11nkcn thc 1i111e or had an in1cres1 in pulling. a vote where my momh 1). By 1hai I mean 1h:u I have never hod 1roublc spou1ing off my op1111ons on poli1icinns and 1hc problems in our govcmmen1. I did 1his w11hou1 toking lhc 11me 10 c.lo research on wh111's really happcnmg wi1h our govcmmem and I huvcn ·1mode my opinions clear where 1hcy might have mnde a c.liff.:rcncc. I have bnscd my opmions on half-fonned idc:b 1h01 were Stephanie Rowe inOuenccd by who knows what Opinion and then proceeded 10 bli1hely make 01hcrs see how :ill govcm111cn1 is com1pl und 1here i5 no chance of ~nlv:ition. Now. I'm not saying thnl I've changed my mind on 1h01 i,,uc. Now I jus1 feel thnt I need 10 back ii up wi1h ..ome ,olicJ foci~. A~10 why I hnvc11·1 voled: I gu~ I fell imo 1he imp of lhinkmg 1h01 my op1111on didn '1 mnkc n difference. t 'vc never really 1hougl11 nboul wl1111 had given me >UCh a hopelc~s ou1lool.. on vo1mg. When you tool.. ,II ii pcrcc111agc-wisc. less 1hun hnlf of 1he p...'Oplc in lhc Ill 10 25-y,mr-old vo1mg bloc actually cas1 1hcir balloi-. \Vhh Ml mnny people h:wing prelly much 1hc .:1mc ou1look '" I do. whn1docs 1h:11 mcw1 for 1h next lost gcncnnion. Why do we tccl this wny'! \V~ ii the wny lhc public \Choo! ,y,1e111s nlmo~1 ignored 1he whole process uni ii we wen: almost through lugh school'! Ilow much did our p.1n:n1, aOec1 how we vo1c·/ 111C\C are qu,·~1ions we should each a~k oun;clves- twcn if no1h111g on 1hc cum:nl ballo1 cn1chl!l> our n11cn1ion. To get back 10 rca,011\ why I have never vo1cd. let', JU~I s:,y I hnd 1roublc undcr..tunding the vo1ing process. I didn ·1 gel how my filling ou1 a fom1 could affec1 whi,·h law> were made and who wa, making 1hcm. 1hn1 mi!!hl seem to be n tmlc weird. I 'II j~1 say I ldl .1,lcep n few 11111c~ in U.S. gov.:mmcn1 ~o I missed u few thing,. Acumlly. other then going over the technical 1cm1s. we JU\I dicln ·1 ~~l on-depth. Well. I Mill have lo1s of 1imc lcf1 in my life 10 volt and loh 10 lc.1111 before our ncx1big vo11ng day. which wil l be in JUSl a few days on Nov. 7. So. for all of you ;1bscn1ce vo1crs 0111 1here. please 1ry and 1nke ,o 1111,c read abou1 wh:11 1his election 1, aboul and mal..c your opinion coun1... VOTE. 1110111

-:f'K µo, \t\J DE~tAL ... R£ALL






Transferring students: apathetic TI1c Spokane Convention Center held 1hc Inland Nonhw.:M Na1ionnl College Fair Oc1. :i4, giving NIC s1udcms a grcai chnncc 10 look imo po1em ial 1ransfcr schools. Lewis Wn1kins. n counselor on cumpus. orrnngcd 10 have vuns rnke i111crc,11:d people ou1 10 the fair, bu1 only one person inquired so 1hc 1ransponntion amingc111en1~ Wllrc canceled. TI1is ~eems ~urprising. We arc a 1wo-year colleg.: with a number of sludents who arc grnduaiing 111 Mny. These ~111dcnts need 10 sian looking now for 1ransfer school op1ions. Many people don·t realize how imponan1 i1 is 10 srnn looking now for :1 four-year schools. Applying 10 a four-year college is a leng1hy process e.spcciall)• if you nrc going 10 a ~chool that's fnr away or if you need finnncioJ aid 111e s111dcn1s who didn ·1 make i1 m1ssed ou1. The fair mos1ly hod college~ from around the Nonhwest but 11 w~n ·1 .111 juM schools lhat were close 10 home. A 101:11 of 35 states had \Chool, represented a1 1he fair. There ore hundreds of gre:11 schoob 0111 there and n good ~nmpling of them were all in one pince. The Scnt,nel seni some of us members and editors. We had to gel OUNelvcs 0111 there ,inre 1he vans were c.tncclled. bu1 i1 w:i~ welt worth 1hc drive. There were ,omc big-nnme schoob such as Purdue. Um,•ersity of Oregon. Johru.on and Wates, Man1uc11c and The Uni1cd Stales M1liinry Acndcmy. 111c be,1 pun was studen1s could hnvc obtained all 1hc

111fonna1ion 1hcy wa111.:d on 1hese disrnm ~chools wi1hou1 having to 1rovcl lo th,:rn. All of the schools hod counselors who rook the 1imc 10 answer nny ques1ions and provide studc111s wi1h infom1011on on 1heir school. The foir didn 't just display collt.:gci.. which wa< a liule su rpribing. There were 01her op1ions 10 explore nfler grndua1ing. Miliiary recruiters and 1rade schools such as the J111emationol Air Academy were there providing infom1ation. If you didn ·1 make ii 10 thb college fair. you should iake the ini1ia1ive 10 go to the ncx1 one. Maybe next time 1hcre will be more than Ono! person who will wnnl 10 go. Ir's never too early 10 look 10 the fu1ure. a~ we all n.:ed some.where to go after NIC. So whether or no1 you went 10 1he college fair, make sure you are looking 10 your fu1ure. Write 10 college~ you're in1eres1ed in. Find out whnt their requirements nre and how much 1ui11on 1s. be a< ques1ions and m0$1 imponantly. hnve a plan! The counselor, and advisers ai NIC arc here for the studcms 10 1ake ndvnmagc of 1he resourc~ and opponuni1ies ro plan 1heir fu1ure. All of your life people have planned 1hing~ for you: parent~. 1cachers, bosses. e1c. This is your chance 10 ta.I:' control nnd crca1e your own destiny, so rake ;1 deep breaih and begin preparing your fu1ure, and remember. Rome wasn't crea1ed in a day!


Opinion-f ditorial

Tuesday. October 31, 1995

• Fonner NIC' Mudcnt Chad S0ls1•ik put his nnm e on the ballot for th e Coeur d' Al ene Cit y Council 11~ Che ,oungest candidate Koolenni County. Yet. then his name n os taken ofT ihe bn llol last wccl.. because he wn, discovered to be n typ1rnl Politicinn. Using nn nddres.~ he didn ' t reo lly li ve at. Solsvik wn~ forced 10 withdrnw from the election because he wo,n't a resident of Coeur d.Alcru:. • Ho,•c you been up 10 the computer lab lo use a 1Ylacin1 osh. lhcn hod n problcm 1ha1 you could11·1 solve'! Well. the obviou~ thing is to go to the help desk and get help. right? II seems the help desk hasn' t been mu ch help lo Mac intosh use rs. In most cases. .. I don·t know anything about Mac·· has been the

respon,e. People like this should be working in dcpanments on campus whl·re "Do you wont fric~ with 1ha1?"" is the mo\! common response. Shou ldn ' t proficiency in both systems be o prerequisite ror (!Clling II job in lhe computer lab? • And while we're on the subject or the computer labs, what 's go ing on in the llo~wcll H:111 Mac Lah? It look~ a, if every computer on campus is being spooled 10 1hn1 printer. The la1e~1 rumor is that people

The NIC Sentinel

hu ve been plncing wagers on how long it's going to take ror th eir page to print out , or whose will print out first. A~ if 1hu1 'snot bnd enough. the "key $Crvcr.. 111 the campus· network isn ·t working ,o there art: lim ned numbers programs that can be opened. However with all these problems the head honchos nrc crocking down. This Is o dr:,wback to nll the innocent students since the new rule is thnt the comput er lab in Boswell Holl is clos ing at 8 p.m. • Fellow staffers are enduring a choke or th eir own. TI1e photo of Jerry Ha rris in the lndinn Culture story m thc IMI issue put him inn spacious classroom. heh? How about those ou1hcn1ic Indian artifact~ nnd clothing? Harris was actu ally allending a Boy Scout comp impersonating n mounlain man tr:id er . Coops. Sorry 10 oil those offended. • Cross-country r unn el" Brook McKullem Is running good this year. but it seems her driving isn·1 quite up 10 par. The team was coming back from a practice run in Couger Gulch with McKullem dri ving o van that swer ved off the road und into a ditch.. II ~ecms 1ha1 Coach Mike Bundy is kcepin~ the amount of damage pre11y quiet, but we do 1h01 It

Page 7

co:.t 11boul $ 100 lo IO\\ them 0111 A word of advice 10 McKullem: Trade in those tires ror track shoes. • Manoging .Editor MnrkA oron Perry wns on his wuy 10 sociology cl a.'>-5 and outside Kildow Holl n cyclist wa, locking up hi~ bike on the mck. lie was ha,·inl! some trouble locking II up because he couldn ' t stop sncc1ing and sniffiing. Perhaps if he dressed in something other Chan short ~ and n T shirt he wouldn ' I have this problem. Chonces ore hc·11 have pneumonia and won't make ii 10 cln\\ next week. a Students now have om: les, c,cusc for being late 10 clns~ thank\ to the $1,250 spenc on nen clocks. Four digital clocl.. \ now hang m 1he hallways throughout Lee and Kildow Holl and cnn be seen from just about nnywhcn:. Let's sec ir they remember to ~yncroni1e now thot we're off daylight savings time. • Speaking of clorks. whnts up \\Ith that clock cowe r. Remember when it used 10 piny music and chime~ from the carillon? No,\ we just get gongs every hour. Whcrc h the clock 1owcr unyway? The first reader who can find II ond show us will gee a free lifetime subscription to the Sentinel.

the Se ntinel 1000 West Garden Avenue, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814 • (208) 769·3388 A~!>Oeiutcd Collcgmt.: Pru,s F,vc Suu All-American Ncwspap,!r and Nn11011:1' P11ccmaker Rob.:n F. Kennedy /\ward · Society of Profc,~ionnl Jo11nmli~1~ Gener.ii Excellence Award Ntumnal llall or Fame • Los Angele~ Times National Leudcr..lup Awurd Rocl..y Mounto111 Collegiate Pr~ Gcncml Excellence Aw:1rd

Editorial Staff MarkAaron Perry Managing Editor Jonathan Hay News Editor Aaron Nevllls Co-News Editor Melody Martz Instant Culture Editor

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Good for Tanning, Tanning Products, Jewelery, Dreamcatchers, Wire wrapped Crystals & THE NEWEST "HAIR WRAPS"

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must limlt them 10 300 words, sign them legibly, and provide a phone number 111 order to verify authenncity. Some letters may noc be pnnted because of space limitahons, or because they 1) are simllar lo a number ol letters already received on the same subject, 2) are possibly libelous, or 3) are illegible. The Sentinel reserves the right to edlc letters. Letters may be mailed lo the Sentlnel or brought to Room 53 of the Sieben Building.






