The North Idaho College Sentinel Vol 72 No 7, Feb 8, 1996

Page 1


Doddle on down to doodles exhibit. See page 13.

December 14, 1995

North Idaho College'1 Student Newspaper • Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

Initiative cuts funds Higher tuitions may result hy Mary Ark lander Nr,,•s Ediror new proposed One Percent lni1iu1ive could drns1icall )• affect students nnd s1aff m the Nonh Idaho College. "All systems ore go." soid Ronald Rrutkm. anti-propcny 1ax nc1ivis1. "NIC will be off of the property tax if the One Perccn1 lni1ia1ivc passc~ in November." The One PNccn1 ln111a11ve would limi1 property tilltes 10 I percent or the owner·, iaublc volue.


NIC receives more lhan S5.7 million from locol 1oxcs, according to Sieve Schenk. NIC dean or college relations and deve lopment. S1uden1s could be looking 01 higher 1u1ions and 1hc staff could face some possible cut backs if the ini tio1ive passes. "11 's 1101 going to be a prcuy picture." su1d Prcsidc n1 Roben Bcnncu. "Nobody wan1s 10 pay taxes, but ,omc1imes a person will cut of their nose to ~pile 1hcir focc.'' "We give bock in a way of service 10 1he community ond 1his initiative if passed will

also affect the local communiry," Bcnncn soid. Many Kootenai Coun1y mx payers wonder why the NIC 1s not funded through the state ns Idaho State University nnd Boise S1a1e University are funded. "I can understand the property mx payer.. concerns," Schenk said. "If the initiative passes we 'II have to look for funding somewhere else." 111e One Percent In itiative now has 26,000 valid signatures and R:mkin s~1id that they have begun printing li1em1urc :ibour the in11ia1ivc. In 1he 1995 foll semester. NIC had more than 2.900 students enrol led. or these student s 2. 100 were Kootenai County residcnis, according 10 Karen S1reeter or the registrars office. "Many other serv ices cou ld be affected by 1hc ini tiative. librarie, being open on

Sundays and snow removal," Streeter said. Several s1uden1s aucnd NI C because or the quali1y classes found here and also 1he low 1uition ra1es in compari~on 10 01her northwcs1 colleges. Rankin said 1h01 lhe s1a1e general fund had S8.9 million more 1his year 1han las1 year. The s1a1e general fund is who fund, 1hc 01her colleges. This general fund gets ii• tax dollars from cvery1hing except property 1ox and gasoline tax. Bennctl said 1ha1 11 wa• imponan1 for s1uden1• 10 unders1nnd whal the One Pcrccni lni1ia1ive mean• and what II will mcan 10 NIC 1f 11passes. S1uden1• are also encouraged 10 conlJCI s1a1c kg1~ln1urc abou1 lh<' consequences or 1h1, 111111u1ivc. Federal aid nmy al\O ,c~ ~omc cu1s in 1hc future when ond ,r 1hc budge! cv(r gc" a balance ttl pa,, in congres,.

Al photo by Kibbee Walton most got him- Jason Moaney ol the No. 1 NJCAA ranked Cardinals nearly pins Doug Maddux of Western Montana. See related story on Page 9.


Thursday, February 8, 1996

The NIC Sentinel

Campus News The North Idaho College Sentinel

Building gets hit for second time Dunng 1h.: ...:mc,1cr l>n::11.. a 1h1el )lruck ,1gmn m Bu,wcll lf,111 ncnmg 1wo no1ebook compu1cr.. In ,.irrymg l'a...c, valued al \ 12.1118 Accunlmg 10 1hc Co.:ur d' Alent: Pohcc. ln'o!Mllun.11 TL..:hnulugy Cuonlm,1101 Tum L)""' lch 1wu T°'h1ha 400 CDT noh:b<x1k l'Olnputcr.- m hl:11:I.. c,11T)'mg ,, ,uung m .i cnrncr b.:h1nJ 111, dc,I.. He la,,t :,.1w the cumpu1c" un l11ur.-d.1y, Jun 4 .11 appro~um11dy 11 JO p m. 111<: ncu mornmg .11 .1ppmx1m,11cly 8 JO um Ly,m, nu11ecd 1hc wmputcn. lwd been 1, lrom the 11llicc. He a,,,,umi:cl 1ha1 Bob Ncl,on ul 1hc NIC hbmry h,td the 11cm, ,11 he rnuld won. on them .i.,,'\l N111hmg dM: m or uruund Lion,· nll'icc had been d1~turb(d 111c ln,1nK:t111n11I Tc,hnulug) ullicc) cnn1111n nummm~ 11cm, uf clc.:1romL l'(JU1pmcn1 11.c dc,l..1up wmputcr.-. , ten:o rccc1wr.-. VCR\ ,·0111p111cr prmlc". cic) h ll a:,n'1

u1111l l'ut:.sday, Jan. 9. a1 opproxmmtcly '.l p.m th,ll T<lm Lyuns discovered the computers had been ~toh:n. Lyons was al a ~tu lf mccung w11h Nelson when Lyon, .l!>~cd Nehon how the work on the computers wns progcssmg. Nel!;On'!> n:.,ponsc was to 1.he effect "Whnt computers'!'' Nelson ~aid he had nol yet n.:tnc..,cd the 1wo notebook computer.; and 11 wa.~ 01 that point that Lyons conlinned 1tw computers were :.tolcn. NIC S1.-cun1y Officer Ron D1c7-" adv1~d th;1l his onicc wns coniucted by Sergeant D Ashcnbr~nncrof the Coeur d 'Alene Pt>hcc department, rcgnrdmg the ,1olcn computers Through an unconfirmed A,hcnbrcnncr obmmcd su~pcct m!onnn1io11 ,md .1 J>O)~tblc loc.iuon on thi: stolen compuu:r.. l~yons doc:sn't suspect nny of the stuff mcmhe~ or nny of the Mudcnt~ who .~,iM m ht~ dep.11tmcn1. A pnor thcfl or camera equipment from Do,wcll Ilall wa., .1ccomph)heJ by u~mg

unauthorized copies or m3SLCr door lock kO)'). 11,csc keys would 111 lhe lock on the Lyons office. It has never been confirmed 1f the i:ollege obtained nll of the unauthoriwd keys from the suspect (the )Uspecl stated he govc back all the master key:. but that might not hove been 1he truth). 111e suspects m that theft ha,,e n computer background and their father is a computer wholesaler. Tom Lyons said the compute rs were "a sm1e of the an notebook computer, with electronic slide presentations, multi media CD's which makes 1he 111s1n1c11onal process more interesting." The fucuhy could "check ii ou1 und use tho Internet prcsen1a11on. It's a setback and significant loss and we pion on replacing 1t 1f 11·s not found . The college 1s insured for most o r it." Rolly Jurgens, NIC dean or nd1111mst.rn11on said 'Tm going 10 pul'l,uc il " If they find the computers and a.,I.. me if l wnn1 to prosecute I will sny ye\·•

ASNIC welcomes Korean exchange students by Tri Nguyen Smrmtl R,·11ul(f't Int llrsi mcc11ni:: ,,r ASNIC for the ,ccunJ ,cmc,1cr . J.1n !9. wa, ., 1111~ of wckomc, pu,1puncmcn1, ,md n~w bu,1110" ASNIC ScnJtn1 Neil Wcbh..:1 wcko1111:d a group nl KuN,111 l:~.:hangl! Student\ that wcr~ VIMllng lrom NIC'\ sister college oulS1dc IJ( Seoul. Webber Jl\o prc,cntcd th,: vmtmg stuJcnl) wuh ~ard, th,11 were p11ntcd \\Uh NlC', niuuo. Webber \\ll~ also thanked b) t\SNIC P1c,1dcn1 Km Stein 1or org.imnn!_! lhc func11on< lur the

c,d,ange stuJcot, a1 the 1cc cream Ml\:iul th.It wa, hl'IJ ullcr the mccling in honor of the c~chungc ~tullcnt~ 8.:11111 that there wn~ 110 old hnsinc,< the hoard movcJ on to nl'Wbu~1nc", 1wo bills r,:quc,ting lunJrng. Bill 104 t\ ,, h1ll lh11t rN1u.:.'it~ fumhng far the Pep b.tnd 1111, h1ll 1s hc111g po~tpon.:d mdcl 1ni1dy umil th1• hill .:1111 lir.-l be p~,\Cd 1hr,,ugh the Inter-Club Coun.:11 Bill !05, a rcquc~t b, th,: DEC .:lub r,,r funding 111 !lllcnd .1 ,u1c .:ompcti11on w,1s r.:ad The bill ,1uuld ,tppropriate lur DI.:(' dub S 171){) to ,lltcnJ the ,1.1tc t'Olll(lCllllUn Ill Jd11h,1 Scn,ltl'lr Shannun 11,inwoJ reported

1h01 the focu~ lorum was to be pol>lponcd due to lac I.. of suppC'lrl from ASN IC board members. Also rep<1ncd progrc!$) on the plnns to rcno"lllc the Student Union Building. Pr,,i::rcs~ h,L~ also been 11111dc m revis1un~ nnd updntcs to tht· NIC' stude111 hnndbool... Suggl'SL~d 11.:m~ arc 1ns1ru~11,r') olltrc locuttons and ph11nc numb.:rs. t\nnounccm.:nb for the ''You lnugh. You Lu,c" l'IIOICSt 1n the sun on F1•b. 8. were m11dc. Also anMunc.:d wcr~ on t\SNlC ,pun~orcll blu<>d dri,c Feb. 14, IU am. to 3 p.m




: ,

fverything that is_____,, done in the wprtd la done by hope, ·· Martin Luther

News Briefs

Thief strikes Boswell Hall

by\Vl'S Woo<h 'im1111rl R,purur

Did you know?



TESTIMONIAL FOR TENURE The deadline for suhmilling 11:stimonials about farullty who are appling for inillal 1enurc rennewal or tenure has been extended 10 Pcb.12. Tcsumonials should b<' addrc)scd to Tenure Committ<JC TI1c commjiucc members arc: Jim Cultro, Bob Clnrl.., Don Frii~. Morui Chngu, aad DulcMar.:y. Faculit y members who arc up for tenure :Ir¢; Allie Vogl, Doug Andmon. Brian Coon). Fron Bahr. Phil Corlf~. Bahcmc H.:.-..,, R3mom, Klingu, Lisa Lyn¢S. Mnxlne Mortm, L.:n Mt11t.:i, Cun Nelson, Bill Richard~. John Weller, ,ind 03wna Andrea.

EMERGENCY PHONE !MESSAGE The college now has 1111 emcrtgcncy campm closure 1-1100 phonc numb er for bludenb. fncullyond stnff li ving iu outlying urus. Tbe phone number i.~ n mcssnge line only, und i.UI llroadc.nst school clo~urc~. rr you :.u\pect that school nmy he closed dul! lo indcmt:nl wcnlher, phone l-!<00-2 ~4-4526. The ~amt message will nl~o be r«ordcd n~ ::i ,·oicc mail mc..,.~ngc IJII 769-3300 on ~chool cln.,ure days for tho.>e who lh•e within the toll-free arta.

WEEKS TO WELLNESS You dfC invited 111 toke pnrt in a fun ,md c.i,y ac11v1ty dllstgncd to ccl.:br:110 wcllnc\, All ) OU need 10 do 1~ rcgi~tcr. l...:.:p trncl.. of wrllm:s, poi ms you rru n and cn,oy your awards! All run ,md p,1rt-tllnc t:mployce~ .ire dig,hlc. You can p:inic1patc o, an md1viJual :iur ~"team IC you alrcaLl)· lead a healthy hfc!llyk. u·~ gr~at tobc r,•w.1rd,:J for it. 11tt• eight weeks hciun on Monday,f(bMI)' 5 to Fridny. March :!9, 19%.

ICC l\tfEETING Low attendance cau~cd the fin t bUI OD dll ag, ndu , bill 105, to he postponed until more meruhers uf the intra Club Council are present. Bill 1114 cooctrned the pep-hand and IO oqulre nl!tdrd ec1uiprnf'nl. Apparently their equipment is ovtr 10-yeor.; -old and delerioratiog. Tbfe pep-bond is a~kiog $4,500 from ICC. Announced wos lhc upcoming blood dri II will be in the Koolenoi Room al the Student Union Building on Feb. 14, o.m. tu 3 p.m. ICC's nut meeting will bt Ill lht Bouodry Room on Feb. 8.


C.ampus News

Thursday, February 8, 1996

The NIC Sentinel


Win new dream house for $100 b) Richard Le Franris Stmint'I Rrpo1-ic-r If you like 10 giunl>le. uckcis are now on sale for the Nonh ldJh<>Collcgc Foundation·~ annunl Re:illy Big Rnrne. Thi, )e:l!S gr.ind pn,.c is u dream home on Stonehenge Dnvc. It 0,erlool, a bc:nuiful pnl<l fore:,t in Hnydcn Lake's de,.irablc Loch Hav,m subdivi~ion. Toe hou...e i, currently being fr.11111.'<1 by NIC cnrp,mtry ,1udcn1:- under the (uper"ision of Program Director R1chnrd Mcu. 1s wonh o\'crS200.000. according to NIC Foundnuon faecu11vc Director Steve Schenk. The hou~ has three bedrooms. 2 1/2 b.1tll<, witlt 2250 square f~t m one: level and a 1500 c;quare foot unfi111shed daylight bJ.sement Quatuy oomiruction i~ s,.-en with bmlt-m cabinet~. wrnp :ll'OUnd o,.'<'ks. a Ja~uai tub and beautiful view an: some of the m.1ny fcatu~ of lh1< hQmc. Many people say the raffic is a win-win situation .•~ uckct buyer1 took at the ramc a~ rontrit>utmg to lhc foundauon nnd winning a pri1.c i, just icing on the cal.c. n..,:ordmg to Schcnl.. Other pri1e~ include $20.000 that can be u~ to purchnsc either a car or a boat. SJ.500 for a dream vac-,uion. or $2.000 for a vioppmg spn.>e. Unlike Powcrb..111, which hns unlimited ticket -ale,, lllC Re:illy Big Raflle will M:11 only 4.000 ticket, m SIOO each. TI1e \\1Ming ucl.m will be drown July 2. at the oulSidc Mage ofThc Cluldnm·s 'llleater wh1<"h 1s adjacent to the NIC Adm1111,1ration Buildmg. All ticket ~le:. and prize drawing will be moniion.'<I by an 111dcpendc:nt nctounting firm. Anyone can buy tickcL, but the cmplO)CCS of1he accow1ung flfTTI hired by the foundmion. Nonld.'lho rei.1dcnts can be buy tickets in p.:Mn at nn Idaho ticket selling locauon.