The NIC Sentinel

Tuesday,October31, 1991

Powell and Perot Athletics vs academics: funds unequally divided could form dangerous L dynamic duo in '96 J'o the Editor: a\l week the Athletic Oudgc1 Comm111cc made ~cvcrnl rccommendn1ions 1h01 1he member, requested 1hc board or trustees consider m dc1cnni111ng the college budgc1 m 1hc ruturc. One of 1hi:1r rccommenda11ons was 1h01 more cqu11y be evident m grnnlm-.ud funding between the athletic Jnd academic divi;.1011~. My compl:11111 is no1 1hc amount or :11hlc1ic funding, bu1 1hc mcqu11y m the d1"i,1on, of grnn1s-m-a1d. I con,1dcr 1hc Scm,ncl a, sinular 10 un ;11hlc1ic team: i1's technically .1 class 1hu1 provide, a ,cn•,ci: 10 1hc ,chool. Morco,er. many of thc,c ,1udcn1~ u,c their Semmel e~pcnencc 10 aid 111 1hc1r u111vcrs11y and career pur,1111 I lowcver. 111 lhl' pn,1 IO year~ the Scni,ncl \ GIA lund,ng dropp.:d S1,000 10 6,000 dc\pilc 1u111on mcrca,mg from Sl36 10 S-190 a ,cmc,1cr m the ,amc period Meanwhile. a1hlc11c GIA, ,ncrca,cd rrum S 149,630 tu Sl98.000 10 a.-conunodatc lhl\ Jnd help ou1 o(,1a1c ,1udcnl\. My out-of ,talc ,1udcn1, h,1vc hod to nmke up the d1lhlrcncc 1hc111~cl,•c,. The difference "that the ,11hlc11c

dcpunmenl was able to use President Bcnncu os a lobbyht. Although I hove pu,hed my GIA

,ncquny whine ror ~evcr:il ycnrs. I

have never used "my Scn1inel" n, n vehicle 10 nohicve my means. I now 1nkc advan1agc or the "lcttc~" opponuni1y to explain my position. Nil, Rosdnhl. Se111mcl Advtst·r

In 1hc chrdcn:d land~cape or America·~ pn~I and pr..-~cni. 1herc hn,c been coupling, or ,ome ,ecnungly odd md1v1dual\ Bu1ch Jnd Sundnnce. C.1p1am Kangaroo and Mr Grccnjctm,. llclcn Chenowe1h and whatever 1nnoccn1 huddlt, around 1h01 1hrcc,wJ11 bulb ~he choo,c~ 10 call her hram. Hut pcrhap, 1he oddc,1 pamng or all will rnmc m 1he nnl 100 far diMmll fu1urc. when former U.S. milimry leader ,md novdi,1 Colrn Po"cll l'...:hC\\ ~ lhc ckf)h3rll p.trl) and ommpo1cm boob, ,u.-h J, Pal Buch.mun and 1hc 01hcr nrnc mcmhcrs ot 1hc "rt!lhlcous ngh1" "ho hope 1<111la; "Ktnf · for J day .md ;1li!?n~ hunwll m,1ead \\ 11h Ro" Da n Bell Pcrol ,ind a 1hml-p,111y bid. Opinion Who!', 1hur1 Rn" Pcrn1 )OU ,u>·'' Thal h.1111y roo,1cr from Te,a, \\llh an ..-go 10 ma1d1 h1, purse ,tnn!l'· 1-,ir~m!l hand m hJnd w11h lhl\ country·, nC\\e,1 tovorcd ,on. 1hc ,1a1cly ,tnd gcntlem,tnl) Powell'' 13clievc 11. and here 1, why. ©1) Colin P()wcll 1, a man who di>\'~ not fi1 1hc mold of the Republican Pany Although he hclic,·c, in ft,cal ,on\Cn a11on, he 1v1II no, pJrc a na11onal budge I al 1hc e,pcn,c of children, the poor, nor the elderly. And. though he ,crved directly under both Bush nnd Rc,tgan, Powell hn, rcpeJtcdly 1old 1hc pre,~ ,ind Jnyonc cl,c 1hat '"II h,ten that the l\\O former prc\ldcn1, were not \Cn\lllLCd 10 rac1,m "Thi\ wa, nn are,1 I found them To 1hc &111or: wnn11ng." he ,1aicd m a recent in1crv11:w w11h the New would like 10 nddrc,, the rull-p.1gc unick tllill was Yor~cr. done on 1hc "coming 0111" day for the l!a) ,, Gun comrol nnd the pro-lire '"ue. bo1h of which homosc,ual,. le...binn,. or" ha1cver 1hc lab,.•I "1ha1 Po\\ell favors, (unhcr dl\lance 111111 (rom 1ha1 group of 10 the) \\OUld h~c to call thcm~hc, As an IC \ludcm. I prc\ldcn11al hopeful, who con1inuc to kow-10" to 1hc nm ~,cl. :ind urcd of 1hc 1111) gay communny 1ha1 \\C have hy,1mcal ,crccchtng~ or the rchg,ou\ ngh1 here conununlly yc,tr arter year ,tnnd on 1hc prol'crb,nl Enter Pero,. l'h1\ i\ n mnn who undcr..t:md, the pln1fonn and pn::,ch on how proud dlcy nn: 10 Ii.: g:iy and mcJntng of ii dollar ;1nd ho11 10 ,pend 11. rcgMdk" ()r how they f~I 1ha1 they 111."ed ,pet"1al ngh1 a., m1non11c,. 1ho,e goo() chnn, he II J, ,hm, mg 1hc t\m,·r...-an public A, :i hett:ro\C\ \\hlle male m my IJIC 20-..1 \\OU Id ,,,a the TV ,uccn during hi\ '9:! prc\ldcmrnl ,.m1pa1gn hl.c 10 ,peal. tor all ol tho'<.' pe,1pl.: at our sehool 1h:i1 ha,c fhl\ campaign. ,hould be .1ddcd 1ha1 gnrn,•rcd tum 1101 \'Oiccd their op111ion and ...1y how ~id. and 111\-d we ari: ,1hou1 19 pcr~<'nl 111 1hc poll,. ()I hcanng II h,11 your \CXUO.I preference ,, nnd how the gay Pcro1 could h.l\e gunran1..-cd Prc,1dcn1 Clm1011 rccommunll) thml., lhJt lhe) dc..ef\c ,pec,nl ngh1, .1., clcc11on ,r he ,,..iuld ha,c found a ranl.tng J)O\IIIOn lor d1llercnt mdl\ 1duJI, the "Tc,a,, nnn-poli..-) 1>cN11on. !l1,..-n Pl.'ro1·, If JII )OU can ,1u·ompl"h \\Ith )OUr ··Comm!l Out D:i) .. pcnchnn1 for JlClul,m,c. "pu11111g )llUr h,utd, .,round one ,mo1hcr .ind )rllmg "I l'mcr Pcr111 ,11111 Po11dl Togc1h,•1 1hcsc 11H1111cn could ,1111 gay," .mJ 1h.11 )OU wanl to b..• 1rca11.,J .i., J11 c,1u,1I. .u,J kcd oll C,tlh other, ,1rcng1h,. P1111cll h,,ld111g 1h,· "''"~ .1 t>., !l"''" prckrcnc;,.._ a, J nun,)111} I cJn ooh ,a). -what J l111lc 11ghlcr on Pnt11 and in r\'tum gl\ mg P\'rnl a d1Jnn• \l~Mc ol umc h~ Ct1111r.iJKtmg )llllNl1~ .tnJ 11~,tc our tu put 1hu,c ,c.1k, .1011 d1.1n, i., g1'<.>d u, ... m,1cad u( 11111.: rc,idmt ,tb..iu111. ",t\lng 1hc111 lie lure our C) c, li~c 11,l\h c.,rd, 111 ., ,c,·ond rr,ul,· 1nath , 11111,•,1 ·\, ., gJ, ,ommunit}. ho11 11oultl \l'U li~c tu,,-.: the hc:1c1w.e,u,1I n1111111unt1) cum..- IO!lClhc:r .1,1tle .1 d.1) \lmmm .\ Ill.In nl hvnnr and d111n11) .111d ,, '"·•PP} lh ti \\C: JII ,,ood ,ln>Und JI J c:,·111r.1I IOCJll()ll and )died 31 hul,· undcrdll)! ll~htmg 1ngc1hc1 10 mal.c \rncri,a a ,at.: 1 ,tnd 111,,rc p11>Ju,tl\c \ll<:ICI\ I th,; l<lf' 01 our lull)!, - 1 Jm J hctcn,,c:,ual \.la)bc 1,..- ,ht,ultl. Ju,110 ,hi>\\ 1011 ho" nJ1,11lo11, 100 lie~!.. 111t 1hx•,n'111orl. ~1u1 111 r,·al lilc. 1',c gu1 the llhl\lC ngh1, rc,,•n ,·J Nm, .1buu1 1h,11 ,ou11d1r.1rl.. Mr , l,~,1. to u, 11htlc wu·re dotn!! 11. Jnd th,: "1mc: thmg 11~uld r.1r.m11no : bc!!Omg1hmu!lll\nurm111J-.1,<1oc,our,; "Bl~·OcJI''' Kn, \\,ko,

3 3


Coming out day: Places gays on platform

Homosexuality: Against Biblical ways



To tht: EJ, 1or.


·m wri1ing 1hi, lc11cr to ,101c my feeling, toward, the "Altema11vc Life Style "Some people ,a> 1h01 they Jn: born homo,c,ual. other, ,ay 1ha11hcy didn't 1r you believe m cvolu11on. then being bom ho1110\ would be ugain,1 lhc rnn1111uauon ol 1hc ,pcc,e,. If you hchc"e 1111hc Bible, then homo-.e,uJIII)' 11 .i ,m and an Jct or rebellion. The Jew1,h for:ih and Mu,hm bool. or Koran aho have law, reg.irdmg 11. Everyone mnl.c, choice, 111 lifc, ,o be wrlhng 10 1aJ..e thc rc,po11\lb1l11y for 1hcm. Prdercncc, Jrc choice,. t\hm Cool.

I I324

~hermnn nve coeur d'nlene id B3B14 (20B} 661- 0010 fnx 661-1180

Did you know...

The NIC Sentinel

Tuesday, October 31 , 1995

The Atlanta Bra ves won the ir firs t ever

World Se rie s


Campus Sports The North Idaho College Sentinel

Tradition pays dividends for Owen Wrestling team has 23 high school state champions trying out for team

"Me's l>O intense and he se1s a ~,and:utl for everyone.'' Owen said. "I don ·1 pick team captains: they pick themselves. and I like my team caprnin 10 be respected by his 1camma1~:· Presto will lend a strong group m the middle and lower b) Jonathan Hay weight clo.o;sc.~ along with Chad Edgar who WN.\tled lt1St ycnr NMs£d11or for NIC at I)4 at nationals. Owen feels 1h01 he will be though In order 10 build n successful present, wrestling coach agmn this year. John Owen 1s now able 10 look 10 his past. With 23 high Seth Kernodle will return for NIC thi~ year at 167. Owen school state champions out for this year's squad, Owen's said 1hn1 all the re1urnmg e,periencc is sinning 10 pay dividends. _ _.,,..,,.,.....-------::.,---:,-----=..-:---------.,...,,,---,..,.--,--...,.-..,..-..---, ,inning wre~tlcll, from lt1S1 yenr "I have 70 alumni cilher assistant coaching or should be na1ionol 1oumru11cn1 head conching in high schools around the ,vn:stlCf\ this year. count')'," Owen said. " I would like 10 believe The n:~1 of the front· 1hu1 the kids have hnd n positive experience here, runner. for po~uion, thi, )'Car and now they're telling others 10 come here." mcluck Vinson Mcme al 158 Good recruuing lies have paid dividends for and Pointer nt 177 who the Cnrtlmnls. Owen's team now has the strength were both on lost year·~ team. m the upper weight classes that was missing lnM NIC will al,o be helped at year 10 complement the lower weight classes that tilt' national tournament by the have been good throughout. di-:b.'lndins of one of 1hc One uf the biggest recruiting cmches for C'nnhnals· main rivals. G:1rdcn Owen WO\ hcnvywe1ght Aaron McAnhur from City Ccmmunity College in Pohon. Mont. Kansas Owen \tated 1ha1 McAnhur lms looked g.ood According 10 O"'cn, ~o far thi ~ ycnr .11 prna11cc nnd should help in a Garden C'ny di:.banded after 11-c1gh1 clo,, 1hn1 nc11ed no victoric, in duels the: c:o.1ch c1u11 b.:cause of la\l year trouble w11h the ,1ud,wi-.11hle1c ··we 1qll bc ,1rongcr m the upper wc1ghl\ th!\ 11c,1d.lmic ,11u111ion ,md )C,1r than lru.t cnuplc of ye.Ir,," Owen ,aid cit11-<'n,h1p. Ibo team ha, been pa.1lllung. but Owen foci, Owen Jllnbut~-tl Gaitlt:n that 11 "d1tl"uil 10 Judge h1, 1ca111 bcfor, the hrst C11y\ rnllOP'C 10 only mtl'J·\(1uatl meet wha.·h 1!11..l•, place Wcdn,•"lll) .11 plilllnmg for ,hun-1cnn \!Ku.,., 7 )0 p.m m the !1)111 C111wn1ly. 44 member, arc and about tilt: OUI for the IC!Ull. but 0\\Cll expect\ the team lo futun: drop ,lo\\ n l1l a munagl•ablc ,11c alter the ,o.'cding photo by Josh Campbell "I 1h111I. 1h.111h,: l'l:awn for the.• "e1gh1 l'la,,c,. Getting the Job doneDan Vega works Rocky Jones over dunng practice. we· ~c l>\.-en m the tup 1htc1: ttl "I rc,,11) du11'11h111I.. 111111 I ,an hi! an cffoctive n.iuonnl\ ,mce '81 "1hu1 co;ich um1l l l·a11 get dm111 mu g.roup 1hu1 " ,111.111 we·~e made good long-term dct:1\1on,." Owen ,,aid. i, for Jes~,e Schaeffer ,,ho was a MomMa Stat.: enuugh for me 1n help them nnc-011-onc,'' Owen ,.,id. Another national c:hampion,h1p thl\ could pmvc th.11 Champion lru;1 year 01 Columbm Fall, 10 fill the role. Some nl the team member. that have 1mpre,-wd Owen c,irl) O"en's long-1.c:m1 plnnn111g and 1rad111011 have 0111.e agam paid Acconhng 10 Owen. the leader of the 1c:im i\ Bob Prcstu. on 1n the ",C.a',llfl mdud.: Orlando Jord:m at 190 pound,. Jn,h dividtnd,. who wre~tlcd lnM year until he wa.~ hun at regional\. Clausen 01 190. ,ind Fmnc1, l .unn and Dan Vel?il al 118.

Lunn and Vega are 1hrcc-1ime state high school chrunpions. but Vega h(ls 111kcn an early lend in the weight class. "Danny Vcg:1 has really picked it up this season nnd hns looked renl tough up in the practice room." Owen said. "You don '1sec 100 many wrestlcll, that nrc faster than him." The only team weakness lhnt ha;. ari~n so far is 01 126 pounds. Lnst )'Car NIC's only national champion. Moll Paubon, wrestled at 126 so there arc some big shoe.~ 10 fill. Owen said he

Monte Carlo, croquet champions crowned

Flag football season comes to end~ new activities begin Michael Canepa came back from a 5-3 deficit 10 eventually win the match for the students. The faculty staff winner was John Jensen. the direclor itUdeol housing. Tbe MOIiie Carlo 10U11W11a11 WU the only bi&h and dry IOlll'IIIIDelll lhll WU bold dab fall. It WU also die rowdiest of all lbe totlmllDClltl. widi name callina. yellillg 1111d ICINIDiq. But it WU all mean& iD pod f1m. 11 IDOII wae lllllled lO bave I pod lime. S.0)'Horloll WII IIIO ffelllllll . . . . oflllO IIYe Cll'CIM

• bld.jlck,.,..

Tuesday, October 31, 1995


Page 1o The NIC Sentinel

'Cowbo up' with rodeo riders

tu ents Dusty Mavity and Jesse rodeo saddles, 1wo in Pos1 Falls, and has ou1 and 1hc nagger gives 1hc lime. placed in numerous highly compc1i1ivc PAimer's besl in team roping cvenl is Indian rodeo evcn1s. NIC s1udent Jesse Palmer was Rookie o 5.8 when he placed 1hird in 1he United " I'vc won in 1wo. Placing 1s good for S1a1es Teom Roping Championship in of 1hc Year in 1hc Wc~1em S1n1cs Indian this level because I'm jus1 a rookie." Coulee Ci1y. Wnsh. Rodeo As~ocia1ion 1his year. Palmer is Palmer's from Nespelem. Wash.. near Palmer said. 1he vice presidcm of 1hc Rodeo Club. Palmer said. he wnn1s to do rodeo port Grnnd Coulee on lht.' Colville lndinn Palmer missed gelling second in 1i111e when he gels older. Re~cn•n11on. bulldogging and going 10 1hc Indian Pro "h 's addic1ing and i1\ run. The Palmer said he was born imo rodeo. Rodeo Associa1io11 fina ls by .6 of a compe1i1io1l's f1111 you gc1 to <cc the His fa1hcr wus a long-lime rodeo ~econd ai Hoopn. Calr.. on Oc1. 7 and 8 coun1ry. l grew up wi1h ii. 11·, a compc1i1ive chomp. whi le his mom was n barrel racing The firs1 day of 1hc Wes1em Srn1cs , pon 111 my 1own." Palmer , rud champion (bo1h in 1he We~1em S1a1e~ Indian Rodeo, Palmer wound up lhird in Ano1hcr NIC ,1ude111 who panicipa1c, Indian Rodeo Associ:111011) during 1he '70s. 1hc long go (which is cvcryont.' who 1s 1-le learned abou1 Nonh Idaho College 111 rodeo 01a na11onal level ,, DuMy co111pc1ing 1ha1 day) with a 7.2. from h,, Ma vi1y M:ivi1 y i< a 20-yNr-old NlC ~1udc111 boss. a who would be a member or 1hc Rodeo fishery Club except , he i, lc:1vmJ:! for Monrnna biologis1. ··1 had S101c U111vcrs ll ) ne \l ,cmc, 1cr. Mavuy ,nid thut ,hl' Ihm!., the rod~o some friend, club ,~.1 good thmg I he Mon1a11:1 S1111c H11hca1, h11vc one here. ;ltld or 1hc linc,1collcg,.. mdco progrnm< 111 !,.new I lhe cmm1 ry. , he ,nid. l"Ould gc1 Mavi1y ,, from K1ng~1011. lduhu. She w mcof my classes par11c1pnie, in o-mok-scc 111 which winner< ge1 rihbon, :,ml 1111phy,. OUI of lhc way ~o I nbbon~ .1ml 1rophy, cuulcl 1r,lll,for Rodeo winners ge1" monC)'." Wh:11cvcr 11·, callr J . •,crnrcling 10 10 a larger college Abo 11', clusc. Ju, 1 The ~ccond nnd finnl duy in 1he ,hon 1wo and a ha ll hour, away," Palmer , uid Mavity go (1he bes1 from lhc fiN dny ) he glll ;i Pulmcr·, b1ggc~1 h1ghllgl11 wa., four "I' ve been ridmg \ 1ncc I could , 11 up. 1imc of7.4. Palmer's combined limes year, ago 1n 1hc Eu~1crn Washington I've grown up around hOI\C) .ill my lifo. were a 14.6 whi le 1hc ~econd-plucc Juni or Rod~o As,od:ui on Rodeo (which My mom. ~,s1cr. me Jnd now my nieces person go1a 14.0··SO he JUSI 1s j uM before 1he l11gh school rodeo). Mc hove rode hor,e\. I' ve ulway~ wan1cd 10 4ualifying. go and 1mvcl wi1h 1hc rodeo," Mavity ~aid. liis bcsl rodeo 1hi~ year wn~ m March won all 1hrcc of his event~·· calf rope. 1enm rope und chu1c dogging. which I ) Her hor~c·~ nnmc is Powerhou~e. in Kamloops. B.C.. where 111 an indoor like bulldogging bu t a s1cp below. "He ,s 7, and I' vc had hun ~incc he arenn he go1n 5.1 1he first dny in 1hc for doing this he won 1hc all-around was 2," Ma vi1y ,aid." My horse has long go and on the second day he go1 n 6.2 for fiflh. Avcrnging 1he 1wo 1imc~. cowboy saddle. per~onaliry. He minds very well .1nd i, Pnhner go11hird. Palmer hus ulso won lhree Junior very sman. I 1hinl,. there i~ a bond Pulmcr doc~ s1cer wrestling (commonly known as bulldoggmg). calf rope and 1ca111 n>pe. In steer wrcs11ing. according 10 Palmer. cowboy~slide off 1he horse 01110 the s1ecr and 1hrow 1he s1ccr down. I lis bcs11imc wn~ a 4. 1 where he got firs1 1111hc qunhfying rodeo nl a high school rodeo 111 1992. Calf rope is where cowboys slide off 1hc hol"le. rope 1hc calf, run down line. Oop calf and 1h.:. His be~11i111c in 1his was a 10.8. and he goi second or 1h1rd in 1he l.iulc Bmches Junior Rodeo in Puyallup. Wash. Pnlmer said 11mm ropmg is where 1here arc 1wo people, one known os a header. 1hc 01her n heeler. The header hends 1hc sreer from 1hc back. makes ii hop while 1he photo by Kibbee Walton heeler ropes back 1he feet. s1rc1chcs i1 Above: Tskedown-Steer wrestling at the PRCA rodeo /n August. by

Rodeo club resurrected by influx of student interest by Wes Woods Sentintl Rt!pOrttr Rodeo has once ag:un hir the NIC campus. Toe Rodeo Club ,s now a snnc1ioned club by 1he

1n1rn- Qub Council. The club wns dcfuncl prior 10 this yenr due in pru, because of lock of panicipaiion. Toe previous club !isled Presidcnl Bob Bcnncu ~ prc~idcnt even though he hod no involvcmem in the club. Bennen was named prcsidcn1 of the club because a fonner NIC stude111 needed funding 10 panicipnlc inn rodeo compe1i1ion. 1l1e club hnd iis firsl 111cc1ing Aug. 19 in lhe Koolcnni Room 10 elccl officers and discuss furure pl:ins. They elcc1ed Casey Anderson as pn:s1dcn1. Jesse Pol mer as vicc-presidcn1. Tinu Haase as secrc1ary nnd Jeff Jeske n~ 1rcas11rcr. 1l1erc arc 18 people 10ml who nre described by adviser Michelle Hoh as "a nice bunch of kids." ·111ey don·, have 10 be compe1i1ors-just go nnd suppon them," Hoh ~nid. "However, we don '1 know 1f we arc going 10 take people wi1h any experience jusr ye1." She also said 1h01 people cnn come ond w:uch 1he videos. bu1 she doublS if 1hey will Wanl 10 ride o bucking bull. "1l1e people 1h01 panicipnms rrnin wilh 1he help of weight Imming videos 1ha1 s1rcss fi 1ncss, dic1 and discipline," Hoh said. If smdents wont 10 join 1he No1ionttl l111crcollegin1c Rodeo Associo1ion (for collcgia1c rodeo). i1 will cos11hem S150 (besides needing to keep 11 2.0 GPA and inking 12 ncndemic or 1cchnical credi1s). "lf1hcy don'I want 10 join 1he NIRA 1hey jus1 rodeo locally," Hoh said. "Also. nny compc1i1or 1ha1 wins a rodeo (c i1hcr from 1hc NlRA or a local one) gels 10 keep the money." TI1ey proc1icc at loco! nrcna~ 1hn1 arc in1ercs1ed n.~ long as 1he wca1hcr's good for 1hc liws1ock. Hoh said. ''Their prac1ices will al~o hnvc vidcompcs for bulls, horses, barrel racmg, etc, nnd wa1ching 1he 1cchniquc~... Hoh said. ln 1hcir NIRA region 1hcy compc1c agains1oll Wushing1on. Oregon nnd Nonh Idaho schools. "The fanhrn we go ,s Oregon Sln1c: 1hc closest i, Spokane Communily College," Hoh said. The fall rodeo sc115on runs from Augus1 10 November. 111c spring sc:1son ,s from March 10 May. Na11onnl& arc on 1hc third week of June, Tucway 10 Snrurdny in Bozeman, Mom. "h's n good dub because 1he 1wo-ycnr cxp.:riencc sharpens their skills for a four-year school 1ha1 maybe rhey wouldn'1have made," Hoh said. The ncx1 mec1ing ,s Nov. l tn lhc Koo1enai Room. For more infonnn1ion con1ac1 Michelle Holl RI 769-3390.