Now entering it\ 1hird ~uccc,sful year. the cvcm originally L..1kc Travel 111 Coeur d'Alene: Super I Food, in Coeur d'Alene: Tidyman 'sin Coeur d'Alene. Post Fall~. M~ow. and bcgnn "" ycnn, ago a., a home building prujcct for NIC'~ Carpentry Program. Wliilc lhc homes 501d quickly. profit~ vaned Lewiston: Stein\ IGA 111 Rmhdrum. Kcllngg and ~bum: The and were dependent on mo.rkc1 priccs.111c college also h dent~ Store in Snndpoin1; and Riverside Chevrolet in with problems aswcintcd with general contmcting. such as home Bonner·~ Perry. buyers changing the plans. siding schemes. etc. Three years ogo. Schenk read about n similar rame bcnefiuing a hospiinl in lndinnapolis. \ The foundation let him try ii at NIC and it hn.~developed into one of~1c Poundauon's biggest fund rai~ing events, according to Schenk. Over the 111$! two yean.. $50,000 per yc:1r ha\ lx.-cn given in dir1.-c1 grnnts to NIC fnculty members for special prop:ts, In addi1ion to the mffic. th~ NIC Foundation has in rccen1 y~ars buil1 the S 1.4 Million Workforce Trammg Center at the Rivcrbcnd lndu~tnal Park 1n Post Pall,. and ha, providing over $200.000 in college M:holan.hip,. Ticket, nrc available now at the College Relntions office in the Shermo.n Bldg. More photo by Richard Le Francis infom,ation is available at (208) Building a dream- Dee Robbins, Steve McCulloch, and carpenter instructor 769-3271. Other 1ioke1 sales Richard Mete construct home for raffle on July 2. locations in the area arc: By th~

Prepare for winter by Leslie Hines Sentmrl Reporter Being n111cho in th.i mounmul'I can bring dire con,cqucncc, and po~~iblc llenth to any back country outdoon.-pcrson nut prepared. Several recent accidcni, ut Silver Mountain and S" ,uer )ki reson, prompted an educo11on;1I nnd infonna11w free lecture fan 23. 111 the Bonner Room. Snow \urvival procedure, and bacl.. country ~afcl) wn, the topic ol d1,cu,,cd 111c pre-..:ntallon wa, conduct<!d by local bu, 1 om Bt:lln. Shred Shed. Steve and Terri Mathew,, Peak Adventure,. Mark Bc:itt1c. \lcnicul Eurth. Chic Burge. Camera Cornil 111 Coeur d'Alene. Spol.anc Mountilin Air and Jti,on Luker. NIC Outdoor l'ul'\u1b coordinator The ,how Mllrtl-d wnh a breathta.kmg ,hde ,how and nurmtivc of ,ome excellent nrra., to find sl.iing, , now-boardmg. ; now-shoemg or general h1kmg in the Inland Nonhwe,t. Steven, Peak " c,p.,-c1ally appealing wnh its valley~ and ridges. Although Cataldo. Euglc Ptak. Kokance Glacier und Tiger Peak m Bun Canyon are promi,ing a~ well. Mathew~ and Be:uic gave '>Cvcral superb iU&gcs11on, un dn:s$mg in layers and lhe

proper winter attire required for safe cxcursios into 1he back coumry. According to Beatie "Conon is roncn and poly i, jolly." Conon clothmg rctruns a large pcrcentogc of water and can get n person in trouble in the likely even I of lnghcr elevation weuther change~. Polypropylene is recommended along with ~ill. underclothing. polar fleece and nylon. Burge briefly went through a 11'1 of IJ es,cntrnl, to carry on the uml includmg maps. a comp.1,,. )Wi~~-am1y knife, fire-,tuner ma L1ploc bag. nu,hlight. quality sunglasses to avoid ,now-blindnes\, extm b.1tteries. 11 fir..t aid kn wnh moleskin~ for blisters, extra clothing. wa11:r. food, 1,1gnaling device. and pencil and paper. The lecture , trc\!>Cd that bcmg pn:pJred m the case of .ulvcrsc weather condiuon, will ,aw your hfc. The e~pcn, nho advised the outdoo~-pc.-Non 10 carry nn 111fom1n11011 caid dc,rribing blood l)'IX\, phyS1cal charnctcristics, cmcrg.enC)' phone numbcN, and any mcllicauon, or allergic,. Northern Idaho has an abundance of exqui~1tc (kiing :ind district, 10 utili1c and 1f properly prepared thi, activity can be safe and plca~urable for all of u~.



Single Parents join together Center for New Directions starts group by Barry D. Wh itney Se111i11e/ Reportrr Are you ,I ~ingk parent? Do you feel alone sometimes? Good news, there's help. The C.:nter for New Direction~ ha\ '!tarted :1 Single Parents support group. Th.: Group meet, ev.:ry other thursday at noon tn Seibert Hall. Room 1-t. Judy Bundy,coun'lelor. lead, the group in an open forum discu,~ion that ,, :tlluwcd 10 now fr.:ely. Topic. mdudc l'luld development. day C3.n:, and nurriuon with infom,auvc booklets to provide adduional help.The addition of lhe new lending library off.:rs even more 1iteraturc on ~ubject1 \uch a, positive parenting skills, stress management, and nutrition. Peer suppon on an cmouonal level 15 al~o an imponant pan of the suppon system offered by the group. l,slhe$ dealing with stn:ss, guilt of umc loi.t with children while work. i;chool. and 01her obligauon~ mnke time management difficult. Mmibers lllt' able to sh.are their h~ and fears. disc~ problems and sh.are ideti for solutions in

o wann. friendly. nonthr.:atening environment. When emotions risl' 10 the surface. when discu~sions mvolvc fom,er ~pou~s. the desire, and fcnN of the children concerning the other pareut. you are not alone. In lhi! group. ore people who ~hare these expcrienct:S with you, and will offer ideas, encouragemcnl, a kind word,or Just a hug. The meeting, ar.i h<!ld at noon ~o bring your brown bag lunch Specials luncheons .Uld other group acti vities are also being plunned for the futur~ They arc fo.mily oriented ncuvitie~ and adult activitic, ,o that 1he parc:nt~ L'3n "get awa> from it all" for a littl.: while in a stre,s free !iet11ng All single paten~ are encouraged 10 come and join ihe group. The next mttllog will be February 8, ar noon 111 room 14, Sciben Hall. For more infonna1ion you can contact Judy Bundy or Carol Haught at the Center for New Directions by calling 769-3445. Or just stop by the Center for New Din:ctiom m Sciben Hall.



The NIC Sentinel

Campus News

Bennett looks ahead b) Mar) Arklundcr Ntws liJitor TI1e One Perceo1Jm11a1ivt was the 1op1l' addrc~cd w North Idaho College Prcs1dcn1 Rohen Denncll during the NIC Bo,U'd or Trus1ellS mcclmg Wed. 3 I. Bcnncu nic1 wllh 1hc lcgisl311on 1wo week, 3go. He di~cul>~Cd NIC funding and the rnnsequcnce~ or loosini; 1hc funding r~t1\'.:d rcom Kootenai County property 111~es "I rnmJc an mfomia1ivc prescnrnlion nbou1 1he servkcs 1h:11 NIC g1ws 10 the community and the umuunl ur people that we S<." rvc here al NIC:' Bcnnc11 srud. "Ther.: jus1 bn'I a whole 101 th~, con be done 1h is year 10 replace 1hc funds ,r NIC lo~cs us funding m 1hc November clee1ions. lls not very cncouragmg. I don'1 ho,·e nny mbb11S 10 pull uu1 of my 1ml for 1hi\ one." he ,aid. Bennin smd Llml NIC serve~ ,non: 1liun 15.000 people each ye.u and wc :ue 110 1mpo113nt pnrt of the .:conom1clll)' m the communuy Our mam1:11n~v unJ operation dolle.r.. will be rcmlly ~lfoc1ed,

" i\t lhb time. it i~ n!'H :i good dim3tc lo riSk people: for more 10>.es,'' s~nn<'.ll said. A new clcva1<>r is being built in 1h1: Sieben H1\II. h will be equipped lor l11e handicap ncecssnb11i1y. Construction i~ cummlly underway. ·nic hole dug in from of the hall cx1ends 10 the basement nnd 1he road 1,toing around 1hc building fencing off traffic near 1hc building.. ''The remodeling for 1he elevator al he Si.:bcrt Hall will cost obou1 SI00,000." Rally Jurgens. denn of odn11ois1ralion said. '·TI1c Department of Public Worh may help wi1h ,omc or the funding for the elevator." Deun of Student;, David Lindsay, •nid 1h31 cnrollmcn1 was up 1his semester and 1he numbers had 1101 dropped. Post spnnlJ o.:mestcrs haw ~hown ,1 decrease m s1uclcn1s The board vo1cd onJ approved Phenix ln1crn11uom1l 10 complete the rc111odchng of the Student Umcin Building. Cr.:dll card .1u1horizn11on wn~ .11~0 voted on and npprovcd 10 ~uvc NIC money 1ownrd Lruvclini; cxpcn~c~.

Janet 13cnoll, writer for NIC. 5poke to the board nbou1 her work in the applic111io11 prQCess nnd the nmounl or grunts receiving at NIC. "A good gran1project has to be wcll though1 out olong with being well wrillt:n.'' B.:noh said. "You also need o good team L11at wun1s 10 help wri1ci1." Benoit has brought in more than $350,000 ns o grant wri1¢r for educuuonnl purposes. Benoh uses in1cme1s ,11 Web silcs 10 help in h.:r granl r.:scarch. ASNlC President, l<ris S1ein, reported 1hc succc5s of 1he s1uden1 nri.:n1a1ion lo 1hc board. ASNlC's oncntntion hclpt'd new s1udcn1s enrolling at NJC become familiar with 1hc cullegc und their s1uden1council. An 1cc cream ~oriol wa~ held for 1hc vbi1ors from Korea ufo:r I.he ASNIC mcc1ing Monday 22. Stem a$ktd for 1npu1 from the board :11>out lht: SU13 facilities. ASNIC ho~ts three blood dnv1:s n year. Thr 111:x1 upcoming blood drive will be in 1hr Koo1cnoi Room on Feb. 14, from 10 11.m. to 3


Thursday, February 8, 1996

Luck of the draw wins scholarship by Daniel J. Ocll Sent inel Reporter ·me ca mpus' lirsl nnnunl Rodeo Club Scholnrslup Raffcl must have seemed like the luck or the dr:1w. That's bccnusc the recent NIC Associate or Science degree grud ua1e purchased the minimum required 10 win in n con1cs1of 1his son; one lone 11ckc1. "I'm pleased nnd surpri sed I won," said Shaffer in II off campus interview. Shaffer, ugc 25. or Hayden Lake nlso s1t11cd 1h,H he plans 10 use 1hc 1hrcc hundred dollnr scholarship w111n111 gs 10 further lus cduca1ion in forcs1 ry. an endeavor he 1s pur,uing a1 the Coeur d' Al ene campus. Shaffer was informed oflus good for1unc on Dcccmher 15, hy way of a phone coll from Rodeo Club prcsidenl. Cn,cy Andcr,on. Club .1dv1,nr, M1d1cllc lloh . would hkc ,tudcnh 111 ~now 1hu1 1hc llcdghng c,rg:1nil,J11on 1, .1h1 .1y, l11ok111g for nc\\' mcmhcr~h1p lhn,c 1111crc,1cd can con1.,c1 Holt lhrough campu, cxlcnuon.3J90 or ul her ufl1cc localed al 1hc Fon Sherman Olfo:cr,, llu11thng

Campus News

Thursday, February 8, 1996

Honors workshop: New class comes tocampus by Di Hr:iun Sa,1u1rl Reporrrr NIC has un IK1oor.. program for 1hc first umt now SOSC 203 Honors Workshop ·•Rights. Privilligcs. :ind Responsibilities" ~ as a n~w listing in 1hc college carnlot! for the spring ~mc.ster. To.: Socilll Scic:nc.: Dcp:11tmen1. under direction of Torn Aini, h:ls hc:lded the effor1 to offer n "more in depth look." ~ one ctedi1 etas,, ,s fo11r different 4haur worl..."lhops onc.: a month for the ~ 1er. Dllvid Cunnington ,md Mike Harrod, fa:uhy mcmlxrs of the Nntutal Scfoncc Di11ision hosted. furcquisi1e reading packets wt'rc sent 10 the 14 students registered m order to prepare Mil for the discussion·based <'lass this Wttkend Students will wnu: a ptlp('r after anrnding Oic workshop Other divisions on the boord wiU hos1 three workshops n1Social Scicncc..v Feb. 2;3, Nwsmg Division-Morch 22. Apnl 26 is still available. but ihe Bu.;inc..,;s Division has it labled for discussion. The hon~ workshop is open to students with o 3.0 GPA or higher. Depending on mt~nded transfer institutions. 1lli~class may be transferable as an honon. credit

by Ryun MncClanntl,nn Sc111i11f / Rep(}rrrr

Al first II seemed Ii kc an easy woy 10 lose weight. First by skipping brenkfnst. 1hcn lunch nnd fi nally by nol eating meals all together "Suzy" hod found lhc pcrfoc1diet. Suzy's weight plumrnelcd ond her parents began to worry. Suz.y denied 1hn1 1hcrc wns nnyihmg wrong. She believed 1ha1she wns ~till overweigh1 and was simply eating heolthy. Within six months Suzy weighed 90 pounds. She refused 10 go 10 lhe doctor unul she collapsed in school.Suzy's parents 100k her 10 1hc doctor and wilh one look diagnosed her 1vi1h anorexia ncrvosa and admiued her imo lhc hospital. Scenes like 1his are common across the country. Ea11ng disorders affect more 1han half n million Americans, primarily young women, according 10 the American Psychiatric Association. TI1c nnnunl cumpa ign 10 incrcnse lhc prevention and public awareness of eating disorders is this week. !Nonh Idaho College. 1he Kootenai Memorial Hospnal and the Coeur d'Alene School Dis1ric1arc cosponsonng local ncuvities, said Donna Runge and Lauro Watkins, sl:\le coordinators for coting disorder awareness and preven11on.

TI1c nn11onal cn1ing disorder screening progrnm wn~ held Jnn. 23, in the S1uden1 Union Ouilding . TI1e program is designed 10 provide college s1udcn1s. concerned friends or family members information nboul 1he signs. symptoms and 1rca1mcn1 of c:uing disorders. The program combines cducalion. screening and by providing a lcc1ure, question nnd answer session. a video prcscn1mion, sclf-rcpon ques1ionnnirc nnd n brief interview wi1h n counselor Reeommcnda1ions ror funhcr cvnlua1ion will be given by counselors when npproprinte. A prcscn1n1ion on bo<ly image will be given by Laura Wa1kms Feb. 8 m noon m lhc Bonner Room of 1hc SUB. Friday has been des1gno1cd ns n nationnl day 10 consciously refuse 10 be obsessed abou t dieting. weight or body size. People nre encournged 10 be more nccep1ing of 1hcmsclves and 10 experience whal life i~ like when their sctr-esleem is not weighed on a bathroom scale. TI1e three most frequently diagnosed types of ca1ing disorders nrc anorexia nervosn. bulimia nervosa nnd compulsive cnling. Each year milli ons of amcricans arc 11ffec1cd hy 1hcsc serious ond some111nes hfc 1hrca1ening eating disonlcrs. according 10 the Na1ional lnsti1u1c of Menial Heollh.

Committee reviews contractor concepts



Campus educates about eating disorders

Student Union Building Renovation

by Daniel Bell Stnri11tl reporttr he Stude nt Union Building's rcnovnuon~ ore off nnd runn ing and according 10 Lonny Stein, it's so far so good. Director of Auxiliary Services for Nonh Idaho College. Stem, one of the coodina1ors of this arduous endeavor and many other commiuec members drawn from school students nnd staff, spcn1long hours on campu s over Chris1m~ break, siflmg through a eleven requ~ l for proposals subm11ted by various nrchc1ie1uml firms. · From these one dozen firms a few finalists were selected to present none hour interview in fron1 of 1he commiuee on January 9, wi th forty-five minutes to state their goals and present thei r plan and a fifteen minute question and answer session between anthctect and design members. In February the SUB conlracl award

The NIC Sentinel

is expected 10 be turned over 10 Phoeni x ln1crna11onnl, who will work in conjunction wi1h Co-cur d' Alene finr. Cranston Associate as CO·produccrs of 1his job. The award is contingent upon approva l by the NIC bonrd or trustees. Al this date, a total budget of $3,500,000 has been, esrnblished for the building. This incl udes all fees. rcimbursnbles nnd con1ingcncies. A 1cntauve "project scope" ns presented by commiuce members or the 11rchc1ic1s follow a written format explaining each major area of 1hc s1udcn1 un ion according to square foo1 needs.HAVC, interior design and reln1ed areas. Design Development: toking a wnuen format inlo a schemn1ic concept and then designing a "picture" of 1he project. Cons1ruc1ion documents: translating design 10 a working blue pri nt by chosen contractor.

Cons1ruc11on administr:111on: fo llowing the co,1s1ruc1ion process from 1hc ground breaking through complc1ion. Thi s provides an on going review of propc.r consruc1ion methods and code requirements. The vision created by the commiuec when fini shed is one or n "student oricnled fncility 1h01 is auractive, vibron1 and 1he "place to be'' for slUdying. social and recreational nctivi1ics." According to S1ein, an oren will be stm1igically placed inside 1he Student Union Building 10 provide those in1crcs1ed wi1h contin ual facility updates. Thccommiuce is hopeful lo have design developmcnl underway in April and comple1ed in 3 months, with complc1cd construction docu ments 111 hand by this August. Actual cons1ruc1ion will soon follow. Al this lime, a finish dale hns been deemed "late fall 1997."

According 10 lhc Massachuscu~ Eming Disorder Associmion people who in1en1ionnlly s1arve 1hemsclvcs suffer from nnorcxm ncrvosa. TI1is disorder, which usunlly begins in young people around lhc 1ime of puhcny, involves extreme weighl loss. Some of 1hc more cxircme physicnl complica1ions include hnir loss. menstrual complica1ions, premature hone losi;, kidney failure, abnormally low hcnn rmc nnd low blood pressure. One perccn1 of 1cennge girls m 1he U.S. develop nnorcxin ncrvosn nnd up to IO percent may die as n res uh. Bulirnin Nervosa involves frequent episodes or hinge eating followed by purging nnd feelings of gu1h and shame. B11limin con oflen cause lung 1rri1n1ion, 1001h damage, and gostrom1cs11nol problems. Compulsive cater.; and overweight binge caters also experience uncon1rollcd cn1ing, sometimes kept secrc1. B01h groups often experience dcpl'CS$ion and 01hcr psycholog,cnl problems. Up 10 40 pcn:enl or people who nrc obese mny be binge enters. According 10 the American Psychin1nc Associn1ion en11ng disorders can be successfully overcome wllh 1rca1ment in o doctor's ofricc or clinic. Serious cases of eating disorders oflcn nectl to be

Wanted I Computer God or Goddess The NIC Sentinel is looting for a person to assist our current staff' members with computer programs,

troubleshooting and general magic on a Macintosh. Credit available for your time.

Please see NIis Rosdahl In Siebert Room 53 or call 769-3389.

Thursday, February 8, 1996

The NIC Sentinel

Opinion-1:ditorial The North Idaho College Sentinel

Just a lflouaht...


If opportunitydoesn't knock, build a door. --Milton Berte

/Student keeps secret on finding /parking spaces


,1.c J ,h.,n. ,mdhng 1h prey\ tiloc>d in lhc v.a1er. 'Ill( ,1uJcni- v.Jn lor 1h,: S()Ufl<I\ 111 car l.c)' Jlll)!lm ,n 1he cold ,1 m1<·r "111<1 Ir ,,gnJI- lhc ,un nl 1li., hunt. e, :i.:11} Ill mmu,~ be lore 1hc hour CJI'> '" un 1h p.ul.111~ lot pruv. lm1• l11r their pre1 the elu,l\c p.1rl..1t1!! ,po4 \t 1hc liej?mmng ol th ,e:ar I hought J p.1rl.m11 ~m111 Th< ,mall p1,·u: .it pl.1,tK 1h.,t I n:1el\cJ nov. hang, lrom Ill} IC.Ir\ IC\\ OllrTlll' nllm1 IOjl' Ilk tn p.ul. ,m) 11f11're u11 rampu, 1h,tt " tk'<IEOJ!cd It •I 11U<knt llu11 .:, t1. ,111) ,1 lwr.: 1111 ,,,mpu, u,UJII) 111.:an, m ., ,poi th.11 nul, the ,mall nJllon ol 1Jh111.111 ,n ,h,tJn,c frum 111) < la,scs. 111,• other .1hc111.1111 c " Tri N~u yen 111 ro;1m 1hc 111rl.m1 )<11 hl.c I Opinion din) old m.m lo,Amg lur 1 lll,1111h11lt, 1111t11 '4lOWUII< , ~IIIIC\\ lier,· ~t,CI 111 their l,11 Then I v.,11110..,.., 11 thc1 111· rcall> j!nmg hJ l,•,11c, or Jlhl ~· ,om, 1f11n~ uul ol 1hc 11 , 11 .111,l 1h.:n 11 ·", .s) mg " lie, -u,1..·r, ~,,u ,.111·1 h.l\,: 1111, ,pi,1. ll.11, h.u, bo:,; 11111rr 11wJ1,h .in· 1h11-c h:d lhc unl1 pl.1<.: 111 1111,.• v.oilJ 1h.:} ,.,n ur17.1ml<' 1h.•11N:hc• ,, 1111111:11 C".11, Ih t 11-.:ll I n·1 \'I'll. l>ut ,f.,mg "' lur ., '1>1kl h.111 hum "11h tlwn l'll!,!m," r•n .md ra1h1" hl,mn)! ,, lhl' parl.m!! l'<jUII .1k111 nl -...-1111• ,1 g1Jnt he,, mxkr 1ht- fhm1m.1, tr,'C lo •ljl<·n 11 .mJ find out thal II 1, a he.,, ,11

ll\DrR\\I \R


\\ h) ' lhc> ,111.1,hcd m~ hn11e, and Jrc.1111, ol lmd1111•

1hc p.-rfo.t p.,n.1111! ,pu1

I 1~1 ...Jm1t 1h.111hcrc 1, .,111,11, J plJu: le> p,ui. bcl1111,l 1h.• hbn,ry Ilo11c1cr. lnn,1dc11np lhl' hbral) 111111 the l'djic ol the c.1mpu, 1111: pt1"1h1l11, •h•I I .un goml! to lhcn: 11 do...- in nothing \le m)-.:11 .mJ I v.1ll 111thl plJJI) Ur\k 1he! I01111l I prom nau-.:ou,. lh,ml. )OU , .:I) mud1 Ilnwl'vcr.1h" l,,cl. or ca111c111c111p.ukmi,: ,p.1.-c, h,11 taugl11 me J ,.1luabk ,l.111 I ,.111 no11 bo.1,1 the .1b1hl) 10 find J p.irl.mi,: ,poi m Jn) p.111.mj! IOI at JO) lime of JJ) here ,II lhe ·colll'l,!C by 1he lol.t' " TI* 11 bccau.,.. I have found n frw p,trl.ini; ,pol\ 1hut ,in-. more or le"· h11l1kn from lhc: mcnou, ,v.ann of 'p.i<:l'"! These ,poh arc 1he trea,ure, that I chemh The t) pc uf hnlc 1h111g 1ha1 nml.c, my dny wu11hwh111' 1 he 1hough1 th:u I havl' a lmlc p1cc,• of h,•J1,•n bc1v..:en twn }cllow hne, 'Omev..1y. -.omehov.. hc:lp, m,• 1hrough 1hc: dJ) L,1.c., good fhh.:nn,1n. hov.e~cr. I nm dclimicl) not going 10 lrll you where 1hese ,1>01, arc. E.,fX'dally not 111 pnm 1ha1 all of NIC can le.111 on m) hnlc cJdit of ' ~ - Not I!"'"!? 10 hJppcn, don't a.\l. Unlc-, you\,. l:!OI tl'n bucl.,.




Editoria_l ~-~

Dorms: may become obsolete T

he lin.,I prep.irJllon, .ire hc:mr 111.1dl' for lhc pl.11111.:J 10:nm .umn, 11, the S1u,k111 l nion llu1ldm1' I he .1rd1tll'tl\ lrnn: h.:,·11 cho,cn .mJ th<.' t;1c1l111,:, rnmnuucc 1\ fmal11111g lhl dc,1!!n, Oh. anJ 1hc fa1c of ShcJ1p.1rd/C,ridlc) Il.111 ,1111 h.m!!, in 1h,: halanlc 1 he B,1ard nl l'nhtce, v. ho ,~crl.' r.:,,d} 1u bulldo,c on-cJrnpu, lt,m,mi: la,1 ) car ill\' bad. wuh a \Cllt?cann•. mmu, """ Jud) \k)c r. ,1h<1 "·" r.:plar,:J h) Sac I lulm1 It "·" ~h-).:r 11h11 c.1mc up v. 1th lhc nnuon 1h.11 r,•11111vmg on,campu, hnu"ng 11ould pu1 mllnl.') 111 th,· pol, ol communuy rncmt>.-r, 11hn n1111 Jp.snmcm l·omplc,c, It',., v.cll 1.nov.n fJt11ha111hcn II come, 10 1hc Board ol I ru,11:c,. 11\ ,111 .ihouc money. S11ulcnh .10d l.1cuh) c.1111.111. u1111l 1hc) ·re blue in the lace, but 1hcrc .1re no JrC,I\ nf gra) 10 ron,1dcr ·" far a, lhc) arc 1·on1·emcd. JU\I i,:r.:.:n It',·• i!ood 11gn 1hm the Board ofTru,1ce, are willing 10 rl'cun,1dcr. but hov. man)' \ludcn1, were .iv.are thac 1h1, wa, c,cn going on'> Rcmovmg onrnmpu, hou11ng from NIC would be a hugc: m1,1al.c. Never mmJ 1ha1 11 would tal.c away affordable. convcmcm hou,ing frorn 1h.i ,1udcn1,. It v.oulJ change 1h,: cnurc air ol our c,1mpus 1 NIC ha, the unique feel of .1 ,mall four-y,:ar u111vcr,11y wnh 11:, on-campu, hou"ng. It i,:1vc~ a 1t.Jm1. lived-in fcelmg to a campu\ thJI would 01hcrv. i,c bc JU\t another IWO·)CJr, cold cummu1er <"ollcge. Many parents of 11udcnts from ou1ly111g :irca, wam

lhl' w1111-con1rol1.,J cm irnmcnt ol ., Jurn1 for 1hw ll"t· ,o:ar collc)?c ,1111kn1. ',fnr, 1111pon.1111l~ ,1udcn1 cnnung to 1h11 ,1r.:,1 tor 1hc IIN 11111c r11ul 11 :111111,,1 1mpo"1bll' 10 l!l'I her,:, prcparc lor ,d10ol ,md find J pl.Kc tu li\'e Il.t\ 111g hou,11111 guJr.lOll·eJ 10) OU upon your .,m, JI al NIC' wre 1.11.l', .s 101 ut ,uc11 out of 1hc coll<'g1• c,pcril·nce Many ,1udcnt\ nnl) l1v,: 111 thc Jomh tor onl.' ,e111en,1er. but 11·, .s <hancc to gel -.:ultJ and ,ldJU\I 10 life in colkgc S1udcnh II hu ,irn\'C hell' ohcn tlon, 1 l.nov. .111}onc 011111 ofl-c:unpu, anJ finding a roum.ue m J ,11uJ111>n 111.c 1h.11 001 onl) be harJ bu1 JJngNou, llou,m!! rn 1h1\ Jrta " c,p.:n,11c and « llhout roomma1e, II b.!cnmc, unaffordable. Thi' don111 .illov., ,1udcnt, 10 come .md rncc1 roomacc:, .ind then mo\'c <1u1 Thi, '' oflcn a god-,cnd tor poor college ,1ud,:nts h may be true 1h01 chm1na11ng Sheppard/Ondic) Hull will move ,omc monc)' back inio 1hc communn). bu1 what of all 1hc ,1udcn1s 1h" college aur:ich 10 1he comrnun11> '> The donm add 1:uhuml d,, cr,it) and awareness io 1hc ,allege anJ 1he commun11y. S1udcn1, who 11\c ,o cloicl) 1oge1her learn 10 relate. ~hJrc: and compronme. People from all different 11Jll.s ol hfe learn ubou1 each 01her anJ thcm~clve,. Th,~ 1s 11hal college" all ohou1. There 1s a Board of Tru,ccc, meeting 111 la1c Fcbru,1ry If 1h11 I\\UC affo.:h )'OU rn any "a). go anJ kl your \ 01cc be heJrd. The fo1c of ShcppJrd/Gridk) H~II may dcp.:nd on u


Thursday, February 8, 1996

The NIC Sentinel


Auditorium renaming: News makes way to Puget sound

Now you see them, now you don't • The bullcun boards in Boswell Hull hnve disappeared. President Bennett hod 1hem rumoved sayrng 1hey were ··tacky •·

If Bcnncll wants 10 romo,•c sornc1hrng lrom 1hn1 building he should s1ar1 with 1hc nc" nJrnc for 1hc audrrnnum a Evidcnlly Ste,•c Schenk had some1hrng 10 hrde when he d1dn'1 wnn1 hr~ prclurc n:1.1ken for 1hc nJrnrnrs1ra11on wall rn the Sherman bu riding Why'! Because her) mor, l11llrcnlly rmpmrctl 1han ln~l year' a Hoyden Lake hrllsrde rcsrdcnt Pat Reagan has u good reason for his vanrly pln1c, ··TKS NI C ·· Reagan won 1hc rirs1NIC Founda11on really brg rafOc of a S 165.000 hou~c. The thrrd annual rafOc drive is under way. a Lucky for us the ca feter ia employees arc such wonderful Indies. They have rco.son 10 be crabby. The new cash register and condiment alignment may save some space, bu1 1he cashrcrs have los1 their s1ools and now 1hey have 10 s1and all day. Masi or 1he~t women are preity frisky. bu1 1hcy arc11'1 spring chickens! Give 'cm n break! • Smokers on campus have been rinding themselves out in 1hc cold. Complaints from campus smokers say 1hcy should have a warm pince to study and smoke. One smoker snid "We' II all frectc 10 death before we ge1 ca ncer" • II seem~ J11ndi Dunl ap, a newcomer 10 1hc Sen1incl s1aff. had a li11lc more than a 1yp1cal harncd regrs1rnt1on dny, and approprin1cly coi ning 1hc experience as "odvrsor evnpornlron day." She abo mcn1roned 1hm II certain faculty member caused quite o traffic jam around 1he prinicr as students owartcd 1herr schedules Why'r Because he forgm 10 plug rn 1hc pri nicr !