Wes Woods

Se111111<'l Reporter

"I grew up with it (rodeo). It is a competitive sport in my town. " -- Jesse Palmer

Tuesday, October 31, 1995


The NIC Sentinel

Page 11

Palmer compete ·n local rodeos t,e1wcen your ht>r~e and 1he ndcr." The evcnls she doc, an: Wc~1cm Plcn~urc. iudgcd on 1hc hor,c nnd how II responds 10 1hc rider. and Equi1a11on. which i, lhc snmc cxn::p1 11 ·s,udgcd mo~1ly on 1hc ndcr·~ pos1urc and con1rol. "In barrd racing m) bc~1 1i111c is :1 19.326. which is prcny good In pole bending you "cave in and ou1 or 1hc pole, and Figure R where you weave up t1hc cour,cl. down once tand) 1hcn bac~ home ," l\lnvi1y ~aid. Some of t-lJvll) ·, 1op fm i~hc, haw h<!cn when shewn, fir,1 111 ,t mw1cc l'l11tlp.:1i1iM. h 1s for people haven ·1 ,how11 (lhe1r hnr~c,) before:· l,favil)' ,:11J. Thi~ wa, a1 1hc Sh(hhonc R:ingcr I lorsc Show. She won n Figure 8 race in Pinehur,1. and ha~ won numerou, halter da\,c,. Al 1hc Augu,1 1994 Coeur ,l'Alcnc Fa ir )hC 100~ a hor,c n:uned Tou Quick Chick nnd go1 firs1 ,n lmh,:r cla,~ h howing mare) and 1hcn won grand ch:1111pion. which "all for 1hc lir~lplacc hor;c~ commg. bad. for 1hc ,nmc con1e,1. "TI1c ,amc da) 1 won lir\l place show ing gelding (which w:i\ her horse Powcrhou,.:l I \\OIi grand ch.11npi11n." Mnvi1y ,aid. Mav 11y sa id 1ha1 1hcrc orl' 25 10 40 rnkrs arc in her agc group. ,,tiding 1ha1 ,he 1hink, i1', 1hc very 1ough (nnd the) 1110~1 compel111 vc. Mnv11 y al,o rnmpctcd 111 1r:ick and fo:ld . La\l year , he gu1 ,ix1h in n:111on:d, a1 Odc,,a. Tcxa,. for 1hc l11gh JUll1Jl while shewn~ ~ceded 18th. Mavil )' ,n1d ,he wa, origin:il ly 10 be in 1hc lrlJ)lc Jump. hu1 Truck Coach Mike Bundy mt \)Cd a mcc1ing for rcgi, 1r.1tion of the cvcn1. Mnvi1y'~ biggc\l highlighl. how.:vcr. is bcn1ing her own 1imes and se ning a goal and be~1111g ii or reaching ii. Mav11y's drcnm i. 10 pursue a career in rodeo. In 1hc mea111imc she wnnb 10 go 10 Bozeman. The Colkgc No11onal Rodeo Finnb is held there every spring. Mav11y also won ls 10 cs1abli ~h residency in Monrnna. "In 1he mcnn11111.: I'II rodeo there." she ,a,d. Mnvi1 y snid 1h01 ,he alway, knew abou1 Nonh Idaho College bu1 wha1 corw1nccd her 10 come wa\ 1ha1 Bundy called wi1h a track scholarship and she accepted 11. " I could be clo,c 10 home M) I could go and ride. I'm really glad I cam.: 10 NIC. h was a good career ,1an;· Mavi1y ~aid. Mov11y and Palmer arc bo1h muiono.11)• recognized rodeo performer). Now that NIC has a rodeo club, s1udcn1s con ge1 a chance 10 lcnm more abou1 1hcse unique a1hle11:;. The Rodeo Club has ih firsi mec1ing on Nov .. I. in the Koo1cnai Room. The club is run by Engll8h teacher Michelle llolt. So far IS people h11ve shown interes t in panic1pa1ing in 1he rodeo club. For more informa1ion call Holt at 769-3390.

photo by Kibbee Walton Above: Saddle up!· Saddle bronc riding at the PRCA rodeo in August.

photo by Bryan Bryngelson Left: CuHin' It close- Jennifer Ebel and her horse OLLA practice on their home course.

Page 12

Tuesday, October 31, 199si


The NIC Sentinel

Lake City star Brian Russell kicked off team

Men 's basketball team adds depth with transfers, freshmen b~ Cod~ Rairhel

Sp1mt Edltnr ·Toe Cardmot, "ere 40 rnmu1e, owny from pln>·ing m the nouonal NJCAA

1ournamcni ta,1 ,enson. Thi, ~.m~on the Card~ return four ,rnr1cr- from 1ha1 team and hove added some sophomore 1r.111sfcrand recruited Jthlctic players from high school. The mens team fini~hcd lo\t ~eason w11h a record of 18-17 (8- 10 league). ..I hke our 1e,1m ·, chances chi, year in hghl of the fact that we have four rc1um111g players from IJ.$1 ,en~on and in hght of the wny we finished the year.'· Willmm~ s:ud. The four rctummg ~tor1ers arc Troy Thompson. Steve Helm. Roy Kruiswyk and Eric Sanchez According 10 Willinms, rhe four returning \ Inner~ surpass rhc amounr of returners from a yenr ago. The Cords. however. IOM their lending ,;corer from a year ago Eddie Turner. who will play for the Un ivcr~ity of Idaho this season. gave the· Card~ a scoring punch in the clu1ch. .. It\ gomg to be a hard po,illon 10 fill . When Eddie (Turner) shot rhc ball. you expected 11 10 go in. where a, other people will ~hour and you·rc glad it we111 in." Williams said. William, added 1hn1 Turner got beucr whenever 1he compc1111on got belier. and he ,aid he hope, thnt ,omeonc will ,1c1> up to o compar.,blr lcvd thnt Turner played.

One pcr~on lhtu could fill Turner\ ~hoc, 1l11s sea,on 1~ Quentin Hull from Ornnd Dahama. Oahamn,. Hull I\.; 5-10 1~ retunung sophomore Troy TI1omp~o11. rn:,hmnn poin1 guard. Williams said Holl is Wilham, ind ic111cd. going 10 be an c~ i11ng player thai the crowd "Troy 1~ plnying n:ally well nnd will enjoy watching. cons1,1cn1 right now. Williams snid "I mcnlion Qucn1in because he has Willit,ms s:nd that he likes hi, ream~ played in some very good tc,•eb or n1hlc1ic abiluy nnd depth. He said thm he compc1i1ion already. including some of 1hc ha~ a good group of freshmen coming in international toumamen1s." Williams ~nid. nnd some transfer player,. Williams said 1h:u you can look for "\Ve Jrnvc some of 1hc bc~I depth 1h01 we have had in 1hrec ycnrs here," Williams Helm 311d Hull 10 switch off be1ween point and two guard. said. ..I am gomg to play mostly point. maybe Williams added 1hn1 he 1hinks his ream will be in the regional , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , ~omc 1wo guard coach gives us lot of different look~. final game. La~, have some of the Helm said. season the Cards Freshman Brian Russell best depth that we have los1 to CSI in 1hc final game or the had in three years here. n of Coeur d'Alene w(1~ supposed 10 be n fan favorite regional tournament. thil, year for the Card~. bur 102-76. ·-Rolly Williams because he broke 1enm " I would like 10 violntion of ~tudy hall rule, win regionals. and I he wn~ 1akcn off 1hc ream. don·, especially "He 1~ not with us anymore: 1t wa~ u wnn1 10 ~urprisc anybody: I jusi wont 10 go maner of a v1ola1ion of our study hall rule. in and kick us, from the stur1:· Williams We requ ire our players 10 :mend s1udy hall. said. nnd he mi~sed ~omc s1udy halls. I ,at down William~ nddcd 1h01 he c:111'1 1cll right and had a convcr;n11011 wirh him. a couple now if hi~ ream can compete because 1hcy of convcr-ution\, und we flnnlly arrived ui haven'1 beon 111 any co111pc1i11on. He ~aid 1he method of hovmg :, controct. I gave lhat he know, he ha~ some j!uys 1hn1 will lum 1h.: con1r.1ct and he f:tilcd 10 ,how up come alive one.: the scu,on s1:1m, nvrun:· c,pccially lhe ,ophnmorcs. Wilhnni- ,aul he I\ imprc"cd ,o for One thi: tvp freshmen 1hn1 William, Im,


with 1hc piny of Eric Allan. :i lran,fcr player ou1of Miles Chy Junior College in Mon1ana. The 6-2 gunrd is originally from B01.cmu11 High School in Montana. Allan sprained his ankle in prac1icc on Oct. 26. .. He is u very gifted kid who I lhink will be more effective when we nc1ually ~tort ploy," Wi ll iams said. "If I look what Eric {Allan) h M righ1 now, he i~ not a~ a1hle1ic ns some of rhe kids we have. he is nol a.~ quicl,, he can't run n~ fns1 or jump o~ high, bu1he hn s knnck for scoring:· La\ l i.eason 1he Card~· main wcoknes~ wa~ rebounding. Williams so1d 1h1s year 1hey hove 1hcir hest rebounder. Kru1swyk. from a yenr ago. Wi lliams oho snid 1h01 Troy Thomp~on should help on 1hc boards. ..Our kids are u year older and mature this year:· William~ ,aid. "Rebounding" n 1ypc of ~k ill 1hn1 mu111ri1y helps. Rebounding hn~ ., 101 to do w11h mcnrnlily You have to wruu the brtll. and I 1hink our I.ids will haw 1h01 a11i1odc 1his ~co,on." Willi11n1, s:ud that his ream ,, gomg 10 be clufenm•c minded. Co-captom t:nc Snnchc, i~ 1hc lender behind th,11 defense. "Eric is a ouhtnnding defensive player:· Willim," ,aid. NIC s first gumc i, Nov. 4 nga1n\l Southern 1\l bcm1 ln,111u1c ofTcchnulogy. Then they play ago1n,1 Townwi llc Au,1mhil

Cards place third at Regionals b) ('ud) Rni lhel Spcm.1 On ,1 c<>ld fogj!y SJturdny 111 0~1obcr the NIC cro,, counrry 11:nm, raced .,,ro,, the dnmp gra,\ of rhe Finch Arborc1um in Spobne. The Card, placed third for 1hc men·, and womcn', team regional 111k The four team, banhng for 1hc 111le where Rici.,, CSI. NIC and Utah Valle) Third pince out of tour teoms would u,u:1lly , cem hl.c no1 a big deal. bul in Region 18 CSI and Ricks are in essence bu11hng for 1he na11onal champ1onsh1p. ·'You hnd 1he one and rwo 1eam, in the cou ntry going a1 each 01her and then you had the five and si>. team~ dukmg ii out. .. head conch Mike Bundy said. "The one and 1wo team, were separated by one poinl so they arc definitely fighting II out for the national chnmpion~hip ... Ricks edged out CSI for the women's learn title 28-29 Ricks also won the men·s title 10 pull the sweep. 24-46. ·•1 think our women arc real good there is jus1 a huge gap between the 1op two teams in the country and everyone else. We bent sixth-ranked Utah Valley preny handily," Bundy said. The top ream in the region goes 0010 nationals in New York. The second-seeded

t.:Jm goc, 11) n,11111nal, ,r eight ur more team, arc in ,1 n:ii1on. I he re111.11n111p 1can1, arc chown b} ., n,uional p.111cl 1ha1 uwarJ, w1ldcard, 10 lour tcnn1' Bundy ,.i1d 1ha1 thi: C'SI women JfC tor ,urc going to rc.:e,ve.; wild card and 1he Golden ~1gJ.: men have a probable ,hol JI a w1ldl'ard. "Our women hove ., rcJI good chuncc co receive o w1Jdcard Our runners arc belier than mo~t region, wcond-ranked ream,." Bundy said. Re1ummg All·Amcncnn G1111 LehrJm placed 13th with a time of 20:46. Bundy ~aid 1he main rea)on the Eagle, \\Ill receive a wildcnrd is,: 1hey have ranked all year. The Card~ were ranked 10th for :i week. "Our men d1dn·1 run as well against CSI a) I though! they would have:· Bundy said. Bundy said 1ha1 the Cardinal men ran well bu t dido·, run great. Bundy said that his No. 2 runner. Mike McQueen, staned ou1 100 hard and wasn·1 able to finish strong. NIC's No. I ruMerTim Pankurst placed six1h with a lime of27:23. KeMy Kimlll1 cracked the rop ren by placing I0th with a time of 27:41. Todd Bruce came in behipd Kenny Kimura.

Tuesday, October 31 , 1995

The NIC Sentinel

Page 13

Instructor publishes wildlife photography by Scott Lennon St111111rl Rtportrr Nonh Idaho College 1101 only hns n excellcn1 instruc1or in the speech depanmcm, ii also h:is a world renowned pho1ogrophcr. Tim Christie wns hired ru. 1he firs1 direc1or of public relations al NIC in 1972. Chris1ic never shot pho1ogr.1ph~ uni ii he s1ancd working al NlC and wns required to take pholos that roln1cd to college affoin;. After 1wo years a~ 1he director of public relations. Christie wr1,s hired os a full lime ~peech ins1ruc1or. Wh,·n Christie wa~ about 4 or 5 years old. he ~,an,-d huming and !i,hing in his hometown of Bunc. Mont. When he sinned photo, seriou~ly 1he 1wo combined into a vcl)' ,uccc,sful entity. Chmuc has lx:cn 1.iking wildlife pho10, ~ince l981 all 1hroughou1 the Unucd S1a1cs. In foci. Chns1ic hru. ,hot pictures from Alasl.n', Denali Notional Purl. to the ~outhem lip ofTcxa.~ near Corpu, Chri ,1i. Christie pl:111, 10 :mend the Outdoor Wnters A,~iu1ion of America JI 11, confcrerK-e in December where he hOJlCS 10 ~hoo1 11ho1os of ullig:uor; m lhc Everglades. Chri,1ie ha., trovclcd 1hrough tht: American and Canndiun Rocl.1cs muny 11111cs rnkmg photos of wildlilc ut clcv:111on, up to 10.000 feel. ChriMic ha, hud photos published by LL. Bean, Nnuonal Gcogrnptuc, Nnuonnl Wildlife Mag01inc, Frontier and a h:mdrul

of others. His most succc~ ful pho10 h one of II is something thnl involve., great patience. a white-coated mountain goa1hovering over u sclf-mo11vn11on, ruid most of all, 1imc. clilT with snow capped mountains in the Last spring Christie spent five consccu1ive background. The photo wa.~ taken in the wcckcnd.s trying to get n photo of u rouff Koo1cnny National Park in British Columbin, grouse drumming on n log and came up wi1h Canada, According r - : : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " " " " ' : ' = " " nothing. Two 10 Christie, it has weeks Inter, some been in seven to friends called him eight calenders. 12 and told him about n magazines and drumming rouff scanned and printed grouse in Glacier National Park near on the 1ails of many of Frontier Airlines Knli~pcl. Mont. Boeing 737~. ChriMic packed and " It's no1 headed for Glacier uncommon for me where he took '.!5 to put 1,2()().1.300 roles of film in le,, miles on a vehicle in lhcn 45 111rnu1c~ one weekend." Chri,1,c ,ay, that Christic suid. you have to oc rend) at all urm:,. Tinung In fact Chm11e plans 10 do shoo,~ 111 1s everything. You lhc Canadian could be n:admg .1 Rockie, 1hree to bool. wanmg for the four time, before pcrfoct phn1u .11111 ChriMmu,. Titc!>C then with ou1 you are ortrn just knowing it. the photo by Kibbee Walton weekend inps phmo wil I pa,, by. M!Cmg thlll C:hn~IIC Portfo/1~ Instructor Tim Christie shows his lca,•mg you w11h publlshed wildlile photography ,caches full umc )'our hc:1d III your during 1h11 week. hook. According 10 01ri~11c, wildlife Chm Ile ha-' e~cnpcd unlrnm1ed from u photography i~ not for 1he impaucnt pcMn, gnnly li,:ar. charging elk and inoo...:.

moun1ain goms and even whi1crniled deer. "Moro people are killed rn Nonh Amcricu every year by white toiled dtcr 1hcn any other onimnl," Christie snid. When ever Christie i~ omsidc n national forest he cnnie~ u gun 1:ithcr with him or m his truck. yc1 he says that he always canie:. a can of pepper spray. According to Wyoming Wildlife Magazine. if you get n sho1 off wi1h a riffle your chance., of killing an attacking a111mnl quickly are very ~lim compan.>tl to the chance, of the animal mauling you. With about :1 10 percent pepper ~pmy. you nn: mon: hkcly to hit 1hc ammJI wuh the wide , pr.iy and n~ qu1cl. crrcc1. Chri,tie \01d 1hu1 he go.•, through .ibout -100-500 rob of tilm a >c:tr u,rng FuJi Chmm.: 100 Proft·"ic111,1I. He h,1, .m .1verngc ol 150-200 phmo, publ..,h.:d ~.id1 }c;1r by 111,.1g1111ncs. corpor.111011, and :rd1er1ismg agcnc1c, ucro" lht'w,1rld Chr1,11c will b,,• 1cad11ng .1 w1ldhfc a "1ldhtc ph,,11>gr.1ph) d11" 1h" ,pnng 1h<11 i, op,:n 10 .111 ,1udc111,. Studcnh mu,t huvc ,rc.-ct·,, Ill .1 .1501111 cam~r.1and ,1 80-200111111 lcn, ll1c cl,L..., \\ 111 covcr specie, Jn:ily,.., no a hundful of an1111a1' that .uc common 10 1hc Nor1h\\.!,t rcgllln, how 10 rnur~d your \\Ori. and hu\\ to get out of a bintl when one IK:Curs while w1ldhlc photo,.

. . <.>. .





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2 - m o n t h cc:, rn m

i"trn a n t


Page 14

The NIC Sentinel

Tuesday, October 31, 1995


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It is rumored that Einstein was killed by the mob ... because he knew too much.

Schedule of fvents Nov. 1, 2, 3, 4 'Death of a Salesman· 8 p.m. Boswell Am.liwrium Faculty, ,1udc111s Wld ,1aff admint!d fie.: w/1.D.

Nov. 5 Warren Miller Ski Film 'Endless Winter' Prc...:n1cd by Great Escape Ski and Sport 7 p.m. Bo~wcll Auditorium S8 adull~. S6 12 & under

Nov. 6 Opening Reception 'Series x 4' mixed media 5:30 p.m. • 7:30 p.111. Union Gallery, bu~cmc111 SU B

Nov. 8 'Music to Munch By' Eileen Ickes Trio 11:30 p.m. • I:JO p.m. SUB

Nov. 9 Reality Bites Back: 'Theater for the Health of It' 7 p.m. SUB

Nov.9 Marianne Love 'Pocket Girdles' Nonhwc~, Author Series

7:30 p.m. Todd L<:cture Hall

Nov. 11 NIC Jazz Ensemble and Jazz Co. 'A Veteran's Day Salute· 7:30 p.m. Boswell Auditorium Faculty. s1udcn1s and staff admincd free w/1.D.

Nov.14 ASNIC Talent Show 7 p.m. Boswell Auditorium Admission free

Nov. 16 'Writing Aloud' Lewis Walkins 7 p.m SUB

Tuesday, October 31 , 1995

The NIC Sentinel

Page 15

Instant Culture The North Idaho College Sentinel

Students show: 'Reality Bites Back' b) l':ill)' ~loorc S,•111i11c/ S111/J TI1c:11cr 1roupc "Rc-alu y 1li1c, B:icl." will i'lCI fom1 nine vigncncs de~hng "uh 1hc , ocial pmhlcm, ol our .:ommunll)' on 1nuf\day. Nov. 9. a1 7 p.m. 1111he SUB "'ll1ca1cr for lhc Ilcallh of Ii'' will la('~lc m:my different cummvef\ial 1op1cs ~uch a, incc,1. Al DS. ,cxua l pn:fcn:ncc. , ub,1nncc :1bu,c. sc;,.ual lmra." mcnl und ,c~ual rc,pon,i hili1y. All 1opic, focu, on one main Iheme: rc , pon, iblc choice, ond 1he con,cqucnce, for bad eho1cc,. ·n1c play 1~ originally from San Diego. D.J. Ed111iMC111 nnd Mi'kc Pace, NIC ,IUdcnl ac1ors 1n 1hc piny. doc1orcd 1hc ~cnpl 10 heller Ii i 1hc Nonh Idaho communn y " h "a comedic ,111d dram.Ilk approach 10 \llu:nion~ we all deal wi1h everyday," ,,,ill Mog1,ti McElfrc,h. "" "1u111 d1rcc1or. Md : lfrc~h \aid 1ha11hc 1mupc hope, 10 help people 1111clcr~1:md 1hc pmblcm, lacing 1hc cum111 u11i1y Jllc.l ho w 1hc)' l' Jll dc;il "uh such problem, . "Drama Im, a h.ll mm\· r,mcr 10 1m1Ml l people 1han reading a bool. c,r li,1c111n!! 111 ., lcriurc." said S~,r Fm11er. chrc-ior 111 1hc play. One ul 1hc mun: powerful v1gnc11c, mvolvcs incest and 1hc dcmal 11f lhc fa111111 111\'olvcd: u 11101hcr. d:111gh1cr aml l:llhcr urguc ub<.1u1 1hc prohkm and 1ry 10 deal " 11h ii 1hl' bc,1way 1hcy know ho\\ . ·111a1 is whtll all 1he v1gnc11c, are :1bou1, dcali11g wuh problem~ 1ogc1hcr. TI1c group agreed 1he vignc11c 011 AIDS also earned n Slrong mc, sagc nnd cnmc l11ghly recommended. All ol 1he 01 hcrs al,o conrni n 1111ponn111 is~uc~ 1ha1should 1101go un11011ccd. 1hey )aid. TI1c piny was funded by ASNIC ond S111dc111 Service~. II \\Ji ll show one night only :md is free 10 all.

photo by Joshua Campbell The last remaining virgin on earth· D.J. Edm,nston·s character explains to Mall Rakes that there are other sexual choices after Matt calls h,m ·a c,rcus freak.• Kalynn Raugh /Ills in during rehearsal as the circus barker

'Theater for the Health of It' cast members: Kali Conces D.J. Edmins1on Cliff Hart)'

Maggi McElfrc,h •

Kalynn Rnugh

Mike Pace.