Ille Se atiae I 1\ \socra1rd Collcgrmc Pre~~ Five Star AII-Arncrrcan Newspaper and Nouonnl Pucemnkcr Robcn F. Kennedy Award · Soo1e1y of Prore~sronal Joumnlrsb Gcncml l:xccllcncc Award Na11on:1l l lnll of F:imc • Lo, Angele.~ Tirnc.~ Nn11onal Lcndcrshrp Award R()ck) Moun1am Collegiate Pn:s~ Gcncrnl 6xcellcncc Awnrd

Editorial Staff Nils Rosdahl Adviser Sports Editor MarkAaron Perry Managing Editor Jonathan Hay Photo Editor Mary Arklander News Editor Kibbee Walton Amanda Tomme fnstan1 Culture Edrtor Michele Bear Business Manager

Reporters, Photographers and Artists Shelley Jerome Richard Le Francis Ryan MacClanalhan Cheyenne Mahncke Tara Mat! Patty Moore Steve Myers Tn Nguyen Brad Preston

ord has fil1cred iL~ way 10 1hc coas1 1h01 1hc NTC trustees have named 1hc Boswell Auditorium after Bnrry Schuler. Word also hM 11 1hc Schuler cheerleaders dredged up old memos and lc11ers and used 1hcm ns 1cs1irnonral for why Barry should be so honored. One or ihosc lcncrs nppnrcmly wn., mine. I do recall wrnrng n lelllcr 10 Schuler n decade ago regarding 1hc con1rovcrsy 111 NIC (includrng efforts to censor lhc Sen1incl- which I dc1cs1) 10 1cll Barry rn a diplomauc wuy he rs n good person, ond


1hn1 the s11u:111on wn., unfonuna1c. Then. as now. I 1ry to scpnroic who people arc (nil of us arc basrcally good) from wha1 we do (we somc1imcs lei power go to our heads and overstep nuthori1y). Por 1hc record. nobody hns n.~kcd me if I lhink any1hing nr NIC should be named nrtcr Barry. I do no1. I also hclicvc a lcncr I wro1e 1rying to rnke the sting ou1 of an ugly silun1ron should not be u~cd IO years lo1cr ou1 or con1cx1 1L~ 1cs1imonial for an undeserved honor Tim A. Pilgrrm, PhD Bellingham. Washington

Correction: An ediling error in Dan Bell's opinion column in the Dec. 14 Sentinel resulted In giving an impression that his comment on inbreeding was linked to the LGBA. The paragraph should have read: Next, lrom Rapid Reader, Pa., in the heart ol Amish country comes In· A-Window. Paralleling the LGBA's

·coming through the door day," this inbreeder's delight Involves a sel ol six bedroom windows (Mom. Dad, Aunt, Uncle, Brother, Sister) whereby the purchaser can then climb through the window(s) ol their choice and sidle up to their chosen loved one. The Sentlnel regrets the error. Bell's opinions are still his own.

n,..,,..4•..,~. .,.. ..,..,,••~.,••..,~.,,,,,,.. • ... I BUY RICYCLID. 3

1000 West Garden Avenue, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814 • (208) 769-3388

Allen Beagle Dan Bell D, Braun Ruth Carapella Jandi Dunlap Jen,ter Harns Shannon Harwood Leslie Hines

Dear fldilor:

Cody Raithel Stephanie Rowe Stephanie Schreiber Angie Schwlntek Rosie Vogel Barry Whitney Wes Woods Kar Yockey

Letters Pqlicy-·The Sentrnel welcomes tellers 10 the ed11or. Those who submrl lellers must hm1t lhem to 300 words, sign them legibly. and provrde a phone number rn order to ve11ly au1hen11c11y. Some lellers may not be pnnted because of space hmitalrons, or because they 1) are s1mllar to a number of letters already recerved on the same subjeci, 2) are posslbty libelous, or 3) are Illegible. The Sen11nel reserves the right to ed1l lellers. Letters may be malled to the Sentinel or brought to Room 53 of the Siebert Bu11d1ng.


Thlnka 10 you, all 101'11 of twl')'day prodUCIII 11'1 beJ.nq made from m:)'Cled mata1all. But to tffp ~linq worldnq to htlp protect the Earth, )'Oil Jlnd to buy thoH products. To Nmtw a me brochllff. call 1-aoo-CAu.-mr








The NIC Sentinel

New adult student shares adventures about her first day ricr purclm,ing u modc,1 mobile home rcgislenng for college. I showed up for n:g1,tra11on day on fan 10. one or lhc gren1e~1 J1Jvc111ure, of m) lifr. Before I give ) OU Jll the ..dirt." I do wanl IO mcnlion 1ha1 1Jrn ,ymp,uhcuc 10 1hc pligh1 or 111,tructor.. who " ere ,M1gned the m~I. or reg1,1cring ,1udcnh, panicularly Chri, Compton. the IIVAC 111Mruc1or \\hO r.:g1~tercd me. How ironic 1h:11 ~omeone who hasn't bee n 10 collc:g,: wa, 111, truwng the 1n'1ructor. ~:1.ploming to Compton that an a, terisl. artcr n cl.1,, meant it was clo,cd. There un: tunes when I hnve a 101of ncr,c and th is was one of them. I cheerfully infonncd Compton 1hat ~incc Jandi Dunlap he w:is now properly trained, Opinion he would be in great demand n1 regimotion ne.\ l ,emc~tcr. Undaunted and nnxiou~ to check out those tome~ of lnerary wi~dom. commonly referred to a~ "textbooks." I pracucally ~ki pped to the bookstore. Incredulity and , hock. combining forces, se nt me reeling right m the book,1ore ! Opening cnch book and expecting to find graduate: level theory/theology. I heard the firs1 scnes of giggles c,capc from my lip,. My ncx11hought "ll' this is what I waited 35 years for! h fell lil.e I hnd been hit by a 1elem,ukcting scam! I proceeded 10 1he Engli,h ~ection where I remain hean.:dly \Ort)' for whn1 happened after I looked al "Engli \h Sunphfi~'d." When I read the de~cription. I heard the voice of my third grade 1cachcr ~aying "A noun i~ n person. pf(ICC or lhmg:· I wa, lough mg so hard 1h01 a clerk approached me and I had to e,plai n that I was fine. although 1his was not quite whot I had been c.1.pcc11ng. It get~ bc1ter. On the first day or ,chool. looking like the eager beaver I am while sca1cd nt my dc~k long before clas~ <.mn,. I am expecting 10 find an aging, \tuffy. pompou, and rather aloof English profc<;~or. At fiNl. I 1hough1 perhaps it wn~ a gradua1e assistant who had walked up 10 the podium. Wrong .1ga1n! My profo,;,or , hattercd all my illusion, of acadcnua wnh the >implc phra~c "You cun call me Chad.'' So much for 1hc 1raditi1,n of showing rc,pcct for your m\lructoN by calling them by the,r title,! "Chnd'," inComml approach wa, the complete a11111hc-i~ of 1hc 1mugc or the :lloof prorc,sor I had expected. Could i1 be 1h01 c:1.pcctu11on, were unrcali ~1ie'! I wa, beginning to li:cl very uncomfonJblc, having m1~Judged t~ ,ituauon thoroughly. So much for graduate li:vct. "advant'cd" Significantly humbled. l came to the conclu~ion that NIC had. on my nN day. ~uccccdcd in one of us mo~1 imponant !unction,: c,.panding the mind of the ~tudcnt

Thursday, February 8, 1996

Sentinel presents new editors


photo by Jenifer Harris Taking charge- New editors (from left) Marl<Aaron Per,y (managing editor), Kibbee Walton (photo editor). Michele Bear {business manager), Amanda Tomme (A&E editor), Ma,y Arklander (news editor), Jonathan Hay {sports editor). by Leslie Hines Se111i11rl Rt'por,u he recently appoin1cd Sentinel editorial stnff i5 dedicated to preserving the high quali1y writing and above nvcmgc sinndurds estnblished in the past year. During the annual Associrited Collegiate Press/College Medin Advisers Convention held in Washington D.C. the Sentinel walked away with tirst place for Story of the Year for the Sentinel's coverage on proposition one.. John Myers and Cori Flowers also was first pince for Bci.1 Stand Alone Canoon. Thud ycnr student and reruming Managing Editor Mruiu\aron Perry, 21, North A11lcboro. Mass., is more conccmLd with making a difference than becoming., Pulitzer Pri1.e winner. "I'm 1101 here for the awards. the tule in front of my name or l!ven because it looks good on my re~umc," Perry said. " It\ more unponnm to me to help others learn how 10 become good wntcrs as well :1s learn from them:· P,my hope; to unn~fcr 10 Colorado College in Colorado Sprin~ ru the comptc11Qn of spring semc,tcr. Sophomore: joumali,m mnJor Jon llny. 19. Mi™>ulo, will be heading the Sports SL'Clion. Ile \.'ditcd the ~pons section during the 1995 ~pring ,;cmcMer and took over as ocws cdnor lu.1 foll. flay ..aid hi~ inicn:M lies more in Jlhlc1ic coverage. Hay snid hi ~goal I\, "10 b..'Come 1hc grcatl!'lt \pon, eduor m the hi~tory of the S.:ntincl." I fi~ long 1cm1 plan~ include wnting for Sports


Illustrated and becoming a photographer for the \wimsuu issue. Kibbee Walton. 22. Tncomu. will be n:1uming to the ~taff for the M:cond senestcr as photo Edilor. W:111011 said. "I want to be in a posirion where my pictures make n difference or I make a difference." He ill a sophomore and is leaving his major undecided thus Car. Michele Bear. 19. Plummer. is the returning business manager for the second semester. The sophomore communications major hopes to work a.~ n public relations director for New Linc Cinema and pursue her modeling career. "My aim is 10 improve Inst year's problem, and mnkc the Sentinel a be1tcr publiCJ1tion," Bear said. Joumnlisim major Shelley Jerome. 29. from Tri- cities assists Bear a, coeditor of the bu~inCSl. section. Jerome says, "I' ti like 10 S\.'C us gelling back in the swing of \\faning some major award~." l plan on doing some original and creative ads. Her plans include owning her own graphic dc.~ign and advenismg company. News editor Mo.ry Arklundcr. J6, Ca1aldo. 1s new to the editorial board. "l plan on livmg up to thc high stnndrud~ of this aw.ird-winning rn:w~pap,:r and bnngmg NIC srudcnt~ a high quality new) ~lion m the Sentinel.'' Arklnnder snid. The Joumnli,m major is a pan-time intern for the Shoshone New<; Her plan<, include a C-.ll'Cer with 1he ldnho Wildltf~ Mugn,inc a,. o reponcr

and photographer. Freshman Tri Nguyt n. 18. Spokane. 1s assi\13111 nc:ws ednor and hi~ goal ts 10 tench high school level journalism Md free-lance write. Nguyen said. He became inten:sted in NIC afrer adviser Nils Ro~ahl critiqued his Mead High School newspaper. Freshman Amanda Tomme. 18, Rathdrum. is the DJb and entcrtoirunenl t.'<litor and feels thm production tench 10 stray away from 1he audiences and she 11 de1ennin1..'<1 10 keep her sccuon fun and emcnaining. Tomme is president of 1hc Creathc Writer's Club. vicc-pro...ident of Publication) Club and 1~ interested 111 wri1mgch1ldren's books. She is planning on recieving her A.A. degree al N(Cand transferring to the Universiry of Washington. Coeur d'Alene nauve Shannon Harwood. 19. is assistant Ans and Entena.inment Editor and is in her ~ yl!arnt NIC. She i, planning on conunumg h(r journalism cducauon at the Univcrs1l) of Color.ado in Boulder. She" a Sophomore Senator with ASNIC Md" hoping to cover Nnuonal Footb.111 League highlights for the AsSO('ia1ed Pre~ af1er completing her education Ro,dahl i, c~eit~d "ith the nc" si.iJl' and feels that they really hnv~ tMir ..ort CUI OUI for them. Ro)dilhl ,;.,id. •"fllest new 1.'<litors have a vcrv honorable tradition 10 maintain. This 1s tough IJlJ 1wo-y1.':tr ..chool l><.'C:luse our rumo\ef rn11.: ~ so high."

Did you know...

Thursday, February 8, 1996

The NIC Sentinel


Campus Sports

Gonzaga star Paul Rogers is a NIC alumnus

The North Idaho College Sentinel

Same old story: Cards' wrestlers ranked No.1 b) Jonathan Hu) Sports £Juor cspuc having 10 forfctt sonw early mnichc, 1h1s <ea,on. 1he NIC wrcqhng ream has once again do1111nu1cd 1he Junior college ronks on us \\3) 10 1hc No. I rnnking i111hc nation. The Cardinals went head 10 h.:-od with 1hc 51h ranked Rici.! on Jan. 27 in Chrbtinnson Gymnasium. NIC go1 bncl.-10-bacl. pin~ from pin~ from Josh Monon and Mark Janl.c m 1hc middle or 1hc duot 10 run away with a 28-9 wm. Ja,,on Moancy go1 a big wm :11 167 pounds after falling behind 7-1 early in 1he march. "I wa, impres~cd by 1hc way Jason could spot him 7-1 ond come bad.: those are 1he thing\ you juM con ·1 ICGCh," conch John Owen ~a,d. oancy has been NIC', most successful wre,1lcr !his wa~on by ama"ing a 26-3 record Along wtth Moancy·s contr1bu1ions, NIC hu, al\o bc~n 00-0,11id by !\lark Jnnkc becoming cltg1btc aflcr huvmg 10 ,u our a ~cmcqcr when he 1ran~forrcd 10 NIC. Mo\! recently. 1hc Cardi nub. I\ ere m:uchcd up in u dual Y> tth Wc,1cm Mon1an,l on Feb. I :ind Simon FnNcr on Feb. ~. We\lem Momona trnvckd 11110 Chri~1ianson Gymnasium Feb. I to face NIC inn duul 1ha1 pilled 1wo nouonally ranked teams.



e~1cm Monwnn came into 1hc match rnnkcd #7 111 the NAIA. The Bulldog~ were looking 10 knock off 1hc t0p-rnnked Cardinals. but cumc up shon in falling 10 NIC 32-12. 1l1e Cardinnb were ~parked by ,·iciorics in 1he closing seconds or 1hc mulch from Ben Shone nnd Bob Presta. NIC was also helped by 1hc pins or Jcs.~ie Schaffer nnd Orlando Jordnn. and the 1cchnical foll recorded by Jason Moancy. On Feb. 2. 1hc Cardinals marched up with Simon l"r:mer, the 6th ranked team in NAIA wrestling. NIC fini~hcd its final home mn1ch or the year whh a convinctng 3 1-10 victory. he Cardinals continued on u torrid pace leading up 10 1he regional 1ournamen1 by dominn1ing Simon Frasier 111 the upper weight classes arter some rough marches early on. Moancy once again domma1cd his opponent with his ~ccond tcchnicnl fall in u row Ol'Cr Luigi Bianco 31 167 pounds. The only Cardinal pin of 1hc match came from Jo~h Clnusen at 177. Clausen fell behtnd 5-0 early 111 his rnn1ch before gc11111g !he pm in 1hc ,ccond period. NIC now must get ready for 1hc Region 18 toumamcm 111 Rex.burg. Idaho on !"ch. I0. The CardinaJs will he favored 10 win another regional 1cnm title. 1l1e 1op three lin1she~ in each weight class at the regional 1oumamcn1 will get a chnnce 10 compete in Bismark. N.D. on l"eb. 23-24 01 Junior College Nntionols.



photo by Kibbee Walton We are the champions- Josh Morton avenges an earlier loss to Jade Morton of Wes/em Montana m a recent match.

Crossfire: with NIC wrestler Jason Moaney by Wes Woods S,111i11tl Reportff Joso11 Moo11ey u "sophomore (but 11m a redsl11rt /rtsl111w11 luit yenr t11 GarclM City Comm1111/ry College) 011 tire North ldal,o Co/leg<' wres1li11g team. At Don•r, Dtlaware l(iglr School Ire /rad II ru11rJ of 102-11. fit' /t(ls amosud the mast s11ccess/11/ ruorcl 0111/re 11•om. 011d is cu,uidtred "fm·ome 10 w111 t11u1110110/ 111/r Q. What hns bttn the biggest highlight of your 11restling career'? Mooney: It w11.~ winning my high <;Chool na1ionals at PitLsburp.h, Penn~ylvanio. I faced live guys in the ioumamcm. Q. How does college wrestling compare with high school wrestling? Mooney: lmen\ily. A lot more in1enw A 101 more stnucgics arc being used 10 score. It's a big jump from being a senior in high school 10 college freshman. In high school, from fruhman to senior there's not much of a jump.

Q. How is John 011en as a coach?

Moaney: TI1crc's 1101100 many times will you !ind a coach th~1·s willing 10 do as much as he does for his wrestler-. He works wi1h you one 10 one. Thing.~ like techniques nnd going over tapes. He'll help you all dny. Q. What made you come to North Idaho College? Moaney: I go1 recmitcd from John Owen when he heard Orudcn Ci1y {his ronner coll~ge) dropped 1he program. He recruited me and Ben Shane. Q. What influenced you to become u wrestler? Moaney: Really. it was WWF television. II was prcny much 1elevision. When I went our there I thought 11 was like TV. I found out it was11·1 bot I still liked ii nnywny. I guess my favorite wrestler was Hulk Hogan. He was 1hc hero.

Q. What's your opinion of the wrestling ttam so far?

Moaney: We're outstanding. We wrestle rough. We have a lot of rough kids. We have a lot or All Americans and it's a total combined ream. We'll have a sure llll1Jonal tit.le if we continue the way we have.

photo by Kibbee Walton Ex<:'11/ence of Execution- Jason Moaney has helped NIC to a No. t NJCAA ranking with a 26·3 record.



Great coaches being Lady Cards' get ready made the scapegoat Disappointing road trip Can anyone t!.111111¢ who has won lhe most regular

season games over 1he course of the Inst three SC3.Wns in the N.B.A? lfyou l~- ----,- - - 1 answered the Phoenix Suns. give yours.:Lr a hct111y round of applause. The Suns, riding on the broad ~houldcr.; of 0,nrles Barkley, hnve averaged over 51 wins dunng lhe 1.hree N.B.A rompaigns. The brains behind this excellen1record is the ever dnpper head C03Ch Paul Westphal. Who. on the other hand, is lhe winninge~• coach ever in Cheye.nne Mahnke the his1ory of profes~ional Opinion foo1ball. Who is the only - - - - - - - coach in any or the four major professional spons leagues in 1he U.S. to guide his team 11> undefeated season thnt culminated in a national championship. That's n no bminer. right? Don Shula has been a South Aoridn instiru1io11 ever since he brought his mnovntive >1yle or ploy to Miami in the early 1970's. Thud and final question. Wha1 do Wcstphnl and Shula have in common? Another no brainer. Currently bo1h of these coaches are unemployed and wondenng what thl'-y could have done 10 please their chop happy managemenL In the case of the Suns, the only blame 10 what hos been a lad(lu~ltr year should go 10 the vicious injury bug that hns bi11en Charles Barl:ley, Kevin Johnson, Danny Manning and, Hot Rod Williams. Sun's maruigemem, A.K .A Collon Fitzsimmons, hasn't taken 1his into consideration and instead decided that Wesrph31 makes a nice scope-goat. This continues whnt I view 10 be a disturbing trcnd in the world of athletics: dump the coach when 1hc going gets a liule bumpy. Wes1phol wa.n 't the Suns problem. Westphal was savvy enough 10 balanc.l the comp.i.ting ego·, of a talent rkh club (which nobody 01Golden State or Dalla~ has been able 10 do) and Mill put W's in the column. Westphal pulled productive s1artcrs out or la1e lirst round draft choicll..~ the IIISt two years. Bo1h &wcet shooting Wesley and \uper-nthle11c Micheal Finley wercn ·1~upposed 10 be as good as they are in 1hc N.8.A. Don Shula was alM> shafted by Dolphins management. Bnsically, owner Wayne Huttingn told him in no unccnain h!nl\1 that the only way he could stay as the Dolphin's coach was by firing all of hit assis1an1 coaches. some of whom had been with him for over ten years. I don ·11hink its 100 classy to give someone with Shula's lnlek record ultimatums that are illogical and obviously a thinly m.'ISked auempc to boot him out the door. Shula desel\les n ton of ~pee, for telling Hui1.inga "no thanks." and leaving with his dignity intact after what had been a tough year in Miami. The least Hui7.inga should have done was let Shula leave on hi$ own renns. Both Wwphal and Shula took the fall for management and impatient fans. I believe rhat they a«ompli.sbed enough with their respective teams 10 have been given at least one more chance.

s;:~·~;~~~~:~~irk grabbed 6 rebounds 10 lead thcCards. JulieGrohs also . had l Orebounds for NIC. In NIC's 69-54 victory over Spokan~. Kirk finished with 26 points and 9 rebounds. Shawna Rainer con1ribu1ed 15 points and shot J-for-3 from the free throw line. Kirk ex ploded on the boards against E.1s1em Utnh with 15 rebound~ and 20 points a, the Card~ defeated

record hurts Con •erence /I by Shannon Horwood Se111i11e/ Rep11r1er

n,e NIC women' s basketball team won'1 wanI to be toking any vacn1ions in Utuh anytime soon. The Lady C:trdinols were nding n live-game winning streak before traveling sou1h 10 face the D1X1e Rebels and Snow Badger., in a pair or Scenic West A1hle1ic Conference ba11 lcs. ·n,c1irs1stop on the 1rip was in St George. Urnh. 10 face 1he Rel>cl~ on Feb. 2. TI1e live-game winning s1rcak ended 1hu1 nigh1 as Dix ie pulled away UI the end or the game to take a 68-60 win. NIC was down by only two points with a mmu1e left in 1he game before being called for an offensive foul 1hoi gnvc Dixie a one-on-one opponun11y 1lrn1 they convened 10 put 1hc gamc on ice. NIC was hun by the 24poim outing rrom Mamie Dimond of Snow. "We couldn'1 stop Dimond in 1hc second holf." coach Greg Crimp said. TI1c Cards' Tanya Kirk scored nearl y half of NIC's pom1s with 26 on 1he nigh1. No other pl uycr wn~ in double figure~. 1l1c loss gave NI C a record of 5-5 in 1hc SWAC and 20-5 overall. n,c next nigh1 the Cardinals tried to regroup ngain~I the Snow College Oudgers in Ephraim, Utah. Allhough NIC easily defeated Snow at home earlier in the Sl!ason, the tables were turned in Ephraim a~ 1hc Badgers won 65-59. NIC got ano1her big effon from Kirk with 23 points, but once again had no other ~orer.. in double figures. The Badgers go1 a 14-point cffon from Wendy Pchr.;on and 11 points from lcnguc lield goal percentage leader Sunny Lee. The game was decidtd a1

the free throw line as Snow made 24-41. and NIC was 923. The Lady Cards bnnled league riva l Ricks College from Rexburg on fan . 27. The 68-67 linal score reflected the in1cnsi1y of the gnmc as the two teams vied for 1hc lend.

for regionals Eastern Utnh 56-50 in the Christianson Gym. The Cards toppled an undennanncd Colorado Nonhwestern team, 108-39. on 1he 18th. NIC was ho1 from the line with 6 of9 Cards shooting 100% of 1hcir free throws. Kirk contribu1ed 18 poin1s 10 the win and Freshman Christi Burgess snagged 9 rebounds. TI1c Cards return home 10 play Trc;c.ure Valley C.C. on the 8th at 5:30 p.m. and focc off against CSI on 1hc 10th.


photo ~ /bbee Taking It to the rack- Julie Grohs finishes off a fastbreaJc wtlh a flnge

Cards on a roll in SWAG on way to national ranking by Cody Raith el St11ti11t l Reporter The Cardinal mens basketball had all the wind taken out of its sails Friday night as they fell to Di,de College 93-73. Dixie also received a spark from 6-11 cemcr Keon Clark. Clark scored 14 points in his lirst game bnck since waiting for eligibility. The Cards beat Dixie eorlier in the year at home $8-72. The Cards linished their Utnh rood mp with a victory over Snow College 95-87 on Saturday night. Five Cardinal players were in double ligures lead by Troy Thompson and Darnell McCoy. The Cruds won despite being out rebounded 41-25. Eric Sonchei lead the team with IO rebounds. Steve Helm, who is second in the league for assists dished out four ass1sb. The Cards shot 31-59 from the lield. 11,e Rebels standout player Kevin Simpson pourl!d in 38 points nnd ripped down 13 rebounds. Simpson is bound for Providence Univcrsi iy ~eoson. NIC shorn dismul 28-75 frum 1111: field. Troy Thom,pon lead the way with 16 points. Daniell McCoy scored 10 points. Thompson und McCoy were the only Cllrd~ in double figures. The CMds garnered a No. 15 NJCAA rnnking dc~pite o heartbreuking 8 1-79 loss 10 Ea.stem Utah on their home noor Jan.


Abov@: Gttbe NaÂľlet 1/ses above Walla Walla Commi.1111/y College defendetll to sltoot a /umper with l1ttmell MoCt,y !11NICpos/1/orlfrlg for a rebound. plloto by Kibbee Wei/on

L.@fll ViMd GUfllll11gflaftl tJ1s1,1oure11 tlle Ill from of a paeAed Cnr,1111anson Gy111 /11 tlle ,,1011 11>.c/lftl(J Qatttij o/ 111e YiMt

aO"fll!l l!att/etrt Utah, photo by A/aft SlelMr

21. Eric Sanchez played the role of the "Sand Mon" u he quietly lolled the E.1gles to ~leep with his t~nacious defense. nnd quiet-as-o-mouse scoring. Until with 68 seconds left he decided to ignite the largest crowd of the year tit Harry Christianson Gymnasium by gun-slinging in three enormous three-point shots to bring the Cards with in one poin1. NIC h11d the ball for the final shot with IO seconds 10 go but reserve point guard Quentin Hall missed a running 10-footer. Both ccams pounced for the rebound and scrnmbled for it on the floor while the linal four seconds ticked of the clock. "We set up in our 41 offense for Steve (Kelm) to Ulke his man one-on-one off of the drive but he couldn '1 get around his guy to get the ball." head coach Rolly Williams said. The Cards tJailed by as many as 13 points in the second hair. Sanchez. scored

2 1 points to lead the Cards in scoring. Darnell McCoy added 15 poin1s. The Cardinals rebounded from the loss to East.e m winning their next two games including a route over a strong Ricks ball club 90-66. "11,c fim ten minutes we got afler them and it looked like we were going to destroy them," Williams said. "111en we looked as bad as we can look. In the second half we got after them m~n-10man." NIC scored the first 23 points of the game. The key wns the Cardinals 1-3- 1 trap. WIiiiam, became fearful of 1he easinc~, of bow the Vikings ben1 the trap the last 10 minute~ of the half. "The thing thnt hothcrtd me was the way they tool. our trap apart," William~ sa,d. Ricks climbed back in the gnmc behind 1he 1hrcc-point shooting of Josh Zcnter. 7~ntl!r made lhree treys before the end of the hair. "I reolly chewed our guys out 01 hair be<:nuse we could hnve put a lid on ii," Willinms ~nid. Kevin Byrne srnned in 1hc place or Roy Kruiswyk (who was out wi1h n cnlf injury) and scored nine poiIll~ wilh IO boards. "Kevin (Byrne) played really well." William. ,aid. Troy 11,ompson scored 18 of his '23 points in the ~econd half. Helm added 13 point~ and six assisis. The Cards' gained back their confidence by annihilating visiti ng Community Colleges of Spokane 10753. Thompson scored 18 points in 1hc winning effort. Possibly the Cardinals biggcs1 win so far was a 79-73 win over CSL The win is the Cards lirst in Twin Falls since the 1993-94 season. Hall was a perfect 7-7 from the lield with 18 points to pace the Cards, who mode 12 of 23 three-point shots. NIC also tallied up wins over Treasure Vallq 75-65 lead by Helm's 17 points. and Colorado Northwestern 91-54. Thompson ~cored 14 points to lead NlC. The-Cards next play T~asure Valley and CSI at home on Feb., 8 and 10 respectively before going on a three game road swing Feb 16.