Hca1hcr Smlnaker


Rebecca Wood

Dircc1or. Skip Frdzier

• A~~istan1 Direc1or: Maggi M"Elfresh

Prized talents turn to cash prizes in ASNIC talent quest by Tf'1lcy Verrelle Se111i11al Reporter "Oh Romeo. Romeo. Where for an thou.

Romeo?" If Shakespeare is your forte, or if you have any 01her hidden 1alcn1s. 1hcn 1hc ASNIC rnlen1 show 1~ for) ou. Aud111ons rorihi ~year's wlem ~how be held Monday. Nov. 6, in the Bonner Room from 7 p.m. · 9 1>.m.. bu1 Mary Richmond. t\ SNIC ac11vi1ie., din.-c1or, :,.1id 1ha1 ~he need~ 10 know b>· Friday. Nov. 3. what son of cquipmcn1 or setup will be needed by those who warn 10 1ry ou1. Richmond s:ud that 1hey arc lool ing for


anyone with a 1aJen1 ,, ho wunl) 10 show 1l off. Some , pccilic area~ of 1alcn1 might be: rcmalc/mnle vocalis1. female/male instrumen1alis1. comedians. dramatic act), bands and maybe even \Orne snake charming. An added mcen1ive 10 gel $ludentS 10 pun1c1pJle in 1he 1alen1 )how b the pn~ money. Pn:ics will be awardc:d for 1hc 1op 1hrce 1aJen1S: S HJOfor lirsl place and $50 for both '><."COnd and 1hird. " II would be a grca1 way 10 get on stage and ~how 1he college wha1 you've go1." Richmond rnd. " and cnm some cx1ra money." Those in1eres1ed should con1ac1 Richmond u1 fat. 3367 or Denn Bcnnc11 01fat. 3366. Richmond 's oflic.: hour; are Monda). Tue,duy. Wcnesday and Friday from 10 a.m. · 11 a.m. The 1alcm ~how i1self will be held Tue'>dny. Nov 14. JI 7 p.m. 111 1hc Bos"'ell auduonum. illld adm1s,1on is free 10 all.

Page 16

That stinks .. . I rcccn11\ read m 1hc Spol..c,m,111 Re, IC\\ I .is I hi..\' tU \ all II the .. the Sp.:10l..y man come, 11110 v1c\\ I .m unidc on 1hc re,, .,nh of ,mcll The Jn1d~ ,pol..c ol ho" ccn.un ,mdh c,in hcal. mul..c yuu fed belier. r,•mmd) <'U of 1hing, bc11cr 1hcn ,1~h1 or ,ound. und ho" ,mdl cm1 n1.1l..t.' .~n 1111prc,"on on ) ou and other,. When lir-i mccung ~ person. muinly J gooJ-lool.m!! pen.on. 1hcrc "no grca1cr rum-off 1hcn b.1d brc,uh. had l>txl) velor. bJ,J ,mdhng ,Jr. big bunion,. c1c 1l1c real pniblcm 1, nor 1ha1the person ,mdh bad. bu1 1hn1 they c.111'1 re,111) ,mcll 1hc1ro"n odorifcrou, ,ell And you bcmg 1h~ ever plca,,1111 Hild polilc J>CNOII canno1,cream "\Vhou. Nelly, L.li_n_'_N_g...:u :..a• ye-n=----' !!,Cl ,omc 'dco' for your B.O." Pontif'IC3tion tnrere,tingly enough. if the nbovc ,aid pcnon can 't smell thcmsclf. who is to suy thnt you ~mcll. but you can·1 smelt your..clf. and no one ,s mean enough 10 toll you 1hat you s1mk? You could right now bi: sining in your own cess pool. making 01her people gag. with a giant grin on your fncc. Nccdbs to sny. bnd odors arc a sign of nol only bad hygiene. bu1 also a sign 1ha1 you have no class. So no mailer how ~moolh or suave you think you are, bud breath will de~troy nny credibility you have. Imagine 1his. You arc having dinnur with a fubulou, wornnn. having the time of your life. You joke. she laugh~: you do paper mache. ~he giggle,. Then you bend down 10 ki~, her hnnd. nnd your rnncid breath bounce, off her hnnd and hi1~ her m 1hc focc. She loo;c, co11~l·1ou<nc,,. ~lamming her head 11110 the bowl of tap1oc:1 pudding )OU were gomg to ,non 1hrough r, , tmw. N,'tdlc,< lo ~ay. 1h1~ i, not good. Your chance of gcning nn)whcrc wilh lhl\ girl or any 01hcr girl 1, ..• b.1d On 1hc n,p 'Ide. good ,mclh arc ju,t plain good. lmugmc mio u home 1h01 ,men, 111..c frc,h-bakcd cool..,c~. Ohhhh... Ahhh ... Sorry. I goi dis1rac1cd. Good ,mdl, make life bcuer by reminding us of 1hc good 1hing, 111 our live,. Tnl..c, forc,nmple. Thunl..,g1ving momingjus1 before all of your soc,nlly demented rcln1ivC!, invade your hc,n1c. The ,melt of pumpkm pre sift. out of 1hc kitchen. ,1oppini; you like J deer caugh1 in lhc high beam, of a >oemi, Mcmoric, like that mat..e u< who we arc :1, p,:oplc becau<c 1hcy rcmmd u< ()f wha1 we have e~pericnced So. remember. that ne~1,non 1hrough your no<tril, n11gh1 live wuh you forever.


Instant Culture

The NIC Sentinel

Tuesday, October 31, 1995

Review: 'A Fine

and Pleasant Misery' bJ Tri Ni:u~en S,•1111111•/ Rq1w tt'r

Counmg cru,hcd bod1c, with a ltllcd-bcyond·capacuy crowd. Tim O,·hrc~, nnd P(l(ricl.. McMonu\ cntcrwincd a standing room only crowd in the Todd u:c1ure 1h01 fca1urcd ,ccnc, from their Mnge play "A F111e nnd Plc11,-an1 M1~cry:· McM:111u~ al~o mi ked nbout his hfe. Im worl.. and how his ,ioric, made 1hc 1r.11Nlion w the \Inge. McManus gave :1dv1cc 10 01hcr wn1cr., und cxpl:11 ned hi, ~1ylc of wri1ing ,~hile llchrcn, pcrfom1ccl ,onw scene, ·"Tim play, IS char:ic1crs.'' ~uid McM:inu,. " He al~o play- ~evcrul dogs and a snake." Bchren, then htund1cd iruo a rcndi1icin ot a ~nuke on u bike wnh one handlebar and one pedal. Behrens and McManu, have known <'nch 01hcr ,incc McManu,' teaching 1.lny~ at Ea,1cm Wn,t11ng1on Umver,i1y. where Bchrcn, clnimcd t(> be h,, 111,1gradun1e ,tudcn1 w11h a degree 1hat Bchrcn\ ~aid he " ,1ill 1rying 10 e.,m. Bchrcn, ,aid he ha, pcrfonncd "A Fine and Ptca~llnl Misery"' over 200 lime~ bu1 never find~ i1 boring. "You gc1 ,o much laugh1cr:' Bchren<said. " It keeps you going. and never gc1s dull. never gCL\ rcpe1i11vc." McManu<also offered struggling writer.. advice on how to photo by Tri Nguyen improve 1hcir wri1ing skill~ and how 10 brea k into 1he writing field. One for the road- Patrick McManus (left) poses with his ·'Spend two hours o dny. every day. wrning." said McMnnus. "II collection of road kl/I as actor and friend Tim Behrens helps will work mirnclcs." display It. McManus snid 1ha1 when sending oul manuscripts to be published, look for a little envelope in the mail. "If you gel a big envelope, 1hm means you got your rnanuscrip1 ·111cn I 1clt them I hove nc,•cr dcscnbcd Rancid in any of my back, plus a linle rcjec1ion slip." McManus said." A little envelope books," McManus snid. means a check." The McManus performance was 1hc $Ccond in 1hc Nonhwcst McMnnu~ explained his ~1yle of not dc~c ribing anything in his Authors series, according to Denice Clnrk , public service librarian. books in demit. He said that he likes people to use 1heir own nnd is spon~orcd by NIC and Book & Game Co. of Coeur d'Alene. imagination 10 do most of the work of making his charac1ers rculistic. Next author in the series is Mnrinnne Love who wro1c "Pocke1 He s:1id that people often mce1him saying 1ha1 1hcy hove on uncle Girdles." She i~ appearing Nov 9 at Todd Halt at 7:30 p.m. exactly like Rancid Crabtree, n populnr chnrac1er in his books. Admission is free to all.

Writing Aloud gives authors chance to be heard by Amanda Tomme Semi11e/ Reporter

A s1agc i~ open 10 the li1erary ans. NIC·< Writing Aloud i\ giving wri1ers the opponunit y 10 conduc1poe1ry n!ad mg~. hear speakers. sec plays nnd be cxpo~ed 10 other litcmry fcnmres. "A vnrie1y of wming 1ypes are i:xpo~d such as poc1ry. pro,e. musico.l 1alcnt and children·, books," ~aid ac1ivities direc1or Dean Bcnneu. Writing Aloud encourages anyone to panicipa1c or anend 1he readings. "In the past. Writing Aloud has been referred to as 1he best welt-kepi ~crc1 on cam()Ulo." Bennen said. "In ,~ second year, the program hope~ to be a produc1ive outlet for all wri1crs." Bennen emphasized thal 1he meetings are very low key nnd comfortable. "Wri1ing Aloud 1s set up for Mudents and photo by Kibbee Walton s1aff 10 hove an ou1le1 for their works 10 be Poetry In action- Unda Erickson. English heard and released," Benncn said. '"The department secretary. reads a poem at the images launched m10 the crowd by the first Wnting Aloud that she wrote about her wri1cr, crea1e beau1iful images and sister who died of cancer. message.~ ...