Thursday, February 8, 1996 Page 12

The NIC Sentinel

Woosley tries to keep hockey dream alive0111and plays 100," Woosley year however. pmgN'""e level\ 1ha1 you suid. WM,lcy txplnincd the try rc;och in youth before 5,1111111'1 Rep<1rtr1 Woo~lcy \aid 1he thing he out procc,s lor the chief~. "Fin.I you enter high ,chool. The Goltkn rnk, pop up like, about hockey 1, the fo1t ynu have to make the lndi:ms youth lcngucs nrc d,rectly OC\:.1,1001.111) in ht.:. "'nl <>nc ot pa~,cd hnrd l1111ing viokncc of cluh and then you get n shot aflihuted w11h 1hc high \ChOlll them ,, ti )OU [!Ill" up m the ~pon. He al\o , aid that wnh the chief~... Woosley snid. ,y,tcm. M1m1c,otJ )OU \\Ill plO) hockey is one of the more " I nm pn:uy <Cnain 1hn1 I can " I w:1, IO year:, old :ind boc:kt', Ju,1J,I. mc.:hunic.,I make the Indian~ team and have graceful ~pon, that you Cdn play mg for u hockey team wnh engm~cring ,1udcn1 at NIC Nat~ play the same colors ond name a, the a good ,hot with the chief,. Woo,k} "Mo,1 people do n01 re.,hzc l11c new trend of roller high ,chool." Woo~ley sn1d. Ju,1how gmccful and agile blade, hu, aho 1ran~fom1ed the Woo$lcy ,aid he plnycd on world or hockey. There is now a thc,c athlete( .ire," Woo1ky the varsity 1mveling team nl ,:ud. "When they 1h111k of profo\,ionnl Roller Ilockcy Roosevelt lugh in hockey players the} think of league and Woosley ,aid 1hn1 m Mmncnpolis. but moved 10 harrl hilling nnd not very the w mn1er month~ you t·:111 Idaho before he could a1hlc11c people. hut you ha\e 10 almo11 alwuy~ !ind a pick-up n:ceive :my kind of be incredibly gr,1ccful and game behind Hu~ting,. ~cholnri:h1p offers from coord111a1cd to pluy th1, 5pon." "A lot of NIC student, ore colleges. Woosley ~aid 1hat on~ of h~, pc111ioning 10 fonn a roller Woo,lcy said he now ploys gonls 1~ to ~ton up a small the center position m drop·tn league that will play there hockey league m North games behind Mcmonol Field ;ind pick- up games 01 the Idaho wnh the p<Mtbility of E.1!!lc, Ice Arenn in Spoknn.:. where the new skateboarding gcumg a hockey nnl. built parl. ts now." Woosley said. "I piny :,bout once a week." "I would lil.c 10 ~,on a woo~lcy ·s brother. who ,~ Woosley said. league and get the whole r.ystcm four ycnr; older then Nate, Woo\k)' said thnt hewn_, off the ground and ,ct up here gomg 10 try out for the Scmi- phl)'\ goalie in the Roller 111 Nonh Idaho Ilockcy L.:aguc for the Ari,onu Profe,Monnl Spokane Chiefs Woo,lcy ~u,d thut other NIC 1111, fall. but one ot h1~ skntcs Thundcrblodcs. ,1mknt, Lorry I lnnnoman and "My d:id ul,o play, goalie photo by Kibbee Walton broke ,o he had 10 mi~, the Nate L:ivcn, ol~C> pl.I)' ICC occn~1onnlly for roller hockey. Cool as Ice- L-R Nate Lavens and Nate Woolsey try out the try out dmc. He ,:ud he plan, hockey in tlu, n:gion. and sometime, my ,i,wr goes new tee at Memonal Park 1ust off of campus. tti try :1gmn 1111, up coming by C!ld) Knilhel


Acconlmg It> Woo,lry he began playing h0<:I.C} .11 thl' age ol lave lie [!fC\\ up in thu /\ lonn.-apoh, an:;1 and pla} cd in th<' lnn~r P;ul. ll ou,c U-aguc,. Woo,lcy ,.ml 1her<1 ;uc four le, .:1, of )'OUlh ho.: I.C) Ill Minne.,om. ~ l11c,. St1uim. Pt.: Wee.•111d Bnntmn arc JII




= El

11 m

sCH0°01 =



= fl

COST: $2.00 Adults, $I.SO Seniors, II $1.00 Students with ASB a • $S.00 Family Pass (2 ad.+2 ch) •

I .. • • •

'lnis fund-raiser is q>oMOred by the 8th grade Washington D.C. trip committee. Come and have ~me funl There will be food, half--time entertainment & a! AD proceeds will go to the 8tudents who participate, to help with the cost of their trip. Mark it on your calendar.please, help the mldentsf

• • • • •

Intramural action exorcises the North Idaho winter blues by Jtnifer Horrl~ St·ntiurl Rtportrr The gnmc.s begin. This scme~ter intrJmural ~pons ha, ton~ 10 offer. Beginning on Jan. 31. at 7 p.m.. the 5 on 5 bnskctbnll seMon will be under way. Tu gnmes will continue through Feb. ;ind the championship gnme will conclude 1he season on Mt11th 13. Air-a right after ~pring break will oo the sofllx,11 game..~. the teams :ire co-ed, and 11,e 1eam list need 10 be in by March 29. But 1hru's not all folks! Jan. J I, is an opponunity to venture onto 1he 1cc. At 5:30 p.m. ~tudents an: in\!ited 10 hop on a van and hend over to Spokane for icc:-,bnng. The cost is only two dollurs, and 1hat mdudes trnnsponntion, admis.~ion, and even skates. Hockey? If spcctaring L, more your style. the in1ramumls department will be 1mveling by bus over 10 Spokane for a Chief\ game on Feb. 3. Five dollan includes admission and rmn.~por1alion; bus leaves at 5:30 p.m. Feb. 5, Ihm will be a bowling IOUnWnenl II Sunset Bowl from 9-11 p.m. Cosa for three games and rall.ll llhoea is me dollars. In our own Clirisllamon Gymnasium

Feb. 6 from noon to I p.m. will be lxt~k~tball golf. and on Feb. 13 will be n free throw and 1hn.>e point contc.-~t held from noon to I p.m. Jusl in time for VnJcnLine~ dny. on Feb. 14, there will be n ~wcet hean fun run. Pnnners will challenging each other as weU a.~ themselves, the winners will be the couple 1ha1 can pn:dic1m<Xt correctly the timc: thal it will take 10 complete the two mile count. Meeting 1.ime is noon a, Fort Shennwi Part. l<emember n ,~n ·, n.:ces.'klrily the fa.~1est. b111 the best estimated time, thnt will win. Held on Wed Feb. 21, is the Schick Super Hoop Tournament, which 1s a lhret OD 1h~ baskt"tball toumament. This p.vticular eveo1 will have winner. proceeding on to die regional toumnment nt Ea.,tem W.ash1nglOII University. On March 9, competi1ors will bt gathering from colleges as far as Califomia 10 play for 1he tournament ulle at Easlem. On Feb. 29 will be the Hoc Shor conlCSI. held in Christian.son Gym from noon IO I p.m. Come down and panicipate or to ~ on lhe contestants. Down Slain in the SUB on Feb. 27, will

be a ping-pong 10U11Wnm1 II 2 p.m. n., oa Feb. 29, a pool tournamml will be WI II nooa.

The NIC Sentinel

Thursday, February 8, 1996

Success will not

work unless you do

Page 13

Instant Culture The North Idaho College Sentinel

Missoula Children's Theater:

Schedule of fvents

Unique version of 'Snow White' performed

feb. 8 'Stories That Make the World' Or.Rodney Frey and Lawrence Aripa 7'30 p.m.. Todd Lec1urc Hnll

feb. 10, 12 'Music of the Nigjht' Sal.. 8 p.m .. Sun., 2 p.m. Scliuler-Bosw~II Audi1oriurn

feb. 21 ·Music to Munch By' Murphy's Law 11 :30 :tm.• SUB

feb . 22, 23, 24, 25,

29 'Evening Comedy Night' An evening of one-act plays 8 p.m. , Schuler-Boswell Audi1orium

feb. 22 'Writing Aloud' Parody's Night 7p.m.• SUB

photo by Kibbee Walton Chlfdren's Theater reherses- Director Bart Blair prepares children for opening night. and nearly 120 sltowt'tl up at 1hc audition,. n,c by Ryan MncClannthun and d1rcc1ors cho,c kid~ who could sit quic1ly, follow Drad Preston in•aruc1ion,. Jnd be cxprc,s1vc in voice nnd Seminet Rtpon ers ac1ion. 1l1e NIC 1hea1cr dcpanment, :tlong with 1hc The produc1ion ,vn, pu1 1ogcthcr in six day,. Perfonning Am Allinnce receni ly sponsored 1he The play was direttcd by Anna amt Ban Blu1r Missoula Children's Theater produc11on of who also pl ayed pans in 11tc produc1ion. Anna "Snow White nnd 1he Seven Dwarfs'' in 1he NIC Blair ployed Queen Bello and Ban Blnir plnyed nuditonum Jnn. 27. Wi1l1>S~. 111c Woodsman-Prince. The play wn., open 10 local llhildrcn age 4-18

Instructor Bob Moe will be missed by Torn Mall Stntinet Reporter Fonner NIC in~1ruc1or. Robcn Moe. rccen1ly passed o.wny. He 1nugh1 a1 Eas1em Wa,h111g1on und Southern California high ,chools. Moc grew up m unc. lduho and gmdun1cd from Kooremn High School. He nncnded the Umvcr~1ty or Idaho where he received hi~ bachelor's und maMcr', degree~. Moc headed 1hc Young Dcmocrnh Soc1c1y m the U or I. In 1968. he founded 1hc Cnrroui.el Players. a mu~icul rcpcnory 1hcatcr here m Coeur d'Alene. Moc ,vn, 1hc general manager. producer. ac1ed in and d1rcc1cd many of the produc11on~. such a, "Showbo31" and "Student Prince." In 1hc tir<.1 S<!nson he hired and rnamcd Karen Anne Wndhcgh. They were mamcd for 13 year;. ··He crcn1cd 1heu1cr in 1hi, 1own: bccaui;e of him theater cx1s1~... ~nid Roger Welch the ani<;11c direc1or of lhe Carrou\CI Players. Welch said 1ha1 Moc lef1 1he Player.. in 1988 10 try 01hcr things. In 1978 Moe jomcd 1hc ;iaff at NIC as 1he head of 1hc communicauon and line nm dcpanmcnt. He taugh1 dramn. ~pecch W1d dircc1ed many college produc11ons. Along wi1h wniing. direc:1ing and oc1ing. he also enjoyed llorul design. gounnc1 and cntcnainmg guest.$. "He wn.~ a good friend. He will be mi~<;cd," ~a,d Ka1\e M~nn,_. a~ ~I~ ~~nployce ..

The shuw wn, 1101 1hc usual l'l'ndhion. "Our vcr..ion or Snuw Wh11c .1nd 1hc Sewn Dwarf, b diffcrcm 1hun 1he Oi\nc) ver.1011:· so1d Onn Blair. The Mi,,oula Chi ldren·, Thc.ucr·, vcrsion 111duclcd ,cvi:ml nc\\ dur:1c1cr.. ,uch u, Finch. Fu,y. and Fcrn.1ndo Frog. The n;1mc, "r 1hc seven Dwarh al-,o d1llcrccl. Much or 1hc ca~, played fon:,1 .101111.11- .ind b:a1, Accor<lmg m Tim R;md . NIC !heater dcpannwm d1rc~1or.1hc t-lM011l.1 Ch1l,lrcn·, lnca1,•r produ..:c, a ,how ,11 NIC 1>ncc a year. 'fhc Cl11l1lr,:n·, lhca1,·r ..:011,1\1\ ,1f ]tl diffon:m two-pcr.0111ca1m 1h.111mvcl bc1wccn di1forc111 1hi:,11crs hclpin!_! 111 produce l'111ldn:11·, ,hows. According 10,. 1h1, 1, rhc only cl11lllrcn·, thcarer 1h.u NIC h1>kl,. "We do no1 ollcn d1><:hildrcn ·, 1hc,11er hac:· R.1nd. ,aid. ·11,crc :an.• a 101 or 01hcr pince, an Coeur d ·Alene lh,11 do. 1hu11gh " The Queen· s I lcnchmen nnd 1hc Ba1s Mole 1hc show nncl cncourugctl nudicncc panicipnllon. In nrnny of 1hc ,ccnc, 1he ch11rac1er.. woulll cumc off Mogc ,and 1mcmc1 wuh diff.:rc111111cml><?r, or lhe uudicocl'. Al1hough 1here w;l, very lilllc ,1:11m1111ry bacl.ground. II was cleverly played by nc1or; drc.,,ed a, 1h.: ,ccnery Thi, idc:1worked cspccmlly well for 1hc block tores, where 1hc ,rec~ hnd 10 be ,pool.y 111c ac1or. drc\\cd a, tree~ und would pr:mcc around foxi(hly wha le 1ryi11g 10 ,core 01hcr char.mer;. 11,e ploy wos excellent, w11h 1ulcn1cd young children. a ~pccial ircnt considering 1hc ,hon number of dnys it 100k 10 produce ii.

Announcing photo winners

photo by Kibbee Walton Triumphant trio- Winners of the second campus-wide photo contest: thin:/ place winner Kris Wilcox (left}, first place winner Greg Hoover, S6COfld place Barb Davis. 11.

' .\'

Page 14

Instant Culture

The NIC Sentinel


Movies to Watch:

'Bed of Roses'

Run. don't walk

e,e:,~ Mosey on over

e:,e:, Trip to the video store


Shannon & Steph's Rating System

Stay in your recliner

Plot recap: A film about the kind of love thnt comes around once inn lifetime. "Bed of Roses" is a modem. storybook romance starring Christi'1n Slater and Mary Stuar1 Masterson. Set against the magical backdrop of seasonal New York City, the film is about n workaholic inves1mcn1 banker who !begins receiving extraordinary nornl arrangements from a secret admirer. In the days 1ha1 follow, she seeks to learn the identity of the mysterious sender. But what she discovers is there is no wrong time to roll in love.

by Shannon Harwood Sen1i11tl Repomr "Bed of Roses" left me underwhelmed. Is that a word? Well. even if it isn ·,. it ccnainly expresses the feeling the movie left me with. It was billed as the romantic movie of the year, but if this was true, then "National Lampoon's Senior Trip" was the comedy or the year. You're talking 10 a girl who cncd when the velociraptor died in "Jurassic Park," but managed 10 remain completely dry~yed dunng this nick. Lis:i. n linlc disturbed by the fact he was lurking under her window, decides to give him n chance. She soon learns 10 leave her oflice nnd enjoy life a linle. Lewis changes her whole pc.rspecuvc on life and in exchange, she gives him love that he desperately seeks. 1admit I foll my hcan melting around 1he edges, bu1 the characters were somehow underdeveloped. The romnmic 1hing\ 1ha1 Lewis (Slater) did, would melt any woman's hean. Alas. the audience never ge•~ 10 know the characters well enough 10 eitpcriencc 1ha1 feeling in Lisa (MMtcrson). The no1ion 1he ~tory was built on hod major posstbili1ies. A fantastic first anempl for filmmaker Michael Goldenberg. A seem adnmcr, a fresh 1ype of love, but pans of i1 bordered on corny. Twenty dozen rose~ being sent 10 your door nmy indeed be mushy. - - - - bu1 1( any man of mine had 1h01 kind of money. he best be spending t1 on e::, e::, je"clry or some1hing 1h01 won ·1 die in a week. .


-1iy Stephanie Rowe

Se111i11e/ Reporter The 1easer for "Bed of Roses'' 1s, "He gave her nowers. She gave him a chance."' As you might guess this is a movie about romance. Mary Swan Masterson's character is n linlc gun-shy and a 101 neurotic when it comes 10 love. Christion Slater's character wasn ·1 looking for love, but is ready 10 dive in head first against the ndvice of his sister. I don '1 know what it was about 1his movie that left me feeling unfulfilled. All I can say is that the charnc1c~. script and the plot all had potential that they didn'1 quite mec1. I'm no1 surprised: I think New Linc Cinema ha~ b\.'Cn Oooding 1hc market with

Thursday, February 8, 1996 underdeveloped movie.~. All I huvc to sny 1s that I wns pleased 10 sec Sln1er ploying a role 1ha1 wa~ closer 10 his ac!Ual age. He also docsn ·1 have any renl changes in his voice or mannerisms. 1feel they strongly resemble Jack Nichelson·s. ls 11 on purpose or are they related in some obscure way? I s1rn think i1's cute ihough, so I shan't say any more on the subject. (You might !Um thi~ page in disgust.) Moving on... Mas1erson's ponrayal of Lisa, the uptight citecutive. is ye1 another adaptation of ei1her her personality or the one she ha~ been stuck with because of the roles she picks. Nol 10 say 1hn1 I don '1 1hink she is a good nc1rcss, il's jus11ha1 I sec similaritic~ in 1hc characters she choose~ 10 play All of them have emo1io11ol problem~. I would like 10 see her in a role that was more of a surprise. maybe an action adventure or something. Back 10 11tc lack of development or characters in this movie. I was disappointed 111 1he rare glimpses we were given into the chamctcrs' mo1iva1ion~. A dream, a convcrsmion wilh n worried sister. and a bluned ou1 confession jus1 don't cul it. They should have Cllpandcd on them or lcfl 1hcm ou1entirely. I give "Bed of Roses" 1wo reel because I didn'1 ge1 sa1isfnc1ion. b b

'Music of the Night' to showcase some of region's best talent by Cheyenne Mahnckc Smrilltl Rep<mer If the winter blues an: gening you down. 1he North ldlll10 College Foundation will presem "Music of the Nigh1" for 1he lift you arc looking for. On February IO and 11 Boswell Hall will be the ,ire for some of the region·~ best musical 1nlenLS 10 showcnsc their skills. ··Music of the Night" will feature a dramatic 1hc;11rical adaption or 1hc long-runnmg Bro.'lllway hi1 "Phantom of the Opera" and popular fnvori1~ from "The King and I," "Les Miscrabl~" and '"Showboat." Produced by Harold Damiano. "Music of1hc Night" boa;t.~ a ~·pccial appc= by the Fabul011, Shadow~. PcrfOfflK'rs mclude Ruben Plane. who appeared on swge wi1h Luciano Pavoroui nnd in 1984 won the prc.,1igiou, ''Pavoroui Tenor Competition." Platte has also perfonned with the Spokane Symphony Orchesua. This Foundation concen will be Katherine Damiruio') fou.nh. Damiano is well known in literary circl~ a~ the former lead wprano for San Franrnco·~ Comc:dia Theatre. Cheryl Ann Ros,i i~ acclaimed for her well-rounded work as singer, dancer and acrre~s m various !heater proJuctions throughout the Nonhwe,,1, Ton, Srrauon and John Cooper round out the stnMtuddcd bill. 801h nrc wiclclv J.nown for 1hc1r work with vanou~ Coeur d'Alene Summer Thea1rc production~. • Accompaniment for "Music of 1hc Night"' will be provided by Unlimi1ed Dcmwid. ·•we were delighted when la.,1 year's conccn ',Old out," said Foundation Director Steve Scheru.. "11 gave us a rt.Mn 10 offer .1 sccond perfomlllllcc this ycur. A progr.un this good deserves 10 be performed more than once." Rcse~ed seat~ o.rc available now for the 8 p.m. Saturday perfonnance and Sundny\ l pm. maunee through the NIC box office and can be ordered by calling 1-800-4:?J-2849. Tickeu ase$18 and $15. SWlday's matinee performance will includr o section of scat~ for $10. Student~ will receive a $3 discount on the $18 and $15 tickcu. The NlC Box Office is located in the lobby of Boswell Hall and is open from 10 a m to 4 pm. Monday through Friday. . ·

Your Book Swap ©!ru@@~@)

/Art© O!Jil The Sentinel is Located Upstairs in Siebert


Instant Culttre

February 8, 1996

The NIC Sentinel

Page 15

Union Gallery displays 'Doodles' Try these Doodleriffic display draws rave reviews b1 J on111hnn IID>' Si10r1.• Ecl11ur 1udeni- Jnd fowlty :ire , ho,11np. 1hc re-uh, or bonng d.1,~, ond> on the 1clcphone in tht." llmon GJIJer, 1hi, momh. Doodlt!, .1re on di~pla). .ind the} ,omc m c,cry wa> Jnd ,hJpc inmgin.1ble The vJric1y of doodle, r:111gc lrorn "ribhlc, on .1 p1cu- <11 p.1p,:r 10 clabor:uc dr.i" mi, 1ha1 ,omc or the ut>...:rvcr- \\ere dra\\ n to l-Ommrnl 1ha1 ,1luol-t.-<l more hl-c anworl- th,m ,h1cl.cnS< mt,h 1l1e1· 11.1, c am.i"cd onc ol lh~ linc,t rnlk<tion OI l.loodlc• c1cr. lonncr NlC ,1udcn1 John \ l >•·r, ,,11d. .\mong the duoJk, w,h .1 n1lle.:1mn ol ,.1lcnllcrs "11h cl.1bnra1c J1xitllc, 1ha1 ,Ire" m~m .1,coladc, Irom the ,,b,,;ri er, at the opcmni ol rhc d1,plu) Arparcntl>, p,:oplc huH: ;1 1cmkm;1 It• dr.L\\ on their cloth1ni ,1, ll1c1· b<.'llmK


bon:d. Some of the rncN m1crc,1mg d0<,1dle, appc.m:d on v,mou, p1ec<!.\ ol dotlung. TI1cre wn, a couple of p;urs of ,h,11:, wilh dc\l!,!n, or

.11! ,hnp,:, .1nd ,1LC\ r\ho, there "a' a pair ul p;mh photo by Kibbee Walton 1h.11 ,omchodv 'Doodles' display- Student Joe Brown looks at the variety of doodles. ubviou,I> tom,,. ,m1phctt). ,omc ol 1hc pu1 .1101of ,,ork 1111<> m,1king l'lltranis ,lcc,dcd to go all nul "It", dondlcnlhc.'' 1\1\cr, them \l,1nd 0111 ,;ud • "1th their dlon, ·1he ,lmw wn, pul rogclhcr Tihll u1111111c111 ,um, up lndudcd m 1he ,ho" "~re hy Unil'n G.11lcr) l)1rcuor '-OlllC m1erc,11ng ,culpturc, 1hc 11100,I ol 1hc ,l11m T.1J..c ,1 Alhc Vog1 ,111d other "<>rl-, that 1n1> d1,wn tu I 1111011 GJllcry 111 ··we Jun· , ' "'1111 fll=UJllc 10 ub,•iou,1) were "orkt'd on the b,I\Clll~rll lit lhc S l , JI ltlJ~e ., h1g Jeal .1bnu1 1h1,:· lor ., ,11111111111 ol 11111c .md cni<>y the "rnph,11> .111,I Vogl ,.,id "II , hould he ii 01cr,11l 1ho11gh. 111n,1 of hm uf the U11<1<llc Sl11m ,impl.: prtxc"... the work Iii 1hc h1lhnv a, l'hc ,111"' "111 Ix· on O.:,pnc Vug1·, c,1ll l<lr ,111111lc 1lno<llc, m ,1 v.11ic1~ nt ll"rl,,)' un11l Fch. 1'!.

clues for winter blues

by Sterihanie Rowe Sc1111md Reporttr

Whnt do you do when the sky led~ like it is so heavy lhOI II could foll down und crush you ,u ;tny m111u11l'! Or the ~now ,~ hkc on u11pcncm1bh: pnwn \Urmunding you in every dtrcc11on' Pcrson.,11). I est ape tntCl ,1 1,!0<kl bN1!- Will(h 11.a) 100 lllll<h tckvNon Sleplme Rowe .1ml !!O rn mo, 1c, '"'h Pontifical ion lrr~nd, 110111 our ,ollcrnw, run ,Ir\'. U11h1nu11.11c:I) 1·m tlOI r,;.11ly 1111,, ,l.i111g• .ind m> a11cmp1 .11 "Ill\\ hcuni1ng 13,1 wmu:r JU,t abou1 k1lkd rn.: \1) boo.Iv 1\ 111,1 11(11 rc.1Jy 10 II) ,m\lhing rcmo1cl\' Jd,·c:murou, 111 the forc,tcJblc fu1ur,:. Actuull) I havt' "'"'.: run 111 the ~nov. "ith ,t.:Jd111g am.I 1hr occa\lonnl <nowb.tll t111h1 thruwn 111 B111 enough ubuul nw. I "•" iru,11:,1cd in v. h.11 othc" did lo ,omt>.11 an allud. ol th<! '"nler blue,. These ,IN the m.1111 ,1r.11..:grc< ol NIC \IU<kn1, w.11d1 collcj!c b.l\kc:Lball

Still munching to melodies Stcphnnil' Ro"e S,·111111d H,p,,r,,•r Wuh ~ po\\crlull} uucn,c vtllcc. f>amelu Van K1rJ.., along v. nh .1<.~0111p;um1 S1cvcn 1 umson. opened 1hc ,pnng ,cmc,ter 1e.1son or " /'.IU\I, 10 t.lunch By." S1udcm Tell) Tu,!- ,a,d 111111 hl' the mu"r. 1hc) Wt'rc on key and 1hc) -n:pn:...:ntcd "They had a different thcmsc:lvc, \\Cll. style. I liked the variety of Kiri- ha, instruments." bctn "ni:111g for around Is )'C.11, --Linda Tappa and play, nine d1ffen:n1 111,1rumcn1,. V:ui K1rJ.. recently had a conren a11hc Mei and hn, wri11cn photo by Kibbee Walton and l\.'Ctlrdcd an album called ··Second Chance," which the Notes and nutrition-Steven Tunison (nght) and Pamela Ha,ting, s1ore in Spokane has agreed 10 carry. Van Kirk perform a unique sound of music with acoustics and When I nskcd PJrncla and S1even whn11hey thoup.h1 of their vocals at 'Music to Munch by. ' audience. both \CCmcd very ple!!SCd ··t 1h111k they were u very opcn-1111ndcd nudlcncc." Pllmdo mid. '111ey were , tudious while being a11cn11vc and applaud111g a 11>1.'' Steven said. "I though1 they wcro pre11y good," said \tudcnt Lindu Toppa. "They hud "diITcrent ,1ylc. I lil-ed the 1arie1y of in\trument~... Tun1wn ha, been involved with music 5111Ce he wa~ 14 ycan. old and plays nbou1c1gh1 ms1ruments. He 15 thc lead gu11aris1 ruid ~mgcr m a mo ou1of Hope called "Fa1e:· "I cnJoyed 1he womM ,mging and the guitar playmi;.'' said \ludent Maurie White. "But the womnn·5 ><>lo wru. bc11cr than trn: duct:· Van Knit nnd Tunison have been playing 1og.:thcr for a mon1h now and are looking for a cla,,1cal viohnist for a Spt.'t'ml 1hat 1hcy arc doing for Co~ Cable 111 Murch. For dcta1ls call Pamela Van Kirk at (208)265-070 I.