Dean Bcnneu said thnt he would hke people to JOm the,e mh:n1cd writer\ nnd shore their wrincn work~ ut an evening or rcadrng. Each night will fca1urc diffcreni li1crary ortim .:ind a chance ror nit 10 \hart wnnen worl..,. Rcfreshmenl ~ will be !'>Crvcd Schedule readings will be held 01 7 p.m. 1n the SUB. Anyone in11:re\1ed can contac1 Bcnncu at


'Writing Aloud' scheduled features November 16 Lewis Watkins December7 One Act Plays:

A Support Group-JD Edmiston A Season in Your Path- Dennda Moer8f

December 14 EngUsh103 Essay Contest W111ne,s

ANdlnga are at 7 p.m. In the SUB


Tuesday, October 31 , 1995

The NIC Sentinel

Page 17

Spotlight on the theater:

Mona Klinger: actress, educator, wife, mom h) Shcll c) Jerome s~111i11tl Re11or1,•r E:1ch ..:m~,tcr SJJl'<'ch 131 111~1mc1or Monn Khngcr cu'Cle, the room dn:,,~ 111 a chcr, lu11 and :ipron. ,tir. :1 bowl of im:vcn:ntly measured 111grcdicn1, and leer., at her ,1udcn1, a, ,he dodl\·cr, "M:1111n Munn·~ n:cipc for ,peaking ,uccc":· f'or Klinger', ,tudcnh II wnultl prob.1hly not be :1 ,urprhc tu learn h:1, bcl:n Gt-I m o lcudmg role m an NIC pl.t) Howewr, fow mJy know hm, much C>,pcricnc.: ,11e h,I\ .,ctuall) h11d pcrfonmng on \tagc Ca,t 10 the current pcrlonn:mcc of "IJ,:;nh of a Sulc,man." Kilngcr 11\c, her 13 year. or theater c>.p,men,c 10 hnng to Ille lhc char.idcr of Lmda, who Khngcr dc,cnbc, ,1, the '\J.:,otcd lo"ing" wile of Will)' Lohman. Klinger admits. hn-.cvcr. u ,, .111 ar11,11.: challenge for lwr Klinger ,.ud ,he thml., her chamctcr, Linda,,, an ··anc1crnn1,m" nf American women. the ,ub,erv1cn1 \Cit ,acnricing woman ul the 30, .md'40,. Khnicr ,aid ,he find\ 11 very d1llicul110 1dcnt1fy wilh Linda. yd ,he doc, mhmn: her IO) .illy Growmg up in Ilullywood. Klinger ~aid ,he ncwr had .1,p1r.t11on~ of bcmi; J \ even though her fonuly 1, 111 thc bm,incS\. I kr fnthcr hud the ,1aring role 111 the lute -rught horror nick "From Hell It Come'' and appeared bnelly a~ the bum m '11w Jerk." Mer brother. al\o in film. doc, mo~tly


ATTENTION STUDENTS! Mid-term grades are out and can be picked up irom your assigned advisor. U you want to register DECEMBER S or &, then you will need to meet with your advisor prior to registration to obtain their signature on your schedule. Spring schedules will be available aiter November 15.

AVOID THE RUSH and arrange a time to meet with your advisor NOW! Questions about advisor assignments and reglstratlon can be dlrec:ted toward Student Servlc:u and the Reglstrar'1 Office.

Hollywood ,tunt work. Ile ha~ appeared in ,uch :1c11on show< u, "The Fall Guy" .incl "Seu Quest."' I lcr ,,,tcr ul,o doc< viduo work m movie~. When she moved to Coeur d'Alene. wi1h her hu,b:mu Chnd, ~he had ,mull children ,II home :ind wa, not yet teachmg 111 NIC. It wo, ut thi, lime that <he decided 10 dn ,omc thcalcr. She tncd out for thl' NIC production of" Ica and Sympathy" ,mtl wa, c;l\t in the ,1amng mlc of L1ur.1 Si nce then ~he ha, ;1ppcarcd m many other pla)', 1m:l11dmi: "The Effect of Gamma Ra~, on Man-1n-th,•.l\,J0<1n Marigold," :mtl had a ,1Jn int? role m th,· I knnk lbscn plu, " I kdd,1 G.1hll'r .. ..·1 he mu,t fun I w h.,d wuh ;1 char,Ktcr w.1, "hen I pluycd lk.nrKc in •\ lungohls. ... t... hnJ!rr ,.ud •· 1gm 10 pla, .,n :1huS1vc, louJ.mnu1hctl. ~1gare11c ,,mokmg. mc.m v.0111,m." h.hngcr ,,ml ,he hJ, ~en Jll\Cll "w1•11Jcrtul p.111' 111 cwrJ ,hm~ · She 'JIU th,11 hcc n>lc a, L1n,l.1 m ' l).:.11h ,,1 a Sak\ntan" \\,t, ",1 fohul1m, upponunll) to hi: 111,1 pl,1) 1:un,,dcrcd 111 hi: om• ,,1 1)1<· ).:<'ll" ul thcJlcr " Domg l\\o ,,r 1hrcc pl.I\,., , hie <·,m get Wf) he.. tl(, Klinger ,.ud. ,\, .11c,1d1cr. \\tic .md mother. ,he•,c, hllr hie.,, \\di·" po"1hk ollc-n nhhmg h11111c :tlt~r \\nrl. tc> cook ,hnncr for hl'r 11111111, ~lore m,hmg h,1(1. to rchcar,.al Ever the cduc.11or. Klin1tcr cmph,hl/Cd th.II cxtr,wumcul.11 ,,, 11v111e, on c.unpu~. ,uch :" phi)', ,11111 lecture,. have u "huge 1mpil, t" ,111 u per.on', cduca11n11

Review: 'Death of a Salesman' by Amnnd a Tomme S,•111i11,•I Rt'f"" 1e1 Willy Lomun might ,ay, "n1cy don't rc,pc,·1111c1" Howcl'cr. on the opening 111gh1 of Anhur Miller', "lkath uf:i Snh:-,mun.'' NIC', theater dcpanmcm g;nnl.'d the pmfound rc,pcct or the :1111hcnw. n1c theater d~p.1nmc111\ hard work .md dc,otmn 10th,, prudul!lon w,i\ e,,,dent wilh '" pnwer to ,teal vu:wer, from their Bo,wcll \CUI\ and ,ubmcrgc 1hcm mto w,uy·, nund. A u111q11e ,iagc cn::111011 reali,ricall) ponmycd 1hr role, of the chamctcrs. Ille hghting nnd mu,ic were ,o wdl dnne that I could .,Jmo,t Jll.'rcel\C 1hcm a.., lmving a ,epnrnt~ chttr:u:u.·r of their own.•1, wdl J, ~,bruntly cuntnbuting m the ,ombcr und el\l'llmg moment, of tho: play. "Death uf a Sulc,mnn" 1s a ,tory winch porlnt), 1:,hau,tmg dfects that c,m d<'vour the mmd, of over-worked. people who ne,er get to~ their dream, come true I l•njoycd th" ,tol') tmncnduu,1)', but ,omc audience membcl'- ma} he turned oil by th tmum:1tlllng theme. Om; lnend who m:compamcd nw to th~ o)'ll!nmg nit:ht ~rfom1ancc ,aid that he didn 't like the pla) because it "a, \O cmot1on.1lly up-..:nmg. He ,uid. however, thut the al'tmg wa, C\ccllent. hut he -.a., dl\lurix"tl b) th<? tone of the pla~ Another lnend w u, ,o mmgucd b) ,1, dr,11nu th,11 he could -..:.,rccl) mo, e h" C) c, from the ,!i1g~ Wha1e,cr opmwn audiertn! members hdd for the ,101'\ line, I doubt .1n)onc "'" dl\putc the ,,!St', ,uperb uctmg Whether you arc 3 regular thcatcrgn.:r or a no, ,ce to the an,. good arnng " obvi!lu~. The) did di,turb u,. th.11·, po-.crful.

photo by Brian Bryngelson 'Don't put that on me, Ma'- Bill Loman (Dan Powell) reacts to being pressured by his mom (Mona Klinger).

Page 18

Instant CuftU'e

The NIC Sentinel

Tuesday, October 31, 1995

Movies to Watch:

Shannon & Steph's Rating System

'Now and Then' by Shonnon Horwood Sr fl/mel Reporter

Wnming: the movie "Now and Then" 1s a girl's movie. fl was designed 10 make you laugh. make you cry and. most of all. make you remember. It was n time when boys were losing their cooties and mukc-bclicve wa$ slipping away. Life wns '1ill innocent, but every day was full of questions. It brings back the carefree days of summer when all thnt mancred were your friends, your slumbt: r panics and your training bra. My hcan wo, moved by these girls. The problem\ they faced were more real than the problem\ of their adu h influence~. TI1c llme they spem nnd rhc th ing, rhcy did meant more in one surmm:r rhan the next 20 year. of rhcir lives. Thl·y mndc lasting impression\ on people and lu§ting promises to each other

The young actresses were incredible. their performances far more com•incing thnn thnt of the seasoned :ictresses playing the aduh pans. The tears and the smiles seemed real and you could almost )Cnse your own childhood unfolding with the characters of the movie. It wa~ the perfect balance of tearjerking and crazy amics. It was full of memorable moments stmight from your own childhood. and reliving those will always be fun. The sound 1rack was a fantastic mi~ of hit, from the '60s and '70s, a definite buy 01 the music s1ore. Remember. this is probnbly a "for !!iri s only" movie; so. Indies. leave the boyfriend at home. pion n slumber pany and ~tan it off with this movie. Spend the night gossiping and play a game of Truth or Dare. TI1is movie will in,pire you. l give II three -~-~-b-.._--

feet. ]-

I NIC gets jazzed for Veterans I J~~~~


by Shellc) Jerome So11in~I Rrpo, /tr Rehcal'\al~:ire currently under way for the Sntu1da). Nov 11 , perform1111ce of the Nnnh hluho En~mble ,md Jnl.7. Co. Both per1ommncc, will be dcdicatoo to A111cric,m ,·etemn, in honor ot VetcrJn,



"A Vctcr.111, DJ) Salute'' -will feuture ,l'lrctioM from the " Big Bnnd" cr.i of World War It including thu Ct1un1 Ba-ie tun.: "Funcy Pam,." which ensemble direc1or Terry fones d~nbe~ a~ a "funky blues kind of thing.'' the Du~l' Elhngton shuffle "Thing~ Ain't Wh111 They Ubed To Be" and "Ain't Misbehavin"' by Fat, Walter. featuring vocal M>I015t Renei

Yarrow. Additional tunes will include: "Every Summer Night" and "In her Family" by Pat Metheny. which Jones described as a "gorgeous balh1d." It features Ocorgc

Conrnd on guitar and Mau Stegner on piano. A, 1111 nddcd numction, Jou Co.. an NIC vocal joa choir, will perfonn several tum'~ including "God Bless America" with ~oloist ChryMol Stmcclli. They will also team up with th<' NIC Jna. En~mhk for " When You Wish Upon A Stnr" from the Walt D1<ne)' das,ic tale of "P111ocC'l110." The Nonh ldnho Jau En,emble and Jau Co. nn· comprised of high school and college Mudcm, and communi1y members. The jazz cm.imblc is "'the standard big band ,i1.e of the ~wing era," nccon1ing to Jone\. Jniz Co. has 15 vocalbt~. some who have been affiliated with the group for over nine years. Accord mg to new choir director Mile Smtth, there are som<' new member.. and lots of cnlhu~iasm. "This will be a really good show." "Jau. has a ccnain feel that just can ·1 be put on paper," Jones said. Accordmg 10 Jooes, ti hos 10 be c~pcricnced. So JOin in the experience on Veterans Day al 7:30 pm in Boswell Hall Auditorium. NIC staff and students admitted free wilh I.D.

by Stephanie Rowe Semmel Reporter It is hard 10 find a female coming-of-age

movie, let alone one that doesn't make you want to puke. "Now and Then" is a relatively solid story . This movie 1s not a teeny-bopper nick. The story is handled with n great deal of and ski ll by the younger cast members, which include Christina Ricci from "Addom's Family" and "Casper" and Thora Birch from "Monkey Trouble" and "Patriot Games." On the other hand, the grown-up vel"lions of the characters - including Demi Moore, Melanie Gri(fi1h and Rosie O' Donnell -- seem to have just shown up so they could collect their puychccks. Whether that i\ due to that lackluster writing or lhe briefncs, of their collective appearance,. they were u disappointing pan of the movie. "Now and 111cn" is worth going 10 ,ce as n fun. sentimental nick. l give it three 11nd 11 half feet.