,hu\CI OUI your C.lf ll" ,ho11p111g dtcck OUI th,· new

I\\UC ol S.I 1ukc oul the ,nowmob1le punch u ,,eel -ccumy door 11101 n:~ommcndcdJ 1...1c11 lo coumry rmmc J>lny Super Nintendo 1111 you drop

hool.1e bobbing

111d1....-rumna1c nmuunts of~" 1hrow a temper tantrum ru;i.,t m3r..hmallows go south for 1he winter wcilf u fuay w,ca1cr chug caffeine prny for sun listen to mp mu~ic drink . . take a nice little run knee bouncing anyone? play some Sega pamt your room take a trip draw ~omethmg wnlc a teller take the sled for a spin and the ever popular ... siding Whether you have tried one of these or all of them (lucky). be happy that you aren ·1one of those annoyingly happy people who 1-o-v-c the fluffy snow :ind the crisp weather. Not to say that there 1s anything wrong with enjoying 1he snow. Just that there 1w 10 be a limit on the happy insMity.

Page 16

Thursday, February 8, 1998

The NIC Sentlnel


Trouble with Girl•

Dreams ...


Dreams ...

Filbert · By Allen Beagle

r:-:::.:- - -.



SNOW SCULl>TutE 7 "Doc-.. ST'/LCC. • •


Huh? · By Shelble Spears





... acar'jh.. ... X·ve. ne.ver f ejf111 I .;_o OLD . ....

The. f,r.s+ / da\\ back "'"~......... is -the, t

Yll(~ .


Thursday, February 8, 1996

The NIC Sentinel

Page 17

First regional meeting successful

Phi Theta Kappa hosts regional winter business meeting by Dl Bruun Stnlllrtl Rtporttr

This past weekend, North ldnho College was hos110 39 guests from 12 different chapters of Phi Thein K appn. 1he tn1cma1ional Honor Socic1y for T,...·o Yenr Colleges. NIC's Delio Kappn chap1er won the proposal las! November 10 hos11hc Grenier Northwcs1 Regional Winier Business Mee1ing JDnunry 271h. With the coopcr:11ion of Auxilinry Services. Tran.portotion Dept.. A1hle1ics. 1hc Coeur d'Alene Resort. Pre.~idcnt Bennett. and Lhc Public Rela1ions office. 1hc local membership planned an en1ire weekend of "wowing 1he visi1ors wiih North Idaho." " This is 1hc lirs1 1ime a regional event

has been held on 1he cnslcm side of our region for as long as I can remember. And I've been involved wi1h Phi Thein Kappa for over seven years now.'' said Shoron Stier. regional coordinn1or. "I've really been exci1cd nbout 1he involvemen1 from Nonh Idaho College 1his year." The regional executive board mndc i1 o goal 1his year 10 elicit more pnrticipalion from colleges outside of the s1ntc of Washing1on, and NIC has made 1h01 happen. We had members in attendance from 1wo chap1ers 1ha1 previously had never attended a regional event, and members from 1wo new charter chap1crs were here 1his weekend also. Thai has everybody exci1cd. because we're

• Street Beat•

nccornplishing our gonls.'' Members from 1hc local chap1cr were on hand 10 assure cvcry1hing wcnl smoo1hly, and though some problems arose ... 2 guests had a 4-hou r wail al the airpon. and the Resort didn ·1 serve the con1inen1al breakfas1 1ha1 wen1 wi1h lhe paid rooms. ovemll lhe mce1ing was delinitely a success. Morlene S1ein, recording secre1nry for NIC's chnp1cr, said. "I feel very good about how 1hings went Everyone was very impressed wi1h 1he effor1 1h01wenl inio making 1his happen and I've been gettmg a 101 of posi1ive feedback on 1heir reac1rons 10 our campus and lhc arcn surrounding Coeu r d'Alene". ·• Since we're 1he only communily

college in 1he s1a1e of Idaho wi1hin 1hc Grea1er Northwcsl Region. we've been lrying 10 become bener known in 1he region. Wi nning 1he logo con1cs1 for 1he region a1 1he beginning of 1hc school yenr was n good sinrt, and 1his even! w:is jus1pan of reaching 1h01 goal", according 10 David Mishler, vice presidenl for lhe Delrn Kappa chapter. As ~toled by 1he Dehu Kappa Treasurer. Pom Masters, "This busines~ mec1ing is one of 1hc besl inve\lmenl~ we could hav.: made for our clrnp1cr's well-being. l11c reco~niiion we gained 1hroughou1 1hc region nnd 1hc bcneli1 of having people gc1 10 know us wus well worth it''

What do you do to get rid of the Winter Blues?

Richard Dunnick When I get lht' chance, I lr~e 10 go ,~itng w11h a 1111k help. It', cool when the ,un rctlech off 1hc ,nuw ~o 1h111 you g.:1 J ~unbum 111 1he winier

Kyle McCormick Hot chocolate, a wum fire and my fiance.

Kristen Coppernoll

Kiley Vlamin2-Kiebert I pumt my room yc:110,1. you would not believe how n brighten, up a room.

G~I') HoffmonAnd lwulk rhret milt< everyd:i) during lunch hour (even m 1hc. ~nO\\),

Ann Murphy

David Lindsay

I' ve got a hammock tlw I put up in front of my picture window and l surround it with pl111ts.

I rc:ccommend that people go outside and get active.

Page 18

The NIC Sentinel

Campus News

Thursday, February 8, 1998

North Idaho College's Deans List Below is the recent ly announced Dean's List for Fall Semester 1995. In order to be eligible for the Dean's List students must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 credits and obtain a minimum grade point average of 3.75. Students are listed by hometown

Idaho Athol : Candy Allen Gina Brunner Bayview: Kristi Huffaker David Miles Bonners Ferry : Shannon Brower Sean Earley Janice Wathen Bovllle: Meredith Main Cataldo: Cary Rickman Cocolalla : Melody Hess Coeur d'Alene: Brian Allen Patricia Anderson Heather Berg Lisa Bradford Beth Carey Lisa Christensen

Alaska Hoonah: Kathy Harris

Utah Bountiful: Tyson Taniguchi

Brandon Clement Teah Delfino Karen Dickerson Douglas Dixon Chad Dudney Sally EileringSorenson Wanda Fox Cheryl Frostad Nicole Gertonson Gary Getz Leila Gissel Karen Gschwend Kristin Hembree Martha Kildow Carol Knapp Keith Knapp Kennith Lenz Mary MCEifresh Beverly Minkovich Jule Mueller Darryl Nealand Diana Okon Michael Pace Linda Payne Kenneth Peterson Nathan Preston Rebecca Raugh Steven Read

Dale Ross Katherine Shaner Matthew Smith Sarah Steele Nathan SylvesterBurns Clifford Thomas Brett Villaume Tammy Warren Rachel Webber Rebecca Yearout Velora Fetterhoff Taylor Burgeson Wayne Burton Andrea Groat Deeanne Mason Cottonwood: Amanda Mills Harrison : Daniel Usdrowski Hayden: Larry Ayala Lucy Barnard Willeen Corey Suzan Davenport Carmen Dempsey

Elizabeth Fritzell Michelle Harper Rebecca Leigh Joan Neils Marlene Olenslager Daniel Remmick Stephen Short Kellogg: Robert Shepler Lewiston : Aaron Kasper Matt Peterson Mullan: Richard Knapp Osburn: William Rickett Pinehurst: Shelly Garner Amanda Kienholz Meredith Shiplett Ponderay: Michael Breckon

Montana Thompson Falls: Thadius Braun Troy : James Keiffer Whitehall: Teri Jo Masinelli

Catherine CannonPost Falls: Anthony Ambrosetti Shimon Alvin Cook Beth Anderson LeAnne Eckhart Alisa Ashburn Stephanie Hofstee Daniel Edmiston Jason Merrifield Terry Grytness Kristine Simon Lois Hazel William Holmes Robert Tate Wayne Johnson Rose Vogel Anita Jones Jasper Kohoutek Sagle: Eric Laywell Naomi Sheley Jackie Oldfield April Owen St.Maries: Aaron Roberts Rachel LaPlante Donald Schmahl Liesa Olson Angela Sowers Carrie Town Sandpoint: Alexandra Ward Linda Davis Kayce Fuhriman Priest River: Julie Hill Monika Gilchrist Ann Murphy Mary-Ann Hay Robert Neely Clifford Holbrook Thomas Moran Silverton: Susan Achord Rathdrum : Patricia Allen Spirit Lake : Cheryl Callen Travis Puller

Washington Spokane: Gregory Hoover Brian Bolles

Wyoming Sheridan: Christi Burgess

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I I I 1



Computer superyisor retires:

Mesbah change countries, careers by Ruth Carapella Both Mesbah ond his wife ore ncuve tn Srmin,I Rtpurttr the Ba 'hai faith. Mesbah serves as Chainnan laedin Mesbah may have retired of 1he Coeur d'Alene Assembly. Bo 'hai from 1hc NIC s111ff las1 year, bur followers believe 1h01 all people around 1he iho1 doesn '1mean he isn·1 IYOrld are bro1hcrs and sis1ers a tree wi1h working. Mesbah openucs a smo.11 business many branches and each branch wi1h a as a rcpninnan. He 's also working on a book differcnr color flower. abour his life. Mesbah and his wife flew from Frankfon Mesbah smd. "Sometimes I had a very 10 Spokane. They were mc1 a1 1he airport by high posi1ion in my life. and somelimes I was 25 Ba'hai friends. His friends hud renrcd a do..,11 low. I came 10 1he United Stales 15 house for lhc Mcsbahs and lhcy helped 1hem years ago. I losr everything in my life: t came scute into their life in the s1a1es. from the 1op of the moumain 10 down in 1hc Mesbah said 1ha1 1hc choice 10 enroll in din.• NIC was easy for him. He had always been Mcsbah came 10 the Uniled Srn1e~ from involved wilh uni,•crsilics and teaching. Iran when 1he Ayatollah Khomeini 100k When he lefl Iran. he wns working on a PhD. coo1rol of Iran. Mcsbah had served a~ a Enrolling :11 NIC mode sense 10 Mcsbah. He financial orticer for 1he Shah of Iron. 11 was md he's been a s1uden1 all his life. fonuna1e 1hnt Mcsbah and his wife, Jalch. "I s1arted here a.~ a machine shop s1udcn1. had been w,iung his mo1her-m-law in I hove an associa1c's degree as a machinist. I Luxembourg when Khomeini 100k power. chose 1his because i1 wasn't necessary to Followmg 1he advice - - - - - - - - - - - - - - hove high English skills," or several fncnds. !1fOU loose your wsJ/st, Mesbah said. 1hcy never re1umed Mcsbah s1ancd working a1 lo Iran. maybe YOU think about it 1hc NIC bookMorc. lie ha< that one day. If you lost your fond remembrances of the "You can'r 1mogmc:· Mc,hah job you maybe think about it people he worked wi1h so1d. "You loose for a month or two. I lost my 1hcrc. TI1cn. he gol 3JOb in your wallel. maybe job, my honor. my country. 1hc NIC <'ompu1er lab as a computer lab supervisor. you Ihm}. about i1 my wealth, everything." He hod rnkcn several 1h01 one doy. If you --Alaedin Mesbah c1n~~cs in comp111cn; aflcr 10,1 )·our job. you finishing his ru,socia1cs m1{!hl Ihm}. about dcgrec :md he found he hnd 11 for a momh or an ap1i1ude for compu1.:r work. I\\O I lo\t my JOb, my honor. my coun1ry. Mcsbah ~aid. "Tite lab wa~ ~mall 1hcn no1 my wcallh .. . evcry1hing." at ull like ii is now. I wu.~ there for 1en years. "Evcry1hmg bu1 my fir.I level family." TI1e last year I worked for NIC I 1rnn~ferr~d Mc,b:1h add, wirh a wide smile. Iii, wife 10 the learning ccn1cr and worked there." wa, wuh him in Luxembourg. his oldc.,,1 son wa, a ,111dcn1 in Wi"-Con~in, :md he hud scn1 Mesbnh apprecio1cs 1hc cduca1ion·sys1cm h1\ younger son 10 live wi1h hi s brother 10 in 1he Uni1ed S1111cs. He said 1hn1 1hc ,ominue Mudymg opponuni1ic~ for you ng American~ 10 go 10 school arc bcuer 1ha11 mos1 of 1he world. When asl.ed how Mcsbah and his wife happened 10 \ell lc in north Idaho, he ~ys He also apprcciu1c~ 1hc cnvironmen1. He said, "You cnn'1 find 1h1s kmd of sky or canh thn1 ii was all God's Job. "God grabbed me and dropped me here." every where. Mo1her na1ure was kind 10 he said. crc:nc 1his kind or cnvironmcn1. When I was


ASNIC requests ambassadors

by Shannon Harn-ood St•111i11el Reporter Are you an outgoing individual who is proud of your school and would like 10 shnre your enthusia5m wi1h pro~pcc1ive s1uden1s? The Assoeia1cd S1udems of NIC nre forming an ambassador 1eam for 1h01 very purpose. The Cardinal Amoo~sadors on: a diverse learn of s1udcms wi1h a comm11mcn1 10 promo1ing NIC. They ploy a major role in 1he rccrui1mcn1 cffons of the college

1eaching economics. I 1augh1 1ha1 nature is 1hc most imponan1 pan of income. First work. 1hcn na1ure, then wealth." Mesboh offers some advice 10 NIC s1udcnts. "Time is very important We never

unders1and 1hc power and value of time. We loose lime. Bui time goes and ii never comes back. Students should know the value of time. which is passing fas1. Go for your goal. Don'1 slop. go 10 the lop."

Does not compute- Alaedin Mesbah has retired from NIC. This mulliskllled man learned many skills at the college. In return he gave back to students and has climbed back to the mountain top.

through communica1ing 1heir experiences 10 prospective s1uden1s and their parents. The learn is a service organizmion dc~igncd 10 ass1s1 ASNIC and 1he college wi1h cvenrs such as new s1uden1 oricn1a1ion. campus 1ours, high school compc1ilions and other public n:la1ions even1s held on campus. The ambassadors will also introduce visiung digini1aries and gucstS to NIC. In order 10 apply for 1his program you must have a cumuahive GPA of 2.0 or above, be able 10 aucnd manda1ory

informa1ional meetings held Fall and Spring semesters. and be able 10 commil fiflcen hours per semes1er 10 the Canlinal Ambassadors. If you are in1eres1ed in applying for a posi1ion on lhe team, applica1ions are available in the ASNIC offic~ or 1he campus recrea1ion office in 1he ba.~emcnl of the SUB or Admissions in Lee/Kildow Hall. Applica1ions mus1 be 1umed in 10 Dean Bennen. campus recreation, 769-3366. by 4:30 p.m. Feb. 16.

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