~t:,be:. Run, don't walk

bbb Mosey on over

bb Trip to the video store

b Stay in your recliner

Plot recap by Shannon Harwood Four 12-year-old girls with disunctiv.ily different personalities ,pend :i ~um mer in an lndiann suburb m thc'70, ltnming at>out life, boys, pnrenl~ ,ind friendship. Ycar. later thi: same four girls. now 30-,omethmg women. rctum to their home town for n rcumon and to cdtbrntc the bartl1 ot a baby to one of them The movi,: sp.:ml~ mo,t of tht! 11mc m 0:1~hb;1ck, Ill thut earlier ,ummcr.








Instant Culture

The NIC Sentinel


Freshmen Follies · B Ian Sudlck

'flt£. ~M&Nou~

nllletOSot~ I~ l)tA~ IIITO A KIUJl(4 'l'"t'6H 1. '( ?, '/ Tt\E SOMC,, oF Ill~ P~E'(




&Jyz. ·u~ +he \.)ood .

yJ \-f Eµ '/0 \J Loo..:. Ovf (/ Y()U~ LETTl+E .SVtJ RxJt..., Y/t! Ju.ST 13EcA~f IT SH11JES ~,.,r

Wlt-)Do~, D<>t•fr MP/tµ




Page 19

Page 20

The NIC Sentinel

Campus News

Tuesday, October 31 1 1995

McGowan reflects on past and present counselor counts 1ownrd 1he cn:diL~ needed 10 cam his degree. Hi~ wife is working on her degree. He said he's decided 10 wnil uni ii they hnve complc1cd 1heir cducm1on before making 1hc move. Bui McGowan revealed how pninful the dcci~ion 10 $13Y really wns. Ile was emotionally "choked up" ns he spoke or hi s plnns 10 remain in Idaho un1il :ir1er grndua1ion. I le said 1ha1 he foci~a s1mng bond and sense or rcsponsib1li1y 10 be 1hcrc for h1\ linle bro1hcr. a\ 1hey arc growing up. bu1 the disrnntc preveni~ him rmm doing ,o. And by lhe umc he gels his m11~1er" s. his bm1hcr.. will have gr:1duu1ed from high school. Ile smd 1ha1 when he left Mon1rum 10 co111muc hi, college n1 NIC :md 1hen 111 Gon,_.1ga. he knew 1hn1 hi\ family was imponani, bu1 he foil 1hu1 he wamcd 10 leave 10 become hi, own pc~on• "II ·s hnrd." McGowan said... , didn ·1renli,.c how much my family meanl 10 me: · 1l1cre is ,omc1hingclM: McGowan didn·1 realize. Leaving 1hc rcserva11on 10 go m10 1he outside world File photo n ccnain alicnaiion by wmc or 1he Indians still on fn the Past- Felix McGowan at the height of his NIC 1he rcserva1ion. basketball career during the '90 • '9 1 season ..Some llr my rri~nd\ :ire no longer my friend,," 10 n1hlc1c, ;i, 11 p:m of lhc Drug Awnrenc" Progmm here JI McGowan ..:11d. ·111cy call me an ·Apple Indian: red on 1he NIC. I le ,nid 1h01 hen:. 1hrn: ill\' four Ihm!!, ,llll'\:h:d by ,Ul ou1sidc mHJ while on 1hc m"dc... intl1v1dua1", oc11u11,· NIC it, .1,\hulc. 1h,• 1ca111, 1hc person\ I le ,,ud i1 ,1ill hun,. Ile ,;aid 1ha1he ha, alway, 1hough1 f,1111ily and, 1110,1 impon.1n1 ol all, 1h,11 pcf\nn I k 1h.11 he nbo1111hc rescrvalmn ~nd given b:1ck every way hl' could. .1dd,•d NIC and 1h,• team to 1hc h,1 bt.'l'.111\<' l'\O:I') 1h11111 an "'II bol hcr. me ... McGPwan .,,,,d, .. 11'.-causc I u1hclc1•· due, gel\ in 1hc 11<.'\\s. never forgo! \\here I came lrom ·· McGowan w:ts m 1h,• ,pc:nlil]lll 4u1tl' .1 b11 1, h1k hl're .11 NIC I k ,anl 1hu1111, nngm,11 plan \\Js 10 i;o 111 \Choo!, I h: wu, 1\ll l<cg1on 111, hr.I yr.11 'X11 ·•111. k.11hnj! lhc 1eam in gel a dcgr~'C and gn m "nrl.. on 1hc rc ...·r..1111111 faery ,umrna \\lulc he .111cnckd lllllcgc. he ...1111 lw ,rnnng. Ill' ,:utl hl' a,c1.1g•·1I IR pn1111, u l,!lllllc 111 h1' 111"\I )'CM .md 20 po1111, a guinc m h1, ~-cond. I le ,u1d 1hi11 he ,1111 hold, re1umcd io 1hc ro...:r. 1111011 \\h<'l'l' h•· ~nu:hcd ,omc b:t,l,.c1b.1II n:o:onh I le lt.m,h:m.'tl 1,1 Cit1111.1g,1 h.1,kc1bull •·am1h ,UKI ;1l\\il), \ 1,111.'d lhc l..1<h .11111, on .1 full b.1,l..c1b.1II \Cholur-h1p 111 'lJ2. hu lc bro1hcr-• '>Chnnl I h, b:t,l,.c1b:1ll curccr ,II Gon1,1g11 ,uflcn:d fn,111 a ,ha11c11.'tl Ba.,l..c1h.1II wa, lvkCinw.m \ 11,:l...:110 cnll.:gc lie lhumh dunng pmcucc m h" '>t.'COnd yc,IJ I le ,pcn1111, 1~1)'l'.I! was All Sl:11(' 1n ba~k~1ball 111 both Im Junior and ti\ an a\\i,1,1111 coach lor the \\-111110.n \ h;t,l..c1b.1ll ~nior ye:lf\ :11 Poplar I hgh School m Mon1um1. I Ii, In Oc1obcr of "9.1, MtGO\\J/1 \\ed.\ offered n Job a., .1 fiN year m college w;1~111 Mon1ana Stmc coun..clor .at NIC. A, a coun-.:lor. he hn, an opponunny 10 al\O Univc~ily where he,hined:' And he said 1ha1 help Indian , 1udcn1, here <>n campu, "when: he hc11rd nbou1NIC from a 1camma1c who had come fro1111h1, college. lvkGown said he would McGowan wu, a11mc1cd 10 _ n:ally like 10 go 10 wc,rt. the beuu11ful crunpu~ nnd, for the Burc.iu of lndillf1 more irnponamly. 1he n1hlc11c Affair... compc1ilion :wnilable in th1, "Bui wnh ull 1hc league und the chruicc for a fedcrul cu1b.icks." Division One scholarship. McGowan ~lid. ··1doubt h w:1s also McGowan·, that" b pos\ible nny more ·· chance for n new sum. Afler Having grown up on I gr:iduuting from high ,chool 1hc n:servation. MtGo~.-i with a 3.46 gpa, he 'laid he tmnsferred inio NIC know-. fir.I hand about the <!COllOmic problem, lndmn.~ have 10 whh a I. 99 gpa. He s:iid thJI he hnd sp,ml thm firs1 face. He said thaJ las1 year hJS reservation h:id 75 pcrcen1 yc.v at MSU panying and drinking. He described unemploymen1. He 'illid thn1 the majori1y or 1nbal member; IM his move to NIC as hnving ..jumped suue." below the poveny level, and he believes thnt lhere arc not MtGow31l said he rumed i1 o.round that next enough positive role models. summer. He said he wus home for "harvest.. and McGowan said that some rribes have a 5uppon progrom for disappeared with a friend on a drinking binge to a educa1ion and some don't. bu1 the ones tha1 do will be hard hit nearby town. When he called home the next by the reduction in federal monies. He said th:u the cutbacks morning, he said he found out that his dad had been mean thnt some of the uibcs' higher education depastmenlS will hnve 10 be eliminated oul all night looking for him. He said, at the t.ime. ·'The ironic thing." McGowan said, "is thaI education is I.he he figured he was 19, in college and didn'1 hnvc 10 solution 10 iL ~ answer 10 anyone. Bui his dad didn ·1 agree. What McGoWllJl 's dad told him made a big photo by Kibbee wanon Someone to look ~p to- F~ McGowan, values a gift of a painting from impression. His dad said thnl there wm: two things his mother. ever-mindful of h,s close family ties wfl/16 away. BdiJon Nou: Thu is tht first in a strus abolll affected by his actions: his family and himself. .___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _J McGowan has now expanded on tha1 when he talks Noli~t Amtricans.

by Melody Mam. and MarkA aron Perry Sentinel Editors NIC coun,;elor Fcl1:1. MtG1iwan gre\\ up on an Indian re.ervn1ion in Mon1ana 1ha1 he s.iid \\ OUld appear 10 an oul\idcr a< bcmg liken gheno. llkc livi ng m 1hc inner c11y. yc1he would love 10 move bacl.. 10 lhc rc.o;crva1ion 10 live. .. In all .ic1u11Ii1y. I prefer 111hcrc:· McGowan said. ~kGownn 1, m contlic1. He ha., ,1mng 11~, 10 hi s family or origin back m Monrnn11. bu1 he ha.~created nl'W family uc, here 111 Idaho. McGowan n.'Ccn1ly m,1rricd a wh11e \\ Oman he met a1 NIC five >ears ngo. one who did 1101 gruw up on the re,;cr.•ntion. doc~ 1101 prefer 1hn1 hfo n11d doc, nm w:m110 move b.ick 10 1hc re<ervniion 10 live. McGowan '3id 1ha1 he 1, happy here. bu11hu1 he I\ mo,1 comfonuhk on lhc rc..crvmion. and he nw,!>C< hi, family. ..That lire "tough on people who havcn '1lived 11... McGowan ..aid. '"1~P,:lll 111)' whole li fe 1hcre: I mi,~ II. II°~ a ..ccun1y blanke1 for me: · 111c rc-.crvm1on I\ loca1cd in Poplar. Monmna. h i, the Fl. Peck tnb.11hcadquuncr; and home of 1he S1ouA and 1hc A,~mnibo1,. McGowan ,a1~ 1h01 he and his wifo hove talk<'d abou1 11. and he undef\tnnd, her fochng,. He wid 1hu1 1hcy will prob.1bly end up moving m10 Monian,110 be 10 his family. bu1 clo'IC enough 10 u big t'II)' for hi\ w1k 11, reel cn111fom1blc. Ile" currl'nily wor"ing nn 111, 111:L,1cr", in ctl11rn11on 1hm11gh 1hc llm~c,..,i1y 111 ldnho here on campu,. and 111, JOh n, .1

"They call me 'Apple Indian, ' red on the outside, white on the inside." ·· Felix McGowan

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